#the only reason i am alive is because I don't wish to upset the people who would be effected by my passing
pampinto · 1 year
I am starting a new job on Wednesday and I am absolutely terrified.
Its my first time working as Pam, and I'm really not sure what to expect (I came out midway through my 4 years at my last job, but kept it to myself due to the culture and some of the comments made by other staff members.
They have asked me to bring a photocard ID, and I applied to have my drivers licence changed to my name, however because my deed poll was signed by someone who lives at my address (not a relative) it was returned rejected. So now I am going to have to bring my deadname passport and a copy of my deed poll. I REALLY don't want to give out my deadname to anyone but now I am going to have to.
I have also only ever worked in uniform, and now I have to buy work clothes. I haven't bought clothes in years, I am physically anxious whenever I go into a clothes shop. Not only do I not know what I am looking for (what the fuck does "You can generally choose between business-formal, business-casual, and smart-casual attire" mean). My friend was supposed to go shopping with me on saturday but they cancelled bc the trains were all rail replacements.
I know I am going to be really clocky and gross (its been super hot recently here and its made me sweat profusely and I am breaking out so much).
I'm also in the process of changing my anti-depressants and currently I am in the process of cutting down what I am currently on. I haven't left my room in several days. I am constantly having suicidal thoughts.
My housemate said she was going to move out at the end of October, which I really need to happen bc living with her is driving me crazy and I only feel safe/ comfortable in rooms other than my own when she is not in. She needs to give 2 months notice and she hasn't and I am worried she is going to continue being here, my new job means I am going to be at home more and working from home which really isn't ideal with her about.
When I left my old job of 4 years, my boss didn't even say goodbye to me. I worked there throughout the entire pandemic when a team, formally of 5 was turned into a team of 1 (me). I worked while recovering from several assaults, the death of both my grandparents (I had to fight to get leave to go to the funeral), homelessness, depression, loosing a vast majority of my friends when I came out, England loosing the euros. and nothing, no thanks for working here, not even a good luck, fuck I would have settled for a "good ridence".
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cleavetheclover · 5 months
Clver, think about it...shadowire (platonic or romantic) domestic fluff,,, or just fluff,,, angsty fluff? ps this is just my sleep deprived ramblings
- Post Hourglass Omen being found by Cypher (probably willingly i don't see Cypher going to go see Omen if he'd rather not see Cypher) and just...a talk. Omen venting. Cypher comforting Omen and listening quietly. And then cuddles. A kiss when Cypher leaves Omen be again and an orange, "for luck," Cypher would say (knowing it had no such meaning)
- Pre Hourglass, Omen coming to see Cypher at night, cuddles and physical intimacy mixed with quietness, because if nothing else Over feels just a little more grounded when Cypher is holding him.
- Cypher noticing little quirks Omen has. Sometimes Cypher tells Omen about what he's noticed. Omen enjoys it because it at least means he's still human if nothing else. (I mean, what kind of monster has a preferred sitting position or a certain kind of wool they enjoy knitting the most?)
- Above, but roles exchanged. Omen notices things about Cypher that makes him Cypher and some that makes Amir. It's weird, Cypher thinks, I'd hate being known but it feels natural with Omen. (Inspired mostly by hermit card, which normally means like being known by no one but yourself)
ehh welp thas all i got in the brain goodnight I'm by no means asking you to draw any of these i just saw your ask thingy and went "bet lemme think"
Noooooo stop I stg every single member of the cyphmen community has the exact same headcannons please 😭😭😭
(Not that I’m complaining, that just means more food for all of us)
ANYWAY all of these are wonderful ideas and I definitely want to write all of them!!! Unfortunately I am rather swamped right now bc senior design is kicking my ass and job hunting is harder than ranking up in val, and my current hyperfixation is a game called Noita…
But I’ll definitely get back to writing as soon as my life stops being as volatile as a bucket of acetone.
Also I wrote a short thing for the hourglass thing I hope you like it! I’ll respond to the other prompts later
Post hourglass Omen:
I think he would shut himself in his room for a while and just sit there, completely overwhelmed and not sure where to go or what to do next.
Since it’s cannon that Omen can sense others emotions, I think pre-HG Omen would have already sensed a timid friendship and significant fear from Viper, but it wasn’t until post-HG that he knows why. He’s having this world-shattering realization that one of the few people he has trusted and befriended in this lifetime not only doesn’t return that friendship, but actively fears him, and for good reason.
Imagine learning that your best friend fears you, for an incident you would have never learned of—had you not hired a shady information broker to find it out for you.
Confirming that she sees you as a monster— something you never wanted to be.
Yeah, I’d be pretty lost and upset too.
So Omen is gonna be hiding in his room trying to figure out a path forward and simultaneously avoid thinking about said path forward.
Cypher, being the nosiest man alive, a friend of Omen’s, and also the guy who helped orchestrate the mission in the first place, is not gonna sit there and let Omen feel so alone.
He shows up and Omen really wants to just slam the door and tell him to fuck off, but he really doesn’t have the energy (and also can’t really afford to burn more bridges at the moment). So begrudgingly he lets him in.
Cypher softly says his name, “Omen,” but the shadow doesn’t dare look him in the eye. Instead he stares at the sentinel’s belt. Browth leather. Battle-worn. Probably replaced several times over, like Omen’s own combat gear.
The sentinel approaches, and Omen can feel a protective sentiment befitting his role as a Sentinel. It’s soothing, he’s felt it before, but he really wishes he weren’t the subject of such a keen emotion right now.
Cypher’s gloved hands come up to rest on the sides of his own shoulders. The intent is to be reassuring, but Omen doesn’t find it to be such. What is he supposed to do with his own hands, anyhow? Touch Cypher’s shoulders? His belt, or chest?? His waist???
Well, the chest option is gone, because the next thing he knows Cypher’s chest is pressed against his own. And his arms are wrapped around his back.
Omen always knew humans were warm, but for some reason, he had always imagined Cypher to be cold. Maybe it was the utter lack of skin showing. The minimal expressions in his mask. The way he never so much as brushed hands with anyone else in the Protocol, as if he were a robot like KAY/O. Hell, the literal killer-bot had a warmer attitude than Cypher most of the time. Maybe it was…
Cypher is warm. Like any other human. Embracing him without any reservations at all.
No fear. No pity. No grief.
It makes him feel like, for one moment, that maybe he isn’t a monster after all.
Omen responds in the only way he can think of: he ducks his head down and buries his face in Cypher’s collar, and lifts his hands up to Cypher’s back and pulls him as close as he can.
He smells like bar soap and leather. And something else more organic, musky almost like sweat, but that can only be described as subtle and pleasant.
Alas, their embrace cannot last forever. Poor Cypher is a man, not a scented candle or a stuffed animal that can be basked in or embraced forever. Omen releases him, already missing the warmth and the scents and the textures and the intimacy, but he would rather save face and keep Cypher comfortable than anything else.
Cypher seems… satisfied.
Omen isn’t sure how he feels.
There’s a long pause.
“I am not my past,” he blurts, immediately wishing he didn’t. He almost says something else to brush it away, but he knows that doing so will only dig a deeper hole for himself. He says nothing more and hopes Cypher will have the courtesy to do the same.
