#the gladiolus job stones
eorzeanflowers · 1 year
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After 3 months of planning, wrangling, and other shicannery... I finally have a group shot of everyone! Was gonna write dialogue for this, but I'm tired lol
Special thanks to my FC and @meepsthemiqo for standing in as people. All the carbuncles helped!
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ffxvficrec · 8 months
by lucianlibrarian getting into the car to whet your cheekbones on the stone of my neck & listen to you promise to tongue my throat open in the elevator coming home Noct counts seconds, minutes, hours with Ignis. Words: 722, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum , Ignis Scientia , Cor Leonis , Gladiolus Amicitia Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Mentioned Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , Makeup , Loss of Virginity , Dirty Talk , Pre-Canon , Episode Ignis Verse 2 , Post-Episode Ignis Verse 2 , Anal Sex , Semi-Public Sex , Hand Jobs , Anal Fingering , Biting , Switching , Poetry , Prose Poem
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ivyprism · 2 years
Info for Revamped Mermaid Pirate AU
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Gods, death, etc.
The mermaids are still there and somewhat the same, but there are a few changes to the Ancestral Weapon Spirits.
Info on the Ancestral Weapon Spirits:
Ilysse, Damica, and Astrea: Were in a pirate crew and Damica was the Pirate Queen. The ship crashed into the Malachite Kingdom. Ilysse and her sisters stumbled on the Royal Brothers: Locke, Aster, and Cyrus, and began to raise them. Ilysse is their mother figure.
Their other sisters are there as well, but one has more significance.
Eulalia, the second youngest: Was cursed with a Death and Rebirth curse. She resided in Erebus with her friends Ajax and Gazania and helped raise Acheron and Tiengo. Her curse was discovered by Tiengo and Ajax as they try to find a way to break it.
Info on Kingdoms I brought to @kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles:
Cartos and Erebus: Two Heavenly Kingdoms that many people who seek power and knowledge search for. These two kingdoms were once one and were a part of a continent/country Vexus. Both two kingdoms were originally four, known as Chrono, Interis, Spiris, and Demis. Since the war, the country/continent was split into two, Erebus going Underground, while Cartos remained in the sky.
Rowan: A small kingdom that resides in Chasmia, neighbors of Spectra. Ruled by the benevolent Queen, Serenity. The kingdom is known for the magic stones and trading.
Hollow: A small kingdom that resides in Chasmia, also neighboring Spectra. Ruled by a cruel king with only the known heir being his daughter, Harper. His kingdom is somehow stable but full of dark and dangerous creatures who threaten the people of the kingdom often. It is also full of crime.
Orchid: A large and prosperous kingdom that has four kingdoms merged in it. The Queens of this kingdom are Juliette, Jane, Jemma, and Madeline. Jillian standing in as Queen Madeline's replacement.
Amaranth: A kingdom led by their Queen, Alexandra, and her ex-husband, Elric. Alexandra and Elric have five children together and Queen Alexandra has said that she has not decided who would soon become the heir to her throne. This kingdom specializes in wealth and plants as well as military.
Volaris: A floating kingdom led by Queen Hemlock, who is allied with the Kingdoms of Rowan, Orchid, and Amaranth. Known for their plant life and prosperous plant industry, they are considered the untouchable kingdom.
The Forgotten Kingdom: While no longer a kingdom, the ruins of this once Great Kingdom have been examined and studied by many researchers in hopes of finding clues to Erebus and Cartos. However, over time, even the researcher's lost interest, leaving the sole person living in that kingdom.
The Flowers of the Ocean (Pirate Crews):
The Lost Petals - A crew is full of powerful women. All are known to have been born in kingdoms but changed course.
The Captain: H, a powerful and bright woman. People think she has nothing special about her, but she has the ability to create anything at her fingertips.
First Mate AND Carpenter: Marguerite, the closest friend of H. Seems to know how to do a lot of jobs.
Quartermaster: Willow, she didn't sign up for this, but she's here anyway.
Navigator: Primrose, she has a shockingly great sense of direction and knows maps.
Boatswain: Eucalyptus, she's just there brooding mostly.
Guide: Lilium, she knows the way to Cartos and is helping.
Hazel: she doesn't seem to have an important job, but she is the captain's sister.
Marigold: Handles entertainment for some reason.
Clover + Lucky: Twin sisters who teach the others how to fight with swords.
Gladiolus: Seems to know how to read ancient writing.
The Golden Flowers - Don't be fooled by their heights, they can and will make you wish you never made that short joke. They're all, also, mostly runaway princesses. Their ship is haunted.
The Captain: Hydrangea, the princess of the Rowan Kingdom. She knows what she's doing. Guys tend to fall for her.
First Mate: Harper, the only known heir of the Hollow Kingdom. Will likely end up maiming you if you look at her wrong.
Quartermaster: Juliette, one of the Queens of the Orchid Kingdom. Her orders are absolute and don't even try to talk back.
Navigator: Hydra, the older sister of Hydrangea. She knows a lot about maps.
Boatswain: Jemma, one of the Queens of the Orchid Kingdom. Don't look at her wrong, she may throw you overboard.
Carpenter: Unnamed ghost who is working very hard.
Guide: Harley, an angel of Cartos. Here to look out for her friends.
Hanna: She's just happy to be here. She is from Erebus and is here to help.
Jane: One of the Queens of the Orchid Kingdom. The most likely to let you burn while drinking tea if you harm her loved ones.
Jillian: One of the (temporary) Queens of the Orchid Kingdom. Actually, she can't swim.
Jade: Someone from the Amaranth Kingdom. She is with her younger sister and will likely do anything to protect her.
Amethyst: Jade's little sister. She is a sweet baby girl.
Harlynn: Don't ask how she got here, she couldn't tell you.
Hyacinth: Also, in charge of entertainment just because.
Flower Petal Sails - A crew of robots who know what they're doing. Also, this crew includes ghosts. Their ship is haunted.
Captain: Maggie, the popular one. She takes her job seriously and she doesn't take back talk.
First Mate: Magnolia, the sweet one. Will likely make you get cavities because she's so sweet.
Quartermaster: Maria, she looks up to Maggie. Wants to be like Maggie.
Navigator: Mia, she looks up to Magnolia. She is clever and knows her way around directions.
Boatswain: Brielle, trust her, she knows what she's doing.
Carpenter: Unnamed ghost.
Genevieve: She always seems to be staring off at sea. It's hard to tell what she's thinking.
Jin and Mint: Two ghosts that are just on the ship not paying rent.
Other Crews:
The Artemis (The Ancestral Weapon Spirits) - Damica's former crew and ship. Was one of the legendary crews.
The Captain: Damica, the former Pirate Queen. She was feared and worshipped Pirate Captain. People would fall to her feet.
The First Mate: Astrea, Damica's little sister. She knows what she's doing and is cautious.
Quartermaster: Blaine, Damica's Spouse. They were one of Damica's most cherished crew members.
Navigator: Ilysse, the younger sister of Damica and Astrea. Her one true love is the ocean.
Boatswain: Viper, the traitor of the crew. A regretful sea serpent who killed Astrea.
Carpenter: The name of this crew member is lost.
Echo: The apprentice of Damica. She admired her and adores her.
All of Damica's children. Now, Queen of Pirates with her own crew.
Now, the Masquerade Pirate AU Revamp Crews:
The Skeleton Pirates - Just a bunch of skeletons who are pirates. Some make bone and pirate puns. Looking for Cartos.
The Captain: Captain. Yes, that's his name.
The First Mate: Cardinal, Captain's brother. Will also probably maim you if you look at him wrong.
Quartermaster: Hound. He takes his job seriously, so don't try to distract him. Older brother of Ebony.
Navigator: Ebony. Don't ask if he knows what he's doing, he knows and will get mad at you.
Boatswain: Cortado. He often is seen with red liquid on him… Well, I'm sure you'll be fine… Older brother of Dolcetto.
Carpenter: Syrup. He has an eye for details. Older brother of Navy, the younger cousin of Chai and Ceylon.
Guides: Sentinel and Griffin. Both are angels (and brothers) who are on a search for their dear friend, Lilium.
Dolcetto: He helps his brother when he can.
Classic and Vanilla: They're helping research. They're the younger cousins of Cinnamon and Clove.
Cinnamon and Clove: Just two brothers who are good at baking and solving the ancient writings of a past civilization.
Navy: He's there to help because Syrup is always busy.
Dolce: He handles most of the dirty work.
Airen: Dolce's older brother. Has attitude problems.
The Skeleton Pirates of the South - A part of the Skeleton Pirates who is now solely handling issues in the South. Still in contact with the original crew. Looking for Erebus.
Captain (not really, but still): Jet. He is the nicer of the two captains.
First Mate: Brass. Soft-spoken may maim you, may give you sweets, depending on the day.
Quartermaster: Cassia. He knows what he's doing. The older cousin of Cardinal and Captain. The younger brother of Chive.
Navigator: Chive. The older brother of Cassia. The older cousin of Captain and Cardinal. Will also maim you if you look at him wrong.
Boatswain: Chai. Very focused on his job. The younger brother of Ceylon. The older cousin of Syrup and Navy.
Carpenter: Ceylon. He and Syrup have a mutual understanding. He's my older brother of Chai. The older cousin of Syrup and Navy.
Guides: Magnar and Orin. They're looking for their friends.
The Skeleton Pirates (but before the Gasters retired) - A powerful skeleton pirate crew. They were some of the strongest before retirement. They were looking for Erebus and Cartos at one point.
Captain (before retirement): Salamander, the father of Captain and Cardinal. Will kill you if you look at him wrong.
First Mate: W.D. The father of Classic and Vanilla. He means well, and trusts me.
Quartermaster: Coriander, the older brother of Salamander. The father of Chive and Cassia. He will probably fight you.
Quartermaster: Clary, the older brother of W.D. The father of Clove and Cinnamon. He means well and wants to look out for his loved ones.
Navigator: Coral, the father of Navy and Syrup. He is personally not taking his job seriously.
Boatswain: Sirius, the father of Hound and Ebony. He is also very likely to kill you.
Carpenter: Caper, the father of Ceylon and Chai. He taught his nephews and sons everything he knows.
