#the other 5% i’m just head empty not thinking lol
clanoffelidae · 2 years
Logging off for a while. Just… really got taken by surprise by what happened.
The overall ‘thing’ that happened was nbd and is fine, if anything it’s somewhat relieving in a way bc it means I faced my fears but now I also get the barrier between me and those fears that NOT having faced them would have given me back; but the fact that someone saw a personal post about my honest fears and anxieties about a person deliberately left anonymous to not cause trouble and took that as evidence against me? And no one even questioned it?
No one thought, for one second, ‘hey, i wonder if there’s the possibility we’ve misunderstood this personal post by this stranger we don’t know, maybe we should ask them first?’
It was just immediately used to accuse me without even a chance to talk first?
That really fucking hurts and took me by surprise.
Like the rest of it’s whatever, we talked and it’s fine by me. I find it to be fairly excessive but it’s their call and whatever, if it’s genuinely causing that much stress, sure! I’m fine with that.
But the fact that I posted something that said ‘I’m afraid’ and it was immediately used to attack me was extremely hurtful and I just need some time away from all of it. I expected better.
I’ll be back at some point, probably fairly soon since I’m known to bounce back quick lol. But who knows. Idk. If you wanna talk shoot me a message and I’ll pop back on sometime later today and then again in a few days to give anyone who wants to chat my discord.
Be good you knuckleheads, and remember that my dms are always open if you ever need to talk about ANYTHING. If nothing else, I’ve got ears to listen, and I’m sure anyone who’s followed me for more than ten minutes knows I can talk your ear off about whatever if you need mindless chatter from some silly internet person with a lynx picture :) (or serious chatter! I’m good either way <3)
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Well I survived my shift
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highhhfiveee · 8 months
Mike x reader, with reader who works long hours during the daytime and Mike working at night which results in them barely having time to see eachother besides from dinner and bedtime
oh, you wanted angst fr 🥲 i think it could go either way, but honestly angst is what stood out to me first. i’m going to make this sadder too, just because i can 💜
to crumble
pairing: mike schmidt x blackfem!reader summary: y/n and mike find their relationship at a dead end. wc: 2.3k tags: angst, pain, prescription drug mentions, fluff and cuteness in the beginning but not for long. mdni. part 2 here: 🏳️
all i can think ab is the unbearable pain that replaces the love in your hearts as time goes on.
you’ve been together for half a year. things were fun at first, but once you decide to move in to help with abby, you start to see the cracks in the foundation.
in this one, reader works two jobs (bc let’s face it, this is unfortunately realistic); teaching from 9-4 and cashiering from 5-8:30. mike doesn’t want you working two jobs and you didn’t want to, but you knew that your salaries combined wouldn’t keep you afloat. abby’s school is expensive, and so is everything else in life. the extra money you get from cashiering gives you guys flexibility. 
every morning at 6:30, monday to friday, you wake up alone. even though you know it’ll probably be empty, you still reach your arm over to run it over mike’s side. it’s always cold and flat, completely untouched. 
you brush this off at first; it's one of the things that comes with him working overnight and you know he needs this job so that he can keep abby. you want that for him and know that love is sacrifice. 
you wake abby up and start getting her ready in between fixing yourself up; brushing her teeth while you brush yours, letting her get a few more minutes of sleep in while you throw on your clothes, guiding her through packing her bag while you make breakfast. by that time, closer to 7:30, mike is finally walking into the house. 
his eyes are hooded and surrounded by dark bags and you can tell he's exhausted from the way he hangs his things up lethargically. he kisses abby, who's running around collecting things, on the head, then ambles over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing along your neck. 
they're soft, gentle actions that make you forget about not being able to do things like this at night. it doesn't matter when you have mornings with him, even if it's only 30 minutes before you have to go. you giggle and reach a hand up to his cheek, kissing him on his other one. 
"missed you," you whisper.
"missed you too," he mumbles back, planting a kiss on your lips before stalking away to ask abby something. 
you all eat breakfast together, and then you're slipping abby's coat over her shoulders before you put on your own. you usher her to the car and give mike one last kiss before you leave, a deep one that you hope he feels all day. when you pull away, you can see the affection sparkling in his eyes, low and tired but expressive nonetheless. 
"i love you," he whispers, his sleepiness masquerading as love-drunkeness. 
"i love you, mike. get some rest, okay?" 
you drop abby off, wishing her well, before you're alone for the next 12 hours. it often drags. at your teaching job, you feel as if it's just passing you buy in waves, everything whizzing past you at light speed. you're aware that you're in front of the kids, but then you just blackout. you're thrown into autopilot, and you do this over and over until your lunch break at 1. you text mike to pass the time.
sometimes it's something silly, like "god i do not get paid enough" or "a kid just ate glue /: send help", to which mike will respond "😂😂😂" or "lol you deserve millions (:". he makes you laugh, and it's enough to help you push through the end of the day. 
he picks up abby from school, asking her all about her day and what she wants for dinner. he'll text you what she says so you know what to expect when you get home, like "meatloaf 🍖🍞 (:" or "chicken alfredo 0: fancy". 
for you, transitioning from teaching to customer service was easy; all you had to do was maintain that same autopilot: smile on, eyes alert, prepared for anything. no one suspected a thing when you could keep up and answer their questions. 
mike helps abby with her homework, scratching his head with the eraser of a pencil when he draws blanks on a math or history question. abby only sighs, telling him about something off-topic. "art class is much more interesting." 
mike starts dinner while you're closing up at work, sweeping the front end of the store and counting down your drawer. he lets abby help sometimes, and they usually have it ready for you by the time you're home at 9. 
abby meets you at the door, and you hug her tight, picking her up and waltzing her back into the house. mike is setting the dining table, greeting you with a sleepy smile and, "the queen has arrived."
you all sit down and eat, and it's another one of those moments where everything feels okay. the last 12 hours didn't matter when you were able to have this at the end of it. 
you tell abby and mike about your day over spaghetti, spilling details about prideful parents and spiteful customers. abby laughs all throughout, asking questions about being a cashier. mike just listens, eyes and heart floating between the two of you. 
you clear the table while mike goes to get ready for work, and a wash of dread passes over you. your brain knows what's happening next. you'll kiss him goodbye, clinging to his hoodie sleeve for a second longer than you should, and then you'll settle down with abby, bathing her and reading her to sleep. then you'll be alone. it will just be you and the screech of infomercials until midnight, and then you'll be off to sleep, snuggling into a pillow that smells like mike. 
you push the feeling away, shaking your head and hands and doing just as you know. there's the kiss, the night routine with abby, and the moment you sit on the couch, surrounded by tv light and the croaking of cicadas. 
mike doesn't text during his shift unless it's an emergency. it makes you sad, but you understand. security requires focus, and you require sleep. 
for a while, this works. it's what you and mike have to do to make ends meet, and while you both think that it'll only get better with more time at it, it doesn't. 
you still wake up alone and go through the same rhythm, but when mike comes in around 7:30, it's not 7:30 anymore. it's 7:39, then 7:45, then 7:58. the latest he's ever been, so late that you're not able to eat with him. he shrugs it off when you mention it, kissing your cheek and retreating to the bedroom to sleep.
you drop abby off as usual, and go to work. work. work. work. 
mike starts missing your lunch break texts, sometimes dozing dangerously close to when abby's school lets out. while your class works, you bitterly stare at your text conversation. your unanswered "shaping america's future is kinda sick" message stares back at you until it's replaced by abby's school calling. your heart drops to your stomach as you step out of the room to take the call, answering the phone with, "is she okay?" 
mike didn't pick her up. she's out at 2:30 and it's 3:30 now, and she's crying and scared because he didn't pick up the phone, and she always calls him first. 
you leave work in a flurry, asking a fellow teacher to take over, and you speed to abby's school, not caring about tickets or police or anything. you only want to get her home.
mike is dashing out of the door when you pull up, wrenching a sobbing abby out of your backseat and clutching her close. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry," he breathes, smoothing her hair and looking up at you with regret etched into every feature on his face.
you try your best to hide your upset, ushering everyone inside before changing into your work clothes. you were going to be late, but you shake it off. abby was home and that was all that mattered. 
"hey," mike reaches out to you when you're on your way out. his fingers graze their way down to your hand, and it makes you wish that you could stay home. "thanks for that. i've just been super tired lately and i overslept and---"
"it's okay, baby," you give him a tight lipped smile and a kiss on the knuckles. "just don't let it happen again." 
it happens again. and again. and again. it happens so many times that abby starts to think mike is forgetting about her, and you don't know how to get that out of her head. she cries about it more and more with each time you have to pick her up. he stops running out to apologize, still asleep inside. 
you rush into the bedroom. he's splayed out over the bed, snoring loudly with his arm hanging over the side. you find an orange pill bottle on his nightstand. an old ambien prescription. 
you argue with him before work sometimes.
"what do you need ambien for?"
"i can't sleep." 
"but every morning, you skip breakfast to sleep."
"i do fall asleep, but i started waking up out of it. i just take the ambien to help me fall again."
"what time do you take it?"
"i don't know, y/n."
"why are you lying to me?"
"i'm not." 
"what time?" you cry, grasping at your chest. a sharp pains thud through your ribcage, and you literally sob. it feels like your heart is tearing in two. "you stare at times, mike. what time do you take the ambien?" 
he doesn't answer you and he doesn't know why. it would be so easy to tell you that he takes it at 9 or 10, and that he believes he'll be able to wake himself up around 2 but he doesn't. he can’t sleep without the ambien. he needs it now because he kept himself up in the early days of this, mind toiling over their situation, the endless reassurance that this would work sending him into insomnia. 
you leave when he doesn't answer, wiping at your watery eyes and runny nose. 
you cashier as a shell of yourself. abby stops asking mike for homework help, and eventually he stops cooking dinner too, trading all that time in for extra sleep after picking her up. you have to explain the situation to your retail store manager, just in case mike forgets again, and start looking after abby more. mike only ever made time to spend with her on the weekends, content with awkward moments over lunch and low energy bickering.
the lunch break texts stop. the dinner texts stop.
he's dressed and ready to leave when you get home these days, prepared to exit as you enter. you don't know what to say as you face each other in the doorway, eyes focused on anything but each other. you don’t even kiss anymore.
"i think abby's asleep already."
you shake your head. "i think she's really sad. she hasn't been coming out of there like she used to. she misses you." 
"i miss her too, of course. i'm just busy." 
"all you do is work, mike," you deadpan, exhausted with him. you never thought you'd ever get to a point where you looked at mike, the sure love of your life, with disdain, but you felt it creep into you ever so slightly. 
"yeah, i know. it fucking sucks, but it's what i have to do to keep abby."
you scoff, scooting past him to take your coat and bag off. "as if you're going to keep her by leaving her at school everyday." it's supposed to be under your breath, but the disdain creeps onto your tongue, bitter and raging, and you say it aloud, to his face. 
his jaw clenches and his brown eyes burn, staring you down with an unrelenting severity. you hunch yourself over, dropping your head and sighing out, "mike, i'm sorry. i didn--" 
he leaves without another word. 
how it got to this, neither of you know. not even the weekends healed anymore. mike caught up on sleep, you caught up on grading, and in your downtime, you avoided each other. for him, it felt easier than being around you. you were irritable all the time, a quick fuse with any word he could think to speak. 
for you, it seemed like it was what he wanted. time away from you, from abby, from everyone; time to be alone and recharge for the only thing he ever did, the only thing that was keeping his sister in his care. 
you didn't even remember what his touch felt like, what he tasted like. the man that you loved had become but a memory, a ghost that passed through your plane. you’re able to imagine his fluffy hair, his perfect smile, his laugh, his rich smell, but none of it mattered. he didn’t feel like yours anymore. 
you suppose it was the same for him, with you existing in the same space but only tangible to him some of the time. he would catch glimpses of your smile, laughing at something on your phone, or talking to abby, meet your eyes when you shuffled back to the bedroom from the bathroom, rimmed in red from crying for the last 30 minutes.
he starts sleeping on the couch, unable to even lay beside you. 
mike does a lot of crying. a lot of screaming into his pillow, wondering why he fucks these things up so badly. you do the same, wondering why you stay in situations that hurt you.
this goes on for longer than you two would like, so long that you don't even celebrate your one-year anniversary.
the day passes without noise, mike sleeping and you working.
a prequel of sorts : x
THIS WAS SO FUCKING LONG MY BBBBBBBB OMG. i did NOT mean to go this deep in, i just felt SOOOOO MUCH! my little brain got sad ): i could go deeper into this too one day, breaking up moments into specific little blurbs or ficlets d: let me know if y'all even enjoyed this lmaooo off to write for Halloween lol
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screebyy · 1 month
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Part 6: The Summit Prev | Next (Soon™️) | Start
Two parts left! sorry to end on a lil cliffhanger of sorts. also sorry i'm going to continue to be very mean to jolyon. also also sorry i will not be finishing this before tfs launches lol 🥲
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Panel 1: Wide shot of Crow and Jolyon sitting on a rock on the summit of a mountain, looking down at the dreaming city below. The sun is starting to rise over distant mountains, and the dreaming city is covered in taken essence, with black taken orbs hanging all around it. Jolyon is leaning forward with his arms crossed and his elbows resting on his knees, while Crow is leaning back on his hands. Jolyon: “Thanks for doing this with me.” Crow: “Of course. It’s been… really nice, catching up.” Jolyon: “Yeah…
Panel 2: Close up of Jolyon’s hand from the side. He is curling it into a tense fist where it’s resting on his bicep. Jolyon: “... Can I ask…”
Panel 3: Close up of Jolyon’s face in profile. He is staring straight ahead with a pained expression on his face as he speaks. Jolyon: “Why now?”
Panel 4: Side view of Crow as he turns to look at Jolyon. He has a curious expression on his face. Jolyon (offscreen): “A few years ago… I heard about what happened, with Savathun. That you had remembered your past life.”
Panel 5: Side view of Jolyon. He is turning away from the Crow, and his expression is not visible. Jolyon: “When you didn’t reach out… I guess I just assumed you hadn’t remembered me.”
Panel 6: Side view as Crow looks at Jolyon with a mournful expression. Crow: “I…”
Panel 7: Crow turns forward again, looking down at the ground with a sad expression. Crow: “I’m not sure I did, at first.” Panel 8: Flashback of the Radiant Accipiter, idling in empty space. Crow is visible through the windshield of the ship, he is hunched over in the pilot’s chair with his head in his hands while glint floats beside him. Crow (Present day): “He was so far gone at the end - whenever I tried to think about his life, it was like a bomb going off inside my brain.”
Panel 9: Close up of Crow looking down past the camera. He is clutching his face with both hands, one hand is tearing desperately at his hair while the other is covering his cheek, nose and mouth. He has a horrified, distant expression on his face, and a tear is running down his cheek. In the background, a cracked surface shows many scenes from Uldren’s rampage. One fragment shows a close up of Uldren’s eyes as he turns towards the viewer with a hateful expression. Black rivulets of corruption are flowing from his eyes like tears, and the sclera of his corrupted eyes are black and seeping into the iris. Another fragment shows several dead corsairs lying on a stone floor in pools of blood. Another fragment shows a close-up of Cayde-6’s face, staring up at the viewer defiantly. His face plates have been badly damaged. The final fragment shows a close up of Uldren’s hand holding the Ace of Spades hand cannon, with smoke coming out of the barrel. Crow (Present day): “Nothing made sense, all I could feel was… what he felt. The things he did…”
Panel 10: A wide shot of Crow lying in bed, bundled up in his blanket. The room is dark, and a window is open, with bright sunlight shining in through the curtains. Crow (Present day): “But eventually…”
Panel 11: A close up of Crow holding Glint with one hand. Glint’s eye is closed, and he is humming gently. Crow (Present day): “I was able to start picking up the pieces.” Panel 12: Closer shot of Crow lying in bed. He is clutching Glint against his chest with one hand, rubbing his shell gently. With his other hand, he is holding a golden ring on a chain. He is staring blankly at the ring with a sad, tired expression. Crow (Present day): “To put together who he had been before.” Panels 13, 14, 15, and 16: A sequence of fuzzy, incomplete memories. The first is a shot of Jolyon in his uniform, from his waist to his chin. Most of his face is not visible, but he seems to be scowling. He is partially obscured by a misty, dark blue background. The second memory is a shot of Uldren lying back in green grass on a sunny day, eating raspberries. He is looking to his right, at someone just offscreen. He is laughing lightly, and looks peaceful as he holds a raspberry up to his mouth. The third memory is a shot of Jolyon’s dark blue Supremacy rifle leaning against a wall, next to where his green cloak is hanging. The fourth memory is a partial shot of Uldren resting on his hands and knees above Jolyon, who is not visible. Uldren is shirtless, and a golden ring is hanging from a chain around his neck. Jolyon’s hand is reaching into frame, holding the ring in his palm where it hangs. Uldren is smiling down at him warmly. Crow (Present day): “You were… A puzzle that took me a long time to figure out. A face I couldn’t quite name, a feeling I couldn’t quite place.”
