#the opportunities for friction and development of the both of them and their relationship changing
impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
also setting aside 14 shafting so many female characters, papalymo is my roman empire of characters the game doesn't pay lip service to
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astrolovecosmos · 4 days
*Venus Natal Aspect Snippets*
Venus Trine Mercury: A great aspect for diplomacy, negotiation, and forming connections through meaningful conversations. Be careful of underestimating others, loose lips, and relying too much on persuasion. *venus can't oppose or square mercury in a natal chart
Venus Opposite Mars: Conflicting feelings, thoughts, and energies in your attraction and desires. Need to focus on what matters most to you in others and relationships.
Venus Square Mars: The friction between Mars's energy and Venus's harmony can result in romantic conflicts, impulsiveness, or difficulty finding balance between assertion and affection. Focus on what makes both you and your loved one's happy together.
Venus Trine Mars: This aspect often means chemistry and creativity in romantic and collaborative endeavors. Be careful of assuming others are on your level for love and passion until you know them more. Other's may also be intimidated or jealous of your confidence or self-acceptance.
Venus Opposite Jupiter: There might be a struggle between expansion and moderation. You could feel drawn toward indulgence, extravagance, or over-optimism, taking risks in relationships or security. But you may also equally fear taking big risks in your relationships. It's a challenge to balance pleasure with restraint.
Venus Square Jupiter: May have unrealistic expectations of their loved ones or relationships, things can get messy in their relationships FAST, doesn't know when to stop. Needs to be highly mindful of their desires and behavior. Expand with a plan.
Venus Trine Jupiter: Known to be a beneficial aspect for social interactions, attracting opportunities, and fostering good fortune in love and financial matters. A "good luck" type of placement in the chart. Be careful about being overly generous to where others take advantage of you. You may also have a foolhardy side in relationships somehow. Don't let things get to your head in relationships.
Venus Opposite Saturn: It can be difficult to express romantic feelings and accept love, gratitude, or generosity. Can easily feel lonely, isolated, or negative in their relationships. May need more reassurance than they are willing to admit.
Venus Square Saturn: May have challenges in establishing stability and commitment in relationships. Saturn's restraint and seriousness can clash with Venus's desire for warmth and affection. This square makes it hard to fulfill emotional needs in relationships. Expressing wants and needs more is vital.
Venus Trine Saturn: Encourages a realistic approach to love, with a focus on long-term goals and responsible choices. It's beneficial for building enduring relationships and finding structure in creative or financial pursuits. Not being honest with oneself and/or falling into being around those who do not share your values or goals can be a challenge.
Venus Opposite Uranus: Uranus is the planet of sudden changes, which can disrupt the harmony Venus seeks. Relationships might experience sudden upheavals, or you might feel restless and desire more freedom often. It's important to find lovers, friends, and family who support your need for space, learning, and/or change.
Venus Square Uranus: Emotional closeness can be hard. Always finds themselves falling in and out of love or fascination. Inner and outer stability vs. instability is a common battle that needs to be fought.
Venus Trine Uranus: This aspect often leads to unexpected yet positive developments in relationships. This aspect may bless someone with an unpredictable, exciting, and different kind of love life. Can promote a lot of independence as well. May struggle with their more predictable, traditional, or cautious loved ones. Could have a complicated relationship with open-mindedness and acceptance among their loved ones.
Venus Opposite Neptune: Reality and fantasy can clash and cause frustrations in your relationships. Be careful of putting others on pedestal.
Venus Square Neptune: May run into unrealistic expectations, deception, or disappointment in relationships. Being more realistic and grounded in your relationships may be needed.
Venus Trine Neptune: Creates a dreamy, romantic energy. It can enhance creativity, intuition, and empathy in relationships. It's an excellent aspect for artistic pursuits, spirituality, and finding beauty. This placement can still struggle with illusions and manipulation like many other Neptune placements.
Venus Opposite Pluto: There can be intense emotional power struggles in relationships. There can also be profound transformations or challenges in many of your relationships that lead to empowerment and self-mastery.
Venus Square Pluto: Associated with control, power dynamics, jealousy, and possessiveness in relationships. Needs to learn to manage their own intensity when it gets out of control or unhealthy. Or may need to learn how to listen to themselves more in relationships, follow their intuition/heart.
Venus Trine Pluto: Intense and passionate in their relationships but in a way that is magnetic, sexy, and maybe commanding. It's a great aspect for deepening intimacy and fostering meaningful growth in relationships. But those with this placement can become unchanging or controlling in their relationships too. Their attachments may usually be harmonious or loving but they can also be extremely strong.
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11/6/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Mark 13
Today is the 6th day of November. I'm Jill. Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. It's so great to be back here with you. This is my week taking over. China is going to take a rest and cook some healthy food guaranteed. And it's my joy to be here with you this week. I'm pretty excited to be back with you and to be in this community that I love so much. And not only do I love you all, I love getting to be a part of you, an extension of this community. And I'm honored and humbled that I get to be a partner with my daughter. To read the word of God to us as we weave our way through the entire Bible in just a couple, less than a couple of months. Can hardly believe that, but it's true. This is where we're at. So we're putting another log on the global campfire and we have turned a page in the stories of our lives and also in the word of God. So today we're going to read Mark, chapter 13. And this week we're going to be reading the New English translation, Mark chapter 13.
Father, we thank you for your word today. We thank you for this brand new week. Thank you for your newness, for redemption, for restoration, for renewing, for beginning again. And we look at this week as a brand new chance to start over, to take the old that has gone and make something new, to take the mistakes from last week and write them to take the things that we need to change direction, the act of repentance and move forward in the opposite direction. Change us from the inside out we pray. We thank you for your word. We thank you for this community and we thank you that you are not above speaking to your people. Give us ears to hear, eyes to see, and give us the words to speak that would radiate and permeate this world, this earth. With the love of Jesus, pray this now. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Looking forward to an incredible week together this week with all of you. And I'm so grateful for this opportunity and grateful that you, every single one of you are here and allowing yourselves to be transformed from the inside out. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hello DABC family. This is Diana from Florida, and I want to pray for Under Construction. Dear Heavenly Father, I submit under construction into your hands. Oh, Lord, God. She is currently dealing with family strife and as a result has to move to a different home. Unfortunately, her relationship with her mom has been estranged for financial and other reasons that we are unaware of. But that you know. And you know perfectly well where the injustice and unfairness lies. Dear God, I just pray in the name of Jesus that as we make plans, you say that you direct our steps. I pray that you would direct under construction steps. O Lord God and her significant other. Or father. Or her husband father. I pray that you would guide her and his family forward into the next season that you would have for them. Dear God. And I pray that these relationships would soon be repaired. O Lord God. That there would be a mutual understanding. Oh Father God. That in the name of Jesus your presence would cut through and do a mighty work. I also pray, Lord God, that for under construction this would be a blessing in disguise. Because sometimes when we have ties in these kind of financial way that we live with others and our relationships are financially tied, it can cause friction and problems and loosening it may actually be a blessing. So I just pray that that would be the case for them. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Hello DABC, this is Aaron from Houston and I'm calling just to kind of chime in. It's been a while but there's some interesting developments have happened in my life, both good and also challenging. Mainly that I've been convicted more and more that my prayer and quiet time has not really been very genuine or very real. Honestly, it's just been falling asleep during listening to the Dead Sea, which I'm still retaining some things but I feel like it's kind of just at the end of the day and I haven't been paying much attention and so I want to do better than that. But among other things, I've also been given a tremendous opportunity at my church. That can change a lot. It's not going to affect my other ministries, which is good, but it's going to give me access to a lot of things that a lot of discipleship, a lot of resources that could potentially seriously help my ministry. It's also tremendously challenging because that means I have to be that much more diligent when it comes to my faith. Walk. So DABC, please pray for me. This is going to be a challenge. Usually God throws me into situations where I don't feel entirely qualified, but I've also seen this coming. It seems like it's going to be a great opportunity and so I'm walking through these doors and God will close them if he wants to, but I get the feeling that they're going to remain open whether I want them to or not. And I do want them to, but you know how it is challenging. So pray for me. Thank you all so much.
My beloved DABC family, this is the Burning Bush that will not be devoured for the glory of our God and King family. Oh my gosh. Today is November 3 and I just heard that song by the Alabaster Box that China played at the end of today's reading and it really blessed my heart. Sunday my pastor- we had a business pastor in my church and preached about, remember Lot's wife. And one of the things she said, it really hit me was what the Bible said about Sodom and Gomorrah as their sin. And the sin that was mentioned was basically not meeting the needs of the orphans and the widows. That was the main sin that they committed and we forget that. So today I really want to pray for another burning bush in my life. I've called and prayed about her before. Her name is Gina. She's a woman of God who has had job level trials in her life and where she is right now battling cancer, about to get evicted out of her home. She has been ill in her body for the longest time and her kids have forsaken her. I know she's listening and forgive me for giving this out. 'm sure nobody knows exactly who you are, but definitely I need all our prayer warriors to pray for her today that God will provide a breakthrough in her life, healing in her body, that God will replenish everything. The locust has eaten a hundredfold. I'm praying for Joe's side's blessings because at the end of his trials, he was blessed abundantly and in praying for God to show us how to be his hands and feet and not be like Sodom and Gomorrah, but to help just our local church to be able to help her. All right, love you guys. Thank you. Bye.
Hi DABC family. This is Dawn from Ohio. It's November 3 and I just got done listening to China read the Word of the Lord to us. And the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me to call in and pray this simple prayer to the DABC family. So, heavenly Father, I thank you and praise you, Lord Jesus, for who you are. And Lord Jesus, Your word says that you are working all things out for the good of us, for those of us who love you. And so Lord, Your word today that the Holy Spirit said to me was to pray the blood of Jesus, the precious blood of Jesus over every single DABC person over each prayer request has come in all year long today and throughout our reading that you are working things out to glorify yourself. And so Lord, I just pray that you would be glorified and thank you God for the DABC family. DABC family, I love you and I'm so thankful that I found this podcast and that I've been able to read every single day with China and Jill and all of you. I feel so blessed, blessed and thankful in Jesus name, amen.
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ronaldlbook · 23 days
Unleashing Growth Potential: Business Development Strategies You Need to Know Now
To stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape, companies must be agile and forward-thinking. Business development is at the core of this adaptability, driving growth and profitability by identifying new markets, forming strategic partnerships, and enhancing customer relationships. This article delves into crucial business development strategies that can help you unlock new opportunities and secure a thriving future.
Understand Your Market Inside Out
Market knowledge is foundational to business development. Companies must continuously analyze their current market position and seek to understand emerging trends and customer behaviors. This will enable them to identify unmet needs and exploit gaps in the market.
Customer Insights: Leverage customer feedback, surveys, and data analytics to understand your target audience's evolving preferences and pain points.
Competitor Analysis: Monitor your competitors' strategies, pricing, and marketing efforts to stay ahead and identify areas where you can differentiate.
Industry Trends: Stay up-to-date with industry reports and forecasts to spot new trends and technologies shaping your sector.
Forge Strategic Partnerships
Strategic partnerships can amplify your company’s reach and capabilities. By joining forces with other businesses, you can access new customer bases, markets, and technologies while reducing costs.
Complementary Businesses: Partner with companies offering complementary products or services to create a comprehensive customer solution.
Cross-Promotional Opportunities: Collaborate on marketing campaigns that benefit both parties, increasing brand visibility and customer acquisition.
Technology Alliances: Form alliances with tech companies to leverage innovative tools to enhance your products and services.
Innovate New Revenue Streams
Relying on a single revenue stream can leave your business vulnerable to market changes. Diversify your income by exploring alternative revenue streams that complement your core business.
Subscription Services: Offer subscription-based services that provide ongoing value to customers while generating predictable revenue.
Freemium Model: Provide a free basic version of your product to attract customers and convert them to paid plans with premium features.
Licensing or Franchising: You can license your product or franchise your business model to other companies or entrepreneurs for a share of their revenue.
Leverage Technology and Data Analytics
Technology and data analytics are transforming how companies approach business development. From customer insights to predictive modeling, the effective use of data can guide strategic decision-making.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Use a CRM system to track customer interactions, identify high-value leads, and nurture long-term relationships.
Predictive Analytics: Implement predictive analytics to anticipate market trends, customer preferences, and emerging risks.
Automation: Automate repetitive tasks like data entry, lead generation, and email marketing to streamline processes and focus on high-impact activities.
Optimize Your Sales Funnel
An optimized sales funnel ensures you effectively nurture leads through every customer journey stage. Focus on creating seamless transitions between stages to minimize drop-offs and maximize conversions.
Lead Generation: Implement various lead generation tactics, such as content marketing, social media, and webinars, to attract qualified leads.
Lead Nurturing: Use personalized email campaigns and targeted content to build relationships with prospects and guide them toward purchasing.
Conversion Optimization: Continuously analyze and refine your conversion process to remove friction points and improve customer experience.
Prioritize Customer Retention
While acquiring new customers is essential, retaining existing ones is equally important. Loyal customers provide repeat business and are more likely to advocate for your brand.
Customer Loyalty Programs: Create loyalty programs that reward repeat customers with discounts, exclusive offers, or early access to new products.
Customer Feedback: Regularly seek customer feedback and implement improvements based on their suggestions to enhance their experience.
Proactive Support: Offer proactive customer support by addressing issues before they escalate and providing resources to help customers succeed.
Expand into New Markets
Growth often requires exploring new geographical regions or demographics. Market expansion should be approached strategically to minimize risks and maximize returns.
Local Market Research: Conduct comprehensive research on the new market's cultural, economic, and regulatory aspects.
Tailored Marketing: Develop a marketing strategy tailored to the preferences and behaviors of the new target audience.
Localized Partnerships: Partner with local businesses or influencers to build trust and credibility in the new market.
Business development is a multifaceted discipline requiring a mix of market understanding, strategic partnerships, innovation, and customer-centric thinking. By continuously refining these strategies, businesses can navigate uncertainties and seize new opportunities in an ever-changing marketplace. You can adopt these business development strategies to strengthen your market position and accelerate growth.
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aayushpareek69 · 5 months
Corporate DSA Channels: Navigating the Future of Finance with Trust and Technology
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The Trust Factor in Financial Interactions:
Local Trust Networks:
Corporate DSA Channels leverage local trust networks through their independent agents. DSAs, deeply embedded in their communities, establish personal relationships, fostering trust and credibility. This localized approach builds a foundation of reliability that extends from the agent to the corporate entity.
Transparent Communication:
Trust is nurtured through transparent communication.  Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channels prioritize clear and honest communication channels between DSAs and clients, ensuring that individuals have a comprehensive understanding of the financial products and services being offered.
Commitment to Client Satisfaction:
The commitment to client satisfaction is a cornerstone of trust-building. Corporate DSA Channels prioritize customer-centric approaches, addressing queries promptly, resolving concerns effectively, and ensuring a positive client experience that reinforces trust.
Technological Integration for Efficiency:
Digital Onboarding Processes:
 Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channels streamline client onboarding through digital processes. From document submission to account setup, the integration of technology reduces friction in the onboarding journey, making it more efficient and user-friendly.
Data Analytics for Personalization:
Technology enables Corporate DSA Channels to harness the power of data analytics. By analyzing client data, these channels can personalize financial offerings, tailoring products and services to meet individual needs and preferences.
Mobile Applications for Accessibility:
The development of mobile applications enhances accessibility. Clients can conveniently access their financial information, initiate transactions, and communicate with DSAs through user-friendly mobile interfaces, fostering a seamless and connected experience.
