#the living room is tidy my bathroom is clean and cozy feeling the kitchen is clean
milf-harrington · 1 year
not to brag but my house looks SO GOOD
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clood · 10 months
this is absolutely not in the spirit of the game but i feel i’ve made up for my lack of action this naclyoho by cleaning my home for approximately 13 hours straight today.
is it the undiagnosed adhd? the pressure of hosting friendsgiving this weekend? a full day off of work? who knows for sure???
tasks i completed today include:
finished sealing my dining table (i refinished it this month)
finished putting my dining table back together
vacuumed most of the first floor (living room, hallway, entryway)
mopped most of the first floor (see above, kitchen and bathroom still waiting)
FIVE ENTIRE FUCKING LOADS OF LAUNDRY. washed/dried/folded/put away
emptied and subsequently refilled and ran dishwasher
vacuumed stairs (they are carpeted)
tidied bedroom
vacuumed bedroom and upstairs landing (i count these as one space since they touch)
added command hook to the wall for mine and will’s cozy robes
relocated holiday storage bin (it has been living under the dining table for 2+ years)
purged fridge and wiped its shelves
i still have to clean the downstairs bathroom and the floor of the upstairs bathroom, tidy and vacuum the office, and do all the glass surfaces, but by golly did i get a lot of shit done today. fuck. i’m exhausted.
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whatnothomegoods · 1 year
Spring Cleaning
Spring is in the air, and you know what that means? It's time to tackle the annual tradition of spring cleaning! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Ugh, cleaning. No thanks." But fear not, my fellow Americans, for I have some tips to make this chore as painless as possible.
First things first, make a playlist of all your favorite upbeat songs. Trust me, it will make cleaning feel less like a chore and more like a dance party. Get those dusters, brooms, and vacuums ready, and let's get to work!
Let's start with the kitchen. This is where all the magic happens, but it's also where all the mess happens. Start by clearing off your counters and wiping them down. Take a look at all your appliances, and if any are looking particularly grungy, give them a good scrub. Don't forget to clean out the fridge and toss any expired food items. You don't want any science experiments growing in there!
Now let's move on to the living room. This is where you relax and unwind, but it's also where your pets and kids leave their mark. Start by decluttering any knick-knacks or piles of magazines that have accumulated over the winter. Vacuum the carpets and upholstery, and if you're feeling ambitious, give the windows a good cleaning too. Nothing brightens up a room like clean windows!
Next up is the bedroom. This is where you spend a third of your life, so it's important to keep it clean and cozy. Start by washing your bedding and fluffing your pillows. Dust all the surfaces, including your nightstands and dressers. And don't forget to declutter your closet! If you haven't worn something in over a year, it's time to donate it.
Last but not least, the bathroom. This is where you go to freshen up, but it's also where germs like to hang out. Start by cleaning your toilet, sink, and shower/tub. Use a disinfectant cleaner to kill any germs lurking around. And don't forget to wash your bath mats and towels!
Phew, we made it through! Now, reward yourself with a nice cold beverage and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Spring cleaning may not be the most exciting thing on your to-do list, but it's a necessary evil. Plus, now you can bask in the glory of a clean and tidy home. Happy cleaning, America!
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obeymeluv · 4 years
You Steal the Boys’ Clothes
Something I’ve been thinking of for a while.
It was rare the eldest was without his cape, as everything seemed to be a formal event and he must be dressed to impress. Being dressed to impress, however, means being clean so he gets it cleaned from time to time
Lucifer is a very organized, practical man. Constantly towing the line of obsessive for the sake of orderliness.
He knows where his cape should be, and that it’s not there
With a demon’s-only screech that warns Mammon to stretch his calves and run, Lucifer hunts down the three most likely suspects to interrogate them (Mammon, Satan, and Belphegor).
He tries to get a two-for-one by dragging Mammon into the study where Satan sits smugly with a book (because he knows he didn’t do it but MAN is he enjoying this!)
Imagine surprising not one, but THREE demons when you come shuffling down the hall with a Lucifer’s cape wrapped around you like a blanket.
It whispers and it drags and it absolutely DROWNS you.
Very charming. Ethereal, almost like some sort of wedding wear
Lucifer would’ve never imagined you’d be the culprit, and now his poor brain is trying to save and process the idea of you looking so sleepy-happy in his clothes
And the ex-angel falls all over again.
He catches the little cheek nuzzle and way you bunch it around your body, a foot poking out not to get tangled
Satan and Mammon will probably die laughing instead of at his hands, but Lucifer could really care less
Lucifer idly wonders where you’d curled up that he totally missed you, and escorts you gently but red-faced to your room
Satan and Mammon tag along, and when they see Lucifer come out with his cape they can only deduce he put you to bed.
With no homework to do and some money in the bank, Mammon was ready to spend the weekend tearing up the town with you!
He was fresh out of the shower and mostly dressed, searching feverishly for his beloved white and brown jacket
Mammon wasn’t the cleanest person by nature (hello, money hoarder and collector of interesting/valuable things) so he tidied up as he went
As he started to suspect one of his little brothers was holding the jacket for ransom, he sent out a group text asking about it
There were several typical smart-ass responses (Lucifer, Asmo, and Satan) and he was in the middle of a snark fight when you showed up at his door somewhere between bashful and chill
In HIS jacket
Mammon’s brain shuts down.
“It’s kind of a human thing,” you explain. “There is a one-jacket fee among couples. Usually it’s a hoodie.” you tease, reluctant to shrug it off, “But this seems to be your only jacket so I guess I could give it back.”
It’s very subtle, but he’s worn that jacket for centuries and no amount of detergent can disguise the scent that makes his heart skip a beat
Something about the smell of your skin and a hint of his has him purring
You hold the jacket out to him. Mammon wraps his fingers around it and swings it around until he’s holding it over one shoulder
The yellow takes over in his eyes a little more. Gets a little brighter and intense.
“You want to take anything else off?” he husks playfully
Your day out turns into staying in and Mammon is happy to trade his jacket for a shirt you can sleep in (like, forever. It’s fine. Whatever, dummy.)
It was actually really hard to steal Levi’s clothes because he lived in his hoodie and turtleneck. His RAD uniform was really just for show and that wasn’t what you were looking for, anyways. You didn’t want to chill in uniform.
He was very particular about his merch because certain shirts were collector’s items and he didn’t like people messing with his folding patterns
You went to Asmo with your dilemma and he found it absolutely ADORABLE. It was almost enough to make him jealous, really
Somehow (Asmo being Asmo?), the fifth- born was able to swipe one of the green button-ups Levi wore under his RAD uniform
His first thought was to alter the garment to make it fit you (matching outfits? YES!) but Levi would probably kill him. His big bro hated shopping for clothes unless he HAD to have them.
Asmo gets the bright idea to magically/temporarily alter the fabric to fit you. Maybe Levi will like it so much he’ll just give you a shirt! 💖 (Or get some fucking outside time and go buy more shirts!)
Levi catches his own scent somewhere outside of the door and his brain goes off. He hits the pause button at lightning speed.
No one else smells like him! They haven’t shared bath products in centuries! He already finished his laundry so what’s happening?!
His first thought is: Mammon broke into my room while I was in the bathroom and stole something to pawn!
Levi doesn’t even think to take inventory of his stuff, barging out of his room to hunt down his big brother
He’s yelling and whining before he even sees him. Then he sees you. In his shirt.
All the angry words die in his throat as the absolute mortification and adoration sets his face on fire
SO KAWAII! It basically makes up for your normie-ness.
Levi’s stuck standing there, blushing his head off and unable to say anything as his fists shake with joy and nervousness
He gets a nosebleed. One of his brothers are laughing at him.
You guide him back to his room to take care of him, Levi lets you and becomes very fascinated with the idea of you in his clothes .Lots of petting and figuring out you look DOUBLY MEGA CUTE when the magic wears off and you’re just in a pool of fabric.
He’s totally down for matching clothes and definitely lets you keep the one you’re wearing.
His wardrobe is very...interesting...to say the least
Colors and personal combinations aside, Satan actually has a very smart wardrobe. Lots of basics and easy layers.
You can’t steal his signature green sweater or the blazer he seems to live in, so you settle for an emerald knit sweater that has a bit of a v-neck/university feel to it
It takes Satan a while to notice, as he’s buried in a book. You two tend to gravitate towards each other and just enjoy a cozy, companionable silence
He’s just finished a book and is debating cracking open one from the stack to his left when the color catches his eye
The smooth, sly comment dies on his lips when he realizes he likes the damn thing because IT’S HIS
You look very cozy and warm. It’s a very ‘cuddle me’ kind of look.
Perhaps you could warm his lap? Or give his poor hands a rest under the hem?
Very cheeky and clever. Grabs you by the sleeve of it just to ‘answer his curiosity about whether it matched his nails’.
Does he have a cute university student kink? If he didn’t, he does now?
There’s a 50-50 chance of you guys having sex.
Will definitely want to hold you and cuddle you close, petting the fabric and whispering compliments into it.
If you don’t already have a business/academic attire, Satan will definitely suggest a few pieces because YES. This is a thing he loves and it DOES things to him.
He’s the type to let you think you stole something
Probably stages what he wants you to steal just so you take it
Honestly, I could just see him dumping some of his clothes on you because you’re dating now and this is a cute thing he read about!
It’s super likely he’s into couple outfits or coordinating outfits, so he’s either spent time in his closet pre-planning or asked you to try on a million things just because
This cutie pie purposely orders THE BIGGEST thing he can find so you can both fit in it at the same time
Asmo loves you to pieces no matter what, but seeing you in his clothes makes him squeal and hit a note Mammon has threatened to murder him over
Ever dramatic, this is like, THE BEST THING EVER
A MILLION Devilgram posts about it (safe ones, of course)
Do you guys spark a couple’s trend and spade of lover’s stealing each other’s clothes to snap a victory pic? Maybe
Probably fake faints at the sheer glory of you in HIS bomb ass clothes. Definitely fans himself
Spoils you rotten with compliments
This man is weak. “Gorgeous! Smother me.” as he falls back on the bed and gestures to his face
He won’t turn down the idea of sexy times (depends on your libido, comfort, etc.) but sometimes he makes raunchy jokes just to be funny. Smothering could also mean using him like a body pillow (which he’s totally okay with).
You get max cuddles and WILL be the envy of Devilgram
Beel felt a little guilty for leaving you at the House of Lamentation with his brothers
You guys were supposed to hang out after school but there was an emergency practice. The coach always got pre-game jitters and demanded a few last runs. He showered and ran back to the House, hoping you still had time for him.
He tiptoed quietly into his shared room, unsurprised to find you waiting there for him. You’d been caught in Belphie’s sleepy little aura by the looks of it,
Beelzebub couldn’t help the grin or little hum that made it past his lips. Your eyes were open but he didn’t know if you actually saw him. You looked super cute in his humongous bed though
You were getting sleepier and sleepier, your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Beel pulled the sheets over you and gentle untangled the arm you managed to latch on to
Maybe waking up to a bit of food would make up for everything! Beel toiled away in the kitchen, making a cute little snack tray for the two of you.
In reality, it could probably feed at least twenty, and he ate at least half of what he prepped.
Beel returned to the room with what he considered a decent amount (scraps, kind of, but enough variety! He tried! It’s the thought that counts!) and was surprised to see his sheets all tangled and half-kicked from the bed
You were wearing his jacket now, passed out and turned into the furry lining that usually went across his shoulders and neck
DId you sleep walk? He was trying to understand how you’d gotten into his jacket
Beel realized it was the first time you’d been in his clothes and it was enough to make his heart melt
Super huge on you, obviously (extra fabric everywhere), but so cute! He could basically swaddle you in his jacket
“They’re a restless sleeper,” Belphie yawned. “I thought it would help them calm down.”
It used to work on Belphie, so Beel could see why he resorted to it
Beel offered his twin some food, sitting carefully on your other side.
He shifted some of the parka fur away from your face, trying to fix your hair and nudge your chin up so your nose wasn’t buried in anything. He stroked your cheek a little, mesmerized by the sight of you and how you felt.
Belphie declined, muttering something about, ‘Stop looking like that and eat your food! Gross!’ before Beel settled for patting your head one last time and eating quietly
He’s another one that’s hard to steal from
You’d think it’d be easy since he sleeps all the time, but Belphie really only wears 10% of the clothes he buys
Yes, he’s a pajama snob and has all things comfy and cozy, but hardly any of them smell like him because he falls asleep anywhere with little issue (no special clothes required!)
You thought about stealing his blue cardigan with the pocket, but he’s always sleeping in it!
Belphie picks up on your train of thought, and the frustration, because you fall asleep thinking about it. Dreaming about coyly stealing his cardigan and being all cute and snuggly in bed
It’s enough to wake him up, shuffle to you, and break your sleep. He flops down on your bed with his cardigan unbuttoned and says ‘climb on’ while patting his chest
You’re obviously sleepy and confused and he loves it. Belphie slides you onto his chest and wraps his arms around you, resting bits of the fabric on your back as you settle into him
It’s not the same but it’s close enough
Would you be offended if he got you cow pajamas so he could snuggle you like his favorite pillow? He falls asleep wondering about the answer
He wakes up to see that Beel has covered the two of you with his favorite blanket.
You in his blanket? Against him? Slowly smelling of him and his clothes? It’s the best thing to fall asleep to.
Makes a joke out of your clothes-stealing quest by stripping one of his pillowcases off and putting you in it like a little sack. You have to stay on his bed now because you’re his pillow and all pillows stay on the bed.
“What? You wanted to smell like me! It’s something I use!“ Belphie defends as you wonder whether or not you like this human pillow thing while he snuggles you.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Tea, Mrs. Aird?
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Carol (2015) fanfiction
request: “Carol Aird x Reader instead of Therese, reader sometimes babysits Rindy/fixed Carol’s car…”
Summary: Carol comes home early to you babysitting Rindy. 
Characters: Carol x fem!reader, Rindy
Word Count: 1,654
Warnings: None! SFW :) This is pre-canon, with a slightly younger Rindy and no Therese but the same marriage-in-distress blonde we all love!
Carol was dropped off by a taxi at the mansion home late in the evening, her toes aching from her heels and her face hurting from the sick smiles she was forced to keep giving Harge and his parents over and over again. Jeanette made it a bit more bearable, chatting away to the blonde as if there was no tension between the married couple to be seen.
She tipped the driver and struggled to find her keys, cursing on the doorstep, chilled to the bone. Her hands shook with cold as she tried and failed to open the door, ready to smash her head into it when it suddenly creaked open.
“Mrs. Aird?” Your voice was timid, but your eyes were twinkling brightly. You were wrapped in a blanket over your shoulders that you no doubt snitched off of the living room sofa. Carol’s posture drooped a bit and she smiled tiredly at you.
Florence was on vacation, and though Carol had insisted she could stay home while Harge went to dinner to look after Rindy, he had retaliated and picked up the phone to call you, the babysitter, before any more arguments could have been made.
You stepped to the side, holding the door open so Carol could come in, blonde hair slowly falling from their curls.
“Where’s Mr. Aird?” you asked, noting how she came in alone. Carol sighed and forced a smile as she shook off her heels.
“Still at dinner. I wanted to come home early. Is Rindy in bed?” To be fair she had no idea if Harge would even come home tonight, though she didn’t let that get to her.
“She is. Fast asleep last I checked,” you answered.
“Damn,” Carol sighed. “I was very excited to say goodnight. I suppose that’s on me for coming this late after her bedtime.”
“You could probably pop in and give her a hug-,”
“No, no, I’ll let her sleep,” though her shoulders slumped, nonetheless.
“Would you like some tea? I just put the kettle on,” you asked, moving her shoes away from the doorway.
“Oh, you’re a sweetheart. I’d love some,” Carol said, smiling kindly. “I just need to hop in the shower quickly.”
“Of course,” you cleared your throat, flustered, but remaining as composed as possible.
Carol dragged herself upstairs and you went to make her a steaming cup of tea. Fingers brushing through your hair, you flattened out your dress to rid of the wrinkles.
A little bit of milk, and some sweet honey, and you had it ready. You knew the way Carol liked her tea, her coffee, her cutlery organised in the kitchen down to a t. You busied yourself cleaning the rest of the kitchen until you heard soft footsteps approaching you from behind.
Carol was in her bathrobe, hair damp, face fresh and calm, and your knees nearly buckled on the spot.
You passed her the mug carefully, fingers brushing. Carol leaned against the countertop and watched you as you kept tidying.
“You know you could leave that for Florence, right? You’re not in charge of every corner of the house. Only Rindy.”
You thought you were being reprimanded and you blushed, but when you met Carol’s gaze there was a teasing glimmer in her eyes and you smiled. “I just want it to be as spotless as can be. I don’t mind doing it, you know. It feels natural to do as part of my job.”
Carol hummed as she sipped her tea, “natural, you say.”
Her eyes gazed off into some far-away place. You knew the look; troubled and concerned, but you supressed the urge to ask and pry about it.
“Oh, goodness, look at the time,” Carol gasped. “I didn’t realize I had been that late. Or maybe I was in the bathroom too long.”
“You do enjoy luxuriously long showers,” you teased. Carol looked at you, her face unreadable. “From- from what I can tell.. Mrs. Aird.”
She smiled, just the barest hint of teeth showing, and you looked down, then glanced at the clock. “I should probably go. Technically my job was finished the moment you got back. I’m sorry for lingering.”
