#the minis nom stories too
dingbatnix · 1 month
Mcyt Oneshots
A collection of all of my oneshot fics regarding Mcyt
Under a cut cause dang it's getting long xD
Sapnap finds a tiny, injured Dream after he's been broken out of prison
tiny!Dream, giant!Sapnap
Breakout (noms)
Techno finds a way to escape prison with Dream
tiny!Dream, giant!Techno
Hyper-Focus (noms)
Dream gets too focused on his work to eat. His tiny friends try to help him.
tiny!Sam, tiny!Bad, tiny!Ant, tiny!Sapnap, tiny!George, giant!Dream
Leap (noms)
tiny!George, giant!Dream, giant!Sapnap
Betrayal (noms) (collage of creator works)
Dream, shrunken and vulnerable, gets eaten by Punz to protect him from the rest of the server. Dream doesn't know that it's safe.
tiny!Dream, giant!Punz, giant!Smp
Betrayal (noms) (single post) (my part of the full Betrayal fic)
Better (noms)
Sam realizes that the prison conditions are a bit...shit.
tiny!Dream, giant!Sam
Sapnap runs into a colorful octopus mer. Or, more accurately, he runs into Sapnap. It seems he's fleeing from something...?
giant!Dream, mini-giant!Sapnap?, mini-giant!George?, tiny!Karl
Dream, Sap, & Goggy designs
Karl design
Sapnap is just trying to garden, but two brightly colored bees won't leave him alone! Thankfully, he manages to swat one...oh shit.
giant!Sapnap, tiny!Dream, tiny!George
Where's Karl?
Fanart (by Cyncerity)
More fanart! (by Kayla)
Dream and George reference compared to Sapnap
Is Sapnap still scared of bees?
Dream forgets to watch his step...
giant!Punz, tiny!Dream
Imprisoned (noms)
Sapnap finds Dream a couple weeks after he breaks out of prison, and attempts to enact his promise to be the one to take his final life.
It doesn't go too well.
tiny!Sapnap, giant!Dream
If Sapnap gets sick
Dream reveals to George that he can shift into a giant from his blob form
Inspired by wendy130
tiny!George, giant!Dream
Deity (noms)
Dream is the God of the Overworld and the End. As such, he often gets human sacrifices, which taste delicious.
Well, he's handed a cage with two mortals trapped inside, and fuck, he knows these two.
giant!Dream, giant!Karl, tiny!George, tiny!Sapnap
Rest (part 2)
Goddess of Death confrontation
Tiny Dream noms ask
Sapnap just wanted some cheese, but, uh, whoops, he accidentally falls into the pasta pan.
tiny!Sapnap, giant!Dream, giant!George
Captive (story with pictures) (noms)
George is a naga who is held captive in a cave. Poor guy. And then the rest of the dteam get shoved in the cave with him.
giant!George, tiny!Bad, tiny!Dream, tiny!Sapnap.
Karl gets stuck in his slime form, and his fiancés don't know that he's a slime. Oof.
giant!Sapnap, giant!Quackity, giant!Charlie, tiny!Karl
George is just a marine biologist that wants to study his mer friend, but his friend is determined to be...difficult.
tiny! George, giant!Dream
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twistedtummies2 · 7 months
The Sultan and the Snake
This is a sort of "mini-story" I wrote featuring Kalim and my OC, Nakoda Spivak, from Twisted Wonderland. It was inspired by, of all things, a scene from an episode of "Jungle Cubs," entitled "Mondo Mungo."
This is a kink-related work. It doesn't DIRECTLY feature "noms" or anything of the like, but there is what might be termed "pre-vore" or "near vore" involved, as well as various vorish implications. So just be aware, if you're not into that stuff. :P
With that said...I hope at least a few of you enjoy this silliness. :)
“I’m ssstarved…”
Nakoda Spivak’s hiss was accompanied by a slight growl. The growl came from his belly, which was not unusual for the insatiable serpent. He sighed softly, pawing at his gut with one hand as he strolled through the courtyards of Night Raven College.
Nako tossed some of his hair behind his ear with a flick of his head. Golden snake eyes turned upwards to gaze up at the sky. It was a quiet, peaceful night; most of the students at NRC had long gone to bed. By all rights, Nakoda knew, he should be sleeping, too. But for whatever reason, he felt restless this evening…and besides, it was a truly beautiful night. The stars sparkled like diamonds, and the full moon stood like a silver halo behind the tallest tower of the dark castle the magical academy called home.
Of course, it would have been easier to appreciate the night if he had a full stomach.
Nakoda bit his lip and quivered, gripping his belly tightly through the fabric of his casual outfit. While he only had one stomach while in human form, his hunger still felt amplified, as if his second stomach - “locked” by the magic that allowed him to change - continued to growl greedily for sustenance. The hunger was not what had roused Nakoda, but it wasn’t helping. He closed his eyes and smiled serenely, imagining how lovely it would be to coil around some helpless, hapless, quivering little human…to wrap them up and play with them to his heart’s content…his whole anatomy grew warm and new hungers filled his mind, as he imagined all the FUN he could convince them into having with him before slipping them into a more…comfortable space.
Nakoda sniggered to himself and smacked his lips. His mouth was watering at the mere thought. But alas, he figured with a sigh, there was unlikely to be any potential live prey around at this time of night. And even if there were, he knew Crowley’s silly rules about eating fellow students…
…Of course, as many of his fellow Savanaclaw classmates could tell you, and as Nakoda knew first hand…you were only technically breaking the rules if you got CAUGHT.
Right on cue, as Nakoda was just starting to make tracks back towards the Hall of Mirrors, wondering if he could find something non-squirmy to munch on somewhere in the Dorm…he heard a small sound, like the coo of a dove. Nako froze in place, and looked towards the source of the sound. He was near the colonnade of the castle, where the wishing well was stationed in one semi-closed-off space of the courtyards. Curiosity piqued, Nakoda stealthily crept closer and flattened himself against the wall. His ears pricked up as he began to inch closer, and he recognized the sound.
It was the sound of someone crying.
“A human in distressssss?” Nakoda murmured to himself…and grinned, needle-pointed teeth glistening horribly in the moonlight. “My favorite kind.”
The naga-in-disguise shimmied further down the length of the wall, then peeked around the corner. His empty belly seemed to do a happy somersault inside of him, as his eyes caught a glimpse of familiar, well-tanned skin, along with a pale coat, silver-white hair…and a golden headscarf. “Al-Asssim,” slithered Nakoda, his voice shivering. He bit his knuckle to restrain his excitement. The mere sight of Kalim made his stomach want to dance a jig within his midsection. Before coming to Night Raven, Nakoda had tried - somewhat unsuccessfully - to make a meal out of Kalim. Jamil had foiled that plot, and after a LOT of different trials and tribulations, the three had become more cordial with one another. Despite this…the urge to devour either or both of the Scarabia duo was strong in Nakoda’s ever-gluttonous heart. They were both just SO. FREAKING. DELICIOUS. Even now, he could pick up a scent of the sweet-and-spicy flavor Kalim seemed forever surrounded by. It was making several parts of Nako’s anatomy pool with warmth. His mind wandered as he imagined coiling up the adorable little nobleman…imagined that dopey, sweet, insufferably blithe smile on his face as he wiped his mind…he moaned and felt himself shiver at the PLEASURE of the thought of finally, FINALLY consuming the cute little rich youth. His. And his alone. Nakoda had to wipe his mouth on the back of a hand to strike away the drool accumulating there. This was too perfect. There was no one around to play witness. No chance he’d be spotted. Sure, it would take a while to churn Kalim up, but he could find a way to manage that issue. Ohhhh, his gut was ACHING for this one…! No. There would be no waiting. It was time to feed. Nakoda hissed hungrily…as he began to peel off layers of clothing…and felt his body start to shift and morph… Meanwhile, Kalim was seated on the steps leading up to the wishing well. His arms hugged his legs, his face buried in his knees. He quietly sniffled and sobbed to himself. He was lost in an unusual melancholy…so lost that he had no inkling that he was being watched. He wasn’t aware there was another presence nearby until a soft, sibilant hiss whistled into his ears. Alarmed, Kalim looked up. He hastily scrubbed his eyes dry and glanced around curiously. “Wh-who’s there?” he peeped, somewhat nervously. A familiar, hissing laugh - “Sss-sss-sss-sss!” - answered Kalim. He hardly had time to register it before Nakoda came slithering into the yard. He was wearing the loose-fitting tank-top he often wore when not in uniform, but the rest of his garments had been shed, and he was in naga form. Long, thick, powerful coils - robust in shape, with a mixture of heavy fat and strong muscle - curled and twined through the grass as Nako reared himself up over Kalim’s head, smiling down with a half-lidded, sneaky sort of smile. “Relax, Kalim,” he drawled, trying to sound casual. “It’sss only me.”
Kalim blinked…then sniffled once and offered a weak sort of smile. “Oh. Hey, Nako,” he greeted drably. Nakoda’s smile immediately disappeared. He felt greatly disappointed; he’d hoped an entrance like that would get a bigger reaction. His expression changed to one of surprise, then into a petulant pout. He was about to say something…when Kalim curled up again. “Sorry if I was bothering you,” Kalim mumbled into his knees, face hidden. “I’m…I’m n-not really in a good place right now, heh…” Nakoda cocked his head to one side as he observed Kalim’s form. He began to lower himself closer to the ground as he inspected his preferred prey. Kalim was still shaking with sobs. Nakoda scowled crossly, huffishly crossing his arms. This wasn’t any fun at all! “Rgh…how can you eat sssomeone when your dinner needs a tissssssue?” he hissed to himself, grouchily. “Huh?” piped Kalim, lifting his head again. “Nothing,” Nakoda answered with an innocent shrug. Kalim just sniffled, whimpered, and turned his head down again. Nako narrowed his eyes. It wasn’t like the Al-Asim son to be so dismayed. Let alone be crying alone, in the open, with no one around…he felt his expression slacken and soften as something fluttered in his chest. It didn’t take much imagination for Nakoda to remember his own times, spent curled up and quietly crying, trying to hide away from the world… Poor little guy, the naga thought. Nakoda shook away those sympathetic thoughts. It didn’t do him any good to identify with the victim. His empathetic look shifted to a snakish smirk. Perhaps he could cheer the meat up, first? Then he could enjoy this long-awaited nighttime snack! And, of course, there was one certain way to remove anyone’s troubles…and Nakoda knew it VERY well… Kalim stiffened and lifted his head as he suddenly felt coils slide across his back, and nudge him away from the wishing well. He looked up and saw Nakoda start to curl up around him, the coils slithering into a loose loop around the general perimeter of his body. The naga waggled his eyebrows playfully…then curled the other way, a half-lidded smile once more on his face as Kalim’s face followed his movements cautiously. Kalim inched back uncertainly, scooting where he sat, as Nakoda began to “crawl” across his own coils with his hands…until Kalim felt himself back up into a wall of scales. “Let me look at you,” cooed Nakoda. Kalim’s eyes shot open in alarm and he immediately covered his eyes with his hands. Nakoda gave a sort of mock pout. “Awww, you don’t want me to look at you?” he whined…then became all slithering, seductive smiles again as he gently placed the end of his long, supple tail over the top of Kalim’s head. He then used the tip of his tail to pry away one of Kalim’s hands, revealing one of his cherry red eyes. “Then…why don’t you look at me?” crooned Nakoda, moving his face closer till he and Kalim were nearly nose to nose. Kalim let out an “eep!” and responded by trying to stand up and get away. “N-No way! Not this again!” Kalim exclaimed. “I know what you’re trying to do-YIPE!” The “Yipe!” was in response to Nakoda’s tail catching Kalim by the arm. Nakoda’s own expression had become somewhat nervous. “You do?” he asked…then shook his head quickly and put on an air of being offended. “I mean…ahem…I sssee. You don’t trussst me.” Kalim paused…then sighed and pushed Nako’s tail off his arm. He looked away from the naga, expression downcast. “Right now, I don’t know who to trust,” he whispered, in a quiet, damp voice.
Nakoda’s expression shifted once more. Something tender flickered in those golden eyes. It vanished as quickly as it came, however. “Alright. Then there’s nothing I can do to help, I sssuppose,” he shrugged, tossing his hair flippantly and beginning to slither away. Kalim blinked and turned back around, surprised. He watched Nako start to leave. “Wait…y-you want to help me?” he asked, quietly. Nakoda smirked. Mine, was the first thought that entered his head, with no small amount of triumph. “Of courssse,” he hissed, looking back over his shoulder with a smile. “After all, we’re friends now, aren’t we?” Kalim rubbed the back of his head and kicked at an invisible pebble. “W-Well…I…kind of hoped so, yeah,” he mumbled. Nakoda smiled wider and returned. He curled up his coils over the steps leading up to the wishing well, and lounged back against the well itself. “Then come here,” he invited, and patted one of his coils - unknown to Kalim, he was patting over his second stomach, which bubbled greedily in expectation. “Sssit by me. You can believe in me.” Kalim hesitated…then took a deep breath and jogged over, hopping into the coils. Nakoda nodded in approval, and waited for Kalim to wiggle into a comfy place before draping his tail over the young man’s lap. “There we go,” Nakoda said softly, almost affectionately, looking down at his little treat as he then moved to lay across his coils once more, smiling into Kalim’s face. “Now then…why don’t you tell me what’sss troubling you, hmmmm?” Kalim hugged himself. Sensing he was cold, Nakoda slightly tightened his coils, but made sure to leave space so Kalim would not feel trapped. “W-Well…you know how Jamil insists on taste-testing everything I eat, in case someone tries to poison me again?” “Yesss,” confirmed Nakoda. “Well…Jamil paid the price for that.”
Nakoda’s smile immediately faded. “Sssomeone poisoned Viper?” he half-hissed, and half-growled, his coils shuddering as he felt great agitation rise in his heart. “Who did it? Is he alright?” “Jamil’s fine,” said Kalim, soothingly. “He didn’t take enough of it to cause any major damage. It just sort of…well…let’s just say he spent a LONG time in the bathroom.” Nako nodded grimly, sighing through his nostrils with relief, his coils immediately relaxing at the revelation Jamil was not seriously harmed. “As for who did it…we still don’t know,” said Kalim. “But…it had to be s-someone in Scarabia, that much we’re almost positive about. The Headmage is looking into it, but…w-well…you know, he’s very busy…” “Oh, yesss,” drawled Nakoda, with a bland expression. “Our oh-so-GENEROUSSS Headmage, who ssspends mossst of his time hoarding ssschool funds like Azul hoards his contractsss. The dark wizard who can’t ssseem to get anything done around here without help from a magiclessssss human and a random imp who loves tuna passste. I’m SO sure that HE’LL find the culprit.” Kalim whimpered. Nakoda caught himself and shook his head. “Sssorry,” the serpent muttered. “That’sss not helpful, is it?” Kalim just dipped his head downwards. “I…I just keep thinking about how bad it could have been,” he murmured. “I should think you’d consssider yourssself lucky,” Nako replied. Kalim slowly looked up at him. There was a strange, unreadable look on his face. “What?” Nako asked, tilting his head. Kalim looked Nako up and down, then turned away. “Everybody thinks the worst of me,” he said softly. That was not an answer Nakoda expected. He lifted himself up in surprise. “What do you mean?” “All my life, everything I wanted was handed to me on a silver platter,” Kalim said, not looking at the naga as he spoke. “And because of that, everyone seems to think, at first, that I’m some sort of spoiled brat. For example, when I didn’t get the lead in the VDC, everyone automatically presumed I was upset because I wanted that and didn’t get it. That’s partially true, but it’s not because I felt I deserved it or even that I felt it wasn’t fair. It was the first time I realized how much I’d been given for YEARS.” Kalim looked up, eyes peering up at the stars. The eyes themselves were misty. “I had everything I could ever want. And I had it since BIRTH. I…I never once even CONSIDERED how that would affect Jamil. How that would affect everyone around me. It never even remotely occurred to me everything he had to put up with, everything he had to do or not do, say or not say, because of me.” “Yeah. It hurtsss when you realize you were never really on top of the world, doesn’t it?” smirked Nakoda. “No!” Kalim suddenly blurted out, causing Nakoda to jump back. “It hurts to know that everything I have, everything I AM, came at the price of hurting someone else! Ever…ever since we were children, I always thought of Jamil as my best friend!”
“And when he betrayed you, that made you realize otherwise,” finished Nakoda, trying not to yawn. “We all know that ssstory.” He was surprised by the glare Kalim gave him. “You still don’t understand,” Kalim sighed frustratedly, and looked away, eyes downcast again. “I don’t think anyone at this school ever HAS understood. I don’t think even Jamil understands; that’s why he hated me so much. It’s why he’s still resentful of me. But he still…he still does these things, and…and this time…th-this time…” Tears streamed down Kalim’s eyes as the glare disappeared. “...I know we were never really friends…but I…I feel like…like we’ve been BECOMING real friends. I’ve had him a-all my life, I don’t know what would happen if I didn’t have him there, I…” Kalim buried his face in his hands. “...It’s all my fault,” he moaned, then chuckled softly, wiping tears from his eyes, but unable to stop the rest that came after. “Isn’t it funny? I have all my money, all my power, all this privilege that everybody else seems to want…and my best friend nearly dies because of it. That’s what isn’t fair. And I s-still don’t know who is responsible! What if…what if it happens again? I’ve tried to tell Jamil he doesn’t have to do this, but he keeps doing it! I just…I don’t want to lose him…” Kalim’s voice softened till it almost faded into nothing. “...I don’t know who I am without him.” Nakoda looked at the Al-Asim youth quietly for several seconds. His coils flexed a few times as he simply, silently stared at Kalim, digesting the information. Finally, he took a breath and exhaled, pinching his brow. “Okay, ssso…lisssten,” he hissed, catching Kalim’s attention. “I’m…really not good at the sssoft sssort of ssstuff. Not unless I’m trying to hypnotize sssomeone. I can sssweet talk people into my sheetsss a hundred times over, but it’sss not the sssame thing as…thisss sort of businessssss.” Kalim just tilted his head and blinked innocently. “I didn’t know you sold sheets.” Nakoda blinked. “...Huh?” “You said you can sweet talk people into your sheets. I didn’t know you could give a sales pitch like that,” Kalim replied. Nakoda blinked…then took an even deeper breath, as if he were begging Chernabog to give him strength. He gave Kalim a patient smile as he exhaled, and playfully patted him on the head. “You’re a sssweet guy, Kalim,” he said, gently. “But, my Gods, are you naive.”
Kalim just blushed and lifted his hands to cover the top of his head protectively. Nakoda let out another hissing laugh and then went on. “Sss-sss-sss-sss! Anyway…what I’m trying to tell you is that I don’t really know what to sssay to comfort you. That’sss not my ssstrong sssuit. But, uh…well…let’sss asssk a few quessstions. Did you intend for Jamil to get hurt thisss way?” “Of course not!” “And did you know that the dish was poisoned beforehand?” “No, how could I?” “And was any truly sssevere damage done?” “I guess not…” “Then ssstop blaming yourssself for what happened,” Nakoda advised. “You had no way of knowing, and Jamil knew the risssksss. Thisss isn’t on your shoulders.” He smirked and flipped part of a coil over Kalim’s shoulders indicatively. “Unlike me,” he teased with a wink. Kalim giggled, and Nakoda smiled wider. “I guess…I guess you have a point,” Kalim nodded, and shrugged the portion of coil away. “Heck, m-maybe it wasn’t even an intentional poisoning. Maybe…maybe s-something just wasn’t cooked right. A-And if it is…well…Jamil’s okay, and we know to be on the lookout, so…i-it shouldn’t happen again, right?” “That’sss the ssspirit,” Nakoda nodded, and lifted one hand, cupping Kalim’s jaw and part of his cheek tenderly. The youth blushed at the close quarters contact. “Jussst remember thisss: you have the sssoftessst, gentlessst, sssweetessst heart of anyone I’ve ever met, anywhere. Jamil should know this, too. I’m not sssaying you shouldn’t feel bad, but don’t kick yourssself over it. The bessst thing to do is move on.” The snake then added to himself in a mumble, “If you get the chance.”
Kalim nodded slowly, biting his lip and looking away thoughtfully. “That’s…that’s right. You’re right!” he said, brightening up a bit. “Maybe…maybe I can talk to Jamil, see if…if maybe w-we can work something out, so he won’t be in danger! A-And maybe we can find the bad guys together, a-and give ‘em a punch in the face for this!” “Maybe,” Nakoda shrugged, airily. Kalim grinned and nodded, seemingly taking that word as encouragement…then blinked before letting out a big, deep yawn. He rubbed at his eyes with an unintelligible grumble. Nakoda smirked wickedly, narrowing his eyes at the sight. His stomach was still rumbling. “So, uh…Kalim?” he crooned, in a sultry, slithery way, running his hands through Kalim’s hair. “Are we feeling better now, hmmm?” “Yeah,” sighed Kalim, eyes fluttering as he rested back in the coils without shame or fear. “But…I think all that crying and worrying took a lot outta me. I’m…” He yawned again, and breathed out the words. “...Soooo sleepy…” Nakoda felt a thrill of excitement flood through him. His coils began to tighten around Kalim, binding him up. He couldn’t believe his luck! No hypnosis needed! The little idiot was falling asleep on his own terms! HA! He was about to eat like a KING! “That’sss okay,” he cooed, curling himself up firmly around Kalim. “Jussst sssettle down…you can sssleep here…sssafe and sssound…” He leaned close and whispered into Kalim’s ear. “...I’m riiiight here…aaallllll around you…” Kalim mumbled something and wiggled a bit…then began to snore softly as sleep suddenly took him over in a wave of exhaustion. Nakoda laughed again. He was beyond ecstatic! “Awwww…ssssuch a tired, sssilly little cutie,” he cooed, and licked Kalim across the cheek. “Don’t be ssscared…jussst sssay goodnight…” The snake reared up, licking his chops, his gut rumbling with hunger as his golden eyes flashed with devious, carnivorous excitement. “...And ressst in peace.”
