#the post I mentioned talks more about how some nonbinary people are built like body builders or fat or super hairy or short or tall
blimbo-buddy · 11 months
Hate the binary that the lgbt+ community has created for non-binary people. That one "Not all non-binary people are hairless twink elves" post - however it went- is amazing and sums up how I feel about that stuff
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sideblogforquery-argh · 3 months
People are not using pronouns, using wrong words, but I don’t remind anyone verbally. TW: Su1cide, s3lf h4rm, anorex1a mentions.
TLDR at bottom, I appreciate if anyone reads this or has any advice. Other key points in bold.
I’m sorry this is so long, and I promise this is about nonbinary stuff, but there are Complications, if you will:
1. Autistic doormat. (Professionally diagnosed)
2. Anxious and hates confrontation of any kind.
3. Chronic pain that stops me from going places and doing things.
4. Long history of depression, anxiety, s3lf h4rm, su1cide attempts.
5. Speak in a high pitched voice (not natural, forced again by anxiety of being viewed as competent and mature and not having my limitations taken seriously)
6. Have feminine mannerisms.
7. Have a very slight build and feminine features.
8. I have not had IRL friends for ten years, or online friends for about six.
9. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
10. Underweight, low key restrictive eating disorder (I will gladly maintain current weight, but comment on my body, eating habits or try to feed me more and the anorex1a says Hello. Also maintaining low weight to avoid “filling out” as much as possible in breast area.)
I’m 25 and nonbinary. I’ve known I was nonbinary since 2014/2015. I had come out verbally to my mom many years ago, maybe around 2017. Came out to brother via a written sign on my door and then a short verbal confirmation in late spring last year. At my high school graduation last year (age 24) I had my write up read aloud by the principal include “I look forward to being my authentic enby self” and I wore a pronoun pin and necklace. My grandparents were also at the ceremony. I reactivated my Facebook account and posted an artistic image and write up explaining my pronouns, name, etc. I have a variety of pride and pronoun items, pins on my backpack, a They/Them pronoun necklace, a keychain. I usually have some sort of sign declaring my pronouns and sometimes my name on my door. I even attended my local Pride parade and festival last August with my mom. Also since coming out I have explored neopronouns and I like to use Ae/Aer for myself.
Now, as mentioned at the very top, I am a doormat. I hate being bother, I have had huge mental and physical health challenges. I always want to help, to do things, I’ve been trapped at home with no pain free or easy way to go into town. I’ve been alone for a very long time, not attending school, and then trying to do it by myself online. I am also AFAB and I generally don’t present in a “gender non-conforming” matter. (Put in quotes because I am not a girl) Just the other night, there was a talking head on the news who’s name was Tiana* and my mom gleefully exclaimed “her name is Tiana*, she has the same name as you! You almost never hear anyone with the name Tiana*!”
ANYWAYS, to the point, I can never manage to bring myself to verbally remind anyone to use my pronouns. I can’t discuss my dysphoria with anyone, including my counsellor, which has really increased in the last few months. My counsellor had to be told what gender dysphoria is, and he’s trying but I don’t feel comfortable talking to him about it. My PMDD is also not only making my mental health in general really mad, but increasing my gender dysphoria. I have tried birth control for this, and it resulted in a suicide attempt.
I came out a year ago now to the wider family network / world, but it feels like everyone has completely ignored that fact. I came out of the closet, but a new, iron maiden style one has been built around me by anyone and everyone who perceives “me.”
I put “me” is quotation marks because it’s not actually me that anyone is seeing or talking to, it’s the mirage of a past person. I just feel so weak and pathetic, I don’t speak up for myself, I just let it happen. I don’t exist, not according to how I am referred to my people the vast majority of the time. They/them does get used at home frequently, but more often it’s my birth name. I’ve gone through waves of uncomfortable indifference to just feeling really shitty, having an abuse of use of that name, where now I am starting to not feel neutral but dislike it. It’s always, “Tiana* this”, and “it’s in Tiana’s* room,” “I think Tiana* has it, don’t you?”