Guides: Zinc and Cobalt. Zinc is the father of Magnar and Orin. Cobalt is the father of Sentinel and Griffin. They did everything they could to help.
Ares: Helps Sirius because he doesn't think he's good at his job. Is the father of Dolce and Airen.
Orion: Has drowned someone before, he will do it again. The father of Brass and Jet.
Neptune: Helps navigate when Coral is tired. The father of Cortado and Dolcetto.
The Stars of the Sea - Also more skeletons who are very serious about helping around. They tend to help kingdoms.
Captain: Dusk, he knows what he's doing. He's the best for the job.
First Mate: Bliss, Dusk's brother. He knows how to be smart.
Quartermaster: Comet, brother of Dusk and Bliss. Tries his best to make people smile.
Navigator: Umbra, the brother of Comet, Bliss, and Dusk. Never takes his job seriously, but knows what he's doing.
Boatswain: Lenovo. The only thing he likes to do.
Carpenter: Tusche. He's good at making and fixing stuff.
Acrylic: Helps paint the ship. The brother of Tusche.
Virus: Handles meetings and stuff. Error's brother.
Murder and Cinder: They are just here to help, tbh.
The Singers of the Sea - A bunch of robots just going around and being pirates.
The Captain: Myles, he's pretty. He is smug and smart. He's an angel, literally.
The First Mate: Neo, Myles's cousin. They are an angel.
Quartermaster: Hendrix (Hen), he is very serious and knows what he's doing.
Navigator: Ryder, Hendrix's cousin. They seem distracted when they work.
Boatswain: Xavier, they're super smug and very leaderlike.
Carpenter: Blake, he's Xavier's cousin. He works hard and is very focused.
Kingdoms -
Cartos and Erebus Royalty:
Iyla (Goddess of Life) and Pele (Goddess of Death): The Queens of Catros.
Isaac (God of Forge): Pele and Iyla's older brother.
Myana (Goddess of Chaos) and Aona (Goddess of Order): The Queens of Erebus
Ethos (God of Secrets): The King of Erebus. (He's not married to Myana or Aona.)
Rowan Royalty:
Serenity: The Queen.
Josiah and Kayden: The Younger brothers of Serenity, the older brothers of Hydrangea, Helena, Hendrix, Josiah, Kayden, and Cora.
Helena: The Twin Sister of Hydrangea
Hendrix: The Twin Brother of Hydrangea and Helena.
Christine: The second youngest.
Christine: The youngest.
Adam and John: The Step-brothers of Serenity. Adam is older than Serenity and John is younger than Serenity and her twin brothers.
Hollow Royalty:
The King of Hollow.
Harper: The Heir to the Throne.
Hayden: Harper's Twin Brother.
Corri: Hayden and Harper's Younger Sister.
As well as other unnamed children. The King's second-youngest is deceased.
Orchid Royalty:
Juliette: A Queen of Orchid, to the north.
Jay: Juliette's twin brother.
Juliette has several other siblings who are not to be listed.
Jane: A Queen of Orchid, to the south.
Jemma: A Queen of Orchid, to the west.
Jillian: A Queen of Orchid, temporarily, to the east.
Madeline: The Actual Queen of Orchid, to the east.
Delray: The King of Orchid, Madeline's ex-husband.
Truffle: The Child of Madeline, potential heir. Madeline and Delray's adopted child.
Strudel and Waffle: Potential heirs to the throne, Madeline and Delray's adopted children.
Louis: The Heir to the throne. Madeline and Delray's biological child.
Amaranth Royalty:
Alexandra: The Queen.
Elric: The King, Alexandra's ex-husband.
Victor: Heir to the Throne, Alexandra and Elric's biological child.
Nicole: Potential Heir to the Throne, Alexandra and Elric's biological child. Victor's twin sister.
Micah and Farin: Potential heirs to the throne. Alexandra and Elric's adopted children.
Clare: Potential heir to the throne. Alexandra and Elric's adopted child.
Volaris Royalty:
Hemlock: The Queen.
The Forgotten Kingdom Royalty:
It is unknown who used to rule this kingdom, but Hailey, the only resident, is considered the Queen.
Landmarks people think are related to Cartos and Erebus:
The Lovers Cavern.
The Moonlight Forest.
The Field of Flowers.
The Lake of Memories.
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gladdyator18 · 2 years
30 Second Challenge
Yes, I am back with another fic! It’s been a while, but I just got hit with a ton of inspiration after I finished a chapter for my Pokémon fanfic. Please enjoy!
Summary: It was a slow day for a couple of the gym leaders, so Anville proposed the most absurd challenge to his fellow male gym leaders. As absurd as it may be, neither of them backed down.
Word Count: 2910
Rain, Roman, Lark, and Anville. Four of the gym leaders here in Ezonia. Rain, the master at Water-types; Roman, the hotheaded Fire-type specialist; Lark, the serene Flying-type trainer; and Anville, the Steel-type expert. They may specialize in different types, but that doesn't make them any less distinctive from the average trainer. As gym leaders, it's their job to put trainers' strengths to the test to see if they are ready for the next level. Win or lose; they uphold the gym leader title with great pride.
Somedays, however, are slow days, even for gym leaders. These days, not many trainers come by the gyms looking for a battle. It gets unsettlingly tiresome, especially for these four young men. It was a cloudy afternoon, and Rain, Roman, and Lark had visited Anville since no trainers were coming to their gyms, hoping they could catch at least one battle. When they arrived, they were disheartened at the empty gym. Anville was in the center of the battlefield with his Aggron, adjusting its mega stone.
"Hey, Ironwill!" Roman called out.
Anville sighed heavily at the nickname, unable to suppress his grin. The young man turned around and waved at his friends as they walked over.
"No battles today?" Rain asked calmly.
"Not one," Anville said regrettably, "I've been cooped up in the gym almost all day waiting for a trainer to walk through those doors. Then, you three came along,"
"Sorry to disappoint." Roman deadpanned.
"I'm assuming no trainers came to your gyms either?"
Lark shook his head as he adjusted his scarf. The taller man let out a sigh as he caressed the large Pokémon's head. The Aggron let out a deep groan and leaned into its trainer's touch.
"Did you hear anything from Mantis, Gemma, Elsa, or Nina?" Roman asked.
"No trainers came to their gyms either, so they're all hanging out in Gladiolus City." Lark answered.
Roman let out a loud groan as he paced around the battlefield.
"This is so infuriating!" Roman yelled, "I need to battle someone, now!"
Roman pulled out a Pokéball and threw it. Out came his prized Blaziken, who let out a cry when it appeared.
"Whoa, easy there, hothead," Anville said, "Can't have you burning down my gym."
"If you don't want that to happen, then battle me!" Roman jeered.
Anville groaned as he crossed his arms. Then, an idea popped into the Steel gym leader's head.
"Alright, I'll battle you on one condition," Anville said.
"What is it?" Roman asked impatiently.
"30 seconds. That's how long you have to beat me in a battle. If you win, you get bragging rights. However, if I win, or you don't beat me within 30 seconds, you have to accept the penalty."
"What's the penalty?"
"You'll have to wait and see. Do you two wanna join in?"
The two cousins glanced at one another and nodded.
"I guess." Rain said, removing his jacket.
"We've got nothing better to do." Lark said.
The cousins went over to the seats and sat down, waiting for the battle to begin.
"The minute you call out your first attack, the 30-second countdown will begin, got it?" Anville asked.
"Got it." Roman answered.
"Rain, can you keep track of the time?"
Rain nodded as he pulled out his phone, setting his timer to 30 seconds. Roman cracked his knuckles before clenching his fists.
"Flame Charge!" Roman cried.
Blaziken let out a cry as it cloaked itself in flames. Rain then started the countdown before turning his attention back to the battle. The Blaziken then charged toward the Aggron with no intention of stopping.
"Slow it down with Earthquake!" Anville said.
Aggron let out a cry before stomping the ground, causing it to shake violently. The sudden quake had stopped Blakiken in its tracks, causing it to stumble as it was running.
"20 seconds!" Rain called out.
Roman growled and turned back towards the duo.
"Blaze Kick!" Roman said.
The Blaziken ran up to the Aggron as its leg started catching fire. It then jumped up and went in to kick it.
"Protect!" Anville said.
The Aggron groaned as it raised its arms and a forcefield appeared in front of it, grinning slightly.
"10 seconds!" Rain called out.
"Brick Beak!" Roman said.
Blaziken bounced back and used the force to propel itself forward.
"Stand your ground!" Anville said.
Aggron raised its arms and took Blaziken's attack, causing its footing to shift.
"Time's up!" Rain said.
Roman groaned as he rolled his eyes.
"That was just plain dirty!" Roman said as he retracted his Pokémon, "You were on the defensive the whole time!"
"And? How is that unfair?" Anville asked, doing the same, "I just played my cards right."
Roman crossed his arms and groaned, promptly rolling his eyes.
"Fine, I guess you win fair and square," Roman reluctantly said, "What's the penalty?"
"Eager, are we?" Anville asked, "Well, if you're so willing to find out..."
Anville promptly swept his leg under Roman, tripping him up and causing him to fall on his back. Anville quickly straddled his fellow gym leader and pinned his arms beside him under his knees.
"What in the world has gotten into you!?" Roman asked, confused out of his mind.
"This is your penalty!" Anville said excitedly.
After that, Anville started digging his fingers into Roman's sides. Roman gasped before pursing his lips together, a goofy smile adorning his features.
"W-What are yohou dohoing?" Roman asked, giggles slipping.
"This is your penalty," Anville said, "If you don't beat me within 30 seconds, you have to withstand 30 seconds of tickling!"
The cousins watched in amusement, confusion, and concern. They enjoyed seeing their hotheaded friend getting knocked down a couple of pegs, but it also made them question Anville's penalty. It also made them nervous, for if they were to lose against Anville, that would be their fate. The cousins were brought back to reality when they heard loud, cackle-like giggles.
"Anvihihihihille! Stohohop ihihit!" Roman laughed, "This is sohoho duhuhuhumb!"