“No-, no no, you’re not lingering, darling,” Carol assured you, reaching across the countertop to gingerly grasp your hand. “I enjoy your company, really I do.”
“Well,” you muttered, feeling your cheeks heat up. Carol’s thumb swiped gently over your hand, and you hoped she wouldn’t feel your racing heartbeat.
As if on cue, a loud thunderclap from outside made you jump. Strong rain rumbled on the roof. Amidst the impromptu thunderstorm, Carol held your hand consistently, gripping your fingers as you both watched the wind and rain against the nearest window. 
“Well,” Carol murmured, “you shan’t be leaving now, darling. No cab is going to come out here at this time now with this storm. Stay the night.”
She stated it so matter of factly, as if there wasn’t any other option. You opened your mouth to object, again, but something came bounding down the stairs before either of you said anything.
Carol’s hand slipped away from yours, and you mourned the loss of the warmth as Rindy ran into the kitchen, whimpering and latching onto her mother’s bathrobe. The three year old began blabbering about the scary noises from outside and Carol lifted her onto her hip, hushing and cooing her soothingly. 
“Could you make her some warm milk, please?” Carol said to you softly before walking back up the stairs with her daughter in her arms.
You came to Carol’s bedroom with a warm bottle of milk and Carol’s mug in hand, which you had topped up with a bit more hot tea. You waited a moment, watching Carol as she soothed and spoke to her daughter, holding her small hands and brushing her hair away from her face. She was sitting cuddled in her mother’s lap on the big bed, nearly drowning in the massive duvet and blankets. 
When she noticed you in the doorway Carol beckoned you in, and helped Rindy take a few sips. Once finished, you took the bottle from the toddler and handed Carol her tea. 
“Oh, you shouldn’t have,” she whispered. You limply shrugged a shoulder and tentatively sat on the edge of the bed, holding one of Rindy’s small hands as she fell asleep.
Once Rindy was fully asleep, Carol reached a hand out to you to tap on your shoulder, nodding her head to the door to indicate you both should shuffle out quietly.
“Well, I suppose my bed’s been taken for the night,” Carol quipped, tightening her robe’s belt. 
“Oh, then take the guest room! I don't mind sleeping on the couch, really, it’s a nice couch,” you added. 
“Nonsense, whatever gave you that idea? Come on, the bed’s big enough for both of us.”
“But, Mrs. Aird-,”
“It’s just Carol, remember?” she said, eyes shining. “Come along.”
And that was how you ended up in the surprisingly spacious guest bed with Carol by your side, wearing an old pyjama set of hers, tucked under the heavy blankets. 
“What if Mr. Aird comes home when we’re sleeping?” you asked, softly. Carol was scribbling a note down to remember to call Abby tomorrow that she set on her nightstand.
“Oh, he won’t be coming home tonight, Y/N,” she said airily.
You blinked in surprised, quieted by the truthfulness of her voice and the implication of the statement.
“We got in a row at the party,” she admitted, avoiding your gaze as she fluffed her pillow. “He’s either at his parents’ or staying at Cy and Jeanette’s. Not that I mind.”
“I’m very sorry, Mrs. Ai-, Carol, I mean.”
“Don’t be,” she sighed, turning to look at you. “There’s nothing to be done about it. I’m happy you’re here instead. At least I don’t want to rip my hair out around you.”
“I’m happy too. Thank you for letting me stay.”
“How many times must I tell you, it really is no bother at all. Sleep now, you insufferable thing,” Carol laughed, running a warm hand through your hair. 
You couldn’t remember when you fell asleep, only that some time in the night Rindy had woken and climbed in your bed despite your best efforts to get her back to sleep. Carol had grunted in surprise, half-asleep, before pulling Rindy and then you close to her, making a cozy cuddle pile in the bed. You fell asleep once again to the feeling of Carol’s warm hands holding you close, and this time with an additional Rindy snuggling closely against you, content, unbothered, and delightfully relaxed. 
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The Triton House
This is part of a series that one day may be complete but also may never be complete. As most of you know I’m like a huge #spatial person in my writing, so all my character’s houses/apartments/living spaces are really well mapped out in my brain? And I thought it’d be fun for people to see. (And a good reference for those who may RP in those spaces at some point.) Also, shout out to the mersisters for letting me force my ideas on them, lmao.
@andrina-the-amazingsupergenius, @adella-the-idyllic, @arista-the-musical, @aquata-the-champ, @alana-the-brilliant
The Triton House is a 7 bedroom, 4 bath house in the richest neighborhood in Swynlake. It was built originally in 1909. This chateau sits on a half acre property with an original brick façade and lattice along the front that is covered in sweet-scented wisteria. Even the outside boasts a cheery, warm environment which is only expounded upon by the interior.
*note: click to enlarge floorplans!
**note: pictures in the aesthetic are to give an overall #feel of the house, but don’t necessarily indicate the exact furniture/decorations/floorplan. the floorplan, on the otherhand is not quite to scale but i did the best i could.
1. Living Room
The front part of the Triton household is a spacious, open floor plan, with the kitchen to the immediate left and the seating area on the immediate right. Guests arrive on a dias and descend two steps in either direction, or forwards towards the back of the house and stairs. The living room is decorated in a clean, but homey way, with plenty of seating area, both for the comfort of the large family and the benefit of any guests they may have. There is a chest of blankets that get passed around on colder nights. A large telly can swivel on an axis if someone prefers one seat to another but is large enough and set in a place so as to be viewable from most living room seats. The colours are cream and blues, with other accent colours and many mismatched throw pillows, some with quirky sayings and others that were crocheted by some of the girls. 
2. Kitchen
The Triton kitchen is a large, boisterous room of the house. With a large amount of counter space and a six-top stove set into the island counter, it is ideal for cooking for a significant group of people. The oven sits next to the refrigerator and is state of the art. The cabinets are arranged in a neat, organized way, with each girl having a shelf for her own snacks and goodies. Everything is labeled and diligently upkept. The refrigerator is covered in photos of family/friends as well as cards, certificates of merits, medals, and other familial memorabilia. Once again, the kitchen is decorated in a homey fashion, with plenty of cliche sayings hanging on the walls (think: Live. Laugh. Love. style.) (see: the middle, top image.)
3. Dining Room
The dining room in the Triton household is rather cramped, but a much frequented place for the Tritons to gather. Dinners are frequent and even if missing one or two members, still crowded affairs, usually involving guests as well. There are extra chairs that can be squeezed in to make room if necessary and everyone is used to bumping elbows. Still, it is a lovely little room and has served the Tritons well in the almost thirty years they’ve lived there. 
4. Sun Room/Music Room
Down the hallway, making your way towards the back of the house, one comes across a door to the left. One of the most peaceful rooms in the house, the rambunctious, fast-paced nature of the Triton abode is usually left behind when entering this room. Originally a sunroom, it still boasts large floor-to-ceiling windows on two walls, facing northwest, in order to catch the afternoon sunlight. Here is where the Tritons store and practice their various instruments, of which only a few are listed here: a grand piano, a keyboard, a classical harp, a saxaphone, a drumset, and several guitars. The Tritons are an actively musical family, though the music room is not as busy as it was several years ago. Now, it is a peaceful place, still used often for practices, but also for contemplative journal-writing, reading, or other such pastimes, when one needs a moment alone.
5. Guest Bedroom/Office Space
Once the permanent home of the Triton’s nanny, Benjamin, the room was vacated several years ago. Located down the hall at the back of the house on the right, across from the music room, it is now a guest room/office that is used on occasion. Even though it is a guest room, it is still stocked with cozy decorations and family photos.
6. Washing Room
If you venture past the music room and guest room, you will turn right and see a door on the right hand side. Always overflowing with laundry, but somehow usually tidy, the washroom sees a lot of action from the Tritons’ various activities. This room also is decorated with typically cliche saying placards and other cozy, homey touches.
7. Guest Bathroom
“It is down the hall, to the right, to the right, and through the washroom!” is a common phrase during Triton parties, or when someone visits for the first time. Though it is tucked into the back of the house, the guest restroom sees frequent use, both from inhabitants whilst downstairs, as well as the copious guests that flow in and out of the Tritons’ doors. Decorated in an ocean/beach theme, because Athena thought she was very funny and now it is a bit of an inside joke that they won’t change.
8. Underwater Grotto
Instead of entering the washroom, if one looks straight on after turning right down the main hall, they will spot a door with a state-of-the-art lock on it. If asked, a Triton will reply with a laugh and--depending on who it is--you will get any number of responses as to what the room is used for, from a superhero lair to their father being paranoid about storage. The mysteries of what is in the Triton basement are revealed to only a select few. Behind the door is an indoor saltwater pool. Damp and dark, the pool is magically enhanced to be quite large and deep, perfect for mermaids. The floors and walls are made of stone, so the whole place looks more like a cave than a room. It has an inclining entrance to the pool and spreads the length and width, with a few places for sitting around the edges and dotted in the center in large rock croppings. The Tritons can often be found here with each other or the other mermaids/selkies in Swynlake. It is known as a haven for mercreatures of all kinds.
9. Upstairs Hallway
Back at the front of the house, if one does not enter the hallway, they have the option to ascend the plain staircase. (If one looks behind the staircase to the wall, one will see dozens of notches in the wall, labeled with dates, heights, and names of the Triton girls.) Along the wall leading upwards is a collage of family photos that cover the wall in the most typical fashion one can imagine. On the second floor, the stairs float in the middle of a large hallway. Directly in front of the top of the stairs is the master bedroom. Up slightly and to the left is the Adella and Arista’s room, up slightly and to the right is Aquata and Alana’s room. If one turns around, they will see Ariel’s room to their left and Attina and Andrina’s room to the right, as well as another set of stairs that leads upwards once more. 
10. Attina and Andrina’s Room
The two eldest Triton girls’ room has been vacant for several years, though is often still used by either or both girls when they are home for holidays or other such events. In their youth, the room was haphazardly decorated on one side--with mostly pink decor; on the other side was a more tidy version--mostly decorated in orange. It has two desks, one for each girl, as well as a spacious closet that was shared (and the site of many battles.) Now, it is mostly barebones but vestiges of Andrina and Attina’s childhood and adolescence remain. Often, Alana commandeers the room as her own, or second room, nowadays. 
11. Attina, Andrina, Adella, and Arista’s Restroom
The bathroom is shared between four sisters: Attina, Andrina, Adella, and Arista and was also a site of much contention. The counter was full of products and it was always a battle for getting ready in the morning, especially in the unfortunate years when all four girls were in secondary at the same time. Arista would always somehow manage to use someone else’s hairbrush and it was extremely obvious by the blonde hair left behind. The little racks and shelves are decorated with shells on the outside of them from when they used to go hunting the beach in Bournemouth for the prettiest shell. There’s jars full of them still somewhere in the house. It’s a lot less cluttered now that Arista and Adella mostly use it.
12. Adella and Arista’s Room
Adella’s side of the room is closest to the window. The head of her bed is pushed against the wall, and her nightstand table’s top drawer is where her hearing aids live while she sleeps. Her desk was never used for school work - she’d go elsewhere in the house for that - and instead houses her sewing machine. Her guitar is mounted on the wall when she isn’t using it, the guitar is decorated with political, ideological, and cute stickers. On the nightstand is a cute little touch to turn on lamp with seahorses on it. There are battery-pack powered strings of lights all over the room as decoration, hung neatly around any posters and other wall decor. The main light in the room is barely flicked on -its usually illuminated by the battery pack lights and the nightstand lamps, or natural light from the sun.
Arista’s side of the room is closest to the door because she doesn’t like thunderstorms and the changing weather always used to distract her when she was younger so her desk is next to her bed and turned to face away from the window. She has a rolling spinny chair that she’s frequently seen curled up in and writing on a notebook in her lap. Her desk is filled with sheet music and notebooks and binders full of all sorts of things that Tina helped her make so she could keep track of what music and manuals went with what instrument. She has cases of instruments and spare parts and shoe boxes under her bed from all the Christmases when she didn’t know what to tell people she wanted aside from shoes and cool instrument accessories. Typically Arista tries to keep all of the instruments in the music room because if she starts bringing them into their room, things get very cluttered very fast and it would stress Tina out and distract her from other things growing up so she just learned to keep most instruments in their designated room. (A keyboard or extra guitar still sometimes manages to find its way into their room every now and then though). Arista’s nightstands have several sets of earphones, headphones, earbuds, and a bowl of guitar picks on top of them so she can just grab one and go. On the nightstand is a pull chain lamp covered in shells. Much of Ris’ closet organization was Tina’s doing, it’s the only way the two girls managed to have closet space with her ever growing shoe collection and sentimental keepsakes stash (she doesn’t like throwing a lot of things away because they hold happy memories) in addition to their clothes. Her wall has both a dry erase board of “things she absolutely cannot forget about” for the week and a large cork board filled with all the showcases she’d played in, playbills from the productions she’d worked on, postcards of cities from tour, and photos of her sisters with her making the biggest smile imaginable.
13. Aquata and Alana’s Room
Alana and Aquata's room has light blue walls, a color chosen by Aquata before Ariel was born and neither knew that they'd share a room one day. Alana's side is closer to the window, since Aquata historically got up earlier and had to leave earlier. On Alana's end, there are boho tapestries,fairy lights, and strings of photos and scrapbook style bulletin boards. The bed has purple and turquoise sheets and is full of throw pillows. The desk opposite the bed used to have a pretty fancy video and computer setup (it's now with her in her flat) There's tons of candles and also just a lot of...stuff in general. Even though she doesn't live there anymore, it's not near clean. Clothes, makeup, half completed experiments litter the available surfaces. Aquata’s side is somewhat neater and sparser. She has a shelf full of swimming memorabilia (photos, trophies, medals, etc) above her bed and the rest of her sport memorabilia is on a smaller bookshelf at the foot of her bed. She also has a signed team photo framed at the head of her bed from her last meet at Pride U. Her bedspread is a steely blue color and over it she has a T-shirt quilt made out of old swim camp shirts that date back to primary school. Aquata doesn’t spend much time in her room, so it doesn’t look overly lived-in.
14. Aquata, Alana, and Ariel’s Restroom
It used to be a lot messier when Alana lived here, absolutely chaotic on her side with products and hair curlers and stuff that Aquata always had to yell at her to clean up. Sometimes the sink would be colored with whatever experiment Lana was working on. Ariel’s space is small considering the few beauty products she actually has. Shockingly, it's the most cleaned space she has designated to herself, but only because of her current lack of interest in makeup. Though a couple small pallets for events are stowed away in a drawer, they’ve hardly been put to good use. Really, it’s mostly just the essentials for her. Aquata’s space is mostly clean as well, with one trusty makeup set that she almost always uses (occasionally she’ll borrow something from Alana if it’s a special occasion). She does have an absolute mess of scrunchies, headbands, and hair ties in one of the drawers, and she usually leaves her Tiger Balm out on the counter. 
15. Ariel’s Room
With Ariel being the only Triton sister with her own room, she takes full advantage of the space. She’s able to spread her things about (or leave clothes lying around when she’s in a rush), and not argue or worry about someone else’s space or an imaginary divider in the room. The room is decorated in an array of posters from bands she adores to the newest anime she’s binging with Finn and just had to have the poster for. She’s also a big fan of hanging Christmas lights haphazardly around her room and using that as a source of light instead of the actual ceiling lights in her room. When home, she spends most of her time here, so the bed is rarely ever made. Instead, the blankets are in the shape she left them, normally nest like, where she spends hours on her computer from watching drumming videos to just browsing odd forums late into the night. Of course, her trusty shark plush since childhood, Billy, is present on her bed at all times, holding down the fort when she’s gone.
16. Master Bedroom and Bathroom
The master bedroom is the largest bedroom in the Triton household. It is decorated in warm, muted colors. Much has not changed in the years after Athena’s death. Even some of her clothes are still in the closet, which Triton never had the heart to remove. It is only a few items: her favorite sunhat, a dress he had bought her for her birthday she wore all the time, her favorite pair of trainers, well-worn, stuff such as that, that was not removed to the attic. 
17. Triton’s Study
A place of mostly mystery to the girls when young, Triton’s study is tucked away on the third floor, and is most often frequented by Triton on restless nights when he cannot sleep. Though, it is also used while he runs his business from home on occasion. The room is one of the more decadent of the house. The rest has a warm, inviting atmosphere, but the study is much more reserved. Decorated in deep blues and greens, it boasts lovely oak bookshelves, of which Triton is very fond. There is a large desk and even a deep brown leather couch, which Triton can often be found napping on before dinner.
18. Athena’s Studio
A room that has been untouched since the death of Athena, the studio was once a bright, lovely space where Athena spent much of her time that was not occupied by caring for her seven daughters or when she was not out volunteering in various charity positions. Athena was not as talented an artist as a musician, but she still enjoyed creating things. Athena’s studio was a charming crafting space, full of yarn, scrapbooking, canvases on easels, and other such projects. Some are still unfinished.
19. Guest Bedroom/Old Playroom
This room used to be where the girls had their playroom so that their parents could keep an eye on them while they were upstairs also. It has only been packed up and converted in the last ten years or so, after ARiel finally grew out of it mostly. Now, it’s just a nice guest space for when people are over.
20. Attic
The attic in the Triton household is less of a storage space and more of a tomb for Athena. After her death, all of her possessions were moved to this space, except for the jewelry, clothing, and knick-knacks which were distributed amongst her family and friends. There is also a large storage of photos from the girls’ childhood. While many litter the house, the extras and all of Athena’s scrapbooks were put away in the attic. The attic is seldom visited, except for when someone is searching for Christmas decorations, or the like. 
