#the prequel wouldn’t exist if he was tbh
franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: Hi I hope u don't mind but I was wondering if I could get your opinion on JJK??? Do u like where the story is going & how r u enjoying jjk so far? Is there anything u dislike or have any nitpicks about jjk? Is there anything, if u could, change about jjk? Is there any characters u don't particularly care for or don't like? Sorry to bombard u with sooo many questions I'm just really curious about ur opinion >w<
OH I don’t mind the question at all! Though let me be clear right now that this is going to be a completely subjective answer and also that it’s going to be heavy with spoilers. 
Okay, first things first, if I had to give jjk a general vote on a scale from 1 to 10 it’d be a 8, and that’s only because I read the prequel too! Right after catching up with the manga without any knowledge of the prequel’s existence it was a 7, barely (since Gege tends to treat the prequel in the main story as if you’re supposed to know about it, with all the mentions of Yuuta and Geto and stuff, but then never tells you anywhere in the manga that you were supposed to read it? Or that it exists at all? It even has a different name than the main story! I read the manga with the serious feeling that I was missing something, which I was and no one told me. Didn’t like that very much, ngl). 
I still enjoyed it greatly and binged it all in a day and a half, but, you know, I’ve never thought it a perfect story. Am I enjoying how it is and where it’s going? Yeah, yeah, immensely! I adore it, really, if my drawing it 24/7 for the past over half a year wasn’t proof enough 😂 but it tends to go too fast at times for my tastes, it isn’t especially good at exposition and has confused the everloving hell out of me more than just once. Also it’s chokefull with stuff you’d call foreshadowing that ends up meaning nothing at all in the end and that’s, like, something I wish Gege didn’t do since I tend to overthink these kind of things and then feel disappointed when nothing comes out of it 😂😂 that’s on me tho.
If I had to change anything about it.................no, nothing, I’m good with how it is. Like, it has a lot of problems, definitely, but it wouldn’t be the jjk I fell in love with if it was anything else. Do I think everyone will die by the end of it? Yeah. Am I sad some characters already have died? Very much so. I’m still good with how it is tho, it’s just how jjk is. What else...uhhhhhh right, the characters! I don’t have any I especially dislike or hate aside from Mahito, which I just can’t stand sorry Mahito stans he just isn’t my cup of tea at all 😂 I do have characters I don’t particularly care about, like... Ichiji? For example, or Kusakabe, or most of the Kyoto kids (even Kokichi and Mai only became characters I liked after they died tbh, aside from Miwa and Kamo I’m not particularly into any of them). I haveeeeeee mixed feelings about Yuki, but only cause I feel she outright used Geto’s kind heart and depression to reach her own goals in a way that felt a lot like just an experiment for a theory she had, and I live and die for Geto so you can see why I would resent her for this 😂 but other than that she’s pretty cool, so I’m on the fence with her (again, sorry Yuki stans, I don’t have anything against you all 🙏)
That’s it! Overall I love jjk and I’m fully on for the ride, but I wouldn’t lie to anyone and call it perfect 😂 it’s better tho, I like stories that can fail me and have in the past failed me more, I’m more relaxed while reading them
Anon said: hey Fran!! quick question, are you a self taught artist or did you take any classes? hope ur doing well!— ^^
Self taught! As I’m sure anyone who studied art can easily tell  😂 I do my best with the resources I have 💪 I hope you’re doing well too!!!
Anon said: i also struggled with csm in the beginning, but idk after a few chapters i got into the mood and style of humor and now, after finishing it, i think about it all the time 👁 cant wait for you to see the show and if you end up liking it <3 also; ur art is everything!! whatever you draw, it gives me so much serotonin
Ahhhh I hope so I hope so!!!! I want to like it so bad, the art for it are absolutely incredible I wanna enjoy them properly!! 😭 And thank you so so much!!!!!! 💕
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
One thing that I haven't stopped thinking about since I saw your post about how Luke is depicted in fanfics, especially as a jedi order basher in time traveling fics for them apparently suppressing his slave culture and that is the simple fact that by the time that Luke is born, his father had not been a slave 14 years and his paternal grandmother had not been a slave for several years as well before her death. So while he has slave blood in him, he himself was not a slave.
Hmmmm, interesting, TBH I'm not the biggest fan of time traveling fics, they have to have a real interesting hook for me to read them (not a big "fix it" fic fan either). I honestly hadn't heard of this complaint before, are people angry that Luke doesn't think about his slave heritage? ...interesting.
Oh wait, I think I get it now...he's apparently angry with the Jedi for suppressing slavery or rather since they haven't been able to end slavery they must then condone it?
This idea that because the Jedi didn't throw their powers around to end slavery in the galaxy is just another one of those unrealistic expectations thrust on the Jedi Order. And frankly it is usually said by people who have no concepts of how the real world or politics works.
Slavery is abhorrent, no one is denying that, but it still exists even in our day and age. Unfortunately we as free countries (wherever we are all from) can't just go into these nations brandishing our weapons and overthrowing their governments - even if we'd really like to. Historically speaking whenever that happens the fallout is tremendous, often times the armies are pulled out before any kind of a replacement government can be formed and so chaos reigns. This would've been no different for the Jedi.
By the time we see them in the Prequels the Jedi only had 10,000 members. Let's assume that's active Knights/Masters/Padawans out in the field and not including the younglings/retired/sick who can't leave the temple. 10,000 people isn't even enough for a small army in our own world yet somehow they were expected to overthrow entire planets? How exactly??
Also, let's say the Jedi did overthrow the Hutts on Tatooine with their 10,000 members what then? Do the Jedi take control of the planet and rule it? Do they leave the planet without a government and then move to the next one? You don't think the Hutts (or someone else) wouldn't swoop in and take over the planet once the Jedi are gone (much like Al Qaeda has done in the Middle East)? Again, this is a very ideological viewpoint and just not very realistic.
Look, I get the concern about Shmi being left behind, but to be honest Qui-Gon ignored his mission and basically bought the Jedi a slave (well, he cheated and won him but that's semantics). The Council rightfully saw this as a concern because of the moral implications of the Jedi going around owning slaves. I think they got around it because they technically freed Anakin, but could you imagine if the media had gotten wind of this story? Holy crap that would've been terrible for the Jedi because it's a gray area at the very least.
And, why was it only up to the Jedi to free Shmi, why not Padme??? The Jedi have very strict rules they have to follow because of their power, and they have no jurisdiction in the Outer Rim...it's like having a nuclear device, you have to have some regulations on it.
And for the record I'd argue the Jedi were doing something to fight slavery throughout the galaxy. The Republic had anti-slavery laws that the Jedi upheld, they also took down the Zygerrian Empire at one point (though it came back once the Sith had distracted the Jedi with a war). There are also several Legends stories of Jedi being sent undercover to known Slavers to help bring them down - my username sake, Siri Tachi was undercover for 4 years gathering intel and bringing down a huge slave ring, so to say the Jedi were doing nothing is ignorant at best.
This is a complicated topic and it makes me really sad that fans have bought into this idea that it's simple. They think that since the Jedi weren't able to eradicate slavery then they just didn't care which is completely and utterly false.
And going back to your point, you're absolutely right technically Luke wasn't a slave. He was born free. Now, yes he does have a heritage that includes slavery, but he also has a heritage that includes royalty and the Jedi, why must he focus on the negative parts of his heritage when he could use the positive ones to make lasting change in the new Republic for slaves?
I don't know, that's my take on it at least.
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rhi1980 · 3 years
Many Saints of Newark was a thoroughly enjoyable film. I don't know how much people who have never watched The Sopranos would enjoy it tbh, there were a lot of awesome callbacks (from moments talked about during the shows run to certain phrases that certain characters used in the show) that made me giddy with delight when they happened.
Almost all of the acting was A+. Alessandro Nivola was great as Dickie, even if the character himself was slightly dull imo. Leslie Odom Jr was fantastic as Harold and I would have liked to have seen more of his story. Michaela De Rossi was excellent. All of the Soprano family were wonderful, Michael Gandofini as Tony made me very emotional, Jon Bernthal was great as Johnny and again, I wish we could have seen more of him (fingers crossed that there's a next time), we didn't see nearly enough of Janice either. Corey Stoll was amazing as Corado 'Junior' Soprano and well, what can I say, Vera Farmiga was incredible as Livia (something I'm not even slightly surprised about, she's always incredible) and has one of the most emotional moments of the whole film (of course she does). We didn't really see enough of Paulie to see if Billy Magnussen did a great job or not tbh, Samson Moeakiola was great as Pussy and Ray Liotta was also fantastic. John Magaro sadly was the weakest link of the cast for me, that's not to say he did a terrible job, there was a moment when he was uncanny as Silvio, unfortunately, for the most part, he got the voice all wrong. Silvio is one of my favourite characters from the show and given how perfect the rest of the cast were at portraying existing characters, it was just a little jarring. Sorry John, like I said, there was one moment where it genuinely looked and sounded like they had de-aged Steven Van Zandt.
There has already been talk of a sequel to this prequel and imo, not only should there be a follow up to this film but I honestly think that there should be two more films as this one absolutely feels like the first part of a trilogy to me, there feels like there is a lot more to be explored.
There have been a few negative reviews and imo, I feel like the people who have criticised it were expecting either a film all about Tony's rise to being a mob boss or they were expecting something that was like non stop action. This film, much like the show has slower moments in it, it's about the characters, not big explosive set pieces, maybe if people went in realising that, they wouldn't feel so disappointed. I do however understand the criticism that says that it could and probably would have worked better as a mini series so that all the story lines could have been explored better but that's not really criticism as it just means that people loved what was done but wanted more.
Loved the film and can't wait to see it again.
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Three (Bad Ideas) - Part 3 of 3
Jared x Jensen ( x Reader, but mostly J2) 
Word Count: ~6720
Warnings: The most explicit guy-on-guy scene I’ve written so far in this series, I think. Rom-com-style miscommunication shenanigans, excessive fluff, bossy!Jensen and his dirty dirty mouth, Jared’s exhibitionist tendencies, polyamory negotiations, anxiety and the way it can fuck with relationships, no seriously so much fluff, boys being idiots, boys in a non-figurative closet, boys in love, boys in bed, and more fucking fluff. 
A/N: I cannot believe I finally finished this, holy shit. Credit to @fangirlxwritesx67​! Most of this series wouldn’t exist without her neverending J2 gif spams. 
Catch up here: Part 1 / Part 2
This is the prequel to the original Everything story, which you can only read on Amazon these days; it actually overlaps a bit, and retells a few scenes from Jared’s POV, but this fic stands on its own. The original is thoroughly plotless, tbh. It’s like 18k of pure smut. Read it over here if you’re interested. More standalones/headcanons/ficlets in this ‘verse can be found here. 
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“Come on,” Jared pants, “Hurry up already.” 
“Somebody’s fuckin demanding,” Jensen growls.
“Please, just — fuck, so close, come on.” He tries to buck forward but Jensen’s got him pinned, shoving him against the wall of the dark, cramped little closet while his hand moves in a maddeningly even rhythm, working him with long rough perfect strokes. 
“Door’s not locked. If you don’t keep your voice down somebody’s gonna walk right in.” 
He twists his wrist just right, and Jared groans, slumping back against the wall, trying not to let his knees buckle. 
“Please,” he says again. 
“Is that what you want? You want someone to walk in?” 
“Shit, come on, stop teasing.” 
“What would you do if she walked in?” Jensen says, practically purring, his voice deep and suggestive in the dark, close air. “God, I bet you’d love that.”
Jared wants to protest, but the image of it, the thought of her opening that door, thrills him like a thousand fucking volts. He whimpers, and Jensen just laughs. The guilt hits a split-second later. 
“I wouldn’t stop, either,” Jensen continues. “I’d let her hear you begging, let her watch while I make you come...” 
Jared’s so close he can barely breathe. He can feel it, building everywhere, from his toes and his fingers, up through his spine, coiling tight and hot and —
“So fuckin’ dirty, admit it, you want her to see you come all over yourself. Think she’d lick it off my fingers when you’re done?” 
“Asshole,” Jared gasps, and his cheeks are burning but he can’t help it, he’s imagining her face and then his hips are jerking forward as he comes, so bright and sharp in his gut that he’s doubling over, clutching at the back of Jensen’s shirt and trying to stifle a shout. 
Jared’s been waiting for the other shoe to drop, if he’s being honest with himself. Everything has gone so smoothly with them. It’s been over a year, and he’s still convinced he’s going to fuck this up; it can’t possibly be this easy. 
Jared’s pretty sure the shoe hit the ground today, when Jensen mentioned someone else and Jared just — well. That. 
Jensen has a territorial streak a mile wide. He’s quick to move in when he feels like someone’s too close to Jared, asserting himself with a hand on the back of Jared’s neck, fingers in his hair, something quietly possessive. Dirty talk is one thing; the way Jared reacted to it must have been more than enough to set off a red alert in that jealous corner of Jensen’s brain. 
He’s already steeling himself as Jensen slides into the bed, turns the light off, and spoons up behind him to kiss the curve of his neck. 
“We gonna talk about that?” Jensen murmurs. Jensen doesn’t sound mad, but he’s a good fucking actor. 
“I don’t know what you’re—” 
“Don’t.” His huff of a laugh tickles Jared’s neck. 
Jared’s not sure what the fuck is wrong with him, because he finally has what he’s wanted for so many years, finally, and he’s so ridiculously, breathtakingly, head-over-heels in love with Jensen that he can barely see straight sometimes. It’s hard to take his eyes off Jensen, and it definitely gets in the way of things like eating or sleeping or remembering his lines, and so it’s kind of amazing to him that his brain even has space to notice another person, but… he notices her. He can’t help it.
Jensen slides a palm over his hip, tracing the shape of bone and muscle with the tips of his fingers and then dipping down to cup his cock. 
Jared tries to ignore the feeling that he’s walking into a trap, somehow. 
“It was hot,” he admits softly. 
“Fuckin’ right it was,” Jensen says, low and suggestive against his ear. “Ever thought about that? Somebody watching?” 
He’s getting hard embarrassingly fast and he knows Jensen can feel it. Jared squirms back against him. For a second it’s easy to forget what they were talking about, and by the time he remembers, he doesn’t particularly care any more. 
“Can you—” he breathes, and Jensen nips the round of his shoulder before rolling away for a second. When he comes back, there’s the click of a bottle opening and closing, and then Jensen’s teasing with one slick finger, grazing sensitive skin in little circles until Jared’s gritting his teeth against the urge to beg. 
“You never answered my question,” Jensen whispers. One finger sinks in slow, and Jared shudders. 
Right. That. 
“It’s not a thing or whatever. I was close, and your voice — you could recite a grocery list in that fucking voice and I’d get hard.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
Jared can hear the smirk. 
“It was just… in the moment,” he insists. “I’d never — hearing you talk about it was hot, but... I’ve never — not seriously.” He’s glad Jensen can’t see the way he blushes.
The second finger feels like a stretch, a burn that streaks up his spine and dissolves quickly into sparks, discomfort easing into a wash of pleasure. 
“But you like talking about it,” Jensen rasps, and for a second Jared has no fucking idea what they were just saying. Jensen curls his fingers just right and white fireworks dance behind Jared’s eyelids. 
“Maybe,” he gasps. He tries to brace himself against the mattress, pushing back, arching shamelessly. Jensen kisses the nape of his neck, dragging an open-mouthed kiss down the knobs of Jared’s spine. 
“So let’s talk about it,” Jensen says, lips still touching, smearing the words across his skin. He kisses the curve of his neck, bites it, a bright grounding point of sensation as he pulls his hand away. 
“More?” Jared whispers, just as Jensen’s fingers slide in again, three this time, slow, overwhelming. 
