#the little gray one is the one that loves collecting pearls
vchumis · 2 years
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They maybe her babies now but they are still little pearl lovers
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
A Gift of Snow
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Pairing: Gale x Tav (Aislyn) Plot: Just a cute lil scene where Gale gifts his wife with a little snow cloud to cool off on a hot Waterdeep day 💜❄️🌨️ A/N: I wrote this as a gift for @charlee-monstah for her birthday after having a fun little chat about her polar bear druid Tav, Aislyn. Art is by @weaveandwood and if you want to reblog her art (and you SHOULD) the original link is here!!
It was days like this that Gale wished he were a better artist, one who could render a memory onto a canvas with perfect, minute detail, down to the tiniest freckle and glimmer of light. But the lion’s share of his wizardly talent was dedicated to illusion magic, not painting, and so, instead, he leaned against the doorframe of his home in Waterdeep, a smile on his lips, to watch his beloved enjoy an afternoon out on their balcony.
A charming little cloud, as lightly gray as a freshwater pearl and as fluffy as a puff of cotton, hovered a few feet above Aislyn’s head as she reclined on the balcony bench, her legs stretched out along the seat. The cloud was his little gift on this particularly hot day in Waterdeep, as it brought a bit of refreshing snow to try and bring down the temperature around their modest balcony. Aislyn was gazing out to the horizon, lost in thought, completely unfazed by the slow drift of snowflakes fluttering down around her. Gale was drawn in by the sight, enchanted by each tiny flake of white in her midnight-blue hair and the way the snow melted against her tanned skin the instant they made contact. He suspected her mind was already on their next adventure, the next place they could explore, the next little mishap they could tangle themselves up in, but his mind was on her. Always and always on her.
How could he focus on anything else? When something as simple as a flurry of snowflakes was enough to elevate her natural beauty beyond that of any other, god or mortal? He leaned his head against the doorframe, watching as she sat up and cupped her hands together, letting snow collect there. One long, elven ear flicked as a snowflake landed on the tip and he was struck all over again, for probably the hundredth time, just how cute and beautiful and mesmerizing she was all at once. It was hard to believe, even after all this time, that she was his wife.
His gaze drifted back up to her face, crossing the scar over her nose, seeking the mesmerizing blue of her beautiful eyes. She’d look up at him eventually, he knew, and when she did he would be ready with some charming compliment or other. Something about how he’d love to get lost creating constellations among her freckles, or how her raven-haired beauty was—
A puff of white powder exploded against his shoulder and he jolted, suddenly alert. Aislyn laughed, reclining back against the bench, another snowball ready in her hand.
“You were staring again,” she said, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. “Do you see something you like?”
He laughed, brushing the snow off his shoulder. “Oh, there is plenty here that I like, as I’m sure you well know. My charming, beautiful, talented wife foremost among them all.”
“Is that so,” she murmured, turning her eyes to the snowball in her hands. She pursed her lips slightly, as if considering his words, only to turn as quick as lightning and fling the second snowball at him. He blocked it with a quick shield spell and then, with a grin and a quick spellcasting gesture, expanded the cloud over their heads.
Snow came down in a thick curtain inside the balcony now, creating small drifts on the bench, the table, and the railings in mere seconds. Aislyn laughed, scooping up more snow to toss his way, but he ducked and dashed toward the little table, gathering up an armful of snow. He attempted to dump it clumsily on her, but she rolled away with ease, her reflexes sharp, and within seconds pelted him with yet another snowball.
“You know better than to get in a snowball fight with a polar bear,” she said, flashing him a grin. She opened her mouth to tease him further, only to yelp when a mage hand Gale had conjured behind her pulled back the fabric of her shirt and dumped snow down her back.
“Surely that wasn’t too cold for a polar bear,” he said, crossing his arms with a smirk.
“Oh I’ll show you too cold.”
She feinted to the right and he attempted to out-step her, moving toward the bench, but she was faster than him. She took a handful of snow and grabbed him by the shirt, stuffing the snow down his collar. He gasped at the sudden cold, but she gave him no room to shake out the snow beneath his shirt. She pressed into him, forcing him to retreat until the backs of his legs hit the bench and he sat down in the snow there with a soft oof.
She straddled him easily, looping her arms around his neck, and couldn’t resist a triumphant smirk of her own. “Cold, are you? Do you need me to maybe…warm things up for you?”
He breathed a laugh that clouded in the air between them. The cloud he had conjured snowed now in gentle, lazy flurries rather than heavy curtains of snow, and once more he was captivated by the way individual flakes stood out in her hair. Each perfect tiny ice crystal stark white and glimmering against strands of ink-blue, like a sky full of stars. He adored the way her blue eyes sparkled with victory and affection and, despite the time she’d spent relaxing beneath a snow cloud, she was still quite warm. The heat of her body against his was more than a little distracting.
He utterly forgot to be charming or witty or suave in response to her teasing. Instead he could only smile, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I love you,” he said, gazing warmly up at her.
She gave a quiet laugh, brushing her hand through his hair and dislodging a few snowflakes that drifted down between them. “Admitting defeat then?” she asked, but before he could respond, her smirk softened and she leaned in with a quiet, murmured, “Love you too,” just before she met his lips with hers.
Gale wrapped his arms tighter around her as she deepened the kiss, her tongue seeking his, and all concentration on keeping up the conjured snow melted away as he shifted them, turning to lay her back along the seat of the bench. Neither noticed the snow still left over around them as his cold hands slipped beneath the fabric of her shirt, seeking warmth. She shivered just slightly before pulling back to gaze at him, her eyebrows raised but a challenge in her eyes.
“You wanna do this out here?” she asked.
“My love, I would do ‘this’ with you anywhere,” was his sole reply.
He took her mouth again with his and soon trailed kisses down her jaw and throat, smiling against her skin as she melted beneath him like conjured snow.
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riddles-n-games · 22 days
TGG and GU Theories
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome, friends and fellow detectives! This is the first official "episode" of TGG Theories.
Haven't done one of these in a little while and I have managed to put something coherent into words with @whatsamongus at least for my TGG theory. But we have two ongoing theories here, one that ties TBH and TGG together in one more way and the second is about one of the stories in the upcoming novella collection (you know, the one with a very cryptic title; Pain at the Right Gun).
Grayson's Connection to Alice: After having gone back to reveal scene from Lyra's perspective that Alice is alive and given Gray was with her, I realized we already had an established connection between them in the previous book. The OPAL RING! When Nash said that Nan gave him a ring to propose to Libby, she gave him one from Alice's collection and then handed it off to Grayson. (Enter Phone Girl.) Now, we also have an established ROMANTIC connection between him and Lyra at the end of TGG when she is revealed to be alive (How ironic that she's randomly involved in his love life? Like, Alice are you trying to play matchmaker because he's the only lonely grandson?). But the romance isn't so important. However, that brings a new thing into question; is the ring tied to Omega? @whatsamongus and I came up with a theory here: I suggested that the opal might have a symbol on it and she then stated that opal provides clarity in terms of significance. Given that Hawthornes love playing with hidden messages, I thought, what if the way to see the supposed hidden symbol of Omega in Alice's ring is by using a black light? We've seen that method used a lot in the books for uncovering clues. @whatsamongus also stated that natural black opal would reflect every color and so it would glow if there was a message. Now, maybe the original ring didn't have anything on it be that Tobias gifted it to her or she bought it for herself. We don't know if she possibly took it to have adjustments made that could have involved putting the symbol in. Anyways, that's what we have on the ring's involvement so far.
Nan as Surprise POV: This one is simpler. When Games Untold was first revealed, I thought the pearl necklace did indicate Nan since her name is Pearl. However, up until now, my main theory for what the story would be regarding Pain at the Right Gun was that being Alice and Tobias because I thought it would show him being betrayed by her or something. While that is still a leading theory of mine, my mind veered to another thought, what if it's Nan's story about when she killed her husband?
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Corrupted Light AU and/or Fused Corrupted Light AU has a Fusion version of Creed Reader, between Skinny Honey Jasper Reader and Peach Pearl Reader. Jasper Creed Reader was a quartz who came out off color, as different, than what their cluster wanted. And their cluster let them know it from day one. How they didn't fit in, how they were too soft with organics, how they weren't the right size or shape or height... And while Jasper Creed Reader met them with love and oneness, it faded over the years into fear, instead of doing things for them out of love, they did it so they wouldn't be mad or start yelling... They grew self-conscious, they started to dread ever seeing a Diamond or being near the rest of Homeworld, they even hated themself-
Until Peach Pearl Creed Reader showed up.
They were a gift, or a prize, to the group Jasper Creed Reader was in. And the poor gem was all gray and faded, instead of lively or colorful or even talkative. But Jasper Creed Reader kept them company when they couCo. They'd talk to them, treat them like a gem, would tell them thank you and how great a job they did, even asking how their day was... And slowly but surely, a bit of color seeped back into Peach Pearl Creed Reader... A little on their ribbons... a faint blush on their face... their skin turning a faint salmon... Until Peach Pearl Creed Reader started to answer, started to think for themself again. And they grew to love this odd, new Jasper, who wasn't rough or mean or scary like the other quartzes. This one was lovely...
And these two halves bond, hiding their friendship from the others, and spending what time they could exploring the world around them and talking about what they've seen, where they've been, and what they've experienced... It doesn't take long for Jasper Creed Reader to fear the Diamonds, worried for Peach Pearl Creed Reader, or for Peach Pearl Creed Reader to despise the other quartzes and most gems for looking down on Jasper Creed Reader. Neither one of them can fathom why other gems would hurt the other, why they'd be so mean and careless, why they'd hate them...
It doesn't take much longer for them to fuse for the first time, becoming a tall, fluffy-haired gem, one who's sweet and a menace and who loves themself. And when the they separate into their two separate selves, they're in awe. They... they made that? They were... they were themself. Or at least the gem thry wanted to be. It was... amazing...
A time later, Jasper Creed Reader ends up scarred, and Peach Pearl Reader takes them and runs, puffing any gems who attack them as they flee. They're able to find a ship, getting inside and ready to go, the gem fluid of Jasper Creed Reader staining the floor in sickly colors- And then at the worst possible moment, something hits the ship-
And then something catches on fire, electricity sparking and light warping-
And it explodes...
When the two gems come to, they're crashed into an odd, beautiful place, with green organic matter and soft dirt and bright blue skies, and they realize they're safe, for now. That they made it. And now? They can be themself, together, away from Homeworld and the quartzes and diamonds and every gem who made them feel small, feel weak... It's nice, spedning time on this planet, that they find out is called Earth. They plant flowers, collects rocks, study the water cycle, learn how to sew, find shiny jewelry, and make so many drawings and sketches of this wonderful place...
When they fuse again, it feels like they never stopped being them. Like they never left. And seeing this planet, this little place of love and humanity and hope, they decide to defend it.
(And later when they meet the other innocent teens/gems, it's so strange for them, seeing these gems or fusions be so open, so loving. And they accept Opal Creed Reader, even love them, the way their cluster never did... And they decides to teach them all they know. Yet their past... they keep it a secret. There's no need to worry them with why they're scarred or why part they hate Homeworld... It's best to leave the past to dust, and look to the future...)
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thethirdromana · 1 year
The many, many references of chapter XI of Dorian Gray
This chapter can come across as a bit of a long, boring list of stuff. That's partly because it is a long, boring list of stuff, as we see how shallow Dorian's life of collecting trinkets and misdeeds is, compared with his lofty ambitions to be some kind of thought-leader of his age.
