#the mouthpiece of hamas
qupritsuvwix · 5 months
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
Although the Qatari mouthpiece has yet to officially refer to the retraction, all content related to the allegation has been deleted.
After more than 24 hours of letting the story run freely, Qatari mouthpiece Al Jazeera deleted the page featuring their former story, which accused Israeli soldiers of allegedly perpetrating rape against women during the IDF’s latest excursion against Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who barricaded themselves inside the former hospital-cum-terror headquarters at Shifa Hospital.
Though the Qatari mouthpiece hasn’t officially referred to the retraction, all content related to the allegation has reportedly been deleted.
Al Jazeera columnist and former director Yasser Abuhilalah also tweeted, admitting that “It was revealed through Hamas investigations that the story of the rape of women in Al-Shifa Hospital was fabricated… The woman who spoke about rape justified her exaggeration and incorrect talk by saying that the goal was to arouse the nation’s fervor and brotherhood,” adding critically that “As if more than thirty thousand martyrs, ninety thousand wounded, about a million displaced people, and comprehensive destruction were not enough!”
Jihad Khelles, a pro-Hamas preacher from Gaza, also tweeted that it became evident that there was no proven evidence for the events and that the alleged “witness” told a story that she had heard and not witnessed, also adding that “this creates panic and fear” and “makes [Palestinians] feel despair and frustration at a time when we are most in need for stability and reassurance.”
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
Semi-regular reminder that Hamas is a terrorist organization with a long, long history of using human shields and that any news coming from "Palestine" is coming through a Hamas mouthpiece and that Hamas's stated goals in their manifesto is to kill all Jews ("But Gayle," someone once said to me, "They only say Zionists!" I swear to fuck, I will hit you with the clown hammer until your clown makeup comes off).
And while I have you here, the Houthis are literally Nazis and it's fucking wild the number of people I saw a year ago saying "punch all Nazis" who suddenly got very upset when Israel bombed the fucking Nazis.
Palestine deserves to be at peace. Yemen deserves to be at peace. Israel deserves to be at peace. Palestine and Yemen are run by terrorist groups who do not want peace because they are so mad Jews exist, they are willing to cause pain, suffering, and unending fuckery to civilians in order to meet their stated goals of killing all Jews.
If you think Israel is the enemy in all of this, you're the fucking antisemitic problem.
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a-very-tired-jew · 3 months
Another Colleague Conversation
I recently had a conversation with a friend and colleague about stuff they shared regarding the rescue operation of the four hostages. They had posted the tweet from the Deeja account that said in all capital letters that Israel used an aid truck. I reached out because 1) I know this person to be reasonable and evidence based, and 2) I knew they were coming from a place of genuine concern that was being manipulated. For context, this friend is a brilliant geneticist that I have know for nearly 2 decades as we did our undergrad together and have stayed in touch ever since. They're a kindhearted person and their work has led to some breakthroughs that highlight this trait as they've worked on certain types of genes that can have detrimental mutations when expressed. As I've said before, a lot of people are empathetic and sympathetic individuals to the plight of others, and those behaviors are being manipulated for nefarious reasons.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Me: Hey G, that thing you shared about the aid truck? Yeah, that's not the complete story or accurate.
G: What?! What do you mean?
Me: It wasn't an aid truck that they used. In fact, only that tweet and Al Jazeera were reporting that initially. All the other sites, including pro-Israel and anti-Israel, were reporting a civilian truck of some sort. Most said a moving/furniture truck.
G: Wait. Hold on. So it was a moving truck then?
Me: Well...we now know it was a soap truck.
G: Why the fuck are people saying it was an aid truck then?
Me: You know the reason.
G: Yeah...okay, admittedly I am not well informed on all this. Thank you for reaching out and correcting me. Do you have any suggestions on how to stay informed? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Now this is where it gets interesting because at this point they say something that I knew was a thing on some level, but hadn't really put the pieces together.)
Me: Well, I wouldn't share anything from Al Jazeera. All they do is spout Hamas propaganda. I'd also avoid accounts that share from them as well, unless you're really interested in what the propaganda is itself. I'd avoid JVP since they're the Autism Speaks of Jewish groups. And also avoid SJP groups, many of them openly support terrorist groups and have been recently endorsing domestic terrorism. G: Wait, wait, wait. AJ is bad? I've been following them since we were in undergrad.
Me: Since undergrad?
G: Yeah, they were the only ones covering news in a Lefty manner. Like, remember when Occupy Wallstreet broke out during grad school? They were the one of the few news sites that covered it in a left leaning manner.