Nakoda opened his jaws wide, and began to move closer to Kalim, ready to devour him headfirst while he slumbered…but just as his maw came within about two inches of Kalim’s scalp, the dorm leader of Scarabia yawned and mumbled something else in his sleep. “Goodnight…Mom.” Nakoda blinked, eyes gaping almost as widely as his maw. Slowly, pinkness came to his cheeks…then he let out a groaning sigh and shut his mouth, looking beyond annoyed.
“That…is jussst TOTALLY unfair,” he grunted to himself. Certain that the Gods were laughing at him, Nakoda shook his head and decided he’d look for a bedtime snack later. For now…he smirked and playfully patted the sleeping Kalim on the head with the tip of his tail…and coiled up carefully round the young man, ready to rest and wait till the young man awoke. “You really are too sssweet for your own good,” he whispered into Kalim’s ear, tongue tickling the lobe. “You know that, don’t you?” Kalim giggled in his sleep and snored. “That’sss what I thought,” smirked Nakoda, a look of surprising, warm affection in his eyes, before he too closed them and decided to try and rest, as well. Even on an empty stomach, having something in his coils always helped Nako sleep.
The End
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awesomex7 · 7 months
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(A little sad pic I drew of Piranha just before he met The Bad Guys. Right under is a mini-story I wrote to go along with the pic.)
Piranha left his crime family in Bolivia to pursue an independent life away from being overshadowed and bullied by his siblings. He went out to find a job in the city. However every attempt was completely unsuccessful as he scared everyone at every job interview with his razor sharp teeth. Defeated. He sleeps in a box. Dirty, sad, and alone.
During the afternoon, Shark walks by, catching Piranha in there for a split second. His eyes darted to the box to confirm what he saw. A sad weak Piranha with a poorly drawn "Free Piranha Can Cook" sign next to it.
"Poor guy." Shark immediately picks Piranha up. 
Piranha opened his eyes. "AYE! UN TIBURÓN!"
Shark dropped him back in the box, startled.
"Y-you have sharp teeth too right?" Piranha showed off his chompers with a “NOM NOM”.
"Uh huh." Shark showed off his teeth too, causing everyone around them to run off horrified!
Piranha's eyes glittered. Someone who understood him, someone who could relate to him! 
Shark was awed by Piranha's adorableness. “Let’s get you off the street and to somewhere safe.” He took Piranha and ran home with him. 
“Wahoo!” Piranha was happy and excited. He was being taken by a shark that could gobble him up, but he did not care in the slightest. Anywhere was better than the box.
Shark slammed open the door! "Can we keep him?" Shark asked Wolf and Snake. Holding Piranha, showing him to the two.
"Hola." Piranha waved.
Wolf responded. "Sure!"
Followed by Snake. "No…"
Snake and Wolf reacted to each other’s response with a loud, “WHAT?”
"Why not Snake? Look at him! He's so cute!" Wolf ruffled Piranha's head fin.
Piranha lightly purred in delight.
Snake sighed. "Wolf, who knows where that thing's been? He might bite your arm off."
Piranha crossed his arms. "I only bite those who are mean to me. And you are falling dangerously close to that category amigo."
"All the reason to throw you in the trash bin." Snake snorted.
Wolf pleaded. "Snake, please be reasonable."
"Reasonable? Wolf. The last thing we need is another roommate. A roommate we know nothing about. Are we gonna share our food with this thing?"
"I can cook." Piranha kicked his feet in the air playfully.
"The sign says so." Shark showed the sign Piranha had.
Snake placed his tail under his chin. "You caught my interest."
Piranha hummed happily as he made burritos for everyone. Working professionally at a swift pace.
The three stared in amazement at Piranha's techniques.
When he was finished, Piranha slid three dishes out in front of Wolf, Snake, and Shark. Burritos that had a delicious spicy aroma. 
The steam coming off the burritos went into their nostrils… Which was followed with drooling mouths.
"Bon appi-"
The three chomped down on their burritos excitedly!
"-tite… Heh, might as well." Piranha chomped down on an extra burrito he made in a sloppy fashion.
Shark licked his fins. "Oh man! We don't even cook, we just order takeout and microwave what we can get."
Wolf made a "mwah" motion. "This was the tastiest burrito I ever had. And I don't even like Mexican food."
Snake hissed. Circles appeared around his eyes. So good. SO GOOD!  "The fish stays." He said calmly.
Piranha's eyes sparkled as he gave the biggest sharp toothed smile he could.
"Ah ha! I knew you would come around!" Wolf wrapped an arm around Snake.
Snake gently lifted his tail. "Yeah, yeah. Just no more roommates okay?"
Piranha showed the others a jar with a tarantula inside. "Can we keep it?"
Webs was sitting in the jar with a sigh. Waving hello to the others. “He saved me from getting squished during rush time.” She pointed to Piranha with her thumb.
Shark and Wolf looked at Webs, then back at Snake, awaiting for his response with pleading faces.
Snake was hiding his head under a pillow groaning. "You gotta be kidding me…"
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maddiesbookshelves · 1 year
Six Crimson Cranes (#1&2) by Elizabeth Lim (February 2023)
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Shiori, the only princess of Kiata, has a secret. Forbidden magic runs through her veins. Normally she conceals it well, but on the morning of her betrothal ceremony, Shiori loses control. At first, her mistake seems like a stroke of luck, forestalling the wedding she never wanted, but it also catches the attention of Raikama, her stepmother. Raikama has dark magic of her own, and she banishes the young princess, turning her brothers into cranes, and warning Shiori that she must speak of it to no one: for with every word that escapes her lips, one of her brothers will die. Penniless, voiceless, and alone, Shiori searches for her brothers, and, on her journey, uncovers a conspiracy to overtake the throne—a conspiracy more twisted and deceitful, more cunning and complex, than even Raikama's betrayal. Only Shiori can set the kingdom to rights, but to do so she must place her trust in the very boy she fought so hard not to marry. And she must embrace the magic she's been taught all her life to contain—no matter what it costs her.
Would I recommend it to anyone? Definitely, at least for the first book. The second I'd only recommend if you're particularly excited at the idea of a sequel. But if, like me, you were kinda disappointed to know there was one, then don't read it.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? The first book exceeded all of my expectations and the second ran them over with a 5 tons semi and set them on fire. In a bad way. I was not pleased by that sequel.
My thoughts on it? Six Crimson Cranes was a great story with amazing worldbuilding (like Lim's other series, The Blood of Stars) and compelling characters. The romance was actually very cute and 90% of that was thanks to Takkan (Best Boi of 2k23 probably). This is also the only story where the "evil stepmother" trope was actually done well.
However. What stopped me from giving it 5 stars. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A STANDALONE. (no spoiler mini-rant)
The Dragon's Promise was an unnecessary sequel could have just, not existed with very minor chanches to the ending of SCC. As such, it was a very disappointing read that kinda tainted my experience with its prequel. I'm not sure I'll ever trust Elizabeth Lim to write duologies again.
30% of the sequel was useless. The whole part with the dragons served no purpose to the plot, we just met one character who is... more or less useful later on? Honestly, I felt like he was just there for fan service since he's the love interest in The Blood of Stars. Shiori, our heroine, is strung along from dangerous situation to dangerous situation, which aren't really useful and actually have the opposite effect than the one intended: I was bored and found the book too long. The villain did not mesure up so it didn't help with my boredom (I think it was another instance of fan service, which is starting to make me think that Elizabeth Lim doesn't know how innovate).
And apparently, Elizabeth Lim doesn't know how to end a series with anything other than a deus ex machina, since she did it for Unravel the Dusk and The Dragon's Promise. When I read the last 10 pages, I literally burst into laughter because of the sheer ridiculousness that came out of nowhere.
Really, Six Crimson Cranes should have been a standalone. It could have been 100% possible by changing a few details at the end, and it would have been way more satisfying than this sequel that was frankly meh in my opinion.
I have thus decided to pretend this sequel does not exist.
French version under the cut
Une magie ancestrale et interdite coule dans les veines de Shiori, la plus jeune des sept enfants de l’empereur de Kiata.
Lorsqu’elle découvre que sa belle-mère, Raikama, la Reine sans nom, possède sa propre magie noire, cette dernière lui lance un sortilège : elle transforme ses six frères en grues et l’avertit que pour chaque mot qu’elle prononcera, l’un de ses frères mourra.
Exilée et sans voix, Shiori va devoir se battre pour briser le sort et sauver son royaume d’une terrible conspiration. Pour cela, elle pourra peut... 
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Totalement, du moins le premier livre. Je recommanderais le deuxième à quelqu'un particulièrement heureux.se d'apprendre qu'il y a une suite. Mais si, comme pour moi, l'idée d'une suite a été décevante, alors je le recommanderais pas.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? Le premier livre a dépassé mes attentes et de loin, et le deuxième les a écrasées avec un 5 tonnes avant de leur mettre le feu. D'une manière négative. Je n'ai pas été ravie par cette suite.
Avis sans spoiler ? Six Crimson Cranes était une histoire géniale avec un excellent worldbuilding (comme l'autre série d'Elizabeth Lim, The Blood of Stars) et des personnages intérerssants. L'histoire d'amour était mignonne à 90% grâce à Takkan (Best Boi de 2k23, probablement). C'est aussi la seule histoire où le cliché de la méchante belle-mère est bien fait.
Mais. Ce qui m'a empêché de lui donner 5 étoiles. ÇA AURAIT DÛ S'ARRÊTER LÀ. (mini-rant sans spoilers)
The Dragon's Promise était une suite inutile qui aurait pu juste, ne pas exister en apportant de légères modifications à la fin de SCC. En l'état, c'était une lecture très décevante qui a un peu terni mon expérience avec son prequel. Je suis pas sûre de pouvoir refaire confiance à Elizabeth Lim pour écrire une autre duologie.
30% de ce livre n’a servi à rien. Toute la partie avec les dragons n’a pas du tout servi à l’avancement de l’histoire, on a juste rencontré un personnage qui par la suite est… plus ou moins utile ? Honnêtement j’ai l’impression qu’il était là juste pour le fan service vu que c’est le love interest dans The Blood of Stars. Shiori, notre héroïne, se fait trimballer de situation dangereuse en situation dangereuse sans que ce soit très utile, ce qui a finit par avoir l'effet inverse de celui recherché : je me suis ennuyée et j'ai trouvé le livre trop long. Le méchant n’est pas du tout à la hauteur donc ça n'a pas aidé mon ennui (je pense que c'était encore un coup de fan service, ce qui commence à me faire penser qu'Elizabeth Lim ne sait pas se renouveler).
Et visiblement Elizabeth Lim ne sait pas finir ses séries autrement qu’avec un deus ex machina, vu qu'elle l'a fait pour Unravel the Dusk et The Dragon's Promise. Quand j’ai lu les 10 dernières pages j’ai littéralement éclaté de rire tellement c'était rudicule et inattendu.
Vraiment, Six Crimson Cranes aurait dû être un roman seul. En changeant quelques détails de la fin, ça aurait été largement faisable et beaucoup plus satisfaisant que ce deuxième tome que j’ai trouvé franchement meh.
J’ai donc décidé de prétendre que cette suite n’existe pas.
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Crystal Hearts
Prequel Part One: A Distance Dream
»»-—Previous—- ➴CH5 —-Next —-««
»»————- file 000: History ————-««
Fae are needed to go a school to learn basic and stuff. Stuff about history, how to get a crystal Hearts, how to properly use basic type of magic or if your very talented --create your own.
That being said, you and Aira are luckily classmate and seatmates. Seating on the back of the class.
"Listen here, little faes. You all here are from light clan, according to your result from last time. of course... Unless there's a dark mischievous dark fae pretending to be one." The teacher began, and you began to take out a wrapped candy from your bag. "But all in All, you are free to listen to the boring history of our world."
"We light or dark clan are compose of different type of supernatural creatures, as fae is not just Fairies. Do you see one that have butterfly wings? Of course not, those are rares in our world, as they mean Catastrophe. That's just what human think classify as Fae. "The teacher start to draw in the board a mini stick figure of each type of fae.
"Pixies, mermaid, animal eared or hybrid creature are also classified as faes, dragons, etc. Those are fae. Honestly speaking would you want to be called "supernatural" or just be called a "fae"? Isn't supernatural a too mouthful of a word?" She sigh as if she too think of this too.
"To be honest, we fae are different from humans cause we live longer than them. Live a boring ass life that is. Oh sorry, please dont mind my words ok? You can be "human like" without extra characteristics of certain raise but have supernatural ability and live longer than humans. Your still a fae in a way."
You stared at your classmates as the teacher began to rant on the story, you saw Aira dozing off from how boring the class is. You nom your first candy of the day and look the other classmates and saw many have doze off as well, the teacher don't seems to care about it as she continues to say the story.
"-- light fae are creature who lives off the positive crystalized emotions of humans. In the old days. Light Fae will help humans to gain their trust and affection. Love or so the many form of love, as long it's positive and sane type. Helps us to stay alive. Because like the old saying says: love is powerful. Or something. Idk??? I only reading this from the book. "
You giggle how the teacher don't seems to know what she's saying as she explained the story of the history she's reading from the text book.
" --dark fae in the other hand, lived off the dark side of emotion; fear, jealousy, hate, loath and many more. Some twisted love can be put in the pot. Whatever you choice as long it's the opposite of the light fae collected. At some point some dark fae are called monsters by human because a long time ago, they are living off from human fears and vengeance and such. Basically demons are prime examples of dark fae." The teacher yawns as she too felt sleepy from looking at the bored out children who only have few who's awake to listen to the topic.
"... Teacher!" You suddenly raise your hand to ask a question. "What if there's a child of both clan?" You ask with a curious gaze, the teacher froze her eyes looks shaken as she look at your direction.
"W-why would you ask that little fae?" She don't know where such idea come from. "I'm just curious... You see if dark fae and light fae would have a child they can eat both the negative and positive emotions won't they? It mean they won't be choosey about their food--"
"Nonono... It's not about the crystal hearts at that point... Why would you even think it's about Crystal Hearts if union of two clan ever existed?" She quickly went to your desk as she felt nervous to be even speak about such topic.
"... Did I ask a bad question?" You look down on your hand, unable to understand why would it be bad to ask such thing. It's not that bad... That bad right? Tears fall from your eyes as you realize your an existence is truly not wanted by anyone.
"P-please don't cry! I will answer your question..." She wipes your tears away and takes out (not favorite candy) and you stared at it and takes it either way.
"Oki." You nodded as you saw aira wakes up surprised by the voice of the teacher and quickly check on you when he saw you crying.
"MC! Are you ok?! Are you scared of rhr the story? I have candies..." Aira offer you, your favorite candies as he hugs you.
" I'm scared... Probably.. " you fidget on your hand but look at the teacher with determine look. "can you tell me now? "
" Fine... " She sighs hopelessly. " A union of two clan is called a core fae. An existence that symbol the world end is approaching." She began. Your eyes shrunk at her words. You felt the bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, feeling of dread at her words.
" There's only three recorded Core Fae to ever existed... One was out of love, a wonderful union of two race that cause the two race that was at war at one another to find peace yet at the end something horrible happened. The first core fae parish as a sacrifice but it was known that the first one is able to return back momentarily self destruction of the world of fae, there were anti who hates the peace tried to stop such peace to ever happened as they create a strong forbidden magic that use lives to work. It was said the first one is a brave hero with level S magic. "
" The second was an accident... "
" How those giving birth a baby an accident. " You heard a classmate says." Don't you need to do intercourse --"
" Sshhhh, young man, I would not continue that. We're rated PG here. "
" Geez, fine. " Classmate.
" The second was a child of haft humans and haft faes. You see it's fine to love a human and have a child with them. Those two never know they were faes till it was too late, the moment their child was born. Through only 50% of a core fae. The human world where they live suffer hundred of years of war and curse. "
"are you seriously blaming a kid for human war. " (classmate)
" Little naughty fae, I would shut up if I don't want a D minus. "
"..." (Classmate)
" Anyways, human world went kaboom at some point because some lousy ass fae think the core fae is a sin, and went to destroy it with it's ancestors and the human world but of course no one would watch some psycho do such thing and beat the shit off the guy. The ability of the second core fae is time, oh wait I don't said the first one. It was space. " She quickly tells as she went back to the front of the class.
"They thought their existence cause their world to end like that, so going back to the time to kill oneself quite the drastic measure. It was able to recorded as the time being alter is only at the human world. Yet that's already a great fit. "
" Why do they have suicidal tendency geez... "
" Idk ? Am I core fae? No. I'm just your light fae teacher, shut it. Ok?" She sigh. " They were branded as sacrificial lambs at some point in the history but one day. There was a oracle that tackle a catastrophe that is a beyond the two world ever witness, beyond our universe and what lies in the vast unknown to ever witness or will experience. It will end all existence. That's why for the next hundred of years an experiment was conducted. Willing or not people part takes.
" Each type of faes have a child with another raise in the same clan; werewolf and vampire, angel with magician--etc, and when the blood of all types of fae is with the two child of the dark and the light finally born. They finally created the third core fae, someone that could beat the presider of theirs with both ability as such they are key factor to save the universe and beyond. Of course with precautions that embed in their mind that will not make them self destruct unless the world is fix, well at least that's what the theories says. " She pause as if having a suspense.
" Where's the baby then. " you heard Aira ask out of curiosity as he share the seat of yours and hugs you still.
" Asleep, awaiting for the time where they are awaken by a prince." She laugh." It's nothing to be worried by you lot. As far I know, the core fae have been sleeping for hundred or so thousand of years in the forest between both clan. Probably asleep for another hundreds since there's nothing but peace lately."
" Hey teacher don't you think your still rated PG when you told kids about the experiment... " (Classmate)
" Shut it. I can't help but tells that too. It is after all a part of the history. It's better for you all to know than not, right? "
You look down at your hand as you heard the story from the teacher. You become very silence and not even eating a single candy since that story, aira watch in worry for you. He wonder what's up with you, but you smiled at him and says: "I felt it's only out of wanting closure or reassurance. But seeing your worried about me, means I'm still important to someone rather than a tool to all. Ai, I think I hide a important secret of mine... If you want I can tell you."
" MC... " He felt if he knows it, something might change.
" Ah. Maybe I will tell you in another day. Aira should remember to never blame yourself. I was so glad and thankful to meet you." You quickly change the topic as you held Aira hand to go to the canteen. "Anyway. Let's go eat."
»»————- 💌 ————-««
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»»————- OTHERSIDER ————-««
The young Oukawa scribble on his notebook while eating his family eats breakfast besides him, his father tried to peak on the writing but the little boy quickly cover it and move it away from his father gaze.
"No." He pout.
"Ehh... But I'm just curious what's gotten in to you~? You seems very worried since you wake up. " His dad chuckle at the reaction of his little boy.
"I... I don't know what to reply to my online friend... His friend been acting weird for a while..." He look down at his notebook that he hugged.
"I'm trying to think a way to comfort him. "
" Ohh~? Are you really worried about your friend or the friend of your friend? " his dad tease him, he froze when his father manage to get the real idea.
"I'm worried f-for the two of them... " He mumble.
"Oh young love. " His father laugh out loud. He glare at him for laughing at him.
"Was it bad?" He pout.
"Usually in a sense, I should have warn you about rivals but you don't have communication with your crush without the friend, and your still a little baby who don't know things." His father pet his head, giving him a close eyes smile.
"Know what? Know what?" He ask his father.
"That there's a thing called friends to lovers and best friends are the worse rival." He pointed out. As he stared down to his child with purple eyes that seems to swirl in unhinged things.
"I can fight!" Kohaku resorted. "But why would I fight love-swan?! Love-swan is my friend too! Old man, why are you making things complicated? Hmmp." He don't understand the logic of his father, and went to leave the table.
" Come back soon, you still need to eat breakfast ~" his sister called out to him.
"Ok! Brb! " he quickly went to his room to put away his notebook to a secret place.
"Father is so weird. Why would I think Love-Swan as a rival... I don't need to harm my friend cause of no reason..." He giggle at his father words. Before he stood up and went to joined his family.
»»————- note ————-««
(if want to be tagged pls comment or Send mail) Tag List : @valeriele3 @yinenovica
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sharks-sharks-sharks · 4 months
My top five characters of all time
(reasons for their placement included, list is subject to change over time as I have ADHD (autism too but that ain't important rn) so my interests heavily fluctuate)
Loki Laufeyson (Marvel and Norse mythology), I have loved him since I was but a small lad, he was my first fictional crush (I saw him in Avengers and was like :0, little me was very queer), Norse mythology was a hyperfixation of mine from when I was little little till like late primary school so, and Loki overall as a character has is def one of my special interests so like obviously they're number one. Also I have a mini "shrine" for her (Marvel) lol (I'll very gladly show it if anyone wants to see).
