#im not finished yet i still need to do the laundry and my bedroom but im so close!!
milf-harrington · 1 year
not to brag but my house looks SO GOOD
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forestryfae · 2 months
gm i dont like how messy the apartment is so i wanna do something abt it
anyways easy tasks first to get some semblance of order
collect laundry
empty dishwasher
added. empty dishwasher again. also put in the three things that needs to be cleaned
fold clothes in bedroom
put bags in the bedroom
thaw some fish. im thinking the ørret itll be good w potatoes
move the dresser in washroom into bedroom.
put out some prepared bags for trash since thatll make idying easier
i think after putting on laundry ill make pancakes for breakfast/lunch/whatever
things that require ridicilous washing techniques but frankly i dont give a shit. i want it clean i dont care abt neurotypical washing
handle on terrace door
theres stuff on the kitchen counter taking up space and making a mess. wanna fix that.
laundry baskets
bedroom window and window shelf
other things that just require washing on account of it being part of the chore
laundry. starting w towels and well see where we go from there
added. hang up laundry
added. once the green laundry is done i gotta hang it up and do socks
hang socks and shirts when wash is done
dishes ofc
kitchen counters
entire bathroom needs to be cleaned and tidied
the floors need mopping
also need to wash covers on couch pillows theyre getting a lil Used.
added to list
put away scrap fabrics and any art supplies that are in the way
need a bag or some shit to put old clothes i dont use/dont fit so theyre less in the way in a pile in the bedroom
i want some autumny decorations so i def wanna try to make some cardboard leaves i think and put them on sticks. idk i just want the kitchen to be cozyer. this doesnt count as a to do thing its mostly just something that sounds fun
gotta flip the calendars theyre still on june or july. the 2023 one probably doesnt matter i can use the art i want on that one
btw if ur reading this hi heikala has beautiful calendars and artworks and its a crime to throw away the 2023 calendar its so so pretty
gotta clean out the fridge a little.
other ridiciluos tasks i dont wanna do but if i dont itll stay messy
theres a small pile of stuff from when i visited grandma. fix it.
theres a big bag of stuff along w two smaller bags of stuff. clean all the clothes in one wash. i dont care what clothes or whether they fit or i want them just fix it. put the stuff fromt he smaller bag in the big bag ill deal w that some other day its not a priority
theres a lot of laundry i havent done yet. atleast wash the blue blanket and the rest of the bedsheets seriously its been months since i started wanting to do that
theres a bag of bullshit in the corner of the livingroom. fix it.
theres empty cans of soda and stuff. put them in a bag somewhere. probably under the sink actually it takes less space
the casserole coasters or whatever need a wipe down
the rice cooker too its a lil dusty
theres a sock ive been missing and i keep forgetting its under the tv stand (cant find it now???)
speaking of socks. rly gotta go through them and try them all on to see what still fits and what i wanna get rid of
also would be ideal if i moved the small dresser into the bedroom so i can put socks and underwear in there. frees up a box.
jacket and shoe area is a bit messy. get on that. also glue my sandals i love those shoes and they broke
top of personal items dresser is dusty
also uh how do i want to prioritize stuff?
easy tasks first. thats it. just do the easy shit the rest will follow and ill be doing regular tasks as they pop up anyway
def want lunch before i do anything tho im super hungry rn
updated notes
ate lunch
did a bunch of stuff
on break until the dishwasher or laundry is finished, whichever happens first. the laundry actually it only takes an hour.
new list for things i gotta do cus the other one works but id like to make a new list to see whats still left in an easy way. also putting them here just works for some reaon??
easy tasks
clean bathroom sink
mop the bathroom floor and put everything back in its place
fold clothes in bedroom
sort through socks. this one i probably wont do until tomorrow but thats fine
change bedsheets
put away clean dishes.
put in the like four new dirty things. might have to do this after dinner tho im hungry
actually mop all the floors but one room at a time rn. this feels like a tomorrow task in all rooms except the bathroom
sweep the floors. should be done before the mopping ideally but its fine if not. possibly a tomorrow task as well.
harder tasks
throw out the garbage. im aiming for a tomorrow task tbh ill do it before mopping the floors
clean off all the doorhandles in the house they need regular maintenance despite common belief
clear the clutter on the kitchen bench
clean the kitchen bench and wash the sink. actually clean all kitchen surfaces. this is hard because i have a bunch of stuff in there
change pillowcases so i can finally wash them. this is hard because putting pillows inside pillowcases is fucking annoying
go ask for big garbage bags. this isnt hard its just scary to ask. unless i have big garbage bags? i dont think i do tho i think i used them all
theres dust behind the couch and probably under it. fix it.
need a bag to put soda cans in. thats not hard its just a bother cus i have some cardboard i need to throw out under the sink and all in all its just disorganized so theres less space
bedroom window needs a clean
even harder tasks for whatever reason. probably cus idk where ill put stuff yet or its a bigger job
the bag in the livingroom corner. fix it
same w the bags w stuff that needs to be sorted out.
move a whole desk into the livingroom. its not hard rly its just heavy and a two person job.
oh right theres a ton of mess in the other bathroom. should probably try to do something about that v soon so its not a panic job right before i move out
i have a bunch of stuff in the loft in the main house. still havent gone and picked it up yet. would be ideal to do so. this is ot an immediate need but it is something id like to do as soon as possible
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wellbafineline · 4 years
a very styles christmas
a/n Im aware this is the most cheesy title that i could’ve picked for this fic but pls forgive me this is the only thing i could think of 
I don’t really have much to say about this one but I want to wish a happy holidays and a merry christmas to everyone who celebrates - hope you enjoy this fiancé  harry one shot 
word count: 2.4k - ish
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It felt as if you and Harry had only just gotten home when you started to pull the luggage out of the hallway cupboard again, you're not exactly excited to start packing for another trip, you always complained to Harry when you were trudging around your shared room that it was the worst part of any trip, to which he always chuckles and calls you dramatic but your point still stands in your eyes. 
You placed the two suitcases neatly next to each other at the foot of your and Harry’s shared bed, deciding to wait for him to get home before tackling that challenge of what to pack for the two weeks that you both were spending up north in Cheshire at his mums for Christmas. 
Just as you sat on the bed, reaching to check your phone Harry trudged back into your shared room still wrapped up in his coat and hat having just been loading the car in the cold London winter with the various gifts for family you needed to bring with you, the last of what needed to be loaded into the car staring back at you from the foot of the bed. 
‘No gonna pack themselves are they?’ Harry sighed, shrugging off his coat and throwing it on the chair that you so fondly had named the ‘chaos chair’ which usually housed a pile of washing that neither of you ever really put away just taking items of clothing till it reappeared after the next laundry cycle.
‘Wish they would, hate this bit, never know what to pack to take to your mums.’ Harry had now started to move around the room picking up some jumpers and sweatpants to put into his case. 
‘’M only bringing comfy stuff, if this weather keeps up doubt we’ll make it much further than the pub round the corner from mums’ He nodded towards your bedroom window where in true English Christmas weather the rain was bucketing down and wasn't looking like it was giving up any time soon. 
‘Now come on,’ he twists the t-shirt he was holding trying to swat at your bum where you were now standing by the window ‘want to make a move soon, hopefully get there before mum and Gem have broken into the Christmas wine supply, so we need to get a move on.’ 
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
It was about an hour and a half in your three hour drive from London to cheshire. You and Harry had just finished loading up his range rover with all of the presents and luggage that you two would need for two weeks up north in time that you could get the worst parts of the drive over with without there being too much of a traffic jam. 
‘Love,’ Harry shakes your shoulder lightly as he pulls the car to a halt into the car park, ‘dozed off on me there been out for about the last half an hour’
‘Mmm, no, was jus’ resting my eyes promise, want me to run in get some bits’ nodding your head towards the service station in front of you. You and Harry had driven up to his mums more times than you could count in the three years that you’d been together, always taking the same route, Harry insisting that it was the quickest but you joked that it was the only way that he could take where he wouldn’t get lost on the winding country roads. But either way you had become quite fond of the small service station that was just outside of Birmingham on the M6.
‘Yeah, can just get us a coffee please.’ He asks leaning over to put a kiss on your cheek before you grabbed your bag and made your way out of the car, pulling your coat tight around you, the weather having not gotten much better since the two of you left London earlier in the day. 
Although the service was pretty quiet with only two or three people lined up at the Costa Coffee and a woman browsing the WHSmith in the corner, you knew that it was Harry’s time off, so you always volunteered to go for the two of you. Not that he didn't love meeting people but driving up to his mums for christmas seemed like something he prefers to keep private, especially with you news, the two of you didnt want it plastered across social media before you had the chance to tell those closest to you.
Having gotten everything you think you’ll need for the remainder of your drive, just waiting for the barista to call your name to collect the coffee that you feel as though you desperately need now, even if you insist you weren’t asleep, as you wait you twist the new ring on your left hand, a habit that you picked up relatively quickly after getting the piece of jewellery.
It hadn’t been a flashy proposal, no room full of a thousand candles, no plane flying over head asking the big question, it was just you and Harry in your home, if he was being honest it wasn't even planned, Harry saw you making tea for the both of you after returning from a day of interviews and couldn’t describe anything that he was feeling except he felt calm and he knew he wanted to feel like that, with you, forever. And so the ring that had been burning a hole in his handbag now resided on your ring finger and had for the past week unbeknownst to any of his family members. You had caved and face-timed your mum that night but Harry had insisted on surprising his mum with her future daughter-in-law for Christmas, telling you ‘you’ll be the best present she could've asked for this year. You’ll well beat the spa weekend Gem’s got her.’
Your name being called pulled you from your reminiscent day dream as you collected your two coffees and made your way back to Harry waiting in the car.
‘Mum said Gem hasn’t even left yet so we’ve got loads of time, think we’ll be the first ones there.’ He tells you as you pass him his coffee and get settled back into the car for the rest of the drive. 
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
Harry was right, you were the first ones there, a stark change from previous years where you two were pulling into Anne’s driveway when the only lights on the street were the occasional decorative light and Anne's living room where she was waiting up for you two. But this year you were the only car in the drive as Harry pulled off the main road to pull into the space next to his mum’s car. 
As soon as she heard your car, Anne was swinging the front door open to welcome you, no doubt she’d been up all day preparing for you and the others to arrive, her favourite time of year being when she gets all her babies under the same roof again. 
 Harry parked the car, and you were quick to jump out going to help unload the ridiculous amount of stuff that you’d brought with you for the two weeks you were staying up north. You took the two suitcases wobbling slightly as you hauled them into the entry way as Anne helped Harry with the bags of presents.
 As they made their way toward you into the house Anne drops her bag of presents at the door pulling you into a tight hug. 
‘You two can’t stay away for so long next time, even if you have to drag my son up here by his hair.’ she told you pulling away from the tight embrace. 
‘Right you two go get settled upstairs, all the rooms are set up, and I'll sort these out by the tree’ She says motioning to the bags of presents that had been abandoned on the floor during your reunion embrace.  
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
Anne had moved since Harry was a child, but she had made sure that both her kids still had their own rooms no matter how old they were or how long they’d been out of the house. Harrys being in the corner of the second floor of the house, looking out into the garden which in typical english fashion was sort of frozen over from rain and frost and sort of coated in snow. The walls of Harry’s room were a dark navy blue with the bed pushed to the window where Harry had already laid himself across.
‘Get up lazy bones.’ You teased throwing a sweatshirt from the case open in front of you at him. 
‘M up ‘m up, promise.’ he groaned sitting up on the bed looking at you now. ‘Have we decided how we’re gonna tell her yet.’ He asks referencing the rock on your left hand. 
‘Thought that was your thing to plan, haven't done your homework Styles’ you teased ‘Guess i thought i’d take my chances, Styles.’ He threw back at you ‘’sides she's gonna flip anyway we tell her, been on me for months to do it.’
‘I’m not a Styles yet, not for another few months anyway.’ 
‘Good as one now, unless you're planning on running away at the altar on me? Are ya?’
‘Course not.’ You assure him. ‘Now come here, need to help unpack.’
‘No, you c’mere don't need to pack, need to lay down, at least till Gem gets here an’ then we can tell ‘em together’ His hands grabbing for you to join him on the bed where he's now positioned himself closest to the wall, perfect for you to slide in.
You cave, making your way over to him on the bed, placing his arm over your waist and keeping hold of his hand. Harry sighs into your hair from where his chin now rests on you head, you know you shouldn’t really be napping but when you start to hear Harry’s quiet snores you start to close your eyes too. 
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
You’re both awoken to the sound of who you presume is Gemma pulling into the driveway and talking to Anne in the entryway as you and Harry had hours before. Harry is the first to move, prompting you to sit up too, both of you taking a moment to rub your eyes but eventually silently moving to go downstairs to greet the rest of the family. 
Gemma and Anne were both sat at the kitchen table having a cup of tea when you and Harry joined them. 
‘There you are! Both of you were dead to the world when I went up before to check how the unpacking was going’ Anne laughed as Harry gave his sister a hug and went to sit next to Anne and you sat next to Gemma. Anne getting up to get you both a drink, knowing that Harry wouldn’t drink his but getting him one anyway, too while you caught up with Gemma. 
So far no one had noticed the ring on your finger, when Anne returns to the table with your two mugs and a plate of Christmas themed biscuits, you place your elbow on the table and lean your head onto your left hand, now this catches Anne’s attention almost shouting ‘Is this what I think it is’ as she grabs your hand to have a closer look. 
You and Harry don't really have the words so just nod while both grinning and Anne and Gemma, still both squealing over the ring and repeating congratulations as you hold your hand out to show them both a closer look at the ring. 
You sat back in your seat as Gemma turned to Harry finally pressing him for details of how he popped the question as you know he’ll talk about it for hours if given the chance, so you let him repeat the story this time just smiling and occasionally adding your perspective to it.
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kaimelia · 4 years
Heartbeats (Ch.1)
a/n: hi! so, this is something I've been working on for a while and im finally posting it....I'm going to finish paper rings soon but this has been sitting in my computer for too long now and I want to start posting it! I hope you enjoy it :)
It’d started small; they were at the park, and Link was chasing their four-year-old around the grass as Amelia laid on the blanket, snapping pictures with a wide grin spread across her face. Scout ran into her arms, and she hugged him, glancing up at her husband as he walked back. She noticed a slight limp in his leg and raised her eyebrows in confusion, making a mental note.
“I’m fine,” he muttered, lowering himself onto the blanket across from her. “My leg’s just a little sore. I must’ve slept on it weirdly.” Scout moved from his mother’s embrace to grab the truck he had brought, pushing it around the blanket. Amelia tilted her head to the side.
“Okay, but you’ll tell me if it gets worse, right?” Her voice wavered more than she expected it to, and she knew Link would notice. He grabbed her hand.
“Of course.”
A week later, she woke up to the sound of him heaving into the toilet. She ran into the bathroom, placing her hand on his back and kneeling on the bathroom floor next to him. “You okay?” He nodded slowly before puking into the ceramic bowl again.
“I feel like crap.” Amelia placed her hand against his forehead, standing up to wet a washcloth.
“I don’t think you have a fever. Is it just nausea?” He breathed heavily once she placed the cool washcloth on his forehead, wiping away the beads of sweat on his face.
“I’m exhausted, too, but that could just be from work.” She frowned sympathetically, running her fingers through his hair.
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” Amelia joked, happy to hear a quick laugh from him.  She glanced up as the bathroom door was pushed open.
“Is daddy okay?” The mother smiled, tousling her husband’s hair and standing up to take her son’s hand.
“Daddy’s just a bit sick. Let’s go get you ready for school, okay?” She led the boy out of their room and into his, helping him get ready for school. He rambled excitedly about his new dinosaur toy as she made waffles for him, pouring an absurd amount of syrup onto the plate. Link came down a few minutes later, rubbing his forehead with his hand. “Hey, you’re feeling better?” He shrugged.
“Gonna call in sick to work and sleep all day.” He placed his hands on his son’s shoulders. Scout turned to his father, excitedly waving the dinosaur in his face. “I can pick this guy up from school.”
“Can we get ice cream?” Amelia raised her eyebrows at her son’s request.
“You’ll have to convince your father on that one.” Scout grinned widely up at his father.
Amelia wasn’t at all surprised when she came home from work to see them eating ice cream in the living room, The Good Dinosaur playing on the TV. She kissed her son’s forehead, receiving an absent-minded greeting from him before his attention diverted back to the movie. She moved to sit on the other side of her husband and curled into his body. “Hi,” she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. “Are you feeling better?” He pursed his lips tightly.
“Not really. But I’m okay.” She took a moment to look up at him, noticing the unusual paleness of his skin, the slight shake in his hand that was holding his ice cream. Amelia placed her hand over his heart, feeling the quick beating of his heart.
“Are you still having leg pain? From the other day at the park?” He paused for a moment as if in thought before confirming. “You should go relax. Take a nap. I’ve got him for the afternoon.” He hesitantly complied, leaving her to make dinner and amuse their son with conversations about space as he happily ate dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. Once she heard Link leave the room to shower, she proclaimed it was bedtime, promising to cuddle with the boy before bedtime. He followed her into the master bedroom without complaint, laying down next to her. Link returned to the room later, throwing his clothes into the laundry hamper.
“I think you should go see a doctor. I think that something’s wrong, Link.” He turned to face her at the sound of her soft voice. She was sitting on their bed, leaning back against the headrest with her computer open and about fifty different tabs pulled up, their son sleeping soundly with his head on her chest. Link sighed. “I’ve been keeping track of your symptoms. Leg pain, nausea, fatigue. I’m terrified to think that something’s wrong.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “We can ask Nico to see you sometime. Just get a scan done or something.”
“You think this is cancer?”