Striking the Balance: Trust in the Digital Age
Security Measures for Client Data:
Trust and technology coexist harmoniously when robust security measures are in place. Corporate DSA Channels prioritize the protection of client data through encryption, secure servers, and stringent cybersecurity protocols, ensuring the integrity of financial transactions.
Educational Initiatives on Technology Use:
To maintain trust,  Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channels embark on educational initiatives. These programs inform clients about the safe use of technology, cybersecurity best practices, and the benefits of digital tools, empowering them to navigate the digital landscape with confidence.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Balancing Personalization with Privacy:
The challenge lies in balancing the personalization of services with respect for privacy. Corporate DSA Channels address this by implementing privacy-focused policies, ensuring that clients feel empowered and in control of their personal information.
Adapting to Rapid Technological Changes:
The ever-evolving nature of technology presents both challenges and opportunities.  Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channels view this dynamism as an opportunity for continuous improvement, embracing emerging technologies to stay at the forefront of financial innovation.
 Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channels epitomize the harmonious interplay between trust and technology in the financial realm. By weaving a tapestry of localized trust networks, transparent communication, and technological efficiency, these channels are navigating the future of finance with resilience and adaptability. As technology continues to advance, Corporate DSA Channels stand as beacons of trust, guiding individuals and businesses towards a connected, secure, and personalized financial future.Discover unparalleled options for loans and Credit Card tailored to your preferences with Arena Fincorp. As a leading digital lending platform in the Loan & Finance sector, we provide industry-best choices, allowing you to select loans that match your needs, determine your preferred interest rates, and set terms according to your preferences. Experience extraordinary – our cutting-edge technology ensures swift application processing, enabling customers to receive funds in their accounts in as little as 12 hours, with minimal documentation required .
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uxuinfo · 8 months
The Key to Successful Products: Aligning Your Stakeholders
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In the world of product development, success is often defined not just by the quality of the product itself, but by the ability of a team to effectively manage and align the diverse group of individuals known as stakeholders. These stakeholders come from various backgrounds, possess different goals, and often have conflicting interests. Navigating this complex web of relationships can be challenging, but it is essential for creating successful products that meet the needs of both the market and the organization.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of aligning product stakeholders, the challenges that arise in the process, and the strategies that can be employed to build bridges and avoid burning them. We will delve into the roles of different stakeholders, the common sources of misalignment, and provide actionable tips for achieving harmony among stakeholders throughout the product development lifecycle. Whether you're a product manager, designer, developer, or any other professional involved in creating products, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complex world of stakeholder alignment.
Understanding Product Stakeholders
Before we dive into the strategies for aligning stakeholders, let's first understand who these stakeholders are and why they are so crucial to the success of a product.
Who Are Product Stakeholders?
Product stakeholders are individuals or groups of people who have a vested interest in a product's development, launch, and performance. These stakeholders can be internal or external to the organization and typically fall into the following categories:
Internal Stakeholders: These individuals are directly involved in the development and management of the product. Key internal stakeholders include:
Product Managers: Responsible for defining the product vision, strategy, and roadmap.
Designers: Create the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) of the product.
Developers: Write the code and build the product's technical infrastructure.
Quality Assurance (QA) Teams: Ensure the product meets quality standards and is free of defects.
Marketing and Sales Teams: Promote and sell the product to customers.
Executives: Make high-level decisions about resource allocation and strategic direction.
External Stakeholders: These are individuals or groups outside the organization who are impacted by the product. Key external stakeholders include:
Customers: The end-users of the product who provide feedback and generate revenue.
Investors and Shareholders: Expect a return on their investment in the product.
Suppliers and Partners: Collaborate with the organization to provide necessary resources or services.
Regulatory Bodies: Govern the industry and may impose regulations on the product.
Competitors: Influence the market and competitive landscape.
The Importance of Stakeholder Alignment
Effective stakeholder alignment is the linchpin of successful product development. When stakeholders are not aligned, a host of problems can arise:
Scope Creep: Without alignment, stakeholders may introduce new requirements and changes to the project scope, leading to delays and increased costs.
Conflict and Friction: Misalignment can lead to conflicts between teams, causing stress and reducing productivity.
Wasted Resources: When teams work on conflicting objectives, resources are wasted on tasks that don't contribute to the product's success.
Missed Opportunities: Lack of alignment can result in missed market opportunities or failure to address customer needs effectively.
Product Failures: Ultimately, products that do not meet stakeholder expectations are more likely to fail in the market.
Now that we understand the importance of aligning stakeholders, let's explore the challenges that can impede this alignment and strategies to overcome them.
Challenges in Aligning Product Stakeholders
Aligning stakeholders is a complex and ongoing process. Various challenges can hinder the achievement of alignment. Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward overcoming them.
1. Differing Goals and Objectives
One of the most common challenges in aligning product stakeholders is the existence of differing goals and objectives. Each stakeholder group may have its own agenda, which can lead to conflicts and misalignment. For example, the marketing team may prioritize rapid product release to capture market share, while the development team may focus on building a robust and scalable product.
2. Lack of Communication
Effective communication is the foundation of stakeholder alignment. However, communication breakdowns can occur at various levels, from team silos within the organization to insufficient communication with external stakeholders. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and misaligned expectations.
3. Resistance to Change
Stakeholders may resist changes to the product or its development process due to fear of the unknown, reluctance to abandon existing practices, or concerns about job security. This resistance can hinder innovation and prevent the organization from adapting to evolving market conditions.
4. Inadequate Resources
Resource constraints, such as limited budgets, time, or skilled personnel, can create tensions among stakeholders. For instance, the development team may feel pressured to deliver a high-quality product with insufficient resources, leading to dissatisfaction and reduced alignment.
5. Lack of Empathy
Understanding and empathizing with the perspectives of other stakeholders is essential for alignment. Without empathy, stakeholders may dismiss each other's concerns or fail to appreciate the challenges faced by other teams, making it difficult to find common ground.
Strategies for Aligning Product Stakeholders
Aligning product stakeholders is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires a combination of strategies, tools, and a cultural shift within the organization. Here are some effective strategies to build bridges and foster alignment among stakeholders:
1. Define a Clear Product Vision
A well-defined product vision serves as a North Star that guides all stakeholders. The product manager should articulate the vision in a way that resonates with both internal and external stakeholders. This vision should answer questions such as:
What problem does the product solve?
Who is the target audience?
What are the long-term goals for the product?
A clear and compelling product vision helps stakeholders see the bigger picture and understand their roles in achieving it.
2. Establish a Cross-Functional Team
Cross-functional teams bring together individuals from different disciplines, such as product management, design, development, and marketing, to work collaboratively on the product. These teams encourage diverse perspectives and foster a sense of shared ownership. When team members collaborate closely, they gain a better understanding of each other's challenges and constraints, leading to improved alignment.
3. Implement Agile Methodologies
Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, promote flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development. These approaches encourage regular communication among stakeholders and allow for adjustments based on changing requirements. Agile also emphasizes delivering small, incremental updates, which can help manage stakeholders' expectations and reduce the risk of scope creep.
4. Create a Culture of Transparency
Transparency is essential for building trust among stakeholders. Organizations should promote open and honest communication, sharing both successes and challenges. Transparency can help stakeholders understand the reasoning behind decisions and feel more involved in the process.
5. Foster Empathy and Understanding
Encourage stakeholders to walk in each other's shoes. Product managers, for example, can benefit from spending time with developers to understand the technical complexities they face. Likewise, developers can gain insights into user needs by interacting with customer support or user experience teams. Empathy fosters appreciation for the perspectives of others and can lead to more harmonious collaboration.
6. Prioritize Feedback Loops
Feedback loops are essential for continuous improvement. Implement mechanisms for gathering feedback from all stakeholders, including customers, throughout the product development lifecycle. Regularly review and act upon this feedback to demonstrate responsiveness and a commitment to meeting stakeholder needs.
7. Use Visual Tools for Clarity
Visual aids, such as product roadmaps, flowcharts, and user journey maps, can help stakeholders better understand complex concepts and processes. Visual tools can bridge gaps in communication and facilitate discussions about product features, timelines, and priorities.
8. Mediate Conflicts Effectively
Conflicts are inevitable in any collaborative endeavor. When conflicts arise among stakeholders, it's essential to address them promptly and constructively. Use conflict resolution techniques and, if necessary, involve a neutral mediator to help parties find common ground.
9. Align Incentives
Consider aligning incentives to encourage stakeholder cooperation. For instance, tie the compensation of product managers to the product's success in meeting predefined KPIs. When stakeholders share common financial incentives, they are more likely to work together toward a shared goal.
10. Continuously Reevaluate and Adapt
Stakeholder alignment is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Markets change, and so do the needs and priorities of stakeholders. Regularly review and adapt your strategies for alignment to ensure they remain effective in a dynamic environment.
Real-Life Examples of Stakeholder Alignment
To illustrate the importance of stakeholder alignment and the impact it can have on product success, let's explore a few real-life examples.
1. Apple's iPhone Launch
Apple's iPhone launch in 2007 is a classic example of successful stakeholder alignment. The late Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder and then-CEO, effectively aligned internal teams, including design, engineering, and marketing, around a clear product vision. The iPhone combined cutting-edge technology with an intuitive user interface, satisfying both internal and external stakeholders. This alignment resulted in a groundbreaking product that transformed the mobile industry.
2. Tesla's Electric Vehicles
Tesla's electric vehicles (EVs) have disrupted the automotive industry. CEO Elon Musk's vision of sustainable transportation resonated with both internal and external stakeholders. The company's cross-functional teams, including engineers, designers, and marketers, work collaboratively to advance EV technology. Tesla also built a community of passionate customers and investors who share the vision of a sustainable future. This alignment has propelled Tesla to the forefront of the EV market.
3. Microsoft's Azure Cloud
Microsoft's Azure cloud platform is another example of successful stakeholder alignment. Microsoft invested heavily in building a robust cloud infrastructure, aligning internal teams to compete with market leaders like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform. By addressing the needs of both developers and enterprise customers, Microsoft created a product that satisfied a broad range of stakeholders and rapidly gained market share.
Aligning product stakeholders is the key to successful product development. It requires understanding the diverse perspectives and goals of internal and external stakeholders, fostering effective communication, and implementing strategies to bridge gaps in understanding and objectives. When stakeholders are aligned, they work cohesively toward a shared vision, resulting in products that meet customer needs, achieve market success, and drive organizational growth.
To build bridges (and not burn them) with stakeholders, remember these key takeaways:
Define a Clear Product Vision: Ensure everyone understands the "why" behind the product.
Establish Cross-Functional Teams: Encourage collaboration among diverse teams.
Implement Agile Methodologies: Embrace flexibility and adaptability.
Create a Culture of Transparency: Foster trust through open communication.
Foster Empathy and Understanding: Encourage stakeholders to see from each other's perspectives.
Prioritize Feedback Loops: Continuously gather and act upon feedback.
Use Visual Tools for Clarity: Simplify complex concepts with visuals.
Mediate Conflicts Effectively: Address conflicts constructively.
Align Incentives: Tie incentives to shared goals.
Continuously Reevaluate and Adapt: Stay agile in a dynamic environment.
By following these strategies and remaining committed to stakeholder alignment, you can navigate the complex world of product development with confidence and increase your chances of delivering products that delight customers and drive success for your organization.
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itskimhill · 2 years
What Makes Lifo Different?
1. Strengths-Based
The LIFO method focuses on strengths, and on what is right about leaders, teams and individuals. This approach is not about changing oneself. Rather it promotes positive behavioral change by providing strategies for managing strengths effectively, resulting in greater versatility and productivity. This approach also encourages appreciating and working with others whose strengths are different. Accepting people for who they also reduce friction and allows teams to make the most of everyone’s strengths.
2. Not A Typecast
The LIFO method identifies behavioral style preferences, not personality types. It is “what we do”, as opposed not “who we are”. All styles have the ability to do everything, it is just a question of approach. Understanding one’s preferred style and strengths opens doors to exploring and rethinking how to approach different situations, assigned tasks, desired goals, etc. To reiterate, everyone has strengths, it is how one uses these strengths, their preference, that makes them different from another. How much a person uses each strength, the specific ratio and combination of strengths, is what makes each person unique.
3. Multifaceted Application
The LIFO Method can be/and has been used in training, coaching, consulting, organizational development as well as a tool for personal development. Here are some examples:
Organizational Solutions
Teamwork and collaboration
Building on and utilizing strengths
Coping with change
Job and career satisfaction
On-the-job training
Increasing morale at all levels of an organization
Conflict management
Organizational effectiveness and culture
Appreciating diversity
Licensing Opportunities
Individual Solutions
Personal development
Increasing effective behavior, personal productivity, and well-being
Improved performance
Better relationships
Contribution to group and team
Effective leadership
Increased resilience
Negotiating and selling
Coaching skills
Student learning
Time management
Stress management
4. Simple, but Deep
Behavior under Favorable and Unfavorable Conditions
The LIFO Method does not assume that people behave the same when in favorable and unfavorable conditions. In fact, half or more of those who complete the LIFO Survey have very a different mix of preferred behavioral styles when seen through the lenses of favorable and unfavorable conditions. The LIFO method identifies behavioral styles in both favorable and unfavorable conditions, giving insight and awareness to assist in managing strengths in different situations.
Congruence Increases Clarity in Communication
The LIFO method also has a feature that identifies the difference between a person’s intended behavior (Intention), actual behavior (Behavior), and perceived behavioral impact on others (Impact). Sometimes the Impact on others does not match the person’s Intention, causing confusion and unintended friction. Having congruence between one’s Intention, Behavior, and Impact will increase clarity in communication and maximize one’s positive impact. Being aware of the differences enables one to become aware of what is being communicated at different levels, increasing the effectiveness of one’s communication strategies. When one is congruent, others relax. They feel confident that what is said and what done is are aligned. People also feel that they are understood clearly, making cooperation easier.
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meloxiabase · 2 years
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This type of interaction may create a tense atmosphere because your views and opinions differ from each other significantly and your reactions to the same impulse are diverse. That does not mean you may not like same things! For example, both of you enjoy ice hockey but each prefers another club. If you accept the differences and take it as a chance to learn something from each other, your relationship can be an opportunity for a deep personal growth. First impressions may not be the pleasant ones.
This aspect indicates that there is a special sensitivity in the relationship, where both partners are in tune with each other's feelings and emotions. Artistic interests, tastes in music, and the development of personal talents are important areas in this relationship. The Venus person shows their softer side, which allows the Moon person to express their deepest feelings. Both parties are comfortable with revealing their vulnerability to each other, and this creates an instinctive harmony in the relationship. This can lead to the accumulation of wealth and property, and the fulfillment of dreams and childhood aspirations.
The two people may feel attracted towards each other but not at first sight. This placement often indicates a cultural gap, which must be overcome. The Venus person may consider some mannerisms and tastes of the Ascendant person offensive or annoying, the Venus person, on the other hand, may seem vain to the Ascendant person. People tend to encourage overindulgence and laziness in each other. Despite those problems there is still an undeniable sexual attraction, which can help to resolve many of them. Sweeping problems under the carpet for maintaining harmony is also common with this combination.
This is a not an easy aspect. Both individuals are striving to achieve self-realization, but because of their personal differences they might often argue. Together, they may face an array of disappointments and obstacles. Competition and friction may be significant themes in this relationship. However, these obstacles can be seen as stepping stones to empowerment.