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atinydise · 4 years
Bad Idea
❦ Genre: Angst.
❦ Pairing: Yeosang.
❦ Word count: 4k2.
❦ Masterlist.
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Yeosang carried the last cardboard in the living-room. “Everything’s here Y/N.” He smiled proudly. “Really? Is the removal man already gone? Did you give him a tip?” You asked, putting in order the crockery. “No, he-” “Yeosang! I told you to, he helped us so much!” You claimed a bit upset. “Just let me finish…” he sighed, putting the cardboard down. You looked at him, waiting for at least a good excuse. “When I was looking for cash, he was already gone. He just waved at me and left before I could say anything.” He explained. “You should have given to him earlier, when I told you to.” You rolled your eyes. “Why I need to do everything? You could give it to him too.” “Probably because I was busy with the apartment?” you pointed at the empty boxes in the corner of the room. “Yes sure…” he whispered. “Can you help me with the crockery? I think we can finish it before going to bed.” You smiled already proud of you. “I think I’ll go to sleep. I’m really tired…” he yawned. “Come on, there’s only 3 cardboards left.” “Y/N, I’m tired. Don’t forget that I hadn’t slept yesterday.” He ran his hands through his hair. “It’s just 3-” “Y/N,” he called you seriously, “I’m tired.” You didn’t say anything, not wanting to argue, the first night in your new apartment. “Okay.” You simply replied. “Thank you.”
Yeosang left for your shared bedroom. Since you needed to buy all the furniture here, the room was already done, and you were proud of the result. Your boyfriend opened the wardrobe to choose a pajama or just even sweatpants and an old shirt, it would be comfortable enough. But he couldn’t find his clothes. “Y/N,” he called you again, entering the kitchen, “have you seen my pajama?” “In the wardrobe?” “I would not ask you if it was there.” He replied. He was visibly mad or exhausted, but he was getting on your nerves. “Then no I don’t know.” “Maybe you forgot few cardboards.” “No, our room is full.” “Then where is my pajama or just even my comfy stuff?” He asked again. “Yeosang I don’t know…” you sighed. “You’re cleaning and tidying everything here, for sure you know where my pajama is.” He crossed his arms on his chest. “I didn’t see your pajama Yeo, stop being rude.” You claimed, finally facing him. “Why do you always think that I’m rude?” “Because you are! Just by the way you’re talking to me right now.”
Upset, you went to the bathroom, to take a shower. You just wanted to stop this stupid argument. But Yeosang wasn’t having it. “I’m talking to you normally; you’re just always thinking that I’m mean.” He added, enterinf the room behind you. “Yeosang can you stop? I don’t want to argue for our first night here.” You stated. Your boyfriend bit his lip and exited the bathroom. “Finally…” you sighed finally alone.
After your shower, you went to the living-room to chill a bit in your new apartment. You sat down on the couch, eyes glued on your phone, scrolling your social media account, but Yeosang growled next to you. “Y/N! You’re soaking the floor! Why you don’t dry your hair in the bathroom?” “Here we go again…” you whispered. “What did you say?” he asked. You stood up, hands grabbing the towel in your head. “I said, ‘here we go again’. You are once again yelling at me.” “I wouldn’t if you were not making the whole apartment a skating rink.” He pointed at the droplets on the floor. “Relax! I’ll clean it!” “I am relaxed!” “No you’re not! It’s not even 3 hours that we are here and you’re scolding me for everything I do.” “I wouldn’t if you were organized and smart enough to think straight!” “Excuse me?” you asked him to repeat. “You heard me well Y/N.” “Sorry if I want our apartment to be cozy.” You said. “Ah come on don’t play the victim again.” “The what?” “Victim.” He repeated. “You make me feel like I’m the bad guy in our relationship.” You threw your towel at him, standing up. “I never did that or never intentionally meant to. It’s just you who’s acting like an asshole!” “Where are you going?” “I don’t know but not here. Obviously, leaving together was a b-” “A bad idea yes.” He finished. You stared at each other eyes for few seconds. Seems like both of you were determined and serious about this situation. “I thought we knew each other well and that we could be happy enough here.” Started Yeosang. “But obviously it was too early for that. I feel like-” “Living with a stranger?” You said, your voice cracking a bit. Your boyfriend didn’t reply, he just nodded and waited for you to say something. Interiorly, you were devastated. You were so happy to live with Yeosang. But not even a night here and you were already arguing. You looked at the ceiling, to suppress the tears which was forming in your eyes. “Okay.” You whispered. “You can stay here; I’ll sleep at the dorm.” He said, going in the bedroom. When he walked next to you, without even glance, you felt like a blizzard was surrounding you. Yeosang picked few clothes to wear for an undetermined time. He took his toothbrush and skin care product before leaving without even saying you ‘goodbye’. 15 minutes later, you were sitting alone in your apartment, as if Yeosang never came here. You thought that it would be one of the nicest and happiest thing you did, but it turned to be a bad idea.
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
Hey do you think you could do a Drysdale twins headcanon of them being good dads. I’m feeling soft rn and I need some twins content. Thank you San ❤️
Y'all thank me too early. What if it's shit, huh? Anyways, since I'm such a giver, here you go bubba ily.
CAUTION: fluff ahead.
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My, my
Oh but yes.
Imagine the Drysdale Twins being dads to twin boys.
I feel like Ransom and Steve would be poles apart when it comes to parenting
Maybe early on, when your kids are still infants; Ransom and Steve would develop this sort of a schedule thing
As in, they'd take turns in who would wake up to feed the kids every hour or so
Or who'd rock them to sleep
It was usually both of them, since there were two babies
But it was never you.
"You need to rest babe. Get some sleep, we got this." One of them would whisper in your ear each time your kids cried and you tried to wake up in the middle of the night.
They were incredible dads
Ransom would be the type to buy ever single book on parenting; because something tells me that that pretty jerk likes to read
And Steve believed that good parenting came from experience so he'd dive in head first into it - doing what he felt was right in the moment.
As your kids grew up more, a couple of years later; it started to seem like there were 4 kids in total, instead of two.
Steve would be the one who'd make the kids tidy up and pick up their toys after they're done playing
Ransom would be the one who washed them every day, before bed. Needless to say, they'd make a mess in the bathroom
Ooh imagine, Drysdale Twins getting custom made cars for their little boys - similar to the ones they drive themselves.
Or custom made sweaters and coats like the ones Ransom wears all the time. And soon, your sons wardrobe matched their dads'.
And you'd watch your boys be reckless in the yard. Tripping and falling but their dads picking them up each time and wipe their tears away
And clean their scratches and put bandaids on them
And then quickly bring them inside to mommy so she can kiss their booboo better and give them cookies or lollipops.
Ransom would definitely be the dad to help them in their mischief, he'd be the fun dad
The one your kids run too when Steve makes them clean their room
As for Steve, he'd be the outdoors-y dad - always teaching then about gardening or building stuff or he'd have them help him when he cooked in the kitchen.
As much as they were good dads, they were good to you as well
They'd pamper you often;
Unexpected shopping trips
Always kissing your stretch marks and telling you that they made you look even more pretty because now not only were you their girl, but also the mother to their kids
Oh but imagine your little boys mimicking their dads by wearing their sweaters and walking around with mean faces on
You couldn't stop laughing when they did that.
Oh but imagine Christmas in your house.
Ransom and Steve would be the type to go overboard with decors and gifts
Ransom and Steve would go buy the biggest tree they could find and you and the little ones would wait at home with decorations ready for the tree.
Imagine all of you in the living room, on cold nights, cozy around the fireplace and watching Harry Potter during the festive season.
Ransom and Steve would definitely be the type of dads who would make sure their family is always happy and make sure they never lack anything
Sure, they'd spoil their sons, but they'd also teach them manners and how to be polite.
Ooh but imagine family vacations, and just how much better it would be to have two men who can handle your kids occasional tantrums.
Ransom and Steve would be great traveling dads for sure.
You'd all sleep in the same room at times; it was a rather large bed.
And sometimes you'd hear your boys talking to one another.
"Daddy, you two really love mommy, don't you?" one of your sons asked.
Ransom and Steve would smile and tell them yes.
"She's our girl, isn't she? She does so much for us. We always gotta take care of our girl buddy, yeah?" you heard Ransom speak up first.
"Now that you've asked, you gotta promise too. That no matter what, you two will always take care of mommy, yes?" then Steve spoke up.
And your sons agreed quickly, and gave their word to their dads.
You silently shed a tear and thanked God you had such a lovely family.
And you loved your boys more than anything.
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keicdcat · 3 years
lol pls excuse my yearning believe me i am a bad bleep it’s just one of those rough days where i wanna look into a better place in hopes that i’d get there someday,,, anw idk who this reaches but here’s a piece of my mind and soul ig
a worn-out doorbell. letters lazily plucked into the mailbox. a muddied welcome home mat on the front door. shoe racks with unkempt screws. glass door with the street number. a patio with moved chairs, a table with coffee stains. daisies and dahlias, irises and marigolds. willow trees. warm light emitted through the windows. a family. a home.
lived-in couches. picture frames filled with smiles. baby pictures. key racks with labels. laughter echoing all throughout. entrance to the living room. toys neatly piled on some corner. carpet neat and tidy. homely. a frank sinatra compilation on the tv. a coffee table with medical books and unfinished homework. some shelves filled with assortments of pretty decors. book piles. stethoscopes hung on some rack. memories within the walls. time-tested, time-assured. lasting and calm.
kitchen. brilliant laughter. warm light. oven still hot. the scent of a good meal trailing by. snake plants. pots of aloe veras. an unloaded dishwasher. a clean sink. utensils clanking against ceramic plates. condensation of water on the water glasses. “how was your day”s. joyful stories. warm, cozy hearts. stomachs full. unbridled joy. passing the food. lighthearted jokes. playing footsies under the table. bickering over who gets to wash the dishes. chests heaving with laughter. a comforting aura in the air. two kids and a toddler. a mother and father. dinner and dessert. nothing better.
bedroom. clean sheets. carpeted floors. blinded windows. a lamp atop the bedside table. bookshelves and book piles. a worn-out guitar. headboard under an impressive painting. a vanity on the corner. closets with warm sweaters. two lab coats stitched with “dr.” a box filled with children’s letters from anniversaries and birthdays. a table filled with binders. discussing work. soft pillows. warm hugs. loving “goodnight”s. forehead kisses. reassurance. enjoying the silence. hearts pressed together, arms entangled, fearful but sure. steady. contented. conversations through gazes. muttered “i love you”s. eyes fluttered to sleep. everything you’ll ever need.
backyard. weekends. rubber gloves and dirt. watering the garden. rakes and games of tag. more laughter. movie nights outside - a big teepee set with blankets, snacks, projector rolling onto some white cloth hung. fairy lights. group hugs. emotional family dramas followed with lighthearted, wholesome comedy. ghost stories. board games. juice boxes and charcuterie boards. loving gazes from husband and wife. wanting to freeze one moment for for ever. an epiphany: that all the hardships were worth this outcome. wanting to be nowhere else but here.
bathroom. hydrated plants. glass door on the shower. a bath tub. alone time. bubble baths with dried flowers. hot showers. scented candles. lavender, berries, chamomile, lemon and lime. skin care routines. a marble bathroom counter, big mirror that’s a closet convertible. self love podcasts. good music. clean towels and tidy rugs. refreshed. ready. relaxed.
garage and storage room. time unknown. family projects. tools set on some counter. muttered, “be careful”s. playful banter. dirty aprons and dusted shoes. the sound of construction. queen on the radio. feeling like tony stark and pepper potts. hammers and screw drivers. the feeling of accomplishment. learning new things. being innovative. creative. spending time with each other.
front porch. weekdays. schoolbags and lunch boxes. toddler chair on the backseat. quiz recitations and “good-luck”s on the drive. teenage music on the speaker. jokingly turning off the radio. “have a nice day”s. good-bye kisses. forehead kisses. silent and safe drives to work.
evening. long shift. lab coats off. tired “hello”s. kisses on the cheek. tossing the car keys. arms around each other on the way to the car park. stars shining brilliantly in the evening sky. tired hearts but steady. stable. sure. a home to come back to. a family to love. a life to live. nothing more or less. everything you’ve ever wanted. everything you have.
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carolineworld · 4 years
“We all need someone to hold”  A Zoenne FanFic
Summary: As life goes by, everything gets more and more difficult, but as life goes by, you make relationships and friendships that will help you in every step of the way. At the end of the day, we all need someone to hold.
Zoë has been stressed lately. University is a new chapter for her and being far away from her friends and the flatshare, with the trial coming soon and dealing with all the past demons, everything is stressing her way too much. 
University has been great so far. She’s finally studying something she’s passionate about and is one step closer to accomplish her dream, so she can’t complain about that. But that doesn’t mean she can’t complain about anything.
There’s a lot of myths about starting a degree and going to uni to do what you like. It makes a big difference, yeah, ‘cause you’re studying something you enjoy, but sometimes it can still be a pain in the ass. Having to wake up early, the insane amount of projects and essays you have to do and finals coming closer and closer as you try to do everything on time. It’s rewarding and satisfying if you think about what comes next, but the process can sometimes be too much.
Moving has been great too. She’s excited about living on her own, with the love of her life in a super cute apartment that feels like home, but saying goodbye to Milan, Robbe and Lisa has been the hardest part of it, as she had just found her own family. Having to let them go and waking up to a silent house without any weird sounds or some rude interruptions has been sentimental for her. Not to mention this new apartment she lives in is about an hour and a half from her previous apartment, making it a trip to go see them or the girls.
That’s another thing, her girls. Since finishing high school and all of them choosing different paths in life they have physically separated from each other. Thank God Amber has stayed in Antwerp and they can meet up once o twice a week, cause the rest have moved to make their dreams come true, and although they talk every single day and see each other every month, it’s still difficult to experience new and exciting things without them.
And the trial… her never-ending nightmare. Four years have gone by since the incident happened and every time she thinks she has overcome it, every time she changes the autodestructive and self-pity mindset she had, her demons and nightmares come back and stronger than before. The first time was testifying, and that cost her her relationship. The second time was seeing him in the grocery store when she moved, and that caused her an anxiety attack, a trip in the ambulance, and having to calm a really angry and nervous Senne from doing something stupid. And the third one was receiving a call from the courthouse, four years later, to ask her if she could attend the trial for the final sentence, and that cost her yet another anxiety attack and a new phone.
She has been going to therapy ever since it happened, but every time something like that happens, every time she has a nightmare or a panic attack because something triggered her or because of a thought, she goes back into thinking that maybe therapy doesn’t work, she goes back into thinking that she’s broken, that she will always be broken. And thank God she has an amazing support system, as she calls it, to remind her that she isn’t broken, that her incident does not define who she is, and that she is way stronger than she thinks.
So yeah, she’s been stressed lately, so when she’s finally home and all her books and bags are nicely put down and she’s ready to call it a day and finally relax, she cannot believe what she’s seeing.
The living room is filled with pillows, blankets, and twinkly lights, making the room feel so magical and cozy. On the side table, there are her favorite snacks, along with her favorite dish for dinner.  The tv has the Netflix sign in it and there are even desserts.
“Senne?” her voice is filled with a million different emotions and her brain refuses to believe what her eyes are seeing, almost as if she can’t process what’s happening. 
“In the kitchen”.
Still amazed by the turning events, she walks to the kitchen of their little apartment hugging her body, slightly shivering from the November cold and making a mental note to put on fluffy socks on her way there. Once her feet are covered and warm and she gets to her destination she feels like crying. Looking at him prepare alcohol-free gin-tonics and freshly done hot chocolate just for her makes her heart so warm and heavy.
Over the four years they’ve been together (three and a half if we are exact, but they don’t like to acknowledge the almost six months they spend apart) Zoë has learned that when it comes to expressing himself and his emotions, or when he doesn’t know how to help, Senne uses acts of kindness or acts of service. Over the years he has indeed improved so much into expressing his emotions and thoughts with words, but actions or acts are always his first option. And even though she knows that, he never fails to surprise her every time.
“Have you seen the living room? I thought we could do a movie night, so we can relax” His big smile is all she can see when he approaches her, the drinks in one hand and the other one in her waist, drawing little patterns while he kisses her cheek repeatedly with tiny little kisses. She hums in response, having a hard time expressing her feelings with words. Giving her a proper kiss in the lips, Senne grabs Zoë’s hand and leads her to the living room, smiling widely as he admires his creation.
“What’s all this for?” She asks, sitting down next to the biggest pillow they own, covering herself with the Blanket and looking at Senne doing the same next to her, grabbing the drink he just made.
“You’ve been stressed lately and I couldn’t think of a way to make the stress go away, so I thought that if you relaxed for a bit, maybe that stress could go away, even if it’s only for a few hours” He gives her her drink and while she sips a bit from it he turns back to grab the little tray of snacks he has made, offering them to her with a proud smile.
“Thank you, Senne, you didn’t have to do all of this” honest gratitude glows in her eyes as she carefully lets her drink on the floor and goes to give him a big hug and a sweet kiss, whispering ‘thank you’ every time they separate from a kiss.
