#the og pepper steak
alexandraisyes · 2 months
What's the favourite food of all your RESET AU characters?
Yeah alright
Primary Dimension
Sun: Cheesecake Nexus: Blueberry Pancakes (With Whipped Cream) Solar: Caramel Corn Earth: Macaroons + Bearclaw Pastries Monty: Loaded Chili Cheese Dogs Foxy: Lemon Pepper Chicken Puppet: Escargot Finley (FC): Apple Slices Moon: Grilled Cheese (With Tomato Soup) Vanth (OG Lunar): Butterscotch Candies Lulu/Lunar (OC): Spicy Ramen (Extra Cheese + Scrambled Eggs) Chips/Eclipse (OC): Beef Bulgogi Bowl Killcode: Chicken Noodle Soup Solar Flare: Lamb Stew Ruin: Peach Cobbler Angel (Solar's Sun - Reset): Omelets Crescent (Solar's Moon - Reset): Chocolate Blood (and Harvest): Philly Steak Burritos (Bleeding steak) Jack: Top Ramen
Secondary (Lord Eclipse) Dimension Kronos (Lord Eclipse): Dino Nuggets (Stolen From Primary Dimension) Crius (Servant Sun): Strawberries Helios (Dark Sun): Dark Chocolate Dutch Bundt Cake Styx (Lord Lunar): Honeyed Steak Moros (Servant Eclipse): Lugaw Gaia (Evil Earth): Bread Bowls Icarus (Star-Holder Freddy): Blackberry Pie Eos (Lonely Sun): Shortcake Khonsu (Feral Moon): Fish + Raw Meat Nyx (Evil Lunar): Sashimi Sobek (Evil Monty): Cowboy Casserole Ammit (Mage Monty): Ettoufée Brock (Local Monty): Apple Harvest Chili Bloom (Moon and Vanth Merged): Cinnamon Spiced Beef
AU co-owned with @polaris-stuff and @dragoncxv360
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biohazard-4ever · 3 months
I thought it would be fun to compile a couple random questions to ask you! I like hearing the little and silly headcanons about Leon so I would love your opinions on these.
•Does Leon snore at night?
•What would Leon’s favorite soda be?
•Leon’s favorite restaurant?
•Would Leon be more of a football fan or soccer fan?
•Would Leon be the first to say “I love you” in a relationship? 
•Is Leon a sweet tooth or likes spicy food
•When Leon sleeps at night, is he the type to sleep shirtless or not?
OOOOH I love this...
So, I'll answer this for both: Drunk Leon and Sober Leon as we can tell he
Before RC, Leon was definitely NOT a guy to snore. He had a healthy lifestyle and a healthy sleep schedule. But after RE2 and looking at his deep and dark eyebags I think it is safe to assume he has a poor sleepin' schedule and, sometimes, that can lead to slight snores. So... Depends. But he has definitely snored more than once post-RC.
Favorite Soda: He is that different guy. He is the blue Guy. He is the Mint-Chocolate guy. He is the PEPSI guy LOL. Pepsi Zero or Coca Zero. With a slice of lemon. And ice. Heck yeah. Also... This guy likes sparkling water.
His favorite restaurant is definitely a steak house with plenty of option. I'll never get over Leon's comment in the OG RE4 saying He'd LOVE a fat and juicy steak right now. This man enjoys a good BBQ.
If any of those, soccer. Football was never particularly appealing to him; soccer is more likely for him to enjoy. And during world cup watch him bet on the underground teams always. One day, he will win the bet. lol
I can easily see Leon as being the first to say "I love you" because he liking it or not, he is a very emotional guy. And attaches easy on people. Yes, I can see him being the first one -, and if not, you can bet he has been dying to say it first. Leon is the type to either: Fall in love first. Or fall in love last but HARDER.
Well, I admit I kinda see Leon enjoying a little spiciness in his plate. Not a BURNING HOT experience. No. Just a sliiiight punch. He won't miss it if there is none, but he will surely appreciate when he feels that slight pepper touch. And sweets? Nah. This man avoid sugar even on his coffee.
Not shirtless. Unless... Well, you know~
Snore? Nooo... He is a fucking CHAINSAW.
Lemon Pepsi with whisky.
His favorite bar is one downtown, not as popular and certainly NOT loud. Where he can drink in peace without being bothered.
He likes to try and read the name of the Soccer players, especially the not-western ones.
I mean. It may happened once or twice... Except the person didn't know him and He doesn't even remember their faces.
He gets particularly sugar-craving after getting wasted. He says "drunk me is the fun me". But his pancakes with melted burnt chocolate says otherwise. Can't even make Pancakes without making his kitchen look like a C.S.I scene.
Shirtless. He gets too hot, too sweaty because of all the alcohol so definitely shirtless.
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coolrpblog · 5 months
Mun Comforts
Repost do not reblog!
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Comfort food(s): reese's, raisin cinnamon bagel warmed with cinnamon butter, chicken parm, rare steak, and uhhh choco chip cookie.
Comfort drink(s): top of the mornin coffee, lavender latte, caramel latte, dr pepper, rose lemonade, and watermelon propel.
Comfort movie(s): fri13 part 2 and 3, halloween 1 and 2 the og one.
Comfort show(s): triple d and g, dragula
Comfort clothing: sweatpants, horror themed shirts, my mom's shirts
Comfort song(s): it changes so i can't list
Comfort book(s): be kind my neighbor, majin tantei nougami neuro
Comfort game(s): spider solitaire, lc, afk j, dbd,the forest, sons of the forest, twilight princess, and uhhh content warning.
Tagged by: i wasn't tagged :') /j but i did yoink it
Tagging: @leadxxr @exiitiosus @explosionpalm @jellodoc @designedparadigm @thxgrxmrexpxr @obedientmade @voicestm
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LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sinfulwrites · 3 years
S/O who can't cook
My mother just served steak tonight and told me she used a half cup of salt for the seasoning.
She inspired this and is also banned from ever touching salt again.
This is just in good fun, cause some of us fuck up a dish now and then. No shame in it. But if any of you put half a cup of salt in like my mother I'm judging, sorry, that's a war crime.
also Asa is finally making his debut, in a joke post, very fitting for this blog.
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Jason Voorhees
Now, Jason isn't a picky eater. He's survived off wild animals alone, he didn't have anything like salt and pepper until you came along. He'll eat something, even if it doesn't taste good, because he has to eat to live. He eats because he has too, not because he enjoys it.
But he… Definitely knows what bad food tastes like. Thanks to you.
He would never tell you that it's bad, he will swallow it down and not even flinch, even though it is way over salted. He will nod his head and give a thumbs up when you ask if he likes it, because his mother raised him better than to chastise you for your cooking, especially since you didn't have to cook for him.
But, if you admit you might have over-seasoned, he is going to agree, but only since you brought it up first.
You might burn his marshmallows a little too much, but he is still going to eat them regardless. After a while, he starts to like the burnt taste a little, but he still definitely prefers when it's golden brown.
If he peeks into the kitchen and sees you adding too much powder into the bowl, he will simply swallow his pride before coming in to help you cook, though he won't mention the flour.
He's a gentleman about it.
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OG Michael Myers
In a similar boat as Jason, he's not a picky eater. He's eaten raw dogs.
But he definitely knows cupcakes aren't supposed to taste like cornbread.
He won't say anything, but he's definitely going to take a pause after his first before continuing to eat.
That's his moment of, "oh, this is gross.", but again, he's not picky. At least he's getting food, it's an upgrade from raw dogs.
But if it gets to a certain point, he won't eat it. If he can't swallow the steak because it's so tough, he's just putting his fork down. If the chicken is so dry it won't go down, he's spitting it out. He can't even eat it at this point.
That's his silent, "this sucks," to you. He's not afraid to lock eyes with you as he spits out the food either, cause he wants the message to get across.
Yes, he will be sleeping on the couch tonight.
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2018 Michael Myers
Michael has gotten pickier in his old age, but he still eats about anything.
But he has gotten picky. He can't eat really tough food anymore, his teeth aren't as strong as they used to be, to his dismay. His steak needs to be soft, the chicken needs to be moist, the ham can't be dry. He's not even doing it to be an ass, he just can't eat it.
But how do you mess up so badly with pancakes? They're still liquid on the plate!
Oh he's going to speak up if it's bad. You better be able to be able to take criticism, cause when you ask him if he likes it, he's going to be honest.
He would try to help you improve, but he doesn't know how to cook either.
He steals some cookbooks for you and hopes that is enough.
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RZ Michael Myers
"How's it taste, Michael?" "................"
He will just eat in silence.
He's guilty of dog consumption, but the sheer amount of salt on this meat almost made his eyes water.
He will finish his plate, but very obviously doesn't like it. He will agree with you if you say it was bad, but he won't say it if you don't. His body language kind of says it all though.
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Brahms Heelshire
Will spit it straight out if he doesn't like it.
"It's too salty, Y/N!"
He already hates his veggies, but they're practically black, they've been so burnt!
He is a brat, and will throw a fit about it if you make him eat it.
He will stand proudly in the corner for his punishment if it means he doesn't have to eat the food, he's that stubborn.
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Bo Sinclair
"You are banned from the kitchen." He says, after clearing his plate.
He's another one who will swallow his pride and eat it, but he's definitely critiquing it.
Three strikes and you're out. He's always been the cook in the house, if you can't cook, he's got no problem taking up that position in the kitchen, especially if you keep making rubbery eggs.
Bo will offer to teach you how to cook if you ask him too. He won't tease you for it, he'll genuinely teach you.
And if you want to cook with him, you're more than welcome to help.
If you actually manage to improve your cooking skills, he will give you control of the kitchen, and praise you with each dish that gets better and better.
It's a rare moment of genuine Bo care.
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Vincent Sinclair
He's not saying he prefers Bo's cooking over yours, but he's definitely encouraging you to rest if you express not wanting to cook that night.
He also cleans his plate, but he's grateful for his mask because he always grimaces when he tastes over-seasoned food. Especially if it's too much garlic.
He silently mourns every dry cake that he eats, hoping the next one will be moist, but will swallow down the dry one regardless. With a large glass of milk on his side.
"I'm telling them, man." Bo says to him one day, after a steak even you had to admit you over salted.
