#the misadventures of lesli
polikszena · 1 year
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Ted Lasso S01E02 - Dancing in the locker room
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igwanasuchus · 4 months
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an average pico day drawing BUT with a catch
every character sorted by year
virtual seal from club a seal (1999) by tom fulp
the negotiator from the provoker (2000) by seriousness
the cat from retarded animal babies (2003) by dave
adam android from the amazing adam android (2005) by hotdiggedydemon
leslie and brianne from wacky lesbian hour (2005) by keith stack
the trio from an awesome halloween (2006) by egoraptor
the orange from orange roulette (2012) by matzerath
the hero from labyrinth: sos (2014) by pestoforce, luis castanon & genclops
gappy from gappy (2019) by leviramirez
manon and cybermare from loveweb (2021) by shadok
octillery from octillery's misadventures (2021) by vidyabatter
pistol and knife from pistol for president (2021) by strobeinteractive
pengu from pengu saves christmas (2021) by stannco
ninjiro and jeniffer from moon's eye saga (2022) by metalsonic655
the cat from seven fridays cat (2022) by edusilvart, benedique & goruposstudios
gameen from using the (2023) by kingcrowned
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Whenever | Tagged by @stacispratt and @adelaidedrubman ❤️
A snippet from Chapter 1 of John's misadventures as a lawyer. Leslie and other familiar faces are in this universe too, baby.
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"Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into Portland. Please turn off all portable electronic devices and stow them until we have arrived at the gate. In preparation for landing, be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened.  Please secure your carry-on items, stow your tray table, and pass any remaining service items and unwanted reading materials to the flight attendants. Thank you.", the long-awaited announcement was music to John's ears as he looked through the window at the city and its twinkling lights below. 5 hours had passed in what he could only describe as torture. His day before that hadn't gone too well either, it felt like anything that could go wrong had, in one way or the other. His alarm not going off and almost making him late. Showing up at the firm only to find out Preston Manning, his second chair on the case, had called in sick and wasn't going to be making the trip with him. Penny slipping him her number for heaven knows what time and offering him a "quickie" in the bathroom for "good luck". More like a quick and proven way to get me a meeting with HR. Traffic and a flight delay (not unsual but still absolutely nerve-grating paired with everything else). The TSO officer taking way too long fondling him, as if he could have been hiding anything under a simple suit. The airline double booking his seat and giving him another last minute, which had doomed him to sit next to a menace of a passenger. In many ways he was happy to have left Manning behind in Atlanta, but he also couldn't deny the fact despite all his flaws he would have been more tolerable than the man that was currently using his shoulder as a pillow. He had lost count how many times he had shifted in his seat, tried to shake off the pesky passenger, hoped eventually he would stir up and move away, giving back his personal space. He better not have drooled all over my suit, or I'd be meeting with my client in jail sooner than anticipated. And we'd be wearing matching outfits.
It's all he could think about as he nudged the man away yet again and absolutely not-so-gently with his patience worn completely thin. "We're landing.", John muttered under his breath when an annoyed look was sent his way, like he was the one being out of line. He brushed off his dark gray pinstripe suit before crossing his arms over his chest, and focused his gaze outside once more, refusing to pay further attention to the crude individual next to him. Deep down, he didn't mind having to fly over to meet with the people he would be representing, he found a certain type of thrill in being up in the sky, had dreamt of becoming a pilot for as long he could remember, but being forced to share such a tight space with others was definitely testing his limits and making him deal with not so pleasant thoughts. "Ladies and gentlemen, our crew welcomes you to Portland. The local time is 10:22 pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate. The Captain will then turn off the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign, indicating it is safe to stand. Please use caution when opening the overhead compartments and removing items, since articles may have shifted during flight." The man next to him yawned over the voice of the flight attendant, his hand almost smacking John in the face as he went to stretch after his long nap. Don't do anything. Don't say anything. The mantra played on repeat in his mind and he could already imagine himself in his hotel room. The promise of a shower and soft bed was the only thing that got him through the loud clapping from "Naptime Sam" and each slow step that led him off the plane and into the airport. John clutched the strap of his leather bag he always used as carry-on, ignoring the excited chatter around him, his eyes darting from suitcase to suitcase in anticipation of his own finally showing up on the baggage carousel. Just as he spotted it and moved ahead to grab it, a child rushed past, bumping into him in the process. "Ah, I'm so sorry, Mister.", the redheaded girl said quickly, sending a apologetic toothy grin his way as she clutched a small rainbow duffelbag. He waited for the annoyance that usually came from every human interraction to swoop in, instead he ended up returning the smile while he heaved his suitcase off the line and headed for the exit. "Savannah Mae.", the girl breezed past, running towards a sharp dressed woman and grabbing her outstretched hand.
Cool air hit his face as he stepped past the sliding doors of the airport, gaze shifting between the cars parked out front and his phone that for some reason refused to turn on. Goddamn it. I charged you, I know I did. Penny had sent him a message with the details of the driver that was supposed to pick him up, as well as his hotel reservation, and he had no way of accessing either. "Welcome to Portland, sir.", an older gentleman reached for his luggage, and he breathed out a sigh of relief, telling himself his night was starting to look up. The man hoisted his suitcase into the trunk of the black SUV and swifly jumped into the driver seat, peeling off down the road just as John reached out for the door handle. "What the-" "Mr. Duncan?", a voice came behind him, partly drowned out by the shock that coursed through his body and rooted him to the spot to watch the vehicle disappear out of view and take his suitcase with all his belongings along with it. "Mr. Duncan. I'm sorry I'm late, there was a traffic accident…", John swiveled around, doing his hardest to keep his temper in check. He breathed in deeply, his tone taking a dangerous note and making the man in front of him wince, "What did you say?" "I-I- I'm here to pick you up.", the driver gestured to his own car behind him and forced a smile, "You're Mr. Duncan, correct? You're traveling light." "FUCK.", the word broke free before he could stop it while a hand ran over his face. This isn't happening. No. Not to me. No. "Mr. Duncan?" He opened his eyes again, fingernails digging into his palm, grounding him as he spat out, "I was robbed." The man blinked in surprise, "Robbed? Here? Now? How?" "My suitcase.", he shook his head, letting out a bitter laugh, "My damned suitcase." "Someone stole your luggage?" "Yes.", it was all he could muster, already feeling done with the conversation, with the day itself, with Portland, with the onlookers staring his way, with "Naptime Sam" that chose the moment to walk through the doors.
"Oh my god, I-" John brushed past the driver, throwing his small bag into the backseat and slipping after it with a growl. Shitstorm. Ah, Clive? He watched the man scramble around the front of the vehicle in confusion, the car door slamming shut after him putting a stop to his line of thought. "Mr. Duncan,-" "Do you have a phone charger?", he asked impatiently, making it his priority to figure out which hotel he was supposed to be staying at without having to deal with Penny. Shaky hand reached for the glovebox, pulling out a charging cord and passing it over, "Shouldn't you talk to someone at the airport? Report the theft?" And watch them flail around and tell me I was technically on the street, find a damn loophole so it's not their problem? "Mr. Duncan?" "Drive me to a police station, I don't care which one, uh, I didn't catch your name…", he finally replied as he stared down at the device in his hand, waiting for it to turn on. The screen refused to light up no matter how long it stayed plugged into the car's port, making him release a sigh of defeat. You're dead, aren't you? "Robert. And are you certain, sir?" "Yes." The man nodded, turning the key in the ignition, "May I ask, how did your luggage-" "I don't want to talk about it.", John trained his gaze out of the window, pocketing his phone as the realization that his night was far from over set in. The idea he no change of clothes for his first in-person visit with Mooney in the morning and was probably going to get no rest before it, felt like the final straw. And knowing his luck since being handed over his newest case, he was about to deal with an incompetent police officer next.
