#i’ll be back to be annoying on the internet soon
clanoffelidae · 2 years
Logging off for a while. Just… really got taken by surprise by what happened.
The overall ‘thing’ that happened was nbd and is fine, if anything it’s somewhat relieving in a way bc it means I faced my fears but now I also get the barrier between me and those fears that NOT having faced them would have given me back; but the fact that someone saw a personal post about my honest fears and anxieties about a person deliberately left anonymous to not cause trouble and took that as evidence against me? And no one even questioned it?
No one thought, for one second, ‘hey, i wonder if there’s the possibility we’ve misunderstood this personal post by this stranger we don’t know, maybe we should ask them first?’
It was just immediately used to accuse me without even a chance to talk first?
That really fucking hurts and took me by surprise.
Like the rest of it’s whatever, we talked and it’s fine by me. I find it to be fairly excessive but it’s their call and whatever, if it’s genuinely causing that much stress, sure! I’m fine with that.
But the fact that I posted something that said ‘I’m afraid’ and it was immediately used to attack me was extremely hurtful and I just need some time away from all of it. I expected better.
I’ll be back at some point, probably fairly soon since I’m known to bounce back quick lol. But who knows. Idk. If you wanna talk shoot me a message and I’ll pop back on sometime later today and then again in a few days to give anyone who wants to chat my discord.
Be good you knuckleheads, and remember that my dms are always open if you ever need to talk about ANYTHING. If nothing else, I’ve got ears to listen, and I’m sure anyone who’s followed me for more than ten minutes knows I can talk your ear off about whatever if you need mindless chatter from some silly internet person with a lynx picture :) (or serious chatter! I’m good either way <3)
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ouijarat · 18 days
Too Weird to Love, Too Scared to Die.
Chapter One
(This was just a silly goofy idea that my partner convinced me to get out of my brain and onto the internet. This takes place in an alternate Weirdmageddon Finale scenario. Btw I hardly ever write and this is my first fic like ever so PLEASE BE NICE TO ME and let me know if y'all like it. Ty <3)
“I’ll give it to you!” Stanford Pines’ voice echoed from the cage and through the cavernous hall of the fearamid. The world seemed to stop as Stanford’s once beloved Muse-turned-monster’s gigantic eye turned from the two children in his grasp he was about to send to meet their maker a moment ago and onto him. Bill’s gaze was as blinding as the sun. 
“I’ll give you the equation, Cipher! Just… don’t hurt my family… please.” 
Bill stared while Dipper and Mabel’s terrified expressions drilled themselves into Ford’s mind during the stillness. Just as Dipper opened his mouth, seemingly to protest against Ford’s decision, Bill’s shrill, inhuman laughter enveloped their senses; the sound loud enough to rattle one’s skull and make one’s ears bleed should they stand too close. 
“Oh, Sixer! I just knew you’d come around~!” The demon cackled smugly, depositing the young twins on a high up support beam, safe for the time being yet out of their uncles’ reach. The grotesque, gargantuan form of arms and teeth and tongues the triangle had reverted to when angered began to shrink back down to size, the red fading back to yellow as he looked down at Ford with as much sick satisfaction a creature without a proper face could possibly express.
“I’m so happy you’ve finally, finally come to your senses!” 
Stanford looked over his shoulder to glance at his brother, expecting to read contempt, maybe anger at Ford for not thinking of something fast enough; but when their eyes met he only saw fear and uncertainty. He couldn’t bear it, so he averted his gaze. He yelped as his body was lifted off the obsidian palace floor as Bill effortlessly levitated him out of his confinement.
 “I’ve gotta say, IQ,  you really had me going there! I thought you were actually gonna make me kill one of the brats!” He gently dropped Stanford in front of his now much less threatening form, straightening out his bowtie as his little heels collided with the ground with a small click, making himself level with Ford as though foolishly trying to perpetuate the illusion that they were equals here. The laughable notion of respect. 
Ford grimaced, six fingernails digging into each of his palms as he steeled himself, remaining woefully silent. Bill was clearly annoyed that Ford refused to play into his verbal sparring, the demon’s expression souring. 
“Aw c’mon, Fordsie. Don’t be like that. Cheer up! Soon I’ll be free, and I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted!” 
Ford’s eyes darted up to the two children clinging onto each other at least 30 feet above him before he looked back to Bill, his expression flat. “You could never give me anything I would truly want.” 
The triangle looked almost hurt for a moment before he laughed again, regaining his composure.
“And why’s that?” 
Stanford stared at him. “You’re selfish,” He said, his voice tainted with the shadow of disdain. “You couldn’t emotionally fulfill another person if you tried. You’re a monster.”
The demon’s eye twitched, his gaze suddenly distant as his yellow glow seemed to dim. Above them, Dipper squeezed Mabel’s hand in a vice grip, scared that Ford had just signed his own death certificate. Instead, Bill just snapped back to normal in an instant, giggling again. “We’ll see about that. But for now..” He extended a dainty black arm, his hand suddenly engulfed in blue flame awaiting Ford’s palm to complete their deal. 
“Let’s get this show on the road. Eh, Sixer?” 
Ford looked down at the floor below him, too ashamed to meet his family’s gaze as he pressed what was, for all intents and purposes, the big red button for the apocalypse. At least they’ll be safe. He held his breath and grasped Bill’s hand, memories of thirty years ago flashing through his mind as soon as they made contact. The demon’s eye widened maniacally as he cackled, his grasp tightening around Ford’s polydactyl hand as the world around him froze. His surroundings turning to black and white and sensation melting away. In a low, gentle voice Stanford hadn’t heard since he worshiped a god rather than feared a beast, Bill spoke. “You’ll see, Fordsy.” 
And suddenly Ford’s vision went dark. 
Stanford woke with a start and quickly shot up, having just woken from the most terrible nightmare. He caught his breath, running a hand through the graying hair that had plastered itself to his forehead with sweat, blinking blindly. His glasses must’ve fallen off the couch as he slept. Only, even for as blind as he was, he could very quickly gather that he was in… a bed. Not his bed. That was odd. He frantically groped around for his glasses, finding them neatly folded on a nightstand beside him. He pushed them up his nose with an index finger and -much to his dismay- confirmed that this was not his room, and this was not the Mystery Shack. 
Ford looked down at himself, noting the red satin pajama set he was dressed in that were also very much not his. Despite how soft the sheets were, he quickly threw them off as though they’d burned him. He stood up carefully, the hardwood floor cold against his bare feet. Taking in his surroundings, he first noticed the room had no windows or interior lamps, and yet was perfectly illuminated in warm, comforting light. Everything about the decor style was so very pointedly… him. The dark oak furniture, the golden constellation map on the wall, the chess set on the desk, the detailed antique globe in the far corner. It was all extremely reminiscent of everything he had wanted to do with his basement study back home, had he had the time. This greatly unsettled him. 
He approached the bedroom door with caution, stopping in his tracks with a hand hovering over the doorknob as he heard the sound of dishes clattering distantly somewhere else in the house. Ford gulped before turning the knob excruciatingly slowly, the door cracking open with a soft creak. Nothing jumped out at him and he wasn’t immediately incinerated, so he continued on, gently pushing it all the way open to reveal… an exceedingly normal hallway. 
The walls were adorned with refined red wallpaper and ornate picture frames, the pictures inside so familiar and yet so violently wrong. Nausea bubbled in his stomach as he stared at the family photographs he had gladly kept hung up throughout the walls of the shack, except now half the family had seemingly vanished, or rather been purposely eliminated from the photos. The only two people present in any of them were himself and Mabel, leaving eerily empty spaces where his brother and grand-nephew should have been. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the image of his grand-niece, her colorful braces on display as she smiled happily with her arms wrapped around nothing but dead air. 
Ford jumped, suddenly ripped away from his horror once more as the loud crash of pans echoed from what seemed to be a lower floor, followed by a soft string of curses in at least five different alien languages, two of which he didn’t recognize. He tiptoed further down the hallway, his right hand itching to wrap itself around the grip of his gun. He distantly wondered what had been done with it, as well as his coat. He’d miss that coat. Ford mentally cursed himself for not simply improvising a weapon sooner in case whatever was downstairs tried to attack, yet he couldn’t stop himself from inching further and further into the house and toward the noise. Damn his curiosity. 
He rounded a corner and was met with a grand staircase leading downward, taking a breath and quietly descending with his back pressed against the wall in an attempt to not risk being seen. Upon reaching the bottom, Stanford froze in place, hearing something sizzling in the next room over, accompanied by the unmistakable stench of burning roadkill. He slowly peeked around the corner, his jaw dropping at the sight before him. 
He peered into what was, he had to admit, a very nice kitchen, complete with stainless steel appliances and black granite countertops. In the middle of said kitchen, holding a pan full of what looked to be a mutilated opossum over the stove, was Bill Cipher in a frilly pink apron. Said apron had the words ‘Kiss the Triangle’ printed across the front in a loopy cursive font, a heart in place of the dot over the ’i’. 