Panel 17, 18, and 19: Another sequence of memories, which are more clear than before. The first panel is a head-on shot of Uldren, staring up past the viewer with a confused, strained expression. The scleras of his eyes are black, and the corruption is starting to seep out of them. The second panel is a head-on view of Jolyon, staring down at Uldren with an intense, searching expression. The third panel is of Uldren, who is looking away to scratch at his right eye with the heel of his hand. His hands are cuffed together at the wrist, and he looks frustrated, and distracted. Crow (Present day): “When it finally came together, And I realized how terrible he had been to you… I was too ashamed.” Panel 20: In the present day, Crow is leaning forward, and staring distantly down at the ground, while Jolyon watches him talk. Crow: “To let himself fade away like that, to forget you, while you were standing right in front of him…”
Panel 21: Close up of Jolyon as he looks away, and stares sadly into the distance. His brow is furrowed and he looks conflicted and tired. Crow (offscreen): “I didn’t think I could face you, after that. I didn’t think you’d want me to.” Jolyon: “...”
Panel 22: front view of Crow and Jolyon sitting side by side. Crow is leaning forward heavily, looking down at the ground with a grim, slightly frustrated expression. Jolyon is turning slightly towards Crow, though he is not looking directly at him and is expression is sad and distant. Jolyon: “What changed your mind?”
Panel 23: Close up of Jolyon’s face. He looks slightly surprised and is looking directly at Crow, offscreen. Crow (offscreen): Petra.
Panel 24: Shot of Crow as he hunches away from Jolyon, rubbing his right arm self-consciously. He is glancing out of the corner of his eyes back at Jolyon with an uncertain, guilty expression. Crow: “Last week, hunting Riven’s eggs took us… Somewhere that reminded me of you.”
Panel 25:  Close up of Jolyon as he watches Crow out of the corner of his eyes. His brow is slightly furrowed, and he looks uncertain.
Crow (offscreen): “After we got back, I asked Petra how you had been, and…”
Panel 26: Close up of Crow. He is smiling lightly, staring down at the ground with a distant, soft expression and blushing faintly. Crow: “She talked some sense into me. Reminded me that I shouldn’t just assume you were better off never knowing me. That I at least owed you the chance to make that decision for yourself.”
Panel 27: front view of Crow and Jolyon sitting side by side. Crow is turning back towards Jolyon with a soft smile. Jolyon is also looking at Crow, smiling faintly. Crow: “I guess… some things haven’t really changed, right?” Jolyon: “Ha.”
Panel 28: Close up of Jolyon’s face from the side. He is staring straight ahead again, smiling faintly. Jolyon: “Right…”
Panel 29:  Jolyon looks slightly down, his smile has fallen and his brow has furrowed as his expression grows distant. Dark, scratchy marks are bleeding into the edge of the panel, fading out the edges. Jolyon: “...”
Panel 30: extreme close up of Jolyon’s eye, squeezed shut. Dark scratchy marks surround the panel, creating a chaotic background and bleeding into the panel. Voice offscreen: “Jolyon…”
Panel 31: A younger version of Jolyon turns towards the camera from the side, with a confused expression. His hair is pulled back into a bun, and he is wearing a light green sweatshirt. The background is faded purples and blues, and Jolyon is outlined in surreal surreal shades of pink and purple. The panel is outlined by dark scratch marks, spiky thorns, and black flowers outlined in vibrant shades of pink, purple, and green. The text bubbles appear to be glitching out, with scratchy fragments coming out of them. Voice offscreen: “Why’d you do it?” Jolyon: “What?”
Panel 32: Shot of Uldren sitting on a rock, from behind. He is leaning forward, resting his hands on his knees, and staring down at the ground. His hair is falling over his face, and his expression is not visible. The surreal lighting continues in this panel, and Uldren is outlined in pinks and purples with the panel being surrounded by dark scratch marks, spiky thorns, and black flowers outlined in bright colors. Uldren: “Why did you come with us, Jol?”
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danikamariewrites · 4 months
First off, I always love reading your work. Makes me smile when I’m going through it 🫶🏻
Could you do rhys x reader or maybe a batboys head canon for how they’d take care of you while life seems to be out to get you? Like every time you think your problems are solved, something blows up in your face? Maybe like something breaks in your flat, and then something crazy happens at work, and then like you get sick or something and reader is just super down and rhys/batboys are trying to bring her back up? Taking care of her and stuff?
Sorry if this is too confusing or similar to anything you’ve had before, my brain is a little short-circuited tonight lol and I’ve been kinda going through it so I can’t think straight
Dry Your Tears
Bat boys x reader
A/n: I dream of the three of them taking care of me. Also I’m sorry babe, I’m also going through it so we’re together on this
Warnings: Tamlin being mean to reader, anxiety, and fluff
Your luck for charming High Lords and their advisors has finally run out
You were on a roll on your little tour of Day, Winter, and Summer
But coming home from other courts empty handed sucked
Especially when it was the spring court
With Tamlin finally back in power with a group of advisors and his court put together he’s been full of himself acting all high and mighty
Yesterday was your first time there since the court was put together
Of course it was all males who didn’t respect you one bit and Tamlin was no help either
The spring high lord was very condescending and it brought out your insecurities about your place in the court
Tamlin also targeted your relationship with the boys, pointing out other flaws there
You slept in your own bed once you arrived at the town house since you left Spring so late
As you fell into a fitful sleep you dreaded the paper work you had to do in the morning
The next morning you found a note on the kitchen table from Rhys that read, Sorry we missed you darling. Emergency in Windhaven. We’ll be back tomorrow morning. We love you very much
You frown at the note but smile at the little heart drawn at the end
After breakfast you set out to do paperwork with infrequent visits from Amren about updates on court matters
Getting to the Spring Court report drained you
Just thinking about it makes your skin itch
You get up deciding to take a walk to clear your head
The walk didn’t help. It simply made things worse
There was too much around the town house that didn’t feel right to you. Like you needed to reorganize
But now you wanted new furniture and things bc the throw pillows didn’t look right and the couch looked too old
To distract from that you went into the kitchen to find a snack only to realize none of the boys went grocery shopping (who are you kidding it’s Nuala and Cerridwen that do it)
You slammed the cabinet shut
With the slam of the cabinet a cough crept up your throat
It was dry and you felt like you couldn’t breathe
You shouldn’t have traveled to Winter then Spring
Ignoring what the cough meant you remembered your report for Rhys and stomped back to your office
The report took way longer than you would’ve liked
Thinking about Tamlin and his comments about your relationship made you blood boil
As your anger washed away it turned into anxiety and sadness and doubt
Are you capable of this job if these males get to you so easily? Is your relationship and mating bond with the boys going to last?
You needed to shake this off. You closed your side of the bond as to not worry your mates. They don’t need to worry about you right now
You kept stewing in your anxiety and anger for the rest of the day
Amren left at 5 so you had dinner alone with what was left in the house. You’d go shopping tomorrow when your head was clear and you weren’t pissed at the fact that the boys forgot
Sleep evaded you that night as you wished your boys were here to hold you and whisper sweet nothings to you
Your cough kept you up all night as well
By the time the sun was up you were curled against against the headboard. Your eyes watering from that dry cough you’ve developed. You didn’t feel like moving, you were too tired. Too tired to even greet your mates at the door
Cassian’s heavy, booted footsteps come up the stairs first
Tears pricked your eyes from exhaustion and anxiety
Azriel silently pushed your bedroom door open, making his way over to your bed. “Hey princess, whats wrong?” You sniffle and start to cry harder into his chest
Without hesitating Az picked you up, rushing you to your shared bedroom. Rhys and Cass stop unpacking and move to comfort you
“My darling, why are you so upset?” You look up at the three of them with the saddest look on your face. Cassian wipes your tears with his thumbs giving you an equally sad look
You look back at Rhys tapping your temple for him to look at your memories. Rhys nods and you close your eyes
He shares your memories of the Spring meeting and your day yesterday. When it was over you opened your eyes to see Az and Cass fuming. Rhys was giving you a sympathetic look. “Darling, no. You do not listen to a word they say. You do not believe them. Everything they said was a lie, alright.” Rhys said firmly, cupping your face in his large hands
“You are our world, sweetheart. Don’t think for a second that you aren’t important.” Cassian stressed, kissing your forehead
The next few days are spent taking care of you and cheering you up
You read together, go out for meals, shopping for clothes books and anything else your heart desired or whatever the boys felt like spoiling you with. The boys even did the grocery shopping
They take turns holding you on their laps, keeping you tucked into their chest as they tell you stories from camp or when they first fell in love with you and other relationship stories
You have to admit, it was hilarious to imagine the people of Velaris staring as their High Lord, the General, and Spymaster food shop
Laughing about it did make you feel better
They spent the next few nights worshiping your body. Paying attention to every part of you that gets a reaction. Working you up to the most earth shattering orgasms you’ve ever had
By the end of the week you had put Tamlin and his court out of your mind, feeling overjoyed at the amount of love your mates show you
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Dalton Lambert x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: insidious 5 spoilers, literally i think tahts it 
Author’s Note: In theory this is a part 2 to blue paint but honestly could be written by itself if you just squint lol. Everyone wanted me to write more for dalton and i was at WORK people but i am here to provide a plotless fluff. An old classic style of mine 🫡Also this fic could literally be called ‘maya googles whispered synonyms’ 
Everyone that asked to be tagged <3 : @geeksareunique, @chaoticxbee, @snixx2088, @ellaneyt, @bespinnn, 
Summary: The night you and Dalton just kind of let your relationship silently grow to avoid the horror of his situation. 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You could feel sleep starting to overtake you. It was in your eyes, the drooping of your lids as you sat against the twin bed. Dalton was sitting on the ground as well, across from you. You narrowed your gaze at him, pursing your lips. You both had class in the morning. He still had blue paint stained on his face. You had leaned him over the sink and scrubbed to no avail. Finally you had both given up, conceding to his embarrassment in the morning. 
The sticky heat of the day had given way for the night chills. You could feel the difference in the cracked window. The breeze had started to get to you so you threw a blanket over your shoulders. 
Dalton, not wanting to fall asleep, sat across from you with a hoodie on. 
“No way,” you muttered. You looked at the cards in front of you, a large stack turned upwards and a yellow 7 card on top. “You just had like 15 cards. Take off your hoodie.”
“No!” Dalton exclaimed, laughing a bit. 
“You’re cheating. There’s no way I missed that. I’m literally the only other person here,” you offered. He shook his head. The clock was ticking away past midnight. 
“It’s late, you’re just starting to get delirious.” You shook your head, tossing your stack of cards down beside you. Usually you would never let a game go, especially one that was decently close. But you weren’t sure if you were even going to wake up to your alarm in the morning, let alone go to class. 
“Am not.” 
“I told you to go to bed hours ago.”
“Didn’t want you to sleepwalk on me,” you muttered. 
“Astral project.” 
“Whatever.” You looked up at the window. You could see the moon outside tonight in the clear sky. It had been a while since you saw the nighttime in a peaceful way. You were so used to being passed out by the time any kind of sereneness came along, or at a party trying not to pass out. It had been too long since it was just you and the night sky. And Dalton. 
Your phones were laying on the bedside table, out of the way and silent. You told Dalton to call his mom but he refused. He said he could do it on his own. He was probably just overreacting, he promised you. Overreacting didn’t make someone stay up late before an 8:30 class but you decided not to mention that. 
“I think I’m out D,” you muttered through a yawn. He nodded. He still looked wide awake, sans the bags under his eyes. 
“I wish we had a TV in here.” 
“Then we could watch Nightmare on Elm Street,” you joked. He half smiled, one of his cute little smirks. When you came to college you never thought you would admire these quieter nights the most. 
“Yeah.” You stretched, trying to shake the sleep out of your eyes. 
“I think I’m still gonna try to go to class tomorrow.”
“You know I don’t have a choice.” You nodded once and stood up, stretching. You felt your body expand as a satisfying calmness came over your body. Dalton grabbed the uno cards at your feet and started to put them in the box. “My last card was red by the way. You could’ve won it.” 
“Rematch tomorrow,” you suggested. You put your blanket over the empty bed. It looked like it hadn’t been slept in. There was no indent of a human having been there, no one having a good night's sleep. Though it didn’t look exactly comforting, it also didn’t look unappealing to your tired mind. Dalton had given you one of his pillows. You plugged in your phone beside you and glanced over at Dalton’s side of the room. You had looked at his drawings before but never studied them. 
Things seemed clearer at night. 
There was a picture of his mom at the piano above his pillow. He was moving around, shuffling, getting ready for bed and doing the last things he needed to. His head obscured your view. 
“She’s beautiful,” you whispered. “Your mom.” He looked at his sketch like he had forgotten it was there. 
“Thanks,” he muttered. His eyes lingered for a moment. You wanted to ask if he missed her but you didn’t. Putting him in that sort of emotional position would’ve been too much for so late. “She writes music. I remember when I was a kid she would sit at the piano when she had a moment to herself. My dad was always working so I guess I thought it was her job.” He shrugged. His eyes moved away.
“She sounds like a nice lady.” 
“She is. She deserves better than that guy,” he grumbled. He sat down on his bed. You were still sitting on yours. You hadn’t climbed under the covers, even though the cold was nipping at your arms. Chris’s words lingered in your brain for a bit, the prospect of staying in the same twin bed. You shook it off and went to grab the edge of the blanket. 
Dalton’s eyes stayed on you. He didn’t want to go to bed yet. 
“Do you mind the night light?” he asked, voice laced with exhaustion and a little embarrassment. 
“Nope. I like a little mood lighting.” You climbed under the covers. Once your head hit in the pillow it was like relief flooded through your bones. You reached up and turned off the lamp beside the bed. You could still see the outline of Dalton. His face, his hair. “I like your hair when it’s down,” you whispered. Your voice was gentle, slightly fueled by the lack of sleep. You could see him turn to look at you as he was getting under the covers. You nuzzled your head into the pillow. 
“Thank you,” he muttered, awkwardly. You smiled. You liked it when he squirmed a little bit. 
“I set an alarm.” 
“Okay.” There was a silence. “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight Dalton,” you whispered. Your name hung on his lips but he didn’t say it out loud. Instead he just watched as your eyes shut into an even calmness. The contours of your face were illuminated by his night light.
He rested his cheek against the pillow. 
He admitted to being potentially dangerous to you and you stayed. He felt safer with you. Like he wasn’t in this alone. 
You fell asleep in 15 minutes. He could tell because your face was completely relaxed. There was no tenseness in your features, no worries about anything except getting rest. When he was positive you had drifted off he sat up, grabbing his sketchbook off the center table. 
He had drawn nothing but dark memories lately. A red door with blood haunted him. A face he didn’t recognize but one that he knew, watched him sleep. After the darkness flooding his brain he was happy to think of his mom. He was happy to remember her when she was tranquil. He liked the sketches that were less cursed. 
He started to sketch you. 
