#the nerve of this guy... having stage presence THIS FUCKING GOOD
heartofwritiing · 1 year
Jitters and good luck kisses
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paring: musicianbur x fem!reader
authors note: just a short little blurb i had floating around my brain if the reader was dating wilbur and she joins him on tour for support lol. more wilbur fics are cominggg!!
warnings: Wilbur having anxiety, fluffy fluff, pda, short, unedited! if their is anything i missed let me know!
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pre-show was always filled with anxiety for wilbur.
He's not exactly sure where his anxiety stems from when it came to performing, but it seems to be a combination of various factors. His overthinking brain tends to focus on potential mishaps, like messing up lyrics or strings breaking. However, he has rehearsed and there's no need to worry about these things.
He tried to clear his mind by shaking his head, hoping to expel the constant noise bombarding him, but it didn't work.
The opening act concluded fifteen minutes ago, and he sensed the audience becoming restless and excited about his band's performance. This caused him to feel increasingly nervous.
Wilbur had always been eager to please others and wished for everything to go smoothly in every circumstance. He had no desire to let anyone down, especially himself and the numerous individuals in the packed venue that had sold out within minutes.
He was still on cloud nine from everything recently. his band was finally taking off and getting more recognition. He was finally making a name for himself and was feeling proud of all the hard work he had put in. He was ready to take on the world and continue to make more music. He was determined to stay humble and keep learning, no matter how successful he became.
As his loving girlfriend, you were immensely proud of him. You stood by him through thick and thin, supporting him every step of the way as he chased his dreams. To you, nothing was more important than seeing him genuinely happy, and his passion for music brought him just that.
Remember that you left to get water five minutes ago he is anxiously pacing on the side stage again, wondering where you are. You went to the venues small "dressing room", which consisted of a mirror, a sofa, and chairs in a musty old room that smelled heavily of cigarettes. He expected you to return by his side sooner.
For the past month, you have been there every other night to wish him good luck with a kiss and cheer him on from the sidelines. You sing along to every single song.
You could tell that he was at ease when you were around, observing him from the sidelines and listening intently to every note he sang. His natural on-stage presence was undeniable and it was clear to you that he was meant to be there.
You were always there for him as a comforting presence whenever things took a turn for the worse. Though he felt guilty about relying on you for emotional support, he knew that your love for him surpassed any such concerns. Your mutual support for each other was a source of joy and strength.
Wilbur nervously chewed on the skin around his nails while Joe next to him tried to calm his nerves as well. Meanwhile, Ash and Mark engaged in casual conversation. Wilbur couldn't comprehend how they managed to stay composed before performances. If they did feel anxious, they never showed it.
“How are you guys not freaking the fuck out?” Wil questioned Mark and Ash, as he now was fiddling with the pegs on his fender.
Ash just shrugged. Great input.
“I used to but now it’s like not as much, since when I'm out there it kinda goes away like a switch is flipped in my brain to not be as anxious,” Mark explains.
Wilbur could agree with that. He experienced the same feeling every time they performed. As Mark mentioned, a switch would turn on in his mind, causing the bright lights and muted sounds of the audience to fade away. All that remained were the sounds of his own voice and his bandmates playing passionately in his ears.
"Okay guys, just one more minute before it's time for you to go on!" The stage manager gave them a thumbs-up before heading backstage to ensure that everything was ready to go one last tiem.
Wilbur’s eyes fell back to the spot where he last saw you disappear and felt his heart beating against his ribs. Panic settling in again.
As another minute passed, he worried that he wouldn't have enough time to kiss you before he went out. Mark was the first to go out due to his queue, followed by Joe and Wilbur could hear the fans cheering as Joe waved to them.
Just as Ash was preparing to take the stage, you rushed in through the side door and approached Wilbur with an anxious expression.
"I'm so sorry. My mother called and wanted to check in on me," you explained.
Wilbur noticed your panicked state and approached you, moving closer until your chests were almost touching.
"It's alright. I'm just relieved that you arrived on time. I was just about to step out," he exhaled, feeling as though he had taken his first breath in minutes.
Being close to you again felt like he was grounded and not lost in his thoughts. Regardless of the time and distance, he always felt your absence and missed you dearly.
As you smiled at him, Wilbur felt like he could die from the sheer beauty of the moment. The apples of your cheeks were so round, and the look in your eyes made it clear that you belonged to him.
He loved you so much.
"Of course! I couldn't let you go on without a kiss," you playfully remarked.
His hands came up to cup your cheeks tenderly and you both leaned in simultaneously until your lips met. It was soft and had nothing but your love and admiration poured into it. It wasn’t rushed or heated, just enough time so that when he pulled away your lips felt tingly with excitement.
You took his hands in yours and kissed his knuckles while gently squeezing them, letting him know that you would be waiting for him after he finished his set. He took a deep breath.
“go be a rockstar,” you kissed his cheek.
As you stood before him, he leaned in and placed one last soft and tender kiss on your forehead. The moment was too precious to resist the urge to kiss you one last time. He held onto your hands until you were too far apart to hold on anymore.
He then turned around, his guitar securely strapped to his back as he strode confidently toward the center stage. The microphone stood tall and proud, waiting for him to deliver his musical gift to the eager audience.
You watched in awe as the man you loved nervousness instantly floated away, as Mark counted into the first song and played his heart out. You never got tired of seeing him be so in the moment when he presented himself in front of an audience.
Wilbur approached you after the show with his heart pounding in his ears and a smile stretched across his face. The stage attendant took his guitar, and he embraced you in a bone-crushing hug spinning you around You could feel the excitement radiating off of him as he set you down. Sweat clung to his shirt and skin but you didn't care.
"That was one of the best shows we've done!" he exclaimed. "The audience was really engaged and enjoying it. I'm so proud of the band!" His happiness was infectious.
He looked into your eyes and smiled. It was important for you to let him know how proud you were of him. You have told him countless times, but you never got tired of telling him.
"I'm so proud of you honey!" you beamed.
Wilbur left your side to go congratulate the rest of the team. the rest of the band gathered around to celebrate together as You watched on in admiration as Wilbur interacted with each of them so effortlessly You felt immense pride seeing how far they had all come in such little time.
You couldn't tell what they were talking about as they all nodded at something Joe had said and separated to get ready to pack up and get back on the tour bus.
There was a look of love appearing on Wilbur's face when he looked back at you. You felt a warmth in your heart as you returned his gaze. He returned to you and embraced you once more, burying his face in your neck. As he bent over you, your hands threaded their way into his damp curls.
"Thank you for being here, I honestly don't know what id do without you." he sighs into your ear.
Your heart fluttered at the softness in his voice and you tightened your grip around him.
"I'm glad I could be here. I love you," you whispered the last part so softly that you doubted he could hear it.
Until he whispered back so affectionately; "I love you too,"
You both left the venue hand in hand as you walked with the rest of the group to the bus to get ready for going out for drinks at the local bar to celebrate another great night.
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allylikethecat · 1 year
if you’re still doing the kiss prompts, i woild love 9/19 for gatty ♥️
also wanted to say ive read p mi h everything in the gatty tag and think you have probably the most unique writer’s voice ive seen yet your characters feel 100% true ♥️ truly amazing
First, thank you so much for your kind words about my writing! There are so many incredibly talented writers in this fandom and I am so honored to be included in the tag with them! I have a lot of fun writing about the misadventures of Matty and George and I'm so happy that you're enjoying reading about them! (Eventually, one day, I'll update one of my fics on AO3 - for now I've been having too much fun working on these prompts!)
For the kiss prompts - I ended up combining these two, 9. Kiss…in public and 19. Kiss…for luck. I hope that was okay! If not let me know and I'll write you two new ones 😊 Regardless of if you wanted them combined or two separate ones, I hope that you enjoyed this fill!
9. Kiss…in public & 19. Kiss…for luck 
Matty felt like he was going to throw up. The spliff he had smoked, what he hoped was stealthily in the bathroom, standing carefully balanced on the toilet seat to exhale directly into the vent fan, George laughing with his hands on his hips to keep him steady, had done absolutely nothing to calm his nerves. If anything, it had only made him more anxious, made him paranoid that everyone could tell he was stoned. Even after rehearsing all week, after playing these songs for months, after writing them himself, he still couldn’t manage to pronounce “thinking this through” properly, the words slurring together in such a way that it had become a meme on TikTok. He was about to fuck up the words to his own song on live broadcast television and then get ridiculed on the internet for having a speech impediment despite all the years of speech pathology he had attended as a child to lose his lisp. 
He knew, rationally, they had been on bigger stages before. He knew rationally, the slur of the line was attributed to his Manchester accent and not his childhood speech impediment. He knew rationally, that even if he didn’t remember it, they had played SNL before. Maybe that’s why he was so nervous, maybe that’s why his stomach was churning ominously, leaving him wondering if he was going to puke or shit himself with nerves, or if he was really lucky, maybe a combination of the two.
He had seen the videos of their SNL performance in 2016, he had seen the articles condemning his “weird” stage presence. He had been high as shit on heroin, drunk as hell on red wine and it was truly a miracle that he had managed the performance at all. He had hazy memories of waking up in the back of the car taking them to the hotel, having fallen asleep with his heavy head on George’s shoulder as soon as they were in the moving vehicle, to hear murmurs of how they probably weren’t ever going to be invited back. The track marks on his arm had itched and shame burned in his chest. At the time, he hadn’t even been sure what they weren’t being invited back to. 
But here they were, seven years later, invited back. Their fifth album was doing better than they could have ever hoped, their sold out North American tour had been met with critical acclaim. They were nominated for another Brit award and Jack had even accidentally on purpose let slip that their name was being tossed around as actual Grammy contenders. And they had been invited back. To play SNL, even though seven years ago Matty had blacked out and then apparently thrown up just off to the side of the stage, barely out of view of the audience. It was time for his redemption arc, time for him to show NBC that he was Matty Fucking Healy, and Matty Fucking Healy was no longer a liability. 
Even though he kind of felt like a liability, standing with his guitar in the green room, trying to remember why he thought being a rockstar was a good idea to begin with. 
The rest of the guys, and their backing band, where sprawled out on the leather couches, fiddling with their instruments, laughing with excitement as Matty paced, strumming a few cords as he did so, trying desperately to calm himself, to remind himself that he was Matty Fucking Healy. Worst case scenario had already happened last time they played SNL, so really he should be relaxed, it could only go up from here. His stomach lurched and he found himself scrambling over to the bar sink in the corner, leaning heavily on the counter, banging his guitar on the cabinet as he moved. He took a deep breath, and swallowed hard. False alarm. He was fine. Everything was fine.
“You guys are up,” said a PA poking his head into the green room, Matty looked up, seeing the look of concern and judgment that PA was giving him. He looked too young to have been around for their first performance on the show, but Matty was willing to bet he had heard about it when it was announced they had been booked. Keep an eye on the little curly one, Matty was sure some senior up stage hand had said. Last time he did heroin in the bathroom then threw up everywhere. 
Matty swallowed hard. It was show time. It was just another show he told himself. Just another show. If he was losing it in front of a crowd of 300 he had no idea how he was going to handle Finsbury that summer- they were expecting 50,000. He knew it wasn’t the size of the live audience. It was the live broadcast and what it represented.
“Hey,” George said, catching his arm just as they were about to step onto the stage, and step into the shine of the lights. He could hear Jenna introducing them, though it sounded far away, like his head underwater, which was surreal enough in itself Matty thought hysterically. “Good luck.” 
He wrapped one of his large hands around Matty’s lower back, skimming the top curve of his arse. He pressed his mouth to Matty’s, in a chaste kiss that Matty found himself melting into, trying to deepen, chasing George’s lips, even as he pulled back. 
“You’re going to be brilliant.” 
The crowd started screaming and Matty looked over his shoulder, realizing with detachment that they hadn’t been as hidden, hadn’t been as off to the side as they had thought, the studio audience had a direct view, a front row seat to George kissing him. 
His next thought was the Taylor Swift song, has anyone ever kissed you in a crowded room. Followed quickly by this meant that the audience did in fact probably see him throw up last time. A hysterical bubble of laughter pulled itself from his chest and he rested his forehead against George’s chest. 
George gave the crowd a sheepish wave before pressing another kiss to the crown of Matty’s head, before stepping back and making his way to his drum kit. Matty spun around and waved at the audience, moving into the spotlight to take his place at center stage, grinning to himself as they played the opening notes of Looking for Somebody (To Love). He already had found somebody to love.
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
intermission. I'm having so many thoughts but not in the mind to articulate them
edit: it is no longer intermission. in fact I am back at the hotel room sprawled over the bed and kicking my legs in the air like a little girl. but I refuse to start this list over!
first of all, german really isn't the language for the musical, but they absolutely did the best they could with what they had
with that out of the way, let's get into my scattered stream of consciousness!
the lams is blatant and almost ridiculous. the guy playing Laurens only auditioned for the role so he could make it as gay as possible and I am CERTAIN of that. the homosexual gazing in the first song...... the fucking WAY the other guys and Laurens were whispering to each other when Hamilton first started going off and then Laurens stumbled over as if he was working up the nerve to ask him out. THEY KEEP GRABBING EACH OTHER'S NAPES??? IT LOOKED LIKE THEY WERE ACTUALLY GOING TO KISS DURING MY SHOT. HELLO
when Washington first showed up on stage I immediately went "YES DADDY" and I am not sorry!
speaking of Washington tho, he doesn't quite have the presence for me at some points. he's not as intense or consistent as Chris Jackson, but Hamilton and him are so very cute so I'll take it!
Hamilton is. SO endearing. I love him so much oh my god he's such a sweet boy he deserves the world. the actor is playing him so much younger than lmm did. he's so GENUINE. with lmm there was always this underlying weariness, he was weathered and snippy and waging a constant battle, but this one??? baby boy. such a little guy. absolute sweetheart
at the end of Aaron Burr, Sir instead of "who's that kid, what's he gonna do" they say. "what's the little one doing". can you hear me weeping
a lot of the jokes are lost or just don't hit. sad!
in helpless not only did Washington fix Hamilton's cravat,,,,, Hamilton showed him his ring all excited and then Washington PATTED HIS ELBOW as he was walking away. I'll never emotionally recover from this
also Laurens hands him the ring. they did make homosexual eye contact then. #lgbtq
when Hamilton asks for Eliza's hand, her father doesn't say "be true", he says "na gut". which is basically like saying "k". sir 😭
one thing that annoyed me a bit was that they used a lot of the formal "you". let them use the casual "you". come on :(
every time Washington would have said "young man" he says "my son" instead. 5 dead 21 injured
instead of "at the right hand of the father" Burr says "in the lap of the father" and I?????
In Guns And Ships when Hamilton is leaving to rejoin the army he kisses Eliza and then :( he kisses her belly :( just kill me on the spot
oh at the end of Meet Me Inside when Hamilton screams in Washington's face he immediately ducks his head and WHIMPERS? he sounds like he's about to cry!!!! baby boy :(
Hamilton and Laurens are constantly roughhousing. constantly in each other's faces. it is very lgbt
this fucking shredded me. they changed mom/daddy/pa/pops whatever to the german Mama and Papa. not only does Jefferson say "quick, run to Papa" to Hamilton instead of "daddy's calling", this ALSO means that Philip burst into his father's office yelling "Papa if you'd HEARD the shit he said about you". you don't know real pain until you watch Philip die and hear that boy go "Mama". eternal suffering
Burr was good. I liked him! (yes that's all I have to say about him lmao)
my favourite performer was either Eliza or Angelica. they blew it out of the water
I am saddened to report that making out on stage occurred yet again! the people losing their shit over lmm maybe kissing with tongue during Say No To This would have died. I saw. tongues. I SAW them
some songs really do not work in german. the Schuyler Sisters is usually a favourite of mine but oh man does it sound rough. I didn't really understand the lyrics in Helpless but I still liked it because it's Helpless. some translation choices were wild and it took me out of it for a moment! BUT I'm very pleased to say that one line in Alexander Hamilton I was annoyed about, which was "and I simply shot him" instead of "I'm the damn fool that shot him" was changed to "I was his friend and I shot him". better!
"I'm not throwing away my shot" became "I only have one shot" and honestly I can't say I'm too mad about it at this point
"rise up" became "frei sein" ("to be free") which was a bit. ngl. cringe at times haha
Dear Theodosia hit me straight in the nutsack. I was borderline weeping over it. both Hamilton and Burr were so good in that, the text was very well translated, and oh boy does it hit different to hear that in my mother tongue. shit girls my issues came THROUGH on that one
Satisfied might have been my favourite translation out of the whole musical. god was that good. it had slightly different vibes from the original, but that made it so interesting. the imagery used was impeccable, Angelica's actress was AMAZING, and it's just. jesus fuck I'm probably coming back to that later on. genuinely that version made me tear up it was so good
honestly I would say the performers carried the whole thing. they made it work!
that's all for now folks! rest assured, I'll let y'all know if I think of anything else, but yeah! initial impressions and all that :)
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 11 months
I can't believe I used to hate this chapter... I'M SO EXCITED TO SHARE IT!!! I hope y'all love it!
Chapter 10/16, preview below ⬇️ (yes, the chapter count went up!)
FIC WARNINGS: (take effect in ch 11) Original Character Death, Missing Child, Child Death, Drowning (heed all tags on ao3)
FIC SUMMARY: Julie and Reggie form a deep friendship after meeting through their brothers (“We’re FRIENDS! Stop making it weird!”). He and his friends (and bandmates) help bring her out of the fog of grief, reconnecting her with the music that she’d thought she’d lost with her mother. Over the course of a summer, the tables turn and Julie finds herself showing up for Reggie in ways that they could have never expected.
CHAPTER RELATIONSHIPS: Julie & Luke & Reggie & Alex & Bobby & Flynn, Julie & Flynn, Julie & Reggie, pre-Alex/Willie
After several very long, very extensive conversations, the boys decide to ask Ray if he would be willing to be their collective stand-in guardian until they were all of age and he agreed, with several conditions (including but not limited to Julie continuing to prioritize school and the boys maintaining their own moderate to good standings so that they could graduate). He also offered to reach out to some of Rose’s old contacts to hunt down a trusted lawyer and get a feel for how they felt about Andi and her label. Everything was falling into place.
After they agree to having Andi represent them, including Flynn as an integral part of their team, they’re planning for another showcase. And, it’s at the Orpheum.
Luke is diving deep into perfecting songs and set lists to keep himself distracted from how huge this is. Flynn expands their social media presence, their personal and the official band accounts. They’re recording and sharing behind the scenes content and sneak peak snippets of what they’re working on as well as promoting the upcoming show directly. Sunset Curve’s pre-existing fans overwhelmingly throw their support behind Julie and the Phantoms and the uploads of their two previous performances are doing incredibly well on YouTube. Julie, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby roll as best they can with everything the other two throw at them.
Before they know it, it’s time to load up and head over to the Orpheum. Up until now, their performances have all felt relatively low stakes and while they’re all trying to treat it just like any other gig, the tell-tale signs of their nerves are peeking through. Once they’ve made it through sound check, they wind up pacing, bouncing, and fidgeting in the green room and after only a few moments in their presence, Flynn snaps.
“Y’all need to chill the fuck out. You’re making ME nervous!”
Julie glares at them and they put their hands up in defense.
“You know I’m right. Go for a walk. Get some air! Something.”
Julie huffs out a breath but complies, gathering the guys and taking them outside for a breather. 
The fresh air and slight energy release helps and they manage to make it to the stage no worse for wear to put on a show they’ve come to expect from themselves.
The crowd absolutely loves them and Julie finishes the final notes of their final song with her arm raised in triumph and tears running down her face. The boys exchange concerned looks as they join her to bow, signaling the end of the set. She manages to get offstage before breaking down completely and the boys are right behind her to catch her before she collapses onto the floor. They look at one another over her head as they wrap her up into a group hug, uttering comforting phrases as they hold her.
Ray comes running backstage, “what happened? What’s wrong? Mija, are you ok?”
The boys back away, letting Ray see his daughter but they don’t stray too far. Reggie keeps his arms wrapped around her. She starts gulping for air through her sobbing. Ray rushes the rest of the way up to them and lowers himself to look her in the eyes. Or the close approximation of it, if they’d been open. 
“Julie, mija, can you hear me?” Ray asks her gently.
She nods.
He looks up at Reggie who nods at him and starts modeling deep breathing for her.
“Follow Reggie’s breaths,” Ray tells her and guides her through them verbally.
The first few are shaky but it doesn’t take long until her breathing is synced with Reggie’s.
“Can we take you to sit down?” Ray asks.
She clutches at Reggie’s shirt desperately.
“I won’t let you go,” Reggie whispers to her. “Promise.”
She nods then. The boys and Ray quickly glance around the space to see where they can take her. They’ve barely made it off the stage and are still in the wings. The boys are still hovering, concerned, but they know better than to get in anyone’s way and aren’t willing to leave Julie if they don’t have to.
“There!” Luke points to a set of speaker cases. 
