#but i was like: can i finish writing this thing in 15 minutes i wonder?
aria0fgold · 8 months
BONUS: Alec, Ray Ages: 13, 11
Ray walked to the front of the class, holding the paper that contains his essay to present to everyone, all he needed to do was read it, simple. He's done it several times before now so he should be able to do it as easily this time, surely… But he still couldn't.
He stood, facing his classmates as he held his paper close to his face, bringing it down slightly so as to not block his view of them, just as he was taught. He needed to look at them too, eye contact. But each time he does, he can't help but feel as though he was being judged. He didn't like it at all, but he has to do it anyway. It's easy, it'll be fine, all he needs to do is just read what he had written, easy as that.
Ray took a shaky deep breath, no matter how many times he stood at the front of the class, it never gets easy, it's never so simple. Why can't he get used to it already?
He glanced around the room, looking for something, or more specifically, for someone. Strangely, Ray had gotten used to the presence of a particular boy that is always there whenever he has a presentation, when that should've been impossible in the first place. They have entirely different classes, one two grades above him. But being the troublemaker that the other was, he's always there for Ray anyway… Just like now.
Ray's eyes widened slightly as his gaze landed on a familiar redhead. His best friend, Alec, hid behind the chair of the kid at the back of the class, he poked his head out to smile at Ray, mouthing “You can do it!” before hiding again.
A quiet giggle escaped Ray's lips. The suffocating air he once felt slowly vanished as he read aloud his essay for the class.
“Alec, you know, you always have such good timing.” “Really? But you do tell me whenever you have a presentation the next day anyway.” “Yeah but the teacher calls us randomly each time, but you're always there when it's my turn.” “Hmm… I guess, it's just cuz I wanted to see you! Maybe that's why, hehe! Anyway, let's head to the cafeteria! Cmon, cmon!” …I wanted to see you too. “Hehe… Okay!”
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
I don't know if your requests are open, if not ignore this! But what about Eddie asking reader out at school, but his friends are laughing not so far away so they think it's a joke. They get really upset cause they liked Eddie and it ends up fluffy at the end!
Different Kind Of Chemistry
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Summary : Eddie asks reader out, but it doesn’t go as he planned.
Word Count : 1k
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Warnings : Not proofread, 3am writing (again - i’m sorry), toothrotting fluff, minor angst, petnames, miscommunication, stupid teenage boys lmao, minor sad reader, cute mom, supportive hellfire besties.
A/N : Guys we hit 400 followers! Thank you all so much for the love and support it means so much to me, I can never thank you enough 🤍
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You’d always been the quieter type, keeping to a small and close group of friends. You weren’t cruel to others though, always kind. It made you known, but never popular. People liked you it was that simple.
You had your faults, you didn’t actively make friends, they had to come to you. That was your shyness taking over at times. The newest person trying to break through that was Eddie Munson.
Sitting down in your seat, you pull out your textbook and notes. “Hey Sweetheart,” a voice spoke, you looked up to meet a pair of brown eyes. “Hi Eddie, how are you?”
“Great, but how couldn’t I be? I get to sit next to the most beautiful girl for a whole hour!” he grinned, sliding into his own seat next to you. Rolling your eyes you couldn’t speak again as your teacher stood.
“Settle down, we’re doing some recapping on Organic Chemistry today. Chapter 15,” she said to you, turning to the board behind her to write some things.
Flicking open your book and notes, Eddie spoke again, “Hey Sweetheart.” You slid the book in between you, “Need a pen?”
He nodded and took the one from your hand, “You’re really my favourite person ever.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say Munson.”
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks warm.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Swapping some books between your locker, you shut it behind you and headed out of the school. “Sweetheart!” a voice called from behind you.
Pausing in your place, you turned to find Eddie jogging towards you. “Hey,” he said, once he was in front of you. “Hi, what’s up?” you asked.
“Oh … I um, I wanted to ask you something, if you have a minute?” he spoke. You heard some voices from behind him, his Hellfire friends.
“Yeah go for it,” you smiled, trying to focus on him. You could hear his friends whispering and sniggering from across the hall. “I was just wondering if maybe, and feel free to say no, if maybe you’d want to go on a date some time?”
“Go on Eds!” One of the boys spoke from behind him, making the others cackle. Eddie waved his hand as to shush them, but was unable to hide his own smile.
How could they be so mean? This was something you’d imagine Jason Carver and his friends did, not Eddie.
“Why are you being so cruel?” you asked.
“Sweetheart wha-” you didn’t let him finish. “You think it’s funny? To ask girls out? Embarrass them? I thought we were friends,” you scolded him, eyes watering.
“No, no you’ve got the wrong idea,” he tried to explained, but you were gone. Turning around and pushing through the door. “Shit,” he said to himself.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Woah man what happened?” Gareth asked. “I just blew my only chance with her,” Eddie spoke, rubbing his face with his palm.
“What do you mean?” Jeff questioned.
“She thought I was kidding.”
“We didn’t mean to make it come across that way man,” Gareth spoke.
“I know, but she didn’t. God, I messed up.”
Dustin tried to comfort him next, “Don’t worry man, we’ll fix this!”
“Romantic gesture?”
“Oh yeah cause all of us have so much romantic knowledge.”
“Hey me and Mike have girlfriends!”
“She’s not like them,” Eddie wined.
“We’ll fix this man, let’s make plan,” Jeff offered, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Lay on your bed you sighed for the millionth time in the past minute. How could he be so cruel to you? What was the point of being your friend? Was it a bet?
You sat up, suddenly furious, were you a bet? How much were you worth? $15? $10? $1? You screamed in frustration.
“Honey! There’s someone here for you!”
“Coming!” You sighed, pushing yourself up off the bed and stomping your way out of your room.
“Have fun,” your mom said winking at you, walking past. You scrunched your brows in confusion, who could be here? Pulling the door open you were surprised who was stood there.
“Hi Sweetheart-“ you grabbed his hand and dragged him away from door. Stopping in front of his van, you inhaled deeply, “I pulled you away from the door because I don’t want my mom to see me mad.”
You inhaled again and then snapped, “What are you doing here? Embarrassing me in front of your friends isn’t enough?”
“Hey, first of all I’m sorry okay, but I’d love to explain if you’d let me.”
You hummed, nodding your head stiffly. “These are for you,” he said, handing you a bouquet. “Tulips,” you said softly.
“You said about them being your favourites, since you went to Amsterdam.” It’d been a passing comment, your Chem teacher had had a bouquet on her desk.
“You remembered?”
“I remember a lot of things you say. Anyways, I’m really sorry about my friends they were just teasing me. They didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“They know how much I like you and have not let me live down how much I’ve been pining over you.”
“I see.”
“Yeah, they walk me to Chem when they can, just so they can tease me from the door.”
“Oh,” you said gently.
“I’m really sorry we embarrassed you, we’re idiots. But I really hope I haven’t messed up completely, Sweetheart would you maybe considering going out on a date with me?”
“I’d love to.”
“I get if you don’t want to- What?”
“I’d really love to go on a date with you Eddie.”
He couldn’t contain his grin, which you matched. “Cool,” he said.
“Well um … I’ll call you about it.”
“Great,” you said, standing on your tiptoes, pressing your lips to his cheek.
“Goodnight Eddie.”
“N-night Sweetheart.” You walked up your path and to the door, turning round you waved to him. He raised his own hand, seeming a bit stunned.
“So, he’s cute,” your mom said.
“Mom! Were you snooping?”
“Me? No! Pretty flowers honey,” she kissed your forehead and walked away smiling.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : Thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoyed it 🤍
Also I had another request and have had to leave it, I don’t really feel qualified to write about topics (eg SA) as I don’t feel like I have enough understanding and experience with it to write about it in a sensitive and proper way.
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
I’m kinda in the middle of writing a little fic too but inspiration sucks
okay but anyway how about a little fic where spencer and reader are having just a quiet evening they made a nice dinner together and are just sitting on opposite ends of the couch doing their own thing maybe reader is crocheting (wink wink) and spencer is reading/doing Spencer-y things and they just find peace and comforting in this type of parallel play/ quality time together
i know it sounds boring but it sounds peaceful to me to have that kind of security and love that doesn’t need any words. and I think Spencer would love that too
Parallel Play
yes of course bestie!! i love this idea thank you <3
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wc: 883
Spencer Reid is secretly a quiet man. 
At work, he could go on a rant or a ramble at the drop of a hat. He knows so much inside that beautiful brain of his that once he starts going on a topic, he wants to talk until he’s explained everything. Honestly, he could do a 15-hour Ted Talk if you let him. 
But at home… at home he’s quiet. They both are. 
Sat on opposite sides of the couch, Spencer has his feet up on the coffee table, he’s leaning back against the cushions with his Nintendo Switch in his hands resting on his chest, pretty close to his face as he works on a tough level of the newest Zelda game. He grew up never having any video games, so now, in his 40’s he’s finally getting the chance to experience the wonderful worlds that exist in the palm of his hands. His girlfriend, however, has her feet in his lap, she’s extended across most of the couch with her back against the armrest as she crochets a new pattern she’s been wanting to make. Even their cat has joined them, laying between her legs and the back of the couch, she’s all stretched out and sleeping away with both of her favourite humans at home. 
They’re so happy like this. Just quietly enjoying their time off while still together, still touching, they have a comfort show on for background noise and its perfect. 
She looks up from her project every once and a while, either because Spencer has mumbled something at his game or the current episode they have on is getting interesting. And each time she does look up, she finds herself staring at Spencer with a little smile. He’s just so cute like this. Totally enthralled in his game, his brows furrowed as he concentrates and his jaw a little clenched when it gets hard. 
When he finishes his level, or when he just pauses to have a breather, he reaches down to her feet that are resting in his lap and he grips her ankle. He runs his hand up and down her shin a few times, soothing himself and her in the process. He takes a few sips of water, he watches a couple minutes of the show and then he goes right back to his game. Still completely silent. Still completely content. 
By the time she’s done her crochet project, it’s a little after midnight and she’s tired. “Spence,” she whispers to him. 
He just hums, his brows go up to show he’s listening but his attention is still on his game. 
“You wanna go to bed soon?” 
He nods, “Let me…. Finish… this,” he says while mashing the buttons, clearly working on something. “And then we can.” 
“Okay,” she agrees. She moves her feet off his legs carefully so as to not scare the cat, but she wakes up anyway. She picks her up and gives her a couple pets as she moves in closer to Spencer’s side. 
“You okay if I watch?” 
He nods again, she only asked because sometimes the pressure of someone watching him play makes him do worse. But this time he’s fine with it. She leans her head on his shoulder and cuddles into his side to watch him play for the last few minutes of their quiet time together. 
She watches without a clue as to what is going on, he defeats a boss, he wins the level and he lets out a deep sigh as he clicks the game off and sets it down in his lap. He lifts his arm so he can wrap it around her, letting her snuggle in even closer to his chest and he kisses the top of her head a few times. “Tired?” He asks with a whisper. 
“Yeah,” she whispers back. 
“Let's go to bed,” he encourages, patting her arm gently.
She gets up with the cat still in her arms, Spencer turns off the TV and all the lights and meets her in the bedroom. She let the cat down on the bed and she immediately curls up into a ball at the foot of the bed, clearly also ready for a long night's rest. They change together, they brush their teeth together and then they slip under the covers together, too. 
The lights go off, they lay turn to face each other, each snuggled into their pillows, and they sigh almost at the same time. It hasn’t been a long day, but they’re still both exhausted. 
“I love you,” he says into the darkness. 
“I love you,” she replies with a smile. She leans in just a little closer and kisses him, once, twice and a third time for good measure. “I had fun today.” 
“Me too… we should do this more often.” 
“We really should.” 
Then they go quiet again. She rolls over to her other side, letting him spoon into her the way he always does at night. He wraps his arm around her middle, his hand resting on her stomach, he kisses her shoulder blade re situates his head on the pillow. “Goodnight, love.” 
“Night, Spence.” 
And that’s how they fall asleep. Quietly, in each other's arms, perfectly content with the little life that they lead. 
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svngiem-remade · 1 year
Hii i really love your writing and I’ve been wanting to request for a while but I’ve been a little shy 😅. Finally worked up the courage though! Can I request a fic where Hyunjin had a bad week during comeback and you’re frustrated from school work or something and he comes home needing you but you accidentally say something insensitive or raise your voice and he walks away saying “it’s fine” but you find him crying and realize that you messed up and try to make it up to him.
Sorry if this is too long?? But yeah I’ve been thinking about it! Also can I be “💞” anon? Thanks I really hope you consider writing it !
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🧸 pairing. hwang hyunjin + gn!reader
synopsis. after lashing out at your boyfriend, saying things you did not actually mean when he begged you for some of your attention after a long week, will he accept your apology?