Rei Ayanami (Evangelion), I really enjoy the way her character is written, it's very nom nom nom, idk how to explain it but yurr.
Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion), again, I love the way her chara is written and I love her storyline, I have covered it a tad on here but I would gladly do that again.
Will Graham (Hannibal), I'm hyperfixating on him at the moment and he's kinda been in all of my dreams for over two weeks so I feel like I gotta include him, I'm also kinda just gay for him (who wouldn't be !!) so yk.
Bucky Barnes (Marvel), he's hot, do I need to explain? Also his character story is very enjoyable, I have liked almost all the movies he's been in (minus Infinity War and Endgame (hate both those fucking movies (they're so stupid (I will go into more detail)))).
Uhh this is a stupid post but idc because I'm tired but not eepy so I can't sleep, so deal with me.
(note: it says "of all time" but it's not really, it was ab 2 am when I posted this and Idk man)
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pepperstrawberry · 5 years
Audible thing... Looking for a book...
Okay, so thanks to War of the Spark: Ravnica, I finally broke down and got Audible. I was waiting for the book to arrive, and turned out that I could get it free on aubible (can’t remeber if it was free with the book or if it was free as a way to start me up on a free trial thing or whatever... likely that last one now that I write it out and read it on the screen, sounds about right)
Anywhoo... So, since starting I’ve listened to WAR (enjoyed the story despite issues, though I do think the dude could have done a better job with the read. appreciate the work, bro, but yeah...), Snagged ‘Three Mages and a Margarita by Annette Marie (neat story, though the second to last chapter kinda went a bit wonky. But yeah, I already got the second book, Dark Arts and a Daiquiri, dled and in the listening que) and nearly done with “Minimum Wage Magic” by Rachel Aaron (really neat world, story has been interesting so far, still got like around 2 hrs worth of story left though, so final thoughts pending)
Due to sales and what not, also got Black Crow, White Snow by Michael Livingston (it was one of those ‘originals’ that you get to pick 2 out of a selection of six each month, and this one is the only one that holds any interest for me at the moment in the current selection, so I guess one point is going to get wasted), and Nevermoor: The Trails of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend.
Giving a quick look through things, there are a lot of stories that ping on my radar, trouble is, none of them are really really where I want to be.
Those of you that know me best know I love a story with a woman main character, and I adore various flavors of fanatasy...
Trouble is, the two I’ve already been working through make the lead feel like she is just behind everyone. Tori from Three Mages is a human totally surrounded at her new job by ‘Mythics’ and she has barely survived after a handful of serious attacks... I really hope she gets some skills soon, but given some of what I’ve seen in the reviews, though lacking spoilers, I’m getting the vibe that might not be. Opal from Minimum Wage is a touch better off, being a mage herself... but being totally crap at any magic besides straight up cudgles and raw blasts.... In a world that has rediscovered and is knee deep in all sorts of magics and talents.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, both mains are strong in their own ways, but in the consideration of the direct plot, they feel more like they are the side characters then the mains (Tori much more then Opal).
Not only that, but in both there is a clear and obvious love interest in that classic YA ‘teh hot guy’ trope. Don’t get me wrong, not against romance, and love me a hot guy just as much as a hot gal... But I do like a bit more variety in targets for the Lead to be Horny on Main for.
So, basically here is the point of this silly post: I need some book suggestions. I do have a credit sitting there, waiting to be used. Right now without a good idea, I’m either going to use it on the third book in the “Guild Codex, Spellbound series (3mages and Darkarts), or checking onRachel Aaron’s previous work (the foreword for Minimum Wage stated that it takes place in the world set up by previous stories, but is stand alone)... But I hunger for something else. And it doesn’t help that the best tools Audible has for searching stories is genre and length... So...
 Search Criteria: 1) MUST HAVE FEMALE LEAD 2) Fantasy (High Fantasy or Urban fantasy most perfered, but any will do) 3) Less ‘Court/Politics’, more adventure please 4) Either no romance or girlfriend (more Chandra/Nissa less Chandra/Gideon) 5) Main is powerful and competent in their own right (in context of the main plot)
I know I have some friends and followers that are well read, so I hope there is at least something close to what I’m looking for.
In any case, any suggestions are welcome. X3
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cyncerity · 3 years
I hope you get this ask in good health! I hope you're doing well today too! <3
Anyways, I'd like to request something!
Maybe some G!Tommy and T!SBI+Beeduo fluff? and maybe soft noms included if you want to add that in, you don't have to if you aren't comfortable though!
Hi!! I’m doing good, and I hope you are, too, thank you for caring!!
Always up for soft noms <3
Gonna be honest: I didn’t know how to incorporate SBI and BeeDuo noms into one story so have 2 mini drabbles cause I’m unoriginal (which is also why it took so long sorry again)
Also I warned y’all a while ago that I would write a hide and seek oneshot lmao
Also also sorry for the lack of dialogue-
Tw: Soft vore in both stories. If you don’t like it, don’t read it <3
It had been a long day of work for Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo. They had been working on fixing up Snowchester all day, and they were exhausted. At least, Tubbo and Ranboo were. The work hadn’t been too difficult for Tommy given his giant size, the snow had just been a pain in the ass. He didn’t understand why anyone chose to live in the freezing cold, he was miserable after having been outside for only a day. But he helped because of how Tubbo and Ranboo planned to “pay” him. The thought brought a smile to his face as he watched the goat hybrid finish fixing a creeper hole as his husband placed a berry bush on top of it. He leaned over the two teenagers both looking absolutely beat from the work they’d done today. Tommy set his hands next to the pair who climbed on quickly, ready to fulfill their end of the deal if it meant having a quiet warm place to sleep.
The giant lifted them up slowly before opening his mouth and gently sliding them in, quickly noticing how cold his friends felt against his tongue. All the more reason to get them to warmth quicker. Tommy tilted his head back slowly, resting his fingers against his throat as he felt both hybrids slip down his esophagus. He followed their path down to his stomach after they fell past his collarbones, hyper aware of their place in his chest because of the shiver the two freezing teenagers sent down his spine. When they finally reached his stomach they laid back and fell asleep almost immediately, Tommy feeling the light movement of the rise and fall of their chests against his stomach walls and hearing their soft snores echo slightly throughout his belly.
He smiled as he began to slowly make his way home, careful not to sway or wake his friends as he enjoyed the soft sway of their weight on his way home. When he finally got home he climbed into his bed as carefully as he could manage, tucking his knees to his chest in an attempt to curl around his friends. He fell asleep with a hand resting over his stomach in a protective manner, a smile on his face, though he knew he’d deny it in the morning. All he knew now though was how lucky he was to have friends like this. And unbeknownst to him, Tubbo and Ranboo fell asleep thinking the same exact thing.
Tommy walked down the hallways of his family’s house as quietly as he could, quickly sweeping around every corner in a desperate attempt to notice any small movements out of the corner of his eye. His family had this sort of weekly tradition of hide-and-seek, but with a twist most other families can’t manage. Part of the fun of having a family of sizeshifters: hide and seek becomes a lot more interesting. At least, if you’re the seeker. Tommy had never been good at hiding: he currently had a streak of about 7 weeks being the first one caught. Not that he was complaining, it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing to be caught first. It meant more room to himself before whoever was seeking that night found the other two, with the unfortunate side effect of also being made fun of by his older brothers for being caught first. But tonight was different: he was the seeker. He was gonna win.
All of a sudden, he saw something flying out of the corner of his eye. He sprung into action as he ran to grab it out of the air before it could get to a different hiding spot, almost falling over as he grabbed it and lost his balance. He opened his palm to see his father; no surprise there, he was the only one who could fly. But he was also usually the last found, his wings giving him the hiding advantage. And Tommy caught him first. Tommy gave the smaller man a smug grin as Phil sat up slowly in his sons hand, the sudden grab out of their air making him dizzy. When he looked up at his sons stupid, shit-eating grin, he flipped him off and laid back in his hand, making his son burst into laughter at the gesture.
Tommy took this as a sign of begrudging readiness as he slipped Phil into his mouth, quickly swallowing the smaller hybrid as he started to look for his oldest brother, knowing that if this was where Phil hid, Techno would be around here, too.
“Techno...” Tommy called out as soon as Phil dropped into his stomach, allowing him to speak again. “Come on out, I don’t bite...”
He continued to tease him for a few minutes longer, probably not doing a great job as he was somewhat distracted by the weight in his gut, when he saw a quick blur of pink top of the fridge.
Tommy moved slowly towards the fridge. There wasn’t a fast enough way down from there, Techno must’ve thought he hadn’t been paying attention. In an instant, Tommy jumped up and grabbed Techno off the fridge and put him in his mouth, effectively capturing his brother while simultaneously scaring the shit out of him if the yelp he let out was any evidence. He could hear his fathers laughter as he swallowed the piglin, who struggled all the way down and began to half-heartedly punch at Tommy’s stomach walls in a playful manner once he fell into the organ. Tommy resisted laughing and instead poked his midsection where he could feel Techno, and in turn felt it when he knocked Techno over. He ignored the harder laughter from his father and string of curse words Techno threw at him as he started to look for Wilbur.
2 down, 1 to go. He went through the living room, bathrooms, and bedrooms with no sign of the tiny until he eventually stopped in the kitchen. He had to be in here.
And he was, Tommy noticed surprisingly quickly. Wilbur was simply out in the open, standing behind the faucet to the sink, leaning one of the knobs. It probably would have seemed suspicious to anyone that wasn’t Tommy. So he walked up to Wilbur who stared him down with a smug confidence no one who was about to get eaten should have, whether or not they knew it was safe. It wasn’t until Tommy reached for Wil that he understood why he had the level of confidence.
As soon as he hand was close enough, Wilbur shifted his weight on the knob so it turned the sink on, the rubber band around the sink’s alternate shower head turning it on, spraying Tommy with water as he yelled in surprise. Wilbur watched from behind the sink, laughing to himself as Tommy desperately tried to turn the hose off without spraying himself in the eyes.
He eventually managed to turn the sink off, and Wilbur couldn’t help but laugh at the death glare Tommy gave him in return. The tiny was lifted up to Tommy’s eye level by the back of his shirt, still looking not at all concerned. “You little shit, you’re drying all this off when I let you out.”
Wilbur shrugged as Tommy sighed in annoyance, lifted the tiny higher and dropping him into his mouth, even using his teeth to slightly chew on his brother. He hadn’t gotten to taste the other two because of the rush he had put himself through trying to find them all quickly, so he let himself enjoys Wil’s taste as he made his was back to his room. Wil didn’t care, either. He knew that Tommy wouldn’t hurt him, and he knew he’d probably be messed with a little extra due to his prank, but he didn’t care, Tommy’s face had been priceless.
Tommy eventually relented to sending Wilbur down to be with the rest of his family as he sat down on his bed, scrolling through Twitter as he rubbed at his belly, faintly hearing Wilbur tell a very confused Techno and Phil why it took Tommy so long to catch him. Tommy continued to absentmindedly scroll through his phone as he joined his family’s conversation, all of them teasing and joking with each other as Tommy started to boast at being the best seeker in the house. He got light kicks and shoves in return for this, but none of them were hostile. After all, they’d all been on Tommy’s current side of the game before, they all knew how good it felt. And Tommy knew from his experience how good rubs from the outside where, too, so he happily indulged his family as well. And Tommy knew that after he let them out tomorrow there’d be another round with a new seeker next week, and he’d have to wait a while to be the bigger person in the game again, so he savored his time with his family inside him. But on the other hand, if memory served him correctly, it was Wilbur’s turn to be the seeker next week. And boy did Tommy have some ideas on how to get back at his brother.
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pi-creates · 2 years
If a DLC or comic (omg..) was a must-do, what would you like to see?
Hmm.... there's a couple of options that I wouldn't mind seeing.
I feel like there really is an opportunity to do some "400 days" like mini-stories focused on either individual characters, or even one character progressing through a series of small events.
I mean, imagine AJ and Willy going through a stack of those files in the piano room, and AJ notices some hand-written reports (probably done by Aasim or some of the older kids who wanted to help keep records) where they've documented some things that have happened at the school and they've pinned the school photos of the people involved to the papers. This could be like the 400-days billboard, you see these reports and some photos, and AJ and Willy read through them as a transition point into playing out the events. And there's quite a few options that we could explore then that don't necessarily mess with the timeline of TFS.
Stuff like:
Ruby being in the greenhouse with Ms Martin and some other kids when the walkers manage to overtake the place
An event that shows Mitch taking on that Big Brother role to Willy - perhaps with a good show of them adding some of that graffiti and destruction to the school
Marlon training Rosie and the kids all finding out that she's an excellent walker killer when the training pays off and she rescues someone about to get nommed on
Louis and Aasim setting up the rabbit traps and discovering why it's important to mark the trapped trees
Music practice where we see Louis and Minnie composing "Don't be Afraid" - then have that moment where Marlon and Violet are there too and we hear the comments about Marlon wanting to scavenge a guitar so they could all play together... maybe that one even ends with Violet and Minnie climbing the bell tower for the first time or something
Tenn and whatever the hell happened to his face
And it can all culminate in the day the twins got taken from the perspective of someone not involved in the scavenger trip
Those are just off the top of my head, and I'm sure there are better things to explore - but all I'm trying to say is that there are anchor points that bigger stories could be told from if we were to have a "flashback" sort of DLC.
Then ya know, in the end the boys can put the files back and we can get a glimpse of AJ trying his hand at making his own book of things that happen - but ya know, more with pictures because that's his thing. They could even be illustrations of your general choices throughout TFS but how AJ interpreted them.
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blankdblank · 3 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 40
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“Time to celebrate with food,” your dad said easing the book in front of him shut glad he at least had the figures for a rough estimate on how much wood in each type you’d be wanting. “I’ll take these back down and get the meat ready for the burgers.”
“Oh I’ll have to get some stuff,”
“No hurry,” he said lifting them all as you eased back on your heeled wedges and collected your bag on the way out joining him on the trip down the stairs to share what you’d told him you’d like for flooring, the islands and shelves to settle those plans for the installation right away.
Once in the cool air again you turned for the market and at the ring from your phone you pulled it from your pocket seeing Liv’s name on the screen.
“Hey, thought you were still on your honeymoon.”
“Barbados was lovely. I’m so sorry you had to work.”
“That’s ok I’m glad you loved your destination wedding.”
“Well we just got back in yesterday morning, how have you been? You’re still in Canada right?”
“Well I’m in New  York this week dad got nominated for an MTV award so I’m going with him.”
“Oh that’s amazing! We’re going too! We can have a get together after, at least a dinner.”
“Ya, sounds great hear a good chunk of the guys and Peter will be there too for their noms.”
“So what have you been up to in the city? Wandering again?”
“Dad actually set up a tour of a brownstone for me, put down some money on it and got the keys.”
“That’s so incredible, I want to know everything!”
“Well it’s five stories with the basement level, eight bedrooms seven bath,”
“That is huge compared to mine, did you get a good deal? Mine was nearly a tear down had to gut the whole thing.”
“Well the old tenant trashed the place and the landlord had been doing some repairs replacing a bunch after my dad sort of reserved it for me by putting some of his money down. Took out some walls to make more living room, space for the kitchen and an actual dining room. And it needs new floors and cabinets but the plumbing and wiring and heat, ac and fireplaces have been fixed, water heater and I think he said they redid the roof too when they had to fix a beam up there. So it’s rough but it’s so pretty in my head. And it has the cutest guest bath on the main floor under the stairs and all these arches and beams through the house.”
“Aww, I love my guest bath too and the beams always add great character to help if you go the classic look. You have to show us all after the show. Give us the full tour.”
“Ok, should be fun Dad’s talking to the Landlord now to set the floor appointments. Is it weird that I want carpet, everywhere I go they always talk nonstop about their wood floors but I really want some carpet.”
“Not at all I love the carpet in my bedroom and on the second floor. Oh this is so much fun, we can swap stories when you get done with this show and I can help take you shopping if you like to decorate. So much fun.”
“Yes, might take a while though, Rich is glad I’m interested in making my own home here that we can share but I don’t want to make it too much mine, you know?”
“He’ll love anything you do with it as long as he’s got his space he can explode in as he likes.”
“Well there’s this kind of cute open study on the top floor by our bedroom I was gonna give him to have all his for his pacing or rehearsing or whatnot. And I can take the little strip of a room on the main floor behind the stairs for a sort of library reading nook.”
“I love it already and I haven’t even seen it. You got a good price on it?”
“1.5 mil, everything else on the block is three plus. It was more till it got trashed.”
“No judgment there I thought mine was a horror show. Especially the basement, right out of a horror flick. But the bones were so beautiful. I know it’s terrifying having your first grown up home I was your age roughly when I got mine, and trust me it is worth it.”
“Well it will be fun to show off and I can stash your wedding present there for when we get there.”
“Oh you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Yes I did, couldn’t just leave the poor thing on the shelf when I saw it.”
“I can’t wait.” She heard the mingling of voices while you approached the door to the store and asked, “Are you in the subway?”
“No, heading to pick up some things for dinner. Dad said he wants burgers. Have the meat just need some sides.”
Her doorbell rang and you could hear her move to climb onto her couch to peer out the front window at the door to say as her hubby got the food from the delivery boy, “Perfect timing here’s our dinner too. I’ll let you hunt for food and see you tomorrow, Love you hun.”
“Love you too,” you said, with her hang up signaling you to close the phone to pocket it again.
A circle of a display of canned sauces drew your focus to the hatted man with camera hanging against his belly that moved from tailing you at the sight of towards Nicholas Cage on his way to scout for something down the grocery aisles. Looking away you continued on to pick out some barbecue sauce knowing you were out along with ketchup and some pickles you added to the basket you’d tucked in the crook of your arm. Buns were added as well and you were off to the noodles. A pasta salad would be simple to go with some potatoes and veggies you were off to get next over macaroni you didn’t want to make from scratch right now as the boxes were all gone. French fries were still locked in your freezer with the frozen meat patties so you were good there.
Aloofly again your eyes scanned over the display of corn looking less than top of the line to pick from and with bag in hand you lifted your first choice turning it over only to hear, “What are you doing here?”
The tone of harsh superiority scolding of an assumed inferior let you know just which idiot the familiar voice belonged to, Adrien Brody stood on your left in a focused stare down at you and adding the corn to the bag. You said, “I feel like this is a trick question.”
“You really have to come here to shop in Lower Manhattan?”
“Ya.” You said turning your head to the corn selecting another to twist on the bag you added to your basket to move onto the potatoes baffling the actor even more.
“Honestly there’s nowhere else you can shop? This is where I shop.”
While you grabbed a bag of potatoes you replied, “I should warn you there’s a strong policy against people urinating in public places this place enforces should you be trying to mark it like a tree.” Towards a teen worker being shouted at you walked with eyes narrowing at the man who felt he had the right to shout over nothing.
Adrien scoffed following after you at a distance. Then watched as the man turn clearly recognizing you, “When are you going to get some decent help here?! I’ve been trying to tell this little illegal here that I’m looking for the chocolate chili powdered mixed nuts in the blue Planters tin with cashews and walnuts, and clearly this concept is just beyond his grasp!”
Splotchy in what food based Filipino you knew around the brand name you translated for the teen what the guy wanted and the teen scoffed saying in English, “Why didn’t he just say that?” Turning to head to the wall where the display had been moved, not twenty feet from the now red faced man. “Shout about illegal, I’m from Boise.” He grabbed the top tray with a flat expression returned allowing the man to promptly grab his four tins and turn to the registers to flee while you shared an elbow bump with your former coworker that turned to put the tray back.
Continuing on you went to grab some cheese and sour cream with Adrien again at your side, “Do you now him?”
“I trained him,” You said glancing up at him, “Worked here for years, if anything you’ll have a hard time having me barred from your tree, Cupcake.”
“Not a cupcake.” He looked to his basket, “Maybe then you’d know where they’d be hiding the lemon juice.”
“Juice aisle,”
“Looked there,”
“Top shelf by the sparkling cider and the glass apple juice jars. Try tilting your head back, I know, foreign concept for you possibly from your altitude.”
In a disbelieving tone he said, “Fine, I’ll humor you, but if it isn’t there I win.”
“What do I get if I win?” You teased and he huffed turning to check your guess for the location. While the cheese was found and passing the aisle you caught his glare at the juice right where you said it’d be and smirked on your way up to the registers.
Glancing down the register aisles for who was working you picked the one you knew would have the least trouble with your produce and waited. Four people were in front of you while in Adrien’s approach to the line on your right with two people he smirked your way assuming he’d picked the faster path home until his face dropped at a voice asking from behind you, “Miss Pear?”
A smile eased across your lips in a turn that once you saw who was behind you, Nicholas Cage stood with smile spreading recognizing your eyes right away, “I thought it was you by the cheese. My old lady must have seen your movie nine times in theaters while I was off filming, pinned me down when I got back to watch it on tape, it is fantastic.”
“Thank you,” You said with grin creeping wider awkwardly.
“Almost didn’t realize you with your hair different, and she didn’t believe me when I said you used to work here. You have any other roles for the hair change?”
“Ya, filming in Canada, finishing it up next couple months after this week off. Tv show set a couple years out, have a mini series on BBC set to be out next year, then I’m going blonde for King Kong.”
