#the maple leaf boys 🍁
ethtyn · 1 year
hellois this mcdonalds can i get a uhhhhh. team canada? yeag thanks
gonna be real with u anon i was gonna do a draw the squad meme with this prompt and then realised i've never actually drawn pause or beef before?? so i did some headshots instead. hopefully this satisfies ur cravings anyway
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ahdkdndnd i did absolutely no referencing here outside of their Minecraft skins (and what my brain remembered Beef and Pause's hair looking like) bc i got flustered trying to design so many (two, synnie. it was two) men in a row 😭 all colours (outside of Etho's, since i have a design for him) were colour picked directly from their skins. i hope it's okay that i chose not to incorporate Pause's headdress - i didn't want to accidentally fuck something up :<
side note: i'm so out of practice drawing men, y'all. like, fuck.
@ashiyn @single-malt-scotch @goodtimeswithetho @team-clockers @crabbunch @catmaidetho @amethyst-allium @stitchthesewords @endermace
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momijiba · 2 years
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he isn't a whore.
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Silver’s desire for peace (as symbolized by maple leaf 🍁 shape to his quills) seems to be fueled by empathy he has for the world and people in it. Silver’s feelings reflect the environment and those around him as it has been noted that:
The blue sky makes Silver feel at peace
He can’t help but smile when he sees smiling faces and wants to become a hero because it means being someone that can protect smiles
Silver denotes his good futures as happy ones or ones where people have a smile
Silver will drop his mission to help those in need, he simply can’t say no to a sad face as he helps Amy and takes a job as a delivery boy because of this
Natural beauty, flourishing environments or just places where people are prospering and living peacefully take his breath away 
Desolate or destroyed environments sadden and upset him 
He cannot stand the suffering of the people in his bad futures
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gengernoway · 1 month
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XenoID label for those who are in some way connected to Red Damage from Lobotomy Corporation, which chips off peoples health, it is any damage that comes from physical means. whether that connection is what they "deal" or any other interpretation.
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⠀✦、TAGGING:@radiomogai、for 🍁,🌻
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[ PT: red damage: xid-03, xenoid label for those who are in some way connected to red damage from lobotomy corporation, which chips off peoples health, it is any damage that comes from physical means. whether that connection is what they "deal" or any other interpretation, tagging radiomogai, for maple leaf guy and sunflower boy, check our iwc oomf. End of PT ]
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criticalrolo · 1 year
Could you do 👻🍓🍁 for Hal, please? (Love his design btw.)
Thank you!!
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their “ghostly experiences”, if any?
It's always funny answering this question for dnd characters because like. they all live in a fantastical Realm with Magic so duh yes. it's even funnier for Hal because he lives in Dread Metrol which is a city literally trapped under siege from the undead for four years. Ghosts And The Undead Are Real And They WILL Get You Eventually
For Hal specifically though, there's two "ghosts" that haunt him. He was a lab rat for Lady Seryan for several years, where she was trying to develop a way to turn him into an "angel" to fight for Metrol against the hordes of the undead. It involved trying to get him Possessed By An Angel through a combo of Rituals and Lots of Surgery, to... middling success at best! There definitely was an ATTEMPT at getting him possessed by SOMETHING, and he's got magic powers now, so?? maybe he's got an angel ghost in him?? whatever it is it's probably lowkey an ✨abomination✨ after whatever happened to drag an angel through the Mists into a dread realm lmfao
There's also Elwa -- Hal dealt with prolonged solitary confinement by talking to an imaginary version of his best friend from back home. The version that exists in his head is definitely an Idealized version (because if there's one thing Hal is gonna do it's put people on pedestals and be trapped in black and white thinking!!) and this idealized version. Tends to get really upset when he does things like "steal food so he doesn't starve to death" or "kill other lab experiments before they kill him." She's basically an extremely literal Manifestation Of His Own Guilt and ever since he escaped from the Kennels she's seemed. strangely permanent. Even though he can't see her he can certainly hear her and feel her grabbing his arm or the back of his neck or stuff like that. (It's probably fine right?)