The scenery outside passed in a blur, making him zone out while fatigue fough to take over his body. No matter how many hurdles life threw his way, he refused to give up, promising himself he was going to win the court battle, prove Clive he had made the right choice by naming him partner at "Westbrook, Harrison and Jones". "and Duncan", now. Robert cleared his throat to draw his attention, announcing, "We're here, sir." "Thank you.", John muttered as his fingers wrapped around the door handle, the man's next words giving him a pause. "I won't be able to wait around… I have another pick-up arranged and it's on the other side of town. Would you be okay on your own?" "Sure.", he would have been lying if he was to say had expected anything else as outcome. "Have a good night, Mr. Duncan.", Robert called out and drove off, leaving him in front of an off-white building, the silver letters above its entrance spelling "City of Portland Police Bureau" confirming he was at least at the right place. He muttered a silent prayer as he pushed past a set of double glass doors and stepped inside the precinct. One win. Give me one win tonight. No more tests. No run-ins with inadequate officers of the law.
He took in the beige and dark blue interior, noting the dead quiet ruling over the lobby as the doors shut behind him. His feet carried him over to the front desk, the human shaped silhouette behind its protective glass giving him hope despite the lack of greeting upon his entry. Any hope he harbored died a horrible death the second he reached it, and an unmistakable muffled snore carried over from the officer that was reclining back in his chair. "Excuse me,", John gritted out, frowning at his name tag, "Officer Bradley.", but the curt words failed to wake the man up. "Excuse me.", he tried again, louder this time around, yet the officer was as unresponsive as his phone. Just when his hand rose, ready to bang against the glass in another attempt to grab his attention, quick footsteps sounded behind him followed by a melodic voice calling out a simple, "Hello." that made him spin around. His narrowed gaze was met by the most expresive pair of hazel eyes he had ever seen, and he blamed the exhaustion for how they almost knocked the wind out of him for second. A wave of familiarity washed over his system as he scanned the woman standing in front of him, his baby blues running over the gray streaks framing her face then down to the freckles scattered across her nose until they stopped at her lips just as they parted, "Can I-" You... Detective Donovan.
He didn't know if he wanted to laugh or curse at fate and its idea for a joke. He'd read over the information on potential witnesses for the upcoming trial for weeks, had stared at her picture enough times to memorize her features, yet the grainy image he was presented with paled in comparison to seeing her in person. He'd expected to meet the detective in court, looked forward to it, in fact, especially after everything her personnel file had revealed. He wasn't supposed to come face to face with her when he was having an unarguably awful night and on the verge of cracking. Close to grabbing one of the lovely chairs you have for visitors and throwing it at your welcome desk. Because I'm not feeling very welcomed, currently. "Your colleague is sleeping on the job.", John interrupted whatever she was about to ask him, but her smile didn't waiver at his sharp tone and the demeaning way he had used the word "colleague". Like Bradley was beneath him. And she was too, just by assosiation. If it wasn't for the spark of defiance in her eyes, he would have guessed she was completely unbothered. "It's the first quiet night we've had in a long while, Mr-" "Duncan." Anticipation coursed through his system as he waited for her to say his name back, and he refused to think too much about what her presence alone was doing to him. How it was threatening to unravel his already fragile composure. And how much he wanted to hear his name again the second she uttered it out. "Mr. Duncan, what can I help you with?", she continued smoothly, biting down on her lip as she regained him. John crossed his arms, nodding to the messenger bag she had hanging over her shoulder, her attire hinting at the fact she was headed out, "Shouldn't that be Officer Bradley's job? Are you even on the clock?" "He'd point you to a division, just as I would."
His lips quirked up at her blunt reply, "I've come to report a crime." All he got this time around was a nod. She was expecting him to continue, to give her more than stating the obvious. "I landed at PDX and,", he paused, hating the idea he had to admit he had fallen victim to such ridiculous con, "a man blindsided me by pretending to be my driver and stole my luggage." "That's-" "Awful?" He was too keen on how he was drinking in every little mannerism she displayed, like how she pursed her lips in displeasure at the news, before saying, "Follow me." "And what about your colleague?", he remarked as he fell into step behind her. His gaze was drawn in by the belt of her black oversized coat tied in a loose bow swaying with every movement she made, and he couldn't help but scowl at how her body was almost completely covered by the garment and then at himself for even entertaining the thought, when he had more important matters to deal with. "Lenny's wife just gave birth recently.", she explained quietly, "Letting him catch some rest is the least I can do." A bleeding heart. It's what you have, Detective. On paper and in person.
Detective Donovan led him down a long hallway, moving past multiple doors that seemed to open up to offices for different divisions until she came to a halt and knocked on a door marked with "Robbery". Seconds passed without a reply from the other side, instead of rapping again, she grabbed the door handle and pushed it open, revealing a series of empty desks. Of course. She turned around with an apologetic look, "I think they're out on a case." John raised an eyebrow, "All of them?" "Understaffed. It's what happens when you get people retiring and on sick leave all at once." He exhaled in frustration, but aside from that kept his silence. "I can check who is on duty and call them…" "And you?", he ignored her suggestion, suspecting he wouldn't get anywhere at that late hour, especially with an offence that would be considered "low priority" in comparison to other cases. "Me?" "You didn't tell me your name or division." Another smile. He was becoming addicted to those. Why didn't you smile in your photo, Detective? That right there, is a robbery on its own. Then, a hand was offered to him, and he wasted no time, enveloping it in his. "Sabrina Donovan. I'm a Detective at Missing Persons. So I fear I won't be of much help with your case, Mr. Duncan." The handshake was getting past the line of socially acceptable, but he couldn't bring himself to let go, "I see, tracking down missing belongings isn't really among your duties."
Sabrina pulled her hand out of his grasp, walking into the office ahead of them and aiming for a large bulletin board at the far end. Her index finger traced over a sheet of paper pinned there before she was on the move again. "Give me a second.", she said as she stopped at the desks, picking up the phone receiver and dialing whoever was supposed to be reachable from the team. "Stockton. You or any of the others planning on heading back soon?", she was back to chewing on her lip while she listened to the man on the other end of the line, "And some kind of ETA for me?", there was a pause, "At PDX. A suitcase. No, and no as far as I'm aware. Vic came straight to the precinct." After what felt like forever where she listened intently about his potential options, she wrapped up the phone call with a quick thank you and walked back to where John was leaning against the door. Her face told it all - she wasn't bearing exceptionally good news. "They're unsure when they would be back, but a couple of hours at the very least." His eyes darted to his watch, "It's almost midnight." Sabrina winced, "I know. The suggestion was you either wait up for them here, return in the morning or-" "Or what, Detective?" "I can jot down notes for them, anything you can provide right now, take down the report and pass it along, to get your case moving as soon as possible…" He frowned, "Basically, do their job for them and deal with something below your paygrade? Weren't you headed home?" He hadn't missed the way she had avoided his question prior, how she had stayed behind when she appeared to be leaving in the first place.