After a few minutes of kissing and whispering sweet words to each other’s ears, they start eating the food Senne has prepared, talking about each other’s day, the upcoming assignments they have to do for this week, and how’s been going at work. Laughs and jokes fill the room as the night falls outside the window, being unnoticeable to the young couple in love. Hours go by as the food and the drinks disappear and the two of them cuddle up in the little fort Senne built for them watching Zoë’s favorite movie.
Once the movie is about to end and Senne looks down he finds Zoë happily asleep, her fist grabbing the blanket and hugging Senne’s arm close to her chest, cuddling up to him. A happy smile is on her face and at that moment she looks free and calm, no stress bothering her. Whispering a silent “everything for you, my love” Senne picks her up and takes her to their room, putting her down carefully and going to the bathroom to grab a makeup removing wipe, as she forgot to take her makeup off before falling asleep on him. After her face is all clean he makes sure to let the living room and the kitchen as tidy as possible before going back to bed.
And yeah, Zoë’s been pretty stressed lately but gestures like this, and people like him, make everything so much easier.
1366 words
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generaldisdainn · 4 years
Four of a Kind
I’m starting a new multi-chapter fic!
AO3 Link 
Rating: MA (for eventual smut)
Words: 1915
Summary:  After accepting a job as the head of marketing for a local animal shelter, Anna finds herself in a new city in need of a place to live. Luckily, 3 guys know just the place.
Chapter 1
Apartment 4D. The listing boasted a fully furnished living space, 3 kind flatmates, and rooftop access. The attached pictures showed a lovely full kitchen, a clean common area, and a cozy -- if slightly cramped -- bedroom. Anna knew they could have been lying about a few of the apartment's assets just to suck someone else in to help with the rent, which was exactly why she wanted to check the place out before making any sort of commitment. She gently knocked on the door, tentatively making her presence known to her potential future flatmates.
The door swung open after only a few seconds. Anna’s hand was left hovering in the air mid-knock. The man before her leaned against the door frame, a wide smile on his face. His hair was lustrous and thick. It was sculpted neatly into twists at the top of his head that faded tastefully the further down she looked. Anna withdrew her hand from the door and pulled her bag up on her shoulder in an attempt to straighten herself out. She wanted to make a good impression. She needed to if she wanted to live here, and since she was new to the area, she didn't really have a lot of options.
“You must be Anna! I’m Sven. It’s really great to meet you,” Sven offered a hand and Anna graciously took it, nerves already starting to settle with the warm greeting.
“It’s nice to meet you too! Thanks for letting me take a look at the place.” The compliment was genuine. She couldn’t believe how many people were unwilling to make time for her to look around the place before signing a lease or without acting like she was a nuisance.
“No problem! Come on in.” Sven pushed the door open and led Anna inside.
The apartment looked just like it did in the pictures: relatively tidy, up-to-date, and fully furnished, as promised. The main living area off of the entrance did seem to scream “three men live here”, what with the empty beer cans on the coffee table and the haphazardly placed pillows and blankets; but overall, Anna found herself thinking that the place had a lovely charm to it.
“This is our living room, and over here is the kitchen,” Sven began, motioning Anna over to the right of the room.
A tall man rounded the corner, almost barrelling into Anna and Sven. He towered over them both -- well, her far more than Sven. He had a wide, sturdy-looking frame that gave him an imposing aura. Anna took a small step back to avoid colliding with the guy. He seemed much more interested in the pudding cup he was eating than looking where he was going.
“Oh, Kristoff,” Sven said, motioning to the man before them and then to Anna. She suddenly felt dwarfed between the two of them. “This is Anna. She’s here to check out the apartment. She might become our 4th roommate!”
“Anna?” Kristoff repeated. The way he said her name gave off the impression that he didn’t know she was coming.
Anna offered him her hand and straightened her posture in a pitiful attempt to look at least a little taller. “It’s nice to meet you!”
The guy, who Anna now knew was named Kristoff, didn't respond. He turned a cool gaze to Sven, one single eyebrow raised and spoon nestled into his pudding cup. “You never said she was a girl.”
So he definitely didn’t know she was coming- or that she was even a she.
“I didn’t think I had to. What are you, some kind of sexist or something?” Sven teased.
Anna could tell Sven was joking, but that didn’t stop her from feeling uncomfortable. She suddenly felt so out of place. Sven obviously hadn’t told the others she was coming. What if he thought they wouldn’t like her? Or what if he was only letting her see the apartment to be nice?
“God, Sven, no, I just -- ugh, never mind.” Kristoff, despite the cool aura he gave off, seemed almost as flustered as she did. He waved a hand dismissively and sauntered over to the couch.
“Just ignore him -- he gets grumpy sometimes,” Sven chuckled, placing a comforting hand on Anna’s shoulder.
“It's because of you!” Kristoff called from the couch.
“I can live with that!” Sven countered.
“Oh, are you the one here to check out the place?” Another voice came from the kitchen. Anna followed Sven into the space. A younger-looking man sat at the island with a vibrant smile on his face. He had messy black hair, light brown skin, and brilliant blue eyes that emphasized the brightness of his smile. He got up from his seat and offered his hand to Anna.
Anna nodded and smiled, shaking his hand comfortably. “Yep, I am!”
“That’s great! I’m Ryder.”
“I’m Anna,” she replied.
“That’s such a pretty name!” She had only known him for a few mere moments, and she could already tell that he had so much excitement and positive energy to offer.
“Thank you so much!” Anna was grateful for Sven and Ryder’s friendliness but was secretly shocked at the difference between their demeanors and Kristoff’s. She wondered how their dynamic functioned-- if it functioned.
“Yeah, Ryder’s great. He’s got SO many plants in his room,” Sven said to Anna.
“Sven!” Ryder said nervously, as though he were embarrassed to have that information revealed.
“You’re right, I’m sorry, I said I wouldn’t overshare.”
“Well, I mean if it’s all the same to you, I might as well tell her about what happened in the room she’ll be sleeping--”
“Ryder Naturra!” Sven barked before turning to smile at Anna. “Ignore him. He’s just being stupid.” He looked back at Ryder, eyes wide, and cocked his head in a gesture that seemed to command Ryder to walk away, but not without an ear-to-ear grin.
Before Anna was able to think about what just happened, Sven asked her a question. “So, how comfortable are you living with three other dudes?”
“Well…” Anna really had to think about her answer. She wanted to say that she was totally comfortable, but she only had her sister to grow up with, so she didn’t know the ins and outs of sharing a living space with one man, let alone three. “...I don’t really see how it could be much different from living with three other girls, so…”
“Okay, so three other people, then,” Sven said as he led Anna toward one of the two bathrooms. “You’d be sharing a bathroom with Ryder, by the way. Lots of plants in there too. Truly don’t know how he keeps them all alive.”
Anna smiled at Sven’s remark. “Well, three other people is a lot, but I like people, so I figured, why not go for it?” she answered as she peered into the bathroom. “Ooh, I really like the shower! It’s got the detachable shower head and everything!”
“Yeah, it’s cool, right?” Sven said, walking past the bathroom and toward a door at the end of the hall. “So this way is your potential bedroom,” he continued. He grabbed the doorknob, paused, and turned around to face Anna. “You have a bed you can bring, right?”
Anna’s face drained of color. “I what ?”
“I’m just kidding,” Sven said with a smile, waving a hand and turning the doorknob.
Anna let out a heavy sigh. “Oh my god, you really scared me for a second.”
“Okay, but for real, you’ll be getting a bed and a desk. Oh, and a closet.”
Anna walked past Sven into the room and stood in the middle of it. It was modest, to be sure, with a full-sized bed in one corner and a desk in the other, a pair of sliding doors that Anna guessed was the closet, and a big window with wooden blinds. There were off-white marks on the wall where something had been painted over, but otherwise, the room was spotless.
“Yeah, I could definitely make this work,” Anna said. “But what’s wrong with it?”
“What’s wrong with what?” Sven asked.
“This room. Ryder said something happened in here,” Anna replied, trying her best not to sound accusatory.
“Oh, right. Nah, we were just kidding around. We, uh, we planned that little exchange, he thought it would be funny.”
“Oh okay, well that’s a relief,” Anna said. “I was worried there would be, like, a colony of rats in the closet or something,” she continued as she walked to the closet and slid the door open. “Yeah, I could definitely make this work.” She turned to Sven. “When can I move in?”
Sven was taken aback. “Really?”
“Yeah! You guys seem nice, and this is honestly an ideal location for me, so I don’t really see any reason to hesitate,” Anna continued as she walked out of the room and into the common area.
“Woah woah woah, not so fast,” Sven said, presenting his palm to her. He turned around and shouted back towards the main living room. “Men, assemble!” Ryder poked his head out from his room and Kristoff reluctantly stood up from the sofa.
“Now, I like you,” Sven said, turning back to Anna, “but I need to check if these two children will be okay with you moving in.” Oh, right. Anna had forgotten about Kristoff and his broody...broodiness.
“So!” Sven clapped his hands together, and Kristoff and Ryder stood next to him, almost as if they had rehearsed whatever it was they were about to do. “We’re going to go in there and deliberate a bit, and then we’ll come out and let you know, okay?”
Normally something like this would make Anna incredibly anxious, but Sven was smiling at her so sweetly that she couldn’t possibly protest. The guys left her alone, and she made her way to the living room couch. She began nervously picking at a string on one of the worn cushions.
It wasn’t the thought of living with three guys that worried her. It was the thought of how three guys would view living with a girl that made her anxious. Would she be encroaching on their “guy time”? Would she even fit into their odd dynamic? They were the ones that advertised their space, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she was intruding. It certainly seemed like Kristoff didn’t want her there, and while Sven and Ryder seemed nice enough, she wouldn’t be surprised if they were just pretending to deliberate to spare her feelings. She shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind. There was no use jumping to some crazy conclusion that was only spurred on by her own insecurities.
She looked up with a start at the sound of her name being called. The voice was warm and strong- one she immediately recognized as Sven’s, despite having only known him for a few moments.
“We’d really love to have you as a roommate. You can come by to sign the lease as early as tomorrow if you want.”
Anna couldn’t stop the wide smile that broke out on her face. Ryder and Sven seemed thrilled as they exchanged contact information and pleasantries with her. Even Kristoff’s face softened for a moment when she told him how excited she was to be living there.
She could tell that this was going to be the start of something wonderful, or, at the very least, something incredibly interesting.
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kpophours · 4 years
One Love || part V
➵ SF9: Youngbin x fem. reader / series, werewolf AU / fluff
➵ warnings: mentions of death and illness, slight mentions of alcohol
➵ word count: 2.8k
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A loud scream followed by even louder laughter drifted upstairs - and woke you up. You looked around, a bit confused, and wiped the sleep from your eyes, yawning. Ruffling your hair, you slipped out of bed and into the bathroom, quickly washing your face, brushing your teeth and combing through your unruly hair. After pulling on your leggings and cozy socks, but still clad in Youngbin’s big shirt, you made your way downstairs where most of the boys were already assembled, talking animatedly with each other while enjoying their breakfast. You silently took in the slightly chaotic scene in front of you, until Dawon spotted you standing in the doorway.
"You're awake!", he smiled from ear to ear and jumped up to greet you, wrapping one arm around your shoulder and ruffling your hair. "Morning!", Taeyang waved at you and smiled as well while Jaeyoon got up from his chair and hugged you. Youngbin sat at one end of the table, a newspaper in one hand and a mug of steaming hot coffee in the other - his hair was still sticking out in every direction, mussed from sleep, but his eyes were bright when he looked at you, the corners of his mouth curling into a small, private smile. You returned it before being pushed onto a chair between Zuho who was scrolling through his Instagram feed, and Chani who just lifted an eyebrow in a silent greeting, probably not completely awake yet.
"Morning.", you finally said, voice still a bit raspy.
"Coffee? Eggs? Toast? Pancakes?", Rowoon asked you when he entered the living room, placing a ridiculously full plate in front of you. You gazed at all the food, gaping.
"Eh... thanks?", you finally answered, sounding a bit in awe. "If it's too much for you, I’ll gladly help you out.", Hwiyoung proposed, quickly stealing a slice of bacon from you plate. "Hey, that's Y/N’s food! You had more than enough already.", Rowoon scolded him, gently whacking him over the head with a kitchen spoon which caused the younger man to whine. You laughed and shook your head. "It’s alright, Rowoon. I don't mind."
"Don't say that.", the handsome man answered, "These boys are like a pack of wolves."
Everyone laughed at that, and you felt a bit left out, not quite getting the joke.
"Eat.", Zuho just grinned, pushing a mug of hot coffee towards you which you gratefully accepted, moaning contently after taking a sip. Youngbin almost choked on his own coffee, leading him to have a coughing fit, when he heard that sound.
"You're alright?", Hwiyoung asked and snorted, gently pounding on Youngbin’s back. "Yeah, perfect, thanks.", the latter one grumbled, slightly red in the face, before hiding behind his newspaper again.
You weren’t the most talkative person in the morning, so you only answered a few questions and silently observed the others. Dawon and Jaeyoon were teasing Taeyang about a girl he (apparently) liked while Roowon was busy running from the kitchen to the living room and back again, preparing even more food - the boys seemed to wolf everything down without hesitation. Zuho was apparently on a mission to like every single cat video on Instagram while Chani looked like he had fallen asleep again, chin propped up on one hand.
You didn’t eat much as you rarely ate breakfast, often running too late to do so and relying on caffeine and an early lunch. After finishing some of the eggs and bacon and drowning your second cup of coffee, you got up from your chair and smiled at everyone. Most fell silent, as if sensing you wanted to say something. Dawon looked at you with big eyes, nibbling on some bacon. “Thank you for letting me stay the night.”, you said, sending Jaeyoon a sharp look when he wanted to interrupted you, which quickly made him close his mouth again, “I had a great time with you guys - but I should really go now. I don’t want to overstay my welcome!”
Taeyang immediately began to pout. “But I thought we could maybe watch another movie, because some of us couldn’t join you yesterday.”, he said, voice hopeful. You smiled at him. “Another time, okay? I have to get groceries and clean my flat today.”
“Well, you could come over tonight? Some of our mat- uh, girlfriends are going to be here too, then you could meet them.”, Jaeyoon proposed, a hopeful smile on his face. You just shook your head. “I’d love that, but I can’t tonight. But we’ll definitely do it another time, I promise.”, you replied and, out of the corner of your eye, saw Youngbin’s face light up with a soft smile.
Before anyone could ask about your evening plans, you quickly took your plate and mug and hurried into the kitchen, almost crashing into Rowoon, who was about to carry a pan of even more scrambled eggs and bacon into the dining room. “Ooops.”, he made and quickly dodged you, carefully balancing the frying pan so no egg would be lost. “Oh God, oh no! I’m so sorry, are you okay?”, you said, voice panicked and he just laughed. “Relax, nothing happened. Thank you for cleaning up after you - maybe you could teach some of the others.”, the tall man grumbled and threw his roommates a dark look. You just giggled at his cute expression and put your plate and mug in the sink. Afterwards, you quickly went upstairs to change back into your clothes, trying to leave your room as tidy as possible. 
You almost ran into Youngbin who was just coming up the stairs. He smiled at your surprised expression, leaning against the wall of the staircase and looking at you with soft eyes. “Leaving?”, he asked in a hushed voice, and you nodded, heart skipping a beat when you locked eyes with him. He smiled, walking up the last few stairs and now almost towering over you. “So, I’ll pick you up at 7pm tonight?”, he asked, and you nodded again, apparently unable to speak due to his close proximity, his musky, warm scent enveloping you. You finally cleared your throat. “I- I’ll text you my address, okay?”, you suggested, and he grinned, giving you the thumbs up. “Sounds perfect. I’ll see you later, then.” And with that, he let you pass.
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You got some groceries on your way home and cleaned your flat, unpacking the very last of your boxes, time passing way too quickly for your liking. After taking a shower, you were faced with the challenge of having to choose an outfit for tonight. You were guessing that Youngbin was going to take you out to a nice restaurant - but nothing too fancy as that wouldn’t really suit him. Maybe you would also take a walk after dinner, so you shouldn’t pick anything too thin to wear…
After considering your options for a few minutes, you finally settled on a skirt paired with a nice shirt and some thick tights.
You were just finishing putting on some lipstick when you heard your doorbell ring. Your heart skipped a beat and you actually squealed, giggling at your own reaction and shaking your head in slight embarrassment. After grabbing your purse and slipping on your shoes and coat, you took a few, deep breaths, trying to steady yourself. Then, you opened your door.
Youngbin was waiting for you in front of your house, both hands buried in the pockets of his long grey coat, dark hair styled away from his forehead. He turned around to face you when the front door fell shut behind you, beaming at you. You exhaled shakily and walked towards him. When he wrapped both arms around you to hug you, you closed your eyes for a few seconds, answering his soft “Hi” with an even softer one. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his black jeep, opening the door for you and helping you inside. When he slipped into the driver’s seat, he gave you another gentle smile. “How was your day?”, he inquired, starting the motor and navigating out of your street. You shrugged, huddling deeper into your coat. “It was fine. I cleaned my flat and unpacked the last boxes, but that was about it. How was yours?”
