#the protect baby code is strong in her
webslingingslasher · 6 months
ok this is random but😭
i had a dream the other day and idk why i didn’t tell you sooner bc it’s so you/trouble/us coded but i had a dream where i bit my man’s shoulder (im single) (hypothetical dream man) but i but it OFF and woke up crying like his flesh was in my mouth and there was blood and now i csnt jokingly bite my future bf bc i’m traumatised
oh my god. telling this to bf!peter im-
'wake up.' stiff pokes, your touch is swiped away. 'no.' you poke harsher, peter hisses around a breath. 'wake up.' he pulls towards the edge of his bed, you follow right behind.
'go away, i'm sleeping.'
'that's fine, i just need to tell you something.' peter lets out the most dramatic sigh you've ever heard. 'tell me.'
'i can't bite you anymore.'
two days ago you bit him so hard it left a perfect bruise in the shape of your mouth. when you saw it the next day, you cried and told him how sorry you were, peter said it was fine and it didn't hurt. it was kind of sad, peter had never seen you so guilty before.
'don't tell me you're still crying over that. it was an accident and i promise it doesn't hurt.' you frown, you weren't talking about that but you think that's where the idea came from.
'i just had a dream i bit you and like, i bit your arm off.'
peter rolls over, he's got two perfect arms. 'trust me, trouble. you've got jaws of steel, but they're not that strong.' peter's the one who brought it up, you point at the fading purple.
'i did that.'
'and it's still attached.' peter shakes his arm out, 'see? wanna give it a nibble?'
'no! no more biting. no biting ever again, i can't control myself, obviously.'
'it's a minor flesh wound.'
'for now! what if i gave you a staph infection?'
'you didn't give me a staph infection.'
'how do we know that?'
'because you didn't break the skin, trouble.' you stare at the mark, it haunts you still. your lower lip trembles, you hurt him. 'petey,' it's that broken voice, the one that makes peter feel like a teddy bear, the mix between bringing comfort and a sense of protection.
it's all it takes for him to scoop you into his hold. 'c'mere, give me a hug.' you press against him tight. 'i hurt you.' peter holds his lips to your forehead, you caused damage and he's comforting you.
'minorly. i’ve bruised you before, too. i didn’t beat myself up over it.’ you snort, he didn’t cry but he felt terrible. peter went in a little hard on sex one night, his fingertips bruised little marks into your hips where he held you. the next morning he kissed them over and over while he whispered apologies.
‘liar. you freaked the next morning.’ peter hums, he remembers. ‘of course i did. i bruised my girlfriend the same night i got her.’ you want to squeal, each time he says it feels like you take flight.
‘then you understand why i’m upset. i mortally wounded my boyfriend, the person i love most.’ you gasp, you hadn’t even thought of it like this, but it’s even worse.
you push back to stare into his eyes, your thumb brushes over the purple ring. ‘i hurt spider-man!’ you kiss over the bruise, you can’t believe you hurt your hero like this.
‘i almost bit spider-man’s arm off.’
peter rolls his eyes, ‘no, you almost bit your boyfriends arm off.’
‘spider-man is my boyfriend.’
‘peter was your boyfriend first.’ you hold up a finger, ‘technically- you told me you-‘
‘technically nothing. you’ve known peter for longer, that’s who your boyfriend is.’
you shake your head at him. ‘well, technically-‘ peter flips you to your back, you blink wildly at the sudden movement. ‘technically nothing. spider-man was collateral to get peter to be your boyfriend.’
you raise your eyebrows, peter hides his hands under the warmth of your shirt. ‘baby, i only said yes because i knew i’d be dating spider-man.’
peter pouts sympathetically, ‘i hate to tell you this, trouble. but… spidey is pretty upset about the impending staph infection. peter on the other hand… is strong and brave.’
you agree with him. ‘yeah! you’re the strong one, you can handle your arm being bit off. i mean, i’ll never bite you again, but you could handle it.’
‘trouble, as long as you’re the gnawing my arm off, i’d be fine with it.’ you pout up at him, peter thinks he said the wrong thing again and tries to backtrack.
you stop him. ‘i’m not sad, petey. i’m in love. you’d give an arm for me.’ peter gives you three quick kisses, ‘i’d give you anything.’
you murmur against his lips, ‘like being able to call spider-man my boyfriend?’ peter presses in harshly, you think he might’ve bruised your bottom lip in retaliation.
‘almost anything.’
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mysteria157 · 4 months
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Moment Two: Your Daughter's First Pair
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Black Fem Reader
CW: fluff, profanity (not really), sexual suggestion, slight angst (very minimal).
Word Count: ~3.4k
Summary: Nanami joins you and your daughter for a family tradition, but he may not be as strong as he thinks.
Set in the It Had To Be You universe but you don't need a lot of backstory to follow along.
Notes: This was a random thought that I had based on something that has always been a thing in my family that I wanted to write out. There is nothing significant about this, I have not written Nanami in a LONG time, so I'm trying to warm myself up again. I am so rusty but I'm using fleeting moments of inspiration and taking advantage of it.
Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome! Happy reading!
Divider: @saradika | Header: myself
| Twitter | Ao3 | Masterlist | Moment One | Moment Three...Eventually
©mysteria157, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, modify, or translate (without permission) my work to other accounts and platforms.
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“You don’t need to hold her so tight.”
“I’m protecting her.”
“And what am I, a goat?”
He raises a brow at your jest, autumn wheat and elegant but nonetheless annoyed as he glares at you. He doesn’t mean it, you know that—it’s all nerves.
“Ken, we don’t have to do this you know? If you’re against the idea, we can wait a few more years.”
“I’m not against it,” he reassures you, adjusting your daughter in his arms. Ulani babbles up at him, her chubby hands digging into a sharply cut cheekbone. He carries on without complaint, already used to her behavior. “This is a tradition, and I understand it but…”
You turn a key chain in one hand, your thumb smoothing along the glittery face of a dog—or is it a cat? The rack is filled with key chains of different colors, animals and objects, bringing back memories of middle school when you would drag your best friend Omelia into this same store in Sendai before it closed down. Despite the many years that have passed, the store chain still has its subtle hues of purples and pinks, earrings punched through purple cardboard paper, pens with wonky erasers, and headbands of different designs.
“But what?” you try to finish for him, smiling up at his nervous form as he lets Ulani talk to him in her own baby language.
Kento pulls in a deep breath as if to steel his nerves and prepare for the inevitable. He’s praying to whoever will listen, trying to use every coping mechanism in the book. He’s wearing jeans that hug his fit thighs and a dark blue short sleeve that shows too much bicep for your liking (you should give him a dress code). There are only so many single and married women and men that you can glare at in a day, and the redhead over by the register is pushing it.
“Will it hurt her?” your boyfriend’s low timber pulls you back, filled with apprehension, and he keeps mahogany eyes on his daughter to avoid showing you just how scared he is. You rub his back to soothe him, tracing the bands of muscle that are tense behind the soft fabric.
“I-I’m worried.”
“And you shouldn’t be. It’s a simple thing, lasts two seconds. Just like when she got her first shots.”
That’s not enough for him, because now Kento furrows his eyebrows in frustration, bouncing his daughter in his arms to entertain her and also soothe himself. “There are a lot of things to consider. The risk of infection. Rejection. What if she hates them? What if they get caught on her clothes? Or her curls? Or—”
“Are we ready?” one of the employee’s sing songs from behind you both, walking towards the singular chair perched against the glass wall of the store.
“I—” Kento croaks, clearing his throat and swallowing loudly. He looks down at you. “Are we?”
In the time you’ve known him, you’ve only seen Kento visibly nervous a handful of times. That stoic demeanor is a smooth, stone-like shell to everyone else besides family and close friends, but you know the weak spots and have glimpsed into the fragmented sections only visible to your eyes. Right now, he’s nervous and fearful beyond belief. That all encompassing love and attention that he shows you from sunup to sundown extends to his daughter as well. If there is one person besides you, who can make Nanami Kento show his emotions freely and without reservation no matter the date, place, or time, it’s Ulani.
“How about you hold her?” you suggest and give him a small push towards the black chair. Two employees work at the small kiosk next to him, unwrapping sterile materials and cotton swabs. Kento’s eyes watch every movement, searching for any sign of threat that can give him the ammunition to take his daughter and never come back. You can practically hear his thoughts:
“Is that up to code?”
“How long has that been sealed?”
“What is the name of the manufacturer so that I can ensure it’s reputable?”
Your roll your own eyes, knowing how right you might be.
When you found out your pediatrician would be on her own maternity leave, you let Kento research every establishment in Tokyo until he found one in Shibuya. Reputable, good reviews, and well-practiced in this procedure.
Of course, you’re nervous too. She’s your daughter, a combination of you and Kento, conceived from a very drunken night of disdain but grown out of eventual love and adoration. The thought of her crying in pain makes that maternal part of you flare with anger and the consuming need to protect her forever. But you’ve prepared for this for awhile.
Kento? Not so much.
“Is that clean?” your boyfriend asks one of the employees, clutching his daughter a little tighter. It’s a little rude, but the employee smiles at him in a way that conveys understanding of his trepidation. This isn’t their first rodeo.
“Completely sterile from the package. I promise she’s in great hands.” Deep eyes free of steampunk-esque glasses flicker up at her in doubt, but he simply sniffs and looks back to his daughter instead to withhold a scathing remark. “How about one of us on each side, and we do it at once?” she suggests, addressing him directly. It helps, as he gives her a somber but curt nod.
He situates Ulani in his arms so she’s sitting fully on his lap, his large hands holding her up with a slight tremble. The sight is enough to remind you again that this is new territory for him. What has always been a normal tradition for you and the other females in your life, is a foreign concept for him.
Ear piercings are a milestone in a young girl’s life. You got yours as a baby, and so did your mother. Omelia got hers as a baby, as did all her female cousins, as did her mother and the mother before her. If you interacted with your mother’s side of the family, then maybe you would know if your cousins also did the same.
But that’s another thought for another time, and you refuse to let painful memories tarnish what should be a memory you are crafting on your own, right now.
You step closer and run your hands through thick blond locks that are free of gel. You brush the strands from his forehead, letting the soft texture slip past your fingertips as he relaxes instantly. With his place in his chair, he’s at the perfect height to rest his head on your stomach, and he does so a second later.
One of his hands brushes light brown curls from his daughters ears. You can feel the unease radiating from him with every deep breath he takes, and you scratch that spot at his nape that makes him shudder, hoping it will help.
The muscles in Kento’s neck bunch together instead when one of the employee’s leans toward Ulani to make marks in deep purple, and even your own stomach turns in response at what’s to come. 
“Okay, we will do this on three. How’s that sound honey?” one of the employees coos at your daughter. Ulani, who is a carbon copy of her father, stares up at her, observant and sinking into her daddy before offering a gummy smile. “She’s so pretty.”
“She’s beautiful,” Kento corrects, slightly rough but still appreciative of the compliment. “Aren’t you, my dove?”
He tickles her side and offers a rare chuckle as she squeals up at him, wiggling in her father’s embrace. The sight makes your heart do flips because this is your world, day in and day out. Just you, Kento, and the person you’ve created together.
You step around to squat in front of him so you’re eye level with your daughter, a hand coming up to wiggle the toes covered in a tan sock. Her eyes catch you immediately, and she holds your gaze long enough for the two employees to position themselves on each side of her. 
Kento holds his breath.
“Alright, here we go. One. Two. Three.”
They both move in sync, pressing down on the plastic gun so the studs slide through the soft lobe of Ulani’s lower ears. Kento’s eyebrows furl together immediately. Ulani’s eyes widen for a second before her face contorts, her mouth opening in a silent cry. Your heart hammers and your chest tightens in an sudden flood of sadness and desperation that crashes against you like a tumultuous wave when Ulani takes one heaving breath in….
And screams.
His reaction is quick. Kento bounces one leg at a tempo that alarms you, his handsome face flying through different stages of grief, anger, and pain as he watches the employees adjust the diamond earrings to ensure they heal without complication. His mouth opens and closes, jaw grinding to keep his rudeness in check, because you know what he wants to say.
He was the same way when she got her shots; all glares and sharp stares at everyone else because they were the source of her discomfort. But like that time before, you are the cooling balm for his hot anger as you wiggle your daughters toes and murmur soothing words at her, to show him that she’s going to be just fine.
“It’s okay, baby,” you smile softly and it’s enough to capture her attention even though she’s squealing and crying from the sharp but quick pain in her ears. But all too quickly, you’re not enough for her, because the daughter that you carried for almost ten months turns away and reaches for her father, crying loudly in his arms. It’s a sting that you prepared for, but nonetheless hurts with a severity that takes a few seconds for you to recover from.
