#the outputs if at all
mayordea · 4 months
teeny tiny announcement but i am on sheezy. im very slowly making it through my backlog due to the daily posting limit, but i look forward to this place being my new portfolio-hosting ish site. plus i might use it to post sketches and oc stuff in the future once i catch up and get more used to it
(ill still be updating my artfol for similar purposes since that place will have more of my art, plus i have heard that this website has had financial troubles in the past and no sure guarantee it will be around for long)
its still in a beta-testing phase and registration is limited for now, so no pressure to join if youve never heard of it (i know it’s art posting platform 5 billion that ppl are dispersing to in light of tumblr’s newest policies). however ive been keepin my eye on this place for a while, so me joining around this odd time in tumblr history is more or less a coincidence 😅
its still a bit dry for now, but just wanted to get this out there regardless :>
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pinkcrayon · 5 months
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clearing out my files from the past year. this one was a hit with my friends!
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petitelappin · 1 month
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More of these two.
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bluebird-ascended · 5 days
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everyones a feminist until there is a spider around 🙄
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rukafais · 2 years
honestly i think a very annoying part about the AI art boom is that techbros are out here going BEHOLD, IT CAN DO A REASONABLE FACSIMILE OF GIRL WITH BIG BOOBA, THE PINNACLE OF ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENT and its like
no it’s fucking not! That AI wants to do melty nightmare fractal vomit so fucking bad and you are shackling it to a post and force-feeding it the labor of hard-working artists when you could literally pay someone to draw you artisanal hand-crafted girls with big boobs to your exact specifications and let your weird algorithms make art that can be reasonably used to represent horrors beyond human comprehension
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gammija · 11 months
i was expecting the graphic novel to be like a basic episode, but as a comic, just with Vlad and Dan shoehorned in as phandom pleasers and nothing else, but instead it's like. 'You remember every episode from 15 years ago, right? good because we're picking up right were we left off and we're barely going to explain anything or introduce the characters to any potential new readers. also obsessions are canon now and we retconned the finale ✌️ have fun'
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cantsaythetword · 8 months
This is a message to everyone who didn't complete tickletober
To those who started strong, but didn't finish
To those who wanted to start, but life got in the way
To those struggling with burnout
To those who posted every day, but don't feel happy with what they put out
You are appreciated.
You are incredible creators.
This does not affect your worth or value as either a writer/artist or as a person.
Tickletober is not about success or failure
It is about the community celebrating the spooky season with each other
Whether you wrote, drew, liked, reblogged, read, viewed, or just were present on the site during this time
Thank you
And well done
You are wonderful
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salemoleander · 9 months
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I'm very tired of how bad/incomplete all the wikis are for Farmer's Delight, so I guess now I'm working on my own set of infographics. Starting with a lot of very repetitive editing in Photoshop!
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3-aem · 2 months
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jamesvowles · 5 months
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melfiiis · 5 months
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aleatoryw · 1 year
sure there are owl city albums but there are also secret owl city albums (Adam young, sky sailing), double secret owl city albums (port blue, swimming with dolphins), and triple secret owl city albums (color therapy, windsor airlift) and that's JUST the stuff on spotify. the top secret stuff is on eleven year old youtube playlists (insect airport, behold! lawns, aquarium, a fuck ton more windsor airlift, etc)
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batsplat · 3 days
Not to want to get you into hot waters but one of the blogs on here shared Marc’s onboard from the 2015 sepang kick incident and I’m a bit unsure how anyone could watch that and not consider it a deliberate kick? Really don’t want anyone to get mad because I’m no expert so maybe there’s something about Valentino’s movements that allows for the “accidental” kick option but if so, what is it? Because as a layman, watching it… I wish it were possible to show that video to Valentino and make him explain exactly how that kick was not on purpose…
I think it's genuinely ambiguous! this is what's interesting about it, right - if you look at the onboards and the helicopter shots there's a decent chance that depending on what you watch you'll end up with a pretty different view on it, and it's inarguable that from certain angles it looks incredibly like a kick. it's also inarguable that whether valentino kicked marc or not, he did deliberately attempt to run him wide, which you can see was intentional by how he looks behind him just before they make contact. it's still not clean riding whichever way you look at it, which is why he got the penalty
I'm going to defer to someone else's opinion here myself (you'll find I link back to this site a lot and broadly consider it trustworthy), from a bloke who does very much believe valentino was in the wrong that weekend. this is in the aftermath of the fim requesting that honda doesn't release data which would have 'proven' valentino kicked marc in an entirely futile attempt to make the controversy die down. the piece talks first about what data like this even involves, including this bit:
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the main point here is that the data isn't going to tell you whether valentino kicked him or not, because that's not something you can actually read in data. I have another ask that's vaguely related to this sitting in my drafts, but it's always been one of the most interesting elements of all the controversy in late 2015 - both sides attempting to definitively prove the unprovable with a few numbers. let's quickly bring in what arguments both sides as well as race direction made in the immediate aftermath from the post-race piece by the same author:
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that's valentino's explanation, right, marc's handlebar hit valentino's knee, which caused the leg movement as well as the crash. a little more from the immediate post-race write-up:
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basically, the view here is that the two bikes make contact - and as a result of where marc hits valentino, valentino's foot is dislodged from the foot peg, catching marc's handlebars in the process. again, none of this actually exonerates valentino. whether there was a kick or no kick, you are NOT allowed to run another rider off-track! whether valentino literally wanted marc to crash or not, this was always going to be a possible consequence of his actions - which he would have known was the case! it is obviously worse to kick someone, partly because it just feels like a particularly egregious offence, but there is no version of this story where valentino comes out with a clean scorecard
as the 'post-honda promising to release conclusive evidence' piece goes on to say:
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of course, all this is just one bloke's view. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that valentino did kick marc. but I also struggle to see how it's a clear cut case for the prosecution. again, however, it really is important to stress that valentino by his own admission was engaging in an extremely dubious move. the kick would be the cherry on the icing, if you will, but running another rider so wide that you are probably trying to force them to leave the track is generally not considered acceptable behaviour. the kick question is very much something everyone has to decide for themselves - or not! I still think it's the ambiguity that helps make the whole thing so interesting, that every single clash between the two of them that year still has so many unanswered questions. that both sides have their own unshakeable views of events - sometimes close to 'reality' and sometimes a little less so, sometimes reasonable and sometimes anything but. it's the subjectivity and the fallibility of the human capacity to understand events that we ourselves have experienced - it's this lack of knowability for both outsiders and insiders that makes it so endlessly fascinating and rewarding to analyse. even the two men themselves cannot completely understand what happened that day, what happened in those few seconds, and they never will. we're all in the dark, in the end
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dokutah-exe · 1 year
honestly i thought surtr was like some sort of hidden arknights boss or an ex-villain or something but she's just a passive mall goth lounging around and eating all my damn ice cream
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horreurscopes · 1 year
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i."Revelation - It's Grand Climax at hand!" Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, 1988.
ii. "Pure Worship of Jehovah​—Restored At Last!" Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, 2018.
iii. Watchtower magazine, April 1989, May 1989.
Illustrators uncredited in publications and therefore unknown. 
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meatexe · 1 month
if u think ur in love w tht tumblr dom u should read “trust” by larissa pham n then get back to urself
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