Sensing his presence, the triangular demon turned to look at him cheerfully, eye upturned in a makeshift smile. “Heya, smart guy! I was wondering when you’d wake up, sleepyhead! You’re just in time for breakfast!”
Ford prayed to every god he knew of, earthen, alien or otherwise, that he’d wake up soon.
(Thank you for reading, let me know if you want a chapter two!)
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seaslugfanclub · 11 months
Hello!! I love your Disney holo!villains, your writing style is just absolutely lovely!
Could I please request the reader fixing a meet-n-greet gone wrong with some of the less popular villains of your choice?? Can't imagine they take very well to being disregarded or unacknowledged...
No pressure and have a lovely day! 😁
It makes my day when one of my favorite Disney villain blogs asks for a request 😭 I hope I delivered!
Meet-N-Greet gone wrong
It’s Meet-n-greet day at Disney! A perfect day for the resident narcissists to get their daily praise in!
(Y/N), who was assigned to supervise the event wasn’t concerned about the panel. Usually all the Villains acted on their best behavior, happy to receive any compliments from annoying millennials in $50 mouse ears.
This Meet-n-greet was a special event, where all villains including lesser known members where present. And even though they were to prideful to admit it, villains like Alameda, Medusa, Rourke, and Sykes where looking forwards to the event.
Before the panel, (Y/N) walked by their dressing rooms and noticed the extra care they took into getting ready.
Alameda pulling on a new pair of suede chaps, Medusa perming her hair as she did her nails, Rourke spritzed some of his favorite cologne, and Sykes made sure to choose some of his finest cufflinks. All minor details, but (Y/N) could tell how excited they where to receive some attention.
Unfortunately the meet-n-greet went like any other, with guests only being interested in the big bads. Cooing over their favorites, asking for autographs and photos. The whole works. All the while the other villains where cast to the sidelines, getting increasingly frustrated as the event went on.
(Y/N), taking notice of this, tried to bring a group of park goers over to the others, both as a way to keep the mainline villains from getting overwhelmed and to get some attention on the lesser known characters.
Unfortunately the guests where not interested..
“And this here is Alameda Slim! A master cow wrangler and genius yodeler from the 2004 film ‘Home on the Range’! He also tried to burn down a local Texas road house!” (Y/N) motioned up at the cowboy, who tilted his hat in pride.
“…what? Yodeling? That’s one of the worst sounds known to man, can we go back to the others, I wanna meet Jafar!” Some person in the group spoke up, with the others murmuring in agreement.
The meet-n-greet dissolved into chaos as Alameda tried to lunge at the rude guest, who by some miracle didn’t get choked out as (Y/N) held him back with the combined effort of Rourke and Sykes.
Needless to say the panel ended early, with the excuse of the heat getting to the villains. Villains like Cruella and Gaston where pissed the praise ended so soon, while others like Hook and Hades were glad finally to be left alone.
Later that night, Alameda was brought out of his brooding when a quick knock came from his door, which revealed a smiling (Y/N).
(Y/N) dragged him downstairs into the employee break room, where he was met with his fellow villains, all sharing the same confused expression.
“Listen, I know that today was a shit show. And I’m sorry that it seems like no one acknowledges you. But I wanted to show you all something…”
(Y/N) proceeded to pull out their laptop from their work bag, opening it up as they motioned the villains to gather round.
“I wanted to show you all that there are people who love you guys, they’re entire blogs dedicated to you all from people across the world. I’m actually apart of some.”
Alameda and the others where shocked as (Y/N) shared with them all the fanart, ramblings, and imagines about them. Medusa jumped up and down in place pressing close to (Y/N) to get a better look at the screen. Rourke, who was never a fan of the internet grumbled to himself, but had an amused grin on his face.
Alameda felt the frustration of the day fade into obscurity as he guffawed at the things people where writing about him. At one point Sykes began to gag at some of the more.. suggestive content, which only led to more laughter from the group
The entire night was spent scrolling through the countless blogs, laughing and cringing until the laptop ran out of battery
This was a little love letter to our community, you all are such talented creators and I’m so lucky to be apart of this small corner of the internet!
I feel like we would both traumatize and flatter Disney Villains if they saw what we write about them 🤣 Frollo would probably turn to dust
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ryuichirou · 5 months
Dark headcanons feat. Idia
Anonymous asked:
Got any more super dark head canons for our favorite hikikomori? I’m a glutton for punishment, I know.🫠
Anonymous asked:
being normal is overrated. fuck it gimme your most messed up idia hcs nsfw and sfw
Ask and you shall receive, dear Anons, even if it happens several months later 😭
I want to thank you once again for your patience; one of the reasons why it took me this long was that I always get excited when we receive asks about darker scenarios. I got so excited that, I think, some of the hcs are kind of like short stories lol even though I didn’t want to make them too long… well, anyways.
So, dark and messed up hcs! Obviously Idia-centric; a lot of it is Mob/Idia. Starting on a lighter note, but then it gets more messed up.
(I’m not talking about the Tweels and Idia this time (I know there are asks about them too!), they’ll get another post <3 Let’s hope that I’ll finish it soon)
Sometimes he tortures himself by having internet arguments lol He doesn’t feel good when he argues with randos, even though it’s funny sometimes, but sometimes he continues to do it fully knowing that the conversation is completely useless. A couple of times he connected to his opponent’s webcam log and found footage of them masturbating. He could’ve easily used it to end the argument quickly, but for some reason no matter how heated he gets, he doesn’t do it. He thinks about it though.
Idia has seen every single cursed thing on the internet. Things that would make some people traumatised, things that are way too much even for Idia. If cursed things on the internet were an iceberg meme, to Idia Blue Waffle and One Guy One Jar would be the most basic tier. Something that everyone knows and isn’t as shocking. Sometimes he wonders how Azul-shi or Crimson Muscle would react to some of the stuff he’s used to seeing.
Same goes with porn, to be honest. Idia could go months without masturbating or watching porn, but he isn’t sure if it’s because of his low sex drive or because of how bored he is with porn. Regular porn doesn’t do it for him at all, with kinks he either gets into them or suddenly loses interest, his favourite hentai tropes are pretty messed up. He ended up watching some banned illegal stuff a couple of times just to see if he’d feel anything. The next day he was back to his favourite hentai tropes though.
Idia got groped during his entrance ceremony. He has no idea why he was picked out of every single person there, but he thinks it’s because of his hair: everyone’s silhouette is the same in the ceremonial robe, but his hair makes him stand out. Even though his butt is small… When it happened, Idia got so shocked that he just stood there still, allowing them to touch him. He was upset, but at the same time remembered all the hentai and doujins that started this way, and it resulted in him feeling a weird mix of deep disgust and arousal. He had no idea if anyone noticed him getting molested, and if anyone saw that he had a boner, but he sure felt like every single person was looking at him and judging him. He got traumatised by that, but the situation was so bizarre to him that he came without touching himself after returning to his room as quickly as possible.
Despite being shy and antisocial, Idia is very cocky, and he was especially cocky when he was a freshman. Living with 3 other people was a huge stress for him, and as we talk about living with them 24/7, his natural response to stress was to start talking shit. He felt intimidated by everything and everyone back then, and at the same time felt super annoyed because he was a genius who was much more skilled and smart than most of his senpai, and definitely smarter than the goons that he had to share a room with. Long story short, his roommates thought he was weird and bullied him every time Ortho wasn’t around for some reason (i.e. when he was charging): stole his clothes and pillows, threw stuff at him, talked shit about him, not even trying to be quiet about it. One time they dogpiled him on his own bed and made him pee himself. The other time they wrote swear words all over his body, talking about how all this were the things that people called him when he wasn’t listening. Idia got his revenge after that (yay doxing), but he is a bit scared of these guys to this day.
Idia’s second year wasn’t much better because he still had to share a room with a guy. And if the first bunch were bullies that Ortho really didn’t like (he tried to protect Idia, but couldn’t do it all the time), his roommate during his second year was more sneaky. He had good relationship with Ortho, so Ortho didn’t mind leaving these two alone in the room. He even asked Idia to try and befriend the guy because he really thought Idia needed friends. Idia hated the guy though because not only did he treat him just as badly as the previous group, he also constantly threatened that he would complain about Ortho being dangerous, just to make Idia anxious to lose his knight in shining armor. This got so bad that he made Idia cry like a baby one time because the guy convinced him that he would make everything to take Ortho away from him. And Idia isn’t an idiot; he knew that this wasn’t as simple, but something about the way the guy said it made him break down and cry pathetically.
