#the lengend of korra
wheresmyidea · 1 year
I'm back with a bad edit video (I made a rangshi vision btw)
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ryukochanart27 · 1 year
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Korra for the sixth drawing of this challenge. Any suggestions for purple?
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mooooonnnzz · 2 months
here’s a tlok request 😉 how about mako and bolin helping nervous reader ask korra out🤭🤭 i’ve been thinking about this scenario for a whileeeeee
Korra x fem!reader
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✮ sorry this took soo lonnggg was busy with finalsss
✮ nothing much!! bolin being a good wingman
✮ mako is trying his best 😞
✮ not proofread 💔
You burst through the doors, anxiety swirling through you like a windy storm. Your mind was racing with so many possibilities and what if’s you were near exploding. Korra has been a little too friendly lately. Her lingering touches and longing looks has made you assume that maybe, just maybe she likes you more than a friend. How could you think otherwise? Just the day before she was blushing when you hugged her goodbye. She’s never done that before, then again, you’ve never been all that touchy with her. Hugging her is new for you and her. Maybe she was flushed with embarrassment? But what if there’s a slight chance she might like you the same way you do? You need to take advantage of that slim possibility, even if it does seem a little crazy.
Bolin’s attention switches from the earth plates he was practicing on throwing on to you. Your name slips past his lips, curiously he takes in your rigid form. “You okay?” He asks, straighten in his posture and wiping the sweat that trickled down his forehead.
“Korra,” Was all you said. Bolin rasied a brow, cocking his head to the side confused. “What about Korra?”
You nervously bite your lip, peeling away at the dry skin that was flaking off. “Ineedhelpaskingherout.” You said in a hurried mush, your eyes staring down at your shoes.
“You need what?” Bolin angles his head slightly to the side, attempting to hear your jumbled mess of words better. “I need help…askingkorra out…”
You can see the cogs turn in Bolin’s head as he tries to make sense of what you said. When it finally clicks, he gasped so loudly that you could’ve swore anyone around would have heard him.
“You want to ask Korra out?!” Bolin excitedly said, his eyes sparkling brightly. “Finally!” He cheers.
“Finally?” You repeat, eyebrows furrowing with confusion tracing your face. “What do you mean finally?”
Has your attraction to Korra been painfully obvious to others except you and her?
“It was so obvious that you and her had something for each other! It’s about time you do something about it.” Bolin grins from ear to ear. “Mako owes me so much money.” He whispers to himself. “Imagine how many bowls of noodles I can buy with that much money!”
You could see the blissful look take over his face the minute he starts imagining how much he can get for him and Pabu to share.
The doors open and for a second your heart drops to your stomach at the thought of Korra being the one coming inside. You were proven wrong when Bolin loudly calls Mako over.
Begrudgingly he comes over, annoyance written across his face. “Yes?” Mako says when he nears you and Bolin.
“Guess who’s asking Korra out!”
Mako’s eyes immediately went to look at you. His whole demeanor shrinks as he realizes he lost his bet with Bolin.
“How much do you want?” Mako sighs, a visible frown taking over his lips. “80 yuan?” Mako’s eyes widen. “80 yuan? You’re crazy. Lower it.”
“Hey man! You lost the bet, not me.” Bolin lazily shrugs, placing his palm up right in front of him and Mako. “Pay up big brother!”
Mako ends up giving him the money that was owed. He’s left 80 yuan short and with a large scowl on his face. “What now?” He huffs out, grumpily crossing his arms across his chest.
“We’re going to help someone ask Korra out.” Bolin looks at you while cheekily smiling. Mako sighs and soon enough you’re being told a step by step plan by mostly Bolin on how to “woo” Korra. Mako added his input occasionally. He’s not the best at asking someone out or giving advice but the effort was sweet.
The walk to Korra after spotting her was genuinely the most stressful part. Watching her lips upturn into her infamous crooked smile upon seeing you was all it took for your heart to burst. You send a worried look over to Bolin and Mako who were sitting on a bench. A newspaper covered Bolin’s face while Mako had sunglasses. Lowering the newspaper, Bolin shot you a thumbs up before covering his face with the newspaper. His eyes peeping through the peep holes he created to spy on you and Korra.
“Hi Korra,” You greet with a nervous smile. She greets you back, your name slipping past her lips so smoothly it made your skin erupt in goosebumps. “What’s up? Wanna hang out or something?” Korra asks.
“Yeah, yeah. I just want to get something out of the way first,” You clear your throat, hearing a soft cheer of Bolin.
Korra looks over to who made the sound and rose a brow when she was met with a pair of eyes that was shrouded behind newspaper. “Do you see that guy over—“
“—I like you Korra!”
Korra shakes her head. “Wait, what?” Her brows knit together in confusion. Her cheeks are blooming into a light blush. “What did you say?” A small smile fights its way to her lips.
“I…I like you. More than like, really. I just don’t know if you liked me like that and I didn’t want to make you feel—“ Your rambling was cut short by Korra’s lips pressing against yours.
She pulls back, smiling crookedly. “I do like you like that,” She says, interlocking her hand with yours. “I thought it was a pretty obvious.”