I just feel hopeless. I don’t see myself ever being able to exist as actually myself. If I can’t remind my family in my safe home to use my pronouns; or that I want to use a different name, OR that (body pain permitting) I’d probably like to have my breasts and nipples removed; how am I supposed to reminded anyone else? The massage therapist, the doctor, the other pain specialist, the orthopaedic surgeon, the counsellor, the psychiatrist, the osteopath, anyone and everyone who I’ve ever met before who just, “she/her’s” and “Tiana*’s” me.
*Tiana is not actually my name, it is used for example purposes only.
TLDR: I have a variety of visual objects and signs that describe my pronouns and nonbinary-ness, but I have almost never reminded anyone verbally to use my pronouns and that I am not a girl. The most I can do is squeak out “they” quietly. How can I actually be brave and speak up for myself for once?
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gefdreamsofthesea · 4 years
The Wise Woman's Tarot arrived yesterday and I just finished the book. It is being sold on etsy. There are a limited number of sets left.
The cards are large: 6 1/2" x 3" and the cardstock is bullshit thin, bendy, and glossy. The minors have color coded borders: cups are blue, wands are red, pentacles are brown, swords are black, court cards are Maiden, Seeker, Shaman, and Priestess.
Most of the majors have not only been renamed but also reordered. There's no Emperor card (The Star is in his place.) There are two Empress cards (one representing sexuality and the other nurturing). The Devil and the Hierophant have been combined in the Oracle. There are way too many changes to list. Flash Silvermoon explains these changes as representing the shift from wholeness to separation, matriarchy to patriarchy, and something to do with Crowley, I'll address this in a moment. The minors, however, are true to RWS tradition.
The book is comprehensive and discusses card meanings, spreads, how to do readings (including a section on how to read for your pets) and tables that have information like the animal guides for each of the majors, astrological correspondences, there's even an appendix for the border designs for the majors and how they relate to the card (look closely and you'll see them). I really like that the manual is spiral bound so you can lay the pages flat.
I'm finding it difficult to describe the art. The style is closest to the Daughters of the Moon. There are some cards I really don't like (Oshun as the sensual Empress) and some cards I really like (The Valkyries in the 7 of Swords). There is a lot of racial diversity, the majority of the goddesses are young-ish but there are some elders, and I would say a good mix of different body types (including warriors who have actual muscles) but I still wish there were more fat women.
Okay, so now it's time to discuss the, shall we say, narrative of this deck. I could try to be nice but honestly I can't think of another way to say this other than it's absolutely bonkers. The tarot, says Silvermoon, is an ancient teaching tool that matriarchal societies used to preserve their teachings when patriarchal societies invaded. These matriarchal societies included Lemuria and Atlantis, who built Stonehenge and the pyramids by using sound to telekinetically move stones into place. Also Atlantis had magical crystal generators made of quartz I am not making this up it's in the book.
So basically the major arcana is this herstory from when everyone was whole (and also we were all hermaphrodites intersex) until The Patriarchy happened and Amazon warrior cultures were needed to protect the matriarchies. The Patriarchy remade tarot to be patriarchal but naturally its True Matriarchal Origins are hidden in the symbolism.
One thing I do like about this deck is that while many of the cards depict goddesses or legendary figures, some just have regular women. The Two of Cups has Israeli and Palestinian women with the cups and caduceus, in harmony instead of in conflict. The Four of Wands has two Ashanti women in front of their house. That said, there's also some outdated/offensive language like the E slur instead of Inuk/Inuit. There are also a lot of goddesses and such from living traditions (Silvermoon does not stop talking about Oshun) which I would say one of the problems of creating a multicultural deck, but especially a goddess-based deck. Speaking of Oshun, her depiction in this deck is one I really don't like. She's sort of splayed out/contorted with a river coming out of her vulva, and people are bathing in it. It just looks so weird. Also have I mentioned there are a lot of naked boobs in this deck? Another thing I'd like to note is that one of the spreads in the book is a "health spread" which assigns different body parts to astrological houses that you can use to diagnose health problems. I don't recommend doing this for a bunch of reasons. The other spreads in the book are pretty typical. I want to read for my pets now.
