#and then it doesnt like totally fit the prompt?
allylikethecat · 1 year
if you’re still doing the kiss prompts, i woild love 9/19 for gatty ♥️
also wanted to say ive read p mi h everything in the gatty tag and think you have probably the most unique writer’s voice ive seen yet your characters feel 100% true ♥️ truly amazing
First, thank you so much for your kind words about my writing! There are so many incredibly talented writers in this fandom and I am so honored to be included in the tag with them! I have a lot of fun writing about the misadventures of Matty and George and I'm so happy that you're enjoying reading about them! (Eventually, one day, I'll update one of my fics on AO3 - for now I've been having too much fun working on these prompts!)
For the kiss prompts - I ended up combining these two, 9. Kiss…in public and 19. Kiss…for luck. I hope that was okay! If not let me know and I'll write you two new ones 😊 Regardless of if you wanted them combined or two separate ones, I hope that you enjoyed this fill!
9. Kiss…in public & 19. Kiss…for luck 
Matty felt like he was going to throw up. The spliff he had smoked, what he hoped was stealthily in the bathroom, standing carefully balanced on the toilet seat to exhale directly into the vent fan, George laughing with his hands on his hips to keep him steady, had done absolutely nothing to calm his nerves. If anything, it had only made him more anxious, made him paranoid that everyone could tell he was stoned. Even after rehearsing all week, after playing these songs for months, after writing them himself, he still couldn’t manage to pronounce “thinking this through” properly, the words slurring together in such a way that it had become a meme on TikTok. He was about to fuck up the words to his own song on live broadcast television and then get ridiculed on the internet for having a speech impediment despite all the years of speech pathology he had attended as a child to lose his lisp. 
He knew, rationally, they had been on bigger stages before. He knew rationally, the slur of the line was attributed to his Manchester accent and not his childhood speech impediment. He knew rationally, that even if he didn’t remember it, they had played SNL before. Maybe that’s why he was so nervous, maybe that’s why his stomach was churning ominously, leaving him wondering if he was going to puke or shit himself with nerves, or if he was really lucky, maybe a combination of the two.
He had seen the videos of their SNL performance in 2016, he had seen the articles condemning his “weird” stage presence. He had been high as shit on heroin, drunk as hell on red wine and it was truly a miracle that he had managed the performance at all. He had hazy memories of waking up in the back of the car taking them to the hotel, having fallen asleep with his heavy head on George’s shoulder as soon as they were in the moving vehicle, to hear murmurs of how they probably weren’t ever going to be invited back. The track marks on his arm had itched and shame burned in his chest. At the time, he hadn’t even been sure what they weren’t being invited back to. 
But here they were, seven years later, invited back. Their fifth album was doing better than they could have ever hoped, their sold out North American tour had been met with critical acclaim. They were nominated for another Brit award and Jack had even accidentally on purpose let slip that their name was being tossed around as actual Grammy contenders. And they had been invited back. To play SNL, even though seven years ago Matty had blacked out and then apparently thrown up just off to the side of the stage, barely out of view of the audience. It was time for his redemption arc, time for him to show NBC that he was Matty Fucking Healy, and Matty Fucking Healy was no longer a liability. 
Even though he kind of felt like a liability, standing with his guitar in the green room, trying to remember why he thought being a rockstar was a good idea to begin with. 
The rest of the guys, and their backing band, where sprawled out on the leather couches, fiddling with their instruments, laughing with excitement as Matty paced, strumming a few cords as he did so, trying desperately to calm himself, to remind himself that he was Matty Fucking Healy. Worst case scenario had already happened last time they played SNL, so really he should be relaxed, it could only go up from here. His stomach lurched and he found himself scrambling over to the bar sink in the corner, leaning heavily on the counter, banging his guitar on the cabinet as he moved. He took a deep breath, and swallowed hard. False alarm. He was fine. Everything was fine.
“You guys are up,” said a PA poking his head into the green room, Matty looked up, seeing the look of concern and judgment that PA was giving him. He looked too young to have been around for their first performance on the show, but Matty was willing to bet he had heard about it when it was announced they had been booked. Keep an eye on the little curly one, Matty was sure some senior up stage hand had said. Last time he did heroin in the bathroom then threw up everywhere. 
Matty swallowed hard. It was show time. It was just another show he told himself. Just another show. If he was losing it in front of a crowd of 300 he had no idea how he was going to handle Finsbury that summer- they were expecting 50,000. He knew it wasn’t the size of the live audience. It was the live broadcast and what it represented.
“Hey,” George said, catching his arm just as they were about to step onto the stage, and step into the shine of the lights. He could hear Jenna introducing them, though it sounded far away, like his head underwater, which was surreal enough in itself Matty thought hysterically. “Good luck.” 
He wrapped one of his large hands around Matty’s lower back, skimming the top curve of his arse. He pressed his mouth to Matty’s, in a chaste kiss that Matty found himself melting into, trying to deepen, chasing George’s lips, even as he pulled back. 
“You’re going to be brilliant.” 
The crowd started screaming and Matty looked over his shoulder, realizing with detachment that they hadn’t been as hidden, hadn’t been as off to the side as they had thought, the studio audience had a direct view, a front row seat to George kissing him. 
His next thought was the Taylor Swift song, has anyone ever kissed you in a crowded room. Followed quickly by this meant that the audience did in fact probably see him throw up last time. A hysterical bubble of laughter pulled itself from his chest and he rested his forehead against George’s chest. 
George gave the crowd a sheepish wave before pressing another kiss to the crown of Matty’s head, before stepping back and making his way to his drum kit. Matty spun around and waved at the audience, moving into the spotlight to take his place at center stage, grinning to himself as they played the opening notes of Looking for Somebody (To Love). He already had found somebody to love.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
W, E, V w/ Leshy (fluff alphabet)
doing a bunch of fluff alphabet posts again before i tend to requests because.... uhuhuhuhuh! idk my brians kind of melted today prompts: warrior, valentines, emotion notes: reader is gn but the post mostly focuses on leshy, leshy is a follower for W but can be seen as either follower or bishop for the other two prompts cws: none
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he shows more emotion, he doesnt hide his feelings as well and/or as often as some of his other siblings... okay... well actually maybe most of his siblings are very open... so.. he fits right in the family actually!
very quick to show when hes annoyed or really into something, you may not be able to see what he looks like under all the plants but his branches give away what hes feeling if his voice doesnt
they twitch, giving you a clue of whats going on... how intensely theyre shaking, if they shake at all... it may not tell you exactly what hes feeling but it tells you how much hes feeling
will complain or gush to you about anything thats on his mind, youre... more likely to hear him complain about some inconvenience though
flowers, lots of flowers are going to be sent your way! all of them being your favorite, of course!
he grows you an entire garden, using his abilities to really make it flourish when the holiday comes
more affectionate with you than he normally is, nuzzles his bushy head against you while chittering in your ear
in return he expects you to spoil him like he does for you- gifts or affection, any will do so long as its for him
since hes blind its only natural that you accompany him when hes sent out to get resources, theres only so much he can do with his advanced smell and hearing- along with that youre worried he may be overwhelmed... hes still adjusting to his smaller mortal body
pretty fine with you fighting alongside him, though i can totally see him seeing you being a guard of sorts for him... you... may be tasked with carrying the bulk of the supplies you guys find when youre not fighting heretics
hes got that bratty youngest sibling brat energy that didnt really get knocked out of him during his time as a bishop- actually that may have made it worse
will come to your aid if youre in need of it, though, headcanon that he still retains some plant powers- will use it to display his power and try to impress you
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possibilistfanfiction · 9 months
I love Beatrice feels about Avas gender identity (or lack of). And how, for Beatrice, her womanhood is still an important part of her, even if she expresses that part differently than other women. And how Bea is just down for the ride when Ava experiments with their gender expression, just endless support and love and just letting Ava try out whatever they want. Like the scene with the binder, Ava wasnt visibly uncomfortable or weirded out, she just said that it wasnt something for her, and Bea never discouraged her of trying it out by telling her that she wouldnt like it, or other masculine things that fit better, like the suit. So yeah, thanks for having someone like Ava who doenst give a fuck about how she "should" dress and act as told by society and then Beatrice, for whom womanhood is still an important part of, but she puts her personal own spin on it, so she still feels like herself and happy. So, yeah you said you already have two butch!Bea prompts, so I just wanted to request a Avatrice fic with some happy gender expressions/feels it doesnt have to be butch!Bea AU, if you want. But yeah, I love how you write Beas butch style but still in touch with her womanhood. (And of course her kicking ass in Aikaido class ;) )
‘wow,’ you say, a little breathless. ava grins, spins around in their tuxedo slacks and button down with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows, an old binder of yours that’s loose on them but still offers some compression underneath, paired with patent leather loafers and a tie loose around their neck. they’ve slicked their hair back neatly and are grinning, arms outstretched. ‘you look amazing.’
‘of course,’ you say, as if there was any other possibility. ava wraps her arm around your waist and looks in the mirror at the both of you together: it’s a little different, because you’re used to ava in the dresses and crop tops and flowy pants he loves, an old favorite pair of overalls — but it’s, like, really, really hot. you’ve learned through your friends and therapy and ava’s own deep exuberance around queerness that you really are in love in so many of its forms, the textures it takes and allows; while you feel much, much better and safer and more comfortable and at ease in yourself when you’re in loose, easy pants, your chest flat, your hair short, you have never begrudged ava their expansion. they’ve seen so, so much, lived through more pain than anyone should ever have to, so everything about them, even at their most annoying, is beautiful to you.
‘if i wore a packer into a cathedral, do you think i would be struck down or something?’
it takes a second too long for your brain to get unstuck from the heat that races down your spine; ava smirks. ‘are you —‘ unfortunately your voice comes out a little strangled and you have to regroup — ‘are you wearing one?’
‘nah,’ ava says. ‘thought about it, but these pants are kinda tight and if i have to sit through some dumbass pomp and circumstance at the vatican i’m at least going to be comfortable.’
you hum, the best you can do.
‘maybe i’ll wear it tomorrow with that new skirt i got in madrid though,’ she says, far too casual for the victorious expression on her face. 
‘well, you do know god best.’
‘that’s so true,’ ava says, preening again and then turning toward you. ‘gender expression, totally cool with god, if you can believe that.’
‘i suppose i can.’ ava’s smirk softens into an easy smile, one you revel in every time it’s for you, the way sunflowers turn toward the sun. 
‘plus, this little vest situation you have going on is, like, so hot. god can’t begrudge me your arms, not after all i’ve done.’
you huff at their obvious delight in flustering you, but it’s summer and very hot and, really, the light sweater vest you’d picked out to go with your very church-appropriate slacks is also quite tame. 
‘i love you,’ they say, softening again, and kiss your cheek. ‘now, let’s go scandalize some conservatives, shall we?’
you laugh, unable to resist ava’s warmth, again and again. ‘we shall.’