"Won't be my first time of working overtime or helping a fellow detective. The sooner we have an official case started, the quicker they can locate the guy. I'm sure after flying, the last thing on your mind would be to sit around at a police station for hours, when you could be getting some rest." It was obvious she was prioritizing his wellbeing and that of the front desk officer before her own, and knowing her records by heart at that point, he suspected she wouldn't give up on the idea easily, so all he could do was agree, "Okay." She pushed past him at that, her scent teasing him at the closeness in the doorway and haunting his senses as he followed her further into the building and towards an elevator. "We're on the second floor.", Sabrina stated and pressed the call button, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. The doors opened promptly with a ding, and they both stepped on, the ride feeling disappointingly short for his liking. "I suspect my stolen suitcase wouldn't be much of a priority?", John guessed as she followed a similar path to the one on the first floor. "I didn't say that." "But simple larceny wouldn't be as serious as whatever case the on duty officers are following at that time of the day." "Ah, I'm not really at liberty to discuss that." "Naturally."
"And you, Mr. Duncan?" "Me?", he mimicked her earlier question. "What do you do for a living?" He could sense even the smallest amount of curiosity in her words, making him smirk, "I'm a defense attorney." She laughed, and he couldn't decide which was better - her smiles or her laughter, "That explains it. And judging by your attire, well, would have been my first guess." "Oh? Should I feel offended?" He was flirting. With, no doubt, a future witness. Clive would ask what had taken over him and why he'd even entertain things further. Good thing he's not here. And I'm not really someone to do things by the book. "No.", she shrugged as she stopped in front of her own division's sector, "You certainly have that aura about you." With that, she pushed the door, open, drawing the attention of a fellow detective inside. "Rina,", the man called out, "Didn't you go home already? Should I push you out the door?" "Ollie. Behave." The man's eyes stopped on John finally, noticing his appearance for the first time as he moved his feet off his desk, "Do we have a case?" "No, no, I'm doing Stockton a tiny favor." "Again?" The word piqued his interest, same for the strange looks "Ollie" kept sending his way. "Don't start, Oliver."
John paid the man no mind and took a seat in one of the chairs across Sabrina's desk as she removed her coat until she was down to a simple gray shirt that was unbuttoned halfway to reveal a dark turtleneck underneat it. His eyes shifted from her to her work space, noting how tidy it was, especially compared to her colleague's, and had a couple of framed pictures he wished he could see. "Fine. But you know, Leslie wouldn't be that easy to silence in voicing his concerns." She ignored the warning, gaze moving back to John's, "Name." "John Duncan." He noticed how she silently mouthed his name as she typed it, and doubted it was a habit she was aware of. The next minutes consisted of marking down his basic information, and he loathed having to recall the slip up, how he had fallen for such a silly trap, especially when he was anything but incompetent. "It's good you remember a partial plate. That, paired with the car's description, and, the fact, PDX would no doubt have footage of the incident…" "You're confident they'd find my belongings." "The perp, most likely. Belongings, I can't say. At least, the things of most value." Oliver walked over, placing a cup in front of Sabrina before leaning in closer to whisper something that caused her to giggle and mutter a quiet, "Stop it, Ollie. Absolutely not." She cleared her throat as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and took a sip of coffee when the man wandered back to his own desk, "Would you like a coffee, Mr. Duncan?" She was yet to say his first name, and he wondered how it would sound coming from her, if she would utter it out as playfully as she did Oliver's. Doubtful. "No, thank you." "Well, I think I have everything noted down. If you don't have any further questions for me…"
She was wrapping things up, sending him on his way, putting an end to whatever time he had in her presence. Then it hit him, "Can I ask to make a phone call?" "You're not under arrest, Mister.", Oliver remarked jokingly. He ignored the jab, his focus remaining completely on the woman in front of him, "My phone died, and I have no idea which hotel my reservation has been made at…" "Ah, I see.", Sabrina reached for her bag, pulling out her phone and passed it over to him after she unlocked it. At the same time he produced the little folded post-it note Penny had crammed into his pocket that morning, trying his hardest to hide the ruby red lipstick stain on it out of Sabrina's view. Her homescreen wallpaper gave him a pause. It was a candid picture of a familiar looking redheaded girl, Sabrina and a man that- What in the- If I squint I can almost convince myself he looks like me, Detective. He doubted she'd appreciate the observation, yet his curiosity about the man's identity and relation to her only festered while he punched in Penny's number. Just as he was starting to wonder if she would pick up, her voice came through, and he rushed to quickly get the needed information, trying to keep the interraction as short as possible. Sabrina pushed a notepad towards him, together with a pen to note down the address, Penny was relying in an overly excited manner despite the fact he had called her for assistance at almost 3 am. "Thank you, Penny. Have a good night.", he muttered flatly and hung up, returning the phone to Sabrina. "She must be worried." Are you fishing for information? "She's not my girlfriend, just an assistant at my firm.", he blinked at the confession that he had blurted out, despising the fact Oliver was there to witness his slip-up and laugh at it. My firm? "I, um, I wasn't really-", Sabrina shook her head, deciding against whatever she was about to say, "I sent over the report to Detective Stockton, he will be in touch soon. I will note down your hotel information since you're having phone issues, so he'd be able to call there and get a hold of you through reception for the time being…" "Thank you."
She rose up, quickly gathering her things and putting her coat back on now that she had sorted out his report, "I will see you out then." John followed suit, exiting into the hallway first as she announced to Oliver, "I'm heading home for real this time, Ollie. You better not snitch to Leslie." "We shall see about that.", he hollered back, "Good night to both of you." As they made their way down to the lobby, Officer Bradley was finally awake and staring at John with a similar to Oliver's expression, "Staying late again, Rina?" Sabrina only laughed as she passed his post, "Bye, Lenny. Hope things stay quiet." She pushed open the doors before John could do it, wrapping her hands around herself as they stepped out into the chilly night. "Thank you again.", his voice was even, perfectly hiding the disappointment he felt on the inside because they were parting ways. "Of course." He expected her to leave at that, especially with the hint of awkwardness that remained in the air after he had mentioned Penny. Seconds passed by in silence where he clutched his only bag and wondered if she'd look at him the same way and be so eager to help him if she knew he was representing one of the most hated men in Oregon. Someone she herself had a run-in with. You wouldn't, would you? You'd probably curse at me. Call what happened to me premature karma.
Instead of wishing him a cheery goodbye and leaving him to his own devices to watch her disappear like the car of the man that had stolen from him, Sabrina gave him another small smile as she stuck her hands in her coat's pockets in an attempt to warm up, "If you don't mind me asking… you do have a way to get to your hotel, right?" John quirked an eyebrow, taking his time to respond and enjoying every moment of where she shifted in place as she waited for him to reassure her he would be alright. It was too bad he wasn't about to do that. Not when it meant she would feel content to head home. Not when the alternative was stealing a few more minutes with her. And he liked his second option more. Field work. You'd call it a "stakeout", wouldn't you? Getting to know my future oppponent. The promising young detective that had apprehended Mooney and was bound to make defending him a challenge. There was no doubt the jury would love her. Feed on her genuity and charm.
