#the other 1% is jaina having a no good very bad day
redisaid · 1 year
Sylvaina Poll #6 Results
Thank you once again for doing your part and voting to torture poor Jaina some more. Poll #6 is now closed.
The first option is going to have Jaina deep in her gay thoughts:
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She definitely is going to be thinking about going back to bed after this though. Because goddamn have you all given her a rough week to live through.
The initial leader did not win the flashback option, but instead things later turned around for the moment she finds out Sylvanas leads the free undead and is still out there:
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I was honestly surprised about the option for what Sylvanas apologizes for first. I saw Teldrassil winning this, and it didn't even come close. Y'all are gay.
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For those of you who answered she should apologize for dying...bruh she's way too bitter about dying to apologize for that! I thought of an interesting option that I may include, which would be apologizing for Edge of Night. Otherwise, good write ins on this one that may get added to the string of apologies!
The context of "Please, I need you" got edged out of being completely gay and into only sorta gay:
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We are collectively undecided in the kiss, and shall be as surprised as I am when I get around to writing the moment it may or may not happen:
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For the bonus question, my smut diversion will be the pre-Third War Silvermoon love motel! This pulled away late as well, as the two Sylvaina options were 50/50 most of the weekend:
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A surprising 15 of you want Valadrin. That's more than the 3 I thought I'd get.
There's 5 Starbucks people???
As always, thank you again for contributing to the wacky fun that is putting this fic up to a vote! Please look out for the answers to these responses to be reflected in chapters 9 and 10 of Beneath the Blue Moon!
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iamtheempress · 4 years
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A Vegeta x OC Fanfiction (part 4) ¤ ¤ ¤
Calamatta managed to roll out of bed and redress herself. Pulling on the suit and grabbing a spare to bring with her on her trip to To-Rot. Leaving her room she met with Nappa. "There she is!" He chugged a caffeinated hot beverage down like it was nothing, Raditz stood beside him counting his wad of cash and stuffing it in his armor. 
"Pay looks nice." She yawns and stretches making her cute tail curl and back arch abit. "37,000. Not bad but could be better. Vegeta got the most of it." Nappa nods and pushes the yawning female saiyan a mug of the hot beverage. "Thanks...gonna need it." "Damn right you are! Vegeta is still sleeping. Weird he said he was gonna get up before us.. eh whatever. Lets get your pod and stuff ready then well worry bout him." Nappa said as Calamatta shined off the mug and pushed it away.
Upon going to the pod, her coordinates were set and everything was packed into there Raditz, who was standing besides her piped up, leaning against the pod with his massive arms crossed. "Dont take this the wrong way Calamatta but… why are you so…" he moves his hands in an hour glass shape and tilts his head. Calamatta went wide eyed and fixed her suit where her ass is. 
"If thats how you flirt with women that was a strike out, good lord! And I have know idea why! Its just my body shape idiot…" she comments hearing Nappa wheeze as he fixes some wires within the pod, followed by him clanging his head leaving. "Im not! I d-dont flirt its just that… well… shes got… n-nice legs and … a great fa-" Calamatta thwipped her tail like a nervous cat. The bay door slid open and Raditz's poor excuse for flirtation was stopped DEAD in its tracks. "Stop harassing Calamatta on her body type Raditz, Saiyan women were given bodys to kill, shes built like a fine tuned weapon whether you see it or not." Vegeta points up at Raditz who scowled with a full face of blush. "Oh so you look at her too Vegeta?" Calamatta slaps her forehead and raises her voice flicking Raditz in the forehead for his really stupid comment. "Can yall stop talking about me like im not fuckin here??" She snapped annoyed and heard Nappa close up the oxygen port.
 "Ready boss?" She asked Vegeta, who nodded and got into his respective pod and punched in the coordinates manually. "Later guys!" She got in and Raditz and Nappa left the pod evac room. 
Vegeta's voice sparked to life on her scouter. "Theres a hidden base by the most recent Frieza Force there.. we should make it there in an hour so that will be our base of operation. No breaches from outside forces." She nods and for the 2nd time in her life the pod flew straight out of the mothership into the cold vacuum of space. 
She crossed her arms and watched Vegetas whiz right past her hurtling with effort and ease to the planet that only seemed to become larger.. if that wasnt already more possible.
 She marveled at it… it was amazing. It was a shame she was there for a job to do. 
It was under 50 minutes where there pods broke entry to the planets atmosphere, careening and becoming hot to the touch, cold metal heating up faster, and faster becoming scorching red hot. Then the mountain range came into view, with the ship in sight the two pods crashed right into a large cave system. 
Welding their pods into the hard rock walls to jut through with 0 damage just enough room for the pods to open on the opposite side of the mountain. Calamatta and Vegeta pushed the button to open the pod bay doors, they took one solid whif of the atmosphere and Cala sighed. "To-Rot huh.. so wheres the base ship?" Cala steps her boots onto the alien planets surface. "5 miles that way. Stay within the tree line, follow my lead." The prince cracks his neck and blasts away leaving a trail of dust and debris behind him.
 "Say no more.." she stated following close behind Vegeta. Vegetas eyes were trained ahead. Toa ship that was covered in dirt and over growth. He tapped his scouter to be sure. "Perfect.. no signs of power levels. Excellent!" He smirked, the prince and Calamatta landed outside of the ship. Vegeta punched in a code and they were both let in. "Good.. now.. lets have a look around. The recent failed mission logs should have data from their logs. Have a look around for food and whatever else when i find the log ill call for you"  Vegeta announced as the hangar door shut behind them locking followed by a robotic voice. 
'Systems Armed'
Calamatta turned on her heels and scampered to the back of the ship. Vegeta watched the eager Saiyan trot away, with a sigh and a roll of his eye he headed towards the command deck of the ship. 
Collected with dust and opened up first aid kits, Vegeta scanned the surrounding area cautiously. 3 lone scouters covered in blood sat on the front of the deck. An ominous reminder of the past couple of grunts who died here. 
He snagged the three up and turned to call for Calamatta "Found them! Get up here!"
Calamatta dropped this box of rations she found and walked quickly to the front to see him plugging in the scouters logs. An unfamiliar voice chimed to life. 
"F-Force log number 1, we have arrived at To-Rot, this area is to be our base of operation since the inhabitants cannot scale plateaus or fly. We will commence terraformation and return in a week." Vegeta clicked the 2nd video, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. 
"F-Force Log number 2… uhm.. Que, Roa, and Gil went missing yesterday. We have been here for 3 days now and i have seen hide nor tail of them... ill send a distress warning to the mother ship but i will go and find my crew." 
He pressed the last one and the room suddenly became much heavier. "F-Force number 3… i found my crew.. w-whats left of them…" he held up baren bones and armor. "This planets fucked up… if you know whats good for you send the Saiyans.. theyll do a better job.. i couldnt save my crew! This is Nutte signing off… i'm going to look for Roa.”
"Thats… not good.." Vegeta groaned and plugged in the next scouter, A new crew came up on the screen, a crew of ten. The crew was looking around, brows raised and sweat on their brow. “So we are the 4th crew to come to this planet alone, from what were aware these uh… the main population of this race is highly hostile and we need to utilize lethal force...Well update as we go along.” After that log there was no update, no commanders log. He stepped away and swiped a hand through his hair. “Last log…”  He clicked on it which was 7 full days ago. 
A Log List of all the times this one computer has been logged into popped up. It was far more then 4.
10 Crew lists came through. Crews of upwards of 5 being the smallest to 30 being the most. All vanished within days of arrival. All of them mentioning, to send someone stronger, someone more capable. The Saiyans, they begged for the Saiyans help and they were all sent on suicide missions back to back to back to back.
Vegeta slammed his hands down on the console making it glitch the screen. “Of course theyd call for us…dammit!” He barked and kept his back turned away from her. “So they sent them on suicide missions because… they didn’t want to send us?” She questioned, furrowing her brows trying to wrap her head around the situation. “Frieza didnt want to send me and the other two… He sent US on a suicide mission.” Vegeta turned quickly and stared daggers into Calamatta, the overwhelming feeling of concern rain heavy within her head, and sat uncomfortably in her stomach like something she shouldnt have eaten.
Vegeta crossed the room and pointed his finger right into her chest a deep growl emanating from behind his bared teeth. “He went and sent ME with YOU so we can both perish!” “Hey hey what the hell! Calm down abit, well make it out of here ill follow orders.” Vegeta’s vein popped out on his forehead, eyes narrowed furious.
 “Thats not my point. Your optimism is the closest thing we have to any cocky behavior! It doesnt surprise me why Frieza sent me to a month long mission..” She put up her hands and once again her heart sunk; she went wide eyed staring into the princes heartlessly infuriated black eyes.
Friezas words rattled in her skull ‘your life is as forfeit to me as it is Vegeta…’
“I dont get why he would send both of us to die.” He turned back around and walked to a table with a map on it. “You stood at Frieza’s side for as long as you have been able to speak, you wanted freedom from him, now you might as well see the harsh reality, he never had any good intentions for you Calamatta. He wants you dead, so much so hell send the both of us to a lethal planet to terraform on our own…” He said flatly, Calamatta remained silent her tail loosely hanging from her waist. Her dignity and pride feeling like it was oozing out of her very pores. “Now get over here and lets get an idea of the land… this moon has two moons and we have to plan accordingly.” The map is very detailed of the entirety of the planet from the red deserts to the lush green forests and then to the grayed out city scapes. All of them giant hot beds of activity, teaming with life as they knew it. 
His orders were direct and bland. Calamatta dragged her feet, depressed. Feeling less and less like a Saiyan by the moment, it wasnt so much Vegeta.. it was how quickly she was starting to realize Frieza was right, and goddamn did it grate her nerves to know that... The idea of freedom is going to be lightyears more heavier then she could imagine, shes not even close and this is what she has to deal with. Calamatta tightened her tail back up around her waist and listened to her Princes expertise plan of attack.
¤ ¤ ¤
Tags:  @memevember @dragonblobz @gonuclear @msgreenverse @fallen--lilith ​ @jimbobslurpnchug @dragonballcollector @nikabriefs @lilhemmo @supremeleadershitlord @thotful-writing ​ @chickiedinner @anti-jaina @lizardhipsdontlie @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit ​ @solidsock​
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xbaebsae · 4 years
OTP Questions
Tagged by @f0xyboxes , @dieguzguz, @nightwingshero, @deputyrhiannonhale and @returnofthepd3 thanks for thinking of me sweethearts♥
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(art by minilev)
Rheese Bennett & Jacob Seed (idk if anyone even reads these except me but under cut because long post)
Who is more likely to raise their voice?  Jacob. Now don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t loose his cool all that easy but Rheese can be a pain sometimes and he lacks the patience.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?  Neither of them.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?  This is actually what Rheese does when they break up about three months before the game. He finally is too deluded by Joseph’s demands of him that she cannot get through to him anymore and keep him from hurting people. They have a pretty bad fight about him torturing people that ends with him actually slapping her with the intention of making her shut up because she wouldn’t stop arguing against him. She gives him one moment to apologize for that, but he doesn’t so she leaves :’)
Who trashes the house?  They frequently throw things at each other.
Do either of them get physical?  Depends on when. Jacob pushes her around sometimes or touches her pretty roughly when he suffers from the effects of his PTSD. No domestic violence though. They also land real blows in training fights, same level bad on both sides really.
It’s worse during the arrest when they aren’t together anymore. Jacob was pretty devastated when he realized she actually left for good (he interpreted ‘i am leaving’ as her going home). It resulted in a lot of self blame (justified) which his family couldn’t really deal with. Joseph convinced him in the end that she was just another test he had to overcome in his life to find his correct path. So, he pretty much behaves just like he does in-game. She doesn’t get special treatment, she gets starved and thrown into murder trials like everyone else.
How often do they argue/disagree?  Pretty often. In the beginning it’s all they do, until they realize that having normal conversations every once in a while isn’t so bad actually.
Who is the first to apologize?  Apologies are for the weak :)
Who is on top?  Jacob
Who is on the bottom? Rheese (though she won’t admit it if you asked her)
Who has the strangest desires?  It’s nothing very strange tbh (at least not by my definition of strange... god i’ve seen ... things on deviantart. Definetly none of that!)
Any kinks?  Yeah, the perfect combo of wanting to feel powerless and wanting to feel in control. It complies with their character really. Rheese was forced to take care of herself ever since her teen years, which developed her into a pretty tough person. She likes the control she has over her life, and doesn’t let herself be pushed around by anyone. Feeling stripped of that control is however really exciting for her. Jacob’s kinda the other way around (imo anyway) in that he’s constantly following orders nevermind when or where, even within his own family (to not disappoint Joseph).
Who’s dominant in bed?  Jacob, Rheese only if he forces her to be :)
Is head ever in the equation?  Yes
If so, who is better at performing it?  Rheese. Slightly unfair though because she’s simply worse on the receiving end.
Ever had sex in public?  Yeah, much to her dismay.
Who moans the most?  Rheese
Who leaves the most marks?  Both do in different ways.
Who is the more experienced of the two?  Jacob
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?  Even the nastiest sex is ‘making love’ to them really. It’s frankly a form of talking to them because they both truly suck at verbal communication. Also, Rheese has the old fashioned rule in her life that she won’t sleep with people she isn’t sure about, so before actually being together they don’t have sex. Tho she’s close to breaking that rule multiple times.
