#the pixie project
mikufigureoftheday · 2 months
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🐻Today's Miku figure is:🐻
PIXI Teddy Bear ver.
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angeleternity · 8 days
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cr to rottingmode on ig
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For anyone wondering: we never did find the seed for the Limited Life server. But we're all a bit insane, so with a bit of time and dedication, and the combined efforts of Pixie, Lyric, and team member Lavi, we managed to recreate a large portion of the map almost block-for-block. It made for one heck of a finale closer, and we had a blast putting this together!
...we almost might just be insane enough to try and expand this project out to the other known areas of the map, just for fun...but that's a project for another day. :3
Time elapsed while working on this: over 24 hours in total
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roomwithanopenfire · 1 month
who's going to write the Trixie-centric Carry On long-fic and why does it have to be me?
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minimal-effort-name · 8 months
So after playing through Project Wingman and giving it some thorough thought, I have arrived at what I think is the ultimate headcannon for Monarch's personality.
It's literally just Pixy from ace combat zero.
Down to the last minute detail I think it'd be a perfect match, they are both mercenary aces and as a further proof of how damn good this idea is, here's this video to confirm it.
Just look at it, how his dialogue manages to not only get under crimson 1's skin, but also be completely and utterly ideologically opposed to it.
There is no way that this wouldn't work:
Crimson 1: "The Federation fought for peace in this war, and you denied them that-"
Pixy: <<while you're up here fighting for peace tons of blood is being shed on the ground! Some peace...>>
These lines of dialogue are completely unrelated but they fit together like lock and key, it's beautiful, and look at this one.
Crimson 1: "how does it feel to not have a country, to not have borders to define yourself against the world"
Pixy: <<Can you see any borders from here? What have borders given us>>
And my favorite one, because it leaves the seething red boy completely in ruins:
Crimson 1: "THIS IS MY HOME."
Pixy: <<is that right? Just look at the view>>
Which is absolutely delicious since the landscape you're currently fighting in is a burning orange city hot after getting shelled with UltraNukes that were dropped by crimson.
Overall it's just great and I am incorporating this into my view of this game
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mossyflowers · 6 months
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edienotsedgwick · 27 days
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Future jacket plans + how it currently looks from the back and worn on me as of right now.
At the moment I’m taking a break from making new band patches and instead focusing on non music related details of the jacket. I’ve made heaps of trinkets, or found some secondhand that I want to sew on so they hang off and jangle. It’s gonna be soooo noisy and busy to wear.
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tjisntnice · 1 month
Possession and Obsession
bipolar!darry, past Curtis family, ms Curtis named mary, canon divergence
Soda woke up to shuffling in the kitchen. His first thought was that it was one of the gang members and to turn around and go back to sleep, but when he glanced at the time, something told him that wasn’t the case.
One thing that not many people knew was that Darry was bipolar. If they had to guess, he got it from dad. It was an entire thing when mom and dad were still alive. Darry was 17 when he had his first mania episode, and from what Soda saw at 13, it was bad. It had started simple. Darry would be outside for hours at a time, not coming home until late hours of the night. His parents didn’t know where he went, but Soda once saw Paul Holden hopping their fence after seemingly dropping Darry off. His mom and dad stopped trying to talk to their eldest son the 5th time around, in a week.
Darry had been more energetic too, far more happier than he normally would be. When he did get pissed off though, he would immediately get aggressive. To Soda, it looked like Darry was on top of the world. Until he fell.
It got bad one night, Soda never found out what actually happened. He just knew that he was watching a late-night movie with his dad and Pony, with his mom cleaning up the kitchen, when the phone rang. His dad had picked it up, barely taking his eyes off the screen while his mom had come over to see who it was. The person on the other end had only been talking for a few seconds before Soda saw his dads eyes widen and he had straightened up. After a few more seconds, and his mom mouthing a question that Soda hadn’t quite caught, Darrel had told the mystery person that he was on the way and hung up. He quickly began putting on his shoes and coat, grabbing his keys before telling his wife that “Somethin’s up with Darry, I don't know.” and rushing out the door without another word.
