#the night definitely ends with you snuggling on your bed
I was afraid they didn’t put him in at all! :O
I guess it makes sense though? He’s not part of this event, but he’s still a prominent character in the game, so I was a bit disappointed that he wasn’t chilling with anyone. :/
BUT THEN I REMEMBERED (no offense, Childe my love) he literally doesn’t have any friends 😭 Like all the harbingers lowkey hate him and he lowkey hates them back. He’s only really interacted with Yoimiya, Xinyan, and Zhongli?
Like Yoimiya and Xinyan definitely aren’t that close to him. They kinda just hung around him because he was in an event with them? Then he’s only friends with Zhongli, but it doesn’t make sense for them to hang out because Zhongli was hanging with the other archons.
But then I tried thinking about who he COULDVE hung out with and???
It’s not like with Albedo and Tighnari, they were clearly hanging out because they’re both intelligent and we’re probably talking. Or like with Itto and Cyno, they both share the common interest of playing Genius Invokation TCG.
Like no one who was there would really wanna talk to him? 😭 Even though he seems so easygoing, he has NO friends :(
Sorry, Childe brain rot. I love this funky ginger man. I’m sad that he has no friends 😭 He needs a hug and maybe a kiss… AND MAYBE A PARTNER WHO WANTS TO CUDDLE HIS FLUFFY LEGACY
Okay sorry again, brainrot over XD
okay place your bets everyone, which Pyro lady will Childe befriend next? my bet's on Yanfei because she's cool
oh oh oh but this is making me remember a brainrot i had a couple days ago- reuniting with Childe during Lantern Rite
hear me out, you're from Liyue and met him when he was stationed to do Harbinger duties, and you ended up spending a lot of time together, eventually falling in love. Childe adores you so much and wants to spend the rest of his life with you, but after the Liyue incident and Osial getting summoned he’s shipped off to Inazuma so he doesn’t cause more unrest- the other Harbingers don’t particularly like him, except maybe Pulcinella, and you can’t exactly go with him since the Harbor is your home
so tearfully you say goodbye to Childe and Foul Legacy, because you love them both and they love you, too
Childe sends you letters as often as he can, but it’s difficult since he’s trying to keep you a secret- people knowing you’re the Eleventh Harbinger’s lover could very well put you in danger. it hurts missing him this much, your heart breaking into pieces whenever you’re alone, but you have to stay strong because you know he’ll return eventually, when work permits him to
he promised to return by Lantern Rite. he promised
Childe’s gaze trails across the Harbor, seemingly admiring the lights and ribbons that decorate every door, but in truth he’s only looking for one person- you. it’s been so long since he’s seen you in person- Archons, how long has it been, exactly? too long, and both he and Foul Legacy know that. his heart thumps erratically in his chest, strangely nervous- would you be angry with him? worried about his time oversees? he couldn’t deny that he didn’t love when you fussed over him, but your fretting and fear broke his heart
or perhaps you’ve just forgotten him by this point- he wouldn’t blame you for it
and there you are, standing a few feet away and staring in awe, like you didn’t truly expect him to show up. the Harbinger simply smiles, a soft, gentle smile reserved only for you, and opens his arms. in a few moments you’ve dashed over into his embrace, squeezing him tightly and fighting back joyful tears as he chuckles, hand already petting your hair
he’s back- he’s back and he’s with you, and you’re reunited
you drag him away somewhere quieter, out of the crowd in case anyone recognizes him but also because Foul Legacy is chirping insistently in the back of his head, wanting nothing more than to take control and wrap his claws around you for the first time in months- the Abyssal monster is even clingier than Childe, and the moment you’re alone there’s a burst of Electro, Foul Legacy towering over you
to anyone else it’d be terrifying, but you simply beam and press your cheek into his gentle palm, reveling in the happy croons and purrs that slip from his mouth. with a quick sweep Foul Legacy holds you in his arms, head pressed against his chest so you can still admire the fireworks. your hands wind into his lilac fluff, idly petting and combing it with your fingers as you stare up at the sky, happy and content
and Childe and Foul Legacy are finally home
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mellotunekitty · 5 days
Dating Jason Todd Would Include…
  He’d be very private when you first started dating, but as he gets more comfortable he’d start to open up. Not huge things, but small things like what he did that day or if something reminded him of you. He’ll hear a song and show it to you explaining that it reminded him of you. It’s not like he runs up to you just to show you though, he’ll sneak the mention of how “it sounds like something you’d like” or something along those lines. 
Along with slowly opening up, he has to slowly adjust to you as a being. Jason always knew that you were there and was very aware of your presence, but having you there by his side most of the time was something he really had to get used to. When you started living together, he felt like he had to hide the evidence of his person existing in that space. He wanted to sit and read before you got home? Ten minutes before you came back he set all the pillows and blankets on the couch EXACTLY how they were before he sat there. 
One thing he enjoys is reading to you. Laying in bed with you while you’re snuggled against his chest as he reads to you in a low, soft voice. That’s his favorite thing. He loves it even more if his reading makes you sleepy and you end up falling asleep on his chest because it lets him know you feel safe enough around him to do that. 
This man does not give a care in the world who you are, he is the one who’s going to take care of you. He could be beaten to a pulp and he’s still going to cook you dinner at the end of the day. Being taken care of makes him feel small, vulnerable, and even a little worthless in a way. If he isn’t taking care of you, he feels like he doesn’t have a purpose with you. 
That being said if he were to give into you taking care of him, it would be very rocky. First, he’d be angry about you taking care of him instead of the other way around. Then, he’d settle into it and let you do your thing. You can see him getting used to it. And then, you’d watch him turn into a clingy, gushy mess. It’s definitely a rare sight, but a little less for you. 
After the first time you take care of him, he’s suddenly very clingy with you. He’ll come home from a late night patrol or mission and instantly get ready for bed so you can hold him. Once you start rubbing his back and peppering kisses all over his face, he’s out like a light, softly snoring against your chest. Of course he’d never admit it though.
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roosterforme · 28 days
Mr. Right Now Part 10 | Hangman x Reader
Summary: You left behind too many reminders of the weekend you spent with Jake, and even though he wants to, he just can't seem to get rid of them. You're free to test your theories, but you should have known you wouldn't like the results.
Warnings: angst, sex, oral sex, adult language, 18+
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Why is Jake on my masterlist!? Mr. Right Now masterlist
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You stood in your building on campus and looked around like it was completely foreign to you. The few days you'd spent at Jake's place made this seem like a distant memory, and you felt like a completely different person now as you wiped at your tears. When you stood inside the lobby and watched him slowly pull away in his pickup truck, your heart begged you to run back out to him. But it was over. He gave you what you asked him to, and it was done.
Someone who lived on your hallway waved to you, but you barely acknowledged her. You were too tired to even stop at your mailbox to see if there was anything inside, so you headed for your door. With your fingers crossed, you slid your key into the lock, hoping like hell that Kylie was out for the night. But it was Sunday, and you found her sitting on the couch with a smirk as soon as she saw you.
"Where have you been?" she asked, tossing her hair over her shoulder and pausing her show. The common area was small, but you'd have to walk right past her to get to your personal bedroom, and you thought better of trying to blow her off.
"Out," you replied carefully, unsure how much you wanted her to know.
"With Cooper?" Her eyes flashed with excitement. "You've been gone all weekend!"
You shook your head and held your purse against your chest. She'd get it out of you eventually if she tried hard enough, so you said, "I went to that Navy bar you liked so much."
"The Hard Deck?" She was on her feet now, surprise written all over her face. You were sure she was having a hard time picturing you there; you had in fact stuck out like a sore thumb.
She screeched. "You slept with one of those hot aviators, didn't you?" she asked, tone somewhere between accusatory and delighted. But even though she didn't know what type of quest you had been on, she was definitely able to tell you'd had your world rocked. "Which one? What was his call sign? I just love their call signs."
You stared at her, suddenly surprised you'd ever considered sleeping with Rooster in the first place. You were a completely different person now because of the past forty-eight hours, and you were also embarrassed by what you said to the man who had treated you with respect the entire time.
"His name was Jake," you whispered as tears threatened your eyes again. "I need to finish something for my first class tomorrow, so I'm going to do that now."
You walked past her while she nodded in approval, like she was proud of you now, and you closed yourself in your room as a sob escaped your lips. Your bag fell to the floor as you tried to kick your sneakers off, but you gave up and just collapsed onto your bed. As you cried into your pillow, you realized your lace thong was still somewhere at Jake's place. It would probably end up in the trash along with everything else that the women he fucked accidentally left behind. 
How could you have been so stupid? Falling for a man like Jake? A thirty year old man who simply agreed to fuck your virginity away so you could get on with your college life. A man who was the equivalent of a major league ballplayer while you were barely a little league benchwarmer.
"You insulted him," you whispered as you rolled onto your side, and the tears kept coming. He said you made him feel cheap, which he had never once done to you. He made you breakfast and took you on a pizza date in his dining room and snuggled you in his bathtub, and you acted like he was undesirable. 
He called you naive, and perhaps he wasn't wrong. You had no idea what you were doing there. The weekend was supposed to be simple: lose your virginity so you could go out with Cooper. But you couldn't even manage to do that much correctly. Jake was a million times better than anyone you'd ever met on campus, and that was the kind of thing he deserved to hear you say. He deserved so much more, and he'd probably find it in someone older and more put together than you.
Jake fell asleep with his bedroom window open, but the sound of the ocean was less peaceful and more turbulent when he was alone. His kitchen was a mess from the meals he'd shared with you, and the pizza box was still on his dining room table. But he couldn't bring himself to clean any of it up just yet.
He still felt like shit on Monday morning. In your mind, he was exactly the same as Rooster or any of the other guys would have been, but you were so much more to him. He felt good when he was around you. Or at least he had before you abruptly ended the weekend by telling him he was only made for one thing.
When he walked into his bathroom, he was greeted by an empty bottle of Sam Adams and a wine glass on the edge of his bathtub. "Fuck," he gasped, turning away from them to brush his teeth. The green toothbrush he gave you to use the first night you slept over was right there next to his, and he couldn't keep his fingers from touching it like he half expected it to be a figment of his imagination. 
But no, all of these items were strewn about just to make coming to terms with things harder. It should have been laughable, getting rejected by a twenty year old, but the weekend he spent with you was the closest thing he'd felt to a relationship in years. You fed him that disgusting pizza. He held you while you napped. You actually listened to him when he talked. He couldn't keep his hands off you to save his life. Even the clothes in his drawers made him think of the way you dug around in there like you owned the place.
"God damn it," he groaned when he realized your lace thong somehow ended up on his dresser. It was too easy to picture you on Friday night, wearing it in his kitchen with your skirt on the floor at your feet, trust in your gaze even though you didn't really know him yet. You looked sinful that night with a sharp retort on your lips when he thought he was the one in charge. You weren't just some dumb college kid; you were a funny and resourceful and sexy woman. He ran his thumb along the lace before pushing it to the side to finish getting ready for work.
He flew worse than he could ever remember, so maybe it was a good thing you rejected him after the weekend was over. He couldn't focus, but it would have just been worse the longer he was hung up on you. He was surly and short with everyone he encountered, and by the middle of the week, they just left him alone.
But it was still so bad by Friday, and it wasn't helping that he hadn't yet cleaned up the wine glasses or the pizza box or thrown out the green toothbrush. He skipped dinner and took the time to hand wash each glass he'd filled with ice water for you. Then he walked the pizza box directly to the dumpster. But your underwear and that fucking toothbrush remained in their spots, and he decided he would save them for another day.
Alone and sprawled out on the couch, he couldn't help but wonder what you were doing right now. Last Friday around this time, you were at the Hard Deck with your fake ID, and he sat up abruptly when he considered that there was a chance you might be there again tonight. That you might be looking for him.
Like an idiot, he grabbed the keys to his truck and headed there to find out for sure. Maybe you wouldn't agree with him, but he still felt like he'd been better to you than any of the others would have been. God, all he wanted was to know that you learned something useful from him, not just that he had casual sex with tag chasers. 
But when he got to the bar and looked around, he knew right away you weren't there. No leather mini skirts, and no Converse sneakers. Just aviators getting loaded while playing pool, and an assortment of every kind of woman anyone other than Jake could possibly want.
He was nothing other than a self-fulfilling prophecy, the way he was almost immediately approached by a woman he took home weeks ago. Your words echoed in his mind. 
"You're so good at fucking, no wonder all the tag chasers want you. I'm sure they all missed you this weekend."
"Not tonight," he told the woman who pouted at him. She gave him no witty retort before she walked away, but it didn't matter. Jake was already thinking about how he should have held onto your fake ID so you couldn't get into any real trouble with the fucking thing. But you weren't his to worry about or protect, and perhaps that was what bothered him more than anything else. If you were, he'd have you wrapped up in the fleece blanket that he kept on the back of his couch while the two of you ignored a movie in favor of making out. If you were, he'd have a reason to keep the toothbrush.
He just fucking knew you were with that dipshit Cooper who was the reason you came to the Hard Deck in the first place. There was nothing wrong with you when you met Jake, but Cooper was the reason you thought there was. "Fuck," he groaned running his hands over his face as he took himself back out to the parking lot and and drove home again. 
You hadn't reached out to him once. He wasn't sure if his number had successfully saved in your phone, but it didn't much matter. You knew where to find him, and you hadn't tried to.
While he drove, he let himself get lost in the memory of how fucking good he felt last weekend. He didn't want to forget that feeling. He wouldn't be able to anyway. He just wished he couldn't still hear the way it sounded when you apologized and told him he had been perfect.
"Stop," you said with a forced laugh. 
Cooper was drunk, and his hand was on your bare thigh again as you hung out at his place with some of your mutual friends. What a departure this was from last Friday night when you had to beg Jake to touch you. At least at first. After a bit, neither of you could seem to stop.
But Cooper was doing this in front of other people. Maybe it was your fault for agreeing to hang out with him tonight and agreeing to see a movie with him tomorrow, but you would have preferred he do this in private.
"Let's go to my room then," he coaxed in what you were sure he thought was an endearing tone. But his breath smelled like beer in a bad way, and when he kissed you, it was obvious that he had overdone it. 
All you could think about was Jake. 
Jake. Jake. Jake. 
You needed to put a stop to this, but tonight wasn't working for you.
"Cooper, I think we should just hang out tomorrow. You know, when you're sober?"
At least he had the decency to look abashed. And when you went out with him on Saturday, he was much better. He didn't invite you back to his room again, even after you made out with him, which you appreciated. You'd known him for months, way longer than you knew Jake, but you couldn't figure out why you weren't as comfortable around him. 
There was just something about Jake. Charisma. That was it. Charm. Every woman probably reacted to him the way you had, and he was probably just as attentive to everyone else.
Since Cooper was the reason you ended up at Jake's in the first place, you let him eat lunch with you all week and walk you back to your dorm from your classes. You let him wrap his arm around your waist and tuck his fingers into the top of your jeans. You let him kiss you each time you saw him.
You needed to give him a shot. It wasn't really his fault that you had Jake on the brain after weeks of dodging his advances. He wanted you, and you deserved to enjoy him. You already rid yourself of your virginity, and you knew the twelve rules. Condoms and communication and no cutting corners. You had this. Besides, you'd never know if it would always be just as good with another partner unless you saw it through.
So the following Friday, after you finished your classes for the week, you took a shower and changed into a dress that Cooper told you weeks ago looked cute, and then you walked the mile or so to the other end of campus where he lived. He was waiting for you when you got there with a smile on his face, and your heart beat a little faster.
"Come on inside," he said, holding out his hand. He was familiar now, and comfort could grow over time. You were sure of it. And he was a good kisser when he wasn't drinking. Tonight it felt nice, and he wrapped you up in his arms as soon as you walked past his roommates who were playing video games. 
When he opened his door, he said, "I even cleaned my room for you. What do you think?"
It looked the same as it always did, and you rolled your eyes and laughed. "You didn't. But it doesn't matter."
"I tried a little," he mumbled, grinning at you before he closed the distance to kiss you again. "Give me a tiny bit of credit?"
Your heart skipped a beat as his hands found your waist, and you sighed when his lips drifted along your neck. He sucked on you there, bruising you before pulling away. But it didn't feel bad. Not at all. It felt okay. You closed your eyes, immediately getting lost in the feel of it. Firm chest against your breasts. Big hands. Soft hair. Your fingers gave a little tug on the strands, and he groaned, cock hard in his jeans, pressing against you.
"Do you wanna....?" Cooper asked, easing your dress up your legs. You were almost startled when you remembered it was him instead of Jake, but you nodded.
"Yeah," you whispered. "I want to." You still had the three condoms in your little purse along with your fake ID and your actual ID. But when you ended up on your back on his bed, Cooper was already excitedly reaching for your underwear even though you definitely weren't ready to get a condom out yet. 
"How about a little more foreplay?" you asked, and he looked back at you like it was a foreign concept. "I like foreplay," you added softly. 
"Right," he replied, climbing on top of you where he touched you through your panties until you weren't exactly sure if you were wet or not. You tried to slow him down by kissing him, but he was practically rutting against your leg. 
"Will you go down on me?" you asked him, and he almost groaned.
"I mean... I guess. If you go down on me."
It must have been because it was your first time together, but he seemed in a hurry. He didn't stay in one place long enough for you to get the hang of how it felt with him. You didn't like rushing. You liked long, drawn out orgasms and being called Darlin'. Cooper didn't call you anything. He didn't speak at all; he only grunted as the two of you had sex that left you completely unsatisfied.
Well. You had tested your theories and come up with several conclusions. Sex was not exciting with every partner. Guys did in fact like to cut corners. And not all of them seemed to know the twelve rules rules. As you pulled your dress on over your head, you thought about how much better you felt around Jake than you ever would around Cooper.
"Feel like playing video games with me and the guys? Or you just want to leave until I see you tomorrow?" Cooper asked, opening his bedroom door and hovering there expectantly as tears stung your eyes. 
"You know," you whispered, trying to keep your voice calm, "I think I'll just walk back to my place."
"Okay, cool."
He didn't offer to walk with you. All he did was send you off with a kiss as he opened a can of beer while his friends called his name. You made it about two blocks before you started crying, because you had tried so hard to fool yourself, but you completely fucked everything up.
Jake was nothing but a perfect gentleman the whole time you were with him. He took care of you in so many ways, not just sexually, and you made him feel bad about himself. It didn't matter why he was skilled in bed, he was sweet. He hadn't mentioned other women while you were there, but you did. There was nobody to blame except yourself.
You practically tripped on the sidewalk as your tears obscured your vision, and you sat down hard on a bench with your phone in your hand. You tried to find Kylie's name in your contacts list, hoping she would come pick you up, but instead your thumb paused over Jake Seresin. And then you did something stupid.