🌙 wc. 1.4k | au. established relationship, hyune cries :(, angsty, fluffy ending, hurt/comfort
!! note. sorry for taking this long but I just couldn't manage to make it flow as good as I wanted it to, or make the reader not seem that mean, but I did it!! really hope you'll like this! also, if you don't mind, I've added you on the anon list of my new account, thank you for loving my work, ily ❤️
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Hyunjin had barely made it into the company car when thunder struck into the sky and a heavy downpour started; the bad weather plus the headache that had been tormenting him for the past three days coronating the horrible week that had just ended. 
He loved comebacks; he truly did—performing in front of an audience with his best friends, doing interviews, and meeting idols and fans during stages—but they took such a toll on his body and mind that it always took him incredibly long before he was able to go back to his previous mental and physical state. All that dancing, singing, and even talking made him so exhausted and worn-out that the only thing that was able to soothe him and his aching muscles, give him comfort and love for at least a few hours was you. 
So he couldn't contain his smile when your apartment condo came into his sight, your kitchen window being tinted by that comfortable yellow color given by the warm light of your ceiling lamp being turned on, letting him know you were still awake even if it was about 3 in the morning, probably still working on that one important work project you wouldn't stop talking about—not that he minded in any way; he loved the sound of your voice.
“Thank you for dropping me off; see you on Monday! Sleep well!” Hyunjin bid goodnight to his manager and dorm mates before hopping off of the vehicle and running inside your building, barely containing a squeal of excitement when it finally tinged—knowing that he was only a few meters away from you, from your welcoming presence and support, caused his stomach to fill with butterflies and a rosey blush to tint his cheeks. 
Hyunjin quietly unlocked the front door, not wanting to startle you as he took off his shoes and damp coat in the hallway, the fruity, sweet perfume constantly lingering in your apartment already doing wonders for his headache. “Hi, love.” he whispered as he walked towards the kitchen, leaning down to peck your cheek softly. 
“Hi, Jinnie.” you replied, turning your head to kiss his puckered lips, making him let out a soft, satisfied sigh and place a hand on the back of your head to deepen the kiss, to which you complied. A guilty expression washed over your face, though, when he caressed your thighs and tried pulling you up to your feet, clearly wanting to take things further, or at the very least cuddle with you—which was something you could not afford to do at that moment. Reluctantly, you pulled away from the kiss, your hand resting on his cheek as you caressed it with your thumb, staring into his bright, though tired, eyes. “I've got to finish this real quick; how about you go take a shower first? I should wrap this up in about 15 minutes.” you said, mouthing a ‘sorry’ when he pouted, but eventually agreed.
Hyunjin knew how important this project was to you, how hard you’d worked on it for weeks, and how the due date approaching put you on edge, so he’d been as supportive of a boyfriend as possible—reminding you to eat and drink everyday, bringing you some leftovers when he happened to dine with the boys of the other dorm, or showering you with affection whenever he had the chance, and knew you needed it. And he was doing everything right—even though he was very much on the clingy side, he’d definitely given you enough space to focus on yourself and your career these past weeks, even if he’d missed like crazy the feeling of you falling asleep between his arms, or vice versa, as you chit-chatted about your day.
Or at least, he thought he was doing a good job. 
Your typing got rougher and your jaw clenched in frustration when, after his shower, all your boyfriend did was constantly walk around the apartment, spending most of his time in the kitchen even if he’d turned on a movie for him to watch in the living room. 
Be it chips, popcorn, a glass of water, or juice, or just brushing your cheek or shoulder as he passed by you, or staring at you with his puppy eyes for minutes on end—he just couldn’t seem to stay still, and annoyance quickly bubbled up inside you. “F*cking hell, Hyunjin! Will you please just let me finish this in peace?! I have to turn this in soon, and I’m so f*cking stressed I can’t even think properly, and you walking around and being so whiny is really—” you angrily rambled when he walked once more inside the kitchen, his relaxed expression falling into pieces with every word you spat out. 
Tears pricked at his eyes, and he gulped, chewing at his bottom lip nervously as he fidgeted with the hem of his oversized shirt. What made you finally stop your frustrated ramble, though, was the sight of a single tear escaping his eyes and staining his cheek. You immediately rose to your feet and rushed towards him, your heart breaking in pieces when he took a step back. Tears filled your eyes in seconds, “I—I didn't mean to lash out— I'm so sorry, I really did not—” you begged him for forgiveness. He clearly needed to be held and comforted after spending the whole week doing promotions non-stop, practicing without rest, and running around all day and night for schedules, and you’d failed to give him that; prioritizing something you still had a week to finalize and had basically already completed, instead of spending time with your boyfriend.
He wet his lips and sniffled, wiping a tear away from his cheek with his hand. “It's fine. I'll go—I'll wait for you in your bedroom. Take yo—your time. Goodnight.” Hyunjin hiccuped, lowering his head and backing out of the kitchen as quickly as possible before rushing into your room and throwing himself on your bed, hugging the pillow you always slept on and burying his face in it as he sobbed and cried, completely dampening it in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, you were completely speechless at your behavior, at your carelessness, at your insensitivity, at the way you turned what was supposed to be a night full of love and comfort into a night of heartache and sorrow. 
Needless to say, you immediately turned off your laptop (not without saving your progress first), and stood outside your bedroom door for what felt like hours, contemplating if he was even willing to accept your apology, if he was just going to break up with you and ignore you forever, if he’d stopped loving you after your lashing out—but you had to at the very least try to fix your mistake.
You quietly cracked the door open, sobbing harder when you heard him do the same as he hugged your pillow, his big body trembling with every hiccup and his sniffles filling your dark, unlit bedroom. You took hesitant steps towards the bed, feeling small and guilty under his tired, tearful eyes looking up at you from your messy sheets. 
With a gulp and shut eyes, you fell to your knees in front of him, not noticing his eyes widen at your action. You clasped your hands together, now looking up at him with a trembling bottom lip and big, puppy eyes. “I didn’t mean to lash out at you, I’m so sorry; I wish I could take everything I said to you back, I’m terr—” you whimpered with a broken voice, and from the genuinely regretful glint Hyunjin saw into your eyes, the fear that you actually thought everything you’d said to him washed away. He smiled.
“I forgive you, my love. Just… promise me it won’t happen again, please?” he whispered, placing a hand on your head and petting it softly, his trembling hand then reaching for your wet cheeks and drying them, you doing the same in an attempt to comfort him back.
“Can I… Can I hug you?” you hesitantly asked, mentally preparing yourself to be rejected. “Please.” he said, widening his arms so you could throw yourself on top of him, which you did with a relieved smile and repeated sorry’s as you covered his face in kisses and hugged him tight, cradling, giggling, and chatting until sleeplessness washed over the both of you, a lazy peck on each other’s lips as the both of you fell asleep under your warm duvet sealing the start of a new, brighter, happier day ahead of you.
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please reblog, comment and like, feedback is very much appreciated, plus, I love reading your thoughts!
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taglist : @strayingawayy | @shinsosmatcha | @zoe8stay | @sensitiveandhungry | @baby-photos0325 | @tinkerbell460 | @mingitheskzstan
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© SVNGIEM, 2023.
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 8 months
Happy Birthday!
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Pairings: Larissa Weems x witch!reader
Warning: Fluff
Summary: Its Larissa's birthday so you decide to surprise her
Author's not: Just a quick early birthday piece in honor of Gwen's birthday!
I woke up at 4 am. Seeing Larissa still sleeping, I got ready for my eventful day. I hastily grab my phone, keys, and wallet and left the room but not before kissing her on the cheek.
Once I got in my car I started driving to Jericho where I had ordered Larissa a bunch of small gifts to put everywhere in our shared room and office.
An hour later when I have gathered all my gifts I wanted for Larissa to have I started to make my way back to Nevermore. I look out the window into the sky seeing the sun start to rise meaning Larissa would be up soon since she has to work. I doubt that women even remembered her birthday is today.
After a quick 10 mins, I flicked my wrist causing all of the gifts to float and follow me. When I got to Larissa's office I saw on the clock I still had 30 mins before she woke up. So I quickly started to use my magic to hide the small gifts I got for her in her office and then would hide some others were we usually go to regularly or somewhere that means a lot to her.
Twenty minutes later I have finished hiding half of the gifts in her office and decided to write a little note, letting her know that there were more for her in some special places. Making it like a scavenger hunt for her. Which I thought was fun.
I looked at the time and saw that it was 6 am. Letting me know that it was time for Larissa too wake up so I quickly left her office and went to go and place the other gifts I bought in its places. And decided to hide the last ones in the bedroom during lunch so she wouldn't see me putting them in.
Larissa's pov:
My eyes slowly flutter open, my body instinctively trying to snuggle into Y/n. But she wasn't there. All I felt were cold sheets letting me know that they woke up a lot earlier then me which was strange because they always woke up late.
I then started to worry if something bad happened to them since they never wake up this early at all, but it also confused me deeply.
I then just sighed a got up out of bed and started to get ready for the day. I walked over to the closet and saw the cream color dress that Y/n loved to see me in. Since they said it makes my look beautiful. I decided to wear it since their compliments always made me feel so confident throughout the whole day.
Then I slipped into the dress, feeling very confident. I went over to my vanity and started doing my makeup and putting my hair in its signature updo.
Once I finished getting ready I saw it was 7:15 am. I then got up from up from my vanity chair and sighed. Still wondering where Y/n is since they never just disappear in the mornings. They aren't an early bird either.
I stood up and put on some cream color kitten heels and headed out of my office, knowing that I don't have a lot of work today so I can finish early and spend a lot of time with Y/n once I find them/
I stride out of my shared bedroom that is connected to my office. When I entered I immediately notice something different about my office. I then saw a letter that was written by Y/n. Instantly know thing that was their neat cursive hand writing.
I opened the letter and started to read what the contents said.
Dear Rissa,
I know you must be wondering where I am since I wasn't there when you woke up, but I had a few matters to take care of and just wanted to let you know. There is also something different about the office, and our special spots. Do not worry about working today since I have already done everything that you have needed to take care of today.
I hope you will have fun!
Your Darling
When I have finished reading the letter I felt myself starting to smile like an idiot. They have planned something for me and I don't know what. They also did all my work which is oddly suspicious since they always complain about working.
I tried to rack my brain of why they would do this but nothing came to me, so I just decided to play their little game so I started looking around my office. Immediately noticing on my chairs in-front of my desk.
It was a perfume I have always wanted but it just kept selling out and I now had five of them. I then pondered how Y/n was able to get this since they were always sold out but I decided to ask them later.
On the other chair I saw some books that I have always wanted because they were from my favorite author. It only has been published yesterday and yet again. I pondered how they were able to get this. I picked up one of the books and opened it, seeing that it was signed by the author herself. I then checked the other books seeing that they were also signed as well.
I started to smile once again at their gestures that they have showed me today and its only 8 am in the morning. I then started to look around my office more, looking for some more gifts from Y/n.
Our pov:
"Ok! So today is Principal Weems's birthday. As you all may know, so in honor of her birthday I have decided to throw her a surprise party. I know this is last minute but we have seven hours to decorate and I have told all the teachers and we all agreed to do this. So in order to finish the surprise party in time we decided to have no classes today!" I said to the students which made them cheer and start to chant my name. Putting a smile on my face. I then quickly shushed them, worried that Larissa would hear them.
They then quieted down, also expressing their concerns on getting caught. I then started telling everyone the plan.
Hours later and everyone already had lunch. Larissa had just went back into her office. I was sad that I couldn't eat dinner, breakfast, and lunch with her since I've been organizing stuff for her birthday. It is now currently 8 pm. So in two hours the students would have to go back to their dorms since they would be passing their curfews.
Once we made sure that everything was in place I went to go get Larissa. I knocked on her office doors. I opened the doors once I heard her yell a soft, "get in!"
"Rissa!" I squealed a bit. She looked up at me once she heard her nickname that I call her.
"Hey my darling, where have you been I've been worried sick about you since I haven't seen you for almost 14 hours. Which is too long being away from you!" She grumbled and outed slightly towards the end of her rambling.
"Im sorry Rissa, but did you like my little scavenger hunt for you?" I asked excitedly.
"Oh darling they were wonderful! And I love them all so much! But what is with all these gifts? Because I don't think its a special occasion since I usually remember these types of things." Said Larissa in a confused tone.
"Yes, but I do have one more surprise for you!" I said excitedly, before dragging her out to the quad where it was pitch dark.
"There is nothing here but darkness dear?" Larissa softly said to me.
All of a sudden lights were flipped on and there was a huge banner saying;
"Happy Birthday Principal Weems!"
Students and teachers were singing happy birthday to Rissa. I looked over at her and I can see her overcome her shock and started to smile widely.
"Happy Birthday," I whispered softly before kissing her.