There’s a prickle of heat all over his skin. Jared focuses on breathing. Jensen matches him so that they’re inhaling and exhaling in sync, and it’s deafening in the dark, silent, still room. 
Jensen’s fingers fuck him open slowly, twisting, brushing up against the spot that makes Jared whimper, again and again and —
“Was it because you imagined somebody walking it? Or because you imagined her walking in?” Jensen asks. 
Jared goes cold all over for a second, cold and then fever-hot again as pure panic zings up his spine. He can’t answer, but it doesn’t matter; if Jensen’s asking that question, it’s because he already knows the answer. 
He bites back a whimper, torn between shame and arousal. He’s frozen. 
“Whoa, no,” Jensen says, obviously alarmed. “That’s not — Jesus, I’m sorry, I would never — I don’t care.” He pulls his fingers away and curls himself around Jared, kissing the hollow behind Jared’s ear, making soft shushing sounds, crooning reassurances until Jared starts to relax. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Okay? Why would you even think that?” 
Jared knows him, knows how he sounds when he’s angry, knows that this isn’t that, and he’s not really sure why he panicked, now; Jensen wouldn’t set him up like that. He just wouldn’t. 
It’s Jared’s own fault, anxiety and guilt and relentless fucking insecurities. He should know better.
“Sorry,” is all he can manage, in a rough strangled voice. He doesn’t know what to do with the leftover adrenaline fizzing in his veins. 
“Hey, listen to me,” Jensen whispers, with just enough steel in his tone that Jared can’t help but pay attention. “I just —I don’t care who you’re attracted to, because… you love me, right?”
“Of course. Why would you even—” 
“So it doesn’t matter who you’re thinking about, because you’re still mine. Right?” 
“Right,” Jared mumbles. He’s still not entirely sure why Jensen brought her up in the first place, if not out of jealousy, but Jensen’s fingers are sliding in again, thick knuckles opening him up. It’s distracting. 
“If I was there too — if it was something we could do together — ” Jensen says, hesitant. “I wouldn’t mind sharing you.”
“Oh,” Jared breathes. 
This is so not how he expected this conversation to go. 
“If I was telling you what to do…” Jared groans, ragged and drawn-out, and Jensen lets out a shaky exhale before he continues: “You’re so good for me. So good at doing what you’re told.” 
“Holy shit.” 
Before Jensen, Jared would’ve considered himself thoroughly fucking vanilla, but Jensen has this way of pushing buttons that Jared never knew existed. Inventing new buttons, maybe. They’re, like, Jensen-specific buttons, and fuck, Jared’s not making sense even to himself, and he’s about to lose his goddamn mind here. 
“On your stomach,” Jensen orders. He urges Jared forward and moves with him, sliding on top of him, hot soft skin and sinewy strength blanketing him and grounding him and holding him in place. 
“Come on, just—.”
The words turn into a sigh as Jensen sinks into him. He grabs Jared’s wrists, squeezing almost too tight, pinning him down. He rocks his hips, pushing in deeper, inch by inch, until Jared’s shaking and full and so tense he feels like he’s vibrating.  
“So good,” Jensen croons again. “I should show you off, let everybody see how well trained you are… is that what you want?” 
Jared twitches under him, hips jerking, fingers flexing, uncoordinated and involuntary. 
“Yeah. Yes. Fuck.” 
He’s never imagined anything like that in his life, but the image sears itself into his brain, and he knows he’ll be thinking about that for a long goddamn time. His cock is uncomfortably hard, trapped between his stomach and the mattress, and every thrust has him rubbing against the sheets, too rough and nowhere near enough. 
Jensen grinds in with this long undulating snaky movement that drags like a match being struck, and the friction ignites inside him, sparkling hot. He tries to muffle the raw ugly cry in the back of his throat by pressing his face down into the mattress. A few more of those rolling sinuous thrusts and Jared’s burning up, not really sure if those are words coming out of his mouth or just nonsense, but he thinks he’s begging, stuttering out curses and pleas. 
“I’ve imagined the two of you together,” Jensen says, gravelly and shredded. “What you’d look like… what I’d tell you to do to her.”   
“Fuck,” Jared slurs, and tries to bite down on the sheet. He’s so close, too close, just needs something — 
Then Jensen slides a hand from Jared’s wrist to his hair, and he grabs, twists, forces Jared’s head to one side so that the next wild sound rings out loud. 
“Mine,” he growls, close and hot and everywhere. He fucks in deep, pulls Jared’s hair hard, and that sting is exactly the catalyst Jared needed; he lets go, goes under, with Jensen repeating it like an echo: “Mine.” 
“We can protect you,” Sam declares.
“It’s not your job to take care of me,” she says defiantly. 
“I want to help. I can—”
“Because you don’t have enough to deal with?” she scoffs, but she’s blinking back tears. “What about you?” 
Sam shrugs. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I can’t. I’d rather have you safe than—” 
She practically throws herself at him, hugging him so hard it knocks the air out of his lungs, and Sam closes his eyes, holding her tight. 
“Cut!” Rich yells. 
For a moment, Jared’s frozen, caught in the scene, and he has to forcefully wrench himself back out. Her arms are still wrapped around him, her face buried in his chest, and he can feel the way she inhales, shaky, before pulling away. 
“You okay?” he asks. His voice cracks. She gives him a watery smile. 
“That was… wow,” Rich says, grinning from ear to ear. “Nailed it. That’s a wrap for today. Get some rest, you deserve it.”
Jared’s stuck in Sam’s skin, and it sucks. He’s never been good at keeping his own emotions neat and tidy; add Sam’s weight-of-the-world mess on top of that, and he’s a wreck. 
Jared looks around automatically for Jensen, but Jensen’s been in production meetings all day, doing important director things. He texts instead: 
Done soon? Duckin weird heavy day
Meant fuckin obv, no ducks involved
Ugh miss you
He heads back to his chair and starts gathering up his stuff, and she comes up next to him without a word, slipping an arm around his waist and giving him a sideways squeeze. He sighs and turns into it, bundling her up in his arms, softer and sweeter than the hug their characters just shared. She doesn’t let go, and after a moment he can feel the tension starting to drain away. He still doesn’t feel like him, not quite re-settled in his own skin, but… it’s getting better. 
He kisses the top of her head, getting a whiff of the unmistakable scent of her shampoo, or whatever that fruity shit is that Jared has come to know as her smell. 
“Walk over to wardrobe with me?” he asks. 
“I need a minute,” she says, the words muffled in flannel. He hates the tremor in her voice. “Before I have to walk through all the chaos. Y’know?” 
“Yeah. Want to just… sit with me, for a sec?” 
She scoots her chair over to face his, close enough that their knees are touching. For a second she just looks at him, like she’s about to ask if he’s okay and does he want to talk about it, but the answer is a resounding no and she must read that on his face. 
Jared’s always had that problem; everything he feels shows on his face. The only reason he managed to hide his feelings for Jensen for so long is that he never even acknowledged them to himself. He fidgets uncomfortably, self-conscious, and makes himself stop messing with his hair. He doesn’t really want to know what she’s seeing as she looks at him. 
She grabs his hands and holds them, palm to palm, and it takes Jared a minute to catch on; she’s playing that stupid game where she’s trying to slap the tops of his hands before he can pull them away.  
“I haven’t done this since middle school,” he says, flustered, trying to focus. “Dork.” 
He tries and fails an embarrassing number of times to get her back. 
“No fair. My hands are like five times the size of yours, they make a bigger target,” he protests. 
She giggles. “It’s true, you’ve got the bigass moose hands.” 
She takes one of his hands in both of hers, laying it palm-up and leaning in closely to inspect it. Jared smells that fruity sweet scent again, and he has to fight the urge to run his fingers through her hair. 
“Can you read palms?” he asks. 
“Mmmhmm.” She frowns down at his hand. 
“See this super faint line right here?” She traces one with the very tip of her finger; it tickles. 
Jared shivers. He’s paying attention to the feel of her soft hands more than her words, but he nods and says, “Yeah.” 
“That’s your grace line. The way it’s all fragmented and faint means you’re clumsy as fuck.” 
“This one around your middle finger is the ring of the bird. Means you’re really bad at staying angry. This one is the line of the doofus, means—” 
“Wait a second,” Jared says, laughing as the words sink in. “You’re so full of shit. I’ll give you a ring of the bird.” 
He shoves his middle finger right up in her face and uses it to poke her forehead, and she giggles, swatting his hand away. It devolves rapidly into a sort of childish slap fight. 
“Wow,” comes a low, teasing drawl, and Jared starts in his seat, turning to Jensen weirdly fast. He’s not sure why he feels like a kid caught with his hand in a cookie jar. They weren’t doing anything wrong. 
“Hey,” Jared says, breathless, and pushes his chair back awkwardly so that he’s not quite so close to her. 
He expects jealousy, but Jensen’s not doing his usual steely jaw-clench-y thing. He looks uncertain, like he’s not even sure how he feels, but his smile is genuine and warm and crinkle-eyed. 
“Feeling better?” he asks. 
“Oh! Right. I’m… yeah, actually. I’m fine.” He’s stunned by how true it is. 
“Thanks for that,” Jensen tells her quietly. 
Jared frowns. “I don’t need someone to—”
“It was mutual,” she interrupts. 
The sweet little half-smile on her face makes Jared forget his ruffled feathers. He looks between the two of them. 
“Um… to wardrobe?” he asks Jensen. 
Jensen nods and asks her, “You coming?” 
She shrugs and gives Jensen another tentative smile, and they all fall into step. Jared can’t really accept how easy it feels, but he doesn’t want to question it, at least not now.
Jared’s used to the way Jensen shuts down sometimes, the way he curls into his shell when he’s anxious or stressed, but it feels different now that they’re together. They’ve been together for a fucking year. He feels like he should know how to deal with this. 
For someone who’s remarkably direct in almost every part of his life, Jensen is a champion at stonewalling people when he really wants to; the more Jared pokes and prods, the higher the walls get. Jensen’s been edgy all day, and it’s bad enough that everyone has noticed. Jared’s pretty sure this is about him, so he’s determined to fix it; Jensen said he wasn’t threatened, but… yeah. It’s the only explanation, and it’s making Jared second-guess everything he says and does and fucking thinks, and he’s just pissing Jensen off more. 
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help?” Jared asks. 
“You can stop bouncing your knee like that, for starters,” Jensen grumbles. “And then you can stop asking me that fucking question.” 
“Nothing’s wrong,” Jensen insists stubbornly. “Okay? I just need some space.” 
Jared sighs and knuckles at his eyes. This is fucking exhausting. 
Just as he’s about to stand up, there’s a loud knock on the trailer door. 
“It’s open,” Jensen shouts reluctantly, already trying to control his own scowl. The door slams open. 
“Hey,” she says cheerfully, juggling a large paper bag and a tray of coffee cups as she tries to shut the door behind herself. 
“I got it,” Jared says, jumping up to help. She gives him a grateful smile and shoves the coffee tray at him. One of them has his name scrawled on the side. “Wait, really? For me?” 
“Your favorite.” 
“You’re my favorite,” he says, and immediately wants to smack himself in the forehead. “I mean—”
“S’okay, she’s my favorite right now too,” Jensen admits dryly. 
“You mentioned wanting to try that new place, right?” She plops the bag down on the table and makes herself at home next to Jensen on the couch. Jared’s still standing awkwardly, hovering, not sure what to do with himself. 
“The bakery?” Jensen asks. She caught him off-guard before he could fully put on his polite mask with the camera-ready smile. He doesn’t seem to know how to feel about that. 
“Yeah! I got a little of everything, figured we should taste test.” 
“You didn’t have to do that,” Jensen protests. She just waves a macaron at him until he caves, biting it right out of her hand and making a deliriously happy noise. 
“Don’t get me wrong, this was not a purely altruistic gesture,” she laughs, taking a bite of her own. “Plenty to go around.” 
She offers one to Jared, but he shakes his head ruefully. “I was just about to go.” 
Jensen glances up again, and something softens in his expression. His smile looks like an apology. 
“Stay,” he says quietly. He holds up a mini lemon tart as a peace offering. Jared takes a bite, letting out an obscene moan that’s only kinda exaggerated, before taking a seat on Jensen’s other side. 
“Okay, let’s get down to business,” she says, straight-faced as she gestures to the spread. “We have our work cut out for us.” 
“With great power comes great responsibility,” Jensen deadpans. They dig in. 
Jared’s still not entirely sure what just happened, but he doesn’t care as long as Jensen’s smiling. 
By the time they’re down to the last few cookies, Jared’s sugar-high and over-caffeinated and happier than he’s been all week. He’s also starting to suspect that maybe he’s not the cause of Jensen’s mood after all.
Jared sucks a smudge of icing off his own thumb, and there’s a flicker of heat in Jensen’s eyes as he tracks the movement. Then he shakes his head like he’s laughing at himself. 
“Be right back,” he tells them, and heads for the bathroom. 
As soon as the door closes behind him, Jared turns to look at her, wide-eyed. Her smile falters. 
“Is this okay? I know he’s been… off.” 
“That’s a nice way of saying it,” Jared laughs.
“I wanted to see if I could cheer him up.” She looks self-conscious now, which was really not the point. 
“You did. This is awesome, but — I’m just surprised he let you,” Jared admits. “I’ve known him for a long fucking time and there are still days… I don’t know.” 
“Figured if I asked, he’d just say no, so… didn’t bother asking.” She shrugs like it’s nothing. “Sometimes it’s easier to get out of your head when you’re with someone you don’t know as well, right?” 
There are about a million things Jared wants to say, but he hears the toilet flush, so he just whispers, “Thanks,” and hopes she knows how much he means it. 
“Jesus, I’m stuffed,” Jensen says, flopping back down between them. He reaches for the last raspberry puff-thing anyway and eats it in one bite, making a goofy face that’s 100% Dean, and they both laugh. He swallows and wipes his mouth, somehow managing to leave a streak of confectioner’s sugar from the corner of his lips down to his jaw. 
“You’ve got a—” Jared says, but he just leans in and licks it off. 
Jensen angles his head for a real kiss. He’s smiling, and he tastes like raspberries, and Jared really doesn’t want to stop kissing him. 
When they break apart, she looks away quickly enough to make it obvious that she was staring. Her cheeks go pink as she bites her lip. 
“I’m gonna go,” she says, fumbling for her bag. 
“Don’t,” Jared says. “Sorry, didn’t mean to go all PDA on you, just—”
She’s already heading for the door. 
“Stay?” Jensen asks softly. He clearly means it, and that makes her pause. 
“It’s almost time for me to be back on set anyway,” she says, still blushing. “I should—”
“If you’re sure, but… thank you,” Jensen says sincerely. 
“Any time!” 
She grins over her shoulder and then she’s gone before either of them can get up to hug her goodbye. Jared watches the door close behind her, disappointed, and he’s almost embarrassed to be caught staring until he realizes Jensen’s doing the same thing. 
“She’s… yeah,” Jensen muses. “Of all the people you could be crushing on? I like her.” 
Jared’s kinda mystified, because if that’s not what Jensen was upset about, he has no idea what the issue was, but he also feels a thousand pounds lighter. 
“Love you,” he blurts out. 
“Love you too,” Jensen says, pulling him in for another sugary kiss. 
There are a few moments in the next couple days when Jared can see that black cloud hovering over Jensen’s head again, but they’re shooting his episode, so Jared writes it off as director-stress. Instead of worrying, Jared just tries to distract him, and he’s amazed by how well it works. 
Of course, as soon as he’s stopped fixating on it, Jensen brings it up. All these years and it never occurred to Jared that avoiding the issue entirely would be the best way to get Jensen to talk about something he doesn’t want to fucking talk about.