I would like to talk about the Lovers for a second. The Lovers depicts three people (again Silvermoon uses the h word) that are flowing into each other. At the bottom of the card there is a heart with the silhouette of two women having sex. She talks about people experimenting with gender, destroying the patriarchal nuclear family, and the only time the word "transgender" appears in the text, in a positive sense. There's no "woman-born-woman" nonsense, no hyperfixation on "blood mysteries" (menstruation is mentioned a few times throughout the deck), there is still some cissexism where woman = uterus and vulva but there isn't a huge focus on motherhood that I've seen in other decks (note: Silvermoon was a lesbian who had a ton of furry children).
In sum this deck is....something. If you're looking for a feminist deck with more updated terminology, I'd recommend Thea's Tarot (with its great companion guide by a nonbinary author). I'm not sure I can wholeheartedly recommend this deck but it's an interesting piece of feminist tarot herstory.
TERFs don't get to touch this post.
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minscellaneous · 6 years
Hdgsjsg hey what's the miracle merge?:o
sdkjfDFJLLNj my oc zombie apocalypse survivor group i’ve written for a tv show that will never exist. i’ll talk more about these people under the cut bc i’ve never had a chance to talk about the miracle merge til now LMFAO feel free to just skip, it’s super long and you can tell i’ve planned out a lot
so the miracle merge is made up of six people, mainly from the california area, with the exception of three people (alex is from nevada & juan is from mexico). none of the miracle merge are cishet or white, so jot that down. the group mostly sticks to themselves, not working with any outsiders unless absolutely necessary to their survival. they usually go around stealing a few stuff from groups/individuals they come across; not enough to draw too much attention to themselves. they would die for each other. their story takes place mostly in western America, where a zombie plague currently terrorizes the country due to chemical warfare. contaminated areas began to seep into civilian water supply and rising oceans washed the contamination closer to civilization. coastal areas were hit hard first, which is why a majority of the miracle merge are from LA. animals, humans, and carnivorous plants can all be infected by the disease; carnivorous plants mutate and enlarge to consume larger entities.
the members!!!:
dr. ligaya mendoza (the leader)
nonbinary / 30 / filipino / asexual; romantically only into boys
also goes by dr. li or li
used to be a history professor at UCLA, specifically in medieval European history
super charming, a natural leader and face for the miracle merge
acts as the main thief for the group; their charming and good-natured personality wards away any suspicion from opposing groups
has a crush on juan for a really long time (love that slow burn)
“are you a doctor?”
“yes, in fact, i am” 
“so you can help my sister? she’s got a broken ankle”
“…not that kind of doctor”
kaori takada (the builder)
cis female / 25 / japanese / lesbian
immigrated to LA from East Japan as the outbreak hit, looking for civil engineering careers
this obviously makes her very skilled in crafting AND she’s physically built af
six feet tall aka literally my dream girl 
huge temper issues; do not piss her off!!! she will beat you in a fight
very intimidating to outsiders bc she’s quiet and reserved but actually she’s super shy and not as brave as the rest of the miracle merge 
main weapon is a sledgehammer
gave everyone in the miracle merge construction masks that were in her tool box to protect from blood getting into their mouths 
developed a deep friendship with peregrine over the course of the apocalypse; very much a brother-sister relationship 
eventually becomes girlfriends with dinah; she has a huge soft spot for her
peregrine parker (the boy scout)
trans male / 22 / black / pan
was a registered nurse 
was in boy scouts for most of his childhood; skilled in archery and has a good sense of direction
born in oregon; traveled to LA to visit a former patient who recently moved; the patient was showing signs of agitation and high fever according to the call from their caretaker; peregrine found his patient and caretaker zombified in their home
best friends with kaori and alex (made alex a flower crown on one of their scavenging trips!)