"Dumb, you say?" Anville asked, shifting his hands to his friend's hips, "Then maybe an extra 20 seconds will show you that this is more fun than dumb!"
Roman threw his head back and giggled madly, kicking his legs and scaping his heels against the dirt.
"Stahahahap!" Roman cried, "I give! I gihihihihive!"
"What are you giving me, hothead?" Anville asked, "Your laughter? Thanks so much!"
Roman tried to pull his arms out underneath Anville's knees, but he wasn't going anywhere. Roman glanced over at the cousins and tried to glare at them.
"Help mehehehe, you guhuhuys!" Roman cried.
"This is your penalty, Roman," Rain deadpanned, "Take it."
Roman growled through his laughter as he thrashed under his muscled friend.
"You guhuhuhuhuys suhuhuhuck!" Roman cried.
"Unless you want an extra 20 seconds, I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut," Anville said, "Well, you really can't since you're laughing."
Anville chuckled to himself as he wrecked his hotheaded friend. Roman gave up trying to escape, so he took his penalty, much to his dismay.
Anville only grinned at his friend's frantic laughter when he raked at the hothead's ribs.
"Guess I found a sweet spot!" Anville chuckled.
"Not my problem. Shouldn't have been born this ticklish."
"And that's another 20 seconds added."
After what felt like forever, Anville came to a stop, and Roman was left panting. Anville got off the Fire-type gym leader and held out a hand to him. Roman looked up and reluctantly took the Steel-type specialist's hand, pulling himself to his feet.
"You're cruel, y'know that, right?" Roman questioned.
"That's just the rules," Anville said, looking over at the cousins, "So, who's next?"
"I'll go next." Rain said.
When Anville grinned, Lark grimaced.
"Rain, are you sure?" Lark asked in a quiet voice, "You know you are-"
"I know, Lark," Rain said, cutting off his cousin, "I doubt I will win, but you know how I am with rules. If I lose, I lose."
Rain stepped away from his cousin and walked onto the battlefield. Roman groaned as he sat next to Lark, very aggravated with himself.
"You did well, Roman." Lark said.
"Shut up, bird-for-brains!" Roman spat out.
Lark sighed softly before turning his attention back to the battlefield.
"Go, Swanna!" Rain cried, tossing up a Pokéball.
At his command, the White Bird Pokémon appeared with an elegant cry.
"Skarmory!" Anville cried.
The Armor Bird soon appeared with a screech-like cry.
"I'll keep track of time." Lark said, preparing the countdown.
Rain breathed out a sigh as he scanned the battlefield.
"Aerial Ace!" Rain cried.
When Swanna let out a cry, Lark started the countdown. The Swanna flew into the air, soon diving towards the Skarmory at incredible speed. 
"Aerial Ace as well!" Anville said.
Skarmory screeched and copied Swanna's movements. The two Pokémon soon rammed into one another, blowing the other back.
"Ice Beam!" Rain said.
Swanna flapped its wings as it charged up its attack.
"Block and redirect with Steel Wing!" Anville said.
His Skarmory screeched before charging towards the Swanna with metallic wings. When Swanna finished charging up, it released an icy-cold blast. The Skarmory raised its metallic wings and blocked the Ice-type attack. It then used its other wings to redirect the attack back at Swanna. It happened so abruptly that Swanna couldn't move out of the way in time and got hit by the attack.
"Swanna!" Rain cried.
"10 seconds!" Lark cried.
Now, Rain was getting worried.
"Aqua Jet!" Rain cried.
Swanna shook off the pain before cloaking itself with water. It then charged at the Skarmory with incredible speed.
"Brave Bird!" Anville said.
The Skarmory tucked in its wings before charging at the Swanna head-on. When the two crashed into one another, a small explosion followed. When the white smoke cleared, Swanna was unconscious.
"Two wins in the bag already," Anville said, "Nice!"
Rain sighed heavily and retracted his Pokémon.
"You did well, my friend," Rain said, "Take a nice long rest."
When Rain looked up, Anville towered over him with a confident grin. Rain was about to make a run for it, and Anville knew. The minute Rain took a step back, Anville grabbed his friend's arm and pulled him into his broad chest, Rain's back facing him.
"Oh, dear..." Lark said, holding back his laughter.
"Oh, this should be good!" Roman said, jumping out of his seat.
Rain grimaced as he tested his mobility. Yeah, he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"N-Now, Anville," Rain began, tugging at his captured arm, "Let's be reheheheasonahahable! Nohohoho!"
That's when Anville attacked Rain's exposed armpit, causing the usually stoic young man to giggle madly.
"Anville, nohohohoho!" Rain giggled out, "This is demehehehehaning!"
"Sorry, buddy. I don't know de-meaning of that word!" Anville joked.
Rain's giggles only escalated in volume at Anville's joke.
"So, where's the spot that makes you laugh as loud as Roman?" Anville wondered aloud.
"I dohohon't have ohohohone!" Rain cried, stamping his feet into the ground.
"Lies and slander, dear cousin!" Lark called out, "His lower back, Anville!"
Rain's giggles turned into deep, handsome laughter when Anville attacked the Water-type gym leader's back.
"ANVILLE, STAHAHAHAHAHAP!" Rain laughed, squirming around  in his friend's grip, "IT FEHEHEHEHEELS SO WEHEHEHEHEHEIRD!"
"The word is ticklish, Rain," Anville corrected, "Don't worry, you have 15 seconds left!"
Rain went limp with laughter, trying to get out of Anville's hold, but it was too strong.
Anville chuckled before releasing Rain. Rain's legs gave out, and he fell to his hands and knees.
"You okay, Raindrop?" Anville asked.
Rain looked up at Anville and glared at him.
"Roman was right; you are cruel!" Rain said.
"Harsh, but not wrong." Anville said, picking up Rain and setting him down again.
Rain huffed as he dusted off his suit. In the background, Roman cackled.
"Who knew Raindrop was so ticklish!" Roman said, "I'm so holding this against you now!"
Rain groaned before returning to his seat, sneaking a piercing glare at his younger cousin.
"I apologize, Rain, but I couldn't help myself," Lark said, "I missed your laugh and smile."
Rain's eyes softened as he sighed.
"Well, it's your turn now, Songbird," Rain said, grinning, "Good luck."
Lark swallowed hard before making his way to the battlefield. The Flying-type gym leader took a deep breath before pulling out a Pokéball.
"Gliscor, I need you!" Lark cried.
At his command, the Fang Scorp Pokémon appeared with a raspy cry.
"Aegislash!" Anville cried.
The Royal Sword Pokémon soon appeared with a metal scrape-like cry.
"I got the timer." Rain said, preparing the countdown.
Lark heavily sighed as he thought about his first move.
"Night Slash!" Lark cried.
When Rain started the timer, Gliscor bounced off its tail as it charged at the sword-like Pokémon with black and purple glowing claws.
"King's Shield!" Anville cried.
The Aegislash stood its ground as a pixelated shield appeared, repelling Gliscor's attack. The Gliscor soon had its Attack lowered.
"Sacred Sword!" Anville said.
The Aegislash switched to its Blade Form, and its blade began to glow. It then charged at the Gliscor at shocking speed.
"Block with Metal Claw!" Lark said.
Gliscor crossed its claws as they began to glow silver. The Aegislash brought down its blade, and it bounced off Gliscor's claws.
"Quickly, use Fire Fang!" Lark said.
Not wasting a second more, Gliscor's fangs became engulfed in flames. The Gliscor bit down on the Aegislash, trapping it in its fiery hold.
"15 seconds!" Roman called out.
"Aegislash, get out of there!" Anville cried.
Aegislash let out a cry as it struggled against Gliscor's fiery fangs.
"Night Slash!" Lark said.
The Gliscor raised a claw as it began to shine black and purple.
"King's Shield!" Anville said.
When Aegislash changed forms, it managed to escape Gliscor's jaws and protect itself against its upcoming attack.
"Time's up!" Rain called.
Lark growled under his breath as he and Anville retracted their Pokémon.
"That was a great battle, Lark, but you didn't beat me," Anville said, walking up to the shorter young man, "Looks like your fate is similar to the others'."
Lark wanted to run, but his body wouldn't move. Anville only grinned before sweeping his leg under Lark to trip him up. When Lark hit the ground, Anville straddled the Flying-type gym leader and pinned his arms over his head.
"Anville, please don't do this!" Lark begged, "I-I can't handle 30 seconds of... that!"
"Rules are rules, Songbird." Anville said.
Lark grimaced at Anville's devilish grin. Then, Anville pounced, scribbling his fingers all over Lark's exposed torso. The young gym leader yelp before dissolving into adorable giggles.
"Anvihihihihihille! Stop it, plehehehehehehease!" Lark giggled out, "I cahahahahahan't!"
"Can't what, Lark?" Anville asked.
Lark's giggles soon escalated in pitch when Anville's fingers clawed at his exposed armpits.
"Nahahahahahaaaa! Stop, stahahahap!" Lark said, looking over at the other two, "Guhuhuhuhuys! Help mehehehehe!"
Roman let out a hearty laugh, whereas Rain only shook his head.
"When I asked you for help, you didn't even lift a finger!" Roman spat.
"Not to mention you gave away my... sweet spot, knowing good and well that was meant to stay between us," Rain said.
"I'm sohohohohorryhyhyhy!" Lark giggled out.
"Too late for that, little cousin. Speaking of which, Anville, go for his neck!"
"No! Anville, plehehease nohoho!"
Anville only grinned before fluttering his fingers all over Lark's neck. The young man squealed as he scrunched up his neck while producing boyish-like laughter.
"Who are you apologizing to?" Anville asked, already knowing who.
"You brought this on yourself, Lark," Roman said, "That's what you get for betraying us!"
Anville chuckled at Lark's squirming and happy smiling face.
"10 more seconds, buddy." Anville said.
Ten seconds went by, but it felt like 10 minutes for Lark. Anville got off the Flying-type trainer before extending a hand to him. Lark panted as he sat up, his vision a bit hazy with tears of mirth. When he saw Anville's hand, he took it and pulled himself up.
"So, how did you guys like my little game?" Anville asked with a cheeky grin.
"I have a lot of words about it, but I'll bite my tongue..." Roman groaned, "For now..."
