#the man bun 🥵
littlemissidontcare · 2 years
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If the relationship isn’t like this, I don’t want it. 🤣
Jk I’m just bitter that I’m still single for spooky season.
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icarodamiano · 2 years
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goodgirlofglory · 1 year
Bestie, have you seen the new Sebastian stan photos 🫦🥹🫀😮‍💨🫀😮‍💨 I need to talk to someone about this 😩😩
Bestie do you mean the ones where he’s all beefy with a man bun in the streets???
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Cuz baby, when I saw them my brain literally went 😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠✋️🥵🥵😵‍💫😵‍💫😵😵✋️✋️🫠🫠🫠
I am looking DISRESPECTFULLY at the tiddies, it’s just not faaaair😮‍💨😮‍💨😵‍💫😵‍💫😩😩😩😩
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teafiend · 5 months
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jobean12-blog · 11 months
After the Fall
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 6,399
Summary: Bucky is your first love...your first everything so when things fall apart in college over a stupid misunderstanding you’re completely heartbroken but manage to move on...that is until your past comes back in a way you least expect it. 
Author’s Note: When Bucky and reader are dating they are at least 18 and when they reconnect their age is up to you- but they are obviously adults. The type of jobs mentioned are also up to interpretation- it’s a business thing for sure but as far as details it’s up to you! I had this whole moodboard planned to show the progression from young Bucky to now but I suck at them so instead I stuck some pictures in the middle of the fic to give you an idea :) And the first pic is what he looks like now hehe 🥵Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Dividers by the sweet @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: some angsty parts over past events, both Bucky and reader have lots of feels, there’s soft fluff and sweetness, i-m-pl-ie-d s-e-x-y times, f-in-g-er-in-g, some light d-i-rt-y ta-lk, Bucky is delicious of course lol 
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You pace your apartment and try not to fiddle with your outfit any more than you already have. It’s only seven thirty am and you’ve been up since six. You still have an hour and a half before you have to meet with Steve for your first official day of work.
Maybe you should leave now…New York City public transportation can never be trusted. The office building is only a fifteen-minute train ride but just to be sure…
Twenty-five minutes later you find yourself sitting in the lobby of the large building, your face to your phone and your foot bouncing rapidly. Several people walk by and you barely notice them, keeping an eye on the time and carefully sipping your drink.
But then you hear heavy footsteps and a hushed voice, one that sounds almost familiar and just as you look up you catch the retreating back of a tall man, broad shouldered and with long dark hair neatly tied into a bun at the base of his neck.
You stare until he disappears inside the elevator, your whole-body tingling with awareness. Could it be your past has finally caught up with you after all this time? Or is it just the constant lingering feeling of what you never truly got over?
Just a coincidence. It has to be.
After several blinks you check your phone again and decide it’s time to head up to Steve’s office.
The receptionist outside his office greets you warmly before picking up the phone and letting Steve know you’re here.
You knock, even though you don’t have to, and wait until you hear Steve call you inside. When you open the door you notice he’s quietly speaking to someone and due to your sudden onset of nerves it doesn’t register that it’s the same man from earlier until he turns around and his ocean blue eyes meet yours.
Eyes you know. Eyes you had fell in love with a long time ago.
Your stomach plummets to your toes and you must look like a deer caught in headlights because Steve stands suddenly and rounds his desk.
“Are you ok?” Steve asks but your eyes are still glued to Bucky.
Steve calls your name and you finally look at him and swallow hard with a nod but your eyes flicker back to Bucky when he starts to move toward the door.
Bucky says something to Steve that you don’t register and already has one foot out the door before Steve stops him.
“Hey Buck, wait a second. I want to introduce you to our new executive assistant.”
Bucky stops short, still facing the hallway and slowly turns, plastering a fake smile on his face.
Steve gives him your name and you hold out a shaky hand.
The moment his skin touches yours you feel him over every inch of your body and a flood of memories assaults you, leaving you almost speechless.
“Bucky is my partner,” Steve says proudly.
You manage a small hello and quickly pull your hand back. Bucky looks away, nodding to Steve before leaving the office.
Steve’s eyebrows are drawn in with concern as he moves his gaze back to you.
“That was weird,” he mutters, studying you and you think he’s waiting for an explanation.
“I’m sorry if I interrupted anything,” you say softly.
“Not at all,” Steve answers with a warm smile. “Now come and sit. Let’s get you set up for your first day.”
You visibly relax and take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you’ve worked hard to get this position and you won’t let anything, not even your first boyfriend, your first love…your first everything, get in your way.
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Thankfully the rest of your first day goes smoothly with no sign of Bucky and you have enough work to keep your brain busy and focused.
It’s when you get home, toe your heels off and fall onto the couch that the day catches up with you, breaking like a wave against the rocks and you sink deeper into the cushions with a groan.
Your cell rings, pulling your from your thoughts.
“Hey Nat,” you say tiredly as you greet your best friend.
“HOW WAS THE FIRST DAY?” she says, far too loudly.
You wince but a small smile pulls at your lips.
“It was great. Steve is so sweet and I was busy all day but kicked ass.”
“I knew it,” she says. “But I get the sense there’s more…”
She waits, always patient and far too perceptive.
“What do you mean more?” you ask, trying to sound easy and breezy.
“Babe,” she admonishes. “I can hear it in your voice.”
When you don’t elaborate she says, “I’m here and ready to listen when you want to talk.”
Her kind words are all you need to hear before you sigh heavily and blurt out, “Bucky works at the firm. He’s Steve’s partner.”
Silence on the other end of the line.
“Wow,” is all she says.
“I know.”
“Are you ok?” she asks, her voice tentative.
“I will be,” you answer, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Dare I ask…how did he look? It’s been so long!”
The image of him flashes in your mind but it’s blurry and mixed with the younger version of him you know from your past.
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“Honestly, I don’t even know. I barely registered more than his eyes. I was in shock.”
“Understandable,” she says. “Want me to come over?”
“No but thank you. I’m just going to take a bath and go to bed. I have the rest of the week to get through.”
“Ok babe. Call me if you need me.”
“I will, thank you again.”
Once you have a warm bath running, bubbles dancing along the surface and the calming scent of lavender filling the space, you sink under the water, hoping to wash away the day and maybe even some of the past.
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The phone at your desk rings and you answer with your well-practiced greeting, smiling when you hear Steve’s voice. He lets you know he’ll be out of the building most of the day, handling some meetings downtown and that Bucky will be here should you need anything.
You hang up and square your shoulders, refocusing on your computer screen and doing your best to push Bucky to the back of your mind.
It works until an hour before lunch when you get a notification for a meeting. The e-mail doesn’t give you many details, just a time and place to be. Silently praying it has nothing to do with Bucky you gather your lap top and bag and make your way to the top floor.
The office door is closed but you can hear voices and when you knock and hear Bucky say, “come in,” you instantly tense up.
He repeats the words and you finally find the strength to push open the door.  
Three sets of eyes turn your way, only one of them familiar. The other two men openly admire you and you have to force yourself not to sneer at them.
Bucky must notice because he says, “gentleman if you don’t mind we have business to conduct.” His words are firm but harsh and the two other men clear their throats and look away to absentmindedly fix their ties.
You step inside, shutting the door behind you and sitting at the small conference table.
A shadow appears over you and you look up to meet Bucky’s eyes.
“I need you to take minutes for the meeting and…”
The rest of his words fade away as you finally take a moment to get a good look at him. His voice is deeper now, his suit filled out with muscles he didn’t have when you were younger and his hair…his hair is long enough to brush his shoulders.
His presence is overwhelming, sending shockwaves through every nerve in your body and making them buzz with memories.
“You still with me?” Bucky asks, a cocky smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.
You nod and look down at your computer.
The meeting lasts about an hour and you do your job perfectly regardless of the fact that your heart is in your throat and your stomach is in knots.
“Thanks gentleman,” Bucky says as the two men get up to leave.
They both glance your way again with matching smiles and one of them opens his mouth to speak but Bucky quickly interjects.
“Meetings over.”
They leave without another word and you and Bucky are alone in his office.
You can feel his eyes on you and when you look up at him his jaw is clenching and his eyes are hard.
“Small world, huh?.”
He grunts, which you take as an agreement.
“I didn’t know you were Steve’s partner,” you start, inwardly berating yourself for the quiver in your voice. “This was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”
“I can tell you know what you’re doing,” he says, leaning over the table. “This is all strictly professional.”  
“Right,” you agree.
He stares for a moment longer then dips his chin before saying, “I’m going to lunch. You can see yourself out.”
You’re left staring blankly at the empty space he just occupied, the silence he left behind deafening and filled with so many unspoken words.
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“Better day today?” Nat asks, this time from the couch beside you.
“I sat in on a meeting Bucky was conducting.”
“Oo,” she says, pouring you more wine.
“He looks so good Nat. Even better than before and I didn’t think that was possible…his hair is long now.”
She lifts her eyebrow and smirks. “Better huh? Well, he must be losing his mind over you.”
You smile at her in thanks but shrug. “He couldn’t have left his office quicker if I had set him on fire,” you joke.
“Are you ever going to talk about what happened?” she asks, eyeing you from over the rim of her glass.
“What’s there to talk about? We were young. When we talked about going to different schools he made it sound so easy. We’d visit every weekend. Be together every break and talk every day on the phone. But then…things just happened.”
“What things?” she asks gently.
“I kept hearing from other friends that he was studying,” and you make air quotes with the word, “with some girl named Sharon from this classes. I never asked about it because I trusted him but then we both got busier and we had less time…he seemed distant, or maybe it was just me. Things started to fall apart. Then I met Matt…”
She smiles wryly at the mention of your ex.
“More wine please,” you say with huff.
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The next two days go by without a hitch. Steve seems very pleased with your work so far and you start to settle into your role well.
However, things fall apart again when Friday rolls around and you’re standing in the hallway speaking to one of the gentleman, Brad, from the meeting earlier in the week. He found you on your way to the staff room and practically cornered you to introduce himself.
“So, you should come out with us tonight. It’s a good way to end the week,” Brad says.
He leans closer to you, into your personal space, and you take a step back just as Bucky rounds the corner.
Your back meets his chest and you lunge forward but you never get far because Bucky’s hands wrap around your waist and he hauls you back to him.
“Woah,” you say, freezing at the feel of his hands on you.
Brad laughs but it quickly fades when he sees the murderous look on Bucky’s face.
“What’s going on here?” Bucky asks. “Don’t you two have work to get done.”
Your mouth drops open with a sassy retort but Brad beats you to it.
“We just met in the hallway and I was inviting her to drinks tonight,” Brad says lightly.
Bucky turns his eyes to you. “I was just going to grab my lunch. It’s my break.”
Your tone is defensive and you lift your chin defiantly.
“That might not be the best idea,” Bucky starts, turning back to Brad with a smirk. “She’s a lightweight….one too many drinks and she might be…”
“Don’t finish that sentence Barnes,” you spit out.
Both Bucky and Brad look taken aback then Brad breaks the awkward stare down between you and Bucky with a question.
“Do you two know each other?”
Bucky keeps his eyes on you when he answers with, “will you excuse us Brad. We need a minute alone.”
Brad looks between the two of you. “Ok, no problem.” But before he walks away he says to you, “hope to see you tonight.”
Bucky glares at Brad’s back then gently takes your arm and hauls you down to the nearest office. He opens the door and ushers you inside.
“What is your problem?” you ask before he even shuts the door.
“Why were you talking to Brad?” he asks.
You groan and fist your hands at your sides.
“It’s just like he said. We met in the hallway and he asked me to come out for drinks tonight!”
Bucky grunts.
“What is it with all the grunting? And I can’t believe you were about to make some shitty comment about my drinking!”
His shoulders sag and his eyes soften slightly.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that but….”
He growls and turns away from you.
“But you broke my heart doll!”
When he finally turns back your way there are tears shining in your eyes. At his words, at the use of the endearment he saved only for you and at the way he looks once again, like the boy you fell in love with all those years ago.
“Yeah, well…you broke mine too,” you whisper as you look down at your feet.
You stand there in silence for what feels like forever before quietly saying. “We have to work together now. We can’t let our history be a problem. I want this job. I’ve worked hard for it.”
He scoffs and meets your gaze.
“Friends?” you ask, holding out your hand.
He stares at your outstretched hand but doesn’t’ take it as he steps incrementally closer.
“History?” Is that what you’re calling it?”
His voice is a growl, low and powerful.
“Bucky,” you try again.
“No doll. I can’t do friends with you. I know what you taste like when you come screaming my name.”
The memories wash over you, making your skin heat and your head dizzy. You’re reeling between feeling aroused and ashamed and angry.
“I’m not friends with people who give up on everything and bail for something new and shiny.”
His words hurt, hitting right where he wants them but you gather your strength and remind yourself that you’re here because you should be and what happened between you and Bucky has nothing to do with it.
“Seriously? It was so long ago, Bucky. Something tells me you haven’t been locked away and pining for me all this time.”
Your eyes slowly devour every inch of him. “No, I think you’ve been just fine without me.”
“See something you like doll face?” he murmurs.
He stands up straight and tall, crossing his arms over his chest and causing the fabric of his suit jacket to pull tightly at his bulging biceps and his long legs are spread wide as he smiles sardonically.
You can’t stop your gasp before it passes your lips. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” he mocks.
You don’t want to answer his question because it’s true. You do like it. More than you want to admit.
His long hair curls at his shoulders, neatly styled and framing a sharp jawline that’s lined with dark scruff, some spots even peppered with gray. His full lips are soft and kissable and his hands…you know what those hands are capable of.  Long fingers that are now adorned with rings, the shining gold glinting under the bright lights of the office and drawing your attention, spread wide over his arms.
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It’s suffocating but you can’t stop your blatant perusal.