The Ascendant person is receptive to the mood changes of the Moon person and is able to make them feel more secure and to help them overcome their emotional problems. The Moon person enjoys the self-expression and outlook of the Ascendant person, as it has a soothing effect on them. Both of them feel they can be themselves. While this bond may feel like an emotional burden due to the relationship's strong intensity, it also improves the prospects of emotional compatibility and future family life. This pair feels comfortable in the company of other people, because it stimulates both partner's senses of compassion and sensitivity towards each other and towards others. Moreover, this aspects create allows both partners to understand each other's body language, allowing them to communicate without words.
This is a good aspect for a relationship because it helps to create easy and free communication since both partners have compatible feelings and they have similar tastes. If there are other compatible aspects, they can develop a strong long-term relationship or marriage that is built on their common feelings of decency and morality.
With this aspect, tension that is difficult to express may arise, and this can cause a lack of emotional satisfaction. A romantic relationship with this aspect may end in disappointment. However, in work or platonic relationships, this aspect can generate a lot of energy and interesting ideas, even if the relationship is not completely perfect.
This beneficial aspect fills the relationship with hope and optimism. Both individuals feel a sense of freedom and enjoy the opportunity to share with each other. Wisdom and respect combine with a healthy spirit of competition, which adds vitality to this relationship. However, the Sun person may feel more focused, while the Jupiter person longs for freedom. The Sun person may feel frustrated as a result, and may feel the need to have a firm hold on the relationship as a result. The Jupiter person will feel attracted to the Sun person, but may have some escapist tendencies. Overall, this is a powerful aspect that can lead to growth in terms of material and spiritual wealth.
With this aspect, tension that is difficult to express may arise, and this can cause a lack of emotional satisfaction. A romantic relationship with this aspect may end in disappointment. However, in work or platonic relationships, this aspect can generate a lot of energy and interesting ideas, even if the relationship is not completely perfect.
This aspect brings depth and understanding into the relationship. The Pluto partner encourages the Moon partner to dive into the well of their subconscious so that they can transform their inferior "I". The Moon partner may eventually become the diamond that Pluto patiently seeks. Pluto must understand Moon's volatile nature and how it needs to be transformed. With the help of attention, care and genuine love, both partners can literally transform each other.
Venus feels everything that Pluto cannot see. It can be very difficult for Venus to deal with this relationship because Pluto's intensity tends to knock her off balance. The more Venus tries to help Pluto to change, the more she loses herself. Spiritual growth may occur in this relationship, but there is too much confusion and upheaval that make it difficult to sustain this long-term relationship or marriage.
This aspect creates confusion and misunderstandings. They may find it difficult to understand each other and cooperate. If other aspects between these two people are good, then there may be only be occasional minor miscommunication but if there are other aspects that can complicate their relationship, it can lead to relationship problems, because the Ascendant person may consider the Mercury person too hesitating and indecisive while the Mercury individual may think that the Ascendant person is too impulsive and springs to action without thinking it through thoroughly first.
This aspect introduces confusion into the relationship. The Moon partner feels the escapist attitude in the Neptune partner, but cannot really define it. The Moon is never sure of their partner's devotion or intentions. Thus, there is often a sense of deception when they deal with important issues. Because of misunderstandings, lack of clearly defined objectives and confusion with identification, it is difficult for them to maintain their relationship.
This aspect indicates subconscious receptivity of both individuals. Each partner intuitively understands the feelings of the other partner and they create a romantic and straightforward relationship. This relationship represents one of the most harmonious combinations of characters. Both partners are enthusiastic and mentally aware because their imagination is moving in the same direction.
This is a combination that creates friendships and allies. These two people will try to help each other and trust each other. These people often have common interest in philosophical or religious issues and they may decide to work together on projects that address them. They both want to understand their relationship, learn about relationship dynamics and factors that are important in maintaining good relationships.
This is usually not a good combination because one or both partners may be too jealous or possessive. These two people may become very dependent on each other or even be obsessed with each other. However, it is possible that this relationship may suit the partners, for example if the Pluto person likes to be in charge and the Ascendant individual is financially dependent while the Pluto person is obsessed with the physical beauty and emotional support of the Ascendant individual.
This is a good combination that indicates a deep and very physically intimate relationship. There is usually strong sexual attraction between these two people. They will encourage each other and strive for physical and spiritual self-improvement. The Ascendant person will probably be strongly influenced by the Pluto individual and admire them, but it can also be the other way around. If they positively influence each other, it can lead to better self-concept and self-image of both partners. The Pluto person in particular may start to feel more influential.
This aspect is disappointing. The Sun partner sees contradictions in the Uranus partner and feels that he does not really appreciate the Sun's warmth. Numerous changes in direction of the relationship are possible, and they often come unpredictably and without any obvious reason. Attractiveness, which is present at the beginning of the relationship, often gives rise to the expectation of excessive cheerfulness, excitement and anxiety. The Sun finally realizes that the Uranus partner lacks accuracy and thoroughness.
This aspect makes the relationship complicated because both partners think differently. The expression of unique ideas becomes the cause of conflicts. Due to the fact that this aspect often causes tension it is particularly difficult to establish harmony in this relationship.
This aspect brings harmony into the relationship. Both partners benefit from the opportunity to share their experiences due to mutual understanding. Both partners enjoy interacting with each other and have great respect for the way the other expresses their thoughts and ideas. Communication is warm and free-flowing in this relationship.
Due to patient care and strong love, this aspect can cause a kind of marriage where each partner outgrows their childhood patterns to understand the realization and personal development. Venus partner admires strength and protecting qualities of the person with Saturn, who gives strength, defense and structure. Saturn teaches Venus how to direct her creative energy and focus love instinct, so they eventually have more value and meaning. The result of this harmonious aspect can be stable and lasting love.
Here, Mars partner expects directing from the other partner. Saturn is the anchor, the source and the sense of continuity. When Mars learns to combine their own impulses with Saturn's realistic sense of wisdom, both can make great achievements. Mars aims for the future, while Saturn strengthens the past. Here a light karmic connection is possible, as both partners learn to focus and direct their energy to something worthy. This is an excellent aspect for two people who have decided to work together.
This aspect brings foresight and wisdom into the relationship. It also indicates an interest in travel and expansion. The Jupiter person can lead their partner, dispensing truth and providing the kind of leadership that creates mutual respect and trust. This aspect has element of chance or unpredictability, and this can lead to risky enterprises, wastefulness (especially concerning investments) and personal freedom requirements. Ultimately, these interests can work positively as factors that create an expansive and open relationship.
This aspect has an uplifting and enlightening influence. Here, the Jupiter person can raise the Moon person to a higher level of consciousness. It is almost impossible for the Moon person to feel discouraged in the presence of the Jupiter person. The Moon person's emotional range broadens as the Jupiter person helps to reveal a higher truth in all that the Moon person feels. In this relationship, there is a high level of sobriety, awareness, optimism, and happiness.
With this aspect Venus partner feels as if they're standing below Saturn partner, whose imperiousness may be too much for them. The conflict between traditional parental pursuit of practicality and youthful interest in art, music, aesthetics and expression of true feelings come to the fore in this relationship. Coldness of saturnian wall is holding back the natural flow of feelings in the relationship, so that it can hardly show the easy and free expression of love. Thus, the free flow of love is constrained by karmic learning process, in which each partner has to be faced with one of his very difficult sides.
You have similar opinions about duties, politics, material stability and the world in general. Even if one of your opinions is unfounded, you will be assuring each other that it is correct. This can cause you to start having doubts about the opinion. So this interaction is pretty much the way you make it yourself. It's as if you get a piece of clay to shape it in the way it will suit both of you.
Here, the power of love and light are mixed into a soft aesthetic combination, comfortable and soothing for both partners. This relationship usually has abundance of warmth, artistic creativity, and even a tacit understanding between people. The Sun is in love with a dream, and Neptune partner perceives themselves as a part of this dream. Light, coming from the Sun, illuminates Neptune's imagination and strengthens their ego. This partnership includes the silent participation, which is the essence of harmony.
With this aspect, the mental capacity of Mercury is connected with the intuition and inspiration of Neptune, whose dreams complement Mercury's concrete reality. Neptune can inspire and support the other partner, because of beliefs and vision, which can teach Mercury to perceive the aesthetic natural beauty and spiritually uplift the intellectual ability. Compatible harmony of this aspect includes the understanding of music and arts.
This aspect causes changes and is characterized by unpredictability. Mars tries to win Uranus' free spirit. However, Uranus is not interested in being defeated. Instead, Uranus seeks to preserve the sense of isolated individuality, avoiding close relationship and proximity. Mars also wants to retain his unique identity. But these desires are more secret and intimate. Mars sees the relationship and the role in it mainly through the ego. At the same time unattainable Uranus acts through universal mind and needs wider horizons to maintain interest in the relationship.
This aspect creates turbulent and stormy relationship. Mars acts through the ego to reach the understanding of the partner. Uranus ensures objectivity, which balances the subjective view of Mars partner. Because of supplementing sense of progress of both partners, the relationship acquires the features of two children, eagerly striving to experience their future.
This interaction is a bit like getting "free money" because you both have the ability to show the other person that by getting rid of what you do not need, you get what you need. If something is in a way of one of you the other person will be able to help to get rid of it. Thanks to your simple philosophy: "Give more in order to get more", you can gain great wealth, whether spiritual or material. Jupiter knows how to get it, Pluto has the power to get to it.
Compared with Uranus' radical worldview, Jupiter person can seem to be old-fashioned, even though they do not actually have to be so in reality. Jupiter will think that Uranus is exciting and unusual, but also a bit unstable. But this is the dynamics of this interaction; Uranus person hopes that they will shock Jupiter into getting rid of these stiff opinions or obsolete cultural values. Jupiter can teach Uranus about tolerance and nobility.
Interpretation is being prepared.
0 notes
mooncaps · 3 years
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The parallels between Catra and Glimmer keep sticking in my mind. They don't quite mirror each other exactly, visually or thematically, but there's a lot of overlap. They're similar in so many ways, but the inverse of each other in certain ways as well. Their natures are so alike that if their circumstances had been swapped, they'd probably just become each other.
So, I guess I’m picking up my shovel and digging into this. I wanna examine the ways they’re alike, the key ways they differ, what shapes each of them, and why their intersecting journeys are significant. There’s a lot to unpack and this is gonna be a long post, but if the subject matter sounds interesting to you, then read on.
Their parallels are most evident in Season 4, but are also woven throughout the show. I'm thinking back to 1x07 when Adora explains to Bow and Glimmer what being raised by Shadow Weaver was like and Glimmer, without missing a beat, says: "Okay, sure, Mom stuff." Completely nonchalant, with a casual shrug, as if nothing sounded out of place. All of these characters are impacted by being embattled in a militaristic conflict, of course, but Catra and Glimmer are both getting particular parental experiences from their mother-figures, the only parent in either of their lives. Notably, they don't have the same experience. Angella's a much better mother to Glimmer than Shadow Weaver is to Catra. Shadow Weaver is abusive, manipulative, power-hungry, and especially cruel to Catra above all others. Even when Angella is harsh, she's constructive and supportive.
But both of these children end up with a strong desire to prove themselves on the battlefield. Both want their mothers to be proud of them, to recognize them as worthy. Catra spends the early part of her life suppressing the urge to prove herself, pretending not to care about it while secretly being deeply upset when she finds herself overshadowed by Adora. Glimmer, on the other hand, openly thirsts for opportunities to be a great commander and earn recognition for her accomplishments. They both have somewhat of an inferiority complex as well. Catra comes to decide she doesn't want to be the sidekick. Glimmer is insecure about being the princess who has to recharge.
In 1x08, Glimmer's jealousy toward Bow and Perfuma is essentially a microcosm of a key dimension of Catra's arc for the show. But Glimmer is much quicker to learn the lessons and grow. Due to her experiences, Catra's walls are much harder to break down. I'll swing back around to that point later.
As Season 1 draws to its close, Glimmer and Catra both gain a little more independence, though they do it in very different ways. Catra does what Glimmer wanted to do at the beginning of Season 1. She presents valuable tech and a valuable ally to her commanding officer. Glimmer gets closer to her mother and they both start to understand each other better. Catra defeats her mother-figure in combat. Glimmer and Catra both gain favor in their respective armies and get the much-desired chance to prove themselves in the Battle of Bright Moon.
In 2x02, Glimmer and Bow take Catra hostage and the ways in which these two characters differ are really highlighted. Glimmer is tempted more than once to be as ruthless with Catra as Catra would be with her, but Bow talks her down when push comes to shove. "We're not them." Catra doesn't have a person in her life who talks her down. Not anymore. Catra sees the reliance on friendship among the Rebellion as a weakness. "It's why you're never going to win."
With the environment she grew up in, Catra's understanding of concepts like friendship and love are primarily in relation to power and manipulation. She's quick to seize upon the closeness between Glimmer and Bow as a way to force Glimmer to use up her magic. Catra's own love for Adora is, in the early days, selfish. She doesn't want to share Adora, whether with friends in the Horde or friends in the Rebellion. And it's why she believes that Adora doesn't feel the same way. If Adora wouldn’t take things to the same selfish extremes, then she must not feel what Catra’s feeling. This is what Catra believes because her experiences have given her this very specific, and flawed, understanding of love.
Glimmer's relationship to love is different. She comes from a more supportive environment and even in the rare instance when she does trend toward selfish love, she's more able to accept and understand the flaws of it.
But focusing on 2x02: Glimmer and Catra push each other's buttons. Each of them instinctively knows how to hurt the other one, though Catra is more willing to inflict that hurt. They’re both paying attention and learning each other’s vulnerabilities. The one moment where Glimmer touches a nerve with Catra is: "How did Adora take years of this? She didn't run away from the Horde. She ran away from you." And Catra immediately pushes back: "You think she's not going to leave you behind too, Sparkles?"
It's somewhat telling that Catra sees Glimmer as having taken her place in Adora's life. Again, similar, but not the same. The relationship between Adora and Glimmer is different to the relationship between Adora and Catra, but Catra, with her limited and warped understanding of love, can't tell the difference anymore than she could when Adora first befriended Lonnie. Catra sees Glimmer as having the same place in Adora's life that Catra used to have. And as much as Catra wants, at this point, to tell herself she's over Adora, she's still angry.
So we’re kind of flipping between parallels and inversions, but a key factor starts to become clear at this point. What Catra and Glimmer hate in each other is what they fear in themselves. Glimmer hates that Catra took her as a hostage, but she's also frustrated that she can't be just as cruel when she has Catra as a hostage. She wants to be cruel, and yet she hates herself for wanting it. Catra hates seeing Glimmer step into the role of Adora's sidekick and she mocks the Rebellion for "the power of friendship" because she hates how vulnerable she felt after opening her heart to Adora. She wants a loving relationship, and yet she hates herself for wanting it. Catra and Glimmer see their own perceived flaws, weaknesses, and shortcomings in each other, which is why there's so much friction between them. It's really an interesting concept that develops further as the show goes on.
The next minor point of interest is 2x04. Glimmer sees the primary conflict as being between herself and Catra. It’s not much, just a little look into how Glimmer is thinking about things.
Seasons 2 and 3 are paired together in terms of themes in a way that other seasons aren’t. At the end of Season 2, or midway through the story threads, Catra loses her mother-figure. At the end of Season 3, Glimmer loses her mother. Once again, the circumstances differ. Angella is truly gone, but Shadow Weaver has simply switched sides. Glimmer’s arc going forward is very much driven by Angella’s absence, whereas Catra’s arc is driven by Shadow Weaver’s presence...as an enemy combatant.
