#the planet Stewjon
tennessoui · 8 months
new wip wednesday
i wanted to get the first chapter of this done as an early bday present to me because ive been talking about this fic for foreverrrrr but its not gonna happen because im bad at measuring time and effort 😮‍💨 but look! hunger games au fic!
Anakin pushes his face into his neck, letting his lips press against his pulse for a moment. 
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan murmurs, recognition and warning rolled into one tone. 
But Anakin wouldn’t be who he is if he allowed the man in his arms to so easily twist away. He wouldn’t even be here now, pressed up against him with the scent of saltwater and lilacs and leather filling his nose, if he let one warning word distract him from his goal.
So instead he pushes further, wraps his hands around Obi-Wan’s hips and takes the skin beneath his lips between his teeth. The soft fabric of their pants brush together, so loud in the stillness of the kitchen that it’s deafening—that it’s almost loud enough to drown out the catch in Obi-Wan’s breathing.
But Anakin has trained himself over the past five years to listen for all the small ways that Obi-Wan Kenobi capitulates, so he hears his sigh, feels the slump of his shoulders against his own as his head sways forward and then back.
Anakin takes his time worrying a bitemark into his neck, just at the edge of his beard. On the holos that will film Obi-Wan’s face today, it’ll look like a shadow. 
But Anakin will know. Obi-Wan will know. 
“Anakin,” his lover murmurs, and Anakin’s hand moves from his waist up to stroke down his arm, corded with tense muscle. Fisherman’s muscle. Victor’s muscle too.
Not today, he means. It’s obvious in every line of his body. It’s obvious in the fact that he left the bed so early in the morning when neither of them must work. It’s obvious in the distance in his eyes, the frown across his lips.
Today is not a day where Obi-Wan will accept pleasure from anyone’s lips or hands, undeserving as he feels to be on the receiving end of such a kindness.
Anakin’s left hand falls to cover Obi-Wan’s, tangling their fingers together. His are rougher than Obi-Wan’s, working man’s hands now that he is twenty-one and a man of the sea like most are on Stewjon. The rough drag of his calluses over the hairy knuckles of Obi-Wan’s hand makes Anakin swallow a smile. Victors of the Hunger Games are forbidden from working laborious jobs. They’re meant to languish away in their Coruscanti-funded manors, with idle minds and idle hands, picking at paints or design stencils or any number of different government approved hobbies
Obi-Wan Kenobi is not made to be idle. He has no patience for painting or sewing, for cooking or jewelry design. Luckily for him, Stewjon is the fourth planet from Coruscant, on the edge of the inner rim, and it’s rather small, rather ordinary. In the colder months, during the few months of the star year where the galaxy is not forced to care about the Hunger Games and its Victors, he can slip away to the ocean. Fish and sail like he was born to do, Stewjoni through and through.
But Anakin is out on those choppy seas year-round now that he’s four years finished with his compulsory education. His hands are rougher than Obi-Wan’s and they always will be.
Anakin likes it. Likes the way Obi-Wan’s softness contrasts against his own rougher places. Likes that he can sneak away from Obi-Wan’s manor in the blue of the pre-dawn light, first to the sea and then to the market, and Obi-Wan will be there when he gets back. Likes that when he leaves, his lover is curled up asleep in their bed. And when he returns with the fattest fish from his haul, Anakin can cook it for him too. 
He likes that he is the only thing Obi-Wan needs. He provides. He cooks for him. He feeds him. He touches him with his rough hands, to dirty him and then to clean him up. Everything that Obi-Wan needs, Anakin is the person to give it to him.
He supposes he has Coruscant to thank for that.
He’s not stupid enough to say that—ever, but especially today. Especially on the day of the Reaping. 
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minecraftian1213 · 1 year
You know I have this headcanon that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cal Kestis are actually BOTH from Stewjon and I think it'd be funny that Anakin has troubles with two sassy ginger jedi from the same planet who may or may not be related but also broke into a fortress via water and still made it out in one piece
If you throw in that hc that Stewjoni hate force users then you'd get double the trauma. What if Obi was the one who had to visit the planet that tried to drown him for simply existing to retrieve another baby with the force (Cal).
Anyway I just think it'd be neat.
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constantlymisspelled · 11 months
Stewjon and Its Peoples
A Complete Guide to the Planet, its Peoples, and its History
[Yes, I went a little bit insane. And yes, I have more projects I should be doing. I know that full well. Here, have a 4k long extrapolation on the Stewjoni.]
The Planet;
The Planet Stewjon is an averagely sized, mostly temperate planet with two celestial moons. Its rotation cycle lasts an average of 28 hours, with just under 320 days in a standard rotation around the sun, which is named 'Itz' by the locals. The planet has three large bodies of water, each connected to the other, known as the 'Great Seas', and most of the world's population sits along the coasts of these seas. Stewjon experiences moderate seismic activity, although only along specific rings, where the cities are rarely built above three or four stories. Stewjon is located in the Core, and sits along a defunct Hyperspace Route that fell out of frequent use after the New Sith Wars ended. Stewjon has a standard gravitational pull, a breathable, arable atmosphere, and contains both lush forests, bountiful seas, and polar circles. Winter and Summer are extremes, and the planet experiences a seven-year average water cycle that creates a distinct feast and famine alternation. Winter brings snow to the areas of the Poles, and Summer brings fires to the lands that currently sit along Stewjon’s Median Line. The earth of Stewjon is rich in many semi-precious to rare metals, but less so than many Outer Rim planets. However, the true jewel of Stewjon is the planet's strange volcanically created crystals and coloured waters that were once a great tourist attraction. These crystals are believed to have been what has caused many of the unexplained phenomena of Stewjon’s long and complicated history. [Extrapolation needed]
The People;
There are multiple peoples that consider Stewjon their home world. Before occupation by the Sith, and even earlier, the interference of the Rakata Empire, it is believed that Stewjoni were once a singular race. Genetic research compiled by the Stewjoni Medical Board currently presents that Stewjoni were humanoid in shape - pre-interference - but did not have their quintessentially modern appearances of the current subclasses of Stewjoni. It is currently believed that the first few splits in the species occurred naturally, in the form of the Faedh and the Sidhe.
The Faedh – ancient ancestors to what are now called the Seraphim, or the Sephi – were similar to the so called ‘Angels of Iego’ in appearance. They were commonly tall (standing on average from six to seven feet when fully grown), with elongated features, and were thought to have glowed slightly in the dark. It is this trait that is believed to have caused them to deviate from the main Stewjoni species. It is indicated in research that not only did they have membranous wings, contrary to other Stewjoni species with furred or feathered wings, but soft antenna instead of the more common antlers. The major difference between the species has been discovered in ancient burial grounds and upon study of bones and holograph evidence. The Faedh were believed to have been what is now considered ‘Force Sensitive’ in a specifically linear way. Ancient writings from old Stewjoni archives painted a people who looked like Faedh to have been Seers, or Prophets. Much like most of Stewjon, Faedh had metallic red hair, and largely opaque, colourful eyes. They were also believed to be non-venomous, which is a possible reason for their exodus off Stewjon, and for leaving the Core worlds.
The Sidhe – who are still in existence deep within the Great Woodlands of Stewjon – were small (somewhere from two to three feet in height) and are believed to be the mostly closely related to the ancient Stewjoni genus. Much like the Faedh, they possessed wings, although typically lightly furred. There were the odd exceptions of membrane winged Sidhe, but they were often contained within a small cluster of families in the Deep Woodlands. Sidhe were often colourful, although it is believed they have begun to take the appearance of similar features to their neighbours after the attempted eradication by the Sith. Sidhe often have short little horns instead of full antlers, and usually only sets of two, to four. Sidhe are the longest naturally lived of all of Stewjon’s native species.