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Unfortunately Hal lives in Metrol which has no food except for Ragout so his nutritional balance is beyond fucked. (No one knows what "ragout" is except the kennels keep providing it to the population and it seems to keep people from starving. recipe is obv a Huge Secret)
In the before times though he liked berries like blueberries and raspberries :)
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
No seasons in Metrol, only Mists, but before Metrol it was the end of spring/beginning of summer when the days started getting longer, the plants were green again, it was nice enough to spend time outside, etc. It's also Lemonade Season and everything is Alive :)
Listen his full name is Halion Summer. unfortunately my boy loves life so much and i've twisted it all up for him
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windermeresimblr · 8 months
hi!! <3 for the emoji oc asks, how about 🧀 🍁 🍹 for gregory beaumaris? (if you'd like to answer for him!)
Hi!!! I'm afraid Gregory isn't exactly much-turned Odysseus, so his answers may be a bit boring...
🧀 [CHEESE WEDGE] How often does your OC get into situations that rely on pure luck/miracles happening?
Really, only the elaborate chain of events that led to his inheritance of Ferncombe Hall. (A lot of dominoes fell exactly right--Venetia's eldest boy happens to be friends with a prominent barrister's son at Simton, the last scion of the previous tenants dying without children in a very public accident involving a carriage-and-four drawn by zebras, a laboriously strict understanding of various entails and clauses that even the most myopic jurist would raise an eyebrow at, Ursula's insistence on charting the family history coming in at the eleventh hour to demonstrate the precise relation of the Beaumarises to the previous tenant's family, etc., etc. But I will probably not get into this!)
The decision to have a bunch of eligible persons meet him at his house was pushed on him by Venetia (because it's such fun!) and solidified by his worries that Ursula would somehow get in trouble if he left her alone for five minutes. (To say nothing of Venetia, with those ideas of hers! She really needs better friends!) So very much not miraculous.
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Gregory is a summer person. He loves not being cold and being able to stay out riding horses or playing lawn bowling or otherwise having a good time as late as he pleases, without having to bother with candles. He also enjoys swimming in nearby rivers and lakes, which is less enjoyable in the autumn and spring, and frankly dangerous in the winter.
🍹 [TROPICAL BEVERAGE] If your OC could go anywhere, where would it be?
He wants to go on a grand tour, as he regrets not being as cultured as the other country gentlemen, and especially to Italy, as he likes opera. Perhaps he'd go to Venice.
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tradetobest · 9 months
For the 32 teams meme: 🍁🎶🐯
🍁 Using a scale of one leaf to five leaves, how much maple syrup do you put on pancakes/waffles/french toast?
negative leafs!! i dont eat any of these things because i have a lot of mental blocks abt food specifically breakfast foods 😔😔 tragic
🎶 What would your goal song be and why?
my goal song would probably be one of like a few songs, either something like Yeah! by usher or maybe Hold Me Like A Grudge by fall out boy or You Wish by flyana boss or Country Girl Shake It For Me or something like that….. i have a Lot of music i like its hard to nail it down to one thing 😰
🐯 What movie villain or creature do you think people should love more?
hmmm. this ones hard……. i think ill go with jin guangyao from mdzs (even tho thats not w movie 😭) bcs i think hes a really interesting character to analyze and like. deep dive into the motivations of. like wow. you fucked up soooo bad huh 😭😭😭
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ink-flavored · 1 year
OC ask game!!! if they haven't been done; 🤥🍀🖍️❤️ for Pride and ✂️🍁😨❤️ for Justice!
oh boy a VARIETY! thank you! :D
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Oh, he loves lying. Lying is his favorite thing, it's his hobby, he does it for fun. He's definitely good at lying about other things, that aren't necessarily about himself. Especially since he can literally influence your sinful thoughts to become sinful actions, Pride is really good at lying to you about the state of things in your life, targeting your ego. ex: You know, if you don't [do something sinful], everyone's going to think you're weak/stupid/cowardly/etc. You wouldn't want to be weak, would you?
As for lying about himself? About what he thinks or feels? It's easy to tell when he's lying if you know what to look for: loud, angry, defensive objections. He will do anything and everything to deny whatever it is, up to and including starting fights about it.