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thedragonqueen1998 · 2 months
Today at work i got insanly inspired to write and once i got off work, i immidiently went on my phone to type it out. XD I just finished a 3 hour long writing ses(had a 15 minute food break in the middle). ^^ Probably just gonna forever gonna be a wip thing, but it was fun and i'm kinda proud of it. Despite it being rough in some parts, mostly because i wanted to rush to the 2nd half and i didn't wanna get stuck, i'm happy to share it. ^^
It's a kinda long, so i'm gonna add a Read more line to not fill your dash with text. Also, first time trying formatting out! XD
So, originally this post was just gonna be a "i actually wrote something! Look!" thing, just showing of some work i did, but after writing the reason why i wrote a line a certain way, it went into something very sad and kinda dark, so if you don't wanna read about death, a light mention of suicidal thought and grief... just stop after What even is my life.
Idk why i wrote it, but it took alot of effort and it feels... important to me, i guess. Part of processing and such. So, yeah. Read at your discretion. Thank you for your time. 💜
Ezio had many regrets in his long life. Not being there when his father and brothers were arrested. Of not being there more for his sister and mother. Of not trying to be together with Cristina. Not being able to save her. Or being able to save Uncle Mario and Monteriggioni. But biggest of all, not having spent more time with his family before the execution.
He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted. But unlike so many others, Ezio could take those regrets and change them. Thanks to Desmond.
When he walked into the Library, he thought he might get an answer or two in return for many more. He truly didn't expect that calling out Desmonds name while the Apple bathed the walls in gold would result in it being answered by the being himself.
The being looked like a man, clad in a white light, eminating from a strange device under his right arm. His face looked like an exact replica of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's face, though his build was closer to his. Broad shoulders hidden underneath a strange hooded white doublet and long legs wearing strange tight fitted pants made from a material he did not recognise. Even the scar was the same as his! Was Ezio made in the image of the one he was the Prophet for? Was Altaïr the herald? All questions Ezio wondered, but not knowing if Desmond was like Minerva or not, he dared not waste any questions if the beings patient was thin.
But first: "Are you Desmond?" He had to know, have it confirmed, even if the being appeared after the name was called.
"Ezio? Is this the Library? Am i seriously bleeding while dying!?" Desmond was looking around at the empty tomb, before his eyes returned upon Ezio.
"Yes, this is Altaïr's library. You are bleeding? I do not see any blood and you are dying!? Is there anything i can do to help you? Please, my lord. Tell me what i need to do to save you." Ezio was desperate to know his purpose and if all his life lead to this moment, where he could save Desmonds life, he would fulfill it.
"There's nothing you can do. I am dying semi willingly and even if this is some Animus infused death hallucination, it is nice having my last moments with you, even if your not really here. I am so sorry i couldn't answer any of your questions or try to save you from losing everything. You never deserved any of it. In the end it didn't really even matter. I am sorry you wasted your time chasing riddles and ghosts." He looked so grieve struck while saying it and the look Desmond had while gazing down onto Ezio could only be described as lovingly.
"What do you mean? Could you have saved my uncle!? My father and brothers!? Why didn't you if you do not think i deserved it! I have served the Brotherhood almost my entire life, sacrificed so much trying to find out what Minerva meant and now your telling me that it was all for nothing!? If you think i wasted my time then give it back!"
Desmonds eye's widen before softly smiling and saying: "Your right, you wasted your time and sacrificed too much for nothing. Let's change that."
Before Ezio knew it, the world went white and he knew nothing more.
When Ezio awoke, it was to a bed he hadn't seen in almost 40 years. His childhood bed and his room. He couldn't believe it. He was given a second chance. To live his life. To right wrongs. To save his family! To think going to the Library would result in this!
At the thought of the Library, Ezio suddenly remembered Sofia. To have forgotten her and even abandoned her without a second thought left Ezio feeling guilty. Would she wait outside the Library before realising he would never come back? Or because he is now in the past, a past where he intends to change the future, would she never meet him? Never exist? The thought of her hurt, but like so many others, Ezio knew that him being in her life would have risked hers. Even if she knew and accepted it, it is still better if she never got the chance to know him and inevitibly suffer because of it. Same with Cristina. Though he could now choose her, he knew that despite the many mistakes in his life, the Brotherhood was not one of them and his refusal to properly let her go killed her. Letting that life affect her once again was too cruel. It was for the better to just let her go.
Federico nudged him with his elbow. "Brother, what has you thinking so hard you look like you bit into something bitter?"
"Nothing much, just wondering what i should get." Ezio smiled and laughed. He was currently out with his family on a trip the market. The last time around, he had decided to sneak off to spend some time with a girl he didn't even remember the name of anymore instead of spending time with his loved ones, to his great shame and regret. This was the last thing his family had done together outside of dinners before the execution in 3 days. That he missed out on it was one of his biggest regrets, but Desmond let him change it.
That Ezio might never truly understand or know what or who Desmond is, how he watched him in the Vault or even what Minerva's people and the Pieces of Eden truly were will forever haunt him, but the trade to see his family again and to even be able to save them is a fair trade. He can go his life wondering these questions and maybe try to find them now that he will have more time, thanks to already knowing the Templars plans and who will be an enemy or ally.
He felt a finger poke him inbetween his eyebrows.
"There you go again Brother. Thinking too hard! Be careful or you might hurt yourself." Federico teased before yelping and then laughing when Ezio pushed him.
"Please don't start fighting now sons." Their father said before turning back to the stall owner to continue discussing what wares to buy and the prices.
"Sorry Father!" Ezio said before giving his brother a teasing look that promised this was not over.
Ezio remembered this day well enough. Not to remember the woman he decided to chase, but enough to know that when his family had been at the market a horse had run wild there and according to Claudia, nearly trampled her down in the confusion.
He was a bit sceptical to believe it was as close as she had made it out to be, but he knew horses much better now than he did before. After years of riding them to and from places in the chase for his targets, he knew that having one running towards you in a blind panic could scare anyone. Even though he knew to be wary of them and treat them with respecy during his original childhood, he didn't truly get how these gentle beings could be as scary as his sister had made the poor creature out to be.
According to his family, it had been a war horse, bloodied, running around in a blind panic, probably scared from a skirmish. Being chased by guards hadn't helped and eventually the guards got a good shot at it and put it down.
Ezio wanted to save his sister years of fearing horses, so he kept an eye and a ear out for any signs that the animal was on it's way.
There. A scream. Everyone stopped and looked around for the source. The source was still hidden by the crowds, but in the distance you could start seeing people moving away from something coming this way and the screams were getting closer.
Ezio breathed and slipped into his Second Sight, the Eagle Vision, as he now knew Altaïr had called it. Or more accuratly, Eagle Sense. With the years, his constant use and need for it had changed his Sight. It had become much stronger, letting him see farther, expanded his hearing, to let him hear his enemies heartbeat and even know what moves they were going to make. Even let him know where his enemies was going to go on a patrol route.
It truly was a gift and now he would use it to try and predict where the animal would go, as to lead his sister and family away from the danger. Then he saw it. The shine of something important. Something that glowed as strongly as the Apple of Eden had. The horse.
There was much about his Gift he could not explain. He had tried, but it is much like explaining sight to a blind person. Why things he didn't even know about could glow gold and lead him to the answer. Why allies glowed blue and enemies red, nor how he could tell friend from foe and now. His Sight told him, with the same intuition as telling friend from foe, that this horse was Desmond.
How is Desmond here? Why? Did he lie about dying? Or was certain death only a large chance that Desmond beat? Ezio supposed it did not matter. If he lets events play as they had before, Desmond would be struck down by an arrow within minutes. Oh, maybe Desmond had tried to prevent his father and brothers demise, but was struck down in the attempt? Though, why choose to do it as a rampaging horse? Either way, Desmond was clearly panicking, almost upon him now. If Ezio could not calm him down, his death was guaranteed.
But how? Ezio has just seconds now to plan a way to stop him before he is trampled down.
Then, he finally realises, that among the bright gold he shines, he also glowes blue. Such a deep colour which he has only seen in the greatest friends or closest family and he knows, Desmond would never harm him. The look of pure love on Desmonds face made more sense now.
So Ezio decides to not move and simple raise up his hands, as if to pet the horse.
Desmond was in pain. He knew that Juno lied about his death being quick and painless, but god, why did it have to hurt so much!? During his hallucination, it wasn't nearly so bad! And can't forget the weird nightmare he's having ontop of it. He's a goddamned horse on some battlefield. He was rearing up when the nightmare started, neighing as his rider was shot and killed by an arrow.
There's so much blood. The smell strikes fear in his heart. There's so much red. He slips into Eagle Vision and there's even more red. Not a spec of blue. A sword slides against the armor he is wearing and the screech of metal is too much. He bolts.
He needs to run. Away from the monsters with sharp sticks. Away from the smell of blood and death. Away from the shadows hiding hunters. They follow him. They chase him for a long time.
He is getting so tired.
He needs to get back to the barn. His owner would make everything alright. He would croon soft noises he did not understand, but the tone was soft and gentle. He would give him a treat while brushing him down after a hard days work.
He did ride him into scary battles he did not understand, but afterwards he would wash and groom him extra thoroughly, while feeding him the best apples, crooning more sounds in a happy tone. He would repeat one of the few sounds he understood, which meant "him" and "pay attention to me".
But he wasn't on his back anymore and he didn't hear his voice. Just the loud, scary noises of more men in the shiny hard thing. They had the pointy sticks too and tried to take the things dangling from his mouth. Only his owner can touch that! Only he is to be trusted with them.
Running is getting harder, there is large, straight hills in the way and the path is narrower with many strangers in it.
There is still so much red. He can still smell the blood, feel it clotting his fur. Too much red!
Suddenly there's blue in front of him. He knows blue means ally. Though why and how this person is blue confuses him. But he is Blue and running him over is not good, but why is he standing there!? Does he not see the red!? Smell it!? Does he not understand we need to run!?
That single word pierces the fog of fear and wild panic that has flooded Desmonds mind. Ezio is in front of him, hand already gripping the reigns while the other rests on his muzzle.
"There we go Desmond, everything is alright."
Desmond still feels phantom threads of fear, but with Ezio's calming blue glow and his voice saying gentle reassurances, it feels far away.
Now with his mind fully human and not driven by horse instincts or memories, the question becomes: How and why the fuck is he a horse in 15th century Italy with Ezio!?
What even is his life.
So, a couple parts i'm stupidly happy about is the "He had love, but didn't cherish it. Didn't truly feel it and took it for granted." part. This, as you can probably tell was inspired by the famous quote "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it."
I believe Ezio didn't fully understand liberty until he tried to live a peaceful life with Sofia and realised he would always fear Templars taking revenge on his family and time, because the knowledge that he would never see his children grow up to adults had never been a concern before he met Sofia. He probably thought he wouldn't have a family at all.
But love. Love he would understand what he missed. He would understand it just days after he lost his father and brothers. Those moments you missed out on. Of opportunities to spend time that you squandered away. Time you will never get back, because in real life we don't have time travel.
And now i understand it. Before the end of the last year, i was like Ezio before the loss. Before i lost my grandparents only a few weeks apart.
Those opportunities to spend time was rare and thankfully i took most of them, but i still squandered it away by not actually spending time with them. I just visited and hid away in my room, wasting the time by sitting on the phone.
I will forever regret that because ny memory is shit and besides a few childhood ones, i have no memories of them. I still remember their voices, they were pretty distinct thankfully, but how long until i forget that.
It hurts and as someone who is afraid of death and it's finality, such a reminder that time and love is finite is soulcrushing. It is only recently that i have truly started to think of my grandparents and i guess try to process the fact they are gone forever.
When we first got the news that my grandpa had died, i was even more glued to my phone, not wanting to acknowledge what was happening. I also didn't wanna sleep and only got some when i passed out from exhaustion. We even went to the doctor to get time of work and some sleep medication i didn't dare end up taking.
I even had thoughts of just taking all the pills and just sleeping, to get away from the pain forever. But i'm thankfully too much of a coward, so it just stayed thoughts. I'm doing much better now and as i mentioned, i think i'm starting to process the fact that they are gone.
So, yeah. This post went in a direction i didn't expect. But it feels important and maybe in a few years i can look back at this post and see a snapshot of who i was and reflect on who i am now. So, here's to the future me and anyone else who needs to hear it:
I hope things are going well and if they're not... well, things get better. They always do. You're loved and even if your loved ones are gone, they live on in you. You will carry that love with you, for the rest of your life. 💜
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riptideripley · 1 year
Heyyy! Could you do Rhea Ripley x piercer!reader (spelling?) Love your work <3
Her Body
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summary:Rhea has a desire to get a tongue piercing and who better to do it than her girlfriend.
a/n:something short & sweet!
You were sitting in your office,going over the schedule for your employees. You were interrupted by the sound of your personal phone ringing,making you answer it. “Hey Dems,what’s up?” “Hi darling,I was wondering if you could uh..give me a tongue piercing?” she asked sounding nervous. You giggled softly,”Of course honey,I’m not booked today until my 4pm appointment so you can come in anytime” you told her hearing her squeal with excitement. “What time can you come in baby” “Hmmm..I can make it around 12” you heard her say,writing down her name for a 12:15 appointment. You told her what time you scheduled and told her you love her,hanging up the phone.