The Common Stewjoni (Modern) is typically human in appearance, with a couple of notable differences. Stewjoni, and those with Stewjoni blood, are often easy to medically identify, if hard to spot as a passerby. Stewjoni have two livers, to protect from Stewjon’s many toxins and hazardous wildlife. Stewjoni also have Retinal Tapetum, or reflective irises, although it is unknown why this particular trait emerged in the species. As a species, Stewjoni are often rather diasporic, with certain areas having vastly different common features than others – sea the Saphire Islands, where children will have white hair until they hit puberty, or the Nameless Lands, where many Stewjoni have blue, or even grey skin, despite no relation to Pantorans, or Chiss. One of the common attributes known by outsiders is the Stewjoni ability to, it is believed, ‘breed with anything,’ however this is not strictly true. The reproductive processes of most of the Stewjoni is typically humanoid – much like most warm-blooded species – with a few glaring exceptions. First, are the unusually specific requirements for getting a Stewjoni’s romantic attention. Then the particulars of actually successfully copulating with a Stewjoni. And then, it depends entirely on your and their subspecies whether the egg (yes, egg) is soft shelled, or hard shelled, which in turn changes both how many children will be born, how long gestation lasts for, and whether or not the child will survive infancy. The other common misconception about Stewjoni is their red hair – yes, it is now the dominant trait of Stewjon. However, this trait was specifically engineered to become exclusive by genetic tampering. Red hair was always common, except now it is almost impossible for Stewjoni to have any other hair colour thanks to this fact. It is also believed that the red of the Stewjoni never fades. This is unfortunately untrue in certain circumstances.
The Ancient Stewjoni are beyond living memory, and whilst many have theorised what they would have looked and acted like, the truth is unknown. It is believed that they were a combination of much of modern Stewjon.
Their Biology;
The physical body of most Stewjoni – even those only partially, or adjacently Stewjoni – are often similar. First, most Stewjoni are considered venomous. The venom in question is, truthfully, more of a muscle relaxant and tranquiliser than a true venom, as it very rarely kills by itself. It is believed that Stewjoni gained this ability to help them escape a predator that had pinned them, and run their own prey into exhaustion. It also assists with inter-species relations in many ways – such as being a common ground between many predator and prey species, and being largely helpful in difficult sexual relationships. It is not a true sedative, and cannot be used like the holoporns suggest, either. Stewjoni view unmitigated use as a form of harassment. A form of punishment is the surgical removal of said teeth – very rare, viewed as the worst of punishments.
Modern Stewjoni – if living off world – are required to attend a set of ceremonies during their aging. First, is their official blessing into the community at thirteen, as they believe the beginning of puberty to be a time of celebration. Second, is their seventeenth, often seen as their first forays into learning the ways of the adult warrior. And third is twenty-three, when their body is settling into its more permanent form, seen as the introduction of the person in question to the world as a true adult. Each of these ceremonies coincide with important biological events in Stewjoni life – from the age of thirteen onwards, the children will often be on watch for possible ‘threats’ and have higher than traditionally human aggression levels due to having been heavily hunted by Sith and others at this age. At seventeen, Stewjon allows children to take charge of their own affairs and begin to take steps to leave the nest of their parents, whilst still being a part of the immediate family. Most Stewjoni will become fiercely independent at this age – in their own way, which is still largely communal due to the species’ social needs. And at twenty-three, Stewjoni are often encouraged to travel their world. Once, before the Sith, the histories state that Stewjoni would travel the world and bring back stories, wisdom, and new kin. That is no longer possible under the Isolation Acts enforced by the Republic.
Stewjoni have a close biological relationship with the force. It is incredibly rare for Stewjoni to be born Null. It is also rare for Stewjoni to be particularly powerful. The average midi-chlorian count of Stewjon sits in the range of three thousand to eight thousand midi-chlorians, just under the Jedi Order’s acceptable amount. Admittance to the Jedi Order is often only allowed in the case of special abilities – such as powerful visions, or unusual talents such as disintegration. Due to this, it is often observed that Stewjoni are incredibly sociable, and empathic creatures. The community comes first to a startling degree, and it is common for entire families to spend their lives together. Children are raised communally on most levels of Stewjoni society, due to the biological prerogative of the children of the people being the highest priority. This has such an instinctual drive that most of Stewjons wars, conflicts, and laws almost always directly relate to children, their rights, and the protection of. This unfortunately means that children, left unattended around a Stewjoni out in the galaxy, have a large chance of being spirited away to Stewjon, not to return. This is rare in modern times, but still possible, and difficult to counter when up against an entire planet. (See Stewjon vs The Republic for more details.)
The red of Stewjoni hair is due to a couple of factors. It is first of all, similar to the colouration of the Twi Lek, in which certain shades and patterns travel down family and Clan lines – the blood red hair of one Clan being specifically different to the fluorescent, mildly glowing variety of their close neighbour’s being key example. It is also true that the red of a Stewjoni’s hair should be permanent for their entire life. Only stress, strife, suffering and pain should ever dull a Stewjoni’s hair. If surrounded by loved ones, it is rare for grey hair to do more than pepper a Stewjoni’s hair until the death of a partner, or a child, or other such tragedy, and it is more common for a Stewjoni to die out of grief than for them to continue living past such things. The grieving is a private affair, and many Stewjoni have refused to explain the phenomenon to outsiders, claiming that without the force, they cannot explain such things.
It is said that hair, once cut from a Stewjoni – if provided willingly – will stay as bright as the day it was given as long as the Stewjoni lives. The Jedi Temple has evidence of something suggesting this to be true in the ancient records of the Archives, describing a Master finding their padawan’s braid, coloured white after their death.
The reproductive process of the species is often instigated through external pressures – such as change in season, diet, and circumstance. Many Stewjoni will go through delayed puberty without being forced into fertility. Additionally, the idea of Stewjoni being easy lays is quite far from the truth. Many Stewjoni will take certain behaviours commonly accepted by much of the galaxy – prolonged eye contact – very differently, which causes friction between Stewjoni and their partners. Stewjoni as a species require large family groups to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and safety. Only young Stewjoni tend to leave home alone, and even then, are often shadowed by older clan members. The adage of ‘If you see one red, there are more unseen’ is very true, and is basis for much of their interactions with the greater galaxy.
Sexual dimorphism is limited in Stewjoni, and almost invisible to outsiders. Many would claim that almost all Stewjoni seem to be the same sex, or similarly shaped, but this is often due to the necessity for their people to blend in amongst each other. Stewjoni, after much of their historical strife, are a preferred target for slavers, as they are considered exotic, and either good slaves or gladiators. Stewjoni are often confused by the question of whether they are male or female, as there is such little difference in their species between one or the other, however. There are some key things to remember. Not all Stewjoni have the appropriate organs to carry, or have children, but the vast majority – well over 80% of the populace – do, which makes the conceptualisation for the differences in gender seemingly meaningless to them. Those who are explicitly only female, or only male, make up less than 40% of the total populace, and it is believed the margin is only going to continue to decline, due to the biological interference of the Sith. It is not uncommon for only those with higher testosterone levels to have facial hair, however, this is not exclusive, or even all together common. Some sections of Stewjon only have hair on their head. Others, like the remaining Sidhe, have a light dusting of metallic fur all over their body, almost translucent. Additionally, modern Stewjoni often only show the more extreme variations of their natural colouring if they complete their coming of age on their home world. It is unknown as to why.