He came back around 30 minutes later, a dirt and blood covered Darry pressed against his side.
“What the hell happened to you!?” His mom yelled, rushing from her pacing in the kitchen. She had sent Soda and Pony to their rooms. Darry just shrugged before sobbing, stumbling over air and onto the couch.
“He’s drunker than Two-bit on a bad day.” Darrel explained, pulling off his jacket and toeing his shoes. “It took damn near forever to get him. Was on the other side of town.”
Mary gasped, quickly going to feel her son's forehead. Darry was burning up.
“Go get the thermometer and a trash can.” She instructed her husband, waving him away. They both froze at the groan their son had let out. “Maybe the trash first.” Mary amended, wincing.
Darrel did the same before scurrying to the kitchen, grabbing the bin and handing it to his wife before stalking back to the bathroom in one quick motion.
Mary put the trash can by her son, just before the boy shivered and gagged what little was in his stomach. She winced again, looking at her husband who was walking in the room. She turned her attention to her son, who was dry heaving now, and began petting his growing out hair. She didn’t understand what was up with these boys and their long hair, back in her day almost every guy had the same haircut, but times were changing.
Darry was done, for now, so she put the bin to the side and took the waiting instrument from her husband. Making quick work of sliding it into her son's mouth, she held it in place while waiting. Taking it out–and seeing the results, Mary grimaced and handed it to her husband. She continued to stroke her son's hair while listening to Darrel shuffle about behind her. Once it seemed like he wasn’t going to puke, she moved out the way to let her husband guide Darry to a sitting-than standing-position. Slowly helping him walk(stumble) to him and Soda's bedroom, he disposed of him on the mattress on the floor that posed as Darrys bed. Mary came up behind him, putting the trash can on the floor beside her son.
She walked over to Soda's confused gaze, kissing his forehead and explaining to him how Darry wasn’t well. Soda grinned.
“Dare’s drunk?” He asked, earning himself a smack on the head.
Grabbing his head and glaring at his mom, Soda turned his attention to his older brother. He didn’t look like Two-bit at all. His parents also seem to notice that, if the concerned glances and the way they both hesitated to leave the room showed. It was until a curious 11 year old Pony showed up at the door, that they finally left, leading him off to get one last bowl of ice cream before bed. Soda looked at his alarm clock, rolling his eyes at the bright 12:43am before jumping up and chasing after the rest of his family.
“I want some too!”
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projectmayhem-stims · 4 months
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🔪 🔪 🔪 🫀 🫀 🫀 👻 👻 👻
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girlbossblog444 · 3 months
School created math and geography then created history as an apology
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daughterofcainnnn · 5 months
i truly think after discovering ethel cain in june of 2023 was the best time for me cause oh my god i have never felt more seen
like her music does something to me
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taraneeno · 5 months
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-CHOSEN KARMA- Let's flip a coin (I'll decide your fate)
A personal project cover illustration based on @pixy_official_ 's album, CHOSEN KARMA. Their darker concepts are quite interesting, so I was inspired by that to create this illustration.
Some motifs included: The stars represent fate, or a higher calling/purpose that one cannot escape from. Think 'written in the stars'. The coins represent the obvious - flipping a coin to make a choice - heads or tails? Let the coin decide for you :) The pocket watch is a symbol of time. Time is moving on, or perhaps your time is running out. Either way, whether you choose to stay or go, the clock is running. The plants are signs of life and personal growth. Green represents luck and life, contrasting the rust palette of the suit.
Materials: Faber Castell Polychromos pencils on Fabriano Sketch paper, 90 gsm.
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neonthewrite · 5 months
Two Thieves
Finally, some progress on GTJuly (2023)! This next prompt was "Weapon" and I really flip flopped on what to write for this one. Until I remembered Eral and his extremely effective weapons that really level the playing field for a teeny little pixie.
