#the other aqua moon i dated was cap sun aqua moon venus mars
capricores · 10 months
One of the things I struggle with because I attract Aquariuses in general is their refusal to be vulnerable. I find that they prioritize self preservation and control over everything, which imprisons them in their own head when all they crave is love. Lol how you gonna experience love without letting go of control and being vulnerable? Make it make sense. So I guess my question is how do you know get an Aquarius moon to open up/how do you know if an Aquarius moon likes you romantically?
Now THIS is a tough one!! I've dated several Aquarius Moons (they are my Gemini Moon's kryptonite, I suppose...) and I still haven't fully figured it out lmfao. You really hit the nail on the head with your whole ask though, pls!! I felt this message too hard, whenever someone refuses to be vulnerable my little Scorpio Sun is like >:(
Honestly, it can be really difficult to tell when Aquarius Moons are into you, especially if they're also an Aquarius Sun, or another air sign (since they often have naturally flirty personalities majority of the time). As you mentioned, they tend to bury and hide away their feelings due to that fear of vulnerability.
For getting an Aquarius Moon to open up, I think there's a few important things:
Be your authentic self | Aquarians have a pretty good radar for fake people. They tend to hate people-pleasers and those who tone down their personalities to cater to others. Be shamelessly yourself, and in turn, they'll feel more comfortable being themselves
Be vulnerable with them first | Create a safe space for difficult conversations and big emotions! If you show them that you trust them enough to be vulnerable, they may do the same
Don't pressure them | Do not pressure an Aquarius to talk about their emotions, that will make them do the opposite. Remind them and prove to them that they can tell you anything, talk about big feelings, and so forth with you any time they need to
Don't beat around the bush | Be very blunt with Aquarians. They hate sugarcoating and passiveness from others; speak what's on your mind around them and they're more likely to do the same
I would say there's a few signs off of the top of my head, to tell that an Aquarius placement, especially Aquarius Moon, likes you:
They're open about their feelings/are vulnerable around you, at least at times
They bring up personal/sensitive topics that Aquarians usually hate talking about (ie: tough family life, struggles with inner self)
They start getting "clingy" with you (they ask to hang out often, they don't let the conversations burn out, etc)
They do things to intentionally get a reaction out of you! Aquarius placements tend to be very sarcastic + instigate the people they love. They like getting (usually harmless) reactions out of the people they're interested in
They go out of their way to make your life easier. As humanitarian as Aquarius placements are, they're not the biggest "people persons" out there. If they're actively doing small acts of service for you, acting chivalrous (specifically when that's not their typical character; this can really depend on their entire chart) - can be a big sign they're interested in you
They put an effort into your interests: they download the video game you said you liked, they watch the TV series you recommended, they listen to that song you keep looping - even though it may not be their type of thing
If anyone has strong Aquarius placements, feel free to add how you act around the people you have romantic feelings for!
Honestly though, if you want to find out whether an Aquarius Moon likes you, you may have to make the first move (like very very obviously flirt with them) to get their attention/make them realize there's something there, or you may have to flat-out confess your feelings first.
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rendezvouz-fling · 23 days
Astro Observations #30
• I find that, most charming people tend to have their sun and rising in the same modality except squaring one another. E.g. Aries sun-Cap/Cancer rising, Pisces sun-Sag/Gem rising, Taurus sun-Leo/Aqua rising, etc..
• I've noticed some Aqua/Cap risings tend to start working from an early age. E.g. Luis Miguel (Cap rising), his career started when he was around 11 and Selena Quintanilla (Aqua rising), became the lead singer of Selena y Los Dinos when she was just 9! Michael Jackson (Sidereal Aqua rising), became the lead singer of the Jackson 5 at age 5.
• The house your moon is in, can be the things you find comfort in. E.x. A 2H moon might have a comfort food or like staying in bed, a 9H moon might like playfulness and words of reassurance, a 7H moon might like creative outlets, etc...
• 5H stelliums that include Venus/Mars, like big, dramatic, romantic gestures! The sign it's in gives more insight too. E.g. If it's in Taurus, they'll like spoiling their partners with expensive gifts and being really romantic.
• Earth/2H/6H/10H placements need constant reassurance when they're antsy/nervous!
• You know what's cute? Two people who's sun signs have the same ruler, can be born in the same hour but different times of the day and have the same rising! E.g. If a Pisces is born around 11 AM and a Sagittarius is born around 11 PM, they're both Gemini risings. If a Aries is born around 10 AM and a Scorpio is born around 10 PM, they're both Cancer risings. Etc...
• Having Pisces mars in composite can be so sweet! However, when it's platonic it could mean matters of the planet are hidden so, it could be that you both don't talk about sex, you can get frustrated/angry but don't want to talk about it. You could also know how to calm down/soothe the other when they're angry or you could be passive/dismissive when the other's angry.
• Libra/7H Jupiter in Composite could mean being very romantic together! Holding hands, soft kisses, going on dates, spoiling each other, being head over heels for each other, including each other in things, wanting to be together and shower each other with love and affection. Making it known to others that you're together and in love!!
• Pisces venus-Cap mars should open businesses related to vanity. I've noticed people with this combo often work in venusian fields, such as opening their own clothing boutiques, hair/nail salons, etc..
• Question for Capricorn mars people, are we all born with diplomas from business school? 😂 Because I swear business comes natural to Cap mars, wether having studied it or not.
• Virgo placements and Pisces placements can be very similar, especially venus. Because the amount of times I've seen Virgo Venuses stay with toxic men just because they love them.😭 But Pisces Venuses do that too! We just get the "delusional" rep which is so ridiculous.🤡
• Please don't lie to 8H mars, they're the paranoid types.
• Every time I have Chiron in Aries in my SR chart, I have to deal with controlling my anger and having to find calmer outlets to express angression.😭
• This might be a reach, but, have you guys noticed how when you have planets that are close, it can tell you things?? E.g. I know a celebrity who has their Uranus, Moon and Pluto close to each other and their mom (Moon) disappeared under weird circumstances (Uranus) and her whereabouts remain a mystery till this day (Pluto). I tested this theory on myself and it worked too.
• The house your Sun is in, can tell you so many things too! Say, if you have a 10H sun, your father could've been restrictive/controlling workaholic, so you may try to run away from responsibility. If your Sun is in the 4H, your father could've been emotionally manipulative and might've not been nurturing to you, so you might try to run away from family members or from having kids.
• 7H rising in synastry has the same, if not a slightly stronger effect than the Sun-Venus aspect. House person literally sees Rising person as the most gorgeous human being ever! They just seem so perfect, from theirs looks down to their personality!!
• 6H rising in synastry, for the house person, feels like the rising person is well composed/reserved. But there's something alluring about the rising person. Maybe their mannerisms or looks. Either way, the rising person is very physically attractive to the house person.
• You ever meet someone with your rising and mars signs as theirs but switched?? E.x. Gemini rising-Cap mars, meets Cap rising-Gemini mars, or Libra rising-Aqua mars meets Aqua rising-Libra mars, etc.. I swear we're inverted versions of each other.😭
• On the flip side, have you met someone with your Sun as their Mercury and your Mercury as their sun? E.x. Cancer Sun-Leo Mercury meets Leo sun-Cancer Mercury, etc.. That also feels inverted but you both get each other well.
• I love Leo women with Taurus/Libra/Virgo venus/mars, they're usually the sweetest!
• Virgo suns with Taurus moons are also very sweet!
• Men with Aries suns, Virgo moons, Taurus Venuses and an Air mars are my favvv!! They're usually very attractive, energetic, funny, loyal and have great taste in music!
• Virgo/6H Moons/Venuses can be health nuts. 😂 But that's a great thing, because they usually looks out for the health and wellbeing of those around them!
• They're the types to watch videos about foods with the most nutrition, what not to eat, diets and stuff like that.