Ray and Reggie slowly direct Julie toward them and Reggie guides her so that she’s sitting beside him on the largest one. Flynn, who had joined them at some point, hands Julie a bottle of water and backs up to join the boys. She struggles to open it, holding it out silently and Reggie grabs it to twist off the lid and hand it back to her, his arms still wrapped around her as promised. She manages to take a few sips and holds it out again. This time Ray takes it and grabs the lid from Reggie, resealing it and setting it down as he crouches to look at her.
“Mija, what happened?”
“She should be here,” Julie sobs and Reggie tightens his arms around her. 
Ray wraps both of them in a hug of his own. “You’re right, she should,” he agrees. “She’d be so, so proud of you. I’m so proud of you.”
Reggie’s eyes are now filled with tears and he sniffles.
“Well great, now you’ve got me,” Alex chastises him wetly, eliciting a chuckle from Reggie, Ray, and Julie. She lifts her head to look at the others and waves them over. They don’t think twice and swoop in to wrap the trio into a massive group hug. It’s a little awkward, navigating around all of the equipment, but it’s perfect for right now.
“I love you guys,” Julie whispers. 
Everyone who can reach places a kiss on her head. “We love you too,” they chorus.
Continue reading on ao3
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shoalweedhence · 6 months
A Time and a Place - Chapter 2
Chapter 1 || Chapter 3
Warnings: Sad Ending!! Please note that even though the first two chapters of the fic are just pure good old fluff and sunshine and rainbows, this was written with a bad ending in mind so, proceed carefully.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN Reader
Content Tag: Fluff & Angst
Word Count: 16k (Chapter 1: 4k / Chapter 2: 4.5k / Chapter 3: 7.5k)
Chapter 2
Your feet seemed to be walking on a little cloud for the next few weeks, and you were almost certain that nothing could rain on your parade. 
As time passed and you kept coming to the shows, you progressively grew closer to the members of the Hellfire Club. 
As cliché as it sounded from an outcast like you, you wanted nothing more than to say ‘screw the rules, I’ll hang out with whomever I please, whenever I please’; though, as the world would have it, outcasts never quite got their way.
“I swear this is fucking bullshit!” You groaned, exasperated.
Your friends and you had been caught in the crossfire of a group of jocks throwing their food at a couple of outcasts in the cafeteria and had therefore been signed up for cleaning duty of the entire kitchens after school… And today, as it were, was a Tuesday, because of course it was.
Knowing how important your ‘Eddie outings’ -as your friends called them- were, both of them tried to get you out of the sanction, but to no avail. 
Tuesdays were usually a bit quieter bar-wise, so your friends felt a bit more at ease knowing you went on your own, especially since they thought Eddie would probably come down from the stage and beat up anyone who would try anything after you’d told them about the whole ‘arm muscles debacle’. 
Still, this was not just about you, both of your friends had things planned as well. 
“I’m sorry you guys got caught up in this mess too,” you said, looking at each of them in turn as you grew nearer to the back of the school, no one around left as the last bell had rung some time earlier.
“‘Nothing to apologise for, it’s not your fault,” one of them shrugged, a small sad smile painted on their lips.
“I’m just sad we won’t get anymore Eddie gossip for a few days,” the other nudged you in the side with their elbow.
Just as you were about to defend yourself from their gentle shoves, a voice called out to you.
“Ah, speak of the devil,” they commented.
“Hey,” Eddie said as he stood in front of you.
“H-hi,” you stuttered, blaming it on the shock of seeing him approach you at school, but you could hardly lie to yourself and his presence *did* still turn your nerves into a jittery mess whenever he was around.
“We’ll go on ahead,” your friends said, giving you stares full of insinuations.
You stared back as they left you, with Eddie, alone. 
“Are you starting a reefer business too? I didn’t know I’d get competitors in the market, especially not in our great Hawkins High,” Eddie said, gesturing grandly at the building beside us.
You laughed, shaking your head, “nah, your business is safe,” you smiled at him, but then, remembering the reason why you were here -which had almost slipped out of your head in Eddie’s presence- made your features fall a little, “we got caught up in a fight at the cafeteria-” you did not fail to notice Eddie’s eyes growing bigger at the mention of a fight, looking you over for any signs of physical pain, “it was just people throwing food at each other,” you explained, “but now we’re on cleaning duty for the rest of the evening, which means…” you trailed off, anger building up inside of you again at the injustice and you dug your nails in your palms.
“You won’t be at the show…” Eddie finished your sentence, his voice quiet, not judging your predicament, but mirroring the disappointment you felt.
You felt tears assail your eyelids as the rage you held metamorphosed into sadness, the cocoon of your heart opening up as the flutters of your sorrow escaped through your throat in a quiet sob.
A quiet sob which you saw Eddie notice, his concerned face looking at you as you turned away from him, trying to dry your tears.
“It’s ok to cry,” Eddie said, his voice gentle, “I’d rather you vent out your frustration than keep it in.”
You looked up at him, his features slowly blurring as you could not stop the incoming flow of tears.
“Come here,” Eddie said, opening his arms and you buried your face in his shirt. 
“I’m sorry,” you said in-between choked sobs and irregular breaths.
Eddie shushed you, laying his head on top of yours. One of his hands held your waist tightly while the other traced abstract patterns on your back.
“I’m sad you won’t be at the show tonight,” Eddie said once your cries had softened, “but you’ve shown up to every single one of our gigs since I invited you and, clearly-” he hesitantly brushed one of your tear-stained cheeks with his thumb, “you really care about what we do… and that means more to me than I can explain.”
You gently pulled yourself away from him, just enough so that you could dry your eyes and look up at him.
“I-I-” Eddie closed his mouth, the words at his lips stumbling back in his throat.
He leaned forwards, placing his lips on the top of your head, his arms just hovering around your waist as if he was expecting you to push him away. You felt your body freeze at the unexpected gesture and felt the heat rise to your cheeks.
“I, huh, should probably…” Eddie said, his own cheeks flushing as he threw a hand backwards, gesturing at the parking lot.
You nodded, and as his hands left your waist for good, you caught one of them and gave it a squeeze. Eddie peered down at your joined hands, then at you, a smile appearing on his features, just as you felt one do on yours. 
He squeezed your hand back, and then let it go, taking a few steps back without looking behind him, giving you a small wave before jogging away.
“Eddie!” He stopped on the spot, turning around, his face set in a curious look as he stared back, “have a blast for me, yeah?” 
He shot you two thumbs up and hurried back to the parking lot.
‘I guess there will be gossip after all’, you thought, watching Eddie until he disappeared out of your sight.
After Tuesday’s ‘event’, you noticed Eddie’s demeanour change; not when he was with the rest of the Hellfire Club though, just when it came to you. 
He would be talking in the corridors, his voice booming as he made a theatrical demonstration of whatever DnD character his players had faced the previous session, only for his eyes to meet yours, and, suddenly, he would go quiet, lowering himself so he would blend in with the rest of the group. 
Gareth, Jeff and Doug would always reciprocate your waves and ‘hi’s’, though, and that made you a tiny bit less hopeless about the situation.
But Saturday was fast approaching, and none of Eddie’s recent behaviours had given you any clue as to what you were supposed to do. 
Did he regret what he had done on Tuesday? Had he found you too sensitive, annoying, snotty? Would he even want to see your face at the concert? 
Those questions, ramming your skull and shaking your brain left and right as if it was a snow globe, consumed every second of your day. Finally, on Friday you decided to let your friends in on your predicament. 
Summoning a council, one composed of both of your friends and you, the art classroom which, thankfully was open that day, quickly got a makeover as a courtroom simply by the tone of your voice.
“I really don’t know what to do; he’s been avoiding me since what happened and I can’t help but think maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing for him to do, like he just wanted me to be ok, and- I don’t know, maybe I didn’t answer correctly, or I got the wrong signals or something but then he realised I’m just some stupid loser-”
“Wow, wow, wow, ok,” one of your friends cut you off, placing their hands on your shoulders and guiding you to a chair, “first I want you to take a big breath, ok?”
You sat down and nodded, your fingers fidgeting with the fabric of your clothes as you took in sharp breaths and let out shaky ones.
“Now, the guilty party has shown signs of being avoidant, is that correct?”
“And all of his friends still act the same way around you as before, right?”
“And, you still like Eddie?”
“Of course I do!” You cried before realising what you had admitted so loudly and threw your hands over your face.
“And he likes you too, so there’s that, now off you pop.”
“How do you know he does?” You asked.
Both of your friends shared a look and then shook their heads, looking unimpressed, and you thought you heard one of them whisper ‘peas in a pod, right?’
“He’s just scared of commitment,” one of them said.
“Another one,” the other replied.
“But he must have his reasons,” they said, “you should ask him.”
You sighed, the weight of the anxiety building up from this future conversation crushing your lungs, “but what if I do it wrong and he rejects me and I mess everything up-”
Your friends called you by your full name, stopping you dead in your tracks, “listen, you guys have been talking for weeks, you’ve been showing up to every show he’s done, he keeps performing a song that you told him you love, you’ve hugged him, twice, he’s kissed you, now it’s your turn!”
“But what if-”
“No buts! We’ve been rooting for the both of you for weeks, we’re not letting you give up now,” both of your friends put their arms around each other, forming a wall of authority in front of you.
Just as you were about to respond, someone opened the door.
“Oh,” it was Jeff, “hey, didn’t expect to see you guys here.” 
“The art classroom is just real useful for clearing your mind,” one of your friends said, glaring at you and you looked away.
“Tell me about it, it used to be the number one spot to hide eight-balls,” Jeff said, oblivious to the showdown that had happened just moments before he entered the room, too focused on rummaging through the leftover art supplies near the window seal, “you guys are coming to the show tomorrow? We’d love to see our favourite fans again,” he turned to the three of you, smiling; and you were certain his eyes stayed on you for a second longer than they did your friends.
Both of your friends said in unison and Jeff’s eyebrow lifted slightly as he kept his eyes on you. Straightening up your spine and smiling, you felt the commending combined stares of your friends punch your side as if you were a whack-a-mole board.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” you finally said.
Jeff’s smile grew bigger and he placed whatever he had come to get in his pocket.
“Hell yeah! See you guys tomorrow night!”
And with that, he was gone like the wind. 
And you, were faced with two cheshire-cat like grins.
“I hate you both.”
“Of course you don’t.”
When the next day rolled around, you were a ‘perfectly trembling, can’t-hold-any-object-for-more-than-two-seconds-without-dropping-it, mumbling, worried mess’ -courtesy of your friends. 
Both of them did their best to distract you until the evening, calling you over to their home, walking around town with you and window-shopping until the clock left you no other choice but to drive to the bar. 
Somehow, the familiar scenery outside of your window as your friend drove helped calm your nerves. Some shops closed while neon signs for more or less dodgy businesses lit up. 
Seeing children and their parents head home with content smiles on their tired faces as older teenagers and adults came out to enjoy the nightlife felt peaceful. 
It took you a second to get out of your daydream when the engine stopped and you heard your friends open their doors. Following their lead, you stayed close to them, lagging behind just a bit. 
‘Come on, you can do this’, you repeated inside your head.
The bar was already a bit more crowded than on their first gig, and you took a moment to appreciate how much they had grown in such a short amount of time. 
The Saturday concerts always brought about a handful of drunks who, usually, were promptly kicked out when they got too rowdy. But as your eyes swept across the room, you thought about how the vast majority of people here actually wanted to appreciate their music.
You and your friends made your way to the counter; them ordering beverages while you looked at the stage, seeing all four Corroded Coffin members preparing for their performance. 
Eddie was kneeling next to Doug’s amp, adjusting the settings as the bassist tuned his instrument. 
Doug raised his head and catched your gaze immediately, he gave you a little wave and pushed Eddie with his foot, his lips moving but the words said getting lost in the distance that separated you.
Eddie turned around, his eyes scanning around the room but quickly focusing on you. Your breath caught in your throat as you finally saw the beautiful round brown eyes you had craved to stare into focus on you and not shift away as soon as they met yours.
Eddie raised his hand, waving. 
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, your heartbeat quickening in response to his gesture and you waved back. 
His attention was pulled back to the amp when Doug kicked him again with his foot and Eddie pushed his leg away. You laughed at their antics and saw your friends watching you from the corners of their eyes.
“Shut up,” you said before one of them could even open their mouths.
The evening was going as smoothly as anyone could have hoped. All the patrons had been tame, the setlist which the Corroded Coffin always revised a little, switching songs here and there to keep regulars on their feet, was an indubitable success if the whistling, thunderous applause and cheers after each song were anything to go by.
Your group of friends, who had spent the past three songs dancing and shouting the lyrics back at Eddie, was finally settling down in a booth in a corner of the room as the band made their announcement for the last song of the night. An announcement which was met with a chorus of loud disappointed voices, though not a single soul left the bar.
“Here it comes,” one of your friends called, tapping your shoulders excitedly and you rolled your eyes at them.
When you focused your attention back on the stage, and more specifically on Eddie, he was already looking at you. 
His fingers moved effortlessly along the neck of his guitar, his right hand plucking at the strings with the help of his guitar pick, his nimble fingers holding it firmly in place as the notes rang out.
Except for the few longer notes Eddie sang which he had to close his eyes and focus fully on to nail, his irises were focused on you throughout the entirety of the song. 
You were used to him glancing your way before starting the song, and occasionally his gaze would flit back to yours during the last bit of their performance, but this was an entirely novel experience for you.
Surprisingly, the nerves you had been feeling up until this point had completely vanished. Maybe it was the familiar ambiance of the bar, or being with your friends and having fun, that you could not quite point out, but when Eddie played his solo, eyes shortly diverting from you to focus on his playing, you felt as if you had just been mesmerised by a merman -the comparison had made your friends lose it when you had shared it with them later on.
When his head shot back up at the end of the guitar solo, he looked at you again, and a grin appeared on his features. You could not decipher if it was pure pride at how well he had executed the intricate melody, or if it had something to do with knowing that he held your full attention. 
Whatever the case may be, the Corroded Coffin ended the song in perfect harmony -as they always did- and you jumped out of your seat, clapping vigorously as other patrons joined your cheers.
“Well… Holy fuck,” one of your friends said, as the usual hustle-bustle of people leaving the premises echoed around you.
“Ditto,” the other one added.
You watched as a few regulars made their way to the stage and exchanged a few words with the band, their laughter loud and good-hearted. 
“Your turn,” your friend said, pushing you gently out of the booth and towards the stage.
“Wait!” You turned towards them, your back to the stage as you suddenly felt the anxiety tide rise, submerging your heart.
“What are you scared of?” They said, a hint of annoyance glinting in contrast to their mostly concerned features.
“What if I make myself look stupid? He was so cool and I just, there’s only so many ways I can say that, you know?”
“Thankfully that’s not the only thing you want to tell him, so you’ll have plenty of vocabulary to use, now go.”
“He’s not going to eat you, and if he tries we’ll kick his ass before he gets the chance.”
“That’s not-”
“Or do you want to get eaten?”
You took a step back, unable to process the incessant spur of complete goofery from your friends. 
Dealing with your own overactive, stressed out brain was enough to be a full-time job on its own, you did not need their madness on top.
Your back hit something and you quickly turned around, praying it was not a patron who might be three sheets to the wind.
“Shit, sorry-” you stopped as you were met with two beautiful round brown eyes staring back at you.
“No harm done,” Eddie said coolly, his voice a bit low and raspy from singing. A tone you were used to by now, but still made you weak in the knees, “Are you alright?” 
You blinked at him, realising you were awkwardly balanced on your feet, the only reason you had not fallen flat on your ass being Eddie’s hands on your arms. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine, I’m ok,” you said, quickly finding your footing again, “thanks.”
There was a beat of silence as you looked up at him, a kaleidoscope of dark reds mixing in with the warm lights of the bar reflecting in his eyes.
“We’ll wait for you outside, okay?” 
You turned to your friends who were both smiling, nodding at Eddie before making their way out.
You bit your lip, turning back to Eddie, “sorry again, for bumping into you.”
“One apology was more than enough,” he chuckled, the slight grit in his voice resonating into your eardrums and you had to catch yourself before you fell into his arms again.
“You guys were amazing, as always; the new setlist worked really well,” you said, chasing any thoughts of desire as far away from your mind as you could.
Eddie thanked you, nodding, albeit a bit distractedly it seemed. 
“Listen, can we… can we talk?” He asked.
You breathed in deeply at his words, feeling a gargantuan amount of dread looming over your shoulders.
At the same time as you felt the overwhelming power of apprehension gnaw at your insides, your fingers tingled. Looking down, you saw one of Eddie’s hands reaching for your own, his touch light as he silently asked for your response.
“Sure,” you replied, hand wrapping around his own. 
His face brightened and he guided you towards a small backstage area you had never noticed before. 
It was fairly dark, the dusty boxes and floor seldom silhouetted by a dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling.
Eddie let go of your hand as he started pacing left and right a few times around the tiny space, which only took two strides of his long legs. Then he stopped and turned to you.
“Do you, like me?”
Your instinctual bodily reaction would have been to laugh if Eddie’s trouble-ridden features had not peered so deeply into your soul.
You leaned against the nearest pile of boxes, your hands behind your back as your jitteriness was inevitable. 
Because your answer was obviously yes, but there was always the possibility that he would reject you, and then… And then you were not sure how you would take it. 
You could always tell him no, see his reaction and backtrack, but that was much too convoluted, and you wanted to be honest with Eddie, you always had been after all, why change now? 
You could answer vaguely and get him to admit his feelings -or the lack thereof- first, but that was cowardly, you thought.
If he had gone through all the trouble of coming to speak to you after the show, facing you and your friends, alone, then the least you could do was answer his damn question.
You exhaled a shaky breath, “I do, I like you, Eddie.”
He paused, and so did you. The air was absolutely still as the two of you took the other in, your breaths the only sound in the room as a few muffled voices and thumping came from the stage outside.
And then, your voice found the courage to climb up your throat, asking for the one answer you really needed.
“Do you like me?”
Your eyes were so focused on any clue Eddie’s face could give you that you barely noticed him getting closer until he was right in front of you. 
You felt the familiar tingle in your fingers as he gently wrapped his palm around your own.
“I like you,” he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper, “I really like you, I can’t stop thinking about you, I-” he stopped himself, bringing his free hand up to his lips and clamping his mouth shut, then it travelled to the bridge of his nose and he pinched it, “I like you so much the only reason I go to school these days is to see you.”
His confession rendered you utterly speechless. 
Eddie liked you, a lot by the sound of it. The adrenaline that had been pumping into your veins as the time for this conversation grew nearer was suddenly seeping out of you as vapour would immediately come out of a warm piece of coal flushed underwater. Your consciousness grew just a bit fainter and your free hand reached back to the boxes for support.
Still, one thing remained unanswered as Eddie stood over you, his hand warm in your own.
“Why were you avoiding me?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip, his eyes shifting towards the ground. He drew a long breath in before answering, “I don’t want other people to know.”
For many, this simple statement would make them run the opposite way, but not for you. 
Yes, in most cases this sentence was ‘red flag numero uno’, but you knew better than to think Eddie and your relationship was anything but part of the average. 
From the beginning, Eddie had been well aware of the fact that your label as outcasts made you easy targets, at school, but also anywhere bullies would cross your paths.
And Tuesday’s events had been the perfect reminder of that.
Eddie had not been avoiding you because he was scared you would reject him, push him away, find him undesirable… he was afraid of the opposite. 
Being with you would mean having to withstand a perpetual onslaught of insults and food thrown your way. Eddie knew getting in a relationship with you would mean making you an easy target for all the jocks and popular soon-to-be-adult bullies. 
And his spy-level shimmying around school was just a testament of how badly he wanted for you to be safe.
“If we’re seen together at school, it will only add insult to the injury,” Eddie murmured, a strained hint of pain lacing his voice.
You squeezed his hand, his eyes focusing on you as you did your best to smile at him, “I understand.” 
Eddie bit his lip again and you were scared he was going to draw blood.
“Can I hug you?” You asked suddenly, wanting to take his mind off of the millions of possible scenarii running through his head.
Even in the dim light you could see the apple of his cheeks redden at your suggestion.
“You can, and I would really like you to,” he said quietly, opening his arms up for you and wrapping them around your shoulders as you buried yourself in his chest.
The strong and steady beating of Eddie’s heart as you rested your head against him helped in easing your own heavy heart. You knew things would get more difficult from now on, but you would not swap your relationship with him for anything else in the world, even if it meant a more peaceful life.
You pulled away slightly, Eddie’s head immediately focusing on you, “I can still wave when I see you at school though, right?”
He chuckled, a ringed hand coming to brush your cheek just as he had done a few days ago, “of course. I don’t think I could last a day in that hell-hole without it.”
You laughed, sharing that you felt much the same way. 
A few seconds later a knock came at the door, followed by Doug’s voice saying he was ‘sorry to interrupt but Jeff and Gareth were at it again’. 
Eddie sighed, his forehead coming to rest gently against your own, “why me?”
You giggled, loving the way Eddie’s response to your laughter was to press his lips against your temple. You hummed in delight at the touch.
