#the lion guard crossover
spinnysocks · 2 months
The Lion Guard au where it's warrior cats & all the different species are individual clans, with the exception of adopted family or friend groups (for example: chama, mzaha, and furaha) and loners (for example: bunga and fuli).
the real reason kion is doing full day shifts protecting the pridelands is because of a stupid warrior cats-style prophecy, that obviously includes fuli, bunga, beshte and ono. The Five Apprentices, if you will
they are constantly taking on other, older apprentices (like janja's clan) and even full-grown adult cats (like the crocodiles, vultures, and jackals). all because some silly star cats told them to. looking at you mufasa
lionclan is the most powerful clan with the most powerful and respected leader (thunderclan-coded fr) however he is doing jackshit to help his teenage son and his friends who are fighting every fucking day while he sits at pride rock. average warrior cats plotline am i right
also props to lionclan for nepotism in leader roles 👍
the clans live in relative harmony but there is a divide in the general territory where the Pridelands are connected to "starclan" and the Outlands are connected to the "dark forest", at least until jasiri becomes leader
instead of savannah summits there's full-moon gatherings with ALL the clans (i'm thinking the Outlands are allowed to attend eventually, for even more drama), which is pretty much a night of stress for everyone because i can imagine it's lots of disagreements and arguments lmao
i have some more ideas but this is the basis. don't mind me just combining my two favourite xenofictions into one cursed au >:)
also, everyone who has also made a warrior cats x tlg crossover i love you /pl
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 6 months
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Koda don't question it before I question how you know kung-fu!
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
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Hear me out part 2: These guys would make a REALLY good team
Nah cuz Randall AND the skinks are REALLY good at staying hidden for malicious purposes. The skinks do it to survive and snitch on other animals while Randall does it to scare everyone and sabotage them. Not to mention that they were both the “man on the inside”, with Randall working for Johnny and the skinks working for Scar’s ghost. If Randall ever met Shupavu and Njano, Monsters Inc would be FUCKED
Those two could just crawl all over the place and none of the monsters would ever suspect shit. Even if the two got caught, they’d either be let out without any harm or one of the monsters would try befriend them (looking at you Fritz and Rogers!). Then they could keep Randall updated on everything, prompting the latter to sabotage the company. I bet Randall would actually love them cuz not only are they the opposite of Fungus, they also genuinely respect him and vice versa. Guess they’re a found family now lmao
The only downside is that the monsters that actually see the skinks keep calling them adorable and they hate that
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caramel-dalmatian · 4 months
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My Disney crossover AU idea Somewhere in the west, a huge city known as Rangeside, there lives a young dalmatian teen named, Dylan. wanting to be a hero of the city of Rangeside, sonce sheriff's and military have gone missing due to more and more dangerous criminals showing up, he gathers a group of unlikely heros to protect the city from dangerous criminals
The characters
Dylan Dalmatian: Young sheriff. Aspires to be the hero of Rangeside. Total nerd. Believes that his fate is written in the stars. Can get nervous when things get out of plan. Has a heart of gold. Looks out for his friends more than anything. His knowledge is his greatest strength. 
Lt. Donald Duck: Former naval officer of twelve years and bonafide hero. Born into a rich family. Has a short fuse. Retired to Rangeside after receiving an honourable discharge. Loves his nephews and girlfriend to a fault. If you make him angry, prepare for an unimaginable world of pain. 
Kion: Prince of a far-off nation. Intended to only stay in Rangeside temporarily for a diplomatic tour, until his boat left him stranded (don’t worry, his kingdom knows and are trying to find him). Has accustomed to a more rugged life on the range. At this rate, he doesn’t want to leave the place!
Christine "Bluey" Heeler: A young dog who’s moved from Brisbane, Australia to Rangeside with her family. Kind, innocent and playful. Loves thinking of inventive ways to solve a problem, especially if it can be made into a game. She’s still a kid, so Dylan needs to be extra careful when things get dangerous.
“Little”: Paranoid, self-conscious and very tired. Moved away from his nutjob father. Gets incredibly stressed under pressure. Tries to find a good way out of everything. The town doesn’t pay him much attention, except when he’s running his food cart. That’s what’s given him a name for himself!
Dinah: Motherly, caring and relaxed. Always looks out for her friends. Runs a medical clinic. Acts as the gang’s medic. Has a cure for almost everything, even if it tastes bad. Don’t get on her bad side… really, don’t. She’ll kick your behind from here into a cactus patch if you do. Not to mention she has the ability to grow and shrink depending on what she eats or drinks
Pop: The town’s wise old man, and a former miner. He prefers fresh air to the smell of coal any day. Now retired, he acts as a mentor to Dylan and Bluey. He may be old, but he can still fight with the best of them!
Hope: Railroad worker, daughter of Santa Paws. general flirt. Dylan’s got a bit of a crush on her, but nobody knows if she’ll return the favour. While she's an go getter she's also An expert with mechanics, especially the inner workings of steam engines. She can fix one in less than an hour!
Oswald "The Lucky Kid" Moreno: The town’s outlaw-turned-hero. Has a bunch of kids and a hot wife, living at a local ranch. Expert gunslinger. Knows every type of pistol, shotgun and revolver under the sun. Has a soft side when around his family and friends, but dare cross him and you’ll end up with a bullet between the eyes.
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time a wildcat got adopted by a warthog, I'd have 2 nickels!
