#the precious babies... before the horrors got alec...
aria0fgold · 1 year
BONUS: Alec, Ray Ages: 13, 11
Ray walked to the front of the class, holding the paper that contains his essay to present to everyone, all he needed to do was read it, simple. He's done it several times before now so he should be able to do it as easily this time, surely… But he still couldn't.
He stood, facing his classmates as he held his paper close to his face, bringing it down slightly so as to not block his view of them, just as he was taught. He needed to look at them too, eye contact. But each time he does, he can't help but feel as though he was being judged. He didn't like it at all, but he has to do it anyway. It's easy, it'll be fine, all he needs to do is just read what he had written, easy as that.
Ray took a shaky deep breath, no matter how many times he stood at the front of the class, it never gets easy, it's never so simple. Why can't he get used to it already?
He glanced around the room, looking for something, or more specifically, for someone. Strangely, Ray had gotten used to the presence of a particular boy that is always there whenever he has a presentation, when that should've been impossible in the first place. They have entirely different classes, one two grades above him. But being the troublemaker that the other was, he's always there for Ray anyway… Just like now.
Ray's eyes widened slightly as his gaze landed on a familiar redhead. His best friend, Alec, hid behind the chair of the kid at the back of the class, he poked his head out to smile at Ray, mouthing “You can do it!” before hiding again.
A quiet giggle escaped Ray's lips. The suffocating air he once felt slowly vanished as he read aloud his essay for the class.
“Alec, you know, you always have such good timing.” “Really? But you do tell me whenever you have a presentation the next day anyway.” “Yeah but the teacher calls us randomly each time, but you're always there when it's my turn.” “Hmm… I guess, it's just cuz I wanted to see you! Maybe that's why, hehe! Anyway, let's head to the cafeteria! Cmon, cmon!” …I wanted to see you too. “Hehe… Okay!”
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lapinmiel · 4 years
[Backstory] Jane and Alec, Volturi Guards.
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Jane and Alec, two of the most precious possessions of the Volturi, are the most feared vampires in the whole vampire world. While we know their names, positions and powers, do we know how their life was before joining the Volturi? The answer is a no.
This post provides an inside look to Jane and Alec’s life prior to joining the Volturi. Enjoy!
Note: This post is long. You might as well get a cup of tea before starting reading it.
• Jane and Alec, the twins of the town’s most renowned carpenter, were born in Perlshaw in A.D. 762. Their birth was both a surprise and horror, their mother, Eudelme, was bathing in the nearby pond near their house. The birth was so easy that she didn’t realize the twins — at the time who she thought was just a big, strong baby; were being born until she felt pressure on her lower area. Jane was born first, while her mother was still in the water. Alec came after her right when Eudelme came out of the water and laid on the ground, screaming for help to her friends who were bathing with her.
• The day they were born was extraordinarily calm and the skies were topaz blue. Their mother had never seen butterflies that pretty before that day and their father was paid some extra coins for his work. Their aunt, Aebbe, had dreamt of two angels coming to their house the night before their birth and woke up thrilled. She woke up started praying without saying anything to anyone. When Aebbe saw the twins for the first time when she helped her sister care for them by the pond, tears rolled up to her eyes — she knew that these were the angels she saw the night before.
• Eudelme and Aebbe took the twins home, that night, when their father Anselm arrived, they named the twins. Jane was the name of Eudelme’s friend who saved her when they were being attacked by wolves in the forest and Alec was the name of a hero in their area. Even though the names were uncommon, even unheard in some places, people grew to get used to them.
• Their birth came with luck. Their family’s own little garden started to produce more herbs, the flowers and trees around the house were greener and more fragrant, their father started to be paid more in his work and eventually, found another job that paid him more. Regardless of the weather, their house was always warm and cozy, the fire was burning brightly and prosperity started to be present.
• The twins were odd, charming little creatures when they were little. Their earth-colored curls shone so brightly as if they carried the sun in their hair, their eyes were so striking that you wanted to keep looking once you’ve looked at them. Their tiny pink lips were always smiling, they liked to babble. The twins seemed to communicate with each other in their ways, they didn’t start speaking their language until they were around five. Due to their own ways of communication, they didn’t have a lot of friends, preferring to play with each other.
• By the time they reached the age of seven, they were interacting with more people. They were naturally reserved, enjoying each other’s company, it was a rare sight to see them playing with other kids. This situation started to change when Alec became some sort of friends with the neighbour’s son, Eadger, who was more than eager to befriend them. Eadger was a shy child that had almost no friends. Eudelme thought that if the child had a good relationship with her twins, she could leave them together and go to work. Since she was worried so much about the twins due to their “closedness” to the outer people, she preferred not to work and took care of them. But she had to work, Aebbe was needing her help because of the number of orders she was receiving. This was, of course, due to the luck of the twins.
• As their friendship grew, Alec, Jane and Eadger started spending more and more time together. Their mothers, Eudelme and Saehild, also became friends shortly after their children. Saehild would often visit them in their house to take Jane and Alec with her. She was exceptionally fond of them, often thinking that they were the siblings of her son.
• Shortly after the child became friends, the luck of the twins started to emerge in the household of Saehild and Eadgar. Saehild’s never-ending wish to conceive twins became true. Her husband, Hunsige got lent a fortune from his great aunt, who was a little baronet in the north. When Saehild went into labour, she was with Eudelme and the children were playing in the snow outside. Much curiously, they weren’t cold and they weren’t getting wet. No one thought about this as a bad thing, not even Saehild, who didn’t want to let children play in the snow.
• Just in the middle of the labour, Jane came inside the room and with her came a wave of serenity. The town’s midwife was called to help, when she realized that the baby had its eyes open at birth, she announced that it was the sign of the Devil. Saehild got terrified. Jane didn’t understand what it was with her little human mind. At that time, no one suspected the twins of witchcraft, they weren’t doing it anyway. But with the midwife’s superstition, Saehild’s husband, Hunsige, started to think that the cause of the Devil’s sign was the family of the twins. Because before becoming friends with them, their family was a faithful household that the Devil wouldn’t come nearby, he thought.