Rough or soft?  Rough, sometimes foreplay is soft.
How long do they usually last?  Depends on time and mood. Also Rheese is a lot younger so she sometimes could go again when he can’t. However that doesn’t mean he gets the best of her sometimes :’)
Is protection used?  Yes on her side
Does it ever get boring?  No
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?  Some small cabin at the place they train Judges. It was kinky, they got caught and she prefers to just not talk about it ever again.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?  No, they never wanted to. Their daughter Jaina was an unwanted accident.
If so, how many children do they want/have?  They have 1 and that’s already more than they wanted.
Who likes to cuddle?  Rheese
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?  Jacob usually. But sometimes she’s good at it as well.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  Jacob, and it bothers her a lot in public. He doesn’t really care about what his people think of him, he knows he’s the boss so they can’t say shit. It’s also a way of just showing off that she belongs to him and that’s exactly why she doesn’t like it, cause she ain’t property. Also, people might believe she only became a Chosen trainer because she fucks the boss, which isn’t true because she got that position from someone other than Jake, based entirely on her performance.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?  Until Rheese falls into deep sleep and starts spreading her limbs everywhere uncontrolably.
Who gives the most kisses?  Jacob
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?  Honestly, just existing next to each other is enough. They are just as happy just sitting in the same room, doing their own tasks, as they are going out for a fishing trip (actually she hates fishing, but the lakes are nice).
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?  The bed
How often do they get time to themselves?  Usually evenings and nights. They would have more time together if Rheese didn’t value her alone time. Sometimes she prefers to spend her days off alone, going on a ride through the forests or just relaxing without anybody around. He doesn’t quite approve of that but she doesn’t let herself be locked up.
Who snores?  None of them
If both do, who snores the loudest?  Nobody
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?  Share a bed when living together.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?  Usually fall asleep cuddling but where they end up is entirely up to chance.
What do they wear to bed?  Underwear usually. Though t-shirts along with that in the beginning.
Are either of them insomniacs?  Jake has trouble sleeping and often wakes up. Her presence helps him but she’s not a magic sleeping pill so the issue never fully disappears.
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?  Nah
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?  Usually the first, when it’s too hot the latter.
Who wakes up with bed hair?  Both. Rheese loves his messy hair, especially after she bullied him enough into letting it grow a bit. He however calls her hay-head, because her hair gets all tangled up and poofy despite being tied into a braid.
Who wakes up first?  He does, good luck getting her outta bed before 10.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?  Nobody does, they aren’t romantic.
What is their favourite sleeping position?  Rheese digging her face in the space between his neck and shoulders while one leg and one arm hugs him and he has an arm around her.
Do they set an alarm each night?  When there’s work the next day.
Can a television be found in their bedroom?  No, though she sometimes uses his laptop to watch movies.
Who has nightmares?  Jacob has real ones, Rheese only the occasional bad dream we all get sometimes.
Who has ridiculous dreams?  She dreams demented shit sometimes, never talks about it though.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?  Rheese, she’s a restless sleeper. Got kicked out of the bed for it more than once.
Who makes the bed?  Neither of them. They don’t care about it being untidy.
What time is bed time?  Depends. Usually Rheese stays awake longer to finish watching movies.
Any routines/rituals before bed?  Nothing special, sometimes talking, sometimes a movie, sometimes sex, sometimes just hugging in silence.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?  Jake, esp when she talks too much in the morning.
Who is the busiest?  They both are pretty equally busy.
Who rakes in the highest income?  It doesn’t really matter to them. The cult pays food and since they don’t care much about materialism, they don’t need much money.
Are any of them unemployed?  They have their job in the cult. Rheese works as a deputy before and after her stay there. so no.
Who takes the most sick days?  Neither really take any unless they are really so sick they can’t move. It’s an unhealthy work ethic but they feel useless when just lying in bed all day.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?  Jake didn’t before, but he sometimes does because of her in the morning. Not that he really minds though, who’s gonna say anything against him?
Who sucks up to their boss?  Jacob in regards to Joseph, which Rheese thinks is very unhealthy. She doesn’t like how he lets himself be used so much and mostly blindly follows whatever his brother says. They have a lot of arguments about this and in the end it’s what ruins their relationship.
What are their jobs?  He’s head of security at Eden’s Gate. She’s a deputy, then pseudo joins the cult and works herself up to become a trainer of the Chosen, then she returns to her deputy position for the arrest.
Who stresses the most?  He does
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?  Police work wasn’t her passion. It was just a career she thought wouldn’t be boring. No noble motives and such. She only reprises her role as the deputy for the arrest because she falsely blames herself for everyone who’s been hurt by Jake’s hands after she left him. Her return is based on her trying to redeem herself. She had fun training Chosen, but she wouldn’t want to be part of any torture cult.
Jacob barely has any opinion on his work. He believes what he does is what needs to be done and he’s the best suited person for the job. You won’t find him complain, though he secretly just wants peace in his life. He hopes the cult’s actions will ultimately lead to that.
Are they financially stable?  They have enough.
Who does the washing?  Neither until one of them is fed up with the pile in the sink or the lack of clean plates in the shelf.
Who takes out the trash?  Usually Rheese is bothered by it first.
Who does the ironing?  They don’t
Who does the cooking?  She makes good pancakes. But other than that? Don’t allow her in the kitchen because she can’t cook for shit. He can cook a couple of things but is often simply too lazy to ‘play housewife’ so their dinners often consist of very simplistic things. Occasionally one of them will bring home takeout.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?  Rheese, just...keep her out of the kitchen.
Who is messier?  Both pretty much. His place is a mess and she isn’t bothered by it because her apartment looked the same.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?  Jake, to annoy her.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?  They both just throw them wherever.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?  Jake, again to annoy her. (her ‘ewww you’re fucking nasty’ face is really entertaining)
Who is the prankster around the house? Neither, they diss each other a lot, sometimes joke on the other’s cost but no deliberate pranks.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?  Doesn’t really happen.
Who mows the lawn?  No lawn
Who answers the telephone?  They answer their own cells respectively. He refuses to get a smartphone.
Who does the vacuuming?  They don’t own a vacuum cleaner. Only a broom and a mop.
Who does the groceries?  Usually he does.
Who takes the longest to shower?  Rheese, she enjoys the feel of hot water on her skin.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?  Not much difference there. Rheese doesn’t bother anymore with any routines and such after Jake told her he hates when she wears makeup because it makes his hands sticky when he touches her face :’) Though sometimes she will still put eyeliner out of habit.
Is money a problem?  No, they don’t need much.
How many cars do they own?  Jake own an old truck and a motorcycle, Rheese used to have a car but sold it. She prefers riding on her horse Nugget anyway.
Do they own their home or do they rent?  She had an apartment in Missoula before ‘joining’. Then she lived at Stone Ridge for a while, then she moved in with him to his place. A tiny cabin far up a mountain at the far outside of the region.
Do they live in the city or in the country?  Country
Do they enjoy their surroundings?  Yes, especially the forests.
What’s their song?  You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
What do they do when they’re away from each other?  Working, doing their own thing, living. He’s more possessive about her than she is about it. But they both function normally when not being together.
Where did they first meet?  Technically at the church during her very first sermon to ‘join’ the project. But they only interacted about a week later when he’s supposed to bring her to her initiation at John’s place. They immediately hate each other :’)
Who spends the most money when out shopping?  Whoever does the grocery shopping? They both aren’t big on other shopping trips.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?  She’s not very show off-y. Jacob likes showing she ‘belongs to him’.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?  Both
Any mental issues?  Rheese doesn’t really, she lost her parents and her family is extremely distant but it never gave her trauma.
Jacob still deals with the aftermath of war esp. His PTSD gets bad sometimes and he has sleeping issues.
Who’s terrified of bugs?  She is afraid of spiders, and would appreciate if he killed them when they are in the house. But usually he ends up throwing them at her and tells her it’s therapy to defeat her fears.
Who kills the spiders around the house?  Neither, see above
Their favourite place?  A small lake behind a mountain near his cabin.
Who pays the bills?  The cult
Do they have any fears for their future?  Yeah, they are very conflicted about it. Neither of them know where it all leads and their differences (esp the age one) is an issue at times.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?  They don’t really do that.
Who’s the tallest?  He’s 6'1, she is 5'2. He constantly calls her ‘Shorty’, not in any endearing cute nickname way, but purely to mock her height.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?  Happens with both of them frequently. Tho Jacob is more prone to this because he showers less on his own. So when she’s in there he’s often like ‘might as well join’.
Who wanders around in their underwear?  Rheese starts this trend which he really doesn’t complain about. She also argues that it makes sense because then there will be less laundry to take care of. Can’t really argue with that really.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?  She does, very very badly cause she can’t sing.
What do they tease each other about?  Her short height and his age. Always.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?  Doesn’t really happen but he does judge her Power Rangers T-shirt she wears for sleeping.
Who crushed first?  They both kinda did. They blamed it on physical attraction at first, which made Rheese mad because he wasn’t her type. It takes them a couple of months to actually admit they might eventually possibly perhaps maybe have feelings for one another :)
Any alcohol or substance related problems?  Not really
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?  Rheese does once, and another time they do it together.
Who swears the most?  Jacob, though she’s pretty good at it too.
Tagging @joeyhxdson @fadedjacket @shallow-gravy @chazz-anova​ @ja-crispea​ if you want to. Idk who did this by the time this gets posted.
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ao3feed-superbat · 4 years
Sensible madness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34NkxPp
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ao3feed-batlantern · 4 years
by Anna12aot
What if Kate and Bruce were born around the same time? What if the tragedies that made them the heroes they become, also happened around the same time? What if the two of them ended up living together? What if the two of them ended up as huge theater nerds? What if they had some actual healthy coping mechanisms along side their totally not super unhealthy vigilante detective hobby that nearly kills them on a weekly basis? What if everything wasn't a shitty cheap ass drama show written by racist, misogynist, homophobic, all the bad ism's and phobia's and ist's?
(No disrespect to the individuals who try to give us good diverse content. Actually, all the respect because DC as whole is a weak dumb ass bitch and kudos to those people for tolerating that bastard.)
Here is my sad, pathetic attempt to fix the DC universe that I am very much under qualified and under prepared for. Enjoy. (And I'll get to finishing the relationship tags soon, it's just not on the agenda right about now. There is just so many fucking characters. The character tags are technically unfinished because that won't be all of the characters showing up. Do I really hate myself and DC that much?)
Words: 633, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics), Wonder Woman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Under the Red Hood, Red Robin (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League: War, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Teen Titans (Animated Series), Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017), Teen Titans (Comics), Harley Quinn (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Jim Gordon, Helena Bertinelli, Harold Allnut, Hiro Okamura, Vic Sage, Renee Montoya, Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Zatanna Zatara, Basil Karlo, Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Kitrina Falcone, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Rose Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), Joseph Wilson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Gus Yale, Wendy Harris, Jacob Kane, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Jason Todd, Koriand'r (DCU), Roy Harper, Bette Kane, Duke Thomas, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown, Billy Batson, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Shawn Tsang, Natalia Knight, Sasha Bordeaux, Carrie Kelley, Jaina Hudson, Cassandra Cain, Cheyenne Freemont, Tiffany Fox, Luke Fox, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Iris West, Max Mercury, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers, Lois Lane, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Wayne, Martha Kent, Thomas Wayne, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane (DCU), Donna Troy, Cassie Sandsmark, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Akila of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Hippolyta, Atalanta, Antiope (Wonder Woman), Bana-Mighdall Amazons, The Amazons (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Emiko Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Jon Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jade Nguyen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Artemis Crock, Ra's al Ghul, Nyssa Raatko, Silver St. Cloud, Wildcat (DCU), Tatsu Yamashiro, Jason Blood, Jason Bard, Crispus Allen, Kate Spencer, Onyx Adams, Boston Brand, David Zavimbe, Calvin Rose, Jean-Paul Valley, Santiago Varga, Baber Shah, Percy Sheldrake, Cyril Sheldrake, Jiro Osamu, Lonnie Machin, Harriet Cooper, Agatha Wayne, Vicki Vale, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Harvey Dent, Joker (DCU), Jonathan Crane, Waylon Jones, Bane (DCU), Roman Sionis, Floyd Lawton, Hugo Strange, Thomas Elliot, Drury Walker, Jervis Tetch, Victor Fries, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Cyrus Gold, Solomon Grundy (DCU), Shauna Belzer, Peyton Riley, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong, Vandal Savage, Noah Kuttler, Julian Gregory Day (DCU), Thomas Blake (DCU), Arthur Brown, Count Vertigo, Garfield Lynns, Warren White, Charles "Chuck" Brown, Zeus (Wonder Woman), Onomatopoeia (DCU), Peter Merkel, Peter Merkel Jr., Deever Tweed, Dumfree Tweed, Victor Zsasz, Ben Turner, David Cain, Titus (DCU), Lady Shiva, Lazlo Valentin, Barton Mathis, Matilda Mathis, Mark Desmond, Mortimer Drake, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Ace the Bat-Hound, Bat-Cow (DCU)
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan/Clark Kent, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Kate Kane, Kate Kane/Renee Montoya (past), Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (past), Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Helena Bertinelli & Kate Kane & Jason Todd, Kate Kane & Clark Kent, Kate Kane & Alfred Pennyworth, Kate Kane & Oliver Queen, Kate Kane & Damian Wayne, Kate Kane & John Stewart, Bruce Wayne & Kara Zor-El, Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Zatanna Zatara, Hal Jordan & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox & Luke Fox & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Kate Kane, Cassandra Cain & Kate Kane, Luke Fox & Kate Kane
Additional Tags: No Smut, No Incest, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Not Canon Compliant, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, will try to remember to add them later, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, I am trying to fix the entire DCU while very much trying not to, This was supposed to be like just about the Batfam, But I started doing research, and it was really confusing, Then I got angry, and then hyped, and this happened, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Batfamily (DCU), Protective Batfamily (DCU), Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Domestic Batfamily (DCU), fuck you dc, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Please Kill Me, I Tried, I Don't Even Know, some people die, no one stays dead, but god, God is Dead, Cause I killed him for letting DC continue this shit show, Nothing makes any fucking sense, This doesn't make any sense, It's a fucking mari go round of bullshit, enjoy, Explicit Language, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Young Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Growing Up Together, Romani Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Kate Kane is a Good Parent, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Good Parent Alfred Pennyworth, Good Grandparent Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon Knows, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Everyone Is Gay, And they're all panicked gays, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Humor, Gallows Humor, Bruce Wayne's Sense of Humor, Jason Todd’s Morbid Humor, this is gonna get long, Like over a few hundred thousand, Or this will die after it's reached 3k, Don't Like Don't Read, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Because of arkham, Arkham Asylum, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, read the tags, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Body Image, Jewish Character, Canon Disabled Character, Canon Rewrite, Hispanic Character, Black Character(s), Native American Character(s), Arab Character, Arab Damian Wayne, We Die Like Men, Everyone is a minority in some way, This will have all the representation, Racism, Racist Language, They will suffer because of their racism, Don't worry, Don't Have to Know Canon, Hopefully you won't have to know canon, Because if I don't do this right, Than you will be so confused, Better Than Canon, I take most of my inspiration from the justice league cartoons, and from the harley quinn movie soundtrack, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Trans Character, Gay Panic
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shadowphoenixrider · 5 years
Why N’Zoth should have been behind BFA’s War
Okay so I’ve been thinking this for a day or so now, and I’m gonna just dump my thoughts here.