“I’m sorry for being a dick this week,” he says bluntly, sitting down on the couch next to Jared and passing him a beer. 
Jared laughs, still channel-surfing. “It’s fine. Honestly. At first I thought — I don’t know. Whatever. It’s fine.” 
Jensen grabs the remote out of his hand and mutes the TV, and Jared shifts, curling a little closer so he can take in the abruptly serious expression on Jensen’s face. 
“I got a call… there’s this developer who wants to buy my property,” Jensen says. “And they’re offering a lot of money, but —” 
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Jared asks. “You were gonna sell it eventually anyway, right?” 
The tips of Jensen’s ears are pink. 
“I wanted to look at my options, and… you know. Talk to you about it.” 
Jared shrugs. “Okay. Will all your shit even fit in my house? Maybe we should get a storage unit.” 
Jensen stares at him blankly for a second. His mouth opens and closes a few times before he asks, “Seriously? That’s it?” 
“You’re talking about moving in, right?” Jared asks. “You’re always at my house anyway, it’s not — wait. Is that what you were stressing about?” 
Jensen actually glares as Jared starts to laugh. Jared gestures vaguely around at the Vancouver apartment they’ve shared for fucking years, and eventually Jensen starts laughing too, burying his face in his palms. The back of his neck is flushed, and Jared can’t fucking believe him, or this, or… the whole situation, really. 
Of all the absurd shit. 
“It just felt like a big deal,” Jensen says sheepishly. “I thought… I didn’t want to assume, and I didn’t know how long I had to decide, and I wanted to go through all my options and have it all laid out for you, because I didn’t want you to think — I don’t fucking know. Jesus. Asking someone to move in with you is generally a big deal! I was just freaking out a little.” 
“You pulled a me, in other words?” Jared asks, laughing again. Jensen jokingly tries to push him away and Jared scoots closer. 
Jensen always seems so sure about things. Jared forgets, sometimes, that he worries too. 
“It was a busy week, and I didn’t want to just jump into it, because if you said no and it turned into a whole big thing I worried it would get in the way when I was directing, and — fucking hell. You hate it when I say ‘we need to have a conversation about something but not right now.’” 
“Well, yeah,” Jared huffs. “That’s the worst. But you could’ve at least told me it wasn’t my fault!” 
Jensen makes a dismissive sound. “Why the fuck would it be your fault?” 
“I mean… yeah, nothing happened, why would you —” 
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Jared half-shouts, torn between exasperation and laughter. “I thought you were jealous! I told you I was attracted to somebody else, and — for fuck’s sake.” 
“Did something happen with her, since we talked about that?” Jensen asks. Jared has a momentary urge to smack him. 
“No. Obviously not. I just thought…” 
They both just stare at each other, and then Jensen starts shaking his head slowly as realization dawns. Jared laughs, giddy and almost hysterical, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes. 
“Did you think I was just going to sulk about it for a few days without telling you, and then… what, end it?” Jensen asks, as if it’s insane. 
Jared shrugs helplessly. “I mean… yeah, I guess.” 
Jensen sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he chooses his words. For a moment Jared thinks he’s angry, but when Jensen looks at him again, there’s nothing but this raw tenderness all over his face. 
“Look,” he says, slow and deliberate. “I know I go all caveman when other people try to flirt with you, but it’s not because I don’t trust you. Okay?” 
“That’s not —” 
“Hang on. Hear me out here. You can’t beat yourself up for looking at someone, Jared. Or for pheromones, or what-fucking-ever. You can’t. I don’t care who else you look at, as long as you still want me, at the end of the day. Relax, okay?” 
Jensen’s hands curl around his upper arms, holding him firmly, until Jared rests his forehead against Jensen’s and takes a deep breath. 
“You really don’t mind?” 
“I don’t. I’m fucking seriously in love with you, and I need you to know that you can tell me anything. It’s not going to change the way I feel about you. Just fucking tell me, and then we can deal with it together. As long as you’re honest.” 
Jared can’t help but ask, “Do I need to point out how hypocritical —” 
“Don’t even start,” Jensen laughs. “That’s different. Asking someone to make a huge fucking life change with you is different from… feeling guilty for thinking a girl is cute, or whatever. She’s fucking cute. You’re not blind.” 
“You don’t think I’m an asshole?” His voice cracks. 
“What? Why would I?”  
“I feel like… I feel like the luckiest person in the fucking world, Jay, you’ve gotta know that.” Jared’s tearing up, because of course he is, and the intensity in Jensen’s expression isn’t helping, but the words start to spill out faster: “I never thought I could have this. This — us — it’s better than anything I ever fucking imagined, and it’s not like you’re not enough for me. You’re… this is everything to me. So how the fuck do I still want more? I don’t deserve this, let alone —”
He bites his lip to cut himself off. He didn’t realize he was going to say that out loud. It’s a little too true. 
“Look at me,” Jensen growls, fierce and almost angry. 
“Sorry,” Jared half-laughs, wiping away tears. 
“First of all, you deserve the fucking universe,” Jensen says flatly, like it’s a very simple fact. “And even if you didn’t, I don’t give a shit, I’d still do anything to make you happy.” He brings his hands to Jared’s face, holding him so that he can’t look away. “But also? You feel more than anyone else I’ve ever met. If anybody’s got enough love for two people, it’d be you.” 
Jared snorts. “It’s not like it could actually happen, it’s just —” 
“Why not? As much as you like to think you’re a goddamn trailblazer, this isn’t revolutionary,” Jensen retorts, all snark. “Polyamory is a thing that people do. You can date her while you’re with me. Everybody can get what they want here.” 
“Even if it was that simple—” Jared knows it’s not that simple. “—she’s not interested in me, so—” 
Jensen cuts him off: “You’re an idiot. She’s fucking crazy about you.” 
He looks fond and exasperated and very sure of himself, and for a moment, Jared wonders if maybe he’s right. Then he shakes his head, trying to articulate how he feels. 
“I think… I’d feel weird if it wasn’t something I could share with you,” he says honestly. “I like sharing things with you. I want to share everything with you.” 
Jensen’s expression goes soft and painfully sweet. “Sap.” 
Jared shrugs. He can’t really deny that one. He leans in and kisses Jensen instead. 
Jensen grabs him and physically hauls him closer, until they’re all tangled together, and kisses him again, hard enough to bruise. 
“Is there anything else we need to get out in the open?” Jared asks wryly, when they finally break for air. “Now that we’ve established we’re both fucking morons who need to talk to each other?” 
“Fuck it, while we’re on the subject of sharing.” Jensen looks at him intently. His lips are all red and swollen. “The whole threesome thing? Just for the record, I was dead fuckin’ serious about being into that idea.” 
“Oh,” Jared says blankly. “But what if —” 
Jensen curls a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him closer, smirking. “Stop thinking. Not right fucking now. Not when we’re filming with her for a week solid,” he says, because he can read Jared’s mind. “Someday.” 
“Someday,” Jared agrees. 
“You ate those cookies,” Jensen says. 
Jared’s stomach swoops. He recognizes it now, the way she’s holding herself rigid, the panic that shows around her dark dilated pupils; he can feel it like it was yesterday, overwhelming and out of control and fucking humiliating. 
“Fuck,” he says, shaking his head. What the fuck else can he say? 
She stammers, squeezing her eyes shut like she’s refusing to think about it: “Drugs? Were the cookies drugged? Why do I feel…”
“Like if you don’t get some dick you’re gonna die?” he says bluntly. Her eyes go wide. “Been there.” 
“What did you — um.” 
It’s so fucking strange, thinking back to that night, just like it’s strange thinking about anything that happened before they were together. He remembers the electricity between them, the intensity of it, the way it felt to touch Jensen for the first time… he looks sideways at Jensen and knows he’s remembering it too. 
“I’ll go back to my room,” she says, her voice strained and scared. 
“Needs to be another person,” Jared says. His throat feels clogged, and the words come out thick and clumsy. “Believe me, I tried. But if you’re okay with it…”
His voice falters as he realizes what he’s actually offering. For a split-second, Jared feels guilty, like he brought this on somehow by sheer force of wishful thinking. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, though. Jared looks at Jensen helplessly, but Jensen’s watching her, brow furrowed with concern, and Jared is reminded (forcefully) that this isn’t about him. 
“We’ve got you,” Jensen finishes, warm and sure. 
She shakes her head. “I can’t ask —” 
“You’re not asking.”  
She looks so scared. Jared remembers that part, too: he didn’t want to look Jensen in the eyes, because he was so fucking certain he’d see disgust there, or pity, or something fucking awful like that. 
Jared empathizes so intensely that he feels sick for a second. He flounders, wondering what he can say to put her at ease, make her feel wanted, and then he chuckles to himself, realizing that the truth is probably his best option here.  
“It’s not like it’s a fucking hardship, y’know? Have you seen you?” 
It shocks a laugh out of her, at least. Jared counts it as a win. 
Then she squeezes her eyes closed again, face screwed-up and anguished, and all Jared can think about is getting rid of that pained expression. He settles on the bed next to her, takes the cool washcloth off her forehead and strokes her hair carefully, hating the way she’s frowning. She turns to look at him, and he feels like he’s about to burst with the urge to just bundle her up in a bear hug and protect her. 
“Yeah, okay,” she says abruptly, soft but sure. “Yes.” 
“C’mere then.” 
Jared slides closer, resting a hand ever-so-gently on the curve of her waist, and she rolls onto her side to face him, eyes huge and desperate. Jensen is settling at her back. She fits so neatly between the two of them. She’s trembling, but it’s okay; Jared’s pretty sure he is too. He glances over her shoulder at Jensen. 
Jensen just smiles, saying without words it’s okay and I’ve got you and together, and the last of Jared’s worries evaporate. 
“You’re gonna have to stop thinking so hard,” he tells her gently, because he knows that expression a little too well. Jensen lets out a quiet snort of laughter, which is fair, because Jared saying that to someone else is like the pot telling the kettle to stop being black. 
Then he’s cupping her cheek, tilting her chin, kissing her, and the noise in his head goes silent, for once; everything goes silent, just evaporates the fuck away, and all Jared can feel is the sweet soft shape of her lips as they part, the slick slide of her tongue, the way she sighs… he can feel her just melting into it, and there’s something about it that takes his breath away. She goes pliant in his arms, relaxing completely, like every muscle in her body is showing him: I trust you. The enormity of that trust is what has him spinning with need, rocketing from zero to sixty in five seconds flat. 
There’s a warmth blossoming in Jared’s chest that is so far beyond a crush it’s not even funny. He’s pretty sure he’s fucked, but he can’t think about that, not now, not with the way she’s responding, surging up to meet him and draw him in deeper. The only thing that matters right now is taking care of her. He just wants to make her feel good; the rest can wait. He’ll deal with his own cracked-open heart tomorrow. 
For a moment Jared’s convinced it was all a dream, but when he opens his eyes, she’s the first thing he sees. She’s curled up with her hands tucked under her chin, oddly childlike, and her face is totally serene. 
She’s beautiful in a way that still takes him by surprise every time he looks at her. 
Jesus pogo-jumping Christ. Jared is fucked. 
Before he can really spiral out about it, though, Jensen is stirring at his back. Jared rolls over, muscles complaining about last night’s exertion, and he sprawls out half on top of Jensen, trying to keep his breathing even. Jensen runs a hand through Jared’s tangled hair, finger-combing gently. 
“So that was… pretty amazing,” Jensen whispers, so quiet Jared barely catches the words. 
There’s a question on the tip of his tongue and he’s burning to hear the answer, but he’s pretty sure it’s a bad idea to just spit it out like this. 
Because he’s apparently a mind reader now, Jensen answers the question anyway: “I would really love to do that again.” 
Jared exhales slowly. “Same.” 
“But… I think it’s going to be complicated. Emotionally.” 
Apparently they’re just diving the fuck into this. 
Jared closes his eyes, trying to ignore the ache in his chest. He shifts, sliding on top of Jensen, propped up on his elbows. He pauses like that for a moment, taking in the pillow creases on Jensen’s cheek and the concern in his eyes. 
Jensen hesitates, lips twitching down into a nervous frown before he continues: “I knew how you felt about her, but — well, I guess you’re not the only one.” 
Jared blinks down at him. “What are you saying?” 
Jensen reaches up and traces the line of Jared’s jaw, then his lower lip, and Jared brushes a clumsy kiss to the side of his knuckle. Jensen smiles, looking a little more sure of himself. 
“Watching the two of you — I think it could be more. The three of us could be… something. It felt right.” He frowns. “Tell me that wasn’t just me?” 
There’s this crazy swell of emotion happening in Jared’s chest, and he’s afraid he might choke on it for a moment. He kisses Jensen, smiling into it, and Jensen’s hands slide up his back, making his skin tingle in their wake. 
Jared hesitates. “What if she — I don’t think she feels —” 
“I think she’s been almost as deep in denial about this as you have,” Jensen says gently. “I don’t think she’s allowed herself to consider it, because of me, and if she knew…” 
“What if —” Jared sneaks a glance at her; she’s still sleeping peacefully. He doesn’t know how to finish that sentence.
“If this is gonna work, we need to lay it all out for her,” Jensen says, so quiet that Jared feels the vibration of the words more than he hears them. “Even if it’s just sex for her, or… if this was a one-time deal. We gotta be honest with her.” 
“That sounds like a terrible fucking idea,” Jared says honestly. “How does that not scare the shit out of you?” 
Jensen just shrugs. “It does, a little bit. But… you’re the only thing that matters, when it comes down to it. As long as we’re in this together, the rest doesn’t seem too scary.” 
It sounds so fucking simple when he puts it like that. 
“Yeah, okay,” Jared whispers, leaning down to kiss him again. “Together.” 
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Meme
I was tagged by my beloved @hils79, whose answers to this were so??? nice???? and good??? i was like HILLLSSSSS MY LOOOOVVVEEEE esp. with their spicy opinion like. it was very good. 
name: Brigid! But slutspeare on ao3!
fandoms: hoo doggy. uhhhhh I wrote fic for Percy Jackson, Sherlock, the Avengers, and Doctor Who in Ye Olden Days on FF.net, but now I mostly write DMBJ fic, which, tbh, is really the only fandom that I like writing fic for at this point?? I think it’s because of the people lmao. And also the extremely versatile ways I can use the characters
two-shot: I don’t think I have a two-shot? I have some two-parter series, either finished or in the works, but for me it’s either one-shot or many-shots. I like two-shots though! They’re always very good bc More Content but with the neat formatting of a one-shot
most popular multi-chapter fic: A Swiftly Tilting Planet yooooooo! I mean to be fair it’s also my only multi-chapter fic but
actual worst part of writing: SUMMARIES i’m literally so bad at summaries. they’re all either short or don’t actually make sense bc I’m literally terrible at writing them. I also hate the feeling where the fic is all inside you and wants to come out but you don’t have enough time/energy/typing speed to get it out there quick enough
how you choose your titles: they’re usually song lyrics or lines from poems lmao. I’m also not great at titles. the FoBa Psychic Detective AU is gonna be called You Don’t Recognize the Bodies in the Water, which is from a weird-ass TikTok I saw the other day so uhhhhh take my titling ability as being Non-Existant
do you outline: YES ok so i was adamantly against outlining for like. my entire writing career bc i was like “it’s a waste of time, idk what’s going to happen, i find it out as i write” and then i outlined Swiftly Tilting and banged that one out SO fucking quick. Like, even just having a basic idea of where you want to go before you start makes writing SO much easier. how did i not discover this hack earlier. Also, you don’t even have to stick with it! You can change it as you discover things! Like! Ah! 