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You chatted away until you reached the restaurant Youngbin had picked for tonight - a small Italian ristorante which was decorated with fascinating antiques and even featured a masonry oven. Your table was located in the back of the restaurant, hiding you away from the eyes of the other guests. You smiled when you took in the red-white-checkered tablecloth and the candle holder which was actually an old wine bottle. Youngbin looked nervous, gaze sliding from you to the small table and back again. “D-do you like it?”, he finally asked while helping you out of your coat, and you nodded immediately. “I love it! It’s so cute.”, you answered, and he smiled, relieved. He bit his lower lip when he saw your outfit, eyes darkening. “You look beautiful.”, he mumbled, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear and making your heart flutter. You blushed, but couldn’t help but smile at his compliment. “So do you.”, you replied, sliding onto one of the two chairs. 
He truly did look very handsome, clad in a simple white button-down and black skinny jeans. Youngbin chuckled and took the opposite seat, propping his chin up on his hand and observing you with dark eyes.
He could get lost in your eyes. And he wanted nothing more than hold your hand and finally kiss you. The wolf inside him was purring, happy to be so close to you - and finally alone. 
“Youngbin?”, you asked, voice amused, and he blinked in confusion. He’d been so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t even heard your question. You giggled - the most endearing sound in his ears - and repeated: “Do you want to share a bottle of wine?”, tilting your head to one side. He smiled and nodded, the tips of his ears flushing scarlet in slight embarrassment. “That sounds good, yes.”
You pressed your lips into a tight line to stop yourself from smiling, feeling giddy and just… happy.
Being with Youngbin just felt so natural and… comfortable. It truly felt like you’d been destined to meet each other.
You clinked glasses when the wine arrived, Youngbin’s dark eyes boring into yours with an intensity that made your knees weak.
After selecting your food - pasta for you, pizza for Youngbin - you began to talk.
And talk.
And talk...
You talked about everything and anything - you told him about your childhood, your family and friends, how you decided on your major and research projects, about your dreams for the future. He in return told you about how he managed to launch his business at such a young age and how much time and energy it had cost him to establish his shop as one of the best ones in the country. He also told you about the love he had for his roommates - more his family, really - and that he had traveled around the world before returning to his hometown in his early twenties. His smile got sad when he talked about his travels - so sad, actually, that you just needed to ask him about what had happened.
“I- I don’t really want to talk about it on our first date as… as it’s actually about an ex-girlfriend.”, Youngbin explained, but you shrugged. “I honestly don’t mind. I think it’s healthy to talk about exes - and that it should be normalized!”, you answered and he gave you a surprised, yet pleased smile. “Okay, if you really want to know… Well, my then girlfriend, Mina - she is- she was… Inseong’s cousin, actually.”, he took in a shaky breath, and you pressed your lips into a tight line, pity washing over you.
Maybe you shouldn’t have asked - you could see how much talking about her still hurt him.
“You don’t have to-”, you began to say, reaching across the table to grab his hand, but Youngbin just shook his head, gently taking your hand. “No, I want to tell you. We were... happy. We loved traveling and each other. But she… she died. She got very ill, very sudden. It… it all happened so quickly.” His expression was sorrowful, and you gently squeezed his hand. The shadows in his eyes seemed to lighten a bit and he gave you a small smile. “Inseong… he kind of blamed me for her death. He said she’d never gotten sick if she hadn’t been traveling with me. That we weren’t careful enough, that… That we shouldn’t have visited a country that had such insufficient healthcare.”
You gnawed on your lower lip, gently shaking your head. “That’s not fair. It was not your fault - after all, it was Mina’s choice to travel with you. You are not to blame, Youngbin. Inseong was probably just so hurt that he had to… lash out at someone. It’s a normal reaction when someone’s grieving”, you said and the man opposite you nodded. “I know it’s not my fault. And Inseong and I have talked about it a lot… Our relationship is slowly getting better again. But… a lot happened. And we won’t be able to forget about this, nor do I think we should.”, he answered softly, absentmindedly lifting your hand to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss against your knuckles. You inhaled sharply, blushing at the simple, sweet gesture. “Thank you for telling me.”, you finally said, and he tilted his hand to one side, smiling softly. “Thank you for listening.”
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The food was amazing and you even shared some dessert after finishing the main course. You didn’t even notice the restaurant getting emptier and emptier until you were the only people left - only then did you pay and leave as well.
When the door of the restaurant fell shut behind you, Youngbin smiled down at you, dark eyes soft. “How about a little walk? There’s a park nearby.”, he suggested, and you nodded enthusiastically. You didn’t want this night to end - and a bit of fresh air sounded amazing, even though it was still very cold.
The park was pretty much vacant, only one lone dog-walker could be seen beside you and Youngbin. For a few minutes, you just walked in silence beside each other, simply enjoying the other’s company and the cold winter air. You didn’t understand how you were already feeling so… comfortable around Youngbin. Usually, it took you some time to warm up to someone, especially in a romantic way. But you and Youngbin had just instantly clicked - and you even loved all his roommates a lot already. It was like you found a second family and it almost... scared you.
You shouldn’t feel that intensely already, should you?
Yet here you were. 
Youngbin observed you out of the corner of his eye. You had a rather serious expression on your face, gnawing on your lower lip - something seemed to be bothering you. He finally halted in his tracks, grabbing your hand and gently turning you around to face him. You looked up at him, surprise written all over your face. He couldn’t help but smile at your cute reaction. “Are you okay?”, he asked, voice worried and soft. You just nodded, suddenly beginning to shiver in the cold night air, and he immediately wrapped one arm around your waist, pulling you close. Gently cradling your cheek, he tilted your head up, gazing into your eyes.
“I really want to kiss you.”, he admitted in a hushed voice, and you broke into a beautiful smile. “Well, what’s keeping you from it, then?”, you replied in a teasing voice, making him smile as well. Then - finally - he lowered his head towards yours, fitting his lips against yours. You instantly sighed, sagging against him and wrapping both arms around his neck while he pulled you even closer against his body. He gently bit down on your lower lip, sliding his tongue into your mouth when you gasped at the slight pain. Your hands tangled in his hair, slightly tugging at it, and he almost growled. When you broke apart again, you were both breathing heavily. Youngbin smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat.
He was so beautiful, it almost hurt.
He gently nuzzled your nose, and you giggled. “This is definitely the best first date ever.”, Youngbin murmured against your lips before kissing you again.
You just smiled, getting lost in the feeling of his lips moving against yours.
Yes, it was indeed the best first date ever - and, if you weren’t mistaken, it was only the first of many many more. This was just the beginning.
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aniray · 4 years
Where You Least Expect It... Part 2
Part 2 of 5
Day 1
Lizzie sat in the moving truck watching men carry her life into the Shelby guest house. It wasn’t much- she’d barely had enough to fill the small truck. But the men acted as if she’d the crown jewels tucked away in those boxes. Or perhaps her clothes were couture instead of from the clearance racks. It was odd, and more than a bit uncomfortable, knowing her little things would be living inside such a nice place. Even if it was only for a few months. 
But it was easier to imagine her clothes and books and trinkets in the house than it was imagining herself in it. It seemed wrong somehow, like she was playing a trick. She’d always known her place in the world, always known she’d not be anyone important or do much that would matter. She’d wake each day, go to work, pay her bills, and then maybe one day she’d find a man to settle down with. Maybe one day she’d have a kid or two. It hadn’t been her dream- not really. But she’d figured it in, just in case. The future had always been murky on those types of details. But the one she was sure of was that she’d live, work, and then die. And the world wouldn’t miss her or know the difference. 
So yeah, it left Lizzie feeling a bit off to know she’d be living in such a fancy house. She glanced out the side window and tensed when she caught sight of Tommy Shelby walking towards the moving truck. Taking a quick breath, Lizzie waited as the man made his way to her window. He didn’t knock. He didn’t even turn his head to look at her. But she knew he was there to talk to her. And somehow she knew he’d stay there until she acknowledged him.
The window hadn’t stopped lowering before he turned to face her. “Nothing broken?” She shook her head. “Good. Have you been in?” She shook her head again. He gave a slow nod. “Right. You plan on going in?” Lizzie shot him a sharp look. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice- not after she’d just had all her things moved over. But Tommy ignored her glare. She’d a feeling it was something he did often- ignored things. “Come on, then. I’ll show you around.”
It wasn’t a question, so Lizzie didn’t respond. Instead she opened the door of the truck, ignoring the weight of Tommy’s gaze as she hopped down. It took another deep breath before Lizzie started walking, the idea of stepping inside that house making her skin prick with nerves. But Tommy wasn’t patient and Lizzie wasn’t one to hide when there was someone to see her do it. 
“Its…nice,” she started, taking in the place. Tommy let out a grunt beside her. She took it as agreement, but who really knew. But as she took in the house, she realized that aside from the size and the neat landscaping, it really was a nice house. It was one storey- she was sure they called it a bungalow. There were big windows and a nice porch with chairs and a table. Two small windows were set above the front door on either side. Blue-grey paint with white trim around the windows and door. And curtains in the windows. Lizzie’d didn’t much like curtains- reminded her of her mother. Still, it made the house seem light and welcoming, even if she wasn’t truly welcome. 
The inside was lovely. All warmth and light. It was the kind of place Lizzie might have dreamed of once- before things got so bad. It was dark wood floors with blue and cream colored furniture. The walls were paneled from the floor to about waist high, with pale blue paint going up the rest of the wall. And it was all so big and open. The kitchen was nice, though she wasn’t much good at cooking. And there was a dining area that she knew she’d never use- not when there was such a cozy little window seat facing a side garden. Everything was modern, but somehow felt liked she’d stepped back in time a bit. 
“So it’ll do, then?” Lizzie turned from where she’d been heading down the hall. Tommy stood just inside the house, hands in the pockets of his dress pants and he leaned against the wall. Lizzie nodded. “Only one bedroom, on the right. Bath’s on the left.” A quick peek around an open door showed the bedroom. Just as nice as the rest of the place. Still too nice for her. “Long way from Small Heath, eh?”
“Not much different. No money there, no money here, same problems everywhere.” There was a sound, but Lizzie wasn’t sure if it was a cough or a laugh. Didn’t really care. She turned and walked into the bathroom. Clean and tidy with a glass shower and nice towels. “But…I guess for you it’d be a nice change. Leaving and being better for it, I mean.” 
“There’s stairs at the back, up to the attic.” Lizzie jumped at how close Tommy’s voice was. Her eyes went to the mirror. Tommy stood in the doorway and their eyes met through the mirror. His face was just as expressionless as always, but his eyes seemed a bit cooler than they’d been. She hadn’t really thought that possible. “There’s a car in the garage out back. Use it whenever. Key’s in the drawer at the front.” 
Then he was gone. 
Lizzie stood for another second staring through the mirror at the now empty doorway. Then she blinked and started after him. He was just getting around to the truck when she got to the door. “Hey!” Tommy stopped. “Just- I mean-“ He turned around to face her properly and Lizzie almost wished he hadn’t. Even from where she stood she could see a bit of something that might have been…She wasn’t sure what it was- she just knew she didn’t like it. “Thanks. For showing me around.” There were a hundred other things she wanted to say, but none of them came out. She was glad of it. 
Tommy glanced at the house behind her, then set his blue eyes back on Lizzie. Eyes were the window to the soul, they said. But his eyes were so empty, like nothing was inside. There was, though- something inside of him. And whatever it was, made Lizzie curious. He blinked, head tilting forward in a slight nod. And for a moment she thought she caught something- something light or curious or… 
He turned and was gone. 
Tommy came back two days later. 
He had two big plates wrapped up with two smaller plates stacked on top. Lizzie barely had a chance to open her mouth before he’d pushed into the house and headed for the dining table- the one she hadn’t used yet. “Come. Sit.” For some reason Lizzie found herself doing both. She watched as Tommy took his seat, unwrapped the plates and set one of each in front of her. “Why’d you leave Small Heath?”
Lizzie tensed. She hadn’t known what to expect from this surprise visit, but it hadn’t been that. She didn’t like it. But he stayed silent while those cold blue eyes bored into her from across the table. Lizzie looked at the plate in front of her. There were no forks. She got up from her chair and moved into the kitchen, dug around in the drawer for to forks and two knives, grabbed a few napkins as well. Carefully, she folded the cutlery into the napkins- like when she’d been a waitress. She set one set down beside Tommy, careful not to stand too close. Then moved back around the table to her seat. 
Her eyes went to his again. Same blue. Same coldness. Only now there was that hint of annoyance that told her his patience was running thin. She wasn’t surprised- he didn’t seem to have much to begin with. “Parents were dead. Boyfriend started leaving bruises where people could see. No one was hiring.” She shrugged. “Figured it was time to move on.” 
His face didn’t change. To read his expression you wouldn’t know she’d told him anything at all. Especially not anything that meant something. But it might have been him ignoring things he didn’t like again. Glossing over it like it never was. “Ever think of going back?” No. The answer seemed obvious to her. Why would she go back when there was nothing and no one to go back to?
“Why’d you leave?” She didn’t expect an answer. Tommy Shelby didn’t seem like the kind of man to answer questions. Especially not questions about himself. But if he could ask, then so could she. “I looked you up. Says you’ve got brothers and a sister back in Birmingham. Says there’s an aunt and an uncle, too.” She watched a line of tension tighten his shoulders and the corners of his mouth. His eyes got colder.
“Eat your food, Lizzie.”
She didn’t. Neither did he. And not another word passed between them. She was still sat at the table- four plates untouched- when he stood and left. The door closing let her heart finally settle. The sound of the clock ticking helped clear her head. But it was still a long while before she could move. Then it came to her- that feeling she got when things were about to change. And somehow she knew this was the first of many nights with Tommy Shelby. 
Day 36
Tommy held his hands clasped loosely in front of him. He didn’t look to the clock- knew what time it was. He was late. The meeting had been an emergency. So he’d sat and listened and waited. But his phone had vibrated twice now. He knew Grace was waiting for him- knew that the surrogate was probably already at the doctor’s. But here he was, ignoring his wife’s calls to listen to his men tell him shit he didn’t really care about. Things they should have been able to handle without him. 
“…alright, Mr. Shelby?”
He nodded. didn’t know what the fuck he’d agreed to, but if it meant he got out of  the office and to the doctor before the appointment ended, he’d worry about it later. “Get it in writing and have it on my desk by tomorrow,” he said while he stood up, straightening his suit jacket as he did. Morris nodded while the rest also stood up, preparing to leave. Dismissing them all from his mind Tommy turned and left.
Stepping out of the conference room and into his office, Tommy pulled out his phone. Four texts and two calls- all from Grace. He read the last text but didn’t bother reading the others or listening to the voicemails. Picking up his keys and wallet, he walked out barely stopping to let his secretary know he’d be out the rest of the day. Then he was outside and getting into his car. 
His phone rang as he pulled onto the street. He didn’t bother to check the Caller I.D. It’d be Grace’s name in the screen, he knew. “I know. Got stuck in a meeting. But I’m on my way now.” It was always best to get the first word in when his wife was upset. She didn’t get angry with him often, but things had been different since Lizzie had come- since he’d started having dinner with her a few times a week. 
There was a moment of silence that lasted a bit too long. Then, “Mr. Shel- Tommy?” His eyes went to the screen on his dashboard. Lizzie Stark was the name on display where Grace should have been. “Um, yeah. It’s over. Things are going fine, doctor said. Mrs. Shelby- well, she drove me. But she’s gone now and I-“
“Grace left you at the doctor?”
There was a long beat of silence. That was answer enough. Lizzie may not like Grace, but Tommy had never heard a bad word towards his wife come from the woman’s mouth. “Just thought maybe I’d stay at my apartment tonight. Give everybody a little space from each other.” She lived in the guest house. There was plenty of space between where Lizzie stayed and Grace. But Tommy kept quiet. “Thought I’d just…tell someone,” she finished, hint of what sounded like annoyance in her voice. He didn’t’ ask.
“Yeah, alright.” He saw her before she saw him. She was sat across from the doctor’s office, at the bus stop. “Not letting you take the bus, though.” He pulled to a stop as she looked around in surprised confusion. It made her look younger, softer than she usually did. Then a barely there smile pulled at the corners of her mouth and he imagined a little girl with his eyes and that smile. He coughed a little, ended the call and leaned over to open her door for her. 
He’d never thought of what features she might give to his child. He knew, of course he knew, that the kid wouldn’t look like Grace. It hadn’t been a conscious thing, though- the knowing. But now, in that split second, he realized. His kid would have features that looked like Lizzie. It left an odd feeling in his gut. Like he’d cheated on Grace somehow by having a baby with this woman’s genes. But also a bit of something else, something he couldn’t put a name to. 
The door closed and Lizzie pulled on her seatbelt. It was the distraction he needed to make the thoughts in his head go quiet. He pulled out into traffic and headed towards Lizzie’s apartment. He knew where it was- had driven by once. Before they’d met at the clinic- before things were what they were now. Knew what the inside looked like, though he’d never set foot inside. Places like that all looked the same. Windows painted shut; too hot in summer, too cold in winter. Broken sinks, faulty wiring, and rent too high. It was why he’d fought so hard to get out- clawed his way to the top with bloody hands and blackened soul.
“Thanks for this. I just… Thanks.” 
He didn’t look at her. Somehow knew she wouldn’t like it. He was learning her, Lizzie. He had picked up on the way she’d cut herself off when she was nervous. Noticed how she kept her head up when the staff gave her sideways looks. Watched her meet Grace’s eyes with some strange mix of deference and defiance. He didn’t like that look. Didn’t like that he usually agreed with Lizzie more than Grace when that look came out. 