Me: Ah fuck...that makes sense. Okay. So. AJ is the state media of Qatar, think of it like RT or Sputnik. Qatar has literally hosted the leaders of Hamas for years and they live there in multi-million dollar homes. AJ pretty much acts as the propaganda mouthpiece for Hamas through Qatar.
G: But what does that have to do with how they covered stuff when we were younger?
Me: Well, there was a meeting in 1993 in Philly of Hamas members that was wiretapped. Those wiretaps were submitted as evidence during some trials in the 00s and they revealed that Hamas had planned at that meeting to use the language of progressive Westerners to garner support for their cause and manipulate them.
G: oh
G: Oh, fuck!
G: So you're saying they purposefully set themselves up to be more sympathetic to Leftists and manipulate them through using their jargon and it's on tape?!
Me: Yep. Here's the link (https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/the-hamas-network-in-america.pdf)
Me: Now there's a lot more to that doc. It goes over how they planned to set up research groups to influence academia, political groups for politics, and charity groups to raise money. The latter of which is what the 00s trials were about.
G: Fuck...that's well planned out. I can't believe it's on tape.
Me: Mhm, it's right there. I'm surprised it's been allowed to go on this long though. I think after all the dust settles we might see some Bush Era Patriot Act shenanigans go on.
G: I wouldn't be surprised.
G: Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. I can't believe I fell for that.
Me: It's totally okay, and understandable. If you have questions about anything please feel free to reach out.
G: Again, thank you so much. I will.
What G said about Al Jazeera though and how they'd been following it for years stood out to me. I remember when Occupy Wallstreet happened and AJ was reporting on it. I remember so many American news sites denigrating the movement and AJ was one of the few that was actually covering those protests in an objective manner. We didn't have a lot of the Left news sites that currently exist today. It was a wasteland of center and right wing sources as far as the eye could see. But that makes sense for the time period and why AJ is still so prevalent in Left spaces.
As I told G, the 93 meeting documents Hamas members talking about using the language of Westerners against them and infiltrating their spaces to garner support. With AJ being the mouth piece of Hamas and having been one of the few "Left" leaning news source since Occupy...well, they've been grandfathered in to Leftist spaces as "trusted". That's why so many of these Western activists will accept an AJ article with no question or critical analysis, it's one of the go to sources and has been for a long time.
I'm a little mad at myself that I didn't remember the coverage of Occupy and other events in the USA by AJ and how they were framed until G brought it up. I'm second guessing all the times I read articles back then and my reactions. G admitted they're now doing the same. To think that many of us older Lefties have been manipulated for years because we had some friendly coverage of our opinions is disheartening. But then again, how many of us actually knew what AJ was, who was running it, and what the agenda is/was? I mean, hell, I'm a forensic consultant and consider myself well versed on big cases, but I didn't know about the HLF stuff until Vidino's report came out (the doc mentioned and linked above).
The internet has come such a long way since then. I'm hoping that when this is over that many of these news sites, Leftist and otherwise, will reconsider how they interact with AJ and other such groups. It's quite clear that we've been in a long con, and something has to change.
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omeryotam4 · 7 months
New emergence of the ages-old blood libel "Jewish people steal non-Jewish kids":
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I want everyone to take a good look.
Remember that the Pro-Palestinian mob is trying to dehumanize Jews in any way possible, even using this middle-ages classic blood liable.
This is *clearly* fake, but the amount of people who take it as a fact and continue to share it as a serious source here on tumblr is absolutely frightening.
Here's where I found the post, if you wish to report it:
@lunian you should know that what you're sharing is fake, and you're playing a useful idiot for Hamas mouthpieces.
This is exactly what the Nazi propaganda looked like. You might as well replace it with their articles, as there's no difference:
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The world is going back to the 1930s. I personally cannot let this slide. I will keep fighting for Jewish justice, as long as I have my fingers attached. And you should too, if you learned anything from history.
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odinsblog · 5 months
“I've been thinking about some of the things playing out in Israel and Gaza. And I wonder if when a government shuts down an independent news organization because they don't like the reporting, is that ever okay?
I lived and reported in Russia and watched Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin target reporters and raid newsrooms.
And now the Israeli government has done the same thing. Israel has shut down the news network, Al Jazeera's offices in the country. Al Jazeera is one of the premier media outlets for the Middle East and one of few outlets actually doing reporting on the ground in Gaza.
Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu called them a mouthpiece for Hamas and his government blocked the network's broadcast signal and website and confiscated broadcast equipment. And we should just say Al Jazeera has played a crucial role in reporting on the ground throughout this conflict. And that's kind of where I want to start.
I just pose this question to you: Why should I look at Benjamin Netanyahu any differently than Vladimir Putin when it comes to protecting freedom of the press?
I mean, freedom of the press is freedom of the press, period.”
—David Greene, Why Netanyahu’s latest move is a threat to democracy and a free press
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floralcavern · 6 months
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All right @kenutters
As for the sex offender thing, from what I’ve looked into, it seems that it’s mostly a fault in their government. Which I have expressed many times that I do not support. But still. Israel has the highest number of sex offenders? Compared to who? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Because it doesn’t even crack the top 10
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I then looked into Palestine’s numbers, but Hamas doesn’t register or keep track of that type of stuff, so there are no official numbers
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1americanconservative · 2 months
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Islamization of Michigan! Just days ago, thousands of Shia Muslims marched down the streets of Dearborn, Michigan, in the Tenth Annual Ashura Procession. This controversial event took place in Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib's district, and as you will notice, there was not one American flag in sight! Instead, they flew Shi'ite religious flags from a helicopter while showing their support for Hamas and Hezbollah. The U.S. media ignored the display of power by Islamic supremacists who marched with signs demanding Americans' respect for their Qur'an (interpreted as a war manual). They seized control of roads, overpasses, and parks, flexing their power, which went unreported by the U.S. media. They marched militantly, wielding signs demanding American respect for their Qur’an, which experts say is a manual for warfare against non-Muslims. Among their demands were the enforcement of Islamic law on non-Muslims, the suppression of free speech to comply with Islamic blasphemy laws, and the boycott and eradication of Israel. Burqa-clad women and children waved Islamic flags and Qur'ans. Women who adhere to Sharia wear in a Western nation should be perceived as a threat, as they are committed to instilling Sharia. This "Islamic family even" was spearheaded by a controversial Iranian government mouthpiece, Imam Husham Al-Husainy, who is an Iraqi refugee who despises America. Dearborn is known as the Arab capital of North America for its high concentration of Lebanese, Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi, and Yemeni communities, and the city claims the largest American Muslim population per capita (majority Shiite Muslim) and the country's largest mosque. Arabic signs adorn restaurants and businesses, and even Dearborn’s public schools serve only Halal meat—a strategic means for Muslim minorities to introduce Sharia into the broader non-Muslim majority. This is just one more Western city that Islamic supremacists have seized control of without firing a shot... Read the full story here: https://rairfoundation.com/sharia-michigan-islamic-supremacists-seize-control-streets-dearborn/…
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allthegeopolitics · 5 months
Al Jazeera, one of the only media outlets broadcasting from the Gaza Strip, can no longer be watched on TV in Israel after the cabinet voted unanimously to close its local offices. It’s the first time Israel has banned a foreign media outlet and marks a new low in relations between the station and the Israeli government. The ban could strain peace talks hosted by Qatar, which owns Al Jazeera. The extraordinary order from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government also allowed it to raid the station’s East Jerusalem office and confiscate broadcast equipment. Following the vote, Netanyahu said in a statement that Al Jazeera reporters had “harmed Israel’s security and incited against soldiers,” decrying the press outlet as a “Hamas mouthpiece.”
Continue Reading.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Chaim Lax
A popular adage states that “a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”
In this day and age of social media and up-to-the-minute news, it has never been faster for a lie to travel around the world — and it’s been even harder for the truth to try and catch up.
That was the case last week, when Al Jazeera spread a malicious libel about Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women in Al-Shifa Hospital during the IDF’s ongoing campaign against entrenched Hamas forces there, before quietly removing the story and trying to silently bury it.
On the morning of March 24, Al Jazeera Arabic’s principal news presenter, Elsy Abi Assi (who is no stranger to antisemitism and denial of Hamas atrocities), interviewed a Gazan woman by the name of Jamila Al-Hessi on live TV. She claimed that Israeli soldiers operating in Al-Shifa Hospital were raping Palestinian women and brutally murdering other Palestinians sheltering in the medical complex.
These allegations soon spread like wildfire on social media, with popular anti-Israel accounts picking up the story and disseminating it to their large English-speaking audiences.
Then, that night, Yasser Abuhilalah, an Al Jazeera columnist and former director, tweeted that a Hamas investigation into these allegations had concluded that they were not true, and that Jamila Al-Hessi had justified her on-air deception by claiming that she had exaggerated her claims in order to “arouse the nation’s fervor and brotherhood.”
