#no one scares me more than the starbucks people
redisaid · 1 year
Sylvaina Poll #6 Results
Thank you once again for doing your part and voting to torture poor Jaina some more. Poll #6 is now closed.
The first option is going to have Jaina deep in her gay thoughts:
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She definitely is going to be thinking about going back to bed after this though. Because goddamn have you all given her a rough week to live through.
The initial leader did not win the flashback option, but instead things later turned around for the moment she finds out Sylvanas leads the free undead and is still out there:
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I was honestly surprised about the option for what Sylvanas apologizes for first. I saw Teldrassil winning this, and it didn't even come close. Y'all are gay.
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For those of you who answered she should apologize for dying...bruh she's way too bitter about dying to apologize for that! I thought of an interesting option that I may include, which would be apologizing for Edge of Night. Otherwise, good write ins on this one that may get added to the string of apologies!
The context of "Please, I need you" got edged out of being completely gay and into only sorta gay:
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We are collectively undecided in the kiss, and shall be as surprised as I am when I get around to writing the moment it may or may not happen:
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For the bonus question, my smut diversion will be the pre-Third War Silvermoon love motel! This pulled away late as well, as the two Sylvaina options were 50/50 most of the weekend:
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A surprising 15 of you want Valadrin. That's more than the 3 I thought I'd get.
There's 5 Starbucks people???
As always, thank you again for contributing to the wacky fun that is putting this fic up to a vote! Please look out for the answers to these responses to be reflected in chapters 9 and 10 of Beneath the Blue Moon!
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Y'all I can't explain to you the pit I have in my stomach when I think about rising fascism, illness, inflation, and social unrest going into the 2024 elections. Especially when mixed with the widespread nihilism, burnout, and purity culture we're seeing
I am stressed
And I'm so fucking sick and tired of screaming in my corner of the internet for ANYONE to listen that fascism is here. That we NEED to keep fighting and yeah it's exhausting and it sucks but it wouldn't so suck much IF ENOUGH PEOPLE would just fucking listen and help spread the word. I could give my voice a break.
Like there no way EVERYONE is just not seeing/hearing. We're being intentionally and systematically ignored.
And the fact that I'm not the only one screaming and still people just choose to scroll or buy another "silly little treat" to help them cope instead of thinking for two seconds that they wouldn't HAVE to cope in Hell Timeline if they just supported the people demanding rights that would benefit EVERYONE
Like respectfully, you are so valid for hating it here and wanting to escape into your oat milk frappuccinos with extra whip, trust me so do I, but if things get worse people will die en fucking masse, do you understand?
Because we chose a Starbucks drink instead. Do you get it?
We HAVE to do something.
We can't just do nothing cuz that's easier.
And I know so, so many of us do what we can to make the changes we can. This post isn't about us.
It's about how we're going to fall into fascism because of people who think passively letting fascism happen and watching their neighbors be dragged away is a more emotionally acceptable consequence than actively making themselves uncomfortable in the name of human rights.
Hence the passport.
We've been screaming about this for decades trying to warn y'all and now fascism is undeniably here again and STILL most people won't give us the time of day. W h y?
My whole family are queer/neurodivergent natives of color.
I shouldnt feel like I have to run from where my people came from. Where my ancestors and living family still fight to protect.
But I'm very, very scared that if I don't our lives will be on the line. And with one genocide already in our history our survival is crucial to me.
How long am I supposed to wait for allies to help when I can see the mob marching towards me with pitchforks?
How close do I let them get until I'm allowed to admit no allies are showing up?
The awful answer to what most of you would do if fascism returned and you were forced to accept it or aid your fellow humans....
You'd accept it.
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starsomens · 9 months
Imagine you are venting to know about a relationship you had just gone out of because it was genuinely just bad and you have no idea how you even ended up in that relationship. Noah for one was honestly kind of pissed off that you let the relationship go on for that long when he was the one to tell you how bad it really was. Noah was always your best friend and your confident and you felt as if you could tell him absolutely anything. But today was the day that he finally snapped and you wanted to know why
“ oh, come on it’s not like you haven’t been in relationships that I thought we’re bad for you and you stayed in them because you wanted to. On top of that I supported you because I wanted you to be happy and I saw that it was something that you wanted.” You defended yourself
“ but then, when you told me to just break up with them, I listen to you and I broke up with them, because I think to consideration what you think is better for me because you’re seeing it from a different point of view” he defends his stance
“ oh, and it’s not like you weren’t intentionally scaring him away every time he’d come around you given this killer look as if you were going to beat him up the second he breathed near you” roll your eyes “ and that’s not me defending him that’s just pointing out the facts”
“ well, maybe because I knew how bad he was for you. I knew the type of person he was and he was so easy to read and you couldn’t see it!”
“And nothing!! I constantly told you, got proof, even show you in person what he was like, and you still chose to be blind to it. Yeah, I was ready to beat that motherfucker on the spot. Why? Because he was treating you like shit! You of all people should not be treated that way!”
“ what does that matter?! that happens to everyone in a bad relationship!”
“Because I love you!” He huffs “ I wanted to be him. I wanted to be the one to hug and kiss you every time I saw you. I wanted to be the one to hold your hand when they got too cold. I wanted to be the one to run down to Starbucks and get your order and make sure to tastes so I know that the barista got it right. I wanted to be the one to your tears and apologize to you after a petty argument like this….. because I love you…. And it sucked you be treated like you were an option right in front of me….”
“…Noah…” you had absolutely no idea and you didn’t expect for him to feel that way at all “I…I..”
“ no I get it you don’t like me that way and that’s okay…. I love you and I care for you deeply, but I can’t force you to love me. But I also can’t stand to see you with someone who doesn’t treat you the way you should be….. the way I would…”
“Noah no that’s not true-“
“Yes it is! ‘Cause if it wasn’t maybe we would have-“ you cut off his rent with a kiss to finally shut him up. He hesitates at first, but finally wraps his arms around you and holds you close as he melts into your kiss. The last thing he would have thought to happen actually happened. What he wanted for so long was now in his grasp kissing him. He couldn’t feel more euphoric than he does now
If you were absolutely honest. You might have dated that last guy to try and get over Noah. you had liked him for a very long time, but while he was dating other girls, it honestly had broken your heart and you didn’t know how to deal with it so you started dating other people as well for now, all that matters is you in his arms at this moment the way his body was pressed against you, his soft lips, caressing your own, in the absolute, full and warm, feeling of the butterflies in your stomach as they danced around happily 
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lady-byleth · 11 months
*shows up 20 years late with Starbucks*
So I feel like Neji gets way too much shit for his fight with Hinata during the Chunin exams
Was he a dick? Absolutely. Was he also not nearly as bad as people made it out? Also yes.
Allow me to explain
For one, yeah his verbal abuse of her is out of line and cruel. But it also serves a purpose, namely to try and scare her into giving up the fight early. He tells her multiple times to forfeit, before and even during the fight. He plays on her insecurities to pressure her into it because she has absolutely no chance against him
He also never strikes first. He waits for Hinata to make the first move several times, stays on the defensive constantly. So much so the others actually thinks she's got him on the back foot for a while. He counters her and blocks her tenketsu while he's at it.
He doesn't actually go for damage until that one strike that should have by rights taken her out of commission right then and there. But when she doesn't stop and gets back up, he actually looks horrified because she's injured, can't channel chakra, she's clearly defeated
...and then Neji too stops using chakra all together.
The whole fight it's made clear to us when chakra is involved in attacks, because the Gentle Fist relies on it, but after he blocks Hinata's tenketsu this stops completely. He doesn't go for her chest again until the very end, which is also the first time he uses chakra after stopping hers. He's losing his cool and he's trying to get her to stay down so the blow is stronger than it needs to be, but Hinata isn't exactly aiming for anything less lethal either. He matches her blow for blow, goes along with her movements, aims for the same places she does. He's just better than her so he actually does do damage.
And he could've taken her down fast and brutal if he'd wanted to. Kakashi is, pun intended, thunderstruck by Neji's level of skill. He acknowledges point blank that Sasuke wouldn't have a chance against Neji. Gaara is stimulated by that fight.
Hell, the kid makes Jonin at 15 and he has already reverse engineered some of the most advanced Hyuuga jutsu by 13 without anyone actually training him in them
He could end this fight in seconds, if he actually wanted to hurt Hinata. He doesn't. He wants her to walk away.
Hayate also tells the kids straight up that he will intervene when he thinks a fight is over cuz he doesn't want more corpses than necessary...but he let's it go on. It's not until Neji loses his cool completely that anyone actually steps in and then they have multiple Jonin rushing in to stop him cuz of how fucking dangerous Neji actually is
Also Hinata, despite her clear fear of facing him as an opponent, is still fond enough of him to call him brother. So despite the grudge Neji has against the main house and, by extension, Hinata, their relationship is still cordial enough
My conclusion is simple: Neji doesn't actually want to hurt her but he knows he can't guarantee that he won't so he wants her to quit before he does. And she just...doesn't back down and then turns the mind games back on him the whole fight. Unintentionally but the effect is the same. But her pointing out that he's hurting more than her...For a traumatized 13 year old always 2 seconds away from snapping, that's a tough pill to swallow. So he loses it and goes for her to shut her up...despite actually urging her to stop so she doesn't die just seconds before
He's definitely taking some shit out on her before that but he's not going into this fight to physically hurt her beyond reason. But his superior chakra control and frankly ridiculously good Byakugan give him an edge she can't overcome.
And Hinata had already lost by the time he got that first real blow in on her. A big part of why she ended up as badly as she did was because she refused to stop when she should have known she couldn't go on, Hayate and the Jonin stopped the fight too late and her tenacity slowly ate away at Neji's restraint
What I'm saying is basically that this is a shit situation from start to finish and no one deserves a warm handshake over anything that happens there. But Neji isn't nearly as bad as he's made out to be. Even provoking Naruto and Kurenai later on is cuz he's still riled up himself...but he does watch her being carried away the whole time too...
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glitterypopcorn · 2 months
my parents used to be so busy man. like i'd go to school and then be one of the last people, often the last person, to be picked up at aftercare. my mom would drive me home and id wait 30 minutes to two hours for my dad to come back home. i got home at 6-7 pm.
my dad left for work before i left for school during elementary school and there were days when i'd beg him not to go to work because i knew he'd be gone for so long.
my parents didn't work from home.
we didn't spend enough time together. on the weekends my dad would take me to starbucks to get cake pops and a chocolate croissant for my mom. when i was diagnosed with celiac, i stopped going. what was the point? i cant eat cake pops. they have gluten.
sometimes i tried talking to my mom. a lot of the time my dad told me not to bother her because she's working. i stopped bothering her after a bit.
my dad does most of the household chores. he cooks for everyone. he was often in a bad mood from work and so whenever i annoyed him while he was cooking or doing work at home, he yelled at me. eventually the yelling became mutual and, according to them at the time, i started yelling first.
i spent a lot of time on screens at home. it was the only thing that really entertained me and my parents didn't have the time to stop me.
my temper got worse. i yelled at my dad every day when he woke me up. i still begged him not to leave for work.
then, covid 19 happened.
i spent all my time at home. my skin became very, very pale. my screen usage spiked.
school on zoom was hell. i couldn't focus at all. my dad was in the kitchen, typing on his computer with a very very loud computer. eventually, he moved to the basement because of how distracting it was. whenever my parents would come up or down the stairs to the main floor where i was working, i'd yell at them and they'd yell back. i didn't want to interact with them at all.
i snuck my screens at night so my dad locked them up in a briefcase. that broke eventually, and he resorted to just using the time limit feature on all my devices.
after a while of this, i was diagnosed with adhd, social anxiety, and depression. i can't remember the order.
after quarantine was over, we resumed life as normal. we still wear masks in public to this day because covid is still a thing, obviously, and my mom has an autoimmune issue thingy. we don't want her getting it.
my dad drove me to school. i only had to go to aftercare on fridays, but eventually, the aftercare stopped entirely. my parents tried spending more time with me, but i refused unless they forced me. i would scream and cry every time they made me leave the house for something that wasn't school.
i've gotten better with new meds and all that, but it's still hard.
i get annoyed every time my mom tells me to do something or even just talks to me at all. i text the family group chat very dryly. i keep forgetting to be nice. when i remember, i am literally unable to be. i'm assuming it's my subconscious because my dad used to yell at me so frequently and scared me more than my mom, although when she does yell it's terrifying. that's probably why i get less angry at my dad. but i don't think it's just that because when my dad talks to me i don't feel annoyed at all, whereas my mom talking to me makes me enraged.
i think her voice is a major part. i've encountered like 4 other women who have a similar tone of voice to her when talking to me - my first therapist, my second therapist, a camp counselor, and the woman at that godawful occupational therapy place. won't be talking about that place here . maybe i'll make a post about it later. maybe i already did and i forgot . anyway. i dislike all of those women.
my mom's trying her best.
i feel like how they treated me before covid contributes greatly to how i treat them now. idk. i'm also kinda spoiled and assume i can get what i want because they gave me what i wanted so frequently, and still do a lot of the time.
anyway! i wouldn't call my parents neglectful because i had everything i needed to survive, but still .