By the time you pay one of the employees and exit the store, Ulani has already calmed down. Kento digs into the diaper bag on his shoulder and pulls out a cotton cloth, wiping her nose as she sniffles and whines into his shoulder.
“I know honey, I know,” he coos to her, wiping the tears from her light brown skin and swaying back and forth. “But you were so strong, weren’t you? Hmm? A lot stronger than me.”
He pulls her away from his neck, smiling softly at her, and that one smile makes your chest bloom with satisfaction. It’s times like these that remind you how your life has surprisingly fallen into place. Who would have thought that the man who used to drive you insane would be the only one fit for you? 
That small twinge of hurt you felt minutes ago when Ulani turned away from you resurfaces, but reassurance cools it’s prickly edges. Even though this is a moment you may have been more connected with, it’s Kento who feels the painful side of it a lot more.
So you give him his own moment. You watch quietly as he kisses her chubby cheeks repeatedly, smiling into her skin at the giggles that leave her. You fall into the hum of the world around you as you watch him tuck away the cotton cloth and smooth the curls away from Ulani’s ears, finally admiring the diamonds that twinkle on each side. The lobes will be red for a few days, but for Ulani, she will never think of them again until she’s old enough to pay attention. Until she’s old enough to change them out to match the outfits she decides to wear, different colors and gemstones, and multiples if she ever has a streak of expression in her teenage years. Like you did.
Kento finally looks down at you, chestnut browns sparkling as he takes you in from head to toe. The harsh Shibuya sun beats down on bustling city square, but the rays are soft when they touch him. Tan skin is illuminated gold on his cheekbones, his hair luminous in the sun. You reach up to run a hand through his locks for the second time this afternoon, your heart still not used to the incessant hammering that arises when he leans into your touch.
You lift an accusatory eyebrow at him and hold back a chuckle when you speak. “Our daughter was the soldier this afternoon, and yet I’m coddling you?”
“Keep coddling,” he demands, voice tinged with mirth as he turns to place a kiss inside of your palm and then leans back into your stroking. “Today was very painful for me, have you no shame?” 
You snort and dig your nails into his scalp in retaliation, enjoying the groan that rumbles in the air from your ministrations. “Don’t blame this one moment on your entire day. You had a great run, remember?”
“My slowest three mile run yet.” Quick on the draw, and you already know where this is going. Kento rarely complains, but when he does, it is about the most trivial things as a means to get and keep your attention.
“You made me pancakes this morning.”
“Not my best work. Too much cinnamon in the batter.”
“We made out two hours ago?”
“Ulani woke from her nap and interrupted what would have been a very enjoyable afternoon.” That complaint leaves his mouth in a grumble, and you purse your lips to hold off the laughter that sits in the back of your throat. He’s truly pouting, and god do you love him.
“And now seeing your daughter cry from her first ear piercing was icing on the cake of a bad day, I imagine?”
You finally giggle and playfully pull a strand of his hair. He narrows his eyes at you, mischievous yet still carrying that ingrained indifference that you know and love. Ulani shrieks in his arms, finally past her blip of crying and now ready for her parent’s attention. You take in her drool of a smile, slightly red ears, and brown onesie-dress, and the possibilities flood your mind. It’s…very overwhelming when the thoughts hit you: how she will grow into herself, develop her personality, her wants and desires, her hobbies and her dreams. 
“Pay attention to me,” he interrupts your thoughts, and you can’t help the bark of laughter that you give him in response. Ulani mimics you, completely oblivious.
“You’re such a baby, and we have a baby,” you tease, snorting at his level expression and dusty cheeks, slightly shy but absorbing your presence. “You and Ulani have had it rough today. So how about a reward?” You look to your daughter when you ask, knowing damn well she has no idea what you’re saying but you want to include her anyway.
“How about frozen yogurt?” I.e., the unsweetened applesauce in the diaper bag for Ulani and matcha-flavored frozen yogurt for Kento from a favorite vendor a few blocks away. It’s an obsession of his that’s been appearing in the freezer with numbing regularity.
Kento remains unphased by your suggestion, though his lips twitch with the desire to smirk down at you.
“Seeing our daughter in pain was more heartbreaking than I thought. Food may not help, I’m afraid.”
Kento is milking his “pain” at this point, and you’re far too in love with him not to entertain the idea you know is floating in his head. You love this about him, just how playful he is when it comes to you.
“You’re a tough nut to crack.” You tap your chin as if you’re thinking hard, humming in contemplation. “How about…” you trail off, a hand sliding up a muscular bicep before massaging his nape again, relishing in the shudder he gives in response, his eyes twitching to hold back the urge to roll into his head in satisfaction. “Since you’ve suffered so much today…we can go home…and I’ll do that thing you like.”
You have the privilege and skill of being able to read Nanami Kento like a book. You don’t miss the glee that dances across his features—the uptick of one side of his mouth, the slow brow lift, the darkening of his irises. He knows exactly what that thing is. You’re pretty good at it—a master at it—and he made you promise that the day he ever turns that thing down, is the day you can leave him.
His cheeks explode in blush, jaw ticking before he clears his throat and smooths a sweaty hand down the dark blue of his shirt.
“I see,” he ponders, looking up to the sky as if in deep thought, and you know if you roll your eyes again, they’ll get stuck. “Well.” He situates Ulani in his arms and presses a few kisses to her cheek again to pull those giggles from her that you both love. “Who am I to deny your mother?” he suggests to his daughter. “Not a moment to waste, Ulani.”
“You’ve got to be kidding—”
“Quickly, before you change your mind.” He slides a hand to the small of your back as a means to hurry you along, pressing softly and turning you in the direction of the car.
You try to bat his hands away from you, giggles growing in volume as he dodges all your attempts to get rid of him. “I’m not going to change my mind, Ken—”
He takes your hand and you let him pull you, beaming at his back as he increases his pace. Ulani is happy as can be in her father’s arms and babbling as he talks softly to her.
“A snack before nap time sounds good, doesn’t it? What kind of applesauce would you like today?” She gurgles. “Cinnamon again? Hmmm, we should always try new things, Dove. What about the strawberry ones I bought you yesterday?” A squeal. “Strawberry it is. I think…”
The rest of their conversation fades into the background as you walk with them, warmth coursing through your veins with each step. It’s a warmth that catches you off guard, but has been ever present since Ulani’s birth. And you love every bit of how it feels. How it flows through you with every breath you take. How it only grows every minute, every hour, every day that you create a life with them.
After Ulani is buckled in her car seat and you slide your seat belt into its latch, Kento leans across the armrest, a warm hand sliding against your cheek in a gentle caress before he slants his lips against yours. It’s a surprise, but the shock dies as quickly as it forms as you melt into his touch—full lips that know your own and soft blonde locks brushing your face.
That affection that he pulls from you every day is given back in this moment—freely and without restraint—in the parking lot of Claire’s in Shibuya, where your daughter got her ears pierced for the first time.
When he pulls away and whispers his love for you against your lips, you repeat it back to him without thinking. It’s a motion that you both carry out whenever you can. 
“No more piercings. My heart will probably give out.”
“Do you feel better?” you ask in a tone that is filled with the teasing nature that sticks to you like a second skin.
He loves it, but doesn’t take the bait, and instead kisses your lips again, each cheek, and the tip of your nose. “I will soon.” The innuendo is so obvious you can taste it. He’s been with you too long to be a blushing and awkward man. “Once Ulani is asleep.” You push him away with a giggling huff and savor the deep chuckle that falls from his lips, permeating the air of the car.
As Kento drives through the crowded streets towards your shared home in Nakameguro, the hand not on the steering wheel envelops yours, a thumb stroking the skin of your palm. You look out the window and observe the colors and cars that zoom by, and the sound of a deep breath behind you makes you look back. And when you do, your heart gives a painful but welcoming lurch as you gaze at her. Your daughter already asleep, her head dipping to the side—curly locks askew and sticking to the drool on her face, and her new diamond earrings shining back at you.
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Thanks for reading!
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neoyuno · 2 years
all-nighter | j.jh (M)
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As your newly-dating boyfriend works on his new app, you decide to take care of him when he tries to pull an all-nighter.
Or, Jaehyun is finally ready to fulfill all of his fantasies.
Pairing | Nerd!Jaehyun ♡ BadGirl!Reader
Genre | Comedy, Romance, Smut [ brief shower action, fingering, riding, oral (both), brief 69, subby!jaehyun, dom!reader, protected sex, dacryphilia, dirty talk, praising, a little surprise at the end ♥︎ ]
Word Count | 5k
Reading time | 25 minutes
Warnings | usage of curse words, explicit descriptions of sex, afab reader, not proof-read. lmk if I missed anything.
Notes | It’s finally here! After so long, pretty boy Jaehyun is back :) Happy Valentine’s Day, Valentines! I hope you like this one. ♥︎ Can be read as a stand-alone, or you can read Pretty Boy here!
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A strong wind ruffled your hair as you pushed past the library’s doors. It was close to 9PM and you looked for your boyfriend after your last lecture of the day.
It had been, approximately, 3 months since your first intimate encounter with the man. The promise of a further adventure still on the table. Given the nature of the man, you wanted to take things slow, going at his pace without pressuring him into anything. He did seem to be ready, but you wanted it to be special—for the both of you.
The dimpled guy had been nothing but the sweetest these past couple of months, his bashfulness didn’t seem to fade away though. Not that you complained about it, the sight of his pink cheeks and glossy eyes only made you fall for him further. To be honest, you were completely in love with him—and you were sure he felt the same.
The lady in the front desk greeted you and told you they were closing in an hour. Taking a small tupperware out of your bag, you placed it on the counter. A piece of cake inside for the lady that always makes conversation with you when you come looking for your boyfriend everyday. She smiled at you and thanked you for the treat.
“You mentioned you like this kind of cake so I brought you some.” You smiled. “I’ll be out in like 10 minutes, I’m here to make sure Jaehyun hasn’t been absorbed by the computers.” She chuckled and directed you to where he was.
“Well, in that case, he is in the private computer rooms upstairs. Room 4.” She smiled at you. “Here’s a key, pretty sure he will not be hearing you knock.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Garcia.” You waved at her and made way to the private room section of the library.
You knocked on the door, and just as she had said, no one answered. Smiling, you opened the door to see your boyfriend deeply concentrated on his screen, a bunch of weird codes displayed on a window and a preview displayed on his iPad.
Jaehyun jumped in his seat when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulder.
“Oh my-“ he turned around and as soon as he saw your face, he relaxed. “You scared me…” he whispered.
“Oh, I am sorry, baby.” You cooed and cupped his face, squishing his cheeks, while straddling his lap. “How’s my pretty boy doing?” You kissed his lips softly a couple of times, making him blush, yet his hands cupped your ass.
“I-I’m okay, I am working on my app.” You pecked his lips again as you watch his skin turn pink. “How are you?”
“I’m okay, baby. But we need to go.” You said. “The library is closing soon and you need to rest a bit.”
“But I am not done yet.” He tried looking back at the screen but your hand on his jaw prevented him from doing so.
“You can finish tomorrow. Now, let’s go home, pretty boy. Let me take care of you.” He started talking again, so you pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’ll drive you home and I’ll make you a nice meal.”
“Just ten more-“
You cut him off with a kiss again, this seemed to be the most successful way to shut him up.
“And then we can take a shower together,” he hummed against your lips, interested in your last statement. “Then we can do a lot more…”
“Like what?” He whispered.
The grip he has on your bottom got stronger, as he practically squeezed the soft mounds. The sudden boost of confidence surprised you, making you wet nonetheless.
“I dont know… what do you want to do?” A smirk forming on your face.
His lips touched your jaw ever so softly and your eyes almost bulged out of your face. It wasn’t something outrageous but he barely ever even kissed you normally. He would rather hide under his sheets, blushing like crazy, than outright tell you he wants to make out.
“There’s this movie that just came out. It’s a romcom, I’m sure you’ll like it too.” He suggested and smiled cutely.
At this point, you were too soft for his dimples that you couldn’t even suggest something naughtier. You loved seeing him happy. The lamest things made him happy and therefore it made you happy.
“A movie sounds great, baby.” You kissed his lips softly and removed yourself from his lap. “Now, let’s go so Mrs. Garcia can go home.”
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“So, how’s your app going, baby?” You asked and opened the door to his apartment, which he held for you to get in so he could follow after.
The scent of his home was absolutely heavenly. Soft and manly. Discarding of you shoes, you reached to hold his laptop and tablet to place them on his desk. He whispered a small ‘thank you, baby.’ that made you heart beat at a hundred miles an hour.