According to some analysts, Hamas had decided to issue a rare public denial of these claims since its dissemination among Palestinians in northern Gaza was having the opposite effect than was intended: Instead of producing enmity against Israel, these allegations had caused Palestinians to flee the area in fear for their safety.
By the next day, Al Jazeera had removed references to Al-Hessi’s claims from its online platforms, but never formally retracted these libels, even though it had uncritically aired them in the first place.
However, by that point, it was too late. The damage to Israel’s reputation had already been done.
In less than 24 hours, millions of people had already viewed Jamila Al-Hessi’s lies on social media and, despite the denial by Hamas itself, continue to do so through a variety of anti-Israel accounts.
As of this last Thursday alone, the story had been viewed 2.3 million times on the X (formerly Twitter) account of Middle East Eye, 918,000 times on the X account of “investigative journalist” Sulaiman Ahmed, 405,000 times on the X account of “human rights activist”/Hamas supporter Ramy Abdu, and over 305,000 times on the X account of alternative media outlet The Cradle.
Some (including Sana Saeed, a journalist affiliated with Al Jazeera) have even gone so far as to voice skepticism of Hamas’ discrediting of Al-Hessi’s story.
The allegation of rape by IDF soldiers in Al-Shifa Hospital is not the first lie about Israel and the IDF that has been spread since Hamas’ October 7 terror attack and the subsequent Israeli invasion of Gaza.
However, in this case, it was not spread by a lone social media activist or a fringe news source, but by a news organization that enjoys a veneer of respectability among both news consumers and media outlets around the world.
Despite it serving as an official mouthpiece of the authoritarian Qatari regime, and being accused of echoing Hamas talking points, Al Jazeera is viewed as a trusted source of information about Israel and the Palestinians during the current conflict, as well as over the past several years.
In 2022, HonestReporting uncovered that Al Jazeera had been cited by 16 “top-tier news outlets” 116 times in Israel-related news stories, with most never mentioning the Qatari media organization’s inherent bias.
Also, if not for Hamas deciding that the libel about rapes in Al-Shifa Hospital was not in its best interest and issuing a denial of the allegations, it is highly likely that Al Jazeera would have continued to run with this fabrication as a trusted news story.
In this age of the 24-hour news cycle and instant access to news from around the world, Al Jazeera is serving as a valuable tool in Hamas’ propaganda war, spreading misinformation and sullying Israel’s image around the world at record speeds.
Al Jazeera’s malign influence on the views of social media users is concerning. For mainstream media outlets to rely on it as a source for Israel-related stories is downright journalistic malpractice.
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athingofvikings · 10 months
I'm honestly tired of being demonized for the act of "telling people to stop exaggerating Israel's real life bad acts". I don't support Netanyahu. I don't support the West Bank settlements. I most certainly do not want the Palestinian population of Gaza to be pushed out and made into refugees, much less wiped out, as many people think is happening.
But it's not. Even Hamas' own mouthpiece doesn't say that they are being wiped out.
And apparently going, "Hey, it's not a genocide, it doesn't fulfill the criteria, even Hamas isn't claiming that it is, and you insisting that it is a genocide, it Is! I don't care what the facts say! runs into some vicious antisemitic narratives" is me being an apologist for the Israeli government and I might as well be one of Netanyahu's personal aides from the reactions I've gotten, including from some people I thought knew better.
The bias--the hypocrisy--is horrendous and vile.
And ironically just makes me support the idea of Israel even more, just out of practicality--because I've had it rubbed in my face that my acceptance as a Jew is conditional in the extreme.
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a-very-tired-jew · 3 months
Hamas rejected another ceasefire deal.
Multiple big accounts on here and across other social media, as well as major news stations, were celebrating and pushing the narrative that Hamas had accepted due to them “welcoming the UNSC’s vote on a ceasefire”.
But just because they “welcomed” the vote does not mean they accepted a deal in any capacity. Saying otherwise is not only misleading, but an example of propaganda.
Let me give you an example;
Imagine you go into an interview for a new job. The description says that is pays 100k a year, has 6 weeks of vacation, and parental leave. You nail the interview and they verbally confirm the pay and benefits that are in the description. You go through onboarding and they say they'll give you the paperwork to sign at the end. You receive the paperwork and instead of the aforementioned pay and perks it says that you will only get 50k a year, have 2 weeks vacation, and no parental leave. You'd be rightfully upset, call them out on the bait and switch, and refuse to sign the paperwork.