"I do not.", he muttered out slowly, watching her face closely, memorizing how the street light above them picked up the gray strands in her hair, "I assumed I could grab a cab, despite my lackluster luck tonight." She nodded along to the idea, but made no move to leave, "You certainly could." John could sense an in, and he took it shamelessly, a step bringing him closer to her until her sweet scent invaded him again, "Were you about to suggest something else?" Cross the line. Offer your help again. "I-", a shake of her head cut off her words as she frowned. She was putting up a wall once more, guarding her thoughts just like she had on his oversharing about Penny. "Yes?", his hand reached out to tuck a piece of her hair that the wind had picked up behind her ear, voice growing huskier when he added, "Tell me." Her breath hitched the second his fingers grazed her cheek, probably feeling the same current that passed over his skin at the contact and still clutched him even when his arm dropped by his side. Sabrina blinked away the haze they seemed to be sharing, "I was going to offer you a ride, Mr. Duncan." "John. Call me John, Sabrina." Something flashed across her face at his correction, "Hm?" "It's my name after all." It was as if all the background noise ceased to exist as he waited for her lips to form the word and he suspected even if the detective he was supposed to wait on or the criminal himself that had wronged him showed up right there and then, he wouldn't care. She was the sole holder of his attention. "I was going to offer you a ride,", she paused, "John. But I'm not-" "Yes.", the word rushed out, cutting off whatever excuse she was about to make about it being a bad idea, probably thinking of the grinning man on her homescreen. Doesn't matter who he is, Detective. I can recognize interest when I see it. And damn, if I don't want to hear you say my name again. His eagerness seemed to be obvious and… amusing to her, "You sure?" "Are you planning on driving off with my carry-on, Sabrina?" "Cross my heart. I won't.", she gestured to the street behind her, hiking her bag further up her shoulder, "I'm parked over there." A smirk appeared at the fact he was winning, "Lead the way then, before you freeze."
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @strafethesesinners @strangefable @voidika @aceghosts @nightbloodbix @madparadoxum @jillvalentinesday @euryalex @corvosattano @poisonedtruth @purplehairsecretlair @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @trench-rot @cassietrn @chazz-anova @clicheantagonist @dumbassdep @thesingularityseries @theelderhazelnut @florbelles @simplegenius042 @shegetsburned @v0idbuggy and anyone that would like to share a little something this week
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filmfanaticsblog · 1 year
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Judd Nelson, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, and Andrew McCarthy in St. Elmo’s Fire (1985)
“A group of recent college graduates embark on a series of misadventures in the real world. There's Kirby (Emilio Estevez), a waiter who wants to be a lawyer; Kevin (Andrew McCarthy), a moody writer who yearns for the wild Jules (Demi Moore) ; Alec (Judd Nelson), whose political aspirations alienate his girlfriend, Leslie (Ally Sheedy) ; and Wendy (Mare Winningham), a quiet girl in love with Billy (Rob Lowe), who juggles roles as husband, dad and drunk. Together they grapple with adulthood.”
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heyholmesletsgo · 9 months
For the book ask game (you are on fire with ask games!!!! 💖💖💖💖)
Can I ask 3 and 25?
For end of year book asks here:
#3 What were your top five books of the year?
So happy you asked this!! My fav book I read in 2023 was Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig. I went in basically knowing nothing, so the experimental format and footnotes caught me off guard, but the near pure dialogue of the entire book was amazing, especially the retellings of "movies" (one was actually a real movie, 1942's Cat People, which I tracked down, but I gotta say I loved the more evocative retelling by the unreliable/biased narrator way more). Then I had to track down the movie starring William Hurt and Raul Julia, couldn't find it on streaming or at the library, turns out it's all on youtube!! I don't know the musical but JLo is attached to a new version of it, down the rabbit hole I go :D
The other four in the order I read them:
How Y'all Doing?: Misadventures and Mischief from a Life Well Lived by Leslie Jordan (audiobook, but so so worth it to hear in his own voice)
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor by Adam Kay (hilarious and heartbreaking, I tracked this down after watching the BBC/AMC miniseries starring Ben Wishaw and Ambika Mod)
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
Leading Lady by Charles Busch
Gosh, they were mostly memoirs that I enjoyed :o That's a surprise to me!!
#25 What reading goals do you have for next year?
I just set my Goodreads 2024 book challenge at 20 books again (in 2023 I upped it to 30 and finished 31) but I think I'll try to tackle lengthier books, which includes:
Read all of Tian Guan Cì Fú (8 volumes!!) It is a big goal, but I will attempt it, jiayóu!! But today I start with The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System :)
Thank you for asking!!! ♥
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gone2soon-rip · 2 years
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LESLIE JORDAN (1957-Died October 24th 2022,at 57.Road accident). American actor, comedian, writer, and singer.His television roles included Lonnie Garr on Hearts Afire (1993–1995), Beverley Leslie on Will & Grace (2001–2006, 2017–2020), for which he won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series in 2006, several characters in the American Horror Story franchise (2013–2019), Sid on The Cool Kids (2018–2019), and Phil on Call Me Kat (2021–2022). In theatre, he played Earl "Brother Boy" Ingram from Sordid Lives, and also portrayed the character in the popular cult film of the same name. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Jordan became an Instagram sensation, amassing 5.8 million followers. In April 2021, he published his autobiography, How Y'all Doing? Misadventures and Mischief from a Life Well Lived. He was openly gay,and often promoted LGBTQ causes in the media and elsewhere.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Jordan
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (27 Nov-3 Dec 2022)
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😍De Oppresso Liber (One-EyedBossman (desert000rose), SecretFandomStoriesr) - Differently OK Local Idiots #7; love this series, love these characters, making me into some kink that's not usually my thing at all -
😍Peter Cabot Gets Lost (The Cabots #2) (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - reading Daniel Cabot just really made me wanna revisit Peter and Caleb!
😍Petrichor (aleatory_fox) - wonderful domestic geralt/jaskier/eskel; technically omegaverse but those elements are very light & nontraditional & not really the focus at all
🥰down for you always (dreamtiwasanarchitect, liadan14) - the new me (is really still the real me) #1 - bro!Joe is the newest immortal but he & Nicky are still made for each other - very hot!
😍Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (One-EyedBossman (desert000rose), SecretFandomStories) - Differently OK Local Idiots #8 - just really love them!
🥰How Y'all Doing?: Misadventures and Mischief from a Life Well Lived (Leslie Jordan, author & narrator) - just LJ telling stories, like he did so well. a little bittersweet with his death so recent
💖💖 +143K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Cut and Changed and Rearranged (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 10.8K - someone did art on twitter, and so i had to reread, because who doesn't love 'confession of feelings via mixtape'?!
Travel Man - s2, e3 (Noel Fielding, Copenhagen)
Leverage: Redemption - s2, e5
Avenue 5 - s1, e1-2
Mystery Menu with Sohla & Ham: Peanut Butter
Mystery Menu with Sohla & Ham: Hot Dogs
Mystery Menu with Sohla & Ham: Corn Flakes
Mystery Menu with Sohla & Ham: Hot Pockets
Off Menu - Ep 88: Mae Martin
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 'The Godfather' and the limits of on-screen representation
Decoder Ring Plus - The New Age Hit Machine
The Sporkful - Claire Saffitz Doesn’t Need To Defend Dessert
Switched on Pop - Why do new Christmas songs fail?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Moon Trees
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Bread and Puppet Museum and Theater
Still Processing - Plastic Off the Sofa
Vibe Check - Those Are French Fighting Words
99% Invisible #516 - Cougar Town
Shedunnit Book Club - Howdunnit
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fluorescent Rocks of Sterling Hill Mine
Into It - Before Elon Bought Twitter, He Tried His Own Version of 'The Onion' (Plus: What's Laci Mosley Into?)