“I think that with your history, it’s not out of the question.” She closed the computer and placed it on the nightstand, wrapping her arms around Scout. “I’m scared of you dying. I would rather fight whatever it is with all of the information we can get.” He moved to sit next to her, pulling her into his side. “It’s not just you and me. We’ve got this little guy to worry about,” she motioned towards the sleeping boy.
“I’ll see if Nico can give me a scan tomorrow.” Amelia turned her head to look up at him.
“Thank you.”
“There is a mass on your leg. We can do a biopsy to see if it’s cancerous.” Nico’s face was stern as he spoke, although Amelia could hear the slight waver in his voice. She often didn’t think about Link and Nico’s friendship, but at this moment, she could see that this was difficult for the man in front of her. She looked over at Link beside her.
“When can you do the biopsy?” Amelia asked, squeezing Link’s hand. He squeezed hers back, his gold wedding band pressing into her skin.
“I already talked to Bailey, and we can have her do it in about half an hour.” Nico’s hands folded together over the desk. “I can’t be the one to do it. But it’s just a biopsy, and you don’t need an orthopedic surgeon for that.” He said something else that she didn’t quite hear, and he left the room a moment later. She turned to her husband.
“You okay?” Link shook his head.
“No. I just want to go home and hold you and Scout. I don’t want to be here in the hospital.” Her hand settled against his cheek, her thumb wiping away a stray tear that had fallen from his eye.
“Let them do the biopsy, and then we’ll head home.” Amelia helped him to stand up and silently led him to the exam room down the hall. They waited in silence, gripping each other’s hands tightly. Amelia laid her head on his shoulder. “Whatever it is, we’re gonna figure it out, okay?” When Bailey walked in, she offered them a sympathetic smile before asking Link to move onto the table and performing the biopsy. There was an attempt at small talk, yet Link seemed to have turned into a brick wall, ignoring whatever they were saying. The chief promised to rush the results, directing them to wait in her office. As soon as she returned to the office an hour later, the couple knew the results.
“It is cancer. We’ll make an appointment to stage it, and we can get you in soon.” She left a moment later, leaving the couple alone in silence.
“Link?” He looked over at his wife with teary eyes.
“I just wanna go home.” She nodded in understanding, offering him her hand and leading him out of the hospital. They were greeted at their house by their son, who Maggie had watched during the day. He eagerly jumped into his mother’s open arms, ranting about the day’s events.
“You look sad, daddy.” He wrapped his arms around his father’s legs, not noticing the cringe from his father at the pain.
“I’m just tired, Scout. All good.” Amelia rustled her son’s hair.
“Alright, Scout. We’re gonna get you your bath, and then you can come and cuddle with mommy and daddy for a while, okay?” She led the energetic boy into the bathroom, the sound of water running soon filling the home.
“If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” Maggie smiled sympathetically, rubbing Link’s shoulder before letting herself out of the house. He walked into the bathroom and rested against the doorframe. A happy scene played out in front of him; his son splashing water at Amelia, who was sitting outside of the tub. Her smile was genuine, and she looked over a moment later.
“Hey, we’re almost done in here. Quick bath tonight,” she teased, grabbing at her son’s nose. Scout giggled loudly. Link smiled and left the bathroom, changing into his pajamas and flopping onto the bed. There was a knock on the door soon after, Amelia walking in with Scout in her arms, his smile wide as she placed him down on the bed. Scout had always loved sleeping in their bed, curled up between his parents, surrounded by their love, as he would say. He quickly fell asleep, softly mumbling nonsense about dinosaurs and his cousins. Amelia’s eyes met Link’s. “What’re you thinking about?” He brushed his hand through the boy’s blonde hair.
“How terrified I am. Like you said the other night. It’s not just me anymore. I’ve got you and Scout.” He sniffled. “I don’t want to believe it. I think some part of my brain is convinced that if I don’t acknowledge it, it won’t be real.” Their son sighed contently between them, curling into his mother’s body. “It’s cute. How he curls up like that.”
“He was always in this same position when I was pregnant,” she whispered, pulling up the blankets between them. “Even now, almost five years later, he still does it.”
“How are we going to tell him?”
“We’ll wait until we know more, and we’ll explain it simply, answer any questions he has. He’s a smart kid. He’ll probably pick up on it before we get the chance to tell him.”
“You’re so calm about this. Normally, it’s the other way around,” he whispered, moving his arm under the pillow.
“I guess my brain understands that you need me right now. I’m sure I’ll start freaking out any day, now.” He breathed out a soft laugh. “But, I’m also scared. Just doing a better job at masking it.” She reached for his hand across the space between them. “Promise me one thing?”
“That whatever it is, you’ll fight. You promised me a few years back that you would always fight for our dreams. My dream is that you’re okay.” He nodded his head quickly.
“Of course.” Her lips turned upward into a small smile. “You have to promise me that you’ll be here whenever I need you. At all my appointments and treatments.”
“Scout and I will bring you ice cream every day.” Link’s eyes fell to their son, watching the rise and fall of his chest. “Try and get some sleep, Link.” She slipped her hand away from him and reached behind her to turn the lamp off, sighing tiredly. “I love you.” His hand found hers again.
“I love you.”
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fullbusterfantasmic · 4 years
Playing House 🏠
Short stories
Pairing: Gray x You
Rating: T
Warnings: Implied sexual content
I don't have to open my eyes to know I'm back in my own bed at home.
Last night when I stepped off the train a wave of relief swept through my exhausted haze. I’d only been gone for a week to help Lyon with that emergency mission in the mountains but it felt like a month. My limbs felt like led as I began the trek back to my apartment. I caught sight of the large clock in the center of magnolia station it read 2:30 a.m, I sigh in disappointment.
There's no way she'd be waiting up for me, she'd undoubtedly given up hours ago. I may be exhausted, but I could easily stay awake when the alternative was reuniting with her. Tomorrow; I’ll see her smile, hear her laugh, hold her in my arms, but I don’t want to wait until tomorrow I want to see her now. My footsteps are the only sound echoing through the sleeping cities streets.
As I turn onto my street I take my eyes off the cobblestones to glance up at my apartment in the distance, the light in my bedroom is on. My pace speeds up as my pulse increases, someone is sitting out on the steps of the building. They must have seen me approaching because they get to their feet. I knew it was her before her arms wound around me, before the taste of her lips graces my tongue.
“I missed you, im so glad you’re safe”
Clumsily I open the door, drop my bag on the floor, and I’m all too eager to keep her in my arms as I head towards the bedroom.
“I’m sure you’re exhausted, let’s go to bed…that can wait until tomorrow”
Laying her down I shake my head as I then cage her in beneath me, “Don’t want to wait till tomorrow”. She sighs blissfully as I kiss my way down her body.
“Neither did I”
Intent on pulling her close to me I reach out to find her side of the bed empty, my eyes open immediately. The bedroom door is open and I hear movement in the kitchen. That’s right it’s Sunday; Every Sunday she makes dinner for us and it’s always delicious. However; Whenever I’ve been gone for any length of time it always becomes much more elaborate.
Sure enough, I find her in the kitchen flitting back and forth. I silently admire her stirring, then seasoning, in nothing but one of my T-shirts. It’s only when she bends over to place one of the dishes in the oven that I let myself mutter appreciatively at the view of her backside. She lightly startles at this. Closing the oven door, she straightens back up and gives me a sultry grin over her shoulder.
She moves to set a timer that was sitting on the kitchen countertop. When she turns back around, I’m right behind her. Seizing the opportunity; I push her against the cabinets before crashing my lips down onto her's. Her hands slide up my chest and come to rest on my shoulders, as she lets out a contented “Hmmm” when I nip at her bottom lip before we part.
“Good morning Beautiful”
She raises an eyebrow, giving me a smirk before saying; “More like Good Evening sleepy head, it’s five minutes till five pm”.
She laughs at my undoubtedly shocked expression, but it turns into a gasp as I press my post sleep hard on (Because “Morning wood” just doesn’t apply in the evening right? Jesus XD) against her before hoisting her onto the countertop.
“Gray No!” she snaps, preventing my hands from spreading her legs apart and pushing me backwards.
“The timer says one hour, that’s plenty of time” I practically whine as she hops off the counter and begins to leave the kitchen. “I know” she replies as I begin to follow after her; Only to be stopped by the shirt she'd been wearing hitting me in the face.
“I just cleaned the kitchen though…So I thought, just maybe…you’d like to join me in the shower?”.
The implication of her question leaves no room for dispute and I eagerly follow after her. She’s sitting on the bathroom counter when I enter, beckoning me forward with a finger. I can’t help the huge smile that crosses my face as the door clicks shut behind me.
The sun had set some time before we emerge from the bathroom, leaving us to navigate toward the bedroom in pitch black darkness. No sooner had I switched on the bedroom light does a shrill ring sound from the kitchen.
“Dinners ready!”
“Okay Honey I’ll be right there!”
I move over to my dresser and as I’m opening the top drawer I remember; “Shit! I needed to do laundry before I left, I don’t have any clean-“ I pause. Looking down into the drawer, I see my boxers and gym shorts all clean and folded neatly. “That woman” I began to chuckle as I shake my head. I exit the room after pulling on a pair of gym shorts, and the doorbell rings. All movement within the kitchen ceases; To avoid the undoubtedly relentless teasing, we have yet to formally announce our relationship. Well that and the fact we both are the type that prefer to keep personal matters PERSONAL.
I don’t catch sight of her as I move to open the front door, I assume she just ducked down in the kitchen. I open the door; “Erza! Hey…what’s up?” I ask not bothering to hide my surprise. Titana surveys me with mild interest before responding. “Im glad to see you returned safely and in one piece, how did it go?” the red head’s eye is drawn over my shoulder as she cranes her neck in attempts to get a better view. I unconsciously shift my body sideways to block her line of sight from inside as I begin to give the requip mage a brief run down of what transpired during the job I’d assisted Lyon with.
Once my explanation has concluded, Erza gives a nod of understanding. I silently sigh in relief as I see her begin turning to leave, only to stop mid step and turn back towards me. “I almost forgot the main reason I came over here! The TWO of you need to meet the team and myself at the train station no later than 8:30 tomorrow morning, we'll be-“, I interrupt the requip mage “Huh? What do you mean the TWO of us?!”.
The scarlet haired woman clicks her tounge in annoyance before continuing; “Gone for at least three if not four days, but pack lightly we'll be doing a good amount of hiking, and make sure you have a tent for you two to sleep in as it may rain while we’re out there”. I regard her silently with a dumbfounded expression, she rolls her eyes, “Gray, I know ______ is in there with you, cut the crap”. My mouth falls open as I try to stammer out that she’s wrong, but I only succeed in making her laugh before flooring me with her next statement. “Everyone knows the two of you like to play “House” on Sundays”. She turns to leave for real this time, calling out “Bye ________, see you guys in the morning!” over her shoulder as she heads down the street.
Ten minutes later and I’m still standing dumbfounded in the doorway.
“Babe? Come inside, the food will end up cold”
The familiar voice brings me out of my confused contemplation. I head back inside and take a seat at the table, immediately a plate is set infront of me. Once she joins me I start eating, only pausing to compliment her “Its delicious as always, thank you babe”. A blush colors her cheeks as she flashes a dazzling smile at me before taking a bite herself. Dinner is finished in a comfortable silence as I attempt to build up some much needed courage.
It’s when she sets a bowl of my favorite Mint Chip Ice cream in front of me that I ask; “Isn’t your lease up next week?”. She looks at me curiously, “Yes, why do you ask?”. I take a deep breath before reaching out to clasp her hands within my own.
“Because I’m tired of playing house, I’m ready for us to really make this place a home”.
A/N: So there you have it the very first story to be posted here! I decided to start things off with some adorable, light hearted, fluff because I didn’t want to kick things off with the “HARD STUFF” and run the risk of scaring people off 😅😣 I have plenty of stories penned so I will slowly start rolling them out, but I still want those REQUESTS people so send em in! 💖
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Through It All
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Part 32
Summary: Now married, Spencer & Y/N navigate the D/s lifestyle. How will their relationship change?
Words: 1,507
Warnings: Subby Spencer, cock cages, orgasm denial, 
A/N: The next entry for @cm-kinkbingo​ run by my beautiful girlfriend @heycasbutt​. This fulfills my cock cages square.
Ironically enough it’s you that settles into your new routine fairly easily. Spencer is the one having a hard time adjusting. As per usual, he’s teaching an insane number of classes (probably due to the fact that you’re now working part time so you can spend more time at home) and trying to be a present father to a nearly three-year-old toddler and two four and a half month old babies. It’s a lot to handle.
After grading papers one night, finishing up just as you get the kids to bed, Spencer turns to you in desperation. “I’m losing it,” he says matter of factly, laughing at how exasperated he sounds.
Giggling, you walk up behind him and bend down, wrapping your arms around him, your fingers trailing the little bit of chest hair peeking out from his shirt. “What can I do for you, love?”
“I want you to help me shut my brain off.” He hesitates, clearly having an idea of his own, but decides to put the ball in your court. “Have anything in mind?”
“I do,” you say, whispering in his ear. “Remember that cock cage I bought? Wanna experiment?”
Even after all you’ve done and all you’ve seen of each other, physically and emotionally, he still blushes. “What were you thinking?”
Twirling around to sit in his lap, you tell about all the research you’ve been doing in case he’d ever want to venture down this road. “Nothing much for tonight. Just locking you up and seeing how you like it. If you do like it, we can play around with your wearing it for an increasing amount of time over a couple of days. And then if you still like it, I have an idea for what we can do next week.” Your eyes gleam with the picture in your head and it makes Spencer laugh.
“Sounds good to me.” You pull him up by his shirt and drag him toward the bedroom, kissing him all the way before you turn around to search through the closet, finally finding what you’re looking for.
“We need a locked chest for this stuff now. I DO NOT want Charlotte exploring through our things and finding this,” you laugh.
“Oh, fuck no.” Spencer falls back onto the bed from laughing so hard, only ceasing his laughter when you clear your throat, the cage in hand. “Oh, that does look scary. But I’m intrigued.”
Getting it on and secure is...a feat. But you manage. “You’ll wear it until we go to bed in a couple hours. And if you like it, then you’ll put it on tomorrow as soon as you come home.”
“Mmmhmm,” he says, mumbling into your mouth as you press a chaste kiss on his lips. Don’t want him getting worked up right now.
“Now go fold laundry while I do the dishes.” You slap his leg playfully.
“Yes, ma’am,” he laughs.
After finishing up in the kitchen, you find Spencer in your room putting away clothes, but as he moves to grab a hanger from the closet, he stops, stilling himself and taking a deep breath. “You okay?” You ask.
Spencer nods. “Just umm...trying to control myself,” he laughs softly. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”
“You’re in for a rough week,” you reply.
Over the next few days, Spencer returns home and immediately puts on the cage, asking you periodically if he can take it off and touch himself, to which you consistently reply no. It’s on day five that you challenge him to wear it to his late night class.
He texts you later while his class is taking a test. “This is hard.” His text states simply.
“What? Your cock? Or wearing the cage?” You smile to yourself as the three bubbles indicate his reply.
“Both. Can I please, please come when I get home? It’s been five days and I want to explode.”
You tease him so more, telling him that he’s gone longer without an orgasm before.
“Yes, but I was physically restricted from doing so! Please?!”
A few hours later, he returns home, practically begging on his hands and knees. Sitting down and tugging him up onto the couch next to you, you comb your hand through his soft brown hair, reveling in the desperation that lurks in his eyes. “How about this? I give you one more test. You pass, you come. You don’t pass, you don’t come for another two days?”
Spencer’s eyes go dark, you can tell his dominant side is fighting with the lack of control, but he does want this and he knows you do too. “What’s the test?”
“After we get the kids to bed tonight, I put a timer on my phone. If you can make me come, with just your tongue, in under three minutes, I’ll take that cage off you and suck your soul out through your cock. If it takes you more than three minutes, I still get to come and you have to wait two days.”
With a strained yet gleeful smile, Spencer gives you a kiss. “You’re on. Meanie.”
“So mean.”
Thankfully for Spencer, it’s easy getting Charlotte, Morgan and Blake to bed. You place Blake down and quickly pull out your phone, setting a timer and showing it to Spencer as he gently lays Morgan down on the soft crib mattress.
Quietly but quickly, your desperate-as-all-hell husband yanks on your hand, practically throwing you over his shoulder as he runs toward the bedroom. When he throws you down on the bed, you screech with laughter, muffling the sounds with your hand as Spencer yanks your pajama pants down and off, flinging them against the wall. He removes his pants and you see him straining against the cage. It can’t be comfortable. His hair is a mess, his eyes are almost black with lust and he looks like a maniac, but you both laugh through it all. “Hit that timer. Because it’s happening.”
As soon as your finger hits the timer, Spencer wraps his arms around your legs and pulls you toward the end of the bed so your ass is sitting at the edge.
“Hands behind your back, Sir. I said no hands.”
Although he’s losing his mind, he knows what it takes to make you scream, starting out slowly, his tongue swirling around your clit, teeth scraping, lips pursing. His shoulders are tense with the pressure of keeping his hands behind his back. But he manages, watching as the numbers tick down on the timer. As soon as it hits two minutes, he licks stripes up your pussy from ass to clit, nipping at you with his teeth along the way.
You buck into his mouth, whimpering when he almost buries himself in you, tongue wildly fucking into you. “Fuck, so good, Spence. You’ve only got 45 seconds left. But I have faith.”
Growling into you, Spencer pushes himself into you still, the tip of his nose putting pressure on your clit as his tongue thrashes from side to side. He smiles when you grab his hair, your legs clamping down around him. “Good boy,” you say huskily.
You grasp his face in your hands and pull him toward you, tonguing into his mouth. “Sit. You’ve been a good boy.”
Spencer does as he told and collapses back, his cock twitching at the slightest touch as you remove the cage. You drop to your knees between his legs and move from domme to sub once again with ease, looking lovingly up at him as you speak. “Would you like to use my mouth, Sir? I think you’ve earned it.”