"Don't you dare." Vincent immediately signed back. The steak was bad, but he wasn't going to let Bo make you feel bad about it. Vincent never wanted to hurt your feelings.
But you heard. "Tell me what?"
"That your steak su-"
Vincent elbows his twin in the stomach before he can finish that sentence before coming over to help you with the dishes, signing to you to ignore his brother.
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Bubba Sawyer
Y/N, he can't help you here, you got Drayton and the twins against you.
Bubba would never tell you that your cooking is bad, he would always praise you and encourage you, even if he didn't like it. Because he really doesn't want to hurt your feelings, and he knows you worked really hard on it.
His hands are tied, he can only shrug and look away in shame as Drayton scolds you.
And really, Y/N, you only need a teaspoon of chili pepper, not a quarter of the shaker…
Bubba would also teach you how to cook, and he's a great teacher, so it won't be long before Drayton stops critiquing your cooking. Too much. He's always going to have a snide comment here or there, because he's Drayton.
Bubba loves to cook with you, and even if you don't improve your cooking skills, he absolutely lets you chop some stuff for him or grab bowls for him, or another spoon if he needs it. He loves to spend time with you in the kitchen, even if he's doing all the work, he's just happy you're there.
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Thomas Hewitt
Oh, Y/N… No…
Thomas is never going to let anyone say anything too harsh to you, not even his mother, he will always stick up for you. But at the same time, he will pull you aside some days and show you how to season properly.
He's very gentle in his approach, never demeaning and always praising when you improve, and rubs your back when you make a mistake here and there.
Luda Mae is the same, she will teach you if you ask. You're also free to help her by grabbing utensils when she's cooking or fetching something from the pantry for her.
If you want to stick to dish duty, no one will try to stop you.
Just please, for the love of all that is holy, add milk to your cake batter.
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Asa Emory
Can only watch in awe as you dump half a cup of salt onto a steak and see no problem with it.
He's looking between you, the steak, you, and the steak again to make sure he's seeing this right.
Eventually he can only cover his mouth and watch as this steak is seasoned.
Yeah, no, you're done. Time for cooking lessons.
He is a very good teacher, though he will make you swallow every bite of your failed dishes until you start improving.
You'll start to pick up adding the correct amount of water to your pancake batter in no time.
You're not going back into that kitchen on your own ever again, he is always going to keep an eye on you as you cook from now on. Though his judgmental stares will turn into praise the more you improve.
"You made it perfect this time." "You got it to the perfect temperature." "Those were your best brownies yet." Things along those lines.
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shortstack-posen · 4 years
Get to know me tag game
Tagged by @too-haught-haught-damn
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? I have a rose gold one and a teal one
2. name a food you never eat: Blue cheese
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too warm
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Playing among us I think, my perception of time these days is horrible
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? I don’t think I have one. Do KitKats count?
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? I have been to a Dodgers game
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? “Aw, feel better! Goodnight.”
8. what is your favorite ice cream? Butter Pecan from Thrifty (Rite Aid) YES it’s *chefs kiss*
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Either Diet Dr. Pepper or ice water, I kinda switched off between the two by accident
10. do you like your wallet? For the most part. It’s pretty, but I keep accidentally mixing up which side has my money so I look like an idiot flipping my wallet around looking for it
11. what is the last thing you ate? Almonds and raisins, AKA the parts of trail mix my sister doesn’t like
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? ...maybe👀
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? The Dodgers game last night
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Butter, the OG
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My sister
16. ever been camping? Nope
17. do you take vitamins? Only vitamin D because my levels are ✨dangerously low✨ (also thanks for reminding me, I forgot to take it)
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? No, but I sometimes go to synagogue with my cousins during the holiest holidays
19. do you have a tan? I’m ghost white
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Pizza
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? Only if it’s in a can
22. what color socks do you usually wear? White
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? Yes
24. what terrifies you? Not being liked
25. look to your left, what do you see? My hydroflask
26. what chore do you hate most? PUTTING LAUNDRY AWAY
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? “Oh cool, someone who has probably seen a spider bigger than my whole body before”
28. what’s your favorite soda? Diet Coke
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive thru unless I’m with friends and they want to dine in (pre-covid of course)
30. what’s your favorite number? 24
31. who’s the last person you talked to? A friend from school
32. favorite meat? Steak or lamb
33. last song you listened to? The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani (feat. Akon)
34. last book you read? the princess saves herself in this one (it’s a poetry collection but still)
35. favorite day of the week? Friday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? One of my party tricks! I can say it backwards in under 4 seconds :)
37. how do you like your coffee? With an ungodly amount of french vanilla creamer
38. favorite pair of shoes? Nike white tennis shoes
39. time you normally get up? like 9:30, depends on the day
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunset? Sunset
41. how many blankets on your bed? A sheet, a blanket, and a comforter
42. describe your kitchen plates: Brown and green with a leaf pattern around the rim
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: A mess
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? I’m underage (but any cocktail I can make with sugar free/low sugar mix-ins)
45. do you play cards? I play online solitaire sometimes lol
46. what color is your car? Black
47. can you change a tire? Nope
48. your favorite state or province? California
49. favorite job you’ve had? The closest thing I’ve ever had to a job is sweeping the floor of my haircut place as a kid in exchange for extra tours and lollipops from the manager
Tagging: @sapphiclesbian @funkelly @remy-roman @ridiculously-over-obsessed and whoever else wants to do it! If you see this, do it and tag me!!
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caffeineivore · 5 years
For @vchanny-og
Prompt: Makoto teaches the girls to cook. To commission me please click here for information! To see what other people are offering up commissions please see here!
The recipe for peanut butter cookies is fool-proof, three-ingredients. Four, if you added chocolate chips. The first time that Makoto had made them, Usagi had eaten two dozen by herself, and when she’d found out how easy they were, she’d begged and whined and pouted until Makoto had agreed to teach her. 
“Mamo-chan would love these, don’t you think? Especially if we add chocolate! And peanut butter is healthy and has lots of protein so he wouldn’t even disapprove!”
Eggs. Crunchy peanut butter. Sugar. Chocolate chips. Parchment-lined baking sheet for 11 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius. 
Makoto lines up all the ingredients on the counter, helpfully preheats the oven to the correct temperature. She goes out to her balcony to check on her plants, and is halfway through dead-heading some leggy basil when the smell of smoke comes wafting through the open door. Thoroughly alarmed, she drops her clippings and runs in, yanks the oven open to find lumps of what look to be charcoal. Usagi’s wail could pass for a fire engine careening onto the scene complete with lights and sirens. 
“I don’t know what happened, Mako-chan! I didn’t do anything except what you asked, and now everything is ruined and there are NO COOKIES and you are probably going to be mad at me!”
With a long, windy sigh, Makoto checks the counter. Peanut butter, check. Sugar, check. Chocolate chips, check-- and if she’s not mistaken, Usagi dumped in about half a cup more than the recipe called for. A bowl of cracked open eggs, yolks almost mockingly bright orange, winked up at her. 
Makoto shakes her head, sends Usagi out to the bakery, and cuts up some peppers and tomatoes, retrieves her snipped basil. It seemed like she’d be having omelettes for dinner. 
“So we sear the steak at a high temperature in a cast-iron skillet to take advantage of the Maillard reaction for the sake of optimal flavour.” Ami scribbles some type of complex chemical molecule diagram on the margins of the recipe that she’d meticulously copied from Makoto’s cookbook, and does a few equations, and murmurs to herself. “I suppose that makes sense. The temperature of the cooking surface will exceed 140 degrees Celsius, which will cause the reactive carbonyl group of the sugar present in the molecule interact with the nucleophilic amino group of the amino acid.”
“Yeah. Something like that. And then you finish in a low and slow oven so you don’t overcook the meat. This is an expensive cut of steak-- you don’t want it to be cooked to death.”
Makoto did not care over-much about the complex chemical reactions and science behind the process-- it was enough, really, to know that as long as one controlled the temperature and time, and seasoned the pricey cut of beef simply but well (sea salt, coarse-ground pepper and a few sprigs of rosemary), one could have a fancy date night meal in the comfort of one’s own home. “Medium rare is the optimal doneness for steak, in my opinion. Use a food thermometer, cook it to 54 degrees Celsius, then rest for three minutes before slicing, and you’re good to go.”
“I understand the reasoning behind safe internal cooking temperatures,” Ami muses as she follows Makoto’s lead, carefully wiping down the cherry-red surface of her steak with a paper towel to dry it, then sprinkling on salt and pepper on both sides. “Obviously, you don’t want harmful disease-causing microorganisms to grow within your food product, and it either needs to be too hot or too cold for the bacteria and viruses and fungi to survive. But why are there exceptions to the rule? Your recipe says that a rare steak reaches the internal temperature of 51 degrees, a medium rare of 54, a medium of 58 and so on. Doesn’t that put the person who prefers to eat their steak rare at greater risk? How does a restaurant get around that liability? It’s not as though it can do a medical check of the customer to ensure that they have no history of immunological disorders or gastrointestinal problems. And what about nations which choose to ignore these limits altogether? We serve sushi and sashimi here in Japan, which is certainly not cooked to 62 or highter. The French have their Carpaccio and tartare. The Lebanese have their kibbee nayee, and so on.”
Makoto watches as Ami grinds exactly three shakes of pepper onto each side of her steak, then rolls her eyes. “How does your guy like his steak cooked? That’s all I need to know.”
Ami blushes almost as red as the meat she’s fiddling with. “Umm. Medium rare is fine. And he’s hardly ‘my’ guy. More of Mamoru’s, wouldn’t you say?”
“You’ve already split hairs over the science of cooking. I don’t think I have enough energy to argue over the exact nature of your relationship with the mouthy blond menace. Do you think you can put together a nice green salad to go with these steaks? That way we can get done quicker, and I can make myself scarce before he comes here.”
Makoto knows better than to attempt to teach Rei anything too outlandish in the kitchen. Rei is a traditionalist in every sense of the word, and probably would not be caught dead in some hipster gastro-pub serving deconstructed salad of micro-greens topped with lobster foam something-or-another no matter how many Michelin stars and James Beard awards the place might have won. Rei is also reasonably competent with her hands and not particularly accident-prone, so something like steamed gyoza seems right up her alley. Sure, making the filling and dough from scratch is an extra effort, but her friend had never been the type to settle for mediocre and ordinary.