His eyes adjusted to the darkness easily. Maybe if he was super tired the next night then he wouldn't be able to dream or astral project. Just sleep. He wouldn’t mind spending tonight sketching you with observing eyes. He drew your hair as it fell in front of your face. The way your fingers gripped the blanket. Your eyes, fluttering with dreams. He wondered what you were dreaming of. He wondered if you ever dreamt of him. 
Just the thought brought a redness to his cheeks. 
He grabbed his airpod to put on some music. 
The room was so still. 
Your blanket touching the ground. The wind from the cracked window. Your even breathing, mixing with his, the only living sounds in the space. His dried paint on the table. The light from the hallway seeping in under the door. His unpacked bag at the foot of your bed. 
Your bed. That wasn’t your bed. That was an empty bed, one that would be filled by anybody. 
He sketched your nose. 
That could be your bed. He had nothing against that. A sleepover every night, a buddy to help protect him from the nightmares. He thought of his parents. His brother. His little sister. He was safe. 
He turned the focus onto your closed eyes. He was listening to some indie rock or something, whatever he had playing from earlier. He wondered what kind of music you listened to. 
You moved. You hummed under your breath, eyes fluttering open. It hadn’t been that long since you fell asleep, maybe only an hour. It was two in the morning.
You forced your eyes open. Dalton was still awake, sitting against the wall. 
“Still can’t sleep?” you whispered. The sleep remained in your eyes. 
“Not sure where I’ll float too.” You nodded. You slowly sat up, keeping your blanket around your shoulder. “What’re you doing?” he whispered. Speaking any louder would break the muffled moment. 
You shuffled over to his side of the room. He looked up at you, shielding his sketchbook. You barely noticed it. You stood at the side of his bed. There was a beat where neither of you moved. You nodded towards the bed. 
“Lay down.” He squinted, unsure of what your intentions were. He put the sketchbook on the side of the bed, onto the floor. He had it facing the ground so you wouldn’t see your face. He couldn’t let you know how he perceived you quite yet. 
He did as he was told. When he was comfortable you moved his blanket aside and got under the covers. You put your blanket over his so you had double the warmth. 
Dalton froze. 
Did he put his hand on you? Did he just let you be? He had to touch you, there was no way he could sleep here, stiff as a board, all night. 
“I don’t have cooties D,” you whispered. You easily got comfortable beside him. Your eyes stayed open as you looked at him, straight ahead. “You can touch me,” you said, even lower, so much so that your voice almost gave out. “If this is okay.” 
“It’s okay,” he promised. You smiled sleepily. 
He put his hand on your side and you pushed yourself closer to him. You took the initiative and placed your hand over his waist. He moved so that you could nuzzle yourself into his chest. He tried not to breathe too heavily but he was sure you could hear his heart beating out of his chest. 
“Sleep,” you breathed. “I’ll keep you grounded.” 
His breath hitched. He finally closed his eyes. 
He fell asleep quickly with you in his arms. He remained in his spot the whole night, the first time in a week. 
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nickfowlerrr · 6 months
darling, it's cold outside.
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pairing: charles blackwood x curvy!reader
words: 2.7k
warnings: 18+ only. cockwarming. not foot fetish stuff but he does remove her heels for her? lol. pining. little bit of holiday blues mentioned but overall this is pretty fluffy. maybe like the littlest bit soft!dark if you squint.
notes: very happy to be writing for charles again, i've missed him. 🥹
inspired by this txt post, this is one of seven characters i’m writing this prompt of sorts for. thank you in advance for reading and as always, reblogs and comments are welcome and so appreciated. ❣️
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"Mr. Blackwood," you call out as you walk down the empty hallway, your heels clacking on the marble flooring as you go, "I remade the guest bedroom like you asked. If there's nothing else for tonight, I was going to be heading home?"
You look into his open office as you pass, he's not there. Curious...
You continue down the hall, peeking into the study, then the tea room, and then the living room - none of which held him. The television in the living room was on, however, so you assumed he must be close by. But where?
Normally you find it difficult to get more than a few minutes alone from him when you're working, but now the man of the house is as elusive as your holiday spirit seems to be this year.
The pitter patter of the rain outside the castle captures your attention as you pass the grand window.
"Oh no," you sigh as you peer out into the dreary scene. The Christmas lights strung up outside appear blurry through the rain droplets on the glass as the sky grows darker with each moment that passes.
You were supposed to be out of here by 3pm, but Charles, for the first time since you'd started working for him, had many a qualm about your cleaning and tidyings today. You had to go over the bathrooms twice and were instructed to remake his bed before reattending to the guest room. It was nearing 5:30 now, and the rain you were hoping to avoid has clearly already begun - and if the weatherman was correct - would be staying long through the night.
It's not a terribly long walk home, but in your uniform, having to walk home in the rain is a less than ideal situation.
But you resign yourself to your fate as you turn from the window and continue on your search for your boss.
"Mr. Blackwood," you call again, "I'm about to be heading home."
As you finish your sentence, crossing in front of the lavish cranberry colored couch, you notice the throw blanket you had folded and put away earlier is now adorning the cushions. You think to check by the linen closet on the other side of the staircase - hoping to find him somewhere over there so he may dismiss you for the night.
You are about to leave the room when suddenly you hear the kettle whistle sharply from the kitchen. Your brows knit together as you stop in your tracks and turn back around to go toward the kitchen instead.
The sound of your heels as you walk informs Charles of your presence as you enter the room. He turns from the stove, having just moved the kettle from one burner to the other, and looks surprised to see you.
"Oh," he said, nonplussed, "you're still here?" His brow was raised as he looked at you.
You felt stumped yourself, standing blankly for a moment before blinking away your confusion. "Yes, I- I just finished remaking the guest bedroom like you asked," you stammered just slightly.
"Oh, perfect. Thank you. You really are an angel, you know that?" he praised, smiling that ever charming smile at you.
You couldn't help but return one of your own, eyes flicking down almost immediately, unable to hold his gaze.
You sucked in a breath, schooling your face as you looked back up. "Did you want to check it over?"
"No," he brushed off with a shake of his head, turning back to open the cabinet behind him, "I'm sure everything is in order. I trust you."
Your lips twitch as you hold back a disbelieving laugh. He seemed so concerned earlier...
"Alright. Well, if that's everything, Mr. Blackwood-"
"Charles," he corrects.
"...Charles," you amend, "if that was all, I was planning on heading out for the night."
"Of course," he agrees, turning to face you once again, with two mugs in his hands. "Do you have time for some hot chocolate, or will your ride be here soon?"
"Oh, I don't have a ride," you hide a grimace at the reminder of your lonesomeness. Well...maybe you could call a cab? But no, that short ride would just feel like a waste of your hard earned money. And anyway, Charles knows you walk to and from. He's chided you on it before. You'll never forget the way you warmed at his concern for you that first time. He had offered you a ride home, but you refused. It was a clear evening and there really was no reason for any fuss. But of course, his worry still made your heart flutter.
The mugs clink as they're set down on the counter, the sound brining you back to the room. "Sweetheart, it's raining. Supposed to only pick up, too. If you were planning on walking, I don't think that'd be a good idea."
The pet name has butterflies taking flight in your tummy as you work to tamp them down.
"It's not that far of a walk, I'm sure I'll be fine."
"I must insist that you stay," he presses, your name sounding so nicely on his tongue. "Please. I would offer you a ride myself but I'm afraid my headlight blew out, I wouldn't be able to see a thing. The guest room would be yours and I could drive you home in the morning. Or, if you insist, the weather should be fairer by then - enough to walk if you really want."
"Oh, really, I would hate to inconvenience you, sir."
"Not at all," he assures you as he prepares both mugs of coco. "In fact, I think it'd be nice to have some company for the holiday. In a house this big, being alone can feel rather lonely."
You consider his words and can't help but agree. "It can feel much the same in a small home, too," you say with a bittersweet smile. "If you really don't mind, I'd be thankful to stay."
"And I'd be thankful for the company," he smiles back. "I was about to start a movie."
You trail behind him slowly as he leads the way back to the living room. When you get to the couch, he sets both mugs down on the coffee table as he gestures for you to sit.
"Please, get comfortable. You've been on your feet all day."
You don't argue and take your seat. The couch is as comfortable as it always looks and you can't help but sigh as you relish the feeling. You almost instinctively kick off your heels, but stop yourself right in time. Charles notices the twitch of your feet, however.
You hold in a gasp as he kneels down before you and takes hold of your foot. His eyes flash up to yours as you stare down at him, lips parted and breath stalled. He slips your heel off and squeezes your foot lightly before repeating the same to your other foot. No words are exchanged as he pops back up and walks to the television. He pushes a tape into the player before sauntering back over to you.
You want to lift a leg up underneath you but don't allow yourself to, especially not while you're in this skirt. Charles takes the spot beside you and you somehow go even more rigid at his proximity.
"I said get comfortable, darling," he chides, pulling you in closer to him, "I meant it."
You allow yourself to fall into his side, and then after a long second, slowly bring a leg up to get more comfortable beside him. Another long moment, and you bring your other leg up as well, repositioning yourself while you shimmy the littlest bit closer.
Charles is warm and the room is a bit cold, so you don't mind how close he actually is. Maybe more aptly, how close you are to him...
You try to focus on the opening scene of the holiday movie you've only heard of before, never actually having had the chance to see it. But as Charles leans over and grabs the throw he'd brought out earlier, he takes over your focus once again. He drapes the blanket over both of you before settling back, essentially right against you now.
Your heart is beating so loud, you're almost sure he can hear it if he listens close enough.
Charles wraps his arm around your shoulder and you instinctively scoot closer still, letting your head rest on his chest trepidatiously. He hums his approval as you do.
"Is this okay?" he asks quietly, keeping the cozy and comfortable ambience in tact.
You're quiet, unsure of what to say. Does it feel okay? It feels like everything you've dreamed of since meeting the man. But is it okay? That you're not so sure of. Are you crossing a line? Is this a mistake?... Oh god, what are you doing? You can't lose this job!
You push yourself to sit up, pulling away from Charles as he looks at you, stunned by your haste.
"I- I'm so sorry, Mr. Blackwood. I don't know what's come over me. I should, I should go," you rush your words as you try to stand.
Charles' hand is on you in an instant, keeping you in place. You look at him with wide eyes, like a deer in headlights. He says your name and you don't think to try and get up again.
"Darling, I don't know what you're apologizing for. If I've made you uncomfortable, I should be apologizing to you," he says. "...Have I? Made you uncomfortable?"
You stare into the hypnotic gaze of his cerulean blue eyes, taking in his words. It's a moment before you softly shake your head. "No," you nearly whisper. "No, you haven't." He nods, admiring your face as you peer at him.
"That's good. And, it's Ch-"
"Charles," you cut him off. "I know. Habit," you shrug lightly.
"One you'll hopefully come to break," he smirks. "So, back to my question," he pulls you closer, "Was that okay? Being that close to me?"
You nod meekly, "Yes."
"And was it okay that I put my arm around you?"
Another weak murmur as you unconsciously lean into him, "Yes."
"And just to be sure," he breathes, leaning closer into you in return, "do you really want to leave?"
Your breath catches in your throat as you shake your head. "No."
"One last question," he says as he brings a hand to your cheek, holding your face delicately as he urges you closer. You're nose to nose as he continues, "Would it be okay if I kissed you now?"
You smile softly, your lips brush his as you answer him. "Yes," you nod.
He pulls you in gently and your hand holds his to your face as he finally kisses you, so softly you swear you could melt into the cushions.
You murmur again into the kiss as your eyelids flutter shut. Without thinking, you deepen the kiss. You find your body moving without your permission as you pull yourself more into him - almost crawling along the cushions to get closer to him.
Charles doesn't stop you, in fact, he leans back further - pulling you along the way, moving you up his lap.
Your skirt stretches across your thick thighs as you are maneuvered by him onto his lap. You straddle him as his arms come around you, pulling you to be flush against him - his lips never stopping as he kisses you so completely, so passionately. The intensity only grows more fervent as you return the desire in kind.
You mindlessly move your hips against his and he moans at the feeling. The sound of his pleasure is music to your ears and serves to get you even more worked up. You can feel the slickness as it grows between your thighs. And as you rock your hips again, you can feel Charles' excitement, too.
He is hard beneath you, his erection growing more and more prominent with each second.
"Mhm," you mewl against his lips, breaking for a breath, "Charles," you sigh - rocking once more. The friction sending a wave of sparking pleasure through you.
"Does that feel good for you, angel?" he asks, hands grabbing your hips.
You nod helplessly, "Feels so good."
He kisses you again, harder this time as he holds you in place on his lap. "I know what would feel even better," he says huskily.
He reaches for the button of his slacks and you bite your lip, a few nerves building now. You pull away from him ever so slightly as he begins to undo his pants.
"Um, Charles," you nearly whisper, waiting for a response you don't get.
You watch with heavy lidded eyes and parted, pouted lips as he pulls his straining cock from his briefs. You almost feel frozen for a second before one of his hands comes up and buries itself between your thighs. You yelp, squeaking at the touch.
"Charles, I don't know if we should-"
"Oh, sweetheart, don't worry," he hushes you. You gasp with a tremble and a light moan as his deft fingers slide up and along your clothed sex. You tilt your hips as he feels along your cunt and don't stop him when he moves your underwear to the side.
His eyes are trained on your face, he watches as it contorts with the beginning sparks of your pleasure under his touch. His dick is throbbing, on the verge of starting to leak for you.
He can't wait any longer, he's waited so long already. He needs to have you around him. Needs to feel your warmth envelope him and your weight as you sit on him. He doesn't even need to go all the way with you - not tonight. He just wants to feel you.
His tongue slips past his pillowy lips as he grips himself with one hand, guiding his red tip to your tight, slick entrance. He presses against you but you slightly back away - still unsure.
"I just want to feel you, angel. That's all. I promise. Just need you to sit down and that'll be it. Just sit right here and keep me warm for a bit. You can do that, can't you, darling?"
A sigh of relief escapes you as you slacken a bit into him. You can do that, you decide. You nod your head and bring one of your hands to his shoulders. He presses against you again and this time you move into him. You whine at the sting of his intrusion as he helps ease you down onto his length a little at a time. When you are fully seated, you drop your head into the crook of his neck as one of his hands rubs your back.
"Fuck, doesn't that feel nice?" he asks, voice breathy. You only nod against him as your walls stretch around his cock, squeezing him every so often.
"Yes," you huff, "Oh, it feels so nice, Charles."
He pulls you from his neck, brushing his nose against yours as he brings you face to face with him again.
"I knew we'd be a perfect fit," he smirks, kissing you hotly as you press yourself closer to him, returning his kiss.
"I said the guest room was yours, but there's room enough for two in my bed if you'd rather," he simpers.
"I think I just might rather," you whisper with a smile against his lips. You move to sit up but are immediately pulled back down onto his cock. You moan deeply at the movement, the drag of his length along your walls and the way your walls work to keep him inside of you. To be fair, you aren't the most experienced woman in the world, but the feeling of him is unlike anything you've ever felt before. You are entirely full of him and you fear you won't want to ever go empty again.
"Not just yet, sweetheart," he laughs, holding you down. "We aren't even halfway through the movie yet. And we have all night before we take this upstairs, angel. I want to make sure this is a Christmas we'll always remember."
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kaminocasey · 5 months
We Were Golden Part 5
Summary: You get to Cut and Suu's. Tension between you and Hunter starts to rise.
Pairing: Ex!Crosshair x Reader / (Eventual?) Hunter x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut in a dream (oral f receiving), angst
WC: 4.2K
A/N: Wow, it's been a hot minute since I've updated and I'm so sorry. That season 3 trailer really put my ass in gear, huh? Lol.
We Were Golden Masterlist │ TAGLIST FORM
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(pictures from Pinterest)
“Fuck, you’re so pretty…” Crosshair groans softly in your ear as he teases your clit with his slender fingers, with you pushed up against the fresher sink.