Grunting, he grabs your head and demands you open your mouth. When he thrusts up into your mouth, you gag and laugh, which only makes him more crazed. His hands are firm, keeping your head in place while he uses your mouth, his thrusts so erratic that he stands up and pushes your head against the dresser, each thrust softly knocking your head into the wood behind you. “Going to come down that little throat. You going to swallow it like a good little slut?”
The moment you mumble your answer around him, he seizes above you, the tangy taste of him hitting the back of your throat. Gulping it down, you look up and smile. His look of pure relief is everything you wanted for him when you started this whole thing a week ago. All that exists in his mind is you and the warm heat of your mouth. Maybe he knows your name and his, but that’s about it.
Pulling off him with a satisfied pop, you stand up and wrap your arms around his neck, giving him a kiss. “So, did I help you shut your brain off?”
Spencer smiles, his voice unable to say what his brain wants.
“You want to use that again some time?” You ask, eyeing the cage on the floor.
He answers with an emphatic yes.
@heycasbutt @ultrarebelheart @katherineisagubler @proud-slytherin-ghost @randomwriter23 @fandom-queen67 @sixx-sic-sixx @xqueenofthecraziesx @aofay02 @groovyreid @criesinreid @jdougl-love @xreider @cringeemospntrashassbutt @prettyboyeffect @prettyboyreid @themanip @spencerreidsthings @augustgraceful @whollytaciturn @prisonreid @factualfic @jasmine-negron @snitchthewitch @ellabobella051419 @crazyforsstuff @kaatelyyynn​ @jane-dough @dreatine @bitter-post-millennial @adlerorzel-blog @hallieedrew @psychedelephantt @krisymccall996 @4ueijos @mclaujac @ray-likes-starwars @nurseemilyblog @slightlyvicked @she4567 @guesswhosback129 @princessdolan @happycreatorfangirl @fallwhisper @nyemadowell @sammy-jo1977 @sin-bin-and-tragedies @imsuperawkward @ahhahahaheehee @crispygiantsaladgarden @reputay-swift @pizzarollsfordayz @andiebeaword @timey-wimey-lovi @garbagecanfics @friedparadisetale @dereksbetaa @idontevenknow2 @holyfishloverfarm @nohemi2500 @typeshitbih @sadgirlhan @kmc217 @bigbuttsowhatuniverse @charmedfandomgal @im--blushing @dangerouspersonllamabagel @fichoe21 @yes-sir-hotchner @thefandomallrounder @mrsenos08 @walkerchick007 @letsdisneythings @winchesterqueenie @specialagentleigh @spn-wheresthepie @haileymew @bitchyoulied @geniusgub @urdicksmol @6lack6erry @slutlanna976 @downondilaudid​ @baileysb1tch @la-vie-en-amour1​ @letsdoit-tomorrow @eideticprettyboydrreid​ @lazynoodledragon​ @shybaby231 @aimzonicles97​ @grace-superpowers​ @softestlavender​ @ssa-dr-ladylock​ @drprettyboy​ @patricks-fabulous-face​ @tearosaria​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @marvels-gurl​ @gublergirls​
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boom-boom-boyx2 · 4 years
~The Scars That Hold Us Together~
BakuKami fanfiction ||Bnha||
Just the intro, I’m working on the 1st chapter now, this does have angst and is going to be a lot of non canon incidents that happen.
My fanfic. Dont take credit.
(This is from TikTok if u r from there)
They both jumped to the surprise of sirens, they rang in both of Katsuki’s ears. “Hey, hey.. shhhh, it’s gonna be okay.. I’m here..” Kaminari whispered trying to calm his frightened husband, “the-they.. they caught-” Kaminari stopped the crying boy with a kiss before he could finish, “ you don’t have to talk about it. You’re safe now. I’m here. And we are safe.” He stated after breaking, still holding, The kiss. “Now...it’s probably just some stupid teens from down the street, do you want to get something to eat before heading back to bed?” The still drowsy blonde said before getting up slowly. “I’m..im fine, I think I will make some coffee..” Katsuki slowly got up and walked to their kitchen in their small, yet quiet big apartment, the floor creaked as he dragged his feet across the floor.
“Mhmmnn” the slower boy walked in and rubbed his eyes, they were red and drowsy as well. Without turning around the dirty blonde spoke, “Don’t fall over now Kami.” The more than less awake Boy, said standing in front of the coffee pot. The, now, more Drowsy blonde gives his husband from behind, which caused a little jump from the other. “Hey Sleepy head, what’s up?” He turned around and put his arms around the others neck. The other hummed and after a moment of reconciling old memories Denki said, “they remind me of us when we were younger… ah, the good ol’ times- ya’know when we could screw around and not get blamed because we were ‘just kids’” he giggled which caused Katsuki to crack a smirk, “haah?~ what? You think we still don’t have good times??” He pulled Kaminari in closer and pressed their foreheads together before the other broke out in soft laughter, “no, no, no, I just think you looked cuter when you were younger~” he began laughing again while Katsuki giggled as well. Once Kaminari stoped he pulled Katsuki in by his waist for a kiss and the other pulled away, “shit. My coffee dumbass!” “Oops-” Kaminari giggled while Katsuki quickly turned back around to get his coffee.
“It’s already 4 O’clock babe, we should just get dressed now..” Bakugou said before walking into the bedroom. “No~~” the other whined, “I Wanted to sleep more~” Kaminari pouted and plopped down along the bed side. “I know, I know. We need to get proper sleep in all, but there’s no use in going to bed now just to wake up in 30 minutes just to get ready.” Kaminari groaned and grabbed one of the pillows from the top of the bed “But!” Katsuki cut him off “Look on the bright side though, we can work out together this morning, we can race on our run?” Bakugou turned around with a convincing smirk on his face, “ah~ well you got me there tough guy! Your so~ going down today!!” Kaminari jumped up and grabbed one of his old Gracie tee’s he got from an old mall trip, “hah? Will see about that!” Katsuki pulled one of his black tank-tops over his shoulders as his Childish husband hit him with a pair of socks. “Hahahaha… sorry ba-” Kaminari got out before getting slapped in the back with a shirt, “You* have to do laundry today when we get back, got it dunce face?” “Yeah-yeah, and don’t do that! It hurt..” Bakugou rubbed his husbands back in face sympathy before taking another sip of his coffee. “Stop being a whimp and get ready. You still wanna win this race right?” He raised an eyebrow at Kaminari, “Oh Hell Yeah!” Kaminari shot up to find his tennis shoes.
——————————————-———————————-•The 1st chapter will come out soon I swear!•
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Moved On
“Oh yeah. You’ve already met him and Im going to need my gi- my friend to help me stay calm because I know I’m not going to like him. So get dressed because you can't wear my clothes to her house.” He smirked and added, “even though you definitely pull off the look.” You rolled your eyes and groaned knowing very well you needed to go and help him through the evening for Gemma’s sake. He laughed knowing he won the argument. “I kind of like the friend card.” 
You didnt say anything just took off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. Friends? Really? Is that all we are? Do friends do that? What even was that? Why did I even let that happen? Questions flooded through your mind as you were fixing your hair. You had thrown on a pair of leggings and a hoodie, the hoodie Harry had given you because he accidentally shrunk it in the laundry and it no longer fit him. Harry had thrown on a t-shirt and found his pants but he was sitting on the edge of your bed thoughtfully watching you. “What?” you asked turning around to face him.
“Nothing...” he mumbled standing up. Harry had decided to gain an attitude on the way to Gemma’s and you were not a fan of it. 
The two of you walked up to Gemma’s door. You were standing slightly behind Harry, your heart racing fast. You were nervous and on top of that you were worried about what Gemma and Mical would think of you being there with Harry and not Tom. Would they be able to tell what just went on with Harry? Would they care? Would they figure it out and tell Tom? What would Tom say? Questions were overtaking your mind and Harry was looking at you concerned. “Sorry...did you say something?” you mumbled looking at back at him.
“I asked if you were ready...” Harry looked at the door and you nodded. He slowly knocked and Gemma answered the door almost immediately.
“Harry tell me how it takes you so long to get here. I called over 30 minutes ago...(y/n) lives 5 minutes away..there is absolutely no excuse.”
“I do have an excuse actually. (y/n) was the one taking forever to get ready.” Gemma looked at you, realizing you were actually there with him. 
She smiled and pulled you into a hug. “(y/n)! I’m so glad you're here! Is Tom here too?”
“N-” you were about to answer but Harry cut you off with an eye roll.
“No, why would he be here?”
“Well they are dating...I assumed he would be here too.” Harry shot you a look. You hadn't really had that conversation with him yet and you could tell he was now pissed hearing it from Gemma instead. 
“Well he’s not here.” Harry pushed past Gemma without another glance at you and made his way into the house. “Where’s this boy at Gemma. I want to get this over with.”
Gemma looked at you confused and you sighed walking in behind her. “He went to pick up a pizza for everyone..he should be back soon.”
“So then why were you on my ass about being late. He’s not even here”
“Well had you been here 25 minutes ago he would have been.”
“Well I wasnt here then and he's not here now there shouldn't be any judgement  on my arrival time if you expect me to-”
“Harry can I talk to you for a minute?” you interuppted not giving him a chance to answer. You pulled his arm and dragged him into the guest bedroom. “What’s the attitude for?”
“Why don't you ask your boyfriend? ” Harry snarled. You took a step back and looked at him. You had no idea what to say. He angrily laughed and turned to walk out.
“I was going to tell you. I-”
“Were you? When? When we were having sex? After? When we got to my sisters house? After you realized you had moved on”
“Okay Harry look- I was going to tell you, it just never came up. I didnt really move on and it’s not like we planned on having sex and Tom only asked me yesterday...I didnt even formally accept-”
“But you were planning on it?”
“Yes.” you squeaked out. He didnt even look just walked out, leaving you alone. Tears threatened at your eyes and you sat on the floor trying to calm yourself. Gemma cautiously walked in and knelt next to you.
“Feels like we've been here before.”
You laughed, shooting snot out of your nose as tears fell down your cheeks. She rubbed your back and you looked over. “I’m sorry I ruined your night.”
“You didn’t, if anyone other than Harry did it was me. I shouldn't have brought up Tom when you and Harry walked in with that look.”
“What look?”
She laughed and wiped a tear, “did you and Harry not have sex before coming here?”
Your face burned red and your mouth dropped. “Wha-”
“(y/n)” she laughed. “Harry was glowing. Literally more confident and happy than I have seen him in months. You were too. I mean you a little less than him but also I’m guessing you were feeling a little torn?”
You nodded and wiped your nose. “I did what Harry did to me...I cheated on Tom and and I didnt even regret it.”
Gemma nodded and smiled, “That’s because your heart has always belonged to Harry. It didnt feel like cheating right? It felt natural like it was supposed to be there.”
You nodded and thought about it. Harry was always the one. You could fake your feelings for Tom all you wanted but it never felt the way being with Harry did. You loved Tom like a brother. Harry was the one you wanted to have kids with. You never really connected the dots until now. You had been so mad at Harry for breaking your trust but you had never stopped loving him. You looked at Gemma. “What do I do?”
“I think the best thing is to let him calm down and then try explaining everything...”
You nodded and sadly smiled. “I’m going to go. I need to talk to Tom about everything anyways and I don't want to be the one ruining your evening while Harry tries to get to know Mical.”
“Sure you don't want to stay for the drama?”
You laughed, “I think I would cause more drama than watching it.”
She smiled, “Something tells me that may be the case right now.” You stood up and took a deep breath. 
“Thanks Gem, as always you know just what to say.” You hugged her before walking to the door. You opened it revealing a smiling Mical holding a large pizza. 
“(y/n) what a lovely surprise!” 
“Hi Mical!” you smiled warmly. Harry who was lounging on the couch had wandered into the door frame and was watching everything unfold.
“Are you leaving already?” Mical asked confused.
“Yeah, uh” you sniffled and gave a small smile. “I was actually on my way out to Tom’s.”
“Ah lovely! Would you care for a slice of pizza first?” 
“No- thank you though...I really should be leaving.” you stepped out the door and turned around looking at Gemma. “Thanks Gem.” you said with a nod.
“Anytime love, you know that.” Your eyes caught Harry’s one last time, they burning into yours as Gemma closed the door. You took a deep breath and jumped in the car.
You arrived at Tom’s late. You didnt even know if he was home or awake. You knocked on the door and his roommate opened with a surprised look. “(y/n).”
“Hey, sorry its late is Tom home?”
“Uh yeah come on in, Tom!” he yelled. Tom came walking down the stairs with a smile.
“(y/n)!” he hugged you tightly and smiled. “What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to talk to you..” you had tears in your eyes and Tom’s expression changed.
“Are you okay?” he asked ushering you to the couch. “Do you want me to make tea?”
“No-no. Thats okay really I’m okay.” you sat down and wiped your eyes. “I uh I just wanted to say- to say I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? What for?”
“Tom, youre so amazing. Youre talented, nice, caring, and not bad to look at either..” you laughed and looked into his eyes. “But-”
“But I’m not Harry Styles.” he finished. You looked surprised. You looked at him and slowly nodded slightly confused. He sighed and looked at you sadly. “I kinda guessed that was coming..you react so much differently to him than to me. I mean tonight when he got here the whole mood shifted. Youre almost like drawn to him. I’ve never seen it before. I wish it was you and I but a part of me knew I could never replace that, and that's okay..”
You were crying now. He was rubbing your back. “I’m sorry Tom. I really do love you its just- its not the same with Harry. I wish you were the one I had these feelings for. It would make everything so much easier.”
“Love is never easy.” he joked.
You nodded and he hugged you tightly. “(y/n) you need to tell Harry how you feel. You need to explain it. You also can tell him if he hurts you again, he will have to deal with me, your neighborhood SpiderMan.” 
You laughed. “We can still be friends right?” He grinned and held your hand.
“Of course, we still have to finish the SpiderMan movies.”
You hugged him and stood up. “Thank you. You really are amazing Tom. Youre going to make a girl really happy.”
“I hope so, maybe when I have more time.” 
He walked you to the door and kissed your cheek. “Bye Tom.”
“Bye (y/n). Good luck, and tell him how you feel.”
“I will...eventually.” He smiled one more time before closing the door.
You took a deep breath. That went way better than you had expected. You decided to go home. After showering and changing clothes you climbed into bed. You wanted to call Harry, but you didnt want to interrupt his evening with Gemma and Mical. You opened a text to him and attempted a few different things before throwing your phone at the foot of the bed. You decided it was better to let him cool off all together so you turned on Netflix and started watching Outerbanks. Before you knew it you were sucked in, watching almost 3 episodes in a row. You heard a noise downstairs at your door and froze hoping you had locked the door. What if someone was looking to kill you because you had your dads compass... Ridiculous, yes but the thought crossed your mind. Eventually the noise went away but you still grabbed your phone in case you needed to call 911 at some point in the night. You decided you had enough murder mystery for the night and turned off the tv, leaving only the light of your phone in the dark. Harry was still on your mind. You wanted him to not be mad at you for so long. You wanted to tell him everything. You decided against your earlier judgement and texted him. *Are you still mad at me*
You turned off the phone and waited, your heart pounding. Every two seconds you checked for an answer, disappointed there wasnt one. You watched the read receipt come on and got anxious for the response you saw he was typing. But then the text bubbles disappeared. You waited another minute for the text but soon realized he was ignoring you. Your heart dropped into your stomach and you turned off the phone. Clearly he was still mad at you. You had drifted into an uncomfortable sleep, tossing and turning all night.
 In the morning you woke up feeling exhausted. You turned and opened your eyes, surprised to find Harry sleeping in the chair across from you. You jumped a little bit and your heart actually felt like it had stopped.”Harry?” you mumbled, sleep still in your voice.
He shifted, opening his eyes and brushing the hair back form his face. He looked at you, his face red.
“What are you doing? How did you-”
“You left your door unlocked.” you could hear the sleep in his voice, it made it 10x deeper. “I needed to see you, to talk to you...but you were sleeping and you looked so sweet I just couldn't wake you.”
“No, stop.” He stood up and walked over, sitting on the bed next to you. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for overreacting last night. I’m sorry for taking my frustration out on you. Thats not how a friend treats another friend and we aren't anything more than friends so I had no place to talk.”
“No, Harry.”
“(y/n) just accept my apology. I don't want to lose you...you're a- you're a great friend.” He swallowed and looked at you. You sat up, running your finger over his cheek.
“I love you.” he leaned into your hand and smiled.
“So you still want to be friends?”
“No.” you looked at him and his head fell with a sad expression.
“I understand.” He stood up and began walking you. You realized what he was thinking. You jumped out of bed and ran to him, pulling his wrist towards you.
“Harry. I don't want to be your friend because I want us back.” He stopped, slowly turning to face you.
“You want us back?”
“Yes. I want you and me. I want us to go back to how things were before. I want to love you the way I did before. I want to kiss you whenever I have the chance. I want us to be forever.”
Harry didn't even say anything, he just smiled and kissed you. You reached your arms up around his neck and he lifted you up. Your lips never left his and he grinned whispering, “I love you.”
“I love you.” you kissed him back, drowning in the feeling of his love.
“So Tom?”
“Is out of the picture.” 
“And us?”
“We are whatever you want us to be.”
“I want us to get married.” you stopped and looked at him. His green eyes were twinkling.
“I want us to get married.”
You smiled and kissed him again. “Okay.” All of your conflicted feelings had disappeared and a feeling of content had replaced them. You knew Harry would always be the one and there was nothing more you wanted than to spend the rest of your life with him. You knew your feelings would never fade. That much had been proved in the last few months.
He smiled, kissing you again. “Okay.”