Their Culture;
It has been observed that Stewjon have a religious relationship with death in a way that most of the Galaxy cannot comprehend. It is often observed that Stewjoni will behave as if their loved ones aren’t dead per se, simply resting, or out of action. There is still a sense of profound grief at the loss of life, especially young, as they believe that the being in question has not yet learned all they needed to proceed to their next life. The religious worldview of the Stewjoni is very cyclical. All things are connected, running into itself like a stream, and there are festivals that celebrate the passing of time of the last rains of the year.
It has been considered a religious requirement for Stewjoni to learn to either dance or fight to appease their ancestors and their gods – to prove they are worthy of the life they have been awarded. It is also considered fair to judge another and their clan on their battle, or physical prowess. Stewjoni must have purpose within the community, even if that purpose is simply to provide company, it is treated with great respect. An example of this would be an ancient story of a warrior who broke their back, and could no longer walk, but continued to tell stories and fables to children until their dying day. They are held as a hero in folklore despite having never won a fight.
Stewjoni believe all things have soul, or life, if loved and known long enough. It has created an interesting conflict between the Stewjoni and their neighbouring planets when it comes to the introduction of droids in day-to-day life. Stewjoni don’t believe in the purchase of droids as you cannot own and purchase people in their beliefs, and due to this, despite their respectful treatment of the automatons, very few droids exist on Stewjon. Additionally, the extremes of Stewjon’s climate tends to destroy unprepared hardware. There are a multitude of religious diasporas on Stewjon, with the practices varying not just from city to city, but from clan to clan. Paint and tattoos on Stewjon have particular cultural and religious significance in certain groups.
Relationship with the force
There are many force sects on Stewjon – before their interactions with the Je’daii order, Stewjon had as many temples as there were cities, but once the fledgling republic discovered the planet and its peoples, a set of skirmishes almost wiped out the religion and force sects off the face of the planet. Fortunately, Stewjoni are first and foremost survivors, and believe in communal knowledge, and it took a Je’daii living undercover for three years to finally be allowed to enter a Stewjoni Temple.
The Modern Temples, further destroyed and tarnished by the ancient Sith battles, fall into a small select systems. The Star Temples, who predominantly teach their disciples how to interact with the great cycles of the universe. The Storm Temples, who teach their disciples to weather great pains and protect their kindred from the affect of outsider magicks. And the Summer, or Sand Temples, who teach their disciples to pull from the ebbs and flows of life and death without enforcing their will onto the world. Only the Star Temples – most specifically, the Star Temple of the Capitol of Waijoni has ever been accessed by a member of the Jedi Order.
It is believed by outsiders that Stewjoni throw away children too strong in the force. This is untrue. Stewjoni are often heavily connected in the force that binds all things, and often entire families can fall into the same nightmare or vision if an untrained Seer lives without shielding. This caused the Stewjoni obsession with Mandalorians, which will be explored in history. The inability for the children to separate from the minds of their family causes some strife, unprepared, or weaker in the force parents often place their children in care until they can come and collect them. However, stewjon is constantly in turmoil, and so children are often swapped between families by choice, by accident, or by force. There fore, to keep the more powerful seers from being poached until they can defend themselves, Stewjoni will often temporarily donate their children to Temples around the galaxy, and come to collect them when able. Other occasions, such as force related illness, can cause mass and sudden abandonment and adoptions as well. This also led to Stewjoni of ancient times racing off into the stars to chase a ‘call’ only to come back with children from around the Galaxy, often taken from unprepared parents.
This has lead to Jedi and Stewjoni being conflated together, being synonymous with ‘Child Stealers’ which is true for one, and not the other.
Whilst most on Stewjon are born with at least more than a passing Force Affinity, those without are often considered safe to send out into the galaxy under modern law, as they will often be able to resist a call from the stars. Ancient Stewjoni Force Sensitives travelled on great ships powered by something the species carefully keeps secret from outsiders, but allows the Null Stewjoni to interact with the force whilst flying said ships. The smaller ships of modern times are fast, agile, and are often spotted in patrols of no more than six, travelling around the galaxy across the ancient passages the Stewjoni People once travelled in their many Force Pilgrimages among the stars.
Due to the frequency of force sensitivity and the incredible empathy of Native Stewjoni, it is believed that the Stewjoni Language only developed so that those who couldn’t sense the force, or outsiders, could communicate with them. This unfortunately means that Stewjon has all the hallmarks of being a pidgin language, and thus has very few completely rigid rules in place. One of the few common conventions is related to writing, and script, which was the basis for the words and their phrasing, however much of Stewjon’s language style was borrowed from others. Such as Ba’va meaning ‘Uncle or Auntie’ or B’ur meaning ‘Mum or Dad.’ There is even significant pidgin from the ancient Je’daii who interacted with Stewjon – such as Dai meaning ‘offworld Force practitioner,’ Je’deyir meaning ‘Outsider’ and Sythe meaning ‘enemy/monster.’
One of the most well-known names out of Stewjon is ‘Obi Wan Kenobi’ after the many historical figures from Stewjon with that name. However, it might surprise you that Obi Wan Kenobi is not a name at all, but a red herring. It was designed, after one of the worst civil wars on Stewjon’s surface, to separate unclaimed, and claimed war orphans. It was supposed to be a way for the child to know that they hadn’t been picked yet. However, outsiders construed the meaning, and took it to indicate the child was unwanted, not unable to be cared for, leaving many Stewjoni who’d been forced from the system with that name when occupied by the Republic into poverty. This of course instigated much of Stewjon’s attitude against the Republic, the Jedi, and the Galaxy. Obi Wan Kenobi means ‘no one, of no clan.’ Which is contrasted by the real meaning for exile, which is ‘Wan Bi Kitrir,’ or Undesirable Person.
It is believed the word ‘Ken,’ for clan, came from the root word for ‘kin.’ Stewjon has no name in the language of its peoples, it is simple titled True Home, or Suti’yon, which was misheard by travellers as Stewjon.
Family and society structure
The importance of family and community in Stewjoni culture has lead to some interesting dynamics not commonly seen in seemingly human species so close to the core worlds. [Unfinished]
Their History;
Early Stewjoni have been documented around the galaxy in eras that long predate the accepted comprehension of space travel. This has led to the belief that ancient Stewjoni utilised vastly different tech to the Rataka Empire long before they encroached on the galaxy. This of course means that even on planets that deny any relation to Stewjon, the quintessential metallic hair and reflective eyes can reappear thousands of generations onwards. It is believed – and perpetuated – that Ancient Stewjoni often travelled to for off worlds in some form of ancient migration or forgotten force practice.
This brings us nicely into their first specific recording. The Pantorans claim that, sometime in the era of 32 000 to 30 000 BBY, a troupe of Stewjoni were in residence to bear witness to the winter solstice festival. They were documented to have stayed a few months, danced, and sung and spoke in a strange, incomprehensible tongue, introduced their magick and technology to the people around them, shared star maps, and left for their next location.
Mandalore states that, sometime around 20 000 to 15 000 BBY, an ancient Manda’lor and another troupe of Stewjoni assisted each other in a great battle against a nameless group of mercenaries preying on the Starships used to house the population of Mandalore at that time. Historians theorise that this may be why the words for magick, force healing, and other non-jedi related variants of the skills began to appear in Mando’a at this time. It also coincides with the Dathomiri beginning to be commonly widespread around the area Mandlore will one day occupy. It is believed that sections of the magick is in some way shared between what Mandalore remembers of Ancient Stewjoni, and what Dathomir has taught them.
Recorded history of real note on Stewjon picks up a written form around the 13 000s, and sometime during this period, Stewjon begins to select a princess – a person who is actually not required by Stewjon to be female, just mistakenly titled that way by outsiders upon meeting – to be the interplanetary advisor between the rest of the Galaxy and Stewjon. Around this time, the ancient Hyper-lane between Stewjon, their nearby branch worlds that would one day be lost to the Sith Lord Nihilus, and Iego would be documented by the Republic, and fiercely defended by Stewjon in what is described as Stewjon’s first real battle on the Galactic Scale.