Ologies with Alie Ward - Special Ep: Mycology (MUSHROOMS) Tom Volk Memorial Encore
One Year Plus - The Making of One Year: 1942
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tina Turner Museum
Strong Songs Bonus Episodes - Jimi Hendrix's Solo on "Hey Joe"
Hit Parade Plus - The Bridge: Pub Rock, Power Pop and New Wave
Hit Songs from '80s Movies
The Hollies' Greatest Hits
Repeat When Necessary [Dave Edmunds]
Presenting The Kinks
Playlist: The Very Best Of The Lovin' Spoonful
Bossa Nova Time
Essential Proto-Metal
Rumours [Fleetwood Mac]
Presenting Fleetwood Mac
Presenting Carly Rae Jepsen
Presenting Nine Inch Nails
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Okay, you suggested the idea of Mr. Big Hanibal being old college buddies, but imagine the same for Viceroy and Steven. Sure he may have been an evil scientist, but I could see the two still being buds back then.
Also, I'm guessing during the midst of this crossover adventure, Howard and Huggy would be on their own misadventure.
Oh yeah, a youtuber named Mr. Multiverse mentioned this when he proposed a fanfiction idea on his channel about Wordgirl vs Randy like Batman vs Superman, but with out all the death and gritty stuff. He also talked about Mr. Big and Hannibal McFist being old friends and it was funny how Leslie and Viceroy interacted. But yeah I can picture Steven and Viceroy being old college buddies. Steven probably needed to take a few classes at Mad Science University (MSU) where he met Viceroy there as he needed those course for a degree or something. Oh yes, Howard and Huggy would be straight up bonding.
here is the link to Mr. Multiverse's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7h9oHZ5m6I
Angst thing to mention - it was seeing Randy's bond with Howard which contributed to Wordgirl getting stanked in my original idea.
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hoailona · 2 years
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Leslie Allen Jordan was an actor, writer, and singer. He was best known for his roles as Lonnie Garr on Hearts Afire, Beverly Leslie on Will & Grace, for which he won an Emmy in 2006. During the 2020 pandemic, he became an Instagram sensation, amassing 5.8M followers. In April 2021, he published his autobiography 'How Y'all Doing?: Misadventures and Mischief from a Life Well Lived'.  — Wikimedia 
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.22
Answer Your Cat's Questions Day
Apple Macintosh Day
Black Tables Day (Posaf)
Bóndadagur (Man’s Day; Iceland) [1st of Þorri]
Butcher’s Broom Day (French Republic)
Celebration of Life Day
Come in From the Cold Day
Curious Cat Day
Customs Officers’ Day (Tajikistan)
Dance of the Seven Veils Day
Day of Hungarian Culture
Day of Unity and Liberty (Ukraine)
Dia de la Fundación del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (Multicultural State Day; Bolivia)
Franco-German Day (Germany)
Grandfather’s Day (Dzień Dziadka; Poland)
Hi, How Are You? Day (Texas)
Justin Turner Day (Los Angeles)
Lord Byron Day
National Heroes Day (Cayman Islands)
National Law Enforcement Spouse Appreciation Day
National Ty Day
National Vincent Day
National Yorkshire Territory Day
Nuclear Ban Treaty Day
Nude Beach Day
Our Town Day
Polka Dot Day
Public Holiday (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
Reunion Day (Ukraine)
Roe vs. Wade Day
Talk to Your Cat Day
Trans Prisoner Day of Action & Solidarity
Unity Day (Ukraine)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Curry Day (Japan)
National Blonde Brownie Day
National Hot Sauce Day [also 11.5]
National Southern Food Day
4th Monday in January
Better Business Communication Day [4th Monday]
Blue Monday [Monday of Last Full Week]
Community Manager Appreciation Day [4th Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Plurinational State Foundation Day (Bolivia)
Ukraine (Unification; 1919)
Wellington Province Day (New Zealand)
Festivals Beginning January 22, 2024
Global Organic Produce Expo (Hollywood, Florida) [thru 1.24]
Howard County Restaurant Week (Howard County, Maryland) [thru 2.4]
Indiana Hort Conference & Expo (Danville, Indiana) [thru 1.23]
Triangle Restaurant Week (Raleigh, North Carolina) [thru 1.28]
Washington Oregon Potato Conference (Kennewick, Washington) [thru 1.25]
Feast Days
Abraham (Positivist; Saint)
Anastasius of Persia (Christian; Saint)
Aquarius zodiac sign begins (Astrology; Pagan)
Basil Wolverton (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Erotic Festival Day
Feast of St. Vincent (Old Agricultural Calendar; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Festival of Invoking and Banishing
Festival of the Orgone
Francis Picabia (Artology)
Gaudentius of Novara (Christian; Saint)
Imoinu Iratpa (Celebration of Emoinu, Sanamahism Goddess of Wealth, Prosperity and Vital Resources; India)
Joseph Wolf (Artology)
László Batthyány-Strattmann (Christian; Saint)
Laugh at Life Day (Pastafarian)
Laura Vicuna (Christian; Saint)
Moise Kisling (Artology)
Nicolas Lancret (Artology)
Quantum Cheese Day (Pastafarian)
Vincent Pallotti (Christian; Saint)
Vincent of Saragossa (Christian; Saint)
Vincent, Orontius, and Victor (Christian; Saints)
William Joseph Chaminade (Christian; Blessed)
Xomfey and Melg (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
All’s Well That Ends Well, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1742)
Bad Luck Blackie (MGM Cartoon; 1949)
Broad City (TV Series; 2014)
Caprica (TV Series; 2010)
Chappelle’s Show (TV Series; 2003)
The Crucible, by Arthur Miller (Play; 1953)
D.E.B.S. (Film; 2004)
Dirty Grandpa (Film; 2016)
Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player, by Elton John (Album; 1973)
Extraordinary Measures (Film; 2010)
Five Corners (Film; 1988)
French Freud (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
Get Low (Film; 2010)
The Happy Highwayman, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1939) [Saint #22]
Hello, Ma Booby or Pleased to Beat Ya (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 197; 1963)
Innertube Antics, featuring Ol’ Doc Donkey (MGM Cartoon; 1944)
A Knock for the Rock or The Lamp is Low (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 92; 1961)
Knock on Wood or Bullwinkle Takes the Rap (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 91; 1961)
Lady Soul, by Aretha Franklin (Album; 1968)
Legion (Film; 2010)
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones (Film; 1964)
Neil Young, by Neil Young (Album; 1969)
On Broadway, recorded by The Drifters (Song; 1963)
Ophelia (Film; 2018)
The Paneless Window Washer (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peggy Sue Got Married, recorded by Buddy Holly (Song; 1959)
Please Don't Eat the Daisies, by Jean Kerr (Essays; 1957)
Robin Hood (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Safety Not Guaranteed (Film; 2012)
Scrap For Victory, featuring Gandy Goose & Sourpuss (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Shoot the Moon (Film; 1982)
The Soul Cages, by Sting (Album; 1991)
Spinach Fer Britain (Fleischer//Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Sugar Blues, by Clyde McCoy and His Orchestra (Song; 1931)
The Tin Can Tourist, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Tooth Fairy (Film; 2010)
Under Bullwinkle’s Bowler or The Wide, Open Spaces (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 198; 1963)
The Virgin Queen (TV Mini-Series; 2006)
The Vitamin G-Man (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
We Are Family, by Sister Sledge (Album; 1979)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice, recorded by The Beach Boys (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Vinzenz (Austria)
Anastazije, Irena, Vice, Vinko (Croatia)
Slavomír (Czech Republic)
Vincentius (Denmark)
Luule, Luuli (Estonia)
Visa (Finland)
Vincent (France)
Dietlinde, Jana, Vinzenz (Germany)
Anastasios, Timotheos (Greece)
Artúr, Vince (Hungary)
Domenico, Esmeralda, Linda, Smeralda, Teodolinda, Vincenzo, Vinzenz (Italy)