The ending to the Cheating Series! Hope you enjoy! xoxo
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livesincerely · 4 years
it’s so easy (too easy) to love you, ch. 1
Also on Ao3
Davey’s just gotten out of class—literally just walked out the door—when his phone starts ringing.
“Davey,” Tony says the moment he answers, not even giving Davey time to say hello, “can you swing by the apartment real quick?”
Davey sighs. “Are you locked out of the house again?”
There’s a guilty silence. Then, “Or maybe I just wanna see you, huh? You don’t know.”
“Charlie’s the one that lost the spare,” Tony capitulates immediately, there’s an indignant “Hey!” somewhere in the background, “and I left my keys in my locker ‘cause I thought Charlie had his—”
There’s a scuffle of noise, then Charlie’s voice breaks in, “—don’t listen to him Davey, I asked him before we even got on the subway if he had his keys and he said he did but he didn’t even check—”
“—well, I thought you had yours, didn’t I?—”
“—and he was twenty minutes late picking me up from band practice because he was too busy making out with Spot Conlon to come help me carry my stuff—”
“—that was supposed to be a secret you little shit!”
“—you started it!”
Davey pulls the phone away from his ear as the other side of the line descends into a mess of indistinct yelling. He thinks about trying to get their attention, but he decides to just start heading towards the apartment, muting his side of the call while he waits them out—they’ll remember him eventually.
In the meantime, Davey sends a quick text:
Tony and Charlie locked themselves out of the house again
He’s not expecting a response, but Jack must be in-between projects because he gets one almost immediately.
jc again?
And you’re going to have to get a new spare made
fuck okay i’ll take care of it. are you heading over?
I’m walking there now
ur the light of my life dave
Davey can’t help but smile at this, a soft feeling fluttering in his chest. Before he can write back, Jack sends another text:
how did ur midterm go?
I feel good about it! Def did better than I thought it would!
duh youve been living in the library all week ofc ur gonna do great. ill swing by the grocery omw home and pick up some ice cream to celebrate. do we need anything else while im there?
Get a bell pepper and some tomato paste, I’m going to make spaghetti for dinner. And we need more laundry detergent.
fuck yes im starving! can we do garlic bread too?
Come home on time and we’ll see.
u drive a hard bargain. kerian owes me a favor so he can stay late tonight lol
“Davey?” The sound of Charlie’s voice, tinny and muffled, prompts Davey to lift his phone back to his ear; it seems like he might’ve been calling Davey’s name for a while. “Are you still there?”
“I’m still here,” Davey confirms.
“So are ya comin’ or what?” Tony cuts in, ever impatient. “I’m roasting out here!”
“Well, I was thinking about leaving you to ruminate on your poor life choices,” Davey responds dryly, “but I guess I can come let you in, since you asked so nicely.”
“Thanks, Davey,” Charlie says.
“I’ll be there soon,” Davey confirms.
“Hurry, will ya? Much longer and I’m gonna get heatstroke and die,” Tony declares.
Davey rolls his eyes. “Goodbye, Tony.”
When he arrives at Jack’s building some twenty minutes later, Davey finds Tony and Charlie right where he expects them: crowded together in the little bit of shade the roof’s overhang offers, wearing identical grumpy expressions that brighten immediately when they spot him approaching.
"Finally!" Tony exclaims, shooting to his feet. "What took you so long?"
“Stop losing your keys and you won’t have to wait for me,” Davey counters, slotting his key into the deadbolt and hefting open the heavy exterior door. He props it open with his hip and lets Tony and Charlie scurry past him into the AC. “You couldn’t get anyone to buzz you in?”
“Old Man Davis hasn’t gotten his hearing aid replaced yet,” Charlie explains as they climb the stairs up to the second floor, “and Mrs. Ikeda isn’t home.”
“She joined a new book club,” Tony adds. “She won’t be back till late.”
“Oh, I’ll have to ask her about it when I see her next,” Davey muses.
He gets the apartment door unlocked and the boys pile inside, tossing their backpacks down with dramatic groans of relief.  Charlie makes a beeline for his bedroom; Davey expects Tony to do the same but he takes a seat at the kitchen table instead, booting up his laptop with a couple of keystrokes.
“I’ve got a paper due in English tomorrow,” Tony explains. “Can you look it over once it’s finished? Maybe later this evening”
“Of course,” Davey replies. “What’s it on?”
“Lord of the Flies.”
Davey’s nose wrinkles up. “Oh, I hated that one. What’s the essay prompt?”
“Identify Golding’s argument about human nature as proposed in Lord of the Flies,” Tony reads off the top of the assignment outline. “Then make an argument agreeing or disagreeing with his assessment, using evidence from the text.”
Davey rolls his eyes. “Good to see that high school literature classes haven’t changed much in the last few years,” he says with a sigh. “How much have you written so far?”
“Oh, I haven’t even started it yet,” Tony casually rebuts.
“Is everything going okay?” Davey asks, frowning slightly. “If things are getting worse we can make an appointment—”
But Tony waives his concerns aside. “Nah, this is regular old procrastination, not ADHD procrastination. Like ya said, Lord of the Flies sucks ass, so I just didn’t want to write it.”
“Well, let one of us know if you start having trouble,” Davey says.
"Okay, mom,” Tony agrees, somewhat distracted. He’s already got a blank document pulled up on his laptop, a battered and thoroughly dog-eared copy of the book laying open beside him.
Davey looks at him for another moment, then he shrugs and continues making his way into the kitchen—he figures there’s no need to worry unless Racer starts actually missing assignments. And he’s right: Lord of the Flies does suck ass.
By the time Jack gets home they’re each fully entrenched in different activities: Davey’s washed a sink full of dishes and is working on drying the last few pieces of silverware, Tony is still posted up at the kitchen table, carefully hammering out a draft of his paper, and there are the familiar sounds of Charlie working through different musical scales on his oboe in the back bedroom.
“Honey, I’m home!” Jack calls jokingly as he enters. There’s a rustle of plastic and soft thunk of the front door closing behind him, then he comes around the corner into the dining room with an armful of groceries.
“Hey, Jack,” Davey greets absently. He starts rifling through the bags almost before Jack can finish putting them down. “Did you get the tomato—?”
“I got the tomato paste,” Jack says, kicking off his shoes and leaving them in the entryway with all the others, “and I picked up some more of that fancy coffee you like from the place around the corner, even though it’s expensive as all hell.”
“Don’t judge me,” Davey replies, gathering up an armful of vegetables and carrying them further into the kitchen. “You spend a semester grading 'Intro to Shakespeare' homework and tell me how much caffeine you consume.”
“I’m just saying, the rest of us schmucks drink regular coffee and do just fine,” Jack continues. “You can feed your crippling caffeine addiction just as well with Folgers and it’ll cut down on the grocery bill.”
“Watch it, Kelly,” Davey says, pointing a finger teasingly in Jack’s direction. “Smartasses don’t get dinner.”
“‘s that so?” Jack asks with a grin. “Then why the hell are we still feeding Tony?”
“I heard that,” Tony grumbles from the kitchen table.
“Yeah, you were supposed to,” Jack says, moving over to Tony and slinging an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a side hug. Tony bats at Jack’s hand but makes no real attempt to get away. Then Jack says, “So, I hear you and your brother lost another set of keys.”
Tony throws Davey a look of the deepest betrayal. “You told Jack?”
“Of course he did,” Jack says. “Someone’s gonna have to get new ones made, and it sure ain’t gonna be either half of the dynamic duo.”
“Charlie lost the spare,” Tony says, mercilessly throwing Charlie under the bus while he’s not in the room to defend himself. “And I didn’t lose my keys, I just left them in my locker.”
“Uh huh, save it for the judge,” Jack responds, ruffling Tony’s hair. “Just know if I end up having to change the deadbolt, it’s coming outta your subway money.”
“Jackie, leave Tony alone,” Davey comments mildly over Tony’s spluttering protests. “He needs to work on that paper and you’re distracting him.”
“Yeah, Jack,” Tony repeats, a little smug. “You’re distracting me.”
Davey turns to look at him, one eyebrow raised. Tony quickly busies himself with his homework.
Davey makes quick work of washing a green pepper and peeling an onion, then starts dicing both into small, neat pieces. He feels more than hears Jack sidle up behind him: the familiar weight of his gaze, the solid presence at his back. He stands there quietly, leaning against the counter-top and just watching Davey cook; unbothered, Davey leaves him be for the moment and moves to the stove, scraping the chopped vegetables off the cutting board and into a pan to start softening.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Davey glances over his shoulder at Jack and says, “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me with this? You know there’s no loitering in my kitchen.”
“Well, I’m nothin’ if not a law abidin’ citizen,” Jack drawls in answer, the corner of his mouth quirking up. He rolls up his shirt sleeves, exposing the long, muscular line of his forearms, and washes his hands in the kitchen sink. “Where do you want me?”
Davey licks his lips. “Think you can handle browning the hamburger?”
“I’m sure I can manage,” Jack responds with a smirk.
Davey steps out of the way, letting Jack take his place in front of the sauce pan while he gets a pot of water set up on a different burner, salting it so it boils faster. They settle into their familiar dinner-routine, moving around and past each other with ease as they work on getting everything ready, chattering idly all the while.
“I’ve gotta head back out this evening,” Jack says at one point, as he sets the tray of garlic bread in the oven to toast. “Johnson’s got me working a night shoot and I have to be downtown by 9.”
“How long is the session?” Davey asks. “Here, will you open this?”
“We’re scheduled for five hours, but we might get to wrap it up early if everything goes well.” Jack’s hand brushes against the small of Davey’s back and they trade places again, Davey stepping back up to the stove-top and Jack rifling around in one of the drawers for a can opener.
“Are ya spendin’ the night or are ya headin’ back to campus?”
“Depends on how much help Tony needs with his paper,” Davey replies, shaking his head. He takes the can when Jack hands it back to him and empties it into the saucepan, then gives the whole thing a good stir. “We might be at it a while.”
Jack huffs out a laugh. “Well, if you do spend the night, go ahead and take the bed. The extra blankets are in the usual place.”
Davey sets down the spoon he’s holding, crossing his arms across his chest. “Jack,” he says warningly.
“Davey,” Jack echoes back in the exact same tone of voice. In the background there’s the faint sound of Tony muttering, “Jesus, not this again.”
“Jack, I’m not gonna kick you out of your bed,” Davey says, rehashing the same old argument for what feels like the millionth time. “I’m perfectly fine taking the couch.”
“Or you could do the smart thing and just take the bed,” Jack counters as he always does. “I’m not even gonna be here to use it.”
“You’ll want an actual mattress when you get home, especially if you’re out late.” Davey argues. “I don’t even have class tomorrow, it’ll be fine.”
“If you don’t take the bed I’ll just carry you in there once I get back,” Jack says, as if that's a perfectly reasonable course of action. “So you might as well save me the trouble.”
Davey sputters. “That’s not— You can’t just— That only happened a couple of times!” he finally gets out.
"Well, actually, it's been more like four or five times," Jack says with a smirk. "But hey, who's counting?"
"That trick won't keep working," Davey grumbles, feeling the back of his neck start to heat up.
“You sleep like a fucking rock, Dave,” Jack says, rolling his eyes. “Why wouldn’t it keep working?”
“No, see, that’s exactly why I should take the couch,” Davey insists. “It’s not like the sound of you coming in will wake me up—”
Jack turns to face him. Davey cuts off, slightly startled—he hadn’t realized they were standing so close to each other.
“Just take the bed, Davey,” Jack all but orders, and those dark eyes with that low voice are a heady combination. “Please?”
Davey bites at his lower lip, suddenly flustered. “Fine,” he reluctantly concedes, hoping Jack will attribute his flushed face to the heat of the kitchen. “Just this once.”
"Thank you," Jack says with a dramatic heave of his chest, looking much too pleased with himself. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"
"You're letting the garlic bread burn," Davey answers tartly.
"Oh shit—!"
Later that evening, after they’ve all finished eating and have cleaned up, Davey, Tony, and Charlie are still gathered around the table, working on various assignments.
Davey is finishing the readings for his Monday lecture in between helping Tony finalize the exact wording of his essay. Charlie sits opposite him, working through his geometry homework and every so often there’s a huff of breath and the rubbery scratch of an eraser—Davey makes a mental note to swipe some more pencils and notebook paper from the grad lounge when he’s there next.
Davey notices the time and frowns. “Jack,” he calls out, “it’s already 7:30. If you don’t leave soon you’re gonna be late for work.”
There’s a clamor of noise from down the hall, then Jack appears, freshly showered and fumbling to put on his socks and button up a clean shirt at the same time.
“Fuck, Johnson is gonna kill me,” Jack grumbles. He pats down his pockets, then groans. “Christ, has anyone seen my—”
“Your wallet and keys are on the counter by the microwave,” Davey says, pointing. “And take a jacket, it’s supposed to rain later.”
“Great, I’m sure the models will love that,” Jack says with a groan. “Hopefully we’ll be able to get through everything without getting rained out.”
He meanders his way over to the table, peering at Charlie’s homework from over his shoulder. “If Tony is still busy and ya get stuck, text me,” Jack tells him. “I probably won't be able to answer right away, but if ya send me a picture of the problem I can probably talk ya through it between shots.”
Charlie hums his acknowledgment, still scribbling furiously. Jack turns to Tony.
“Listen to whatever Davey tells you about your paper,” he advises. “The only reason I got through undergraduate writing was ‘cause Davey proofread all my shit before I turned it in.”
“I thought I was s’pposed to always listen to Davey,” Tony says distractedly, tongue poking out between his teeth as he types.
Jack pauses, considering. “Yeah, just do that.”
“Oh, and Dave cooked, so you shitheads better do the dishes, get me?”
“Jack, you’re gonna be late,” Davey cuts in firmly, holding out Jack’s jacket for him.
“Alright, I’m going,” Jack says, shrugging it on, and he finally starts making moves towards the door.
He gives Charlie one last pat on the shoulder and cuffs Tony lightly across the back of the head in a slightly rougher, but no less affectionate goodbye, which is per usual. Then he turns to Davey, tips his chin up, and kisses him right on the mouth, short and sweet.
“Lock the door behind me and don’t forget to—” Jack stops mid-sentence, then turns bright red.
“Um,” says Charlie.
“Holy shit,” says Tony.
Jack’s mouth opens and closes soundlessly. Finally, he stammers out, “I u-uh— I-I d-didn’t mean—“
Davey doesn’t respond. He couldn’t, even if he wanted to—he’s frozen in place, his mind a sudden wash of static. For a moment, they just stare at each other. Then Jack blurts, “gottagoseeyoulaterbye,” and bolts out the front door.
Davey’s not sure how long he stands there, staring blankly into space, utterly dumbfounded.
“Davey?” Charlie asks hesitantly. “Are you okay?”
There’s a strangled, choking noise. A split second later, Davey realizes it’s coming from him.
"...What just happened?"
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parkjess · 4 years
hi im not sure if u have any rules for requests like what u are not comfortable with writing etc but i was thinking of a fwb imagine with either rocky or bin & then them catching feelings? some angst would be good if u can!!
Hi! Thank you for requesting!🥰
I *do not* write smuts or something of this kind, so I’m not gonna detail any 18+ content.
Word count: 2,253 
Genre: fluff, angst, mentions of ‘last night’.
Saturday morning, you open your eyes due to the sunlight interrupting your dream, making you whine quietly, and turn around in bed. Woah, what the hell!
It was a male figure laying next to you, your body only covered with a thin blanket that doesn’t seem familiar at all, you furrow your brows when you open your eyes wide, slightly confused about why you slept in a foreign bedroom.
Grabbing the phone that fortunately was above your head on the night stand, your hand accidentally touching a clothing piece, it’s your bra. Was I drunk last night? Oh! You remembered all of the sudden when you read the last text messages in your chat with your friend, Minhyuk.
Looking back at the exposed muscular body of the guy who just turned around. Oh my god, it’s really him.
No it can’t be, Moonbin told me that this would happen but I was too naive thinking I won’t fall into Minhyuk’s bed when I’ll be just a bit drunk. It seems like he was drunk too, what if he planned it all? Or worse, what if I agreed?
“Good morning,” His crispy morning voice is stopping you from getting off the bed, you turn your head to him as he stretches his arms to the side, a smirk appears on his bare face. -“Minhyuk... how much did we drink last night?” You ask straight forward, not even replying with a ‘good morning’. “Not much though, wait, you don’t remember?” He asks and pushes himself up with his elbows on each side of his body. -“Were we...?” You tried to make it less awkward, hoping he’d say ‘Don’t worry, nothing happened’ but instead he says, “well yeah, you kinda asked for it.” I did what?!
“Do you want coffee?” He says when he comes back to his bedroom after washing up, peeking from the door as you yell at him since you just got up from bed, putting on your white t-shirt that was laying on the floor the whole night. -“Park Minhyuk!” He immediately covered his eyes with his hand, sighing. “You scared me! ya~ it’s nothing that I haven’t seen already...” you could hear his smile while he spoke. The fact that you’re sleeping with your best friend kinda bothers you now, and you can’t realize why you agreed to do it in the first place.
-“Yeah, I would like to have some coffee, thanks...” you say after shutting the closet door, touching your forehead to check the temperature of your body. “Are you feeling well?” He comes up to you, does the same to your forehead. Well he can be a softie too when he wants.
His eyes shine once he places his hand on your head, glancing at your face for a moment but quickly looks away. “I think you’re okay. Let’s eat something.” He finally says and you head to wash up first.
-“Minhyuk?” You call him from inside the bathroom when you get out of the shower. Flashbacks of the last time you called his name like that was last night, when he hovered you with his body. -“Hehe, I- have no clothes, can you borrow me a shirt of yours?” An awkward giggle left your lips, not used to this feeling with him.