Two thieves watched and waited, putting in their best effort to avoid looking like thieves. Leaning against a wall and keeping an eye on the many coming and going in the market could easily start to look like loitering if they weren’t careful, but they’d been at this long enough to mind their demeanor. Sturdy, plain canvas clothes, a little too worn to mark them as students at the college taking up a good portion of the eastern district of the city but not worn enough for anyone to accuse them of being hard workers, helped them blend in. Just another pair of humans in a city largely populated by humans. They could be travelers, or locals on a break from tending one of the nearby shops, or youths sneaking off from their errands.
But no. They were thieves.
The taller and bulkier of the two, who usually went by Arden, scanned the crowd without noticing most of the faces. The city wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t small, either, and a lot of people from all walks of life wandered through. Arden looked for signs of an easy mark anywhere but the faces he wouldn’t remember anyway.
His companion, Willow, an aptly-named little thing who used his extra-youthful looks to great advantage most of the time, watched the crowd with much more boredom, until suddenly his face lit up. “Arden. By the tailor shop. Red topped foreigner.”
Arden lazily scanned towards the tailor shop. No need to be obvious about his gaze. Indeed, near the shop, he found said foreigner happily chatting up the owner of a fruit and wine cart on the broad sidewalk. The guy wore travel clothes that might have been fine once, but had since worn out. His pack hung heavy on his shoulders. His armor was light and spry and he held himself like one who knew how to draw attention. By his brown skin and deep red hair, he probably got his fair share of sidelong glances in this area. Something seemed familiar about the tattoos on his forearms, bared by his rolled up sleeves as he gestured along with whatever tale he told the cart owner.
“Meraevrian?” Arden guessed, his mouth barely moving. “What’s he doing all the way up here?”
Willow shrugged, but he’d clearly made up his mind about something. “He’s probably got some good trinkets from far away. What say I find out where he’s—is that a pixie with him?”
Arden hadn’t noticed right away, either. From several shops away, the two thieves could hardly be blamed for not noticing the tiny figure standing right atop the cart, also involved in the conversation. Leaf wings and verdant armor made them look like a little decoration for the wares on offer. The pixie couldn’t be more than six inches tall.
And suddenly Arden thought he knew who that pair was. “Foreign redhead with a leafy pixie … we’re gonna forget we ever saw them, you hear me, Will?”
Willow turned a frown his way. “Seriously? A wandering chatterbox and a tiny little fairy? They’d be a cinch. We might even be able to get some pixie dust, if not a whole pixie—”
“We don’t muddy our hands with stealing people, you idiot,” Arden snapped at him, again barely moving his mouth lest someone somehow read his side of the conversation. “Besides. I heard about those two. If it was just one or the other I’d have missed the signs. But there’s been rumors about the Meraevrian and his pixie friend.”
Willow slumped against the wall again, but seemed to accept the warning. “What, is the guy a tough mage or something?”
Arden huffed in lieu of shaking his head. “What I hear, he’s just a bard. Not much going on there that we need to worry about. It’s the pixie we need to be careful not to piss off. And not for any of those ‘beware the fae’ reasons.”
Willow’s expression flattened. “Horse. Shit. The little fae are still little. You could cart that guy off in a pint if you wanted to.”
Arden turned a sharp gaze on his confident friend. “That pixie has weapons, Willow. Weapons no pixie ought to have their tiny little hands on, and yet they’re made for him. Take a good look at him, yeah?”
Willow did so, and Arden watched warily, too. The pixie, seen from a distance, really didn’t look formidable at all. If not for his wings being open and occasionally twitching with whatever he said to his companion, they might not be recognizable. He looked just like any of the small fae, entirely too easy to mess with if they decided it. Willow was probably coming to the same conclusion all over again, so Arden nudged his shoulder with an elbow. “That little guy has a crossbow that shoots through anything. See it on his belt? And the rapier on the other side deals more pain than any needle that size ever should.”
Willow scoffed. “I dunno. Anything better than rumors about them?”
Arden scoffed back, managing to sound much less like a petulant child as he did so. “Take it from Sal at the bar, who heard from a friend of an acquaintance of an associate that a man two towns over got both hands lopped off by one shot from that pixie. So he’s got good aim, too. And maybe they are just rumors. But I like having both hands. So I’m going to leave the damn pixie and his bard alone, and you can sing that to the gods.”
