#the only way i can write anymore /hj
BNHA 428: This chapter made me annoyed and yet it was still somewhat better than I expected?
Himichako. I like it, it's a good ship- not one I'm crazy about, but the vision is compelling. I mean, the loved girl on hard times who admires honesty but represses her feelings + hunger motifs, and the formerly wealthy and rejected girl who's honest to herself but masks her sadness from others + drinking motifs? Being so similar at their core from selfishness, bleeding love, admiration and imitation? Yeah, why not, sign me up, it looks fun.
(plus Ochako needed a subplot that would shy away from Izuku because oh boi her writing is messy-)
Then the ending annoucement happened and I immediately went "oh no" when I remembered that tidbit. But. Yesterday, I remembered this page from 424, which in hindsight makes sense:
Shoto moving forward and choosing to not dwell on his past anymore, because he wants to know the man he wants to become alongside his family of choice.
Spinner feeling so much grief for Tomura inside his room, his extra Quirks add up to it. Further gut points as it was all because of AFO, but the wrong person is getting the blame.
Ochako looking lost and dissatisfied, not really saying anything about Himiko's status; then her hidden injury which left a scar that'll never go away, nothing can change that.
And then, well, a sky with a chance to fight for a "bright future". Which is the most ambiguous you can get for anything, really, sequel or not.
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(sidenote: is it me or the panel where she's touching her stab wound looks like a tangent line?)
Okay so, I went into the chapter, with Pikahlua's translations. It was A Chapter alright-
If it wasn't the antepenultimate chapter, the "filler" would've been welcomed. But I guess it means we should focus on the smaller details, I guess? Like that 1st year saying Izuku filled him with courage and Izuku immediately thinking of Spinner's pain? Yeah he hates himself and that people call him a hero, when he considers himself a murderer, and will never forgive himself for failing Tenko, therapy for him and everyone in Class 2-A please- yeah it was a fun detail. Also the throb of hiding your pain of "defeating" someone you wanted to save but in the end everything is miserable but everyone else is happy and you don't wanna be a bother. Fun.
Also I wasn't the one to point the out, but looking at the uniform (U.A. uniform blazer for boys + the tie with a dot for girls), the student who's a Izuku fan is probably trans/gnc, which I appreciate a lot :D (Damn Izuku attracts so many queer people I wonder if that's a sign- /hj)
Also, I guess Class A stating "[Bakugou], Midoriya and Todoroki were at the heart of it all" then focusing on Ochako is good foreshadowing on how her own battle wasn't fully recorded? It's like saying in the end her fight didn't matter, but the other ones went "well", so she's trying (and slowly failing) to keep her sadness at bay because, well, everyone's happy, so who cares? Another "throb".
I thought since the Todoroki family issues are out in the open, didn't they record the whole thing? Then I re-read it, they only saw the family stopping Touya from exploding. So they didn't see Shoto trying to talk to Touya, which means none of the LoV were humanized. Fuck's sake.
After that, I get focusing on the first years and civilians wanting to help and all, but it feels like a repeat of everything seconds before Jakku, so I assume it's a way for them to pretend things are normal? But not-quite-quoting Katsuki (<- which I will point out for my sake is very much alive and well and- oh boi LFtR will kill me) and Edgeshot here because it made me smile:
"Will you...go back to the way you were?" "I plan to attain something greater than what I was originally!"
So, yeah I suppose he'll be fine eventually. (Best J. really loving Edgeshot even as a worm, honestly, goals)
Again with Izuku remembering saying "[He'll] bring it all back" and apologizing for "not keeping his promise" and others telling him to not blame himself and they can reconstruct as many times as it takes. Again, gave me a little smile, but not for long-
Finally, Ochako pretending things are fine. Hello there, Sports Festival/Provisional License!Ochako I missed you- /hj (I miss the dorms era in general, actually.)
So... *sigh* Full disclosure: I wasn't looking forward to Himichako as we were getting 5/10 pages for the "conclusions" in the previous two, I thought Ochako would be off about Himiko being depressed about the League. But since she's MIA, red flags are now red herrings, and it's better than the dead outcome. If Ochako got another person dying in her arms that'd just break her character.
A blood transfusion takes hours, she couldn't been doing that for more than 20min, if it was gonna kill anyone it'd be Ochako. Either Himiko ran away or got arrested, and Ochako feels guilty because she doesn't know if she's dead or not. Not great, but until I see a corpse she ain't dead. Besides: Touya, Shoto, Edgeshot, Katsuki, Toshinori, Ochako herself, all physically hurt unlike her, and yet they live.
And then we have Izuku showing up. I'm upset he used OFA embers for this, but eh, it's Izuku, do I expect anything else?
Rolling with the assumption Himiko died (like our POV characters), Izuku would need to face his own failure in Ochako- Failed to save two people like she failed Himiko, but it'd be so. Empty. Ochako was true to herself, while Izuku gave nothing but "I want to save that crying kid" while fighting Tenko. The most they can do is bond with "failing" and "this isn't what we fought for". This is not really a moment where he can be a shoulder to cry on, it'd come across as hypocritical /neg.
The only way it could make sense it without being shallow on Mr. Control = Repress Your Heart's part (as he didn't open up to the two people who died in "his watch") is Ochako telling how Himiko loved yet seeing him repressing this part of his is idiotic? She likes people who are true to themselves, which Izuku hasn't been for ages, leading to him realizing something. I thought it'd be through a DvsK3 but. I'll take it, two chapters left, I just want his thoughts (and for them to talk but that can happen in the last one).
They only recorded Shoto stopping Touya from being a suicidal bomb, Ochako floating a bunch of Twice!Himiko clones and Izuku entering a coccon, popping out armless, getting them back, punching Tenko to death. The "I want to save [them]" wasn't registered, it makes sense they're (well, Izuku and Ochako mostly) weirded out about this, dissatisfied like most readers are (sidenote: why when it comes to the trio either Ochako or Shoto get sidelined? So much could tie their stories together and yet-)
It's still a tough pill. I'm not a villain stan, just wondering if those fights were for nothing- the humanity of Tenko and Himiko? Can't be proved for anyone else, since they weren't recorded.
And I don't know if anyone saw the same thing, but those "city lights" look like the bubbles from Ochako's awakening, maybe we'll get a Blackwhip or Entrance Exam callback? Maybe it's what the tagline meant by "hidden feelings", since she unlocked it to reach Himiko and doesn't think anyone would understand why. I hope it's just a nice visual though.
If Himiko is truly dead though... You know, I headcannoned the characters were telling the story through confessionals/recordings to register it to the world so they'd learn from that, but I guess the interviews Aizawa was talking about seemed more likely, which. Well it's something, but I thought it'd be everyone instead of just Class A. Idk. The idea the LoV didn't change anything, or that they did change things but don't get to see it, is bitter.
So uh. Yeah, those are my thoughts. I'm not sure how to feel about it, on one hand I want Izuku to finally open up but on the other, it feels like it'll be at Himiko and Ochako's expense by involving him in something that's theirs now. And there's a chance we'll get the "nothing is fine" from Ochako- god I'm fearing the discourse next week already :DDDD
... Man, and this is a bad timing to be in the fandom, considering the LFtR episode airs this Saturday (which will be yesterday by the time this post goes up and I'll be crying about that instead-), so uh. Yeah, this fandom will be emotionally devastated for two reasons XD
Okay, so I'll try ending this on a more optimistic note: I think Himiko is alive, and Ochako just doesn't know it, which is why we're getting 0 confirmation and a breakdown. Izuku's confrontation with her can make or break this plot, but as long as 1) we acknowledge the emotional, different stakes between the Himichako fight and Tenko vs. Izuku one and 2) it doesn't end in a confession (and let's be real, it won't), then we're probably good (sadly, if you disregard the LoV status). I still think it's an ass pull for the camera battery to go out though.
But no matter how this goes: C'mon, two chapters left now, this one was wasted on the first years, smh, let this sequel hopium be a reality I wanna know who's the 425 guy, not the poor first year who's gonna replace Shindo Yo in fanfics- /hj
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ping-ski · 29 days
Hewwo!!! :3 I hope you are having an amazing day, here is a whole plate of cupcakes! Would it be possible for you to share a few lore details about your Eclipsed By You AU story? I keep looking at the designs and I am so curious about what will be happening, I would wish to nibble on tiny lore crumbs, pretty please?