Austris, Meinhards, Vincents (Latvia)
Anastazas, Aušrius, Skaistė, Vincentas (Lithuania)
Ivan, Vanja (Norway)
Anastazy, Dobromysł, Gaudencjusz, Gaudenty, Marta, Wincenty (Poland)
Anastasie, Timotei (Romania)
Zora (Slovakia)
Vicente (Spain)
Viktor, Vincent (Sweden)
Tin, Timothy (Ukraine)
Enoch, Piper, Vicenta, Vicente, Vince, Vincent, Vincentia, Vincenzo, Vinnie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 22 of 2024; 344 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 4 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 12 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 11 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 22 White; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 9 January 2024
Moon: 91%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Moses (1st Month) [Abraham]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 33 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 1 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Aquarius (The Water Bearer) begins [Zodiac Sign 11; thru 2.18]
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.22
Answer Your Cat's Questions Day
Apple Macintosh Day
Black Tables Day (Posaf)
Bóndadagur (Man’s Day; Iceland) [1st of Þorri]
Butcher’s Broom Day (French Republic)
Celebration of Life Day
Come in From the Cold Day
Curious Cat Day
Customs Officers’ Day (Tajikistan)
Dance of the Seven Veils Day
Day of Hungarian Culture
Day of Unity and Liberty (Ukraine)
Dia de la Fundación del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (Multicultural State Day; Bolivia)
Franco-German Day (Germany)
Grandfather’s Day (Dzień Dziadka; Poland)
Hi, How Are You? Day (Texas)
Justin Turner Day (Los Angeles)
Lord Byron Day
National Heroes Day (Cayman Islands)
National Law Enforcement Spouse Appreciation Day
National Ty Day
National Vincent Day
National Yorkshire Territory Day
Nuclear Ban Treaty Day
Nude Beach Day
Our Town Day
Polka Dot Day
Public Holiday (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
Reunion Day (Ukraine)
Roe vs. Wade Day
Talk to Your Cat Day
Trans Prisoner Day of Action & Solidarity
Unity Day (Ukraine)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Curry Day (Japan)
National Blonde Brownie Day
National Hot Sauce Day [also 11.5]
National Southern Food Day
4th Monday in January
Better Business Communication Day [4th Monday]
Blue Monday [Monday of Last Full Week]
Community Manager Appreciation Day [4th Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Plurinational State Foundation Day (Bolivia)
Ukraine (Unification; 1919)
Wellington Province Day (New Zealand)
Festivals Beginning January 22, 2024
Global Organic Produce Expo (Hollywood, Florida) [thru 1.24]
Howard County Restaurant Week (Howard County, Maryland) [thru 2.4]
Indiana Hort Conference & Expo (Danville, Indiana) [thru 1.23]
Triangle Restaurant Week (Raleigh, North Carolina) [thru 1.28]
Washington Oregon Potato Conference (Kennewick, Washington) [thru 1.25]
Feast Days
Abraham (Positivist; Saint)
Anastasius of Persia (Christian; Saint)
Aquarius zodiac sign begins (Astrology; Pagan)
Basil Wolverton (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Erotic Festival Day
Feast of St. Vincent (Old Agricultural Calendar; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Festival of Invoking and Banishing
Festival of the Orgone
Francis Picabia (Artology)
Gaudentius of Novara (Christian; Saint)
Imoinu Iratpa (Celebration of Emoinu, Sanamahism Goddess of Wealth, Prosperity and Vital Resources; India)
Joseph Wolf (Artology)
László Batthyány-Strattmann (Christian; Saint)
Laugh at Life Day (Pastafarian)
Laura Vicuna (Christian; Saint)
Moise Kisling (Artology)
Nicolas Lancret (Artology)
Quantum Cheese Day (Pastafarian)
Vincent Pallotti (Christian; Saint)
Vincent of Saragossa (Christian; Saint)
Vincent, Orontius, and Victor (Christian; Saints)
William Joseph Chaminade (Christian; Blessed)
Xomfey and Melg (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
All’s Well That Ends Well, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1742)
Bad Luck Blackie (MGM Cartoon; 1949)
Broad City (TV Series; 2014)
Caprica (TV Series; 2010)
Chappelle’s Show (TV Series; 2003)
The Crucible, by Arthur Miller (Play; 1953)
D.E.B.S. (Film; 2004)
Dirty Grandpa (Film; 2016)
Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player, by Elton John (Album; 1973)
Extraordinary Measures (Film; 2010)
Five Corners (Film; 1988)
French Freud (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
Get Low (Film; 2010)
The Happy Highwayman, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1939) [Saint #22]
Hello, Ma Booby or Pleased to Beat Ya (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 197; 1963)
Innertube Antics, featuring Ol’ Doc Donkey (MGM Cartoon; 1944)
A Knock for the Rock or The Lamp is Low (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 92; 1961)
Knock on Wood or Bullwinkle Takes the Rap (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 91; 1961)
Lady Soul, by Aretha Franklin (Album; 1968)
Legion (Film; 2010)
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones (Film; 1964)
Neil Young, by Neil Young (Album; 1969)
On Broadway, recorded by The Drifters (Song; 1963)
Ophelia (Film; 2018)
The Paneless Window Washer (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peggy Sue Got Married, recorded by Buddy Holly (Song; 1959)
Please Don't Eat the Daisies, by Jean Kerr (Essays; 1957)
Robin Hood (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Safety Not Guaranteed (Film; 2012)
Scrap For Victory, featuring Gandy Goose & Sourpuss (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Shoot the Moon (Film; 1982)
The Soul Cages, by Sting (Album; 1991)
Spinach Fer Britain (Fleischer//Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Sugar Blues, by Clyde McCoy and His Orchestra (Song; 1931)
The Tin Can Tourist, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Tooth Fairy (Film; 2010)
Under Bullwinkle’s Bowler or The Wide, Open Spaces (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 198; 1963)
The Virgin Queen (TV Mini-Series; 2006)
The Vitamin G-Man (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
We Are Family, by Sister Sledge (Album; 1979)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice, recorded by The Beach Boys (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Vinzenz (Austria)
Anastazije, Irena, Vice, Vinko (Croatia)
Slavomír (Czech Republic)
Vincentius (Denmark)
Luule, Luuli (Estonia)
Visa (Finland)
Vincent (France)
Dietlinde, Jana, Vinzenz (Germany)
Anastasios, Timotheos (Greece)
Artúr, Vince (Hungary)
Domenico, Esmeralda, Linda, Smeralda, Teodolinda, Vincenzo, Vinzenz (Italy)
Austris, Meinhards, Vincents (Latvia)
Anastazas, Aušrius, Skaistė, Vincentas (Lithuania)
Ivan, Vanja (Norway)
Anastazy, Dobromysł, Gaudencjusz, Gaudenty, Marta, Wincenty (Poland)
Anastasie, Timotei (Romania)
Zora (Slovakia)
Vicente (Spain)
Viktor, Vincent (Sweden)
Tin, Timothy (Ukraine)
Enoch, Piper, Vicenta, Vicente, Vince, Vincent, Vincentia, Vincenzo, Vinnie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 22 of 2024; 344 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 4 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 12 (Yi-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 11 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 22 White; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 9 January 2024
Moon: 91%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Moses (1st Month) [Abraham]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 33 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 1 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Aquarius (The Water Bearer) begins [Zodiac Sign 11; thru 2.18]
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polikszena · 2 years
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Ted Lasso Season 3 Official Teaser - Part 2
Well, if seeing is believing, I believe we’ve been seen.