When you opened your eyes again you noticed a hint of hesitance in Eddie’s gaze, “is that ok?” 
You felt your heart melt in your chest, the resulting goop feeling warm as it subtly spread through your body.
“I love it.”
Eddie was about to respond when another knock came at the door and Doug’s voice grew more urgent.
Groaning, Eddie gave your hand a squeeze before moving away. 
He was about to open the door when he turned around, “would you like to come to my place… sometime?” 
You blinked up at him, taking a moment to understand his words, and then you nodded.
“Okay, huh, hold on,” he patted his jacket’s pockets before noticing a stack of post-it notes on one of the boxes. He quickly jotted down his address with a pen he had produced from a fruitful pocket search and ended the paper to you. “Feel free to come by anytime, oh, well, except on Friday evenings.”
You nodded, remembering how Eddie had told you he spent them with Wayne, his uncle whom he lived with.
Eddie pressed another kiss on the top of your head before heading out. 
Slightly dazed, you took a breath before following him out of the door. 
You could feel your face staying flushed even as you said your goodbyes to the boys and made your way outside -your friends too keen on making you aware of it. Though their teasing hardly got to you.
Your heart was drumming against your ribcage and your fist tightening around the slip of paper safely tucked in the crook of your palm was distracting you thoroughly.
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deep-hearts-core · 1 year
(tonight we're gonna party like it's) 1999
god damn i haven't done one of these in a while. its charlotte nilsson time baybee
Lithuania REAL SHAME about this staging. it's a nice song and aiste has a great voice clearly but she doesn't have the right kind of stage presence for this. the dancing around that she was doing didn't feel right for this genre, it was discordant and distracting. also the pink lighting didn't work. if i could go back in time and fix this i'd tell the lithuanian delegation to keep the camera close on her upper body at all times.
Belgium nice song nice voice well staged but she's too damn quiet. i can't really hear her. especially at the beginning. sad bc i have no other complaints about this one except for maybe "is that guy blowing into a horseshoe crab?".
Spain she's a good singer so it's a shame about that dress. also, the verses are kind of boring and i only really enjoy the chorus. also, i keep misremembering this song as having the tune of a bosnian song called "zena svijetom upravlja" or something like that that a friend of mine submitted to a tumblr fancontest forever ago. also also, did i mention that dress? distracting.
Croatia love the "ah-ah-ah-ah"s in the chorus. favorite thing about this song. (maybe because that's what's familiar because that's the thing that everyone puts in the fourth place compilation recap vids or whatever). she looks nice in that dress i guess but something feels kind of off with the staging. i can definitely tell that this followed immediately after dana international. there's something in the way she's moving that's making it clear she's trying to imitate dana in some way.
UK i love this one!! love a girl band, the main singer is really good, and those silver outfits are great. that "say it again, say yeah" is the most catchy/memorable line i've heard so far tonight that i hadn't already seen in a recap video. unfortunately one of the girls was a little pitchy in the high harmonies and that got on my nerves a little.
Slovenia i mean i don't love it but there's nothing to hate about it really. she sounds good. nice classic eurovision ballad.
Turkey this is every turkish entry ever, right? it's not bad really it's just not my speed. i spent most of my time watching this thinking about danish barbershop quartet the clementones and admiring the stage, because this year's stage is cool. more on that later.
Norway ngl kind of disappointed? the dance routine was good, i guess? idk it's not my kind of song and he wasn't great vocally. and that shirt wsa sort of. a choice. didn't work imo.
Denmark you can always count on denmark to do a good happy duet with a guitar. love this. if they hadn't fucked up that very last note this would have been absolutely perfect to me. <3
France like if that song "free fallin'" got eurovision'd.
Netherlands early dutch country is also every eurovision song that follows it for the next like 5-6 years, more at 10! nah but it's alright. and she's pretty, which helps. the song started before she started singing and i was like "?? this is gonna be so good?" and then i remembered it was the netherlands and my expectations instantly went medium. lol.
Poland great belt on this man. not like a literal belt but like his voice near the end when he's belting his high notes, that's good. good tone. song's ok i guess.
Iceland this song slams and i fucking love it in studio but the staging was... a little too over the top, tbh?
Cyprus her voice isn't a good fit. the slow start goes on for just a little too long and she's just kind of shrill.
Sweden it's good, i can see why it won, but her outfit is just so MUCH. i hope it was a candidate for barbara dex. the eyeshadow. the flesh colored fabric underneath the pretend crop top. no thank you charlotte.
Portugal not bad. rui bandeira is kind of a guy who looks like a girl who looks like a boy iykwim. idk it kinda sounds like all the other ones.
Ireland this song is too low for them and it does funny things to their tone quality. too much vibrato.
Austria she's cute, i like the guitar line, this is very radio-friendly and american in a way that allowed me to like... yes tune out but not tune all the way out and just kind of vibe.
Israel it is a sign of how brainpoisoned i have become that i saw a quartet of guys on the stage and thought, "ah yes, the guy in the different shirt is the lead, he has the tenor and the bass on either side of him, and the other guy is the bari". i'm in hell. good song though. i mean i guess. why is it happy birthday?
Malta their harmonies aren't really locking. given, i have a much higher bar for that these days due to the aforementioned brainpoison, but still, some of these chords are heinous. also the song is just sort of not good.
Germany song is alright except for the bridge which is unnecessarily cheesy. i mean, even for the thing that it is, which is a eurovision song.
Bosnia & Herz d... dino merlin? idk this one is weird, they're like conjugating french verbs or something and also this one was muted in the video archive i had and the dino merlin official youtube upload had terrible audio quality so i feel like i can't really judge it
Estonia the onstage aesthetic vibe of this is beautiful, and i like the song, too. it's a shame that it's not a good vocal fit for evelin. a clear precursor to randajad and good use of the stage too.
My top 23 1)Denmark 2)Estonia 3)Portugal 4)Iceland 5)Sweden 6)Austria 7)Belgium 8)Poland 9)Israel 10)Germany 11)UK 12)Slovenia 13)Spain 14)Croatia 15)Ireland 16)Turkey 17)Netherlands 18)Lithuania 19)Cyprus 20)France 21)Norway 22)Bosnia 23)Malta
shoutouts again to my friend rachel's prefsorter, because we can't always have gerbear
Miscellaneous commentary the little cgi tour of europe at the beginning was cute. but also very funny because of how squished together and contiguous everything was. lmao @ the host greeting the "distinguished guests" and everyone there in nice clothes. like wow the contest has changed in 20 years obsessed with these postcards btw. cartoon eve fully tits out. jesus represented as a hot guy in a suit. joseph and his brothers singing in barbershop harmony. the baby moses video game. priceless recaps are so short? i already have a hard time remembering how each song goes but like the recap snippets help absolutely not at all lol at the sun prop. it was a really excellent stage, honestly, a lot of contestants were able to use it really well, but after last year's debacle i just kept giggling whenever i saw the thing move. overall like...it's hard to judge the songs in this era, it's hard to rank them, because really i don't like most of them? like they just aren't really my style. i feel like for many of the 90s rankings the margins between songs are going to be very thin and i'm going to have trouble remembering a lot. i don't listen to a lot of 90s music so it's like... ok? sure? do i even know if this is good? no i don't!
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laladellakang · 2 years
i-land: the final fourteen
masterlist | wattpad
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italics dialogue: english | bold + italics: confessionals
slight plothole: in 'ayez being the softest duo,' jungwon was said that he had to switch his part with heeseung but i had to change it 😁
"I'm guessing you want a one liner?" Alice asked me quietly.
"Nope, part six," I adverted my gaze from the screen to look at her. "What about you?"
"Part three's lookin' good," I could tell that she wanted part one. The outcome of today's performance must have given her the confidence.
Though I can also tell that she's not confident the guys will agree.
"You can go for part one," she just shook her head.
"They're not gonna give it to me," she mouthed so the audience and editors won't catch it. I could barely read her lips, but I understood the message.
My girl can sing and dance powerfully with great stage presence but there's just this unspoken bias because they've only known the female trainees for mere weeks.
Alice believes that they trust me as centre because of my 'scary' aura and that I was one of the best dancers.
"You don't want to try?" I asked her, to which she replied with a shake of her head. "Okay," I gave her a soft smile.
Kang Della: Because this is my last chance, I wanted number one or five at first. But then I figured it would suit someone else more, so I wanted part six because I get to sing in the second chorus.
I did get part six in the end, and fortunately for Alice, she got her part three too.
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"Oppa, are you feeling okay?" I asked Seon when I saw him struggling again. The choreo is our hardest yet and he had asked me for help.
"No," he let out a sarcastic smile.
"You should take like a fifteen minute nap-"
"No no, I need to get this done," he walked towards the tablet.
"I'm serious though. Just for fifteen minutes and I'll wake you up. Learning this over and over again while you're like this is almost pointless," it might sound harsh but really- he needs to clear his head or he won't get shit done.
"You'll wake me up?" he still looked unsure.
"Heck- I'll accompany you and clear my head too. Come on," I cocked my head to the door.
"Can you play with my hair?" I let out a small chuckle.
"Okay, oppa."
"Does honey work better than propolis?" Kyungmin looked at me as I consumed my honey.
"I.. don't know... I've been using honey for forever," I looked at the bottle. "They both come from bees anyway."
"What are you doing?" Geonu scooted closer to where I sat.
"I'm familiarising myself with the song," I paused the song still playing on my left earpiece. "All the different layers and details to it."
"Keep your eye contact. Eye contact is very important. In fact- if possible, don't look down at all," I advised Jungwon as he kept practicing for part five.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sunghoon, Jake and EJ turn their eyes away from us and repeating the move they were rehearsing.
"So you would practice all night the day before a performance then not practice at all the next day?" Youngbin suddenly asked.
"Excluding group practices, yup. I mean- that's just me. I like to keep a clear head or my nerves would be too visible," I explained.
Byeon Euijoo: Della's expressions are very idol-like. In my opinion, she has the best out of all the trainees.
Jo Kyungmin: She's one of, if not the top trainee at the moment.
Choi Seon: Della has consistently been at the top of the pack, her evaluation scores are always very high. So I think that all of us are trying to learn a thing or two from her.
Lee Youngbin: Della does things a bit differently from the rest. We were wondering if some of her tricks would work on us too.
Kang Della: Work smarter, not harder.
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"You got this?" Jake flexed his bicep to the mirror.
Jesus fucking Christ. Can this man get any finer?
I felt Alice nudging me slightly and the action made my cheeks warm up more.
"Shut up," I mumbled, earning a giggle from her.
Sunghoon, who was the nearest to Jake, lifted up his sleeve to show off as well.
Lord have mercy, this ex-athlete is hot as fuck too.
It's not like I've never seen his arms but that doesn't make it any less impressive.
Suddenly Jay decided to walk over and join them.
Okay- back the fuck up. This is too much for me.
I just found out that I also have a crush on this guy and now everything he does feels like an attack.
"Cute. You guys look like madelines dipped in different flavours of frosting," Alice blurted out. "Strawberry, chocolate, glaze."
"What?" the three '02 liners and I laughed at her random comment.
As we were laughing, we failed to notice our oldest hyuppa prepping to show his hard work.
"WOAH!" everyone reacted at the view.
"Wahh, that's truly amazing," Alice's eyes widened.
"It's like bread rolls," I mumbled.
"Bread rolls," some of the other I-Landers chuckled.
"Bread rolls..." Alice trailed off.
As the boys were attempting to get a better look (and feel K's abs), I noticed his eyes shifting towards Alice a few times with a barely visible smirk on his lips.
Oh I get it. He's trying t-
"Bread rolls!" Alice exclaimed while touching my abdomen out of no where. Her eyes lit up and she had the most adorable look on her face.
"Oh my God," I couldn't help but laugh when I understood what she meant.
"What? What?" Jaebeom asked.
I untucked my tee and lifted it up to confidently reveal my bread rolls (as how Haneul referred to them as).
"WAHH!" I'm sure all of the guys' eyes widened.
"Can you get any more perfect?" Heeseung whispered near my ear, touching his own stomach.
IS THIS MAN MAKING MY HEART FLIP ON PURPOSE? Fucking hell- I'm trying to be cool here.
I bit back a smile as I pushed my waistband down to display more. Act cool, act cool, act cool.
"Wahh, that's so cool!" damn right, I worked hella hard for these abs.
All the guys are real sweethearts. To avoid making me uncomfortable (but still get a closer look), they came forward towards the mirror and relied on the reflection.
They're so sweet, it's making my heart ache. If I make it to the end, it'll be an absolute honour to debut with these people.
Even if I have a crush on three of them.
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"Honestly speaking, I think Della has amazing charisma and she has shown it multiple times. I feel like part five would be a good fit for her," Geonu spoke up during our discussion. "Can someone else share their opinion?"
Poor Jungwon. It's like Jay all over again. Perfect in every aspect except one detail.
Lee Geonu: Della has consistently showed great charisma in her performances. She also sings and dances really well so I thought that part five would be a perfect fit.
"I think Della will give the team higher points if she takes part five instead of the part she has now," K agreed. "What do you think, Della?"
Oh God. What can I answer to that?
"I have to be honest- I would love to take part five. Especially now more than ever," I couldn't seem to look at anyone in the eye. "But since I already took the killing part during Fire, I feel like either Alice-unnie or Heeseung-oppa would be a nice choice."
Fucking hell- why did I say that? Why did I let my dumb intrusive thoughts and insecurities take away my chances of debut? Am I that unfit to be in a survival show?
How did my year long ex (who I haven't even seen in over two years) effect me this badly? Why is it so hard for me to be selfish?
You dumb fucking bitch. How do people even put up with you?
"Della- there's nothing wrong with taking a big part," Alice's eyes held a subtle 'are you insane?!' feel.
Kang Della: I really wanted to take it but something in the back of my mind says that it's a lot of pressure. I have the highest accumulated score at the moment, and with a big solo like part five, everyone's expecting me to do well.
"Maybe Jungwon can practice a bit first and we'll keep talking about it."
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"Then I'll do part six. Rather than be mediocre, it's better to do it properly. So I think part six is the right decision," Jungwon finally concluded.
"Let's try it that way," K said softly.
"Yes," oh my God. I feel absolutely terrible.
"I'm so sorry Wonie," I stroked his arm. "It doesn't mean that you weren't good, yeah?"
"Thank you," he smiled slightly. "I just needed more time to perfect it. Time that we don't have."
"Why don't we perfect your part six then?" I stood up and held out my hand. "We have a date with the practice room."
"Eh?" K furrowed his eyebrows, trying to hold in his laugh.
"WITH the practice room, WITH. Not at," I slapped his arm.
"With, with," Jungwon said at almost the same time as me, though unable to tame the tint on his cheeks.
"Jungwonie, fighting!" so I was planning to (only) accompany him to his room after practice, but it somehow turned to us hugging things out on the edge of his bed. "You're amazing, you know that?"
"Thank you, Lala," he rubbed the side of his face to my hair. I heard him let out a sigh while his fingers played with the tips of my hair.
He gives amazing hugs. Absolute top tier cuddles.
Is it the shoulders? He has very broad shoulders, especially for someone his age.
"Do you want me to stay until your roommates come back? Alice is probably asleep," my voice was muffled with his shirt.
"Yes please. Can we lie on the bed? And hug some more? I'm really tired," he pulled away to stretch a little.
"Just relax, Wonie. You had a long day. I'll be right here, don't worry."
taglist! @afiaaaa19 @riikiblr @one16core @4sahii @toriluvsfics @i90snoo @danyxthirstae01 @seulgifted @clar-iii @hiqhkey @nichmeddar @jiwlys @duolingofanaccount [@studioreader @sarang-wonie @fairydosii @hoonstrology @jaetint]
— that one bicep show off jasuke did
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sparklemichele · 3 years
Untitled Part 2
I can't for the life of me think of a title!
Reggie Kray X Reader
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Read Untitled one here.
You studied Reggie for a moment trying to determine what he wanted. The bags were getting heavier, so you gave in and let him in your brother’s home. Reggie followed behind you and sat the grocery bag on the kitchen counter like you did the others.
“Will you and your brother be my guest tonight?” Reggie asked again.
“Sure. Just make sure we don’t run into any problems.” You told him as you started toward the door hoping he would get the hint. He did and stopped on the porch to look at you.
“You will not have any problems. I will see you both around 9.”
You nodded and shut the door in his face.
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“Who did you invite to the club?” Ronnie asked taking a puff of his cigar.
“Your friend Sam and his sister.” Reggie answered taking a bite of a biscuit.
Ronnie frowned a little. “Why?” he asked exhaling smoke.
“He’s your friend, isn’t he?”
“I think he is mad at me now. He won’t see me. You just want to see his sister anyway. You didn’t need to involve him.”
“Involve him in what Ronnie? They are just coming to the club. I can’t help it if you fucked it up with Sam.”
Ronnie huffed before taking another puff of his cigar hoping he would indeed see Sam tonight as he missed him.
You don’t know why you were a nervous wreck as you got ready for the club. You tried on several dresses and asked Sam for his approval. On the fourth dress he laughed at you in regard to how you were acting.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would think Reggie left an impression on you.”
You sucked your teeth and asked him to zip up the back of your dress. Your brother was right. You fought Reggie invading your thoughts all day with little luck. He was on your mind constantly. You must confess you wanted to know more about him. Not what was said around on the streets but the real him. He seemed to be totally different than his asshole brother.
“Y/N we gotta go!” Sam yelled to you looking at his watch. You looked at yourself in the mirror again and walked out to the living room ready to stand for a time longer than necessary to catch a cab. You and Sam was pleasantly surprised when you saw a car and a young man waiting against the car in front of your house.
“Are you Sam and Y/N?” he asked.
“Yes.” Sam answered.
“Reggie Kray asked me to pick you up and bring you to the Esmeralda.”
You and Sam looked at each other thanking your lucky stars as it was hard to catch a cab being Black and your feet were already starting to ache in your heels. You both piled in the back of the car, and you tried to calm your nerves as the car headed to your destination for the night.
Reggie watched you and Sam enter the club. You looked stunning in a little black cocktail dress. Your brother Sam stood next to you in a nice black suit. Reggie excused himself from his table of guest and walked over to greet you. He shook Sam’s hand and left a soft, lingering kiss on your cheek.
“I have a table for you, and everything is on me tonight.” He told you both particularly looking you up and down.
“Thank you.” You noticed no one seem to be bothered by you and Sam’s presence and it made you feel at ease. Upon sitting you did notice Sam looking around the club for Ronnie. Once he saw him tucked away in a corner with a young guy, he instantly became furious.
“Let’s just enjoy ourselves tonight and not worry about him.” You tried to console. You were having a good time as you watch Reggie entertain guest and periodically watched the singer on the stage. Every chance Reggie got he was at your table making sure you and Sam were having a good time.
“I want to see you later tonight.” Reggie told you placing a hand on your shoulder. Your body temperature rose several levels.
“Okay.” You croaked out. Reggie saw the look on Sam’s face as he was looking at Ronnie.
“That guy he is with is just a friend. No one important.” He assured Sam. Sam nodded and finally tore his eyes away from Ronnie.
Sam was on his fourth drink, and you tried to get him to slow down. He was getting more upset with his lover Ronnie who had yet to speak two words to him even though Ronnie would not take his eyes off Sam throughout the night. Sam did not understand how Reggie who just met you made a point to come over and speak, but Ronnie who he has known for months acted like he didn’t exist. This was a stark contrast of him standing outside his house begging to see him and ringing his house constantly the past couple of days. Maybe you were right, and he needed to leave Ronnie alone. Soon Sam was drunk, and you were several drinks in by the end of the night. It was time for you both to get home as the crowd was starting to get a little rowdy.
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As you threw on your robe you had a feeling your brother would not come home tonight as he and Ronnie had disappeared from the club. You shook your head at your brother as you made yourself a glass of wine. Ronnie did not speak to Sam all night except for sending someone over with a message to meet him out back. Like a fool in love your brother left you alone at the table. Now you were left with finding a taxi home and hoped one would stop for you. Thankfully Reggie had sent Albert to the rescue. Albert was very talkative during the ride, and you tried your best to keep up with him, however your mind was on Reggie. The way he was looking at you throughout the night had sent chills up and down your body. He was surely undressing you with his eyes. You tighten the belt on your robe, grabbed your wine and went to sit down in the living room and start where you left off on a book you were reading. You were debating if you should indeed stay up for Sam when a knocked on your door startled you. You sat down your glass and opened the door to find Reggie Kray looking good as hell. You frowned a little thinking of the time.
“I know it’s late, but I just had to see you.”
Without hesitation you let him in.
“I was so busy at the club I hardly got a chance to talk to you.” Reggie took in your form in your robe as he walked in. “I told you I wanted to see you.”
You remembered him telling you that, but you didn’t think it would be this late.
“Can I get you something to drink?” You asked trying to hold back how nervous you were with him so close to you.
“You have beer?”
You nodded yes and headed to your kitchen after telling him to have a seat. You were slightly surprised that Reggie ignored you and followed you in the kitchen. You had a feeling he did not like being told what to do. You opened the beer for him, and Reggie took a hefty swig.