The rest of the drive was quiet. Grace didn’t call or text. Lizzie kept her face turned out her window. And Tommy let himself think about work- deals and strategy. Anything to keep his mind off of the mess that his personal life seemed to be becoming. So it was only Lizzie’s quiet voice reminding him to turn that kept him from driving on past her apartment. He parked the car and watched as Lizzie stared out at the dirty brick building. “I’ll walk you up.”
“No. My landlord’s watching. Don’t want him to see you.” Tommy turned and caught sight of the rough looking man standing by a side door. He didn’t like the look of him. Didn’t like the way he stared at Lizzie as she got out of the car. She took a step away from the car before turning back. “Thanks again,” she said. He nodded slowly, eyes going back to the landlord. 
Lizzie walked into her building ignoring something the man said. Then the landlord was walking over to Tommy’s car. He rolled his window down as the man stopped beside the car. “Always knew she’d give it up for the right price.” Tommy kept his face blank. “Trust me, she’s easy on the eyes, cunt tastes like sugar-” Tommy’s eyes narrowed as a burst of anger flared in his chest. “-but she’s got razor blades hidden behind that sweet exterior.”
Reaching over to his phone Tommy dialed a number, putting it on speaker. “I want two men to Lizzie Stark’s address. No one goes near her. If anybody tries… You know how to deal with it.” He disconnected the call and turned back to the landlord. The man was glaring at Tommy, but there was a hint of fear behind his eyes. “Ms. Stark is not your concern. If you forget that, I will make you my concern.”
“And who the fuck are you, anyway?”
 Tommy didn’t answer. There was no point. The man would know his name soon enough. Then he’d wish he didn’t. He pulled out of the drive. He saw the landlord standing in the same place, face red with anger and eyes wide with fear. He caught a glimpse of Lizzie through her curtains. For a moment he wondered if he should stay a while longer- until his men came. For a moment he wondered what she was thinking. Then he reminded himself that whatever was between Lizzie and her landlord had nothing to do with him. 
It didn’t quite set right, but he kept driving.
The lights weren’t on at the guest house when he got home from work the next day. 
Pulling up in front of his house, Tommy watched as Grace stepped out to greet him. She always did. Even on nights like this, when her phone was pressed to her ear as she kissed his cheek. It didn’t matter what was happening- Grace was always there. It made him feel soft, almost weak, the way he lived for that bit of normalcy. But tonight it felt different- like something was missing. Nothing was, nothing had changed between him and Grace in the time between yesterday and that moment. But something was still off. 
Stepping into the house, Tommy shrugged out of his suit jacket and loosened his tie. He still wasn’t used to the clothes- even after having worn them for years. Sometimes it felt like he should still be in jeans and work boots, the sound of a forklift ringing in his ears. Sometimes he could smell the horse shit at his Uncle Charlie’s place. But those memories brought with them visions of his mother’s sad eyes and bruised skin, his father’s fist and loud voice. 
He wrapped his arm around Grace, moved them into his study, and held her to him. She didn’t fight him, didn’t question it. She knew where his head was at when he got like this. She tipped her head back to rest on his shoulder and he buried his face in the crook of her neck. He leaned them against his desk and still she kept talking to whoever was on the phone. But Tommy didn’t care- business was business. As long as he could still hold on to her, he didn’t care who she talked to. 
“Yes, that’s fine. Mhm, sounds good. Thank you. Goodnight.” She ended the call and turned to face Tommy. “Now. What happened?” He shook his head, fighting back a smile at the way she arched a brow at him. Her lips parted, no doubt to try and coax words out of him. But he kissed her before she could say anything. This was what he’d needed- this closeness that they had. It helped quiet the noise in his head. Only Grace had ever been able to do that. 
He pulled back, lifting his hand to cup her cheek. She was so much better than him, but he’d gotten her- stolen her from the proper men she was truly meant for. Whisked her away from the safety of her family and their money. Pulled her into his world and gotten her hands a bit dirty. But her soul- it was still pure and bright. He hadn’t tainted her yet. Sometimes he wanted to- just to make sure she was as bound to him as he was to her. It was that ‘devilment’ Pol said came from his father. He might use that in business- scheme and cheat and twist things to his will. But not with Grace. Tommy wouldn’t let any part of his father touch her- it was too dangerous. 
“Come back. I miss you.”
He smiled. Turned and sat in his chair, pulling Grace onto his lap. She settled in, fingers sliding through his hair. He drew circles on her thigh with his thumb. This was what he needed, what he looked forward to most after coming home. Only tonight there was still something inside him that wouldn’t settle. Some bit of his mind that still whispered to him. His eyes went to the window. The guest house was just barely visible. Still dark. The whisper came a bit louder, a bit clearer. Then a light came on and he caught a glimpse of Lizzie as she passed a window. His mind went quiet. He held Grace a bit tighter.
He kept his eyes on that one bright window.
Day 64
The door seemed to be mocking her. Grace had been standing outside of the guest house for almost a full three minutes, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to knock. It felt wrong somehow- knocking when she owned the door and the house and the land it sat on. It seemed wrong when the woman inside was carrying the baby that Grace would be raising, loving, cherishing.  She knew it was illogical- truly ridiculous, even. But she couldn’t help how she felt. She’d tried.
But as she stared at the door, she knew she couldn’t put this off any longer. Things were getting worse and the pregnancy had only just barely started. And if she were honest, which she did try to be, Lizzie Stark hadn’t done anything wrong. Not on the first day or any of the days since. And Grace…Well she was mature enough to admit that she’d been cold and rude when the poor girl didn’t deserve it. But even with that mature knowledge and the desperate desire to fix what she had broken, Grace still couldn’t make herself knock. 
Tommy was beyond annoyed with her over how she treated Ms. Stark. And things had only gotten more difficult between them after Grace had left her at the doctor a month ago. It hadn’t been out of spite- Grace truly had forgotten she’d brought the girl to the appointment. But Tommy… She couldn’t quite blame him for not trusting her word where Ms. Stark was involved. But his coolness towards Grace only made it that much harder to accept the woman- made it that much harder to push down her own insecurities and fears. And really, did he have to defend her at every single turn? You’d think he was married to her and not me.
It was a petty thought, but one she’d found circling her mind far too often, recently. 
Suddenly the door swung open and Grace jerked back in surprise. The woman that brought out so many feelings in Grace stood with a blank expression on her face. Her green eyes gave none of her thoughts away, and it had a strange tension flowing into Grace’s body. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Shelby. Did you need something?” 
Her tone was polite, but still Grace felt a twinge of annoyance at Ms. Stark’s words. “I was hoping to catch you. I thought we should talk.” The dark-haired woman hesitated for the smallest moment, but it released some of the tension Grace had been feeling. Lizzie stepped aside. Grace stepped in. It was the same as it had always been once she entered the house. The décor was exactly how she had chosen it- though there were a few things that must have belonged to Ms. Stark. But overall, it left Grace with a feeling a security, knowing that even here she still held the power. 
“I was going to make tea.”
Grace turned slightly to meet Lizzie’s eyes again. It wasn’t an offer- Lizzie didn’t want Grace to have tea with her. But still Grace let a small, cool smile play on her lips. “Yes, that would be lovely.”  She didn’t miss the way Lizzie’s fingers tightened as she turned toward the kitchen. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Grace reminded herself of why she was doing this- why it all mattered. My baby. The little child that Thomas and I will raise together. It was the only thing that mattered.
Settling into the loveseat, Grace watched as Lizzie moved in the kitchen. She seemed comfortable, like she’d always been there. She’ll be gone soon. The thought brought little comfort. For all that Grace wished Lizzie Stark were a million miles away from here, she still wasn’t happy about the woman moving back to her own apartment for the last bit of the pregnancy. But she pushed those thoughts aside as Lizzie carried in two cups of tea.
Grace expected Lizzie to take the seat across from her- face her opponent head on. But instead, Lizzie chose the arm chair to Grace’s right. They both sipped their tea. Lizzie stared at the table, Grace stared at Lizzie. They both waited. She wanted Lizzie to speak first. She wanted to hold on to the position of power. But her tea was half gone and neither of them had said anything. Besides, she hadn’t come to make things harder. She had come to try and smooth things over. So Grace took a quick breath and set down her cup. 
“Thank you.” Grace paused. The words she had been ready to say dying on her tongue at Lizzie’s words. “I know that the clinic did most of the work matching us up, but… Well, you could have picked someone else. They didn’t have another couple lined up for me, so I would have been in trouble. But you picked me. And even though I didn’t agree at first, I’m glad you’re letting me stay here. So… Thank you.”
Grace watched the woman beside her. Lizzie’s eyes were clear. She hadn’t seemed manipulative or dishonest. As far as Grace could tell the woman meant what she had just said. And hearing it eased some of the fear that Grace had been carrying around. Fear that Lizzie was just waiting to sabotage Grace’s plans. And for the first time she looked at Lizzie- really looked at her. She wasn’t a threat- she was just a girl doing a job. 
A job you couldn’t do. The one job you should be able to do.
She shoved those thoughts away- like she always did. There was nothing she could do about her body. She’d tried. And it wasn’t Lizzie Stark’s fault. “You’re welcome.” The words didn’t come easily, but they were sincere for once. “This whole thing is nothing like I’d planned. And I reacted poorly. But I’d like for things to be better between us going forward.” Lizzie didn’t try to hide her skepticism and Grace didn’t blame her. Lizzie had no reason to trust her. But the tentative nod Lizzie gave loosened some of the tightness that had built underneath Grace’s ribs. “Good. I’m glad we could-“
A knock came at the door startled both women. Lizzie recovered faster though. Her eyes slid to Grace for a moment before she stood and went to the door. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to see her husband on the other side. Grace knew he met with Lizzie for dinner some nights. She knew he had been trying to make her feel comfortable, since Grace had…not. But still, hurt flared in her chest at the easy way Thomas entered the house- greeting Lizzie with a casual ‘Evening, Liz’. He’d never called Lizzie anything but ‘Ms. Stark’ when he and Grace spoke of her. She hadn’t thought the two were close enough for nicknames.
Thomas stopped when he saw Grace sitting in the living room. His face went blank for a moment and she watched s his eyes darted towards Lizzie. The hurt dug deeper. “Hello Grace. Didn’t think you’d be here.” She gave a slow nod, tried to keep her expression pleasantly neutral. Thomas started towards the kitchen again. “Didn’t bring you a plate, but you can have mine if you want.” 
Grace looked to Lizzie, who was still standing by the, now closed, front door. “No, darling, I think I’ll have dinner at home. Ms. Stark and I were finished chatting, anyway.” It wasn’t true. Everyone knew it wasn’t true. But her husband didn’t contradict her and Grace knew Lizzie wouldn’t. She watched as Thomas pulled out silverware and set it at the table. She wondered exactly how often he had dinner here. She wondered if he ate when he was here… with Liz. He rarely ate dinner when he was at home. She wondered what else he did here that he didn’t at home.
And just like that, the feeling of hope- the feeling of possibility she had felt moments ago, evaporated. Standing, Grace walked over to her husband. His eyes came to rest on her, but she let hers go to Lizzie. She pressed her lips to Thomas’. Her left hand slid up from his waist to his chest. Her right hand came to rest on his cheek. And her eyes stayed on Ms. Stark. 
Lizzie looked away.
Grace pulled back. She strode away from her husband without a second glance. She moved past Lizzie as if she were a piece of furniture.  Then she was out the door, walking across the perfectly manicured lawn towards her house. Her steps were even. Her shoulders relaxed. But her heart pounded in her chest. Tears stung her eyes. And all she could hear was his voice, her husband’s voice, calling that woman ‘Liz’.
10 notes · View notes
thorscock-y · 6 years
First time: A Derek Hale imagine
Request: Can you do an imagine where Derek takes your first time but you guys aren’t together, he just wants to take it away? And also can you use my name? 
Warning: Smut, Oral, female receiving, NSFW 18+, Dominant Derek
A/N: Derek is such a dad, omg I rewrote this in so many ways but finally decided on one of my least favorite ideas lol. Anyway this goes for Rose, hope you like! 
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“Are you sure it’s no trouble?” I asked for maybe, the tenth time since I’ve sat down in his car. Derek’s kind offer had me feeling exultant but at the same time this small part in the back of my mind,felt antsy. Scott and the pack had to take off, due to some confidential case that wasn’t up for discussion. Well not up for discussion for me of course. For everyone else it seemed like an option. For me, nothing is up for debate. Being Scott’s little sister had it’s redeeming qualities. Sort of.......
“Rose, it’s fine. Seriously, you can stop asking.” His tone was stone cold, making me want to shrink into the leather seat. I wasn’t surprised. Derek was usually very sullen, especially with me. That’s why I was so surprised that he said yes into taking care of me. Maybe that’s why I’m so nervous right now. Of course it is, dummy! He’s never taken an interest in you whatsoever so why now? I pushed away the thought and looked out the window trying to evaporate my subconscious. 
Derek’s car was warm, the leather seats were the only thing that had the back of my thighs gelid. To warm myself up I tried to get some friction going by rubbing my thighs together. My results were inconclusive. 
“Cold?” Derek’s voice seemed to soften from his last choice of words. That was unexpected. I’m so shocked by this new tone, that I don’t respond right away. When it’s quiet for more then thirty seconds, I speak. 
“Uh,” My voice is shallow, so I clear my throat and speak up. “Uh, yeah. Just a little.” 
He stops the car. I get this uneasy feeling but then look up to see we’re just at a red light. Take it easy, girl! He takes off his seat belt. I watch him with curious eyes. He looks over at me, before taking off his black leather jacket. My mind just wrapped around the concept that everything of his is black. His hair, his clothes, his car, his jacket, his personality, shall I go on? Oh come on admit it, you like that about him. No, I don’t. Stop it. 
I go back to watching him. He hands his jacket to me.I take it, then hold it in my lap. Should I put it on? I mean it would look odd if I wrapped it around my freezing thighs. I suddenly despise my body for reacting to this freezing passenger seat. Nevertheless, I put the jacket on my arms. 
“Er, thanks.” I mutter. 
The smell of his cologne pervades my nostrils. I inhale his scent silently. It smells heavenly. Holy fuck. Mmm. No, no, I can’t want him like this. Why am I all of a sudden thinking of him in this way? He had this effect on me, and I had only been about five minutes alone with him. What the hell? Ugh. 
I won’t lie there is always been this nasty thought in the back of my mind about Derek but tonight was not the night to act upon it. 
Soon enough we arrive to his place. It’s dark outside, the moon is a crescent. While getting out of the car, I look up at it hoping Scott and the rest are okay. With all the danger going on in beacon hills, I all of a sudden realized why they had wanted Derek to watch over me. I hope my mother is safe as well. Even though the hospital is a danger to magnet, all I can do is wish for the best. 
We walk inside his loft. It’s warm in here as well, and it’s filled with his smell. I’m going to have to get used to his masculine aroma if I’m going to stay here for tonight. But there is something I do know. This smell is something I’ll never be able to get rid of. It’s so..........balmy. 
“Let me show you to where you’ll be sleeping.” He says, not looking at me. Was he as uncomfortable as I was? Or was that him just being his usual malignant self? His cold shoulder actions didn’t distract me from being mousy. 
My legs were shaking as I followed him. We stopped at this door. He opened it and in he went. I went inside behind him to get a look of my chamber tonight. It was an average sized room with a small bed with white sheets. It was very neat. The room was barren though, proving no one has previously been in it. Or if they have they left it immensely tidy. 
“Cozy,” I said, my voice timid. I walked over to the bed and set my bag down. “Is this a guest room?” Of course it’s a guest room. What a dumb question. I just didn’t know what to say. 
He looked around the room and shrugged. “Uh yeah, I guess. Let me show you where the bathroom is.” 
The bathroom where he showers. Hmm. I lick my dry lips and follow him. He shows me where the bathroom is. In there, is an assortment of men soaps, cologne, and whatnot. I tried to ignore how bad this had an effect on me. My lady parts were jumping up in exhilaration , while clapping. No, no, this is not what the purpose of me sleeping here is about. 
What was he doing to me?
“Sorry, I don’t have anything other than my soaps to clean with. It wont be hell to smell like me will it?” 
He didn’t allow me to answer as he walked around me. I bit my lip. I would love to smell like Derek Hale. Thinking about his intoxicating scent surrounding me had my mind wanting to go into an erotic daydream. 
I looked at all the soaps that read "The Belveder Men’s Soap” I imagined Derek walking down the aisles at the store while buying suds. I giggled at the image for no apparent reason then walked out of the bathroom. 
Derek was in the kitchen, at the island looking down at something. I felt awkward and out of place in his home. 
“I’m just going to take a shower.” I said.
He glanced up at me with quick eyes then looked back down at whatever he was looking at. Okay then. It was evident he didn’t care. I walked into the guest room then got naked, trying to ignore the tinging down on my little friend. I set out my bed clothes I had brought which was only a big t-shirt. I always went to bed naked but I thought it would be more appropriate to at least put some clothes on because I wouldn't be in my own bed. I would be under the same roof with a man whom I barely knew. A man who barely said a word to me at pack meetings, or barely said a word to me anywhere. 
When I get in the shower, it’s warm and soothing. I try not to get my hair wet, knowing I don’t have a dryer to dry my hair with. I grab the container of soap that was sitting on the ledge. It was halfway empty. I squirted some on my hand then rubbed it all over my body. I do a deep clean and I think I take too much than I needed. Oops. Yes, that was definitely an ‘accident’. I hope Derek won’t notice and get too mad. 