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princesseevee06 · 11 months
Keishin 100% dude, arguing and then realizing feelings then confessing mid argue? So keishin vibes
45 and 46 :p
HI AGAIN ANON SO it’s been a few days (so sorry about that btw.) And i have. Possibly the funniest news. i was thinking really hard about your ask and how to approach it because i tend to sort of…draft scenarios in my head before actually answering my asks? and i was like. hmmmmmm idk why im having such a tough time with this! i feel like no matter what i do it ends up feeling forced! and i genuinely DONT know how to tell you this but I THINK YOUR ASK MADE ME REALIZE YTR SHIN IS AROMANTIC????? LIKE I. I GENUINELY DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY. THIS WASNT INTENTIONAL. I JUST REALIZED IT.
like ok i know im the creator of this au and i can do whatever with the characters. but sometimes i feel like the characters are actually doing whatever they want to and im like a haggard reporter chasing after them trying to figure out what’s going on.
that said i still really wanted to answer this ask because i think it’s interesting and also because ive already put you through the ringer with the light mode debacle (😭) so its still keiji and shin but a more…platonic take on these prompts?? I HOPE THATS OKAY AUUUAUAUAU;;;
anyways just to offer you a bit of background: keiji and shin are a super interesting duo in ytr to me! keiji takes hinako’s spot, meaning he’s a human who tries to blend in with the dummies. if shin lives, he actually gets paired up with him (i know that doesnt actually fit the role swap but i wanted to anyways because they are the parallel characters of all time to me). i definitely see their relationship starting off with mutual suspicion, with shin being suspicious of keiji’s behaviors (what with him secretly being a double-agent for asunaro n all here <.<) and keiji being suspicious of shin kind of splitting off from the rest of the group. yet, i also see this evolving into a sort of mutual intrigue— they’re both invested in trying to Detective each other out and figure out What This Guy’s Deal Is.
a moment for 45-46 would, to me, definitely take place after it’s revealed that the dummies’ goal is to kill their partners. if shin already didn’t trust keiji, he would certainly not after knowing this info (i mean, come on, mr. 0.0% over here…). and i can TOTALLY see them getting into an argument over that, since a conflict of interests would be born from keiji wanting to keep an eye on shin while shin just wants to be Left The Hell Alone.
i think keiji would make the argument that if shin was really so worried about being targeted, why doesn’t he just make the first move to take out keiji? to which shin would be like are you stupid? then ryoko and everyone else would want me dead. to which keiji would point out…buddy….they kind of already do. he can Sense the antagonism in the air just from how ryoko and shin interact.
he then takes it a step further to observe that shin cant trust anyone, but he doesnt have it in him to betray anyone either. shin would actually be caught off guard at this, but also be like “bitch you too” and say that keiji also hasn’t trusted anyone, hasn’t revealed practically anything about himself.
i think this is where the “realization” part kicks in. shin desperately DOES want to trust others, in this case he even *does* like keiji, but he’s so terrified of letting anyone in (ESPECIALLY after the 2nd main game) when it’s so much easier to push people away.
i think…they’d be able to be a bit candid here. realizing that they’re at a bit of an impasse, i think keiji would be the first to open up a little about Why he acts this way (more of the traumatic past stuff, less of the asunaro stuff for. obvious reasons 💀) and shin would mutually confess how he felt about the death game and that he wants to trust keiji but just feels like he can’t.
the real fun (tragic) part is that i think after having a conversation like this shin would feel hopeful!!!! that maybe even in this awful environment he could find someone he might be able to call a friend(????!!!!) but of course that’s cut short because keiji dies in the banquet 💥💥💥 hence why this is the Worst time for him to realize he actually doesn’t think this guy is half bad. sorry i love making shin suffer </3
ok yeah i. i know this isnt really keishin. sorry anon </3 but shin aro icon remains true and real in my heart forever
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nazorneku · 1 year
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finally i decided to amass my observations regarding distinctions in which MC with various backgrounds can pick up details 'bout Ais and his surroundings— along with screenshots, i will also provide my contemplation and hypothesis, until the full game is up such details are obv free to our interpretation
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we are going down the line, so the first one to interrogate will be The Unnamed - Oracle so far this background showed me that they literally sensed a whole lot of what happens around Ais, they sense the "heartbeat" of the spring, they sense that entity that lives there and commands that power, they literally sense that demon later whilst they inspect Ais, they also perceive a minor shift in tattoo and i dont think it's accidental, im p sure it's a brand of sort - and here i have two theories bout it, it either belongs to Ais himself and connected to his monstrous form or it's a mark of a deal struck (im more likely to lean onto the 2d option 'cause octopus being the demon of the spring is more fitting and likely to be, cause Ais' features are sharp and aside from tattoo he literally has no other motives or similarities with this leggy nasty) and later again they connect the dots to the spring, when Ais utters the name of a friend, who lives in his head— and that is beyond doubt at this point the demon he dealt with, i aint even gonna question it anymore
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the second one is The Hound the worth pointing out moment is when we mention the gang and MC connects the dots - Ais behaves and carries self as someone who used to be in a position of power and amongst many ppl, which also makes me wonder - what happened and it also brings me back to the question he asked MC later - THAT felt rly personal, not smth you will wonder out of the blue— so what rly happened 'cause it felt important to him, relevant of sort, mayhap the gang was affected by his deal or the Seaspring
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and finally The Alchemist - Mage the most prominent change is when Ais utters the name of the friend that lives in his head— MC muses that the name sounds familiar, but they cant put their finger on where and how they could hear/know it we can safely assume Ocudeus is the name of the demon with whom Ais made a deal and it somehow bound them (??) 'cause official info stated "borrow powers" and THAT means connection, so he doesnt belong entirely to himself whilst he has those powers... which also raises 333 questions, especially the one "what he got on his end of the bargain" or more like "what he actually surrendered for powers" and MC could read that name either is books or hear it from mentor
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i literally spent the entire day trying to get the blasted screenshot and im p much sure i fucked up with choices somewhere on the way, 'cause i cant lend this option with the Alchemist for some reason and im not THAT old, i totally remember that they stated such thing, 'cause i played demo a few times with this background till i decided to try others :| i have 30h on demo for a reason, 'cause im v particular to details, but my inability to get that screenshot now annoys me :| so i will add this one later
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here i will list other random thoughts, that dont let my brain rest, in no particular order:
the lady that led MC to the Seaspring— she seemed perfectly fine and in own mind and most of all she knew their name, which leads me to believe that it was intentional targetting, this person intentionally led MC to the Seaspring with aim for them to join the happy family, which also leads me to believe that the demon at the depths of the spring may intentionally collect ppl
and this prompts another suspicion, especially judging by how Ais with his question to MC just pushed the idea of drinking from the spring further away— you simply DONT ask such groundbreaking questions, if you support or promote the power of the spring, THAT is as i mentioned above Ais knows that spring intentionally collects ppl and he isnt fond of the idea subjecting sentient ppl, resulting in them loosing their sense of identity... whereas Soulless, on the other hand, obtain the modicum of intelligence and not driven by only murderous instinct, which he actually supports, judging by how he treats them fondly as pets
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 9 months
Heyyyyy just listening to the RaPaP Q&A and wrt to destiel being best friends they literally are but most because neither of them has other friends lol like occasionally theyll have one off references to other relationships but spn gets so insular as it goes on cas doesnt even get to meet garth :(((( i am always biased towards spn because i love cas more than anything and i do think destiel are very entwined but also idk if that is a good thing for them as ppl haha
hello ty for writing in! perhaps i (crystal) should let grey answer this one since he agrees with you but instead i shall answer as a #hater. i think, first, my stance stems from my belief that not having other friends doesn't make your only friend your best friend because i strongly consider "best friend" a role distinct from "friend that is best," and one that involves a lifetime commitment to supporting and loving each other, combined with enjoying each other's company, and without any predefined obligations to each other besides the ones you establish and enact out of care for each other. it's a combo of intent and action. some(?) may argue that dean and cas have that. i, a bitter casgirl, hiss angrily and disbelievingly at this argument. hey but if cas met garth perhaps they could become best friends fr i see it in my minds' eye it IS so sad cas didn't get to meet better ppl
i also think that spending time together matters for building a best friendship. it is important to get to know each other and build shared memories that aren't just The Plot. i think the fact that cas and dean's hectic lives created circumstances where it's hard for them to hang out with anyone, including each other, is unfortunate bc it made it harder for them to become best friends. some people (such as... idk, to give a totally random example, aziraphale and crowley from the tv series good omens, who form the greatest love story of all time and have been friends for 6000+ years and best friends for 1000+ years) could still become best friends under those circumstances, but cas and dean missed the mark
on the dean end of things, I'll just copy-paste this message i sent to grey last week, which reads: i mean if i was to actually get into the best friends debate seriously i think that 1. dean isn't nice to cas, which you said doesn't preclude them from being best friends but i think it's a reason that the supporting friend in a romcom would tell the main "he says you're his best friend, but is he really? i don't think he really has any true friends" 2. dean seems more prone to fit cas into the "family" relationship category which i'd say is different from friends for dean and we've already discussed how young sam has friends and dean has romantic relationships instead like i rlly don't think dean is a Friends guy
to expand on #1, though, obviously, love doesn't have to be Pretty and Good and there are relationships people call toxic best friendships where ppl aren't nice to each other, but also, the things i would call "besties!" or "toxic boybestfriends" feel distinct from best friends to me, plus i don't think either of those labels fit dean and cas bc i think their brand of toxicity is about emotional pushing away/pulling away rather than obsession
that being said, i haven't even watched properly past 4.18 and relationships should usually be defined by the people inside them, so on some debate stages my words would better service the prompt "Dean and Castiel are a good example of best friends. Discuss." but it's easier to say "they're not even best friends" bc i think it means the same thing in a debating-over-fictional-characters context
- Crystal :)
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seasonsofeverlark · 3 years
The Dancer
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Author: @alwayseverlark​
Prompt: Mafia leader Peeta knows Valentines day is ridiculous, meant for people who can waste money on useless things, like girlfriends.  But then he gets addicted to Katniss Everdeen, a 20 year old widely-demanded stripper (who picks pockets of her wealthy clients too) his whole world is changed. He doesnt just enjoy her seduction but he really wishes she’d actually look at him as if he was the only one. Catching her stealing from him, he gets a chance and offers to his silence in exchange of marriage within a month. (wedding date: 14th Feb). Rating M or E, HEA [submitted by @sparklingdust4612​]
Rating: M
Author’s Note: @sparklingdust4612​ I have changed the prompt a bit, so I hope you like the story  ;-) __________________
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“Why don’t you come with me and have dinner with us? It’s been ages since Annie and Alex saw you,” Finnick asks nonchalantly, but I know there’s a hidden meaning in his apparently innocent words.
“I need to go to the club; it’s payment day, and Beetee is sick. Please apologize to Annie and the boy,” I answer without raising my eyes from the book in front of me. I know a fight is on the horizon. It’s not the first time we’ve had this conversation, and it won’t be the last if I know my friend.
“Peeta,” he says in a slightly commanding tone, challenging me to look at him, which I reluctantly do. “He’s your godson.”
“Do you think I’ve forgotten?” I question him harshly, but he doesn’t answer, just shrugs his shoulders. “I could never. Annie, Alex, and you are the only family I have…but…” 
“But?” he invites me to continue.
“Here,” I say, standing in front of the little wardrobe where I have hidden a present for Alex, a stuffed hippo, because my sweet little godson loves all type of animals. I am sure he will soon be into the dinosaur stage.. but not yet.
