#the parlotones
girl73592 · 4 months
Push me to the floor
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older-and-far-away · 1 year
Watch "The Parlotones - Push Me to the Floor (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
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monte-charlo · 1 year
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
thank you for the tags @vegasgrandprix @formula1squids & @hourcat my beloveds 💕 I don't have a fave playlist so I just shuffled my ultimate driving playlist
Real Good Looking Boy - The Who
Bury a Friend - Billy Eilish
Black Horse & The Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall
How To Save A Life - The Fray
Kort Donner - Spoegwolf
Message In A Bottle - The Police
I Don't Like Mondays - Boomtown Rats
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
Push Me To The Floor - The Parlotones
Common People - Pulp
I have seen a number of these posts floating about so I'm not sure who has and who hasn't been tagged but: @effervescentdragon @singsweetmelodies @scrumandf1 @livetogether--diealone @osh-my-prince @teamnick @housepandacrimes @duquesademiel @carpe-dracon and anyone that hasn't been tagged but would like to play along! I look forward to discovering some new bangers 💕
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stayallnite · 2 years
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "What do you bring to your relationships"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about what are the values and positive traits you bring to the relationships you have or will have (romantic, platonic, friends, family, job/school-related...). I might come back on this subject to take more accurate looks on specific relationships' types (friendships VS romantic VS work...) in the future.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. also, you're in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
You bring insights. You are able to help those around you to gain more knowledge. You bring change and determination, an agile mind, ambition and development. You help people find solutions or develop projects and ideas. You are supportive. You also bring stability and balance: you may block the excessive energy of someone to turn the attention towards those who are more reserved. In your group, you're the one in charge of making everyone feel known, taken into consideration and appreciated. You listen to everyone. You bring in the ability to heal. You are not scared of the dark sides of others, you kinda see them right away, but you don't judge, you just want to help those people see them and heal themselves. You bring love and courage to the people you meet. You may not have all the answers, but you're not scared to walk through the darkness to find some. You don't give up easily, and want to pass this feelings to others too. Everyone grows affectionate of you. Just beware of not fall into people pleasing habits: take care of yourself. Honestly, for most of you, the energy is of someone who doesn't have a large group of friends right now. Many may be falling in love with you or you have a lot of people trying to get to know you, especially romantically. It's like, you're their dream/desire. You'll probably are/will be your partner biggest wish come true.
songs: burst into flames | cavale; wolf like me | tv on the radio
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pile 2
You bring diversity, and different point of view. You bring enthusiasm. You bring forgiveness, openness about feelings. You bring the ability to see the best in the worst. You are the one that usually cheers others up when they feel at their worst, helping them see the bright side. You bring hope. You are able to talk about emotions, dreams, with no fear of sort. You are also good with words. You are creative (may even like to write, for example), nurturing. You are also reckless, sometimes. You help your friends and dear ones to stand up for themselves and be confident about who they are, but not just them: you literally fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. You have a very good heart. You know that minds play a huge role into our lives and how we can transform them and ourselves, how we can learn to live better, and you want to be a rock, an example for others. You may even have psychic powers, which would help you see through others' needs and answer them. You are someone that will never let down others when they need support, no matter what. Also, you may like to stick to your word: if you know you cannot keep your promise, you won't actually make any promise, but if you can, you'd go lenghts to keep it. As in a romantic situation, I feel like you'll bring communication and lot of affection too. Maybe surprises as well (your person will love to spoil you and see your face, they'll like your child-like energy).
songs: i'll be there | the parlotones; only you | notorius b.i.g., 112, mase
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pile 3
You bring purification. You help people gain new perspective on things/issues/life. You bring guidance, but in a different ways from the other piles. It's like, you work on a more spiritual/teaching level. You may bring lessons yourself to others. And vice versa. You help people reach the end of tribulations, you kind accompany them in their journey, offering support. You bring them a new feeling of completion, and the realization that they have it all inside of them. All they need is there. You take care of their fears, help them manifest something different, their wishes. And they do, without even realizing how. It's like you're magic. And you don't even know. You too don't even see all that you do (sorry, I hope you can now see that tbh). You literally help others take action and change, take them by the hand and never leave until you know they can move on their own. So lovely of you! It may go the same way in your romantic relationship tbh: I feel you bring growth and healing, changing through love, and in particular through the most intimate/physical part of relationships. You may be a healer, maybe you practice reiki (touch is important, either physical or as "touching others souls"). You basically see souls around, especially the wounded ones, and you love to take care of them as long as you can, in any way you can. Please, just remember to love yourself too.