But it's Wilde, so a lot of this chapter has references and connotations that might not be obvious.
the sordid room of the little ill-famed tavern near the docks OK, this isn't particularly subtle given Wilde already tells us it's sordid and ill-famed. But it's probably not just a dodgy pub. Being near the docks implies that Dorian is hanging out with people in the lower classes, almost certainly including sex workers. I think there might also be a nudge-nudge wink-wink implication of homosexuality here - docks mean sailors, and the navy already had a reputation for homosexuality in Wilde's time.
Like Gautier, he was one for whom “the visible world existed.” Théophile Gautier, a French writer, critic and defender of Romanticism. He was flamboyant, unconventional and had lots of affairs.
he might really become to the London of his own day what to imperial Neronian Rome the author of the Satyricon once had been The author of the Satyricon is Petronius, a Roman courtier in the reign of Nero. He was dedicated to a life of pleasure and indulgence, and was an authority on questions of fashion and taste.
the materialistic doctrines of the Darwinismus movement in Germany Darwinismus means proto-eugenics, essentially. You know, in case you needed any more reasons to dislike Dorian.
the one that Bernal Diaz saw when he went with Cortes into the Mexican temple, and of whose doleful sound he has left us so vivid a description "They had an exceedingly large drum there, and when they beat it the sound of it was so dismal and like, so to say, an instrument of the infernal regions, that one could hear it a distance of two leagues, and they said that the skins it was covered with were of those great snakes." Wouldn't say it was that vivid a description, to be honest.
appeared at a costume ball as Anne de Joyeuse, Admiral of France, in a dress covered with five hundred and sixty pearls Despite how this sounds, Anne de Joyeuse was a man, and Dorian didn't go to the ball in drag. Anne de Joyeuse was probably one of Henry III's lovers. (This is the start of a theme developing).
Alexander, the Conqueror of Emathia This is Alexander the Great. (The theme continues).
Lodge’s strange romance ‘A Margarite of America’ A 16th century romance about the love affair between a Peruvian prince and a Russian princess. With a lot of gory bits.
the Duke de Valentinois, son of Alexander VI Otherwise known as Cesare Borgia, who inspired Machiavelli to write The Prince. There are all sorts of rumours about Cesare Borgia, ranging from having lots of mistresses (true) to gay relationships and incest with his sister (probably not true).
Charles of England had ridden in stirrups hung with four hundred and twenty-one diamonds This is presumably Charles I rather than Charles II (who was also Charles of England). Historic Royal Palaces - the people who run the Tower of London, among others - have him on their list of LGBT+ monarchs. They highlight this painting, where he's gazing at George Villiers, who also shagged his dad:
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Richard II had a coat, valued at thirty thousand marks, which was covered with balas rubies Richard II, who was rumoured to have had an affair with Richard de Vere, Earl of Oxford.
Henry VIII Who only had relationships with women, as far as history is aware.
The favourites of James I wore ear-rings of emeralds set in gold filigrane Back on the theme again. James I was Charles I's dad, who had a secret passage built between his bedchamber and that of his favourite, George Villiers - the one in the picture up there ^. While most of the people on this list were only rumoured to have had gay relationships, no one really disputes it for James I.
Edward II gave to Piers Gaveston a suit of red-gold armour That would be his lover, Piers Gaveston.
Henry II. wore jewelled gloves reaching to the elbow Henry II, who was known to have shared a bed with William Marshal, the Earl of Pembroke. Which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but... you know. There's a theme.
Charles the Rash, the last Duke of Burgundy of his race At this point I can't tell if Wilde is deliberately throwing in some misdirection, like the mention of Henry VIII, or if my Google-powers have failed me.
the mortuary cloth of King Chilperic Oh hang on a tick. King Chilperic was a 6th century monarch who is known, among other things, for having strangled his wife. Just as Henry VIII had two of his wives executed. So the theme here is either queer relationships - or murdered women.
(We then of course get a series of notable historical figures who, so far as I can tell, don't have any connections to either of these things. Also this bit goes on for ages and this post is already very long, so I'm going to skip past them).
dreadful places near Blue Gate Fields A slum area just north of the docks in East London. Known for opium dens, brothels and murders. Some people have suggested this is an allusion to Jack the Ripper, even a suggestion that Oscar Wilde knew who Jack the Ripper was, which I'm reasonably confident is nonsense.
brawling with foreign sailors in a low den in the distant parts of Whitechapel So what I'm finding quite funny here is that all the dodgy and dissolute places that Wilde has Dorian go are literally just the same place.
Near the docks = East London, probably in the area of Whitechapel Blue Gate Fields = Whitechapel the distant parts of Whitechapel = that would be Whitechapel, then?
The very odd Jack the Ripper website I just read interprets Wilde's descriptions as meaning that he had some kind of hidden knowledge of London's underworld... just as the Ripper would have!! But to me this reads a lot more like Wilde was aware of one (1) suitably shady-sounding location and ran with it.
Here was Philip Herbert That would be James I's lover, Philip Herbert. (What, you thought we were done with these?)
Sir Anthony Sherard Is fictional, but...
the lover of Giovanna of Naples Giovanna of Naples was a real person, who probably murdered her husband. (Nice to get some variety among the murdered spouses).
Lady Elizabeth Devereux A Tudor noblewoman, known for a quite public affair.
George Willoughby... had been a macaroni of the eighteenth century, and the friend, in his youth, of Lord Ferrars I can't find much on George Willoughby, but Lord Ferrers shot his steward, and is known as the last peer to have been hanged in England.
the second Lord Beckenham... he had led the orgies at Carlton House Lord Beckenham is (I think) fictional; George IV, who held wild and extravagant parties at Carlton House, is not.
Tiberius, in a garden at Capri Googling this brings up articles titled things like "The Scandalous Private Life of Tiberius Caesar". That makes it sound like the fun activities of consenting adults, but that's grossly misleading. The people involved were rumoured to be often neither consenting nor adults.
reading the shameful books of Elephantis Elephantis was a Greek poet and physician who wrote a sex manual.
Caligula... Domitian... Elagabalus Caligula was known for sex and murder. Domitian was known for censorship and control of public morals. Elagabalus was known for sexual promiscuity with men and women.
And that's the lot! For the last few paragraphs of the chapter, Wilde actually spells out the various misdeeds of the people he discusses (sex and murder, unsurprisingly), thus sparing me from Googling them.
Congratulations if you made it this far.
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kazscrows · 1 year
Crooked Kingdom Reread
Part Two: A Killing Wind
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Chapter 5: Jesper
Once again he found himself reaching for his revolvers, longing for the cool, familiar feel of their pearl handles beneath his thumbs…
…Kaz said they’d get them back in good time, but he doubted Kaz would be so calm and collected if someone had swiped his cane. You’re the one who put them on the table like a nub, Jesper reminded himself. He’d done it for Inej. And if he was honest, he’d done it for Kaz too, to show he was willing to do what it took to make things right. Not that it seemed to matter much.
Jesper is trying so hard
It hurts so much because everything was an accident
I’m sorry Kaz has the emotional range of a teaspoon when it comes to expressing his feelings and just talking things through
He sometimes wondered what might have happened if he’d never gone out with his new friends that night, if he’d never walked into that gambling parlor and taken that first spin at Makker’s Wheel. It was meant to be harmless fun. And for everyone else, it had been. But Jesper’s life had split like a log into two distinct and uneven pieces: the time before he’d stepped up to that wheel and every day since.
Jesper’s gambling addiction is so interesting to me
It makes me wonder if it’s the gambling itself or just the idea that he can’t know the outcome that draws him in
Like.. is it the uncertainty that gives him the adrenaline rush much like how he enjoys the unknown and thrill of the fight?
He’s such a deep character
Every one of the Crows are really
Also I wonder where those supposed “friends” of his are now
Poor Jes is nervous to face his father
He’d hoped that Kaz would offer to accompany him. But when they’d split up to approach the university, Kaz had spared him only one dark glance. The message had been clear: You dug this grave. Go lie in it.
Not even “dig yourself back out” just basically leaving him for dead…
That’s pretty harsh Kaz…
It had been nearly two years since Jesper had set foot on university grounds. He’d never officially withdrawn from school. He hadn’t even really decided not to attend. He’d simply started spending more and more time on East Stave, until he looked up one day and realized the Barrel had become his home.
Ever single one of these children wound up in the Barrel on accident
I guess that’s the point though
No one willingly chooses that place. That life.
All his attention focused on the man standing near the eastern wall, gazing up at the stained-glass windows, a crumpled hat clasped in his hands. With a pang, Jesper realized his father had worn his best suit. He’d combed his Kaelish red hair tidily back from his brow. There was gray in it now that hadn’t been there when Jesper left home.
This just makes my heart ache
Also Mr. Fahey sounds like a sweet man, he’s doing his best
Jesper’s throat felt dry-sand parched. “Da,” he croaked. His father’s head snapped up and Jesper steeled himself for what might come next—whatever insults or outrage his father hurled at him, he deserved. But he wasn’t prepared for the relieved grin that split his father’s craggy features. Someone might as well have put a bullet right in Jesper’s heart.
“Jes!” his father cried. And then Jesper was crossing the courtyard and his father’s arms were tight around him, hugging him so hard Jesper thought he actually felt his ribs bend.
I always think about the parable of the prodigal son here
The first thing Jesper’s father does upon seeing him isn’t to scold him or make him feel ashamed
He embraces him and is overjoyed to just see him once again
I love that parable
Ah right, then they start getting shot at
“Wylan, tell me you’re packing more than pens, ink, and weevil makings.”
“I’ve got two flash bombs and something new I rigged up with a little more, um, wallop.”
“Bombs?” Jesper’s father asked, blinking as if to wake himself from a bad dream.
Jesper shrugged helplessly. “Think of them as science experiments?”
Poor Mr. Fahey has no real idea what‘s truly going on
“Da, I swear I’ll explain everything, but right now all you need to know is that we’re in a bad situation, and bad situations happen to be my area of expertise.” And it was true. Jesper could feel himself coming alive, the worry that had been dogging his steps since he’d gotten news of his father’s arrival in Ketterdam falling away. He felt free, dangerous, like lightning rolling over the prairie. “Trust me, Da.”
“All right, boy. All right.”
Jesper really does thrive in a fight
And I love that his dad just trusts him
Okay this fight scene would actually be so cool to see live action
I need that SoC spin-off so we can get here someday!
Jesper reloaded and popped up from behind the fountain, shooting.
“All Saints,” he shouted as pain tore through his shoulder. He really hated being shot. He shrank back behind the stone lip. He flexed his hand, testing the damage to his arm. Just a scratch, but it hurt like hell, and he was bleeding all over his new tweed jacket. “This is why it doesn’t pay to try to look respectable,” he muttered.
I guess Jesper has been shot before. Makes sense but still
They way he’s more upset about his clothes being ruined over the actual idea of being shot though
Also I can hear Kit saying that. His poor jacket
“Help me,” said Jesper. “We need to barricade the entrance.”
The man behind the desk wore gray scholar’s robes. His nostrils were flared so wide in effrontery that Jesper feared being sucked up one of them. “Young man—”
Help I just snorted—
Jesper pointed his gun at the scholar’s chest. “Move.”
“Jesper!” his father said.
“Don’t worry, Da. People point guns at each other all the time in Ketterdam. It’s basically a handshake.”
“Is that true?” his father asked as the scholar grudgingly moved aside and they shoved the heavy desk in front of the door.
“Absolutely,” said Wylan.
“Certainly not,” said the scholar.
Please why is this so funny??