Her first warning that things might not turn out quite so well is when Rei takes a full step back when she sets the food processor on the counter. “What is that?” 
Her tone could only have been snottier had the food processor been possibly coated in dung and mildew and maybe plastered with boy band stickers. “It’s a food processor. So we can easily chop up the chives, grind up the pork.”
“I have a perfectly serviceable set of knives here.” Rei turns up her aristocratic little nose and points to the knife-block, which, to be fair, holds a set of heirloom-quality blades. Trust the senshi of war to know her sharp objects, Makoto thinks drolly, but she acquiesces. “All right. You can mince the chives with that, I guess. But I’m using the food processor to grind the meat.”
They both get to work, and Rei glares at the machine as soon as it starts up as though the noise offended her on a personal level. She’s not bad-- indeed, her cuts are decent even by chef standards, but by the time Makoto has finished up her meat and mixed in soy sauce and ginger and garlic and a pinch of allspice and an egg, she’s only about a quarter of the way done with her chives. Slowly and stubbornly, she soldiers on as Makoto measures out flour and water and a pinch of salt. 
“What in the world is that?”
Now, the question is directed towards the stand mixer plugged into the wall outlet. Makoto doesn’t even dignify that with a response, and dumps in flour, salt and water, lets fly. Sure, she can knead the dough by hand if she wanted to. And stretch it, cut it, roll it out for the dumpling wrappers. And maybe, if he’s very, very lucky, Jun would have gyoza sometime within the next two years. She’s just about ready to start rolling the dough when Rei finally finishes cutting the chives by hand, and dumps them into the bowl of the ground meat mixture, scowling at the way the damp green mince clings to her fingertips. Makoto finishes mixing the filling, then shows Rei, quickly, how to pinch the edges of the dumpling shut. 
She waits until the knives are washed and put away and the pot is simmering before turning to her friend with a mischievous look, tongue firmly tucked in cheek. “Well. I’m sure Jun will appreciate your painstaking work on this meal, doing things the old-fashioned way by hand. He’ll know just how much you care from the sheer effort you went through.”
If looks could kill, Makoto would be buried six feet under complete with an ugly angel-shaped monument and an elaborate wreath of flowers on her grave. She manages to keep a straight face while she takes the dumplings out the pot, then excuses herself. She’s still laughing when she arrives at her own apartment a good half-hour later. 
Leave it to Minako, of course, to want to learn the most complicated, exotic dish of them all. 
“I think it would be perfect! He doesn’t eat pork or beef, and I love spicy food, and I know you’ll help me and it will turn out wonderfully!” 
Makoto eyes the recipe bookmarked on Minako’s phone-- very heavily starred on Pinterest, and apparently the handiwork of some world-renowned celebrity chef. “Indian lamb curry, though? That’s… quite ambitious of you, Minako.” Indeed, the list of ingredients is daunting in and of itself, even for a seasoned home cook, and Minako’s idea of gourmet home cooking generally involved cracking an egg over her boiling ramen noodles. 
“Oh don’t you worry. I’ve watched a TON of youtube videos. And cooking reality shows. That Gordon Ramsay is HILARIOUS. And it all goes into the slow cooker, so it hardly requires fancy techniques and knifework and the like. All I have to do is toss everything in there and push a button and spend the rest of my time making myself look gorgeous and sexy, right??”
Makoto eyes the recipe again. She’s pretty sure that Minako has never heard of the term ‘garam masala’ in her life. “Maybe you should at least let me taste it before you serve it. Just in case.”
Six hours later a mostly-decent-looking sample of the dish is placed in front of her. The curry is an appetizing orange-brown colour, and the kitchen smells invitingly of spices. Minako had even taken the time to toss some finely chopped parsley onto the meat for a pop of bright green. Makoto is pleasantly surprised, and gives Minako an approving smile which lasts all of three seconds-- the three seconds it takes to put a piece of the meat in her mouth. She gags, and spits it out. “Oh, GOD! What did you put in this?! It tastes like the Dead Sea… if the Dead Sea were on fire!”
Minako shoots her a wide-eyed look from those baby blues, thoroughly bewildered. “Welllllll… all these videos said to salt with every step of the cooking pricess. So I did. It was probably like close to half a cup of salt total, because I added some after every other ingredient. And then I didn’t have tomato paste so I substituted ketchup. Basically the same thing, you know? And I didn’t have the tablespoon of fresh ginger, so I used a tablespoon of ginger powder, and shelled pistachios look just like cardamom pods for like a tenth of the price, and I used Old Bay seasoning instead of Bay leaves… But the only thing I absolutely couldn’t figure out at all was this ‘garam masala’ stuff! So I left it out.”
Without a word, Makoto dumps the entire contents of the slow cooker into the trash, picks up her phone, and dials the local Indian restaurant, Within short order, two takeout containers are delivered-- an Indian lamb curry, and an accompanying container of cheese naan and rice. 
“Just… put it in your own plates,” Makoto tells the other girl, shaking her head between gulps of water. “The kitchen smells like you’ve been cooking all day. It’ll be our little secret and he will never, ever know.”
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fiftytwotwenty · 5 years
Food Friday - Jan 24th, 2020 “A Pig Fucking a Chicken While the Rooster is Watching” Prep Time: 40mins
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In honor of my best friend I took a stab at reinventing of one of the best breakfast sandies I have ever had.
In college, a Pig Fucking a Chicken While the Rooster is Watching, was a cure all: 
- Were you out all night boozing and making bad decisions on the dance floor? Eat a Pig Fucking a Chicken While the Rooster is Watching!
- Did some little philly break your heart? Eat a Pig Fucking a Chicken!
- Just take a midterm and you didn’t know a single answer of the test? Eat a Pig Fucking a Chicken!
My Best Friend and Roommate, Andy, concocted this scrumptious breakfast staple after a late bender/early morning during winter break. Like a raccoon my buddy racked up ingredients from the fridge - Slices of ham from Christmas dinner leftovers, uneaten chicken strips from our other roommate’s takeout, and some spare eggs. 
Andy was always doing this shit -like a Master Chef in a Drunk’s Kitchen - just taking menial scraps and repurposing them into something you never knew you needed/wanted. We made so many delicious messes. We spent more time on creating our diner menu than we did on our studies.
In remembrance of my friend on the cusp of his birthday (Jan 27th), I attempted to “improve” on Andy’s breakfast sandy and failed - There Is No Beating the Original!
Here is my Failed Attempt at a College Classic:
- Pork Products - I used Deli Ham, Sausage, and Bacon ( but feel free to use your favorites Ham Steak, Canadian Bacon) 
- Breaded Chicken Breast (I used frozen but some strips from DQ work great - better even)
- Hasbrowns
- Egg(s)
- Cake Donuts (Unfrosted if you can find them)
- Salt
- Pepper
- Butter
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- If you are using frozen Chicken Tenders - preheat your oven and get them baking. 
- In a skillet cook your hashbrowns to your liking - I season mine in salt and pepper and cook a few pads of butter. Once your hashbrowns are to your liking, set aside for assembly.
- Meanwhile - If a waffle iron is available - smash up your Donuts and cook in a heated waffle iron. I don’t recommend cooking over 2mins.
- In separate/clean skillet cook your Bacon and Sausage - I recommend at least (2) strips of Bacon and (1) Sausage Patty. Once cooked set aside for assembly - but hold onto the bacon/sausage grease...
- Is your chicken done cooking yet? If so, wrap the Chicken Tenders in deli ham and score it in a skillet. The ham wrapped chicken helps sells imagery of a Pig fucking a Chicken - Imagine a metaphor for a Lover’s Warm Embrace. 
- Lastly, in the skillet with the pork sweat aka the pork grease - fry your egg. I prefer Over Easy.
- Split your Donut Waffle in half and make piece your Base
- Layout your hashbrowns on your Donut Waffle Slice - kind of like a Hen’s nest. Follow by placing your Fried Egg in the bed of the hasbrowns.
- Cover your egg with a Sausage Patty
- Top with a Ham Embraced Chicken Tender
- Layered in your strips of Bacon
- Finally top off by the other Donut Waffle Slice
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* Look at That Jaw Just Unhinge *
1. Donuts sound like they would have been an awesome deliver device, but the donut was too sweet. I tried finding cake donuts with no glaze, but sadly there were none in the area - even still - I think plain cake donuts would have still been too sweet.
2. If I were to use Donuts again - I will not be waffling them - I would probably use them more like a bagel.
3. I would either pull the Sausage Patty or the Bacon - sometimes minimalism is  best.
4. The Chicken Strips were too thick - Thinner Chicken Strips in the sake of being able to fit the sandy in one’s mouth without having to unhinge their jaw.
5. I forgot the basic essentials! Andy would make the sandy with a zesty mayo (hot sauce and mayonnaise) and throw on a slice of cheese.
I went back and made another sandy the way Andy would have - like the OG Pig Fucking a Chicken While the Rooster is Watching. Couple slices of bread and remembered the cheese and zesty mayo.
And that is what cooking is about - experimenting, making mistakes, destroying a waffle iron, and then eating your mistakes.
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* Ahhhhh, Much Better...*
- Pairs well with Orange Juice or Mimosas
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pollocksbbqs · 2 years
Summer Means Barbeques: Here’s Your Quick Fix for Umami Flavors of BBQ Sauces!!
Are you looking forward to barbequing your way through those breezy summer evenings? Then this is for you - these delicious BBQ sauce recipes are to die for.
Kansas City-Style BBQ sauce: The OG Way to Sauce!
Are you someone who is driven by the authenticity of flavors when it comes to food? Then here you go - eat like the people in the barbeque capital, Kansas. Kansas city-style BBQ sauce is a buttery blend with an overpowering and flavorful base of tomatoes and molasses perfect to top your steaks and a side of veggies before they could be devoured. If this fits into your imagination as a plateful of your dreams click for the full recipe, here
Orange-Tangerine BBQ sauce: For the Love of Citrus!