In this essay, I’m gonna make the argument that I think N’Zoth should have been behind the war in BFA. It’s gonna be long as shit, FYI. Here we go.
It’s no secret that opinions on BFA’s story have been...mixed. Some think it’s a garbage fire, others think it’s okay but not stellar. Some bits of BFA’s story, such as Jaina’s arc I find very well done, whilst others are very...below average, must try harder.
I think the main problem is the overarching storyline running through the entire expansion. It feels very disjointed, like many self-contained narratives sort of strapped onto one another into what looks like a storyline, if you squint.
Contrast this with Legion’s story. What was the primary conceit of the expansion? The Legion’s back and we have to stop them. Great! A nice solid story maypole we can pivot events around. Everything the patches introduced tied back to this core story ideal:
Return to Karazhan: some freaky shit is going down in Medivh’s digs and we think the Legion is behind it. Stop them!
Tomb of Sargeras: Time to get to Tomb and stop the Legion from pouring in!
Argus: You know what, we need to stop the Legion Once And For All (maybe)! Time for a cataclysmic showdown on the Legion’s homeworld!
Even the Insurrection storyline held closely to the Legion storyline, since the demons had control of the city and a Titan MacGuffin we needed, so we had to help the Nightfallen boot them out.
Now, BFA has at first glance, a good premise. All-out war between the Alliance and Horde, whilst Azeroth bleeds underneath us. That seems pretty good, right? Yes, it is, but there is a problem; the status quo.
The trouble with wars, especially really big ones (like world wars), is that by their nature, they upset the status quo. The WoW status quo is both the Alliance and Horde is, in the lore’s eyes, on equal footing. Problem with this all out war is that someone’s gotta lose - but no faction can lose because that upsets the status quo.
Thus, the story has already lost its running shoes because it can’t change anything drastically at the end. There’s still got to be a Horde and an Alliance - now, Mists of Pandaria managed to end an Alliance/Horde war in a fairly convincing stalemate because of Garrosh. Since he was deposed and he was the instigator of a large portion of Bad Stuff, people could sort of understand Varian letting the Horde survive under the threat that they’d get their asses thoroughly beaten if they did anything bad again.
This did not work a second time. Why did it not work a second time?
That’ll be because Sylvanas burned down Teldrassil, which pretty much accounts to genocide. Now, Garrosh pretty much dropped Azeroth’s equivalent of a nuclear bomb on Theramore, and that was made a very big deal of, but Sylvanas decided to take a leaf from the Bombing of Dresden and add some fire to her war crime. And thus, a very large petard is hoisted around BFA’s neck.
The image of a burning Teldrassil is almost certainly a very shocking, very dramatic one, and I’m pretty sure that’s why Blizzard chose to do it. It’s certainly a very big, risky move in the terms of story that could have elevated it. The quest to try and save the citizens of Teldrassil as it burns is truly harrowing and excellent in how it underscores the hopelessness of the task.
The thing with the burning of Teldrassil is it has colossal consequences, and the story did not handle it with the gravitas it deserved. After that moment, you cannot bring the Alliance and Horde to a happy peace - the Horde has done an undeniably awful, inexcusable thing, and yet the Alliance will apparently look the other way and sign a peace treaty with them now Saurfang is dead and Sylvanas has run off to make Shadowlands happen.
So already we’re in trouble from War of the Thorns, which was not helped at all by Blizzard devs playing a ‘who burned the tree’ game only to reveal that it was always Sylvanas, she did it because she meant to do it. This did nothing but upset and annoy people (me included), which started everything off with a sour taste in our mouths.
Next stop is the attack on Undercity, which is good if not for the inexplicable stupidity of the Alliance not perhaps thinking that Sylvanas would use the Blight against them, after they just witnessed her burn Tedrassil down. And knowing she dumped Blight on Gilneas.
Despite these slip-ups, we’re keeping up this feeling of all-out war. The Horde gets word that Talanji and Zul are stuck in jail, let’s rescue them and get the Zandalari on our side to beat the shit out of the Alliance! The Alliance, not to be out done, decide to go get the Kul Tirans.
And that’s when the story fractures. The stories on Zandalar and Kul Tiras are kinda understandably divorced from the main war, but they’re so divorced as to be almost completely outside of it. The only signs of it outside the War Campaign are the Alliance sailors scrapping in Talanji’s Rebuke that you find in a non-essential side-quest, and the shoehorning of the Horde into the Stormsong questline, which then proceeds to break the latter questlines when the bloody quilboar seem to appear out of nowhere and become the main baddy (what?!).
It took the advent of 8.1 for Faction Assaults to start occurring and making us feel like all-out war, but it seemed a little too late. There was the attack on Dazar’alor that pushed the war narrative, but it was starting to get tangled up with the ‘Sylvanas is Bad Warchief, we must remove her. Or not...?’ storyline with Saurfang, which fell back onto ‘the Horde isn’t bad, it’s the Warchief who is!’ which 1, we’d already had in MoP, and it wasn’t a fun feeling that time either, and 2, it’s not really a good excuse after a genocide.
So Horde politics start, which are sort of interesting to Horde players, but not Alliance players, who only have Tyrande being understandably pissed at losing her home and people and going to wreak havoc to be content with. Well, if by ‘wreak havoc’ you mean ‘kill a val’kyr and somehow get beaten by Nathanos and then get shelved for orc drama later’. Salt was rubbed into this wound when a dev said that Tyrande had ‘got revenge for Teldrassil’ with this, which went down badly.
Now, there has been Old God stuff rumbling throughout the expansion up to this point, granted, but you can count on one hand the amount of times it was given a shit about. Only when Crucible of Storms comes out does N’Zoth do a proper ‘hey guys I’m a bad guy!’ thing, and he actually starts to slither into centre stage.
8.2 begins, when Azshara comes to kick our ass and free N’Zoth, and that’s when the tried and true ‘factions unite vs. the Big Bad’ trope comes out (as everyone and their mother predicted it would), and both factions decide that maybe they should focus against Azshara and her Old God master. But before N’Zoth beating, we need to boot out Sylvanas because she’s mean and burned a lot of innocent people.
8.2.5 arrives, everyone goes and makes angry faces at Sylvanas, Saurfang dies dramatically, Anduin and Jaina look pretty, and Sylvanas flies away angrily. Congrats guys, we did it! Now for some peace. Ignoring the fact Teldrassil is still ash, and Rastakhan is still dead (and the Zandalari are pissed about that), so it should be less ‘peace’ and more ‘polite ceasefire’.
And now it’s 8.3 and suddenly N’Zoth’s everywhere! And we’re going to kill him at the end of this patch and...that’s it. Next stop, Shadowlands. That big bad we’ve been hinting for a long, long time got a single patch to wave his tentacles and then he was very dead. Even worse, his big arrival was completely overshadowed by Shadowlands’ announcement. Ooof.
With all these things, BFA’s story feels like it set off without knowing where it was going to end up, except that maybe N’Zoth was involved and Sylvanas would ditch the Horde. So it bumbled around, making weird choices, and then wrapped up plotlines far too quickly. The war felt after Dazar’alor that it was about to escalate, what with Rastakhan’s death and Talanji’s ascent to Queen. Instead, it suddenly paused before deciding it was going to end so quickly I think it gave us whiplash, just so we could fight N’Zoth as an united front. So of.
As a result, we have plotholes still yawning open, very unsatisfying endings, as well a perpetual conflict between Alliance and Horde on every public forum imaginable - Alliance aggrieved that Blizzard has ignored them yet again in the story department, except when they wanted a shocking stunt, whilst the Horde is upset that they’ve been hit the ‘villain’ stick again, except this time it was a fucking bludgeon, and we’re getting very tired of this now please stop. This isn’t helped by all the foreshadowing of the faction lines either dissolving or loosening up during the coup against Sylvanas, and then Blizzard just going ‘yeah nah can’t do that, gotta preserve the status quo’.
So, how can we improve this by adding N’Zoth? Well, remember the core premise of Legion and stopping them? Repeat that with N’Zoth. It is simple, but we can give it its sweet twist - we’ve got to stop N’Zoth, because he’s not only trying to corrupt Azeroth. He’s also playing the Alliance and Horde against each other so they can’t stop him.
Immediately that makes N’Zoth the Big Bad, and also underscores the point of We Do Not Want Him To Get Out of His Cage, which makes the fact he does get out a big OH F*CK moment. Not that it isn’t already in current BFA, but can you imagine the gutclenching despair you’d feel as you’d done everything in your power to stop this from happening, and yet it’s happening anyway? Now you’d know what Khadgar felt like when the Tomb of Sargeras opened - and you’d know that you’ve got to do everything you can to put this right.
Let’s go back to the beginning, only this time we dial the Void stuff up. We begin the War of Thorns with the factions already tensed up re: Azerite, with preliminary scraps over it and what looked like the Alliance attempting a coup over some of the Forsaken (HEY BLIZZARD STOP PUTTING LORE LIKE THAT IN BOOKS AND NOT REFERRING TO IT INGAME KTHANKS). A tenuous peace, to be certain, which could only be made worse by Old God agitators, stirring up unrest in the factions.
As much as I would prefer the Horde not being the instigator in all the bad stuff, N’Zoth is the only variable I changed in this equation, so with unrest and some intel that makes it look like the night elves are making a move either to cut off Azerite production, or funnel it through Teldrassil, the Horde strikes at Ashenvale and Darkshore, instigating the War of Thorns.
Things look to be going normally, but you as the Champion notice Old God stuff lurking about and ‘hey this looks like what was happening before the Cataclysm- Oh. Oh no!’. You try to bring evidence that this is a set-up to the people in charge, but it’s escalating out of control. Night elves are dug in so deeply that the Horde has to set fires in the forests to get them to move, which causes retaliation, which gets Saurfang involved who critically injures Malfurion, but before the final blow Tyrande punts him into next week and maybe at this point someone goes: ‘wait hold up what do you mean there’s not Azerite over here’.
We stumble over to Sylvanas to try and tell her ‘no wait we’re being played’, but she takes this as misinformation and or a bluff, and fires a couple of catapaults to show she ain’t fucking kidding at Teldrassil. A couple. Enough to cause a ‘I mean business fire’, but since Teldrassil is in the fucking sea and I would assume almost always damp around its lower regions (you’re allowed a snigger at that), it’s not going to set the entire thing ablaze.
Except it does, because of N’Zoth’s minions in the Horde (and Alliance, probably), who fan the sparks with wind and feed them with power. Alternatively, we could have naga rise from the depths to set some Azerite-infused fires too, just to foreshadow Azshara coming onto the scene later.
With Teldrassil engulfed, everyone is shocked, including Sylvanas, who really didn’t intend this to happen at all (and is pissed because there goes her bargaining chip). The Alliance of course declare all-out war on the Horde because how dare they, whilst the Horde is briefly paralyzed with shock.