"It was quite interesting," Rain began, "But I had fun."
"As did I," Lark said, "You're quite the tickle monster, aren't you?"
Anville chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair.
"I guess you can say that," Anville said, "We should play again sometime,"
"Only difference is, we're gonna win next time!" Roman said confidently.
"We'll see. I'm not called the strongest gym leader of the Ezonia region for nothing, y'know?"
Roman growled and started hurling insults at Anville, only to have the Steel-type gym leader make witty comebacks, like light reflecting off a mirror.
"Apologies for revealing your weak spot, Lark." Rain suddenly said.
"No, no, no. It was well-deserved since I revealed yours first." Lark said.
Rain nodded before turning his attention back to the bickering gym leaders.
"Do you truly believe we'll be able to beat Anville at his own game?" Lark said.
Rain's eyes shifted to Anville, and a smirk appeared on his face.
"I do," Rain said, "One day..."
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duskowithapen · 4 years
Day One: Tattoo Artist/Flower Shop AU
Writers Month 2020: Day One
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Pairing: Luka x Marinette
Of Flowers and Tattoo Needles
Miraculous AU where Marinette is the tattoo artist with some very impressive ink and Luka is pining from across the way where he works at his sister’s flower shop. Day One of Writer’s Month 2020 – Tattoo Artist/Flower Shop AU
Read on AO3
Read on Fanfiction
“You’re drooling.”
Luka straightened quickly, wiping a hand over his chin. “No I’m not.” He turned around to see his sister walking in from the back room, a sprig of lavender tucked behind her ear.
“You might as well have been,” she says, walking closer to lean beside him at the counter. “Not that I’d blame you – Marinette’s cute.”
The Marinette in question was the owner of the tattoo parlour across the way. On quiet days like today, she could be seen sitting outside her shop with a sketchbook. Luka swallowed dryly. The sun was shining off her impressive tattoo – a full sleeve that wound around her wrist and up over her shoulder in a tangle of flowers and vines that he couldn’t see clearly.
“Well?” Juleka’s dry voice snaps his attention back.
“Well what?”
She waved a hand towards the door. “Are you going to get a tattoo?”
Luka splutters. “W-What? Why would I – what makes you think –” How’d she known I’d considered it?!
He’s saved by the bell – literally – as Rose walks in. “Jule’s, what are you doing to your poor brother this time?” She asks, joining them at the counter which was suddenly feeling a little cramped.
Pecking her partner on the cheek, Juleka smiles innocently. “Trying to convince him to get a tattoo.”
“Oh, you totally should!” Rose claps her hands. “You have to go to Marinette – between her and Nathaniel, you’ll get the coolest tattoo! Marinette was the one who designed ours!”
“Really?” Luka glance at Juleka’s uncovered wrist. It was ringed by a flower wreath – red and purple roses (passionate love and love at first site), hot pink dahlias (commitment) and bright red gladiolus’ (strength and integrity). Rose had one exactly the same. It was a beautiful representation of their relationship – one Luka was waiting for them to consummate with a marrige. It was also a nod to their shared brainchild.
The Secret Garden might have only been a few years old, but it had blossomed into one of the most successful flower shops in Paris, often completely selling out around any holiday, and with a reputation for incredible flower arrangements, which Luka was proud to say he had a hand in.
Luka smiled. “I wouldn’t mind a tattoo,” he said after a moment, “Maybe something for you and mum – like her raven tattoos.”
Juleka’s smile was small, but no less terrifying for it. “Then go talk to Marinette now. Doesn’t look like she has any clients.” She was still sitting outside her shop.
As Luka was pushed out the door, Rose shoved a small posy of cherry blossoms into his hand. “Give Marinette these – they’re her favourite!”
How does she know her favourite flowers? Luka thought wildly as the door locked behind him. Slowly crossing the narrow avenue, he could feel their gaze burning into the back of his neck, and his hands became sweaty. They were making him nervous. He didn’t normally get nervous. He normally wasn’t going to ask a very cute girl to give him a tattoo.
Marinette looked up as he approached, and he couldn’t help but notice how adorable the freckles dotting her nose and cheeks were. Luka dug his fingers into his leg. You’re here for a tattoo, he reminded himself, not to check out the artist! But he couldn’t stop himself from taking in the blue sheen to her pigtailed hair, the welcoming smile stretched across her face, the impressive artwork which looked even better close up. Spiralling around her arm on pale green stalks and vines were cherry blossoms, pink orchids, blue morning glories, larkspur, hyacinths and bright yellow daffodils. Renewal, fertility and abundance, affection, cheer and goodwill, sincerity, luck and good fortune… he thought absently. After so long working with flowers – and even longer hearing about them from Rose – the symbolism came to mind automatically.
“Uh… hello?”
Luka blinked. Her eyes are really blue. Then he remembered himself and smiled. “Sorry. Are you Marinette?”
Her grin became wider. “Yup! Are you Juleka’s brother?”
“Yeah. She and Rose said that these were your favourite flowers?” He held out the blossoms. “They asked me if I could give them to you.” Well, technically they did. Even if it was meant to be more from me than them.
“Awww, thank you!” Marinette buried her nose in the pale pink petals and breathed deep. “They’re beautiful!”
“You’re welcome,” Luka said numbly. Her smile was almost blinding. “Uh, there was something else.”
Marinette’s head tilt made her pigtails bounce. It should be illegal for someone to look this adorable. “How can I help?”
“I was wondering about getting a tattoo.”
“Oh, of course!” Marinette leapt to her feet. “What else do you come to a tattoo parlour for? I’m so sorry, come in and we can get started right away!” She babbled. “Or should I say, welcome to Charmed Ink! Do you have any ideas for what you want? I’m partial to flowers as you can see, but I’m good at more tribal stuff too, and lettering, but Nathanial’s the best for portraits and a lot of the animal stuff..”
She continued to talk even as Luka took in Charmed Ink. The art on the inside of the tattoo parlour made it look larger than the comparatively small storefront suggested. The back wall was painted with an incredible mural of cherry blossom trees in full bloom, framing a red bridge arching over a river. The side walls were white and in scattered groups were photos of tattoo art – in one clump was a variety of dragon tattoos, in another was various words in all different fonts. The two tattoo stations were set in the back corners, with a small waiting area directly before the entrance. This was where Marinette led him, stopping quickly at a desk partially hidden by a folding screen.
She noticed his awed look at the back mural and smiled, a little calmer now. “That was a collaboration between Alix and Nathanial – he’s my other tattooist. They were all in my class in collége and lycée – same with Juleka and Rose, actually.”
“They did a great job,” Luka murmured. “And I’ve seen your work before – the tattoo you did for my sister was incredible. I was kinda looking for something similar.”
“Were you wanting a tattoo on your wrist too?” Marinette sat on one of the plush couches, and Luka sat across from her.
“No, I was thinking of something on my shoulder – my left shoulder,” He gestured, “Maybe going down my arm a little? I don’t want to go for a full sleeve now, but looking at your tattoo, I’d definitely consider it for the future.”
Marinette’s blush travelled across her cheeks and up her ears. “That – that’s a good plan. I can definitely work with that.” She made a note before looking at him under he lashes. “Were you wanting flowers?”
At Luka’s confused look, she continued, “You said you wanted something similar to your sisters, but you didn’t want it on your wrist…?”
“Ah, that’s right.” Luka tapped at his knee a little, quick staccato beat. “Yeah, I was thinking blue iris, gladilous and maybe daffodils.”
“Is there a meaning behind those flowers, or…?” Marinette made another note.
Luka nodded. “Yeah. Gladiolus’ are mum and Juleka’s birth flowers, not to mention their symbolism – strength and integrity. Blue Iris’ are my birth flower, meaning faith and hope, and daffodils are good luck and good fortune, but I also like the yellow.”
Marinette hummed. “I take it your favourite colour is blue?” She asked, waving her pencil at his blue hoody and matching Jagged Stone t-shirt. With a wince, he realised he was still wearing the Secret Garden apron over his faded jeans. Whoops.
“How did you guess.” Luka deadpanned, and he grinned at Marinette’s chuckle. “But seriously, yeah, I like blue and yellow. And, if we’re going for something like the start of a sleeve… think you could incorporate a snake or something in there?”
“Snakes are transformation and renewal, aren’t they?” Marinette murmured as she wrote. “There was this one symbol I remember, with a snake biting its tail…”
“The ouroboros,” Luka nodded, “It’s an eternity symbol.”
“Hmmmm…” Marinette started sketching in earnest. “So we’re going for something that can be added to later, definitely going for a circling snake – probably around your arm – but should the head be going up or down – put the flowers in colour clusters, or mix them up… maybe have them growing out of the snake? But if the snake is blue… you’ve got the more teal tips to your hair, so I could go for something more on the green side of the spectrum to help tie it in, but the snake should also stand out…”
All Luka could do was watch as Marinette seemed to get lost in a creative haze. Her pencil moved rapidly over the page as she sketched, occasionally going back over a line with her eraser, muttering about her hand not listening to her brain. Once or twice she looked something up on her phone before continuing – at one point, she leapt out of her seat to go and stare at one of the photos on the wall.
This process went on for about twenty minutes, Luka browsing through social media in between watching Marinette with what Juleka would probably class as a ‘disgustingly lovestruck’ look on his face. He couldn’t help it! She was just so vibrant, pouring all this passion into her work. Not to mention the cute little wrinkle between her eyebrows as she seemed to struggle with something at the bottom of the page.
Marinette slammed her sketchbook down with a bang that made him jump. “So! I have a tentative outline – tell me what you like and don’t like, and we can work from there.”
The sketch – and Luka didn’t know how Marinette could class this as an outline given the level of detail – featured all the aspects he wanted. On the front and back sketch of his arm and shoulder was a winding snake, the head sitting just under his collarbone and the rest of its body circling his arm before ending just above his elbow. But it didn’t just circle his arm. It also twisted around the gnarled and knotted stems that supported intricate bursts of flowers. An iris sat directly below the snakes head before more flowers dotted the stem around his shoulder to a larger, more detailed flower on his shoulder blade. Gladiolus’s tangled with the main body of the snake, interspersed with tiny iris’ and leaves, merging with daffodils close to his elbow. Each flower differed in size, though the iris on his back was the largest, probably about the size of his palm if he got the proportions right. Notes on both sides of the sketch were arms with arrows and a frankly scary amount of question marks. Luka looked away when he saw the words ‘dark coffee brown’ and ‘burgundy vs wine’.