And Shadow Weaver doesn’t just join the Rebellion, she starts working her way into Glimmer’s life. Her opening pitch that gets Glimmer to free her plays on a familial connection - the fact that she taught Glimmer’s father. They go to the Fright Zone together and of course they run into Catra, who discovers Shadow Weaver quite literally taking Glimmer by the hand.
All of this sets the stage for Season 4, where the Catra and Glimmer parallels are at their strongest. The two of them become much more similar to each other in this season. Glimmer is now receiving guidance and familial connection from the very person who shaped Catra into the person she is.
Both Catra and Glimmer effectively take control of their respective armies. Glimmer literally becomes queen and, in the very same episode, Catra seats herself on Hordak’s throne. Glimmer is reluctant to take the throne, Catra is eager to. At the end of the episode Catra says to Hordak, “I think you and I are going to do great things together.” This line echoes what Shadow Weaver said to young Micah and baby Adora. And of course Glimmer is also stepping into her mother’s role.
From there, the two of them find themselves on similar paths. In 4x02 they both have the same idea to recover Mara’s ship. In 4x04 Glimmer wants to think like Catra and asks Shadow Weaver to teach her. Glimmer ends up in a fight with Catra and Catra marvels at Glimmer’s tactical decision to use Adora as a decoy. Where Glimmer was previously unwilling to be like Catra, now she’s determined to do anything for victory. And of course the idea to use Adora as a distraction came from Shadow Weaver and Catra’s recognizing this change in Glimmer’s tactics without quite realizing why it should feel familiar.
Some things happen at different times for these two, but there’s so much overlap. Glimmer starts the season dealing with boring meetings and itching to be out in the field, jealous of her friends. For Catra, she starts the season in the field, but as her plans advance she finds herself stuck in the Fright Zone while Hordak does the field work.
Both of them are focused on success, no matter the cost. They both become so stubbornly obsessed with winning the war that it fractures their friendships. They reject all counsel and push away the people who care for them. In spite of being hurt by losing the trust of their friends, they both double down on trying to win, expecting total victory to be the thing that brings them peace of mind, the thing that makes everything worth the cost.
There’s a push and pull between the two of them throughout the season. Neither can succeed in their chosen path without destroying the other. And yet they can’t seem to destroy each other without losing themselves. Metaphorically, destroying each other would mean destroying their own shortcomings, and both of them want those weaknesses and doubts erased, but neither of them can manage to strike the final blow.
Catra gains the upper hand in the war by having Double Trouble work the cracks in Glimmer’s friendships. Glimmer gains the upper hand by having Double Trouble drive a decisive wedge between Catra and Hordak. Double Trouble’s duplicitous allegiances and feigning of friendships are key developments on both sides of the battlefield and their services are weaponized by both Catra and Glimmer to target each other. Double Trouble essentially acts as a messenger, sent from both of these two characters to tear the other one down. Catra and Glimmer personify to each other what they fear in themselves and Double Trouble gives voice to the doubts of both characters, acting on behalf of each of them in turn.
Double Trouble gets to Glimmer by suggesting that Adora is undermining the queen’s authority. They work from an understanding of Glimmer’s genuine desire to be a great queen. However, and this is a key point, when Double Trouble confronts Catra, the tactic is completely flipped. “You try so hard to play the big bad villain, but your heart’s never been in it, has it?” They work from the understanding that Catra’s apparent desire to lead the Horde to victory is not genuine. As opposed to Glimmer, whose heart has always been in it; her heart’s so in it that she becomes blind to the risks of her plans.
Part of Double Trouble’s speech to Catra can apply to Glimmer’s insecurities as well. “They didn’t believe in you, didn’t trust you, didn’t need you, left you. But did you ever stop to think, maybe they’re not the problem? It’s you. You drive them away, Wildcat.” Obviously it applies to Catra, but it also describes what Glimmer has just been through with Bow and Adora. Glimmer and Catra have so many overlapping fears and this messenger sent by Glimmer to throw Catra off balance ends up making this statement that labels Glimmer’s recent mistakes just as accurately as it does Catra’s.
The key difference between the two of them comes down to their hearts being in it. For all the similarities between Catra and Glimmer in Season 4, this climactic moment emphasizes that, for Catra, a lot of it is an affectation, a costume.
Which brings me to an element of the visual storytelling. I recently read an interesting post about the thematic significance of Catra’s mask. I also made my own post about the change to her hair in Season 4. The visual storytelling has many facets in this show. This post is about parallels though, so what I’m focusing on now is the fact that Catra and Glimmer both change their costumes in Season 4. The first scene of 4x01 features the reveal of Glimmer’s new look and the last scene of 4x01 features the reveal of Catra’s.
One of the first things I noticed about Catra’s outfit is that her new black sleeve and shoulder armor are covering the area that was damaged in the portal reality. At a guess, I’d say she wants to guard against feeling whatever that felt like again. Again though, my focus is on parallels. Let’s have a look at their outfits side by side.
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Glimmer’s is essentially an evolution. She’s growing more into herself. She now has both shoulders covered. Hard to say if these shoulder pads are decorative or could serve a protective function. They kind of look metallic. Her legs are newly covered; her neck and chest are newly exposed. There are a few changes to Glimmer’s outfit, but not a lot that’s truly new to her.
For Catra, there are a few new elements in her outfit. The single sleeve, the fingerless gloves, and at the shoulders she seems to have upgraded from fabric to something that looks more like it could be armor. Her legs are more covered than they were in her previous outfit, but there are still small exposed gaps. Her feet were never covered before, but now there’s a partial covering. And there’s also what fandom has dubbed the “boob window,” though this show isn’t one that gives focus to things like cleavage. The new elements for Catra bring her outfit a little bit closer to Glimmer’s.
I’ll be interpreting exposed skin as representing vulnerabilities. Of particular interest to me is the fact that they both wear single sleeves now, one white, one black, and they cover opposite arms. Glimmer has no mask on her face; Catra has no cape covering her back. Glimmer’s boots seem especially enforced at the heel and toe. Catra’s heels and toes are exposed. You know how I’ve been saying that they see their own shortcomings in each other? Now Catra is visibly vulnerable where Glimmer is guarded and vice-versa. The particular asymmetry of the sleeves brings to mind ideas of imbalance, both internally and between them.
Catra’s sleeve looks durable; Glimmer’s sleeve looks decorative. Glimmer’s sleeve leaves a gap of skin exposed below the shoulder pad; Catra’s sleeve covers the full length of her arm. On Glimmer’s unsleeved arm, the glove barely covers her hand; Catra’s glove covers a portion of her forearm. Remember 1x08, that point I said I’d come back to? Glimmer’s quicker to learn the lessons. Catra’s walls are harder to break down. Now it’s visually represented in their outfits.
I’ll reference the visuals as I go on, but let’s get back to thematic analysis. As the Season 4 finale draws to a close, Catra and Glimmer end up together and both have been brought low. Double Trouble has just seen through all of Catra’s walls and read her for absolute filth. Glimmer has to reckon with the fact that her own hubris nearly got everyone she’s been fighting for destroyed. Both have come closer to total victory and closer to total defeat than they’ve ever been. Coming off a string of mistakes and pushing away the people who care about them, they end up together.
Glimmer has the chance to attack a willingly defenseless Catra, but spares her. Moments later, Glimmer is threatened by Horde Prime, but Catra’s intervention saves her. It’s a layered action from Catra, certainly not altruistic, but it saves Glimmer nonetheless. I think something in each of them feels hesitant to see this person, in whom they see their own flaws reflected back at them, destroyed.
And now they’re stuck with each other, quite literally cut off from everyone else. They’re each wrestling with the weight of their own failures and shortcomings, so of course they’re both trapped with the metaphorical representation of everything they never wanted to face in themselves.
They’re together, and yet they’re separated. A barrier stands between them. Catra is at liberty to move about the ship, but there’s nowhere to go and no escaping the watchful gaze of Horde Prime. She’s frustrated by this illusory liberty: “If I’m a prisoner, you might as well make it official.” Glimmer, on the other hand, is in a cell and she wants out, even though there’s nowhere to go. For a brief moment, the barrier is taken down when Catra and Glimmer are invited to dine with Horde Prime. One very effective way to bring people together is to give them a common enemy. They’re only physically together when they’re united in defending themselves against him.
Horde Prime understands the similarities between the two of them and breaks through both of their walls at the same time with the same tactic. “You Etherians are all alike. Such strong connections to one another. It’s what makes you weak.” It’s the unguarded vulnerabilities in Glimmer that poke holes in Catra’s plan of “parsing out information like a bargaining chip.” Though Catra and Glimmer have a common enemy now, they’re not yet coordinated and working with each other.
So we return now to the scene from 5x03 at the top of this post. Even the way it’s framed is significant. The scene could presumably have been presented from the other side, but seeing it from this angle allows me to infer some things about what’s being communicated.
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They start out facing each other and we see their sleeved arms. Neither is quite ready to trust the other, so their walls are up. When they stand face-to-face with what they fear in themselves, they put their guards up. They’re both more-or-less equally guarded and equally vulnerable, but the guarded side is what the show’s creators are showing the audience, as well as what Catra and Glimmer are showing to each other in this moment.
The scenery around the two of them shows a stark contrast. Glimmer’s cell is brightly lit with simple architecture. Much of the space around Catra is dark and complicated.
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As they open up to each other emotionally, they turn back-to-back and we’re shown their unsleeved arms. When they look away from what they fear in themselves, they let their guards down. Both of them lay a hand on their unsleeved arms, almost as if they’re subconsciously worried that they might need their walls at any moment to defend these vulnerabilities.
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Their body language relaxes, though only fractionally in Catra’s case. Glimmer is a little more at ease, but Catra won’t let herself be quite as open and unguarded. Her fingers remain on that unsleeved arm, alert and ready to defend at a moment’s notice.
I’ve talked a bit about walls and defensiveness, but the way these two came to construct their walls is also important. Glimmer and Catra have both experienced hardships in their lives. Both of them grew up with only one close friend. They both felt pressure and a desire to prove themselves and they’ve both endured great tragedy in their young lives. Glimmer has developed more of the emotional tools to work through her pain and begin to heal. Catra is only at the beginning of the healing process and her pain comes from a very different source.
Glimmer spent the majority of her young life believing her father had been killed and then she lost her mother as well. Catra was either given up or orphaned and then taken in by an abusive family. Both experiences were surely traumatic. Catra’s walls are tougher for a reason though. A few reasons. The primary reason is that the source of her fear and pain was also her mother-figure.
Being traumatized by someone who should be on your side is different than other sources of trauma. And because Shadow Weaver is her parent, Catra also bonds with her and wants her approval. This is emotionally confusing and compounds Catra’s issues. Wanting love from Shadow Weaver is one of the reasons Catra hates herself for wanting love at all.
Not only is Catra traumatized by her parent, she also lacks any other parental guidance to help her process her trauma. Glimmer, even after losing her father, still had her mother. It’s after losing her mother that Glimmer really starts to lose balance emotionally. Though Catra had Adora, that kind of comfort is not the same as having the calming influence of a supportive parent to help a child cope with their trauma and assure the child that things will be okay. Further to that are the wedges that Shadow Weaver (and later Light Hope) employed to ensure that Catra and Adora would doubt each other. Then finally, Adora left the Horde and whatever comfort Catra had received from her turned poisonous. This was the thing that threw Catra’s sense of safety into chaos and unraveled any semblance of emotional balance. For much of the show, wanting love from Adora is one of the reasons Catra hates herself for wanting love at all.
This is all a roundabout way of explaining why Catra’s walls are so much thicker than Glimmer’s and why everything around her is dark and complicated. Glimmer has her own walls and coping mechanisms, but they’re constructed differently. Catra is largely driven by defensive panic responses. Glimmer is reactive and even reckless at times, especially after losing Angella, but she’s generally more able to slow down and sort through her feelings. Glimmer’s walls are constructed in such a way that they don’t impede her ability to grow and heal. Glimmer’s walls don’t keep as many things away, but her capacity to let the right people in is the trait that serves her best. The contrast between these two characters speaks volumes.
Season 5 is where Catra and Glimmer begin to learn from each other. They get past the initial reaction of simply being disgusted by seeing what they fear in themselves. They both make some appeals to each other for information and help. The barrier between them comes down again and Catra enters Glimmer’s space.
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The audience is shown both sleeved arms. Walls are up. Catra uses both hands and takes Glimmer by the sleeved arm. The cake is in her unsleeved hand; it was an appeal to her vulnerable side. The full appeal from Catra that acknowledges Glimmer’s walls is the one that actually reaches her and gets Catra the information she wanted. It’s an appeal so strong that it can reach Glimmer through her walls, not just some simple ploy to prey on her softer side.
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“You can’t tell him.” Glimmer uses both hands and takes Catra by the unsleeved arm. This is an appeal to Catra’s vulnerable side. And it echoes something that has previously frustrated Catra. “It’s always the same with you, Adora. I have to do this. Oh-oh, we have to do that.” This appeal to her softer side isn’t enough.
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“Do one good thing in your life.” Glimmer uses both hands and takes Catra by the sleeved arm. The audience is shown both of their unsleeved arms. They’re both vulnerable here. It’s this appeal, which acknowledges Catra’s walls, that reaches her. Catra still reacts in fear, a response pattern that runs deep with her, but the message reaches her through her walls.
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After processing some of her emotions, Catra returns, offering Glimmer her unsleeved arm. This is a vulnerable action from Catra.
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Glimmer takes Catra’s hand with her sleeved arm.
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This is the turning point. They represent each other’s insecurities, each vulnerable where the other defends. Glimmer has the tools to balance out Catra’s vulnerabilities. Glimmer’s sleeved arm meeting Catra’s unsleeved arm is like saying: “I’ve got your back.” If they’re confrontational to each other, or if they ignore each other, they’re both equally defended and equally vulnerable. But if they stand side by side...
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...they can compensate for each other’s vulnerabilities. They embrace and understand the insecurities they were afraid of and together they have the tools to present a balanced front that can protect them both. Neither one of them was going to be able to succeed alone, but together they can accomplish more.
Catra knew where the teleporter was and could have escaped on her own, but that would not be success. As Glimmer pointed out, even if Catra runs away it won’t matter when Horde Prime destroys the universe. As Catra pointed out, Adora would still come to rescue Glimmer. It’s their combined knowledge that leads to the solution.
Getting Glimmer out is the key, but Glimmer is unable to do this alone. Catra has the knowledge of the teleporter, Catra has the knowledge as well as the physical combat skills necessary to overpower the clones, and Catra has to be the one to take down the barrier that divides the two of them. Only Catra is in a position to achieve this. In terms of emotional metaphors, Glimmer is ready to let Catra in, but that fact alone isn’t enough. Catra has to be willing as well.
And the plan succeeds. It’s Catra’s most vulnerable action yet and she stands willing to sacrifice herself. Catra sends Glimmer, this metaphorical representation of her own insecurities, to Adora. This action is the very thing that ultimately saves Catra. She’s stuck with Horde Prime and her defenses are all ripped away, but it’s this show of vulnerability that affords Adora and company the opportunity to come in prepared and save this defenseless cat. Glimmer’s willingness to forgive Catra is significant for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that Catra is the party most responsible for the conditions that led to Angella’s sacrifice, and Glimmer cites Catra sacrificing herself on Horde Prime’s ship as the reason she’s willing to help Adora go back and save Catra.
And once she’s saved, when Catra next gets the liberty to determine her own outfit, as she treads a path of vulnerability and learning to follow her heart...
