#the libero drinks them all under the table
sachirobabe · 2 months
Chapter 8
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Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Wc: 3202
Summary: You, a dedicated member of the girls' volleyball team, find an unexpected connection with Kuroo Tetsurou. Igniting a bond over shared passions and stolen moments, love blossoms on the court; all because you met him at a captains meeting.
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Taglist: @merlucide, @lemurzsquad , @02shuuu, @michakune , @ivy-taylorsversion , @scinclaitnoir , @v-e-r-t21 , @bakugouswaif , @siheez
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"You sure you don't want to come with?" You sigh into your phone, currently on a call with Himari.
"Nuh uh, no way." You can imagine she's shaking her head quickly, "I'm not going to ruin your date." She squeals.
"We're doing homework." You say, but a part of you is a little nervous to go. You've hung out with him before, but for some reason you're finding yourself caring about what you wear to meet up with him.
"It's a start. Trust me, I'm so rooting for you both." She says happily. "Text me when you're home so we can debrief." She squeals again and hung up.
You frown at your phone and set it down, looking through your closet to find something to wear. Do you wear something comfortable? Cute? Causal? It was pretty warm, as it was later in may, heading to June and July.
You decide on a casual comfy outfit, seeing no wrong in it. You checked your appearance last minute and take a deep breath before waving to your parents goodbye.
As you walk to the agreed destination, you text him that you're on your way. He sees your message as he's sitting at a table, he's been waiting for you. He was so nervous that he left extra early.
The sun beamed down on you, making you sweat a little and in need of a drink. You enter the library and your eyes meet his, you're smiling. A bit too much as you catch yourself excited to do homework with him.
"Hey." You quietly say, "I hope you weren't waiting too long?"
He shook his head, "Not at all." He lied, there's no way he's telling you that he was an hour early. "I got you a drink..I figured since it's warm out you'd be thirsty—or you like to sip on something as you work." He nervously says.
You think it's cute that you can see a hint of pink on his cheeks, why? You're not so sure about that. You can't possibly be thinking he likes you like that, right?
"Thank you, that's so nice of you." You smile and take the iced drink, sipping on it and enjoy the flavor he bought you.
He nods and sips his own drink, trying to calm himself down. He almost chokes on his drink as he spots a few of his teammates in disguise behind a book shelf. He glares at them, specifically Yaku. He just knows this was his idea.
His eyes look at you quickly and is less tense as you haven't even noticed them. You're looking through your backpack and finding a few worksheets. He makes up an excuse that he's going to try and find a book.
You buy it and he gets up and walks quickly over to his teammates. "What the fuck are you guys doing here?!" He whispers, careful not to make too much noise or draw any unwanted attention.
Yaku, Yamamoto, and Lev all wore some shitty disguise. One that consisted of sunglasses and hats—which was stupid in Kuroo's opinion, who wears sunglasses inside?
"It was his idea." Yamamoto and Lev point accusatory fingers at Yaku.
"Oh fuck you guys." Yaku sighs.
"What're you guys doing?! What if she sees you?" Kuroo panicked.
"Relax. I just had to see you weren't lying." Yaku says and crosses his arms.
"Yaku said I could learn a thing or two by coming." Lev says, throwing the libero under the bus again.
"And why are you here?" Kuroo rolls his eyes at the other twos excuses.
"Someone has to be the responsible one." Yamamoto proudly says, but Kuroo was not buying it. None of them were capable of that right now. "Okay fine. Yaku said he'd buy me food."
"Dude?!" Yaku looks at him, "Well, now you're not getting it."
"I said this was a bad idea, for the record." Yamamoto says, as if that was going to make him look more innocent. "And you're still buying me food."
"Guys, please leave. If she sees you guys—in these shitty disguises, she won't want to hangout with me again." Kuroo whines, grasping at anything to get his teammates to leave.
"Bro, relax." Yaku says, "We won't get noticed."
"And what if I did this to you while you're with the girl you like?" Kuroo flips the situation onto him.
"Yaku can't get girls." Lev says and Yaku kicks him, Yamamoto held his mouth to not laugh loudly.
Kuroo's mind was filled with worry, he'd laugh at that joke later. "Yaku, I can't be embarrassed. I'm already nervous as is." He admits.
Yaku senses his captains worries and sighs, "Okay fine. We'll leave, but I just wanted to make sure you weren't lying. I can't stand the fact that you have a girlfriend before me." He glares.
"Oh god, thank you." Kuroo breathes out a huge breath of relief. "I've already taken too long, hurry up before she sees you." The three nod and Kuroo acts casual as he walks back up to the table.
"You didn't find your book?" You ask quietly and look up from your worksheet.
He looks at you confused, but then realizes that was the lie he told you. "Oh—yeah, no. Couldn't find it." He takes a long sip of his drink, watching his teammates pretend they're in an action movie as they leave the library.
The workers all looked at them like they were crazy. He's glad you didn't look behind you, otherwise he probably would've died from embarrassment.
Kuroo takes out his homework and works on it quietly in front of you. After a little you take a mental break, putting away two out of three papers into folders and into your bag.
"You look focused." You smile, he thinks his entire face is red as he feels you stare at him.
"Coach Mori assigns a lot of homework." He chuckles, "How's it going for you?
"Good, I just need to take a break." You say and stretch, "Otherwise I think my brain will explode."
"Oh, I'm sure you're okay." Kuroo laughs. "Miss smarty pants." He teases.
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Ha ha. Very funny."
"You think I'm lyin'?" He quirks an eyebrow, his homework long forgotten about.
You shake your head and chuckle quietly, wary of others studying nearby. "I know I'm smart, way smarter than you." You tease a little, finding the small banter amusing.
He laughs a little too loud and gets a look from the librarian, he smiles widely at you and the two of you quietly chuckle. "You're going to get us kicked out." He says quietly.
"Me? You're the one who laughs loud." You shake your head.
He wants to tell you that he laughs loud like this when he's with you, nobody else can make him feel this way. But, he's taking baby steps right now, he can barely ask you to hangout without turning bright red.
"Hey, you wanna get out of here?" He speaks up after a few seconds.
You raise an eyebrow at him, "I thought we were supposed to be studious?" Your actions are the opposite of your words as you begin putting away your things.
He grins and throws his things into his bag, he stands up and pushes his chair in, waiting for you to finish up and follow him.
"Where are we going?" You ask, finally not having to keep your voice down.
He thinks for a moment, walking beside you. "Do you like ice cream?"
"Of course." You nod and smile.
"I know a place." He says and leads the way, "Kenma and I have been going here since we were kids."
"Himari and I have a spot like that too." You say, keeping up with his long legs.
"Yeah?" He says interested, "What is it?"
"Bowling." You chuckle, "You know that old place deeper in town?"
He hums, "Yeah, haven't been there since I was little. It's still running?"
"Himari and I practically keep the place going." Your laugh was beautiful to him, he needs to hear more of it. "Last time we went was for her birthday, right before school started."
"So, does that mean you're like a pro?" He smiles, thinking he could potentially beat you.
"I'm not bad, but definitely not the best." You see the competitive glint in his eyes, "We mostly go for the curly fries and milkshakes."
He shakes his head softly, "I found the ice cream place the first time I asked Kenma to play volleyball with me." He smiles at the memory, "I practically forced him, so I offered to buy him a cone if he played with me."
"So you bribed him into playing volleyball?" You raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckles.
"I guess so. I would ask him to play a lot, so he and I quickly became regulars at the shop." His eyes leave yours momentarily as he opens the shop door for you.
You thank him, the bell ringing and an older woman looks up from her magazine. "Is that you, Tetsurou?" She pushes up her glasses and smiles warmly at him.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Yuki." Kuroo smiles back at her.
"My oh my, you've grown." She chuckles and closes her magazine.
"Maybe just a little." He chuckles and scratches his neck, "but it's only been 2 weeks."
"2 weeks too long, dear." She says and finally takes notice of you, "And you've even brought your girlfriend, how cute." She claps her hands together.
You think your heart just stopped beating for a second, your mouth opens to deny or say anything, but a part of you kind of liked it.
Kuroo felt his face heat up, he had been telling her about his struggles to talk to you for years. "Oh, we're just—"
"What can I get you two?" She interrupts him, liking the way he blushes at you.
"Don't—uh don't mind her." Kuroo turns to you, "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. It's okay." You chuckle, noticing how his face was more pink than normal. "I've never been here before, what would you recommend?" You ask and walk closer to Mrs. Yuki.
"Well, all of our ice cream is homemade." She smiles warmly, she can see why Kuroo had taken a liking to you. "I'd be happy to let you sample any flavors you'd like."
You smile widely at and thank her. You take a few minutes to read the labels on the tubs, you tried a few flavors. They were all delicious, her ice cream was nothing you've ever tasted before.
"I'll do a scoop of strawberry, please." You say and throw away the little spoon of the sample. She nods and takes her scooper, she gets a heavy ball and puts it in a waffle cone.
You grab it and wait for Kuroo to order, wanting to treat him.
"I'll do my usual scoop of matcha." He tells her, his face is still pink from earlier. She goes to put it in the register, you weren't given a chance to go up because he beat you to it.
"Hey!" You protest, "I said—"
"Too slow." He grins and pays for both of your treats.
"I said next time was on me. Let me pay you back." You go to reach for your wallet and he stops you and shakes his head.
"I invited you here." He smiles, your breath is caught in your throat at his smile, you've always known he was cute, but this was different. He was more than cute.
"Fine, but next time—"
"Eat your ice cream." He says and bumps your elbow on purpose, making your ice cream smudge onto your lips. He laughs, knowing exactly what he did. Mrs. Yuki hands him a napkin and he hands it to you.
"You're so funny, Kuroo Tetsurou." You playfully glare at him and wipe your mouth.
"You kids enjoy." Mrs. Yuki smiles, she can feel her face hurt from watching the two of you. She's happy to see Kuroo so happy.
Kuroo continues to laugh as he leads you outside to the tables. "Eat your ice cream." You do the same thing to him, he licks his lips and smiles.
"How mean." He says and wipes his face as well with his own napkin.
"You did it first!" You laugh and eat your ice cream, watching the green leave his face and onto his napkin.
"It's good, right?" Kuroo asks, seeing your eyes light up at the treat.
"Way too good." You chuckle, "I won't be able to eat store bought ice cream anymore."
"Welcome to my world." He laughs. "She's practically my second mom." He says, looking inside the shop for a moment.
"She's very sweet." You nod, "How long has she worked here for?"
"Her whole life, I think." Kuroo says, "Her father bought the store for her when she was young."
"It's a cute shop. I can't believe I've never came here before." You bit into your waffle cone.
"Yeah, I help her out from time to time." His tongue savors the flavor he got, "She needs help moving her batches sometimes."
"That's nice of you," You smile. "Thank you, by the way. For the ice cream."
He shakes his head, "No problem."
"But for real. Next time is on me." You warn him with a finger pointing at him and he only grins. Already knowing that would never happen, but he goes along with it for now.
You sit for hours there just talking to him, he made you smile a lot. You're trying so hard to keep your mind straight and focused on prelims, but being out with him was just so much fun.
It wouldn't hurt to keep this going, would it? You're still focused during practices and games, that's not changing.
Kuroo looks at his phone for the time and sighs, "It's getting a little late." He notices the sun setting, he looks at your features, appreciating how well the sun hit you right now. He almost wants to sneak a picture, but he doesn't want to seem creepy, he just wishes he could capture this moment forever.
"Yeah, we should start heading back." You say and throw away your napkin.
"I'll walk 'ya." He offered.
"You sure? I swear I thought your house was in the opposite direction." You say.
"Nonsense. I'll just take the long way." He chuckles and you give in, it was hard not to, especially since you didn't want it to end. "Don't want you to get kidnapped." He jokes.
You rolled your eyes, "I'd come back to haunt you."
"Oh, I'm honored." He laughs. "I had a lot of fun with you." He side eyes you for a reaction, you're smiling when he finishes his sentence and that's a win in his book.
"I did too." You say truthfully, you didn't even want to go home. "Who knew? That the nekoma boys volleyball captain was kinda cool?"
"Just kinda cool?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Don't push it." You joke and he laughs along. "I wasn't able to get very close with the other captains, so I'm really happy I got to know you more, Kuroo."
"Tetsurou. You can call me Tetsurou." His face gets hot.
You nod, "Tetsurou." He almost falls to the floor as a pile of putty after hearing his name leave your lips. "Today was fun." You say again, getting his attention, he was still smiling widely.
"We should do this again—if you want to of course, I-I don't want to force you unless you were just being nice—"
"I'd like that." You smile, cutting off his rambling and he lets out a grateful sigh.
"Great. Sounds good." He chuckles, telling himself to calm down.
"Actually..my parents leave tomorrow for a work trip," You gained a little more confidence to ask him to hang out, "And I have this cookie recipe I've been wanting to try, if you'd like to come over and bake with me?"
He feels his heart thump loudly against his chest, he's elated that you're the one who asked him to hang out again. He didn't want to feel like he was being too pushy or persistent. "I'd like that." His face hurts from how hard he's smiled all day with you.
"Great, so again tomorrow? At like noon?" You ask to confirm, looking at your house.
"Yeah, I'll be here." He nods. "Have a good rest of your night, Y/n."
"You too, Tetsurou." You give him a small wave and he thinks you look adorable. Once you're inside your room you're fumbling for your phone to call Himari to come over asap.
"Yeah? Wait—woah, slow down, slow down." Himari laughs on the other end.
"Wait! Don't go yet, he's walking past your house right now." You say as you look out your bedroom window. "Okay okay, come now." You say after he rounds the corner and off to his house.
Himari greets your parents as she walks by, seeing them pack up their car. She runs to your room and barges through the door. "Spill." She smiles ecstatically.
You go on about how you did homework at the library and then got ice cream, basically just giving her the rundown. "And then, I asked him to come over tomorrow after my parents leave to bake cookies." You finish, hiding your face.
"No. Way. You, Y/n L/n, invited a cute boy over." Her jaw drops, before all of this you hadn't been super boy crazy, you had two boyfriends before, but it obviously didn't go on for more than a couple of months.
"I know! I don't know why I did it." You say uncontrollably smiling.
"You like him. You so do." Himari grins, "Don't give me that bullshit about how you don't." She raises her palm to your face.
"I don't." You deny, but you can't stop thinking about him. He gave you butterflies. "We are just friends."
"Wait till Mori hears this now." Himari laughs, "She's going to have a talk with you.”
You groan, "No. She won't. Because this isn't going anywhere."
"Then why are you so excited to tell me about what happened? And why you invited him over?" She catches you in a lie.
You frown and didn't answer her for a minute, "So what? This'll probably fizzle out and go away in a few weeks." 
Himari raises an eyebrow, "Sure." She pretends to go along with it. The rest of the night, you and Himari spent the night together, watching shows and eating popcorn.
Kuroo had the dopiest smile on his face as he got home, he can't even say in words how happy and excited he is. He calls Kenma and yaps for an hour about you.
Kenma doesn't even acknowledge his babbling, he focuses on his pc as he games, but he can't help his curious mind about how you've gotten his best friend smitten for almost three years. It brings a small smile to his face, this means Kuroo will leave him alone so he can game more.
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notaizawa · 4 years
im so so interested in writing about the msby chaos group (bokuto, atsumu, hinata, sakusa) and what the other members would be like
like...... how chaotic would a group be to take in all four of them AT ONCE bc karasuno fukurodani and inarizaki were already overwhelmed by one of each in their team BUT MSBY GOT ALL OF THEM AND PUT THEM TOGETHER
that just SCREAMS chaos
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watevermelon · 4 years
Touch-Averse | Kiyoomi Sakusa x Reader
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✧ Summary: Physical affection was something you loved, and while Sakusa was not exactly the biggest fan, you didn’t want to encroach on him. You weren’t expecting your boyfriend to get jealous!
➳ A/N: Hey! This has been waiting around for so long; I think I steered a little too into the angst with this one asfdgfhj ;-; ➳ Tags: Angst with a happy ending, komori is a lil shit; ➳  Masterlist 
By all intents and purposes, Sakusa was the perfect boyfriend.
You were friends before through Komori since junior high and one thing led to another before the wing-spiker finally asked you out. You knew long before as his friend that he was averse to physical contact — even if it was under two layers of gloves.
No, the germaphobe kept everyone at a distance further from arms length. He wanted to keep things neat and orderly and straying from that made him uncomfortable.
And it warmed your heart that, despite this life-long struggle, Sakusa still let you into his world in little ways.
He would hold your hand through the halls of school (of course, you had to thoroughly wash your hands first and then get his personal approval). And, on lucky days like when Itachiyama won their practice matches that week, Sakusa would kiss you on the forehead openly in public.
All you had to do was vocalize things, keep the roads of communication between you two and he would respond. If you wanted to come over to his family home or vice versa — just let him know ahead of time and he would be happy to accommodate you. You want to go on a date to the arcade? Sure, send him a text and he’ll pencil you in for a couple days from now. A part of you also liked wearing his sweaters, the ones that plastered his last-name across the back. And on request, Sakusa let you wear his own to school.
Sakusa was generally aware of your needs and was not against being vocal about your relationship. You knew all about this prior to being his official girlfriend and had even found it endearing how much he cared about your personal health.
All it took was a look. 
A single look was enough to plant the seed of doubt and make it take root. 
It was after volleyball practice — you had stayed behind after your student council duties and went over to the courts instead of heading straight back to the dorms. You hadn’t told Sakusa before that you would be visiting, just popping in so you can walk back together.
You waved at the others, Komori noticing you first from the sidelines and greeting you. Some others from the team took notice beside him and recognized you from being friends with the second-years.
Between the break, you approached Sakusa’s pack where you knew he would go, happy to greet him.
He shot you the most disgusted look you had ever seen.
After, Sakusa had greeted you in his usual monotone voice. Voice clipped and simply drinking his water, Sakusa was there for a quick minute before returning back to the match without so much as a goodbye.
Your walk back to the dorms was eerily silent.
It could have been nothing, just a look that he always had in his resting judgmental grandma face. But for some reason it stuck to you, how mean his tone was towards his girlfriend of all people and how quick he was to get away from you after.
You tried to wave it off, give him the benefit of the doubt as you lay awake in your dorm room. Not saying anything to your roommate, you internalized most of your feelings and let it continue to fester below the surface.
He already didn’t like physical touch with you. But you had just greeted him, hardly pushing into his comfortable space. But even so, it was clear Sakusa had still been disgusted with you.
Was this what he really thought about you?
You tried your best to wave it off — maybe he wasn’t feeling too well that day? Maybe the match was annoying him? Maybe something just happened with his other teammates?
And so the next day after you were done with your extracurriculars, you dropped by the gym again just to see how Sakusa was doing.
Sakusa was quick to find in the crowd of boys, his tall height and curly black hair bobbing along as he readied to jump in the air. Seeing him spike, hearing the smack of power as it slammed into the floor, it always made you so proud at how fair he had come.
That moment didn’t last long.
No, it was pushed out by another emotion entirely.
The coach called the players on the opposite side, ringing them in to give some tips to them specifically. Sakusa’s side backed off to grab drinks of their water, the main manager running up to him with a towel in hand.
And Sakusa let her wipe at his face.
A small dab at his forehead and at the sides of his face and the moment was over. But that was not what you saw. You saw your boyfriend, your long-term friend, allow someone in his close space to touch his face of all things! You still had to wear gloves sometimes. And here she was, noses only inches away from one another, as she was allowed into his world.
What was it that made you so undesirable?
Was Sakusa annoyed with you? Had you been asking too much of him? You knew he was averse to the things you liked, but you never thought that it would push Sakusa away to this point.
You loved Sakusa and you had tried really hard to accommodate what he was looking for in a relationship. But was that really fair? Was he being fair to you at this point? Did he even view you as anything special, as his girlfriend?
Walking out the gym without a single word, you turned around with all intents to go back to your room and reevaluate your decisions. You failed to notice Komori’s wandering eyes that followed you out the open doors.
Your roommate commented that you looked terrible that night and was a willing open ear for you. You were grateful beyond compare, she was an awesome friend that you shared classes with and was alsoa member in the student council.
But instead of venting, you just relished in the tight hug she gave you. This physical touch was what you crazed and, while it had never really affected you before, it made you sad that this was something Sakusa would never want.
Was it really fair to have to schedule a hug with him? 
Did he even want you as his girlfriend?
You internalized this hard and the it was hard to even look at Sakusa the next day at school, these thoughts only propping up again and again. What hurt even more is that you were actively avoiding the wing-spiker and it seemed that he did not even notice. Just went about his day, avoiding most people and sticking to corners alone.
But you were his girlfriend. He avoided most people but should that really include you?
Did he feel like you were suffocating him? You loved him and didn’t want to lose him. And so if he wanted space, you were willing to give it to him. But for Sakusa to treat you so cruelly when you were trying so hard - was it even fair at this point?
A text-tone from your phone permeated the room and you felt your spirits almost physically lift themselves up at the prospect of Sakusa reaching out to you.
But his text only made your heart drop.
Give me back my sweater already. Sakusa’s words read, Don’t you have your own?
And suddenly your thoughts of doubt were solidified as fact in your mind.
Grabbing the sweater from your bedside, you almost cried as you folded it up. Sakusa’s terms of endearment were few and far between, you wearing his sweater was one of the few things you could compromise on. And now he did not even want that.
You went about your morning weakly, going into Sakusa’s homeroom and leaving the sweater in a bag there. Alongside it was only a small note that you did not have time to wash it while it was in the bag. You did not wait a moment longer, dropping off the package and hoping to avoid him the rest of the day.
And throughout the school hours, you were doing a good job. During lunch you were able to avoid spending time with both Sakusa and Komori, leaving your classroom the moment the teacher dismissed you and retreating to the outside area behind school. Would it do you any good to confront Sakusa over something that he probably did not even care about? Was he planning on breaking up with you?
These thoughts only continued to plague you throughout the day and the more you continued to ponder on it - the worse it got. Maybe he always viewed you this way, just humoring your relationship for the sake of your friendship.
Your mindset spiraled downward worse and worse and you had little initiative to even go to club activities after school. Your roommate had vouched for you at the student council meeting while you went back to the dorms depressed and very not well dressed.
The moment your phone dinged to life you shot up in repressed excitement, wondering if Sakusa had noticed your mood and reached out.
It was Komori.
Hey, missed ya during lunch. Wanna catch dinner together?
Of course, it was Komori.
You wondered for a hot second if it would be smart to go with the libero out to dinners the campus cafeteria. Odds are you were going to pour your feelings out to the boy and he was undoubtedly loyal to Sakusa. Komori was always one of your closest friends, even before dating the wing-spiker.
Another ding ringed out a second later.
Come on, you’re my friend too.
It was almost like he was reading your mind - the poor boy was probably so used to your evasiveness from before that it was no doubt he remembered it.
You typed back, Okay, I’ll meet you after practice.
See you then <3
You texted your roommate that you would be meeting with the libero, so as not to worry when she returned. In the meantime, you hung around your room and completed some of your homework early. Once Komori texted you that he was ready, you put on a large hoodie and some leggings, trying your best to look presentable despite your solemn expression. 
“Hey!” Komori perked up when he saw you, already at a table in the cafeteria. Thankfully he was sitting alone. The moment you were close enough, Komori pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
Komori always gave the best hugs and you squeezed your arms around his middle right back. It had been a while since he, or any male for that matter hugged you like this. Most of the male population at school was well aware of your relationship with Sakusa and all it took was a look from the strong spiker to get most to back off.
But with Komori being his best friend and also one of yours, he was one of the few people who could get away with sharing you in a warm embrace. However, you did notice as of late that he was withholding some of the best hugs from you.
“Thanks for joining me tonight.” Komori continued, leaning back while you were still in his arms. “I know you’ve been kind of down.”
“Listen, you can tell me anything or nothing if you want. Whatever you’re comfortable with - I just wanted to spend this time with you so you know you’re not alone.”
You almost teared up on the spot, with the exception of your roommate, it had been so long since someone had been so considerate with your feelings. Komori was the best bro and just all friend anyone could ask for.
Nuzzling further into his chest, you shakily replied. “You’re the best, Komori.”
Komori guided you to the seats, telling you that he had actually placed a comfort food order and was waiting for the number to be called. You smiled at him in response, placing your hands on the table and mentally preparing for what you wanted to say.
It felt almost therapeutic, admitting to the libero all the feelings that you had bottled up over the past few days. Komori nodded along, listening to you without cutting in or interrupting with his own point of view. He took in every word, keen on gaining your perspective before he added on.
“It makes me wonder, does Sakusa even want to be in this relationship?” You asked aloud, baring your insecurity to him.
Little did you know that Sakusa was reacting exactly opposite to what you were thinking.
Komori had actually invited the wing-spiker to join this dinner, but he had simply walked away in silence back to his own dorm.
Sakusa would never admit this aloud, but he cherished you in so many ways that it frightened him. Your relationship was built on years of knowing each other. And from the beginning of it all, Sakusa knew that he was all in. From high school to the end of your days, he was sure that this was the only relationship he wanted to ever be in. You were the first and only person he ever loved and he wanted to be that for you too.
And with that thought, Sakusa had always been afraid of losing you. He wondered, on multiple occasions, if you would be happier with someone else. After all, yes you were friends for a while, but you were much closer to Komori before you were in a relationship. 
Sakusa saw it all - he knew how you leaned into the libero for tight hugs and how the both of you were still fond of spending time alone together. He had never doubted you or his cousin’s loyalty; neither you nor Komori would ever do anything to hurt him, Sakusa was sure. But he had a much more looming fear, one that frightened him simply because it was probably true, that you would probably be happier with Komori.
The libero was capable of easily reading your mood and reacting to it properly. It was Komori after all that noticed you had left the gymnasium the other day without greeting either male. He was very in-tune to your personality and it seemed the both of you were very agreeable. Sakusa remembered the time that many of your classmates had thought it was you and Komori dating after all.
Sakusa would honestly never forget that.
And so the wing-spiker had thought on multiple occasions if you would be happier in the arms of another. Maybe someone who had more time for you, who liked being as affectionate as you did.
Admittedly, Sakusa knew something was off from the moment you returned the sweater. He knew that you cherished wearing it for some reason. But you had it over a week and it was time for him to wash it. After all, it must have been dirty from overuse at this point and he did not want you possibly getting sick from something he wore.
Besides, he could just lend you another cleaner sweater for you to wear.
This was simply the way he thought - cut and dry and oftentimes misconstrued by other people.
But the last person he ever wanted to hurt was you.
Sucking in a hard breath, Sakusa attempted to figure out what to say. Not that he was unsure what to get across, but that he wanted to get out the proper wording before he caused any true damage to you. He must have been standing in the middle of his dorm room for a good twenty minutes, trying to keep a level head as different phrases evaded him.
Calm and collected, he told himself as he got near the cafeteria.
The last thing he wanted to ever see greeted him - you and Komori standing alongside a cafeteria table, you in his arms as he held you tightly.
It seemed you were still in the middle of your meal, your trays of food still stacked with chopsticks to the side. Regardless of the situation, Sakusa stalked over quietly and made his presence extremely known.
From Komori’s nice hug to suddenly pulled into another, your ten seconds of panic morphed into surprise at seeing your boyfriend.
“Sakusa!” You exclaimed, head against his chest as he continued to stare down his cousin. “This looks bad, but I was just talking to Komori about something.”
Komori only laughed, picking up his tray and taking it with him elsewhere. “See you tomorrow, lovebirds.”
“I--” You stuttered over your words as the libero made his quick escape, “We were in the middle of a meal!”
“We need to talk.”
Was Sakusa breaking up with you right now?
You felt fresh tears break your visage as you asked him outright, “Are you breaking up with me?”
Sakusa recoiled before grabbing your hand, “No. Let’s go.”
You allowed him to drag you wordlessly, following along as he led you back to his dorm. He unceremoniously brought you along with him - was he sparing your feelings by breaking up with you away from the public eye?
The worries must have shown up on your face since, once you entered the elevator, Sakusa took one look at you before pulling you into his embrace again. He lingered for a second, as if unsure where to place himself, then leaned down to put a small mask-covered kiss on your forehead. You stilled at the motion, surprised that he was willing to show any display of affection in public.
The moment was only broken when he pulled you toward his dorm room, closing it loudly behind you.
“Why would you think that I would want to break up with you?” Sakusa asked, not at all sugar-coating his words.
You hesitated, looking at the ground before back at him. “Sakusa, are you even happy being with me?”
His eyes peeking over the mask widened in surprise. In the next second, Sakusa pulled his mask off and threw it in the direction of his trash bin. You took a step back at his aggressiveness, but he only followed the movement and wrapped an arm around your waist.
Sakusa pulled you against him and stated clearly, “I want to be with you forever, if given the chance.”
He did not hesitate in response, “Yes.”
You smiled at how sure he was, but his actions from the last few days still had you on edge. With a hand on his chest, you bit your lip before asking. “You don’t feel like I’m suffocating you?”
Sakusa angled his head in question before shooting back, “Why would you assume that?”
“I just feel like you don’t really want me around?” You admitted, words coming out slowly. “I mean, the other day you just seemed like you didn’t want me at your practice. And then I saw your manager dabbing you with the towel and even I can’t even hug you without warning.”
Sakusa simply stared at you as you spoke, his full attention to your words as he recalled the past few days.
“I like spending time with you, but at practice I was sweaty and you were still in your school uniform. It would be unfair to you if I was the one to sully it.” Sakusa replied, “While I am not close to the manager, handling the towels is one of her responsibilities. And I prefer to get toweled down rather than do it myself then touch the volleyball with sweaty hands.”
You were at a loss for words once he explained himself.
“What about the other day?” You recalled, “I get that you don’t like me wearing your sweaters, but you should have just told me outright.”
You were not expecting Sakusa to shoot you a tired smile.
He moved to kiss your forehead again, lips lingering above your brow before he spoke. “I like seeing you in my sweaters. It reminds everyone that you’re mine.”
“But you had that sweater for more than five days, right?” Sakusa answered with a question, “I have the proper detergent to clean it. It would do you no good if you got dirty or even sick from one of my articles of clothing.”
You were an idiot. 
An overthinking, doubtful, big dumb idiot.
You felt the small exhale against his chest, tantamount to a small laugh from Sakusa. “Oh?”
“I just--” You tried to articulate yourself, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
“I’m sorry I doubted you.” You admitted, “There are just these moments. I know you don’t like physical touch that much, but there are times I want to hug you or kiss you. And I get the feeling that you don’t like it.”
You heard Sakusa exhale above you, before feeling a slight nudging at your chin. Using his free hand, the wing-spiker was guiding your gaze back to him. He had an oddly fond expression on, before he leaned forward to slot your lips against his.
Leaning forward into the kiss, you carded your fingers in his curly mop of hair, arms crossed behind his neck. He pulled you as close as possible, lingering in the moment of your passionate lip-lock before settling you back down on your feet.
“I love kissing you.” Sakusa stated fondly, eyes still glued to yours.
You laughed breathlessly, “I know that now.”
“Good.” Sakusa replied, “I’m not good at these things. I can’t comfort you like others do, but please trust in me. Communicate with me - not your roommate and not Komori.”
“Okay. I’m sorry that I closed myself off.” You apologized, receiving a second kiss back.
You were caught off-guard, like the hesitation Sakusa had before was suddenly lifted from its floodgates. He pecked you one, twice, returning over and over as he lost himself in the feel of your lips against his.
“I have two newly cleaned sweaters for you to choose from.” Sakusa whispered, as if this was his version of sweet nothings. “I would prefer it if you wore one tomorrow.”
You shot him back a radiant smile, one that he eagerly savored in the back of his memory. “I would love to.”
Your relationship did not magically fix in that single night, but you resolved to continue working on your communication. It was a two-way street, one that the both of you had to work on.
But by God, you two loved each other. 
And that was all that mattered.
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
only you || extras
Miya Osamu x Fem!Reader x OFC
WARNINGS: anal (f receiving), threesome (ffm), rimming (f receiving), face sitting, girlxgirl, bisexual characters, filming, sharing pics/videos, unsafe sex, oral (m+f receiving), face slapping, established safe words (not used), squirting, daddy kink, spit kink, size kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, sex toys
11.1k words
part i || part ii || part iii || part iv || part v || part vi || extras || only you, too
You cheered loudly as your wing spiker scored the winning point. You hugged her tightly, lifting the tall girl off the ground before the rest of your team crowded around you two. You pressed a kiss to her cheeks before pulling back, allowing the rest of your teammates to congratulate her. You smiled widely as your team celebrated.
“That’s my girl!” You exclaimed, clapping your wing spiker on the back. She smiled widely, holding her arms up as she cheered.
“Couldn’t have done it without my captain!” She exclaimed, clapping you on your back. She grabbed your hand and lifted it into the air. “To Y/n! The best damn volleyball captain in Japan!”
Your team whooped and clapped.
“Okay, okay!” You shouted, still smiling. “Let’s get cleaned up so we can go out and celebrate our nationals win for real!”
You dragged behind your team as they clambered to the locker room. Osamu was standing on the sidelines, arms held open and smiling wide.
“Samu!” You exclaimed, throwing yourself at him. “I thought you couldn’t make it!”
“Like I would miss my baby’s last nationals game,” Osamu said, pulling you into a tight hug. “The guys made it, too.” Osamu pointed towards the stands.