“This… this is incredible Marinette.” He looked up at where she was wringing her hands. When she bit her lip, he had to refrain from reaching up and biting it for her. Concentrate Couffaine!
Marinette giggled, the sound high with nerves. “Thanks Luka. It’s a bit rough, and I’d want to go over the colours with you before we start anything, but I’m glad you like it. Anything you’d want to change?”
“Not really,” He hummed. “How would you continue this, if you were going for a full sleeve?”
When Marinette took a seat at his side, leaning into his shoulder a little, Luka stiffened. He hadn’t noticed before, but she’d split the posy of cherry blossom flowers into two and attached them to her pigtails – their scent wafted over him, and he tried not to breathe too deeply. “Well, if I was going to do a full sleeve with the snake, I’d make the snake the body of the tattoo,” she said, pointing at various parts of the sketch, “Probably make the circuits wider and accentuate the gaps a little more with the flowers. The head would have to be a little bigger, to make it proportionate, but otherwise not much would change.”
Luka nodded slowly. “So, say, if you maybe did that – the thing with the head and the – the circuits? And then have the snake ‘end’ in a clump of flowers above my elbow.” It was his turn to point, dragging a finger along the clump of daffodils and trying very hard to ignore the way Marinette pressed just a little closer to see. “Maybe if you added some of the gladiolus and iris here as well, and then if I add more to the tattoo later, you can have the rest of the body kind of emerge from there.”
“That would work really well actually,” Marinette said as she took the sketchbook back. Luka tried not to pout as her warmth moved away. “I can make a wreath just above your elbow – kinda like what I did for Juleka and Rose – and have the snake’s body ‘disappear’ into that. It would be easy work to make it ‘reappear’ beneath it later.”
Marinette scribbled these notes in as she spoke, before turning back to him. “So, about price… for a piece like this – half sleeve, colour and design… you’re looking at about one and a half grand.”
His eyebrows threatened to disappear into his hairline. “That low?” While he hadn’t seriously thought about getting a tattoo before today, he’d spent time with a lot of people who had. A full sleeve tattoo could cost as much as four grand – a half sleeve would be at least two.
“You’re getting the friends and family discount.” Marinette shrugged. “And I’ve been in a bit of a designing rut lately – all people seem to want are dragons or family names. This is a bit of a godsend, actually.”
Luka smirked. “Friends and family discount, huh?”
With her nose in the air, Marinette sassed, “Of course. Juleka’s my friend, and you’re her family.”
Throwing caution to the wind, Luka leaned in a little. “That’s why, huh? I’m hurt Marinette.”
“Hopefully you aren’t so sensitive when it comes time for me to break out the needles, Luka. I don’t want to listen to you crying for the six hours this is going to take.” The smirk she shot him sent a thrill through his chest. She’s got some fire.
“Oh believe me, Marinette.” Luka steadied himself on the couch back behind her shoulders and gave Marinette his best stage-ready, sweet-talking, come-hither bedroom eyes before growling out, “I don’t think six hours with you will be any hardship.”
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thatonedaydream · 6 years
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A/N: this took forever im sorry. girls just wanna have fun. gender isn’t specified in this, but they are very feminine, this is a bayonetta au, powerful women is what its all about. also its been awhile since i’ve written anything, this has been sitting around for awhile so... i dunno what its like. the ideas are there lmao
Edited 20-Jan-2019 — spheri
OP: Let’s dance boys!
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Lunafreya clasped her hands together and slowly exhaled. Today she would be married—wedded to Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum. It would be an auspicious event, binding his clan of Lucis to her clan of Tenebrae. They were both powerful clans in their own right, but coming together they would be an unstoppable force. Because of this, many adversaries had come out of the woodwork to try and stop it.
While both had their own defensive forces, Luna was happy to let Noctis think that he had everything under control with his Ascended Knights in play at their wedding. His four most trusted knights stood around the altar defending the bride, groom and single priest conducting the ceremony. They were to marry quietly and do their general public service later. For now it was important to complete the ceremony without any disturbance. Doing so with an audience would give more chances for the enemy to attack.
As the priest droned on, his voice echoed in the empty church. Luna gazed into Noctis’ eyes—she did love him so dearly, this wasn’t marriage born of convenience or treaty. She did care for him, but oh—
Men were so useless.
“I’m incredibly sorry—” Luna sweetly interrupted the priest, “ — would you please pass me my staff for a moment?” She asked, although something in her tone was impatient. She continued to smile and gestured for the knight closest to her staff to hand it over to her. Prompto looked confused but did as he was asked after Noctis nodded and gave him permission to do so. “Would you all kindly take one step closer to me?”
Who were they to question the bride’s very simple request?
“Now stay very still.” Luna tapped her staff twice on the stone ground. A dim light bloomed and suddenly spread in lines to form a circular seal all around her. Her final words were a sly warning. “We’ll pay for damages, don’t worry.”
Before anyone could question this, the beautiful stained glass ceiling above them shattered. There was a loud crash as something landed in the center of the church. A very large lance stood upright in a pile of demon corpses. At the end of the spear, a pale-haired woman stood proudly. “Sorry we’re late.” She swung down the pole of the spear.
Luna huffed and muttered some words under her breath, forming a dome and protecting the men around her as well as herself. “I was worried neither of you would show.” An affectionate smile played at her lips.
Demons rained in from the broken ceiling. The priest had collapsed in shock beside Luna and she wondered if Noctis had figured out why she was insistent on a young priest marrying them—funerals were awfully expensive for elder clergymen; they definitely would have died from the horror.
Suddenly the church doors were kicked off their hinges and into the newly arrived demons with such force that they ploughed into the altar, whistling narrowly past Noctis’ esteemed knights. “Sorry.” You didn’t sound the least bit sorry. “I thought ya boy’s knights were meant to have cleared out the area of all the demons?”
“I’m sure they did the best they could.” Luna replied kindly, ignoring all the pointed looks she was getting from the men around her. “I’ll pay you both double to keep us safe.”
While you did like the idea of being paid double, you liked seeing Luna safe a little more. “Tell ya what, this’ll be our wedding gift to you both.” You blew them a kiss from where you stood at the entrance, before waving at your partner who had yanked her lance out of the ground. “Aranea, shall we?”
“Ready when you are.” Aranea drawled, and kicked some demons away from her before swinging her lance around like it weighed nothing. “Now pay attention, boys. You don’t send knights to do a witch’s job.” The runes on the heels of her boots glowed. “Draco Altitudo!” Her next jump was so powerful she left a small crater beneath her. The demons cowered, confused as they watched her disappear through the ceiling they had just dropped down from.
You breathed out and twirled, dragging the toe of your boot in a circle around you. The trail it left glowed, the energy suspending the long cloth of your robes in the air as if you were underwater before transforming them into shimmering, translucent streams of water. “Integrum degluttiat!” The words that bubbled and flowed from your mouth were clear. A command of sheer power.
“You have Astral Witches in your command?” Ignis, the cleverest of Noctis’ Ascended Knights turned to Luna with an incredulous look. “That’s impossible. The last Astral clans were decimated in the last war—”
“Evidently not, good knight.” Luna raised a finger to her lips in a gesture of silence. They had better watch quietly as her Witches were cleaning up their mess. They could learn a thing or two about real power and finishing a goddamned job.
The ground beneath the congregation of demons in the church began to crack and water began to bubble up. You blew a kiss in their direction, but instead of ending it with an elegant flourish of your hand, you mimicked crushing something in your fist. “Leviathan!” There was a roar from beneath the church, and wide jaws crashed through the ground where the demons once stood. The jaws inhaled, sucking the demons into a whirlpool and keeping them in place before disappearing beneath the water again.
“Bye-bye!” You called.
In the next instant, Aranea came down like a falling star, right where the demons were. In a spray of dark blood, they were pierced by her lance or crushed by the force of her landing. The water faded, sinking beneath the blood-stained earth. She swung around the pole of her lance a final time and landed gracefully on her feet.
It was mostly silent in the church, save for the sound of a few limbs that sloughed off broken wooden pews, slick from the carnage. You exhaled as your clothes lost their magic glow and returned to normal, although even in your natural state, there was an unearthly aura about you—it was the same with Aranea.
Luna tapped her staff on the ground to remove the barrier. The men around her looked uneasy, either from being ashamed of the apparent piss-poor attempt at securing the safety of the church or being overwhelmed by the sheer power of not one but two Astral witches. “Thank you ladies, for your assistance.”
Both you and Aranea approached your contractor with confident strides. “Anytime.” Aranea winked at Luna. “So, did we miss the important part of the wedding?” She glanced at the priest who was rocking back and forth and praying under his breath. “...I guess not.”
“We should move you both to a safer location.” The burliest of Noctis’ knights, Gladiolus, stepped forward. You could feel the aether flowing in him. Ascended Knights weren’t as unheard of as Astral witches, but their brotherhood had scaled down significantly over the last few centuries—they had gotten cocky after winning the last war against the demons. However, it wasn’t surprising that the best of the knights would be assigned to guard Noctis.
As Gladio tried to push past you, you pressed a finger into his chest to stop him from approaching the bride and groom. “Nuh-uh.” Just to get your point across, you channelled but a flicker of your power through the tip of your finger.
He sucked in a breath as soon as you touched him. It was like a pin-prick at his soul. For a brief moment, he felt what you were capable of. A teardrop in an ocean of power so deep and ancient, who knew what dwelled in the darkness beneath. He stared at you; how could a human being possibly hold such power? Was the other witch with the lance the same?
“You need to get married on holy ground to finish the covenant.” You stated to Luna more than anyone else. “The reason why Aranea and I agreed to help you was that of your conviction,” You removed your finger from Gladio’s chest and he carefully exhaled, although he looked a little shaken. “But your window of opportunity is closing fast.”
