#the mask even masks his true feelings?? XD
pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
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M: "Don't you worry Yuma! I'll make sure to have you right as rain again in no time!"
So um. I tried to draw...
god do I love giving this poor boy 39 degree temperatures haha 🌡️
Kanai Ward's endless rain is ruthless.
and so am I
Unmasked version below
(huge spoilers)
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M: "There's no way my original is this weak...right? You truly are a handful aren't you, Number One?"
It's called self care, Makoto 💜
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honeybubblebeeeeee · 9 months
Breaking Up Slowly || Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
Gojo had broken up with you, for his own reasons but he still couldn’t stay away from you.
Part 2
You may read this and be like huh not realistic but i am writing this bec i was in this situation and it still got me messed up XD smut/hurt no comfort ://// (oral giving/receiving, penetration, creampie, nothing crazy) bad at writing smut bear with me
(also send requests! i appreciate them they help smmmm with writers block <3)
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Your relationship with Satoru wasn’t ever a negative one. You two were compatible in all aspects. Your relationship was healthy. Until it wasn’t.
“I don’t understand! Just tell me what I did!” Tears were overflowing from your eyes as Satoru just stood at the door, a bag of his clothes over his shoulder. He couldn’t look at you even thought he was the one that ended things.
“It’s not you. I just don’t want a relationship anymore.” He looked to his feet and shifted uncomfortably.
You stared in disbelief. You had done nothing but give him everything. Anything he needed, you gave. You didn’t make a big deal when he was gone a long time and wouldn’t even answer his phone. You didn’t make a scene even when he was around and still needed space. You understood his job was hard. You didn't get mad at him when you hadn't seen him for weeks and when you finally did he didn't want to spend time with you.
“But why? Am I too much? Did I do something? Did I not do something?” You overthought every moment in an instant. You two had always talked when something was wrong. This is the first time there has been an issue and it wasn’t spoken about.
“No. I told you it’s not you. I just don’t want to be in a relationship. I have other things to focus on.” His blindfold masked any emotion that could be behind his eyes. It wasn’t often he wore it around you. So this felt like a punishment.
Taking in a breath you asked the hard question. “Are you seeing someone else?”
His head snapped to you and he took a step towards you but stopped himself from advancing further. “What? No. Of course not. I still want to be friends with you. I want to help you when you need it and….. and if you want we can still be, ya know, intimate.”
You scoffed at him. “You want nothing to do with me but you still want to have sex with me.”
Satoru sighed. “I still want you around. I just don’t want a relationship.”
Your heart felt like it was snapping in two. “Go. Get out.”
Satoru held out a hand. “Look Y/N, I-“
“Just go Gojo.” A flash of hurt crossed his face at your refusal to even use his name. He merely nodded at you and left.
. . .
A few days had gone by. Gojo had not spoken to you. You considered blocking his contact but it hurt too much. Part of you wanted him to take it back. To say he didn’t mean it and to come back. However part of you felt better with him gone. True feelings of how lonely you actually felt around him had risen to the surface now that you weren’t blinded by your love for him.
You were making your way to a hiking trail nearby your house when your phone started to ring. Pulling it out of your pocket, Gojo’s face lit up the screen. It felt like your heart was breaking all over again.
You considered not answering it but as the last ring started you accepted the call.
“Hey! I just had to tell you this so I’m out with Yuji right. We were walking through the market and this curse comes out of nowhere. Sukuna and Yuji switch and apparently Sukuna knew the curse.” Gojo ranted on about whatever predicament he had been in. You were too stunned to say anything but oh, okay and force a laugh where it seemed appropriate. “So yeah I just thought it was so funny I had to call you to tell you.”
“Um yeah that is pretty funny.” Your mind spun. Did you imagine him breaking up with you?
“Anyway sorry to interrupt if you were busy. I just really wanted to tell you.” He sounded as if not a single aspect of this seemed wrong.
“I uh no. I wasn’t busy. I was just going to the trail by my apartment for a walk.” Through all his talking you had made it out of your apartment and almost to the trail.
“Oh really? I’m pretty close to there. I’ll come with you. I wouldn’t mind a walk. See you in a sec.” And with that he hung up.
You gaped at your phone. You almost wanted to call him back just to scream at him. You shook your head and kept walking, maybe he wouldn't be able to find you.
Just as you entered the trail, Gojo came up behind you. He smiled and waved, his dark sunglasses on. "Hey! It's nice out today huh?" You swallowed harshly and forced a smile at him. You walked in silence for a little while, Gojo's phone ringing broke the silence. "Oh sorry let me answer this." He walked away answering his phone, you stood there still in shock of how to even react to this entire situation. He was your ex-boyfriend now. So why was he acting like nothing ever happened?
He hung up and walked back towards you. "I have to go sorry but I'll catch up with you later?" He waved to you and made his way back in the direction you had both come from. You raised your hand weakly to wave to him.
. . .
A few weeks had gone by. Gojo hadn't spoken to you much. A few 'hey' and 'how are you' texts but they never went past a couple messages. Ironically it was him that was leaving you on read even though it was him who was texting you first. You hadn't physically seen him since that day in the woods.
It was late in the evening. You weren't tired but you didn't feel like doing anything in particular. In cases like this you resorted to weird hobbies at unconventional times, like baking at 11:00 pm. You had made a few batches of double chocolate chips cookies. One that had been your favourite and Gojo's. The man had a ridiculous sweet tooth and had always begged you to make them. You rarely had time to bake. It was one of those things you took for granted and regretted. If you had more time would he have stayed? Is that one of the reasons why he left?
Unsure what possessed you in the moment but you went for your phone and snapped a picture. Then sent it to him.
You: (Pic) i finally had time to make some more Gojo: ....are those the double chocolate chip ones that always stay super soft???!!! You: maybe Gojo: this physically pains me
You smiled at his silliness. You wanted to punch yourself for what you were about to do.
You: you could come by and have some i can even put some in a container for you to take home
He read the message and a few minutes had gone by. You cursed yourself. Gojo was your ex. Gojo broke up with you and here you were inviting him over cookies late at night. Smart. Real smart. You sighed ready to bask in your melancholy as your phone rang. Gojo was calling. You shouldn't answer right away right? Don't want to seem desperate... right?
"I'm outside, buzz me in?"
You gaped for a moment before coming back to reality. "Oh right." You hung up and walked towards the pad by your front door, pressing the button, allowing him to enter the building. After a few minutes a knock sounded at the front door and of course you opened it to reveal Gojo. He had his black circle sunglasses on.
"Oh uh come in." Stepping out of the way to let him enter. Gojo slipped off his shoes and made his was to the kitchen. You shut the door quickly and followed him. He was practically drooling over the cookies. "Did you want a glass of milk or something?"
He turned to you. "Yeah but don't worry I'll get it. You sit."
You nodded as you leaned against the counter while he munched down the cookies in front of you. "These are so good. You always make the best treats." He leaned against the opposite counter across from you.
You two were really only an arms length apart from each other. You could reach over and pull off his glasses without even moving too much. "I'm glad you like them."
Gojo picked up another one. "You want one?"
"Sure" You shrugged and moved to reach for it but he moved faster and held it to you lips. You took a soft and tentative bite out of it. His sunglasses covered anything his eyes would reveal. He moved it away for a moment before feeding you the rest of it, then leaning back and simply watching you.
He took a shuddering breath before standing straight. "Did you see that movie sequel that came out? We used to watch the first one all the time." He moved over to your living room and plopped himself on the couch. You followed behind him, sitting on the farthest side from him. "Yeah... I haven't had any way to watch it though."
He smiled boyishly. "I downloaded it." He took a few minutes plugging something into the tv, where he pulled it out of you were not sure.
You sat separately as the movie started. Gojo paused it and looked to you. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Uh, yeah sure" You got up to move, but he ushered you to stay put.
"No, no I got it. Don't worry." He sauntered off to the kitchen. I guess on the plus side he knew where everything was. After a few minutes he came back, a large bowl of popcorn in hand. He sat more in the middle of the couch now. The bowl taking up the only space remaining between. Gojo slipped off his glasses placing them on his head.
The movie resumed. Both of you slowly ate at the popcorn while watching. Your hands brushed periodically and it made your skin heat. Occasionally you snuck glances at him. His soft frosty locks, his white eyelashes fluttering as he blinked. You could just barely see the crystal blue of his eyes.
You looked away quickly before he could notice but at some points you could just barely see him turning to you in your peripheral and not turning back right away. Sure, he could be looking past you but you doubted it.
The popcorn had been devoured. It was one of your favourite snacks and you knew he knew that. He placed the empty bowl on the table and subtly moved closer to you. You pulled your legs up in front of you, your feet facing him.
Your toes brushed the side of his legs. Even that little bit of contact almost had you begging for him. Mentally you scolded yourself. Swiftly, he scooped his arm under your legs and stretched them across his lap. "You can stretch out, it's a long movie." Gojo looked to you, a soft smile playing on his lips. His blue eyes dipped to your lips, your neck before snapping back up and then returning to the movie.
You swallowed sharply before looking back to the tv. Was it hot in here? You felt hot.
Gojo settled his hands atop your legs and leaned more into the couch. His fingers playing with the fabric of your pants absentmindedly as he watched on. You shivered slightly at the touch. "You cold?"
Coughing to cover your stutter, "Oh uh yeah a little." Actually your body was on fire and your heart was racing but you didn't stop him from reaching over and grabbing the throw blanket that rested on the side of the couch. Gojo strategically threw it over you both. You thought this would give you more of a barrier between you to stop his incessant touching that you were not going to out right say no to.
However to your horror or your relief his hands stayed under the blanket and continued his movements. You could feel him testing how far you would let him go. His hand rubbed up and down your shins, massaging softly. Could he hear the pounding in your chest?
Slowly the area he occupied increased, his hand running up your thigh, squeezing after a random amount of strokes. Could he feel you squeeze your thighs together every time he did? You were fidgeting. Flexing and wriggling your feet. Your hands busily picked at your shirt under the blanket.
Gojo's hand slowed and stopped. You took in a deep breath. Maybe his torment had stopped but you hated that it did. He readjusted your legs to move from sitting by his knees, to right in his lap. One hand moved to rest just above your hip and the other stayed, making taunting circles on your thigh. You forgot you were staring when he turned and looked at you. "You okay?"
"Uhuh." Swallowing you turned back to the movie. A few minutes passed. His hand on the thigh kept making taunting delicious circles while the other slowly started to move back and fourth.
You hated this, how he broke your heart, acted like nothing happened and then came over here like he still had some sort of say over your body. What you hated more was that your body didn't hate it, that you couldn't stop him. You could feel the slickness collecting between your legs. The way your body begged for his touch.
The circles above your hip had started out on top of your shirt. At some point that you hadn't noticed his thumb had slipped underneath and was toying with the skin right above your waistband. You adjusted your legs, he halted for a moment letting you move. You brushed the need that had developed in his pants. His face pinched at the contact, his chest rising and falling heavily.
As you settled, Gojo returned to his current occupation. The movie still played, you didn't even know what was happening. You pulled your legs away and stood up. The blanket falling, your eyes catching his hardness but you quickly looked away. "I um just need some water. Would you like anything?"
He spread his arms along the back of the couch, not even remotely embarrassed of his length pushing through his pants. "No, I'm okay. Thank you." You nodded quickly and moved to the kitchen. He continued watching the movie.
Grabbing a glass and a straw, some ice and some cold water you sat back onto the couch. What had possessed you to sit right next to him, under his arm? He threw the blanket back over you, draping your legs over his, while the arm behind the couch wrapped around you and he slipped his hand into your waistband.
You could feel his fingers running up and down the skin of your hip, if he moved anymore to the side he would have a handful of your ass.
Shakily, you sipped on your water, the ice clinking grabbed his attention. Gojo's crystal blue eyes looked down on you and you hated the way it made your core tighten.
"Thirsty?" You held the straw towards him in offering. Watching as his mouth found the straw, sucking softly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. God, you have never wanted to be a straw so bad. What was wrong with you? He let it go, water droplets on his lips. "Thank you."
A shaky hand reached up and wiped the water from hip lip with your thumb. You hesitated right over his mouth. His lips parting, his warmth breath caressing your skin. Without hesitation he kissed the tip of your thumb, taking back the water droplets, the moisture wetting his already soft pink lips.
You let out a shuttering breath, his hands gripped you. One free hand grabbed your glass and set it on the table. You couldn't stop yourself from staring at his lips, against your better judgement your hands snakes around his neck, tangling your fingers into his white locks.
Gojo licked his lips, eyeing yours. "Can I kiss you princess?" Words failed you, so you settled for nodding your head. You wanted him bad. It was wrong but it didn't matter.
He hesitated at first then in record speed gripped the back of your head and pulled you into him. You couldn't even stay you didn't also pull him towards you. You clashed in a frenzy of lips, teeth and tongue.
Tugging at his hair caused delicious moans to leave his mouth and you swallowed them greedily. You nipped at his lip and he opened easily allowing you to slip your tongue past his lips. He pulled away for a breath. Both you of gasping, chests rising and falling rapidly. The way you had looked, eyes blown, hair a mess, lips puffy, must have triggered something primal in him. He latched onto your neck biting, nipping and sucking down to your collar bones and across. You knew he was leaving red angry marks but you had no intention of stopping him.
He couldn’t take it much longer. His hard throbbing length ground into you and it only made your core flare with need. Almost as if sensing it, Gojo picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and walking you to the bedroom. In that time it became a personal mission to leave just as many red marks on him as you were sure he left on you.
He deposited you on the bed, his glasses thrown to the side and his shirt discarded on the floor. Gojo grabbed you by the thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed, slipping off your shorts and underwear in record timing.
"Wait, Toru I-" He stopped and looked up as you sat up and moved away a bit. A wave of disappointment crossed his face. "Do you not want to?"
"No, I do I just.." He grabbed you again, pulling you back down. "Then lay down baby and let me taste you yeah?"
His kissed up the inside of your thighs, nipping and sucking as he went. Small gasps left you lips and you looked down to see him already watching you. As he approached your center, you both stared at each other. His tongue licked a slow strip. "Mmmm... I missed the way you tasted. So sweet." You could not control the soft moans that left you lips as he slowed licked and sucked your clit. You writhed under him, to stop you from moving away he wrapped an arm around your waist, gripping your thighs.
With his other hand, he teased a finger along your opening. "You're so wet for me baby, fuck." Whining you gripped his locks, pulling his face back towards you. Gojo chuckled at your neediness. His long index finger slowly pushed into you as he sucked harshly on your clit.
"Toru, i- fuck" Your breaths were heavy as your chest heaved. His movements continued, his pace increased as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. "Toru, I'm so close, I- I can't-"
"Come for me princess, I wanna taste you, it's okay baby" Gojo continued his assault as he pulled you over the edge and let you ride his face as you rode out your high. Your body relaxed, eyes closed as his touch disappeared. You were too strung out to even really think.
He moved around the room but you didn't pay attention to him. You were so relaxed now you could have slept. Probably better than you had since he had left.
Satoru grabbed the back of your head and pulled you up to your knees on the edge of the bed. His cock on your lips, pre cum dripping out as you took him in. "Ugh fuck baby" His hand on the back of your head encouraged your movements as his length hit the back of your throat.
He did not give you time in between thrusts, relentlessly fucking your face until you were a drooling mess upon him.
Gojo pulled out with a pop and leaned down to bring his face to your level. "You look so good with my cock in your mouth princess. Did you miss my cock?" You couldn't say much, your brain clearly was not working so you nodded at him. His blue eyes were wide with desire as he smashed his lips against yours and pulled away abruptly.
"Turn around. I want to fuck you from behind. I love the way you look when I'm deep inside you from this angle." With slow movements you turned around, he grabbed your thighs to pull your knees right to the edge. Your reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room stared back at you.
His cock caressed your folds as he pressed down on your back making you arch into position. "Look at me." Your eyes snapped to his in the mirror. Slowly he pushed into you. Groaning as he did. Holding still once he was fully seated.