Willow glared up at Arden, still unconvinced. Arden stared back, unbothered by Willow’s disbelief. He’d never apologize for being cautious, especially when there were far less risks involved in targeting almost anyone else visiting the market that day. Neither of them could afford those rumors being true.
As usual, eventually Arden’s steady conviction won out against Willow’s impatience. Willow sighed and returned to scanning the crowd, though they both glanced towards the cart when the bard and pixie took their leave. Those leaf wings became a green blur for the short flight from the cart to the man’s shoulder, and the sun winked off the rapier at the little guy’s hip even from that distance.
Two thieves watched and waited and pretended they never saw either of those newcomers to town.
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lonndoodles · 18 days
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Some childhood shoujo manga I read growing up!
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moonlit-flowerfield · 1 month
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I blame Lydia the Bard. Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall is such a take I didn't know I needed. GaaaAAAAAAAH.
Story below cut
An is a Music Fairy, who managed to survive the extinction of 96% of Pixie Hollow. The rest of Neverland took her and her friends in, but she lost more than just friends. Her father figure, the queen...
She worked with Len, a Tinker fairy, to try and find how to keep the rest of them from dying. Unfortunately, the only possibility came to them too late, causing them the loss of Miku, Kohane and Meiko.
Akito, Rin, Len and An took the lead to flying to the mainland, taking people who they felt a strong bond with. An found Emu. Len found Minori. Akito found Rui. Rin found Rui.
The few other remaining fairies found theirs, and thus came about the legends of "Peter Pan and the Lost Boys". An wasn't sure where the name Peter came from, but... The last of her home had been saved.
Emu led the Lost Kids on their adventures daily, Len going with them as "Tinker Len". An kept tending to the wounds that fairies had from almost dying. Learned the exact reason they were still alive during it.
As long as Emu and the kids believed in the fairies and stayed young, they would be alright. Len and An would make sure of it.
However... One fateful lost shadow in the middle of the night, and An had to chase after Emu to the mainland. Where she met the Tenmas. Saki was almost in complete control of An, she was so excited. And after a bit of interacting, Toya was as well. Tsukasa...
Tsukasa was the issue. He kept talking about how amazing the mainland was. An and Len had to take action. Len tried to warn Emu, but An wasn't scared of being seen as a villain. Neither was Akito. At first, An tried to get thwarted lost kids to shoot Tsukasa out of the air, onto rocks. Emu managed to save him, giving An a glare.
The second time, Akito went to the mermaids. Once again, Emu saved Taukasa.
Desperate, the two music fairies approached an art fairy, Akito's sister, Ena. And the strangest case of a winter fairy who wasn't bound by the seasons, Mafuyu. With the help of Vidia, Iridessa, and Rosetta, the last remaining friends of the greatest Tinker Fairy, they went after the pirate ship.
They were surprised to see Len being chummy with Tsukasa. An nearly felt too guilty to continue. Akito did. Ena took him back to Neverland as An led the charge against the ship.
Vidia removed the pixie dust from the tree with her talent. Everyone but Emu started falling. Vidia had to hold her in place with a tornado bubble.
Mafuyu, Iridessa and Rosetta saved the Lost Kids, Saki and Toya.
An circled around Tsukasa. Saying an apology he'd never understand. Pretending to give him Pixie Dust.
And right before she pretended to reach out to hold him.
"I forgive you."
An froze as Tsukasa landed on the rocks below. How did he understand...?
They arrived back to the shores of Neverland. Emu yelling at each of the fairies. An didn't hear.
They returned to the fairy home. Len got the explanation.
And An broke. Sobbing, apologizing. Begging to understand.
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I bought 90 issues of Threads from an estate sale and I’m soooooo excited to go through all of them. Just at first glance I saw
an article where this woman started making sculptures with a knitting machine (I MUST post pics they were SO cool)
Faggoting as a featured topic (lol)
How to adapt a sewing pattern to knitting
Physical media >> digital media for reference material in my humble opinion
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