Your eyes drop to his long legs and what’s between them, his suit pants straining against what’s behind his zipper, the thick cock that stretched you for the first time.  
His smile is filled with arrogance as it widens into a grin and his gaze sears you, rooting you in place as he leisurely looks his fill.
“I certainly like what I see,” he says, licking his lips. “But none of that matters any more, right? Old news.”
“I won’t let you ruin this opportunity for me,” you tell him, willing your voice to stay even. “And I know Steve suspected something was up when I walked in the first day so don’t…”
“I already told Steve we have a past but don’t worry I didn’t tell him all the shitty details,” Bucky retorts. “Your secret is safe with me.”
He stands there with an expectant look on his face.
“Are you waiting for a thank you!” you almost shout. “I can’t believe it.”
You see his mouth opening to interrupt you, but you hold up a staying hand.
“Let’s just agree to be professional so we can do our jobs.”
You take a step around him but he blocks your way, his body large and imposing in the small space and when he leans down, his breath tickling your ear, and whispers, “I’ll see you on Monday then,” an involuntary shiver shoots down your spine.
He meets your eyes, his own sparkling with the same desire you know is in yours then reaches around you to open the door.
With a rush you shoot down the hallway and back to your office, silently praying no one caught you coming out of the room.
Once you’re safely inside with the door shut, you lean against it and finally let out a shuddering breath, swiping at your eyes.  
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“I’m exhausted,” you explain to Nat after telling her about the events of the day.  “Even if I had wanted to go I would be asleep on the bar in minutes.”
“Well, just don’t let him dictate your social life. You have every right to go out and relax with coworkers. Especially cute ones. And you know I’ll come with you if you want.”
Nat’s words bring a smile to your face. “Thank you. Let’s just hope I can make it through next week.”
Later that night, after trying and failing to find something to watch that will keep your attention you crawl into bed and dream.
Your laid back on his bed as his stubble scratches along the sensitive skin of your neck and his whispered words reach your ears.
“You want my cock doll?”
You moan out his name, arching beneath him.
“Tell me.”
“Yes, yes I want your cock Bucky,” you purr.
His chuckle vibrates along your stomach as he moves lower. “Just need a taste first.”
“Please,” you beg just before his tongue flicks over your clit.
You push your hips into his face and he growls in approval.
“More,” you demand, and he obliges as one thick finger teases your opening.
You wake up just before he fills you, panting and disoriented. Looking around your dark room you can barely remember where you are. Or when. The past mixing with the present and creating something dangerous.
Your arousal is evident in the stickiness of your panties and you squeeze your thighs together in search of some relief. You sit up and take a sip of water from the glass on your nightstand, wishing it would quench more than your thirst. You consider finishing yourself off, it won’t take much, and he’ll never know, but you will.
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Monday morning arrives faster than you’d like and you find yourself dragging your heels, literally, into the office.
You see Bucky in a meeting later that day and you notice him glancing your way several times, words and thoughts and emotions crossing over his face but you can’t decipher them.
The problem is you feel the same way. Confused and unsure…well maybe not unsure about everything. You definitely want him but that’s a line you know you shouldn’t cross, especially after the harsh words you exchanged last week.
The meeting ends and so does the day. And the next and the next until it’s Friday. It’s past five pm and you’re still in your office working on something for Steve. He pops his head in and tells you to leave but you wave him off and explain you’d rather get it done now and relax this weekend. He bids you goodbye once you promise not to stay too late.
You’re in the middle of a thought when the door opens again and without looking up you say, “don’t worry Steve, I should only be another hour then I promise I’ll go home.”
“Another hour and it will be dinner time.”
You look up at the sound of Bucky’s voice, your eyes wide and your lips lightly spread with surprise.
“Sorry,” you say sheepishly. “Thought you were Steve.”
He smiles and for the first time you can tell it reaches his eyes.
“I’m going to be done at about the same time…dinner?”
You stare at him, not sure if you heard him right.
“Unless you had other plans toni…”
“No,” you interrupt. “I don’t and uh dinner sounds good. I’m starving actually.”
“Great, then I’ll see you in an hour. There’s this little noodle place we can walk to from here.”
You smile gratefully, waiting until the door shuts behind him to let out a whoosh of air.
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“I don’t see a table,” you say as you look around Bucky into the restaurant.
He grabs your hand and you ignore the tingles that shoot up your arm as he drags you through the place. In the back corner, there’s a lone table, small but empty.
He holds his arm out, gesturing for you to sit. “I usually come hide in the back here if I have work to do but need food,” he explains.
You sit and he follows, plopping down across from you. The table’s so small that his knees bump yours underneath.
“Ow,” you hiss.
“Shit, sorry doll,” he mumbles as he moves his chair, bringing him closer to your side.
“I forgot how big your are.”
Your eyes go wide as you hear your own words come out of your mouth.
“Man doll face, you sure know how to hurt a guy’s feelings.”
His tone is light and teasing but you look down, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as you fidget with your hands and try not to remember exactly how big he really is.
Thankfully the waitress stops by to ask for your drink order. Once you tell her what you want you sit quietly and peek over at Bucky.
He looks nervous and for some reason it makes you feel better.
You both start to speak at the same time then laugh over your jumbled words.
“Go ahead doll,” he says.
“I was going to remind you of how much we used to talk. Remember all those nights we stayed up late either on the phone or hanging out in our favorite spot on the roof.”
His eyes sparkle at the thought. “Of course I remember. There never seemed to be enough time.”
The waitress reappears with your drinks and sets them down.
“Still like that whiskey huh?” Bucky teases. “I remember the first time you tried whiskey.”
“Oh gosh, I try not to,” you groan.
He suddenly looks sad. “I’m sorry about that comment last week…about the drinking. And about most of what I said. It was harsh. It’s just. This is hard,” and he gestures between the two of you.
“I get it. Believe me.”
“What happened to us?” you say after taking a sip of your drink.
“So much,” he responds. “But I feel…”
His words are interrupted when the waitress appears with your food. You take a few bites, focusing on chewing and swallowing as you muster up the courage to say the next words.
“I never gave up on us,” you start, your voice pained. “I never bailed…I heard so many things…people were talking.”
“What did you hear?” he asks, his fork held tightly between his fingers. “What are you talking about?”
“People were telling me you were with Sharon all the time…studying…and I wasn’t sure what else. You pulled back, we talked less…I don’t know it just didn’t feel the same. I was losing you.”
“Losing me?!” he says, far too loudly for the space. He squeezes his eyes shut then continues, his voiced hushed but still angry. “I was just trying to keep my grades up. I was struggling. I missed you so much and I couldn’t handle it. My grades slipped and the idea of you thinking I was a failure was too much on top of everything else. Sharon was just helping me. Nothing ever happened between us.”
You stare at him, your eyes glassy as they fill with unshed tears. “I don’t understand. When I asked you to come visit so we could talk…you…you were so hesitant, I thought it was because you were going to break up with me and then…you never showed.”
“I did. I did show,” he says quietly. “But you were with Matt.”
“What?” you gasp. “When? How come you didn’t tell me?”
“I was too ashamed. I figured you had moved on to someone better, someone who was able to keep their shit together and I didn’t want to mess that up for you.”
“Bucky,” you whisper. “I wasn’t with Matt. We were just friends.”
“But it didn’t stay that way,” he says, his tone accusatory.
“No. But that wasn’t until I knew it was over for us. I was completely heartbroken and it never worked out with Matt. He couldn’t get over the fact that I was still in love with you.”
That knocks the wind out of him and the two of you sit there, staring and uncertain.
He abruptly stands, knocking into the table. “Come on, let’s dance.”
“What?” you screech as he grabs your hand. “There isn’t even any music. This is a restaurant!?”
You don’t fight him as he tugs you away from the table and to the other side of the small room and when you spot the jukebox you can’t help the smile forming on your lips.
“I should have known you’d take me to a place with one of these,” you laugh.
He looks over his shoulder and winks before he starts scrolling through the songs. He stops on one but you can’t see the name then presses a few more buttons before he takes your hand again and pulls you to him.
The music starts and you almost stumble into him, recognizing the melody immediately.
“Your favorite,” he says quietly, drinking you in with his eyes.
You sway together and he spins you slowly, his hand teasing along your lower back. He takes your hand and lays your palm against his chest as you move back and forth. It’s not really dancing, more like you’re pressed together, shifting on your feet.
When you move your fingers across his chest you feel his sharp intake of breath. Your eyes trace the movements as your hand spans his broad chest then grazes over the gold chain peeking out from the open buttons of his shirt.  
“I like all this,” you say quietly, pressing the chain into his skin before you glance at the rings on his fingers.
“Glad to hear it doll,” he rumbles, looking far too pleased.
Your hand slides to his bicep and he flexes, smirking when you look up at him through your lashes.
“When do you have time to work out?” you whisper into the small space between you as your gaze wanders over his arms.
“Early in the morning,” he answers. “And you should see the rest of me.”
Need rumbles through his voice and you look up to meet his eyes.
He kisses you before you can finish the thought, stealing your breath. You freeze for a single heartbeat and then kiss him back with everything you have.
“Fuck doll.”
He wraps his arms around you tighter, pulling you against him and you lean into him willingly, a moan vibrating through you. His hand slips around to cup your throat, his thumb brushing over your jaw as he tilts your head back, deepening the kiss.
The music stops and you hear a few catcalls from some random guys at another table. It breaks the spell and you take a step back.
You start to panic and he can tell, his hands tightening at your waist.
“No, we can’t.”
“Yes we fucking can,” he answers back. “We’re adults and we can do whatever the fuck we want. And make no mistake,” he continues, grasping your chin between his thick fingers to force your eyes to his, “I want you.”
You audibly swallow and sway into him. He holds you close, his eyes wandering over your face expectantly.
“I just…I panicked. I need a minute,” you admit.
He visibly relaxes and slides his knuckles along your curves to find your hand before taking it in his and pulling you toward the door.
“Where are we going?” you ask once you’re outside.
“I’m walking you home,” he says quietly, not letting go of your hand. “Just like when we were kids.”
You smile and press closer to him, loving the feel of his thumb brushing over your knuckles. The walk is mostly silent as your mind races to find the right words. You want this. Want him. But is it too much too quickly? It’s been so long but even so your body remembers him, has his touch memorized and seared into your skin and your heart…your heart has been full of him since the day you met.
When you reach your apartment building you stop. “This is me.”
He waits patiently for you to speak but when you don’t he asks, “so now what?”
“I want this. You. Us. I never stopped wanting it,” you confess. “But we’ve both hurt each other and I think we need to take it slow.”
“I’ll do whatever you want if it means you’re willing to give this a chance,” he answers. “But I can’t promise I’ll behave…I’ve been dreaming about being inside you for far too long and my hand just ain’t cutting it doll.”
You bite your lip, desire written all over your face even as you try to shoot him an admonishing glare.  
“But we’ll start with a date,” he says softly. “And I know just where I’m gonna take you.”
With a small nod you lean forward and kiss the corner of his mouth, your lips lingering on the taste of his skin before you pull away and move from his embrace.
“Tomorrow?” he asks. “Or too soon?”
“Tomorrow,” you repeat.
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“HE KISSED YOU?” Nat screeches and you have to move the phone away.
You’re nodding before you realize she can’t see you.
“Yes, right there in the middle of the noodle place.”
“Well what?” you ask.
“How was it?”
You sigh almost dreamily. “Better than I remember which I didn’t think was possible.”
“And you’re sure you’re ok with this?”
“I’m feeling so much but the thing I’m feeling most is the fact that I want him. I’m hoping it’s more than a physical thing. It feels more than that because to be completely honest I never stopped loving him.”
“I’m glad you’re giving this a chance,” Nat says. “Just go at a pace that makes you comfortable.”
“So I should have sex with him tomorrow…? Because I’m perfectly comfortable.”
You can hear Nat’s snicker. “Girl, if you do I better get every dirty detail.”
You giggle and cover your mouth, feeling lighter than you have in weeks.
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“Just keep them closed ok?”
You squeeze your eyes shut and hold tightly to his hand, stepping on the backs of his feet several times as he leads you to your date spot.
“Sorry Buck,” you laugh.
“It’s ok doll, just another few steps.”
You hear something metal creak open and then a blast of cool air hits your face.  He throws his arm around your shoulder and tucks you into his side.
“Ok, open your eyes.”
You’re met with a scene that takes your breath away. It’s both familiar and new, the old roof top a space you frequented when you were younger but now it’s been brought to life in a whole new way.
Soft string lights hang from a make shift canopy where underneath you see a small chaise lounge that’s covered in a plush blanket and cocooned by fluffy pillows.
“Oh Bucky,” you gush. “You did all this?”
He smiles and kisses your forehead. “I remember how much you loved it up here.”
“It’s beautiful. All of it.”
“I have one last thing to show you. C’mere.”
He pulls you along with him and pauses near the old fire escape.
“Close your eyes,” he orders again, slipping his hands over them from behind.
You laugh and reach up to hold his wrists, fiddling with the gold bracelet that dangles loosely there. “What are you doing?”
“This,” he whispers along the shell of your ear.
He moves his hands from your eyes and you gasp and cover your mouth, but then reach out, tracing one finger over the etched lines in the metal.
Your initials are carved neatly into the rusted metal, still standing out against the weathered material after all this time.
You spin in his arms, your eyes falling to his lips just as you lick your own, his eyes tracking the movement.
“Thank you Bucky.”
And then you kiss him. He grabs your face gently between his large hands, nipping at your lower lip and you open for him without hesitation. You press into him and he slides his hands down your back, brushing his thumbs over the sides of your breasts.
You whimper his name, moving your lips to his neck to trace down the muscular column.