"Fuck~ you're so wet, your pussy is gripping my dick so hard it almost hurts. I can tell you missed me inside you." Both of you shuddered as he slowly pulled out to the tip and slammed back in.
Your nails dug into the blanket, soft moans leaving you both as his paced increased. One hand gripping your hip and the other pushing you down, keeping you in position as he slammed into you relentlessly. "I'm going to come baby, you feel too good I can't stop..."
His thrusts became stuttered as he pushed into you with one last thrust. Bending over you as you both panted heavily. Gojo kissed along your shoulder, across your back and down your other shoulder while still being seated inside of you. After a few moments he reached for the towel and set it underneath you, wincing as he pulled out and left you in a pool of your own mess while he cleaned himself off.
Your brain was still jumbled as your sat on the towel, before you even could come to your senses he was already dressed. His white locks a sweaty mess upon his head, his black sunglasses covering his eyes.
"Oh, you're leaving?" You couldn't stop the disappointment from entangling with your voice.
"Uh... yeah. I can't stay so." Gojo kissed the top of your head and went for the bedroom door. "I'm free later in the week. We can hang out again if you like. I'll text you." Before you could usher a response he left, closing the door behind him.
Tears welled and fell and quiet whimpers turned into full sobs as you sat in the mess of the both of you. You hated yourself for giving into him, for letting him touch you and be inside you again but what you hated more was that you knew he would be over again and you knew you couldn't bring yourself to say no.
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darqx · 1 year
Got an evil eye
In which there’s a small Demon!Rire Angel!Rire comparison.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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😇 The lore of Angel!Rire is essentially:
Possibly rogue angel that kills people under word of God.
Word of God being debatable because his criteria for killing people changes a lot - (eg: might kill a bad person cos they’re “bad”, similarly will kill a good person to get them to heaven faster, similarly will just “mercy” kill whoever because humans are a plague to themselves and others etc) - EITHER WAY no one seems to be stopping him.
Also debatable is whether he believes in his justifications for his actions or if he’s just doing it for fun and purposely smoke-screening that fact.
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I have described their main similarity before as deception since they both seem viable (as a normal human / normal angel) at first. Their main personality difference is that their modus operandi is flipped - Demon!Rire will often see how long he can con someone, but will eventually reveal his true nature and will match what he says with it. Angel!Rire is more blunt and will reveal his true nature almost immediately, but will continue saying things in complete antithesis to that reveal thus masking the reality of his intentions.
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I do know what OCTs are! But I probably would never join one due to lack of time. They seem to be very large commitments and i’d be better off trying to find that time to do BP :V
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There is no set location for BTD (considering that me, Gato and EP all come from diff countries LOL)...other than maybe “Earth” and “some city/town place that predominately speaks English”.
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This is, actually, one of the more popular questions I get asked over time about Rire XD; Which makes me think I need to update my FAQ to include it. Anyway in my FAQ i put it like this:
CAN RIRE FEEL LOVE? I don’t know if you could classify what he feels as “love” in the same definition we are used to…
And from other answers to similar qs:
IF he becomes fond of someone for whatever reason, he will probably become more possessive. His methodology might not change so much, but there would be more aftercare (cos if you want someone to last longer...)
I never go any more in depth when answering these kinda qs even though i’m sure people would like me to XD
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At first I was going to say “I don’t know Depeche Mode”, but when i looked them up on Youtube i saw “Just can’t get enough” and was like OH I KNOW THESE SONGS.
As for Rire it’s not super in line with his usual, but I don’t think he’d mind the music!
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He’s gotten used to moving between different climates quickly so it doesn’t really affect him as much.
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You would not be the first so go for it if you want lol.
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unluckiestmember · 2 years
Arcane x innocent reader? Like someone who is a literal angel?
Of course! Coming up!
Arcane X Innocent! Reader
Characters: Jinx, Vi, Viktor, Caitlyn Kiramman, Vander, Silco, Ekko, Sevika, Jayce Talis and Mel Medarda.
Tags: Fluff, established relationship, Jayce being Jayce, Jinx being Jinx, overprotectiveness, innocence and reputations trying to be kept.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: I adore innocent readers and OCs! I feel they have a way of bringing out the true nature of characters, especially with this kind of cast! Also sorry to everyone for taking so long, I unfortunately have a chaotic and no good life. XD
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“Hey, toots! How has ya day been? Did you miss me?! Of course you did! Come here, you cute little bunny!”
You are Jinx’s little bunny! She loves how innocent you are for someone who hangs out with her, and in a way, you keep her grounded. You are the sunshine in this dark unforgiving world. Usually she loves destroying things and making others lives harder to live.
But when it comes to you? She is extra careful. She never lets you go on missions or patrol unless she’s with you. You’re in her hideout? She’s doing safety precautions by forcing you to wear a welding mask or staying six feet away from her projects. And unless they are little trinkets and presents for you, you can’t exactly touch them unless she assists you with them. You are a porcelain doll in her eyes. She doesn’t want you to break or become corrupted at all. She’s you’re protector and your lover and she won’t let you forget that.
Violet "Vi"
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“Do you know how cute you are? You’re adorable… Hey, don’t hide that face from me, I mean it. You’re adorable.”
Vi is known to be a hardass sometimes to people, but around you? She lets her true colors come out. She’s super affectionate physically and verbally, telling you how much she loves you and cherishes you. If anyone was to hurt you, she’s not just breaking their nose, she’s breaking their entire body. You are so precious. Maybe too precious to her.
She always rushes from work back home just to cuddle with you and ask how your day was. And don’t get her started on your bashful nature, she adores it so much since you only get that way around her. Does she wish you could stand up for yourself? Sometimes. But for the most part, she’s okay with it, especially since she can protect the both of you. To everyone else, she’s a wild card with muscle and snark. But to you and only you, she’s perfect.
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“Rodnaya. Did you fix my calculations?... Please, don’t fret- I’m not angry. I’m just wondering… What did I do to deserve you?”
Viktor thinks you are make believe. There is no way someone as sweet as you should exist. How can you be so in love with someone like him? He believes he can never give you what you want or need, but whenever you assure him he can, his spirits are lifted and his confidence gets a significant boost.
Whenever you are around, you make Viktor feel he can make all the progress in the world no matter what anyone says. You make him feel a little more comfortable in his skin, which is nice. But even better is the fact that because of you, he tries his best to exercise self love. This can come in the form of taking a few breaks from his project and treating himself whenever he makes a huge accomplishment. Viktor cherishes you so much and he hopes you know that no matter how nose deep he can be in work.
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“Good afternoon, my darling. I didn’t keep you waiting, did I? Let me make it up to you… You’re too sweet, but I insist.”
Because of how innocent you are, Caitlyn sometimes compares you to an angel. She finds you to be a bit pure and needs to be protected. Though unlike Vi, her protective nature is more tamed. She’ll prefer protecting you with her words, choosing to ask questions regarding your well being. But if you are in physical danger, she has no problem jumping to your aid with her gun in hand to scare those who hurt you away.
You mean a lot to her and she’ll show you by inviting you to places or showing you the many gardens in Piltover. Of course, she’s not without having more personal evenings together at home, cuddled together and enjoying each other’s company. All in all, she loves you and she’s not afraid to tell or show you that.
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“This life. One of hardship and poverty, is not one that you deserve. I promise, I’ll grant Zaun its independence. For all of us. For you.”
If Silco is the king of Zaun, you are his king/queen. It’ll take a while for you to get close to him because of the locks he usually has around his heart. But if you are able to cut them off with time and effort, Silco will treat you as if you are royalty. Expect him to show you off to those around you, whether it be you sitting on his lap or standing by his side.
That being said, do not expect him to shower you in kisses and snuggle up to your body. He has an image to hold, so the last thing he needs to hear from his men is that he’s gotten soft and mushy. Around them and under the eyes of Zaun, you are just his second half. But behind closed doors? You are more like his life. Just make sure you don’t tell anyone.
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“Damn, the light here really knows how to bring the beauty out of you. Are you sure you’re not an angel in disguise?”
You and Ekko have a pretty chill relationship. You’re his lover and he’s yours for the most part. He’s not overprotective, but he can have moments of being a helicopter boyfriend. You’re going on a mission? Take Scar with you. You want to go into Zaun to get something? Why doesn't he tag along to help? You would bring it up to him that you don’t always need someone with you, but your bashful nature makes it a little hard. So unless another firelight realizes what’s going on, be prepared to not go many places alone.
Outside of the following, Ekko is for the most part considerate of you and what you want. You can always find him asking you what you desire or need from him and even if you try not to answer, he will subtly find ways to get most of the unspeakable answers. 
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“Hey, we can… Cuddle later, okay? Right now, my crew is here and I don’t want to ruin my reputation.”
Compared to Silco, Sevika is more open in her relationship with you. She’ll tell everyone that you are her lover and in her own way be proud of it. That being said, she tries not to show a lot of PDA in hopes of protecting her reputation and mainly yourself. In her mind, if her group or anyone finds out you mean a lot to her, you can become a prime suspect in future kidnappings or blackmail. And she doesn’t want that for herself nor for you.
Outside of work, Sevika makes up for having to be a little distant with you. She’ll take you gambling with her and if you don’t prefer that, you guys can always hang out somewhere else. As long as you are content and safe is what matters. Sevika’s a good girlfriend, very protective. Just don’t expect her to be super verbal with her love, she prefers actions over words. But do be on the look out for a lot of teasing.
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“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself from picking you up, you’re too cute... Screw it, you’re all mine.”
Vander is a big ol’ teddy bear when it comes to loving you. He doesn't care if anyone at the bar comments on your relationship with him because he will waste no time picking you and showing you off like a trophy. He talks about you almost nonstop if he’s not talking about work or affairs occurring in Zaun.
When it comes to his affairs with Piltover, he makes sure you are nowhere near it. In his eyes, you are too precious to get in the middle of anything affiliated with them. Not to mention, he wouldn’t be the same if somehow you got hurt or worse. The kids need you and so does he, because with you in their lives, they feel like a complete family. You hold the hound down on a leash and he loves you for that.
Mel Medarda
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“You know what? After I’m done with meetings at work, we’re doing whatever you want. How’s that sound?... Come on now, love. You have to speak up.”
When it comes to Mel, conversation is key. Which is why your relationship can feel like a relationship, but also like a class. She pushes you to speak for yourself in many situations, but doesn’t force it upon you. It’s not that she hates how innocent and bashful you can be, she just doesn’t want that to be used against you or for other’s personal gain. So if she can shape you up to speak for yourself just a tiny bit, that will make her content.
Regardless though, she enjoys your company, especially after stressful days working with the council. In a way, you two kind of act like a married couple, having an unspeakable bond, but a loving one nonetheless. 
Jayce Talis
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“Yeah, the meeting was great!... Okay, fine, I skipped it- But can you blame me? Why would I want to rehash work when I could be here with you?”
If you were a dog owner, Jayce would be that golden retriever that gives you a run for your money, but makes you feel intense happiness. Every day is always something new with this man because he will give you a run for your money due to how hyper he is when he gets a new idea. Also he’s very loving around you, wanting to spend as much time with you as he can.
Though, he’s no Jinx. He knows that the both of you have lives and duties to fulfill. So he’ll give you space. But not for long. Just be ready to be working or relaxing when Jayce pops up out of nowhere to check up on you. If you forget your lunch, he’s going to deliver it to you. Forgot paperwork? He’s already on it, all you need to do is check for numerous errors. Everyone knows how you feel to date Jayce; It’s a wild ride, but a fun one that’s worth it.
Arcane requests are currently open! :D
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, be safe and have a good day! <3
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bubble-popping · 20 days
day 23 and i'm inspired by a certain someone to share my own 'dreamxd as a loving and protective parental figure to dream' kind of au :D
Dream's frame shook as he sobbed, tears catching on the rim of his hood which was pressed snugly to his face. He hugged himself tightly, knees to his chest, curled in a safe little ball where the rest of the world couldn't reach him. Guilt and fear gripped his rapidly beating heart, a hummingbird in a too-small cage. He could still hear them, the mocking laughter of his classmates, shocked gasps from his friends too stunned to react. But that cruelty wasn't what scared him.
He was vaguely aware of the sun beginning its descent in the sky, that his friends and family were probably worried sick about him right now. Again, they weren't what concerned him at the moment.
Tiny squeaks made him tense. A blob wiggled out from his hoodie pocket, and his anxiety increased tenfold.
Dream brought the small creature into his hands, no bigger than his little fists, and yet the weight of a thousand suns rested in his palms. A gift from XD, meant to keep track of him and accompany him when XD couldn't be there. A blessing, and a curse. It whined at him, expression distraught and smile gone. Confused by the lack of his precious mask.
"It's okay! I'm okay, I promise! Please, don't tell XD-"
"Don't tell XD what?" The last voice he wanted to hear spoke behind him.
"N-nothing!" Dream answered too quickly. "Everything's fine, I'm fine." He struggled to keep his voice level. For the life of him, his lips just wouldn't stop quivering.
"Dream. Don't lie to me. You know how I feel about that." They said, firm, unyielding, terrifying-
Dream's throat closed up. He couldn't respond even if he tried.
He heard the shift of robes, of feet finally touching the forest floor, of feathers brushing each other as wings flexed. The blob he held warmed in an effort to soothe his trembling.
"Stand up and face me, Dream."
Dream winced, face scrunching like he was ready to be struck. Slow and hesitant, he got to his feet, then turned. He refused to look up from the grass. XD's robe blending with the color of the ground was so much easier to focus on than what their reaction would be, especially after Dream heard their sharp intake of breath.
If he wasn't so afraid, maybe he'd wonder about the intentions of a god knowingly inhaling when they didn't require oxygen to survive.
"Child..." they began, much gentler than their previous tone, "what's the meaning of these tears? And where's your mask?" But in Dream's mind, they just sounded hurt, betrayed.
Without warning, the small mortal broke down in sobs. Clutching the blob, he wailed apologies and pleas of mercy. His shoulders shook, a leaf fighting against the strong winds of a hurricane. He knew he looked nothing like the fierce, confident prodigy he'd promised XD. The god saw him for what he really was. Just a scared little boy, totally unworthy of their power, of the coveted status being a Prodigy brought.
To his utter surprise and bewilderment, he felt the tender touch of fingers pulling back the edges of his hood and large hands cupping his face. Thumbs brushed away the rushing tears. Dream found himself frozen, staring into warm green eyes just like his.
XD smiled at him, kind and soft and... human. There was no disappointment, no anger, no frustration.
Dream didn't understand. He'd let them down. He showed his weakness. They could see it, plain and clear as the grass was green and the sky was blue, and yet...
"Y-you're not mad...?"
"Why would I be?" They tilted their head. It was strange, XD rarely went without their mask. Their freckles were like little galaxies, features too perfect to be true, but they could pass as his sibling. Another question for a time when Dream wasn't so confused.
"I, I got in trouble... There was a different teacher today and she," he hiccuped, tears returning full force at the memory, "she took my mask. I cried and e-everyone just laughed at me-" his voice cut out, overtaken by messy blubbering.
XD merely shushed him, dual sets of arms wrapping him in comfort and warmth as they tucked him under their chin. They whispered soft reassurances, tone the embodiment of thick blankets and fluffy pillows. Hands combed through his hair, rubbed circles into his back, held him close. Six wings folded around him, further shielding his form until Dream could truly believe they were the only ones in the world.
Exhaustion began to set in, eyelids growing heavy, and made infinitely worse by the melodic humming of his god. The grip he had on XD's robes gradually loosened, cries dying down.
"Rest now, my child. You've had a long day. We'll talk in the morning."
"Promise...?" Dream murmured after a moment of silence, teetering on the cusp of sleep.
"I promise."
With that, the young boy let himself fall into sweet slumber.