It is somewhere around this time that Stewjon garners the attention of the fledgling Sith Empire of the era. In 7 000 BBY, Stewjon documents a rapidly rising number of assaults on the edge of what was once ‘their space’ – which under modern laws, they no longer possess – and this caused a number of Stewjoni Warships to be scrambled to meet the assailants.
It is described by many that from 6 000 to 5 000 BBY, after centuries of subtle genetic experimentation and torture, Stewjoni began to disappear from the galaxy. The Republic still hadn’t documented them as a species – and the ancient Jedi order has lost much of the knowledge in the most recent assault on their new Coruscant Temple, and no longer had information of the Species – this meant that when Stewjoni began appearing among the Sith, often enslaved, or Fallen, the Republic simply saw them as tube made creatures from the labs of the Sith, and put them down in the same way. This caused incredible outrage from what remained of the Stewjon at the time, who started a three-way assault on the Jedi, the Republic, and the Sith. It ultimately led to the occupation of their world, and the destruction of their temples, first at the hands of the Sith Empire, and later at the hands of the unknowing Jedi order, who had no precedent for what Stewjoni should have looked like, and almost eradicated the entire species by accident.
In the centuries that followed, Stewjon became incredibly insular, and began to bar entry to outsiders due to the suffering that the Sith and the Republics attempts at eugenics had caused them, leading them to be wary of anyone not outright part of their people. Stewjon had been under Republic occupation for almost a thousand years when the Sith Empire and the Mandalorian Empire went to war with the Republic, and in this time, Stewjon broke free of control, and actively killed any and all republic citizens still in their worlds. Unfortunately, they again attracted the attention of the Sith Empire, and begun to have to fight both just to survive. In the few occasions that Mandalorians and Stewjoni met on this era of battle, it was cold, but respectful – as Mandalorians still told tales of the Stewjoni of old, and some of the more non-human Stewjoni still were prevalent in society.
Stewjon eventually offered support to the republic against the Sith on smaller, closer to coruscant battle fronts that caused the Republic to allow Stewjon to move into true isolation – left alone in the heart of the republic as a non-member world, completely self-sufficient. The Jedi were barred from entering the planet’s space after Darth Nihilis destroyed much of the nearby systems unless they were a Finder. Multiple children were given to the Jedi Order at this time, and were also brought back to Stewjon, without their Master, for their coming of age.
When the New Sith Wars began, the Stewjoni sided with the Jedi and the Republic near immediately, resulting in much of the Galaxy following suite. After them, midway through the wars, Mandalore also offered their support, which cemented the first official treaty and legally documented interaction from Stewjon and Mandalore, resulting in the suspected apprenticeship of a Force Sensitive from Mandalore in Stewjon’s modern ways. This is the era in which the Mandalorian Houses came into effect – it is believed it is mimicked off of the way Stewjoni states their Temple of Origin after their Clan name, showing their allegiance and beliefs. This is argued against by most modern Mandalorians, specifically the New Mandalorians, who believe that Houses were a step away from Mandalore and Stewjon’s shared barbaric history. Notable Clans from this time were the Asterabi, or the ‘Unflinching,’ the Kestis, or the ‘Blade/Dark Family,’ and the Yeneboro, or the ‘Many Shapes.’ It is during this war that the Republic banned all non-Jedi adjacent Force practitioners from Republic space, and with Stewjon’s new alliance, the ‘darker’ Temples on Stewjon were either hidden, emptied, or in the case of the Kestis’, who could not hide their guardianship of the Temples of the Dead, exiled. Most exiles from Stewjon for this reason were immediately given residency on many of Mandalore’s distant worlds. Unfortunately, it means modern Stewjon and modern Iego – the current location for the majority of Clan Kestis – despise the Jedi personally.
At the Ruusan Reformation, and later the Dral Haran (The Republic's assault on Mandalore in a time of peace), Stewjon, and subsequently the Stewjoni, were barred from elections and from voting. This was proven to be a wise move when the current princess of Stewjon ordered their fleet to rally against one of the supply vessels headed to attack Mandalore. Stewjon has been banned from purchasing large numbers of ships, ammunitions, and transports ever since.
Modern and Current Galactic Impact;
[Don't mind me, guys. Doing what I do best. I'll add more to this as I explore the worldbuilding in my writing, but so far, this is what I have. I'll add pictures and references eventually, and hopefully have a semi organized pidgin to explain Obi Wan's naming convention. But that is for a distant horizon.
And for non-Star Wars fans, this is not at all canon, I promise.]
[[Wow, I haven't even gotten to clothes and cuisine yet, haha.]]
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Putting this here too :))
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threebea · 2 years
Fun Stewjoni near human headcanon. They can sense magnetic fields and can use this for navigation, but it doesn't work off their home world, so it becomes more of a congested feeling than a homing beacon for the first few months away from home until they get used to it.
When Obi-Wan initially came to the Jedi Temple as a toddler he was extremely grumpy because of it.
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spokewar · 8 months
A study in Obi-Wan's homeworld, Stewjon, Vol. ii:
vol. i: a brief overview of terrain, seasons, inhabitants, and culture
Stewjon is an ancient planet and much like Mand'alor, its inhabitants have seen many changes throughout the centuries.
Both Stewjon's original name and native sentient race have been lost to the annexes of time, but it is presumed the original people were amphibious cousins to the modern-day Kage people.
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Stewjon wasn't always isolationist like it is today and it was once common for near-humans to come for the planet's rich soil and abundance of farm land. Though, despite the number of expats that would come, very few ever permanently settled due to the ways the planet's unusual climate forced them to live.
While the atmosphere is compatible with near-human life, the planet's surface can pose a hostile threat to those who don't know how to navigate it. At surface level, the air is dense with moisture and the ever-present fog covering the ground makes it extremely difficult for people without enhanced eyesight to see clearly. In addition, bodies of water are strewn about the surface and many are filled with deep cave networks that will pull people in if they are not careful.
The mixing of near-human and native sentients resulted in the modern day people of Stewjon, who share the distinct glowing properties and pointed ears of their predecessors, and the pigmentation of most human-like species. There is no up-to-date information on their biology nor culture, and the most recent data comes from the mid-point of the High Republic.
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According to this data, Stewjoni people :
are capable of withstanding deep-water pressure and holding their breath for upwards of 30 minutes ;
have adapted to survive with little to no sunlight ;
have a similar ethereal vibe to that of their Kage cousins ;
are capable of seeing in complete darkness ;
if trained, are capable of hearing distinct noises from up to 800 meters away.
Stewjon became an extreme isolationist planet during the mid-point of the High Republic when its local government felt they were being treated unfairly. The planet's soil was being over-tilled and its freshwater supply was being contaminated due to the abundance of fertilizer required to yield enough crops for their clients. Stewjon had always been capable of taking care of itself, but it seemed trying to supply the rest of the galaxy was taking a toll on its people, land, and wildlife.
The planet's leaders also felt they were not receiving enough protection from the Republic as their agricultural communities and vast cave networks made Stewjon a prime target for pirates and fugitives running from the law. Fortunately, Stewjon was far from the Core Planets and the backlash the Republic would recieve from trying to force a peaceful community of farmers to adhere to their rules would not be worth the uproar it would cause. Especially with the Kage people, known for their elite warriors, taking Stewjon's side.
Stewjon has one heavily guarded space port where only neighboring planets are allowed to do trade. They do not import goods nor services, they only export crops and, on occasion, artisan items. They do not trade in furs or meats because they do not want the galaxy to know species they harbor on their planet.