Saurfang and the others yell ‘how could you?!’ at Sylvanas, who yells back ‘that wasn’t part of the plan!’ and also something along the lines of ‘why the fuck didn’t you tell me the intel was shifty before this happened?!’ before going: ‘well it’s happened now, so we best gear up and stomp the Alliance into the dirt or we’re all going to die’.
Meanwhile people are going: ‘yeah but what about the influences of darker things going on? maybe we should do something about this’ with the answers being: ‘shut the fuck up, they set fire to Teldrassil’/’shut the fuck up, do you really think the Alliance is going to stop after what just happened’?
So it’s a race against time to try and get the factions to turn against N’Zoth instead of ripping each other apart before horrible shit starts happening and we’re all royally in the shit.
Everything happens pretty much as is from there, except we get some explanation for the lack of gas masks being ‘oh no our totally legit sources told us the Blight hasn’t been stockpiled in large quantities, we’ll send infiltration teams to neutralise it’. Only to find out that this is not the case of course and N’Zoth cackles some more. Sylvanas and Saurfang have an argument leading to Sylvanas booting him out and Saurfang getting captured by the Alliance despite the orc wanting death.
Everything goes as is from there, with Zul kinda trying to get Talanji killed because N’Zoth, in a mirror of Ashvane/Jaina. Just this time, we’re pushing the Void angle hard. They’ve both got their hands (or tentacles, rather) deep into Kul Tiras (Azshara) and Zandalar (G’huun), so it only makes sense to amplify their nonsense.
Over time people higher up the chain pick up the fact that N’Zoth’s doing this on purpose, but bad shit keeps happening so the Alliance and Horde can’t put aside their differences because both sides are doing genuinely bad things to each other! Yes, including the Alliance! Sylvanas is doubling down because she wants to survive this, and the only way she knows how is to utterly destroy her opposition. When she sees parts of the Horde begin to lose faith, she gets pissed because this is not the fucking time and this is the only way to stop the Alliance damnit.
Similar stuff happens in the Alliance, with Tyrande understandably going on a rampage against the Horde with Genn in tow, whilst Anduin and the others try to pump the brakes as they see N’Zoth’s tentacles looming everywhere.
Everything reaches a hecking climax when Azshara shows up and one thing leads to another, and N’Zoth comes bursting out, prompting an ‘OH SHIT’ moment. I’m thinking during Nazjatar, the small Alliance/Horde forces there ally, and when they’re just about to do something useful, the bigger kids show up going: ‘what the fuck are you traitors doing?!’ and during the argument, Azshara steals the Heart of Azeroth and unlocks N’Zoth’s prison, which leads everyone to realize ‘bollocks, we were played’.
Anduin can bring most of his Alliance forces to a standstill, and begs Tyrande and Genn to help him vs. N’Zoth. Tyrande tells him where he can stick it, but Genn is persuaded, though he says he’s going after the Horde as soon as N’Zoth is downed.
The Horde does the same to Sylvanas, but she knows as soon as N’Zoth is down, the Alliance will have her head, and especially when she realizes Tyrande’s still out there, she stands her ground. When a good portion of her powerbase decide on the temporary ceasefire to go after N’Zoth, however, Sylvanas tells them to piss off, and ditches the Horde. Talanji does a Genn, knowing how bad the Old Gods are, but she’s still getting blood payment from Kul Tiras after this is done.
Thus, everyone finally turns their attention to the big bad, fully entrenched, and ready for this grand climax. after he’s been causing all this pain and suffering. The Alliance and Horde are splintered, each nursing legit grievances against the other, but standing together for a moment, as always.
Yes, it’s Cata and MoP dressed up in a different coat, but sometimes a simpler plot is easier. That and Cata was more the factions poking each other in the eyes a couple of times rather than all out war.
With N’Zoth as the instigator of the conflict in BFA, we get a big bad we must fight, and we understand more than he’s a legit threat - and that he knows how to weaken us, so he throws us in a battle against one another so he can win. Yet everything isn’t forgiven at the end - the status quo is sort of there, but the factions are more fractured than before. Crimes still need to be answered for, but doing so may cause more conflict and death.
Sylvanas is out there and pissed, and feels the only way she can survive is to subjugate everyone that could ever harm her and perhaps transcend death itself. This entirely speculation on my part, but a part of me thinks Sylvanas’ main driving force is ‘I’ve been through enough, not even death is a respite, I’m going to become so powerful no-one will control me - I will control fate myself if I must’, which is actually fairly tragic and does grant me sympathy for her (watch this not be her main motivator in canon tho).
Does this solve all of BFA’s problems? No, of course not. But I do think it would have improved the story, at least by managing to keep the story flowing in a more linear direction. You’ll notice that Saurfang has all but disappeared from the N’Zoth narrative, that’ll be because I wasn’t too sure what to do with him. I do like him as a character, but he was pushing the ‘only the Horde has story’ narrative, and I’m not too keen on that. He’d still be a main character pushing for fighting N’Zoth and dying in the end, but less of all the focus.
To those of you who got down here - congratulations and thank you! I went on a very, very long time. Hopefully I have written if not a persuasive argument, then at least an understandable one. This isn’t meant as a ‘Blizzard’s writing is terrible!’, because sometimes it isn’t, but as a ‘I think it would have been better if done this way’.
Thank you for reading, and I hope 2020 smiles upon us.
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bow-women · 4 years
Vereesa x Jaina
strangers (0 of 5)
I don’t know you personally or at all. I would not recognize you on the street. I do not know your name. i would not recognize if you were brought up in conversation. you have no importance in my life.
acquaintances (2 of 9)
i know your name. I recognize your face. i think i understand your personality on a surface level. i’d like to get to know you more. i think we could be good friends. we have a lot of similar interests. people say we’re a lot alike. we don’t ask one another for favors often. i would not be able to tell someone if you have allergies.
friends (8 of 11)
we get along well. we have fun together. i like hanging out with you. you’re someone i can send memes to. i feel comfortable around you. i know some of your interests. i’m a little more open with you than other people. i keep some secrets to myself. sometimes i’m not sure what i can open up to you about. i usually buy you something minor for holidays. i like when we can go out and do something together.
best friends (10 of 13)
i could tell you anything. i call you if there’s a problem. we probably text too much. we have a great time together. we’ve got through some bad times. i can be myself around you. we have inside jokes for days. i send you songs that remind me of us. we have a lot of memories together. i can open up to you. i worry when you’re in a bad situation. i’d kick someone’s booty for you. i take insults against you personally.
crushes (2 of 13)
you make my heart race. i can’t stop thinking about you. i worry i text back too quickly. every touch is a sign. sometimes i wonder what kind of person is your type. i send you songs that remind me of you. i keep dropping hints about how i feel. you make me emotional. i want to tell you how i feel. i like when you let me stay over. i think i’d be happy so long as you’re happy. seeing you with other people makes me jealous. i can’t tell if this is a date or we’re just hanging out solo.
sister/brotherly (7 of 15)
you drive me crazy. we’re on the same level. you take over all my hobbies. you nag me too much. i’d die for you. we jinx a lot. we have inside games. we play too many pranks. sometimes our fights can get a little intense. i feel relaxed around you. i can be myself around you. we take care of each other. you steal my food right from my plate. i steal your food straight from your plate. if one of us is sick, we both are.
dating & early love (0 of 13)
you make me happy. we have everything in common. you are always on my mind. i can’t get enough of you. we sleep on top of each other, not next to each other. we buy everything in pairs. talking about you is like word vomit. people seem a little annoyed at how in love we are. our relationship should have books written about it. we’re always making memories. i can’t wait to do all our ‘firsts’ together. sometimes i get cold feet. i hope we’ll be together forever.
mature love (5 of 18)
you take all the blankets. you ate the last of MY snack. we get into tiffs but work it out. i can be honest with you. you know everything about me. we can be a little naggy towards each other. i feel safe around you. you are always on my mind. everything i do is for us. ‘we’ seems to suit us best. people say we fight like a married couple. we are married. we have children together. we reminisce while making memories. i’d die for you. i can’t imagine my life without you. i love you for your flaws. i’ll love you forever.
toxic love (1 of 15)
(optional, contains abuse mentions)
i’ll do anything you tell me to do. it doesn’t matter so long as you’re happy. i don’t care so long as it makes me happy. i’m only in this relationship to get something. you only want to be with me to get something. i can’t trust you. i don’t feel comfortable around you. talking to you feels like walking on egg shells. i never know what is okay. you apologize with gifts. i apologize with gifts. you say i’m everything to you. i don’t talk to anyone else anymore. we get into physical fights. the cops have been called before.
exes (2 of 12)
i miss what we had. we used to be good friends. my memories feel tainted now. i think about texting you a lot. i wonder how you’ve been. i don’t like the idea of you getting with other people. i’m already seeing other people. we have a child together. we’re legally separated. we broke up. my family wants us to get back together. i put you on blast with all my friends.
enemies (0 of 11)
i hate you. you make my skin crawl. you are my antonym. seeing you makes my blood boil. i know you’re no good. you thwart my every move. i know your trying to hurt me. i know you’re talking shit about me. i’ve never felt this way about anyone else. i could kill you. i will kill you.
result: Best Friends (37 Total)
So from Vereesa’s perspective, Jaina started out as a work friend, an acquaintance through Rhonin, but it didn’t take too long for them to hit it off. I think they were able to bond over a mutual responsibility that they didn’t necessarily ask for, but rose to the occasion to manage. I also think Vereesa was drawn toward Jaina’s general optimism and hope. While she herself is more of a realist/pessimist, I think a part of her wishes she could believe in there being a brighter side to things.
Of course, after Theramore is when their relationship strengthens into a life-long bond. They both lost so much in such a startling way. Who else was there to turn to? Jaina had Kalec, but Vereesa was left relatively alone. I think Jaina felt a bit of guilt that Rhonin saved her instead of himself, and would have pushed herself to provide as much support to Vereesa as she could, probably more than she should have. Vereesa didn’t stop to question if her friend was giving too much, but she did develop a sort of feeling of ‘I owe you so much’ that could turn toxic.
That is not to say Vereesa was never the one being cried on. There were times that she spent nights holding Jaina, letting her friend cry, talk or even scream it out. But with Jaina also having Kalec to talk to, I can’t imagine Jaina would let herself take advantage of that support very often.
There is a... small potential for more of a relationship between them, but the thought hasn’t crossed Vereesa’s mind. While she feels Jaina is a supportive pillar to her, just like Rhonin used to be, it doesn’t cross fully into romantic territory. Jaina is the friendly aunt to her children, the friend with a shoulder she can cry on, the sister that doesn’t look down on her age or naivety, and the woman who could actually understand her anger and rage toward those who have wronged her.
Vereesa laments about how she wasn’t there for Jaina like Jaina was for her. She worries about her friend, hopes that she is healing and doing better. And she will still cut a bitch who does Jaina wrong.
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yunharlaquin · 5 years
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tagged by: @aspecialprovidence​ tagging:  @heirite​ @lastrevenant​ @genitrice​ @solosboy​ @stvrdestroyers​ @emporxrshand​ @ichorcrowncd​ @iamnojedi​
1. what does your muse smell like?   nothing flowery, mostly hints of oil and other mechanic related fluids.    she’s not particularly fond of anything with a scent for a long time, but eventually, she becomes quite fond of a perfume with hints of vanilla and musk for when she has to be ‘presentable’.
2. what does your muse’s hands feel like?   warm with lightly calloused palms, the rest of her hands calloused and lightly scarred from working on ships, droids, and lightsaber practice.
3. what does your muse usually eat in a day?   a light breakfast of grains and fruit, an equally light lunch of bread and protein with some vegetable, with her heaviest meal being in the evening and could be just about anything.
4. does your muse have a good singing voice?   she’d say not, but it’s decent.    considering she hardly ever uses it other than to sing popular songs way too loud with friends/squadron mates, no one really notices.
5. does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?   she buries herself in tinkering rather than facing what’s bothering her.    when she’s nervous or impatient, she can be seen sometimes tapping her lightsaber or her leg where her lightsaber should hang rhythmically with her fingertips. 
6. what does your muse usually look like/wear?   jaina doesn’t particularly care about what she wears, an attitude only reenforced by her jedi training and military service during her teenage years.    there, she pretty much only switched between stained work overalls and her jedi robes, later adding her flight suit into the mix.    it’s only later that she gains an appreciation for anything other than these.    she leans toward earth tones, greens and blues.  her hair is generally kept a few inches below shoulder length, generally held back by a tie at the nape of her neck or in a flat braided bun on the back.    however, occasionally in war time, she’ll give into the urge to shear off her hair, ending up with a bob just below chin length.  jewelry is a rarity with her and so if makeup unless a more formal occasion or diplomatic duties require it.  she doesn’t particularly need either at any rate.
7. is your muse affectionate? how much? how so?   depending on the degree of relation, jaina can be very affectionate.    she’s most so toward her parents and brothers, that extending to her cousin as well.    as a relationship progresses, she’ll eventually become more affectionate.    while with her family that affection comes as hugs and ruffled hair, others receive much more absent minded affection.    otherwise, she doesn’t really offer it.
8. what position does your muse sleep in?   curled on her side, one arm under her head or under her pillow.
9. could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?   nope.    jedi training skills.
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koszmar-zycie · 5 years
Playing Devil’s Advocate (so don’t be a toxic psycho), I got to thinking:
People jumped instantly on the bandwagon of Sylvanas’ words against Saurfang during the cinematic.