“You looked stunning tonight at the club, but the way you look right now is even sexier.” Reggie’s eyes fell on your full lips. Reggie sat the beer on the counter and moved closer to you. You knew he was going to kiss you and you were hypnotized by his eyes and beautiful full lips as he leaned over to place his lips on yours. You wanted to reject him, but you just had to feel his lips on yours. As Reggie’s tongue slipped in your mouth you tasted a hint of cigarettes and the beer he just tasted. His lips did not disappoint. Reggie deepened the kiss as his fingers found the front of your belt and untwist it. You did not object as he slid the robe off your shoulders, and it fell to the floor. Reggie pulled away and there you stood in front of him in your bra and underwear.
“Damn.” He whispered eyeing you. He pushed you against the counter, pulled you back into the heated kiss and you moaned as his hands roamed all over you. Grabbing a handful of your ass he squeezed tightly before his right hand found their way into the front of your panties.
“Reggie?” you gasped.
“Just let me feel you. I have to feel you.” He told you as two of his fingers slid in you with little effort as you were already slick from your juices. “So tight and wet.”
Your head was telling you to stop, but your body was telling a different story. Reggie’s fingers felt so good inside you as he fucked you with his fingers and rubbed your nub with his thumb. Your moans were getting louder, and he picked up the pace. His hot tongue grazed your neck. “You feel so damn good.” He whispered against your neck. Within moments you felt the prickles of your orgasm rising.
“Reggie…..”you moaned and he had you right where he wanted you since the moment he laid eyes on you the other night. You shuddered in his arms as the wave of your orgasm washed over you and your juices washed over Reggie’s hand. Reggie let your body slump against him as you recovered. He pressed kisses on your forehead as you tried to control your breathing.
“Y/N?!” You were startled in Reggie’s arms as you heard your brother call for you. You were in such a haze you didn’t even hear the door open. You tried to pull Reggie’s hand out of your underwear, but he just smiled and pressed down on your nub causing you jump from the sensitivity.
“Reggie get your hand out.” You hissed at him.
“No.” He flatly told you. Sam and Ronnie entered the kitchen finding you and Reggie leaning against the counter, your robe on the floor and Reggie’s right hand in your underwear.
“Y/N!” Sam tried to scold you, but he had a huge grin across his face as he caught you red handed. Only then upon discovery did Reggie pull out his hand. You could not believe him and was even in more shock as he had no shame in front of you, Sam and his brother. Reggie took his fingers and in front of all three of you slowly licked your essence off his fingers. You were stunned and instantly fell head over heels for Reggie Kray.
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@imgoldielikehawn @readsalot73 @laketaj24 @virgosapphire79 @oddsnendsfanfics @kmhappybunny240 @titty-teetee
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wastelandcth · 3 years
i’ll always come back to you - cth
summary: Calum wore a skirt. A stage reveal happens. 
author’s notes: I have no excuse but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 
warnings: Cal in a skirt (please it’s too good), car sex, PIV, calum blanks out a little, she’s back and better than ever!
masterlist || request || more doves
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“What do you think I should wear?” Calum asked softly, his hands running through the different items in his closet once more, “It’s a pretty big show, I can’t just show up in something shitty. All I’ve worn for the past two years is either baggy jeans and a t-shirt or shorts and no shirt.” 
It was true, ever since the world had shut down and the band’s tour had been put on hold more times than Calum could count, his passion for fashion and finding new clothes to wear had been put on hold as well. Comfort and trying to stay sane in the middle of a worldwide pandemic had left him reaching for any signs of comfort to hold on to and keep him sane. But with the band’s first show slowly approaching and Calum’s nerves returning in the form of playing a fake bass while he tried to calm his racing mind, he knew he’d have to find an outfit sooner or later, and it’d have to be one to make him feel good about himself on stage once more. 
“I mean, I don’t think anyone would personally complain about you showing up shirtless to a show,” Dovey teased, her eyes tracing the muscles in Calum’s back as she sat on the edge of the bed, “I certainly wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah, but you’re a pervert so you have no choice,” Calum chuckled and threw another shirt towards his loving wife. 
The days had gone by and Calum had been stuck at rehearsals, trying his best to find the groove the band had long for ever since the start of the shutdown, but eventually, Calum found himself at home the morning of the show watching from the green room as the concert went on around the world. His bag, which he’d packed and unpacked multiple times that morning, laid on one of the couches. He knew he’d made the right choice, the look on Dovey’s face when he’d packed away the black fabric before she could get a peek of it enough of a reaction to make him smirk before he had rushed out the door at the sound of Ashton’s horn. 
“So, did you decide on an outfit?” Michael asked as he sat down next to him during a break in their soundcheck, watching as Calum’s leg swung along to whatever beat Ashton was trying to work out with Luke, “Dovey has been texting me all day asking if I’ve gotten a peek at it.” 
“Tell her to fuck off,” Calum chuckled, “I told her she had to wait like everyone else did to see it.” 
“Alright,” Michael huffed, nudging him playfully, “But we’re going to be the first to see it then.”
“Yeah, yeah, and she’ll manage to bully you into telling her somehow.” 
Calum looked in the mirror, inhaling a shaky breath as he fixed the collar of his suit jacket once more as he heard his bandmates chuckling outside of the bathroom door. With one final look at his outfit he opened the door and stepped out, goosebumps covering his skin as the cold air of the dressing room brushed against his legs. 
“Woah! Calum!” Ashton grinned, his eyes wide and his head nodding, “No man, that looks sick! I love it!” 
“Oh man, your dad is going to freak once he sees you on stage!” Luke nodded, “You look so good!”
“Guys, Dovey is literally going to kill us all,” Michael whined and clapped Calum on the shoulder, “You look fucking awesome, dude.”
Calum’s cheeks flushed, turning hot as he chuckled and shook his head, letting the curls he’d been growing out swish against his forehead while he tried his best not to push away his very excited and very supportive bandmates. It wasn’t until the room, which consisted of the four of them and their photographer started chanting for him to do a spin that he’d finally told them to fuck off. But with a spin, and a small bout of giggles that left him when the material of his skirt brushed against the back of his knees, Calum had never felt more prepared to play a show in his life, especially when he knew that Dovey would be in the crowd singing her heart out along with them all. 
Dovey’s eyes watched the crowd around her grow restless as time ticked slowly, minutes dragging on until the show would start. Her adrenaline was high as she heard an announcer overhead shout that the show would start in one minute, the pit in her stomach thrumming with excitement and the thought of seeing her husband and his best friends on stage again after so long. She knew how much Calum missed being on stage with them, how much he missed performing to a crowd of people singing the lyrics back to them, and so she knew that tonight’s performance would be nothing but perfect. The hum of a guitar backstage and the sound of cheers around her had Dovey on her feet before she even knew it, her wide eyes searching the stage for the man she’d married. 
“Oh my god, he did not,” she gasped, her cheers and clapping drowned out in the rest of the crowd as she saw Calum walking out on stage, “That bastard!”
On stage, under the shining lights and for everyone to see, Calum Hood stood grinning as his fingers moved easily over the strings of his bass. The silver chains, which hung across Calum’s waist, shone like his eyes as the set started. Dovey’s eyes tried their hardest to focus, her vision blurred by the tears that sprung out as she watched the love of her life sing his heart out on stage after too many months of being away from the one place he was able to lose himself in. The skirt, which Dovey was already drooling over, swayed along with every movement Calum made as she found herself swaying along with it, stuck in a never-ending dance she wasn’t sure she’d ever want to end. But when Ghost of You played out and Dovey’s eyes found Calum’s it was like the large crowds that had given her anxiety ever since Calum had mentioned the show and the loud music had all disappeared. 
There was no one but her and Calum standing there, swaying to the song that had meant more to them than anyone could have ever imagined. 
She knew their kids were watching from home, giggling and dancing along in the safety of their living room while the sitter recorded them for Dovey and Calum to cry along to later that night. But right now, in the moment, all she could think about was how despite all the things that had gone wrong and how scary the world had turned, she still had her family and the love of her life was singing to her in a room full of people once more. The set was over before Dovey even realized, her legs carrying her back towards the dressing room she’d left not too long ago and towards her husband and his amazingly talented friends. 
The night had become a whirlwind of events, Dovey’s arms wrapping around Calum and stuttering through her praises as her hands and eyes took in his after-show presence. Her mind was distracted throughout the rest of the promo the band had gone to do with the view of him in the skirt and mesh shirt that kept peeking in and out of view from where she stood with the rest of their team. Her eyes never left his as she watched him smile and laugh with the band and it wasn’t until the car door closed next to her and she watched Calum walk in front of the car before sliding into the driver’s seat that she let out the soft breath she was holding in. 
“So, what did you think of the show?” Calum asked as he pulled off the highway, his grin wide as his eyes glanced over at Dovey, “Did you like it? I think we did great. Yeah, the set was short but I think it we-”
“Calum, if you don’t pull over right now I will literally crash this car,” Dovey breathed out, her hand reaching out and squeezing Calum’s thigh gently. 
The car screech to a halt, Calum’s soft gasp lost on Dovey’s lips as she pulled him into a kiss, Calum’s body leaning over the console to pull her even closer to him. He and Dovey might not have been a couple of a thousand words, but he knew exactly what she was doing when her teeth pulled gently at his bottom lip. He also knew that they didn’t have much time before their car was steamed up and their moans echoed against the tinted windows, so Calum had to work fast. 
“Back seat, baby girl,” he breathed out, his forehead resting against his wife’s for just a second before she sprung into action, her soft laughter music to Calum’s ears. 
“I am. So proud. Of you.” Dovey mumbled in between the kisses she was leaving on Calum’s skin, her hips rolling against his and pressed up silver chains of his skirt, “You looked so fucking amazing on stage I couldn’t help but think about all the things I wanted you to do to me tonight.”
“Yeah?” Calum breathed out, his hands squeezing Dovey’s thighs as he helped her push up the hem of the skirt she was more than likely soaking through if his leaking cock wasn’t already at fault for it, “Gonna show me all those things you were thinking of?” 
“Mhm, only have time for one of them right now though,” Dovey smirked, her hand taking his cock and stroking it a few times, listening to the soft whimpers that left Calum as her own hips rocked against his solid thigh, “Have to wait until we’re back home for the others.” 
Calum’s eyes opened enough at one point to see the steam from their act fogging up the windows, the beads of moisture dripping down their foreheads matching the ones racing down the window next to his head. Above him, Dovey looked like an angel, her closed eyes and barely opened mouth making Calum think he was the luckiest man alive. His fingers had dug into her hips, soft whimpers leaving them both with every rock of their hips and Calum wasn’t sure if he’d ever want this feeling to end. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get tired of the way Dovey felt wrapped around him. He’d happily get lost in her warmth and never find his way out again if he could, but the coil in his stomach kept stretching and stretching, threatening to snap as he listened to Dovey’s moans grow louder and louder as her hips rose and fell with every one of them. 
“Calum,” she gasped out, one of her hands finding comfort in the soft curls she’d been playing with ever since they’d grown out and coiled against his head. 
“I know, I’ve got you,” Calum choked out, his own high speeding towards him as he felt Dovey clench around him as her hips paused and her whimpers were soaked into by Calum’s skin, “Oh fuck, baby, I-”
“Calum,” Dovey whispered, her soft kisses on Calum’s skin making the blinding white stars beneath his eyelids clear slowly, “Hey, come back to me,” she mumbled, the feeling of her fingers running through his hair grounding Calum back to the backseat of his car. 
His lungs hurt, the panting breaths he was taking sounding over the muffled music playing from the radio in the front, and his vision was still blurred as he watched Dovey leaned back against his thighs, her hair tousled and her dress still rucked up over her hips. It took him a couple more breaths, the thick air coating his lungs until finally, Calum’s hand found Dovey’s in the darkness of the car and he smiled lazily. 
“You back with me, Hood?” she asked softly and smiled, the gentle squeeze she gave his hand making him nod. 
“I always come back to you,” Calum whispered, “Always.” 
join my taglist: @hoodhoran @moonlightcriess @mxgyver @calpops @karajaynetoday @notlukehemmo @calumrose @devilatmydoor @lowkeyflop  @conversecake @hemmo1996-5sosvevo @ashtonsunflower @2fangirl4u @multistann @wiiildflowerrr @himbohood @in-superbloom​ @suchalonelysunflower @killmywildflower @sebsbrokentoe @nicebasscalum @letmereadpls  @xxxlaura
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
I love yoonmin interactions and the friendship they share. But i really wonder why that ship is growing in numbers,yoonminers are now so many and some are starting to act like tkkrs..they have cute interactions but barely have any to suggest that they have anything between them. they obviously respect and care for eachother. Maybe good friends even. But, that's it. Still why is it popular? And the fandom seems to ship yoonmin too?
A little bit of bangtan ship history
Sit down get comfortable.
Tae kook is the largest ship in the fandom. Most Tuktukkers have Yoonmin as their sub ship ergo Yoonminer's large numbers. That's one.
2. Suga's fan base is growing. Especially with his recent solo projects. Seen his IG??Most Suga stans are or turn out to be Yoonminers or Sopers but with this whole Rap rivalry their fans have going on they'd rather ship Yoomin than Sope cos how else can they shit on Hobby and RM?
Yoonmin is a foundational ship. Most og Armys are on board that ship- just for the sheer sentimentality but that's another story for another paragraph.
A long time ago, at the inception of ships in bangtan, Yoon min, Tae Kook, Namjin were the most popular ship in the fandom. Jikook didn't exist cos they were boring as hell😐
Who wants to ship a shy guy who acts like the last thing he wants in the world is to breathe the same air as Jimin😐
As a PJM that offends me.
That whole seemingly unrequited love dynamic just wasn't fun to watch especially as a Jimin stan who gave zero fucks about the Maknae with no onscreen personality whatsoever. All he had going for him was the fact he was mad talented at every damn thing and his age- being the youngest of the group. Stage presence was ZERO unless he was performing then damn he was a beast. Whew. Jei kei eii!
The only time Kook was fun to watch was when he was with Tae doing homoerotic fanservice as a minor which I found truly disturbing, when he was with anyone but Jimin. I preferred his relationship with Jin to Jimin. His ship with Suga and RM was far far better. I just didn't want to hear Jikook. Their ship got on my nerves. If I could bust Jimin out of BTS to stop him from interacting with Kook on camera I would have. I didn't want to see all that.
Whoever gave them those stage roles did them dirty.
Their interaction was cringe as fuck. Especially when contrasted with other ships. I liked Kook until he showed up around Jimin then my blood would start boiling😐
Until recently those two couldn't even hug like normal human beings.
And if I catch anyone refer to him as a tsundere in those days I will give them a prostate exam with a drilling machine.
Most Tuktukkers are also Yoonminers because they like to ship Jimin with Suga to give them a false sense of security over their ship. Jimin can't be a whore and a homewrecker if he is in love with Suga hyung. Gotta admire their low intelligence.
Not gonna lie, as someone who started off as a yoonminer myself I must say there was some substance to Yoonmin. The yoonmin of today is totally different from the Yoonmin I shipped in the day.
I liked Suga, I liked Jimin so shipping them together just made sense to me. Suga has evolved. He hasn't changed much though. And there was some similarities between his personality and Kook... I'll get into that later.
I liked Namjoon and Jimin too so I'd occasionally turn into a Namjin troll and troll them for shipping RM with anyone but Jimin. Sope was laughable. Bahahaha laughable. But these days they are the shit I'm told.
Suga was out here having crushes on JM, drooling, tensing up, confessing on the low- recently I saw him play with Jimin's joystick and Iet me tell you I uWud😔
When August D comes out to play honey I glitch hard 😭😭😭😭
Suga and RM have me in a chokehold when it comes to Jimin. Add Tae to that list and I'm wobbly legs. It's not just that they care about Jimin, there's also that emotional dependency and attachment going on that I'm soft for. I love their emotional honesty and vulnerability around Jimin.
It's like Jimin said when Jin took a confetti or whatever out his hair, it's annoying when people fake their affection for others in the name of fanservice.
RM genuinely loved Jimin, admired him both as an artist and friend. The fact he used to call him friend rather than dongseang said a lot about the respect and value he placed on their relationship.
Also, I saw a side to Jimin through his lens and that made me fall deeper in love with Jimin and appreciate RM more.
I learned nothing positive bout Jimin watching him interact with Kook in those early days. Jimin came off as pushy, clingy, desperate, seeking validation, simp, ass kisser, can't take no for an answer, has no self respect or pride, with no sense of boundaries. I hated seeing Jimin like that. As someone who thought he was the most mesmerizing person and intriguing person I had ever seen seeing him like that around Kook was hard to come to terms with. He kept making a fool of himself around Kook to the point it started affecting him viscerally and you could feel the resentment build up in him on screen sometimes.
especially when his smile drops cos he'd have given up momentarily cos he was tired of trying, chasing, initiating, kickstarting when is like but why do this to yourself?? Dude ain't shit can't you see??
their early onscreen dynamic didn't bring out the best in either of them. Yet if you looked beyond the onscreen dynamic the tale was different. Not many people were willing to look beyond the failed scripted roles they were given. Not many were willing to unpack their dynamic even to this day.
Suga with Jimin was like Jikook, vmin, minimoni combined💀
You know at a point people (myself included) accused Jikook of stealing vmin yoonmin dynamics?? With that whole tsundere trope, that whole bestie trope.
All to find out those mother effers was screwing all along 😠
Well played Jikook. WELL PLAYED.
Yoonmin has been.
Their hay days are long gone.
I still enjoy their friendship. Jimin used to look up to Suga and validate him as an artist. No one respects JMs voice and talent more than Suga hyung. Even during Be he was the one constantly pushing Jimin to take up roles and do more.
He sees potential in Jimin- except that one time he said JM should limit himself to children's acts. He was high for that shit.
He pushes Jimin to be the best he can be. I like that very much.
When he says he prefer JMs voice or that he likes JM but JM don't like him he means it.
I picture myself as Jimin with Suga or Suga with Jimin. Yoonmin are visually attractive as a pair. I enjoy their body aesthetics as men and how good they look together. Jimin likes taunting Suga and Suga enjoys it unlike Kook who came off as not finding JMs antics funny in the slightest.
Jimin says it's cos he sucked at expressing his emotions- I'll take his word for it.
Jungkook has come a long way.
Currently, he is one of the most visibly animated members of BTS, grateful for the personality that shines through, I could watch him do nothing for 5hrs on camera and I'd still enjoy that video.
I love him when he is with Jimin now because that's when his nurturing side jumps out the most. I love how playful and carefree he can be around Jimin.
I think they both struggle being vulnerable around eachother in front of the camera now. At least now JM knows how it feels he can cut Kook some slack.
I received a lot of backlash when I said JM stops JK from showing affection sometimes but really it's all he's been doing since late 2020 and we've seen it happen over and over.
Jk stans are growing too but majority of them are also Tuktukkers or become Tuktukkers.
But sis, us jokers are growing too. Even if we don't grow i will be here to ship them and their goofy asses through thick and thin. Will cuss them if they move funny with each other and simp over them if they hit it good. They can take it or leave it but I'm not going anywhere 🤓
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blipblooopp · 3 years
Let It Be Me
Summary: Choi San is many things. The most talented man you have ever seen. Be it on the dance floor or in front of a mic during a gig. He was the kindest person, always holding the door for the people behind him, helping the elderly carry things, even paying for strangers randomly. He got along famously with your parents and even better with your grandparents. He was charming like that, capturing the attention of anyone and everyone who even looked his way. He’s the love of your life, you’re sure of it but he’s also your best friend. Pairing: Boy Band AU!Choi San x F!Reader Words: 5.6k Genre: Angst/Smut
You’ve heard of a thing called platonic soulmates but it’s taken you years and years of watching Choi San grow to realize you weren’t. Well, you hoped you weren’t. Everything about him made your body erupt into a fire.
San looked at everything with adoration, finding all the good in life, including you. It was a double-edged sword, really. It made you feel special… important. But you could barely concentrate when his eyes were on you.
It didn’t help that he was gifted in pretty much everything; it made you nervous beyond belief. He’s pretty much perfect and as much as you wanted to be with him, you knew the odds of him liking you back were slim to none.
You’ve come to terms with it for the most part. It hurt to see him flirt with girls in front of you, hurt even worse when he started dating this awful girl named Areum. She didn’t give a fuck about him, actually. She barely responded to his calls and texts, going as far as blocking him one time. They fought nonstop. Every time you two hung out, San had a new dilemma to talk about. For some reason, San wouldn’t break up with her.
You had asked him after a night of you two getting drunk together, after another night of listening to his relationship problems. He laughed dryly, taking another sip of his beer, “I love her so much.”
Apparently, it was his “slow-motion” moment. He and his band had been wrapping up the night with their last song, soaking up every second they could have. Halfway through the song, San had noticed Areum in the front row. You were there too so you noticed the look on his face. A look you had never seen him make before. It basically tore your heart out when he told you that he couldn’t get “that beautiful girl” out of his head. She ended up becoming a dedicated face in the crowd so San asked her out.