• The birth was right before the twins’ eighth birthday. Somehow, the luck they brought to people who were good to them seemed to get more and more powerful as they grew older, as well as the bad luck they brought to people who were bad to them. One of the instances of their bad luck was when their father was punished in his job for misuse of something. He was beaten by the sons of his patron, days later, one of the sons were attacked by a wolf — just like how the twins’ mother was attacked when she was a young girl. A week later, the other son caught a sickness that no one could tell what was, it didn’t take long until he went blind.
• Their luck was powerful but the bad luck was something wicked, something only witches could be responsible for. Or the town folk thought so.
• At first, people thought that demons and bad spirits started to take over the city. After the patron’s sons, the midwife who helped Saehild fell down a couple of stairs and broke her back. Eventually, she was left paralyzed. Later, the only butcher in the town lost all his animals. After him, an old couple’s house burned and they died while trying to get out. No one could understand the reasons behind — but deep down, the twins and their family knew: the midwife had thought something was wrong with the twins, the butcher was trying to find occasions to harass Eudelme and the old couple was badmouthing Aebbe for she didn’t marry their son.
• All these things happened in a span of three months. Winter was coming, and the midwife was still talking about the twins. She was claiming that she saw in a dream that the twins were the servants of the Devil, as well as Saehild’s twins. She started convincing people that the relationship between these twins was nothing normal and they were spending time to find ways to call the devil upon the town. But at the time, Saehild’s twins were only two and they couldn’t even talk.
• Shortly after, people started believing in these superstitions. People were claiming here and there that they saw the twins floating in the air, shouting unknown words during a full moon and circling around a fire. None of these things were true, but the effect they had was more than real.
• One person claimed that in the early days of November, she saw about a dozen red eyes looking at the town from the woods. She claimed that she got scared she couldn’t talk for a few days.
Those eyes were the eyes of Jane and Alec’s future family, but they were yet to know it.
• Their lives started to change. The twins didn’t have a special circle to begin with, they only had Eadgar and his siblings. Eadgar’s mother Saehild kept meeting with Eudelme and warned her about the town folk’s rumours. Eudelme started to worry about her children but had no power to do anything.
• She started not allowing them to go out. She didn’t tell the twins why but Jane and Alec sensed. Somehow, they sensed that people were talking about them.
• After not being allowed outside for about a month, the rumours started to disappear. During the month, Eudelme and Anselm took kids outside to entertain them at every chance. They took them to the mountains, to the pond nearby, to see the waterfall that fed the pond. The twins learned how to climb and swim. They were happier than ever, as a family, they felt whole. Alec developed an interest in insects. He would often sneak out of the house at night to collect insects without being seen by people. Jane hated insects, so she never sneaked out with him.
• One full moon night, when Alec was out collecting insects when he heard some branches cracking as if something was coming his way. Of course, he heard it and got fearful. The sound of branches cracking grew louder, that was when Alec saw a pair of big, silver eyes. He had seen them before. He had seen a wolf before. But the thing had a difference — its eyes were at least the size of Alec’s hand. His heart felt like it stopped for a moment, and in the other, he started to run for his life. When he arrived home, Jane welcomed him, after seeing that her brother was out of breath, Jane asked him what happened and Alec told what he saw. Jane suspected that it was a werewolf that their mother told them about. That night, they slept while holding each other’s hands.
Unbeknownst to them, the next day was coming with its own storms.
• The next day, they opened their eyes up to a mess. Without being able to understand what was happening, they heard screaming sounds outside. Alec jumped out of the bed and rushed to the outside. Jane followed him and in the garden, they saw their mother looking at somewhere. Alec came beside her, tried looking into his mother’s eyes. She was devastated. Her eyes were the tellers of all that was happening: Saehild was being taken to the town’s center, more like being dragged, by townsfolk. Her clothes were being ripped away, her mouth tearing from inside due to her screams, her eyes crying tears of blood. No one said anything. Jane and Alec were too afraid to react. They were nailed to the ground.
• Days later, the news of what Saehild was accused of reached the twins’ house. It was witchcraft. Allegedly, someone claimed to see her transform into a big, dog-like creature and run towards the woods. No words were said. Eudelme and Aebbe were devastated beyond words. The reason was that if Saehild was going to be hanged or burned, it would come to them too. Because they spent almost all of their time together. Eating, letting children play, knitting, doing housework... Neither knew that their newly developed friendship would cause more harm than good.
• Two days later the spread of the news, Saehild was burned on the stake. The screams of pain traveled through the air to the ears of Jane and Alec, without knowing what would happen next, they prayed for her pain to ease, for her screams to turn into peaceful songs, and her body to not feel the fire. It was an endless day, the sun seemed not to set. Eudelme and Aebbe considered taking the children and running away, but Anselm stopped them. Despite Eudelme’s tears and claims that they’ll eventually be blamed too, Anselm didn’t step back and told them that no one would blame them. It wasn’t a solid idea to stand on, and soon, the rumours started spreading again.
• Saehild’s twins were now the center of the rumours. It was the midwife again, talking about them in a way that the twins were feared in the town. The talks were almost similar: they were the Devil’s seeds. They were born with their eyes open and they carried the mark of the Devil on their necks, which was nothing more than a birthmark. Saehild’s husband was isolated in his house with Eadgar and the twins. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to go out, he wasn’t allowed. While his wife burned, he made it clear that he wasn’t a sorcerer, thus didn’t know about his wife’s crimes. At heart, he was crushed into pieces but he couldn’t take his pain out. He had to act like Saehild was guilty. It was the only way to survive.
• After a month of isolation from the town, Eudelme decided to take the twins away with her. Because she knew what was coming. She’d heard the talk. It wasn’t only her twins too, Saehild’s twins were also mentioned. She even heard someone say that the twins were the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. She feared the outcome of all the talk.
• Jane and Alec were little, but they were grown enough to understand what was happening. They understood that people were speculating about them, but didn’t understand why. They couldn’t understand why people chose to talk about them while all they did was to be children. Talking, playing, smiling. Suddenly, their regular acts became the most dangerous things to them. The luck they brought to the ones who were good to them wasn’t noticed but people were fast to realize what was happening to people when they weren’t good to the twins.
• It was the last speculation Eudelme could bear. The night that she heard it, she packed her bags and took the children with her as well as Aebbe. They ran away to the woods. Without having a route or a place to stay, they ran for their lives. Aebbe held Alec’s and Eudelme held Jane’s hands, they didn’t even have a candle to light their way.