• Aries Venuses with Gemini Mars would do great at aerobics or workout/dance classes given their energetic nature! (Bonus points if the chart ruler is in Aries)
• If you have a stellium in your chart ruler's persona chart, you'll most likely act it out. E.x. If your chart Ruler's in Aries, you'll search for the persona chart and you'll have Aries sun obviously, but say you have Aries mercury and Venus in that persona chart, you'll most likely exude that energy. The house it's in, also counts! Say it's in the 5H, you could get called dramatic a lot.😭
• Fire Mercuries and Venuses loveee teasing, taunting and chasing!
• Pisces suns with Libra moons are really fun to hangout with!! They're also very kind and nurturing!
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giraffefeather · 6 months
Hi, I'm drunk on wine and too deep in astrology, read more included as a courtesy.
Everything makes so much sense. Like I was one of the "Ooh astrology is so cool but totally not real" girlies, but uh...
Quick reference: I am pisces sun, gemini moon, aquarius rising. And right off the bat, I always notice before anyone else when I start talking too much (gemini stereotype) and always question if I'm being manipulative or not (hi again, bad side of gemini) but try so so hard not to (oh hey, there you are pisces). I can never pick a goddamn side in an argument (ahem, pisces? gemini? both known to see both or all sides). Meanwhile, I attract the "outcasts," for lack of better word - the people that don't always fit in (hello aquarius, ya weird little noodle).
Okay but then we have the VENUS. God, the amount of times I questioned if I was asexual, but then dated friends and thought no... thats not right... must be demi. And then I'll enjoy sex for a while, get really obsessed for like a week. but get bored of it and move on to something else. And I'm thinking... huh, is this autism? Adhd? Perhaps. But ALSO have you read up on venus in aquarius? That bastard is 100% on my love life.
Hi, quick disclaimer. I absolutely believe neurodivergency is something not assigned by the stars. It is a separate matter entirely. I am NOT diagnosed with anything, and although I have tendencies that align with both autism and adhd, it does not affect my daily life enough to seek diagnosis. I just think it's interesting that it may not be a true neurodivergency in my case, but just aligning with my signs.
I skipped mercury, hold up, that's aquarius too. It fits, but it's boring. Except the bit I read where they dislike schedules, especially if paired with a Pisces sun (hello, called me out).
And I was so mad that my Mars was in leo, thinking no no no, I can't have a Leo anywhere in my chart, that's not right! Bitch, it fits. All of it. 100% turn into a Leo when I'm angry. Other parts of Mars (motivation, sex, etc) seem to be muted by the rest of my signs, but anger? Aggression? Yikes, hello Leo loud intensity.
And I just think it's interesting that my least favorite sign (Capricorn... sorry, I just have met too many manipulative Caps) is also my Uranus and Neptune.
But back to my favorite sign (Aquarius!), I have 3 of those fuckers and I wonder if it's why I always love other Aquas. Or of it's just because my dad is an Aqua sun. But my mom is a Taurus sun and while I never thought I had attachment to the sign (I love my mom, I just see her flaws too), my best friend growing up was a Taurus, and that's the sign I can spot a mile away. Hell, I worked with someone who reminded me so much of my mom, that it didn't even surprise me when I found they shared a birthday. I wa just like oh... yeah that makes sense, you're basically the same person.
And following true Pisces comparability, I've been dating a Virgo for 7 years. Since day 1, I've been saying we're opposites but it works. And then find out that's one of the most recommended pairings for a Pisces sun for that exact reason. To balance each other out. And as Virgo is literally the only sign not to be found on my chart, i need that energy in my life. Funny, I always used to love libras before him. But isn't that just typical of libras - their allure? And I would kill for an Aqua friend, please someone come talk to me about conspiracies and cryptic!
I still need to delve into Jupiter and beyond, see if those actually fit. I'm starting to suspect they will.
But what if that's just my pisces dreaming, understanding every sign so that of course whatever I have fits? Then... do we question that I fit the pisces personality too? Or am I just a wishy-washy person, and believe everything?
Interesting that a simple Google search reveals so much about the signs too... and not even with the info available. I've found that there's so many hits if you search pisces, possibly more than any other sign. Gemini has plenty, too. But Leo? Sagittarius? A huge decline in results. And if looking at images on Google, its even more pronounced. Pisces and Gemini have so many artistic interpretations. Leo? I found like... 1 cool lion. Compared to the millions of fish and mermaid art with pisces.
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twinkle-with-stars · 2 years
Astro observations 6 💛
Written by @twinkle-with-stars
Helloo, everyone I'm posting no. 6....❊
Disclaimer: This is written on basis of my learning and observations of astrology, they may or may not reasonate with you. Do not steal or reword my work. None of the pictures or gifs used are mine.
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🍹saturn in 10th gives an individual immense power, people for no reason somehow feel obliged to this person.the aura it self is powerful.
But if the saturn is in retrograde this person isn't considered powerful or treated like an authority even when they hold a position of authority they build a reputation of being slow and weak, someone who isn't aware of their own power and people don't want them to realise their power either.
🍹scorpio rising in the composite gives a connection where two people know eachother's deepest secrets and wounds for the better or worse.
🍹venus-moon people can't really enjoy romance if they don't have a feeling that it will last forever or is permanent or simply if the relationship or the other person doesn't make them feel secure or give commitment they just don't like it especially hard aspects.
🍹minor aspects with tight orbs 1-2 will have a major effect on you. Like a semisqaure as tight as 1 will work pretty much as a square.
🍹usually people who are sexually interested in you will have the opposite sign of your mars as their mars.
For example an Aqua mars might attract leo mars.
🍹mars in 12th overlay in synastry is an indicator of meeting or dating online since here, it is a bit touch deprived for some reason here you are not seen but felt.
🍹the placement of pisces in your chart can tell what you like to express through your art.
For example-
Pisces in 8th- will express taboo, sexy, hidden things through their art and their art also holds a hidden meaning that you have to decode.
🍹sun in 4th might be more close to their father side of family or didn't get to meet/bond with mother side of family.
🍹your moon sign could tell you about your periods.how bareable they are!
Ex- A cap moon might have a hard time with cramps and periods even less flow.
🍹mercury-mars as student often like to read and learn but whatever they're learning is often totally different and not at all connected to what their actual course is.
🍹MC at 26° is an indication of accumulating alot of wealth through working with music.
🍹neptune in 6th people can't survive daily boring, reptative life without music, like they're 24/7 listening to it.
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🍹mercury dominant people have bright and glassy eyes, that look soo curious.
🍹leo risings for some reason are born in big families, like lots of people are around them, their. Families just have this royal, traditional, classic vibe to it.
🍹mars in 6th people suffer alot because of stomach problems.
🍹not just pisces but Gemini placements like to day dream alot, they're the ones who can create scenarios in their heads easily.
🍹libra risings with alot of Scorpio placements often attracts stalkers, Idk why tho. But the people I know with these placements often have some crazy stalkers.
🍹never have I ever seen an Aries moon that isn't a go getter, these people have so much drive and motivation but only when it generates from their emotions, they're like, "oh you said I can't win that proze, just watch it's already mine" Kinda mentality.
🍹mercury in 2nd people should practice speaking their mind as it will be helpful to them and not just keep it all inside.
🍹I've noticed people with venus-uranus many times tend to find love online or they just find social media easier to connect with people than in real life.
🍹cancer mars just can't make sexual relationships without being emotionally attached especially man, they're definitely the ones who are caring but also they wanna posses you as much as a scorpio mars does.
🍹mars-venus harsh aspects as the best example of how to make selfish look sexy, they're just soo good at it, it's not like they're trying to be selfish but whenever they do things for themselves they just come off as sexy.......