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
Pride is probably one of the unluckiest bastards in all of existence, so he doesn't believe in luck for the sake of his own sanity. Plus, he's full of himself, so anything good that happens to him was a direct result of his actions, and all the bad things don't count. They're someone else's fault.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
I would take him by the shoulders so gently. And then start shaking him and yell LET YOURSELF BE VULNERABLE YOU PRICK!!!!!
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation. He loves both of those things very much. He is the king of PDA and whispering inappropriate things in public.
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Oh man, that's a tough one. Justice always sees the best in people, in no small part because he can sense and know people's pain. If you're an asshole to him, even on a regular basis, he knows it's because you had a bad day, or you're grieving, or you're scared of being hurt. It takes a lot for him to truly give up on someone.
But, since he is the embodiment of justice, he cannot and will not stand for someone's fundamental rights being trampled. The reason he left Heaven in the first place is a perfect example -- the other angels were willing to kill an innocent person for the "greater good" of killing a demon. That soul didn't do anything wrong, but their right to exist was about to be violated. He refused to be a part of the firing squad.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favorite season? why?
Spring! He loves watching the sleeping planet come back to life.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Fight, 100%. He wouldn't be a very good soldier of God's army if he ran away, would he? After training for literally thousands of years, he's learned to shut off the fear response, to focus exclusively on defending himself and anyone around him. Unfortunately, this means he is not safe to bring into a haunted house, because he will punch the zombie.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Quality Time, Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation. Sitting on the couch reading a book while you do something else in the same room is peak time spent for him. He loves doing things to help people, he loves giving people compliments. Ultimate sweetheart tbh.
[send me an emoji OC ask]
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chunmori · 1 year
母の友 11月号
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今月(11/3)発売の「母の友」は30の物語が大集合! 「子どもに聞かせる一日一話」は、1953年の創刊当初からほぼ毎年続いている特別企画だそうです。 私はめらめら燃える秋のお話を🍁一目でわっと秋に包まれるような、すてきな絵を描いてくださったのは山口洋祐さん。美しくあたたかな絵がお話の世界をぐんと広げてくれました。お月さまが本を開いて、さあおはなしの時間のはじまりはじまり〜📕
The November issue of ”Haha-no-Tomo”, as usual years, has 30 bedtime stories written by 30 different writers. This special anthology has been brought to the subscription​ since its first issue in 1953. I had an opportunity to write a story related to “Autumn”. Mr Yosuke Yamaguchi’s wonderful painting brings the atmosphere into deep autumn. His beautiful and heart-warming piece of work could spread our imagination of the story wide open.
ー One day at the end of autumn, I saw a bright red maple leaf flying over. What a beautiful thing! As soon as I picked it up, a whistle-like wind was heard and a mysterious boy holding a wooden box appeared. He said, “There it is, the last piece for Autumn.” The moment I dropped the leaf into the box......
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ethtyn · 2 years
this is in the same episode as "Pause's gaping hole". just so you know.
Etho: i should start Etho's Escort Service.
Pause & Beef (simultaneously): WHAT??
Etho: no!! (laughs)
Beef: sorry, what was that?
Etho: for—for escorting Beef! not for...(trails off)
Beef (smiling): why would you wanna escort me?
Etho (timidly): because you get lost easy?
Beef: well, look who's talking: Mr. King of the Lost!
end transcript.]
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
OC asks (for later, after you've gotten some sleep): Eight clones, eight questions! I'll let you match each to whichever you prefer. 🌙 MOON, 🍁 MAPLE LEAF, 🍃 FALLING LEAF, 📖 OPEN BOOK, 👑 CROWN, 📎 PAPERCLIP, ❤️ RED HEART, 💚 GREEN HEART.
Bonus! ✏️ PENCIL and 🎵 MUSIC NOTE for all/any of them.
Ooooh, fun! A mix-and-match!
Eight Asks For Eight Clones:
💚 GREEN HEART. - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Two likes being enclosed in small spaces; it makes him feel safe. When he's stressed but not panicking, he tends to squeeze his own wrist or hug himself tight. His CRAYDL (shapeshifting artificial intelligence friend) used to squeeze his whole body to calm him down. A blanket is always a good idea for him. A hug doesn't always work, though (it can feel too much like an attack).