“Fuck,” he groans as he walks you back toward the chaise lounge. With a spin he sits down and pulls you into his lap, your thighs on either side of his.
You pull back, your eyes bright and your lips swollen.
“You’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”  
Your whispered thanks gets lost in the moment as he dips his head and drags his nose along your skin, inhaling softly.
“Whatever you want doll. Anything, nothing. Say the word and it’s yours.”
His words are rough even as his hands move delicately to caress your body.
You lean forward, softly kissing along his jawline toward his ear, your breath fanning his skin when he squeezes your ass.
“Touch me.”
“Touch you where doll? You want me to fill you with my fingers?” You want my mouth. I’ll lick up every last drop of whatever you wanna give me.”
You tremble in his arms, tugging at the button down that hangs loosely over his shoulders, your fingers splaying over his exposed skin as he shrugs it off. You rake your nails over his tight white tank, desperate for more of him but instead he tucks his fingers under your shirt and pulls it up and off.
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His large hand covers your breast, his thumb brushing your nipple through your bra and you arch your back, pushing your chest into his face.
Your hips rock, rubbing up and down over the hard ridge of his cock.
“I’m gonna come in my pants if you don’t stop that baby doll.”
You don’t stop. Can’t. And when his fingers pop open the button of your pants you grind down even harder, needing more.
His fingers move lower and he hisses at the softness of your skin before he finds you soaked and ready for him.
“Yes,” you breathe out. “More.”
“Right here?” he teases, lightly brushing his finger over your clit.
He spreads your juices all over you, coating his fingers and your skin until you’re completely wild for him, writhing as you try to fuck his hand.
Two thick fingers sink inside you, his rings hitting your skin as he meets every one of your thrusts, going faster and harder when you mewl for more with every stroke.
“Bucky. I’m gonna come,” you warn.
“Come for me doll. Come all over my fingers. Squeeze me tight.”
His words send you careening over the edge and you cry out his name but he doesn’t stop the slow pumping of his fingers, drawing out every last bit of your pleasure.
You collapse against him, your head laying along his shoulder. His skin is warm and soft beneath your cheek and you can’t help but press your lips there. You spasm on his fingers once more before he slowly pulls them free and brings them between you, staring at the glistening proof of what he does to you.
With a predatory gleam in his eyes he holds you gaze and pushes his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean one by one.
“Fuck doll, you’re so sweet. I almost forgot how good you taste.”
You turn your face to his as your fingers tip toe down his chest, catching on the gold chain that rests against his warm skin, before moving lower.
“What about you?”
He rests his hands over yours, stopping you from undoing the button of his jeans.
“Not yet baby doll. I want to at least give you a real date first.”
“Are you being all gentlemanly now?” you pout. “We’ve had sex up here before.”
“I’ll fuck this pussy anywhere and anytime you’ll let me, but you want to go slow and this is more than just fucking. It always has been. When I get back inside you, it’ll be because we’ve worked through all this shit for good, all the shit that never should have gotten in our way. And there won’t be any going back. You’ll be mine again.”
Even though you always have been.
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@sstan-hoe @lookiamtrying @hallecarey1 @kmc1989 @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @late-to-the-party-81 @randomfandompenguin @hiddles-rose @sebstanwhore @book-dragon-13 @littleseasiren @justkinsey​ @beccablogsthings​ @laineyreads​
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: You had spent weeks looking forward to your date night with Javi, but once the day actually arrives, it seems like everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong. Lucky for you, Javi knows just how to make your day better.
Word Count: 5.8K
Pairing: Dad!Javier Peña x Wife!reader (Reader's nickname is Osita, no use of y/n)
Warnings: SMUT (18+) unprotected p in v sex, bathtub sex (hehehe) vaginal fingering, creampie, praise kink, big ole nasty breeding kink (listen, who am I to deny this man as many children as he wants), alcohol/being tipsy, food/eating, mom guilt, Chucho being the cutest Abuelito, Javi winning the award for dad/husband/dilf of the year 😩🥵
A/N: .... Well. Here we are again 🫠 When I tell you have made a rent free residency in my head... I do not kid you AT ALL. This has been my favorite story for our sweet little family so far. It also may or may not be how Harper is conceived OOPS 🤷🏼‍♀️ I love them, your honor.
Series Masterlist Never Too Late Masterlist
Every day for the past three weeks, you had been counting down to the 19th on your family calendar stuck to the side of your fridge, where the words “date night” had been scribbled in Javi’s messy handwriting. While you loved your girls, it had been a while since just you and Javi had a night to yourselves, so when Chuhco offered to babysit, the 4 of you couldn’t have been more thrilled- You and Javi got an evening alone, and Lucy and Elliot got to spend the night with their favorite Abuelito (Grandpa) at the ranch, getting lots of quality time with the animals, and one too many late night snacks. 
You had been looking forward to this day for weeks, and that’s why when the 19th finally arrived, you couldn’t have been more disappointed that everything that could have gone wrong that day, felt like it had. 
Lucy insisting she help with breakfast before preschool and dropping the rest of the egg carton on your kitchen floor. 
Elliot refusing to nap while Lucy was at school, leaving you with no time to get any of the things done around the house you had planned. 
The dog getting into the bathroom garbage and then throwing up 14 qtips on your carpet. 
The girls having a meltdown at the grocery store because they couldn’t bring home one of the balloons from the end of the checkout aisle. 
Going on an hour long manhunt for Flipper, Lucy’s favorite stuffed penguin she insisted had to go with her to Chucho’s, which ended up being hidden under a blanket in her bed. 
Snapping at the girls out of frustration as they chased each other through the kitchen while you were trying to finish making them dinner. 
Your pounding headache and tired body from feeling like you had been doing nothing but scrambling all day long just to stay afloat. 
And now, with Lucy teaming up with Elliot in their no-nap strike, you hadn’t even had time to shower or get ready for your date by the time Javi had gotten home, leaving you with barely under an hour  before you had to leave to make it to your dinner reservations on time. 
You wanted so desperately to just forget about the shitshow that had been your Friday, but try as you might, you couldn’t help but find yourself in an overwhelmed and grouchy mood. A mood that you did not want to be in on your long awaited date night with Javi, your internal battle of emotions only dampening your spirit further. 
As you heard the garage door open and Javi’s familiar footsteps make their way down the hallway, you fought with everything in you to try and put on the happiest face you could, as if you were going to be able to will yourself out of your funk to enjoy the night with your husband. 
“Hi, Hermosa.” Javi beamed, setting down his bag to wrap you in a hug, pressing a soft kiss onto your forehead before looking down at you in slight confusion, seeing that you were still in leggings and one of his oversized t-shirts, hair plopped up in a messy bun with very little time left before the 4 of you needed to head out to Chucho’s to make it to your dinner reservations. “Listen, baby, you know I think you look absolutely stunning in anything, but I do think the restaurant may be a touch nicer than my 20 year old t-shirt from college.” 
“I know, sorry, it’s just been- It’s been a day. The girls are in the living room playing, do you mind getting their bags and watching them until we have to go so I can shower?” You tried your best to force a smile up at Javi, who was now cradling your jaw in his large palm, tracing his thumb along your cheek. His big brown eyes stared back at you, almost as if he knew there was something off that you didn’t want to get into right now, planting another kiss in your messy hair as you let out a deeper than intended exhale. 
“Of course, Osita. Anything else I can do to help while you get ready?”” 
“No, just that. Thanks, Jav.” 
“DADDY!” Two pairs of tiny feet pattered down the hallway, Lucy and Elliot bolting towards their dad with arms outstretched, Javi now squatting down to greet them with a smile stretched across his face, almost as wide as theirs. 
“Ahhhh, there are my pollitas! C’mere mis amorcitas (my little loves).” Scooping the girls up in his arms, Javi picked up Elliot and Lucy, resting one on each hip, peppering little kisses over their faces, making them erupt in laughter. “Let’s head back to the living room so we can let Momma get ready before we leave for Abuelito’s house, sí?” 
“Okay, Daddy! Will you play horsies with us?” Lucy squealed, wrapping her little arms around Javi’s neck, giving him a hug. 
“Of course, Lucy Goosey.” Javi turned back to give you one last smile as he whisked the girls off to the living room, the sight of him carrying your daughters with such genuine joy and happiness being the first thing that had brought genuine relief today. 
The relief was short lived though, now looking up at the clock to see you were down to 45 minutes to shower and make yourself look like a halfway decent human. You frantically sped through your routine, cranking up the temperature of the water in the shower to as hot as it could go as you tried to wash away the remnants of your day. Unfortunately, the water could have been a million degrees and it wouldn’t have been enough- You forgot you were out of shampoo, having to settle for Javi’s instead, and after trying to speed shave, you realized as you were drying yourself off, you had completely forgotten to shave the bottom half of your right leg. 
You were thankful for the loud fan in your master bathroom, knowing it was enough to drown your tears as you stared yourself down in the mirror, feeling like an absolute mess. You didn’t feel excited, or pretty, or any of the things you wanted to feel before going out on your date. Truth be told, you felt like a shitty, worn down gremlin of a mom who just wanted to do nothing more than curl up in a blanket and hide away from the world for the rest of the night. Taking a long inhale, you shook your head, forcing yourself to wipe the wetness away from your cheeks to finish getting ready, and while with your hair and makeup done, and cute flowy dress wrapped around your body, you looked externally  better than you had an hour ago, internally, you still didn’t feel much better. 
You grabbed your coat and purse, making your way back into the living room to see Javi changed into navy dress pants and sport coat to match, with a white button down underneath, sitting on the couch with one daughter on each side, arms wrapped around them while they read “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” for what you were sure must have been the 17th time since you had gotten into the shower, considering it was the only book Lucy had wanted to read in the past week. Hearing you step through the doorway, Javi’s face lit up, biting down on his lip as he nudged the girls, pointing towards you. “Pollitas, look. Doesn’t Mommy look so pretty?” 
“You’re so beautiful, Mommy!” Lucy grinned, bolting up off the couch, wrapping her arms around your leg, squeezing it tightly. 
“So pweety, Mommy!” Elliot cooed, toddling over to join her sister, clutching around your other leg. 
You could feel the tears beginning to well behind your eyes again, seeing your little girls attached at your hip and your sweet husband staring back at you, wondering how in the world had given you 3 people who loved you so much on the days you loved yourself so little. You let out a little gulp, trying to choke back your sobs, leaning down to kiss each of the girls on the head. 
“Thank you Munchkins. Not as beautiful as my little chickens or as handsome as your Daddy, but that’s okay. You ready to go to Abuelito’s?” You mumbled through your words, your tone now making Javi’s brow scrunch in concern, giving you that look he gave you when he knew something was bothering you and you were being too stubborn to admit it. With enthusiastic squeals from the girls, they were practically running out the front door to the car, you following close behind them with their overnight bags, Javi following behind you just as closely, desperate to figure out what was on your mind. 
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The drive to Chucho’s was fairly quiet besides Lucy and Elliot’s sing-along to the Lion King soundtrack that had been a permanent fixture in your car for the past few car rides. As the girls half babbled the words in the backseat, Javi reached over, resting his hand on your thigh and rubbing soft circles against your skin, giving you that look that said, “I know something’s wrong and you’re not telling me”, you exchanging back with an incredibly unconvincing, “It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.” 
As you pulled up to the Peña ranch, Chucho was already outside, waiting on the porch in his rocking chair, his face beaming just as sweetly as Lucy and Elliot’s as they ran out of the car to greet their grandpa. 
“Hola, nietas! (Hi, granddaughters!)” Chucho cooed, letting out a little grunt as Lucy and Elliot barreled into him, squeezing him in their grasp. “How are my favorite little ladies?” 
“Hi Abuelito!” 
The girls giggled as Chucho kissed them both on the cheek, smiling up at you and Javi as you carried the girls bags to the front door. “Oh díos mio, girls. Look at how nice your mamá and papá look tonight!” 
“Thanks Pops.” Javi laughed, setting one of the bags down on the porch. “You still okay if we come pick these two monsters up tomorrow morning?” 
“Monstruos? My sweet nietas? Never.” Chucho laughed, giving the girls a little shake as the two of them giggled at their grandpa. “Come by whenever you’d like. You know I am more than happy to have these two as long as you’ll let me.” 
“Thanks, Chucho.” You nodded, setting another bag down next to the one Javi had placed on the porch. “Do you need us to do any-” 
“Mija, I have everything I need. Don’t worry about a thing. Now go. The two of you deserve a nice night out. Me and the girls will be just fine, won’t we?” Chucho grinned down at Lucy and Elliot, bouncing in excitement. 
“Thanks, Dad. Be good for your Abuelito, sí? I told him if you’re naughty, you’re gonna have to go sleep out with the cows.” Javi teased, kneeling down to the girls level, giving them a little tickle and kiss before wrapping them in his arms. “Te amo, Pollitas. (I love you, little chickens).” 
“Bye girls, we’ll see you tomorrow, okay? We love you.” You joined Javi, crouching down to give your girls one last hug and kiss before they were already halfway through the front door, bursting into Chucho’s house with excitement.
You thanked Chucho again, making your way back to the car, pulling down the dusty, dirt driveway before making your way back on the road. “God, I’m convinced he loves those girls more than anything else on the face of this earth. I’m sure that means he won’t mind keeping them just a little longer tomorrow, huh, Hermosa?” Javi smirked, once again placing his hand on your thigh, giving it a little squeeze before realizing you had been staring out the passenger side window from the moment you had gotten in the car, trying desperately to snap yourself out of the terrible funk of your day you just couldn’t seem to shake. 