🍹idk why but leo placements just love the IT girl shows, like winx club and Hannah Montana, kinda enjoys dressing like that too.
🍹water moons are quite intuitive, all the water moon la that I've ever met always seem to follow their emotions and that often proves to be right for them, I love your intuition all of you<3.
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I tried a new picnic kinda aesthetic with this post let me know how it looks, I wanna improve these plus I've posted this after quite sometime feel free to like, reblog and share your opinions or experiences with these, I'd love to hear🤗
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amoonalls · 2 years
Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer North Node and Dating + Marrying Up
One thing I notice so much when I see these hypergamy influencers who are unapologetic of that and be open about their standard even if that may insult a lot of people is that almost all of them have fulfilled their North Node sign, eventho they don't know that and may never know about astrology. Sometimes people whose chart doesn't trigger them to tap into esoteric knowledges may never encounter or learn in depth about astrology at all, despite how close they are to it. But they do live based on their astrology chart cuz even someone doesn't know about their astrology chart, the overall energy and life theme that's predetermined for them since birth already work. Learning astrology means you get to know what's energy and life theme that's working for you and how to navigate that
Coming back to dating and marrying up, there are a lot of figures who have done that even in old time Hollywod. These are the examples:
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1. Clark Gable (Gone with The Wind Actor) - Scorpio North Node and Saturnian too (Aqua Sun/Mercury, Cap Venus/Saturn/Rising)
2. Aristotle Onassis (The 2nd husband of JFK 's widower, Jacqueline Kennedy) - Leo North Node and also Saturnian (Cap Sun/Mercury/Venus/Uranus)
3. Ginie Sayles (The Author of "How to Marry Rich" and she herself married old money man despite she's born in lower economy class) - Birth date unknown but her North Node lies between Leo North Node and Cancer North Node
4. Anna Bey (Feminity + Hypergamy Influencer) - Taurus North Node and Cap Mars/Rising
5. Michelle Flores Diaz (Feminity + Hypergamy Influencer) - Leo North Node and Aqua Sun and Cap Moon
Most of the common North Node of people that have dated and married up (hypergamy) and advocating that have are:
1. Leo North Node
2. Taurus North Node
3. Scorpio North Node
4. Cancer North Node
These North Node in general are very material wealth oriented and as for Cancer North Node, depending where its situated in terms of house, it can come out as fulfilling the traditional role of housewife of well off mate
LEO NORTH NODE strive for the life of fame and get themselves with a lot of affluent people. As Leo signify glory which oftentimes translated in material sense, that's how their life in this lifetime supposed to be lived. They may enjoy lavish lifestyle and strive into that. Most of these natives may be the type of openly wealth in terms of their life being shot by camera. Many of them are or will become celebrities or influences and their hypergamy belief will be brought up to the surface
TAURUS NORTH NODE strives for luxury and comfortable life. They usually will live a comfortable and quite rich life unless North Node is placed in public house (1st or 10th house) and socialize with their own kind
SCORPIO NORTH NODE is the classic of "other people's money". They may be the easiest to inherit other people's fortune and their life may also be pushed to learn how to do that
The natives with these North Node along with their astrology placements esp Saturnian ones will be very unapologetic and open about dating and marrying up. People oppose that to the extreme tho is very funny cuz the general concept is not harmless and that from astrology wise, that's their path of life. The same as Gemini, Sag, and Pisces North Node who may strive for intellectual and spiritual life to the point that 12th house North Node may strive to isolated and hermit life. North Node is what's fulfilling for you and the attempt to distract yourself from North Node will lead you to unfulfilling life. Now that the interpretation of North Node is very broad and depends on the capability and experiences of reader
The natives with these North Node along with other placements in their chart but especially Saturnian will be very dedicated in achieving that lavish lifestyle even go as far as learning and living on that esp if they don't come from it. It's their way of fulfilling their North Node. And they may only slow down after they have reached the level they want
It's very interesting to learn about how North Node manifests
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astrobiche · 2 years
Typical quotes i heard from some placements
That made me go "this is such a x thing to say" 🌸
Disclaimer : this is just for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously, enjoy 🥂
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🍥Cap moon " im not fond of relying on others it makes me feel.. uncomfortable"
💮Cap venus " hes not spending money on me at all.. he aint the one"
🍥Cap sun " i wanna start investing in stock while im still in school"
Cap sun (hitting up my friend who had blocked him) : "hi i know we havent talked in years but i was wondering why u blocked me on everywhere? What did i do wrong?" Her *explains he's a pos* him "thanks for your input" is this customer service ?
💮Gem moon " my favorite genre is drama i like gossip and tea and drama you know?"
🍥Libra moon " u say yall are just friends? Nah shipping you" * proceeds to think everyone is dating and shipping everyone*
💮Sag venus " i really want a foreign bf and travel around the world and date guys from different countries"
🍥Aqua moon " this random guy just called me beautiful and i cringed", "i like to do my thing i hate conforming".
" i can turn my feelings off if i want, but its fun to feel sometimes so i dont"
💮Aqua sun " i wish i could live in a mountain far away from humans". "why are people so vile?"
🍥Sag sun "i like surrounding myself w people i can learn from and grow with"
💮 Pisces sun "people always talk about being delusional as if it's a bad thing but i beg to differ, being delusional is honestly so fun and it's taken me so far, like have you seen reality? Why would you wanna be a part of that? Live in your heads people!" - @flossybaby from TikTok
🍥 Aries sun "honestly, i dont care much about people or company when im travelling, i go because i wanna see the city itself"
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💮Gemini mercury "so there's this book i started reading.. i'll tell u what i learn along the way"
🍥Sag mercury "i just said it like it is, idk why ure so mad bc of the truth?"
💮Libra mars "which city i prefer between my hometown and the one i currently live in? Hm we all belong to the same country after all haha i cant answer that"
🍥12h venus (whos also a gemini) : " u know its so easy for me to socialize and talk to ppl so i dont feel lonely but i need ppl to connect with spritually. Its like "love at first sight" but it applies to friendship too.. i wanna let fate decide"
💮Scorpio mars "that bitch is trying to steal my man but i came up w a plan to ruin her so i'll walk into the store she works at then complain about her to the manager.. i'll work out the details later.. revenge is a dish best served cold" (she seems like a menace but she didnt do none of that lol dont mess w a scorpio mars' (OR ANYONE)'s partner yall)
💮 *chilling on bumble and matches with a guy* me : "hii"
2 minutes later and without asking yet
Him " i'm a leo"
💮 3h neptune "nice to meet you! I just talked about witchcraft w the uber driver on the way here"
🍥 sag moon "i have a feeling whoever i marry is a foreigner"
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1111jenx · 3 years
Hello 💕 I hope you don't mind this but what are your red flags and green flags in a potential romantic interest astrology speaking? Feel free not to answer because I know you're really busy, thank you if you ever do Jenx 🥺
Good morning bby🤎
No worries at all haha, I'm trying to start going through my asks again because I feel like I wasn't able to answer as much as I could back in the days:( I'll be more than happy to answer yaaaa. I love your question too it's so fun to think abt haha
However, please do keep in mind that this is 100% subjective and is coming from my pov, please don't give any hate towards any of these placements🥲If theres anything y'all know abt me is how I value inclusiveness<3 Also I'm attracted to men so I'm referring to them as he/him sometimes and they/them here!! Let's begin shall we😋
Hmmm this is harder than it seems haha. But my personal red flag in relationships include:
Too much Water — I have a Water Sun, Moon and Mars with Fire Rising/Venus and I'm the craziest person I've ever met. So I think I need someone with either more Earth or Air to balance me out haha, if not it will just be us two hippies oversharing 24/7 and not being able to acc do anything
Cancer Moon — I ADORE Cancer Moon women. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely adore them. My bestest friend is a Libra Sun Cancer Moon so how can I not fw y'all but it's the straight cis men that I keep attracting for me💀 But only if its Cancer Moon pairing with Leo placements:D Because that Cancer/Leo energy is literally me I don't wanna date someone so similar to me (again) jkkk
Leo Moon — same reason as above. Its like looking into a mirror y'all idk how we gonna work
Scorpio Rising — again. I love the women with this placement and they make me feel so understood and seen. But like. The other 50% of makes that I'm romantically attracted to is scary bro. They do b psycho and my detached ass gets scared so fast
Venus square Mars — 😀😀😀😀 Do I need to explain this one?