You would’ve thought they were soulmates from the way they looked in the beginning. Lord only knows how they got to this point. How you got to this point, with San crying in your lap.
It was 10:00 pm when someone started banging on your door. You were enjoying a cup of coffee but you almost had a heart attack at that moment. You opened the door with shaking hands, hoping that whatever killer was on the side wasn’t actually a killer. Instead, you saw your best friend, with swollen red eyes, sniffling.
“Oh my god, San! You scared— what’s wrong?” You immediately dragged him in, locking the door behind you. He sniffled again as he slumped into your couch. You took a seat next to him and took his hand in yours. “Was it another fight?” You knew it wasn’t. In all the fights you had heard, San never cried.
“She was cheating on me… this whole time.” He hiccuped as he talked.
“That bitch.” You said under your breath. You held onto his hand a little tighter, trying to contain your anger.
“I went to her house tonight because she wasn’t responding to me again. I wanted to talk it out with her but she opened her front door in her underwear with some motherfucker sitting on her couch!” Although you had many words to say with Areum, you were speechless in front of San. What were you supposed to say? All you could do was scoot back on the couch and guide San's head onto a pillow in your lap.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You ran your fingers through his hair, “You can cry for as long as you want.”
And cry he did.
The next morning was hard. You woke up on your couch sitting up-right with a terrible case of stiff-neck. That’s not the only reason it was hard. No, it was worse seeing San still laying on your lap. He was wide-awake, dark eye bags contrasting against his face. His eyes stared deep into the ceiling.
“What’re you thinking about, Sannie?” You started to run your fingers through his hair again and watched as his eyes fluttered shut, his body instantly relaxing.
His eyes opened again, “Why didn’t she love me?” You couldn’t respond, not that he let you. “I knew we weren’t perfect, knew she wasn’t perfect… but we always made it through the end of the day. I can’t believe she would do this to me.”
“It’s her loss.” You finally said. “You don’t need her anyway. It was her decision to cheat and you had nothing to do with it.”
San didn’t say anything after that, just continued to stare at your ceiling.
The first few weeks were the hardest for sure. San had spent most of them at your place, barely leaving even for band practice. When he did practice with the guys he would leave early, only strumming a few chords on his guitar before deciding that it reminded him too much of Areum.
“He’s been really out of it.” Yunho, the bassist commented one time. San hadn’t even played that day. He just sat in the corner for an hour. You stayed behind for a few minutes and told San to wait in the car. You wanted to catch up with the other band members.
“Can you blame him? That bitch was… well, a bitch.” Wooyoung shot back, setting his drum sticks down.
“How has he been holding up?” Hongjoong asked.
You scoffed, “Have you seen the man? I don’t even think San’s there anymore! God, if I see her, it’s on sight!”
You did your best to help him through those weeks. You had been through a few hard breakups in the past so you understood that the early stages were the worst. You even used up all of your sick time to stay home with him. You had never seen him this gloomy. At one point, he went through five pints of ice cream in three days.
It took three months for San to be even remotely okay. He started going to practice more and this time, he actually played. You couldn't say you were surprised. San loved playing with the band and you knew it was probably the only thing that would bring him out of his funk.
"You look good, man!" Hongjoong slapped his hand on San's back playfully and for the first time in months, San had his usual dimpled smile.
"I feel good." He replied, setting down his guitar and taking a seat next to you on the beat-up couch. "It's thanks to you, y/n"
Your eyes widened. "Me?"
He nodded. "You stayed up with me, didn't go to work, even made me breakfast when you knew I didn't have the energy to get off your couch."
You couldn't lie; your heart was racing. All you could do was stare back into his eyes with a goofy smile painted on your face. San put his hand on your thigh, skinship being normal between you two, especially within these past months.
Your friendship remained just that, a friendship, for the next month. You were okay with this, though. At least you had a small sliver of hope now that he was single. That tiny bit of hope that he'd love you back was able to tide you over.
Until one night.
San had come over for your weekly movie nights, an event you had been doing since high school but stopped doing because his ex got jealous easily. You tried calming your nerves as you sat next to each other, his arm wrapped around you.
You were so close you could smell his cologne. It was intoxicating. Maybe it was the fact that he was newly single now, filling up your thoughts even more recently, but his entire presence was overwhelming tonight.
“You alright, beautiful?” Since San was single now, his usual playful flirty side was coming out again. Just like everything else about him, you had a love-hate relationship with it. It doesn't mean anything. You had to remind yourself. He talked like this with everyone, especially when he wanted to get a rise out of his bandmates.
You gulped when you looked up at him. How could a man have this effect on you? You would think that after years of unrequited love, you'd be able to at least contain yourself. “Yeah.”
San gave you a dimpled smile, shifting his gaze to a piece of your hair, moving it behind your ear. Your mouth parts, probably to say something but you can't be too sure right now. If someone walked in, they would think you guys are about to kiss. Maybe you are... you want to kiss him.
With your heart pounding in your ears, you slowly lean forward, keeping your eyes on his lips. They look too good not to look at but you're also scared of seeing the look in his eyes, the potential disgust that might be taking over at the thought of your lips touching his.
Everything is moving in slow motion. From your hand caressing his cheek to the moment your lips make contact. He's stiff against you and you can only imagine that it's because he's uncomfortable. You start to pull away, dreading the awkward conversation you're about to have but San is quick. His hand grips your thigh and he's kissing you back with fervor.
Your head is spinning, Is this really happening? These sparks you're feeling all over your body, does he feel the same way? You push away any thoughts you're having, trying to focus on keeping up with San. You needed to enjoy this moment. Without realizing it, you swing your leg and straddle San's lap. He groans underneath you but before you can question it, he's giving you a reassuring squeeze on your waist.
You don't want to take the initiative of going further, but man, your hands are burning to touch his bare skin. Your hands, instead, rest on his shoulders, gripping and releasing every few seconds. As if he was reading your mind, San's hands move to the hem of your shirt and for the first time, you break the kiss.
The second your shirt passes your head, San's moving to kiss your neck, occasionally sucking to leave hickies that are sure to last a whole week. You're breathless, taking this as a sign to take off San's shirt. Your hands are all over each other, San's going from your cheek to unbuttoning your jeans, your fingers feeling his abs contract under your touch.
It feels like a flash. San suddenly laying you down on your bed, both of your clothes littered behind you on the floor, his lips still on your neck. It's only when he's about to insert himself does he stop and look at you with dark eyes. He doesn't give you enough time to question it, pushing himself inside you. You both gasp at the feeling.
"Fuck, you're so tight!" He grips your hip with one hand, the other holding the headboard like his life depends on it. He feels like he'll burst any second.
You're right there with him though, the mere feelings of this moment making you sensitive. "You're just big. Holy shit!"
It takes him a second, taking a moment to give both of you a moment to adjust before he moves inside you. You can't contain the sounds coming out of you as he hits all the right spots with ease. You couldn't have pegged San to have this big of a dick, yet here he was.
Before you can realize it, your hands are finding purchase on his back and your nails are sinking into his skin. He hisses above you but his thrusts get harsher and the moaning in your ear doesn't get any quieter.
"You feel so good... so warm and tight for me." He's practically whimpering into your neck. You try to keep your cool, trying not to cum so fast but he's hitting that spot inside you with ease.
Your nails dig into him deeper, "S-san," You stutter out. "Close... so close."
"I know... but you gotta wait for me. Can you do that?" His thrusts get faster and deeper, you don't even comprehend his words properly.
"Can you do that for me, pretty girl? Be a good girl for me?" He's using both hands to clench onto the headboard now, the force making it harder to not cum. You just nod and wrap your legs around his waist. San is drilling into you with so much force and he's hoping that the bed isn't going to break. After a few more thrusts, he starts to get sloppy, and your vision's crossing.
"Alright, beautiful. Cum for me." He grunts out, trying not to cum at the feeling of you clenching around him. You finally let the waves of pleasure course through you, seeing stars. If you were lucid, you most definitely would have been embarrassed by the noises coming out of your mouth and your pussy.
With a loud sigh, San pulls out of you and releases onto your stomach. Almost immediately, he’s up and cleaning you, you’re body’s too tired to do anything but lay there. You’re surprised, because instead of leaving, San lays next to you, even going as far as pulling you close to him.
You have so much on your mind but you're too tired now.
This goes on for weeks. Sometimes you would hang out. Sometimes do other things. Everything happened so fast. The friendship that you held so dear had become a muddled mess of lust and confusion. You obviously still had feelings for San but you had no idea where he stood.
You'd never even talked about the first time you guys had sex. When you woke up he was gone and when you saw each other again, he acted like nothing had happened. You didn't want to be that clingy girl who expected a relationship so you never brought it up. Now you're in this endless cycle of sleeping with each other and never addressing the elephant in the room.
What didn't help was how San was acting differently. He was much more touchy with you, always having to touch you in some way whenever you were together. His hand on your thigh, holding your hand, arm around your shoulder, he did it all. Before the incident, you would have considered him touchy but that's nothing compared to him now.
Your hangouts started to become more elaborate as well. You guys were actually going out to movies instead of watching Netflix at your house. Small coffee shop hangouts started becoming intimate dinners. It was like you guys were dating. These dates gave you hope that he would eventually open up and ask you out properly but you didn't want to force it out of him. So, you just decided to go with whatever he wanted.
"Let's go ice-skating." The handsome man suggested his left-hand steering and his right hand on your thigh.
"You know I can't ice-skate." You deadpan, getting distracted by your fingers playing with his.
He glances at you with a honey-sweet smile before bringing his eyes back to the road. "I can teach you, ya know."
"Please, you just want to see me fall so you can laugh at me."
"That too."
San taught you how to ice-skate for maybe ten minutes. After that, he decided that it would be best to let you learn through trial and error.
"San, I'm literally gonna fall on my face!" You cried, your legs shaking as you attempted to walk on the ice.
"You're doing great. Just try skating to me." He held out his hand for you. Every time you got even remotely close to him, however, he would slowly start backing up. You were struggling around the rink but he made sure to sprinkle in encouragements so you wouldn't be too mad at him.
Just when you thought you were doing good, you got too cocky and propelled yourself towards San, wanting so desperately to close that gap. Your feet weren't pointed straight enough causing your left skate to hit your right, tripping you onto the ice.
"Holy shit, y/n! Are you alright?" San appears in front of you with seconds. Helping you up with ease. Your knees ache and you could feel the bruise forming on your hip.
“Did you not see me eat shit?” You bark out, now gripping his arm for dead life.
“I did but it’s always polite to ask.” You slap his arm playfully as he guides you off the ice and onto the benches. “Are you actually okay?”
You shook your head and pouted like a child. San chuckled to himself, seeing right through you. Instead of saying anything, he pecked your lips innocently and took a seat next to you. It was the first time he’s kissed you in public which only confused you further. Is he doing this on purpose? You really had to ask him.
You’re too lost in your thoughts to see San staring at you. It’s not until he’s moving a piece of hair out of your face that you’re snapped out of your thoughts. You jolt slightly and hum at him in response. He just shakes his head and returns his gaze to the people skating.
It was your turn to stare at him, to memorize his features for the nth time. He’s just as beautiful as he was two seconds ago and the butterflies are still strong. You open your mouth to question him about your relationship, finally building up the courage just when…—
“San? Is that you?” You freeze. Her, you think. That manipulative bitch.
“Areum?” San stands as if he’s been caught doing something bad like a child. She offers him a warm smile, completely disregarding you as always. You feel like you did during the concert. His eyes are no longer on you… but trained on her. You feel that distance he created on the ice growing bigger and bigger.
“What’re you doing here?” The man asks, still shocked to see her.
“Ah, I was just walking around.” The nerve of this girl to act like she didn’t do anything wrong. “What’re you doing here?” Her eyes land on you but she quickly looks back at him.
You stand this time. “We’re…” Don’t say it. Don’t be petty. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. “On a date.” You entwine your arm with San’s.
Areum’s lip twitches in annoyance. “Oh?” She quirks a brow and glances at San. “Is this true?”
San freaks out without thinking and shakes his arm from yours. “No!— I mean like a friendly date, sure. We’re just hanging out like old times.”
There’s your answer.
His ex smiles with victory at your defeated state. “Well, we should catch up, San. I know we ended things on a bad note but I think we should talk.”
The car ride home was awfully silent. Usually, they were filled with laughter and off-key singing but tonight, you gave San short answers in his poor attempt to talk. When you entered your apartment, you told him you were going to bed early and that he should lock up when he leaves.
Instead, you feel his warm body climb into your bed and hold you at 12 am. As always, you didn’t tell him to leave. Because, as always, you couldn’t say no to Choi San.
You wake up and San's not next to you but there is a text.
San : Sorry I didn't want to wake you but I left to go to practice. It'll probably end late today so if you feel up to it, come hang out. :)
Should you? Maybe it's just better if you pretend like nothing happened. Obviously, that's what he's doing. Besides, it’s not like his bandmates gave you false hope just to reject you in front of their ex. You end up going to the practice, a huge lump in your throat. If you brought up the situation, you're sure that whatever you guys had would be over the second you said anything.
Jongho, the lead singer, greets you with a smile and a nod in your direction as he warms up.
"y/n!" Wooyoung calls out, getting off of his drum stool and engulfing you in a hug.
You giggle on command, loving his enthusiasm. “Wooyoung, why do you always act like we haven’t seen each other for years!”
He smiles and whispers, “Don’t tell the guys I told you, but you’re like… our muse!”
You roll your eyes and pull away from his chest just to look at him, “I think you’re the only one crazy enough to even consider that.”
Wooyoung lets you go completely and returns to his drum set, you follow suit. “Maybe but you’ve been our number one supporter since day one! Plus you’re beautiful and beauty inspires art, does it not?”
Laughter erupts from you again at his cheesiness and your feel an arm wrap around your shoulder. You didn’t have to look to know who it was, the signature cologne giving him away.
“What’s so funny?” San’s smiling but you can tell there’s something different in his tone.
“Just exposing how important y/n is to the band.” Wooyoung sends you a playful wink, your cheeks burning slightly. San forces a laugh, something you don’t notice, before sitting you down on the couch.
After practice was over, you waited outside of the room for San so you could go back to your place. That wasn't the original plan but San insisted. The chilly air made you wrap your arms around yourself, internally scolding yourself over not bringing a jacket.
Wooyoung was the first to come out, fishing his lighter out of his pocket. He wasn't the only cigarette smoker in the group but he was definitely the one that smoked the most. He grinned at the sight of you, resting his hand in his pocket instead.
"Why're you waiting out here? It's cold as hell."
"Yeah... But I didn't want to get in your guys' way." You rubbed your hands up and down your arms trying to create heat. Wooyoung took off his jacket and wrapped it around you without hesitation. "A true gentleman." You remarked.
He put his hand on his chest, his face contorting to look hurt. "I've always been a gentleman. Even when I'm freezing my ass off."
Your eyes widened, ready to give the jacket back. "Woah there, missy. I gave it to you for a reason. We don't want our muse to die of hypothermia." The joke makes you laugh lightly. "You waiting on San?"
You nod, staring at the ground and rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet. “It’s been a lot of waiting recently.” You accidentally confess.
“Uh oh.” He leans against the wall. "I noticed something was different."
"What do you mean?" You hear your heartbeat through your ears and you find it hard to breathe all of a sudden.
"You guys are a lot closer... You guys are best friends, sure, but the air's been different between you two. He still doesn't notice how you look at him."
You scoff, "That obvious, huh?"
"To everyone but him, it seems. Can I be honest?" Wooyoung rolls to face you. You nod, now looking at him. "Unless you tell him how you feel, you'll be doing nothing but waiting on him."
"But our friendship-"
"If you're about to tell me that it's enough for you, so help me God, y/n, I will kick your ass." You laugh for the first time since the conversation started. You understand what you have to do. You guys have already crossed so many boundaries and clearly, he feels something for you, right?
The door to the practice room swings open and this time it's Yeosang and San. San's bright smile seems to falter as his eyes instantly land on the jacket that's wrapped around you. His eyes shift between you and the drummer then he strides to you, grabbing your wrist.
"Let's go?" You don't have time to answer. San's practically ripping the jacket off of you and throwing it at Wooyoung who barely catches it. This time, you don't miss the change in his tone. He replaces Wooyoung's jacket with his hoodie, not saying a word as he puts it on you.
Just like the night before, the tension in the car is thick but unlike last night, it's you who's trying to spark a conversation. San's knuckles are turning white as he drives and it's starting to worry you. You've never seen San this upset before and you're still trying to place the reasoning. Was it jealousy?
You pull up to the house, expecting him to follow you like he always does but he doesn't. Instead, he leaves the engine running and his eyes on the street. For some reason, this sets you off. This man had the audacity to pull away from you, act like you were just a friend in front of the ex that cheated on him, but gets jealous over you casually talking to another guy?
You scoff and unbuckle your seatbelt, stepped out of the car, and slammed the door shut. San was feeling extra temperamental tonight. He couldn't understand why he felt like this either. Maybe he was looking for a fight. He turned off the engine and followed you inside. Before you could close and lock the door, he stepped into your house.
"What is your problem?" You asked venomously.
"What is your problem?"
"I didn't have any problem until you decided to get all confusing!" You dropped your tote bag on the floor, turning to face him fully.
"I'm confusing? Are kidding me?" He huffs out, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Actually, I'm not. You've been driving me nuts since we started hooking up. I'm over it!" His lip twitches into a sarcastic smile. "What the fuck was that with your ex? You completely pushed me aside. She treated you like shit, remember? She cheated, she lied, and she manipulated you. Do you want to get back to-"
"You're not my girlfriend, y/n!" He cut you off. "God, it's like you don't know your place." Tears pricked your eyes but you felt more angry than sad. Angry, you've never felt this way with San before. You're experiencing a lot of firsts tonight. San immediately realizes what he said, how hurt you were. He took a step closer to you but you put up your hands, putting up your boundaries for the first time.
"No, you're right. It's not like you hold my hand wherever we go or put your hands on my waist in public. You don't smile at me sweetly during dates. We're not completely vulnerable with each other, telling each other things we'd never breathe to others. It's not like we fuck almost every day! Do friends do what we do? Please, enlighten me. What's my place?"
"I'm sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have-" You're full-on bawling now, sucking in breaths where you can.
"I can't believe I've loved you for so long. I've torn my heart out for you and you just... you just throw it back at me like it's nothing!" His mouth opens but nothing comes out, instead he wraps his arms around you. You react once you feel him, trying to fight him off but he's stronger, trying to calm you down by hugging you.
You're screaming, all the feelings you've held inside bursting out of you, "Why can't you let me in?" You start to pound on your chest even though you know you shouldn't. You don't even notice that he's crying too. "Why can't it be me for once? Let it be me!"
"I'm sorry," He coos. You couldn't hold yourself up anymore, your feelings making it hard to focus. San catches you though, guiding you to sit on the floor.
San does his best to understand what you're saying through your sobs. He wants to understand what he's feeling. He thought he was doing this to get over Areum but why was he doing all the other things? He could've just stuck to the bare minimum but he didn't. Better question, how had he not noticed your feelings?
San was so caught in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed you had cried yourself to sleep. He was holding your head to his chest and he sighed, finally relaxing a bit. He couldn't really relax though, his mind still processing what you had said. He carried you bridal style to your room and thanking God that you had exhausted yourself.
San tucked you in and, after some hard debating, decided to lay in bed with you. He made sure that he wasn't touching you even though he knew he was going to leave before you woke up. He sighed to himself.
Even as you slept you were beautiful and he beat himself up for only now noticing how exhausted you looked. The man never understood why he was so willing and ready to sleep with you. He could acknowledge that there was steaming sexual tension but he never thought it would get this far. Nevertheless, you guys were in this situation; the very foggy area between friends and more.
Is this how you felt, absolutely terrified? You guys certainly couldn't go back to being friends after everything that's happened between you two. San's body started to shake as he silently cried. He couldn't even comprehend how much pain he's put you through these last few months.
You're not surprised to find your bed empty the next day; you wouldn't be surprised if San had sent you a message ending your friendship and promptly blocking you. You stare at your ceiling with tears already prickling your eyes. You weren't going to check your phone for texts. You just went to work.
The day went by fast, your boss giving you plenty of work to distract yourself. You were doing just fine until you pulled up to your apartment to find Wooyoung waiting to knock on your door.
"Wooyoung?" The man turned around, almost like a deer in headlights.
"Oh- Hey!" He quickly put his hands in his jean pockets. You walked to your door silently, unlocking the front door and inviting him in.
“What can I help you with?” You try to be casual even though all you’re thinking about is San and how you know Wooyoung’s here to soothe whatever problem you guys are having.
“I’m gonna cut to the chase. Talk to San. It’s only been a day of you two fighting and all of us are tired of him sulking.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“He came into practice looking all down and he didn’t talk to any of us. He just went through practice barely saying ten words throughout the whole thing.”
"How do you know this has something to do with me?"
“… Do I look blind to you? Everyone knows something’s going on between you two.” Wooyoung sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “Look, I don’t know what happened but I’m sure it was probably his fault. I’m not saying you should forgive him right away but just talk to him. Please?”