You felt the wetness beginning to pool under your eyelids, your breaths becoming shaky and weary, trying to pull yourself together from the tired, guilty and grumpy mess that you were, but it was no use. “Hermosa? You okay?” Javi asked again, confused by your silence, gripping your leg a little tighter, the sweet and gentle tone of his voice being the final straw that broke the camel’s back. You let your tears fall freely, your sobs becoming louder and heavier as you shook your head back and forth, Javi immediately pulling over the truck to the side of the dirt road, unbuckling his seatbelt and pulling you into a hug as you cried against his chest. “Baby. Baby what’s wrong? Hey, shhhh, it’s okay, Osita. I’m here, it’s okay.” 
Javi held you, letting you take your time to cry before trying to prod about the reason behind it, feeling you take long, exasperated deep breaths against him before pulling away, wiping away the tears that had been flowing down your face. “It’s been such a shitty day, Jav. I felt like such a bad mom, and I’m so tired and I’ve been looking forward to this date with you for so long and I’m just fucking exhausted. I’m so sorry. Our date hasn’t even started yet and I’m already ruining it.” It wasn’t long before you were sobbing again, leaning back into the broadness of Javi’s body as he immediately wrapped his arms around you, gently cradling the back of your head as you cried, feeling his own heart break from seeing how hard you were on yourself. 
“Hermosa…” He cooed, pressing you against his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair. “Baby… Listen to me, okay? You are not a bad mom. You are the most wonderful mother in the world to our girls. I have no fucking clue how you do what you do all day long, but there is no one else in the world I would rather have to help raise them with. You are so sweet and patient with them, God, they’re little mini versions of you and I couldn’t be happier. You are an amazing mom, you understand?” 
“It didn’t feel like it today. God, they were so tough today and it was exhausting, I yelled at them today for running in the kitchen and I felt so bad, I just- fuck- being a mom is so hard, Jav. I love it, I do, I love those girls so much, but today I felt like I was running for worst parent of the year award. And now I can’t even pull it together enough for our date that we’ve both been looking forward to. I’m so sorry, Javi.” 
“Osita, you are not ruining anything. Baby, if I get to spend time with you, I’m happy. I don’t care where we go or what we do, if I’m with you, it doesn’t matter. So, that being said,” he paused, tilting your head up towards him, gently wiping away your tears with his thumb, “we’re gonna go home, pick up pizza, open a bottle of wine, sit and soak in the tub for as long as you want to, and then I’m gonna make sweet, sweet love to my beautiful, amazing wife until she knows just how much I love and appreciate everything she does for our family. Okay?” You let out a little huff of laughter, a small smile finally appearing in the corners of your lips as you helped to wipe your tears away. 
“Are you sure? You planned dinner reservations and I-” 
“I’ve never been so sure. I love you, Osita. You are everything to me, and I promise I will spend the rest of my life trying to make sure you remember it.” 
“God, now you’re gonna make me cry even more, you dummy.” You laughed, Javi joining in as you gave him a playful nudge. “I love you too, Jav. You’re way too good to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” As Javi’s sweet brown eyes locked with yours, the weight in your chest began to ease, wondering how in the world you had gotten so goddamn lucky. Buckling himself back in, and shifting the car into drive, Javi turned around, changing directions back to home, resting your head against his shoulder. 
“Can we get breadsticks with the pizza, too?” 
“Whatever you want, baby, it’s yours.” 
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With an extra large pizza and breadsticks in your lap, the drive back to your house was spent in a much lighter mood than your drive to drop off the girls at their grandpa’s. You switched out the Lion King disk in your CD player for Fleetwood Mac, the two of you happily singing along to “I Don’t Wanna Know” as you pulled back into the driveway of your house. 
You were greeted by your dog, Bear, wagging his tail in delight at your presence from the comfort of the couch, rolling over to show you his belly, Javi gladly obliging in giving him some scratches before Bear gladly put himself back to sleep, curled up against a throw pillow. “Old man could really give two shits about us being home, huh?” Javi laughed, giving the dog one last pat before making his way back over to you in the kitchen, already shoving a cheesy piece of pizza into your mouth. 
“I think he’s just as relieved from a night off from the gremlins as we are.” You laughed, catching a stringy piece of cheese that had fallen from your lips, making you and Javi both chuckle. “Is it bad if we eat pizza and drink wine in the tub?” You raised an eyebrow at Javi, gesturing towards your food, anxious to take a relaxing soak, your tub used more frequently by Lucy and Elliot than either of the two of you these days. 
“Of course not, Osita. Why don’t you get stuff ready upstairs and I’ll bring wine and pizza up? What wine do you want?” 
“I mean… It is date night. Should we break out the nice wine the Murphy’s got us the last time they came over? We did say we were saving it for a special occasion.” You smirked, holding up your half eaten piece of pizza to toast to your failed date night out, you and Javi both shaking your heads in laughter. Javi reached up in the cabinet above the fridge, pulling out the bottle and examining it before getting out a bottle opener and popping off the top. 
“God, the amount of shit Steve would give me to know that this got opened to be drank in our fucking bathtub…” 
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” You winked, giving Javi a kiss on the cheek before taking the last bite of your pizza. “Meet you upstairs?” 
“Can’t wait.” 
After making your way up the stairs and into your master bathroom, you cranked on the water in the tub, making it hot enough for your liking, but not hot enough Javi would complain about it being the surface of the sun. You thought that you had another set of bubbles to put in the bath besides the ones that you used for the girls, but after digging around in the bathroom cabinet, you had to settle for the bright pink, birthday cake scented bottle Lucy had insisted on getting during your last shopping trip. After the tub was full and bubbles were mixed and foaming, you stripped your clothes, dropping them on the tile floor in a heap next to the bathtub before tying up your hair and stepping into the water, sinking down to your neck and letting out a deep sigh as you closed your eyes in relief. You could feel the tension beginning to ease from your body, taking a moment to sit in the sweet silence before you heard Javi’s footsteps trailing up the stairs, gently swinging open the bathroom door, pizza and wine in his hands and a soft smile on his face.  
“Give me one more second, okay?” Setting down his things on the counter, Javi exited back out of the bathroom, quickly returning with a handful of candles and lighter, placing them around the room and lighting them all before turning off the overhead lights, the light of orange and yellow flames flickering against the walls in a soft, warm glow. 
“Wow, didn’t know I was going to the spa tonight. Very romantic of you, Jav.” You grinned, crossing your arms over the edge of the tub, resting your chin overtop of them as you stared at Javi, now undressing himself of his own clothes, throwing them into the pile with yours. “And the spa has hot naked men bringing me pizza and wine? God, I should come here more often.” You giggled, looking up at him in admiration as he passed you over your plate and glass before grabbing his own and stepping in to join you, sliding down the porcelain on the opposite side of the tub. “Thank you for this, Javi. I know it’s not what we had planned, but I really needed this.” 
“Of course, mi amor (my love).” Javi smiled at you, bringing his slice of pizza halfway up to his mouth before taking an over exaggerated sniff of the bubbles below him. “Why does the bath smell like a birthday cake?” 
“I thought I had other bubbles but the only ones I could find were Lucy and Ellie’s so we have birthday cake flavored bubbles.” The two of you laughed, shaking your heads as you bit down into your pizza, knowing that there was no one else in the world you could be happier to spend a night in a tub full of birthday cake bubbles with. 
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After you had finished your dinner and were a few more glasses of wine in, you had shifted in the tub so that you were settled in between Javi’s legs,  resting with your back against his chest and leaning your head back on your shoulder with his hands wrapped around your body, the two of you chatting and laughing away, not knowing or caring how much time had gone by. You had covered everything from Javi’s day at work, to vacation plans, now to Lucy’s interest in soccer, which had been a hot topic of conversation. 
“I know, I was talking to some of the other moms at the preschool about it, and they said they’d have their girls do soccer too, they just don’t have anyone to coach. They’re trying to find one of the dads to do it so they can start in the spring.” 
“Are you trying to get me to coach a soccer team?” Javi laughed, rubbing his hands up and down the length of your arms. “Baby, I know absolutely nothing about teaching 4 year olds how to play soccer, you would be better at it than I would.” 
“Well exactly, they’re 4 Jav, it can’t be rocket science. I think you would be good at it. You know Lucy would whip everyone into shape to make sure they listened to you.” 
“Honestly, she would probably be a better coach than I would.” 
“She honestly would. I’m being serious though, baby! You’re so sweet and patient with the girls. Plus, it’d be good eye candy to watch from the sidelines.” You giggled, tilting your head up towards Javi, biting down on your lip. 
“Good eye candy, huh?” Javi smirked back down at you, sliding his hand down your arm to your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“Mmmmhhmmm. I could get to show off my hot, handsome husband and what a great dad he is for his girls. Make all the other moms jealous.” You cooed, shifting your body to face towards him, straddling over his lap, running your hands through the dark curls at the nape of his neck. You could feel Javi’s hands beginning to shift with you, now wrapping his arms around the small of your back, grabbing a fistfull of your ass, kneading the soft flesh in his hands. You tilted your head, letting your lips land tenderly on his before his tongue was swiping in the opening of mouth, the tenderness transforming into a passionate electricity. You let your hands roam down his neck towards his chest, sliding down under the water over his stomach, palming at his dick, already half hard in your hands. “Such a good Daddy, that maybe…” You moaned in between kisses, “Maybe it’s time for you to give me another baby.” 
Javi paused, his eyes going wide at your comment, his jaw almost hanging open as he let out a little gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. “Hermosa… Baby, are you serious?” He couldn't help but let a boyish grin escape from his lips, his face lighting up brighter than a little kid on Christmas. 
You and Javi had agreed you had both wanted a third, but decided to hold off until Elliot was past the 18 month mark before trying again. Javi had been dying for another kid, and had been using as much self restraint as he could to keep from asking you every day if the two of you could start trying for your third child after Elliot had turned a year and a half. It felt ironic that the circumstances you found yourself in to ask him if he wanted to have another baby were because of how exhausted you were from the two you already had, but God, after thinking about him coaching that soccer team, there was something about the thought of your sweet, loving husband with another baby attached to his hip that made any ounce of willpower you had left absolutely dissipate. If Javi wasn’t hard enough from your touch, the thought alone of getting you pregnant again was more than plenty. 
“You wanna put another baby in me, Jav?” You smirked, wrapping your hand around his cock, gently stroking it as he groaned, letting his head fall to your shoulder, quietly laughing to himself, almost as if he couldn’t believe his ears. 
“Fuck me…”  Javi hissed, tugging you closer towards him, the sudden movement making water splash over the sides of the tub. One of the hands grabbing your ass snaked around to your front, grazing over your hip and inner thigh before making its way between your legs and circling against your clit. “Fuck, I want to so badly. It’s all I’ve been thinking about these past few weeks, how much I wanna grow our family, give the girls another sibling, see you all beautiful and pregnant carrying our perfect baby again. Will you let me, Osita? Let me fuck another baby into you, Momma?” The pressure of his fingers on your sensitive bundle of nerves had you moaning, letting out a soft whimper as his two fingers pressed deep into your heat, slowly rocking his fingers along the soft spongy spot inside you that he knew made you crumble. 
“Oh my God, yes. Fuck- fuck, I need you to, Javi, please.” You whined, Javi’s mouth now working its way down to your breasts, sucking and flicking at your pebbled nipples as his fingers fucked into you deeper and harder, burying your head in the crook of his neck, the sensation of his tongue and hands making your pussy begin to flutter. The heel of his palm dug deeper into your clit, pressure building in your belly as your hips rocked against his hand, each roll making more and more water overflow onto the floor as you braced yourself, digging your fingers into the skin of Javi’s broad back as that sweet and familiar tingle built at the base of your spine. 
“That’s it, sweet girl, I know you’re close. Give me one on my fingers and then I swear, I’m gonna fuck you so full of me, I’ll get you pregnant tonight.” Javi grunted through gritted teeth, feeling your cunt begin to clench around his fingers, your breathing becoming heavy and shaky as you moaned. Suddenly, you felt the coil in your belly snap, making you cry out as your orgasm ripped through your body, flooding every inch of you with euphoria and pleasure as you reached your peak. 
Javi placed languid kisses and nips down your neck and collarbone as you slumped into him, coming down from your high with labored breaths, finally composing yourself enough to sit up to see the satisfied grin spread across his cheeks, a lustful and mischievous look pooling in the dark brown of his eyes as he stared at your blissed out face. “How much you wanna bet?” You smirked, biting down on your lip before leaning in to tug at Javi’s earlobe with your teeth as you scooted closer over his lap, shifting your body up in the water of the tub to hover over his cock, carefully guiding it to line up with your entrance. 
“Bet what, Osita?” 
“Bet that you get me pregnant tonight?” You mewled, slowly sinking yourself down onto Javi’s length, savoring the sweet sting and stretch of him inside you until you had bottomed out, feeling his tip brush against your cervix. “That 9 months from now, we’ll have one more baby that gets to fill another room in our house?” Gently, you began swirling your hips, letting Javi’s cock stay buried deep inside you, splitting you open in the best way possible, almost making you speechless. 
“Jesus Christ, Hermosa…” Javi sighed, digging his fingertips into your sides, guiding your bottom half as it rolled in his lap. “I’d bet anything, because I’m gonna fuck myself so deep inside you, it’ll take. You want another baby? I’ll give you another baby, Osita. I’ll give you anything you want. My beautiful wife, amazing mom to our girls, fuck- you deserve everything.” 
Moans escaped from both your parted lips as you began to raise yourself up and down along Javi’s length, now punching along the spot inside you that had your mind going numb. His fingers circled against your already sensitive clit as he thrust up into you, the feeling of him all consuming, even as the lukewarm water of the bath swirled between you. You draped your arms around his neck as his free one wrapped around the small of your back, your bodies melting together as one as you pushed and pulled with each stroke. 