“The app is almost done.” He smiled proudly. “It should be up for download by the end of the month. I hope it does well.”
“Of course it will do well, pretty boy. You made it, so I am sure it is great!” You assured him. “And if I have to, I will purchase a million devices so I can download it in all of them.”
The sudden pull of your waist by his arm made you gasp softly. Not expecting him to be this affectionate, you were not quite sure how to react other than by snuggling into his chest as it hit your back.
“Thank you, baby.” His lips ghosted over the crook of your neck and you could’ve just faint right there.
Truth is, he also felt the same way. Your words of encouragement and the silly idea of buying a million devices for the sake of his success made him feel elated. Absolutely enamored by you. Thoughts of you flooded his mind and he didn’t mind it, all he wanted was to hold you close and never let go of you—he was deeply in love.
“Do you want to shower first, baby?” You needed him, all of him this time.
“Sounds good, beautiful.” The word rolling from his tongue was so sexy. His voice drove you insane, it was low and deep while still holding that hint of timidity.
You could definitely get used to him being a bit more straightforward and affectionate.
“Let’s go then, pretty boy.”
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Soft delicate hands helped the man discard of his clothes, he loved the feeling of your hands on his body. Although, he would never say out out loud.
He knew what was going to happen in the shower (or at least he hoped it was what he thought), and he was very much looking forward to it. His dreams were always filled with images of you—some innocent and some not so much. Often, he would find himself wandering around explicit thoughts of you: you on your knees and choking on his dick, you riding his face, his fingers deep inside you as you screamed his name, you on your knees and elbows, pretty ass parading for him as he fucked you dumb, and the most popular thought of his—you bouncing on his lap taking all of him as he watched your pretty face and pretty tits jiggle.
Of course, he never found the words to ask for all of his fantasies. The fact that you worshipped his cock and often pointed out how big he was, made his confidence boost a little. But it wasn’t enough to outright ask you to ride his face or bend you over. As a matter of fact, his cock still didn’t have the privilege to explore the crevices that his fingers had.
Ever since he became your boyfriend, he had done countless of research of ways to pleasure you. Wanting nothing more than to give you as much as you gave him. At this point he should be an expert, but how could he be one if he never put it to practice. He tried many times, in his head, but once he wanted to apply it… it never came out the way he wanted too. His bashfulness always won.
“Let me help you…” he offered quietly when he saw you removing your shirt.
You stopped on your tracks and stood in front of him. While you do enjoy him being submissive (he does too) you didn’t mind him being a little more responsive.
“You’re so pretty.” The way his voice resonated in the softest way possible, clenched your heart. He had told you this countless of times but it never failed to make you feel special.
Feeling his lips on your collarbone, caused a moan to leave your lips, his own curving up in a small smile at the reaction.
Jaehyun’s hands traveled down the curves of your body to undo the zipper of your short skirt and let it fall around your feet. Curving his palms, he cupped your soft bottom, bringing you closer to his naked body as you held unto his biceps.
Not so sure what was happening, but you were having the time of your life being touched by him. The man’s hands touched you with such delicacy that it almost felt like feathers brushing against your skin.
“Are you okay?” You asked, curious of his behavior.
“I’m okay.” He smiled. “I just want you to feel good, too.”
“I always feel good, baby.”
“I know, but I want to make you feel good myself.” You lips joined as you stumbled into the shower once he removed your underwear.
“Yeah?” The cool water splashed on you bodies, dampening his hair and yours.
He merely hummed against your lips, before cupping your face to stroke your cheeks with his thumbs.
“Come here, let me wash you hair.” His fingers ran through your hair, massaging your scalp as he washed away any oils. Jaehyun kept all of your favorite care items in his house for you, as he liked having you over often.
Closing your eyes, you stood there taking in his care. It was you who was supposed to be taking care of him, but he wanted to return the favor as he had promised the first night. Not only sexually, but also romantically. His heart fluttered whenever you were with him, the way you treated him was heart filling—even his friends started envying the way you treated him, but they couldn’t agree more that he deserved it.
The water washed away the soapy bubbles from your hair and you turned around to face him, grabbing the bottle of his shampoo and smiling at him once he bowed his head so you could reach.
“You look cute.” You giggled and spiked his hair. “Such a pretty boy.”
“Stop…” he blushed but still giggled with you.
Jaehyun stepped under the shower, the suds washing down his body and you couldn’t help but follow their path. From his head to his collarbones, to his abs and down his legs—where, of course, you stared at. He grew shy under your gaze, but he couldn’t help himself from pulling you into his arms.
“You’re so pretty.” He whispered and placed his thumb across your bottom lip before kissing you once more.
Kissing him always felt nice, it made you feel a million butterflies in your tummy. He kissed you with such delicacy no one had ever given you before.
“Oh, someone’s excited.” You giggled against his lips when you felt something poke your thigh.
“I- uh- I’m sorry…” his cheeks painted a deep pink and his eyes shut as he stopped kissing you.
“Hey, don’t act all shy now.” You smooched his lips a couple of times until he was smiling. “Let me help you with that, baby.”
He kept you in place, against the shower wall, once you were about to kneel in order to suck him off. Jaehyun shook his head when he saw your confused face.
“Not like that…” his lips kissed your neck and his hands travelled down your body.
“What do you want me to do, sweetheart?”
“I can’t say it…” he confessed bashfully against your neck.
Giggling, you stroked his back softly. “Do you want me to give you a handjob?” He shook his head.
“My boobs?” He shook his head again. “Do- do you want to go all the way?” He nodded and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second. “Okay.”
Guiding his hand with yours, you led it to your pelvic area, his fingers brushing past your clit making you gasp softly.
“I don’t think I can’t take you without prep, baby.” You said and he stared at you intently. “Can you help me get ready for you?”
Your eyes shut when you felt his fingers moving. His slender finger brushed past your lower lips and teased your entrance. It was quite surprising he knew what to do—but then again, you didn’t know all the hours of research he had gone through.
“Fuck…” you exhales sharply as his middle finger teased a specific part of sensitive skin near your entrance.
“C-can I?” He asked and you nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.
That’s when his finger dipped inside. Your hands reached out to grab at his shoulders to keep you balanced, the feeling of his finger deep inside you was already so much.
“Oh my God!” You gasped once more after his finger curled, pressing your g-spot.
“Is that good?” He asked, eyelids low and irises deeply concentrated in your face.
“Yes- please, more…” your eyes moved to look at him and you were met with his eyes intently staring at you. “I don’t- oh fuck!”
Your sentence was cut short as you felt him add another finger, his pace now quicker and finger pads curling which each pump. Just as you were about to talk again, his lips captured yours in a sloppy kiss.
Jaehyun kissed you eagerly, a little too excited for the things that were happening—and the ones that would unfold later.
“Baby,” you groaned and he hummed. “You’re so good at that, I don’t think-” you gasped once more as his thumb circled at your sensitive clit.
Your eyes were blown open and mouth agape as you turned to look at him, his chest and cheeks were a deep shade of pink and you could notice his heavy breathing—he was turned on.
“How about we move this to your bed, sweetie?” Your hand reached out to stroke his rock hard cock, a gasp leaving his lips almost instantly.
“Okay,” his shaking breath made you smirk as you pushed him back.
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Jaehyun stumbled backwards as you lead him back into the bedroom, you lips still permanently sucking on his. Usually, he would mind the mess the water dripping down your bodies made, but he was far too excited to care.
“I can’t wait to have this pretty cock inside me, baby.” You stroked him again, making him hiss as his bottom touched the mattess beneath him—your naked body falling on his.
You bit his chin and sat up on his abs, he couldn’t help but stare at your wet pussy touching his skin. He was absolutely mesmerized, his dirtiest fantasies were unfolding right in front of him. Jaehyun’s hand subconsciously reached to squeeze your ass, making you gasp softly.
“Do you like this?” You asked when his breath hitched at the sudden move of your hips, your pussy glading over his abs. “Do you like me riding your abs?” he bit his lip.
“Aren’t you a dirty boy…” clicking your tongue, you removed yourself from him and turned your back to him before straddling his body again. Your pussy now in complete display and just mere inches away from his face. “God, I love sucking this pretty cock.” You said and licked up his shaft.
The man tensed up beneath you, struggling to keeping himself from pulling your ass down and devouring you.
“Fuck,” he let out a shaky moan when your mouth sucked on his cock, but the sudden clench of your pussy caught his attention. Sucking him off did turn you on. “Just like that…” his thoughts were short lived when his tip hit the back of your throat.
“Hnng-“ Jaehyun whined when your mouth suddenly left his skin. “No-“
“No what, baby?” You couldn’t see his face, but his eyebrows knitted up as he debated whether to pull you down or not.
This was his time to shine. The time to finally do what he’s been wanting to do. Jaehyun wanted nothing less than suffocating on your pussy as your plush thighs hugged his head.
“Cat ate- fuck!” You gasped loudly as the man beneath you grabbed your hips sternly and pulled you down. His tongue sloppily made out with your wet core and you couldn’t help but moan loudly as your chest heaved out heavy breaths.
“Oh, baby… you’re so good at that.” His teeth grazed your clit softly and it felt like nothing you’ve ever felt before. The sound that left your lips was a sound Jaehyun quickly got addicted to.
He could definitely get used to hearing those pretty moans as he pleasured you as if that was his sole purpose on the u universe. You could feel his warm tongue lapping your folds and alternating to kitty lick your clit and entrance. The sensation of his teeth slightly grazing your bud added a new thrill that you had never experienced before.
Although he was the least experienced man you’ve been with, he was definitely the best at making a meal out of you. He wasn’t rushing to get your orgasm out of the way and seek his, but because he was hungry and eager to please you.
“Jaehyun…” moans turned into slurred whines of his name as your orgasm approached, but he stopped right then, kissing your pussy once before moving you off his face.
“Where did you learn that, pretty boy? Hmm?” You questioned, feeling strange at the submissive headspace you were in for a mere second. “What makes you think you can just stop when I’m about to cum?”
He felt the mattress dip as you moved around to straddle him like you did originally. This time, your breasts joined the skin of his chest as you leaned forward to suck at his thick neck.
“Are you just eager to try this pussy?” You asked and he moaned softly, making a smile form across your face. “Is that what you want, baby? Will you let me ruin this pretty cock?” You licked up his throat and bit his chin.
“This pretty cock will never be satisfied by no one other than me. You got that, pretty boy?” He nodded slowly and stared as he waited for you to kiss him. Your lips ghosted over the skin around his lips, teasing, but never making contact with his lips.
“Such a pretty thing, aren’t you?” Your fingers ran down his body, his skin so soft to the touch that you could swear it would’ve melted under your touch.
Your hand slid slowly from his shoulder to his pecs, which you teased by pinching his pretty nipples. Jaehyun struggled to keep his eyes open and mouth shut at the feeling, his mouth fell open and soft whimpers left his throat as your hands teased down his abs, where you could feel your wetness from earlier.
With your middle finger, you swiped the clear glistening substance and reached to his lips—the man didn’t waste any time before he was already sucking your finger dry, humming at the taste.
“God, you are hot.” You groaned as he looked up at you with the cutest pleading eyes as his cheeks hollowed around your finger. “Open your mouth, Angel…”
He obliged and you smirked.
“Stick your tongue out.”
A small moan resonated from the man as he did what you said. Grabbing his jaw, you kept his face in place as you lowered your own face close to his. Your tongue sticking out to lick his quickly before sucking it as you would with his dick.
Jaehyun exhaled heavily and his body laid limp on the mattress as you kept doing your work on his tongue. Who would’ve though such an impish action would feel like heaven on Earth.
“Please…” he mumbled while moving his hands to caress your skin, sending shivers up your spine.
“You can’t wait any longer, baby?” You whispered and he shook his head soflty. A smile broke on your face, feeling soft for the boy who stared at you with stars in his eyes.
“Let me get a condom…” kissing his lips one last time, you left the bed to find a condom on his drawers.
Jaehyun’s mind and heart were rushing at a million miles per hour. He had been waiting for this moment to come, he knew it would eventually happen, but he never it would happen with someone like you. As you moved back to the bed, he laid there propped up on his elbows.
“Are you sure you want to do this right now, baby?” You asked sweetly, genuinely concerned about him once you glanced over and saw him fidgeting.
“Yes, I’m just a bit nervous.” He shyly admitted.
“I’ll take it slow, okay?” Your lips touched his in a sweet peck. “If you want me to stop at any time, tell me and will stop.”
“Okay…” his voice trembled when your hand slowly rolled down the condom over his length.
“Relax, love…” voice soft, you instructed him to breathe deeply. “You already feel so good, baby.”