If we watch her in a sort of character study across the ages, you can see when she’s written with actual emotion, or faking. Even the really awesome Vol’Jin funeral speech - rad as it was of a cutscene - felt like a leader’s speech.
But whenever she’s been genuinely betrayed or attacked, she snaps *viciously* and exploded beyond a reasonable response.
In the War Campaign cinematic, her calling Saurfang and his posse a traitor(s) had some serious emotional expression on her face. She genuinely felt betrayed. The sort of response from things like the Alliance booting her despite Jaina’s pleas, Greymane’s shit, Arthas, etc...
Sylvanas’ retort about the Horde after Saurfang’s big hope push was *instantaneous*. She didn’t think about what she was saying. She retorted in as vicious and hateful a way as she could off the cuff, because to her, she was now nearly completely surrounded by ungrateful traitors.
Bear in mind again, THIS IS NOT A DEFENSE, it’s a study. Nobody sane would defend Charles Manson, but you can understand what drove him to insanity. You can understand what makes someone vicious without saying it’s good. (seriously, stop being psychos and attacking people who are trying to study. Even those who support/like her, you shouldn’t be a c*** to)
From day 1 of undeath, she’s been surrounded by people who instantly hated her and refused to accept her. Even her own. Regardless of her plans; whether some hidden positive end with terrible means, or all around bad, she’s been hated, betrayed, and attacked more than ever. To her, an already bubbling ocean of betrayal and hate around her is roiling up into waves.
And y’all think she “showed her true colors”? Of course she didn’t. She’s at a point where she’s now being driven primarily by an anger at the people who allegedly would accept her. (Horde, even though it was mostly only a “be our fodder” deal) 
And y’all genuinely think that someone with hyper-PTSD on levels nobody in the universe could understand (short of Arthas himself) is thinking clearly and saying this shit on purpose? Don’t be daft. She may be wrought with paranoia and all manner of assorted afflictions that make her extremely dangerous, but the things she’s doing and saying are *very* clearly driven by a fear/hate towards those she sees as already fearing and hating her for no reason other than existing. Mount the “betrayal” (some unfounded, some valid) on top of that, and you have a volatile, unstable woman who is emotionally wounded by people she *did* genuinely trust. (again, we know this from the books and storylines, you can’t argue she did trust many of these people)
Nah. Again, we’re not talking about whether or not she’s right or wrong here. What we’re addressing is the debate on intent. SO many people are using this cinematic as a “see she’s evil and hates the horde too” platform. Maybe that’s the case, if Blizzard keeps being stupid. But realistically, her voice/expression, her words and immediate response of anger...
It’s incredibly clear that this is all built upon her fear of the world, even allies she trusted, turning on her - a fact that has already occurred many times - culminating in a final attack.
Now, she seeks power to make sure that she cannot be betrayed or wounded ever again. 
Good? Maybe not. Hidden ulterior motives? Certainly.
But it’s incredibly clear that it’s not a rational and clear “plan” like many people are trying to say it is. This isn’t Sylvanas from the old old days. Her cunning and coldness may be the same, but she’s been tempered by years and years of mental and emotional anguish, often caused legitimately by others, that have turned her into what she is now. Just as Wrynn’s refusal of Jaina’s plea to take Sylvanas and the Forsaken in made her feel betrayal and driving her to horrific violence and cruelty to the Alliance, she’s been sent tenfold into a new path of anguished isolation.
Remember. Someone can be a cold and cruel person, but when history says they were built by the hands of others as well as themselves, you can hardly call mental illness a rationally processed thought.
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lizartgurl · 6 years
So for your ocs could you do numbers 1 through 15?
1. How many different places have they lived?
Emma: Has traveled the world and speaks at least five different languages fluently. Can communicate somewhat effectively in ten others.Eliza: Has lived in Dakota City her whole life until she moved to BYU Idaho for school, and then Barcelona, Spain for a mission.Astra: Lingkyra was and always will be her home. Her spirit lives with those of her people. Mount Justice is welcoming, but can never measure up to her Ancient Utopia.Samantha: Sand Diego girl through and through.Kiran: Travels a lot to explore with her parents, but she’s only ever lived in Washington DC and Delhi, India.Jaina: There’s Coruscaunt, and unnamed secret planet for the protection of her and her brothers, Yavin IV for training, Mount Justice, Ossus, and then Coast City. The universe is her home.Lorena: Also a San Diego girl. But Atlantis is amazing too.
2. What is their dream vacation?
Emma: Anything where she or her family don’t have to fight crime. Even a staycation would be fine if Bruce wasn’t so focused on catching Calendar Man of all people.Eliza: She likes cruises so long as her parents aren’t helicoptering over her and her health all the time.Astra: No vacation. The Universe must be defended.Samantha: Family reunions are the best! Even a house full of flies is great, so long as she’s got her cousins, silly aunts, musical uncles, and the rest of the family (based on a true story)Kiran: Visiting Archaeology sites isn’t exactly a vacation for the Singhs, but it’s got the sightseeing built in and Kiran gets to skip school so she counts it. She loves spending time with her parents.Jaina: Just let her have peace and quiet for a few seconds that’s all she’s asking.Lorena: Hawaii. 
3. What is their favorite color?
Emma: RedEliza: BlueAstra: PurpleSamantha: RedKiran: Pink!Jaina: Purple and GreenLorena: Silver
4. What is their favorite book?
Emma: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. She reads it with Kaldur.Eliza: Secrets of the King’s Daughter by Renae Weight MackleyAstra: She has only ever really read the history of Lingkyros, but the myths and legends are entertaining.Samantha: Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day GeorgeKiran: The RamayanaJaina: It’s childish, but her favorite will always be the Little Lost Bantha Cub. Her parents reading to her and her brothers will always be her favorite memory.Lorena: Goose Girl and the other Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale.
5. Have they ever cheated on anyone before?
6. Have they ever been cheated on?
No, though Kaldur betraying the team feels a lot like being cheated on to those who loved him.
7. How many partners have they had?
Emma: She’s only seriously been with Kaldur’ahm, but she has dated Donna Troy, Luke Fox (he’s so cute, okay!), Frankie Charles, Nadimah (from the BG of Burnside), and a couple of people who are dead now.Eliza: Eliza has been on many dates, but she has only seriously dated one or two of them (Kaldur, and a guy from BYUI when he went dark)Astra: TwoSamantha: *Sammy voice* “Ain’t nobody got time for datin’!”Kiran: She’s been so wrapped up with her studies and her parents that she never really thought that anyone would want to be with her until she met Kaldur.Jaina: Jagged Fel, Kaldur’ahm, Tenel Ka, and Zekk PeckhumLorena: She had a “boyfriend” in middle school but it was a kid relationship. She eventually thought it was dumb and broke up with him. And now she’s with Kaldur
8. Already answered
9. Already answered
10. Introvert or Extrovert?
Emma: She’s in the middle there.Eliza: Introvert, unless she’s onstage. She gets spiritual support on her mission.Astra: Extrovert.Samantha: More introverted. She likes to keep to herself but when she does talk to other people or strike up a conversation with a stranger she can make them feel very special by the questions she asks and the attentions he gives them.Kiran: ExtrovertJaina: IntrovertedLorena: extrovert
11. Have they ever been arrested and why?
Emma: A few times as a hero, mostly when she was first starting as Finch, but she always escapes. She got a DUI once, on a bad day. She has never drunken again since.Eliza: Never. She is scared to death of police cars.Astra: She was never arrested on her home planet,t he model princess, but she gets approached a few times when first acclimating to Earth, but they were never good enough to actually bring her in.Samantha: NopeKiran: How dare you accuse my perfect angel.Jaina: So many times for various offenses during her rebel teen phase, which is strange because she’s supposed to be a Jedi. She is single-handedly responsible for half of Leia’s gray hairs.Lorena: She’s too good to get caught.
12. Who would they sacrifice their life for?
Emma: Literally everyone except the Joker or Lex Luthor.Eliza: Her parents, Raquel, Kaldur, the team, baby Amistad, and it’s not a person, but she would sacrifice everything for her belief in the LDS church.Astra: All the people of LingkyraSamantha: Her family especially, but also her teammates and the people of San Diego.Kiran: Kaldur, her kids, her parents, Kamala, M’gann, Artemis, Zatanna, Raquel, Gar, and Cassie.Jaina: The entire Universe, which she just might have to do.Lorena: Her family and all of Atlantis.
13. What are their spending habits?
Emma: She likes to be wise with her money like her parents taught her, but Bruce is a billionare so either way he sends her 5mil at the beginning of every month like he does the rest of his children.Eliza: She works very hard to earn money herself for her mission and her car (her parents insisted on paying for college, and they agreed that a mission was something to personally save for). She will always splurge on clothing, accessories, and stuffies. She owns a zoo and an aquarium of plush animals.Astra: She is very conservative with her money, only authorizing insane amounts of money on necessities like food, shelter, water, education, and protection for the people of Lingkyra.Samantha: Her parents can also pay for her school, but she has to save up for a mission. She shares a car with Abby when she gets old enough, but she doesn’t really like to spend too much money, unless it’s on food or books.Kiran: Is drowning in unused notebooks and pens. She loves to spoil Kaldur, and they both love spoiling their kids.Jaina: lol what money?Lorena: Gets an allowance from Aquaman for superheroing and spends so much time trying to think of how to spend it in a way that shows him and her parents that she’s responsible so she usually ends up putting it in savings.
14. Do they like hot or cold temperatures better?
Emma: She likes it in the middle, like fall/spring weather.Eliza: She likes the hot weather. Better for swimming. And outdoor theater performances!Astra: Lingkyra has a temperate climate over the whole planet, so extreme temperatures bother her to the point of sickness. She is not allowed to fight and of the ice or fire villains. Junior always tries to flirt with her anyway (she has that effect on people)Samantha: She likes the cold because then she can wear her scarves, hats, and favorite boots.Kiran: She doesn’t like desert heat, or winter cold. So let’s say in the middle. Fall has such pretty colors, and she can wear her favorite shawls (it’s like carrying a blanket all the time)Jaina: She does not care. Either way, she’ll adjust. And she’s probably seen worse before.Lorena: She likes warm wetter, also better for swimming.
15. Are they religious?
Emma: Yes, Christian.Eliza: LDS Christian.Astra: There are many religious sects on Lingkyra, but she has never participated in one, even though her parents were devout worshippers of their own sect.Samantha: LDS Christian.Kiran: Hindu.Jaina: Does being a Jedi and believing in the force count?Lorena: No.
(I really like making my characters religious. It’s very rarely seen respectfully in media, and religion plays such a big part in my life, I want to see it in others too.)
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redisaid · 4 years
5 times 1 time prompt, part 5
And that’s it. I dunno if these are technically supposed to be 6 times (5 + 1???) or just the 5 and 1 of those times is also the other time? I’m bad at math either way. This turned into “how can I mash these two together in a World of Warcraft canon scenario 5 times” and I have run out of real estate in the timeline before Jaina turns crazy anti-Horde. Well, even this is after she’s already there, but whatever.  This was fun, though. Anyone wanna suggest a title for this, if I were to post it to Ao3?
They met in such ways only one more time. One last explosion. After that, they would only see one another again across battlefields, in the scarred and broken ruins of the cities they would raize. Peace itself was like an explosion, fleeting and beautiful in a sublime way.
“You have a visitor, Lady Proudmoore,” the steward called from beyond the door. Jaina looked up from her book. She was in bed, in her rooms in Dalaran, still recovering from the shot to the chest that had nearly killed her. She was dressed in a simple night robe, her white-streaked hair braided out of the way, but strands of it now falling into her eyes, messy. Certainly not fit for any visitors of note, but she supposed it was just Anduin coming to check on her for the third time that day. The lad did worry so.
“Send them in,” she said, going back to her place in the text. 
When she looked up, the last person she expected to see was Sylvanas Windrunner. So much so that she reacted out of instrict, hurling a quick frostbolt in the direction of the Banshee Queen, only to see her put her hands up, demonstrating that they were indeed empty of any arrows or ill intent. 
Just in time for Jaina to redirect her frostbolt. Just enough for it to hit the magelight lamp above the door, shattering the glass and causing the magic inside to crackle and fizzle before rupturing.
Explosions, after all, did seem to follow them. 
But at least Sylvanas was deft enough to dodge out of the way, her hands still in the air. “What are you doing here?” Jaina demanded. 
“Violating your ban on the Horde in Dalaran,” Sylvanas answered. “Lucky for me, the guards seemed too afraid to confront me. That, or they thought I was here with good reason.” “And what reason are you here for?” Jaina asked.
Before Sylvanas could answer, the scuffle of footsteps could be heard outside, as a pair of high elf spellbreaker guards and the steward who had admitted her came charging in after Sylvanas.
“Gentlemen, please,” Sylvanas addressed them all, then spoke only to the guards in Thalassian. “Lady Proudmoore’s lamp simply had an accident. Be dears and clean it up for us. But later, after we’ve talked.” Even as high elves, years removed from her jurisdiction, the men immediately listened and obeyed, ushering the confused steward out with them. Clearly, they’d spent longer listening to the Ranger General than they had fearing violence from the Banshee Queen.