ama!! hihi! ! i meant to answer your ask much sooner! anyways, since you asked so nicely (and because i am pathetically weak to any sweets </3) prepare for some SERIOUS yappage under that cut
✦ AuDHD demands that I explain EBY origins before any details but you can totally skip this if you want! (Scroll till you see blue text! :3) So... Eclipsed By You was intended to be au/fic just for myself after work when I first got into DCA. I literally was pantsing a self-insert fic from just gameplay, voicelines, and a collection of scenarios I wrote in my notes app before I actually interacted with the DCA fandom lol. I was already in the process of writing it to be a proper fic and planned to make an AO3 acc to post it! I took some time away from it tho cause I got busy irl. During my break I did start to interact more the fandom! The first proper DCA fic I read was 'Solar Lunacy' by BamSara a few months back as a recommendation from a mutual I had from another fandom. I had told them about my fic idea and they suggested I read the fic as my fic had reminded them of SL. After reading through, I was kind of bummed initially because I really didn't think I had anything unique to offer with my own fic that I was hoping to share. I stopped writing it cause damn comparison truly is the thief of joy. SL and EBY had similar ideas going on and I just didn't feel like it was worth posting my fic cause it didn't feel "special" to me anymore. It was easy to give up since writing is really not my strong suit at all, so then I fell back to just drawing! I only came back to it despite the 19 other DCA aus I have lined up rn cause honestly I remembered that wrote it for my own enjoyment! Why did that have to change? Albeit, I did scrap lots of what I initially wrote and started fresh cause my interpretation of DCA changed. Regardless, EBY was always going to be a self-indulgent DCA/Reader fic taking place at the Pizza Plex. Sure not anything original, but that's just a fact of being a creative in general tbh. I felt silly when I realized that haha. I'm having fun and they make me smile, so who cares if its been done before lol. I still enjoy Solar Lunacy and still am a fan of BamSara! (the cotl content has been fueling me lmao)
✦ Some bits on Eclipsed By You- The main part of your ask lol! ✿ On the au/fic name: I actually stole it from another au (of the many) I have. No particular reason for it! I was writing EBY and that au around the same time and alternated working on the two throughout the day. That au is now nameless (actually it's nicknamed "Messiah" as I type) cause EBY grew onto me for what it is now! ✿ On DCA's designs: This might be kind of disappointing lol but- there isn't much of a lore/plot reason for their designs? They just look that way cause... why not :3 It's also part of just how I interpret DCA into my artstyle. Otherwise, they can be interpreted as the canon designs early on! Atleast until some future upgrades! ✿ When in SB are we? Everywhere /hj. EBY will have some pre-virus and post-virus stuff just for funsies! I'm dying to yap but if I say anymore I will get carried away 100%. ✿ On EBY!Eclipse: For this au, Eclipse is his own "person" you could say. With his own AI and personality chip to pair! Carefully built to be a dedicated host and theater bot. He is, including Sun and Moon, the entertainment <3. They are a singular animatronic in this fic! (like those 3 in 1 soaps except it's DCA /j) ✿ On EBY!Y/N: (EBY is a reader-insert, but intended to be written as gender neutral and an adult.) Y/N gets their own bit of lore and issues that may or may not be the stress/frustration from my 2 irl jobs thinly veiled lmao. They work part-time at the Plex as a general theater staff member! Each week, their tasks rotating between concessions, being an usher, and working along side the theater bots! (Kind of like a theater tech.) This is a part-time job just to keep them afloat while they work on their last bit of certifications and training to be a caretaker! They are pretty passionate about helping those in need. A sweetheart honestly. Though, if you don't like kids, maybe look away. Wholesome moments with the littles and DCA + Y/N is pretty decent with kids themselves. (Lots of projection from my own experiences working with children and elderly, as a caregiver turned caretaker. I kind of want to highlight some of my experiences with Y/N.) ✿ On EBY!Sun and Moon: These two are goofballs alongside Eclipse through and through. They all get to be sweet, soft, and doting I promise. Originally, before scrapping a good chunk of the og writing, EBY had a beloved sweetheart anxous Sun and aggressive Moon who was kind of an asshole(Before the rewrite, EBY felt so different. Like everyone was just tolerating eachother and fragments being held together with glitter glue n' dreams. I am very very glad it's different now lol.) Eclipse stayed fairly consistent though. Sweet house husband that he is. Now, Sun is just as unhinged as Moon (making him just as much as a threat!), but we will persevere with the power of friendship <3 We're gonna have some aloof Sun moments. He takes his job pretty seriously! Some goofy Moon bits who's giggles are light and airy. He is very unserious I fear. They're both trying their best, in their own ways. There's not much I can say rn without spoiling haha. It's hard to stay vague hrm. Or atleast I can't think of anything specific to add right now. (I may be able to answer some specific questions if you have any, my brain is just foggy rn) ✿ I'm simplifying it down to your "typical pizza plex fic" with pre-virus and post-fire shenanigans. I'm sorry if none of that is telling I can't think of anything specific cause I'm pretty sleepy rn so maybe it's a little boring sounding but I love it anyways haha Expect some canon-typical violence and non-sexual intimacy! I have intentions on writing the relationship between Y/N and DCA ambiguous so it can be seen as queerplatonic or romantic. (But this could very easily changed, I'm a shameless robokisser sigh.)
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litaeque · 2 years
"I like you too, im sorry if i was stupid to not know before."
Character/s: Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro × Reader
Cw: light angst (in rui's part), and that's pretty much all
I got a little too worked up on rui's 😭😭
I changed my writing style (again) but i only do this kind of writing style whenever i do requests tho :3
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Akito Shinonome
He's dumb. /Hj
"hey uh-..im sorry but im not interested into dating anyone."
You ofcourse already expected this and you only wanted to let this feeling out of you but that doesn't mean you already moved on for him.
After 2 weeks of his rejection, he was miserable he hates how he keeps looking at you're direction and whenever you caught him staring he swears that he felt his face getting warm.
He keeps denying that he has feelings for you despite his actions says it otherwise.
He's guilty from rejecting you, because why did he just now noticed that you're very kind and sweet ..
His gut keeps telling him to just suck it up and just confess to you he just hopes that you still have feelings for him.
"hey-..um [name], i like you for real alright.. it's fine if you already moved on i rea—" "i like you too."
He seriously didn't thinked that you still like him but he's glad because now he can just admire you more<3
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Toya Aoyagi
He's genuinely confused on how someone even manage to like him. /srs
He's a quiet yet reserved boy quite dumb too..so ofcourse he's surprised.
"im sorry, but im currently not interested into having a relationship right now i apologize."
He's kinds of feel bad for rejecting you but he currently has no time for relationships for now :(
You being you don't mind it since you just want to let this out of you're chest.
It took quite a lot of time for him to finally realized his feelings for you.
He was a bit shy at first, you are beautiful and kind..but he got the courage to confess his feelings for you with the help of tsukasa.
"i deeply apologize for not thinking back but i like you if you dont feel the same way anymore it's fine."
You were shock but you accepted his confession, he was happy that you accepted his feelings back now he can finally kiss you<3
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Tsukasa Tenma
Despite being loud he never expected that someone would actually have liking on him due to his reputation being a "weirdo".
He really appreciates that someone would like him but he doesn't quite knew you but he's heard of you before.
"haha! I knew it no one couldn't resist my charm!! But..i hate to break it to you but this future star have to decline..."
He truly didn't want to decline you but he just doesn't know much about you and he just decided to be friends with you.
Oh he just wish he can go back and accepted your feelings for him
He loves how you ramble about things, how you just look gorgeous, the way you talk..well everything about you he loves everything about you.
He was madly inlove with you, and yet it still took sometime for him to confess his feelings for you.
"[name] i like you it's alright if you don't have any feelings for me anymore..!!" "tsukasa you don't have to worry about it i still like- well love you."
Bros literally screaming and squealing in joy/hj
He's very happy and that's when the journey dating tsukasa starts<3
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Rui Kamishiro
Now..rui is very much surprised that someone has a crush on him.
He was indeed bullied and called a "robot freak" or a "weirdo" on the past even still now.
And he knew nothing about you so he was very aware that you might be also like them.
"my apologies but i have no interests into dating or getting into a relationship."
He's happy that someone likes him but he isn't really sure since he doesn't want anyone to hurt him anymore.
But that soon changed when he started to get to know you more.
He was catching feelings but he was afraid that he might just end up breaking up his friendship with you since he probably thinks that you moved on.
Tsukasa, emu, nene and the wxs crew convinced him to confess his hidden feelings for you and he just hopes that he won't end up breaking up his friendship with you.
"..oh [name] you're just in time.. listen it's fine if you already moved on but im catching feelings for you, to put it in short i like you."
He expected a rejection but to his surprise his confession got accepted instead
Now the only thing he could hope is that he wishes that nothing will go wrong and just hopes that it stays peaceful and full of love.
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dollyboned · 9 months
how destiny's child emotion and killugon are post-separation parallels; a very, very long analysis i wrote in 2h
hi! im danaë, an autistic person which sp-in is psychology and hxh, mainly killugon. i spent two hours yesterday writing about this topic instead of sleeping so enjoy it lol
WARNING!! if you didn't notice THEY'RE LOVE INTERESTS. this text isn't killugon-free, im proud of it AND im blocking everyone that cries about them being only besties. respectfully, no. thank you. (also, english isn't my first language. sorry for any eventual spelling mistakes!)
right on the first verse we hear "it's over and done / but the heartache lives on the inside / and who are you clinging to instead of me tonight?". this could apply to both gon and killua.
gon & "and who are you clinging to instead of me tonight?". killua left with alluka, he has someone to care about and protect. he has company. gon isn't the type to be jealous of a little girl (really, people need to wake up about it. he isn't), but he IS the type to be sad about not being cared even if he denies it. he's a kid; every kid likes to feel protected.
but the thing is, killua isn't happy about it neither. even if he loves to protect alluka, it's different. he loves her, of course, but there's the lack of the warmth of being mutually cared because gon ALSO cared about his well-being (and im fighting everyone who says he didn't). im not saying alluka won't care for killua, but she'll care like a little sister does, not how someone that love you romantically does — and that's good because killua would NOT be able to make it if anyone tried to be the tiniest bit of what gon was when they parted ways.
and then comes this: "and where are you now? / now that I need you? / tears on my pillow / wherever you go, go". oh, dude. this is so killugon i feel ashamed of trying to explain to hxh community /hj
they both were constantly hurting from being away, even though this was the best for them at the time. they wanted each other to be near, wanted and needed, but they couldn't. there is this thin and fragile veil of deep sorrow that would make them get so attached to the other that would be more sickening than the sadness of losing their "other piece" for a while. it's more worth crying over memories than losing their mind from being deadly (metaphorically and literally) codependent.
this links to the next phrase: "i'll cry me a river that leads to your ocean". crying alone is more safe than being next to each other. they'll cry over memories, as i said, and they'll cry about distance and they'll cry over everything that could've been different. they'll find the other in their tears, the hugs will come out of the bittersweet sorrow they carry around, but they'll be separated. they can cry rivers that lead to a valley of what it was and what could've been, but it'll be all. the sadness won't make them be together again.
there comes killua part: "you'll never see me fall apart". he needs to be the big brother now. he need to be alluka's point of safety so he can assure their existence, and for this killua needs to be strong as a rock, he needs alluka to look at him and think she can trust him with anything. he's the big brother, isn't he? emotions about a past that doesn't belong to him anymore aren't going to help with surviving. but he does break silently, while he is trying to sleep ("tears on my pillow"), when something looks to much like a typically gon thing, when memories crawl in. he's just a fragile boy needing to use the super strong hero facade again.