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muttsterion · 2 months
Thinking how it's funny that in a way Kenny's had like multiple "face reveals" and pretty much pulled the "HOLY SHIT feels like the first time " factor every time like it's the first time we've ever seen his face even though we've again seen it multiple times. XD
Like of course the true very first time we get a full on reveal of Kenny's face is the still legendary "Good Bye, you guys." scene in the movie. But then fast forward some years after Mysterion shows up out of nowhere and for awhile we the audience don't know who is even by the end of his first episode but SURPRISE in "Mysterion Rises" his mask is "revealed" and HOLY SHIT IT'S KENNY! Another "face reveal". And even now when the immortal boi's golden hair just shows up it's again like he's had another face reveal and we react like we've never seen his face before. Esp the DikinBaus episode where Kenny just straight up showed up unhooded out of fucking nowhere and literally drove us fans NUTS. There are other examples too but that one was one of the best imo. XD
Perhaps Kenny really is indeed too powerful for this world. I swear only he could pull off face reveals more than once and still give us that true SURPRISE! feel. XD
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crystalninjaphoenix · 11 days
To Speak the Unspeakable
Fantasy Masks AU: Chapter Forty-One
A JSE Fanfic
This is a real doozy of a chapter guys XD A 9000-word whopper. I could have cut it in half, I guess, but I think it's more effective if it's all together. Anyway. Who's ready for Lore?! :D I am! :D I've been sitting on this twist since the start of the series! Alright alright alright. Summary time. The group finally reaches their destination in the Wyldwood. A strange circle where nothing grows. When they reach the center, they realize the true nature of the spirit possessing the King. And yeah! Excited! :D Enjoy reading, everyone!
Previous Part | | From the Start | More AU | Read on AO3: CrystalNinjaPhoenix
Taglist: @brokentimewatch
“We’re getting close.”
The group had been walking through the Wyldwood for most of the day when Marvin suddenly spoke up near noon. “Hmm?” Jackie glanced at him. “You recognize this area?”
“I do.” Marvin nodded. “It would be hard to forget it even if I wasn’t trying to remember every little detail.”
The trees nearby had dark blue leaves, their trunks being either white or brown so dark it was almost black. The long, thin grass was a similar, though lighter shade. Draco’s tail was sticking up from the grass as he trotted along. This was an incredibly amazing place, even by the Wyldwood standards. Henrik had stopped to pluck some of the leaves from the branches when they first entered it, and even now Chase was looking around, taking in the depths of the unnatural colors.
Another day longer, then? Jameson asked. You said that it was a week’s walk and this is our sixth day.
Marvin nodded. “Yes, exactly. One more night... and then we’ll be there.”
Chase took a deep breath. His stomach was twisting in knots, knowing how close they were to their destination. To... whatever he needed to see. “I hope...” He trailed off. “I don’t know. I just hope.”
“I think we all understand,” Jackie said quietly. The rest of the group nodded.
They walked for a while more, continuing in silence until the Wyldwood started to grow dim at night again. They were still in that blue-leaf section when they settled down for the night.
Then the next morning, they woke up, packed up their stuff, and started walking again. All in complete silence. It wasn’t clear if they were excited or nervous or just all feeling the pressure of what they would find now that their journey was drawing close.
They left the section with the blue leaves and came into a new section that was almost... normal. The flowers were glowing, of course, but other than that, it could have been the depths of any forest with a thick canopy. Draco looked irritated as he walked, his muscles tense, and Marvin mirrored him. He was nodding slowly.
The trees were starting to thin out for the first time since they entered the Wyldwood, when suddenly—
“Do you all hear a thumping noise or is it just me?” Henrik asked.
 The group paused, listening. There was, indeed, a thumping sound. It was fairly distant, but as they stood there silently, it started getting louder. It sounded like—“Is that a horse?” Chase asked, confused. “Why’s there a horse in the Wyldwood?”
“It’s probably not actually a horse,” Marvin said nervously. “Hurry! But be quiet.”
The group ran forward, going as fast as they could while not making noise. But within just a few seconds, there was something in the distance running at them. A black horse with a cape-wearing rider, galloping right at them! A blade flashed in the air—was that an axe?!
“Run!” Jackie shouted, drawing his swords. He shoved the nearest person—Henrik—forward with his shoulder.
The horse and rider were upon them! And there was something wrong with the rider. The shape of him was—too short? Not like the person themselves was short but—like they were missing something—something from the top—
“Dullahan!” Chase gasped. “Go go go!” He grabbed Jameson by the hand and pulled him along as he lagged behind. These creatures were deadly! He’d heard stories and they never ended well!
CLANG! The dullahan swiped with its axe as it passed by, aiming to lop off Jackie’s head. Jackie quickly raised one sword to defend himself, pushing the axe away, but in the process—“Holy flame!” Jackie gasped, looking down at his sword. The blade had been broken, the upper half of it now glinting in the grass. 
“W-what kind of axe can do that?!” Henrik stammered, looking back at Jackie.
“It had a lot of force behind it,” Jackie said, still shocked. But then his expression hardened and he looked up. “The dullahan is circling back around. It’s going to keep attacking. Keep running! Go! Don’t look back!”
“Come on!” Marvin shouted, already pulling ahead. “We’re so close!”
Chase ran after him, still pulling Jameson along. He caught a glimpse of Henrik running next to him before he started to lag and disappeared out of his eyesight. Marvin said they were close! And Chase knew they were on the edge of something! There were less and less trees around them, their trunks thinner than they used to be. But even so, the hoofbeats were approaching once again. Chase put all his effort into running, pulling ahead of Marvin, his pulse pounding in his neck—
And then he broke out into open air, right on the edge of a sudden drop.
Chase yelped. He wasn’t able to stop his movement in time, so he prepared to roll, ducking his head and protecting it with his arms. He fell to the ground, vision rattling with the impact, and immediately began tumbling down the steep incline. Rocks bit into his back and limbs as he rolled but he made sure to keep himself pulled in tight. Until the ground suddenly leveled out. His movement carried him a bit farther before he finally stopped. He unrolled slowly, groaning as his whole body ached, and looked up.
Jameson and Marvin had also fallen down here with him, their clothes and hair now covered in gray dirt. Marvin was grabbing his knee, hissing in pain, and Jameson stared up blankly at the sky as he lied on his back. Henrik was at the back, so he was able to learn from the mistakes of the others, but even so the slope was so steep that he was practically crawling backwards down it. He reached the bottom and immediately sat down, eyes going distant.
Draco jumped down from the top of the slope—making an incredible leap—and landed on his feet. He walked over to Marvin and looked up at him. Then after a moment started purring and rubbing against his side. Marvin patted him and took a shaky breath. “Is everyone alright?”
“I’m, uh... I’m going to have bruises and scrapes but nothing is broken,” Chase said.
Jameson pushed himself upright. The same, he said. The cloth on his sleeves had been scraped away over his elbows, revealing they got scraped up.
Henrik said nothing.
“Schneep?” Marvin looked at him. When there was no answer, he sighed. “I think Henrik’s untethered. B-but he managed to actually walk down the slope, so... he should be fine. My knee feels strange, I might’ve twisted it wrong. But I think I can still walk. Jackie?” Marvin looked around. “Where... where’s Jackie?”
Everyone immediately looked up the slope again. There was still the sound of hoofbeats, and then another CLANG!
“He—D-did he decide to hold it off?” Chase asked, stomach sinking. “H-he said to—to not look back.” He scrambled to his feet, limbs still aching from the impact of rolling. “D-dullahans are very dangerous! And that one cut his sword in half with its axe! We have to help!”
“No, we can’t all go!” Marvin also stood up, wincing. “Henrik’s untethered, someone needs to stay with him. You two stay here, I’ll get Jackie!”
Your knee, though! Jameson protested.
“Here, I’ll go,” Chase said.
Jameson looked at him. No, you continue forward. I’ll go get him.
“You’re still learning combat,” Marvin said. “My magic can help more.” As if to demonstrate, he leaned over and drew a magic doorway on the steep slope, tracing it with magic from an amulet. Then he leapt through the moment it was finished, leaving it to vanish once he’d disappeared to the other side.
Chase and Jameson looked at each other. “Well... I-I... guess we... trust them?” Chase stammered.
I suppose... Jameson said. He glanced around. I wouldn’t feel right leaving you and Henrik alone here. This place is... eerie.
Chase had been too distracted by the fall and the realization that Jackie was missing to properly look around. He did so now, scanning the environment they’d fallen into. There were no trees around. The sky above was unblocked by branches or anything else, but despite the lack of obstacles, the sunlight seemed... weaker here. Odd. Maybe it was just because of how colorless everything was. Everywhere Chase looked, all he saw were shades of dead gray and black.
They’d fallen down a slope that was about twice Chase’s height, covered in dark gray and black rocks. Around them was an empty, flat field of gray dirt, pebbles, and stone. Nothing was growing here. Not even stubborn weeds. The space was big enough for all of Hilltown to fit comfortably, but there was nothing in it... nothing except for something at the center. A building. The cabin that Marvin had described, surrounded by a ring of gray, dead-looking trees.
“You’re right... very eerie.” Chase shivered. “It feels like... something bad happened here.”
Jameson nodded in agreement. He reached down and helped Henrik to his feet. Henrik didn’t respond but allowed himself to be pulled up. Let’s hurry. I don’t want to spend more time than necessary here.
The two of them glanced back at the forest, back towards where Jackie and Marvin still were. Then they started walking. Draco didn’t come with them. He was too busy picking his way up the slope, going to meet up with Marvin.
The pebbles on the ground crunched beneath their feet. Chase and Jameson were silent as they walked, both their eyes constantly darting around for any signs of threats. After the cover of the Wyldwood, this open heath left them feeling exposed. Henrik didn’t say anything either, but that was to be expected when he was untethering. Jameson tried to gently shake him out of it, but when it didn’t work, he left him alone and continued to guide him along.
Slowly, they got closer to the circle of trees around the cabin, and as they did, Chase realized that something was wrong with them. Besides the gray color. They were... shiny. And... smooth. Were... were these trees... made of metal? But... why? And how? They were so intricate that he didn’t think they were sculptures. It was like... they’d grown out of the ground as metal.
...There was a figure leaning against one of these trees. A figure in green. The figure became clearer as they got closer, but never fully clear. Because after all, they could see through the figure to the tree and sky behind them. The figure raised his head—and Chase gasped.
Marvin had said they’d meet the ghost of King Samuel. He had been very clear on that. It was shocking, but Chase had gotten used to it by now.
But he hadn’t expected King Samuel to look exactly like the spirit.
His mind flashed to the last draísling he had, the one he had right before leaving to go to the Wyldwood. The spirit had shown itself there—as much as someone could “show themself” while in a dream, of course. Chase had seen how its features were slightly different from Jack’s. He’d thought that the spirit had chosen that form to make it clear that it was different from Jack, than the body it had been possessing for years. But... this couldn’t be a coincidence.
King Samuel bore a strong resemblance to Jack—which made sense, he was his ancestor. But why did the spirit look identical to Samuel?
...Chase was getting an idea. But... it didn’t make any sense. So... he couldn’t be right.
{It’s nice to meet you, Chase,} Samuel said, his voice echoing in Chase’s thoughts despite his mouth not moving. His green eyes looked to Jameson. {And Jameson Jairsolas, nice to meet you too.} Then to Henrik. {I think... you’re Henrik Schneeple, right?}
Henrik flinched slightly.
“Um... m-maybe don’t—maybe don’t make a voice in Henrik’s head?” Chase said, stammering slightly. “H-he—he doesn’t like... doesn’t like that.”
{Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t—I’m sorry.} Samuel gave a small bow. 
Chase laughed nervously. A legendary king’s ghost was apologizing and bowing to him and his friends. This was more dreamlike than any draísling he’d had so far. “Um... it’s an honor to meet you, King Samuel.” He bowed deeply, and next to him he saw Jameson do the same.
{You can just call me Sam,} the ghost said, smiling. {Everyone did when I was alive. It’s only now that the legend has spread that everyone speaks of me with this... reverence. Though, I guess there was some legendary status while I was alive, too. Hard for there not to be when you set out to unite the island.}
“...I see,” Chase said slowly. This was... very strange. He didn’t even have words for it, that’s how strange it was. And judging by Jameson’s wide-eyed expression, he felt the same. “Well... I’m here now. I’m... supposed to learn something here, aren’t I?”
King Samuel—Sam nodded. {Did Marvin tell you that something unspeakable happened here?}
“He did... He said that nobody could speak of whatever happened here because there’s some... magic preventing it?”
{Good, he remembered what I told him. Yes, that’s true. The only way to figure out what happened here is to put the puzzle together yourself.} Sam stood up straight and folded his arms behind his back, looking around. {So... what do you see, Chase?}
Chase blinked. “I see... strange metal trees.” He reached out and lightly knocked on one with his knuckles, listening to the sound. “Solid metal trees. They look... they look like real trees, except that they’re metal.”
Sam nodded. {What else?}
“Well...” The only other thing of note was the cabin. It was small, clearly only one room. The walls were essentially logs stacked on top of each other, some of them still with small branches attached, giving the whole building a strange... thorny appearance. Even the roof was the same, branches and logs piled up to form a slope. And all of the logs that had formed the cabin... they were also metal. Similar to the trees, they looked natural, but they were gray and shiny. There were no windows, but there was a chimney on one side, made of stacked stones. The door was an empty square opening. Inside, it was dark. “Do I... need to go inside?” Chase asked nervously.
{If you want to know more,} Sam said. {It’s dark in there. Do you have a lantern?} He glanced around. {I’d have thought that Marvin would be able to light the way with you—though magic does work strangely in the heath.}
“Marvin and Jackie—o-our other friend, Jackie, they... they stayed back,” Chase explained. “Th-there was a dullahan, it attacked us—”
Sam’s eyes widened. {Oh no. I’ll go help them out.}
“Help them out? You’re a ghost.”
{That doesn’t mean I’m powerless.} Sam walked past the three of them, and Chase noticed his feet weren’t actually touching the ground. {You go explore on your own. I’ll answer any questions I’m able to when I get back.} He took a few steps away, then faded from view.
Chase stared at the spot where he vanished. Then he looked at Jameson and Henrik. Jameson looked shocked, still trying to understand that they’d just spoken with a ghost. Henrik’s eyes were still distant. “Well... into the creepy dark cabin, then?” Chase asked.
Jameson nodded. Of course. Hold on, there’s a lantern attached to my pack, I brought it just in case.
The two of them removed the lantern and lit the wick. Chase carried it in one hand and held onto Henrik with the other, since Jameson needed his hands to speak. The two of them peered into the doorway, and Chase took a deep breath. He stepped forward. Something crunched under his boots, and he looked down. It looked like some sort of woven cloth that had fallen down... woven from thick plants of some sort. Except for the fact that, judging by the crunch, it had also been transformed into something inorganic. Strange. Either way, it had once been hanging up in the doorway to block it off, but was now on the ground, where it had been transmuted.
The interior of the cabin was, just as Chase thought, only one room. The walls were undecorated, the bare logs that built the cabin still exposed here. In one corner there was a square that might’ve once been a mattress with blankets, but was now a lump of stonelike material. Around the edges of the room were... words? They looked like words scratched into the ground, concentric circles of them all surrounding some lump in the center of the cabin. But Chase couldn’t read them. He looked down, squinting at them. Maybe he just didn’t know these words? “Jameson, do you know what these are for?”
Jameson didn’t answer. He was staring at the center of the cabin.
“Jameson. Jair!” Chase nudged him. “What is it?”
He gasped and looked back over at Chase. Isn’t it... That’s a... He trailed off, looking back at the center.
Chase glanced at the lump. And... then he realized what it was. The lump was something partially hidden underneath a blanket. Unlike the cloth by the door and the blankets by the mattress, the blanket in the center was still flexible, though it seemed to be covered in gray dirt and dust. Beneath the blanket... was a familiar shape.