songs: let's go home together | hella henderson, tom grennan; all of me | john legend
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alenaphale · 3 months
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push me to the floor by the parlotones playing on the background
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
pairing: edward cullen x fem!reader
word count: 0.9k
warnings: some uncannon edward simping behaviour
summary: edward has never been too fond of sharing his piano, but he won't deny his appreciation for your midnight musical musings when you can't sleep
a/n: inspired by lisa se klavier by the parlotones
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You had no reason to be nervous, settling on the cold wooden chair of the grand piano resting amid the Cullen living room, you were always welcome there- it was a simple unspoken invitation that remained permanently extended to you. Though you’d never been one to overstay your welcome, you could not stay away from the ebony and ivory keys, they called for you no matter how far you’d go and the Cullens were always grateful when you answered said call- no matter the time of day.
Your fingers rested motionless on your lap, eyes wondering over the notes of a song Edward had conveniently forgotten on the music stand, though the man was very much aware that his acts of forgetfulness had never fooled you in the slightest.
“I’ve never seen this one before,” you noted, the steps behind you seizing as he stilled behind you, a silent announcement of his and his family’s presence downstairs- they’d been busying themselves all night, hoping that you’d stop by for a minute or two- Edward, however, hoped for much more than merely a few minutes.
“That’s because it’s new,” Edward explained, being sure to brush a quick kiss to the back of your head before moving to the other side of the piano, mimicking a man without a worry in the world, elbows moving to accommodate him leaning onto the wooden surface, a daring, commanding grin painted on his lips as he waited ever impatiently for you to put an end to the silent night. “Though, I don’t believe that has ever stopped you before,” he hummed, appreciating the way his innocent flirtations earned such a delicate, pure, reaction from your heart.
“Won’t you join me?” you demanded softly, eyes trained on the vintage paper in front of you as you traced the artistic black indentations, they were familiar somehow, like many you’d read before and with a little hum you realized why. “This is one of your originals, after all,” you mused, lucky to have looked up just in time to see his smile broaden momentarily. “I don’t think it’s fair that I’d be the first one to play it.”
“I disagree,” he defended almost instantly, tilting his head to allow his eyes a better view of you, shamelessly tracing your features with an adoring gaze that set your nerves ablaze. “It was written for you, it would only make sense that you’d be the first,” he explained, shrugging lightly at your surprise, unsure how after all this time he could still surprise you and enlighten you with such simple gestures. “Now, would you do your boyfriend the honour,” he nodded suggestively at the keys, hoping that would be all the convincing needed. “You’ve got an audience waiting too, you know.”
“Perhaps,” you began, teasingly pressing down onto one key, smirking as a sort of foolish idea popped into you head. “Edward,” you paused, noticing the little raise of his brow showing that he took his opportunity to slip into your head, curious to see what was holding up the usually eager performance.
“You’re bartering,” he sighed, shaking his head as he moved forward slightly, smiling at the sight of you biting your lips expectantly. “Taking advantage of how I feel about you.”
“Please,” you begged, patting the empty spot beside you expectantly, having to move your hand barely a second later as he slid in next to you. “You’re far too easy to convince.”
“Quite so,” he agreed, rolling his eyes as he flipped the page with the song to reveal the very same song but with lyrics scribbled underneath, Edward’s handwriting flowing into the notes so perfectly it made the concept of him writing a song for you all the more poetic. “Though I love how excited you are with getting your way, I have to insist that you allow me to hear it at least once with just your playing,” he furthered his own barter by gently taking your other hand from your lap and placing it to hover over the keys as well, staying close as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Please,” he whispered, the sound shivering down your spine as you closed your eyes to savour his lips where they left a delicate kiss to your cheek, a sure way to ensure that he’d get his way just as easily.
You cleared your throat, leaning into the arm that draped around your shoulders as you started playing the song, fingers familiar with the way the music surrounded you, piquing the interest of everyone in the house as they walked over to see you, hear you- live with you in the perfect melody created so astonishingly and drafted so eloquently by the love you shared with the man at your side.