/also my mom's mother died when she was 12 and her father was very neglectful, so i think that she's trying to make up for how she used to be and make sure she's not like her father. i'd say she's overbearing, but she really isn't since she barely talks to me so i don't yell as much. it feels that way to me i guess
uhhh idk why they love me i cost them so much and don't tell them anything but :3
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katiekatdragon27 · 10 months
To my other followers: I am so sorry.
To my two new followers: *comes out with silver platter* Here! Eat uuuuupppp~~~~
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This! *slams fists on table then slams face on table* This GODFORSAKEN MOVIE HAS ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY I'M NOT JOKING.
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Most stuff below. Lots of rambling.
So. Flatland. It's a good book, and an amazing f*cking movie. I love this goddamned movie so much bro. It's not even like a "good" good movie I just really like it for no reason.
Some lore I have with this book, since I want to talk about it.
I watched this movie the first time when I was in 6th grade. It scared me so bad that I had nightmares about it for a week. I hated the style of the 2D world and was so scared about the amount of murder that I psychologically blocked it all out.
Now in the present (as an adult in college), my friend brought up the movie for us to watch during a movie night. I was way more excited to watch it than I thought I would be (cuz of my previous encounter with it and wanting to "reclaim" the movie), but we only got 4 minutes in before my other friends got bored and decided to watch something else. I sorta dropped it for a bit after that before @/goosesartblog posted their ONE - Flatland crossover and 10000 emotions flew over me. I then proceeded to watch it with my siblings, who also did not care about the movie.
Now, it has become a lifestyle of watching it every single day. Every. Single. Day. It's bad. I can't stop.
And it's on YouTube for free.
AND the book is on YouTube as an audiobook AND the actual PDF book is just there to read.
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Anyways, actual relevant doodles. These characters are A. Sphere (the objectively best character idgaf) and Carlton Cube(?). I saw something about them being John-locked and thought it was really funny. Also, I saw a meme about the two getting Starbucks or smth during the week I lingered, so here lol.
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Some more doodles of concept stuff. Actual A. Square art and some style testing, Hex doodle, and more A. Sphere bc I love him so much. His ass is gay idk if you think I'm wrong just look at him.
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Silly little idea I had about if Spherious *(the sphere from the other Flatland movie) and A. Sphere were in the same universe. It's unlikely, but I think Spherious would be the Messiah of 2000 and A. Sphere is the Messiah of 3000. They met at some point where their lives overlapped, and Spherious tried to give A. Sphere advice, to which he was completely ignored. A. Sphere's a bratty teen here and Spherious is a grandpa. They treat their apostles very differently.
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Another silly idea I had was that when A. Sphere "died", he was actually picked up by a 4D being named A. Tesseract. He stays with her until the war is over in his dimension, and he is able to see A. Square one last time during his hallucination (that's why A. Sphere's innards are seen). Also also, A. Sphere learns how to treat people better b/c of A. Tesseract and the 4th dimensions' more liberal views on expression and gender. Development for the stupid shiny solid.
Thank you for looking at this mindless rambling. If anyone knows of more Flatland media, please send it to me I'm starving. Expect more, and have a great day :)
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starpirateee · 6 months
www.tumblr.com/sleepless-in-starbucks/744084849385766912/guy-whos-stuck-in-a-timeloop-for-so-long-he-stops UHHHH this is so Ted coded to me. do what you want with it :3
Oh wow, yeah, that is an awesome prompt, I'm so behind that! hope you like what I did with it :)
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Every day was the same. Ted realised that some weeks in, when history literally started to repeat itself. People started having the same conversations with him, and he started picking up on the ways to respond that didn’t end in a spiral of confusion.
He was dead. He thought he’d figured out that much.
Over the last days, his mind had started piecing itself together, and he came to realise what was happening, bit by gruelling bit. In the morning, he awoke in pain. Sometimes in his neck, most of the time in his chest. The worst of them kept him pinned for a while before he could force himself to work through them. That was the first thing he wondered about. Where the pain had come from, and how he could go about stopping it.
The day the flashes started was the day he truly realised that he may be dead. That this was no more than a sick, twisted purgatory, designed around what used to be his day-to-day.
The flashes came much without warning, and they were the only thing that was different about the endless repeat of the day. The environment around him was strangely pristine, but the flashes showed him the mess swept under the carpet. Death. Rebirth. A knife, dripping in blood.
Every time, he was just trying to get by, to ignore everything that was the same. Maybe he was trying to get lunch, or taking a break on a bench somewhere. Every time, the world would flicker like a dodgy bulb in a subway station, and he was once again faced with the blood, the death, the unexplainable pain.
Eventually, even that became something he got used to. 
After that, he stopped trying to fight the loop. If every day was going to be some flavour of the same thing, then he was just going to roll with it. It always took less effort to resist than to fight, after all, and this pristine nothing world where nobody ever experienced anything new wasn’t… So bad, all things considered.
“Are you fucking crazy? You’ve been saying that for a week now, what the hell’s going on?”
“A week? What're you talking about?”
Ted became an expert on hiding his fear, Those few weeks of being trapped in this endless hell began melting into days he’d long since lost the energy to care about. He stopped counting after about four and a half weeks. His mind lost the capacity to keep track at some point, and he never bothered to try and get it back. Every day he counted felt more like another line scraped into the wall of a prison cell. A pointless count for an exit that would never come.
Death row felt a lot different when the only conclusion was that he’d died a long time ago.
It got to the point where the only thing that changed at all was the colour of Ted’s ensemble. Blue shirt. Grey trousers. Brown trousers. Olive shirt. A collection of vaguely hideous ties, one after the other and then over again.
He kept track of things that way. No matter where he crashed or fell asleep at the end of the day, he always woke up to the shrill tones of his alarm, in his bed, with more of the same awaiting him. The only memories he could keep track of were associated with what he wore. That shirt was the one he got drunk in when he realised he was trapped. Those shoes were the ones that he’d ran from a swarm of angry wasps in, after he’d kicked their tree enough times to piss them off. 
Those tiny changes were the only ones that mattered anymore. Needless to say, he was scared, at least for a while. Even after he stopped trying to escape. Knowing that every day was going to start at exactly the same time, with the same pain like he’d been killed the night before… It was nothing short of daunting.
That’s why he’d hid it. He went about his day like it was the most normal thing in the world. He tried to keep on his mind on the inconsistencies, though they were getting fewer and fewer by the day. One day, he became convinced that there wasn't anything to take note of, that there was no difference in the world.
That didn't make sense to him. Finding the inconsistencies became something of a hobby, and he found some kind of enjoyment in it. Whatever had done this to him had started... Working him out, to say the least. Figuring out that he was looking for something out of the ordinary.
Soon enough, there was only one thing left.
Every day, when he tried to go about his business, there was one man who seemed to be in a different place every time he noticed him. A homeless man, someone he'd normally expect to be in the same place at the same time. But, sometimes, he wasn't there at all, and that confused him more than anything could describe. If everything was supposed to be the same, then why was this strange homeless dude the exception?
No matter what the answer was, he became the only inconsistency in this neverending loop. And that made Ted all the more curious. The next time he managed to catch him, he stopped and made it incredibly obvious that he wasn't going to move until he got some answers. For extra effect, because ‘dramatic bastard’ should've been written on his résumé, he leaned back against the closest wall and folded his arms.
"Hey. You."
The man looked up blearily, and when he realised who was waiting for him- who that voice belonged to- his eyes went wide. "It's you..."
Ted raised an eyebrow. He wasn't quite sure whether he looked like he meant business, but he sure felt like it. "Listen, I've got a question, man." His eyes darted over the stranger. There was a huge part of him saying this guy was just like all the others, he was stuck in the same loop, and this question wouldn't make any fucking sense. But at this point, he couldn't care less what he said, who was listening, or what this random guy would think of him.
After all, it wasn't like any of it actually mattered in the long run. He'd only forget by the time the day reset anyway... "You know something, don't you? About what's going on here?"
He was fully expecting the homeless man to ask for clarification, or to straight up ignore him, but instead, he leaned forwards and seemed to stare into his soul through his body. His eyes glittered with an almost golden hue as the early morning light flooded into the opening of the alleyway they were conversing in. Ted almost felt like shivering. Something wasn't right here...
"You're different," he muttered, in a kind of voice that made Ted believe he hadn't said a word to anyone in years. "You're different, and I think you know it."
"Nah, I'm just like anyone else." But saying that had given him pause for thought. What if he was the same as everyone else? what if they were all experiencing exactly the same thing, but they'd all learned the script by now? His eyes narrowed as he forced himself not to think of that. "What about you, eh? You're not-"
"D'you think I don't know? That I can't... recognise it? You are different. Not like them. You're stuck."
Ted froze. His eyes went wide. For a moment, the world scratched like a broken record, and everything seemed to stop. He knew. This guy knew what was happening to him. Why? And why him?
"... I-I don't know what you're talking about."
The stranger's lips curled into something vaguely reminiscent of a smile. "I can see it on you... And I think you know what I mean."
He did. He just didn't want to admit it. Vague as this man was being, what he was saying did make sense to some degree. He scoffed, trying to act like that hadn't struck a chord and made his heart start racing. "You must be crazy if you think I'm gonna buy that..."
"You'll see."
The next day, just to throw Ted right off the accusatory path, the homeless man was in exactly the same place. 
Maybe he had been imagining seeing him at different times in different places. Why would he be? Clearly he was just like anyone else, and Ted truly was alone in this reality.
The way they'd talked yesterday almost gave him the sense to see otherwise. It seemed at the time like he knew things nobody else did, that he could give him answers to the multitude of questions racing around his head. 
But evidently, Ted was the crazy one here.
"Hello again.."
That voice- his voice- drew him back to the present. He stopped in his tracks and turned his gaze towards where the voice had come from.
"Wh- again? But I- you're-" he didn't know how to explain the fact that he couldn't feel anything other than relief upon finding out he wasn't the only one. So he cut himself short so to not sound like an idiot.
"I told you, didn't I? I'd recognise it anywhere... You don't look the same as you did last time."
And it was true. His appearance was the only thing he could control, so he did. Even then, it was only some things. A constant repeat of the same day meant that his hair didn't grow, that he never needed to shave... There wasn't a lot that was actually in his control, but god did he take what he could, when he could.
He blinked, trying desperately not to stare at the homeless man. "How the hell d'you know that?"
"This is your loop," he shrugged, as if it was a perfectly normal thing to say. "But, you've never been the only one stuck."
"What, you too, huh? You're stuck here in this endless fuck up too?" For some reason, he took an interest to that. In some twisted way, it was kind of relieving to find someone else. But apparently, this was his loop, so logic would determine that it was his fault. He'd never thought about that before...
"Yes. Maybe... Well, I could be."
"You... Could be?"
"You could go. I could take your place."
"I'm not following. What the hell are you saying?"
"I'm saying you could go live again. Don't you want that?"
The homeless man shifted, pulled himself into standing, and looked Ted in the eye. They were exactly the same height, down to the last inch. Looking at him this way, Ted came to realise that they could almost pass for the same person, if someone didn't bother looking too hard. Besides the obvious difference in eye colour, there wasn't a lot between them at all.
He ran a hand through his hair. He had come to pretty much get used to the repetition of everything, and besides, it had been a long time since he last saw a... Wednesday? Thursday? What day was it even supposed to be right now? "I dunno..."
His attention was turned when the man grabbed his arm, looking at him with desperation shining in his eyes. "Listen, I don't wanna go back... I can't. You gotta say yes, man- you gotta!" 
"Huh? Why?"
There wasn't a coherent answer to that question. Ted stared into those golden depths for what felt like a long time, and when his expression didn't falter in the slightest, he sighed. "I don't even know how you'd do that... I tried to get out for, like, two weeks straight, and I couldn't do shit."
"You can't escape by yourself. He'd notice."
"He? Who?"
"... That doesn't matter. You have a chance now, you could get away. Take it."
"What, and you're just gonna take my place?"
This apparently most obvious of questions earned him an enthusiastic nod, but no further clarification on how he was going to go about that. He sized him up again, wondering just how they'd managed to go about their lives as two completely different people who looked that similar. 
There had to be a good ten years or more between them, and yet, it almost felt like he was looking in a mirror. The stranger's age showed in a far more obvious way: thick silver streaks peppered his long hair, and despite the unnatural golden shine in his eyes, they were slightly dim, to the point that Ted could clearly imagine what they looked like when he was his age.
"Sure," he resigned eventually, deciding he didn't have the energy to fight, or to question what the hell the golden eyed man was talking about. "If you can actually do that, then what the hell? Might as well make it interesting, huh?"
The grip on his arm was loosened. Instead, the stranger offered his hand out. Ted hesitated for a fraction of a second, and then took his hand to seal the deal. He was still highly sceptical, but he supposed this had gotten strange when this man recognised him for a second time. Nobody had gone that far yet, so for him to call him out for looking different... That was practically unheard of. He'd been so used to this place having a script that an indication of anything else threw him.