But the Sentinel, as always, has other plans.
“Neither am I.”
Omen’s gaze snaps up at that.
The Sentinel then reaches into a bag of items that he had discarded upon entering, and produces a ball of yarn and a small tin box.
“I have spent the last decade of my life paying for crimes too heinous to be named.” He comes to stand in front of Omen once again. “They called me everything from a villain to a monster to, well. ‘Villain’ and ‘monster’ in more callous terms.”
Cypher chuckled humorlessly. Omen dared not ask who ‘they’ was referring to, but got the feeling that he didn’t need to.
“I am not absolved from my past. I cannot fix the innumerable lives I have ruined or the things I have destroyed.”
Then he lifted the little tin up to his face. “But then again, what kind of monster has a favorite type of tea?”
In his other hand, outstretched to Omen, was the ball of yarn. “Or a favorite type of wool?”
Omen just stared at it. Cashmere imported from India, said the label.
“To the best of my ability— which admittedly isn’t much— I left it all behind.” Cypher somberly bushes the tips of gloved fingers across his masked cheek. “My name. My face. My skin, even.”
Omen tilted his head at that last one. It sounded painful. But then again, what about Cypher’s existence wasn’t?
“Like me, you might carry the legacy of a monster. But that does not mean you are one.”
The cashmere is soft in Omen’s hands. He runs his thumb along each strand, marveling in the gift. On its own, it didn’t feel deserved. But when he looks back sees the tin of tea being cradled in Cypher’s own hands, it does.
Former monsters sitting under a warm roof with their silly little domestic joys: the thought of it almost makes Omen laugh.
Cypher must have seen the way the tension eased from Omen’s shoulders, because now he is chuckling too.
“Omen,” the informant takes the revenant’s hand and says his name with that dratted melody of affection in his voice, “Would you like to knit while I brew us some tea?”
Since you suggested an orange:
It’s a very cute idea— I think oranges are for luck and wealth in Chinese culture, not sure about other ones tho.
Unfortunately I’ve come to kind of associate them with mourning. My grandma passed away last summer, and my grandpa and I leave flowers and oranges on her gravestone when we visit. So I didn’t feel like writing that into this little story lol
And yeah I also incorporated your “what kind of monster has a favorite kind of wool?” Thing in here wahoo
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lilac-hecox · 1 month
Lilac I love you, you are so cool and important to this fandom and I love what you do
But would you chill the fuck out?
Like in a silly goofy joking way.
I get you like Ianthony and you’re scared. No one is allowed to police each others feelings. But like. Girl. Ur making me stressed. I love Ianthony. And the idea that we might barely see them is quite frankly crushing. But I’m doing my best to not be upset about it considering this is what they’ve wanted for years. They were delayed by defy and Anthony leaving. But this has very much always been the goal. I love them. I love their dynamic and their sketches. We cannot deny YouTubers the right to retire like every other profession just because their faces are the brand. They have done an incredibly smart and responsible thing programming the channels the way they have so that they can slip into the background more and more this past year. It hurts. Of course it does. They raised me more than my piece of shit parents ever did. They are partially the reason I am still alive today.
But they deserve their freedom, and the fans need to breathe and not be so clingy.
I’m also in the game theory fandom and have been watching Matpat for around as long as Smosh and he again did a very similar thing slowly passing over his channels and hosting duties. And his fandom reacted very differently than the Smosh fandom. And it’s making the transition harder for everyone involved I fear.
Again have all the feelings you want about it, but I feel like when you and others are anxiety spiraling about the dudes on YouTube you need to step back and take a bit of a breath. Because now I’m anxiety spiraling. Which yea my own thing to deal with. But I just. Post on your own. But when I’m not expecting it and I go into the reblogs on someone else’s post and ur in the notes reminding me that Ian and Anthony are pulling back because you’re busy moping it feels kinda catty?
All this too say everyone’s feelings are so valid and understandable but we have to actually work through them instead of panicking. Please.
If you're talking about what I just reblogged I messaged the op and told them I wasn't trying to attack their post.
I'm aware I'm having anxiety about it. Bro, I wish I could chill the fuck out about this but I'm having a really hard time.
I was talking to a couple friends and explained that Smosh and Ian and Anthony are a happy place for me so I'm scared to lose that and I get that it is mentally not healthy for me to think that way.
I'm trying to not even engage so I don't act like a brat and whiny but I know that I am being that way.
I'm sorry. My mental health is in the toilet and I just don't feel good and this is all making me feel way worse.
Have fun and love Bit City and be happy about it. I don't want people to feel bad or feel like they can't enjoy it. They absolutely can.
Idk I'm confused on your ask you tell me my feelings are valid but then tell me I'm being catty?
I don't mean to be mean or catty. I'm sorry if I've come off that way. I don't like to see a ton of posts saying "Well Angela and Chanse rightfully deserve to take the main channel from Ian and Anthony."
I put a little timer to only give myself a couple of hours on tumblr on my phone a day before it blocks it but maybe I should block it all together to find peace before I don't have any friends in smoshblr left.
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thelunarfairy · 28 days
Hii! I really love ur analysis and theories I've been following you since last year!
Idk how to say it but I always had the feeling that tsukasa know that deep down his twin love him, because after all tsukasa is a very smart and observing person , his only reason to go back to his home when he was 4 is to know more about amane , so I'm sure that he know amane more that anyone, I mean if tsukasa was the one who hurting why would amane forgive him and let him even tho i can't even imagine how painful it would feel like for amane after looking at his blue and scars and rope burns . I realized this more in that one panel from when they were alive tsukasa asked amane if amane want him stay or to disappear and he blushed a bit will smiling when amane didn't respond him, if he tought that his twin really angry he would be upset thinking that the response is that amane want him to disseapear since he didn't even respond but tsukasa know that his brother is a 'weirdo' and have a very complicated personality and mentality
(sorry if you don't understand that , English is not my first language also out of topic, am i the only one who doesn't like to call amane tsukasa's big brother? It really make me feel weird and wrong since they are literally twin and are just some minutes different)
Awwww thank you dear 🧡🧡🧡🧡
Yes, Tsukasa is very intelligent, and he has the ability to see people's wishes through their hearts. You don't have to tell him directly what you want, he knows.
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And that's where the problem lies, if Tsukasa has this ability, and yet he believes that Amane hates him, there's something wrong, isn't there?
Maybe Amane's love isn't the "ideal" love, but quite the opposite. Would you kill the person you love?
It's a questionable love, isn't it? So I know, people will justify Tsukasa's murder with the premise "it's because of the entity". But you see, even Amane regrets it. Even Amane is afraid of himself.
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Amane's love must have something suffocating and wrong, a love so forbidden that Tsukasa might not even consider it as love. That's assuming the story is well written, because Tsukasa knows how other people feel.
Because, even though Amane's love is the wrong kind of love, Tsukasa still treats him with kindness, with love and affection, as if he truly accepted what Amane had to offer him, even if it wasn't ideal.
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Still, what Amane has to offer isn't enough for Tsukasa, and you know, he loves when people show how they feel, he wants to see that.