Do you identify as fruity? Then take your freshly plucked, farm-grown citrus fruits and make this mouth-watering homemade Orange-Tangerine BBQ sauce. Deseed your fruits, pulp them, and add a dash of apple cider vinegar, mustard, chili sauce, ketchup [yes, you heard that right], and Worcestershire sauce. Spice it up with powdered onion and ginger and pepper, and do not forget to add brown sugar for some sweetness with garlic salt for that savory kick.  Simmer it all in a saucepan and drench your grilled salmon with this finger-licking saucy concoction.
Five Minute BBQ Sauce: The Express Way to Eat!
Want to be the talk of the town as you host an extravagant barbeque for your friends and neighbors? Try this simple but foolproof recipe with smoked paprika. This is a quick concoction of Spanish paprika with brown sugar, salt, cumin, and a dash of freshly cracked pepper with vinegar and ketchup. Mixed in a small saucepan and simmered over medium heat for a few minutes, this pours beautifully on chicken or pork prepared to your liking. So, pull out your grill and get barbequing with good company around and make sure to give the store-bought BBQ sauces a run for their money. Check out the entire recipe here
Five Minute BBQ Sauce: The Express Way to Eat!
Are you someone who’s on the constant lookout for healthy yet flavorful food options? Then this is the perfect sauce for your liking. Take three egg yolks to add nutrients, fats, and protein to your dish and mix them with parmesan cheese for a velvet consistency add some pepper and mix them. In a pan, season some garlic in hot olive oil, introduce some chili paste to this mixture, and temper with water, add the eggy mixture to this and simmer for a few seconds. This fulfilling yet healthy sauce can be poured on your barbequed veggies and meats and work as an escape from the usual sweet and spicy BBQ sauces changing your pallet and still providing you with all the luscious goodness you require.
Coca-Cola BBQ Sauce: Taste the Smoky Feeling!
Can’t live without your daily dose of carbonated drinks? This Coca-Cola BBQ sauce will fulfill all your coke-based cravings. Coca-Cola simmered on low heat with fresh garlic, brown sugar, kosher salt, ketchup, or tomato paste with molasses and apple cider vinegar until it thickens to a saucy consistency giving it a distinct flavor. Slather it on your Chicken breast or pair it up with pork or ribs. This coke-based sauce also uses liquid smoke to elevate the profile of your food, so if you are in the mood to wow your partner with a Michelin star-level dish or you’re just in a mood to cook with one of your favorite beverages. Check the full recipe out, here
Low Sugar BBQ Sauce: Less Sweet, More Spice and Everything Nice!
When you look for a BBQ sauce your taste buds think sweet, tangy, smoky, and spicy. But if you are trying to manage your sugar intake, this low-sugar, tomato-based barbeque sauce is here for your rescue. Using brown sugar or stevia, along with juicy canned tomatoes for tanginess it uses smoked paprika, cayenne, and other spices of choice in accompaniment of apple cider vinegar. Simmered to perfection till all the flavors get to know each other make this sauce a perfect fit for marinating a grilled pork belly. It can also work as a condiment while cooking with ground beef and steak or as a glaze or dipping sauce with spare ribs and burgers.
Since you now have this gamut of flavors and sauces to pick from, go to your nearest Pollocks store and check out the most reasonable and efficient grilling equipment and fill your lungs with the summer air and the devouring scent of barbeque!!
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dietmumrepeat · 5 years
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Sizzling beef with toasted sesame & nigella seeds 😋 Protein:135g steak strips Veg: 80g baby corn, spinach, green pepper and cherry tomato (Fresh chilli not included in weight) 200kcal https://www.facebook.com/anothermishdish/ #ThisIsTheOne #One2OneDiet #one2onedietchallenge #one2onedietbycwp #cambridgeweightplan #cambridgediet#diet #onetoonesupport #consultant #transformation #cwp #cwpconsultant #cambridgeweightplanconsultant #awardwinningconsultant #slimmerwinners #healthyliving #nutrition #nutritionallycomplete #mealreplacement #balanceddiet #keto #ketodiet #weightloss (at The 1:1 Diet with Amy and Steve Sittingbourne & Surrounding Areas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1UNW4dh-og/?igshid=1bppfgphqql97
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indiepulserocks · 5 years
The Festival’s 10th Edition Presents An All-Star Food & Drink Lineup
Featuring An Array Of Hometown Culinary Favorites, Local And International Brews, And Platinum Menus Curated By Some Of The City’s Most Prestigious Chefs
Boston Calling, headlined by Twenty-One Pilots (Friday), Tame Impala (Saturday), and Travis Scott (Sunday), delivers a food & drink lineup that is sure to please even the foodiest of festival goers. With a variety of fare ranging from award-winning barbecue to a raw bar sourced directly from the Atlantic, the festival rolls out a stellar collection of new culinary treats from legendary chefs, and brings back fan favorites. This year’s menu has something for everyone, including a wide assortment of craft beers and wines on hand to toast to Boston Calling’s 10th edition. Boston Calling takes place Memorial Day Weekend, May 24-26, 2019, at the Harvard Athletic Complex in Allston (65 North Harvard Street, Boston). Tickets are available at www.bostoncalling.com.     New to Boston Calling’s General Admission food offerings are Sweet Cheeks Q, two-time James Beard Best Chef nominee Tiffani Faison’s barbecue mecca, which will be serving up Smoked Hot Chicken Philly Cheese Steaks, Oooey Gooey Cheesy Nachos, and a mind-blowing Fluffernutter Garbage Sundae; and Café Beatrice, an exciting new pop-up restaurant from Will Gilson, the celebrated chef and owner of Cambridge’s Puritan & Co., which will feature, among other options,Roasted Pork, Provolone and Broccoli Rabe, and Prosciutto, Pepper, Fig and Burrata Sandwiches.Stuffed by Papi is a new addition to the bill, offering its signature Sopapillas like Chipotle and Pineapple Marinated Smoked Pork with Pineapple Pico and Homemade Hatch Green Chile Aioli Slaw served with a Handmade to Order Sopapilla, while the locally acclaimed food truck, Boston Trolley Dogs, rolls in with the Duke, their popular beef hot dog topped with relish, onion and deli mustard.     Also in General Admission, Boston Calling welcomes back Roxy’s Grilled Cheese, with its delicious grilled cheese sandwiches, including the Green Monster stuffed with three cheeses, crispy bacon and fresh guacamole; Arancini Bros and their variety of mouthwatering arancini flavors, such as the Classic Ragu which is Saffron Risotto with Tomato Meat Sauce, Peas & Mozzarella;The Smoke Shop, chef and owner Andy Husbands’ award-winning barbecue joint; and local burger authority Tasty Burger, which returns with its Tasty Burger Tots and introduces its newTasty Burger Chicken Nuggets. Other returnees include Zinneken’s with authentic Belgian Wafflesand the Shuck Truck with an incredible raw bar selection and Cape Cod lobster roll sliders. Between Whole Heart Provisions and The Chubby Chickpea, there will be ample vegetarian and vegan options, and when paired with decadent vegan ice creams from Fomu, a meal is complete. As in past years at Boston Calling, Platinum ticketholders will be treated to specialty evening menus created and prepared by some of the city’s most rousing culinary talent. Friday night features legendary two-time James Beard Award winning chef Jody Adams of Trade, Porto, and Saloniki. Adams will welcome guests with a Greek, Saloniki menu including a brilliant Meze Boardcomprised of crispy pita chips and house made dips, olives, sheeps milk feta and veggies before hosting a Souvlaki Sandwich Bar, complete with an assortment of grilled skewered meats includingchicken, pork, and lamb. Yet another James Beard Award winner, Jamie Bissonnette, chef and partner of Toro, Coppa and Little Donkey, will host Saturday’s Platinum menu. He will offer aFoie Bratwurst with Japanese flavors, a Lamb, Bacon, and Lettuce wrap station, Fried Chicken Sandos and the sensational Impossible Burger. Sunday nights menu closes the festival with a classic northeastern seafood spread from an icon within New England cooking: Jeremy Sewall, chef and partner of of Island Creek Oyster Bar and Row 34. Sewall’s seafood expertise will be represented with a selection of Maine Lobster Tacos, Crispy Oyster Sliders, a Smoked Salmon Plate complete with pickles and grilled bread, and a Roasted Chicken with Rigatoni and Basil Pesto. Just as Boston Calling has curated a vast assortment of culinary choices for its 10th edition, it has also sourced an equally standout selection of beers and wines in both General Admission and Platinum. Hometown brewing favorites Samuel Adams will be returning again this year with an assortment of flavors, including three staple summer brews, Summer Ale, Sam ‘76 and Boston Lager. Returning to Boston Calling from across the Atlantic is Copenhagen’s acclaimed Mikkeller Brewing with a wide array of signature craft brews on tap including Staff Magician NE Pale Aleand Mikkeller Chill Pils Yuzu Pilsner. Barefoot Wines will also be featured with an assortment of wines such as the Barefoot Summer Red Spritzer and the classic Barefoot Pinot Grigio. Platinum guests will have access to, during limited serving hours, exclusive curated bars, signature cocktails and an assortment of superlative spirits including Kettle One and Bulleit Bourbon. Sodas and bottled water will be available for purchase throughout the entire festival. In addition, several free water stations will be onsite at Boston Calling for attendees who bring a factory sealed water bottle or empty beverage container. The full food and drink lineup is below. All vendors and menu items are subject to change. A * denotes the 2019 newcomers. A folder containing images of dishes for this year as well as Platinum chef headshots can be accessed here.