However, their steps were far from taking them to safety. The townsfolk had already heard about their plan.
• After ten minutes of running through the woods, Aebbe noticed fire beyond. Torches of the townsfolk who were waiting for them. She shoıted at Eudelme, commanding her to look ahead and see what was there. But her voice was too loud to not be heard by the folk. As Eudelme heard it, the fold heard it too and began marching towards the four.
• After that was pure panic. Not knowing what to do, Eudelme froze for a couple of minutes, enough to get caught by the folk. Alec tried to drag her to run with him but Eudelme was completely frozen in a state that she seemed like a marble statue. Holding her son’s hand so tightly that Alec couldn’t let go of her hand. They got him first.
• It was only when they heard Alec’s screams that Aebbe and Jane realized they were captured. Jane looked back, but the sky was so dark that she couldn’t see anything. Breathing hardly, she tried to stop Aebbe and help her brother but Aebbe was smart to not allow her. Still hearing her brother’s screams for help, Jane started crying and shouting at him, saying his name without stopping. The pain she felt in her torso was more than what a little child could bear, and she didn’t even understand why these things were happening to her.
• After another ten minutes of running, Aebbe was confronted by another group of people. She stood in front of Jane, trying to hide. Nevertheless, it wasn’t the best idea. Suddenly, someone snatched her away from Aebbe’s hands. Little Jane tried so hard to kick and bite the man, but her body was too tiny to leave any damage. The man quickly tied her hands and feet with a rope right in front of Aebbe’s hands. After that was a mess. Aebbe tried fighting back, even though he couldn’t see well at night. She tried kicking some men around but that ended with a sharp pain in her head. The last thing she felt was the smooth sensation of falling asleep.
She fell right beside Jane. Seeing her aunt in blood, Jane screamed so loudly that as if her lungs were about to explode, but that ended with a sharp pain for her too.
• The twins woke up tied at stakes. Their mother was there too. And unexpectedly, the twin siblings of Eadgar were also there. It was clear for Eudelme but the children couldn’t comprehend anything.
• Jane and Alec asked each other if they were good. Then they asked Eudelme who was nearly unconscious from being beaten. It was harder for her. People thought that she’d sold her soul to the Devil for power. She wanted to ask them which power was it because they still were peasants who could hardly afford food for their children. But she knew that there wouldn’t be any answer. They were already judged and no one was coming to save them.
• The other twins were so little that they couldn’t even react to anything. When Jane looked at them, they were looking around and trying to move. There was no trace of fear in their eyes. The twins didn’t know that they were about to die. They didn’t know that they were the subjects of a crime they couldn’t even comprehend. They didn’t know that these grown people looked at them and saw the eyes of the Devil in their innocent eyes. Jane couldn’t understand what was happening until then, but after looking at the twins, she knew. She understood. Because she’d seen her father in the crowd, looking at them with empty eyes. She later realized that he was already plotting their ends when Saehild was taken away, but they couldn’t catch the signs of it.
When Jane saw the faces of the folk, she realized one thing. People weren’t to be trusted. Even in her new life, she kept reminding herself of that. She only trusted her brother.
• While they were set on fire, Eudelme was already gone. Her heart had already stopped beating. But Jane and Alec were still alive and feeling.
• Alec’s pain started from his hands. He didn’t know why, but the fire started burning him from his hands first. When he first felt it, he tried so hard to find a way out that his mind focused only on finding a way. He tried moving his limbs, sliding from the stake, moving his shoulder, but nothing worked. As the paralyzing sensation of being burned alive spread up his veins, he realized there was no cure. His heart was getting faster and faster, increasing his fear of the realization that the burning smell he felt was from his own hands. It wasn't over yet — Alec thought he could still somehow escape. If he could hold on until the fire went out, he could somehow escape when the people dispersed. He could not understand what fire and death meant. Unclear how he tried to convince himself that the pain was not real. He focused his mind on his skin. There was no feeling, he did not feel. The warmth in his skin was not there. The burning smell on his nose was a trick of his mind. The red color that came through his eyes was not real. He focused so much on this, on this lie — that after a while he thought that his pain had subsided. He tried to smile but was too exhausted to do it.
• Jane, on the other hand, had already given up. She knew she couldn’t escape She wasn't aware of what was happening, why they ran away, and what might happen until she was attached to this stake and saw people's faces. Pain and tears were shed fire climbed up from her feet. She got carried away. There was no way out, no ointment to relieve the pain. She could hear and smell the burning of both her own body and those around her. Her eyes were closed, but she could see everything that was around her. She heard people staring at them with disgust, shouting them to burn, talking about the evil of witchcraft, and crying happily as they burned for a crime they did not commit. She suddenly opened her eyes; she didn't look around, just looked in front of her, at the people. Dozens of pairs of eyes, she looked at. She looked at each of them with blame, pity, anger. She wanted them to feel this pain too. At that moment, she really wanted to become a witch and inflict pain on anyone who did it to them with her magic.
• Then, as if nothing happened, everything stopped. They weren’t feeling anything. They weren’t seeing anything. They felt bodiless like some kind of magical creature. They couldn’t even think. They were just there, but they weren’t even aware of that.
• After an unknown amount of time, Alec opened his right eyes just barely. The stars were there, shining brightly as if nothing happened. The moon was there too. It was as if nothing had happened, the fires had not been lit. Alec felt nothing but his sight, and at last, he managed to stop his pain, he thought for a moment. But all that happened was that they burned to ashes and their minds weren't even enough to think and feel.
• Alec's consciousness was coming and going with his eyes open. He felt there for a moment, and not for a moment. Alec saw a man in a black cloak approaching him. His mind kept pacing, even when the man was saying something to him, he couldn't understand what was being said. Then he found himself in heaven. Then in a barren land. Then in a garden.
• Later, he found himself lying in a room. His eyes were open. As he gazed at the stone ceiling, he felt nothing. After a time that his mind could not yet grasp how long was, he realized he was feeling his fingers. The fingers that he couldn't feel just a few seconds ago. The seconds were not real seconds, of course, the time had flowed so differently for him that he did not realize that he had been sleeping for five days. Then he suddenly realized that he could feel his whole body. He wanted to stand up — he found himself standing, before even knowing what happened. His hands had already appeared before his eyes as he thought he wanted to see his hands. At that moment he was met with too much shock to understand what was going through: his hands were unburned. Her white skin was healthier than ever. Then he realized that his skin was glimmering.