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: hmmmm i don’t know! There’s like! so many! and most of them I could conceivably get around to, but it might be awhile. I have a vague idea for a Swiftly Tilting prequel about the m9 ship crew, and also a Vincenzo fic about vinnie and luca being IN LOVE because they ARE but i don’t know if I have enough passion in me to write for that show. other than that, though, is just like. a veritable cascade of ideas waiting (ooohh like the Jia Kezi/Li Jiale ghost roommate oneshot based on the hit BL drama He’s Coming to Me? i would LOVE to write that one but idk if it will happen). aslighalkdsfjladkjf @vishcount I also had a SOTUS-dream last night where Arthit discovers a secret plot at the college that involves a gun full of bees that Kongpob’s mother developed and he has to keep it hidden from the Bad Guys who want to use it to create like, fuckin, superpowered swimmers?? also there was a lot of angst involved bc Arthit was a swimmer in high school for some reason and then something happened oh wait oh shit I realize why that was, it’s because Krist was in that one show where he played a swimmer in high school and it was very angsty. Ok my brain makes sense now. Also BTS was there. 
callouts @ me: i love u. slow down u maniac.
best writing traits: oh gosh uhhhhhhh ok I don’t want this to sound like i’m bragging or full of myself but like. I’m fucking good at writing. There’s definitely stuff that I need to work on, and maybe i should edit things a little more but like??? bitch!!!! you’re good at this!!! this is your job!!! idk I spent so much time being like “aw shit what if I’m actually not that good what if everyone who reads my stuff is just being nice and saying that they like it and it actually sucks” but i’ve looked back on some of the things i’ve done recently and I’m like, actually a good writer. I mean I’ve been practicing for a long time, so it stands to reason that I would be decent by now. But SHIT like. I’m doing ok! and I’m still a baby! I can only get better! 
spicy tangential opinion: I don’t know if I really have any writing Hot Takes? oh wait i guess i do have one sort of. I think the “fake it until you make it” saying is also super applicable to writing, bc in college I was like “ok what if I just make this as Pretentious Sounding As Possible” and everyone was like “omgggg ur so goooodddd this proseee” and i was like “oh damn i didn’t realize that would work.” and now my ace ass writes straight p*rn romance novels for a living. like I genuinely don’t know what I’m doing half the time, but if you put your work out there with confidence and the knowledge that someone will want to read it, someone is going to read it. also u don’t have to know what a penis looks like to write Sex Involving Penises. You’ve just gotta be good at metaphors. 
this was so fun! I love answering questions! I’m gonna tag @vishcount, @lacommunarde, @gaiahenshin, @merinnan, @bookjoyworm, @humanlighthouse, and @undyingsunshine for this one, if you haven’t already been tagged (but as always, no pressure)! also, anyone else who would like to do it, pls tag steal from me!!! love u bbs, hope you’re having a great day! 
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madampince-rph · 4 years
everybody always makes alice longbottom in the same families: fortescue, selwyn, prewett. which do you think is best? or do you have better suggestion? thnx
Honestly I really don’t like Alice as a Prewett. It doesn’t make sense to me. I mean we know that Molly is really big on family, basically adopting Harry after five minutes conversation, so if Neville was a nephew or something like that don’t you think she’d have been part of his childhood? Even just a small part? Don’t you think the Weasley children would consider him family, even distant family, if he was a direct Prewett descendant? Making Alice a Prewett makes me uncomfortable, because if you project that lineage out to what we get in the books later it just doesn’t work. imo: bad idea, one of the worst.
Between Fortescue and Selwyn, I prefer Selwyn. We don’t get to really meet any Selwyns in the books – just one Death Eater who shows up briefly – but we have a nice little encounter with Florean Fortescue, and he seems like a friendly sort of guy. Someone who would likely have made at least a token effort to be involved in the childhood of a basically-orphaned little kid whom everyone thought was a Squib, if he had been part of Neville’s family. And while there is nothing in the books that says he and Neville weren’t family or friendly, the fact that Florean hangs out with Harry for a summer and doesn’t mention anything about Neville – a boy who is in not just the same year as Harry, but the same house – well, it just reads as off. Or that is it would read as off, if Neville was a relative of Florean, because that seems like the kind of thing that would have come up in conversation even if he and Neville weren’t personally close. But when Harry is summarizing his weeks in Diagon Alley, he doesn’t say “Florean Fortescue, Neville’s uncle who ran the ice cream parlor…” or anything like that, which leaves anyone trying to make that canon connection the responsibility of answering the question, why not? Why would Florean not introduce himself via Neville when he met Harry? Why would Harry not reference Florean’s connection to his housemate? I’m not saying you can’t make it work, that it’s impossible to come up with a way to make Alice a Fortescue without making later events in the books go wonky – but you definitely need to make that effort to craft that backstory.
Honestly having Alice be directly related to anyone we meet in the books who interacts with Harry in any sort of extended and friendly fashion doesn’t really work for me, because it feels awkward for them to never mention something about “oh you got to school with my nephew, Neville, he talks about you all the time!” or so on, you know? And again, it’s not impossible to do it and do it well, but it is something you have to tackle because when you’re writing a prequel (which is what Marauders Era stuff is if you think about it): you have to be very conscious of the canon that is going to come later and how what you’re writing now that’s new works alongside what was written previously about what is going to happen next. I think we’re all familiar with badly done prequel stories that don’t quite mesh with their later-slash-earlier installments, so I expect you get what I mean when I say that that kind of attention to detail matters!
(Also tbh most of the time when I see Alice linked to a family like that, one of the “nice ones” we meet, her background tends to read as pretty “Mary Sue-ish” anyway. You know what I mean: the sort of OC-insert character who ~conveniently~ has really close family ties to other characters we know and she’s suuuuuper important in their lives and oh-so-special and…basically it just makes you think of bad fanfics, right? The kind you write when you’re twelve and want to burn later? Maybe that’s just me idk, but any time I see the name “Alice Fortescue” I cringe because I think I know what’s coming, and sadly I’m usually right.)
Anyway, basically the thing that I think is important to keep in mind when crafting a backstory for Alice is what we learn about Neville’s upbringing: he was raised by his paternal grandmother. He had a family of busybody relatives who sent him lots of advice on what classes to take and who all thought he was a Squib when he was little and did awful things to try and get his magic to show itself (the doing of which seemed very casual, almost like he was an afterthought, as evinced by him being dropped out the window once when someone wanted desert). No one thought he was important or talented. His grandmother takes him to visit his parents in St. Mungo’s on holidays. She acts very familiar to her daughter-in-law (although admittedly she’s spent about fourteen years visiting her in the closed ward by then, so there’s no telling what their relationship was like back when Alice had her full faculties) and worn-out by it all, although still fiercely proud of her son’s talents (and later her grandson’s, at least once he finally “lives up to” what she wanted from him after the fighting against Voldemort starts).
From here on out this is admittedly all extrapolation, but going off of what we know: it has always seemed to me as though there are a lot of Longbottoms of Augusta’s generation or around that age but not a lot of younger ones, and Alice’s family doesn’t seem to be involved in things with Neville much at all. We know she’s a pure-blood, because Neville is, so it’s not a situation like with Lily – but we also know that the family line means a lot to most pure-blood families. So from that we can draw the assumption that for whatever reason, Alice’s son doesn’t matter much to her side of the family, even though one would think he ought to. Is that because she comes from a huge family, so the Squib-ish son of the girl who went mad and got locked up in St. Mungo’s isn’t someone they need to spend much thought on? Is that because she comes from a family that has almost died-out and there just aren’t many of them left to care about him? Is it because they don’t consider him part of “their” family as much as they do “a Longbottom” because the maternal line doesn’t matter to them as much? Is it because Alice herself had a falling-out with her family so they severed ties before Neville was born?Is it because her family and the Longbottoms just don’t get along (either for reasons that existed at the time Alice and Frank got married, which she did despite her family’s wishes, or for reasons that cropped-up later – perhaps over the side that Alice and Frank chose in the war, or perhaps they blame him for what happened to her, etc etc?) so they don’t want to have anything to do with the Longbottoms...who might not welcome them anyway even if they did?
The last option makes me like the Selwyn idea because we know the Selwyns are pure-bloods at least in part (from the fact that Umbridge claims their lineage when sporting Slytherin’s locket) and we know that at least one of them was a Death Eater. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean the whole family was a bunch of blood-supremacists of course, but it does give us more potential to play with than we get from the Fortescues or the Ollivanders (or the Prewetts), I believe. Giving Alice a family that is: a) majority pro-voldemort or b) mixed between pro-voldemort/pro-dumbledore or even c) majority pro-dumbledore but with a few outcast death eaters provides a much more interesting and idea-fertile background, I think, for both her and her son.
To that end I’m thinking that if you really want to tie Alice in with a family that has members we know well – maybe one that provides you with relatives who will also be played in your game without adding a bunch of OCs – you can always go with the Lestranges. That’s an idea that occurred to me recently that I really, really like. Make her a cousin or second-cousin or so forth to Rodolphus and Rabastan. Not a sister; if she was that closely related to them the dialogue we get between Bellatrix and Neville later gets awkward because there’s no way she wouldn’t introduce herself as his “auntie” to drive the spikes in deeper, not if they had that kind of connection – but some sort of relation, anyway. Then you get to add another layer of intensity to a bunch of canon things without having to actually twist canon at all:
Why did Voldemort pick the Potters and their half-blood son to go after first, before the pure-blood boy? Maybe it wasn’t just because he and Harry shared the same blood-status; maybe it was because the pure-blood was related to his most loyal servant so he figured he’d start with the stranger (either because he thought Harry would be easier to deal with, or because he trusted Bella and her boys to be quick to deal with the Longbottoms if they got troublesome in the meantime).
Why did the Lestranges go after the Longbottoms when they wanted information about Voldemort’s whereabouts? Maybe it wasn’t just because they were Aurors who knew Ministry secrets and were part of the Order; maybe it was because they were family. We know that Bellatrix is enthusiastic about the prospect of pruning traitors out of her family tree after all, an idea that she would probably extend to her relatives-by-marriage even if the Lestrange brothers didn’t share that fatal familial enthusiasm for themselves…although they probably do.
Why did the Lestranges torture the Longbottoms so much that they lost their minds permanently, when surely that meant going far beyond the point of their actually being able to get any answers from them? Maybe it wasn’t just because they got carried away and liked the fun of it so they kept going even when it wasn’t useful any more; maybe it was exacerbated by the fact that Alice and Frank were family and they needed to be punished for choosing the wrong side. Maybe it was personal.
If Alice was a Lestrange before her marriage, then tension between the Longbottoms and the Lestranges gets ratcheted-up about a thousand points in all areas, both regarding the things that happen in the books and their relationships before. It puts her in a position similar to Sirius and Andromeda, where the battle lines are drawn between the branches on her own family tree and she has to decide how far she is willing to go for what she believes in, even when she knows the person looking back at her out of that silver mask.
The First Wizarding War divided people against their own family and friends and too often we get mired in extreme black-and-white ideas of good and evil sides, forgetting that there are a lot more shades of gray (just ask Sirius). Since we know so little about Alice, she’s a perfect opportunity to explore that nuance and making her related to a few Death Eaters (of any family) is a great way to play around with that. Honestly I have like a hundred different ideas of things that could be done with such an Alice so if you want to build one and you’re drawing a blank please hit me up I will gladly gush to you!
tl;dr Alice Selwyn = yes, that’s interesting. Alice Fortescue = a whole lot of meh and a little awkward. Alice Prewett = please no that causes more problems than it does anything else. Also consider as an option: Alice Lestrange.
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andorlorian · 4 years
ok here is my star wars movie ranking because tumblr drafts ate my original one. this is literally only for me I like to format my thoughts on things I like and return to them later. these rankings are not as harsh to the movies as you think, the only movies I actively dislike are aotc and tros!
empire strikes back
a new hope
rogue one
the original episode ix script: duel of the fates
the force awakens
return of the jedi
revenge of the sith
the last jedi
the phantom menace
attack of the clones
the rise of skywalker
some reasoning:
empire and a new hope are pretty much equal to me in terms of quality, story, characters, everything. they are perfect and i love them so much. empire is just slightly ahead of anh. solid 12/10 for both of em
the first time I watched rogue one at like age 12 I was like "oh I didn't rly like it" "I didn't remember the characters" so that was a fucking lie. this movie is honestly my favorite now what the HELL. the characters are incredible, they feel like real people with real motivations and problems. the cinematography and writing and visuals and ugh everything. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MOVIE. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. 11/10 nostalgia is the only thing keeping me from ranking this number one
ok i know that duel of the fates doesn't actually exist and isn't a movie but if it did it would be here on my ranking list. most of the arcs for each of the characters are incredible (the exception being poe, whose arc isn't as good). finn, rey, rose, kylo ren, leia, even hux all have amazing arcs. it pulls from all corners of star wars; you can tell colin trevorrow did his homework. 9/10 I love it
the force awakens is SO GOOD yall. it's SO good. you guys are just mean. 8/10 I love it
return of the jedi is this low down bc this is the less fun movie of the trilogy. I actually don't like the whole beginning sequence on tatooine and I'm meh on the ewoks but the ending on the new death star and the emperor and luke's whole new look are all amazing. 7/10 big fan
revenge of the sith is what the whole prequels were building to and it did not disappoint!! I love this movie!! unfortunately it does suffer from Prequel Disease (bad writing, effects that didn't age too well imo, lukewarm acting), though not as horrifically as others on this list. plus in this movie I think the bad parts work really well and add to it. 7/10 wonderful movie
ok i think putting the last jedi here is controversial but HEAR ME OUT, it's actually pretty good. it's not amazing, but it's certainly an enjoyable film that explores interesting concepts. it loses a lot of points for how disappointing the canto bight sequence is and a little for taking luke's change a bit too far. 7/10 I really like it
solo is really really fun. a lot of people don't like this movie which I honestly can't understand because it's sort of everything you want from star wars. han solo + lando are cast really well, the story is a lot of fun, I am a darth maul shill so I didn't mind that. 7/10 very solid very fun
the phantom menace is boring. it's just boring. I love some bits of it a lot (padmé and naboo are incredible) and other bits I don't (qui-gon does not have the good vibes I think they had intended, he's mean to obi-wan and leaves shmi behind mainly because he doesn't care?). I like the podracing scene and I love young anakin, but strongly dislike jar jar + the gungans. 6/10 would rewatch but wouldn't overly enjoy it
I first put attack of the clones dead last, and objectively speaking that is where it belongs, but in my heart it is higher than tros. when I first watched this movie I absolutely hated it. anakin was creepy, the plot was a little too convoluted, geonosis as a setting isn't really fun to watch, it is the EPITOME of Prequel Disease. however, it has really grown on me. whenever I hear "I don't like sand" I giggle. I love anidala, so even though it isn't fun to watch then fall in love in this movie, I can imagine how it should have been. plus without this movie, the clone wars wouldn't exist. as a movie I would not enjoy rewatching it but I like it way more than the actual last movie. 5/10 not a fan tbh
you already knew this but the rise of skywalker is bad. its worst transgression is being incredibly disappointing. it took all of my favorite bits of the last jedi and just kind of threw them out. poe has a really bad and gross backstory, they no-homo finn and poe like 3 times, finn doesn't even get an arc??, reylo is incredibly Not It, do I even need to mention palpatine. it's only positives are that as a movie on its own its like. alright. the acting isn't bad, the main trio gets to hang out (the jedistormpilot of it all. I love them) and it looks really pretty. 5/10 i expected more
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necromancy-savant · 4 years
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@harry-leroy’s Shakespeare Appreciation Week: Villains Day - Richard III.