“...a person,” Chase whispered. “No... a body.” Because the person’s chest wasn’t moving. Of course it wasn’t. With how much dust was on the blanket, there was a clear way that the body hadn’t moved for a long time.
Jameson shuddered. I think this is a good time to use that potion Henrik decided to give you.
“Right. The... shialeora. That’s... that’s in my bag. Hold on a moment.” Chase slowly set the lantern on the ground and let go of Henrik’s hand, taking his bag off and rummaging through it. The whole time, he stared at the body in the center of the cabin.
It took him a while to find the bottle Henrik had given him. It had sunk to the bottom of his pack over the journey, and he really didn’t want to look away from the body even to find it. Luckily, the bottle was a distinct square shape so it was easy to find by touch. He quickly pulled it out, looking at the liquid inside. The leaves or petals were still suspended inside, unchanged. 
What did Henrik say it would do, again? Jameson asked. He looked at Henrik, then reached out and shook him slightly, but Henrik still didn’t react.
“I think I remember,” Chase said. “This shialeora potion is supposed to... sharpen my senses. And speed up my thoughts?” He hesitated. “But I can only use it once... And Henrik didn’t mention how long it will last...” He looked at Henrik. “Do you think we should... try harder to bring him back? No, no. He said he didn’t want us to do that. So... maybe we wait?”
Jameson nodded slowly. I suppose we can, for a bit. We should wait for Jackie and Marvin, too.
Chase tucked the potion into his belt. “In the meantime... what do you think this writing is?”
I’m not sure. Jameson stared at the markings on the ground. I don’t think these are words. Maybe it’s another language? Or... maybe it’s an old version of our language. Words change over time, you know.
“Hm... And what do you think it’s for?”
Clearly nothing good, Jameson said. But I think it has to be some sort of witchcraft ritual, doesn’t it? Something... involving the body...
The two of them fell quiet for a while, not wanting to move, not wanting to get closer to the body in the center of the room. But eventually, they heard a sound. Footsteps approaching. They quickly spun around to look—and Jameson gasped and ran forward. Jackie and Marvin were alright! There was a tear in Marvin’s shirt and Jackie was missing his swords, but other than that, they were alright! Jameson rushed forward and wrapped his arms around Marvin in a tight hug. Chase was quick behind to do the same to Jackie. “Whoa!” Jackie laughed. “You missed us? We weren’t gone for that long!”
“You were gone fighting a dullahan!” Chase said, pulling away. “Do you know what that thing can do to you?! There’s a reason they’re omens of death!”
“Well, I just thought that was because they showed up in graveyards,” Jackie said awkwardly. “And, uh... had no head. I didn’t realize the fight would be so... difficult.”
“It sliced your sword in half! Your sword!”
“I just... wanted to make sure the rest of you made it,” Jackie said quietly.
Chase sighed. He leaned in and squeezed Jackie in another short hug. “Thank you. But don’t do that again.”
“So... this place is... odd,” Marvin said, looking at the metal trees.
Jameson, having pulled away from the hug, nodded. Wait until you see what’s inside the cabin. And it looks like Draco doesn’t like this place. He pointed at Draco; the cat’s fur was standing up along his back, tail puffed and raised straight in the air.
“I think... I think something’s different here.” Marvin pulled out his focus. The amulet had been constantly glowing the whole time they were in the Wyldwood. But now it was dark again. “The magic of the world feels... distant. Where’s Henrik?”
“Inside,” Chase said. “Come on.”
They went back into the cabin. Henrik noticed Jackie and Marvin, eyes focusing on them for a moment before drifting away again. Jackie quickly walked to his side, gently grabbing his hand and squeezing it. Marvin stared at the interior of the cabin and quickly noticed the body. “What the fuck?!”
“I-I was going to use the shialeora potion Henrik gave me to find out more about this,” Chase swiftly said. “To find out... why that’s here.”
Jackie stared at the body. His hand went to his hip, but there was no sword there. “I don’t like this place. But... I think this is what the shialeora is meant for. This is where you’re supposed to use it.”
Chase nodded and took it out, unstoppering it but still hesitating. “Do you know how long it’s supposed to last?”
“No, sorry,” Jackie said. “I don’t think Schneep ever said that. Right?” He looked at Henrik, but received no response.
A figure formed in the doorway. The ghost of King Sam, lingering on the threshold but not stepping inside. {A shialeora will be perfect for here,} he said. {Go on.}
Chase jumped in surprise a bit as Sam appeared, but quickly recovered. He looked at the potion bottle and steeled his resolve. “Bottoms up,” he said, then tilted back the potion and tried to drink it all in one gulp.
The liquid was viscous. Not quite a syrup, but clearly not just water. It would have been hard to swallow down if it didn’t taste surprisingly sweet. Chase closed his eyes, focusing on drinking as quickly as possible. His throat tickled as the leaves brushed against the inside, but he kept going until there was nothing left. Then he lowered the bottle, straightened, and looked around.
The cabin was dark. But as he stared, he heard a rushing sound in his ears, and the room seemed to get... brighter? No, it wasn’t actually getting brighter. His eyes were just adjusting to the dimness until he could see as clear as day in here. He could hear some thumping noises—heartbeats?! Everyone’s heartbeats?! And their breathing, too. Those were the only sounds in the nearby area. Chase could smell the dust and metal all around them as strongly as if he put his nose right up to them. And his clothes were rough against his skin, his belts and packs heavy on his body. This all should have been overwhelming, but somehow, it wasn’t.
“Whoa,” Jackie said. “Your eyes... They’re really—”
“Wide?” Chase interrupted.
“Well, yeah.”
“Of course they are, your pupils widen in the dark, that makes sense. I think it’s to take everything in.” Chase looked around the cabin. His eyes were immediately drawn to the floor. Not just to the writing, but to the rocks. They weren’t actually rocks. He walked over to the nearest one and bent over to pick it up. This had been some sort of plant once. A fruit, maybe, though not one Chase had ever seen before. These not-rocks were piled up around the edge of the cabin, and Chase quickly circled around to examine them. All of them had been plants of some sort. “Marvin? Can wizardry change one thing to another thing? I mean—change the material it’s made out of?”
“Um... I don’t think so,” Marvin said, looking around.
“Could sorcery do it?”
“Maybe? But I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
Chase’s mind leaped to something else. He was suddenly remembering the huge doorway that opened up while he, Jameson, and Marvin were in the town of Miryfern. The one that let Thalia and all the soldiers suddenly travel to Wyvernlair. Marvin had reacted similarly to that, saying it seemed impossible.
And then he remembered something else, too. At Marvin’s execution. The perfectly placed lightning bolts that had destroyed the house he was hiding in, as well as the houses the other archers were in as well. That hadn’t been natural. And that huge doorway had been created by lightning.
“There are... impossible acts of magic here,” Chase said slowly, trying to put words to his rushing thoughts. “This circle of words, the metal and stone plants, the lightning, the possession—it’s connected. The spirit—it’s magic.”
Well, all spirits are magic, Jameson said.
“Unnatural magic. The spirit also looks like Sam,” Chase added, pointing at Sam’s ghost. 
“It does?” Jackie was clearly confused.
“It showed itself in some form in the last dream I had,” Chase said. “And that form looked like Sam. That’s not a coincidence. It can’t be.”
Marvin frowned. He looked over at Sam. “Is that... important?”
Sam pursed his lips. {It’s important,} he said slowly. {You have an idea, Chase, don’t you?}
“I... I do, but... I’m not sure how it could be possible,” Chase said. His eyes drifted to the blanket-covered body in the center of the room. There was no use putting it off, was there? He took a deep breath and walked towards it, carefully stepping over the words scratched into the earth floor.
The blanket did not fully hide the body. As Chase circled around it, he saw one hand extending from underneath. One hand that he expected to be just bone, but which instead looked like the person had been dead no more than half a day. Its fingers were still curled around a weapon. A seax. Beneath the gray dust, its copper blade was stained red.
Part of the person’s head was also exposed, hair poking out from under the blanket. Brown hair. But that... didn’t mean anything. Brown hair was the most common shade in Glasúil. Still, Chase was getting a sinking feeling. He crouched down and reached out. It felt like ages before his hand met the edge of the dust-covered blanket. He heard the others all cluster closer together, heard his own heartbeat pounding faster, but he couldn’t stop now. He lifted up the blanket and pulled it away from the body’s face.
A face with bright green eyes.
A face identical to the face of King Samuel’s ghost.
Chase stared at it. This man was clearly dead. But even though he must have been dead for hundreds of years, the body was not decayed. Everything was perfectly preserved. Those bright green eyes stared up at nothing. Chase’s thoughts whirled as he put the pieces together, but he forced himself to keep looking at the corpse for a bit longer. 
The cause of death was clear. The man’s throat was slit. Dried blood trickled down the neck to the ground, but surprisingly, there was not a pool of dried blood beneath him. Had the blood been absorbed directly into the ground? Like water into dry earth? 
The man’s other hand was near the edge of the blanket. Like the last thing he’d done had been to pull the blanket over his head.
Jackie edged forward. He inhaled sharply. “S-Samuel? Is this... you?”
“What?” Marvin also walked over, and Jameson and Henrik followed close behind. “Wait—what?!”
Jameson gasped. Is this what happened to our first King?
“No, that’s impossible!” Marvin insisted. “There are records of King Samuel living a long life! This body—it’s barely thirty, if that. And they say King Samuel is buried in Suilthair...” He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
“...I think I do,” Chase whispered. “Or... I have an idea.” He looked over at Sam, still hovering by the threshold of the cabin. 
“What is it?” Jackie asked. “There can’t be any explanation for this!”
“They were twins,” Chase said softly.
The other four all stared at him. Even Henrik stared, latching onto the statement as he started to come out of his untethered state. But over in the doorway, Sam smiled proudly... and a bit sadly.
That... doesn’t make sense, Jameson signed shakily. The stories have never said anything about King Sam having a brother.
“They wouldn’t... if the brother was unspeakable,” Chase said. “If this strange magic that Sam’s told us about prevented anyone from speaking about him.” He paused, looking at Sam, who just made a ‘keep going’ gesture. “I think something very bad happened here.” Chase looked back down at the body. “Look, this man is holding a bloody seax. His throat’s been cut. The body is surrounded by witchcraft and unnatural metal and stone plants, in the middle of a blasted heath, a place where Marvin said that the magic was farther away despite us being in the Wyldwood, the most magical place in the kingdom.”
“Whoa, slow down, Chase, remember to breathe,” Jackie said.
“The man... did it himself,” Henrik whispered. “And it... caused everything to die? Or... change?”
“That’s what I think.” Chase nodded.
“But—but—” Marvin stammered. “What happened?!”
“I don’t know! No, wait, I think I do.” Chase hit the side of his head. His thoughts were moving so fast. “King Sam’s brother—I think he became the possessive spirit. Jack’s eyes were blue, but now they’re royal green, just like this body—just like the man’s eyes would’ve been while he was alive.”
“You can’t just become a spiolash!” Marvin shouted. “That’s not—that’s not natural!”
“Well none of this is fucking natural, is it?!” Chase snapped. “Also—that spirit has powers that normal spiolash do not! Remember, the lightning?”
“Ah... that is the name for possessing spirits, yes?” Henrik asked, still mildly confused from missing some things.
“Spiolash? Yes, sorry. We don’t use it often, remember?” Chase shook his head. “In any case... I think this is what happened. King Sam had a brother. He killed himself as some sort of ritual to become a spirit. That spirit is now possessing Jack. But... the only thing I don’t understand is why.”
“Does it matter why?!” Marvin’s face slowly dawned with horror as he began to accept the truth Chase had discovered. “This man—he’s the cause of all the suffering in the kingdom! The reason we’ve been fighting for years! He’s using the King’s enchanter powers to control people.”
“And he might be planning something more,” Jackie muttered. “There are rumors that he’s trying to build a navy.”
Marvin trembled. Not with fear. With rage. He clutched his focus in a white-knuckled grip. Light flickered around it, but steadily grew as Marvin forcibly drew more magic forward. He pulled the light away and raised his hands as the light transformed into bright blue flames—and then he threw the fire at the body. Chase quickly leapt away as the blue flames grew brighter, consuming the blanket and the body... but then it faded away. The edges of the blanket were a bit charred, but other than that, everything was undamaged. Marvin stumbled back, shocked and confused.
{It’s hard for things to change in this circle,} King Sam says. {And the magic of the world shies away from it.}
Jameson shook his head, at a loss. What happened here? What was so horrible that fire wouldn’t dare to burn?
And then, Chase heard noises outside. Faint, distant. Definitely too quiet for him to hear normally, but with the shialeora potion still affecting him, he not only heard it, but was instantly able to identify the sound. Cloven hooves stepping on the rocky ground.
Chase immediately spun around and ran outside, passing by King Sam as he did—maybe partially passing through the ghost as well. But he didn’t stop. “Chase?!” Jackie gasped, but he didn’t turn to look or stop at all.
There was something in the distance, something getting close. Chase ran towards it, and he heard the others running behind him as well. They got closer to each other, until Chase could make out the details of the form. He knew who it was immediately. He skidded to a halt, and the others did too. He heard someone inhale sharply.
A deer was walking towards them. A tall deer, its fur dark, and its antlers gilded, reflecting the sunlight. Everywhere its hooves landed, small green plants sprouted, struggling up from the rocky ground. But only a few steps later, the stone curse of this heath would consume the new plants, turning them gray as well. “E-Elder!” Jackie gasped. He fell to his knees, and Jameson knelt down as well, but Henrik and Marvin stayed standing, though they were still shocked.
“You’re... here...” Chase breathed. “A-are you... are you here to help?”
The deer—the Elder tilted their head to the side.
<Curiosity. A request.>
Chase inhaled sharply. That feeling—that’s what it was, a feeling. Not a voice, not spoken out loud or in his head, it was an emotion that he felt, but knew came from elsewhere. The Elder was asking him something. Asking if... they could... do something? “Y-yes. Of course.” Chase nodded. “G-go ahead.”
The Elder stepped forward. Their head lowered towards his. Chase felt the urge to back away. Not because he was threatened—well, the antlers were pointed, that made him a bit wary—but because it was too much. Like staring into a bright light. Still, he held his ground. The Elder’s snout tapped against the center of his forehead.
Two young men were sparring on a small beach. They were dressed almost identically, in loose tunics with narrow sleeves, beneath dark leather armor. Behind them, there were buildings in the distance, closer to the center of the island. Because yes, this was an island, out in the middle of the Emerald Lake. The buildings were small, made of mud brick and light wood.
They fought over and over again, one with a sword, another with a seax, several bouts. Each one ended quickly, as the two young men were really familiar with each other’s moves by now. After all, they’d been sparring with each other for years now.  The one with the seax was better, though, winning most of the matches. Until the other one narrowed his eyes in concentration—and the knife wielder suddenly dropped his blade.
“Ha!” The swordsman pointed the blade at the other.
“Hey, no fair, Sam!” the knife wielder said, laughing. “Improper use of magic!”
The swordsman—Sam sheathed his weapon. “Well I need to practice using it as well. I thought it would even the odds. And if anyone would understand that, it would be my own brother, wouldn’t it?”
Sam’s brother bent over and picked up his seax. “That’s true, that’s true.” He spun it, then also sheathed it. “Part of me says it’s not honorable to enchant someone in the middle of a bout, but a greater part of me says to do what you can. Especially if this was really a life or death battle.”
“Yes, that’s a good point. Well. Let’s get some supper, why don’t we?”
“You are challenging me?”
It was another day. Sam and his brother stood in the middle of town, on a square paved with mud bricks. Surrounding them was a group of people—familiar people, people they had grown up with. And before Sam, looking at him with a mix of amusement and shock, is an older man: the clan chief.
“Yes,” Sam said calmly. His green eyes glinted in the light from the high sun.
The chief looked at the others around. “Do you all hear that? The older faeborn thinks he could run the clan better than me!” Some of the onlookers chuckled, but most seemed curious, interested. “Very well, boy. I assume your brother will speak for you once the duel is done?”