“Really, I hadn’t heard that. I bet it’s going to be fantastic. After the Beast I can’t imagine you couldn’t wow in anything. I’ll keep my eyes open for your name, now if you’ll excuse me I have to hunt down someone to grab me a balloon.”
“Ooh, um, the red headed guy in the soup loves the balloons, least pops out of the guys here.”
“Soup aisle, thank you. See you round.” He said hurrying off to go hunt down the balloon guy to add those to his bouquet of flowers he had clearly planning something big.
Smiling to yourself you turned to see Adrien with his brow raised at you, “Oh you know that was cool. Your just pretending to hate me. I’d be happy for you if you were in my spot.”
He shook his head and stepped forward with his cart to what he assumed to be his sign he’d leave first only to watch the people in front of you get rung up quickly once the receipt roll was swapped out. A glance past him showed the woman on the next register clearly scouring her purse for more funds she didn’t have and sigh realizing she’d have to choose what to pull off the receipt to fit her cash in hand. Soundly her sleeping baby in the carrier inside the cart showed why the young woman was struggling. And once you accepted your large paper bag your cashier watched you fold the bills you palmed to make them wrinkled and passing him Adrien watched with lips parted still being rung up at your faked dip between her cart and the register to lift extending the bills. “You dropped this, Miss.”
A wave of relief washed over her face in her smiling turn to the cashier, who smirked to herself having recognized you and this trick you’d played more than once before even when it was the last of the funds you had to the name back when you worked together. “Thank you, so much. Must have slipped right out, darn broken zipper.” Out you went not lingering in the moment as the actor had assumed any person might, to make a show of themselves saving the day to gift funds to someone in need. Simply alone now save for his circling thoughts he waited to be rung up so he could head out to his flashy car and drive back to his penthouse apartment in an area with far more expensive shops that drive him here for a bargain.
You had beaten your Dad back and getting the fries started you began to cut the rinsed and peeled corn from the cob to heat up along with the noodles you put on to boil next. In a spicy chili of sorts your own take on pasta salad came to life and widely grinning while you set that aside to cool your dad came in breaking out the patties he thawed in a move to the fridge earlier to use your ridged skillet to cook them up.
Breaking the content silence you voiced a thought you didn’t know when to say, “I’m going to need a list of all the light bulbs and filters. And candles for when power goes out, with matches.”
Lowly he chuckled, “I will have that readied for you by the time you get back. Along with a list of some small things you might also need to get started out.”
Moving each cooked patty to a plate off to the side sharing how the job was settled for the following week to tear up the wood floors and by the time that was done the tiles and carpet would be delivered to be installed the following day. Until then the team in charge of the shelves would be out the day after you’d flown back with the wood you wanted he would ensure was right up to par with the designs you had drafted up.
This was his baby girl’s home and he couldn’t be prouder at how you’d earned the funds for it and had taken charge after a timid blink of a moment to get what you wanted set to come to life. He couldn’t wait for Richard to get back out here to help you furnish and paint this monster of a home and get to settling knowing just how he’d love to have a beginning here too. You shared similar tastes and even without his input he knew as long as you were here Richard would feel at home.
The apartment had been good to get used to one another better. But if he was to have grand babies there would need to be some space to allow them to be made and to grow. And if you were to be climbing five flights of stairs he wanted it to be inside your own home with ample places to curl up in between if you were too tired to get up to the top floor. Most of all he wanted this to be perfect to help bolster your courage that you could succeed, you were new and knowing how famous actors knew your name and liked your jobs you’d chosen he wanted that to be common and not an out of place thing. Beast of Bards had done that, you had splashed onto scene and now the world just had to catch up to how indescribable you are.
After the meal was eaten and cleared it was time to bed so you’d be rested for the awards the following afternoon.
‘Hello Neighbor’ was the tagline for the story playing on the news blasting the news of your tour of the brownstone beside Keanu’s apartment with a picture of your meeting. Emphasized estimates of the block average price were given you might be dropping after the huge success Bard had grown to with an added note that the film had flown off the shelves with several stores on a backlist to get more copies in at the demand.
The anchor stated plainly that you must have made a killing with your previous films and were set to make even more with Kong when it did come out with a brief mention of a ‘project’ you were working on out in Canada currently. Concluding that you were a star to be reckoned with and weren’t going anywhere close to having Beast be a one time fluke for your success on film.
Over your breakfast plate your fork hovered as you said, “All that coming from the show that passed me over to interview a monkey handler.” The statement earned a chortle from your dad already having been smiling at their raving review on you.
“What else is on your mind? I can tell you’re deflecting.”
In a glance over at him you asked, “What do you think about a pirate ship chandelier for a nursery?” That had his grin easing out, “Mom made Peter Pan sketches you hung for mine, we haven’t talked babies seriously, but we have room, and I think the room by the back left corner on the third floor would be a good one.”
“I think that’s a great idea. Do you want me to talk to Rich about babies?”
“It’s not something that we plan on soon or right away, so maybe get the chandelier and just, sort of leave it open for when we need it. We don’t need to go buying a crib he just proposed I don’t want to-,”
“You are not going to scare him away. There is nowhere far enough he could hide from me if he tried. He wants a family told me so, it’s not an easy talk, your mom and I never had a talk, just sort of woke to her passing out on her way to get some grapefruit. You were a remarkable surprise and it was instant nursery planning and no complaints when I came back with armfuls of soft plushy Peter Pan decorations, nice and neutral. I think maybe you could do a mural or two across the wall and he might take the hint, sort of a future possibility room, some cubbies and built ins the mural and chandelier, maybe a rocking chair or loveseat.”
“Thank you.”
“You are so very welcome, babies always come to mind when houses come up.”
“I do want them to know the ranch too.”
“They will, and England, give them a nice round view of the world. Have about five years to think on which country they’ll go to school in, that’ll be a big one. But take your time, maybe it’ll be a job deciding it all.”
“Should we get barn door gates for the stairs like at the ranch?”
“We can, be prepared, even if to just keep guests out. I’ll be glad to handle that for you.”
“I would say glass ones but I can only think of things going badly with that.”
“Oh yes, not safe, and metal ones would only encourage hands to go through only welcoming injuries or attempted break outs.” He said with locked smile glad to have a plan started for the future grandbabies and their intended floor.
“I also have to figure out where the furniture from Canada is going, mine is kinda clear not much to move.” Glancing between him and your plate you asked, “How long do you think it’d take to fix it up?”
His smile came out again, “It is mostly cosmetic once we get the floors handled, island installed, counters replaced and shelving and cabinets in again. We could move in as soon as we pick the appliances if you like. L said you could still keep the apartment as long as you wanted till you felt ready same as Lee, who I know would be glad to have a home out here especially after his surgery scare.”
“I can always ask, his Agent’s trying to get him to the West Coast though for roles.”
“Boy can fly,” making you smirk, “Lord knows you do enough. Least this way he’ll have a room to come back to when he isn’t drug off home to Oklahoma. He’s not vanishing either under my watch he’ll come back if he does try to head off.”
You nodded and said, “Well either way won’t be long till I guess I’ll be back and trying to figure out how to share the place with him. I don’t know how it seems like sometimes I’m so ahead of the game.”
He smiled reaching over to pat your free hand resting on the table, “You take after me, Pumpkin. He grew up traveling while you grew up working the land and grinding hard to the ground for what you want. You have confidence in your ethic he’ll master over time. I felt the same over my younger brothers when they reached 18 and weren’t ready to jump to dad mode like I had, people vary but the influence of those around us help to build us up. We’ll get him there, he’s still young and learning. Plus you can’t forget with grandparents like yours you had a huge head start on working with producers, instructors and near to unreachable expectations. I am so proud of you for that, and I am glad I could have managed to grant you a childhood too before your battle of wills kicked in.”
“I wish you could have had one.”
Deepening his grin, “I did with you. Working with you is, profound. Honestly, I was a bit confused why you wanted to perform, I never doubted you or thought yourself out of bounds talent wise, but just the drive, but working with you I saw it. We taught you to read and opened doors to so many worlds and now you share stories with people bringing them to life, it’s infectious. There’s a bit of a time machine effect where you get to go back in time almost. And somehow I managed to get an award for being big and menacing, never thought I’d get that.”
“You have to tell me though, how jealous are the uncles?” That had him laugh out loud.
“Impossibly. The kids love the award shows and will brag forever that we’re gonna be there for them and their friends to watch.”
“Well shouldn’t be long now for them, takes a bit to get there.”
“Nope, and I can break out my suit to match your fancy dress.”
Again in your bathroom with the mirror you eyed the pale blue silk gown with golden panels on your hips feeding from decorative seams to accent your figure on the chunky strapped design smoothing your hands down the sides smoothing a wrinkle out of it. Without the fur wrap the last touch was your shoes, the tall black shoes Jen had helped you to buy with several straps from ankle to the start of your toes, one at a time in your lean against the counter they were put on adding a good help of inches lessening the pool of silk around your feet. Out you went to find your dad waiting with tie fixed into place smiling in his look over the skirt of your dress gauging how likely you might be to trip as he always did. At the call from your arrived driver downstairs a black clutch was grabbed and down you went.
All through the drive you held onto his arm resting over your legs in his try to calm him down by chatting. The carpet however managed that a tad better as your friends from Hugh Jackman to both Jens, Ben Affleck, Colin Farrell, but most especially your friends from the trilogy who all took their turns hugging the both of you and adding you both to more group shots like those you took with your other friends on the way inside. Briefly to his shock Adrien spotted you and your massive shadow casting father through the entrance pictures. Once you went in you found yourselves far from him, tucked on the end of the aisle in the square of seats for the trilogy stars. All chatting until the auditorium was full and the show began.
Breakthrough Female came first with Hugh Jackman and Famke Janssen coming out to present it. For Daredevil Jennifer Garner won and you clapped along with the crowd.
Queen Latifah and Adrien Brody came out next and to the sight of the same guy who had been bothering you, softly you sighed through the raucous greeting that died down as the names for Best Kiss nominations were given. Spider-Man’s Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst at their naming came up to collect their golden popcorn bucket statue while your friends in Daredevil Ben and Jen G’s relaxed at not having to go up to stay with their partners they’d rather cuddle up to and steal quick pecks on cheeks from. Avoiding having to fumble who makes the speech or what to say about their on stage kiss on the spot.
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence were next out for presenting Best Comedic Performance, that Mike Myers accepted for Austin Powers in Goldmember.
Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett called Kirsten Dunst up again for another win for Spider-Man for the Breakthrough Female Award.
Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Farrell were up next to name the winner of Best Fight. And with the crowd you cheered for your not present friend, Christopher Lee who won with Yoda from his role in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. A representative came out from the Star Wars film who gave a quick thanks and went back to his seat for a quick shift to the next award.
Beyoncé and Johnny Knoxville next named Breakthrough Male, accepted by Eminem for 8 Mile.
Mark Wahlberg and Mýa came out next to introduce Pink for her performance of Feel Good Time. While she performed your dad leaned over to chat quietly with you at his nerves amping up again after hearing from Jen in her trip backstage that the award was up after this performance.
Ashton Kutcher and P. Diddy after the darkened pause of the stage approached the mic stand to name those nominated for Best Villain. Again Mike Myers was up with Colin Farrell, Daniel Day-Lewis, Willem Dafoe and your dad in a good mix from comedic to sinister Villains.
“And the winner is,” the pair together spoke while P. Diddy opened the envelope to say while Ashton’s fingers shifted around the popcorn statue. “Joe Pear!” Smiling widely you giggled and hugged your dad’s arm pulling him from his moment of shock and you saw the camera men step back in the aisle angling the camera to get his rising body to stay in the frame. His seat on the aisle kept you from having to tuck your legs out of his way and clapping and giggling to Viggo’s comment leaning in from your right you watched him stroll up onto the stage where both the men straightened up and peered up at the stunningly tall man over a head taller than the both of them.
In accepting the award your dad moved closer to the mic hunching over the podium to be closer to the mic stand. “Um, thank you for this award. I never really saw myself acting, in the audience yes, but starting over in films after a long time apart I get to work with my little girl, and it’s the most phenomenal job I could have asked for, so it means a lot to have had so many people who enjoy a film we worked so hard on. This is going up on the wall back home next to her awards while growing up.”
To the applause when he straightened up he glanced at the pair of men who hinted he had to go through the back of the stage causing him to glance your way. A silent signal that had you giggle and gather your skirt to sneak to your feet and slip into the aisle to stroll to the stage. That had the duo around your smiling dad smirk watching your smiling path to his side with eyes shining in the lights along with the giggling smile matching his widening one that even in your lightened hair you still his mini twin. His hand extended and at his side you moved folding yours in it to show him through the process of the mysterious back as well as you could guess at not being back there yourself either.
For those not among the cheering crowd grew quieter to the signal of the switch of award presenters only to be joined by the rest seeing who it was, the main focus was the vast difference of height accentuated by your 5 ft 2 in self over a foot and seven inches shorter than him even with six inch heels.
Best Trans-Atlantic Performance was next with David and Victoria Beckham pitting Orlando and Colin against one another while your dad handed over the award being told that his engraved statue would be delivered to the ranch address he gave them. A few questions were asked backstage lasting long enough for Colin, who won, to join you both there.
Soon to be joined by Viggo and Orlando who accepted the award on Peter’s behalf for the Best Action Sequence presented by Paul Walker and Tyrese Gibson for the Battle of Helms Deep scene in The Two Towers.
Sharon Osbourne next introduced 50 Cent performing "In Da Club" / "Wanksta". Both of which providing cover for your slip back out to your seats.
Jason Biggs and Alyson Hannigan presented Best On-Screen Team. Won by Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, and Andy Serkis. That pulled them from their seats for their own interviews backstage while you nestled against your dad’s arm at his pleased mood from his and your friends’ wins. Waiting for the day his award would be mailed off, beyond eager to hear that it had arrived at the ranch.
Kate Hudson and Luke Wilson presented Best Virtual Performance that beating out Scooby Doo, Kangaroo Jack, Dobby and Yoda Andy came back to the stage at Gollum’s win.
Amanda Bynes and Hilary Duff introduced t.A.T.u. who performed "All the Things She Said" / "Not Gonna Get Us"
Demi Moore presented Best Male Performance, that in beating out Viggo, Eminem was back out again on stage for 8 Mile.
With a grin your new neighbor Keanu was out to present Best Movie with the Two Towers, Barbershop, 8 Mile, Beast of Bards and Spider-Man up for it. Two Towers was named and Viggo helped you back up to your feet for your group to head up together so that you could all sneak out at once.
Back in the middle of actors on your way through the crowded back halls to a side door where the limo were waiting Ian claimed hold of your hand luring a curious smile across your lips catching his eye. Low and close to you he asked in a murmur, “I might have been mistaken, however, was it true, I heard that you had come out as queer?”
“I, how did you hear that?”
Smirking at you he replied shifting to avoid another celeb passing by him, “As you always say my dear, everyone has ears.”
Softly you exhaled and avoided a statuesque model passing between you and the wall mid gulp of her martini from one of the mini parties in the back room she was exiting then came back to his side saying, “Well. I always knew I was something, but one of the Queens who does my hair helped me realize I’m ace.”
Parting his lips, “Truly one of a kind you are in every angle of you.”
That had you giggle and say, “Well I always used to just call myself Tigger, from Winnie the Pooh.” That had his brow tick up till you said, “Cuz I’m the only one.”
Lowly he chuckled and replied, “You are not. And I must say welcome. There are very few even rumored ace performers in the world. You are in fine company even I have heard through a friend that I’m Marilyn Monroe’s journals there is evidence she was possibly ace herself. So very fine company indeed. You are not the only one.”
You smirked again, “Then we all must be blindfolded in this forest because we are exceptionally hard to find and silent as ever in our own confusion.”
That had him chuckle through your soft giggle causing Viggo in front of you to steal a grinning glance back at you two ensuring you hadn’t been lost. “True it is a difficult thing to voice I can imagine. Does your father and Richard know?”
“Oh ya. I mean they knew before I had the name. Dad used to take it as I was a June Cleaver with only eyes for my hubby I was head over heels for. Nothing to be cross about. Rich’s brother Chris is a bit jealous he loved the nickname ace when they were kids. Always wanted to be his name when they played cowboys or race car drivers,” widening the grin across Ian’s face. “I tried explaining it to Lee before but like most teenagers I tried to express the meaning behind how I saw people, I guess, intimately, it all sort of got muddled. So he’s happy for me, still doesn’t get it really but I suppose it’d be hard for him to. Always saw it like the Titanic, no one really got how that marvelous beauty could drown. But everyone on the Titanic is saying you didn’t see that fucking iceberg come out of nowhere.”
“Well put.” He chuckled out and let you go first through the door Viggo was holding for you leading outside. “Very well put.”
Pt 41
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
Soulmate AU: Jacob Frye x Reader 2/3
Soulmate au Chibi clone: basically when you’ve cross paths with with your soulmate a small chibi of them appears to you, it’s about the size of a guinea pig and won’t leave your side the longer you’re in denial of your feelings or until you’ve met your soulmate again, after which they disappear.
Jacobs's side of the story
Jacob was grouchy, cold and tired when he finally got back to the hideout all he wanted to do was get out of his clothes and crawl into bed and sleep for like a year! He moaned relief to be off his feet and was about to take his boots off... when he saw something scurry out of sight behind a sweet jar... did the train have a rodent infestation?
No, they would've noticed until now. standing up Jacob started lifting up jars and other knickknacks nothing...He hummed confused wondering if he just imagined the whole thing due to exhaustion? Then he noticed his top-hat on the floor was slowly making it's way around the room, it turned as if realizing he could see it! 
Whatever was making it move squeaked and started running, Jacob immediately started chasing it unfortunately whatever had his hat couldn't see what was in front of it and they slammed right into the side Jacob's ottoman hard seemly knocking it out.
Jacob pick the hat up and nearly passed out himself when he pulled a little person out of his hat! he staring a the tiny y/nat thing trying to figure what the hell it was? then he recalled seeing what looked like a tiny Henry running around his sister's room. (no, matter how many times she denied it...) He then thought back to when his grandmother told them about a tiny being called a fairy that would appear resembling your soulmate and follow you around until you encountered them again...
Jacob was stunned that it was true! then he looked down at the little knocked out fae in his hands. He?? at least he thinks it's a male was cute, he won't lie about that! and wondered why people were so private about these faeries? probably a society thing! the rich don't want to be bound by the poor?
 He hummed using the back of his index finger to rub the passed out fae's cheek; they woke up and grumbled swatting his finger away...his lips twitched decided to show Evie.. she should still be awake, maybe she can give him a more detailed explanation? 
Evie said that there really wasn't much to explain, her brother surprisingly got the gist of it. these fairies were basically fractured manifestations of your bonded one's soul, their supposed is to guide you back to your soulmate should you want to pursue them. "So what I just let him r -" Evie cut him off. "Her." Jacob's brows shot up as he looked at his sister bemused.
"Her? how do you know?" His sister cocked a brow and pointed to the counter where he set the fae down; he glanced over and did a double take when he saw mini-Henry blushing and covering his eyes! 
Jacob's fae was now in only a white button-up shirt her y/hc was now down to y/hl and the button's on the shirt were down just enough to show small bust, and that they were indeed female, Henry’s fae immediately tossed a handkerchief over the compromised female who looked around tired and confused. 
All while Jacob was in awe at the sudden wardrobe change. "When the hell did she change into that?!" he looked at his sister who shrugged. "I haven't the slightest Idea how they change clothes ...it just happens." Evie sighed tiredly really wanting this meeting to end so she could go to sleep.
 "Now is that all you wanted to know, or did you have anything else you'd like to share?" she slurred trying to hold back a yawn her brother shook his head and got up and carefully picked up the little lady off the counter she yelped surprised by the sudden motion and looked up at Jacob clearly wary of him.  
The hazel eyed assassin took notice of this and made a point of gaining her trust before convincing her to help him find the woman with his fae double, who the real Jacob might add is one lucky little bastard to sleeping next to the real... his face dropped It just occurred to him has no idea what his soulmates name is! that detail sort escaped him in the excitement. "Oi." the the fae in his hand tensed up at looked at him.
"You don't have to be afraid me, you gotta name?" he asked gently as the y/hc color fae tilted her head Jacob frowned wondering if she could understand English? and winced trying to remember those french lessons his father tried to teach him. "urm...q-Quel est votre nom?" he stammered hoping that was right! Again the fae just stared before making a gesture like she was writing. 
Jacob’s eyes widened and set her down on his bed and looked around for her to use be for settling on some ink and paper, he watched the little y/sc woman dip her hand in the ink and used her hand to write, while he got ready for bed. while taking his shirt off he heard her chirp and looked over to see what she'd wrote down. 
[Y-O-U-R-N-A-M-E ...L-A-S-T-N-A-M-E] Jacob repeated the name a few times it's was kind of odd... but hey! If that's her name then that's her name! He asked where she lived [Whitechapel.] he frowned knowing exactly what goes on in Whitechapel and though Y/n didn't seem the type to sell her body, looks can be ...He was brought out by Y/n huffing and puffing while stomping her foot; her face was red with embarrassment. [I'M NOT A PROSTITUTE!] was messily slathered on to the paper.
Jacob blanched started apologizing as the tiny woman crossed her arms and humph'd at him. Jacob on the other hand mentally sighed relieved that his soulmate wasn't being used in some brothel. "Well what exactly is your profession?" The assassin pressed the y/hl fae eyed him before writing down [Lampworking.] Jacob cocked his head to the side intrigued that's a word he's never heard before. 