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Stewjon's internal politics have remained steady throughout the centuries. The government is made of several ruling families who know better than to overstep and the common people remain content so long as the borders are kept closed and they are given enough community resources to help care for the sick and less fortunate. The land has never been scarred by war or devastating man-made weapons. The hostile climate is hard enough to survive on its own and it's always been safer for any opposing parties to diplomatically work through their problems than try to wage battle.
And as far as external politics go, it is unknown where Stewjon stands. Although, they have surrendered two of their own to the Jedi Order, so it seems they are at least willing to cooperate with some of the Core World's practices.
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On record, Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Jedi Fay are the only Stewjoni people to live within the Republic's borders. While it is legal for Stewjon's inhabitants to leave the planet, most choose not to because of presumptions about the rest of the universe. They think Stewjon is the epitome of safety and peace, and that the rest of the galaxy is all chaos and brimming with danger.
tldr; stewjon is mostly left alone because it's a pity planet with a big scary older brother
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mudpuddless · 2 years
do you have a playlist of Stewjoni vibes? I love your Stewjon lore!
(sorry this took so long, I have no excuse)
southern - sleeping at last
king - florence + the machine
the stolen child - clann
scheherazade, op. 35: ||. lento - leon Spierer, berlin philharmonic & lorin maazelcaribou (instrumental) - sea power
caribou (instrumental) - sea power
middle of the night (violin) - Joel sunny
icarus - the crane wives
my tears are becoming a sea - m83
line of fire - junip
east of eden - zella day
eat you alive - the oh hellos
no sanctuary (feat. sam tinnesz & fleurie) - unsecret
bury me low - 8graves
icarus - bastille
the return - joe hisaishi
video games - lana del rey
if I ruled the world - milck
to noise making (sing) - hozier
shiloh - julia church
choreomania - florence + the machine
stay dead - dead people
have a lovely day!
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twinterrors29 · 2 years
a few possible reasons we don't know anything about Obi-Wan Kenobi's birth planet, Stewjon: it's doesn't fucking exist
Obi-Wan was abandoned as an infant on the Temple steps, so the Jedi have no idea where he came from; 'Stewjon' is a code used within the Order to denote such a mysterious origin without disclosing the fact that children are abandoned on their steps to the Senate
Obi-Wan's parents lied on his intake forms, making up a home planet that doesn't exist to ensure that the Jedi couldn't send the child back to them no matter what
Toddler Obi-Wan was dropped off with the Order, and upon being asked by the friendly Jedi, decided to choose Chaos and make up a fake planet for fun
regardless, Anakin tries to look up 'Stewjon' for years in hopes of learning more about his Master and loses his mind when all he ever finds is Obi-Wan's intake form
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padawansuggest · 11 months
Okay so I want to make an arranged marriage AU for Obi-Wan/Jango. But like. Instead of it being all ‘neither of us want this’ it’s a contract that they both willingly signed and honestly it was obsession at first sight.
Lemme explain.
See, Stewjon (ruled by King Yoda and his mess of adopted kids, so adoption is very common on the planet and they don’t even mind that Prince Jango already has kids) is a peaceful little world that cares about arts, parties, and farming. It’s a mixture of fun and practical. Most Mandalorians think it’s kinda shallow, but fun for party weekends to run off to. A lot of New Mandalorians that still hate the republic send their kids off to school there.
Obi-Wan is 25 minutes late to the meeting and Jango is all ‘you know what, I can handle not having to entertain him, clearly he’s got better things to do Lmao, this marriage will be easy’ and then the next minute someone flings open the meeting room doors, and you can just SEE Prince Qui-Gon’s face fall. He’s been toting the qualities of his baby son for the whole time they’ve been there, talking about the art degrees the kid has (Obi likes painting and sculpting in canon okay) and Jango is all ‘that’s great, he can paint his own wedding armor I’m sure it’ll be lovely’ and about how Obi-Wan is great with kids and loves to read ‘that’s great, he can entertain my father AND son at the same time’
And then the door slams open, and in comes a wild looking Xanatos, physically dragging a snarling young man who’s trying to bite through Xanatos’s wrist.
‘Oh my. He’s not normally so… violent.’
Anyways, Obi-Wan is eventually soothed into submission when Jango, who can’t stop laughing, asks if Obi-Wan really finds him so distasteful, cause he can just leave if so. Obi-Wan, after pulling his slightly bloody mouth off his brother’s arm with an air of dainty sweetness, just licks his chops and mentions Xanatos told him the Mandalorians would take away his pet Varactyl because they wouldn’t want Boga running around the city.
Jango just laughs even harder and tells him he can have whatever big dangerous pets he wants to. Obi-Wan gets up to go meet his new future husband and inform him that he would like a nexu. Jango says yes but also gifts him a new virodagger that makes Obi-Wan squeal about how pretty it is.
Jaster expected them to leave the planet with a very tenacious plan for breaking off the marriage but instead Jango is sighing lovingly and telling his new beloved that they shan’t be parted for much longer. Lovesick strill pups at first sight.
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d0llfaac3 · 5 months
Pairing: Obi wan Kenobi x female! Jedi! Reader
Warnings: reader has near death experience and Obi wan isn’t too happy with his ‘friend’
Word count: 378
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Obi wan came running into the medical wing of the Jedi temple on Coruscant, a determined look on his face, also one of worry, you were laying in a bed, half asleep on the meds they gave you.
He nearly broke down in tears as he saw you..he was your ‘friend’ or a Jedi master, you where close with, you were also a Jedi. Growing up with Obi Wan in the Jedi Order.
He gently cupped your face, you two had been unofficially together for months now, hiding it from the order as attachments where forbidden. For any Jedi, let alone two well respected Jedi masters..
“They’re letting me out soon Obi, calm down” you say softly, with a small smile on your face, he cared so much about you it was quite cute actually, he dropped everything to make sure you where okay..
“Oh good..maker you seriously scared me..” He says as he gently touches your hair, looking at you with such soft eyes that it could melt the coldest of hearts.
You had to giggle, couldn’t help yourself, his big hands wrapped around your hand dad make you blush. “Obi..we’re in the hospital wing not here” you say quietly and he blushes and quickly pulls his hand away mumbling something about an apology
Once the nurses released you, Obi Wan had grabbed you into his quarters, throwing you on the bed and throwing a blanket at you, getting into bed beside you still in his robes.
“You” kiss “scared” kiss “me” kiss. You did love his kisses. Something about him always made you feel so special, ever since you two were small children you two have always had a connection, from late night lightsaber training when you two where padawan learners, to late night studying sessions, to late meditation to..enjoying each other in a different sense..
He wrapped his big arms around you, suffocating you in a hug as he kissed your hair, gently putting his chin against your head, whispering soft words to you as you drifted off asleep, the last words you can remember where.
“Goodnight Mi gorffen chi bonnie” he says, in stewjon, the language in his home planet meaning ‘I love you Beautiful”
You loved him and he loved you..screw the Jedi order.
Hi guys, I’ve never done a Star Wars fic before so it’s kinda goofy, hope u enjoy 🫶🏻
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mock-arts · 2 years
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Happy approaching new year all! I just wanted to look at all the covers I’d made for Star Wars fics in 2022 all at once lol
links to each beneath the cut!
Crashing Down by @oakwyrm (art)
Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky Corps is, despite his reputation, mortal. When a severe injury threatens his life and his continued ability to function should he recover, protocol states he should be sent back to Kamino. It does not explicitly state that he would likely be decommissioned, but his vode all know how to read between the lines.
General Kenobi’s response is equally predictable.