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...Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
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pupsandartwork · 5 months
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rose showing moondust constellations
I Doubt Fire is getting barckmane’s Pride and headcanon that moonstrike takes her huntresses to find a new home and they entered the Pride lands
Moondust was curious about what stars looked like so with some rope and rocks makes the constellations the first one she showed was of course Leo
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lionkingnight · 9 months
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so been working on a little crossover involving Ratchet and clank and Lion king and have been working on a few designs for some characters and ocs
characters from top - Kad, Ali, Riv, Comet, Ratchet, Rivet and Alister
Kad, Ali, Riv and Comet are my versions of Ratchet's and Rivet's kids
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abutterflysdrawings · 2 years
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''The mighty hunter... has cornered his prey... grr...''
''Sin... What the hell are you doing?''
Oh hey there- Been a while since I last drew anything lion-related, hasn't it? I recently started playing Guilty Gear and I couldn't help but mentally associate Sol to a lion. I mean, male lions are some of the grumpiest animals on the face of earth. Not to mention such grumpiness also seeps into their behaviour as father figures...
I know Sin had his hair down as a child but let's be real, his haircut was really lame when he was a kid lol. For this, uh, AU I guess? I headcanon Sol one day gave him a bath that turned his ''mane'' all spiky/poofy and decided to keep it that way cause it looked way cooler than his regular hair. It was hard to remove very vital parts of their designs, such as Sol's headband and Sin's eyepatch, so I kept them since they're too vital lore-wise.
Here we see an ever-hungry lion cub Sin about to pounce on some unfortunate lizard (based on the lizard he's holding in that one art from the Material collection) while his grandfather just stares blankly at him.
Man I missed drawing lions LOL Also I'm really proud of this background for once- I feel I've improved with my trees. Not so much the rocks.
Commission info / Don’t repost / Reblogs are encouraged / No mean things in the comments/tags. 
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andybirdy · 10 months
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Kion as Harry Potter (a very old edit)
Kion and Ulluh PNGs by °German Rodríguez
°Bambi PNG by °Nydia Villavi
The other stuff I got from Picsart
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spinnysocks · 2 months
wait... my tlg warrior cats au... i can make them any cat breeds i want and design them completely from scratch... *rubs hands together evilly*
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 2 months
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Nice ink.
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devilsrecreation · 3 months
I still very much believe that Sir Hiss, Kaa, Ushari, and Fu-xi should be a squad so have some headcanons:
It starts off with Sir Hiss meeting Kaa at like a Disney Villain bar or the House of Mouse and them becoming friends
They eventually find Ushari’s ghost slithering around and Hiss asks if he’d like to hang out with them. Ushari’s surprised they can see him but agrees anyway and they become a trio
Fu-xi has somehow found his way to the Disneyverse and ends up saving the trio (well duo since Ushari can’t get hurt anymore) from some kind of danger. Hiss knows the newcomer isn’t exactly from here, but he accepts and befriend him anyway because as Ushari once said: “Sisi Ni Sawa”
Fu-xi was the first one to figure out Ushari’s actually a ghost. His new cobra friend refusing to eat was suspicious enough, but then he started to notice that nobody even touched him. Wasn’t until Fu-xi went to give Ushari a hug (whatever the snake equivalent looks like) and passes right through him
When Ushari finally confessed, Hiss and Kaa were understandably freaked out, but Ushari assured them he wasn’t here to haunt anyone and got a lot of support when his friends learned about his story
Fu-xi and Ushari are BFF’s and no I will not elaborate
Hiss and Kaa defenitely have a thing going on cuz gay snakes am I right?
Kaa, Ushari, and Fu-xi HATE Prince John for obvious reasons. Ushari because he sees him as pathetic, Fu-xi because John’s a two-legger who looks down on serpents (to his credit, it’s not entirely false), and Kaa just gets bad vibes from him
They have all seen how PJ treats Hiss and he straight up would have died if it wasn’t for Hiss stopping his friends. Fu-xi has repeatedly offered to kill him since he’s promised no one harms a serpent while he lives. PJ’s admittedly scared of all of them, especially after Fu-xi tried to lunge at him going “HOW DARE YOU TREAT HIM LIKE THAT!”
They’re a bit more lenient and understanding with Shere Kahn. Especially, Fu-xi since they both share that hatred of two leggers
Shere Kahn: Those two-leggers are horrible. All they do is ruin things for us
They all have some sort of role: Sir Hiss is the leader and the nicest one, Ushari’s the smart and wise mentor, Fu-xi is their bodyguard, and Kaa is the impulsive comic relief (or should I say KAA-mic relief—I’m sorry I’ll go in the corner)
Fu-xi has been trying to teach the others how to be more intimidating. It’s not going well.
I like to imagine Jormungandr from Ducktales hangs out with them every once in a while (when not in his stone form). He gives Fu-xi fighting tips. Hiss looks at him respectively (and by that i mean he’s internally going “awooga” at the sight of him)
Ushari was the one to give him a chance since the demigod reminds him of a certain friend of his (it’s Kenge. They both share the same VA lol)
Hiss, Kaa, and Fu-xi have probably met the skinks at some point. They think they’re downright ADORABLE
Kaa forgets his hypnotizing powers don’t work on other snakes so he’ll be like “Truuuuusssst in meeeee~” and Ushari would be like 😐
All of them had a rough upbringing but everyone agrees Fu-xi had it the hardest. I imagine after he tells his story about how his family was persecuted due to racism, everyone else was all
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The reason why they’re all besties in the first place is that they all bond over being disrespected
Not only is their friend group like a support group, but they honestly bring out the best in each other. They’re better snakes now :)
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kaythefloppa · 6 months
Probably the most random fact of the evening, but the animator behind Anga on The Lion Guard (Erika Worthylake) has also been a longtime animator on Wild Kratts. You can do a quick google search and see what animal models she’s worked on for the show since Season 4 -
Just another fuel for the fires of my WK/TLG hyperfixation.
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pupsandartwork · 8 months
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Drawtober day 29 ghost
Amber is always by her daughter’s side even if she can’t be seen
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