“It was pretty obvious!” Bolin shoots up from the bench, discarding the newspaper aside. The wind pushes the newspaper onto Mako’s face, who lurched forward in surprise. He must’ve fallen asleep during the whole ordeal.
“Bolin?” A confused expression was plastered onto Korra’s face.
To the newspapers dismay, Mako was able to rip it off his face. Korra’s eyes widen upon seeing Mako.
“What are they doing here?” Korra asks you, watching bow Bolin approached you and her. “We’re here for moral support.” Bolin puts his hands on his waist, puffing his chest out triumphantly.
“Did it work?” Mako asks from the bench.
“Obviously!” Bolin retorted.
“Did they help you ask me out?” Korra softly laughs, her eyes meeting yours. “Yeah…I couldn’t do it alone so they offered to help me.” You confess, twisting your foot on the ground nervously.
“I think you did pretty well.” Korra’s thumb caresses your hand. “At least Bolin didn’t tell me that you liked me.”
You smile at Korra, feeling your cheeks tingle with happiness. “So we’re together together?” You ask giddily.
Korra answers your question with another kiss. Wrapping her arms around your waist, she mumbles a quiet “yes” into the kiss.
Bolin’s loud cheering could be heard from across nations.
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kataangiscanon · 2 years
Bumi talks about his Dad,Aang. My baby Aang was a Good Daddy.
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chewedyogurt · 2 months
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Nuktuck - I mean Bolin from the greatest movers "Nuktuck, Hero of the South"
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theredcapeofk · 3 months
If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Oooh, Thanks for asking! You knew this one would push me into my crossover feels lol. Buckle up I have thoughts!
I would make a crossover (or several 😁) with The Lengend of Korra, more specifically with Korrasami. Why? Because Korrasami is pretty much Supercorp from another universe
Here's how it would work: a portal opens in National City and chaos ensues. Supergirl and Lena are there to help with damage control where the portal opened (and is now closing). It's just the two of them because they were already together somewhere when they heard the news. Somehow they get separated and Kara's can't hear Lena because the portal messed up her powers. There's dust everywhere that makes it hard to see. Amongst people running she sees from the corner of her eyes a dark haired woman dressed in Lena's colors. She calls her name and follows her. But when she's face to face with the woman, it's not Lena. This woman is significantly taller, slightly younger and Asian, but she has wavy black hair, a pale skin and green eyes. She has a bloody scratch on her cheek. She looks terrified. Her name, she says, is Asami and she's looking for her girlfriend. They've been separated by the chaos of the portal. Kara promises to help find her.
A few streets away, Lena trips in a crack on the floor and falls down with a cry. She hears hurried footsteps behind her and a woman's voice calling a name. The first thing Lena sees is brown boots. Then, she's carefully being lifted up. Her feet can't hold her, she probably sprained her ankle. Strong arms hold her, and she's met with a set of blue eyes standing out against dark skin. The younger woman introduces herself as the Avatar and promises to heal her ankle as soon as she can find clear. water. Lena assumes she is an alien with powers she's never heard about. The Avatar seems terrified because she was separated from her girlfriend. Lena promises to help find her.
The two duos find each other after a while. Korra heals Asami and Lena. Korra and Asami know they're not home but they can't figure out an explanation or even guess where they are. As Kara and Lena talk with them, they find the answer. These two are from another universe and they need to find a way to send them back home.
I love this ask game. Here's the link to the questions if you guys feel like asking more fruit emoji ask game for fic writers
Questions I already answered here and here
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rotationalsymmetry · 1 year
(gonna get very get off my lawn again, sorry.) Welp, I enjoyed the Lengend of Korra tag for a bit before getting dragged down by cop discourse again.
Yes, there are cops portrayed sympathetically in LoK, and this doesn't go over well with tumblr which is fine, but...it's inconsistent. "I don't mind characters becoming a monarch as the end of their arc, but I draw the line at police officers!" "I don't mind a story about a person with unique supernatural powers being in charge of preserving ultimate cosmic balance, there's no potential for abuse of power here" like every actual problem with LoK was implicit in ATLA, it just wasn't spelled out and was in a sufficiently "long ago and far away" setting that the issues with, eg, monarchy are apparently overlookable for people who can't overlook cops.
Which, I mean, I don't want to be defending cops here. It's just frustrating to me because there's so many things I love about Korra and I want to gush about Korra and get other people gushing along with me but apparently tumblr overall has decided ATLA is good and Korra is bad so I don't get to and I just want to enjoy my fun TV show with the new and interesting ideas and fascinating disability representation and actually wrestling with what it means that some people have magic powers and others don't and women who get to take on "guy" roles and men who get to take on "girl" roles and moral ambiguity and problems that you can't solve by punching them.
And I get the distinct impression that tumblr users collectively would rather they pulled a Star Wars and just retreaded another "hey time has passed and there's a new evil empire and we're going to just retell the ATLA plot with new characters" whereas Korra actually wrestles with what happens after you get the peace you wanted but there's still problems, peacetime problems (well, some of them), what then? You'd rather have the characters always be the underdogs even if that means the world is shit so that you don't have to deal with situations where there isn't a clear-cut evil that you can defeat by fighting it.