Pictured: the tattoo on my left leg, inspired by one of his speeches.
Long post under the cut:
I more or less skipped favorite play(s) day cause I figured it’d be better to wait to talk about my favorite character who happens to be a villain. When I was 18, I was told in a class I was taking (skipping more often than not tbh and not doing the reading) that Shakespeare could write about anyone, that he had captured a full range of human experience. Being someone who can’t relate to most people, I thought that was bullshit, assuming he could never have written anything that would speak to me personally. I was so wrong.
6 years later, during my second attempt at college, I was assigned to read Richard III for a Shakespeare class. Now, I was already loving the class and loving Shakespeare at that point. I had enjoyed Shakespeare in high school (though admittedly not as much as Milton) but was getting so much more out of his plays upon revisiting them and finding a deep interest in them.
I had been talking with my professor after class one day about how in 8th grade everyone in my grade (mind you it was a private middle school and there were 43 of us, actually making us one of the largest grades) was assigned a Shakespeare monologue that we had to perform (if you’re curious, I was not out as trans at the time and I was given Viola’s ring monologue and had NO idea what to do with it - I was also ace even though I didn’t have a word for it yet.)
My professor said she used to assign students to memorize at least 14 lines (so they could pick a sonnet or a monologue) and offered that it might be fun to let us do it for extra credit, and I jumped on it. I had enjoyed memorizing my lines (which was not required) for an assignment we did where we had to perform a scene and was eager to have a second chance to do a monologue, this time one of my choosing. I remembered the second day of class when we were given a few lines of the opening monologue from Richard III to provide examples of Shakespeare’s figurative language, and we were given a summary of the monologue. I was sitting there thinking “you’re telling me there’s a Shakespeare play with an ace villain protagonist?!” but immediately dismissed the thought, not wanting to get my hopes up.
But when I started reading the lines to decide if it might be a good one for me to learn, what I saw reflected back at me was the exact way I had felt my whole life, not only put into words but done so better than I could have ever done. It was uncanny. The first time I read it aloud I got choked up, and I tried to preserve that in the way I said those particular words even as it became rote memory because it was an authentic reaction to speaking them.
Needless to say, I immediately devoured the rest of the play in one night even though we weren’t due to read it for another month (don’t worry, I read it again to prepare for class.) I didn’t want to get my hopes up that I would like it through to the end and wouldn’t disappoint me in any way and it did not. I then realized I’d been blessed with a prequel and read 3H6 that weekend and it gave me my favorite scene and speech in the canon. By the time I got to class to discuss The Tempest I had completely forgotten about it. I practiced that Richard III monologue every day for a month and bared my soul for the class, and I sort of had a realization that when acting I could just...say a bunch of stuff I wouldn’t cveven dare say in therapy, and the more open I let myself be the more people will think I’m just faking it. That’s when I decided I wanted to be in a real play.
I’ve always thought it was a little weird that I connected so strongly to Richard. I am not physically disabled. I am trans, ace, and autistic/adhd. I certainly have a lot of body issues and I’ve always felt like a different species. “Deformed” - that was the word I used to describe how I felt physically in high school, when I was grappling with being trans. And I’ve always felt lacking in the things that supposedly make someone human. Of course, I’ve managed to make much better choices than Richard does, but I was extremely angry and isolated for most of my life and it can be cathartic to watch someone else do all the destructive stuff you yourself wouldn’t.
This past year I wrote about him (solely in the context of Shakespeare) for my Master’s degree, diving into some of the intersections of gender nonconformity, asexuality, and disability (and man are there a lot more than I expected.) I would never want to downplay the ways you can read this character for disability studies, but one of the things I noticed is that for him it’s presented as something purely cosmetic - there’s no consideration about how Richard has to accommodate himself to exist in the world, only about how he looks. And it sort of clicked for me that that, while definitely an inaccurate and insidious idea about disability to think that it’s just about looking different, is part of what allowed me to see myself in him. And it was validating to find through my research that it wasn’t just me seeing stuff that wasn’t there: a lot of these lines really could be taken a couple different ways due to the intersections of how our culture thinks about these things.
I guess what I’m saying is, I know what it’s like to beat myself up over things about my appearance that other people probably don’t even notice. And I know what it’s like to be alone, to be desperate, and to wonder if the only way to be noticed is to be powerful. And unlike so, so many other works of fiction, Shakespeare will always be special to me because he made room for me in his world.
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egg2k16 · 4 years
40 Fanfic Q’s Answered
the server wants answers, and they want them now!!! from this post
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Smut and pining all the way. Also, falling in love via laughing
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Eh...I don’t think so, I’m always 100% self-indulgent, so what u see is what I want
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Anything that has to do w mega sadness, I just Don’t. I can’t write anything sad, and if I do, there’s certainly gonna be A Lot of comfort afterwards
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
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I have 91 wips, motherfuckers!!! My latest wip is a daddy month fic!
5. Share one of your strengths.
I think, since I’ve been trying to be sparser in my words, I’ve been able to better emphasize what isn’t being said
6. Share one of your weaknesses.
No action scenes from me are ever good, lmao
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
It was late at night, when he started to cry.
He didn't want to cry, but he did.
It's been years since he's last let himself feel, or was it since he was last allowed to feel?
He choked on his sobs, uncomfortable with his tears. He's forgotten how to properly cry. His entire body is shaking, and the connections between flesh and wire hurts.
He stops crying. He starts crying again.
This continues for another few minutes, until he feels as if he can't possibly have any more tears.
He wipes his face, pulls the covers up to his chin, and falls asleep.
(from Twilight on the Sea) I really like this bcus I don’t think I’ve ever really typed out crying in this way, n I tried to make it feel like it was a lot
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Cass was quiet for a moment. “... you know what? Maybe I’ll just go up there and surprise you.”
“If you do, then you already ruined the surprise, haven’t you?”
“Eh, I dunno about that. Seeing my beautiful face is a shock for many people.”
“Oh, I’m sure of it.”
“Hey, Koda? I don’t know about you, but it’s really late here.”
“Really?” Koda asks, then remembers that time zones exist. “Oh crap, what time is it over there?”
“It’s midnight. What about you?”
“It’s eight o’clock. Only four hours difference?”
“Oh hey, that’s not so bad.”
“It reduces our time,” Koda said, a bit whining.
“Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“What are you going to do? Move here? Send for me?”
“You’ll see.”
(from Together) This was a gift for one my best friends on here, @suncatchr​ , and it’s about his ocs!!! I love this a lot bcus while it’s a soulmate au, it’s not ur average soulmate au, and I tried making it as original as possible! And this blurb, I just wanted them to effuse so much love w/o having to say love...cries
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
If this is by posted fics, then I remember writing Look What You’ve Done to Me was very very difficult, bcus, since it’s also a gift, for @daniel-bryan​ , I wanted to write it Good, n since my buddy usually wrote from the love interest’s pov, I felt a weird pressure to write Daniel Bryan’s pov as good as I could
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
2 of my fics in Spanish!!! My oc centric one, Rayos y Centellas, and my shyan one, oye cariño, solo pienso en ti ! Turns out writing in ur native tongue makes everything easier
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It’s a very passionate hobby!!! I just!!! try to pour all of my love into everything I write!!!
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
I’m not sure!!! I just watch movies n quietly scream to my gay lonesome bcus No One Ever Watches Movies ;-;
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
To just keep writing n not stop for details or forgotten lore, bcus it’s important to write down what’s firing u up Right Now. Of course, it’s very difficult following that ;;-;;
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
“No adverbs!” “No ‘said’!” “It has to make grammatical sense!” sometimes things Need those
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Was gonna say my rewrite of the end of The Rover, but actually, my SPN fic Ube . Shit was peak inspired
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Eridirk (Eridan Ampora/Dirk Strider from Homestuck) all the way. The one otp that’s stayed thru thick n thin <3
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
A little mix of both, and tbh it depends on the fic, but I tend to write chronologically
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I’ve started bullet pointing my ideas out before writing my fics, and so far, it’s been helping me be more streamlined n get my things written out faster n clearer!
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Is the need for representation in all the niche movies I keep watching a muse?
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
In my dark room, w music blasting from my laptop, the TV w a soft hum, I have the perfect playlist to get the mood right, curled up in my blankies, n my plushie Sweet Pea by my side
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Zero, we rely on autocorrect & editing while typing and die like men
22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
Del Rio shrugs. “Working as a cop, it makes you numb to some things. It’s good, it lets you react to things as you should, and not how you’d want to.”
He makes a noncommittal noise. “It is what it is.” He eats another spoonful of his ice cream, then gets a thought.
“Can you show up?”
“Can you,” he tries, waving his spoon around, “Manifest?”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” Del Rio assures, and he can feel the air around him smile. The...world, he thinks, around him shifts just slightly, and there seems to be a chink in the armor for a moment before it goes away, as if someone had wiped the glass clear. He realizes that this is her, trying to show up in a physical form, step out of the phone.
He doesn’t know where to look, but then his confusion wanes when a butterfly shows up, fluttering towards him. It lands near his phone, skitters a bit, flaps its wings.
“Lucy?” he asks, transfixed on the butterfly. Its orange wings are bright under the sunlight.
“Well, you certainly nailed it.” He smiled warmly at the butterfly, and he had the crazy notion that it smiled back at him.
(adapted from The Policeman , the first fic I posted!)
23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Yeah, probably The Policeman lmao, I remember it today n I cringe a little at the very obvious refs to other fandoms I made. Despite that, it continues being one of my best hits!
24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
25. What do you look for in a beta?
I’m just thankful to have gotten a beta in general in life at all
26. Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I beta’ed once, and since English is my 2nd language, I pointed out syntax confusion, typos, n continuity errors
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
Can be done, it’s just that I am frightened. Tried doing that, it fell thru, n the new thing that came up, I still have to hold up my end of the bargain ;;-;;
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
cries omg ok so!!! Chancy_Lurking ( @lurkerviolin​ ) is one of my faves, n we’ve become friends, n their Felix+ Sense8 series is the reason for it all, and u know it’s good if it managed to make a friendship that’s last its good while, and also they’re so nice, and we vibe so well!!! thegoatz ( @daniel-bryan​ ) is also now one of my bestest friends ever, and I wuv him so much, he is such a good kid, n he’s so enthusiastic about writing, and I hope that spark never goes out!!! And adamwhatareyouevendoing ( @skatingthinandice​ ) bcus she’s doing a rewrite of The Last Kingdom where it’s all gay where it should be and vnjkdfsnvkd God, what a wonderful friend!!!
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I actually technically am working on a sequel to @rettaroo​ ‘s A New Kind of Touch ! Another promise I have to hold up eventually ;;;-;;;
30. Do you accept prompts?
31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I try to follow canon as much as I possibly can!
32. How do you feel about smut?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
33. How do you feel about crack?
Eh, it’s alright. I don’t normally look for it, so I don’t really have a solid opinion on it
34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
I don’t want to read it, but I have so far encountered it twice very amicably: once here in a ficlet, and another in a longer fic on AO3, and they were both very good
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Probably not, I don’t like sad things!
36. Which is your favorite site to post fic?
AO3! I’m RedLlamas on it!
37. Talk about your current wips.
Lmao which one. The one I’m currently working on is an impregnation kink turned “oh no I actually do wanna have a family” feelings fic!
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Gonna be real w u, the best comments I’ve gotten have mainly been from my friends, who either write a paragraph or two going into detail of the fic, or just send a one sentence comment that’s just “screams!” I’ve gotten very few paragraphs from other people, n they’re always so!!!
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My friends are the realest :’)
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
The perks of being a rarepair writer is that the only people who read my fics are the ones actively looking for content!!! And they can’t complain about my work because No One Else Is Writing For It!!!!!!
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40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
All my fics are masterpieces, so I’ll do a summary change! For don’t you just know (exactly what they’re thinking?)
Dakota finds himself in unexpected heartbreak, and the universe decides to bring him in the direction of a night club with a dancer with stars on his skin.
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Unpopular Opinions: Fandom Edition
Hey none of you asked but I’m here to deliver so here are some unpopular opinions for the fandoms I’m in. Spoilers, duh.
I don’t like Natasha. Or Steve.
Pepper Potts is a top.
As much as I love Loki, his death was nessicary in Infinity War.
Steve should have killed Bucky in Civil War. He was a threat, plain and simple.
I ship Ironstrange/Supremefamily.
Clint should have died in Infinity War.
I love Tony Stark with my whole heart. (Not an unpopular opinion but you needed to know that)
I’m not happy with the end of Endgame.
10 years in the making....for you to do Thor like that?
Not because he’s fat or because he’s dealing with trauma, that’s totally acceptable.
What’s not acceptable is them making Thor into the butt of the joke because he’s fat.
I love the Antman movies.
I’m totally not biased because I loved lost.
(I’m kinda biased)
Shuri is the best Marvel character and would beat Tony Stark in a battle of wits.
(I’m so gay I love her.)
With as many years as Marvel has had the MCU, I am disgusted at the lack of diversity within the movies.
Like it’s 2019 and we JUST got a female empowerment scene in Endgame.
Like I want a gay superhero.
(We have a disabled one thank god. Love you Stephen.)
And don’t give me that Valkyrie/Captain Marvel BS because they never blatantly stated or showed it in their movies.
I want an Asian superhero bitch.
A superhero who is Muslim/Islam/and religion besides Christian.
I think that, as much as I hate Natasha and Steve, they should have been the ones that Bruce first sees in Infinity War. I know it set up the whole “earth is closed today” sequence but it didn’t make sense and was OOC.
I love Stephen Strange and he’s never done a single thing wrong ever in his life I would die for this man.
I like MCU Peter Parker over the origional movie Spider-Man.
Fight me.
I also like the Tony Stark/Peter Parker better than the Uncle Ben/Peter Parker so @ me.
The 100
I don’t ship Bellarke that hard.
Like yes, I think they’re obviously being groomed to end up together. I know the show runners will make them official before the end of the series. I’m not mad about that, I just don’t really care to be honest. It’s like, too obvious.
But there are some cute bellarke scenes
What they did to Monty was bullshit but what they did to Jasper was worse.
I feel no guilt whatsoever in saying that I think that killing all of Mount Weather was what they should have done from the beginning.
Yes, even the kids. Because if you kill their leaders, the men and women will fight back. The colony would have been left with a handful of adults, and a bunch of kids if the origional plan had worked. This is doomed to fail and honestly just killing them all would be better than seeing them kill eachother for food, power, whatever. If that makes sense.
I think that Finn deserved to die.
I think that Murphey deserves the world.
Charlotte fucking killed Wells. Yes she’s young but she knows better than to kill someone. Maybe not kill her, but we all know that Clarke wouldn’t have banished her like she did Murphey. Clarke has a gender bias because Murphey didn’t do anything and she wouldn’t have punished Charlotte as hard because she’s a young girl. I rest my case
Even though what he did was bad and wrong, I don’t think Murphey should have been banished. He’s right. They were all compliant and even excited when he was being hung, but when it’s a little girl all bets are off.
Like Bellamy brought the whole hostage thing upon himself because he fucking tied a noose around Murphey’s throat.
Again, not that what Murphey did was right. He didn’t have to act like that. Jasper didn’t do anything to him.
Also this segment is getting long but the show writers and everyone else just casually forgot that Murphey was TORTURED? Hello? Are we not going to acknowledge that?
I shipped Clexa with my whole heart.
Another actually popular opinion: what they’ve done to Raven’s character this season is bullshit. Her only role is Abby’s moral compass. This is the same girl who shuttled to earth in a Tin Can. She’s better than this.
What the fuck??? Happened to??? Jordan???
Like Madi stabbed him
And then they proceeded to not talk about it for like four episodes and then casually mention it in passing like “oh he saved Pria that means he gets to live”
Like they set up his character to be really important this season.