Finnick takes it and smiles sadly. “You know he’d rather see you.”
“He’s not even three, Finnick. He won’t remember, anyway, and he’d favor the hippo over me anyway,” I try to lighten the mood with my lame joke.
He takes the toy and replies with a polite ‘thank you’ before continuing straightforwardly to the point.
“I’m worried about you, man. This work is changing you.”
“No, Finnick,” I say, becoming very upset with the direction of this conversation. “The reformatory changed me. I had to toughen up to survive.”
“I was there with you also, Peeta. You don’t have to tell me. The difference is I looked for a way to get over it; I found a family and a decent job. This, Peeta” he says, gesturing to my office, “this won’t fill the void in your heart. You need to embrace hope and love and…”
I laugh at his words and retort with a venom that runs through my blood. “Hope, you say? I lost hope when my own mother reported me for ‘stealing’ from the bakery knowing it wasn’t me, but her boyfriend accused me, and that was all they needed to get rid of me. Do you want to talk about love now? My parents hated each other, and when my dad died, she started to hate me even more because ‘I was so much like my father.’ What you and Annie have…that’s a rare unicorn. So, no, I don’t believe in falling in love or sharing Valentine’s Day with a girlfriend. I’m fine with my love life.”
“One night stands don’t compute as a ‘love life,’” Finnick says with a serious tone, using air quotes on the last part.
“Not for you. Or at least not for you ‘anymore’,” I mimic him, air quoting again. What, does he think he wasn’t so different some years ago? “Besides, I’m totally honest with the girls I sleep with. They know the rules even before we kiss.”
“Honesty doesn’t fit with a fake wedding ring.” He touches the platinum band I wear on my hand.
“It makes things easier. I tell them from the beginning it will only be one night. They assume the rest…”
Finnick places his hand on my shoulder and looks at me, defeated. “I’d be ok with that, my friend, if I thought for a moment that your life, or your love life, for that matter, made you happy, but you are still that same kind boy…somewhere in here. I just hope you can find him soon. I’ll see you, man. Don’t be a stranger.”
When I arrive at the club and finish my business with Haymitch, I still have an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach that I try to mitigate by tossing back some shots. Damn Finnick, I think to myself. I don’t need anyone to shake my conscience…or lack thereof. 
“Stop there, boy! What’s wrong with you today? It’s not like you to drink so much so fast!”
“Leave me alone, Haymitch. You’re the last person I’d expect to lecture me about drinking.”
“You ain’t me,” he says, winking, and I can’t help but smile a little. Haymitch is an old ally, a kind of mentor that helped me navigate this dark world in my initial days. “You are young, Peeta, and handsome; you should go and pick up a girl.”
“I am not in the mood,” I snap.
“That would be a first,” he mocks. 
“I’m not, Haymitch. I don’t have the energy to go flirt and charm someone for one night. It’s not worthwhile,” I reply, taking another shot. 
“I have a new girl, though. She only dances. No touch allowed, but still very popular among the customers. That girl has some fire.” 
That piques my interest…not so much because of the girl‒as I’ve told Haymitch, I’m not in the mood‒but a dance will buy me a private room, with more drinks and a nice view. But most importantly, it will provide me a way to run away from Haymitch and his annoying questions.
“Ok, bring her in,” I say, standing up. “Which room?”
“Twelve,” he answers before disappearing.
I collapse on the soft sofa full of plump cushions. The whole room is decorated in greenish colors, and there are a lot of plants. The dim light creates the impression of being in a dense forest. And there’s sexy music playing in the room.
It’s relaxing, at least. I’m serving myself another drink from the small auxiliary table on my right when the door opens, and my whole world turns upside down.
I’m interested the moment I lay eyes on her. 
She’s not particularly tall, pretty, or voluptuous. She’s very different from the other girls working here, or in any other type of club.  
She’s petite, but her legs are long. All her movements are elegant and fluid. Her hair is chocolate brown, very long, and in a braid hanging over her shoulder. But what outshines any other feature of hers are her eyes, her stormy, big grey eyes. They’re magnetic. She’s wearing a short, fringe, silver dress covered in sequins that is cropped and shows the outline of her waist and back. She’s the most exquisite creature I’ve ever seen. 
“What’s your name? Haymitch didn’t tell me.” 
“Kat,” she purrs, walking toward me. She stops too far away for my liking and starts swaying to the sound of the music, very slowly but with intention as she undoes the braid. Her hair is thick and silky, and my hands crave to touch it, to run my fingers through her locks.
She moves to the pole bar and starts executing a choreography. I’ve never seen something as graceful as her; all her movements are precise, yet elegant and sensual, and whenever she looks my way, her impossibly grey eyes lock on mine. It’s not just that I find her insanely attractive; it’s that I feel a soul bond with her as if she could dive deep into my mind and heart and read me like an open book. It’s scary but hypnotic. 
When her time ends, I find it hard to breathe. I’m afraid whatever connection we’ve shared in the span of the last hour will vanish.
We speak at the same time.
“Kat, would you…?”
“Sir, do you want me to dance a bit more?” 
I nod, and she lowers her body to the ground, crawling in my direction and wiggling her hips to the new beat. It’s so intimate and erotic that I need to adjust myself; however, I remind myself this is a “no-touch” show. I’m quite familiar with the rules, and though I’m not the perfect gentleman, neither am I an asshole. I like to respect their boundaries, particularly because most of these girls have had a difficult life and dealt with nasty customers.
As for me, I’ve crossed a lot of lines in my life, too many, but I’d never force myself on a woman.
A no-touch performance means you don’t touch them and they don’t touch you, so when Kat grabs my ankle and slides her hand up to my knee to stand up, I bite my lip to stifle a moan. For God’s sake, I’m a grownup man, not a teenager anymore, and she’s touching me over my clothes. Even so, the effect she’s having on me is well reflected in the tent visible in my jeans.
She slowly bends over me to close the curtains of the window behind me facing the club. She smells like lemon blossoms, clean and fresh. I inhale her scent deeply.
“You didn’t tell me your name…Sir,” she whispers in my ear, her nose nuzzling my ear and hair. 
This is the second time she’s touched me; she’s definitely toying with me, not that I’m going to complain, although my self-control is in danger of snapping. “We both know you didn’t tell me your real name either…Kat.”
“My name is Katniss,” she says, and then she sucks the spot behind my jaw and neck. This time I can’t avoid the moan that escapes my throat. “Will you tell me your name now, sir?”
I grab her chin and force her to look at me. I want to see her eyes when I tell her my name; I don’t want to forget a moment of my time with her.
“Peeta,” Katniss repeats, breathing in my name. “Let me make you feel good.”
She runs her hands through my hair and straddles me, the deep neckline of her dress tied behind. My hands tingle with the desire of undoing it, with the need to drop my mouth to her cleavage, with the want of licking every single inch of her skin. Usually I like to set the pace, take control, but she’s the one in charge tonight. Her hands travel down my hair to my ears, then to my shoulders, and I take off my jacket, dropping it over the side of the couch.  She lowers her body, her core pressing into my groin, and all coherent thought leaves my mind.
With one finger, she traces the outline of the buttons of my shirt, and I shiver when she touches the skin at my waist and starts, one by one, unbuttoning my shirt while our bodies rub up against each other. I thought dry humping was something only my teenage self could enjoy, but I’m about to come when her tongue licks my chest. Get a grip, Mellark, I think to myself.
I grab Katniss’s ass to bring her closer to me and thrust up: one, two, three, four times… She moans loudly every time, closing her eyes and arching her back. For the first time, I see her control falter. 
When she unzips my jeans and touches my dick, stroking up and down, I can’t hold out anymore. I pin her with an old wrestling move, and she gasps in surprise.
“I want to make you feel good also, Katniss. Will you allow it?”
“I’ll allow it.” 
I bring my lips to her pulse point and suck as she did before, and the noise I get from her is addictive. It’s something I want to keep eliciting from her lips. Slowly, to give her the chance to still say no, I bring my hand down to the hem of her panties and slide my fingers in to touch her bundle of nerves. 
“Damn, you are so wet.”
“Yes,” she pants, burying her face in my chest and resuming stroking my manhood.
“Keep doing that, sweetheart. It’s perfect. Don’t stop. I’m so close, Katniss.” I bring my other hand up to caress her hair.
“I won’t,” she promises. 
“I want you to come with me, babe. What do you want? Do you want my finger inside you?” 
“Yes,” she answers and gasps when I introduce one finger. “I need more, Peeta, please.”
I introduce a second finger, and I can feel her warmth surrounding me. I’m going to lose my mind, but I want to make this moment perfect for her also. I don’t think I’ve been ever so eager for my partner to enjoy.
Her breathing quickens as I increase the pace, and when I clench my fingers, she comes and bites my shoulder to subdue her moans. 
I wish I could see her gorgeous face, but the mixture of pleasure and pain pushes me over the edge as well, and I spill all around her dress and the couch. I’m going to need to pay Haymitch to restore this room, not that I care too much right now…or ever. After all, this is my club.
“Sorry for the mess,” I laugh, kissing her temple.
“It was worth it, ” she answers and looks at me with a shy smile I haven’t seen before. We stay here for a while, just looking at each other and caressing one another’s skin until she breaks the silence with the words I’ve dreaded since I laid eyes on her. “I have to go.” 
I decide to try my luck a little further. “No, please, only five more minutes.”
“Ok,” she replies. “But I need to ask you something. Please don’t say anything about this, or I could be in big trouble and get fired. This was a no-touch performance and…well, it’s clear I’ve broken the rules with you.”
I smile at her naïve assumption because after all, the person who could fire her for this is the very person that wants her to stay in his arms forever.
“No worries. You are safe with me,” I assure her.
“Ok,” she says, turning around, resting her head on my arm and pressing her bare back against my chest.
After that, I fall asleep almost instantly, tired and happy in the afterglow of sex.
When I wake up, I’m alone; although it’s not surprising, I feel a pang of disappointment in my gut.
I dress and drive home, passing out onto my bed, but not before recalling the feel of her hands on me. It’s not until the next morning that I realize two things: The first is that we didn’t kiss on the mouth, not even once. The second is, my wallet has disappeared.
*Part II In Progress 
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beserkerjewel · 2 years
So i read your response and I will say I'm a bit taken aback
I think starting it off by kind of dismissing me for my age was really innapropriate, I turn 20 in less than a month, not that it matters but I am still an adult, and I still have feelings. Just because I'm younger doesn't really mean that I should be kind of shoved to the side like that
Also you did kind of say, maybe not directly, that writer's tend to gloat and boast about their own works and not take criticism, I don't think I really interpreted anything wrong there but if that isn't what you meant by your wording then I'm sorry
I'm glad we are on the same page about really, kind of disgusting writer's/anons on here, and I'm sorry that I didn't pay attention to the fact that you are a writer, but I don't think you've read some really good writer's on here.