Jake was sitting on his couch in his underwear eating a pizza with toppings he didn't even like when his phone rang. The caller had a local area code, but he didn't know the number. He was about to swipe to ignore it when his curiosity got the best of him.
He was met with silence. Or so he thought. He was about to end the call, but then he heard a soft sigh. His heart beat a little faster as he tossed the slice of pizza back into the open box.
"Hello?" he repeated, gentler this time.
He would know your voice anywhere. He'd been replaying everything you said to him in his mind for the past two weeks. He was afraid he'd never hear from you again. "Darlin'," he said softly, missing the way that word felt on his tongue. "Are you okay?"
The sound of your breathing was followed by a sob as you said, "Not really."
He was on his feet, tearing down the hallway toward his bedroom in search of clothing as he tried to keep his voice as steady as possible. "Well, then why don't you tell me where you are so I can come try to make it okay?"
There was a short pause, during which he could hear nothing but his own heartbeat. "I would like that," you whispered. Then you gave him an approximate address which he knew was on your college campus.
"I'll be right there," he promised.
How are we feeling? Maybe Cooper was a good idea before Jake, but definitely not after. The next chapter will be the last one. Thanks for reading. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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elllisaaa · 5 months
Could you please write seventeen reaction to sharing a bed with their crush for the first time? TYSM 😚
seventeen sharing a bed with their crush for the first time
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-> pairing : svt × gn!reader
-> words count : 1.5k words
-> genre : fluff
-> author's note : i looove these cute asks about seventeen, they're taking me ages to write because 13 members is a lot but i hope you'll like it anyway !
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> masterlist | svt masterlist
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shy and giggly the whole time.
he’s obviously making sure you’re not uncomfortable about this before slipping into bed with you. 
he’ll try so hard to stay still and not touch you without you explicitly telling him that it’s okay.
but anyway, you’ll wake up in the morning cuddled up against him, with his arms around your waist because he unconsciously pulled you close to him during the night. 
a human heater, you don’t even need the blanket lmao
he would try to make some jokes about how you’re trying to get on his bed but deep down he’s screaming and freaking out, hands shaking as he’s handing you another blanket so that you’re not cold. 
at the end of the day though, jeonghan is a softie who just wants to love and to be loved so he just can’t wipe out the smile on his face as you settle by his side.
i’m a firm believer that he loves when someone plays with his hair, and if you do it to help him sleep, his heart will start beating like crazy.
basically, you just get to see his soft and sleepy state, he’s just so cute.
will ask numerous times if you’re really okay with sleeping in the same bed as him. 
and in fact, he will ask your consent before doing anything, even if it’s just keeping the lights on a little longer. 
he would feel a little awkward at first, not knowing if he can touch you or not when he’s dying inside to cuddle with you.
but he would not say it, so you’ll have to ask him to hold you in his arms - and bet that you’re wrapped in his embrace the next second.
will kiss your temple before falling asleep and wake up before you in the morning to serve you breakfast in bed 
so so nervous, his mind cannot make up for the fact that you’re going to sleep in his bed, right next to him.
he wants to cuddle with you so badly but he’s too anxious to ask you.
instead, he will put on a film for the two of you to watch in hopes you’re going to get comfortable. 
when you lay your head on his chest and grab his hand, he’s screaming inside and he cannot wipe the smile out of his face.
jun would end up falling asleep all cuddled up against you before the film is even finished. 
he would never stop saying that he slept sooo well the next morning, in hopes that it will lead to you sleeping in his bed more. 
so excited about it and he cannot hide it
he’s smiling the entire time, from the moment you arrive to the moment you both settle under the covers. 
even as your friend, he would want to cuddle all the time, so you can’t say you’re surprised when he’s snuggling against you, wrapping his arms around your waist, head comfortably placed on your chest.
i think he would be the type to accidentally keep the whole blanket all for himself, leading you to get even closer to him. 
he would apologize in the morning, but at the same time, he’s content with holding you against him for as long as possible. 
another one who would get very shy. 
he would not even be the one to propose that you sleep with him : he’s ready to just put some pillows on the floor and sleep there. 
but when you insist, saying that you don’t mind sharing a bed with him, his ears turn red so quickly. 
i don’t see him as the cuddliest member, but he would definitely let you play with his hands, trace patterns in his palms while you’re talking.
and if in the morning, he wakes up to you still holding his hand, gripping so tightly he can’t free it from your grasp (as if he wants to do that in the first place), don’t blame if he takes a few pictures. 
he would try to act cool, calm and collected the whole time when he really isn’t at all. 
some chill music will play quietly in the background as he adds some pillow on his bed to make sure you’re comfortable. 
he will melt at the sight of you in his hoodie that you borrowed because you were cold, it was looking so big on you.
jihoon would love to turn off the light and talk with you about everything before sleeping, admiring your figure in the darkness.
he would also love it if you start playing with his hair, chasing your hand when you stop. 
so excited he’s jumping all around his room, stuffing his bed with even more pillows and blankets to make sure that you’re going to feel comfortable enough.
his room would be cleaned up from a to z and it has never been tidier because he wants to make a good impression on you. 
would put on a film for the two of you to watch with a loooot of snacks, and all your favorite ones obviously. 
will try to smoothly put his arm around your shoulder and get you to be closer to him. 
his hands are literally shaking the whole time, only feeling relief when you finally hold it.
his heart is beating so fast when you fall asleep on his chest, the next day he’s punching the air in joy.
he’s so cute omgg, cheeks and ears are all red when he asks you if you need anything else. 
he just wants to hold you close to him but at the same time he’s so nervous to ask you, he just keeps fumbling with his hands, trying not to make it obvious.
so you’ll have to do it yourself if you want to cuddle with him.
but once you’ve settled in his arms, he’s not letting you go, feeling so good with having you all close to him. 
another human heater who will keep you warm all night. 
100% would bury his face into your neck or hair to breathe in your scent all night.
he’s honestly pretty calm about it, trying to tell himself that it’s not that deep.
really it’s because he is very comfortable around you so he perfectly knows that it’s going to go well. 
everything feels so natural, and you fitting so well in his arms feels just right too. 
however, he cannot ignore how fast his heart is beating when you wrap your arms around his waist and nuzzle your face in his neck.
even if he wakes up before you the morning after, he’ll stay with you in bed, admiring your beautiful features.
warning you before that if you disrupt his beauty sleep, he’ll kick you out (but let’s be honest, it’s only to hide how nervous he is).
helps you do your skincare before you both go into bed (yes, that is another excuse to be closer to you and touch your face).
he will also braid your hair because he says that it protects them during your sleep. 
with how close he is to you all the time, you don't expect him to be so far away when you get under the covers. 
but once you say it’s okay for him to cuddle with you, he doesn’t let you go all night. 
you end up falling asleep to him telling you the most recent stories that happened to him this week, and he finds you so cute that he cannot be mad about it. 
will try to keep his usual chill persona but he feels all giddy inside. 
he smiles so much more than what you’re used to, just because he’s happy to get to spend more time with you. 
you two end up talking until dawn, about anything and everything, jumping from the most serious subject to the less important one. 
when you finally fall asleep, you’re close but not touching each other but when he wakes up in the morning, your head is laying on his chest, sleeping peacefully and his arms are around your waist.
he will not make any moves until you open your eyes because he loves the feeling of holding you like that. 
he’s so shy, he doesn’t know what to do with himself anymore. 
constantly asks you if you need something, and bet that he’s ready to do everything for you to be comfortable. 
will play with your hair under the excuse that “they look soft” and they really do but it’s also because it helps you relax (and because he just loves doing it).
he could take matters into his own hands and cuddle with you, but if you initiate it, he’s going to melt inside. 
literally the best sleep of his life (and yours too).
will spend another three hours in bed after waking up, just talking with you because it feels too good being in your arms.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my works.
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svt masterlist (fill in this to be added) :
@lil-kpopstan @hann1bee @iraisswiftie @bewoyewo @lichyuu
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moonydustx · 3 months
a/n: just leaving it here
How does it feel?
part 2 here - How does it taste?
warnings: smut, porn with no plot. Law "teaching" F!Reader how to have orgasms. without many warnings to avoid spoilers.
Law x F!Reader
Comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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Law found it funny how escalating a conversation between his friends - coincidentally also his crewmates - could escalate.
It had started with each person commenting something about the most recent island they had visited, the chat continued until the topic became about Shachi having met a woman, staying with her and she said that she had had the best night of her life and then she charged him for the services. Finally, the subject that had left him uneasy: orgasms.
His uneasiness was directed at you and how you claimed you had never had one. That your previous companions didn't seem too concerned about it and you had never been able to get close to the height of your pleasure not even by yourself. You and Law were nothing more than a few stolen kisses when you were both high or when a certain need struck. You had never gone beyond that, you had never assumed anything either. But Law couldn't get it out of his head.
That was when he convinced you to accompany him to the bedroom and as soon as the door closed behind you, he took your lips in a kiss that, no matter how much you both denied it, was full of feeling on both sides.
"Can I help you with that?" he asked and saw you looked lost. "With the orgasm thing."
"Oh." was the only thing that seemed to come out of your lips. Your mind was going haywire with the information.
"I'll understand if you don't want to. I mean, it's a strange request, isn't it?" Law almost let his nervousness get the better of him. "I just want to make you feel good and I don't intend on actually reaching the end and..."
"Please." the request didn't seem clear to him, so you insisted. "Please give me an orgasm."
A growl escaped Law's lips and he had to control himself. The focus was on you and only your pleasure that night. After you discovered what it was like to actually get there, he would let you choose whether you wanted to continue feeling that way with him.
"Take off your uniform." Law took a few steps back and sat down on the bed.
He watched you take off your outfit and remain in just a thin blouse and panties. A sight that pleased him enough. He leaned against the headboard and tapped the padded spot in front of him and you promptly complied, sitting up and letting his arms wrap around you.
"What do you plan captain?" you turned your face so you could face him.
"First, no captain here." he pointed out. "I plan to teach you how to get there. And then you can do it yourself or teach your future partners." the idea sounded bitter on his lips, but he didn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable situation.
"So where do we start?"
"This way."
He gently held your face and started kissing you. Calmly, he felt you snuggle even closer to him. Almost like an authorization for him to sink deeper into your mouth.
While his tongue massaged yours, eliciting small murmurs that vibrated between you, one of his hands kept you trapped in the kiss, cupping your face. The other walked around your body, running down the sides of your skin, down your thighs. You squeezed your legs, trying to find some relief from the heat that was starting to accumulate there.
"A kiss is a good way to start." He pulled away just enough to comment, returning to your lips for a few more seconds. "When it's about you, a kiss is a good thing for any occasion."
"Don't say things like that." you moved away from his lips almost definitively, your head lolling just enough to rest against his chest.
The sight - almost as sinful as his own thoughts - was something to behold. You were there waiting for him to start showing you what pleasure was. One of his hands continued to trace some incoherent patterns on your skin, while the other wandered over your hardened nipple.
"Women are a little different from men in this regard." now avoiding touching your nipple through the thin fabric of the shirt, he just circled the areola. "Some are extremely sensitive at this point, others not so much, for some it also depends on the period of the cycle."
This time, he suddenly ran his thumb firmly over your nipple, your back letting you touch his chest for a brief moment, just to seek more contact.
"I see you fit into the first group."
"And what does that mean?" the question sounded innocent and silly, but it was difficult to think with Law so close to you, where you needed him.
Both of his hands came up enough to remove the straps of your blouse and expose your breasts.
"It means I can have some fun with them." he need to focus this was about you and not him. "So fucking beautiful."
His fingers gently slid over the two highlighted points. First he caressed your nipples gently, testing to see how much more you might want. Seeing you tighten your thighs even more and move a little in search of friction, Law captured both nipples between his fingers, eliciting an intense gasp from you.
Since the position didn't allow him to taste it directly on his lips, he at least tried to simulate the sensation for you. The hands that were previously on your nipples briefly went to his mouth and were bathed in saliva. In a calculated movement, Law placed his wet fingers back on your nipples just as his mouth closed on your neck in a wet kiss. A no longer so shy moan escaped you and made his dick twitch inside the pants he was wearing.
"Law, this...this feels good." your body arched against his fingers.
"I bet I could make you cum with just that." his lips untied themselves from you only to speak softly in your ear. "I will do this next time."
His hands allowed themselves to slide down your body again, now exciting a more breathless version of you. Law took his hands to your bare thighs and after caressing them, he gently opened them, placing them on top of his legs. Even though you were still covered by your panties, you felt exposed.
"Most women don't like to get straight to the point. Teasing can help make things more interesting." His hands ran up your inner thighs, raising goosebumps.
"I don't think provoking is the best option." you tried to sound firm, but your voice came out more breathless than you expected.
"This tells me otherwise." without hesitation, two firm fingers pressed your damp panties. "This pretty pussy is so wet just from me teasing you a little."
"Please Law." you tried to move against his fingers, which were now sliding along the sides of your intimacy.
"Did you know that the labia majora also have nerve endings?" he pointed out, ignoring your plea and letting his fingers slide. "Some stimulus can help."
His movement stopped for a brief moment, so brief that you were unable to ask why he had stopped or to contain your moan when you felt him touch through your panties where you needed it most.
"But they're not as sensitive as this one." Law started to make small circles over where your clit was. When he looked at your face, he could see that you had brought both hands to cover your mouth, your nails digging into your own cheek. "Room. Silence." he saw your eyes look around briefly. "Just let me hear you, please."
As soon as the blue dome formed around you, Law deftly removed your hands from your lips and covered them with his own mouth. His tongue invaded your mouth shamelessly while his movements over the damp fabric of your panties became a little faster. Your hands tried to hold on to him as best you could and even with him kissing you so voraciously, your moans still found space to remain there against his lips. Again, he stopped his movements and moved away from your lips just enough to find your attentive eyes, dilated pupils and reddened lips.
"I'll buy you another one. As many as you want."
Instead of explaining why, you just felt his two hands force the fabric of your panties and it split into some pieces.
The touch of his fingers directly against your little bud could be enough for Law to have his own orgasm there. More exciting than that was just seeing your eyes closing in front of his, a loud moan escaping your lips at such a short distance from him. Heavens, that was a little bit of paradise he thought he'd never taste.
"I need more Law, more please." you turned to him again, but one of your hands remained tied to the back of his neck. "It feels so good, so fucking good."
"Fuck" he murmured against the skin of your neck as his fingers slid easily to your entrance. The warm wetness against his fingers left him on the verge of irrationality. Gently, he slowly penetrated you with his middle finger, your fingers against the back of his neck held tight to Law's dark strands of hair. "That's a good girl, I can feel you squeeze me. Is that what you wanted?"
"D-Don't stop Law, please." you involuntarily moved your hips against the back and forth of his finger, searching for more and more.
"I won't stop, babe, I won't." Law removed his entire finger and added his ring finger, slowly penetrating them again. The way you moved your hips against his fingers - and against his cock behind you - indicated that you wouldn't last long. "You're taking me so good, pussy so fucking tight."
“Law, I just…” as soon as his fingers pressed against your g-spot, a sharp scream left you. A knot beginning to tighten and burn inside you. "Fuck, that's it. I c-can feel something, I think… Law, please."
Seeing you start to lose control of your hips and tighten even more inside your pussy, Law knew he needed little for you to get there - and to be quite honest, he was about to reach an untouched orgasm himself.
"Stop holding back." His voice came out as a whisper at the edge of your ear, using the palm of his hand to stimulate your clitoris, your increasingly intense moans were a melody for him. "I can feel you squeezing me, begging for more. Come on, give it to me, let me feel you come. Just for me, okay? You're going to do this just for me."
"Law!" With one last moan from you, Law could feel you squeeze him hard and the fingers inside you become drenched as your body softened against his arms.
Giving a few more gentle caresses against your intimacy, Law took his hand away from you and had to dare the urge to put his fingers to his own lips. He would have the chance to taste you and when he does, he will taste it straight from the source itself.
Seeing your tired form nestled against his chest, Law let the caresses against your body be softer and without any trace of malice, just as his lips placed some chaste kisses on the top of your head.
"Thanks for trusting me." You smiled at his thanks, taking one of his hands and placing a small kiss on it. "So... how does it feel?"
"It felt so good, I've never felt that before." you adjusted yourself just enough to meet his lips.
"Yes, it was great."
"I'm sorry for not making it up to you." you pointed out and saw a light laugh escape his lips. "What?"
"I feel like a teenager, but..." his gaze directed yours to the wet spot on his light pants. "Feeling you and hearing you was a little too much for me."
You both laughed for a brief moment, enjoying the little bubble of affection that seemed to be surrounding you.
"Law?" his murmur indicated that he was paying attention. "You must be pretty experienced, right? To know all this."
"Not so much." his fingers intertwined with yours. "Part of it I know because I'm a doctor, so it's easier to know how bodies work. And part of it is because I've seen it in some books."
You just nodded and snuggled into him, his fingers were distracted playing with yours. This time, just like you had done, he called your name and you just mumbled back.
"What I said before." it was strange, but Law felt a little shy about bringing the subject on board. "I take back what I said. I wanted this – what you felt today – to happen just to me and not to other partners."
"It's okay. I also want you to be the one to do this to me."
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mingtinys · 6 months
" i already have the world "
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pairing : jeon wonwoo x gn!reader
"13 ways to say "i love you" with seventeen"
warnings : none
word count : 0.5 k
a/n : unsure if i'm happy with this , but the writers block was BAD and so i ended up falling victim to the gamer!wonwoo trope
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You truly wonder how Wonwoo still finds it in himself to wake up as early as he does to make his various schedules. Especially when it's already two in the morning yet he's still locked in on his computer screen, furiously clicking away. Meanwhile, you're walking a very thin line of consciousness.
If it weren't for the giant glowing monitor and the voices shouting through Wonwoo's headset, you probably would've lost your battle against sleep by now. And judging from the increasingly irritated shouts of Seungcheol and Jihoon for Mingyu to "go left," it sounds like Wonwoo's team is losing theirs.
"Your other left, idiot," You just barely make out Jihoon's exhausted words. "Wonwoo, please help him, you're closest."
"Yeah, I'm already on it. Someone cover me–" There's a pause, then a sad tune plays and you force your eyelids back open just wide enough to catch the giant "LOSE" written across the display. "Never mind, good game."
"It was most definitely not," Seungcheol complains.
"One more round?" Mingyu asks, even though this is their fifth "one more round."
"Yeah, just give me a minute and we can start," Wonwoo says before promptly muting his mic. He nudges you with his shoulder, earning a very unamused groan back in response.
"You can go to bed if you want," he chuckles.
"Alone?" You whine, which only makes him laugh more.