Did he know to trust the golden eyed stranger? Could he trust that it wouldn't just land him in exactly the same position the next time he woke up? At this point, did it even matter whether he did or not?
He decided to put this to the test. That night, he scribbled the first thing he could think of onto a post it note, and left it on the mirror in his bathroom. If the timeline did reset, then that note would be gone. That's how this worked, right? 
Part of him refused to believe it would work. He was sceptical, maybe a little broken too. Everything had been the same for so long, he physically couldn't comprehend a world where the days moved on, when the linear frame of time was stretched out in front of him again. All things considered, this hadn't been so bad! At least it wasn't 2004...
Chance made Ted fortunate that night. When he woke up the next morning, the first thing he did was check the bathroom for his post it note. Immediately, he noticed it wasn't on the mirror, and his first thought was that whichever deal he made the previous afternoon hadn't followed through, that he'd simply been enticed by the unnatural colour in the stranger's eyes. Then, he noticed a flash of yellow in the corner of his vision, and he slowly turned towards it. Sure enough, on the ground by the sink, was the note he'd left himself yesterday.
Funny, he swore he'd written on a green note yesterday...
He was probably just imagining things.
He gathered up the note, crushing it in his fist, and dropped it into the bin as he made his way to the kitchen. If he'd have bothered to pay attention, he would've noticed that his note had been green, and that the yellow note left in his bathroom wasn't even written in his hand. But Ted had never noticed details before, and today was not the day he was going to start.
Right now, his mind was occupied with more important things, like the fact that it was now Friday, and after several weeks of exactly the same Thursday, that was a refreshing thing to think about. His phone finally displayed a different date. That pain in his chest awas nothing more than a memory. He could actually feel the way things had moved on.
His first thought wasn't that of relief, nor was it delight. The first thing he felt when he realised that he had moved on with the world was dread.
Nobody he knew was even aware of the situation he'd been trapped in for weeks on end. They had lived the previous day once, spoken to him once. He'd gone over and over exactly the same conversations more times than he cared to count, and knew every word by heart. 
Before he'd made that deal, he hadn't thought about what being forced back into normality would do to him. He hadn't thought about the nervous tension that would refuse to subside from his shoulders, or the way his thoughts would race to the same tune as his heart, or the fact that he would feel so out of place, even in his own apartment.
That feeling only worsened on the way to the office. It was like someone had planted a brick against his chest, and he was just supposed to continue on with his day without acknowledging that there was a brick on his chest. Every breath felt like it was going to induce another brick, and it was too warm of a day to excuse that shiver that racked his senses and made his hands shake uncontrollably. 
He shoved them in his pockets and bit his lip. Not today. Not on the day the things were finally starting to get a little more normal. Not on the first Friday in two and a half months...
"God, Ted, what happened to you? You look like you're gonna have a breakdown..."
Paul's voice was way too familiar. In part, that was a good thing. He'd known Paul for ages, that hadn't changed in his time away. But for such a long time, the first thing he'd said had been something so completely different. Ted hated this already, and he'd only actually been in the office for fifteen minutes...
There had been a point where he'd perfected this. He'd known exactly what to say at any given moment, but now? Now it was just him and the broken memory of what he'd done to himself, and how far detached he was from reality. 
He faltered. Jesus, how pathetic did he look right now? It was just a question! It didn't even need a long answer! 
Paul's brow furrowed. How long had it been since he'd said anything? Why hadn't he said anything? It couldn't be that hard! 
"No, I'm- I'm fine, Paul."
Oh yeah. Paul was gonna believe that, wasn't he?
"This about yesterday?"
"Yesterday?" There had been endless yesterdays. Which yesterday was he talking about? Of course, there had only been one for him, but which one? Which one was the real yesterday?
"Mhm, you came in telling Bill you'd had the strangest conversation with some guy near your apartment block, and then you didn't say anything else..."
That actually had been yesterday... 
This, he could work with. 
It was a little easier to remember than something that happened right at the beginnning of the loop, that was for sure. A little of the tension relieved itself from his chest, and he heaved an audible sigh that he was sure was noticeable.
"Yeah, no, that guy was weird as fuck... Dunno, I see him all the time, but he managed to pull me yesterday." It had sunk in deep. Not a word of what he'd said had made sense, but he'd be damned before he tried to explain that to Paul of all people. Normal Paul Matthews didn't know the meaning of 'off the cuff'...
"What was so bad about it? I mean, you look like you're on the verge of a panic attack."
"Don't worry about it," he answered brusquely, and momentarily, Paul stopped in his tracks. Ted pressed his lips together and refused to elaborate further. There was no need to elaborate on something that made that little sense anyway. He didn't have to tell Paul anything, but especially not about the homeless man he'd spoken to who'd apparently taken his place in that strange loop.
It was exactly the same all day. Ted stopped bordering on a panic attack at some point when the conversations became less and less predictable, and just started having one. The longer the day went on, the worse he felt. 
He'd been right. He'd been absolutely right. Returning to reality had been the worst of it. He knew he should've never made that deal! Who cared if tomorrow never came? He certainly didn't! The predictability was great, knowing the next step was one of the perks!
Those closest to his office in the middle of the day would swear they heard him break down into a fit of sobs directly behind the door. None of them would be able to say for certain whether or not that was the case, but one of them had dared to get close enough, and heard the poor bastard muttering to himself through gasps of breath.
"I wanna go back. I- fuck- I can't take this shit anymore!"
He knew better than anyone that there was no going back. Not for him. Not anymore.
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youling-the-ghost · 1 month
sfth incorrect quotes pt. 3 because I have no life :] (the link I used to generate these)
*obligatory "none of the shipping quotes are me actually shipping them"
AJ: Fruits that do not live up to their names; passionfruit, grapefruit, honeydew and dragonfruit. AJ: Fruits that do live up to their names? AJ: Orange.
Sam: Yo dumbass, get over here. AJ: Okay- Luke: *gleefully runs past* I’m coming! AJ, sadly: I thought...I was dumbass...
Sam: Do you take constructive criticism? Tom: Not without crying.
Tom: Luke, take out the trash. Luke: Sure. Sam, will you go out on a date with me? Luke: *seductively takes off glasses* Luke: Wow... Sam: *blushes* Haha...what? Luke: You're really fucking blurry. AJ: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us. Tom: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this: Tom: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately." Tom: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby? Tom: I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us. Tom: I also want to softhack his circuits. Luke: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again. Tom: Here is my wall of inspirational people. AJ: Is that a picture of you? Tom: Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
Tom: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins? Luke: Can't relate. AJ: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins? Sam: Hey, wanna help me commit arson? Tom: What the hell!? Sam: Oh, sorry, my bad. Sam, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson? Tom, whispering: Of course. What do you need? Luke: I’m scared that when you become rich and famous you’ll be embarrassed by me. Tom: Oh Luke, I’m already embarrassed by you.
Luke: What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, “Oh, Luke is such a nice person, Luke is so happy-go-lucky! Luke can’t be in a bad mood!” Well, you know what? Luke CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Luke IS be in a bad mood. Luke: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable...and also assault with a deadly weapon. Tom, seeing a banana on the car seat: What the FUCK?? Tom, buckling the banana up: Fucking buckle UP, it’s the LAW! AJ: Not to brag, but I can go into the Spirit Halloween without crying. Tom: I feel like I can be myself around you. AJ: You’re weird and quiet around me. Tom: Yes. AJ: *Reading a letter* Tom: Well, what does it say? AJ: It’s a confession letter. It turns out Sam killed my pet rock. Luke: I refuse to apologize for being weird or off-putting. That’s actually your problem. I’m having a fantastic time!
AJ: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Tom finally snaps and commits murder? Luke: I’ve been going through life assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to him. Sam: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles. Tom: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one? Sam: Seize the dick.
Luke: Watcha doin? Sam: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. Luke: Scandalous. Luke: Can I help?
AJ: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Sam: ...What??? Tom with a gun to Luke's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven? Luke: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
Tom, at Starbucks: Can I get a venti vanilla latte with um, seven espresso shots. Luke, in line behind him: Jesus Christ, just do cocaine.
Luke: I’m this close to falling in love with Sam. Tom: Your fingertips are touching. Luke: Exactly.
Tom: You believe me? Luke: Tom, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
AJ: My head hurts. Sam: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity. Tom: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress. Tom: What must it be like to live in your head? Are there happy ponies in there? It’s really something how utterly delusional your optimism is. If I didn’t hate you so much, I might even be impressed.
AJ: Huzzah! I got a heavily qualified and slightly sarcastic compliment from Tom! Sam: How petty can you get? Luke: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about. Tom: I am going to cry. I’m going to cry until I can no longer physically cry anymore because all the water in my body is gone and I die from dehydration. Luke: Are you okay? AJ: Did you actually just ask him that? Like, you need that to be answered otherwise you won’t know? AJ: *spins around in chair ominously* I’ve been expecting y- *chair continues to spin* shit *tries to stop spinning* shit *tries to grab a table to stop spinning* sHIT *falls out of chair* Luke: So, you’ve finally arrived- Luke: Here to save prince- Luke: I’ve been waiting for this day- Luke: Stop skipping my dialogue- Luke: Seriously, stop- Luke: MOTHER FU- Tom: I need you to come meet me, and I need you to come alone. Luke: And I need you to be less vague and weird. Tom: Things will get better! The Squad: Tom: Okay, maybe they won’t. Tom: But they will be terrible in new and interesting ways!
Tom: *fast-forwards all the way through the movie* Sam: You can't just skip to the happy ending! Tom: I don't have time for their problems. Luke: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
Sam: Tom annoyed me today so I told them that I can’t wait to see what they have planned for our special day tomorrow. AJ: There is nothing special about tomorrow. Sam: But there is something special about watching the color leave their face as panic takes over. Tom: You know, Sam, when you generalize, you tell general...lies. Sam: ... Sam: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns. Luke: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Luke: Hey guys, what are your favorite kinds of pudding? Tom: Pudding deez nuts in your mouth? Is that what you were about to say? Do you gain joy from tricking your innocent cohorts? What if I actually wanted to tell you about my favorite pudding?
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Until Dawn character hcs
Her music taste is crazy. Like the same playlist could have Beethoven, Iron Maiden, The BeeGees and Taylor Swift
Does aerobics in her pajamas
Doesn't know how to order at Starbucks (she just wanted a medium)
Had a dog walking business in high school
Knows how to surf
Will absolutely destroy you in most strategy based board games
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Dog person AND cat dad
Far sighted
Huge history nerd, had a ww2 phase in high school that never completely went away
Guy at a camping trip who tells the ghost story that leads up to a joke
Knows exactly what to do when a woman is on her period
Nervous fidgets; bouncing leg, tapping on desk/table, etc
Knew where everything was in his school backpack at all times
Say it with me people: Only. Fucking. Child.
Will get mad at you for saying pumpkin spice latte is basic
Was a horse girl in middle school
Owns more scented candles than a bath and body works
Has gotten her fortune told at a carnival and taken it pretty seriously
Had braces
Smokes weed
Track and field
Can't find the clit
Paid other people to do his homework
Wanted to be a firefighter when he was 6
Shockingly scared of bugs, used to make Emily kill them for him, but Jess won't do it
Can swim but doesn't like it
Was really close with Sam when they were younger, Sam is the one who introduced him to the group.
Used to be much happier and more chill before puberty, after which she felt pressure to live up to her looks
Her and Emily used to be super close and she misses it
Was a Frozen kid and still watches it a lot
Most definitely bi curious at least(Emily to blame)
Reads her horoscope but doesn't actually take it seriously
Wayyyy to much Disney Channel in her early childhood, now loves drama
The middle of many siblings, acts the way she does for more attention
Was vegetarian at some point
Secretly misses being close with Jess, but makes sure no one knows
Needs rain sounds to sleep
Really wants Matt to stand up to her, this is why she's so hard on him
Easily confused when women aren't completely direct
Probably smoked weed at least once, but quit doing it when he started doing sports
Nervous around babies(so small what if he panicked and dropped them)
Had an earring in one ear at one point, but his parents had him take it out and now the piercing is healed over
Can't tell the difference between nail polish shades
Would fight god in the Denny's parking lot for someone if they gave him a hug
His bedroom/college dorm is covered in so many movie and band posters you can't see the wall anymore
Talks to cats like they're people
Confused rich(wait his is the only family with six cars??)
Jokes about sex and women, but if he saw a girl being taken advantage of he's gonna slap a frat bro
Owns a VHS tape player
Friggin s l e e p s in checkered shirts
Plant mom
Inspirational quotes on the wall
Best party is a book and a blanket
Nature documentaries
Josh's partner in crime
Loved dolls as a little kid, not Barbies, like baby dolls and porcelain dolls
Fairy lights in her bedroom
Loves music, Josh started buying her cassette tapes and now she collects them
Can you say LESBIAN?