Fanfiction is still writing, and people can still write it beautifully, personally I think, and while they are not predominantly smut writer but @/neonun-au and @/husbandcheol are really really deep writers, i truly love their works and I think they can fit into the small catergory of fanfiction that reads like a book
I personally thought I was being pretty respectful with my opinions, I didnt bash you or anything and I calmly stated what i wanted to, I dont really think that shouldve prompted any passive aggressiveness but I do realize that getting an ask like that can be irksome, its happened to me before too
But i do think, if you state an opinion that you know would get backlash, and someone decides to openly respond to it, then you should be more open to that opinion, and not try to directly bash me for it, that definitely ties into the criticism thing
While i do still agree, we should totally push out all of the bad writers who write about really disgusting stuff, i dont think we should leave an opening to discredit some of the good writers on here like the ones ive mentioned that work hard
Fic writing isnt bad writing, just because its different doesnt mean it should be bashed
Im trying really hard to be as respectful as i can, truly, i dont want to come off as super rude or aggressive as i kind of had a problem with that in the past, i honestly wanted to just address this issue as it seems your post has been noted of in some of my personal mutual circles, i want to talk about this like adults
Hello i keep forgetting to make points im sorry, but i forgot to mention that im really glad that the ladder half of your post was respectful, as i was worried
Still, the first part make me kimd of go 'huh?' But i think for the most part we are on the same page, we just interpret things differently
Okay I can see how bringing up age is often dismissive and I do apologize for that. My logic was that, as a 31 year old, me fully blasting you would be inappropriate and would be a bad look on my part.
It's true that we definitely seem to have different ideas of writing, but you seem to have decided to misinterpret my words into something adversarial and keep putting words in my mouth that I didn't say. Fan fic writing isn't bad, but there are parts of it that do need to be called out, and that's all there is to it.
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rose-lord-of-simps · 4 years
🌹100 Followers Special!✨
Oh my gosh! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Thank you guys so much for my first 100( 133 at this time now) it means a lot and I’m glad you enjoy what I write! Originally I had a different prompt list planned but as I thought about it, it didn’t really fit into the ship that won very well! So we got the fluff alphabet instead!
I present to you~
Solomon x MC x Barbatos
Fluff alphabet edition!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Mischief. You and Solomon will try new spells and potions or go out to town and prank random demons by adding something that will make them turn into a frog in their drink.
On Barb’s days off he’ll actually join you! He only let’s you two do simple things though, even if it’d be hilarious to see one of the great demon dukes turn into a worm and get eaten by a bird.
Barbs will take you two ice skating whenever he gets the chance to. He enjoys having an excuse to hold both your hands because Solomon can not skate to save his life-
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Solomon loves both you guys’ hands. He loves to hold them and see your faces when he kisses them. He also adores watching you use your hands to cook or cast spells, maybe help with potions. He finds it wonderful how your hands enact the intricate movements for spells.
Barbs loves your waist. No matter what size you are he adores being able to hold you by the waist and pull you close. He also loves to be able to run his hands along your sides, he enjoys feeling your shape in his hands. On Solomon though he loves the place where the pact mark ended up. He likes kissing around the mark whenever he gets the chance.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Separately, Barbs would have the most gentle touch and try to get you somewhere private to help calm you down, away from prying eyes. He’d do whatever he could, he’d offer to hold you if you’d want him to but if you prefer not to touched when you’re sad he will take you to the kitchen or garden, whichever you prefer but if you choose kitchen he is baking you something and letting you vent as he works.
Solomon alone would wrap you up in his cape thingy and keep you hidden from the world. He’d ask what’s wrong immediately and try to distract you if he felt that’s work better. He’d do a few tiny performance spells for you like maybe tiny fire works or zapping a demon in the butt.
Together though they are the best team. They’re taking you to somewhere more private and engulfing you in a group hug if you let them. You can cry your eyes out for however long you wish. If you don’t want to be touched then Barbs will go get you a water bottle for when you’re done crying or panicking while Solomon goes through breathing excersizes with you.
If it’s something less serious though and you’re just having a bad day, barbs will bring you a treat and a kiss before he has to go back to working and Solomon will snuggle you both up for cuddles.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Barbs has accidentally seen many realities for the future with you two and his only hope and plan is to make sure the ones where you break up don’t happen in your realm.
Solomon wants to get a small house in the human realm with you. He knows Barbatos can’t exactly leave his job and he also knows there may be people in the human realm who you want to see. If you’re okay only making weekly-monthly trips to the human realm though then he wants to have a house for all three of you in the DevilDom. Not a very big one, just enough room for the three of you. Totally not because he wants to horde you two away so he can just love you.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Solomon imitated dates and affection more. He’ll let you and Barbs plan whatever you want but he’ll be the one to mention that it’s been a while since you’ve gone on a date. He’ll also be the person who starts kissing Barbs before pulling you in for your own affection.
Barbs is more passive. He’s up for anything you two want to do but knows Solomon isn’t good at making plans so he’ll pick a date and help you plan what you three are going to do. Sometimes he gets in an extra affectionate mod though and will kiss your cheeks while he is working. He tries to remain professional in sowwy! However he ain’t gonna stop you if you or Solomon start kissing him.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Barbs doesnt like to hold grudges especially when it comes to you two. He adores you both and already saw everything would turn out okay. This of course can sometimes lead to him forgetting he still has to make things up in the present though. He doesn’t like to fight, he prefers debate and will only tell you two his truth of the situation, trying to diffuse anything else bubbling up.
Solomon would need to be alone and be mad for a bit though. He doesn’t forgive and forget immediately and tries to calmly talk things out first. If he is getting too mad though he will start raising his voice and trying to leave so he can cool off without hurting someone.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Barbs is so grateful. He feels so lucky to have you both and will always give you kisses when one of you brings him food for lunch (even if it’s Solomon’s cooking) and please give this man a self care day- can we just- this guy is always stressed with the Peince’s antics and on his feet all day, if you and Solomon make him a self care day and pamper him right back he will actually cry a bit. He is fickle aware of everything his partners do for him.
Solomon is similar. He never lets something either of you do go unnoticed and always makes sure to return the kindness. Barbs made him food? He’ll make Barbs dessert! You’re helping him with a potion? He’ll make you a charmed necklace!
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Look Barbs kinda can’t share all the futures he sees with you two. He’ll tell you about past futures you could have landed in if you ask. But other than that he tells you two everything he can. He doesn’t like keeping secrets from either of you however some royal business matters he can’t share yet.
Solomon will tell you everything, if you ask about it. He doesn’t intentionally keep secrets, especially not about his past, but sometimes he forgets that you and Barbs don’t know all the stories of how he got all the pacts he has and will just causally mention one as if it’s nothing. Newer secrets though he doesn’t keep. If someone needs to tell him a secret they have to specify if they don’t want you and barbs knowing. He tells you two everything and if he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to share someone’s secret, he knows you two will keep it safe for him.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Barbs takes more time off because of you two. Not a lot but a little more. He’ll always make sure he has time to spend with you two on big dates like anniversaries and holidays. Because of you two he’s also tried a lot more stuff than he ever thought he would, like human world candy.
Solomon sees more beauty in life because of you two. He didn’t want to die to begin with but because of you two he’s found even more reason to live. He loves being able to count you as a reason to coming home the next day.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Barbs gets jealous he can’t spend as much time with both of you as he wants. When it comes to others flirting with you though he can’t help but get a little protective. If it’s at one of Dia’s parties and he has to work he’ll kiss you and Solomon’s cheeks. Something subtle saying you’re both taken by one hell of a butler. If the other goes too far though and neither of you have dealt with them yet then he’ll take care of them himself.
Solomon isn’t jealous at all actually. He knows you’re hot. He knows Barbs is hot. And he knows you’re both loyal. He trusts you two. If he sees someone flirting with you though and notices you’re getting uncomfortable he’ll come and see if you want him to step in and swoop you away.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Barbs... look I just-... just kiss him. Just do it and see how perfectly his lips feel against your’s. Your first kiss with Barbs is gentle and full of care, he treats you and Solomon with all the love he treats his plants so of course that kiss is going to be sweet as a rose.
Solomon is a little more forward with his kisses. He’s a good kisser, kiss him and find out for yourself hehe, but your first kiss with him is more passionate, his hands pulling you closer to him and not letting go unless it’s to hold your hand.
Their first kiss with each other was months before they met you. They had been going on dates and Barbatos asked if he could kiss Solomon. It was honestly adorable. Barbs wasn’t shy he just didn’t want to make a Solomon uncomfortable. But when Solomon just kissed him instead of giving an answer, well hey Barbs wasn’t complaining!
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
They confess to you together. Of course. They invited you to their lunch date, Barbatos cooked and made everything look super cute, heart shaped cake! Solomon didn’t stop flirting with you and Barbatos COULDNT help but join him. They did directly tell you their feelings as well of course.
Barbatos confessed first. Solomon was visiting him, as a friend not a date, and tried to help Barbs cook. Barbs decided to best distract Solomon he’d have to confess his feelings. It worked. Solomon immediately asked Barbatos on a date and started planning it in his head, claiming he had to leave so he could make it perfect.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Barbatos is okay with anything. Marriage isn’t important to him, he could happily live his life as whatever you and Solomon want to be, even if it means eternally being fiancés. A Barbatos proposal would be in the garden. He’s have everything planned out perfectly for you two, flowers would be in bloom, no distractions, and romantic music playing while the scene happens under the closest thing they have to moonlight. It was amazing. Barbs as a husband is the literal best. He’ll take care of you and Solomon better than Dia. He makes sure you bothe eat, take your meds, drink water, get enough sunlight from the human world, he’s so caring.
Solomon would like to get married but it’s not required for him if you don’t want to. He’d propose with magic. He set up a light show for you and Barbs and finished with the proposal, also had note cards with how much he loved you two on them but got so embarrassed at the cheesy stuff on them that he left them out. You found them a week later and he tried to change the subject but when Barbs saw them he knew he was done for. Solomon as your hubby is fun! He always makes sure you’re mental health is doing good and takes you on adventures to get potion stuff with him. He’ll make you and Barbs little gifts, has been banned from the kitchen though.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Barbs calls you dear. “My dear you look stunning as always.” He calls Solomon sugar. No I will not take arguments. Solomon gets confused to be salty at first glance and too much of him can be a problem but we love him so it’s okay. Sugar.
Solomon calls you dove. You’re gorgeous and such a symbol of love to him. You also bring him peace of mind when you’re next to him so, dove! “Dove I’m going on an expidetion, come with me?” He calls Barbs darling. It started as a lady and the tramp joke, Jim dear and Darling, but it kind of just stuck. Barbs surprisingly likes it a lot.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Barbs realizes he is in love he is so discreet about it. The only person who immediately notices, is Diavolo. He smiles a genuine smile more and his stride is just more float like. He genuinely looks like he is enjoying the day. He expresses his love through words. He’ll say it and compliment you whenever he sees you. He’ll always ask Solomon about his spells and stuff. He just talks and pays attention as makes sure you know he adores both of you.
Solomon is descreat about his feelings to someone just passing by. If you’re someone he knows, he is openly telling them about how much he adores his boyfriend and partner. He likes to flirt with you two, especially when you’re doing tasks and Barbs is at work. He’s also big on physical touch, hands will always be held!
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Barbatos won’t initiate affection while he is on the clock. The most he’ll do is blow you two a kiss as he leaves or smile at you. Sometimes he’ll make a heart with his hands if he’s feeling extra sappy. When he isn’t on the clock though, he mostly just holds your hands. Cheek kisses whenever he wants though. He’ll be kind of shy to directly kiss you for too long in public but hey if you or Solomon want real kisses and not just pecks, he’ll never push you off. He’ll just happily reciprocate!