"You're right, what a ridiculous idea," he teases. "This is the last one for real this time, promise."
You're head falls to Wonwoo's shoulder with a sigh. He readjusts, allowing you to rest more comfortably. With your newfound pillow, sleep easily consumes you.
Your breathing slows down to a steady pace almost instantly and Wonwoo glances down with a soft chuckle. "I'm sorry I kept you up," he whispers, placing a feathery kiss on the top of your head.
He unmutes his mic. "Hey, sorry guys, I'm gonna log off for the night."
"What? Dude, we're just about to start. Please don't leave me with Seungcheol and Jihoon!" Mingyu urges. Wonwoo contemplates it, a match would only be around twenty minutes. But one more look at your sleeping form and that thought is gone as soon as it comes.
"Sorry, it's late, good luck though."
"Wait!" Mingyu tries again. "What if I buy you lunch tomorrow?"
"Goodnight, Mingyu."
"A coffee? Your favorite pastry from that bakery half an hour away? The world? What's it gonna take?"
"Mingyu, stop being dramatic and let the man go to bed." Seungcheol chastises.
Wonwoo secures his arm around your waist and pulls you against him when he notices your head slipping from his shoulder. An action that makes you snuggle further into his side in your unconscious state. Perhaps his heart has gone a little soft, but no offer could possibly amount to the moments like these he gets to spend with you.
So while lunch and a coffee is a tempting offer, it simply doesn't compare. "Besides," he says in a last goodbye into the mic. "I already have the world."
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taglist: @matchahyuck @dontwannaexsist @minnieminshi
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chastiefoul · 8 months
sleepy day w/ love and deepspace men ft. zayne, xavier, rafayel
fluff / 0.5k words
“i won’t cave in anymore the next time you insist on us watching a movie near midnight,” he sighed, knowing damn well that he most definitely will cave in again. you struggled opened your eyes, zayne’s gentle voice sounded like a comforting background noise as you’re hanging to the thinnest thread of awake state. “nooo,” you whined quietly, lying on his lap as you put your arms around his hand, snuggling it closer. zayne just let out another tired sigh, knowing at this point saying anything will be futile since your mind’s all hazy with sleepiness. although there’s a little smile across his lips, the thumb of his free hand stroking the spot above your ear ever-so-softly, “you can’t sleep on the couch, it’s not good for your back,” he whispered, planting a small kiss on your eyelid. “sshhh, naggy zayne.” you frowned slightly while the smile on his lips was an inch wider.
seeing that you’re probably not going to wake up anymore anytime soon he just put a blanket (that he secretly put near the couch on movie nights) over you. once he made sure it had covered you all the way to your toes he leaned back, getting comfortable. another sleep on the couch it is then he thought, a smile still ghosting over his lips.
“roles reversed, it seemed like.” xavier smiled as he stared at you adoringly. you both were currently sharing a rainy cozy evening with a card game before drowsiness hit you. “’m not sleepy,” you mumbled, forcing yourself to be awake as you leaned on his shoulder, your eyes felt terribly heavy. “i didn’t say you are,” the man beside you replied calmly, resting his head on top of yours. “your turn, xavi.” you mumbled the quietest voice. he smiled and shook his head slowly.
“it’s been your turn for the last ten minutes baby, but you keep dozing off.” his finger drawing random patterns on your thigh, and it just felt blissful. “really? lies.” you managed to say, already giving up to stay awake as you closed your eyes. xavier just watched you lovingly, as he kissed the side of your head. “alright, let’s get you to bed. i could use a nap myself.”
“i turned my back for 5 seconds and you’re already off to dreamland,” he said, crossing his arms. you blinked a few times; the urge to sleep still consumed you. “spare me please, i’ve run around fighting so many wanderers today,” you replied, resting your head on the loveseat headrest. “figured, considering you made me wait 800 years for you to come here,” rafayel grumbled, taking your hand in his. you narrowed your eyes at his theatrics, “it’s more like one hour, but you know, details.” you rolled your eyes playfully.
despite all his complaints he brought you close to his chest, “as punishment, you’ll listen to me explaining how to get the perfect sage green color,” he said and he rambled on. you chuckled a little, you knew that he knew you loved listening to him as he spoke so gently, stroking the ends of your hair strands, lulling you into a deeper sleeping state. once he made sure you’re completely out he just smiled, perhaps if what’s on the end of the line was a day he could see you sleep so peacefully in his arms again, he won’t mind waiting for another 800 years.
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from-izzy · 4 months
[08:52] | nct lee donghyuck | haechan
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“I love how you cared for me after, especially last night.”
pairing » nct lee donghyuck (haechan) x fem!reader​
trope/au » ​established relationship au!, marriage!au, non-idol au!
genre » mildly (?; as compared to my latest one before) suggestive but mainly fluff, dad haechan and mum reader, fluffy aftercare morning, just a cute little scenario in the morning, husband haechan who loves you very much, gentle haechan who treats you well, haechan and you both get to be the little/big spoon
word count; estimated reading time » 1626; ~6 mins
warnings (lmk if i missed anything!) » aftercare in the morning (continued from previous night), suggestive talk, reader wears haechan's clothes, reader has hair long enough to be tucked behind the ear, mentions of s*x; from previous night (no smut), haechan touches your lower body momentarily, abdominal cramps after s*x, (a ton of) kissing, pet names (baby girl, bubs), nicknames (hyuck), mildly (?) suggestive sentence at the end, haechan implied to be physically bigger, not proofread 😭
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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just a small little something because exam season got me going 🤸🤸🤸🤸
i have a feeling that the next story i release is going to be a long one and is going to be quite emotional (for me at least) so this is a little 180 before that happens!
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The sun seeps through the small gaps between your curtain and the birds sing their songs too early for your liking; especially after what happened last night. Blinking your eyes open wasn’t effortful and so was satisfyingly yawning your sleep away. What your overused muscles did not like too much however was when you tried to sit up on the bed, your abdomen forcing your head to lay back on your pillow.
“Okay…” You chuckle to yourself, heat creeping onto your cheek when you remember the events of last night. A hand goes on top of your stomach, stroking your skin and remembering how someone else did the same thing to lull you back to sleep last night.
You turn your head towards that someone, an adoring smile on your face when you’re greeted with his messy morning hair and slightly gaped lips. You couldn’t help but lay on your side to admire Haechan’s features, his relaxed and light snoring making your heart beat faster. His eyelashes took your attention and you couldn’t help but brush the posterior side of your index finger along it, unfortunately stirring him into consciousness.
“Sorry,” You quickly apologised, scooting over closer to him to share some body warmth. You gently pulled his head to your chest, cradling and blocking the sun behind you from reaching him and playing with his black strands, humming a quiet song while your other hand patted his back.
Haechan satisfactorily groans at his wife’s loving touch, snuggling over to bury his nose between the pillow and the crook of your neck, “Morning, bubs.”
“Good morning, Hyuck,” pressing a kiss to the top of his hairline.
“How was your sleep?” His morning voice was still evident, deep and husky; almost like last night but in a more tame and most definitely more innocent way.
“Too good.”
You feel the smirk on your skin as Haechan leans into you to pamper kisses all over the curve of your shoulder, “Yeah?” Up towards your jawline to your chin. His tongue runs free a little bit when he reaches your bottom lip before lightly biting it. “You like that?” Asking after hearing you gasping and closing your eyes. “Baby girl, didn’t get enough action last night?”
A hand sneaks up past your waist, pulling his oversized shirt up and immediately finds its way on your lower body down to your ass. You couldn’t help but whine slightly when Haechan spread his fingers around one of your cheeks, his palm warmer than your body. He lightly grips your body, so differently from last night, and you can’t help but tilt your head down to kiss him as he reminds you of last night. 
You got lost in his lips treating yours so gently, making sure that he pours all his love into you. But as the intensity increased, you forgot about the lower body pain and your husband was alarmed by the way you pulled away suddenly, flopping over on your back with the crease between your eyebrows evident.
Haechan gives you space, backing away just enough to get a proper look at you. He props up to one elbow against the bed, a hand tucking your hair behind your ears, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head, a reassuring smile forming on your lips as soon as you see the worry in his eyes. A hand cups Haechan’s jawline, pulling him closer for a kiss. Just like before, Haechan didn’t stop giving you light reminders of his love around your face this time: the tip of your nose, forehead, eyelids and anywhere he could reach without hurting you. The hand that held your lower body moments before is now over the weighted blanket over you both, and he strokes the cotton to where your stomach is below.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, bubs.”
“You didn’t. Don’t apologise for that, Hyuck.” You immediately attempt to reassure his worries, “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“You didn’t, bubs.”
But Haechan still couldn’t help but pout again and you mirror his expression more exaggeratedly in hopes of making the situation lighter; to make sure he knows that he took care of you well straight after as well and that last night shouldn’t be something he should apologise about.
“I love how you cared for me after, especially last night.” A light blush spread across his face and you giggled at the way he face dived into his cushion, red and shy. “Pulling me onto your lap, letting me rest on your shoulder while you dressed me and messaging my body.” 
“Were you okay?” You heard him over the pillow, “I tried to be as gentle as possible.”
“You were super gentle with me,” You nod, acknowledging him, “Non-stop kissing me and telling me that I’m beautiful.”
Haechan turns his head to you, a slight look of confusion on his face, “I’m just stating facts though?”
A push against his shoulder and a light melodic laugh is what you give him. Haechan joins in the laughter, and his hand over your stomach begins to move, his fingers rising and falling delicately. You both just stare at each other, commuting through your eyes the upturned corners of your lips. It wouldn’t be for too long though because this time, it’s your turn to be the little spoon, imitating exactly what you did before plus the addition of his whispers of sweet nothings against your ears. You indulge yourself in his warmth and his natural scent that reminds you of safety and home. The blanket is adjusted, Haechan pulling it up just underneath your eyes and you could swear you could slumber back to sleep at this moment. 
The door clicks open then and there, Haechan’s eyes lighting up at the sight of the little one. The younger girl runs to her parent’s bed like usual but stops in her tracks when Haechan puts a palm out towards her hurriedly, “Don’t jump on the bed, little bean.”
“Why…?” Sadness laced her voice.
“Mumma is in a little bit of pain at the moment,” You peek up behind your blanket, saying a quick greeting to what Haechan would say is a mini version of you. “Come over on this side,” Tapping an empty spot on his side of the bed.
Soon, your child slumps over your husband’s figure, chin resting on his biceps as she looks over to you sadly, “Mumma, are you alright?”
“I am, baby, don’t worry.” You outstretched an arm towards your child, patting her head and successfully putting a smile on your face.
“Whoever hurts my mumma will have to go through me!”
Oh, if only she knew.
“You can’t beat, dadda, bean.” 
…oh my. 
You mentally face-palmed at the conversation unfolding before you. As your child lightly slaps your husband’s arm and asks for a reason why you’re bedridden, you can’t help but hide your face behind your blanket. You hear your husband panicking and stuttering, trying his best to go around the topic whilst also giving her a proper explanation that no, Haechan would never hurt you in that way.
“Dadda! You said you would always take care of mumma!”
“I-I do!”
“Then what is this?” She points at you, “Get away from mumma!”
You could no longer contain your laughter and it was the reason why your child stopped reprimanding her dad. Seeing you smile and laugh was the only reassurance that your child needed because she no longer gave her dad slaps and Haechan mentally thanked you for getting him out of that situation.
But seeing your child awake also reminded you of the time and the empty belly that she must have. Your mother instincts kicked in and your stomach cramp didn’t matter with her in your sight, “Alright, mumma will get up now.” 
“Hey, hey, no you’re not.” Haechan takes hold of your shoulder, grabs the corner of the blanket from the other side of the bed and pulls it to your chest. He hovers above you, heart-shaped eyes decorating his gaze on you. His arm stays there to lock you in, “I’ll take care of her. Just rest, bubs.”
“Hyuck, it’s fine.”
“No.” He curtly responded. “Stay here. I’ll take care of the little gremlin.” 
“Dadda!” So maybe it wasn’t as quiet and subtle as he thought it was. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” Haechan pinches your daughter’s cheek, “Go to the kitchen. Dadda will meet you there with your favourite breakfast.” It didn’t take a second for her to jump out the bed, excited screaming and variations of ‘yay’s echoing your room, the hallway and soon, basically your whole house.
“Are you sure she’s not your mini me?” 
Haechan playfully scoffs, rolling his eyes at your question. “And what about my lovely wife? What breakfast do you want?”
“I’m not too hungry yet.” Feeling your eyelids becoming heavy once more as you exhale lightly from your lips, “I’ll make brunch later.”
Haechan hums at your thoughts and slips out from the shared blanket. The disappearance of the secure warmth and the weight of his hand on your stomach wasn’t the best but you’re aware of the parental duties that must be addressed first. As Haechan finally stands and stretches his limbs in the air, he doesn’t forget to give you a final kiss on the lips, staying there for a while, separating to look at you before planting another one.
“You shouldn’t want anything, baby girl,” Your slight eyebrow raise only made him smirk. And as you thought you would be able to go back to being sound asleep for another hour, Haechan just had to make your brain and heart go haywire, “Not with how I filled you up last night.”
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍
tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here or removed!): @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿
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golden-cherry · 6 months
deal - cl16 (27/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Cuddles and snuggles with friends are totally normal. But sleeping on top of each other?
Warnings: fluff, tiny bit of angst
Word Count: 3.2k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: if seems very rushed, I'm deeply sorry. I just didn't know how to write this chapter. feedback is appreciated (as always, please and thank you!)
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As a cold gust of wind blows around your heads, you snuggle a little closer to Charles. 
"Are you cold?" he whispers into your hair and strokes your spine with his fingertips, giving you goose bumps. Something he uses as a reason to tighten his arms around you. 
The fire in front of you is almost out, with only a few logs crackling in the bowl in front of you, providing the last bit of warmth in the dark December night. The thin blanket wrapped around you doesn't do much to keep out the cold wind. As you start to shiver, Charles pushes you off his lap.
"I'll add some more wood. Hopefully you'll be a bit warmer then," he smiles gently and gets up from the couch. 
"It's okay," you reply and start to fold the blanket in your lap. "It's already late. We can just go home." 
But your roommate shakes his head. "We can still stay here." 
"But -"
"I still want to stay here." His tone sounds almost desperate. "Please."
When you look into his eyes, there's a warm sparkle in them. And when he smiles, the sweet dimples bore into his cheeks, and you can do nothing but return his smile. "Let's go then. It's freezing."
You watch him take some logs from the corner by the patio door and place them in the almost burnt-out fire bowl. While you stretch out on the sofa cushions and snuggle back into the blanket, he lights a new fire. The light from the flames illuminates his face and gives it a golden glow. 
You rest your head in your hand. "I didn't know you were so good at starting a fire." 
Charles, kneeling on the other side of the fire bowl, can't help but grin. His gaze flickers from the flames in front of him to you. "There are a few things I'm good at that you don't know about." He licks his lips once before straightening up and taking the few steps to the couch. His eyes move from your face to your covered body. "Is there room for me too?"
You raise your eyebrows before pulling your knees up a little so he can sit at the other end of the couch. "Here you go."
Charles rolls his eyes. "Nuh-uh." Before you know it, he slides his arms under your body and lifts you off the couch - without much effort. "We'll share the space. It's fair." He sets you on your feet and pushes the blanket into your hand, then stretches out on the sofa so quickly that you can't protest. He clasps his hands behind his head and grins at you. 
You, on the other hand, cross your arms in front of your chest. "I think we have different definitions of 'sharing'." As he slips an inch, you have to suppress a smile. "And apparently also of 'fair'."
"I think it's very fair," he defends himself, dropping one arm to his side so that it's between his body and the backrest. "I'm lying on the couch and you're lying on top of me." He shrugs, as if it's no big deal that he wants you to lie with your body on top of his. "Come on. I thought you were cold. And standing around isn't going to help you warm up."
You step from one foot to the other. "You sure?"
Charles rests his head on the armrest of the couch before spreading his arms out. "Come on. We sleep in a bed at home. There's not much difference here."
Not much difference. 
You feel your heart pounding. "There's a big difference between lying on top of each other and lying next to each other." 
Charles sighs loudly before sitting up and reaching for your hand. You can't resist as he pulls you towards him with all his strength, almost causing you to trip over your own feet. The blanket falls to the floor and thank God you can support yourself with your free hand, otherwise you would have landed on his face. 
Your friend wraps his arm around you so that you don't slip off him or land on the edge of the sofa. His cold fingers slide under your sweater and find their firm place at your side, while his free hand lifts the blanket from the floor and spreads it over the both of you. You have no choice but to lay your head on his chest and snuggle up to him. 
"It's not so bad, is it?" he murmurs into your hairline and kisses the top of your head, making your heart beat faster. You just hope he can't feel it. 
"For being so muscular, you're pretty comfortable," you confess, playing with his fingers as they continue to hold your hand. "Not as comfortable as the couch, but I'm not complaining."
You feel Charles' body shake beneath you. He laughs. "I can lie on top of you if you want." His fingertips slide further from your side and almost slide under your body. He presses you tightly against him. "Then I'd crush you. But maybe that wouldn't be so bad. The closer, the warmer."
You feel the blood rush to your cheeks and press your face into his chest. 
You're a little surprised that Charles turned the last remnant of his two-year relationship into ashes a few hours ago and is now making these kinds of comments. He even cried. But maybe that's what he needs. A friendship that goes deeper than shallow conversations and coffee dates. 
Maybe he needs the closeness, emotionally and physically. Something he can hold on to when the roof falls on his head. Someone who pushes him to be better, but also brings him back down to earth when he takes off. 
You want to be that person for him. Even if it costs you your heart.
You watch as the individual logs begin to burn. Charles' chest rises and falls beneath you and you feel his warm breath on your forehead as the fire crackles in front of you. Charles' hands change positions; the one that was holding your own a moment ago slides under your sweater to gently stroke your spine, while the other finds its way to your head. With warm fingertips, he brushes some of the hair from your face before he starts scratching your head. 
"Do you want me to fall asleep?" you murmur against his shirt-clad chest. 
"Would that be so bad?" You feel his lips move against the top of your head. Before you know it, you feel them on your forehead as he breathes a soft kiss on your cool skin. 
"Why? I thought I was comfortable?" His voice is barely louder than a whisper. 
You curl your fingers into his sweater. "Pretty much. You're pretty comfortable," you repeat to yourself. "My bed at home is more comfortable, though."
"Then I'm sorry." 
You twist your neck a little to look at him. You raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Sorry for what?"
He strokes your cheek once with his thumb. "That you have to make do with me." His warm breath caresses your face and although you are literally lying on top of him, you only now realize how close you are. 