BOSTON CALLING 2019 GENERAL ADMISSION FOOD MENU Arancini Bros Classic Ragu - Saffron Risotto w/ Tomato Meat Sauce, Peas & Mozzarella Bianco Verde - Basil Pesto w/ Mozzarella Buffalo Ball - Roasted Chicken w/ Gorgonzola Cheese Pizza Ball - Margherita Style Basil, Tomato & Mozzarella Bucatini Fritti - Italian Style Mac & Cheese Our Famous Nutella - Hazelnut Chocolate w/ Cinnamon Sugar Bon Me The Namesake - Sandwich with BBQ Pork         The K-Town - Sandwich with Korean Style Spicy Chicken The JP - Sandwich with Roasted Paprika Tofu *Trolley Dogs Original (plain or mustard/ketchup) Duke (relish, onion & deli mustard) Dutchess (caramelized onions) California (chili & nacho cheese) New Yorker (sauerkraut & deli mustard) *Café Beatrice Tacos Chicken, Pork or Vegetable Tomato and Avocado BLT Prosciutto, Pepper, Fig and Burrata Sandwich Grass Fed Beef Meatball Sandwich Roasted Pork, Provolone and Broccoli Rabe Sandwich Chicken & Rice Guys Halal Chicken Plate Lamb Gyro Combination Plate (chicken & gyro) The Chubby Chickpea Chicken Shawarma Rice Bowl Falafel Bowl (Rice/Tabbouleh) Vegetarian Stuffed Grape Leaves Chickpea Fries Hummus with Pita Copperdome Pizza Cheese Slice Pepperoni Slice Spinach & Feta Slice Whole Pizza (8 Slices - any combination) Dean’s Concessions Chicken Fingers & Fries Fries Fried Oreos El Pelon Taqueria Cheese Quesadilla V Salsa Fresca Side V/GF Guacamole Side V/GF Chips Boston Calling Combo (Cheese Quesadilla/Chips/Salsa/Guacamole) The Flatbread Company Cheese Pizza Fomu Ice Cream Scoops of Ice Cream Waffle Cone Sprinkles Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich Joe’s American Bar & Grill Mac & Cheese Gluten Free Mac & Cheese Clam Chowder Jaju Pierogi Mix & Match Pierogi Potato & Cheese V Kielbasa & Red Pepper Jalapeno Cheddar V Sweet Potato & Caramelized Onion V Love Art Sushi Love Art Special Hawaiian Poke Onigiri (Rice Ball) Inari Seaweed Salad Moyzilla Hand Folded Pork and Cabbage Dumplings Soy Ginger Dipping Sauce Katsu Meal Box add Spring Roll - Twice Fried Pork Cutlet, Rice, Shredded Cabbage, Homemade Japanese BBQ Sauce Katsu Sandwich - Twice Fried Pork Cutlet, Bulky Roll, Shredded Cabbage, Homemade Japanese BBQ Sauce, Aioli Crispy Spring Rolls with Thai Sweet Chili Sauce V Riceburg Crispy Chicken Rice Burger/Rice Bowl (Sweet & Sour) Bulgogi Shaved Steak Rice Burger/Rice Bowl GF upon request Shitake Mushroom Rice Burger/Rice Bowl V/GF upon request Matcha Green Tea Lemonade Roxy’s Grilled Cheese Three Cheese Melt Rookie Melt (three cheese melt with tomato) Hot Honey Bacon (three cheese melt with bacon and Mike's Hot Honey) Green Monster (three cheese melt with bacon & guacamole) Deep River Chips Ruth’s Chris Steak House Steak Sandwich Lobster Roll Chicken Salad Wrap Cape Cod Chips The Sausage Guy Sausage Guy Sausage Sweet Sausage Guy Sausage Hot Sausage Guy IPA Brat Sausage Guy All Beef Hot Steak Cheese Peppers-Onions Sate Grill (Momogoose) Banh Mi Sandwich Build Your Own Bowl + Side Rice Noodles or Salad Chicken or Curry Tofu CrispyRoll or Dumpling Vietnamese Coffee Chocolate Chip Cookie Shuck Truck Oysters on the Half Shell Lobster Roll Hot & Butter'd or Cape Cod Cold Lobster Roll Slider Hot & Butter'd or Cape Cod Cold Lobster Fries! Old Bae Fries With Brown Butter Bisque, Smoked Gouda Cheese, Fresh Shucked Lobster and Bacon Aioli V/GF Old Bae Fries V/GF/Vegan The Smoke Shop The BBQ Bomb The Pit Boss The BBQ Sandwiches (Pulled Pork, Pulled Chicken, Burnt Ends) The Sides (Cornbread, Mac & Cheese, Pit Beans, Coleslaw) The BRL (Bacon-Wrapped Smoked Pork Loin) Stone & Skillet Cheese Pizza Pepperoni Pizza *Stuffed by Papi Seared Steak and Cheese Fresh grilled steak with caramelized onions and peppers, artisan romaine, fontina or chef's choice cheese of the day and homemade Papi sauce/served with a handmade to order sopapilla Pork Al Pastor Chipotle and pineapple marinated smoked pork with pineapple pico and homemade hatch green chile aioli slaw/served with a handmade to order sopapilla Sopapilla Doughnut Fried and glazed to order with cinnamon toast crunch or Oreo The OG Sopapilla drizzled with honey and dusted with powdered sugar *Sweet Cheeks Q Smoked Hot Chicken Philly Cheese Steak add avocado or bacon Oooey Gooey Cheesy Nachos add guacamole, chicken, or bacon Fluffernutter Garbage Sundae Tasty Burger Hamburger Cheeseburger Bacon Cheeseburger Veggie Burger Veggie Burger with Cheese Tasty Burger Chicken Nuggets Chicken Nuggets Bag of Chips Tasty Burger Tots Tater Tots GF Cheese Tots Chili Tots Chili Cheese Tots Whole Heart Provisions MISO BOWL vegan & gluten free TAZON BOWL vegan & gluten free VIET BOWL vegan & gluten free SEARED AVOCADO vegan & gluten free Zinneken’s Liege Waffle The Gourmand (Caramel, Bananas, Whip Cream) Fruit Delight (Melted Chocolate, Bananas, Strawberries) Ice Cream Zandwich (Vanilla Ice Cream)                
Friday, May 24 Chef Jody Adams Trade, Porto, Saloniki
Appetizer: Meze Board w/ Pita Chips & House Made Dips, Herb Marinated Olives, Sheeps Milk Feta, Veggies Main: Souvlaki Sandwich Bar w/ Grilled Skewered Meats (Chicken, Pork, Lamb, and Veggie) On the Buffet Line: Rolls, Toppings, House Made Sauces Salads: Village Salad Seasonal Salad Dessert: Baklava Triangles Mini Chocolate Cookies Halva Chocolate Chip Cookies Saturday, May 25 Chef Jamie Bissonnette Toro, Coppa, Little Donkey Celery Caesar COPPA V Foie Bratwurst (with Japanese Flavors) LD Corn (Off the Cob) TORO GF/V Lamb Bacon Lettuce Wrap Station (build your own) LD GF Impossible Burgers LD Fried Chicken Sandos LD Vegan Paella TORO V/GF Sunday, May 26 Chef Jeremy Sewall Island Creek Oyster Bar, Row 34 Romaine Salad, Roasted Tomatoes, Balsamic Vinaigrette Grilled Asparagus, Sauce Gribiche Maine Lobster Tacos, Mango, Avocado Chilled Shrimp Salad, Sesame, Roasted Peppers, Cucumber Crispy Oyster Sliders, Pickled Onion, Chili Aioli Roasted Chicken with Rigatoni And Basil Pesto Smoked Salmon Plate, Pickles, Grilled Bread Cookies and Brownies BOSTON CALLING 2019 BEER & WINE MENU BEER: Miller Lite Miller High Life Sol Cerveza Peroni Nastro Azzurro Pilsner Urquell (Draft Only) Sam Adams Summer Ale Sam Adams NEIPA Sam Adams ’76 (Draft Only) Sam Adams Boston Lager (Draft Only) Truly Wild Berry Spiked Seltzer Angry Orchard Crisp Apple Angry Orchard Rose (Draft Only) Mikkeller Table Talker Belgian Table Brew Mikkeller Chill Pils Yuzu Pilsner Mikkeller Staff Magician NE Pale Ale Mikkeller Passion Pool Gose Mikkeller Raspberry Blush Berliner Weisse Mikkeller Windy Hill NE IPA Mikkeller Beer Geek Brekkie Loq ABV Stout Mikkeller Ripple Effect West Coast IPA WINE: Barefoot Pinot Grigio Barefoot Pinot Noir Barefoot Moscato Spritzer Barefoot Rose Spritzer Barefoot Sangria Spritzer Barefoot Summer Red Spritzer Featured Liquor Sponsors: Bulleit Bourbon Ketel One Vodka
The day-by-day music lineup for Boston Calling 2019 is as follows. Performance times are forthcoming. *Artists are subject to change.
Friday May 24, 2019 Twenty One Pilots Greta Van Fleet Chvrches Lord Huron Christine and The Queens Tank and The Bangas Mura Masa Yaeji Gang of Youths Turnstile Pale Waves Bear Hands Naeem Adia Victoria Arena: Fred Armisen Sam Jay Lamont Price Saturday May 25, 2019 Tame Impala ODESZA Anderson. Paak & The Free Nationals Hozier Big Red Machine King Princess Mitski Clairo Denzel Curry Princess Nokia Young Fathers Superorganism Shame Pile White Reaper Sasha Sloan Dessa Sidney Gish Arena: Jenny Slate Imogen Heap Boston Ballet Marina Franklin Lamont Price Sunday May 26, 2019 Travis Scott Logic Brandi Carlile Sheck Wes Rainbow Kitten Surprise Marina Guster Chromeo (DJ Set) Snakehips Snail Mail SOB x RBE Ravyn Lenae Cautious Clay Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever Kilo Kish SKEGSS Easy Life Arena: Michael Che Imogen Heap Boston Ballet Melissa Villaseñor Lamont Price
Images of 2019 Boston Calling artists and highlight images from the previous nine festivals can be found here. Boston Calling is proud to have Delta Air Lines, Samuel Adams, Miller Lite, Chase, JBL, Vans, Barefoot Wine, Subaru of New England, and 47 Brand as sponsors for this year’s festival. Tickets:  A limited number of Single Day and Three-Day General Admission, VIP and Platinum Passes are on sale now at www.bostoncalling.com. Getting There: Boston Calling is best accessed by the T on the Red Line’s Harvard Square stop; from there, it is a short walk to the festival’s main entrance.  Boston Calling will also be coordinating with taxi and rideshare programs for safe and easy pickup and drop off points. There will also be bike racks available onsite.  Onsite parking is available only to Platinum package purchasers. Boston Calling is produced by Boston Calling Events LLC (BCE) which is owned by Crash Line Productions and The Madison Square Garden Company. Crash Line Productions is a Boston-based entertainment production company that owns and produces dozens of events each year.  Formed in 2012 by Brian Appel and Mike Snow, Boston Calling Events continues to build its event platform around Boston Calling Music Festival. Boston Calling Events is part of The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG), a world leader in live sports and entertainment experiences. The company presents or hosts a broad array of premier events in its diverse collection of iconic venues: New York’s Madison Square Garden, Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall and Beacon Theatre; the Forum in Inglewood, CA; and The Chicago Theatre.  Other MSG properties include legendary sports franchises: the New York Knicks (NBA) and the New York Rangers (NHL); two development league teams –  the Westchester Knicks (NBAGL) and the Hartford Wolf Pack (AHL); and esports teams through Counter Logic Gaming, a leading North American esports organization, and Knicks Gaming, MSG’s NBA 2K League franchise.  In addition, the Company features the popular original production – the Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes – and through Boston Calling Events, produces New England’s preeminent Boston Calling Music Festival.  Also under the MSG umbrella is TAO Group, a world-class hospitality group with globally-recognized entertainment dining and nightlife brands: Tao, Marquee, Lavo, Avenue, Beauty & Essex and Vandal.  More information is available at www.themadisonsquaregardencompany.com
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thatssocheezy · 7 years
Pie Guys Pizza - Hamburg Turnpike in Wayne, NJ
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I saw that NJ 101.5 recently had a Pizza Showdown, so I was obviously curious to see what spots were in the running for best pizza in NJ. I was surprised to find that neither of the places from North Jersey were places I had been, much less heard of. Chas and I were pretty close to Wayne recently though, so we decided to check out Pie Guys. The specialty slices were lauded as some of the best in the area, so we went in with that in mind. We both started with one since we had already stopped for a slice earlier in the day, and I couldn't help but scope the buffalo chicken while Chas tried out the "Old World" with vodka sauce. The slices were a little small in size, but still had the toppings heaped on, and for good reason; the specialties were almost $3.50 each! Kinda pricey when the slices are small enough that you can eat 2 after already eating a slice somewhere else.