Lilith in the 1st/7th house — Been there done that twice. I am good.😀 I have Lilith 7th house myself so meeting another one just brings out the worst in us. Its rly sad lol because we both wanted it to work so bad
Aquarius + Scorpio placements in the same chart — AGAIN THIS APPLIES TO MEN ONLY DEADASS ANOTHER CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE IS A DOUBLE CAP WITH AQUA STELLIUM STRICTLY STRAIGHT MEN OK. they traumatize me lmfao I love their intensity so so bad but I hate that they never fully let me love them. It's so sad bc they acc think no one can actually love them for who they are. Its better for us to stay friends because it can get too draining:D
Venus in Sagittarius — I love them as friends a lot on god. And I admit there's always going to be an invisible link between me and the percentage of people I attract with this placement. But we're not gonna work out. They need someone to ground them. I need someone that grounds me. We just do the craziest shit tgt and no one can stop us hehe but in relationships I'm rly stable and we both value freedom a bit much🥲 I'll change my mind if theres Capricorn placements tho skwowiensn I love them so much
Venus in Libra — all of my guy bestfriends have this and lemme tell you. it aint gonna work baby💀 We're too similar? We compliment one another very well but they're too sweet for me to ever date them. I don't want to lose them as friends and I've seen how they move HAHAHA, my Leo Venus says no thank you, lets do shots together tho!
Now onto the green flags, these are what can make me change my mind haha:
Leo Venus — #selflove baybeeee💕 I never met a guy with this that I didn't click hehe. We're fun and flirty tgt yes but we can talk business real fast.
Capricorn Venus/Moon/anything — my unhealthy addiction. I literally submit to them lmfao like only them and Aqua placements can actually change my mind once its made up.
Aquarius Moon/Venus/Rising/anything — same reason as Cap placements😭 I love y'all so much it hurts but Imma still going to simp
9th, 10th house stellium/placements — this is just a personal favourite don't mind me😋😋
ANY VENUSIAN PLACEMENT EXCEPT FOR LIBRA VENUS — I did yall wrong I'm sorry. But the rest can get my hands in marriage. Make me feel appreciated every step of the way.
Mars in first, Aries placements — the love of my life. Period.
Cancer Rising — the Moon to my Sun. makes me feel @ home and all they wanna do is hold my hands tbh.
Mars conjunct Jupiter — I- I'm not gonna take questions for this one don't ask plz 😀😀
So here are some notes I can think of as of right now!! Please keep in mind this is just my type based off experience and everyones preferences are different 🥳 Also there's a lot more to the person than just their chart loves, lets not missed out on building connections based off someones astrological profile:) If I want something and I deem it right, I'll go for it no matter what🤎
saint jenx🪐
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jypbae7 · 3 years
Me me meeee <3 I'll request a full analysis about NCT's Johnny! 😚😚 Include errrrthing baby hahaha 18+ stuff, him as a romantic partner aka bf <3 whatever you want! I'm so excited to read this akndfkgkfn 😎😎😎❤️❤️
Johnny Suh - Natal chart
Finally finished it!! Johnny was actually the most requested member I received in my inbox! Sorry that it’s nearly the length of a novel lmao but I sectioned it to make it easier to read and navigate 💕
(Not claiming to be an expert this is just for fun please don’t take anything too seriously!) Hope this is helpful and that you enjoy it 🥰❤️
Personality: Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Aqua Mercury, Virgo rising, Leo Mars
While Aqua is a fixed sign it is definitely the most adaptable of the 3 fixed signs due to the Air element of Aquarius plus the ever spontaneous Gemini moon. Most things that make the rest of us feel anxious tend not to seem that scary to fearless Gemini or cool as a cucumber Aquarius.
Natural social butterflies who love their tribe deeply and fiercely once they find them. Busy bodies who are easily bored if left unstimulated too long which will turn into crankiness if not rectified quickly. Thankfully Aqua & Gem have a zest for life that makes them quite easy to please. They are open minded and will gladly stay up till 3am talking about aliens and conspiracy theories, just like they are thrilled to go on last minute random trips just because why not (Gemini impulsivity at it’s finest lmao)
Gemini is a mutable sign unlike fixed Aquarius. This is a pretty big difference and something that goes under the radar with Aquas due to that cool as a cucumber attitude. Because they are adaptable and typically very easy going they don’t often show their stubborn aggressive sides and honestly prefer not to have to unless they are feeling extremely disrespected or pushed beyond their boundary which is a BIG let me say that again, BIG no no with Aquarius (almost as big as it is for for the water signs)
Adding to these deep inner thoughts and vast inner world that Aquarians have, his Virgo rising adds more depth and self awareness. As perfectionists and highly intellectual minds they are a lot more self critical than they let on, just like they are a lot more caring and soft than they let on. They deeply care about others and the world in general seeing the big picture in a very earthy and traditional way - good people should strive to put good out and try their very best at whatever they do. They deeply dislike mean, malicious, manipulative, or spiteful behavior or people and generally keep guarded around people they don’t know well until they feel certain of the person’s true intention. There’s nothing Virgo is more cautious of than to be swindled or hurt by someone they take it reallyy hard and they know it.
Now we alllll know his swag and confidence is legendary and we can all thank the Leo Mars placement for that and the beautiful lush shiny hair and big toothy smile (Looking at Mark, Jaemin and Xiaojun like 👁👄👁) But beyond the aesthetics and dripping confidence and charisma, Leo is another creative sign that tends to be a lot more intellectual and intuitive than people give them credit for.
When the other members call Johnny one of the scariest members you can bet it’s his aggressive fiery fixed Leo Mars which is loud and even violent when provoked enough not to mention the fixed Aquarius tornado energy...Oooof that is a lot of Fixed sign rage right there honey so let’s tread lightly with Johnny boy and appeal to his open minded and friendly nature with a gentle tone and non-pointed words during discussions and all shall be good even if there’s some disagreeing!
Honestly if the argument starts getting bad you can always distract the Gemini moon by just bringing up other interesting topics! Geminis minds move FAST and while they can process a lot of information quickly and precisely they tend to get distracted easily (but here’s the good side of that😉)
Aquarius have a deep love of family and the desire to create their own (Geminis often share this trait) they can feel a bit like outsiders or “other” from people and thus crave to build a tribe of their own - this can be friends that are lifelong deep relationship carried on no different than family or starting their own family with a partner and kids
Non-Romantic Relationships & overall communication style: Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Aqua Mercury, Leo Mars, Virgo Rising
Built off laughter, time spent together whether its at home hanging out casually or going out for meals and fun new things to try together
Wants to bounce lots of ideas off of his closest friends and secretly loves doing creative stuff together the most - this is pretty evident if you watch JCC he’s happiest when he’s doing stuff with his bros whether it’s sporty, musical, or crafts
Does not like to be vulnerable even with those he’s close to, tends to stick to neutral and more light hearted topics of interest and conversation because he prefers to spread a good mood instead of a heavy one
If he really trusts you or has worked through it enough already to want to talk about something serious you’d better listen cause the boy drops gems of wisdom and has a really soft mushy heart
Immediately adopts his close friends as family and no matter the time apart or distance will always treat them the same
Likes friends he can learn from and take on new adventures with they satisfy the intellectual Virgo rising and Aqua & leo sign thrill needs - Gemini is all about BOTH of these
Deeply appreciates loyalty, acts of service, and quality time with his friends and family - makes his heart soooo happy BUT
He would rather fucking DIE than let you or anyone see him cry so he cries like 4 times a year at 3am in the bathroom while everyone’s asleep (HIGHKEY feel like Ten & Jaehyun are exactly like this too)
Romantic relationships and preferences: Capricorn Venus, Leo Mars, Capricorn Juno, Capricorn Eros
Mr. Johnny Suh has THREE Capricorn placements tied to love and intimacy so that’s saying something lmao
Going against Aquarius’ open mindedness and anti-traditional persona Capricorn prefers all things traditional and stable.
