#the outpatience
timeforkisses · 10 months
Anxious Disease-The Outpatience(West Arkeen's band) (Feat. Axl Rose and Slash)
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tabithatwo · 1 year
I relate to lottie because if I had to soothe a group of cannibal teens in the wilderness who for some reason depended on my guidance, I too would probably just start throwing out fucking dbt ass name five things you can see techniques and pray none of them knew what it was
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈Question I couldn’t find a good response to when searching…do people still use “family” to refer to their fellow queers? Is this an old thing? Was it ever a widespread thing or was this specific to who I was around? Is it still a widespread thing now, and I just don’t hear it anymore in my circles?
1999-2005, back when I was first becoming exposed to true queer community (as opposed to knowing individual lesbian or gay folks, the only variety of LGBTQAI+ people I had met to that point) everyone would be like, “so-and-so is family.” Stuff like, “hit up that business, the owner is family.” Or “yeah you’d be fine w/ PDA at that bar. It’s not a gay bar but most of the staff is family.” Or we’d like run into a professional acquaintance and their crew at Indy Pride, get all excited and say to our crew later, “that’s Blah Blah from work! I didn’t know they’re family.”
This was all when I lived in Indianapolis. My queer elders back then were a few lesbians (very close friend’s mom and her roommates and friends) who I’ve since lost touch w/ (outside FB) who are like 55-65 now and they said this all. the. time. So it became how me and my young queer friends back then talked, too. But I never hear it now.
I haven’t thought about this in years and it was so endearing and lovely….maybe I’ll bring it back 😂 I had some major life changes since then (moved to Austin in ‘09 and built a new network where I’m now on the older side of the queers I generally hang with) so I don’t know if this is location or generationally influenced (it’s generally safer to talk plainly now vs. then, etc.)
I’m just curious to know if other folks say this or used to say it.
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dailythreeofthem · 4 months
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ghosts-cyphera · 5 months
just got a message from the psychiatric hospital letting me know that I’ve been successfully placed on their waiting list, with the estimated waiting time of six weeks 💗 !! I can do six more weeks by myself !!
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butchhamlet · 2 years
yknow. i can study hamlet for the rest of my life and i intend to but i’ll never have a better understanding of the core of that play than i did when i was sixteen and out of my mind
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I don't know if I am fully over the resentment of a huge class of workers thinking the pandemic experience was universally kicking around bored at home making shitty sourdough bread
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faeriekit · 3 months
SOMEBODY (me) but I'm not naming names (me) had to go to the hospital today (me) to get their blood taken out AGAIN (ME). They gave me a little bracelet with my legal name and everything. Now that I've been visited by the medical care fairy, I'm in the mood to write a Hybrids chapter, but I don't trust that asshole (me) to stay on target without support. If you have the energy, shoot me a medical experience? It doesn't even have to be yours. If you have an interesting medical story to share, feel free shoot it to me—just don't doxx yourself, pretty please.
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grantwilson · 4 months
you know what time it is
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Interest check for an AM x reader plot idea I had! AU where you’re in an outpatient facility for depression/suicidal ideation and AM is either:
A.) the disgruntled psychiatrist at the treatment center who treats you and everyone else like shit (at first). ((Extremely similar vibes to the teacher that just came to school for the paycheck and didn’t give a fuck about the students.)) Like It’s Kind of a Funny Story but it’s AM and plays off the whole “mental health providers are often mentally ill themselves” thing
B.) the bitter asshole of your program’s therapy group. He’s there reluctantly (likely by some sort of legal force for some backstory I’d write later, maybe him just being an asshole as usual and getting belligerent with a cop or something) and his goal is to make the providers there and the court who assigned him to therapy regret ever messing with him
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pjharvey · 1 month
idk i am happy for women who feel represented by chappell roan but i’ve actually never felt less seen by a sapphic pop singer in my life. stream syd
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schizodesires · 3 months
weed makes me horny alcohol makes me want to cut until i see bone the two of them combined make me a horrible individual
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peony-pearl · 1 year
yeah I’ll say it again: there was no reason for Azula to be put in an asylum for a year and still be going through it that bad all for a breakdown that took, what, less than a month? If we take Zuko’s betrayal, then Mai and Ty Lee swapping sides(? we never really see them “turning good” they just prevent Azula from hurting Zuko and the Gaang but that’s a different discussion) and then her father’s denial of her joining him to the Earth Kingdom (then feeling like she’s being treated like Zuko - thus she’s suddenly lesser in his eyes) followed by Zuko defeating her (which, in her mind, is a whole new failure and she probably feels like she failed her Nation)... yeah that’s stuff that, if given proper therapy, she could have just stayed in a hospital, and within a year, possibly even be living back in the palace with a whole new outlook on life. The writers make it sound like Zuko just wanted her out of his hair which is not how you want to write your hero whose arc is based around growth and wanting acceptance and is forgiven by a family elder after he hurts him. Yes he’s a new Fire Lord and he’s got a lot on his plate, but to just handwave his sister away after he knows the pain of being denied by his family is... bleh (also you all know how much I hate Iroh's canonical endgame)
And I know that there were talks of a fourth season in which she got her healing arc (which would have been really great to see); but it’s such a mess that the comics just kind of decided ‘nahh let the teenager who’s been locked up for a year keep her antagonist role, that’s fresh right?’ Not the girl who was put on a pedestal until suddenly everything she did was wrong (which... yeah, she WAS doing wrong; but she’s been raised to believe everything she was doing was for a greater good for HER nation and the world. She believes she’s a hero because she’s doing what she was raised to do, and to them she IS a hero. She has daddy’s ‘love’ so long as she’s perfect and amazing - and then suddenly all of that gets absolutely obliterated right in front of her one at a time as she realizes everything she’s been doing to maintain her power is also driving people away. Being 'the good kid' until suddenly you aren'twill unravel you.). Zuko knows how that feels, to feel like everything he did was wrong. He knows how it feels to have to break away from realizing he’s been hurting people; to learn from that and how he needs to change his ways.
And not only that but the way they write Azula as a villain in The Search is just AWFUL like it’s boring af. They recycle the same beats over and over and no one gets the bright idea to stop the cycle it’s AWFUL everyone in that comic is a raging idiot.
idk I could keep going in circles and we already know the comics are awful but there’s my extra 2 cents on the matter. They took a character that was already entertaining and fascinating and denied her a really great potential arc to make her one of the best allies the Gaang could have (and Zuko could have some FAMILY) but nope. Let's retread the show but instead let's make it bad.
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kiirara · 1 month
it’s baffling how much the public healthcare industry makes you wait for the longest time for just the first appointment
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kylejsugarman · 14 days
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ok everyone has to be so incredibly niceys to us please, im on pulmonary critical care this week and jesse is. well yk. the struggler. anyway be niceys. goodnight, we're going to go find watermelon-flavored menthols and just kinda see what happens after that
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I’ve gone from ‘a pleasure to have in class’ to ‘pleasure to have in the intensive outpatient program’ #character development.
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