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You might be thinking "well, it was expensive, but maybe it was still worth it!" The answer? Not really. The buffalo chicken, while having very tasty buffalo sauce, had a number of flaws. First off, the crust was both very doughy and very chewy. It almost tasted like it was whole wheat too, which just doesn't taste or feel the same as a standard pizza crust. Also, the chicken was very mushy which just isn't the kinda chicken I want on a buffalo slice. Chas' "Old World" slice had a similar vibe. The seasoning was the only thing that really stood out; the rest of the toppings were kinda sparse. It was also a little too thin-crusted for Chas, though I didn't mind.
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After we finished our slices, we still had enough room for a second round, so we decided to scope a couple more slices, because most of them did look pretty promising. This time around, I got a cheesesteak slice (they also had a chicken cheesesteak slice but I wanted to keep it OG) and Chas got a Sicilian. Both weren't bad, but also not incredible. Despite all the cheese, steak, peppers, and onions on my slice, it still somehow managed to taste pretty plain. Everything kinda just blended in a way that cancelled everything else out. Chas was down with his Sicilian's crust (the dough was solid), but the sauce didn't fit the slice, as the seasoning was kinda weird. I didn't want to even try it because I am not down with that Sicilian BS.
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So is Pie Guys worth checking out? I would say yes. While I wasn't overly impressed by anything, it was good enough for me to want to go back to sample some of the other slices. Maybe they were just having an off day or something! Plus the staff was very nice. Don't go out of your way, but if you're in Wayne hankering for a slice, you could do a lot worse than this. Still, check out Brother Bruno's first.
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aurriii · 4 years
Café Home: 19 Best Cookbooks That Will Help Make Your Home Your Favorite Place To Eat
Looking to become an impressive home cook?
We’re not talking impressive in the get your very own episode on Chef’s Table kind of way. We mean when you look at the finished plate of food you have prepared, or the loaf of bread, or the bowl of hummus and you take your first bite of it…an expletive escapes your lips and pats you on the back. It just.Tastes. Good. Like something you would definitely make again and again.
That’s an impressive home cook.
We put an extensive list together of what we feel are some of the best cookbooks worth owning if you’re interested in making self-impressing, expletive inducing food – from breakfast to desert and everything in between.
The Starter Cookbook
  Super Easy Cookbook For Beginners by Lisa Grant
The best way to learn how to cook is to actually start cooking. When you’re ready to set foot in the kitchen, the Super Easy Cookbook for Beginners offers the easiest, 5-ingredient recipes to teach you how to cook―while cooking!
Beyond basic cooking skills, this beginner’s cookbook gets you started by serving up simple, home-style recipes that require only 5 main ingredients or less. Alongside step-by-step guidance for kitchen techniques―plus useful tips like how to hold a knife―the Super Easy Cookbook for Beginners is the easiest recipe to make anyone a good cook.
Source: Publisher
The Have All End All Cookbook
  Tasty Ultimate: How To Cook Basically Everything by Tasty
150 recipes to help you master the cooking basics, hack the pantry, and make everything from vegetarian go-tos to crowd-pleasing snacks to irresistible desserts.
Tasty Ultimate is THE must-have companion for home cooks of all skill levels–whether you’re a sometimes cook or a master meal prepper. With 150 recipes, clever hacks, and must-know techniques, this cookbook will teach you how to kill it in the kitchen.
Source: Publisher
  The Classic Cookbook
  Better Homes & Gardens New Cookbook by Better Homes & Gardens
Since 1930, the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book has been a trusted staple in kitchens across America. The 17th edition is fully updated and revised to reflect both the best of today’s food trends and time-tested classics. With more than 1,000 recipes and a photo for each one, the book covers both traditional dishes such as Brownies and new favorites like Cold Brew Coffee. This newest edition has a fresh organization to reflect how we cook today–recipes have flavor variations, options to swap out ingredients, and ways to make them healthier. Clear directions and how-to photos teach techniques; identification photos clarify the broad range of today’s ingredients; charts for meat and poultry give at-a-glance cooking times; and “cheat sheets” throughout present information in easy-to-access bites.
Source: Publisher
  The Breakfast and Brunch Cookbook
  Posh Eggs by Quadrille Publishing 
Over 70 Recipes for Wonderful Eggy Things
Eggs are a kitchen basic. Most people buy them, and use them as a stand-by: a quick omelet or scrambled eggs. Posh Eggs makes the humble egg the star of the show, with over 70 recipes that make a meal out of this easy ingredient. From hearty dishes like Mediterranean red pepper eggs with tahini yogurt, to healthy salads like Quail’s eggs, beet, and tarragon, you’ll never again be stuck for a quick and original idea at mealtimes. With a guide to the basics of cooking eggs, plus a photo for every single recipe, this is the ultimate gifty cookbook or self-purchase for egg addicts, expert chefs, and novices alike.
Source: Publisher
Brunch Life by Matt Basile, Kyla Zanardi
For lazy days off or mid-week cravings, Brunch Life brings that bigger-than-brunch restaurant experience home with mouth-watering recipes that will ensure every day gets off to a great start.
Leisurely weekend brunches have become the most anticipated meal of the week, and no two people know that better than Matt Basile and Kyla Zanardi. With their token humour, Matt and Kyla share their passion for this midday spread and showcase indulgent and creative takes on their favourite dishes. Sometimes, brunch is a comforting routine, where simple ingredients are whipped into fuss-free OG Buttermilk Pancakes, a Mascarpone Soft Scramble, or Good ol’ Hash Browns. Then there are irresistible dishes taken to a whole new level, like Coconut Fried Chicken and Pineapple Waffles, S’mores Panc…
Source: Publisher
The Healthy Home Café Cookbook
  Posh Toast by Quadrille Publishing 
This is the new hot (and buttered) food trend—simple toast recipes that everyone can make. Hungry food fans everywhere are toasting sourdough, spelt, and rye and loading them with luscious ingredients to make a simple, satisfying meal. Posh Toast features every toast recipe you could ever need, covering breakfast, lunch, snacks, and supper, plus a guide to the basics of toasting. Every recipe has a photo and easy-to-follow instructions, making it the ultimate gift or self-purchase for toast addicts, novices, and expert cooks alike. It’s everything good. On toast. It’s Posh Toast.
Source: Publisher
The Best and Lightest
150 Healthy Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: A Cookbook by the Editors of Food Network Magazine
Healthy Recipes That Taste Anything But!
Using clever cooking techniques and ingredient swaps, Food Network Magazine’s test kitchen chefs have lightened up all the foods you crave. Each crowd-pleasing dish comes in under 500 calories with satisfying—not tiny—portions. With a visual table of contents—complete with icons that indicate vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free dishes—you can quickly find meal ideas for any diet. Plus, each recipe appears with nutritional information and a beautiful photograph, making eating right surprisingly simple and totally fun.
Take a look at what’s inside: Polenta with Fontina and Eggs Spiced Burgers with Cucumber Yogurt Potato-Leek Soup with Bacon Shrimp and Kale Pitas Spicy Chicken Enchiladas Chile-Rubbed Steak with Creamed Corn Three-Cheese Macaroni Banana-Almond Pudding Strawberry Corn Cakes
Source: Publisher
The Vegetarian Café Cookbook
  Plant Based Diet For Beginners by Gabriel Miller
Free from animal products, full of flavor–plant based recipes for beginners
Choosing a plant based diet is good for your health, your wallet, and the environment. The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners has dozens of tasty whole-food recipes for people who want to switch from eating meat, dairy, and eggs, to eating vegetables, whole grains, and other plant based foods.
Whether your doctor encouraged you to eat a plant based diet or you’re exploring a new way of eating, this cookbook has everything you need to get started. You’ll find nutritional information for each recipe, a guide to eating a plant based diet even when you don’t want to cook, tips for stocking your kitchen, and more. When it comes to your health and your taste buds, now you’re cooking!
Source: Publisher
  Thug Kitchen: Eat Like You Give A F*ck by Thug Kitchen
#1 New York Times Bestseller, first in the bestselling series
Thug Kitchen started their wildly popular website to inspire people to eat some goddamn vegetables and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Beloved by Gwyneth Paltrow (‘This might be my favorite thing ever’) and with half a million Facebook fans and counting, Thug Kitchen wants to show everyone how to take charge of their plates and cook up some real f*cking food.