Very much does acts of service for his partner as a sign of affection also lots of touching and quality time.
A veryyyyyy spontaneous boyfriend/partner thanks to that Gemini moon - he either wants to stay at home in pjs and order food and have movie marathons or whisk you away on zero notice to a trip lol
Earth sign men are drawn to women who embody very flowery feminine energy and aesthetics. They prefer a “natural beauty” who can spice it up sometimes rather than a super flashy 24/7 partner. (He’s said in the past that his ideal type is Yoona which says it all lol)
Will be highly drawn and intrigued by someone with a high work ethic and high intellect. BIG bonus points if you can keep up with his sarcasm and jokes.
Earth signs are pretty physical and handsy so expect to have little personal space around him, make no mistake they enjoy this very much. He will definitely be grabbing you and picking you up often! He’ll be smirking down at you devilishly watching you get flustered backed into a corner trapped by the sheer size of his muscular body. A Capricorn male’s ego really enjoys this dynamic, trust me lol.
Also another quirky male Capricorn trait that actually applies to Aqua & Gem as well… They like to initiate all the touchy feely stuff - What I mean by that is they can get easily spooked by clinginess too early on. These three signs want romance and definitely want to feel that you’re into them but they also are innately independent and enjoy relationships where their partner can also go off into the world and thrive in their own way and meet back together in the middle. So long as you can find a happy balance, when you are together you won’t have to initiate anyways honestly because he’ll be the one pulling you.
Okay let's talk about Juno & Eros - Juno in Capricorn is about serious, loyal, long term commitment though they tend to marry later in life once they’ve already achieved the things they want to for themselves which I can see being the case for Johnny as well especially with his current career.
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18+ Preferences:
Eros in Cap where to begin - high libido, stimulated by visuals and touch. Wear interesting colors, patterns, textures to catch his eyes & his hands - lacy lingerie is a plus the texture will really excite him and the feminine look will please his earthy traditional cap side. If you really wanna have him drooling throw in some spicy contrasts like a leather choker with the lace set and you’ll also set off his Aqua, Gem, and Leo placements as well ;)
Tends to bounce back and forth between fucking you like you’re a cheap groupie whore and taking his time staring you in the eyes and kissing you passionately as he’s stomach deep - no inbetween but really who’s complaining??
DOM KINK - NOT UP FOR DEBATE he has THREE Capricorn placements for fucksake meaning 3 cardinal signs which are literally called “the INITIATORS” plus all his other fixed personality placements
More of the classy rich ceo vibes kind of dom (suits, expensive cologne and jewelry, leather, black and red binds) - takes you to bougie hotels when he really wants to ramp it up and not have to care who hears. You can expect not to sleep those nights but he’ll damn sure pamper you afterwards with cuddles, food, and a spa date.
Now...with all his Air sign placements...I have to say it...he’s a kinky ass dude. Few things are off the table, but he’s also super content with “normal” stuff too. It’s more about the person and experience for him than doing the wildest things possible. So if it feels natural and right then he’s down.
Don’t be surprised if he wants to tie you up like a pretzel or role play because he’s definitelyyy going to ask. Well actually he’d probably just buy whatever outfit or binds he wanted to use and casually be like “look what I got for us baby” as if it’s matching charm bracelets or something. The good news is he’ll dress up and get into it with you and he’s super receptive to your boundaries, fantasies and making it enjoyable as possible for you too.
If you flip the script on him and suddenly break the norm either by taking the initiate/lead first or trying something new he will absolutely combust 🤯 and be in the palm of your hand staring in absolute awe and fascination till he can’t take it anymore and reclaims his spot as the one in control
Nudes, videos, and phone sex when apart are a definite and they really keep the passion burning for him which is honestly VERY important and don’t worry he’s NOT shy and you will be grateful for the beautiful collection of photos and videos 🤤
Boredom for Aquas, Gems, and Caps can quickly lead into self-sabotaging behaviors and/or wandering eyes not because they don’t value loyalty but that they really need and benefit from mental stimulation and feeling wanted so when that’s gone they can pull away
Honestly pretty much any type of lingerie or outfit will turn him on because the most arousing part for him is knowing that you spent time doing such a naughty thing for his sake
Breeding kink - 3 earth placements and has said himself in interviews he would’ve started having kids at 25 if he wasn’t an idol soooooo that’s a definite. He imagines you pregnant with his baby and it makes him super soft and warm which quickly turns to super turned on. He loves the primal marking aspect of claiming you in such a way and also watching you unravel to the point of begging him to do it. Even if it’s just “play” he loves it and will probably think about it a lot more than you know. If you ever do it for real he will be utterly and completely obsessed with you forever and be practically more excited about all the stages of your pregnancy than you are
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astrologysvt · 4 years
Joshua’s Ideal Type - Natal Chart Reading
For ideal types, I’m not going to be doing specific placements of their ideal partner. Instead, I’m gonna be listing personality traits I think would mesh well with them, as well as focus on their needs and the kind of person who could meet them. what this reading cannot account for is the compromising the members would do on their end for their s/o. so just keep in mind this is only half of the whole picture!
joshua has a super interesting mix in his chart when it comes to the people he’s attracted to, as well as his approach to love and relationships. 
with a cap sun, mercury, and mars, there is a great deal of realism and practicality that he exerts when it comes to love. 
he’s not someone who would be attracted to someone who was unrealistic, overly dramatic, with a tendency for irrationality or impulsivity. 
with that, i also imagine he is one of those people who may not even bother with a relationship unless it’s a very simple, uncomplicated, and safe relationship.
that, or he genuinely thinks this is the person he’d want to marry. 
if those two aspects aren’t met, he’d probably find the relationship too troublesome and draining, especially with his focus on work. 
his taurus moon makes him a really lazy and leisurely guy in pace, and so if the relationship takes too much out of him he’s going to take a realistic approach and decide that energy is much better used towards work. 
then you have that taurus moon. 
a taurus moon in general is a very romantic and committed influence, and so dedication and commitment are very huge pillars for him in relationships.
he has afflicted taurus moon.
and so as i said before about having that sense of dedication, what really  throws those aspects for a loop are those hard aspects. 
everything i just said about being super dedicated, controlled, and realistic still stands, but it’s being incredibly challenged and these influences can mean they’re either intensified, or contradicted.
i went into this a little bit in his chart first impressions, but with those placements he can go three ways in terms of relationships. 
1) he’s a people pleaser, potentially a serial romantic. 
2) extremely reserved in love, struggles to pursue as he doesn’t trust his emotions. 