_time skip_
Rhea showed up,waiting for you to call her back. “Rhea baby! Come on” you called for her,watching her get up nervously and walk into your piercing room. “So just a tongue piercing? or do you wanna do your septum too?” you asked her,grabbing a few things. “Um..yea let’s just do both!” she spoke smiling. “Alright let’s do the septum first then take a small break,ok?” you asked and she nodded in response,tilting her head back. You smiled and kissed her cheek,beginning to do the piercing.
Once you finished doing her septum,which she almost cried,you kissed her lips softly. “You did good baby” you told her making her smile. You handed her a mirror to look at herself with,she smiled satisfied. “Alright let’s relax for 10 minutes then we’ll get that tongue” you told her crawling onto her lap while she laid back on the bed,cuddling you.
10 minutes slowly went by,taking a small nap with her. You woke up first and checked the time,waking her up. “Alright let’s get the tongue,here choose one” you gave her a tray with tongue piercings,smiling as she chose the all black one.
“It’s gonna feel like a small pinch ok? Here hold my hand” you grabbed her hand. She squeezed your hand as soon as you did the piercing. Tears formed in her eyes as you screwed the other end of the piercing on. You lifted her tongue to do the same on the other side,wiping her tears. “Aww baby it’s ok” you said giggling,kissing her forehead. You hand her the mirror again,watching her check out the piercing. “I love it..but my tongue hurts” she said pouting making you giggle. “It’s gonna be like that for a few days baby,but it’s ok because you have me to help you” you told her making her smile. “I wanna stay here till closing” “Alright that’s fine,we close at 6 so you can stay” you told her planting a soft kiss on her lips.
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httpsdana · 1 year
Alejandro Balde 130 🙏🙏 he’s so underrated
Clingy~Alejandro Balde
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
Another Ale request cause why not 😙
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
130-"Are you planned to stay glued to my side the whole day?"
y/n's job at the club of Barcelona was pretty simple but tiring at the same time. She was Xavi's assist. Always following him around in the training sessions and in the locker rooms and around the stadium
But the best thing she loves about her job was the fact that she met Alejandro through it. They had a few disagreements when they first met, but after they hit it off, they realized that they felt attracted to each other. Soon enough they started dated, of course without Xavi knowing. Pedri, Gavi, Ansu and Ferran were a few of the only people that knew about them.
They didn't mind Xavi knowing, but they didn't want him to scold them about how unprofessional what they did was.
The season was coming to an end as the team has a few more games only.
y/n was gathering some papers from her desk, taking them to Xavi so he can sign them, when Ale appeared through the door.
"holaaa mi amorr" he sang, his hands behind his back as he slowly walked into the room. He stood behind her, while she still didn't look at him focusing on the papers in her hands, he put his arms around her waist, placing his face in the crook of her neck, with small kisses ob her neck
y/n gently pushed him away when she finished organizing the papers for Xavi. Alejandro whined, when she didn't spare him a single glance
"Ale I have to give those to Xavi to sign, then I'm supposed to be planning the next team meeting. and aren't you supposed to be in training?" she started walking, knowing he's gonna follow her either way
"well coach gave us a 15 minutes break so I thought I'd come and see you, but clearly the feeling isn't mutual" he said in an annoyed voice, while y/n chuckled
"I told you we're not supposed to see each other a lot. The staff won't hesitate to tell Xavi if they sensed something between us" she was speed walking now, afraid she won't find Xavi
" who cares? Its not like he cares if we're dating" he said, making y/n stop dead in her tracks
"I care Alejandro. I live from the money I make from this job, so please stop with the reckless behavior or else I might get fired" she started walking again, Alejandro still walking behind her too
"you know I wouldn't let that happen" he said, waving at the people who greeted him while passing by
"yes I know but you also can't do anything about it if it happened" she waved at Xavi to get his attention as he appeared in her sight
She ran to him with the papers in her hands, Alejandro too running behind her
"you've got to sign those, and then read this at home and give us your opinion. its about everything related to the new and future signings" she said
Xavi signed the papers quickly before he noticed Alejandro behind y/n
"the 15 minutes are over. Go back to the feild Balde" he said, nodding his head towards the team
"um actually I'm feeling a bit nauseous and I was wondering if I could leave early today?" he asked, making y/n look at him suspiciously as he was doing just fine a few minutes ago
"yeah yeah whatever. get a good sleep and take a visit to the doctor. we're winning the league tomorrow" Xavi said before walking away
y/n looked at Ale with an annoyed look, while he gave her a cheeky grin. She started walking back to her office and Ale was trailing behind her like a puppy
"Are you planned to stay glued to my side the whole day?" she asked as she noticed his presence behind her
They entered the room, y/n sitting down on the small couch she had while Alejandro locked the door
"yeah. I missed you all day and all you did was ignore me" he pouted, a desperate tone evident in his voice
y/n looked up from her laptop at his pouty face. She closed the laptop and smiled at him, as his face lit up.
She patted her lap, Alejandro lying down and placing his head on her lap, while she ran her fingers through his curls
"I missed you too love. but you know how much my job means to me and how afraid am I to lose it. how about making it up for you by dinner at mine tonight?" she suggested causing Ale to grin widely
"I'd love that thank you honey. now gimme a kiss" he puckered his lips at her. She smiled and leaned down towards him, pecking his lips a few times before settling them on each other for a while
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rorywritesjunk · 6 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing.
Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. He’s an asshole. He just is because I wanted to write him loud, demanding, everything. This is still a bit of fluff, honestly. Also Buggy gets drunk near the end of the chapter. He's also just a bit clingy but we kind of knew that at this point.
A/N: I have no idea when Buggy became a Captain, so he’s a fresh faced captain in this. No clue how long this fic will be.
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 12
He didn't want to wait.
Buggy was impatient. You told him it was another two months until you were officially done with your apprenticeship. That was 8 weeks. 60 days. Could he wait that long to ask you to marry him? It wasn't like the two of you were going to get married minutes after he asked, right? So he could ask, give you a ring, and seal the deal. That's all he had to do.
Right now he was sitting in the kitchen after dinner while you fixed his gloves. You said there was something wrong with the stitching with one of them, something you had noticed earlier in the day, and he wasn't going to argue with you since you were the professional with this kind of stuff, not him.
So while you fixed his gloves, he told you about some of his adventures on the sea in recent years, about fighting off more vicious crews, claiming victory, and all the treasure he found. You listened intently as you ran your fingers over the seams of one his gloves while your sewing kit sat untouched on the table.
He didn't need to know it was a little lie to spend more time with him.
“That's amazing, Buggy!” You told him as he finished his latest tale. A small part of you wondered about how true some of what he told you was, but you didn't really care. You liked seeing how animated he became when he spoke, hands gesturing wildly and his expressive face. It was a nice sight to see. “I'm almost done with your gloves.”
“Take your time, babe.” He grinned as he leaned back in his seat, watching as you looked over the gloves. They were both inside out while you checked over the seams of one of them. “Everything okay?”
“Mhm, just wanted to make sure the seams were strong, that's all.” You replied as you finished up. “They should be fine now.”
“What do I owe for this?” Buggy asked, watching as you worked. 
You shrugged as you handed them back to him, watching him slide them back onto his hands. “I take lunch dates for payment.”
“Tomorrow then?”
“Don't you have the seas to conquer?” You chuckled. “Aren't you tired of me yet?”
He reached across the table, taking your hands in his own. “Never. I'll never be tired of you. I'm going to marry you so I want to start getting used to seeing you every day.”
You smiled and shook your head as you leaned back in your seat. “Yea, but you still have things to do.”
“I can stick around for another week.” Buggy insisted. 
“You're sweet.” You said as you stood up from the table. “If you're sure, I imagine my boss can find more things for you to do around the shop.”
“Do I get paid at least?” Buggy frowned. You went over and gave him a kiss.
“You can share my bed, how about that?” You suggested as you ran your fingers through his hair, nails scraping against his scalp gently. He closed his eyes, leaning into your touch, nodding in agreement. “Good. I know Miss Pins already made a list. She'll appreciate the help.”
Wait, what. He opened his eyes and frowned. “She already has a list? Was this your plan, woo me to stay here and then put me to work?”
“No, no, not at all.” You chuckled. “But if it was, it seemed to work. Now, I’ll let you stay the night again if you want, but if you need to return to your ship I understand.”
He probably should return to his ship, but he didn’t want to be away from you. Now that he knew he was going to marry you, even if he had to wait (he really didn’t want to wait), it was harder for him to spend even an hour away from you. There was still that thought of someone better coming along who would steal you away from him, and he didn’t want to risk that.
“Oh, Buggy, can I ask you something?” 
Buggy looked up at you, still leaning against you as you stroked his hair. “Anything.”
“Well, after I’m done here, I’m planning on heading back to visit my parents for a bit. There’s usually a big family reunion.” You told him, twirling locks of his hair around your fingers. “Is that something you’d want to come with me for? I have a big family, so if it’s too much, I understand.”
Wait, meet the family? Was that something he would have to do? “How… big of a family?”
“Big.” You chuckled. “I can’t even count how many cousins I have.”
Honestly, no, it didn't sound like a good time to him but he should at least meet your parents, right? That's what people did. So he nodded, agreeing to this, even if he may end up regretting it.
“Thank you.” You smiled as you leaned down to kiss him. “I'll let you know when it happens.”
He begrudgingly did the list of things Miss Pins wanted over the course of a few days before he had to head back to his ship. The only good thing about doing those things was spending more time with you. He needed to do some kind of piracy after being away from the ship for a few days, so you kissed him before saying goodbye, which he was fine with.
Buggy was planning on finding the perfect ring. He didn't want to wait. He would come back with the perfect ring, a bouquet of flowers, and propose, even if you weren't done yet. 
It was about three weeks before you saw Buggy again. He came bursting into the shop, throwing the door open before hunching over, panting heavily. You looked up from your work with Benji while Miss Pins stood at the counter. She raised an eyebrow as she gave him a look over.
“Where's the fire, Captain?” She asked as he slumped against the door frame. He managed to glare at her as he started to recover, but you got up and hurried over to him to help him to a chair.
“Buggy, what's wrong?” You asked as Miss Pins went to shut the door. “Why are you running?”
He held up a bouquet of petalless flowers for you, no doubt having been knocked around in the running. You took them from him with a smile while Benji pretended to gag. Then Buggy reached into his pocket and slid down onto his knees in front of you while taking your hand in his.
This was it. He had rehearsed what he had wanted to say as he ran to the shop, but it all left his brain as he looked up at you, feeling the gaze of Miss Pins and Benji on him as you just watched him. He stiffened up, sweating bullets as he stared up at you nervously. Were you going to say yes or was this just a lead up to a cruel joke from you?
“Wait, is he actually proposing to you, Sunny?!” Benji exclaimed. “Ew! Why?”
“Oh shush.” Miss Pins said, crossing her arms as she watched the scene in front of her. “He hasn't actually said anything yet. Sunny, you don't have to say or agree to anything, you know.”
“Just ignore them, Buggy.” You said, shaking your head. “You know my answer, you don't have to actually ask.”
“Y-Yea, but I can't just assume!” Buggy stammered as he held the ring up and you managed not to laugh. The stone on the ring was honestly as big as his nose, but bright blue in color and very, very impractical for you to wear on a daily basis since you used your hands for everything. He cleared his throat and tried to slide the ring onto your finger but it was unfortunately too small for your finger.  Buggy looked defeated but you took the ring and pulled him up to his feet.
“The ring is too small.” Benji whispered to Miss Pins.
“He didn't actually say anything.” She muttered. You rolled your eyes at their comments.
“Yes, Buggy, I'll marry you.” You told him; his eyes widened and he stood up straight, glancing over at your boss and associate with a smug look on his face. 
“Ha! I didn't even have to ask her.” He said rather proudly. “She accepted without hesitation.” 
The two of them rolled their eyes, of course he would say that. You stuck your tongue out at them before turning back to give Buggy a kiss. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly before lifting you up and spinning you around excitedly. 
“We’re getting married!” He cheered. 
“Yes, yes, we are.” You laughed, patting him on the chest to put you down. “I only have a few more weeks, Buggy, then we need to visit my family.”
Oh, right, the family. Your massive family you mentioned. He was going to meet them. No, it would be fine. He wouldn’t let that worry him. He was a pirate captain, that had to impress some of them, right? It would be fine. Just fine. He didn’t need to worry.
You stayed the night with him on the ship. His crew wanted to celebrate their captain’s engagement with a loud party. While Buggy had been shy and flustered back in the shop when he asked, it was different when he was with his crew. He was showing you off, embellishing the story of your engagement, saying how you cried (you didn’t), how his speech wooed you (he didn’t say a word), and that you said you couldn’t wait to marry him (you didn’t say that but you did want to marry him). He was proud of the ring he stole and found a chain to string it on so you could wear it so it would deter others from chasing after you in the coming weeks.