You turned to look, immediately finding a tall group of guys. Atsumu, Suna, Sakusa, Hinata, and Bokuto were all cheering. You waved at them.
“They all insisted on being here for you,” Osamu said. Your eyes burned with tears.
“I’m glad you all could make it,” you said, rubbing your eyes.
“We wouldn’t miss it,” Osamu said, hugging you again. “Now go get clean so we can go out.”
“One vodka cran and a jack and coke!” You said to the bartender. He nodded and made your drinks, quickly handing them to you and Osamu, who hovered over your shoulder.
You followed Osamu back to the area where your team stood around.
“Now that our lovely captain is here, let’s get fucked up!” Your libero, Hanako, exclaimed, raising her drink in the air.
The rest of the team cheered and raised their glasses. You raised your glass then chugged the contents of it, setting the empty glass on a side table.
“I say we start the night with shots!” You exclaimed. Your team cheered.
“I’ll get them,” Osamu said.
“I’ll help!” Hinata exclaimed, following Osamu back to the bar.
“So, MSBY and an EJP Raijin showed up to our game, then they came out with us to celebrate,” your wing spiker, Mai, said, standing next to you.
“You forgot Olympic gold medalists,” a middle blocker, Kanae, said, sipping her drink.
“Want me to introduce you?” You asked. “Tsumu and Omi have a little thing going on, but Sunarin, Sho-kun, and Bokkun are single.”
“You’re on nickname basis with Olympic gold medalists,” Kanae said.
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” you said as Atsumu walked up to you. He threw his arm over your shoulders.
“My favourite niece! Y/n-chan!” Atsumu exclaimed. Kanae and Mai both raised an eyebrow.
“Inside joke,” you said. You faced Atsumu. “Where’s Kiyo-kun?”
“He’s getting our drinks,” Atsumu said. “Who are these pretty, young ladies?”
He winked at Kanae and Mai, making them blush deeply.
“This is my starting wing spiker, Mai. She’s the one who scored the winning point,” you said. “And this is my middle blocker, Kanae. Mai, Kanae, this is Miya Atsumu, setter for MSBY Black Jackals and resident pain in my ass.”
“She loves me,” Atsumu said. Sakusa wandered up, holding out a fruity looking drink for Atsumu while he sipped a glass of dark liquor.
“Unfortunately,” you teased. “And this is his better half, Sakusa Kiyoomi, outside hitter for MSBY Black Jackals.”
“Hello,” Sakusa said.
“Oh, this is Mai and Kanae, my wing spiker and middle blocker,” you said.
“Who wants shots?!” Hinata exclaimed, walking up with a plate of shots. Osamu followed behind him with another plate.
“Hell yeah!” You exclaimed. The team all grabbed a shot, toasting before throwing them back. You grabbed an extra and tossed it back easily.
“Careful,” Osamu whispered in your ear.
You smiled at him as you grabbed a third shot. “Careful is my middle name.”
The night passed in flashes. One moment you were throwing back your third shot, the next you were on the dance floor, grinding against Hanako as the small girl groped your hips. Nana, your opposite hitter, was dancing against you, caressing your sides.
You could see Osamu watching from the sidelines, sitting in a leather chair and looking for all the world like he owned the club. He took a sip from his drink as he caught your eye.
“Hey! Eyes on me!” Nana exclaimed, grabbing your face. Her thumb traced your bottom lip. “I heard they’re doing body shots at the bar!”
You nodded and let her drag you to the bar. You laid across the bar and sat still as they salted your body, pouring tequila in your belly button and placing a lime between your lips.
Osamu appeared in your vision as Nana licked the salt from your skin. He was blocked as she grabbed the lime from you with her teeth. She bit the lime and swallowed the shot before pulling you up into a sloppy kiss. The bar raged as her hands found their way up your cropped shirt and her tongue danced against yours. You met Osamu’s eyes again as your hands caressed Nana’s sides. His eyes were dark as he watched you grope the other girl’s ass.
“Samu,” you mumbled, pulling away from the kiss. Nana kissed down your neck, licking and sucking.
You moaned as Nana bit your skin and Osamu came closer.
“That’s more than enough,” Osamu said, grabbing Nana by the hair. The tall girl let out a moan as her head fell back. “If y’all wanna fuck, let’s not do it on the bar.”
“Samu,” you said, hopping off the bar with wobbly legs.
“Come on,” he said, letting Nana go. “Ya wanna come?”
Nana nodded quickly.
“Uber’s outside,” Osamu said. You and Nana followed him obediently.
He opened the door to the car and helped you both in the backseat.
Nana crawled in your lap as soon as Osamu shut the door behind him. You looked at him.
“G’head,” he said. You kissed Nana deeply, teeth clashing and tongues battling for dominance.
“Y/n,” she moaned as you kissed down her throat. You moaned as she ground against you, forcing her short dress even higher on her hips. Osamu pulled her from your lap into his.
“I think it’s kinda rude just to play with my toys without askin’,” Osamu said. Nana whimpered as Osamu’s hands pushed her dress up, revealing her lace covered ass.
You moaned as Osamu kissed her, tongues messily sliding together and spit running down their chins. Is this what it looked like when you kissed?
Osamu slapped Nana’s ass heavily, making the opposite hitter jump and thrust her hips against Osamu’s. You whined, wanting to feel him under you.
“Samu,” you whined, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder.
The car came to a stop in front of your apartment building. Osamu handed the driver a wad of cash and climbed out of the car, still holding Nana as she kissed down his throat. You followed after them, stumbling in your heels.
“Come ‘ere, baby,” Osamu said, turning towards you. He moved Nana to one arm and held out his other for you. You grabbed his arm and stumbled alongside him as he led you to the elevator.
The elevator ride was quick and before you knew it, you were being pressed against your door by Nana as Osamu watched.
Nana pushed your shirt up and over your head, releasing your bare breasts. She looked at Osamu.
“G’head,” he said. She leaned down, kissing and biting your breasts as Osamu came up behind her. He pushed her dress up around her waist and kneaded her ass as he kissed her neck.
“Nana,” you moaned as her hand pushed down the front of your skirt and panties. She hummed as she rubbed your clit. “Bedroom.”
Osamu led the two of you to the bedroom, pushing you both on to the bed. He pulled his shirt off and Nana immediately got on her knees, still on the bed, and ran her hands over his broad chest.
“You’re selfish,” she said, turning to look at you. “Keeping this all to yourself.”
“Not all to myself if you’re here,” you said, kneeling next to her. Your fingers flicked at one of his pierced nipples as Nana wrapped her lips around the other. Osamu grabbed both of you by the hair and pulled you back. Nana let out a whine.
“I want you both on the floor on your knees,” Osamu said. You both scrambled to the floor as Osamu undid his jeans, kicking them off, along with his boxers.
His cock bobbed heavily between his legs and your mouth watered. Nana, on the other hand, paled.
“You really take all of that?” She asked.
“And more sometimes,” you said, nodding. You watched as she kitten licked the pierced tip.
“Be a good girl and don’t tease,” Osamu said, tapping his cock against her cheek. Nana nodded and sucked the tip in her mouth, hollowing her cheeks. You kissed along the thick shaft, teasing the prominent veins with your tongue as Nana bobbed her head.
Osamu moaned as he tangled his fingers in her long, black hair.
“Good girl,” he moaned, forcing her to take more. She gagged but forced herself to take more.
You sucked one of his balls in your mouth, gently squeezing the other one. You pulled away and pulled Nana away. You pulled her into a bruising kiss, biting her lower lip as she pulled away. You took Osamu’s cock in your mouth and wrapped your hand around what you couldn’t fit.
“That’s my girl,” Osamu said as you forced yourself farther on his cock. You pulled back and jerked his cock, feeling his cock twitching in your hands.
“Gonna cum, daddy?” You asked. Osamu moaned and nodded.
“Want him to cum on my face,” Nana said. Osamu knocked your hands away and pumped himself quickly as you and Nana waited.
“Open yer mouths,” Osamu said. Your tongue fell out of your mouth just as hot cum spurted from Osamu’s cock. You moaned as it landed on your tongue and cheeks. “Don’t swallow.”
You pulled Nana in for a messy kiss, pushing cum into her mouth. She moaned as cum and spit ran down your chins. You pulled back, strands of cum and spit still connecting you to Nana.
“Fuck,” Nana swore. You grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it off, leaving her in just a pair of white lace panties.
You kneaded her breasts as you kissed her again. Osamu pulled your skirt and panties off.
“How do you wanna do this?” You breathed. “You want Samu’s cock first?”
Nana glanced at Osamu, who was currently kissing your shoulder.
“Want to sit on your face first,” she said. You climbed on the bed and laid back. Nana slowly peeled her panties off before climbing next to you. Osamu slapped her ass, making her jump.
“Gonna look so cute on my baby’s face, sweetheart,” Osamu said. You smiled at him before Nana straddled your face, facing Osamu between your thighs.
“Watch how well she takes me,” Osamu said, spreading your legs as you placed a few kitten licks to Nana’s cunt. You felt Osamu’s cock slap against your clit a few times before he pressed it against your tight hole. You moaned in anticipation.
“It-It looks too big,” Nana stuttered as you sucked at her clit. “It’s not gonna fit.”
“I have my baby well trained,” Osamu said, patting your thigh. “I’ll have ya takin’ the whole thing, too, by the time the night’s over. Ya’ll be beggin’ fer me, sweetheart.”
Nana shivered as you slurped up her juices. You wiggled your hips, desperate for Osamu to fuck you.
Osamu slowly pushed his cock in, stretching your cunt. You moaned under Nana, wrapping your arms around her thighs and pulling her down more. Your tongue flicked against her clit as Osamu rutted into you at a steady pace.
“Fuck, she’s so stretched out around you,” Nana moaned, bucking her hips. “I want it.”
“She takes me so well,” Osamu grunted. “Her lil cunt just sucks me in.”
Nana whined as Osamu reached forward and squeezed her breast, pinching and pulling her nipple.
“Osamu,” Nana moaned. You slapped her ass.
“Someone’s jealous,” Osamu teased, snapping his hips against yours. You whimpered as his cock threatened to breach your cervix.
“I can see how deep you’re in her,” Nana said, running her hands along the small bulge between your hips. Osamu moaned as she pressed down. “So— fuck!— so deep!”
You sucked harshly at her clit.
“Come ‘ere,” Osamu said, pulling Nana forward. Their lips molded together as Nana bounced on your tongue and Osamu pounded into you.
You whined as Nana’s slim fingers rubbed fast circles over your clit. Osamu hiked your legs up, throwing them over his shoulders as his balls slapped against your ass.
“Gonna cum,” you gasped. You pulled Nana back down and sucked at her clit. She gasped as she came over your face, cum gushing out and coating your chin. She whimpered as you lapped at her messy cunt.
“Too much!” She exclaimed, bucking her hips. You let her thighs go and she fell to the side, laying next to you as Osamu continued to fuck you. She breathed heavily as you licked your lips.
“Samu!” You cried out as he slapped your clit.
“Come here.” Nana pulled your face over to meet hers. You moaned against her lips as the knot in your stomach tightened.
“Gonna make a mess in front of yer friend?” Osamu asked, pushing your legs against your chest. You nodded. “G’head, make a mess fer me.”
“Fuck, daddy!” You moaned. Osamu reached down and pinched your clit lightly. You moaned loudly as the knot in your stomach snapped. Your orgasm squirted out of you, juices coating Osamu’s stomach and dripping down to the bed.
“Fuck,” Nana said, watching with starry eyes as your eyes rolled back. Osamu pulled out, holding the base of his cock.
“Wanna taste?” He asked, gesturing to your leaking cunt. Nana nodded enthusiastically and crawled down the bed before burying her face in your cunt. You whimpered as her tongue licked into your hot core.
“Tastes good,” Nana said. She looked up at Osamu. “Would taste better with your cum leaking out of her.”
“Why don’t we find out?” Osamu asked. Nana moved over as Osamu thrusted back into you. It only took one, two, three thrusts before your gummy, tight walls milked his second orgasm. You moaned as you felt his hot cum fill you up. Nana leaned down, licking around where Osamu’s cock met your stretched cunt.
“Fuck, eat my cum out of her,” Osamu said, pulling away from you. You moaned as Nana’s tongue dug into your hole.
“Fuck,” you hissed as she pressed two fingers into you. She licked a broad stripe up your slit, slurping up a mixture of your juices and Osamu’s cum.
“I was right,” Nana said, leaning back on her feet as you gasped for breath.
“Ya ready to take me, sweetheart?” Osamu asked, rubbing his hands over Nana’s back. Nana nodded.
“How do you want me, daddy?” She asked, turning her head up to look at Osamu. You moaned softly.
“Oh, I’m gonna fold ya in half, sweetheart,” Osamu said, pushing her down on the mattress.
Nana laid beside you on her back, spreading her legs and reaching down to spread her folds, showing off her tight hole.
“Condom?” Osamu asked. Nana shook her head.
“I’m clean,” she said. “Want you to cum inside me, daddy.”
“Fuck, okay,” Osamu said.
You crawled down the bed, kneeling behind Osamu, watching over his shoulder as he lined up the fat head of his cock with her tight entrance. You ran your hands over Osamu’s shoulders, then wrapped your arms around his chest. Your hands rubbed over his chest as you rested your head on his shoulder. Nana whined as he teased her clit with the head of his cock.
“No teasing!” She whined. “Want you in me, wanna feel your fat cock stretching me out.”
“Ya sure you can take it?” Osamu asked, pressing the tip in. Nana moaned.
“Want it,” she keened. “Please, daddy.”
“If ya insist, sweetheart,” Osamu said. You kissed his neck as he snapped his hips forward. Nana’s back arched as she let out a loud moan.
“Ah, ah! Hurts!” She exclaimed, fisting the blanket below her. Osamu stilled, allowing her time to adjust. He rubbed her clit softly, helping her relax.
“Yer so tight, squeezin’ me t’ death with that tight cunt o’ yers,” Osamu said, rolling his hips shallowly.
Nana let out a breathy laugh. “Can hardly understand you.”
“His accent gets thicker when he can’t think,” you said, nipping his neck. “He can’t think when he’s getting his dick wet.”
“Shut up,” Osamu said, smiling at you. “I can think a lot o’ thoughts right now. Like how I wanna pound this lil pussy ‘til she cries.”
“Do it,” you challenged. “I wanna see her cry over your cock.”
Osamu slowly pulled out. Nana moaned.
“Ready, sweetheart?” Osamu asked. She nodded. Osamu pushed her legs into her chest.
“She’s the most flexible on the team,” you whispered in his ear. “Can put both of her feet behind her head.”
Osamu groaned and pushed further, until her ankles were parallel with her ears.
“Fuck,” Osamu swore. He thrusted into her at a steady pace. Nana whimpered as his cock hit her cervix and his piercing dragged against her walls.
“More, more, please, daddy,” she gasped. You moved around the bed, holding her legs in place as Osamu grabbed her thick thighs, pulling her to meet his powerful thrusts. Their skin slapped together noisily and you moaned at the sight of Osamu’s cock disappearing into her wet cunt.
“Fuck her harder,” you said. Osamu’s hips sped up. “You’re so wet, Nana. You’re leaking all over my blanket.”
“S-Sorry,” she stuttered. “Sit on my face so I can apologise?”
“You’re not going hard enough if she can still speak coherently,” you said, letting her legs go. You straddled her face. You moaned loudly as her tongue slid through your folds, teasing your clit.
Osamu grabbed her ankles and spread her legs apart as he pounded into her.
Her tongue circled your clit. Your back arched as she wrapped her arms around your thighs.
“Rub her clit, want her t’ cum ‘round my cock,” Osamu grunted. You nodded and leaned down, rubbing your fingers over her clit. Her tongue stopped as she moaned against you. You bucked your hips, eager for friction.
“Just stick your tongue out,” you said. Nana obeyed, letting you grind against her tongue.
“Fuck, she’s squeezin’ me so tight,” Osamu moaned. He snapped his hips harshly and Nana cried out.
“Fuck, he’s— Fuck!” She screamed. Osamu slowed down. “Keep-Keep going!”
“He’s fucking past your cervix, yeah?” You asked. “Hurts but feels so fucking good.”
Nana moaned and her arms fell limply to her sides as Osamu roughly fucked her.
“Tongue,” you said. She stuck her tongue out again. You moved your hips back and forth, dragging your clit across her tongue. “Gonna cum, Nana.”
She suckled lightly at your clit as your juices gushed over her face. You ground against her face as your thighs shook from overstimulation.
Nana moaned out, her words muffled by your cunt. You crawled off of her and fell limp beside her.
“Gonna cum,” she repeated. Her eyes rolled back and her fingers dug into the blanket as Osamu moaned. You reached down and rubbed her clit. She tensed up and cum gushed around Osamu’s cock as she cried out.
“Good girl,” Osamu praised. He knocked your hand out of the way and slapped her clit. “Gonna make ya cum again and again, sweetheart.”
Nana whimpered as Osamu continued to fuck her and alternate between rubbing and slapping her clit. You leaned back and slowly rubbed your own clit.
“Fuck, fuck,” Nana moaned. “Hit me, hit me.”
Osamu slapped her clit and she shook her head.
“Tell daddy what ya want, sweetheart,” Osamu said.
“The face, slap me in the face,” Nana moaned. “Please, daddy.”
Osamu’s hips stuttered as he looked down at Nana.
“Fuck, okay,” he said. He leaned forward and his hand connected with her face with a light slap.
“Harder,” Nana said, looking fucked out. Osamu slapped her harder and all three of you moaned as her face turned. “Again.”
“What a fuckin’ naughty girl,” Osamu said. His hand connected to her face with a loud slap.
Nana moaned and you rubbed your clit harder.
“That turn ya on, baby?” Osamu asked, looking over at you. You nodded.
“Want it,” you moaned.
“Come ‘ere,” he said, reaching over and yanking you up. You leaned back on your elbows as his hand rushed towards you. Your head spun as his hand connected and your head turned with a moan.
“Oh, fuck!” Nana swore, throwing her head back as she squirted around Osamu’s cock.
“Want me t’ fill ya up?” Osamu asked, fucking her through her orgasm.
Nana nodded. Osamu braced his foot against the bed and pistoned his cock in and out. He let out a long moan as his hips stuttered. He breathed deeply before pulling out.
You watched as Osamu’s cum poured out of her, dripping onto the bed.
All three of you breathed heavily as Osamu collapsed beside you.
“Bathroom?” Nana asked after she caught her breath.
“Through those doors,” you said, pointing to the connected bathroom.
Her legs wobbled and she fell back on the bed. You stood up, wobbly legged, and helped her to the bathroom.
“You really take that on a regular basis?” She asked, sitting down on the toilet.
“Every night if I’m lucky,” you said, sitting on the counter. “Sometimes more.”
“How do you just walk around like you didn’t get your insides rearranged?” She asked. “You come to practice and run around like your soul didn’t get fucked out of you.”
“What about you? You like to get the fuck slapped out of you,” you laughed.
“Apparently, so do you,” she shot back.
“It was nice,” you said, sighing happily. “You should try choking, though. Once, Samu choked me until I passed out, best orgasm I ever had.”
“Maybe I will,” she said, standing up. The two of you stumbled back to bed, where Osamu had pulled on a pair of boxers. You crawled next to him and held your arms open for Nana. She crawled in and wrapped her arms around you, burying her head in your neck. You sighed happily as Osamu slung an arm around your waist.
“No, like this,” you said, pumping Osamu’s cock. “You gotta twist.”
“Okay, okay,” Nana said, copying you. Osamu groaned as he woke up.
“Morning, baby,” you said, smiling up at him. Nana leaned down and licked down the side of his cock.
“Mornin’,” Osamu mumbled. You leaned down and licked the other side of his cock, tongue meeting Nana’s in the middle. You both moaned around his cock. Your lips met around the tip and you twisted your tongues together.
“Fuck,” Osamu swore, grabbing both of you by the hair and pulling you back. “One o’ ya is gonna take my cock down yer throat.”
You leaned in and took the tip in your mouth, bobbing your head as Nana leaned down and kissed his sac.
“Come on, I know ya can take more than that,” Osamu said, pushing you down on his cock. Your eyes watered as you choked around him. The corners of your mouth burned as your lips stretched around his cock, but you ignored it as Osamu groaned. Nana pulled away as Osamu forced you lower. Your jaw ached but soon your nose was buried in soft curls.
“Fuck, I can feel you in her throat,” Nana said, wrapping her hands around your neck.
Osamu held you there until you got lightheaded from lack of oxygen. You tapped on his thigh and he pulled you off his cock. You gasped for air as spit ran down your chin.
“Tongues out,” Osamu said, tugging at his throbbing cock. Nana leaned down next to you just as the first spurt of cum hit your tongue. The next landed on Nana’s waiting tongue and the rest landed on your chests.
“Clean her up,” Osamu said, shoving you into Nana’s chest. You licked the cum off her breasts, flicking your tongue over her pebbled nipples.
“Did I say you could swallow?” Osamu asked, grabbing Nana’s jaw roughly. She shook her head and Osamu’s hand connected with her already red cheek. She moaned.
“Sorry, daddy, I couldn’t help it, you taste so good,” she said as you pulled away from her.
“Show her how good girls hold daddy’s cum,” Osamu said, grabbing your hair. Your mouth fell open, showing off all the cum you’d licked off Nana’s chest. “Come ‘ere, my sweet girl.”
Osamu pulled you into a deep kiss, pulling your body against his, covering his chest with the cum on your breasts.
“Now, clean us up,” Osamu said, pulling you down next to him. Nana crawled over Osamu, straddling his waist as she leaned down and licked his chest clean. She leaned over to you and licked the cum off your breasts.
“Good girl,” Osamu said as she showed him the mouthful of cum. He pulled Nana into a kiss, pulling away when cum dripped down her chin. “Now you can swallow.”
“Thank you, daddy,” she said. She rolled over to Osamu’s other side and curled into his side.
“Breakfast?” Osamu asked, holding both of you against him. You nodded. “Pancakes alright?”
You both nodded again. You whined as Osamu sat up. He rolled over you, kissing your forehead before pulling his boxers on and wandering out of the bedroom.
You scooted over until you were flush against Nana.
“Still horny?” She asked, slotting her thigh between your legs. You nodded as you ground down against her thigh. She pressed her lips against yours, grabbing your hips and guiding you.
You moaned softly against her lips as your clit rubbed against her flexing thighs. She rolled you over so that she was on top of you.
“Hold on,” she mumbled. You pulled back as she crawled down the bed, spreading your legs. She pressed two fingers into your wet heat and leaned down to lap at your clit.
“Oh,” you moaned, throwing your head back. She pushed your knees into your chest, and pressed a kiss to your ankle.
“Hold your legs up for me,” she said. You wrapped your arms under your knees as she pushed three fingers into your core,
“Harder, harder,” you moaned. Her other hand came down on your clit as her fingers pumped in and out of you.
“Next time, I’m gonna give you my strap,” she said. You moaned and nodded.
“Please, please, want your strap,” you begged.
“Have one even bigger than Osamu,” she said, strumming your clit. “Just for size queens like you.”
“Want it,” you whined.
“Yeah? Osamu not enough to please your little cunt? You need more? Maybe we’ll fuck you at the same time. He ever take your ass?” Nana asked. She pulled her fingers out of you and slid one down, pressing it against your other hole.
Your eyes flew open as she pressed her finger past the tight ring of muscles.
“Nana!” You gasped. She slowly pushed her finger all the way in.
“So fucking tight, bet you’ve never had anything up here, have you?” Nana asked. Your face heated up as you shook your head. “I’m gonna stretch you out and then we’ll see if Osamu can fit his cock in here without breaking you.”
“Feels weird,” you mumbled as she thrusted her finger in and out of you.
“Good weird?” She asked. You nodded and moaned as she added another finger. “Think you can cum just from this?”
“Dunno,” you said. You threw your head back and moaned as she scissored her fingers, stretching your hole.
“God, I wanna see you take his cock,” Nana groaned. She pulled her fingers out and spat directly in your hole as you clenched around nothing. “He’s not gonna last once he feels how tight you are. It’ll be over in seconds.”
“Sa-Samu can keep going,” you moaned as she inserted three fingers. “He can fuck me through his orgasm.”
“Oh?” Nana asked, twisting her fingers in you. “Aw, look at your little pussy, just clenching around nothing. You got something I can put in there?”
You nodded and pointed to Osamu’s bedside table.
Nana leaned over and pulled out a sparkly pink dildo. It was barely anything compared to Osamu, bought as a gag gift by Atsumu. It was six inches long and of average girth.
Nana ran it through your folds, slapping your clit with it a couple of times before shoving it in your needy hole. You moaned loudly as she thrusted it in and out of you, following the pace her fingers went in your ass.
“Oh, oh, oh!” You moaned. “Nana, so close, please, please!”
She shoved the dildo in you deeply and leaned down to suck on your clit.
“Gonna-gon’ cu—“ You came with a shout, clenching around the silicone toy and Nana’s fingers and squirting into her face.
“Yes, yes, fuck,” Nana moaned, licking your juices off her lips. “Fuck, you’re so hot. Squirting in my face like that. If I was Osamu, I’d never be away from your cunt.”
“He-He isn’t,” you said, smiling weakly as you tried to catch your breath. “I have to beat him off with a stick sometimes.”
“Pancakes are—“ Osamu paused, taking in the scene in front of him. The pink dildo was still shoved in you and Nana’s fingers were still knuckle deep in your ass.
“I’m just prepping her for you, daddy,” Nana said, innocently. She twisted her fingers, drawing a moan from you. “You think three fingers are enough or should I add another?”
“Add another,” Osamu breathed, coming closer. His eyes were blown wide and his cock strained against his boxers. Nana added a fourth finger and you bucked your hips.
“She’s so tight back here, daddy,” Nana moaned. “See how she’s just sucking my fingers in?”
“Fuck,” Osamu swore, palming himself through his boxers. “Let me just—“ He grabbed the base of the pink dildo and moved it slowly. You arched your back and moaned.
“Daddy,” you keened, fisting the blanket. “Daddy, I want you in me.”
“What hole, baby?” He asked. “They’re both so needy.”
Your face burned again. “Want you in my ass, daddy,” you mumbled.
“What was that, sweet girl?” Osamu asked, smiling cheekily.
“My ass, daddy!” You exclaimed. “Wanna feel you stretch me out.”
“That’s my girl,” Osamu said, pinching your thigh lightly. He pulled the dildo out and handed it to Nana. She moved out of the way, leaning against the headboard next to you. “There’s lube in that top drawer.” Osamu pointed to his bedside table.
Nana reached over and grabbed a small bottle of lube and handed it to Osamu.
He generously lubed his cock and drizzled some on your stretched asshole, rubbing it around with two fingers.
“Ya ready, princess?” He asked, pressing the fat head of his cock to your virgin hole. A shiver went up your spine as you nodded.
“Yes, daddy,” you said. He nodded and slowly popped the mushroom head of his cock in.
You whined at the intrusion. Even four of Nana’s fingers didn’t prepare you for the stretch Osamu’s head caused.
“Slowly, daddy, slowly,” you said. Osamu nodded again and slowly, slowly, inch by inch, stretched your ass.
“So- fucking- tight,” Osamu grunted as he bottomed out. Nana moaned as she rubbed her clit. “Hand me my phone.”
Nana reached over to the bedside table and handed Osamu his phone.
“Think the guys will enjoy this?” Osamu asked as he started recording. His cock slid slowly in and out of your ass. He pulled out and watched as your little hole fluttered around nothing.
“Daddy,” you whined, bucking your hips desperately. “Need you.”
Osamu zoomed the camera in as his cock stretched your hole out.
“Think ya can take more?” Osamu asked. You nodded. “Nana, bring that dildo down here.”
Osamu zoomed out and turned the camera towards Nana as she crawled down the bed, holding the pink dildo in her hand.
“Say hi,” Osamu said, smiling. Nana waved to the camera before she slowly slid the pink dildo into your cunt. Your back arched off the bed as you moaned.
“So full,” you moaned. They fell into a nice rhythm, one pushing in when the other pulled out, so you were never empty.
“Look how tight she is,” Osamu said, moving the camera closer to you. “She’s the best lil cocksleeve. Who’s making ya feel good, baby?”
“Daddy and Nana,” you moaned. Osamu snapped his hips against your ass.
“Yer clenchin’ ‘round me so tight, ya gonna cum?” Osamu asked. You nodded.
“Gonna cum for daddy and Nana,” you moaned.
“Come on, cum around his cock,” Nana said. You whimpered as they changed the rhythm, both pumping into you at the same time.
“Fuck,” you hissed as Osamu’s piercing dragged against your sensitive walls. Your walls clenched around silicone and flesh as your stomach tightened.
“Come on, cum for daddy,” Osamu said, pressing down on the bulge between your hips. He turned the camera towards your face. You moaned loudly as your eyes rolled back and your walls fluttered. You gushed around the fake cock as Osamu gasped.
“Fuck, she’s so tight,” he grunted. You fell limp as they continued to fuck you. Nana sighed. “What is it, sweetheart?”
“Need something in me,” she said.
“Fuck yerself with the dildo,” Osamu said. She leaned back next to you and shoved the dildo deep in her cunt with a loud moan.
Osamu filmed her as she fucked herself.
“Not enough,” she whined. “Not enough after taking your fat cock.”
“Oh, yeah? Ya want my cock again?” Osamu asked. She nodded. “I ruined ya fer any other cock, isn’t that right, sweetheart? Don’t worry, after this ya can ride my cock ‘til ya cry.”
“Please, please, daddy,” she cried, moving the dildo faster.
“Daddy,” you whined, upset with the lack of attention you were getting.
“What is it, baby? Ya want daddy’s attention?” Osamu asked. “My cock isn’t enough fer ya?”
“Want you to cum in me,” you said, reaching down to rub your clit.
“Oh, my baby wants daddy’s cum?” Osamu asked, tilting your hips up with his free hand. You moaned loudly. “Don’t worry, baby, I’m gonna give it to ya.”
Osamu held his phone tightly as he pounded your ass.
“Fuck, baby, squeeze ‘round me again,” Osamu said. You clenched around him. He landed a smack on your clit, making your walls clamp down.
“There we go,” he said. He zoomed the camera in as his cock throbbed. “Fuck, gonna fill ya up, baby.”
“Please, please, daddy, please!” You cried as he slapped your clit again. He let out a low groan as his cum flooded your ass.
He fucked you through his orgasm, each thrust highlighted by a nasty squelch as his cum was forced out of your hole.
“Fuck, baby,” Osamu said, pulling out. Your ass clenched around nothing, forcing his cum out. He moved the camera closer as his cum dripped out of you. “Both o’ ya, come ‘ere.”
You whined as you crawled down the bed, kneeling in front of Osamu next to Nana.
“Clean me up,” he said. You both leaned down, licking up the sides of his cum coated cock. Your tongues met around his tip. You kissed Nana messily, pushing cum into her mouth and moaning when she pushed it back.
“Open,” Osamu ordered. He grabbed your chin roughly and held his phone to your mouth. “Now swallow.”
You swallowed his cum greedily. He shook your face and you opened your mouth again, showing off the lack of cum.
He grabbed your tongue and shoved his fingers in your mouth as you gagged.
“Good girl,” he said. He turned his phone towards Nana and gave her the same treatment.
“Say bye to the boys fer now,” Osamu said, leaning back to get you both on camera.
“Bye bye,” you said, waving at the camera with a wide smile. Nana waved at the camera with a sultry smile.
“So, who are the boys?” Nana asked, after Osamu sat his phone down.
“Just the guys from last night,” you said. “I suspect the group chat’ll be popping off soon.”
Almost immediately, your phone started going off. You grabbed it from the bedside table as you leaned back against the headboard. Nana leaned next to you as Osamu went back to the kitchen.
uncle tsumu: ‘fuck, i want her ass next time, samu’
kiyo-kun: ‘who’s the extra one? is she going to be a regular addition bc fuck she’s hot’
sho-kun: ‘nana deserves a nice cock too’
sho-kun: ‘more than willing to volunteer’
sunarin: ‘how are you going so hard this early in the morning?’
bokkun: ‘send more girlxgirl action’
uncle tsumu: ‘^^ seconded’
“Should we send them a little something?” You asked, looking over at Nana.
“Definitely,” she said. You opened your camera and held your phone out as you pulled Nana into a sloppy kiss. You grabbed her breast, rolling her nipple between your thumb and forefinger.
Nana smiled against your lips and bit your bottom lip as she pulled back. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
You stopped the recording and sent the video in the group chat before tossing your phone to the side.
“Who said I can’t finish?” You asked, pouncing on top of her.
“Me,” Osamu said, coming in holding two plates in his hands. “Food first then sex.”
Your stomach grumbled as he propped up a tray and sat it over your lap. He propped another one over Nana’s lap.
“Chocolate chip and pecan pancakes for my baby,” Osamu said, handing you your plate. He handed the other plate to Nana. “And chocolate chip for my sweetheart. I didn’t know what ya liked so I played it safe. I can make ya something different if ya don’t like them though.”
“Chocolate chips are good,” Nana said. “Do you have syrup?”
“Blueberry and maple,” he said, holding out two bottles.
“Blueberry, please,” Nana said. Osamu poured syrup over her pancakes before moving to yours.
“Thank you, Samu,” you said, taking a bite.
“Thank you,” Nana said. Osamu sat cross legged at the foot of the bed as he ate. You leaned forward, offering him a bite of your pancake.