3) extremely dedicated, struggles to move on from relationships, can get stuck on a single person even if it’s no longer serving him. 
because of how rational his cap influences make him, i imagine it’s more so a mix of 2 and 3 with that influence of being a people-pleaser to a degree.
with a moon square mercury, in relationships he’s the type to struggle to NOT put an analytical eye to his emotions and this applies to love. 
even if he feels smitten, there is a part of him thats going to question and evaluate. 
there is a general lack of confidence in his feelings towards his emotions, for that reason he’d greatly benefit being with someone who is assertive, confident, and intuitive enough to read him, get past his hesitation/overthinking, and give his committed influences the confidence that he’s making the right choice in being with them. 
a moon square venus means that his emotions are greatly tied with social dynamics and love, and so he’s going to be the type to dedicate himself to relationships easily and have this “all giving” approach. 
this can also bring in this sense of being in love with the idea of being loved and needed, especially with a taurus moon. 
he’s the type to stay in relationships regardless of whether or not they are serving him, both due to this need to be needed as well as the sense of responsibility he feels in relationships. 
if he starts something it’d be really hard for him to decide to turn away from it.
he’s going to put a lot of pressure on himself to show up, and especially with his moon trine jupiter and moon square neptune — there is a self-sacrificial attitude towards relationships, and an inability to know when enough is enough in terms of giving and investment. 
and so he’d benefit from someone who is very realistic, discerning, and selfless in this regard. 
there should be a great balance between self sufficiency between the two of them to ensure he doesn’t feel as though he’s all-giving and potentially running on empty. 
then you add in that aqua venus. 
there is a strong desire to want to be generous in love with that afflicted moon, but this aqua adds this desire for individuality and independence.
so he’d feel connected with someone who he could have that silent and enduring bond with who will feel comfortable to allow them both to be their own people, while also having this sense of responsibility towards each other. 
with all of that being said, overtime i imagine he’s gotten to learn and understand these aspects to himself through his afflicted moon and so you can kind of imagine a more controlled manifestation of everything i just described. 
i like to think that he does have a very reactive, analytical yet romantic and generous heart but this overruling cap is going to have this set “rule book” per se that he abides by. 
no matter how he receives affection, he’s going to be rather purposeful in how he expresses love in terms of acts of service or gift giving. 
he’s someone who takes those things very seriously, understands the importance of them, and certainly wants those efforts acknowledged. 
it really must be said that he’s a really romantic guy.
with all of that cap and taurus, he has a very dedicated and loving heart and there is a love for tradition in relationships and romantic gestures. 
i think he’d appreciate someone who could appreciate all the ceremony in relationships, regardless of whether they just started dating or they’ve been in a relationship for a long time. 
his cap influence is very logical and level-headed, and so he really does rely on these more formal expressions of love in order to navigate the relationship and communicate to his partner. 
for example, you have jeonghan who is rather good at adjusting his expression/how he reads actions depending on the person. 
but joshua is going to take someones actions very literally, and wont have a lot of patience for someone who is more flippant with their actions/word choice who then just hopes he understands where they’re coming from. 
with joshua, he’s more looking for someone who can meet him in the middle, and who will put in the effort to make it clear how equally dedicated they are to giving him these very concrete and clear expressions of their dedication. 
his cap influence also takes a great deal of responsibility in taking care of his s/o, and so i think he’d appreciate someone who didn’t need to be told to reciprocate while also acknowledging his efforts and positive intention. 
and so having that common ground in courtesy and purposefulness in romance is very important. 
then you have his aqua venus! 
his aqua venus is super interesting, and it’s going to speak to what he’s attracted to and what’s going to spark his interest. 
someone intelligent who speaks their mind in a very succinct manner. 
someone who is their own person. 
someone open-minded and curious. 
that aqua influence mixed with that cap means he’s very attracted to people who are very free thinking yet inquisitive and reliable. 
he’d be immediately taken to someone if they had a really interesting conversation, maybe about mutual interests. 
i also imagine a work ethic is also a very important influence in the type of person he’d want to be in a relationship with.
regardless of how attracted he is to someone, if they were overly flighty or impulsive he’d struggle to feel like he can rely on them. 
kind of contradictory to this, i think he’d really enjoy someone who could lead by example in letting their freak flag fly. 
his aqua venus is naturally very drawn to being that unique, unusual, and playful person but there is a great deal of reservation in that cap stellium and afflicted moon. 
he wants to appear competent and composed, and there is an influence in him through that moon that adds a sense of fear in expressing the more dramatic parts in himself. 
but not only that, he’s honestly just so mild mannered in general that it doesn’t particularly occur to him to be that person unless he’s emboldened. 
and so i think he’d be delighted by someone who is unapologetically that person who can encourage this side in him. 
but also, even if he’s not in the mood to be that out-there person, if they can just be someone he can watch, someone he can feel pride in being with, and genuinely just be entertained by them — he’d love that.
and i’m just going to quickly circle back to his taurus moon! 
if you’ve ever noticed his leisurely and thoughtful pace, i really and greatly associate that with his taurus moon. 
this makes him someone who really appreciates comfort, taking things easy, and enjoying each others company in slow-paced environments. 
i imagine one of his fave date nights would be a home date where him and his s/o cook food together and watch movies. 
in general, it’s just important that his s/o has a similar understanding of this sense of commitment and responsibility in relationships in order to match his. 
he’s a romantic at heart, and so someone who appreciates this and loves the sentimentality and intention behind it is paramount for him. 
and then obviously this sense of individuality and communication through his aqua venus is going to really be the defining factor in what starts the relationship and really connects the two. 
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capricores · 4 years
i feel like air venuses esp gemini venuses are so underrated?? like what does everyone have against fun and sexy ppl? </3
RIGHT !! i’ve dated quite a few air venus and mars and i just love them?! i will say i prefer when they have like a strong water (or leo) placement in sun/moon/ascendant to go along with it but 🥺🤍 they always are so flirty in the best way and they plan the most fun dates!!!!!! also they’re so caring esp the libra venus/mars, softies!! 🥺 gem venus/mars are so attentive to little details about their significant others and friends, they always remember the little things and it’s so sweet!! like rly the type to remember one offhand comment you made about wanting to try some hard to get snack and they go out of their way to buy you it and stuff like that 💞✨ also i love how they give out words of affirmation so easily with their constant flirting fjdklfjd fuels my capricorn need for constant validation 😭 also aqua venuses match my cap venus so well idk!!! and libra/gem venuses match my gem moon needs so well!! i luv them!!
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Ranting on/Comparing my natal & sidereal charts💫🍄🤍
Natal: Vedic:
Pisces sun | 10H Aquarius sun | 10H
Tbh I can kinda see both… either way it’s still in the 10H so not that much of a big difference… My natal sun is at 18 degree and my vedic sun is at 24 degree so I think they’re both just as accurate. This would also explain why I’m just a little extra eccentric and laugh at everything lmao.
Aquarius moon | 9H Capricorn moon | 9H
I can also see both but I think the Aquarius moon is just more accurate overall. My natal moon is at 22 degree and my vedic moon is at 28 degree. I think both degrees are accurate but the vedic moon’s degree feels slightly more accurate because I’m sweet natured! Then again I have a Pisces venus so idk.
Gemini rising | 23* Taurus rising |29*
The change is wilddd. 🤣 I pretty much feel like a Gemini rising!! The Taurus rising isn’t bad though I can also see it a little and the Leo degree feels pretty accurate because my Asc persona chart’s rising is also Leo!
Aries mercury | 11H Pisces mercury | 11H
One thing we’re not going to do is swap my Aries mercury.🌚 I guess I do speak like a Pisces mercury at times but I’m only agreeing to it because of my vedic mars sign.😭 Also my natal mercury is at 5 degree while my vedic mercury is at 11 degree… Tbh I identify more with the 5 degree because I am quite the sassy yet charming storyteller.🤣 But the Pisces Mercury at 11 degree in the 11H would also explain why I say a lot of unusual goofy shit at the most random times too!😂
Pisces venus | 10H Aquarius venus | 10H
I guess I relate to both because while I do have most Pisces/10H venus qualities my friends are also very important to me and I do tend to friend zone people before dating them so Aqua venus makes sense… My natal venus is at 12 degree and my vedic is at 18 degree. Tbh I don’t know what the 18 degree is supposed to feel like when placed in venus so I’ll go with my natal’s degree for this one.