“Yes,” Sam said. But there was a barely-perceptible tensing in his muscles. Duels like this ended with one participant at the other’s mercy. If the chief so chose, he would be well within his rights to kill Sam. And the chief had just implied he would be doing that if he won. There would be no room for error. He was risking his life.
His brother reached out, gently taking his hand and squeezing it supportively. He nodded, showing his belief in him. Sam took a deep breath.
“When will you be doing this, then, boy?” the chief asked.
“Immediately,” Sam said, and the onlookers stirred as the chief’s eyes widened. “Unless, of course, you need time to prepare against me.”
The chief’s eyes narrowed again. “I need no time.” He drew his sword. The onlookers and Sam’s brother backed away, leaving the two of them in a circle of empty space. “No mind tricks in a duel, boy. The others will know.”
Sam nodded as he drew his sword. He would be honorable. The two of them stared at each other, then at once, lunged forward—
But the outcome didn’t need to be shared. It had already been recorded in history. 
Another day, another time of year. Sam and his brother were surrounded by trees, their leaves orange and red with autumn. They were not alone in the forest. Sam sat on one side of a crude table, made by balancing a stone slab on four stone bricks. On the other side of the table—another clan’s chief, as well as her various advisors and attendants. There was only Sam’s brother on his side of the table, standing next to him with one hand on the seax blade at his belt.
“And why would we agree to such an alliance?” the chief asked. “It sounds to me as though you want to set yourself up as some sort of leader.”
Sam shook his head. His hair had grown longer in the time that had passed. “On the contrary, I don’t want to be a leader,” he said. “But I don’t believe the separation of the clans helps any of us. We are more similar than we are different, and it does no good to have so many skirmishes on such a small island. Of course, those differences are still there. Which is why you will still be there to lead your people. You know them better than I ever could. I only ask that we cooperate with each other. We could trade goods. For example, here in the mountains you are known for your witchcraft talismans. Our island can provide you with fish or animal pelts that you couldn’t get up here.”
The chief tilted her head, interested, but one of the advisors stepped up. “Remember, this man has the magic of the mind,” he whispered. “He could be making you in favor.”
“I can hear your whispers,” Sam said. “And I promise, there is no magic at work here. I am coming to you with—”
Suddenly, something moved  in the trees. Sam’s brother dove at him, knocking him to the side as an arrow embedded itself in the ground right where he’d been sitting. The chief shot to her feet and the advisors shouted in surprise, but Sam’s brother moved quickly, leaping to his feet and throwing a blade through the air towards the movement.
Thunk! A person fell out of the tree, painfully getting to their feet. “Death to the mind magicker!” they shouted, reaching into a quiver for another arrow.
Sam’s brother ran forward, moving incredibly quickly, forcing the assassin to drop the bow and draw a knife. The blades clashed one, two, three times—and then the assassin fell, leaving Sam’s brother still standing, breathing heavily. He spun around and quickly ran back over, helping Sam up. “Are you unhurt?” he asked.
Sam nodded. “Thank you,” he breathed.
The two brothers walked through a field, packs of supplies on their backs, leather armor over their clothes. The sun was setting, but they had to keep walking if they were to reach their destination at the promised time. Or... did they? “We need to rest,” Sam said quietly. “It’ll be no use if we arrive there too tired to stand.”
His brother’s eyes darted around, taking in the details around them. “Sam,” he said. “I was... wondering something.”
“You... you have your magic. It’s strong magic, very strong magic. But you... rarely use it.”
“What do you mean?” Sam looked at him. “I use my magic all the time. I’m using it right now, expanding my senses to make sure that there are no human minds approaching.”
“That’s not what I—” His brother shook his head, sighing. “You... you wanted to do great things with your magic. And I agree, uniting the clans is a great thing. But... you don’t really use your magic to do it.”
Sam’s eyes narrowed. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying... would it not be easier if you made them listen to you?” His brother suggested. “With your power—you could do that. They would listen, they would do as you say, and they would be happy about it.”
Sam stopped walking. “That’s not... that’s not...” He paused, trying to find a way to put his thoughts into word. “Yes, I could do that, in theory. But I won’t. For several reasons. Doing something like that would make me feel... make me feel like I am as tricky as they say. And I do not want that.”
“They will say it anyway,” his brother whispered.
“Perhaps that will change with time. And also, making them do what I want is not my goal. Not really. It’s not true unity, if it’s forced.”
“Why not? The results are the same, aren’t they? We could do great things. I thought that’s what you wanted.”
Sam shook his head. “I don’t want to speak about this. Not right now. Let’s focus our energy on finding a place to stop for the night.”
His brother dropped the conversation, but as they continued to walk, he stared at Sam’s back with narrowed eyes. The seed of a bitter flower began to take root in his mind.
“Is this true?!” Sam pushed open the tent flap, heading into the round tent without so much as a greeting.
His brother looked up from where he was sitting sharpening his seax. “Is what true?”
“This.” Sam threw something down on the ground. A bit of animal skin, writing dyed onto its surface. “You sent a threat to the people of the Fíornear clan before our arrival.”
“What? I’m hurt, Sam.” His brother stood. “You don’t even know that this is my handwriting. And my choice of weapon is not the bow and arrow.”
Sam narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t mention that the message was tied around the shaft of an arrow. Are you... even trying to hide it at all?”
“Samuel,” his brother said. “Let me speak plainly. The Fíornear clan is the most powerful one we’ll face. They need to know that we are powerful as well, or else they won’t listen to us at all.”
“And you think that leading five other clans isn’t a sign of power? You think it’s a better sign of strength to challenge them? I was going to negotiate! You know my approach by now, that is always how I start this. We only challenge them if negotiations fail. But you—you go behind my back to—you go behind my back?!” Sam shook his head, stunned. Betrayed.
“They were not going to listen to negotiations,” his brother said stubbornly. “I was saving us the time.” His green eyes lit up with excitement. “If you’re so opposed to it, I could go in your stead. We do look the same, after all.”
“No.” Sam shook his head. “I have to do this myself.” He stared at his brother, unsure what to say in his anger. Then he spun around, cape flying, and stormed out.
They were on the beach again. Time had passed. Their beards were longer, and Sam’s hair had grown to chin length. But they still looked so much the same in their green capes. Behind them, the buildings of the village were being built up, made of stone now. A tower was beginning to pierce the sky. A palace.
“Can you believe this is where it started?” Sam asked, looking up into the clear sky. “Us sparring on this stretch of sand for so long, telling each other we’d do incredible things? And now... now look where we are. The Green-Eyed twins, Kings of the Island.” He laughed. “It’s hard to believe.” Then he looked at his brother. “But things worked out, didn’t they?” He couldn’t keep the last two words from being pointed. 
His brother stared at the lake waters. “Samuel,” he said quietly. “I was wondering something. You know of the lands beyond the island.”
“Of course I do. The Trábh i Dte clan spoke highly of their visitors and their boats.”
“What if we united them under us as well?”
Sam looked away from the sky, staring at his brother in shock. “You mean... leave the island?”
“We have done great things already,” his brother said steadily. “But you know we could be greater. If we could do this, what else could we do? Of course, they won’t speak the same language off there, so we must make them listen to us through means other than words.”
“You... want to...” Invade. Sam couldn’t say it out loud. “Have your senses taken leave of you?! No!”
“What do you mean ‘no’?!” His brother asked. “With our power—”
“No! I do not want to unite the lands outside the island. The clans here are similar to each other, but outside—outside they have their own ways of doing things. They wouldn’t be happy with us trying to make everyone like this island. We need to leave them be. Perhaps in the future we could come to some trade arrangements, but—”
“You could make them be happy with us,” his brother interrupted.
Sam put a hand on the sword dangling from his belt. “I don’t want to see you right now. Go.”
His brother’s face twisted, and he stormed off.
There were cliffs at the south of the island. Sam remembered them well. They’d made camp here once while on their journey around the island. But now, there was trouble gathering here.
...or so he thought. He and his brother had traveled here, along with a small group of warriors, but they found nothing. And yet, one of their messengers had delivered a strange report.
Perhaps it was magic. Sam told the warriors to camp far away, out of the range of his magical sense for minds. They were also far, far out of earshot. And too distant to be seen.
“Sam?” His brother called, peering over the edge of the cliffs. “I see something down there! Come, tell me if that’s a person.”
Sam hurried to join him. He leaned over the edge—
And in an instant, he caught a glimpse of his brother’s thoughts and intentions.
Quickly, Sam leapt back, avoiding the flash of movement as his brother lunged at him. His brother recovered, hurrying away from the edge of the cliffs, and drew his seax. “Aneirin!” he gasped. “You would betray me?!”
His brother, Aneirin, said nothing and swiped at him with the blade. But Sam drew his sword to block the strike. They dueled on the edge of the cliff, dancing closer and drawing away. Aneirin was still the superior fighter, but Sam knew that he couldn’t hold back his magic any more. He tried every mind trick in the book, distracting his brother, trying to make him drop the blade, and gradually, their fight moved away from the edge.
“Tell me why!” Sam demanded, putting some magic behind the command.
“You’re wasting your power!” Aneirin shouted. “You could be so much more! But you’ve squandered your strength away, and now you are weak. But I’m stronger.”
“So you push me off and take my place?!”
“We look the same, don’t we?!”
“What of the message of discontent? Of people gathering at the cliffs who are not happy with our reign?”
Aneirin laughed. “Not untrue, is it? I am at the cliffs now, and I am very discontent. You have no idea how much I had to threaten that messenger’s partner to get her to deliver that false message to you.”
Anger surged in Sam’s heart. They fought fiercely, sword swinging wildly as his magic dug into Aneirin’s mind, trying to make him surrender. Against all odds, he still did not want to kill this brother who’d betrayed him.
Their fight reached the edge of the forest, and Aneirin began to lose ground rapidly. Sam sliced through the armor on his arm, and then the armor on his legs, and then the leather covering his chest, leaving long bleeding scratches behind. Aneirin’s eyes widened with fear. His energy was draining. Sam wanted to push him down, to make him collapse. But he would not surrender. Instead of continuing to fight, he used the last of his energy to turn and run.
Sam pursued, but Aneirin lost him. So he was forced to return to his camp. He had a duty to his new kingdom, he couldn’t run into the forest... or into the Wyldwood beyond.
When he returned, he let the whole kingdom know of what his brother had done.
Aneirin wandered through the forest and into the Wyldwood beyond. There was great danger here. Creatures and living plants that attacked him. But he fought. He grew strong, learning and living off the land. Several times, though, he came close to death. And every time, he gritted his teeth and forced himself to hang on. He would not let Sam win. He would not let his legacy be Sam’s weakness.
But time would claim everyone eventually. Even the trees of the Wyldwood fell on occasion.
No. No no no, he would not die out here. Not unknown, not scorned, not without the position he deserved.
And so, a thought came to him. Magic was plentiful in the Wyldwood. There were fruits that healed wounds, and creatures that lived for many hundreds of years. Magic could keep one alive.
He began to plan. He tried several things, using plants and small animals for things he didn’t want to test on himself. A body would always fail eventually. But what if there was no body? Spirits were said to roam the land. How long could these spirits live? Forever, maybe? But spirits couldn’t do much on their own. He needed form. He needed magic. He needed a perfect vessel, and he needed to last long enough until one came along.
As he delved deeper into this darkness, the plants around his makeshift home began to wither. More creatures tried to attack him, but others ran at the sight of him. The roots of the Wyldwood seemed to rise up and trip him wherever he went.
But he would not be denied.
He would not be denied.
Until, finally, it was time to leave this body behind for his new form.
Aneirin clutched his seax in his hand, staring up at the ceiling of the cabin, glaring as the bitter flower consumed him.
Chase gasped and fell to his knees. What had that been? Visions? Knowledge? He’d felt as though he’d been there, as though he’d seen it all.
“Chase?!” Henrik called.
Jameson and Jackie hurried over, helping him to his feet again. Chase waved them away. “I’m fine,” he breathed. “I’m fine.”
The Elder looked at him, their black eyes reflecting his face.
“I... I understand,” Chase said. “The spirit... Aneirin. He did something that defied nature. And you Elders, you’re the guardians of the natural world. That’s why you’ve been involved in trying to stop him.”
“Aneirin?” Marvin asked. “That’s the spirit’s true name?”
Chase nodded. His eyes were still locked on the Elder. “But... What I don’t understand is... W-why me?” He whispered those last words, swallowing a lump in his throat. “I’m a normal man. Any one of these four would be better suited to defeating the spirit, I’m sure. So... why?”
The Elder bowed their head. <Compassion. To reach out to a stranger.>
“H-huh?” Chase blinked. “I... I still don’t... H-how is that... going to help?”
<Reassurance. Belief in your strength.>
“You... trust me?” Chase’s eyes welled with tears. He didn’t know why. “I... I-I... Th-thank you. I... I won’t let you down.”
<Warning. Time is of the essence.>
<Reassurance. Belief in your strength.>
And then, between one second and the next, the Elder was gone. In their place on the ground was Chase’s Phantom mask. He blinked, confused, then reached up. He’d been wearing it pushed back on his forehead the whole time, but now it was gone. On the ground. So he bent down to pick it up again.
...Something was slightly different. There were markings on it now. Little yellow circles in lines along the left and right edges, and the nose and inside of the ears were filled in with orange. And the antlers... as he tilted the mask back and forth, they glinted, faint golden sparkles catching the sunlight.
Chase looked at the other four. They stared back at him. All of them were speechless.
“What... just happened?” Jackie asked weakly.
“Let’s... let’s get out of this circle of dead earth,” Chase said. “Then I’ll tell you everything I saw.”
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They Live in You (Twst fanfic)
**mild SPOILERS for Book 7 chapter 4**
Summary: Perhaps for the first time in his life, Malleus tried to look harder at himself. He never noticed how, even if he was still young, one could see without a doubt, he was Malleus Draconia, and he was their child. 
Word count: 1275
Warning: Referenced character death. Mentions of war.
A/N: This is for the event “Anthems of Old” from @briarvalleyarchives​. This piece is inspired by the song "They Live in You" from the Lion King musical. This might or might not be fic number one to a series depending on whether I can finish the other two before the deadline XD
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The door to the music room was swung open with an energetic bam. The young prince glanced up from the cello he was playing, a small smile warming the golden shimmer of his tired eyes. 
“Malleus~ It’s been months! Did you miss me, my boy?” Lilia was still in his full armour with his iconic mask, but even so his bright grin was heard, and he asked with a vitality one would think is impossible for a soldier who had so recently returned from battle. 
“I’m no child, Lilia.” 
“Awww but you did, didn’t you?” Lilia opened his arms, awaiting an embrace. 
Malleus put down the cello bow but shook his head slowly. A gesture that Lilia understood. The older fae’s hands dropped to the side of his body, his armour clanging in the process. 
“It’s good to see you return safely, Lilia.” 
Lilia nodded and bowed slightly, before taking off his mask, choosing not to kneel in front of Malleus like talking to a child, but to keep standing straight instead. 
“Malleus, I’m sorry we lost the northern woods.” 
Malleus’s lips twitched. Flames flashed in his eyes. He had watched from the castle balcony, when the borderlands were burnt down by crimson, pungent fire of war. It was far, far out of his reach, but he had heard it. He had heard the earth crack, the trees fall, the sky shrouded, the soldiers scream, summoning wind and water to push back the flames. But what’s gone is gone. The land had cried, and so had he, another piece scorched black on his father’s and mother’s beautiful land. 
“I saw it happen,” the prince closed his eyes, “And all I did was watch.”
And though there were plenty of words Lilia could think of that were true and just and would tell the child he did no wrong, there was none that the child truly needed, none that the child would believe. 
“You know what the northern woods used to be, don’t you, Lilia?” 
Of course he did. He had been there before, accompanying the prince.
The then prince. 