I’m dying
Jesper really just took time to stop and flirt with a girl as they’re being pursued by people who are shooting at them
People are literally trying to kill you! Now is not the time, my guy!!
—these were the moments he lived for. He should be buzzing from the excitement of the fight. The thrill was still there, fizzing through his blood, but beside it was a cold, unfamiliar sensation that felt like it was draining the joy from him. All he could think was, Da could have been hurt. He could have died. Jesper was used to people shooting at him. He would have been a little insulted if they’d stopped shooting at him. This was different. His father hadn’t chosen this fight. His only crime had been putting his faith in his son.
Oh Jesper-
He makes my heart hurt a lot
That’s the problem with Ketterdam, Jesper thought as they stumbled uncertainly through the dark. Trusting the wrong person can get you killed.
Oh my gosh Jesper thinks this and then it immediately goes to Nina for the next chapter
Is this saying something about Matthias trusting Nina??
Or maybe foreshadowing for Matthias trusting that a drüskelle wouldn’t kill an unarmed man…
Or it’s late and I’m just thinking too much
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sifu-kisu · 11 months
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Actions with the Amey sword (Amey Jiang / зу) are distinguished by their dense and thoughtful connecting forms of movements. During fencing practice, body techniques focus on twisting and folding, sucking and throwing, as well as rolling and flipping to achieve duel success. The sword technique requires the sword to move like a swallow in flight, and descend downwards like the wind stops. To attain mastery of the Amei sword, you must act “not by strength, but by skill” (xi lianbo qianjin / с), that is, to conquer with little strength; to defeat force with dexterity. In addition, have a "sharp eye" and rapid movements. Qi must follow the sword, the eyes must follow the sword; the steps must follow the waist, and the waist, arms and legs must be flexible and soft, fully embodying the harmony of the "hard and soft" sword fencing art of Emei. The Amey sword embodies a special fencing style, combining "hardness, softness, precision, speed and skill."
There is an old legend of the origin of the Amey sword. Once upon a time, a gray-haired old man Daos came to the foot of Mount Amay, who loved birds singing, monkeys crying and beautiful scenery of Mount Amay. So he settled on the mountain to build a hut there. The old man made a living by collecting medicines and helping the people around him. In his spare time, he studied and observed the leashes of flying birds and monkeys climbing trees. It is said that the "Twenty-four techniques of owning the white monkey's sword" (Bai Yuan Tzn Ershi Sy Fa / /) spread to succeeding generations were created by this old man. The Amay Sword originated from the monks of the Amay Mountains based on “Twenty-four sword techniques of the white monkey”, such as “exploring the sea for pearls,” “hungry tiger eating sheep,” “disturbing demons” and “carrying the tiger back up the mountain” and other techniques. All other movements are traditional "Twenty-four White Monkey Sword Techniques" striking techniques. The difference between the Amey sword and other swords is that from start to finish the sword is held in the right hand, and the position with two fingers is fixed in the left. Normal swords are quick, graceful, and graceful when practiced; while the Emei sword focuses on real-life combat, with a special focus on point defeating (dian/ из), rubbing (pi/ О), piercing (tsi/ фокуси), lifting (lao/ бы). When practicing with the Amey sword, all the strength of the entire body should be directed through the feet, waist, shoulders, elbows and wrists to the tip of the sword and blade. Fencing techniques include: a straight strike, when the sword strikes from top to bottom; a horizontal strike, when a sword strikes forward left to right; a cross strike, when a knife strikes diagonally down and up; and a sparring strike, when the knife strikes from bottom to top. from the bottom onward and upward. The Amey sword strike method is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. Usually, the entire plane of the sword's blade is used, not just its blade. In the work of her sword legs, special attention is paid to diagonal movement. Since the sword has two blade edges that are thin and sharp enough, you can't block them with much force. Instead, movements based more on a subtle, agile and high-tech application of techniques are used. To move diagonally, only the so-called "side door" can be used, that is, a lateral approach to the opponent is used, not a "head-to-head". It's what people often call the "front door grab method." This method combines an attack with a dodge, i.e. avoiding the enemy's sharp edge, enter through the side door, and then suddenly attack the enemy. In short, when it comes to footwork, you can't stick to the old dogmatic rules, you should assess the situation and use the situation accordingly, changing depending on the situation itself. Today, on the one hand, the Amei sword is a heritage of traditional Chinese culture, but on the other hand, this technique is still practically applicable today and has a positive effect on the practitioner's health.
VIDEO "EMEY JIANG / ВИДЕ / EMEY SWORD. Part 1. ": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCNMqHlqoN0&t=15s
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rainyearning · 4 months
"Nonsense, nails are art. I do not like to give anything any less of my attention just because they are a bit shorter," she said, rising and starting to collect all she would need. "Getting your nails done should be like a spa experience; you relax and feel like a whole new being afterward," Runen's studio was designed with that idea in mind. "I will still make them a real highlight; they don't need to be too long for that," she said, tapping their fingertips together. "Well, I'd have encouraged it too. Humans are so quick to speak without thinking." She settled down and started to remove the remains of the old design, giving her a wink. "Maybe there is a particular shade that those tall 'men' would be impressed by? I'd go for short acrylics in gradient, a neutral white or gray melting into a soft blue or purple maybe? I will paint you a pretty white pattern on top and we can add some pearls or small stones if you want. It's a very fresh design for the summer but practical, it will last at least a month. In case you find a tall man, you won't have to worry about your nails coming off for a little, as dearly as I'd miss you."
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Oh Runen, wasn't she a delight? Like a knight in shiny armor, just, a bit different than that. She saved him with gossip, nice words, encouragement and a nice spa treatment, adding to Eiras beauty. She liked when her nails looked nice, matching the pretty fashion Eira liked to flaunt so much. "A Gray to blue gradient sound stunning, actually. It suits me, don't you think? Somewhat icy." Eira nodded a little, some strands of brown hair falling into his face. "Really, I am not sure if tall men really care too much about the color of my nails? You see, I need them to look pretty and they could manage to not fall off if I claw all over someones back. So really, go for it, love, I know my nails will be amazing." He never left disappointed, and so he was sure, he would be just as pleased today. "If you miss me too much, just call me, honey, and we go grab a drink. I happily play wingman.. for whatever occasion. I am sure we could also find the most disgusting human being that no one would morn for you to eat." Eira shrugged his shoulders shortly. "Anyways... what is your type, actually? Since, you know, mine is tall men, what is it you like?" He could ask questions like this, right?
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corbenic · 4 months
As I continued to read the story I noticed that you changed all the royals. That must be a lot of work. I’m in love with Evie and Julien, I almost finishing reading the story, and want more already!!
I’ve heard of Scrivener on tiktok, but as a paid software I need to find an alternative, but by what I watched it has a lot of great resources.
I have no idea how many words I’ve written, I have Wikipedia style doc with all the information on the monarchy (that is a mix of rules and tradition from all the monarchies that I use it for mine, also I have a wiki doc on the royals themselves, but that is a work in progress for as long as I can remember).
Now I’m working on all the residences (private and official) as before I had a general idea, but nothing writer down.
I’m also researching the tiaras and the Crown Jewels, I like so many pieces and I wonder how many is too much 😅 How many do the French have? I noticed that for the first of Evie’s tiara events she wore three, that was gold for royal watches!
I used to plan events a month or so behind, but since polyvore ended I’m now 6 year behind, but major events happened like the first born child (I fell old, because I planed that years before).
I like the idea of making all the other royals fictional, I debated for so long to make one for my royal grandmother, but ended up going with Denmark, so I my universe Margrethe has another sister.
Fortunately, I just finished revising all my old posts and am now catching up on April and May! There will be new posts very soon!
I love Scrivener, but it is definitely designed for novels and similar long-form works. For a free way to collect information, Discord is really great. Here's a snippet of the various channels in my Princess Imperial server:
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I keep the names and websites of various charities, links to events, links to clothes, news articles about royal finances, a list of fictional monarchies and key details (names, titles and styles, relationships with the French imperial family), and more in here. It's free, super flexible, and you can add a brainstorming buddy to the server if you'd want! (I haven't done that; this one is just for me.)
As for jewels... the French monarchy has always had a lot of jewels. It's important to differentiate between state-owned property (like the actual French crown jewels) and personal property. Empress Christine is the only person allowed to wear the crown jewels. However, the imperial family has an enormous collection of personally owned jewelry. Most of this belongs to Louis-Napoleon, who loans it out as he sees fit.
Royal jewelry collections generally grow due to inheritance, purchases, and marriage.
Empress Eugénie was internationally famous for her jewelry collection; in reality, it was dispersed to a variety of loved ones (including the real Princess Beatrice and her daughter, Victoria Eugenie, who became Queen of Spain!), since her son died in 1879. In the storyworld, however, the vast majority of her collection is inherited by Napoleon IV and passed down his direct line (example: the gray pearl earrings Christine wears to the Swedish accession Te Deum).
Beatrice inherited some pieces from her mother, Queen Victoria, which joined the imperial collection (example: the ruby brooch Gisèle wore to Evie and Julien's wedding).
Maria Adelaide joined the imperial family in a time of economic abundance, and purchased the bulk of her collection; many of these pieces are now being loaned to Evie (example: the all-diamond floral tiara).
Christine was given various Swedish royal jewels as a wedding gift (most notably, the ruby wreath parure we know and love as Queen Mary of Denmark's signature suite).
Most importantly, very little of the imperial collection was given away when French princesses married into other reigning houses! The last imperial princess to receive a large wedding gift was Princess Eugénie Victoire, daughter of Napoleon IV and Beatrice, who became Queen of Spain. However, many of her jewels were sold when the Spanish royal family was deposed. The Bonapartes have since kept the bulk of their pieces in the direct line.
This is an extremely long-winded way to say: you can have as many pieces as you want, as long as you can explain where they came from! It makes sense for my story to give the imperial family a large collection since it 1) matches the historical reality and 2) suits Evie, who worked as a jewelry appraiser prior to her marriage.
Also, I LOVE the idea of giving Margrethe a fictional sister! What a great way to tie your royals to a real reigning house.
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anonymous-kero · 7 months
𝕞𝕪 𝕗𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤
The fandoms I'm in!
🐾:: not played/watched/read yet
🦢:: completed
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Almost My Floor (prologue 🦢)
Baldi's Basics
Blush Blush
Ballads At Midnight 🦢
Bingus My Beloved
Crush Crush
Calico 🦢
Cattails Wildwood Story
Circadian City
Cooking Companions
Deltarune 🦢
Doodle Date 🦢
Emily is Away (1, too, <3) 🦢
Fictif (Roadkill, For The Love Of Gods 🦢, Monster Manor 🦢)
Fire Emblem (Three houses, Engage)
Five Nights at Freddy's (1, Pizzeria Simulator, Security Breach)
Geneforge Mutagen
Harvest Town
Hello Charlotte
Kirby (The Forgotten Land)
Little Misfortune
Monster Prom Series (Prom, Camp, Road Trip)
MetaWare Highschool (demo) 🦢
Obey Me (One Master To Rule Them All, Nightbringer)
Pokémon (Sword, Violet, Brilliant Diamond remastered, Shining Pearl remastered)
Rune Factory (4 special, a tiny bit of 5)
Road 96
Stardew Valley
Super Mario (Origami King, Bros U. Deluxe)
The Arcana
The Big Con 🦢
The Henry Stickmin Collection 🦢
There Is No Game (jam, paid) 🦢
Trapped With Jester 🦢
The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe
Undertale 🦢
Winds Of Change
World's Dawn
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A Series Of Unfortunate Events 🦢
Craig Of The Creek
Kids Next Door 🦢
Phineas & Ferb 🦢
Powerpuff Girls (original) 🦢
The Amazing World Of Gumball 🦢
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Coraline 🦢
Willy Wonka (original, 2005) 🦢
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Wings Of Fire
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Conan Gray
Jazmin Bean
Melanie Martinez
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Slashers 🐾
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anosci · 1 year
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(256-270 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19])
names and thoughts below cut
256/ BLÆRG - Solace Vertex (2016) feel a little like a groovier kind of chrome cylinder. unfolding perhaps. "The Dodecahedonist" ez standout. love the spacious vibes.