And clearly, Sylvanas knew this, and had no fear of taking advantage of it. 
“Well, if I were here to kill you, then such a task would prove perhaps far too easy,” Sylvanas noted as the door shut behind her once again. “Thankfully for you, I’m not.” “Answer the question,” Jaina said, setting her book aside and drawing the covers up enough to make herself decent.
“I suppose you’d give me a run for my money regardless, with your magic. We could have great fun together, you and I. But I’d rather not dodge more of it, or step around more broken glass. My purpose here is two-fold. One, to bring you a message from our new Warchief, one whom I hope we won’t be trying for war crimes any time soon.” “And two?” Jaina asked.
“To ask after your health, as it were,” Sylvanas told her. “I understand you were shot in the chaos at the end of the trial.”
“I was, but I’m on the mend,” Jaina explained, very briefly. No need to go into everything with Chi-Ji and the dopplegangers. No doubt, Sylvanas had heard reports of it already.
She had not stayed herself. Not after her own sister had revealed their plan to poison Garrosh, to take matters into their own hands. Just as Jaina had so badly wanted to.
Just as she sometimes wished she had. Garrosh would be dead then. And she would not have had to relive the fateful day that Theramore fell for a captive audience. What a hell that was. She was grateful that Sylvanas hadn’t seen it. And that, in itself, was a strange thought. 
“Glad to hear it. It’s a horrible way to die. Trust me.” Right. She’d been shot to death herself, in Gilneas. Jaina thought it seemed like long ago, but in reality, it had been only a few years. Just another death, for a woman who had died three times now. 
“Your concern is touching,” Jaina spat back at that. Sylvanas smiled. A sharp fang poked past her lips, then another as the grin spread, looking strange over features that were usually cast somewhere between a scowl and a glare, with hints of a sneer, maybe.
“See? Look how much fun you are,” Sylvanas replied with that smile.
“I didn’t take you the type to have fun,” Jaina batted back at her. She hadn’t known Sylvanas to be witty or quick like this. Hadn’t known her, really, to seem to enjoy talking to anyone or anything. 
“I’m dead, Lady Proudmoore, not boring,” Sylvanas said, as if that would correct her.
A laugh bubbled up in Jaina’s throat, without warning. Sudden and severe in its need to leave the confines of her chest. Oh, it hurt to laugh, straining against stitched and bandages alike, but it felt good too. Sylvanas’ smile settled into a smirk at that. “You will find, perhaps, that I am not many things you would expect.”
“Is that so?” Jaina asked.
She wanted to know, though. No one had made her laugh like that in ages. Everyone these days was too busy talking her down, telling her what to do. Light was she tired of it all. Even young Anduin was so self-righteous these days. And not to mention Kalec.
Fuck Kalec, for that matter. He’d only visited her once as she lay there recovering, and made to scold her again for her actions during the trial. It was easy, she supposed, for him to go on one of his little rants again when she was literally on bed rest, and couldn’t walk away. Well, at least not without the healers yelling at her too.
Before Sylvanas could answer, the shuffle of feet beyond the door sounded again, this time, louder and larger in number. “It seems like someone started asking questions,” Sylvanas noted. “Looks like my time here is about to come to an end.” She approached the bed, extending her hand to reveal a small envelope in it, sealed with red wax and stamped with the Horde’s seal. Jaina took it. Their fingers brushed briefly, cool calluses on warm softness. 
“From Vol’jin. For your eyes only,” Sylvanas explained.
Before Jaina could move her hand away entirely, those cool fingers met hers again. Sylvanas brought her hand to her lips before she could struggle out of her grip. Not that Jaina wanted to, either way.
Her lips were cool too, but soft. Very soft, as they brushed Jaina’s knuckles ever so slightly. 
“If you ever tire of your dragon’s preaching, we could keep on having fun,” Sylvanas said as she let go of that hand, then stepped back toward the door.
A hand, Jaina would find out later, that would remember the way those lips felt on it for quite some time. Even as they would go to opposite sides of the battlefield again. Even as they would try to rain death down on one another. Over and over again. Time after time.
It was, after all, the way of things, here on Azeroth.
“Until then, Lady Proudmoore.” The room exploded again. With Anduin himself at their head, and Vereesa following him, they led a not so small contingent of spellbreakers and Silver Covenant rangers. With swords and bows drawn.
Only they were drawn at nothing but wisps of purple smoke and crackling necromantic energy. Sylvanas dissolved herself, a thing that even Jaina didn’t know she could do, and slipped past the small army in a cloud of death-tinged vapor.
“Wait, was that my sister? Why was she here?” Vereesa asked as they all turned to try to follow her, but there was nothing left of Sylvanas to follow.
The note, as Jaina would later find out, was just as confused as the Alliance side of things was. Maybe not as confused as she was herself.
I hear that you be healing well. What I said at the trial still stands. I only ask that maybe you talk with me before you try to drown Orgrimmar again. If you be willing to take your frustrations about Garrosh escaping that far, of course. 
Oh, and I don’t know why, but Sylvanas offered to deliver this letter to you herself. Perhaps I’ll ask you to talk to her instead, if you be in a mood to negotiate.
- V
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redinkofshame · 6 years
[There are more questions under the cut, I combined some memes.] I was tagged by @thevikingwoman​ for ‘seasonal’ questions, that I am now answering on the verge of summer. Sorry, viking!
1. Favorite holiday? Why? Halloween! I adore Halloween. There’s minimal if any family pressure, I love costumes and excuses to dress up, you don’t have to get up early, there’s candy everywhere... Honestly what’s not to adore about Halloween?
2. Do you know how to ski and/or ice skate? I do know how to ice skate. No one would cast me in any skater au ofc, but I can get by without falling. I’ve only gone skiing once. I could never seem to slow myself down enough. I ended up accidentally ramping up a hill (I was trying to use the hill to slow down) and sailed through the air and crashed into some trees and broke one of the skis and had no way off the mountain. My favorite part of that trip with discovering how epic hot tubs in the snow are.
3. Share a family tradition that you love. Holiday tradition, or... I’ll just do one of those. No one in my family (or my BFFs tbh) are allowed to put up Christmas decorations until after my birthday (Dec 4).
4. Do you like mulled wine? You know I’m not even sure I’ve ever had any, but I like wine, so, yes
5. Favorite kind of pie? Pumpkin, pecan, and Cheesecake. (Cheesecake is a pie, fight me)
6. A holiday you like to skip? Christmas, if I could :(
7. Is The Nightmare Before Christmas a Christmas movie or a Halloween movie? Halloween! We get stuck sharing so many Halloween movies with Christmas (tNBC, Hocus Pocus, The Addams Family) and I’m sick of it! I’m reclaiming all of them on behalf of Halloween!!
8. Who from Dragon Age would want on your snowball fight team? Who would be on the other side (lets say… 5 people max) uuhhh... I mean all the rogues, obv, they’ve got the aim Me, Cole, Cassandra, Varric Vivienne (just because I can’t picture it), Blackwall, the Iron Bull, Sera
9. A holiday snack or treat that you like? Hot cocoa or Andes mints. I’ll pass on the cookies.
10. A holiday wish? That my job/living situation works out T.T
I was also tagged by @slapmybabushka​ 1. If you had a TARDIS and you could travel to any place in any time where would it be? Oh man... Wherever/Whenever Nine is XD The nearish future on Earth, I think, like 100 years. I want to see that things get better (or maybe validate my fear that they get worse). Or maybe let the Doctor pick something good. 2. Favorite animal? I’m a lover of most animals, but my answer is the pangolin. 3. Do you Have any tattoos? If not Do you want any? I do--Stan Lee’s autograph, and a semicolon on my finger.
4. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re sad? Cry? XD Chololate or wine are good to, or texting my support system.
5. What kind of pets do you have? (If you don’t have any then what kind of pets do you want?) I have 3 cats x.x Arthas, Jaina, and Yayi. They’re all assholes. Arthas is my world. 6. Describe your dream vacation. I should probably say like Egypt or something but honestly we went on a tropical cruise for our honeymoon and it was amaze-balls, I’d like to do that again. (Pro-tip: the cheap, windowless rooms near the engine are a fantastic combo of white-noise and complete darkness that allow you to sleep like 24 hours a day.)
7. Star Trek or Star Wars Star Trek. I’m more of a tv girl than movies, and I like that they cover a wide variety of social issues.
8. Favorite video game? Dragon Age Inquisition, and Harvest Moon: Back to Nature 9. Are you a sleep for a week person, or a sleep is for the weak person? I think #6 answers this XD 10. On a scale of 1 to 10 how fluffy do you like bunnies to be. So fluffy. Gimme those angora ones, I’ll spin ya some yarn. 5 Things Meme, tagged by @tel-abelas-mofo​ 5 things you can find on my blog 1.) My writing 2.) Uhh.... 3.) Sometimes some DA fic writing references 4.) And general writing references 5.) And occasionally some art tutorials 5 things you can find in my room 1.) At least 13 lost hair ties 2.) A mountain of clean, unfolded clothing 3.) A crib 4.) 1-3 cats hiding under or on the bed 5.) A whole lot of shoes that I never wear 5 things I always wanted to do 1.) Get paid for my writing 2..) Get one of Nipuni’s commissions XD 3.) Only wear clothes that I’ve sewn myself 4.) Build a castle 5.) Have a successful blog/vlog 5 things that make me happy 1.) My son 2.) My husband 3.) When people leave comments on something I’ve written because it made them feel something 4.) antidepressants? 5.) Dancing
5 things on my to do list
1.) Write more
2.) Draw more
3.) Like serious, write waaaay more
4.) Learn some more lullabies
5.) Sew more
5 things you may not know about me
1.) It’s very difficult for me not to answer a direct question, even if someone has no right to ask that or won’t like the answer
2.) It’s really hard for a story to make me cry, though written media works best
3.) I was a late bloomer- I thought I was aro/ace for a while, though we didn’t have those terms back then
4.) I’m
bad with names, even with my own friends and family
5.) I really like dragons
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sigurdjarlson · 6 years
Bored so have some headcanons about Ladelia who tends to get less attention from me and it’s a shame
Ladelia is terrified of spiders but the two spiders Diily has as pets (very, very large spiders) absolutely adore her and it scares the shit out of her, especially cuz one likes to crawl into her bed at night
She favors fire then arcane and Frost is her weakest spec
Her crush on Jaina is still alive and well and it will only get worse I’m sure when she sees her again
She snorts when she laughs really hard
She displayed magical talent from a very young age it was chaos until her father taught her how to control it
Allueneth (her father) had no interest in using his own magic...until Ladelia was born and he realized she would have to be able to control it and then she wanted to learn more and he sucked it up for her and taught her what he could
Ladelia was very shy and skittish as a child now she’s far more confident and outgoing I mean I would be too if I could incinerate people with a mere flick of my hand
She’s much more outwardly emotional than her sisters who both internalize their emotions
She’s a lesbian while her sisters are both bi
She’s never had a girlfriend or had her first kiss Yes that means she’s a virgin
Neither Diily or Alaluria are virgins
She gets a crush on ladies she meets very easily but her biggest crush so far is Jaina
I guess this family has a thing for silver haired mages with issues
Jaina has no clue and probably won’t ever find out
She’s more outwardly peppy and bubbly then her sisters and absolutely would be the one to burst into song on a long trip (im for some reason thinking of koda from brother bear “tell everybody I’m on my wayyy”)
Loves to prank and mess with both her sisters but especially Alaluria because she gets so pissed
Can talk a mile a minute and gets super excited
Loves Khadgar like a big bro
Also loves illidan like a big bro much to Diily’s dismay and Alaluria’s delight, Ladelia just figures Alaluria loves him so she should too even if he’s..unpleasant
Prone to pouting when mad or angry crying
Will shamelessly run to her sisters for protection if she’s outmatched I mean hey she would rather swallow her pride than die lmao fuck that
Her mount Morningflower is Brighthearts cub just like Shadowclaw and Wildheart are. But from different litters (fitting for the three sisters to have well, three sabers that are sisters too)
Endless thirst for learning and loves pestering Khadgar about stuff which is fair because he can learn from her too, she has been alive a lot longer than he has
Inexplicably does not like Kalec but no one knows why except her sisters
Goofball and it turns her sisters into goofballs too, even Alaluria
Happy exterior hides deep rooted trauma and inferiority complex
Doesn’t remember much of the day her parents died, Diily privately thinks it’s a reaction to trauma, she was so young and just couldn’t handle it,
Diily and Alaluria however remember everything. Diily being the oldest remembers everything the most vividly
Loves battle, and makes a show of it, she loves to impress
Her and Alaluria have their mother’s hair color (blue) while Diily has her father’s (purple)
She’s a bit naive, she’s the night elf equivalent to a human in their early 20’s, by night elf standards she’s actually quite young
Loves to eat and can eat..a lot. She’s also chubby even though her in game model can’t show that /grumble
Is actually a very good cook but just conjures food is in need of a quick snack.
Loves Pandaria, good food, peaceful folk, lots of alcohol, beautiful land..what’s not to love?