the first part of the next verse is "in the words of a broken heart / it's just emotions taking me over / caught up in sorrow, lost in the song / but if you don't come back / come home to me, darling". this is suffering. both of them are heartbroken, left "alone" to face worlds they feel they don't belong to anymore, wanting their partner in crime to make things less insufferable. they remember the other on daily little things — a song, a quote, a smell. but killua never comes to visit and gon isn't able to do it either — there's no home left besides each other's hearts, and they live there rent-free even if it hurts like hell. memories hurt, the past is like glass and salt being poured into an open wound to later be mixed with alcohol, but they aren't able to say goodbye to it because saying goodbye to the pain is like saying goodbye to the last tangible thing they've from each other — ironically, the pain of being separated —, and the last thing they want is to say goodbye again so they hold it close to their hearts like a trophy.
but as if they're bargaining, here comes "don't you know there's nobody left in this world to hold me tight? / and don't you know there's nobody left in this world kiss goodnight?". there's people, but there's nothing of what they need. they need someone that knows how to make them feel safe, loved, safe — nor alluka or mito can do this for neither gon or killua the way they need it to be done. they try to, but they can't because the type of sadness they're carrying is exclusively from a love that never had a true end; they parted ways, but never stopped loving each other even if their trust was a little bit weaker, and carrying a love that is technically in open hurts so much that no one can try to mimic how it was. a tight hug from mito or alluka won't be the same of a silly headpat from killua or a bright smile from gon because isn't about the act but who's doing it.
and then we've the last verse before the music repeats itself, that i truly believe that wraps up everything in killugon's love story: "i'm there at your side / a part of all the things you are / but you got a part of someone else / you gotta go find your shining star".
gon wanted to find ging and be back at whale's island; killua had to protect alluka. they felt so much love, but they had other people in their lives too that needed to be looked over. even if their story is forever intertwined at some point, both of them are mix of a lot of people and have small amounts of them inside themselves. this is what makes it a tiny little bit easier to go through not having each other near: other people. the tiny pieces of every person they've ever met that created their personality and their new horizons are what eventually make them heal from all the suffering and sorrow and finally be able to reunite again, friendship strong and a love so healthy like a daisy that just blossomed.
they're forever in love. the distance and the sadness was necessary for them to see that things can be hard to handle alone, but they're never alone as they have other people that care for them deeply and are willing to see them fully happy — just as in emotion's music video. when they learn to be complete by themselves, they can multiply together and form a relationship that adds up, not that is dangerously subtracting their mental health. they deserve to love each other when they're ready. ♡
end of the analysis. thx for reading this bible i wrote in 2h lol
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bitchkay · 5 months
"Whatchu doin' wit all dat ass lemme touch it🍑"
CoD characters giving backshots😈 Pt. 1
Rating: Explicit(18+ mdni)
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Sex headcanons/scenarios.
What else do you even know me for? I'm either writing sickly sweet fluff to the point of a toothache or the dirtiest raunchiest smut you ever read and if it's neither of those its outta pocket and unserious. How long's it been since I posted an actual list of headcanons so be grateful🙄✋🏽/hj
*random order*
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First of all
Guy's a hair puller-- you did not hear that shit from me😶😶
Guy doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself I think he should do back to kindergarten--
Bro is banging you like BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH--
Watching the ripple of ya ass cheeks upon contact
The recoil on that thing😳
Guy is PRESSING your back into an arch like bro it can only go so far what you tryna do crack my spine--
Guy is 100% blowing your back out like hes trying to break your back.
Don't even think about running from it cus that man is pulling you right back on the dick
If yall clapping cheeks but yall not clapping cheeks you not really clapping cheeks
You gripped the sheets below you until your knuckles turned white
Guy kneeled behind you, hands pressed firmly against the curve of your back as he fucked into you at a fixed pace. The sound of your sex echoed off the walls as your skin clapped together at a fast rythm. Your body bounced forward with every hard thrust of his hips; your surprised the headboard wasn't slamming against the wall
"Mmph--!! Slow- slow down!" You cried out throwing your head back.
This was entirely too much all at one time. Although you didn't expect anything less from Guy.
Your arms reached forward almost attempting to pull your body away unsure if craved more or had enough. Your attempt proved futile as Guy yanked you back onto him, gripping you one hand on your waist the other ankored on your shoulder.
"Come back here."
With your back in a deep arch he pulled you back into his thrusts as he tugged your body up, tipping your chin back to kiss your lips upside down with a gentleness that contradicted the rough assault on your pussy.
"Too... too much... can't take it.." your breathing laboured and your eyes glossy and wet. You can't count how many times you've cum already tonight.
"Yes you can. I know you can." Guy pecked your lips one more time before pining you to the bed picking up an unrelenting pace slamming into you with more energy than before.
You moaned loudly feeling that familiar feeling inside your pussy as you felt Guy pull and push inside you. The fat of your ass cheeks rippled upon contact, his balls slapping your clit; you felt so sensitive feeling every detail of Guys cock against your walls.
"You asked for this so take it."
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Rio sees the curve of your back, the very arch of your spine
and his eyes roll back--
Bro thinks he died and went to heaven
Just the sight of you face down ass up he felt his cock twitch
Rio always seems to deal with this inner turmoil in his mind when you get intimate
"I wanna ruin them😳" "I wanna love them😚" "I don't wanna hurt them🥺" "But they're so sexy😳" "they deserve to be cherished🥰" "I wanna see them absolutely mindless with pleasure at my hand👁👁" "Stop, I need to be gentle with them😥" "I'm at my limit😶"
He's always torn between making sweet love to your body and fucking like mating rabbits
His brain short circuits when you throw it back on him.
What ever happens next is between him and god now, he's out
He apologizes in advance for what he's about to do and promises to give you a back massage and indulge in a warm bath when he's done cus he's about to be really fucking you now
You have the sexiest back he's ever seen.
Rio is so painfully hard at this point. The way your back arches beautifully and the way your plump ass cheeks bounce off his lower stomach as you grind on him needily. He's not thinking straight anymore.
He let you do your own thing for the last little while and fuck yourself on his cock. He couldn't get enough of you. Suddenly he found his hands on you ass cheeks kneading your thick flesh in his big hands.
"... Rio?"
"Forgive me."
"Forgive you? What are you apologizing for-- Mmm!!"
As if on cue you felt the full length of Rios dick roughly fuck into you. You felt it twitch inside you as it kissed your cervix, reaching your deepest spots.
"Ohh... fuck..." you gripped the sheets beneath you as you felt the familiar drag of his cock as he pulled out, thrusting back in with as much ferocity.
"Urg..." Rio hung his head, moaning out as he repeated the action, already loosing himself to the feeling. "Dear creator..."
You moaned as he tugged you back into his thrusts, your body squirming beneath him. Moaning his name as he fucked you, the lewd wet sound of your bodies clapping echoing off the walls.
"Oh my-- oh my god! Rio!" You moaned loudly wanting to bury you face in the pillows.
"Ah... oh... you're to- you're too good--!" Rio moaned fucking into you, your pussy gripped him like a vice, it was hard not to get addicted when you're always so warm, wet and... tight.
Your brain was turning to mush. You couldn't help but cum on his dick, your overstimulated body shuttering as Rio pushed you over the edge.
"Ah... that's... you're so pretty... so pretty when you finish..." Rios hands ran up and down your back softly as he sped up his pace. "More... need more"
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Toa would much rather see your face but shit he like this😈
I feel like Toa like switching positions a bit
Like I said he would much rather look at your face but a little booty never hurt no one😋
Toa is one that's always holding you around your waist
Enjoying the hot drag of his cock between your folds before he needs to feel his skin against yours
He'd lean over you and pull you up so your back is against his chest, arm draped around your middle, the other anchored on the head board as he fucks you from behind
The skin to skin contact makes it 10× better
You both ignore the way sweat sticks to your skin as Toa kisses your shoulders praising your sweet body
Don't expect him to let up anytime soon
You moan hotly as Toa fills you up, your back flush to his chest. He hushes you as he kisses the side of your face, holding you around your middle reassuring you.
"Shh... you're doing so well pretty... so good..." Toa kisses your ear as he buries himself inside you, his pelvis flushed to your ass.
He thrusted in with such purpose if he wasn't holding you up you're sure you would've fallen face first into the pillows. Toa with one hand gripping the headboard, fucked into you kissing the back of your neck trailing kisses down your back as your moans rung throughout the room.
Good thing he used that soundproofing spell.
"Hah ahh... fuck... Toa, please..." your head hung as your back arched feeling a trail of drool rim your lips. You didn't even know what you were begging for but you know you need more of him.
"Yes..." Toa picked up your head with the arm that was wrapped around your middle, turning your head to kiss your lips, licking up the drool before it fell.
His pace increased; with your body now ankored from your chin your back arched deeper making him feel like he was in your stomach.
"Ah-! Oh my--!" One of your hands went up to cup his cheek pulling him to your lips needing to occupy your mouth muffling your moans.
Toa kissed you back, his tongue exploring your mouth groaning as he felt your pussy clench around the length of his cock.
"Mmm... that feel good?" He panted in your mouth, his arm going back around your waist pulling your body right up against him.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Toa! Please... more.."
"More? How could I ever say no to you~♡"
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This man is a freak.
Bro also dosen't know how to keep his hands to himself like they always on the move, like stay in one place boy!
Roy will truely make you crazy the way he has you like this
He's holding your waist, holding your hips, he's kneading the thick of your ass in his hands while he goes at it with you
Bro is holding your thighs too his hands are everywhere!!