Solomon doesn’t care where he is, if he wants kisses then he wants kisses. He’s respectable about it when Barbs is working or a serious meeting is going on but that won’t stop him from holding your hand or linking your arms together. He enjoys holding you two close when he can.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Barbatos is one hell of a butler. And he knows how to make you and Solomon feel special in all kinds of situations.
Solomon is entertaining. If you’re sad or need a distraction, he has the perfect flirty comment or small spell to take your mind off things.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Barbatos is the cliche one here. Flowers, chocolates or sweets if you like them, candles, love letters, mood lighting, the whole shibang. He also most definetly has a playlist of romantic songs he hears. He’ll do anything to make you smile. If he sees you over working yourself or Solomon hasn’t taken a break in foreve he gets you water and makes you stop for a minute or two to just enjoy a moment or relaxing. Will also happily give either of you a massage.
Solomon tries! He gets creative with light show spells and he has a list of you and Barbs’ favorite things! He’ll remember little things you mention but he also likes to make sure you two know it’s not from anyone else. He’ll always sign cards more over dramatically than required. Any “grand gesture” he makes is either way over the top or super quiet but DETAILED- THIS MAN PAYS ATTENTION TO DETAIL. And it’s- worth it.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Barbatos will always support you two. He adores you and will help you achieve any goal you set. Solomon needs a spotter in case a spell goes awry? Got it. You just need a cheerleader to bring you food? He’s already making your favorite! He believes in both of you 100% but isn’t afraid to give you two a reality check when he deems it necessary. (When you two may be getting overwhelmed or there is a time crunch) if you’re stubborn about it though and not backing down then he’ll help get whatever it is done.
Solomon helps make schedules for when you or Barbs have a project of some sort due, he attempts cooking, he brings the energy drinks and wake up spells, if you’re going through something rough then he’s going with you. Barbs is having a tough time at work? Time to prepare the snuggle fort. You’ve been studying too much? He’ll quiz you then make you take a nap. Best cheerleader.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Barbatos requires some form of routine because of his work. He, unfortunately, can’t just wake up and say he is going to go to a movie that day. The rare times he does have a day off he makes sure there is a plan for the day. If you and Solomon planned a surprise, that’s fine he won’t ask you just need to tell him to keep the day free of plans. Within the relationship he doesn’t need to try new things but he always is up for whatever you want.
Spontaneous. He’ll plan when he needs to actually get work done but when he doesn’t, it could be a day of just doing nothing for hours before he decides he wants to surprise Barbs at work or you at HoL. He likes to try new things in the relationship, he is up to try almost anything but there are a few things he won’t do.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Barbatos knows you both like the back of his hand if you let him. He’s very observant and knows how to tell when you two aren’t happy and when you two are having the best days of your lives. He knows how to read you well but he isn’t very empathetic. He knows what to do when he sees a certain look on your face and he know exactly how to make both you and Solomon fee better. He’ll listen and tell you what he thinks you need to hear.
Solomon is the empathetic one. He doesn’t recognize when you or Barbs are sad by looking at you, he knows by talking to you. He’s able to hear it in your tone or how you two are speaking. When you vent to him he knows exactly what to say to make you feel better and cries with you. But he knows exactly how to make you and Barbs feel better in every situation.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You and Solomon mean everything to Barbatos. He doesn’t have to be anyone special or any kind of butler for you two, he can just be himself and not be afraid to ask for something he wants. He has to admit that sometimes he needs to put work first and he feels incredibly bad about it. However if it’s an emergency he doesn’t hesitate to tell Diavolo he has to leave and rushes to you two as fast as he can.
Solomon adores your two. He puts his relationship with you two first more often than he puts most other things. He doesn’t let it distract from his goals and dreams but you two become a part of that dream that he isn’t willing to compromise.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Barbatos secretly loves being in the middle of you and Solomon. He love being held by you to Solomon behind him and then having one of you in his arms or be snuggled in your chest. He’s warm and relaxed and safe.
Solomon takes you two ice skating on a date once. If you don’t know how he will very happily teach you because he was also the one to teach Barbatos how much fun ice skating is.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He isn’t big on PDA. If you come up and kiss him he will happily kiss back and if you initiate affection then he isn’t going to push you away, unless he is in the middle of cooking at work and Solomon is trying to steal him away. In private he will always reciprocate affection but at first has a hard time initiating it in fear you don’t want him to be affectionate. He does love to snuggle though.
Solomon just wants to constantly hold hands or have an arm around you both. He loves getting kisses from you and Barbs and loves holding the two of you in his arms even more. Sometimes if you’re busy and Barbs is cooking he will help one of you with whatever task you’re trying to complete just so he can have your attention faster.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
When Barbs is missing you he is slightly extra affectionate towards Solomon. When he is missing Solomon he is slightly more affectionate towards you. When he misses both of you? He’s too busy trying to distract his mind with his work and the task at hand. He will also remind himself that it won’t be long until he sees the two of you so it’s going to be okay. If he isn’t able to see you two for a few days then he just tries to focus on his work even more.
Solomon doesn’t like to miss you. When he misses either of you he just goes to see you. If he is busy or trying to focus on something that needs to get done he’ll get as much of it done as he can before he needs to at least call you. He’ll call you if you’re not in class and just start up a conversation about anything, listening to your voice as he finishes what he was working on before. If Barbatos is at work he will send him something flirty or funny, something he knows will get a reaction out of Barbs even if he doesn’t text back.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Barbatos aims to please. If you or Solomon want to do something or see something or try something or just want something, he does his best to make it happen. If there is a problem or a fight he is usually the one to diffuse the situation and make things better. There have been rare times where he has gotten overwhelmed and just didn’t know what to do and then he just tries to get everyone apart to cool off and collect themselves. However sometimes Solomon wants to take the mischief a little too far and Barbs has to real you two back in.
Solomon adores both you and Barbs so he does what he can. If an argument breaks out he does his best to remain calm and try to just talk instead of yelling. He tries to make you both feel special and makes sure you both know how much he cares but he stays firm on his boundaries. He knows how far he is and isn’t willing to go on certain things and you’re going to need to be persuasive if you want to change his mind. While his boundaries aren’t loose, they are open so if you suggest something he’s probably going to be fine with it.
Oh my goodness, thank you guys so much and I’m thrilled you enjoy what I write! I hope you liked this, sorry if Solomon sees a little too high energy it was a challenge writing him but I think I’m gettin gn better at it! Have an amazing unbirthday everyone and I hope you sleep well!
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elareine · 4 years
Reverse robins idea. Jason doesnt become a Robin. The bats dont even find him before the cat herself. Selena is still on and off with Bruce at this point. Damian as noticed the little kitten running around and decides the kitten need a more responsible adult than his father and the cat. Cue thugs being terrified of the shadow that follows the little kitten around.
Thank you for this adorable prompt <3 Sorry it took me so long to finish. 
“Uh. Dami? What’re you doing?”
Those were—a lot of throwing knives. Like, actual knives, not Bat-themed at all.
Damian didn’t look up. “Sharpening my weapons.”
They looked plenty sharp to Dick, but Damian was a fussy old maid like his father. Their father. He was still getting used to that one.
“You’re supposed to be in Metropolis,” Dick pointed out.
Damian scowled. Dick didn’t take it personally. He liked his oldest brother. Dami glared a lot and yelled at Bruce when he was mean, and he never told Dick that he should stop seeking revenge for what happened to his parents. “Change of plans.”
“Can I come?”
“You’re heading out with Father tonight,” Damian pointed out. “And anyway, no.”
“What’re you doing? Is it a date?” Full disclosure: Dick wasn’t entirely sure what a ‘date’ was. He just knew that everyone blushed when he asked the question and that Bruce, according to Alfred, never got any.
Damian, however, just shook his head. “No. It’s a mission.”
Dick tilted his head to the side. “I don’t believe you.”
“That does not matter. It is the truth either way.”
Bullshit. Damian was sharpening his weapons, okay, but there was no mission for him in Gotham tonight. Bruce had told Dick so when he mentioned that all that would be happening tonight was a Catwoman heist, so he would pick Dick up after.  
(Dick had a sneaking suspicion that for Bruce, ‘heist’ and ‘date’ meant the same thing.)
Nooo, Damian was up to something. Something important—or embarrassing—enough that he would lie to his cute little brother about it.
Just wait until he told Babs about this! She was always going on about “Steph did this” and “Cass did that,” and now, finally, Dick had a juicy mystery to distract her. Hehe. This was going to be fun.
Selina would never understand Bats. If you’d asked her twenty years ago if she could see Bruce adopting a gaggle of orphans, she’d have laughed but agreed—if the kids were all alone in the world or in a situation that reminded Bruce of his own.
Like, the first kid—okay. That was his son. From the daughter of an immortal cult leader, Selina later found. Weird enough. Then the second just showed up because… the city needed him? And he was right? And then another assassin kid, this time a daughter.  
Really, only Dick fitted the pattern she’s envisioned for Bruce. Which was ironic, because, by that time, she’d taken in her own boy (the first after two Catgirls), who fit the pattern much better.
Of course, their child-rearing methods showed some marked differences. Selina thought it was for the better, really. Jay needed to be trusted, given responsibility, to determine his own fate. She let him run his own missions, treated him as an almost-equal when they went out together, didn’t comment on how he sometimes didn’t seem focused on the target so much as on the corrupt people owning it. Jay was thriving.
When his shadow showed up, Selina had expected him to be angry, the way he was whenever B mentioned a concept like ‘bedtime’ or Selina tried to protect him. But he’d lit up like there was nothing more comforting than a six-foot-four shadow following you around, glaring at criminals and innocents alike.
Selina, in her heart of hearts, did not like Damian. She didn’t fault him for his flaws, but it was hard to like someone who called you a harlot under his breath a million times.
Jay, though, adored him. Like, hung-onto-his-few-words, begged-to-buy-a-sword adored him. They even went out on patrol together sometimes. So Selina… let them. Taught Jay more restraining holds and knock-out moves than she had the others because he was a gifted thief already, but that was clearly not all that would be on his path.
And, hey. Usually, she and Bruce had to put their… thing on hold when they were responsible for pre-teens. If these ones took care of themselves, she wasn’t going to complain.
“Dames,” Jon greeted him cheerfully, “what’re you up to? Gonna join me tonight?”
“I can’t.”
At twenty-seven, Jon was way too old to pout. He still did. “Aww, why not? Important mission?”
“Not precisely.” There was shuffling on the other end of the line. “I… Catwoman is planning a two-person heist tonight. Batman has intentions of preventing it.”
Jon instantly forgave him. He looooved seeing this side of his partner. Damian rarely let himself be openly soft about anyone but his family, pets, and team, and even that was kept incredibly guarded.
(He often considered that Damian would have benefited from being a younger sibling. Being the first to come live with Bruce had been a steep learning curve for the man. Too steep.)
Didn’t mean Jon wouldn’t tease Damian about it. “So two adults are not supervision enough for the kid?”
“You know it isn’t,” Damian growled. “Father and that woman might do a passable job separately, but not together.”  
