#the owl houe
fruity-phrog · 1 year
Owl House headcanons, timeskip edition:
Lilith basically adopted Amity. They go on adventures together, mapping the Isles and documenting any and all changes that occurred when the Left Arm became the highest spot. Lilith is basically Amity’s mom now and they continued to heal their trauma from the Emperor’s Coven together.
The Emerald Entrails still play together often, now as a professional team. It’s still more of a hobby than a job, but they remained close.
Willow coaches flier derby to students at Hexside with the help of Skara, who works as a teaching assistant.
Hunter was officially adopted by Darius and Camila (separately) almost immediately after Watching and Dreaming and spent alternating weeks in the Human and Demon realm until he took up the job of palisman carver.
Gus and Vee, despite neither of them attending college, teach in the Human Realm course at Eda’s university. In between King’s Tide and Thanks To Them, Vee gave Gus detailed lessons to correct his misconceptions and they mainly teach the truth. Gus refuses to admit that the ocean doesn’t sound like a paperclip.
Luz and Lilith constructed the entire Glyph course on their own. Eda helped, obviously, but she was busy overseeing the entire building of the university. Luz is mainly taking that course for nostalgia.
Hunter tries to keep himself to himself and most people don’t even know he’s the Golden Guard. 
When Darius and Alador began to become friends again, Hunter hung out a lot with Edric and Emira while Amity was off with Lilith, so they’re close friends now. Hunter taught Edric about wolves and Emira about their healing processes in the Emperor’s Coven. They, in turn, taught him to be a teenager, because while the Hexsquad are great, they’re...not too knowledgeable in that category.
Amity is the strong tall girlfriend from her adventures with Lilith. This is actually semi-canon in that Ams is canonically taller than Luz now, but I just wanted to include it.
Hunter and Willow eventually got together nearly a year after Watching And Dreaming. They were even more drawn-out than Lumity. Amity was yelling at Willow to make a move, Gus was yelling at Hunter, Luz was yelling at both of them but it was eventually Waffles and Clover than got them to get their shit together.
Hunter, with Darius and Dell’s help, eventually carved an egg (like Luz’s) a few months after Watching And Dreaming, which hatched into Waffles. This was when the Hexsquad promised to get matching tattoos the second they were able to (Eda offered to do it then and there but they politely declined).
As I mentioned in pretty much every headcanon list I’ve ever made, Marcy went to Luz’s school once she moved. Marcy would not shut up about how amazing Anne and Sasha were, and Luz would not shut up about how amazing Amity was, but Marcy also spoke a lot about Luz to Anne and Sasha and so they got jealous.
Luz dyed Hunter’s hair red when she was sixteen and he was eighteen, but it went terribly and ended up light pink. He still kept it until it faded out.
Darius nearly fainted when he saw it.
Vee showed Masha the Demon Realm and they absolutely love it. Sometimes they’ll be a guest in the Human Realm course at the university and they go on dates to the Knee and Skull and cool BI places. 
Waffles bites Hunter. A lot. She’s a biter.
They all got therapy <3
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kald-dal-art · 1 year
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Spending my afternoon drawing my fave disney villain...so a very productive day to say the least
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hotdoghottakes · 1 year
So uh...Is this who I think it is?
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EDIT: It is!
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isomaruuuu · 1 year
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my favs
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
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potion of trans ur gendah. bottoms up babbyyy
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cuddlypoodle · 1 year
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How long it took for Luz to learn how to use her powers?
That is something I'm still working out.
I love how Luz being human and needing to use glyphs is such a big part of her story in cannon, so I want to stick to that as long as I can, which is why I initial thought HM would be a good episode for her to unlock the Titan yell.
But now that I've been thinking more about it, I think Luz's powers will start to show up during YBOS, starting with her using the Titan yell during either her fight with Belos or her escape with Eda King and Lilith.
Pre-YBOS all of Luz Titan abilities are passive; stronger senses, an immunity to boiling rain (although for a while everyone just thinks her fur is too thick for the rain to get through) and a perfect memory for glyph combos.
Between YBOS and WAD is where things are still extremely nebulous, so I'm gonna skip ahead to after Papa Titan has fully passed on bc I have that a bit more nailed down.
Luz doesn't keep the full-grown Titan power after he passes, but she will eventually get back to that way in the future. I think I'm gonna have her inherit Papa Titans glyphs, so those still work, but they might be weaker since now it's fully Luz's power and not coming from a full grown Titan anymore, but I'm still working that out.
Oh! Being in the Human Realm does initially cut off most of Luz's magic. Since she's using Papa Titans glyphs and tapping into his power on the Boiling Isles, her own inherent power got stunted.
But being in the Human Realm finally gives her power a chance to grow.