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dramatisperscnae · 9 months
@lazaruspitreborn [x]
Jason knew he shouldn't feel a lump on his throat when he saw the scar on the side of Dick's chest, on the last of his ribs, nor feel anger against whatever or whoever gave him that, it was an irrational thought, but he couldn't help it. It shouldn't even be surprising, in their line of work, but there was something that didn't settle well within his mind when he walked through that line of thinking. It wasn't even reasonable, because Jason himself had given Dick some good blows in the past, he was probably the last person who could feel like this when it came to Dick and his past misadventures and near death toll. However, things had changed since that time, he worked through a lot and was still doing what he could to get through his emotions, detangling them little by little every day, and upon seeing the thin and faded lines, he felt... protective. His fingers followed the trail left by it with their ghostly touch and so did his gaze, silently wishing Dick didn't hide behind a smile the way he always did. "No." He answered the question and pulled his hand back to himself for a moment while his eyes scanned and trailed the trajectory of where the blows and cuts hit Dick in the past, then, brought his hand up and carefully rubbed the area with his thumb, gently cradling the side of Dick's face in his palm to do so. "I'm just glad you're okay."
Dick's muscles quivered beneath Jason's touch. The atmosphere around them had somehow suddenly shifted in seconds, from the companionable feeling of a shared workout session to…this. Something far more fragile and yet somehow powerful. Jason's fingers were following the scar as if he was touching the most delicate crystal, and the way he was staring…it was strange.
Slowly Dick sat up once Jason's hand pulled away, his own reaching up to rake through his hair more than a little self-consciously. He'd been ogled and admired before - far too many times - but this wasn't that. Jason wasn't staring at him, not really; it was his scars that were holding Jason's attention. The oldest ones he had that were still visible. Dick watched as Jason's eyes traced over them, moving up from his ribs to his shoulders, his face…and then Jason's hand was at his cheek, thumb brushing lightly at the corner of his left eye, right over the scar there, and Dick went absolutely still.
I'm just glad you're okay.
"…Me, too." The words were soft, any trace of a smile fading from Dick's face as he spoke. Even now, over a decade on, the memory of how he'd gotten those scars was a rough one. A part of him could still feel the ghostly impact as Jason's hand curved to fit his cheek. "That was my first close call. Possibly my closest…" He'd only heard from Leslie and Alfred how badly he'd been injured. Bruce had probably had a meticulously detailed record of it, just as he'd done with Jason later, but Dick had never gone looking for it. Some things he was better off not knowing.
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Exploring the Charm of Popular Sitcoms That Are Truly Exceptional
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Sitcoms have long been a staple of television entertainment, offering viewers a delightful escape into the lives of fictional characters, often sprinkled with humor, heartwarming moments, and valuable life lessons. While there are numerous sitcoms that have graced our screens over the years, some stand out not just for their popularity, but for their exceptional quality and enduring appeal. Let’s take a journey through the world of television and explore the sitcoms that have not only captured our hearts but have also left a lasting impact on the landscape of entertainment. - "Friends": This iconic show needs no introduction. With its witty humor and unforgettable characters, "Friends" has become a cultural phenomenon, making us laugh and cry alongside Monica, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe. - "The Office": A mockumentary-style sitcom that perfectly captures the nuances of office life. The quirky employees of Dunder Mifflin, led by the incomparable Steve Carell as Michael Scott, have etched their place in television history. - "Parks and Recreation": Leslie Knope, portrayed by Amy Poehler, leads the charge in this heartwarming comedy set in the Parks Department of Pawnee, Indiana. The show’s unique blend of humor and sincerity has earned it a dedicated fan base. - "Brooklyn Nine-Nine": Balancing humor with social issues, this sitcom follows the detectives of the 99th precinct of the New York City Police Department. Its diverse cast and clever writing have garnered widespread acclaim. - "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel": Set in the 1950s, this show chronicles the journey of Miriam "Midge" Maisel, a housewife turned stand-up comedian. Its vibrant storytelling and strong female lead have earned critical acclaim and several awards. - "Schitt's Creek": The riches-to-rags story of the Rose family resonated with audiences worldwide. This Canadian sitcom, created by Eugene Levy and his son Dan Levy, is celebrated for its humor, heart, and character development. - "How I Met Your Mother": Through Ted Mosby’s narrative, this show explores friendship, love, and the journey to finding “the one.” Its intricate storytelling and memorable catchphrases have made it a fan favorite. - "New Girl": Zooey Deschanel shines as Jess, an eccentric teacher, in this endearing sitcom. The dynamic between Jess and her roommates, along with their hilarious misadventures, makes for a delightful watch. - "Arrested Development": This satirical sitcom follows the dysfunctional Bluth family. Its unique style, blending witty humor and intricate plotlines, has earned it a cult following. - "Community": Set in a community college, this show delves into the lives of a diverse group of students. Its meta-humor and pop culture references have endeared it to fans who appreciate clever writing. - "30 Rock": A behind-the-scenes look at a fictional sketch comedy show, this sitcom, created by and starring Tina Fey, offers a humorous take on the television industry. Its fast-paced comedy and stellar performances are commendable. - "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia": Known for its dark humor and unapologetically flawed characters, this sitcom follows the misadventures of the owners of an unsuccessful Irish bar. Its bold approach to comedy has earned it a loyal fanbase. - "Black-ish": Addressing important social issues with humor, this sitcom revolves around an African American family navigating life's challenges. Its thought-provoking episodes and stellar cast have earned critical acclaim. - "Brotherhood": This British sitcom explores the dynamics of male friendships. With its relatable characters and witty dialogues, it has gained popularity for its authenticity. - "The Good Place": Mixing philosophy with comedy, this show takes a unique approach to the afterlife. The unexpected twists and ethical dilemmas faced by its characters make it a standout sitcom. FAQs: 1. What makes a sitcom truly exceptional beyond its popularity? Exceptional sitcoms often possess well-developed characters, clever writing, a unique premise, and the ability to evoke genuine emotions in viewers. 2. Why do sitcoms like "Friends" and "The Office" continue to resonate with audiences even years after their initial run? Timeless humor, relatable characters, and universal themes ensure that these sitcoms remain relevant and enjoyable across generations. 3. How do sitcoms like "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" balance humor with significant social issues? These sitcoms use humor as a lens to explore social issues, sparking important conversations while entertaining audiences. 