“What, are they fucking again?”
Jon laughed. “C’mon, you caught them often enough to know it’s happening.”
“I’m not listening.” Damian immediately proved himself a liar by adding: “This is a dangerous area. They should know better.”
“Good thing you’re there, then.”
“I am sorry, though.” Damian’s voice softened. Jon once again marveled at how far he’d come. The teenager he’d befriended back then would never have such a thing. “Rain check?”
“I could join you, instead,” he offered, just to hear Damian sputter: “What—no! Your colors are visible a mile away!”
“Awww, don’t be like that!”
He decided then and there to keep an ear out for the kid when Damian wasn’t there. Just in case Jason wanted to sneak away to find his birth mother in a foreign country or some other stupid dramatic Gotham shit.
After hearing what had happened to Damian years ago, Jon had already made it his mission to protect the Robins, whether they wanted it or not. There wouldn’t be any more dead ones on his watch. It wouldn’t hurt to add a kitten to the list.
Jason had it handled. Really, he had. One of the goons had just taken a bit longer to go down, that was all. The knife had been totally unnecessary.
It took him another three minutes to do anything about that—two of the security guards were still standing, and they were pissed. Jason pushed one down the hallway, choked the other, and then clocked the first so hard he went down.
Then he turned around and searched for the darkest shadow. “I had that.”
Nothing moved.
“…it was a pretty good throw.” Maybe Jason should rethink his stance on throwing sharp shit at people, after all. He still maintained that a gun would be cleaner and more straightforward. Maybe Selina (and Damian) were right though about the value of silence. Their fight hadn’t alerted anyone.
At that, the thrower finally emerged from the shadows, cape dramatically outlining his figure. Jason rolled his eyes. What was it with Bats and dramatic costumes? Selina had made him swear that no matter how much he hung out with them, he wouldn’t ever wear one of the stupid things, and that was one promise that had been very easy to give.
“I have an observational task at the Bowery in two hours and could benefit from a second pair of eyes,” Damian said stiffly. “And your knowledge of the area, of course.”
Oh, awesome. Jason loved working in his old neighborhood. Made him feel useful, like he was doing something. “Can it wait an hour? Only, I’m kinda busy here, in case you didn’t notice.”
“Of course.” Was that a smile under the mask? “I will be waiting.”
Jason gave him a thumbs-up, though he made sure to call: “Don’t barge in again!” while running off. Selina would be waiting.
Jason had had a mother. Still had, really, death didn’t change that. Selina had told him she didn’t want to replace her, which was good cause she couldn’t. As for fathers—Nah. Jason had had enough of those for a lifetime; thank you, Bruce, you can fuck off.
But a big brother? That was new.
He liked it.
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feelitstillmp3 · 4 years
i was going to dump this into @time-and-space​‘s inbox, but then it spiraled out of control and became super long. so im making it into a post. heres some thinking abt doctor who/torchwood/class/merlin parallels ! (specifically abt the parallels between tenrose/janto/charlie x matteusz/merthur) (keep in mind that my knowledge on merlin is not so good) (also feel free to correct me if im wrong or add anything on) (also this contains spoilers for ... all the shows. pls watch them, theyre good)
ive been thinking about the whole theme between charlie and matteusz where theyre like ?? scared to lose each other ?? and how it totally parallels to the other things like .... we have one character whos different and immortal and alien (not to mention the trauma they've been through-), but another who is supposedly "normal" and human. so, they work with it right ?
but then theres the ever-present danger of what they have to go through daily, and the fear that its going to leave them alone. i mean, they've already been left alone, but now that they've actually fallen in love, its different. its harder now.
consider the following lines:
"i think of it every day, and the only thing that stops me is you." (class, e6) 
"i take it all back, but not him!"(torchwood, s3e4) (theres probably a better quote but no think, head empty)
"i could save everyone, but lose you." (doctor who, uhhh idk but i swear the doctor said something like it at some point, pls correct me if im wrong)
and yes, theyve felt this before, the pain of their entire race being wiped out, no one left but them, and everyone seems to leave them in the end. but for one second, they stop and actually think they have a chance for a while. someone who might stay.
ALSO it works as like .... the normal person is scared of the other, scared of what they can do and how they are ....
consider the following lines:
"im afraid of who you are, of what you're capable of, of what you will do" (class e6)
"you like to think you're a hero, but you're the biggest monster of all." (s1e4)
"what about you, doctor? what the hell are you changing into?" (doctor who, s1e6)
the person who has been through so much is capable of doing so many things, and sometimes it scares the other one. but they witnessed genocide ! and theyre probably traumatized over it ! theyve probably done some terrible shit as a result of it ! both of them are so valid in being that way.
and another parallel i have just thought of, mentioned a lot already, but the recurring theme of killing off an entire race and how that affected the alien character ....
consider the following situations:
doctor who - the time war, in which the doctor participated, and eventually ended. // when 9 was planning to kill off the last of the daleks in the parting of ways, hesitating for a bit, knowing that it would end up destroying earth in the process, making them no better than what the daleks are
torchwood - jack's planet and how it got invaded, how his parents died as a result and why his brother did everything that happened in exit wounds. // ummm i think maybe how willingly jack was able to give the girl up to the fairies to save the human race, like hes seen what the fairies are capable of, hes seen what disasters mass murder can bring. he doesnt want to see it again. 
class - well, the shadowkin invasion, both on rhodia and when it happens on earth (both times) but also the invasion with the flowers ? // how much he really wants to just kill the shadowkin like ! he even mentioned it once ("i want to murder the shadowkin. every last one ...." e6) and he just wants to do it out of revenge. but “we shouldnt avenge genocide with genocide” (we're not going to talk abt how the only thing stopping him is that he would lose matteusz in the process)
but yeah ! theyve seen first hand what it like, and when prompted to do the same thing themselves, they end up hesitating, eventually choosing the other option instead. (well... except charlie. he does it once at least.) 
and finally, immortality. this ties in a lot w my first point abt losing the other person .....
doctor who - pretty easy to think about, the doctor has had so many companions over the years, and each time they end up leaving them. even after he meets rose, who wished to stay together forever ("how long are you gonna stay with me?" "forever.") but then she ends up leaving, the doctor is left to continue on for so much longer ..
torchwood - pretty same as above, jack never commits himself to a relationship, he knows everyone will leave him anyway. but then he meets ianto jones. and it all changes, he falls in love, which he said he would never do, and thats why he doesnt ever say "i love you," because once he says it then he cant deny it any longer. once he says it than he will have to admit that ianto, someone that he does love, is lost to him.
class - ok, charlie isnt technically immortal from what i know, but i am assuming he probably has a longer lifespan than humans (basing this off this line - "you want to know who would be the last one standing out of the five of us? i would." e6) so ! its mentioned a lot (and is the main theme, as i said earlier) that matteusz and charlie dont want to lose each other. i want to specifically point out the line “every day i think, please dont go where i cant follow.” (e8) because it just so implies that charlie is different. he can go places, live longer than matteusz ever can. 
going to add this onto the end here, but i just thought that actually merlin kinda fits into this too ! 
loss - the loss of his father, of his one childhood friend (will?), the knights of the round table (pretty sure a lot of them die too, correct me if im wrong) and even arthur who leaves in the end. everyone around him just seems to leave or turn bad 
fear - we all know merlin is powerful, right ? i mean i swear it says somewhere hes like ... the greatest sorcerer to ever live or smth. and yes, arthur doesnt technically fear him, but if we think about what would have happened if merlin revealed his magic earlier, when camelot was still under the rule of uther and arthur was still scared of ppl w magic .... idk abt this one ndjnsjd it works in my head okay
trauma - had to get some help from @a-confused-contradictory-mess​ here and she brought up some good points ! when he was younger, because of his magic, he never really fit in. his mother made him hide, because she feared what would happen if he found out. (i ... think?) imagine what that does to someone, having to hide something about yourself for so long.
immortality - after everyone leaves around him, theres kinda no escape. he has to live with it for all the years that his immortal life goes by. this ties in a lot w how jack and the doctor feel, with everyone around them making them left all alone. 
tldr: losing the one person they always thought would stay, one being scared of the other's power, the trauma affecting one of them, immortality and the price that comes w it are all some really good parallels between these ships/shows and genuinely kill me inside
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gayregis · 4 years
ok i have way too many problems with twn but like regarding the armor,, it really doesnt fit geralt at all. like it looks so fancy and fanservice-y, while in the books he like probably wouldnt b able to afford or want to spend on such fancy armor (i keep thinking back to the dudu story where his leather jacket keeps ripping and such). anyways henry cavill is just too muscular and god if those pics and all the people thirsting over him come across my feed one more time im throwing my phone away
right!!! what is going through my head right now in relation to this topic isn’t even how ugly the abs look, but in eternal flame, like you said, where he’s so happy to get a new leather jacket with silver spikes (even if dandelion thinks it’s out of fashion), he spent everything he had on it, and then it rips and he’s so upset...... but also the very first introduction of geralt we see in the witcher, where he has an old leather jerkin and dusty boots from the road. 
and a leather jerkin is NOT armor... well, it might be a certain type of extremely light armor perhaps. but it’s literally just regular-person clothing:
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but in netflix, he has something like brigadine armor:
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which wouldn’t suit his fighting style of being agile, pirouetting and tracing semi-circles and leaping around like a dancer, and would also be more expensive and he probably wouldn’t be able to afford it. 
how one arms themselves is a part of the character design, and it changes a lot about his character. geralt isn’t a heavy fighter based upon strength, and it shows. geralt isn’t wealthy enough for an outfit like that, and it shows. geralt doesn’t adore his own body or himself, and it shows. from a single glance of the character design, we should be able to tell everything about the character, but i can’t tell anything from cavill-geralt’s design besides it looks totally fucking ahistorical. 
my biggest issue with the costume designs for twn is not only that they’re fanservice, but that they just look... BAD because of how they took the prompt of it being “fantasy” to mean “just anything that comes into your mind.” even though the witcher is NOT a historical fantasy, the elements within this world should be cohesive and feel as though they originated from the same or similar origins. 
i mean, the boob-window in the rope dress for yennefer, the lace mask for yennefer, the red blazer and pants for jaskier... calanthe’s design looks like it’s out of the 20th century... they look BIZZARE, they don’t look like they have any substance together. and this is completely immersion-breaking to me. and even if someone doesn’t know anything about costume design or clothing from antiquity, i bet it still looks kind of weird to see such different fashions combined in a mish-mash like this.
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safarigirlsp · 4 years
Do you have any recs from some of the less popular guys? Like Pat, Ronnie, Rick, Jude, Paul, and Dan? It seems like you don’t recommend much with them?
I have a few but, as you’ve noticed, I recommend them less because I read them less. There are a couple reasons. I like rough around the edges tough guys, alpha males, and big scary men lol. Jude, Paul, and Pat don’t fit the bill for me at all right off the bat based on softness and appearance. I’d run over them in real life lol so it’s hard for me to insert myself into a reader thing with them. Also, appearance wise, they appeal to me much less, so it’s also less appealing to read something where I picture them. I’m also old lol and the younger characters aren’t nearly as attractive to me as the older ones!