You could feel your cunt beginning to clench again, heat blooming in your belly with each swirl of your hips, tugging at the damp curls of Javi’s hair at the nape of his neck as his thrusts became more frantic and sloppy, telling he was just as close to reaching his own high as you were. “Fuck, Javi, fuck- I’m so close baby, oh shit- don’t stop.” You whined into the crook of his neck, pulling yourself even tighter against his body. 
“I’m not gonna stop, Osita. Not gonna stop until fuck you full of me and fuck another baby into you. That what you want, Hermosa?” Javi grunted through gritted teeth, pounding deeper and faster into you with each word, the water from the tub sloshing and spilling onto the tile floor below you. 
“Yes, fuck- oh my god, yes, fuck Javi, oh shit- fuck baby, I’m gonna-ahhhhhhhh.” Once again, your orgasm radiated through every inch of your body, making your legs shake and mind go blank as you cried out Javi’s name, practically melting into him as he continued to thrust into you with a desperate ferocity, close to his own end. Javi’s arms wrapped around your back, caging you against his chest, fingertips gripping in the soft skin of your shoulder blades as he fucked into you, babbling incoherently. 
“That’s it, sweet girl. Fuck, I’m close too, Hermosa. Oh fuck- God, I can’t wait to see you pregnant again. So fucking beautiful carrying our baby. You’re such a- fuck- good mom to our girls, my fucking perfect wife, I’m so luck-ahhhhhhh.” With one final thrust inside you, you could feel Javi painting your walls in his spend, milking himself of every last drop, his breath ragged and heavy as he leaned into you, your chests rising and falling in sync as you came to. 
“Well…” You laughed to yourself, shaking your head against Javi’s shoulder where it had been resting, now lifting up to grin at his blissed out face, “Safe to say we should probably clean this tub out before we let the girls use it again.” 
Javi joined in your laugher, the two of you giggling to yourselves over your antics, peeking over the side of the tub to see the giant puddles pooling on your bathroom floor. “I mean, the water had soap in it, so at least the floor is clean.” Javi smirked, cupping his hand around your jaw, pressing his smiling lips to yours. 
“Clean, really? Not like we need any extra towels or anything to wipe up all the water we spilled all over the floor because now it’s just magically clean, huh Jav?” You teased, giving him a playful nudge, Javi rolling your eyes at your heavy dose of sarcasm. “We probably should get out and wipe all of this up. Any longer in here and I think our future kid is gonna come out just as pruney as we are.” 
“Dork. I’ll clean everything up. Why don’t you go put on pajamas and I’ll meet you in bed, okay?” 
“Javi, I was just teasing. I am half the reason for this mess, I can help clean it up and-” 
Javi silenced the rest of your sentence with his lips, capturing the rest of your words in his mouth. “I know you can, Osita. I want to. Let me clean up. Can’t have you working too hard, Momma. Gotta make sure you stay nice and rested so you can grow baby number 3.” 
“You are ridiculous, you know that? You just gonna magically will me to be pregnant after tonight?” You sighed, laughing as the two of you made your way out of the tub, wrapping yourselves up in the fluffy towels you had left out on the bathroom counter, Javi draping his towel around the both of you as he leaned down to press a soft kiss into your messy hair. 
“I told you, I’d bet you anything. 5 bucks.” 
“5 bucks what, smartass?” 
“5 bucks says you don’t get your period and we find out you're pregnant by the end of the month.” 
“I’ll tell you one thing, if you are anything, Javier Jesús Peña…” You smirked, pressing up on your tiptoes to peck another kiss on his lips, “it’s confident. I hope you’re right, but I’ll take your bet.” 
If Javi was also anything, it wasn’t wrong. Because 4 weeks later, after a missed period and 3 sets of double pink lines on your pregnancy tests, baby Peña number 3 was on their way. So when you handed Javi 5 dollars and a little white box with one of your tests, you couldn’t help but laugh to know that even though your future daughter was the product of a date night gone wrong, it couldn't have felt more right knowing you were lucky enough to grow your family by one more with the man you loved more than anything else in the world.
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@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper
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suugarbabe · 6 months
I would love habit, crush and love for Mattheo 😂😂😂 I know I’m greedy but this man just does something to me 🥵🥵
On the real, we’re all greedy for Mattheo. It’s a tad long so I cut it
Mattheo has a horribly bad habit of staring
His staring has two modes: completely dead and hyperfixating
When he finds something boring, he’s completely dead I side.
Low vacant eyes that seem like his mind is in another dimension
Draco or Theo snapping their fingers in front of him to bring him back to reality
But when it’s you it’s anything but dead eyes; he’s hyperfixated.
That’s how you figured out he was interested in you; you had caught him staring
About 45x in one day
Since you started actually dating all he does is stare at you
At your eyes and the light that sparkle when you’re talking about something you love
At your lips when their freshly glossed and how he just wants to mess it up
At your ass and how dangerously short your skirt looks in DADA today
At your tits as their bouncing in front of his face while you ride him
Mattheo is a teasing crusher; almost like he’s in primary school again
He tugs on your ponytail/bun/hair and just smiles innocently when you turn around and glare at him
He bumps into you in the hall, giving himself the opportunity to catch you as well before flashing a dimpled grin and giving you a “sorry Princess”
He tosses chips and pieces of rolls down the table or across the great hall at you and when you whip your eyes towards him he’s turning his head and whistling like he’s innocent as can be
And he’s like this because he doesn’t know how to show true affection that isn’t just purely lust (let’s remember his examples growing up)
So when he grabs your hand at a house party and asks you to dance you wear a confused expression
You tell him you figured he didn’t like with how he teased you
Which leaves him a flustered mess and forces him to explain that he really desperately has a crush on you
And if you’d let him make up the last few weeks he promise you won’t regret it
Mattheo Riddle is incredibly insecure when it comes to love
He’s had such shit examples in his life that he doesn’t even realize that he is in love until Blaise and Luna are listening to him ramble on about you
And our sweet Luna just turns to Blaise with a “Isn’t it just an adventure seeing your friends fall in love?”
Then it hits him like a ton on bricks
Love? Thats why he thinks of you first whenever he wants to tell someone good news?
That’s why when he’s pissed off and you wrap your arms around his middle it’s like all his worries melt away?
But he’s never really experienced love, so how does he know you love him back?
He’d need constant reassurance in the beginning because he truly just can’t believe someone would really and honestly love him
But you don’t mind telling him daily, or singing his praises because you don’t think he’s heard about all his good qualities enough in his life
And you’d tell him again and again as much as he’d want because the way he looks at you (like you hung the fucking moon), Merlin you hope you see that every day
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munsonsmixtapes · 15 days
Ok but imagine like older Eddie he's like 50 and he's still in corroded coffin but they only got big around Hawkins and surrounding areas but like you meet him ajd you're 23 and he's selling merch and you donf think he's in the band and you're in town for the headliners band which is a bigger more well known band bur yiu and Eddie start flirting and you're wearing your usual concert outfit a tight cropped tank top and short shorts and you guys takk and you wnd up buying merch for the band you think he's just selling for jusf bc you needed a reason to talj to him and then you go to your seats and the opening band is Eddie's bandand yiu see him and your jaw drops and you're in shock and he's so so giddy and flirty wven while he's playinf but only ti you and he feels like a teenager again and his hormones are racing and after the set you don't even stay to watch the headliner you go and talj eith him more and one thing leads to another and yiu guys ya know get filthy 🥵🥵🙈🙈🙈
This is such a great request! I did change the age gap because it’s a little too large for my liking so I hope that’s okay!
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) fingering, grinding, age gap (reader is 25 and Eddie is 40)
You entered the crowded venue and smoothed out your skirt before heading over to the merch stand of the band you were most excited to see. You had worn your best outfit, hoping to get some action from the lead guitarist, even though he was definitely old enough to be your father. What could you say? You had a thing for older men and didn’t think there was anything wrong with that.
You pulled your shirt down just enough to show your cleavage, even though your bra was very visible through the tight material and made your way over to the merch table where you knew the band hung out before their set.
You looked around at the other tables as you went and stopped when you saw the hottest man you had ever seen at the stall right next to the one you had your eye on. He was staring directly at you, his eyes looking directly at your tits that were practically spilling over your tank top.
He had a beard that you were definitely into and his hair was pulled back into a loose bun which you assumed was to keep his hair off his neck in the hot venue and he was wearing a denim vest which showcased his tattoos very nicely. He had some on his torso and both of his arms were covered in full sleeves.
As you stepped closer, you could see all of his face piercing which included a hoop through both his lip and nose and a piercing through his eyebrow. He was so hot that you could have sworn you were getting wet just from looking at him.
“Hi,” you greeted, putting on your signature flirty smile and he mimicked it, his far better than yours.
“Hi,” he replied, pressing his hands on the counter and leaning forward, just close enough for you to get a whiff of him. He smelled like the perfect mixture of tobacco and whatever cologne he was wearing and it was intoxicating.
“Corroded Coffin?” You asked, looking down at the shirts that were displayed both behind him and on the table he was leaning on. You knew practically every band in the genre so you weren’t entirely sure why you had never heard of them.
“They’re newer,” he responded, his voice sounding raspy and low, making your cunt even more damp. “It’s their first big show outside of Indiana.”
“That’s really cool,” you smiled. You always loved supporting smaller bands and eyed the CD that was next to him, displaying what you had assumed was their album.
“You should check them out,” he said, handing you one of the CDs and a shirt that he assumed was your size. You reached for your purse, but he just shook his head.
“No need, sugar,” he winked. “It’s on the house.”
“Well thank you-” you paused, realizing you didn’t know his name.
“Eddie,” he responded and got thought the name suited him.
“Eddie,” you repeated and he loved the way it fell from your pretty glossed lips.
“And you are?” He asked, leaning even closer and his scent entered your nose again, making you want to smell it forever.
“I guess you’ll have to find out when you find me later,” you gave him a wink of your own and grabbed a sharpie from your purse that you had brought for autographs and grabbed his hand before scribbling your number on it. With that, you turned on your heel to head to to head into the seating area, making a beeline for a spot right in front of the barricade, the whole reason why you originally showed up in the first place as your mind wandered to Eddie.
Not long after, you received a text from Eddie which had been an eggplant emoji and immediately saved his number before sending him the water droplets back.
After about an hour of making conversation with the people around you, the lights went down and the first band came on. You watched as fog moved across the stage as the curtain slowly rose to reveal the band, a gasp escaping your lips as you realized that the front man was Eddie.
“How we doing San Francisco?” He asked as he adjusted his mic. His eyes locked on yours and you smiled, giving him a flirty wave. Everyone erupted in cheers and you joined them, clapping your hands together and cheering as loud as you could.
“Good to hear it. May I say that I am doing fantastic. I think I’m gonna start off with a fan favorite. Is that alright?” Everyone cheered again and you were curious to see which song they were going to perform.
The song started off slow, but you didn’t miss the absolutely filthy lyrics that were spilling from Eddie’s mouth. He was watching the entire time, almost as if he was dedicating the song to you. He then stepped away from his mic, you reached your hand out to him and he took it, pressing a kiss to the skin, looking directly into your eyes as he sang about wanting to fuck you like an animal.
As you watching Eddie perform, you let your mind think about all of the things you’d let him do to you. The way you’d grind against him while he sat in the passenger seat of your car as he took what he wanted from you as he kissed you until you were both breathless. He’d then stick his hands underneath your skirt and finger you, stretching you out so you’d be ready for his giant cock and he’d fuck you until you both orgasmed, the windows fogging up from your moans mixing together in the air.
You honestly hadn’t been paying attention their entire set after the first song. All you could think about was how badly you wanted to see Eddie naked and just how much you wanting to run your tongue along his lip ring while he pounded into you, making you moan like you never had before.
You sent Eddie your location as you got to your car and he met you there pretty quickly, still in his outfit from before, his torso glistening with sweat that you found yourself wanting to lick up.
“So, you gonna tell me your name now?” He asked as he took a drag of the cigarette he was holding.
“I’m y/n.”
“Oh, I’m gonna love moaning that,” he responded then his eyes widened. “That is why you asked me here, right?”
“What did you think the emoji meant?”
“I just wanted to be sure, sugar,” he took another drag from the cigarette and blew it through his lips. “Just wanted to make sure the feeling was mutual before I did anything. And I also wanted to make sure that you were of age before we did anything. You’d be surprised how many minors try to get with me.”
You pulled your ID from your wallet and handed it to him. You had been younger than he thought and a couple years younger than the half your age plus seven rule but since it was only two, he supposed he could make an exception. You were just so hot to not take the opportunity.
He gave you your ID back and without hesitation, his lips were on yours in a filthy kiss as he set you on the hood of your car, spreading your legs so he could step between them to get closer to you. He licked into your mouth and laid you down onto the hood, neither of you caring who was around. You were just so desperate for each other that you couldn’t waste any time getting into the car.
His tongue roughly scraped against yours and you let out a moan at the feeling which made his dick harden which you felt against you, making you even more wet. Eddie’s hand slowly moved down to your skirt and moved up it. His fingers were rough and his rings were cool against your thigh as he slowly moved his hand up it. His cock hardened even more once he realized you hadn’t been wearing any underwear.
He shoved two of his fingers up your pussy as his lips moved against yours and you moaned into his mouth at both the sensation and his cold rings brushing the sensitive skin.
“Oh,” you moaned and he pulled away, wanting to see you come undone at his touches. Your eyes closed as he got both fingers fully inside and then he pulled out, pumping in and out and you moaned louder as he moved harder and faster, your legs giving out at the pure delight that was coursing through you.
“Look so pretty around my fingers, sugar. Bet you look even prettier around my cock,” he said as he pulled his fingers out of you as soon as you reached your orgasm. He licked the slick clean off his fingers and looked down at you with a grin as you gasped at the action. “And look at that, you taste even better.”