"You work on lamps or make lamps?" He asked perplexed as he tried to imagine a woman welding a light-post together or making house lamps... the tiny fae chirped and he looked back the paper [It's Glass smithing for beads, marbles, paperweights...] the hazel eyed assassin hummed impressed marbles have their own blacksmiths?... Huh, go figure. 
He took a small box he had stored under his bed it had little gifts and bobbles the children had given him as thanks for saving them, and took a small purple marble out of it this was a test; he had to see this for himself. 
"Can you tell me what this is?"  He handed Y/n the marble which was the size of a football to her, she scrutinized it giving a serious though as she brought it up to the light letting it shine through the glass as if looking for cracks or impurities and wrote.
[A puple Purie* with an ash-gold swirl, nicely made but not by my shop!] She handed it back to him and Jacob hand her a broken black glass bead with half golden bird on it, the y/hc fae examined it for a few moments and looked stunned the up at him excitedly [I know this, I made this!] Jacob blinked taken aback. "Are you sure?" she nodded pointed at the broken bird.
[See the rook? that's my signature.] the hazel eyed assassin took a breath to process what she had said and almost burst out laughing at coincidence, seriously what are the chances they'd both pick a rook as a symbol? the y/ec fae seem to pick up on his giddiness and wanted to be let in on the joke? 
[What's so funny?] She raised an inquisitive brow at him. "Tell me lass have you heard of a gang called the Rooks?.." She shook her head a smirk appeared on Jacob's face oh boy was the little fairy in for wake up call, by the time Jacob had given y/n the run about the Rooks, Blighters and Templars the tiny fae had passed out exhausted.
Jacob carefully cleaned her hands and let her use his cap as a bed, He settled down for night somewhat somber as he stared at the tiny fae knowing he can't out right peruse the real at Y/n at the moment... it was too dangerous right now! and if the Blighters or Starrick figured out he had a soulmate they'd kill her or use her to get to him, Jacob can't let that happen, For both their sakes! 
He reached over and carefully readjusted the handkerchief she was using as a blanket then caress her cheek with the back of his index finger then rolled over and drifted off to sleep.
Y/n's side
The following weeks were relatively normal for Y/n would go to the glass-smith she used to take Mini-Jacob/M.J with her (as long as he stayed hidden), however he'd get all jealous and stand offish towards her when one of her friendlier co-workers approached her, particularly the sales girl up in the jewelry store upfront, It was obvious the blond haired woman fancied Y/n.. or rather YM/n act and the other male worker knew this and would often tell their younger co-worker to 'Go for it' despite the Y/n's protests and obvious disinterest towards the woman.
This caused a bit of hostility towards her males started getting ideas that YM/n wasn't interested in women...and was more interested in one of them, Luckily the boss shot them down pretty quickly noticing the fae the y/hc woman had snuck in. 
He grabbed him much to M.J's distress and wrapped a rag around him making it look like a dress, then snapped. "Look here ya lazy sods!" they looked over at the old man as he held the protesting fae, luckily it was dark enough in the forge that they couldn't get a good look at the little guy.
"The lad's obviously not interested because he's lookin' for his other half, So butt out!" he huffed as the men stared in awe at for a tick before breaking down into snickering and congratulating Y/n who let out a sigh of relief! That could've ended badly, she nodded at her boss who grunted back at her.
 Needless to say that was the last time she brought the fae with her! He'd thrown a fit when she left him at home, but it was for the best! the last thing she wanted was being ganged up on due to a misunderstanding...
It's was another slow day it felt oddly cold despite the forge being on, which should've tipped Y/n off that today wasn't going to end well... But she shrugged it off to just waking up earlier then usual Jacob was oddly excitable this morning she couldn't figure out why? 
The fae was literally jumping off her walls with so much energy, it was like a squirrel on caffeine! It also took her a while to realize that he was wearing different clothes! large coat, a green vest and a top-hat! She'd be lying if she said he didn't look good in it, It made him seem more mysterious if anything.
She could hear M.J. squeaking and playing around with that Rook bead he's seems oddly attached to it, maybe she should turn it into a necklace or bracelet? He'd probably like that! The Y/nat woman finished getting dressed and put her jacket and hat on before turning to M.J.. "I'll be back at around noon to check on you alright?" the fae hummed before gesturing for her to come closer.
The y/ht woman blinked and complied and was surprised when the Hazel eyed fae gave her a kiss on the cheek! Y/n's eyes widened her face felt hot/looked like a cherry as she gawked M.J. who gave her cheeky grin as she stammered out a goodbye! and ran across the road!
Unbeknownst to Y/n the story of YM/n finding his soulmate had reached the salesgirl's ears and went crying to her older brother who was a Blighter, she spun him a tale of a shameless womanizer who broke her heart and humiliated her! of course the girl's brother ate it up without hesitation, And decided some revenge was in order, He snuck passed the rooks patrolling the area and into the shop he using his sisters directions he found and sabotaged one of the stations; YM/n's station. of course Y/n didn't know that
 ...All she remembered was lighting her forge than a flash going off! Her boss later told her how he heard a huge explosion! she was sent flying out of the building and into the back alley adjacent to the shop!
when he got to her she was bleeding pretty heavily from her left eye at least he thinks it was her eye? and holding her right arm while attempting to get up before letting out this god awful wheeze and went slack! he though she was dead! Apparently so did salesgirl saw the whole thing who being dragged away bystanders. 
Started screaming and crying hysterically "I just wanted to scare him! I never wanted This!" Whatever else she was screaming was soon drowned out by the police and rescuers showing up showing up to control the crowed and Y/n was whisked away to a doctor.
All in sight of Jacob's fae who didn't notice he was crying as he dropped his bead... 
[A purie is a cheap clear glass colored marble, they come in various colors and names like Blood Rubies, deep sea blues, green ghosts.]
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ddagent · 5 years
Hiya!! So yeah I really am gonna need some paragraphs from the Austenland AU because it sounds DELICIOUS! I offer a warm stack of chocolate chip cookies made with brown sugar instead of white (cuz we all know brown sugar makes a cookie god-tier) 💕
Nom nom nom, I will *always* accept chocolate chip cookies! I hope you enjoy. 
Jaime shouldered his duffel bag and disembarked the ferry. On the port was a cardboard cut-out of The Blue Knight, Oathkeeper in hand, with a sign advertising ‘Evenfall’: Westeros’ only interactive historical experience! Grinning, Jaime made his way to the small line that had formed. There were a handful of other guests: men like him, hoping for adventure and heroics; women (also like him), hoping for romance and courtly love. 
He couldn’t help the smile on his face. 
After a short wait, a mini-bus that had seen better days pulled up to the kerb. A young man, in a red tunic and fraying breeches, emerged from the driver's side. He came to the front of the queue. “Good afternoon! I am Podrick, a squire at Evenfall Hall. I have been entrusted to escort you good ladies and fine sers. If you’ll step onboard the carriage, I’ll have you there in no time.” 
The six other guests piled on first; Jaime bringing up the rear. The only seat was close to the front, right beside the driver. Podrick the squire had trouble getting the mini-bus’ gear shift to behave itself. Jaime grinned. “Bet you’re wishing we were on a real horse and carriage right now.” 
Podrick finally got the shift into first gear. “Actually, Ser, with all the storms we get on Tarth, it’s just easier to use the mini-bus. Lightning spooks the horses, y’see.” 
“We’ll still get to ride, though, won’t we?”
He nodded. “Oh, yes. Lord Tarth has a very detailed itinerary for your stay. Believe me, you won’t go home unsatisfied.” 
“I hope not.” 
Jaime had made such a fuss over attending Evenfall. His father had refused it: Lannisters do not take holidays, and when they do, they do not play pretend. His sister had found the notion ridiculous: why would you want to spend two weeks without technology or proper plumbing? Tyrion had been the only one who’d found the idea amusing, but had gently reminded Jaime that his obsession with history seemed to be stopping him from enjoying the present. True, he was unlucky in love: few women wanted to discuss the old stories, nor debate the better Valyrian steel sword. 
After he was dumped (yet again), and reprimanded (yet again), Jaime quit and took his inheritance to Tarth. 
As the windy roads of the Stormlands island dissolved into dirt tracks, Jaime looked out his murky window at the rain lashing down. The imposing figure of Evenfall Hall came into view, and Jaime could almost picture a tourney in the grounds; the Blue Knight holding strong in the melee. He hoped there would be a tourney during their visit. He wanted to experience it all: the rush of battle, the joy of wearing a woman’s favour, grabbing the winner’s purse, crowning someone queen of love and beauty. 
Jaime sighed, content, and was jolted forward as Podrick slammed on the brakes. “SORRY! But we’re here.”
After Podrick put on the handbrake, the seven guests trundled off the bus. Two servants in ancient Westerosi garb took their bags. Podrick put his hands behind his bag and addressed the group. “Your luggage will be taken to your rooms. For now, you will be dressed in appropriate clothing and given your backstory for the duration of your stay. Gentleman, you will also see the master-at-arms to be fitted with a sword. Ladies, if you would follow Septa Roelle? Gentleman, if you’d like to follow me.” 
Jaime was first in line, pulling ahead of the three other men. He was taken into the first room, where he was given some period-appropriate clothing. The boots were well-shined, the breeches fitted perhaps a little too snug. His tunic was red with embroidered lions upon his chest, and he was fitted with a red cloak. Jaime twirled in the mirror. Oh yes. This would do very nicely. 
Next, he was taken to see the master-at-arms. Inside the small room were suits of armour, several shields (including one he recognised as belonging to Ser Duncan the Tall), and a tall, broad man testing the weight of a blade. “Hello?”
The man turned around. Not a man. Jaime frowned. “The master-at-arms at Evenfall is a woman?”
“She is. If you have an issue with that, you can enjoy your story at Evenfall without a sword.” 
“No, no issue. The Blue Knight, after all, was a woman. First female knight in Westeros.” 
The master-at-arms blinked, before turning her attention to the four blades resting atop a velvet blanket. She reached for one with a ruby in its helm, and laid it across her arm to offer him the blade. He took it carefully. A sword felt bloody good in his hands. Like he was meant for it. Jaime thrust it forward, before slashing across the air.
The master-at-arms scoffed. “Alright, Goldenhand, it’s a blunt sword. This is a prop, you understand? It’s to go in a scabbard and remain there.”
Jaime frowned. “Will we have the opportunity to use real swords?”
“Yes, under my direction.” 
The master-at-arms grabbed a sword-belt and wound it around his hips. Her touch was surprisingly gentle. Jaime had to look up to meet her gaze. A blue, electric gaze that had Jaime swallowing. She’s just an actor. Same as Podrick the squire. She’s probably been in some local commercials. Once the belt and scabbard were affixed, she took the sword from his hands and shoved it in. He smirked. 
“There.” The master-at-arms brought over some parchment and a quill, writing the number for his sword down. “Do you have a name, Ser? For the inventory?” 
“Ser Jaime of House Lannister.”
The master-of-arms frowned. “Can’t be a real house, Goldenhand. Intellectual property.” 
“But I am. Jaime, son of Tywin.” Two eyebrows rose, not quite believing that the former heir to Lannister Holdings would be staying in a historical experience. “Fine. I will be Ser Jaime of House Coster. And you?”
“I am Ser Brienne Storm, Lord Selwyn Tarth’s master-at-arms.” There were two raps on the door Jaime had entered minutes earlier. “That is the next knight, Ser Jaime of House Coster. Enjoy your stay at Evenfall.”
“Oh. I will.”   
He looked the part. He felt the part. He already had a back-and-forth going with the master-at-arms that Jaime was determined to beat in the sparring ring. All he had to do now was find a fair maiden with which to fall in love. 
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
I first came into the fandom when Rod had Eren chained up as a happy meal for his estranged daughter. Even THEN people hated Eren and wanted Historia to eat him. There have ALWAYS been people in this fandom who have hated Eren for no real reason. And these people the other anon are talking about making wild theories are probably the same people that called for him to be nommed back then. They have nothing better to do with their lives than hate read a manga because they dislike a protagonist.
Oh I'm familiar with how disliked Eren has always been in general. He's a peculiar protagonist for a shounen/seinen manga and some people have hated him since like day one. I know this very well. It's just that I don't have the energy or motivation to give a damn about what some strangers in the internet think. But since you asked, rant warning.
This is my personal theory regarding Eren's lack of success among like half of the fandom: lots of people can't stand teenagers in fiction. If they don't act like mini adults and are totally badass and in control of themselves, they aint worth shit. Eren was a 15 years old boy who wore his emotions in his sleeve, who cried and felt worthless tons of times. He didn't master immediately everything there was to learn.I mean people hate women too just for breathing but at least with them they can say of course she's a crybaby/useless/dumb or too emotional-irrational after all women be like that 🙄. But a boy has to fit the idealised image of Masculinity and that implies be absolutely perfect: he can't cry lol those are for lil girls and babies, he has to be tough, and strong, and brilliant, and super smart, and confident and suave and macho. In their eyes just bc Eren is passion driven and learns at a normal pace and fucking cries he is a failure. Young people being vulnerable makes them uncomfortable.
When I say those type of fans hate teenagers who aren't miniature adults, it also applies to Armin and Mikasa. Armin may be smart but oh no he cries too! He's a weakling! There were better choices for you know what!. Mikasa is a woman to boot and that combined with her strength (she's dangerous) and being CLINGY has gained her tons of critics too. But in Eren's case is even worse, because he's an average boy with too many emotions bubbling under his skin. 
And that's just pre basement Eren. His current self has inspired the kind of nightmare fuel in those haters that I'm speechless most of the time. Those fans seem to have the time of their lives reading the manga and twisting the events and characters arcs just to fit their preferred narrative of the story. That's the kind of crazy theorists the other anon told me about last night. They delight in taking things and statements at face value and not giving a damn about critical thinking or you know just remember we as readers and the characters are all operating with partial information. (Eren said Mikasa is a slave and hates her! I knew it all along!! Or Omg he LAUGHED when Sasha died what a devil! Siding with Connie and ignoring the freaking tears reminiscent of when Hannes died). Selective reading as it's finest. Of course if you or I attempt to offer an alternative (sometimes downright logical) explanation well we can't be taken seriously. We are delusional Eren stans. 
After all who in their right minds would like a worthless weakling turned slavemaster or genocidal maniac or whatever else they are saying about him this week?🙄
Anon I get why you and others are frustrated. Eren has been my favorite snk character since uprising  and I'm tired of reading about how my favorite was never good enough or strong enough to warrant an ounce of attention. Im sad others don't see in Eren the marvelous things I do and made me love him the best, above all others. But that's how it is. People have the right to like and dislike whatever they please. 
The problem comes when people just won't accept that.
Those kind of people who as you said waste their time hate reading a manga series aren't worth my time. Let them be. Why should I let them interfere with my reading experience? I'm having fun with snk, and engaging with or giving the time of the day to those types of fanatics isn't my idea of a good time. Ignore them. Block them if they personally bother you. But don't let them spoil your reading experience. That part of the fandom is so no worth it.
I love Eren and there's nothing any of those people can do about it.  
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gttome · 4 years
Happy Vore Day Everyone!
I have a mini announcement, and it's that I'm gonna make (yet) another blog, one for politics, mental health, and more of my personal opinion in things. That's what this blog became, with so little vore that I felt like I couldn't post the second anymore because the serious topics deserved space. But noms deserve space too dangit.
The moral of the story is to stay tuned. I don't have a lot of followers and haven't heard from y'all in a while, but I still think you're pretty cool, and I want tongive a heads up before I make any "big" changes.
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nommy-thoughts · 5 years
Hi, OwO from earlier. I meant, like, in the top part of your blog, 'Feel free to ask questions about any and all of my characters!' And I wanted to hear about any of them.
Okay! In that case, I will take this as an opportunity to ramble about literally all of them. Jason and Dan, Tom and Reggie, Aji and Mitz, Candy, and Mike and his friends.
Jason and Dan
Jason looks human, but he very much is not. He’s some sort of… I don’t know, a criptid of my own invention, I guess. Kinda like a vampire? He can’t eat normal food, only feed off of people’s energy. It doesn’t hurt the person he’s feeding off of in any way, but it is definitely a weird experience, because the only way Jason can absorb said energy is by shrinking people and swallowing them whole.
(technically, it doesn’t have to be human energy. But that’s what works best.)
It only takes a touch for him to shrink someone, and he instinctively knows how to do it. It doesn’t automatically happen when he touches someone, but if he’s hungry and gets startled, it can happen by accident. And once he’s done it, the person becomes only 1/24th of their original height. (For example, someone who’s 5 feet tall normally would become 2.5 inches tall, and someone who’s 6 feet tall normally would become 3 inches tall.)
And of course he can restore people to their normal height again. It takes rather more energy to make someone bigger than to shrink them, though, and he has to have a person in his stomach for at least a while to not have a net loss of energy. 
Now, Jason was abandoned in the forest as a baby, and got by entirely on woodland creatures. Dan happened to wander into Jason’s territory one day, and didn’t have much time to be confused about this grubby naked child before Jason ate him.
Which was terrifying.
But Jason’s stomach is nothing like a regular stomach. The only opening is on the top, for one thing. And it’s covered with soft hairlike things, much like the villi in your intestines, which glow a greenish blue as they siphon energy, so after a few minutes, Dan was able to see his surroundings. And it wasn’t slimy or wet. He eventually fell asleep.
After Jason released Dan, he left, but he kept coming back, and even though Jason kept eating him, he stopped being frightened by the experience.
And then he kinda adopted Jason! So now Jason lives with him, and Dan lets him eat him basically every day. There’s also at least one other person who knows about what Jason is, a coworker of Dan’s who’s about halfway between them in age. He doesn’t mind getting eaten either
Tom and Reggie
These two live in a mixed-height society, where humans and minis have equal rights, and while sizeism exists, it’s considered a flavor of racism. Tom is human, and Reggie is a mini, who’s six inches tall. They’re housemates. (also. Tom is nonbinary, and uses they/them pronouns. Reggie’s a guy, he/him.)
Still trying to figure out how their current arrangement got started, considering Reggie is embarrassed to admit he likes it, but the two of them frequently engage in what they call “Games” (yes, with a capital G), which always involve Reggie being inside Tom’s mouth (not all the way, the scale difference isn’t enough for that, but it varies from a finger or two all the way to as much as they can fit at once), and often involve him getting covered with something tasty first. In addition to those, they sometimes do smaller-scale things with maybe a lick or two.
No swallowing, because it wouldn’t be safe in their world, but loads of mouthplay.
They’ve definitely taken the time to sit down together and talk about what they are and aren’t okay with, and they have a safeword in case either gets uncomfortable in the middle of things.  And they make sure to communicate with each other the whole time, when they’re in the middle of it.
Tom’s usually the one to initiate things, and they always check first to make sure that Reggie’s okay with it. Sometimes it’s just something as simple as “May I lick you?” and sometimes it’s laying out the plans for a Game. They usually don’t go into detail, because Reggie likes to be a bit surprised, but Tom might say, “You in the mood for a Game? I had an idea,” and if Reggie was, they might tell him a few of the aspects. (powerplay, foodplay, how much mouthplay it would involve, maybe the kind of food, those such things.) And then they would get into it! Or not, if Reggie didn’t want to do that particular Game after all.
I’m currently working on a story titled ‘Chocolate’, in which there is a fondue pot. And Reggie definitely gets dunked.
He’s also been covered in frosting, been tied up with spaghetti (and accidentally broke several noodles before Tom could bite them off, cooked spaghetti does not make a strong rope), sat in Tom’s ice-cream on a hot summer day, and lounged in more of Tom’s drinks, both hot and cold, than they’ve bothered to count.
Reggie’s sister is aware of their arrangement, which embarrasses Reggie so much, but she doesn’t care what they get up to so long as it’s consensual.
Oh! And I have some art of them! I apparently only have one posted to this blog so far… I’ll have to get on that, cause there are two more. [link]
Aji and Mitz
I created Aji for a fanfic of @vore-scientist‘s Mystic Woods stories! (In Which a Giant Wizard Noms a Firewitch) They’re basically a self-insert. Short redheaded li’l nonbinary firewitch. (the firewitch part is not so much a self-insert. That was something Tuitey suggested, to make Aji fit in to that world.)
Mitz is Aji’s giant friend. The two of them have done many noms before, and Aji’s even been swallowed! Only briefly, though, because they don’t want to risk staying in a real stomach for very long. Since Aji is a firewitch, they’re pretty spicy. 
I honestly haven’t developed a lot about these two yet…
Aji has a familiar. Her name is Soot, she’s a cat, and she was the one who decided she was gonna be Aji’s familiar, back when she was a kitten. Aji wasn’t even looking for a familiar at the time, but Soot took one look at young Aji and decided, That human is mine. I’m keeping them. So she went right ahead and formed the familiar-witch bond, and next thing Aji knew, this little black ball of fluff was talking to them, and yes it was meows, but it also sounded like words.
Soot’s mom was not so pleased that her kitten had gone and gotten bonded to a witch. Especially a firewitch. Soot’s dad was proud of her, though. (I think he was one of those rough-and-tumble stray cat types, while Soot’s mom was a pampered housecat. Very different backgrounds.) Soot’s mom eventually accepted Aji as her kitten’s witch, though.