A soft moan left his plush lips and his eyebrows knitted up when he felt the tip of his cock glide over your wet folds. The quiet sound turned into a loud whine as you finally sunk down his cock painfully slow.
“Ah- I- Oh my God!” Jaehyun whined and his chest heaved with heavy breaths. Shutting his eyes and opening them again, he was greeted with the prettiest sight ever.
There you were, eyes closed, eyebrows knitted, mouth slightly open, and quiet curses leaving your pretty lips. He couldn’t help but moan at the sight.
“I don’t think I will last long tonight, baby.” You whispered. “I’m not even halfway down and you already fill me up so good.”
Between heavy breaths, Jaehyun stared at the spot where your pussy met his cock. He stared intently as less and less of his latex covered skin could be seen, yours stretching visibly as you sunk further down.
“Oh fuck…” you felt lightheaded. His cock fit beyond perfectly inside you, his tip pressing on that sweet spot so deliciously that you knew you would cum before he did if you didn’t control yourself. “Are you okay, angel?”
“Ye- oh- you feel so warm, oh my- fuck!” Borderline drooling, Jaehyun could only mumble and moan deeply as your warm center engulfed him tightly.
“Oh Jae, you feel so good, baby.” Your nails clawed at the skin of his chest softly as you fell forward.
Jaehyun’s breath hitched when he felt the soft skin of your breasts softly grazing his lips, after a moan left his lips when you rocked your hips rather harshly down his cock, he took the chance to suck on the pretty hardened buds.
“Mmm, fuck- I love your cock so much, pretty boy.” You groaned, growing frustrated at the rising pain in your legs as you tried to keep riding him.
Growing needy and hungry for the man under you, you left a loud moan before collapsing unto his chest. Your cheek was pressed against his shoulder and his hands moved to caress your body in a feathery touch. Your hips only moved in circled now as you tried regaining the strength in your thighs and calves.
“You feel so good, baby… please keep going…” he breathed out, swearing he would pass out at any given moment.
“So fucking big,” you whined, the circular motions only adding to your sensitivity and need to release. The feeling of his big cock stretching you out and his pretty moans and whines was driving you to a state of stupidity.
Halting the movements of your hips for a bit, you let yourself rest to regain the strength in your thighs, the man under you clearly frustrated at the action as he let out a whine and desperately groped at your hips to move you just a little. It was good enough to sorta soothe the growing ache for your wet centre.
“So desperate for this pussy, aren’t you, pretty baby?” You taunted, teeth sinking on the skin of his neck as a strained moan left his lips at the sharp feeling.
“Please…” his voice was now reduced to merely a rasped whisper. Lifting your head, your eyes diverted to his face, his pretty eyes were shut closed and his thick eyebrow met in the middle of his forehead while they furrowed.
Jaehyun’s cheeks tinted pink and lips hung open, a light sheen of sweat covering his forehead and chest heaving.
“So fucking pretty,” your hand clawed at his jaw, grabbing it firmly and making him yelp softly. The sight of such a beautiful man absolutely wrecked by you was bringing out another side of you that had been suppressed for a long time. “You want me to move? Beg for it, pretty boy.”
Just as the words left your lips he opened his eyes wide in shock at the sound of your sultry voice. He caught your eyes preying down on him in a dark gaze, making him shudder.
“Please, ______,” Jaehyun let out a pathetic breath.
“Please what? Tell me what you want, baby.”
“I need you…”
“You need me? I’m already here, love…” you smirked, not satisfied with his answer.
Jaehyun shook his head despairingly and moaned when you clenched your walls to tease him.
“I need your pussy, baby, please move!” He whined, tears already falling down his cheeks.
“Oh yeah? You need it?” You questioned and he whined out a ‘yes’.
The smirk on your face only grew wider as you slouched down to wipe his tears with your tongue before dipping it into his mouth and letting the salty taste invade his tastebuds. He couldn’t help but whimper at such a move.
“Good boy,” sitting back up, you used your hands to lean back on his thighs and keep yourself steady.
“F-fuck…” he gasped when your hips resumed their movement. “Mmm, ri-right t-there…”
“Look at you, Jae…” your hips moved frantically when you noticed that the quick pace made his moans louder and his breaths quicker. “So pussy-drunk, aren’t we, angel?”
“S’fuckin’good, baby…” his words, now mumbled, were consumed by his lazy and dragged out moans.
You were sure that Taeyong would scold you the next day for keeping him awake if he wasn’t out of town. Jaehyun’s moans were surely loud enough to echo in the eldest’s apartment.
“Oh, Jaehyun… you’re making me feel so good.” You praised. While you were doing all the work, the feeling of being stuffed to the brim by him was rewarding enough.
“O-oh, I’m gonna-“ you moved your hands from behind you to lay of his chest, slightly crouching on top of him to snap your hips down his length sharply.
The first plunge almost knocked the air out of your lungs, the head if his cock hitting your g-spot deliciously.
“Cum for me, angel. Cum inside me, pretty bo-y.” Your voice halted for a second as you felt your orgasm building up. “I want you to fill me up, baby.”
The words leaving your mouth only rung in his ears, the though of filling you up with his cum driving him insane and fueling his body with nothing but lust.
Jaehyun held unto his orgasm, wanting you to come undone first, until he felt your soft lips on his. Your tongue played with his as loud groans left his throat and were swallowed up by your mouth.
You whined against his tongue when his warm release painted the latex that blocked his skin from your tight walls white as his climax washed over like a tidal wave. Jaehyun’s hearing stopped for a bit as he relinquished in the most exquisite feeling ever.
“F-fuck, Jae…” you cried out as your walls contracted around his girth, triggering your own climax and making you collapse on too him.
Loud moans harmonized with his deep groans as you both laid there coming down from the little heaven you shortly ascended to. You felt strong arms wrap around your shaking body and shaky hands caress your back.
“Thank you, baby.” You heard Jaehyun breath out, making you giggle. Of course he would thank you…
“I should thank you. I have never been stuffed so good in my life.” Now, it was his turn to giggle. His lips pressed a soft kiss on top of your head and you couldn’t help but smile.
The room fell into a comfortable silence, just the muted sound of the A/C and your breaths filling up the space. The alarm clock on his bedside table now reading 1:00 AM.
“Did you feel good, angel?” You asked after he sighed, a bit scared that he would regret letting you take his virginity.
“So good… I thought I was in heaven for a while there.” Jaehyun moved his head to kiss your lips chastely a couple of times, before lowering his voice and smirking. “How about next time I let my baby rest and fuck her good into the mattress?”
Your whole body shuddered at such a thing coming out of his mouth in such a sensual voice. You had created a monster, he had came not even five minutes ago before he was already voicing out what he had been thinking about all this time. Who knew fucking him would unleash such a fiend but you were surely in for a fucking treat.
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no-psi-nan · 4 months
Saiki K ships with the most canon evidence, RANKED:
#5) Teruhashi x Saiki
#4) Yumehara x Kaido [NEW]
#3) Toritsuka x Saiki
#2) Aiura x Saiki
#1 ) Nendo x Saiki
Reasoning in Brief:
#1) Nendo x Saiki
Nendo is the longest running character in the series after Saiki himself and immediately starts calling Saiki "aibou"/partner after Saiki saves him from a false accusation and he "saves" Saiki from bullies. Saiki uses his powers pretty freely in front of Nendo and Nendo always protects him, most notably at the end of the series when Saiki "loses" his powers. Saiki's bond with Nendo is so strong that even Nendo's father immediately gets attached to him in the past, and Nendo Sr.'s ghost is the only one he can see without Toritsuka's help. The second light novel states that without Nendo, Saiki would never have made friends with any other characters.
#2) Aiura x Saiki
Aiura's predictions are 100% correct according to canon and this is never contradicted. Saiki works with Aiura flawlessly in saving Yumehara's life multiple times in a row. Aiura's help was pivotal in stopping the volcano and she even helps in the cat tank arc despite not being physically involved. Aiura disagrees with Saiki's official stance of not helping others (though he's a liar who helps anyways) and they both grow as characters through the disagreement. By the end of the series, Saiki willingly accepts all of her invitations to go out for dessert alone together while knowing that she considers it a date and that she wants to have his babies.
"What if Aiura meant platonic soulmates?" <- every single one of Aiura's compatibility ratings and the other soulmate prediction given were explicitly romantic, unlike Saiki's favorability meter which seems to work with both platonic, romantic, and even parasocial relationships.
#3) Toritsuka x Saiki
#5) Teruhashi x Saiki
Toritsuka is allowed to physically hug Saiki at school in public even though everyone knows Toritsuka as The Germ and it could screw Saiki's reputation big-time. The cat tank arc literally has them saving each other's lives. Incredible amount of homoeroticism, particularly in the 3-days fasting chapter.
#4) Yumehara x Kaido
@mikosaishipper made a convincing argument here!
While they have the most explicitly romance-coded screentime of every pairing by far, Saiki never willingly goes out with Teruhashi and never considers telling her the truth about his powers. Teruhashi also never gets to find out about Saiki's real personality and struggles to compliment him even towards the end of the series. Teruhashi also doxxes Saiki to her simps in the invisible milkshake-stealing chapter even though she thinks giving Saiki any Valentine's chocolates in public would lead to both his death and WWIII.
#6) Kuboyasu x Saiko
Why didn't X ship make it to the top 5?
> Kuboyasu x Kaido
[UPDATE] Got knocked down by new arguments for Yumehara x Kaido, see the discussion above.
Homoerotic rivalry practically drips from every single interaction they have. Nuff said tbh.
Way more bro-coded than romantic. Kaido turns red at the thought of hand-holding, if there was canon gayness then it would be obvious.
> Akechi x Saiki
Akechi only got approximately 3.5 seconds of screentime 😔
> Nendo x Hairo
That was a joke bonus panel. Also, as much as Hairo considers Nendo to be his rival (even though he freaking cheats against him...), Nendo never seems to reciprocate, rip...
> Kuniharu x Kurumi
First chapter of the serialized Saiki manga is domestic violence between them over one (1) supermarket coffee jelly.
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trustywukkiii · 15 days
Im such a SUCKER for the characterization of Dungeon Meshi. Ryoko Kui and her editor Hiroi Masaru are incredibly great at subverting character tropes and archetypes with a perfect balance of strengths and weakness.
LAIOS to a bystanding viewer could easily seem like a himbo. He’s strong, a little bigger than average with his BMI at 26, and capable at fighting, but his lack of social skills is a BIG weakness. The thing is, that doesn’t make him unintelligent. Whereas himbos are just handsome goofs, his autistic coding is written so maturely. Although he can’t pick up on social cues, what makes up for it is his knowledge on monsters. His book-smarts sets him apart from the himbo spectrum. Regarding his past as revealed by the Winged Lion, Laios is a fairly flawed man who has complex desires. He just happens to be incredibly appealing. I love Laios.
FALIN, admittedly can be seen as a beacon-of-hope-damsel-in-distress that centers the entire plot and conflict. But what deepens her character is the additional conflict and consequence of resurrecting her, turning her into a Chimera. Her time as a Chimera can place her as morally gray, since she’s not actively thinking on her own accord during the confrontation with Laios’, Toshiro’s and Kabru’s parties. (Should also mention that scene where she doesn’t care where she teleports the crew as long as they were safe, even if it meant at the cost of hurting others.) She may be a beacon of hope, but only to the main cast. During her childhood, she wasn’t praised and treated like a princess by everyone. Falin is a fairly beloved woman in need of saving AND stopping, for she is capable of many scary things.
MARCILLE, oh Marcille is my favorite subversion. So easily can she be seen as the clumsy fanservice nerdy lady who complains about every single thing. But no, she’s metal as all hell. First off, she may be clumsy as is established by Chilchuck, but thank god she’s not sexualized. No fanservice in SIGHT. The only attractive thing I see is her strength in magic. She’s incredibly smart but in a way that is not universally approved. Her ancient magic and selfish nature to resurrect Falin through whatever means makes her so mature and powerful. Plus, her complaints with eating monsters are pretty valid. They’re not out of childishness, and she eventually gets used to it anyway. She is so so so complex in nature. She’s a scary elf lady but also incredibly endearing towards the people she loves the most to the point she can’t EVER comprehend the idea of losing them. Marcille is the epitome of “whatever it takes.”
CHILCHUCK very carefully bypasses that “small but a million times older than you expected” trope in lots of shows/animes. Being a half-foot, he’s usually babied by Marcille and Senshi. Despite this, that man so blatantly acts his age as a father of three: he has a habit of drinking, cusses a lot, acts the most reasonable out of the party, and he’s overall just so.. questionable, considering that “other plans” joke he did about Toshiro towards his party. Despite all these flaws, Chilchuck is just trying to do his job. He’s quite knowledgeable and responsibly when it comes to his work and adventuring with party members. He just happens to be a divorcee father.