Minhyuk came back to you with a pair of his boxers and a large shirt that will probably cover your thighs enough, handing them to you. “Don’t be embarrassed, you did worse things last night.” Leaving a laugh at the end so you’ll understand he was sarcastic. He does that again, reminding me last night, when all I can remember is his kisses, gosh it was heavenly.
Whatever, you thought as you put on the clothes he gave you, heading to the kitchen right after. Minhyuk’s eyes landed on you wearing his shirt as a mini dress, scanning your body with shiny eyes and a little smile plastered on his face, his hand holding a cup of coffee he doesn’t even like but needs, other arm holding him up the counter as he takes a sip.
You open the fridge after ignoring the staring contest he made with your body, looking for something to eat. -“Eggs?” You grab the egg carton and turn to ask your friend. “Yep.” He answers shortly.
Though it was his place, he didn’t even asked if you need help, just sat on the high bar chair, enjoying the cold drink and the view of you cooking. Meanwhile you only hoped he won’t say anything more about what happened last night, since it was too quiet.
“You’re really good at this.” He speaks up while your back is facing him, pouring the eggs into a pan. That sounds familiar to you. He said the same thing last night, Holy Cr-
“Cooking, I mean.” Minhyuk fixes before you even say anything, it’s like he heard your mind. -“Min, you really call THIS cooking?” You reply, his face lightened up the moment you called him by a short nickname, something you never did, but it came out natural for you, unlike for him, it made his heart twitch a bit.
Breakfast is ready so you grabbed a tray and put everything on it to make it easier to carry it over to the table, when you put it down, you were just about to turn around but MInhyuk’s taller figure blocked your way. -“What the hell Minhyuk?” You yell as you jumped slightly, slowly walking backwards as he leads you to do so. Gosh that face, no wonder I wanted him- No No No what am I thinking? You shook your head at your thoughts.
-“The food is going to cool down.” You managed to say though the body that locked you on a wall behind couldn’t make you say a lot, trying to look away from him, which was a fail or change a topic and not fall into his charm again.
-“Minhyuk, the food.” You stopped him by placing your hand on his chest, another flashback to last night hits you. “Please... you had something in your eye.” He says and opens your eye with his fingers gently, -“Did you have to do it so dramatically?” You say and push him away to the side, gently.
-“Since when are we like this?” You ask, taking a bite from a piece of bread. “Like this, how?” He asks naively. You sigh while rolling your eyes, which made him giggle and almost choke on his coffee. -“You know how, that ‘friends with benefits’ thing...” “it seems like you don’t enjoy this title.” -“I don’t- I mean, I like being your friend, but not any more than that. Ugh, why does it have to sound so wrong!” You could notice his smile disappearing within’ seconds when you had those words said out loud, especially when you were the one who brought that idea in the first place.
“It’s okay, I get it.” He says and takes a bite from the omelette you made, and since then, there wasn’t a word spoken until you both finished eating.
His feelings hurt, because of you. Because you didn’t want him more than a friend.
After a couple of hours, you sat on the floor, still in his apartment, watching a k-drama you just started. It’s been a while of silence today, not much speaking, not much eye contact between the two of you. Yet, you assumed he was just busy and not with the broken heart he had.
Suddenly, a bag landed on the table in front of you, lifting your head, seeing his furrowed brows, he looks pissed, not even smiling when he looks at you.
“Please leave.” He finally says, is that a command? -“Minhyuk... wha-“ you place a hand on the table to support yourself as you stand up. You take another look at the bag, realizing he was busy doing laundry to the clothes you wore yesterday, and now he’s handing them back to you. His glance is locked with yours, staring into your soul through the eyes.
“Just go.” He says coldly, yet his eyes stare at you like he wants to kiss you and keep you close. You say nothing but take the bag and walk towards the door, something stops you. -“Seriously Minhyuk?” His name, you love saying it out loud. He just turns around and says nothing, hands in his pockets, standing still. -“Can I at least change?” You point at the bag, still wearing his clothes. “You can keep it.” He only replies, waiting for you to leave.
The door was shut close behind you, not even looking back. You couldn’t see him but all he did once you left his apartment was throwing himself on the bed you two shared last night, staring at the ceiling, sighing heavily as memories ran in his mind. He loves you. Only realizing it this morning, not something specific but all of you that made his heart flutter for the first time, something he never felt with you.
His heart was beating faster every time your figure appeared in his thoughts, his fingers playing with the necklace you gave him. His lungs wanting to scream for you to come back, but he stays still in his bed.
After a while of thinking about you, of where you are at the moment, wondering what you’re doing and with who, he grabbed his phone, sitting straight, entering the message box, hoping you had texted him. But you didn’t have a reason to do so, he’s the one who asked you to leave.
Gosh! Y/n...
He started typing.
Come back.
But immediately deleted it, letter by letter.
He hoped his thumb will slip “accidentally” on the send button, but it didn’t happen.
‘I see you’re typing, idiot.”
Suddenly, your message popped, making his heart race fast again.
Idiot? He thought to himself... aish, this girl allows herself to be that rude. He’s not sure what he should to write back.
Come back.
You forgot your belt here.
What the heck, you thought.
‘I’m on my way home, I’ll take it tomorrow.’ You replied, although you can’t hear text messages, but this conversation sounds cold, unlike your other conversations.
Once you sent this message, he logged out and you noticed the bus you were taking home, didn’t move for a while now. You stood up to see what’s going on, seeing the traffic caused by a car accident like 1000 miles away, and it’s getting dark already.
‘You know what? Maybe I will come take it now.’ You asked the bus driver to open the bus doors for you and got out, walking back to Minhyuk’s place since you weren’t that far from there.
Message unread.
Still unread.
He was taking a shower to relax, you are now by his house, and it’s already dark, only little shades of light remaining.
Grabbing some clothes to put on, and a towel on his shoulder, hair wet, leaving a trail of water drops wherever he walks to.
A knock on the door, you’re here.
“Minhyu-“ he opens the door as you call out his name, his breathing became short as soon as his eyes met yours, the hand that was rubbing the towel against his hair stopped its movements. He says nothing but looks at you with eyes widen and little starts in it.
Without you being able to completely say his name, your neck is pulled slightly by his two hands cupping your face, doing a step closer to you as he tilts his head to kiss your lips, oh so slowly, so gently. The whole scene seemed to you like a movie scene, especially when you felt everything moving so slow, your thoughts, his moves, except for one thing; his heartbeat that could be heard from miles away.
This taste reminds you of last night, yet much sweeter. It was chaste, pure, such as his heart. Which was still broken but with every second your lips are connected, it was healing slowly, as if you were picking up the pieces of it.
It was different from everything you had until now, yesterday he didn’t stop smiling while kissing you. at the moment, Minhyuk is focused on telling you how he feels by this infinite kiss. And then he pulls away.
Both of you open your eyes, his hands move from your neck to your hands, holding them tightly while staring into your eyes. You can still feel the taste of his lips on yours, the sweetest.
“You came back.”
-“I did because of the bel-“
“Don’t you dare to say anything about the belt.” He knew you too well, and the fact that when you’re embarrassed you try to talk about something else. -“Actually I have nothing to say.” You say, intertwining your fingers together.
“I do,” he whispers, closing the door that was open all this time.
-“Do this again.” You ask, almost begging.
“I- what?” He stops when you ask him to kiss you again.
You sigh and pull him closer, locking your lips together for another chaste kiss, shorter this time.
“You know there is no belt right? You wore a skirt yesterday.” He giggles after pulling away, forehead touching yours.
-“Really? Well... at least I didn’t come back for nothing.” Both of you chuckle, can’t wait to feel his lips again, so he doesn’t let you wait any longer.
“I love you.” He says after pulling away for the last time.
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onepdumpsterfire · 4 years
#1 in the modern living series 
(Man is writing in third person hard for me. haha i might just change to first person for the rest of the series.)
Summary: Ace just wants the moving to stop, Sabo is the most responsible of the three and Luffy thinks m&m dominoes is bullshit.
Word Count: 1798
Ace . Sabo . Luffy . Sanji . Nami
Out in the countryside, where neighbors were half a mile away from each other, stood a house filled with memories long passed. Boxes littered its hallways as its normally rambunctious inhabitants sullenly grumbled their way through their belongings.
“This is stupid!” Luffy yelled while throwing down the blanket he was folding. “Gramps owns this place, they can’t just kick us out!”
“We’ve been through this, Luff,” Sabo said while gesturing at Ace to keep putting away clothes. “The city sent Garp invoices about the property, and since he’s never here the city just decided to go through with demolishing this place and build the extension of the highway here anyway.”
“But still! They can’t just kick us out!”
“Yeah. They can,” Ace retorted, once again giving up on folding. “It’s called ‘Eminent Domain’. They can take it if it’s for public use, and since we aren’t on the lease for the house we gotta wait till gramps gets back to get the money the city’s paying for the property.”
“... so we sold our house?”
“No, they’re taking it; but legally they can’t without giving us compensation for it.”
Pouting, Luffy huffed about how he didn’t see what m&m dominoes had to do with a highway being built on their home. “Don’t worry about it too much, Luff.” Sabo interrupted his disgruntled brother, “one way or another, construction already started. It’s too late to change anything.”
“Which brings me to my next point,” the blond turns to Ace, who averts his gaze to a far off corner in an attempt to try and remove himself from the situation. “They gave us until the end of the month and we’re already two weeks away! Have you even packed your room?” The question was more rhetorical than anything. Sabo already knew the answer, but if he didn’t antagonize his brother now he’d never get it done.
“Why does your answer sound like a question? Y’know putting your clothes in the laundry basket doesn’t count as packing.”
“But they are put away,” Ace looked back at Sabo with a shit-eating smile and a pointed finger that dared the other to question him again.
“Have you taken down your posters? Or put away your covers and comics?”
Though, Ace should have thought better than to start a battle with someone who had an arsenal compared to his one bullet. “Were you just planning on moving without them?” Slowly, Ace’s finger deflated and cold sweat appeared on his brow.
The two had the same fight every time they had to move. 
Ace hated moving, but in a military family, all they did was move.
It happened every few months and yet he could never be bothered to do it until the very last second, when everyone else already had taken all their stuff.
Garp thought that this might have been his way of rebelling against it, but one thing Ace hated more was being left behind; so he’d wait until his anxiety got too much and then pack in a panic.
Eventually, though, Ace started to plan to move out on his own. That’s when Garp, begrudgingly, told them they could move to a house he owned. To where Luffy grew up before Dragon (Luffy’s father and Garp’s son) left for the military to follow in Garp’s footsteps. Before all the moving started. Before Ace and Sabo were adopted by him.
It may have been a more rural area than the apartments they usually lived in but that meant there was more space for ‘outdoor adventures’ as Luffy put it. (Not to mention he really wanted to introduce them to the two neighbor kids he’d made friends with and still kept in touch with from when he was little). Nonetheless, the other two just liked finally having a permanent place to call home.
However, until after they moved did they realize that it meant they would get to see Garp less. Garp used to show up about every two weeks then every few months was moved to a new station, but now they’ll only get to see him whenever he had enough time to fly all the way to visit them. 
As cold as it may sounds, they soon decided that they’d have to get used to it eventually and moved on pretty quickly. They were about to start their twenties, eventually, they were going to have to. (It wasn’t like he was around that often, to begin with anyway.) And with that, they moved to the countryside, though they would have never guessed that almost half a year later they were going to get an eviction notice.
The city thought there was no one living there, Garp having never answered the invoices or being there when they visited, so they moved on with expanding the city. But after the three showed up it had to be delayed. The city sent another notice that the three had to send to Garp, but this time it was telling them they needed to move out by the end of the month. At first, Garp told them not to worry about it, that he’d solve it. Though, one week later it became apparent that there was no way of changing the city's mind. 
The three boys decided that they’d move into an affordable two-bedroom apartment that Garp helped them get. Though, after the initial month, they’d have to find a way to start paying bills and such on their own. 
Sabo wanted to move out as soon as possible but if Ace kept up his usual antics, moving would have to go on hold until he could persuade the man-child to get a move on.
“Can you take this a bit more seriously?” Sabo wanted to continue to pester Ace until he did as told, but a sudden knock at the door stopped their bickering. “Just go pack your room.” 
“Saved by the bell,” Reclining back on his seat, Ace ignored him once again, “We have like two days left, man. It won’t take long to pack, so I can just do it later.” 
“I’m serious, Ace!” Sabo shouted from the front door before opening it up to see their red-headed neighbor. 
“Hey Nami, they’re in the hall clearing out a closet.”
“Okay, I got some boxes in my truck,” she pointed behind herself.
“I got them, you guys start eating without me.” Sabo moved aside so she could come inside before exiting himself to get the boxes.
“I’m back!” Nami set the pizza boxes down on the kitchen counter, “and I brought food!”
“Food!” Luffy dropped what he was doing and ran to her side. ”Thanks, Nami!”
“Sweet,” jumping up, Ace walked straight to the fridge “I’ll get us some drinks.”
“Your brother is getting some boxes from my car, by the way,” Nami said loudly, in the off chance either of them cared at the moment. “Greeeaaat. More boxes, just what we needed.” Ace commented sarcastically while handing out some sodas. 
“Don’t be an ass,” Sabo came in holding three boxes stacked on top of each other, “I’ll put these in your room for when you start packing.”
“Do as you please your royal highness.” Ace jeered, “just so you know, if you come back and there’s no pizza, it’s your fault.” 
“It’s right down the hall, I’m not gonna take long.”
“Yeah, but Luffy just tried to put three slices in his mouth.”
“Mook! Ah c-ah-n mut soar shlifesh im my mouf!” (translation: look! I can put four slices in my mouth!)  That was Luffy gargling over a mouth full of pizza. “obbb!” (translation: oww!) And that was Nami hitting him on the head for talking with his mouth full
“Stop stuffing your face, and eat normally!” 
“...Make that four...”
After their lunch, they all started packing everything into the U-haul moving truck they’d rented earlier that day, and finally, they called up Sanji to tell him they were on their way.
Sanji is someone Luffy met a couple of days after they’d moved into town, and pestered into coming over to hang out with him and his brothers. They’d all hit it off pretty fast after that, so much so that when their home was set to be demolished Sanji was the one who suggested they move into the same apartments as him and even helped them checklist everything they needed for first-time renters then offered to help them move in.
One long trip and much lifting later, everything they needed from the house was moved into the apartment and the rest of the stuff was either thrown away or kept in Nami’s shed until they could sell it in the flea market or a thrift store (this includes any of Garp’s belongings that weren’t sent to him.)
With exhaustion pulling down on her and an awaiting hour drive back to her home, Nami left the boys to finish the rest by themselves. “Alright, it’s getting pretty late so I’m gonna head out.” a chorus of tired goodbyes followed her to the door, “call me if you guys need anything.”
Getting up from his position on the couch they’d just dragged in, Sabo walked her to the door. “Yeah. Thanks, again, for helping out today.” 
“Don’t worry about,” Nami playfully pushed at his shoulder, “but if you wanna repay me then how about helping me out in next year’s summer market?” Chuckling, Sabo agreed to her request.
“Hey! Wait up, I’ll walk you to your car.” Sanji went to stand next to Sabo, “I have class early in the morning and should get some rest.”
Repeating their goodbyes one final time, the two left the boys to their first night at their new home.
Immediately after they both left Ace fell asleep on the couch, already knowing what Sabo wanted them to do next.
“Oi, wake up!” Sabo shook him by the shoulders, “we still gotta put the bed frames back together!” though to no surprise he didn’t budge.
Giving a sigh of surrender, he turned to Luffy, “guess we’re gonna ha- oohoho both of you are pieces of shit.”
While Sabo was busy trying to wake Ace up, Luffy made himself comfortable on the floor next to Ace and fell asleep.
“Fine! Fine, I’ll do it myself.” The blond threw his hands in the air while walking away to a bedroom to re-build the bed frames. “I hope both of you get a crick in your neck.”
Ace and Luffy opened an eye to sneakily check if the coast was clear before high-fiving each other and actually falling asleep.
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Chapter 1: Afternoon Shadows
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The car rolled up the crunchy gravel driveway and came to a slow stop in front of the house. Dean took the keys out of the ignition and turned off the radio before getting out of the car and grabbing his bags from the trunk.
The house was old and relatively large with 4 bedrooms, each with its own full bathroom. Large stone steps led up to a set polished dark oak doors, set with intricate stained glass windows. On either side of the door stretched a porch with an overhang held up by thick, sandstone composite pillars.
The wood of the porch creaked as Dean walked across it. The key easily slid into and turned the lock in the handleset knob. The door gracefully swung open to reveal a large open atrium with a library off to the left through a set of glass paned french doors and a living room to the right through a large arch.
Stairs were set in the center back of the atrium that rose to a landing before splitting in separate directions. A large crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling, lighting both the entryway and hall balconies above.
Two doors were on either side of the stairs. One led down a hallway with 3 rooms--a half bath, laundry and mudroom that had a door to the back yard, and the door to the cellar. The other door led into the kitchen. The kitchen had yet another door that led into a bright sunroom with skylights and shelves set into the walls.
None of the lights in the house were on but it was beautifully lit by the natural light seeping through the windows.
Dean picked up his duffles from where he set them on the porch while unlocking the door and carried them up the stairs. He went up the right staircase and chose the room at the end of the hall.
There was already a bed in the room but other than kitchen appliances, beds, and laundry machines, the house was unfurnished. The moving truck was on its way with the rest of the furniture Dean bought for the house when he first visited it.
A rumble and crunch of gravel alerted Dean that the moving truck(speak of the devil) was here. A few young men hopped out of the truck and began pulling out the furniture. After about 20 minutes, everything had been moved into the house and placed where Dean had directed.
Boxes were stacked up in messy towers in most rooms. Dean walked into the library and opened one of the larger boxes. It was filled with books given to him throughout the years by friends and family but mostly Sam.
Dean would never admit to it, but he enjoyed a good book. Sam saw right through his lies and brought him all sorts of books.