Idia pretty much lived in fear for an entire year, and somewhere around the middle of the first semester the guy started molesting him. Ortho didn’t intervene because Idia tried his best to hide it from him, even when the guy started demanding Idia to suck him off and started sticking fingers up Idia’s ass, mostly to humiliate him. This is why Idia thought that he was either a masochist or just unstable, because while he absolutely hated it, he felt like he also didn’t mind it enough. The guy got kicked out of NRC before he actually raped (=put his penis into Idia) him, and while Idia was super happy, he also felt disappointed. As if Idia deserved bad things to happen to him… or was he actually into this dynamic and wanted to feel punished and used by someone who treats him like shit? He was never into butt stuff before, but he felt himself aching for a dick that he sucked for months while the guy was humiliating him.
Sometimes Idia fantasises about getting violated by other NRC students. It’s not like he looks at them and sighs dreamily, more of a “what if/how would he do this” type of way. He thinks it’s just his morbid curiosity, and even thinks that it’s very self-centered of him to think that Azul or Rook or Sebek or Lilia or Cater or anyone else would want to rape him, but… what if? He has pretty solid scenarios in his head for some of them, it’s surprisingly easy to come up with them based on their interactions…
Idia kind of likes it when his entire head is being hidden during sex. Well, likes the idea of it. Maybe it’s due to the fact that it keeps him anonymous, but the idea of a bag on his head or a hole-in-the-wall thing kind of tickles him. He had a bunch of dreams about getting stuck in a hole in the wall and then being used as a fuck toy. These dreams always end with someone somehow recognising him and calling him “Idia?” though, so Idia wakes up covered in sweat.
One time Idia almost became one of those people who die due to strangling themselves during masturbation. And he isn’t even into this type of stuff, he just wanted to try to see if it would work or not. He didn’t pull his pants down or anything, he tried to do it through clothes, so he was fucking lucky that Ortho woke up just in time to see him passed out with a noose around his neck. Poor Ortho got so worried and obviously came to wrong conclusions, but Idia felt way too embarrassed to confess about the actual reason why he ended up in this situation… it feels horrible knowing that he made Ortho so worried and upset and heartbroken, but he just couldn’t say that he did it to feel good when he orgasms.
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hyperfixationrn · 2 years
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yninstagram’s story
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Liked by usmnt and 237,494 others
gioreyna ⛳️
username he’s so pretty
yninstagram cute but your photographer is cuter
gioreyna i can get behind that you’re sexy af
username can yn not be away from him for 1 second lol
yourmom Looks like fun! Send pictures!
yninstagram check the fam group chat
yoursister pictures of you, idiot… i don’t want to see more of gio’s trashy swing
gioreyna 🧍
yninstagram HES WORKING ON IT
username i NEED to be in that group chat
username i’ll gladly take the photos of gio
username hit me with the club next!!
View all 347,587 comments
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Liked by yoursister and 7,892 others
yninstagram book.
username when she’s literate >>>
gioreyna hat. MY hat.
yninstagram our** 😊
teammate so jealous ur getting to run at the beach
yninstagram sunrise seven miles 🫰
teammate take me on vacation next time!!! i can cuddle better than gio.
yninstagram let’s put it to a test!
gioreyna alright that’s it i’m not cooking anymore when i come over
teammate mr reyna i take it back 🫡
username alright that’s it i gotta start working out gio wants an athletic woman apparently
View all 3,258 comments
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Liked by erling.haaland and 453,273 others
gioreyna 🤟
username huge loss for the team today
judebellingham wish that was me
yninstagram suck it jude
yninstagram self timer ftw
gioreyna <3
yoursister you guys make me sick
gioreyna good. get well soon.
username i’m obsessed with them
username lebron of soccer
View all 130,363 comments
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Liked by baaronson7 and 12,447 others
yninstagram can’t believe i declared him my mortal enemy in middle school and now he’s my bestest friend 🧐🤨
username actually go ahead and post your entire camera roll
username enemies to lovers???
gioreyna you brought out the most annoying part of me but i love you 🤝
yninstagram 🤟❤️ i love you more
gioreyna no
yoursister omg you would never shut up about him
yninstagram pls don’t leak my secrets on the internet or do you want me to start blasting your scary obsession with neymar jr as a teen
yoursister GIRL
username he is so …
teammate so when are you inviting me to meet the entire usmnt
username i have to set my phone aside after seeing this
username i want to go on vacation with gio no fair
View all 2,317 comments
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base0h · 2 years
hi idk if ur requests are open or not so if they are feel free to ignore.
but i am like super sick rn, like running on a fever of 102. can u write little drabbles ab how luffy, zoro, sanji, and/or law taking care of their really sick s/o🥺
a/n - omg no way we can be sick together 😭 Aw im so sorry you’re not feeling well- I hope you feel better soon!! I hope these help a little :)
Warnings ⚠️ - none, g/n reader, modern au
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- Zoro doesn’t really understand the concept of being sick, but he hates seeing you not feeling great or in pain/uncomfortable
- “y/n- that fever’s not that bad.” It was bad.
- don’t worry about schooling this guy, Nami and Chopper got it under control 👍
- when he came back he was beaten up btw lol
- “I’m sorry y/n- so do you need anything?” His cheek’s all swollen so he can barely talk 😭
- he seemingly cannot get sick so you can cuddle him all you want! he runs a bit warm so it’s super nice when you feel that chill in your body
- he won’t train for a day just to make sure you’re getting better! he can’t even think about letting you try and deal with it on your own- it kinda gets annoying and slightly creepy tho
- He doesn’t really know what else to do other than to sit by you and literally just- stare?
- “Zoro please stop staring at me- it’s not that helpful..”
- “Where else am I supposed to look?!”
- give him some time- he’ll get better as you go lmao
- he always gets worried when you start napping. What if you don’t wake up again? What if you died in your sleep and he didn’t know?
- he’s checking your heartbeat every couple minutes- and sometimes he wakes you up lol
- it’s not a great nap- but he’s trying his best! He really cares and never wants anything bad to happen to you
- he decided to go to the internet to try and make you feel better faster
- “cold cure what”
- “acupressure?”
- “when should I take s/o to doctor”
- “is my s/o dying?”
- “advil what?”
- “what is high fever?”
- “should I call 911?”
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- knows your sick before you even start feeling it- he can sense the virus lmao
- will not leave your side. ever
- “Sanji- i just have to go to the bathroom.”
- “I can go with you-!”
- “No!”
- he’s just worried is all hehe
- he’ll make you chicken soup, miso soup, any soup! all of his cooking has healing properties :)
- don’t worry about him getting sick! he won’t let you worry because he’s already sitting there giving you everything you want/need and more
- cuddles? Of course!
- blankets? was that a question?
- movies? YES
- don’t even think about getting out of bed- he’ll get everything for you!
- he’d clean up all your tissues after you blow your nose, leave it all to him! 💜💜
- sadly hes that one guy who overthinks things and looks up sicknesses on the internet. He started to freak out once he saw the answers he got
- this is his search history
- “runny nose, coughing, fever?”
- “what is HIV?”
- “HIV death rate”
- “HIV contagious?”
- “hiv transmission how?”
- “did I give s/o hiv from cum?”
- I’m sorry I’ll stop
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- he really really loves you, but he doesn’t really want to get sick???
- he’s a doctor, so he for sure knows exactly what to do! Cold towel on the forehead, Tylenol for the fever, dayquil for the sniffly nose and sore throat!
- he’ll get you stacks of water bottles and will threaten to shove them down your throat if you don’t drink them by the end of the day
- asshole will have full mask and rubber gloves on when he comes into the room with chicken soup and vitamin c pills
- he peels fruit really fast so don’t hesitate to ask him for some! He’ll be back in seconds with a whole plate of freshly peeled fruit! Especially some nice tangerines from Nami’s tree, very rich in vitamin c he says
- that one guy who’s spraying the whole house, all the doorknobs you’ve touched and everything
- won’t hesitate to drink Lysol if he has to
- it lowkey feels kinda bad 💀
- BUT- he still doesn’t leave the house, he can’t think abt leaving you by yourself when you’re sick like this
- so he’ll figure out how to mobile order stuff (I don’t picture him doing well with doordash)
- this would be his search history
- “Lysol big pack”
- “how does target mobile order work?”
- “accidentally bought at wrong store help”
- “why is Linda coming to my house with a white voltswagon”
- “says they’ll be here in 5 minutes”
- “intruders in my house”
- also he’ll make tea for you :)
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a/n - I hate sore throats so much 💀
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dontdodrugs-dome · 1 year
Interview gone wrong
Jack x gf/bsf reader
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“ So Jack I heard there’s a special someone in your life ” I heard the interviewer Sarah tell Jack , now don’t get me wrong I’m not a jealous type at all but I can tell when someone is trying to get with Jack and it’s quite frankly the most annoying thing .
“Yes my Bestfriend since 2nd grade aka the love of my life Y/n , she’s amazing I wish people would get to know her more as a person because she’s nothing like the internet tries to claim her as .” Jack says I couldn’t help but smile but clearly the interviewer didn’t like that response because the second he started smiling at the mention of me her smile dropped.