If its permissible his hands are in your hair too and he's not opposed to tugging on it a little bit
wraps a hand around your neck to pull you back for a kiss--
Will hold you flush against his chest with one hand around your neck and the other on your clit while he coos in your ear--
He's gently pressing your back into an arch with one hand, holding and kneading one of your ass cheeks with the other while watching himself disappear inside you
And he's moaning too
Like bro is moaning
Saying shit like how good he feels, how good you feel, how pretty he thinks you are
Bro won't shut the fuck up💀
And he loves when you look back at him😩
But dont get it twisted you a freak too
"Ohhh~ right there baby~ right there~~"
You threw your head back, letting out a pornographic moan, your back arching as you moved your hips back against him.
"Mmm... creator..." Roy groaned as he felt you tighten arround him, his hands situated on the meat of your ass, pulling you back into him.
You felt heavenly, he could barely contain himself. Your pussy hugged his cock like a sleeve, pulling him back in every time he pulled back. You were so slippery... so warm... tight. Roy could drown.
"You feel so good Heartspell... taking me so well~"
He thrusted forward savoring your wetness as you dripped down his shaft, the wet clap of his hips meeting your ass sounded delightfully filthy as he sped up almost as if he was looking to peirce your heart with his sex.
"Oh~hh mmm... Roy... so good..." you slurred gripping the sheets below as your pressed back against him meeting his thrusts. Your delirious moans echoed throughout the room as your pussy made the most wet obscene noises.
"Oh you're so wet~ 'love me so much don't you?~" Roy caressed your thighs up and down as he lengthened his thrusts pulling almost all the way out before pushing to the hilt in a fluid motion.
"Ah-! Yes...! Yes, I love you so much! S'good to me..."
"Yes I am~ Winsome thing you are~"
His praises punctuated with a long deep thrust, shaking your body forward with each movement. It was hard to describe your pussy as anything if not soaking wet. You coated Roy's hard cock in your sticky translucent fluid making it easy to slip in and out of your lurid pussy.
"Oh... you're so good Heartspell~ I'm making you feel good?~" his eager thrusts grew erratic, holding your waist as he deep dicked you into the mattress.
In his pursuit his cock accidentally slipped out of your pussy, rubbing through your folds against your clit in attempt to slip back in inside dick dripping in your essence.
"Oops i--"
You reached back grabbing his dick as it slipped out stroking it as you teased your folds pushing it back in. You turned your head back, looking Roy in his golden yellow eyes blown out by lust as you fuck yourself back on him, slowly, almost teasingly.
"We're... we're not finished... I haven't gotten my fill of this dick yet...~
Oh you definitely have his heart under a spell alright.
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Lynt can be insatiable sometimes however👀
Lynt will drive you CRAZY the way he stroking you
Lynt is truly making love to your body man
Slow purposeful strokes as he enjoys your body knowing your just aching beneath him
It's like you're both under a spell, stuck in a trance as you moan in sync
He's holding and kneading and touching on the thick softness of your ass cheeks while he do it
The way Lynt slowly thrusts is delicious, you're clawing at the sheets below you
This can go on for hours and you still can't get enough
"Mmm~ fuck!"
You gripped the pillow tightly, your brain turning to mush off of the slow drag of Lynts cock in your pussy. The man gripped the thick of your hips as he pushed into your pillowy wetness.
"You're so warm~..." Lynt sighed as he pulled you into his thrusts, your cunt fluttering around him. "So good~..."
It felt like he was going deeper each thrust, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix with every drag. You wiggled your hips as you pushed back on him meeting his thrusts, feeling yourself drip down your thighs.
"O-ohh~" Lynts hands moved from their place at you're hips, massaging your back and waist affectionately before going back, holding the sweet fat of your ass.
"Mmm!" You buried your face in the pillow arching your back further as you felt him twitch inside you.
Your cunt pulsed and convulsed hugging Lynts cock so nicely he couldn't help but moan. You left a wet sheen on his shaft, a white ring left at the base of his cock, the sight making him groan; proof he's making you feel good.
"Augh~ ... creator you're amazing~"
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Don't let that pretty boy smile fool you this man is a demon!!
Dia is beating your back in.
Your face is buried in the pillows while the wet slap of your sex echos throughout the room
He loves the sound it makes, proof of the intensity of your fucking
Dia will lean over your back, one hand on your waist and kiss your back spewing a mixture of filthy words and praises all while hitting you from behind.
*moans loudly*
He's gently holding your back in it's pretty arch as he goes at you like he has no intention of stopping
Arms wrapped around you like he loves whispering sweet nothings in your ear while he fuck you from behind like youd done something to personally offend him.
Let's not forget hes handsy too
Kneeled behind you, Dia holds your hips steady as you ease back on him, impaling yourself on his cock.
"That's it... don't hurt yourself~" he caressed your waist and thighs as you pushed down all the way until your thighs were flush. "I'm fully inside lovesong~"
He kisses the back of your neck, wrapping his arms around your middle letting his hands wonder your naked skin.
"Dia..." you sigh his name, calling out as his hands cup your breasts paying them attention
"Yes? Something wrong?" He says teasingly, knowing exactly what it is you want.
You move your hips, a needy whine leaving your lips at the stimulation. If the way your pussy gripped him was any indication, you were wildly horny.
"Why don't you tell me? Say it outloud." You're reactions fueled him, your embarrassed face was adorable to him.
"Give it to me... please move."
"So demanding~" he cooed "Not that I mind~"
Dia held you firmly by the waist looking down the curve of your back, his eyes moving towards the fat of your ass, one hand moving to grip it moving it around to watch the flesh jiggle around his palm.
"You needn't do a thing, lovesong♡. Hold fast for me."
Even with his warning fresh in your mind, nothing could've prepared your for the absolutely mind fuck that followed.
"Fuck! Ah--!"
One hard thrust sent you falling face first into the sheets a loud moan crawling up your throat. It felt like he had your g spot on a target hitting the bullseye with perfect aim. You instantly felt yourself get wetter and your moans increasingly growing in volume like his dick hit the shut off switch to your brain, reduced to your baser instincts.
"Ah! Ah! Mmmm..." you buried your face in the pillows, gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles turned white.
You writhed beneath him, unconsciously fucking back on him meeting his thrusts, moaning out profanities and moans of pleasure.
"Relax love... relax..." Dia caressed your back soothingly cooing sweet words in contrast with his hard pace.
"Mmmm... Dia..." you moaned out his name turning your head, wanting to see his face.
"Yes love song... you feeling good? You can tell me if it's too much," Dia leaned over, kissing your shoulder before kissing your cheek lovingly.
"More..." you whispered, whining as his pase slowed.
"Need you... wanna be filled with you... with everything you have to give... keep going please~"
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A fan favorite this one
Fenn also likes switching positions a bunch cus duh
But hes still gon beat your back in
He really feels like he can do whatever he wants like this
Like he can start banging you real rough, shoving your face into the pillows and you can't do nothing about it
Or he cann go at it real slow and sensual, massaging your back, shoulders and ass cheeks while praising you on your pretty arched back
If you tell him to stop he will in a heartbeat so he can and will go crazy if you let him
If you throw it back on him he'll freeze
You just threw him in a loop hold on let the man regain his composure
He'll let you do your thing like yes fuck him back
But even still hes still like👁👁
Gets a lil possessive when he deep in it lowkey
Eyes glued to your ass cheeks
Bro is in love💀
You lasted longer then when you're riding him that's for sure
"Yes... just like that treasure..."
Gripping the edge of the mattress you eased back on him moaning as he reached your deepest spots. Fenns dick curved just right to have you writhing beneath him almost wishing it can pierce you through.
"Mmh..." you ducked your head into the pillow muffling your sounds as you wriggled your bum desiring more friction.
Fenn caressed your sides, rubbing your back from your shoulder blades to the soft mounds of your ass. He was in a lovey mood today, and as much as he loves to see you're face as you fall apart, he couldn't deny he liked the view.
With a deep thrust forward Fenn watched as your ass bounced off his hips.
"So pretty... You're really pretty." Yup he was pussy whipped.
No, more than that, he was enamored with you and your tight cunt.
You fucked back on him meeting his thrusts, gripping the sheets as you both chased your climax
"Auhh... s'deep..." the curve of Fenns dick was so delicious you couldn't help but want more. With a slight leftward curve combined with him fucking you on an angle it left like he hit your g-spot with every thrust with pin point precision.
"You're so wet treasure... so nice and messy for me.~ Does it feel that good love?"
"Yes! God yes!"
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First of all Lance eats your ass first
Licking it from the back strong grip on your thighs as you put it in his face
Gotta make sure you ready for him after all🥴🥴
*moans loudly*
One of his favorite positions😈
Especially when you get into it like😩
He got his hands all over you, holding your waist as he pulls you back into his thrusts
Kneading your ass cheeks watching himself disappear inside you
Don't you dare hide your moans, he wants to hear you
Yeah moan extra loud just for him
He looses it when you fuck him back, the sound of cheeks clapping bouncing off the walls
Leans over to kiss your back spewing declarations of love before getting back to it
Banging your back in the way you deserve
Worshipping your backside as it should be
"Oh my god!"
With a tight grip on the edge of the bed you threw your head back, a loud moan flying out of your lips. Lance leaned over kissing your shoulders as he pulled you back into his thrusts.
His wild pace almost made it hard to breathe as your ass bounced off his lower abdomen. Both your bodies were slick with sweat as you fucked, the bed groaning under your weight.
"Yeah~ that's it~♡" Lance said through gritted teeth kneading the fat of your ass as he speared you on his cock enjoying the sight of you beneath him loosing your mind at his hand. A ring of white gathered at the base of his cock with every thrust, your thick fuck cream making this even more filthy.
"Mm mm mmm!!" You bit your lips moaning as you subconsciously fucked back against him chasing the pleasure. "Ahh!"
"So good~ moan more. I want to hear you."
"Ahh!" You nearly pulled the sheets off the bed in your iron grip tossing your head back again, your back in a perfect arch as you moan loudly, any regard for your volume thrown out the window. "Yes yes yes!!"