Capricorn mars | 8H Sagittarius mars | 8H
Tbh I can’t even deny how accurate my vedic mars is.😭✋🏽 I still think natal mars is great though and I love being a Cap mars.😐 My natal mars is at 21 degree which is also why I think my vedic mars is pretty accurate!🤣 My vedic mars is at 27 degree and I sooo love the dirty talking & a little phone action!!😮‍💨 Also whispering in each other’s ears during the act—😫 This would also explain my love for traveling, certain sports & cars and my fiery temper!😶
Libra jupiter | 5H Virgo jupiter | 5H
Tbh I don’t know what having a Virgo jupiter is supposed to be like albeit I have a vague idea. I can see it a little but not like my Libra jupiter! Oh and the baby fever is a real thing with a 5H jupiter!💀
Cancer saturn | 2H Gemini saturn | 2H
Tbh I’ve never fully identified with Cancer saturn but I do with Gemini saturn because I talk too much and over share then regret it later.😐 Somehow my true natal saturn is in the 3rd house and I identify with that too!
Pisces uranus | 10H Aquarius Uranus | 10H
FINALLYYY because I’ve never really identified with my natal uranus and now I know why lmao. So much more accurate!! It’s also at 13 degree no wonder I see fit.💀
Aquarius neptune | 9H Capricorn neptune | 9H
Tbh idk how to feel about this one so I’ll leave it here….
My plutos are both still in Sagittarius so yup, that’s that.🙃
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thoyoung · 3 years
hello my dear, deaaarr sam 👁👁 you’re probably getting a lot of these but can i please get a compatibility check w dream 🥺 I’m a scorpio sun, sagittarius moon and mercury, libra venus, scorpio mars, and taurus rising thank you 🥺💓
scorpio | sag | sag | libra | scorpio | taurus^
m: leo | aries | cancer | virgo | scorpio
r: aries | scorpio | pisces | pisces | taurus
j: taurus | sag | aries | aries | taurus
h: gemini | leo | cancer | gemini | gemini
j: leo | cap | leo | virgo | leo
c: sag | aqua | scorpio | scorpio | aqua
j: aqua | scorpio | aqua | aqua | aries
mark: i think 99% sexually and like 70% generally. very good friends with benefits or idk a very good one night stand. mark is a bit softer than you are, maybe a bit more emotional and you can hurt each other quite easily. maybe difficulty in communication a bit, you'd fight and tell each other stuff then hold grudges. both the type to not tell the other what's actually wrong and you might have difficulty having a frank discussion
renjun: another good 70%. during sexy times you might think he's a bit boring hahaha or you're just into different things. you have much in common when it comes to friendship tho! you get each other pretty well. renjun might be alarmed at the way you express things maybe. he might ask you to be kinder even if you don't mean harm ahahah. he's just very used to being polite so he gets anxious when others are just opinionated and give off strong vibes
jeno: honestly, I'd say 95% lol very very good sexy times. you'd get from him exactly what you need. he doesn't mind your fire placements since it could work well to balance his own placements. honestly very good also for dating generally and friendship
haechan: 70%. he'd love to tease and you and be around you. not sure how you'd feel about him tho. you'd be flattered but after knowing each other very well you'd realize you're a bit different. maybe a bit of difficulty during sexy times. haechan needs things to be very entertaining, a lot of dirty talk, teasing, watching, while you could be more of a touching person. he'd be in his head and you'd be in your body. you appreciate him a lot tho and his ways. overall a good relationship. haechan the type to be "you look so beautiful baby" and you "yes good but please call me a good little slut as well"
jaemin: 50%. I feel like this could go very well but also not really. sexy times could be 65% but overall it's like you wouldn't attract each other right off the bat. you'd expect jaemin to be very fun to have around and he'd be a bit stuck up. he might expect something from you and you wouldn't give it etc lol not bad tho!
chenle: 80%. you'd probably be very good friends! you give off a more mature vibe than him and sometimes he can make you mad or roll your eyes lmao but overall very good relationship
jisung: 65%. also good relationship. you might feel a bit weird around him tho, like sometimes you wouldn't understand certain behaviors or things he say lol. but there's a good connection! very good friendship
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1eos · 4 years
@tothefinale​ wanted a roast of jinkis chart nd uhhhhhh
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eye.............i have never seen a birthchart like this before what the FUCK IS THIS!!!!!!!!!! much to discuss. the first thing that i noticed was the crazy amount of oppositions he has. nd that’s bc all of his placements are directly across from  each other nd oppositions are......something.
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so like theres a push nd pull conflict of energy btwn his moon sign (his emotional side) nd half his chart 😭😭😭 there’s definitely a lot more going on in his head than ppl assume. 
let’s see hes a sagittarius w a cancer moon which i think is SO IMPORTANT! sagittarians are just............infuriating bc theyre almost like eternal children that  think theyre so grown up nd they can be so rude nd not think abt how ppl feel abt things BUT cancer moons are really intuitive nd tend to be super emotional. cancer placements for men esp make them feel comfortable nd easier to relate to
cancer is also the sign of ‘home’ so the reason why minho calls jinki soft charisma is bc of his cancer moon! nd like we literally call jinki the sun nd talk abt how safe nd homey he is nd that’s like textbook cancer moon teas
oh fun fact! jinki was destined to be a good leader bc he’s cardinal dominant nd cardinal signs tend to make good leaders nd HAKYEON is also cardinal dominant. jinki has no mutable placements tho............👀 so that + his scorpio mars makes me feel like he’s probably a secret control freak at least in SOME level of his life. nd that when he gets mad he STAYS MAD. scorpio mars are so hot but they’re so vindictive nd they tend to get petty as all water mars do but when its ON oh its ON! nd jinki looks so unassuming at first but there have been moments where i have SO seen the scorpio in him come out
OMG HE HAS AN EARTH MERCURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! earth mercuries are known for having pleasant voices! jjong is an earth mercury (virgo 💅 just like me) so that jongyu vocal supremacy is cosigned by the stars!!!!!!!!!
elements wise he’s earth nd water dominant with barely any fire which is a mega L nd hardly any air which isnt that bad imo. earth nd water dom is weird bc he prolly has all these emotions but that cap stellium is keeping them locked up. 
aquarius venus...........i would not have guessed that for jinki but that explains why he’s never been caught dating. aqua venuses r really low key nd detached when it comes to romance. they care but they care in their own really weird way. nd they like weird ppl/weird relationship structures so jinki’s secret wife is prolly some fucking knife throwing lion tamer nd they met in the craziest way possible. 
OR he’ll never get married bc a lot of aqua venuses abhor commitment so they just date around, complain abt how lonely they are, but run away from the ppl that want to build  long term relationships w them
overall jinkis chart is really really weird..........he’s the classic warm, but unattainable older guy that has a lot more going on that u thought  🤔
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scorpion-sting33 · 4 years
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Lily J. Evans: Astrological Analysis (all signs are canon except Rising which is my educated guess since birth time is unknown; birth charts via astro.com)
Personal Placements
☉ Aquarius: intelligent, quirky, independent
☾ Pisces: compassionate, daydreamer, pure heart
↥ Virgo: possesses a quiet charm, may appear standoffish, detail-oriented
☿ Aquarius: logical, rebellious, inventive
♂ Capricorn: possesses great endurance, ethical, trusting
♀ Capricorn: devoted, shy, cautious in love
I see Lily as a stable, serious, and smart woman with kindness in everything she does. She also has a silly, creative, super fun side that only her close friends/family get to see. She has a Capricorn stellium (in Mars, Venus, Saturn) meaning she’s especially ambitious, practical, and driven. She was destined to do something great in her life that would earn her tremendous respect- like maybe sacrificing her life to save her son? I think she’s a Virgo Rising because her physical presence in a room seems very understated yet calming, even if she can come across as cold sometimes. Her eccentric Aquarius Sun can sometimes be overshadowed by her cognizant Virgo Rising. She doesn’t come across as particularly extroverted or outwardly eccentric. This lies within her mind rather than her actions- she’s got quirky humor and a fierce sense of independence- typical Gryffindor in my opinion. Her Pisces Moon is where her unfailing kindness radiates from. However, this placement also makes her a ‘sucker for a sob story’ and susceptible to becoming a doormat. This is shown in her dedication to Severus as a friend, even when she had to overlook his flaws. Her Aqua Mercury and Capricorn Mars combine to create her intelligence, groundedness, and excellent ability to argue. Her steadfast stance on what’s right and wrong come from her Cap Mars as well. Her Capricorn Venus makes her a constant and true partner. She takes it slow when falling in love, but once she’s there, she always will be. This is shown by the fact that James and Lily didn’t start dating until they’d known each other for ~7 years but got married and stayed together until they died.