Careful What You Wish For by @shadowlight17 (art)
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
In This Our Liberty — currently unposted, series here.
from ancient grudge (to soap opera television) by @eclipsemidnight (art)
The Jedi and the Sith, in fair Coruscant where we lay our scene...ancestral enemies, whose battles these days are more likely to be to first spend rather than to first blood. This does not amuse the clone security forces who have to break them up, or Chancellor Windu who has to deal with them afterwards.
Meanwhile, Maul and Ventress's marriage is arranged by Sidious and Dooku. Obi-Wan and his friends Ahsoka and Quinlan crash their engagement party. We all know how this is going to end--a wedding, of course! It just takes a few hands, the threat of the Coruscant Guard, and a porg-print towel to get there!
This I Vow by @wanderingjedihistorian (art)
To secure a planet's help for the Republic, Obi-Wan and Cody must get married. Having been quietly together for some time, it is an easy decision for the pair to make. They didn't expect what followed. Nor did anyone else.
Once Upon a Dream by @glimmerglanger (art)
The man was still warm; not warm enough but he obviously hadn’t been dead long. Cody thinned his mouth, looking at the man. He had a fall of copper hair and a beard, scars here and there on his body. He looked like he’d been a fighter, all muscle, trim and--
“Sith’s spit,” he added, cutting over the chatter in his bucket, as his assessment reached the man’s hand, curled, even in death, around a familiar metallic cylinder. “General Tachi, I think he was a Jedi.”
OR, the one where Marshal Commander Cody finds a mystery figure three years into the Clone Wars, and it changes the course of history.
Or Why Comes Thou to Caterhaugh? by Afiregender (art)
In the midst of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan very abruptly goes on leave to attend a "personal matter" on his homeworld Stewjon. Both Cody and the Jedi find this somewhat odd, and Cody goes on leave himself to investigate. He finds his General at a banquet meant to celebrate the new Fae King... which turns out to be Obi-Wan himself. Or: Tam Lin but Codywan.
Descent by @kutaisi (art) (we’re just getting started on this one!)
As they're fighting in the rain on Kamino, Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi are thrown forward in time to a version of the galaxy that neither of them could have imagined.
Finding themselves fifteen years in the future, their struggle to get back to their own time is complicated by devasting discoveries and a nightmare of a reality that they have no idea how to navigate through.
...and also by each other.
I also illustrated a bunch of other fic this year, that didn’t necessarily get covers.
Soul Found by @darthtarvera (art)
It had been five years since he’d dreamed of his soulmate. 
Five years since the council broke the bond between them. 
Now, a last test as the council sends Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to Mandalore to protect the Duke of Mandalore and his two daughters. Obi-Wan is determined to prove once and for all he has what it takes to be a good jedi. 
But can even the jedi truly break a bond between a jedi and their soulmate? As Obi-Wan discovers more of the culture and people his mark ties him to he realizes that maybe his path isn't so rigid as he thought.
i don’t wanna feel stuck by @ghostlandtoo (art)
Three years after the war, Obi-Wan has stuck to diplomatic missions from the Order, tired of fighting. When he's burned by the Republic on the tail-end of one such mission, Obi-Wan finds himself stuck on Myam-1, a beach planet in the Outer Rim. Work doesn't stop, even on a vacation planet. Reunited with an old flame and a few old friends, Obi-Wan can't help but help the several people on Myam-1 in need of help, even if he lost his lightsaber a few planets back.
This, too, was a gift by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby (art)
The Rako Hardeen mission was a success, but it left Obi-Wan Kenobi sick at heart after the empathic stresses of the mission, and questioning whether the mission was worth it. The troopers of the 212th welcome him back, wanting nothing more than to assure him he did the right thing, and Obi-Wan works to make their trust in him worth it.
The Force, however, shows Obi-Wan a detailed vision of the future to come. He eliminates the threats posed by the Sith, but feels he cannot return to the Order or to his men, and sets out alone, letting the Force direct him to the grimmest parts of the galaxy and the people who were always overlooked and underserved. 
Marshal Commander Cody takes his general's warning and evacuates Kamino and all of the clones from Republic space. As the Jedi work to recover from the Sith plot and the Republic stalls out on how to move on, the clones settle a new world, try to heal, and look for their missing general. Along the way, apart and together, Cody and Obi-Wan make discoveries that will change their and the galaxy’s future, and learn how to move forward even when things are broken and like nothing they'd planned.
I think that’s it as far as Star Wars fic I’ve illustrated/made covers for goes? (There’s a little bit of punisher/daredevil fic I’ve still been working on illustrating this year but that would be off theme lol)
if you’re a Star Wars fic author I’ve worked with this year and I’ve somehow missed you, let me know and I’ll add a link in! I’ve had an absolute blast collaborating with everyone this year, and I’m looking forward to digging in next year too! ❤️
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tennessoui · 3 months
In another universe, anakin fake spits out flowers and tells obiwan they are for him. Like fake pregnancy test, my boy is gonna flower trap that old man
anakin: cough cough oh no I guess I’m dying too look at these flowers
obi-wan, speedrunning through his hanahaki getting worse at the sight of anakin being in love with someone who isn’t his wife but also isn’t obi-wan: oh no who are you in love with?
anakin, who stole these special stewjoni flowers from the Coruscanti greenhouse gardens and was almost arrested for it: I don’t know master. can you take a look. at the flowers. to see what their planet of origin is.
obi-wan, who has never once stepped foot on stewjon and is not well-versed in stewjoni flora at all: no thank you padawan, you know I don’t have the head for botanical sciences. I will escort you to the halls of healing though - you will be a good candidate for surgery, I think.
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skybreakprimeonao3 · 1 year
Thinking about a post from a while back about how there were a lot of heirs to royal families being Force sensitive and such (Count Dooku, Xanatos, probably a lot more that I can’t pull out of my head).
What if it was the Force’s answer to millions of soldiers that showed up without citizenship, not even being recognized as sentient.
“They’re not people!”
“Oh, the ruling families of Kiffar, Stewjon, Sereno, and Dorian think otherwise. I have about 83 other planets that I can list.”
“There are a lot of heirs in the Jedi order, apparently.”
“But the Jedi give up those ties!”
“Doesn’t mean they can’t speak with their families.”
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constantlymisspelled · 11 months
Lost my mind and started design an entire culture and biology for Stewjon. Anyway…
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furious-blueberry0 · 5 months
Some random star wars headcannons:
Omega and Emerie are both Intersex. Which personally fixes the whole question "why the heck did they create two random clone gals?"
Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze are in part Diathim (the "angels" of star wars)
Asajj's markings are purple instead of the more common gray/black of the other nightsisters because she didn't live on Dathomir, and so had no source for the natural dark side of the force of the planet, making her markings of a different colour.
Mikkians have the higest rate of twin births of any near-human specie.
Mikkia is space Korea.
Stewjon has a ring of Saturn around it.
And it's a mix between Scotland and feudal Japan in space.
Dathomirians, both male and female, have pointy ears, fangs, and reflective eyes.
Iridonians Zabrak too.
DEVARONIAN FEMALES ALSO HAVE HORNS (whoever chose not to needs their ass beaten)
Chalacta is space India.
Spoken Kaminoan does not have words like its written form, bit it uses whistles, hums and toungue clicks. It's really harmonic to listen to.
Nala Se taught it to Omega, who can speak it fluently.
For Duros one of the most prominent beauty standards is the shape of the head, so they often wear turbans and add decorations to them, to make their head look bigger and rounder, especially during ceremonies.
Tuskens are actual human beings, but between legends and racism the majority of the galaxy, mostly Tatooine, sees them as inferior alien life forms.
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memoiich · 5 months
Obi wan Headcanons my lord? feed the poor
God, I have a lot of them .I'm going to split this up in a few parts just because it makes sense . Strap in !!!