En die hele wêreld raak stil en luister in die donker uur na die nag geluide van Lisa se klavier…
twilight taglist: @mirclealignr @cupids-crystals @saintlike78 @scarlet-prey @chaoticgirl04 @a-lil-bit-nuts @imabee-oralizard
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blubushie · 16 days
*drags another song into your inbox for you*
Oh this is some shit I'd listen to on the radio while driving late at night. I like it
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astriiformes · 2 years
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BOILING POINT - A Raine Whispers Playlist
Songs to rebel to, brought to you by an assortment of punks, protestors, activists, folk singers, trans and gender-nonconforming musicians, and of course -- violists.
Should We Fight Back - The Parlotones / White Flag Warrior - Flobots^ / Take Back the Power - The Interrupters / All You Fascists Bound to Lose - The Tillers / What We’re Up Against - Worriers* / Hallelujah - Cinematic Pop feat. McKenna Breinholt / A Pict Song - Leslie Fish / Not Ready to Make Nice - The Chicks / SING - My Chemical Romance* / Boiling Point - (Kenji Bunch^) ALIAS Chamber Ensemble / Rise - Flobots^ / Solidarity Forever - Tom Morello / Somewhere Only We Know - Vitamin String Quartet / Step By Step - Pete Seeger / The Losing Side - Grace Petrie* / New World Symphony: 4th Movement - (Antonin Dvořák) The London Philharmonic Orchestra
[Spotify link]
^ indicates songs prominently featuring violists * indicates songs prominently featuring trans/nb or gnc artists
More on the relevant bards -- and annotations on a few others -- under the cut
Flobots are one of the only modern rock bands featuring strings to have at one point had a solo viola player (Mackenzie Gault) in their line-up instead of a violinist, cellist, or string bassist. You probably know their song “Handlebars,” but very few people realize the prominent pizzicato in the song was played on the viola!
“All You Fascists Bound to Lose” is a song originally by Woody Guthrie, one of America’s most influential and well-known protest/folk singers, famous for having a sticker that read “THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS” on his guitar
Lauren Denitzio, the lead singer of Worriers, is nonbinary
The Chicks are maybe best-known for the extensive blacklisting they faced after speaking out against the Iraq War. “Not Ready to Make Nice” is itself a response to the backlash they faced as a result.
Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance, is nonbinary
Kenji Bunch is a composer and violist. Boiling Point, the work featured here, is performed with a tea kettle onstage and lasts as long as it takes for the water to boil. Yes, that’s a real tea kettle at the end.
“Solidarity Forever” is a union anthem originally written by activist Ralph Chaplin for the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Pete Seeger is another of America’s most famous activist folk singers
Grace Petrie is a butch woman who, though she doesn’t identify as trans herself, has been outspoken about gender being a restrictive box
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for the ask game! 3, 14 and 30<3333
hi!! thank you for the ask <33
3. cardigan by taylor swift, push me to the floor by the parlotones, and coastline by hollow coves
14. i’d like to try being a librarian, a nature photographer, and a college professor (maybe botany or something like that)
30. a good moment i’ll never forget is the first time i went rowing with my dad, early in the morning when the town was still asleep and there was a seal swimming in the water near the boat. a bad moment i’ll never forget is the first time i had a fight with my (now ex) best friend, back in the sixth grade. i can’t remember what it was about, but it felt like the world was ending, and we were never the same after that. and a moment that is sort of in the middle is when i told that same person that i was moving to the other side of the country, two years ago. i was really happy that we were leaving, but it wasn’t easy having to tell her that i was leaving her behind, so i had some mixed feelings. it was such a defining moment in my life though, and i wouldn’t do anything to change it.