“Father used to go there. He used to negotiate with the inhabitants about conservation measures due to high magic density in the area and the rich magical resources that could be obtained there,” Malleus said, and then added, “I read that in books.” 
He stood up, his height allowing to look at Lilia right in the eyes, “It was one of the last things my father left undone, before he was gone, wasn’t it, Lilia?” He put down the cello by his chair, “I thought I could take over it one day. The woods still had great potential, the woods still had father’s footsteps, I wanted to follow him one day. Like this cello, I wanted to be able to play it without feeling it’s too big for me one day.” 
His shoulders scrunched up even though he tried to hide it, “And it’s gone now. They’re gone, again.” 
And Lilia wished he had Mallenoa’s strong embrace that could enfold every inch of you, he wished he had Levan’s gentle touch that could seep right into your heart, and he knew he was wearing his cold, hard armour but still he offered the best he could to their child. 
“They’re not gone,” he pulled the child close with his left hand and rested his right hand on the child’s head. 
Because he understood why this mattered so much to Malleus. He had been there when the woods burnt down. He had felt a fire inside him hotter than whatever the humans had conjured because he had seen the silhouettes of his prince and his princess in those woods as they were warped by the heat of the flames and twisted into nothingness. Because it wasn’t enough killing them once, the war had killed them twice. 
But Lilia could gaze up and come back because there was hope here. Because they were here. 
“They live in you, Malleus.” 
The child said nothing, and only pushed himself further into Lilia’s embrace.  
“When you walk, I see him beside you. Every day I find his silhouette in your steps.” 
Lilia let go of Malleus, shifting his right hand to the child’s cheek, “And when you smile, I see her in you.” The excitement in the way their eyes shimmered, the innocence in the way their lips curled, to Lilia, it was like she barely left.
Malleus scoffed under his breath, “You’re lying. Father was so much taller, mother was so regal. How could you see them in me?” 
“How could I not, my boy?” Lilia laughed, creating a mirror-like surface with magic, “Look at yourself.” 
“……” Malleus wiped his eyes and looked, “…it’s just me.” 
“Look harder,” Lilia whispered, brushing up Malleus’s bangs that were covering his scales, “They’re right here.” 
And perhaps for the first time in his life, Malleus tried to look harder at himself. He never noticed how the curve of his horns or the shimmer of his scales or the colours of his eyes resembled his mother’s. He never noticed how the shape of his face or his wide shoulders or his long legs resembled his father’s. Even if he was still young, one could see without a doubt, he was Malleus Draconia, and he was their child. 
“See?” Lilia put his hands on Malleus’s tensed shoulders, “They live in your reflection.” 
Malleus pursed his lips, shifting away from Lilia’s hands, “What good does it do? Could I be even half the ruler they were? Could I give all of myself to protect my land and my people like they did?” 
Lilia’s smile faded. There were memories that were never written in any history books that he held within his head. What was pride for the kingdom was nightmares for him, what was a loss for the kingdom was a sword stabbing through his heart for the centuries to come until he finally finally joins them. He could not bear another loss, he could not let their son do that. 
Lilia dispelled the magical mirror and flung open the curtains covering the music room’s glass walls. They gazed outside at the summer sun showering bright glimmers over the land that was healing, the land that was quiet and still and peaceful now. 
“You are still young,” Lilia said to Malleus, but his eyes never left the scenery outside, “And you are already such a fine prince. I know you think that they live in these lands, in every creature and in every star. I know you love this kingdom that they gave every fibre of their magic to protect. I know you want to protect all that they’ve left behind for you.
“But you are not alone, my dear. Every soul that their spirits had touched are one with you in our love for this land,” Lilia took Malleus’s hand in both of his, “Be patient, my prince. There is no mountain too great. There is no limit to your power. May the night bless you.” 
Malleus squeezed Lilia’s hands tightly, thinking, breathing, trying to believe that Lilia was right. And he thought about how Lilia had been there when his parents were alive, how Lilia had been their friends, how Lilia had known them and seen them and touched them. He glanced at Lilia kneeling to talk to him, to meet his downcast eyes, and he briefly wondered if this was what his father��s hands would’ve felt like too. 
“Thank you, Lilia,” the child smiled in the way Lilia remembered of her, “They live in you as much as they live in me.” 
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naffeclipse · 9 months
*Arrives at Internet Explorer Speed*
Hey guys! Those new chapter of Lack of Light, am I right??!
FDKHKFGH Sorry I needed to make a silly entrance back in your inbox Naff XD
But aaaaaa I finally came back to read these and I'm here with a brand new comment!! For the two chapters I was missing no less! :D
So let's get to it!
Ok so first off I don't know if I'm just looking too much into it but I read this line: "You rely on your eyes to adjust to the darkness" from th first paragraph and it just felt significant to the rest of the chapter, you know? Very literal but metaphorical at the same time!
And oooh something I definitely have to praise in this is the amazing description of the anguish through all the physical sensations that the reader is going through. I think I've mentioned before that when I read reader inserts I don't truly put my real self in the story but rather try to imagine it through the main characters eyes, but wow did I feel this one. The way you detail all those physical effects that anxiety has on the body, beautifully described through images and comparisons, just made it seem so very real. I basically could almost feel them myself, just remembering times when I had definitely experienced something similar, even if the causes were different! I will always applaud your descriptions, Naff! Makes me want to take notes!
And AAAAAAA I gotta say that I absolutely love how just, hrrrr, I'm struggling to find the words to describe it, but I would say how there's a clear parallel between what both Reader and Eclipse are going through?
Because ok, first of all, is the matter of hiding right? Reader seems to be trying to hide (kind of like Eclipse does his true self), but through a mask instead of blindness. Even through previous encounters they have tried to present themselves a very specific way. The unshakable one. Unaffected by everything, at least in a way that goes beyond mild funny venting. And it feels like something they force themselves to do in their daily life, beyond the forest. It's just they're so used to doing it, that it became a part of how they perceive themselves and failing to do so feels to them like they're showing a part of themselves that is intolerable. And aaaaa then Eclipse also because clearly he must have enough experience having met other humans to know that even those that dared stay after learning of his presence ran away after seeing him. So both hide and hide while they wish for more and hate themselves for it, and might even think they don't deserve it.
(Sidenote: I love this description: "The mysterious being who exists in pure darkness, cast by the sun and the moon." Obviously because it references his name (be it a solar or lunar eclipse), but also because it reminds of his strange nature. Because an Eclipse is an event! A phenomenon that is not exactly a natural object, but something that can only be seen under the right conditions!)
And oooh speaking about Eclipse and hiding, I just love the contrast between Eclipse's darkness coming from being unseen vs the darkness born from emptiness. Because Reader so far hasn't been daring at all in pushing to see him, because they fear the latter. Eclipse's nature is intimidating, and it's often said that we fear not the darkness itself, but what we might find in it. But here it's the contrary! Both Reader and Eclipse fear that potential emptiness. They have found company in each other thanks to the darkness, but should something go wrong (pushing too much or scaring the other one away), they would find themselves staring into the void and nothing else.)
And that exactly leads into the doubts about what the other thinks once they've revealed themselves! And it's so interesting how they fear so intensely that the "flaw" they see in themselves, which are kinda opposite, is what will make the other regret meeting them. Like for Reader is that vulnerability, that inability to be perfect about everything that hits them in their daily life and dealing easily with it. They fear their "weakness" will disgust a great being as Eclipse. And for Eclipse is fearing that his form, great, strange, intimidating, monstrous, is what will leave him without his dear one. His very nature enough to drive them away. When in reality, it's likely those very things that made them initially appealing to the other! The Reader a precious little creature, that despite not having horns or sharp teeth lives their daily life bravely (enough to befriend a shadowy being). And Eclipse, a fascinating and fearsome creature, that despite it all demonstrates he's gentle and kind and capable of becoming that friend that provides the most comfort in Reader's life!
Ooooh I just adore how two very different beings, with way more differences than similarities, still have this experience in common. That fear and uncertainty about letting themselves be known, because past experience has thought them it's unwise, and yet they find relief from that terrible all-consuming anxiety when they let themselves trust that this time it will be different and that it is worth it, even if it is raw, to open up and let the right person in.
Now for Mothman Moon!
Just starting and the Reader is already turning the headlights on and off repeatedly jfhdsgkh Prime conditions for Mothman sightings! XD
Oooh I love how you build up the paranoia! Different situations, but it makes me think when it's late at night and for whatever reason you need to go out in a hallway of your home and you gotta reassure yourself that no, there's nothing lurking in the shadows of your home, be an adult and walk calmly jghdkfsj The feeling of being exposed and on edge is so very well achieved! But also all the little hints, like the raven falling quiet. And that instinctual feeling of being watched! Related to all this, I adore this line: "Your optimism slips in the slightest before you yank it back up by the throat and continue marching along." I felt that in my soul fkijhdfgkñjh
Aaaa I love how everything falls quiet at the flapping of wings! Everything knows to be quiet and freeze. And I love Reader is part of that everything. Like they are connected to the forest around them by virtue of not wanting to draw attention to themselves, something they share with all the creatures around.
And oooooo such a spooky sight when we finally get a glimpse of him!! Kinda gave me the urge to hold my breath as well as I read! Just the sight of the glowing red eyes coming from a shadow within the fog would paralyze anyone for sure! And then gjhfdkg poor Reader just shifts horror flavor from Creature-in-the-forest-that-could-kill-me to Stranger-Danger. Pick your poison and all that XD But man that instinct does seriously kick in when a stranger gives us bad vibes huh?
(As a sidenote, I love how you've given the different readers between chapters different responses to fear! Like the first chapter with Sun had Fight if I remember correctly, then the second chapter had Fawn, which I think it's trying to please to prevent from being harmed, even if the fear wasn't so much of Eclipse but of abandonment, and in this one we have Freeze! Which we see twice when Moon first appears and then when the car races towards them!)
Oh. My gosh??? The fact that Moon is just able to take on a car that's going full speed though?? Damn! And oooh he was not happy. He does not appreciate assholes/downright murderers in this area. (Btw I can't help but think that he did in fact break that second light slower on purpose to seem more menacing fjkhdaskjh)
Aaaa it's fascinating how he seems so perplexed by the Reader's response to everything that just happened! Like he doesn't quite understand the freeze response. It's something animals do as well, but I'm guessing if it doesn't work then most would ultimately run from the danger. It's probably the first instance of this he has encountered! And poor reader seems to just be very badly affected by it, physically as well as mentally judging by the lightheadedness.
(sidenote: "He looms, his wings flaring out beside him in magnificent flares of warnings and death." Me, helpless DCA simp, vivid image of the majestic view in my head: Um yes, hi, hello? 👉👈 GFÑLKDJHGÑLJ)
And aaaaa I loved the flight scene! I myself am pretty scared of heights so I likely would have screamed gkjhfdksj but! I love that we continue the theme of braving a bit of the fear to discover something wonderful! Despite my fear of heights I've always imagined how wonderful it would be to have wings and this scene just striked me as something terrifying yet beautiful because it really is an experience that Reader wouldn't get anywhere else! And despite the polarizing feelings of fear and safety just warring inside of them, the wonder was just so tangible as Moon carried them through the air!
And ooo I find it so interesting how he refers to multiple things as the "lights", which from his perspective must be the most notable characteristic of the stuff that emanates it! It's clear he's familiar with cars, and likely has witnessed what happens when one hits a living thing. And the light of the gas station tells him that it's a place humans go to. So he knows it's not just lights, but he still seems to perceive it as their most important characteristic. Aaaa I'm so curious about what the world looks like to him because of this!
And ough it's so sweet he keeps watch over them as they go trying to get the help they need. It seems to me he finds them really intriguing and the fact that he gave them his name could mean he hopes it will not be their last meeting!
And that's that!
Aaaaaa everytime I come back to your writing I keep being taken by surprise by how well you manage to make the reader immerse themselves in the story! Your descriptions are so vivid and your use of the language so *chef kiss*! Everytime I'm just dying to know what's the word that follows the previous one, what will happen, and when that tasty tension you build so well will reach it's snapping point! This little series was a delight to read and a very nice journey into what fear and darkness means to different people. And of course, meeting some very strange and fascinating creatures that make the unknown not as bad as it seemed <3
Thanks for this delicious chapters Naff! It's always a delight reading what you make! 
(Sorry if something is phrased weirdly btw, it’s kinda late as I’m writing this fgkjhdsk)
AHHH CHAOTIK! HI, HELLO! WELCOME BACK!!! I'm so glad to see you in my inbox again!!
Oh, I am rattling you so hard right now! I live for your analysis and I especially love that you caught how much Eclipse and Y/N complement and contrast each other—the same fears but different reasons. They are dear ones, your honor!!!
And Moon! My Mothman!Moon! He's so much fun to write! I'm really glad you enjoy his spooky entrance and his descriptions!
Also, with the readers, that's so funny that it changes from Fight, Fawn, and Freeze! I meant for Mothman's Y/N to freeze but I also think it's neat to explore different responses to fear, so I'm happy that stood out!
(He did break the second car light slowly—he's so dramatic lol)
He does have a different view of the world due to lights—humans have lights. Humans drive with them, live with them, and are afraid without them. Lights are just as foreign as those humans! But he does have a particular interest in Y/N—they were almost hit by the lights themselves. It's now every time he sees that, but he was curious from how they froze to how they were terrified yet in awe of flying. He even finds them cute but doesn't expect to see them again! But Y/N has plans of venturing back to the words with the mothman hehe
Gah, thank you so much, Chaotik! I love how in-depth you go and reading your thoughts makes my day, babe! <3
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danwhobrowses · 11 months
One Piece Chapter 1096 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back
Had a feeling this one would come early though. The Kuma flashback is in swing and we are in a very historically point of intrigue
However it is also 8 weeks since we last saw Nico Robin and it'll likely end up being double digits at this rate
Still, let's not rush this flashback, let's see what it has to offer
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release Also
The trend of monkeys on the cover is ended by Chihuahuas beating Zoro at musical chairs XD Still though top 3
We're back into hunger games as the Celestial Dragons explain how all the inhabitants are 'rabbits' all worth points; 1 hit kills get you a bonus but there are also 150 rare kills worth more, and 13 super rare worth 10,000 points, the same amount Garling was deducted
There's also prizes apparently, sickening stuff
Garling looked a bit like Zoro and Shanks there as he talks big game
Mannmeyer family woman might be interesting, face is obscured, same for gas mask dude
The last one looks kinda like that Whitebeard Commander too
Of course, the natives of God Valley are confused and panicked by the situation, and are offered no mercy by the dragons who simply tell them to give them a good chase
At the Navy, Garp is being called for support, but he's not biting
Rare appearance from Fleet Admiral Kong too
Young Garp is lapping it up by the pool, but he thinks he's being called because of what the Navy did to the Rocks pirates
Seems they stole something, a 'crown jewel' they say
Ironic though that Garp is all 'you can't shake the hive' and then over 30 years later showing up to shake the hive
Seems like the intel was supposed to be kept on the down low though
Garp won't protect the Dragons from Rocks, but he's leapt out of his deck chair for Roger
So much Luffy energy when he's relaxing too, though I guess God Valley was when he started getting more serious
The Rocks pirates are already on the move too, having left Fullalead without the rest of their inhabitants
Ivankov narrates something more true than they realise, this will be a big moment made forgotten history
10,000 civilians hunted for sport, and Oda's not holding back despite current events
Urgh and the slaves all have target marks on their back
Ivankov has to drill home that nobody is going to survive, the idea that they'll be let go if they survive 3 weeks is just a way to satisfy the dragons
Garling has been chasing the bigger prizes and has thus broke even already
All in front of an audience in Marejois via Den Den Mushi too
Ivankov's chains are bitten off by a Shark Fishman, who Ivankov praises, I wonder if that was Arlong and Shyarly's father?