Other things he finds comforting include dark colors (or just the dark), repetitive motions, and bodies of water.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Three wants to be remembered as someone who loved others well. Even as a superhero, that's what he wants his legacy to be. He's one of those people who might seem selfish at first, because he's always trying to find the Cool New Thing to do, but when you get to know him you find he's actually incredibly generous. The point of all his Cool New Things is to share them with others.
He loves giving personalized gifts. He loves planning parties. He loves celebrating others. He wants to be remembered for that.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Four wants to be spiritually clean. He feels himself guilty, dirty, stained with sin. He's willing to dedicate his life to the pursuit of a clean soul, which is no small commitment in a boy physically seventeen and chronologically seven centuries old.
If he could make a sacrifice in order to feel absolved, he would do it no matter what it was. He would give up his speed if he had to. He's Catholic, so he knows he has to accept the forgiveness that he doesn't pay for, but his whole being cries out against it. He can't fathom forgiving himself.
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
Five loves being in nature. It's the only time his soul finds peace, poor dear. His current favorite outdoor activity is just soaking it in. Long walks looking up through trees. Exploring by the seaside. He wants to learn to sail someday—how to handle an actual boat.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
Six loves the very early spring when there's snow on the ground but also the beginnings of very soft green-growth. Tiny buds on the trees. Tender shoots of grass. Everything is harsh and bitter-cold and the mud is shot with ice. Bird tracks in the snow.
It reminds him of himself.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they like reading? what's their favourite genre?
Seven likes reading for the escapism. He's particularly taken with fantasy stories, hero's journey types where the orphaned main character has to go through fantastic adventures and stuff, gaining skill and confidence as they go. Eragon, Breadcrumbs, Harry Potter, Dragon Keeper, any middle-grade or teen fantasy book. He has a massive soft spot for dragons, although the stories about them often make him cry.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Eight Crandall's love languages are quality time and words of affirmation, mostly. He also loves gifts a whole lot, but that's more of a trauma response thing. If he wants to show love, he'll come haunt you and tell you earnest, encouraging things. He hasn't quite figured out the quality part of quality time yet because he doesn't feel like he's... allowed? to ask for undivided attention? but oh, when he gets it he's so instinctively scared he's going to lose it that he kind of shuts down. It's more comfortable for him to give attention than recieve it.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
Nine loves dark chocolate. Also croissants and walnuts and coffee flavor. You can bribe him with anything bitter!
Bonus! ✏️ PENCIL and 🎵 MUSIC NOTE
Let's go with Strange Redemption in general for this one, shall we?
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
"When your friend worries that they're a burden, don't you want to just squish their face between your hands and tell them ON PURPOSE. ON PURPOSE I WILL LOVE YOU" —I don't know who said this but the phrase "on purpose. on purpose I will love you" is forever Strange Redemption to me now.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
Bjork's All Is Full Of Love. I have a long Strange Redemption playlist and one for each clone, but if I gave one song for the entire first arc of the story (the first 50 chapters or so) it would be this one. The melancholy tone is so weird but good and the LYRICS! the LYRICS!
All is full of love (you just ain't receiving) All is full of love (your phone is off the hook) All is full of love (your doors are shut) All is full of love...
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 years
👪 🥞💐🍁💖
For Violet! [<3]
Thank you for this ask Moth, I love these questions for my girl Violet Virginia Varmitech née Tyler! This is a super long response so I placed it under the cut!
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Violet’s family evolves over the years. Initially she’s an only child with two loving parents. She however is not an only child by choice, her parents tried, unsuccessfully to have children for nearly 6 years before she was born. Violet would have had two brothers and two sisters: Sterling, Forest, Rose, and Lily. So she developed a super strong relationship with her parents by becoming their only child to survive. She was closer with her father; they became good friends in addition to their father /daughter relationship. Her mother was a mother through and through. Violet loved and respected her, but she often was the one who pushed Violet to excel in life.