You smile tiredly. "Don't worry," you push yourself up a little and press your forehead against his cheek; his beard scratches gently against your skin. "My bed may be comfortable, but you're still my favorite."
Charles' lips kiss the tip of your nose before he kisses your forehead once more. "You're my favorite too, mon amour." His long arms wrap around your body under the covers, holding you close as the rise and fall of his chest lulls you to sleep. 
You dream of peonies, pasta, red cars and lightning and warm lips on yours. Of strong arms that wrap around you, a body that lies on top of yours. You dream of Charles, his smile and the warmth he radiates. And only when his body moves beneath you do you slowly wake up from your dreams. 
"Sleep well?" Charles' voice is raspy and deep in your ear as you squirm a little in his arms. 
You exhale deeply, but keep your eyes closed. "Uh-huh." 
Charles laughs softly and your head bobs on his chest. "So I was more comfortable than I expected." 
Slowly, you open your eyes. The fire bowl has burnt out, there are only ashes in it and the only things that light up the night are the moon and the stars in the sky above you and a small lamp that shines a soft cone of light on you from the living room. "How long have I been asleep?" You rub your eyes sleepily. 
"A few hours. But don't worry, as far as I know you weren't drooling," he jokes, but that doesn't stop you from jumping off the couch as if bitten by a tarantula. 
"I'm sorry," you apologize, running your fingers through your hair, "I didn't mean to use you as a personal pillow." 
"It's okay," he replies with a smile and scratches his beard. "I was going for it with the cuddling and the tickling, after all." He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm quite irresistible."
An image of him on top of you flickers in your mind's eye. How true. 
"I'm sorry though." You grab Charles's legs and lift them up so you can sit on the couch next to him. His calves rest on your lap. "Your back must be incredibly sore."
He waves his hand. "This couch is still better than the one in our old apartment. It really was a horror." He leans back a little, stretches his back over the armrest and you can both hear the crack of individual vertebrae in his back. When you look at him with a raised eyebrow, he grins. "Oops."
"Come on." You push his legs off you and stand up. "Let's go home. There's a super comfy bed waiting for us. And there's enough room so we don't have to sleep on top of each other." You hold out your hand to him to pull him off the couch. 
He puts his hand in yours, but instead of you pulling him up, he pulls you back towards him so that you end up on his lap. "Then let's stay here. On this couch. It's not as comfortable as our bed, but at least I'll have you lying on top of me." His grin is so wide that it almost reaches his ears.
You roll your eyes in mock annoyance. You try to suppress the fact that your hands start to sweat and a warm shiver runs down your spine. "You're impossible."
"I thought I was irresistible?" he asks, leaning forward. 
You hold your breath. "You said that, not me. And you're talking a lot of nonsense."
Charles lifts his hand and places it against your cheek, letting it wander until his fingers find your neck and his thumb lifts your chin. His mouth opens and his tongue glides over his full lips. "True. But when I say you're the most important person in my life, that's not nonsense." 
You place your hand on his. "Then what is it?"
"The truth." He smiles lovingly. "You are - the light in my darkness, the fire in my veins, the music in my heart. I never expected that you could grow so fond of someone in such a short time. And then you came along." He hesitantly removes his hand from your cheek and the warmth it had radiated disappears. "You're my best friend."
Never in your life have you wanted to scream as loudly as you do at this moment. And you want to scream at the man in front of you, tell him that you want to be more to him than his best friend, that you want to kiss him, that you want to be his. And that you can hardly stand it when he's not with you.
And you want to scream at yourself, smack yourself, because you're trying to convince yourself that a friendship is enough, even though your heart is telling you that it's the last thing you want from him. You want to grab yourself by the shoulders and shake you until you come to your senses. 
You are Charles' friend. His best friend. And even if actions speak louder than words, his words were unmistakable. 
You smile at him. "I wouldn't want to be anything else either."
While Charles pushes the sofa back into place, you clear away the rest. You fold up the blanket and put it on the back of the sofa in the living room and the empty Coke cans end up in the garbage can in the kitchen. There's no sign of Joris, but his bedroom door is closed and there's not a sound to be heard. The apartment is dead quiet until Charles joins you in the kitchen. 
"Last time we were here, we had a fight afterwards, remember?" he asks, leaning against the doorframe. 
You turn to him and take a look at the kitchen island, where nothing is lying around except for a large wooden board. You chew the inside of your cheek. "I hate to remember that."
Your flatmate tilts his head. "The phone call or the argument?"
"The fight."
Charles pushes me away from the doorframe and stands opposite you at the kitchen island. "I'd like to apologize again. I went one step too far. And we haven't even known each other for twenty-four hours."
"No, listen to me." He circles the counter until he stands in front of you and takes your hands in his. They're soft and warm. "I crossed a line that day and you were right to be angry with me. I just want to say again that I definitely don't want to do that again. The fighting I mean." He smiles. "I'd defend you to Raphael any time of day or night."
You purse your lips. "Then it's a good thing we can leave him behind. Just like Annika."
He lifts your hands and presses a fleeting kiss to your knuckles. "And I couldn't have done it without you."
The drive home isn't far, thank God, and as Charles parks his brother's car in the underground garage, you're overcome with tiredness again. You would have preferred to stay in the car, recline your seat and close your eyes. But Charles's hand on your thigh pulls you back into the world of the living. 
"We're here, sleepyhead. Come on, there's a warm bed waiting for you upstairs that can hardly wait for you to snuggle up in."
"I can hardly wait either," you smile as you unbuckle your seatbelt and follow your roommate to the elevator. The light inside is bright and far too harsh for your tired eyes, so you close them and lean your head against the elevator wall. "I'm so tired."
"But you slept." 
You open your eyes and look at your friend. "What's up with you? Aren't you tired too?"
He shrugs his shoulders. "Do I look that exhausted?" He runs a hand through his hair. "I slept a bit too, don't worry. You lying on top of me wasn't just comfortable for you."
You try not to think too much about his comment as you get ready for bed and then lie down in your long-awaited bed. You plug your phone into the charging cable and see an Instagram notification pop up. 
You have to smile. 
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liked by pierregasly and others tagged: yourusername francisca.cgomes: favorite cardigan, favorite person
"What's up?" asks Charles, who closes the door behind him. 
You try not to stare at his naked torso, which, thank heavens, you manage to do. "Here, Kika's following me on Instagram now." You hold your phone out to him briefly so he can see her post. "I'll just follow her back."
"Can I follow you now too?" he asks as he lies down in bed next to you, phone in hand. 
You look at him in confusion. "You're already following me."
Charles laughs as if you've told a joke. "That's right. But this is my private account. I'd like to follow you on my official account, if that's okay with you."
"It's okay with me," you reply, "but are you sure? After all, Kika has tagged me in her pictures. And if they go to my profile, they'll see that you're following me too, won't they?"
You don't really want to rub his caring in, but it was his idea to take Kika and Pierre furniture shopping. And to drive through Monaco in your old Renault. The fact that he wants to follow you - quite publicly and for everyone to see - on Instagram goes against everything he's done for your safety. 
"They will. But we're friends, after all, and I won't be able to keep you out of the spotlight forever."
"All right." A moment later, another notification pops up. You quickly accept his request and follow him back before looking at the last picture he posted. You grin at him. "Cool picture, who took that?"
Playfully clueless, he shrugs his shoulders before snuggling into the pillow. "My best friend." 
As you put your phone away, he switches off the bedside lamp and darkness and silence fill the room. You feel his warmth under the covers and you want to scoot the few inches over to him and press yourself against him until you're engulfed by his warmth. 
"Would it be weird if we cuddled?" His voice sounds hesitant, as if he was struggling to ask you that. When you don't answer, Charles quickly backpedals. "I'm sorry. I know we're just friends, but - I don't know - when you're there, I feel like I'm at home. And it calms me down when you're with me. I'm sorry, that all sounds totally selfish."
You reach under the blanket for his hand. He squeezes it twice. "Friends can cuddle too, I think. I mean, without ulterior motives."
"Good," he murmurs and his arm wraps around your middle to pull you closer. He drapes your leg over his hip and your hand rests on his chest. "Is that okay with you?" His fingertips dance on your bare skin under your sleep shirt. 
You press your face into his neck and breathe in deeply. As you exhale and your hot breath brushes over the soft skin of his neck, he pushes your leg down a little further, tangling your limbs together. "If that's what it is for you." 
"It is." Charles presses one last kiss to your forehead before resting his cheek against the top of your head again. "And now we need to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I don't think my mother can wait to get to know you better." 
"Do you think she'll like me?" you ask softly into the darkness. 
Charles' skin is warm and soft against yours as he presses you against him and your shirt slides up a little. "I think that anyone who gets to know you better will fall head over heels in love with you. Whether they want to or not."
Charles Instagram post
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liked by francisca.cgomes, pierregasly and others charles_leclerc: aux nouveaux départs posted three days ago
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angelfrombeneth · 8 months
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Mature Content Ahead
Theodore Nott x F!Reader
Summary: *REQUESTED* During a late night with your friends, after a chaotic slytherin party - you all wind down in the boys dorms. After a while, a game is played with a twist, Who knows what'll happen in that small wardrobe.
Warnings: SMUT, Switch!Theo, Switch!Reader, Oral both F & M!Receiving, Breathplay, Dacryphillia
A/N: This isn't proof read, I apologise. I've been really busy with deadlines so writing may not be as good. I'm writing a good two part smut that'll come out soon!
You and Theodore are friends, and have been for years. You both harbour a small crush on one another but neither of you two know about the others crush - and neither do your friends, except Pansy.
Pansy knows every single secret that passes through Hogwarts. She knows everything about everyone and basically has hundreds of secrets at her disposal. Times like these, makes you grateful you guys are friends and not enemies.
After an infamous Slytherin party, which was chaotic as always. You all retreated up to the boys dorm and into Mattheo, Theodore and Enzo's shared dorm - much to Mattheo's dismay.
Mattheo stumbled over to his bed, crashing face first into the pillows, letting out a loud groan.
"I told you not to drink so much" Pansy scoffed, throwing a pillow harshly at him as she grabbed your hand and pulled you over to Enzo, who was sat on his bed.
You sat, giggling as you snuggled between Pansy and Enzo. The pair cuddling you from both sides.
"Why is it that the gay ones get the most action" Draco scoffed in our direction. Sitting beside Blaise on Theo's bed as Theo sat pratically ontop of Mattheo.
"Don't be upset Draco, we get more action that you" Pansy snickered.
"Fuck off" Draco scoffs.
At that moment Daphne, Luna, Astoria, Cedric and Hermione join. Hermione was particularly nervous being in the Slytherin common room, especially the fact her two best friends are Slytherin mega haters.
You and Pansy had adopted Hermione into your 'girlie' group after you heard abt issues between her and Ron, she needed some girly guidance and you guys were there.
"Mione!" You cheered, as she smiled seeing you as she walked over you both exchanging a hug.
"Nice to know your excited to see me Y/N" Astoria scoffed. You and Astoria were good friends, with her being Daphne's younger sister she was worried about bonding with people - but you two were like glue always having the best jokes together.
"Shut up Tori" You laughed.
Everyone sat down in huddles and exchanged light conversation. Mattheo pulled out his bong which got everyone looking at him. It wasn't long before everyone sat in a circle and was passing it around and basking in the 'chill vibes'.
You were sat inbetween Enzo and Astoria, giggling away at something Enzo had said. You felt eyes on you, and looked up to see Theo's dark piercing gaze looming over you. He had been looking at you all night, you noticed it and he knew you knew. But you both were too pussy to even make a move.
He turned away, putting a cigarette in his mouth, covering the end as he lit it with his lighter before taking the cigarette between his fingers, leaning back and exhaling up in the air. His arms tensed as he held his weight his muscles slightly prominent. Theo was the definition of a sleeper build, you didn't know for sure but what you had seen from his arms you had a suspicion.
"Alright!" Pansy slapped her hands together. "I think we should play a game. How about, kiss or tell~" She sang. Everyone laughing at her, a few groans sounding around the room.
"Kiss or tell?" Hermionie questioned.
Daphne giggled at her as she sat back on Blaises lap, "Its where someone asks you kiss or tell, you choose and if it's kiss- we spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you kiss OR tell, you have to answer a truth question". Hermione nodded.
"Okay... I'll start Kiss or Tell.. Enzo" Pansy smiled to Enzo.
"Tell because I know you want some secrets" Enzo smirked.
"I always do, now.. Is it true you hooked up with Pucey and Wood in the same night" Everyone's head snapped to Enzo hearing the same rumour had been circulating Hogwarts for a few weeks.
"Yes and No? I did hook up with Pucey and Wood in the same night but it was also Fred Weasley too" He smirked. Everyone laughing at his response.
"You whore!" Draco laughed.
"I always knew you were sneaky" Mattheo looked at Enzo.
"Is that why I had to sleep on the fucking common room couch?" Theo scoffed.
Everyone laughed due to Theo's confession. The game went on a few more times, Draco choosing to kiss Blaise, Blaise admiring he blocked the toilet, Cedric and Enzo kissing, Pansy and Luna kissing, Hermione and Daphnne kissing, Enzo and You kissing which then brings you back to Enzo again.
"OK OK.. Astoria, Kiss or Tell?"
"Kiss duh!" She said as she pushed her hair back from her shoulders.
"Kiss... Mattheo" Enzo span the bottme, watching as it landed on Mattheo, he smirked. Only you, Pansy and Enzo knew of Astoria's mini crush on Mattheo.
You hid your mouth behind your hand as he grinned. Her eyes shooting daggers towards you and Enzo.
"Pucker up, sugar tits" Mattheo sighed as he watched Astoria get up from her spot.
"Shut up Mattheo" She groaned as she crouched before him, placing her hand on his shoulder as she kissed him.
Whopping sounded through the room as the pair kissed, after a few moment they pulled away- surprisingly both very red.
"Mattheo are you hard" Theo teased him, earning a massive smack over the head. "Ow! Fuck!"
You giggled slightly as Theo, rubbed the back of his head, looking up at you.
"Actually, I wanna change the rules because that was cruel!" She smirked as she rubbed her chin, staring directly at you. "Y/N" She cooed.
You stared at her blankly. "7 minutes" everyone sounded intruiged. "In the wardrobe with... Theodore" Astoria didn't know about your crush on Theo. Only Pansy but you froze when she said his name.
"Interesting pairing Tori" Blaise quirked.
"Very interesting actually, I didn't expect that" Cedric looked to Enzo, him nodding along.
You stood up, darting your eyes over to Pansy who had a devilish grin.
"While your both in there we will play Spin the bottle!" Astoria clasped her hands. You turned your head away from her and was faced with a chest. Theo's chest as he stood infront of you. You froze for a moment but he took your wrist and guided you over to the slightly walk in wardrobe. The pair of you pulled the door to the side as you stepped in, closing the door.
"Seven minutes!" Astoria yelled and that's the last thing you heard before shut.
"Why would she change the game" You scoffed, leaning against the wall.
"Very Astoria, flippy-floppy as always" He laughed. The small light in the room, lighting up his face slightly but it was still quiet dark. The pair of you leaning against opposite walls as you looked at eachother. Despite being on other sides it was a small wardrobe. His leg was pratically sandwiched between yours as you both cramped in here. Theo was like 6'1 and you were like 5'6 so the height difference was a bit.
"Its so cramped in here" You moved slightly, looming up to see Theo right above you. This was a very uncomftable situation and you were getting hot. "Its quite hot in here-" You awkwardly laughed as you fanned yourself.
Theo smirked down at you, noticing your very prominent cheeks. He had an ideas, he wanted to test- it was either now or never. He lifted his leg slightly between yours rubbing his thigh against your core as yiu squeaked. "Sorry, its quite tight-"
Your face reddened, your mind was plagued with dirty thoughts as you let out a shaky laugh. "Its ok-" You croaked.
"Fuck my life, your oblivious" Theo groaned as he placed a hand on your neck, crashing his lips against yours. You froze for a moment which caused Theo to pull away. Before he could say anything you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him back as your lips hit eachothers. This is all you wanted, was to kiss Theo.
Theo's free hand slid down your waist and around to your ass as he squeezed it slightly. You gasped at the motion which he took as an invitation to shove his tonguebin your mouth. The two of you were making out for what felt like forever before you both pulled away panting.
You stared at him, his face just millimeteres from yours. You can feel eachothers breath on one another. You saw his lips curl into a smirk as he pecked your lips once more before latching his mouth to your neck. It took you off guard and you let out a soft squeak as you leaned your head back. His lips were attacking your neck, nibbling and sucking but not enough to leave a prominent hickey which you were grateful. He moved further down towards your chest before stopping and looking up at you. You smiled down at him and he took that as permission as he reached round and unzipped your strapless dress, watching as it fell from your body revealing your extremely bare breasts.
"One piece of fabric covering these.. Fuck me" He smirked, kissing towards your breast before latching his mouth onto them, sucking the skin softly as he groped the other one with his hand. You let out soft shaky moans, gripping his hair tightly as you leaned your head back.
"Fuck- Teddy" you sighed, you could feel his smirk against your skin as he pulled away, dropping to his knees as he pushed you up against the folding door. It rustled for a moment but you were too invested in Theo. He bit and sucked at your thighs, definitely leaving marks here as he moved closer and closer to your core. His fingers hooking on the sides of your panties as he looked up at you.
"May I?" You nodded as he smiled, pulling tour panties down slowly as you quickly stepped out of them and he tucked them in his pocket. "Going to keep these, a little trophy"
Before you could protest his hand pushed your stomach as you leaned back against the door, your hands tangled in his hair as you peered down at him.
"Don't worry Bella, I'm a master" He smirked as he tapped your thigh for you to spread your legs before diving in head first.
You yelped, gripping at his hair as you leaned back, nibbling at your lip to hold your moans in. You gasped as you felt his tongue move inside of you, his nose rubbing against your clit as he ate you out.
You were entranced in heaven. Theo lifted one of your legs onto his shoulder to get a deeper angle, you really were in heaven. You tugged his hair as you let out soft moans, being careful not to be too loud.
"Fuck!" Your body betraying you as you slapped a hand over your mouth quickly as you grinded down on his face. Your eyes rolling in pleasure as he tongue moved lyrically against your folds. Like he was singing a song. The way he swirled and flicked had you nearly on the floor, if it wasn't for him and the door supporting you.
You gasped loudly as you whimpered out tugging his hair before throwing your head back and cumming all over his face. You panted heavily, your hand still over your mouth as you stood out of breath.
Theo pulled away, putting your leg down as he smirked, licking his lips as he stood up to look at you. "Taste perfect"
You gulped as you looked up at him.