“Luna, what do they mean?” Noctis gently turned his bride-to-be to face him. “What are you planning?”
She had really hoped to have the conversation after they were married, so Luna hesitated. To have you and Aranea at her side was a boon, but she also knew it would be difficult to keep your loyalty if she didn’t come through with what was promised, even if you were friends. You were Astral witches, you had much bigger things to deal with. “I—”
Noctis watched Luna struggle, but then took her hands in his. “No, don’t worry about it. You can tell me after we’re wed.” He smiled at the flash of surprise in her expression which was quickly covered by her usual mild mask. He knew the kind of woman Lunafreya was, the kind of woman he had fallen in love with. Though at first glance she was genial and sweet, she held a fire of determination that forged a steel will. No doubt it was those traits that attracted the Astral witches to her side. “I love you—and I trust you. Whatever it is you have planned, I’ll do what I can to help.”
“Wait—are you sure that’s smart?!” The blond knight Prompto finally perked up. You and Aranea had seen him quietly and anxiously observing everything that was happening. It looked like he wanted to speak up at multiple times, but you supposed he had finally gathered the courage to speak his mind. “Not that I’m suspicious of your motives Lady Lundafreya—I mean, I kind of am, but—y’know, with the witches and everything it feels kind of suspicious?” He blurted.
Aranea snickered. “Aww, the shortcake is worried. So cute.” She purred, glancing his direction, although it felt like a dragon eyeing a mouse. “Don’t worry, we Astral witches aren’t known for backing the side with terrible motives.” Although ‘terrible’ meant something different for each person. “Once these two are wed, our protection extends to you and your brotherhood as well.”
“Who said we need protecting?” Gladiolus crossed his arms. You waved your hand at the surrounding mess of the church, letting it do the talking for you. The burly knight glowered at you and you simply winked in return.
“You might not need it now, but for the coming storm, you will.” If Lunafreya hadn’t spoken of her plans, then you wouldn’t say anything.
But you sure fucking hoped these boys would be ready for a war.
ED: Fly Me To The Moon [Climax Mix]
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Um sorry if youre not taking requests but could you make a like,,,, reverse 'Omens'? Like the guys are still really yandere but the reader is cool with it?
So this prompt was supposed to have waited but when I saw it, I was like “I…I need this more than air at this moment.” So…here we are the “Good” version of Omens.  Also, I’m so happy you told me about yandere, because I knew the word but my mind just would not process it and I’ve been trying to think of it for like a month. Lol
You woke up with a start. Looking around the room that you were in. It wasn’t your bedroom, it was Noctis’s living room, in all honesty, you had no idea where you were. It didn’t look familiar. Stumbling from the bed that you were in you moved towards the cracked bedroom door.
You stopped suddenly catching your reflection in the vanity mirror. You were wearing something different, it looked like a very fancy tea dress. It fit absolutely perfectly, and you had to admit even you look stunning in it. You rose your hand up to find the necklace around your neck, finding that it was actually a magic dampener. Why did you have a magic dampener on?
You turned back to the door as you heard something familiar. A familiar laugh, and conversation. They were here!
Moving out of the room, you followed the voices down the stairs coming to a large living room.
“Y/N,” Gladiolus called, as the other turned to you stepping into the living room. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” You muttered, moving over to the couch, sitting in the empty spot between Ignis and Noctis. “Where are we?”
Noctis smiled, “Home.”
“Home?” You repeated, “You mean the palace?”
“Yes, your new home Y/N,” Ignis replied.
You blinked clearly confused, “But I don’t recall…wait why are we here?”
Noctis stood, your eyes following him as he moved over to Prompto telling the blonde to turn around. Running his fingers through the blonde locks on the back of the man’s neck, showing a very small mark that looked very similar to the Royal Emblem.
“I could not bare to see the outside world hurt the ones I love, so I’ve brought you here to protect you,”  Noctis explained.
“Protect me?” You muttered, turning your eyes to Gladiolus and Ignis. “Do you both have that too?”
“Yes,” Ignis replied, turning his back towards your showing the symbol.
“Gladio’s a little harder to see.” Prompto smiled.
You blinked again shaking your head, “I don’t understand. What happened? Why me?”
“We love you, Y/N.”
“Love me?” You gasped, cheeks heating up, “But what about my outside life?”
“That was a little more difficult to cover up, yet as always Ignis managed to cover it up perfectly.” Noctis chuckled, moving over to press a kiss to Ignis’s lips.
“Cover what up?”
“Your death.”
“My Death!” You shrieked with a slight jump.
“Noct, we have to remember, Y/N isn’t used to this yet.” Ignis gently scolded, as he stood. “I’ll go fetch you some tea, My Dear to calm your nerves.”
You felt Prompto move over taking your hand in the empty seat where Ignis once sat, “It’s not all that bad Y/N. With you here, we can always protect you, and you wouldn’t have to worry about the dangers. We all love you so much, and here we show you that.”
“Love me?” You repeated your gaze to your hand holding tightly to Prompto. “Am I dreaming?”
“Nah, you’re awake.” Gladiolus chuckled. “But I can give you a pinch if you want to make sure.”
You looked up, looking to the three men still in the room, trying to piece together what exactly your life had become. “I don’t…I don’t think that this….” You gasped as you turned to Noctis feeling that dangerous aura of magic come off of him. “Noctis?”
“What don’t you think?” He asked.
“Let her finish her thought, Love,” Ignis replied, returning with a cup of tea. “I’m certain that she had a good reply.”
You felt that magic coming from the both of them, Ignis had known Noctis the longest, so their relationship was pretty much set in stone.  That display of power from the both of them was angry, but you didn’t understand why. As Ignis handed you the tea, you didn’t even realize that you had grabbed it until a little spilled over the edge burning your hand.
Still, you took a second to gather your thoughts trying to find the right words.
“Thank you.”
“Come again.”
You looked up from the tea in your hands, “Thank you. I don’t think that this is enough but thank you. My life was so,” You sighed, “I was stuck in a dead end job, and basically working myself to an early grave and now…Thank you all of you. I do have one request, if I may?”
Four pairs of eyes exchanged glances before turning back to you and nodding giving you permission to ask.
You leaned forward placing your teacup down on the coffee table, fingers going into the chain of the necklace, “Can I please get the mark too? I’m worried I’ll break this, never been too good with jewelry.” You smiled.
Noctis turned to Ignis, who also seemed just as confused by the request. Only for the Prince to stand moving over to you. “Turn around and try to relax.”
“It doesn’t hurt but it feels funny.” Prompto offered, “You can hold my hand if you want.”
You giggled taking his hands, “I trust you, all of you.” You let out a gasp as you felt a pulse go through your body and blend with your own magic, it actually felt rather euphoric as a soft moan left your lips. “Oh my.”
“How do you feel?” Noctis asked, his hand stroking your hair as he removed the necklace.
“A little lightheaded.” You replied as you released Prompto’s hands to take up your teacup. “So just so I understand, am I allow to leave this room…uh apartment?”
“You said this was in the palace, am I allowed to leave the palace?” You asked taking a sip of tea.
“Not without an escort of one of us.”
“That’s fine, makes me feel better. Never felt too comfortable traveling around the city alone, being a girl and all.” You explained taking another sip of tea. “Will you boys be staying here too?
“Yeah,” Noctis stated,
“I can stay whenever you want.” Prompto smiled.
“Same here, unless I need to go home to Iris,” Gladiolus replied.
“I will also be available,” Ignis stated, sitting down on the arm of the couch beside Noctis.
“Yay, I think it would get lonely here being by myself 24/7.” You giggled,  “My last question, what about us?”
“What about us?”
“What are we, our relationship now?”
Ignis cleared his throat, “At the moment, as you have taken the brand, you are Noctis’s betrothed, granted we all do belong to Noctis.”
You cooed, “I get four handsome fiances?”
“To dumb it down, yes.” Gladiolus replied.
You giggled softly, “How lucky can a girl be?”
This seemed to throw the others off, you had known them for less than a year but you were so willing to throw yourself into this without a moment’s hesitation. Everyone had a little hesitation at first when getting themselves into this, but you just seemed to roll with the punches.
“Do you have any objections?” Ignis inquired, asking the question the rest of them were wondering.
“Not really, I’ve always wanted to be more of a housewife, and now I find that I get a restart, and I get to live like a Princess to four very beautiful men that love me. I know it sounds kind of silly but I guess I always had a crush on your guys and never thought I was good enough.” You offered placing down your empty tea. “It just still seems kind of strange to me that, this isn’t a dream. I’m worried that I’ll wake up and be back in my apartment.”
“Aw, don’t think that.” Prompto cooed, hugging you tightly. “You’re perfect Y/N.”
You smiled nuzzling his hair, “Oh may I make one more request, if that’s okay, Noctis?”
Noctis nodded softly.
“May I please get a kiss from my sweethearts?”
“Look here, Love,” Ignis replied, placing your veil on for the engagement interview, holding it out your face for now.
“One more, please.” You cooed, only to get a playful sigh from the man before you, as he leaned forward pressing a kiss to your lips. “I think that should hold me over until after the interview.”
The last few months were pretty much how you expected, granted there were a few hiccups the first couple of months, like any relationship. Yet there were rules in place for you to live the life that you wanted and in order to stay with Noctis and the others.
You recalled the time you were out in the garden with Ignis while the others were busy for the day. You held tight to the man’s arm, only to suddenly release it as you dashed forward, picking up something within in one of the plants. Turning to show Ignis your prize only to be seized by the arm by the man pulled to your feet.
“What are you doing?” He barked. “Were you trying to run away!”
“My earring, I thought I lost it yesterday.” You whispered showing him the green earring. “You bought them for me. “
“You can’t just do that,” Ignis growled.
You felt tears in your eyes before you knew what happened, “I…I really like them because…because they remind me of your eyes.” You cried as you stepped forward wrapping your arms around him tightly. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry Iggy.”
Ignis sighed, as he stroked your head, “Apologies, Love. You can’t go running off like that.”
You muttered giving a soft nod, “Okay.”
“Come along, let’s go met Noct and the others for lunch.”
“You’re so pretty, Y/N.” Prompto cooed, helping you straighten out your dress.