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...the sleeve and fingerless gloves are gone. The costume she put on when she took her seat on Hordak’s throne has fallen away. That’s not who she wants to be anymore. Now she’s ready to start on the path of growing more into herself.
The push and pull contentious relationship between Catra and Glimmer has reached its conclusion, but there are still a few moments of interest. In 5x08, there are several instances where Catra questions what seem to be tactically unsound decisions from the Rebellion and they shrug off the concerns. Near the end of the episode, it’s Glimmer who questions the tactics and Catra who shrugs it off. This shows that they’re both getting more comfortable with each other and also both getting more comfortable with the parts in themselves that make them similar to each other.
In 5x10, when Catra finds herself in trouble, trapped and confronted with rising water, she calls Glimmer, knowing now that Glimmer is someone she can trust when she comes up against the limits of her own vulnerabilities.
In 5x12, Catra goes to Bow and Glimmer, looking for Adora. Glimmer informs Catra that Adora left them behind. Catra says: “Of course she’s gone. That’s what she does, isn’t it?” Glimmer was caught off guard by this, but Catra has recognized this vulnerability in Glimmer since Season 2. “You think she’s not going to leave you behind too, Sparkles.” This time Catra’s not just here criticize; she’s here to help. She warns Bow and Glimmer about Horde Prime’s plans and volunteers herself to take over helping Adora. Glimmer comes up against the limit of her vulnerabilities, but she can tag in Catra to help her now.
In the literal sense, this shows the value of letting other people in. In the metaphorical sense, it shows the value of accepting oneself. Learning from others, finding the common ground, gives us a fuller understanding than we can achieve on our own. No one can do everything alone, but working with people who are skilled where we come up short, guarded where we are vulnerable, and open where we are closed off is what unlocks the potential to accomplish things that would have otherwise been impossible.
I love that message, but I also love the metaphorical message. Glimmer and Catra have repeatedly seen in each other the things they were afraid of in themselves. Hating each other is tantamount to hating themselves and their acceptance of each other is tantamount to accepting themselves, which makes both of them more well-rounded and helps them to move forward.
And those lessons, to me, are among the most significant things about their intersecting journeys. They accept the differences in each other, they recognize the similarities in each other, and they come together to build each other up. It’s at once a journey of learning to accept others and a journey of learning to accept themselves. They learn that greeting their shortcomings with anger is ultimately self-destructive, ignoring these vulnerabilities is perilous, and it’s only through acceptance that they can begin to understand themselves, compensate for their limitations, and better themselves.
They each look into a mirror, see their own insecurities staring back at them, then decide to give that person a hug and say: “I’ve got your back.”
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zodiactalks · 3 years
Understanding Gemini Woman
Conversations are meant to be exciting things. There is no better woman to enjoy random banter with than the Gemini woman. This energetic, charming individual is bound to entertain you for days. The Gemini woman’s seemingly airy personality is attributable to her sign being an air sign. Want to understand this absolute joy of a woman a bit more? Watch on as we delve deeper into the various aspects that make up a Gemini woman.
In this video, we will talk about personality traits, likes/dislikes, love, relationships, career, money, friendships, fashion, style and a lot more of Gemini Woman.
Personality Traits of Gemini Woman
There exists no amount of words that can fully describe the personality of a Gemini Woman. She is flamboyant, and extra to say the list.
#1. Energetic
A Gemini woman will breathe life into any situation thanks to her insane amounts of energy. She loves the great outdoors and is up for any amount of fun. The best way to describe the amount of energy housed within this zodiac sign is to liken it to that of a two year old.
#2. Flexible
Gemini women are go with the flow kind of individuals. They tend to be comfortable no matter their surroundings. Every zone is a comfort zone. Their flexibility and adaptability to various situations not only make them great people to be around but opens doors to opportunities others would easily shy away from.
#3. Intelligent
Gemini women tend to attract people due to their enjoyable conversations. Their love for books and inquisitive nature allows them to gain knowledge on various subject matters.
#4. Witty
A sense of humour comes naturally to the Gemini woman. Witty comments are second nature. Do not be surprised if your comments are met by a witty retort from this ball of energy. Her intelligent and curious nature gives her context for almost every situation or context she finds herself in.
#5. Adventurous
It really is no surprise that Gemini women are adventurous and outgoing. They are curious about all things life. They will experiment with anything at least one time. The Gemini woman’s bucket list is therefore bound to be full of fun adventures
#6. Indecisive
Making even the simplest of decisions can be a tall order for the Gemini woman. She tends to overthink things leading them to develop unwarranted anxiety about everything. It’s probably not the wisest of choices to rely on her to make decisions that are time sensitive in nature.
#7. Impulsive
The flexibility of a Gemini is a double edged sword as it makes them equally impulsive. The fact that they are comfortable in almost any environment makes them up and leave without giving much thought to their actions. Better have a backup plan if you are reliant on a Gemini woman to come through for you.
Likes & Dislikes of Gemini Woman
The Gemini woman likes to have fun. She is constantly seeking the next thrill. Good company, a good book and a good conversation are amongst her most favourite things to do. Her bubbly personality makes it easy for her to interact with almost everyone. Socializing and making friends is therefore another of her favourite things to do. Traveling in search of one adventure or the other is an enjoyable activity. If you are looking for a travel buddy then the Gemini woman might just be the one for you.
Gemini women, just like their Aquarius sisters, value their freedom. They are creative and like to push boundaries. Trying to restrict their freedom and creativity in any way is bound to cause friction with them. They dislike dull conversations and engagements. Routine is also a major don’t for these women. Their free spirited nature will not allow them to be bogged down by a predetermined life.
Gemini Woman in Love and Relationships
Love is a beautiful thing that transforms even the dullest of persons into glowing individuals. This is no different for the Gemini woman. Her seemingly flighty nature makes settling down for her a rather difficult decision. However, once made, she will devote herself to you. The downside to dating a Gemini woman is that she bore easily. She likes adventure and loves to discover things. She has a full and vibrant social life. Be ready to deal with this the constant invites to social events and her changing pleasures.
Jealousy and possessiveness has no place in a relationship with this air sign. Her independence and intelligence will not allow her to be comfortable in a possessive and controlling relationship. She is quick to distance herself from relationships that seem to dim he light.
Sex with the Gemini woman is bound to be interesting. She is experimental in this department as she is with every other thing in life. If she wants you, there is no way not to know as she will simply make clear as day.
Gemini Woman in Career and Money
The energy, eloquent communication and creativity of a Gemini woman makes her well suited for a career in the creative arts, performing arts, communications and law industries. She loves to shine and as such, she is not afraid of the lime light.
A career in sales and marketing will suit her just fine. She loves talking to and interacting with different people. This together with her excellent communication skills make her a sales and marketing force like no other. Her interactions with and understanding of different types of people gives her the competitive edge when it comes to selling since she knows the right heart strings to tag at.
Her relationship with money is a rather fleeting one. This is not to mean that she doesn’t easily come into money, she does. It is her impulsive spending that makes this a fleeting relationship. While saving is an option that she is well capable of pulling off, the Gemini woman would much rather spend her money in pursuit of happiness. She is also generous and will not hesitate to come to the aid of those that need her.
Gemini Woman in Friendships
Friendships come easy to the Gemini woman. She is intelligent and has a wealth of knowledge about almost every topic. Interacting with people from varying backgrounds is therefore a breeze for her. She is fun and energetic. Hanging out with her is a fun filed and adventurous experience.
A Gemini woman is a social creature and as such she has a wide circle of friends. She plays a crucial role within her friendship circles as she is often the advisor and mediator of the group. She easily understands people and will seek out both sides of the story before passing judgement.
To maintain a lasting friendship with her, you need to be able to keep up with her energy. Just like in a romantic relationship, a friendship with a Gemini woman requires one to stimulate her mentally and engage her intellect. The next time you are looking for someone to bring energy, fun and lots and lots of love into your life, try befriending a Gemini woman.
Fashion & Style of Gemini Woman
A Gemini woman’s fashion sense is as quirky, eclectic and flamboyant as her personality. Being an expressive woman keen on communication, her outfits are an extension of her communication tools. Her choice in fabrics, accessories, colours, bags, and shoes will be her way of expressing her thoughts and feelings.
Trying to pin down her fashion sense to just one style is rather difficult. She dresses in the pieces that work for her mind and body. She is known for being ahead of trends and adapting trends to her own style.
Jewellery is a must have for her. Neck pieces while welcome, are not part of her top priority as far as accessories go. Bangles, bracelets and rings are a different case. It is very rare to spot a Gemini woman without any bling on her hands. This is because her hands are important as she uses them to express herself. So why not make these tools of communication attention grabbing?
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tandv · 3 years
So true what you said about ships!!! I remember being pissed off at Grey’s Anatomy because all couples kept breaking up and in an adult show that was just annoying. I want to see some people in their 30s and 40s being together until the end of the show, with all the real life challenges and ups and downs etc. And then Riverdale where characters have the right age to do dumb shit was just SO BORING. I think maybe they were just too absorbed by the mystery plots to develop relationship drama enough. Same with friendships tbh, Veronica & Betty and Jughead & Archie were supposed to be best friends but there was barely time to see that unfolding and growing (especially the girls).
(I am happy that Nancy Drew (not sure if you watch it) switched its main couple through season 1. I was bracing myself for more show-long commitment but apparently we can still be surprised.)
I just think in the case of Riverdale they really could have spent more time switching ships earlier on so that having long lasting relationships even later in high school if not in adulthood would have been more effective?
Look at Gossip Girl they didn’t stay with the same partners the whole time and yet they ended up with their most popular pairing. And love or hate their “endgames” at least we knew that they dated other people and they ultimately chose the partner they felt the most connected to in the long run.
A pairing like Choni where Cheryl assumably never dated anyone else as an adult is just really boring to me. I wanted her to have lived a life outside of Toni and not been cooped up inside her adult years and then when the reconcile it’ll be as new and improved versions of themselves because we know hey they have been with other people and experienced life outside of this one pairing and they still found their way back. That would be far more satisfying as a tv viewer to me idk.
And the Varchie/Bughead/Choni situation where even when they did break them up, they either got back together within a few episodes or in Veronica and Archie’s case; their new partners were never intended to be treated like they mattered to them and were easily ended when it was convenient. Which was so frustrating.
There was no reason to end Veronica and Reggie just because Archie came back. And they were like “oh they weren’t even dating it was just hooking up”
The show didn’t tell us that until Archie was back and suddenly she was like oh yeah I love Archie actually Soz.
And I think Toni and Jughead could have actually dated properly in season 2, established them as friends and then dated and then broke up later on. It would have given their storyline’s a better longevity and established Toni as a character before being Cheryl’s girlfriend. And made sure Toni had real connections outside of being her love interest. It could have really given a good insight into the serpents to have them both be a focus (this only works if Toni was treated important in that storyline and not just substituting Cheryl for Jughead obviously)
Barchie should have happened in high school and not as a cheating storyline. It should have happened as an in between relationship of bughead and varchie’s break ups. Either while Veronica was with Reggie or Jughead and Toni. Or whoever else.
Then as adults they could have gone back to them or focused on bughead or varchie or whatever other new love interests and combinations.
I think the reason why so many people got sick of the main ships was because there was never a change. It was always catering to the shippers of those ships.
And yes I agree to an extent that those ships are important and a crucial part of the show. And I’ve enjoyed them for the most part even with criticisms along the way.
But I also think that if they’d broken up and not for the sake of it, for a reason that actually added to the plot, and given different ships more opportunities to further the plot by creating fresh and new dynamics. Then the friction in the fandom right now wouldn’t be so jarring.
I also think the reason why it hurts the shippers of the main three pairings is because the show got too used to just having them together for so long that it became the norm. Everyone who ships them got so used to their pairing being together that now going cold turkey and not even having a friendship between them is something that hurts because it’s never happened.
The show sucks at writing friendships and like you said, they could have put in so much more effort into using those friendships and dynamics to make the storyline’s better but they really got into a rut and stopped knowing how to write relationships outside of the ones they already are too lazy to focus on outside of the case driven episodes.
And as for greys I agree! I mean especially with characters like Lexie and Mark who could have been fine without all the break ups. And they’re right now trying to make Meredith get into another triangle? Like why? She’s a middle aged woman with kids she doesn’t need a love triangle. Just pick one and work on it. There is no reason to be giving middle aged characters the same nonsense that 20 year olds go through. Like if your only solution to adding drama to relationships are cheating and triangles then you need some new writers lol
(I don’t watch Nancy Drew but I’m glad they’re shaking it up early on aha)
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
So we get a RWBY version of Thor (and possibly reformation of JNPR) vs Loki fight in the Volume 7 finale? Nice!
…Umm…maybe?If you’re referring to Neo versus Noraspecifically in that sense then perhaps? I dunno.
Thissquiggle meister is still waiting oncertain things that were alluded both during and prior to this season. I’mstill waiting on this super-duper bad thing that Neo will do to upset the FNDMand I’m still waiting for the payoff of all the Ren and Nora bits from thisseason. Somehow my theory still remains that the horrible thing Neo will do will be to mortally wound Nora.Somehow I’m still banking on the idea of Neo disguising herself as Nora to foilRen but by the time Ren figures this out, Neo had already made the move to killhim only for Nora to come out of nowhere and shield Ren.
Orworse…Neo disguises herself as Renmaking Nora believe it’s her beloved boyfriend only for Neo to stab Nora right throughthe heart from behind as the real Ren looks on in horror. Perhaps this way, it can lead into thePLOT finally revealing what they’ve been teasing all season with Ren and hissemblance. Unless that’ll have nothing to do with the Neo fight and will bereserved for a later volume in the Atlas Trilogy (like V8 or V9).
Don’tget me wrong. I don’t want Nora to be killed off nor do I want her to be hurtat all. However I do think it’ll be pretty messed up if Neo does something likethat---using the face of the boy Nora loves to deliver a killing blow to herright before Ren’s very eyes. That would be very tragic, especially given thebit of development that Renora had for this season. Again, not expecting Norato be killed off---especially since Jaune will be right there to heal her.
Unless…the wicked thing Neo does is pull a Helafrom Thor: Ragnarok and slashes Nora across her face, causing herto lose an eye like her Marvel counterpart.
Doubtthis will actually happen in the canon. Nonetheless, I’ve heard so many “Nora will die” theories and “Ruby will lose an eye” theories that Ihave yet to hear any depicting the possibility of Nora surviving for manyseasons to come but at the expense of losing one of her eyes. Possibly even goingthrough a slight personality changeas a result of this event---becoming more sombre as a result of the trauma oflosing her eye leading to more friction (and growth) in her relationship withRen while simultaneously serving for more development on Nora’s part since weare expected to learn her story at some point.
Rememberhow Nora made a big point about Ren talking to her about his real feelings---imagine the reverse scenario where Norabecomes depressed following her lossagainst Neopolitan (and the loss of her eye) mirroring Yang at the end of V3where she becomes reclusive and even refuses the company and solace of Ren whotries to get Nora to open up to him only this time she just spitefully lashesback at him for never opening up to her about what he was going through for V7.
Thistype of scenario can even present the chance for Yang and Nora to bond. I remember reading somewhere that allegedly Yang still suffers from herPTSD of losing her arm to Adam in spite of his death (and in spite of the shownever truly highlighting that at all).
It’dbe curious if Nora is to go through this traumatizing ordeal, losing a part ofherself (potentially leading to her awakening repressed memories of her pastbefore she met Ren in Kunoyuri; sparked by this sudden new trauma) only to haveYang of all people---someone who survived her own fair share of traumas and hadto learn to basically reboot her lifewhile learning to cope with a physical disability---to be there as an aid toNora.