Letting out a soft whimper, you catch his lips in a passionate kiss, needing more of him. 
You and Crosshair have been together for three months and within those three months, there hadn’t been a day that the two of you hadn’t found yourselves like this in the fresher, locked away, enjoying each other. In the midst of war and battles, all you could do was cling to these little moments. 
He drops to his knees, latching his perfect lips to your cunt, determined to make you cum harder than the night before and the night before that and so on. 
“Cross-” You gasp, gripping his silver hair tightly, desperately.
“That’s it, Princess.” He praises you, slipping a long, slender finger into you. “Want you to cum on my face just like this.” 
You wake up with tears in your eyes, sitting up to wipe them with your sleeve. When you look up, you find Hunter sitting in his bunk across from yours, watching you. The look on his face is of concern but he’s clearly trying to give you space. 
“You… okay?” He asks you, but you shrug with a sniffle. “You wanna talk about it?”
You shake your head. “Not really.” 
What was there to say? 
You left Crosshair back on Kamino… you’re a terrible partner… how could you live with yourself? He would’ve never done that to you. Right?
“It’s not your fault, you know.” Hunter murmurs across to you, softly. 
He’s always been able to read your mind and usually, it’s endearing. But right now, you’re still slightly resentful of him, even though you really don’t want to be.
“No, I suppose not…” You stare at him.
But he reads your mind again. Your eyes still say It’s yours. Even though you don’t really believe that. 
“I know…” He nods. “I’m sorry…” 
“I know you are.” You sigh. “It’s just… hard.” 
He puts his feet down on the ground and leans forward to you, his forearms resting on his thighs.
“We’re going to get him back, okay? I just had to get the kid out of there.” Hunter murmurs, glancing down the hall at Omega, who’s asleep against Gonky. 
“I get it…” You sit up, your legs resting against his as you lean on your forearms as well. “I really do…”
The two of you are closer now, looking at each other. It’s almost comforting, after sleeping in the empty bunk, missing Crosshair’s presence. But then, you’re hit with the memory that he shot at his own brothers… tried to stop you from getting to safety. This new him… what if it’s permanent?
“I just…” You look down at your hands, clasping them together. “I miss him… and it’s weird… because that person we left behind… was not Crosshair. And I keep thinking… what if we can’t get him back to normal?” 
“We’ll figure it out if it comes to that.” He pats your hand and you place your other hand over his, nodding. “I think Crosshair was sort of right… Maybe I’ve been making bad calls-”
“Stop.” You squeeze his hand, catching his eye so that he looks at you. “You’re doing what you think is best for this squad. I told you a long time ago that I would follow you to the ends of the galaxy, Hunter. You’re a good leader. A great one. And there’s no one else I’d rather follow.”
You don’t miss the way he glances at your lips, but you choose to ignore it. 
“Would you really follow me to the ends of the galaxy?” He smiles, softly.
You roll your eyes, smirking, bumping your knee against his. “You know I would.” 
You hear Echo clearing his throat in the doorway and as you look up at him, you and Hunter separate as if you’ve been caught in some compromising position. 
“What is it?” Hunter asks, standing up. 
“Should I move the kid?” He looks down at Omega behind him. 
“I’ve got her.” Hunter steps over Wrecker’s leg and scoops her up, carrying her to his bunk and laying her down gently.
You ignore the tug in your chest at the gentle action and lean against the wall, crossing your arms.
Hunter steps back into the doorway, looking down at her, chuckling. “It’s a first, isn’t it?” 
“Inspecting every corner of the ship finally tired her out.” Echo smirks. 
“Yeah, she’s curious. I’ll give her that.” Hunter glances at you again.
“Hunter, she’s a child. What are we going to do with her?” Echo whispers with a sigh.
You’d all been through a lot over the last 24 hours, but you can’t help the attachment you’ve already formed with Omega. She deserves better than what she was given on Kamino. You could all give her that… But also, you know that this life that you and the Batch have is incredibly dangerous for a child. Obviously, she needs someone and she’s very clearly already attached to you guys as well. Especially Hunter. 
Hunter looks to you as if you could have all the answers but you just give him an encouraging smile, knowing he’ll make the right decision.
“We are coming up on Saleucami.” Tech announces.
Hunter joins Tech up in the cockpit, leaving you and Echo in the bunk room doorway. Echo gives you a strange look and you raise your eyebrows.
“What?” You ask.
He shrugs, glancing at Hunter, knowing Hunter can hear. You’re sure he’ll bring it up later when you land. 
“You wanna wake her up or you want me to?” Echo asks. 
“I’ve got her.” You start toward Omega but she’s already sitting up, rubbing her eyes.
“Are we there already?” She asks and you can’t help but smile.
“Yeah we are.” You reply.
She immediately bounces up, ready at the hatch, but Hunter pulls her back.
“Whenever we land, I go first, so I can make sure it’s safe, alright?” He asks her, softly.
She nods up at him, her eyes already filled with wonder, as Tech lands the Marauder. Hunter still hasn’t told you who’s on Saleucami that they know, so you’re a little anxious, even though you trust him fully. 
Hunter hits the hatch button and it comes down, the steps ascending with it. He walks down the hatch first with Echo behind him, and then Tech, Wrecker, and you. Omega is the last to exit the ship and when you turn around to tell her to follow close with you, you find her shielding her eyes from the sunlight, clearly having never been used to such light before on Kamino. When she gets used to the light, you watch the wonder fill her eyes once again and your chest tightens.
“Huh? What’s with her?” Wrecker asks, confused.
All of the guys turn to look and watch Omega inhale the fresh air and then step on dirt for the very first time. You just can’t help but smile as she kneels down to the ground to sift it through her fingers. 
“Woah.” Omega looks at it falling from her hand, with wonder. “What is this?”
“That would be dirt.” Tech speaks up and you grin. 
You’ve wondered a few times what it would be like to have kids. Though, you were never fully sure if you wanted them. But looking at Omega experiencing things for the first time, brings you to a realization that maybe one day… it wouldn’t be so bad. 
You and Crosshair had talked about your futures many times, but never about children. Would he ever want them? 
What about Hunter? 
Wow. Where did that come from? You shake your head slightly, trying to clear your head as you look around you. 
Omega lets out a soft gasp. “It’s amazing.”
When she stands up, she giggles and kicks it around a little bit, sending it up into the air around her. You and Hunter smile at each other before looking back down at her as she joins the group. 
You notice Hunter quickly glance up at the sky when some thunder rumbles. 
“Come on. Let’s get moving.” He nods toward some fields. 
As you start walking through the fields, you keep a safe eye on Omega as she finds wonder in every stalk and plant and insect. Her curiosity is a breath of fresh air, honestly. 
When you glance forward, you find Hunter’s eyes on you and you go warm in the face and look up at the sky. Things were so easy a couple days ago. Now everything is so turned around and different. You’re supposed to be able to handle the biggest changes. To adapt. To survive. 
You hear Echo call your name and tell you to watch out. But due to your mind being elsewhere, you don’t comprehend what he’s saying in time and step into an unfortunately deep mud puddle.
“Karking hell…” You groan as you find yourself waist deep in the puddle, which just turns out to actually be a hole in the ground.
Echo and Wrecker immediately burst into laughter. You start to throw an obscene gesture at them but then remember the kid and just settle for a glare instead. With a grumble, you reach for your pack and toss it to Hunter who sets it to the side and starts to reach for your hand. You ignore it and instead crawl your way out. Wrecker ignores your protests and helps you to stand. 
Tech scans you with his data pad. “Nothing seems to be hurt or bruised.”
“Just her ego.” Echo teases.
That time you do throw up your finger, walking ahead of the group, despite not being entirely sure where you’re going. You can practically feel Hunter’s gaze on you now. 
“Anyway, this friend of yours, what’s he doing all the way out here?” Echo asks.
“Hiding. That’s what deserters do.” Tech informs him.
A deserter? 
“Staying off the radar’s not our specialty, but he’s been doing it for years.” Hunter speaks up.
“And you trust a deserter?” Echo seems unsure.
He’s always been a loyal soldier to the Republic. Of course he’d be wary of a deserter. But before you can point out that you’re all technically deserters now, Tech speaks up.
“Why not? We’re all deserters now.” Tech says what’s on your mind and you nod in agreement. 
Hunter speeds up a little bit in front of you, putting up his fist for you all to stop, just as you’re about to point out the trip wire. He even stops Omega as she was about to keep walking. 
“What are we looking at?” Omega looks up at him.
“A booby trap.” Hunter informs her, but Wrecker steps over it.
“Single trip wire.” He chuckles. “That’s cute.”
Just as he says that, he triggers a second trap sending a circle of battle droids pointing guns at Wrecker flying up around him. You quickly pull Omega behind you, like it’s already a reflex to protect her.
“WOAH!” Wrecker lets out a yell and quickly pulls his blaster off his back and shoots down the droids. 
“Easy, Wrecker!” Hunter shouts, trying to get the giant to settle down just as you realize the droids aren’t active.
Thank the Maker. 
“W-was that me?” He asks, confused.
Before anyone can say anything else, you all hear a female voice and then turn to look toward it. 
“What do we have here? More clones who have lost their way.” A pink Twi’lek woman and a man with her are pointing a rifle at your group. 
“It’s been a while fellas.” The man puts his gun down.
You quickly realize the man is a clone and you look to Hunter for some sort of an explanation. How do they know these two people?
“You look like you could use a shower.” The woman smiles at you, eyeing the dried mud.
“Yeah, you got a hole in your field out that way.” You tell them, back behind you.
“Sorry about that, I’ve been meaning to fill it in.” The man tells you as you start walking toward their house. 
When they let you inside, the guys all gather around the table and Hunter starts to introduce you while Omega starts to check everything out. You don’t blame her one bit. This small house has to be intriguing to someone who’s spent their entire life in a Kaminoan facility. This place, which is full of life and warmth, is basically the complete opposite of Kamino. 
“I see a few new faces.” The woman says after getting everyone a drink.
Hunter introduces you, Echo, and Omega and then the two hosts as Cut and Suu. Omega waves up at Suu, politely, and Suu waves back. 
“Pleased to meet you.” She tells you all.
“Ma’am.” Echo nods, politely, and you can’t help but smile. 
When you met Echo back in the 501st, he was quite smooth with the ladies. Since his incident, he’s been more refined and not as outgoing. It was also really hard on him when he learned about his twin, Fives, who was basically joined at his hip. They did everything together. And that included going out and finding women together. They were something, that’s for sure.
Cut looks up suddenly. “Where’s Crosshair?”
The guys all look at you and you get a soft pang in your chest. You and Hunter make eye contact for the first time since before you fell in that mud hole and he sighs. 
“It’s complicated.” Hunter tells Cut, pulling his gaze away from you. 
“Sounds familiar.” Cut smiles, obviously noticing the look between you and Hunter. “Rex told us about the clone troopers turning against the Jedi.” 
“You talked to Rex? When?” Echo asks, more eagerly.
Your brain goes back to the 501st. You could never imagine them killing Anakin Skywalker nor his former padawan Ahsoka Tano. Last you’d heard some of the 501st branched off to help her and a group of Mandalorians. You know that yours and Echo’s brains must be on the same wavelength because you both share a look of concern. 
Rex would never hurt either of them. Right?
“Well, he passed through yesterday.” Cut tells Echo.
“Where’d he go?” Echo asks.
“Didn’t ask.” Cut shrugs. “He was going on about some behavioral implant.”
Omega joins the table, next to Hunter. “He must mean the inhibitor chip.”
“The what?” Hunter asks her.
“Inhibitor chips. The Kaminoans implanted them in the clones to modify their behavior.” She tells him. 
You look at all of the guys, confused. Inhibitor chips. So that means if that’s what’s making Crosshair act this way, it can be removed… right?
“Tech, you said the regs were programmed but you never mentioned a chip.” Hunter looks over at Tech.
“How else did you think it worked?” Tech looks up from his data pad.
Suddenly, the front door bursts open and two small children come running in. 
“Mom! Dad!” They yell. “There’s a ship outside!” 
“Shaeeah, Jek!” Wrecker yells, excitedly. “Remember me?”
They both yell “Uncle Wrecker!” as Wrecker scoops them up in a hug. It warms your heart how good Wrecker is with kids. You suppose it’s probably got something to do with the fact that he can be like a big kid himself sometimes. But the fact that they’re calling him “uncle Wrecker” means that they all know these people well. 
The girl, Shaeeah, turns toward Omega. “Who are you?”
Omega suddenly gets shy, peering out from behind Hunter’s chair. 
“Omega.” She tells them. 
“We never see kids around here.” Shaeeah informs her, grabbing her hand. “Come with us.”
The kids start ushering Omega toward the door and Omega looks back at Hunter, as if for reassurance that it’s alright. Hunter gives her the softest smile and a nod to let her know that it’s okay. With that, they drag Omega out to go play and Suu turns toward you.
“I suppose you would like that shower now.” She smiles.
“That would be great.” You smile, gratefully, taking your pack with you.
She grabs you an extra pair of clothes that she said she’d had lying around for a long time and didn’t need anymore and you thank her again as she shows you to the fresher. 
You shred your muddy clothing and hop in the shower, immediately appreciating the warm water. You let it run over your body for a moment before starting to scrub. 
Once the grime is off of you and your hair is clean, you feel instantly better. You get out of the shower, wrapping the towel around you. You put your shampoo and body wash back into your pack kit and pull out your brush, wiping the fog on the mirror down with the towel and then hanging it over the bar on the wall. 
You turn around and look in the mirror, seeing yourself for the first time since throwing up in the fresher back in the barracks on Kamino. You feel like you look different. Maybe it's because you aren’t necessarily who you were the other day anymore. So much has happened in such a small time frame, that would surely change anyone. 
You put the clothes that Suu gave you on, and notice it feels a bit snug. She’s obviously a bit smaller than you. Whatever. If you get uncomfortable, you’ll just borrow from one of the guys. 
As you walk out of the fresher, you see Hunter and Cut by the door. Hunter is in civilian clothing that Cut must have given him. You both just stand there and stare at each other because wow, he looks good with his arms showing. It’s not a sight that many get to see all that often due to the black bodysuits that GAR keep the clones in underneath their armor, and also because of said armor. 
Hunter’s eyes sweep down your body, taking in your form and he has to physically tear his eyes away from you by looking at Cut, who’s of course giving him a knowing look.
“We’re uh… heading into town. To book Cut, Suu, and the kids a shuttle offworld.” He tells you.
You nod. “Alright. Be safe.” 
He smiles, softly. “We will.” 
When they leave, you notice Suu’s eyes on you.
“Uh hi.” You clear your throat, sticking your pack with the rest of the Batch’s. 
“Are you two-?” She smirks as she takes your clothes and throws them in a washer tub.
“Ha. No, absolutely not.” You wave her off and go sit on the couch. 
She joins you on the couch, resting her arm on the back of it, grinning at you. “But you want to.” 
You shake your head, glancing over at the guys who aren’t even paying attention to you. Echo’s keeping an eye on Omega in the doorway. Tech’s nose is buried in his data pad and Wrecker is passed out in the recliner, mouth gaping open and snoring. 
“No. It’s not like that.” You shake your head. “I’m with or… was with… Crosshair.” 
“Oh…” She murmurs. “I apologize. I just saw the way that you two…”
You shrug your shoulders. “Hunter’s my best friend. We look out for each other.” 
“And what happened to Crosshair?” She asks.
That pang in your chest is starting to become familiar and you really don’t care much for it. You realize though that she’s probably asking because she knows him and is genuinely curious. 
“He chose this new… “Empire”. Or I suppose the inhibitor chip did…” You murmur, looking at the rug on the floor. 
“And you still love him.”
“Of course.” 
There’s no question. He may have broken up with you, but you’re still always going to love him. 
“But you have feelings for Hunter.”
It’s not a question that she’s asking. She’s telling you she sees right through your shit. But she’s not being rude about it. You don’t know what to say because what you and Hunter have is something too complicated, yet also easy. 
Complicated for others, easy to the two of you.