257/ VA - Nocturnal Edge 3 (2023) this. is trippy. psy without the trance. check out the bass in "Reina"! the dist in "bizarre invention" god damn "yag si urowak" will rinse your brain. it feels a bit like how breakcore felt when the genre was new to me.
258/ Juggernaut - Immortal (2023) some mixtures of adjacent clubby genres honestly pretty cool even if it doesn't entirely vibe with me. the one track that really stands out to me is "Invoke", for how it brings the guitars. its kinda like an alt reality retro infected mushroom
259/ Super Shrimp - Popcorn Shrimp (2023) (listening first track) oh this is silly. yeah its a playful little thing. imo there are two reasons to tune in: "It's So For You" for a bit of a juke throwback and "leaves" for its soft beauty. that one's my favorite, ez.
260/ VA - Atelier Tunes vol.5 (2023) a variety of clubby tunes. "condemnation!!" stands out to me. nice vocaloid tune with the DISTEST BEAT. good shit! i admire the plucky flavor that "Angelic Mirage Field" brought to (ostensibly) dnb
261/ C-Show - C-Show House Collection Vol.1 (2023) houzzzzzzzz "Let It Drop" touches all the fun bases: M1, sax, wob. that's prolly my fav track but its all around good vibes in here
262/ icesawder - 新生生活DREAM (2023) i love the attitude in this. it's loud. it packs a punch. the coring of my breaks in "axex" :') the massive chords in "abrandnew…" !!! the push-pull in "dori-min" :O this whole album is a standout among M3-51 imo. banger after banger
263/ Phasma - H-N Label Sampler (2023) this brings some 00sidm-ish clicky beats + floating pads rly not what i was expecting from "hype nation" but it's lovely "AxSQ" like cmon. this could be from merck. "New Pattern (Phasma Remix)" sounds like smth youd hear on warp today.
264/ VA - Aquarium (2023) lush tunes with a smooth future sound. the mix of soundscapes (plinky arps, big bass, orch stac, and pitched vox) in "Wastmundia" stands out as a sweet fav to me. even tho dnb lol "Orca" has a really cool vibe. fresh. "Challenger" is… fzgx if i may.
265/ 7mai - Colorful Palette : Gray (2023) rly shiny and bright tunes! "Pearl" is so good. SU vibes in a cool cool way. piano & midtempo beats. ez fav of the bunch "CUTE-Mythology" is a close second but like. u cant beat that sweet piano sheen
266/ Aice room - IT's U (2023) the last two tracks here are where its at. "Miss U" clicks with me idk why. its good ok lol but then "Need U" goes hard. also specific shoutout to the mingling of the chord textures and melody at 34s
267/ Current Value - Beneath the Sonics (2023) challenging my "i dont like dnb" stance with rly good sound design and nrg. "Monster" god damb also…. whatever tf you call that wonky vibe in "Against". A+ fav
268/ Nathan Micay - To The God Named Dream (2023) really weird: this reaches into trance vibes (and timbres) that i just dont like. but only sometimes. "Fangs" is very much my personal highlight: cool vox! call and response! breaks! "It’s Recess Everywhere" runnerup
269/ Aphex Twin - London 19.08.23 (2023) 3 new tracks out of nowhere! "Soog E" is simple but effective at grabbing a sort of analog afx feel. analord feel? fav. "Body Pads" is wacky for its tonality, close 2nd fav. that only leaves 1 other track lol. its alright. a lil empty imo
270/ SDEM - IIRC (2019) "i want more like autechre" and this delivers while being its own thing. kinda wish "Kaelie" weren't so high pitched bc its good otherwise "Pranging" is def my fav here, despite "Usens" being the bangeringest.
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laurenetuttle · 1 year
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Moorea Day 2 (July 4th, 2023)
Today was an absolutely lovely 4th ofJuly despite not being at home in the USA for the holiday. Both my mom and I were asleep last night by around 9pm. So we both woke up on the early side this morning, but it wasn’t too bad. We woke up around 6:30 am, but laid in bed for quite the while. It was so nice having a lazy morning where we didn’t have to do anything or be anywhere by any time. We eventually got up and meandered over to breakfast. The breakfast is included in our Costco travel package! It was this very delicious breakfast buffet with views looking over the beach! They greeted us at the restaurant with delicious pineapple ginger juice! My mom enjoyed a lovely, fluffy omelet. And I tried to recreate “fantasy breakfast” with their rice, sausage, and fried egg. We also enjoyed some Nutella on French toast, crepes, and banana bread. Nutella everything!
After breakfast, we wandered around the hotel grounds. We then came back to the room to get ready and finalize our plan for the day! We decided to go into the main town area to do some shopping! We had the front desk call us a taxi, and we befriended the driver, Tom. We told him we were interested in going to look at pearl shops, but didn’t want to spend a ton of money. Turns out, he has a good friend who runs a family owned pearl shop! So we stopped by there and met the pearl guy, Peter! Peter told us all about his family’s history in the pearl business and did a ton of pearl education for us. We learned all about the uniqueness of Tahitian black pearls and how they are “graded” for quality. He was very friendly and was able to switch out any pearls for ones that we wanted in his collection. My mom chose a lovely ring and swapped out the pearl in the setting. I chose a blue pearl and had it turned into a beautiful necklace! We then were driven into the main town for lunch. We stopped at this cute little cafe and had refreshing salads. My mom enjoyed a vanilla milkshake! We then did some more shopping and looking around some local souvenir shops. We may or may not have also stopped into another pearl shop and may or may not have purchased some more items… My mom found a lovely blue pearl necklace and I found a lovely gray/blue ring! We then had the pearl shop call Tom, who picked us up. We stopped by the first pearl shop to pick up our custom order and then went back to the Hilton.
After we got back to the Hilton, we changed into our bathing suits and enjoyed a dip in our own private plunge pool! We tried out our inflatables that we brought with us to Tahiti. My mom brought a lime green ring shaped raft that is kid-sized. It was comical how much it doesn’t work. Our butts barely fit into it. We then went down to the beach and tried out the ocean! It’s a perfectly warm temperature. It was so beautiful! There are coral reefs surrounding Moorea, which break the waves. So all of the beaches are like little lagoons. It was so calm and peaceful!
We then headed back to the room to get ready for dinner. I had ordered a flower crown through the front desk. So we got prepared for some beach/sunset pictures. But, while we were getting ready, a storm came rolling through! So it was starting to sprinkle as we were heading to the beach. We were able to take some cute pics before it started pouring! We ended up running over to the restaurant that we had dinner reservations at! They actually were hosting a 4th of July celebration for the Americans staying at the resort! So a bunch of workers were busy setting up red, white, and blue decor! They also had a DJ playing American tunes. We ended up staying and taking some more sunset pics and enjoying happy hour with some tropical drinks. Then the dinner party started at 6pm. They started with the Star-Spangled Banner, which was nice! And then it went downhill from there…. The service wasn’t great. And it took a long time to get the food. The menu was not very American-themed. We both ordered rib-eye steaks, which were absolutely terrible. Very Smokey and tough. The green beans were good though… They ended up giving us our drinks and one entree for free, which was nice. The food was definitely not worth the listed prices… That’s ok though. Not every meal is going to be perfect. We left with full bellies and the ambiance was nice. We then headed back to the room to relax and get ready for bed! Looking forward to more swimming and snorkeling tomorrow!
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littlefreya · 4 years
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Prompt:  Hi, I came across your posts about Henry's gray hair (somehow that makes him more 🔥🔥🥵🥵) Anyway, I was thinking of a prompt where Henry's babygirl calls him "old" after he goes a little soft on her and Henry shows her what her "old" daddy can do🙈🙈...just saying, if you ever wish to write!
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Female Reader (no description of race or body type).
Word count: 964
Warnings: 18+, RPF, boat sex, slight oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, soft sex turns rough, doggy style, a bit of Male!Dom vibes, slight ass smacking and pussy spanking, creampie. No daddy kink in this one, decided to go without it.
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, ideas or parts it and claiming it as your own
A/N: Not beta’d I’ll die on my mistakes like August slipping off a cliff, kissing a hook and crushing into a blast. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics​
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Title: Blue
Soft ocean waves rocked the sailboat from side to side, whispering a tidal lullaby amidst the chill sea breeze.
Henry was at peace, but then the velvety draping blue always had a calming effect on him. The great nautical unknown, reducing a man as vast as oak to a puny fish.
Bathing in the setting sunshower on the polished deck, you watched him while he began preparing the boat for the evening. Crimson rays cascaded his tone muscles, a dust of freckles kissing the wings of his back after weeks of travelling under the sky. Collecting a bountiful loot of fish into a bucket proudly, he grinned at you and made his way into the cabin.
“Are you joining me, sweetling? It’s getting late.”
You lifted your spine from the panel and rolled on your torso, observing him while he threw the fresh fish into the freezer.
“20 minutes?...”
Henry stood straight and looked at the horizon with his fists pressed into his waist. “There is no sun,” he lifted one lengthy arm and pointed at the sunset, “c’mon, I’ll treat you something nice,” he suggested and then strode toward you.
The entire boat rumbled under his heavy steps, and before you could even make a protest, you were squealing wildly with your legs hanging from his shoulder and your face heading toward the sparkling dark waves.
“Hmm...” Henry hummed, “Do I throw this mermaid back into the ocean? Or do I take her back into my cabin to plunder?”
“You wouldn’t dare!!!” you warned and squealed once more as he bounced you on his shoulder menacingly.
His laughter thundered at your petrified hiss, and with a heavy smack on your backside, he began pacing toward the cabin while you squirmed in his grasp like some stolen maiden. Once inside, he led you toward the bedroom and threw you on the bed; your legs were assailed by his lips within seconds, his fingers unlacing your bikini and throwing it away.
“You taste like the sea,” he hummed as he kissed up each of your thighs and forced your legs asunder, diving to kiss the pearl hidden above your cove.
“You smell like fish!” You teased but were hushed by your own moans at the tender flick of his silken-tongue around your clit. Henry moaned to entice you but only lingered for a shy moment before he climbed between your legs. Within seconds his shorts were rolled down to his knees, and while burying his maw at the crook of your neck, he guides his rock-hard cock inside your dripping crease.
The harmony of your groans mingled with the soaring Atlantic seagulls and the hymn of the sea. 
Slow as the tide, he stretched and dove deep inside you, bathing in your hot canal. He rose his head from your throat and leaned on his hand while fucking you gently, grinding his pubic bone right against your clit while bottoming out.
“Fuck, you are so deep!” you chanted, sinking further into the honey-sweet pleasure with each profound thrust he made inside you. Though he took his time, making sure you’d feel every ridge, every tendon of his pulsating cock, his pacing measured yet a tad rough.
Peering at him desperately, your eye caught the silver shine of new greying curls falling over his temple, and you reached a finger you brush it.
“Oh...new greys,” you mewled and smiled provokingly while your head rocked on the pillow with the push of his thrust, “Is that why you are growing... soft on me, old man?”