In that cute Lumity dancing in the rain thing, when Amity makes her light spell, I was thinking of having Luz put her fingertip to Amity's and them drawing the circle together (something Luz would do with Amity and Willow when they were all younger to see if she could learn spells that way), and Luz's magic sort of half works, and combines with Amity's spell and even altering the shape of the light spell.
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"Sometimes all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June"
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imagine if i cried. imagine that
(alt colors under cut)
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linkmy-boy · 1 year
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You'll be just as bad, just as conniving, just as evil and just as unforgivable as those witches. We're human! We're better than this!
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master-of-the-railway · 3 months
I just realized. If I'm doing my math right. The replacement Golden Guard for Hunter would be like...10 years old. This poor kid is so young and he's about to endure so much hardship. And it's not even just the horrors of being raised by Belos in the emperor's coven.
He doesn't know much about Hunter. All he knows is that he was 6 when uncle lost him. According to uncle and most coven heads and members, the two young "witches" looked the exact same, which makes it hard for the poor emperor to look at him sometimes. This kid doesn't know that Hunter is alive and happy in a different world learning to be a train conductor. And if he did know he'd probably resent Hunter for it once his eyes were opened to how horrible this life was.
Imagine going through the constant manipulation and hardship of both being Belos' "nephew" and being a member of the emperor's coven. The trials. The punishments. And then finding out you have an identical copy who escaped this hell at an age far younger than you and has lived an amazing life. Hunter got a cool big brother and older cousins (cousins plural as Patch and Lily are practically family to the magic conductors) to play with and make memories with. He had MC there when he had nightmares, they played games together and ate breakfast together in the light of early mornings. Hunter would spend his days hanging out with Patch and Lily in Shining Time, having tons of fun no matter the season, but especially in summer. He was signed up for therapy and has learned how to manage the residing trauma that he did experience in his time in the demon realm. He's best friends with a young witch girl and a little "demon" and a human girl who while not magical is the best friend he could ask for. He attends many festivals on the Island of Sodor and he's friends with all of the trains there. Hunter's lived a life of playing in the river, staying up late to watch TV with Lily on the weekends, watching the fireworks from a high point on Sodor while he sits on Henry's buffer beam and nestles up against the big green engine, getting to watch Donald and Douglas plow snow while he drinks hot cocoa with Wendy.
And then you have his replacement. No support system, nobody who truly loves them the way Hunter has been loved. Darius, and eventually Raine, are the closest that kid gets to support, as those witches aren't even fully committed to the emperor and behind his back they run an entire rebellion with the most wanted witch on the isles. But they can't always be there. Most of the time the poor Golden Guard, who was crowned such far too young, is all alone in the world. He would absolutely hate Hunter for a while. None of this was Hunter's fault, he'd ended up in another world completely on accident, but he lived a life that this little 10-year-old grimwalker could only imagine living.
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lolololuu · 2 years
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So umm hands ✋ uhh draw
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kald-dal-art · 2 years
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Manifesting a proper flashback with these two on Saturday
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hotdoghottakes · 1 year
It goes without saying but if any of my predictions turn out to be true, then I’ll tag them as spoilers accordingly.
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animerunner · 1 year
Someone on OwlTwt got suggested that Hunter might die because
Like some of y'all need to separate when something screws over Disney. And screws over us.
This is the later.
Becaues if that got passed all the regulations and airing. Then Disney doesn't care.
Some people I swear want to get an ending that doesn't even hurt Disney. Just the fanbase.
Like a bad ending does not impact Disney that much.
It impacts us.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
Your AU belos is giving off big foster mom vibes where they save the clothes of whoever grows out and gives them to the next sized kid. Sometimes you can end up getting fourth hand things (if the previous kid hadn't torn the clothes up too badly lmao)
(/compliment + /lowkey I feel like if he could get away with it I think he'd be the type of religious person to open an orphanage just to indoctrinate all the kids there into his religion)
LISTEN. YOU'RE SO RIGHT. I had that sorta thing in mind while talking about the way he interacts with the collector & hunter.
I've spoken about wanting to adopt before but I hope I've also made it clear I'm highly skeptical of the foster system and CPS in general. SO LIKE, I'm always aware of that kinda shit when writing philip in this AU (or at least I try to be).
A lotta the shit he does is either inspired by or mirrors pretty closely real stories I've heard from people. I try to keep his awfulness at least somewhat grounded (unless I think it's funny enough which tbh is a lot of the time)
AS for the religious orphanage- if Philip didn't already have 2 kids to look after and an entire cult to run I think he'd consider it. There's a version of this AU set in puritan times where he opens an orphanage and teaches kids and Hates Children and really only does it to feel powerful. One of those really fucked up teachers kinda situations.
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