"I love how you're still nervous, you're cute. Now taste yourself" He smiled as he kissed you softly once again. His hands gripping your hips as he pulled you closer. You could feel his clothed boner rubbing against your stomach as you gulped.
"Mhm.. Cute" He smiled as he pulled away. Theo didn't expect anything from you which was a huge change. He wanted to pleasure you and that's that- but you wanted to pleasure him.
You took his wrist looking at his watch. 4 minutes. You flicked your hair back as you settled onto your knees. Theo looking down at your questionably as you tugged at his trousers.
"Oh- Bella you don't have to-"
"Shh, I want to" You smiled, yanking off his belt, dropping it to the floor as you unbuttoned his trousers, yanking them down.
His throbbing erection directly infront of you in his boxers. You took a deep breath before yanking down his boxers, as they dropped to his ankles. Watching as his dick sprung out. You stared up at him in disbelief due to the size. You hasn't been with anyone this big before.
"You think you can take it, Principessa" He smirked as he caressed your cheek.
"I can try" You chuckled, pumping him a few times before licking the tip softly. His bottle lip instantly retracting into his mouth as he bit the flesh. You worked on getting him excited, licking up his length and swirling your tongue around the tip as you listened to his gasps and sighs above.
After a small amount of teasing you took the first few inches into your mouth. Sucking softly as you used your hands to satisfy the rest. Soft moans left his mouth as his hand collected your hair and yanked it into a ponytail.
"Fuck- your so hot" He sighed.
You take a few more inches, bobbing your head up and down at this point as you gripped his thigh. After getting used to it you took him in whole. You gagged slightly at first but continued to swirl your tongue around his whole length as you moved your head up and down against it. Theo's soft whines leaving his lips as he leaned back, panting heavily.
"Fuck yes.. More" He whimpered out as he pleaded to you. You didn't know you needed to see a submissive Theodore till now.
You continued to work your magic, popping his dick out your mouth as you licked and sucked the side before deep throwing yet again. The moans and whines from him as he hit your throat were amazing. You snaked your free hand that wasn't gripping his thigh down between your legs and you rubbed your clit. Grinding down against it as you hummed, bobbing your head. He was making you feel good all over and it was driving you insane.
"Fuck- Y/N- I can't hold back.. Fuck im sorry" He yelped as he gasped, gripping your hair tightly as he began to fuck into your mouth. It didn't take you completely off guard as you prepared for it. Your eyes rolled slightly as he continuesly hit the back of your throat, light gags coming from you as you slid your finger past your folds and inside of you as you fucked yourself.
Theo's breathless moans and whines sounded the wardrobe as he growled as he fucked into your throat harshly. Tears streaming down your face as your hand gripped harder on his thigh.
"Yes, take it like the slut you are hmm.. your a slut for me right" You hummed loudly as you sobbed with his cock full in your mouth.
"Love it, when cry for me" He smirked, watching as tears fell down your face. His pace speeding up at the sight.
You needed to tap out it was too much for you, you pushed your finger inside you once more before you came all over it, quickly pulling you as you gripped his thighs tightly aa his pace sped. You gaged quite loudly as tears poured from your eyes. Theo pulled out quickly for a moment, jerking himself off harshly as he took your head in his hand. "Yiu ok- Fuck" He moaned as he panted, his dick twitching in his fist.
You coughed slightly, before wiping your mouth and eyes looking up at him nodding.
"Good girl- Ah.. fuck- stick out your tongue" He groaned, as he watched you stick your tongue out staring up at him. His thrusts his hand roughly over his dick as he let out a deep groan as his body jerked as he came on your face, but mostly in your mouth.
You swallowed it all, before licking your lips and wiping some off your cheek and sucking your finger. You stood up looking up at him and smiling as he smiled softly at you, with a fucked out expression.
He leaned against the wall panting heavily as his hand was over his eyes. "Fuck- I can't even see straight" He laughed. You giggled, taking his wrist checking the time and seeing 1 minute.
You pulled your dress back on, zipping it up as you pulled Theo's phone from his jeans, fixing your makeup in the minimal light.
"You got me fucked up" He laughed, pulling up his boxers and jeans and buckling his belt before wiping his face over and ruffling his hair.
"Good, and I'd happily do it again" You smirked, flattening your hair out as the two of you now look widely presentatable.
Just in the moment you heard a mumble before light pours into the wardrobe as the door is ripped open. You squinted adjusting to the light, everyone looking at the pair of you.
"What! I wanted to catch them fucking or something" Mattheo scoffed.
"Boring, I would've been so down for that" Astoria groaned.
"We just spoke, there's nothing else to do" You shrugged, walking back to the group. Pansy's eyes like daggers on you and Theo as she scanned you both. You'd nearly gotten away with it until you turned towards Daphne who was sat next to her to reply and she saw the dark bite mark on your thigh just under your dress.
"Gotcha" She smirked to you and you looked at her clueless. You sat back down in your seat opposite Theo as the two of you smiled to one another.
You'd be doing this again sometime soon...
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Pairing- Dilf! Cowboy! Peter Parker x Innocent! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 6.5k
Summary: Your school girl crush on your employer, Mr. Parker grows as you spend more time with him helping out around his farm, and soon he wants you to meet his friends for a night out at the local dive bar (to simply show you off :) )
Warnings: SMUT, consentual bondage, daddy kink, mentions of sexual activities, sexual implications, flirting, use of drugs, drinks and guns, slight dumbification kink, praise kink, breeding kink, peter just grabbing ur body/ feeling you up, teasing, swearing, age gap ofc (reader mid 20s, peter 40s) peter really just takes pride and care of his girl, making sure she is safe and satsified :)
" life's gonna do what it does, sure as the good lord's up above, i'm cut like a diamond shinin' in the rough.. tough"- tough, lana del rey & quavo
part two to save a horse, ride a cowboy - but no need to read to understand this fic <3
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It wasn't the caw of the rooster that woke you this morning.
It was the feeling of a large, solid bicep that curled, caging your body in against another. His skin was warm to the touch, faint red farmers tan poking out at you as you snuggled deeper into the crisp,cool white linen sheets.
You felt Peters bare chest against your backside, the steady rise and fall of his chest soothing as you fought back sleep. The hands on his beside clock ticked, the minutes seeming to spin by faster then your eyes could follow as they fluttered open and shut.
Mornings like these were the best mornings you could've asked for.
They were rare, but they were precious.
The odd night you had managed to sneak out to visit Peter, which ended up with him taking care of you, from the beginning of the night to the ends of the morning.
It wasn't the cool morning breeze that slithered through the opened window that made you shiver, but the thought of Peter.
He had been teaching you how to ride, not horses- but him.
“Fuck darlin’ youre taking me so good. I know, I know-” he would coo as you whimpered, his cock stretching you out as he guided your hips to sink down onto him- to take him all.
“You’re doing such a good job honey, such a good job. You’re daddy's lil cowgirl aren't you? Learning how to ride me like a good girl.”
It made you squirm. Especially when after a while, he’d grow tired of your slower, gentler movements, gripping your hips and pounding up into you so hard you nearly fell off the couch if he hadn't been holding you.
You felt something poking out at your ass between the sheets, and you wiggled your body slightly, getting a low murmur from the sleepy older man beside you.
It was still early, and you knew your father wouldn't be awake any time soon, especially if he had been drinking. But you had cattle to tend to, and pigs to feed.
“Mr Parker…” you whispered, his arm still caging you in tightly.
“Mmm” he mumbled, eyes opening lazily, blinking slowly against the rising sun. “You’re not trying to escape from me, are ya?” he teased, pulling you in even closer, his morning wood flush against your ass, prodding at your lower back.
“I really don't want to leave sir I swear-”
“I’m joking sweet girl, I know. You have some calving happening don't you?”
You nodded.
I’ve been staying by them for most of the time when I’m not here. I like to think sometimes they like the company.” you smiled softly as he planted a kiss on the top of your head, then another.
“They most definitely enjoy it sweetheart. Especially yours. You're just such a sweet girl.” he hummed, large, calloused hands sliding under the sheets, down, down past your arms, slipping to give your ass a little squeeze before slipping up your little tank top to cup your breasts.
“Am I?” you asked, squirming in his grasp as his fingers toyed with you- a cat with its dinner, circling your hardened nipples.
“The sweetest. I just wanna keep you here baby, all the time, in this little bed so I can fill you up.”
You giggled, mind slipping from your duties for the day. His presence alone had your brain turning foggy, it was a miracle you could even think for yourself before he woke up.
But now? You were a goner.
“And why can’t you?”
He sighed, pinching the hardened bud between a thumb and finger. “Responsibilities honey. We both got them, and you're an independent girl.”
“I want you to take care of me though.” you pouted, giving him puppy dog eyes that drove him wild.
His tousled hair was soft between your fingers, his stubble harsher across his cheekbones. “Soon I will be sweetheart. I’ll make you my sweet lil cowgirl.”
You laughed as he kissed you all over, smothering you deeper into the pillows, his musky cologne engulfing you, lingering long after he had made his way to the bathroom, the sink handles cranking.
Cold water spewed out, captured in the same tender hands that had just cradled you as he rinsed his face. You called out for him, already missing his warmth, leaving him to stop dead in his tracks. You were fanned out on the bed- his bed, your body unfolding from under the sheets like an origami swan.
You lounged, eyes shut, your little shirt sliding further and further up your torso, tempting him. Before he could help himself, he grabbed his film camera that permanently was stationed on his old wooden dresser, the one his mother’s mother had before her, and so on.
Soon it would be covered in photos of you. His secret collection, a guilty pleasure of his favourite enigma that struck him down to his bones. You were a diamond in the rough in his life. You had consumed him, night and day. The way your voice sounded so sweet calling his name drove him to insanity.
The gentleness, the tenderness..
He needed to capture it.
“Mr. Parke- hey!” you protested as the shutter flickered a flash darting out between your heavy eyelids.
“You better not do anything with that, I look a mess.”
He snorted. “Was that a threat honey?” he asked, coy.
“Maybe hm?”
You shrieked as he set the camera down, taking a long stride before he was on top of you, caging you in as his hands pinned your wrists beside your head.
“You’re so beautiful my sweet… my beautiful, beautiful girl.” he murmured, eliciting a sigh as his forehead brushed yours, scruff grazing your neck as he inched closer to breath in the sweet scent of your perfume- always lingering on your skin.
You wiggled under him, attempting to free yourself from his grasp, and failing. It turned him on more then he cared to admit, to see you under him, almost helpless.
“Mr. Parker…”
“You know to call me Peter, sweetheart. You know what that name does to me.” He kissed your neck, once, twice and a third time.
“I should go… as much as I don’t want to…” you sighed, eyes darting over towards the ticking clock, hands seeming to move quicker and quicker as the minutes passed.
Your father would be awake soon, if not now, and that frightened you. If he woke up and found your bed empty…
“Come with me to the bar tonight. Please doll, I wanna show you off to all my friends, just to show them you’re mine.” he pleaded, seeming to make time stop completely, as you fell under his spell.
The way he was looking at you, yearning. Begging. You couldn't refuse. You didn't want to refuse.
“What time?” you asked softly, as he dipped his head back down to meet yours, a smile forming on his lips.
"Ten. I’ll pick you up at the house.”
You bit your lip. “You- you can’t. Father won’t-”
He nodded slowly, remembering how difficult your father could be.He would never allow it. Especially not with your employer. Though he was much… much more than that.
“I’ll sneak out again. Father will never find out, I’ve done it so many times, I can run out past the gate through the field…”
“Wait. Sweetheart, you need to be careful. I know you’ve done it so many times, and I hate making you do that, and putting you in danger-”
“You’re not making me do anything Mr. P- Peter.” you whispered as his lips brushed against yours. They tasted minty, the two cushions softly caressing yours, gente enough to feel as if they were a whisper.
“You don't know what's out there. So promise me you’ll be careful, I’ll be there at ten on the dot. Leave when you have to, no earlier and please, please bring a sweater darlin, it’s gonna be oh so chilly…” he trailed off and you smiled brightly with anticipation, cheeks hurting from the repetitive movement.
His forehead met yours again, a silent promise of reassurance.
It was sweet he cared for you this deeply. It made butterflies churn in your stomach like twisters, made your toes curl in excitement so tightly you feared they'd all stick together.
A drug you could never get enough of. A hope you were chasing, that this could work past the summer months that you meant more to him then you realised.
He was introducing you to his friends, that was a start. A huge start.
“I will. Promise.”
Mr. Parker was many things. One of those things was timely.
And truthful.
Not a minute past ten and his pickup was parked on the side of the road, nothing but red brake lights under the stars as guidance as you descended the old wooden fence on the other side of the field.
You had been pacing in anticipation all day, hardly able to stomach anything but crackers and cherries from the trees in the back. Braiding your hair just to unbraid it, to braid it again.
Peter had let you off for the day, he never really worked you- but of course your father didn't know that. So you were alone with your thoughts as you did your daily chores around the farm, tending to the sheep and cattle as the dogs nipped at your heels before darting after one another.
You didn't know where your father was when you got home. Asleep, you assumed. Or in town, to flirt with the general store owner. It didn't matter to you, what mattered was he was gone until he wasn't.
Dinner was quiet, not that you minded, just the sound of forks and knives scrapping fine china as the lanterns flickered in the dining room.
You were too focused on the night ahead, and what to expect. Or if you should be expecting anything.
No more than a quiet goodnight was said as you each tucked bodies behind wooden doors, and you wasted no time tugging on a little white lace dress, doing your hair the way you knew Peter liked the most.
You pumped the squeeze ball of your perfume, the little tassels brushing your skin and making you shiver as the scent hit your neck. The cool breeze slithered through your opened window, the curtains lashing out like branches in a storm that threatened to topple over the house.
Peter was right, it was cold. Colder than it should be for a summer night.
Normally it was stifling hot, the night time only allowing the temperature to drop just slightly. It had plummeted tonight.
You shrugged on a little cardigan over your shoulders, before slipping out the window, crawling down the large oak tree that lingered beside your house, threatening to topple over.
Now you found yourself here, whipping open the passenger door, laughing as the wind storm picked up, seeming to nearly topple you off balance.
The tires revved against the loose dirt road, gravel flying with the dust in the distance as you sped past your house. You felt like a teenager again, the way you were sneaking out, spending your night driving in cars with boys. Though they never treated you well- until Peter came along.
But he was a man you reminded yourself as you leaned your head back against the headrest, his large, veiny hand sliding over to rest on your thigh, thumb tracing little circles.
“You made it out okay?” he asked reassuringly, fawning over you as his eyes flickered from the road over to your body. Checking for scratches and gashes.
“Easy peasy.”
The radio hummed softly as his headlights flickered, and you listened to the sound of the turning signal as you gazed over at him. He was so beautiful in this light, it made your heart get stuck in your throat.
His soft locks blowing in the wind, the faded yellow beams in front of him illuminating his chiselled jaw, teeth tugging down on his bottom lip in concentration.
He was so soft in the night light, so gentle. Yet he remained possessive in such a comforting way, his hand tightening on your thigh as he turned a corner, or hit a bump.
“Are you warm enough darlin?” he asked, drinking in your little dress, and the shawl that did next to nothing to hide your shivers. You looked down, noticing your nipples had hardened on their own accord through the flimsy lace, from the chill wind or Peter's hands feeling you up- you couldn't tell.
“You’re gonna need a better jacket honey. You're a silly girl for thinking that would cover ya.”
You dipped your head and felt your cheeks heat as his teasing. You liked when he teased you. “Yes Mr. Parker.” you nodded, slipping your hand down to intertwine with his at your upper thigh.
He pulled a joint from his pocket, using his knees to steer the wheel as you endlessly grabbed the lighter from the dash and lit it for him. Smoke puffed out, trailing out the cracked opened window as he exhaled, like so many nights before.
It was routine at this point, lighting his smokes. He always shared with you, whether it was letting you have a hit, or by puffing the smoke into your mouth as he kissed you, simply intoxicating you.
“I’m nervous.” you stated bluntly as the truck rolled closer into the outskirts of town, where the local bar was. “Honey, you have no reason to be nervous, promise. They already love you.”
“They know me?” you asked.
“ ‘Course they do. Some of em might even try to snag you from me. You’re such a pretty lil thing they’ll want you all to themselves.”
You giggled at his claims, redeeming them false. Your nerves seem to grow as you pull into the parking lot, hands twisting at his fingers as if they were fidget toys. It was busy, though you didn't expect anything else for a Friday night.
The night was still young, and the party showed no sign of stopping anytime soon, people trickling in and out of the swinging wooden doors. Neon lights illuminated outside were bright, candy coloured-inticing you inside.
Before you could unlatch your seatbelt, Peter slid his hand to roughly hold your chin, huffing smoke between your lips as he kissed you harshly, teeth clashing against yours.
You barely had time to catch a breath as he gripped you tightly, holding you captive with his lips. They were swollen by the time he was done with you.
“Don't even think about reaching for that door handle sweets.” he whispered, winking as he slipped outside, cheeks tinged with pink as he took one last puff, before tossing the burnt end and crushed it with his boot.
The door was opened on your side, his hand holding yours as he guided you down from the high truck bed, steading you as you lept and swayed against him.
“My darlin’…” he murmured to himself as he took you in again, the heat of his stare sending shivers down your spine. The puff of weed made your head feel fuzzy, and you felt the heat between your thighs grow warmer as he lapped you up- like a dog begging for water.
A gentle tug broke you from your pink, doe eyed trance, and you mindlessly followed him inside, pushing past the little wooden doors.
Soft lights illuminated the room in a way that still felt dark and grungy, people in cowboy boots perched up on bar stools, or bent over with a pool cue. Some old country song trickled out of the speakers perched around the room, and your nose was overwhelmed with the scent of whisky and smoke.
You followed Peter towards the back of the bar, a group full of older looking men drinking beer over a hand of cards tossed on the table. Each of their eyes darted over towards the pair of you, one of them in the front smirking in satisfaction.
“So this is the pretty lady, is it Parker?” the man in the front asked, sliding out of the booth to tower over you, just as Peter always did.
“Bucky Barnes.” he smiled, hand sticking out to firmly grasp yours. You drank in his ocean blue eyes, the little tufts of grey in his beard, scattered like salt and pepper.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Barnes.” you nodded.
“Please hun, call me Bucky. No need for that formal silliness.”
“That's what I’ve told her. She’s just too polite I guess.” Peter laughed, his hand slipping down to your lower back, guiding you into the booth, atop his lap as you were introduced to his other buddies.
They were all extremely friendly, all having mini conversations amongst themselves while they sipped on their drinks, or smoked their cigarettes. Each of their hands were warm when you shook them, firm grapes from across the cluttered table.
Your attention was soon directed back to Peter, and a waitress who had so graciously appeared. “Darlin? What did ya want to drink?”