Henry stilled all of a sudden. His dark, thick brows fell on his glare, and he growled at you like an angry bear.
Faster than your accelerating breath, you were flipped over and forced to your knees. One firm handheld your waist while the other squeezed around your nape.
“Hold onto the headboard,” he warned.
You barely managed to turn your head to ogle him when the sting of his slap rung between your wet, swollen lips and he pushed his fat cock all the way in.
“Old, ha?” he grunted and rammed your pussy in hard, quickened jabs. You felt the drag of his cock, slipping back and forth, the arrowhead tip bumping against your cervix with each stroke. Smoothing his hand from your hip to your pelvis, he grazed the hood of your clit with his index finger while his palm pressed to your lower belly.
“I love feeling myself move inside you,” he spoke as he lowered his torso against your sweaty spine, covering the rest of your body with his furry hide and reaching one arm to hold over yours. His fingers wrapped around your hand, holding it onto the headboard to keep you in your place while it slammed back and forth with his aggressive ruts.
You were helpless beneath him, unable to fight back and that same feeble sensation was the one who always felled you. Arching your back, you came with a loud cry, your snug sleek milking his girth in blissful currents of ecstasy. Henry continued to fuck you through your tightens, grunting loud and husky, his meaty thighs slammed into yours urgently, his hips made your ass rattle until, with a final thud, he shouted and painted your womb with creamy ribbons of hot cum.
Rising to his knees, with his twitching cock still engulfed in your oozing cunt, he smacked your cheek playfully and chuckled at your dishevelled sight.
“Still think your man is getting old?”
You narrowed your eyes and turned your face to grace him with a stink-eye. 
“Depends, how long before you are hard again?”
Henry huffed at your question, his cock already hardening between your battered walls. 
“Be careful, sweetling. No siren can survive the legendary Kraken.”
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arofili · 2 years
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@tolkienofcolourweek day one | family ● connection to lands and waters | the lindai and their children
         They watch the children carefully, but quietly. They remember too well how easy it was for children to vanish, to slip away, to fall and not get up. They mourn those left behind in Hendor, lost Eluë and those who would not leave for love of him, but their love they have given to the sea and the lands of Aman.          They are safe here, in Aman, safe—when a child goes missing in Alpalondë, Uinen and her maidens ensure their return, or else they all band together to find them where they hide. No one has died here, in Alpalondë. No one ever shall.           Still, they watch. It brings comfort and joy to see the children playing in the waves, shrieking with delight, princes and commonfolk mingling as they had at the shores of Cuiviénen. There is Arátiel Eärwen, herself nearly grown, standing with her arms crossed as she observes her little brothers splashing each other’s faces. There are Gilfanon’s boys, swimming mostly-unseen, ready to ambush the princes with seaweed in their hands. There is little Ethlon, wise beyond his years, collecting seashells to bring home to his mother.          There are all the children of Alpalondë, the hope of the Lindai, the future of all Eldalië.
[image description: 4 images arranged in 2 rows of 2. the first is a moodboard of 9 images. 1: a brown-skinned person with long dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a golden seashell crown. 2: gold-coated seashells. 3: the head of a person with dark brown skin and fluffy white hair. 4: partially cut-off picture of a calm ocean shore. 5: a person with dark brown skin and long silver hair pulled up in an elaborate bun with swirl braid patterns close to their scalp; their hands are cradling their face, and they are wearing rose gold jewelry. 6: the sun setting over an ocean wave. 7: the same person from the first image, now viewed from the shoulders down, wearing a white dress and standing in the ocean surf. 8: a person with light brown skin, brown eyes, and curly brown hair staring to the left with a slight smile. 9: two seashells in shallow water. the second is the back of a person with light olive skin wearing many chains of pearls over their shoulders. the image is captioned “Falmari” with the subtitle “people of the waves.” above is a selection of four colors from the image, ranging from dark gray to various shades of brown. the third is the silhouettes of two children running into a calm ocean surf amid a dark orange sunset sky. the image is captioned “Lindai” with the subtitle “the singers.” below is a selection of four colors from the image, ranging from yellow to various shades of orange and brown. the fourth is a moodboard of 9 images. 1: the bare back of a person with warm brown skin and long silver hair tied into a ponytail. 2: a person with light brown skin, brown eyes, and curly brown hair staring to the right with a slight smile. 3: several colorful seashells in wet sand. 4: a calm ocean surf. 5: several brown-skinned hands reaching upward and leaning against each other. 6: an East Asian person with light skin, dark eyes, and long white-blond hair looking forward with a slightly open mouth. 7: a person with warm brown skin, dark eyes, and long silver hair looking over their shoulder with a slightly open mouth. 8: a brown-skinned person with dark hair, viewed from the nose up, wearing glitter across their nose and beneath their eyes and a crown of seashells. 9: close-up of the leg of a person wearing a cream-colored outfit with leafy embroidery patterns; they are holding onto their clothes with a dark-skinned hand. end image description.]
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desertdollranch · 3 years
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Full collection of Sariah Solomon, an American Girl. Santa Clara, California, 1984.
Sariah’s story begins with big changes in her life. Her parents have just gotten divorced, and she isn’t adjusting well to her father’s sudden absence. Her older sister Alisha is acting like she’s too cool to hang out with Sariah any more. When her mother begins dating a woman, they all move into her wealthy new stepmother Elaine’s home in the Silicon Valley, where Elaine works as a software developer at a computer company. Sariah is sent to an all-girl private school, and she worries about other students judging her for being mixed race and having two mothers. But she meets and befriends several other girls who are just like her in these ways, and their pride in that is encouraging to Sariah. Her heart softens even more toward Elaine when they travel together to see the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, where she points out how many new women’s sports have been added to the games. This inspires Sariah to pursue her interests in gymnastics and soccer, with hopes of someday being an Olympic athlete herself. Elaine also brings home a newly released Macintosh 128K, one of the very first personal computers on the market, and starts teaching Sariah how to use it. But with all these changes, Sariah wonders if she’s betraying her father and moving on without him. She’s always busy on the weekends and vacation days she’s supposed to spend at his house, and she wonders if her new life is worth the sacrifice of her relationship with her dad. But he proves to her in his own way that love is all that’s needed to make a family. 
Sariah’s collection includes full outfits as well as some mix-and-match pieces. There is some overlap with my other historical OC Antonia’s 1978 collection, and they can share several shirts. Striped shirts were very trendy for children’s clothing from the late 70′s to the mid 80′s. Also popular were corduroy pants, high-waisted jeans, polo shirts, oversized button-downs, muscle shirts, raglan sleeve athletic shirts, and branded clothing. Sariah’s clothes feature some of her favorite characters--Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, and Fraggle Rock. I got inspiration for her wardrobe from several sources, the initial one being Courtney Moore’s collection. But after trying out a few outfits based on Courtney’s clothes, I realized that Sariah’s clothes realistically should more closely align with the trends of the first half of the decade, rather than the second half when clothes became much more brightly colored and influenced by pop music. Sariah’s nightgown, purple bubble skirt, and denim jacket are the pieces inspired by Courtney that I did keep, though. Her pink and white hi-tops are also Courtney’s. I also got inspiration by looking at sewing patterns and watching 80′s children’s movies and TV shows like Kids Incorporated, which showed the everyday clothing that children of that time were wearing. The only things here that I didn’t make are her shoes and her long-sleeved gray shirt with the blue quilted vest, which are American Girl of Today clothing items. I made her pink and green striped romper using a Lee & Pearl pattern. Everything else is just variations on basic shirt and pants patterns.
Sariah (pronounced sa-RYE-ah, rhymes with Mariah) is a Pleasant Company JLY #15, one of the original Girl of Today dolls. I found her a few years ago on Mercari. She has not been customized. Sariah spent a while as a modern character before I felt compelled to make her a historical, as a way to learn some more about some less well-known yet very influential events of that decade. I wanted Sariah’s story to cover the topics of changing roles of women in the workplace, the rising rate of divorce, the acceptance of LGBT people and families in the San Francisco area, the release of the first personal computer, and the increasing participation of female athletes in that year’s Olympics. I think Sariah’s collection is now complete, although I might someday make her a school uniform if I can actually decide on a design for it.
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [epilogue]
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Warnings: sexual comments, pregnancy and children, marriage and weddings, just cuteness, mentions of IVF, mentions of parental issues, language, mentions of marital issues, mentions of fuckboy!Tommo
Word Count: 7,996
Author's Note: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for those that have stuck with me through all of this. It's been a journey and I'm so grateful for those that stayed for the whole thing. This series has been such an important part of my life and writing and I don't know how I'll function without it, but I'm grateful to have finished it and gotten it out there for others to enjoy. 💖
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                                          Welcome to Our Forever
                                               Thomas & Y/F/N 
                                                August 5, 2023 
White roses and eucalyptus line the wooden board announcing your wedding to the man of your dreams. Maybe not the best decision to have a summer wedding, but Harrison and Ivey had only wed some three months before, and you refused to take away her shine. As it was, when she sat beside you in her auburn colored dress to have her hair and makeup done, she was glowing, reminiscing on her big day with a brand new wedding band to go with her engagement/wedding ring, and a new ID showcasing the Ivey Eleanor Osterfield namesake. 
It wasn't necessarily the first time you four girls had been together since graduation, but the time that you spent together had dwindled since going out into the real world. Phoebe was making bank as an emergency room nurse at UW Emergency just off campus and she and Keaton had started living together in University District. Cole had moved Scarlett into his apartment once Keaton had moved out and she's been working as a financial analyst the past two years. He'd mentioned proposing to her, but hadn't officially done so yet. Ivey and Harrison were living in an apartment not far from you and Tom, Harrison working at the Seattle Art Museum, and not too far from him, Ivey was working as an editor in downtown Seattle. Still, after two years, the four of you were meeting up for date night often, you and Ivey mostly discussing wedding plans and crazy stories from your day, while the boys talked sports and alcohol. 
Since graduation, you and Tom had adopted a little gray pitbull from a local shelter, similar to Tessa, whom you named Rosir. With the help of your dad and the first few paychecks from your therapy office, you were able to purchase a car, a Subaru Crosstrek, which you and Tom used for weekend getaways and vacations. He'd even taken the time to revisit the same house he and the group stayed in in Oregon two springs ago with you. 
"You remember how you told me you wanted something like Ivey and Harrison that night shit went to hell?" He had asked you as you lay in bed one night, bare chests pressed together and Rosie laying just off to your side on the floor, squeaking her toy. You had hummed and nodded, leaning on his chest, 
"I regret that." 
"Don't say that. I just hope that it's been better than what they have. I've tried to make you happy." You smiled up at him and nodded, 
"I've never been happier than I am now." You had reassured him. He'd smiled and leaned in to kiss you. You'd discussed the shitshow that was the last two years of your relationship and how now, you couldn't see being with anyone else and you were convinced that your kids wouldn't have what you did, with a fractured family. Most of Tom's wounds had healed and he was focused on you, his career path, and your future. You were putting everything that had happened in the past behind you for the better now, focusing on your wedding, your marriage, the future. 
"You nervous?" Phoebe asks as an artist drags a brush with eyeshadow across her lids. You shrug as you're drawn from your haze, 
"Less nervous about marrying him than I am about graduation." You admit. She smiles, 
"I'm in love with you two. He's fucking lucky to have you." She murmurs, closing her eyes again. Ivey sighs, 
"I think you've beaten me out at being the most gorgeous on your wedding day." 
"No, don't say that. You were absolutely stunning." 