Lance leaned into your exposed shoulder again nibbling on the skin, not slowing his pace as the sound of your sex echoed off the walls.
"Mmm... always responding so beautifully to me~"
You could barely form a coherent reply. Using one hand to reach back, you grabbed around for him until you found his arm. Lance taking the hint curved his hand around yours, lacing your fingers together, then pinning your hands to the bed as he sped up his pace.
"Oh- oh fuck! Mmm!!" You squeezed his hand as your body nearly jumped forward, your free hand scratching the bed. "Lance~♡... I'm so... mmm shit... I'm so happy... keep loving me... keep loving me~♡"
"Oh love~...how you entice me... I'll give you what you want~♡"
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
*grabs you by the shoulders forcibly* tell me your Nerris hcs RIGHT NYEOW
AAAAA OK SO she's hinted to be Nonbinary I believe when juggling balls colored the same as the nb flag. So, that's like, cannon actually. (Even if this next part was for a joke they still decided to add in them saying "Well technically human female I prefer elfkin" and even if you jokingly make a character queer it still happened no take backsies! lmao.)
and Yes non-binary people can use she/her pronouns but I think she'd probably use she/they/elf (as in neopronouns) too!
•Nerris is definitely the type of kid that when you're playing pretend they'll bitch that you're not playing it right. It's just when it comes to what SHE'S into it has to be done "accurately" "properly" ect (aka the way elf wants it done) on "Nikki's last day on earth" she's all like nu uh you can't be the knight I am. now the princess runs and gives me a hug for saving her! Which was kinda
(🫵🤨 🏳️‍🌈⁉️)/hj
And she's friends with Nikki, too. She does a slightly similar thing telling Harrison he can't be a mage bc they are. Nerris the type to battle you over the player one controller fr.
Hot take all of her bad behavior is just from being an unchecked child and she'll grow out of most of it. I actually don't like the concept elf bullies Harrison bc she has a crush on him- (don't get me wrong this is 0 Nerrison hate I just don't like when they start from that.) I think she's actually jealous? Threatened of him maybe? Hear me out, before David had all their names remembered he was pulling a Cameron and grouping some together. Specifically only Nerris and Harrison. Nerris reacted childishly like children do and didn't take kindly to that and saw Harrison as immediate competition. (They even argue at one point about who's the most magical.) So that's why she targets him and treats him like a loser to keep him down and make herself feel higher.
It gives me the same vibe kids competing with each other academically rather than in sports bc once something is labeled as a team Nerris actually seems to do okay in it. So I think this is a behavior she learned way more in school, and why I HC her to be one of those honor student types who likes being recognized as the teacher's favorite.
I don't believe Nerris is even that deeply aware of the whys and how's of why they act like this. They just do things, man. Then do silly little flossing dances after.
They probably played movie star planet and all the other child website roleplaying games and started fantasy roleplaying groups on there which was probably difficult with all the family roleplays and wolf clans being a way more popular choice to pretend as. Elf needed something to do in the winter when it got too cold to larp outside !!!! They probably switch over to more writing based forms of roleplay as they got older.
In the show we actually see her playing a game called "Pixies and Pythons" or something instead of DND and there's like hot pixie women on the cover and I'm choosing to believe she DIDN'T bring that from home camp campbell just has offbrand EVERYTHING.
Both of her parents sew and they make all of their costumes for her and I like to think Nerris is very "navy blue starry wizard" aesthetic so they mostly stick to that. Her mom's supportive and will add anything she wants to it but her dad gets excited with hisown ideas and opinions too.
I think Nerris' gender exspression being neutral might've got them certain comments in school and why she specifically decided to make her character's title "Nerris the cute" and why often the first thing she aims against Harrison is his looks. (That, or, the "Nerris the cute" is a title her dad came up with for her before she could. Yes I'm saying this man brought the baby to larp in a carrier.)
Has a whooole collection of dice and she gives some to her friends when they come over but has to specifically pick out the ones she DOESN'T want anymore first.
Them and Harrison are Lord of the Rings VS Harry Potter. (It's possible to like things without supporting, liking, or agreeing with the creator of it. Nerris knows this...) Still calls him a transphobe whenever he brings the franchise up. Can't even defend himself bro they just go "is it bc I'm trans/j"
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igbylicious · 14 days
Glad you like the rambling because this has become a trend of me never being able to fit in the replies anymore T_T
aaaah I AM SO EXCITED!!! bound was already so so good (you're getting a separate ask all about it later). May your creative juices always be flowing and your brain kind enough to help you along <3 I wonder if you were ever inspired by the ateez lore itself to write for it. I feel like it's such a shame not more people do because it seems so interesting, but then again, it's complicated enough that it might seem like too much ig?
Thank you for digging that up. icb I MISSED IT T_T tumblr we have notifications on for a reason come onnnn but omg woosang babies <3 that's so woo, honestly.
Love that drunk san singing his heart out is canon in the whiway universe as well tbh. Jongho seems like such a fun drinking partner I can just see it (*ᴗ͈ ֊ ᴗ͈)ꕤ°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
ALSO PLS TELL ME WE'RE GETTING SMTH WITH THE SYUNGI THREESOME (this is not about snail yungi) I will take anything—a separate drabble, a bulletpoint thingie, or even just a light teasing just in an upcoming chapter ozr.
Aww yuyu I will keep you in my prayers. *is an athiest*
I feel like only hongjoong got neglected now and that makes my ot8 heart sad so is he living the dream? is he getting woosan regular updates? also is it weird that I lowkey headcanon him as ace in whiway don't know why but my brain just decided on that randomly.
I'm glad the hiatus helped! I really admire you taking time for yourself when you're not feeling your best.
AW I’M GLAD YOU LIKED BOUND ASKJDASDKJ i look forward to hearing your thoughts!!! (♡°▽°♡)
ooohhhhhhhhh yeah no i don’t have anything inspired by the lore. which is weird tbh bc esp the whole Halateez deal should be right up my alley lol. meeting yourself from the future/a different dimension/whatever the heck is going on in their lore? hell yeah 👀 idk maybe one day i’ll come up w/ smth that’s inspired by specific elements, but not meant to be set in the canonical lore hehe. to take that on is a lil too daunting, yeah ^^;;
lol no you didn’t miss it! this wasn’t tumblr’s fault for once; it was a convo in the replies! there are a bunch of whiway tidbits scattered all over the place asdkjadsjk maybe after the main series is done i’ll see if i can gather it all up in one neat place ^^ (and the threesome is on my list of ‘things i might write after the fic is done’ ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *) )
aw ace HJ they’d be aro/ace besties :’) i do have it in my head that she and Joong have casually fucked out of boredom — but that can actually still track? 🤔 i know some asexuals have that type of ‘it’s just a fun way to pass the time’ relationship to sex (or you can ignore this info if you prefer to think of him as sex averse ♡(>ᴗ•) i don’t expect it to come up in the last two chapters, and anything i blabber outside the story is basically a glorified headcanon lol)
(as for Hongjoong neglect; there’s a lil moment in the upcoming chapter you might enjoy hehe (´꒳`)♡ )
hope you are doing well! (◕‿◕)♡
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asiadoesstuff · 1 year
Lore from the Recent Silly Livestream..
Calling all my Fandroid Theory Enthusiasts!!: @splat1987 @1dklikesthings @bluartist @pawsometoons @bugsinspace @killer-arcade @roseverdict @therealdragongirl12 @crossover-fraternity !!
You might be thinking: “Asia, this was just a Silly Livestream! What’s so Lore-Worthy about it?”
That’s where me, (a delusional person /hj), Comes in! Since I’m already quite insane in the membrane, (/ref) this should be either really good or really bad!
Anyways, onto some Info, and a little bit of Lore…
I’m going to be adding in only the Info Parts and Lore Parts, (and one Funny part), so I’ll skip over a lot of the Livestream).
So, for starters, Fandrew locked Fandroid in a Shower. Fandrew also said that he used Chains to lock the Shower. This might be funny, until you realise Fandroid isn’t waterproof.
(You can find the Clip of Fandrew saying that at the right start of the New Livestream.)
This was most probably “revenge” for being locked in the Box for 8 Weeks, (though Fandrew did the same thing to Fandroid before he was), or just because that’s Fandrew.
At one point, Fandrew ordered Chipotle???
I assumed he got it through the Fandrew-Shaped Hole in the wall.
Fandrew got a big Stalk of Corn, Chipotle Sauce, and a Giant Rock. 👍
Frogbot & Fandrew became friends! 🎉
Fandrew apparently used Melody as a Hula-Hoop once.
Frogbot can speak Spanish. 👀
That isn’t any Lore, but I thought it was funny, so I added it in this Post—
At one point, someone asks if they can marry 404, to which Fandrew replies that probably not, but will ask 404 nonetheless.
Either Fandrew can actually hold a face-to-face conversation with 404 without being torn apart, or Fandrew has no self-preservation skills.
At the end of the Livestream, Fandrew says he needs to leave, because “404 is running around the Facility, probably trying to look for BEEP-0 or a way out”.
Fandrew then continues to say that 404’s “long slender body can fit through the hole-”, and that 404 is probably looking for said hole. (That hole being the one Fandrew left.)
Fandrew ends with that he’s going to go distract 404, so he doesn’t find the Fandrew-Sized Hole and escape through it.
According to Fandrew: If 404 escapes, he’ll “take over the world”.
Fandrew then leaves, comes back to have a quick conversation with Frogbot & Melody, then leaves again.
Even though Fandrew’s Off-Screen, random “bye”s come from him at random points.
Fandrew comes back On-Screen, still saying “bye”, then says that they’ll have to end the Livestream otherwise he’ll keep saying “bye”.
Melody, Frogbot, & Fandrew end the Livestream.
You might think that was a Useless Read, but let me add something…
At random points in the Livestream, there was a random “Deep Voice”. It happened at least twice during the whole Livestream, but if anyone has anymore clips of it happening more that twice, then please tell me.