I haven’t watched Tracks yet so I don’t know much about Rick other than things I’ve read. Dan and Ronnie are attractive to me, but their personalities just don’t have the zest that I’m more drawn too. I have Dan on my lineup and I’ve written a couple things with him, but he’s just not as much fun for me to read and write as other guys. Also, most of the Dan writing is centered around him being tired and busy lol! Mine included! Which makes sense, but it’s less intriguing to me personally to read.
Finally, a lot of these characters are written as subby men, which is totally valid and fine and I’m not criticizing the characterization or the writing, but subby men are very much not my thing, so I rarely read writing with subby characterization.
I hope that answers your question!
I do have some recs though! I’ve read the following, but I’d encourage you to read much more by these writers! I honestly haven’t read anything with Jude or Paul because they just don’t appeal to me, but these writers have some lovely stuff with them!
Below the cut
@jynzandtonic writes for Rick, Dan, and some great stuff for Ronnie! Many other characters as well! She’s amazing!
Seeing Rick after a long time away
@contesa-lui-alucard always has beautiful writing and writes for Paterson and Rick!
Snowy Shoot with Rick
@hopeamarsu has such beautiful writing and has a couple Rick things.
Senses Series
@roanniom has one with Rick that’s hot!
@in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather writes for all the guys you mentioned. She has wonderful AUs and stories! Including a wedding ruiner series. You should go through her Masterlist!
For Whom the Sun Shines
Getting Lost in Paris
Long Legs and Hot Toddies
Thigh Riding Rick
Rick meeting your family
@direnightshade writes for all the guys. She’s amazingly talented!
Murderer Dan
Dark Dan by @babbushka
Sinbound by @babbushka
@sacklerscumrag has some fun Dan stuff!
@glassbxttless has great Dan stuff and writes for the other guys you mentioned.
Take the Edge Off
@maybe-your-left has some fun Dan and Paterson stuff!
Murderer Ronnie by @direnightshade
@finn-ray-nal-beads has some super fun stuff with Ronnie and Paterson!
Cherry on Top
@the-wayward-rose has a really fun Ronnie one!
A Grave New World
@jynzandtonic is the dude for Ronnie! He’s Z’s guy and Z writes him so well!!!
This is the Way
Bad Day
Holds Two Nicely
@carloswilliamcarlos has wonderful Paterson stuff!!
12 Types of Kisses with Paterson
Christmas Eve Dinner by @contesa-lui-alucard
@mariesackler has some beautiful stuff with Paterson, Dan, and Jude!
Mesh & Lace by @babbushka
Paterson & Paul
@babbushka has a bunch of stories with Paterson and Paul together. Threesome action!
Best Boys
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babysizedfics · 4 years
vee shows michael her pacis
vote from this concept voting post!
so its the first time michael has visited the house since vee told him about her regression. he was super supportive and understanding - honestly it made a lot of sense given what he had seen of her behaviour
and michael reassured her that he was okay with it all and that she can regress with him if she wants to. so before michael visits, vee purposefully doesnt hide any of the little items around her room as she had done every time he visited previously
and when michael comes in he sees the sanrio and winnie the pooh colouring books on her bed. he just smiles and asks if she was doing colouring before he got there
vee gets a bit shy because its so much more real to have him actually talk abt it openly, and she just shakes her head, blushes and starts to chew her nail
michael obviously notices her nervousness so he doesnt push anythinf and they just sit down on the bed to watch a cartoon - michael isnt into kids shows rlly but hes been watching steven universe with vee recently
and eventually vee notices michaels gaze has wandered during the show and hes looking at the bedside table - she looks and goes rlly red because she FORGOT that she left out a couple of pacis,
she looks up at michael kindve scared that hes gonna think its weird but he just gives her a soft little look and whispers "do you wanna show me them?"
vee squeaks and quickly hides her head behind his shoulder and he giggles "its okay we dont have to" and goes back to watching the screen
but vee is chewing her lip and fidgeting with michaels sleeve and then after some internal debate and a lot of nervousness she tugs his sleeve
so michael looks down at vee and she just,, points to the pacis silently
michael nods "yeah kitty, i saw the pacifiers. did you wanna show me them?"
and hes sounds kind, michael is always so kind, that she nods rly shy but clings to his arm tighter, not moving to pick the pacis up.
so michael reaches over and picks both of them up and puts them gently in her lap,
her fingers go to the lilac sparkly one instanty and turn it over in her hand and michael prompts "is that your favourite one? its definitely your favourite colour"
and vee just smiles and feels less shy and "um yea.. i think so.... but- but um i like all of them really..."
and she tells mimi abt all the different colours she has and how nice they feel in her mouth and she even mentions that she uses them when big sometimes for anxiety - she flips the dark blue one over to show him the clear teat and explains that one is better for chewing. thats why she has two next to her all the time so if shes little she goes for the softer cloudy teat and if shes big and anxious she uses the firmer clear one and it helps her breathe slowly
michael is actually super impressed and curious about that "oh! oh like oral stimming! like the chewy necklaces!" and vee smiles "yeah!"
then the convo abt the pacis goes quiet and vee is leaning against him and fiddling with the lilac paci in her lap, smiling softly down at it
then suddenly michael asks, sounding almost shy "kitty? can i maybe... ask you something?"
vee feels her heart stutter. she gets rlly nervos and her eyes tear up in a second because oh no hes uncomfortable he thinks its weird he's gonna ask me to never show him little stuff again oh no
she rlly quiet goes "mhm" and braces herself
then mimi asks rlly sweetly "can i maybe see you with it in? its okay if not i just kinda wanna see..."
vees cheeks quickly go hot and she pulls back a little to look up at him and check his facial expression
he's smiling a little shyly. "i promise its not because i wanna laugh or anything i just... i dunno i just wanna see, i think itll be cute" and hes a bit blushy
vee is completely thrown off by michael actually wanting to see her use her paci but,,, she hesitates then RLLY quickly puts the paci in her mouth and hurriedly covers her face with both hands
mimi giggles and says "aww vee, its ok! but i cant see you" and he rlly gently puts his hands on top of vees and she doesnt react badly so he pulls them away from her face and chuckles "hello kitty!"
at the nickname she slowly looks up at him and is sucking the paci noticeably now to help with the nerves. its bobbing in her mouth and shes blushing and her eyes are wide and michaels face instantly lights up and he coos "AWWW KITTY 💖" really gushing and adoring
vee breaks into a big big smile behind her paci and she squeaks and buries her head on michaels shoulder again as he tells her "vee oh my gosh, you look even cuter than I thought!"
"nooo mo mo" vee giggles embarrassed, itching to crawl into mimis lap but theyve never done that before so she just settles for wiggling her butt on the bed and pulling her skirt down to make sure mimi can't see her pullup
"yes yes! youre so pretty kitty~" michael says really baby talky and pokes her cheek softly (he knows she loves being called that) (she squeals a little)
michael doesnt draw too much attention to vee after that, after the little blushy giggle fit he asks her if she is regressed and she takes her paci out to say she isnt, if she was regressed she wouldnt be able to talk or really sit up on her own
so michael asks more about how she uses the pacis as a grownup for anxiety. and after talking about it they both simultaneously pause then go...
"do you think you might wanna try?"
"do you think it would make me calm?"
and then they both giggle and vee hands the dark blue paci to michael smiling rlly big and her chest is bubbly with excitement because mimi is making this feel so NORMAL and fun!
and thats why when patton walks into vee's room twenty minutes later with snacks and appl mango juice, he is greeted with the image of vee sucking her sparkly lilac paci and having fallen asleep on michaels shoulder, and michael just scrolling on his phone and spinning the blue paci in his mouth
patton actually immediately whisper apologizes, he thought that michael would be embarrassed and that it was meant to be a secret
but michael isnt embarrassed at all, he asks through the paci "oh hi pap! are bose cookiebs?"
pat nods and places the snacks on vee's desk then quietly asks if michael regresses too (he was totally ready to adopt btw lol)
but michael just laughs and takes the paci out and is like "nah i just wanted to see what it feels like but i dont think theyre for me. kitty sure looks cute with them though"
then he looks down and smiles at sleepy vee whos just blinking awake and she asks rlly quiet and high pitched "wh- mimi?" through her paci
michael giggles and looks rlly softly down at vee as he pokes her nose "im still here, kitty. you fell asleep"
and vee sighs and buries her face against his arm and suckles on her paci more
michael laughs and wiggles his arm to get her to stop faling asleep "vee no cmon your dad brought snacks! i wanna eat, get off"
and of course that makes vee cheeky and she wraps both arms tightly around mimis arm and closes her eyes as if she's asleep but shes smiling mischievously behind her paci
"nooo im hungry" "im theepy!" "no youre not sleepy you were already sleeping!" "till theepy" "youre not, youre hungry" "nop hungy" "YOU ARE im speaking it into existence your so hungry right now" "nooo thtop it!" "no i wont stop you are LITERALLY starving you want a cookie so so bad right now, you want a chewy sweet cookie and nice cold apple mango juice" .... "arrghhh now i wan cookieth and juith!" "hahahha"
and patton just watches on with the softest smile because hes so happy vee found such a wonderful supportive friend
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sortasirius · 4 years
Prompt: Dean drives Sam to the library routinely & pretends he hates it (but Sam knows he has a library card). Dean's started seeing a new face in the library, always reading books about spiders, but he doesnt how to break the ice. Until one day, he finally sits down and invites Cas over to his place to see his pet tarantula. When they get there, the tarantula is missing. Both are afraid of spiders: Cas was only researching for an assignment & Dean only got a tarantula to impress Cas.
This is literally the funniest prompt I have ever received, I literally laughed for a minute straight when I read it.  Thank you so much, this was such a fun one to write, I hope you like it!
Words: 2063 (what can I say, the spider sparked my creativity)
Dean pretends to hate the library.  Someone had to put up the front of being the cool intimidating brother, and they both knew that wasn’t going to be Sam, even though he was about a foot taller than Dean now.  No, that didn’t make Dean self-conscious.
He takes Sam to the library at least once a week, Sam insists he studies better when he was there, Dean rolling his eyes and relenting, sprawling out in one of the hard wooden chairs and pretending to be bored on his phone until he could sneak off to peruse the stacks himself, where he was sure Sam wouldn’t see him.  He reads Tolstoy and Vonnegut and Dostoyevsky and Salinger, even dipping into those Hunger Games books that everyone was so unto a few years before (his review? They’re pretty good, make him feel like he’s a fast reader).
It’s an easy routine, something that Dean will never in a million years admit how much he enjoys.  The quiet shelves that all smell like dust, pencil shavings, and old books are peaceful, something that makes him feel like he can breathe a little easier, that life is a simple as sinking down onto the worn, stained carpet, his back being poked by a metal divider between the S’s and the T’s and losing himself in the inky words printed on the page.
One Sunday in the dead of winter, Dean’s in his usual hiding place in the back corner of the library.  It’s a little darker here, but when your eyes get used to the lower light, it’s easy to read.  He’s lost in the world of Jack Kerouac’s On The Road today, and is so immersed that he doesn’t even notice someone looking at the shelves next to him, right up until they trip over his feet in the aisle and crash onto the floor with a thud loud enough to shake the books stacked towards the ceiling.