Ironicallyenough, Yang and Nora are pretty much the bigsister figures or den motherswithin their respective teams. Outside of Ruby and Jaune and the time Rubyspent travelling with JNR back during the Mistral Arc, very rare do we see thismixing of the two teams.
Mostof time, it’s mainly just Ruby seen socializing with JNR outside of her ownteam and I think part of that was owed to her time spent with them after theFall of Beacon. Although, V7 did give us our first look of Weiss hanging out withJaune (and Oscar) for the first time since…well…ever. But it works here givenJaune and Weiss’ history from the previous seasons.
Thisleaves Yang and Blake and Ren and Nora---ironically the two “close pairs” within their respectiveteams. I know Ren and Nora have been confirmed to be a couple but…I still wishto use the term ‘couple’ loosely in regards to the Bees since nothing reallyhas been confirmed yet, in spite of all the nods to it this season. Oddlyenough, I’ve seen folks parallel Bumblebeeto our Flower Power duo.
Wehave yet to really see Yang and Blake interact with Ren and Nora outside oftheir respective teams. Hence why I like this hunch of mine of Nora and Yangdeveloping a close friendship after Yang chips in to help Nora with her traumaas described in my headcanon.
Itcreates a window of opportunity for friendship dynamics that haven’t beenexplored before between these four characters beyond the fact that they are the“ships” within their teams, y’know what I mean?
Surewe got Ren and Nora discussing Blake and Yang’s relationship in V7CH6, as awkwardly as it was executed but…therecould be more substance to that.I know Renora and Bumblebee are the “pairs” of JNPR 2.0 and RWBYrespectively; however their characterizations are more than just the fact thatthey are the supposed couples withintheir circle of friends; y’know what I mean?
Ifsomething game changing were tohappen to Nora for this season---something that could potentially alter her andcharacter moving forward while simultaneously affecting her relationship withher friends/teammates and her relationship with her boyfriend Ren---I’m justsaying that it could be cool if it additionally paves the road for a friendshipto spark between her and Yang, of all people.
IfNora does suffer some trauma, it’d be interesting to see her and Yang bond foronce over a topic like that. Not to mention that it would be nice to see Blakeand Ren interact for the first time and bond over being the close companions tothe traumatized individual and having to deal with how to approach saidindividual when they feel like they don’t know how it.
IfNora is suffering and Ren becomes frustrated since he feels like he doesn’tknow how to communicate his feelings and concerns to her, it’d be interestingto see Blake be the one to approach him with advice on that using herexperience with Yang after returning from Menagerie.
I’mjust saying it could be an interesting take. But then again, I’m just spouting jibberjab over here. This wasn’t even the point of your message anon-chan XD Either way, I’m just saying, certainideas---particularly ones surrounding Nora---could potentially be cool since itcan open doors for her to grow more as a character while in turn strengtheningher relationship with the people around her---particular her boys (Jaune andOscar) and her boyfriend---Ren. Just saying. Doubt it will actually happen but…aye,it could’ve been a cool idea.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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darley1101 · 5 years
Before you read any further you should know that this post is going to contain be incredibly personal and it might be triggering for those dealing with depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders etc. I am not sharing this for any reason other than most of the time I feel like I’m screaming at the top of my lungs and nobody hears me. I also wanted to let others who might feel the same know that they’re not alone. I have placed a read more and if you choose to click it then please know this isn’t fiction, this isn’t fluff...this is me being real and my real isn’t pretty.
Most people who meet me, either online or in person, think I am this kind, helpful person who always has a smile. While I do try to be kind and helpful don’t let the smile fool you. I wear the smile so people won’t see that I am barely holding it together, that I’m nothing but an emotional wreck, that I’m broken beyond repair. 
The first time I tried to kill myself I was 13. My life had imploded in ways I still don’t want to discuss. Instead of counseling, I was shipped off for part of the summer with family friends. In some ways it was better than sitting in an office staring at some stranger. These were people who had loved me for most of my life and had always made me feel important. Those three weeks after the ‘incident’ were no exception. They loved me, tried to make me see how important I was not just to them but to my family. They listened when I struggled to put into words why I felt suicide was an option. When I went home it was with the mindset everything would be okay. And for the next year or so it was. We even moved, which looking back I think my mother did it because of me. Not because she was ashamed of my actions but because at that time attempted suicide wasn’t understood and she thought a fresh start would help. 
Summer wasn’t too bad. Nor was school. I was a bit of a zombie though. Unless someone made the effort I didn’t see the point in trying. Why should I? They would just turn on me or use me or drop me for someone better. I put up walls that were so high only our family cat could over them. When my mom had another job opportunity it didn’t bother me. I wasn’t leaving anyone important behind. Our new town was small; like the picture perfect ones you see on post cards. I hated it. I hated our new house. I hated the school. I hated my classmates. And I hated the extra weight I had gained. I hated it so much that I tried starving myself. If I hadn’t developed horrific headaches I probably would have continued down that path. (Looking back, its kind of funny that my mom noticed the headaches but not the lack of eating. She will tell you it isn’t the least bit funny, that she feels like she dropped the ball. She didn’t. She was a single mom doing the best she could by working full time and I was a broken teenager who had gotten really good at hiding things.) Since starving didn’t work, I turned to throwing up. It seemed to do the trick. The pounds melted away, there were no headaches, and I was still able to eat in front of others. (Guys, if you have friends who eat and then immediately get up to go to the bathroom check on them. Sometimes it really is this need to go but sometimes it is something more. My high school best friend still feels guilty for not catching on) I went from a sad dumpling to a slender girl that people noticed. On the outside I seemed to be finally getting it all together. I made the cheer squad. I had a boyfriend I thought loved me. He didn’t. He left me even more broken than before. 
Enter suicide attempt number two. It wasn’t intentional...except maybe it was? A friend of mine lived on this amazing farm where they had this great pond with a tire swing over it. His dad had one rule. Stay off the east side of the pond, there were too many weeds and we could get tangled. In true teenage fashion not everyone listened. I don’t remember if I intentionally swam over there or not but I do remember the weeds wrapping around my arm and screaming because i thought it was a snake. screaming under water is pointless. Nobody can hear you and you end up taking in a lot of water. I fought it for a brief moment before realizing if I let myself drown my mom wouldn’t have to face the shame of her daughter committing suicide. I stopped fighting. My friend had noticed something wasn’t right though and saved me. I tried to act scared, like I didn’t know what to do..but it was a lie and my friend seen through it. He hugged me and reminded me that HE had noticed I was gone. 
I started college shortly after that. It was exciting, scary, and a real chance to move forward. One professor noticed I wasn’t as social as I could be so she suggested I attend one of the dances that the college was hosting. I didn’t want to go but I let another girl talk me into it. Plus, if it got me bonus points with a professor then hey, why not! I wish I had stayed in my dorm. Back then, in the late 90′s, they didn’t talk about watching your drinks or each other. The extent of being aware was don’t go home with strangers and asking permission before kissing...not sex, just kissing. There was no funny taste and nothing to alarm me until I woke up half naked with a guy I didn’t know. I remember crawling out of his bed, crying, and his roommate coming in. His roommate couldn’t even look at me but he did whisper you need to report this. My roommate said the same thing. It was hard walking over to the dean’s office. I stood there, by myself because they wouldn’t let me friend go in with me, telling him what happened. What he said would stay with me for the rest of my life. I should have stayed home. I shouldn’t have worn jeans that tight or a cropped top. Did I really want to pursue this? Even though he was trying to shame me, I did want to pursue it. I’d only ever been with my high school boyfriend and sex wasn’t something I just did. It meant something to me and that boy had stolen it from me. The dean rolled his eyes and then wrote me up for being intoxicated on campus and for consuming alcohol while under age. I had done neither but it didn’t matter. I received a $300 fine and my rapist a slap on the wrist for ‘not making certain the girl was 100% sure.’ He was a star athlete. I was just a stupid girl who who went to a dance.
That experience shaped the rest of my freshmen year and most of my sophomore year as well. If they were going to just take it, why not just give it them? I was only able to have that mentality for a short period of time because it wrecked me in ways I can’t describe. Some people can have emotionless sex, and kudos to them, but I’m not one of them. At the end of sophomore year I re-connected with an old friend. It was the breath of air I needed. Over the summer we grew closer and eventually wound up dating. By the time school started we had moved in together. By fall we took a road trip and eloped. I got pregnant right away. It was exciting but scary because this meant I had to stop making myself throw up. Yes, i was still doing that. It had become the one thing in my life that I could control. His family hated me. I didn’t understand it. It caused a lot of friction in our otherwise great relationship. He stood up for me though, helped me through cutting myself off from vomiting, and became the anchor I so desperately needed.
Fast forward twenty years, two kids. Lots of ups and downs. We made it through though. Or did we? That seemed to be the question. People change when they get married so young. You can either embrace those changes or.... We started discussing the ‘or.’ It scared me and it brought back all those feelings of being not good enough Combine that with a relative posts about another relative passing away and the childhood trauma that sparked the first suicide attempt resurfaces. I couldn’t take it. All those posts about how wonderful they had been, when I knew the truth... well I couldn’t handle it. Instead of talking, I tried to over dose on pills. When that didn’t work, I considered hanging myself. I even got as far as making the noose when I realized what i was doing. I called a friend. I knew if I didn’t there would be no stopping myself. That friend was @blackcatkita actually and I made up some excuse about wanting to talk about fics. I don’t think I ever told her the truth behind that phone call but discussing punctuation and whether or not I should continue writing saved my life. So did @hellospunkiebrewster  and @debramcg1106 when they each randomly text me to ask how I was. Both of my kids have been a big help too. I should clarify that they’re not little, they’re college age and capable of honest conversations about this. I won’t lie and say that I am better. I think this will always be a struggle. I do have a strong support system in place. Between my friends (they know who they are) and my husband (we’re good, embracing the changes and enjoying getting to know each other again) When I feel myself teeter tottering I try to distract myself with writing or plotting or caring for my foster kittens. If you follow me for my writing, well now you know why there are delays. 
Before I close this out the reason I decided to share this is I spent years feeling alone.I don’t want anyone to feel that way. Please know you’re not alone. I’m here. Others are here. 
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comicteaparty · 4 years
January 11th-January 17th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from January 11th, 2020 to January 17th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What’s an unplanned idea you had through your story part way through that forced you to change things?  How did everything go?
eli [a winged tale]
After my beta feedback there were some characters that needed further fleshing out with stakes and relationships. Therefore I had to change some backstories to make certain interactions impactful. Thankfully im at the start so nothing i had to go back and fix. I did think of some alternative openings should the comic goes to print but that can be future me’s worries
simultaneously very little and a huge amount, lol. in terms of big story beats, they've pretty much all stayed the same since i first started planning the comic. the twists have been set up and paid off and the like. but there's a bunch of things i've improv'd at the last minute. one notable example that was pretty well-received - in book 2 chapter 4, taci has a fear of puns (basically only shown in facial expressions and a single comment from mizuki towards the end of the fight). this was added because... otherwise the fight at the end of that chapter is just a bunch of walking around in near-identical dark tunnels. the way the fight ends is fun, but the fight itself isn't really anything. with taci having a reason to be afraid of coruby, the fight has more stakes & entertainment value, and it makes coruby feel much more interesting as a character. another huge example is the love triangle in book 1 - in that in the script, it was non-existent. mizuki being into girls was originally only gonna be introduced in book 2 (guess where), and the relationship between cahe and pejiba was going to advance with no real competition (besides bullets). it was gonna be mentioned in like book 3 that she had a thing for pejiba, but nothing in book 1 itself. (similarly to the pun thing, you may notice that mizuki being into pejiba isn't referenced at all in the dialogue besides pejiba saying "i know what mizuki thinks of me" which is kinda vague. i... don't like changing scripts last-minute lol.)
Not gonna lie, everything I do is entirely unplanned. I focus a lot on improvised comedy and what feels right 'at the moment', and considering I write scripts way in advance, sometimes it leads to jokes falling flat when I read them again a few months later. Which is all fine, honestly, it's part of the process. The main unplanned idea for My Husband is a Cultist was turning it from a 12 page one-shot into a fully fledged webcomic, now with 3 chapters and more to come. It was very 'on a whim', and from that very first chapter I came up with more silly ideas. And the more I talked to friends, the more ideas I had for chapters. So the biggest change personally was going from a pure slice-of-life comedy and spending time actually building the world around it so that there was structure to the chaos. I'm still working on it all. I now have an underlying plot that I'm hoping to explore, and I have the arcs planned out way in advance. So it's wild that I went from 'random ideas spewed on a document' to 'I now have a plot and several arcs to cover'. That being said, I still come up with a lot of things on the fly, so I'm changing things constantly as I go and hoping that there aren't too many inconsistencies!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
One of the most important story elements of Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/) came up early in the second chapter, when I was asking myself some more questions about the world - and came upon a crucial opportunity. Luckily I didn’t have to change too much to make it work, and while it didn’t really change the plot, it upped the emotional stakes 100-fold. Which is just what I wanted. In this world, I have a big naval force, of which my heroine is (was?) the future leader - but with relative peace and cooperation between the different island nations, who the heck does the navy fight? Pirates? Eh, maybe. But vanilla pirates have been done to death, and while they can be awesome, I wanted to do something different. I wanted to tie them into the world’s supernatural element - while strongly avoiding the Pirates of the Caribbean cursed-buccaneer aesthetic. I decided to tie them to a particular blight that affects some of the characters - so as to up their stakes and better convey why they’re societal outcasts. And finally, I wanted to give them a freaking awesome name, something both nautical and supernatural. Thus, for those reading - the Fata Morgana. What didn’t even exist at the beginning of the second chapter is now an absolutely crucial story element, and I’m so happy they came into the picture. They’ve changed everything for the better. This is one reason why I resigned myself to revealing the world in bits and pieces - I’m revealing it to myself as I go along, too. It helps to be slow sometimes
eli [a winged tale]
The Fata Morgana introduction in the story was A W E S O M E! I’m so glad you have them in the story and looking forward to that amped up stakes!
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I think the biggest example would be the last-minute inclusion of Jonathan as a main character in my comic Dark Wings: Eryl (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/dark-wings-2/). I had originally planned for him to be a temporary character that we said goodbye to at the end of Chapter 5. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised the main travelling party needed another character to balance things out. I was really struggling with planning future scenes because the pool of characters felt too small. I also realised that I had developed Jonathan’s character quite a lot for him to be dropped so early. So halfway through drawing chapter 5, I rewrote the second half and he’s now a major part of the cast.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
A second example is Anor in my other comic, Children of Shadow: Ashes (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/cos/). He was originally written as a far less sympathetic character. In fact, he was going to be a borderline antagonist who only became sympathetic close to the end. But my characters often do things I don’t expect, and as I was planning the story, he and one of the other main characters, Rava, started falling for each other. I honestly loved this, and so I reworked the entire story to make Anor part of the main cast and much more sympathetic. He’s still a tsundere, and at the point where the story is now, still in constant friction with Rava, but I feel he’s now a much stronger character and is contributing a great deal more to the story than when he was a vaguely ominous frenemy in the original draft.
ooooo I am intrigued by this factoid about Anor
re: unplanned story elements, in Chirault..... [spoilers obviously] Ridriel and Trillia being sisters was something that hit me out of the blue about halfway through the story, and I immediately reworked a lot of things to make it happen http://chirault.sevensmith.net/(edited)
In ghost Junk... We actually avoided a major character death and had revised it literally a chapter before it happened!! We had everything written out right the the very end, but were seeing the readers reactions and reflected on the importance/and if it was absolutely necessary! So with that said, we saved the character, and kept the necessary impact and growth that it was to bring, and honestly- I'm so happy we did it
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@varethane Yeah, Anor’s character has evolved a LOT since the first draft.