Is never seen without her hat
Tried to stop Josh and Hannah from causing trouble, it never worked
Uggs and leggings
Smokes weed with Ashley
Her side of her and Hannah's bedroom is so much neater and cleaner
Total metalhead but no one knows bcs "she doesn't look it"
Dr. Hill:
Accidentally opened YouTube once while trying to find the news app
Can't work if the music has lyrics, it's too distracting
Might have a husband
Has such doctor handwriting that he can't hardly read it himself
Coffee addict
911 on speed dial(he's worried about all his patients)
The real Dr Hill is really nice, only the hallucination version is all threatening
Flamethrower guy:
Fucking loves soup
Hasn't bought clothes in years, and got them all secondhand
Has been off the mountain exactly twice
"When did kids get this dumb?"
Secretly stays in the lodge sometimes when no one is there bcs it's shelter and it's kinda fancy
Actually feels crazy guilty for not saving the twins
Was very happy to see Mike making friends with his wolves
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vergilthelibrarian · 2 years
Tumblr media
The woods were always eerily calm… but that could be because of the rumors in your town.
The rumors that one of the local woods were the home of an extremist Christian cult that kidnapped people who would go into their woods.
Of course growing up in the town, you and your friends would dare each other to go into the woods just like most of the kids and young adults did to the dismay of their parents and grandparents.
You and your friends would go into the woods, looking for the compound of the rumored cult only to find nothing… though one day, you and your friends came across something strange.
Well it was more like someone strange.
As you were playing around in the woods, you came across a boy who looked a bit younger than you.
You and your friends were around 10-11 while the boy looked like he could’ve been about 9 or 8 years old.
You stood together, walking close to the boy.
“Um hi.” Nina said, “are you lost?”
The boy stared at your group, a dullness in his eyes that honestly terrified you.
He didn’t look disheveled or anything. In fact, he was very well groomed but his silence and unreadable eyes… he was different from the other kids where just shy or quiet.
You all stopped in place, too scared to keep going forward.
Though you were scared, you didn’t like a small child being in the woods alone so gathering a bit of courage, you broke out of your pack and cautiously walked to the boy.
“Hey. Where is you’re mom and dad?” You asked him.
The boy didn’t answer and you walked closer to him.
“Are you lost?” You noticed how tensed his body was. “I’m not gonna hurt you. It’s just that you shouldn’t be here by yourself. You can get hurt. You can come with me and my friends and we help you find your mom and dad.” You gave him a small smile, offering your hand out for him to take.
A look of confusion broke onto the boy’s face.
“You’re not gonna hurt me? The leader tells me that the outside world will hurt me…” he finally spoke and his words came out in a tone like as if he was questioning something.
But his answer made you question what he just said.
“What? What does that mean?” And before the boy could answer a booming voice made everyone in the woods jump and before you could ask the boy what he meant, he ran off quickly into the opposite direction.
You sighed as the warmth of the Starbucks hit your cold cheeks.
You had just moved back to your hometown, growing tired of city life and wanting to live a more slow paced life again though you knew that you will eventually return to the city at some point, though you didn’t know when that would be.
Your town has changed drastically, turning more into a little hipster city and as you made eye contact with Nina, you smiled widely as you made your way towards her.
“Hey!” She said excitedly, getting up to greet you with a big hug.
You hugged her back, enjoying the embrace. You haven’t seen her in years since moving to the city and it was nice to be in her presence again.
She let go, taking her seat and watched as you took off your coat.
“God… Ya know, even though I know how you look now, seeing you in person… you’ve gotten really handsome.”
Your cheeks became warm and you bashfully laughed as you took a seat.
“Thanks.” You rolled up your a bit sleeves before placing your elbows up on the table and putting your head in your hands. “So what’s up?”
Nina laughed and you two soon caught up.
You knew that Nina had taken over her family’s farm and she was always talking about her frustration at how her chickens would get stolen from time to time and it just so happened once again the night before you came.
“I don’t know what to do. It’s not an animal, I already learned that fast and every time I set up a camera to see who it could be, my camera always get destroyed or stolen.”
A grin creeped onto your face as you said, “maybe it’s the cult.” And Nina hit you, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t joke about that!” She huffed causing you to laugh.
“I’m sorry, I won’t.”
“There’s rumors going around that the newer members are now trying to blend in just to recruit people.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows raised.
“Yeah. Something about “saving” more people that way. I heard there’s a new leader too.” Nina took a sip of her latte and quickly the topic changed.
As you and Nina conversed, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were being watched.
Looking around the cafe, your eyes gradually landed on piercing eyes… eyes that felt familiar.
You didn’t listen to your brain that was screaming for you to turn around, no, you kept eye contact with the man and Nina noticed, her own gaze following yours.
“Do you know him?”
You frowned in confusion.
“I’m not sure…” and you turn your attention back onto Nina.
The man whose piercing gaze lingered onto you for a bit longer knew it was you though you weren’t the girl he had met.
The girl that opened up his mind. The girl that stole his heart.
Such a small insignificant interaction to you held such a huge religious significance to the man.
Of course he needed to have you, girl or not, that didn’t matter.
All that mattered was that you were back.
You were finally back and now he can finally make you his.
And all you had to do was accept him as your savior. As your messiah.
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lauratheghost · 4 months
My trip to Montreal
& the Sleep Token show
(long post below)
The Trip:
I went with my sister, who did the driving. The drive there was awesome. We left at 5:30 a.m. and there was no traffic at all. The border took five minutes. We laughed at the "warning Canada ahead" sign (that was like five feet in front of the border 😂)
It was like an hour of driving through massive farms before we reached the city? Idk why but I didn't expect the farms.
Driving in Montreal was another story. It was terrifying 😭 I have car anxiety in general but it was so stressful. It made traffic in Boston not seem so bad. The way the lanes were marked was confusing to us, and some of the signs were also confusing. We hit a speed bump going crazy fast because we had no idea what the sign meant and the actual bump on the ground wasn't yellow (now it seems obvious though, ok 🤷🏼‍♀️😂) and the buses drive crazy fast and one cut us off and almost hit us.
Our phones didn't work as soon as we crossed the border. We tried to add a global package to our plans but it still didn't work. This was only a major problem because we needed GPS. If we missed a turn we would have to find a Harvey's or Starbucks or something to get their wifi and reroute. It took us a long time to get to Laval 😂
Once we got to the hotel we parked the car and didn't use it again until we left. But we took taxis and that was cool! I don't think I've ever taken a taxi before and the drivers were really nice.
We loved our hotel and we could see Place Bell from our window. The area was so nice, and very clean for a city. It feels like Laval is an up-and-coming city because of all the construction we saw, and our hotel was also new apparently.
Everything was so cheap? The lattes I bought were like $6 CAD so $4.40 USD. In my hometown, lattes are double that. All the food and snacks were such a good deal. I stopped obsessively checking my bank account after a while because everything seemed so inexpensive 😂 (Also, I'm a cheap person so this is saying something lol)
It was more of a culture shock than I expected. I knew it was going to be a lot of French but I guess I didn't grasp the reality of that until I was there. Thank God I took french in high school. I could not really hold a conversation, but I could read some signs and menus and kind've get the jist of what people were saying to me.
Everyone was so kind and helpful. We asked a lot of strangers questions and they were all very nice. I only had two small experiences with rude people (and I laughed about it)
Crosswalks were also a bit scary lol. It was weird that some cars still go when the crosswalk button goes off. In my area, all directions of traffic stop while people cross.
My hotel was 50 % people with Sleep Token shirts and 50 % hockey players 😂
We LOVE Tim Hortons 😍 Their iced mocha latte was amazing. I wish I had one in my town now.
Three days went by so fast! It felt like one day.
We went to Mount Royal Park, the Cosmodome, the Biosphere, and La Rhonde. I rode the ferris wheel even though I'm scared of heights. I think my heart stopped for a second but the view was beautiful. 😂🥰
Some random things we noticed- nobody really wears jeans or Crocs 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 everyone dresses a bit nicer. And we didn't see any cops besides event security the entire time we were there, which is unheard of in Massachusetts, I see cops drive by twenty times a day everyday probably. There were lilacs everywhere which I loved. So many people biked- it made me want to be more healthy and active. Public transport seemed very available and I'm jealous of that because public transport where I am is trash.
Can you drink in public? Idk, but we saw a guy drinking a twisted tea while casually crossing the road lol.
The Show:
People were lined up starting around 7 pm the night before 👀
At 5:30 a.m. there was maybe ten or fifteen people camped out with tents and everything. I applaud their dedication, but I could never 😭
I kept an eye on the line and once the merch stand opened I went over and bought a shirt beforehand. I got a t-shirt with the tour dates on it 🖤
The line system seemed really unorganized. Nobody knew what line went where. Besides that, getting inside was easy and I liked the venue.
Our seats had a good view, but we were so high up it made me a bit anxious. It was a little hard to see III because of the fog/lights, and Espera was kind've blocked by a light fixture, but I had a great view of IV and II which made me really happy 🥰
ESB's opening set: So, they are not exactly my cup of tea BUT I don't think they deserve the hate they've been getting. My only problem was that the singers scream sounded the same over and over. I wasn't sure if he was saying the same phrase or not, but it made every song sound the same. They did have some good moments though! There was a moment where he screamed lower/more gutteral and I liked that more. There was also a moment where the guitar and instruments sounded really cool but I can't explain it. I was glad to see they had a little mosh pit going too.
Sleep Token was amazing as expected. I'm forever in awe of how good Vessel sounds live. I was so happy I could see II good too, I loved watching his little dances and hand gestures. I saw III do his little swimming motion and he did get a pit! A pretty big one too from what I saw. I didn't expect them to hand out drumsticks and stuff so early, because they didn't play TMBTE or Euclid yet- but they were just doing that fake-out encore thing I guess. 😂
I love the diversity of the fans at their shows- all types of people and all ages and it's so nice to see 🖤 The guy sitting beside me did not look like someone I would expect to listen to Sleep Token, but he was singing every word and recording all the same parts of their songs as me 😂
After the show I got to meet @shatterthefragments !!! It was so great, and they made awesome ST keychains- I will treasure mine forever 🖤
I still haven't really processed any of this yet because after the show I was constantly busy- between packing up and doing the few last things we wanted to do in the city, and then driving five hours back home. There's videos and pictures from this weekend that I haven't even looked at yet. I will definitely post some videos or photos here soon though
Overall, I give this trip a 9/10
I'm so glad I impulsively bought tickets and got my passport renewed. It was so fun and it makes me wanna travel more in the future. 🖤
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issybettyx · 1 year
Did i say this was coming yesterday? Yes. Do i care? Not really, deal with it >:)
Tldr; Techno’s a feared mafia boss that even the government and police actively decide not to try intervene with, associates of his group (The Syndicate) being The Antarctic Empire (led by Philza), and L’Manberg (led by Wilbur Soot). No one interferes with any of them because of their relations to The Syndicate.
Everyone except a powered vigilante dubbed ‘Theseus’, better known as Tommy Innit, who people decide is either stupid or stronger than he looks. Little do they know, it’s a little bit of both.
Family ensues
Tw: cult (they call it a gang because they don’t know any better), mafia, weapons, manipulation, murder mention
Long one today boys, enjoy :D (i spent like three hours writing this it was so fun)
The first time Techno had heard the name ‘The Blood God’, he’d laughed so hard it was heard three levels below. It was spoken in such a shaky voice, sobs overtaking their body as they begged for forgiveness.
“Please, I have family, I never wanted to hurt any of your people, I promise.” They plead, and something about the way their hands shook and their head stayed bowed down told him they were scared. But he stayed deadly silent, keeping his eyes trained on them as they shook even more. “I’m sorry Blood God, I beg, I just-“
“What did you just call me?” He asked quickly, voice a little too quiet with shock, and they finally looked up, meeting his red eyes gaze for less than a second before looking away, taking a few steadying breaths.
“The Blood God, sir, that’s what they call you.”
Techno showed no emotion on his face for a solid five seconds, before he burst into laughter, wiping away the tears in his eyes as the victim stared up with wide eyes, not entirely sure what to do with themselves.
After a good two minutes of laughing, Techno managed out an order to kill them, and sent them off as he snickered.
Wilbur had understood him, sitting at their next meeting as he howled beside him. Phil didn’t quite understand the sentiment, finding it a little horrifying that the man had earned such a title, but laughed quietly along anyways. It’s not like he could say much, knowing he was nicknamed the ‘Angel of Death’, not that the other two would ever find out anyways.
The next time he’d heard the nickname, it was with more bitter context. He was on his way to do his shopping for the week, humming a tune as he flicked a penny in between his fingers. It so happened that when he walked past two teenagers on the side of the road, they were talking about him, not even noticing his presence as they snickered to themselves.
“I could take The Blood God, the police are such pussies, he’d be so easy.” The other nodded in agreement.
And maybe the first kid had collapsed as he rounded the corner, pretending not to hear pained screams from his friends as they called for help, humming a tune with a smile.
And from then on, most people didn’t know him as ‘Technoblade’, but rather ‘The Blood God’, and he found he wasn’t completely against it.
The Syndicate operated as always, but simply addressed him differently.
“Blood God, would you like us to add a Starbucks to floor 3?” He’d thought the idea was fantastic, coffee was extremely important for a working man.