is often the one tasked with scavenging, searching, and hunting, and being the medic of the miracle merge
peregrine and alex are the usual scavenging pair bc of his hunting skills and alex’s abilities which will be mentioned later 
dinah evercreech (the bruiser)
cis female / 28 / black / bi 
was an actress living in beverly hills 
addicted to cigarettes, so it’s a huge problem for her if she can’t find any 
very “prim and proper”?? always used a handkerchief to touch public things and refused to stay at anything less than a 5-star hotel, so the fact that the apocalypse is here is totally inconvenient for dinah
very skilled in hand-to-hand combat bc of her experience in action films 
becomes gfs with kaori in the middle of the zombie apocalypse; a fucking power couple
juan nichols (the marksman)
cis male / 29 / black & mexican / bi 
lived in mexico with his mother who led a drug cartel and, after the initial zombie outbreak, his mother led a bandit group w/ the same people 
eventually became uncomfortable with his group’s methods of survival, stole some guns, and a VW minibus (which would later be the miracle merge’s main form of transportation), and left for the US to see his dad and his family (parents divorced when he was a child)
met up with the miracle merge very later on like alex; maybe 10 months into the apocalypse
skilled marksmanship and knowledge of guns 
likes wearing dark lipstick 
constantlytugging on a necklace with a pendant sewn from pale green leather and engravedwith a violin (from a body that was looted from his previous group)
has a lisp and an artificial right hand which was lost to a drug deal gone wrong
eventually becomes boyfriends with dr. li 
alex rocha (the interpreter) 
genderfluid / 26 / brazilian / bi 
5 ft tall / chubby / heterochromatic (blue and brown) / unibrow / thick auburn shoulder length hair usually ponytailed / light olive skin 
hypersensitive sense of smell, hearing, sight, etc. which is why they’re often tasked with scavenging along w/ peregrine 
was an ESL teacher in nevada 
they are “the interpreter” bc of their fluency in various languages (ASL, Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Japanese, German, Navajo) - this makes it useful for times when the miracle merge encounters groups who speak a language other than English 
other than their hypersensitive senses and language abilities, they don’t have many talents useful in the apocalypse
this makes the others in the groups very protective of them so alex is def the baby of the group, but also the mom lmao 
carries most of the group’s needed supplies
met up with the rest of the miracle merge last
“you ever notice how ever since the contamination hit, the world somehow lost all its color? i like to think that we’re the light to bring everything back to life.” PURE
aaand that’s the miracle merge. they’re called that bc it’s a miracle that they’ve survived, been brought together, and fostered these kinds of relationships in the middle of a deadly apocalypse. and i love the alliteration.
i love zombies and zombie media so. kudos to you if you read this far and thank u sm for being so interested lmao. i am totally free to talk more, there’s definitely more to these characters that i didn’t include in this post. 
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the-cryptographer · 8 years
D for lottery ticket, F, K and U. :-)
:’) Thank you, improfem!
For the Fanfic Ask Game. Send me stuff if you haven’t already.(Or send me stuff if you have already. Not picky.)
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with Lottery Ticket?
Yuck. Yes there is.It’s incomplete and it sucks.
‘Prequel & Intro’Songs:
Everybody Talks – Neon Trees
Habanera – Carmen
She’s An Angel – They Might Be Giants
Sunshine in the Rain – Bodies WithoutOrgans
The Fallen – Franz Ferdinand
Camisado – Panic! At the Disco
Bran-New Lovesong – The Pillows
Faint – Linkin Park
Start Me Up – The Rolling Stones
Darts of Pleasure – Franz Ferdinand
What You Meant – Franz Ferdinand
Mr Brightside – The Killers
박용석 – SassyGirl Chun-Hyang OST
Ana Ng – They Might Be Giants
Jounouchi Katsuya – ygo OST
Lonely – 2ne1
Everywhere I Go (Kings And Queens) – New Politics
Your Man – Down with Webster
Keep Your Head Up! – MilkCan (notablyused in the credits of ygo The Abridged Movie)
We’re the Gullwings! – Final Fantasy X-2OST
Safe and Sound – Capital Cities
‘Everywhere I Go’and ‘Your Man’ Are both lifted directly from emblematik’s playlists. She’s theone that’s good with playlists – not me.