SENSHI surprised me the most. He’s set up to be such a knowledgeable father figure to the cast. He’s incredibly caring of the dungeon and the habitants, and he cares for the “young-ins” like a good father should. He could easily pass with that trope, it’s not a bad one, but they decided to dig him deeper with his traumatic past. I’ve read another’s blog that describes him as just another kid at heart who is happy to have friends and it wrecks me. He may act overprotective and help guide the others, but he certainly doesn’t knowing EVERYTHING. Senshi is a man with the sincere intentions of protecting his friends, he just has a misguided sense.
IZUTSUMI I’m sure has been covered already by someone on here but she incredibly stomps away from the catgirl stereotypes of acting cute and cuddly. She’s aggressive, mean and loud. Only time she acts kitty-like is subtly— she likes sleeping on top of Chilchuck. Besides, she doesn’t really want to be a beastman. It’s her whole arc. You would have expected so much fanservice from her if this was a completely different show. Thank god, that’s not the case. Izutsumi is just a kid who knows what she wants albeit not gently, but she’s still a caring individual who is in the journey of exploring her freedom.
And KABRU is a funny case. His first introduction has a beautiful way of setting him up as a perfect leader, y’know, just that average “I’m effortlessly strong and witted and will rid of all evil” trope. Reality is poor Kabru lacks experience. He may have perceptive abilities, but throughout the early parts of DunMeshi, his party is shown to be easily taken down by monsters. Regarding how he and Laios are meant to be each other’s foils, Kabru’s strong advantages come at the price of his lack of knowledge in monsters. He just HATES them. Social cues are his own special interest. Kabru has the valid motivations, he just unfortunately doesn’t have the power to execute them.
This is my own little love letter to Dungeon Meshi. I love the characters so much, and I wanted to give praise to its writing that I can easily tell came from love and care. If you’ve read this far, thank you for sticking around! I love rambling about this beautiful world. I’m sure I’ve missed a few facts here and there, so let me know what you all think!
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forcedtogrow · 2 months
Going through your blog for motivation im trying to get huge after years of being a scrawny twink im tired of it i want to be strong and hot and able to protect people
Being a twink is so tired and cis brained litrlly swear it’s cis ppl trying to stop trans men from embracing ourselves. esp cis men are sooo threatened by it like their brains break if they think a trans guy is hotter, bigger, stronger than them. being a muscular trans man is a cheat code for dating im so fr i cannot stress how much more i get hit on than when i was an underweight baby trans. I LOVE feeling protective of the trans women in my life and when they tell me they feel safe w me ❤️❤️❤️ pushes me to make my arms so big she can wrap her hands arnd my biceps and they won’t touch.
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
for the 50 questions for your characters ask game.. Vyrm with 43? I think it'd be extremely interesting considering his complex past
43. What does your character see as the greatest injustice?
Hmm. I think, considering his childhood and his later regrets, he's particularly sensitive to the weak being ignored or mistreated. His childhood definitely wired him that way, he was far behind his siblings, and all he was given was food scraps just so he wouldn't starve to death. Aside from that, he experienced no affection, his mother clearly didn't like him very much and saw him as an annoyance, and his siblings were no better. So as he grew up and avoided the rest of his kind, he promised himself he would be different. It was a big reason why he decided to focus on the small bugs, he saw them as weak and wanted to protect them.
This is also another big reason why the vessel plan hit him as hard as it did. He didn't want to do it, and as he watched the vessels struggle, it broke his heart that if he were to do anything about it, it would ruin the whole thing. So he tried to convince himself that the vessels did not feel pain or fear, it was easier for him to cope that way, though of course he still feared that wasn't the case the entire time. Then the infection returned, all those fears came true, and we know what happened next. He failed the vessels, he failed the bugs in his kingdom that he wanted to protect, and it was all too much for his mind.
After the hibernation and the reunion with Grimm, Hornet and Holly, it took him a long time to, putting it simply, get his shit together. But immediately he became very attentive to Holly's needs, still seeing them onr of those weak vessels that needed him, that he left behind. It was clear the guilt was eating him from the inside, though even in their post-infection state, Holly was far from weak compared to him.
Similarly, when Lewk was first born, Vyrm wouldn't leave him for a moment, sometimes at the cost of his own well-being. He didn't want anything to happen to his baby, and on top of that, his vessel related guilt was only fueling it. But he was slowly getting better, his mental state was improving, and having the support of Grimm made him realize that he doesn't have to be as obsessive with it as he was before. That's not to say he stopped paying attention to Lewk, it was just easier to convince him that it's okay to take a break, and that others are there to help him.
Even then, protecting the weak never stopped being a big deal for him, far from it, and the arrival of the twin pups made it very clear. Asta was strong, even right after hatching from her egg. But Milo? He struggled from the very moment his egg was brought to the world, he took days longer to hatch, and when he eventually did, he was like a mirror image to Vyrm in his childhood, small, pale and skinny, always lagging behind his twin sister. He needed attention to survive, and for Vyrm ensuring that Milo would have a good childhood became even more personal. It wasn't just his guilt driving him, no. He saw himself in Milo, and to him it became a mission to correct the injustice from his own early days. He would give Milo the love and attention he desperately needed himself, he would be better than his own mother.
There are likely other things he feels are an injustice, but I think this aspect matters the most to him. And as it happens, it's something coded into his brain from the very first day he was born. Fitting that it would become his motivation in so many moments of his life.
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lyramundana · 1 year
f!reader younger than minsung and they are really protective with her?? thank you! (I LOVED YOUR HEADCANONS it's still me lol) -🌻🌻
THANK YOU!!🤭❤️ These headcanons are my main source of serotonin currently, so you bet I'll keep making more. I hope to receive more requests too!
Both Minho and Han are already protective of their loved ones, especially their partners, judging by their personalities alone. But if you watch videos of them interacting (not only on stage or skz codes, everywhere) you can see how fierce they are about each other. I mean, let's not forget Minho is a fucking Scorpio and Han a Virgo. That's the epitome of intensity.
They never do things halfway. It's ride or die with them.
And so it's only natural for them to be protective of her, but if she's younger than them, those traits are intensified. Male Koreans already have the instinct of looking after females, even more the younger ones, so yeah. Hope she's blessed with loads of patience because these men are going to be exhausting.
If the Reader is younger, this would push Han out of his soft, childish persona to be this more mature, "manly" version of himself (but he's still funny and loud). They'll both want to provide for her in every way, take care of her and overall just treat her like the ground she steps on is made of gold.
The concept of "personal space" is foreign to them. Like, she shouldn't even try to explain it, they don't get it. Why would they prefer to be separated from the person they love? It doesn't sound right in their ears. They're never more than two steps away from her if they can help it. Their jobs keep them busy enough, so when the three of them are all together, they want to enjoy every second. They're glued to her skin. If they go out, they have to be touching her in some way every five minutes as reassurance or else they'll be moody. If she needs to get something from a high place, they'll reach for her, keeping a steady hand on her waist while their chests brush against her back. If she needs to go to the bathroom, one or both are waiting outside the door "just in case". Hell, if she has to go and shower, they'll storm in and sit besides the bathtub to speak to her like it's a normal thing.
Minho is the type to spoil her but without explicitly showing it. For example, if he hears she wants something, he waits until she's not looking and takes it. She refuses to answer why, but the red tip of his ears tell everything. Jisung is the attention-seeking one. He asserts his protectiveness of her by physical contact. Hugging her from behind, his strong arms surrounding her, chin on her shoulder and ocasionally kissing her exposed skin.
If someone bothers her or steps out of the line, well, good luck to that person, because have you seen these two's arms? Yeah, they can and WILL beat up a bitch for their partner if they have to. Also, they're very good at verbal attacks and Minho is perfectly capable of shaming someone's entire family line with a smile and not a finger lifted.
They've make her call them "oppa" more times than she wishes to admit. It gets them going...in plenty of ways. If she wants something, she only has to call them "oppa" and they're at her feet.
The types to give her their clothes to mark territory. They've replaced some of her clothing for theirs in the house so she has no option but wear those. If she's cold, she has Minho's jacket on her shoulder and Jisung's covering her legs. If someone is shooting their shot with her, the next day she's suddenly wearing an oversized shirt that doesn't belong to her with a pair of shorts that look longer than they should (and a few hickeys underneath to add spice)
They both love to baby her and take full advantage of the age difference.r. She's so cute and soft in their eyes. If they could, they'll put her inside their pockets and carry her around like that everywhere.
During her period, they're even more attentive. Minho cooks for her everyday and slaps her hand aways she tries to help, then Jisung snoops her in his arms and lays her down in the couch, saying she should be resting, that they'll take care of everything for her. Same if she's sick. At least one stays with her all times to check on her needs, regardless of the risk of getting sick too.
She never walks right next to the road. If they see her inching near it, they move her away fast. When one is driving and she's sitting as a copilot, they'll place a hand before her when they do slightly brute movements with the car.
Overall, Minsung would be extremely protective of Reader if she was younger than them, to the point they may seem to treat her like a child and a fragile thing. But they're hot about it, so I'm sure she can accept it.
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abominable-space-they · 7 months
Team Dad Verse AU
OT3 Buggy/Mihawk/Shanks
A One Piece Au in which Roger & Garp raise their kids & crews together. The impact is far reaching
Part One Part Two Part Three
An Alternate One Piece History
40 ish years ago: Gol D Roger & Monkey D Garp meet to form a tentative truce for God Island incident hoping to keep more people on both sides of the marine divide alive. Through the danger and struggle they come to trust each other implicitly, a life long bond is created
In the aftermath of the incident Roger finds two mysterious toddlers both set adrift in the ocean. One is a sunny red headed, cheerful little boy with the looks of a Viking prince. The other is strange, difficult, overly busy, and perpetually unhappy. The only thing that seems to settle the odd blue haired little boy, is his red head friend.
Roger raises both both children aboard his ship as honorary Rogers Pirates. They're called Shanks & Buggy respectively. They're not his blood but they will inherit his pirate legacy. They're inseparable.
35 years ago: Garp & Roger marry in secret
30 years ago: increasing pressure from the world government causes a spiral of strain between increasing strife between Marines and pirates. Often men who'd been working working side by side in balance for years. Alliances, friendships, and romantic engagements crumble
27 years ago: Roger Pirates are disbanded. Shanks & Buggy have a falling out, each starting their own crews separately.
It's rumored they still occasionally see each other on Roger's lingering business. No one knows what that might be.
Dracule Mihawk & Red Hair Shanks teen friendship grows into a deeply knowing understanding
They trust and understand each other. A rarity among pirates.
Some say they're lovers
Some say neither man has a heart
Others say if they don't have them, it's because Buggy the Clown ate them.
None of them are concerned about the rumors
26 years ago: increasing tensions between pirates and Marines put titanic pressure on Roger & Garp. Neither of whom are willing to sacrifice their respective ways of life
25 years ago: The two men go their seperate ways permanently
Roger, who may or may not be terminally I'll, is arrested shortly after
The rumor mill can't keep up with the implications
24 Years ago: Gol d Roger is put to death, Garp mourns privately
In the months that follow, mutually distraught, Buggy & Shanks reconcile, sometimes running their crews together for periods of weeks or months at a time.
The two crews are known to be close associates of each other. It's an open secret that Red Hair Shanks & Buggy the Clown are lovers.
Mihawk is still around sometimes. No one knows what that means. No one's brave enough to ask.
23 years ago: Gol D Ace is born to Garp & Roger. A romantic story is woven to protect the child and his identity. A story about a woman who loves a man so much she held their baby inside her body until Roger had been in prison for much to long to be the baby's father. The baby is given his fictional mother's family name, Portgas.
Ace takes after Garp the most, fun loving, hearty, brave, loyal, stubborn, incredibly strong, and always absolutely starving.
If Garp seems like he has regrets no one is foolish enough to point that out to him
18 years ago: The eldest son of the GolD MonkeyD clan, a disillusioned Marine turned freedom fighter Monkey D Dragon, and a disenfranchised pirate turned mercenary spy code name Crocodile, cross paths in an unlikely turn of political events
Sparks Fly between Crocodile, & Dragon, two men with different but momentarily intersecting goals find common ground
A connection is made, a baby is conceived
17 years ago: Crocodile gives birth to a baby boy in absolute secret. The baby, an heir to unknowable power amongst both the pirates and the Marines, is in danger as long as he remains with either of his fathers.