“Thank ya, baby,” he said, chewing. You smiled at him.
You leaned back and closed your eyes once you finished.
“Want me to run a bath?” Osamu asked. You glanced at Nana.
“It’s big enough for two,” you said. You glanced at Osamu. “Or three.”
“I could go for a bath,” she said.
Osamu nodded and grabbed your plates and trays, taking them back to the kitchen before returning and entering the bathroom. You heard the water start.
“Is he always like this?” Nana asked, leaning her head on your shoulder.
“Like what?” You asked.
“This. Making breakfast, offering to run you a bath, actually making you cum,” Nana said. “I don’t know, perfect?”
You smiled widely. “Yeah, he’s always like this. He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.”
“Ready?” Osamu asked, peeking his head around the bathroom door.
“I am,” Nana said, rolling off the bed. Her legs wobbled slightly but she stayed upright. You weren’t as lucky, falling back onto the bed as soon as you stood up.
“Let me get ya, baby,” Osamu said, coming over and swooping you up.
Nana was already sinking into the steaming water when Osamu lowered you down on the other side of the tub.
“Do either of ya want anything?” He asked. You both shook your heads. “Call if ya need anything.”
Osamu left the two of you alone. You moved over to sit beside Nana.
“I’m gonna be walking funny for a week,” you said. Nana laughed.
“With any luck, so will I,” she said, winking at you.
“People are going to think we got beat up,” you said. “Bruises on our cheeks and limping.”
“That’s how you know it was good sex,” she said. She pulled you on top of her, so you were straddling her.
“You’re as bad as Osamu,” you murmured as she kissed your neck.
“Oh, I’m worse.”
You let out a breathy moan as she nibbled your neck. When you opened your eyes, Osamu was watching from the counter.
“Samu,” you moaned as he palmed himself through his boxers.
“Uh-uh, you’re not paying attention to him right now, just me,” Nana said, grabbing your chin and turning your head. She shoved her thumb in your mouth. “Suck.”
You obediently sucked on her thumb, hollowing your cheeks as she guided your hips on her thighs.
“Want more,” you mumbled, lips still wrapped around her thumb. You bucked your hips.
“Take it,” she said. You whined as she flexed her thighs. You glanced over to Osamu, who had pushed his boxers to the floor and was slowly jerking his cock.
“Eyes on me,” Nana said. She rubbed your cheek before placing a sharp slap on it. You moaned. “Forget Osamu’s here. He’s not getting you off right now, I am.”
“Can’t- can’t help it,” you said. “He’s so fucking distracting.”
“If you look at him again before you cum, I’ll make you watch him fuck me and you will not be getting off,” she said. You nodded as she bounced her thigh. Osamu let out a breathy moan that had you struggling not to turn your head.
She pulled you into another kiss, slotting your lips together and sucking your tongue. You moaned into the kiss as she groped your breasts, pinching and tugging on your nipples.
“Fuck,” Osamu hissed. You could hear the slick sounds of his hand going up and down his cock. You closed your eyes.
“Nope,” Nana said, grabbing a fist full of your hair and pulling your head back. “I said, eyes on me.” You moaned as she kissed down your throat.
“Can I film?” Osamu asked. You fought the urge to look at him.
“Go ahead,” Nana said, lazily looking over at him as you sucked on her neck. “Remember, no looking at him.”
You heard Osamu’s feet hit the ground as he left the bathroom. You ground against Nana’s thighs, pointedly ignoring Osamu as he came back in, holding his phone on the two of you.
“Say hi,” Osamu said. Nana turned and waved at the camera.
“You don’t wanna say hi, Y/n?” Nana asked, smirking at you. You shook your head.
“Come on, let me see yer pretty face, baby,” Osamu said. You shook your head again.
“Wanna get off,” you said, bucking your hips against Nana’s thighs.
“The boys are gonna be so upset they can’t see your pretty face,” Nana said.
“Yeah, baby, why don’t ya just look at me and give me a big smile?” Osamu asked. You looked down to where your pussy was grinding against Nana’s strong thighs, ignoring Osamu.
“Eyes up, babe,” Nana said, tilting your chin up. You looked up at her. Her dark eyes were swallowing you whole as she took you in.
“Shit, baby, gonna hurt my feelin’s,” Osamu said, stroking his cock as he filmed you. “Look at daddy.”
“Can’t,” you whined, throwing your head back. “Wanna, so bad, daddy.”
“Look at me,” Nana said, once again tilting your chin to face her. She kissed you deeply. You rutted against her thighs, eager to cum. You could feel your orgasm building in your stomach.
“Nana,” you moaned, grinding down harder.
“Gonna cum, babe?” She asked. You grabbed her shoulders, nodding.
“Wanna look at the camera while ya cum, sweet girl?” Osamu asked. You shook your head.
You panted as you got closer and closer. Nana leaned down and sucked one of your nipples in her mouth, kneading the other one while her other hand guided your hips.
“Fuck, fuck,” you moaned, throwing your head back. Your walls fluttered around nothing as you came over Nana’s thighs. The water washed away your slick as Nana grabbed your ass.
“Good girl,” she praised, grabbing your hair. she pulled you into a bruising kiss, biting your bottom lip. “Wanna look at daddy now? He’s about to cum.”
Your eyes flew to Osamu. One of his hands was holding his phone while the other was wrapped around his cock.
“Want my cum, sweet girl?” He asked. You nodded and leaned over the side of the tub. He pointed the camera down to film you taking the tip of his cock in your mouth. “Fuck.”
He spilled into your mouth, filling it up and running down your chin. He grabbed your chin.
“Open yer mouth,” he said, tracing your swollen bottom lip with his thumb. “You know Bokkun loves seeing yer mouth full of cum.”
You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. Cum dripped from your tongue onto your chest. Osamu patted your head like a dog.
“Share with Nana,” he said. You were reluctant to look away from him but you turned away from him and kissed Nana messily. She moaned into your mouth as you snowballed Osamu’s cum back and forth.
“G’head and swallow,” Osamu said. You pulled back and swallowed the cum in your mouth then turned and showed the camera your empty mouth. “That’s my girl. Nana, you too.”
Nana showed the camera the cum in her mouth then swallowed, showing the camera her clean tongue.
“My good girls,” Osamu praised. He stopped filming and sat his phone on the counter before walking to the tub.
“Come ‘ere, baby,” he said, opening his arms. You left Nana’s lap quickly, being pulled into Osamu’s strong chest.
“Daddy,” you said, kissing his chest. Nana stood up behind you, kissing your neck. “Wanna focus on daddy.”
“Let’s go back to the bedroom,” Osamu said. “Someone still has to ride my cock.”
You and Nana padded after him like ducklings. Osamu rolled onto the bed, leaning back on his elbows.
You crawled next to him, leaning down and taking one of his nipples in your mouth. You pressed your tongue against the pierced bud, and looked up through your lashes to see Nana doing the same thing on his opposite side. Osamu moaned and fell back.
“Samu,” you moaned, reaching down to palm his half hard cock. Your hand met Nana’s and you slowly pulled away.
“Wanna ride him,” Nana said, looking at you. You frowned.
“I wanna ride him,” you said.
“Be nice,” Osamu said, reaching down and swatting your ass. “Ya can sit on my face while Nana rides me. Ya can ride me later.”
You pouted but nodded.
“Stop fuckin’ pouting before I make ya watch,” Osamu said, pulling on your bottom lip.
“Being mean,” you said. Osamu grabbed your jaw roughly.
“Watch yer tone,” he said. You puckered your lips. Osamu rubbed his hand over your cheek, just like Nana had before she— Slap!
“Daddy,” you cried, clutching your cheek. Your cheek stung and your pussy throbbed.
“Hit her again,” Nana said, looking at you with wide eyes.
Osamu shook his head. “She’ll be a good girl now, won’t ya, baby?”
“Yes, daddy,” you mumbled. You sniffled as tears burned at your eyes. Osamu caressed your red cheek gently.
“How are ya, baby?” He asked.
“Green,” you sniffled, rubbing your nose.
“Ya sure?” Osamu asked.
You nodded. “Liked it, daddy. Green.”
“Good girl,” Osamu said, patting your cheek. “Come ‘ere, baby.”
You shuffled into his arms, letting him pull you against his chest. He kissed your head before letting you go.
“I love ya,” he mumbled.
“Love you,” you said. You pulled away and watched as Nana straddled him, slotting Osamu’s hard cock between her folds and grinding down.
“Come sit on my face, baby,” Osamu said. You straddled his face and leaned over to grab your phone.
“Can I film you?” You asked as Nana teased Osamu’s cock by grinding against it.
She nodded and grinned, running her hands down her body and onto Osamu’s. She arched her back as she ran her hands over his abdomen and chest.
“Gonna take him all?” You asked. You whimpered as Osamu’s tongue flattened against your clit.
“Gonna bounce on his cock until I can’t move,” Nana said. You smiled.
“Don’t worry, if you can’t move, he’ll move you,” you said. You moaned as Osamu buried his tongue in your warm core.
“Daddy’s cock is so thick,” she said, rolling her hips against his cock. You saw his cock throb.
“Go ahead, sit on his cock,” you said, zooming in on where Nana’s folds enveloped his cock.
Nana reached down and tapped his cock against her clit a few times. Osamu groaned into your folds.
“Samu,” you moaned.
Nana slowly aligned his cock with her entrance.
“Come on, sink down on his cock,” you said. Osamu’s fingers dug into your plush thighs as Nana popped the head of his cock inside her. She moaned softly and swivelled her hips.
“Take more,” you said. Osamu flicked his tongue against your clit.
“Don’t rush me,” she said, sinking down a few inches. You zoomed in to where her pussy swallowed his cock.
“Oh, fuck!” You swore, nearly dropping the phone as Osamu sucked harshly at your clit. You steadied the phone and bucked your hips, desperate for more friction.
“Oh,” Nana moaned, finally sinking all the way down.
“You have a bulge,” you said, leaning forward to show the camera the small bulge Osamu’s cock made between her hips.
She ran her fingers down her stomach and pressed down on the bulge. She and Osamu both moaned.
“Fuckin’ move,” Osamu said from beneath you. “Before I move ya.”
“Y/n, grind down on his fucking face so he can’t speak,” Nana said. You smiled wickedly and ground down against his tongue.
“Can’t speak if you’re doing your job right, Samu,” you said, grinding against his face.
He smacked your ass as Nana slowly moved up and down his cock. You moaned as Osamu’s nose nudged your clit as his tongue dug into your hole.
“Fuck, his cock is so big,” Nana panted. “Fuckin’ hurts.”
“Just get used to it,” you said. “Roll your hips.”
Nana rolled her hips and moaned. Her eyes rolled back as Osamu rutted his hips up.
“Osamu, no,” she moaned, bracing her hands on his stomach. Osamu grabbed her hips and pulled her down on his cock. He planted his feet on the bed and thrusted up.
“Fuck, fuck, Osamu,” she moaned, throwing her head back. You whined as Osamu focused on fucking into Nana and ignoring you.
“Daddy,” you whined, grinding down on his face. He stuck his tongue out, letting you grind your clit against it.
You showed the camera Nana’s fucked out expression before lowering it down to her bouncing breasts, then even lower to where Osamu stretched her out.
“Gonna cum,” Nana moaned. She reached down and rubbed her clit.
“Cum on daddy’s cock,” you said, zooming out to fit all of Nana on the screen.
Osamu snapped his hips up and sucked at your clit at the same time.
Nana squealed as she squirted around Osamu’s cock, her cum pooling on his stomach and dripping down to the bed. She shook as Osamu continued to fuck her.
“‘S’too much, too much!” She exclaimed, back arching.
“You can take it,” you said as Osamu’s plush lips wrapped around your clit again. You reached forward to rub her clit. She weakly tried to push your hand away.
Osamu suckled your clit, all the while pounding into Nana’s sensitive cunt. She cried out as she came again, gushing over Osamu’s cock. Creamy, white cum coated Osamu’s cock as he fucked her.
“Fuck, fill me up, please, please,” Nana begged, thighs shaking.
“Not before Y/n cums,” Osamu said, voice muffled under you. He used one hand to pull you down and the other held Nana in place.
Osamu’s tongue thrusted in and out of you while his nose rubbed your clit.
You moaned as your stomach tightened and a fire burned low in your gut.
“Gonna cum,” you whimpered. Nana grabbed the phone from you and turned it on you.
“Which boy loves seeing you ate out?” Nana asked.
“S-Sunarin!” You cried, throwing your head back. Osamu slapped your ass and sucked at your clit.
“Oh? Daddy doesn’t like it when his baby moans another guy’s name?” Nana asked. “What about the guy who loves to see your tits?”
Nana leaned forward, grabbing and groping your breast with her free hand.
“Bokkun!” You moaned. Osamu slapped your ass again and ate you out vigorously. His hips slowed down as he grabbed your thighs, spreading them wide.
“Guy that loves to see your hair pulled?” Nana asked, yanking your head back. She moaned as Osamu snapped his hips up.
You cried out as Osamu dug his fingernails into your ass, spreading your cheeks.
Nana grabbed your chin roughly. She leaned in and kissed you.
“Guy that would spit in your mouth?” She whispered, pulling back.
“Sh-Shoyo-kun,” you whimpered. Nana forced your mouth open and spat on your waiting tongue.
Osamu shifted you, and licked lower. You gasped as his tongue circled the rim of your asshole.
“Samu!” You exclaimed. You felt him smile against your skin.
“Come on, cum on his face,” Nana said, showing the camera your fucked out expression. Osamu spread your cheeks, digging his tongue past the ring of muscles. You moaned and dug your fingers into Osamu’s chest.
“Fu-uck,” you moaned, voice wobbling.
“Cum on daddy’s face,” Nana said, dragging her nails down your body. You let out a high pitched whine as Osamu moved back to your cunt. His fingers rubbed over your asshole, threatening to break through the tight ring of muscles.
You gushed on Osamu’s tongue, and he lapped it up eagerly. You slumped over, leaning your head on Nana’s shoulder. Nana moaned as Osamu rolled his hips.
“Fill me up, daddy,” she said, rotating her hips. Osamu groaned as his cock throbbed in her tight walls. He thrusted into her and painted her walls white.
You took the phone back from Nana as she dropped her arms.
You crawled off Osamu, legs shaking. You zoomed in on Nana’s messy cunt as she lifted herself off of Osamu’s cock. Cum spilled out and you reached forward, pushing it back in with two fingers.
“You’re supposed to keep daddy’s gift,” you said. Nana fell back on the bed next to Osamu.
You moved the phone closer to her leaking cunt, fingering it back in her slowly. She moaned softly.
“For Tsumu,” you said, spreading her folds with your fingers so the camera should catch sight of her messy hole. You flipped the camera on to your face and filmed as you licked your fingers clean. You winked at the camera before saving the video and sending it to the group chat.
uncle tsumu: ‘fuck do y’all even take breaks? i’m just now getting over the last video’
sunarin: ‘already love it based on the thumbnail alone’
You glanced at the thumbnail and saw Nana spitting into your mouth.
kiyo-kun: ‘this is a long one’
bokkun: ‘fuck i’m still jerking to the last video’
sho-kun: ‘stop blowing up the chat i’m trying to watch the video’
you: ‘enjoy’ You sent your text along with a selfie.
“Come here,” Osamu said. You crawled over him and snuggled into his side. “What are the boys saying?”
“They’re watching it now,” you said.
“We’re feeding them a lot today,” Osamu said. “They’re gonna be expecting daily videos now.”
You shrugged. “We fuck enough.”
“You two are literally the most insatiable people I’ve ever met,” Nana said, laying on Osamu’s chest with his arm around her.
“What, you too tired to go another round?” You asked. “What happened to that volleyball stamina?”
“Another round, are you kidding me?” Nana asked. You shrugged and looked up at Osamu.
“He hasn’t filled up my cunt yet,” you said, running your fingers down his chest.
“Give me a minute and I’ll fill ya up ‘til yer swollen with my cum,” Osamu said, looking down at you.
“You can count me out,” Nana said. “I’m taking a shower and heading home. I can’t take anymore.”
“I’ll get you some clothes to wear home,” you said. “And I insist that you eat lunch before leaving.”
“Is that all you two do on your off days? Just fuck and eat?” Nana asked.
“Sometimes,” you said. “Gotta replenish.”
“You two are like robots,” she laughed. She stood up, before falling back on the bed.
“Help her to the shower,” you said, pushing Osamu towards her. He grunted as he stood up and offered his arm to her. She grabbed onto it graciously and they slowly made their way into the bathroom.
You grabbed your phone and went to the group chat, which was blowing up.
bokkun: ‘might fuck around and come over just to cum in your mouth’
sunarin: ‘seriously i want to see you swallow my cum like that’
uncle tsumu: ‘how tf does samu end up with two girls on his cock’
kiyo-kun: ‘didn’t you see him at the bar? he looked like he owned the place’
kiyo-kun: ‘you’re lucky i didn’t go home with him’
bokkun: ‘the way you moaned my name…’
bokkun: ‘shit i busted my nut’
bokkun: ‘let me give you a real reason to moan my name’
sunarin: ‘i smell a gangbang in the near future’
uncle tsumu: ‘^^ seconded’
sho-kun: ‘literally omw rn’
sho-kun: ‘u think i would spit in ur mouth?’
sho-kun: ‘ur right’
you: ‘literally talking to samu rn about a gangbang’
you: *photo* ‘literally so wet just thinking about it’
bokkun: ‘wet enough to take this?’ *photo*
sunarin: ‘literally no one here wants to see your dick’
uncle tsumu: ‘yeah this is for Y/n nudes only’
you: ‘well i think we should change that’
you: ‘it’s not fair if i’m the only one sending nudes’
you: ‘and i for one liked seeing bokkun’s cock’
sunarin: *photo*
you: ‘is that my libero?’
sunarin: ‘brought her back after the bar’
sunarin: ‘she’s so cute taking my cock’ *video*
sunarin: ‘but you’d be cuter’
sho-kun: ‘are we sharing nudes?’
sho-kun: *photo*
you: ‘aw, the curtains match the drapes’
sho-kun: ‘:(‘
you: ‘don’t be sad i’d still drool all over it bb’
sho-kun: ‘oh?’
uncle tsumu: *video*
you: ‘next time cum inside me’
uncle tsumu: ‘aw doll i’ll fill you up’
uncle tsumu: ‘just wait until my cock is back in you’
sho-kun: ‘atsumu-san u have a piercing?’
you: ‘a very nice one’
you: ‘feels good dragging against my walls’
kiyo-kun: *photo*
you: ‘:O’
you: ‘^^ how i’m gonna look next time i see you’
you: ‘want you in my mouth, ugh’
daddy samu: ‘if you want something in your mouth just come to the bathroom’
daddy samu: *photo*
daddy samu: ‘he misses you baby’
you: *photo*
you: ‘i miss you too daddy’
you: ‘want you in me’
sunarin: ‘send pics’
bokkun: ‘you can always come sit on my cock little girl’
you: ‘one of these days i’m gonna take you up on that’
bokkun: ‘it can always be today’
You smiled as Nana and Osamu walked back into the bedroom.
“Fuck, let me get you some clothes,” you said, hopping up. “You want Osamu’s shirt or one of mine?”
“Osamu’s,” she said. You pulled out an Onigiri Miya shirt and a pair of old shorts and handed them to her.
She pulled them on as Osamu pulled on a fresh pair of boxers and you pulled on Osamu’s t-shirt from the night before.
“Onigiri for lunch sound good?” Osamu asked. Nana nodded. “What kind do ya like?”
“Tarako,” she said.
“I’ll run down to the restaurant and grab some,” Osamu said. He pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and a shirt and threw on a hat. “I’ll be right back. I love ya, baby.”
He leaned down and pecked your lips quickly before leaving the apartment.
You grabbed a clean pair of panties and went into the bathroom. You quickly used the bathroom and washed your face before tugging the panties on and wandering to the living room, where Nana was sitting on the couch.
“I had fun,” you said, sitting next to her. “I hope this won’t make anything awkward between us.”
“Definitely not!” Nana exclaimed. “I’m just thinking about how I’m supposed to walk around knowing you’re getting the ultimate dick down every night.”
You smiled. “Well, this doesn’t have to be a one time thing,” you said. “Samu says he doesn’t like to share but he’s a liar.”
“I can tell,” she said. “You got more jealous than he did.” She playfully knocked your shoulder.
“In my defence, that’s totally Samu’s fault,” you said. “He has me spoiled, I’m not used to someone else having his attention.”
“Babe, I barely had his attention,” Nana said. “He was so focused on you the entire time. I didn’t even know a man could focus on something else with a girl on his dick.”
Your face burned hot with embarrassment.
“Shut up,” you mumbled.
Osamu entered the apartment carrying a bag of food and boba.
“I forgot to ask what kind of boba ya like, so I just got ya brown sugar like Y/n,” Osamu said, setting the food and drinks on the kitchen table.
You and Nana made your way to the table. Before you could sit down, Osamu pulled you into his lap. You giggled as he kissed down your neck.
“Gross,” Nana teased, biting into her onigiri. You stuck your tongue out at her.
Osamu lifted your onigiri to your lips, feeding you sweetly.
“Thank you, baby,” you mumbled, chewing carefully.
“Anything for my baby,” Osamu said. You lifted his drink up for him to take a sip.
“You two are too cute,” Nana said, smiling widely.
She grabbed your phone and opened the camera.
“Smile!” She said. You both smiled widely as she snapped a picture. “Cute!”
You looked at the photo and quickly changed it to your phone home screen.
You ate mostly in silence, polishing off your onigiri with onion soup and brown sugar boba.
“We should do this again sometimes,” Nana said, holding her clothes from last night as she stood at the door.
“Definitely,” you said. You hugged her tightly.
“I’ll see you later,” she said, walking down the hall.
“Bye!” You called after her. Osamu waved. Once the door clicked shut, Osamu had his arms around your waist.
“I think I owe ya something,” he said, kissing down your neck. You twisted around in his arms and wrapped yours around him.
“I think you do,” you said, leaning on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his jawline. He rutted his hips against yours.
“Gonna fill ya up, baby,” Osamu said, pushing you down on the couch. He pulled your panties down and tossed them across the room.
“Wait,” you said, grabbing your phone. “Sunarin wants pictures.”
“Hold yer legs to yer chest,” he said, opening the camera. You wrapped your arms under your knees and pulled them to your chest. Osamu snapped a photo of you, groaning as he palmed himself through his shorts. He pressed two fingers into your hole, snapping another photo.
“So tight even after taking that dildo earlier,” Osamu said, scissoring open your hole. “Was it not enough fer ya, sweet girl?”
You shook your head. “Need you, daddy. Nothing’s ever enough.”
“Fuck,” he groaned. He sent the photos to the group chat and tossed your phone to the side. “Gotta be in ya.”
He pushed his shorts down just enough to free his aching cock. You moaned at the sight of his cock springing out.
“In me, in me,” you whined. He quickly lined his cock up with your entrance and thrusted into you. You both let out a long moan. He draped your legs over his shoulders and pushed your shirt up, palming your breasts.
“Already squeezin’ me so tight, ya gonna cum already?” Osamu asked, pushing in deeper with his next thrust. You shuttered as the head of his cock pressed against your cervix.
“Needed you so bad, daddy,” you moaned, reaching for his hand. He grabbed your searching hand and intertwined your fingers.
“G’head and cum, baby, it’s okay,” he said, slowly thrusting into you. You came with a moan, gushing around his cock. He leaned down and kissed you as his hips rocked steadily into you.
“I love you,” you mumbled, squeezing his hand. He smiled against your lips, resting his forehead against yours.
“I love ya, too, baby,” he said. He furrowed his brows as his cock twitched. “Not gonna last long.”
“‘S’okay,” you said. “Just want to feel you.”
Osamu bit his lip, trying to stave off his own orgasm. He closed his eyes and cried out as he spilled inside you.
“Samu, Samu, Samu,” you moaned, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling him down into a kiss.
“‘M sorry, baby,” he murmured, leaning his forehead against yours again.
“It’s okay,” you said, combing your fingers through his hair. You pecked his lips. “I love you.”
“I love ya,” he said. He pulled back and rearranged you so that you were sitting on his lap. He carefully slipped his cock back into you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You relaxed against him.
You grabbed your phone and opened the group chat.
you: *photo*
you: *photo*
you: *photo*
kiyo-kun: ‘i want a taste’
sunarin: ‘damn even sakusa-kun can’t hold back his thirst’
sunarin: ‘i would also like a taste’
bokkun: ‘i don’t see how that tiny little hole fit both osamu-kun and atsumu at the same time’
uncle tsumu: ‘i wanna stretch that lil hole out again’
sho-kun: ‘i wanna see that little hole stretched around my cock’
bokkun: ‘next time i wanna see her taking two cocks in her ass’
bokkun: ‘i volunteer as one of the cocks’
You smiled and rolled your eyes.
you: ‘i just started doing anal and we’re already discussing dp?’
bokkun: ‘yes’
sho-kun: ‘yes’
kiyo-kun: ‘yes’
sunarin: ‘yes’
uncle tsumu: ‘yes’
you: ‘i hate all of you’
331 notes · View notes
iwaasfairy · 4 years
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you’ve been in love with kuroo tetsuro for years, silently supporting from the sidelines. it’s where you feel comfortable, felt- comfortable. so now that kuroo finds out you’re his most loyal fan?
.wordc. 9.5k .pairing. kuroo tetsuro x fem!reader
tw manipulation, degradation!, corruption, bullying, dubcon/noncon, coercion, yandere kuroo, fingering, oral, Kuroo is on the world’s biggest ego trip
.author’s note. I finally finished this monster after struggling for so long ( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥) inspired by fanatic by @/jackrrabbit​. if you want to read an amazing bullying smut, it’s seriously perfection
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An obsession. If someone asked, you’d never call it that. An appreciation of the sport maybe, or of the hard work and dedication of the players. But an obsession might’ve been more accurate, as you have been a fan for years now. At least you can admit it to yourself. Not a day goes by where you forget to think about volleyball, and more in particular, him. It’s not your fault it makes you so happy… It’s not at all, and yet—
You’re able to watch the young men through the open doors of the gym, the resounding bangs of spikes flattening against the polished floor filling the building. You huff out in the afternoon sun and hide under the sun-bleached, red parasol as best you can, before wiping a bead of sweat from your temple. Soon everyone will be pouring out of the classrooms, which brings a smile to your face. But for now, you spare another look inside the bright hall, following the red jerseys as they move swiftly around the court. The speed at which the balls connect with the floor have always impressed you, but your eyes are instead on the middle of the group, tracing the number one mindlessly. 
“Senpai, are you alright?” your junior squeaks out. You flinch in surprise at her question, almost dropping the drink you’re holding in the process. Her short brown hair sticks to her face where a wide-eyed expression marks it, though a small, unsure smile stays in place. You quickly bring out a laugh though, waving off her concern.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry,” you put down the glass can and press your cool fingers to your forehead, smiling, “the heat just makes it hard to actually pay attention. Could you repeat that, please?”
“I’m just so glad you suggested this, s’all!” she beams, putting the last of the lemonade out on the table, each can in between ice packs. They’re already dripping, coming summertime close to unbearable. “My big brother always talks about the fanclub at home and that other teams don’t have a fanclub near as good as ours!” You smile at her while you pour chunks of ice into the white wine, putting it out too. The entire table is decorated with the team colors, flyers to one side, donation jar and cash register on the other, with all the drinks, ice pops and watermelon slices in the middle.
You even made all of the small, red cat charms that hang from the parasol yourself. A bit overkill perhaps, but no effort really feels big enough when you’re as dedicated to a team as you are, even if it’s embarrassing to say. But well… you’d do just about anything to support Nekoma and the man you’ve been crushing on for years now. While you peer up at the windows of the classrooms, mentally keeping track of just how much longer you’d have to wait for the rest of the fanclub to join you, you miss the proud look the younger girl sends your way. Yui, the libero’s younger sister, pulls her hair up in a tiny ponytail. “You must be so proud since you started it all by yourself.” 
You look back down at her, flushing. “Of course I am proud of the fanclub, but I’m even more proud of our team. Y’know, I’ve been watching some of them since middle school and they all seem to enjoy it so much. It makes me want to support them in any way I can.” You’ve taken the requests of the team to heart to the best of your ability. Hopefully you can sell a lot, they’d really need new cleaning equipment and some of the shorts and jerseys could definitely be replaced with new ones.
“Of course Nekoma’s angel would say that,” a voice giggles, the black haired girl strolling up behind you. All the others walk close behind, right when the bell indicating the last class rings. The rest of the fanclub waves politely, many of the girls with their own healthy flush. “Make some space, Mrs. Kuroo, everyone will be getting out in a minute or so.” You give the other third-year a little poke in her side, looking down at the menu as you pick at the corner of the laminated sheet. It’s so silly, but the nickname makes you all warm inside. How nice it would be to actually be… well. You shouldn’t think so far ahead, or not ahead at all, since Kuroo Tetsuro has absolutely zero interest in you. The overflowing amount of love you have for him isn’t making up for anything.
“Don’t call me Mrs. Kuroo. It’s embarrassing,” you tell the raven-haired girl, glancing back inside the hall for just a moment to watch as said man gulps down his water, sweat drenching his hairline and dripping down his chin. “Even if I like it, he doesn’t know I exist.” Some of the girls coo at your admission, all of them at least aware that you’ve looked up to the Captain for years. Your friend sends you a knowing look, before cracking her fingers and getting to work on the cash register. She’s been trying to get you to say something for months, and with the last few weeks of high school growing closer and closer, you can’t even blame her.
But what would you even say to the guy you’ve crushed on for so long? After all, you’ve been in his class for three years now and he never once spoke to you directly either. He’d probably be creeped out by your dedication to him. Before you can think of any more, bunches of students start pouring out of the buildings, looking tired out by the day. When they see your stand, many of them light up, already taking out their wallets to get some cool lemonade. You clap your hands and look at the girls surrounding you, before nodding. “Alright, let’s do this! We’re going to sell everything out today. Yui, you get that side?” You turn to the first few customers and put on your best smile, handing them a menu. “Welcome to the Neko Outdoor Café! Would you like a drink?”
“Captain!” Yamamoto calls, pout more pronounced with each passing second. “Please let us take a break. Please.” He’s about to get on his knees and beg. “Come on, man. I need this.”
The raven haired man just lifts a brow in his direction, before turning his attention back to the bench so he can tie his shoelaces properly. “Shut up, you’re being noisy.” He doesn’t care to ask what the guy is on about, already more than annoyed at having to practice in this sweltering heat. Every movement feels slower than usual, it’s pissing him off.
“They’re going to sell out and leave, Captain!” the other tries again, tugging at the edge of Kuroo’s jersey like a child. In fact, he looks like he might burst into tears. The Captain ignores him.
“I’m sure they’re keeping some extras for us,” Yaku tries, smacking Lev’s hand away from his water bottle and downing the last of it.
Kenma hums. “You know they wouldn’t leave us with nothing, they’re all so thoughtful.” The setter is already trying to soothe a teary-eyed Yamamoto, while Kuroo straightens out to wipe himself down with a towel. “They probably have a whole pack of ice lollies stored away for after practice. Our cheer squad leader wouldn’t be caught dead forgetting about anyone.” At the mention of your name, the Captain frowns, the sound unfamiliar. “She even remembered to bring some mango for me last time, and I don’t even remember telling her I don’t like watermelon that much.”
“Who now?” Kuroo frowns. He pokes out his tongue to wet his lips, following his team’s gazes to outside the gym, where rows of students are lining up. He can just see the edge of a red table, curiosity peaked.
Kenma’s face blanks when he looks over at his long time friend. “The leader of the fanclub? She’s been to every one of our matches since like… eighth grade or something. How have you never noticed her?” Some of the boys turn to him in confusion too. Kuroo crosses his arms over his chest, before chewing on his answer. It’s not that he ignores anyone on purpose. But your name doesn’t ring a bell, neither does the description.
“Pretty sure she really likes you, too,” Lev suddenly says, getting up from his spot on the floor to bound closer to the door to watch past it. “She always wears clothes with the number 1 and your name on it. She’s very nice, she bought me chocolate milk after our last game.” He stares out the door for a moment longer, before perking up and waving for his older teammates’ attention. “Ooh ooh, she has ice creams for us, she’s calling. Can we please take a break, Captain?”
Everyone turns to the third year. Even Kenma is giving him an unspoken question with his expression. “Fine, whatever,” Kuroo just sighs, giving into their antics. “But after that we’re getting back to spike training and you better all jump higher than I’ve ever seen you jump.”
While waiting in line, he asks to point you out. You’re busy smiling at every single student that comes by, colored shadow falling over you because of the sun shade that is just as red as the rest of the table. Just as red as your flushed face, and as red as the shirt that you’re wearing with his name on it. You look kind, with a childlike joy on your face, innocent in the way you beam out warmth. And after staring at you for a while, you do start to look a bit familiar. Huh. So this is what his biggest fan looks like. He’s not let down, not exactly, though he does wish that you’d focus less on the lemonade and more on him as he waits in line with the rest of the team. But it’s understandable, you’re just trying your best. Even he can see that.