With Blackblood, we actually created the 2nd and 3rd chapters and then thought we wanted a chapter ahead of those as sort of a prologue to give some world building and lore elements haha. Worked out well i think! https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/blackblood/list?title_no=300252(edited)
Erin Ptah (BICP 🎄 Leif & Thorn)
This is kind of the opposite, since I did the "include a new thing in the story" part first, and that's what forced me to come up with a previously-unplanned idea to explain it... In Leif & Thorn, I had a character drop a reference to "that country doesn't allow interspecies marriages" before there's any canon reference to nonhuman species that human characters might want to marry. ...and even I didn't know what that species was going to be. Had some vague idea about revealing that mermaids existed, but in my head I never managed to integrate them with the rest of the plot or the worldbuilding real well. A few months later, I finally remember that I like drawing Tiny People (not like hobbit-size, think Borrowers-size), and realize this is the perfect setting to have a Tiny People Species! Now I get to come up with plot-based excuses to draw them wherever/however I want. Plus it opens up a whole new mine of jokes: https://leifandthorn.com/comic/somethings-cooking-26-29/
Can't for the life of me remember where I got this quote from, but there's an author who, when readers would ask for details about future developments in her books, would only give answers with the disclaimer "I reserve the right to have a better idea." Words to live by.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Damn, I love that quote.
Admittedly there isn't a whole lot I've changed, maybe a couple small things here and there, but major stuff has been the same since I started. During the very beginning of the planning phase Daniel wasn't even going to be in the story and Julian was going to be homeless, but I wasn't quite satisfied with it. The story would have been too short, contrived and the resolution didn't feel satisfying. After some brainstorming and reflection on my feelings on certain experiences I've had, I added Daniel and 'The Guide to a Healthy Relationship' as it is kinda fell into place. It's weird thinking about how important Daniel is in spite of how new a character he is. Usually it takes me a little time to build one up before throwing them into a story, they gotta age like a fine wine first, but he popped out all ready to use like one week hooch.
Not sure if it counts, but I've also made changes to future parts of my comic. Like recently, even though I know what the ending is, I put a more final image in my head on what the final frame will look like. Also I changed an event that will happen at some point revolving around Apollo and his friends. Originally something skeevy was going to happen with Brandon and Apollo involving video uploads, and a homemade contract that was signed with Apollo was drunk. I thought it was too... I dunno, stupid? impractical? So I changed it to Julian was going to (unwillingly) attend a party at Brandon's (Apollo's friend) apartment, then some big, jealousy induced fight happens where Julian gets kicked out and Apollo feels bad. I didn't like that either, felt too reaching, so I'm going with another event that is a little out there but does happen in real life and something I have done some good research on.
Gonna be as vague as possible because it's spoilers.
Surprising myself is pretty much every step of my writing process. For good or bad.
I do plan things in advance, but find that sometimes things aren't what they seemed from 15 chapters ago.
I think what it is is this particular comic is such a visual story. I could plan out my previous comic with far greater accuracy. That comic was more dialog-driven; you could convert it into an audio drama with minimal changes, and it would still make sense. Whereas my current comic, you can't turn it into an audio drama without very VERY extensive changes (not even sure if possible... Many silent scenes). So I need to actually draw the pages to feel it out. And I can't draw out of order. Brain just won't that way.(edited)
totally agree with you @keii4ii sometimes u have to actually draw it out to get a feel for it. when i write out all the dialogue for my chapters i feel like it always ends up coming out so stiff, thats why i prefer to let it flow naturally and if something happens that i didnt account for just roll with it and adjust the story accordingly
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I'm kind of weird about always needing to know exactly how many pages a chapter is going to have, so I script right down to the panel. It can create flow problems on occasion, so I wish sometimes I could plan my pages more visually, but my brain just doesn't work that way. >< It's a good thing my stories mostly rely on dialogue because they're pretty much novels in comic form.(edited)
When planning a scene at the end of Chapter 3 of Whispers of the Past (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366), I was having a hard time writing the dialogue. I had the images of my lead characters, Agatha and Izrekiel, talking by the docks in the moonlight, and I knew generally what they talked about, but I couldn't script it. And then, one day while walking to work, my characters straight up had the conversation in my head! And as the dialogue unraveled, the characters (mostly Izrekiel) did something completely unplanned (which I won't reveal because spoilers). This unplanned change has completely upped the drama and sexual tension for the entirety of the future story. The second event of this is in Chapter 2, where Izrekiel is helping out on Kelan's farm. Initially, there was going to be some dialogue that mostly served as world-building, but when actually writing the scene, it occurred to me that they would likely not talk too much, too absorbed by the work of harvest. And then, I suddenly visualized/heard Kelan and the other farmhands SINGING. I don't know why it popped in my head that way, but they began singing a working song. Now, I am not a musician, but I used to sing in choir and do musicals and such, and like half my family members are musicians, so I have a bit of a musical background. Anyway, all this to say that the characters started singing, and in response, Izrekiel (who has amnesia) has a flashback to some repressed memory of men marching and singing the same song, with altered lyrics. This can get extra spoilery, so I won't delve too deep into what his memory means, but.... The lyrics go as such: Oh earth, oh rain, Oh sun in the sky, You grant me with your fruit In this land. And they are directly mirrored in the flashback with: Oh strength, oh grace, I'll raise my sword, With victory in mind In this land.(edited)
For me, I totally changed the ending! I was going to make it a tragedy, and then at some point I realized I didnt NEED to... that a story can be happy and good. So, I rewrote a ton of stuff, and actually ended up adding in some new characters! I'd say It's gone very well ^^ I'm much happier with everything now (for one, I can think about the ending without crying!!) I've changed a lot of other little things as i've gone along too. too many things to count, really.
Initially I was writing the story timeline to 5 days but it spanned to something about a year. Which means I had a chance to develop it further than trying to rush plot points. Used to be like 3 chapters originally but now its like ....I guess 20 chapters? I don't remember the full count but lmao I'm ready to endure.(edited)
most of the biggest changes to Chirault were decided on during the first 3 years of me making it..... I completely threw out the first plan I had made, lol. There was no specific trigger for this, except maybe for 'I don't like this, actually'
Oh! I remembered something specific. My tiger character used to have a 'generic lean-ripped' build. Kinda like the rabbit from Juuni Taisen. Then I posted a random beach day picture, and someone (who wasn't used to seeing characters with visible leg muscles... A lot of comics they read have characters who suffer from Skipped All The Leg Days syndrome) pointed out how insanely muscular his legs were. I ran with it. Today his legs are 2x bigger than they were in that beach day pic, and it's all muscle. Also while this character stays very lean throughout the story, I as the author guarantee you that if he were to put on fat, his thighs will be the first to expand, and the most. 8)
@keii4ii I'm so glad for this change. Lu's legs are majestic
Capitania do Azar
Interesting replies here
In o Sarilho https://www.sarilho.net/en/, I have avoided one major character death in the first part of the story because I grow super fond of them and also because it wasn't really going to build up to anything... Which felt really unfair. So now I had to come up with narrative lines for them and I'm quite enjoying that. Furthermore, I was halfway through chapter 3 when I figured out Eurico's looks but especially his role in the story. It involved drawing a lot of trucks (and there will be more trucks in the future) but I'm really excited for him as a character
As I was writing my comic I was trying really hard to keep the POV limited to one character, but that character doesn't have enough perspective to set up the plot very well at the beginning. This meant hopping POVs to some other characters and now I'm gently trying to squash a lot of these subplots before they go completely out of control...
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Natural History and a Unified Museum Definition
By Eric Dorfman
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Much is being said within the museum industry about the definition of museums. ICOM is considering the current definition and whether it needs to be rethought. I think a review is worthwhile, regardless of whether changes are ultimately made. Robust thinking about museums (or any field, in fact), whether related to practice or theory, should be based on the intrinsic nature of the field. Defining museums is a critical step along that journey.
For natural history institutions, whose main business is to study and interpret the diversity of life, the relationship between museums and the state of the Earth must by necessity play an important role in constructing a definition. At the very least, an exploration of this relationship provides a context for natural history museum collections and, at best, it has the power to incite people to explore their identity and connection to one another through the prism of nature.
To some degree, natural history museums can be defined by what they do. At Carnegie Museum of Natural History, we have defined our work through three distinct but interrelated lenses:
The Tree of Life: The study of evolutionary relationships among taxonomic groups,
The Web of Life: The collection-based and in situ study of ecological systems,
The Future of Life: The study of the trajectory of species, populations and ecosystems, especially in the context of anthropogenic disturbances, as well as actions to ameliorate those effects.
The collections and other infrastructure provided by our museum support this work and the story-telling that arises from them.
While the study of evolution and ecosystem relationships is the traditional work of natural history museums, the future of life bears further consideration. By most measures, conditions on the planet we bequeath to our descendants are highly uncertain. Even discounting the seemingly inescapable reality of a future effected anthropogenic climate change, many factors inhibit our predictive ability. Will we run out of power or meat? Will plastic and mercury pollution render produce from the oceans inedible? Will at least some of the planet run out of water in the face of increasing desertification?
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These are “wicked problems” (Churchman 1967; Levin et al. 2012) – issues that have so many facets we cannot know the answers, but for which at least some of the alternative outcomes are negative. The interrelationships between these issues create bewildering complexity.
These effects have been recently amalgamated into the concept of the “Anthropocene”, a proposed geological era that reflects human impacts so pervasive as to influence the geological record. These effects will be detectable millions of years from now, by whoever might be looking, as an unprecedented band of plastics, fly ash, radionuclides, metals, pesticides, reactive nitrogen, and consequences of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations (Waters et al. 2016), as well as highly modified fossil composition, featuring an overwhelming preponderance chicken bones.
How does this ‘Age of Humanity’ structure our visitors’ perceptions and help them phrase questions about their environment? How will it influence our research? Most germane here, how does lack of certainty about the future of the planet influence the museum definition as it pertains to natural history institutions?
A Natural History Perspective
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Fifteen of the world’s top natural history museums collectively contain, at rough estimate, almost 570 million specimens[1]. This represents the largest category of collection across the museum industry. Collections underpin the field. Any discussion of a unified perspective of natural history museums must therefore take into account the fact that collections form the basis of much of that is undertaken by natural history museums. This focus on collections, often from deep time, intertwines physical and temporal considerations:
Natural history museums and their collections are often thought of in terms of the past, which is not surprising. We are probably the only scientific research facility that can claim the ability to time travel, albeit in a patchy and far from perfect way. Our business is intimately connected with the past, both recent and deep time, and much of what humans know about the natural world a hundred, a hundred thousand, or a hundred million years ago arises directly or indirectly from the specimens held in our collections. When your child states with certainty that Tyrannosaurus rex lived in the Cretaceous they are, knowingly or unknowingly, drawing on the results of research done using museum collections. Norris, 2017, p. 13.
Norris (ibid.) follows this with a comment: “There is, however, a considerable difference between studying the past and belonging in the past.” Natural history institutions also focus strongly on the present and future and use information about the past uncover, contextualize and predict changes in the world around us.
Natural history museums, sitting at the crux between nature and its artistic representations have an important place in facilitating exploration of personal identity. Inasmuch as enhancing self-perception can have a positive influence on behavior, (see Falk, 2009), natural history museums’ capacity to contribute to society increases as their activities in this sphere become more purposeful. Those visitors who care about wildlife, and there are many, want natural history museums to deepen and expand their understanding. Museums like to feel that they occupy a place of credibility in the hearts and minds of the public that other channels of information, for all their worth, do not (but see Museums Association, 2013). Whether we truly are more credible than other types of institutions or not, our self-perception provides a significant opportunity to strive for best practice.
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Albert Bierstadt: Rocky Mountain Landscape
The grounding of natural history museum practice in the study of physical specimens means that these institutions have at least a goal of objectivity, however influenced by curatorial subjectivity the framing of questions can sometimes be (see Dorfman, 2016). The articulation of evidential knowledge, concern over changing political environments, even in quality of governments themselves, is not new, nor restricted to the museum field.
How are museums responding to the melange of environmental, sociopolitical and technological changes that that are beginning to set the context in which they operate? Customer focus and using people’s own languages, both culturally and linguistically, to communicate touches every aspect of activities at natural history museums, including exhibitions, marketing, strategic planning, science, cleaning regimes and providing sufficient seating. Conflating individuals’ perspectives into stereotyped offers based on age, gender, race, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation undermines the relevance on which natural history museums pride themselves.  Every institution has the opportunity to provide leadership in the sense that Covey (2005) wrote “…leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves.”
For natural history museums, the unique signature of our industry is formed by using collection-based and in situ research to elucidate evolutionary and ecosystem relationships, as well as the intersection of these processes with humanity and its impacts, and then facing these stories outwards to the public. For all the many facets of the work of natural history museums, this is the most important and the aligned with our mission.
The Definition Through the Eyes of Natural History
The current definition of a museum as provided by ICOM is as follows:
A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment. (ICOM Statutes art.3 para.1)
At first blush, much of the definition of the definition as it stands is generic enough to include natural history museums. One question, however, that comes to mind is how well the term “humanity and its environment” fits the practice and perspective of our industry. For one thing, any organism that existed before the evolutionary rise of Homo sapiens (~2mya) could, by this definition, be considered irrelevant to the work of museums. While this is patently not the case, a careful review of the definition should take this wording into consideration.
This semantic argument notwithstanding, the implicit question embodied in the words “its” poses a deeper consideration, namely the ideological friction between the notion of ecosystem valuation versus that of the intrinsic worth of nature. Both these perspectives have their strong adherents.
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Formal cost-benefit analyses and the generation of market value were first developed in 1997 by Robert Costanza, Distinguished University Professor of sustainability at Portland State University, Oregon, building on earlier discussions of economic benefits of the environmental (e.g. Rolston, 1988). Constanza and his colleagues calculated that such services were worth US$33 trillion annually, or US$44 trillion in 2019 currency (Constanza, 1997). The rationale for undertaking this exercise is that ecological system services and the natural capital stocks that produce them are critical to the functioning of the Earth’s life-support system for humans. They contribute to humanity’s welfare, both directly and indirectly, and therefore represent part of the total economic value of the planet.
Since then, the field of environmental economics has proliferated and non-market valuation has become a broadly accepted and widely practiced means of measuring the economic value of the environment and natural resources. A variety of methods, including opportunity cost, travel-cost, hedonic price and contingent valuation have been applied in highly nuanced and complex models (e.g. Weber, 2015). In most, but not all cases, environmental goods and services are geared solely toward protecting inter-generational human welfare. For instance, considering mangrove ecosystems, benefits might be characterized by direct ecological yield in the form of fish or timber, contrasting with indirect value, such as filtration services and storm protection. There is also a line of reasoning that suggests that sentimental or “existence” value: simply knowing something exists provides a distinct, discernible benefit (Krutilla 1967).
An opposing viewpoint lies in the philosophy that nature has intrinsic worth and that the environment should be protected based on its own merits without reference to real or potential benefits for humanity (McCauley, 2006). This viewpoint is strongly based in environmental philosophy and ethics (see, for instance Callicott’s 1992 criticism of Rollston, 1988).