The infant is a liability neither man is willing or able to take on, neither of his parents can reasonably or safely take care of the baby in their lines of work
The baby was given only a name, Monkey D Luffy and sent via wet nurse courier to the home base of his adopted family, Buggy & Shanks. Both men, foundlings themselves, with connections high up in both the Marines and the world's most powerful pirate crews. The baby can be safe there. And so he's raised, hidden in plain sight in Buggy and Shank's combined crew for three years.
Ace spends summers with Shanks and Buggy as well, both to reduce suspicions about his parentage and so the 2 little boys could be raised as family
14 years ago: Luffy, now much to spirited and strong to hide on any one ship, starts drawing dangerous questions from powerful people. A painful decision is made. Shanks & Buggy's crews will separate again, only working together in secret.
Shanks would take the toddler and set him up at a home base, a nowhere little backwater town called Windmill village, where he could keep an eye on the growing boy from an apparent distance.
Buggy would be out in the world spreading the wrong kind of rumors.
Ace, a bright and precocious child, spends summers bouncing between Buggy and Shanks, learning everything he can about the kind of freedom he dreams of taking for himself one day.
10 years ago: Luffy eats the gum gum fruit unintentionally causing an avalanche of cataclysmic change.
Shanks inability to produce this particular devil fruit puts him in the cross hairs of powerful government agents. Knowing the government and pirates alike would soon be making attempts on the the life of whoever ate the gum gum fruit, Shanks sends for Garp to take his grandson. He's now the only person with the power to hide Luffy from both the Marines and the secretive government officials the devil fruit was intended for.
To further protect Luffy, Shanks disappears with his crew amid rumors they started themselves that he'd double crossed his employers and eaten the devil fruit himself.
Shanks gives Luffy his hat before he goes and tells the boy to come find him when he's ready to become a great pirate in his own right
Luffy's dream is born
Garp collects Luffy, he raises and trains both Luffy and Ace as adopted brothers
Though Luffy doesn't remember being born into piracy, it's in his blood and bones, it's in his dreams
No matter what Garp does, he's unable to dissuade either his secret son or his grandson from the danger of following their family's grand pirate legacy
Rumors travel fast on the high seas, rumors get back to Buggy that Shanks has taken up with the Marine sanctioned freshly minted Warlord of the sea, the Privateer Dracule Mihawk... again.
Buggy is heartbroken and furious, he sinks deep into the weeds of retaliation and revenge, cutting off contact with the only extended family he's ever known
5 years ago: in a frustrated fury over ongoing power struggles with Garp, Ace leaves home. Whitebeard finds him, offers to make the boy his own son and legacy. Ace accepts, finally he has a family where he belongs
Time passes
Our story begins
Included Arcs:
The Beginning, Romance Dawn, Loguetown, Alabasta, Water Seven, Time Skip, Impel Down, Marine Ford
The Beginning:
A Clown Car Named Desire
Romance Dawn- Loguetown
Buggy/Mihawk focus
Pre OT3
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
On The Grand Line:
Aces High Arc, Portgas D Ace Lives
Alabasta Hold 'em
Buggy/Mihawk/Shanks Focus
Strawhat pirate ensemble
Established Zosan
Ace Lives Fix it part 1
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
Ace In The Hole (Jokers Wild)
Impel Down - Marineford fix it
Action Comedy
OT3 Mishuggy
Buggy, Luffy, Ace, Crocodile, Iva, & Cross Guild Focus
Newkama Queens ensemble
Ace Lives Fix it part 2
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
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krisstheidiot · 6 months
1-Character Intros 1.0
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A/N:- It's a lot but I thought this would be more of an effective background and context than in pics so yeah spare me guys I wrote this with half my usual braincell lol
@series directory
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Name: Y/N Holmes
Age: 18
Year: Freshmen (Fall Sem)
Major: Double major in Computer science and Film Studies with a minor in Fashion Design.
Extracurriculars: Student Rep in the student council, Tennis, Theatre, Writing.
Vibes: Chaotic Academia, Occasionally casual chic, Smiley, Crack most of the time, Spontaneous, Very Indecisive, Sarcasm goes undetected as jokes, Every word is laced with sarcasm so good luck, history is full of how to pull off crimes but its for research nothing much.
Background: Part French(Maternal) and part British-Korean(Paternal), Skipped two years when she was a kid but then took a gap before applying for college, met Seungmin and Han in 7th grade, Mom is a famous fashion designer, Dad a surgeon, during the gap she took she had gone on a trip around Europe with her mom and made friends in France during the month she stayed there.
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Name: Kim Seungmin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Journalism and Media Arts.
Extracurriculars: Treasurer(Student Council), Runs the campus newsletter, Photography club, Baseball.
Vibes: Smart Casual look, Citycore, Straightforward, does not believe in delulu, Sarcastic mean but funny in a way, will sassy shit on people who bother the people he cares about, pretty smile, is very sentimental inside, book boyfriend coded to the T. (*Mom I want one*)
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Name: Han Jisung
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Audio Engineering and Music Technology
Extracurriculars: Extra curriculars head(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks"
Vibes: Grunge, graphic tees with blazers, Beatles, Chaos, Very shinchan coded lol, Sirius black outfits, Emo boy x Indie, funny but the stupid kind, Will snort at a funeral, under the surface he is very feeling like very, likes anime, will force you to watch silent voice and then proceed to cry like a baby though ofc you would too, Taps his knee to calm his anxiety.
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Name: Bang (Christopher) Chan
Age: 22
Year: Senior
Major: Double major in Music Production and Audio Engineering.
Extracurriculars: President(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black, Casual Neat, Comfort is fashion core, Protective, Nice, sweet, Caring, will smile at you for no reason at all, Cry and the person who did it will be 6 feet under, Mans is a walking green flag y'all, Father of 7, Aussie Aussie Aussie, Kangaroo, Very huggable.
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Name: Lee Minho
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Major in Dance and Minor in Culinary Arts
Extracurriculars: Vice president(School council), Dance team, Volunteers at the animal shelter.
Vibes: Casual comfortable, does not like being extravagant, add cat fur on every piece of clothing, Convenient chic fashion, Sass in a very aggressive manner, Mans has evil written all over that attractive ass smirk on his face but in a good way ofc, Will not take anyone's shit, prefers cats to humans but honestly who doesn't, Cat butler to his three fur babies(we Stan).
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Name: Seo Changbin
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Music technology and Production
Extracurriculars: Secretary(Student Council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black again, But make it more edgy, beanies, gym buddy, will fight someone for you, Mans is strong and fit, intimidating at first look but girl don't kid me he is the sweetest when you get to know him, Badtz Maru but slay, will bring you to eat with him because why the hell not.
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Name: Hwang Hyunjin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Fine Arts and Dance.
Extracurriculars: Arts, Dance team, Soccer team.
Vibes: Artsy light academia, Fancy, luxury, part times as a model(flex), Sassy, Judgy sometimes, Side eye 10x, Fears Minho, Sad eater, Seungmin biased, Procrastinates too much, Laughs at every thing you say, Laughing while clapping 100x.
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Name: Lee Felix (Yongbok)
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Culinary arts.
Extracurriculars: Gaming club, Dance team, E-culture club.
Vibes: Fancy, colourful, pastels, bright, Deep voice baby face, So sunshiney all the time that you might melt from the warmth he radiates, mans is fixated on levelling up in his games, will help you build your pc, rgb went brr, streams a lot on twitch, shouting ensues whenever he is playing headphones recommended to protect your eardrums.
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Name: Yang Jeongin
Age: 19
Year: Freshmen(Spring Sem)
Major: Fashion Design
Extracurriculars: Soccer team, Theatre(Costume design), Campus volunteer for extra merits.
Vibes: Modern chic, very stylish, ootd's all the time, very confident somehow and will judge people just because, Sass king, Baby bread, is very much the maknae on top even if he isn't the youngest in a setting, also models part time yay!, this guy will bully you about your height ofc in association with Seungmin.
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Name: Simon Daneu
Age: 25
Occupation: CEO of a company specialising in Games and Software called Solyx.
Background: Y/N's Cousin brother but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Formal casual, Polo shirts, Button ups, corduroy pants, very chic, very overprotective as well, will spoil with no hesitation, still will bully as well with no hesitation whatsoever, likes mocking his younger sisters and brother, will pull out his card even you need the most trivial things because with him no one pays.
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Name: Noelle Daneu
Age: 20
Occupation: Famous chef/baker, Owns a line of cafes and bakery/patisseries called 'The Dusk' around that are viral for their desserts and specials, also a model.
Background: Simon's younger sister, Y/N's cousin sister but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Light academia, Boss girl look, Is very funny, will spoil her younger sibs, Y/N is her baby sister and will be spoiled to bits, besties, Is very sassy which is very much a family trait honestly.
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Name: Theo Holmes
Age: 9
Background: Y/N's lil brother, is a elementary student, lives in Seoul, very much rich kid but the good kind.
Vibes: Whatever mom buys lol, acts way too smug for his won good, will get bonked if he doesn't behave, finds it funny when y/n is annoyed and it makes his life a bit better to see her irritated, will tease y/n and then will whine when faced with retaliation, fights like they were enemies and then the very next minute will be giggling around like idiots.
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Name: Amelia Wallis
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Confident, cool, fashionable, always looking out for y/n, will hit someone for her.
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Name: Mattheo Grey
Age: 20
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Dark academia, poems, research papers, theatre kid, Hamilton.
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Name: Elliot Wesley
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from London(met when y/n was on the Europe trip and then proceeded to become friends with Mattheo and Amelia)
Vibes: Smug, confident, bold, proud, country club fashion, tennis partners with y/n when she was in London, is very annoying when he wants to be.
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Series Taglist:- @hyunverse , @nujeskz , @queen-in-the-shadows , @phtogravi , @authentic-65 , @rylea08 ,......
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Dexiana headcannons (I'm starved for content of them and they're my babies)
The way I screamed when I got this ask. Okokok I have so many thoughts.
-When they started dating, they kept it secret for a while, even from their friends.
-Fitz suspected them for a long time, and eventually he confronted Biana about it, who told him the truth.
-Initially he was wary of it (he’s protective ok it’s understandable ok I don’t hate Fitz ok😭) but he cares about Biana (and Dex probably) so he’s decided to just keep any problems with it to himself.
-(He also figured that if he was supportive of it he could at least regulate it, like the protective brother her is)
-Dex’s family knew for almost the whole time because Biana spends a lot of time at Dex’s house.
-Biana’s family finds out later, and they don’t approve (good luck stopping Biana tho!)
-Dex fidgets with his hands a lot, he’s so used to working on some gadget to keep himself busy, so when he gets fidgety Biana will hold his hand.
-Sometimes Dex will idly trace her scars or draw circles on her palms.
-They’re not really the type of couple who kisses a lot in public or stuff like that, but instead they just always seem to be by each other, sitting next to each other, standing close together etc.
-That sort of more casual stuff is actually a big reason why I ship Dexiana, which might not make a whole lot of sense, but a big part of Dexiana as a ship is it’s not always super obvious, or even inherently romantic. Like I would say Tiana is arguably more obvious in the books, yet Dexiana has actually plagued my mind with most of the canon text being “they smiled at each other” and I sorta love that.
-Their relationship is very Platonic-coded, and that’s because Dex and Biana are best friends first, lovers second.
-They still go on cute romantic dates, but they also just hang out with each other sometimes.
-Dex’s love language is gift giving, so he’s always making gadgets and jewelry for Biana.
-Dex doesn’t sign up for Matchmaking, and Biana plans on not signing up, but Alden and Della pretty much force her to.
-Biana goes through the whole Matchmaking process, and when she does get her scroll she and Dex just giggle over all the elves she matched with.
-Biana also has a Winnowing Gala, but she pulls a Cinderella and ends up running away half way through to meet up with Dex.
-I don’t really have any marriage headcannons, and I can’t decide who would propose either, but if anyone has any thoughts…
-I’m a strong believer that Dex is asexual (and sex repulsed) so in the future I can’t imagine them having kids together (at least biological) but I can imagine them being the fun uncle and aunt.
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The way you write Deuce is just, *chef's kiss* i love it. it absolutely lives in my head rent-free.
So much so that i saw this tiktok of a pigeon sprinting with a leaf to gently put it on top of his mate sitting in her nest, and my first thought was, 'that's them. That's Deuce/MC. 💕💕'
Here's the video but i understand if you're hesistant to click on random links. I do hope you have a nice day btw ^ ^)
No but seriously Deuce 'his gaze softened' Spade is so loving and deserves so much love like I literally can't even explain.
First of all, that video is everything and it’s so Deuce coded I can’t even. Another animal couple I see would be this:
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But, don't get me wrong, I would just like to go on the record and say that I've been watching a lot of dog videos and Deuce is 100% a dog: he's sweet, loyal, supportive, loving, protective - the complete package (though his eyes are much cuter). Just saying that he (and Jack) would be at the top of Crewel's list for approved boyfriends.