• Examining the glow of his skin with puzzled eyes, realizing he was wearing black clothes, he didn't even hear anyone approaching the room. Seconds later, someone entered the room. He turned and looked. Jane was standing before his eyes as if nothing had happened.
One thing was changed — her eyes were as red as the fire they were burned in.
• As Alec tried to understand what was happening, he noticed the middle-aged man behind Jane. Like Jane, his eyes were red. Then Alec noticed that their skins were glimmering. Like his own skin.
• The minutes after that moment was spent listening to what had happened and learning what their life would be like from then on. The man told the twins that when he found them, they had been burned to their bones. He thought they could not be saved, but he did not give up hope. He had brought them here, to the place he called Volterra, to this castle where his family lived, and waited for them to wake up. Jane had recovered and transformed in three days and Alec in five days. He told the twins that they were not human beings but superior beings now, and that they would not die anymore, that no one could harm them anymore. Then he referred to them as my children. Sitting in that stone room at that moment, for the first time since their families, the twins realized that they were truly loved by someone. It happened naturally, nobody needed to affect their emotions. They both remembered their father who had betrayed them, while the man took them under his arms and hugged them. They felt something move from where their unbeating hearts were. Within minutes, they were used to the people they were with. After all, they were two kids. Children who were burned and resurrected on false accusations. Children who couldn’t realize it yet, but would be the most feared people in the world of their own and will not pity anyone but their family, the Volturi.
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david tennant’s obsession
a david tennant x reader
(you are the newest companion of the tenth doctor,david tennant develops feelings for you and is willing to do anything to make you his,when you fall for a guy on set David gets a serious case of the green eyed monster)
your on breakfast tv giving an interview about your first ever tv role
interviewer: so y/n hows it feel to be the newest doctor who companion?
y/n: it’s really exciting to be the tenth doctors companion i’m really forward to working with david tennant.
interviewer: is it true you’ve never acted before?
y/n: yes unless school plays count,i won the part in a magazine competition.
after the interview was over you headed to your trailer not long after sitting down to rest your feet as you’d been interviewed on various tv shows all day,you got a knock on your trailer door.
david: Hi it’s nice to finally meet my new co star,i bought you some chocolate as a welcome gift.I can’t wait to work with you tomorrow.
y/n: thank you that’s very kind of you David.
david: you have such a nice accent where are you from?
y/n: (where you live)
david: do you have a boyfriend back home?
y/n: no,why do you ask?
david: just making conversation,you have such a beautiful smile.I better go i have some interviews to do.
you decided to go to bed as you had to be up at 6am,at 5:30am there was a knock on your door you opened the door to find a massive plush bear holding a heart saying “i love you” you looked for a card to find the sender but couldn’t find one.
You put the bear on your bed and went to get ready for your first day of filming.
y/n: doctor be careful there could be daleks in there
doctor: don’t worry i’ll be fine just stay in the tardis.
director: and cut great job y/n and david you’ve earned a tea break
you sat at a table with david a cute guy handed you a cup of tea.
tea guy: is it to your liking? i can get you some sugar.
y/n: it’s fine what your name?
simon: my name is simon
y/n: well Simon thank you for the tea.
david glared at simon as he walked away.
david: i was thinking of taking you out for dinner tonight to celebrate your first day.
y/n: that’s very sweet of you david.
simon was listening to his ipod you heard your favourite song.
y/n: wow i love that band there my favourite
simon: there my favourite too,i actually have a spare ticket for a gig tonight as one of my friends dropped out last minute maybe you’d like to go with me?
y/n: you sure,those tickets are so hard to get hold of,okay it’s a date.Sorry david i can’t do dinner tonight maybe another time.
david: sure,it’s fine
simon went to his trailer to get changed on his wall written in red where the words “i’m watching you”
simon: seriously guys nice joke.
suddenly a hooded figure with a crowbar attacked simon leaving him with a broken leg.you heard simon’s scream and ran to his aid David appeared not soon after.
David: we should call an ambulance,what happened?
simon: some hooded guy attacked me with a crowbar
y/n: your gonna be okay
simon: why would someone wanna hurt me?
an ambulance drove simon away david put his arm round you to comfort you.
david: he left the tickets maybe you and me can go together?
y/n: who would write something like this,i got given a bear from some unknown sender.
david: you know what doctor who fans are like.
y/n: what if it was sinister like this incident here
david: whoever sent it has nothing but love for you.
you went to the gig with david,as you where walking home david took your hand and smiled.
y/n: i had fun with you today.
david: me too.
the next day filming resumed,the director was in a grumpy mood so he shouted at you.
director: why did we hire you y/n? remind me? your acting in that scene was shit.
you felt hurt by the directors words,david looked at the director in anger.The director went to his trailer for a time out.
david: dam i’ve gotta make an important call back in 5
the director poured himself a drink a hooded man appeared in his doorway holding a knife.you heard a scream and ran towards the trailer.on the wall written in blood was the words “you hurt her/him i hurt you”.
the director was bleeding from his stomach david took off his jacket to slow down the bleeding.You rang an ambulance.
producer: okay where taking a week from filming while police investigate this.
y/n: i’d go back to my london flat but how things are currently i’m too scared to be alone.
david: you can stay with me if you like.
david put your case in his spare bedroom,you unpacked your stuff while david made you both dinner.
y/n you made pasta i love pasta,david this is the start of a beautiful relationship
david: really you think so.
after dinner david and you watched tv,david slid his arm round your shoulders.You felt kinda uncomfortable so made an excuse to leave to go to bed.You took you drink with you.
y/n i’m tired i’m off to bed goodnight
david: if you get scared you can always sleep in with me
you laughed but didn’t really know if he was joking or not,you got changed for bed then got in and read a book for while till you fell asleep.David watched you sleep he took a pair of scissors and took some of your hair he smelt it and crept back to his room.You woke after a few hours so reached for your drink you accidentally knocked it on the white duvet cover so thought you better put it in the washing machine.You checked there wasn’t anything coloured already in the washer first,you found a grey hoody with blood on it.You looked in horror not knowing what to do you put it back in and went back to your room.
david: you okay?
y/n: i’m fine just put my empty glass in the sink.
david stroked your forehead and kissed you goodnight,when he was back in his room you snuck the front door to leave but it was locked.