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dreamyaqua · 4 years
hi cutie!! could i get an astro ship with the boyz?? my placements are aquarius sun in 1st, aquarius rising, cancer moon in 6th, pisces venus in 2nd, cap mercury in 12th, aries mars in 3rd and virgo jupiter in 8th :)) i would also like to hear your thoughts on my placements ☺️ have a great day ! 🌷
pt2 (anon that asked for an astro ship w the boyz that’s an aqua sun lol) could you also give your reasoning behind choosing the member?? i really like reading your explanations and you seem really passionate about the subject 🥰
Hello dear!^-^ Of course you can have a ship and thank you so much for enjoying my little blog and my ramblings about astrology!! I'm indeed passionate about the subject and talking to others like you definitely helps me improve, so thank you for that!!🥰
After some contemplation, I decided to ship you with...
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imagine this being him looking at you with this cute dreamy expression👉🏻👈🏻🥰
Your other most compatible matches would be Sangyeon, Sunwoo, Kevin, and Changmin!!
I'll start with explaining why I chose to ship you with Jacob first and then I'll give you my rambled opinion of your placements!^-^
This will be long, so I decided to put it under a cut.
I have to admit, I don't put as much emphasis on sun sign compatibility, however, it can be a beneficial compatibility factor, so Jacob being a fellow air sign will make for some similarities and basic understanding of each other's identities. Then, to your air suns, you both got a water moon that's giving you empathy and compassion. I could imagine that you'd harmonise/match well and would understand each other brilliantly. Then with both of you having your mercury in an earth sign, it also makes for a communication style that's compatible and will help to prevent miscommunication and misunderstandings.
And lastly, what I value the most when it comes to these ships is the compatibility between "love planets" - meaning venus and mars. Your Pisces venus goes very well with Jacob's Virgo mars, it gives both of you a romantic and sweet nature in which you'd enjoy lots of quality time together. Bonus: His Pisces moon with your Pisces venus is a super sweet connection; this connection would make you care a lot about each other, you, as the venus person, would make him feel comfortable while he, as the moon person, would make you feel loved and beautiful.
And then your Aries mars goes well with his Gemini venus. Both signs enjoy some action/activities and stimulation. So basically, the way I see this is that the two of you could totally have cozy cuddle dates at home (due to the Pisces/Virgo placements) but here and there, you'd also want to go out there, have fun, go on an adventure, learn about something new, explore, and just experience something together. ^-^
Also, Jacob's sun and venus likely fall into your 5th house which creates a lot of attraction, especially venus is kinda hot here😌👉🏻👈🏻 but it would also make you enjoy leisure time, romance, and hobbies together! His moon likely falls into your 2nd house, meaning he'd make you feel safe and valuable. His mercury in your 4th would be very sweet and would create a deep bond when talking to each other. His mars likely falls into your 8th house which is another aspect that's very hot; sexual attraction, desire, intimacy, all these things run very high here. Plus, your Jupiter might form a connection with his mars in the 8th house on top of it all, which basically shoots the attraction and desire through the roof. Lemme just say; the 8th house being the house of sex (among other themes) with mars being our sex drive and Jupiter the planet of expansion, and when those come together, well, I guess you can imagine what that means.😌👉🏻👈🏻
I usually refrain from mentioning the more sexual themes but if it's the 8th house, it's really hard not to say something😅 so I hope that's alright with you!!🙊
And now, onto your personal placements.^-^
Looking at your big three with your Aquarius sun and rising and your Cancer moon, I feel like you'd be a very creative, sympathetic, imaginative, and loyal person. Your Cancer moon makes you very receptive and sensitive to other people's emotions and you're likely to be very empathetic, kind-hearted, gentle, and caring. The Aquarius placements make you more lively, funny/witty, and good at making friends, however, with your mercury in the 12th, you might be quite shy and tend to work things out on your own, rather than going to other people for help. So, here I'm not so sure whether the shyness from the mercury placement or the more outgoing placements with your sun/rising and mars dominate.
However, I could see a theme in your placements that you can both be friendly and outgoing at times but also more reserved and introverted at other times, so that you can enjoy meeting up with friends but also enjoy being alone every once in a while. Furthermore, with you Aquarius and Cancer mixture, I feel like you're a humanitarian that cares a lot about the wellbeing of other people and our world in general, maybe you'd love to contribute to making the world a better place or at least dream of living in a better and more equal world.
The airy Aquarius and the watery Cancer combines intelligence with being in tune with your emotions, so I could imagine that combine both a scientific and artistic tune of mind. With your mercury in Capricorn on top of that, you'd be an ambitious and dependable person that's good at making rational decisions and carries an air of authority with them.
I could imagine that you'd be a good teacher or leader of some sort as I can definitely see good leadership skills with your placements. With your sun in the 1st house, you'd be strong-willed and independent, and if you combine this with your Aries mars in the 3rd, it would make you determined, active, courageous and honest. You enjoy speaking your mind and you're likely to possess fiery passions that are quickly ignited.
If you then add your Virgo Jupiter into the mix, it enhances your intelligence and makes you a very smart and analytical person that possesses a lot of common sense. You're likely persevering and hard-working, and generally have a healthy and optimistic outlook towards life.
Ans last but not least, your Pisces venus enhances your emotions and compassion. You really have true empathy for other people and tend to place more importance on the happiness of your loved ones (together with your Cancer moon, I could also imagine that you'd be very protective of your loved ones). No venus placement is as self-sacrificing in love as Pisces venus is, for your love is simply unconditional and I'm not just saying that because it's my own venus placement, I read about it in my astrology book. Last but not least, I could also see you as a very generous person with an artistic flair that just has an eye for aesthetics!^-^
I hope you liked the ship and my ramblings on your placements and the reasoning behind the ship! And I hope you have a good day/night yourself~ 🥰🌻💞
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k-rising · 4 years
okay so there’s this girl that I’ve been in love with for literally 3 years & throughout those years, we tried dating like 7 times & didn’t work out bc I kept getting friend zoned & she always stayed so busy so it never felt like a relationship :( but she’s never fell for anyone else, is it possible if you could tell me why we can’t leave each other alone? im a cap sun/venus, cancer moon, virgo rising, sag mercury & aqua mars, she’s a sag sun/mercury, aqua moon, aqua rising, & scorpio venus 🥺
i think that’s bc of her scorpio venus and ur earth and water placements. she has a lot of sag and aqua placements, so maybe there were times where u felt she was a little “detached” in love... especially with her aqua moon and rising.
i think that u must feel like ur in a limbo, where maybe u feel like she's kinda playing with ur emotions. i feel that's the real problem here. 
idk if u want my advice, but i will say that u have to be straightforward with her and tell her what u feel and what u want in a relationship, so that she speaks and clear all this mess! all the best for u 💖
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