Probably the one with the strongest faith out of the three, Diily being second and Alaluria third
Was an absolute wreck when Khadgar killed Diily making the legendary ring, honestly Khadgar doesn’t know how close to being incinerated he was asldkfkff
Being granted the title Archmage is something she holds very close to her heart and feels extremely proud about
Was deeply troubled by withered, she never wants to end up so addicted to magic like that..or like other magic addicted elves
Very ambitious and has to be brought back down to earth I mean Azeroth sometimes
Beserk button is hurting Diily or Alaluria, I think it’s safe to assume hurting the others is the biggest beserk button for all three
She’s deeply empathetic, feels deeply and it shows, she wears her heart on her sleeve
Very good with kids and wants them in the future, she’d love to adopt. She visits the Stormwind orphanage when they go there sometimes and gives them treats and hangs out (she’s an orphan too after all)
She’d adopt a child of any race including horde races
Despite being quite needy with her sisters she’s actually not the jealous one, it’s Alaluria who doesn’t like sharing her sisters with anyone. Ladelia is more apt to just be like !!! Have fun!!! Love u!!!
if they’re on the road (they usually are) she’ll always sleep right beside Diily where she feels safest, however! She feels safest when Alaluria is on her other side too (putting her in the middle) and Brightheart, Wildheart, Shadowclaw and Morningflower are curled up with them
Absolutely saved their lives in their childhood a lot without knowing because she was able to start a fire with magic when Diily or Alaluria couldn’t get one going manually (for warmth, boiling water, cooking food, etc)
V Cuddly and physically affectionate.
Diily had to tackle her out of the way of harm once on the first attack on the Broken shore because she was too busy staring at Jaina in awe (reminds me of that one text post lmao “get up you useless lesbian!!”)
Can communicate with both her sisters without saying a word not through telepathy or anything like that..they just know each other that well, have their own signals, etc
Wants to be an aunt so badly and knows Alaluria is never gonna have kids so it’s lol on Diily! (She’d never actually pressure her she’s just playing if she says shit like that and Diily knows it. she still would love to be an aunt tho and she’d be an amazing one)
Joked about Illidan and Alaluria having kids and while Alaluria tried to beat her ass (playful sibling fighting not actually to hurt her) Diily just sat there looking like her soul was leaving her body because of the mere thought of Alaluria having illidan’s child
Apologized to illidan for killing him that one time and he was just like “..uh...okay”
Made Hrolf lose his shit laughing mid battle with gul’dan because she called out “Gul’daddy is coming your way, big guy”
The first thing Diily did then is glance at Khadgar very quickly and he looked like he was about to have a stroke (how dare u make him hear that)
She likes to joke around obviously. It keeps everyone’s spirits high. She can be serious if need be though.
Diily, Alaluria and Ladelia banter while in battle constantly. It’s just what they do. Sometimes you just gotta roast your sister real quick even while fighting...or just make some bad jokes. “wow Ladelia you’re on fire tonight” “shut the fuck up, Diily”
Both her and Diily have picked up cursing in common after so many years fighting by humans and other races (example 1 above) Alaluria is picking it up now too from them and is quite...ah creative with it
Inside jokes galore with the three of them and it’s probably annoying to everyone else around them lmao
Ladelia takes the most pride and enjoyment in making her armor sets awesome (transmogging and shit) it’s fashion bitch
Would be the 1st person to quote a meme
Is super jealous that Khadgar and Medivh can turn into a bird and she can’t
She does love her violet magic bird mount she got from the Kirin Tor after defeating Argus the Unmaker though :’)
Had an absolute blast in Karazhan..both times around!
Leaned over to Diily and whispered “they fucked” when Medivh and Khadgar were talking and Diily was just like “Well obviously”
If she wasn’t gay she’d probably be into Med honestly but she’s gay af so she just thinks he’s neat (*insert potato meme here but Medivh is the potato*) she likes his style.
Has trouble being quiet when she needs to be because she talks so much and gets excited and must comment.
The commentary from the whole group of my ally ocs during events in game honestly could be a fic in itself. They’re idiots and I love them
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livironheart · 6 years
all of them
◎: What is your muse’s most prized mundane possession? Why do they value it so much?
She treasures a lot of things, but at the moment it’s probably her engagement ring. It means a lot to her.
★: What is your muse’s idea of perfect happiness?
Warm summer nights, brimmed hats, fishing, friendly neighbors, cookouts, coming home to a loving partner and snuggling every night, going on occasional exploration adventures and mapping the stars
☩: Your muse is doing some intense spring cleaning. What is easy for them to throw out, and what is difficult for them to part with?
Liv probably doesn’t want to throw out anything because everything she has, she needs (or thinks she will need in the future, even if she won’t). Some old clothes might be the first to go.
♠: What’s the worst thing your muse has done to someone they loved?
Betrayed Rook while she was with Finn in Kalimdor
♢: In what situation would your muse feel most out of their comfort zone?
Anything overly intimate that she hasn’t experienced before will make her extremely uncomfortable. Also, rich social gatherings like balls and dances (even if she tries to love them, she’s not used to them yet).
♣: What’s your muse’s biggest cause of stress or anxiety?
Afraid that something will happen to Finn when she’s not around to help, or that she’ll never be able to master the spells she’s working on.
✚: What is the most frightening potential handicap or disfigurement your muse can conceive? What makes it so frightening?
Loss of magic is a big one, but not exactly a handicap in a normal world. She would probably hate being blind. She has such an appreciation for the beauty of the world and not being able to see it would be really depressing.
✔: What did your muse want to be when they were a child? Did they go on to do this and if so, was it everything that they hoped it would be? Or has this desire changed since, and why?
Olivier wanted to be an archmage. She’s kind of dropped from that ambition because she thinks it’s unrealistic, but sometimes she thinks about chasing it again. Right now, she just wants to secure a safe life for her and Finn for years and years into the future.
❖: What is the attitude and appearance that your muse presents in public? How does this differ from the attitude they have in private, when they are alone?
This has changed a little bit recently, but she used to be very angry/confrontational/arrogant in public and very honest and quiet when in private/alone. Now, she’s less angry and confrontational, but tries to be more of a leader. It takes a lot of energy, and she’s very quiet and often reveals her insecurities to others when they’re alone.
✿: Which one act in your muse’s past are they most ashamed of? Which one act in their past are they most proud of?
She’s ashamed of Northshire when she hesitated before going back into the abbey (when Finn died), and when she had suspicions that Kaldius was Krath’ul but didn’t act on them in time. She’s also ashamed of betraying Rook, and of getting bitten.
She’s proud of killing the troll leader singlehandedly in the Siege of Southhold, but almost no one knows it happened; she’s proud of being knighted, of advancing as far in magic as she has, and of what she did in the study between Un’goro 1 and Un’goro 2. It had its consequences, maybe more in the future, but it was still necessary.
➜: What sort of things does your muse keep in their pockets on any given day?
She has a coinpurse attached to her waist and usually has a small notepad and a pen on her. When she carries her bag around, there’s a lot more because it has an enlargement spell. Her bag usually contains a few tomes, a phoenix egg, a bottle of cider, snacks, and a first aid kit.
■: If one of your muse’s friends was asked to describe them in a handful of words for a profile on a dating site, what would they say?
“Sensitive and empathetic, but with little patience. Show you mean well or she won’t stick around long.”
‽: Who or what, if anything, would your muse die for or otherwise go to extremes for?
Finnigan Wyman
▼: What would you find in your muse’s refrigerator right now?
A little bit of everything (whatever’s in the study)
♛: If your muse had to die, how would they like to go? And if they could come back as a person or animal, what would it be?
Liv wants to go down in a really cool and epic way and sacrifice herself for the sake of some great battle and go down in history. She wants to go out with a bang. She would love to come back as a wild gryphon.
❸: Name three things your muse considers themselves to be very good at, and three things they consider themselves to be very bad at.
Good at swordfighting, stealth, magic.
Bad at cooking, talking, and being patient.
❦: If your muse was having a nightmare, what would be the worst one that they could suffer?
Something that reminds her of a past memory that incorporates her fears, like the room in Feralas. It leaves her waking up wondering if anything is real anymore.
♫: What is one thing that your muse thinks they are talented at, but actually aren’t?
Being smart/not rushing into situations.
♞: Who was your muse’s idol when they were growing up? Who did they first fantasize about being like?
Jaina and Khadgar!
✱: What is your favourite ‘happily ever after’ for your muse? And what’s your most unconventional ‘ever after’ headcanon for them (happily or otherwise)?
Happily ever after would have to be what I described earlier with settling down in a small fishing village or farm town with her significant other and going on occasional adventures.
An unconventional one would probably be her going dark and becoming a villain for the order or others.
✦: What is your muse’s fondest childhood memory?
Painting her room.
♯: What would be the perfect gift for your muse?
Liv wants a gun. Her muse thinks maybe that’s not a great idea and maybe she would enjoy a personalized cookbook with lots of little notes and pictures that remind her of the things/people she loves. Or a really, really awesome set of new armor.
❤: What is your muse’s perfect romantic date?
A fancy dinner somewhere, then a night camping in the mountains or at the beach under the stars.
☮: When and where was your muse happiest?
The place in the mountains when Finn proposed to her (even if it was initially intended to be a joke).
☥: If events in your muse’s life had gone very differently to how they did, what would they have done with their life? What sort of occupation might they have chosen for themselves and would they, in your opinion, be happier than they are now?
Olivier was very close to going full rogue and being in a life of crime. She could be leading a syndicate and killing/stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. She probably wouldn’t be as happy.
☢: If your muse knew that they were going to die in 24 hours, name three things they would do in the time they had left.
Kiss Finn, hug Finn, spend the next 24 hours searching for a way to change the future.
☠: What is the one thing for which your muse would most like to be remembered after their death?
Probably how she cared so much about everyone and everything, almost too much. She couldn’t often find it within herself to be apathetic, and threw herself wholeheartedly into everything to help the people she cared about, or to fight the ones she didn’t.
✎: Growing up, did your muse have a teacher or mentor figure? What was their relationship like?
Liv has has several teachers/mentors, all of them with odd relationships. She hasn’t yet managed to develop an extremely close bond with any of them because they’ve all left within months.
✄: How does your muse perceive themselves, both internally and externally? How does this differ from how other people may see them?
Liv perceives herself as a regular girl with a lot of emotions and a fierce passion to protect who she loves. She sees herself as a defender and a dreamer. Others might describe her similarly or in a more negative light depending on her relationship with them.
✈: Was your muse popular as a child? Did they have many friends, and are they still in touch/still aware of what they are doing with their lives now?
Olivier didn’t have any friends as a kid. She has some ex-coworkers that she’s sort of friends with now, but doesn’t really know what they’re up to.
♐: What is your muse particularly unskilled at?
Cooking and patience. The two happen to be related, yet somehow she’s great at fishing. She is slowly learning, one recipe at a time. She also sucks at mechanics and learning how tools and machines work. Absolutely awful.
☯: Who, if anyone, does your muse consider to be their best friend?
Finnigan Wyman
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calzona-ga · 7 years
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Grey's Anatomy heats up in firefighter-set spin-off — first look | EW
Shonda­land’s stake in ­Seattle is expanding with a Grey’s Anatomy spin-off set at a nearby firehouse — and EW has the exclusive first look!
Jokingly referred to as Blaze Anatomy, the still-unnamed offshoot focuses on first responders whose high-stakes rescues have more drama than Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. “Our hero characters aren’t just saving lives, they’re putting their own lives at risk,” says showrunner Stacy McKee.
The 10-episode drama follows a team — including father figure Captain Pruitt Herrera (Miguel Sandoval), charismatic charmer Jack (Grey Damon), and leading lady Andy Herrera (Jaina Lee Ortiz), whom McKee calls an “emotional anchor” for the show — as they complete 24-hour shifts. Grey’s regular Ben Warren (Jason George) launches the new series in March when he trades his scrubs for a spot in the firehouse. How much will the spin-off then cross over with the flagship? Get all the details from McKee below. (Check back later for more first look photos and our Q&A with Jason George.)
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Does the Grey’s spin-off have an actual name yet? STACY McKEE: [Laughs] Nope, not yet! We don’t have a name. You should see the bulletin board in my office. We have hundreds of Post-its on it with possible names. It’s pretty fantastic.
I heard a temporary name jokingly being thrown around on set is Blaze Anatomy. As a joke.
What was the first germ of an idea to do a firefighter-set spin-off of Grey’s? I knew that I wanted to find a show that could match Grey’s in stakes, intensity, and tone. I wanted something where we could be laughing, and crying, and throwing things at our television all in the same episode. I always want to tell stories from characters first, so I just loved this idea of having some kind of big, awesome, hilarious, sometimes dysfunctional work family, and the fire station just seemed to work as a really natural setting for that. Plus, it’s an extension of the existing Grey’s Anatomy world. I mean, how many times have we seen first responders in the background rushing into the breezeway, dropping off patients and leaving? This way, we just get the chance to jump back into the rig with them and drive away.
How do you feel the spin-off is thematically and tonally either similar or different from Grey’s? The show is different from Grey’s because our hero characters aren’t just saving lives, they’re also putting their own lives at risk in the process. The very nature of their jobs will put these characters out into the streets, on location, immersed in their patients’ lives in a way that’s a lot more visceral and a little bit more messy. It isn’t the perfectly draped body in an OR. They’re responding to a patient on-sight, the scene of an accident, their homes, it’s just a different energy. There’s no safety net there. Gosh, it’s so similar, too. As much as we’re out and enjoying all of the action, there’s just so much heart and humor, and sexy time — all of that, plus this great shot of adrenaline.