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Amane thinks the love he offers Tsukasa is good, it's enough, the same love he offers Nene, but it's not.
There's something about their relationship that's still mysterious. Hanako is so evasive, his behavior around Tsukasa was that, distant, without showing deeper emotions, many people blamed Tsukasa for different things to explain why Amane treated him like that.
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And the truth is this, he doesn't know if Tsukasa is really his brother. So, there is the love that Amane feels for Tsukasa (which he considers to be true) and at the same time Tsukasa's fear and contempt for the entity.
We don't know what these two have been through together, but believe me, if Tsukasa feels that Amane's love is not enough, he's probably right. He's the guy who reads what you want and how you feel, and he'll want to make you show it.
So, what I'm saying to you is that we still don't know for sure, not until we find out more about both of their sides. We've seen a lot about Tsukasa, but what about Amane?
Oh, well, yes, haha ​​since they're twins the age difference is small, but it exists. After all, there's no way they could be born at the same time (for their mother's sake).
But, I get what you mean, it turns out that people like to differentiate by age, even if it's by minutes, it's symbolic. Amane being the older brother gives him the burden of being the more "protective and caring" brother.
While Tsukasa being the younger one gives him the burden of being the "cuter and more irresponsible" one.
Typical role-playing stuff in the story, to give more depth to their natural relationship.
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blackwaxidol · 29 days
Will I actually ever not experience deep-seated revulsion about myself. I don't know if i believe in the idea at all, I am not motivated by fear I cannot do something scared and i want nothing i want absolutely nothing i do not want anyone to look at me for the traits i happen to have. i can't be happy like this, i'm so disgusted to be alive i don't like my face or my voice or anything at all i don't want to be looked at.
sometimes i wonder if this is just dysphoria so overwhelming that i can't even identify it correctly but i don't know what about my body causes this. i don't have an opinion on it, and i know that contradicts the above paragraph but i just want to show in real time how easily i no longer understand the problem when i try thinking about it. i don't know what the problem would be. i don't care for this body i don't hate it in a way that would correlate to a dysphoria but i would like it to look like something else if I could be born any other manner I would like that.
I don't think that's really... I don't know. I don't see the "in-between" steps I don't want to think about viscera or doctors I don't want to be this way or that way I am terrified of it. I think. The resemblance to a male would only be skin-deep on its own but I am too scared of any process to want surgery. I don't think men who like men would like me very much... or really it is that I don't want to upset someone that I am not desirable without clothes I don't want to be embarrassed and I don't want someone to hurt me over it.
I really wish I could've been okay with being a woman, it feels safer to pretend I can be someone's girlfriend even if I don't like being a liar. I think I'm only saying any of this out loud to know if it is a comprehensible emotion at all. I don't scramble for "relatability" very often but I think it will kill me otherwise if I don't ask. is any of this understandable at all.
The reason none of this feels like what I want, I wonder if it is because it is not a childhood want. Really I just woke up weird one day when I was 13 and then outed not very much later so the choice was made for me against my wishes and I have felt stuck ever since. It's not that I want to go back, part of me is "fine" that the hard part of humiliating myself is over with, that it wasn't a choice I could make... I don't think I ever would "come out" of my own volition but I wonder if I say that purely because of how humiliated I felt being confronted about it.
I feel ashamed saying any of this because it is a little improper and if I have to clarify I don't feel this way about other people if I really have to explain that as painstakingly as possible please believe me and don't run off with your own ideas of me, please. On my hands and knees begging that you the reader are nice to me and I don't like asking that kind of thing but I feel very fragile currently and if you have been here a while you know how much I dislike this.
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onelungmcclung · 5 months
mota for the meme!
the first character i ever fell in love with: I liked DeMarco early on but I was sort of predisposed to (supporting character, was already familiar with Adam Long, I root for little known actors). however, he does suffer from a severe shortage of dialogue. I found myself warming to Kidd early on, too. Crosby & Bubbles's friendship is a highlight of the early episodes. in the opening scene I wanted more of Crank and Blakely.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Brady gets an enjoyable introduction but not much else. (not quite in the spirit of the question – this isn't me going off the character – I just want some good, economic characterisation stuff in later episodes too. some follow-through! but if we're going to talk about lack of follow-through we really need to talk about Westgate)
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I'm still working out if I have any ships, and the show hasn't been around long enough for me to go off anything
my ultimate favourite character™: I like Crank, Blakely, Doug, DeMarco, Bubbles, Kidd, Hambone, Macon, Crosby, Brady and Rosie (and Claytor and Biddick, brief acquaintances both). if I were to pick one, it would be Kidd – but, as I have said, he is the only supporting character I have a really strong sense of, so it doesn't feel like a fair contest.
prettiest character: Peggy is very beautiful. throw over your man, I say. Paulina, I'm available.
my most hated character: I hate nobody, but I wish the series weren't told from a small number of POVs. BoB manages its large cast better. I would like fewer scenes with Egan &/or Cleven and more scenes centring other characters/dynamics/friendships. (I like the Tuskegee Airmen scenes for this reason; no single POV is centred. also the lack of narration.) I do have sympathy for every character who gets annoyed with Bucky – not because I'm disposed against him, I just think, in context, they're right 🤷‍♀️ (I did want to see him wearing a narwhal horn, though)
my OTP: possiblyyy Kidd/Rosie. possibly. thinking it over. in terms of canon, Helen/Nash had some of the best chemistry in any of the three shows. in terms of friendship possibilities, I want to see more of everyone and everything. and as I think I have made abundantly clear by now, my favourite among the crews we get to see is the Blakely, Kidd, Doug & Crosby lineup of ep 3.
my NOTP: I don't get that invested and I don't read much. the mainpairs, as usual, don't really appeal.
favourite episode: maybe episode 7 or 8
saddest death: I was genuinely upset by Hambone's 'death' (which seemed both horrifying and terrifying) except he turned out not to be dead. probably Bubbles.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I'm relatively uninterested in Buck and Bucky; I blame the script; I've glanced through Miller's book and find the real guys more compelling. I'm rather indifferent to Lemmons, although I'd like to like him more. (also I like Crosby but I dislike narration unless absolutely necessary and a lot of it wasn't. and he's not a cinnamon roll, he's an everyman, come on now.)
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: I think these shows are fundamentally quite optimistic about people. but I think MotA does a slight injustice to the British forces. and I have already defended Huglin.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: that's the nature of the genre / this is a woobification-free zone. but the Tuskegee Airmen got short-changed. so did Westgate and the Allied intelligence subplot (at least include a glimpse of her in ep 9 so we know she's still alive? during the 'war is over' announcement mayhap? if u really don't have time for more actual subplot, which is just bad planning). a little bit more of Solly would have been nice (maybe a Solly & Rosie scene?).