  F:answered here.
 K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come upwith?
Oh god. Okay.
One of these three:
(Harry Potter) Three years ago I wrote most of a fic where Fredand George, as magical twins, subconsciously synch their appearance and absolutelynobody can tell them apart. So theytroll and Fred and George are not actually two people, but two personas thatthe twins share and constantly switch between – so neither one actually has asense of personal identity. And Fred’s the more outgoing persona, and there’ssome resentment when one of the twins acting as Fred takes credit and reapsbenefits from the kind of outgoing actions that the other twin set up beforethey switched identities. It’s very weird. But then, when ‘Fred’ dies and ‘George’is left behind, there’s this secret history that nobody knows about as theygrieve Fred, and ‘George’ feels trapped in the role of the more subdued personaand compounded with his grief over losing his brother everything just falls thefuck to pieces. And probably it ends with George sobbing to Percy and Angelinaand admitting this. And it feels so dumb and contrived and angsty I don’t wantto finish it at this point, but I also kinda do just because so much of it iswritten already  :x
(Harry Potter) Another really angsty one I came up witharound the same time. But I actually really like this idea and still want to doit. The AU where Arthur Weasley dies when Nagini bites him in 5thyear (since JKR said was her original plan but then she sacrificed Tonks andRemus instead). Ron pulls away from Harry (and everyone else) BIG TIME in hisgrief and confusion and resentment (which he is aware is irrational but hestill feels it). And Hermione feels kind of torn between them, but then getsself-righteous about how to handle it and alienates both of them in theprocess. Eventually they all make up and come together in 7th year,but it’s after a really angsty and lonely 5th year for Harry punctuatedby an even more disastrous trip to the Dept of Mysteries. For 6thyear I wanted to cultivate a Harry, Luna, & Draco friendship crew – based onDraco being horrible and untrustworthy, but Harry kind of understanding afterwhat happened to Ron how much children don’t want to lose their parents. Butanyhow, 5th year would probably follow canon pretty closely in termsof events, but 6th and 7th year would probably deviate alot from the canon plot, so it has to be planned pretty carefully if I everseriously start working on this fic.
(Undertale) DeterminedEvents, which I regrettably already started posting, was going to be reallyupsetting with character death and with the ending- just- throwing a huge wrench at Papyrus’s happy-go-lucky,let’s-be-friends attitude. The idea was the tell the story in short 1k-2k multipov drabbles, so I could post weekly and stuff. But then my fear of thehorror being poorly received, combined with my resistance to writing prose withthey/them pronouns, made me abandon the idea for the time being. (I was gonna do Frisk as nonbinary w/he-him pronouns, Charaas female w/she-her pronouns, and Napstablook w/they-them pronouns. In the game itself, given the kind ofself-insertive qualities of the protagonists, it’s kind of vague if they/themis used as ‘gender unknown’ or as ‘gender known and nonbinary’. But I’mafraid of the fandom killing me for these choices…)
Anyhow, I like angst.
 U: Share three of your favorite fic writers andwhy you like them so much.
You’re going to get me in trouble :x
Inside the ygo fandom:
@improfem Because they write nice ffm polyfic that’s notfetishistic or creepy. And also the Cho & Luna fic was so cute andwhimsical. And also you have such a good sense of humour. I can’t wait for moreof the secret santa fic, tbh.
@battymarionette Because she wrote adorable prompt fic forme. I love the gennish pieces with Jou&Anzu and Jou&Mai most. But alsothe battlshipping one, and the wishshipping one, and- Thank you for writingsuch cute things for me :3
@emblematik Because they have such creative but sensible headcanonsand write such beautiful prose and good characters. And I love Apophenia – perfect JouKai dynamic – I mayhave mentioned a time or twelve.