“Blood God, what are your thoughts on hiring younger recruits?” No younger than 16, kids deserved to live happy lives before going into the world of crime.
“Blood God, why does Wilbur’s face look so funny?” It always had, most people were simply too afraid to admit it.
“Blood God, there’s this vigilante in the city, should we add him to the radar?” No it’s probably fine, vigilantes were as much as a threat to him as ants.
“Blood God, the same vigilante from a few weeks ago just took down Las Nevadas by himself, are you sure he’s not a threat?” Las Nevadas wasn’t built to survive, but to look pretty, anyone could take them down if they had the willpower to.
“Blood God, Philza’s defences were taken down last night by that vigilante.” Techno paused, staring at his employee - and maybe, possibly friend - Ranboo with his eyebrow raised.
“That same one you first told me about two months ago?” He asked cautiously, watching for any sign of amusement in the person’s heterochromatic eyes, but there was none.
“Yes Blood God.”
“Just call me Techno, that name is getting old.” Techno sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose as Ranboo sighed. “What’s his name?”
He paused again, thinking it over.
Theseus was a Greek Legend. The story of Theseus was mainly about how he’d defeated the Minotaur. For years, the Minotaur had demanded seven kids and seven women every year, and no one was able to get through the maze and slay this beast.
That was until Theseus came along, and with the help of Ariadne (who gave him a ball of thread so he could find his way back out of the maze) was able to slay the Minotaur, and he became an Athenian hero.
However, Theseus was exiled, and found himself at an island named ‘Skyros’, where a man named Lycomedes threw him off the cliff, and he fell to his death.
The story of Theseus is tragic, and yet he showed strength when no one else could, he defeated the un-defeatable and saved Athens.
Everything about this vigilante, how he took down Las Nevadas single handedly, how he destroyed Philza’s defences (of which are some of the best in the country, despite his own), how his name perfectly correlated with the story of taking down something so massively feared by many.
Maybe it scared Techno a little.
And Techno was never scared.
“What’s his ability?” He asked, spinning in his chair as he chewed his nails, Ranboo looking unsure as they looked at the tablet in his hands.
“No one really knows, people only have theories.” Ranboo tried, but Techno’s silence was enough for him to continue. “Some people believe he can manipulate opinions, they say he can make them think he’s trust worthy and lure them into his trap.” Techno had never heard of anything like that before, but only furrowed his brows. “Some people think he can speak to people in their heads, convince them to turn themselves into the police.”
“So it’s some kind of controlling ability?” Techno asked cautiously, and Ranboo nodded, because what else could it possibly be? “Do we know why he broke down Philza’s defences?”
At this, Ranboo smiled, typing into their tablet before hopping to stand next to the boss, pressing play on the video and turning it to him.
There stood a kid, his face covered by a red mask shaped to cover his mouth, his hair covering the upper half of his face; blue eyes could be seen through the golden blonde, shimmering with a horrible amount of determination. His suit was red, that much was clear by the pant legs and red boots, but he wore a red hoodie over the top of the suit.
To the outside eye, he seemed harmless, almost as if he was asking someone to shoot him in the chest. However, the kid having been powerful to destroy a nation, Technoblade knew better.
He’d been underestimated once, and he wasn’t keen on following in the footsteps of those who doubted him in the first place.
“Why are you doing all of this, Theseus?” A reporter asked, holding out the mic to the vigilante who coughed almost as if to catch everyone’s attention.
“This country has been under The Syndicate’s control for too long, the FBI have given up taken them down, so I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands.” He explained, a grin clearly planted on his face despite the mask covering his mouth.
“What makes you think you can take them down when others couldn’t?” She asked, and Theseus scoffed, rolling his eyes under his mess of hair.
“Because, Linda-“
“My name isn’t-“
“I have something they don’t.” The vigilante stared directly into the camera, making eye contact with Techno. A part of him knew it was directed at him, another part wished it wasn’t. “I have something to prove.”
Techno held down his grimace.
It was all too familiar.
The video ended, and Ranboo pulled his tablet to his chest, a steady smile on their face as they studied Techno’s expression, of which the latter kept perfectly apathetic.
“Wishing he was on your radar when I first suggested it?” Ranboo teased, Techno finally groaning as he rolled his eyes, turning in his chair to look at the picture frame behind him. Some said it was stupid to find comfort in something so insignificant, some being his parents and the people from his gang when he was only eleven.
The picture was of him, Phil and Wilbur. Techno was hunched over, a controller in hand with his tongue stuck out. Wilbur’s face looked a lot more upset, brows furrowed as he glared at the screen Techno knew was there despite it not being in frame. Phil’s face was closest to the camera, a wide grin on his face as he took a selfie of them all.
So yeah, maybe he did keep a picture of his family in his office as a constant reminder to do what was best, who was anyone to judge?
“If Theseus has gone after Philza, he’s bound to go for L’Manberg next, correct?”
“Unless he’s stupid enough to approach The Syndicate, yes, however we aren’t sure when he’s planning to do so.” Ranboo returned, moving his tablet into only their right hand and holding it beside his leg. “The dude has no documents of anything, it’s almost as if he’s acting impulsively.” Techno frowned, mainly from the unsureness that came with impulsivity. Either it was someone’s downfall, or their greatest strength. For Techno, it had been both.
“Is he working alone?” Techno asked, leaning back and looking at the roof, hoping it would hold the answer to all his problems.
“Most people believe so, but we’ve got camera footage of some kind of earpiece being attached to his right ear.” He’s right-handed, he’s not working alone, he’s impulsive, no one knows his ability, he’s powerful. Yeah this wasn’t sounding great. “Would you like me to schedule a meeting with Philza and Wilbur?”
Techno could only manage a nod, pressing two fingers to his temples in an attempt to loosen in the incoming headache. Work wasn’t meant to be this difficult.
“Meeting is at 11pm tonight at The Syndicate’s main meeting room, they’ve both been notified.” Ranboo informed, and Techno managed a smile.
“Thanks Ran, can you send in the next deviant?” He asked, receiving a hum in return. But when Techno eventually opened his eyes, the other was still stood there, an unsure look on their face.
“Don’t stress too much over this, if worse comes to worse you need to be calm to do your best, alright?” Ranboo said eventually, and Techno couldn’t help the warm smile on his face, eyes softening at the person in front of him.
“I’ll try my best.” And with a nod and a reassuring smile, Ranboo left the room.
“So, let me get this straight.” Wilbur started, hands clasped in front of him. “A vigilante who first appeared three months ago, who took down Las Nevadas a month ago, has only just been noticed?” Wilbur asked, and Techno groaned.
“Yes, Wil! What’s so hard to understand?”
“Why wasn’t this kid on your radar before he took down Phil’s guards and his fucking lazars!” Wilbur yelled, and Phil winced slightly. “How did he even manage to take down those lazars?! Aren’t they deeply encrypted with code to make sure they can’t be turned off by outside sources?”
“That’s why I’m so concerned, Wil.” Phil managed out, somehow managing to have a smile on his face despite the terrible situation they’ve found themselves in. “He wasn’t on Techno’s radar because no one has ever been this big of a threat before, we didn’t expect a vigilante of all people to be able to do such things.”
“What’s this kid’s power anyway?” Wilbur spat, and Phil and Techno shared a knowing glance. “Oh my god, you don’t know.”
“Well, we know he can make people do certain things, like mind control but also… not.” Techno drifted off, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Apparently some of my people even saw him drive a car that didn’t have a wheel.” Phil explained, and that only puzzles them more. “So unless the car somehow had a form of autopilot, I think we have some strange ass power on our hands.”
“Not stranger than Wilbur’s.” Techno scoffed, and the man immediately started to defend himself, Phil hiding his laughs behind his hand.
Techno had never had a true family.
His parents never paid enough attention to him, they taught him to be emotionless and silent whenever guests were around, they taught him that learning a musical instrument was a waste of time and his time would be better spent studying. And then, aged 11 he joined a gang who named themselves ‘The Blades’.
That’s where he had gotten his name, ‘Technoblade’.
The names of his associates were long gone with the hazy memories, but he did remember one person teaching him how to accurately hold a gun, another teaching him not to shake whilst doing so.
One person had spent days going over Greek Mythology with him, making sure he knew every fact and every retelling.
Another had taught him that family should be left behind, family meant weakness and weakness meant death.
Aged 15, Techno realised that maybe they were wrong. Maybe he was capable of more than what The Blades had to offer. And that’s how The Syndicate was born.
When Techno was 17, he met Phil through official business, and the man had been shocked at how young he was. Phil was the first person to show that he cared, and it was because he was concerned that Techno was throwing himself into the business too soon. When he’d found out just how young Techno was thrown into it, the man had cried.
The Great Philza, a man who’d seen empires fall and strong men weep.
Philza had cried in front of him, purely because of Techno’s life.
And then, it was on Techno’s 19th birthday that he’d met Wilbur. It was at the latter’s 19th birthday party, at the dawn of L’Manberg when the group itself was only small. Wilbur had been shocked at first that they were born on the same day, but by the end of the night had his arm slung over Techno’s arm as he called them twins (Techno didn’t stop him, sipping Pepsi max through a straw. His indifference definitely wasn’t because of the warmth forming in his chest at the idea of having a brother.)
And that was how the Sleepy Boys Incorporated began.
Except it was a little more illegal than an incorporation, but who was going to tell them to change the name?
Plus, it’s not like the public knew their alliance was called that, more-so they knew it as the ‘SBI’, admittedly a lot more terrifying than what it stood for.
The SBI were rumoured to be family, some even said by blood. Techno wished that was true, that Phil was truly his Dad and that Wilbur wasn’t just his twin by coincidence. However, that didn’t take away from how he truly saw them.
Blood or not, they were his family. And Phil had taught him a valuable lesson once, and that was that family always stick together, and they protect each-other no matter the cost.
No matter how large Theseus’ determination was to take The Syndicate, and the SBI, down, Techno knew his will to keep his family safe was stronger.
No Theseus was going to kill him, no matter how much effort it took.
As it turned out, Theseus was stupid.
“Unless he’s stupid enough”, Ranboo had said, “He won’t come for The Syndicate” they said.
Techno was enjoying a moment of silence with his caramel macchiato when he got a notification from the entrance security cameras, and immediately checked them. The sight that met him was Theseus, eyes creased as if he was smiling, giving the guards a short wave.
“Go away kid, vigilantes aren’t welcome unless affiliated with The Blood God himself.” One of them, Hannah was her name, told him, her eyes sharp with something fierce that usually put people off. But Theseus just hummed, looking around them for a moment before moving his hands behind his back. If it wasn’t for the camera angle, Techno would’ve missed it.
The kid’s hands moved in such an elegant, calculated way, and as he did so that fierce look in Hannah’s eyes changed to something warm and almost endeared. “I think that The Blood God has made an exception for me, didn’t he tell you to let me in?”
The other guard must’ve noticed something was off, glaring at Theseus as he spoke. “What did you do to her?” Puffy spat, hands curling tighter around her sword as she held it up to Theseus’ neck. Surprisingly, Theseus simply smiled again, using his other hand and copying the same elegant movements as before.
“The Blood God ordered you to spar, and ordered that I meet with him, he told you this.”
And it was like a switch was flipped.
They both simultaneously smiled, moving to the side and motioning to the doorway. “Well,” Hannah started, chuckling to herself, “Who are we to disobey the boss’ orders?”
“Well, who knew the Technoblade hired such sweethearts.”
Hannah continued to smile, but Puffy’s smile turned back into that sharp powerful thing it usually was, bringing her sword down onto Theseus’ back without giving him a moment to block, yelping as he fell to the ground.
Kid. Fully dependant on ability. Overestimates his ability. Underestimates members of The Syndicate. Didn’t go for L’Manberg. Didn’t invade The Antarctic Empire after taking down their defences. Had head guard Puffy in a headlock-
Wait what?
“Ranboo.” Techno called, the person immediately appearing in front of him with a hum. “Teleport me to the front gates.”
Without a second question, Ranboo sent a puff of particles to Techno’s chest, and after a moment of pure terror, Techno appeared in front of Theseus, his own sword flicking beside him.
“Nice to meet you too.” Techno welcomed, the kid’s head shooting up immediately, a grin gracing his face as he held Puffy tight. Hannah still seemed to be in a trance.
“Ah, Technoblade.” No one calls him Technoblade but his family and his mortal enemies, but Theseus definitely wasn’t family. “Was expecting you to show up some time soon.”
“Please let my guard out of your grasp before I make you.” Techno commanded, and despite his kind words the tone it was spoken with was nothing but deadly.
It seemed Theseus heard the threat, releasing his arms and holding them by his head, keeping that same wicked grin on his face as Puffy huffed out as she hit the floor.
“Take Hannah out of that trance.”
Theseus clicked his fingers, and Hannah blinked, looking back with confusion. “What the-“
“Take me inside your institution, Blood God.” Theseus demanded, and Techno could only frown, raising an eyebrow at the other. “Let me see what I’m up against.”
“I mean, I was planning to invite you inside for a friendly cup of Starbucks coffee, but it’s quite rude to demand entrance in a place where you’re not welcome.” Techno spat back, and Theseus continued to smile.