Right? They wasted your time and mislead you.
They were never going to give you what you wanted or what they said they would. They were relying upon you investing your time and not wanting to have wasted it, so you'd therefore accept anything they gave you.
That’s what is happening here. Mediators work with Israel and Hamas to negotiate a deal that both will potentially accept. Israel accepts the deal and Hamas says it does as well. Except while Hamas says it accepts the deal they send a counter offer with different terms. So when Israel then rejects the new proposal because it contains things they did not agree to, Hamas and its allies/supporters/mouthpieces attack Israel for “rejecting” a deal it said it had “accepted”.
Does any of this sound like a reasonable way to negotiate the end of hostilities?
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simonalkenmayer · 11 months
Zionism is propaganda, and for decades it has been doing its level best to conceal all facts related to Israel’s ethnic cleanings. Yes more than one. They forcibly sterilized Ethiopian Jews. Palestinians have been in the area for thousands of years, mentioned even by Roman historians, while Jews were originally from the Abrahamic line out of Iraq. The British gave them the region because they didn’t want Jews anymore than anyone else. Ever since WWI this has been growing.
Ask yourself why Israel makes it illegal to talk about the dispelling of the Palestinians. Why is the Nakba unspeakable? What don’t they want to recall?
Al Jazeera is not a Hamas mouthpiece, nor does Hamas have tunnels beneath hospitals. It’s all garbage easily dispelled by those who work for Doctors Without Borders.
Don’t believe the death toll? It’s independently confirmed by several organizations like UNICEF.
This is a war crime, according to the 33 article of the Geneva convention. This is precisely what Nazis did to Jews.
This is a genocide.
Do not let anyone persuade you otherwise. Hamas doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Hamas won’t stop existing as long as Israel keeps terrorizing the Hamas of tomorrow by murdering their families. Terrorism stops when needs are met.
Free Palestine.
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palestinegenocide · 7 months
Biden is ‘pristine’ on Israel, says megadonor Haim Saban
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We’ve reached the point where Everything that Joe Biden and his mouthpieces say about the Gaza war is a lie.
They say that they deplore civilian deaths in Gaza, and yet they send more money for Israeli munitions and block any effort to hold Israel back, “casting international humanitarian law to the winds.” And when they are pressed about this, Biden’s surrogate Nancy Pelosi says that no American arms have gone to kill Palestinian civilians.
They say that Israel has a strategy to defeat Hamas. It has no strategy. (Even the liberal Zionists admit.) It has only rage and anguish, at the highest level.
They say that this war has given hope to the two-state solution. This is the talking point from Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Chris Coons, Martin Indyk, Tom Friedman, J Street and the State Department. But Netanyahu is dead set against a Palestinian state.
So they say that the problem is Netanyahu – he’s the “pinchpoint,” Senator Coons says — but the Israeli Knesset voted overwhelmingly this week to oppose a Palestinian state.
They say that Biden has argued with Netanyahu about the embarrassing fact that Israel is wantonly killing 10s of thousands of Palestinian civilians. But there is actually No diversity in Israeli leadership over collective punishment, smashing Gaza to bits and mass murder and ethnic cleansing. Over 2/3 of Jewish Israelis oppose humanitarian aid to Gaza.
The State Department and Tom Friedman declare we are just trying to keep alive the dream of normalizing Israel with Arab autocracies so as to spread peace through the bad neighborhood of the Middle East. But Saudi Arabia says it won’t dream of such a thing till Palestinians have sovereignty. And everyone knows that a chief cause of the horrific Hamas attacks on Israeli families in their homes was that the international community was taking Palestinians for granted.
It’s all lies, because Biden knows that the truth will just hurt him. All of America, even evangelicals, are for a ceasefire. Michigan progressives are deserting Biden. The rage is “unprecedented,” even the NY Times says. “The chorus of voices from foreign capitals has grown thunderous in recent days… “
Biden and his friends tell these lies for a simple reason that I talk about to the point of boredom (because so few talk about it). He needs the Israel lobby on his side, way more than he thinks he needs Michigan progressives.
This week Biden had a fundraiser in L.A. co-hosted by Haim Saban – whose only issue is Israel – and a vice-chairman of the ADL— which says that to oppose Zionism makes you an antisemite. Ticket prices, $3,000 to $250,000.
And as Saban told TheWrap, Biden is “pristine” on Israel in these “dire times.”
He’s paying a political price… There’s never been a president as supportive in facts, not only in words, of Israel… [M]ost specifically, in these dire times for Israel, he’s been pristine.