After her parents passed, Violet was adopted by her maternal aunt Amy. She lived with Amy and Amy’s daughter Paige until she went to work for Zach. Violet’s relationship with Amy similar to the one she shared with her mother, but she struggles to feel close to Amy because of how much Amy reminds her of her mother. Violet and Paige have a fun cousin relationship. Paige is much more outgoing and flirty than Violet, she is boy crazy, but she’s also very caring and sweet, and she is the person who convinced Violet to go after Zach. 
After Violet starts working for Zach they soon develop a romantic relationship and get married. At that point he becomes her family, and they extend their family by having children. I imagine they have 4-5, the oldest being Varina. Violet has a strong, committed, loving relationship with Zach, and she develops unique relationships with each of their children. 
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Pancakes, lol. Blueberry pancakes with maple syrup, fruit salad (blueberries, strawberries, kiwi), sausage links, and blueberry juice. 
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Purple Anemone, Lavender, White Carnations, Lavender and Black Roses, Baby’s Breath, Purple Calla Lilies 
Purple anemone represent protection from evil. 
The lavender flower means purity, grace, devotion. 
White carnations symbolize pure love, aka motherly love.
Lavender roses mean love at first sight. 
Black roses are symbolic of morning or new beginning. 
Baby’s breath symbolizes eternal love and innocence. 
Purple calla lilies represent admiration and enchantment.
Violet loves all the flowers in her arrangement, but her favorites are the roses, carnations, baby’s breath, and lavender. 
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🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why? 
Spring. Violet is a spring baby, born on Earth Day, she feels in her element in spring. She loves watching flowers and trees come alive after their winter slumber, and she loves picking the spring flowers and crafting her own bouquets. One of her favorite smells is the smell of the first spring rain. She feels overjoyed when frogs and birds start singing as spring nears. In general, she loves the connection to rebirth that spring evokes. 
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover? 
She changes depending on her and Zach’s moods. She prefers to lean toward showy. But, she often has to gage Zach’s reactions to ensure she’s not making him uncomfortable. She may catch herself being overly lovey with him in public, kissing his face, hugging him, etc. If she sees he’s tensing up, she will calm down her antics and just hold his hand or touch his arm. 
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soullesstomatoes · 1 year
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drew my fave maple leaf boi 🍁
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barbieaiden · 1 year
💥 🥞 🍁 for both your boys!
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
aiden's not good at dealing with anger. like at all. granted he gets angry very, very rarely so it's not a super present issue in his life, but the few times he does get angry it usually becomes an issue. jealousy really festers for him too but rarely causes anything but emotional distress. his concern for others however can become a bit excessive to the point of him coming across as a bit controlling
sam has trouble dealing with every emotion lmao. but stress in particular absolutely kills him
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
aiden's probably is pancakes tbh. despite his relationship with his dad being uh. very bad and his dad just being an overall bad person pancakes reminds him of the few few good moments in his childhood. he's terrible at cooking though so sam has to make them for him lmao
sam. uh. does coffee count??
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
summer for aiden, there's more stuff going on, more opportunities for him to be social, he can go to the beach, he can wear crop tops, pride month, you know. what's not to like
sam's favorite season is fall. the colors are nice. and the weather isn't unbearable most of the time. and those are the only reasons lmao
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bunnykitty13 · 2 years
PAULIE 💔📎💤🍁🙉✏️
( putting under the cut cuz theres a Lot )
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
liam is a physical affection kinda guy !! he needs hugs 2 survive. he also stims often so that definitely helps him feel better!