"Yeah, but are you seeing yourself? Tom is going to lose his shit." She explains. You smile, staring at yourself in the mirror as your makeup artist brushes blush along your cheeks. You giggle, 
"Okay, fine, I do look hot." You murmur. The three of you laugh along before Scarlett sighs and moves into the room, 
"Your dad and Cole are fighting again." You roll your eyes, 
"I almost just wish they hadn't tried to reconcile." You tell her. She smiles, 
"I mean... at least they're trying for you and all of our future kids." She reasons. You sigh, 
"Yeah, I guess." She sits behind the three of you, waiting until you're all finished before she helps you slide into the a-line dress you'd chosen, the girls gasping, 
"Oh Y/N, you look gorgeous." Ivey says. Phoebe and Scarlett agree and when Nikki enters the room, she gasps and covers her mouth, tears springing into her eyes, 
"Oh Y/N darling..." She mumbles. You smile, taking her hands when she approaches, 
"Do you think he'll like it?" You ask her about her son. She nods, sniffling softly, 
"Oh I think you could wear a burlap bag and he'd think you were exquisite, but this..." She nods, "he'll absolutely love you in this." She assures. You smile, 
"Great. You look amazing yourself." You tell her, looking her over in her maroon colored mother-in-law dress, 
"Well thank you sweetheart." She murmurs, a dusting of red coating her cheeks. She clears her throat, 
"I uhm, I have something for you." She says. It's only then that you notice the worn black box in her hands. You follow her to the small couch, sitting just beside her before she opens the box and reveals an old pearl necklace, "My grandmother got this as a gift and it's been passed down through our family. My mother wore it on her wedding day, I wore it on my wedding day. If you'd like... I want you to have it, wear it today and any day in the future as my first daughter-in-law." She tells you. You stare at it, mouth agape, 
"Oh gosh... Nikki... are you sure?" She nods immediately, 
"Of course. They're to be passed down. Hopefully you get a daughter to do the same to and the tradition can continue in our family." She tells you. You dab at your eyes with a tissue, 
"Thank you so much. It's beautiful." You tell her, moving forward to hug her. She hugs you back, kissing your cheek softly. She helps you latch it around your neck and by then, the girls are completely ready, 
"It's time Y/N/N." Ivey tells you with a cock of her head. You take a deep breath, 
"Gosh... really?" She shoots you a sympathetic smile and nods, 
"Fortunately." She tells you. You allow Nikki to fasten your veil into your hair and hand you your bouquet, the girls each collecting theirs before you stand before the full length mirror, staring at yourself. You take a deep breath, 
"The next time I step foot into this room, I will be Mrs. Tom Holland." You murmur more to yourself more than anyone. You watch Ivey smile in the mirror before you turn to them and nod, 
"Okay, I think I'm ready." You tell them. They each nod before leading you from the room, walking the short distance to where the boys are waiting at the end of the hall. Tom had more groomsmen than you had bridesmaids, but you didn't really care. Three of his seven groomsmen were walking alone, his brothers leading the pack down the aisle together. You honestly thought it was cute. Cole maneuvered his way over to you to kiss your cheek as your father appeared, 
"You look beautiful." He tells you. You smile, glancing up at your dad, 
"Thanks Cole." 
"You know mom would be more than proud of you." He reminds you. You nod, indicating to the veil, 
"And she's with me." When your dad had offered up the diamond encrusted lacy material your mother had bought for her own special day, you sobbed and agreed without a second thought. It was such a simple yet meaningful gesture, especially coming from your dad and you haven't thought twice about it since. Cole's eyes are glistening as he nods and Scarlett slips her hand in his bicep. 
Sam, Harry, and Paddy are the first down the aisle together, Tom's smile wide when he sees them. Ivey and Harrison are the first couple down the aisle with her as your matron of honor. Scarlett and Cole are next with her being your maid of honor, but you told Phoebe she was also your maid of honor. You weren't letting her feel left out in this situation. Gil was last down the aisle, helping your flower girl and ring bearer, both younger cousins of yours, down to their respective sides. You take a deep breath as you watch Tom stand at the head of the aisle, nervously swaying side to side, hands clasped in front of him. Your father flexes his bicep to imitate a squeeze, 
"Don't pass out on me. At least let me get you to him." He jokes. You smile, 
"Course not. But... this is the last time your little girl will be a Y/L/N." You tell him. He hums, glancing down at you when you look up, 
"You'll always be a Y/L/N, but I'm okay with you being a Holland. Tom is a good man." He reminds you. You smile and nod, 
"I agree." You murmur before "Canon In D" starts, giving you your cue. You take another deep breath before your father starts the walk, and all of your guests stand. Your dad reaches out and pats your hand as you walk out into the sunlight, your videographer (thank you dad) crouching beside your fiancè to capture his reaction which is quite honestly, the sweetest, most heart touching thing you've ever seen. He reaches up to brush his tears away, pivoting from foot to foot quicker as he takes a deep breath and blinks away the flood of tears that threaten to spill. You smile up at him, walking steadily with your father until you're standing just before him. He takes a deep breath as your minister asks who gives you away. Your father replies and hands you to Tom who helps you onto the small pedestal across from him. He sniffles softly, staring down at you with so much love in his eyes. 
The ceremony progresses quickly and before you know it, you're announced as Mrs. Tom Holland. Tom smiles wide before he's wrapping an arm around your waist, the other curled up your back as he dips you, sealing your deal with a final kiss. You hold him to you, staring up into his eyes when he stands you straight before he pivots on his feet, smile as wide as it can get as you're announced as husband and wife. He gives your hand a squeeze and waves it in the air as your guests cheer and clap. 
You scurry off, holding onto Tom as he kisses you over and over again and continuously tells you how beautiful you look while your wedding party makes their way back down the aisle, your bridesmaids and his groomsmen all crowding around you with congratulations thrown your way. You flaunt the ring, and before the guests pour from your venue and towards the large brick building for the reception, Tom's family and your dad and Heidi follow your wedding party to the designated picture area. 
The pictures, you can tell, are going to be absolutely gorgeous. Harry and Nikki were both more than happy to be the wedding photographers, and absolutely denied being paid for the work. But you'd seen sneak peeks of some of the shots they'd snapped of your wedding party and you were in love. You'd finally sobbed, and Tom had let you when Nikki flashed you a photo of yours and Tom's foreheads pressed together, his hand brushing along your cheek, wedding band shown off blatantly. It hadn't hit you, how serious getting married was and now it was. 
You'd been the last to depart the area where your professional photos were taken, Nikki and Harry leaving you for a private moment to yourselves, the first in nearly two days since the boys stole him and the girls had stolen you. You'd stood in silence for a moment, admiring the scenery of the woods around you before he'd untucked a hand from his pocket and reached out for yours. You'd threaded your fingers together, 
"Has this been the wedding of your dreams so far?" He asks softly. You smile, nodding, 
"Since I was a little girl I dreamed of marrying a prince. Now I have him, and this," You gesture around you, "This is more than I could ever ask for. It's been beautiful so far and merging our families has been a dream." You tell him, taking a step closer to him. His smile widens, 
"Good." He murmurs. Standing on your toes, you lean in and kiss him. He hums, 
"Can't believe I married the girl of my dreams." He murmurs. You giggle, 
"It is all very surreal. All of the times we talked about marriage and kids and now we're here, doing it." 
"Hell yeah, I don't fuck around." He jokes. You roll your eyes, 
"But... now that we have a moment... what do you think of the dress? Your mom said I could wear a bag and you'd still think I look stunning." 
"Oh definitely, but... yes... this is absolutely gorgeous. You look stunning darling. More so than ever." He tells you, holding you at arms length to look you over. You twirl for him, the bodice of your dress flourishing around you and Tom smiles, 
"So beautiful." Dragging you back in, he leans in to kiss you, arms bound around your waist, your hands rested on his shoulders, smoothing down them. He hums, 
"We should sneak off and have married sex now." You giggle, tipping your head back which draws him in to trailing kisses down your throat, 
"Yeah, I'd like to see you try and do a quickie in this dress. You'll get lost in it." You tell him. He chuckles, 
"I believe you. You've got a lot of tulle goin on here." Nodding, your rest your hands atop his shoulders, staring up at him, 
"You've made me so happy the past four years... I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." You tell him. He smiles, 
"The feeling is so fucking mutual." He tells you, hands curled around your back. He presses his forehead to yours and sighs, 
"I promise to make you happy every day of my life. You mean the world to me." He tells you. You sway him softly, holding his waist, 
"I promise to do the same." 
"And after tonight, we'll go to Fiji and have a good time, just the two of us, and then we'll come back and try for a baby." He starts. You giggle again, 
"You have our whole lives planned out then huh?" You ask. He nods, 
"Definitely. Won't be long now before we're house hunting and moving a sweet little babe in." He murmurs in your ear. You sigh, 
"Is it bad that I kinda wanna stay in the apartment for a little while after having a baby?" You ask. His eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head, 
"No, not really. We... did talk about turning that spare into a nursery for her. We could go through with it." 
"And we're still stuck on them being a her huh? You do know I'll kill you if we have a boy first and you even think about being disappointed." You tell him. He hums, eyebrows knitting together again, 
"No, of course not, I would never. Any baby that comes from you is loved by me darling. You don't have to worry about it." He confirms. You nod, letting the silence permeate between you for a moment before you sigh, 
"We should probably be heading back. No one can do anything without us." You tell him. He chews the inside of his lip for a moment before sighing himself and nodding, 
"Yeah... let's go get a beer." Smiling, you hold your hand out for his again, lacing your fingers with his. He smiles as the prongs of your ring scrape against the pad of his finger and you give a tug of his hand to lead him up the trodden path towards your reception. Once on the concrete, leading up to the building, Tom squeezes your hand, glancing at the sign announcing you as husband and wife, 
"I cannot believe I am Mrs. Thomas Stanley Holland." You say. He chuckles again, 
"Sounds so fucking amazing." He tells you. You smile, 
"It does. I get to change my nameplate at work. Mrs. Y/N Holland. So exciting." He smiles before you round a corner and your wedding party is there, beers in hand and cheering directed your way. Tom waves his hand, cheeks flushing red and chuckles leaving his lips, 
"Stop, stop-" 
"You're a married man now Tommo!" Haz starts, 
"Yeah, what happened to the forever bachelor thing? Who are you and what have you done with our Tom?" Gil jokes. Tom rolls his eyes, 
"A beautiful girl crashed the party and roped my ass in." He admits. You smile and accept a beer from Cole, another handed to Tom, 
"Well congrats. You two make a beautiful couple. And... now you're my brother." He tells Tom, dragging him in for a hug. You smile, watching your husband and brother hug before Cole turns to you, 
"And you look beautiful Y/N/N. Mom is so so so fucking proud of you. I just know it." He tells you again. He leans in and kisses your cheek. Ivey pops up from inside the venue, 
"Alright guys. We're headed inside. Back into formation." You smile, looping your arm through Tom's. You'd chosen to have your DJ announce your wedding party, the group dancing in and once you make your way inside, it leads into your first dance. The other Holland boys lead, both sides of the families laughing at their antics. Ivey and Harrison follow, then Scarlett and Cole, and Keaton and Phoebe, finishing with Gil. Tom squeezes your hand in his arm as the DJ speaks again, 
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holland!" He cheers, the roaring from your guests loud as Tom escorts you in the door, twirling you and showing you off to your family. Your cheeks hurt from the smile you carry and Tom let's out an airy laugh as you hand your bouquet off to Ivey and he wraps you in his arms, holding your body close as the first notes of your first dance song play through the speakers, all eyes on you. But none of it matters. All that matters are the chocolate colored eyes you know every inch of. The ones you've come to love and the ones you get to stare into for the rest of your life. He's yours, and you're his, and this is what forever feels like. 