I assume that the “Deep Voice” was either from Frogbot or Fandrew, since the “Deep Voice” only happened when either one of them were speaking.
Here’s a Clip of both of the “Deep Voice” instances:
Thinking about it now, the first “Deep Voice” instance was most probably just Frogbot whispering, but the 2nd instance was definetly something else.
In a more plausible case, it was most probably Fandrew’s VA doing it for giggles, but I’m still writing this down just in case.
I can’t really think of anything else…
I kinda lost my Train of Thought over the 3-4 Days of me writing this, Sorry… It’s most probably because it’s almost Tuesday Midnight, and I don’t have my thoughts as collected… Sorry—
Anyways: If you have any more Info, make sure to leave it in a Reblog, or in the Notes! 😄
See you in the Next Fandroid Lore Post! 😊👋
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hatredmadeofgold · 1 year
Unfortunately not a new chapter but a current status update (same text as in the link):
Sorry, this isn’t Chapter 7 yet, but a status update and I will NOT abandon this don’t worry
Hey hello, Pulsar here. No worries, this fic not going on hiatus, I just felt bad that there’s radio silence and no new chapter update yet. Also, I had no idea how to reach many of my readers in any other way because my username until a few weeks ago didn’t match my handle anywhere else, but I’ll be linking to my social media at the end of this message.
I can assure you though, I will never abandon this project. My therapist pointed out to me that writing this helps me a lot with my own mental health and recovery, so basically, I must write this as if my life depends on it. /hj And honestly, I noticed that as well after he pointed it out, and recovery is my number one priority in life anyway, so. Hope that’s reassuring enough for you guys that this fic will be finished in full, including all the additional stories, even if it takes 5 years or longer than that. I am one of those people who stick to the same main interest/fandom for a decade.
Anyway, let’s get to the actual status update:
I absolutely underestimated how much work it takes to finish the script, originally I wanted to continue writing when the script for Arc 1 is finished but hahaha that’s unfortunately not how that’s going to work out and I hate having to make people wait for ages (I am not that patient myself), but I wanted to be transparent about the current writing process 😊
Chapter 7 will come out still this month (June 2023), and I am very sure that I can guarantee that. But I recently discovered that I misinterpreted some aspects of MGR itself while watching the Japanese dub out of curiosity, and I am not satisfied anymore with the 2nd version of my script as I already said when I published Chapter 6, which the first 4 chapters were based on. Hence, I will have to edit (almost) all of them, but thankfully it’s really minor changes and additions as well as some formatting, and none of these changes affects the story so far. But if you want to, you can read them again from the beginning once Chapter 7 goes online. I will delete this announcement then and move some of the info here to the author comment section at the end of Chapter 7. With the addition of the prequel I Come With Knives, Sam got an entire backstory now that did not exist in the 2nd version of the script and it affects the story very positively. It makes it a lot more complex, a lot more consistent and a lot more enjoyable for me to write and (hopefully) also a lot more enjoyable for you guys to read. The downside is, that with the 3rd version of the script, all the additional stories also came and the ‘lore’ of Sing to Me became very fucking massive – I am not joking when I say this is nearly as complex as the Solid series – and that makes the development of the script a little more ‘difficult’. I am not a perfectionist, but my brain is only satisfied when things make sense. I have 29 script files at this point and they will become even more (but at least it’s very organised). Not that I cannot handle it, but at this point I have a small development team who help me with research and discussing ideas, giving me feedback etc. I am just a tiny bit insane about this project but in the best way possible (One of my mutuals even joked that I am a fusion of Hideo Kojima and Rohan Kishibe when it comes to being an author lmao). Honestly, another reason I decided to rework my script is also the fact that it focused too much on Raiden and too little on Sam in the first and second versions. And I think there’s enough focus on Raiden already everywhere else (not that that’s a bad thing), but Sam deserves as much attention as Raiden does – and during the 3rd script development I was sometimes scared that it would now be imbalanced in the other direction, where the focus lies too much on Sam lol. But thankfully that didn’t happen, it’s pretty 50-50. Also, I am sure that even 75 chapters won’t come close to how long this fic will be, like, at this point I believe 100-125 chapters is more realistic but who the fuck knows. I know this is insane. I am enjoying every bit of it <3
Long story short, the two paragraphs above explain why I couldn’t get back to my insane writing speed from January in which I legit wrote 5 chapters in a single month yet. But hopefully, I might get that speed back as soon as I finished the preparations that need to be done for me to continue. However, I’ll also go back to vocational school sometime around August and I’ll have to see how I manage my studies and writing together. Also, dragonfly1212 asked me a while ago that due to the amount of research that I am doing for this story if I would share it eventually, and he’s got a point. My plan is to probably make a tumblr side blog where I will share all the lore over time, as well as reference sheets, character information, inspiration, etc. Drawings I commissioned as well as ‘fanart’, playlists, and fic updates. With the amount of detail and complexity this fic project has, a ‘wiki’ certainly would help I guess lol. Since it’s unrealistic for me to finish the entire Arc 1 script as fast as I’d like to, I will do this in smaller steps instead. As for now, I have nearly finished the fine-tuned scripts for Chapter 7 until Chapter 13, which will finalise the first smaller arc of Arc 1 :D Chapter 13 is probably going to be my next favourite one to write after Chapters 5 and 6, but the fine-tuned script for it is already 8 pages long and it doesn’t make sense to split it up because it would kill the tension if I were to do that. I hope that it will NOT be extremely long, but I am afraid I will have to ‘assault’ you guys with a chapter that’s going to be over 10k words long. Oh well, please don’t hate me. With Chapter 13 this fic will also officially move its rating from Mature to Explicit. If you’re somebody who does not like to read sexually explicit scenes though, I already decided that chapters with such scenes, first of all, will not solely consist of that alone, and secondly, I will also give a marking/note in the top author comment above such chapters where it starts and where it ends, so you can CTRL/Cmd + F and skip over those. I am not sure yet how, but I might use symbols for that as well, so it’s easier to skip, especially for those of you who prefer to read on mobile devices (I am one of those people myself). Also, it’s unlikely that there will be a lot of such scenes in this story anyway, at least in proportion to the length. I care a little bit more about the plot and the drama hahaha.
Community Discord Y/N? Additionally, I’ve been asked now by 3 different people if there’s a discord server about this fic. I didn’t think people would be so curious or interested in my creative work that people would ask if there’s a server lmao but honestly? If there’s enough interest, then I might make one – and please give me feedback if you’d be interested in joining such a community. In the case I might make a discord server though, it would not be exclusively about Samuraiden, Metal Gear or any ship or fandom in particular, and not just Sing to Me, although the main focus would still be on this project. I thought, if anything, it would be a small creative exchange between artists and authors or just people who enjoy reading this story and want to talk to me about it or others as well. This server then would also have an additional corner for you to share your own creative work, be that art, writing, or any other form of artistic expression, and it doesn’t have to be fandom-specific or fanwork at all, it can be original as well. I thought that I may also use such a server to help and support other authors and artists, and maybe give feedback on other people’s stuff when I have the time and energy to do so. Additionally, I could use that server to give updates on the progress of the fic overall, which is a lot better than inappropriately using AO3 like I am doing it right now. This will be the only time I will make an announcement like this anyway.
I’ve otherwise made such announcements already on my social media accounts before, but I haven’t had them linked in my AO3 profile until recently either. You can find me here: Twitter: R3DR4G3dotEXE tumblr: R3DR4G3 Instagram: R3DR4G3.exe Carrd: R3DR4G3 Discord ID: R3DR4G3#3952 (Yes, if you read my fic of course you can add me, I’d love to chat!) Anyway! Thanks for reading, I am sorry that this isn’t Chapter 7 yet and I hope to see you guys soon! ;^;
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zippverschluss · 1 year
ep 10 might have turned me off for good
i'm not really into hate watching
haven't watched ep 11 yet and have not checked the tag for a week. i thought i'd wait to see if i could write something that doesn't entirely consist of cuss words but that's still pretty much it.
i really, really had to force myself through ep 10. it felt like back to the start in ep 4. what should have been cute or hot or heart-wrenching was just plain annoying to me at this point in the show.
it started out ok, with hj confusedly saying 'that confession came out of nowhere' and me thinking 'same girl. glad i'm not the only one who's confused'. i thought 'yeah, maybe we do get to see some more of her falling for him'.
instead we got pretend two-timing. and that stupid pure / virgin / innocent storyline. last week i was wondering if sy was actually ever intimate with ny to the point of thinking he might be demisexual and this week i'm supposed to believe they regularly did? to create a plotline to exploit hj insecurities?
at this point i'm just over sy's ways. 2 weeks ago i really carried the water for him and could cut him some slack but there's nothing to cut anymore.
i thought he'd broken up with ny. he didn't. then he did but pretended he didn't. i thought it was blackmail. then i thought ny holds him to an old promise, because surely he can't be that stupid to make her such a promise after he'd broken up with her. but he was.
and not only was he that stupid, then for some reason he couldn't tell hj about it? then he demands from her to stay pure and not even think about someone else? and the coup de grace: in the end he reasons it was for her good he did all that?
fuck off all the way and then fuck off some more.
i was really angry and then i got incredibly bored and had to force myself to watch the same thing we had been watching for 6 episodes at this point.
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i also felt that the different story strands all had a particular flavour of sexism. it seems to me the writer doesn't like women very much, as they developed each of them in directions that felt incredibly disrespectful.
e.g. when the mother said her depression came back, she sought help for it and then it turns out she saw a psychic / fortune teller? fuck. off. truly. it's not even funny. was that supposed to be funny?
or ny is a puppet and not the puppet master?
and what's up with hj? at this point in the show, why does she put up with it? i like her, but i really think she should have told him to shove any and all demands until he finally gets his affairs in order. show always makes her pay and suffer for everything, even the mistakes of other. it's grating.
right now the only part i'm interested in, is the part that interested me least in the beginning: their past lifes.
i really thought this show could finally break my streak of not finishing shows, but i'm honestly not sure i can see it through. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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healerelowen · 2 years
@cosmicbucket @pinksparklelps
Hey besties
Is it alright if I kinda rant to ya’s about what the Uberbots and P03 content was like back in my day? Specifically about this particular au my friend did of them. 