“I mean you can’t blame them , to be fair you are dating a nigger ” she says with a smile , the smile that was once on my face turned into a sad smile I knew people hated me but I never heard someone talk bad about me while I’m standing by them .
Jack sat up in his seat with his eyebrows raised “excuse me ? ” he starts getting angry and you could see it , I could only hold back tears urban seen me trying to hold it together and immediately came to my side hugging me and telling me it’s gonna be okay Jack gonna handle it .
“ I mean look at her she’s black she’s not the prettiest if you asked me an- ” Jack cut her off immediately “and you are ? I have a bad eye and even I know that she’s the most beautiful woman I ever seen you don’t even come close to her beauty nor charisma, you are a nobody act like it ” .
"I think I’m done with this interview ” he says to the crew , Sarah was left clearly stunned at his response he got up out of his seat and walked towards me and all three of us left Jack of course holding on to me while I try not to cry until we get into the van where the rest of PG were waiting until the interview was done .
As soon as we reached the car I immediately started sobbing in jack’s chest I know I might seem weak but I never thought that I would see the day where I get called the n word in front of a thousand crew members it was so embarrassing , at the sight of me crying neelam immediately asked “what happened?!? ” urban explained to her what happened while Jack took me to the back so we can talk .
“ baby she don’t know what she’s talking about you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on , ever since 2nd grade I knew you were going to be mines one day there can be a room full of women and I’ll pick you , you are my best friend , don’t worry about what other low lives think , I know you are a good person and that’s all that matters ” .
He finish while stroking my cheeks wiping away all the tears I smile at him “it’s you and me against the world mamas ” he said while interlocking our pinkies he kissing my nose which made me laugh “there’s that beautiful smile” he says staring into my eyes “I love you baby ” I say “ I love you more stink ”
“OH HELL NO ” we heard neelam scream
“Welp looks like someone about to lose their job ” i say while laughing , out the window you can see all of PG walking into the building where the interview was taking place they all look heated “I mean we got the van to ourselves why not use this time wisely ” i squealed as Jack throw me over his shoulder .
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askstevella · 2 months
Steve & The Body Pillow // Stevella Fic
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- Steve Rogers x Wife!OC
As of late Stella has been obsessed with her new Instagram account since she started posting pictures on there. She wasn’t much of a social media person but currently posting on her story and sharing pictures has become her favorite thing after noticing a couple of their friends do it.
Meanwhile Steve is not.
He could care less about social media platforms. However, he does use them for plenty of reasons himself such as posting pictures of events he’s at, announcements about things like getting a dog or building something for himself and videos of his friends and family members.
Of course he found it nice that his wife wanted to showcase her life on the internet and know what others are up to.
He liked it and told her if he liked a photo or not in her comment section with a remark about it.
One day he decided to have a little fun with his wife’s new tendency toward her phone.
After a long day of working, taking Astro for a walk with the family and helping their friends with dinner, Stella wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with her husband.
As her head hit the pillow, she lets out a content sigh. She smiles to herself and cozies up under the blankets.
Steve joins her a few minutes later and so does an obnoxiously large pillow. Stella has seen a couple versions of that pillow being past around the gang plenty of times before. Steve insisted it could help with his sleep and seeing how popular it was with blogs posts he saw in the group chat with the heroes.
Mia got it for Rochelle who later on gave it to Liane then it pasted onto Rick and so forth. Soon enough everyone was using it to sleep!
It got to a point where they had to buy a couple hundred more of the damn pillow.
Here Stella was staring at the thing. She didn’t think it would end up taking up half of the bed and keeping Steve away from her. She’s been so used to cuddling Steve for years, and now that damn pillow was preventing her from getting close.
Steve rolled his eyes, “I swear you’re someone else sometimes.”
“This isn’t fair. I wanted cuddles with my hunk of a man after a long day!” She complains.
“And I want to be able to sleep without my back hurting but here we are.”
“I’ll give you a back massage.”
“No thanks.”
“I’ll be the big pillow you need instead of that thing.”
She huffed with her arms cross, “How am I gonna get any sleep now?”
“Close your eyes and count some sheep.” Steve curls up around his body pillow, his eyes closing and a soft smile of contentment appearing over his face.
However she was still pouting.
“What now?” Steve asks, his eyes still shut and a heavy sigh leaving his lips.
“How do you do that?” She sits up and leans in to wave her hand in front of Steve’s face. “Do you have an extra pair of eyes?”
He chuckled, “Stop babe. I want some sleep.”
“I wanted to be your body pillow and have some cuddles. That’s all I ask..”
“Why? So you can post more about it? No thanks.”
Stella’s eyebrow furrowed a bit as she let that sink in and scoffed, “Oh! So that’s what this is all about? You brought that damn pillow out of spite.”
“I knew you would figure it out. Why are you being so annoying?” He said as he sassed her and shoot his eyes open.
“And why you being so mean?”
“What! I am not being mean.”
“Oh right, no, you’re being petty.”
“…okay fine, I can be annoying.”
“Try a lot.”
“Okay, I’ve been very annoying lately with my posting phase. I’m sorry.”
“I just wish you wouldn’t document every single thing we do.”
“But you said that you found it nice and I can post stuff about our lives—”
“I know what I said! But sometimes I want you to put the phone down and focus on what’s happening in front of you instead of experiencing it all through the phone.”
Stella felt slightly uncomfortable by his words, she knew he was right, but she hated that he had to go out and say it like that. She huffed and pouted, crossing her arms.
“Don’t even give me that look.” Steve said.
“What look?” She replied.
“You know the look. Sorry, sweetheart, but it’s the truth. Let me ask you something.”
“Why are you here being obsessed with this?”
“Uh…I don’t know, I fell in love with sharing our stories instead of the press releasing stuff about our experiences..”
That caused Steve to paused and rested his head against the pillow to face her better. He knew Stella enjoy the game of social media but hated the press coverage with great passion, hell they were the ones who told the world about them and their relationship first. Not them!
She didn’t get a say in what happened or could be said. He didn’t like it either—he hated it, he wasn’t one to be the news outlets dancing monkey.
He then asked, “So your doing this, for fans, friends and whatnot could get to know us better..? Not to have pressure of the press on our backs..”
She just nodded and covered her face. She sniffled chuckling at how easy and silly it sounded, yet it looked like a whole bunch of other things.
“Babe, I get it.” Steve said after a brief silence before letting out a sigh, “But I do want you to experience things in the moment and not across a phone. Not post about every single thing, okay?”
“It’s getting kinda annoying, isn’t it?” She muttered.
“Yeah. It is. Next time tell me what you’re doing or what you’re going to post.”
“Why? So you can have a piece of all the action too?”
Steve nodded and smirked, “I mean, yeah! I want to have a say in this.”
“Fair, you should.” She replied chuckling a bit, “I will let you know what happens and you can have a say in all of it.”
“And I was always the better photographer anyway.”
“Just stating the facts!”
Stella playfully glares at him meanwhile Steve just laughed and snorted.
“Can I have my husband please?” She pleaded chuckling.
“Let me think.” He stated and then smirked, “No.”
“Excuse me?! We made up, this is part where we get to kiss and cuddle.”
“You need a tiny punishment, for at least a little while longer.”
“You’ll get your cuddles in the morning instead.”
He suddenly looped his finger underneath her chin and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. She made a soft noise at the action then smiled pressing a kiss in return.
And we’re done! ✔️ Let me know what you think 💭
Tags 🏷️ @rickb-chaos @purpleprincessonfyre @marvelsfavoriteuncle @therealdaydreamstark @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @askstevella @sci-fi-lexcon @luna-d-marsh @ethan-lensherr @wizzzardofoz z @thechoooooosenone @jackiequick @gcthvile @cherrysft @blueboirick @meiramel @elzabeth-stark @missstrawbs2001 @trulysummersprivate @yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff @fluffystevefest
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bobalegsanji · 1 month
Pointless rant warning!
Hi!! I feel like I haven’t really given an update in a while (and I do feel responsible since I’ve been so open anyway). I’m pretty much back to being active on social media again as you’ve most likely noticed:) I’m back on responding DMs and reading and (trying to) comment and respond etc etc. Writing is still a work in progress because I’m still extremely exhausted and life has been wearing me down a bit, but slow progress is still progress
I’ve decided to make a lot of changes in the upcoming months and I’m honestly kind of terrified. I’ve been cutting off friends and making big decisions regarding my future. It’s been stressing me out and causing a lot of anxiety, and it’s been a lot worse because I’ve been stressing about interacting with people. Even though I’m changing and things are getting better, I still feel negative a lot of the time, and for my idea it’s the only thing I talk about. I struggle lot with responding to DMs or making posts, because I don’t want to whine or make anyone feel uncomfortable with what I say. It’s hard to filter what I can and can’t say, and thus to figure out when I overshare. I grew up in a household where I’d get punished for showing emotions, and growing from that results in a really hard time learning how to show emotions and share personal things (I’m sure all the hard work will be worth it in the end, though. Growing and learning is ALWAYS worth it)
I’ve been making a lot of mutuals and talking to existing ones, but I’ve been extremely self-conscious of doing anything wrong. I’m so sorry if I say anything off or am annoying, I’d never do anything with bad intentions, I’m genuinely trying to be the best version of myself I could possible be, but it’s really hard to convince myself other people think so, too. I’m trying my best to learn to better myself from these things, I’m not sure what it’ll result in: responding less, being online more, etc. I don’t know yet, but I’m trying my hardest to change for the better. Please don’t take it personal if I do anything wrong, it’s completely my fault. I’m consistently trying to work on my mental health and get out of whatever sad cards I’ve been desperately clutching onto.