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I am a fine upstanding citizen (has anyone considered Biddick/Bryan... not that I consider it wrong and nasty, I just think they could work out their differences/competitiveness some other way... but I am aware the answer is 'no') (this is merely a fleeting thought)
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: could have probably got into Alex/Buck or DeMarco/Macon if they'd had another scene or two. I do not put it past myself to mildly ship Marge/Peggy. I don't really ship it but I think Chick and Red have good chemistry considering their lack of conversations – they seem very used to each other; not sure if JM and SCM had worked together before but their characters genuinely come across like two people with a close longterm working relationship. (I could believe they're together.) Biddick/Snyder deserves a little attention even though I don't have anything to contribute.
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leaderintitleonly · 10 months
Alright so I saw Wish a while ago and here's some controversial takes.
I enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it. Hell. 8/10. I enjoyed it that much. Here's my thoughts. Under spoilers because you will get mad, especially if you define yourself by 90s and current Disney movies.
Unless you know me really well. Then you saw this coming. And I already told you.
May there be no more twist villains or WOE IS ME! I AM GOOD INSIDE HONEST! Rebecca Sugar effect villains.
Evil is lime baby!
Happy divorce! GIRL YOU DESERVE IT! When was the last time we had a nice divorce like this? Parent Trap was a sad, miserable divorce. But when did we show that divorce was a GOOD thing in some cases? Only respect for my queen.
We been knew Sleepy was a snitch.
Disability rep at long last that isn't evil or eldery AND she impacts the plot.
Dahlia is my favorite and I love her.
Dahlia has her predecessor's anxiety and public speaking problem and I could cry so much cause that's an easter egg only I know and none of you will appreciate. So there.
Golden and silver age references as opposed to the Renaissance. Chef's kiss. There's a lot of Disney out there. Seeing even the Xerox era get respect was wonderful. Renaissance? Take a backseat, please. You already get favoritism as it is. You get so much merch so seeing a few extra things just for us fans? Yeah. Yeah it feels nice to be appreciated JUST ONCE cause we never will be EVER AGAIN after this.
If you call Asha adorkable for saying her face hurts/feels like it's stuck after working a tour guide job, I'm personally coming for you. As a former tour guide. Cause I have done this after EVERY SINGLE SHIFT. Because you're an asshole. Yes I said it. I'm not adorkable for smiling so hard my muscles went numb. But I am pissed at you for being a prick. And that's what you are. A prick.
This movie suffers from 'the straights are not okay' because they keep shipping Asha with any white man (emphasis on man) they can find, including her grandpa in Star form because he looked like Jack Frost in a earlier phase. Dude it was her grandpa and no I don't want your fanart even though "BUT IT LOOKED PRETTY!" But I know the only reason he has icy blond locks is because it's her grandpa AND IT EVEN HAS SIMILAR FACIAL FEATURES TO ASHA. GROSS MY DUDE. Yeah sorry if you feel personally attacked but no, this really wigs me out. Sorry if that upsets you but I KNOW THIS AND I HAVE THE ART BOOK. Says ASHA'S GRANDPA, SABINO, before we decided he should be alive and impact the plot himself! And... YEAH. Yeah, there.
You could literally ship her all cute with ANY of her friends but you go for the old white men in her life, kinda weird but OKAY THEN!
The movie needed ten or twenty more minutes more so I could chill with The Seven or Amaya. I just wanted more. That's me though.
Bazeema. Bazeema could hide bodies. Let her.
Harvey Guillen voicing Gabo is proof that Disney knows we gay coded Grumpy and they're in silent agreement but won't do much right now other than giggle with us so... thank you, Wish, for being immature with the fandom right now. The Snow White fandom thanks you.
Music was great. No subpar show stoppers that make me go THANKS FOR THE FIVE MINUTE WAIT TO RESTATE EVERYTHING I ALREADY KNOW ELSA.
The music fits together nicely. It's a soundtrack I can listen to without skipping anything because my brain isn't thrown out of whack. Everything segues nicely. I don't hate anything. I like it all.
For example, I feel this way about the Coco soundtrack. While I dislike the contemporary version of Remember Me, I can leave on the entire soundtrack and do anything. There's nothing bad about it. It's great. I sing along or I just vibe during instrumental pieces. I can do this for Snow White, Pinocchio, and Mary Poppins. I cannot do this for many other soundtracks. CONSIDER THIS A VERY HIGH HONOR FROM ME.
No, people just went in with shitty mindsets before reviewing and I'm actually looking for a good negative review because I'd probably agree with them cause different strokes for different folks. Cause no seriously someone said Cruella had more depth than Magnifico. And I love Cruella but... friendo. She's not that deep, she really isn't. I wanna sit that person down and just ask them how deep "old friend from college envies your dog's sparkly coat and steals them cause fashion". She's not that deep, truly. Glenn Close did spectacular but SHE'S ABOUT AS DEEP AS A PUDDLE. And if you mean that Emma Stone movie, no you don't. That movie doesn't exist. Cruella doesn't have some life long grudge against dalmatians because that's stupid and why would you ever write something as stupid as that? Because you wouldn't and it was a collective bad dream we all had. tl;dr I really enjoyed Wish and it makes me realize how much bad writing exists not just in animation but in Hollywood in general and maybe we stop finding some of these things acceptable from now on.
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someone-named-adel · 1 year
Okay okay, listen to me
First of all, this is a somewhat (actually not so much) recent thought, so it has no coherence or anything like that.
Listen, listen (actually it would be read?-)
We already have the Isekai through a video game and a series, but but BUT
How about an Isekai a little bit out of the norm?
Like, it has all the usual stuff, the guys stalking (can it be considered as such?) MC since they is the favorite character of the four and blah blah blah blah.
Nothing changes up to that point
Let's add something else to the formula.
One day, MC feels weird, but in the sense that everything is weird.
The bed they're woke up in, the color of the walls of the place they woke up in, the decor, even their body feels weird.
THte looks down at their hands, and all they can see are green hands, with only three fingers.
Hands that obviously don't belong to him.
Panicking, they starts to get upset (obviously).
Where am I?
Whose body is this?
Is it my idea or am I taller/shorter than before?
Why are there posters, pictures, figurines and more of me around the room?
Is it inside the room of some stalker obsessed with me?
Questions of that kind start pouring out of their mind in a frantic manner.
MC doesn't know what's going on, they doesn't even know if they are sleeping or not, they doesn't even know if they are dead or alive, they just knows there's something terribly wrong.
Okay to make a long story short, MC accidentally mind-melded with one of the four brothers, and the other three don't know that, but they are a bit suspicious of their "brother" because he's not acting like before.
So, MC feels trapped, they are in an unknown world, in an foreign body, and with people who are strangely attached to them.
Notice how their eyes light up when talking about them, how they look at their video game/series/movie like it's their only reason for living, and how they are so aggressive when someone outside of them mentions something about “MC”.
That, plus the strange obsessive thoughts that come up at times in their mind, which are always in the main character.
So there is this situation where MC is trapped in the body of this turtle brother and is bombarded by his obsessive thoughts daily (at this moment they doubt that it is only them in possession of the body, it is not discarded the possibility that both minds merged or both minds are living together, since it is a fact that MC would never have obsessive thoughts for themselves), adding to the demonstration of the other mutant turtles' own obsession, who start to worry about their brother, since he has stopped interacting so actively in conversations about MC (which is, like, almost the only thing they talk about) and seems more distant, also, why does he flinch when one of them mentions a fact about MC? , Why does he sometimes say that what they say is a lie and states the opposite of what they say?