Suddenly, you look up from the cash register, having been shoved in the side with an elbow by your friend and in the split second he catches your eyes, he can see several emotions flash in them. The last one before you look away is definitely wide-eyed mortification though. You look away from him and turn to your friend, whispering something in her ear as your cheeks grow red-hot. You blank at her answer, before biting your lip. It’s strange, but something in the things you do are cute to him. How you nervously toy with the edge of your shirt. How you try to keep your eyes on the ground but glance back every so often anyway. How you put on a smile. You must really, truly like him. And he can’t say he doesn’t like at least that. That innocent expression on your face is to die for. Really.
After a minute or so, you seem to gather your wits and look up to walk from behind the stall. “Guys, you don’t have to wait in line. Come up here,” you wave them over, not looking at him at all. Somehow, this only makes him giddier, wanting to see you flush even harder. Maybe you’d pass out if he talked to you. Maybe you’d cry. Would you even be able to handle it if he got any closer? The smirk that clings to his lips is one of ego-filled happiness, he can’t help himself. Something about you makes him feel like he’d be able to break you with the slightest of pressure, and though he’s never quite wanted to control someone like that, he can’t say it doesn’t feel exhilarating.
Everyone moves out of the one line to skip to the front, as you busy yourself by glancing under the tables to pull out an extra cooler, opening it swiftly. That way your skirt pulls up insanely high, though you try to keep it down with one hand. Oblivious to what you’re doing, surely. His cute, little fan. He’ll have to give you a lesson on proper manners, but not now. All in due time. When everyone starts thanking you, you just rub your neck, straightening back up.
“How much are they?” Kenma asks, “I’ll pay. Is it alright if I get the money to you after practice though?”
“No, no!” you beam, “they’re free for you guys! I could hardly let our own team pay for some stupid ice pops and lemonade.” You don’t hesitate to smile at Kenma. Kuroo holds his tongue from breaking into your conversation for now, instead taking one of the watermelon slices and biting into it. You seem to sink into yourself a bit when he turns back in your direction, almost as if you’re trying to disappear into the background entirely. Would be hard though, with that bright a shirt. “We also have wine if the adults want any,” you continue, shooting Kai and Yaku a guilty glance then and trailing off. “Though that might not be a good idea if you’re still practicing.”
You still have yet to look back at him, creating a void of something in the pit of his stomach. Why don’t you want to look at him as much as he wants to look at you? “Are there any strawberry pops?” Lev asks, probably aimed at you but Kuroo’s already taking a step towards you before you can answer.
This way you’re not able to ignore him any longer. Your eyes are so big and stunned when you glance up at him, tilting your head back just so you can look him in the face. There you are, he thinks. You pull a lip into your mouth, cheeks burning with color. Your chest heaving up and down, heart clearly pounding so hard he swears he can hear it. And Kuroo is living for it, the thrill of making you so affected by his presence undeniable. He wants to be the one to make you so flustered, wants to be the one to taint it too. He does know that’s probably not normal, but it’s so tempting. He smiles down at you, watching when your lips tremble softly. Cute. He softly calls out your name, grinning wider when you seem to mellow for a moment at the sound. “Did you do all this yourself?” he asks, enjoying the starstruck expression on your face.
You have to take a moment to get yourself back on track, clearly. Understandable. “Mhm,” you manage though, looking anywhere but him again when you realize you’re staring. “W-Well, everyone helped plan it, of course. I just made everything they planned out.”
“Yeah?” His smirk has yet to leave his face, but if it could grow any wider, now would be the time. You give a shy nod, looking back up at him for a moment. “The lemonade looks good. The watermelon’s good too.”
You’re practically glowing at his compliment, taking a step back to roll yourself back and forth on the balls of your feet. He wants to place his hands on your shoulders to keep you still, but really, you might just faint if he does so he holds himself back. “T-thank you s-so much! I’m glad you like it. I hope you’ll be able to use the funds well, but if you ever need anything else, you can always ask me,” you lift your shoulder and smile at him for just a moment, blush still raging on your face. You blank then, quickly adding, “or any of the other girls! We’re all here to support you, so… p-please keep working hard and doing your best a bit longer!” You’re stuttering like crazy too. He’ll have to work that out of you.
Before he can say anything else, someone calls for your name, so you quickly bow and rush back to your spot behind the stall. The girls giggle and poke at you, some of them hardly subtle in their whispering and cooing. And Kuroo smiles, because he might have just found something new to peak his interest.
You couldn’t have known. Not really. You couldn’t have known the full extent of his anger and definitely not how it would turn on you. So why does it feel like you made a horrible mistake? As you are sweeping the last of the hall, you hear the familiar, resounding echo of volleyballs smacking against the smooth surface. It’s a sound that’s long grown near and dear to your heart. Still, you put the brush to the side to make your way to the gym door where it stands swung open. It’s a Friday. The Nekoma team doesn’t play volleyball after school hours on Fridays. You frown as you peek around the cold, metal door into the otherwise vacant hall. As the class representative this term, you’re basically expected to be the last one here.
The man causing the constant butterflies in your stomach is facing away from you, frustration seeming to radiate off him in angry, black swirls as he throws balls against the wall, making continuous tosses to himself. You wait for a moment longer, glancing back into the school building as you debate your options. Though you were unable to watch the end of practice, you saw the beginning. Kuroo was anything but the collected player he normally is, the sight of it making your heart ache. Very hesitantly, you knock your knuckles against the metal. You rather wouldn’t be putting yourself in his proximity by choice, last time enough to make you so flushed and flustered you were stumbling all over your words.
Still though, you just want to help him. Maybe you could make him feel just a bit better. “Kuroo-san?” you try softly when he doesn’t react. He catches the ball at your call, pausing for a second. Then he turns to you. A shadow on his face, tall shape seeming to loom over you even from afar. You dig your nails into your own palms at the sharp glare that’s sent your way, his eyes flicking over your entire body, coming to rest back on your face. He doesn’t say anything, so you try to gather your courage and clear your voice, taking a step into the gym. “I- Sorry, I heard you still practicing. Are you- I mean- I don’t want to assume or anything, b-but- you don’t normally practice on Friday.”
The brief flicker of courage you had soon sinks deep within the pit of your chest as the silence continues. He bounces the ball on the floor once before catching it again, lifting one of his brows. Still with that gleam in his eyes, the one set off by the darkness cast around him. Then he sighs, and in a second his smile is plastered back on. The smile you’ve grown so used to seeing from afar, but it doesn’t feel quite right. It certainly doesn’t reach his eyes. It looks a bit off too, lopsided like he’s trying to convince himself to keep it up. “You— Ah, you’re the… fan club girl,” he nods. He tosses the ball up a few times, seemingly thinking, before he clicks his tongue. His deep voice resonates through the empty hall. “Yeah, sorry if I’m bothering you. I wanted to get some more practice in.”
You wring your hands into the front of your shirt, mindlessly bunching it up in between your fingers. When his eyes are back on you, you have to fight yourself from taking a step back. “No, you’re not bothering me at all, I don’t expect any less from our team Captain.” You swallow. Then, barely louder than the thumping of your heartbeat against your ribs, a thought tumbles out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. “Would you like me to help you practice for a bit?” It’s a little thing, so small, and you’ve done it for Lev and Kenma plenty of times. But your hands shake when you ask.
Kuroo’s eyebrows pull tightly together, his expression looking so off-putting even when you normally think everything about him is beautiful. You think he’s perfect, even drenched entirely in sweat and with grooves dug deep under his eyes, exhausted to the bone, so why? Why does he glare at you this way, and how can you make your heart stop wavering in your chest? You briefly stand there to think about what you just said, trying to figure out exactly what you did wrong to make him feel even more shitty, but come up blank. He must have misread your tone of voice, or maybe you had a dumb expression on your face. Just some stupid mistake you made. That’s the only explanation you have why amazing, gorgeous, perfect star player Kuroo is acting the way he is.
“Do you even know anything about volleyball? You don’t look like you do.” The sharp comment feels like a slap to the face, and you take in a little breath as you attempt to rid the unsettling tension between you two. Maybe soothing him isn’t the way to go, but you know Kuroo makes himself feel better with practice and that is something you can do. For him, you could for hours.
“I— I can… serve alright,” you hesitate, looking from his face to his shoes instead. “I know a l-lot about volleyball and though I- I might not be the best, I’d still help, right?” His sharp eyes are still on you like an accusation, and no, no, no, this is all wrong but you don’t know how to fix it.
“Aah,” Kuroo coos then, chuckling to himself as he passes the ball your way, “you want to help me.” You barely catch it, clutching it close to your chest as he motions you closer with his hand. “O‘course you do.” With sheepish steps you make your way toward him because he asked, staying an arm’s length away for your own poor heart. Last time you were this close to Kuroo, all you could do was give some mindless encouragement, even though you were trying. You just couldn’t help get flustered back then. A cold shiver makes its way up your spine though, and you fight the pressing feeling to run. This is your favorite person in the world you’re looking at, and you’d do anything for him. You would, really. “Because you’re my fan, aren’t you?” he echoes your thoughts, and you bob your head in reply.
Your voice is barely above a whisper now, throat closing up when he leans in as if to inspect you more thoroughly. “Yes, of course, Kuroo-san. I’ve been a fan since I first saw you play a match back in middle school.” You wince at your honesty. Don’t tell him that, your mind screams, but it’s too late. All you can do is bite your lip to keep more from tumbling out.
“Yeah, yeah, so I heard.” He gleams, petting your hair and you try to keep your elation to a minimum, because his eyes are still just as sharp as they were when you first walked in, but butterflies flutter in your stomach. His fingers linger for a moment, the weight of his hand making your heart jump. It’s gone soon enough. “You in my class?” You nod eagerly, but while you do he’s already speaking again. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you? You’re my biggest fan, huh?” He’s leaning closer again, closer, too close, almost like he’s going to kiss you and you might sink through the floor if he gets any closer. 
You try not to let the faint smell of his cologne overwhelm you, his face flushed at the edges of his cheeks because of the exertion. You open your mouth to figure out a response again, but Kuroo is faster. “You come to each match, hoping I’d notice you, right? Begging for my attention like a little kid, wearing my name on your body like that. Don’t you feel embarrassed?”
It takes your brain a while to unfilter the words, playing and replaying them now that you take a step back. “Aren’t you embarrassed to be so obsessed with me? Such a cute, little fangirl, just begging for a look your way?” No. It’s not like that, you are not like that. You’re not obsessed, you just care a lot about him. About the entire team. “Pretending to be into volleyball so you can talk to me, right? Do you talk to Yaku’s sister so you can get to me? Do you talk to Kenma so you can get to me too?” You want him to stop talking, why is he still talking? Why is he acting this way at all?
“N-No, it’s not like that,” you bring out, flushing when his hand wraps around your one shoulder to keep you from backing away from him. He straightens out to his full height, towering above you and as you follow his tall body up to his expression, you hate how he is smiling. A loathing, off-centered smile that gleams on his handsome face. The feeling to run grows so strong in your mind that for a moment you can barely ignore it. There’s something wrong. But of course you remain, you just want to make him feel better. “It’s not like that at all. They are my friends. I love volleyball.”
“You love me, Y/N-chan?” he asks then, dark eyes glazing over.
“I— I’m your biggest fan,” you settle on responding. Wouldn’t it be too much to admit you love him, even if you do? He doesn’t seem to take it, looking down at you with thinly veiled irritation now. The fingers on your shoulder tighten, though you’re too distracted to notice. “I mean- Of course I… love… you, but not in an obsessed way! I just have a lot of respect for how hard you work,” you drawl out, throat closing up when the gleam on Kuroo’s face seems to drop in favor of something softer. Something like admiration. You used to love how he would wear his emotions on his face, but now it’s too much. He’s still not satisfied, you can see it. “And I’d do anything to make you feel better so-”
“Hah. Aren’t you just incredibly sweet,” he sighs, finally letting go of your shoulder. You can feel the weight of it long after it’s gone, warmth trailing down your limbs tentatively. You’re so glad you let out a trembling puff of relief. He takes a deep breath, before he smiles again. Softer, familiar, and your heart slowly comes back to life. This is how it’s meant to go, this is how you always imagined it as Kuroo leans down to brush a strand of hair away from your face back behind your ear, sweet and tender. Hair that you keep longer than you’d want because you know Kuroo likes it that way. You’re sure your stress of earlier was showing on your face, cheeks burning for attention. “You’re so pretty like this, my little fangirl. Mine.”
You don’t miss the drop in his voice, a possessive tone that seems misplaced. As he brushes a knuckle past your cheekbone, tingles pool in your belly. “I’ve had a really tough day today, you have no idea. But I’m glad you’re here now. I think I do know how to fix my shitty mood, actually!” He takes your hands in his then, enveloping them with soft traces of his fingers. He pulls you toward the side of the gym, dragging you behind him. Kuroo Tetsuro is holding your hands. It feels too quick, sprung on you so suddenly it makes your head spin, but they are just so warm around yours like you hoped they’d be. The dark-haired man looks back over his shoulder. “You said you will help me, right?”
“Mhm,” you smile, watching him, how his shoulders move under the red volley jersey and his hair waves softly with each step. And he’s still holding your hand. This must be a dream. You’re on a mindless path until he walks you past the lockers and the damp feeling of the shower air hit your face. That’s when you slow your feet and pull against him a little, blinking out of your daze to glance to the side. Kuroo turns to face you. “Hey, this is the boys’ room.” Your obvious statement makes him chuckle, one hand coming up to cup your cheeks and though it’s insanely overwhelming, you don’t have the heart to pull back. He squishes your cheeks together until your lips turn into a cute, little pout.
“You’ve never been in a boys’ locker room, sweet thing? You’re just that good, huh?” Kuroo stares you down with his pretty, golden eyes while you fail to answer. Isn’t being good supposed to be a positive thing? But he says it like it’s something dirty, like you’re not quite right and you can’t help the sinking feeling that fills you to the brim. He pushes the door to your side into lock, the loud clang making your heart race. When he turns back to you, the darkness in his face is what scares you most. 
Cats don’t eat cats, do they— 
He doesn’t hesitate to grab you by the shoulder and shoves you up against the lockers, your back connecting with the cold metal sharply. You wince, his hand still around your cheeks. It’s so much bigger than you, you realize, he’s so much bigger than you. That never scared you before, but now you’re painfully aware of the looming shape and the way he’s able to look down at you like this. You swallow and keep his golden gaze. But he releases his hold on your face to hold the back of your neck, long fingers splayed across the soft skin, before leaning down so far into you, you can feel the tremble of his breath on your face. “Would you like me to kiss you?”
Your eyes are wide, unbelieving. Of course you do, but… You wait for what feels like a lifetime, his warmth too close to you. You can’t say no, can you? So you nod and drop your shoulders, eyes fluttering closed. If he were to kiss you all those uncomfortable feelings swirling inside would surely vanish. Kuroo hovers his lips over yours, you can feel them so close, but no more than that. And he chuckles, tilting your head to the side with two fingers instead. “No. You don’t deserve it yet. Don’t you think you have to work a bit harder for it? I know you’re good at that.” 
He walks toward you until you’re fully pinned to the cold locker in between his legs, as he connects his lips with your neck. His lips are so hot, like steaming coals on you, and you can’t help but grab onto his bicep for support. It flexes under your touch. He kisses down your throat and jaw, lips dragging trails of kisses and tongue carving paths down to your collarbones and to the edge of your shirt.
And you’re so overwhelmed that the person you’ve loved for so long is actually touching you, that you don't notice how tight his grip is wrapped around your neck, fingertips pressing ovals into the expanse. “You just wanted this the whole time, huh,” he coos, voice sickly sweet. But when he looks up at you from under those lashes, the gold in his eyes has the sharpness of a blade, daring you to reply. You shudder when his hand drops down to drag your shirt up. “Bet you’ve had so many guys hoping that one of them would feel and taste like me.” He unceremoniously shoves it up from your body, over your shoulders. You look to the side where it drops to the floor, your school uniform a crumpled mess.
“Kuroo-san,” you bring out, self consciously wrapping your arms around yourself to cover up. You don’t like this. You don’t like him telling you that you’ve had people just to prepare for him, don’t like him eating up the sight of you like you’re a piece of meat and you definitely don’t like how he presses his thigh in between your legs to pin you up to the locker. “W-what are you doing?”
He huffs in amusement, tangling his fingers into the hair at the top of your neck to tug back your gaze towards his. “You can drop the politeness, silly girl,” he says again, letting go to brush softer circles into your skull. His lips brush over yours as you stand there, trembling, unsure what to do. How can you say no to him if he’s here, so close, with you for the first time in ever? He taps his fingers on your hands to make you release your hold on yourself, which you do with a bit more coaching. Maybe you just think this is going way too fast because it is him. The boy that offers his friends water before drinking himself, the one with the loud laugh that rings through the halls and makes your heart thump. The guy you’ve been head over heels with. That one. 
This is okay, you say to yourself, calm down. His other hand traces along the bottom of your bra as soon as you drop your arms to the side, slipping a finger under just enough to lift it from your skin and you shiver. “You gonna take this off for me?” he asks, rubbing his thigh in between yours more. You can’t answer because you’re dropping your head back against the locker, overwhelmed and unsure still, with the lack of oxygen getting to you all you can do is let out a little whimper. You don’t know a lot about this, you’re sure he does. The hand around your neck drops so he can flip your skirt up, chuckling at your cute panties. You look down in embarrassment and attempt to shove the plaid fabric back down over your thighs but then he lets out a growl, holding it in place. “You wear my name on your body like my personal whore. Don’t play too shy to follow through.” 
His long fingers trace over the edges of the panties, where you take deep breaths to calm down. You can’t help but push your waist down on his muscular leg for some friction, looking to the side when he chuckles. “You really are a little slut.” This time you shake your head though, pouting at him.
“I’m not, Kuroo.”
“Liar,” he breathes, pressing his nose to the crook of your neck. “You act like a well-mannered princess but we both know you want to be put in your place.” Not waiting up for a response, he lifts you by your thighs up higher, so he can bury his face into your covered chest, dragging his tongue over the one cup. You can feel the wetness of his tongue seep through the lacy fabric onto your skin. It’s warm and uncomfortable, his breath cooling your skin down instantly. “If you’re not going to take it off, I will,” he gleams, looking up to check your expression again. Ever so slowly he starts pushing the fabric up, not bothering to unhook the piece of clothing. Instead he toys with brushing over your pointed nipples, kissing up your sternum. His eyes flick to yours continuously, like he’s making a show of undressing you. He licks his lips, leaning towards you again.
“Kuroo,” you manage to mumble, resting your one hand on his shoulder to push him away from you. You stumble when you land back on your feet, looking down at the floor. Burning heat covers your entire face, from your cheeks up to your ears. It’s physically painful to be so near him, and the tight grip on your thighs isn’t helping. Your heart is pitter pattering so hard it might break through your ribcage. Despite how much you dreamed about falling in love with him, it wasn’t like this. “I don’t think this is a good idea. I have to lock up the halls and go home.” Your friend’s voice rings through your head then, something about bad guys and the way they prey on kind girls like you, creating cold goosebumps along your arms again. Kuroo Tetsuro can’t be one of those guys, you’ve looked up to him for so long. If he is, what would you even do? “I want to—” 
“Don’t lie,” he interrupts, glaring up at your disapproval, “don’t ruin this for me.” Without hesitation he locks his mouth onto your exposed skin, rubbing his knee against your covered center, hard. It sends a spike of heat down your body. You breathe out at the rough laving of his tongue, only soothing after he sucked and bit the tender skin. His one hand reaches up to pull down your panties from under your skirt as soon as you’re closing your eyes, and though you open your mouth to stop him he shuts you up by pinching your thigh sharply between his long fingers. “I told you to stop lying to me. Whatever comes out of that pretty mouth next best be the truth.” He trails his digits up and down a few times, the slightest soothing to your anxiety.
“I… I just don’t—” you swallow, looking away from his eyes to focus on the shine of the lights. They make your eyes burn, but at least you don’t have to undergo his vicious glare this way. It really feels like he despises you for even breathing in his direction, though then why would he be kneeled in front of you. The conflict makes you nauseous, more insecure than you’ve ever been around him and your throat closes up a bit. When his stroking stills, you push through the words anyway. “I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
He laughs. A warm, bubbly sound against your thigh. “No one’s ever stuffed you with their fingers before?” He looks gleeful, nuzzling your hip in a too-intimate gesture. You’re his fan, but he barely knows anything about you. You slowly shake your head, cheeks warming. His hands start moving again as he shuffles closer between your thighs so his mouth is level with your chest. As he eyes you up and down, he giggles to himself. “Did my slutty fan get herself off on the thought of me? D’you beg for me when coming around your useless, little fingers?” You bite your lip, eyes flicking down at him when he calls your name. “I’m waiting for an answer~”
“I don’t—,” you bite out, flustered and feeling small. He must hear the edge in your voice. With a quick flick of his wrist, he brings his down on your thigh, pinching you hard for good measure. You yelp and grab hold of his head to steady yourself, before quickly pulling your hand away again. He doesn’t seem to mind.
“Wanna try again?” he mumbles though, trailing two fingers up and down the crotch of your panties. It feels warm, and really good, but you’re still cold to the touch. Is this really okay? You doubt it. When he starts licking at the edge of your panties you shudder, letting your weight fall into the sturdy locker for support. “Hm, d’you get off to me?”
You pull your bottom lip into your mouth. You might have touched yourself down there once or twice, but in your imagination that was always long after he’d gotten to know you. In your imagination he was gentle, caring. Nothing like the impatient trailing of his fingers, like he can’t wait to play a game you never agreed to. At his golden gaze, you let the truth spill. “Sometimes,” you breathe, immediately hiding your face in your own shoulder from embarrassment.
“That’s what I thought, dumb girl.” He pushes your panties unceremoniously to the side to collect the slick there, grinning. You didn’t even notice you were getting wet while trying not to anger him. He doesn’t waste time taking advantage of this fact though. He spreads your bottom lips open with his fingers, looking up at you easily. His deep voice feels loud in the pressing silence of the abandoned gym, and you can’t help but wonder how much trouble you’d get in if anyone found you here. “Listen, brat,” he calls, pushing his lips to the top of your thigh to bite the plush skin. You jerk away from him with a cry, but he doesn’t let up. 
“I’m gonna push my fingers inside that filthy cunny of yours, stretch out your little hole so you can actually fit something in there. ‘Cause I know you’re a good girl, so you’re probably gonna go braindead if I fuck you like this.” He chuckles at your hitched breathing. You can’t even begin to understand. The person you love more than life itself wants to fuck you? Well, his fingers are still playing down there, slowly pushing into you and they are thick, much thicker than yours. You can’t believe it. Kuroo Tetsuro wants to fuck you, in the boys locker room of the school gym while you should be long on your way out by now. No, you can’t. But you don’t find the words to speak up under his gaze, not wanting to disappoint him. If he notices your mental struggle, he doesn’t show it. “Then you’re gonna help me out like you promised by sucking my cock, right?”
You freeze up. You did say you’d help him, you said that didn’t you… But you didn’t know it would be like this, if you did you would’ve said ‘no’. You curse yourself for saying anything at all, trying to calm your heart as best as you can. You’re feeling so overwhelmed. By his touch, his presence, the situation, the stress put on your poor, frazzled brain. When two of his digits are halfway inside you, you let out a whimper. That’s at least three of your own, you already feel spread so thin. Your fingers find purchase in his soft, raven hair, needing anything to cling to. “Say, ‘Yes, Tetsuro’,” he coos, pressing a row of kisses over the front of your panties, chuckling at the little bow. But the sweet tone is taken away as soon as it comes. “Say it.”
“Y-Yes… Tetsuro.” He hums happily, shoving his fingers inside you in one swift move until his palm is against your center. Your legs almost give out at the feeling. “Ah- ah! S’too much, Kuroo.”
The raven haired man grins at that, curling his digits inside you and pulling them out just as quickly. Like striking a match. You reach up your hand to bite into it, hoping to contain your sounds. Your slick sounds ring through the empty locker room as Kuroo slides them back in and out at a punishing pace. “My dumb, pretty baby really is clueless, huh,” he sighs, long fingers sliding under your knee to place it instead on his shoulder.  It only debases you even more, struggling to stay upright as he brings his face in between your legs. When you whimper in embarrassment, calling his name, he scoffs. “You should let me play this how I want to, since you clearly don’t know anything.”
The curl of his long fingers brushing up against the soft, spongy part of your walls makes your brain numb. His words hurt. You don’t want them to, you wish they didn’t. “My dumb slut,” he hisses, before the harsh lines of his mouth are buried between your thighs. His tongue sweeps out to deliver a long swipe from his pumping fingers to the top of your slit, before swirling around the nub making you tremble. Your belly tenses, coil in the pit of your stomach growing irritatingly tight as he grinds his face against your pussy, obscenely slurping at the wetness. Your fingers twitch in his fluffy hair, attempting to comb through it best you can as your eyes flutter closed.
“Kuroo, ‘m close. Really close.” You can barely raise your voice enough to make it be heard over his motions, though he looks up at the call of his name. “I want to cum,” you say, “please.” He doesn’t still his fingers, but the twitch in his brows seems to indicate disaster, and you quickly bite your lip to think. “C-Can I?”
“D’you think this is about you, Y/N-chan?” He grins at your blown out expression, relishing in the wide eyes and bobbing lip. He uses his thumb to continue putting pressure on your clit, as he tuts his lips. “I’ll decide if or when you cum, because you’re mine. And when I decide to stuff this cunt you best consider yourself lucky, baby, that my cock is breaking open your perfect, little body.”
“Y-yes, but—” you bring out, ignoring the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You can’t hold it if his fingers only speed up their devouring of your body, mouth wrapping around you to suck hard.
“Don’t cum yet,” he mumbles, going so hard it’s making your vision sway. His tongue and mouth go harder, despite his order. And with mindless pleas you come around his fingers, shutting your eyes tight at the white splotches. Legs flexing and fingers tightening in his hair. You let your head drop as he works you through the feeling, until you’re pushing him off from overstimulation. Your cheeks feel akin to a forest fire when you open your eyes to his huff, tracing the lines of the hardwood floor under your feet. When he pulls his fingers out of you, you can feel some of the slick drip down your thighs and you instantly burn brighter.
But you don’t get to think about it, because Kuroo is straightening up before you, back to his overwhelming posture above you. He stares at you for a moment, before he leans in. Out of instinct, you lean back, away from his face when he wipes it. The glint in his eyes is a scorch mark on your sanity, his face so close to yours. “Can’t you listen to what I say, or are you just that cockhungry and stupid?” Your head is shaking side to side before you can stop it, hoping that you’ll be released soon. But you said you’d help him and if you don’t, Kuroo might hate you. You don’t think you could handle that. Rejection would’ve been better, after all. “Get on your knees and make it up to me.”
You choke back a sob at the order, looking up at him with big eyes again. You don’t want to, you don’t want to sit on the cold floor of the locker room where teenage boys drag their sweaty bodies— Kuroo seems to soften slightly at your expression, lowering his palm to your crown to pat your head, gently brushing over your temple. “You’re my biggest fan, aren’t you?” The low rumble of his voice right next to your face, his warm body so close and the curl of his pretty lips, everything makes you so docile. Dreamlike. “You’re really helping me so much,” he coos, and before you know it his mouth is on yours. His mouth… is on yours. And he tastes like you, and he’s kissing you. You freeze, not stopping him as he grabs your hands and loops them around his neck, his own picking you up to melt into an embrace.
Like two lovers in a painting, he claims your mouth with his tongue and curls your feeble body into him. So strong, with hard lines of his body that make your heart swell under your ribs. His hand on your thigh, the other on your neck, he kisses you and you think the stars might be exploding around you. He pulls back for a moment enough to breathe, before peppering another few kisses on your agape lips until you could turn black and blue from the bruising weight of your adoration. Kuroo brushes your hair away as you look at him, chest heaving against his each swell of your lungs. He starts peeling his lanky body away from you. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought that you were my biggest fan, but if you don’t—”
“No, I am!” you squeak, grabbing onto his jersey to keep his warmth close.
The noirette gives a faint smile, shaking his head. You don’t stop to question him acting so different from before, since your greedy brain clings to every word. “It’s okay,” he mumbles, “I’m used to being taken advantage of by girls.” His eyes shift to the side, lips dropping into a downturn. “They tell me how much they care about me so that I’ll have them, then leave me. I know my teammates are always the favorites anyway. So I understand that you don’t want to do anything more, it’s okay.”
“No Tetsuro, I want to, I swear!” you blurt out, grabbing his large hand despite the jitters in your system. He gives you a slight raise of his eyebrow. “I want to— s-suck you off.”
He chuckles, gaining back some of the brightness to his eyes. “You can’t even say it without stuttering.” The hand on your neck slides to your shoulder, slowly pushing you toward the ground. You hesitate for another moment, before dropping to your knees when the pressure becomes too heavy. When you’re eye level with his shorts, you swallow, bringing up your hands. The fabric is pulled taunt, showing off your effect on him. Ever so slowly, you pull the elastic of the red shorts down, taking his boxers with them in the process. You push them down until his hard cock is freed, curving up towards his belly and twitching with anticipation. Kuroo just bites his lip when you look up at him. “Give it your best shot, baby.”
He’s hot and heavy in your hand, tip glistening with precum. You slowly start moving your hand down his length, but you’re clearly not going fast enough because his hand is back in your hair, yanking you closer to his dick this time. He presses the tip to your lips, and you whimper out as you open your mouth. He’s quick to grab hold of himself to push inside, too quick and stretching you painfully. He’s big and wide and you immediately know you’ll ache once this is done. But as he starts working himself deeper, your eyes fluttering at the feeling and focusing on not choking, he makes pretty grunts that you tell yourself make this worth it. He reaches the back of your throat with plenty to spare, and you bring your hand up to hold yourself on his thigh. It stings.
But he doesn’t stop, even when you whimper around him and push at his leg. “Take it all the way,” he grunts, cocking his head back. The noises you make only make him more vocal, but you’re fighting through the feeling of panic in your chest. Each time he pulls back more saliva messes up your face, keeping Kuroo’s attention on the pretty way you take him. “You think you deserve my attention? My dumb, useless little bitch wants my approval?” He grunts when he hits the back of your throat again. “Because if you can’t even take my cock in your mouth without drooling all over yourself, I don’t think you do deserve it.” He slows his hips when you make a throaty sound, fingers tangled tight in your hair as he pushes in until your nose is pressed to his skin, before letting you back. You gasp for air when you’re finally let up, holding a sob that threatens to crawl out of your throat.
“Kuroo, I can’t,” you bring out, wiping your fingers under your eyes to get rid of any tears, but he doesn’t let go. Your voice is already raspy, grating against your tender throat.
“Yes you can, you’re doing well.” He pushes his cock back to your lips and though you’re more prepared for it this time you’re still shocked by how big he feels. Spit seeps out along the edges of your mouth, tongue being pushed down and your lungs struggling. He moves your head up and down his cock over and over, barely leaving you enough time to take a couple deep breaths. He slowly starts fucking your face when the tears spill over your cheeks and clump your lashes, hissing when you gag on him. “That’s how you suck a cock, idiot. Can’t do anything right without my help, can you?” His words just make you cry more. He bruises your throat until you can’t take any more, pulling out of his grip despite the pain and falling back onto your butt.
“Kuroo,” you cry out, losing control over your own tears. Your voice sounds double, like it’s been split in two. “I don’t like this.” A little squeak falls from your lips, airways painful and ragged. “I want—,” this time you can’t hold back the sob, “I want you to be nice to me.” You sound so pitiful, even to your own ears. You’re crying. But the man you’ve looked up to for so long is calling you all these names, making you feel so dumb. Are you really that dumb for liking him, supporting him, being his fan? “I don’t wanna do any more.” Tears are flowing, wet and warm down your cheeks and neck. Stop, stop crying. You reach a hand up to smear them away, but in their place new ones still come. “Please, I wanna go home.”
“Shh, shhhh,” he hushes, petting the top of your head like you’re a well-behaving pup, and you hate how you lean into it. The idea of yourself makes you sick to your stomach. Why are you even letting him walk all over you like this? Is this really the amount of self respect you have? Kuroo peers down at you between his legs. “You’re doing so well for me. You’re the best fan I could ask for. I’m sure you can take a bit more.”
“No,” you squeak when he reaches for your face again, “it hurts and I don’t like it.”
Kuroo stills. Regards you with a long, drawn-out breath, before humming in what you pray is understanding. “Alright,” he helps you up from the floor, steadying you in his arms and moving you both to one of the benches instead. “I wouldn’t want to hurt my number one fan, would I?” He sits down on the bench first, pulling you to sit on his thighs facing him. You wipe the mess of tears and saliva away as best you can, watching as Kuroo slides you closer to him without a care in the world. And you want to be mad, you want to push off him and do anything other than sit here and take it, but you can’t. You can’t, because you’re weak. You can’t, because you’re an idiot fangirl, and he’s been everything you’ve wanted since you were thirteen.
“Push your legs together,” he orders, squishing your thighs and reaching down to slip his cock in between them. He fucks your legs with the last of his restraint, pace from fast to punishing, kneading the doughy expanse between his fingers and pressing his forehead to your shoulder. You can feel the warmth of his breath, the shudder down his spine and the tensing of his legs below you, but you don’t process it. Everything feels far away. And then he calls out your name, and cums on your thighs, spilling white all over your panties and skin. He kisses your neck, and your lips after that. And you just stare at the tiles of the boys room showers before he slides you off of him. 