Your legs were feeling like jello as you were sliding down the hood of the car. Eddie caught you and helped you to the passenger seat. He got in first and you climbed on top of him. He slammed the door and as soon as you were in the privacy of the tinted windows, your lips were on his, the kiss rough and hot as you leaned the seat back as far as it would go. Once it was situated, you moved your hands to Eddie’s vest, pulling it down his shoulders. He leaned up so you had more ease removing it and eventually, it ended up in the backseat as he pulled the bottom of your shirt out from your skirt. He could see the red bra underneath it pretty clearly, but he wanted to see it without the shirt being in the way.
You lifted your arms and he removed your shirt in one quick motion, tossing it into the back seat before taking a moment to get a look at you. You looked so fucking hot on top of him with your kiss bitten lips and your tits that were practically spilling out of your bra. He didn’t know what he had done to be able to be there with you in that moment, but he was definitely going to consider himself fucking lucky.
Eddie’s fingers ran along the lace that was attached to the tops of the cups and you felt your nipples harden as his fingers touched your bare chest as his fingers moved. He kissed you again and stuck his hand down one of the cups to squeeze your tit. He licked into your mouth and you began grinding against him, the slick of your sopping wet cunt seeping through his jeans, making the fabric wet as well.
You felt his hard dick against your entrance as you continued to grind on him and he groaned into your mouth at the feeling. Eventually, his hands moved to the back of your bra and he unclasped it with ease before tossing it to the back to join your other discarded clothing.
“God, fuck, you’re so hot,” he practically whimpered as he caught sight of your tits.
“Oh, you like them?” You asked, moving to the left and right, causing them to move with you. Eddie swore he was going to cream his pants right there.
“Wanna see them bounce while you ride me,” his voice was even lower and raspy than before and you swore that you weren’t going to survive if he was going to keep talking like that. “Wanna ride me, sugar?” That nickname was doing things to you that you couldn’t even explain.
“Wanna ride you so bad, fuck,” you whined. Oh, he could get used to that. You moved so he could remove his pants while you reached for a condom in your purse. Once you had it and his pants and underwear were down to his ankles. His cock was even larger than you had expected and you were not glad he had fingered you so you were more stretched out.
“You’re so big,” you told him and he smiled.
“Think you can take it?”
“Oh, I know I can.” You rolled the condom onto his dick then situated yourself onto it, the two of you letting out moans as he entered you. You grabbed onto his shoulders while his hands went to your waist. Your hips bucked as you began to ride him. Eddie watched your tits bounce as you moved and he was mesmerized by the moment, very sure that no one had ever looked that hot in that situation.
You continued to ride him as you leaned down and pressed your lips to his, your tongue moving his lip ring back and forth as your bare tits pressed to his chest. It was overstimulating, but he didn’t even care.
“Fuck, driving me crazy,” he moaned. “Can’t be doing all these things at once, sugar. My poor cock can’t take it.”
“Oh, you can take it,” you responded, your movements becoming even faster and harder, causing his back to arch, his own hips bucking against yours. His vision went hazy as he reached his peak, letting out his loudest moan yet, but neither of you were ready to stop.
You pulled him in for another filthy kiss and loved the way his facial hair scraped against your face. It was touch and coarse and you didn’t even care if it irritated your skin so long as he kept kissing you like that, his tongue swirling around and scraping against yours.
You scratched down his chest and you continued to ride him, the feeling of his hips bucking against yours causing you to come undone. His fingers were digging into your hips so hard that you swore that he was going to leave bruises, but you didn’t care. In fact, you kind of wanted him to so you could have physical proof of this moment.
Your pace slowed down as both of you orgasmed, wanting to take things slow for a bit since you had gotten there so quickly. Now you just wanted to enjoy the way he felt inside you a little longer. He felt so good and you were stalling at that point because you knew that this was just going to be a one time thing. It always was with rockstars. They were always the hit it and quite it types.
You eventually got off of Eddie and the two of you cleaned up and he pulled his pants back up which you helped him button. You then settled yourself back on his lap and leaned your head against his chest, tracing the tattoo that was right by your face.
“So, same time tomorrow?” He asked, letting his fingers gently run up and down your back and you pulled back to look at him.
“You want to?” You asked, your face lighting up at his suggestion. He pulled you into a short kiss before smiling as well.
“Sugar, if you fuck me like that again, I’d be happy to do it every night.” You pulled him in for another kiss the laid your head back on his chest to hide the grin on your face.
“It’s a date,” he responded, a grin making its way upon his face as he thought that maybe he’d wine and dine you first. That was what you deserved for making him feel that good, after all.
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itsallaboutbl · 3 months
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man bun Phaya 😏🥵
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forthechubbies · 1 year
Our Little Wife
~Princess Under House arrest~ Vol. 8
Mafia BTS x Chubby Wife Reader
Being Korea's deadliest kingpins made seven men into untouchable demons, yet their little wife is made out of sugar and spice?
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⚠️Um? Yoongi is a warning on his own as well as (bad boy gone wrong) Jungkook. Hot makeout scene w/ long haired drunken yoongi🥵, Jin's a sweetheart beyond sweethearts, Vulgar Language, Manhandling, and Jungkook is a sexy hot head so watch out!☺
<- Shadows Vol. 7
Your nightgown caught your foot as you rushed to your vanity. You've been cleaned, patched, polish and pampered.
You looked beautiful, a barefaced beauty. A healthy glow to your skin, volume and fullness in your hair-gently brushing your fingers over your face you discovered your nails were fully manicured.
"What's going on?" You lifted your nightgown to find the same result, your toes matched your nails.
All was flawless beside the ache in your wrist, the only thing not tended too, grazing your fingers ghosted over the sore skin-
You hissed with an "Ouch." squeaking out of you.
The sight of Jimin, the very last person you laid eyes on, sent shivers down your spine. Memories came rushing back, overwhelming you with a flood of emotions. The cruel and heartless actions of your once beloved husband twisted your stomach into knots, leaving you feeling utterly disgusted.
Even more so, you shared concern for him, However you do believe that He got what he deserved before you passed out.
But the memories only caused more confusion. Why are you back home? the men knew Jimin? and that man who grabbed you. His eyes...they looked like Kookie's.
To yours and my surprise, One of your French doors was unlocked, You shivered at the numbing temperature and aura of the house, scrolling down the corridor, The wholesome family pictures successfully made you feel like a bit better.
"Kitten?" The echo of a deep male purr startled, Yoongi stood at arm's length he looked sloppy..his clothes were hanging of his figure, hair overgrown into a tousled bun dangling off his broad shoulders.
"Is this finally you? My kitten." He reeks of whiskey. Yoongi calluses grip your jaw bringing your face to his, You grip his button up to keep balance on your tippy toes. "Or I'm finally dying for alcohol poisoning and you're an angel sent to ease my pain as I pass on."
Speechless you stared into Yoongi's heated face to see a long open wound slashed down his right eye, the dried blood still staining his crimison cheek. "If so, Could you pity me a kiss for a heartbroken man." His voice deeply rumbled as he whispered to you before planting his lips on yours.
You gasped. "Yoongi-" ghosting your fingers around his eyes. "You're eye."
Yoongi's large hands ♡ swallowed your chubby waist tugging all of your weight on him. The Innocent kiss turned course following Yoongi's lead as he worked his tongue.
"Mm!" You squeaked against his lips.
His tongue tricks distracted you from those busy hands of his stroking up the curves of your nightgown. You found yourself sandwich between the wall and Yoongi not that you mind-
"Ya! You better not puke on my carpet again, Min Yoongi! Or I'm settling for a divorce." Jin cried, you can't see him but you could imagine the blood rushing to his ears. "Yoongi, if you feeling sick dead outside-" Jin's eyes meeting yours.
Jin's eyes grew three sizes. "Yoongi! You're being too rough-" A harsh shove knocked the wobbly drunken man to the wooden floor where he happily retired. "My princess, Are you hurt? Any of those scratches stinging." He checked you frequently.
Jin quickly settled down placing his large hands on your shoulders, his sorrowful eyes roamed down your nightgown. "Namjoon was right...I should have kept the door locked." He mumbled, the last part before freezing at the loud sound of his husbands coming home so soon..too soon.
In the panic of heavy boots headed up the main staircase, Jin shoved you through your door frame, repeatedly cooing apologies at you as you fell flat on your bum. " I'm so sorry, Daddy loves his princess." You hardly heard him over the door closing with a click. He locked it.
"Is she up yet?" Kookie...
You kept your ear to door.
"No,-" Jin lied. " She's still asleep." You could hear his knuckles whiting from his intense grip on the french door's golden handles.
"What?! It's been three days?! Aren't you fucking concerned-at all!?" Jungkook's satori boomed, startling you on the other side.
You never heard kookie raise his voice maliciously to anyone especially his older spouses.
Jin's temper boiled over much like your bunny's. A loud thump was heard through the wood then a pregnant silence. Jin disciplined Jungkook upside his head.
"How dare you speak to you like I'm one of those punks you beat up, You feral mutt-!"
In seconds, The tip of Jungkook's nose tap Jin's as a horrifying fire burned Kookie's eyes. "What the actual fuck did you just call me?!"
A sudden adrupt shove against the doors sent you hurling into your fluffy carpet once more as fatal squeak falls from your lips. As soon as the cute sound left your mouth, Jungkook released his assault on Jin's collar.
The silence between the two men was deafening til Jungkook broke it with a small whimper. "Creampuff?! Are you alright?!" Jungkook ripped Jin away from your door, swinging opening them open to find you, his startled Creampuff grasping on your nightgown for dear life.
My goodness. You gasped. Nevermind the fact, He completely broken the lock on the doors effortlessly. I don't even think it he realized yet.
Jungkook stood tall before your dumbfounded face, You can admit it's been sometime since you seen your husbands but these dramatic difference in appearance are not for the faint hearted, to yoongi new scar and long hair to Jungkook's entire existence at this point.
He too has quit cutting his hair leaving his to fall to his shoulders , mainly hiding a good some of his face and yet the little droplets shimmering off his tips enchanted you.
It must be raining horribly upon how drained he is.
Jungkook's heavy muggy boots destroyed your ivory carpet as he slowly walked towards your shaken figure in awe. "It's really you?" He breathed, dropping his knees on either sides of your thighs, leaning closer in your face. "It is you."
Your eyes can't stand to look away from the new tattoos decorating the left side of his neck, beautifully paired with the two addictions piercing his lip and eyebrow.
Is this your kookie?
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roanniom · 2 years
I know your requests are closed but I just want you to imagine this with me….
Eddie is focused doing something but his hair keeps getting in the way, so he decides to put it up in a bun….. revealing his deliciouS NECK AND JAW!!!!!
I am not well. 🥵🥵🥵🥵 the things this man does to me ajdkflsjf
— ⚡️
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
You love Eddie’s neck. That is not something you’ve ever been shy about. Your arms are always draped around it, your fingers always smoothing over the sensitive skin. Your lips and teeth know it intimately
So it shouldn’t be the shock to the system that it is when Eddie puts his hair up while working on a sketch for a new Corroded Coffin flyer. You should be able to handle it. But lord help you when his hair is lifted into the elastic, exposing the length and muscle and expanse of his neck, you feel molten lava melt through your core.
“Um…Eddie…?” Your voice is smaller than you’d wanted because you’re doing your best to keep it steady. Which is hard because he’s rubbing his neck with his large ringed hand absentmindedly and you’re suddenly ravenously jealous of his own touch on his body.
“Yeah, Princess?” he asks absentmindedly. He’s engrossed in his work, not looking up as he responds to you. As such, he doesn’t notice the way you swallow heavily and shift in your seat, shocked to feel the abrupt onset of arousal which seems barely prompted.
You move onto your hands and knees and crawl across the couch till you’re beside and slightly over him. Eddie sits on the floor in front of the coffee table, back against the couch, as he hunches over his sketch, completely oblivious to your amorous mood.
“Eddie.” You say his name again, more as a coo this time and slide your hands over his shoulders and down his chest while your lips finally meet the object of your attention. You place light, wet open mouthed kisses to his neck, feeling your heart rate continue to increase as his scent floods your senses. Cigarette smoke and leather and his shampoo. Your mouth waters even further.
“What’s gotten into you, koala?” Eddie chuckles, dropping his pen and attempting to turn around to look at you. You, however, tighten your arms around him and mash your face further into his neck. This makes him laugh harder and before you know it he’s pushed away the coffee table and manhandled you off the couch and into his lap. “Something going on?”
“You just…you look good with your hair up. I never get to see…here.” You place your hand delicately to the side of his neck. Your thumb sweeps down over his throat to brush his Adam’s apple and he swallows beneath your touch.
“Well by all means. If you want to love on me, baby, don’t let me stop you,” Eddie replies with a massive grin on his face. He settles in more comfortably with his back against the couch, his hands settling lightly on your hips to keep contact with you without getting in your way.
And thus, with his encouragement, you indulge your sudden hunger. Your hands grip at his strong shoulders and your lips traverse the angle of his jaw, nibbling at the corner before dipping into the hollow below his ear. You kiss your way down the side of his neck before moving over to mouth your way across his throat. His muscles tense beneath your lips and you can’t help the small breaths and moans that you press into his skin. Your hips roll of their own accord in his lap, and soon Eddie is rolling his right up into yours.
“Please don’t take this as if I want you to stop - because please don’t ever fucking stop - but what brought this on, baby?” Eddie chuckles breathlessly. His hands migrate down to grip at the curve of your ass, guiding your hips to grind down more definitively on his lap. You gasp out a laugh.
“You just look - and feel - so damn good. I couldn’t help myself.” The words are practically a whine and Eddie pouts with condescending faux sympathy.