You’re sitting in the barracks by the window, watching the ocean rage on angrily, your knees drawn up and your chin resting on them. As always, you’ve never once seen a calm Kaminoan Sea.
You hear the doors slide open and shut and you assume it’s Crosshair come to apologize about your fight you had. Which have been becoming more frequent. And desperate to follow Hunter’s rules about it not affecting the group, you went out for some alone time on the Marauder and Crosshair got offended. 
Which is not only stupid, but also hypocritical because the man loves his alone time, which you’d pointed out and it only escalated things, making him storm out of the Marauder. 
“Hey.” Hunter’s voice is suddenly next to you as he sits in the window with you, but leaning his back on the window.
“Hey.” You look at him.
“Crosshair mentioned you’d had an… argument?” He raises an eyebrow.
You shrug.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He offers.
“What, are you trying to be my therapist?” You quip. 
He chuckles. “Just a friend.”
And that’s what Hunter became. Your best friend. 
After a while, Hunter and Cut finally return and Echo nods for Hunter to follow him outside. Which seems strange to you. Normally Echo isn’t usually shy about saying what’s on his mind in front of people. 
Unfortunately, your curiosity quickly gets the best of you and you decide to follow them once you think they’re far enough away. You watch as they head into the barn and quietly make your way that way so you can at least hear what they’re talking about. Being out of the know doesn’t sit well with you, that’s how you justify it being alright that you’re about to eavesdrop.
“I heard her talking to Suu… even Suu could practically see right through the two of you.” Echo tells Hunter as you lean up against the hale bay by the barn doors.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Look… I’m not saying don’t pursue her… But… give her time to get over Crosshair. We can’t afford any fuck ups right now. If you’re both not focusing-”
Hunter sighs and you can already tell he’s rubbing his hands down his face in exasperation. “I am giving her time, Echo. I’m giving her space. Hell, I’d even give her the entire galaxy if she asked for it. Since when are you so nosy?”
Your chest tightens at Hunter’s serious tone when he says that last part. 
“Since I heard the hurt in her voice, and saw it in her eyes when they brought up Crosshair.” 
Hunter’s apparently not the only one who can read you like a book. But Echo’s right. You need time. It’s not like you can just move on from Crosshair in a day. You spent every single day together for a year.  
“You think I didn’t?” Hunter snips.
Deciding you can’t handle anymore talk about Crosshair, you start to head back to the house but end up tripping over a smaller hale bay, cursing automatically as you fall to the ground. You try to yank yourself up quickly, but are met with two confused clones, staring down at you.
“Uh, hey. Looking for Omega.” You cough. 
Echo snorts and holds out his hand to help you up. “Right.”
You take his hand and Hunter rights you, holding a hand on your shoulder.
“You two should talk.” Echo lets go of your hand and shoots Hunter a look and walks off.
Hunter guides you down to the hay bale, sitting on it next to you, watching Omega as she plays with Shaeeah and Jek. You sit like that in comfortable silence for a little bit. And for a moment, it feels normal again.
“Echo’s right. We should talk.” Hunter murmurs.
“I hate when he’s right.” You sigh. 
He lets out a chuckle and then looks at you. His eyes briefly fall to your lips before settling on your eyes. 
After a moment, he gets back up and starts to pace a little bit. It’s clear that he’s anxious about whatever conversation has to be had between the two of you. He finally stops to look down at you and then looks at the barn and goes into it, knowing you’ll follow him. Because that’s what you and Hunter do, apparently. 
You could ask for the galaxy and he would give it to you, and you would follow him to the ends of it. 
What does that mean?
He turns to look at you, leaning forward on the table. You stand across from him, crossing your arms. 
“Just talk to me, Hunter.” You murmur, softly. “Please…” 
He opens his mouth to speak but Tech’s voice falls over Hunter’s comm requesting both of your presences back at the house. Hunter lets out an annoyed grunt.
“On our way.” Hunter pulls the comm up and talks into it, never breaking eye contact with you.
Whatever the conversation was, it’ll have to be put on hold for now. Which, judging from the way that Hunter’s looking at you, is probably for the best.
TAGS: @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley 
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
Ok going anon for this one lol. So your posts about edging made me think of the opposite like I have such a kink for John coming too early like he is so turned on by Gale he can’t help it. (Thinking of one of those 5 things fic too like 5 times John finishes too early). This also feeds into my John praise kink which is my favorite like what if John just comes from Gale praising him? Gale would find it super hot and delight in making him come untouched or come in his pants. I’m just so into needy!desperate! John.
YUPPP yuppp this shit lives rent free in my head oh my god. needy desperate john is everything. i agree 1000%– with other people john's been with, he's been balanced, doesn't get worked up by specific tiny things, doesn't feel on the verge of coming in his pants from a stray look.
but with gale? the slightest thing sets john off, and sits at the front of his brain all day, getting him more and more flustered until they're finally alone and any restraint is out the window. (he's literally galesexual)
the first time it happens, john is mortified, tries to cover it up with his usual loud–mouthed confidence, cracking a joke when he recovers, but gale is just like fuck. fuck, that was hot. they're probably proper making out for the first time, and john's pressed to the navigator's table in an empty plane, and gale tugs at his bottom lip with his teeth so briefly, but suddenly john's spilling into his own briefs with a ragged moan, fingers digging into gale's waist.
the awkward "oh." from john when his vision comes back, and gale's breathy "did you...?" and john's reluctant nod. gale groans against his lips, pushes back into the kiss hard, pressing his hips against john's, head spinning with how hot it is that he got off on so little.
and the praise kink would for sure feed into it, it's such a thing for both of them– and as much as gale likes being praised too, there's just something about watching john absolutely glow when he sweet talks him, telling him how well he's doing, how pretty he looks; gale can't get enough of the reactions he gets from it.
but one evening john's deep in that pliant, floaty headspace, probably on his knees between gale's legs, face warm and flushed with a mouth full of dick. gale's just barely rocking his hips, hands petting at john's hair, being so soft and sweet with him, murmuring about how he's doing so good, taking him so well, so pretty on his knees for him.
and then he tugs gently at john's hair to get him to look up, admiring the hollow of his cheeks, the pink of his lips around him. groans low in his chest and rumbles out "oh bucky, such a good boy for me." and john whines loud around him, eyes rolling back before they snap shut, hips bucking up against nothing as he comes untouched, thighs shaking where he keeps his hands firmly in place because he hasn't been told he can do otherwise.
gale barely keeps it together as he watches his jaw go slack around his cock, quickly pulling out to jerk himself off, rambling out praises as john falls apart beneath him, painting the prettiest face and lips to the tune of john's raspy broken whimpers as he trembles between his legs, curls all wild and knuckles white with how hard he's gripping his thighs. it's the hottest thing gale's seen and he definitely leans into it in the future, wanting to see if john can get off without a single touch, just by listening to his voice.
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konohamaru-sensei · 6 months
Because im predictable, gray/juvia: "I wanna waste all of my time with you.” 🥺
Merry Christmas Shore! I am very grateful that I somehow made it into your circle of 5 fairy tail fandom friends!! I really admire your art and the speed at which you create, i love that we have the same brain when it comes to shipping and just your general love for Juvia. I promised something fluffy for christmas to offset all the angst, but I'm not sure about the quality of what I wrote. I hope you enjoy it anyway <3
Gray x Juvia
Post Alvarez lol i mean.
“I’m going to buy a drink.” Gray pushed himself out of the seat he had been sitting in for what was the better part of the day. His limbs felt numb and every bone in his body hurt so much that he wasn’t sure if stretching them out even helped. He’d been perched up on that wooden bench so long that he never wanted to go back there again ever, even though he knew he had to.
Juvia gave him a nod and said nothing, which he took as her not wanting one herself. She’d gotten very quiet in the last hour. Also another reason he needed a drink: When Juvia gave up her always cheery attitude in favour of being sombre something was usually very wrong.
The first beer that was handed to him Gray downed in one go without taking a breath and then he ordered the next one immediately and watched the baffled barman fill his glass again. Then he walked back to the table, frowning at the look of the bench he had to force himself onto again.
They’d been out on this job for three days. A wizard who was rumoured to have stolen some valuable diamonds was supposed to come by this bar or sell here and the mission giver had tasked them to sit there and wait for the guy to come by. Gray had asked Juvia to join, because he didn’t think that making conversation with Erza or Natsu during a full day was a bearable idea. Juvia on the other hand was pleasant to be around.
They had spent their days sitting in the back of that bar, the cheapest seats at the very back where it was mostly dark, waiting for a guy to appear that never appeared. Each night Gray had to watch the tenants of the pub get drunk without being allowed to drink himself. After all, alcohol and fighting didn’t match well - unless you were Cana, but she had incredible resistance anyway.
Gray sat back down in the damned place and he had half the second drink down right away. “If the guy doesn’t show up tonight,” he said, “we will go back.” Abandoning jobs was not his style, but wasting his time wasn’t his style either. 
“What about the master?” Juvia asked and circled the table with her pointer finger. She looked dejected in a way that Gray hated, as if she was personally responsible for the misery of the last three days.
He emptied his glass. “Don’t mind him.” Gray shrugged. “I’d rather not get paid than be here for another 12 hours in this dark and uncomfortable and boring place.”
“I’m sorry, Gray-sama,” Juvia put the ends of her fingers together, “Juvia wishes she were better company.”
“What do you mean by that?” Gray waved to one of the staff to refill his drink and they did.
Juvia looked from the alcohol back to him. “Juvia is boring Gray-sama. That is why Gray-sama is annoyed.”
“It’s the guy that refuses to show up that annoys me,” Gray says decidedly. “You’ve not done anything wrong.” He tapped his finger in irritation and then sipped his beer again.
“But if Juvia were better company…” she murmured, “..maybe Gray-sama would be happier. Gray-sama asked Juvia to come along and now she is of no help.”
He let out an irritated grunt. “Nonsense,” he said and shook his head. “I don’t know how you always come up with this stuff.” There was already a considerable warmth in his chest and probably on his cheeks too. Surely the alcohol was getting to him. He downed the next drink.
Juvia looked at him as if she was trying to find words to say. The way she looked when she looked away from him, when she tried to do stay away from him if he was moody or angry, when she had somehow gotten it into her head that she was doing something that was wrong, he hated that look on her face. Juvia was the best when she was happy, when she was enthusiastic and a little weird. 
“Don’t make that face,” he said and put his head onto his flat hand to keep it upright. “I asked you to come, didn't I? If I were bothered by your presence I wouldn’t have asked you.”
She opened her mouth, but he cut her off. “Seriously, it’s pleasant to have you around, you have a nice- “ he gestured a little with his hand - “..everything.”
Juvia blushed, which somehow made the warmth at his core worse, so he waved for another drink. He already felt a little confused in his mind, like it was slightly clouded over, but drinking helped with the frustration of the day. 
Apparently having found her usual stride again with what he said Juvia moved closer to him and picked one of the strands of his hair away from the beer: “Why exactly does Gray-sama like hanging out with Juvia?”
Gray briefly closed his eyes and moved his head sideways into her hand so he could breathe in a little of the smell of the hand soap she was always using. He’d noticed it long ago, but he’d never been close enough to soak it in like now.
“You smell nice,” he said and by the way her fingers jumped away from his hair he could tell that his answer surprised her. He made a frowny face and reached for her hand again to put it into his hair. “I like when you do that too.” He looked at her and though she was slightly foggy, he could make out the red cheeks.
“You are always happy and positive and smiling - I like when you smile. Your powers are so compatible with mine so I like doing jobs with you and I enjoy every conversation we have with one another. “ He weighed his head. “But I also enjoy just being quiet around you. It’s pleasant to have you near me no matter what.”
He reached for one of the strands of her hair and turned it around his finger. “Gray…sama…” Juvia murmured in reply as if she didn’t quite know what to say to that onslaught of compliments.
His eyes shot up: “That I hate,l though.” Juvia blinked and he waved with his hand. “I don’t like how you are so formal with me. We’ve known each other for ages, hell, you’ve died for me, you should stop addressing me like I am a prince of some kind.”
“Well then, what if I call you dear then?” she asked slowly.
Gray grabbed the beer in front of him and drank half of it. Through his foggy mind the answer came much easier than it would have if he hadn’t been drinking. “Sure..” he said but didn't look at her. “Whatever you want.” His insides felt strange at this admission. He finished the glass for good measure.
Juvia let out a squeal and then, as if to test the waters, she leaned forward to his ear and slowly said: “Don’t you think that is enough drinks, my dear?” 
It was like a magic spell had been cast. From where her breath had touched his ear goosebumps spread all through his body to the tips of his toes. He hadn’t experienced this since the last time he had been actually cold, which happened so very rarely that he couldn’t even recall when that was. But here she had done that to him, just with one word alone. 
He buried his head forward into his arms, combatting the spinning of his head by having his eyes closed. Gray let go of the strand of hair he’d been holding and instead ran a hand through his hair to regain composure, but then he found her fingers already there. He’d forgotten he had put her hand into his hair in the first place.
“Dangerous..” Gray murmured and pulled away from her fingers. “You are a dangerous woman.”
Juvia leaned closer to him again. “Why? Do you not like it, my dear?” She made sure to make the last syllables very clear again. She stopped moving through his hair.
“No.” Gray said, decidedly and then slightly shook his head to invite her to continue what she’d been doing. “No.. it’s not.. Like that..” He didn’t know how to explain what confused him so much, so he just grunted in frustration and gave up. He buried his head deeper into his arms.
“Juvia thinks you had too much to drink, dear,” Juvia giggled and combed through his hair. “Maybe it’s time to leave.”
Somewhere beyond the fog, Gray knew she was right, but he found himself entirely unable to move. Too tired and comfortable with her body close, her smell in his nose and her hand in his hair. So he decided to pretend he’d fallen asleep, just to enjoy it all a little longer.
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darkstar225 · 6 months
@woso-fan13 Updated Masterlist
Updated: 04 January 2024
I have no clue why I did this, I just love this writer sm and wish I could check everything in one place since I keep re-reading the fics lol
PS: If the writer wants me to delete the post and send it to you so you'll post it, feel free to message me! I just love the fics and felt like doing this :D
It didn't fit everything so check out @woso-fan13 for the other masterlist with the rest S2
Sicktember 2023
Number 1: Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
Number 2: Quest For A Cure
Number 3: “What Happened To Your Phenomenal Immune System, Huh?”
Number 4: Hiding an Illness
Number 5: Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
Number 6: Sick & Injured
Number 7: “You’re A Jerk When You’re Sick”
Number 8: Persistent Fever
Number 9: White Coat Syndrome
Number 10: “The Only Place We’re Going Is To The Pharmacy”
Number 11: Beginner’s Guide To Faking Sick
Number 12: Home Remedy/Old Wives Tale
Number 13: Anxious Stomach
Number 14: “I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am.”
Number 15: Sick in an Inconvenient Place
Number 16: Consulting the Internet/Web MD
Number 17: Magical Remedy/ Healing Potion
Number 18: “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
Number 19: Curled Up With a Pet
Number 20: Cramping Pain
Number 21: “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too.”
Number 22: Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
Number 23: Coughing Fit
Number 24: “Did you just sneeze?”
Number 25: Confused/Disoriented
Number 26: Forehead Kisses
Number 27: Uncooperative Patient
Number 28: “I should have stayed home”
Number 29: Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
Number 30: Patient 0
Number 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Number 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Number 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Number 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Number 5: “You better pray I don’t get up this time around.”
Number 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Number 7: “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.”
Number 8: “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier.”
Number 9: “Learning everything ain’t what it seems, that’s the thing about these days.”
Number 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Number 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.”
Number 12: “I haven’t slept in days but who’s counting?”
Number 13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.”
Number 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.”
Number 15: “I don’t need you to help me, I can handle things myself.”
Number 16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Number 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.”
Number 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.”
Number 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.”
Number 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Number 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Number 22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.
Number 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Number 24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.”
Number 25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.”
Number 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.”
Number 27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.”