Dean left the box open and walked over to the walnut book shelves set into the walls. He ran his fingers over the polished wood, leaving trails in the dust that had accumulated on the shelves in the absence of books.
He wiped his hand on his jeans and walked to the kitchen. Smaller brown boxes were scattered around the room on the counters and floor. He grabbed the one labeled ‘fridge’ and pulled off the tape holding it shut.
Inside the box were some magnets and a few pictures. He pulled them out one at a time. First a picture of his brother, Sammy, and his wife, Jess, sitting in the yard with their dog, Bones. A picture of Mary smiling in the afternoon sun. Pictures of His father, Bobby, Sammy, and Dean himself laughing together or fishing or fixing up a car.
After pinning all the pictures to the fridge with some magnets, he reached what he was looking for. He pulled out the pad of sticky notes and a pen-- both had magnets attached to them so they would hang on the refrigerator-- and started his To-Do list.
Unpack boxes
Call Bobby
Dean fished his phone out of his pocket and found Bobby in his contacts, pressing the call button.
After Dean's mother died, John drowned his sorrows in alcohol. He would release Hell’s fury on Dean and Dean took it to keep Sammy safe. When Bobby found out he became his and Sam's father figure, having them move into his house and help with the cars in his shop.
Bobby picked up after 3 rings
“Hey Bobby. I'm at the house, gonna start unpacking tomorrow.”
“Is everything fine down there?”
“Yup. Tell Ellen thanks for me will ya? She’s too good to me.”
“Of course and we will do anything for ya idjits.”
“You said she got this house from a relative in their will right?”
“Sure did. Her great aunt left a little somethin’ to all her great nieces and nephews. She really loved Ellen so she gave her the house but only bits of her money to the rest.”
“Well it's damn lucky she has such a good family and that you and her got each other. I've gotta head out and get some food before I starve to death in this place. Thanks again, Bobby.”
“No problem, and Dean, take care of yourself.”
Dean ended the call, placing his phone on the counter with a sigh. As soon as he moved to go get his keys, his phone began to ring again. He looked at the screen name and answered.
“Hiya Sammy. Calling to check up on me?”
“Yes and No. I actually have a… favor to ask.”
Dean paused for a moment, wondering what kind of favor was making his brother so nervous to ask him about before replying. “Whatcha need?”
“I have a friend who just finished college and is out of a house. He is near your area and that house is big enough to fit the both of you so would it be ok if he stayed there till he finds a decent apartment?”
Dean never keeps people close in fear of becoming too attached and losing them or being hurt by them. He has such a burden -- courtesy of his father --  that people who become too close to him have to help bear. But it's not like this friend of Sams is going to be staying that long and Sams right, the house is big. If Deans being honest, the house was a bit lonely and it would be nice to not be alone. Maybe it won't be so bad to have another warm body in the house.
“Sure thing, Sammy. Can you, uh, tell me who he is and when he’s coming?”
“That's great! His name is Castiel Novak and he will be coming in about three days. He’s nice and quiet and won’t bother you much. You need some more people in that big house anyway you will get lonely and depre-”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever, don’t make me take back my choice.” Dean grumbled.
“Ok, I'll tell him. Make sure you clean up a bit before he gets there.”
“Don't worry mom, I can take care of myself.”
Dean hung up the phone for a second time and decided to put it in his pocket in case anyone else wants to bother him on his grocery run. He should get extra food for this Castiel guy. Odd name, huh?
He grabs the keys of a box sitting in the entryway and locks the large doors behind him before almost bouncing down the steps to his car.
Deans Black 1967 Chevy Impala had been left with Bobby at his shop while Dean moved. Baby is Dean's pride and joy. They way her engine purrs when he rides down the street and Led Zeppelin blasting through her speakers filled him with joy.
The ride to the store was short and there weren't any people in the small building other than himself and a rather bored looking cashier. He grabbed all of the food he needed for the next few days and a six-pack of beer and put them in his cart.
The cashier began to scan his items, glancing up at his face a few times before asking, “I've never seen you around before, are you moving into the old Fletcher house?”
“Uh, yeah. I am.”
The kashier -- kevin according to his nametag -- nodded as he finished scanning the items.
“Im Kevin, by the way,” The cashier looked back up at Dean and held out his hand.
“Dean,” He said before shaking his hand, “You look a bit young to be a year round employee, are you in school?”
“I'm in advanced placement at the college a few towns over.”
“Well nice to meetcha Kevin.”
“Uh huh, yup. Have a nice night, here’s your card.” He handed back Dean’s card before going back to looking extremely bored.
Dean loaded the groceries in the trunk and drove back to the Fletcher House, as Kevin had called it, the gravel crackling under Baby’s tires.
By the time Dean finished unloading the groceries and eating his extravagant dinner consisting of cereal and some beer when he was done, it was already 9:30. He sighed and went upstairs to his room to get ready for bed.
He changed his shirt and boxers for a clean pair and threw his dirty clothes over in the corner by a dresser Sam got him when he decided to get his own house. He had been living with Sam and his girlfriend Jess ever since he got his knee shot and was deemed “unfit for duty”.
Dean was in the military for 5 years as a Marine, just like his father, until he got hit with a bullet right in his knee while deployed. It never healed properly causing him to have a weak knee and enough reason to be sent home.
The bathroom was large with a white tiled floor and shower. The sink was set in the center of the granite counter top in front of a large, frameless, mirror.
Dean turned the water on and wetted his toothbrush before putting a decent sized glob of toothpaste on it. He brushed his teeth and spit out the minty foam. He turned the water back on and watched as the water washed the used toothpaste down the drain.
He looked up at the mirror, still bent over the sink. Standing in the doorway was a dark, shadowy figure. Dean whipped around to face the shadow but the door was empty. He turned back to the mirror, the doorway still empty, and rinsed of his toothbrush and set it on the counter.
Dean walked over to his bed and curled up under the duvet. He really needs to sleep more, he needs to get himself together before his housemate gets here. Castiel . This guy sounds like he’s going to be a little stuck up but it’s only temporary and even bad company is better than none.
He fell asleep. Unaware of the shadow watching him from the corner of the room.
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taexual · 5 years
HOLIC - 26 | jb x reader
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pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
genre: enemies to lovers au | roommate au
warnings: fluff (i mean it, you’ve been waiting for this for too long)
words: 5.7k
disclaimer: i do not own the gif, please let me know if it belongs to you, so i can give proper credit
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You woke up in your own bed the next morning, your room freezing even though all the windows were closed. And yet, even despite sleeping all by yourself and having to get out of bed and walk across the room to locate your phone, you still couldn’t help the smile on your face. It was two mornings in a row now that you’d woken up feeling almost elated even though it was barely six—
Except it wasn’t.
The phone, once you finally located it, had betrayed you by showing six-fifty instead of six sharp. The alarm hadn’t gone off. Probably because you couldn’t remember setting it last night after you stumbled into your bedroom, hazy and almost intoxicated from your evening of doing laundry with Jaebum.
Waking up with a good mood was fun but you’d lose all chances of still smiling today if you were going to be late to work – which was more than just likely considering the fact that you had to be at the gallery in forty minutes and you were still standing in the middle of your room in pajamas, not having showered or eaten yet.
Naturally, you spent the next half an hour running. You were in the shower before you even finished brushing your teeth, and you were grabbing your wrinkled hoodie from the dryer and pulling it on before you even had enough time to properly dry your hair. You knew you’d get a lecture for not following the dress code – the hoodie could hardly pass off as ‘casual chic’ – but you had no time to waste looking for clean clothes that would be more appropriate. You ate breakfast by the mirror as you applied your make-up and ended up having to pack your handbag while you were unlocking the door of the apartment, desperate not to be late.
Obviously, despite your attempts, you still did not get there on time and Eva – who was friendly with you as long as you did your job right – was forced to take on the role of a strict supervisor. Immediately after she saw you arrive late and disheveled, she gave you a five-minute speech about how unprofessional this was – even though the gallery was empty and you wouldn’t have had much work to do anyway – and then, little to your surprise, she took a moment to point out that your attire was not exactly fit for someone who worked with expensive artwork.
“I’m sorry,” you said hopelessly. “I didn’t have time to look for anything else to wear, I just grabbed the first thing I found in the dryer. I promise I won’t show up here wearing hoodies again, I—”
“No, I hope you won’t,” Eva said. “It’s one thing to show up to the gallery in a hoodie – you know those sexist assholes from above expect all girls to wear skirts here – but it makes it worse if it’s obviously… uh, menswear.”
“It’s not—”
You stopped, looking down at the clothes you were wearing. The long sleeves that you kept accidentally getting wet as you tried to wash the dishes this morning should have indicated that something was wrong and yet you didn’t have a free minute to look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you were not wearing your hoodie. You were wearing your roommate’s hoodie. It was black, too, and the material had felt just like yours – no wonder you mixed them up.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you tried again but Eva just rolled her eyes. “We were doing laundry last night and I just—”
“Save it,” she said. “You’ll work somewhere away from the clients, yeah? Try to check if the IT team needs any help, they’ve been working on the projectors on the second floor before the exhibition. And make sure this is the last time you show up to work in someone else’s clothes. You’re the only bearable person around here, it’d suck for me if they fired you because of something as trivial as not following the dress code.”
Eva’s words always made it difficult for you to understand if she was actually complimenting you but you nodded and hurried up the stairs to find the IT team she’d mentioned. It was only when you noticed the name on the entrance board of the Photography floor of the gallery that you realized that they were preparing for Jiho’s exhibition that was to take place tomorrow night.
This day had already gone wrong far more times than you thought you could handle and the relief you felt when you took a deep breath and walked down the hall towards the exhibition room only to realize that Jiho actually wasn’t here today was indescribable. Perhaps you’d get through today okay after all. You still had the memories of last night to keep you sane – or to drive you insane, depending on which memories you chose to focus on – and, furthermore, you had Jaebum’s hoodie to remind you whom you’d be coming home to later tonight.
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Jaebum started to smirk almost as soon as you unlocked the door of the apartment after you got home from work. It wasn’t cold enough outside for you to wear a coat yet, so he could see his hoodie on you even in the dim lighting of the hallway. You, on the other hand, had no idea he was standing in the kitchen, his eyes following you as you entered the apartment and locked the door behind you so, naturally, once you turned around and caught his look, you flinched, nearly dropping your keys.
“Jesus,” you mumbled, watching his smirk turn into a full-on grin. “Say something, would you? I thought I was alone here.”
“No, you never are,” Jaebum replied, his voice full of teasing and nothing else. “You always, uh, carry a piece of me with you, apparently.”
He was right – he just didn’t really realize it.
“You mean the hoodie?” you asked, your face void of any expression. “I was in a hurry this morning. Forgot to set my alarm last night. I grabbed the first thing I found and because you were smart enough to suggest leaving our clothes in the dryer overnight, I ended up—”
“Hey, I was just trying to make sure you got enough sleep,” he cut you off, the same smile on his face letting you know that despite defending himself, he wasn’t actually mad at you – but you could have guessed that from the way his eyes kept wandering to his piece of clothing on your body. Anger was the last thing he was feeling.
“Oh, I did,” you sighed. “Clearly.”
“Did this get you into trouble?”
“Kind of,” you revealed. “But it’s not your fault. I thought I could sneak around with a hoodie because wearing an actual, presentable shirt meant ironing it first and I had no time for that. Eva did not seem to think so—she’s my—”
“Supervisor,” he finished for you. “I remember.”
“Right. Well, she would have rather seen me show up an hour late than show up in something that violated the dress code,” you explained. “So, don’t worry, you won’t see me accidentally wear your clothes again.”
Jaebum sighed – the same smile still on his face – and walked around the kitchen island, heading towards his room but stopping on the way.
“It’s a shame,” he said, not turning around to face you. “I think my hoodie looks really nice on you.”
You thought it was impossible to feel both extremely hot and extremely cold at the same time and yet there you were, in the middle of a very contradictory whirlpool of emotions that Jaebum didn’t notice because he entered his bedroom without waiting for your response – which was good because the only response he would have gotten from you was your shocked, open-mouthed expression.
You may have been thinking about changing into something that was actually yours as soon as you got home but as you looked down – the material of Jaebum’s baggy hoodie falling around your frame – you figured you weren’t in that big of a rush to change. Even if you couldn’t smell his cologne on the clothes after having washed them last night, you could still feel him, and aside from that being comforting, it was also invigorating in a way. For Jaebum too, apparently – it had somehow cleared his mind and sped up the beating of his heart to know that you’ve been outside, around other people, in clothes that were his, and others have noticed.
You couldn’t really get a chance to have another exchange with Jaebum, however, because shortly after stepping out of his bedroom again, he gave you a quick wave – and, of course, a smirk – and then headed out to see Jackson at his studio, leaving you alone, preparing dinner for yourself in his hoodie, feeling as though this was exactly the kind of domestic life you’ve never even dared to dream of.
Living with Jaebum had proved to be much different from what you’d expected, but, then again, that shouldn’t have surprised you much because you’ve never lived with anyone who wasn’t a member of your family before, so you didn’t really know what to expect in the first place. And yet, obviously, the first few weeks here weren’t ideal – actually, no, they were awful. How you were still living in this apartment with Jaebum after all that had happened was beyond you. Lots of people would have moved out after the very first argument – which, in your case, happened immediately after you saw each other face-to-face for the first time – but you and him just kept going.
At first, you might have wanted to prove a point: you could keep the silent, petty fight with him going for as long as he wanted to. He broke your bed? That’s fine, you’d take his bed instead. He turned the hot water off? That’s fine, too. You’d leave his water bottles out in the sun after he got back from his jog to get back at him in the pettiest way possible.
But then Suji materialized. Or was it Jiho who made her return since Jaebum had said he wouldn’t have texted her if it weren’t for him? Either way, all of a sudden, this fighting no longer involved just you and him, and the battlefield no longer consisted of just your apartment. Now, your life got entangled with Jaebum’s life and no matter how sharp the sword was – or how out-of-line your last conversation with Suji was, or even how heartbreaking Jaebum’s comments about getting his heart ripped out of his chest were – you could not seem to get this knot that tied your lives together to break.
Somewhere along the way, you’d started to fall in love with him and ever since your last fight, you’d been anticipating every moment you’d spend with him because you never knew when you could lose him. You never knew when there’d come a sharper blade – a bigger challenge – that would pose a much more serious threat, and your intertwined lives would slowly start to unravel. It hadn’t happened yet and the chances of it happening now that you were slowly working on your friendship were even slimmer, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t possible.
You and him have both gone through a lot – both, together and separately – and both of you were programmed to be paranoid about something, but, when you were together, it seemed worth it. All of the hours you’d spent drowning in desperation to figure him out seemed to mean nothing now that you’d finally gotten some answers to your questions. All of the nights you’d spent staying awake, dreading the next morning because you never knew what to do or say to your roommate, completely disappeared from your memory when you found yourself waking up in his bed again.  
You liked the idyllic peacefulness of your apartment when both of you were in the kitchen, eating opposite of each other, not saying a word, the silence around you comfortable instead of awkward. You liked the conversations you’ve had even if you ended up yelling at each other later because, at least, you were talking. You liked to catch the sight of his sleeping features when you headed for work in the morning. You liked the smile on his face and the glitter in his eyes when he saw you come home afterwards.
You liked it all. You liked him.
And, all of a sudden, waiting to see Jaebum again – waiting to talk to him again – was like waiting for the sun to rise in the morning. Like waiting for your heart to beat again.
It was inevitable just like it was crucial. You knew it’d happen and you knew you couldn’t live without it if it didn’t.
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Unable to resist smiling every time you remembered what Jaebum had said before leaving – “I think my hoodie looks really nice on you” – you were forced to put your headphones on when you sat down in your bedroom to finish editing – or staring at – the pictures you’ve taken in Jackson’s studio. If all you could do was just smile and shake your head each time you thought of him, you’d never finish making up your mind if the pictures really didn’t need altering or if you were so far lost in your feelings that anything that involved Jaebum just seemed perfect to you.
Music did seem to help you feel more objective. You realized that some pictures needed a little more sharpening – just to accentuate the features of the person in them – and others needed the lighting and the saturation reduced – to fully confirm that the theme of the improvised photoshoot was romantic in an overwhelmingly mysterious way; kind of like Jaebum himself.
However, after finishing editing half of the pictures you’d taken – you refused to delete any of them, even if you ended up finding more than a few completely identical ones – you were starting to lose yourself in your emotions again, and not even the music could help you stay focused this time. Suddenly, every song that started to play was a love song. Every line that the singers sang – or whispered – into your ear, reminded you of Jaebum, and while you didn’t mind thinking of him, you did want to keep your sanity for a little while longer.
You moved out of your bed and onto the floor of your room, hoping that this small change of surroundings would help. You changed the music into something that wasn’t as obvious – Jaebum would hate the abstracticism in these lyrics – and carried on with your work.
And then, an hour later, for—probably—the twentieth time since you moved in, you found yourself jumping up in terror when you heard someone clear their throat in your room. Honestly, for someone who constantly had Jaebum on their mind, you truly were never aware of his presence even though you knew very well that he was not the biggest fan of knocking.
Taking your headphones off, you exhaled deeply – not even scolding him for scaring you again, he seemed to know that already based on the way he was grinning – and fixed your hair.
“Home already?” you asked, meaning to find out if coming home was just one stop before he headed out someplace else tonight, or if he was truly home.
“Yeah,” Jaebum replied. “Sorry I burst in here, I just didn’t find you in the kitchen when I returned and I thought you’d left.”
“Ah, yes, because the kitchen is where you’ll always find me,” you replied.
“I mean, usually, that’s where we hang out.”
“It’s not hanging out if it’s just me.”
“Alright, fair enough,” he sat down on the floor next to you, “that completely ruined my excuse for coming into your room.”