Your legs tremble. He quickly uses a towel to clean himself up before tucking himself back in, and smiles down at you. “Thank you so much, baby, that was perfect.” He leans down to press a kiss to your temple as he hands you the towel. “Clean up?” The fluffy towel with the red cat embroidered on it is stained with the cum you clean off yourself, as tears roll down your face. You loved him so much, but now you just hate him. Embarrassed, hurt, useless. Kuroo’s bright face as he talks is another slap in yours. “Lighten up, I’ll lock up the gym for you, okay?” He smiles when you lift your eyes to his figure in the doorway, your crumpled skirt bunched in your hand. “And don’t even worry about it, I’ll walk you home. It’s the least I could do for my fan.”
It is the least he could do.
You nod and put up your most convincing smile.
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thank you so so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed. did this have to be so long? probably not. did i make it that long anyway? yes. mean kuroo will live rent free in my brain for the coming six months.
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kozumekenza · 3 years
on my mind :: five
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:: suna rintarou x f!reader :: playlist :: masterlist ::
:: taglist: open :: wc: 2.2k ::
After a drunken one-night stand with your ex, you thought you could get him out of your life for good. Unfortunately, the two of you can’t seem to keep away from each other. Why can’t you leave each other alone? And more importantly, why is he still on your mind?
tw: alcohol, profanity, mentions of sex
author’s note: this chapter is v self-indulgent + fluffy but i hard a hard time getting it to flow while covering everything, so i’m sorry if it some parts seem kinda confusing. as always, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy this chapter <3
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After another week of deliberation, you were no closer to determining if another relationship with Suna would be worth a shot. You didn’t hear from him or speak to him at practice, even after you rejoined the team on the court later in the week. He kept his distance, seemingly wary of talking to you after you left him at his kitchen table Saturday morning. 
You weren’t quite sure what to make of it. Based on his reaction Saturday, you guessed he was probably pissed at you, and you didn’t blame him. He had specifically warned you about regrets on Friday night, and you completely blew him off, just to tell him you regretted everything the next day. It was a dick move on your part, and you understood that. There weren’t any excuses; it was simply your drunk versus sober self warring against each other. 
Nonetheless, you still felt awful. You kept your distance; you didn’t want to further anger Suna with your presence. During practice, you kept to the sidelines, performing your duties with a calculating eye and absolute precision. 
Still, by the end of the week, you were exhausted. Besides the intense contemplation you were performing in your head, work was also draining. Sakusa Kiyoomi sprained his wrist (apparently, it happened quite often), Yaku Morisuke nearly tore his ACL (a devastating injury for a libero), and on top of it all, Hinata Shoyo somehow managed to break two toes, his pinky finger, and got a concussion. Top it all off with the fact that Tobio Kageyama was always hovering over Hinata when he was injured, questioning your every move, and you had a recipe for disaster (or at least extreme exhaustion). By the time Friday’s afternoon practice was finished, you were ready to fall asleep while standing up.
You said your goodbyes to the team, approved the weekend’s schedule with Iwaizumi (it was your turn to work Sunday’s practice match), and took the train home. After unlocking your apartment, you debated whether or not you should go straight to bed without dinner or suck it up and make something quick and easy. In the end, your desire to not wake up starving at five in the morning won, and you went to change before starting dinner. You threw on some old running shorts and Suna’s stolen jersey, which had become your new favorite sleep shirt (who could blame you, it was comfortable as hell). 
However, a quick search through your cabinets and fridge showed that you had almost no food, whatsoever. Not a big deal, you could just run to the convenience store down the street. 
So you did, with no makeup, dressed in sleep clothes, hair in a messy bun. 
Grabbing a basket, you made your way around the small store, ignoring the stares you received from other customers (you chose to believe it was just because of your tangled hair, but you knew it was because you were wearing a Japanese National Team jersey). You picked up some eggs and noodles for ramen, along with some broth. You were in the frozen food aisle, considering the merits of cookies and cream versus matcha ice cream, when someone tentatively called your name.
You spun around, cursing yourself for not at least putting on a jacket, when you began to curse yourself even more for wearing the stupid jersey. 
You came face to face with Suna Rintarou, who was considering you with a pained expression on his face. 
“Hey, Suna,” you switched your basket from one hip to the other, “what are you doing here?”
He held up the package in his hand. Jelly fruit sticks. “Had a craving.”
You inclined your head. “Cool.”
“What about you?”
You looked down at the basket. “Needed stuff to make ramen.”
He nodded, then looked off to the side before looking back at you. “Um, y/n, who’s jersey is that?”
Panicking, you laughed. “Just an extra I found.”
“Really? It has my name on the back.”
Shit. “Oh, well, must be a coincidence, I guess.”
He cocked his head to the side. “I also lost mine a few weeks ago.”
“Oh wow, that’s awful, I’m sorry.” You turned, trying to make an escape.
You looked back at Suna. “Yeah?”
“That’s my jersey.”
You laughed again, dread really becoming apparent now. “What? No way.”
Suna just continued looking at you. “Your bra is at my apartment.”
You quickly shook your head. “No-”
“So is your torn skirt.”
“No, tha-”
“We slept together.”
“Yeah, but only-”
“No, def-”
“And you knew.”
You were really starting to panic, hands waving around, like that would somehow convince him. “No, no, no.”
Suna looked you in the eye. “We need to talk.”
You sighed, accepting defeat. “Yeah, I guess we do.”
After awkwardly paying for your food and an even more awkward walk back to your apartment, you and Suna were finally in private.
“D’ya want anything to drink? Water, soda, juice? Wine, something a little stronger? Vodka?”
Suna just sighed, shrugging out of his jacket. “Water’s fine, thanks.”
You poured him a glass of water and yourself a glass of wine, but not before taking a few shots of vodka. You were going to need it to get through this. You approached with the glasses, setting one down in front of Suna before curling up on the other end of the couch. 
“Nice place you got.”
“Thanks.” You sipped from your glass, waiting for Suna to make the first move. When it became apparent that he wasn’t going to speak until you did, you spoke up. “I’m-”
You laughed, setting down your glass. “You can go first.”
Suna took a deep breath. “We both have fucked up, in the past and now. I’ll admit it. The way I treated you in high school was shitty, and it’s taken me a long time to own up to it. I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you back then. And I don’t know if it’s you getting back at me, or purely coincidental, but I’m kinda hurt that you hid this from me. I mean, for fuck’s sake, y/n, I talked about it in front of you. And you just kept quiet!” You silently watched as Suna took a sip of water. “I guess my main question is why. Why didn’t you say anything to me? Were you just hoping that I would never find out?”
You assessed Suna, allowing yourself a moment to think. “I didn’t hide it from you to get back at you. I’ve long since forgiven you for all of the shit in high school, and it wasn’t just you. I was immature and insecure back then, so for what it’s worth, I’m sorry too. I think I didn’t say anything because I was scared. I mean, I woke up that morning in your apartment, with no memory of the night before, and I hadn’t seen you in eight years. I had no clue what happened or why I was there. I didn’t know why you were in Tokyo, and honestly, I thought you would’ve been disgusted. We hadn’t spoken to each other in a long, long time. I didn’t want our first meeting after all those years to be an awkward morning-after. And about the jersey,” you laughed a little to yourself, “that was pure coincidence. I had no clue what I had taken until I got home, and I had no idea how to return it.”
Suna nodded, seemingly thinking something over before speaking. “I forgive you. I’m not even that upset about everything, to be honest. I think it just kind of hurts that you kept it from me. And I’ll admit, I was really bothered when you just left last Saturday. I don’t know how much of what you said Friday night is true, and I was a little drunk too, but I meant everything. I didn’t want you to have any regrets, and I don’t regret it.” He chuckled to himself, “I mean obviously, I wish we had slept together under different circumstances, and I wish that you didn’t regret it either, because it clearly made you upset.”
“I think it just took me by surprise, that was all. I had promised myself that I wouldn’t get drunk and sleep with you again, and I did exactly that. I was upset at myself, and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.” You made eye contact with him, hoping that your eyes could convey the emotions that your words could not. “For what it’s worth, I meant everything as well. I did miss you, all those years we were apart, but I hope you understand why I had to leave back then. We were tearing each other apart, constantly. I had to do the hard thing and get out before there was nothing left.” Tears started to well up in your eyes, and you quickly wiped them away. “I had to leave. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, because I loved you,” your voice broke, “no, because I still love you, so much. For eight years, I focused on bettering myself, and I tried every single day to forget about you, but you were always on my mind. And I was terrified when I saw you again, fuck, I’m still terrified. But you’re my best friend, you always have been, and I love you, Rin.” You couldn’t stop the tears that were flowing now, after bearing your heart. You let Suna pull you in, and cried into his chest as he stroked your hair and whispered calming words. When the tears finally stopped, you remained tucked into Suna, your head underneath his chin. 
“I never stopped thinking about you, or loving you.” Now Suna was the one who sounded close to tears. “You can ask ‘Tsumu. I always asked him for updates on you. I remember, when I got my National Team letter, the first thing I did was ask ‘Tsumu if you’d be a trainer here. I kept up with you, and I knew you had just completed your training with another team. So I knew you were gonna be here, and I thought, maybe, just maybe, this was my chance. Our chance to fix the whole ‘right person, wrong time’ thing we had. ‘Cause that’s what I’m convinced it was. We just didn’t know how to balance each other out yet or how to be in a real relationship yet. We were still kids, learning about ourselves and the world. When you left, I was determined to not make it the last time I ever saw you. I knew you had to leave, had to find your place in the world, without me. I never blamed you. You did the hard part by leaving. What you didn’t know, though,” Suna hugged you a little closer, “is that I was always there, right next to you, cheering you on.” Now the both of you were crying. “I want to fix things with you, make things right. If there’s anything I learned last Friday,” Suna gave a wet laugh, “it’s that we can still talk to each other, and we can do it better than we ever did. I want to be with you, again. I want there to be an us, again.”
You sat up a little, putting some space between the two of you. This, you weren’t so sure about. You looked to the side, trying to avoid Suna’s pleading eye contact. “Rin,” you looked back up at him, “you know I love you. You know I missed you so, so much. But I just need a little bit more time. And I’m sorry to even ask you-”
“Shh, shh, it’s okay.” He held you close as you began crying again. “I understand, I do. I’ll wait, as long as you need me too, I’ll wait for you. Just promise me that you’ll let me know when you’re ready.”
You nodded against his chest. “I promise, Rintarou. Thank you.”
You stayed there, head on his chest, just listening to his heartbeat. It felt as if a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. It was nice to get everything off of your chest, to figure out where the both of you stood with each other. It was nice to know that you would have the time and space to sort your head out, to fully work out if a relationship with Suna was a good idea or not. There were still so many aspects of your high school relationship that you had pushed to the side years ago, and you needed to sort through it. You needed to separate that Suna from this Suna, the old you from the present you. You needed time to be in a better mental state, one where you could give him your all. 
But you knew, no matter how much time it took, Suna would be waiting for you. 
When Suna finally left your apartment, it was hours and a teary goodbye later. You promised to keep in touch, and he promised to give you time and space. 
You went to bed feeling significantly lighter, dreaming about a future where you could fall asleep on Suna’s chest every single night. 
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taglist: @sunasexual @call-me-lulu​ @ntimacy​ @circleglasses​ @porcolie​ @keikotaro 
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iwaisa · 4 years
request. Njanidnjan hiiii!! 1. May I request Lev and Aone (separate) with a really small like 5’0, cannot reach tall places, needs help getting cereal, male if you’re okay with male reader, maybe slight nsfw+sfw if you do that? Sorry!! 2. CanI have an anon emoji?? I rlly like your blog and I’ll probably do anons a lot :) - anon
a/n. omg tall boys 🙈🙈 thank you for requesting !! (≧∀≦) this is also my first time writing character x male reader content so if you have any advice for me, let me know !
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lev and aone with a short boyfriend
- pairings. lev and aone x male reader
- genre. nsfw
- warnings. NSFW, hand jobs (both receiving)
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► now shuffling...
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sighs 😪 i love him
you two met during your second year of high school
he didn't have anyone to make fun of their height since yaku graduated so he turned to you :DD
you had to tutor him for math since he was a volleyball idiot
he never paid attention to the worksheet in front of him, and you always caught him staring at you
most of the time he would ask you questions about your height
“are you drinking enough milk, l/n-kun?”
he constantly tried to get you to join the volleyball team as a libero but you politely declined
instead, you promised him you would go to each of his games and cheer him on
he grabbed you under your arms and started swinging you around
“yaaaay! l/n-kun can finally see what a great ace i’ll become!”
you smacked him and yelled at him to put you down
you kept your promise and went to every single one of his games
and he always came to find you after them asking if he was getting better
when you said yes he went to pick you up again but he stopped himself
he smiled and grabbed your hand in his and told you he wanted to go celebrate with you
this happened after every game, whether it was a win or lose for nekoma
one time the two of you went to get ice cream from a convenience store and he found a stray cat with h/c fur and e/c eyes
he picked it up and started laughing
“it’s you, l/n-kun! it’s cute like you too!”
when you asked him what he meant he just nonchalantly said that he likes you
he’s not even looking at you while he says it he’s still looking at the cat lmao
he got kinda nervous when you didn't respond and nearly dropped the cat to snap his head towards you
he turned away from you and put the cat back on the ground and started frowning
until you grabbed his collar and yanked him down to kiss you
“come on in, lev.” you smiled as you let your giant of a boyfriend into your house. you stopped yourself from rolling your eyes as you watched him duck into your doorway. “thanks, f/n!” 
the two of you walked into the main room and you told him he could sit down at the table. you walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet to get a packet of ramen. you stood on your toes as you attempted to grab at the corner of the package, only to push it further back into the cabinet. you clicked your tongue and began climbing up on the counter. 
all of a sudden, lev quite literally appears behind you and places his hands on your back. you jumped as he leaned in to whisper into your ear, “can’t reach the top shelf, huh?” 
“lev you dick, just help me get the ramen,” you sighed. “what if i want something else?” you stopped reaching for the packet and put your hand down. “oh. okay, what do you want then?” 
there was a beat before lev answered, “you.” you felt your face flush as lev continued to rub his hands up and down your arms and drift towards your thighs. you turned around and swung your legs off the counter, bringing lev in closer. 
lev wasted no time in leaning down to lock lips with yours. his hands continued roaming around your body as he went to cup your growing hard on. you moaned into his mouth as he pressed harder, palming your erection through your shorts. 
“already hard for me, huh f/n?” he smirked. “oh shut up. it’s your fault.” he pouted, “is it a crime to want to love my boyfriend?” he jutted his lip out. you sighed and pulled him in for another kiss. 
he slipped his hands under the waistband of your boxers and pulled out your cock, which was now dripping with precum. “tell me if i should stop, okay?” you nodded as he began to stroke both of your cocks together. 
“lev...” you panted. he smashed his lips onto yours and continued stroking faster. you clawed at his back and he moaned in appreciation. “f/n, i’m gonna cum-” as soon as he said that both of you came at the same time. 
while panting, lev peppered you with kisses and leaned over to grab paper towels. he cleaned the two of you up and kissed your forehead. you hopped off the counter and pulled your shorts up as lev reached up to grab the ramen packet. “i’ll go make this now!” you grabbed onto his hand and stared him in the eyes, “lev, didn’t you tell me that the last time you tried to make ramen you burned the noodles?” “...yeah-” “then i’ll do it.” 
you reached up to grab the packet and kissed his cheek. you couldn’t stop your legs from shaking as you made the ramen. you turned around to see lev leaning his cheek on his hand, smirking at you cockily. 
“we should do that more often!” you laughed and rolled your eyes as he came up behind you to press chaste kisses against your neck. “..love you, f/n.” you reached back and patted his head. “i love you too, lev.”
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congratulations! you get this super intimidating (eyebrow-less) dude as your college roommate!!
you were PETRIFIED of him
but eventually you find that he's just a giant softie! (emphasis on the giant… this dude is 6’3”...)
one time you come back to your apartment and he’s feeding a cat
you’re like,,, “aone?”
he turns around and looks at you tilting his head a bit
“whatcha got there?”
��,,,a stray”
“yeah 🙂”
you two take the cat to the vet and go to the store to buy all of the materials needed
he thanks you for not kicking the cat out
🥺🥺🥺 -
months pass and you can’t seem to stop thinking about him and how he’s truly just a huge softie at heart
one day you just let it slip
“takanobu,, i know it’s a little...weird,,”
he’s sitting on the floor with the cat in his lap and he turns to you
“but um… you can just ignore it if you think it’s um.. weird”
“i don’t think you’re weird f/n.”
you take a deep breath and just let loose
“i think i’m in love with you”
he just sits there with a blank look on his face and you’re pretty sure you just ruined your friendship with your roommate
you quickly turn around telling him you’re going to the store and asks if he needs anything
as soon as you place your hand on the door he grabs your hand
“w-wait.. i love you too.. f/n.”
“dammit,” you mutter as you find yourself climbing onto the counter. again. you can't help but curse the apartment builders for making the cupboards so damn high. 
it’s ten in the morning and all you want is a damn bowl of cereal before your morning class. you climb up onto the counter to grab the box when you hear the door open. your boyfriend, takanobu walks in and stops in his tracks when he sees you sitting on the counter. 
“...f/n? what are you doing on the counter?” you sigh and point to the cereal box that just keeps getting pushed back into the cupboard. “oh. here let me help you.” he comes up behind you and reaches up to grab the box, handing it to you. you thank him as he holds out his hand to help you off the counter and he nods. 
you turn around to pour the cereal into the bowl. you grab the milk from the fridge and begin pouring it into the bowl when you feel takanobu wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle his face into your neck. “how was class?” 
he didn’t answer for a second before groaning, “boring. i missed you.” the tips of your ears turned pink as you chuckled. “i missed you too.” there’s a minute or two of silence as takanobu starts to leave light kisses on your neck. you lean back into him and he groans. your eyes widen as you feel a bulge through his joggers. 
“...sorry. i’m just happy to finally be back to see you…” he mutters. you smirk as you begin to grind into his crotch. he starts to pant as he continues leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on your neck. his hands make their way down to your sweatpants, but he stops suddenly. 
you two haven’t made it past making out yet, and you could faintly feel his body start to shake. “takanobu? what’s wrong?” he holds you closer to him, “...are you alright with this? we don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable yet…” you turn around and stop him by pressing a finger to his lips. “i’m ready whenever you are.” he nods and you can see the faint pink tint making its way onto his cheeks. 
you stand on your toes and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down. you press your lips to his and he leans down to pick you up. you slip your tongue into his mouth and he groans, walking to his bedroom. he sets you down on the bed and sits in front of you. he pulls away and hooks his fingers around the waistband of your sweatpants. he stops and looks at you, before continuing to pull your pants and boxers down when he sees you nod. 
you pull his joggers down and pull his cock out. he already looks painfully hard, and his tip is a pretty red colour. you moan when you feel him swipe his finger against your slit. you look up at him and you see him staring down at your cock. you scoot in closer and begin kissing him again as you press your cocks together, beginning to stroke them. he moans into your mouth and you already feel yourself beginning to cum. he slips his tongue into your mouth and you grunt in surprise. 
takanobu rarely takes initiative, and you feel your release coming even sooner. “taka… i’m gonna..” your words turn into a moan when you feel him squeezing your ass. a few more pumps takanobu cums into your hand, with you cumming soon after. you open your eyes to find takanobu staring at you. his face was bright red and he was mouth was agape. he says quietly, “i love you.”
176 notes · View notes
cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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♡   f l u f f v e m b e r   2 0 2 0   ♡ 
♡  week three  —  kuroo tetsurou   |   first date
♡  summary  —   it was just a boba date, what could go wrong? apparently, everything or highschool student kuroo tetsurou finds a way to epically mess up his first date with you
♡  masterlist  ♡
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It was Kuroo’s first date.
No, scratch that. He had had dates before. But it was the first time he had ever asked someone out. Kuroo had managed not to stumble over his own words as he invited the libero from the girls’ volleyball team to a boba date. Kuroo waited for you after class and walked you to the gym, as your team was using the space that day. He noticed the blush on your cheeks as you agreed, trying to play it cool. He couldn’t blame you as he was trying to do just the same (he did wish he was doing a better job, though). You gave him your number and waved him off as you joined practice.
“What do you think about them?” he asked Kenma, as he walked him home after school. He hadn’t stopped talking about you in the past few weeks, bothering his friend about this joke you had made or the way he caught you staring in awe at a stray cat on the street. ‘Ask them out’, had been Kenma’s only advice (and a not-so-direct manner to shut him up). He then had watched Kuroo rehearse the question about whatever a boba date was in front of his mirror for a long time while he played with his Switch.
Kenma let out a long sigh, his eyes darting to the sky.
“They’re okay.”
“Just okay?”
“They offered me their notes one day I missed class,” Kenma remembered. Kuroo smiled and kept walking, hands in his pockets.
Tomorrow was going to be easy. He would meet you near the park and you would walk to this boba store he had found out was very popular on Instagram. You would walk around town, it would get cold and he would offer his jacket. Yes, Kuroo Tetsurou had it all planned and he was confident it was going to be a date to remember.
He really wished he had chosen his words more carefully.
Kuroo was already at the park when he realized he had forgotten his leather jacket. He cursed under his breath as he sat on one of the park’s benches. It’s going to be fine, he told himself. So what if you can’t lend her your jacket? That doesn’t mean anything. You both can still have a good time. He sighed and passed a hand across his face.
Keep it together.
He looked up at the sky and saw the grey clouds from that morning still lurking around. It had been raining for a couple of hours, but it had thankfully stopped before ruining his date. The air was cold, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. He just had to focus on being himself, relaxing and having a good time.
Kuroo turned around and saw you walking to him. It felt unreal to see you without your uniform, but he had to admit he liked it. It was like getting to know another part of yourself, a bit of what you liked and the knowledge you had dressed up knowing you were going to meet him. Still, you looked comfortable and he greeted you with a smile. He didn’t fail to notice the sweater you were carrying on one arm. Of course.
“Hey,” he replied, standing up and going to meet you. “Should we go?”
The walk to the boba store was filled with small talk and your laugh as he cracked a joke or two. He remembered why he asked you out in the first place, how your sole presence could brighten up even the grey clouds above both of you and make him forget all about the forgotten jacket. He watched you stare at the menu board and hum to yourself as you picked your order and told the girl behind the bar something he didn’t pay attention to.
“And you?”
Your voice brought him back from his daydreaming, and he finally looked at the board above both of you. His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the different combination and options shown there. Four steps? Thirty five flavours? Wait-- did he read correctly? Thirty-five? Kuroo was convinced it would be like going to Starbucks and just now he was realizing his mistake. Who invites someone over for boba tea when they don’t know anything about those stores themselves?
“Do you like mango?” you asked, once again bringing him back to reality. “The matcha mango one is really good and kind of sweet. I think you’ll like it,” you said, offering him a smile.
“Sure, that sounds good,” he said, his eyes darting to the other options on the board. “And also a couple of chocolate chip cookies,” he told the cashier, who added it to the list.
“Oh, I love those,” you muttered to yourself, and he grinned at your excited expression. Kuroo took his wallet out to pay for your drinks.
A chill ran down his spine as he found his card slot empty. Scared, he looked in every compartment of his wallet, and then inside his jeans pockets. Nothing. A vague memory of him needing some cash and taking out the card from his wallet to go to the ATM the day before crossed his mind. Of course. He hadn’t put the card back to his pocket when he returned home.
He couldn’t face you now. Who the hell takes someone to a boba store, not only not knowing anything about boba, but also forgets his money? He counted the cash he had and realized it wasn’t enough to cover for everything. Fuck. Fuck.
“I’m so sorry, I left my card at my house,” he said, his eyes fixed on his almost empty wallet.
“Oh, it’s okay,” you say, taking out your wallet and handing your card to the girl in front of you.
“I’ll pay you back, I’m actually so sorry”, he apologized, masking his deep embarrassment with a smile. You smiled sweetly at him while shaking your head and he managed to feel even worse than before.
As you waited for your orders, you looked at how nervous Kuroo looked. He didn’t look like the confident guy who you had been talking to the past few weeks, who always had a funny remark or proud smirk when he won a debate. You nudged your shoulder at him, forcing him to look at you again.
“Hey, did you manage to talk to the science teacher about that problem he got wrong?” you asked, trying to take his mind out of it. His eyes lit up, and he started rambling about the chemistry problem he noticed the teacher had been wrong about.
You kept listening to Kuroo as he picked up your order and looked for an empty table to sit with you. He found one at the back of the store and led you there. Kuroo sat in front of you and you watched him take special care in popping the lid of his drink with the straw, as if he was scared of somehow messing it up. You hid your smile and poked the lid of your own drink, taking a sip and humming at the known flavour.
“Had you come here before?” he asked.
“No, I usually go to one that is next to my house, but this is really good. The thirty-five flavours plus the toppins really gives you a lot to choose from,” you smiled, taking another sip and munching on one of the pearls. “How is practice going?”
“It’s good. We’ve actually invited some schools over next week for practice matches, so it should be fun. How is your knee going?”
You blinked at him in surprise.
“Hey, you remembered,” you said, a smile drawing on your lips.
“Of course I did,” Kuroo said, rolling his eyes playfully. “I’m a nice person.”
“No doubt there,” you chuckled. “I’m actually feeling a lot better. I still have another appointment with the physical therapist tomorrow and--”
You proceeded to explain about how your therapy was doing and Kuroo listened to you, all his senses focused on no one but the person in front of him. He wondered if you knew about the little mannerisms you had when you talked and daydreamed about telling you all about them, only this time you would be resting in his arms. He thought about taking the hand that was resting on the table but forced the thought out of his head. No, maybe in a while. It was too soon.
Kuroo has been on dates before, sure. But it was the first time he was the one who asked someone out. His previous dates had been fun, but they had also felt like he was talking to any other friend, hence why there never was a second date. So, this newfound nervousness was tearing him apart, forcing his confident self into unknown territory. He took a sip of his drink and noticed a combination of citrus and sweetness. Somehow, knowing you had picked it made it even better. You laughed at your own joke and he smiled back, entranced by your spontaneity, being thankful you had agreed to go out with him. Maybe--
Kuroo coughed.
You kept talking, unbothered.
He coughed again.
It took a couple of seconds for you to realize he was choking.
“Oh no, water? Do I bring you water?” you asked in fear. He saw you standing up, attempting to go ask for some water, but he tapped the table, making you look back at him. Kuroo shook his head and patted his chest with force twice. He coughed inside his hand a couple more times and finally he felt the damn pearl travelling down his esophagus and the air entering his lungs once again.
You took his drink and moved the straw up, making sure he only drank liquid and handed it to him, trying to soothe him. He didn’t look at you as he drank a few more sips, mentally kicking himself for being so entranced in watching you he forgot about the damn pearls in his drink. You waited for him to take a deep breath and continued your conversation.
(You didn’t mis the way Kuroo was way more wary whenever he brought the straw to his lips).
Almost an hour later, you decided to walk around town, finding a small volleyball court behind an Elementary School. You convinced him into joining some kids playing volleyball there, who were in need of someone to set for them. He watched in awe how you laughed, even if both you and him were not used to setting for someone. By the end, the sun was setting and you said goodbye to them, getting lost in the streets of Tokyo as the night started.
The signs from the stores shined brightly against your skin, making you look even prettier than before, Kuroo noticed. He knew it was almost time to let you go, but he had to admit he didn’t want to. Still, he was thankful he had gotten over the initial awkwardness. Spending the afternoon had only taught him more things about you to like, and he wished there was a way both of you didn’t have to go back home that night.
As you were both waiting to cross the street, he thought about holding your hand again. It was a small gesture, but he thought it was enough to let you know how he felt about you, in case you had wondered about the nature of the date. There wasn’t an inch of him that wasn’t intoxicated in your existance, the sound of your laugh, the way you talked with the kids as you played volleyball with them or the way you handed him his drink after he choked. Kuroo was falling, and he was falling hard. Honestly, if he didn’t end up kissing you by the end of the night, it would only be because he wanted to take his time and do things right by you.
The traffic light changed from green to yellow and Kuroo noticed a car speeding up. He put his arm in front of you and pushed you slightly backwards, shielding you, as the car passed in front of both of you.
Immediately followed by a big splash of water staining his white shirt.
Of course. It had been raining earlier after all.
The light turned red and the rest of the people started crossing the street, a couple of people looking back at the highschool student with the wet shirt.
Okay, it was a sign. Maybe it just wasn’t a good day to go out.
Kuroo let you move him aside and grab the hem on his shirt, squeezing it and trying to get rid of all the excess water. He watched you as you did, knowing there was no point. Even if it magically dried, the water was dirty and had already left an ugly grey stain.
It was time to call off the date.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered, squeezing his shirt as much as you could. Kuroo shook his head and gently guided your hands down. That wasn’t the way he expected to touch your hands for the first time.
“No need to be sorry, it wasn’t your fault,” he assured you, forcing a smile. “I’ll just throw this to the washing machine and it’ll be as good as new. But, um-- probably should head back now. Can’t get sick when we have those practice matches next week,” he explained, with a small shrug.
You nodded, slightly biting your lip. Before he could talk again, you took the sweater you had been holding under your arm and offered it to him.
“It’s over-sized, so it will fit you just fine,” you say, holding the sweater in front of him. You noticed the doubt in his eyes. “C’mon, I don’t want you to get sick either. And it isn’t really cold anymore, so I’ll be fine.”
Kuroo took your sweater and put it on. You had been right, it was big so it fit him nicely. Not to mention your scent was now even closer to him, a lovely mix of flowers and a bit of sweetness filling his senses. He looked at you, who were smiling softly at him and wished this date had turned out different.
“I’ll give it back to you Monday,” he promised, but you waved your hand.
“Don’t worry about it, take your time. Kind of looks nice on you,” you joked, pinching the hem of your sweater.
Why were you so sweet? You were trying for him not to feel as bad as he felt in that moment. It was probably one of the most laughable dates you had been in, he thought.
Forcing another smile, he offered to walk you to the station, to which you said it was fine. He should hurry and get home, so he didn’t catch a cold due to his wet shirt. Right. It was understandable you would want to finish the date soon.
Kuroo said his goodbyes and turned on his heel, the fake smile dropping from his face as soon as he did. He hadn’t taken more than two steps when he felt someone gripping on the sleeve of the sweater, forcing him to stop.
“Kuroo!” you called. He turned around again and faced you, his right eyebrow raising questioningly. “We should keep going back until we try all the thirty five flavours,” you said, a small smile playing on your lips.
He couldn’t stop himself from laughing, but this time, it was different. Despite everything that had happened, your eyes were still looking kindly at him, your lips slightly parted after basically asking him out on a second date.
And there wasn’t anything in the world Kuroo wanted more than that.
Before he could stop himself, he leaned down and pressed his lips against your forehead. He heard a small gasp eliciting from you, but then felt your hands closing on the sweater he was wearing. When he looked down at you again, he noticed how red your face was, all the remains of the confidence you had just shown him gone.
Kuroo smiled again. He could get used to seeing you like that.
“We should,” he agreed with a small nod.
In the middle of a busy street in Tokyo, no one paid attention to the tall highschool boy threading his fingers on your hair, but you could have sworn the whole world stopped every time Kuroo Tetsurou set his golden eyes on yours.
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seijohsfairy · 3 years
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you’ve been in love with kuroo tetsuro for years, silently supporting from the sidelines. it’s where you feel comfortable, felt- comfortable. so now that kuroo finds out you’re his most loyal fan?
.wordc. 9.5k tw manipulation, degradation!, corruption, bullying, dubcon/noncon, coercion, yandere kuroo, fingering, oral, Kuroo is on the world’s biggest ego trip
.author’s note. I finally finished this monster after struggling for so long ( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥) inspired by fanatic by @/jackrrabbit​. if you want to read an amazing bullying smut, it’s seriously perfection
An obsession. If someone asked, you’d never call it that. An appreciation of the sport maybe, or of the hard work and dedication of the players. But an obsession might’ve been more accurate, as you have been a fan for years now. At least you can admit it to yourself. Not a day goes by where you forget to think about volleyball, and more in particular, him. It’s not your fault it makes you so happy… It’s not at all, and yet—
You’re able to watch the young men through the open doors of the gym, the resounding bangs of spikes flattening against the polished floor filling the building. You huff out in the afternoon sun and hide under the sun-bleached, red parasol as best you can, before wiping a bead of sweat from your temple. Soon everyone will be pouring out of the classrooms, which brings a smile to your face. But for now, you spare another look inside the bright hall, following the red jerseys as they move swiftly around the court. The speed at which the balls connect with the floor have always impressed you, but your eyes are instead on the middle of the group, tracing the number one mindlessly.
“Senpai, are you alright?” your junior squeaks out. You flinch in surprise at her question, almost dropping the drink you’re holding in the process. Her short brown hair sticks to her face where a wide-eyed expression marks it, though a small, unsure smile stays in place. You quickly bring out a laugh though, waving off her concern.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry,” you put down the glass can and press your cool fingers to your forehead, smiling, “the heat just makes it hard to actually pay attention. Could you repeat that, please?”
“I’m just so glad you suggested this, s’all!” she beams, putting the last of the lemonade out on the table, each can in between ice packs. They’re already dripping, coming summertime close to unbearable. “My big brother always talks about the fanclub at home and that other teams don’t have a fanclub near as good as ours!” You smile at her while you pour chunks of ice into the white wine, putting it out too. The entire table is decorated with the team colors, flyers to one side, donation jar and cash register on the other, with all the drinks, ice pops and watermelon slices in the middle.
