#the punisher crack
thecmaly · 3 days
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really? right in front of my karaage?
more windbreaker comics
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slaygentford · 3 months
nothing is ever going to hit for me like the two years of listening to people go oh well when we get lestat's story! when we get lestat's side of the story! THEN we'll know the truth! about who abused who! and then lestat, the only person that people who say that listen to, got right up there and said it was not an accident I broke him because I couldn't own him and I've thought about it every day for a decade and I will be sorry for the rest of my life. this is how I sleep at night knowing that everyone who tried to mutual abuse lestat's way out of this knows that lestat stood up in front of 200 people and admitted to every single thing he did to louis entirely prostrate without asking for forgiveness, that louis did not and never could deserve a single millisecond of what lestat inflicted on him, and that now everybody who valued their little white prince's "perspective" over louis' objective truth has to eat their words forever
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izel-scribbles · 2 months
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save me detective noel
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(the newspaper says "butcher at large")
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and here he is with that other stinky bastard man (affectionate)
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rennyrose · 7 months
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Weird eyes
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ririban · 21 days
You know, I kinda think that Kim Dokja had actually recognized Yoo Joonghyuk as the Punisher, if not at the beginning then at least later on, but he just… convinced himself that the two couldn’t possibly be the same. Because he considers the notion of Yoo Joonghyuk becoming a girl to be something that’s impossible. We see that early on when he met Kim Namwoon in the Underworld in chapter 113:
The Delusional Demon Kim Namwoon reflecting was as impossible as Yoo Joonghyuk becoming a girl.
Of course, Kim Namwoon was confirmed to be telling the truth about reflecting on himself right away (which was a really good foreshadowing for the Punisher, lol), but Kim Dokja still has a hard time believing it because it’s just something he considers to not be possible. And he puts Yoo Joonghyuk becoming a girl at the same level. That’s how impossible it is to him. Later on, he even says this in chapter 251:
A strange feeling entered my heart. Perhaps? I had a thought but it wasn't possible. It was impossible for such a thing to come true, no matter how I thought about it.
This is right after Aileen told him that the Punisher had disappeared at the same time Yoo Joonghyuk had departed with him. While he did momentarily consider the notion of the Punisher and Yoo Joonghyuk being the same being, he dismissed it as he was still convinced that it’s impossible. And this is at a point when not only has his favorite novel become reality, but he also knows that his male ex-boss had gotten pregnant and given birth. And even in the midst of all that, even with everything he’s seen possible under the Star Stream, the idea of Yoo Joonghyuk becoming a girl is still inconceivable to him.
Now that we have seen just how deeply convinced Kim Dokja is that Yoo Joonghyuk and the Punisher cannot be the same, let’s have a look at something else. Namely, Yoo Sangah’s POV in chapter 267:
A dazzling aura burst from Yoo Joonghyuk's body. Soft hair poured down like a waterfall while his large size became a smaller and sleeker body. He took the form that allowed him to practice the ultimate Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship. Yoo Sangah stared at the scene from behind and couldn't help opening her mouth. “…Yoo Joonghyuk-ssi?”
Yoo Joonghyuk slowly turned back, his long hair cut off by the Black Heavenly Demon Sword. The lines of the face had changed but it was clearly Yoo Joonghyuk. No, it was even more than before. Yoo Joonghyuk's gaze stayed on Kim Dokja's face for a moment.
Yoo Joonghyuk transformed into his female form during the 73rd Demon Realm’s demon king selection and Yoo Sangah witnessed the scene. The lines of the face had changed but it was clearly Yoo Joonghyuk—even in his female form, he is recognisably still Yoo Joonghyuk. Sure, early on the people at the now Yoo Joonghyuk - Kim Dokja industrial complex didn’t clock the Punisher as female Yoo Joonghyuk either, but they also weren’t too familiar with his looks at that point. That’s not the case with Yoo Sangah, and definitely not the case with Kim Dokja. Another point to note is how it’s mentioned that Yoo Joonghyuk has a smaller body in this form—a different skeletal structure, so to speak.
Now finally, there’s this bit in chapter 269 when Kim Dokja carries the dying Yoo Joonghyuk away from Surya and the other constellations:
Yoo Joonghyuk was barely breathing. The weight of his body was lighter than usual. He had suffered such severe pain that even the skeleton of his body seemed changed.