It was fun, you had just one drink while Buggy got himself pretty drunk. It was past midnight when you finally convinced him to go to bed, and you ignored how red in the face he got when you said that, his drunken brain misinterpreting your words again when you led him to his room and helped him take his coat and shoes off. 
“D-Dontcha wanna wait til the h-honeymoon?” He slurred. You rolled your eyes before draping his coat over the back of a chair and setting his shoes beside it. “I-I mean, I’m good, I’m up for anything.”
“You need to sleep, Captain Buggy.” You told him as you took his bandana off next, helping shake his hair loose from being tucked under it for most of the day. “We aren’t having sex, okay?”
“Oh.” He frowned up at you, swaying a bit as he sat on the bed. “You wanna though, right? I don’t… my body doesn’t gross you out, does it?”
“It doesn’t, Buggy.” You assured him as you pulled the covers back on his bed. He rubbed his face and squinted in your direction.
“Are… are you staying the night?” Buggy asked. You sighed softly and nodded, smiling at him as you took your own shoes off before climbing into bed. His eyes lit up when you did that and he scrambled under the covers to latch onto you once you were under the blankets. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” You told him, kissing him on the forehead as he snuggled up against you, his head resting on your chest as your arms went around him. “I need to get used to it since I’m marrying you.”
He glanced up at you, face red as he smiled brightly. “You are, aren’t you! I’m marrying you and you’re gonna marry me and I’m gonna be the happiest man ever!”
This was a different drunk Buggy from the one you encountered on his birthday, and it was nice seeing him so happy, even if it was influenced by alcohol. You just stroked his cheek, smiling as he nestled his face against you as he closed his eyes. It didn’t take long before he was asleep, snoring loudly. And tomorrow you would wake up before him, fix him breakfast, and start your day back at the shop. It was only a few more weeks before you would be done, and it was a little sad and kind of scary, but you were excited to be moving onto a new chapter of your life with Buggy.
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sakuraryomen01 · 1 year
Valentino /Sukuna Ryomen x Female Reader/ .o7
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, sukuna gets a hangover + sick!, being ignored(-ish???), talking about that kiss, pizza and wings with your roomie [brief]
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 3.826k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20
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a/n:: I started writing this chapter while I was finishing up chapter .o6 lolol!! also, tell me if u're not getting tagged in the chapters so that i can fix it! thx for the support and i hope you guys enjoy reading this fanfiction to the end! ❤
Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy~
. . .
After you had woken up from last night in Sukuna’s arms, you got up to take a small shower. Even though you didn’t want to think about it, it made its way into your mind. What Sukuna had said, the way he touched your body and kissed your neck. Why he mumbled little things like “you’re mine” made your heart ache.
How could you give up on Sukuna when he says things like that?
Reaching down to grab some shampoo, you slick your hair back and start to lather the soapy substance into your hair. You lift your head back and scrub all the worries and thoughts from your mind. 
But wishing the thoughts away, or the touches you shared, wasn’t going to change anything. Yes, you managed to defuse the situation, but it wasn’t with a little work. 
Sukuna’s mumbling replayed in your mind as you finished washing last night’s events off. Quickly grabbing one of his shirts to borrow and wearing your pants from the night before, you went to his kitchen and looked for something that’d be good for a hangover and breakfast. 
You had managed to find some eggs and bacon, adding in some coffee as a drink for Sukuna. Eventually, the sounds of Sukuna showering surfaced as you were plating the meal and adding some butter to a slab of toast you just finished toasting.
"Morning," You heard Sukuna grumble from the hallway. 
Seeing that he was clearly hungover and hungry, you guided him to his living room and placed his meal and coffee onto the coffee table in front of him. Also giving him a pat on the back, you went to grab your food to join him. He wasn’t visibly upset by the events of the other night, making you wonder if he really cared at all what happened.
Wasn’t it nerve wracking for him too? Didn’t it make him upset or nervous?
You didn’t get your answer for another few days. Not a text, nor a call. Even during classes, Sukuna was either not attending or he was taking a sick day. It worried you, since he had started skipping his tutoring lessons too. Concerned for his health, and all around well-being, you decided that stopping by with a few gifts would make him feel better.
After classes and work, you took another moment to send Sukuna a text that you’d be stopping by for a few minutes with some Advil for his headache. Although you felt it was cringey, you grabbed him some stomach medicine as well, making your way over to the male’s dorm a little after 10:30 pm.
You knocked on the door of Sukuna’s dorm and patiently waited for some kind of sign that he was home, and awake. Though, you doubted after a while of waiting. Making you wonder if he was intentionally ignoring you after the kiss. You didn’t blame him, if you kissed him and told him he was yours, you’d want to stop talking to him out of embarrassment. 
“Sukuna?” You tried after a minute or two of waiting, knocking again before there was a click and the door began to slowly creak open.
Seeing a tired, and disgruntled Sukuna behind it, with messy hair and hoods under his eyes, you let out a small coo of pity. He looked worn out and stressed, making you feel guilty for making him look like this. Sukuna, though, took a breath and mumbled a small greeting before letting you into his home.
“I’m sorry about not going to class,” He finally said, as if to defuse the awkwardness between you. “I haven’t been feeling well, I might’ve caught some bug.”
“Oh, really?” You asked, looking around the living room and seeing tissues strewn across the couch and coffee table. “I thought it was something else. Sorry for bothering you, I just came to tell you about the assignments you were missing.”
Sukuna hummed, sitting back down on his small throne of warm blankets and dirty tissues. “Ah, alright. I noticed you texted me too. Did you really bring Advil? It’d help right about now..”
You nod and sit next to Sukuna on the couch, handing him the bag you brought with you. Inside sat a small container of Advil, a bottle of water, some quick and easy to make chicken noodle soup. He looked at the bag’s contents before handing you the soup and taking out the water and medicine.
“Can you make this for me?” He asked, opening the Advil and water, taking a pill and a sip before laying back on the pillow he had under his head. “You can make yourself something too, but I haven’t been shopping yet.”
“Oh, that’s fine,” You said, standing and heading to the kitchen. “I’ll go out while you’re asleep to get you some things!”
You heard a grunt of disapproval that made you giggle, grabbing a pot from the cupboard and turning on the heat. Turning your attention to Sukuna, you see him lying face up with a pained expression. He looked more tired and ill than you’ve ever seen him before; even as a child it was hard for Sukuna to even get something small. 
Half the time, you thought he was invincible while you got the cold a lot during the snowy season. 
“The soup should be done in a few minutes,” You announced, walking around the living room and gathering the dirty tissues that littered the room. Grimacing, Sukuna nodded as you got closer. “Let me get your temperature too, just to be safe.”
“Fine,” He grumbled, taking a few steady breaths as you sat down and pressed a cold hand to his forehead. “Mm, your hand feels really nice.”
“‘Cause you’re burning up!” You exclaimed, quickly standing to grab the chicken noodle soup and return with a bowl prepared for Sukuna to eat. “Here, eat some of this okay? I’ll go get you some food for your fridge.”
Sukuna shook his head, sitting up to start eating. “No, that’s fine. I already feel pathetic for your help enough.”
Pathetic? Sukuna? Nah, that couldn’t be true.
“Don’t get all stubborn and pissy with me,” You said, a firm frown placed on your face as Sukuna ate. “Just because you’re sick doesn’t make you pathetic.”
There was a distant look that crossed Sukuna’s face before he went quiet and put down the bowl of soup. “It’s not that I’m sick.”
After waiting for a few minutes for an explanation, you dropped the conversation even though you knew exactly what he was talking about. That kiss. He probably regretted it, or thought what he said was stupid and childish. You pat Sukuna’s shoulder as he looks up at you, a confused expression now on his face.
“Now’s not the best time to talk about that,” You muttered, smiling warmly at the grumpy man. “You need to focus on getting better, and then tutoring for the next few days. Alright?”
Sukuna slowly nods, taking in your words. You didn’t need an explanation right now. Waiting a little while wouldn’t kill you.
“..Okay,” Sukuna muttered, finishing his food and laying back down. Watching you stand and gather your things before leaving the small apartment like home. 
You left the male’s dorm to go grab some more medicine when you got a text message. Quickly, you climbed into your car and picked up your phone. It was from Yuji. Thinking back, it had been almost a month since you had last spoken to him on the phone. That is, if you included all the studying you were doing for tests and such. 
Yuji- Hey, Y/n! I was wanting to ask you something about Sukuna?
You tilted your head in confusion, wondering if Sukuna had told him about what happened. Maybe he did? No, he’d probably keep something like that secret. Then again, you barely know him now. You’d never know.
You- Yeah? What’s up?
You also added another small excuse for your absence and you almost immediately got a response. The conversation started with Yuji asking about Sukuna’s grades, which you thought were pretty tame and understandable, so you told him point blank what was happening.
You- Sukuna’s kinda struggling in some classes, so my professor asked for me to tutor him. He’s getting better though. Did he tell you he got sick at all?
Yuji- Ah man! That explains it I suppose… I was wondering where he went after telling me what happened between y’all. ><;;
And just like that, you knew your suspicions were confirmed. With a sigh, you asked what he meant for confirmation:
Yuji- He told me about that party. He said something to a guy named Fushiguro about you and him. It was a really random convo, but I thought you knew already?
You were kind of confused for a moment, although you did see them talking you assumed it was about something else. Never did you think it was about you and Sukuna. Starting up the car, you dialed Yuji’s number and waited for him to answer. After a few moments, Yuji’s cheerful voice rang from your phone and you put the device to your cheek. Pulling out of the parking lot, you ask Yuji what Sukuna had talked about.
“It’s the first time we’ve talked on a phone!” Yuji chuckled. “A little weird, but I think I’ll get used to it, haha!”
You laughed with Yuji, starting to drive to the drug store. “I know, it’s a little weird for me too.”
There was a small silence before Yuji brought up the conversation Sukuna had with him.
“He told me that Fushiguro gave him some advice about y’alls relationship. Something like, ‘Just tell her what you’re feeling’, I think. Knowing my brother though, he’d keep all those feelings inside, and nudging him would just piss him off.”
You nodded, as if Yuji would see it, pulling into the parking lot of a local grocery store. The lights were dim, but it was quite apparent to you that it was still open. You unbuckled yourself and stepped out of the car, quickly putting your keys away and making note of what to buy.
“Sorry if this is really sudden, but..” You mumbled, walking through the rows of parked cars and vacant spots, lowering your voice slightly. “How were you and Sukuna after I left?”
You were rewarded with a small silence, a sigh and then a response: “It’s complicated.”
“I can handle complicated things, Yuji.”
He grumbled, but you understood why. The situation that they were in while you all lived there was rather harsh. Sukuna and Yuji’s dad was in a constant drunken state, making your parents worry a little about your safety and their’s. Often offering help to the boys whenever they needed a break from their father’s yelling and abuse. Although they couldn’t take Sukuna and Yuji in, they ended up like their second parents. 
Sukuna and Yuji loved your parents as much as they adored you, and it filled you with guilt now that you were unable to mend things for the past. Even though you couldn’t, you were determined to make it up to Sukuna, to Yuji. 
Half of you felt like you were trying to mend your own broken ego, but the other half was telling you that you owed it to them. Unable to swallow down that guilt, you began to accept it as Yuji started to talk to you about the events that transpired after your move.
“While I didn’t have many problems other than our old man, Sukuna kinda..” Yuji trailed, exhaling probably a lot of emotions he didn’t want to feel. “He went out of control, really.
“He got into lots of fights at school, got suspended a lot. Sometimes, he’d yell at me when he wasn’t in a good mood. Started smoking with the older kids. It was a lot for him.”
There was another pause as you got into the shopping area, pushing a cart in front of you and looking at the items that lined the shelves. Looking from ramen to other assorted things you felt were alright, you began to pile some basic things into the cart.
“Sukuna almost dropped out,” Yuji cut into your train of thought, making you stop suddenly in shock. Phone shaking in your hand and making some passerby glance at you with a confused and concerned look on their faces. “He didn’t, don’t worry. He made it to college, didn’t he?”
You pressed your brows and lips together and a frustrated pout. He’s barely passing though. He was gone for a lot of the year and is taking even more sick days right now. 
You didn’t tell Yuji this, seeing as it’d worry him. “Y/n?”
“Sorry, I’m shopping right now,” You say sheepishly, laughing weakly as you make your way over to another aisle and looking through a bunch of small pre-made meals that Sukuna might enjoy. “Go ahead, continue.”
“Alright.” Yuji responded, although he whined about bothering you which made you smile. “So, now, I suppose you can say that he’s doing well. He’s still smoking and shit, but that’s expected since it’s a habit. He’s working on it though.”