I’m so blessed to have such a cozy corner on the internet where I can talk to people, and I’m so so thankful for every single connection I’ve made. I’m really thankful for everyone I’ve met on here and everyone I talk to, even if it’s only once every 3 months. Thank you so much for putting up with my bs and I promise I’ll be better and back to posting fics soon to make up for it ❤️
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ahoppingmagician · 1 year
More Helluva Boss ranting
Alright so the new episode was blander than porridge.
Blitzo being an annoying fool as usual.
Loona is acting way to immature to Queen Bee (I’ll get to that design soon)  who was treating her relatively nice just making me hate this furrybait pretending to be a character even more
The relationship between Voxter? Voxtel? Voxil? Hunky Hound guy and the queen of gluttony failed world building 101. Hellhounds are lower than imps but apparently it’s fine to smash them but a little red guy no no no.
Oh hey Mille and Moxx- well at least we will see them next episode...wait next is Barbie Wire...so Blitzo’s sibling rivalry again but this time with a girl.
Alright time to get to Kesha’s Fursona, if you got here let me first say that I believe that Viv is talented and that she will probably accomplish more success and that I'm more than overjoyed for her, that being said I'm not going to hold back any punches.
The design is way too much to look at, the yellow fur blends in with the background along with her hair that is completely unnecessary, Why is Beelzebub a fucking fennec fox shape shifter, just here me out...why not make her a fly...like lord of the flies...I know crazy absolute balderdash of a idea hell even a bee like queen bee or BEEzlebub. I’m tired of seeing a skinny character with a big torso. Doesn’t give gluttony at all or even greed. What I'm trying to say is that IT IS A SHIT DESIGN in a shitty show with shitty characters that are also horribly designed in my opinion of course.
With that being said, if you enjoy the characters show, or creator then please don’t let me a stranger on the internet change that, I am generally happy that you found something that I cannot see, as the saying goes another man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
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Chapter Six: The One About Breaking In 
Summary: “Did you just ask me if I sell coffee in a fucking coffee shop?” And with that, Taehyung was smitten by the Barista in the crazy flower sweater vest. Friendships will form but most importantly Taehyung will finally meet his soulmate. 
Genre: Idol au, strangers to lovers au, barista reader!, slow burn (friends with benefits to lovers kind of), semi-short storyish format, friendships, romance, angst, comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Idol! Taehyung x Barista! Reader 
Side ships: Hoseok x OC 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, homophobia, smoking cigarettes, drugs and alcohol usage 
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
“Taehyung said the guys are waiting in his hotel room.” 
Today, Taehyung invited Y/N and her roommates to hang out with everyone. He also wanted to introduce her to the rest of Bts. She saw this as a big step for their relationship (?). He was also meeting her friends and even though she talked about them a lot, it was his first time meeting them. She was so excited but also very nervous. Nikki and Julia are...unique to say the least. Marie sadly couldn’t make it because she had a doctor's appointment. Something about being sore. 
Last night, she watched multiple interviews to give somewhat of an idea of who they were and what to expect. She knew that a clip on the internet wasn’t the best research but she really didn’t want to read the interview (she was in a lazy mood). As she did this, Nikki was looking up their net worth and Julia was texting Hoseok. 
“This sounds like the start of a porn, Y/N.”
“Nikki, can you not? It’s literally ten in the morning.” 
Nikki shrugged her shoulders and ran her fingers through her curls, “That doesn’t mean anything to me. I can’t wait to beat your boyfriend.” 
“You're not going to beat him up...fucking hell.” 
The girls entered the hotel and walked straight into the elevator ignoring all the rich looking people. When the doors closed, Julia let out a loud sigh making Y/N look at her with furrowed eyebrows, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m so hungry. Why couldn’t we stop for breakfast?” 
“I told you Julia, they have food for us and I want us to eat the food they paid for.”
“I really wanted that muffin...”
Y/N rolled her eyes at Julia and stared at the silver doors. She was still irritated at Julia for ruining her date a couple of days ago. She really wanted it to happen because it would be a step in the right direction of being his girlfriend (well soon enough). When they came home that night, Julia tried acting like nothing happened but that just made her more annoyed. Nikki told her that at least Taehyung took her away to spend time together but that wasn’t the point. Hoseok sent her text saying he was sorry about everything and she didn’t know if she should blame him or Julia. 
When the doors opened, the girls walked through the empty and Y/N was praying that her annoyance would disappear the moment she saw his chocolate eyes. They went up to the door and she thought it was weird that there were no bodyguards but maybe they were on a break. She knocked on the door and she looked at the wooden door with a confused look, “That’s weird.” 
“What’s wrong?”
She turned towards Nikki with furrowed eyebrows, “I don’t hear anything on the other side...he said that they were waiting for us.”
“Maybe you should call him.”
She nodded her head and walked away from them. She pressed his icon and she was shocked at how fast he picked up, “Is everything okay Y/N?” 
“I knocked on the door and no one came.”
“We didn’t hear a knock...”
“It's the hotel next to the Italian restaurant, right?” 
“Baby, it's the Japanese one...”
“Shit, I’ll call you back.”
She hung up and stared at the carpet with a blank face, how could she get the hotels mixed? She was usually really good at remembering things. The nerves probably got to me...She was annoyed at herself but she shook it off, this wasn’t going to ruin her day. She was determined to make this day good. She turned around and walked back to them to tell the girls that it was the restaurant on the other side of the road. When she walked back before she could process anything, Nikki kicked down the door and Julia clapped her hands. 
Her mouth dropped at this and ran towards them with a shocked face, “What the hell!?” 
Nikki looked at her and shrugged her shoulders, “No one was answering.”
“So you kicked the fucking door down?”
Y/N slapped her forehead and stared at the door with a blank expression, “What the fuck are we going to do? We can’t pay for this shit. Oh my god.”
Julia let out a small laugh and looked inside the room with curious eyes, “I wonder what they have.”
“We need to leave now.” 
“Wait, that dress is really nice.”
Nikki walked in the room and looked back at Y/N, “This is the wrong hotel, isn’t it?”
“Yes, now get the fuck out.”
“But Y/N this dress is nice.”
Nikki picked up the dark blue sequin dress and placed it on top of her body, looking in the mirror. Julia walked in and looked at the mirror with her head tilted, “I like that color on you.”
“I know right, it's perfect for my skin tone.” 
Y/N shook her head and looked around the empty hall with a panicked look before sending a glare at them, “Guys, we need to go.” 
“Y/N look, this is your size.” 
Y/N raised her eyebrow and bit her lip, “I don’t care...this is wrong.”
“It’s your favorite color.” Nikki picked up a lavender mini dress that was a deep v-neck that had ruching at the hip. The dress was really nice and Y/N kept looking at it. She shook her head at this and turned her back towards the girl, “Guys this is trespassing. This is wrong.” 
“I think Taehyung would like this dress. Don’t you think Julia?” 
“Yeah, it would make your boobs look great.” 
Y/N glanced over her shoulders and saw that Nikki was holding up the dress still. She shook her head and looked at the cream wall, “Guys we can’t....” 
“I know you want to...”
“Nikki, don’t gaslight me.” 
“Just look at the damn dress on.”
Y/N sighed to herself and turned around to walk into the same room that she was scolding them for. She snatched the dress from her hand and put the fabric against herself. She raised her eyebrow and the dress would look great on her, “It's pretty but we're leaving now.” 
“Y/N...you should take it.”
She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Nikki with a shocked look, “I’m not stealing this dress.”
“I mean, is it stealing?”
“Yes, yes it is.” 
Y/N’s phone started ringing and she took out phone (she sent a glare at Nikki who was looking through the person’s make up bag), “Hello...”
“Baby is everything okay?”
She glanced up to look at the two girls who were trying on jewelry and shook her head, “Yeah, everything is okay.”
“I was just missing you. Where are you?”
“I’m making my way there right now. Sorry we got sidetracked with something.”
“Okay, just let me know baby.”
“I will baby...i’ll see you soon.” 
“Okay bye.”
“Bye, bye.” Y/N sighed at her phone and shook her head. She put her phone in her pocket with a blank face, Why me? She tossed the dress on the bed and grabbed the back of the girls' collars, dragging them out of the room, “We are leaving and I swear to god if you tell the guys what you did, I will kill you.”