Ginny (they're sticking with the G) is a bit of a thief and an wiretapper it seems, leaking information to the world 2 weeks prior to create chaos while they escape
The plan requires the prizes; Devil Fruits, the Paw-Paw Fruit and the Fish Fish Fruit: Model Azure Dragon, which are at the center of the island
She makes a point in saying that Kaido's is classed among the strongest of Devil Fruits, and that the Paw-Paw Fruit is a secondary plan because it can blast things away
Kuma also volunteers to be a decoy, his strength and bulkiness being cited as increasing his chances to survive
His resolve does impress Ivankov and Ginny too
Rocks are heeeeeere!
Alas we don't see Rocks D. Xebec, but we do see all the youthful members of the crew
Whitebeard reprimands Rocks for running ahead, with Buckingham Stussy hanging off his shoulder
Seemed Stussy had competition from a Kuja, so the big surprise here: Elder Nyon (Gloriosa) was a Rocks Pirate member, not Shakky like the theories
Canon Manga Debut for Shiki as well, as Big Mom and Kaido argue with the group, also Captain John is there drinking much like he did as a Zombie
No sign of who Ochoku was though, could be the guy to Whitebeard's left (our right)
Seems Rocks wasn't here for the Celestial Dragons though, the pirates were looking for something, and they're all gonna fight even each other to get it
Ochoku could also be the 2 people underneath Gloriosa in the 3 way panel, helmet dude or the very shaded hat man
But from the other side: the Roger Pirates!
Tacheless Roger with the Straw Hat, and prime Rayleigh and Gaban, but there's also a big dude, a Viking Dude and someone in a snug coat
God look how much Roger looks like Ace, and he's been itching for a fight all year
We see a couple more God's Knights too, there's a woman and a tall dude? I dunno every time I look it looks like he's beheaded, he doesn't have the armour, but we have the woman
The chaos has earned a reprieve for the inhabitants, the farmers look a tiny bit like the Milk girl Moda from Lulusia
The younger marines don't like their chances
Until Garp arrives!
Gotta have a good reputation if Garp reassures you against Rocks AND Roger
Bogard my man is still there, the others I don't recognize though
Even more carnage leads to Kuma and Ivankov getting the fruits they want
But alas, Child Abuse, Big Mom getting that in early to knock away Ivankov and get the Fish Fruit which she will use on Kaido
Through Ivankov's encouragement, Kuma eats the fruit before Linlin can get to him
But as Ivankov rallies that saving at least 1 person will be a victory, more child abuse! This time Saturn comes to deck Kuma
Man headshots marines, Bonney and Sanji but he went for ol' fashioned fisticuffs with Kuma
There has been a lot of touching tha child here, DON'T TOUCHA THA CHILD!
"I don't understand how someone can be born to be more or less important" god what a line that is
Stood before Saturn, Kuma notes that now that he has power, he's gonna save as many as he can, just like Nika
And Saturn doesn't like that, seems that the idolization of Nika is what led to the genocide of the Buccaneers
ACOC lightning hums around God Valley as Roger and Rocks fight, it seems Rocks was trying to get to something while Roger was trying to interact
But Oda, brilliant but awful as he is, decides that's it, no more God Valley content...
Sir we needed more, we didn't even see Rocks, or why Kaido needed the fruit to survive, or Ochoku, or why it's made out that Garp and Roger were teaming up to protect the Celestial Dragons because clearly they were not
But alas, back at the Sorbet kingdom we have the aftermath
Ivankov laments that Morgans only lapped up Garp's heroics, and that he's a WG kissass
Kuma however is praying in a church, lamenting that he could've saved more
Turns out he saved 500 people though, which is a lot given how many big names were there, and that last we saw he was staring down a Gorosei
Ginny has now nicknamed Kuma the chapter's title, Kumachi, which could be written the same way as Perona's bear Kumacy not entirely sure
But Ivankov adds praise to Kuma's efforts, calling his paws the Hands of Liberation
Ivankov doesn't stick around though, heading off to sea to enjoy their freedom
"I'll never forget your face for as long as I live" oof right in the Marineford
Ginny however opts to stay in Sorbet living in a church with Kuma
Make no mistake though, Ginny's the boss, despite being a third his size she has the age factor
Chopping wood like the SBS artwork of young Kuma as they seek to feed themselves on hard work
Ginny also beats up bullies that throw stones at Kuma thinking he's lying about being 9
But Kuma as a gentle soul uses his fruit to remove the pain
Ginny is a glutton, much like her potential children/clone maybe? As Kuma offers her more of his food
They've both spent at least 5 years as a slave (since both became slaves at 4, and Kuma is 9 while Ginny is somehow 13)
But the sensation of finally feeling full makes Ginny tear up with joy, which of course makes Kuma cry too
So sweet, it's all gonna go to shit ain't it?
Well it was definitely an inviting chapter
Though I am a bit sore that we got blueballed a lot with God Valley, so many questions still left unanswered as Oda teases us. The Devil Fruits as prizes make sense though, wonder if there were more, Rocks was after something after all. Wonder if the Ope Ope no Mi was considered a prize? I doubt the Gomu Gomu no Mi was a prize though think the Gorosei would've wanted that under lock and key, maybe Doffy's fruit? or the Yami Yami no Mi? or Marco's fruit? or that Egg on Roger's Ship during the Oden flashback? Did Garling throw his son up as a prize? Answers Oda you're supposed to give Answers! We got a lot of teases though; God's Knights, other Rocks crewmates, Stussy potentially indeed being a thing with Whitebeard but atm it seems more like she was dangling off him (she was listed as a 'freeloader' in MADS, wonder if clone Stussy will have a larger role too in present because she did get sidelined quickly), also seems like Gloriosa was interested was Whitebeard the man she had love sickness for? Also got potential ancestors who were God Valley slaves. Kuma saving 500 is still super impressive too, how did he get away from Saturn? How many generations of that 500 still exist today?
But we do seem to have the blooming of Kuma and maybe a relationship with him and Ginny. It's unclear but I think the Luffy's mom bit is even lower a possibility now, still thinking that Bonney is a clone of Ginny though, wouldn't mind if she was a biological daughter it'd just make the wording of Kuma being the last Buccaneer a bit weird.
It does further fuel the idea that Kuma is gonna show up in Egghead too, but the flashback only further fuels the layer of tragedy that has befell Kuma, man has suffered so much and he continues to lose so much, this flashback has the capacity to break us.
At the least there's no break, but the wait will be long and painful regardless.
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sin-cognito · 4 months
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Rarepair New Year 2024 ch20: Papyrus/Sans/Stretch
Wordcount: 3072
There's no prompt for this chapter because I went way too far with it and it didn't fit anymore so I YEETED it. XD
Stretch hums into Papyrus' deliciously warm mouth, using the distraction to his advantage as he slips a naughty hand under his lover's battle body. Unfortunately, Papyrus is quick to bat the hand away, breaking the kiss.
Stretch hums into Papyrus' deliciously warm mouth, using the distraction to his advantage as he slips a naughty hand under his lover's battle body. Unfortunately, Papyrus is quick to bat the hand away, breaking the kiss.
"N-NYEH. NOT HERE," he pants, his beautiful face flushed a delicate golden color that Stretch wants to pepper with kisses.
"come on, baby," Stretch croons, nuzzling the crook of his neck, making Papyrus sigh and shiver. It's so obvious he wants more, and Stretch is hopeful that by pressing the right buttons, he can make Papyrus finally admit it. "i want you so bad right now."
Papyrus trembles as he lifts his skull up, giving Stretch a better access to his sensitive bones, but then suddenly realizes what the cunning skeleton is doing, and he pushes Stretch away with a pout on his face.
Stretch lets himself fall on the bed dramatically.
"oh come on, blue won't care! he's a big boy, he's got an idea or two of what we do when we're together in my room."
It's true, Blue is very supportive of his little brother's relationship with Papyrus, and he isn't naive enough to think that all they do is play cards and chill when they're alone together in Stretch's room.
Besides, Blue is busy right now making a cake for Red's birthday party tonight, so between the radio playing loud pop music, Blue's own singing and the noise from all the kitchen utensils he's using to make the cake, Stretch is pretty confident that they could pull this off without him even noticing anything. If Papyrus manages to stay quiet, that is, which admittedly isn't his forte.
Papyrus seems to be able to read his mind, as he sends his boyfriend a deadpan look.
Stretch bursts out laughing. Touché.
That being said, he can't resist being a little shit.
"oh yeah? how would you know when you never wanna do it here? did sans mention anything about it?"
Stretch would feel bad for toying with such a sore subject for Papyrus, but watching his boyfriend go from pearly white to deep tangerine is way too funny. He stares intently at Papyrus as the glowing skeleton looks pointedly away from him, trying and failing to mask his embarrassment.
It's all said in a light-hearted tone, but Stretch knows Papyrus better than this and can feel the frustrated undertones, so he wraps his arms around his lover's chest and pulls him down to lie on the bed next to him. He still won't apologize for teasing Papyrus about it though. It would only give credit to Papyrus' stubbornness, and that's precisely what Stretch is trying to have his boyfriend get rid of.
"papyrus… you need to tell him how you feel," he whispers to his lover in the most careful voice. "you can't keep these feelings bottled up forever, and you know i know what i'm talking about."
"Nyeh… I know, Stretch," Papyrus sighs in Stretch's chest. "But it's not the same as it was with you, I had nothing to lose with you so I wasn't afraid to confess, but with Sans… It's different. He's my brother, how am I even supposed to tell him how much I love him?" He adds in such a small voice that Stretch barely hears him, "that I love him as more than a brother?"
Stretch can't do much besides hugging his lover even tighter.
Stretch is ready to purr. He's swimming in bliss right now.
Sans' naked body is comfortably snuggled into his chest, and he's caressing his boyfriend's back with one hand while absent-mindedly flicking the ash off his cigarette with the other. It somehow gets even better when Sans starts to pepper his neck with feather-light kisses.
Stretch bends down his skull in the hopes of catching Sans' mouth but the small skeleton turns his face away.
"get away from me with that smoke breath, you stinky bastard," Sans huffs light-heartedly.
"aww, come on, baby," Stretch coos. "one little itsy bitsy kiss won't kill you."
"i'mma puke on you."
Sans snorts. Yeah, he's just as gross as Stretch and loves that kind of dirty humor.
Oh well, it's not the end of the world if Stretch can't get another kiss from his small lover. He got plenty all afternoon as they were fucking the day away while Blue's visiting Edge for a training session. Stretch called Sans the moment his bro stepped into the machine, and Sans immediately showed up to keep Stretch and his libido company.
So that was a nice afternoon, but Stretch is still missing something. Or someone, to be specific.
"so, you got any plan with your brother for tonight?" Stretch asks point blank, feeling Sans immediately stiffen on his chest.
It takes a few seconds for Sans to reply, the silence unfortunately a couple beats too long to sound as casual as Sans is going for. Too bad for the small skeleton, Stretch notices right away when he manages to rattle his boyfriend.
"we're going to an anime marathon at alph's place," he says, then whispers quietly, but loud enough so Stretch can hear, "asshole."
Eh. Fair enough. Stretch is being a little shit on purpose though, so the insult slides on him like water off a duck's back.
"maybe i should host anime marathons too and invite you both. would you and paps like it? it could be fun, and no one knows where it could lead to…"
The implications are too much for Sans, who sits up and climbs down the bed to collect his clothes. Stretch manages to grab his wrist and pull him to his chest.
"you jerk," Sans mutters with a pout, and Stretch is relieved to see that the small skeleton isn't too upset at him. If Sans was really angry, he'd just ignore the fuck out of him.
"yes but i meant it, sansy. how many times have you told me how much you want this? you, me, and your brother, together, snuggling on the couch or in the bed… talk to him, sans. tell your brother, you'll feel better afterward."
Sans sighs and finally turns around in Stretch's hold to hug him back, his small hands clinging to Stretch's ribcage so desperately.
"i can't, stretch. i want to but i can't. he's my baby bro, i can't risk losing him. what if i tell him i love him and he's disgusted and never wants to see me again? i can't."
Stretch hugs his small lover tight, feeling bad that he's the reason Sans is trembling in his arms, but Stretch is slowly but surely reaching his limit as well and doesn't know when he's going to burst.
Something needs to be done.
"You need to do something," Blue, the voice of reason, tells Stretch one day.
Stretch keeps on munching on his popato chisps, wondering what his brother is refering to. Clean his room? Exercise and lose some weight? Get a job?
Most probably he's talking about the Sans and Papyrus situation.
If that's the case, Stretch more than agrees with him.
If Sans and Papyrus won't confess their feelings for the other, despite them being hopelessly in love with each other being plain as day for literally everyone involved, including and especially Stretch, who's dating both separately, then he is responsible to create a situation where his two boyfriends will be forced to face the truth: they're being stubborn idiots.
The problem is that Stretch has unknowingly created this intricate situation in the first place, by stupidly promising both brothers not to tell the other about their mutual feelings. Sans was the first to let Stretch know about his love for Papyrus, when they became a couple. He wanted Stretch to know that Sans was absolutely okay with Stretch dating his brother as well and would not be jealous. Envious that Stretch got to enjoy Papyrus in ways that the older brother could not, yeah, maybe, but not jealous, not when he could see how happy Stretch made Papyrus. He made Stretch swear not to tell Papyrus about his feelings, as he liked his life the way it was and didn't want anything to change.
A couple months later it was Papyrus' turn to tell Stretch that he had realized his feelings for Sans were more than platonic. The start of his romantic and physical relationship with Stretch was apparently the trigger, as Papyrus noticed he would often daydream about doing with Sans what he would regularly do with Stretch, including going on dates, holding hands, kissing and fucking. At first he would be brushing the mental images off, but as time went on and it became harder and harder for him to be in the same room as Sans and Stretch at the same time, Papyrus realized he couldn't contain his love anymore. He was convinced his brother would only ever love him platonically, like any good big brother would, so he decided to put a lid to it all, and had Stretch promise not to tell anyone, not even Sans, especially Sans. It also meant that the three skeletons couldn't be alone together anymore, as Papyrus was worried he might end up doing something untoward.
Having promised both his lovers not to tell a single soul, Stretch immediately went to confide in his brother about his predicament. Blue, always the provider of good advice, first reacted to the news by bursting out laughing, because really, Stretch managing to date two brothers who secretly were in love with each other without having the spine to confess (despite being skeletons), and making Stretch promise not to say anything was just too much for the small skeleton. Once he calmed down, he immediately advised Stretch to simply be honest with them both and let the truth speak, but Stretch just can't bring himself to do that. Getting Sans to trust him enough to share such a secret with him has been hard enough as it is, and he doesn't want to go back on his word to Papyrus about keeping the whole affair secret. Not to mention that he's already breaking both promises by talking about it with Blue, but he just doesn't know what to do and needed an outside opinion.
Besides, it feels a little hypocritical of Blue to tell Stretch to 'just be honest' when he has the same issue with the Fell brothers. Or rather, the opposite issue? Blue is in love with both Red and Edge, who are already in a relationship with each other, and he doesn't know how to butt in without appearing tactless with his flirting. So Blue should apply his advice first before trying to give life lessons to his little brother.
Feeling cheeky, Stretch says so.
"tell me again when you're dating red and edge."
Blue huffs but doesn't bring back the topic for the rest of the evening.
Today's the day, Stretch has decided.
He's tired of his boyfriends pretending that the status quo that has become their relationship with Stretch is normal or healthy. Stretch intends to put an end to this once and for all.
The moment his brother is out of the house to go on a date with his two boyfriends, Stretch grabs his phone and texts Sans and Papyrus, separately, to invite them over. He'd usually be open about inviting one brother so the other could avoid the awkward situation, but none of that today! He wants them both here, and he won't take no for an answer.
Papyrus is the first one to arrive, of course, so Stretch leads him to the couch where they proceed to kiss and touch a little. Just a little though, no matter how hard it is for Stretch to keep it in his pants around such a handsome skeleton. It's just that as much as he wants this to be a thing, even he can tell that Sans finding his brother and his boyfriend fucking on the couch would be too much of a shock. He needs to be delicate about this, he's got to play smart. Which is unfortunate, as smart isn't really something he does, usually.