You let out a small hum, looking through the protein section, gathering what you thought would be good for some breakfast meat. Once Yuji voiced his concern about your silence, you reassured that you were alright.
“I promise, Yu.” You said, stopping once again as you continued to chat on the phone. “Sorry for bringing that stuff up again for you, I know it can be a little hard to talk about it–”
“It’s okay,” Yuji says in an attempt to calm you, with a boyish giggle ringing out from your speaker. “To be completely honest, it helped me relax a little while talking about it. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
A burn in your heart rested heavy in your chest. The feeling of guilt and worry made you ache, knowing that Sukuna had every right to want nothing to do with you. But the gratitude you felt for it was unimaginable. It was like it lifted your spirits, knowing Sukuna was still there to help if something went wrong. Yuji and you continued to talk on the phone for another few minutes– more like an hour or so –until you were in line to purchase your items. 
Once you got to the cashier, you smiled. “I’ll see ya soon, Yuji.”
“Mhm, c’ya!”
“Having a good day, hun?” said the woman at the register. Her messy dark hair up in a very loose bun. Her dark eyes shimmering with a sleepy delight. 
“Yea, it’s alright so far,” You answered as she started scanning your items. Looking through your pocket, you pulled out your wallet and began looking for your card. “I’ll be paying with a card.”
She nods at this, bagging things up as she rang your receipt and total. In the midst of this, you looked down at the shirt that you had borrowed from Sukuna. Realizing quickly that you still needed to return it even if you didn’t really want to. It smelled just like him, an almost calming smell that made your heart flutter.
“22.35 is your payment.”
Running the card through the small scanner, you started grabbing bags and piled them back into the cart. Tugging at the ends of the large shirt and pushing the shopping cart outside to where you parked. It had been almost twenty minutes since you got to the store when your phone buzzed with a notification in your back pocket. 
You got back into the vehicle and paused to look at the message, seeing Sukuna’s name on your lock screen. “He texted me?”
He’s so sick, I hope he doesn’t end up pushing himself..
The text consisted of a small thank you and to text him when you were finished. While you didn’t think it was much, you decided to text him back. 
You– I just got finished. I’ll be coming by shortly. I need to return your shirt to you too lol
Starting up the engine once again you pulled out of the parking spot, making your way over to the main road and turning on your blinker. Your phone buzzed again, but you decided to wait until you got to your college before looking at it. Thoughts raced through your head as you drove back home.
What should you tell Sukuna when you see him? Apologizing wouldn’t do much since it’s already too late, it’d be worth the shot though. You sigh, slowing down as you near your destination. 
Sitting in the car quietly and taking a moment to breath and work through all the events that’s happened. You pick up your phone and see Sukuna’s name again, unlocking the device and going to messages to see his text.
Sukuna– Keep it. I’ve been meaning to get rid of it anyways.
There was a small tingle in your body, a shiver that ran up your spine. Unable to make out what this shiver was, you looked down at the dark clothing piece. Seeing an old band name with a few small holes in the bottom of the shirt around the hem, ending just at your mid thigh. It was worn out, a random shirt you grabbed, but it felt like it was more than that to you. 
You responded with a small okay, quickly getting out of the car and collecting the groceries. It took a few tries, but you managed to get all the things you purchased up to the male’s dorm. 
“Sukuna, I’m back,” Knocking on the door, you waited for a few moments with shaky arms. The weight of all the food was making you tired at this point, and when Sukuna opened the door you rushed inside to put the bags on the counter.
“Haahh!! Finally!”
 A shocked expression was written on the sick man’s face mixed with an amused smirk. He closed the door and made his way over to you, looking through all the bags and then at you, taking in your panting figure and chuckling weakly.
 “I told you before, you didn’t need to do this.”
“Shush, just accept it,” You sighed, with a small smile on your face in return. 
Sukuna rolled his eyes and put down the blanket that covered him on the couch before he started helping you put up things. You bickered and whined about him helping you, but he told you it didn’t matter and that it’d be done faster if he helped. Reluctantly, you agreed and continued putting things in the fridge.
After everything was put away, you turned back and bumped into Sukuna. His maroon eyes angled downward, connecting with yours. Silence clouded over you and him, the air becoming thick again as you both stood in the middle of his kitchen.
“Y’know that it was nothing, right?” He eventually mumbled, his breathing low and voice deep. Sukuna’s words made your stomach churn, an uncomfortable feeling that you didn’t really like boiling in the pit of your gut.
You averted your eyes, pressing your lips together and breaking eye contact. Despite your silence, he continued, crossing his arms as well. “I was drunk, and acted without thinking.”
“..Thought so,” You mumbled quietly, clasping your hands behind your back. “I’ll see you later.”
It had been days since it had happened, and bringing it up so suddenly made you uncomfortable. Your heart ached, your stomach hurt. Everything was in pain. It tore you to bits, but you understood where he was coming from.
He doesn’t want me to get my hopes up.
So, after you had gotten your things and said a quick goodbye, you headed over to your dorm. A heavy heart laid bare in your chest, an ache that you felt wouldn’t be able to heal by tomorrow. With each step farther and farther away from him made the strings inside pluck a sad tune. You had denied you wanted any sort of thing for Sukuna, and for it to be returned, but even so you felt the pain was too much. Too much for your fragile heart, weak mind.
Unlocking the door to your home, you pushed open the door to the smell of pizza and chicken.
“Shoko?” You try, taking a few steps inside and looking around before spotting her in the kitchen. “What are you doing?”
“Just getting some things made for you.” She answered, pushing a place of your favorite pizza and some hot wings with ranch towards you on the counter. “You were missing for a few days, hun. Got me wondering what happened to you.”
With a distasteful sigh, you grab the plate and make your way into the living room and she follows. Sitting on the couch with you and waiting silently to hear any form of a response. You didn’t want to talk, but letting the heartache sit and fester like a disease wouldn’t do you any good.
“I visited Sukuna,” You finally mumble, taking a bite of pizza and letting the flavors sit in your mouth for a moment before swallowing. “He’s sick, so I brought him a few things and some food.”
“...And?” She pressed, scooting closer while her show continued to play on the T.V.
“And nothing. I just said goodbye and will see him later.”
The response obviously didn’t make her happy, her brows pressing together slightly before she huffed and rested her cheek on your fist. Letting her elbow hang from the top of the couch, relaxing her body into the cushions. “That’s odd. Aren’t y’all a thing?”
You cringed. Getou probably said something like that. No, Gojo.
“No. Just friends.”
Shoko shrugged, stealing one of your wings and looking at the T.V. “You two looked like you were dating.”
Whatever that meant, you didn’t let it get to you. No matter how much it made you blush or it made the feelings in your tummy churn. “You and Getou have lost brain cells.”
After you had eaten and said goodnight to Shoko, you made your way into the bathroom and got into the shower. Washing your hair and face, making sure to try and relax despite the fact Shoko’s words didn’t leave you. 
“You two looked like you were dating.”
She’s just seeing things then! You said to yourself, pouting your lip a little. Her and Getou acted like a couple too, but it’s not like they were actually dating. They were just fuck buddies that got high together whenever he visited. 
Sukuna and I are too different to be dating.
Sukuna doesn’t forgive me either.
Once dried off and dressed, you went into your bedroom to sleep. But sleep wouldn’t come easily when you felt a sting in your chest and a never ending flow of nightmares that kept you on your toes. 
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a/n: i've been worried that my tagging isn't really working >_>;;; but i'll try retagging as many as possible so that you guys get the reading you wanted! ik chapter .o6 was a lot, seeing as we've got a long way to go before the ending, but i wanted some action so that it doesn't get too boring and plain. anyways, thx for the support and hope to see you guys soon! ❤
Chapter Song Theme: — Stela Cole - Love Like Mine (Lyrics) - YouTube
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd , @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalfleshlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fallenfeversstuff, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @ririkaxbz, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @instantgalaxysheep, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9, @heyitstacy, @lost-in-tokyo, @marksassybanana, @bozos-r-us, @gumis-girl, @p-3-4-c-h, @chaoticqueen33, @dxxny-loves-u, @l0tus-n-l0ve, @jiordeci
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feralmoonlight · 1 year
Doordash AU Lore
Condensed Soup Version for your reading pleasure~ This was flailed over discord last night in a stream of consciousness into the delirium of sleep and goes from legible and readable to 'what are you typing??' levels of writing. Spellcheck was... not used a lot. Enjoy!
Sun survived the Fazbear Fire ending but was junked and picked up by random dude that tinkered enough to get him fixed to the point he could finish fixing himself. Sun and a very feral moon were... 'grateful' for being saved, but dude just wanted to use them as a side hustle for income basically and guilt trips them into working to 'pay him back for saving them and the electricity it takes to keep them charged'
Hence, doordash. Getting sun to be able to drive was easy enough, and dude just linked his own bank with the account so any pay out goes straight to him. The boys basically get pennies for their work because they don't really have a full sense of money or the outside world, but Sun 'likes' getting to explore while delivering and while they'd love to work with kids, well... Dude won't let them go until they pay him back. So they technically are under the assumption he owns them like fazbear did. A little pushback but 'if it weren't for him, they'd still be in the scrap yard'. And it's way better than being locked away in solitude again.
SO, one day they do a deliver for Reader, quiet anxious shut-in artist hermit type that thrives online but is basically terrified of the world beyond their home. Very relatable cough
BUT YN is like. Holy fuck that's a robot???
And Sun is like HELLO! Here's your food! Wanna chat? What do you do? How was your day?
To which anxiety YN blurts out they're an artist and Arts and Crafts King SUN is like YOU LIKE ART? I LIKE ART? and corners them for about 15-20 minutes talking their ear off while they're basically frozen because too awkward to tell him to leave, and he's not being WEIRD just REALLY TALKATIvE but it seems to be making him happy??
And then he gets another delivery and has to go anyway.
WhICH... OK cool that was weird but something to remember and forget about later.
Until a few weeks later when they order from a similar area restaurant and get Sunny as their delivery dude again, recognizing it immediately as him and actually having a more 2 way convo this time?
And it starts off slow, little short convos between drop offs and Sun wants to stay and talk more but it gets waved off at first. BUT YN keeps trying to work the system and get him back as a delivery dude for short chats.
Friendship builds and they start working out how to get the delivery as the last of his shift time so he can talk longer and longer, but he always leaves before the sun goes down too far, because Moon worries
Which eventually something happens and Sun knows he's not gonna be able to make it back home before dark, so he VERY anxiously asks if he can stay the night and makes up a thing about not functioning well in the dark. Sunshine and all that. 
SO he gets to stay and they have a longer chill evening and he watches YN work on some commissions, and then they watch a non-fazbear movie and just chill. Which he's ABSOLUTELY BLOW AWAY by a non-fazbear movie
and YN wants to introduce him to different shows and stuff, so these little sleepovers (lights on) turn into a more regular almost weekly thing.
But eventually the fun time gets caught and Dude gives Sun a call about where the fuck is he with the car? Where has he been? And sun apologizes and has to leave, but it raises questions about who that was.
WHich takes us to catalyst point 1, of 'man, that guys a dick. you don't take that much energy to charge -motions to electric bill that only budged a couple dozen dollars' and learning he takes all sun's earnings.
Now, you might be wondering... WHere's MOON in all this? How does MOON feel?
Well, Moon doesn't trust anyone at this point. Between fazbear, the vanny incidents, and this fucker, he is VERY skeptical there's not some ulterior motive, and he wants to test it. But Sun is getting very attached to YN
And he's already made moon lowkey promise to behave in case the lights go out from the first night, cause they haven't done anything bad yet. But he's still IFFY.
BUT LOW AND BEHOLD, the fabled power outage arrives, and YN doesn't know MOON is a thing.
It's a short one, and Moon POORLY tries to pretend to be Sun in the dark, but he's very... itching to fuck with YN. WANTS to harass them so bad, but... he said he'd behave.
But the lights come on, and Sun is a little panicked, but YN brushes it off like he was scared of the dark? Though he didn't sound scared a moment ago? Maybe it was something else that spooked him?
BUT things continue and the more YN hears about dude, the more they want to beat his ass(they wont, they're not bold like that) and get Sun away from him... which... he might have a gps on the phone and car that they use, but not on Sun. All he'd have to do is like... not go back? and he'd be free
which alarm bells MOON with the though YN just wants to use them the same way dude did to get more money cause at this point it's obvious to them both that the only things YN really spends their extra money on is food delivery and thats about it. they don't buy 'stuff' but they enjoy eating good food from different places, and they've been ordering a lot more lately as an excuse to see Sun.
SO moon convinces Sun to let him 'test them' and their resolve
Let him out, let him have some fun. And hoo boy. He definitely makes himself a threat, but he did still promise not to HURT hurt them.