david: not going anywhere are you?
y/n: i thought umm i’d go just for a little walk.
david: it’s 1am it’s dangerous out there,your much safer here with me.You’ve spilt drink on your bed you better take my bed.
y/n: yes thank you but where well you sleep?
david: next to you of course,it’s the safest place for you right now.
david grabbed your wrist and dragged you to his bedroom.
y/n: please don’t hurt me
david: why would i hurt you,i love you.i’d do anything to protect you.
y/n: even try to kill people? i saw the hoody with blood on it
david: it’s fake blood it was for a role,you think i’m the dangerous man on the set of doctor who? you also think i sent the i love you bear?
y/n: i never told you it said “i love you” how would you know that?.
david: okay the bear was me,the bad things where not me.
y/n fine i believe you i’m gonna go see simon tomorrow in hospital.
you lay on david’s bed,david lay next to you keeping his side of the bed.When you where fast asleep david put his arms around you.
david whispered “i did it all for you my precious y/n”
the next day you went to the hospital to see simon the police where with him.
police: so you say you heard him say “dam it” in a Scottish accent before you where found?
y/n: excuse me i think i found some crucial evidence towards the case it’s david tennant’s hoodie i found it in his washer.
police: thank you we’ll get it tested.
simon: how did you get hold of that?
y/n: i’m staying with him,i have to go back if i don’t david well know the police are on to him and run.I’ll make some excuse for the hoodie.
david: your home,how was he?
y/n: he’s out soon why are you wearing a black suit and tie?
david: for our wedding of course,i’ve sorted your outfit in the bedroom go put it on the ceremony shall start soon.
y/n: david your scaring me now.
david: it’s just a game go put it on.
david took you to his bedroom,you saw laid on his bed your wedding outfit.
y/n:i don’t wanna wear that
david: you shall do as you are told!!! aww baby i didn’t mean to shout.come here.
david held you tight in his arms you tried to pull away from him but his grip grew tighter you kicked him between the legs and ran towards the front door david grabbed you and pushed your back against the wall and kissed you on the lips.Suddenly you hear police sirens.
david: why are there police cars outside?
the police burst through davids door and arrested him,you where told to give a statement to a detective you waited in an interview room.In walked a familiar looking man
Alec Hardy: hello i’m alec hardy
you screamed,you awoke to find it was all a nightmare.David was laid beside you.
David: nightmare again? i’ve warned you about eating bloody cheese before bed.Oh can you wash my grey hoody tomorrow.
so it was all a bad dream or was it?.....yes it was.
the end
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Heirlooms (Volturi x Reader)
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Reader’s snowglobe falls and reader cries 
Felix takes broken glass from readers hand
You gasped in horror to hear glass smash, looking down at the now broken snow globe. "No..." You exhaled slowly kneeling to the ground.
"Oh (Y/N)..." Alec put a hand in your shoulder as you carefully picked up the small shards as tears fell. Felix had turned at the sound of your voice to see you kneeling on the floor over the glass. "What happened?" Felix asked in confusion glancing to Alec.
"Their mother's snow globe fell, it was the last thing they had from their family."
"ohhhh..." Felixed 'awed' feeling sympathy for the human who continued to quietly and pick up the pieces.
"You can still keep it." Alec crouched down to your level. "If we just remove the remaining glass..."
Felix bent over taking your wrist with one hand. The other carefully prying open your fingers to take the shards of glass and walking away with them in his hand. "Give it here." Alec held out his hand and you put the ornament in his hand and he inspected it. "This is awfully pretty." You nodded, trying to hold back the tears. "You can still keep this, it's beautiful, would be lovely for your desk, by the window." You cracked a smile. "That's where I was going to put it." Alec offered a smile in return as Felix came back his hand out. "Hey, I'll remove the remaining glass if you're keeping it..."
"They are." Alec nodded before you could answer making you turn to him in slight suprise. "It's important." Alec then turned to you as Felix took the remaining piece of the globe. "Where did you get it?"
"It was passed down to me. My grandma got it from her father as a gift. He was away for the war and it was very precious to her. Then when her daughter's got to my age they got to have it. Me being her only grandchild, she wanted it to be passed to me in her will. It was recovered and returned to my grandma by forensics when my family passed and of course she took me in. When she died, it was left to me as well as some money.
"Quite the heirloom and remarkable condition." Alec said listening intently and you nodded. "I was to pass it down to any children I had, if any but it looks like it's staying with me."
"I hope you don't think of yourself any less for not carrying it on." Alec frowned slightly and you shrugged. "It was the plan, I always wanted a family of my own."
"Majority of us lived with traditions," Alec pointed out. "Before my change i'd be expected to be married soon and have children- so would Jane." He continued. "Many of us have been through arranged marriages in our human lives. So we know all and more about what is expected of us and what is considered a normality." You nodded. "True... although, I'm far too young to be married and have children, maybe one or the other at a stretch."
"Yes, I suppose they do leave out the manual to growing up don't they?" He smirked catching your gaze. "In modern day society, you are given more freedom which leads to more questioning. You could do anything with a bit of work. In my day it was learn how to survive, get a manual labour job in the village to support your household and that was you until the end of your days."
"Perhaps that's why they believed in witch craft." You smiled nudging Alec. "They must have been bored." Alec hummed in amusement. "A century ago I wouldn't have found that funny but now I can see the humour."
"Well it isn't directed to you, you were a twin with remarkable abilities and they didn't take the time to understand you didn't intend to hurt anyone and instead, they hurt you." Alec's smile faded. "Then karma dropped by...or Aro, whichever name he goes by." You attempted to lighten the mood and a soft smile grew on Alec's face once more.
"Aro Karma Volturi?"
"Oh god no." Alec shook his head. "Karma is not a name."
"Karma would be a great name!" You said eyes wide. "Karma Volturi, wish I had a name like that."
"Your name is much more pleasing than Karma."
"Karma literally has the 'imma kick your ass' ring to it though."
"So say you had a baby, you'd call them Karma?'
You thought for a moment. "Maybe, it depends on the back ground information and the last name."
"That poor child."
"Hey! Don't judge!"
Felix strolled back in with the glass removed ornament, crouching down with his hand held out. You took it from him and thanked him looking at the it.
95 years later...