A few moments later, Sans shortcuts straight into the middle of the living room, foregoing any door knocking, and that is precisely what Stretch was hoping for. He grabs Sans' wrist before he can teleport away and shoves him on the couch.
"oh great, you're both here! i absolutely didn't plan for you both to arrive at the same time, but since we're all here, how about we watch something together?" He announces happily, not even bothering to make it sound legit. He doesn't care anymore if one or both brothers guess what he's up to. Noticing how Sans is about to stand up to make a quick retreat to his universe, he hurries to add, "surely you both want to watch tv with me, right? it's not like there's any awkwardness between us that would make you guys wanna bail out, -right-?"
He's a little less subtle than he'd want, but it's all fine because it does make his two lovers take their seat on the couch without another peep. Stretch proceeds to put the last nail in the coffin as he pretends to start sitting in the middle, only to crouch down and sit in front of the couch, leaving the brothers to sit together behind him with no one in the way. He then plays the DVD he borrowed from his good friend Undyne, a movie about two childhood friends who are obviously in love with each other but can't bring themselves to be honest about their feelings, and oh how Stretch wishes he could turn around and take a peek at his lovers' expressions right now…
The three skeletons stay quiet and still for the whole movie, when Sans would usually crack puns and Papyrus would try to cuddle the fuck out of Stretch. Finally, the story ends with the childhood friends confessing their love and kissing, happily ever after, blah blah blah.
Stretch turns around and stares at his two lovers.
"so? what did you think?" He asks and has half a mind to shake one or both of them for an answer when he only receives an awkward silence as an answer. "guys, please, help me out here," he sighs desperately as he rubs his nasal bridge.
Papyrus clears his throat and timidly raises his fist in the air, as if he's trying to be encouraging to Stretch without moving too much, almost like he's scared Sans will notice him.
"NYEH! IT WAS A GOOD MOVIE! I LIKED THE UHH… The uhm… The acting?"
"y-yeah, stretch, it was fun, thanks for inviting me," Sans adds, looking at anything but his brother.
Stretch inwardly screams his frustration. He can't take it anymore and sits on the coffee table so he can face his two lovers. He grabs their hands in his and goes for it.
"i'm done with you two beating around the bush. i love you both, you boneheads, and i want to best for you two, even if that means betraying my word." He then looks at Papyrus in the eyesocket and says, "sans is in love with you."
Papyrus gasp in surprise at the same time Sans leaps to his feet. He'd be out the window already if Stretch wasn't gripping his wrist hard. Stretch feels bad for his smaller lover when he notices his distraught expression. Sans is looking at his feet in utter shame, with tears welling in his eyesockets, and Stretch is worried he went too far but hopefully his next words will help calm Sans down.
"and sans, papyrus is in love with you."
It takes a couple seconds for the information to reach Sans' SOUL, and the moment it does is clear on the small skeleton's face. He blinks a few times, like he can't believe it, and slowly, oh so slowly turns around, carefully lifting his eyelights to barely meet with his brother's.
His mouth works silently for a couple seconds, and Stretch takes pity on him.
"you both told me your feelings for each other and asked me not to say anything," he explains. "but i can't do this anymore. i love you guys and it's dumb and pointless for me to keep such a secret that isn't helping anybody. so you can be mad at me for breaking my promise, but i won't regret doing this."
Feeling that he got through to his lovers, he joins their hands that he was still holding, letting them sort out their feelings without butting in. He stays silent as Papyrus speaks up first, his voice wavery with emotion.
"I… do like you, brother. No, I… I love you. I love you, Sans."
Sans looks like he's going to cry, except this time from happy tears, as he lets himself be pulled into a tight hug that he immediately reciprocate.
"i… love you too, papyrus. stars, i love you too," he whispers.
Stretch watches with the utmost fondness as his lovers hug and share their first kiss together, and he can't resist wrapping his arms around them both, smooching wherever he can reach.
After a couple minutes of silently hugging, Sans starts to giggle uncontrolably between the two taller skeletons.
"this is perfect," he snorts. "i'm turning into my ultimate form."
Stretch looks at him, puzzled, while Papyrus can immediately tell what's going on.
"i'm finally becoming a sansdwich."
Stretch bursts out laughing while Papyrus curses them both and calls for a divorce.
It seems like neither brother really minds Stretch revealing their secret in the end.
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maulthots · 6 months
Rots novelization LAST ONE!!! I have a lot to say.
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Obi wan and Yoda are sneaking into coruscant and they get stopped, at which point obi wan is like, please look at my Jedi baby and the guard says, that's the ugliest fucking baby I've ever seen, and then yoda (the baby) kills him. Like alright.
I cannot stress enough how much sheev just utters the phrase "we are one nation, indivisible" right before he creates the empire.
Padme is the one who gets bail organa and Mon mothma to vote for the emperor so they don't get arrested and executed. Crazy. And then she's like, I don't think I'm going to live that long.
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Edgy king
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He's hunting the separatist leaders and they're like, sheev promised us we'd be left in peace and Vader is like, no haha he said you'd be left in pieces lol XD he is soooooo funny
Sheev was at the order 66 Jedi temple thing. I mean I guess obviously he was but I just never thought about it. I wonder, sorry, if he was like sexually gratified by watching his attack dog get to work, sorry. "He purred like a contented rancor" so I guess maybe yes.
Obi wan said he should have let the zabrak kill him on naboo SO TRUE KING
The baby really does kill all those separatists and then immediately begins to plot killing sidious. The rule of two is not even like a doctrine. It's just inevitable.
He has to reassemble himself into Anakin Skywalker before he meets padme again. Love that. Obsessed. Put on that mask baby boy
"lord Vader gets such a thrill from killing people who care for him" 😵‍💫
Anakin is like, let palpatine do the dirty work. Girl, you got a big storm coming.
Me when I see my fatherbrothermentorlover
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He gave obi wan a chance to walk away. Feeling some kind of way about it.
Dumbest series of lines cut from the novel. Obi wan says that only the sith deal in absolutes and then mercifully does NOT follow up with the chancellor is evil.
Omgggg r2 is trying to rescue padme wah he's literally her droid!
The sith spent the last thousand years evolving while the Jedi spent the last thousand years sitting pretty in their temple, and that's why Yoda lost. He lost like a hundred years before he was born.
The sound I made out loud....
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Oh shit obi wan used the force to fuck with Anakin's hand, got his lightsaber, and got bodied anyway.
Sheev has called Yoda, and I quote, a little green freak twice in a quarter of a page.
Anakin is holding both of obi wans wrists so hard they're going to break I repeat Anakin is holding both of obi wans wrists I repeat Anakin is hol
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I am going to hurl
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Anakin Designed His Lightsaber Based On Obi Wan's.
It would be a mercy to kill him and he was not feeling merciful????
Sidious picked him right up off the sand. Yoked.
Obi wan is like let's put luke on tatooine. Anakin survived it. Girl and we all know how that turned out.
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Anyway, bail organa is a prince consort. Important.
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bubble-popping · 1 month
day 13! almost two weeks :0 this time some follower!dream and XD content :]
He passed the pews, forever empty in humanity's foolhardy attempt to ignore their powerlessness. Dream would never understand it. Not after everything he'd witnessed. The so-called Church of Prime; nothing more than a moniker for the true deity of the server. At the podium, staring out the stained glass windows, stood Them. The One. The Everything. The Beginning and the End. DreamXD, his God.
In billowing green robes where no wind existed. An intimidating figure of double his size and height, made larger by multiple pairs of pure white wings. Topped with ever-spinning, criss-crossing, all-seeing halos.
The mere sight of Them put Dream in seventh heaven, replenished all the energy he'd just spent for the last several hours.
Before the short steps to where They stood, Dream kneeled, bowing his head. Hand over his heart, mask off. He knew XD could see through it anyway.
"My Lord, Your prophet has returned."
"Hm?" They looked back over Their shoulder, and a certain giddiness filled Dream in seeing Them manifested as a humanoid. "Ah, my Dreamer! I assume you have completed your mission?" Their voice echoed in the small church, reverberated in Dream's sternum, buzzed in his ears even after They stopped talking. Like a thousand different voices speaking at once.
Nothing could ever make Dream feel more loved than that nickname.
"Indeed, Your Voidness. L'Manberg is but a hole to the deepest layers of bedrock. Nothing shall ever exist there again."
"Oh, excellent. It seems that Blood God follower and the Angel of Death were better allies than I anticipated. My Dreamer's strategic little mind never ceases to amaze Me."
"Your praise is most appreciated, My Guardian."
"What would My little Dreamer think of adding them to Our cause?"
A cold fear washed over his body. Something wretched gripped his heart, squeezing and suffocating.
He cleared his throat, painfully aware of the heaviness of his tongue and texture of his teeth. "I don't think they'd understand."
XD hummed thoughtfully. He felt Their presence approach, though They made no sound. The hem of green robes entered his limited field of vision. "And why do you think that?"
There were so many things he could say, too many, and they all revealed the weakest parts of him. The jealousy and selfishness. The anxiety and desperation. The base passions and carnal instincts. Everything that still made him human.
"Sweet Dreamer of Mine," They continued, and Dream scolded himself for not answering when spoken to. "Come on now. Be honest with Me. What's it really about?" Dream couldn't lie even if he wanted to. XD knew everything, saw everything, heard everything. These mission reports were more a formality than a necessity.
Fingers pressed from under his chin, forcing his gaze upwards. They also wore no mask.
Their touch froze his skin, sent jolts of electricity straight to his brain in mismatched signals of fight or flight, but Their eyes kept him pinned in place. Spheres of swirling darkness dotted by countless stars pierced through his flesh to peer at his very soul.
"I..." he began. The truth spilled out before he could even think, "I can't bear the thought of someone unworthy sitting at Your feet the way I do, My Lord."
A grin split Their face in half, rows of sharp, perfect whites peeking through. "You've grown quite possessive, Dreamer. Do you wish to own Me? Do you wish to own an all-powerful, all-knowing god such as Myself?"
Dream swallowed thickly. This felt like Judgement. "I only seek to please You, Your Voidness."
They hummed and observed him for a moment longer before pulling away. A bottomless emptiness replaced where They'd touched. "A wise answer." With that, They turned, and Dream was able to take a full breath. "And what about that mercenary of Yours?"
"Punz? What about them?"
"Well, you two seem close. Would he make a good follower? Perhaps even a votary?"
Dream scoffed, shaking his head. "Not a chance. He's not religious at all."
"Neither were you before you met Me."
"That's..." The blond hesitated before sighing. "That's true."
"And don't you think I deserve more of a following? Wouldn't you want to expand Our numbers? To further Our cause?"
"Of course, My Guardian, that's all I-"
"Then it's settled. Speak with them. Bring him to the Meeting Place. He will learn to revere just as you have."
"As You wish, My Lord." Dream bowed his head once more before rising to a stand and fixing his mask back into place. He turned and left, feeling dozens of eyes watching as he went.
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muttsterion · 6 months
Yeah, like, I feel there's 2 big things left for the show to do with Kenny before his character is essentially completed: Finally getting that "immortal curse" backstory{which stands a bigger chance with the specials} and a full unmuffled episode. Everything else is a bonus after that. (If we somehow get both wrapped in one, I have nothing else to ask Matt and Trey for. xD)
Yeah still waiting on a true Kenny origins story episode/special where Kenny,most likely as a proper return of Mysterion, continues where he left off searching for the true reasons behind his immortality. Ha and least given both him and the audience the answer he so deserves for being stuck with his curse for so long. Would love too if Kenny even went a little mad as he goes through dangerous lengths to desperately find out why the universe stuck him with such a curse.
A full unmuffled episode would also be a nice bonus and I guess it'd count if they did Kenny's origin special as Mysterion. Or ha have some parts with Mysterion taking off his mask and hood and just speaks as Kenny while still partially wearing the costume? So many ideas with these ideas.
But yeah I do hope before South Park eventually comes to its end we get a true story on what started out as one of its most popular running jokes.
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
What is a thing First could do with each Chain member to bond with them individually?
Sky: flying with their loftwings. First enjoys nothing more than flying with Crimson and Sky shares that love. They feel alive up there. And Sky loves how First’s face lights up when they climb higher or pull a daring trick.
(Everyone else is suffering minor heart attacks lol. These two are daredevils when it comes to heights.)
Time: First likes listening to Time play his ocarina. It soothes him. And it almost feels like he’s being offered a glimpse into Time’s soul. The hero is opening up to him by sharing his songs and that’s very special to First (and Time too. He appreciates that First realizes what he’s doing and what a big deal it is. His songs are extremely personal to him.)
Sometimes First will join in with his violin. He doesn’t play as much after his imprisonment, but it always feels good to do it again.
Wild: shield surfing! Wild teaches First how and he LOVES it. Once he gets the hang of it, he’s insanely good too. The two love competing for who can go the fastest. The rest of the heroes can’t help wondering how this serious, angsty knight can be so chaotic lol
Legend: First gets a kick out of learning about and trying Legend’s different weapons and tools. When Legend trusts him enough to show him his collection First is like a kid in a candy shop lol. He tries to play it cool but inside he’s like “aaahhh COOL GADGETS” XD He’s never had this many tools at his disposal before.
And Legend tries to act annoyed but everyone knows he’s very proud of his vast collection and quite enjoys showing it off
Twilight: riding horses. First rode in his Hyrule, since loftwings weren’t their primary mode of travel. But flying always came more naturally to him and he’s pretty rusty on it. Twilight helps him get comfortable again and pretty soon they’re racing each other around Lon Lon Ranch (Time and Malon join in too sometimes. Malon beats them all lol.)
Warriors: comparing battle strategies/teasing each other. Once they get comfortable with one another, two are very much brothers. They could tease one another all day long. But they deeply respect each other too. And sharing tried and true battle strategies is something they do a lot
Hyrule: exploring. First is more cautious than Rulie is on this kind of thing (I imagine if he had a game, you’d gain a map of each area as you go. Kinda like you do in Skyward Sword and Majora’s Mask). And he absolutely HATES caves. But Hyrule is so brave and passionate about seeing new places that sometimes he can’t resist going off with him. He usually ends up learning about some new monster (and even that not all monsters are as bad as they look) or survival skill from the traveler. And that only adds to his admiration for him
Four: discussing magic and how the Four Sword works. First is naturally curious about how magical things work and so is Four. The two of them can have long, in-depth conversations about it and never get bored. And once First knows what the Four Sword does he wants to know everything about it. He’s fascinated.
Wind: sharing adventure stories. Wind thinks First is awesome and he wants to hear all about his past experiences. First shares as much as he’s comfortable with (he appreciates Wind’s interest even if he thinks his admiration is misplaced) and in turn, asks about Wind’s adventures. The sailor is all too eager to share his own tales of heroism.
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adel-memes · 1 year
I'd like to hear more about Zelda and Blue, if you're up for it! I honestly haven't thought much about what their friendship would be like before, but I am intrigued.
(There is also something extremely amusing about the idea of Vaati and Red - I feel like Vaati would initially underestimate him, only to have to reevaluate everything the first time he sees Red set something on fire xD )
I like to think of them as both chaotic in a way they enable each other. Like both try to act responsible and stuff but if left alone they turn to the trouble makers Link and Zelda were as kids.
I like to think that Blue would try to be responsible and do his knightly duties, only to see her try to sneak out and panics while following after her.
Or even say he helps her with the Sheik identity by sewing her the outfit & mask and they sneak out together. He says it's to keep her safe and it's true (but also he just enjoys messing around with her <3)
Tbh I think Blue would be the uptight follow rules as best as he could cause he wants to impress captain or Green
Except when it comes to her, he bends and breaks them. I like to think she Knows he breaks rules to humor her and appreciates his effort to be there for her.
Just over all this is their dynamic:
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