Here look, do I like every choice they made with Korra? No. I'm really not a huge fan of portraying an anarchist the way Zaheer was portrayed. I don't really get why Korra thought Northern Water Tribe Asshole Whats-his-face might have been in the right. And I don't think the season 4 disability arc actually worked. But nobody else even tries to write something like that! And if we get more groundbreaking storylines like the one in Korra, maybe some of them will be better! But if everyone's all "no we just want a simple good guys fighting bad guys story, also Aang should have killed Ozai" then we'll never get those other stories. Stories about what happens after the good guys win and, well,
"winning was easy, governing is harder."
That's what Korra is about. Winning was (well, maybe not easy, but out of the way anyways), dealing with the consequences of winning when your people are in power now, is harder.
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vioyume · 2 years
I can't words for garbage so here are my messy thoughts on "Thanks to Them"
I loved that the team went all of out on the little details like the coming out scene, and being just "slightly" more graphic, while giving Disney the big "fuck you, we're done here so watcha gonna do?"
I love the outfits, I just love seeing characters in different outfits.
I love the dream scene with Camila, because she clearly loves her daughter so much but is pushed back her own pass trauma of liking "odd things".
Also I would have absolutely adored over that snake skin with Luz! It's absolutely normal to just find one because it's natural dead snake skin, and snakes are cool!
The dream scene also called out a bunch of bullshit that the school system has.
Why do I relate to Luz so much with that one video diary of her saying she can do so many amazing things but it will not apply to school?
I like the video game references on Luz's Laptop, most importantly, Holler Knight.
If it weren't for the cut, I'm sure we have gotten more human world episodes.
Such as an episode where there's more time to examine Luz's school life.
For a moment I thought Amity and Luz were gonna hold hands and go through the portal like in Lengend of Korra
Luzura cartoon may, or may not been foreshadowing more things with that villain or just Luz judging herself.
Hunter shoving Flapjack down his shirt is funny because that bird must've flattened themself to make em not noticable.
Hunter shoving Flapjack down his shirt was probably also foreshadowing Flapjack's death. (RIP, I love that bird)
Human history is messed up as always by taking white supremacy! (Then again it did has loose ends, but both were witch hunters and were seen as heroes)
It was painful, but possessed Hunter did look cool, but goofy with the arms.
Wait Vee sucking the magic out of Hunter still means that he will die because he himself is made out of magic!!!
Camila is the best mother, and I'm sure she'll kick ass in the Boiling Isles.
She even tried to make everyone feel at home while balancing work and her own daughter's emotions.
Love that the basement has so much random shit, like a random stand, and honorably Camila's old collection.
I admire Gus's fascination with average human household things.
Gus and Hunter being invested in the book series (sorry I forgot the name) is so relatable.
I love Hunter here in the most normal way possible, he has been through so much, he lost his best friend and mentor, abusive relationship, identity crisis, and he finally have people who he can call a family.
Glad that conspiracy guy got enough screen time, because we know he will show up eventually.
So does Luz carry the Palisman egg everywhere or is it still in the house???
Luz teaching her mom magic is the sweetest thing ever, and possibly another cut episode, but that means she has some knowledge on it and we'll see her use it later on!!!
Vee is a sweetheart.
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notsosecrettunnel · 3 years
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Zhu li
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The Red Lotus
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What do y’all think?? Accurate? Add more!!
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visit-ba-sing-se · 4 years
love to see people saying “Kuvira wasn`t a fascist, she just wanted to help her nation and took things a bit too far” like dear I have some news for you 
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startboii · 4 years
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I’m a firebender now 
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mooooonnnzz · 3 months
taking request for legend of korra!! pls send request im hungry to write i haven’t written in a while 😞 preferably korra requests cuz i LOVEEE herr but anyone else is welcomed :3!
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years
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I've seen this theory floating around since the show aired, but it's never made sense to me, because this is 60/70 years before Korra was born. But you know what makes more sense?
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The girl right next to her looks like Yakons wife. If Aang was 40 when the whole Yakon thing happened, that's about 28 years after the series ended. All these girls look younger than the gaang, so they're about 10 and under. So she'd be somewhere in her thirties when she married Yakon. Shes from the northern tribe, and has two strong water bending children. It all adds up.
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ok but Bolin struggling to remember all of his cousins names is PEAK poc big family culture
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seebutdontblink · 4 years
Like I get people who were mad at korra. Bc I was too. I started watching it when it first came out, and I didnt finish it the first time around. I was expecting another The Last Airbender and Korra was not that. However, it didnt need to be and shouldnt have been.
Korra wasn't a clone of Aang, like Aang was different than Roku and Kyoshi etc. Despite the similarities, they both had hugely different circumstances around them, had different battles which addressed different things. Both are important and it is unfair to pit them against eachother.
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shes-my-kind-of-boy · 3 years
Proof your phone listens to your conversations:
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I was having an in-depth discussion about Legend of KORRA yesterday
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