BUT he has to test limits. Push buttons. He doesn’t really want to hurt YN cause they have genuinely been nice and he wants to think they’re being sincere in their attempt to help them, but there’s always that grain of salt. They thought the other human was trying to help them but they were just getting used for free income. What’s to say this 'starving artist’ won’t do the same? So he does the chase song and dance, the threats, minor injuries to see if it’d be enough to scare YN into showing true colors…  And they ARE scared, but they also know Sun at this point. Even if Moon is gonna be shitty, and they say as much, Sun is their friend, and they aren’t gonna let him go back. Even if it means putting up with Moon.
WHICH HURTS, but in a way that warms his heart sorta. Like.. OK OW? But also deserved. He’s not done poking the bear, though, but again, bit by bit he goes from full gremlin mode to spikey roommate to soft nap lord. With gremlin habits still. He wouldn’t be moon if he wasn’t a pest sometimes.
and he's surprised YN has so much... pushback to not let him get to them, but also seems to have this genuine urge to help Sun just to help him?
Which means now Moon has to repair the relationship, but Sun is also excited that Moon is going to TRY to be nice now, not just because he asked him to, but because... If they ARE gonna be trying to live with them, as friends, that first impression needs to get undone
Which he points out also it's NOT their first meeting, but... YN doesn't pick that up at first
SO we have the 'become friends with Moon' arc starting as well as the actually stealing Sun... which is easy enough. They drive back to dudes house with YN and just... leave the phone in the car, and take the bus back home.
which leaves YN in a lowkey panic because agoraphobia
BUT they'd do it for their friend. The injustice of what happened is stronger than their own fears, and getting back home results in a nice little cuddle session because yes. Which also would end up in them falling asleep and sun shifting over to Moon and moon basically having a 'I WILL NOT ADORE THEM oh fuck' moment too
WHICH brings us to the midway point... Sort of.
Because now YN is taking care of them, or rather, giving them somewhere to live, rent free, and eating the cost of their electricity upkeep which is... not horrible but more than expected... so they're now having to go grocery shopping regularly (ew) and essentially cutting their food budget in more than half to make that difference, cause taking on new commissions is already stretching their work load.
There's a small talk of why YN doesn't have a different job, and there's some talk of... not trauma, but just... really bad experiences? They wouldn't call it trauma, but they DO NOT want to have to get a 'normal job' again. Which is hard for them to understand from an AI perspective, having job stuff programmed into them with the daycare and security things
BUT then YN talks about how if doordash felt 'right'... and it did not. it was 'ok' but it wasn't what they were made for
But they're also realizing that they ARE sort of... taking up a decent amount of what was YN's 'spare money'. which was NOT safety net worthy but it was enough for them to be comfy
SO they start feeling guilty. Doing little tasks around the house, but it's not enough, TO THEM, to make up for the new burden they're putting on this FRIEND that CARES about them.
SO... They want to get a job.
But how
Their options are VERY limited, and probably gonna have to be under the table
They don't need to make a LOT, but YN basically tells them they will NOT do doordash shit again.
There's the possibility of doing private babysitting? But getting parents to agree is... weird...
They do the random attempt of going to a few parks and letting sun do his thing with the kids, but there's a mixed response of 'what the fuck, a robot?' and 'ok who's the freak that brought a bot to a playground? is this some kind of sick joke?'
But there are a few parents that don't immediately freak out.
YN talks to some of them and explains that he used to work with kids until their daycare burned down and he was thrown out, a bit of a twist on the official happenings but believable enough.
And one parent takes the bait,  agreeing it'd be nice to have someone watch the kids after school for a bit before they got off work some days, so they'd try it out. For a very cheap fee, but still.
It's a step in the right direction, and their kids area already on board with having Sun as a temporary caretaker. YN is gonna be with them, but they can take their art shit wherever so Sun handles this kids and YN just babysits the babysitter XD
They let sun and moon keep all the money they make and only take what's offered from them, and insist they should hold on to some of it for anything they  might need for future repairs. There's a lowkey friend argument but agreements are made
They gather a few families that are on board with their services, and eventually things even out. But one parent mentions the daycare their tiny child goes to is actually pretty short staffed. They can't afford to hire on anyone else at a normal pay rate, but if they treat it like 'renting a piece of machinery' a phrase YN is pissy about, then they could probably pay a similar rate to the babysitting gigs but as a 5 days a week guaranteed time thing?
Which there's a back and forth on how that might be risky, but the fucking starry eyed glee from Sun, and moon actually, about getting to work with a daycare again is something they can't fight against. And so the approach is made.
And accepted
As a trial run, at first, but things go well and they become a welcome part of this little daycare, and can handle the tasks of two or three employees easily. It's far less chaotic that the sugarhigh crazed children of Fazbears, and it's the happiest they've been in a long time
what's that?
everyone is
fazbear still owns them
Sort of
Fazbear still owns 'Sun and Moon' as trademarked entities.
Dude still owns them legally as salvaged scrap.
And Moms just LOVE posting weird shit on facebook.
Knock KNock we're here for your robot
Time to RUN from THE MANZ
Thankfully still no tracker, and THANKFULLY Fazbear isn't actually as invested as the news would lead people to believe? But that dude? oh that dude is PISSED as FUCK
He ends up being the more unhinged danger time for YN, because it was DEFINITELY YNs FAULT 'their robot went rogue'
Fazbear's is lowkey keeping tabs, but after that plex burned down they'd already gotten the insurance from the BS that happened, and technically getting such a... mmm 'tampered with' AI would be a pain in the ass to recode
They're lowkey interested in him as spare parts, but the news media covering this from the dudes side, and then eventually uncovering the harrowing rescue and plight of the 'mistreated robot that just wants to take care of kids' has the story quickly turning on it's head.
Fazbear's watching all this too, and they're... intrigued that Sun and Moon still have such a strong drive to care after the incident... they're swapping to wanting to study this...
They weren't the only bot that 'survived', but they're the only one that made it to the 'outside'
they study
they watch this drama unfolding with the curiosity of a cat watching a mouse in a maze
they COULD pounce, but... they could also learn from this. they see money in them hills
ANd the media is EATING this shit up
but it does come down to it that Dude finds YN and Sun/Moon (time undetermined at the moment) and they're... separated enough that he CAN rough up YN a bit. Not enough, but enough that it sends YN off running and Dude books it cause he doesn't want the police involved after making a BIG no no of assault
he knows he fucked up, but YN is now hella shaken and Sun/Moon shows up shortly after. MOON is very livid and wants to go hunt this dude down like a dog. Sun ALSO is on board but... that would not do any of them any good, so it's comfort the reader time.
Little bit of wound tending, mostly bruises and a fucked up wrist.
That one. They aren't drawing for a while because fuck you thats why
But again, the place YN went to for safety is on the phone with police and the media hears about this dude attacking them, and HOO BOY... BUT yn doesn't press charges because...
MOSTLY they dont wanna deal with court shit?
BUT his own actions are enough to kind of scare him off from intervening again
he knows he fucked up, and the info is ON the NEWS now, and he's waiting for the arrest warrant to get served but it never does.
This is now a bigger issue and not worth the hassle
he's got a nice fucking chunk of change though from them doing door dash for like 10 hours a day for.... months?
just sitting in his bank
which mF is gonna have to pay taxes on lmao
bitch doesn't know it yet cause he didn't think that far ahead. he's an asshole. a clever one, but not a smart one.
SO it's into the wind down of wondering when Fazbear is gonna try to come swoop in and steal Sun/Moon back from YN. or rather, back from their freedom. And it's NOT long after that they do get a knock on the door from a fazbear rep...
This is about where the end gets hazy though. Cause I don't wanna do the whole convo, but it boils down to, they're very intrigued that 'the ai,  Sun, and Moon, have adjusted so well to life outside of the plex.'  And they want to use that. The knowledge that they can expand outside of just 'entertainment'.
This isn't the 'birth of the ai revolution' of sorts where robots are everywhere... they already are somewhat, but very... simple versions. More advanced things like the animatronics are few and far between, and highly monitored in their selected environments (the pizzaplex). But letting the more sentient ones adapt to working at things like stand alone daycares, theme parks, maybe as traveling shows that go on tour, or other possible branch locations with different uses is very interesting to the higher ups
They want to monitor Sun and Moon, how they conduct themselves, and how people respond to them 'out in the wild', so to speak.
"This new idea is... groundbreaking. And we just want to observe... For now."
The long side eye is LONG, but... LEGALLY they could snatch the boys up without a second thought.
So they take the offer.
Fazbear is gonna offer no help, aside from possibly medical costs because they want to build a 'friendly face for the enterprize' as well as feel slightly responsible for YN getting hurt by not stepping in sooner and making their presence known to The Dude TM that he was out of his realm from the start.
There's some wariness from all parties, but...
It seems things will work out
The end.... ?
Possibly the end
it has room for expanding into the actual watching portion but that's what I have so far and is a POSSIBLE stopping point
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mrsimonharper: "Cunning!" laughed birthday boy Alex Turner as he casually mocked yet another question put to him while I attempted to interview him and @matthelders one grey day in Southampton way back in early 2007. They'd just put the finishing touches to their 2nd album, Favourite Worst Nightmare, and having heard an advance copy, I was probing them for details into this latest chapter of their very unique phenomenon. They'd exploded into public consciousness at the tail end of 2005 when their debut single I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor shot to No.1, but as a group remained incredibly detached from their success, and especially the rigmaroles involved with promoting their music, and so interviews with them could be tough. I consider Alex Turner one of the greatest lyricists this country has ever produced - certainly from the last 15 years - but despite his way with words, in conversation he's notoriously brief, reliant on the banter of his band mates, and never short on sarcasm. This would be the first of three interviews I'd conduct with the group - next was in London in '09, then again in '10 in Frankfurt, where after that night's gig we engaged in a long drunken chat where I remember enlightening him on the virtues of Gram Parsons. Anyway, his retort was at my suggestion that his lyrics tend to cunningly deflect the notion that they're about him personally. Does it get boring talking about his lyrics, I asked? "It can be sometimes," he said. "Not boring, just quite challenging sometimes." Because he doesn't always know what they mean? "No, because like I think I probably did but it's almost like that much happens and stuff and you sort of do other songs and then you're like, 'Wait a minute...' and then it just sounds like you're lying." How personal can he get in his lyrics, I wondered. Would he write about things he wouldn't normally tell other people? "Yeah, definitely," he said, "probably cos you can get away with it." And he does, very well! Happy birthday Alex!
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summer-fisher · 2 years
hiii i just finished tsitp series and I absolutely loved it. So I was wondering of you could do a conrad fisher x fem!reader where he tries to get her up like in this tiktok video.
I’m not sure if this makes sense but i really hope it does thank you if you do it tho!! <3
Summer mornings
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Pairing: ConradxReader   Summary: Early mornings with Conrad Word count: 540 words.  Warnings: Grammar mistakes A/N: I really liked writing this one 💗 I’m a sucker for fluff. Hope you all like it 
Conrad has always been a morning person. He loved going for a run on the beach first thing in the morning, surfing, cleaning a bit, showering and cooking breakfast for you and him. This summer that had been hard to achieve because of you. 
You were the complete opposite, a night owl. You were more productive at night. Closing clubs, late dinners, movie marathons, afternoon workouts, you name it. Waking up early was not a choice during summer. 
Yet certain boy whose room you snuck up to almost every night tried his best to drag you with him to his early activities, but it didn’t always work out, like today. 
“Hey” He whispered leveling his face to your sleeping face “Hey Y/N” you buried your face on the pillow underneath your head and that had Conrad smiling. “G’morning” he sang on a teasing voice. 
You knew what was about to come so you just readjusted yourself to have an arm over his stomach and head between his shoulder and neck. He chuckled but accompanied your movements and laid an arm over your back and a hand on your ribs caressing them with his thumb in an up and down motion. 
“Good morning, Y/N” he repeated To which you just grunted. He chuckled. “Wanna go catch some waves?” 
“Uh uh” you muttered. 
“It’s 9am., let’s go do something” he spoke against your hair. 
“No Connie, go back to sleep” you said in a sleepy voice that made his heart flutter. 
“And lose the whole morning?” 
To which he just got a “uh huh”
A few seconds went by before he thought of something to say “Did you know that waking up early supposedly helps you be successful in your career?” He tried
“Good thing you are going to maintain me.” God, you barely said a few words and his stomach was doing turns at the thought of a future together. What had you done to him? He wasn’t like this before meeting you. 
“Come on, Y/N. Let’s get up” You didn’t bulge “We’ll cook some breakfast” Still nothing. He needed to think of something that really would get you out of bed “We can go get some of the good muffins..” he tried 
“Connie please, just- Shush..” your hand moved from his stomach to his mouth and just laid there. He chuckled one again 
He kissed her hand several times until it slipped from where it was “Please. If you get up right now we’ll do anything you want to do” you thought about it for a small amount of time and said
“Will you go to the deb ball with me?”