Also, Soot is trans. And she thinks that spit is gross and Aji is weird for being okay with being in a mouth.
Alright, so ‘Candy’ was originally not going to be her name, but I’m seriously tempted to name her Candace and have her curse to have been inspired by her name.
Cause Candy was cursed! There was this wizard who was trying to woo a woman who was gay and far more interested in Candy, got pissy that she didn’t like him back, decided that Candy had stolen the affection that was “rightly his,” and cursed her. 
So now Candy is only about an inch tall, immortal, and made of candy. The type of candy she’s made of changes sometimes. (still working on the mechanic of how/why.) She prefers some to others, and hates being gum.
She’s changed hands several times over the years, and is currently in the possession of a college student. She spends a lot of time being oral stimulation for late night studies, but at least the student treats her fairly well. They usually ask permission first, and by this point, Candy’s gotten pretty used to being in a mouth, so she lets them do it as long as they don’t bite down. (It doesn’t hurt, but it’s not a pleasant sensation.)
She’s been swallowed more than once, and she doesn’t like that. It’s groossss.
This one isn’t technically actual vore, but it’s vorish, so I’m including it.
Mike lives in a mixed height world. Maybe it’s the same as Tom and Reggie’s, as the main scale is 1:12, the same as theirs, but maybe it’s not, because there are also smaller tinies, who mostly live off on their own away from the other two sizes.
Mike is one of the smaller tinies. He’s about two inches tall. And he has a mech! It’s a very good mech, and looks like a human. The entire inside of the head is on stabilizers so that no matter which way the mech is oriented, that room is always right-side up. And in the middle of the skull-room, there’s another room, where Mike goes to control the mech. He has to put on a special motion-sensing suit, and the room is filled with a special material that mimics the outside environment. It’s all very complicated and sciencey, and I don’t know where he got it.
Some of Mike’s friends are humans, and some of them are tinies. Regular tinies, not extra-small ones like Mike.
(A scene:
Tiny Friend: Why do you spend all your time inside that mech?
Mike: I’m not about to be out in the open with a bunch of giants!
Tiny Friend: Why not? I do it every day.
Mike: … I don’t think you understand. You’re one of the giants.
Now the vorish part! 
In order to make the mech look realistic, there aren’t seams for it to open. Instead, you gotta climb in through the mouth. Mike’s small enough that he can have the mech lying down and just walk through the throat like a hallway, but a regular tiny has to crawl. Or, if the throat is vertical, there’s a ladder built into the side. (though to get past the part at the back of the mouth is very awkward for a regular tiny, because there’s a wall (again, for realistic looking reasons) in front of the ladder there, and Mike can easily climb through that space, but it’s too small for a regular tiny to fit into)
Sometimes, Mike’s friends get overwhelmed from too much stimulus, and they need somewhere quiet to relax again. If the overwhelmed friend is a tiny, and there isn’t somewhere else available (or sometimes if there is), Mike will let them chill inside his mech with him, either in the torso area (which is a storeroom) or in his room in the head. (They’re allowed to sit on his bed, but because they’re three times his size, they can’t fit to lie down.) Which, of course, looks like he’s swallowing them.
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verdigrisprowl · 5 years
June 3 Dancitron Movie Night - Over The Hedge
Did any of the Cybertronians actually watch the movie?? I don’t actually remember any of them talking about it. I watched the movie. It was pretty good.
After the movie Soundwave confessed to Prowl his terrible crime: he accidentally had a Cassetticon on his shelf for seven years because he thought it was a normal cassette. Soundwave is a criminal. A villain. An unforgivable monster. Prowl told him it's not that big a deal actually. But uh, seeing as they’re in a relationship, it would be inappropriate for Prowl to be the one to declare he didn’t do anything illegal, so probably Soundwave should go tell the story to a police department that isn’t headed by his amica and get them to clear him.
Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:42 PM Soundwave's had a hell of a weekend.
Why? Well, when you spend all of it in a hospital, desperately trying to avoid any and all questions about the mech you've brought in - someone who's so deep in unassisted stasis lock it's a wonder they even have a functioning spark left, for the record - you're just not going to have a good time. It's impossible.
It gets worse when you're a carrier and the being you apparently left hanging for the better part of seven years is a cassette-shaped minicon. So much worse.
And then there's that whole thing with Primus from last week to worry about.
He's really looking for a good laugh tonight. Hopefully the human film will bring him one. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:44 PM Prowl, comparatively, has only had to worry about—well—Soundwave. That said, he's arriving a bit earlier than usual tonight. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:46 PM Panic kicks in before good sense does, and for a moment, Soundwave thinks this is finally it. He's going to be arrested. Why else would Prowl be there?
...The movie. Right.
He's just going to head on over with his arms open. Embrace? Please? Small one before everyone gets here and he has to non-literally hold his tongue? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:48 PM Prowl meets him in the middle to embrace him tightly. "How are you?" Last week's conversation has been weighing on him ever since. He can only imagine it's been weighing on Soundwave, too. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 7:49 PM Can Tarantulas be a fly spider on the wall? He's going to try to be, and hope they don't notice him yet. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:52 PM Soundwave shakes his head. It hasn't been a great time. [[He has - he needs to tell you something, when tonight is over. To ask for--]] Frown. How to phrase this. [[For advice. He does not trust anyone else to tell him the truth.]]
Tarantulas is indeed on the wall. SpecsToday at 7:54 PM Enter dragon! She's taken Soundwave's advice and just bridged the snacks to the counter this time. That really was a lot easier. She's done something new, tonight! She carefully created some artificial quartz so that it has high-grade inclusions, and coated it with a thin layer of titanium. Hopefully it will pass muster from the ones who matter most- the minicons.
"Hello, Soundwave!" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:54 PM Prowl draws back slightly, to give Soundwave a worried look. His concern—no, fear—is that this is going to be how-do-we-deal-with-a-stalker-god advice. But he nods. "Of course." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 7:55 PM With all the wild, untamed infant activity lately, Swoop has found life returning to normal. His unsupervised wandering continues unimpeded. Freedom is meant to be enjoyed and, now that he's normal sized again, Swoop feels absolutely no hesitation at terrorizing the Cybertronian wasteland before heading to Dancitron. Watch out, movie night, there's a pterokid tumbling ass over teakettle through the front door, laughing all the way. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:57 PM Ravage is already poking his nose up over the bar to sniff at the fake quartz. He might fish around for a few pieces with a paw. Like one does.
Soundwave pings Prowl some gratitude and quickly squeezes what he's still holding before moving to greet the others. It seems Swoop is in fine form. With any luck, it won't be TOO much like usual. He's not in the mood to get into another fight.
[[Dragon. Impressive work; the offerings barely budged.]] Had Rumble done it, the snacks would've gone everywhere. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 7:57 PM Smokescreen's oblivious to any tension previously in the room, and comes in with a surprisingly fancy cape on his back, hiding his back and his doorwings, too, somehow. If there's one thing he got from Alpha Trion, it's his bad taste. "Hey Soundwave!" Smokescreen's again, brought some semi-sweet, surprisingly fruity cookies to share tonight! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 7:57 PM ((STARTING IN 7, GET WHAT YOU NEED)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 7:57 PM sitting far away from Autobots, looking nervous Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 7:57 PM Prowl takes his usual seat. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 7:58 PM ((The full url for him wouldn't fit)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 7:58 PM Swoop lets out a happy squeal almost like he's deflating. For the briefest of moments, he's sprawled out relaxed on the floor. Then a grin splits his face and he's curling his legs up to spring onto his feet. Ta-da! Starscream (TBDL)Today at 7:59 PM ((mine doesn't)) SpecsToday at 7:59 PM The dragon churrs delightedly. "Thank you! But really, it's not my own skill. Your alternate brought the bridging technology over. I'm just standing on the shoulders of Cybertronians, as it were." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:00 PM Would honestly take offense to the whole 'stalker' part, Prowl. Gods have that whole omni-stuff going on. 90% of the time it isn't intentional. And with that he can just feel something is off about certain mechs. It made him feel suddenly, very, extremely, uncomfortable the moment he crossed through the door.
Glances at Soundwave[slendy] questioningly. Dare he ask? [I should grab mini stuffed peppers for nom before movie] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:01 PM Nervous glance at Primus "Are you an Autobot?" Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:01 PM Yeah, don't stop at the door. He's going to prod the god in the back to get him moving to his own seat. Stop scaring mechs with your poor words and worse people skills. SpecsToday at 8:02 PM ((oh man last week's movie night was a kaiju movie? and I missed it? D: )) ((I did see king of the monsters though and MOTHRA SAID TRANS RIGHTS)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:02 PM ((it was very kaiju. there were like, four whole kaiju)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:02 PM Tarantulas takes his cue to drop down in the back of the room and actually transform into a full-size mech. Gotta check out the joint first, feel the mood, y'know? Now that he's done with recon though, he's making a beeline for Prowl and Soundwave's couch, visor in a smile for once as he flops over Prowl's shoulder and resists the urge to nuzzle him. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:02 PM ((how many half kaiju though lol)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:02 PM ((four whole kaiju is eight half kaiju)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 8:02 PM //im sad i missed it but i was too Tired Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:03 PM ((and I was at a job interview :/ Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:03 PM Prowl starts at the sudden touch. Oh! Yes. Good. Hello. Prowl's going to reach for whatever's the nearest part of Tarantulas he can get a hand and/or arm around. ((did u get job)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:04 PM ((They haven't gotten back to anyone yet, so maybe Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:04 PM ((sorry was grabbing a food lemme catch up)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:04 PM ((good luck)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:04 PM Swoop scampers behind Soundwave's couch, his weight resting entirely on his toes as he shifts his weight here and there. "Soundwave, Soundwave. Him Bob want to movie. Him do a movie? Him Bob can come, Soundwave?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:04 PM ((thanks Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:05 PM "Hello, dearest Prowl. Before I forget - I have a present for you later, hyeheh. No particular occasion, I promise." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:05 PM Never takes a seat, you know this. Moves though to let his 'babysitter' walk in too. Just going to be out of the way. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:05 PM As soon as Smokescreen spots Tarantulas, he's sending a few excited pings over. He's maybe a bit jealous, but also, he's not moving from his spot, with his back pressed riiiight up against the couch away from Soundwave and Prowl. SpecsToday at 8:05 PM ((I know you all know about the ones in the trailer BUT Scylla is probably kumonga and Methuselah could be angirius, while Behemoth is one they made up themselves)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:06 PM ((those of you who saw KOTM: good :D i hope you liked it. those of you who haven't, WHY NOT))
Soundwave glances at Primus but doesn't focus on him for too long; there is a new alternate and other matters to take care of. A nod to Tarantulas, a [[Yes]] to the excitable Dinobot, and a short wave to Smokescreen. ((WE'RE GOIN)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:06 PM Swoop bobbles his head excitedly, just assuming Soundwave has taken care of sending Bob the necessary bridge. He's perked up and looking around already. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:06 PM Much frown. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:06 PM "Oh? Is it in the mail box?" Slllowly tugs Tarantulas closer. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:06 PM Smokescreen returns a wave to Soundwave, standing up to try to get his cape to flow just a bit. "Hey, hey, Soundwave, you want some new cookies?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:07 PM Pings back in Smokescreen's direction! And pings to Soundwave as well, as recognition for the nod. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:07 PM Yes, 'babysitter' because apparently Primus still mangles his words. SpecsToday at 8:07 PM ((also the movie goes full balls-to-the-walls in a delightful way and I loved it and y'all should go see it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:07 PM "Smokescreen, are these mechs safe to be around?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:07 PM [[Perhaps later. Place them on the DJ booth. He will eat them after a while.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:08 PM "Of course, Starry! You've been here before, it's safe. The only bots you have to watch out for are Decepticons who are way too into horror movies and stuff." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:08 PM And arrive Bob does. One teeeeeeny tiny impossibly small iteration of him anyways. And he makes a beeline for Swoop. The best jungle gym. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:08 PM "But they're" stage whisper "Autobots" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:08 PM Swoop scrambles over to where the tiniest Bob in the multiverse is, all grins and no surprise. He's already reaching out by the time Bobby makes his move. Ignore the talons. It's fine. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:08 PM "Starry... You know I'm an Autobot, right?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:08 PM "No, it was rather too large to fit in the mailbox." Some snickering as Tarantulas climbs over the back of the couch and arranges himself next to and/or around Prowl. "You'll see, you'll see. I just thought I'd give you fair warning." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:09 PM ((How big is Bobby?)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:09 PM Talons are just good for grabbing, and hoisting one's self up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:09 PM "I know, but you are too goofy and friendly to kill me." jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:09 PM ((was finishing an overwatch match sorry)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:09 PM "And they are, too!" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:09 PM (Conveniently small XD) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:09 PM Soundwave spots the tiny, tiny Insecticon, and for a moment, he wants to ask them if he can pick them up and hold them.
Then he remembers his seatmates and... figures that's a bad idea. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:09 PM Jazz is a little late today Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:09 PM "That's what I am asking." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:10 PM Swoop squeaks happily and straightens up while Bobby makes himself at home. His wings fan out and he just looks amused. "Hi!" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:10 PM OH MAN. Tarantulas just noticed Bobby too, but at least he had fair warning. He's already given Bobby "ups" a few times. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:10 PM "Hi!" He chitters. Call and response. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:11 PM Soundwave nods to Jazz - and looks around to find out where Primus is. Not going to drape wings on the couch again, he hopes.
...So this is why humans talk about bears as grumpy. SpecsToday at 8:11 PM "Hi!" Oh Goddess it's so cute. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:11 PM "Starry, you'll be fine. You're safe. You know, Primus is like, a DILF, right?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:12 PM Might just, sorta, be a wallflower tonight. Dancitron is very busy tonight, Soundwave has Prowl and Tarantulas there, so he's feeling he'd be an unwelcome surprise...
And then he hears Smokescreen. What. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:12 PM "Very well." ... Tugs Tarantulas over and leans onto Soundwave. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:12 PM Bobby is utilizing all four hands to wave. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:12 PM Hides behind the seat, "Primus is here" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:12 PM At least until that gets boring. And so patting at Swoop it is. Let's see if he can reach that crest. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:13 PM "It's okay, it's okay, Primus is good! He's a Dad I Love Fondly, and I'm sure you'll warm up to him, too. He gives awesome snacks." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM He leans in a little harder than usual. Two companions. Safety enough for now. He'll try to stay focused on the story. Try. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:13 PM And he's staying close to Primus, in an attempt to keep him out of trouble. Then again, Smokescreen just made him snort in a poor attempt to not laugh outright Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:13 PM Swoop tilts his head to make Bobby's job easier. However, he also starts walking over to Soundwave, which probably doesn't help Bob any. Oh well! "Soundwave! Kehehe!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM With any luck, Smokescreen will keep Primus distracted. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:13 PM Smokescreen is going to give him a spark attack. Plzno. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:13 PM [[...What.]] Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:13 PM *grabby hands Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:14 PM Oh, Smokescreen did mean DILF in the truest sense of the word. But he's not sure he's ready to tell Starscream what that means. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:14 PM "Look, keehee! Him Bob do a small. Me Swoop small and then Him Bob small." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:14 PM Aaaaand  finally he gets the crest. Tiny but mighty, it's a good point to try to hoist himself up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:14 PM "But he's... he's... he's going to send me to the pit!" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:14 PM Enjoy the squirmy buggy. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:15 PM "He won't, he won't- that's like, the opposite of what he does, Starry. I think you're all turned around!" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:15 PM "Megatron says that he sends mechs who have been bad to the pit!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:15 PM "But you've been good, haven't you?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:16 PM [[Yes. He is very--]] What's a good descriptor. [][][]So.. very small. Very small, - Bob. - You're a tiny thing.[][][] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:16 PM "No, I keep getting brainwashed and doing bad things and I can't help it!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:16 PM "Starry, you try to be good, right?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:16 PM "Yeah" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:17 PM Point, Smokey. Primus is just going to lean against the wall with his arms loosely crossed. One of his wings spreads out to pull Soundwave[CC] , his current caretaker because he may need that in more than one manner, closer to him. Hi. Did he screw something up last Monday? Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:18 PM Swoop snickers at Soundwave. With one hand, he plucks Swoop off his crest and holds him out to Soundwave. "Yah! Kehehhe. Soooo so small tiny. Keheh. You Bob funny." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:18 PM "Then you'll be fine. Just- follow your spark?" Smokescreen wraps himself up in his cape, lying down against the couch arm. He could fall asleep here! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:18 PM Soundwave shakes his head and gently pushes Bob back toward Swoop. Not with Prowl on the couch. As much as he really wants to lose himself to the joy of holding a very small Cybertronian. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:18 PM Annnd he's been pulled closer. Hi. Yes. You really did. Even Blaster felt the tension and he's a constant oblivious mess. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:18 PM ... Tiny bug. Very tiny bug. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:18 PM Bob more or less dangles, hands instinctively curling into whatever surface is available for purchase. Swoop's arm, the people around him. It's instinctive. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:18 PM "So if he does do something... you'll try to stop him?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:19 PM He is. Just going. To. Hold Tarantulas a little tighter. And lean harder on Soundwave. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:19 PM Bobby chirps. Wingies, fluttering. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:19 PM "Of course, of course, Starry. Don't worry. I'll sit on Primus or something." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:19 PM "Thanks Smokey." Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:19 PM Tarantulas squishes Prowl back, although he's not exactly sure why. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:19 PM Soundwave lets a feeler slide across Prowl's lap in a sort of tiny barrier. No bugs here. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:19 PM "I think this is what they call habitat destruction." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:20 PM But is he not PRECIOUS. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:20 PM Swoop cocks his head at Soundwave but doesn't fight to keep his arm straight. He holds Bob to his chest in one hand like a toy. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:20 PM Ouch. And he doesn't know what because that'd mean asking or prying. One of those is far worse then the other. Which he honestly doesn't know. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:20 PM Oop. More surface area. All hands on deck for Swoop snuggles. He does wave at Soundwave and Prowl. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:21 PM This poor armored beast. What a terrible day it is having. He sympathi-- oh, a wave. He can return a wave. He will absolutely return a wave. And now he's thinking about the cassette again. The wave sort of dies and falls back to his lap. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:22 PM ((i find the suggestion that humans are coordinated enough to construct and sell an entire neighborhood in about four months to be far less believable than the talking animals)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:22 PM Swoop looks down at Bob with big owlish optics before grinning. He's got an idea. The armor on the top of his chest has a lip where the top of his head connects when he transforms to connect his beak. It doesn't do much other than occasionally protect a shot at his neck in this mode though.
PLUNK! Now it is a Bobby seat. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:22 PM ((IKR?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:23 PM ((to be fair, such suburbs are so cookie cutter and cheap i'd believe they do it assembly line style)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:23 PM Ask. Later. MUCH later. When his alternate has settled enough to not try and hide. Now would be a bad idea. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:23 PM He startles at first as gravity seems to take hold, but then his sitting, and cozy. So instead delighted chitters leave him as he settles in his new spot Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:23 PM ((wouldn't doubt it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:23 PM ((still, it would take massive amounts of resources and demand to undertake it)) SpecsToday at 8:23 PM Dragonloaf. Comfy and cozy. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:24 PM Soundwave gets a gentle pat on his tense shoulders, almost like a little shoulder rub. Here, now you have a paw. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:24 PM ((I think the real question is why do these people want that land so badly that dozens buy it in the span of a few months)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:24 PM ((It may not be filled yet)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:24 PM Swoop is the smartest. Look at him. He did a thing. Haha.
But this isn't particularly entertaining. Hmm.... Aha! Swoop wanders around the couch to come up to Tarantulas instead.
"Spiderbot!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:24 PM The other feeler curls around the paw on his shoulders. Soothing. Thank you. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:25 PM Smokescreen goes ahead and pings Soundwave a couple times, "By the way, Soundwave, you want to try my cookies this week? You can reach over with your long, looong feelers." Because he certainly doesn't want to get up. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:25 PM ((in all fairness, i smell a bag of cheetos from 10 feet away and go starved bear too)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:25 PM Wings slowly sink. Primus didn't need to read minds to feel the shift in everyone's field; except Prowl and the dragon for different reasons. Yeah... A very bad idea to ask. Looks at Soundwave[CC] with a deeper frown. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:25 PM [[He will eat them in a while, Smokescreen.]] His tanks are in a bit of a twist at the moment. [[Thank you.]] Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:26 PM Swoop gets a pat on the head with a free paw. "Yes, Swoop? Are you Bobby's nanny, now?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:26 PM Prowl is SO surrounded right now. It's strangely delightful. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:26 PM "You got it, Soundwave! I'll put it up on the table. Eventually." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:26 PM "Primus... can I ask a question?" Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:26 PM "...you need to work on word choice." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:27 PM Soundwave shakes his head. [[Mechs like that human are why he opted to live out here.]] Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:27 PM Free pats? Free pats! He's going to sit down in front of Tarantulas now. He throws his arm over the arm of the couch and leans his cheek against his hand. "Nanny is a TV thing." Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:28 PM Hmmm. Can Bobby reach the fluff from here. He stretches to try. SpecsToday at 8:28 PM Prowl is so, so valid. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:29 PM Oop. But apparently he can't even touch his hands over his helm. Welp. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:29 PM Soundwave motions to the dragon. Come join the heap? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:29 PM "Are you speaking of a particular TV show? ...Do you WATCH television?"