I hop out of the shower. It’s steamy, and hot. I didn’t have a towel to dry myself with. On the rack was a towel but I knew it was his. It would be impolite of me to just use it without his permission. I didn’t want to ask though. I was to embarrassed and shy. I opened the door and peaked out to see no sign of him. I could dash across the hallway and make it without him seeing me. 
I steel myself and go along with my plan. When I’m in the guest room, I smile in my triumph, but also feel a rush. My heart is beating. The thought of him almost seeing me naked had me feeling naughty. 
I put on my panties along with my over sized t-shirt then crawl into the bed. It’s not as comfortable as my own bed but I could make due for now. The bed didn’t smell like him. I frowned at this. I smelled my arm so I could smell him. Wasn’t his jacket still in here? He forgot to take it back. 
I sat up in the bed. In the dark, I couldn’t really see a thing so I stood up and turned on the light. It was lying on the edge of the bed. I picked it up then walke out of the room. I didn’t know where Derek’s room was. I walked down the short hallway to the last door to the left. It was the only other room besides the bathroom so this had to be it. 
I knocked three knocks then backed up from the door. That anxious feeling came back, and all of a sudden I was kind of scared to see him again. Would he be annoyed that I was coming to his room? He was most likely tired, and I felt like he didn’t even want me here. Yes, he offered to watch me and protect me, yet I felt like a burden. 
He yanked open the door with an exasperated look on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed. He looked upset but then again he looked so.........hot. Fuck. He was shirtless, with only some shorts. They were below his waistband. 
“Um, I, your,” Crap, I’m stuttering. “Here’s your jacket, I forgot to give it back. Thanks by the way.” I hand it to him. 
I’m fighting not to look down at his amazing pack. Mmm. 
He takes the jacket away from me with an enigmatic look. 
“Get some sleep Rose.” He says in such a demanding voice. 
“I’m not tired.” I reply lowly but honestly. “I can’t sleep.” 
“Try to sleep.” 
I don’t want to sleep. But I follow his command. 
“Okay, goodnight Derek.” 
I walk away before he says anything. 
2 hours later. 
My eyes just didn’t want to do their job and close and not open for another eight hours. They actually wanted to do the complete opposite. I was worried about my mother and my brother. They were both out risking their lives for the protection of the town.
I felt useless and down. You never see me getting up and helping but that’s because I’m human and weak. Trust me, I wanted to turn. I wanted to be of some help. Scott wouldn’t allow it. At all costs, I was always protected. Like a damsel in distress. It was annoying, though I knew Scott cared for me. That’s why I loved him so much. And the rest of my friends. Gosh, I hope they make it through this trip. 
I didn’t want to worry about this right now. I wanted to sleep this off then wake up in the morning to find out that they are alive and well. 
I got out of bed then walked out of the bedroom. I wonder if Derek has any milk. Milk is my go to drink for when I can’t sleep. Milk and ice cream that is. Nothing couldn’t be fixed without some ice cream, and a romance movie with a happy ending. That’s how my lonely nights usually ended. 
It was ill-mannered of me to just go rummaging through his refrigerator but he was probably sleeping by now. He seemed tired and in plus this was for a good cause. I couldn’t sleep. 
Sadly, his refrigerator didn’t contain ice cream but it did have milk. I poured myself a glass of milk then leaned against the counter while taking sips. The milk tasted sweet and creamy. Oh it was strawberry milk. I guess I didn’t care enough to read the label. Oh well, milk is milk. It tasted divine to me, either way. 
“Go on, help yourself.” I whipped around to see Derek standing there with his hands on his hips. The moonlight from the balcony is shining on him. He startled me and my heart is beating very fast, my hands are shaky. “It’s not like you should have to ask.” 
I all of a sudden feel like the worst guest ever. 
“Sorry, you’re right I should’ve asked. That’s horrible on my part.” Derek was only in some black Calvin Klein boxers. Holy fuck. My vagina has a heartbeat now. 
“I thought I told you to sleep, hmm.” He slowly walks over to me. 
My blood is hot, I’m nervous. What is he doing? 
“I wasn’t tired, I should've went to bed. “ My voice is apologizing, though I don’t know why I feel the need to apologize. 
He takes the cup out of my hand then sets it on the counter. His body is so close to mine. He’s taller than me though. The very top of my head reaches his chin so lips are at his chest. I gulp and look up at him in the dark. My heart is palpitating. 
“Let me make you tired,” He puts his hands so he’s cradling my cheeks. A current of electricity runs through me and my body jolts. He’s touching me. Derek Hale is touching me. All my strict yelling at myself that this is not what was going to happen tonight is happening. Oh my gosh. “Hmm?” 
I don’t know what to say, I’m at lost for words. He leans down and I feel the pressure of his lips against mine. I haven’t been kissed in so long that I am suddenly shy. I do not know how to kiss. 
His lips are demanding, but slow. The muscles inside of me clench and I can feel myself getting excited everywhere. 
He pulls away. 
“Do you not want to kiss me?” I can tell he’s confused. 
“I do it’s just that,” I’m so embarrassed to admit this but I don’t want him to think that I don’t want him. “I don’t know how to kiss.” 
I look down, avoiding his eyes. My cheeks are flaming hot, I know they’re red. It’s a good thing it’s dark. He pulls me up by my chin so I’m forced to look at him. 
“It’s okay baby, just move your lips with mine.” His words are comforting but I’m still nervous as ever. His lips are back on top of mine and somewhere inside of me I’m bold enough to kiss back. He’s delighted at this action and I’m turned on to know that it’s me that’s delighting him. 
I want to touch him. I move my hands to his biceps to feel that they hard. He’s very muscular. I wonder what else is hard. I’m eager to find out. He pulls away from me, but this time my bottom lip his between his teeth. It’s so hot. Everything in this moment is hot. 
His lips explore my neck. I’ve never been kissed on the neck. It feels amazing. A soft moan escapes my mouth. I put one hand into his hair while the other his on his shoulder. 
I feel his hand under my shirt, and the shyness creeps up on me but it’s not enough for me to deny the great pleasure he’s bringing me. I don’t want to stop him. His fingers brush lightly against the area under my breasts then he leads a trail of fire all the way down to the base of my panties. I’m scared. My heart is beating rapidly. 
No, don’t you dare stop it now, don’t you dare ruin this experience!
He kissed the corner of my mouth, then backed up to pull my shirt over my head. I let him. I was immediately conscious. No guy had ever seen my boobs. No guy has even got this far with me. Derek stayed backed up, he seemed to be examining me.His eyes, going over each hardened nipple, then down to my vagina. He probably thought I wasn’t pretty enough. Great. 
“It’s such a privilege to even look at you.” he muttered. What did he just say? A privilege? To look at me? I was certain he was messing with me. But with how serious and sincere his words sounded, he couldn’t be joking. “Let alone even touch you.” 
His hands found their to my waist and pulled me to him with such force. We kissed for a little bit before I felt his hands behind the back of my thighs. He lifted me up with no problem. I wrapped my hands around his neck, continuing to kiss him. If someone told me that I would be kissing Derek Hale someday I wouldn’t believe them. 
He’s walking somewhere, I don’t care to look. His lips feel to good on mine for me to break away. We were in his room when he set me down on the bed. Should I lay down? I didn’t know what to do. My skin is burning and I’m flushed. 
I’m at the edge of the bed, with my short legs dangling over the mattress. He kisses my jaw, my neck, and then above my breast. Each kiss has my body singing in enchant. I feel his tongue on my sensitive nipple. They harden even more. I’m so wet. 
His other hand gives attention to my other nipple by rubbing it with his thumb. My libido grows by the second. I’ve never felt this before. I’m wiggling under him. This just feels too good. 
“Keep still,” he murmurs gently. I can’t, but I try anyway. The churning inside my stomach was more than I can contain. 
He’s sucking one one of my nipples while rubbing the other. I moan feeling the sweetest sensation that was going all the way down to my vagina. He moves to my other nipple, doing the process all over again. I feel like I’m going to convulse by just this action. 
Derek’s kisses further until he’s above my pantie line. I’m shaking with each and every one he leaves. I stiffen. Down there is a place where no one but me has ever looked. What if he thought it wasn’t pretty? I would hear guys at school talk about how so and so’s vagina was distasteful but they would pretend they liked it just to be nice. In the end they never wanted to mess with her anymore. Would Derek do the same? Also what if it didn’t smell good. Oh no!
I bulk my legs together. Through the dark, I see him look up at me.
“You okay?” His voice is soft. 
“Yes, I just, I’m nervous.” I reply sheepishly. This is the second time I’ve stopped him. I’m the worst. 
“It’s okay baby,” he rubs my thighs trying to calm me down. He then comes back up to me, so I feel his face against mine and he’s kissing me. His forehead moves against mine. His kiss is rough and wanting. Oh my. He wants this. He wants me. I want him too. I was just too shy and self conscious. “Your skin is so soft.” He says through kisses. He’s still rubbing my thighs. “I want you.” He whispers. 
I moan against his lips. I want you too. 
“I’m just going to kiss here, k?” He kisses my navel. I jerk forward. “And here.” He goes lower. “And here.” He’s right there. 
I can’t fight it anymore, my nerves are practically screaming at me to just let him. So I do. My legs open by just a fraction. He takes that as his chance. He licks over my baby blue lace underwear. I’m suddenly grateful for packing my best looking panties. 
He pushes my legs apart, completely taking control. I liked it. He moved his nose around my clit which was soaking. I hear him inhale my scent. I’m so scared. I don’t know how I smell. Isn’t sex a nasty smell? 
“You smell so fucking good princess,” he growled. I knew he wasn’t lying by the look of pleasure on his face. I calm down and relax, knowing that it’s okay to let him in. He moves his hands and hooks his fingers under the band of my panties then pulls them down over my legs so now I am completely naked.
He stands up and positions me so my head is on the pillows and the rest of my body is just exposed. He crawls in between my legs then ducks his head down to my vagina. I feel him lick and I lift my back up from the bed. His hand comes up and cups my breast. I let my back fall. 
His tongue swirls round and round my clit keeping a pleasuring pain to occur. My stomach is full of butterflies, my breath is uneven. He kisses it before his whole mouth is just everywhere down there. He pushes my leg as far apart as he could, not wanting to miss anywhere. I feel a tight knot beginning to form in my stomach. 
My gosh, this is all so exhilarating. In this moment, Derek is sending me into a world I’ve never entered. I want to stay here with him forever. My moans come more as my body let’s go on him. He kisses my sex a couple times more before moving back up to my face. 
I’m panting. My first time receiving oral and it felt amazing. He leans down, kissing me in a sweet kiss. I can taste what he previously was just eating. Me. I do taste good. I can now understand why he did it for so long. It tasted of.............vanilla. I tasted like that? I was stunned. 
He pulls away from me to sit up on his knees. I watch him. His penetrating eyes don’t look away from me as he takes off his boxers. Woah. It’s so big, and thick. I’ve never seen one before. I gulp and try to wrap my mind around that that is going to be inside of me. 
I look back into his eyes. He leaned back down, his body level with mine.That anxious feeling became inside of me again. At the same I was ready. His arms supported off of me while he adjusted himself down there. He rubbed his cock against my soaking folds. It was the most pleasurable torture ever. 
Very slowly he enters me. It hurts. I gasp and sit up. Derek brings his lips to mine to calm me down, and he hushes my silent screams. His thrusts are slow, he’s being gentle. I become accustomed to the alien feeling and move my hips along with his. He picks up speed, my head in between his hands, our lips rubbing against each others. 
I feel amazing, this feels perfects, I love it. I don’t want him to stop. I’m moaning as he rips through my virginity. He pounds in and out, in and out. Sweat becomes on the both of us and it gets steamy. The moment is intense, heated, impassioned. It feels to good to be real. 
“Oh you feel so perfect around me.” He says huskily, then has my bottom lip between his teeth again. I loved it. 
My body begins to stiffen, my legs are shaking. There is this build up in my stomach that is the most painful pleasure I have ever felt. 
“Cum for me, beautiful.” He says breathlessly. I let go on his words, my climax ripping through me as I explode around him then fall into pieces underneath him. 
Even though it is over I am still panting, my heart is beating out of my chest and my desire for him didn’t seem to lessen not one bit. I want more. I want to do it again. I’m sure it’s just my raging hormones talking but I’m not sure. I am sure that I want to do it again, just not right away. I wanted it with Derek. 
He came a minute after me, grunting at his peak. His forehead leans against mine, our breaths ragged. He’s still inside of me. Before he pulls out of me he kisses my lips. He lays down next to me then pulls me so I am cuddled up into a chest. He feels like a blanket over me. 
I want to say something to him about the event that just took place but my eye lids hush my wants and slowly close, the last thing felt is complete contentment. 
Author- Hey guys I’m planning on making a part 2. I just wasn’t sure if I should add it in here or if that wold be too much to read. Welp, hope you enjoyed my joke of a smut. 
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twaeilmoon · 6 years
Available on my masterlist for other member
SUMMARY: Sometimes, neighbourhood can be a good place to find love.
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There he was again, cleaning his house yard. What a coincidence. Everytime you go out he will always be outside too, doing some errand on his house. That's what you love. Let's say that it's easy for you to quitely spying him. Yuta, your next door boy was way too good looking that he always succeed on shaking you heart. Not just that, he is nice too. A nice neighbor so far.
There was a family living next to you before he came and take over the house. Those previous neighbours you had before always drive you up to the wall as they don't know how to even make the resident live peacefully. They shouts and laughs histerically almost every night that everybody couldn't even sleep well. What an annoying neighbour you ever had. Now that someone better in advance has move in, you feel better with a bonus of his manner and good looking face. You love it when he shot you his wide smiles and have a small chit-chat even for a shirt time everytime he saw you going out from house. He oftenly makes your heat drop because of his softness.
"Oh, hi y/n! Have a nice day". Shoot! He saw you. Your heart starts to faster up it's pace. Yuta was watering his flower. You never know someone, a single man maybe, keeps plants at home and taking care of it so well. His plants grow up so well than yours. "Oh, hi. You too", you couragingly give him a smile back although you could feel your lips was trembling while saying back. "You're going somewhere?", he asked while pouring water to his plants.
"No. I'm just.. going to put this away", you lift up a plastic bag you was holding. You've jusf clean up some piles of papers that you have in your room so you're going to throw away some useless paper out. He nodded as he saw the plastic bag. "Winter is coming so I need to take care of my plants before snows falling down. I don't want them to froze later", he slightly laughed. You nodded as he stated his plans before winter. Yuta has a good knowledge on most of housekeeping stuffs better than you do. 'What a good husband material', that's what you always thought about him.
"Uhh, I guess we have to talk later? I need some more works to do actually", you shyly said. You don't want to cut off the starting part of your conversation with him but how can you stay being shy and trembling in front of him? Something will for sure happend if you stay this way. "Oh, okay then. Talk to you later", he bid you a small goodbye. You shot him one last smile before turning on your heels to head back into your house until you hear him call you back. You turned back to him, expecting him to say something.
"If you don't mind we can have some tea together sometimes. You know we can have some talks too. Why don't you come over if you have time?", he suggested. Never once in your life getting invite by a neighbour. Actually, there was plenty times back then when you was staying at your parent house. Well, it was back on your childhood days though. A really long time ago. You nodded in agreement, happy to accept the invitation. Great, you get to know each other soon. "That's pretty good idea. I'll make it when I'm free", you modestly said. "Okay then. See you other time", he bid you goodbye for the second time and you walked back into your house.
Good timing. It's your day off and you have nothing to do. So, you decided to go next door. Hopefully, Yuta will be free too. You don't want to bother him if he got some work to do. You never have a plan to be such an annoying disrespectful neighbour. Not after what your previous neighbour has done. You got enough of it.
Wearing just a casual outfits that you usually wear at home, you went to his house next door. You pressed his bell hoping that he's at home and free. It was relieving to see him show up, opening the door. "Hi. Come in", he greeted as he move aside to let you come in. The moment you step in into his house, you never expect him to have such a great place that he lives in. It was clean and tidy, as if it wasn't a solo man. Well, as for now he is solo since he doesn't have wife and family. But who knows if he already got girlfriend?
"Woah.. You really live in this perfect house alone? Everything is so fine and clean. Do you have maids? You live with them? You're from rich family?", you asked him lots of questions only to have him giggle on you. You frowned as to his sudden giggles. "I never expect you to have such a talkactive mouth, y/n. Now that I'm slowly getting to know you", he said while still giggling. You pouted. For his information, you also never expect him to ever act this way. He never speak like this before although he's the one who always talk to you first.
"What? Um.. I don't know. I'm getting excited maybe?", you rubbed your nape. Yuta smiled to your cute behaviour. "I don't have any maids. And yes, I live alone in this house. One more important thing, I'm not from a rich family, Miss y/n. I work myself to have some money for my life and I keep my house clean by myself. All by myself", he lead you to the cozy living room. He motioned you to have a sit on his expensive-lookin couch as he take a sit too. "Ah.. I see", you mumbled, enough for him to hear you.
"Oh wait. I'm going to make some tea and then i'll come back. Just make yourself at home", he smiled before heading to his kitchen. You nodded, patiently keeping yourself comfortable and steady. You look around, observing the surrounding. You envy him for having such a nice plave to live in. You've been living in the resident for years, way much longer than him who've just move in 3 years ago but he already turn this house into such a private paradise. "He must be living in a good life", you mumbled to yourself.