“Just a rum and coke for me please.” you smiled.
“One bill please.” Peter said before she disappeared back off into the bustling crowd.
“I can pay for my own Mr. Parker.” you frowned, annoyed with yourself for not thinking of saying that sooner. “I’m sure you can sweetheart. But I don't really care. Let me take care of you, okay?” he murmured in your ear, hitching his knee up so you had no choice but to slide back on his denim jeans, back against him fully to keep your balance.
”No, no buts. You just enjoy this night okay? Are you doing okay, it’s not too loud in here?” he asked softly, whispering quiet enough not even Bucky, who sat next to you could hear what he said.
“I’m good. Do your friends like me, d’ya think?” you asked timidly, wanting his approval. “Oh darlin they love you. They wouldn't shut up about meeting you, they just wanted to see how pretty and smart you were in person. My words aren't enough I suppose.” he smiled, brushing a kiss just behind your ear as the server returned, two drinks in hand.
You thanked her, taking a sip from your staw, twirling around the ice cubes in the glass as they clinked against the side. Before you knew it, you were down three drinks, laughing so hard at jokes spewed from the other end of the table your sides started to ache.
A hand tugged you up to the dance floor, Bucky twirled you around in circles before dipping you down towards the floor. A smile never left your face, the room starting to slightly spin on its own accord, and you saw Peter eyeing the pair of you across the bar like a hawk, his cool stare never leaving the back of Bucky's head.
He had offered to show you around up towards the north, a place you hadn’t visited much but wished you had. “I’ll show you around.” he smiled when you asked about it, dipping you low again.
“Whenever you're ready, call on me.” he winked in response.
By the time you had to call it quits to save your wobbly legs, you heard Bucky snicker at Peter, slapping his chest before heading back towards the group.
Oh relax Parker I wasn't trying to steal your girl, just woo her a lil.
He didn't seem to like that one very much.
“Can- can we step outside for a sec?” you asked, stumbling towards his strong, lean arms that encased you once more- a warm hug you very much needed.
“You need some fresh air darlin? It gets so loud, I know…” he trailed off, quite literally sweeping you off your feet into his arms. You curled in against his chest, feeling the sway of each long stride across the wooden floors, the crowd parting like the red sea as he passed them by, all of them gawking.
You didn't blame them. He was beautiful.
“Shh, shh” he murmured as you started to claw at his t-shirt, twisting it in circles to keep yourself steady. “I wanna shoot bottles.” you stated as the cool air hit your skin, and you instinctively curled into his warmth.
“You wanna shoot bottles now, do ya? Do you even know how to shoot a gun?” he asked, laughing. You slid down to your feet, looking up at the night sky, the stars twinkling dimly from under the rolling clouds.
“Course I don't. But you teach me.”
You heard some guys around the corner of the building laughing with their friends, the sound of cans clinking as they fell from bullet wounds. You had never shot a gun before- not really ever needing to, but you saw some of Peter's collection tucked away in one of his older storage buildings on the property.
They were vintage, slightly rusted but still in decent working condition you assumed. Peter had never shot a gun in front of you before, but you knew that he knew how. Your father had mentioned hunting trips with him back when they were kids.
Surely he couldn’t be that rusty.
“I’d teach ya eh? How do you know that I can shoot, pretty?”
You shrugged, trotting over to where the men had been previously, their guns leaned against the building.
“I’ve seen your guns.”
“Those are old. Real old, from my granddad. Brass ‘38s.” he said. “I still trust you to show me how.” you stated, toying with the barrel of a bb gun, swinging it back and forth.
“This isn’t smart while you’re drunk.”
“Not drunk.”
“So drunk.”
You huffed, picking up the gun anyways. “That’s why you show me so we don’t do anything stupid.”
“With you I always want to be stupid.” You smiled softly, pretending to aim the gun at him, mocking the sound of bullets flying through the air.
“Now you’re being stupid darlin. Don’t aim that at anyone, that’s the first rule. Though I don’t expect you to know that right now, in your condition.”
“You should show me Mr. Parker, so I can defend myself.” your voice was high, extra girly as you toyed with the weapon, feeling flirty to high hell. He chuckled, running a hand through his hair as he slid up behind you, hands wrapped around your waist as he leaned down.
“Stay around me forever and you’ll never have to defend yourself baby. You’ll never have to do anything again.”
You giggled, cheeks warming from the alcohol rushing through your blood at his remarks. He was so silly. You thought, but you wished life could be that simple.
You wanted to wake up next to him every morning, to the feeling of him deep inside, pumping his seed into you- breeding you. You wanted to fuck like rabbits, for him to stuff you full over and over again until you were dripping.
You wanted him to kiss you all over before serving you breakfast in bed, tending to your every need while you lay in his bed, legs spread.
Jesus Christ your thoughts were dangerous when you were intoxicated.
What did they say again, drunk words were sober thoughts?
“You gotta turn off the safety first sweetheart.” Peter murmured in your ear, his warm breath tickling your ear. You heard a soft click, and he guided your arms into position, hands closing over yours.
“Now look through that little eyepiece and aim towards that can there.”
You squinted, trying your very best to focus on the only can standing up on the nearby fence. It took you a few seconds, but finally you had steadied yourself with his guidance. Your finger hovered.
“And.. shoot.” he whispered, finger tightening around yours, the gun going off with a loud bang! The can crumpled in on itself quickly, the aluminium falling from its place. You squealed with delight.
“That's my girl!” he smirked, clicking the safety back on as you drunkenly wobbled into him, wanting to take the toy away before you hurt yourself.
“Did I do good?” you asked, knowing he did most of the work- but still wanting his praise anyways. “So good darlin, you’re such a good girl, y’know that?” he asked, slowly backing you up against the cold siding, caging you in his arms.
The gun was long forgotten, tossed somewhere on the ground. The way his eyes sparkled drove you wild, a hint of mischief but still a maturity- a gentleness eying you down, soaking you in.
Your breath seemed to get caught in your chest as you tilted your head up against the wall to meet his gaze fully. He was so tall, so big… and he smelt amazing.
God, you wanted to blurt all of this out loud. You couldn't keep your composure anymore… it was next to impossible around him. You melted like ice cream on a hot summer's day whenever you were in his mere prescience.
“I want you to fuck me.” you stated plainly, his eyes widening- a coy smirk forming on his face. “Is that so?”
“Yes, Mr. Parker, I really want you to fuck me. Please.”
Well he damn near fell to his knees at your sweet tone, and your puppy dog eyes as you begged. He could never say no to his baby, but he also knew the two of you couldn't do anything out in public like that.
At least not all the things he wanted to do to you.
But it didn't mean he couldn't edge you on a little more until you squirmed for him with want.
“Was that what you were so distracted with earlier? You thinkin about stuff?”
You nodded. “I was thinking about you breeding me, and filling me all up until I’mall sticky, and so tingly I can barely feel anything. And I was thinking about you pumping into me and hurting me in such a good way.” you confessed.
If he was only slightly hard before, he was rock solid now.
“Sweetheart fuck-.. I- I’m so much older then you-"
"Not by that much.” you insisted, hand slipping down to rub in between his legs, cupping his bulge between your smaller fingers as he suppressed a moan.
“You’re so naughty baby. D’you think about this all the time?”
“All the time. I wish you could fuck me now.”
He clucked his tongue, shaking his head. Your nipples were so hard they strained the fabric, begging to be touched by him.
“Such a dirty mouth my lil cowgirl. You gonna let daddy fuck you hard tonight?” he breathed, hand slipping down to cup your breast. Yesss. You wanted to hiss, pleasure seeping over your body.
“Mhmm. Whenever.. Whenever you w-want.” you giggled, his hands slipping down to your thighs, hosting you up to his height- your legs wrapped around his solid middle.
He kissed your neck, teeth nipping the skin as he sucked, leaving little marks that scattered across your skin. Before he could go much further, a presence lingered from the parking lot, a man leaning against a wooden post- watching you.
He whistled sharply, causing you to whip your head in shock. “Lovebirds! If you’re gonna fuck- at least invite the rest of us!” Bucky called from the sidelines.
“You couldn’t even get it up old man!” you shouted, Peter bursting out laughing against your collarbone. Steve appeared, whistling at your remark.
“Oh she got you good Buck. Low blow cowgirl.” he laughed, clapping Bucky's back, a feline grin on your face as you walked towards the pair, adjusting your shoulder strap that had slipped down in your little rendezvous.
They definitely knew you were not wearing a bra, if they didn’t know before. Oh well, not your problem.
“If you want a ride, I’d watch your tongue sweetheart.”
You laughed, stumbling over to Peter’s truck. “We’re gonna leave that here and get it tomorrow darlin. Mr. Barnes is gonna give us a ride home.” Peter whistled at you, smacking Bucky upside the head at his remarks.
“There’s not enough seats, so the pretty lady is on Parker’s lap. Unless she wants to be on mine-“ he looked over at you, winking. “I’ll make sure to hit all the bumps.”
“You pervert.” Peter snarled- walking him again. “I’m joking, I’m joking!” Bucky laughed.
“Don’t listen to him doll, he’s being stupid. He doesn’t mean any of it.” Peter murmured to you, as he guided you from his truck down to Buckys, Steve already claiming shotgun, while Sam and Tony were in the back, leaving one spot open for you and Peter.
Great. For your sake, he hoped Bucky did hit all the bumps.
It was stuffed in the vehicle, arms touching as if you were sardines in a can. But you didn’t mind being on Peter's lap. He rolled the window down, allowing the cool air to slither into the back, cooling your skin.
The other men talked about whatever while Bucky's headlights flickered on as he slowly backed out of the parking lot- but all you could focus on was Peter. He was still hard under you, you could feel his bulge through his jeans, straining against his zipper.
Your dress fanned out, leaving nothing but your underwear to rub against the denim, which was now damp. You clenched your fists, fighting back moans as Bucky sped down the road, hitting massive potholes that nearly sent your head through the roof.
You caught a glint in his eye as he looked back at you from the rear view, knowing damn well he was doing it on purpose.
“Hold on tight.” was all he said as he continued on- and you squirmed against Peter's groin.
“You keep doing that, you’re gonna regret it.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
Peter grumbled to himself, hands tightening their grip on your thighs as Bucky hit more bumps. He clenched his teeth, hissing as he rubbed against your panties, feeling the wetness drip down your thighs.
The weed had heightened everything tremendously; he seriously thought he would cum in his pants.
That’s some shit the guys her age would do- those immature pieces of shit. The thought alone made him hold you a little tighter, savouring the smell of your perfume and shampoo.
You felt delicious on him. He wanted you on his lap constantly. He just wished no one else was in the truck.
You laughed at something Steve said, as Bucky put his turn signal on, gravel rumbling under the tires as he turned down Peter's driveway.
Oh thank god.
“Thank you so, so much for the ride Mr. Barnes. It was so lovely to meet all of you.” you smiled, waving timidly as Peter opened the door, allowing you to slip off his lap and jump down to the ground, holding his hand for balance.
Peter grimly nodded, cursing your sweetness towards Bucky, that motherfucker. Bucky winked as Peter tried to subtly hide his boner as he stood- and failed.
“No problem sweetheart, just glad you’re home safe. Don’t forget my offer okay- you come around anytime and I’ll show ya around with Steve.” he nodded, and you said the rest of your goodbyes, waving to everyone before Peter slammed the door shut.
The tires squealed as Bucky put the gas to the floor, leaving nothing but dust in his wake. “They were really nice Mr. Parker. I think they liked me.” you smiled, skipping over to the front porch steps.
“Yeah, a little too much.” he muttered under his breath, catching up to you in quick, long strides. You squealed as he picked you up with ease from behind, draping you over his shoulder and carried you up the steps, unlocking the front door.
“Put me down!” you whined, letting out a yelp as he smacked your ass.
“Shh. And stop your squirming, you’re not going anywhere sweetheart.” he huffed, kicking the door shut behind you, tossing his keys on the counter.
The lights were soft and dim as he carried you up the stairs, past the closed doors to the one left open.
His bedroom.
You continued to squirm- defying his orders and you felt that sting again, the loud smack! echoing through the room as you whimpered.
You bounced down on the bed, wide eyed as you scooted back towards the headboard, legs splayed open. Watching as his hand cupped your cheek, thumb stroking your cheek mindlessly.
“You still want me t’fuck you honey?” he asked softly.
You nodded. “Use your words baby. Tell me what you want.”
“I’d like you to fuck me Mr. Parker. Please.” you added quickly. His thumb brushed over your parted lips and you opened them quickly, allowing him access- your tongue swirling around his digit as his hand forced you to look up at him.
“You’re sure?”
You nodded quickly.
“I wanna be so gentle with you darlin. You’re so sweet and soft… I just wanna be so delicate.” he sighed softly. “Fuck….”
He didn’t say he was still a little pissed at Bucky for his aimless flirting- not that it was your fault of course. Didn’t mean he didn’t want to be possessive though. He was mature enough he knew you belonged to him- he didn’t need that reassurance.
But he had to make sure you knew.
“That's okay.” you whispered, drool trickling off his thumb as he pulled it away, smearing it across your cheek. He chuckled lowly.
“You’re so good to me baby. Do you think we could try something a bit different tonight?” he asked, and you nodded.
Anxiety and excitement quelled in your chest as he started to unbuckle his belt, and unzip his jeans. You pulled off your little scrap of fabric you called a dress, instinctively covering yourself. It was a habit you tried to break- but you couldn't help it.
“No no, baby, show me.” Peter insisted, hands removing yours to reveal yourself to him. The heat in his gaze sent shivers down your spine, leaving you firmly planted in the sheets.
“You’re so beautiful. The gods write poems about your beauty, my sweet girl.” he cooed, grabbing your wrists, holding them out in front of you, planting a kiss on your forehead.
Grabbing the belt, he started to wrap them around your wrists. “Is this okay?” he looked at your face for reassurance, finding it in your gentle eyes as you smiled.
“Will it hurt?” you asked meekly.
“No, no honey I would never hurt you. You know that right?” he sat down on the bed next to you, stroking your skin in soft, calming circles.
“I know Mr. Parker.”
You knew he was your savouir. He would never- could never harm you. You trusted him with your life.
He kissed you again, the belt jangling as it was bound around your wrists. You wiggled your fingers, though unable to move your hands- helplessly bound before him.
And you had never felt so safe.
“That too tight for ya darlin?”
You shook your head.
“No Mr. Parker.”
He smirked, fingers finding there way down to brush your inner thighs, tugging at the fabric that covered where he wanted you the most. You wiggled, moaning as he teased you, his touches soft yet electric.
“Shh baby, thats it. Daddys gonna take such good care of you. I’ve got ya.” he whispered, tugging off your thong, throwing it somewhere to the floor, watching your back arch and bow off the mattress from his quick brush of his finger along your slit.
“Awh baby she’s so wet f’me. I’ve barely even touched ya, sweet thing.” he cooed, and you whined softly as he toyed with you.
“Please what? Hmm? Use your big girl words.”
Jesus fucking Christ.
“Please fuck me, please. Please.” you begged, squirming.
“Such naughty language. Tsk tsk” he clucked his tongue, prying your legs wide open as you fought to keep your knees together.
“You want me to do what you said earlier? You want to be full?”
You nodded.
“You can’t waste any baby. No leaking, okay? Need my baby stuffed.” he smirked, lifting your legs up, draping them over his buff shoulders.
“Do you want gentle?”
You shook your head.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded.
“Whatever my sweet girl wants.” he smiled, brushing his cock through your soaked folds, tapping your clit with the head lightly. You didn’t know how much more teasing you could take.
“Mr. Park- OH!” you cried out as he slid home, his happy trail brushing your clit. He wasted no time, lifting your thighs up so half your body was off the bed, getting the deepest angle he could as his hips began to snap into yours.
You couldn’t help but cry out, words becoming mindless babbles as he pistoned into you, hitting a certain spot that had you seeing stars. “Yeah that’s it baby. Taking me so good, you’re such a good girl.” he cooed, admiring as your arms lifted, hands over your head in the restraints as you attempted to claw onto the headboard, failing miserably.
“Aww poor thing. You got nowhere to go, do you? Stuck here just taking daddy’s cock. You’re so fucking tight jesus christ…” he trailed off, lost in his head as you squeezed him tighter, nothing but the sounds of the slapping of his balls on your skin, the sounds of your strangled noises and moans.
He couldn’t get enough of them, he never wanted them to end. Your legs began to slip from their position, turning to jello and he wasted no time quickly flipping you around with ease slipping right back in.
You moaned at the new position, as he hit a different spot- slapping your ass gently. “Atta girl. Cmon baby, make yourself feel good. Or d’ya need me to do it for ya since you’re so fuzzy?”
You mumbled something unintelligible into the pillow that sounded like “Please”, and he didn’t bother trying to make sense of it as he gripped your hips harder.
“M’so closeeee…” you hissed, clenching him tighter.
“You gonna cream on my cock? Yeah? Cream on my cock baby, atta girl darlin.” he growled possessively as you came with a sharp cry, soaking his cock.
He always let you cum first. Always. He wouldn’t be a gentleman if he didn’t. You were his princess, he wanted you to feel so good you wouldn’t even be able to remember your name.
Peter showered you in praise, rubbing your back soothingly as your legs shook from your orgasm, toes curling against the sheets.
“You’re okay sweetheart. Shhh that’s it. Good girl baby.” He flipped you back over, wanting nothing more than to see your pretty face. It was one of the things that got him off the most, seeing your eyes roll back in your head, your mouth let out those pretty noises while it rounded to an o shape.
Your chest rose quickly, up and down as you managed to catch your breath, head fuzzy.
“You okay honey?” he asked gently, forehead creasing in concern as he soothed you.
He always took such good care of you. Somehow that turned you on even more.
“M’so good.” you mumbled, meeting his soft smile.
“Well good. Cause I’m not done with ya yet darlin. Spread those legs again baby.”
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moonchild9350 · 1 month
Hate to Love You, Love to Hate You
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Summary: You hate your neighbor Hyunjin. Everything he does irks you to know end. You know Hyunjin feels the same way. The feeling is mutual, right?
Pairing: enemy to lovers au, non idol domHyunjin x fab reader
Genre: angst, smut-18+ MDNI
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: spanking, light bondage, use of the term brat, p in v penetration, creampie (don't), dacryphilia, consent is implied (don't do this in real life folks, verbal consent is important) Hyunjin is mean, what can i say
Notes: I just wanted to make Hyunjin mean lol. This is not edited.
If you enjoyed this like, reblogs, and comments appreciated ♡
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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“What the hell,” you groaned, as you rolled over to grab your pillow that was next to you.