"What can we possibly do? Let's just make this clean, Alec can just use his gift we can grab the girl and go." Felix frowned impatiently.
"There are other ways than force Felix." You frowned. "What do you suppose when she's back at the castle? I don't think she'll be happy do you?" Felix bit his tongue.
"My love, what do you suggest?" Demetri put a hand on your back and you pulled your mate into your side. "I think she just needs a little kindness...a little help. She's a little lost and I can help."
"What you'll love her into complying?" Felix deadpanned and Demetri snarled at him in response as you rolled your eyes. "You'd be surprised what a little compassion could accomplish." You said simply before climbing over the ledge to a sheer drop to the dirt ground. "Be careful, my love." Demetri said. "We'll be watching you." Jane said. "We'll be there immediately if assistance is needed." You dropped down landing easily to the ground.
"Hey..." you said softly getting the younger vampires attention as you crouched to her huddled level but made sure to keep your distance.
"Who are you!? What do you want!?" The girl said clearly distressed. "I want to see if you're okay."
"You... you're like me." Realisation dawned on the girl seeing your red eyes and you nodded. "Yeah, it isn't easy, is it..." You shuffled a little closer. "I can help you...my family and I can help you. I see you're gifted." You nodded to the ball of fire in her hands. "I don't know how to control it." The girl whimpered. "We can help you...trust me." The girl looked at you as a overwhelming amount of love and trust swarmed her. She'd known you for a minute but saw you as a parent and needed you now more than ever. You held out your hand and she looked at it seemingly in thought.
The four members of the guard watched as the girl reached out to take your hand. "They've done it." Demetri said with pride. "She's coming with us."
"It's bizarre to watch (Y/N)'s gift unfold..." Alec commented. "yet oddly beautiful.
"You remember don't you? As a human they were heavily family oriented. However, I was surprised to see they were gifted after their change."
Alec chuckled to himself as a memory popped into his head. "What?" Jane turned to her twin. "Nothing dear sister, I just remembered a conversation we had. They thought they'd never have children but I think they've found a nice alternative." Demetri smiled softly seeing the girl rush into your arms and you held her tightly looking up at them with a smile, smoothing the girls hair down.
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Please please please (pleaseeee) write a oneshot expanding on your 'Alec shows up drunk off his face on vodka and emotional' headcannon! (And feel free to expand on any others because they're amazing, but ESPECIALLY that one??)
i actually have written more about some of them! you can see them come into play in my fics on ao3. (the only that is specifically addressed in its own one shot is the “alec only likes whiskey sours” one.)
the original headcanons post is here, for the curious.
thanks for playing, anon, i wouldn’t have written this without you
there is a much better version of this now (you can still read the original below, if you wish, but i would...really recommend skipping it for the edited version -- it’s not only better, but also longer)
magnus doesn’t answer the door, because alec doesn’t knock. he just opens it, to find alec collapsing beside it in the hallway.
“alexander.” he rushes to alec, one hand going to his chest, the other to his face, wondering just how many loved ones he’s going to have to catch falling in his door. he starts to ask alec if he’s hurt when the smell of vodka overwhelms him. “oh alec,” he murmurs as alec trips over what might be an apology and the threshold, slipping in magnus’ grasp.
“i’m definitely drunk now,” alec informs him, bitter and slurred. his hands slide over magnus like he’s forgotten how to hold on. he knocks his forehead against the side of magnus’ head, a painful display of affection that makes magnus wince.
“alexander,” magnus repeats, more or less pulling alec to the nearest chair. “why are you drunk?”
alec shakes his head, face scrunched as he refuses to answer. magnus sees him regret the motion almost instantly, a hand going clumsily to his mouth as he blurts, “’m gonna–” and uses magnus as a push off point to get to the bathroom. his legs splay beneath him as he stumbles towards it; magnus comes under his shoulder to hold him up.
they drop to the floor of magnus’ bathroom when they get there, alec heaving into the toilet before magnus has even disentangled himself from him. “baby,” magnus soothes, running his fingers through the sweat-curled hair at alec’s nape as he shifts back to give alec the room he needs. “dear heart. my alec.”
alec turns towards him when it’s done and magnus sees the tear tracks on his face. his chest folds in on itself at the sight, making it hard to breathe. 
“s-sorry, ’m sorry,” alec stammers, fisting his hands in magnus’ pants at the knees, begging forgiveness. 
magnus releases alec’s hold with one hand, the other going to alec’s cheek. “you have nothing to be sorry for.”
alec accepts this, as only the very drunk can. he leans back against the wall. magnus magicks up a cool, damp washcloth and wipes the sweat from alec’s face with it.
“i didn’t know drunk was this bad,” he mutters from beneath it. his hands now hold his stomach. “it’s like…when i was 9.”
magnus is sure he doesn’t want to know the answer to this question, but he asks it anyway: “when you were 9?”
alec nods, winces. “food poisoning, training, new rune, all same day. didn’t want to but.” alec shrugs. “threw up on dad’s shoes. he –” he waves a hand weakly. “not happy.”
magnus puts a hand to his mouth. 
“didn’t eat before new runes after that,” alec says, decisively, as though that were the obvious solution to that problem. for a moment they’re silent, alec tired and magnus horror-stricken, and then alec grabs for the toilet again, dragging himself up to rid himself of some more of his stomach’s contents. magnus lays the washcloth gently on the back of his neck.
“what happened tonight, alexander?” he asks again, when this round has passed.
alec shakes his head where it’s resting on his forearms on the seat. “don’t wanna talk about it. it was. really, really bad. jace and izzy, they, i tried to talk to them but.” he shudders. “’s all my fault.”
magnus has the sudden overwhelming urge to murder every single living being that has ever made alec feel responsible for things he’s not responsible for. to do it bloody, from the inside out. he sends a burst of magic out into his living room. it’s loud as it destroys whatever of his possessions that it hits. alec jumps.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” magnus murmurs, placing a calming hand on alec’s back. he takes a moment to calm himself as well, draws the rage out of every limb to let it sit simmering low in his stomach.
alec sits up suddenly, looking intently at magnus, like magnus is beautiful and precious and incomprehensible. he lifts gentle, shaking hands to magnus’ face, fingertips at brow and cheekbone. “you love me?” he asks. then – “shit. care, care about me? i matter to you, like you do to me?”
magnus nods, unable to speak.