“Couldn’t help yourself, Princess? Hm?” He’s got you moving even faster and harder against his clothed hard on now and you throw back your head, losing the thread of your single minded pursuit of his neck. “Well that’s ok, because neither can I.”
And with that, Eddie takes advantage of your thrown back head and latches his lips to your own pulse point.
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Can you do a JJ one where they use like whipped cream or chocolate syrup or something? Because ohhh mah lawwdd that would be hot. 🥵
Kiss The Cook
Warnings: none, just fluffy smut
It was your three year anniversary with your boyfriend. You dreaded the day because it came with a lot of unspoken expectations. You both still had to work so you agreed to celebrate that night. Most likely with dinner and lots of sex. JJ Maybank was a romantic at heart but he was still a man. He did most of his thinking with only one head.
Regardless of what day it was, you were still excited to get home and see your man. You wished you'd had the opportunity to shower and doll yourself up but he'd beat you home. Plus you knew he didn't care about those types of things. He wanted you no matter what you wore. Half your time at home was spent in comfy clothes with a messy bun. Tonight would be no different.
You enter your apartment, smelling the delicious scent of a seafood boil. Your favorite food. Your mouth practically watered as you slip your shoes off and set your purse down.
"Babe?" JJ calls from the kitchen.
"Yea! It's me!" You take a few steps towards the kitchen when he rounds the corner, making you laugh out loud at the sight of him in an apron that says kiss the cook.
"You're cooking?" You tease as he wraps his bare arms around you. Your hands find his bare back and you quickly release his nude aside from some black boxers that are covered in pink hearts.
"Hell yea, I'm cooking for my girl. You deserve it after three years of putting up with me. Now give me a kiss." JJ brings you in for a passionate kiss while you let your hands slide down his muscular back and squeeze both ass cheeks.
"Watch it," He warns, his erection starting to tent through the apron, "You don't get that part of your present yet."
"I get more than one present?" You giggle like a schoolgirl before he kisses you again, his own smile peaking through.
"You get lots of presents tonight. Most of them start with an O and end with my name but I know you won't complain." JJ nuzzles your neck, sending chills and fire through your body. You were on the verge of saying forget dinner when he pulled away, leading you to the kitchen. You gasp at the sight before you, glancing from the kitchen to the rest of your open floor planned apartment.
"You cleaned too?" Like you could be anymore turned on. The man was notorious for leaving clothes everywhere but the entire place was spotless. Even the kitchen despite the stock pot full of yummy food you could smell. The small two person table was covered with saran wrap with a couple of forks laid out like you'd seen done at the local seafood boil place you both loved to go to. They didn't give you plates or anything. They just dumped the contents of the boil on your table and you dug in like savages. Lit candles also decorated the various countertops around the kitchen and a dozen red roses were perched in a vase.
"I know, I know. I tend to overdo it." JJ kisses your cheek before moving to the stove. You didn't know whether to look at the romantic set up or his tight ass. Both were tempting.
"JJ Maybank, I think I want to have all your babies." You tease, sitting down at the table as you watch him. He sends you a flirty look before pulling a bottle of wine from the fridge and pouring you both a glass. JJ brings it over, clinking your glasses before you both take a drink.
"I want you to have all my babies." JJ winks at you before the night continues into a peaceful setting of your usual banter and good food. By the time you're done, your eyes are almost heavy from your food coma and you're both buzzed. JJ's face is beat red from laughing and the alcohol, your feet propped up on his knee as he massages your soles after cleaning up the table.
"I could go for something sweet." JJ murmurs, sitting your feet down and going to the fridge. He pulls out chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and a tub of ice cream.
You look away from him, the emotions making your eyes water as you take a second to appreciate what a good man you have. Sure, he's sometimes childish and he can't load a dishwasher and he leaves his clothes scattered through the apartment but he's good and he loves you.
"This is the real gift." JJ announces. You look up just as he sits a hefty bowl of ice cream in the middle of the table. It's piled high with scoops of ice cream and perfectly topped with chocolate and whipped cream. But something sparkly catches your eyes on top and you're almost convinced you're seeing things before it slowly comes into focus. You suck in a breath, your eyes widening as you look to him for confirmation.
"Okay, so maybe I should've thought that through a little better but," JJ plucks the object from the top of the dessert and licks the ice cream off it before dropping to one knee, holding it out to you.
"Y/F/N, you are the love of my life and I'm so thankful to have spent the last three years with you. You've been my best friend for over half my life and I'd like to spend the rest of it with you by my side, as my wife. I know I can't offer you much and I'll piss you off more often than not but you have my heart and I promise to always treasure yours. Please, marry me?" So much emotion washes over you that for a moment you can't do or say anything but stare at him. He cocks his head at you, slightly smirking before you snap out of it.
"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" You cry happily. JJ beams, sliding the ring onto your finger before you throw yourself into his arms. You don't realize you're crying until you pull away from his neck and he looks down at you with so much love and admiration, gently wiping your tears.
"I love you." JJ whispers, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"I love you, too." You breathe, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hard kiss. JJ immediately scoops you up, turning to sit you on the counter as your kisses grow feverish. He shoves your thighs apart, rubbing his hard length against your crotch as he takes your hair down and fists the nape of it. You moan into his mouth, letting his tongue dominate your own as you grind back against him. You wanted him now more than ever. You were engaged. JJ Maybank was your fiance.
Your clothes end up on the floor along with the few articles of clothing he has on. You reach between your bodies, stroking him before guiding him to your entrance when he stops you, pulling away and shoving you down on your back. JJ snatches up the chocolate off the counter and immediately begins to pour it over your breasts and down your stomach to your mound.
"JJ!" You gasp, just as he picks up the whipped cream next and covers your pussy with the cold substance. Your body breaks out in goosebumps as you laugh, feeling his tongue find the trail he left on your stomach.
"I'm going to get sticky!" You giggle, laughing as he climbs on top of the counter and expertly licks the chocolate off your nipples. You moan, tugging at his hair as he licks and sucks you clean until your entire body is a trembling mess.
"That's the idea." JJ smirks, working his way back down your body and sliding to his feet after leaving you a panting mess. Your clit was throbbing, begging for the relief of his mouth.
"You're so goddamn sweet." JJ's voice is deeper now, the lust engulfing him as he licks a stripe up your slit, locking eyes with you as he coats his tongue in more whipped cream.
"JJ." You moan as he continues to lick and lick until you're squirming, your clit throbbing painfully. Suddenly, he buries his face in your pussy, eagerly consuming you as your back arches off the counter.
It was going to be a long, sticky night.
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got-pucks · 1 year
beach vacation || trevor zegras
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liked by user16, trevorzegras, and others
yourusername nothing makes a beach vacation better than a velcro boyfriend 🩷
tagged trevorzegras
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jamie.drysdale once again getting excluded because i’m single 😕
→ yourusername oh don’t act like i’m not the third wheel when you and trev are together!
→ trevorzegras we’ll see each other soon! 😎
trevorzegras you’re my person ❤️
→ yourusername 🥹🩷
-> jackhughes i think i’m gonna be sick 🤢
→ yourusername @ jackhughes oh you can think? didn’t know you could do that!
→ jackhughes @ yourusername why do you have to bully me like that?
user27 i need me a boyfriend like trevor 😩
jackhughes @ trevorzegras why don’t you ever hold onto me like this?
→ trevorzegras because you’re annoying
→ jackhughes wow way to get a man where it hurts 😐
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liked by yourusername, jackhughes, and others
trevorzegras it’s summatimeeee 🥵
view all comments
yourusername woo 😎
jackhughes wow so aesthetic trevy-poo
→ trevorzegras wow thanks i get it from @ yourusername
user64 trevor is such an instagram boyfriend
→ yourusername i trained him well!
jamie.drysdale that should be meeeee
→ yourusername in which picture? 🤨
→ jamie.drysdale @ yourusername obviously the one where you’re wrapped around him
→ trevorzegras @ jamie.drysdale didn’t you say “i’d rather not see the two of you be all love-dovey because i already get enough of it at home”???
→ jamie.drysdale @ trevorzegras it should still be me idc 🙄
→ trevorzegras @ jamie.drysdale whatever you say honey bun 🥴
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 1 year
My Loki - Summer Headcanons
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I think Loki wouldn't like Summer 🏝️🌞 ⛱️
It's just too hot... it feels like Torture to him because of his Frost Giant Heritage
You could probably convince him to go with you to the Beach in the evening/ night ,when it isn't that hot anymore 🏖️
Maybe the best place for him to go in Summer is to a Lake with lots of Trees around ...and lots of Shadows
Letting him buy Ice cream isn't a good idea... He will get you the most craziest flavours like Sweet Potato - Pepper , Pumpkin Seed Oil
Go shopping with him ...buy Loki cool Shorts 🩳 and Shirt's 👕
he would like to go out with you....to a Cocktail Bar and loves seeing you in s Summer Dress 👗
He looks good with a Man Bun - Loki let's you play with his Hair and try some Hairstyles
Loki loves about you the most that you accept and like his Frost Giant Form -this poor Man feels soo insecure about it 😔
At some point you tell him you would like to cuddle him in his Frost Giant Form because you feel so hot 🥵🔥
He is a big cool Pad for you
He's a big tease he uses his Fingers like ice cubes 🧊
Reblogs are appreciated ❤️
My Masterlist
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brrrkdslek · 8 months
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𖡎 youtube compilation of atinys favourite vlive moments of m/n taking care of his drunken members
𖡎 ateez x 9th member! male! reader
𖡎 ot9 au, after wanteez ep. 19, 20, 21, zb1 n xikers r mentioned!
𖡎 drunken behaviour(LMAO), suggestive(kinda idk)
𖡎 ignore the title😭 it'll make sense afterwards
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clip 1 — mingki's heartbroken era💔
the phone wobbled as you set it some place high so the atinys could witness the dead bodies that sprayed across the dormitory living room. you sweatdropped internally.
you scratched your head, "yeah... well, i dunno how this happened either..." suddenly, a wild mingi knocks you to the ground in a bear hug, "ah- mingi, get off! you're so heavy-" you shut up immediately as you heard soft sniffling coming from the male as he clung onto the leg of your pants.
"mingi...?" you slowly lifted the boy up and cupped his cheeks as his eyes were filled with tears, you cooed at him, "awh, what's wrong my princess?"
atiny1: WHAT🫣
atiny1: I BELIEVE IN MNGKI👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
atiny127: GYATT🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
atiny1: ???😭
mingi sniffled and mumbled incoherently, "hey, hey, hey, slow down. shhh, i'm here..." you press your forehead against his as he sniffled and hiccupped.
atiny2: LMAOOOO
you cradled the larger male in your lap as mingi buried his head into your stomach, "what's bothering you, love?"
atiny3: they make me so happy :(((
atiny127: REAL🍆🍑💦
atiny69: WHAT😰
"do you hate me...?" you were so shocked you had to look into the camera to make sure you heard it right. "w-what? what are you talking about, mings?"
atiny666: what'd i miss
atiny1117: WAAAAA😭
"during w-wanteez today,,, you- you didn't wanna sit next to me, uhhhh-" mingi began crying again upon the upsetting reminder of his heartbreak as you had to physically hold yourself back from laughing.
it's not that you didn't want to sit next to mingi, it was just the way he acted when he's drunk. it's confirmed when he screamed in yeosang's face during the games so yes, you were terrified of drunken mingi.
atiny69: [image] ME RN LMAOAO
"o-oh honey... i don't hate you," mingi looks up at you with glossy eyes, "you don't...?" you squish his cheeks and press your noses together, "of course i don't, in fact i love you a lot, princess." mingi doesn't reply and only giggles as he gets sleepier.
atiny127: im convinced the entirety of ateez is just m/n's harem😭
atiny69: mans melting😮‍💨
atiny1117: [image]
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clip 2 — MOMMY MN🥵🥵
you sighed as you came back into view of the camera in your black tank top, muscular arms proudly flexing with each move you made. it was true when atinys said that your face doesn't match your body.
atiny69: MOMMY OMFG
atiny1: [image]
atiny127: HIS ARMS???A;S,C;V/LEAV(*)??/😳
you giggled at the comments, "you guys think i'm a mother...?" scratching your head, you pick up a hairtie from behind the camera and tied your hair into a high bun, and went back to the dead members on the ground.
san smirked as he saw you walk near him, "yahhhh, noona's so pre-pretty...!" he spoke loudly between hiccups as his grin only widened. "keep quiet, san. it's late already." the male jutted out his bottom lip before mumbling a quiet 'sorry'.
atiny666: he only listens to mother🤞🏻
atiny3: hes jus like me😋
you coo before kissing the male's cheek as he giggled and pressed his hand against the spot you kissed, staring at you like a high school girl would to their senior crush. you wrap san's arms around your neck as your right arm goes under his thighs while your left supports his back.
atiny1117: HE CAN PICK SAN UP???
atiny2: AHHH MOMMY😩😩😩
in your squatted position, you huffed a few times before successfully carrying san upwards as he giggled and nuzzled into your neck, making you stumble slightly before pecking his forehead.
you turn to the camera, "i'll tuck him in first, be right back!" you quietly jog into san and wooyoung's shared room as you plop the male onto his bed and tuck him in.
atiny127: u so thirsty for what😐
atiny3: REAL cuz he can carry the entirety of ateez
atiny1117: WE ONLY SPIT FAX AHHHH😍🤞🏻
atiny2: [image]
san whined and made grabby hands towards yo, "nuuu! noona sleep w-with me tonight,,, pleaseee!" he did the best puppy eyes he could and you hesitated for a moment before smacking his forehead, "don't be dumb, san. i won't sleep with you when you smell like alcohol."
san's expression resembled that of a kicked puppy as you felt your heart clench, regretting your words immediately. "oh, san that's not what i-" before you could finish, san throws up.
in bed, onto his sheets and his shirt. you mumble a string of curses as he falls right back to sleep. you weren't gonna get any sleep tonight, you were sure.