You buried your face in the soft pillow, letting out a scream. You were annoyed, no you were beyond annoyed, you were furious. You couldn’t focus because of the sounds coming from the apartment next to yours. Your neighbor had a girl over and she was definitely letting the whole complex know that she was getting railed. You said railed as you could hear the thump, thump, thump of the headboard hitting the wall.
You groaned once more and then got up, abandoning your task. You looked at the clock and noticed it was just after midnight. Padding to your kitchen, you opened your fridge, grabbing a can of soda off the shelf. Popping open the can, you sat down on your couch with a sigh. You grabbed your remote and turned the tv on, and settled on watching a shitty comedy.
Hyunjin. That was your neighbor’s name. He moved in not too long ago, announcing his presence by being loud as possible every time he passed in the hallway. You eventually met him, as you passed by him in the parking garage. He teased you non-stop, making comments about your hair, your outfit, how boring you are.
He was inconsiderate, never holding the elevator open, pressing the close button while smiling directly at you. He never called off his dog, letting him run wild, the dog always jumping up on you as you walked by. And of course he was inconsiderate in his own home. Yes, it was his home, but the walls are thin, words…and sounds easily transferring though the barriers separating the apartments.
You tried to politely ask him to keep it down, especially at night, some people had to work after all. Instead of him apologizing, he would just smirk at you and walk away, not saying a word. The man frustrated you, angered you, causing you to be in a sour mood all the time.
You tried to ignore the fact that he was gorgeous. He was tall and lanky, but muscular at the same time. His pretty black hair framed his face perfectly. His lips were plush and looked pillow soft. He had great style, you could’t deny. Yes, the man was beauty himself. That didn’t mean you had to like him though. No, you hated him, hated him down to your very core.
That thought didn’t leave your mind as you tried to tune out the girl, her moans and screams getting louder to where even the tv couldn’t drown the sound out. You sipped your drink, trying to pay attention to the screen. You were going to kill that man yet, and that’s a promise.
Time passed, you had watched two episodes of the show when you noticed it was quiet. The thumps were nonexistent and the girl had stopped screaming. Sighing in relief you turned the tv off to go to bed, tiredness sinking in. You climbed into bed, snuggling under your blankets, happy to be able to finally go to bed. You fell asleep instantly, thankful for the silence that permeated your room.
The next morning you woke to your alarm, feeling drained. You begrudgingly got up, stretching as you walked to the bathroom to get ready for work. God you hated Mondays, and today was no different. Finishing up your routine, you made some coffee and packed your lunch. Grabbing your keys and bag you left your apartment, locking your door behind you.
As you turned around, you felt something hard collide into you, causing you to drop your coffee on the ground.
“Shit!” you said, anger welling up inside you.
“Woah there sweetheart, that pretty little head of yours need slow down.”
You knew that voice, loathed it actually. Looking up from your spilled coffee, your eyes meant the man in front of you, none other than Hyunjin. He had that annoying smirk on his face, his eyes shining as he peered down at you. He was wearing skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a flannel. He looked stunning you hated to say.
“Fucking hell,” you continued, feeling your face flush. “Can you not watch wear you’re going Hwang.”
“You ran into me sweetheart, not the other way around. Now excuse me, I have places to be.”
At that, you watched him walk away, leaving you standing in the hallway, your coffee still on the floor.
“Oh, and clean up your mess will you?” Hyunjin shouted at you as he continued his way to the elevator.
You were furious, seething at this man. Not only would you be late to work now, but you were without coffee. Sighing, you unlocked your door once more to grab some towels to wipe up the spill. You cleaned as quickly as possible before locking up again and rushing to your car, hoping to make it relatively on time.
You made it, but barely, your boss side eying you as you walked to your desk. You sat your stuff down before getting to work. You lost yourself in numbers and spreadsheets as the day went on, your mind occupied and not being able to think about this morning. You were thankful, not wanting to think about your misfortune and of course him.
Once the clock struck five, you clocked out, grabbed your stuff and left. Your commute home wasn’t bad, making it home in record time for a Monday. You pulled up to your spot where you park to only find it occupied, a man leaning against the door smoking a cigarette. It was none other than Hyunjin.
You put your car in park and got out of your car, angrily slamming your car door. You marched your way toward the man, a scowl on your face.
“Hwang, wanna move out of my spot?” You spat, crossing your arms as you stood in front of Hyunjin.
Hyunjin gazed down at you before tossing his head back and laughing.
“Your spot, sweetheart, you must be dreaming,” he taunted.
“The fuck I am. This is my spot, I park in number 25.”
You were not budging, this was your spot after all that was assigned to you.
Hyunjin laughed again before saying, “aww are you getting angry? You look so cute angry.”
You reached out to swat at him, your anger getting the best of you. However, before you could make contact with him, he grabbed your wrist, stopping you in his tracks. He gave your wrist a squeeze, holding tight as you tried to squirm away. His brown eyes were piercing, as he looked down at you demanding your attention.
“Hitting people is not nice sweetheart. Especially coming from a little doll like yourself.”
You jerked your hand away as he let go. “Just give me my spot Hwang. I’ve had a day and I’m tired.”
Hyunjin studied your face, his eyes dragging over your face, lingering on your lips before looking you in the eyes once more. Without anything further, Hyunjin opened his car door and got inside, starting the car up. You backed up before turning and walking to your car. You watched as he backed out and pulled away, vacating your spot.
Sighing you pulled into your spot and turned off the ignition. You took a few deep breaths before gathering your stuff and walking toward your apartment. You were happy to be home, tossing your stuff aside as soon as you were in the door. You made your way to the bathroom, in need of a hot shower.
You relaxed under the stream, the water soothing your tense muscles. Your mind wandered to Hyunjin and how you hated that man with every fiber of your being. Why did he have to be annoying and so infuriating? It’s almost like he goes out of his way to anger you.
Sighing, you turned the water off, your anger getting the best of you once more. You got dressed in a comfy oversized shirt and made your way to the kitchen to grab dinner. You settled on ramen for the night, taking the bowl and plopping down in front of the tv. You ate while watching a comedy, your mood slightly improving as your belly became full.
Your peaceful evening was interrupted however as you heard a knock on the door. You rolled your eyes and placed your bowl down. Walking to the door, the knock came louder and harder.
“I’m coming!” You shouted, annoyed once more at the person’s impatience.
You were grumbling to yourself as you opened your door to see none other than Hyunjin. He smirked at the sight of you, his eyes wandering down your body, lingering on your plush thighs peaking from under the oversized shirt.
“What do you want Hwang,” you said as you stared up at him.
Hyunjin looked you in the eyes before presenting a bottle of wine. “Wanna share sweetheart?”
You looked at him, really looked at him. Was he out of his mind? What part of your interactions screamed share a bottle of wine with me? Hyunjin smiled at you, wiggling his eyebrows at you while shaking the bottle slightly.
“Come on, I can’t drink this by myself. Besides you’ve had a tough day.”
“Yeah no thanks to you,” you grumbled.
You stepped aside and opened your door wider, allowing the man to come in. You padded towards the kitchen to grab two glasses and the wine opener. Hyunjin followed behind you and set the bottle down, watching as you opened the bottle and poured a generous amount in each glass.
You handed him his and took yours in hand before walking back to the couch and sitting down. You pressed play again to continue watching your show, not caring what Hyunjin did.
He walked up to you and sat down next to you, your thighs touching ever so softly. You could feel him staring at you, his gaze intense. You decided to ignore him as you took sip after sip of wine. You could feel a buzz forming, the feeling causing you to start to relax.
Hyunjin finished his glass and set it down on the table before turning towards you. He stared at you, which you ignored, chuckling to yourself at your steadfastness. However, the fact that you were ignoring him must have touched a nerve because he started to poke your cheek, again and again.
Eventually, you couldn’t take it and you snapped. You turned to face him and said, “stop it Hwang. Keep doing that and I’m kicking you out.”
Hyunjin smirked at you, scooting closer to your body. You leaned back slightly as his face was closer to yours.
“Back up Hwang,” you said, venom laced in your voice.
“Or what sweetheart?” Hyunjin said, as he got closer. “What are you going to do about it?”
You huffed before raising your hand and swinging. You were going to slap him, not caring if it left a mark. However, his reflexes were quick and just like earlier, he grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“Let go,” you said, twisting your arm this way and that to try to get loose.
“No, you’re such a brat you know,” Hyunjin said, watching you struggle. “Maybe I need to change that.”
“I don’t need anything from you Hwang,” you hissed.
HIs hold on your wrist was tighter yet. You knew a bruise would form later.
“Keep struggling sweetheart,” Hyunjin purred, leaning ever closer to your face.
“Let go or I swear I’ll..”
“Swear you’ll do what?” Hyunjin countered. “What will you do?”
“You make me so….so angry!” You screamed in his face. You watched a smile form on his face while he grabbed your other arm while you were distracted. He had you restrained, you couldn’t hit him, couldn’t do anything with your hands.
“I make you angry? Oh sweetheart, you make me furious. Maybe we should do something about that?”
You couldn’t help but shiver at his tone, his voice deepening with each sentence. You stared into his brown eyes, the orbs sparkling as they stared back at you. You couldn’t help but look at his lips and wonder how they would feel on your lips, your neck, your pussy. The thought alone was enough for you to attempt to squeeze your thighs together, your arousal slowly dripping into your panties.
Hyunjin noticed this subtle change, a smile gracing his features once more. “What do you want me to do? Hmm? Let’s end this feud of ours, I can make you feel so good sweetheart. Let me fuck the brat out of you.”
At his words, you felt your pussy clench, the thought of Hyunjin fucking you causing your mind to jumble. You couldn’t think straight, not with him restraining you and promising to handle you, to tame you.
You cleared your throat, before opening your mouth. But, before you could say anything, his lips were on yours. He kissed you passionately, his tongue slipping into your mouth when you went to protest. Hyunjin pulled you closer, keeping your hands in his hold.
You moaned as he bit your lip, shockwaves of pleasure running down your spine.
“Now who’s quiet,” Hyunjin said, his lips red and swollen. “Come on, show me to your bedroom.”
You got up from the couch, and looked at your hands. “Can you let go? It’s hard to walk like this.”
Hyunjin stared at you for a moment before saying no. You stared back incredulous. You walked toward your room awkwardly, shuffling sideways to your room. Once there, Hyunjin sat on the bed, pulling you to stand in front of him. He released your hands briefly before grabbing your shirt and pulling it over your head.
You stood there in only your panties, your breast on display for him. He took you in before grabbing your hands once more and tying them up with the shirt. He then proceeded to bend you over his legs. You felt him rub your ass, kneeling the flesh again and again before his hand came down with a smack.
You jolted forward at the pain, a little moan falling from your lips.
“Little brat likes pain?” Hyunjin said as he laughed. “Good, let’s count sweetheart. One spank for each time you’ve had attitude with me.”
Hyunjin thought for a moment, “Hell we’d be here forever. Let’s say, twenty. Can you count to twenty for me?”
You shook your head, unable to move the way you wanted with your hands tied. Suddenly you felt another slap, the sting causing you to yelp.
“I asked you a question brat,” Hyunjin sneered.
“Ok, I’ll count,” you whimpered.
You heard Hyunjin hum, satisfied with your answer. He brought his hand down again and again, the pain intensifying with each slap. You were a moaning mess, the pain turning you on more. You were dripping, your arousal coating your pussy and thighs. You counted and counted until the end. You were breathing heavy, your ass stinging. You’re sure there were pretty marks on the flesh.
Hyunjin pulled you up, before bending you over across the bed. You braced yourself on your forearms as best as you could, not able to hold yourself up with your hands.
You could hear Hyunjin unzip his pants, the shuffle of clothes echoing through your ears. It wasn’t long before you felt his cock against your lips, as he dragged the appendage through your folds again and again. You whimpered at the sensation, as the head of his cock kissed your clit.
Without warning, he slammed into you, causing you to fall on your face into the sheets. He didn’t give you any time to adjust, the sting from the stretch causing you to cry out. He set a brutal pace, as he fucked you. Skin hitting skin could be heard as he gripped your hips harder, his fingers digging into your skin.
“Let me hear you brat. Let everyone know who’s fucking you this good.”
You screamed out his name, as he abused your pussy, your walls clenching around him.
“Mmmm, feels good, cock feels good.” You whined out.
“Yeah? Feels good huh. I agree brat, pussy sucking me in.” Hyunjin gripped your hips harder and sped up his thrusts.
“Come on brat, cum on my cock. Be a good girl, come on.” Hyunjin groaned.
You were a babbling mess as you succumbed to your high, your walls fluttering around his cock over and over. You let out a whine, as he kept pounding into you, his pace not faltering.
“Can feel you clench around me brat. Keep doing that and I’ll cum. Feel you up real good.”
You did what he said, your brain a jumbled mess as you came down from your high. You were sensitive, the overstimulation causing you to cry, tears spilling from your eyes.
“Too much Hyunjin,” you whimpered, trying to get up so you could move.
However, Hyunjin just pushed you back down and held you there as he pounded even harder into you.
“Na uh, didn’t say you could move. Lay there and take it.”
You hoped he was close, as his cock dragging through your walls started to hurt. You could hear him laughing behind you, as he abused your pussy, his hand keeping you down.
“Gonna cum, gonna fill this pussy up real good.” He groaned.
His pace became more sporadic, his moans growing louder.
“Shit, this pussy is good. So good for a brat like you.”
He pounded into you a few more times before he stilled, his hot cum coating your walls. You could hear him moan, his hand that wasn’t holding you down rubbing your ass as he came down from his high.
After a few moments, he released his hold on you. “Aww the brat is crying,” he cooed. “I love to see you cry.”
He withdraw from you, the feel of his cum seeping out of your pussy and dripping onto the sheets. Hyunjin pulled you up and untied your hands. Through your tears, you looked down, seeing the red marks littering your wrists.
“Looks so pretty on you sweetheart.” He said before placing a kiss on each hand.
He then kissed your tears away, the gentleness shocking you after what you had just endured. There was silence in the room as you regulated your breathing, a little hiccup being heard every now and then. Hyunjin rubbed your back while cradling you to his chest. You’re not sure how long you both sat there, time seeming to go by slowly.
Eventually he broke the silence. “Are you still going to be a brat?” He asked.
You looked him in the eyes as you wiped the last of your tears away.
“No, I won’t.” You whispered.
Hyunjin looked at you and smiled, his hands coming to cup your face.
“Good choice sweetheart. I told you I’d fuck the brat out of you,” he said before bringing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
You hated this man but you loved him too. It was definitely the dichotomy of evil but you were not complaining. Maybe it’s a good thing he moved in next door after all.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek @simpforleeknaur @armystay89 @palindrome969 @amarecerasus @slut4hee @ivydoesit23 @kaysungshine @fun-fanfics @baby-stay92
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verstappensrealwife · 26 days
Sunday kind of love - Lando Norris x Reader
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approx. 1000 words
warnings: n/a
lando norris masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
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Sundays over summer break. Definitely your favourite time- and Lando’s too.
Mornings.... He woke up around 11 a.m., slowly rolling over and letting his arm fall gently across your waist. A soft, surprised hum escaped him when he realized you were still in bed. He snuggled closer, burying his face into your neck and mumbling about the dream he’d just had, his words a sleepy mix of half-formed thoughts and quiet hums. It was clear he was still drifting between sleep and wakefulness.
"Morning to you too," you whispered with a soft giggle, reaching up to playfully ruffle his hair. He breathed in deeply, catching the faint scent of your perfume still clinging to your skin from the night before, a comforting reminder of the night you spent together.
“Hungry,” he sighed sleepily, stretching across your body to grab his phone from the bedside table. “Ordering,” he mumbled as he opened UberEats, staring at the green screen before it loaded.
You huffed, “I can cook, you know?” pushing his phone from his face.
He blinked at you in sleepy confusion, “I can order…” He trailed off, clearly puzzled as to why you'd want to cook when he could just tap a few buttons.
Afternoons…. The sun was high, casting a warm golden glow through the curtains as the afternoon settled in. The two of you were sprawled out on the living room floor, a puzzle spread before you—a thousand tiny pieces waiting to be placed. It had started as a lazy idea, something to do together that didn’t involve screens or too much thinking. But now, you were both deep into it, determined to see it through.
“Where’s that edge piece? I swear we just had it,” you muttered, scanning the scattered pieces.
He grinned, holding it up between his fingers. “This one?”
“Yes! That’s the one,” you said, a hint of triumph in your voice as he handed it over.
As you placed it, he leaned back on his elbows, watching you with a soft smile. “You’re really into this, huh?”
You glanced at him, smiling back. “It’s just nice to do something like this together. Plus, I’m not letting this puzzle beat us.”
He chuckled, reaching out to brush a stray hair from your face. “We make a good team.”
“Maybe I could replace Oscar next year,” I shrug and laugh.
The afternoon passed in a blur of easy conversation and comfortable silences, the puzzle slowly coming together piece by piece. When you finally placed the last piece, both of you sat back, admiring your work.
“Looks pretty good,” he said, a satisfied smile tugging at his lips.
“Not bad at all,” you agreed, your fingers brushing over the completed picture. “But now what?”
He looked thoughtful for a moment before his eyes lit up. “How about we make some food, grab some snacks, and just… relax? Maybe watch a movie?”
You nodded, feeling the warmth of the moment settle into your bones. “Sounds perfect.”
So, that’s what you did. The puzzle was left on the table as you moved to the kitchen together, brewing a pot of tea and gathering some of your favorite snacks. 
Evenings…. The sky outside had deepened into a rich indigo, stars beginning to dot the horizon as the day slowly surrendered to night. The living room was dimly lit, a few candles flickering on the coffee table, casting a warm, golden hue around the room. You and Lando were still wrapped up in the cozy blanket from earlier, now nestled together on the couch.
The movie you’d chosen had ended a while ago, but neither of you had moved to turn off the TV. It played softly in the background, more of a comforting presence than something you were actively watching. The remains of your tea sat on the table beside a bowl of popcorn, half-eaten and forgotten.
Lando shifted slightly, his arm tightening around you as he spoke, his voice low and relaxed. “This is nice… just being here with you.”
You smiled, resting your head on his shoulder. “Yeah, it is. I wish every night could be like this.”
He turned his head to press a soft kiss to your temple. “We’ll make sure of it. Even on race weekends we’ll do something like this, hm?”
You nodded, feeling the warmth of his words settle over you. “Deal.”
For a while, you both just sat there, content in the silence, the rhythmic sound of his breathing soothing. The world outside felt far away, like it didn’t exist beyond the walls of your little haven.
After a while, Lando reached for the remote, turning off the TV. “Should we head to bed?” he asked, his voice soft, as if he didn’t want to disturb the peacefulness of the moment.