....Hey there, someone's reaching for the fuzz? Let Tarantulas lend Bobby a hand there. Or a paw, actually - they're particularly soft! jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 8:29 PM "Why mop a patio?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:29 PM He isn't sure whether or not this small organic will find the human terrifying. The ones on screen do. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:29 PM "... Do humans really put that much in their garbage?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:30 PM Nervous peaking over chair back Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:30 PM He snatches up the offered paw immediately, before shoving his whole face against the fluff with a chirp.  New sensations are to be had. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:30 PM Very slightly edges away from the tiny bug. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:31 PM That TICKLES. Tarantulas shakes a little with suppressed giggles. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:31 PM Feels that. Gonna hold tighter. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:31 PM "Is it safe to come out?" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:32 PM Swoop assumes Tarantulas is reaching out to pat him again. When that doesn't happen, a brief look of startled disappointment makes its way across his face as he glances down at Bobby. But that reaction blows away in the wind tunnel that is Swoop's birdy brain almost instantly.
It takes a bit for Swoop's processor to remind him Tarantulas did the whole talking thing and then regurgitate enough memories to make an uneducated guess at the topic. "Us Dinobots watch lots, lots of TV and movie and stuff." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:32 PM ... Is it bad that he has the urge to eat sticks watching this Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:32 PM Sends Soundwave a negative ping. Holding was reassuring when bugwas far. Now bug is close and holding is trapping. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:32 PM "What did I say..?" More frowning. Glances to Starscream. "Yes?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:32 PM "Fuck?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:32 PM Hurriedly loosens it. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:32 PM Bob all the while remains fascinated with the paw, the digits, the fluff. It tickles his face too. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:33 PM "Do you promise you won't send me to the pit if I come out?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:33 PM When he settles back against Swoop for proper snuggles, he doesn't let go. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:34 PM Cracks a small, bemused, smile. "Yes." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:34 PM [[Small for police.]] [[Unusual fundraiser as well.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:34 PM "Wait, humans have cookie cops?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:34 PM perks. "Cookie?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:35 PM "You haven't met Minus yet." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:35 PM Swoop looks down at Bob with confusion. "Cookie?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:35 PM [Tiny stuffed sweet peppers. Omnomnom] Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:35 PM Slowly comes out.  Still ready to jump behind someone or something if Primus or any Autbots makes a move in his direction Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:35 PM "Cookie! I've got some cookies. You want some?" Smokescreen's waving a cookie in Bob's direction. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:35 PM Well Bob takes that as confirmation. "Cookie!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:35 PM [[He meant human police, but-- wait. Minus?]] Minus. Minus. This is familiar. Why? Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:35 PM He nods enthusiastically. Yes please. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:35 PM This squirrel........ is Smokescreen. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:36 PM RUDE. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:36 PM Swoop looks over at Smokescreen. After a second, he holds up his hand. Make it a good throw, buddy. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:36 PM "One of our newest. She's a dataslug." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:36 PM "Here you go!" Smokescreen tosses the cookie in Bob and Swoop's direction. He's wondering who will get it first! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:36 PM Swoop, of course, has a FAR longer reach and aerial battle experience. That cookie is his..... to give to Bobby. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:36 PM Well. Given that he has clumsy baby digits, and wonky tiny proportions probably not Bobby. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:37 PM "Aren't their shells like... their backbone?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:37 PM (( .... turtles don't have butts, do they. i cannot imagine a turtle butt Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:37 PM Perk. [[Dataslug?]] Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:37 PM Delighted he squeaks, jaw unlatching to catch the offered treat in rows of tiny needle teeth. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:37 PM "I wasn't there. But it has soured things. Explanations will be needed. Later." after things settle again. For now...no. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:37 PM "Yyyyes, they are, Smokescreen." Tarantulas has a long-suffering look on his face. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:37 PM ((i don't think they have a human booty no)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:38 PM The cookie is happilly demolished Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM ((They do, but pretty sure they don't look like that)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:38 PM ..... sweet. Swoop is all grins when the cookie gets viciously murdered. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM ((I think it's just like... a hole)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:38 PM Swoop's gonna get crumbs in his collar! Heh Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:38 PM Back to sad Creator mode. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:38 PM "I thought so. So- this isn't like, actually a turtle, right?" Smokescreen is tossing another cookie to Swoop. Sharing is caring! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:38 PM ((I'm pretty sure turtles can breath through their anus.)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:38 PM I think they are drawings Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:39 PM If Tarantulas thinks Swoop doesn't already have a plethora of crap in his armor, he's going to be sadly mistaken. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:39 PM Big mood, Swoop. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:40 PM G r o s s. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:40 PM ...Wait. He turns to face Prowl. [[Dataslug Minus. Wasn't that--?]] He flashes a shot of Prowl with the little blob. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:40 PM Maybe Tarantulas should acquaint you both with his decontamination rooms. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:41 PM Kinda...pats? Yeah, he's gonna try to make this a bit better? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:41 PM The slightest smile. It's a very proud slight smile. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:41 PM To be fair, Smokescreen has bigger problems right now than under armor crumbs! He's got a cape just to cover a very particular injury. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:41 PM Swoop is a free range kiddo and will not be tamed into a regular bathing schedule. Instead, he's just going to keep catching cookies to drop into the food processor that is Bob. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:42 PM To which Bob is happily waiting, jaws open to snatch up falling snacks. No quarter is spared. Even a fraction of his usual size he is a blackhole of treat consumption. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:43 PM [[She chose the work herself? It suits her?]] Look at that smile. It must be so. Prowl wouldn't be happy if she got assigned and didn't like it. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:43 PM "Soundwave... those tentacles... are they for data transfer?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:44 PM [[They are for many things.]] Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:44 PM Swoop cackles at the carnage his wee buggy friend can unleash. It doesnt' take him long to start looking around for something else to feed to Bob. Hmmm.... Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:44 PM "She barged into my office and demanded the job. She's still training, but shows great promise." Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:45 PM "They're not just for attractin' mates, huh?" Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:45 PM Pats appreciated, but is still not a happy Creator. Not when he feels things are wrong and a few are his fault. Might have been able to go without knowing. Such is his life. And many of the mechs he would chat with appear to be rather busy with each other and/or the movie. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:46 PM "Can you use them for memory transferal?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:46 PM There has been a lull in the snack. Bob decides it's time to wriggle and squirm a little. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:47 PM Life sometimes bites. Even gods, apparently. Just keep working at it. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:47 PM HMM. Normally, he'd just tear off some of the couch to feed Bob. But. Soundwave.... Hmm.... He'll just.... pick Bobby up and plop him down on Tarantulas for a second. Now he can run off and get food from the bar no problem. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:47 PM Quiet huffing. She really did take after Prowl, then. Interesting, how these things work.
[[You were a good choice of guardian in the beginning. He thought so then; he thinks so now.]]
Soundwave's not going to acknowledge Smokescreen's comment. He's just going to nod at Starscream - and glance toward Primus again. He senses he's being thought about. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:48 PM Bobby is blinking up at his new current seat Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:48 PM Tarantulas holds Bobby to the side, away from Prowl - is he what's causing the problem? - and gently pets the precious thing while Swoop's off and busy. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:48 PM "She doesn't remember it. It's a fortunate coincidence." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:48 PM This is the funniest thing Ravage has ever seen. Look at this ridiculous damn dog. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:48 PM "Could you store what memories I have externally so I stop forgetting them when I have my mind wiped?" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:48 PM He's now more out of site, but also tucked in close against warm surfaces. Alright. This is acceptable. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:49 PM Here, how about a fuzzy shoulder perch? Perfect for tiny Bobbies. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:50 PM Oh. Even better. He burbles, and flops against the fuzz, nuzzling into it. Wings flick happily. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:50 PM (( my mind went "dan tara, your bobbie s" Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:50 PM (pfffftt XD) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:50 PM "Oh, it's one of those badly made exploding cars!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:51 PM [[Is that so?]] Even more intriguing. [[He should try to speak with her some time. He is curious about why she did choose the work.]]
[[...Yes. He could do that with the memories. Easily.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:51 PM ((we were gonna like, talk about doing a plot on those lines, weren't we?)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:51 PM Wings shift closer to his frame. They lock around so he looks more like a feathery cape. Somewhat tricky to do when he's not always around to converse or be social on one-on-one to get better about the whole socializing thing.
Soundwave[Slendy] would be correct about his senses. Primus is bad at hiding anything.
WasSmokescreenhurt? Things take time to catch up. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:51 PM ((Yeah, if you still want to we can)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:52 PM ((still want to)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:52 PM ((owo)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:52 PM ((i mean we kinda just launched straight into it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:53 PM ((true :smiley: )) "Can you do mnemosurgery?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:53 PM "Frag, for a nanoklik I thought Vernard was singing that." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:54 PM ...He really doesn't want to answer that in public. Even if Prowl already knows about it because of the romantic partner he tortured. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 8:55 PM ((maybe next time lllllet's discuss that ooc BEFORE launching straight into it)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 8:55 PM "I guess that was too much to ask" ((I sort of forgot :/ otherwise I would have)) ((I am dumb)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:56 PM Swoop toddles back to Tarantulas and Bobby carrying a plate that is loaded up for a normal sized Bob. His expression says let's rock n roll! Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:56 PM Bobby meanwhile has stilled against Tarantulas shoulder, lulled by the warm and the coarse fuzz. And perks back up immediately Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:56 PM ((not dumb, none of that)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 8:56 PM He can't do much about that. But he's not moving away, but leaning a bit into the god. It's okay to be bad at something when you don't do it often. But, for now, he's here to try and help. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 8:56 PM It's fine - Tarantulas can just plop Bobby right back in Swoop's collar now he's got the goods! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:57 PM Tarantulas and Swoop are acting cross purposes. Tarantulas is trying to put Bobby on his collar. Swoop is trying to put the dish in his lap. We've come to an impass. Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:58 PM Excellent. Now he can get to work in destroying that plate. Meet in the middle He grabs for it and flings everything everywhere Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 8:58 PM :V Bobby (Wily)Today at 8:58 PM ...well he meant for those to go in his mouth. Oop Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 8:58 PM To screw up badly enough to make Blaster notice? Yeah... Primus isn't supposed to be that screwed up. Even with everything being... myrff. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 8:59 PM "Did he just assign her a fursona?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 8:59 PM [[...It's not too much. It just isn't something he cares to discuss in the open.]] Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:00 PM "... She was cuter before." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:00 PM [[A different environment, for security's sake.]] His and Starscream's. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:00 PM [[Oh?  Yeah we can talk later]] Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:01 PM [[Excellent.]] Soundwave nods. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:01 PM Bobby is gonna try to scramble out of everyone's hold to go for the snacks. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:02 PM ....okay, fair point. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:02 PM Swoop has nothing against letting Bobby roam free. Even if he did, he's too busy cracking up at the mess. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:02 PM Tarantulas snickers and sighs at the mess Bobby and Swoop have made, but eh - so long as it doesn't get in his setae, he's not gonna worry about it. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:02 PM Jazz kind of wants to adopt Hammy now Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:04 PM Ruffles and tucks his helm down into his chest. Where's Smokescreen? He needs someone to hug. Soundwave[CC] probably doesn't want to be so. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:04 PM Swoop plops himself down on the arm of the couch and pulls his feet up, giving Bobby free reign to go all out on the mess. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:04 PM Smokescreen is on the couch, with his back pressed right against the couch, but he won't say no to a hug! Even if it hurts a bit due to his back injury. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:05 PM That's good. Because picking them up is too much work. He's just gonna crawl, and pick up the snacks with his teeth. Cut out the middle man that would be picking them up Dirt never hurt anyone. It's seasoning Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:05 PM Tarantulas is amusingly inclined to agree... Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:06 PM ....he's not great with physical contact that doesn't involve violence. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:09 PM No hugging the Soundwave[CC] at all. He can follow him to the couch where Smokescreen was. Going to hug him from behind, yes? Assuming he doesn't knock anyone out of the way. Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:09 PM As fun as it is playing the role of vacuum cleaner it's tiring work. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:09 PM ... Oh. Oh. That's what  she meant by cork. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:09 PM Swoop doesn't know what a roomba is, but he manages to be entertained nonetheless. He's got nothing but grins for Bobby..... but Tarantulas in his peripheral vision  sparks a thought that has Swoop slipping off the arm of the couch onto the cushions. He wedges himself against Tarantulas, staring up at him. "Spiderbot!" jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:09 PM She got her man/cat Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:10 PM ((Jesus Christ. What does she want him to do? Break all their tiny fingers and toes first?)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:10 PM He eventually slows, swaying in place , before gently he lays his face against the ground. And falls asleep. With a cookie in his mouth. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:10 PM Tarantulas seems distracted, but he kinda-sorta makes space for the pteronerd. "Yyyeeessss?" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:11 PM This couch is getting crowded. Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:11 PM Smokescreen may wince as he is hugged from behind, but manages a smile, leaning against Primus. His back does seem unusually flat, but that probably makes it a bit easier to hug, "Primus! Uh- hey, sir! I made some cookies with your fruits!" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:11 PM It's a good thing Soundwave is so thin, he supposes. Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:11 PM I'll stay off the couch Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:11 PM Swoop hasn't needed space a day in his live. He'll plaster himself against Tarantulas no matter the bizarre angle it takes. "You like Us more little?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:11 PM Shsh, Swoop's a scrawny beanpole too - see? Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:11 PM Yeah, he's tailed after Primus. And he caught that wince, Smokescreen. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:12 PM Sure, but his attitude takes up enough space for five couches. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:12 PM Tarantulas does a double-take at that one. "What kind of a question is that? You're - you're just different that way. This way. Whatever way." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:12 PM Smokescreen, his worry is now transferred onto you. "What happened?" Let him worry. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:13 PM (( auto-homicide 3 omg. well... jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:13 PM ((Oh god)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:14 PM ((me trying to drive and not break my massive cosplay sword)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:14 PM Wait, wait, frag. He wasn't expecting this! "Oh, you know, weird magic happens, sometimes, you meet a bot and they turn out to be pretty weird- it's all good! It'll be fine. How're you, Primus?" Smokescreen's turning around, trying to return the hug to Primus. SpecsToday at 9:15 PM ((gotta go to bed early. night guys!)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:15 PM ((Aww, nini!)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:15 PM ((night)) Bobby (Wily)Today at 9:15 PM (samesies. Night!)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:15 PM Swoop rests his chin against Tarantulas' shoulder and keeps staring him down. "Yah. But. You Spiderbot like small stuff." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:16 PM ((night! rest well)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:16 PM Prowl's been barely paying attention to the movie. But he huffs at the truck flying into the house. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:16 PM ((Bobby passed out face down in the middle of Dancitron's floor is so precious)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:16 PM "Smokescreen..." Nope. Worry mode activated. Primus nuzzled him. "You know you can't lie to me." jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:16 PM "After you cut it down?" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:17 PM Oh, frag. Smokescreen's nuzzling back, petting Primus' helm, "They, uh, got removed forcibly. That's the truth, really!" It's technically not a lie, just an ommission of detail! "Oh, soda's red energon?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:18 PM "I do like small things, but - your behavior is different then as well, you know." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:18 PM "Smokescreen!" Cue more than unhappy, and a bit higher than neccessary, tone. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:18 PM "No?" Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:19 PM "Well, for one, you talk much less." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:20 PM Swoop grins and blows raspberries at Tarantulas. Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:20 PM (( she looks like an old tattered barbie Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:20 PM ((i was just thinking that)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:20 PM "she's snapped" Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:20 PM ((Cynthia)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:20 PM ((yes)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:20 PM ((are homeowners associations actually real things?)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:20 PM ((yes, and they are roughly this awful)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:21 PM "Primus- Primus, please, it's okay, it's okay! I've been at the med-bay! I'll get better. Eventually, really. It doesn't even hurt as much now!" Smokescreen's trying to pet Primus, trying to get him to calm down. "You don't gotta draw attention to it, you know." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:21 PM ((Australia doesn't really have them so it sounds so weird to me)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:21 PM Nudges Primus as well. Tone it down, he's wearing a cape to hide the missing wings for a reason. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:21 PM ((people basically pay a neighborhood-run group for the privilege of being told what they can't do on their own property on pain of being fined hugely)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:22 PM ((i've heard some horror stories that match this lady)) ((my childhood neighborhood either didn't have one, or it was a chill one)) Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:22 PM ((it's why I didn't move into this one neighborhood. The people running it were bat-shit insane)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:23 PM ((that whole thing of hers about measuring the lawn is not at all an exaggeration. OR the worst thing i ever heard about)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:23 PM "Oh. Wow. Now I really wish he was one of my ops." Hammy has been unofficially adopted. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:23 PM //my question is how they even have the authority to fine neighbors lmao Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:23 PM ((you agree to it via contract)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:23 PM ((Is it something all neighborhoods have or just newer ones?  Here it's just for apartment complexes so I don't know if it even counts)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:23 PM //why anyone would agree is the realy mystery tbh Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:23 PM Pardon him for being a bit, well, over worried. And having an overreaction to the whole thing. Primus lowered to sink on the couch with the reassuring pets and words. He's very unhappy about this, Smokescreen. Can you blame him? "Smokescreen... That is still serious. At least let me do something to help?" Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:24 PM //i don't think me and my friends have any intention of joining a hoa if we ever manage to get a house together Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:24 PM ((it's basically in rich people neighborhoods that wring their hands over keeping high property value and select people around, and in neighborhoods that dream of one day being such)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:24 PM //bc we're all planning a garden at the v least and i know we won't let someone tell us what we can or can not plant in a garden Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:24 PM ((they've been around a long time.)) Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:25 PM ((seems really inconvenient)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:25 PM ((so that it turns into such absurdity is not at all surprising to me, given the kind of people involved)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:25 PM "Well, uh- can you keep it down? And maybe, uh, take me home later? I kinda, uh, snuck out and don't wanna get in too much trouble." Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:26 PM Swoop scrunches up his nose, but still wears a grin. "You Spiderbot don't like talking Swoop?" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:26 PM ((Is it a gated community thing?  I've heard of those, never been to one though)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:26 PM //i live in city owned housing right now and we have actual restrictions on what we can do on our porches even like. we're nto allowed to put plants up on the wide railing of our balcony, or hang things from the railings Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:26 PM ((i'm sure gated communities do have them, but no)) ((any neighborhood that feels like it can go off and make one)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:26 PM //what gets wild is when a hoa tries to bully you into signing the contract even if you don't want to ghjnh i've heard stories about that Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:26 PM ((I am so glad Australia doesn't have those it sounds ridiculous)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //where like someone doesn't join the hoa and they get people bullying them over it, or even trying to fine them despite not being part of it Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:27 PM ((wait they'll try to make you sign the contract?? i guess that's how they get people but like... why would someone join them i dont understand Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:27 PM ((THE STORY ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO BROKE INTO THE GARAGE TO INSPECT IT)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //GOD Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:27 PM ((Why would you agree to be in it if you didn't have to though? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:27 PM "That's not what I said! You're perfectly acceptable any which way. You're trying to push me into playing favorites between YOURSELF, and that's not going to work, tsk." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:27 PM ((i actually think the neighborhood i grew up in DID have one, now that i think of it? our mailbox got knocked down by a drunk driver and the parents had to negotiate with the HOA about what kind of bricks they could use to build a new one, because they couldn't find ones that exactly matched the house's bricks)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:27 PM //i mean some might not but like. i've definitely heard horror stories about the HOA basically threatening/bullying neighbors to joining after moving into the neighborhood Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:28 PM ((but that's all i ever heard about them, so our neighborhood's must be lowkey compared to the horror stories)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:28 PM ((some places you can't move into if you don't agree to sign and some people do it because they get into the idea of everything being pristine and not at all lived in looking)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:28 PM "Favorite Swoop? Kehehehehh!" Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:28 PM ((What are the benefits of belonging to one, other than living in a rich, exclusive suburb? Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:28 PM ((the thing is the ones that ARE horrors are gonna be the ones that everyone hears about, because why would people share funny/exciting stories on the internet about a lowkey HOA that's never gone mad with power)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:28 PM (( https://youtu.be/GBwELzvnrQg Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:28 PM ((that's it. that's the "benefit".)