Why does he seem to know more about MC than they do?
It is clear that their dear brother has something on his mind, and they are anxious to know what is so much on his mind, as they wish their brother would go back to his old self.
Because really, this new version of their brother is starting to bother them....
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holybibly · 1 month
hiiii mommy!!! so i've recently stumbled across your blog, and what can i say? i am in absolute SHAMBLES of how you portray yourself and how loving you are. me and your bunnies love you so much, just don't be hard on yourself bc of harsh interactions, please. you are way beyond everything a person could ever think of. you're not just an atiny, or an author, or a person who is very good with their words... you're an absolute angel, which needs to be praised for everything, and when i say you're perfect, i really mean it in every single way! i'd love to dm you and get to know you as a person, but i am too shy. plus, i tend to self sabotage, which is the worst thing ever. i am a lover girl at heart and would be a really good friend, but the naive side + overthinking like crazy - eats me out alive, and as a cherry on top is ofc self sabotaging which is wayyy too much to handle. for such reasons and many more, i would just cheer you on from the side. do not ever think about changing yourself, always stay the way that you are. never doubt yourself and keep on doing the things that make you happy. once again, YOU ARE PERFECT! i love you, mommy.
your dearest bunny🤍
Oh my God, Bunny, you're exaggerating. First of all, I'm not perfect, I can list a lot of my faults. Secondly, I'm not an angel at all, but people say I have angel eyes, probably because of their colour, but I'm not sure.
Also, there's nothing wrong with being shy or having problems with self-acceptance or emotional rethinking. There are a lot of things that I deny about myself and sometimes I get so upset about it that I think about leaving the fandom and not feeding my complexes with the "perfect" images of our boys or other K-pop groups.
Personally, I'm very empathetic and those bunnies who communicate with me personally know that I immediately adapt to the needs and wishes of the person I'm communicating with. Sometimes I have a hard time coping with separation or break-ups because I quickly get into a routine.
Even though all the bunnies avoid personal communication with me for some reason, I have to say that I am very happy that my blog can be your safe space. The world has become so aggressive and difficult lately that sometimes we just need a place where we can get away from it all and indulge in our dreams.
A lot of people ask if I write angst or fluff, and to answer that, in the case of angst, no, I will not write it, I am too codependent with my work, and I love happy endings, I also hate choosing, I just want to have it all at once. As for fluff, I have tried, I swear I have tried, but my level of tenderness is cowboy Mingi with a lactation kink and hot alpha mommy Hwa from Pretty Flushed. I just don't know how to do it, so sorry bunnies, if you want tenderness you're in the wrong place. We have "adults only" here.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to communicate with you, your messages always give me a lot of inspiration.
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This masquerade event has definitely blown away my expectations thus far like,I want more darker toned events or more scenarios that just pull a twist (ahah) on you
like damn I wish they went like this during endless Halloween
!!! Same same!
Glorious Masquerade is everything I wanted in an event. I love TWST's events in general. They're fun and lighthearted, and they have a touch of that Disney magic that you don't get to feel in many of their works anymore. But this event actually presents us danger. And it's threatening and it makes your heart pump and puts you on the edge of your seat as you learn more about the characters and hope to God that they succeed.
I wanted this for Endless Halloween. It presented us with a real danger, where the people you know and care for suddenly disappear in one night for mysterious reasons. I even had theories that maybe a TWST Chernabog would actually appear.
And yet it ended with a "surprise it was actually a prank". My disappointment was absolutely immeasurable. In hindsight, the music was a big big foreshadow to the prank due to its playful nature, but still, I wanted something thrilling. I wanted to see everyone sigh in relief as they defeated the big baddie, bring their friends home, and be greeted to a sunrise as they are thankful that everyone's alive and safe The only reason why I'm not going insane about it is because we got one mob talking about Azul stepping on people, which is very hot and sexy of him.
It didn't help that that ending presented Malleus in his omnipotence, so much so that he was the one in the "right" for pulling off such a prank (along with Lilia and the ghosts), and the boys were "wrong" for fighting the ghosts. Like 😭 I don't mind the prank itself, but I do mind the way that they presented Malleus and Lilia as innocent.
I think that's one of the main things I really like about Glorious Masquerade: that it presents Malleus as more than just an omnipotent figure who has everything under his control. It presents Malleus as someone more "human". He doesn't brag about his power. No, he is aware of it, he knows that it is a gift. And he even says it—that it's a gift that he chooses to share with the people he cares about. That has to be one of the kindest things anyone can say.
And there is that expectation to do a lot since he is powerful. But we see him needing help from Sebek and Silver when he was entangled in the flowers. He's told to conserve his power by Azul and Idia. And from that, we get to see Malleus being kind to his guards (him telling them that he trusts that he has good guards when they had to leave Sebek and Silver behind). We get to see Malleus giving praise where it is due (him praising Azul for getting rid of the flowers). And there are so many more moments that show Malleus as more than his omnipotence and power. We learn about Silver proudly presenting the magic handkerchief to Malleus. We see him being upset about receiving a false invitation when he had been excited about it. I've gotten to enjoy a lot of Malleus moments this event, but most importantly how he's become a bit more relatable.
I think I gone off topic from the ask completely HWAHAHHA but yeah, great event, everything is awesome. I am so happy.
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aveline-amelia · 9 months
Tw: mentions of non-canonical character death (as in, discussion of theories about a potential death of Mycroft Holmes and theories mostly before series 4 aired) also spoilers for a character death in CW's The 100.
I don't usually do callout posts. But this I am willing to make an exception for. I do not hate Johnlockers or TJLCrs. This is not even strictly a thing only they did - but it was mostly them. And that was constant speculation about Mycroft's death. That a lot of people started to believe and get worried and upset over.
A lot of people believed he would die. To be clear, I am not saying they all wanted him to die. Plenty of people feared he would die and were looking for any signs of reassurance. These people got a lot of fandom concerned over something that wasn't nearly as certain as they all claimed it was.
As far as I know, it was the scene in TAB when Sherlock tells TAB!Mycroft when he is going to die and the "I will always be there for you" comment, which they saw as foreshadowing his death. Curiously, though, Sherlock makes a similar vow at the wedding to John, Mary and Rosie yet no one claimed this foreshadowed his death. -_- and I obviously don't want Sherlock to die. But it is hypocrisy.
Critics will say Sherlock could have shot John, but use the word kill with Mycroft. They view him as expendable. Not as important. Holmes' brother Mycroft, as though he is the lesser Holmes. As though he is not also a Holmes, or doesn't deserve the privilege of the name despite having it before Sherlock did.
A sizable amount of people proclaimed they will stop watching if Mycroft is killed off.
There is a difference between "this character's death will be very sad, I will cry a lot and get emotional and then move on, it will be so awful..." vs "this will give me a mental health crisis, push me into a deep depression and possibly make me suicidal". And let me tell you, do not wish for it and hope for it if you have only experienced the former while others will experience the latter.