“You won’t break in and steal but you will do murder. What are your morals?”
“Nikki, shut the fuck up.” 
Extended Ending: 
The guys were really easy to talk to and they kept giving her compliments, something that made her blush. Taehyung had her sitting on her lap while Nikki sat next to Jin and Julia next to Hoseok. Nikki and Jin got along great (maybe too great) and Jimin thought Julia was funny. There were two people that were keeping to themselves, Yoongi and Namjoon. She kind of felt bad that they didn’t seem included with everything. She leaned forward to whisper in Taehyung's ear, “Are they okay?”
Taehyung glanced up at his two hyungs, “They’re observing everything. They like you guys, I’m sure.” 
“They do?”
“Yeah, if they didn’t like you guys then they would’ve said something.”
Y/N let out a sigh of relief and smiled at this, “That makes me feel good.” 
Taehyung smiled at this and his fingertips touched her clothed thighs. Just the small touch from him sent a shiver down her spine, “I can make you feel better if you stay over tonight.” 
“I-Is that a promise?”
“Oh princess, it is.” 
Y/N nodded her head and she glanced at Nikki to see her taking out a gold ring out of her pocket. She showed the ring to Jin and Y/N mouth dropped when she realized that Nikki stole from the hotel room. She shook her head and hid her head in Taehyung’s neck, “Take me away from them, please.” 
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wildestflowrs · 2 years
🎤Ronancetober Day 5: Multiverse📝
Is it alright to feel this way so early?
She doesn’t like reporters, They’re intrusive and irritating and seems to do their best to interpret her answers to their questions completely wrong. This is why she banned reporters at her performances; no annoying journalists, no wicked photographers aside from the ones she hired herself.
“Thank you, everyone! Good night!” Robin blows a kiss to the audience and waves as she walks off stage. She passes the mic to one of the stagehands and heads to her dressing room, closing the door and sighing. She then wipes her face with a towel and slumps onto the couch. She loves performing, she really does, but it’s been difficult lately; since she publicly announced her breakup with her girlfriend Vickie - another singer - she’d received backlash online and in person.
She gets up and looks through her closet for something more comfortable to wear, deciding on some sweatpants and a sweater. She walks over to the folding screen to get changed and-
“Holy shit,” she practically jumps out of her skin when she finds a woman standing behind the partition, “who the hell are you?”
The curly-haired woman chuckles nervously, “I’m Nancy Wheeler?”
“Did we have an appointment? Sorry, I’ve just been kinda forgetful lately-,” Robin pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Well, uh, no,” Nancy says, and Robin’s jaw sets as she pulls a little notepad out of her pocket and untucks a pen from behind her ear.
“Nope, I don’t speak to reporters, bye,” Robin turns, but the woman grabs her arm.
“Wait!” Robin turns back around reluctantly; the reporter’s striking blue eyes meet hers, “People have been giving you a real hard time lately and I wanted to give a real, honest perspective,”
Robin knows how she feels about journalists, but this gorgeous woman is looking up at her with such determination and her soft hand still lingers around Robin's wrist.
“Fine,” Robin gives in, “but any overstepping and I’m done,”
“That’s perfectly fine,” Nancy smiles and walks off to the couch, “I’ll let you get changed,”
Soon Robin’s sat on her couch next to a cute reporter quickly scribbling things down while she talks, trying not to stare too much when Nancy tucks a strand of her behind her ear, looking up and Robin and grinning after something she had just said.
“I mean, I loved collaborating with Steve and his band, but I just know there’s always gonna be a prank; he’s been doing this for years, you know, we’ve been best friends since college,” a grin tugs at Robin’s mouth.
“What prank did they pull?” Nancy looks up from her notes, genuine interest on her face.
“Swapped my toothpaste for lotion,” Robin laughs a little at the memory, “my mouth tasted like lavender the whole day,”
Nancy laughs too; the sound is sweet as honey to Robin’s ears, clear and purely joyful.
They talk for hours, questions turn into friendly conversation, and the notepad and pen have been abandoned on the coffee table as Robin eventually tries to move closer to the journalist little by little.
They’re sat so close now they’re almost touching, and their hands keep brushing together where they rest on the couch, making Robin’s heart give a flutter every time. Her eyes keep flicking to the speckling of moles on the girl’s hands, following the trail up her arms and to her face, stopping at her jaw when Nancy asks her a question.
“Do you… ever wish for something more?”
That makes Robin wonder. She’s happy perusing music, right? She has friends, more than enough money to get by, enjoys songwriting and playing and singing but; part of her still craves something more.
She thought she could find more with Vickie; they’d met at an awards evening and started hanging out afterward. Hangouts turned into going out on dates and soon they were one of the internet’s favorite celebrity couples. And it was nice, people loved that Vickie and Robin were together, Robin was glad they were together.
But something about their relationship felt artificial. Like they were pressured to date because they were two queer celebrities who started getting close. Like the reality of their picture-perfect relationship stopped at the pictures caught of them walking had-in-hand in the street or sharing food at a restaurant. With Nancy, however…
The reporter’s fingers intertwine with Robin’s.
“I suppose so,” Robin offers a slow, quiet reply, “I guess… it’s difficult to tell what’s real and what’s fake when it comes to relationships with people,”
“Is this real?” Nancy asks almost shyly, those sapphire blue eyes looking up at Robin.
“I think so,”
Robin leans in first, slowly, but Nancy quickly closes the space between them and this kiss feels like magic. It feels more real than anything else Robin has experienced; as if they were meant to meet, meant to find whatever this blossoming feeling was, under any circumstances.
But for now, it was new, and they pulled away to catch their breaths and take the other in. Their hands are still intertwined on the couch, fitting together perfectly and feeling so right and real and it makes Robin want to kiss Nancy all over again.
But, they start off slow; little dates away from paparazzi and expectations, tucked away on little picnics or watching movies snuggled up next to eachother. Nancy relishes in watching Robin write her music, helping her find the right lyrics and singing along with her. Robin gets up each morning with Nancy to make her coffee while she stews over her next article.
Robin becomes familiar with the moles that scattered across Nancy’s person, her curls and the way she styles them, the depth of her eyes, and the love they looked at her with, just as they had done many times before.
Robin Buckley is sure she was meant to meet Nancy Wheeler, in any universe.
The fic and title totally aren’t inspired by Softly by Clairo /sarc
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lonesomedotmp3 · 6 months
teeeee 🫶 i was going to send this earlier but i got really stressed out by the supergirl episode i had on and i paused it and fell asleep… it happens!!!! anyway happy birthday yayyy i know your day is like. almost over but i hope you enjoy the rest of it and no one bothers you and everyone is really niceys… and i hope your shitty roommates die and that text message guy falls into a sewer and is eaten by rats and i hope all your friends realize how lucky they are to get to be around you etc!! it’s not fair that we’re separated by the ocean if i was there i would have stopped all that shit that’s annoying you!!!!! but i digress!! still so utterly absolutely grateful to get to know you in this limited internet based capacity you are like one of the most beautiful lights in my life for real… in many ways it’s like the atoms we’re consisted of were once right next to each other in a dying star. 🩷 i love watching tv shows with you even though we have never found a way to coordinate an actual joint viewing (blaming that one on the time difference of it all!!!!) and i loveeee it when you watch or read something at my recommendation and you have all the same reactions i had it’s like we have a soul bond fr… gonna take one second to say again that you should watch supergirl…. and i love watching things that you recommended because you always just Get Me in a way not many people seem to…. anyway i love being your friend i love that your birthday is the day after my bbc merlin anniversary i love that we both have birthdays on the 18th i love watching old ass tv shows with you i love you <3 and i’m going to watch cloak and dagger soon i promise i just accidentally got really caught up in books for a couple weeks there i need to balance my media intake better and then i’ll watch it!!! ok bye xoxo love beth
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also how crazy is it that pope gif is literally the most i’ve seen of season 3. me when a show was so fucking bad i couldn’t even watch its latest season despite being completely obsessed and in love with it back in the days of season 1….. pate bros kill yourselves and all that
oh beth 🖤🖤🖤 you are so important to me and my life we really seriously are soul bonded... our born on the 18th swag <3 that is so nice to hear whenever I watch a film I love I'm always like I'm not sure who will Understand this like I do EXCEPT... you always get it 🫂 I promise I will watch some supergirl I just need to find it somewhere I don't think it's easily available in the uk so I might have to dl the first season it'll be a whole thing. I mean really it's not that crazy I'm just lazy sorry <33 and I hope u love cloak and dagger fr I might rewatch it soon... heterosexual love is so beautiful... ANYWAY. I love you 🖤🖤 when we watch lost season two it's going to go crazy even if it's bad we'll be in it together we'll get silly with it ok 🫶
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srorgana1 · 1 year
Into The Reverb (Kylo Ren/Reader)
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Chapter Forty
“Kylo?” Kylo grunts and shakes Trudgen’s hand off. “C’mon, we have sound check soon. Are you ready?” He shrugs as he heads back to the bunks to get cleaned up a bit. He throws on a random t-shirt as he brushes his teeth. Spitting into the sink, he sighs. He feels so hollowed out. The tour continues and even though he gives a stellar performance each time, he feels nothing.