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clip 3 — mother at work!!🫶🏻
when you came back in view after like 10 minutes, you were drenched in sweat and panting hard. you said nothing as you glanced to the camera before taking out a bottle of wine from the fridge.
atiny2: ???😭
atiny666: mother is tired🤕🤞🏻
atiny1: i wonder what happened :(
sitting down you pop open the cork and pour a large amount into the glass that stood right in front of the camera. sighing you took a large gulp of half of the glass before groaning, setting it aside.
you coughed, "okay, so san threw up just now and i had to move him to wooyoung's bed and clean up his shirt and sheets," you covered your face, "it was so damn gross, oh my god..."
atiny3: LMFAOOO😭
atiny69: ITS ALWAYS SAN☠️
atiny1117: god bless mother☹️🙏🏻
atiny127: doing gods work fr
you laughed the tiredness off, "yeah, it's always san and wooyoung actually. but i think it's really special, they mean a lot to each other." you took a sit from the glass and swirl the liquid around.
your attention was turned back to the rest of the drunken members when you heard wooyoung groan and whine on the ground. "so cold..." he rolls on his side and hugs his forearms.
atiny2: SO CUTE🥺
atiny143: IM BACK😗
atiny666: ☹️☹️☹️
atiny1117: [image]
walking over, you squat down and hug wooyoung against your chest as his lips curl into a smile and cracks his eyes open, "noona...!" he buries his head in the crook of your neck and wraps his arms around your middle.
"missed 'chu...." he hiccupped as you exhaled from your nose, stroking his hair softly as he hums in satisfaction. "let's get you to bed, young-ah." he nuzzles his face further into your neck in response.
atiny143: OH MY GOD
atiny2: im dead yall🪦
atiny666: [image]
picking his up bridal style, you toss wooyoung upwards a few times as he giggles and kisses your face nonstop. "young-ah, stop- i can't see," you stumble backwards a bit as he nuzzles his cheek with yours, giggling like a maniac. "i'm gonna fall-"
just like you said, you fell. with wooyoung still in your arms, you twisted forward on instinct and slipped again. before you landed, your arm instinctively came up and wrapped it around wooyoung's head.
you landed on your side as wooyoung knocked himself out. you sat up with your hair flying in all directions and forearms slightly bruised at the impact. you looks straight into the camera but not saying a thing.
atiny127: m/n shielding wooyoungs head🥹
atiny143: is he drooling??☠️
you turn to look at wooyoung, who had drool seeping from the corner of his mouth as he snored softly. you covered your mouth and snorted before picking him up again, "okay, i'm really gonna tuck him in now."
atinys bid you goodbye for the second time as you walked out of view towards his and san's shared room. you sweatdropped internally as you realise they might be uncomfortable at the small space.
sighing, you place wooyoung down next to a knocked-out san before tucking the two in. you felt your heart swell as you watch the two instinctively curl into their usual position; wooyoung tucked under san's chin as the other had his arms wrapped around wooyoung's head.
you giggled and took your phone out, snapping a quick picture, you peck both of their foreheads and turn off the dimly lit table lamp before closing the door quietly as to not disturb their slumber.
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clip 4 — late night drinks with the mothers🫡
sighing, you pour more wine into your glass while massaging your temple with the other hand.
atiny1117: nuuu stop drinking mamas☹️
atiny69: stay healthy :(
atiny1: stay strong babes!!
atiny666: i just came back from twitter and i cannot begin to explain how ridiculous it is that m/n gets so much backlash for standing up for his members
atiny127: REAL i saw so many articles on it like leave them alone wtf🫠
you smiled gently as you read the comments, "yeah, i've seen all those articles and honestly i don't care." you take another sip of your wine, "i expected something like this to happen way back. and if this is what'll happen to me for protecting my members i'll take it."
as you swirl the glass, you saw from the phone that seonghwa had emerged from his slumber behind you. turning around, you snap your finger to catch his attention. "m/n? why aren't you in bed- is that wine!?" the elder quickly snatches the glass from your hand.
atiny666: honestly why are they both up at ass oclock??
you roll your eyes and lean onto the table, "c'mon hyung, i'm not 17 anymore. i can drink if i want to." seonghwa looks into the glass, "it's been 5 years already... i still remember when we were just trainees." the two laughs before you offer another seat for the male.
taking out another glass, you pour into it before clanking the glass with the one in seonghwa's hand, "cheers to us." seonghwa sighed before smiling gently, "cheers to us."
atiny1: hwa looks so handsome here🥺
atiny666: its been so long :(
atiny143: im actually a new atiny and i wanna ask if m/n has trained in other companies before?
skimming through the question, you smiled at the memory of your past. "yes, i was a trainee in yuehua." seonghwa's eyes widen as he swallows the wine, "wait, really? you've never talked about that before." you squeeze his cheek, "yes i have. you just weren't paying attention, hyung."
"anyways, i don't know how i joined but i was really confident in my singing and vocals so i thought it'd be fun to try it out and see if i could get some critiques. who knew i actually passed the audition?" you laughed and smacked seonghwa's arm jokingly.
"i was a trainee there since i was 16, but afterwards i became a vocal trainer there and trained a lot of younger trainees' vocals." seonghwa made an 'o' with his lips, "woah, that's so cool!"
atiny1: wait, does that mean you know the members of zb1???
atiny666: SLAYYY KING
atiny143: i heard yuehua is so strict i cant believe u even became a trainer oml😭😭😭
you perked up, "yes! i actually do know them- well, not all of them. i'm specifically closer to ricky and zhang hao since i was their trainer for like a few months." seonghwa stood up and grabbed the wine bottle before pouring more into the two glasses.
"i actually did congratulate them on their win! i was so proud when i heard that they successfully debuted, i'm so proud!" you put a hand on your chest as you remember jumping on your bed while the two were on call with you telling you nice things.
atiny1: KING SHIT🕺🏻
atiny666: hes so caring to others too🥹
atiny69: ilysm m/n!!!
atiny143: when did u join kq tho?
you perked up, "ah, i was actually jongho's senior since high school so when he got in he told me about it obviously." you smiled at the memory, "it was when i was a vocal trainer at yuehwa then so he told me to go join him and so i did." you look over to seonghwa and grinned happily, "and i'm so grateful i did."
atiny127: hes literally carrying 5th gen
you leaned on seonghwa's shoulder as you felt your heart swell at all the nice comments. so many years of hardwork and you were finally getting the credit you deserved. "yeah i agree with our atinys,"
you tilt your head up as seonghwa smiles fondly at you, "i think you're amazing and just so, so talented." seonghwa's smile falters as he sees your expression remain unchanging, "d-did i say something wrong...?"
atiny1117: is bae ok...?
atiny1: is he getting emotional?
atiny69: M/N BAE☹️☹️☹️
seonghwa's eyes go wide upon seeing tears forming in your eyes, sclera turning red as you inhaled shaky breaths, "...really?" seonghwa blinks, "huh?" you sniffle before taking a sip from your glass, "do you really think i'm amazing?"
seonghwa didn't even notice he was holding his breath as his eyes soften and he pinches your cheek, "of course! you're amazing," you smile gently, "you work so hard all the time and you deserve the world, love."
you blink back a few tears as seonghwa pulls you in for a heartwarming hug, kissing your head and whispering words of praises in your ear.
atiny2: [image]
atiny143: WAAAAAAAA🥹
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clip 5 — dinner for breakfast😵🔥
you groaned as you finish sweeping the floors finally. throwing yourself back on the chair, you whine at the hardness as seonghwa softly snored on the couch. you smiled before tossing the entire wine bottle down your throat, finishing it with a rumbly groan.
atiny2: is he ok🤕
atiny666: [image]
atiny1117: does he suck dick like that
atiny1: WHAT SID YOU SAY😭😭😭
glancing at the screen, you notice the view rising little by little as you turn to check the clock. damn, one in the morning? you rub your tired eyes as you got up and threw the wine bottle away, taking a pan out of the cabinet.
you said nothing as you poured some oil over the pan, moving the pan in a circular motion for the oil to spread. afterwards, you take out whatever leftovers you had from the fridge and threw the random foods into the pan, adding a few spices here and there.
as you tossed the pan up and down, hongjoong emerged from his room and did a small stretch before sitting down on the chair, blinking in surprise at the screen before him before waving to the camera. "heyyy, why're you guys up at one??"
atiny2: waiting for u beautiful😫
atiny1117: barefaced joong🥹🫶🏻
atiny666: whyre U up at 1!?🤨
you crane your neck backwards to see a sleepy hongjoong waddle towards you. "hyung, if you're sleepy you can go back to bed. i'll leave some food for you." hongjoong only hums as he rests his chin on your shoulder, barely able to reach your height.
seonghwa giggles in the corner. the tiny leader blinks, "why're we eating yesterday's dinner for breakfast?" you shrug, "i dunno, it's all we have." hongjoong groans before throwing his tired self onto seonghwa, who had just finished setting up the plates.
atiny69: MATZ🥹🥹🥹
atiny1: i can never get enough of them
atiny1117: which one?🤭
from the screen, the atinys could see the smoke coming from the hot pan. as you finish frying the noodles, you shove it near the camera for them to see your handiwork. "see, aren't i such a good cook?"
hongjoong groans, "can you shut up and bring it over already? i'm starving." seonghwa and you snort, "i think somebody's in a mood today." hongjoong turns to glare at the older, "am not." "are too." "am not!" "are too!"
you blink as you take a seat in-between the two, hoping to stop their childish fighting, but of course they don't. they just repeat the same phrase as you scoop up some of the noodles and place it in your bowl. although you had this last night, you were still ready to devour it whole.
atiny2018: i stan my unbothered king🫶🏻
atiny143: left ear: am not, right ear: are too☠️☠️
atiny1117: m/n is such a mood honestly😍
atiny127: REAL our king deserves more dicks
atiny2: whats with you and dicks???
atiny127: im a proud atiny!!!!
atiny69: you mean youre gay?
atiny1117: we are lgbtq😈🔥🔥🔥
hongjoong interups seonghwa with a loud gasp as half of the noodles vanish, resting securely inside your stomach. "what the hell! you just eat half of the pan, are you kidding me??" you bit back a laugh as you her hongjoong's stomach growled. seonghwa only ignored him and puts noodles in his own bowl.
hongjoong groans and rolls his eyes before filling his own bowl with the rest of the food. your cheeks puffed up at the amount of food that filled into your cheeks, you only closed your eyes and hummed at the warm feeling invading your tummy.
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clip 6 — jjong's m/n🥹
you set the phone on the desk of your bedroom, taking a few steps back to sit on the edge of your bed. you open the curtains to see the sky still pitch-black as you stared at the still bustling streets.
atiny1: HES SO SHDNSH😍
atiny69: side profile🤭
suddenly jongho enters after a knock on your door. "yes?" you stop breathing when you see tears prickling at the corner of his eyes. "hey jjong, c'mere what's going on?" he rubbed his eyes and sat next to you, not noticing the camera and your eyes dart from the camera to him continuously, hesitating on if you should tell him or not.
atiny3: NOOO HES SAD
atiny2018: JJONG☹️☹️☹️
as he sat down, he looked at you once and then burst out crying onto your shoulder. you deadpanned to the camera and the atinys could feel your panic right then. "hey, hey- jjong look at me first." you cup his cheeks and tilt his face up, heart clenching at the sight of dried tears on his cheeks. you ran your fingers across his cheeks gently, lulling to a sleepy state.
"can you tell me what's going on bub?" jongho sniffled and pulled you in for another hug, this one tighter than the last. "i-i had a nightmare..." his voice got progressively softer as he finished his sentence, embarrassed at the fact a mere nightmare affected him so badly.
atiny2: guys i think he got a nightmare🤓
atiny1117: im gonna kms
atiny1: WAAAAA MAMA M/N☹️
you sighed before patting his head, you could read the boy like a book and you knew how embarrassing it is for him whenever he had nightmares. "there's nothing wrong with having nightmares jjong." he shook his head, "no! i feel bad,,, why am i having these dreams when everyone's treating me so nicely?"
he pulled away and frowned, "it feels like i hate them or something...!" you brush his hair back, "but you don't. these things happen and we shouldn't dwell on them." he looks down, "what did you even dream about?"
he blinks continuously as he tried to avert from your burning gaze, "i... it was about you and the members," you held his trembling hands as he spoke, "the members were telling me how i was holding them back and that i'm," he sniffled, "that i'm a disappointment. and hongjoong-hyung laughed and told me i'm not as good as i think i am..."
you didn't say anything, you only caressed the back of his palm, trying to soothe him. "and you... you told me you hated me and that you didn't want me anymore!" once again, jongho began to sob as you pulled him back your chest. "jjong..." you rest your chin on top of his head, "you know i love you a lot right?"
you felt him nod into you chest, "i'll never leave, even if you wanted me to." he smiled before bursting out crying.
atiny1: UR THE MAN M/N😭
atiny143: [image]
atiny666: 🫂
suddenly, yeosang burst into the bedroom and you and jongho both turn to look at him, "i heard jongho's crying, are you okay?" jongho furrows his eyebrows, "how did you know i was crying?" you began to sweat as you gestured for yeosang to shut the fuck up, but the clueless will stay clueless. "it's on live."
upon hearing that, jongho shoved you onto the bed and scavenged the room for any hints of a camera. after a minute or two, jongho stares straight into the camera and take it out from behind the lamp. he glares at you for a moment before looking back into the camera, "the live's over, have a good day atinys."
the live has ended!
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corn-producer69420 · 1 month
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Shigaraki with a man bun 🥵
(Quick little thingo ig)
Looks bad ik
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