You nodded again, feeling a pleasant drowsiness wash over you. “Yeah, I think it’s time.”
He stood up first, offering you his hand with a playful grin. You took it, letting him pull you to your feet. As you walked to the bedroom, hand in hand, the calmness of the evening wrapped around you both like a warm blanket.
Once in the bedroom, you both went through the familiar routine—blowing out the candles, brushing teeth, changing into comfortable sleepwear, and finally slipping under the cool, crisp sheets. The bed was cold and yet inviting, and as soon as you settled in, Lando pulled you close, his arm draping over your waist.
You let out a contented sigh, feeling his steady heartbeat against your back. “Goodnight, Lando,” you whispered, your voice filled with affection.
“Goodnight,” he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. “Sweet dreams.”
Within minutes, you felt yourself drifting off, lulled by the comfort of his presence and the tranquility of the evening. The last thing you remembered before sleep claimed you was the feeling of his hand gently holding yours.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 2 months
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐝?! | TXT
TXT & the one bed trope *:ꔫ:*
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❈ genre: fluff (I was kicking and screaming while writing this)
❈ warnings: a lil suggestive perhaps, nightmares and being shot in a dream
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yeonjun *:ꔫ:*
⭒ both you and yeonjun were always going on road trips- your favorite activity to spend time together- never expecting the worst until Yeonjun's beloved car had broken down
⭒ at first he refused to leave his car alone, trying to figure out why it decided to stop working without any warning signals on the dashboard
⭒ unfortunately no matter what he did, the car just wouldn't turn on??? after a while he decided that he couldn't take matters into his own hands anymore, calling a mechanic that could hopefully face him in the right direction or even better, fix the situation altogether
⭒ since this was a road trip though, the nearest one was miles away and because it was already nearing night, the mechanic would have to fix the car tomorrow... meaning that you and yeonjun were stranded for the night
⭒ it would be a little scary since this situation took place in the middle of nowhere, making you both vulnerable, but it was okay as long as you had each other; if anything, your best friend Yeonjun made you feel protected and you knew he would do anything to keep you safe
⭒ yeonjun decided that the most comfortable way to sleep until the morning was to fold over the back seats and sleep in the trunk... which meant that you and him would be sharing blankets and pillows- one "bed" actually
⭒ you didn't mind, it's just that the thought had you internally dying because you could potentially end up wrapping limbs around your best friend until sun rays disturbed your peaceful sleep
⭒ yeonjun seemed to be a little embarrassed as well, clearing his throat as he fluffed your pillow and placed it beside him silently
⭒ you laid down, trying to grab the blanket that he was insistingly holding onto, stating that he was too cold and you should get your own blanket (which was, funnily enough, your blanket in the first place)
⭒ you both laughed, a natural conversation playing out as if you weren't laying side by side- yeonjun cocked on his side, staring at you with a smirk on his face while you laid completely on your side
⭒ although you enjoyed talking to him, the night became colder and it was harder to concentrate on your conversations as you felt your whole body shake under the merciless cold
⭒ it didn't help that you were already under a thin blanket and you tried to hide it- that ultimately failed because Yeonjun knew exactly what you were feeling at whatever moment as your best(est) friend
⭒ he simply opened his arms although it took a lot of bravery (did I mention that he has the biggest crush on you like ever) and gently coaxed you to come over because it would be a lot warmer in his chest instead of trying to find warmth in a blanket that would not provide as much help as he did
⭒ cuddling with Yeonjun was actually natural, it seemed as if you were made to be next to him like this as his warmth calmed you down completely
⭒ you hoped that he wouldn't hear the erratic beating of your heart with how close he was
⭒ when there was nothing else to be said and sleep was weighing heavily on both of your eyes, Yeonjun turned off the car light nearby and snuggled up next to you
⭒ "we should do this more often," he sighed, resting his chin on top of your head as you tried to agree out loud, sleep taking you over soundlessly
⭒ when you awoke the next morning to find a sleepy Yeonjun holding you tight by the waist and refusing to let go, you felt the lines between friends and lovers blur even more
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soobin *:ꔫ:*
⭒ your parents' small little cabin was always open for you whenever you needed it, so both you and soobin agreed that it would be fun to spend the weekend there
⭒ the drive there was a couple hours, with both of you making stops to pee and grab some snacks that definitely would not provide sustenance but were super yummy
⭒ when you reached there at night, the cabin was well-kept and clean; a place for your parents to go whenever they needed alone time from the kids
⭒ you hadn't actually been there before since your parents wanted to keep it open for any future honeymoon until you begged them to give you the keys; it'd be super fun just to crash there with your friends every once in a while!
⭒ so it had been both you and soob's first time going into the cabin, an adventure that would weave itself into your memories forever
⭒ when you arrived, sore butt from sitting all day and barely used legs, you were stoked to check out the whole place... eventually leading you to the one and only bed in the place.
⭒ soobin followed behind you, checking out the cabin and admiring the details of the room although it was quite small for his tall frame
⭒ you felt embarrassed but put it away for later, running to soobin so that you could grab dinner together; one of you would wound up sleeping in the couch anyway but that was a problem for future you later
⭒ when night showed its face, silver moon gleaming and all, you had to confront the problem of there only being one bed
⭒ soobin insisted on sleeping on the couch, saying that a precious person like you should only sleep on the bed; it was your parent's cabin after all
⭒ but you couldn't help but want him near when it became dark, trying to muster up all your courage to ask him to come over to the bed
⭒ when you heard soobin moving around, trying to find a comfortable spot from the rough couch, you had enough and murmured that he shouldn't sleep there and that he's free to come to the bed
⭒ soobin asked a million times if it was okay before shyly crawling under the covers with you, trying not to overstep his boundary between the established sides
⭒ you laughed, watching him awkwardly going back and forth between laying on his side or his back and stared at him with the softest smile on your face
⭒ "soobin, it's okay. I promise I feel comfortable, okay?" with that last sentence you decided to drift off to sleep, enjoying the presence of soobin who unknowingly to you was a mess, red cheeks and mushy insides
⭒ it took a while for him to sleep, trying not to freak out that he was in bed with his best friend and crush
⭒ you awoke to soobin holding you close, his arm underneath your head as he looked at you with the softest grin on his face, his other hand gently tracing circles on your cheek
⭒ even though there were endless apologies spilling from his mouth, it was safe to say that soobin enjoyed it (probably more than you atp) and would hope there was one bed every time you went somewhere together
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beomgyu *:ꔫ:*
⭒ beomgyu and you had been best friends from the start because your families were super close
⭒ this time, his family decided to host a grand party open to all friends, making beomgyu's house super lively despite both of you hanging out alone in his room together the whole time
⭒ usually your family would end up staying over since everyone would get drunk, but you had no complaints! it was more fun this way, being glued to gyu's side 24/7 (to which he did not complain about either)
⭒ this night was one of many, with both of you talking the night away, recollecting new memories and laughing about old drama that happened in the house or within your friend group
⭒ soon it became dark and the house started to quiet, signaling that it was time to sleep although your mind begged your mind not to, hopeless to spend more time with your favorite boy
⭒ unable to stop it, you yawned, begrudgingly getting up from your comfortable spot even though it took a lot of willpower. you were too embarrassed to ask beomgyu if you could stay, knowing that if you did then your crush on him would immediately be revealed
⭒ beomgyu jumped up, a hint of desperation in his voice as he unconsciously reached out for you
⭒ "don't leave," he pleaded, trying to strike you with puppy eyes as you lingered near the door
⭒ you scoffed, trying to pass your bashfulness as annoyance when all you wanted to do was get under the covers with him, "but where will I sleep for the night?"
⭒ beomgyu paused for a moment, his eyes searching in yours hopelessly as his hand involuntarily patted at the spot right next to him, "here. you can sleep here."
⭒ you said nothing, moving to where he laid in silence while he tried to prepare the messy bed
⭒ when you got comfy, too embarrassed and giddy that you were sharing a bed with beomgyu, you moved very far away in hopes that he wouldn't be able to see how weak you were
⭒ he just pouted, trying to pull your arm so you could face him, red and hot with the fact that he was so near
⭒ "i'm cold. warm me up, please?"
⭒ though beomgyu was clearly lying, his body probably warmer than yours as he snuggled up to your side, you could never say no to the boy that had you wrapped around his finger
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taehyun *:ꔫ:*
⭒ working for taehyun as you traveled around the country was wonderful
⭒ not only did you get to see spectacular sights around europe or south america, but you also made a friend in taehyun who was a great boss and person
⭒ even though you had to stay by his side 24/7 as his job required (you were almost like his secretary), you truly enjoyed the time you shared together around the world where he met up with important people at important places
⭒ this time was no exception; you and taehyun were traveling to a boring state in the US and although it wasn't quite memorable, the trip was still important as his business could grow even bigger
⭒ you picked out a random motel under a lot of stress of other decisions, making the stay unplanned as taehyun became tired behind the wheel
⭒ when you arrived into the small room, excited to sit down on a bed and not a leather chair, your insides turned at the fact that there was only one bed
⭒ you threw your suitcase on the floor beside the couch feeling rather upset that this happened. you were so excited to sleep on the bed and look what happened
⭒ taehyun cleared his throat and closed the door, softly pushing it behind him as he studied your growing disappointment, "hey, don't worry. i can sleep on the couch."
⭒ taehyun was truly a gentleman at heart, offering you the bed instead but you refused, planning to stay glued on the couch that wasn't all too comfy for the night but was ultimately good enough for one day
⭒ he took your silence as a rejection, of course, chuckling as he took a long awaited seat on the bed. you groaned, rummaging through your suitcase to find some pajamas to wear after a nice and warm shower
⭒ exiting the hot and steamy haven, you lazily wrapped your hair in a white towel only to find that the couch was occupied by both you and taehyun's luggage... and it was also facing the wall this time, making it impossible to sleep on it for the night
⭒ taehyun giggled mischievously, watching your dumbfounded expression as you demanded why he would do that. out of anything else he could've done, it had to be turning the couch and putting everything on it?!
⭒ "you do so much for me, Y/N. i know i don't say it much, but i am truly grateful. as your boss and friend, let me do this one thing for you, okay? and I'm willing to sleep on the floor if you take the bed."
⭒ you rolled your eyes, trying to fight back a smile, "okay, i'll accept it. but i think this bed is big enough for both of us. we can divide half of it with a pillow?"
⭒ taehyun smirked and your stomach lurched at the flirty tone in his voice, "that's more than good enough for me. i guess we should get some sleep now."
⭒ despite what he said, you and taehyun stayed up for a while, talking about recent events and new days to come. somehow the topic shifted to what you were going to wear for the important event and just clothes in general
⭒ you were laughing about the outfits you had to wear, noting how uncomfortable the last one was at the gala when you found taehyun staring at you with a endeared soft smile on his face
⭒ "i've seen you in a lots of things but I think you look most beautiful here, your hair all a mess and your heart patterned pj's. you're so pretty tonight."
⭒ taehyun was your boss... certainly no code of conduct would allow this, the way you were falling for him hard and the way you found yourself craving his touch
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hueningkai *:ꔫ:*
⭒ when you woke up at 4am, your heart beating hysterically and your mind running a thousand miles a minute, you knew that you had a nightmare
⭒ the nightmare was awful; you had dreamed about being shot by one of your family members and dying a very slow and painful death
⭒ now you had felt it physically, the dreamed bullet in your neck as you tried to inhale and calm your trembling body
⭒ a couple hours before, you said goodnight to hyuka, sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms of his house as he stayed close nearby in his room
⭒ he was too much of a gentleman to let you sleep over in his bed. whether you were upset that he was refusing to let you cuddle with him or happy that he was super considerate, you weren't sure
⭒ right now you needed his presence and you jumped out of bed, trying to navigate his room with squinted eyes and fear of the dark
⭒ you burst into kai's room, successfully waking him up from his light sleep
⭒ although he was extremely confused, he was more worried that you were a mess in front of him and woke up immediately, sobering up from a potentially good sleep
⭒ things started to make sense even though you were blubbering- out of everything in the world, you hated nightmares and he knew that
⭒ so when you were crying at the foot of the bed, holding one of his plushies, he was extremely worried that you would run out of tears and most definitely the rest of the water in your system
⭒ kai extended his arms, whispering sweet nothings as you trembled in his chest, trying to steady yourself from the fear that engulfed your mind in flames
⭒ he let you hold a bigger plushy, one of his favorites, even though he claimed it was off-limits always
⭒ you appreciated the gesture, giggling at the hug train that was happening instead of freaking out at your nightmare that slowly faded away from memory
⭒ he softly pressed a kiss against the side of your head, his voice becoming quiet as you melted against his embrace
⭒ "don't come to any other boy but me, okay?"
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released: July 19, 2024 (3:00am CT)
thoughts: i'm crying at hyuka's omgggg it's literally the sweetest thing ever. actually i'm crying at all of these!!!! just know I died while writinggg... anyway hope y'all enjoyed! i'm thinking of MAYBE opening requests but i'm still not sure, depends on how busy I am <3 thanks for reading though!
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minswriting · 4 months
Rainy day with Spencer? It's nothing but soft touches, lazy kisses, and slow sex. Maybe someone gets up to make breakfast and puts a record on (cause, let's face it, Spencer definitely has a record player). After breakfast, it's back to bed and lounging, reading, and maybe more. Fluff or smut, just a slow rainy day with Spencer
nsfw | mdni | spencer reid x reader | soft sex, lazy days, giggles, overall fluffy vibes
being woken up to spencer kissing your face was most definitely the best way to wake up. it was a rare day when he didn’t have a case and you didn’t have to work. the weather was a rainy and dreary but that was truthfully your favorite as well as spencer’s. the two of you laid in bed for awhile, basking in each other’s warm and comfort. neither of you were wearing clothes due to last night’s fun little escapades, nothing more than a blanket to cover the both of you.
as your lovely boyfriend showered you with kisses, you couldn’t help but laugh as he did so. “spence,” you said, smiling. as you begin to speak, spencer cuts you off by kissing your lips, to which you automatically kiss him back. what started off as an innocent kiss turned heated quickly as he pressed himself against you, his cock on your thigh as you guys kissed one another deeply.
you moved yourself so that you were on your side, your leg draped onto spencer as you guys laid next to one another. he adjusted himself so that he cock was near your pussy. “need you,” spencer breathed against your lips.
“have me,” you replied back.
spencer reached a hand between the two of you, grabbing the base of his cock as he guided it past your folds and to your entrance. “you’re still so wet,” he murmured as he began to enter your cunt with ease. you let out a soft moan. when he was all the way inside of you, he stayed still for a moment, capturing your lips with his.
the kiss between the two of you was lazy and soft, a tell-tale sign that nothing else mattered except the closeness between you and spencer. he began moving his hips slowly, causing you both to let out your own whines of pleasure.
spencer laid an arm around you while the other went under your head. you pulled away from the kiss to snuggle into his neck as he thrusted his hips at that slow pace. there was no need to go faster. there was no need to chase the end. because all that mattered was being with each other, relishing in each other’s companies.
“i love you,” he whispered into your ear shakily as he thrusted into you.
“i love you too,” you replied softly.
with his lips on your neck, the sounds of the sheets rustling from the soft and slow movements, and the rain hitting the windows, the moment was perfect. it was all that was needed. nothing else mattered in the world except the two of you.
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skxllz · 10 months
“ tha’s a good girl... ” lip mumbled, pulling you closer by the plush of your thighs. a squeak rattled out of your throat as you felt your stomach drag down against the rumpled sheets, only to feel the warmth of your boyfriend's breath against your wet opening.
it was a rather cold night when you had awoken lip, complaining he was hoggin’ the blankets and you couldn't get warm at all because of not only how cold it was — but because of how selfish he was bein’. you tried over and over to wrap yourself in what was generously given to you, but it wasn't helping; instead, leaving you to only shiver more than you already were.
the tide of heat that gathered at your feet from being under the blanket was torturous since the rest of your body was cold — that's what made you fed up, deciding to shake a hand to lip's shoulder. only, it wasn't a smart idea, because he let out an irritated groan and threw the blanket your way; mumbling something along the lines of ‘ annoying as always ’.
it hurt your feelings. sometimes he could be mean, but gosh, all you tried doing was explaining to him that you were cold.
so, you rolled over, snuggling into the blanket, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes since you were upset he was being a jerk. he probably didn't mean to, probably was just tired, but it still was... hurtful.
your sniffles had woke him up though. and he didn't remember bein’ mean —he was half asleep when complaining—, but he rolled over still, to see what he could do to make it up to you.
you wouldn't budge, which is how you ended up in this situation.
lip at the foot of your bed, on his knees, your thighs on each side of his head with your knees balancing over his shoulders. you were turned onto your tummy, elbows dug into the mattress as your hands clutched a pillow to your face; blocking out the rosiness of your cheeks and the giveaway that you already forgave this man.
he had been eating away, slowly and sloppily at your cunt for nearly thirty minutes now and still wouldn't let up. you were tired, but of course the pleasure you felt wouldn't even let you think of sleeping. instead, encouraging you to whine and whither under lip's hold.
tongue lifting to lick a stripe from your clit to your hole, a breathy moan was tugged from your lips. it made the blonde-brunette grin slightly; closing his eyes, humming, and then mouthing entirely over your vulva.
your hips shifted in reply; shaking, bucking back. lip firmly grasped at the fat of your thighs to hold you in place, his fingertips digging into the plump flesh vigorously.
lips glided back, only to leave your gooey cunt with a pop; a trail of saliva following behind. he kissed it away — and then kissed again. and again. and again, until his tongue was delving into your hole and spreading your lower-valley apart. it ripped a sharp gasp from you.
your stomach tensed up and you whimpered, desperately, trying not to moan out, “ l-lip— ”
he hushed you with a thwack to your ass. you whined, and bucked back again. “ lip, please— ” another thwack!
back arching and chest kissing the mattress, you looked back with teary eyes, only to meet lip's own darkened ones. they were no longer their pretty light aquamarine, more of a darker shade; somehow a blend of blue and green. still, it was hot. he was hot.
as lip pulled back, squeezing the cheek of your ass, his lips released your clit he had moved to suck upon. “ quiet. ” his eyes narrowed, whispering in a hushed tone, “ do you want your parents to fucking hear us? ”
you shook your head, inhaling sharply, squeezing the pillow tighter. of course you didn't, but it was so hard to keep silent when it felt so fucking good!
“ ‘kay... ” lip hummed, never breaking eye contact with you as his finger moved over your clit, and then down; dipping between the lips of your pussy and rubbing gently. “ so be a good girl f’me and be quiet, alright? give you m’cock if you shut that pretty mouth of yours.. ”
that definitely shut you up.
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