He runs a hand through his wild hair and exits the bus, following the trail of stage hands and techs. He can hear Kurak and Ushar warming up over the hum of activity. He follows the sound, nodding in response to hellos and other questions thrown his way regarding tonight. He walks onto the stage to see Vic walking the stage testing the microphones and Hux on the side talking.
He sighs, thankful he can hide behind his rock star persona because he feels like a broken man. He has been plagued with nightmares since the night he spoke to you. It’s always the same. It starts at the party and Bazine and then switches to you walking away from him. He begs and screams in the dreams, falling to his knees but you don’t respond and just fade into the darkness. Each time he wakes up in tears, his chest tight with anguish. Once he composes himself enough, he goes and sits in the lounge behind Poe, watching the world go by until the day starts again.
He flinches as he feels his phone buzz in his pocket. The media backlash was cruel, digging up every misdeed and issue he has ever had. Hux made a statement stating Kylo’s side of the incident as well as addressing the fan situation. D’Kar also made a statement stating their continued support for him and the band. While he was appreciative, people were vicious, calling for his removal for violence against women and his fans. Vic addressed those people online, calling their statements and requests “stupid and based on inaccurate information”.
Even with his name all over the internet, their numbers continued to grow. The next four shows were sold out, and they just received word the Miracle and the album both just hit Gold status. He is happy at least that even with his bullshit, they continued to be successful. He runs his hand down his face as he turns, taking the guitar from the tech with a small thanks. Checking the tuning, he zones out, his fingers working on autopilot.
“Hey Kylo, how ya feeling?” Vic says walking over. He shrugs and keeps playing. “You didn’t sleep did you? Ky that’s why we gave you the bus this afternoon, you need to sleep or you will get sick” Vic says running his hand through his hair. “Vic is right Kylo” Hux says, joining them. He growls, annoyed at their intrusion. “You know I tried. I just can’t” he mumbles, handing off the guitar for another one.
Vic looks at Hux and then back at Kylo. “Have you talked to her since then?” he asks crossing his arms. “She doesn’t want to talk to me and honestly why should she” Kylo grumbles, hoping his surliness will deter them. “I wouldn’t be so sure Kylo. You were the victim in this situation and we have addressed it. I feel she would be more understanding then you think” Hux says, placing a hand on his shoulder. Huffing, he shakes him off, tired of people touching him. “I fucked it up and now I gotta live with it. She asked for time to decide what she wants and I’m respecting her wishes” he growls, officially annoyed now.
“C’mon, this is Y/N we are talking about” Vic says, eyes full of determination “she loves you man. She was just shocked by everything, if you just called her…” “Vic just stop!” Kylo yells, making everyone look in their direction. He tries to a breath trying to get a hold of himself. It hits him that this must be how you feel when you have an anxiety attack. His heart breaks even more knowing this is what you live with. “I…I just can’t” he says tightly, handing off the guitar and walking off the stage.
Hux shakes his head as Vic watches Kylo leave. “I’ll give you an A for effort” he says, patting Vic’s back. Vic takes a deep breath and looks out the empty stadium. “I wish I could tell him. It hurts to watch him like this” he mumbles. “We have to trust in their plan Vic. It’s already in process and it’s our job to keep him in one piece until the fourteenth” Hux says, pulling out his phone.
Vic knows if the plan works, it will not only reconnect Kylo and the love of his life, but it will also expose Snoke and Bazine’s past abuses and illegal activities. It will benefit them all. But he just has to make sure that surly idiot of a guitarist doesn’t do something foolish in his self-loathing.
He shakes his head in agreement. “I think I’m good for tonight. Let the others know I’ll be in the dressing room if they need me” he says. “Sounds good, say hi to Damien for me” Hux says with a smirk. Vic smiles back and nods, turning and hitting a contact on his phone.
“Here we are boo” Rae squeals, opening the door for you. Why you let yourself get roped into this you have no idea. All you did was text Rae simply asking her where to find lacy body suits, and after a very enthusiastic phone call, you were here. You look around, eyes widening at the risqué outfits adorning the mannequins. You look at her, quirking a eyebrow. She smiles wickedly and walks away.
You take a breath, telling yourself this is worth it. Kylo is worth it. Cassian had texted you this morning letting you know the first media drop was happening today. You were nervous to see the response. You knew the information was valid, having seen and read the evidence yourself, but it still scared you. It was massive bomb you were dropping even though it’s being done through safe anonymous pathways.
You phone buzzes as Rae walks back up to you with an arm full of clothes. “Okay here’s the first couple ones” she says handing them off the you. You nod, excited yet nervous. Walking into the posh fitting room you slip off your shorts and blouse and get to work. As you struggle with a leather skirt, you hear Rae gasp. You stick your head out see her staring slack jawed at her phone.
“You okay?” you say walking out to her. She looks up and then does a double take. “First off, wow but holy fucking shit look at this?!” she says, showing you her phone. There in front of you is a TMZ article with the head line Trouble at the Top? Accusations of employee abuse and labor law violations made against First Order.
You school your face as you read the first two paragraphs. Cassian did good from what you could quickly read. He focused on the big hitters: minor labor laws, wage theft, and illegal contracts. All things that with the documentation he has will stand up in court.
You hand her phone back. “Wow, those are some big accusations” you say as you fix your sleeve. “I’ll say” she mumbles, her eyes quickly taking in the rest of the article. If this is how someone in the business responds, you can only imagine how people on social media will. You won’t admit it but you did follow Kylo’s media storm, your heart hurting to see people’s hateful comments and their calls for his cancellation. It’s not fair for him to be crucified and forced out of something he’s put his heart and soul into for lies and gossip.
“From what Kurak said, these accusations sounds pretty legit” she says into her phone. Your eyes snap to her, interested to hear what Kurak had told her. “What did he say?” you say sitting down next to her. “Not much” she says shrugging “but it defiantly makes sense the comments they made when making the album.” You nod, remembering the same thing. “They were taken advantage of there” you say “I hope they get some retribution and closure from this.”
She nods as she puts her phone back in to her purse. “Okay back to you, now why the fuck have you been hiding all this sexiness? Girl you are banging” she says as she appraises you. She hums as she fixes the low neck. “You look beautiful but it’s not you” she mutters, getting up to walk to her pile.
You shift, grimacing as the tight leather pinches at your hips. “I’m not a big fan of skirts” you say, slightly embarrassed on giving your opinion. You can feel your anxiety spike a little as you hope she doesn’t take it as you being difficult.
She looks over at you and smiles softly. “Girl, this is for you. I want you to feel sexy. The secret of all of it is you can only be a sexy confident bitch if you are in an outfit your comfortable in” she says giving you a giggle and wink. You let out the breath you were holding, feeling better already. “Okay how about this one?” she says, holding a couple hangers.
You assess it quickly and see it contains a pair of leather pants. You have a pair yourself so you are already feeling better with this option. “Yeah lets try it” you say, standing up and taking them from her. “Once your set, come on out” she says as she fixes her shirt, smoothing her hand over her growing belly. You nod and enter the room again.
You slide into the next body suit. This one is better. The details and lace aren’t as itchy. You look in the mirror and fix the button behind the back of our neck. It’s more demure then the previous one but still sexy, the bandeau style built in bra giving you the support you needed. You turn to assess the back, it’s open back cuts showing a bit more skin than the front. You fix the cups one more time and then smooth it out before reaching for the pants.
As soon as your hands touch the smooth material you know these are an expensive high quality piece. Your heart quickens. You make yourself not look at the price tag as you put them on. They are perfect. They feel like butter on your skin and they fit your curves perfectly. “Wow” you whisper as you turn, trying to take in all angles.
“You good?” you hear Rae say, pulling you out of your reverie “Yeah, I’m coming out” you say opening the door. “Holy shit girlfriend” she yells, pulling you up onto the platform in front of the mirrors. “I knew the pants would work, damn girl” she says circling you “how does the body suit feel with the pants?”
“Good” you say fixing the band again. She stills your hand. “Okay I have an idea. I am really liking this body suit pant combo but now seeing you in it I saw something out there that I think will be perfect” she says. You nod, putting your trust in her. She smiles widely and quickly exits the dressing room.
You look in the mirror again. You really do look beautiful. It fits your professional role and soon your new station as Kylo’s public significant other. You thoughts float to him. You wonder how he is doing today.
Vic had told you he hasn’t been sleeping well and had been sullen. Your heart hurts knowing it was because of you. You want to reach out, to alleviate his pain but if you do it will ruin the surprise. You promised Cassian you would be strong and wait.