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:29 PM (( the suburban mom gayle vid ^^^ Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:29 PM Sighs heavily. Leans his helm against Smokescreen's. "Of course. That'll be very easy to do." Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:29 PM ((ah, I see now Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:29 PM "Thank you, Primus- and you can keep holding me like this, right? This is- this is nice." Even if it hurts just a little! Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:29 PM //what's wild to me is the idea that you "Can't" move into a neighborhood if you refuse to sign the contract and join like. do they actually have power to tell you that you can't buy a property if you don't join //or is it just that bad peer pressure Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:30 PM ((in some places, yeah. i forget how tho)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:30 PM "You Spiderbot LIKE Me Swoop?" : > Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:30 PM "Yeah. I kind of need this too." Let him at least soothe the pain away? Starscream (TBDL)Today at 9:30 PM ((night everyone thanks for the stream)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:30 PM ((night!)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:31 PM ((good night)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:32 PM "I'd be a fool to answer such a leading question." Tarantulas looks about ready to push Swoop off the couch. "...Define LIKE." Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:32 PM (("The major power of the HOA is the ability to compel property owners to pay a share of common expenses for the overall maintenance of the HOA and the amenities, usually proportionate to the ownership interests (either by unit or based on square footage). These expenses generally arise from the operation and maintenance of common property, which vary dramatically depending on the type of association. An HOA may have, in addition to a regular assessment, a "special" assessment for unexpected expenses (such as for road maintenance).")) (("Benefits to homeowners may include maintenance and management services, provision of recreational amenities such as pools and parks, insurance coverage, enforcement of community appearance standards which may lead to higher property values, and the opportunity for members to plan development in accordance with community values.")) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:33 PM Swoop's face is about ready to split in half from the grin on it. "Like means LIKE! Duh!" Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:33 PM "Good, good! And, uh- maybe a couple treats would be good? I'll be fine, though, I'll be fine." Primus' care is helping, really! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:33 PM Soundwave now gets that cookie and begins putting things away with unusually sized bridges. While not having moved. Because that's his way. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:33 PM //lowkey hoas are probably Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:33 PM ((that's why people sign into HOAs for reasons other than assumed snobbery. it's basically super-localized taxes for neighborhood upkeep--since the dude down the street from you is more likely to take action on fixing a pothole in the street than a government official who lives half the town away and has 500 other potholes to address.)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:33 PM "Heh, sure." Nuzzles. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:33 PM //better. wow thanks discord Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:35 PM "Hff. That's redundant and uninformative." Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:35 PM //yeah it's the. when they go Mad With Power and try to force specific appearances on property they don't even own that's wild to me mostly from the stories i hear bc like. standards of appearance is one thing, i get wanting things to at least be eat, but to go "ah yes your grass is .5 inches too long and your bricks are the wrong shadeof red" is when i'd be like "bye" Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:35 PM ((HOAs are usually registered as nonprofits; i've also read about trailer park HOAs being formed so that the trailer residents can buy the property from the landowner they've been paying rent to, and get to cooperatively own their own neighborhood and directly do maintenance or pay for its upkeep, rather than paying rent to a landowner they need to submit maintenance requests to)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:35 PM ((tbh i'd rather have a pothole and the right to plant anything i want and paint my house any color i like but i suppose i can see how lowkey ones might be useful)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:35 PM "YAh! Keheheh." Swoop leans against Tarantulas' shoulder so he's got his cheek pressed into the fuzz as the waits impatiently for his answer. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:36 PM ((those are the out-of-control HOAs)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:36 PM ((I like quirky houses, which is why I'll never join an HOA. Or live in a suburb.)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:36 PM ((it is possible to have an HOA whose primary purpose is not to determine paint colors)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:36 PM So long as Swoop doesn't press the subject further, Tarantulas takes that as a sign that the conversation's over. He's dodged it! Awesome. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:36 PM ((gotcha)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:36 PM //yeah lmfao Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:36 PM Time to busy himself snuggling with Prowl on the other side instead. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:36 PM ((I have no particular desire to own a home but, if I went all in on a purchase that big, Jesus himself couldn't roll up to my pad and tell me what to do with it.)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:36 PM //i'd be willing to join a lowkey normal person hoa but not one of the out of control ones Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:37 PM ((but like, again, the normal ones aren't the ones that get fantastic stories about them shared on the internet)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:37 PM //ya Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:37 PM [Plenty of reddit stories about the crazy ass HOAs] Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:38 PM ((i feel like the thing to do would be to delay on joining for like three months and just do all kinds of things and see how they react. if they're chill, join, and if they're not, maybe consider an electric fence to keep them out of your lawn)) jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:38 PM ((lowkey is fine, but I like hanging plants and shaded gardens. It wouldn't blend in with their idea of a proper suburb)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:38 PM ((you're allowed to read their rules before joining. i'd say just, read the rules and see if they're reasonable.)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:38 PM //i know me and my friend hav sometimes joked about buying land in the middle of some woods and building a house there just to avoid crazy hoas but Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:38 PM ((you gotta know how they enforce them too though)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:38 PM Tarantulas is new to this game apparently. Swoop pulls one leg up so he can put his foot on the arm of the couch to get some leverage to push against Tarantulas in a more forceful lean. Not super hard (yet), but certainly noticable. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:38 PM ((like they've got state-level laws governing HOAs and everything)) Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:39 PM ((now that i did not know)) Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:39 PM //you could probably also ask neighbors for opinions on them too if you wanna know how they respond to stuff Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:40 PM ((yeah, they're Actual Legal Entities. which is how they can levy fines in the first place. signing on to an HOA is a legally-binding contract in most states. it ain't just a club somebody made up and asked for fees for. for that reason if an HOA steps out of line it's a matter that can be taken up in court.)) Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:41 PM [When a movie starts a long OOC discussion about HOAs. Movie night never ceases to amuse me.] jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:42 PM ((They can't evict you if you refuse to join though, right?)) Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:42 PM ((at work--my job is taking new company/corporation formations back and forth between lawyers and the secretary of state office--we form a lot of HOAs. i can't tell you what any of the ones we form are like, because formations only contain lists of the founding members, not the internal by-laws that govern that company; but we do form a lot.)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:43 PM Nnnnnaaaah, Tarantulas isn't new to the game. He's just playing it on his own terms and ignoring Swoop for now. A bit more affection for Prowl - and a little for Soundwave - and Tarantulas is bidding them adieu for now. See? No need to even PLAY the game if he's LEAVING, Swoop. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:43 PM Soundwave returns it with a quick squeeze as Tarantulas gets going. Might be the last time he can do that for a whlie, and all. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:43 PM ((it'd depend on the specifics? like, if the HOA actually OWNS the property of the neighborhood, then "agreeing to join" would probably be a term of buying property in the first place. just like if you try to move into an apartment and refuse to obey the apartment's rules you can get kicked out. but in most cases--if YOU own the house--no.)) ((but that might vary from state to state)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:44 PM Smokescreen gives Primus' arm a tug, leaning against him. He probably should get back before someone notices he's not in the medbay like he's supposed to. He doesn't even want to think about the look Megatron would give him! Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:44 PM Swoop gets his long birdy fingers wrapped around one spidery leg. He's not going to chase Tarantulas, but he isn't going to make this easy either. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:44 PM Jazz waves to everyone on his way out Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:45 PM Prowl gives Tarantulas one last light squeeze, and lets him go. Farewell, spide. ((flskjflkgj i wrote the entire wrong character name YOU SAW NOTHING)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:45 PM (( ::::3c Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:45 PM Soundwave nods quietly to those leaving. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:45 PM //im laughing bc i read it when you said soundwave and saw literally nothing wrong with it mentally Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:46 PM ((PFFT)) Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:46 PM Plot Twist: Tarantulas can mass-shift, and there's nothing Swoop's grip can do about it! Watch Tarantulas escape from his problems with practiced finesse. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:46 PM Scoops Smokescreen up gently. Going to soothe the pain anyway as he did so. He'll drop you off safely, but he'll be coming back here. Afterwards he'll join you for snuggles and snacks? Tarantulas (aranea-mechanica)Today at 9:46 PM (( night y'all :heartpulse: jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:47 PM ((so did I, 'cept I spaced out what I read when my brain autocorrected)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:47 PM !!! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:47 PM ((night!)) Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:47 PM Swoop blinks at the not-spide space in front of himself..... and then blows some farewell raspberries at this loser. jazz(unkillablejazz)Today at 9:47 PM ((wrong. punctuation)) Smokescreen (ask-smokescreen)Today at 9:48 PM Snuggles and snacks sound good. He's going to ping Soundwave and Tarantulas goodbye! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:48 PM Ping. Goodnight, Smokescreen. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:48 PM Whelp! That accomplished, Swoop slides off the couch and bounces to his feet. Clearly he is done here and isn't forgetting anything(one) on the floor. Swerve(metallcrgy)Today at 9:48 PM //a nyway, night lmao Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:49 PM Soundwave[Slendy], he will be back. There is something he feels he must ask. Nuzzles Smokescreen and warps out with him so he'd get home without fuss. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:51 PM THANKFULLY for everyone that Sunstreaker would murder if Bob didn't show back up, Swoop just about eats it when, at the last possible second, his body course corrects to not step on a certain passed out buggy. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:52 PM It's all right, Sunstreaker. Soundwave would have murdered Swoop for stepping on Bob too. Swoop (medicalmurdersaurus)Today at 9:52 PM This bird of prey turns a disastrous fall into a pretty sick roll, scooping up Bobby and bounding away. Later nerds! Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:53 PM Impressive. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:55 PM After dropping off Smokescreen, with a new blanket and snacks, he was back. Primus glanced at those who remained. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:55 PM Still here. He still kinda needs to try and keep you out of trouble. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:56 PM ... The crowd's getting unnervingly thin. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 9:56 PM Are they alone now? Soundwave's going to--no, no, it seems they're not. And he really doesn't want anyone else to hear. He'll have to wait a short moment. Not exactly patiently, as he's been sitting on this all night, but not as rude as he could be, given his present uncertainty.
[[...Yes?]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:57 PM "What did I do." A question that wasn't one. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:57 PM Prowl quietly hooks a hand around the crook of Soundwave's elbow. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:57 PM And he's hit with the strong need to put his palm to his face. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:58 PM No sense beating around the bush. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 9:59 PM He meant later, as in days. Not hours. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 9:59 PM Well, the bluntness kicked Prowl's nerves on high alert. And usually he appreciates bluntness. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 9:59 PM Too late. There was tension that he knew he caused. It'd eat at him since he only had hours to talk each week. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:00 PM [[...He doesn't know yet.]] Pause. The feeler that was on Prowl's lap now curls around his wrist, as Bob's gone. [[He has been thinking about what has been done and what the future might hold, and trying to determine their meaning. He had hoped to understand by now, but certain... things, have come up. Interrupted it.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:01 PM "You don't have to know yet." And Prowl will not be happy if Primus starts trying to egg a firmer answer out of Soundwave. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:02 PM That's actually somewhat comforting. He's so used to feeling like he needs a correct answer to everything right away he sometimes forgets that it's okay to take his time finding it. Of course, it's possible none of that will matter by the end of tonight anyway. That depends on what happens when he tells Prowl what he has to tell Prowl. Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:11 PM "What th-..." Primus cut himself off hearing his own tone dip into areas he didn't like. Shutting his mouth, eyeing Prowl for a moment, then he returned his gaze to Soundwave. He stayed silent for a long minute while letting his feelings sort out before daring to utter another word.
"Soundwave... Whatever I did, or said last time, I'm sorry for it. I'll wait until I see you next time to ask. You know how to call me if you're ready before then." His voice was softer; genuinely apologetic. "I wont pry or ask what else is making you this way tonight. I respect you too much to do so. I do hope you'll be alright. " Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:15 PM He squinted at Primus from behind the visor at the opening response, Prowl's words blaring on repeat in his head. The expression faded partway after the next bit, but not entirely; he could not, at the moment, accurately tell what was honest and what might've been calculated to gain maximum approval. His head was full of other problems just then, and seeing through them was too hard.
So he nodded, pinging one thank-you, and bobbed his head at his alternate. It did put him more at ease seeing that one present tonight; he appreciated what they were probably doing. [[Next time.]] Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 10:19 PM Oh, good. That went...surprisingly well. All things considered. He did return the motions, as he knew his alternate was well aware he was not here for the movies. And, yes, he would be coming to the next one. But, for now, with the conversation as done as it was probably going to get, he put a servo on Primus' arm. "I think it's time we went home. Next week is not that far off." Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:26 PM There was one more question that Primus had in mind. With how curt Soundwave[Slendy] was with him, the answer felt obvious. It made him ache thinking about what that answer would mean from here on out. Mulling would do him no good. To try and distract himself, he nodded then shifted his attention to the other Soundwave[CC].
"No. Your home isn't mine." Cracks a sad smile. "Besides, I told Smokescreen I'd come back to keep him company. I could use his smiling quirky self right about now. I've got a few new recipes he might enjoy trying.
"Soundwave has Prowl, so he's in good hands." Attempting reassurance. Soundwave (corruptedcomms)Today at 10:31 PM "....very well. Good night." and he's going to make sure Primus leaves before he does. Just...just in case. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:35 PM Soundwave turns immediately to Prowl and bows his head just so. It's time for honesty.
[[He has a confession to make.]] Frown. [[Two confessions. He does not want to burden you with his guilt when you were not expecting it, but he does not know anyone else he can trust with this - or who is as knowledgeable as you.]] [[Are you willing to hear him? He will not force you to listen if you are not.]] Primus [the-lord-of-light]Today at 10:36 PM Don't worry everyone, Primus is leaving and is gone by the time the chat begins. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:37 PM Prowl leans in to bunt—and then immediately straightens up. Oh. This didn't sound like any conversation Prowl had been expecting to hear.
But even so— "Yes. Of course." He would hear anything Soundwave had to say. And he was more than accustomed to being a sinkhole to throw guilt into. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 10:45 PM [[He has once again failed in his duties as a carrier unit and endangered the life of a mech he should have done his best to protect. He let them languish in stasis lock for nearly seven years and - and treated them as...]] Oh, no. No, the formal sound is not holding out, here. This isn't how he wanted this to go, but it's too shameful to pretend he can treat this like a business activity of some kind. [[He kept them on his shelf, as if they were a regular cassette. He - he owned a mech, Prowl. For over half a decade. We used him as MUSIC, once. He isn't even one of ours; he -- looks like one of yours.]]
Soundwave laced his fingers together over the back of his neck and stared into his own knee.
[[He couldn't tell the hospital where they came from. He doesn't know what will happen if he does.]] His fingers clutch tighter. [[They wouldn't believe him. So many believe that we enslave our deployers as it is. If he said someone gave them to him as a present...]] [[He didn't know. On his spark, he didn't. Even Ravage thought it was a side effect of one of Primus' gifts.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 10:56 PM That. Was WILDLY outside of what Prowl had been expecting. Spark-stoppingly vent-shudderingly outside of what Prowl had been expecting. His jaw was partially dropped as he tried to work out whether to start with "why did you" or "how dare you."
And then Soundwave said he hadn't known and Prowl's breath all came out in a relieved whoosh. "Oh. God." He sank forward, crest resting on Soundwave's shoulder. "Okay. Okay, all right, can we... Let's start that story from the beginning. Rather than from the worst details possible." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:06 PM Soundwave immediately rested his own crest on Prowl's shoulder in return. He gave the information in the order he thought of it because it'd been boiling up underneath everything all night; he'd not been able to think chronologically until he ripped it open wide enough to let some steam out.
[[Yes. Of course. From the beginning. The start--]]
[[The greyfaces used to bestow gift after gift on him and his. Some he understood; some he still doesn't. One gave him the cassette. He thought it was JUST a cassette, and chose to keep it. He didn't have many personal possessions at the time, and he doesn't know any Slugfests. He thought it was-- a band, or a description of the music. Not a PERSON.]]
[[They had no thoughts for him to read. There's a set of Primus-created colorful lights set into the wall in his berthroom; we thought the fragment of a signal we were catching was because of his spark and their source.]]
[[He only found out because he turned the lights off this week and-- and he was testing things in the shelf room. To see what they meant to him. Then he felt them.]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:16 PM Prowl nods slowly, rocking his head against Soundwave. "Okay. Okay, that's..."
Where to start? His processor is still reeling from seesawing between "Soundwave's been keeping a slave secret from you for years and this changes everything you know about him, recalculate every calculation you've ever made concerning him" and "never mind, false alarm, abort all those recalculations immediately."
He wraps his arms around Soundwave's waist.
"You didn't do anything wrong. Morally OR legally. You had no idea the cassette was a person—and as soon as you DID know, you took him to a hospital, correct?" He lifts his head. "And—I'm not sure about your universe's laws, but in mine, there are legal exceptions made for people who accidentally use another mech without consent if they didn't know what they were using was a mech. It's applied from time to time to mechs who buy secondhand dataslugs or scavenge guns from battlefields. Surely, there's something similar in your universe?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:28 PM He didn't mean to whip Prowl's head around a corner like that. It's just the order it stumbled out of his brain and into the open.
Soundwave scoots closer, automatically trusting the arms to protect him, just as they did last week.
[[He did, but he's not sure whether-- That is, he moved to where he would be his own law, but the hospital is in New Praxus, and he was living in another different timeline when we took in the cassette....]] He spent most of his life flouting the law, Prowl, not studying it to the degree you have. It gets tricky even before the multiverse comes into it. [[And the greyface gave them to him. That is a fourth location. And the laws have always been strange for us. Carriers could and often did terminate those who kidnapped their deployers. Legally.]] A little insight for Prowl, there. [[What if Slugfest is joined to someone? What if he is seen as an accomplice, or - or whatever receiving a potentially kidnapped mech makes him?]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:36 PM "Under my universe's laws, you wouldn't be. Other laws, I can't speak to. I'd have to look into local laws first, but—if it were up to me? You wouldn't be charged with anything. There's barely even grounds for an investigation."
Prowl sighed. "However, it can't be up to me. I'm not a neutral party. And, by extension, neither is my entire department. If I were to bring you back to Iacon and ask an officer to investigate the case in order to absolutely clear you of wrongdoing, I wouldn't be able to trust that the officer would remain objective, even under direct orders. There's a high probability they'd try to avoid displeasing their captain, even if only subconsciously. I—advise you to go to the authorities in your world and explain the situation. Preferably somewhere they won't want an excuse to arrest you just for being a former Decepticon officer." If Prowl weren't an enforcer, he wouldn't have to advise that. He could have just told Soundwave to keep it to himself, that Prowl knew he'd done nothing wrong and therefore Soundwave didn't need to invite trouble by trying to explain the story to someone who didn't know him as well and wouldn't be as sympathetic.
But Prowl WAS an enforcer. And consequently, he couldn't get anywhere near giving advice like that to his amica without it being egregious favoritism. The fact was, an enforcer now knew about this incident, and if he didn't act on it he'd be guilty of covering it up. This couldn't be left in Prowl's hands. Soundwave had to tell someone else. Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:44 PM Soundwave tenses. Somewhere they won't want an excuse to arrest him? Is Prowl kidding? If there was anything Soundwave could guarantee about the authorities in his world, it'd be that they'd just as soon throw him into a bottomless pit as arrest h--
...Wait. He knew at least ONE of them had been open to operating on reason before. This Prowl had convinced them to do it.
[[You mean your alternate.]] The frown on his face defied description. [[The one who is avoiding him after telling him--never mind what she said. It is unimportant.]]
It would be foolishness to seriously entertain the idea of death being preferable to talking to her. He came close to doing so anyway.
[[He wishes he had never accepted the damned gift.]] Just going to bury his face even harder into that shoulder, there. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:47 PM "I didn't mean my alternate. Isn't there a Decepticon outpost somewhere out there?" Prowl gestures in the direction he sort of things the Decepticons might be. It's the wrong direction. He doesn't know much about the Decepticons around here. "But if my alternate is the only one you can think of? Then fine."
Prowl leans the side of his head against Soundwave's. There, there. "You didn't know. And if you hadn't received him, there's a possibility that someone who WOULDN'T have cared might have." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 11:51 PM He shakes his head no, as much as anyone with their face  smashed up against someone else can do. [[They dislike him nearly as much as the Autobots. He was... particularly antagonistic toward Starscream, for a while. And he is a traitor.]]
[[Mm.]] He's not completely reassured by that statement, but hearing someone else note that it's obvious he cares makes him feel a LITTLE less monstrous. [[Perhaps...]]
Long, long vent. [[He will talk to her tomorrow. He will not tell her that you told him to go.]] It'd probably be bad if he did. Then she'd feel obligated toward a version of herself and he'd have to go find ANOTHER officer, at which point his doom would be all but sealed; he just knew it. And another vent--this time, the kind of quietly relieved sigh that came of having one's absolute worst fears thrown out on their ear. At least he didn't have to worry about Prowl running away from him for this mess. He could count on that much. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 11:56 PM Ah. Yeah. Right. That whole helped-kill-Megatron thing. The average Starscream, at least, might be willing to forgive Soundwave that detail, but if Soundwave wasn't on his good side...
"Leaving me out of it is probably wise." Prowl turned to kiss the side of Soundwave's head. That was a lot of sighing. "How is... he?" What was his name. "Slugcon?" Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 12:01 AM Sighs were bits of pressure escaping in convenient air form, and Primus knows he'd been under quite a bit of it since he found the minicon hiding on his shelf like that.
He shifted to return the kiss, thankful for the reassuring contact and comfort, and tried not to be overly amazed. If he'd told himself five years ago that he'd be seeking protection in a Prowl's arms, he'd have chalked it up to a memory and personality wipe.
[[Slugfest. He's still in stasis, but they have refueled him and stabilized his spark, and are working on repairing his frame. They do not wish him to wake and transform until they know it is safe.]] Pause. [[They were also somewhat reluctant after reading his Autopedia file. The later the better.]]
[[...Did you want Slugfest to know you asked?]] Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 12:04 AM Fest, Con, they were close enough.
So he was recovering so far. That was good to hear. Mainly for the sake of the injured, of course—but, no small part of Prowl's relief came from knowing how much it would weigh on Soundwave if Slugfest DIDN'T recover.
"No. I've never met a Slugfest. There's no need for him to hear upon waking up from over half a decade of stasis that the captain of the local police was asking after him." Soundwave (Slenderwave)Today at 12:06 AM He hadn't THOUGHT Prowl would want that--Slugfest was a Decepticon, after all--but he'd promised to stop acting on assumption.
[[As you wish.]]
He shifted around until he was settled back against Prowl's chest and closed his optics. It would be for a moment and no longer. He just needed to take a second to calm down and process everything.
[[Thank you.]]
Instead, he ended up falling asleep. Prowl (verdigrisprowl)Today at 12:07 AM "Of course."
Prowl stayed and held Soundwave long after he fell asleep; and then, gradually, drifted off himself as well.
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