2. 📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
he's the tallest oc i have! next to benjamin, paulie, and malorin (who is THE tallest in demon form) ^_^
3. 💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
he's a passionate n caring person that has a very strong sense of justice, which can lead to him butting heads with the people around him. he just needs to be talked to and calmed down so he can communicate without getting overwhelmed ^^
4. 🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
summer baby suns out guns out
5. 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people?
he doesnt like being seen as violent or mean, but just like any person he is bound to feel rage. and boy does he feel rage towards jason post his coronation cough cough
6. ❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
liam doesnt care about the cost of things, just how much love was put into making it! he really likes custom made jewlery though :3
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
i think it takes a lot to get paulie to really be hurt by you, you'd have to do something really bad or just completely ignore all of his love languages (his cooking, his music, him constantly having his hands on u, etc) to make him feel that brokenhearted :(
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
paulie's dad stepped out when he was about 9 or 10, and not long after that paulie found his adoptive younger brother, lee. lee was just an infant kitten abandoned that young paulie found and absolutely refused to let go . he cried to his mother that 'someone had just abandoned their son, and wasnt ever gonna come back. so someone needed to make sure that he will never be abandoned again.' which was enough to convince his mom to take in lee
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep
paulie can fall asleep just fine in most scenarios, he just tends to be groggy when he wakes up!!
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
fall !! he likes the crisp air and the colors <3
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
he hates being compared to his father, and he gets REAAAAALLY angry when anyone says nasty shit abt the people he loves. one of the few scenarios he loses control of his temper
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
LITERALLY ALL OF LINE WITHOUT A HOOK BY RICKY MONTGOMERY that song is 1000000% paulie. its so paulie .
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OC Interview Questions - Nature: Gwen
🥀 [WILTED ROSE] How good is your OC at meeting deadlines? What motivates them?
Gwen is great at meeting deadlines. In her line of work, things are often literally life and death, so that's a pretty good motivator.
🌹 [ROSE] Does your OC believe in true love? Why?
She definitely does. Why else would she go to the ends of the earth and be willing to lose everything for a boy shed only meet two days earlier?
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Not at all.
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Gwen loves fall. She loves to drive through the countryside looking at the changing leaves.
🍂 [AUTUMN LEAVES] Does your OC view piles of dead leaves as a mess or as fun?
She thinks they're so fun!
🌰 [CHESTNUT] What food group does your OC mostly eat (e.g., grains, fruits)?
Dairy is her favorite (especially peanut butter ice cream)
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
A sunflower. She's bright and fun and always looking for the light, but she's also study and tough enough to weather a storm. It stands for strength, happiness, confidence, self-esteem, ambition, devotion, healing, inspiration, loyalty, nourishment, opportunity, pride, vitality, warmth, and wealth
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
On one of their first dates, Tequila took her hiking in the mountains. They went up this trail for a few miles and at the end there was a ridge with a huge waterfall cascading down into a crystal clear river. The sun was shining on it and they're were rainbows glinting in the spray. It was breathtaking.
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message?
Yellow roses and sunflowers because I admire her and would want to be her friend.
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
She's mildly picky. She'll try anything once but she knows what she likes. She will NOT eat haggis!
🌿 [HERB] Is your OC religious? What do they believe in?
Gwen's not actively religious. She likes to go to church sometimes on holidays just for tradition's sake and she pays when things are especially dire but mostly she just believes in being nice and trying to do as much good as she can.
☘️ [SHAMROCK] How passionate is your OC about things they love/hate?
Gwen would go to themes of the earth for the people/things she cares about. She would also go to war to fight something she hates.
🍀 [FOUR LEAF CLOVER] Would your OC spend hours looking for a four leaf clover?
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC's dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
Gwen is more of an underground tech workshop kind of girl.
🌳 [DECIDUOUS] What's your OC's favourite thing to do at the park?
She likes to play with her dog Winslow
🍃 [FALLEN LEAF] What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through?
After her dad died while trying to stop Poopy. She was... Not good for awhile.
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC?
Very, she's a Kingsman.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
Since meeting the Statesman she's developed a great interest in both liquor making and the rodeo.
🌴 [PALM TREE] What are the stops on your OC's dream cruise? What boat are they on?
Gwen isn't really a cruise person. The thought of being out in the middle of the ocean with no way to get to shore until the boat docks gives her anxiety.
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
She lives in Scotland. Their national animal is a unicorn. Of course she does.
💮 [WHITE FLOWER] Has your OC ever kissed someone? Who, when, and where?
*gestures to Tequila* next question?
🌺 [HIBISCUS] What does your OC think is the prettiest name?
🌷 [TULIP] What is your OC's favourite flower and colour?
Sunflowers and blue
Nature Asks
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