But he’s not.
I think that Murphey/Emori is the best ship.
I also think that Either Murphey or Emori or Both are secretly double crossing the Primes. (This comes out before the finale of season six)
They didn’t have to do Onyia like that
The opening of season three is so weak that I actually stopped watching the show around that time (I’d been watching since the beginning of season two) because there’s just nothing there in the first like 10 minutes and I couldn’t do it.
Maybe I’m just impatient but it’s bad.
I think that Octavia did the best that she could with what she had available and I think that’s she’s not a bad person for what she did with the fighting pits/cannabalism. And I know that if Bellamy had been in her place, he would have eventually done the same.
Kane was a whiny bitch in season 5.
Why’d the kill Diyoza(I can’t spell) like that?
I liked Joesephine. It was really fun to see Eliza Taylor be able to get a new character in the show. Also props to her for that last episode with pretending to be Joesephine and being Clarke at the same time.
I called the dude being Gabriel from the first time I saw him you peasants.
Octavia’s redemption arc this season is beautiful.
They did....that.....to Kane. I’m angerey.
Lost In space
Not enough people watch this show. (The Netflix remake or the origional)
Seriously guys it’s a good show.
Absolutely nothing is wrong with it.
I love Don West with my whole heart.
I love Dr. Smith with my half heart.
I love the robot with my two hearts.
I love Penny Robinson with all the stars in the galaxy.
I love all of them okay.
There are no plot holes, no inconsistencies, no faulty science and anyone who says (or proves) otherwise is wrong.
It’s confirmed for a season two which should air in like the December-February time area.
It’s a Netflix show so you can binge the entire season in like a weekend.
Seriously watch it.
The Umbrella Academy
Five x Delores is weird.
Luther x Allison is illegal.
Klaus deserves all the push pops in the world.
The handler is hot.
The Comission killed Dave.
Luther is the most boring, Unorigional, straight white guy character I’ve seen in a long time. I hate him so much.
Allison is a queen but her character is brought down by her weird relationship with her brother.
Tbh if I was Allison you know I’d be telling my kids that I heard a rumor that theyd go the fuck to sleep. Like that’s a good thing. Idk maybe I’m just a sociopath.
Istanbul not Constantinople being played over a scene where five murders a squad of Commission people is the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever conceived by man.
“Where are you going” “to save the world” “oh is that all?” Iconic.
None of these are really unpopular but the show writers seem to think differently.
Diego has never done anything wrong in his life like yaaaasss bitch kill your brother at yo daddy’s funeral!!! Work!!!
Big Theif - Mary is the perfect song to play over Klaus returning from Vietnam.
Will you love me, like you loved me in the January rain?
It’s up there with Goodbye July.
Speaking of Goodbye July....
Z Nation
Many people haven’t watched it
It’s like if The Walking Dead and Zombieland had a baby....and then the baby did a line of cocaine.
It’s wild.
Watching Garnet die ruined every sliver of hope I had in humanity.
I have a special place in my heart for this show because it’s the first show that me and my mom would stay up and watch the new episodes air every Friday. It brought us closer and I can’t thank the cast and show runners enough for this.
So maybe I’m biased, but you should watch it.
Having Murphey switch from being an anti-hero to a villain back to an anti-hero and then to a regular hero, amazing. Astonishing. The peak of human existence.
Even though he’s not entirely human.
What color is Murphey today? Is he pale, discolored, grey, blue, red? We don’t know!
Roberta Warren is the Black Goddess main protagonist that we deserve.
Addison Carver is a functional Bi.
10k is tragic backstory central but other than that, his character development is pretty lacking other than him persuing love interests.
None of these are really unpopular opinions but I doubt any of you have watched the show. It’s on Netflix. Watch it.
Oooooohhhhh George.
Georgia St. Clair could stomp me to death and my ghost would still want to fuck her.
Anyways I’m gay
God damn I have a lot of pent up Gay energy.
Murphey and Lucy have a realistic enstranged father/daughter relationship and it’s heartwarming.
And then they killed her off to save him.
Honestly if you name a character Murphey they can only be assholish bad boys with a good heart deep down sorry I don’t make the rules.
Also if you name a character Murphey I will love them with my whole soul.
I’m so mad they cancelled the show.
I’m infinitely more mad that they named that disgrace of a show Black Summer and claimed that it was a prequel....but it didn’t follow the same cast and had they not advertised it as a prequel I would never have guessed.
Black Summer gives totally opposite vibes than Z Nation does. I get that black summer is supposed to be the worst time that the zombie apocalypse ever had, with cannibals and no food, but it feels like s completely different show.
It’s like if The Walking Dead claimed that it is a prequel/occurs during Shaun of the Dead.
Like....no. They’re....no.
Anyway watch it it’s good.
Detroit: Become Human
Connor isn’t the best character.
This is an unpopular opinion post deal with it.
Markus has to be my favorite.
Honestly this game is so good and not even just graphics-wise.
It’s the same robotic sentience story we’ve been fed for years, but this time it’s from the Android’s perspective and this time all they want is to be free. That’s it.
I fucking hate North.
Hank is literally if Rick from Rick and Morty were serious.
The only correct way to play Connor is to walk the thin line between deviant and regular A.I. Without leaving out Hank. The correct thing to do is make Conner deviant at Jericho.
The only correct way to play Kara is to protect Alice with every fiber of your being. Meanwhile, get close to her. Do not get caught, even if that means dissappointing her.
The only correct way to play Markus is to lead a peaceful revolution. Also tell North to fuck off.
The border patrol guy who either gets Kara and Alice caught or knowingly lets Androids cross the border is the best character. Forget about Markus, this guy sees either “oh fuck androids are killing people, maybe we shouldn’t let this one cross the border” or “Androids just want to be free and are peacefully fighting for this. Let this one and her daughter through.” I love him.
Let Out The Bear He Just Wants To Say Hi :)
Even though I think Conner is overrated by the fandom, I do like him.
But he’s not a pure innocent cinnamon roll either.
It depends on how you play, but he has really violent options so stop the “He wouldn’t harm a fly” attitude.
But he is cute.
The home screen for the game is revolutionary (no pun intended) and I hope future game follow suit in making the first impression of the game something cool.
Stealing clothes/money/the fence cutters is literally okay.
Also if you put Kara in white hair you can die.
If in your first actual play through you got the Kara lives at the recycling plant ending but Alice dies, you can die too.
I’ve never actually seen the steal money and go to motel option play out because it’s stupid, especially if you don’t steal clothes. Like that’s begging to be caught.
Stranger things
Billy Hargrove is bad and just because he’s abused does not make what he does okay.
Harringrove is gross and I’m gay so my opinion counts as double.
That being said, there are some really cute fics about Harringrove and I can see the appeal of “good boy falls for mysterious bad boy with a dark past and trauma”
I’ve said I’m gay this whole post because I say it a lot, but I don’t like actually labeling myself but I like girls and boys and everything in between and I say I’m gay kinda as a joke when girls are hot.
That being said...
Steve Harrington calling himself Daddy made me feel things.
Strange things.
Haha get it I’m making a joke to distract you from the daddy part.
Steve Harrington is a good person now, but he was still an asshole before and he can still be criticized for his past.
I used to be hardcore Jancy but after season three I feel like Nancy needs and deserves a break from boys so she can figure out herself and who she is now and what she wants to do without the weight of boys and boyfriends constantly around her.
That being said i still don’t like Nancy because she was flirting/slept in the same bed with Jonathan whilst obviously having feelings for him while she and Steve were still a thing. It’s not cheating but to me it’s close enough to raise red flags.
Robin is perfect in every way.
I don’t like Jonathan. He’s creepy in s1, fine in s2, but then is s3 he doesn’t do anything to or about his male bosses when Nancy is being made fun of because she’s a woman.
Seeing Nancy’s class priveledge/Jonathan’s male priveledge clashing was so cool tbh
Elmax > Mileven > Lumax
Jim Hopper, with all his faults, is still a caring dad.
Plus him threatening Mike made me laugh so hard sksksksks
Steve Harrington deserves the world and then some.
Low key I really want s4 to give in insight on his family life.
I also want him to get an apartment with Robin.
Robins cute tbh but for half the season I though she was a Russian spy. I guess I was wrong.
Mrs. Wheeler shouldn’t sleep with billy (not that she can now) because it’s wrong, but the reason she wanted to is because her husband is so boring and she gave up on her dreams to be his perfect housewife. She wanted a challenge with Billy. Instead, she should leave her pushover of a husband and find someone better.
Anyway Steve Harrington deserves the world.
Yeah okay hate me whatever.
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I saw TROS earlier today and, well, it was definitely a Star Wars sequel movie, for better and for worse. I can see why some people on my dash hated this movie and why some of them loved it. I can also see why some of them threw their hands into the air over it and shrugged. (FYI, I’m in the third category.) More scattered and spoiler-laden thoughts below the cut:
--“Never underestimate a droid.” This line would have been so much more meaningful if the spy had turned out to be a First Order droid rather than Hux. A droid that had broken free of its programming, just like Finn (and later Jannah and the other unnamed former stormtroopers). But as always, the Droid Revolution that we deserve is probably never going to be a thing, at least not onscreen where it counts.
--Just like TFA, the copy-and-pasting from the Original Trilogy was painfully obvious, but what was forgivable in the first film of a new trilogy is less so in said trilogy’s concluding film. 
--Trần Loan/Rose deserved more screentime and prominence. And did we really have to turn Poe into a former spice runner? Really? *sighs heavily*
--Zorii Bliss felt sort of shoehorned in? I didn’t hate her, but it felt like TPTB only introduced her to give Poe another person to flirt with. And I say this as someone who was not expecting PoeFinn or any other LGBTQIAP+ relationship between named characters to be made canon in this movie at all. Hopefully fans will give her more depth in fic!
--Jannah was really interesting and I would have loved to see more of her. Once again, hopefully fans will take her character and deepen/explore it in fic.
--Finn was all but explicitly confirmed as Force sensitive, and it’s What He Deserves. 
--I mean, Finn also deserved his own storyline and a stronger conclusion to his character arc in this film, especially considering he was promoted as one of the leads of the sequel trilogy. But while I’m irked that he was relegated to a side character, I can’t say I didn’t see this coming, especially after TLJ. 
--Likewise, I knew Reyl0 was going to be a thing after TLJ. I found their relationship less grating than Anida1a in the prequels, but it still didn’t do much of anything for me in this film. Do I understand from an objective POV why some people enjoy it so much? Yep. It’s the grand, tortured, Byronic Romance™, where it isn’t really about whether the characters have anything in common or even like each other, it’s about their near-mystical connection and their inability (and lack of true desire) to be rid of it; it’s about the lengths to which they will go for each other/themselves; it’s about the powerful man who is emotionally vulnerable and eager to serve his True Love at the expense of all else. It’s also the whole enemies-to-lovers trope, and so on. I understand the appeal of this mashup intellectually, it’s just not my cup of tea here. YMMV and all that, and that’s as it should be.
--Palpatine back from death is as ridiculous here as it was in the old EU, but I can roll with it. I think the movie made the right decision not to explain all the nitty-gritty details of how he cheated death or manipulated the whole Snoke deal... ultimately, it doesn’t really matter, y’know? Ditto to Rey Palpatine lol.
--Leia’s death felt pretty narratively cheap to me, but I understand that there was only so much TPTB could do with the footage they already had of Carrie Fisher in costume. Still, poor Leia. She drew a deeply shitty hand in life, didn’t she?
--That said, it was nice to see Leia training as a Jedi in flashbacks, however briefly. (Is it just me, or did her saber hilt vaguely resemble Obi-Wan’s?) Does it make a lot less sense that she would then send Ben away to Luke if she’s had Jedi training? Yes. Can I created headcanons to explain this? Also yes. And do I really care about this particular inconsistency when there are far worse ones out there and this one makes dudebro sections of the fandom spitting mad? NOPE.
--I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m not inherently against the redemption of Kylo/Ben. But, as I had suspected/feared, they “redeemed” him at the narrative expense of other characters I personally find more interesting... and they still didn’t manage to make said redemption feel narratively earned to me. Is there undoubtedly ancillary material in SW books and comics that give more background behind Kylo/Ben’s turn to the Dark Side and eventual turn back to the Light? Yes. Do I want to read it? Not really, no. Also, unless something happens onscreen in the SW universe, it doesn’t really count as true canon. So it’s disappointing that the movie shoved other characters and plots to the side to make room for Kylo/Ben’s redemption arc and then didn’t even do a good job with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
--Also, of course TPTB had Kylo/Ben die saving someone rather than narratively deal with what it means to work towards redemption after having done lots of terrible things, and having to recover from having been manipulated/groomed by Sidious. Not surprised in the slightest.
--I would have preferred a Stormtrooper Rebellion storyline, but I’m not going to blast TROS or the sequel trilogy for being what it is rather than what I wanted it to be. I will, however, blast it for its sloppy execution of its existing storylines. Which leads to my next point...
--Even though TROS was long, it still felt rushed and, like the first two movies in this trilogy, it felt largely disconnected from the other sequel trilogy films. The Star Wars Story Group really should have planned this trilogy out better. If TPTB were going to go with two different directors/writers, they should have made sure said directors/writers were on the same page rather than seemingly fighting each other’s visions of what the overarching story should be at every step.  
--I’m willing to handwave a lot of stuff that happens in TROS, mainly because I’m long past expecting coherence from this franchise... or pretty much any major franchise, tbh. (For instance: Thousands of people show up to aid the Resistance when Lando calls them but not when Leia did in TLJ? OK. Force Ghost Luke shows up to catch Rey’s lightsaber but not to help her against Palpatine? Sure.) These issues don’t really make or break the series for me, so I can work with them with a minimum of grumbling. Which isn’t quite the same thing as letting TPTB off the hook for their laziness and inconsistencies.
--Honestly, I hate to say it, but it would have made for a stronger story if Chewie had died aboard the ship when Rey and Kylo/Ben were fighting over it; that would have driven home the consequences of Rey’s lack of control and lessened the artificiality of the stakes in this movie. But I get that this is ultimately a family film, so it’s more of a minor quibble than anything else.
--It’s kind of weird that Rey’s hair is back in the three buns again for the entirety of TROS after she wore her hair differently for almost all of TLJ. But that’s a fairly minor quibble too, and one of the sort I can easily create a headcanon to explain. Actually, come to think of it, I wonder if they didn’t do this at least partially to be able to recycle some of the unused TFA clips with Leia and Rey?
--Frankly, I’m not sure why Rey suddenly cared so much about what Luke thought, considering A. he was a huge jerk to her for most of TLJ, and B. she seemed to have broken with following his advice towards the end of TLJ. And since she didn’t have a great relationship with Luke, it seems weird that she’d take his last name. Shouldn’t she have gone with Organa or even Solo, if she’s naming herself after a mentor? But whatever, I get that it’s about the symbolism more than the character or logic. And I can create headcanons to explain all of this.
--It’s a little weird that there wasn’t any more resolution to Kylo/Ben’s storyline and Rey’s feelings about it after his death. But with Leia dead, I guess there isn’t anyone left who’d especially care if Kylo/Ben turned back to the Light aside from Rey herself. Still, there should have been something more. Especially since Ben didn’t show up as a Force Ghost alongside Luke and Leia on Tatooine.
--While I’m at it, I wish we could have had a minute’s conversation with Rey telling Finn about her heritage, if only because I think he would have understood. But I wish we could have learned more about Finn’s heritage (which didn’t need to be a known SW lineage, btw) too, so... 