Well I’m going to do it anyway so sit down and enjoy a story from your old man./lh/hj
 Okay, so they made this au of the uberbots and P03 being a DID system (dissociative identity disorder) called the system!p03 au. I requested this au a lot because I really liked it and I found it really comforting. I’m going to be writing the names the way they did, so if you have a different name for them don’t yell at me.  
P03/Poe was the system host. The one who took charge in the system and fronted the most. He was responsible for keeping the system stable while leading the system altars, with some help from the gate keeper on occasion. P03′s personality was still the one we know and love now. A smug asshole but if you got close enough to him, it would mostly just turn insults into playful banter. 
Archivist/Ark was the system gate keeper. She made sure that every altar in the system was stable and was one of the more leading figures in the system besides P03. She had more of an older sister role in the system than anything. In terms of personality, she was actually quite flirtatious with everyone she met. Whether her relationship with someone was romantic or platonic, she would playfully flirt with them unless they tell her not to.  
The Photographer/Lee was an emotional holder in the system. It held anger as its designated emotion, this is so the rest of the system isn’t effected by that specific emotion as much. Lee hated the fact that it held anger in the system and used activities such as gardening to help sooth it. The other emotional holder was always a calming influence on Lee in the headspace and they both spent a lot of time in silence, just enjoying each others company.
The Unfinished Boss/Vellum was the other emotional holder. Vel’s emotion was anxiety, and it haunted Vel to no end. The troubling discovery of the OLD_DATA and other anxieties weighed down on Vel, and this made it hard for the bot to navigate Vel’s way through Vel’s troublesome thoughts and fears. Vel did like to draw though, as well as make collages out of (mostly) Lee’s photos.  
G0lly is the former system host, now co-host. She does basically what the host does but only if the host can’t do their regular duties at that moment cause you know, stuff happens and there’s not much you can do about it. She’s still the excited G0lly we all know and love, but underneath that happy facade is someone who’s just worn out to bone, still processing her emotions from being removed as the host. 
In terms of all of this, like we do now with the giant bot war where we have a different status with each bot, same thing here except it was partially the system as a whole. My relationship in status with the system in the system!p03 au was in fact a romantic one, and I still think of it as such even though my friend can’t really write about it anymore. 
   The way relationships, namely romantic, work with systems is that if you are dating the system as a whole then the altars will all consider you their partner. However, if you are dating a singular altar, then the others will not see you as their partner, but more so a friend or whatever relationship you have with them.  
I definitely miss the way things were, and I really wish I could just go back to May of 2022, where things honestly were at their best. But that also means that I wouldn’t have met you two, so I’m fine with being where I am. Everything changes after all, and I’m happy to continue forward to see what changes happen in the fandom. 
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legolasghosty · 2 years
"recreating their first date" for willex 👀😂(this is /hj feel free to delete it actually but also please write it we already planned it out)
Here you go, you gremlin! /aff /t /lh /nm
“I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve just gone on a date,” Willie mused aloud one day as he lay on the couch, his head in Alex’s lap.
Alex looked down at him, a bit confused by the sudden comment. He carefully shifted the hand that was woven through Willie’s dark hair so he doesn’t pull on it. “What do you mean?” he asked. “We literally went out for ice cream after the gig last weekend. Like three days ago.”
“But that was with everyone,” Willie countered. “I meant go out like just us.”
“Yeah, geez Alex,” Reggie snickered from his armchair. “Take your boyfriend out sometimes.”
“Stay out of this,” Alex groaned, letting his head fall back against the couch.
“Gotta be good to Willie or one of us might steal him,” Luke added, winking playfully at Willie.
“Shut it, Leprechaun,” Alex snarked, wrapping a protective arm around Willie’s shoulders. 
“I’m not a leprechaun!” Luke exclaimed, but Alex ignored him.
“I mean, do I just have to choose one?” Willie joked. “Only if Alex and I are a package deal though, I don’t wanna break up with him.” “Oh no, I’m not dating them.” Alex shook his head firmly. “I made that mistake before, not doing it.”
“Okay, we’re gonna unpack that later,” Julie interrupted from the doorway, “but can we go back to the part where you called Luke a leprechaun?”
Luke yelped. “Nope, we don’t need to go back to that, we can just move-”
“His initials are L E P,” Reggie cut in. 
“And he’s short,” Alex added. “So… leprechaun.”
“I’m not that short,” Luke grumbled. 
“Uh huh, and that’s why you’re always climbing on the kitchen counters?” Reggie ribbed.
“Not my fault you guys like putting things on top shelves!”
“Babe, you’re a good three inches taller than me at least,” Julie sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Shut up.”
“But you have a reason to be short,” Luke protested. “You drink so much coffee!”
As his bandmates squabled, Alex returned his attention to his partner. “Did you have something in mind when you said ‘date’?” he asked.
“Well being tangible and visible feels like more work than it’s worth, so food seems out of the question,” Willie thought aloud. Then they sat up straight, giving Alex a mischievous grin. “I know, let’s go stand in the middle of the street and scream when the cars go through us!”
Alex stared at them for a second, then slowly shook his head. “No, we are not doing that.”
“But it’s such a rush!” Willie said, grinning.
“I’ll take Alex’s spot if he doesn’t wanna go!” Luke piped up, overhearing their conversation.
“Absolutely not, no running into traffic with my boyfriend!” Alex ordered. Then he turned back to Willie. “Why would you even do that, it’s literally how you died.”
“It’s cathartic,” Willie responded with a shrug and a smile. “Face the thing that killed you knowing that it can’t hurt you anymore. Like how you like it when I call you hotdog, hotdog.”
Alex was about to retort that the two things weren’t really the same, but Reggie interrupted then. “Hey, we can play dodgeball! Except instead of balls, it’s cars! The stakes will be so much higher that way,” he exclaimed, sounding way too excited for something that would kill them all if they were still alive.
“The cars wouldn’t even hit you,” Alex pointed out.
“Exactly!” Willie declared. 
Alex glanced between his boyfriend’s face and his bandmates. “All of you, no. Absolutely not.”
“But it would be fun,” Willie pleaded, giving Alex their best puppy eyes.
“Okay, no, no one is running into traffic,” Julie intervened firmly.
All three ghosts fell silent at her rebuke. She leveled a glare at them all, shot a quick wink at Alex, then headed for the door. “Dad’s making dinner if you guys want something,” she called.
Reggie and Luke immediately darted up after her. Eating was tricky but doable for them now, though Alex suspected the interest was more in spending time with a healthy family than the food.
“You know, if you still wanted to go on a date,” Alex started once he was left alone with his partner, “I might have some ideas.” He held out his hand to Willie.
Willie smiled softly and grabbed his hand. “I trust you.”
Alex felt his heart flutter as he poofed them to the museum where they’d had their first… well, it didn’t feel quite right to call it a date, since neither of them had actually admitted their feelings back then. But it certainly felt like it had more than a friendly hangout. 
“Nice choice,” Willie chuckled as they materialized near the bench Willie had helped Alex move so long ago. 
“Well, this pretty cool person brought be here one time,” Alex joked. “I feel like that went pretty well.”
“Oooo, were they pretty?” Willie asked, feigning ignorance. 
Alex laughed and pulled Willie closer by their joined hands. “I can’t quite remember,” he mused, reaching out to brush a strand of hair back behind their ear. “I haven’t seen him in a bit, I might need a closer look.”
“I suppose he’d have a hard time denying you that,” Willie murmured, gaze flicking between Alex’s eyes and his lips.
“I hope so,” Alex breathed as he leaned in and closed the space between them.
It didn’t end up being much of a ‘date’, more like a cuddle session with a lot of stolen kisses and loud screams, but neither of them complained. Normal dates were overrated anyways.
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pantherxdrawz · 2 years
Oh fucc forgot to do an intro
and AFTER the 500 post point-
…I ain’t putting all this in my bio
Anywho, Welcome to my blog!
[That is of course, unless your a proshipper, MAP, lgbtphobic, bigot, TERF, racist, support the shitshow that is TBATF and/or the creators (that parts just because I’m in the Eddsworld Fandom).]