You even made all of the small, red cat charms that hang from the parasol yourself. A bit overkill perhaps, but no effort really feels big enough when you’re as dedicated to a team as you are, even if it’s embarrassing to say. But well… you’d do just about anything to support Nekoma and the man you’ve been crushing on for years now. While you peer up at the windows of the classrooms, mentally keeping track of just how much longer you’d have to wait for the rest of the fanclub to join you, you miss the proud look the younger girl sends your way. Yui, the libero’s younger sister, pulls her hair up in a tiny ponytail. “You must be so proud since you started it all by yourself.”
You look back down at her, flushing. “Of course I am proud of the fanclub, but I’m even more proud of our team. Y’know, I’ve been watching some of them since middle school and they all seem to enjoy it so much. It makes me want to support them in any way I can.” You’ve taken the requests of the team to heart to the best of your ability. Hopefully you can sell a lot, they’d really need new cleaning equipment and some of the shorts and jerseys could definitely be replaced with new ones.
“Of course Nekoma’s angel would say that,” a voice giggles, the black haired girl strolling up behind you. All the others walk close behind, right when the bell indicating the last class rings. The rest of the fanclub waves politely, many of the girls with their own healthy flush. “Make some space, Mrs. Kuroo, everyone will be getting out in a minute or so.” You give the other third-year a little poke in her side, looking down at the menu as you pick at the corner of the laminated sheet. It’s so silly, but the nickname makes you all warm inside. How nice it would be to actually be… well. You shouldn’t think so far ahead, or not ahead at all, since Kuroo Tetsuro has absolutely zero interest in you. The overflowing amount of love you have for him isn’t making up for anything.
“Don’t call me Mrs. Kuroo. It’s embarrassing,” you tell the raven-haired girl, glancing back inside the hall for just a moment to watch as said man gulps down his water, sweat drenching his hairline and dripping down his chin. “Even if I like it, he doesn’t know I exist.” Some of the girls coo at your admission, all of them at least aware that you’ve looked up to the Captain for years. Your friend sends you a knowing look, before cracking her fingers and getting to work on the cash register. She’s been trying to get you to say something for months, and with the last few weeks of high school growing closer and closer, you can’t even blame her.
But what would you even say to the guy you’ve crushed on for so long? After all, you’ve been in his class for three years now and he never once spoke to you directly either. He’d probably be creeped out by your dedication to him. Before you can think of any more, bunches of students start pouring out of the buildings, looking tired out by the day. When they see your stand, many of them light up, already taking out their wallets to get some cool lemonade. You clap your hands and look at the girls surrounding you, before nodding. “Alright, let’s do this! We’re going to sell everything out today. Yui, you get that side?” You turn to the first few customers and put on your best smile, handing them a menu. “Welcome to the Neko Outdoor Café! Would you like a drink?”
“Captain!” Yamamoto calls, pout more pronounced with each passing second. “Please let us take a break. Please.” He’s about to get on his knees and beg. “Come on, man. I need this.”
The raven haired man just lifts a brow in his direction, before turning his attention back to the bench so he can tie his shoelaces properly. “Shut up, you’re being noisy.” He doesn’t care to ask what the guy is on about, already more than annoyed at having to practice in this sweltering heat. Every movement feels slower than usual, it’s pissing him off.
“They’re going to sell out and leave, Captain!” the other tries again, tugging at the edge of Kuroo’s jersey like a child. In fact, he looks like he might burst into tears. The Captain ignores him.
“I’m sure they’re keeping some extras for us,” Yaku tries, smacking Lev’s hand away from his water bottle and downing the last of it.
Kenma hums. “You know they wouldn’t leave us with nothing, they’re all so thoughtful.” The setter is already trying to soothe a teary-eyed Yamamoto, while Kuroo straightens out to wipe himself down with a towel. “They probably have a whole pack of ice lollies stored away for after practice. Our cheer squad leader wouldn’t be caught dead forgetting about anyone.” At the mention of your name, the Captain frowns, the sound unfamiliar. “She even remembered to bring some mango for me last time, and I don’t even remember telling her I don’t like watermelon that much.”
“Who now?” Kuroo frowns. He pokes out his tongue to wet his lips, following his team’s gazes to outside the gym, where rows of students are lining up. He can just see the edge of a red table, curiosity peaked.
Kenma’s face blanks when he looks over at his long time friend. “The leader of the fanclub? She’s been to every one of our matches since like… eighth grade or something. How have you never noticed her?” Some of the boys turn to him in confusion too. Kuroo crosses his arms over his chest, before chewing on his answer. It’s not that he ignores anyone on purpose. But your name doesn’t ring a bell, neither does the description.
“Pretty sure she really likes you, too,” Lev suddenly says, getting up from his spot on the floor to bound closer to the door to watch past it. “She always wears clothes with the number 1 and your name on it. She’s very nice, she bought me chocolate milk after our last game.” He stares out the door for a moment longer, before perking up and waving for his older teammates’ attention. “Ooh ooh, she has ice creams for us, she’s calling. Can we please take a break, Captain?”
Everyone turns to the third year. Even Kenma is giving him an unspoken question with his expression. “Fine, whatever,” Kuroo just sighs, giving into their antics. “But after that we’re getting back to spike training and you better all jump higher than I’ve ever seen you jump.”
While waiting in line, he asks to point you out. You’re busy smiling at every single student that comes by, colored shadow falling over you because of the sun shade that is just as red as the rest of the table. Just as red as your flushed face, and as red as the shirt that you’re wearing with his name on it. You look kind, with a childlike joy on your face, innocent in the way you beam out warmth. And after staring at you for a while, you do start to look a bit familiar. Huh. So this is what his biggest fan looks like. He’s not let down, not exactly, though he does wish that you’d focus less on the lemonade and more on him as he waits in line with the rest of the team. But it’s understandable, you’re just trying your best. Even he can see that.
Suddenly, you look up from the cash register, having been shoved in the side with an elbow by your friend and in the split second he catches your eyes, he can see several emotions flash in them. The last one before you look away is definitely wide-eyed mortification though. You look away from him and turn to your friend, whispering something in her ear as your cheeks grow red-hot. You blank at her answer, before biting your lip. It’s strange, but something in the things you do are cute to him. How you nervously toy with the edge of your shirt. How you try to keep your eyes on the ground but glance back every so often anyway. How you put on a smile. You must really, truly like him. And he can’t say he doesn’t like at least that. That innocent expression on your face is to die for. Really.
After a minute or so, you seem to gather your wits and look up to walk from behind the stall. “Guys, you don’t have to wait in line. Come up here,” you wave them over, not looking at him at all. Somehow, this only makes him giddier, wanting to see you flush even harder. Maybe you’d pass out if he talked to you. Maybe you’d cry. Would you even be able to handle it if he got any closer? The smirk that clings to his lips is one of ego-filled happiness, he can’t help himself. Something about you makes him feel like he’d be able to break you with the slightest of pressure, and though he’s never quite wanted to control someone like that, he can’t say it doesn’t feel exhilarating.
Everyone moves out of the one line to skip to the front, as you busy yourself by glancing under the tables to pull out an extra cooler, opening it swiftly. That way your skirt pulls up insanely high, though you try to keep it down with one hand. Oblivious to what you’re doing, surely. His cute, little fan. He’ll have to give you a lesson on proper manners, but not now. All in due time. When everyone starts thanking you, you just rub your neck, straightening back up.
“How much are they?” Kenma asks, “I’ll pay. Is it alright if I get the money to you after practice though?”
“No, no!” you beam, “they’re free for you guys! I could hardly let our own team pay for some stupid ice pops and lemonade.” You don’t hesitate to smile at Kenma. Kuroo holds his tongue from breaking into your conversation for now, instead taking one of the watermelon slices and biting into it. You seem to sink into yourself a bit when he turns back in your direction, almost as if you’re trying to disappear into the background entirely. Would be hard though, with that bright a shirt. “We also have wine if the adults want any,” you continue, shooting Kai and Yaku a guilty glance then and trailing off. “Though that might not be a good idea if you’re still practicing.”
You still have yet to look back at him, creating a void of something in the pit of his stomach. Why don’t you want to look at him as much as he wants to look at you? “Are there any strawberry pops?” Lev asks, probably aimed at you but Kuroo’s already taking a step towards you before you can answer.
This way you’re not able to ignore him any longer. Your eyes are so big and stunned when you glance up at him, tilting your head back just so you can look him in the face. There you are, he thinks. You pull a lip into your mouth, cheeks burning with color. Your chest heaving up and down, heart clearly pounding so hard he swears he can hear it. And Kuroo is living for it, the thrill of making you so affected by his presence undeniable. He wants to be the one to make you so flustered, wants to be the one to taint it too. He does know that’s probably not normal, but it’s so tempting. He smiles down at you, watching when your lips tremble softly. Cute. He softly calls out your name, grinning wider when you seem to mellow for a moment at the sound. “Did you do all this yourself?” he asks, enjoying the starstruck expression on your face.
You have to take a moment to get yourself back on track, clearly. Understandable. “Mhm,” you manage though, looking anywhere but him again when you realize you’re staring. “W-Well, everyone helped plan it, of course. I just made everything they planned out.”
“Yeah?” His smirk has yet to leave his face, but if it could grow any wider, now would be the time. You give a shy nod, looking back up at him for a moment. “The lemonade looks good. The watermelon’s good too.”
You’re practically glowing at his compliment, taking a step back to roll yourself back and forth on the balls of your feet. He wants to place his hands on your shoulders to keep you still, but really, you might just faint if he does so he holds himself back. “T-thank you s-so much! I’m glad you like it. I hope you’ll be able to use the funds well, but if you ever need anything else, you can always ask me,” you lift your shoulder and smile at him for just a moment, blush still raging on your face. You blank then, quickly adding, “or any of the other girls! We’re all here to support you, so… p-please keep working hard and doing your best a bit longer!” You’re stuttering like crazy too. He’ll have to work that out of you.
Before he can say anything else, someone calls for your name, so you quickly bow and rush back to your spot behind the stall. The girls giggle and poke at you, some of them hardly subtle in their whispering and cooing. And Kuroo smiles, because he might have just found something new to peak his interest.
You couldn’t have known. Not really. You couldn’t have known the full extent of his anger and definitely not how it would turn on you. So why does it feel like you made a horrible mistake? As you are sweeping the last of the hall, you hear the familiar, resounding echo of volleyballs smacking against the smooth surface. It’s a sound that’s long grown near and dear to your heart. Still, you put the brush to the side to make your way to the gym door where it stands swung open. It’s a Friday. The Nekoma team doesn’t play volleyball after school hours on Fridays. You frown as you peek around the cold, metal door into the otherwise vacant hall. As the class representative this term, you’re basically expected to be the last one here.
The man causing the constant butterflies in your stomach is facing away from you, frustration seeming to radiate off him in angry, black swirls as he throws balls against the wall, making continuous tosses to himself. You wait for a moment longer, glancing back into the school building as you debate your options. Though you were unable to watch the end of practice, you saw the beginning. Kuroo was anything but the collected player he normally is, the sight of it making your heart ache. Very hesitantly, you knock your knuckles against the metal. You rather wouldn’t be putting yourself in his proximity by choice, last time enough to make you so flushed and flustered you were stumbling all over your words.
Still though, you just want to help him. Maybe you could make him feel just a bit better. “Kuroo-san?” you try softly when he doesn’t react. He catches the ball at your call, pausing for a second. Then he turns to you. A shadow on his face, tall shape seeming to loom over you even from afar. You dig your nails into your own palms at the sharp glare that’s sent your way, his eyes flicking over your entire body, coming to rest back on your face. He doesn’t say anything, so you try to gather your courage and clear your voice, taking a step into the gym. “I- Sorry, I heard you still practicing. Are you- I mean- I don’t want to assume or anything, b-but- you don’t normally practice on Friday.”
The brief flicker of courage you had soon sinks deep within the pit of your chest as the silence continues. He bounces the ball on the floor once before catching it again, lifting one of his brows. Still with that gleam in his eyes, the one set off by the darkness cast around him. Then he sighs, and in a second his smile is plastered back on. The smile you’ve grown so used to seeing from afar, but it doesn’t feel quite right. It certainly doesn’t reach his eyes. It looks a bit off too, lopsided like he’s trying to convince himself to keep it up. “You— Ah, you’re the… fan club girl,” he nods. He tosses the ball up a few times, seemingly thinking, before he clicks his tongue. His deep voice resonates through the empty hall. “Yeah, sorry if I’m bothering you. I wanted to get some more practice in.”
You wring your hands into the front of your shirt, mindlessly bunching it up in between your fingers. When his eyes are back on you, you have to fight yourself from taking a step back. “No, you’re not bothering me at all, I don’t expect any less from our team Captain.” You swallow. Then, barely louder than the thumping of your heartbeat against your ribs, a thought tumbles out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. “Would you like me to help you practice for a bit?” It’s a little thing, so small, and you’ve done it for Lev and Kenma plenty of times. But your hands shake when you ask.
Kuroo’s eyebrows pull tightly together, his expression looking so off-putting even when you normally think everything about him is beautiful. You think he’s perfect, even drenched entirely in sweat and with grooves dug deep under his eyes, exhausted to the bone, so why? Why does he glare at you this way, and how can you make your heart stop wavering in your chest? You briefly stand there to think about what you just said, trying to figure out exactly what you did wrong to make him feel even more shitty, but come up blank. He must have misread your tone of voice, or maybe you had a dumb expression on your face. Just some stupid mistake you made. That’s the only explanation you have why amazing, gorgeous, perfect star player Kuroo is acting the way he is.
“Do you even know anything about volleyball? You don’t look like you do.” The sharp comment feels like a slap to the face, and you take in a little breath as you attempt to rid the unsettling tension between you two. Maybe soothing him isn’t the way to go, but you know Kuroo makes himself feel better with practice and that is something you can do. For him, you could for hours.
“I— I can… serve alright,” you hesitate, looking from his face to his shoes instead. “I know a l-lot about volleyball and though I- I might not be the best, I’d still help, right?” His sharp eyes are still on you like an accusation, and no, no, no, this is all wrong but you don’t know how to fix it.
“Aah,” Kuroo coos then, chuckling to himself as he passes the ball your way, “you want to help me.” You barely catch it, clutching it close to your chest as he motions you closer with his hand. “O‘course you do.” With sheepish steps you make your way toward him because he asked, staying an arm’s length away for your own poor heart. Last time you were this close to Kuroo, all you could do was give some mindless encouragement, even though you were trying. You just couldn’t help get flustered back then. A cold shiver makes its way up your spine though, and you fight the pressing feeling to run. This is your favorite person in the world you’re looking at, and you’d do anything for him. You would, really. “Because you’re my fan, aren’t you?” he echoes your thoughts, and you bob your head in reply.
Your voice is barely above a whisper now, throat closing up when he leans in as if to inspect you more thoroughly. “Yes, of course, Kuroo-san. I’ve been a fan since I first saw you play a match back in middle school.” You wince at your honesty. Don’t tell him that, your mind screams, but it’s too late. All you can do is bite your lip to keep more from tumbling out.
“Yeah, yeah, so I heard.” He gleams, petting your hair and you try to keep your elation to a minimum, because his eyes are still just as sharp as they were when you first walked in, but butterflies flutter in your stomach. His fingers linger for a moment, the weight of his hand making your heart jump. It’s gone soon enough. “You in my class?” You nod eagerly, but while you do he’s already speaking again. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you? You’re my biggest fan, huh?” He’s leaning closer again, closer, too close, almost like he’s going to kiss you and you might sink through the floor if he gets any closer.
You try not to let the faint smell of his cologne overwhelm you, his face flushed at the edges of his cheeks because of the exertion. You open your mouth to figure out a response again, but Kuroo is faster. “You come to each match, hoping I’d notice you, right? Begging for my attention like a little kid, wearing my name on your body like that. Don’t you feel embarrassed?”
It takes your brain a while to unfilter the words, playing and replaying them now that you take a step back. “Aren’t you embarrassed to be so obsessed with me? Such a cute, little fangirl, just begging for a look your way?” No. It’s not like that, you are not like that. You’re not obsessed, you just care a lot about him. About the entire team. “Pretending to be into volleyball so you can talk to me, right? Do you talk to Yaku’s sister so you can get to me? Do you talk to Kenma so you can get to me too?” You want him to stop talking, why is he still talking? Why is he acting this way at all?
“N-No, it’s not like that,” you bring out, flushing when his hand wraps around your one shoulder to keep you from backing away from him. He straightens out to his full height, towering above you and as you follow his tall body up to his expression, you hate how he is smiling. A loathing, off-centered smile that gleams on his handsome face. The feeling to run grows so strong in your mind that for a moment you can barely ignore it. There’s something wrong. But of course you remain, you just want to make him feel better. “It’s not like that at all. They are my friends. I love volleyball.”
“You love me, Y/N-chan?” he asks then, dark eyes glazing over.
“I— I’m your biggest fan,” you settle on responding. Wouldn’t it be too much to admit you love him, even if you do? He doesn’t seem to take it, looking down at you with thinly veiled irritation now. The fingers on your shoulder tighten, though you’re too distracted to notice. “I mean- Of course I… love… you, but not in an obsessed way! I just have a lot of respect for how hard you work,” you drawl out, throat closing up when the gleam on Kuroo’s face seems to drop in favor of something softer. Something like admiration. You used to love how he would wear his emotions on his face, but now it’s too much. He’s still not satisfied, you can see it. “And I’d do anything to make you feel better so-”
“Hah. Aren’t you just incredibly sweet,” he sighs, finally letting go of your shoulder. You can feel the weight of it long after it’s gone, warmth trailing down your limbs tentatively. You’re so glad you let out a trembling puff of relief. He takes a deep breath, before he smiles again. Softer, familiar, and your heart slowly comes back to life. This is how it’s meant to go, this is how you always imagined it as Kuroo leans down to brush a strand of hair away from your face back behind your ear, sweet and tender. Hair that you keep longer than you’d want because you know Kuroo likes it that way. You’re sure your stress of earlier was showing on your face, cheeks burning for attention. “You’re so pretty like this, my little fangirl. Mine.”
You don’t miss the drop in his voice, a possessive tone that seems misplaced. As he brushes a knuckle past your cheekbone, tingles pool in your belly. “I’ve had a really tough day today, you have no idea. But I’m glad you’re here now. I think I do know how to fix my shitty mood, actually!” He takes your hands in his then, enveloping them with soft traces of his fingers. He pulls you toward the side of the gym, dragging you behind him. Kuroo Tetsuro is holding your hands. It feels too quick, sprung on you so suddenly it makes your head spin, but they are just so warm around yours like you hoped they’d be. The dark-haired man looks back over his shoulder. “You said you will help me, right?”
“Mhm,” you smile, watching him, how his shoulders move under the red volley jersey and his hair waves softly with each step. And he’s still holding your hand. This must be a dream. You’re on a mindless path until he walks you past the lockers and the damp feeling of the shower air hit your face. That’s when you slow your feet and pull against him a little, blinking out of your daze to glance to the side. Kuroo turns to face you. “Hey, this is the boys’ room.” Your obvious statement makes him chuckle, one hand coming up to cup your cheeks and though it’s insanely overwhelming, you don’t have the heart to pull back. He squishes your cheeks together until your lips turn into a cute, little pout.
“You’ve never been in a boys’ locker room, sweet thing? You’re just that good, huh?” Kuroo stares you down with his pretty, golden eyes while you fail to answer. Isn’t being good supposed to be a positive thing? But he says it like it’s something dirty, like you’re not quite right and you can’t help the sinking feeling that fills you to the brim. He pushes the door to your side into lock, the loud clang making your heart race. When he turns back to you, the darkness in his face is what scares you most.
Cats don’t eat cats, do they—
He doesn’t hesitate to grab you by the shoulder and shoves you up against the lockers, your back connecting with the cold metal sharply. You wince, his hand still around your cheeks. It’s so much bigger than you, you realize, he’s so much bigger than you. That never scared you before, but now you’re painfully aware of the looming shape and the way he’s able to look down at you like this. You swallow and keep his golden gaze. But he releases his hold on your face to hold the back of your neck, long fingers splayed across the soft skin, before leaning down so far into you, you can feel the tremble of his breath on your face. “Would you like me to kiss you?”
Your eyes are wide, unbelieving. Of course you do, but… You wait for what feels like a lifetime, his warmth too close to you. You can’t say no, can you? So you nod and drop your shoulders, eyes fluttering closed. If he were to kiss you all those uncomfortable feelings swirling inside would surely vanish. Kuroo hovers his lips over yours, you can feel them so close, but no more than that. And he chuckles, tilting your head to the side with two fingers instead. “No. You don’t deserve it yet. Don’t you think you have to work a bit harder for it? I know you’re good at that.”
He walks toward you until you’re fully pinned to the cold locker in between his legs, as he connects his lips with your neck. His lips are so hot, like steaming coals on you, and you can’t help but grab onto his bicep for support. It flexes under your touch. He kisses down your throat and jaw, lips dragging trails of kisses and tongue carving paths down to your collarbones and to the edge of your shirt.
And you’re so overwhelmed that the person you’ve loved for so long is actually touching you, that you don’t notice how tight his grip is wrapped around your neck, fingertips pressing ovals into the expanse. “You just wanted this the whole time, huh,” he coos, voice sickly sweet. But when he looks up at you from under those lashes, the gold in his eyes has the sharpness of a blade, daring you to reply. You shudder when his hand drops down to drag your shirt up. “Bet you’ve had so many guys hoping that one of them would feel and taste like me.” He unceremoniously shoves it up from your body, over your shoulders. You look to the side where it drops to the floor, your school uniform a crumpled mess.
“Kuroo-san,” you bring out, self consciously wrapping your arms around yourself to cover up. You don’t like this. You don’t like him telling you that you’ve had people just to prepare for him, don’t like him eating up the sight of you like you’re a piece of meat and you definitely don’t like how he presses his thigh in between your legs to pin you up to the locker. “W-what are you doing?”
He huffs in amusement, tangling his fingers into the hair at the top of your neck to tug back your gaze towards his. “You can drop the politeness, silly girl,” he says again, letting go to brush softer circles into your skull. His lips brush over yours as you stand there, trembling, unsure what to do. How can you say no to him if he’s here, so close, with you for the first time in ever? He taps his fingers on your hands to make you release your hold on yourself, which you do with a bit more coaching. Maybe you just think this is going way too fast because it is him. The boy that offers his friends water before drinking himself, the one with the loud laugh that rings through the halls and makes your heart thump. The guy you’ve been head over heels with. That one.
This is okay, you say to yourself, calm down. His other hand traces along the bottom of your bra as soon as you drop your arms to the side, slipping a finger under just enough to lift it from your skin and you shiver. “You gonna take this off for me?” he asks, rubbing his thigh in between yours more. You can’t answer because you’re dropping your head back against the locker, overwhelmed and unsure still, with the lack of oxygen getting to you all you can do is let out a little whimper. You don’t know a lot about this, you’re sure he does. The hand around your neck drops so he can flip your skirt up, chuckling at your cute panties. You look down in embarrassment and attempt to shove the plaid fabric back down over your thighs but then he lets out a growl, holding it in place. “You wear my name on your body like my personal whore. Don’t play too shy to follow through.”
His long fingers trace over the edges of the panties, where you take deep breaths to calm down. You can’t help but push your waist down on his muscular leg for some friction, looking to the side when he chuckles. “You really are a little slut.” This time you shake your head though, pouting at him.
“I’m not, Kuroo.”
“Liar,” he breathes, pressing his nose to the crook of your neck. “You act like a well-mannered princess but we both know you want to be put in your place.” Not waiting up for a response, he lifts you by your thighs up higher, so he can bury his face into your covered chest, dragging his tongue over the one cup. You can feel the wetness of his tongue seep through the lacy fabric onto your skin. It’s warm and uncomfortable, his breath cooling your skin down instantly. “If you’re not going to take it off, I will,” he gleams, looking up to check your expression again. Ever so slowly he starts pushing the fabric up, not bothering to unhook the piece of clothing. Instead he toys with brushing over your pointed nipples, kissing up your sternum. His eyes flick to yours continuously, like he’s making a show of undressing you. He licks his lips, leaning towards you again.
“Kuroo,” you manage to mumble, resting your one hand on his shoulder to push him away from you. You stumble when you land back on your feet, looking down at the floor. Burning heat covers your entire face, from your cheeks up to your ears. It’s physically painful to be so near him, and the tight grip on your thighs isn’t helping. Your heart is pitter pattering so hard it might break through your ribcage. Despite how much you dreamed about falling in love with him, it wasn’t like this. “I don’t think this is a good idea. I have to lock up the halls and go home.” Your friend’s voice rings through your head then, something about bad guys and the way they prey on kind girls like you, creating cold goosebumps along your arms again. Kuroo Tetsuro can’t be one of those guys, you’ve looked up to him for so long. If he is, what would you even do? “I want to—”
“Don’t lie,” he interrupts, glaring up at your disapproval, “don’t ruin this for me.” Without hesitation he locks his mouth onto your exposed skin, rubbing his knee against your covered center, hard. It sends a spike of heat down your body. You breathe out at the rough laving of his tongue, only soothing after he sucked and bit the tender skin. His one hand reaches up to pull down your panties from under your skirt as soon as you’re closing your eyes, and though you open your mouth to stop him he shuts you up by pinching your thigh sharply between his long fingers. “I told you to stop lying to me. Whatever comes out of that pretty mouth next best be the truth.” He trails his digits up and down a few times, the slightest soothing to your anxiety.
“I… I just don’t—” you swallow, looking away from his eyes to focus on the shine of the lights. They make your eyes burn, but at least you don’t have to undergo his vicious glare this way. It really feels like he despises you for even breathing in his direction, though then why would he be kneeled in front of you. The conflict makes you nauseous, more insecure than you’ve ever been around him and your throat closes up a bit. When his stroking stills, you push through the words anyway. “I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
He laughs. A warm, bubbly sound against your thigh. “No one’s ever stuffed you with their fingers before?” He looks gleeful, nuzzling your hip in a too-intimate gesture. You’re his fan, but he barely knows anything about you. You slowly shake your head, cheeks warming. His hands start moving again as he shuffles closer between your thighs so his mouth is level with your chest. As he eyes you up and down, he giggles to himself. “Did my slutty fan get herself off on the thought of me? D’you beg for me when coming around your useless, little fingers?” You bite your lip, eyes flicking down at him when he calls your name. “I’m waiting for an answer~”
“I don’t—,” you bite out, flustered and feeling small. He must hear the edge in your voice. With a quick flick of his wrist, he brings his down on your thigh, pinching you hard for good measure. You yelp and grab hold of his head to steady yourself, before quickly pulling your hand away again. He doesn’t seem to mind.
“Wanna try again?” he mumbles though, trailing two fingers up and down the crotch of your panties. It feels warm, and really good, but you’re still cold to the touch. Is this really okay? You doubt it. When he starts licking at the edge of your panties you shudder, letting your weight fall into the sturdy locker for support. “Hm, d’you get off to me?”
You pull your bottom lip into your mouth. You might have touched yourself down there once or twice, but in your imagination that was always long after he’d gotten to know you. In your imagination he was gentle, caring. Nothing like the impatient trailing of his fingers, like he can’t wait to play a game you never agreed to. At his golden gaze, you let the truth spill. “Sometimes,” you breathe, immediately hiding your face in your own shoulder from embarrassment.
“That’s what I thought, dumb girl.” He pushes your panties unceremoniously to the side to collect the slick there, grinning. You didn’t even notice you were getting wet while trying not to anger him. He doesn’t waste time taking advantage of this fact though. He spreads your bottom lips open with his fingers, looking up at you easily. His deep voice feels loud in the pressing silence of the abandoned gym, and you can’t help but wonder how much trouble you’d get in if anyone found you here. “Listen, brat,” he calls, pushing his lips to the top of your thigh to bite the plush skin. You jerk away from him with a cry, but he doesn’t let up.
“I’m gonna push my fingers inside that filthy cunny of yours, stretch out your little hole so you can actually fit something in there. ‘Cause I know you’re a good girl, so you’re probably gonna go braindead if I fuck you like this.” He chuckles at your hitched breathing. You can’t even begin to understand. The person you love more than life itself wants to fuck you? Well, his fingers are still playing down there, slowly pushing into you and they are thick, much thicker than yours. You can’t believe it. Kuroo Tetsuro wants to fuck you, in the boys locker room of the school gym while you should be long on your way out by now. No, you can’t. But you don’t find the words to speak up under his gaze, not wanting to disappoint him. If he notices your mental struggle, he doesn’t show it. “Then you’re gonna help me out like you promised by sucking my cock, right?”
You freeze up. You did say you’d help him, you said that didn’t you… But you didn’t know it would be like this, if you did you would’ve said ‘no’. You curse yourself for saying anything at all, trying to calm your heart as best as you can. You’re feeling so overwhelmed. By his touch, his presence, the situation, the stress put on your poor, frazzled brain. When two of his digits are halfway inside you, you let out a whimper. That’s at least three of your own, you already feel spread so thin. Your fingers find purchase in his soft, raven hair, needing anything to cling to. “Say, ‘Yes, Tetsuro’,” he coos, pressing a row of kisses over the front of your panties, chuckling at the little bow. But the sweet tone is taken away as soon as it comes. “Say it.”
“Y-Yes… Tetsuro.” He hums happily, shoving his fingers inside you in one swift move until his palm is against your center. Your legs almost give out at the feeling. “Ah- ah! S’too much, Kuroo.”
The raven haired man grins at that, curling his digits inside you and pulling them out just as quickly. Like striking a match. You reach up your hand to bite into it, hoping to contain your sounds. Your slick sounds ring through the empty locker room as Kuroo slides them back in and out at a punishing pace. “My dumb, pretty baby really is clueless, huh,” he sighs, long fingers sliding under your knee to place it instead on his shoulder.  It only debases you even more, struggling to stay upright as he brings his face in between your legs. When you whimper in embarrassment, calling his name, he scoffs. “You should let me play this how I want to, since you clearly don’t know anything.”
The curl of his long fingers brushing up against the soft, spongy part of your walls makes your brain numb. His words hurt. You don’t want them to, you wish they didn’t. “My dumb slut,” he hisses, before the harsh lines of his mouth are buried between your thighs. His tongue sweeps out to deliver a long swipe from his pumping fingers to the top of your slit, before swirling around the nub making you tremble. Your belly tenses, coil in the pit of your stomach growing irritatingly tight as he grinds his face against your pussy, obscenely slurping at the wetness. Your fingers twitch in his fluffy hair, attempting to comb through it best you can as your eyes flutter closed.
“Kuroo, ‘m close. Really close.” You can barely raise your voice enough to make it be heard over his motions, though he looks up at the call of his name. “I want to cum,” you say, “please.” He doesn’t still his fingers, but the twitch in his brows seems to indicate disaster, and you quickly bite your lip to think. “C-Can I?”
“D’you think this is about you, Y/N-chan?” He grins at your blown out expression, relishing in the wide eyes and bobbing lip. He uses his thumb to continue putting pressure on your clit, as he tuts his lips. “I’ll decide if or when you cum, because you’re mine. And when I decide to stuff this cunt you best consider yourself lucky, baby, that my cock is breaking open your perfect, little body.”
“Y-yes, but—” you bring out, ignoring the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You can’t hold it if his fingers only speed up their devouring of your body, mouth wrapping around you to suck hard.
“Don’t cum yet,” he mumbles, going so hard it’s making your vision sway. His tongue and mouth go harder, despite his order. And with mindless pleas you come around his fingers, shutting your eyes tight at the white splotches. Legs flexing and fingers tightening in his hair. You let your head drop as he works you through the feeling, until you’re pushing him off from overstimulation. Your cheeks feel akin to a forest fire when you open your eyes to his huff, tracing the lines of the hardwood floor under your feet. When he pulls his fingers out of you, you can feel some of the slick drip down your thighs and you instantly burn brighter.
But you don’t get to think about it, because Kuroo is straightening up before you, back to his overwhelming posture above you. He stares at you for a moment, before he leans in. Out of instinct, you lean back, away from his face when he wipes it. The glint in his eyes is a scorch mark on your sanity, his face so close to yours. “Can’t you listen to what I say, or are you just that cockhungry and stupid?” Your head is shaking side to side before you can stop it, hoping that you’ll be released soon. But you said you’d help him and if you don’t, Kuroo might hate you. You don’t think you could handle that. Rejection would’ve been better, after all. “Get on your knees and make it up to me.”
You choke back a sob at the order, looking up at him with big eyes again. You don’t want to, you don’t want to sit on the cold floor of the locker room where teenage boys drag their sweaty bodies— Kuroo seems to soften slightly at your expression, lowering his palm to your crown to pat your head, gently brushing over your temple. “You’re my biggest fan, aren’t you?” The low rumble of his voice right next to your face, his warm body so close and the curl of his pretty lips, everything makes you so docile. Dreamlike. “You’re really helping me so much,” he coos, and before you know it his mouth is on yours. His mouth… is on yours. And he tastes like you, and he’s kissing you. You freeze, not stopping him as he grabs your hands and loops them around his neck, his own picking you up to melt into an embrace.