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Part 0: baby obi wan
His parents noticed that he was a surprisingly bright child, and since they were farmers from stewjon, they weren’t well off. When they had their second child (a son) they brought obi wan to a near by testing unit on the neighbour planet Klommet , in hopes of giving both him and his brother a better chance at survival.
Obi wan was tested at the age 1 and a half. He was clearly gifted but nothing special.
He used to cry a lot when he first got to the jedi temple. Most jedi got rather annoyed at the younglings crying, except one ,qui gon jin .
Qui gon voluntured a lot at the creshe , he believed that crying children needed confort not a lecture. Obi wan got attached to qui gon rather quickly as a 2 year old ( qui gon looks a bit like his late dad)
As he grew up , he got along well with the other children and formed close friendships with them ( po ,kit ,quinlan) . Seeing this, qui gon went back to helping the new kids.
Part 1 : padawan years
Obi wan is rather talented at most things, not on a “ WOW YOU’RE THE BEST “ way but more like a “…that shouldn’t go so easily “ . He picks things up quickly, which causes him to be rather inpatient. Not impulsive, he doesn’t rush he simply hates waiting. That's why he hates meditating. He doesn’t understand it.
He doesn’t know it but when discussing who would get which apprentice , his name fell quite a few times . Obi wan likes to learn and so many suspect that he would be a nice well behaved padawan.
He was so happy when they informed him that qui gon would be his master . Qui gon had always stood out as the nicest jedi , not that the others weren’t but he had seemed to understand obi wan a bit more.
The first thing qui gon asked of him was to meditate. Obi wan started stressing immediately, and it went pretty bad in the beginning. Qui gon thought it was hilarious how quickly he was distracted. “ the wall paper does not need your attention right now “ he would quip or “ breathe through your nose and dont rush it” . It took obi Wan's a year to truly be able to meditate properly.
Luckily time wasn’t wasted because his fight skills and knowledge were unmatched.
Piloting took some getting used to. Not only was he scared of heights , but he also wasn’t a fan of rollercoasters. Qui gon always noted how slow he was . “ If you keep flying like this, we won't get there before im 60 “ or “ we can always walk , it might be faster” . But his master did help him, he would go to more desserted planets with obi wan . The planets that even if he would fly faster, he couldn’t hit anything . Obi wan got his red piloting bead 5 months later with the promise to let go a little.
He picks up quickly with missions , like i said he’s a natural . His first mission was a bit stressful but after that hes pretty much set . Also when they get back to their ship , qui gon cooks a home cooked meal because hes not going to let obi wan live on war rashens and blue milk.
He also teaches him how to cook
Obi wan starts feeling a bit quilty because he starts thinking of qui gon as his dad since well he is a little. But the jedi code says no attachments and he will follow that . Until he has a nervous breakdown because if qui gon is a jedi master that follows the jedi code he probably doesn’t care about him , he ends up getting in quite a lot of danger on a mission because of this . When he confesses to qui gon why he did all that he doesn’t respond,he just pulls his padawan into a hug . “ you are my kid obi wan “
When he turns 20 , he starts to really push qui gonn to let him take his trials. He just wants to be a jedi master.
That all changes a bit when he meets the dutches of mandelore Satine . He falls inlove quickly but he’s a real coward about it ( Satine notices) . Satine ends up pulling him into a kiss 2 months later at a gala she had to attend. They had a night together……
Qui gonn knows 100% . He finds it hilarious how his bumbling fool of a padawan got himsel into this mess . He prepares for the inevitable “ im leaving the order “ not that he wants him to . Obi wan is just that kinda kid .
When he sees obi wan the next morning, he looks like he cried acts rather somber and asks when they are leaving . Qui gon figures out what happened but doesn’t say anything. They leave and he gives him some space .
For the next 2 years it all goes smoothly until…
Part 2: early Anakin years
Obi wan isn’t too happy with the orphan. They are on a dangerous mission in the middle of who knows where with the queen of a planet that’s about to die . And now they have Ani , he wasn't going to lie it was a sweet child . But why now.
Obi wan has a quiet panic attack when qui gon says he will take anakin as his apprentice . He doesn’t feel ready to take the trials since his self esteem plummeted a bit after the Satine debacle and no one helped him take care of that ( fuck the jedi council) .
During the flight back to Naboo, padme went to her room and qui gon had a call with the council, leaving obi Wan to babysit ani . The child would yap non stop “ Did you make your own lightsaber?” “Yes” “can i hold it?” “No” “ when do i get mine?” “ When you're ready” “ but i am ready” “ no you’re not “ “yes i am “ “ no you’re not “ “ Did you choose THAT color?” “ Yes, i did” “ It's kinda ugly” “…” . A true test of patience but strangly lovable.
About 2 hours later was when the child fell asleep next to obi Wan . Anakin was still shivering , tattooine was a warm planet, something the ship heaters couldn’t compete with. Obi wan draped his long outer coat over the boy in hopes of giving him some warmth . Seeing the child peacefully asleep, Obi wan realised why his master liked him.
It took 48 hours to get to Naboo . It also took 48 hours for Obi wan to look at Anakin as his little brother.
When he first sees Maul he’s scared . He doesn’t want to be, but he simply is . Back in school him and his friends would joke about the sith and how cool it would be to defeat one . Right now , face to face with the first sith in ages , he’s horrified, and the red zebrak seems to kick on it
All he hears are the red force feels buzzing . He doesn’t hear his own scream or the blood dripping from his master . He feels an immense amount of pain, but the moment those shields lay down, he's up . He only focuses on gett to his master in time .And when he’s hanging in the hole , he snaps back into his jedi mind. The sith shows a new hubris, and he sees his chance. He wins
When qui gonn tells him his final wish , he can only lie to him . He doesn’t feel fit to be a master ,he might be the only jedi who pased the old trials ( to kill a sith ), but he feels like a fraud to weak to safe his master. Qui gon passes in his arms and obi wans let the tears fall.
He sees Anakin after he returns from his “trip” and he almost wants to cry again . Anakin looks so confused “ where’s qui gon ?” “ he passed away , anakin” The tears start to well in the little boys eyes, and all that obi can do is pull him into a hug .
The next weeks are quite hard , anakin becomes his padawan, and he becomes a jedi master. They attend qui gons' funeral, and anakins enters the academy since he needs to do both his padawan ship and the basic training. He is a bit pissy about it , but obi Wan cheers him up with home cooked meals .
They are not allowed to go on mission yet together just obi wan alone, and its extremely hard breaking to leave anakin alone .
When they are home together, obi wan pampers the little guy rotten. He brushes and braids anakins hair he buys him miniatuur planes in hopes of getting a better piolet than he is . He helps him with his homework, and he is just a total single dad .
When about a year has passed obi wan realised that he didn't know his birthday so he asked ani and he didn’t know either . They chose marche 5th because its a week from then and obi Wan can plan his birthday.Ani loved it.
Anakin doesn't make a lot of friends in school or anywhere. Which bothers obi Wan greatly , he thinks anakin is a great kid who can do no wrong. It all escalated when a child calls Anakin a slave ( obi wan does not know how they got here )
Obi wan threatens to destroy him to the boys face . He ends up crying, and Anakin isn’t bothered ever again. ( the jedi council was not happy )
And so it pretty much continues for a few years
Part 3: late anakin years
Anakin is now 20 years old, which is double the age he was when obi Wan met him .