You giggle and cling to Tom as he carries you across the threshold of your suite. He gently sets you on the bed, watching you lay out beneath him, 
"So stunning." He murmurs. You roll your eyes and sit up a little to pull your veil off, 
"I see the cheesiness hasn't dissipated." 
"Well no. It'll only get worse from here. Instead of taking it as my girlfriend or fiancèe, you're taking it as my wife. Now you for sure aren't going anywhere. It's so much worse." He tells you. You giggle, kicking your heels off. He sighs, raking a hand through his hair, 
"Is it bad if I say I'm glad that part is over?" He asks with a cock of his head. You shake your own head, 
"No... it's stressful. Especially for me when there was so much for me to trip over." You tell him. He hums, 
"You did great. You looked amazing all night and you were such the little party host." 
"I'm the bride, I have to be." He sits on the bed beside you, clearing his throat, 
"Yeah, I guess." Sighing, you roll so your body is pressed into his side. He leans back on the bed on his elbow, loosening his tie, 
"It was a pretty good night. You did good on the planning love." He chides. You smile, 
"Thanks babe. I put my heart, soul, and money into this perfect day." He nods, raising his eyebrows, 
"That's for damn sure." He murmurs. You giggle, 
"I couldn't imagine any other wedding being more perfect than ours. It was really fucking beautiful." 
"To be fair, your dad paid for a lot and my parents contributed too." He reasons with a shrug, staring up at the ceiling when he moves to lay back on the bed fully. You smile, leaning in on his chest. He sighs, 
"I loved every minute of it." 
"That's all that matters. You only get one wedding and it should be perfect." 
"It was. I love you." He smiles and leans up to kiss you, 
"Love you too darling." You sit in silence for a moment before you sit up and take his hand, 
"Unzip me, I have a surprise for you." You tell him. He hums, sliding the zipper down your back and moving to lean on his elbows again as he watches you slip from the wedding dress, revealing a beautiful set of ivory colored lingerie, an intricate piece that draws Tom's eyebrows up again, 
"Well that's one hell of a surprise." 
"I had every intention of wearing blue but this is a wedding night set and I couldn't pass it up." 
"Yeah, no, you'll have all kinds of opportunities to test out different lingerie. Heaven forbid you pass up this opportunity for wedding night lingerie." He murmurs. You smile, stepping from the puddle of tulle, lace, and satin at your feet and leaning in on his knees, 
"So I assume you like it." You coo. He snorts, 
"When have I ever not liked lingerie on this sweet little body?" He asks. You giggle, 
"Exactly." Moving his hands onto your hips, he drags you into his lap, your lips covering his. He hums into the kiss, moving his hands up your back. Your fingers move down to unbutton his shirt. You smooth over his stomach, his hands traveling down to hold onto your hips, 
"Shall we try and figure out what's so different about married sex?" You ask him. He smiles, pulling back to look into your eyes, 
"I think that'd be quite great actually." He murmurs. You smile down at him, 
"Just think... you don't have to worry about getting me pregnant now because we're already married." He chuckles, watching you reach behind you and unclip your bra, tossing it aside. He licks his lips, 
"I'd love to know what these'll look like when you end up pregnant." He murmurs, moving to massage your breasts into his hands. You tip your head back, holding his shoulders. You slide your hands beneath his button up brushing it from his shoulders. He sighs, 
"So perfect." 
"So yours." You murmur. He chuckles, 
"You're damn right." You giggle before he's leaning back, pulling you with him. You lean on the bed over his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him, 
"I love you husband." He smiles wide, 
"I love you, wife. More than you'll ever know." You lean back in to kiss his throat, his hands skirting down to your hips until the cold metal of his wedding ring is pressing into your lower back. 
The next night, after landing in Fiji and checking into your bungalow, Tom slides down into the sand beside you. He sighs, squinting in the setting sun and holding a beer out to you. You take it, thanking him softly and sipping from it. He does the same as you look him over. He looks calm for the first time in months. His hair is flat and he's wearing a tee and a pair of cotton shorts, no shoes on. You smile when he looks at you and his eyebrows furrow, 
"What?" He asks through a laugh. You shake your head, 
"Nothing, I just love you. You look good right now." You move to lay your head over his shoulder. He takes a deep breath, laying his head over yours and reaching out to squeeze your knee, 
"Happy first night of forever." He mumbles. You squeeze his body against yours, 
"So far, so good." You tell him. He hums, 
"Can't go wrong with me." Giggling, you sip from your beer again, leaning your arm on his knee, 
"I will admit, seeing "Mr. and Mrs. Holland" on the door was a really surreal thing for me." You tell him. He smiles, moving his hand up into the light to look at the ring on his finger, 
"I've always been called Mr. Holland in a professional sense but... hearing Mrs. Holland and knowing that it's in reference to my wife and that you're finally, fully mine is like... insane." He admits in return. You nod, 
"I agree." You murmur. Nudging the neckline of his top down, you brush a finger across the hickey you'd left the night before. He smiles, 
"The markings of a spoiled little wife." 
"I really don't think I'll ever be over the whole wife thing. Like... hearing you say it blows my mind. I definitely thought I'd be your girlfriend for the rest of my life and you'd never be ready to marry me." 
"I was ready to marry you the second you came back from New York after Spring Break." 
"I did. I never wanted to let you go again. I had fucked up and never wanted to risk losing you again." He explains. You smile, looping your arms under his and leaning your head on his shoulder, 
"That's truly adorable. You've still had your moments but... I have no doubt that all the growth you've done since that whole mess has helped you. Really." He nods, 
"I feel a lot better, that's for sure." He tells you, sighing. You hum, 
"I'm glad. You know... we both have to be in a good mindset to have a baby." 
"Speaking of, you are okay with having a baby like... soonish right?" He asks. You shrug, 
"Yeah, sure, why not?" 
"I just obviously wanna make sure you're comfortable and we're on the same page." He tells you as you move to lounge between his legs. You scoff, 
"Bitch I just married you. There isn't a thing you could do to make me uncomfortable. We're one now." He chuckles, laying his hands over your stomach, 
"But you would tell me if something is out of your comfort zone right?" He asks. You nod, eyebrows knitting together, 
"Good." Leaning your head back against his chest, you sigh, closing your eyes. He presses his lips to your temple and leaves them there, breathing you in. The setting sun provides a nice warmth, 
"I say we just never go back to America. We just run away and become permanent travelers." Tom chuckles, 
"And abandon my very expensive diploma, I think that's a dumb idea love." He tells you. You hum, 
"You could very well get a big break in Europe without the degree." You reason. He hums, 
"That'd be great to take you back to my home." 
"Well since we'll be traveling, you very well could give me a better tour of your little hometown." You confirm. He nods, 
"That sounds really good." A silence settles over you, the sound of the waves crashing being the only noise around. He reaches up and rubs over your shoulders, 
"I'm glad we're here." 
"Me too." You tell him quickly. He smiles, 
"I'm really glad you agreed to marry me." He says. You giggle, 
"Me too." His smile widens. He leans in and kisses you softly when you rise to your knees and turn to face him, 
"I think we should revisit the newlywed sex." He implies with a raise of his eyebrow. You hum, 
"Me too. Definitely." He chuckles softly before he's standing and taking your hands, leading you back through the sand to your bungalow, pushing you on the bed softly once he slides the door closed. 
                                           *Seven Years Later*
"Mia darling, please don't do that." Tom calls to your oldest child, hoisting Harper, your current youngest into his lap with her holding his fingers and climbing his chair. He focuses on the two year old, her hair falling down her back and her legs tangled up in her dress. He rubs her back once she snuggles into him, kissing her forehead. 
Not long after your wedding, you were pregnant with Mia. The second Tom found out she was a girl, he couldn't drop the smile, convinced that the talk of having a girl first all throughout college was just divine intervention. Seeing your husband as a father that first time was unlike anything else. He couldn't put his baby girl down. You were his girl, and he followed you around like a lost puppy, but the second you gave birth to little Mia Faye, he was hooked. And the process continued with your first son three years later, Wyatt James was held in Mia's lap, who was always in Tom's lap. And then again with his second baby girl, Harper Monroe. And now here you are, pregnant with your final baby, another sweet boy who Tom talks to daily, first thing in the morning before he wakes your three older kiddos to bring to bed and see you and at night, right before you go to bed, wishing your little wiggly bean goodnight. He already has a name, Oliver Ethan, and you're excited to have a complete family, four kids to grow up together and travel with, something you and Tom have loved doing since being out of college. 
Cole sighs as he sits beside Keaton who holds his and Phoebe's daughter, Emma's tiny purse, glancing up at his ex-roommate, 
"'S the matter? Being the father of the birthday boy is tiring?" He teases. Cole rolls his eyes, 
"Not only that, but when his papa decides it's time to spoil him and he wonders why mommy and daddy don't do the same, it can get interesting." Cole explains. You smile, rubbing the baby bump over your dress. Tom watches you, 
"I'm just glad that he has a papa. You and dad have gotten along pretty well since he's moved out here." You tell him, reaching up to stroke through Tom's hair to soothe you both. Cole crosses his arms watching his daughter, Daisy, follow Scarlett around, Logan and Ashton, Ivey and Harrison's older boys by her side like they always are when the group is together, 
"I guess so, yeah, it's been... weird. He avoids bringing up mom which makes it awkward but... he's a good enough grandfather. The kids like him and if Scarlett needs help and I'm not available, he's been there." He explains. You nod, leaning into Tom's side. Harper twirls your hair around her finger sleepily, Tom leaning in to kiss her pudgy cheek, 
"Regardless, you guys are talking and actually acting like father and son. Now we have like an actual family again." He nods, 
"Yeah..." Keaton yawns, 
"And what about you Ke? Now that dad's back here and starting that branch of his company here and you're working for him again, how's it been?" He glances up as Phoebe slides into the chair beside him, 
"Yeah, it's good. Back to better payment, being the assistant. It's pretty nice." 
"And no such luck with the baby making?" You ask. He smiles, looking to Phoebe, 
"We're getting there. It's been a hard process but... IVF has been going pretty well." 
"I'm trying to calm the fuck down." Phoebe starts, dragging her fingers through her hair, "I know that going through all of this, the IVF'll fail and then I'll get pregnant naturally." She says with a roll of her eyes. Keaton smiles, 
"The embryo we transfer next month is a girl. Our little Sophia so... hopefully. Fingers crossed." He says. You smile and nod, 
"All our fingers are crossed." You tell them. Keaton smiles, glancing up as Wyatt runs up to you, 
"Yes my love?" You ask of him as he leans in on your legs, 
"Can I go with Mason to his room to see his toys?" He asks you. You brush his hair from his eyes, 
"Did you ask Auntie Scarlett or Uncle Cole if you could?" You ask him. He glances around, 
"Mason asked auntie." 
"If she tells him yes, you can go with him but- hey, Wyatt... but if you go in his room, you need to be careful and don't do anything bad okay? Pick up after yourself like we tell you to do at home." You tell him. He nods before running off to find his cousin. Tom is smiling when you look to him again, 
"What?" You ask. He shakes his head, 
"You're just a really great mum is all." He mumbles, helping Harper slide from his lap again, "Where are you headed love?" He asks, but she ignores him and runs off towards the jumper. You giggle at the pout on his lips, glancing up when Ivey sighs behind you. Her and Harrison slide in between you and Keaton and Phoebe, the little green blanket she left with half an hour ago to quiet the crying cradled in her arms again, 
"He okay?" You ask. She nods and rolls her eyes, 
"He's had a little bit of colic so... he's just cranky but... he's fed and asleep. He should be good for a little while now. Logan and Ashton been good?" 