Like two lovers in a painting, he claims your mouth with his tongue and curls your feeble body into him. So strong, with hard lines of his body that make your heart swell under your ribs. His hand on your thigh, the other on your neck, he kisses you and you think the stars might be exploding around you. He pulls back for a moment enough to breathe, before peppering another few kisses on your agape lips until you could turn black and blue from the bruising weight of your adoration. Kuroo brushes your hair away as you look at him, chest heaving against his each swell of your lungs. He starts peeling his lanky body away from you. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought that you were my biggest fan, but if you don’t—”
“No, I am!” you squeak, grabbing onto his jersey to keep his warmth close.
The noirette gives a faint smile, shaking his head. You don’t stop to question him acting so different from before, since your greedy brain clings to every word. “It’s okay,” he mumbles, “I’m used to being taken advantage of by girls.” His eyes shift to the side, lips dropping into a downturn. “They tell me how much they care about me so that I’ll have them, then leave me. I know my teammates are always the favorites anyway. So I understand that you don’t want to do anything more, it’s okay.”
“No Tetsuro, I want to, I swear!” you blurt out, grabbing his large hand despite the jitters in your system. He gives you a slight raise of his eyebrow. “I want to— s-suck you off.”
He chuckles, gaining back some of the brightness to his eyes. “You can’t even say it without stuttering.” The hand on your neck slides to your shoulder, slowly pushing you toward the ground. You hesitate for another moment, before dropping to your knees when the pressure becomes too heavy. When you’re eye level with his shorts, you swallow, bringing up your hands. The fabric is pulled taunt, showing off your effect on him. Ever so slowly, you pull the elastic of the red shorts down, taking his boxers with them in the process. You push them down until his hard cock is freed, curving up towards his belly and twitching with anticipation. Kuroo just bites his lip when you look up at him. “Give it your best shot, baby.”
He’s hot and heavy in your hand, tip glistening with precum. You slowly start moving your hand down his length, but you’re clearly not going fast enough because his hand is back in your hair, yanking you closer to his dick this time. He presses the tip to your lips, and you whimper out as you open your mouth. He’s quick to grab hold of himself to push inside, too quick and stretching you painfully. He’s big and wide and you immediately know you’ll ache once this is done. But as he starts working himself deeper, your eyes fluttering at the feeling and focusing on not choking, he makes pretty grunts that you tell yourself make this worth it. He reaches the back of your throat with plenty to spare, and you bring your hand up to hold yourself on his thigh. It stings.
But he doesn’t stop, even when you whimper around him and push at his leg. “Take it all the way,” he grunts, cocking his head back. The noises you make only make him more vocal, but you’re fighting through the feeling of panic in your chest. Each time he pulls back more saliva messes up your face, keeping Kuroo’s attention on the pretty way you take him. “You think you deserve my attention? My dumb, useless little bitch wants my approval?” He grunts when he hits the back of your throat again. “Because if you can’t even take my cock in your mouth without drooling all over yourself, I don’t think you do deserve it.” He slows his hips when you make a throaty sound, fingers tangled tight in your hair as he pushes in until your nose is pressed to his skin, before letting you back. You gasp for air when you’re finally let up, holding a sob that threatens to crawl out of your throat.
“Kuroo, I can’t,” you bring out, wiping your fingers under your eyes to get rid of any tears, but he doesn’t let go. Your voice is already raspy, grating against your tender throat.
“Yes you can, you’re doing well.” He pushes his cock back to your lips and though you’re more prepared for it this time you’re still shocked by how big he feels. Spit seeps out along the edges of your mouth, tongue being pushed down and your lungs struggling. He moves your head up and down his cock over and over, barely leaving you enough time to take a couple deep breaths. He slowly starts fucking your face when the tears spill over your cheeks and clump your lashes, hissing when you gag on him. “That’s how you suck a cock, idiot. Can’t do anything right without my help, can you?” His words just make you cry more. He bruises your throat until you can’t take any more, pulling out of his grip despite the pain and falling back onto your butt.
“Kuroo,” you cry out, losing control over your own tears. Your voice sounds double, like it’s been split in two. “I don’t like this.” A little squeak falls from your lips, airways painful and ragged. “I want—,” this time you can’t hold back the sob, “I want you to be nice to me.” You sound so pitiful, even to your own ears. You’re crying. But the man you’ve looked up to for so long is calling you all these names, making you feel so dumb. Are you really that dumb for liking him, supporting him, being his fan? “I don’t wanna do any more.” Tears are flowing, wet and warm down your cheeks and neck. Stop, stop crying. You reach a hand up to smear them away, but in their place new ones still come. “Please, I wanna go home.”
“Shh, shhhh,” he hushes, petting the top of your head like you’re a well-behaving pup, and you hate how you lean into it. The idea of yourself makes you sick to your stomach. Why are you even letting him walk all over you like this? Is this really the amount of self respect you have? Kuroo peers down at you between his legs. “You’re doing so well for me. You’re the best fan I could ask for. I’m sure you can take a bit more.”
“No,” you squeak when he reaches for your face again, “it hurts and I don’t like it.”
Kuroo stills. Regards you with a long, drawn-out breath, before humming in what you pray is understanding. “Alright,” he helps you up from the floor, steadying you in his arms and moving you both to one of the benches instead. “I wouldn’t want to hurt my number one fan, would I?” He sits down on the bench first, pulling you to sit on his thighs facing him. You wipe the mess of tears and saliva away as best you can, watching as Kuroo slides you closer to him without a care in the world. And you want to be mad, you want to push off him and do anything other than sit here and take it, but you can’t. You can’t, because you’re weak. You can’t, because you’re an idiot fangirl, and he’s been everything you’ve wanted since you were thirteen.
“Push your legs together,” he orders, squishing your thighs and reaching down to slip his cock in between them. He fucks your legs with the last of his restraint, pace from fast to punishing, kneading the doughy expanse between his fingers and pressing his forehead to your shoulder. You can feel the warmth of his breath, the shudder down his spine and the tensing of his legs below you, but you don’t process it. Everything feels far away. And then he calls out your name, and cums on your thighs, spilling white all over your panties and skin. He kisses your neck, and your lips after that. And you just stare at the tiles of the boys room showers before he slides you off of him.
Your legs tremble. He quickly uses a towel to clean himself up before tucking himself back in, and smiles down at you. “Thank you so much, baby, that was perfect.” He leans down to press a kiss to your temple as he hands you the towel. “Clean up?” The fluffy towel with the red cat embroidered on it is stained with the cum you clean off yourself, as tears roll down your face. You loved him so much, but now you just hate him. Embarrassed, hurt, useless. Kuroo’s bright face as he talks is another slap in yours. “Lighten up, I’ll lock up the gym for you, okay?” He smiles when you lift your eyes to his figure in the doorway, your crumpled skirt bunched in your hand. “And don’t even worry about it, I’ll walk you home. It’s the least I could do for my fan.”
It is the least he could do.
You nod and put up your most convincing smile.
thank you so so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed. did this have to be so long? probably not. did i make it that long anyway? yes. mean kuroo will live rent free in my brain for the coming six months.
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pockyxx · 4 years
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“ coffee shop ”
yaku x fem!reader
genre: fluff.
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yaku always found it difficult to concentrate on his homework when he was at home, with his two younger brothers constantly fighting and running around. he could easily scold both of them but after such grueling practices, it gave him a headache just to think about. 
that’s when he stumbled along a coffee shop not to far from nekoma’s campus. it was a short ride on the train and selled the best muffins. though, he didn’t just stop by every evening just for muffins and a hot beverage but for a particular barista. 
you’d caught his eye the minute he walked into the doors, cutely poking your tongue out as you formed a heart design in the cappuccino in front of you. he’d been so mesmerized he’d ordered his tea with a blush and a stutter. not to mention how flabbergasted he was when you sent a friendly smile his way.
by now, though, it had been about a month of constantly visiting an by now, the two of you shared more than just warm smiles. 
“hey yakkun, the usual?” you asked as you stood behind the counter. over the span of time that yaku would come in you’d learned a lot about him; about his two brothers, his position as libero on the nekoma volleyball team and even where he liked to hike during the summer.
“yes please, y/n!” he smiled bashfully, “but i thought i told you you could all me morisuke.”
as you took the payment from him, you blushed as your fingers brushed over his momentarily.
“alright morisuke.” at that very moment, yaku thought his heart stopped working and with out realizing it he was standing their as you went to prepare the drink.
yaku blinked, dazily walking over the the booth that he most often frequented. his evening was going well, little to no homework to complete, no morning practice tommrow and best of all, he got the perfect view of his café-crush.
it was all interrupted by one behemoth of a boy walked through the doors of the coffee shop, a shit eating grin on his face.
“yaku-senpai!” the half russian caused a bit of a scene as he rushed over to where yaku was sitting. the disruption caused you to look in his direction, a bit intrigued in all honesty.
yaku narrowed his eyes, the sweet smile on his face turning into a scowl. his math text book was closed from the page he was working on.
“what are you doing here lev?” lev couldn’t care less as he hummed an incoherent answer as his eyes scanned around the coffee shop.
“i overheard you talking to kai-senpai about this place.” he leaned forward but still keeping you in his periveral vision. “and i heard you saying there was a cute girl here.”
with one hand lev shielded his finger that was pointing in your direction while his upperclassman quickly swatting him.
“but why are you here?” he crossed his arms, looking at you discreetly as you prepared his order, thinking you couldn’t here his conversation.
lev straightened his posture, “because i’ve come to ask her out.” he responded like it was obvious. his answer only caused more of an outburst from yaku, who quickly became aggravated.
“what? you can’t just ask her out!” his hands became fists from under the table, “she wouldn’t even say yes, she doesn’t even know you.”
“looks like someone’s jealous!” he said teasingly, followed by a chuckle. “and how do you known she’ll say no?”
“you just can’t.” yaku thought he was going to scream. “look, you can’t because i’m planning on doing it.”
lev’s eyebrows raised in surpise, looking back at him and then to the cute barista who was now approaching their table with a muffin and a coco.
“well here she comes—” lev pointed out and yaku’s face turned beet red in response. you smiled innocently, like you hadn’t heard their whole conversation.
truth be told, you developed some feelings for yaku in return but always a bit to intimidated to confess them. so, after ease dropping on the discussion between morisuke and this ‘lev’ figure, it seemed like a good opportunity.
“here’s your muffin morisuke.” you smiled, placing it down in front of him, catching his team mate off guard by the use of yaku’s first name. “your hot chocolate.”
with both infront of him, you anxiously passed him a napkin that had been holded to conceal the writing inside.
“and this, well it’s just for you.” walking away with a flustered face, you scurried back to the counter to help the new surge of customers.
“what does it say yaku-senpai?” lev seemed to be getting giddy in his seats hands pressed under his thighs as he rocked back and forth.
yaku unfolded the paper to see what it was the you could’ve written to him. a warning that him and lev were being to loud? no, it was in fact quiet the opposite.
“‘xxx-xxx-xxxx, call me <3g’” yaku’s jaw hung open, “she gave me her number!” he sounded shocked, his heart racing at the idea. he took an extra second to peer back at you. although you worked with the same effort you always did, he could see the pink tint on your ears.
“aw man. and i really thought i had a shot.”
“i swear to god lev, don’t ruin the moment.”
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kurokoros · 4 years
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cat out of the bag | masterlist
Chapter Three: well f*ck me
Two teams; one bitter rivalry. As manager of the Karasuno college volleyball team, you probably shouldn’t be seeing Kuroo, the Nekoma captain. How long can you keep the cat in the bag before your team finds out?
AN: I’m just going to accept the fact that each chapter is going to include a mini scene because I’m trash. They’ll all be short (1-2.5K), but if you don’t want to read them, you should be able to understand the plot just through the screenshots! On that note, there are two screenshots at the end of the scene, so please be sure to look at those!
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When you agreed to go to a Fukurodani party, you didn’t expect to fall asleep cuddled up on a couch with a hot volleyball player telling you science pick-up lines. And you really didn’t expect to get coffee with him the next morning. But now here you are, a stupid grin on your face as you slip your phone back into your pocket just as Kuroo slides back into the seat across from you.
It’s kind of funny, actually, how he ended up asking you out on a coffee date this morning. You woke up this morning with a headache and the aftertaste of whatever ungodly drink concoction Bokuto created lingering on your tongue, still groggy and unable to process anything beyond being comfortable and warm, secured against a broad chest with strong limbs curled around your back. It took you a hot minute to really wake up, and you definitely weren’t complaining about being wrapped up in the arms of the stupidly attractive volleyball player that charmed you with science puns last night.
He was already awake, mindlessly scrolling through something on his phone while his thumb stroked your back over your sweatshirt. When you shifted against him and lifted your head from where you were resting against his chest to give him a sleepy look, Kuroo closed his phone with a lazy, crooked grin, peering up at you through his messy bedhead. “Morning, kitten,” he murmured, his sleep-roughened voice made your stomach slip, because holy sexy.
It should be illegal to look that damn delicious in the morning.
(He definitely noticed the way you shivered at the petname, pleased with the reaction as he filed it away for later.)
You don’t know what the hell happened next. Maybe you sat up too quickly, or he shifted the wrong way, but your legs were tangled together and suddenly the two of you were lying in a heap on the floor. Kuroo wheezed as you knocked the wind out of him, your elbow shoved into his ribs, and you were apologizing profusely through a fit of giggles.
“You must be gravity,” he said breathlessly, “because I just keep falling for you.” And then you were wheezing too, Kuroo’s cackling hyena laughter bringing tears to your eyes. “Want to go get some coffee?” he asked as soon as you could look at each other without laughing like absolute idiots.
Obviously, you said yes.
The memory has a giggle threatening to escape you all over again, and your smile makes his own mouth twitch as he reaches for his coffee. “Something funny?” he asks, quirking a brow from across the table. You catch the faintest hint of a smirk before it’s hidden behind his coffee mug, but his gaze never once leaves you. Those catlike, hazel eyes trace the details of your face, lingering on your own eyes and lips like he isn’t sure where he wants to look, and you fiddle with your own mug, pleasantly warm under his stare.
“Just my friends,” you tell him, trying not to snort as you think about multiple comments about his “beefy thighs”. He seems the type to absolutely preen under the attention, and you’re sure he’d tease you for it. Kuroo is stupidly hot with a smart mouth and sly tongue, and that’s a very dangerous combination of things. 
Kuroo hums under his breath as he sets his drink down, almost done with his coffee. He wets his lips, grinning like he knows exactly what you’re thinking, but chooses not to say anything. “Kaori and Yukie, right? You mentioned them last night.”
Something about the way he says it makes you pause, like he doesn’t know them very well. Strange, considering they’re Fukurodani’s managers, but you brush it off. Not every player is close to their managers, after all. 
Brushing it off, you nod. “And another,” you say, thinking about Suga. “But he had a date last night and couldn’t come.”
“Oh? Is that how you ended up at a volleyball party last night?” he jokes, watching as you stir what’s left of your coffee. “Didn’t want to be alone on a Friday night?”
Emboldened by his cheeky smile and unabashed stare, you wet your lips. “Well, I figured my options were hanging out with my brother and his roommate, or flirting with some hot volleyball players.” Kuroo’s grin widens as you lock eyes with him across the table. “And I’m definitely not complaining.” Before he can say anything, you continue with, “Besides, volleyball has always been a big part of my life, so it’s easier to find something to talk about.”
That catches his interest. “Yeah? How’s that?” Kuroo asks you curiously, the question genuine.
“My older sister played until high school,” you tell him. “And my younger brother still plays. He’s in his first year in college.”
A playful grin slowly curls at the corner of his mouth. “Not you though?” he teases. “Does that make you the klutzy middle child?”
“No!” You huff, offended, and Kuroo snickers at your cross expression. “I was always just too busy taking Tobio to practices. And matches. And managing teams. I’ve been helping him practice basically since he could walk.” You pause for a moment. “You know, saying that out loud, I’m not surprised my social life is so sad.”
He bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at you outright, but can’t hide the amusement in his eyes. Or the fondness. “Well, I think that just makes you a good older sister,” he says, shrugging, and warmth bubbles in your chest at the soft way he looks at you. “What does your brother play?”
“Setter. That’s all he’s wanted to be since he was, like, two.”
Kuroo raises a brow. “No shit? My friend Kenma is a setter.”
“Really?” you ask, leaning forward just a little. “And what do you play?” Not a setter. He would have said so if he was. And probably not a libero either, if you had to guess. A wing spiker maybe? Or a--
“Middle blocker,” he says, finishing the thought for you. “That’s been my position since middle school.”
“Figures,” you tease him. “You’ve got the height.” And the arms, but you don’t tell him that. Suddenly, you frown, staring at him from across the table as your head cocks to the side. Bemusement laces your voice as you ask, “How haven’t I seen you at any of Fukurodani’s games? I’ve gone to plenty of them for Yukie and Kaori, but I’ve never seen you before.” A sly little smile pulls at your lips. “And you’re definitely hard to miss,” you tell him, flirting just a bit.
But Kuroo’s eyes narrow. “What?”
“I don’t play for Fukurodani,” he tells you. “I’m just friends with Bokuto and Akaashi. I’m actually the captain over at Nekoma.” The declaration comes with a grin and a wink, and like last night you almost choke on your drink. Though, this time it’s not just because he’s a hot piece of ass. Horror must be written across your face, because Kuroo’s expression sobers immediately. “Shit, what’s--”
You cut him off. “Kuroo, I’m a manager for Karasuno,” you say, the words coming out in a rush. Shit, maybe you should have told Kaori and Yukie his name. They would have known who Kuroo was. 
He blinks at you, eyes widening when it clicks. “Well, fuck me.”
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x-ia-n · 4 years
━ you are.
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➞ including: yuu nishinoya, gn!reader
overview: in which all he wants is to just confess to you.
word count: 1.4k
➼ haikyuu masterlist
↳ main masterlist
↦ this is an alternate version of [confession song], unrequited crushes but not quite
❛dedicated to jaine, the maya to my riley, the biggest noya simp ive met.❜
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
‘stupid tanaka,’ yuu thinks, getting him into this mess. how was he supposed to confess to you, anyway? he was just a libero in their volleyball team, and openly obsessed over one (1) girl before he met you. his desk at home is littered with drafts of love letters he’s written to you; a drawer is filled with completed ones, he just can’t choose which one to give you. ryuunosuke suggested that he bakes you a cake because ‘who doesn’t like cake?’ and like two peas in a pod, sharing one collective brain cell, he agreed. 
that brings us to the present, as yuu desperately looks for the ingredients listed on a small piece of paper. he could always go to coach ukai’s shop, but he wants that as a last resort. it’s christmas eve, and he sure as hell is running out of time if he wants to give the homemade cake for you and your family on christmas.
as he looked through the supermarket aisle, he’s rehearsing what he should say to you. he’s tried to confess once or… three times before, all of which either got interrupted or turned out badly. the libero remembers when he tried to confess to you but yamaguchi accidentally hit you with a serve and caused you to get a nosebleed. ryuunosuke tried to calm him down before he went feral on his junior.
he paid for the ingredients with the money he saved up - which he had only for the sole purpose of confessing to you - and started heading home. he was mumbling under his breath, “hey, i really like you… no. i know this is probably out of nowhere but will you go on a date… no.” 
it was four in the afternoon when he got home, and focused on making the perfect cake he could. this time for sure, he’d confess to you, and it would be right. yuu spent two hours making the cake, not including the time it took in the oven. for the first time in his life, he dedicated himself to something equally as much as he did in volleyball. he has to make it perfect, because if his words fail him, he needs that cake to do all the talking.
the cake turned out half-presentable. it wasn’t good to put into an instagram post, but it wasn’t that bad either. to be honest, he feels proud of himself for making something that didn’t collapse in on itself.
he carefully put it in a little box before running upstairs to fetch one of the letters and to make himself look presentable. it is currently eight in the evening, four hours after he initially started.
he let his hair down, remembering the comment you made on how you never saw him with it down, put on his cleanest looking collared shirt and dress pants, and a winter coat over it. ‘fuck,’ he thinks, rummaging through the drawer filled with letters. which one to give you? the one he spent the most time on or the one that had everything he wanted to say but his handwriting made them unreadable? does he just… go without giving you a letter and hope that his brain will come up with something?
it was only when he checked his phone did he remember that he was supposed to meet up with you two hours ago. you called him so many times, and the text messages you sent him ranged from excited to concern to pissed that he stood you up.
yuu grabbed the box and one of the letters, cradling them in his arms as he practically ran to the park you both agreed to meet at. to his dismay, you weren’t there. cursing at himself, he headed to your house, the cold winter air biting at his cheeks. of course he forgot a scarf and a cap, but those didn’t matter to him anymore. how long were you waiting in the cold? he knew that you get sick easily in the winter, yet he left you waiting outside in the snow, even though it was an accident.
as he walked up to your doorstep, anxiety ate up his initial excitement, making him feel like vomiting from the uneasiness. was confessing this hard?
he unwittingly raised his hand and the door flung open mid-knock. you were already standing in front of him, arms crossed, your face flushed red from the winter air. you greeted him monotonously. “yuu.”
“hi!” his heart jumped.
“i’m so so sorry for leaving you alone, i was making something. the time flew by, i didn’t notice-”
you interrupted him, “nishinoya, i was waiting. for two hours. it was freezing. you didn’t answer any of my calls.”
shit, he forgot how much it reminded you of the times when you were stood up by friends, and even by dates. he knew they all took a blow of you, especially when you need the reassurance that you are still wanted somehow. he could see the layers of clothing you stripped off just laying on the couch, and how you were waiting for the kettle to boil water for you to make a hot drink to warm yourself up.
despite you being mad at him, you silently invited him inside by just… leaving the door open when you walked in. it took him a moment to get it, though.
“stop apologizing already.” you said, handing him a cup of tea. you could see the snowflakes in his hair, and the redness in his cheeks, from what exactly, you couldn’t tell.
you nodded to the box he’s still cradling in his arms, and raised an eyebrow in question. the libero thrusted the box into your hands, his face turning redder by the second. before you could even open your mouth to say something, he says, “please read the cake!”
your confused face slowly morphed into one in disbelief when you opened the box lid and all you read were the words ‘i like you so much!’ in bright red icing. your heart was pounding in your ears as you struggled to form words.
this set the boy into panic mode as he started rambling on how much he likes you but he didn’t know how to confess, and how he fears that he might have thrown you off because he joins ryuunosuke in complimenting kiyoko. he sprinkled in some apologies about leaving you to wait in the cold despite him knowing how much you hate being exposed to cold air. 
“yuu, shut up.” you say, your face red from his clumsy confessions.
‘this is it, you hate him, you’re going to reject him,’ he thinks. “please accept my feelings!” he took the box from your hands and set it on the coffee table and grabbed your hands in his. 
“i may not be much, and i may be far from your dream guy, but please give me a chance!” 
you look at him, his eyes burning with determination, then at your intertwined hands. “you… are an idiot.”
before he could react, you squeezed his hands gently. “i like you too, stupid. why’d you think i was willing to wait that long for you, all the time?”
he remembers you waiting for his practice to finish so you could walk home together, you missing the first fifteen minutes of a movie you were so excited for because he got caught up in the long line for popcorn, and so many more instances. “wait, what?”
he could yell and jump for joy right now. “i thought that someone like you would be too good for me.”
it took you all your self-control to not hit him right now. “for someone so confident, i can’t believe you’re so insecure. who wouldn’t like you?” 
he then proceeded to bask in the compliments you give him, but all that truly registered in his mind is that you like him back.
yuu’s trademark grin spread across his face as he wrapped his arms around you. “ha-ha! you like me back!”
he pulled away from you just to cup your face in his hands and bring your face close to his. “thank you. i’m gonna work hard to treat you well!”
you smiled softly at him, leaning into his touch. 
it is currently a quarter before nine in the evening when yuu finally confessed to you. he didn’t need to bring that letter, after all.
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x-ia-n © 2020 | all content and its rights belong to me. do not modify or repost. general taglist: @mooniepotchi​​​ @hqnishi​​ | please fill out this form to be added to the taglist!
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sunseteyes · 4 years
complicated; yuu nishinoya
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—nishinoya wasn’t so used to having someone who likes him just as much as he likes them. to have you by his side, he wanted to give you everything. but what if you didn’t need it?
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word count: 1,585 words  | theme/s: fluff + slight angst. birthday oneshot for our best libero! | random name: (r/n)
original artist: avril lavigne (cover by olivie o’brien) | link to song
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all his life, nishinoya was used to running towards something, or maybe someone; a goal, a girl, his grades, the ball—whatever it was, nishinoya prided himself in always being able to catch-up or attain what he wants.
for what? well, of course there were individual reasons for each, but one thing for sure is that he doesn’t want to give up. he believes that if he can dream big, then he’ll have to take bigger steps as well.
when nishinoya first met you, he knew something about you was special, and that was why by instincts, he tried to get to know you. although before he could even chase you, he didn’t had to.
you were already facing him.
he could remember—how your eyes and entire expression brightened up at the sight of him, your lips curving up into a precious grin.
“hey! aren’t you the libero of the volleyball team?” were your first words to him. he remembers how it took him a few seconds to respond due to his surprise—you know him? a beautiful being like you knows him?
“you know me?! uh-yeah, that’s me! i’m the best libero of karasuno!” he pointed at himself with chest held up high and shoulders back, feeling like the sun had posed a ray of sunshine towards him, as if he was under its spotlight.
you giggled, smiling at his antics. “you’re the only libero, nishinoya-san.”
even if he knew that it was supposed to be embarrassing him, the kind look on your face told him otherwise—and it was what made him stay, wrapped around your finger.
he followed you everywhere—when there’s no training, he’d be taking you to the train station to where you’d go down to, or he’d invite you to eat somewhere. however, that only happens a few times since he’s always in training.
what surprised nishinoya was, he’s not the only one chasing for the other—you were also wrapped around his finger.
“you can go home if you want, (y/n)-”
“no, it’s fine. i’ll wait for you.”
it took awhile before nishinoya had gotten used to it, being in a mutually involved relationship—even if you weren’t official yet, for him, he thinks that’s where everything will go anyway. but still, he couldn’t help but be covered with disbelief; it was not that he was losing confidence in himself, but it was more like he didn’t expect you to come so easily and that fast.
it was like when he had achieved catching a blocked ball, or when he could receive ushijima’s attacks—the feeling was the same, as if he had achieved something that everyone, even himself, first thought he couldn’t.
still, he couldn’t help but wonder; is what he’s doing now enough to make you stay?
“i told you, yuu. you didn’t have to send me a rose each day.” you say, still with a gentle look on your face whilst holding the red roses he had just given earlier in the morning. nishinoya’s chest swelled in pride at that simple fact.
“and besides, how do you even get them? i heard it’s hard to buy them especially this season.” he watches as you avert your eyes from him to the rose, gaze boring into the hue of the petals, as if it was a mystery that remains uncovered.
nishinoya knows you love flowers, anything nature-made actually. he took note of all your mannerisms such as looking up at the sky when you’re bored, or when you close your eyes as you breathed of fresh air that slaps on your face, stopping by for awhile to take a picture of a cherry blossom or anything that catches your eye—he knows them.
“we have a neighbor that lets me get them! so don’t worry about the cost, (y/n)-san!”
“they sound nice. maybe let’s repay them, don’t you think? i mean, these roses are so beautiful.”
nishinoya took awhile before answering, engrossed at your resolve to do something nice for other people—it was one thing he loves about you.
“oh i know! i’ll bake them cookies then let’s give it to them.” you smiled brightly at your idea, a similar one growing into nishinoya’s.
“you’re so kind, (y/n)-san! i’m sure they’ll love it!”
needless to say, nishinoya was head over heels for you and he was willing to do everything for you--buy you gifts, pay for your meals, he was willing to do all of them.
what he didn’t know, was you didn’t need it.
“didn’t you know? (y/n), they’re very rich!” tanaka whispers to him in training once, after he was so proud to mention of all the things he had done for you. “words say that they live in a mansion!”
that conversation kept on replaying in nishinoya’s mind, making him lose focus a couple of times in the practice match they had. for some reason, it bothered him that he failed to give you the best of what you deserved. for all he knows, you have your own garden back at home and his rose per day was only for nothing.
he had never had a chance with someone before. and now that he actually has, it feels like he was slipping it from his hands, the very ones he was proud to have for being suited as a libero.
“what are you thinking, noya?” your voice pulls him off of his thoughts, magnetized at the pleasant sound that reaches his ears, forgetting the negativity that surrounded him just seconds ago.
“do you want to go on a date, (y/n)-san?” it was his motivated tone again, one that he always use when he’s determined to catch the ball or do something he couldn’t do first.
“hm? to where?”
“i know a restaurant nearby-”
“can we go on our usual place instead?” you interrupted him and he realized that he wasn’t even looking at you, his eyes averted somewhere at the thoughts of how his money could even afford to take you out on an expensive date.
but now that he was looking at you in the eye. he could see the look of contentment that he had always seen, whenever you two go out or when he gives you simple things.
“i miss the ramen there! or maybe-wait, that’s if you just want to. we can go somewhere else if you like.” you offered him a kind smile, feeling like a weight has lifted off of him for the meantime.
nishinoya grins, “then it’s the usual indeed! i’m free tomorrow, what do you think, (y/n)-san?”
and just when he thought that everything was going well, the very foundation he built through all the times he tried to see the hope he tried to imbue in his mind shattered the moment someone walks in your life again.
“is that you, (y/n)?”
he took note of how your figure froze as you look up at the man that went beside your table with wide eyes, instantly recognizing the voice without glancing—he noticed them.
then that must mean-
“(r/n)?” you stuttered. “what are you doing here?”
the other smiles, seemingly welcoming and unpleasant at the same time. “i live nearby. i didn’t expect to see you here in this cheap place. it’s been a long time, don’t you think?”
nishinoya’s gaze followed the constant blinking of your eyes and how you sipped on your drink. you were nervous--this guy was making you nervous.
if his assumptions were correct,
“excuse me,” he interrupts the conversation, forcing himself in the bubble that the newcomer created for you and him, leaving nishinoya out. but no, he knows how to fight.
“(y/n), i think we should go home.” he stands up from his seat, abandoning the meal that was in front of him to walk over by your side and offers his hand. “it’s already late, don’t you think?”
“hey boy-”
your hand reaches out for his, placing it on his palm him feeling its weight alongside the glare that he receive from the other guy.
“that guy... is he your ex?” nishinoya didn’t want to pry, but his curiosity had gotten the best of him he could barely stop himself.
your expression says it all, the usual brightness of the sun devoured by a dimness that the dark sets once the light disappears.
instead of letting you be covered completely, he steps in.
“i’m right here if you need me, (y/n)-san!” he exclaims before you step out of the train. you turn your head to look at him one last time, along with the other passengers who were probably sending him weird looks. but nishinoya couldn’t be bothered, for it was your smile and the words you uttered that shouted more in his mind, lifting his spirits up when he thought of them wrongly.
“i know you are, yuu.” you rarely call him by his first name, even if he freely allowed you to do so. every time you do, he just knows that you were sincere with your words.
when the doors closed, it was the look in your eyes that changed his thoughts, the one that had been confused of where he stood in the relationship he barely could tell is official. somewhere in his mind, he knew that he he was being complicated and he didn’t have to excel much more effort in order to gain your heart.
because he already had—right from the start. even if it was a simple reassurance, he’d take it. for you, he’s ready to catch whatever challenges ahead.
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rv: i had to repost it because i thought the time was not right & i revised a few things. anyway, this is my first time writing for haikyuu i hope i did not disappoint aaa
taglist: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @kuroolongtea (adding you here because thanks to you i have the courage to post this)
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honeypirate · 4 years
Reunited part three
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Nishinoya x y/n
Kissing Noya became one of your favorite things. That night you finished the movie then he took the remote and switched it back to your game replay, he just smiles when you quirk your eyebrow at him when he settles back into cuddling you and holding your hand. “This part” he points to the tv and you open your eyes to look, you had been dozing on his shoulder as you drew things along his hand with your finger. He’s so excited and it makes your stomach flip “I saw this part in a highlights clip online. You absolutely perfected this libero set” he’s buzzing with praise for you and you blush “thank you! I worked so hard! But it’s also perfected by the other team members. Lisa there,” you point to the wing spiker “she’s our ace, she pushed herself so hard to get to jump that high. She pushes herself as much as I do” he laughs and brings your arm up to his lips, kissing your fingers, then your wrist, then up your arm slowly, making sure he kisses all your bruises and marks. Your heart is beating rapidly and you have a cute smile on your lips as you watch him. You feel so comfortable and at home with him here, you already know it’s going to be really hard when he leaves, you feel tears starting to prick your eyes so you quickly shove those feelings away. Happy to just be in this moment with him. “Yū” you whisper as he gets to your shoulder and buries his face in your neck, smiling and giving you small sweet kisses. “Y/n” his voice was quiet, the game was forgotten as you both cuddled and held each other, his head on your shoulder and your arms around him. You ended up adjusting your body so you could lay on the couch now with him laying between your legs with his head up on your shoulder and his breathing soft on your neck. You played with his hair and soon you both were asleep
You woke up to the smell of coffee and pancakes, when you opened your eyes you leaned up and saw him quietly dancing the kitchen, wearing your apron. He tries to flip a pancake in the air but it falls on his head, you try to hide your laughter but he turns when he hears you, a big smile on his face. “Good morning beautiful!!” He says excitedly “breakfast is almost ready and there is coffe here for you too!” You stand from the couch and stretch out your arms in the air, he notices the rise of your shirt and your obvious bralessness which he realized that’s why he was so comfortable laying on your chest last night. His face blushes deep red as he turns his attention back to pancakes. You wrap the blanket around your shoulders and walk over to him wrapping your arm around his waist and laying your head on his shoulder. “Thank you. This is perfect” you kiss his shoulder then get some coffee.
he brings a plate of pancakes and other food to the table. “I made American pancakes, and a few other things that we used to eat a lot as kids” you grin when you see the spread, your stomach grumbling. “This looks amazing. You’re the best, babe!” You don’t even notice the word slip from your mouth as you start to eat, humming with joy and doing a tiny dance in your seat. He freezes for a second, you guys and kissed, but honestly he still didn’t know what it meant long term. He was gonna take it slow and see what happens, he didn’t expect you to call him a pet name and he didn’t expect to love it so much. His cheeks flush and he smiles, trying to calm down his racing heart. “Babe, huh?” He says quietly and you choke on your pancake, coughing a bit before swallowing. “Sorry I didn’t even notice.” You say quietly and take a drink if your coffee. “No no don’t be sorry.” He tucks your hair behind your ear “I like when you call me sweet names” he says before starting to eat and focusing on his food. You blush and continue your meal, feeling very domestic with him, it made your heart soar.