Yeah, plenty of blogs and cookbooks preach about how to eat more kale, why ginger fights inflammation, and how to cook with microgreens and nettles. But they are dull or pretentious as hell—and most people can’t afford the hype.
Thug Kitchen lives in the real world. In their first cookbook, they’re throwing down more than 100 recipes for their best-loved meals, snacks and sides for beginning cooks to home chefs.
Source: Publisher
The Bakery Cookbook
  Bread Baking For Beginners by Bonnie Ohara
Free from animal products, full of flavor–plant based recipes for beginners
Choosing a plant based diet is good for your health, your wallet, and the environment. The Plant-Based Diet for Beginners has dozens of tasty whole-food recipes for people who want to switch from eating meat, dairy, and eggs, to eating vegetables, whole grains, and other plant based foods.
Whether your doctor encouraged you to eat a plant based diet or you’re exploring a new way of eating, this cookbook has everything you need to get started. You’ll find nutritional information for each recipe, a guide to eating a plant based diet even when you don’t want to cook, tips for stocking your kitchen, and more. When it comes to your health and your taste buds, now you’re cooking!
Source: Publisher
French Pastry 101 By Betty Hung
French Pastry is as Easy as Un, Deux, Trois
French baking is now more approachable than ever with Beaucoup Bakery co-owner and Yummy Workshop founder Betty Hung’s beginner-friendly, easy-to-follow recipes.
Start with basics like pastry cream and pâté sucrée, then work your way up to indulgent all-time favorites such as Lemon Madeleines, Crème Brûlée, Éclairs, Lady Fingers and Chocolate Torte. You’ll learn how to simplify recipes without sacrificing taste—like using ready-made puff pastry—or, if you prefer, how to whip up these sweet treats from scratch.
Source: Publisher
Baking With Mary Berry – By Mary Berry
A sweet and savory collection of more than 100 foolproof recipes from the reigning “Queen of Baking” Mary Berry, who has made her way into American homes through ABC’s primetime series, The Great Holiday Baking Show, and the PBS series, The Great British Baking Show.
Baking with Mary Berry draws on Mary’s more than 60 years in the kitchen, with tips and step-by-step instructions for bakers just starting out and full-color photographs of finished dishes throughout. The recipes follow Mary’s prescription for dishes that are no fuss, practical, and foolproof–from breakfast goods to cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies, to special occasion desserts such as cheesecake and soufflés, to British favorites that will inspire.
Whether you’re tempted by Mary’s Heavenly Chocolate Cake and Best-Ever Brownies, intrigued by her Mincemeat and Almond Tart or Magic Lemon Pudding, or inspired by her Rich Fruit Christmas Cake and Ultimate Chocolate Roulade, the straightforward yet special recipes in Baking with Mary Berry will prove, as one reviewer has said of her recipes, “if you can read, you can cook.”
Source: Publisher
The Easy Baked Donut Cookbook By Sara Mellas
The deliciously easy donut cookbook for heavenly homemade baked donuts
Who doesn’t love a good donut? From sugared or sprinkled to frosted or filled, donuts are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and sweeten your day. The best part is you don’t need to fuss with frying to whip up these fun, flavorful treats at home. The Easy Baked Donut Cookbook shows you how mouthwatering–and mess-free–donuts can be right from your oven or donut maker, providing plenty of tried-and-true tricks and tasty recipes for beautifully baked donuts, donut holes, mini donuts, and more.
From sweet staples, such as Old-Fashioned Cake Donuts to creative savory bakes like Jalapeno-Cheddar Cornbread Donuts, this donut cookbook serves you dozens of delightfully simple recipes to match every craving, along with perfectly paired frostings, glazes, and toppings.
Source: Publisher
Vegetarian Desert Cookbook
Rawesome Baking by Emily Von Euw
Make Undeniably Delicious and Eye-Catching Raw, Vegan and Gluten-Free Treats
Emily Von Euw, creator of the popular blog This Rawsome Vegan Life, makes treats that are so phenomenal and so stunning they should be considered masterpieces. Oh yeah, and they’re raw, vegan AND gluten-free. So whether you’re a vegetarian, a raw vegan or even a meat-lover just looking for something healthy, new and delicious, this book has something for you.
Emily’s popular blog won the Vegan Woman’s 2013 Vegan Food Blog Award, was named one of the Top 50 Raw Food Blogs of 2012 and is nominated for “Favorite Blog” for the 2013 VegNews Veggie Awards. Every recipe is accompanied by a photograph so you can see each brilliant sweet before you eat. Emily’s beautiful and easy-to-make recipes, like her Peppermint Chocolate Molten Lava Cakes, S’mores Cupcakes and Go-Nuts Donuts with Frosting & Fruit Sprinkles, are so tasty that you won’t even realize they’re vegan. Quite simply, Rawsome Vegan Baking will wow your taste buds and impress your friends and family with new great tastes in dessert.
Source: Publisher
Healthy Desert Cookbook
Clean Sweets – By Arman Liew
High-protein desserts that taste great, are easy to make, and serve one or two.
Giving up dessert is no fun, so health-savvy folks have long tried to find ways to satisfy a sweet tooth. But so many Paleo-style desserts are complicated, with long lists of hard-to-find ingredients. They also often make too much of a good thing, which is almost as bad as not having it at all. Arman Liew discovered a way to have his cake and eat it too–in decadent creations that indulge the appetite and pack in the nutrients. From breakfast reinvented to no-bake treats, recipes include: Protein Peanut Butter Cups Dark Chocolate and Salted Caramel Waffles Molten Lava Cake White Chocolate Raspberry Bars
There’s no tapioca flour, coconut nectar, or xanthan gum to be found here. Make something sweet the moment the craving hits, from foods that are already in the cabinet. Add in terrific photography and this is a book every health-conscious person should have on hand.
Source: Publisher
College Student Cookbook (Easy Cooking)
5-Ingredient College Cookbook By Pamela Ellgen
Fast, easy and healthy eating at college and ever after.
College food has developed quite the culinary “reputation.” Most students don’t have the time, money, or space to make meals like mom used to, so words like fast, cheap, and microwavable have become synonymous with college eating. But there IS a better way!
Healthy cooking expert and cookbook author Pamela Ellgen brings you the latest in college cooking with The 5-Ingredient College Cookbook–the simplest college cookbook yet. By sticking to 5 easy-to-find main ingredients per recipe, The 5-Ingredient College Cookbook makes it easier than ever for students to cook tasty, high quality, healthy food for themselves.
Source: Publisher
Easy Frugal Cookbook By Sarah Walker Caron
It’s easier than you think to make hearty meals that are tasty, budget-friendly, and nutritious. Discover an easy cookbook that shows you how, with 100 inexpensive family recipes that use basic ingredients, and can be made in just a few steps.
This easy cookbook will help you whip up satisfying dishes like Crispy Coconut Drumsticks or Open-Face Turkey Sandwiches for everyone in the house for just $5. All it takes is the right recipe, a few tricks, and a little planning to make the most of your food budget.
Discover how versatile and flavorful cheap eating can be with an easy cookbook that offers:
Budget tricks–Recipes are sorted by estimated cost of ingredients, from $5 to $15 dollars per batch, and include tips to lower the cost of ingredients even further.Shop smart–This easy cookbook includes tips about shopping efficiently and optimizing ingredients and leftovers.Menu plan–A sample meal plan and shopping list will help simplify meal prep and save you money and time.
Source: Publisher
The Gifting Cookbook
  Antoni in The Kitchen By Mindy Fox
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! *One of Food & Wine’s Essential New Cookbooks for Fall* *One of Eater’s Best Fall Cookbooks 2019* *One of Amazon’s Best Cookbooks for Fall 2020*
Antoni Porowski, the food and wine guru on Netflix’s sensation Queer Eye, meets people where they live–literally. With appealing vulnerability, he shows cooks of all levels how to become more confident and casual in the kitchen. The verve and naturalness of his approach earned raves from Food & Wine and Bon Appétit to GQ and the New York Times, which noted his dishes prove that “sometimes simple is anything but simplistic.”
Some of the recipes in this book are weeknight healthyish meals, while others are perfect for off-the-cuff entertaining. Visual stunners, they’re often composed of fewer than five ingredients. Whether Bastardized Easy Ramen; Malaysian Chili Shrimp; Roasted Carrots with Carrot-Top Pesto; or Salty Lemon Squares, all are visual stunners and can be carried off with panache, even by beginners.
Source: Publisher
Friends The Official Cookbook By Amanda Yee
“The ultimate Friends fan needs this ‘Friends: The Official Cookbook‘ ” – POPSUGAR
Gather your friends and prepare to say “How you doin’?” to more than 100 recipes inspired by the beloved hit sitcom. Whether you’re a seasoned chef like Monica Geller, just starting a catering business like Phoebe Buffay, or a regular old food enthusiast like Joey Tribbiani, Friends: The Official Cookbook offers a variety of recipes for chefs of all levels. From appetizers to main courses and from drinks to desserts, each chapter includes iconic treats such as Monica’s Friendsgiving Feast, Rachel’s Trifle, Just for Joey Fries, Chandler’s “Milk You Can Chew,” Phoebe’s Grandmother’s Cookies, and of course, The Moist Maker. Complete with more than seventy recipes and beautiful full-color photography, this charming cookbook is both a helpful companion for home cooks and a fun homage to the show that’s always been there for you.
Source: Amazon
Friends Cookbook Releases Sept 22, 2020
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kenkchow · 4 years
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Cauliflower Steaks with Parmesan
Cauliflower Rice & Romesco
ACTIVE: 1 hr
TOTAL: 1 hr
Use the entire cauliflower head—leaves (yes, they're edible), stem and florets and all.
2 medium heads cauliflower (about 1½ pounds each)
8 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
½ teaspoon salt, divided
½ teaspoon ground pepper, divided
¼ cup slivered almonds, toasted
¼ cup skinned whole hazelnuts, toasted
2 cloves garlic, peeled
¾ cup chopped jarred roasted red peppers
2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
1 tablespoon tomato paste
½ teaspoon smoked paprika
¼-¾ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ cup sliced scallions
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
⅓ cup grated Parmesan cheese
1️⃣ Preheat oven to 450°F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil.