Without the U.S., Israel would be fighting with “sticks and stones.”
These lines from the leading Democratic donor should have been on our airwaves and leading papers. But no, this is a scandal in plain sight because it would just feed the claim that pro-Israel Jews have outsize political influence in the U.S., which everyone knows anyway. And by the way, a PR firm with close links to the White House is an attack dog against journalists who say a kind word about Palestinians.
Biden is pristine because the American Jewish community and Israel are deluded about Israel.
They believe Israel is a robust democracy. No, it is a robust apartheid state– all the human rights organizations affirm– a Jewish supremacist state in which Palestinians have second-class and no-class rights– an order that Palestinians will reject, by any means.
So today Israel perpetrates a likely genocide against those people, killing nearly 30,000 Palestinians, most of them trapped civilians.
And Biden is pristine in his support of this slaughter because he needs political backing in the U.S.
Back in 2015, Obama said that only Israel in all the world was against the Iran deal and it would be an “abrogation” of his constitutional duty if he went with Israel.
Today all the world but Israel wants the slaughter to end, and Biden is abrogating his constitutional duty so as to be pristine in support of Israel.
The difference between Obama and Biden is that Obama was in his second term and could take a stand against the tail wagging the dog. Biden is in his first and cannot. So he and everyone around him just lies.
Thanks for reading,
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 4 months
“Where are the Palestinians in Gaza who will condemn this savagery? Where are the Palestinians who will recognise that this savagery was the direct cause of the current war? “
They were probably busy trying not to starve to death and survive the onslaught from Isreal
This war began as a direct result of Palestinian actions, which you already know. Palestinians celebrating the murder of Israelis, including children. Palestinians tormenting hostages and spitting on the bodies on Israel's dead. Palestinians helping to keep hostages against their will. Noa Argamani was being held by an al-Jazeera journalist!
Any starvation (a dubious claim) is the result of Hamas stealing humanitarian aid for its resupply. With the number of daily trucks entering Gaza due to increase from 300 trucks a day, claims of starvation are even less credible. Prior to that the price of food was cut in Gaza, another sign that food isn't lacking.
Meanwhile, there's plenty of evidence that hostages were starved by their Palestinian captors, but as usual, pro-Palestinian mouthpieces don't want to discuss that.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 9 months
by Coleman Hughes
As with every society on Earth, there is racism in Israel. But the truth is that if you’re looking for the closest analogue to the racist propaganda experienced by blacks in European-offshoot societies, you will find it not on the Israeli side but on the Palestinian side. Consider the ghoulish, antisemitic TV programs that indoctrinate Palestinian children. There is no Israeli equivalent. 
There is yet another inconvenient fact for those who want to reduce the Israeli-Arab conflict to a competition between European settlers and people of color: the majority of Israeli Jews are not European. They are Mizrahi Jews—hailing from the Middle East and North Africa. What’s more, it is not the European Jews but the Mizrahi Jews—who are difficult to visually distinguish from Palestinians—that form most of the voting base of the right-wing parties that Israel’s critics consider to be the truly racist ones. 
When ideologues co-opt the African American freedom struggle and compare it to the Palestinian national movement, they do black Americans a grave disservice. Black Americans (aside from a fringe) did not seek to dominate and destroy white society, as Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized frequently in his speeches. African Americans pursued equality before the law and better economic circumstances. In black history, you can find the occasional Nat Turner, the slave who led a rebellion and advocated killing all whites. But compared to the leaders of the struggle—giants like Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King—radicals like Turner amount to a footnote in the black American struggle for equality. 
Even early Malcolm X, the most prominent mouthpiece for black radicalism, was not interested in a violent takeover whereby blacks would run all of America and render whites second-class citizens. When he expressed black nationalism as more than a metaphor, he made clear that he was interested in a partitioning of black and white states inside America or a black ethnostate somewhere outside of America entirely.
Palestinian leaders, by contrast, seek dominion over all the land existing between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Some, like Hamas, have even more radical ambitions: a global Islamic caliphate. Palestinian leaders have rejected every partition offer they have ever received: the Peel Commission in 1937, the UN partition of 1947, the offers made at Camp David as well as the Clinton Parameters in 2000, and Olmert’s proposal in 2008. In the Palestinian national movement, the common denominator has been the rejection of a Jewish state of any size and scope, as well as the unyielding demand for nothing less than a Palestinian Arab state to subsume Israel: “from the river to the sea,” as the chant goes. 
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