“Hm.. except that” he immediately replied making you both laugh. A minute went by and your breathing slowed down. “Baby c’mon” he insisted. 
“Can we stay like this for 10 more minutes?” You asked in a quiet voice that once again melted his heart. He’d do anything you told him to. 
“Let’s make that 15. How about that?” He softly said. As he felt your smile against his neck he did too. His lips rested on top of your head and as you were falling back to sleep he thought of how lucky he got. 
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calmasyoghurt · 22 days
Back for day 2 of joker out pride project. Before this chapter begins I want to do an extra disclaimer. I’m writing Kris as trans (ftm) in this fic. But Kris doesn’t know that yet. Kris won’t know until day 7 or something. I’m not ftm, so if I write something that would not happen, then please let me know how I can change it.
Anyways, chapter 2 below and on my ao3.
June 2nd, promt 4. Queer people exist?
Kris is not like the other girls in her class. Kris wears shorts instead of skirts in the summer. She plays football and tag instead of family and restaurant during recess. She plays guitar instead of clarinet, flute, or piano. Kris doesn't want to be like the other girls. One time she asked her mum if she could cut her hair short like a boy. When she arrived at school the next day, the other girls started calling her a boy, and secretly it made her happy. She's always liked being called a boy. Not that she is one, of course she isn't.
But one of those people that thinks she's a boy stands out. Kris is 13, and is doing everything to hide the fact that her breasts started growing last year. When she enters her guitar teachers classroom, there's a boy sitting in one of the chairs with a guitar in his lap. Kris looks at the clock on the wall. She is five minutes early, but the class before hers should have ended ten minutes ago. So who is this boy, and what is he doing here? As if on queue, the boy starts speaking.
“Hey, I'm Jan. Apparently I'm here because we would sound good playing together or something”.
The teacher enters the room just as this Jan guy finishes his sentence. He, their teacher, says he would like to hear them play together just this once. When they do, it sounds amazing, and it's decided they'll have joint lessons from now on.
When the lesson is done Jan tries to start a conversation.
“Kris, huh? Is that short for anything? Let me guess, Kristoffer?”
Kris is sure he's joking because sure, she hasn't said that much during the lesson, but he must have heard she doesn't have a guy's voice.
“Uhm, no. It’s short for, well, Kristina” Kris answers.
“Huh. You sure?” Jan says and the confusion must be visible on Kris' face because then he says “Never mind. My bus doesn't leave for another hour, I'll buy you tea at the café”.
When, 15 minutes later, they're sitting at a café table with a mug each, Kris can't help to wonder if Jan has thought this as some kind of date. She hopes he hasn’t. But, once again, it's as if Jan can read Kris' mind, because not even a minute later, he starts speaking again.
“This isn't a date or anything, right? Like, we're just hanging out? As friends?” and Kris can see a bit of relief in Jan's face when she agrees with him. ”Good. To be honest, I did think you were a bit cute, but then you said you're a girl, and well… I'm gay, so that wouldn't have worked”. It takes Kris a moment to really hear what he's said. But then she starts blurting things out.
“Wait, you're gay? Wow, I would have never guessed. I mean, it's not really something you can tell, is it? But like… Okay, yeah, cool”. Kris can feel her cheeks heating up but luckily Jan only chuckles a bit.
“How… how did you know?” Kris then asks nervously.
“I don't know. Had a crush on my best friend. Did not have a crush on the prettiest girl in the school. Stuff like that”, Jan answers. Kris needs wants to know one more thing.
“But like, what if I had a crush on my friend, who's a guy, and then a while later, I maybe have a crush on the prettiest girl too? What does that mean?”. It's the first time Kris admits that her feelings towards Anja last year were anything but friendly.
“Maybe you're bi, dude. It means you like both”, Jan answers.
When Kris gets home a while later, there is so much to think about. That casual ‘dude’ that Jan had used, bisexuality, and the existence of young gay people. It's going to take a while to get used to things.
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lestappenforever · 1 year
Mona, dear writer, what an eventful race! How I wished Piastri got a podium but it’s okay tho, his time will come. I’m sorry to bother you but I just love your writing so much and my other prompt cheered me up a lot so I came to ask for more. My chosen ones are 15 and 24, I also think these are the perfect match. See you soon 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Evie, my darling, I'm not even kidding, I was crossing my fingers for Oscar to get a podium finish throughout most of the race and I was so disappointed when he didn't. But you are absolutely right, his time will come and I will be so very excited when it does!
You are the absolute sweetest, honestly. I'm so honored that you enjoy my writing to such an extent. And you shall of course have more because you are wonderful and I love you. 🫶🏻
15. "Just say yes." and 24. "Can I touch you?"
"Can I touch you?"
That's the sentence that started this whole thing. That's the sentence that sent Charles Leclerc plummeting headfirst into a situation that will inevitably become his downfall. He's sure of it.
It was a cruel twist of fate that had led to Max walking in on Charles in his driver's room, half-naked and with a very obvious erection within the confines of his boxers. The erection had been Max's fault, too, because he'd decided to strip out of his shirt after qualifying in Austria, in the middle of the fucking paddock, mere minutes earlier.
And Charles was but a man. A man who had been trying to control his overwhelming attraction to Max for an embarrassing amount of time already.
He was weak, okay? Max Verstappen made him weak.
Sue him.
So yes, Max had walked in on Charles as he'd been in the middle of changing. He'd seen Charles' erection as the Monégasque had frozen in place and stared at Max. Like a deer caught in headlights.
Honestly, Charles hadn't been sure what kind of reaction he'd been expecting. But Max's tongue darting out to wet his lips as his eyes stayed locked on the bulge in Charles' boxers certainly hadn't been it.
Max breathing "Can I touch you?" hadn't been it, either.
But, that's exactly what he got. And what was Charles supposed to do? Say no?
He said yes, because Charles wasn't a fucking idiot.
It started out as just sex. It was supposed to be just sex. Because sex was simple and casual, driven by nothing but their primal needs for each other and release.
But then Charles had to go and fall in love. Because apparently, he was a fucking idiot.
And if Charles hadn't been a fucking idiot, he wouldn't have been sitting on his couch, in the middle of a fucking breakdown following yet another failure in the Monaco Grand Prix. And Max wouldn't have been sitting right next to him, having showed up at his door just as Charles had lost the last of his self-control and broken out into a sob.
Because if he hadn't been a fucking idiot, Charles wouldn't have answered the door. Wouldn't have let Max in. Wouldn't have let Max see him like this.
And yet, here he was. Because Charles is a fucking idiot.
It's embarrassing and humiliating, but Charles can't stop the tears that are streaming down his cheeks. Can't stop the way his breath keeps catching in his throat. Can't stop the way his hands are trembling as he presses the palms of his hands against his eyes in a futile attempt to make it stop.
Max has been quiet for a long time, and Charles knows that this is probably going to ruin their little arrangement because nothing about this is attractive. But he's too fucking devastated to do anything about it.
"Can I touch you?"
The question is quiet. Tentative.
It catches Charles off-guard, because although the question is familiar — very familiar — the situation is so very different.
He doesn't think he can make his voice work, so he just nods into his hands.
The first touch is hesitating: a gentle hand on Charles' shoulder, fingers squeezing lightly. It sets something loose within Charles and his body begins to shake ever so slightly.
And then Max's hand is gone from his shoulder, only to be replaced by strong arms wrapping around him and pulling him tight against a firm chest.
Charles' sobs become louder, more violent — as if having Max hold him is undoing the very last of his resolve, allowing him to release every heartbroken emotion he's been trying so hard, for so long, to hold back.
Max holds him through it, his arms never loosening their tight hold on him. Never saying a word, just letting Charles fall apart in his arms.
Charles has no idea how much time has passed when the sobs and the tears finally stop coming, but it feels like hours. And judging by how dark it is outside when he finally eases himself out of Max's arms, it must have been, too.
"I'm sorry," Charles mumbles, wiping at his puffy face and looking anywhere but at Max.
"Don't apologize," Max tells him firmly, one hand coming out to settle on Charles' thigh. "I mean it."
The Monégasque nods, but still refuses to meet Max's eyes.
Max's hand on his thigh tightens.
"I know this isn't really what we do, but will you just let me hold you tonight?"
Charles does look at him then, eyes wide with surprise, and he doesn't see the disgust or the discomfort he'd been expecting.
No, the only thing he sees in Max's eyes is something dangerously close to adoration. To concern. To love.
He doesn't know how to respond to that. Doesn't know what to say.
Which he apparently says out loud, and Max smiles that beautiful, breathtaking smile at him.
"Just say yes."
He does.
And maybe Charles isn't a fucking idiot after all.
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bl4cktourmaline · 9 months
❧ decorating cupakes w/ Tsukasa!
Mango *ੈ✩‧₊˚ AKA MODTSUKASA HERE :33 ☆
This is my first writing thingy on here so enjoy please! I apologize for the shortness^^
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☆ Prompt  // Decorating Cupcakes !^
₊˚⊹♡ SUMMARY ♡⊹˚₊
Tsukasa baked cupcakes but Nene had to bail at the last minute, so he called his friend! (Gender Neutral reader; written platonic but can be seen as romantic)
┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .┊⋆ ┊ ┊
You’re walking peacefully in the neighborhood, humming a small tune under your breath. You were currently walking to your friend's house, Tsukasa.
He’d given you a call around 15 minutes ago about how he needed help decorating some cupcakes for an event or something like that. That’s what you got from him and his short spew on call.
You walk up to his door, but before you could even attempt to knock, the door flew open, showing off the happy go lucky spirit, Tsukasa. "Here you are my wonderful assistant! Just on time too!”
You wave with a smile. “You asked me too, so I couldn’t leave you hanging.” 
“Thank you!” He nodded with contentment and waved you inside, closing the door after you entered. “I baked strawberry cupcakes, but Nene had to cancel for a last-minute event!” He sighed with disappointment but it was quickly changed to excitement. “Welcome to the original start of my dazzling career!”
“I'm glad I have the privilege of being in such estate.” You hum with bliss, following Tsukasa to the kitchen.
You pause in the doorway, feeling an intense dread for the project. The first thing seen was what seemed to be over 100 cupcakes on the kitchen island?! ‘No wonder why Nene bailed!’
“It seems a lot my remarkable assistant! But if you help me- a future and bright star- you can take some home of these delicious cupcakes once we finish the mission!” He grins as he runs to the fridge to grab the icing. It seemed to be pre-bagged white frosting… He must have done it last night or something. 
He passed you a few and you set up on the island. “As long as I get some cupcakes at the end, sure.” You look back at the cupcakes with a newfound determination.
Tsukasa grinned brightly as he cut the tip of the icing bag with scissors. “Let’s get icing then!”
Wrist cramping, you fell into a chair and sighed loudly. “My wrist hurts now.”
“You only did 20! I was even able to get more done!”
“20 is a lot of cupcakes!” Your eyes dart your attention to Tsukasa’s pile of cupcakes, all perfectly made with a bit of sprinkle on top. “How are yours so pretty?!”
He shrugged as he bit his lip, frosting another cupcake. “I used to make gleaming cupcakes with my mom in the past when she was free.”
You hummed softly, showing signs that you were listening to the blonde. 
“I can't recall doing it much though, maybe twice in total. I was always practicing my singing so it would became as amazing as it is today!” He said with pride, his eyes looking up, full of deterination.
“Well,” You grinned, standing up again, and grabbing another cupcake and the icing. “I’m so ready to beat you and make more.”
“I already have the head-start.” He said with a huge smile, already frosting more as he spoke.
You playfully stick your tongue out at him and begin icing cupcakes.
You sighed as you plopped back onto the seat, wiping your bangs back with your wrist slightly covered in frosting. “Finally! We finished!”
“And I won!” He loudly exclaimed, placing the icing bag on the table. 
A playful annoyed look slowly crept onto your face but faded quickly. “That's because you had a big advantage.”
Tsukasa smiled but sighed and sat down too on a nearby chair. “That wasn’t that bad though. A star must always be ready for future changes in schedule or difficulties!” Tsukasa said with his hand over his chest in a cocky, yet sweet way.
You smiled at his charisma and nodded. “Yeah!”
Tsukasa looked at the cupcakes closely before settling on one. He grabbed a cute-looking cupcake with pink, crystal sprinkles and passed it to you. “Here! My gift of gratitude from me to you!”
You took it without hesitation- craving this moment since he told you you could eat a few at the end.
You felt a sweetness in the cupcake, the icing overpowering the strawberry-flavored batter, but it still left a small hint of strawberry. “What did you put in the icing?” You asked as you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Sugar, vanilla… The basics. Does it taste funny?” He asked with a tone of dread.
“No no!” You say while waving your hand. “Quite the opposite actually. It tastes so good! Who knew you were such a good baker?”
“HA! As I say! A star is a star at everything! Acting isn't the only thing I’m good at!” 
You snort at him, turning away as he looks at you. “And I’m so funny too!”
“You wish!”
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