After breakfast you clean up before going to brush your teeth and put ready for your typical Monday. You throw on your VB shorts and a sports bra, throwing on a hoodie over the top. You get your training bag ready and bring it out to the living room.
You stop in your bedroom doorway frozen, Noya’s standing at the table, all cleaned up in a nice pair of black jeans and a tucked in white button up that he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. He’s got a pen in his teeth as he digs through his bag trying to find something. He looked so good, like he belonged here in your kitchen, and for a second you could imagine a whole life of possibilities with him. You smile warmly as he finds what he needs with a triumphant look.
Pulling yourself together you walk over, setting your bag down next to his “Hey beautiful girl” he looks at you with such kindness and adoration in his eyes. You smile back at him as you wrap your arms around his middle laying your head on his chest. “Hey hun” your voice is soft “you look really handsome. What do you have going on today?” He rubs soft circles on your back “I have a meeting with the American branch of the magazine I work for, they want me to go to a game in a couple weeks so I’m basically just picking up documents and information.” The game you have next month flashes in your head but you stamp that out, there’s so many games he could be going to. “I have practice until five, and th...” he gets excited “wanna get dinner after?” You laugh and reluctantly pull away, ending the hug “that’s what I was gonna ask.” He apologizes for cutting you off and you kiss his cheek “dinner tonight. I’ll meet you back here at like 5:15 because the gym isnt far from here and I just walk. Also.” You reach into your bag and pull out your spare key. “This is for you” he takes it with a smile “perfect thanks y/n” his phone beeps and he curses under his breath “I gotta go or im gonna be late” he throws his bag over his shoulder and slips on his shoes before pulling you into a hug and and a kiss, then a second kiss, third, you pull away blushing “go babe! Don’t be late. I’ll see you tonight!” You give him a push and he laughs giving you one more kiss before running out your apartment door.
It’s been a few weeks with him in your home, you’ve been in a sweet routine with him now. Morning breakfast, getting together for dinner then you’d talk and cuddle and kiss before bed. Today you woke up extra early, the time with him has been fun and great except all the girls that flirt with him. He doesn’t really pay them any attention but it still makes you jealous. You cuddled and kiss a lot, call each other sweet things. But what were you? You were confused and decided that a run would clear your head.. But you lose track of time pushing yourself to just keep going and by the time you get back home you have just a few minutes to get your stuff together before you have to leave for practice.
“Y/n! Good morning!” His cheerful voice made your heart skip as you ran inside the apartment. “Hey Noya! I lost track of time on a run and now I’m gonna be late!” You laugh and basically jog into your room.
You come out with your bag across your back and you stop in your tracks when you take him in. His tan suit pants and black button up shirt, black belt, and black shoes. You can smell his cologne and it gives you butterflies. Damn he looked so good.
You felt a familiar twinge of jealously before reminding yourself that he leaves in a few months and to not get too attached. “Dinner tonight?” He says and smiles turning to look at you. “Yes” your voice cracks and you clear your throat “same time?” You ask and he nods enthusiastically. You get your wits about you now and return to running out of the apartment with a see you later.
You were late. And you were never late. It make him worried. He wondered if it was because he hadn’t made another move yet. Did you forget about him? Have you stopped caring about him? Did he do something wrong? He tried to get rid of his anxiety and forced himself to just patiently wait.
When you walk through your apartment door at 5:45, thirty minutes late, you drop your bag immediately and close the door before turning to look at him sitting on the couch. He was dressed in some jeans and a simple hoodie and looked absolutely delicious, he looked a little worried and was about to ask you what’s up before he saw the look in your eye. Frustrated and holding in what looked like hours of unshed years. He stands and takes a Step towards you as the dam breaks and you cover your face with your hand as you sob.
He notices the bandage on your left hand as he softly pulls you into his chest. He holds you and hums softly and when you’re calmer he asks “Baby what happened?” He says as his strokes your back softly. “You’re gonna..” sniffle “think I’m a baby” he chuckles softly “I already think you’re my baby so just tell me” his slight confession goes over your head for now. “We had a practice game against a college team, which is fine we’ve always beat them, but I tried to block but the ball and it hit at a weird angle. A total fluke and accident. I broke two fingers and the skin split between my ring finger and pinky. I got five stitches. It’s why I’m late.”
As you’re telling him he knows something bad and his stomach sinks when he imagines you getting stitches. When he imagines you in pain it hurts him as well.
“I held up my facade of ‘im fine’ thinking I could convince myself but then I saw you and you look so damn good that I just couldn’t hold it anymore. I’m sorry I ruined your night Nishinoya” you start to cry again, placing your forehead on his chest, thinking that you ruined everything
He holds you “baby it’s okay I don’t care about the night I just care that you’re alright. You’re all I care about” you nod and try and calm down again. “I look good for you only anyway” he whispers and kisses the top of your head.
He runs you a hot bath as you sit on the edge of your bed quietly. When he walks over to you he cups your cheeks and rubs his thumbs under your eyes wiping any tears left away. “Stay?” You ask and he smiles softly with a nod.
You walk into the bathroom and he follows, he reaches down to the hem of your sweatshirt and slowly pulls it over your head carefully. He looks into your eyes as his hands softly touch the band of your shorts and you look so fragile he could cry. It’s a silent question and you nod once before he slides your shorts and underwear down your legs, you lay your good hand on his shoulder to steady yourself when you step out of them. He softly helps you out of your sports bra and then holds your good hand as you step into your deep tub filled with hot water, bubbles, and epsom salt.
He quietly took his hoodie off and set it on your bed as he got the stool from your vanity to sit behind you, he also started playing some soft music. He took the pony from your hair and slipped in on his wrist before slowly and gently getting your hair wet and washing it for you.
His heart aches for you. You’re his perfect girl, of course not his yet but he will ask you to be soon. He doesn’t want you ever in pain. He wanted to help you out in any way he could to make you feel better. Your body was beautiful, he wasn’t blind, but right now you were trusting him and he would never break that trust. He just wanted to take care of you.
You feel the tension and sadness seep out of your body, grateful for the pain meds from the doctor so your hand doesn’t hurt right now. You were putty in his hands as he washed your hair. And when you leaned forward he washed your back with your scrubbie. When you’re clean you stand and he wraps a towel around you before helping you out of the tub.
He helps you to your room, his arm around you comfortingly. “I’m gonna order a pizza and then we should watch something and you should let me hold you” you smile at him and nod “yes please” you say softly and he walks out of your room.
You grab your underwear from your dresser and slip on a pair of black lace boyshorts and decide to grab his hoodie on your bed and slip that on your bare top. After that you grabbed your blanket and made your way out to the couch.
You walked out of your room as he was ordering pizza over the phone, he looked up and smiled when he saw you, then blushed when he noticed you were in his hoodie and just your underwear. You were stunning. The most gorgeous girl.
You sit down on the couch and he comes over when he hangs up. He’s already queued up a movie, a romcom you said you liked a few days ago and you smile when you realize. You look up into his eyes and you almost start to cry again. But this time it’s because how loved you felt. “Yū I..” your voice cracks and he smiles warmly at you before he sits down on the couch and pulls you to his chest. “I know” he says and holds you. He felt it too. The love you both had for each other. You tilt your head up and start to softly pepper kisses along his neck.
A knock on the door pulls him away from you and you sigh.
You eat some pizza and it makes you feel better to have food in your tummy before cuddling with him again and enjoying the movie for a while before getting a little bored. You look up at him, your head on his chest, and you start to draw small circles on his chest. He looks down at you and smiles lovingly.
“I’d be so sad without you here tonight” you say quietly and he blushes “I’m so glad I could be here to take care of you y/n” he brushes his lips softly against yours and your body floods with tingles. The movie ends and you lay together talking about your days other than your accident. You learn about the games he’s been to already and written about. The men’s volleyball team was amazing apparently but he says you’re a much better libero then they have.
It’s getting late and you take some night time medicine, your captain gave you the next few days off to heal but you already know you’ll go to the gym anayway to support your team. You’re standing in your kitchen drinking some water and he walks up and hugs you from behind. You turn around and wrap your arms around him, resting your head against his shoulder and asking “will you sleep in my bed with me? I don’t want to be alone”
Your question gave him butterflies and he nodded “yeah” he says and withholds the urge to jump in excitement. It’s still a little early so you decide to start a show in bed, one that you used to watch together every Wednesday night in high school.
After five minutes of the show you roll over so you’re laying chest to chest and you’re looking at him, studying his face. He starts to blush at your gaze and he can’t hold back a smile as he looks back at you.
He starts to run his fingers through your hair and it gives you a shiver, he pulls the blanket higher up your shoulders and you use the movement you cuddle up closer to him, throwing your legs around him and fully laying on him, your head on his shoulder. “How much longer do I have with you?” You whisper, afraid your voice would crack if you spoke any louder. He frowns “I’m supposed to go to Canada in a little under a month” you groaned and he chuckled a little “y/n” his voice was firm and you leaned up, putting all your weight into your hips against his as you looked in his eyes. He moaned involuntarily as your hips grinder against him and you smiled shyly. “Yū?” You ask and he runs his hands softly up your thighs, slipping under the hoodie and squeezing your hips “I don’t want to lose you” he says and his voice cracks “not again. Do you think we can make this work?” You beam at him. “Please I want that so bad” you say and he pulls you back down to him with a laugh, making sure your left hand was okay “so you’re my girl now?” He asks with excitement and you giggle and say “yes” he lifts your face to his and kisses you before saying “finally”
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⍚ HaikWeek!! 2020 ⍚ Day 2 (Noya, Yaku, Shibayama, Watari) Journey
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Genre: Fluff, Friendship, Slice of Life
Word Count: 2,174
Pairing: Reader, Noya, Yaku, Shibayama, Watari
World: Haikyuu!!
Prompt: Favorite Position/Role + Travel/Journey  
Author’s Note: Here is the second entry for @haikyuuweek2020​~
━━━━━━༻⍚ 🏐 HaikWeek!! 2020 🏐 ⍚༺━━━━━━
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Ever since you first discovered volleyball, you thought that the libero position was simply the coolest. The boys that played this role were like the backbone of the team, the deciding factor over whether or not the ball hit the ground. They were valuable assets to the team but were often overshadowed by the spikers and the aces.
Even so, you thought they were the coolest people on the court and you wanted to show your appreciation to them. It took some serious planning because of their schedules and because of how far away each boy was, but you were able to put together a little journey with them – you were going to take them to Tashirojima island, also known as the cat island.
Your journey started early that morning at five where you packed some essentials into a bag, ate some cereal, and then got into your car to go and pick up Noya. He was half-asleep when he exited his house, bag dragging across the pavement behind him.
“Good morning,” you grinned, watching him pull open the back door before slumping his small body inside.
“Mornin’,” he mumbled softly. He was snoring loudly before you even put the car into drive.
Watari lived farther away, but it was on the way to the road leaving Miyagi so it didn’t take very long to pick him up. You parked the car in front of his house, glancing at the sleeping boy in the backseat before sliding out of the car.
Your knuckles rapped lightly on the wood and you could hear shuffling on the other side before it was pulled open, revealing a young girl who you knew to be his younger sister, Fuyumi.
“Y/N-san!” she cheered, throwing his arms around your legs.
You chuckled, ruffling his dark hair. “Good morning, Fuyumi. Is your brother ready to go?”
She pulled away so she could step back inside the entryway, cupping her mouth to amplify her voice. “Nii-chan! Y/N-san is here!”
“Coming!” Watari came bounding down the steps, a book bag slung over his shoulder. He offered you a smile when he met your eyes. “Good morning.”
“Okaa-san, I’m leaving!” he called toward the kitchen before giving his little sister a tight hug. “You be good for Okaa-san, okay?”
“I will! Bye, nii-chan~”
He pecked her on the forehead before stepping outside, closing the door behind him before following you back to the car, his hand reaching for the back door.
“You can sit up front if you want,” you commented before sliding into the driver’s seat. He slid in beside you, setting his bag between his feet before glancing at the snoring second-year with a smile. You put the car into drive. “Let’s go~”
The drive from Miyagi to Tokyo was about five hours, give or take, and you had stopped only a couple of times when Noya needed to pee or demanded food. He woke up after an hour and a half, arms crossed over the windowsill as he watched the scenery passing by in a blur. The air was nippy as Autumn slowly began to manifest itself, but neither of you minded the cold.
Watari, on the other hand, had all of the vents pointed to himself as he turned the heater on full blast, hands shoved into his pockets to try and keep his warmth.
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It was nearly eleven-thirty when you pulled up to Yaku’s house where he and Shibayama were waiting outside after getting a text from Noya letting the know you were close by. They set their bags into the trunk before settling down into the backseat with Shibayama sitting between the two.
“Who’s hungry?” you wondered as you pulled away from the residence.
Noya’s hand shot up into the air, smacking against the ceiling. “I am!”
“You’re always hungry, though,” Watari chuckled at him. “I could get a bite to eat.”
“Me, too, if you don’t mind,” Shibayama responded politely.
“There’s a Freshness Burger a couple of blocks down,” Yaku told you, leaning forward in his seat. “It’s a decent fast food place.”
“Everyone good with that?” you glanced into the rearview mirror.
“Yeah!” Noya grinned, pushing himself up against your seat with his arms around your shoulders.
“Sit back,” Yaku scolded. “And put your seatbelt on!”
With a huff, Noya did as the older boy commanded, settling back in his seat before buckling his belt.
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Before you had even put the car into park, Noya was shooting out and rushing toward the building with Yaku close behind, yelling at him for not looking both ways before crossing the parking lot. Shibayama and Watari waited for you before settling themselves on either side of you, their fingers wrapping loosely around your own.
A particularly cold gust of wind had Watari moving closer to your side, shivering beneath the thick jacket he wore. Warm air blasted the three of you when you pulled the door open, scanning the restaurant for the other two boys. They were already in line, Noya hopping from foot to foot impatiently.
Yaku glanced at the three of you, his arms folded across his chest. “Why don’t you guys grab us a seat? Tell me what you want to order and we’ll bring it to you.”
“I would like a teriyaki chicken burger, please,” Shibayama smiled politely.
“Crispy chicken burger,” Watari answered.
You tapped your chin. “The teriyaki chicken burger sounds good. No onions for me, though!”
Yaku nodded, chuckling at your comment. “No onions. Got it.” You pulled out your wallet, offering him your card but he shook his head. “We can pay, don’t worry, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes, forcing the card into his hands. “I already told you that this trip is my treat to you guys. I’ve been saving for months for this, are you really gonna let that time go to waste?”
He wasn’t happy about it, but the guilt trip worked and he accepted the card, a soft smile on his lips. Shibayama and Watari exchanged a smile before threading their arms through yours, tugging you away from the line.
“Where would you like to sit, senpai?”
“How about over there? In the corner by the window.”
Watari started to slide into the booth but you stopped him. “It’ll be colder right by the window. Let me.”
“Thank you, senpai,” he smiled gratefully, a soft blush on his cheeks.
Shibayama slipped past you before you slide into the booth, making you quirk a brow. His own cheeks lit up and he coughed into his hand to try and hide it. “This way we can both sit beside you…”
You chuckled, sliding in beside him with Watari on the end. “I love you guys~”
Both boys snuggled into your sides, smiling warmly. “We love you too.”
Yaku and Noya returned with the trays of food and drinks, carefully setting them on the table as they slid into the booth opposite you with Yaku by the window. He narrowed his eyes at the two underclassmen.
“You two are getting pretty close with Y/N,” he huffed, handing back your card. “Don’t forget that we’re here, too.”
You chuckled, sliding the card back into your pocket. “How could I ever forget about you and Noya?”
“We don’t mean to hog them,” Watari murmured softly as he unwrapped his burger. “You can sit up front next if you want, senpai.”
Yaku nodded his head, pleased by the offer.
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The sun was starting to sink lower on the horizon by the time you reached Tashirojima island and you were feeling tired after driving for so many hours. Your eyes were strained, begging for a break, your body tense from the seated position. The boys were excited, though, jumping off of the ferry and rushing towards the first cats that they saw.
A hand slipped into your own, grabbing your attention away from them and toward Yaku who was looking at you with a worried expression. “Are you okay? You look tired.”
“A little bit,” you smiled softly, giving his hand a squeeze. “I’ll be okay, though. Now come on~!”
He was given no chance to reply as you tugged him over to the group of cats that were surrounding the three boys. You kneeled down beside Noya, setting your bag in front of you and tugging it open. The cat’s ears perked up when they heard the rustling of the treat bags, their noses wiggling as they sniffed the air.
You handed one of the small bags to each boy so they could feed the cats before opening your own, putting a few into your palm. The cats didn’t hesitate to eat them from your hand, used to the human interaction of those that lived on the island. You stifled a yawn in your elbow, not wanting to take your hand away as you plopped more treats onto your skin.
Noya glanced back at Yaku who nodded before the second-year started to yawn loudly, his cheek slumping against your shoulder. “I’m tired, Y/N~”
“Eh? But you were just full of energy.”
“And now I’m tired,” he pouted, poking your cheek.
“It won’t hurt to head to the hotel,” Yaku commented. “We have all day tomorrow to sightsee and play with the cats.”
“Are you sure?” you frowned, looking between the two.
Shibayama and Watari seemed to catch on to their ruse, each yawning in turn as they moved closer to you, the younger tugging on your hand. “We’re positive! All of us are feeling pretty tired after the long trip.”
You hummed, not fully believing them as you tugged the treat bags back into your bag, slinging it over your shoulder. “If you’re sure. The hotel isn’t too far.”
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You stretched your arms above your head, about to crawl under the covers when a soft knock sounded on your door. Knowing it was probably one of the boys, you pulled it open without asking who it was. You were surprised to find all four boys standing there looking sheepish.
“You shouldn’t open the door without asking who it is. That’s dangerous,” Yaku scolded lightly, hand resting on his hip.
“Right. I promise to check next time,” you chuckled. “Is something wrong?”
“I wanted to check on you,” he coughed, hiding his pink cheeks behind his fist as he glanced off to the side.
“I think our room is haunted,” Shibayama shivered, rubbing his arms as if he were cold.
“It’s probably just the pipes,” Watari sent him a look. “But, just in case…”
“I just wanted to sleep with you!” Noya grinned, his hand shooting into the air. The other three boys snapped their heads to him, eyes wide at the declaration, cheeks blossoming with color.
“Y-You can’t just say that!” Yaku cried, smacking the second-year in the shoulder.
Noya rolled his eyes before sticking his tongue out. “Not like that, you pervert.”
You laughed at them but it was cut short when the door down the hall was opened quickly, an older woman with curlers in her hair sticking her head outside to glare at you.
“Shut up, brats!”
Noya bristled, ready to go off on her. “What did you just -”
“We’re sorry!” You spoke up to cover up his words, waving your arms in front of him before pushing the four boys into your room. “So sorry! Good night, miss!” The door was closed, the lock clicking as you rested your back against the wood. “You guys can stay here but only if you promise to be quiet. I don’t want to face off against that woman.”
But they weren’t listening.
Noya was jumping on the bed trying to reach a piece of string hanging from the ceiling, Yaku was yelling at him to knock it off, Shibayama had sunk down beside the bed reading a travel brochure for the island, and Watari was curled up at the top of the bed trying to avoid being stepped on.
These boys were so different from one another but they all worked hard and did their best to be a libero that their team could depend on. They were your precious liberos and you loved them to the moon and back.
“Off the bed,” you shooed Noya down before crawling in beside Watari. “I thought you guys were tired.”
“Oh right,” Noya rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin, plopping down on the end of the bed.
“We are,” Yaku scowled at the second-year before sliding under the covers on your other side. Shibayama settled down behind Watari, stifling a yawn, and Noya flung his body across the four of you. Yaku turned the light off before letting his arm rest over your stomach. “Good night.”
“Night, senpai,” Watari pecked your cheek.
Shibayama reached for your hand, fingers curling around your own. “Good night, everyone.”
“Night!” Noya grinned, stretching his body out like a cat.
It wasn’t long before the five of you drifted off to sleep, comforted by each other’s presence and warmth.
━━━━━━༻⍚ 🏐 HaikWeek!! 2020 🏐 ⍚༺━━━━━━
» Next Day
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kinkyuus · 5 years
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» Word Count: 2,507 words Cross-posted on AO3
This was an ask from the main! Thank you for requesting :3 (Note: I’m posting them separately ‘cause reasons. Sakusa’s going first!)
“Could you please not sit on my bed in your outside clothes?”
The edge to Sakusa’s muffled words unknowingly triggers the reflex to roll your eyes at him. “For the record, you’re more disgusting than I am at the moment, Kiyoomi.”
He grunts, narrowing his eyes into a glare as he shifts under the covers. A sigh escapes your lips when your gaze drifts onto the sheets of paracetamol on his nightstand. God forbid the day Sakusa Kiyoomi catches the flu. Yet here he is, confined in the solitude of his room as he paves his way on the road to recovery.
Komori made it a point that Sakusa wasn’t allowed to step inside the common room at the risk of spreading his affliction to his other housemates. But something tells you that it was the libero’s sly attempt at payback because everyone knows that Itachiyama’s resident germaphobe is brutal when he’s in the vicinity of a sick person, not letting them five meters near him at all times. How the tables have turned.
Your eyes then saunter back to the poor creature in front of you. The mask he donned limits your glimpse at his face, but you can tell from the flushed color of his skin that he certainly isn’t at top notch condition. Sakusa is pale, but it turns out that there’s still room for desaturation when he’s running a fever.
“Is Komori at practice?” he asks in a throaty voice, hauling himself into a sitting position with his elbows.
“Probably,” you offer, pulling out your phone from your pocket with the intention of leaving Komori a text message. “No one was lounging in the common room when I got here.”
Sakusa’s eyes meet yours and nods. “Why are you here?”
You shoot him a bizarre look, crossing your arms over your chest as your bottom lip swells into a pout. “Am I not allowed to visit my boyfriend when he’s sick?”
His face mask shifts, giving you the idea that he’s wrinkling his nose under its guise. “I still believe you’re ensnared by today’s standards for a relationship.”
“What do you mean?”
Sakusa spares you a pointed stare. “You told me last week that you have other matters to attend to today. Did you really cancel your plans just to see me in this pitiful state?”
Had he uttered those words to anyone else, they would take offense. But you’ve been around him long enough to understand that he truly means no harm when he questions other people’s intentions for their kind gestures. Your lips tug into a sly smile as you quickly typed in a message to Komori, informing him that you dropped by their dorm to give the quarantine patient a visit.
You turn to Sakusa once the message delivers. “You know how other people become concerned when a person close to them gets sick?”
His face contorts, furrowing his brows. “What about it?”
“Well, just imagine the worry I felt when I found out that the person I know that’s least prone to any kind of illness winds up under house arrest because of a flu.” Your hand inched closer to his on the smooth covers. When your fingers touched, a familiar warmth spread across your chest when Sakusa didn’t jerk away from the contact.
The tension on his face relaxes at your sentiment. He heaves a sigh, carding his other hand through the inky tufts of his hair. Sakusa then proceeds to mumble something incomprehensible under his breath.
“What was that?” you urge, scooting a little closer to him.
“The rain,” he articulates gruffly. “I jogged in the rain yesterday.”
You blink, but your surprise lasts for a second when it’s overtaken by a fit of giggles spilling from your lips. Sakusa steels his gaze at your reaction, but you don’t think much of it.
“That’s all right, Kiyoomi,” you coo. “A person’s immune system isn’t perfect no matter how much you avert yourself from bacteria.”
His glare doesn’t ease up, frigid hostility outlining his features. Sakusa hates being belittled in any way even if it was meant as a jest. But you’ve mapped your way around his quirks and habits a long time ago. You knew the protocol when his annoyance is beginning to sizzle.
You kick off your sneakers before climbing under the covers with him. The sudden invasion of his space chinks the armor of his belligerence, making him drop the hard-eyed stare he’s been holding for a while now.
Your arms weaseled themselves around Sakusa’s broad shoulders, holding his feverish body closer to you. He grunts once but doesn’t make any moves that suggested he wasn’t pleased with your forwardness. If anything, he seems to be leaning into your touch.
“If you keep glaring at me, you’re going to get wrinkles when you get old, Kiyoomi,” you chide, nuzzling yourself further into his chest. As expected from the clean freak, he faintly smells like a laundromat. But his own distinctive scent mingles with the fabric softener, diffusing an aroma unique only to Sakusa himself.
This time he doesn’t make any noise in retaliation. Instead, Sakusa shifts to his side to face you. Even through the several layers of clothes in between, you can feel the taut muscles shifting under his sleeve as he settles his arm around your waist. The intensity of his gaze makes you squeak and you’re forced to put a few more inches between the two of you. However, your sudden timidness doesn’t escape his notice.
“Do you not like it?” He arches an eyebrow.
“‘Course I do, stupid Kiyoomi,” you grumble, hiding your reddening face in his chest. “I’m just not used to it when you cuddle me back so soon.”
His dark eyes soften at your proclamation. He clears his throat, resting his chin on the crook of his neck. The fabric of his face mask brushes against your skin and you’re hyper aware of the steady breaths filtering through it.
“Komori once told me I could be a downer at times,” he admits.
You hum as you reach a hand out to drag the mask beneath his chin, exposing his chiseled face to the cool air of his bedroom. Something akin to distress flashes across his eyes for a split second but you have the mind to ease him with a soft peck on the corner of his mouth.
“You think I’m still bothered by your perpetual hostility, Kiyoomi?” You giggle.
“Perpetual?” he echoes, craning his head to the side.
“Everyone calls you a genius, but you’re totally oblivious off the court.” You sigh.
“I am not very sure I like the sound of that, (Name).”
His words are met with a playful smack to his chest. As you drink in the sight of the boy before you, you wonder why everyone thinks of Itachiyama’s ace as an indecipherable force of nature. It’s probably because most only saw him reaping victory after victory in each volleyball game the team competed in. The way he carries himself with unrivaled gallance may have contributed to his image significantly as well. But at the end of the day, Sakusa is still human. He’s capable of falling ill like this; capable of being spread vulnerable. He even laughs at the occasional joke from Komori shared over lunch sometimes. Sakusa is no god, but not a lot of people are given chances to get to know him in a different light, and frankly, he doesn’t want to be thought of as anything less either.
You’re simply one of the lucky ones who get to witness him without his walls up and barbed.
As he leans in to ghost the shape of his lips onto your own, you can’t help but grin at the way his eyes dip half closed at the sight of you.
“I don’t remember you being this impatient, Kiyoomi,” you tease, trailing a finger across the pair of beauty marks dotting his forehead. It’s only when you’re this close to Sakusa that you can fully observe him eyeing you with subtle desire through thick lashes that would make any woman envious.
“Blame it on the fever.” The sultry purr that underscores his words spell out a challenge, and you want nothing more than to take it.
Note to self, make Kiyoomi run in the rain more often. Fevers bring down his inhibitions.
The warmth of his lips slants over yours without a moment’s hesitation. Your fingers immediately entangle themselves in his mess of curls, tugging lightly to encourage more ferocity. A groan rumbles somewhere low in his chest as he yanks at your waist, not allowing an inch of you to remain out of his grasp. You sigh against his mouth and Sakusa takes advantage of the opportunity to slither his tongue inside. His appendage swirls with your own with a sloppiness that feels foreign to you. But his eagerness only serves as a catalyst to the growing heat in the pit of your stomach.
One of your legs hooks itself around his hip, pressing your bodies flush against each other. His skin is hot to the touch and you’re slowly becoming engulfed in the flames of his unspoken desire. But Sakusa doesn’t have to utter a sound to let you know just how deep his hunger plunged. The evidence is in plain sight—his impending arousal springing forth from his sweatpants.
Momentarily, you break away from the union of your lips, to which he responds with an aggravated click of his tongue. Before he can resume his assault, you climb over his body, accommodating his hips on either side of your thighs. From this view, you can clearly see that the short exchange dyed his previously flushed face a few shades redder. Wild locks of his obsidian hair spill across his pillow in loose ringlets. Sakusa’s respiration comes in quick, uneven breaths as his fingers dig into your hips at his waning patience.
“I think…” You tilt your head downward, eyes penetrating through him. “I’m starting to like you better when you’re sick.”
Sakusa simpers for a moment, composing himself so that his back is pressed against the headboard. The look in his eyes beckons you closer and when you comply to his wishes, one of his hands find purchase tangled in your hair, while the other holds your hips in place. You aren’t able to stifle the moan that resonates in your chest when he begins sucking greedily across the column of your neck, fisting your hair to grant him ample access to the tenderness of your skin.
He pulls away for a fraction of a second to completely remove the face mask, discarding it in a crumpled heap on the floor.
“Kiyoomi,” you mewl when he bites down particularly hard on a sweet spot, igniting your desire for more friction between your legs.
A soft growl escapes him before he finally captures your lips once more, trapping the lower line of your mouth between the edges of his teeth. He surrenders his hold on your hair and teases the fabric on the hem of your shirt, fingertips grazing the skin of your hips.
“May I?” Sakusa’s voice is raspy and very much unlike him, but his plea is met with your urgency to simply feel him without any barriers of clothing separating you from each other’s need.
He drags the material of your clothes over your head, tossing it somewhere behind you on the bed. Sakusa’s lips curve into a lazy smirk, one finger hooking beneath the strap of your bra to bring it down from your shoulders. He mirrors the action on your other shoulder, but his attempt to completely liberate you from the confines of the cotton material is intercepted by your hands prodding underneath his own shirt.
“I want to feel you,” you plead, desperate.
His tongue swipes across his bottom lip before hastily ridding himself of his own clothing. Your lips part in a breathless gasp at the sight of him bare. Volleyball truly does wonders to a high school boy’s body, and that’s evident in the prominent lines and contours that mar Sakusa’s chest and abdomen. Your eyes lock with his in a heated gaze, and you can see a sheen of sweat lining his forehead.
You chuckle, leaning closer to his ear. “I was told that the best way to cure a fever is to sweat it out.”
“That’s a complete lie and you know it, (Name).”
When the sound of Komori’s voice sings in your ears, you violently jolt away from Sakusa, clamping your arms over your chest at a pathetic attempt to shield the last shred of dignity you have on you.
The libero chuckles as Sakusa glares at his intrusion, draping his blankets over your half naked form. “Komori, I thought we made it a point to knock if we have business with each other.”
Komori shrugged. “I did. You’re just too caught up in the throes of passion to hear, I guess. Plus, you didn’t put a sock on the doorknob.”
“A sock on the…?” you trailed off, suddenly recalling their house rule of stuffing a single sock on the outside doorknob to let all the house’s residents know that the denizens residing in a room aren’t to be disturbed. You’ve always remembered that one precaution whenever you came over to pay Sakusa a visit while feeling a little frisky. But today, you had no intention of jumping your boyfriend since he’s sick. All the actions leading up to this moment were driven by the mad temptation that permeated the air, and God—
“I’m going to give you five seconds to get out of here, Komori,” Sakusa speaks flatly, the threat in his words as clear as day.
But like you, Komori isn’t the least bit fazed by the ace’s ill-disposed words. “No can do, Sakusa. The coach wants a word with you.”
“I’m sick.”
“Not sick enough to want to bone (Name), though.” Komori shrugs. “I think you can haul yourself to the gym, given that she gave you the ample energy boost.”
The scowl Sakusa gives him provides you a sense of comic relief. Just a few minutes ago, you were about to dive into your own pooling desire, but now your plans have been abruptly derailed.
“Go.” You pat him on the shoulder, tossing him the shirt he discarded earlier. “I’ll wait.”
He narrows his eyes at you. Then at Komori. But he ultimately resigns himself to his responsibilities with a defeated sigh. Sakusa climbs out of his bed, putting his shirt on as he glares at his teammate.
“I still have to grab something from my room,” Komori informs. “Tell me when you’re done kissing her goodbye, Sakusa~”
When the door closes behind him, Sakusa pulls you to your feet. Confused, you let him do as he pleases. But when he leans down to your ear, the heat of his breath sends a shudder rocketing across your spine.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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