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andrevanvuuren · 1 year
I know it’s tongue in cheek but there’s a bit of truth in what you speak don’t mind the banter in the round-about give some resemblance of trust to cast away the doubt history doesn’t stain our bed it’s the thoughts we don’t say speak about stuck in memories in the fuzzy head throw a stone in the silent water for the circles & ripple effect danger lies in the down time it’s a workshop for the devil dancing across the fuzzy mind we’re all caught up in the grind getting through the boring nine 2 five dream the dreams to come alive hold me close I don’t want to just survive share the light if you don’t mind I’ll give you mine Babee I’ll share you mine all the time I’m all yours please be sure if you want to be mine I know it’s tongue in cheek but there’s a bit of truth in what you speak don’t mind the banter in the round-about give some resemblance of trust to cast away the doubt history doesn’t stain our bed it’s the thoughts we don’t say speak about stuck in memories in the fuzzy head hold me close I don’t want to just survive share the light if you don’t mind I’ll give you mine Babee I’ll share you mine all the time I’m all yours please be sure if you want to be mine(4/3/23 i’m all yours-AvV)
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
even if you're rich, even if you're poor every breath you breathe I'll be there for you even if you're strong, even if you're not every breath you breathe I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you | The Parlotones
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bambilamby · 2 months
Soon, I will no longer be a teenage girl.
and before I forget what it's like to be 17, I would like to document it.
So here is a list of the artists that shaped these years:
• My Chemical Romance
• The young veins
• Marina and the diamonds
• Car seat headrest
• Françoise Hardy
• Radiohead
• Lana del rey
• Twenty one pilots
• Green day
• Mal Blum
• Mother mother
• Mitski
• Weyes blood
• Andrew bird
• Cocteau Twins
• Lucy Dacus
• Gerard Way
• Requin Chagrin
• David Bowie
• Matt Maltese
• Djo
• Fleet Foxes
• Alex Turner
• Fiona Apple
• Foo fighters
• The Cure
• Depeche mode
• The 1975
• Panic! at the disco
• Joe Dassin
• Fox academy
• Anneli van Rooyen
• boygenius
• Alex G
• Japanese Breakfast
• Father John Misty
• Dandelion Hands
• Spoegwolf
• Van Pletzen
• Z berg
• The parlotones
• Deftones
• Rainbow kitten surprise
• Cigarettes after sex
• Pheobe bridgers
• Paramore
• Queen
• Aurora
• Declan McKenna
• Mazzy Star
• Big Thief
• Grimes
• Ella Fitzgerald
• Hello Mary
• Tv girl
• Ethel cain
• Vansire
• Pixies
• Princess Chelsea
• Nirvana
• Colter Wall
• Alain Souchon
• Dr Alban
• Rammstein
• Limp bizkit
• Aphex Twin
• Beach House
• Elliot smith
• Tears for fears
• Vashti Bunyan
• Flower Face
• Pink Floyd
• The smiths
• Morrissey
• Alvvays
• Zach Bryan
• Salvia palth
• suki waterhouse
• Koxie
• Mindless Self indulgence
• Keaton Henson
• Anvil cat
• Sticky fingers
• Terry Jacks
• Kate Bush
• Bob Marley
• UB40
• The smashing pumpkins
• Cat stevens
• Crywank
• Fleet foxes
• BB Brunes
• The cranberries
• M83
• Modern baseball
• Steve lacy
• Florence + the machine
• Travis Bretzer
• Etienne Daho
• Pigeon Pit
• Yellowman
• Peach pit
• St. Lucia
• Damien Rice
• Arcade fire
• Modern Talking
• Three days grace
• black box recorder
• weezer
• The strokes
• Crawlers
• Oasis
• They might be giants
• bôa
• flipturn
• bittereinder
• autoheart
• of montreal
• Vanessa paradis
• Brand new
• Keaton henson
• Tamino
Herewith, a playlist
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advice4media · 2 months
Which pop stars have the best PR Plans?
Many pop stars have used effective PR.
These stars include Perry Farrell of Jane's Addiction. It also includes Sass Jordan, Big Sugar, DOA, and The Parlotones. For instance, Perry Farrell's PR team got him valuable global media coverage. It boosted his public image and career.
Similarly, Sass Jordan used PR tactics. They helped her get positive press coverage and reach a wider audience. This ultimately boosted her reputation in the music industry.
Also, bands like Big Sugar, DOA, and The Parlotones used PR strategically. They did it to grow a strong fan base and make a recognizable brand.
This led to more visibility and success in the music scene. Pop music is competitive. A good PR plan is key. It helps you stand out and grab fans' and media's attention. It's what leads to long-term success.
How do music PR firms help emerging artists gain visibility in the industry?