“you’re sure?”
magnus swallows the emotions he’s choking on. “of course, dear heart.” he brings their faces together, hands cradling alec’s jaw. they breathe into each other’s mouths. “i’m sure. you matter, you matter to me so much, alec.”
alec nods against magnus’ forehead, his whole body going limp at the reassurance. “that’s good,” he says. 
“yes,” magnus agrees softly. he takes a moment to collect himself, still forehead-to-forehead with alec. “you need to drink some water,” he says finally.
alec meets the idea with open disdain. “i’ll just–” he brings a hand up along his throat, flicking his wrist as it passes his mouth.
“you might,” magnus concedes. “but it’ll be better than throwing up stomach acid.”
alec considers this. “…prob’ly true,” he acquiesces finally. magnus magicks a glass of water for him, carefully making it just below room temperature to soothe without upsetting. alec has to grip it with both hands. magnus pushes his hair out of his eyes while he drinks.
they’re quiet then for a long time as alec nurses the water and magnus thinks that maybe the talking portion of alec’s escapade in drunkenness has passed. but alec looks at him sideways once before saying, “you know,” conspiratorially and magnus knows they’re not. “i broke a kid’s nose once.”
“oh,” magnus says, uncertain. “good for you.”
“i was also a kid,” alec clarifies, “at the time.”
magnus nods. “that does help.”
“we were training. i didn’t…really mean to break his nose; i mean i didn’t mean not to but – it was training. i was finally getting it right.” he lifts a shoulder. “he was the son of a higher-up so i got in big time trouble for it. corporal punishment trouble,” he lifts an eyebrow like what he’s saying isn’t horrifying. “lashes. back before they quit doing that.”
“how old were you?” magnus asks, anguished. his voice is shaking, but alec doesn’t notice.
alec thinks for a moment. “ten,” he says. he leans forward, smiling. “no one even knew it hurt, i couldn’t lay on my back for a week, but no one knew,” he tells magnus. magnus blanches when he realizes that he’s bragging about bearing the pain. “mom was really proud of me, cuz i never said a word the whole time.”
“oh god.” magnus feels bile rise in his throat. someone needs to save maryse lightwood’s children, he thinks, reaching for alec. and maryse from herself. and from me.
he lays a hand on alec’s cheek and alec leans into it, sighing. “i’m tired,” he says, eyes fluttering closed, and falls asleep.
magnus sighs too, lets a couple of the tears he’s been holding back roll down his face, and gently gathers alec’s long frame with magic, guiding his unconscious form to his bed.
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Sometimes we do the right thing and it spreads like a game of telephone  on the playground. That’s how this election has felt to me. At first there were these little whispers of this guy… this guy who once had a punk band that was over on the border. Not Mexican, but has a Mexican name term of endearment nickname. Young. Handsome. Schooled at Columbia. All the beautiful secret things that are the real Texas. 
  See. I’m a native Houstonian. I love my fucking city. I also hate my fucking city. Or rather, I grew up hating it. I hated the burbs and the shit kikkers and the red necks and that we were known for whiny country music and rodeos and horrible accents that sounded like we were a bunch of dumb hicks. What I loved about Texas was so subliminal I didn’t even realize it until I left for awhile. Moved to another state and found out that my entire mindset was formed yes, of course by the books I had read and the education I’d received, but the foundation of who I was? The rock bottom core of my soul? That was Texas, folks. Drenched in sweet barbeque sauce and sizzled on the triple digit Houston sidewalks. 
They say that you don’t have to ask someone where they’re from who is from Texas. They’ll tell you before you get the chance. This is truth. Another thing I didn’t realize until I lived outside the state. Other people would go around the school or work meeting and mention children or accomplishments.
The first thing that would come out of my mouth was I’m from Texas. I began to realize that Texas is a State of Being. It’s a State of Mind. You can take the me out of Texas, but you can’t take the Texas out of the me.
You sir, may go to hell. I am going to Texas.–Davy Crockett
Like so much of life, being away from home made me appreciate it. Then respect it. Then realize I’d not so much been in love with it as it coded into my soul.
I mean, I’d known when I’d driven the long stretches of road listening to the Fabulous Thunderbirds, which to me was Austin where I spent half of my time my college years dancing at the Continental Club or Club Foot and eating chicken fried steak, or when I’d gone to Lubbock to the Buddy Holly Festival that Joe Ely always played  in the closed down streets celebrating his idol and his own hometown.
I  taught myself to speak without an accent and read a lot of books. And the only thing I knew to do was reject everything that was symbolic of what I hated–small town thinking from small town sensibilities. The illiterate by choice. Cowboy boots unless they were worn by Keith Richards or Joe Ely or Joe Strummer. (I now love them  beyond.) I hated and hate hunting because you know, slaughter. Prefabricated neighborhoods outside the inner city loop where people lived who wanted yards as flat as football fields and houses too big and character-less for anything useful and huge expensive cars and a commute that stunk up the city and blocked the highways. Even then, back then, 40 years or more ago, it all felt wrong. Too much. Nothing good could come from so much….so much… waste….  clutter.
It was like Benjamin Braddock at his graduation party being told about plastics. It was Jack in the Box having too many damn menu options when all anyone needed was the Jumbo  Jack and fantastic flat Super Tacos that could be put in an envelope and mailed and Frings–a mix of french fries and onion rings and those dollar menu chicken sandwiches. Everything else was just too precious and absurd.
At 16 I found the Rocky Horror Picture Show and a mass of people that were not the same as those who frequented Katy High School, home of rice farms and small minds. At 17 I went to work at an AMC Theatre and found a bunch of misfits like myself who couldn’t quite get behind Friday night’s lights and shopping malls filled with generic crap. At 18, I found Herschel Berry and the Natives at Anderson Fair and my real love affair with Texas began.
What I learned from local music, what I learned from punk rock–was that in fact, love is all you need. That even the freaking Hard Rock Cafe is right–Serve All Love All. That hidden beneath the Urban Cowboy shit was this city of mystery and secrets. There was this unreal music. There was all night Tex Mex with kick ass juke boxes and those who frequented it. There was this love and honor among the punk rockers and the aging hippies and the drag queens and the gay men and the homeless teens and all of the others who didn’t fit into the Lone Star State stereotype  regardless of color or sexual orientation or socio economics.  You just didn’t know until you left the comfort of your sedan and talked to the people in the streets. We just didn’t let the others know. It was ours. They could have the rest.