4. What role does diversity play in the success of sitcoms like "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" and "Black-ish"? Diversity fosters inclusivity, allowing viewers from various backgrounds to connect with characters and storylines, enhancing the show's appeal. 5. How have streaming platforms contributed to the popularity of sitcoms in the digital age? Streaming platforms offer a vast library of sitcoms, allowing viewers to discover and binge-watch shows, leading to increased viewership and fanbases. 6. What impact do strong female leads, as seen in shows like "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," have on the sitcom genre? Strong female leads challenge stereotypes, empowering viewers and promoting gender equality, making sitcoms more inclusive and progressive. 7. Why do sitcoms like "Arrested Development" and "30 Rock" incorporate meta-humor and pop culture references? Meta-humor and references create a sense of shared knowledge with the audience, enhancing the comedy and engaging viewers on a deeper level. 8. How do sitcoms like "Schitt's Creek" and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" tackle unconventional themes with humor? These sitcoms use unconventional themes to challenge societal norms, providing a fresh perspective while eliciting laughter, often through satire and parody. 9. What impact do memorable catchphrases and quotes from sitcoms have on popular culture? Catchphrases become cultural touchpoints, often quoted and referenced, cementing the show's influence and ensuring its enduring presence in popular culture. 10. How do sitcoms evolve to address changing societal norms and cultural shifts? Sitcoms adapt their storylines and characters to reflect contemporary issues, fostering inclusivity and relevance, which resonates with diverse audiences. 11. Why do viewers often find comfort and solace in rewatching their favorite sitcoms? Familiarity and the emotional connection with characters provide comfort, making rewatching sitcoms akin to revisiting old friends and cherished memories. 12. What role does satire play in sitcoms like "Brotherhood" and "The Good Place"? Satire allows sitcoms to critique societal norms and behaviors, challenging audiences to question their perspectives and encouraging critical thinking. 13. How do sitcoms contribute to shaping public opinion and cultural attitudes on various topics? By addressing social issues, sitcoms can influence public opinion, promote empathy, and encourage discussions, contributing to positive cultural change. Read the full article
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shadesstyle · 1 year
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Bradley Cooper wearing Oliver Peoples Benedict sunglasses in The Hangover Part III (2014) The Hangover Part 3 is a comedy film and the final installment in the popular Hangover trilogy. The movie follows the hilarious misadventures of Phil, Stu, and Alan, as once again they find themselves caught up in a series of outlandish events. This time, the Wolfpack must help their friend Doug by tracking down the notorious gangster, Leslie Chow, who has escaped from prison and is wreaking havoc in their lives. As they journey through Las Vegas, Tijuana, and ultimately back to where it all began in Las Vegas, the group encounters wild situations, eccentric characters, and unexpected twists. With plenty of raucous humor, shocking discoveries, and heartwarming moments, The Hangover Part 3 delivers a fitting conclusion to this wild and unforgettable trilogy.
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theultimatefan · 2 years
Astin, Winkler, Swallow, Eckstein Among 14 Additions To FAN EXPO New Orleans Celebrity Lineup
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The celebrity roster at FAN EXPO New Orleans grew by a whopping 14 with today’s announcement that Sean Astin (Lord of the Rings, The Goonies), Henry Winkler (“Happy Days,” “Barry”), Emily Swallow (“The Mandalorian,” “Supernatural”), Ashley Eckstein (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” Her Universe founder), “The Office” standouts Kate Flanery and Leslie Baker and eight others will attend the event, January 6-8 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
Today’s lineup additions also represent a variety of TV, film, gaming and animation franchises. They include Billy West (“Futurama”), Royce Johnson (“Daredevil,” “The Punisher”), Matt Lanter and James Arnold Taylor (“Star Wars: The Clone Wars”), David Hayter (X-Men, “Metal Gear Solid”) and the “Super Mario” trio of Charles Martinet, Samantha Kelly and Kenny James.
Astin has demonstrated his innate ability to share his heart with the world through such iconic roles as “Mikey Walsh” in The Goonies, the title character of Rudy, “Samwise Gamgee” in the LOTR trilogy, and “Bob Newby” in "Stranger Things 2," roles that epitomize hope, determination and loyalty. Sean's recent feature films include the award winning thriller Adverse (2020); the family comedy Hero Mode (2021); Charming the Hearts of Men (2021); and this year’s comedy iMordecai.
Winkler first captured the nation’s attention as the leather-jacket wearing, motorcycle-riding “Arthur Fonzarelli,” a.k.a. the “Fonz” in the iconic series “Happy Days.” He has gone on to produce TV shows like “MacGyver,” direct several movies, act in plays and feature films, and author the popular Hank Zipzer children’s book series, with co-author Lin Oliver, about the adventures and misadventures of the ever resourceful, but struggling student named Hank.
With her portrayal of “The Armorer” in “The Mandalorian” in the hit Netflix series “The Mandalorian,” Swallow added another role to her growing resume. She also appeared as “Kim Fischer,” a regular on “The Mentalist” and as “Amara / The Darkness” in the 11th season of “Supernatural.” She also lent her voice to the role of “Lisa Tepes” in the animated Netflix fantasy action series “Castlevania.”
In addition to voicing “Ahsoka Tano” in numerous iterations of the “Star Wars” franchise, beginning with 2018’s “The Clone Wars,” Eckstein founded the fashion label Her Universe, dedicated to providing stylish, fashion-forward merchandise for female sci-fi fans.
The 14 newcomers to the FAN EXPO New Orleans celebrity field join a star-studded roster that already includes legendary filmmaker Sam Raimi (Spider-Man, The Evil Dead franchise); Matthew Lewis (“Neville Longbottom”) and Bonnie Wright (“Ginny Weasley”) of the Harry Potter franchise; Katee Sackhoff (“The Mandalorian,” “Battlestar Galactica”); Christina Ricci (“Addams Family,” “Wednesday”); Giancarlo Esposito (“The Mandalorian,” “Breaking Bad”); Carl Weathers (“The Mandalorian,” “Predator”); the “Stranger Things” trio of Joseph Quinn, Grace Van Dien and Eduardo Franco; Anson Mount (“Star Trek: Discovery,” “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds); and the stars of “Trailer Park Boys” Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay and Robb Wells. The event will boast a featured lineup of celebrities, voice actors, creators, cosplayers, authors, exhibitors, compelling programming, meet and greets, special events, family zones and more.
Tickets for FAN EXPO New Orleans are on sale at http://www.fanexponeworleans.com, with individual day, 3-day and Ultimate Fan Package available for adults, youths and families. VIP packages are also available now, with dozens of special benefits including priority entry, limited edition collectibles, exclusive items and much more.
Additional guests, exhibitors and programming for this major comics, sci-fi, horror, literary, anime and gaming convention will be announced closer to the event.
New Orleans is the first event on the 2023 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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