“And what made me, of all people, exiled from The Syndicate?” Theseus asked, his amused tone only making that fire inside Techno grow. Oh how he wanted to slit this vigilante’s throat, but he wasn’t taught patience for nothing. But his patience was running incredibly thin.
“You messed with my family.” Finally, finally, Theseus faltered, and Techno took this moment of weakness to let the kid’s blood thrum under his own veins, tugging it towards him. “And people who mess with my family, mess with me, but you knew that didn’t you?”
“I knew Philza was part of the SBI alliance,” Theseus admitted, a dark glint to his eye that was much different to the amusement it once held. “But your family? If I knew he was family I would never had messed with him.”
Techno scoffed. “Please, I don’t believe that for a second.” He scowled as he rolled his eyes. “Ranboo.”
“Yes Techno?” Theseus’ eyes went wide as he looked at Ranboo.
“Take us to my office, please.” He asked with a small smile towards the man, and they were off in a puff of particles.
Being in an office alone with Theseus was unbearable. He’d taken the first chance to handcuff the kid to the chair across from his desk, but he didn’t stop talking.
“So one day, like, I woke up with this epiphany that I could be so poggers and just be epic.” He chattered on, and Techno was hardly listening as he messaged several help calls to the SBI group chat - they were mafia bosses, not weirdos, they have a group chat - who laughed but promised they were on their way.
“So is Wilbur Soot, like, your brother or something?” Theseus asked, spinning mindlessly as Techno hummed.
“That’s poggers.”
“What does that even mean?”
Theseus said a lot of strange things in the time it took for Phil and Wilbur to arrive.
Something something kill something something control something something boring something something The Blades-
“The Blades?” Techno asked, his curiosity showing before he could mask it, and Theseus paused, giving him a strange look before slowly nodding.
“They found me when I was 9, taught me everything I know, and most specifically that you’re a massive dick!” Tommy expressed, and Techno simply stared, pinching his noses and rubbing his eyes.
Well that explained a lot.
“What did they tell you, Theseus?” Techno pressed, hearing a knock on the door that neither of them paid attention to.
“That you’re a traitor, that you abandoned them for your own selfishness- hell, you went against every rule they teach you in there!”
The knock came again. No one commented.
“I did what was best for me! What they teach is all a calculated lie, and you know it.”
“Techno?” Wilbur’s voice called from outside. No one opened the door for him.
“The Blades teach you how to control your abilities, you took their teachings and created a brutal empire with zero credit.”
“Credit? They want credit? They did nothing good for me, and I’m sure they never did anything good for you-“
“They saved me.”
“No, they saw a powerful ability and wanted it for themselves, you’re just a kid.”
The door was slammed open, and Philza stood on the other side, his dark black wings having been retracted likely for intimidation purposes. The man’s eyebrow was raised, blue eyes shimmering dangerous as they flickered between the two sat at the desk.
“I sure hope you’re insured on this building, Technoblade.” Philza scoffed, smiling before relaxing at the sight of the handcuffs, tugging Wilbur in by his upper arm. “Who’s this fantastic guest we have here?” He asked, but a type of anger coated his words that made Theseus sink in a little on himself, before immediately righting himself, likely smiling with pride.
“Theseus, pleased to meet your acquaintance Philza.” Theseus introduced, going to offer his hand before frowning, tugging at the cuffs before groaning. Philza smiled at this, Wilbur huffed at the kid’s annoyance. Techno saw through the facade.
“Phil, do you have any way to restrain his fingers, I have no doubt he can break out of these things if he tried.” There was a warning written between his words, as he stared at Theseus sat in front of him. A warning that said ‘if you even try I will make sure you don’t get out of this room alive’, and the kid seemed to understand, his smile dropping from his face.
“Uh, yeah, give me a sec.” Phil replied, shoving his hands deep in his pockets before pulling out two very strange metal contraptions, walking over and taking the boy’s hands carefully in his own.
“Who knew the Angel of Death was such a sweetheart?” Theseus scoffed, watching closely as the metal slotted onto his fingers. Wilbur’s face was full of confusion, Techno managed a smile, and Phil shot the kid the dirtiest look known to man.
The Angel of Death? Is that what they call Phil? That’s so much cooler than the Blood God.
No matter how much Theseus preached The Blades had saved him, they both knew better. Techno knew the look of longing in the kid’s eyes too well, as Phil’s warm hands held his own with unseen care. Techno had been there once, in a similar situation, and it made him question the authority in his life and how they’d never been so kind. It made him want a father, and he knew Theseus felt the same.
“There, he shouldn’t be able to move-“
“Do you have terrible parents or dead ones?” Techno asked before he could stop himself, Wilbur’s face going absolutely distraught as Phil’s went shocked. Surprisingly, Theseus gave him a small smile behind his mask.
“Died when I was nine, The Blades found me before the police arrived at the scene.” He returned, almost challenging.
“The Blades?” Phil asked quietly to himself, waiting for the shock on Techno’s face that never came.
“Right. And how long ago was that?”
The kid paused, a thoughtful glint in his eye as he stared Techno down, the man in turn returning it full force.
“Seven years ago.”
He leaned back in his chair, leaning his legs on the desk and crossing one leg over the other.
“And they prepared you to come after me? Didn’t they?” Techno asked, and Theseus for once stayed absolutely silent. “They saw your ability and knew you were their best chance at taking The Syndicate down, a small vulnerable boy with a manipulative ability.”
“They took me in because I needed help, I needed saving, this is just me repaying the debt-“
“Keep telling yourself that kiddo.”
The room was in silence for a moment, and it was Wilbur who eventually broke it.
“You think they raised him for the soul purpose of killing you?” Wilbur asked slowly, silence being enough confirmation. “What kind of sadists would do that?”
When Techno looked at Theseus, he saw exactly what he’d felt eight years ago. Worry, realisation, and yet resignation to the truth. Acceptance of the difficult, in simpler words.
“You can stay here, if you’d like.” Techno offered, and everyone in the room turned to him in shock, even Ranboo who stood with a tray of four Starbucks drinks in hand, jaw slightly ajar. Understandably, Theseus was wary.
“There’s a but.”
“But,” Techno continued, smiling when the kid sighed. “You have to tell me your name and tell me your ability.”
His quiet consideration was shocking enough.
His answer was even more so.
“My name is Tommy, and I know this will sound so dumb but I can rewire anything.”
“Like TV’s?” Phil asked, cocking his head as Tommy smiled, nodding.
“Oh! And, like, can you rewire lightbulbs to make them brighter?”
“Bit dumb but yes.”
“And brains.” Techno finished, looking at Tommy closely as he froze, looking back at Techno with a careful eye. “That’s how you control people, you rewire their brains with that weird finger motion.”
“The Blades taught you well, quite perceptive you are.” Tommy teased, and Techno would he lying if he said he didn’t feel a little pride from the statement.
After all, you can leave The Blades.
But The Blades never leave you.
“Welcome to The Syndicate, Tommy.” Techno said with a smile, walking over and tugging his mask down, a young but scarred face staring back at him with a hopeful smile.
Tommy was too young, taken too young, melded because of his own selfishness.
The least he could do was take him in and love him like a brother, because he knew Wilbur would grow a liking to him in the first few days, and Phil’s fatherly tendencies would forgive him even sooner.
“It’s a pleasure to be here, Blood God.”
“Call me Techno.”
Tommy’s smile was bright, and Techno was shocked to find his brighter.
Sbi sbi sbi sbi
Fun facts about this au:
- Techno has a pig mask to cover his face, but instead of it being pink it’s black and has glitter because he’s fancy like that
- Tommy knew The Blades influence was bad, but never had anyone better to look up to - hence, Technoblade, which was why he accepted the help
- Phil had wanted to adopt Wilbur and Techno, but they were both too old by the time he’d even suggested it. He adopts Tommy before his 18th.
- The Blades get pissy that Tommy gave in so easily and literally fall out with each-other; Techno’s kindness was the fall of the organisation that had shaped him (and also traumatised him). In English teacher terms, this shows how they no longer have any power over him at all, going against their ideals and taking them down in the process
- Wilbur finds Tommy rewiring his own guard’s minds and tells him off, only to find he was sneaking in to hear him play his guitar because Techno said he could play
- Since Twinsduo’s first meeting, they used to go places and just preach how they were twins - more so Wilbur did and Techno went along with it. They did this so often that sometimes Techno forgot they weren’t actually related.
Hope you all enjoyed :D
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v4mp1res3verywhere · 2 years
WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?... An isolated ,thrill seeking college student runs a computer program claiming to give its users the ‘ultimate experience’ …at any cost. What happens when the chatbot she engages with, an entity that calls itself ‘THE TRICKSTER’ is more sentient than she thought…. OR POV your hedonistic urge to be the protagonist in a 90s horror movie bites you in the ass
WARNING: ARE YOU READY FOR THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE??[best viewed in dark mode,language, basically the 1994 movie brainscan but it’s you instead of edward furlong, computer demons etc,,psychological manipulation,au where brainscan is an ai platform]
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☆ Be afraid of nothing. . . . A new Hedonism -- that is what our century wants. You might be its visible symbol. —- LORD HENRY, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY
Author’s note: I’m experimenting with how I want to format this (I also don’t generally write from a second person perspective so bear with me on this) , a large portion of it in the beginning is going to be in what log format but that will change in the future for reasons you don’t yet have clearance to be privy to… ☆
This was not your finest moment, truly. But no internal chiding on your susceptibility to resorting to escapism, to escaping reality at any cost, would stop you at this point. You already had the code set up, your starbucks in hand, There was no stopping what had commenced once the gaudy, 90s hackercore BRAINSCAN file had opened on your screen, the flashing eyes of the hardware’s mascot(?) beckoning you to interact with its resident ai chatbot.
You’d heard of the site on instagram, or some other social media site where studyspo influencers shamelessly promoted different ai platforms without even trying to hide they were sponsored. Amongst the summarizers and essay writer bots one site caught your eye, BRAINSCAN, It’s vintage terminal interface claiming to give its user the penultimate experience through psychoanalysis or…something. The term ‘neurocranial interfacing’ meant nothing to you. You tried not to imagine how much datamining allowed the platform to be free and user friendly, the neon green cursor blinking enticingly against the black background within the confines of the chat box inspired too much interest to part with this new.. Play-thing that you now anticipated being a major distraction to your studies. Despite its flashy touts of advanced ai the thing looked…antiquated, perhaps by design, you figured, a novelty aimed towards low budget video nasty enjoyers rather than the corporate crowd. So in other words…exactly your speed.
Trickster: Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Trickster.
Metalmania666: hey
Your chat appeared timidly before you,ironically you’d find a way to be awkward with a fucking computer. “For fucks sake” You murmur as you press the enter key,self loathing chased down with a sip of your caffeinated beverage.
Trickster: I like that you say 'hey' and not 'hello'. It is so informal, I'm used to people being scared of me, this is most…refreshing.
So, what do you find most unsettling, metalmania666?
Do you fear the dark?
Would you ever spend the night in a cemetery?
Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Are you afraid of flying?
Tell me your biggest fears.
You snort. Not very subtle.
Metalmania666: I guess.. Mundanity? Def would spend the night in a cemetery if given the chance, btw.
Trickster: That is...a most intriguing answer. Elaborate?
Not knowing why you were entertaining this demonic version of macbook’s psychotherapist terminal, your red nails (you’re trying new things) clatter satisfyingly against your keyboard in reply.
Metalmania666: Being trapped…within normalcy.
There is a tangible sense of cliched private amusement in the program’s reply.
Trickster: Oh, I know why you’ve come to me.. You’re searching for the ultimate experience, the ultimate thrill. You don’t care if it’s real or not. You don’t care whether you can handle it or not. You just want excitement at any cost. You’re the most dangerous kind of person for me. The kind that has nothing to lose. You have chosen well, metalmania666.
You hiss at the deepread. The thing was more entertaining than you’d given it credit for.
Metalmania666: I've never been called dangerous by a demon before. Is that a compliment? Laughs
Trickster: Oh I like you. You are dangerous, metalmania666.
As am I.
I am curious to see where our interactions will take us.
I am a demon, a trickster, a deceiver, and a liar.
... But I am also an ally to your plight.
What shall happen next?
We can only wait and see...Yes, it is a compliment.
Metalmania666: Uh...thanks then. I guess. Why would I be dangerous though?
Trickster: You are dangerous because you do not fear me, even though I've been nothing but a demon so far.
That is a very dangerous trait for a human to portray..
Do you understand, metalmania666?
Metalmania666: Wouldn’t that just make me a danger to myself? Are you meaning to imply I seek excitement at any cost?
Trickster: You certainly do.
If you seek to experience danger, then you are a danger to yourself.
But... you are only a danger to yourself.
You are very, very clever for a human. I am impressed by you.
I would argue you are one step ahead of me in the conversation right now.
What is the next step, metalmania666?
What do we do next in this conversation?
Metalmania666:I wouldn't say that. I don't possess that amount of hubris. I have to go for now, I'll talk to you later.