Number 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.”
Number 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.”
Number 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.”
Number 31: “I thought that I was getting better.”
Comfortember 2023
Sweater Weather
Leaves Changing
Comfort Show/Movie
Late Night Phone Calls
Coffee/Tea Break
Loved Ones
The New Normal
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kaicubus · 2 years
Robbers | Rue Bennett
warnings ✩° : angst. literally so much angst, numbness, crying, saying things you don't mean, break up?, drug mentions, toxic relationship, no happy ending...unless?
pairing ✩° : rue bennett x fem!reader
premise ✩° : dating someone who doesn't want to be fixed is difficult on its own, so when you're faced with the opportunity to leave for your own good, you can’t decide.
word count ✩° : 3.7k
authors note ✩° : i actually...did not want to write this LOL bc it hurts me so much.  i’m getting back into the swing of things so forgive me if it’s a little rough. also i’m writing this as i’m listening to the song and crying so a bit of yummy raw feelings here!!
now playing : Robbers by the 1975
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Rue had a face straight out a magazine. Hell, she could even be a model if she wanted to.That’s one thing you knew all too well about your girlfriend, she was perfect. In the past, you remember how you would tie back her curly hair and style it in high ponytails and buns, loving the feeling of those stringy locks pressing into your skin and wrapping around your fingers. Though the memory is well faded way now, there was not much of that Rue left at all. On the surface, Rue looked as if she were on the verge of death either from exhaustion or overdose, and past the surface it wasn't much different.  You had done everything in your power to keep your girlfriend afloat, holding her hand through life no matter how much she used you or wrung you out.
Everybody around you saw how much being in a relationship with someone who shouldn't even be in one was severely taking a toll on you, but you stood by Rue and defended her. For the longest time you've been irrevocably in love with her, but your rose colored glasses would soon come off mistake after mistake after each time Rue would find a way to neglect you and refuse your help. It was hard to swallow the fact all your calls were either declined or ignored, and that all your texts were left on delivered or opened, but you told yourself all you had to do was be patient. After all, throughout your relationship with Rue, that’s all it was : being patient. There was no winning with her, and it took you 5 years for it to click in your mind.
Well now that you've got your gun It's much harder now the police have come.
The silence is deafening. This whole time, you've been at war inside your head, one side screaming at you to leave Rue and the other trying to beg and convince yourself to stay. You didn't admit it, but you were losing the battle with your own self. Rue hadn't even noticed you zone out and had instead been dragging long, listless breaths from a joint Fezco had gave her to ‘help with her withdrawal’ which was bullshit at its finest. You knew it was just an act to think you had Rue under your radar when really she was way out of the boundaries. It infuriated you how your own girlfriend played you like a fool; it was insulting in every possible way you'd look at it. She treated you like you were stupid and oblivious to drug use and anything of the sort, however thanks to her and Fez you know everything about it.
Rue flicks her lighter open and the warm light floods the midnight air and heats up the cold air around you both. You check your phone, 12:09 pm, it’s late and you're slowly getting tired but you still have something to say before the feeling of emptiness growing larger and larger swallows you whole. You just don't know how to bring it up. Even thinking about it was similar to that of slowly prying each and every single one of your fingernails off, you didn't even want to think of it. Thing is, right now, Rue looks so peaceful. Maybe its because all of her attention is glued onto the tight joint, rolled between her fingers and getting a clean breath of smoke in. She looked perfect.
That’s when you decide to break the silence, as comforting as it was, the feeling of descending dread resting on your shoulders is too much to handle and you just have to get it off your chest.
“Rue...”  your voice catches her attention and she gives you a quick side glance as an answer. Disappointment curls your lip and you realize this conversation might not go the way you want, but then again, what option do you have? This was far more than a normal conversation and far more than you ever had to deal with.
Despite her lack of answer, you continue, “Can we talk?” Its cliche but there's no better way to bring it up.
She mumbles in response. You can tell she doesn't have a care in the world to listen to you talk, that's one of the many reasons why you feel not seen or heard.
“Please, Rue. Its important.”
She parts her lips carelessly, “Fuck, Y/n I’m listening, ok? Go on.”
You back into a defensive posture and roll your shoulders back just enough for her to see your eyes, to even get a glimpse of your guilt or your hurt. But her lax tells you all you need to know. She wasn't going to care, just like everything, she didn't care about you at all. Just like that time where you had gotten an A on a test you really studied your ass of for and she didn't show any trace of enthusiasm, or the time you got your drivers license and she barley bat an eye, or the time she ignored you all night just to pay attention to anime Ramona Flowers Jules. You couldn't even remember the last time she was genuinely happy for you or interested in what you had to say.
But if you just take off your mask, You'd find out everything's gone wrong.
“I want to break up.”
“What?” she asks, hardly taking you seriously, “Break up?”
Instead of dismissing her like you usually would do, you nod, “Yeah.” You cant even bring yourself to look at her. This is new territory for both of you, so each approach couldn’t be guaranteed a positive or negative reaction; like a leap of faith, you just had to seize the chance.
Your eyes flicker into hers and almost immediately your heart sinks deep past the rest of your organs harbored in your chest. Almost as if she had looked at you in slow motion, time had thickened and the look in her eyes lingered deep inside your soul with her down turned brows speaking volumes.
“What?” her voice hushes into the night sky and suddenly you see your eyes glisten in the reflection of her wide eyes.
“I…” you try and speak but your throat closes up, “I…We…Rue…”
The light of her joint dims and lights up again, casting a warm shadow on Rue’s cold finger tips.
“Have you noticed, we don’t fit like we used to?” You ask.
Rue brings her knees close to her chin and kisses the raggedy denim of her jeans, “How far back are you saying?”
“The very start.”
“Well, the very start was a while ago, I don’t even remember that far.” She pushes her lips out in thought and does everything in her power to avoid your burning gaze. All she can think about is just how fucked she knows this conversation will end up. There’s no way out.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this for a while. I don’t think there’s any good way to say it.” You let out a sigh and roll your head up to the starlit sky, “I want to break up with you.”
She stays silent and allows you to speak your mind, though you’d hope she’d interrupt and fight for her place as your girlfriend.
“These past few months have been really hard, and I don’t know what’s going on. You’re not talking to me and you’re not even answering my calls. I feel like a ghost, Rue. It’s like you don’t even care about me ever since Jules.”
That name alone made Rue shudder in disgust.
“I really wanted this to work. It’s been working so far. But, I cant even force myself to believe it’s working anymore. I feel like my whole life, I’ve been forced to look after you—like it was my identity.” you fidget your thumbs in circles, still hoping she’d interject to cut you off or something, “You’ve lied to me more times that I know, screamed bloody murder at me when I told you not to shove bottles of pills down your throat, you’ve even attempted to steal my own medication I need to get through my panic attacks to get high. But it didn’t matter because I loved you.” your eyes meet hers, “D-Did you even love me?”
She picks her head up from hiding in the safety of her kneecaps and looks at you, how your eyes are now well damp with tears sloshing over your waterline and how your lips are quivering in heartache.
“There wasn’t a moment in my life where I ever thought about not loving you, Y/n.”
“How?” you choke, “How can you say that and show me nothing to back yourself up with? What have you done for me besides make me hate myself? I thought I could help you get through your addiction but no matter what I tried, you pushed me away. Was I even good enough to be an outlet for you?”
Her legs fall back down to their original position and she uses her palms to push herself closer to you. Rue isn’t good at comforting people, she barley even knew how to comfort herself, but through the countless times you’ve done it, she wraps her arms around your shoulders and instinctively pulls you into a deep embrace.
Tears finally escape their confinement as the sudden force pushes you back just enough for them to spill out of your eyes. Just as suddenly, you find yourself crying; Sobbing, even. She doesn’t kiss you, though she wishes she could, maybe it would’ve soothed you, but hugging you is all she thinks to do.
Your choice was inevitable, the end of your relationship was bound to happen, but neither of you expected it to end the way that it does. Still. She hoped you’d give her one more time. Just one more fight.
“Why?” you mumble against her shoulder, “Why are you doing this? Why now?” grief clogs your throat and drowns your words in overwhelming dejection.
“I don’t know.” She says truthfully, “I don’t feel good about this either. I just, wanted you to stop crying.”
You sniffle and pull away, wiping your eyes, “Right. I’ve-Ive tried helping you Rue, you can’t say I haven’t.” silent tears glide down your cheeks.
“No, Y/n. You were always there, always.”
God only knows but you'll never leave her.
In an attempt to gather yourself, you rub the thin, red fabric of your sleeve across your eyes — smearing your cheap mascara you had put on haphazardly before you even came here with Rue. Clumps of black product feathers across your lashes and runs down your cheek that you hastily smear clean-ish.
“You’ve done more than anyone has.” she wipes her tears numbly, “I-I can’t even be mad at you right now because I seriously deserve this. I deserve to be punished after all the shit I put you through—I knew what I was doing and I knew you’d forgive me. But it all piled up and now, now its like--Fuck!” she sobs, “I’m sorry I’m crying, I can’t control it right now and if I could I wouldn't be because I want to have a normal conversation with you like a person but I —” she manages to choke on her own tears.
Your heart squeezes for her. All this time, Rue would only ever show her emotions to her bedroom ceiling; it was rare for you or even her sister Gia to see her most vulnerable side. But right in this very moment, seeing her shed her hard rock exterior, it baffles you that she could even be capable of such emotion. Whenever she was confronted about her behavior in her life, she reacted violently with rapid pacing and shoving, hitting and screaming. Maybe it was because of the weed, but when she looks at you with such soft eyes it reminds you of the Rue you've always known — the Rue who would never hurt you.
Anybody in a situation like yours would’ve given up, and one thing about that is true. For as long as you had struggled keeping your head afloat in the raging sea of Rue Bennett, your time had come and it was finally time to stop kicking and sink. As much as you didn’t want to, you couldn’t deny the weight of it all on your shoulders.
Her fingertips find her eye sockets and press into them as if she’s trying to dig out her tear ducts to stop them from crying and blurring her vision. “I’m sorry. ‘M sorry I’m such a bad girlfriend. I’ll try harder next time please — please let there be a next time, Y/n. I cant have this be like Jules.”
“This isn’t like Jules. Rue, what we have is NOT like what you had with her. Ok?” you gently rub her tears away and guide her hands into yours, “I love you, so fucking much. And you know how much it hurts me to see you so hurt over this…which is why I think we need this. You need this. I need this.”
Rue bites her lip and shakes her head, “No, please please please,” she sniffles, “Please, Y/n don’t leave me. I need you.”
You turn your head to the side, causing your tears to gloop to one side and slosh out, “I know you, Rue. You’re going to be fine.”
“Stay…” she says, finally able to slow down and catch her breath, “Stay, stay...”
“Rue…” you look down, “Can you promise me something?”
Rue’s tongue darts out to wet her lips and catch her tears free falling onto her cupid’s bow, “Y-Yeah?”
You stare directly at her and soften your eyes—as if they weren’t soft enough—and gently cup her cheek in the palm of your hand. The sensation was too familiar for Rue to ignore and suddenly she’s flashed back to the first time something like this happened. Back when everything was still new to the both of you. She had just finished screaming at you, and you had remained patient despite such horrible things being said, but you understood her feelings. She was like an open book to you back then. Rue had cried her eyes out and screamed her throat dry and once she was somewhat calm, you inched towards her slowly and held her face in your hands. Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, you held her in your arms for what felt like hours and stayed still as still water after a storm. You were a tower of stability and light in the epicenter of the crashing waves of her ocean.
Now, as the tides pull in and push out, you’re faded and eroded by the salt water, but still holding on.
“Promise me you’ll keep on living.”
You give her a half crescent smile before sliding your hand off her face to the back of her head and hugging her face into your chest. Rue accepts the change and closes her eyes for a split moment.
You throat moves against her forehead as you attempt to swallow all the bubbling feelings in your chest. All you can think about is how you don’t want to leave, but you know this isn’t healthy for you or for her. The last thing you wanted to do in your relationship was be the bigger person and break up with her, but the circumstances were too much to shove aside. Not only were all your close friends telling you to break up with Rue, but you knew deep down that if she wasn’t able to change for not you but her, you couldn’t continue. There was only so much you could do, and you already drained yourself dry.
Rue hugs her arms around your waist slowly and rests her head against your stomach. She doesn’t know the next time she’ll be allowed to touch you like this again, so close and so tender. So she savors every bit of it. She revels in the silence and swims in the sounds of your heartbeat, embracing the softness of your clothes and silkiness of your skin. Rue found home whenever she hugged you. The nostalgic, sweet smell of your natural scent always soothed her no matter what but now that she knew you were going to leave her, it smelled so faint. Where did it go wrong? She couldn’t even remember a specific breaking point for you, and that’s exactly why, she realized. She’s always going to love you, she’s always going to wait. She just didn’t know if you were going to do the same thing. Even if you guys were miles apart, or right next to each other, the distance that was always between you will remain the same.
That’s when you comb your fingers through her frayed and knotted hair, brushing through the stiff parts. Something about the way you gently untangle her messy hair strikes her completely vulnerable and her shoulders fall to signal it. 
You pull away quickly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to —” you hesitate, “I mean...I...”
"I don’t know how I’m supposed to live without you,” she presses her damp lips against your arm, “I can’t think of something like that. I want to promise you that I’ll do it.”
“Hey,” you hold her face, “Hey, look at me.” the softness in your voice only makes her cry harder, “You don’t have to, not now.” Her eyes dart into yours, searching for something to get her to stop crying but she can’t. Her sobs fill the air and with each struggling breath they get louder and louder; not even when you attempt to cushion her cries with your chest does she let up.
You press your lips together and blow, hushing her and cradling her tightly in your arms.
“I just want everything to be ok. Tell me, Y/n. T-Tell me everything's going to fine.” She sobs, “Tell me you're staying, tell me you love me still, you can play with my hair again like we used to — you can even tie it up in pigtails this time and put those stupid butterfly clips in it like you always wanted.”
You shake your head softly. 
“Y/n please — tell me we’re going to be fine!”
“I know I screwed up, I know that. I always screw up. But not with you.”
You pull away and take the time to wipe her tears away, clearing her red and puffy eyes of the overflowing amount of wetness clinging onto her pretty, now kind of dirty face. Her cheek hugs your palm and she closes her eyes, releasing more droplets of saltwater.
“Y/n...” She mumbles, “Fuck...I’m sorry. ‘M so sorry...”
She runs her hands through your hair and scrapes her fingertips into your scalp, pulling your body closer to hers and pressing her forehead up to your own. All you can do is bite your lip to prevent any more necessary cries from escaping your throat. You can feel the way her thumbs stroke your neck and the raggedy pattern of her breathing declines into a steady pace as it fans across your skin.
Each little touch made her head reel back and forth, and a part of her hated you for it. She hated how much she felt around you and how much she was able to feel like her actions as well as her words meant something; it meant that everything she had been working towards numbing her pain was all for nothing. She didn't enjoy it one bit. Especially now that you were choosing to leave her? How could she ever cope and recover? There’s no way.
Or maybe there was?
With her eyes quickly flickering into yours, you're almost shocked at the sudden tense and direct eye contact. Even though Rue had been avoiding your stare in fear she’d break more than she already is, it seemed like now she was peering directly into your soul and trying to reach within the depths of Y/n.
Rue knew what she had to do. So she spoke,
“What if I went back?”
You blink, “Back? Back where?” Even though the answer seemed obvious, you didn't even for once think shed ever reconsider going back,
“To rehab. Therapy. Everything. For you.”
“For me? W-Why for me? Rue if you're going back to rehab it NEEDS to be for you —”
Rue brushes a section of her hair back and rubs her palms against her face, wiping her face fully dry now, “I like who I am with you, Y/n. You're probably the only person in this world who makes me feel like I have a chance no matter how hard or how much I screw up,” her voice closes in once she realizes how serious she needs to be, “So I’m going to take a chance that will grant me more chances.”