"You okay?", Yuta asked as he came back with a tray of tea cups and teapot in his hand. He looks so husband material at this point. You can't ever denied that anymore. "Yea I'm fine. Just kinda impressed of your house. It's so nice", you awkwardly smile. "Nothing much. I just want to live in a good comfortable house. To be honest, I'm kinda lazy to do housekeeping though. But gotta do it since I don'f want to live in messy", he said, putting down everything that he got in his hand.
You nodded, completely understanding him. Still, your house can't compete him. Yuta poured hot tea into two tea cups carefully. Why do he looks so perfect doing all this stuff? No wonder your feelings toward him keep on growing. "So how long already you've been living here?", he started the conversation by asking a question. "Quite long already. Maybe almost 5 years? The first time I move in to the next door the previous neighbour was quite bad actually. They're way too loud ", you told him about the previous neighbour. He suddenly got his eyes widened.
"What do you mean 'theyre way too loud'? You mean.. when they're doing stuff.. you know?", this time, his words got your eyes widened in surprise. "No no! Why did you thinking that way?! Oh my god..", you hid your face into your hands, feeling embarrased that your words got him thinking in other way. He laughed out so loud that makes you feel more unconfident to show up your face. "Oh god you're okay? Sorry sorry. I didn't meant it but I thought that's what you actually mean. I was wrong so sorry. But still it's good to see your cute side. You're cute when you're acting this way", he said while laughing . He might die due to out of breath because he was laughing so hard that he might lose his breathing.
"Stop it! You're bad! This is not funny, Yuta!", you smacked his shoulder using one of your hand while the other one still covering your already red face. "Ouch! Sorry sorry! Stop it! It hurts!", he beg but still laughing like crazy. And that was the first moment where you both get closer to each other even more.
It was already late night when Yuta send you a text. You just got out from the bathroom, brushing your teeth before going to sleep. You laid on the bed, unlocking your phone password to check for his message.
"Y/n I can't sleepㅠㅠ"
You smiled upon reading his text. He's getting silly  day by day. Sometimes he'd just call you when you're at work just to mumbled silly sweet things to you.
"What? So you want me to put you to sleep?"
You replied him playfully. Just to see what he's going to say.
"Yea. Seems like that I guess? :D"
Just like your expectation, his reply will always be something silly but cute. As you was about to type a reply to him, there was another new message from an unknown number. You frowned as you don't have any idea as to who could it be. The text says:
"Hey, babe. It's been a long time now. I really miss you. You miss me too right? I know it"
"What the hell?", you angrily mumbled. What an annoying person he is disturbing someone at this hour? "This must be a scam", you deleted the message before going back to reply Yuta.
"Alright~ I'll help. But hey there's an unknown number just send me a text calling me babe and he said that he missed me. Who the heck is that person though?"
You tap the send button before you find out that there was another text from the same previous unknown number coming in. You opened the text again in annoyance just to read something even more mad.
"I know you're ignoring me. I'm Taeyong so no need to scare. Can you come out for awhile? I'm outside of your house babe~"
"Shit", you cursed under your breath.
He's crazy. Yes, he's your ex-boyfriend. So he need to act as an ex and know his place as an ex. Why the hell did he come to you house at this hour, suddenly messaging you weirdly and all? You quickly type a new message to Yuta.
"Maybe just a wrong number person? Tbh I've been receiving lots of that stuff to these days. So annoying"
"It's my ex, Taeyong."
You don't want to be bother by this dork anymore. So, you're going to just go out and ends everything, forever. You look through your window and hell, he was really there. What was he thinking about?
"Y/n babe! I really miss you so much", you could see Taeyong walking closer to you wide his arm widely open, ready to hug you. He doesn't seems like he was drunk. It's just that he's acting crazy. "Go away, Taeyong. You ended it. We have nothing to do anymore. So let's just not meet again", you hug yourself as you feel imsecure. "But why? I love you y/n", he pouted. "It's already midnight. You should go back home. I don't love you and I don't want to see you again", you said, hoping that he will go. "Don't be like this. I'm here because I miss you. I want you back y/n", he step closer to you and you back away. "No Taeyong! Go away before I call the cops!", you half yelled. "But I don't want to go. I just want you. I really miss you", he came even closer. You shake your head, telling him to stop being crazy.
As you was keep backing away from him, someone's hand scoops your back. Their hands on your shoulders, bringing you closer to them. What a surprise, it's Yuta.
"Stop. You better go away", he said to Taeyong who was already stop from getting closer as he saw Yuta. Taeyong smirked evilly. "Who are you? You're the one who better fuck off. She's my girlfriend", his face suddenly changed into a cold one. "She's not. I'm her boyfriend now. Forget it and go home dude. It's late already. She needs to sleep", Yuta gently said. Woah, is this really a man's fight? Taeyong smiled sarcastically. "What? You're her boyfriend? Is that true babe?".
You don't want to give any response but as to get rid from an even worst thing from happening, you take the option to just have some words. "Ye-yes. He-he is.. my boyfriend Taeyong. You can't say that i'm yours anymore..", your face down to the ground, no wanting to see his face. You can hear Taeyong's small laugh of disatisfaction. "Okay", you lift up your face to see him shrugging before leaving. Finally.
"Wow.. that was crazy. Are you okay?", Yuta asked, smiling. You nodded. To his shock, you punch his chest that makes him wince in slight pain. "What?", he asked, laughing. "Why did you say that I'm your girlfriend? Can't you just made up other story? Like you're my bestfriend or something and you need to protect me because my dad told you to?!", you cover up you face with your hand. "Why? I think by saying that you're my girlfriend is easier and simple. Then why don't you be my real girlfriend?", he asked as if it was a joke. You face him even with your red face. "Is that how you're going to propose me?", you playfully shot back him with question. He smiled before patting your head, making your hairs in mess. Yuta then pulled you into a tight hug. "Y/n. Would you be my girlfriend?", he whispered into your ear closely that his hot breath tickles you. "Yes. Id' like to", you smiled and burried your face into his chest. "I love you. For a long time ago", he whispered again.
Both of you didn't break the hug until one of his hand let you go while the other one still on you. "Y/n, look. It snows!", he told you, voice full of ecitement.You look up and yes, snows starts to fall down that moment. You lift your hand, waiting for the snow to fall into your hand. "Do you know that couples who watch the first snows falls down together will stay long last for a looooooong time?", he asked while tightly holding both of your shoulders. You looked at him and shook your head.
"We're going to last forever?", you asked him, looking deep into his eyes. Yuta nodded his head. "Let's go inside and wear something warm and then go back to sleep", he said, leading you to your house. "You wanna stay in my house tonight?", you asked him, curious as he was following you to your house.
"Why not?"
"No way Yuta"
"By the way, how did you know I'm going out to see Taeyong?"
"I didn't get any reply so I thing somethings went wrong. So I go out to check on you"
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tmarie82 · 6 years
Cookies and Comfort
Pairing: Naomi x F!MC (Marin Tate)
Book: Veil of Secrets (Future)
Word Count: ~2,000
Rating:  PG-13 (light f/f friskiness)
Author’s Note:  This story is finally for a request from @darley1101 for Naomi x Marin for fluff prompts 6 ‘Being stuck at their house during a blizzard’, 10 ‘Watching the classics’, and 12 ‘Baking together.’  I never can shy away from a request, it may just take me ten years to finish it.  And how it ended up at around 2,000 words … I dunno.  This is also my extremely late contribution for the @choices-september-challenge day 18 prompt of ‘Bad Day.’  
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.  You can find all of my fics here - MASTERLIST
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Naomi shoved open the front door of their cozy ranch-style home, bringing along a gust a freezing wind behind her.  A few falling snowflakes fluttered in before she could slam the door behind her, drifting down to soak the rug below her feet along with the puddle forming around her snow boots.  She removed her knit cap and shook out her dark hair, tucked her gloves into her jacket pockets for safe-keeping, then proceeded to hang her warm garments on the rack in the corner of the entry way.  It was only then, as she gathered her bearings, that she smelled the warm, sweet aroma coming from their very loud kitchen.  “Mare?” She called to her partner, only to receive a loud clank of metal on metal in response.  
As she turned the corner into the large galley kitchen, her eyes widened at the mess spread across the laminate countertops.  She watched as Marin washed a large steel mixing bowl at the sink, her elbow flying as she scrubbed it fiercely.  The kitchen island was coated with a layer of white, powdery flour amidst bags and jars of sugar, baking powder, and other baking ingredients.  On top of the stovetop sat two freshly baked trays of gooey chocolate chip cookies … Marin’s favorite.  Naomi noticed the oven light was still on and caught a glimpse of muffins baking through the glass-front oven door.  Another clang of the metal mixing bowl in the sink startled her from her observations and she walked towards Marin to say hello.
“Why hello there, Betty Crocker.”  She teased playfully into Marin’s ear, pulling her by the waist in a sideways embrace and placing a chaste kiss to her cheek.  “What’s the occasion?”  It was only then that Naomi noticed Marin’s scowl, her brows furrowed and her face downcast.  “What’s wrong, Mare?”
Marin proceeded to rinse out the now-clean bowl with water, then dried it with the towel she grabbed from beside her.  She finally raised her eyes to meet Naomi’s, a worrisome look plastered across her face.  “Ummm, you remember that article I turned in last week?  The one about Millenials taking over small-town America that I worked so hard on?”  
Naomi’s heart sank as she recalled the work that Marin had slaved over for two weeks before turning it in.  She knew how much that article meant to Marin, how she’d weaved her own personal stories into the narrative.  Please, please don’t tell me they rejected it, she prayed internally.  “Yes, of course.  It’s one of the best things I’ve ever read of yours, so of course I remember it.  Why, what happened?”  She placed her hand on Marin’s back comfortingly, nudging up beside her to read her expression.  
“Well, I got a ca-“ Beep, beep, beep.  The timer from the oven sounded, startling the women.  “Oh, just a minute.”  Marin placed the clean, dry bowl back in it’s home in the cabinet, then scurried over to the oven.  She gripped the oven mitts and opened the door, standing back as the initial wave of moist heat hurled out of the appliance.  Once the zone was clear, she ducked down and retrieved the two trays of muffins, placing them on the baking rack to cool.  She finally proceeded with her story as she turned off the oven and set the mitts down on the counter.  “So I got a call about 3 today from the newspaper … saying they want me to come in and talk.  Tomorrow.”  She stopped, her face filled with nervousness as she wrung her hands in front of her belly.  
Naomi waited another moment for her to continue, but Marin remained silent.  “Okay, well, did they say why?”
“No.”  Marin replied simply.  “They just said they wanted to talk.  In person.  Tomorrow.”
Naomi shook her head, trying to comprehend the cause of Marin’s alarm.  “But that’s not a bad thing, right?  It was a fantastic article!  They didn’t say anything else?”  She asked again.
Marin started pacing the kitchen, tidying the messy countertop and placing the ingredients back into the pantry.  “No.  I’m just … what if they hated it, Naomi?  What if they’re letting me go?”  She stood up straight, her flour-covered hands massaging her temples and leaving a trail of white dust behind.  “I have such a good thing here, working remotely with a guaranteed retainer.  I can’t imagine I’d get the same opportunity starting out anywhere else when I live in Birchport.”
Naomi sidled up beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and placing a kiss to her forehead.  Marin had always been a worrier when it came to her work, never giving herself enough credit for the natural talent she possessed.  It was partially why she continued to be so successful in journalism … because she always strived to do better.  But Naomi hated to see how frustrated she would get at times … times like today.  “Mare, I think they just want to talk with you.  And, in my opinion, I think the fact that it’s in person is a good sign.  They probably loved it.”  Naomi paused, prior experiences reminding her to never imply that Marin was overreacting.  Instead, she just had to be supportive.  “So did this mess you made in here help make you feel better?”
Marin chuckled, her first cheerful interaction since Naomi had walked through the door.  “Yes, I just needed to do something to keep myself busy.  And you know I love baked goods.”  She gave Naomi a weak smile.
“Don’t we all …” Naomi jested, earning another quiet giggle from her girl.  Naomi released her from the embrace, then stood in front of her and lifted her chin with her hand to meet her eyes.  “Okay, here’s the deal … you are going to go take a shower while I clean up in here.  Then I’ll meet you on the couch with wine and carbs for a movie night.  I would take you out but …” Naomi glanced to the snow-lined windowsill above the sink and observed the freezing precipitation continuing to fall heavily outside, “I don’t think we need to go anywhere in this weather.”  She met Marin’s stare again, looking her straight in the eyes.  “Deal?”
Marin gave replied with a nod and a shy smile.  “Deal.”  She stepped up on her tip-toes to press a swift kiss to Naomi’s cheek before turning on her heel to make her way to the bathroom.  “Oh!”  She twirled around, her face suddenly lighting up with joy.  “Can we watch South Pacific?”
Naomi grinned and shook her head ‘yes,’ knowing very well that showtunes always put Marin in a better mood.  “Of course, I already had my mind set on it.”
An hour later, Naomi and Marin had snuggled into the couch under a large plush blanket with a sumptuous spread of cookies, muffins, popcorn and wine laid across the coffee table.  The tranquil notes of ‘Bali Ha’i’ danced around the living room and infiltrated their ears, bringing a giddy grin to Marin’s lips.  She took another cookie from the plate and nibbled on it slowly, entranced in the technicolor storyline unfolding before them.  As the song came to an end, she sighed deeply and beamed over at Naomi beside her.  “Thank you, Mimi.”
Naomi glanced over to Marin suspiciously, her brow quirking in question.  “Thanks for what?”  
“Thank you for tonight.  You always know how to calm me down when I’m being crazy and make me feel better.”  Marin gave her a grateful smile, rubbing her hand gently along Naomi’s shoulder.  “You always know how to make my bad days better.”
“What good would I be if I couldn’t cheer up my girlfriend when she’s down?  I thought that was part of my job description?”  She jested, a sly smirk curling the edges of her lips.  “But only after you go nuts in the kitchen.  A girl can get used to this.”  She gestured at the array of baked goods in front of them.
“Oh, that’s nice!”  Marin scoffed, lifting her hand from Naomi’s shoulder to swat her jokingly, eliciting another giggle from her girlfriend.  As the laughter died down, she leaned forward and cupped Naomi’s cheek in her hand, pulling her towards her in a slow yet fervent kiss.  When she eventually pulled away, she pressed her forehead against Naomi’s and stared deeply into her dark brown eyes.  “I love you so much.”  She confessed in a serious tone.
“You better!”  Naomi teased, receiving an exasperated exhaling laugh from Marin.  She beamed, her heart swelling with love for this remarkable woman before her.  She would never stop thanking fate for bringing them together over a year ago, nor would she ever forget the sacrifice that Marin had made to stay here with her in Birchport.  After everything they’d been through together, she would do everything in power to ensure that Marin never had a reason to leave again.  “I love you, too.”  She whispered softly before Marin could capture her lips again in another kiss.  This time the kiss was heated and hungry, portraying the need and devotion they shared for each other.  Naomi could feel the tingling sensation travel from her swollen lips through her limbs and settle in a pool of heat deep in her core.  Marin lifted the blanket to swing a leg over Naomi’s lap and straddle her hips, Naomi pulling her flush against her as they started to writhe against each other.  Suddenly the movie was forgotten and the only source of entertainment they desired was each other.
Buzz buzz.  Marin’s lips popped off of Naomi’s when she heard the buzzing of her phone on the end table.  Buzz buzz.  She looked back down at Naomi, giving her an apologetic look as she slid of her lap to retrieve the phone.  She picked it up and unlocked the screen, then started scrolling to her messages.  Naomi watched curiously as Marin read silently with her brow knitted, until a wide grin slowly spread across her face.  Her jaw dropped and she emitted a little squeal of delight.
“What?  What happened?”  Naomi inquired, shifting on the couch to read the message beside Marin.  
“OMG!  Naomi, read this!”  Naomi’s eyes flitted over the message.
Miss Tate,
We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to inclement weather in the tri-state area our offices will be closed tomorrow.  We will have to reschedule your next onsite visit for another date.
However, I did want to inform you that we are interested in developing a new weekly column with you about the life of a millennial in small-town USA.  We very much enjoyed your work in your most recent article and think it would make an interesting premise for a standing column.
We will be reaching out soon to arrange another visit.  We look forward to working with you more in the future.
Edward Higgins
Chief Editor, ABC Periodical
As Naomi finished her reading, she peered up to find an extremely giddy Marin bouncing on the couch cushions in front of her.  “Oh, Marin, I knew it!  I knew they would love it!”
“I can’t believe it!  A weekly column?  Oh my goodness!”  She bounced a few more times before pouncing on Naomi, tackling her to fall back on the couch as she hugged her aggressively.
“I’m so proud of you, Mare.  You deserve this.”  Naomi smiled as Marin’s cheerful affection gradually slowed.
Marin pulled back to stare into her eyes, a soft thoughtful expression transforming her face.  “Thank you for always having faith in me.  I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
Naomi reached a hand up to tuck a stray lock of golden hair behind Marin’s ear, absorbing the look of adoration behind her eyes.  “Funny … I would say the same thing about you.”  She cupped Marin’s head in her palm and lifted her lips to meet hers again, slow and gentle.  Despite the swirling cold winds and downpour of snow outside, the two had all the warmth and love they needed in each other inside that cozy little ranch house.  
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