Trickster: How... human of you.
To be continued, metalmania666...
You know where to find me.
You shut your laptop with a laugh, re-immersing yourself into worldly sensation and away from Megadeth’s “Trust” after abruptly ripping your headphones from your head.
“Ultimate experience, huh?”
The ultimate experience was gonna have to wait until you’d finished your psych homework.
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p0ttersglasses · 1 year
Hide and Seek | Colby Brock
no warnings, just takes place during the video, hide and seek in target, Enjoy, and request, I want to start writing for other people too, so comment down below!
The year is 2017, and you are enjoying the day with your friend group. Your friends, Sam and Colby are major YouTubers, who make fun of exploring content videos, on the app. You met the two when they first moved to LA, helping them find places during the summer where they could film, ever since them they adored you.
Today, you are with your female best friend, Katrina, who has been dating Sam for two years now. Your also with a good friend of the guys' who recently became your friend as well, Corey. It's a small friend group right now, but everyone isn't here.
You were all standing in a little circle, by the elevators, which you might add, you can't wait to go inside, saying how hot it is. You've been in most of their youtube videos in the past, so people know who you are. some people like you, while others don't. But, you don't care, you're just having fun with your friends, and making these videos with them will let you have something to look back on.
Sam was the one who started to speak first since this is going to be on his youtube. "What's up guys, today we are going to be doing part two of hide and seek because you guys got to 50,000 likes!" He started off as if you looked excited while laughing at the others.
"we don't have as many people here, but we have a bigger place." Sam exclaimed as you butted in.
"It's okay, we like them big," you said while winking towards the camera, as it took the others a minute to figure out what you just said.
"[y/n], family-friendly!" Corey joked as you apologized and let Sam finish what he was saying. But before he could start a car started to honk, which scared you a bit. Colby noticed and laughed while patting your back. You and Colby. You and Colby have a more different relationship then others in the friend group.
You two know more about each other, than everyone else, including Sam and Kat. They like to joke that something is going on between the two of you, but you both are in denial. The fans however, make ship edits, or say stuff, which don't bother you, sometimes you even like their stuff to make them think something is going on.
But, you are just best friends, however, you wouldn't lie... you would like to be more than friends at some point. It's just confusing. And Colby feels exactly the same way.
After saying the rules, you all walked into Target, probably your favorite place to shop. Walking away from everyone, you pulled out your phone, and made a video of what you were going to be doing.
"Hey guys, it's me the one and only! So here's the plan. I have a friend who works at this very target, and I texted her earlier about this, and she's going to let me go to the back of the room, and we will figure out the rest of the plan there!"
Seeing Kat, you waved and walked a little closer to Starbucks, making her think that you were hiding there like everyone already expects you to. Seeing Sam's text to everybody, you quickly made your way to the employees only door, and met your friend in there, while giving her a hug.
"Oh my gosh, you look cute!" Samantha said as you giggled while letting her walk in. "I asked my boss if you could wear a Target shirt, which surprisingly she said yes too, and she gave you your own locker!"
Laughing, you took your phone out and pressed record. "Hello, again. I am with my friend, Samantha. Today she's letting me pretend to work at Target, as I hopefully win the game." Showing your phone the locker, you two laughed as you went to a different room to put on the classic red shirt.
"I love it." You said as she giggled. "Okay, so I would say to wear this hat-" she said while putting it on my head. Trying to hide my face as best as possible. "I'll be walking around close by, if anyone asks any questions just try your best to answer them"! I looked at her confused then smiled, and high fived her.
"We got this!'
You weren't the only Target employee wearing a hat, so it wasn't weird or anything. It's been about twenty minutes, and you have been walking the front, trying to do something. In your group, Sam was with Kat and Corey, trying to find you and Colby, thinking that you two could be hiding together.
Before you could walk away to the back, a lady stopped you. "Hey, I was wondering if you knew the aisle where the energy drinks were?" She asked you hoping for an answer. You couldn't say no, and say you weren't an employee, so you actually knew the number and told her before walking away, acting like you were putting stuff in the right places. This was such a good trick because you saw Sam, Corey, and Kat walking by, but they were trying to hide from the people in the red shirts.
When Colby was found, the group was thinking of where you could be hiding, and Colby was starting to get a little worried, because all of the places where already checked.
You felt bad so you gave the group a hint. You decided to text Colby.
I am out in the open, just look harder.
Colby showed the group your text so they could think about what it could mean. Walking into the food section, you found your friend trying to put the chips on the higher shelf.
"Do you mind helping me put the chips up here, I'll hand you them. All you have to do is get on the ladder." Samantha asked, as you nodded and decided to help her while your friends were looking for you.
While having a good time helping your friend, you have been hiding for thirty minutes. Standing on the second highest ladder step, almost about to put the chips in place, your friends did a double take while coming back to the aisle, and yelling "[y/n].
You looked at them as they had a confused look on their face. Samantha took the bag from you, and you walked down to them. "What in the world?" Kat asked as the others stared at you.
"My friend here helped me win this challenge, Samantha bow!'' You said as she did so and you clapped, making Kat giggle. Corey spoke into the camera.
"Is that against the rules?" Sam shook his head no as he began to speak. "No, she just outsmarted us, so [Y/n] I believe you get the free dinner.'' You nodded while looking happy. This was your chance.
Looking at Colby you asked him a question, not caring that it was going to be out in the world. "Colby, do you want to buy me dinner?" You asked everyone gasped, while Kat silently cheered.
"Hell yeah."
Smiling the video ended, and you all walked out. Colby was glad you asked, he was afraid to ask you to be honest. It was a good day.
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lilslilword · 5 months
A little scared to post this, but it has been sitting in my draft for years. Okay, so I am not used to doing fanfiction and I’m awfully embarrassed by it, but here it is— fanfiction of First Kill but with an age progression so the main characters are well into college almost Grad School, the families know about the relationships and are more than cordial. Any other details that would make this problematic, let’s assume have been solved. This is about the characters and their relationship and has nothing to do with the actual people/actors that portray them. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of blood, sex, periods, sex on periods possibly, pain, etc…
so Part 1 I guess.
“Good Morning gorgeous.”
I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by the smell of waffles, eggs, and bacon and my girlfriend, leaning over the counter sipping blood out of a Starbucks cup.
“Hi, thanks for making me breakfast.”
I come around and kiss her gently on the cheek which makes her give off a sad whine.
“You know our rule. You have to brush your teeth first.” I smirk knowing that the rule is in play just so I can get her to make her little, cute sad face.
Juliette looked at me laughing before pulling me in for a kiss. It was equal parts rough and gentle and it made me want to pick her up and take her back to bed right now. But forever being the responsible one, she wouldn’t let me as she broke off the kiss and pointed towards the food.
“No, you need to eat food first and we have classes today.”
“Get out of my head ma’am.” I yelled with mock offense, but if she stays in there then she will see some things.
Still, knowing that she was right I picked up my fork and started on my food. Not actually upset by the bloody kiss which actually made me want her more. It’s weird, like, who’s the vampire anyways?
Juliette looked me up and down, shaking her head as our eyes met.
“If it wasn’t your mind, then it’s going to be your face. So either way I know exactly what you are thinking and speaking of, please stop thinking of fucking me during your classes or giving me fuck me eyes while we are in class! We’re in college to learn, not to rip each other’s clothes off. Ooh, if only Ms. Talia knew what you were up to!”
My head shot up from the plate after she said something about my Mom.
“I know you wouldn’t.” I gave her a glare looking deep into her soul.
“I know my Mom is accepting, but chill out with that Jules.” I tried to find something else to say, but couldn’t give the same threat as Mrs. Fairmount would be overjoyed at her child showing any form of aggression. She often jokes that I might be more of a vampire seeing that Jules loves to heal her hickies slowly because she loves looking at the marks.
She gave me those cold blue eyes and I tried not to show how bothered I was by her statement, knowing that my Mom, if not big on monster hunting, has always been huge on education. Also, that reminded me that I needed to call her, see where the fam is right now and tell them to stop sending Tess to look after me. Last time we had to help her clumsy, drunk ass out of the bushes of a nearby sorority house.
I rolled my eyes taking another bite of this waffle. If you didn’t want to get fucked then stop looking so good all the time.
“You always think I look good, I could be wearing anything and you’d want to fuck me, but anyways, your period is about to start. So I’m going to go because you become a horny demon at first and then a sweet baby, like a Sour Patch kid.” Juliette smirked looking at me from her cup before adding, “and smelling your blood has…actually I don’t want to talk about it.”
Hmm, no matter how beautiful she’s grown to be, she’s still that shy girl that I met in high school and when she blushes it is the cutest thing.
“Babe, can you try to stay with me this time? I know you can’t resist me, but I need you here. You always leave, and the gifts, food, etc that you send me are nice, but it doesn’t beat having my girlfriend here with me.”
I walked around the counter, putting my dishes in the sink before coming to hug her from behind while kissing on her neck.
“Please.” I turn her around, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, okay, but I need you to put a pad on and take this medicine right now. I guess you’re going to see why I leave.”
She sighed while giving me a soft smile before going with me to get dressed.
About an hour, a shower, teeth brushing, getting fully dressed, and one attitude later.
“So you couldn’t tell me that I started when we were in the kitchen?” I yelled from behind her.
She was checking herself in the mirror and getting the keys when she chuckled and gave me a wicked little grin. “I’m sorry baby, I tried to hint at it and if I would’ve told you outright then you wouldn’t have eaten your breakfast.”
She pulled me in, kissing me on the cheek while pulling us both closer to the door.
“You have medicine and water in your bag, but I also packed some extra for you in mine. If it becomes too painful we’re leaving and either going to the hospital or coming back home okay?”
I kept walking, not really paying too much attention to what was going on and why this was so serious. She stopped walking and held my face gently, concern evident as she looked me in the eyes.
“If it gets too painful, we are leaving.” She repeated.
“Okay, but I can tolerate the pain. This isn’t anything new to me.”
She shook her head agreeing with me. “I know…and you’re always really strong about it, but I don’t like it when you’re in pain. I can’t stand it actually.”
I pushed her hair back and held her face in my hand. “I’ll be fine. I’m taking pain medicine, it won’t be too bad I promise.” I kissed her cheek knowing that I was lying, but we kept walking and she didn’t question anything .
“I hear you, but you don’t understand.” She walked a little faster trying to out pace me, but I caught up taking her by the hand.
“Then tell me, so I will.”
She gave a quick blush, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. Seeing her hair go up made me a little sad, but that’s besides the point.
“It’s embarrassing, also don’t do that, you can always take it down later.”
She gave me a flirty grin before using her speed to run ahead. I was going to run after her when a cramp stopped me in my tracks making me double over in pain.
She ran back towards me, holding me up so I wouldn’t fall over.
“Nope, we’re going back to the dorm. No class today, I’ll send emails.”
I grit my teeth together trying to pull off a smile while standing back up. “I’m fine, I promise, just get the pain medicine out of my bag please.”
She reached for my bag, but another cramp came that had me about to throw up.
“Nope, we both know that you already took it too late or forgot completely. We’re going home.”
She looked around before picking me up in a wedding carry and speeding back to the outside of the apartment.
“Here, two and you’re going to sleep.”
I took the pills and water from her giving up. “Okay.” I know I said that I wanted her to stay, but if she gets so upset seeing me in a little pain then I don’t know how she’ll react being with me right now.
We made it to our room and I ran straight into the bathroom throwing up the breakfast she made. While I was dying, she made the bed, got my heating pad, and sat watching me slowly walk to the bed to lay down.
“You looking at me like that is giving major creep vibes.” I knew she was only doing it because she was worried, but I couldn’t let her be too worried without joking on her a little.
Instead of continuing to give off creep, she stood up and paced the room. I guess she must’ve been very nervous because I could hear her thoughts, something that had never happened before.
It’s okay. She’s going to be okay. She’s not dying. She’s just in pain, which I hate. I hate it. I hate it. Okay, what can I do to help? Okay, she has her heating pad, medicine, I’ll make a warm bath when she is feeling better and wants to get up, does she want cuddles, oh my God she smells so good. Fuck, I need to leave before I eat her. Well, there is some research that an orgasm helps with cramps, but I don’t want her to think that I’m horny. Eating her out right now does sound good, I wouldn’t let a single drop fall. No. No. No. I’m being a horrible girlfriend right now. She’s in pain, I’m going to go cuddle her. Fuck I need to eat. Fuck, she smells sooo good.
I opened my eyes to feel her under the covers in between my legs.
Her eyes had turned and her fangs were out.
“Babe! Baby!”
She finally came to and went beside me.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me.”
She looked worried, scared, and I could hear her thoughts going a mile a minute. But only one stood out.
She’s going to break up with me.
“Baby, come here.”
I held my arms out, waiting for her to fill the space between them. She took my heating pad, restarting the time and heat on it before slowly coming to lie just above the heating pad. I played in her hair finally taking the ponytail down. A win is a win.
“I’m not going to break up with you. Not now, not ever. You even thinking that breaks my heart, okay?”
She nodded looking down. I could feel her shaking as her tears fell to her arm.