So now, here you are, outside his door. You took in a deep breath before knocking hard on his door. You couldn’t muster the courage to ask if he was home but there was no practice so you hoped for the best.
The door unlocked within a few minutes. “y/n?”
“H-Hi,” You stuttered out, feeling the weight on your shoulders get heavier. “Can I come in?”
San gestures you inside and you take a seat on his couch. There’s an awkward silence when he joins you and you can’t recall any other time it’s been like this. It was so easy to talk to San before but now you can’t even form a sentence.
You said at the same time.
“You first.” San breathed.
“I just figured we had a lot to talk about.”
"Right..." He brushed off his legs with a sigh.
"I like you, San- actually, I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for so long and we slept together and it got messy. We've never talked about what we were after that night. You just made me a rebound and I turned the other way..."
His eyes burnt into your face and you were too scared to meet them. "I'm sorry. I never meant to put you in that kind of situation. I shouldn't have been so selfish. I didn't think about the way you were feeling."
San's warm hand grabs yours. "I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to see how you feel about me. I'm so sorry I said that you didn't know where your place was. Your place..." He takes a big deep breath, making you look at him, "Your place is right next to me. I lost you for one day and in that one day, I've realized what you really mean to me. I'm in love with you, y/n."
He places his hand on your cheek, wiping away a tear you didn't even notice. You're falling apart at his touch but you were so happy that he felt the same way and- Oh my god! Choi San was in love with you!
"You just said you were in love with me." You breathed, a smile breaking out on your lips.
"I did, didn't I?" He chuckles, closing the distance between your faces. Your breath hitches. "Are you going to give me a chance to love you for real this time?"
Your heart is going to burst and you don't really give it much thought.
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Kinktober Day 7: Baby in Pink
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↠ Pairing: Suna Rintarou x Reader
↠ Warning: SMUT! Cry baby reader, Ballerina AU, fingering, cunnilingus, ahegao faces because he's THAT good, riding, creampie, Suna being soft but meanie dom.
↬ Word Count: 3k
⇢ Day 7: Manhandled (Riding)
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Everything felt so magical; elegant.  The way you were on pointe made him suck in a breath to every performance he has witnessed from you. Even if he's seen them many, many times in repeat, you were as graceful as a butterfly, as taunting as a little fairy in baby pink. To see how effortlessly you were lifted by your partner during daring performances made him clench his fists of how close those pesky fingers of a stranger were to parts only he was allowed, yet his mind in wonder of how easily handled you were in stage.
How easily you were being handled in so many ways corrupted delicious, arousing day dreams in his calm features, but buzzing head.
He's never been vocal about it, but he adores how tight your ballet clothing were. He especially loved the camisole leotard dress; each time you wore them, he catches a glimpse of your perfectly shaped bottom from the flowy, see through clothing.  Thanking the dark, and captured audience to the people on stage and not notice the growing bulge in his pants and his harsh breathing through his nose. The baby pink tone of your attire made you glow of innocence and cuteness he so wants to carry you out and throw you to his bed to snuggle you away from the eyes of the world.
To take your dainty, little self in the cold sheets with the baby pink article of clothing ruined by yours and his cum splattering messily.
The times your eyes would get caught with his pretty ones after your search for him in the sea of the crowd, you would smile brightly st him, eyes forming the adorable crescents he recognizes even from afar. The former, emotionless middle blocker would be in love struck, as if Cupid had shot multiple arrows to his heart just by your glowing form.
You were so precious. His little ballerina.
And he was your prince. Big and strong, beautiful in every way, fit from his previous and present time in volleyball, too good for anyone in this world. He was yours.
Too good.
Too good enough for you to be trembling, and just by grinding yourself on his flexed thigh. He couldn't hold back anymore after seeing you present yourself with your new outfit. It was still the same color, but the fabric was thinner than usual, either it was to make your movements more easier or it was just to test his patience. The length of the flowy skirt had been shortened with your legs no longer covered, naked and soft looking, the chest area emphasized your bust too much for his liking.
Oh, you were so delectable.
He groans your name when he felt your juices seep out from your clothed pussy. It was almost as if you weren't even covered well with it. Big, rough hands at the sides of your hips, guiding your shy movements against his thigh to bring you to your awaited heaven. You whimper when he dug his fingers onto the skin, the sounds you were making muffled on his shoulder only making it hard for him to tame himself. Having enough of it, he easily hoisted you up from his thigh and settles you down in bed. God, did he love having a place all to himself with you in it. He gets to do whatever he pleases.
It came out like a harsh whisper from his lips as he stares at the damped spot of your center. The skirt pushed up and your legs spread out for him, he gets a little closer in between them and drags his digits down your clothed slit. Eyes immediately gazing up to see you biting your fist and your legs quivering in sensitivity. He hums in delight and began pressing in his index on the slick clothing, his thumb rubbing lazy circles on your clit, relishing the sounds of your soft moans and his name being chanted like a prayer.
"Shit, baby."
Cursing he pushes the leotard to the side, inserting two of his digits in and curls them quickly, wanting to see and hear your squeals as your grabbed his wrist and propped yourself up pathetically with your elbow.
"W-wait, sensitive.."
Glossy eyes meeting with his blank, but lust clouded ones. He'd take mercy whenever you would warn him at times like this, afraid he might've hurt you in the process, but this, you weren't hurt or anything. You were just being his little cry baby. Instead of listening to your plead and your small hands tightening around his wrist weakly retraining him, he pulls his fingers out slowly, licking his lips at the sight of the transparent, coated digits before plunging back in roughly. You sobbed as your body gave out and laid back down, with his other hand pressing down your stomach, he delivers precise piston of his fingers inside you. He knew you can take it. You can, and you will.
"Rin!! A-ah, Tarou..please.."
Legs trying to slowly shut with his head still in between, he hums in approval before getting a taste of your sopping cunt and lapping his tongue up to your clit. He loved getting crushed with your thighs, they were so soft and jiggly when they shook. It boosted his own ego to have them at that state because of his meek minitrations. What more can he get from you when he snaps?
He suckles on the bundle of nerves, your toes curls as your hips arched up, eagerly grinding to his mouth while pleading for him to stop since his fingers were reaching too deep into the right places inside. Suna was in his own euphoria, never really pegged himself as a man who would get drunk into the taste of you and a man who has his dick prodded up to the air just by seeing you in such princess-like clothing. Writhing beneath him, you lowered your hand down to his hair, tugging the long, luscious brown locks of his as he won't let go of the erected nub, slurping and nibbling at it like a pro.
His own arousal begging to be freed from his black slack, the infuriating fabric getting compacted uncomfortably, making his cock ache painfully. Removing his hand from your stomach, he unbuckled the belt off of his trousers swiftly, shrugging them down and kicking them off with his legs and feet, finally releasing your nub with a pop and mercy left for you.
Your legs automatically closed themselves to soothe the sensitive regions. Gripping the pillow on the side of your head as your clouded eyes gaze elsewhere into a short subspace, panting with small drool slipping from the corner of your lips. Suna sees this and gets up from the floor to hover over you. He shouldn't be so rough; shouldn't take advantage of this state you are in, not when your such in full daze of your own world, not when you looked already so fucked out when he hasn't gotten to the good part.
"You okay?"
The tip of his nose nudges your cheek softly, like a cat, he nuzzles himself on your flushed skin. It was out of character for him to display such affection, but over the years of being with you, oh how his heart softened and crumbles at the mere presence of you. He peppers your cheeks with little kisses, swiping away the drool with his thumb, murmuring praises and love confessions to you.
"You're cute."
"I'm here, baby."
"Mmm.. You're still dripping."
His voice made you dizzy, strum like a string of tantalizing melody as you inhaled his musky scent that made you dig your nose at the crook of his neck. Whimpering a little when you felt something slide outside your folds, warm and hard, Suna grunts and pants out small puffs of air onto your ear. You were so slick and wet that it was tempting to just dick you down right now. But you were his little baby, he had to take care of you first. He wouldn't want to hurt you.
"Will you let me take care of you?"
Your blown pupils lost the clouds that has surrounded them as you moaned out, his teeth sinking in the tender flesh by your neck with your hips jolting up, meeting with his twitching cock. Hands flying to clutch onto his shoulders, you wished you had kept your legs closed as now your flower was being teased to death. Suna groans when he feels you twitch a little, how adorable, he thoughts.
He bites on your lower lip, tugging it whilst keeping the eye contact with you, like he was ravishing you with his pretty eyes as sweat slid down to your face.
"I'm waiting."
He grabs a hold of his cock, you expected he was going to pump a few jets, but instead he began slapping it against your weeping cunt. Squealing at the sound of wet skin slapping and the small waves of pleasure kicking in, you whined beneath him when he chuckles darkly, looking up to him with puppy like eyes.
"Rin, please.."
He stops, leaning forward so that his forehead was pressing to yours, exhaling out softly when he felt himself release a few pre cum jets out from his cock.
"Please what?"
Even though he was getting as needy as you were, he was still Suna Rintarou, a guy who loves to be in control and manipulate what he can. Loves to endlessly put you on edge to have your small hands scratching his skin, your body trapped from his bigger structure. He was addicted.
Frustrated, tears glossed over your eyes with some slipping down a little. You would've screamed at him for being a big meanie, but now you were stuck pouting and crying when you felt him rut against you once more.
"Please!! Need your cock, Rintarou!!"
As those words escaped your plumped lips, Suna cages you in his arms and quickly switches positions with you in a blink of an eye. Confusion written all over your features as you gasped a little when you were now laying on his chest, Suna adjusting his head on the pillow, enough to see you shaking above him and gives your ass a soft smack, rubbing the soft, globe flesh and squishing it with his hand. Your leotard still pushed to the side, allowing his finger to tease the slit up and down, watching you start to lose yourself above him and push back, hoping to get more friction.
"You said you wanted my cock, right baby?"
You couldn't make out what he was saying, too busy rubbing against the knuckle of his index, clawing his chest to ground yourself. The veins in his arms and hands were noticeable, you can really tell he had been keeping himself together. With you above him, arms pressed to your chest, letting your tits be a show for him, hair fanning your features like some kind of princess as the uniform you were now wearing stuck to your skin from the sweat that had built up. Good thing you had spare ones.
Lining himself up to your cunt, he removes his hand away from you as you cried from the lost. Both of his hands found their way back to your bottom, lifting you up with is before slamming you down to his hard cock with a loud moan erupting from his chest and you left with wide eyes and mouth agape.
"Take it, little girl."
The sudden thrust of his cock stung, but it didn't hurt much. No, it made you shocked, panting as if you were in some sort of heat, tongue sticking out at the feeling of his dick stretching you deliciously, the length and thickness making you feel so stuffed. He felt so deeper in this position, you couldn't move. You felt that if you were to try and thrust up and down, you would break. It was all too much.
Suna felt the same way. His head burnt, spinning like a spell was cast upon him when he was engulfed by the warmth of your cunny. Fuck, your walls kept fluttering and tightening around his cock. Every muscle on his body was flexed as he breathed heavily. You were so heavenly right now, he could cum on the spot inside of you.
"R-rin...So big.."
Covering your mouth with your hands, you tried raising your hips up a little, the lewd friction creating a pleasurable wave to your spine as you sunk down immediately, choking out a moan behind your palms and crying. You couldn't move.
Suna licked his lips at the sight before prying your hands away from your mouth and sitting up against the headboard of the bed, pushing you from the small of your back to his chest closer, his hands roaming around your hot, flushed body and cupping your breast through the fabric. Before you knew it, you squealed loudly when you heard a ripping sound from the chest area.
He had finally ruined the skimpy camisole leotard from you, letting your breast free with his face nuzzling into them and taking a nipple in his mouth. His hands went back to your hips, finally guiding you to a slow rhythm as he thrusts back carefully. Moaning softly, you cradled his head in your arms while he suckles on your nipples. Relishing the soft, yet deep thrusts given to you as each second passes.
"Y-you a-ah..Had to r-rip it, o-oh my—"
Tugging his hair from his roots when he moved to the other breast and bit harshly. He tugged the nippled with his teeth softly before lapping his tongue to soothe away the sting.
"You have spare ones. Besides,"
Pushing away from you, his eyes raked to your entirely new look. The ripped fabric hanging loosely with your breast on display, your cunt being stuffed full with his cock, you and your entire form within his control.
"You look so precious right now."
He delivers one hard thrust that made you fall to his chest, only then do you realize that you were not the one moving, but him all along. His pace quickens, the moans and cries from you onlt fueling him more. Suna shuts his eyes as his senses heightened by you.
"U-unf, hah— I'm sorry!!"
Your tears falling to his chest made him shiver and worry, he tried slowing doen his pace, but he feels your hips move around cutely trying to meet with his movements.
"I-I'm sorry, R-in...Ah— I couldn't mo-move!"
You were apologizing just because you couldn't give him the exact treatment and pleasure he was giving you. Normally, guilt would eat you out at this second, but you were far more succumbed by feeling stuffed, the thought of him cumming inside you blocked all other thoughts away. Precious, absolutely precious.
His hand cupped your cheek, giving it a small pinch of adoration and wiping away the tears that had still been falling from receiving his cock.
"It's okay, let me handle you, sweetheart."
Screaming, he began ramming himself inside of you. It burned, it burned so good it hurts, like your insides were being rearranged. His balls smacking up to your ass that was shaking and being squeezed and slapped by Suna's other hand in repeat. You could only stick your tongue out as you tried to make a sound, but it was all too good all that was left is you sobbing dumbly on his chest with Suna grunting and whispering praises beneath you.
"S-so fucking tight.. God, princess, I feel like ah— 'm gonna break you."
Petting your hair, he doesn't stop his pace. They weren't lying when they said this man uses his entire body to use. Was he so strong and flexible to be able to do this to you. Your balled fist went to grab his hand from your hair, lacing your fingers with his and held his hand, weakly raising your head up.
"A-ah, ah, inside.. Please.. Rin, 'm g-gonna break.. need you. Ngh!! INSIDE!!"
Your voice came out louder at the end when his tip reaches your spot. Moans turning into those you'd hear in pornography feeling your cunt get abused.
He looked so nefarious; head thrown back, his mouth opening and closing, trying to silent out his own moans to his embarrassment and his hand holding yours tightly. He was to drool for, a real life incubus.
"I-I'm cumming..fuck, take it, baby."
"SHIT, (Y/N)—"
Your cunt convulsed around his pulsing cock. The rush of adrenaline wrapping themselves to every fiber of your bones as you sobbed loudly, feeling yourself cream for what it's worth around his cock, his own hot, load shooting inside your womb, holding his breath as both your hands gripped each other with toes curling.
"F-fuck, you okay?"
Finishing the last drop, he doesn't pull out immediately. Not wanting to suddenly knock out some oxygen from you, he gives the crown of your head kisses with his thumb stroking the back of your hand. You puffed out breathy pants, body tired and throat scratchy from what happened seconds ago. The redness of your cheeks and the baby hairs the stuck to your forehead made you look so adorable to his eyes, that he leaned forward to kiss your temple.
"T-thank you, Rin...Love you so much."
He can make out the small hearts in your dazed eyes, mewling softly when he accidentally thrusts in while moving his position. Your eyes scrunched up closed, burying yourself on his chest with a small voice,
"I know."
His other arm wrapped around you tightened, rubbing his cheek on your head affectionately. He loved moments like this in doors, just you, him, your bodies as one together in bed. His beautiful, little ballerina in his arms with the soft, baby pink and look on her features and body. It made him smile secretly from you.
"I love you too, my ballerina."
And he began moving again inside of you.
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funeral-grayy · 2 years
if it means a lot to you
If you can wait till i get home, i swear we can make it last
this was a whole new world for bakugo, his first time on tour with his band. denki had booked a show for them in a hole in the wall venue, opening for some new and upcoming band that was pretty popular right now. sure they’ve played shows before but they were always in their hometown, never a foreign city. so far the turn out seemed to be decent, people filing in and crowding over to the merch tables. and thats when he spots you, you walk in with a girl and a guy. don’t get bakugo wrong, he doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but shit, this was close. 
“what did i tell you bakugo, don’t bother hooking up or getting attached on tour. you’ll never see them again.” jirou said from behind him, following his gaze to you.
“tch, i know, i’m not stupid” he retorted. little did he know, he was in fact very stupid. 
trying to ignore your deafening presence, he watches the opening band play their first song from the side lines, not wanting to be in the crowd. he tries so hard to concentrate on the music and lyrics but fuck, he can’t stop thinking about how cute you look in your little floral dress and vans. no, he couldn’t think about you. almost as if you could read his mind, he spots you from the corner of his eye. you’re heading in his direction with your friends, towards the exit. before he even has time to consider what the fuck he’s doing, he reaches out to grab your bicep, promptly stopping you in your tracks.
“If you leave now, you’ll miss my band” he grumbled out, trying not to sound too intimidating. any normal person would have been confused or even mad at him for grabbing you, but you just smiled up at him, slight confusion written on your face.
“don’t worry, we’re not leaving! he just wants to go out for a smoke before the next band comes on.” you tell bakugo, you head tilted to the side slightly making you look even more cute. he let go of your arm and looked away, a light dusting of pink on the tip of his ears now. he muttered a ’my bad’ and you continued on your way.
little did he know, your heart was about to pound out of your goddamn chest. you’d been staring at him for the majority of the night, not being able to get over how attractive he was. sure he always a had a scowl on his face but fuck, there was just something about him. once outside, you leaned against the wall and watched the traffic go by, completely lost in thought. you knew it was never a good idea to fall for a band guy. it was a disaster just waiting to happen. they were always on the road and barely ever home, that’s not something you wanted to get tangled up in. not to mention all the other fan girls you’re sure he has, that’s always dangerous too. you hadn’t realized how much time had passed until one of your friends said they were done and ready to head back in. oh god you were going to have to walk by him again, your nerves were going haywire. 
as you rounded the corner to where he was before, you held your breath. ah, he wasn’t there but rather on the stage setting up his drumkit. this was probably better for you anyways, you suddenly felt so shy and weren’t really sure what you’d say to him. you made your way to the back of the crowd, not wanting to put yourself in the way of anyone who was going to mosh. you watched as the other four band members got on stage and started setting up their instruments. you’d never seen this band before but you suddenly were very excited. soon enough, the venue lights dimmed and the lead singer started introducing everyone to the audience. once she got to the dummer, your eyes snapped to him, his already on you and a confident smirk plastered on his face.
bakugo listened as jirou started to introduce everyone to the crowd but tuned her out as he scanned the crowd for you. he had to make sure you kept your word and hadn’t left. finally spotting you, he smirked to himself, you didn’t actually leave and for some odd reason he was happy. jirou introduced him finally and your eyes locked. he maintained eye contact while jirou continued on. finally, she announced their first song and they began. the whole set felt like the flew by, the music was so good and the audience was vibing with them really well. this would easily go down as one of your favorite shows to date. eventually the show came to an end and the last act finished up. you hadn’t seen bakugo but maybe that was for the best. the crowd was starting to dwindle and head outside but you were standing near the back, talking to one of your friends and some other people you knew.
“hey, don’t look now but drummer boy is heading your way” she whispered to you. oh fuck, what were you suppose to say to him? you didn’t think he’d come seek you out, you’d assumed he‘d be busy packing up their van.
“does anyone have gum?” his gruff voice asked from behind you.
“thats one way to start the conversation” your friend muttered, grabbing some gum from her purse and handing it to him. she then turned to you and the look on her face was nothing short of evil. you knew what she was about to do and you hated her for it. “hey! we actually have to go talk to that opener band…we’ll be right back!” and with that, you and bakugo were alone.
“did you enjoy our set?”
“oh my gosh! you guys were so good. I’ve never seen a band with a keyboardist before. and your sounds was really unique and ugh that one song it was-” you rambled out. realizing you were basically gushing about his band, you quickly shut up.  
“no, please continue feeding my ego, i love it” he wanted you to keep talking, he wanted you to ramble forever. who the fuck were you and why were you making him feel…..feelings. this wasn’t like him, he didn’t go out of his way to talk to girls but there was just something about you. he wanted to be fucking soft and gentle with you, and that wasnt him. he didn’t get fucking mushy over some random girl he didn’t know. and he sure as shit never wanted to be sweet on one. yet here he was, listening to you continue your rambling and knowing he’d never get sick of your voice.
“hey bakubro! the vans all packed and we’re heading out, cmon” kirishima interrupted, not realizing what exactly was going on.
“Of course, perfect timing shitty hair.” he grumbled, not wanting to leave your side just yet. he knew he wasn’t going to see you again, not after tonight. no, he needed to find a way to see you again, he couldn't let this be the only time. 
“oh uh, no worries! im sure my friends are ready to go too! it was really nice meeting you, bakugo” you said as you gave him the sweetest smile. before anything else was said, you headed over to your friends and to the exit. fuck, this sucked. but you also knew how these things went and you knew you were probably dodging a bullet. getting involved with a band dude was always a big no no. you knew you were getting way ahead of yourself anyways, you literally just met. you needed to get a grip. so lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed bakugo was right behind you, following you outside.