Turning away from him when he lowered himself against the wall until he was sitting right next to you, you clicked a few buttons on your laptop, turning Photoshop off.
“There doesn’t, um—you don’t need a reason to enter my room,” you said slowly, your eyes lingering on your desktop wallpaper.
“Yeah?” he asked you, undoubtedly pleased to hear you say that. “So, I’m always welcome here?”
You gave him a look – mustering as much fake-annoyance as you could. “Not with that attitude you’re not.”
He chuckled and, after a moment of silence, lowered his gaze to your neck and shoulders. He didn’t say anything but the sight of you still wearing his hoodie even though, at this point, you were home long enough to change into something that was yours, actually made him excited. Happy, even. It was a weird thing – you haven’t even done anything, let alone attempted to make an excuse why you were still wearing his clothes, and yet, he found it heart-warming to still find you sitting here, a hoodie that was technically his—although, truth be told, it looked ten times better on you—covering your body.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, unable to endure his burning gaze any longer. You enjoyed having him so close – it was somehow cozy to have him sit on the floor of your bedroom with you – but, at the same time, the attention his eyes were giving you was slowly starting to suffocate you in a way that was both good and bad.
“Me? I’m uh—” Jaebum looked away from you. He was absolutely not going to reveal all the ways he’d imagined exploring the material of his hoodie as he took it off of you. “I’m thinking about tomorrow. It’s Friday.”
“Oh,” you mumbled. “Got any plans?”
“Not really,” he said. “I’ll probably stay at Jackson’s studio the whole night again since he’s leaving on Saturday morning and I won’t get to work with him for a while.”
“What about you?” Jaebum asked, already making a mental note to himself to alter his plans if he found out there was a possibility you weren’t going to do anything tomorrow night.
“Well, I was supposed to attend Jiho’s exhibition,” you said, “but there’s no way in hell I’m going there now, so… uh, no. No plans.”
His eyes widened at the mention of Jiho’s name. “Oh, that’s this Friday?”
“And you’re not going?”
“No,” you said with a sigh. “I mean, I didn’t really think about it much – maybe it’s childish of me not to go, but I just… I figured, if I don’t feel like going, why should I go? I’m done proving points to people I don’t care about and I’ve got nothing to prove to myself, so—”
“I don’t think you should go, either,” Jaebum said, the words spilling out of his mouth before he could stop them or come up with a plausible excuse why he’d said them.
You turned to look at him. “You don’t?
“Y-yeah, I mean—” he hesitated. There was really no right way to explain his urge to keep you away from any guy who might realize he was romantically interested in you, after all. Jaebum didn’t quite understand this urge himself yet as he continued clumsily, “it’s like you said, you don’t want to go. And going just so you’d prove to him and to everyone else there that you’re completely unfazed by the, uh, misunderstanding... That’s just pointless.”
“Stupid, you mean.”
“Yeah, okay. That, too.”
You sighed, putting your laptop on the floor next to you. “Guess I’ll stay home and edit then. That’s what I used to do on most Friday nights of my life, anyway.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” Jaebum said. “One day, you’ll spend your Friday nights preparing for your own exhibition and all of the nights that you’d spent editing will seem worth it.”
Surprised by his words, you felt your eyebrows shoot up.
“You think I’ll ever manage to host my own exhibition?” you asked, the genuine insecurity in your voice coming off as a shock to Jaebum – you knew he was insecure about his talent, but he had never really thought how insecure you were about yours.
“Of course,” he said, no hesitation this time. “I bet if you submitted your portfolio to any gallery, you’d get an offer immediately.”
You scoffed, the illusion of a successful future slowly dissolving. “You took it too far.”
“No, I mean it,” Jaebum insisted, feeling a pang of guilt inside his chest for not assuring you about how good you were at what you were doing like you’d been assuring him from, basically, day one. “I think your pictures are amazing and, you saw that Jackson liked them, too. What’s stopping you?”
Slowly, you raised your eyes to his and allowed them to stay there for a moment.
“The same as you, I guess,” you said, looking away. “I’m afraid I won’t achieve anything and will lose motivation to continue. I’m afraid of failing.”
“You’re the epitome of not using your own advice,” he told you.
You smiled slightly. “It’s easy to give advice. The hard part is following it.”
Jaebum considered what to say next but no right words came. If your positions had been reversed – like they had been a hundred times before – and it would have been you trying to convince him that everything was going to be okay, you’d know exactly what to say. Jaebum loved that about you. Actually, he would have loved it even if you had stayed quiet because just your presence alone was reassuring enough already, but he didn’t want to dwell on how much he appreciated having you in his life right now.
“Have you tried to send your pictures to any galleries before?” he asked finally.
“No—well, not exactly,” you replied. “I had to do it when I was still in university, but the galleries accepted every picture from the graduating class. It was their job. I haven’t tried that again since.”
“You should.”
You smiled again. “You say I don’t follow my own advice and there you are, doing the same thing.”
Jaebum frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You haven’t played your song on your radio show,” you said, looking at him.
“Ah,” he was the one who looked away this time. “Well, these things are different. I wrote a song about… a person. It’s sort of plain and obvious which person I mean, so, I’d probably have to talk to her before I air the song, and, you and I both know, I’m not a great talker.”
Your heart rate sped up at the thought of him talking to Suji and you almost regretted proposing the idea, but then you took a deep breath and managed to calm yourself down enough to respond to him in a way that seemed rational to you.
“Creative freedom,” you said. “You’re not supposed to talk to anyone if you don’t want to. You don’t mention her by name in the song, and, not to be dismissive, but I think the majority of songwriters write songs from experience. That is, about past relationships.”
“Right,” Jaebum said, swallowing. “And then, let’s say, the song succeeds and I’m actually asked by someone what it’s about. What do I do then?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Whatever you want to do. It’s your life. You don’t have to share it with anyone if you don’t want to. The mystery about you would draw even more people to listen to you, I’m sure.”
“Hmm,” he considered this, a grin forming on his features. “A mysterious look. Is that the concept I’m going for?”
You laughed.
“I hate to break it to you, but you have no say in this,” you said. “You’re naturally a mysterious person.”
“How am I mysterious?”
“Do you seriously have to ask me that?” you raised your eyebrows. “We’ve lived together for a month and, every time I look at you, I feel like there’s still miles and miles of unexplored territory behind your eyes.”
His heart seemed to have skipped a beat or two after you said this – it was either that, or he was having a heart attack.
“I’m not saying that it’s bad—on the contrary, I think it just shows what a deep person you are,” you tried to clarify, the soft tone of your voice putting countless of bulletproof vests on his wounded heart — it did not fix the damage that’s already been done but it made sure to protect him from any further pain. “Even in the pictures that I took in Jackson’s studio;  you’re not even trying and you still look like you’ve lived a thousand lives and have a million stories hiding inside your soul.”
His throat was dry when he tried to speak, “can I—can you show me those pictures?”
“Oh,” his request seemed to wake you up from a trance you’d inflicted upon yourself when you tried to explain your feelings about him to him. “Well, I haven’t really—they’re not finished yet. To be honest, I don’t really know what to do with them.”
Jaebum swallowed before continuing. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I don’t know what to do with them,” you repeated, picking up your laptop and opening your gallery. “Every time I take a picture, I have an idea in mind. And then, when I look at the picture I’ve taken, I start to edit to make sure that idea comes to life, you know what I mean? Like, for example, if I take a picture of the night sky, I think I want the stars to represent—I don’t know—loneliness, or whatever. So, when I open the same picture on Photoshop later, I make sure to adjust the colors, the exposure, the—everything in a way that would accentuate the loneliness I thought I’d seen in the stars when I photographed them.”
“Okay,” he said, mesmerized by your voice as you explained this. “And you don’t have this idea you’d want to accentuate with the pictures you took at Jackson’s studio?”
“No,” you said. “It’s like the idea is already there in the picture. T-that’s never happened before. I don’t have to edit anything because everything I wanted to say with these photographs is sort of obvious already. All I did to these pictures is just… sharpening the edges. Maybe turning the lightness down a little, too.”
Scared that he’d be able to recognize your feelings when he would see himself through your lens, you started him off with the pictures you’d taken while he and Jackson were still in the recording booth. The pieces of equipment looked dull but they had a certain vibe around them – the room in your photographs represented anticipation. Something magical was about to happen there.
You flipped through the pictures, only stopping when you heard Jaebum inhale a little sharper than usual because he saw himself on the screen of your laptop. This picture was—arguably—your favorite one out of the bunch. It was the one that only displayed one side of his face – the twin moles above his eye and the small smile on his lips completing the photograph – and his outstretched hand.
“This is good,” Jaebum spoke up. “I-I don’t mean myself, I’m not the one I’m complimenting, I—wow. You’re good.”
“Thing is, I didn’t do anything,” you said, dragging your cursor down the side of his face in the picture in a mock-caress because you couldn’t exactly touch his face in real life. “It was all you. You made the pictures special.”
Jaebum didn’t reply and you carried on, showing him every single picture that you’ve finished editing before he interrupted you by showing up in your room. You lingered on some longer, repeatedly insisting how he possessed the “unearthly ability to make every photograph look special” – and then cringing at yourself because, God, could you have been more obvious about your feelings for him? – and then moving on again.
Once you reached the final picture – the full body-shot of Jaebum as he read his notes, his features concentrated and eyes glazed over with something that could only be described as passion for all that he was doing in that moment – you took a deep breath and, finally, started to speak.
“There,” you said, “you and your natural glow that makes my pictures look far better than I’ve ever expected them to look.”
“Huh,” Jaebum’s breath was right by your ear – he had scooted closer to you so he could see the pictures better. “I-I don’t—they look good. Really, really good. You’re an amazing photographer, I swear.”
“It’s not me,” you said, looking down. “Honestly, I’ve never taken pictures of real-life people before—aside from the university assignments, anyway—but it’s obvious that photographing you basically means not doing anything because… you do it all for me. You make the pictures look special.”
You wouldn’t have been able to look at him even if you wanted to as your heart refused to cut off your ability to speak because, with every beat inside of your chest, your soul longed to release the pent-up affection inside of you.
“I—I don’t think that’s the case,” Jaebum said, pulling away from you just slightly so he could look at you better. You’ve been avoiding his gaze for most of tonight and that did not change now as you didn’t allow for your gazes to meet.
“You’re just being humble,” you said, your eyes set firmly on the screen of your laptop.
“No,” he insisted. “Do you want to know what’s special about those pictures?”
Looking down so you could see the edges of his face out of the corner of your eye, you chose to give him the benefit of the doubt, “what?”
“You took them.” Jaebum said simply.
“What? No,” you said, shaking your head. “I just told you, I take plenty of pictures. None of them feel or look special like these do.”
“N-no, I mean, you took them,” Jaebum disagreed, “I get that it’s me in the pictures and I might sound like a self-involved ass when I say this, but, if it’d been someone else behind that camera, the pictures wouldn’t have looked this good.”
You gathered enough courage to shoot him a look.
“What are you talking about?” you asked. “You look good through every camera, I’m sure.”
“It’s not about the camera. It’s about who’s behind it.”
Blinking, you remained unsure of what he was trying to say. “W-what?”
“It’s you,” Jaebum said, his eyes locked on yours in a way that stopped you in your tracks. You wanted to look away again – his gaze was far too powerful, you were sure you were going to explode from all of the emotions it made you feel – but, as he kept on talking, you found yourself completely and utterly frozen. “I only have that… “natural glow” or whatever you called it because it’s you in the room. Because I know you’re looking at me through your camera. I only look special in the pictures because it’s you.”
You weren’t breathing and it wasn’t just because of what he’d just said. You found it difficult to inhale when you realized—yet again—just how close to you he was sitting. It was even harder to exhale when his eyes traced your features to your lips.
If you glanced down – and you did – you could see his parted lips and the mere millimeters that separated them from yours.
If you brought your tongue over your lips on instinct – and you did – you could almost taste him, too.  
If he leaned in just a little bit more – and he did – you could smell his cologne, the scent overpowering your mind and completely shutting it off.
If he closed his eyes and leaned in, removing the remaining bits of the distance between you and him – and he did – you could read him in ways you’ve never read him before.
If he pressed his lips to yours – and he did – you’d feel the taste of the mystery you’d been dying to unravel.
Jaebum kissed you and the time seemed to stop.
The ethereal atmosphere in the pictures you’ve taken felt like the most boring storyline in comparison to the feeling of Jaebum’s lips pressed against yours and his hand, entangled in your hair, as he gently pulled you closer to him. What started out as a tentative kiss had turned into a lingering one as the two of you lost the battle against the magnetic pull coming from somewhere deep inside of your chests.
The kiss wasn’t magical; it was completely real, starting from the way he’d tilted your face to get a better angle, and ending with the way your lips fit perfectly between his without any effort. You’ve kissed him before – drunkenly and sloppily – but that felt nowhere near as real as this had.
And the reality of the situation – as well as the refreshing taste of peppermint on his soft lips – was what made you both pull away a moment later. Breathing heavily, you watched each other, letting your eyes do the talking as your minds tried to understand what had happened. They weren’t successful, however, and you didn’t blame them. Understanding where the kiss had come from didn’t seem as important as immediately recalling how good it’d felt was.
“I—” Jaebum spoke up, removing his hand from your hair and clumsily lifting himself up from the floor of your room. Your eyes followed him as your parted lips struggled to get a breath of air in as though Jaebum had been the sole provider of oxygen for you and, by ending the kiss, he’d cut your supply off. “I’m going to go.”
He turned around before you could inspect his expression or say anything, stumbling out of your room while you watched him, wide-eyed and still very much frozen in the same position as if that could have turned back the time and got you to experience the powerful feeling of your bodies connecting through your kiss once again.
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vintagevalentinex · 5 years
So I had this idea for this Benny story this weekend!  It’s not one of the longer ones I’ve written, but I still really like it!  I hope you do as well!
This story was inspired by Etta James singing I Just Want To Make Love To You. Like always, I strong encourage you to listen to the song while you are reading or do so beforehand!
Please let me know what you think! :)
@icecream-and-winchesters​ @bovaria​ @abaddonwithyall​ @aprofoundbondwithdean​ @spnfanficpond​ @theerinpage​ @bkwrm523​ @kittenofdoomage​ @ohfora67impala​ @maraisabellegrey​ @im-an-octopus​
Title: Laundry Author: vintagevalentinex Words: ~1675 Pairing: (Benny x Reader) Warnings: Laundry smut.
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“Love to you, ooohooo, Love to you…”  You swayed your hips as Etta James blasted out from the bedroom you shared with Benny.  You had only thrown on one of his henleys and a pair of panties to do the wash for the week.  You were putting the clothes into the washer, still singing the the music, your thoughts kept going back to that handsome man you shared a bed with.  Benny.  Unf.  Why on Earth that gorgeous brute of a man wanted you, you’d never know, but you certainly were not going to question it.  You were definitely the first person to admit that the relationship you had with the vampire was anything but simple, but you were enjoying yourself.   He was a good man; he was loyal and devoted, not to mention that he was the most beautiful thing you’d ever laid your eyes on.  Benny was built sturdy, all muscle and scruff, yet despite all of that, he had the most beautiful, kind eyes you’d ever seen.  When you first met him…er…when he saved your ass from that vampire nest…also known as ‘Sam and Dean get you into the worst situations ever’…you didn’t know what to do.  He was so gorgeous and he fought his own kind to save you…but yet he was still a vampire.  You were so conflicted.  You smiled to yourself as you remember that night…the night that completely made you rethink the way you thought about hunting.
You sat as far as you could on the other side of the truck as it raced away from the abandoned building you were being kept in.  You couldn’t believe you were so foolish as to allow yourself to be kidnapped by such a stupid nest of vampires.  They had been planning on nearly draining you dry before you were saved by…a vampire?  What the hell was going on?  You were so confused and tired, growing more and more frustrated as you got farther away from the dump you were being held captive in.  You stared out the window, wishing you were even farther away than you were now, and as far away as you could be from the vampire sitting on the other side of the truck.
“M’not gonna hurt ya, cher…”
“S’not exactly the thank you I was expectin’…”
“…didn’t ask to be saved…”
“…so she speaks…good ta know, darlin’…”
You turn your head, watching him intently as he continued to drive on, stealing glances at you as he continued to steer.
“What are ya goin’ on ‘bout, darlin’?”
“Why did you save me?  You just killed a complete nest of you kind…to save me…I’m nothing to you…”
He scoffed bitterly.  “They aren’t my kind, shug.  M’nothin’ like dem. Might be hard for ya ta believe, but m’on your side.”
“…on my side?”
“Sure thing, darlin’…Dean sent me after all.”
You rolled your eyes.  And there it was.  Of course Sam and Dean knew a damn vampire.  The absurdity of it all made complete sense for that pair.
“So…what now?”
He smiled, chuckling a little.  “Well…was figurin’ that ya wanted ta clean up a ‘lil and maybe sleep some before ya hit the road…”
You chewed on your lip.  That did sound amazing actually.
So amazing that you actually never left.
You continued to sway your hips, giggling to yourself as you popped the rest of the laundry into the washing machine, your fingers trailing to the bottom hem of Benny’s henley that hung loosely from your body.  You froze up when you heard a low, appreciative whistle behind you.
I don’t want you to be no slave I don’t want you to work all day But I want you to be true And I just wanna make love to you Love to you, ooohooo Love to you
“Don’t stop on my account, shug…jus’ enjoyin’ the view.”
You turned around; smiling as you rolled your eyes at him, shaking your hips again as you defiantly smirked at him.
“Well…this shirt does seem to be a little dirty from last night’s…festivities…”
He grinned at you as he stepped closer.  “Oh does it, cher?  Ya might as well throw it in wit’ the rest of the wash then, no?”
“Yeah…I guess that’s for the best…”
You started to mouth the words to the song as you slowly pulled Benny’s henley up, letting your skin slowly be revealed to his hungry gaze.