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^Visual representation of me tapping my lil DNI list
YK the common basics. (Tbh who WANTS those guys interacting with them/rh)
If your one of them,
very kindly fuck off
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(You WILL be blocked if not)
With that out of the way,
☄️-I’m Panther/Nyx/Shade
I’ve also got many other names take y’all’s pick [pulls out a comedically large tophat with names], I even have names like Cloudberg and Roomba at this point as long as it’s not offensive anything is on the table really-/hj
At this point you could point to me and go “your name is Tom now your Tom” and I’d go: “…okay guess I’m Tom now”
💫-I currently use all the pronouns, He/She/They/Xe/It etc. Whatever just go for it, still figuring that shit out and I don’t really mind
☄️-I‘ma hobby artist, also hobby animator if I feel like it, but I do take Discord Nitro commissions at times (info below if you’re interested, you could also just DM me right off the bat for info, however since I also have school I might not get to it straight way as fair warning)
I also feel like I should’ve charged for completion and not crop and that these are embarrassingly cheap, and full body’s are embarrassingly expensive but hey I don’t have this as my full job what do I know
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You can DM me on here, or on my Discord RandomPurplePantherGorl#2046 if you’re interested
Edit: So since the Twitter (or “X” *gags*) forced update with the username changes, my Discord is now pantherxdrawz just like my Tumblr
Disclaimer: I have all rights to deny a commission for any possible reason, even if it’s perfectly fine by all the guidelines I’ve put, I still have full rights to deny it (I probably won’t though, but still) ★・・・・・・★
Current Hyperfixations:
-Ensemble Stars (This one’s the newest and current strongest)
-Project Sekai
-Ace Attorney
-Eddsworld (Well, actually not really anymore, Been Hyperfixated on it for a year then eventually just kinda…lost interest and left the fandom. but I’m still gonna put it here, I might return one day)
I’m basically Multi-fandom friendly and post whatever tf I want when I want, basically I just see a cool thing and hit reblog
so if you followed me for only one fandom and don’t like multi fandom posting, uhhh sorry pal you’re in the wrong place, feel free to unfollow in that case
I’m just a little guy trying to post their art and reblog stuff
★・・・・・・★ Filtering tags of mine, everything else on this fucking blog is a cluttered garage:
#pantherxdrawz My art/animation tag
#pantherxeditz My edit tag, where you’ll find my au edits of game/show shots
#pantherxwritez My tag for writing/fanfics that I make
#pantherzocs / #panthersocs My tag for if you ever get interested in my Hand made blorbos (my ocs) and want to see everything I’ve posted of them
#for the pocket friends My tag for showing my mutuals stuff simple as that
Enjoy your stay :]
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mcrmadness · 2 years
Don't worry about the ask game, but I'd go with Igor, Lara Croft and Sherlock Holmes, because while Igor is obvious, you're the only one who talk/talked about Lara Croft and Sherlock Holmes that much of all my mutuals :D /pos
Oooo thanks!!! :D
And yes, Lara Croft is great, the Tomb Raider games are real fun to play. They're like, a perfect combo of older platform games and a 3D world with loads of puzzles and some collectibles. Kinda happy that I'm still in the middle of the 6th original game which means I still have 4 games left + the reboots (and that is what, 3 or 4 games?) :D
And Sherlock Holmes is a legend. I wasn't even interested in the character nor the stories at all at some point. I don't remember if it started because I saw the Guy Ritchie movies, or because I saw episodes of the Granada series from tv (still the best SH series, and Jeremy Brett was the best Holmes) and randomly got into that. Then my mom gave me a short story collection book as a Christmas present in 2015 or something and I don't remember if I was a bit indifferent about it first. Anyhow, I have been reading that book ever since :DDDD But I'm almost there, I only have 7 stories or so left!!! And there are tens of these in the book. And I really enjoy reading them. Competiting agains Holmes and guessing the events is so much fun! (And it's interesting how I have learnt Doyle's way of writing and I'm able to see through it now, I notice when he's trying to lead the reader to an opposite direction and he can't fool me anymore usually, yet sometimes the ending can have some surprises in it :D)
But... why Igor? XD Or why just Igor? I feel like he and Richard have blended in together in my head, so much so they're more like one character in my head now, a character called Richy/Igor :DDDDDD No but, still wondering: why Igor? You said it's obvious but apparently not for me lmao. (Or is that just idiots being idiots? /j. Also don't worry. Even I don't get that joke despite laughing at it myself. /hj)
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6loodlvstt · 7 months
I usually play videogames with no audio cuz when I have it on I get easily bored. For example last month I started pokemon sword and tbh never played it with vol on and when I did that for the first time I was like “? Why the sounds are so annoying?”. Idk probably I’m weird but I get easily overwhelmed with sounds. It’s kinda funny because when I listen to music I listen to black metal/rock in general. But when I’m busy drawing things I like to listen to true crime podcasts. Yeah I’m one of those obsessed with serial killers cases.
And yeah, fear and hunger is just straight up hard. I was surprised the first time but I’m still trying to finish it (I want to die/hj). So far I’m loving sm hades! The character designs are so pretty? Ofc I like Dionysus the most, he was and still is my favorite icon. Just to ask, who’s your fav greek mythological figure? I’m curious. Personally I’m also extremely into the myth of Hyacinth the most. Probably I read too many graphic novels about him ahah. And! Are you perhaps also into egyptian mythology? Since I was a kid I was so obsessed with mummies and the first time I saw one I was so anxious lol.
When I was in school I also had problems at school, mostly because at the time I was the only emo kid and all my classmates were… normal? I liked to dress black, enjoyed spending time writing horror stories and I was a major creepypasta lover. But I genuinely sucked at oral tests. Probably you only had some random quizzes but where I live we also have oral ones. And I fucking hated to speak in front of people. So drawing during classes was a sort of stress relief to my anxiety! So I completely get you :(
This is funny but I always was extremely talented at singing, although at some point I started to find annoying to perform in front of people. And in general the idea of studying in theater looked “uncool” in my teen years. Now I completely changed opinion and I’m a musical fan lol. My family always tried to push me into trying this world in some ways through the years and only some months ago I finally decided to open up. It’s scary tho. You shouldn’t gave up your dreams. Realistically speaking you can start studying in the future if you really want to pursuit violin! ^^
What are you doing now? I hope everything’s going well! <3 -🩹
i always play with audio on since a lot of games i play have audio cues into it, but i understand sometimes the game sounds can be annoying
god me too, to all of the music and the true crime; i mainly liten to true crime at work tho or when im playing minecraft for some strange reason
it sounds like a pain but i so get that,,
my favorite always has been aphrodite and always will be <3
i used to be kinda an egyptian myth nerd but i would have to relearn a lot tbh
sometimes we had presentations tests so i think thats as close to relating with the oral tests but the rest i totally understand
my family is kinda controlling of what i do, if they dont like that i picked up a hobby or something they let me know, like cosplaying for example i find it really difficult because my dads a little creepy and my mom refuses to acknowledge or be arpund me if she notices that i am and its to the point that it becomes a really big problem in my house so now ive got like really expensive cosplays and o barely do it anymore to keep some peace in my house ueue when i move out ill probably pick up a lot of my old hobbies like cosplay, art, streaming, and music stuff maybe ill even pick back up baking who knows!
im still playing dead space tbh,, its so fun but i just asked my brother a steam question and he closed out of dead space so i just lost a good chunk of progress sigghhhh, i hope your days been going well too though :D tell me if you do anything fun <3
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vodka-redbull-daily · 10 months
October 20th, 2023 (Part 1)
*CW for Graphic Sexual Content*
Today was an incredibly busy day. I've already gone to see two different people today and I have one planned for later tonight. Although that's technically tomorrow. I had figure skating practice this morning and had planned to meet M--- around noon. When he messaged me on the site, he was talking all about how he's never really had sex that often and how he really just wants somebody to help him explore that. Apparently, he's got a porn and masturbation addiction that's making it really difficult for him to cum with a girl. Definitely heard about this happening before and I'm pretty sure that might be part of the reason T----- had a really hard time cumming the first time we had sex. It was actually incredibly awkward with how frustrated he got. I was just lying there next to him as he was violently masturbating and kept saying “ why can't I cum?”  I mean, he did eventually, so I was pretty confident that I was going to be able to make Matt cum, also.
T---- was the same way. He was telling me about how much trouble he was having getting it up and finishing with his wife and that when we were finally together, it was the first time he was able to have an orgasm in quite a while. I think part of the problem is men don't factor in the mental side of sex. Since they have such an easy time when they're younger, mostly, they only view it as physical. You can really get into your head during sex and it's not enjoyable anymore. I feel like they don’t really think about that too much because it's not a problem until it suddenly is.
 M--- and I talked for quite a few days before about what he wanted to do, about what we could do to maybe finally get him to enjoy himself during sex. We agreed on $400 which is insane. After my lesson, I went over to his place. He owns his own house and comes from a super rich family, which is why he isn't working at the moment but still can afford to pay me $400. We were both pretty awkward from the second I walked into his house. it was definitely weird for me to go over to a stranger's house and he was so awkward and insecure that it radiated off him. I took a tour of his books and his house and his liquor cabinet. We drank some vodka Red Bull. He paid me the $400 and we kept talking.
 He was so incredibly sweaty. Even just standing in his kitchen talking to him, there were pools and pools of sweat just stripping down his face and his back. it was soaking his shirt entirely and we weren't even walking. We were literally just sitting there and talking. Just so much sweat. And I could smell him from across the counter. It was so awful. it smelled so bad.
 We talked for hours and I kind of just wanted it to be over with. He was kind of annoying and he kept talking about how great his family was. His grandpa was the owner of a very popular fast food joint and he wouldn't shut up about it although he kept saying that it was a “family secret”. We talked and talked and talked and even after I took off my bra, he still kept talking. I feel like that would be a good indication that we should just go ahead and fuck so I can leave, but it still took him like another 30 minutes before we finally went into the bedroom.
 I told him to put down a towel, because that's what I usually say since I squirt so much.  Embarrassingly, we ended up not needing it. Since he weighed like close to 500 pounds, he kept telling me about how he could really only lay there and let me ride him, otherwise he would get too exhausted. I spent a little giving him a blowjob and a hand job. Even down there, he smelled and tasted so bad. It was honestly disgusting and I wanted to puke. Although, he seemed to really like the bj and hj, saying he was actually getting pretty close to coming from that alone. And I did really want to try and help him cum. I figured that was a good sign, so we had him put on a condom and I tried to write to him. I was having difficulties because he was so wide it was actually hard for me to reach the bed with my knees. like, I didn't want to be kneeling on him cuz I figured that would hurt, but my legs were too short to properly reach the bed. It was very strange. We did that for a little bit before I asked him if he wanted to try being on top.
 He stood up and pulled me over to the corner of the bed. He fucked me at that angle for a little bit, but it didn't last very long before he was completely out of breath. I was completely drenched in his sweat and honestly kind of wanted to die a little. After that, he got soft again and we tried going back to me riding. it didn't really work out though. Neither of us ended up cumming. He did say it was the closest he had ever gotten with a girl, though. Apparently, the other two girls he had met were also from online. One was from Reddit. Poor guy. But also he needs to learn how to wash his dick. He said he would want to try again at some point and that he would text me when he was ready to spend another $400. 
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