“i’ll see you guys at tomorrow nights show.” he simply said, which you whipped your head around to. what ? you didn’t even have tickets to tomorrows show and it was almost two hours away. as if he had read your mind, he  continued. “i’ll put you guys on the guest list. yn plus two”.  your friends eagerly agreed and you were still blankly staring in shock. he sent you what seemed to be a genuine smile and passed by, heading outside.
what the fuck just happened?
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mountswhore · 3 years
hey! see u were taking requests so i wanted one with mason related to "london boy" by taylor swift? maybe reader is a singer or something like that?
one of the best taylor swift songs imo, so of course!
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 — mason mount
summary: mason shows you around london during your break, and now you don't think you can ever go back
notes: requests are open again! my asks are open.
Leaving your hometown in New York to visit the world was one of the hardest things you had to do. But you had your dream job, now it was time to follow it. Your recent album was a success, pouring your heart into it as you recovered from your breakup. Your fans had watched your relationship build, and then break apart. Hearing your side of things through 14 songs. Awards, interviews, and traction had come from it, earning you a world tour. It was a scary thing to do, considering it was your first international tour.
“I just want to come back to New York already, I’ve not been on this tour long.” You complained to your sister, curled up in a hotel bed in London. Your first destination was the UK, and there was nothing worse than being homesick.
“Quit being a baby, the UK is so nice.” Your sister replied, chuckling shortly afterwards. “Me and dad visited Manchester, I think? Very nice looking, at least where we stayed.” You sighed, knowing that didn’t make it any easier. You loved your cosy apartment in New York, you were even starting to miss the constant traffic sounds and arguing in the early hours of the morning.
“I guess, and I know London is nice, at least. I think I’m gonna interact with some fans,” you decided, pulling the duvet further up your body, “speak tomorrow at sound check.” You ended the call, liking some tweets and replying to a few things, eventually tweeting something of your own.
“Happy to see a lot of my UK fans tomorrow, can’t wait to scream my feelings out with you,” Declan read out, giving Mason a cheeky look. The pair of them were in Mason’s living room, enjoying their evening of FIFA. The boys had spoken about you plenty of times, in interviews too, Mason declaring you as his celebrity crush.
“Shut up already, she probably doesn’t even know who I am.” Mason stated, resting his arm over his eyes to conceal the blush on his face. Him, Declan and a few other boys were going to your concert tomorrow night, some of the WAGs suggested it as they loved your music.
“You think she’s not going to notice a blue tick in her dm’s? It’s worth a shot.” Declan encouraged his friend to shoot his shot, close to grabbing his phone and doing it himself, but instead he was watching Mason bashfully scroll through your twitter replies. “Do it, or I will.”
Mason sighed, clicking the reply button and typing out a reply, handing the phone to Declan to review. ‘Can’t wait, wanna see you.’
“Perfect,” Declan mumbled, pressing the reply button for him. He knew Mason never would, he just saved him 20 minutes of back and forth debate. Handing Mason his phone back, Declan smirked as he watched his friend's face change from fairly embarrassed, to shocked.
“There’s no fucking way you sent that.” Mason remarked, refreshing his phone to see his tweet attract likes. “You dick.”
Declan just laughed as Mason had turned completely red, watching the likes and replies collect under his tweet. Moments later, you’d appeared in his dm’s.
‘I recognise you.’
It was an ominous message from you, one that had you pacing and replaying the creepy message over and over again. But Mason smiled at the message, all ounces of worry leaving his body as he replied to you.
‘Oh yeah? From where?’
‘Actually, I think I recognise your teammate, Pulisic. He’s all my brother talks about sometimes. But all I know is that he plays for a soccer team.’
He laughed at your reply, Declan watching over in pure disbelief.
‘You have a lot to learn about the UK, and luckily I know all about it.’
‘I’ll hold you to that, come backstage after the show, bring whoever you’re with. I’m in London for the next few days before my next show, maybe you can show me around.’
“There’s no way you’re flirting with Y/N Y/L/N within two minutes of replying to her tweet.” Declan stated, Mason smirking at his best friend before sending another reply.
Your show was now over and you were anxiously waiting for the boys to be escorted back stage. You didn't know much about football, especially over here, but you knew the boys that were coming back stage were professionals. You'd learnt their names, Declan, Jack, and Mason. Jack and Declan brought their girlfriends along, but Mason was 'painfully single', as he put it.
Finally, as you sat down in your chair to relax, you heard a knock at the door. It was them. They had all filed in, the two girls in shock that they were meeting you. You'd given them all a hug, and gotten to Mason. He looked down at you as you pulled him in, squeezing you tightly before letting you go again.
"Did you guys enjoy it?" You asked, ushering them to the couch for them to sit down. You wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible, rushing over to your dressing room fridge and pulling out some drinks.
"It was amazing," Sasha gawked, still in awe over seeing you for the first time, "we saw you have one in Birmingham in a few weeks, so we're going to that one too." You blushed, returning to your seat opposite the couch.
"That's so sweet! I'm sure I can get you some good tickets, I'll dm you on Instagram or something." You suggested to her, Sasha eagerly nodding her head. You conversed with the group of five, Mason giving you a particular look that you had mirrored back to him. You planned on getting his number, and making sure he showed you around London.
Soon enough, the group was heading back to wherever they were staying, as it was beginning to get quite late. "Thank you guys for coming, and I'm so glad I met you."
Mason stayed behind, folding his arms and sharing a smirk with you as his friends voices trailed down the hallway. "So, about this bet."
"Yeah," you replied casually, grabbing your water bottle from the table and taking a sip, being in the presence of an attractive man again was giving you quite the nerves, "I'll take your number, because I'd love to get to know London." He nodded, grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
"Perfect. See you."
You and Mason had planned your first meeting in a pub. It wasn't the classiest of places, but your plan was to get to know the UK. Mason had ordered you both a drink, guessing what you like and nailing it when you went in for a second sip and shoved a thumb up.
"So," he began, fiddling with the coaster his beer sat on, "how long are you in London for?"
"Just until Thursday, Friday morning I'm heading to Manchester." You stated, realising you only had four days with Mason, including today.
"Well, we better make the days count then." Mason declared. The pair of you spoke about his career as well as yours, talking about how different school was for the pair of you. Mason had stood up, holding his hand out for you to take, and you'd accepted it without complaint. He led you out of the pub and through the town center, gazing at the stalls set up around you. The weather wasn't so different to New York, both constantly dreary, but you were liking London so far.
On your second day together, you'd taken a cab to another town, this time to just experience the busy streets. To Mason, this was normal. For you, it was only familiar. New York was one of the busiest cities in the world, but London was different, better in every other way. You'd finished your day together, stomachs full of pub food, and in the back of a cab, rain pattering on the windows. You'd shuffled closer to Mason, placing your hand on his and squeezing. He looked at you briefly, smiling his usual smile, before quickly looking out at the street in an effort to hide his tinged cheeks.
Day three, the weather was too bad to do anything. But Mason kept you company in your hotel room. He'd taught you a bunch of British slang, laughing as your accent completely butchered them all. You'd shown him a snippet of your new song before room service had arrived. And the night ended with the pair of you collapsed in your bed, tv playing in the back ground, but your eyes on each other. It was like pure magic, the long-awaited feeling of his lips on yours. You'd been thinking about it all day, missing every opportunity until now.
Your final day was the worst. You both knew it was coming, you wouldn't see him until you had a break, and he had one too. You both had stupidly busy schedules, as well as living in different countries. Maybe one day you could bring him to New York, show him your side of life. And maybe one day you'll branch out and move here.
Mason had helped you carry your things out of your hotel room, which was taking you to Manchester. Your manager had texted you to be in the car before 3, which meant you had just 10 minutes until you had to say goodbye to Mason for a while.
You were stood in the foyer of the hotel, waiting for the car to arrive. You'd secretly hoped it didn't, you wanted to stay with Mason for a while longer, but you couldn't. Duty called.
"Thank you for showing me around London," you spoke, looking up at Mason, who was hiding his deflated feelings, "I really enjoyed it, I might even prefer it to New York."
"That's a given. I'm here." He joked, in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood. These four days had been immense fun for him, different to how he usually spent his days. Different than night at home alone, different than a night on the town. Was it too soon to say he missed you?
Mason looked down at you as you clung to his side, hoping he felt the same way you did. And he did, you just didn’t know that. His fingers slid across your jaw slowly, pulling your chin up to look at him. It was an intense moment, so many different emotions. He’d leaned in and kissed you, it was his parting gift. To say that he’d see you soon enough.
“Enjoy Manchester, I’m sure I can fit another show in somehow.” Mason spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” You spoke, the car pulling up outside. He’d dragged your suitcases out to the car, popping them in the boot for you. Finally, he stared at you through the window, which you quickly rolled down. “I fancy you, is that the right term?”
Mason laughed, head tipping back slightly. “Yeah, it is. And I fancy you too.”
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asweetprologue · 3 years
Nili’s Benchmark Geraskier Fic Rec List
hey yall! I officially hit 750 followers (a few days ago, I blew past the benchmark without even realizing!), which is... insane. I truly can’t believe that so many people over the last year have enjoyed my presence in this fandom enough to continue to follow my work. you guys are so great and I love you all so much, so I decided to put together a gift for you!
this is a list of my favorite geraskier fics from the fandom, which I have been putting together over the last year or so. a few of these are big in the fandom, but a lot of them are smaller pieces that I feel deserve more attention! I have provided ao3 and tumblr links where I could find them, as well as ratings and summaries. Most of these are canon!verse because I’m not personally a big fan of modern au’s, but there will be a few of those scattered throughout as well. I’ve divided the fics into two sections: oneshots and multichapter. See the list below the cut!
Being in this fandom truly has gotten me through the pandemic in a big way and I have made so many good friends while here. thank you all for validating my weird obsession with these characters and enabling me in these trying times <3
all that was good, all that was fair (all that was me is gone) | M | 7517 | WARNING: Graphic Depictions Of Violence | @xdandelionxbloomx
Somewhere, deep in a forest, a man drags himself from his grave by sheer power of will. He lies gasping on the forest floor and does not know who or what he is. The world is wide and wonderful, though, and there is so much to see.
Or, Jaskier is so stubborn that he literally comes back from the dead.
Another fascinating addition to the mythology of the Witcher. Jaskier’s slow rediscovery of himself is so well done here. One I’ve come back to again and again. 
As Fast As Love Can Go | T | 9628 | @bygodstillam
There are Faeries in the Wood.
That's what everyone said, at least, not that there was any solid proof. Jaskier had tried, more than once, to find some. Just a hint somewhere, of a real story, of real magic. But all anyone seemed to have was stories.
Jaskier was determined to find proof. He wasn't expecting to find a witcher in the process.
Fascinating fic with some really interesting worldbuilding, and a fresh new take on True Love’s Kiss. Also with some great art by @hehearse!
beautiful, he stirs up still things | T | 2575 | @alittlebitmaybe
“You’re not asking me to dance,” says Geralt.
Jaskier turns his palm up on his knee, offering it. “I think you’ll find I am.”
Just them dancing. This is a lovely sort of pre-relationship dynamic. So soft.
Dialogue Prompt | NR | 2932 | @reinvent-and-believe
Dialogue Prompt 48: “You make me want things I can’t have.” Wordless I-love-you 50: buying them a special treat when you go out shopping
Geralt gets Jaskier a gift, which prompts some confessions.
Even a small love | E | 22,272 | WARNING: Rape/Non-Con 
“Well,” Jaskier replies distractedly. “Lots of things want to strangle you.”
“You don’t.”
It isn’t a particularly troublesome accusation, or even necessarily an accusation at all.
This is one I read early on in the fandom, and it really stuck with me. The dynamic between Jaskier and Geralt is perfect, and the misunderstandings between them feel so realistic. The non-con is not extreme, but do mind the warnings. 
For the Space of a Heartbeat | T | 2021 | @drowningbydegrees
As it turns out, falling into bed with your very best friend who you are privately very much in love with isn't nearly so nerve wracking as waking up with them the morning after.
Just sweet, morning after discussions. I love to see them talking for once.
Greensleeves | T | 10,414 | @rebrandedbard
When Geralt crosses paths with Jaskier in the spring, the world is dressed in green. Quite literally. Everyone everywhere is wearing green, and it all comes down to a song Jaskier has written that, to his mortification, has become popular throughout the Continent. It's torment, being forced to preform the song over and over again and have his heart broken anew. But who is this Lady Greensleeves the people say Jaskier is so maddeningly, heartbrokenly in love with? At the baron's wedding party, Geralt is determined to find out.
This is one of my personal faves - there’s just something about Jaskier’s feelings being put on blast while Geralt remains totally oblivious that I think is so very them. And the resolution at the end is delightful.
I Don’t Wanna Fall (If It’s Not In Love) | E | 13,902 | @writinglizards
The first time it's out of desperation. Things get rapidly out of hand from there.
OR the building of a relationship through mutual wank sessions.
I love everything Ashley writes, but this one was the first fic I read by her and it still has a warm place in my heart. I also highly recommend It’s Been A While (makes me cry every time) and Tell Me Honestly
Like a Storm, Like a Flood | T | 1065 | @valdomarx
Jaskier is leaving for the winter, and Geralt can't bear the thought of not seeing him for months.
It was soooo hard to pick only one fic by George, but this one is so soft and sweet and yearning I just had to go with it. This is really just about Geralt finally hitting a breaking point and saying enough is enough.
one flesh | E | 10,763 | WARNING: MCD 
“Well, then. I’m a ghost.” Jaskier spread his arms grandly. Geralt held his gaze for a moment, then dropped his head and laughed. Jaskier put his hands on his hips. “Do fill me in on what’s so funny.” It wasn’t funny. It was just so - ridiculous, the things Geralt’s fucked up brain would invent. This had to be the last nail in the sanity coffin, it just had to be.
Or: Jaskier is a ghost, and Geralt is a mess.
Jaskier dies and comes back as a ghost to haunt Geralt into taking care of himself. Geralt does not handle this gracefully. This fic is so sad and heartbreaking, but the ending is so sweet.
to render it transparent | E | 23,901
Geralt wakes up warm, peaceful, and utterly content, which is how he knows that something is severely wrong.
Sigh. This fic. This is a time travel fic - Geralt ends up in the future living with Jaskier on the coast, just after the mountain. It’s slow and beautiful and extremely bittersweet, all about how we choose to love people despite how much it can hurt us.
With All the Continent A Stage | M | 4745 | @greyduckgreygoose
Later, Geralt learned that the play was four hours long. Four hours long. It didn’t feel like it. Most of it passed by in a fever dream of ominous music, dance-fighting and dryads in gossamer leaves, swinging from hoops attached to the ceiling. Yennefer made an appearance, played by Priscilla in a glittering negligee. She sang a song to Geralt about putting him “Under Her Spell”, and they had a sensual dance number which was made a little strange by a sickened Jaskier (played by Jaskier) coughing loudly in the background.
(Jaskier invites Geralt to a musical production inspired by his own life.)
Jaskier basically writes Geralt a love letter in the form of a four hour long play. Geralt is an idiot about it.
Multi-Chapter Fics
A Lover’s Lament | M | 25,364 | @somedrunkpirate
So,” Jaskier begins, as casually as he can, “you are telling me, that in theory, if I were to be in love with someone — anyone — that person could well be in terrible danger?”
Of all terrible and ridiculous things that have threatened Geralt’s safety, Jaskier’d never thought that loving him might be what will get him killed.
I honestly can’t count the number of times I’ve read this fic. The monster is so interesting, and the mythos of it fits seamlessly into the world of the Witcher in my mind. Jaskier being so afraid that his feelings are going to put Geralt at risk, clearly unable to see that Geralt is going through the exact same thing. I think about the scene with them looking at each other almost daily. 
A Pair of Gloves, the Scent of Roses | M | 24,134 | WARNING: Graphic Depictions of Violence
In the bustling days before the Midsummer festival, Geralt is sent into the countryside to deal with a monster - with Jaskier once again by his side. But the bard has not forgiven him, and while he's not hiding his contempt for the Witcher, he is recalcitrant about revealing his true motives for joining him. As the hunt turns into a desperate mission to save an innocent man and the monster is not what is seems to be, Geralt learns a few new things about his old friend and decides to finally attempt to mend the rift between them...
This is one of my favorite’s in the fandom - it feels so believable, the world is so rich and the oc’s are convincing and charming. Geralt and Jaskier feel so honest here, stumbling around each other but still drawn together. Beautiful beautiful beautiful
Bearing the will of the flower | NR | 11,449 
The way Jaskier sees it, his hobby of following a witcher around was always pretty likely to get him killed.
The fact that it's happening now because the witcher in question doesn't love him, he thinks as he coughs up crumpled flowers, hardly makes a difference.
My favorite hanahaki fic in the fandom. I’m such a sucker for these, and these two idiots being so incapable of talking about their feelings really makes them prime candidates. 
Food of Love | T | 22,488 | @wallatile-qvibbler
I brought a dead princess back to life through the power of song is the kind of thing that would have got an eyebrow raise even from the stone-faced Geralt of Rivia, so it's a good thing he and Geralt will probably never see each other again.
(or: the one where Jaskier channels magic through his songs, and it almost never goes as expected.)
This is a Jaskier and Renfri centric fic, which wasn’t something I knew I wanted until I read this. Jaskier is a bard which in this AU comes with magical powers, but it feels so well integrated into the universe that I wish it was just... how the Witcher is. Renfri is so good here, and even though Jaskier and Geralt barely even interact you can feel the tension and love between them. Cannot recommend highly enough.
friends and allies of the witcher | T | 10,312 | @theamazingbard
Yennefer crawls over to her newest cellmate. They’re curled up on their side. Breathing, but only just. She’s not sure what she’s hoping for when she turns them over. Still isn’t when she sees that it is indeed Jaskier.
Yennefer and Jaskier each suffer in more ways than one at the hands of Nilfgaard.
Yennefer and Jaskier get capture by Nilfgaard and tossed into a cell together. Exactly what I want out of season 2 honestly. Their interactions are gold.
I’d Be the Choiceless Hope | E | 45,188 | WARNING: Rape/Non-Con | @lesdemonium
As a baby, Jaskier was visited by a fae, who gifted Jaskier's mother with Jaskier's obedience. As Jaskier grew older, the "gift" became more of a curse.
You know I’m not gonna make a rec list without listing Zoe’s Ella Enchanted au. Need I say more?
Silver and Copper | M | 56,139 | WARNING: Graphic Depictions of Violence | @kaer-cuan
Geralt is just supposed to pass through the quiet Lettenhove area. He's not anticipating being begged by its people to help save their viscount from a curse that keeps him from daylight. Lord Jaskier, they call him, and he's likely dying.
As Geralt struggles to untangle the ugly web of history that has lead to the increasingly complicated curse, he finds himself spending more and more time with the strange young viscount and wondering just what he might have been before the curse, and who he might be after. But things are not always as they seem, and as the curse tightens its grip on Jaskier, Geralt is forced to face the fear of failing yet another person whose choices were stolen from them.
Jaskier is kept from becoming a bard. Geralt finds him anyway.
This is a fic that haunts me. It’s very scary in parts, and mind the tags - there are some very heavy themes here. But it’s beautiful and touching, and Jaskier feels very true to himself even though his origin is so different.
we could be married (and then we'd be happy) | E | 50,222 | @a-kind-of-merry-war
Jaskier reached into his pocket, fingers grasping around the little box. He pulled it out with what he hoped was a romantic flourish, flipping it open to reveal the simple gold band inside. “Geralt,” he said, confidently, cooly, like this wasn’t terrifying, “Will you marry me?”
Geralt and Jaskier fake marriage proposals to get free deserts and shit but it goes tits up when Vesemir catches them in the act. Not knowing how to fess up, they go along with it for a while, which is hell because they’re both pining like mad. As I said, I don’t love modern au’s, but it’s merry so of course this one had to end up on my list.
And that’s it! 20 fics for you, and hopefully you can all find one or two you haven’t read before. There are a lot of people and fics that I didn’t include in this list only because I was trying to not put a million down (which I could). I highly recommend anything by @wherethewordsare, @julek, @contemplativepancakes, @witcher-and-his-bard, and @inber, as well as those linked to fics above, and I’m sure there are others I forgot to mention. Yall have truly made being in this fandom worthwhile <3
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chiwhorei · 4 years
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭
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cross-posted to Ao3!
pairing: issei “horse cock” matsukawa x fem!reader
genre: smut, 18+ mdni
word count: ~4.4k
tags: stripper!issei, stripper!seijoh, roommate!oikawa, tendoukawa (bc @heauxzenji said it an it’s now the only ship in my head) dry humping, lap dance, a little corruption, spitting, public, alcohol and recreational drug consumption (weed and coke), spanking, degradation, hardly edited
a/n: howdy! this is my contribution to the smut pile’s western collab and it is so incredibly late but what the hell else is new. the masterlist for the collab can be found here! @messwriting and myself, in true chaotic duo fashion, built an absolutely depraved multiverse of seijoh strippers: the lawbreakers. lee, i love you so much. this journey we’ve been on the past few months has been chaotic and beautiful, and there’s plenty more to come. 
the multiverse: hanamaki || iwaizumi || kyoutani
hymn: save a horse (ride a cowboy) by big & rich
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and all the girls say— save a horse, ride a cowboy
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A fog of smoke burns in your eyes. The room around you feels like it could curl in on itself, four walls marked sparsely with dusty furniture, the smell of weed and cash. 