How much will the show actually cross over with Grey’s? When Private Practice did it, it was more of a major event, whereas shows from the Chicago franchise do it more weekly, but smaller cameos. Will you lean more toward that? We’ll see. I don’t know yet. We just finished shooting the pilot, so we’ll see what the crossover potential is. There’s so much, which is so great. The worlds are so rich. Because they coexist, we have the option to do it just a little or a lot. We’re open to all of those possibilities. There’s just a tremendous amount of cross-pollination that could happen. I can’t tell you how many times I would walk into the Grey’s writers’ room and would pitch some crazy, amazing patient story, and everyone would be like, “Yeah, that’s great, Stacy, but all of the cool parts of that happens off-screen. We have to treat them once they get into the hospital.” Now, with this show, I get to do all of that off-screen stuff, so to me, the possibilities for cross-pollination are limitless, because what if we could just do it all if we want?
In terms of the two writers’ rooms, are you talking to each other a lot about how you can interweave these stories moving forward? Of course. We’re throwing every idea against the wall, and it’s like spaghetti, we’ll see what sticks. What’s fantastic about this show is because it’s Grey’s Anatomy-adjacent, there’s the potential for things to connect really, really easily. With Private Practice, even if we did a crossover, we always had to build into the story that there was a change of location, because Private was located in Los Angeles and Grey’s has always been in Seattle. This show takes place in a Seattle fire station that could, in theory, be just a few blocks down from Grey Sloan Memorial. Plus, I know all the writers over at Grey’s and vice versa, so it’ll be a very symbiotic relationship.
There have been some pretty memorable patients on Grey’s, particularly the two conjoined by a pole. Would you ever consider doing flashbacks to some of those big moments we’ve seen on Grey’s over the years? I mean, maybe, it’s such a cool idea. I do now! I love it. I’m writing that down. Note to self. Hmm, interesting. I’m going to the room after this. [Laughs]
Ben Warren is moving from the flagship to the spin-off. Can you talk about how that character is the connective tissue between these two shows? Yeah, he’s definitely a lot of connective tissue. What’s really nice is that, for his character, he’s going to be so new to this whole first responder firefighter world in the same way that any of us, our diehard Grey’s Anatomy fans, will be. So if it’s new for him, it’s new for us, too, which will be a really helpful, fantastic way of storytelling. He’ll be fundamental connective tissue.
What can you tease of other characters we’ll see on the show? Oh my gosh, they’re so fantastic. I’m giddy. They’re really fun, strong, a little messed up, and completely unique in all sorts of different ways. There’s Andy Herrera, who is played by Jaina Lee Ortiz, and she’s this pretty fantastic, badass firefighter, and she’s going to be a real emotional anchor for the show. There’s going to be firefighters from all different ranks, from captain all the way down to the newest probie. It’s a firefighting team of about seven, and three of them are going to be women; we have all ethnicities, all different sexualities. But at the end of the day, it’s just a real family of characters — not necessarily related by blood, but definitely a family.
Miguel Sandoval is playing the captain, so how does he compare to some of the authority figures we have on Grey’s, like Bailey and Webber? Oh yeah, he’s definitely a bit of a father figure to this whole group of misfits in the station.
What does being set in a firehouse afford the show to do that you may not have been able to do at Grey Sloan? We get to go to the accident, we get to run into the fire. There’s just this opportunity for so much more action, stunts and big set pieces like that, which is really, really fun. And a firefighter shift is literally 24 hours long, so you have these characters who are both working together — saving lives together and saving each other’s lives together — and living together for a minimum of 24 hours at a time, so they’re all up in each other’s business. Plus, we get to ride on firetrucks, which is everybody’s dream. I mean, don’t you want to ride a firetruck? It’s the best!
What kind of consultants do you have on this show compared to Grey’s? We basically have the equivalent of that, but for firefighting. We have firefighters and EMTs, who are both on set and consulting on the creative side, so we have a tremendous amount of resources in that way. We’ve also been in communication with firehouses both in Los Angeles and in Seattle, because some of the firefighting specifics are regional, so we’ve been trying to make sure that what we do is Seattle specific.
So a lot of rain then? [Laughs] Well, as much as you can do when you’re filming in L.A.
Grey’s has been hinting at Ben’s decision to change jobs, but how will the show really start to introduce this spin-off as we head into the back half of the season before its launch? Yes, they’ve definitely been setting the stage for Ben on Grey’s this season, and a little later this season, there will be an episode where we’ll actually get to meet one of the characters from the spin-off, just as a story within the episode. It’ll be Jaina’s character, Andy Herrera, and it’s going to be such a fun, fantastic introduction to her character. It will also showcase a really lovely story for Ben, where we get to just juxtapose his two worlds and see his reaction as he transitions from one world to the next. We’re actually shooting it right now. It’s going to be so good.
Ben has been training for this, but how might he struggle taking on this new profession? This is Shondaland, you know we’re not going to make it easy for him ever. He’ll definitely struggle and he’ll thrive. My goal is for him to have ups and downs, and to experience things that just give him such an adrenaline rush, and help him get so excited, and then in the next breath, he’ll face things that will rock him to his core. If we can do that for Ben, and then go on that journey with him, it’s going to be a pretty fantastic ride.
When it was announced that Jason was moving to the spin-off, a lot of fans thought that would spell bad news for Ben and Bailey. Do you want to give fans some hope? I don’t think anyone should feel hopeless.
Grey’s Anatomy is in season 14 and just hit its 300th episode. Is that added pressure in launching this show, or less considering this strong foundation? I don’t think about the pressure at all. I mean, I was there at Grey’s, I was an assistant on the pilot, I started as a writer in season 1, I was there for almost every one of those 300 episodes, so truly all I feel right now is excitement. I’m just so thrilled about this show and it moving forward and how it can connect to Grey’s and how it’s just an extension of the universe to me. I’m just geeked out. I’m basically a fan first and a writer second, and I just think it’s going to be fantastic.
The Grey’s Anatomy spin-off will first launch in an episode of the flagship slated for March before debuting sometime in the spring. Check back later for more first look photos and our Q&A with Jason George.
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Thoughts on the BlizzCon news?
Oh geeze, where do I even begin.Let’s try, least to most.
Nothing for Diablo, again… maybe one day. (though I’m assuming it’s because they’re actively all off working on something big - which probably isn’t Diablo related)
Starcraft 2 going free to play. - sure, but it isn’t a new single-player experience so why should I care? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good game and you should definitely play it, but I’m not good enough to play against other people any more so yeah… means nothing to me.
Hearthstone got a new expansion and it’s… kobolds? The trailer for it is as awesome as ever, and Matt Mercer singing is just beautiful. I really hope the K&C expansion is literally just the team going “you know what is fun. Dungeons and Dragons, lets just do a Warcraft version and get Matt Mercer to do the trailer.”. I really hope that was the creative process. Plus it has a PvE Arena mode - which if it is a permanent feature to the game, I’ll definitely probably get into it.
Heroes of the Storm got new heroes revealed - we’ve all seen the spoilers, so no huge shock here. The trailer was a little meh, but Alexstrasza is #1 dragon bae and clearly the best choice for the first dragon aspect into the Nexus. We’ve got two dragons and two shimadas now, but still no proper Gnomes.Feels bad.
Overwatch is finally getting an Irish terrorist. FINALLY! She looks cool to play but her actual design and the fact she kind of came out of no-where without any kind of teasing or cinematic, considering what her backstory is and how crucial it actually is to Blackwatch.Her character design is not my favourite - I don’t think every agent of talon needs the terrible black trench-coat school-shooter vibe. She’d look way better in her Mercy-esque outfit that doesn’t wash out her already pale face and clash with her red hair. And there are other colours that would work well with the whole glowing chemical tubing (which is the only actual cool part about her outfit) and they really could have played up the bioshock alchemist vibe that she seems meant to have. Because honestly, if she doesn’t have a “would you kindly” voice line I’ll quit.I think if she was more monstrous and less just generically pretty like all the rest of the Overwatch characters, she’d be far more interestingly designed. Blizzard obviously knows how to make a good sexy monster - I mean, look at dragon-demon Symmetra, or the Queen of Blades, or Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen, Lady of Darkness, Breaker of the Scourge, Reaper of Souls, Bane of the Alliance, Queen of Lordaeron and the Northern Kingdoms.Kit wise, she is absolutely interesting and should be heaps of fun to play. I’m not a massive fan of the beams, but the bouncing orbs, the teleport (as if we needed another one) and the kamehameha wave heal/damage ult is pretty tasty.The cinematic though, I was kind of disappointed in at first because we’ve got a new character and I was hoping it’d shed some light on her and get me invested in her as a character. I’m guessing they’ll do an Ana style thing on her (though I’m still waiting to give a shit about Orisa). But that it was Reinhardt’s backstory was pretty interesting. Turns out Reinhardt was a complete and utter toolbag who left his friends to die because of his own selfish glory-hounding.What a fucking piece of shit.That hair though really was glorious.
They should have given us Balderich. He was a beast, and a team player.Seriously though, fuck Reinhardt - I lost all respect for him.
Warcraft… oh geeze, where do I ever start. It’s all lore for me. It’s all amazing and depressing and happy and dark and fucked up. I was going into it expecting a massive Old Gods mess with major characters dying off and Sylvanas probably getting retconned into some evil monster and maybe Jaina actually ending up an Old God puppet.
Nope, we’re getting Mists of Pandaria 2.0.Lorewise, I’m livid because there is absolutely zero reason so far as to why the Horde and Alliance are so out for blood against one another - but I’m going to assume that that amazing trailer is depicting the Alliance being their usual evil-masquerading-as-good selves and attacking first.Yeah guys, we get it, the original Horde got in one sneak attack, doesn’t mean you get to do it for the rest of eternity.And we might lose Lordaeron - which also makes zero sense. The currently strongest part of the Horde getting driven out of their heartland is like if a group of uncultured Orcs sacked Stormwind - actually nevermind…Doesn’t matter, we’re taking Ashenvale, which means the Orcs will finally have unfettered industrial growth and land to farm. Finally Thrall’s dumb fucking decision to found a city on a desert will be righted. And I’m hoping the Forsaken get Tel’drassil, can you imagine how cool an undead world tree would look? Geeze.
The features of the expansion are cool as well, two new continents, one per faction - which is a real kick for people like me that super heavily invest in one faction over the other. Kul’tiras is kind of like a lore shangri-la, to finally actually have it and that it is Alliance gated (by the looks of it) is salt-inducing, but if I ever manage to pay for that sub again I’ll definitely roll through on my druid.Even better though, the Horde is finally moving to make reparations with the Zandalari - who really are natural allies now that that Old God loving self-proclaimed prophet Zul is defanged.
Plus other stuff, blah, blah. Oh, and Classic WoW servers.
Anyway, about that trailer.That is what the Warcraft movie should have been. I don’t even care if it ended up as Michael Bay-esque single-scene war-porn, watching the Alliance and Horde battle it out for an hour would be bliss. The Alliance are actually wearing armour like they’re meant to - while slowly morphing into the obvious villains they are.
I really super appreciate it as a lore-nerd, a real-world lore-nerd, a military-science nerd and a political lore-nerd. Just that cinematic really underpins why I find Warcraft a compelling setting despite all the flaws of the writing team.
It is a melange of cold-war ideologies clashing, between two imperfect empires with completely different world views and philosophies despite the similarities in their overall structure.You have the Alliance, whose prime goal has always been the destruction of the Horde and establishment of Alliance supremacy, finely honed and heavily armoured. They form up in neat lines and integrate their armies using mixed-unit tactics - the human shield wall and the dwarven rifle volley. With kaldorei archers supporting in the back and siege engines rolling up from behind. Draenei shock troops waiting for the break through and just one Worgen gude (fuck Genn so much) being all like “yeah, Gilneas is totally here as well my dudes.”
The Horde though, they’re messy, they’re all fury and bluster. They don’t need armour, they’re already all like tanks. Saurfang leading at the breach, Sylvanas standing on the walls directing her archers. The Horde doesn’t integrate, they just are. They’re brawlers not soldiers, they’re fighting for survival not some revanchist notion that all Alliance land is their own.Their leaders don’t send in their pawns to die, they’ve always lead from the front - they do it through honour and not a sense of nationalism.You see this when Saurfang stands against the fallen rampart, taking arrows instead of retreating to led his men die. When he personally leads the charge out into the melee. When Sylvanas, realising she can do better elsewhere unleashes her fury on the siege engines and fucking melts an entire squad of alliance footmen.
As factions they stem from the same place but grew to have very different conclusions. The Horde revolutionaries against the Alliance reactionaries, collectivism versus integrationism. Individualism fighting against bureaucracy.
I haven’t always agreed on some of the decisions that the lore team has made in terms of growing these two factions; be it introducing a greedy randian libertarianist Goblins into the largely socialist Horde, or the introduction of the rather obviously communist Draenei into the monarchist alliance. But the fact that they’ve worked on integrating those kinds of problems into the fabric of each faction really makes it feel far more real.
I kind of think it is a shame that it didn’t include at least one Gnome though. Mekkatorque in his battle armour looks pretty friggin’ boss.
I think that mostly covers it.
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