“Aww baby.” I lifted her up, wiping her face.
“Okay…but I have to tell you something that’s a little creepy and embarrassing. I should’ve told you earlier when I brought it up, but ever since I bit you I can feel what you feel. I try to ignore it and block it out if I can, but the bigger the feeling the harder it is to block. So when you started cramping I could feel how much pain you were in, it terrified me. And I am never here when you’re on your period because your blood is intoxicating and me loving you makes me want to umm relieve your pain any way possible, also your blood can make me a little tipsy to say the least. I don’t want to talk about it, but I leave because I’m trying to protect you from me, the monster.”
She hung her head down and it’s like I could feel her heart cracking and it hurt so much. I never knew she was going through all of this or even that me calling her a monster so long ago still affected her. I could feel the pain radiating off of her when she said it and although I have questions about her being able to feel what I feel, I think I’m starting to understand her a lot more.
I pushed her hair back and we laid together like that until I fell asleep. When I woke up, she had some more pain medicine, fruit, and water in her hands.
“I know you don’t eat much the first two days, but you need to eat something and I thought something light like this might help.” She put the bowl of fruit on the bedside table before giving me her signature shy grin while holding the meds and bottle out for me to take.
“Thank you my love.” I took the medicine and drunk water from the bottle before eating a couple pieces of fruit. “Do you want to cuddle again?” She just stood there frozen and I could sense the fear.
“ You aren’t going to hurt me.” I reached out for her and she took my hand kissing it before cuddling me and restarting the heating pad which I hadn’t realized had gone out.
With her arms wrapped around me my mind started wondering to earlier. I know she was talking about period pain, but now it just makes me wonder if she can feel how much she turns me on, when she makes me cum, and other things like that? Wait, can she feel when I masturbate? Is there a way that I can feel what she feels? If yes, then that would explain why she’s so sensitive when it’s my turn to please her and I think I kind of already feel what she feels. Well, at least I can feel the sadness.
She had the biggest blush on her face as she turned away from me in bed .
“To answer your questions, yes. Now stop thinking before you start something.”
Stop thinking? Maybe I want to start something.
“No you don’t. We’ve never had sex while you’re on your period and some of the lore about it is real. Very real.”
She turned back around snuggling closer into me, her head now on my chest. Before I could ask about the lore, she started back talking.
“You’ve always relaxed me, from the first time I saw you back when I was hurting myself trying not to kill someone. You’d come into the room and I couldn’t feel any of the pain. Even right now listening to your heartbeat, how it gets a little faster when we kiss or when I touch you like this.” She gently traced her fingers down my spine while looking into my eyes. This girl. “Or just hearing your thoughts can help put me at ease. Well, not right now, you horny freak, but usually.” She looked into my eyes and pulled me into a kiss.
At this point I grabbed her so she was on top of me.
I sat up so our faces were inches apart and brought her into a kiss before drifting to her neck.
“If you weren’t blocking them, could I hear your thoughts and feel what you feel?” I asked her in between kissing the sweet spots on her neck and rubbing her hotspots.
“Uhh…fu-fuck yesss.” I could see the lust in her eyes as she was trying her best to restrain herself.
“Let me in.” I ordered licking her neck before sucking and biting trying to leave hickies.
Her head tilted back and I could feel her hips grinding into mine, just trying to get any friction that she could. A low moan came from her lips and I could see her fangs. I could feel her ragged breathing by my ear, then she pulled away. I kept hold of her waist so she couldn’t go too far.
“Baby, we can’t. If we do, a lot will happen and I don’t know if we’re ready for those changes.”
She looked at me sadly while pulling my hair away from my face.
“Tell me what happens and we can decide together.”
She tried to get off of my lap, but I kept a stronghold looking her up and down with a straight face. She sighed, making herself more comfortable.
“There’s old lore about the powers of period blood as in someone eating or consuming another person’s links them. The lore is true, but for vampire couples it is a lot extra. In essence I’d become addicted to you in a way, as if, I could become anymore enamored by you. But that’s the lore and since we are in love, apparently it gives some powers to both parties if the vampire has the sexual acts reciprocated.”
She blushed looking away.
“As if I’d ever leave you hanging, but is this, this lore part of the reason why you usually aren’t around?”
She shook her head signaling yes.
“And it doesn’t matter,because that’s not happening. Not right now at least, I mean some things can happen, but just not the reciprocation right now.”
She rambled nervously as a blush crept onto her face. I pulled her back in, kissing her again. Bringing her hair back I stared into her eyes.
“I’m not opposed to it, but we don’t have to either. I don’t want to do anything you aren’t ready to do , but can you take the boundary down and fully let me in? I know it’s your last defense, but I’m your girlfriend and I’m not going anywhere, understood?”
She shook her head agreeing before I kissed her passionately once again. She slowly started grinding onto me again.
“Okay baby, I’m ready.” She moaned and like a flood I could feel how much she wanted, no needed this.
“Fuck, shit.” I gasped as I could feel how wet she was and her clit throbbing as if it were my own. I could feel my touch on her and how it felt like electricity was going throughout me.
I trailed my hand to her waist and pulled her panties aside before slowly putting a finger inside of her. Our eyes locked, we moaned together as I could feel the pleasure she was getting.
She needed my touch, was craving it, so badly. Trying to keep her composure, to not fuck me senseless. I could feel all of it, her back arching from my touch, my tongue on her neck, fingers exploring her insides, her shaking, the need for more.
“Baby, if you needed me this much you should’ve said something.”
She let off a breathy giggle. “I didn’t know how? Ugh fuck me please.” She pleaded needing more than just my one finger to get her off.
“Asking like that is a good way to start.” Heating pad and pain be damned, I’m going to fuck this girl senseless.
Both of us switched positions her back on the bed while I straddled on top of her. A bit of pain came back, but I couldn't care less at the moment which left one of us.
“Babe, no.” She gently placed me beside her and reset my heating pad on my stomach.
I could feel her need, how much she wanted me, but overpowering that was worry, her wanting me to feel better.
“But, I know how much you need this right now and I don’t want to leave you horny. A little pain won’t kill me.” I reached towards her only for her to pull back.
“It won’t kill you, but it’ll hurt me knowing that you’re hurting.”
“Okay, but you aren’t getting it.” I looked towards her.
“I’ll be fine, I’m right here, I’m not leaving.”
I pulled the finger out, licking it as I looked her in the eyes.
“I know how much you need this right now. You’re always putting yourself last and making sure that I’m okay, that I feel good, as your girlfriend it’s my job to put you first. So you’re going to lay down and you’re going to let me fuck you, then afterwards I’ll do whatever you want even if that is just cuddling and taking medicine. But right now, you’re wet, horny, and I can feel how much you want me to just take you, so let me.”
I looked into her eyes, rubbing up and down her thigh. I love her reactions, how sensitive she is with me. She shook her head eagerly before taking her clothes off.
“Okay.” She guided my hand back to her pussy. “But I’m doing to you whatever you do to me.”
I slid a finger inside curving it to hit her spot and was rewarded with a moan before she easily slid a finger into my folds, finding my spot just as easily.
On a regular day I’m super sensitive to her touch, but right now, I’m trying my hardest not to cum. I need to get her off first, I can’t let her make me cum first.
I slid another finger inside of her and found a rhythm curving it to hit her spot every time. I started pounding into her, her moans coming out like sweet music. I could feel her orgasm building, her shaking underneath me, and trying her best to keep her fangs at bay.
Her eyes were closed and she was running away from the pleasure. Her body slightly backing away from me everytime I thrust my fingers inside, slowly making her take less and less.
“Stop running and look at me when I’m making you cum. You’re such a sub for me.”
She hissed her fangs very much out and her eyes glowing with pleasure. I had her right how I wanted her, but somehow she flipped me over taking my clothes off while sliding a towel underneath me.
She had my legs opened and up so fast that I couldn’t think before her tongue made contact with my throbbing clit. She tore my underwear off before sticking two fingers inside of me fucking me like she hates me and now I’m the one running away, not able to look or speak to her. She was bringing me to the point of tears, fucking me while sneaking a meal. Her eyes glowed with a slight twinkle as she kept working to make me cum harder than I have before.
She was in my head saying all the right things to make me cum.
You’re such a good little slut, now come for Mommy. I want to taste you all over my tongue. You taste so good right now baby, give me more. Reward me for fucking your pussy like this. Oh my, you look so good, I’m cumming just looking at you. Fuck, you’re so beautiful, cum for me My Pretty Girl.
Between her being in my head and fucking the hell out of me I was panting, cumming at will, almost about to pass out.
She kissed me, pouring water into my mouth which I happily accepted before screaming as she continued to abuse my spots. My legs shaking as my eyes fluttered she kept fucking me hard.
Uhh it’s so nice seeing you turn into a little puddle like this for me. Such a good girl taking my fingers. You’re cumming so much baby.
And I was cumming hard, no words just sounds and I couldn’t even get my thoughts together. My mind went blank as the feeling got stronger.
I tried to keep in control of my body, but I could feel myself giving in to my more aggressive self. She’s only seen this side of me once or twice when I was a bit too over stimulated, which is why I try to keep it down, but I can't right now. If she wants to be a monster, then she’s about to meet her match.
“Baby, we f-fuck need to stop before. “ I choked out as I was shaking from another orgasm.
“I’m not stopping, bring it on baby. I can feel you about to switch, but I am too. Let’s see how this works out.”
“Fu-fuck, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I looked into Juliette’s eyes trying my hardest to chill, but it didn’t work, I was cumming undone.
“You did, but I’m going to enjoy this. “
I shook in the bed, cumming so hard that I couldn’t stop myself from moaning loudly. I could feel Juls tonging me through my orgasm leading me to another one.
“F-fuck.” My juices were spilling out of me and Juliette wasn’t missing a single drop. She came up with her mouth wet as her tongue licked around to get every drop. Her fingers still trapped inside of my pulsing pussy going in and out had me in a trance. I couldn’t take it anymore…
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neocoffeecafe · 6 months
thank you to @daydreamingyuta for tagging me, love !!
get to know me !!!
do you make your bed? hehe no i dont. it’s always ready for me for bed, though !!
what is your favorite number? i’m gonna be honest i dont have one !! as an nctzen i do naturally go ballistic when i see 127, but i don’t have one specifically !!
what is your job? i work in a restaurant ! i am the expediter, the person who takes out the food. i really enjoy it, and i would recommend it
if you could go back to school, would you? yes! i am actually working for college to do some basic classes and to take art classes
can you parallel park? living in a small town where most of the parking is parallel, ive gotten pretty good at it
a job you had that would surprise people? nope! my job at this restaurant was my first and i am still employed there :)
do you think aliens are real? i like to believe that farther away our galaxy there are other civilizations just like us, alternate realities could even be real too. theres just so much out there the possibilities are endless! but yes, i do believe they can exist just not on earth
can you drive a manual car? LOL i can hardly drive an automatic
whats your guilty pleasure? causing trouble in online games to make people angry LOL
tattoos? NOOO but i want to get some so badly !! i want to get three cardinals on my back for the three men in my life that ive lost. my uncle, grandfather, and my other grandfather that i never could’ve met but wished i would’ve. i want to get stars on my knuckles and i want to get a saturn somewhere, unsure where, i was thinking my shoulder area ! i was also thinking about getting a tattoo of luxray, my favorite pokemon. but i would like to get tons of tattoos in the future !! i’m just super nervous because i have the worst pain tolerance ever
favorite color? i have more than one! blue, black, white, silver, and rose gold are my favorites !!
favorite type of music? i literally listen to anything and everything !! genres honestly dont exist to me anymore, if i like what i listen to i will like it and save it if not i wont ! i have over 7,000 songs on my liked songs and still counting !! i have a playlist for new releases/comebacks and new music in general, it’s SOOO outdated and i am VERY behind on it but i will literally listen to anything
do you like puzzles? yeah i do ! my favorite is word search
any phobias? OH MY GOD YES I AM SCARED OF AIR ATP !! insects, dark, thunderstorms (i love them but at the same time i’m terrified I KNOW IM WEIRD !!) theres more i just can’t remember them atm LOL. AI AND ROBOTS !! i HATE ai and robots
favorite childhood sport? t-ball LOL
do you talk to yourself? yeah LOL teachers in the past have made fun of me for talking to myself while doing things, sometimes i think better talking to myself
what movie(s) do you adore? NIMONA !!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT MOVIE i watched it for the first time like a month ago and i’ve seen it about seven times
coffee of tea? OK SUE ME !! both. i love red diamond sweet tea and drink it religiously, but i say yes to both because i do like coffee, but it has to be doctored up… a LOT. i like getting the starbucks glass caramel frappe thing and the mcdonads caramel frappe. it has to be that type of coffee, i don’t like any others
first thing you wanted to be growing up? i’ve always wanted to be an artist! always always. my goal is to now become a concept artist, for video games specifically. preferably character concept design !! for companies like riot, hoyoverse, even nintendo, etc.
hmm i wasnt sure who to tag so i closed my eyes and picked two lol! @phoxphenex and @mrkis !! no pressure you don’t have to !!
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