You fix your gaze onto a long, diagonal tear in the leather couch across the must and g-strings, the rip in upholstery is stuffed with wrinkled one dollar bills. 
It feels like observing an exhibit at a museum, or a zoo. Lines of coke, random dustings of pot and discarded swisher tobacco, too many open handles of liquor. Sitting on an end table is a bright pink teddy bear with a cowboy hat on it’s head.
How the fuck did you get here?
You shift your weight on either foot, arches aching already. The pair of jeans and top you had planned on wearing tonight were all but ripped off of your body, casual boots thrown down the hallway with sadistic glee and replaced with heels that are taller and a dress much too short.
“Damnit, you’re walking too fast.” Your appointed captor turns around dramatically, stopping in his tracks to watch you catch up. The cigarette pressed into his mouth cards in two fingers and extended towards you as a peace offering. You take the half gone stick and bring it to your lips.
Tendou’s mission was simple, drag his boyfriends roommate and best friend-- possibly kicking and screaming-- out for a night she won’t soon forget. 
“Were those really necessary, Satori?” You point with the remnants of his cigarette and he feigns a kicked-puppy expression, looking down dramatically at his all black outfit contrasting drastically with a flashy pair of brownish-red cowboy boots. 
“I am being a supportive partner. Plus Tooru and I wear the same shoe size.” His hair is bright outlined by the neon sign above the building.
You inhale smoke and nicotine, eying him over once again before continuing. 
“Does it bother you when he’s dancing on all of those horny women?” The cigarette butt falls to the ground, you snuff it out while exhaling remnant smoke from your nose, the bachelorette party walking towards the door in a parade screaming emphasizes your question.
Tendou pulls you close, mouth pressing against your neck to bite against the skin. You jerk away from his embrace, with a feeble push against his chest to match the scoff scratching against your throat. The tall red head above you, currently leaned into the dip on your neck, always has an air of vulgar humor and zero personal space. 
“Watching my pretty little boyfriend grinding on women that would never stand a chance with him,” he pulls away just in time to catch another eye roll before grabbing your wrist to pull you inside, “I think it’s hot as fuck.” 
You stumble behind him, the doorman recognizing your friend immediately and lets the pair of you through tacky saloon doors. You catch a glimpse of the tattered sign standing right next to the entrance. 
Lawbreaker’s Presents: The Guys of the Wild West
The club is drastically warmer than outside, the chill in your barely covered limbs thaws in a mixture of stage lights and body heat.
 You sigh deeply as the sound of country music fills your ears, seemingly in rhythm with the squawking of drunken hens sipping on tall flutes of champagne. Thinking back briefly to when you first signed the lease with Oikawa, you remember he wore glasses and a sweater vest. 
He said he worked as a “fitness instructor.”
“Ah, my two favorite people in the whole world,” Tooru’s ears just have been burning at your recollection, as your roommate appears in front of you in nothing but white spandex shorts and a pair of shiny boots to match, a tray of drinks is placed to the side on an unoccupied table. The white cowboy hat on his head gleamed in the low light of the club, rhinestone star shimmers-- you want to shy away from the bright refraction hitting your eyes.
He looks in his element, completely confident and cocksure as he walks around in only underwear and body oil. 
“Aren’t you glad you came out tonight? I promise, you’re going to have a great time.” Oikawa melts into Tendou’s side, he looks just as content in the current atmosphere. Tendou seems at home in any ecosystem he wanders into.
“The show starts in 15, go get yourself a drink and try to pull the stick out of your ass. I’m going to, uhm, wish Tooru an extra special good luck.” 
“I really didn’t need to know that, thanks. Tooru, break a leg.” You turn around at the sight of the wandering, tattooed hand on it’s journey south on Oikawa’s abdomen and retreat to the bar. You aren’t shocked by the display, not hardly, not with the two of them using almost every surface in your apartment as a debauched playground.
The space around you is emptier than you imagined it would be, but there is still time before the night actually starts. The bartender approaches just as you sit down on one of the wooden stools, every fixture around you is designed to look like an old saloon-- save for the strobing lights and dj booth.
You order something strong and amber, partially to stay in-theme, partially for the nerves settled in your stomach that draft beer wouldn’t be able to curb.
The woman smiles brightly and turns to pour your liquor, leaving you to pick at a cocktail napkin and await your friend’s return.
“You’re Shittykawa’s roommate.” A stranger's voice is deep and bellowing, sounding high above your ear. You swivel in your seat, gaze meeting a tanned chest instead of a set of eyes. Trailing upwards past thick black tattoos and an unavoidable pair of silver nipple rings.
You can feel the muscles in the back of your neck as they strain to meet his chocolate brown stare, he looks amused as you all but gawk at him.
“Yes, uh, I am. And you’re, uhm--” the train of thought you try to hang onto derailed completely by a devastating smile, “one of Tooru’s co-workers?”
If his smile wasn’t enough, his laugh could level the building around you. Your new friend taps the black Stetson against the bar top before putting it back on his head. He gestures broadly to his attire, or lack thereof, with another disarming and smooth chuckle. 
“What gave that one away, darlin’?” You realize how stupid your question sounded, mentally kicking yourself but trying desperately not to show it on your face.
Long, thick legs are wrapped in a pair of leather chaps, the tight fabric hides nothing even if it covers most of his lower half. A matching vest hangs open on his chest, the muscles in his arms look bigger than your head. He seems huge in presence and physique, your own form is a shrinking violet below him.
“Your drink, dear. Double Jack n’ Coke.” The bartender slides a glass towards you, and you accept it with a gracious smile. The distraction is definitely appreciated, any excuse to break the eye contact that has you dissolving like lye.
“Jack n’ Coke, a gal after my own heart.” You choke, a coupling of small coughs break out of your chest. You curse your bodies reaction, you don’t even know--
“You’re name, uh, w-what’s your name.” Casual conversation seems like the best option, because it’s only been two minutes with the almost-naked Casanova and there’s a gnawing feeling that you don’t want him to walk away.
You blame it on the alcohol not yet even running through your veins. 
“Call me anything you want, pretty girl, but my name’s Issei.”
A smile creeps from one end of your mouth to the other. His presence is jarring to say the least, but there’s something about the way his teeth peek out past curled lips that makes you want to lean in instead of away.
Tendou calls your name, effectively pulling you out of Issei’s orbit and reminding you where you are. Heat flushes in waves on your face as Tendou wraps his long arms around your shoulders from behind. Acknowledging your new friend with a pointed, “Howdy partner,” before turning to order his own drink.
“Something sweet please, and strong.” You hear his voice singing to the bartender but still face Issei, having his attention is more intoxicating than whiskey. You want him to talk to you, to ask you questions, to grace you with that smile over again.
You feel the ability to breathe escaping when Issei leans into you impossibly close, his hand enclosing around your back and pulling you in so slightly you could swear you imagined it.
“It was nice to meet you. Make sure I hear ya’ out there, darlin.”
You’re left almost falling from the bar stool, watching as Issei strides toward the back. The way his hips sway is unfair in every--
“Hey,” Tendou’s fingers come up to snap in front of your face, “Didya hear me? Let’s go take our seats.” 
That’s right; you feel like you’ve just run a marathon, heart beating erratically at the briefest interaction, your night hasn’t even started yet. 
You’re dragged directly towards the front of the stage and sat in a small two person table. You agreed to the night out between gritted teeth, hauled to the uber with absolute defiance; but most of your protest has fizzled away-- definitely not due to a pair of deep brown eyes and planes of perfectly tanned skin-- as you get comfortable next to the boisterous bridal party. You can hear their idle, drunken chatter at your back. 
“I heard they call one of the dancers ‘Mad Dog’. Apparently he’s totally feral.”
“One of them is nicknamed the ‘Big Tease’, he really likes the pretty little brides~” 
“Oh yeah? Well there’s one dancer called ‘Horse Cock’. I’m going to go home with him.” 
The women behind you howl with laughter, enjoying their friend’s last night of freedom. The straw in your drink twirls idly, thoughts drifting with each turn of the plastic against your liquor. Surely, Issei had just intended a friendly introduction, he wouldn’t be raking in tips by being unapproachable.
Friendly, you decide, repeating it to yourself until the lights drop and a black curtain is pulled up, he was just being nice. 
* * *
The show starts out mostly how you would expect. Through a few sets, toned, beautiful guys take their clothes off and fling articles at the screaming, panting crowd. The table next to you gets the most attention, bridal parties, you assume, would be the prized cash cow.
Oikawa comes out in the most obnoxious, white and teal outfit and strips into nothing but a thong and boots. Every inch of his skin sparkles, the cause becoming obvious when he jumps down to the audience and swivels his hips and ass right into your lap. Your hand comes up to his hip reflexively to brace yourself-- of course, body glitter.
You watch on at the sweaty writhing of the most beautiful men you have ever seen in real life. The atmosphere around you is absolutely contagious, it’s impossible not to fall into the rhythm, losing inhibitions with every stray piece of fabric as it’s tossed into the sea of women.
Just as you lean over to Tendou to admit that you’re enjoying yourself, the next song blasts loudly from the speakers. The beat vibrates your table, soaking into every nerve, but is almost drowned out completely by the shrieking from every patron around you. They must know what’s coming. 
 Looking back up front, you realize why the crowd is losing their minds. The man that commanded your attention at the bar is even more alluring now. His strut to center stage is deliberate, flashing smiles and winks to no one in particular and hypnotizing every person in his reach.
Issei is stunning in his element, soaking in the reaction with a humble tip of his hat. You could swear, though you’re sure that it’s just your imagination, that he’s looking right at you.
His performance starts out like the rest of them, but each movement of his tattooed hands as they travel over his chest is spellbinding. 
Issei discards his leather vest and tosses it to the side, it feels like you’re watching him in slow motion. He’s gorgeous, skin tanned and tight over thick muscle, arms wrapped in black ink and shining with sweat.
His chaps are next, ripped from his legs just as music behind him picks up. The wedding party next to you so loud you swear the laundromat next door can hear.
 All that’s left is a thong that’s barely covering his cock. You try desperately not to, but all your eyes can focus on is the bulge under a tiny piece of black leather. Your thighs rub together in search of any relief to the feeling growing hot and slick in your stomach.
He moves like liquid platinum, every long, deliberate swivel of his hips and overt palming over his crotch is enough to cause delirium. He soaks in every whistle and shriek of his name, vibrating on the high of squelching attention. 
Issei is a natural. He’s a wild animal, and, along with every other woman there, you wish he would tear you apart with his canines. 
He descends the short staircase with a quick stomp of his boots, now making rounds through the crowd. He stops in front of tables at random, invading the space between strangers and collecting wrinkled one dollar bills.
Why does something so blatantly performative feel voyeurous?
All you can do is gawk, ignoring how every time another woman’s hand runs down his abdomen you heat with envy. As he turns away from the bridal party neighboring you, your blood turns ice cold.
Issei has you, unmistakably, in his sights. His eyes pin you, holding you down tightly in your chair as he struts forward. Tendou whistles loudly as the brunette approaches your table. You wonder, in your last moment of cognizance, if Saroti and Tooru had planned your evening in more detail that you originally thought.
“Long time no see, darlin’,” Issei stands over you, and all you can do is stare dumbly up at him, “do ya trust me?” 
You don’t answer, not with words, not like he would even hear your quiver over Big & Rich booming through the speakers. His question is stupid, to trust someone you just met so vaguely?
You do. Against any better judgement, you do. 
He doesn't give you the chance to ask what he means, stuck in the gooey feeling of his attention. Issei reaches behind you, picking up your half empty glass. He swirls the drink with an almost evil smile before bringing it up to his lips and draining the last bits of whiskey and coke. 
Your face reads confused, not putting his intentions together until you feel his thumb pressed against your chin. Issei’s eyebrow quirks, eyes trained on your reaction. You’re options are to shy away, turning back in your seat, running for escape in the bathroom, or--
The gloss on your mouth is sticky as your lips part in obedience. Issei tries to hide his elation, but it’s difficult to remain aloof as your tongue lulls out and your eyes beg him.
Issei’s hold on your chin tightens, nudging you to lean in so he’s only inches away. Your eyes shut lightly, the shouting surrounding you sounds little more than a whisper with the blood rushing in your ears.
You swear you can hear him groan above you as the sharp taste of liquor hits your tongue. Willing your body to cooperate, you swallow the drink with only a small cough. 
His face dips down, it seems like a habit now, to brush his promises against the shell of your ear once again.
“You’re an agreeable little thing, I think you can take it.”
His hands are on either side of your chair in a flash, lifting you up with trained, bulging muscles. You fall forward in your seat, bracing against Issei’s chest. Every cell in your body is tight with tension, if you lift your head up to meet the audience’s eyes, you’re sure you’ll crack like glass.
He steals you from relative comfort, shifting your weight in his arms as he ascends back onto stage. You’ve gone limp in his hold, pliant to his will. The unfamiliar presence at a dusty bar top has turned into more than a front row seat to depravity.
You’re thrown off balance as he sets you down, eyes adjusting to the white hot stage lights. You’re exposed to every set of eyes in the building, even if you can’t see him-- you know Satori is smiling from one sharp cheek to the other. Wherever Tooru is, he’s most likely sitting in the same satisfaction.
Aren’t you glad you came out tonight? I promise, you’re going to have a great time.
Issei rounds the back of your chair so his actions are hidden from your view. The brim of a leather cowboy hat breaches your field of vision, much too big for your head.
His hands come down onto your shoulders, snaking down your bare arms. His touch leaves a scorching fleet of chills. Issei runs his finger tips upwards, tracing against your collarbone before wrapping his grip lightly around your neck. 
He can feel it, he has to, the racing pulse right under the surface of your skin.
The music transitions effortlessly, going almost unnoticed. The next song, still sharp with a cheesy country twang, is slower, deeper.
Issei’s thumb brushes against your cheek, your body wants to relax into the touch before it remembers how public the gesture is.
You hold in a shaky breath as he comes to stand in your eyeline again, you might as well be bound to your chair with rope. He looks larger than life-- in both stature and presence-- in front of you. His skin is glistening, refracting from the harsh lights with sweat and oil. 
He is an unstoppable force against your will. Your desire to hide from the blinding attention is nothing compared to the desire to please. To please a stranger, to please the man you met only an hour ago. 
To please Issei.
He flashes you another wink, taking a moment to rake his stair down your body. He memorizes the outline of your cute little dress, red is definitely your color. 
Issei slides across the smooth surface of the stage to meet where you’re perched. The barreling, almost naked body now impossibly close to where your knees are pressed together.
He starts at your ankles, tracing the soft skin of your legs until his palms press flatly against your lower thigh. Issei savors the moment for a beat longer before prying your legs apart.
The crowd below you is loud and hollow in your ears, the shame bubbling up against your cheeks and nose is nothing compared to the pressure between your legs. 
Issei’s hands wander up and under the hem of your skirt, scratching his nails on the vulnerable skin before they find his prize in the form of thin lace.
The “Wait” and “Stop” sitting on your lips shrivels up and dies as your panties are ripped off. You see the bright color, the last remnants of opposition twirling around his pointer and middle finger.
The crowd goes wild, watching as your body is made a fantasy that they can all live vicariously by. all you can do is watch as the fabric is stuffed into the side of his thong to accompany fistfuls of singles.
* * *
You’re still in shock by the final dance, still under a trance as Tendou pulls you towards the back. Stumbling behind him to catch up, you’re given no time to think about what you’re about to walk into. 
A fog of smoke burns in your eyes. The room around you feels like it could curl in on itself, four walls marked sparsely with dusty furniture, the smell of weed and cash. 
You fix your gaze onto a long, diagonal tear in the leather couch across the must and g-strings, the rip in upholstery is stuffed with wrinkled one dollar bills. 
It feels like observing an exhibit at a museum, or a zoo. Lines of coke, random dustings of pot and discarded swisher tobacco, too many open handles of liquor. Sitting on an end table is a bright pink teddy bear with a cowboy hat on it’s head--
“I didn’t go too far did I?” Snapping back into reality, you hear Issei call to you. You’re vaguely comforted by a familiar voice before remembering the man attached had spat whiskey into your mouth and stolen your panties just 30 minutes prior. You heat up at the tips of your ears at the recollection of two things you had let him do, that you had wanted him to do. 
Your eyes find Issei sitting on the couch on the opposite end of your freshly showered roommate, seemingly unbothered as Tendou flops down against the middle cushion and drapes both arms across the back. 
“Don’t worry partner, our girl doesn’t startle easy.” Oikawa laughs, adjusting to sit across his boyfriend’s lap.  Issei’s all leather outfit is replaced with a pair of grey sweats. He looks relaxed, effortlessly handsome. 
What was it like, you wonder, before you knew how it felt to look at him? Life past the single night feels grey around the edges. 
When was the last time you felt this alive? 
He takes a sip of a water bottle, wiping off his chin with the large rose tattooed on his hand. You can’t stop staring at them-- the ones that roamed your body in front of a club full of drunk bachelorettes, the ones that traced your skin like he already had the map. 
And now you watch those same hands, so new but so inviting, as two fingers curl inward. They pull you as if tightening a rope around your waist. You wade past tall sweaty men and freshly caught audience members as they tangle across dusty furniture.
You scoot by your best friends from where they sit next to Issei, ignoring the slap to your ass and the following laugh from Oikawa in between loud, sloshing kisses.
“Well, little one,” He pats his thigh, inviting you to the spot on his lap rather than the empty seat next to him, “you’re not gonna run away are ya?” 
Every nerve in your body is twitching, you’re not sure if you could run if you wanted to.
You don’t.
Issei takes in your small nod of confirmation, pulling you into his hold. The position is awkward at first, perching on his knee as you try to keep your balance. He laughs, his arm snaking around your back so you relax into him. You fidget with your fingers as they lie against your lap, watching the bustling around you. A cloud of smoke settles in the air, you wonder if it’s a permanent haze of tobacco and pot-- the scent is probably painted into the walls. 
“Is this what you expected?” Issei’s voice is low and close to your ear, you can feel the smile curled into his question. Your eyes are fixed forward, watching as Tendou pours a small white line into Oikawa’s collarbone and dives in nose first.
“Honestly,” you adjust, kicking your legs up over his other knee, “I’m pretty used to this kind of stuff.”
Even if your usual scene doesn't include a drug filled almost-orgy, you can’t say you’re fazed much. Not with the company you keep.
Even with the circus revolving around you, Issei is the only thing you can see. Everything else falls away but the smell of his body wash and the soft material of his sweats where they meet your naked legs.
His hand rests against your thigh, fingers just above then short hem of your party dress. The metal rings on each digit are cool against your burning skin. You’re sure Issei can feel the heat rising in your stomach as it spreads through your blood. 
You feel him lean back, fishing something out of his pocket to set in your hands. You feel every hair stand on edge as the thin cotton drops into your grip, heavy as an anchor.
“You know what I think, darlin’?” Your breath hitches, the room around you squeezing tight against your shoulders, “I think you’re a natural on stage. I bet you would have let me do anything up there.” 
A hand wanders down the path of your spine, rough fingerprints stroke past each vertebrae. You arch at the feeling, his skin is like a narcotic. The liquor still swimming in your mind is no match to this, to the heady smell of sex and sweat as it cuts through your senses. 
Issei’s right, you’ll let him do anything to you. You’ll beg for it like you’re trying to pass the gates of heaven.
Your body moves of its own volition, legs swinging to straddle his waist. The material of your dress bunches over the curve of your ass, completely exposed to the room around you before being eclipsed by steady palms.
You would be, should be, embarrassed by the display of public depravity. No one around seems to notice, half naked is still more modest than most everyone else. Tendou and Oikawa have dissolved into a pile of spit and clashing teeth next to you, saving you from any snide quips. There’s nothing but Issei, face an inch away from you and lips tempting you to lean forward.
“Would it make you feel better if I told you I don’t usually do this?” 
Glassy eyes flick dumbly at the man below you. He sees the wobble of your lip, the glaze in your stare as you memorize every feature on his face. Any reassurance sitting on his tongue dies when you crash your lips against his, hips rolling down into him and knocking him off guard.
Your kiss is searing and drips with finality. You’ve decided what bed you’ll wake up in the morning with your tongue tracing against his molars.
“No, not really.” Foreheads pressed together, it’s your turn to laugh. If you’re honest, you probably made this decision while still sitting at the bar.
You dip back in, emboldened with the bruising fingers digging against the fat of your hips. The feeling of your cunt pressed against his crotch could bring a man to his knees.
He’s not opposed, he’s just gotta get you home first.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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