Outside the ygo fandom:
@thezolblade Because they have such interesting characterisationand worldbuilding for their Golden Sun work, and their writing has such a depthto it, god.
Kirinin Because I love how they write Ryouga. Their Ranma ½ ficis just top-tier.
Rayless Night because they wrote all this iconic, funny, smary,amazing Soul Nomad fanfic. And nobody even writes fanfic for Soul Nomad. Theybuilt this fandom. Excellent.
Idk, there are so many fic writers whose work I admire. Itfeels cheap in some ways to even try to name names. I appreciate so much :’)
 Thank you for reading~
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toomanyskeletons · 8 years
magic in spectraverse - infodump
so iv e been meaning to make a post abt this for a while so why not now, when im not even sure how my words are right and if i can think of the right things to say
in spectraverse - well, kind of, there are several spectraverse timelines and none have particular names so i cant really specify which one, we’ll just call it 2 - there are several different kinda of magic, along with subtypes
There are three different casters a being - typically a human, it is unusual for any nonhuman to call themselves a caster - can be, ‘caster’ being the name for the way someone casts a spell. Its a shit name, i’ll pick a better one some other time. Anyway. So, you can cast spells. Some make their own spells, others use books or loose paper or they remember it or whatever. Think of it like baking. You can stick it all in together, and it will always make something. Whether that thing is edible, that varies. Casting is like that, you can put in four whatever the fucks and three bees and you might get a puff of smoke or you might blow up your house. You might have been trying to dye your hair magically. Anyway.
A witch is a caster who draw the power of their spells from the environment - heat, light, feelings. A caster can do basically any spell depending on whatever the fuck they are but often, they are spells that give back. So. If you draw power from say, the sun’s heat, it might be a spell to replenish some part of the environment. I really havent thought this through but i just want to talk soo Witches can cast any spell, but drawing power from the environment can be time consuming and troublesome, so their spells tend to be weaker and- i dont know how to say this properly. I have this nice image all ready but i dont know what its words are. I’d say witches spells tend to be longer lasting? Yeah. Like. You cant draw energy from the environment quickly, but a long term spell being very constantly, slowly replenshed is the sort of things witches excel at. Like, making a plant grow faster, or a love spell, or a happiness spell, or maybe something to increase income - i dont know. Witches arent particularly important at the moment in my story so i havent given them much thought.
At this stage i should probably point out that these are all considered gender neutral. U dont have to be a lady to be a witch, and u dont have to be a dude to be a wizard, and you dont have to be nonbinary to be a mage.
So next up is wizards, who use their own energy. This is the thing that is good for fast acting spells, or things that work in bursts. Setting fires, i cant think of anything else, teleportation, yeah i really have not thought much about this either. Wizards replenish their energy just as any human generally does, sleeping, eating, spending an absurdly long amount of time gambling away your money in Pokemon - okay maybe thats just me but you get the idea.
Wizards are more useful in battle than witches, though armor, cloaks, staffs, etc. Can all have a boost in power by a witch.
Mages are people either born with the natural ability for elemental manipulation, OR people who perform a combination of both witchery and wizardry. Maybe just the latter. I’ll have to think of a name for the former.
There are eight major elements, and beyond those are several subtypes/skills that can only be learnt with particular elements. I havent thought of many of these but i’ll work them out.
So- Water Air Earth Fire Lightning Steel/Metal (i wanted to call it metal but my pokemon loving ass kept calling it steel) Light Dark/ness
Everyone has an element 'assigned’ to them in their genetics, but most people dont have the natural ability to manipulate it. Instead, they may have a few personality traits associated with the element, they might excel in a field of study related to that element, they could just really like that element OR nothing in particular. Like. It affects them in no way whatsoever, which is probably the most common. Also people can kinda teach themselves manipulation but it is Hard.