“Oh, Darling.” You purred dragging him forward pressing a kiss to his lips, ruining all the straighten out he did to your dress.
Prompto did allow for you to get away with a lot more than the others, but even he had his limits to what he did and didn’t let you get away with. The poor thing had a jealous strike in him a mile wide, and if the love wasn’t between you and the others it wasn’t nice, such as the time you were watching him train with Gladiolus. Which in all honesty you were actually catching up on some reading in the viewing area alone, every so often looking in to make certain neither of you boys wasn’t in too deep.
“Do you need some assistance, Miss?”
You turned, the door was supposed to be locked, “Oh, oh yes. I mean no, I’m fine. Just watching my fian…my friends train.”
The soldier stepped forward, “This isn’t a place for civilians, here.”
You gasped feeling the man grab your arm, you didn’t recognize him, “Please stop, I’m fine I promise.” You let out a gasp, as a shot rang out hit the guy in the side as he immediately went down, the splatter getting over your dress and face.
You turned large eyes to the door only to find Prompto there, that aura of magic spilling off of him. “Prom…toe?”
“Are you okay?” He asked rushing over to you pulling out a bandana, “I got it on you, here.”
You turned wide eyes to Prompto then to the man on the floor, as he cleaned off your face, “Prompto is he?”
“He’s fine.” Prompto replied, “Come on, let get you a nice bath.”
You didn’t recall seeing that guy again.
“You ready, Babe?” Gladiolus asked, tilting your head  up as you stood on tip toe to get a kiss from him, only to have his sweep you off your feet.
“Ugh, I hate these interviews.” You moaned as he sat you down. “For like 5 minutes of airtime they talk to us for 2 hours, and it’s always the same questions. What dress are you wearing, are you excited to be a future Princess, blah blah blah.”
Gladiolus chuckled, “You handle them perfectly.”
“Glad you think so, if Noct wouldn’t look bad, I would walk out of them. I just want to marry my husband.” You playfully whined kicking your feet under your dress. “Will Iris and everyone be able to join us for the real wedding and not the broadcast one?”
“She wouldn’t miss it,” Gladiolus replied letting out a chuckle at your large smile.
You recalled how upset he got when you had accepted assistance from one of the guards at your ‘Betrothal’ ball, despite having been engaged for weeks at this point. You still weren’t use to your large ballroom dresses, and your heel got caught in your skirts, and you stumbled into a man, as he was helping you up and moving you somewhere to help you untangle. You were just thanking the man when Gladiolus moved in, a look of rage on his face at the other man touching you.
“Gladiolus.” You called trying to defuse the situation before things got too bad. “This fine gentleman assisted me, I was just looking for you or Ignis. Thank you, Sir, for your assistant.”
You watched the man scamper off rather quickly before you were pulled onto the dance floor by Gladiolus. You winched as you felt his large hand holding so tightly to your waist. “Gladdy please that hurts.”
“What the hell do you think you were doing?” That deep rumble in his chest surrounded you as he held you close.
“Gladdy, please.” You whimpered again softly, you could feel the bruising start. “That hurts.”
“Are you flirting…”
“I wasn’t!” You shrieked, trying to pull away tears in your eyes. “You’re hurting me Gladdy.”
You watched the rage leave his eyes as tears found your own, “Babe?”
“I would never, Big Guy,.” You whispered softly resting your forehead against his chest. “I wouldn’t…why would think that?”
That evening he held you rather tight apologizing for the bruises that needed to be healed and your tears.
“Last one.” Noctis yawned walking in the room after Ignis went to grab him.
“Noct.” You cooed, bouncing over to him, wrapping your arms around him tightly as you rested your chin on his chest. “Noct Sweetie, the midnight release is tonight you can play with me tonight right?”
Noctis smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Sure.”
“Yay!” You cooed, pressing a kiss to his lips. “You ready to get this over with? Our last interview before the wedding, and our honeymoon.”
As you put your veil before you face to get to this interview you couldn’t help the skip in your step. The little story put together was that you weren’t in well enough health to actually show your face, and were a little on the shy side, so you often hide your face when on camera, but you were fine with that, as you often got to roll your eyes and sometimes even take a nap should it go on too long.
Still, as you sat down before this interviewer for the fifth time since you were brought home you couldn’t help but think of just the moment where you actually knew this was where you belong with them.
“Is it okay that we’re not at the party?” You asked, stepping into a room you had never been in within the Citadel. Only to gasp at the large floor to ceiling windows overlooking all of Insomnia, you quickly moved over to the window, able to point out landmarks and some of the stars, being high enough that the lights from the city didn’t interfere.
“Like what you see?” Noctis chuckled.
“It’s so pretty up here.” You cooed. “The city looks so different from up here.”
Prompto chuckled sitting on one of the couches, leaning against Ignis, who had take a glass of scotch from Gladiolus, “Do you miss it?”
“Miss what?” You asked pacing the windows, trying to make out one of the constellations.
“That.” Gladiolus motioned towards the window with his glass.
You turned from the window to them than back, “Sometimes I, Ah!” You let out a shriek as you felt Noctis grab your shoulder slamming your back against the window, before grabbing your chin forcing you to look to him. “Noct?”
“Do we not give you enough?” Noctis hissed.
You flinched as the dark magic rolled off of him, you turned frighten eyes to the others, hoping at least one of them would come to your rescue. One of them could normally assist when one or the others got like this and you couldn’t get a word in. But they all had that same look, and the magic was suffocating.
“No.” You tried.
“No, we’re not!” Noctis growled.
“No, no” You cried, “Please no, I don’t.”
Noctis pressed your back further against the window, you swear you heard a crack, “Are we not good enough for you, Y/N?”
You shook your head tears streaming down your face, as you rose your arms reaching out for him, pleading with him as you felt yourself starting to hyperventilate. “…you.”
Noctis release your jaw allowing for you to speak, “What?”
You shook your head, reaching out to take his hand, pulling it to your heart, “I love you, all of you.” You cried. “Sometimes I think about my life before, and how much it has gotten better. If it wasn’t for your love where would I be? Please don’t ever think I don’t love you.”
The pressure of magic released from around you as you let out a gasp, only to feel Noctis’s arms wrap around you tightly. You didn’t even hesitate to hold him back your face buried within his shoulder, nuzzling him softly.
“Oh, Noct I got tears all of your suite.” You hiccupped pulling away trying to push away your tears.
“It’s fine, did I scare you?” He asked, moving you over to the couch as Gladiolus pulled you to his lap, as Ignis and Prompto begun to clean your face.
You shook your head as you smiled towards him, “No, I know that you would never hurt me.”
“That’s right.” Noctis smiled, leaning forward pressing a kiss to your lips. “We love you too much.”
You cooed, “Thank you, Noctis.”
It was one of those rare nights where you were left alone for the evening, the boys had duties to attend to and you were stuck going to bed alone. So you fell asleep on the couch, waiting for one of them to bring your upstairs to tuck you in for the night. Only to feel yourself being carried by someone a lot earlier than you thought, and the arms didn’t feel familiar.
“Shh, you don’t want to get caught?”
You blinked awake, that wasn’t one of you beloveds, only to struggle immediately, “Let me go!” You hissed.
“Stop it! I’m trying to rescue you!”
You slammed an elbow into their temple, as they dropped you, you felt a sting in your arm, but you managed to scramble away far enough, finding yourself in the garden. You turned pulling up your nightdress as you raced towards the door to get back in, only to find yourself tackled to the ground.
“What the hell? Did that bastard brand you?” The person barked their hand to your neck.
“Let me go! Noctis! Noc, mpgf!” You were muffled by a hand over your mouth.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?”
You turned looking over your shoulder, this person looked familiar but you weren’t certain as to why. This only started your thrashing again, as you tried to pull away.
“I’ll get you out of here. I don’t know what spell those bastards have you under but we’ll break it. I promise.”
You dug your fingers into the ground, pulling up quite a bit of dirt before turning throwing it into the person’s eyes, getting a leg between the two of you as you pushed off. “Stay away from me!”
“Y/N, it’s me.”
You blinked the person finally taking shape, he was a soldier that you had maybe a little crush on a while ago and may have gone on a few dates but it didn’t feel right. “What do you want from me!?”
“Please, I can get you out of here. I have a car waiting, we can go anywhere you want, Hammerhead, Altissa, Fuck I’ll even take you to Tarabene.”
“Why would I want to go anywhere like that! My home is here. The men I love are here.”
“Men?” The man stepped forward taking your upper arms within his grasp. “Is it all of them? How far under a spell do they have you?”
“I’m under no spell.” You hissed, “I love them, and I sooner light myself on fire then let something like you take me anywhere. Now let me go!”
He seemed to think it over, before wrapping your wrist tightly, kneeling and tossing you over his shoulder, “You’re not thinking right, I’ll get you somewhere, I’ll take care of you.”
You kicked and scream, trying to toss yourself off his shoulder.
“I think you have something that belongs to us.”
You couldn’t stop the smile you knew that voice, “Gladdy!”
“I would care to know as to who this ruffin believes himself to be taking something that doesn’t belong to him.”
“Iggy.” You cooed.
“Ever heard of not touching what isn’t yours.”
“Enough talk.”  A flash of a sword.
You saw another sword being drawn from your “hero”, the guy didn’t wrap your legs, so you kicked out disarming him. Within the disarray, he had dropped you hard on the ground, you felt the pain blossom in your shoulder, turning wide eyes to the man who reached for you, only for Noctis’s sword to meet his throat.
“Ignis, Prompto see to Y/N. I want a word with our little would be hero.” Noctis growled.
You allowed for Ignis to cut your bonds, as you gave him and Prompto quick little kisses as thank you, moving over to Noctis, and your would-be hero.
“Y/N are you so stupid that you don’t even see what they’ve done to you. You had a life outside of here, and now you’re just…”
“Living a better one. Even if I need a hero you would never be it.” You scoffed, “I’m fine where I am. Noctis my I make a request please?”
Noctis rose an eyebrow.
“Can we please throw this hero in the dungeon, death would be too kind.”
Noctis wrapped an arm around your waist, “Of course.”