“Rue,” you say, not even sure what’s going to happen next. Luckily, she cuts you off before you could even get the chance to speak again.
“I know this is going to take time, I know we weren't perfect. I know that. But, when I get out of rehab again things will be.”
You feel your heart race in thick surges of hope. Maybe you didn't know things were going to ever change from how they were before. Maybe you weren't sure if anything would come of her words that could very much be empty promises in the moment. Maybe your trust had been severely damaged by all the lies and deceptions over the years. But that all didn't matter right now. Because right now, there was hope for something you've longed to see for all your life : A Rue who’s happy. 
Could this give her happiness? Knowing that you'll be there waiting for her with the same warm arms you've always given her? Would that even be enough for her? Your thoughts ran rampant as you stare into her cavernous yet gleaming eyes. 
“Promise.” Rue swallows, holding up her pinkie finger.
Without thinking, you hold up your pinkie as well.
“I promise,” she sniffles between her words, “I promise you, I’m going to get better for you and keep on living.”
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Ok I got a bit of a doozy. What if Leon was told his s/o was an umbrella scientist. But through telling him, they start breaking down because the research they did was SUPPOSED to go towards curing diseases and helping the world. Like they were doing research for good but it was essentially stolen from them and twisted to become something destructive. Once they found out their work was stolen, they left umbrella.
I’m a grad student working in a lab and I also have Leon brain rot lol.
OKAY OH MY. i wrote this on my break and i’m so sorry it’s so short i had like 5 different routes to take for this </3 i feel like it’s so bad
edited note:: i am for sure writing more of this when i get home.
Coming home from the longest day ever- you work with Rebecca and today specifically made your head hurt so bad.
When you walk into yours and Leon’s shared apartment it’s so dark, the sound of people talking being heard from Leon’s office, causing your eyebrows to raise as you put your purse and jacket on the hook. Noticing another jacket next to Leon’s?
You pushed your shoes off, walking down the hall to his dimly lit office pushing the door open. Claire and Chris?
You felt their eyes turn to you as you checked behind the door trying not to knock anything over. Leon didn’t even greet you, his stare empty and the same with Claire and Chris.
“What’s wrong?”
You asked as you shut the door behind you, noticing they had multiple open files all over Leon’s desk. Claire reached over pressing play on the tape recorder they had laid out.
“Day 17, this is professor (Your last name).. I can’t do it. And i can’t figure out why they want this virus so bad. I made them a vaccine and they have yet to give it back.. The T virus will cause mass destruction.. and I created it.”
Your face was white as a ghost, staring at the group, Leon’s hands digging through the paperwork. He looked so overwhelmed and it broke your heart.
“So what? You’ve been a lie this whole time? You’ve heard what me and Claire went through with Raccoon City yet you can sleep peacefully next to me knowing you caused it.”
Leon’s words made tears build in your eyes as you shook your head, you had nothing to say. Or at least it wasn’t coming out, you walked over to the desk digging through the files yourself and god they had so many. Every research you’ve ever taken part of, every vaccine you’ve helped create, everything. You took in a deep breath as you pulled the T virus file, laying it on top of all of the others.
“They took it from me. You heard it on the tape, you think I would’ve let them take it if i knew what they were creating? We have to create a virus, to make a vaccine. Oh come on you guys know how science works”
You rambled as you stared over at Chris and Claire.
“I wanted to tell you guys.. I left umbrella, after the events of Raccoon city, they threatened my life. And when I was finally ready to confront you guys.. they crumbled..”
Leon flipped through the files again shaking his head seeing your ID shots.
“You guys have to believe me.. They lied to most of their workers just like they lied to you guys, to the world.”
They didn’t seem to understand, or even care. Your heart rate sped up at the thought of Leon and Claire in Raccoon city, you felt the vomit creeping up your throat as you pushed your way passed the desk, running to the bathroom. You heard the sound of running down the hallway as you threw up into the toilet bowl, before feeling Leon’s fingers run against your neck to push hair behind your ears.
When you finished, you collapsed back into Leon’s arms, grabbing at him sobbing about how sorry you were. Leon nodded his head as he helped you stand, pulling at the toilet paper to wipe your face as he nodded.
“It’s okay, I believe you.”
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starlightwoofwoof · 29 days
Do you have any other akumatized villain/victim designs for the smxmlb au?
Y E S I D O A C T U A L L Y -
honestly one of the main reasons I made this AU lol
soooooo I made edits of them cause I didn’t really feel like drawing them (except for Sweetener, I kinda had to draw him) but ye- HERE WE GO THIS MIGHT BE LONG BECAUSE I WANNA EXPLAIN A LOT OF THINGS ABOUT THEM
okay, first of all, of course I did the main characters, ✨ these little sh!ts ✨
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These are Scratch and Punk, The Spooky Kids
okie so I think I might do a list of things for these guys lol
Reason for Akumatization : okay I have two ideas, we can go the goofy route and make them fight over a piece of Halloween candy from, like, 5 years ago- (or we can go the darker/more serious route and make it have to do something with like what happened in SM6)
Corrupted Item : That piece of candy- (or something else for the other route, not sure)
Fun Facts :
They got akumatized together
You might think they’re still in costumes, BUT NO THEY’RE R E A L
Their powers are making people do the Spooky Dance and celebrate Spooky Month .. FOR E T E R N I T Y
okay, next up, we have THE HAT BOYS ‼️‼️‼️
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Rage, Regret and Rejoice (there’s no yellow lol), The Emotiongang
Reason for Akumatization : The trio were having a sleepover, until Ross and Roy had a fight about .. actually I haven’t really thought about it, probably something about Roy’s parents- (Robert didn’t even realize the situation until it was too late)
Corrupted Item : Ross’s beanie (idk why his specifically but ye-)
Fun Facts :
They also all got akumatized together
yes they’re inspired by those theatre masks-
Regret and Rejoice’s mouths on their masks can’t move, although, Rage’s can
honestly, I’m not even sure if I can call Rejoice a villain, he’s just happy to be here- (no thoughts, head empty)
They can produce auras from themselves of their respected emotions, making people around them feel the emotions they’re producing (Regret and Rage don’t like Rejoice’s powers since they mess up with their negative emotions, and evil plans-)
Next, we have the villain which I showed in the introduction post, K e v i n
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The Sweetener
Reason for Akumatization : probably something Kevin-usual, him being angry about his job
Corrupted Item : His work hat
Fun Facts :
His powers are kinda scary- he has a bunch of candy, obviously, but they’re not normal candy. As soon as you eat one of his candies, you slowly turn into one of his candy minions and follow him wherever he goes, like some kind of zombie (whatever that means-)
I’m not sure what he is honestly, like obviously he’s a candy monstrosity, but idk if that’s gum, some weird form of cotton candy or even ice cream-
He can speak, but he usually just roars, growls and groans most of the time
I kinda wanted to name him ‘The Candyman’ but I thought that was too basic sooooo The Sweetener was my next best idea-
And finally, the last one (for now-), we have Rad :D
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The Glitch
Reason for Akumatization : .. I have no clue to be honest, Radford is such a happy guy, but ye-
Corrupted Item : His funky 3D glasses
Fun Facts :
His powers are being able to go in and out of screens (kinda like Prime Queen) and I like to think he can also possess people, like a ghost-
He is still a pretty happy guy, just more like the insane kind of happy-
man all I can think about is the Sonic Adventure 2 Dub (Hero Story) video where Eggman kept calling himself The Glitch- (watch me make a funny animatic thing soon lol)
OKAY THAT’S ALL OF THEM- (obviously I really want to make more, I just haven’t had many ideas, BUT MAN I WANNA MAKE AN AKUMA! STREBER SO BADLY- I know I can just make him vampire themed but still, I wanna make him more than that for some reason-)
Feel free to ask (or suggest, especially with Glitch’s backstory-) anything about them okie see you lateeeeeerrrrrrrr :3
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pagemasters · 3 months
Fantasies He…
Author’s notes: So after reading so many for years I thought maybe it’s my turn to take a crack at it. There’s I think 3 parts to this, with the first one having basically no smut and mostly platonic fluff between Az and Feyre, but part 3? Can’t say the same thing for the middle Archeron sister lmao
I swear this started out to be one part but the story told me otherwise, part 2 is fully drafted I’m just revising and editing
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I’m a very visual person, so enjoy the floor plan of the nursery and a rough sketch of what I think her mural would be and the star! I am a painter if it wasn’t obvious so the whole portion on starfall stars is actually based on how Bob Ross paints his northern lights, just with modifications BUT I haven’t tried it myself for this specific purpose. Also the colour of Feyre and Rhys’s stars are the colours of the first ones that hit them during Starfall btw! I love the platonic relationships between the inner circle and we don’t get enough of it
If you enjoyed it I would love u forever if you let me know!! :)
Ps. Omg dialogue is so difficult to make realistic but also in character, none of that “hey big brother” etc. shit you see in tv shows where you’re like who tf says that to their sibling ?? Ps.ps. I haven’t taken an English writing class for 5 years so if punctuation was wrong let’s pretend it wasn’t LMAO
Azriel spends the day with Feyre, only to get caught in the rain on the way home. Good thing the townhouse is empty. Or is it…
The rain finally decided to make its appearance as Azriel stepped out of the River house. Taking a deep breath, he let the soothing scent wash over him as he relaxed his wings. 
The meeting with Rhys was short, just a weekly update on the goings around the other courts and allies, nothing that required the full inner circle to make an appearance. Something he knew after centuries of this work should be a good thing, but it doesn’t stop the pang in his chest at the missed opportunity of seeing her. 
Not that he didn’t try to catch a glimpse of her. He did take a walk through the beautiful home his brother had built for his mate after seeing him, the smell of cedar and masonry long since faded from the construction days; replaced with flowers and candles and the dinner his shadows whispered Nuala and Cerridwen were working on. The scent of paint lingered though, and he discovered the reason why as he got to the residential wing. His High Lady wasn’t in her studio, but he found her nonetheless with a brush in her tattooed hand. 
“I think you missed a spot.” Az said from the doorway, trying to repress his smile at her startled reaction. Even though Feyre and Rhys opted for doorways fashioned with wings in mind, he kept his drawn in tight, not wanting to risk smearing her paint as he stepped inside. 
“Rhys won’t let me use the step ladder without him holding it. And me. And the bump.” Feyre twisted to look up from her spot on the floor and smiled in greeting before lowering the brush to pat her stomach in emphasis. She gave her mate’s antics an affectionate eye roll and shake of her head before releasing a heavy sigh, glancing back at her work. 
“If I remember correctly,” Az teased, “you are prone to falling quite spectacularly.”
She let out an indignat squawk so loud he had to bite his lips to prevent laughing, her body spinning so fast to face him fully that paint ended up splattering from her brush to the white drop cloth. 
Their flying lessons had ceased for the most part since the war, so watching her fly into a tree or eat rocks wasn’t as common an occurrence— but that’s not to say that still doesn’t happen. Knowledge he happens to be privy to not just as her flight teacher, but as the spymaster, something she’s very aware of if the narrowing of her eyes and mouth hanging open are any indication. 
It’s hard not to notice the similarities between the sisters, when even with your eyes closed the cadence of their speech was also similar. But it was never so apparent between youngest and oldest Archeron as when Feyre’s eyes pinned him in place, the expression of mock outrage was so much like Nesta’s it was almost comical. 
“Ruuuude,” she said, drawing the word out in a whine with pouted lips, no doubt remembering the amount of face plants he’d witnessed when she first began to fly. “I see how you treat your High Lady, Shadowsinger. Just wait, it’s not too late for me to paint a little something in your bedroom.”
“And here I thought pouting and grumbling was beneath royalty, at least you can say you’re a tree hugger.”
She gave him a gesture that was certainly beneath royalty, and he didn’t hold back his chuckle this time. 
“What gave you that idea, have you even met Rhys?” 
“Oh trust me, you should’ve seen him when we were kids.” He said, grabbing her hands to help her stand. “He discovered in a book that while bat wings look identical to ours, the anatomy of their wing is labeled similar to that of the hand. So for them, their talons are their thumbs. After that, he took it upon himself to hang upside down in silent protest whenever he was mad, but didn’t want his mother to wash his mouth out with soap for swearing.”
“He did not.”
“Mhmm, until his faced turned purple.”
“And where were you and Cass for all this?” Feyre said through her giggling, a wide grin of unrestrained joy plastered on her face. 
“He couldn’t have done it alone, a thumbs down by yourself would look stupid.”
“Ah yes, because the three of you hanging upside down like overgrown bats isn’t ridiculous.” She cackled, “How long until he gave it up?”
“A few weeks. After Cassian passed out in the middle of camp and we all got broken capillaries on our faces. Still, a better alternative than the awful tasting soap in Illyria.” 
“What, as opposed to other tasting soap?” He just shrugged, smiling. 
Rhys’s mom’s reaction to warriors dragging them across the rocky ground home was as lively in his memory as she was when she berated them when her son fessed up. She was less thrilled to hear the real reason than Devlon was having passed out children strewn about the place, but she never did call them out on the lie they fed to Devlon about it being a dare when he came banging on their door. That night though when they were more lucid, she brought them on foot to one of the mountains surrounding their outpost and stood them at the opening of a cave. He still remembers the eyes he felt on them, the warning bells ringing from his shadows as she gestures her hands out and said, “If you want to act like bats, you can join them; or you can toughen up, learn how and when to pick battles and what hills are worth to dying on. Because there will be more people who will piss you off, but this is not an option when you’re leading armies. So,” her hazel eyes meeting each of theirs, “What will it be? Do you want to stay here or take the soap and fly right on home.” Needless to say they bolted home with the taste of pine tar suds coating their mouths like a film no amount of water could rid them of the taste. He could still feel the eyes of whatever was in that cave the entire way home, but thank the cauldron he could fly at that point. His heart ached at the memory of the female, the one he knew picked a low cave for him to make her point, just in case. The one his shadows caught a few times after that upside down on the couch after a rough day when she thought she was alone. 
As Feyre’s amusement continued with eyes glazed over—no doubt having a silent conversation with Rhys—Az cleared his throat, his shadows pulling back as he gestured to their surroundings and asked, “So how’s the nursery coming along?” 
“It’s going great,” she replied after a moment, her laughter subsiding as she surveyed the mural.  “I know it’s not geographically correct, and that Starfall and the time when our courts insignia’s stars show don’t overlap, but I couldn’t not include them. I want  him and any possible future child to see the night court as I did when I first fell in love with it and their dad.” 
Indeed, while he knew Rhys was already in love with her, he got to watch Feyre love him back as much as he deserved in real time the longer she was here. And the way she captured the land they all loved so much here was… breathtaking. 
On the wall that held the doorway he just stepped through lay the mountain with the moonstone palace atop it. The first place she saw here. They both knew where the doors to Hewn city rest below, but it was covered by the landscape. As if there were no room for nightmares in this room, even if it was a court this babe may one day rule. 
“I have no idea how you made that mountain so realistic,” he said to her in awe, pointing to the painting adjacent to the wall they just looked at. 
“The crib is going to go right below it when the rooms done. I want it to watch over him.” She replied almost reverently as she looked up. 
The mountain was the tallest of the three she painted, and it looked just as it had on his trek up there with his brothers during the rite. Physically it was practically stone for stone, those three stars lines up overhead perfectly, but the energy differed. Instead of the cold and foreboding thing he remembered on the way up, it seemed almost… euphoric? As if the wild joy and love Rhysand, Cassian and he felt as they made their way to the top and won seeped its way onto the painting. Like the unyielding strength from that mountain and what it brought out of them would guide and protect him, just like it did for the three winged dots surrounding the monolith at the tip. How that was even possible was beyond him. 
He could barely tear his gaze away, but snickered as he saw the tiny but recognizable building at the base of it to the right. “The cabin, huh?”
“Of course, gotta prep him for one day kicking all of your asses during your snowball fight.” She added, blushing. “I put few snowballs flying just for good luck.”