When you’re a 'natural’ (pretty sure i stole that term from somewhere else but w/e) you will have had the ability to control the element from birth. Natural elemental manipulators tend to have good visualisation skills and decent motor skills, though sometimes they have neither of these things and it ends really fucking badly, because if you cant picture something right you cant control it, and if you cant point your hand where u need to point it, thats bad. Elemental manipulation is largely controlled with visualisation, picturing what you want to do in your mind, but it also has to do with how good you are at controlling your energy. Most people wont be able to say, evaporate all the water from a pool in an instant, actually thats a terrible example for reasons i have not yet explained, give me a moment- Most people wont be able to cause an earthquake the moment they start using magic consciously, and that is because they havent learnt how to control their energy. Some people MIGHT be able to do it, but its more of an “accidental spontaneous energy release’ thing than a 'five year old good at controlli their energy’ thing.
So then you have subtypes. I havent thought of many of these yet, actually im P sure i only have one but lets talk about it anyway.
Temperature manipulation is a subskill of the metal and water elements, largely linked to the control of emotions. Actually, any of the elements that have the states of matter which i am forgetting, will be able to learn this subtype. It means, you guessed it, you cn control temperature. So a water user would then get a sort of sub element of ice, and they can also boil water. Metal users would be able to melt and solidify the metal. It takes time to learn, and oh shit mind blank. Uh.oh right. Speed. So like you might be able to boil water with the ability but u wont be able to do it really fast unless youve practised a lot. Poor emotional regulation + temperature manipulatio can mean Bad because it would lead to the accidental alteration of environemtnt. That was too fancy. Basically u might get road rage and then ur whole fucken car would melt.
Uh also healing? Pretty self explanatory, i havent though abt it much yet, much like everything else in this post.
Humans can also learn magic through objects. Some help to channel energy, some boost it, you can get orbs to give you an extra element, etc.
So then NONHUMANS are so much luckier because magic is like. Their first language. Most nonhumans, or even half humans with ANY nonhuman in them, will find it MUCH easier to learn a second element. Nonhumans have a body built for magic, so like their body can channel energy into multiple elements simulaneously, which is a thing humans find difficult, as they are not particularly made for magic. They still do it though. Nonhumans tend to be manipulators rather than casters, and like i said before, if they are they dont typically use the term caster.
Also, here are some things i forgot to mention/magic which i couldnt work out where to fit in:
- TELEKINESIS: good ole telekinesis. magical story woukdnt be complete without it. Pretty easy for most magical (nonhuman) beings to learn, at a basic level (closing doors, picking up the tv remote bc youre too lazy). You can go further into it and learn how to fuckin slam a dude against a wall like in supernatural. Harder for humans to learn (look i know humans get all this shit but theyre the majority).
-SUMMONING: SUMMON SATAN OR SOME SHIT. first of all, if you summon satan, you will get one of five people who will all tell you that satan is the incorrect term.also, summoning satan isnt particularly powerful summoning magic, it doesnt rely on the user’ s power much, but you gotta give a little blood. Anyway. Summoning is usually assisted by tokens of some sort that depict what you are summonging. Sometimes. To be a summoner u have to make friendship with thingd that CAN be summoned, like angels demons nine tailed fox etc. if it cant talk and make friends then u can generally find their tokens in shops, particualrly when there are a lot of the species existing and they dont exist lhysically outside of the void or something. But sentient beings like demons u goota find, befirend, and then they giv e you their token like some sorta business card. They also can turn down a summon, because they are sentient and if youre sentient it is possible you may be busy.
-TIME POWERS: HAVENT thogubt about this at all but worth a mention. Involves freezing time, travelling time and I FORGOT ABOUT DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL
-dimensional travel: you can travel dimensions, kinda. Ther e is one character who can do this currrently, she uses an unnamed object to help her draw her own power and she can juml timelines and travel different world s without the use of gates, which are often used otherwise.
Anyway thats all i can think of but i am definitely forgetting something
Questions? Comments? Have i made a spelling error? (If thats the case suck it ul u pansy) (there are five hundrrdd spelings here fcukc you) suggestions for another infodump? Want me to stop infodumping? Want to send me hate? I have an ask box and an anonymous button, they are there so you can use them
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