--For that matter, I wish we could have had Finn get a chance to tell Rey about his being Force Sensitive, which might have made her feel slightly less alone. I wish we could have seen Finn figure out what being Force Sensitive meant to him. And so on.
--Not sure where people are getting the idea that Lando & Jannah were flirting, because I didn’t read their interaction that way at all.
--General Poe and General Finn were great, but also sort of felt unearned after the events of TLJ.
--The abilities that come from being part of a Dyad are overpowered and a little silly, but hey, they’re also following a long-established SW tradition of overpowered silliness, so... *shrugs*
--Confused as to why Rey suddenly killed Kylo/Ben when she did?? I mean, if it was because she was angry Leia had just died, wouldn’t that be acting from the Dark Side and shouldn’t that have, idk, narrative consequences for her?
--I don’t see why some people loved or hated Rey’s ending so much. It’s pretty open, IMO, just like the endings for all of the surviving characters. Who says Rey is going to stay on Tatooine or be alone there, after all? For all we know, she just stopped there for a few days to bury the lightsabers, grieve for Kylo/Ben, and meditate. For all we know, Finn or one of her other friends from the Resistance is going to drop in any moment now. Heck, for all we know, one of her friends is hanging out inside the Falcon where we can’t see them, giving her a little space. (Was her friendship with Finn and Poe depicted pretty shallowly in this movie? Yeah. But so was her relationship with Kylo/Ben tbh, even with the Dyad Force bond thingamajig.) Rey has a whole world of choices available to her. Does it suck that we didn’t get to see that onscreen? Yeah. Does it mean she’s doomed to be eternally lonely as a hermit on a desert planet? Not in the slightest.
--Someone really needs to tell the writers of these big franchises that using ring structure is pointless if there isn’t meaning behind it. There’s nothing inherently significant about repeating events or revisiting locations. 
--Overall, I felt pretty meh about TROS. I didn’t love it or hate it. As with any movie in a series, there’s good stuff to be mined from it, and bad stuff to be handwaved away or given headcanon explanations. But mostly, I just can’t dredge up the energy to care very much. And I’m not in the mood for TROS fix-it fanfiction so much as I am TROS crack fics. 
--I haven’t talked about everything that worked or didn’t work for me in TROS here, but if you have any questions, I’m always happy to answer them to the best of my abilities!
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copyplays · 5 years
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Closing the ask box for now. I just can’t keep up with the ammount I’m getting as I have less free time these days and I feel kinda guilty leaving ppl waiting for their answer for a long streaches of time.
Gonna post the asks I gatered so far in batches.
First one under cut.
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@heimkoheimkofan I was expecting like a stone age style club but this makes a lot more sense as far as utility goes for big ppl. And the entire 2003 clone wars series was soooo good.
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@criminalhobbit @ralsei-deltarune @deadpoet117 @determination-personified @halibellecter @lady--revan @kentonowvo @slushie-kun @beextonpoet @pressxtoceane @secretlyjoyfultidalwave
I’m sorry I can’t answer all of those individually anymore. I really appreciate all you guys you;re so sweet to reach out to say you like my art. Thank you so much! You’re all wonderful.
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@revangarcia I know the one you’re refering to! And yeah that might have influenced that headcanon yes^^. It just felt more in turn with the Revan/Malak dynamic I picture than Revan being the one behind his jaw being gone.
So yeah for me Malak list his jaw sometime durning the war with Revan feeling guilty she couldn’t shielf her friend from the damage that comes with following her where she’s going.
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@keysoffate I find it interesing that unlike with Atton and the Disciple, Visas is actually more secure from falling to the dark side out of jelousy even though she’s closer to the Sith.
I think she sees her for what she could be past the Atris propaganda.
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@keysoffate This one confesused me a little gotta say^^;
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@hdreaper The fact that everyone I run into hates on Vrook brings me so much joy tbh
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@firebreathingsteven I think in the heat of the moment she made the decission pretty quickly.
The impact only really hit her when they reached Telos and ppl started bringing up what it means to the planet. Which only added to the Malachor complex she carries around and made her really eager to complete that fuel for Telos side quest.
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@crim-bat this is very nicely written but also I can’t pucture my Revan actually going back to working with the order after regaining all her memories. Probably why she’d go to the Unknown Regions alone...
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@avenger09 I have so many feelings about that line. And Malak in general poor guy.
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@keysoffate idk my exile post Malachor probably wouldn’t kiss ppl out of the blue and with how this question is phrased that’s all I can picture here^^;
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@bluewhal3s took me a couple playthroughs to realise this
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@jeddid98 she’s the grandma with impossible standards
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@ineedholy-water I may be biased but the prequels were the first Star Wars thing I watched and Anakin was always my fav. So all my characters like him too
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@loser-meganes I usually just see what part of myself the story the characters are a part of brings out. The way it happens is the first playthrough is usually the closest of me just playing me since I don’t know what the story is about yet. Then the characters evolve to become more individual and in tune with story themes and setting. I also tend to latch on to backstory elements that are left open enough for me to come up with what character pasts may have been.
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@ask-celeron they also just see fighting as a very intimate thing
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@dreaming-of-the-unknown It’s nice that everyone can put their own spin on dealing with all that trauma^^
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@marvelous-myrtle Somewhere inbetween on the Atton-Disciple brokeness spectrum. Mical is pretty lonely on his less broken side of the scale tbh.
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@heimkoheimkofan gonna be honest I don’t remember much about them past the fact they exist
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@mrneighbourlove he is pretty neat. Tho I’m still taken by surprise by how many enthusiasts of his there are in here^^
As far as covering things idk. I am playing with the mods so I’ll see it. We’ll see if it’ll give me art ideas.
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@omgnoabsolutelynot He’s great. Doing truly great working past his part in the war.
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@jerichot I wouldn’t call whatever she feels for him love but hey that means more Nihilus love for you^^
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@amusedcory now I guess
162 notes · View notes
ekkorn · 5 years
hi there, just saw in the tags that you didn‘t like endgame. would you like to expand on that? i am curious to know other people‘s perspective. personally, i liked it. it has flaws, yes, but to me it was enjoyable. if you don‘t feel like answering, that is fine :) have a great day!
oh wow. you really wanna know? okay, but on your own head be it. :o
i’m just joking, i’ll go easy, or at least give you the digest (a vicious lie) version. if you want to see the full extent of my derision and vitriol, you can go to @lowkeysebastianstan, which is the blog where i’ve tried to limit this too. but to give you the not at all short and not so sweet of it, here goes. (endgame spoilers obviously).
the first thing that really set me off was the ending, more precisely, what steve did. it made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and hit me closer to home than most of my followers here since bucky and steve are my fave characters, and the only ship i really have. now, i never thought stucky would become canon, not even a little, i didn’t even hope for it. sure, the representation would’ve been awesome, but there’s no way marvel could’ve done it justice, so it was just as well it was never gonna happen. what i hadn’t prepared for was to what extreme extent they were terrified of the ship and the effect it would have if they were to let it be even a hint that could be interpreted as some emotional connection between them, for 3 films they’re built bucky up as the most important character in steve’s life, he’s risked his own life to save him, he basically eradicated hydra during wwii fueled by grief for him, he was prepared to die for him in tws, he fought his friends and gave up everything for him in cacw, and then he just? leaves? to be with a woman who died of old age and natural causes after a long fulfilling life with another man and family of her own. who specifically told him to fucking move on in tws? yeah, sure. and do not get me wrong, i adore sam wilson, after bucky, and the real steve rogers, he is by far my fave in the cap verse (saving a few spots for my bp and cm peeps in the mcu, but we’ll get to them), and he is the superior choice to pick up the mantle, no doubt about it. (okay, a little doubt, they teased sebastian with that shield for 8 years, they based bucky on the brubaker storyline where he becomes cap, and so i do feel a little torn bc no matter how happy he must be for his friend, and him and mackie are good friends, he must be a little disappointed? but who knows, maybe they’ll do something with that in the series, which would be stupid af bc that would negate the positive leap in representation, and mackie deserves it too, so who the fuck knows, i’ll probably not be around to keep track anyways, and can you tell im rambling), but for steve’s last words to be to sam? while bucky stands and watch in the background? like??? i could go on in (more excruciating) detail, but that was why i linked the blog, there might be a point or two about this on there.
but that was just the start. all through the movie i felt disconnected and uneasy, they made some really weird choices, but i don’t think it was until nat took the plunge that i knew i had an absolute dud on my hands. 
the mcu has done a lot of things right, but their treatment of women is NOT one of them. and oh boy did they go out with a bang. first is the obvious implication, he got to live bc he had “more to live for”, and she didn’t have a family, and ye gods we know she can’t have kids, so why should she live? 
(see, if the bw movie wasn’t in the books, i’d completely get it, if it was to give scarjo her life back, and she wanted nat to be good and dead, sure. actually, when i first watched it, that’s what i thought tbh, that the bw movie was cancelled, so. but it’s not, so she will return. and since that the case it’s just fucked up that they yeeted her off the roster. and sure, some of the bw movie was always gonna be set in the past, but tbh? i don’t see much point in prequels for dead characters, you know that whatever happens won’t affect the outcome for the character at all, and i usually find them completely void of meaning. that might just be me though). and of course the fact that she died the same way gamora went didn’t help. (gamora’s death was maybe the single worst thing in aiw, she was fridged, not for the advancement of one man, but for two (thanos and quill) and it.just.shouldn’t.have.worked.thanos.cannot.love! again, mcu and women? not a good match.) 
then of course, it comes back to steve and how much he doesn’t give a crap about the people close to him in the present, we never see him care or grieve for anyone but peggy, and he could barely spare two tears for nat before it was all business again. and the rest of the team? i think clint cared a little, and banner threw a chair, but that was it. no memorial, not burial, no nothing, it was like she never existed, and she died saving the world just as much as tony, he couldn’t have done jack shit without the soul stone. 
and speaking of women, shuri and okoye? before the trailer dropped i was sure shuri was in this, that we’d get to see her lead in her brother’s stead. i actually did a short lament on this already, here.
carol was terribly underused, after all the oompf about her being there she was barely a blip. but the haircut was fantastic, and the best part of the movie was when she returned at the end.
then there’s nebula and gamora (again). at first i was actually quite pleased that they sort of found a loophole to bring gamora back, but then i thought about it (yes, sometimes i get seduced by the flashy colours too) and yeah. sure. a gamora is there, but she’s void of all the things that makes her interesting and all her development is just gone, everything “our” gamora achieved and experienced is gone, three films worth of arc is worthless. so what then is the point of getting “her” back? i don’t care about this person, i don’t know her. are we gonna see quill just harass her the next film, bc you know, she’s been with him, so why shouldn’t he expect her to just do that now? tbh i wouldn’t be surprised, but now that gunn is back maybe he can save it? not that i’ll be around to keep track though.
then nebula. nvm that time paradox, that’s a whole other fuckfest i’ll get back to, but we had to get to see her get killed too, didn’t we. by her sister, the only person in the world she loves. fucking fantastic, i cannot control my enthusiasm. 
and no, cool as it was, the a-force surrounding parker is not enough to bring this home. it was a cool sight though. (see? i can see the good.)
then of course it’s peggy. a woman he knew for a few months back during the war. (sure they knew each other longer, but i’d say, even if you’re very generous, they can’t have spent more than a couple of months in each other’s company, and they kissed once). who they stripped of all character development and autonomy so that steve could go back and get his “damce”. everything she achieved, every good thing that happened to her, her husband, her family, her advancement in shield, all gone. bc steve must have his happy ending, no matter that she told him to move the fuck on in tws, who cares. 
and then there’s sharon. yeah, they forgot about her, didn’t they. i mean, i was never really on board with that, the whole aunt/niece thing was a bit too weird for me, and this was way before i shipped stucky, but that doesn’t matter. bc they did that, they had them kiss within days after peggy’s death (oooh, look how he cared for peggy), making it clear that this was the beginning of something. (also marvel and several of the actors treated emily like crap, oh yeah, i remember, doesn’t help either.) 
(gods i said this would be short, didn’t i? imagine if i could’ve spent all the words i’ve spent ranting about endgame on my latest chapter? good grief.)
then there’s their so called lgbt representation. 30 seconds of a character that had a total of 60 sconds of screentime in tws lamenting his dead lover? well. i. they wanted credit for that. i just.
then there’s thor. they negated every ounce of development he had in ragnarok, this also goes for aiw, wasn’t happy about that, and made him completely ooc, he just spends his time drinking ab\nd playing fortnite of all things? bold of them to assume that will still be a thing in 5 years, but also? thor? THOR? neglecting his people? his friends? the world? thor? then they of course made him fat, haha, so they could add fat-shaming to the list while they make light and fun of his drinking problems, his grief and his ptsd. awesome. the funniest. 
then there’s clint. that they just randomly made a killer? just, like a straight up murderer? okay then. and still nat deserved to die. excellent.
then there’s banner. okay, i don’t think they fucked him up as bad as the others, but it’s still strange he would risk his intelligence to become hulk full time, but you do you.  
rocket and rhodey were the best things about this damn disaster, just putting it out there.
then there’s tony. i mean, we knew he was the main protagonist, and im not objecting that, (even if i think it’s really strange he’d be born in 1970) but idk. that was strange’s plan? all that for that? and pepper just went, eh what the hell, just die, i can raise this kid you wanted. (i know, i know, she’s her mom, she cares), but it was just so flat. and idk. i mean, rdj wanted his life back, just as evans, but i’d want to see that switched, that tony get to retire and steve sacrifice himself to save the world. tony could still be the deciding factor in strange’s plan even if steve delivered the coup de grace. at least he cared enough to show an emotion™when peter came back, which was more than steve bothered with. jfc they fucked up steve.
then there’s the time travel. okay, a few things about the 2012 thing. they put him in the elevator, and then, instead of having him just kick the crap out of the agents, they reference hydra!cap? the biggest shitstorm in the comics in the last two decades? like what the actual fuck? then of course there’s the americas ass thing, which, again, that’s steve, cares about his ass but not his friends! (but at least 2012 steve cares about bucky, maybe he’ll save him a couple of years early, back to the future steve will just live out his life knowing bucky is getting tortured somewhere in siberia, good times.) oh! and i guess they have their loophole to get loki back too, great, they’ll probably just forget that he’s not in the main timeline, bc who cares. 
and the fun just keeps coming with the time travel. oh they tried with some crap explanation that no one can make sense of, but here’s the kicker. they can’t either, they don’t even want to try, they don’t even agree with each other. 
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how did they know to meet up in wakanda or wherever, the dustees? did strange send a memo? not just the ppl in the soul realm or wherever they were, but all the others too, like valkyrie and hope. time and place just magically popped into their heads? and what happened when they all came back? or some came back, bc obviously a shit ton of ppl died at the dusting, like the pilot of a 747 gone? plane goes down and such, ppl really dead. and where do they reappear? where they disappeared? aka those passengers that got dusted comes back mid flight? fun! and what about the ones that moved on in their absence? what happens to the ones that come back when their wives and husbands are remarried, when there’s no place for them in their old lives. did all of peter’s classmates get dusted, or did the rest of the class graduate without him, i must assume that all of those in s:ffh did, otherwise some would be in college by now, yeah?
and that’s another reason their watertight time travel is leaky af, there’s no way to get the logistics to work. the only option as such would have been to go back to 2018 and fix it, to reset time, bc otherwise there are just too many holes, it’s just not possible. but they can’t do that bc then they’ll undo all the things that happen in the future that the characters don’t want to lose, like tony’s kid. 
oh, i know, it’s a superhero movie, but im strange like that, i expect a modicum of internal logic in all my movies, the bitch that i am. 
okay, im gonna leave it there, ive run out of steam, and i want to gif a set. there’s a few things more, but i think you’ve gotten the gist, that i’m not a fan of this movie and a short (lol, so sorry, nothing is ever digest with me, i should’ve warned you) list of reasons why. honestly this is the first time i’ve really don’t a more general account, ive pretty much stuck to steve and that crapshute, there’s a lot of other blogs that concentrate on the other characters, i’d list a few, but i don’t have it in me rn, pop me a msg if you’re interested, also if you’re interested in some real meta, this rambling rant isn’t something that people should be exposed to honestly. 
avengers: endgame was a shit movie and no amount of “he’s worthy” and “avengers assemble” is going to fix that, BUT if you enjoyed it, i don’t think less of you, obviously everyone is different, and i envy the hell out of you, i sorely wish i could’ve liked it too. the russos directed what is by far the best movie in the mcu imo, tws, and they had us all fooled, even if we probably should’ve seen it coming after iron man 4: civil war.
hope you’re having a spectacular day, sorry you had to read this if you did, and and thank you for making mine better, i really had a rant in me needing out. (you’d think i’d run out of hate for this by now, but nah.)