All I want to do is wash your clothes I don’t want to keep you indoors There is nothing for you to do But keep me making love to you Love to you, ooohooo Love to you
You finally pulled the shirt off, throwing it at him as you continued to sway your hips, your bare breasts on display.  Your hands trailed up your own body, smiling saucily at Benny as you cupped your own breasts, chewing on your lower lip, looking up at him through hooded eyes as you ran your hands back down to rest on the elastic of your cotton panties, careful to pull one side down and pull it right back up, giggling softly as you watched Benny’s wolfish grin turn into a scowl.  He stepped closer to you and you put your hands up.
“Not yet, Benny-boy…”
He groaned at the nickname you gave him as you continued to laugh.
“Get on with it, Buffy…”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. Leave it to Benny to binge-watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
“I can always put more clothing on…”
“Now tha’ would be a tragedy upon all mankind, darlin’…”
You let out a loud laugh as you turned around, facing away from him, continuing to sway your hips as your fingers hooked into the sides of your panties, slowly bringing them down past the swell of your ass, bending over as you let them pool around your ankles before stepping out of them.
And I can tell by the way you walk that walk And I can hear by the way you talk that talk And I can know by the way you treat your girl That I could give you all the loving in the whole wide world
All I want you to do is to bake your bread Just to make sure that you’re well fed I don’t want you sad and blue And I just wanna make love to you
Love to you, ooohooo Love to you, oooh
He was on you in an instant.  He pressed himself against your bare ass, bracing yourself against the washing machine as you could hear him growling in your ear.
“I can’t take it anymore, shug.  Need ya right here, right now…”
You moaned breathlessly as he continued to grind against you, your knuckles going white from the sensation.   You could hear him rustling with the buckle of his belt, the tell-tale sound of a zipper being pulled down, and finally hearing his pants pool around his ankles.  One of his hands pawed at your ass, the other cupping your mound, caressing at your folds.
“B-benny, please, need you…”
You could practically hear him smiling as he rubbed against your entrance, taking in a sharp air of breath.
“You already wet for me, darlin’?  That lil’ show of yers really put ya in the mood, huh?  Turning yerself on like dat, lil’ baby?  Lemme give ya what ya need.”
With that he slid into you, your breasts pressed hard against the cold metal of the washing machine, which had just gone into the spin cycle.  You let out a loud groan as the vibrations rocked through you as Benny thrust into you harder, the sounds of skin slapping against skin and the sound of the machine muffling your pleasured cries.  He let out a loud grunt before pulling out of you, much to your dismay before turning you around, pressing his lips to yours hard as he lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.  He pushed you against the machine as he entered you again, continuing to thrust into you as he claimed your mouth with his.  Your hands went to his hair, holding on tightly
“Thas’it lil’ baby, give it to me…give it ol’ Benny…want dat lil’ pussy…”
You nearly exploded, his drawl nearly making you combust as you felt yourself tighten around him, gripping his cock hard inside of you as you started to cum, closing your eyes tightly as he thrust into you, following you soon after.
And I can tell by the way you walk that walk And I can hear by the way you talk that talk And I can know by the way you treat your girl That I could give you all the loving in the whole wide world
Oh, all I wanna do, all I wanna do is cook your bread Just to make sure that you’re well fed I don’t want you sad and blue And I just wanna make love to you
Love to you, ooohooo Real love to you, ooohooo Love to you, ooohooo
Benny lifted you up, settling you on top of the washing machine as it finished its cycle.  He pressed his lips to yours again, hands running up and down your back as he calmed the both of you down.  It felt absolutely perfect to kiss him, like your lips were meant for his.  You could live in this moment forever. The both of you jumped as the buzzer for the dryer went off, signaling that your sheets and bed linens were ready.  Benny chuckled as he grabbed them out of the dryer, wrapping you in them as he carried you off to the bedroom.  As he threw you on the bed, he grinned, predatorily crawling up the end of the bed to hover over your naked form.
“S’no point in havin’ clean sheets if ya don’t get’em dirty again…”
You laughed.  I will never finish this laundry ever.  Your thoughts were interrupted however by the glorious burn of Benny’s stubble rubbing at your neck.
Who needs clean clothes anyway?
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anonymous asked: Could I request a scenario with Kuroo and his s/o being really domestic and doing chores and things, and he realizes how much he loves his s/o? Thanks!
well. here’s proof that im not dead. writing Kuroo is such my guilty pleasure and this is tooth-rottingly fluffy. I also?? realized that I might have strayed from the request a bit?? hope you still enjoy my lovely anon 💕 - J
Weekends were a blessing in this household. Not that Kuroo took advantage of them most of the time anyways. Last night he complained about his new project at work long enough that you were suspicious he was going to waste his weekend working on it like he was known to do. So, this morning, when he started shifting in bed next to you; making the usual motions to get out up, you wrapped your arms around his middle and nuzzled against his neck.
“Kitten…” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I need to be productive today.”
“It’s Saturday,” you said, your voice muffled against his skin; willing him to burrow back into the blankets with you for even a few more minutes. He sighed, glancing at the sun already shining through the bedroom window, his mind racing through the to-do list he created last night while he couldn’t fall asleep. You groaned, realizing your efforts were turning out to be futile. Blinking blearily up at him to meet his already clear and alert gaze, you conceded. “You’re allowed to be a hermit for the day if you at least spend the morning with me.”
He grinned lazily at you. “Spend the morning with you? Too high a price. How could you subject me to such torture?” You laughed, cupping his face in your hands and pulling him down to kiss you. Tangling your fingers lightly in his mussed-up hair in hopes of convincing him to give up on his ‘productive’ day. “That won’t work.” He smirked. “Good try though.”
You pouted. “Worth a shot. I guess you’ll just have to grin and bear one cup of tea with me then.”
“The horror.”
You stuck your tongue out but untangled yourself from his long limbs and threw the covers off you. Standing and stretching, you shamelessly showed off the fact you weren’t wearing anything but an old t-shirt of his and underwear. Raising an eyebrow at him enjoying the view, you prompted, “You sure about your choice?”
He swallowed thickly, yet somehow managed to betray the way his heart was thumping against his chest. “Absolutely.” Even after a few years together, the last couple sharing an apartment, he still woke up every morning feeling so utterly complete he thought his heart would burst.
You made an annoyed sound sauntering over to the doorway. “I’ll go start the hot water, Mr. Iron Will.”
A chuckle escaped him, and he watched you until you disappeared from sight; slightly regretting his stubbornness until he remembered all the things he wanted to get done today. He knows you don’t really mind him working on the weekend, though sometimes you forced him to take much needed breaks; and if he did it too many weekends in a row—which was rare—you wouldn’t allow him to even think about work. You understand and support his desire to succeed and reach his goals, as he did for you; maybe he would make it up to you tonight.
After rousing himself and throwing on a hoodie, he padded into the kitchen a few minutes later. Somedays, he was blatantly slapped in the face by how content he was with you—today seeming to be one of them. Watching you pour steaming water into two cups, gingerly placing teabags into each, a smile spreading across your lips when you turn around to find him standing there; he briefly thought to himself: This is it. All I’ll ever need.
You hand his cup over, he notes that you’ve chosen his favorite tea this morning, then sit at the counter patting the seat next to you. You also opened some windows, allowing a brisk spring breeze to blow lightly through the apartment and you look like you’re enjoying the fresh air. He’s a bit at a loss for words, feeling choked by the onslaught emotions flooding him; and he’s glad for you starting the conversation asking about the project he insists on working on over the weekend.
He easily slips into raving about the new work he’s been given, he’s actually in charge of the team this time; so, he’s feeling a lot more pressure and responsibility than usual. You can’t help but smile into your mug, watching him talk excitedly about his job; his own mug momentarily forgotten on the counter. While he sometimes gets more technical than you can understand, you could listen to him talk about it for hours because he loved it and you loved him.
“You’re getting that look on your face.”
You blinked. “What look?”
“That look when I’ve been talking about DNA for too long.”
He couldn’t be farther from the truth, so you waved your hand in dismissal at him. “I was just thinking if you’re going to be productive today, so should I.” You glanced at the cup in his hands. “Finished?” He placed it in your outstretched hand with a grateful smile. Standing, you gave him a knowing look. “You’re free now.”
Before you could get too far, he snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you flush against him into an embrace. “I love you. You know that?” He sighed against your hair.
“You’re going to make me drop these mugs,” you huffed. He released you, watching you make your way to the sink and place the cups next to some dishes from last night. With your back to him, you said, “And I love you too—now get out of here before I lose any and all motivation to do anything today and drag you back into that bedroom.”
He grinned and headed to the room designated the shared ‘office’, his smile widening when he heard you shout down the hallway, “At least open the window! It’s beautiful out!”
Once he gets himself situated at the desk, pulling out pen and paper to write his mental to-do list down, he hears you pass by into the bedroom and he wonders if you ended up losing motivation after all. Moments later, he hears you again and then telltale sound of the washing machine starting. After that, he doesn’t notice much except for the array of papers in front of him and the whiteboard he insisted on adding to the room when the two of you moved in. It was already littered with scribblings of his jumbled thoughts from the week; a tiny pang hitting his heart upon noticing a small note of ‘I love you’ written in the corner in your handwriting.
The two of you hadn’t woken up too late, so you’re able to get several loads of laundry done; in the meantime, vacuuming the living room, hallway, and bedroom. You avoid the office to not distract Kuroo, knowing the action of you constantly rocking back and forth with the vacuum might get him to ignore work for a while. He had this weird tendency to get all mushy whenever you started doing mundane tasks like chores around the house.
You have enough time before taking a lunch break to start folding the laundry; pressing play on a playlist you let your mind wander to blissful nothingness. That was the state Kuroo found you in when he finally emerged from the office when his stomach had started rumbling. He just stood in the doorway, arms crossed across his chest, trying not to startle you out of this picturesque view. He could have stood there watching you humming softly to the music playing from your phone, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips for hours—you looked perfectly content.
He wanted to rush over to you, gather you up in his arms and kiss every inch of skin he could; express to you without words that he felt the same way. That he could spend a hundred years in perfect bliss with you, even just doing household chores would be enough for him.
Eventually, you noticed him, jerking a bit in surprise at him just standing there watching you for who knows how long. “As great as the view of me folding laundry must be—stop staring you creeper,” you teased, returning back to the shirt you had dropped in surprise at seeing him.
Taking you fully by surprise, he strides into the room and smothers you in an embrace; practically tackling you on the couch. “Kuro—oh!” He cut you off with his lips pressing against yours, a little needy; and you concluded your prior thought that he was going to get all sappy in response to this day of chores as correct. It was hard not to laugh at him because admittedly—it was adorable, and you didn’t mind the affection.
“Let’s go to the café for lunch today. It’s so nice out, we can walk, stretch our legs a bit; yeah? I don’t think I can look at another molecule for at least an hour.”
His heart swelled at the grin that spread across your face at his suggestion.
The walk was everything he needed—fresh air and talking with you. You asked him how his progress was going today, slyly asking if it was going to bleed into tomorrow. He caught the glimmer of happiness that flitted across your face when he answered ‘no’. Even if he did have more to do, how could be possibly resist you after today? He prided himself on the face he had some sense of willpower, but when it came to you, he was far easier to crack.
He realized he would give anything—anything, to continue making you smile and laugh for as long as he lived. Nothing made him happier than spending time with you; even after all this time, he’d never grown tired of it and didn’t think he ever would.
Your lunch together ends far too soon and he finds himself reluctantly heading back to the office. Just thinking about the mess he left in there an hour or two ago was enough to make his head start to hurt. While he tried to focus and get back into the zone again, he simply couldn’t. You were too far at the forefront of his mind and it became quite clear to him that he would much rather be spending time with you right now than these pieces of paper and his own thoughts.
Gathering up his things, he placed them neatly into a drawer; out of sight and out of mind. He erased what he had on the whiteboard, leaving your small note; and left, shutting the door behind him. There was no reason for him to enter that room until the weekend was over.
You were no longer in the living room, the folded laundry placed at the end at the hallway for you to bring back to the bedroom at some point. Before entering the kitchen where the sound of running water and music intermixed was drifting from, he took the liberty of taking the laundry and putting it away for you.
Upon seeing you though, he stopped in his tracks. Overcome by the thought of: Holy fuck. I am the luckiest man in the world. All you’re doing is swaying gently to the music, elbow deep in dishwater; and he doesn’t know what to do with himself—smitten at the sight.
You practically throw a plate into the air when you feel hands rest on your hips followed by lips pressing to the nape of your neck. “Jesus—Kuroo! I almost smacked you with this plate.”
“I finished,” he said, hands drifting just underneath your shirt to rub small circles on your skin.
Your face lit up. “Really?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Can I help?”
You eyed him suspiciously. “Are you going to be all weird and stare at me the entire time?” He blinked in shock while a light blush crept onto his cheeks—you fought the urge to smirk, it was a rare treat to see Kuroo blush. You’d gotten significantly better at eliciting that response from him in the years you’d been together. “All I’m doing is washing dishes.”
“Liar, you’ve been trying to seduce me all day,” he quipped, despite having been caught red-handed in this sentimental mindset he tended to slip into on glaringly ordinary days like today.
A smirk graced your lips seeing straight through him. “Oh, if that had been my goal, we wouldn’t be standing here right now Tetsurou.”
“Now you’re playing with me.”
You shrugged, laughing, “Maybe so.” Then handed him the plate you were holding. “You can help by drying the dishes. Can you handle that without getting distracted by all this?” You motioned jokingly to yourself, hair tied up messily and wearing an old apron to keep dirty dishwater from getting on your clothes. Clearly, you didn’t look your best today.
He drops the plate back into the sink, ignoring your cry of protest that you’d have to rewash it. “No sh,” he says cupping your cheeks with his hands. “I love you.”
He leans down to press a kiss to your lips, afterwards murmuring, “Come on—say it back to me, love.”
You can’t help but grin and repeat the words to him, earning yourself another kiss.
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why-so-red · 5 years
Ticci Toby x Reader
((I honestly have no idea what this is, I wrote it ages ago and have since been needing to just throw it out there. ))
I lay in bed silently waiting for time to pass while staring aimlessly at my bedroom door. Though my body is tired, my mind isn’t. A continuous buzz of nothingness and yet everything all put together as one.
The light sound of tapping against the glass window draws me out of whatever I was thinking.
Not tonight, I can’t do this right now.
“ (y/n),” a muffled call causes me to stiffen, “open up.”
Not tonight Toby.
I can still feel his hand pressed tightly against my throat while I struggled underneath him. The purple and green markings prove a reminder of how he really is.
“Open up the window, (y/n).” I can feel the hot tears slowly fall, my body slightly shakes as I desperately suppress a sob.
His tone shows annoyance and displeasure as I continue to ignore him.
I’m sorry, I just can’t.
His hand makes sharp contact with my bedroom window, the glass shakes from the force.
My body shudders as all I can hear is now silence, knowing he’s trying to find another area to enter through. I get up slowly trying to be quiet.
He’s coming.
I can hear him now, the sound of the laundry door giving way causes me to grab the pocket flashlight quickly. As silently as I can unlock and open the window.
My bare feet hit the cold cement, the winter truly showing through. I begin to speed walk around the side of my house, silently praying he hasn’t just tricked me into running. If not, I beg he is distracted and hasn’t realised I’ve ran.
My skin ripples with goosebumps as I rush to unlock the side gate, forcing myself out and into the open of the street I run.
My feet burn as I run, the cold and jolted Road provide no comfort for my rushed pace. I can hear him, his movements quick and Predator like.
I choke out a sob as I make a turn down the foot path leading towards the park, praying that I make it there before he can get me.
I know he wants to scream at me, shout my name at the top of his lungs. But he can’t, he knows he can’t.
I know I shouldn’t do this, but I want to try and finish this. I shouldn’t have even let this continue. But I was selfish, we were both selfish.
Im so close, just a little further.
Please. I’m so close.
With every part of me I push through, I can practically feel him on my heel. His heavy steps echoing down the empty streets, I want to scream, I want to shout and yell at the top of my lungs! But I know if I do it will only make it worse, I won’t risk anyone else getting hurt.
As my feet hit the damp grass I feel my body crash with full force. My body held tightly by his as I try to struggle, I’m sorry Toby.
“I quit,” I whisper, defeated.
I can feel his body stiffen over my own. My chest continues to rise and fall erratically. I was surprised he could even hear me. I stop resisting him, my arms falling limp and weighted as I let it all out.
“I cant to this anymore, please!” I sob.
He turns my body over so I face him, pain and anger is all I can see through my own blurred vision.
“Don’t,” He cautioned, “stop talking, please!”
I shake my head as I continue.
“I don’t need you anymore,” I pause taking a deep breath. “You said to me, that if I ever wanted to leave no matter the circumstances I could give you this!” I raise my voice trying to prevent it from cracking.
I try to yank my hand away, to show the small flashlight. A gift he gave me a month after we met. I understand something so small and weird isn’t technically a romantic gesture but I always kept it close and prayed I never had to use it a against him.
His grip tightens on my wrists, as I finally hear it, a loud sob exits from him. The hot tears landing on my bare neck as his body shudders.
“You can’t,” he whispers, “please... don’t leave me.”
“You’ve given me no choice,” I continue on, “you’ve hurt me so many times emotionally and physically. I can only take so much.”
“I know,” he looks at me, this can’t be the eyes of a murderer, his once pale face shows red blotches as he continues to cry. “But I never meant it!”
I shake my head and look away.
“Please let me go.” i softly beg, causing Toby to shake his head is dismay.
“No, I’m not letting you go” he says yanking me into his chest and holding me tight.
I begin to struggle against him, but no avail I am left powerless. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt me. He needed to feel pain, and to extent he did but I am the one let to deal with it all.
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