It'll be worth it, you say to yourself as Rae enters again. She is holding a lingerie style bodysuit. Your eyes widen at the thin straps and intricate details. She smirks as she hands it to you. You don’t know why but you are excited to try it on. You enter your dressing room again and disrobe, quickly sliding on the new one.
Holy fucking shit. It’s perfect. The sexy mix of silk and lace dances on your skin. Your breasts fit perfectly in the soft holders and the straps are supportive while looking dainty and feminine. You pull up your pants and button them. You feel like a dark queen, ready to conquer her kingdom. You open the door and strut out, standing back on the platform.
You smile as you hear a quiet “Fuck” leave her lips. “Girl you may actually make me interested in women for once. Holy shit” she says. You turn as you fix the straps. “I love it” you say, pushing your hair back. “Kylo will die when he sees you like this” Rae says, laughing lightly. “I need to show him I’m all in Rae, and doing this show will hopefully do that” you say hoping down. “Y/N, even if you don’t go on that stage, you being there waiting for him will do that” she says, eyes soft.
You fight back a sniffle. “I miss him so much, I just want this to work so we can be together again” you say softly. You jump slightly as you feel her hug you. “Y/N, I know you miss him and you doing all of this will make your reunion that much sweeter” she says as she rubs your back. You are so thankful for Rae. You smile and squeeze her tighter.
“Okay okay, no crushing the nugget” she says letting you go. “Is he behaving himself today?” you ask as you go change back into your clothes. “Somewhat. He’s so active in the mornings after breakfast. Guess he is gonna be a foodie like me” she says.
You smile at the memory of when Rae found out she was having a boy. She asked you to come to her ultrasound with her because she was nervous and didn’t want to be alone. You both cried seeing her healthy baby boy thrash around on the screen. You remember giggling when the doctor mentioned that he was an active one and Rae grumbling just like his father under her breath.
You lay your new clothes over your arm and meet Rae out in the show room. She beams at you as she juggled multiple accessories and a black front tie crop kimono style top in her hands. You smile back as the both of you walk up to check out. The woman behind the counter was quick and courteous, wrapping your items delicately in black tissue paper. Thanking her, you follow Rae out into the dying sunlight.
“I would kill for a frap right now” she says as you place your and her items into the back of her Prius. “Sure as long as decaf” you say shutting the door. You hear her groan as you look at your phone. You see texts from Vic and Cassian.
Part one is a go mi amor. You smile and respond I saw, looks like already there is a big response. Are you still good for coming over Thursday night for part two? He responds quickly with a thumbs up as you move on to Vic’s text. Song set for LA show is done. Hux just got the okay. BTW damn fine work, I bet Snoke is shitting his pants right now. Cant wait to see you <3
“Who are you texting?” Rae says as you pull into Starbucks. “Vic and Cass” you say as you respond to Vic. “Sweet” she says grabbing her bag. “He said they just confirmed the set list for the show with our little surprise included” you say holding the door for her. “Oooh I’m so excited” she squeals, clapping her hands.
“Are you still okay with coming with me? I know you and Kurak have okay right now, but I don’t what to make you uncomfortable” you say, putting in you and her order into the app. “Girl chill, there’s nothing that will keep me away from seeing this” she says as she side hugs you.
Hearing your name, you go grab the drinks as Rae takes a seat and sets up her laptop. “You ready?” she says, clicking into her documents and the browser. You smile and nod, so thankful for all the support you have in this crazy endeavor.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 F*ck You 2020 (Biadore) - Angle
Short Biadore fic based on this exchange:
@Adoredelano: I’m BACK on social media because the world is over. Fuck insecurities, fuck depression, fuck beauty standards, fuck eating disorders. FUCK YOU 2020   @TheBianceDelRio: OK 
A/N: I submitted a prompt a few months ago for a fic based on this tweet exchange and I was thinking about it again recently. I’ve never written a RPDR fic myself, but I figured I may as well give it a try. It’s mostly introspection because I like writing it and I’m a bit self-conscious about it, but hopefully you enjoy! :)
Adore slammed the top of her laptop down the second she submitted her tweet.
@Adoredelano: I’m BACK on social media because the world is over. Fuck insecurities, fuck depression, fuck beauty standards, fuck eating disorders. FUCK YOU 2020
Her palms were sweating a bit as she debated back and forth between rushing to delete the tweet or to let it be, but she knew it would have already been screenshotted and nothing draws more attention than a deleted tweet.
The past few months had been horrible, to say the least. She got herself up and out of bed about 98% of those days, but on many days that was all she had done. Adore had battled with her mental health on and off throughout her life, but it had never been quite this bad.
And then there was the eating. After seeing herself at a weight she had never seen or expected on her, and the internet repeatedly pointing it out, Adore realized she needed to make a change. At first, she bought herself an exercise bike and found herself on it for hours at a time. As the weight started to drop, she became addicted to it. And with the isolation of COVID, long runs became the escape.
The biggest mistake she probably made was buying a scale. Seeing the numbers go down was exhilarating and she wanted to see it go faster. So she did.
Surprisingly, it was the friend as far from her as possible who first called her out. Adore and Courtney used to facetime regularly, but somehow they had fallen out of that. Courtney was never one to shy away from the truth, and when they facetimed two months ago, Courtney immediately called it out.
“Adorm!” Courtney exclaimed as soon as Adore accepted the call. 
“Ms. Courtney Act,” Adore responded in her best Australian accent, a smile immediately found its way to her face hearing her friend’s voice. “How the hell are you?”
Adore immediately felt uncomfortable as Courtney eyed her suspiciously.
“Well I’m fine, but how are you doing?” She asked knowingly.
“Yeah I’m good. Just trying to write some music and stuff,” Adore responded, trying to sound as genuine as possible.
“You’ve lost a lot of weight, Adore,” Courtney said bluntly, never one to beat around the bush.
“Yeah, maybe,” Adore offered lamely. 
“Not maybe,” Courtney challenged. “You’ve lost a lot since we last talked.”
“Just trying to be healthier,” Adore countered unconvincingly. 
“Tell me the truth or I’ll stick Bianca on you,” Courtney threatened, using the ultimate trump card. “I’ll send her to your apartment and you know how annoying she’ll be.”
And then the tears came and it all came tumbling out.
She still struggled, more days than not. But Courtney was right, and Adore was absolutely exhausted. It didn’t feel like much of a blessing when it was so hard, but she could acknowledge that she owed a lot to Courtney for intervening before she had completely lost control.
Adore sighed as she eyed her computer, debating whether she wanted to see the aftermath of an incredibly vulnerable tweet. This year had been horrible for everyone, and she knew people were struggling. Adore also knew how many young fans looked up to her, and she felt like she had gotten to a place where she could be that role model for them again.
Curiosity won over as she opened her laptop and returned to twitter. Her mentions were absolutely flooded, the tweet apparently taking off faster than she thought. She scrolled through the replies and of course one stood out:
@TheBianceDelRio: OK
Adore laughed harder than she had ever laughed at a tweet as she picked up her phone and pulled up the only number she called as much as her mom.
“Pussyface,” Bianca said deadpan as she picked up the phone.
“Okay?” Adore exclaimed without any other greeting.
“I’m proud of you, but don’t tell anyone,” Bianca responded teasingly.
Adore smiled hugely and laughed, not so secretly loving any affection she got from the older queen.
“Bitch I would never,” Adore responded. “But thanks.”
Pride Challenge Points: 1487
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saywhatiwants · 1 year
you don't have to answer this but I just wanted to add onto what that anon said because I've been following them both for ages and recently unfollowed when this all started because the switch up has been absolutely insane
the performance being put on? it actually hurts to see because I really liked them but you can see the exact moment the switch flipped and for his sake I hope he's playing and will move along soon because she is on a mission
theres tiktok accounts and even ig accounts where it's so obvious they're behind them because tell me how someone is finding a video from an acc with 20 followers and 6 likes then commenting on it to "clear rumours" without even being tagged and then the next thing that video miraculously blows up because of the reply? And only on videos where trent is mentioned? The other twin is more subtle with it in the sense that she doesn't dig up comments but those videos? Chileeeeeeee
They ruined their chances of even meeting the boys cause Trent is back to his daily usual type lol and Jude is having his fun and enjoying life as he should cause he’s single asf they’re fueling the dumb rumours even more and the guys sees everything on the internet so now they’ve backed away won’t be surprised if Trent unfollows the other twin that makes unfollows and follows people for the fun of it💀 and I know they’ve seen all those Greece stuff cause they be lurking…I just don’t pay attention to them cause why should I when their nothing to neither of the guys 😭💀 and as I said before this is what happens when u follow ig models/tiktokers cause they’ll create relationship rumours between you💀😭��there was never any chaos on who Trent or Jude follow but these two and their fans have cause horribleeeee choas it gets annoying seeing those stupid TikToks on my FYP I’ll just block the page😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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