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thank you for the ask :) 
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lunahearts · 5 years
Some Star Wars thoughts, in no particular order
Preface: I really liked this movie. Spoilers below, obviously, but not many more than what was already leaked. I try to keep stuff vague, so if you like... know a couple of big things that are being talked about (way too much for some reason honestly oh my god) and are trying to decide if you want to see the movie, this should be safe!
Okay first, to get it out of the way... some complaints
Finn should have had more screen time, as usual. I do like was done with him in general, but there should have been more of it, and his biggest hero moment unfortunately felt a little underwhelming. I’m also pretty uncomfortable/disappointed with how he seemed to be portrayed as having like this one-sided thing for Rey that was even framed comedically at times. That being said they end the second to last scene and strongest emotional beat on him and it was very good (and tbh the scene that followed felt more like a stinger to me, as far as I’m concerned the movie closes on Finn finding a family, and a happy ending, and I love that)
The whole thing was jammed with at least a movie and a half’s worth of plot. *looks at tlj* no idea how that could have happened. I think it does a good job with what it has to work with, and tight writing + good set up and payoff make it work most of the time, but... room to process their feelings, characters have not.
The kiss was stupid. It also, imo, was entirely fanservice and if you removed like two shots and replaced them with something platonic GIVE US THE FOREHEAD TOUCH TAKE I KNOW IT EXISTS then I think that Rey and Kylo’s interactions were very well done. It’s not romantic unless you are already looking for it to be romantic. Except for the kiss. Which was stupid and sudden and out of place.
Okay anyway I am gonna gush now
So first of all I just think the plot and pacing of this movie was really well executed. It wasn’t the most exciting or daring of plots, but also it didn’t need to be. The rule of three set up and payoff was outstanding though, and that’s really what carries it. A lot of the time it’s easy to see that payoff coming, or at least see that it is coming, but it mostly feels like being a bit spoiled for a really good story - even if you have a good idea where it’s going you can still really enjoy the journey. And you probably don’t know exactly where it’s going, anyways.
my favorite example of this is something they set up really early about Rey and Kylo’s force bond, and a thing it can do. 
This first time it happens is a super fast “woah holy shit that can happen???” moment.
The second time its a “oh. oh no. it can happen and has happened in the worst possible way”
and the last time is “OH! OH!!! ITS GONNA HAPPEN ITS HAPPENING OH MY GOD.”
The THEMES. Holy shit the themes. This movie 100% sold me on Kylo redemption, as someone who was VERY uh... lets say I was very unimpressed by the idea of it going into things. And I’ll talk more about why I think “redemption” isn’t even exactly the right word, but for now yeah I’ll just say I really liked what they did with Kylo.
BUT ANYWAY THEMES. OKAY. I think it is so so vital and good to have a story so devoted to Doing The Right Thing. But not just doing the right thing. I think the absolute heart of the movie is just... no matter what you’ve done, no matter the mistakes you’ve made, choosing to do the right thing matters. It always matters.
Like okay I really think there’s a shift in how this movie deals with ye olde dark side compared to the first two, bc it’s very personal, and feels very grounded in trauma and fear and a phrase Liz said last night that I loved which is, “the seductive pull of despair.”
If I had to write is as a thesis statement I’d absolutely use that phrase, it would be something like...
“There is never a moment in which it is too late -- generationally, individually, or globally -- to resist the seductive pull of despair.”
But also like the other thesis is just “every good thing you do matters.” Which is probably one of my favorite power fantasies in the whole world.
Like there’s a group of people established at the midpoint of the film, who are just like, People Who Did The Right Thing. And they have been living ever since then taking care of each other, trying to unlearn the way they were raised, trying to resist despair in their own corner of the galaxy.
And like, in some ways it would be cool to just have them there! A nice story, a nice group of people, a nice expansion in the world of Star Wars. But that’s NOT where it leaves them, and very specifically there’s a moment in the final big confrontation where the big nasty man is like “do a thing! stop them!” and it doesn’t work specifically bc of an aspect of these people and the life they’ve built makes it not work. It’s funny and satisfying and a wonderful emotional payoff all at once.
And basically this is why the Kylo stuff works for me. Because it’s really not about him, it’s about Rey and Leia. It’s about Rey and Leia choosing to do good, and how that matters. If Kylo had stayed a shitty evil brat until the end, then their stories wouldn’t have been as powerful.
Kylo “I’m only here to reinforce themes” Ren
Okay but to touch a bit more on redemption, I really don’t think he’s redeemed. Or like, he’s not redeemed because it’s not about balancing anything out, or him going down in history as a Good Man, or other characters forgiving him. It’s about him spending the whole movie saying “you can’t go back Rey, once you do something bad you are bad and you can’t go back home.”
And they Rey does something bad
And then she does something good anyway
Because you can always do something good, and you can always go back. Even if you hurt someone you love. Even if you become, for a moment, what you are most afraid of. Even if you can’t unmake your mistakes. You can still do good. You can still make the world better.
And that is why he chooses to change. And that is a good reason to change. To see someone demonstrate that there is always room for kindness? To see that and find a hope you had lost years ago? That’s good shit! That’s what Star Wars is about babey!
Also the banter was back and good and the Trio Content oh my god. Thank you. Finally.
New droid is baby and I love them.
The new lady characters are obviously underdeveloped but I DO love them. There’s a moment at the end of the movie that makes me really hope that one of them gets a spin-off/sequel, and there is ample room for a standalone Poe prequel featuring the other one. I think they have pretty strong characterizations for the space they get.
also one of them gets an extremely good moment with Rey that killed me. Like don’t get ur hopes up for any actual content or conversation but it was one of those “oh I REALLY hope there’s fanfic” moments and I loved it.
I love Rey [redacted] and I will have to write a whole other post about her maybe.
I thought Poe’s arc was cool! It wasn’t what I was expecting but I thought it was interesting and I’m always down for some “ur friends are here for you, you don’t have to and also literally can’t do everything on ur own.
That’s another theme of the film btw and its good
Most of the action scenes were just kinda “eh okay this is a Star Wars movie I guess they gotta do that now. Like fun and flashy but overall without much substance.
BUT I really liked the second lightsaber fight with Rey and Kylo. Good way to mix it up.
Leia good
You are not your blood! You are the family you choose. Thank u and also finally.
I really liked how this movie handled the Sith and the lore/perspective it added honestly makes a lot of Sith stuff in general make more sense to me. It’s one of those cool bits of lore that isn’t exactly a retcon but it is retroactive context that shows everything in different light. Or like maybe that’s always been the context but I think it’s more clear and upfront about it. 
I cried at one part bc there were lots of different ship designs all on screen at the same time and it was like.... wow... star war.... star war good.
star war good
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necropsittacus · 6 years
13 14 16 19 20 and 21 :3
13. Thoughts on Admiral Holdo?
not fond of her. i tend to agree with the assessment that she seriously fucked up while she was in charge, and that the way that whole plotline was written was very white-feminist-y. i don’t like how she talks to poe at all. it’s honestly difficult to like.separate out anything i could say about holdo as a character or a person from comments on the writing of tlj, or from issues with the way Poe was written that i’m not necessarily the most qualified person to talk about--like, this is incoherent, but like. Even If you were going to make the argument that the way she treats him is justified by him being a subordinate who had made impulsive bad decisions, that still runs into that poe was established as a really good pilot who maybe shouldn’t have been written like that in the first place. and i still don’t think it’s justified there tbh esp considering the whole white woman in position of power being a dick to a man of color aspect, but again im not the best person to talk about that probably
i do feel that she Could definitely have been a good character had she been written differently, but the way that arc in tlj was actually written left a bad taste in my mouth, and so i don’t like her very much
14. Thoughts on General Hux?
unpopular opinion but he bores me. like, he’s a completely terrible person obviously, but he’s not even one of the villains i’m attached to he’s just There and i feel like i’ve heard he has more backstory etc in novels but movie hux didn’t honestly interest me enough to bother looking for it. i really only care about him wrt his impact on other characters i’m more invested in. 
16. Least favorite ships?
i don’t really like kylo with anyone. also anything involving master/apprentice i don’t generally read, unless *maybe* it’s written to be creepy, with characters where that makes sense to me? also i frequently see really niche things like padme/palpatine or something that i could honestly have lived without knowing existed but it doesn’t feel like.worth it.to complain about something all of three people write as a Least Favorite Ship
19. Did you like Yoda?
not at all. fucker is emblematic of everything wrong with the old jedi order, personally oversaw most of that, and also just gives anakin and luke consistently terrible, destructive advice. anyone who’s had to listen to me for very long is probably aware i mostly take a “the institution is deeply fucked up but there’s a lot of good individuals” approach to the jedi. i...honestly do not see yoda as one of those good individuals. he was in charge for like. multiple hundreds of years. and probably a huge chunk of the problems with the prequels era jedi can be laid at his feet. also, he personally is just absolutely terrible at interacting with traumatized children and was not really a positive influence in anakin’s life. also “yeah we’ll give him an Actual Teenager to take care of! so he’ll have to let her go! as a test! this is a good idea” what the fuck? 
also part of the reason luke was so good was ignoring yoda’s advice fight me
20. Sith Code or Jedi Code?
SITH CODE. it’s just. more interesting to me. also imo the sith code doesn’t explicitly require most of why the sith as a group tend to be bad? like “through victory my chains are broken” could just as easily be taken in an anarchist/Genuinely Liberatory sense as the “other people having free will infringes on mine so i gotta take over everything” shit that comes up periodically. also it’s interesting to me that it was like. written as a direct answer to the jedi code? that’s cool. the seven different russian translations on russian wookieepedia are also cool and comparing them is an interesting exercise in what it Actually Means
also like. not 2 be a sith apologist on main but,, the sith code i feel like parts of it can actually be taken as personally relevant for me, without any obligation to do murders or be a space wizard or whatever, if i tried to follow any kind of approximation of the jedi code it would probably make me very sad very fast
21. Do you believe Kylo will get a redemption?
considering the current state of things I wouldn’t be surprised if an attempt at that was made in canon, but I don’t think it’s a good idea or remotely the most interesting thing they could do with his character. i did like the redemption fakeout(?) in tlj. 
i feel like. there’s already enough criticism of the sequels as being an OT rehash in some ways, and kylo and anakin are very different characters but i can see how doing the same kind of ending for kylo would just be boring or repetitive. and i would be VERY surprised if they managed to handle anything where he was redeemed+lived well, honestly
also don’t agree with the take that he needs to be redeemed to maintain the themes of star wars; vader was a special case, not all sw villains get redemption arcs, not even close. and it would just be way more interesting to me if he isn’t, honestly. i want kylo to lean into the dark side more. so basically, i don’t think it’s impossible that he’ll get one but i’d be disappointed
thanks emma!!!!
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wizardingaesthetics · 6 years
Crimes of Grindelwald
 Detailed thoughts in no particular order
·       Too many throwbacks to the original series: Don’t get me wrong, I love Harry Potter and in certain ways, my life literally revolves around the series. In making a prequel, Rowling risked harming a lot of what makes the original series so magical and sacred and more than once I found myself wishing she’d done something else. Nagini, for instance, could have been a random maledictus. There’s no reason why she needs to end up being Voldemort’s snake and I honestly feel like I’d have enjoyed her character a lot more if there wasn’t a Dark Lord shaped shadow hanging over her. Same goes for the plot twist at the end.
·       Queenie using Love Potion on Jacob??? I get that the viewers had to understand how desperate she was (because that’s what pushes her towards making her decision to join Grindelwald later on… ish) but it still bothered me. A lot.
·       Leta’s introduction was too abrupt?? I feel like only the huge fans cared about her existence and in not giving her (and Theseus) a better introduction, Rowling probably confused a lot of people.
·       Same with Dumbledore, actually. I get that almost everyone knows who he is but could have been introduced differently.
·       Some unnecessary scenes? I have a hunch that Bunty and the Kelpie will play a bigger role in future movies but the manner in which they were introduced was awkward and messed up the flow of the movie
·       There were too many characters with very similar silhouettes. I remember that Peter Jackson, while filming the Hobbit, insisted on different shadows for every character. When you’re dealing with so many people it becomes easier to distinguish by an outline than by name, or face. The fact that multiple male characters wore hats bothered me at times.
·       The fight at the end was disappointing? I feel like Leta’s death was too abrupt and could have been prolonged a little just so that it hurt the audience some more. Plus, the actual saying finite and sticking their wands into the ground could have been extended by at least five minutes. I sat through two hours for this final battle and I’d have liked it to have had higher stakes.
·       Could have had more Leta in general, actually, so that I cared a little bit more when she died.
·       The movie itself didn’t have a plot?? What makes the original Potter series so wonderful is that while they’re all connected, each individual movie also follows a singular plotline. Crimes of Grindelwald lacked that. It connects the first movie to any sequels but on its own has no actual plot.
·       I didn’t actually fall in love with any of the characters?? Like I enjoyed their presence but for the second instalment of a five-part series, I just don’t care about anyone enough?? Maybe Niffler??
·       Hated the plot twist at the end. Just…. No.
·       Newt. Everything Newt, right from the acting to his interactions with beasts to, well, everything. Fell in love with him all over again.
·       Beasts. All of them.
·       Newt and Tina’s confession was honestly the sweetest thing ever. Can we please get some actual couple-y moments next movie?
·       Theseus and Leta too. They’re like the ultimate power couple and that ‘I love you’ had better have been for her fiancée. I love that she has this strong, unbreakable friendship with Newt and that she’s also deeply in love with her brother. If Rowling was suggesting anything else I am ignoring it.
·       Grindelwald. Like damn, he came so close to giving me chills. Still mad about Depp (and honestly, there were others who could have done the role too) but the writing and his actions were spot on for a villain. Loved it.
·       Queenie was brilliant too, other than the Love Potion business. Love drives people to do things they wouldn’t normally consider and I love that someone so good is now on the dark side. Hell yes for more Queenie next movie!!
·       Credenceee!!! Love that we’re getting to see more of him, that he’s had this movie to find himself (and brief moments of love). Can’t wait for what they’re gonna do with him either.
·       The visuals??? Like just wow????
·       All the flashbacks. Had me wanting an entire movie (or book?) just on Newt and Leta’s days at Hogwarts. Still mad that Dumbledore is teaching DADA and I’m not sure how McGonagal’s part of the staff, but Rowling has never been good at math, am I right? I feel like if I’d been directing the movies I’d have done them very differently tbh
·       Dumbledore. Just… everything Dumbledore. Like this is the Dumbledore Michael Gambon deprived us of. This is the Dumbledore who would grow up to be Richard Harris’ version. Hell yes.
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