Maybe this person was being hyperbolic. But I will tell you when you have that level of dedication to a character, saying they should die is like saying you should die too. That you might as well. That you deserve to.
There is a reason that people sent each other suicide hotlines when Lexa died. People related to this badass lesbian and when she was killed off, right after she was finally happy, the rug was pulled from under them. It felt cruel. They felt hopeless.
And yes, some people saw and still see Mycroft as representative of various identities, either sexualities (or a lack of being sexual) or neurodivergence. Or they just relate to him for other reasons! He matters to them, but be honest, he doesn't matter to a lot of you. Not really.
Some TJLCrs see Sherlock and John as People, but everyone else is just a Plot Device. A Metaphor. Some straight up admitted that to them only Johnlock is real. They don't care about anything else.
One person seriously argued over that childhood clip of a young Sherlock hugging a young Mycroft saying "they don't see any resentment there". Because seven year old Sherlock and almost forty year old Sherlock are obviously The Same... and that one honestly makes me really sad? Like, how do you see something that pure and that is your only thought?
They love to project all the traits they dislike about Sherlock onto Mycroft. In their mind, Mycroft was born already a fully formed adult human, in a three piece suit and an umbrella in his hands and his first words were "Caring is not an advantage". I mean, it's not like in canon he only says that to Sherlock to make him feel better or something?
It's fine. If you only like John and Sherlock, only those two characters and only relate to them, fine. Write fic about them. Make fanart about them.
But be aware there are people out there who do not share that sentiment.
And yesterday I saw someone basically hoping for a scene in season 5 where they get their wish fulfillment dramatic Mycroft death scene. As if they were owed that.
And God did that make me mad. I hate using this word but that is such entitlement. If you want that scene, write it yourself. Share it amongst friends and mutuals. Write fanfic! Tag it accordingly so that people don't have to see it.
I saw that art of Sherlock crying over his brother's dead body twice already, which is two times more than I ever wanted to see it. I still sometimes see it when I close my eyes.
It's one thing to want your ships to be canon. It's another thing to want a character to die solely to fulfill your fantasy when that will hurt real life people who it matters to that he stays alive.
We deserve a happy ending too.
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lacrimosathedark · 7 months
I really wish people applied Hanlon's Razor and Grey's Law to their daily lives.
In case you don't know, here is what those mean.
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity/incompetence.
Grey's Law: Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
They sound in direct opposition, but I feel like people don't consciously think about either of these and apply them almost at random and it sucks. I know the lack of people thinking like this has effected me personally, and those around me.
Starting with Hanlon I suppose.
One of the few things I'm confident is is that I'm intelligent. That said, I'm wholly aware I have specialties and there's so much that I don't know, and my memory sucks so I often forget things too. I also am the furthest from malicious someone can really be without being a complete doormat (and I'm still a bit of a doormat, I'm working on it). Upsetting people is genuinely distressing on so many levels, and because of this I feel compelled to explain myself for literally everything, or say nothing at all. So I'm long rants and silence.
Sometimes I'll assert something and someone will disagree with me, be it because they got offended for some reason or because they have information I don't. I assume one or both of us is lacking information, so I share what I have and ask for theirs. You may have noticed this if you see me responding to posts asking for sources.
I hate being wrong. I know in a lot of people that manifests in becoming stubborn and defensive, but I actively try not to do that. I want to be correct, so I want to learn more. I want to know what I was missing. If I'm wrong, I want to know so I don't make the same mistakes again. If I'm not wrong but was missing information, it can give me a clearer understanding of the topic as a whole and people who think and feel differently than me which is fantastic because I love learning how people and things work when I don't understand the logic. And I love to share information to. And I might go overboard.
But people assume I'm trying to argue, and not that I genuinely want to understand their perspective.
And I'm not saying part of that's on me for not communicating well enough. But no matter how hard I try, someone always seems to assume I'm out to hurt people when the thought of vaguely upsetting someone often paralyzes me. I've been scolded for not asking for help because I feel like an inconvenience. (TW) The only reason I'm even alive is because I know at least one person would grieve, and hurting someone like that is so much worse than suffering through existence. (TW end) I'm not someone who would ever go out of my way to cause harm unprovoked.
And I know I'm not the only one to experience this. Neurodivergent people often have trouble communicating. Children still have a lot they don't know. Some people grew up incredibly sheltered. That's not even to mention people getting into a niche or study and being brand new, just learning. Everyone starts somewhere and no one begins as an expert in anything. And the world is big and there's so much to know in so little time.
Why do we assume people are playing dumb or ignorant on less consequential things just to be a jerk?
Assuming people are malicious because they're ignorant or even stupid hurts people who mean no harm. And it sucks.
Onto Grey.
I'll make this example a little less personal.
The American education system sucks, and most people never get comprehensive sex ed. Many states have laws limiting the education to "abstinence only". This results in many people not knowing how the reproductive system works.
This, therefore, results in our government full of old cishet white men to not know what the fuck they're talking about while trying to limit "women's" healthcare. People have died because of their idiocy. Doctors are scared to abort babies that won't survive birth, and make the mother wait until they are literally dying to help them. People have given stillbirths at home because doctors refused to help for fear of legal recourse. A woman was fucking arrested because she had a stillbirth at home because they refused to abort the dying fetus.
That incompetence and stupidity and the stubborn refusal to be educated costs actual lives.
Both Hanlon and Grey work for transphobia too.
Like, you should always initially apply Hanlon's Razor if you get misgendered. Maybe the person didn't know. Maybe it's new to them and they're still learning. Maybe they just need to unlearn the habit of how they've thought of you. It's a process and people make mistakes. It may hurt, but it's not automatically malicious.
However, where Grey's Law comes in is there can be people who say they love you, genuinely think they mean it, try to give you the world, but refuse to respect you as you are. They don't put effort into changing for you. And it's not malicious, clearly. They don't hate you, probably want what's best for you and think they know what that is. But with the amount of harm that attitude causes, can it be distinguishable from malice? I don't really think so.
I just wish people thought about that more. Me included.