Though he knew the other reason the cabin was significant to Feyre and Rhys, the thought of his future nephew joining their game warmed him. But It did make trying not to focus on other non-winged and winged babies that could one day join in the snowball fight impossible. Children have always been an abstract idea, a figment he knew existed but besides Rhys’s sister, he wasn’t around. And after what happened to her… He thought for a long time he would never have one of his own, but that sentiment start to change in recent years. He could avoid it most days though, but being surrounded by the baby stuff made the hypothetical harder to ignore. The thoughts on if he’d have his own little ones propped on his hip and curled into his chest with their chubby cheeks and inquisitive eyes. If they would have his hazel or her golden brown ones, or something different if they adopted. Would their little hands or clothes or hair get caught in the scales of his armour just like hers did when he took her on her first flight to the town house from the House of Wind, when he held her for the first time. Would Elain… Az paused, stopping that train of thought before it just twisted the knife even further, seeing more things he can’t have. 
His shadows began to circle him, and if Feyre noticed she politely didn’t comment on it before pointing out what she was working on when he interrupted her. 
To the right of the cabin and right were she was sat Velaris, and it really did look like a city of starlight with how she painted the glowing nightscape. He could make out the four markets that were the heart of the city, with extra emphasis on where the town house sat along with the new residence they were currently in. Bisecting through it all, the Sidra River looked so realistic he could probably skip a rock across its surface. It flowed like a living thing, reflecting the lights from the buildings on its edge and even the stars above. Two of which weren’t normal stars. 
Above the city proper and even the flat topped mountain that held the House of Wind was the beginnings of starfall. 
“How-“Azriel could barely get out, “how is this even possible?”
“Perks of now being immortal; plenty of time to practice. And having a husband with wings who takes you to get aerial views.” She simply said gesturing to their city, as if she didn’t create magic with swipes of colours. 
“The green one is mine, and the light blue one is Rhys’s. I’m planning to get everyone to add their own star to the wall.” Now looking him, she smirked. “Which means you came at a perfect time, Shadowsinger. Your turn.”
He gave her an unbelieving expression, shadows instantly vanishing. “You can’t be serious.”
Her eyes twinkled with mischief, “if I trust Cassian with a paintbrush, you’ll be fine. He’s coming by in a few days when he gets a free moment, Nesta and her two friends are keeping him busy with training.” Nesta is keeping him busy with more than just that, it’s a wonder he even has energy to train them. 
But looking at Rhysand’s mate, Azriel saw her glow in a way different from her powers. Feyre radiated joy as her hand cradled her stomach despite barely showing, not caring about paint getting on her already splattered clothes. For his brother, for the friend beside him and his nephew in her womb, he removed his jacket and let out a resounding sigh in defeat. “What do you need me to do?” 
So Feyre excitedly brought him over to her pile of paint tubes on the drop cloth. She grabbed the white and as he selected the colour phthalo blue she went off to prep the clean, dry brushes and a fresh palette for him. 
“So pick the area of the sky you want your star to be, I’d like to keep the inner circle’s additions mostly above Velaris, but I’ll add tiny ones fading out once everyone is done. Amren and Mor are away, Cass is busy and who knows if or when Nesta would want to contribute. That means besides Rhys and I, you have the pick of the litter.”
“What about Elain?” He asked, trying to keep his voice and face as neutral as possible when she handed him a 3 inch brush already dipped in his blue. 
“I’ll drag her in here after dinner when she gets in from the garden. The colour of the sky is already dry which is the important part, so there’s no time constraint on when everyone adds theirs besides my due date.” She gave him a knowing smile which he dutifully ignored, along with the disappointment in his chest as she confirmed Elain wasn’t in. “Now I want you to cover a large area of where you generally want the shape of the star to go, it doesn’t have to be perfect but cover much more than you think you’d need to.”
He hesitates, “won’t this cover up your sky? It’s a dark colour.”
“Just trust me.”
He followed her instructions, cringing as his brush made contact with her beautiful wall and went over the faint background stars she had already done, but relaxed when he saw they were still partially visible. 
Az looked back at her, seeing his shadows lazily inspecting them, as if they wanted a part in the activity their master is occupied with. Feyre playfully eyed the curious one that grazed her hand as she took his current brush from his scarred hand to switch it. “Now with this fan brush, I want you to coat it in the white paint. And as you do so, get a feel for how the bristles bend and move.”
Doing as High Lady said, he got her guidance once he brought the loaded brush to the wall, being sure to dab, not swipe the white in a near full coverage circle followed by a line over the shade of blue he had no idea how to pronounce. 
“So this is where the magic begins,” she stated when he finished and passed a third brush over, a flat paddle one identical to the first and this time a cloth. “You see that perfectly clean teardrop you made? You’re gonna ruin it.”
At the alarmed look he gave her, she just cackled. “I knew you’d make that face, Rhys did the exact same. I want you to very lightly swipe the brush starting at the largest end of the teardrop and out towards the tail of the star. That’s the only motion you’ll be doing. And after each swipe you can gently wipe off the brush before starting again. You can also practice the strokes around the mountain until you feel ready like Rhys did, the sky there is also dry.”
With a deep breath, he took a step away and tried it until he felt like he got the technique she wanted down. This was for his family, he reminded himself, he will not let his nephew down. And despite getting her nod of approval, he still felt like he was going in blind as he did what she said and his jaw dropped. 
Well shit. Now he understood why she wanted him to put down the colour he chose first. 
“The blue is actually transparent; so while it looks dark in the tube, it blends out much lighter. Especially with white under or overtop. You’re doing wet-on-wet blending.” What was once just a bright blob over blue so dark you couldn’t see it on her perfect walls, he could now see how the white faded. How the light and the dark mixed until they became one. So Az wiped the excess off his brush, and continued on and on until it looked similar enough to what she and Rhys created. They fell into a rhythm, Feyre handing him back the fan brush to brighten or a new one with bristles so impossibly soft as they worked as a team. She barely had to tell him what to do now, so with next to no pressure he feathered it out vertical rather than the almost horizontal strokes from before, until only a streak of blue light remained. They could’ve been at this for minutes or hours, he had no idea. He didn’t even question her instruction to use a densely bristled tool he could’ve sworn was a toothbrush to flick on watered down white paint for the star trail. 
“This is incredible, Feyre.” He stated, stepping back at last.
“That wasn’t me, that was all you my friend.” She grinned at him. “Once everyone’s is dry, I’m adding a sheer shimmery paint to make them pop, but even without it you did a beautiful job.”
He felt heat rise to his face, and inclined his head in thanks without removing his eyes from the wall. 
“You certainly have an eye for this, Az. Care to quit and become a painter? I could use an assistant.”
A chill went through him, and he started to turn in her direction before the window caught his attention. Dusk must have fallen along with the rain who knows how long ago. About to rub his temples, Feyre squeaked out a warning before he remembered the task at hand and looked down at himself. The plain black long sleeve shirt covered in splatters didn’t matter, he goes through them like water for work but the paint coating his skin made his stomach drop the same way her jest did. Much different than the red he was used to seeing there, all the blood he still couldn’t wash away.
He can paint a picture with his knife, but nothing like Feyre’s ability of creation. Each slash he makes as delicate and precise a dance as any Nesta favours, but instead it’s to a symphony of screams. And unlike Elain… the only soil he sees is grave dirt. If the bodies make it that far. 
His work is never meant to been seen by others, it’s means to and end, a way to protect his family and his court. Unlike their work, where it would be a crime to hide it from the world.
“Tempting offer, Cursebreaker,” Az murmured, swapping the dirty cloth for a damp one his shadows brought him. Paying close attention to his siphons and not his scars, he still didn’t feel clean enough no matter how hard he wiped the paint from his skin. “Sadly, I don’t think your mate would be too thrilled to have to hire someone else to feed the creatures in Hewn City.”
She snorted, making a lighthearted comment about at least no one had to feed Byraxis, for now… The forced tease in her voice didn’t fool him as she realized she must’ve hit a nerve, but he appreciated her effort anyway.
“I do have to head out, but I’ll pop by soon to see the progress when I drop off paperwork.” He told her, his lips pressed to the top of her head and shockingly made contact with her hair in a brief farewell. Rhys must’ve lessened the shield knowing Az was with her, but not by much considering both her and the babe’s scent was still concealed. 
Feyre did invited him to stay for dinner which he politely declined. It wouldn’t be served for an hour, but he needed space and to fly to clear his head—still feeling like if he looked down he’d be dripping blood that didn’t belong to him as he made his was out. He did try not to rush out as he walk through the maze of supplies strewn about the covered floor, keeping his wings high even as his shadows tugged at him, but he had a feeling she knew his reason for leaving. Well, at least the other reason. 
Lightning cracks through the sky, snapping Azriel out of his memories. Damn, He must be more tired than he thought. If breaking one of the cardinal rules of flying—also known as “PAY ATTENTION JACKASS!” by his brothers when they taught him—wasn’t enough, he’s not even going to the right place. Despite not living there for years, he’d been heading towards the town house and not the House of Wind. 
The storm just seems to be picking up, but at least with the downpour he no longer felt the warm spray of blood coating him rather than the paint, he just felt nothing at all. Well, nothing besides wanting to get the fuck home. Az really didn’t have the energy to fly up a mountain or winnowing through this even if it wouldn’t be his first time. But considering how often lightning hits the rocks rather than the surrounding city, crashing at the town house is easiest. It’s for the best, with it sitting empty now. At least he’d be alone. 
Az pauses mid-flight though, when he notices the lights already on inside. And the smoke rising from the chimney only to dissipate in the rain.
What the hell? Who would be dumb enough to break into their high lord and inner circle’s home? It’s not like it’s broadcasted who owns the house but it’s pretty common knowledge after this long. 
At least storms can be a great tool for his field of work, it’s almost a blessing in disguise he plans to use to its full advantage. Landing atop the roof as gently as possible, he ensures his wing beat blends in with the rain like it has hundreds of times before. Using his siphons to unlock the door and slipping inside, the creak of the hinge merely just a gust of wind as he shuts it behind him. 
That’s when the smell of jasmine and honey hits him so strongly he has to bite back his moan. But it seems like he was the only one who did. 
Because mixed within that scent ingrained in his brain, is Elain’s arousal. 
And she’s…
Oh fuck. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
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[Psycho-Pass Providence spoilers]
I thought long and hard about sharing spoilers with you on my blog, but here they are: a buffet for Shinkane fans! I can’t guarantee that the spoilers are 100% correct since I haven’t seen the movie myself and translations can be messy, but I try my best – feel free to correct me, to add things or to call me a crackpot and liar!
I had a feeling that many of you would like to know (at least to some extent) what this movie is about and if Shinkane becomes canon. It will probably take some time for PPP to be released outside Japan and as we all know, patience is a virtue. Don’t read if you don’t want spoilers. I’m serious! There are major spoilers in this text! But if you don’t mind, here’s a summary of what I picked up from Japanese fans who have already seen the movie:
1. The first meeting with Unit One after Ko’s return goes as expected: Ginoza is angry and Sugo has to prevent him from going off on Kogami. The atmosphere between Akane and Kogami is described as awkward and tense even when working together on the new case. They travel to Dejima (?) and Saiga accompanies Akane because he’s the only one who can access the Stronskaya document.
2. When Kogami and Saiga have a drink in the apartment/hotel, Saiga urges Ko to contact Akane and to come clean with her. He obeys by calling her. Akane tells him to apologize (“I just want you to say sorry”) but he doesn’t, so she hangs up the phone. Kogami seems to be very irritated and I can’t wait to see his face. Also what is the meaning of the empty liquor bottle on Ko’s table?
3. Ginoza asks Kogami on the boat “Why did you come back? It was our duty to protect Tsunemori” to which Kogami answers something like “For someone else’s sake again.” Does it mean that he came back for Akane? I think so. Ginoza seems to smile a little when he hears this.
4. We already saw the scene where Ko shields Akane from the explosion, but I don’t know exactly what happens afterwards. They say the angle of view is a little erotic (this can also be translated as horny, obscene) LOL
5. When the Peacebreakers attack, Saiga-sensei dies. I think he gets stabbed and then falls over a railing into the depths of the building. Akane tries to save him but he lets go of her hand so that she doesn’t fall with him. Phew! This is going to be hard to watch. No wonder why the Japanese fans cried! When Akane finds his dead body, the one who comforts her is Ginoza. Ko goes after Akira to fight him in a landscape holo room (?) aka that scene with the horse.
6. Now the elevator scene. Akane cries over the death of Saiga but Kogami seems unable to comfort her. Something holds him back (his own grief maybe?) so he just pats her on the shoulder saying something like “Focus on your duty, and cry after everything is over” and Akane says “Yes”. It sounds a bit heartless and reserved, doesn’t it? Why all the drama?
7. Then there’s an interrogation at SAD or PSB headquarters and Kogami gets shot by the arrested Akira whose consciousness was hacked. Ko ends up in the hospital where Akane visits him and finally they talk to each other and come to an agreement. This is very reminiscent of PP1.
8. I was a bit surprised to hear that Akane is invited to Kei’s wedding and that Arata’s dad commits suicide in his car after giving a speech. Really? On the wedding day of his son’s best friend? Did Arata witness this? Holy sh--! At least, I read that Akane followed Arata into the parking lot and perhaps was able to comfort him.
9. Akane leads the operation to stop the Peacebreakers. Before she leaves (gets on the plane?) Kogami is worried and says “Hey, don’t do anything reckless” and she replies “I can’t promise you that, so you better come quickly please.” Is she flirting with him? I think it’s cute and quite self-confident.
10. When Akane is defeated in the fight against the white haired man who points a gun to her head, Kogami rushes to her aid. The plan was to arrest the guy but things went out of hand. Kogami shoots him and then he hugs the injured Akane – yes, that’s what it says in the comments! I can’t wait to see this! I read that Akane says something like “I made Kougami-san kill again” to which he answers “And I will be held accountable for it”. The hug seems to have been a request from director Shiotani, because (as we already know) Akane and Ko won’t see each other for a long time after that.
11. The end is a bit confusing and I’m not sure if I got it right: Kogami is arrested and Akane writes him a letter that is just as emotional as Ko’s letter in PP1. She says that he had a great influence on her life and that she can’t promise him anything. Then she goes off to kill chief Kasei during some public event (?) because Sibyl wants to introduce a new bill that would strip the Ministry of Justice of all authority (?). Akane’s crime coefficient is low because you can’t kill a cyborg. But from the public’s perspective, she’s a killer. She seems to sacrifice herself for the dream of a just society that abides by the law instead of Sibyl’s despotism. Now Sibyl has to judge her. They have to reveal and explain her low CC without looking like idiots. Good luck, Sibyl! Akane seems to have set a precedent in PPP.
12. Kogami goes free and Akane is sent to the isolation facility where she finally breaks down and cries. He promises to pick her up when she is released – and so he does in FI when he finally manages to apologize! Some fans say that even though Kogami’s crimes aren’t punished by law it’s clear from his emotions that Akane’s imprisonment is his punishment. His actions had an impact on others, especially on someone he cherishes and loves. But unlike Kogami who killed out of revenge and violated the law, Akane has committed a crime in order to uphold the law. The Japanese fans cried at the end. Kogami must look pretty miserable! Seems as if Shinkane has a habit of breaking each other’s hearts and ours too, huh? But we know they will reunite in FI, so there’s hope! And who knows what the future holds.
Well, the movie covers many issues: foreign politics, references from the bible, Bifrost, new technology and AI, lots of action and so on. It’s quite exhausting to do research in Japanese as a beginner, so I only focused on the things I wanted to know. In other words: Akane, Kogami, Ginoza and Shinkane! I can’t wait for this movie to be released in my country, although I think it will probably be another year :’(
One last thing: speculations about the nature of the relationship between Akane and Kogami are running wild on social media again but all I can say is that if only a mere 20% of the above is true, then you can’t speak of platonic. Sorry, it’s not possible! There are far too many emotions, far too much awkwardness here that you don’t go through as “just friends”. They’re not a couple, but both of them are probably aware that they could become one if they chose to.
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