"Yup, only pulled Daisy's pigtails once." You joke. She huffs, 
"I believe you. Ashton, if you don't tend to him in time, pulls your hair to get up on your chair or whatever he wants. I swear... sometimes if Harrison doesn't collect them while I'm feeding or something, he's sleeping on the couch." Harrison snorts, 
"Yeah, we've had to take up stock in ice cream to keep the boys away from mum." He murmurs. You giggle, watching Ivey roll her eyes before she reaches an arm out and rubs over your belly, 
"How's this little one? You're about in your eighth month huh?" She poses. You nod, pressing a hand to the base of your belly, 
"Yeah... he's doing good. He was super rambunctious last night. We were up all night last night watching him swim and kick. He's gonna be our biggest baby I think." You tell her. You carry a huge smile and taking a glance at Tom, you see he does too. He's so proud of this family you've created. He loves you and all three, almost four kids you have, 
"And Rosie is back to being her protective little self with new little man?" Harrison asks. You nod, 
"Soooooo much. She's normally with the kids but if I sit down, she's right in my lap, head laid over the bump." You tell him. He smiles, 
"She's been pretty great eh?" 
"Oh and her and Tessa get along so damn well when my parents bring Tess down." Tom pitches in. You smile, 
"They've both been great. We were blessed in a lot of ways." 
"That is so good. She's been such a great girl for you." 
"She really has, and Y/N never had animals growing up so she's been a great little companion for Y/N's first time." Tom explains. Ivey nods, glancing up at you, 
"And she's grown up with the kids technically." You pose. Ivey smiles, 
"That Christmas card... so damn cute. You guys with the matching kids and Rose. I can't believe how tall Wyatt is getting. I bet he'll be taller than Tom before we know it." She winks as Tom rolls his eyes, 
"Ha ha. Very funny." She smiles, 
"You know I'm kidding. He's so cute though. All those freckles. He looks just like you Tommy." 
"Well he's lucky then." Your husband murmurs, smiling when you swat at him. He leans over and kisses your cheek, 
"He's hooked on his mumma though. Doesn't ask me for shit. Goes straight to her." 
"Well you've got two baby girls that go to you. So... I'll keep him." You defend. Tom chuckles 
"Who is that? Is that Auntie Y/N/N?" You glance up just in time to see a tan little boy move into your line of sight, giggling. You smile up at him, 
"My little Hunter!" Gil chuckles as you take his little boy, laying him in your lap to tickle him. Tom laughs along as the little boy squeals and Gil leans in to kiss your cheek and then Ivey's, 
"Bout time you showed." 
"Mmm, Minah kept changing his outfit." He mumbles. You hug Hunter into you, smiling as Tom ruffles his hair, 
"Why didn't she come?" Harrison asks. Gil rolls his eyes, 
"Uhm, her mom's in town. But... I don't think she would've come anyways." He tells him. Ivey cocks her head sympathetically, 
"Still having problems?" 
"Yes, and she wants another baby like that'll magically save our relationship." He remarks. You smile up at him, 
"Well I dunno about you but I think this little one is great." You tease, tickling Hunter again. Gil's smile returns when Hunter giggles, 
"He's the only thing that keeps me sane." He tells you. Tom nods, 
"That's how it works." Reaching out again, Tom brushes long strands of hair from Hunter's eyes, 
"I think Wyatt and Mason went to Mason's room. You wanna go see?" You ask him. He nods, squirming from your arms and running off. Scarlett catches him in the doorway, standing on her toes and pressing a hand to his head. She smiles before walking to the table you all sit at, 
"Are we having fun? I see there's only one kiddo here right now. Hi sweet boy." 
"He's not so sweet right now." Ivey mumbles as Scarlett leans over her shoulder and coos into the blanket in her lap. Surprisingly, the little one smiles a toothless smile up at his aunt, the smile growing wider when she reaches down and pokes his nose, 
"Not feelin good baby?" Ivey shakes her head, 
"Colic still." 
"The gripe water didn't work?" Scarlett asks, 
"Very briefly." Ivey confirms. Scarlett clicks her tongue, 
"Damn. Poor thing." Ivey nods, rocking the bundle. When both girls look up, they find you smiling at them. Ivey giggles, 
"What?" You shake your head, blinking tears away, 
"Nothing... just wondering how we got here. What happened to the girls I was introduced to eleven or so years ago? We were so young and carefree and look at us now. We're all moms. We're all wives and killing it all." Tom hums, reaching out to brush the stray tear that falls away. Ivey clicks her tongue, blinking rapidly, 
"Oh babes. You pregnant and me coming down from postpartum doesn't help this shit." She moves in, laying her head over your shoulder. Scarlett whines before she's brushing Tom aside and wrapping her arms around you and Ivey. Phoebe's heeled boots click as she rushes in to join the group hug, Owen, in Ivey's arms cooing up at her too. She smiles, 
"I know I was quite the party girl but... these little ones are the best things we could ever do. Ten... almost eleven, twelve when I get a clear head, these are our greatest accomplishments." She tells the three of you. You nod, pressing her hand over your belly, 
"Definitely." Your baby boy kicks out against her hand in agreement, making the four of you giggle. Tom smiles too, watching you and the girls hug before you part and you take his hand, squeezing and pressing it to your belly. He hums as he rubs the bump, 
"He's gonna be a rambunctious little thing. Reckon we'll be exhausted after chasing just him around." He says, scooting closer to you. You smile, reaching up to drape your arm over the back of his chair, trailing up his back, 
"Well you're the one that had the years of experience of chasing girls around so I think you're suited for the job daddy." His smile widens, 
"Please never mention that in front of the kids. I don't need my little girls knowing and my little boys thinking it's okay that their dad was a womanizer in this very gender equalizing, accepting time." He murmurs. Leaning into him, you kiss his cheek, 
"I promise not to." 
"Thank you." Scarlett, who had previously walked away, starts back towards you, wide smile on her face, 
"I have another tiny slice of cake. I know you and baby boy want it Y/N." You gasp, holding your hands out, 
"Oh my God yes, you're a lifesaver!" You squeal. Tom watches, chuckling softly as you snatch the thin slice of chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream frosting from your sister-in-law. You offer some to him, but he shakes his head. He glances up at the bouncy house, clearing his throat after a moment, 
"Uh oh. The sugar monster's coming. You made a grave mistake accepting cake behind her back like that." You glance up, watching Harper trot towards you, climbing back into her father's lap. He holds her steady moving his legs closer to you to allow her to chomp the piece of cake from your fork. He tucks hair behind her ear, 
"That's good huh lovey? You are never getting to bed tonight little one." You giggle, watching a sparkle flash through Harper's vibrant brown eyes, 
"But with her daddy's puppy dog eyes, no one can resist her." You reason. He nods and leans in to kiss her cheek, 
"Well that's for sure." He murmurs. Once you've finished the cake, Tom holds Harper close, the little one allowing her daddy to love on her. He glances at you and raises an eyebrow and you know exactly what he's asking. The second she saw the cookies upon entrance, it's all she was stuck on for a while. She's such a daddy's girl because he spoils her and you just know he's asking if he can give her a cookie because she's been so good with no tantrums. You chew the inside of your lip, 
"Just one." 
"That's all I'm asking for anyways." He confirms. You nod, 
"Fine then. Nothing more though." He nods, pulling her from his shoulder, 
"Harp, I have a surprise for you, you wanna know what it is?" He asks her. She nods, standing on his thighs, holding onto his hands. He smiles, "You want a cookie? I know you wanted one earlier." Her eyes light up and she nods, bouncing on his legs gently. He chuckles, 
"Alright sweet girl, let's get you one then, yeah?" She nods again, clinging to him as he stands and your heart flutters. To believe that the same man that fought you on a relationship and constantly pushed you away, is now holding your two year old daughter to his hip at a kid's birthday party is beyond imagination, and it is the most beautiful thing ever. 
You smile as Tom grabs your wrist, pulling you flush to his body, 
"I know you're exhausted love, and I'll go get you some ice cream after the kids are in bed but... I missed seeing you with all of our friends. You looked stunning all glowing and pregnant out there." He tells you, pressing a hand to your belly. You smile, reaching up to stroke his cheek, 
"You're the sweetest." His smile widens before he leans down to kiss you, 
"I've spent a long ass time loving you and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Especially when you're pregnant with my baby. You and those three... almost four in there, I'd kill for." He reminds you. You sigh, 
"I really lucked out in the husband department then huh?" You ask. He chuckles softly, 
"Guess so, yeah." Popping open the passenger side door, Tom waits until you climb inside to close you in. He climbs in beside you quickly, turning the car on before Mia speaks up, 
"Yes love?" He asks, turning in his seat to face her, 
"Can we listen to Frozen?" 
"No," Wyatt speaks up, "put on Cars." 
"How about we meet in the middle and settle for some Brother Bear or... Lion King?" Tom poses, settling the argument your kids'll inevitably have. And it works. Tom finds the soundtrack for Brother Bear in his phone, quickly shuffling it and stuffing the device in the cup holder. His Spotify has slowly become Disney movie playlists since he's become a dad and he loves every second of it. Harper swings her feet, staring out her window as she hums along to a song, Tom watching her in the rear view mirror with a smile plastered on his lips. You reach up and stroke over the back of his neck, leaning over to kiss his cheek, 
"You are so perfect Tom Holland." You tell him. He draws his eyes off the road for just a moment to look at you, 
"Well that makes two of us Y/N Holland." He says, taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles. Squeezing his fingers in yours, you sigh and twist in your seat to look at your babies. 
Wyatt resembles his daddy the most. He has the same signature curls and eyes and you can already see he's starting to inherit the same nose Sam has and those Holland freckles have emerged. He's definitely a little mama's boy and with the way the girls favor Tom, you hope Oliver will follow in his big brother's footsteps. Mia has Tom's eyes too, but her features resemble you a little bit more. She has your hair type and color, and your nose and eye shape. Tom loves that about her. Harper has more of your features as well, but she's a near perfect combination of the both of you, a gorgeous little girl that Tom coddles the most because she'll let him. He's been in love with all of your babies since the day they were conceived, the most amazing father and husband, getting up at ungodly hours to let you sleep in and him take care of the kids. He's always been an early riser because of golf and now, being a dad, he has the skill to master it like he was never sure he'd be able to. His true calling in life, the cure for his anxiety, has been you and his babies. 
Dragging his hand back up to your lips, you kiss it, 
"I love you so much Tom Holland." You whisper. He smiles, taking his eyes off the road for just a second to look at you, 
"And I love you. More than you'll ever know." He replies, dragging your hand up to kiss it. Tears spring into your eyes again as you stare into his eyes and recognize that boy you met nearly eleven years ago, the one that only wanted to be with you sexually and wanted to avoid you emotionally. You recognize the boy that tore apart your relationship again and again, but always chose to get better for you. And now he's the most perfect husband and father. And that's all that matters to you. 
Yes, you were nervous moving to Seattle, starting new, but your friends, Tom, they've made it easier to live. They've changed your life for the better. They’ve given you immense amounts of love and Tom, himself, has given you a love like no other that created four beautiful babies. And you wouldn't change a thing. Moving from Beverly Hills to Seattle, has proved worth it.
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