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chief-kett · 7 months
Hello!! I would like to ask your history (??) of drawing, that is, for example, where you started and what you think about your skills at the moment
And yet, I’ve been wanting to draw on my favorite ships for a long time, but they are problematic and I’m very scared to publish my work on the Internet (you know, wishing the worst and so on) Have you ever had this happen and if so,how did you deal with it (even if not, tell me what you think about it)
And your art is excellent, I love how the characters look together or more in the art(⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)
I began to be interested in drawing in the eighth grade (at 13-14 years old). It wasn't studying art or anything serious, I was just escaping from the real world, drawing characters from MLP (after that I drew FNAF, since this was the time of the birth of the game and all these theories). MLP and FNAF is the beginning of my “career” as an artist. At this beginning, I refused to call myself an artist, I was simply ashamed to be called an artist, because I considered myself unworthy of this title. I just didn't know at the time that there was a name for "emerging artist" lol. For years I just continued to draw what I liked and didn't care what other people thought. I did what I really liked. Then I learned what shippers, pairings and yaoi are. And it blew my mind! My art almost completely turned into fan art with my favorite pairings (my forever first OTP is randicon, which later almost completely eclipsed pompous pep). Somewhere in the same period, I started reading fan fiction, and later began writing them myself. Then I created my blog on tumblr, which currently no longer exists due to one mistake. And this mistake is precisely connected with the problematic maxvid pairing. To put it bluntly, I published adult/child pornographic art on my old blog. I did it out of emotion - I was angry for a reason. Only a few days later I thought that I had made a mistake and wanted to delete the post, but I didn’t have time because my blog was deleted or something like that. I wasn't upset, even though this blog had been alive for many years - about 7 years to be exact. I came to terms with it very quickly and saw this as a chance to start with a clean slate. And now here I am, “reborn as a phoenix.” I still send maxvid and pompous pep (which is also considered problematic). And, yes, I have slight doubts before publishing art, but I quickly reassure myself that this is fiction and those people who don’t like such crap can simply block me so that I don’t get on their radar. Just because I ship problematic pairings doesn't mean I support them in real life. No. Any genuine violation of the law is condemned. And yet, I just don’t care about other people’s opinions. I haven't done anyone any real harm. I don't force anyone to look at my work. If someone stumbled upon my work by accident, it is not my fault. This is the Internet. There's a lot of crap here that you might unintentionally step on. If you want to publish your work, it is important to evaluate where you can publish it. To publish or not to publish is your decision. In any case, you will surely find your audience. And thank you for liking my work! This is very nice and important for me :3
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"Jaime Lannister sends his regards."
What does this line mean? What are the implications, the message it is trying to send? Is it a better line than the changed one in the show?
These are questions I have been asking myself as of late. Initially, I wanted to explain why I liked the show's version better, but as I thought about what the book's version meant, I started to change my mind
To be honest, the reason why I liked the show's version better for so long was because I thought it was more impactful. By saying "The Lannisters send their regards" rather than just Jaime, it made the Lannisters seem like a unified front, a great House that is not to be fucked with and not just a singular great man. It would send the message that it is not the actions of a singular person but something that will set a precedent for the House as a whole when dealing with, ultimately, people getting in their way.
But then I started thinking about why Tywin would have them say Jaime specifically. I came to two major conclusions:
1) Tywin doesn't care that Jaime is a member of the Kingsguard let alone the Lord Commander, he still wants Jaime to inherit Casterly Rock. Cersei is the Queen, just the thing Tywin wanted her to be, thus he wants to keep her right where she is. Tyrion is the heir of Casterly Rock but Tywin would rather bring the Seven Hells upon Westeros than see Tyrion as the Lord of Casterly Rock. He has always seen Jaime as the heir, his heir. When he made his vows, Tywin was pissed as all hell, at Jaime, at Aerys, at everyone. But then Joffrey set the precedent that members Kingsguard don't have to serve for life with the dismissal of Baristan Selmy, thus opening up the path for Tywin to make his wishes come true.
Several time through the series, we see the song "The Rains of Castamere" used as a threat, a reminder to any and all of what Tywin Lannister is capable of. The ruthless destruction of Houses Reyne and Tarbeck solidifies Tywin's fearsome reputation and I believe the Red Wedding is meant to be Jaime's Castamere. By giving him the responsibility, Tywin is securing Jaime's legacy almost. Already Jaime is well-known for being one of the greatest swordsmen alive, but he needs to be more of a threat, more of a foreboding presence at the back of people's minds than just someone who is pretty handy with a sword. If people believe Jaime capable and willing to do something as horrible as the Red Wedding, what else is he willing to do to protect the realm (or just his family)?
However, similar to Castamere, the Red Wedding is a huge, huge, huge political mistake. It is not a show of power, of skill in battle, of cunning or wit. No, it's a demonstration of brutality. It says to everyone else that the Lannisters will do whatever they want in response to slights, minor or otherwise. The Red Wedding especially does this. Sure, you crushed the Northern rebellion and took out a huge threat to your power, congratulations. Now no one trusts you or respects you or will want to be by your side. They may fall in line out of fear, but fear can only hold people for so long and to such lengths. Tywin os still upset, to his dying day, of the perceived failings of his father. He hated how his bannerman laughed at him, hated how a "whore" wore his mother's jewels and clothing, hated the weakness he saw. But I would argue it is better to be underestimated yet respected than feared yet reviled. When the going gets tough, who will come to Lannister aid after this? After this violation of a sacred law, Guest Right, who would ever want to be on the side of Lannister?
2) This is more of a narrative reason, though I certainly believe Tywin may think similarly, but this line is also a twisting of the knife. Cat let Jaime go and everyone and their mother told her what a horrible idea it was. Now, it's come to bite her in the ass. Had she not released Jaime, I am not entirely sure the Red Wedding would have happened but that is a whole different discussion. Fact of the matter is, she did and now she has to watch her son be murdered in front of her. How could she not blame herself? How could she not blame the Lannisters for being cravens wholly lacking honor? How could she not blame the gods for their cruelty? This line is the cherry on top of the tragedy of the Starks.
While (iirc) Tywin did not know Catelyn was the one who let Jaime go, I believe he thinks he somehow escaped on his own, I do think he would also view it in the same way. As consequence of taking his son, and of letting him slip through their fingers, their lives are forfeit. Yes, when they rebelled their lives were forfeit to begin, but I think Jaime's capture pushed Tywin to such a drastic means of dealing with them.
At his core, Tywin is a petty, vindictive person who values getting his revenge more than actually doing what is best for the Lannister name. True, he may believe this is the best course of action, but that just goes to show what an emotionally-driven, lack of forethought moron Tywin truly is. He is not clever, he is cruel. Do not confuse the two. And, much like every other Lannister, Tywin seems to believe because the Targaryens conquered and kept the peace through fire and blood, he can do whatever violent acts he wishes and history will laud him for it, but he is not a Targaryen, it does not work the same way. Targaryens for centuries were viewed as closer to gods than men, Lannisters never were held in that esteem. All he is doing is dragging the Lannister name through the mud.
One of the things that makes Tywin Lannister notorious in Westeros is told about in the song "The Rains of Castamere," which details how Tywin brought about the end of House Reyne and House Tarbeck, serves several times as a reminder and threat of what Tywin Lannister is capable of ie complete ruthless brutality. It is intended to keep people in line and to keep their noses clean. I believe Tywin wanted to give Jaime a similar reputation.
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thecubes · 2 years
hi! absolutely thrilled to find another rahd fan on this site...any randall and hopkirk deceased hcs? :) 🦇
Hey there anon :D me too!! It seems like the fandom on here has dissipated so finding anyone out here is soo exciting!!
oh god I have ENDLESS headcanons and I tend to post about them as they come to me and then I sort of forget til I rewatch episodes haha... but off the top of my head:
My random personal headcanon for Jeff is that he was brought up by his grandparents (no real reason for it other than the show never bringing up his family or background)
and my random personal headcanon for Marty is that he has a strong aversion to alcohol because he has; told Jeff he is drinking too much, moved Jeff's glass away from him, and (before they realize his drinking was useful to them) tried to convince Bream not to drink anymore. And when he was alive, he asked for tomato juice at the obligatory "would you like a drink" instead of any spirit as is usually requested (and expected based on the slight reaction it gets)
I also had a headcanon that there is some kind of rift in Marty's family because the funeral crowd seemed quite small, Marty was annoyed that his Aunt didn't come to his funeral, and also just again the vibe of the three of them being sort of... alone. I know shows don't necessarily bring family into the cast but there is usually some mention of "Oh when I was a kid my mum/dad would--" but there isn't.. Jeannie only half recognizes Marty's Aunt and it takes her a while to fully recognize her. Jeff has never even heard of her... and she (Aunt) seems only mildly upset at her nephew's untimely murder. She didn't even know that he had died.