I mean as deranged as I am for him, I swear I can quit any time (I say as I stuff my shaking hands into my pockets and send multiple pictures of him flying out of my pocket)
He’s a perfect gentleman despite not being raised as one - and no I don’t mean in the literal sense, actual queen Mama Spade definitely raised her son to be chivalrous and kind and respectful to everyone. I mean he wasn’t raised to be a quintessential refined nobleman like Riddle or Malleus or Vil. He’s the only son of a single mother and as far as we know only his maternal grandmother is around (we don’t know if his father left or is dead but I subscribe to the headcanon that he was a jerk that left when Deuce’s mum was pregnant) so he’s never had an older male relative to look up to. Yet he still has all the traits that you’d see in Austen male leads - he's serious and straightforward, sort of soft spoken, he'll restrain his emotions, he's gentle (at most times), he canonically loves sappy romances, he’s got a strong moral compass and he has this sort of soft touch-starved vibe that I can't really explain.
But he's this sweet, considerate wholesome guy who gives it his all in everything despite his background and personality of an adrenaline-fuelled teenage boy. And he's very realistically (and very endearingly) a teenage boy: he's a troublemaker, he's rough around the edges, he makes mistakes even when his heart is in the right place, there are times where he can be slow on the uptake, he's aggressive, he thinks more with his fists and instincts and feelings than with his head, he's emotional and will lash out if he sees injustice, he's not afraid to use dirty tactics, he was literally in a gang, he's impulsive and reckless and literally itching for a fight. But he’s still as much of a man of honour as Mr Darcy or Captain Wentworth. And e's so loving and he's so sincere and he tries so hard I just-
(I want to kiss him on the mouth)
I just think it's really sweet that the same guy who could violently beat up like five guys bigger than him without a thought would instantly turn into a blushing puddle if you so much as held his hand and follow you around with a wide eyed awestruck look like a lost puppy or baby duckling.
I love to say that the reader is his salvation, his angel, his light and it comes from his inner shame at his past. Yes, he's bettering himself to atone for all the hurt his mother went through but he also really wants to prove to be someone worthy of being at your side. You're his apricity and he loves you more than anything.
He’s very sword and shield coded (though, I’d say he’s less of a shield and more of a sword - Jack seems to fit the shield motif more to me). He's very honour bound and duty driven and he gives me the vibes of those loyal knights you get in period stories.
And I guess that's what appeals to me. Bad boys are literally my least favourite trope in modern fiction and I get irked at practically every broody, angsty 'I hate the world' male love interest I come across (usually because the good boy second ml is so much better but my sister says that red flags are much more interesting than boring green flags so...). But Deuce, my man, my deuce box. He's a (former) bad boy that ticks all of the green flag boxes. He's not a bad boy with a hidden soft side, he's a soft boy with a (not-so-hidden) bad side.
He's not rude and snarky, he's kind and respectful. He doesn't have a problem with authority or hate his parents, one of his main character traits is his healthy love for his mother and he has a high opinion of his upperclassmen and the adults around him and he takes his studies seriously even when he's not good at them. He doesn't hide behind an arrogant facade, he's genuine and sincere to everyone he meets. Yes, he has an innate attraction for violence but instead of acting on it, he spends his time sating his love for adrenaline by speeding along on his magical wheel and joining the most athletic club in the school. He wouldn't tease you for your interests, you could spend hours babbling about your rock collection and he'd be completely rapt.
He's like the perfect dichotomy of the bad boy trope and the wholesome cinnamon roll good boy trope. Like one second he and you are engaged in the 'no you're cuter' or 'no you hang up' cycle on the phone and the next second your arms are wrapped around his torso and your wearing his leather jacket as he does the akira slide on his magical wheel.
Anyway I could go on for ages but instead have Deuce Vibes tumblr text post:
(Censored by moi)
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P.S. I’ve been watching a lot of Ace edits and like 😳🥰 that boy ❤️ People make so many jokes about Malleus not getting invited to the meeting where the Disney executives explain twst is not an otome game but like Ace got the invitation and glanced at it for 0.345 seconds before ripping it into shreds, tossing the pieces into a blender, throwing the blender into a fire and then nuking the fireplace.
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hollybee8917 · 5 months
Code Red Delivery
Characters: Ari Levinson, Gili Levinson (OFC), Dr. Luisa Greenberg (OFC)
Plot: A wildfire is raging around the hospital where Ari’s wife is giving birth. With the flames getting closer, he grows more afraid.
Warnings: Childbirth descriptions, fire
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Ari Levinson pressed a cool rag to his wife’s forehead as she endured another contraction. In the bed, Gili Levinson collapsed back onto the pillow, “Ari?”
He smiled at her, “What is it?”
Gili furrowed her brow, “How long has it been? I’ve lost track of time.”
Ari sighed, “It’s been nine hours. You should be getting closer.”
“Ahhh. Oh god. Oh god. Ari, help me.”
He leaned forward with the rag, “Ahuvi, motek, I’m here. Take a breath my dove. It will all be over soon.”
Gili squeezed her eyes shut and crunched her face in pain. Soft whimpers escaped her lips. She sighed as the contraction passed, “Ari, that one was strong. Please talk to me. Get my mind off the pain.”
Ari sat back in the chair, “Would you like me to sing to you?”
“Oh yes, please. Your voice is always so soothing.”
The man leaned back and began to sing softly. Gili closed her eyes and listened to her husband’s voice. When he ended the song, Gili opened her eyes and looked to the window, “Ari, why is the sky orange?”
He turned around and fear filled his heart. The neighborhoods near the hospital were ablaze. A field stood between the flames and the hospital. Knowing he had to say something, Ari returned to the chair beside his wife, “It’s just the sun.”
Another contraction hit and Gili grabbed Ari’s hand as she cried out. With his free hand, he smoothed the hair on her forehead. As soon as it had hit, the contraction was gone. Gili collapsed back into the bed, “That one hurt. Ari, is there really nothing that can be done to give me more relief?”
“Oh, my darling. I wish there was but you had a negative reaction to the epidural and all other pain relievers.”
A gentle knock on the door made the couple turn to find the doctor. She entered the room with a smile, “How are we doing?”
Gili spoke up, “I’m in a lot of pain. I just had a bad contraction.”
The doctor, Dr. Luisa Greenberg, replied, “How long did this one last?”
Gili thought for a second before answering, “It lasted about a minute.”
Dr. Greenberg stepped to the bed, “Let’s check you and see how things are progressing.”
Lifting the sheet, the doctor looked between Gili’s legs. She reached up and placed two fingers in Gili’s vagina and was able to measure that Gili was quite far into her labor. She could feel the baby’s head starting to drop into the birth canal. Dr. Greenberg looked up, “You’re almost there, Mama. You are ten centimeters dilated and fully effaced. I feel the baby’s head about to drop. It’s almost time to start the big pushes.”
Gili gulped as another contraction hit her. This time she screamed. In a flash, Ari was by her side and holding her hand, “I’m here, honey, I’m here.”
Down below, the doctor threw the blanket up over Gili’s knees and pushed the laboring woman’s knees to a bent position where her feet were flat on the bed. Gili was now in the delivery position. Ari glanced out the window again as the doctor prepared the bowls of water, the towels and the blankets as well as calling for nurses to aid. From where he sat, Ari could see that the flames were nearly to the edge of the hospital parking lot.
Glancing at the doctor, he whispered, “The flames.”
She looked up at him with a knowing glance, “We are safe here. If worse comes to worse, they will call for a Code Red but there are precautions and systems in place to protect your wife and baby.”
Gili looked between them, her head shining with sweat and her voice shaking in pain, “What flames? Ari?”
He knelt beside her and kissed her forehead, “Don’t worry, motek. Like the doctor said, we’re safe here.”
Another wave of contractions hit Gili and she cried out. Still, Ari didn’t leave her side. He remained, giving soft words of comfort to her as she held his hand. Dr. Greenberg pulled the stool closer to the bed and sat down. A nurse took position on either side of the good doctor. A contraction stronger than all the others caused Gili to scream. Ari spoke up, “We’re almost there honey. Soon we will be holding our precious little one.”
Pain filled Gili Levinson as she bent forward in pain from the longest contraction she’d had so far. Her scream filled the room. The doctor looked up, “Take a rest. It will be a minute or two before the next one. I can see the baby entering the canal. Things are going well.”
Gili let go of a cry as she began to push again on the doctor’s command. Ari looked out the window. The fire was lapping at the cars. Dr. Greenberg noticed, “Mr. Levinson, your wife needs you to hold her hand.”
He smiled, “Of course.”
The doctor went down again, “Okay, mama, the baby is very close. Get ready to push.”
Gili began to push again as a contraction hit her. The doctor soothed her, “Push, push, push. Okay, take a breath.”
The woman lay back on the bed, almost exhausted, “Ari, I’m tired.”
“I know, love, but we are almost there.”
Sweat glistened on Gili’s forehead as she leaned forward again and pushed. Ari held her through it. The doctor looked up, “Okay Mama and Daddy, baby is almost here. A couple more pushes and we will have a baby.”
At that moment, a voice filled the room, “Code red level 1 left wing. Code red level 1 left wing.”
Ari’s eyes grew wide. He knew. Gili looked up at him in confusion, “Ari? What does that mean?”
He swallowed and ran his hand down her hair, “Nothing darling. Just focus on the baby. I’ll be right here beside you.”
Their attention was brought back to the situation at hand when a powerful contraction hit Gili. The doctor grabbed a blanket from the nurse on the right, “Okay, Mama, the baby is crowning. On the next contraction, I need you to push as hard as you can.”
Ari slid his arm behind Gili’s back, kissed her on the temple and laid his head against hers, “It’s okay. We’re almost there.”
The contraction hit, Gili screamed and began to push. Doctor Luisa called out, “Push! You’re almost there! Push! Push!”
The screaming continued as Gili tilted her head back, Tears streamed down her cheeks. As quickly as the contraction hit, it was gone. She felt something off. The room was silent until a gentle slap and a cry broke the silence. The doctor held up a yowling baby, “IT’S A GIRL!”
Gili collapsed back onto the bed, tears flowing down her cheeks. Ari’s breath hitched, “You did it. I’m so proud of you.”
The doctor looked between the couple, “Dad, do you want to cut the cord?”
Gili smiled at her husband when he looked at her, seeking permission, “Go ahead.”
He did as he was instructed with a quick, “It won’t hurt her, will it?”
Dr. Greenberg shook her head, “Not at all.”
Ari cut the baby’s cord and was handed his screaming daughter. Upon being handed to him, the baby began to calm down. With tears in his eyes, Ari shifted the baby and took her over to Gili. Ever so gently, he laid the baby on Gili’s chest and marveled at the wonder of his newborn. Gili cried out and the doctor calmed her, “You’re okay. This is just the placenta passing through. It’s the last bit of birth then everything will go back to normal. You’ll be sore for a while but that will pass.”
Ari looked between his two girls with love in his eyes, “I’m so proud of both of you. God, Gili, she’s perfect.”
He gave her a long kiss. As they broke, Gili whispered, “What are we going to name her?”
“Shalhevet. It means flame.”
As if on cue, a voice came over the speaker again while the doctor and nurses were tending to the family, “Code red canceled. Code red canceled.”
Gili looked down at the now sleeping baby, “Welcome, Shalhevet Arielle Levinson.”
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crying-fantasies · 2 months
Early years
The scales to determine time and so have been of varying names and degrees for cybertronians.
A cybertronian cycle could refer as an earthling day, more or less, a Velocitronian cycle could be a total rotation of the Titan Navitas Wich could take 48 earthling hours.
A cybertronian solar cycle could be a day, for cybertronians now living in Earth or having taken a liking to their way of talking back in the organic planet would say that it is a year or a day, as humans say "good day" because there is mostly sun, hence the problem.
Cybertronians, no matter if they come from Cybertron or the colonies, struggle to raise their sparklings with this varying degrees of definitions.
The first stage of life is the spark, it could be vorns (hours) or cycles (days/years) before they are ready to take form, just as how long they can hold on if not having the necessary items to form a body.
New sparks, the ones emerged from hotspots, need sentio metallico to form their bodies, the hot spot works as a big melter, and it's up to the spark to create a body for themselves, their own nanites and hard coding doing the job just fine in a few hours or days, if they can't do it someone must help them find their final shape, that being the job of a blacksmith, once they have a base they try to drag themselves out of the hotspot.