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Young humpback chub (Gila cypha) swimming in Shinumo Creek, inside Grand Canyon National Park soon after release. They are part of a reintroduction program of this federally protected species with the goal to establish a second population, after they became extinct everywhere except a small part of Little Colorado River. Photo: Melissa Trammell, NPS
For instance, in discussing conservation efforts of the humpback chub (Gila cypha) a large minnow with no value to humans, native to the Colorado River, Smith (2010) suggests that all currently existing (biological) species have their own intrinsic goods, framed in terms of their ability to flourish. Based on this ethical stance alone, it could be argued that even a species like the humpback chub, that competes successfully with economically important introduced species (such as rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss), should be preserved.
The work of natural history museums is firmly rooted in this second philosophy. For one thing, much of the research we do is based on advancing knowledge for its own sake or, like the example of the humpback chub, taking conservation action out of professional ethics and a moral sense that it is the right thing to do. Additionally, natural history institutions, like other types, use the museum medium of engagement to instill empathy with the subject. In the introduction to her book Fostering Empathy Through Museums, Elif Gokcigdem highlights this necessity:
…Having visibly altered our planet’s outermost layers, scientists are debating whether our footprint is worthy of naming an entire geological epoch on Earth’s billions-of-years-old timescale after ourselves: Anthropocene, the Age of Humans… A steady proliferation of new and ever more powerful technological tools seems unable to correct these ills. One must wonder why they have not succeeded. I believe it is because the tools that are at our disposal are most beneficial when filtered through a worldview that values the collective well-being of the “Whole” – our unified humanity and the planet, inclusive of all living beings as well as of its life-supporting natural resources. Such a unifying worldview cannot be attained and sustained without empathy, our inherent ability to perceive and share the feelings of another. (Gokcigdem, 2016. xix)
Connecting people both intellectually and emotionally to the world’s major stories sits firmly within the scope of work of museums. The opportunity to bring people outside themselves to engage more deeply with the world is an element of the definition of that should be incorporated across all its nuanced facets. If the definition of museums chases, these considerations should sit beside many others as influencors of the conversation.
Eric Dorfman is the Daniel G. and Carole L. Kamin Director of Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
[1] Information taken from the websites of the following museums: Smithsonian Museum of Natural History: 137 million; Natural History Museum (UK): 80 million; Jardin des Plantes: ‎68 million; Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History: 35 million; American Museum of Natural History: 32 million; Naturhistorisches Museum: 30 million; Field Museum: 30 million; Museum für Naturkunde: 30 million; California Academy of Sciences: 26 million; Carnegie Museum of Natural History 22 million; Australian Museum: 21 million Harvard University Natural History Museum 21 million; ; Natural History Museum of Geneva 15 million; Yale Peabody Museum: 13 million; Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales: 6 million. No attempt to verify these figures has been made.
Callicott, J. B. 1992. Rolston on intrinsic value: A deconstruction. 1992. Environmental Ethics Vol. 14. Number 2. 129-143.
Churchman, C. W. 1967. Wicked problems. Management Science, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. B141-142.
Costanza, R., d’Arge, R., de Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., Limburg, K., Naeem, S., O’Neill, R. V., Paruelo, J., Raskin, R. G., Sutton, P., van den Belt, M. 1997. ‘The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital,’ Nature, Vol. 387, pp. 253–260.
Covey, S. R. 2005. The Eighth Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness. New York, NY: Free Press.
Dorfman, E.J. 2016. Who owns history? Diverse perspectives on curating an Ancient Egyptian Kestrel. Taipei: Proceedings of the International Biennial Conference of Museum Studies Commemorating the 80th Birthday of Professor Pao-teh Han 30th and 31th October 2014.
Dutton, D. 2009. The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure and Human Evolution. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Press.
Falk, J. H. 2009. Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience. New York: Routledge.
Gockigdem, E. 2016. Fostering Empathy Through Museums. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Krutilla, J. 1967. Conservation Reconsidered. The American Economic Review, Vol. 57, Issue 4, pp. 777-786.
Latour, B. 2015. Telling friends from foes in the time of the Anthropocene. In: The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis: Rethinking Modernity in a New Epoch. Edited by Hamilton, C., Bonneiul, C. and Germenne, F. London and New York: Routlege.
Levin, K., Cashore, N., Bernstein, S., and Auld, G. 2012. Overcoming the tragedy of super wicked problems: Constraining our future selves to ameliorate global climate change. Policy Sciences, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 123-152.
Louv, R. 2011. The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books.
McCauley, D. J. 2006. Selling out on nature. Nature 443(7107), p. 27.
Museums Association. 2013. Public perceptions of – and attitudes to – the purposes of museums in society: a report prepared by BritainThinks for Museums Association. Museums Association, London. http://www.museumsassociation.org/download?id=954916 accessed January 13, 2019.
Norris, C. A. 2017. ‘The Future of Natural History Collections,’ in The Future of Natural History Museums. Edited by Eric Dorfman. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 13-28.
Oxford Dictionaries. 2019. Word of the Year 2018 is… Available at: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/word-of-the-year/word-of-the-year-2018, Accessed January 13, 2019.
Rolston, H. Environmental Ethics: Duties to and Values in the Natural World. 1988. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Smith, I. A. 2010. The Role of Humility and Intrinsic Goods in Preserving Endangered Species: Why Preserve the Humpback Chub? Environmental Ethics. Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 165-182.
Waters, C., N. Zalasiewicz, J., Summerhayes, C., Barnosky, A.D., Poirier, C., Gałuszka, A., Cearreta, A., Edgeworth, M., Ellis, E.C., Ellis, M., Jeandel, C., Leinfelder, R., McNeill, J.R., Richter, D., Steffen, W., Syvitski, J., Vidas, D., Wagreich, M., Williams, M., Zhisheng, A., Grinevald, J., Odada, E., Oreskes, and Wolfe, N. 2016, The Antrhopocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene. Science, Vol. 351. No. 6296, p. 137.
Weber, W. L. 2015. Production, Growth and the Environment. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group.
Weil, S. 2002. Making Museums Matter. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Books.
White, M. 2000. Leonardo: The First Scientist. London: Little Brown.
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mnhynq · 6 years
Wet Dreams | Mark Lee
Pairing: Mark x Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, Mature Themes
Summary: You and Mark start passing notes in class and it leads to something more.
Song: J Cole - Wet Dreamz
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Mark remembered the first time he spoke to you, though it was not exactly a conversation. He had been scavenging through his backpack before he looked up and exhaled deeply with a panicked look on his face. He looked around unsure of what to do, cursing himself for his carelessness. How can he be so idiotic as to forget to bring even a single pen to school on the day of a very important test. His only option was to ask the teacher if he could borrow a pen and be chewed out for his forgetfulness. Or so he thought. A tap on his shoulder broke Mark from his train of thought, the thumb he was gnawing on nervously flying away from his mouth, his hand going limp. He looked to his right and found you holding a pen, pencil and eraser in his direction accompanied by a gentle smile. He shyly accepted them and smiled, partly at your kindness and partly because he felt relieved that he didn’t have to settle for his original plan. After the test Mark returned your supplies to you without anything other that a thank you. He hoped he didn’t make it obvious that he had been stealing glances of you throughout the whole hour that the other students had spent entirely focused on the sheet of paper placed in front of them. Mark felt somewhat alleviated that he wouldn’t see you the following day, but that thought wasn’t very comforting knowing that he would still have to see you the day after that, and for the rest of the school year. You always intimidated Mark, but he was never sure why. You weren’t loud or overly outspoken, you spoke when necessary and smiled towards those who deserved it.
When Mark entered the classroom that morning he was comforted by the sight of your empty chair, you never really greeted each other but he wasn’t sure if your brief exchange had changed your relationship from strangers to acquaintances. He wouldn’t want to ignore you and come off as an asshole, but he also didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. Even though he mentally prepared himself in case you acknowledged his presence, he still assumed you wouldn’t have anything to say to him and would just silently take your seat like you always did. So he was caught off guard when you not only said hello but also asked him how his test went. He stared at you, mouth slightly ajar before he realised that he was expected to give an answer. He recollected himself and told you that it went fine, knowing damn well he bombed it. But he couldn’t tell you that knowing there was a possibility that you would ask him why he thought he failed. There was no way he could tell you that he was too distracted nor why. You kept the conversation going by asking him questions and stating your opinion here and there, you did this in moderation not wanting to overwhelm him. Your conversation was interrupted by the teacher entering the room, directing everyone towards their seats as he announced that class was about to begin. You turned to face in front of you, but not before sending a bright smile in his direction.
Your relationship slowly started to blossom. Much like every student Mark despised math, but with you there he had something to look forward to. You know found yourself conversing with Mark before, after, and at times even during class. The latter much to your teacher’s distaste. You would often crack jokes causing Mark to chuckle, directing all the attention away from the subject and towards you. Eventually, to avoid getting in trouble, you started passing each other notes whenever you saw a window of opportunity. In these notes you talked about every possible thing you could think of, whether it was your favorite series, color, food or music. Eventually you exchanged phone numbers and would hold a conversation that would sometimes last for hours. Despite this you continued communicating through notes during school hours. Of course you feared getting caught, but you both figured it wouldn’t be that bad since you didn’t really have anything to hide. At least, not at first. It started off as such an innocent friendship and Mark had no idea when it had developed into such a strong attraction. At times Mark found himself staring at your lips as you spoke. He was absolutely mesmerised by the way you applied your lipgloss, the light sheen on your lips made him curious. He often asked himself if your lips were as soft as they looked. As if that wasn’t enough to make him feel guilty, Mark was also culpable of staring at your thighs and ass. He wasn’t proud of his actions, but he couldn’t contain himself. Not when you were sitting next to him, your legs crossed and skirt slightly hiked up. Or when you walked ahead of him, hips swaying seemingly inviting him to gawk at your backside. There was no way Mark could deny that he had developed more than just a small crush on you. Not with a clean conscious at least. And though his attitude around you stayed the same, his mind raced with illicit thoughts when you were nowhere to be found.
Mark would never dare to admit all the things he’s thought about. How he’d feel his cheeks burn at the thought of you beside him, the darkness that occupied his bedroom hiding the bright red hue that situated on his face. How it would feel to have your arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed you, your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands resting on your hips. As the room grew hotter and your needs grew stronger, his hands slowly guiding your hips, the friction created causing him to sigh into your mouth before letting his lips travel down to your neck. He thought of how pretty the purplish splotches he left behind would look, and although others would surely look down upon marks, he would make sure you knew how much he adored them. Unfortunately for Mark, once these thoughts commenced there was no stopping them. His imagination was running wild, the thought of your lips around him making him weak in the knees. As time went by, Mark began to notice a slight change in your attitude. You were more touchy and more flirty, never too conspicuous but enough for him to take a hint. It was obvious that the attraction was no longer one sided, if it ever was in the first place that is. 
By now you had developed a strong relationship and even met up after school on some occasions, but always platonically. This wouldn’t have been a problem if it wasn’t  was evident that you were both unsatisfied with being one another’s friend. Despite your dissatisfaction, neither of you dared to touch on the subject. You were hoping he would make the first move, not wanting to be turned down, but that wouldn’t happen any time soon considering that Mark had the same mindset as you. Weeks went by and the tension between you two grew so much that it made the air around you thick and heavy, practically suffocating everyone in the room. You grew tired of waiting and decided it was best to take matters into your own hands. During your routined note passing sessions with Mark you felt a bit more daring than usual. Your conversation started off much like any other, you discussed what you had done over the weekend, complained about school and made fun of your classmates. The topic of conversation was constantly changing, so Mark wasn’t surprised when you wondered if you could ask him a question. He wrote back saying sure, not expecting your question to be what he saw laying in front of him.
“Have you ever had sex before”
He wasn’t sure how to reply. Initially he intended on saying no, but he was afraid that might make you lose interest. He chewed on his pen for a minute before making his final decision and writing down his answer.
“Of course I have. I’m kinda a pro, just so you know”
He even drew a winky face to accompany his bluff. You weren’t sure what you expected him to say, but his answer still caught you off guard. It’s too late to turn back now, might as well finish what you started, you told yourself. You peeked up to make sure the teacher’s attention wasn’t directed towards you. You bit your lip as your pen glided over the small piece of paper, leaving behind a message.
“Oh so you’re a pro? Why don’t you show me. My parents are gone for the weekend, you can come over if you’d like.”
No amount of experience could have prepared him for what he had read. His heart began to race and his palms grew sweaty. He wasn’t sure what to say. You had such a strong effect on him, and he felt blood rush to more than just his cheeks. He wiped the excess sweat off his hands and prepared himself to respond to your message, but before he could write anything down the teacher called out his name. The sudden action made him jump and answer louder that he had intended. His classmates were giggling at his clumsiness and he prayed that the teacher wouldn’t make him stand up to save him from any further embarrassment. The question that was asked prior was repeated and Mark barely made it out alive. He waited a few moments before returning to the note on his desk. With a deep breath he finished writing.
“Sure, sounds like a plan”
A part of him was screaming at him, telling him that this was a bad idea. Who was he kidding, he didn’t have any experience. The most he’d ever done was receive a kiss under the bleachers during lunchtime. The kiss was mediocre and the girl he had kissed went around telling the whole school how awful he was. The memory made him cringe and he hoped you hadn’t heard about that.
Mark felt his stomach begin to churn the moment he appeared in front of your doorstep. He was absolutely terrified but also very excited, perhaps too excited. He shifted uncomfortably in your bedroom, unsure of what to do. He didn’t want to seem desperate but also didn’t want you to think he had lost interest. You sat down on your bed and spoke to him like you normally would which helped calm his nerves a bit. After about an hour Mark felt like he was going to miss his opportunity. He mentally hyped himself up and was filled with a sudden rush of adrenaline. He waited for the right moment and the minute you turned to look at him his hand went up to cup your face as he slowly leaned in and captured your lips with his own. He kissed you slow and gently, his thumb caressing your cheek every so often. Eventually he grew needy and his kisses grew deeper, nipping at your bottom lip. His other hand moved to your side and lifted your shirt, exposing your stomach and drawing circles on your skin. With every action Mark grew more confident and before you could process what was happening he had somehow situated you on his lap and was in the process of removing your shirt. He sighed at the sight of your breasts in front of him and reached out to cup them through the confines of your bra, all while never taking his eyes off you.
Even though you had started all of this, you were quite embarrassed and were hoping that he didn’t notice the blush that would occasionally creep up on your face. He pulled you close, his chest pressed against your own while he went back in for a kiss. This time it was your turn you let your hands roam. You let them travel down his neck and arms, the gentle touch making goosebumps rise on his skin. You rested you hand on his thigh while the other held onto his shoulder. Your lips began moving down to plant wet kisses along his jawline and neck. The sight of his head thrown back and his heavy breathing encouraged you to continue. Your hands met each other once more at the hem of his shirt, working together to pull it over his head, disposing of it somewhere in your room. Immediately after you resumed your makeout session as your hands kept themselves occupied with the button of his jeans. You lifted yourself up a bit to pull his pants down before taking him in your hand and slowly began jerking him. The sight of his chest rising and falling was simply euphoric and the sounds he was making were enough to push you over the edge. You looked up at him and, admiring the view. His head thrown back, mouth parted that would let out a string of profanities every so often. His hips started bucking absentmindedly and his hand went up to meet yours, halting your actions. He flipped both of you over and looked at you for approval before he gently pulled your shorts off. He looked at you once more, in case you still wanted to change your mind and your hand flew up to grip his arm. You tried to get rid of the concerned look on his face by smiling before you finally spoke.
“Co- could you be gentle, because I’ve never done this before.”   
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