Eventually someone would rise out of here or out of a place just like here that encapsulated all that is bright and beautiful and blazing about Texas. Our real culture. Our blended population. Our love of music that defies labels, like  Herschel, or Alejandro Escovedo. Our mixture of punk and cowboy that pulled in Strummer to hang out with that cowboy guy he liked, Ely. It’s not just music or clothing. Those simply reflect the ethic that is here. It’s mom and pop diners and taquerias and dive bars and little music halls. It’s a hot humid wet sweater of a place that is so deranged that out of it comes the Art Car Parade and the Orange Show and even a secret serial killer that only the locals know about, despite the liklihood he could possibly have the highest body count of all time. Before craft brew, we choked down Lone Star Beer in bottle necks because it was local, even if it tasted and still tastes like rat piss. It’s local heroes like old  lonesome Howard Hughes. That’s how we do things here. We have musicals written about our whore                                                            houses.
We create a legacy of cadallics buried in the dirt of what would be wasted landscape. We once had a pig here tattoed with wings. This is how we do art.
Houston still is the mystical and beautiful and secret place. This club for those in the know, on the inside. The cool kids. Most of those places  we frequented are still here. Preserved. Not just moments in time but part of the spiderweb that holds up our city even as it sinks into the swampland we are built on. Key words. Code words. Houston is a small small town, baby.
So the whispers started and slowly the buttons and bumper stickers began to emerge…. quietly, slowly likely from fear of retaliation despite the fact that we here all know that this is already a blue state. This is in fact, a brown state. The only reason this state reads red is because it was gerrymandered beyond belief so that areas range from Austin almost to Dallas rather than say, Austin being one place. In fact, those of us over a certain age, recall the whirlwind of all that is bravado and cyclonic about Texas in human form, Governor Ann Richards. Ann took no shit. We are channeling Ann this election. This day. This time when the tide is high.
We began to realize that it was  like a secret clubhouse. Nods, smiles, a quiet thumbs up. We were one. We were all still here. There was more of us than we were led to believe. In the ugly loud jarring swagger of the New GOP, even the natives here had been led to believe the stereotypes, the lies on par with Dallas, the TV show, not the beautiful lilting song. Love All Serve All.
The cowboy way. The musicans way. The rebel way. The artist way. The Texas way.
I think after Harvey we’d all just had enough. Enough of the fucking lies about us. Enough of being disregarded and counted off as worthless. A joke. A universal joke of Cowtown, USA. We weren’t going to go quietly into the night. We were going to rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And we had the One. Out of El Paso, of all places, our hero emerged. A tall drink of water, as we say here in Texas. A 40-something who still looked like a kid, like Alec Baldwin in Beetlejuice before he blew up. Long arms swinging, long legs running and walking and jumping and driving across a state that is close to the size of Europe. Hours and hours and miles through the heat, the sonic heat. Doing what others before said was a collasal waste of time. Those who didn’t know Texas. Those who didn’t know the real us.
        Not a dumb ass speaking of having beers together and how we don’t need no city slickers telling us what to do and  a C is good enough. That’s facade and bullshit.
The Texas I know has pockets of Republicans who are old school…. meaning that they don’t give a shit what you do in your own bedroom or your own home. They’re conservative in wanting their guns and their Southern gentleman ethics and the right to lead their own lives be it to homeschool their kids without answering to the Man which is the same as the old Art Car Parade slogan of we just want to ride around in our machines and not be hassled by the man. Which is the same damn thing. And they don’t care how their neighbor got here and what color he is if he keeps his place nice and will lend a hand in a tragedy and raises some respectful kids. I grew up next to a Mexican family, the Ninos, and I do not recall once hearing the word Mexican other than to descibe the exquisite cuisine and in regard to the family itself, the dad brought over left over KFC from his job as manager and we invited them to our BBQ’s and everyone pitched in if a car wasn’t running or one of the moms decided to have a garage sale or when their new babies were born.
Texans remember the Alamo and the aftermath. They celebrate Mexican cowboys. They weave tamales and brisket together like Spanglish. At least when it matters they do. We do. Before the brainwashing. Before the river of lies longer than the Rio Grande.
And then Beto showed up. With his Columbia education that is valued as the damning of the elite here never pertained to education… it pertained to attitude: being better than. Having some letters behind ones name is honorable especially those sleeves are rolled up and you’re willing to work side by side with ranchers and farmers and minority field hands.  Someone running and talking and talking and running. To everyone. The thing that is going to overpower the new not so grand old party today is that we do know a city slicker. We do know a used car salesman. And we do know the words to The Who. And yeah, we have lived a Teenaged Wasteland for awhile now… but it’s not going to be where we end up because it’s not who we are.
It’s Texas. We trust musicans here. It’s in the blood.
Tonight I sit here in a dive bar in an area that was once a broken down ward and is now an up amd coming bohemian artist haven being saved by millineal meets Gen Z punk rock aesthetics, just on the edge of Montrose. There’s nerves and hope and more movement than is normal for a Tuesday night. The bartender is hoping for celebratory customers later in the night. He’ll be here if things swing the other way. We’ve had Beto’s black and white signs out front of our blocks for months. Beto himself stopped in one afternoon early last Spring when he saw them and had lunch at the ancient diner and stopped in the shop of oddities and the record store. His photo was in the NYTimes here in that diner. We have his back. He’s got ours. And this we is the we I met so long ago, when I was a kid here having stumbled out of surburbia and inside the loop where the real Texas lived.
My twenty year old heart will dance tonight when the returns come in and once again, there will be faith in what we’ve created here. What we’ve dug into the mushy soil and what has somehow made this most unlikely of cities the 4th largest. That kid from the Border, a former punk rocker in a dress,having grown up on the   border not knowing there was a reason to think an arbitrary line meant anything and knowing for sure one language was as good as another, has risen up. The world. The entire world is watching. And he, this Irish guy with the Mexican first name, is going to let the world in on the secret of Texas and lead the world forward. I will wear the tears of joy and nostalgia like a Victory V in my boots eating tacos. Viva Beto.
the lone star is ever in your favor: you beto you beto you bet Sometimes we do the right thing and it spreads like a game of telephone  on the playground.
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