Now once the sentio metallico is out it starts to cool down, not totally, it keeps a warm feeling to the touch, at the moment they are purely semi forged sentio metallico which is soft and highly malleable as the frame and helm are the first things to take form, the new spark is called now a protoform, as their birth metal takes form, every protoform has a different shape depending from the final frame they will have or alt mode, some take more time in this stage to forge their face and characteristics, their limbs and finally their external primordial armor, in case of Terraformer protoforms this stage takes years, in all the process to this point is recomendable to have a mature spark near, most new sparks are timid, as their EM field is strong, filled with emotion but the distance it travels is little, almost minimal to prevent predators from find them (which doesn't happen anymore since most natural cyberfauna has eons since extinguished) and only answers to certain bots, sometimes the spark chooses to form the first armor in batches (faster) that could lead to once plating bigger than the others and soon removed to start again or completely around the frame at once (takes time), sometimes mentors or caretakers start to guess what alt mode they are going to be.
Once the first external armor is totally forged the protoform is now a sparkling in all the sense of the word, as once they are safe with an armor protecting the spark that the spark gives their first strong pulse, in this stage they can start to move on their own, using their struts fro the first time, some sparklings take more time than others, once again, to form their final armor, the one they will live from now on, and also the one that let's them transform.
Congrats! The sparkling is mature enough to finally go out of home now that their final armor is strong enough, of course, preferably always with a mentor, they must see their mentors or creators to understand social communication and so on, most of the times their sparks fluctuate curious to everything around, be it a mech, human, elonian or whatever, they are practically launching their EM field to others to see and watch, more than once a mech is overwhelmed by a sparkling and what they try to communicate with their EM field.
We have seen Stardrive only having 5 years (5 freaking years) and she is literally a baby, buy she is massive, (my heart almost exploded when I saw her with her big plushie, hugging it just like a baby would.
They reach their final form along the years (5 years if we compare with our example Stardrive) and sooner than later they are well developed final stage mechs!
With Terraformers it takes more time, along the lines of 20 or so, but every child is loved the same.
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So… could we get some Mr. Crowley lore…. (IM STARVED) 🙏
Of course! I’m so happy someone is curious about him! I’m not 100% certain how his story is going to go just yet, so I’ll put a few ideas as well as some traits (below the cut because it’s a lot of rambling!)
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I did a couple of doodles! The first one is of course how he looks hatless, and the second one is him using his stand to track someone.
If you haven’t read the stand explanation in his debut post, basically his closed eye is useless except to track someone who’s been hit by [Snakebite]. The venom shows up to him like a heat signature and he can track the victim down as it takes effect.
(I do recommend reading the debut post, everything below this point won’t make sense otherwise…sorry 😭)
He’s a sharpshooter, and you may be thinking it’s harder for him to shoot with only one functional eye. That’s actually not the case! Competitive target shooters actually place what’s called a blinder on their gun. It covers the eye they’re not using when they look down their sights. That way, they don’t have to close one eye for a long time. Mr. Crowley usually wears his eyepatch, and he did even before he got his stand.
His coat is also functional as a shooting jacket. The straps on his arms can be tightened or moved to basically immobilize his arms in the right position to hold his gun, meaning he doesn’t exert himself as much. This can also help with aim.
As a bounty hunter, he usually prefers if his targets never even realize he was there. He will pick them off from a distance with his rifle. For close quarters he uses a double barrel shotgun, and for hand-to-hand he has a machete or other knife. He likes his marks to be quick and painless, thus he rarely has to use his stand. But sometimes the target will have other ideas.
In terms of personality, he’s definitely more reserved than his brother Mrs. Robinson. He is a deeply angry person, and usually doesn’t talk much. If he’s upset he’ll stop talking altogether. He takes his job seriously, but has a strong moral code otherwise. No bystanders will be harmed, especially not children.
He was a very caring and gentle older brother when Mrs. Robinson was born. To this day Mr. Crowley has a soft spot for children and babies. If he can help it, he will make sure they don’t have to see him kill someone. He saw death at a young age and will not inflict it on someone else. Because of this he also won’t accept a contract if his target is a parent.
I think him being a touch hypocritical is important to his character. It’s good basis for him to have a big revelation. He still has a little bit of a heart left despite being hardened.
I want him to start out working under Valentine, but later encounter something that makes him change his mind. Kind of like Diego. I think maybe Valentine sends him after Lucy, and since she’s a kid, Mr. Crowley instead helps her to safety and likely dies protecting her.
I don’t know! I’m still working it out. This could all change, but I think at least the bones of it is right. I want him to betray Valentine, that’s for certain.
I haven’t decided if he ever meets anyone from the main cast, or if he’s able to save his brother. Mrs. Robinson wouldn’t even know him due to their age gap and circumstances, so Mr. Crowley would probably just keep his distance instead of complicating things. It has been in his best interest his whole life to leave him alone. He might decide to speak to Mrs. Robinson without revealing his identity, just to see him again.
I think he will spend most of the race showing up just enough not to be disqualified. Valentine wants him to keep a close eye on the racers, but he doesn’t need him winning. Mr. Crowley will probably keep his distance most of the time to most effectively watch any racers Valentine tells him to.
Speaking of the race, I should talk about his horse. His horse is a mare, named Ligea.
(I couldn’t resist a goth music name here since his other music references aren’t goth despite the fact that he is)
Mr. Crowley and Ligea are good friends and a good team. Ligea has been trained to allow Mr. Crowley to fire while mounted or use her saddle as a gun rest. She is also trained to bite anyone but him who tries to touch or mount her.
I haven’t designed her just yet, but I will soon!
I think this is all I’ve got for now! If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I’m so so happy people care about my weird ocs and listening to me talk about them!
If you want more I can make a shorter list of simple fun facts 😭 I’m sorry about how long this is, I wasn’t expecting to talk this much!
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wwenhlimagines · 2 years
Hi can I have prompt
#9 with Hook, when you get time!!!
I honestly have no idea how long this has been in my drafts with just a couple paragraphs written, but here we go! Sorry this took forever, but I'm assuming this is the prompt you are asking for:
"Your body is 70 percent water… and I’m thirsty."
Warning: implied smut
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Hook is not typically clingy or needy, but lately, he has been touching my back or thigh or holding my hand almost constantly. I am not used to him showing PDA backstage, but he seems to be getting bolder, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my forehead whenever he wants. I couldn't tell what had changed until I saw him tense up whenever Wardlow showed up.
--- A few months earlier ---
Initially, Hook and I were just friends as we got our careers started, and during that time, we talked about who we find attractive in the company. He told me Skye Blue was attractive, but obviously, the bro code took her out of the running. I told him Wardlow would make me a little weak in the knees, and Hook kinda rolled his eyes at that.
"Literally, every girl in the world finds him attractive. I haven't met anyone who hasn't said they had at least a small crush on him."
I smirk as I look over at him and shake my head before giggling a little bit.
"Do you think we don't see every guy staring at Skye's ass whenever she is in her ring gear? It's like a magnet to you all, but I mean, I can't really blame you."
Hook gulped as he fidgeted with his bag of chips and offered you some.
--- Current day ---
I smirked to myself as I felt strong arms pulling me back against a solid torso. I looked up at Hook, and he kissed my forehead as we watched the matches from backstage. Wardlow walks by to go warm up, and I decide to test my theory.
"Hey, Wardlow, how are you feeling about your match with Joe?"
Wardlow turns around and smirks as Hook stands a bit taller behind me. I roll my eyes as he slips his hand into my hoodie front pocket and pulls me into me.
"I'm feeling pretty good. I'm ready to get my title back, that's for sure. How are you feeling about fighting Skye next week?"
"Skye and I are pretty good friends, so we are working hard to make sure we put on a good match for Dynamite. Hopefully, this hunk of man meat behind me will be ringside and cheer me on. Right, babe?"
I look up and see Hook smirking down at me. He nods and kisses the top of my head.
"Of course, I'm always happy to be there to cheer you on, sweetheart. Just like you are to me."
I nod and turn back to Wardlow, who is trying to keep his smirk hidden under his hand, watching Hook get jealous and protective.
"Well, you two love birds enjoy the rest of the show and I'll see you next week!"
I smile and wave goodbye to him as I feel Hook's arms loosen slightly around me. I take the chance to slip out of his grasp and go find a snack in catering. Skye is sitting down eating, and as I turn around to see Dante and Hook talking, I decide to sit down with her.
"Skye, we have to make sure our match is top notch next week. I know we will kill it, but I think I have a plan to get Hook to confess to his jealousy."
Skye leans in closer as I tell her my idea, and she laughs as I tell her what just happened with Wardlow.
"Oh, Hook, such a sweet, jealous little puppy dog."
We talk for a bit longer before parting ways and finishing up the show as I plot against my boyfriend.
--- Next Week ---
I'm backstage warming up for my match against Skye when I see Wardlow walking by and deciding to ask him about his ring gear. He seemed a little confused, but I just whispered, "Just go with it," and he nodded before telling me about the velvet fabric and why he likes it. Hook came around the corner and saw you looking at Wardlow's phone as he showed you pictures of his different gear color ways.
"Hey, baby girl. Do you want my help stretching out?"
I smirk up at Wardlow and nod to him before responding.
"Of course, babe. Wardlow was just showing me where he finds his velvet material for his gear."
Wardlow puts his phone back in his pocket before waving and telling me good luck.
I roll my head around and start to stretch before I feel Hook start massaging my shoulders. I lightly moan as my head falls back against his chest. He chuckles softly as his hands travel down my back. I stretched for a few minutes before laying on my back and focusing on my legs. Hook kneels down and helps stretch my hamstrings as he teasingly rubs his hips against mine lightly.
"You better stop that. I'm not wearing a thong or anything under my tights, and I don't want to look like I've pissed myself."
Hook laughs as he switches my legs and leans forward. "Well, then, you need to stop being so sexy in your gear."
After getting fully warmed up, I grab Hook's hand, and we walk backstage to get ready to go out. Skye is walking out to her music, and I am trying to get into character as Hook slaps my ass before we walk out. I roll my eyes at him and walk out to my music before walking around the ring and looking around at the crowd.
Hook stands ringside nonchalantly, watching as Skye and I lock up in the center of the ring. We hit a few of our signature moves before Skye goes to bounce off the rope as I rear back and hit her with a lariat like Wardlow does. Skye sells it as I turn to look at Hook. His eyes have narrowed at me, and I smirk before going for the Redrum and making Skye tap out.
The ref raises my hand, and Hook grabs my other hand to help me celebrate. Once the ref lets go of my hand, I pull Hook in for a passion filled kiss, and he happily obliges before helping me out of the ring. I jokingly jump on his back, and he quickly catches me before giving me a piggyback ride all the way through the tunnel. He sets me back on the ground before pushing me up against the wall.
"That was not the match plan you told me about. Where did the lariat come from?"
I shrugged and let my fingers start to trace his arms.
"I've been getting tips for it from Wardlow, so I tried it out."
Hook involuntarily let out a low growl at the other man's name. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to calm him down.
"Down boy, it's no big deal. It's not like it ever finishes the job, unlike someone else's move..."
Hook sighs and tries to hide the smile peeking out.
"That was quite the surprise to see you do the Redrum. I'm pretty impressed with it."
I slid my hands up to cup his jawline as I leaned into closer, lightly biting my lip.
"Lariat might look good from afar, but goddamn that Redrum always makes me finish... the match that is..."
Hook captures my lips in a kiss as he presses his body into mine and hikes one of my legs up and around his waist. He lightly rubs his hips against mine as we both start to get more needy by the second.
"Your body is 70 percent water… and I’m thirsty, babygirl. Let's go back to the hotel where I'm going to make you finish over and over again."
He pinches my ass making me wiggle out of his arms and giggle as I go get my stuff out of the locker room and prepare to leave. Hook goes to catering to get some snacks that he knows we will need between rounds later. Wardlow walks up to him and pats him on the back.
"Your woman has a mad lariat. She did amazing out there tonight."
Hook nods and grabs a couple extra water bottles.
"That she does, but she also knows how to use the best finisher."
Wardlow smirks and chuckles lowly before gently turning Hook to look at him.
"That girl is crazy about you. She talked nonstop about you when I was helping her with training. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about with her. Now, get some good fuel because I'm sure you two are going to have a long night."
Hook laughs and bro handshakes with Wardlow before placing all the snacks in his backpack. He starts walking back only to find me waiting for him in the hallway, playing on my phone. He interlocks our fingers, and we walk out to the rental car, ready for a really fun night.
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Tags: @thesupreme316 @gethooked @730hook @baybay-boom @hookedonhook @louisianalady @hooks-martin @imswitchbabemox @plentyoffandoms @daddyslittlevillain @legit9thlunaticwarrior @lclb13 @hooksimp
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