Many people think that obi Wan is past his prime, but this man is absolutely ribbed. He has perfect physique, he’s just covered in robes and coats and stuff
He keeps extra kyber crystals around because Anakin keeps losing/breaking his lightsaber
Anakin requested black robes, and the council wouldn’t let him because of the association with the sith, and obi wan was like “ No , let my padawan express himself . Plus, I killed the last sith years ago “ so they let him because nothing is scarier than getting on obi wans' bad side
When they meet padmé again, obi Wan is almost laughing at how bad anakin is hiding his feelings for her . He also realises that he will have to talk to his padawn about it .
Obi wan gets a little stricter over the last year since anakin definitely doesn't think before he does anything
When the council decided to let Anakin go with Padme , he couldn't help but warn anakin once again. He reminds him of the problems that might occur or the heartbreak ( he's definitely not projecting)
When shmi dies, he tries his best to support anakin best he can . He doesn’t remember his parents, but he assumes it's like losing Qui gon, so he does everything he needed back then . Home cooked meals ,hugs ,pep talks, pulling him out of mission….
He noticed from the moment they set foot into the arena that they were together. On the one hand, he was extremely nervous about it, and on the other, he was a bit proud of his boy.
ALSO, he gets that shiver down his spine because he realises that qui gon knew about him and Satine, and he's a bit embarrassed about it .
He doesn't tell it to anakin because just like his master he thinks that it might be better to give them space .
He gets really offended that he wasn't invited to the wedding. He knows it was supposed to be undercover, but please
Padme and anakin will sometimes invite him for dinner as if they aren't dating, and he truly enjoys those evenings together.
He likes padme immensely . She helps to calm anakin down, and she's all around a great person .
She's also the first out of her and anakin to realise that obi Wan knows . Sadly, this happens after the wedding, so now it's like a shared secret.
Now that anakin left the nest , he gets to enjoy hobbies. He starts experimenting with cooking until Kit , Quinlan and Po are so done with it that they start ordering out . Then he gets a pet a feathered veractyle he names boga , when the planet he’s visiting allows it she will be his transport . He also keeps a variety of plants ( they remind him of qui gon) and books .he collects golden trinkets. Anakin jokes that it all goes against the jedi code, but he likes it .
HE ALSO LOVES TO GOSSIP with his clones anakin padme kit po anyone that wants to listen.
Talking about his clones , he loves them dearly not as much as anakin but like coby is one of his closest friends.
212 has tried to give him nicknames before, but it never sticks , they do like saying the negotiator in funny voices .
Obi wan thinks that his clones are the best clones, but it seems that every jedi thinks that.
He is now a jedi council member, and he still has that off feeling that he doesn’t deserve it . His ideas dont link with the others, and he feels that he doesn't have a lot of influence on it . Qui gon was never part of it, and he understands why more and more. He loves being a jedi master but kinda hates the council.
That also makes it really hard for him to help Anakin with his dissatisfaction with his position rn . Being on the council but not a master feels like the worst-case scenario, but he has to help anakin not be pissy, so he does . It is a great honor to be on the council.
He didn't know about padmé being pregnant. So he just thought anakin was so stressed out about his career and the jedi order . After everything happened as it did , he felt that he didn’t support anakin correctly.
Obi wan objected when they wanted anakin to spy on Palpetine . He doesn’t want his boy near any danger and definitely not in the front line . He yells and fights for it until it goes to a vote, just as his seat on the council, obi Wan would leave the council immediately if it meant that Anakin was 100% safe . In the end , the vote goes for the spying and obi wans demands to tell anakin himself. It doesn’t go well, obi Wan feels like he's betraying his brother.
In the coming weeks, he will see the loveable orphan of tatooine change to a traumatized war veteran, and he's not happy about it. He tries to calm him down and speak to him just like he did when shmi died . Sadly, this time, it doesn’t seem to work.
When his clones betray him , he feels fear for the first time since the deul of the faiths . Not only is he in danger, but they are in danger , anakin might be in danger . He feels his life falling from betw his fingers . Boga and some of his dear clones die when he gets back to his ship . He calls to anakin, but he doesn’t pick up . He flies to the temple.
When yoda and him visit the temple, dread fills his mind. He still didn’t receive anything from anakin and was really worried about it . They see the temple lithered with death children, and all he sees are small Anakin's death on the floor . Then they see the footage of the night before, and the world falls beneath him . Anakin is a murderer, a sith, and still his brother . Obi wan chooses to go alone to face him ….
{that one deleted scene }
The deul with anakin is the worst moment of his life. Nothing compares to it . He tries to enter with an open mind and the little voice in the back of his mind telling him to redeem anakin . Sadly hes to far gone. The deul ends with his dying friend near the fire , obi wans whole life in pieces and a almost death padme.
The birth of Luke and leia is a small piece of hope, but padmé passes away . Obi wan has no one anymore.
He's extremely happy with the organas asking to adopt leia, and he himself asks to adopt Luke, but that did not happen because of the circumstances. If the sith starts hunting jedi , Obi wan will be at the top of the list
In the end, he lives near Luke until he grows to be a jedi .
He tries to meditate, but his bond to the force is pretty much broken .
Part 4: obi wan alone
Since moving to Tatooine, he has got some new dreams . He gets flashbacks to his childhood before being a jedi, but the worst once are the anakin once . They all start the same , meeting ani quick flashes through their years together and then Mustafar .
He believes that he killed anakin and that he burnt to death .
He has mixed feelings towards his actions. On the one hand, he as a jedi had to kill him, but as his brother, he is simply broken.
He doesn’t think of himself as a jedi anymore. Over the years, he has come to question the jedi order . For how they treated anakin and ahsoka even padme . He promised to himself that he wouldn’t teach Luke to throw away his emotions.
When darth maul shows up on tattooin, he's in some strange way. Sorry for him . They were both just children raised for war , he wished partly that they could have got Maul out before Naboo or that he wouldn’t hold the anger he had towards him for the death of his father . He took a deep breath and let it go . In the end, Maul died in his arms , the same way he had hoped he would have pulled anakin up after their duel.
He tries to meditate again in hopes of connecting to qui gons' spirit or anakins . He hopes to apologise to anakin to pet his hair and tell him it's alright to get one last evening diner with padmé and Anakin . From qui gon, he just wants comfort a long hug or a smile that shows him he’s proud of his padawan, even a home cooked meal .
He starts working as a butcher for sand whales . In the beginning, he used to walk there, but then lars pointed out that that was really suspicious for the other people in town . So he went shopping for a transport that was nice and easy to maintain . That's how he ends up with his eopie Akkani .
Akkani is a bit of a lazy animal , she just wants to eat and walk and eat again. He's happy he has a pet, tho because he gets a bit lonely.
He keeps all of his jedi things in a chest in his gave , including his own lightsaber and 2 sets of beads . One set is his own padawan braid beads, and the other are anakins . He also has some other stuff such as qui gon' s old kitchen knife and some pictures of his clones scrabs of r2d2 when he needed repairs a feather of boga some model airplanes anakin used to play with and so on. ( NO BURYING IN THE DESSERT I HATE THAT)
He really wants to train Luke, but Lars won’t let him . Which hurts obi Wan a lot . He wouldn’t push Luke to be a soldier like the once before , he would connect him to the force just like qui gon wanted with Anakin .
That's why he started reading up on the ancient scripts about the jedi . He loves the Yawa sellers just because he can buy his books without the empire noticing.
He will wait forever in hopes of setting the universe back to balance for the mistake he made on Mustafar.
This took so long and its not even all of it .( i left out the kenobi series because i didn’t want to rewrite it and i couldn’t figure out how to add to it without rewriting it srry)
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Also i wrote a little obi wan reacting to ahsoka being Anakins padawn not that long ago ( link below )
And i left his later relationship with satine and maul out because it might be a bit long . If you want that you can always ask in my requests ( i do have some thoughts about those)
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