The bit I want to focus on here is “even the skeleton of his body seemed changed”. As mentioned, Yoo Joonghyuk has a smaller skeleton in his female form. So he’s a girl at this point. The main difference in his appearance at this point compared to the Punisher who Kim Dokja saw previously is that Yoo Joonghyuk cut his hair. And Kim Dokja recognised him. Even if he hadn’t actually subconsciously figured out who the mysterious Punisher was prior to this, he was definitely able to recognise Yoo Joonghyuk in his female form at this moment.
So the main conclusions here are that Yoo Joonghyuk is very much recognizable in his female form and that Kim Dokja is capable of recognizing him simply with a haircut. So I personally believe that Kim Dokja was fully capable of knowing that Yoo Joonghyuk = the Punisher, but he was just so adamant about Yoo Joonghyuk turning into a girl to be something completely impossible that he made himself believe that the two were different people.
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houseswife · 9 months
one of my favourite things that the house md writers ever did was balancing out the overwhelming Heterosexuality™ of huddy’s getting-together episode by adding in whatever the fuck you call this
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hashtagcaneven · 2 months
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Arrr ya ready, kids? I can't hear yoooou!
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ebenelephant · 3 days
fic premise: frank castle, wade wilson, and logan howlett at a support group for single parents. none of them know about each other's secret identities. frank has an extra layer of shit to deal with in terms of his feelings about parenting an (aged down) amy, but he's trying his best and knows he wasn't a great dad last time. wade has his crippling self worth issues but honestly a better support system than any of them (ntw and yukio babysit little ellie sometimes). logan's always a little sketchy about how exactly he came to have custody of an eight year old girl, and he has clear anger issues, but the fact that they've met his grown daughter (rogue) puts them all at ease a bit.
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otrtbs · 3 days
unfortunately i'm going insane rn bc i desperately need to read a fic tn that exists entirely in my head as vague wisps...
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letitbehurt · 5 months
A Whumpee kept in isolation long enough to fear that they’ve been forgotten there.
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apoorhuman · 1 year
Solomon: sometimes i looked at mc and thinks, "are they even human to begin with?"
Simeon: why would you think that?
Solomon: well *points at mc punishing the brothers*
Mc: *dragging Levi and mammon while pinching their ears* the both of you seriously needs to behave today I am not in the mood, you understood?
Levi and mammon: yes ma'am!!
Mc: good *letting go of the hold* now go to your classes!
Levi and mammon: *walking fast to their class*
Solomon: see?
Simeon: I mean you're right but those are nothing compared to when mc pinch lucifer in his thigh while sitting because he's been shooting glare at the other person
Solomon: what?
Simeon: nothing *smiles* let's go hurry to our class
Solomon: okay..
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Julie told Danny what Frank's middle name was, so now that bastard can full name Frank any time he wants. He loves the expression of terrified 'Oh SHIT' every time he does it
New daddy issues trigger unlocked - idolized older male mentor scolding you with your full name
Danny has different ways of actually yelling at his stupid kids when he means it and almost always gets a reaction from them, I think.
Frank - full name, very stern, sends him away
Joey - asks what his mother would think
Julie - nothing, just ignores her which upsets her more
Susie - "I'm not mad, I'm just so disappointed in your choices"
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izel-scribbles · 2 months
@atomkatzchen, @styrofoamdoor, @fangirlshipper, and @maplesugardoodles all requested dollins so here goes!!
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noel teaching collins to dance la bamba! (hes mexican bc i said so)
i remember my dad trying to explain la bamba to me but i have 3 brain cells and couldn't hack it (im such a disgrace of a mexican lmao)
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and collins teaching noel céilí dancing! which is usually done at large social gatherings (like weddings 👀) but they'll have to make do with just the two of them
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collins: i'm baaaack!!
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noel: don't get blood on the carpet
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here they are kissing gay style by popular request
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yeahg 👍
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eepy guys (even serial killers and grizzled noir detectives get the eeps)
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me and @ellamenop were discussing noel quitting the police force and becoming a private investigator, anf it uh. spawned this
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collins: killer must've hit 'im in the head ta make sure he was dead. 's what i would've done.
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noel: yeah, that makes sense
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collins: know what else i'da done?
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noel: ... what?
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collins: i'da pushed ya up against this here wall-
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noel: yeah, yeah, cool it, loverboy. we got work to do.
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
‘he’s so annoying!’ ‘he’s so pathetic!’ ‘he’s so evil and bad!’ like I’m sorry that I’m attracted to brats what do you want from me
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thankstothe · 8 months
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