^ I realize that like 90% of that is down to ITC's limited attention on R&H and maybe budget. But still.
Not necessarily a headcanon but I like shipping any and all combos of the three haha and, also just appreciating their canon relationships too :-) I wish that the writers/directors weren't so terrified of showing two men being close and affectionate friends (as Mike and Ken actually were) but it was kind of a Thing at the time I guess
OH I also have the headcanon that Marty and Bugsy continue to hang out in the astral realm and Bugsy is teaching Marty how to manifest himself to people other than Jeff so that he can one day say hi to Jeannie again :) (LESS of this "oh it'll scare her poor fragile woman heart" nonsense. that episode was kind of a mess...)
ok I am stopping now because that is already a lot LOL but nice to meet u anon enjoy my rambling
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redwineconversation · 10 months
Lyon - Guincamp Preview / Lyon - St Polten Postgame Thoughts
I think there is a genuine case to be made if you say the St Polten game was the worse game Lyon has played all season, which is saying something because we had just suffered through the Dijon game a few days earlier.
It was a boring game, none of the Lyon players were good, and it was really a case of whom was least bad rather than actually good. Van de Donk and Bacha deserved their respective Player of the Match trophies, although I do think Bacha should have swept it, as much as that will upset van de Donk's nutcase stans. Anyway, those two players were good, the rest should be graded on a scale of "not bad" to "they made me wish I could be drinking at work".
People were ripping into Carpenter's "crosses", and I am using quotation marks deliberately, and let's be frank. They weren't wrong to do so. The day Carpenter crosses accurately is the day I will finally know peace. I long for that day. I truly do think it will even happen one day, and I just hope I am alive to see it happen.
But she wasn't the worse player on the pitch, and that's why certain fans screaming that Sombath should be starting over her really perplexed me. Sombath doesn't have the maturity or physicality to handle pressure from high intensity teams. Yes, Sombath can hold her own against the likes of Dijon, but against the heavy weights? We just have to look at what happened to Lyon last season when Carpenter was out to answer that question.
The other reason I am slightly perplexed at the screaming towards Carpenter is, well, she was also doing her job as a defender. I feel a lot of the time when Carpenter abides by her job description, which is to actually defend, people start breathing very heavily into a brown paper bag because she is not contributing to the attack. Yes, I like Carpenter and Diani's overlapping runs. You know what I also like? Defenders who do their job.
Does Carpenter have room to improve? Yes. Will there ever be a day when she can cross accurately? Who knows. But her experience and ability to handle high pressure games puts her above Sombath. Just because Sombath scored a couple of goals against relegation level teams doesn't automatically qualify her as a starter. Let's not offend anyone's intelligence by pretending otherwise.
For me, the one who deserves proper criticism in the St Polten game is Hegerberg. I struggle to remember a performance as bad as that one. There were absolutely no excuses for that kind of misses. She was missing passes, her shots were off, her timing was off. Everything was off, even her attitude. It was an atrocious performance from her. Let's be frank here and now: a player who puts up that kind of performance deserves to be benched for the next game.
Which leads us to the Guincamp ("EAG") dilemma, aka how many bad decisions can Bompastor possibly make before I open a bottle of wine regardless of the time of day.
Gilles was released early to join the Canada WNT camp. Now, this is emotionally conflicting for a variety of reasons. Positives: I don't want Gilles run into the ground and therefore am supportive of giving her breathing time whenever possible; the only way M'Bock will get back to match fitness is to actually play 90 minutes. I am supportive and agree with both those arguments.
But: if Lyon is releasing Gilles early to join the Canada camp, why aren't they also releasing Carpenter as well, since Canada will be playing against Australia? I don't have the exact numbers in front of me but I don't believe that Gilles has played a dramatically superior number of games than Carpenter has, so the excuse of resting Gilles ahead of the international break ahead of Carpenter is perplexing since they will be traveling the same distance. Literally.
The second thing is, Bompastor argued that the players who played little to no minutes against St Polten will be starting against Guincamp. Based on that argument, Sombath is starting over Carpenter since Carpenter started the St Polten game. In that case, again, why not release Carpenter rather than have her start on the bench? The reverse holds true: if Carpenter starts, then why have released Gilles early?
Though maybe Bompastor is keeping some of her typical starters on hand because she too remembers the horror show against Dijon, as much as we would all like to put that collective nightmare performance behind us. And this is something else I want to talk about because the Twitter analysts are really getting on my nerves here.
Becho is not a starter. This isn't even me being biased. Camille Abily said as much: Becho isn't there yet as a starter. Abily can see it but for some reason Bompastor decided otherwise and we got the absolute horror show that was her performance against Dijon. Are we supposed to sit here and pretend that within the space of 10 days, which included a UWCL game, Becho developed the nerves and maturity to start?
Now, if she scores a hat trick in the first half, I will gladly admit that I was wrong and that Abily's judgment was off, too. I am willing to recognize my mistakes. But as things stand here and now, Becho has proven consistently that she is not fit to start. Dijon showed us as much. Guincamp will most likely show us the same.
Third problem: Dijon also showed us what happens when Marozsan and Majri start. The midfield's performance against Dijon was atrocious. It was horrible. They could not string passes together, they moved with the same pace and intensity as LA traffic at rush hour on a Friday afternoon. Bompastor had to throw on Horan and van de Donk to save face, and we're most likely going to get a repeat of that against Guingamp.
Which again is conflicting: I don't want van de Donk and Horan to be run into ground what with both of them being part of the stronger midfield; I don't want to have to suffer through Dijon 2.1 (St Polten being Dijon 2.0). We shouldn't be in a situation where we have to rely on van de Donk and Horan to save us because the remaining offensive midfielders haven't run since circa 2019.
Now, for all the complaining I am doing about Lyon's performance, I will also - grudgingly - acknowledge that it's harder on Lyon to play freely when they're up against 5-4-1 formation. Low blocks are harder to break down, it's frustrating to play against teams whose sole ambition is to park the bus, blah blah. I get that. I agree with it.
I also don't think it excuses Lyon's performances against Dijon and St Polten, and it won't be an excuse against Guingamp (whom if I remember correctly, Lyon drew against last season, so we really do need to prepare ourselves for a third horror show performance in 10 days).
Lyon is a team more or less stacked with experienced international players. It would be great if, for the first time in 10 days, Lyon would act like a team more or less stacked with experienced international players.
Anyway, that's that. Thanksgiving break is over so I will be getting back to my unpaid hobby of translating Lyon content so people can see this frustrating but complex team the way I do.
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