“Shit!” Dean cries in a stage whisper, surprised, but not surprised enough to use a regular speaking voice, he isn’t an animal, this is a library after all.  He scrambles to help the person up in the semi-darkness and then is face to face with a pair of wide blue eyes.
“Sorry,” the stranger whispers, trying to arrange his clothes, which Dean notices fit the attire of a college professor more than a student, and this guy looked like a student.
“S’no problem, my fault, I probably shouldn’t sit in the middle of the aisle.”
The guy nods, smiling a little shyly, and then hurries off before Dean can even catch his name.  Damn.  He was good looking too.
Dean sheepishly moves out of the aisle and to a small table which, though more in the light, is also open enough that Sam could see him if he walks by, and Dean still wasn’t sure he wants to deal with the smug look that would take up residence on his brother’s face if he saw him reading.  But man, this book was just a little too good to put down.
Surprise surprise, he does get caught.  Sam taps him on the shoulder with a wide grin, his bag hooked over his shoulder, clearly ready to go.
“So much for hating the library huh?”
“Ok, whatever, I just come here for the pictures.”
“Kerouac isn’t exactly kid’s stuff.”
Dean rolls his eyes and gets to his feet, looking anywhere but at Sam.  He tucks the book under his arm.  He had to check it out and finish it tonight, it’s just that good.
They walk by the guy that had tripped over Dean earlier. He’s hunched over his table, his hands flying across a notepad he has next to him, several books about spiders spread out around him.  Dean makes a mental note of it.  He was going to talk to that guy if he saw him again, he’s always up for a good challenge, and spider-boy looked like the perfect one.
He does see spider-boy again the next week, when Sam simply has to study for a midterm he has coming up.  He’s wearing thick glasses with dark frames this time, his nose an inch from the diagram of a garden spider he’s copying.  Dean tries to work up the courage to go talk to him, but there’s something so taboo about interrupting someone when they’re so clearly in a groove, so Dean watches him from the non-fiction section, observing the way his hair brushes the edge of the book he’s staring at, and the way he cracks his knuckles every so often when his hand starts cramping.
Dean decides he’s being a freak.  He goes back to his little table and picks up Tortilla Flat by Steinbeck.
It goes on like this for nearly two months.  Dean sees spider-boy every week, who’s name, he learns, is Cas, always at the same table, always working on something to do with spiders. And every week, Dean swears he’s going to go talk to him, but he has no idea how.  He’s never been this nervous to talk to someone, but there’s a little nagging voice in the back of his head, what if this guy thought he was an idiot? What if they had nothing to talk about?
So, he does what he does best: he hatches a master plan at his little table in the back of the library.
He’s a genius.
“You’re an idiot,” Sam sighs, staring out the window of the Impala at the looming brick building of the library grew closer.  Dean had put his plan into action the day before, and was eager to get to the library and ask Cas to come home with him, see his prize.  He had insisted that Sam get a ride home with his girlfriend, and Sam had been only too happy to oblige.
“This’ll make a great story for Eileen I guess.”
“This is going to work.”
Sam laughs again.
“Like I said, you’re an idiot.”
Dean doesn’t waste time.  The second he steps inside, and smells the familiar old-book smell, he heads straight for Cas’ table.  Cas is wearing his glasses today, and is reading a book called The History of the Arachnid, he’s leaning back on his chair so two legs were off the ground. A rebel.  Dean’s kinda guy.
Dean plops down across from him, and Cas lowers his book in surprise.
“Hi, you probably don’t remember me-”
“I see you every week.”
This catches Dean off guard.  Cas arches an eyebrow, and then laughs a little.
“I’m Cas.”
Dean knows this, the librarian, Mrs. Covere, is a total gossip who loves Dean, and he had wheedled it out of her three weeks prior to hatching his plan.
“Hi Cas, I’m Dean.”
“Nice to meet you, Dean,” Cas smiles at him, clearly intrigued, and Dean isn’t going to disappoint.
“Listen,” Dean starts, leaning across the table with his hands clasped in front of him, “I see you reading a lot about spiders.  And, though there are other books out there, I was wondering if you wanted to stope reading about them and come meet a real one.”
Cas pales by a few degrees, and Dean rushes to explain so he doesn’t come across like a total freak.
“It’s just.  Uh, well, I just got this guy, and he seems pretty cool, and you, uh, seem into spiders and I was just wondering if you, like you totally don’t have to, I don’t want to make it seem like, anyway, uh, the offer’s there?  I guess…”
He trails off, kicking himself for rambling so much.  That was not part of the master plan.  But Cas, though still pale, smiles at him again.
“Sure, as long as you promise not to murder me.”
Dean grins back.
“Scout’s honor,” he raises his hand in salute, “You can ask Mrs. Covere, she’ll vouch for me.”
The ride over to Sam and Dean’s shared apartment with Cas is quiet.  He doesn’t seem to feel every silence with words, and Dean’s the same, he likes that.  He wasn’t sure he could talk much anyway, he would probably say something that would ruin the surprise.
Dean jumps out of the car and hustles to his door the second he parks, and Cas follows, still with those wide, interested eyes, his reading glasses tucked carefully into the breast pocket of his dress shirt. Dean had never seen anyone dress so formally all the time, he would have to ask him about it, after his amazing ice-breaker.
Dean heads straight for the enclosure the man at the pet store had suggested to him, looks in the tank…and his stomach falls into his shoes.
There is supposed to be a tarantula that Dean had purchased in that tank.  There is not a tarantula in that tank.
“Ha ha,” Cas is standing next to him, also looking into the clearly empty tank, “Good one.  Where did you hide it?”
Dean’s throat is very dry.  His eyes flick from floor, to wall, to ceiling.  Can they even get on the ceiling?
“Um.  This isn’t a joke.  He, uh, got out I guess.”
Cas eyes widen with palpable fear, he takes an automatic step toward the door.
“Oh hell no, nope no, I gotta go.”
“Wait!  You’re the only one here with any idea at all what to do!”
Cas gapes at him, Dean feels like he’s hyperventilating, suddenly feeling like there was maybe something on his back.
“What do you mean?  I don’t know anything about-”
“You’ve read nothing but spider books for the last two months!”
“It was for my term paper!  I hate spiders!”
“Well I do too!”
“Then why do you have one in your house?!”
“Because it was my master plan!  I thought it would impress you!”
Cas splutters, half laughing.
“Wait,” Dean continues, “Why did you come with me if you hate spiders?”
“Because I wanted to impress you,” Cas cries, still looking all around the room for their missing spider friend.  Dean follow his eyes, searching for the traitor.  He was supposed to get him laid, not be a cock block.
You’re gonna have such a cool home after this too, he thinks bitterly, you do this to me, and I’m going to give you to Charlie.  She loves all kinds of weird pets, you’ll be living the dream, I don’t deserve this man.
Yes, he’s talking to a tarantula in his head, these are desperate times.
He looks up at Cas, half desperate, half terrified that Cas was going to walk out the door and start going to the library across town.
“Listen, please help me find him, and I swear I’ll take you on a normal date after.”
Cas just nods.
It takes them the better part of an hour to track down the spider, who is hiding in the corner of the living room by Dean’s guitar, and then ten minutes of rock, paper, scissors to decide who picks him up. Dean loses, damn paper, and doesn’t immediately yell when it crawls on his hand because this is a delicate operation and, even though he hates spiders, he actually didn’t want to freak the little dude out.
Dean calls Charlie immediately after he’s back in his enclosure, and tells her she needs to come grab her new pet ASAP.  He and Cas sit on the couch, staring at the lighted enclosure, trying to make sure the tarantula stayed in place this time.
Charlie shows up ten minutes later, bouncing on the balls of her feet, and happily scoops the spider into a “travel carrier” as she calls it. Dean carries all the spider supplies out to her car, and as she straps him carefully into the passenger seat she calls,
“Say bye to Aragog!”
Dean and Cas wave as she drives away, Charlie eyeing Dean from her rearview mirror.  He knows he’s going to have to give a full report later.
“I have to say,” Cas says quietly after a minute, “That was the most fun I’ve ever had on a first date.”
Dean’s heart skips a beat.  
“Just how I drew it up.  You hungry?  Let’s go get something to eat.”
Cas slides his hand into Dean’s as they walk towards his car, and Dean can’t help but think he owes Aragog a drink or two.
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formula-what · 4 years
please write the essay aboit how different daniel and lando are at giving feedback 👀
okay so as soon as Daniel started giving feedback my brain went straight to Lando’s ‘are you happy’ interview which makes no sense but also that video does live in my brain rent free so are we really surprised? So yeah i thought of that moment where Lando (pretty much unprompted) tells jense that he wants to work on being ‘the bigger guy’ and start telling people what to do more, rather than just agreeing with what they say. and i have to assume that goes across the board not just for car set up and stuff. 
Honestly i don’t really remember his seat fit that much, but going off of vibes i assume that Lando was much more, passive? i don’t think that’s really the right word to use but, i think Lando as a person is a lot more “yeah this is really good, but maybe we could do xy” 
whereas i think Daniel is much more forward and just straight up says “yeah so i need x y and z, also i don’t like that bit and you should do it this way instead” which is probably what Lando is aiming for in terms of communication with the crew and getting his own ideas across.
So i think it will be really interesting to see how these two work together, i think when mclaren signed Daniel they very much expected him to bring a lot of experience to the team and be a basis for Lando to springboard from (as well as ofc bringing in podiums and shit)
Lando has already said that he wants to see how Daniel approaches things and analyse his driving style and stuff, and i think there’s also a lot off things off track that he can pick up from him too. 
Daniel is so GOOD at driving and so good at people. Like this guys a multi-time race winner and podium sitter and when he walks into a room everyone wants to know his opinion on things and you bet they're gonna immediately hear em whether they want to or not.
And i could write about how that’s probably influenced from his time in redbull, having to shout over max, and is probably one of the reasons that renault were so desperate to accept him when working on their new car, but i don’t really want to get into that.
i think Lando is a lot different, i think hes used to only giving his opinion when asked rather than offering it straight off the bat. which is totally why the guys kept telling Daniel “if you need anything, or want anything changing, then just ask and we’ll happily do it. we want you to be as happy and comfortable as possible.” because yeah you bet your ass they are used to constantly reminding Lando of that. 
i know from experience that a sentence like that is an amazing prompt for “yeah actually can you do xyz”. And it didn’t make any sense at all when he said that to Daniel because YES Daniel obviously already knows because he just spent the past hour and a half doing exactly that.
But yeah i think it will be really interesting to see how these two get on because their approaches to everything are just so different. Daniel is very much everything that giant smile implies, and Lando is different but the same. 
idk i think. lando has been with this crew for what four years now? he knows these guys and they know them. so he doesnt need to walk in a room and tell them exactly what he thinks, because these boys can look at his face and already know. 
just. i think there’s definitely going to be a clash between them, because Lando needs to be the centre of attention like he needs air, and yet Daniel is just this personality magnet that draws everyone into his orbit. 
Which easy brings up the debate about whos going to be the number one driver. and man i’m not getting into right now but they both have chips on either side.
yes it will do Lando some good to watch Daniel in action and learn from him, but also he cant get better by always spectating. but i feel that as soon as he gets up and starts to be ‘the bigger guy’ that’s gonna get in the way of Daniel. 
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