Music PR firms help emerging artists gain visibility in the industry by leveraging their connections with media outlets, influencers, and industry professionals to secure press coverage, interviews, and features. They assist in crafting compelling narratives, organizing promotional events, and developing strategic marketing campaigns to increase the artist's exposure and reach a wider audience.
What are the key components of an effective crisis management plan for celebrities in the entertainment industry?
An effective crisis management plan for celebrities in the entertainment industry includes proactive monitoring of potential issues, swift response strategies, clear communication protocols, collaboration with legal advisors, and the development of a crisis communication team. It also involves preparing for various scenarios, conducting risk assessments, and implementing measures to protect the celebrity's reputation and mitigate negative impacts.
How do publicists maintain the public image of celebrities while respecting their privacy and personal lives?
Publicists maintain the public image of celebrities while respecting their privacy and personal lives by establishing boundaries, communicating openly with the celebrity about their comfort levels, and ensuring that any publicity aligns with the individual's values and goals. They work closely with the celebrity to navigate media inquiries, manage public appearances, and craft a positive narrative that reflects the celebrity's authentic self.
What role does social media play in shaping the reputation and brand image of musicians and pop stars?
Social media is crucial. It shapes the reputation and brand image of musicians and pop stars. It does this by providing a platform for talking directly with fans. You can also share content, promote music, and build a strong online presence. It lets artists show their personalities. They can connect with a global audience and grow a loyal fan base. It can enhance visibility. It can boost engagement and shape public opinion.
How do music PR agencies differentiate themselves in providing services to artists and musicians in the entertainment industry?
Music PR agencies differentiate themselves by offering tailored services that cater to the unique needs of artists and musicians. They may specialize in specific genres, have established relationships with key industry players, provide innovative marketing strategies, offer comprehensive media coverage, and demonstrate a track record of successful campaigns. By focusing on personalized approaches, creativity, and industry expertise, music PR agencies set themselves apart and deliver value to their clients.
Contact Us
Reach out to Advice4MEDIA. It is a top celebrity PR agency in Delhi. It is known for its skill in creating engaging stories. It is also skilled at building positive brand images. They have customized PR strategies and vast industry knowledge. They can propel your brand to great success. Take the first step to fortifying your PR standing and protecting your brand's future. Contact Advice4MEDIA today to begin your path to PR excellence.
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
snow on the beach- give me a character you'd date and I'll create your relationship soundtrack by shuffling my spotify liked songs (moots only)
okay but i’d for sure date jasper from twilight
silent movies by carter vail- song that plays when jasper and the cullens come home after new moon and found that you've stolen their parking spot, walking all clumsily to the school building, obviously it's in slow motion, looking perfectly in place yet jasper feels that something is off, different, as if you're calling to him
inside by the parlotones- song that plays while you're working a shift at the diner, it's late and the place and street are empty aside for jasper who is standing very creepily outside among the trees, watching you clean up, very quickly realizing how screwed he is
the madness by nicotine dolls- song that plays when you and jasper run into each other in the history section of the library and he notices that something isn't alright, you're nervous, on edge, so he takes it upon himself to sit on the dirty carpet with you, talking until you feel better, he's never used his voice instead of his powers to do that before
graceland too by phoebe bridgers- song that plays after you ran into jasper one morning before school and very casually invited the vampire to join you on an adventure into the woods in search of a mystery, he'd no choice but to follow- turns out you were looking for evidence of something you'd read in the library, a myth about vampires in the little town of forks, who knew
I'm in love with you by the 1975- song that plays when jasper goes against everything in him and invites you on a date, sealing the deal by giving you an article to help you along in your search, risking his life in the process but he's got a feeling you'd be worth it
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filliteapot · 2 years
I was tagged by @chickenswithsocks
♪ rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist and post the first 10 tracks
Suichuu Megane - Kusano Masamune
The Long Fall - Alec Holowka
The Psychiatrist Is In - God Help The Girl
Emilie - Debout sur le zinc
Les mots d'amour - Debout sur le zinc
Something stupid - Frank & Nancy Sinatra
Push Me to the Floor - The Parlotones
Feuille d'automne - Indila
Broken Horse - Freelance Whales (fire and hemlock season is open)
 나 그대에게 모두 드리리 - 이장희
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