2️⃣ Remove leaves from cauliflower, keep-ing stems intact. Cut leafy green parts off the white ribs. Finely dice the ribs and cut the greens into slivers. Set aside.
3️⃣ Place the cauliflower heads on a cutting board, stem-side down. Using a large chef's knife, cut two 1-inch-thick slices from the center of each head to make 4 "steaks." Place the steaks on the prepared baking sheet. Brush both sides with 2 tablespoons oil and sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper. Roast until the stems are ten-der and the steaks are golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes.
4️⃣ Cut the remaining cauliflower into i florets and pulse in a food processor, 2 cups at a time, until chopped into rice-size pieces. Transfer to a large bowl and wipe out the food processor.
5️⃣ Add almonds, hazelnuts and garlic to the food processor; pulse until finely chopped. Add roasted peppers, vinegar, tomato paste, paprika and cayenne to taste; process to combine, scraping down the sides as needed. With the motor run-ning, add 3 tablespoons oil and process until well combined.
6️⃣ Heat the remaining 3 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the diced cauliflower leaf ribs and cook, stirring, until soft and starting to brown, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the slivered cauliflower greens, cauliflower rice, scallions and the remaining ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper; cook, stirring, until the cauliflower is tender, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in parsley and Parmesan.
7️⃣ Transfer the cauliflower rice mixture to a large serving platter. Top with the cauliflower steaks and the romesco sauce.
SERVES 8: ½ cauliflower steak, ⅔ cup "rice" and 2½ Tbsp. sauce each
#HealthyEating #HealthyRecipe #RecipeOfTheDay #recipe
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korechiro · 4 years
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Cauliflower Steaks with Parmesan
Cauliflower Rice & Romesco
ACTIVE: 1 hr
TOTAL: 1 hr
Use the entire cauliflower head—leaves (yes, they're edible), stem and florets and all.
2 medium heads cauliflower (about 1½ pounds each)
8 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
½ teaspoon salt, divided
½ teaspoon ground pepper, divided
¼ cup slivered almonds, toasted
¼ cup skinned whole hazelnuts, toasted
2 cloves garlic, peeled
¾ cup chopped jarred roasted red peppers
2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
1 tablespoon tomato paste
½ teaspoon smoked paprika
¼-¾ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ cup sliced scallions
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
⅓ cup grated Parmesan cheese
1️⃣ Preheat oven to 450°F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil.
2️⃣ Remove leaves from cauliflower, keep-ing stems intact. Cut leafy green parts off the white ribs. Finely dice the ribs and cut the greens into slivers. Set aside.
3️⃣ Place the cauliflower heads on a cutting board, stem-side down. Using a large chef's knife, cut two 1-inch-thick slices from the center of each head to make 4 "steaks." Place the steaks on the prepared baking sheet. Brush both sides with 2 tablespoons oil and sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper. Roast until the stems are ten-der and the steaks are golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes.
4️⃣ Cut the remaining cauliflower into i florets and pulse in a food processor, 2 cups at a time, until chopped into rice-size pieces. Transfer to a large bowl and wipe out the food processor.
5️⃣ Add almonds, hazelnuts and garlic to the food processor; pulse until finely chopped. Add roasted peppers, vinegar, tomato paste, paprika and cayenne to taste; process to combine, scraping down the sides as needed. With the motor run-ning, add 3 tablespoons oil and process until well combined.
6️⃣ Heat the remaining 3 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the diced cauliflower leaf ribs and cook, stirring, until soft and starting to brown, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the slivered cauliflower greens, cauliflower rice, scallions and the remaining ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper; cook, stirring, until the cauliflower is tender, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in parsley and Parmesan.
7️⃣ Transfer the cauliflower rice mixture to a large serving platter. Top with the cauliflower steaks and the romesco sauce.
SERVES 8: ½ cauliflower steak, ⅔ cup "rice" and 2½ Tbsp. sauce each
#HealthyEating #HealthyRecipe #RecipeOfTheDay #recipe
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businessliveme · 5 years
The World’s Best Burgers as Picked by Stars of Gastronomy
(Bloomberg) — The humble hamburger rarely has a place in traditional fine dining, but for many top chefs it’s one of the food world’s greatest guilty pleasures.
It’s a simple dish that’s found everywhere and loved all around the globe. But where can you get the best one and what’s the secret to turning a handful of minced beef (or something else) and some bread into a delicacy? We asked the culinary elite — chefs laden with Michelin stars and other accolades — for their favorite burgers when they are having a sneaky time out from gastronomy.
Here are their picks.
Australia Burger Project, Sydney
Neil Perry of Rockpool Bar & Grill is the big-name chef behind Burger Project, which works with local suppliers. The patty is hand-made, 100% grass-fed beef. Try the American, with Cape Grim beef, cheese, pickles, onions, mustard, secret sauce & rose mayo; or a simple cheeseburger. Chosen by Scott Collins of MEATliquor, London
Butchers Diner, Melbourne This 24-hour, hole-in-the wall joint with a counter and stools is a favorite with chefs who enjoy its unfussy food with high-quality ingredients. The hamburger is a 120-gram beef patty with tomato sauce, pickles & mayo in a milk bun. Chosen by Ashley Palmer-Watts, formerly of Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, London
Butter, Sydney Butter is a hybrid sneaker, fried chicken and Champagne bar in Surry Hills. If that sounds an unlikely setup, it is the project of respected chef Julian Cincotta and the team from Thievery restaurant in Sydney. The OG Chicken Sandwich is not to be missed. Chosen by Josh Niland of Saint Peter, Sydney
Mary’s, Melbourne This is an outpost of a Sydney chain, with loud music, natural wines and an American vibe. Founders Jake Smyth and Kenny Graham favor local suppliers for their meat and wines, and big flavors. The cheeseburger is a must unless you’d prefer the vegan menu. Chosen by Andrew McConnell of Cutler & Co., Melbourne
China Honbo, Hong Kong
This homage to the classic American burger joint serves great food. The patties are made with Double Gold American beef from Wisconsin, served in a potato milk bun. The double cheeseburger is the signature option. Chosen by Shane Osborn of Arcane, Hong Kong
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Denmark Gasoline Grill, Copenhagen Fresh organic burgers are cooked at this walk-in joint, which is attracting attention far beyond Denmark. Housed in a former gasoline station, it has a short menu like a simple roadside grill. It’s worth going off piste with the vegetarian Green Burger. Chosen by Jamie Lee of Kødbyens Fiskebar, Copenhagen; Clare Smyth of Core by Clare Smyth, London
France Badia, Grand Hôtel Thalasso, Saint-Jean-de-Luz This grand old hotel overlooking the bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz is an idyllic spot to eat. And Le Burger is particularly good, featuring truffled bread, Charolais ground beef, Basque sheep’s cheese and Espelette pepper ketchup with fries. Chosen by Shane Osborn of Arcane, Hong Kong
Bioburger, Paris
As the name suggests, this Parisian restaurant serves organic burgers and they are full of flavor. One favorite is Le Poivre: a choice of beef or vegetable patty with farmhouse cheddar, tomato, salad, onion jam and pepper sauce. It’s like eating steak au poivre on a bun. Chosen by Greg Marchand of Frenchie, Paris
CAB Comptoir à Burger, Biarritz This restaurant is located close to Les Halles, the daily market in Biarritz, from which the chefs source the freshest of produce. The buns are cooked to a special recipe and all the sauces are homemade, says Paris-based chef Hélène Darroze. Try Le Parm, with a Parmesan tuile, Mozzarella and arugula and pesto with sun-dried tomatoes. Chosen by Hélène Darroze of Hélène Darroze, Paris
India Swati Snacks, Mumbai
Burgers don’t have to be about a chunk of meat. Try the Vada Pav at this popular vegetarian cafe. Fried potato dumplings are served in buttery soft buns and laced with sinus-clearing spicy chutneys and deep fried green chilis. Not for the fainthearted. Chosen by Ravinder Bhogal of Jikoni, London; Prateek Sadhu of Masque, Mumbai
Italy Lucernaio Pub, Ragusa This pub in Sicily serves an excellent sausage burger with black olives, radicchio, stewed onion and Ragusano cheese, says Italian chef Ciccio Sultano, who holds two Michelin stars for his Sicilian haute cuisine. “It’s my go-to order if I am there,” he says. Chosen by Ciccio Sultano of Duomo, Ragusa
Japan MOS Burger, Tokyo This Japanese chain has been serving burgers adapted to Japanese tastes since 1972. Try the Rice Burger served with grilled beef, sweet soy and BBQ sauce between patties of compacted rice. The Kinpira Burger is a great vegan option. Chosen by Hisato Hamada of Wagyumafia, Tokyo
Wagyumafia, Tokyo The Cutlet Sandwich from Wagyumafia at Nakameguro station is made with thick-sliced pure Kobe beef, breaded and deep fried, sandwiched between two slices of Japanese milk bread with a secret house-made sauce. It harkens back to the original burger at Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, yet is distinctly Japanese, says three-Michelin star chef Kyle Connaughton. The prices are something else. The budget (Zabuton) version is 5,000 yen ($45.50) rising to 50,000 yen for the Kobe Champion. Chosen by Kyle Connaughton of Singlethread, Healdsburg, California
Mexico Hamburguesas al Carbón Torreon The inexpensive charcoal-grilled burgers at this street stand near Pushkin Garden are world class, according to Mexican chef Enrique Olvera, whose Pujol places at 12 in the current ranking of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. Chosen by Enrique Olvera of Pujol, Mexico City
El Rey del Taco, Mexico City Mexican chef Martha Ortiz prefers tacos to burgers. El Rey del Taco covers both bases with the Cheeseburger Taco, which features a grilled patty with Chihuahua cheese served in flour tortillas with mayo, tomato and avocado. Chosen by Martha Ortiz of Filigrana, Mexico City
New Zealand Fergburger, Queenstown New Zealand chef Josh Emett is a big fan: “You will always remember you first Fergburger. First, there’s the long queue, and then the care taken to put them together so they are all picture perfect. I love a bit of avocado and bacon in anything and these burgers never disappoint.” Chosen by Josh Emett of Rātā, Queenstown
  The post The World’s Best Burgers as Picked by Stars of Gastronomy appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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