You could not wait for this day! This day was absolutely perfect! Granted you couldn’t see your beloveds as it wasn’t “tradtion” for the groom, well, in this case, grooms to see the bride prior to the ceremony. So you were able to sneak away for just a moment.
Granted it was kind of hard to sneak anywhere within a large wedding dress that weight more than a behemoth. Still, you found your way down to the dungeon, granted dungeon didn’t really call it right, it was more a glorified holding cell. You only had one guest at the time, and that guest seemed rather upset to see you in your bridal glory.
“So you’re really going to go through with this.” Your Hero from months ago, you never even cared to relearn his name. “Gods, Y/N, I thought you were smarter than this.”
You let out a cackle, turning around as the symbol for the Kings easily vanished from the back of your neck, “Or maybe I’m getting everything I want.”
Wide eyes stared to you as you turned back around, “You, you have them under a spell!”
You rolled your eyes, “Are you really so dumb? No spell needed. My beloveds actually do love me so much, and I have to say I’m actually very fond of them too, they’re absolute sweethearts. Granted those tempers make things a little interesting.”
“So you’re playing them?”
“Oh, oh no, I really do love them. The thing being the entire set is just as nice as one and I lucked out that they all adore me. That wonderful power, do you feel it?” You smirked leaning forward. “I wouldn’t dare give that and their love up.”
“You…you bitch!”
You slammed a heeled foot into the glass wall before you, “Careful with the names. My husbands wouldn’t take to kindly to it.”
“Princess? Princess, we are ready.” A call came down the hall from one of the  maids.
You spared a glance to your Hero, only to raise your eyebrows, knowing that the effect of your magic glare took effect, only for the glow to fall from your eyes, as the brand that matched three of your four beloveds returned. You turned up your lip giving the man a smirk, waving your ringed hand to the man, as you left.
“Here comes the bride.”
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gwiiyeoweo · 5 years
Cor comes down with the flu, and he feels his dignity burn up along with his fever. Noctis helps, until he doesn’t.
Pairing: Cor & Noctis Rating: G
The sun shines, the birds sing, the Crownsguard train outside in the tepid spring weather with their grunts and clash of steel. There’s no reports of terrorism, no alerts of Niflheim breaking through the King’s Wall, no little princes going missing or injuring themselves. For once, like an ill-begotten miracle that occurs only once every few centuries, everything's right in the world.
Which makes it all the more infuriating.
‘Absolutely ridiculous.’
Cor sits at his desk, a rare thing as of late when all he’s been doing is running across the borders of Lucis to run missions and manage their military posts. As expected, his time away from his office resulted in the backlog of papers and documents that have turned themselves into piles then into mountains. Granted, they’re not imperative, as they’ve been allowed to catch dust and stains where he’s left them in his desk drawers and filing cabinets, and half of them are saved as digital copies to be accessed through his computer, or phone and tablet should he need to.
But it is not because he is doomed to his office for the rest of this perfectly good spring day that sours him. It is the way his skin feels feverish yet his muscles quake before the onset of hypothermia, how his fingers feel stiff and his joints ache (and not from the scar tissue that tightens his hands). It is the way his lungs fill with cotton and leaves his nose a red burning mess, that same fire clouding and stuffing the front of his brain, and he knows it is not from the spring allergies Gladiolus suffers from. It is the stifling weight of the blanket hugging around his shoulders, pulling both his body and mind down as it pools at the foot of his chair, the once plush leather now feeling like bricks and cement.
Because Cor Leonis, the Immortal, the Marshal, has found his match in the common flu.
He can’t even bother to go for the cup of coffee at the corner of his desk — having long gone cold several hours ago after the first and only sip — because his body, despite spending nearly his entire life training and honing every muscle, feels like dead weight to him. His mind, addled with heat and fog, isn’t much better, but he at least has enough coherency to understand how salty he feels. It’s been years since he’s been struck down with sickness, and the most recent illness he can remember spans at least six years ago, when he and Clarus spent a drunken night raiding Regis’ mini fridge and got food poisoning because no one thought to throw out the king’s expired dairy.
It’s not even winter, for gods’ sakes, and he received his flu shot like the good government official that he is, and yet —  
Here he is, slumped over his desk and buried in a thick blanket, fingers barely holding onto a pen when he’s shown unparalleled finesse with his katana. If he could just somehow cut down the virus bombarding his systems like he could through daemons and magitek soldiers, Cor would offer his thanks to the Astrals above and offer them a gift or two at each of their altars.
But alas, he doubts they’d care for him right now, and the only one deserving his gratitude today is Noctis, the first to discover how utterly disgusting Cor had felt this morning.
“Wow, you look like shit. No offense,” Noctis had said, stopping by the office to drop off a folder at Regis’ request. Without so much as a warning, he had reached across the desk to press a cool hand to Cor’s forehead, and the man barely had the will to keep in his sigh of relief at that. Noctis always ran a little cool, something about poor blood circulation keeping his fingers cold or maybe the uncontrolled magics and elements that roiled within. “Hot damn, Cor, you’re burning up — wait, are you… Are you sick?”
And Cor had never entertained that idea until Noctis pointed it out because the concept was — and still is, to be honest — utterly preposterous, but the facts had proven otherwise. The aches, the chills, his throat; the signs had all pointed themselves to the culprit. Noctis had been quick to rummage through the closet, ignoring Cor’s silent look of ‘don’t you dare make a mess’ and shucking some odd books and supplies here and there.
“And just how did you know that was there?” Cor had asked, raising his eyebrows in suspicion at the blanket Noctis held up once he shook the dust off it. He had felt the rasp of his voice grate against his throat, and he had hoped his words didn't come out as awful as they felt. He had received no response except the cheeky grin Noctis sported while he carefully draped it over Cor’s shoulders. Noctis had given him a few sympathetic pats and a sagely nod, as though he were some expert in legendary warriors catching colds, then quietly left him to his devices and paperwork, shutting the door behind him with the most silent of clicks.
It's been half an hour since then, but Cor is immensely grateful for the blanket. The aches have fully nestled themselves now, as if the realization and acceptance was all it took for his body to acknowledge the sickness blooming forth, and he's confident that no more work will be done today. He's barely made a dent in the reports that require his attention and write-offs, not to mention there's reports of his own he needs to type up, but he knows where his limits are and his limits have drawn themselves here.
He wants to get up from his desk and make for his room, skipping the infirmary entirely because his pride does not want to go to the medics and ask for a bottle of flu medicine just to birth gossip of the Immortal being taken down by a little cough and runny nose. The second he braces his arm on the desk to push himself up, he immediately retracts that idea. Because nope, his joints are suddenly raging at him to stop and slink back into his chair.
He does just that, no protest back, and wraps the blanket around him a little tighter, going so far as to tucking his face and arms inside the cocoon. He wonders if he can even make it to the sofa, let alone the door, or if he's doomed to his desk for the foreseeable future.
Just as Cor is about to resign to his fate, he hears his door click open and looks up to see Noctis slinking in. There's a thermos and a mug in his hands.
"Nice look, Marshal," he says, tone entirely too amused and expression likewise.
Cor thinks he probably looks the part, all wrapped up to his nose in a blanket, hair perhaps a mess and his face a sad drooping thing. He has a brief notion to untangle himself and flip the bird at the Prince, but that requires effort. Instead, he narrows his eyes and shoots a glare.
Which, doesn't do much but elicit a soft snort from Noctis.
"Not gonna work when you look less like a scary lion and more like a cub." Noctis sets the thermos and mug on the desk, away from the papers and folders organized neatly into hefty stacks. "Made soup and some tea."
Were it Regis instead, Cor would have rejected them in a heartbeat. But he knows that Noctis is capable when he wants to be, proving himself through his various part-time jobs around Insomnia, like his time at the small family-owned diner off Sprohm Avenue. Noctis sometimes likes to show off his skills and lessons, whipping up little recipes he's learned here and there; and while they always pale in comparison to his advisor's concoctions, they have their own merits and charm. At least Noctis could learn how to cook, while Regis would set the entire kitchen on fire by just touching the stove.
"Think you can eat?" Noctis whips out a spoon in a show of blue sparks and taps it against the thermos. "It's Iggy's recipe, dagger quill soup with extra garlic. He said it should knock the flu right outta you."
Cor wrinkles his nose, making no show to untangle himself from his blanket. He enjoys Ignis' cooking when it presents itself, has no doubts about the quality and taste — not like he’ll be able to taste much of anything anyway — but knowing that Ignis knows of his… predicament does not sit well with him. Not that the young man is a gossiper, but somehow news would no doubt make their way to Regis or Clarus, and they’d jump at the opportunity to heckle and tease him like the ravenous jackals they are.
Impatience, it seems, gets the better of Noctis, who already starts peeling away at the blanket, just enough to get an arm out. He unscrews the cap, steam rushing for release; and sure enough, Cor can smell the potent brew of garlic and herbs stewing in the soup — which says something, considering his nose is as congested as Insomnia’s streets at the five o’ clock rush hour. Noctis gives him the dignity of feeding himself, thankfully, and nudges the spoon into Cor’s hand.
“Meds after the soup.” It’s less of an order and more of a fact set in stone that Cor will take the medicine after the soup. Noctis fishes a bottle out of his pocket and sets it down on the desk with a resounding clack as if to drive his words home. He tosses a glance at the mug. “With the tea.”
Cor thinks the tea probably tastes vile, but he’ll hold onto that for when he crosses that road. He takes a spoonful of the soup and tries to stomach it.   
 “Reduced to this useless pile of limbs.”
Somehow, Noctis had managed to help him out of his seat and to the sofa, leagues more comfortable to his aching body, though the soreness is a constant reminder now. His throat isn’t so bad, but it obviously likes to keep talking to a minimum with how hoarse he sounds.    
“You’re surprisingly dramatic when you’re sick, y'know that?”  
And it is how Cor has his head perched on Noctis’ lap, the young man patting his chest in a slow tempo with one hand and playing a mobile game with the other. Cor lets himself doze off here and there, the medicine quick to work its way through his system, but actual sleep evades him. He’s comfortable, or as comfortable as a man whose body feels like its freezing in the flames of hell can be, and safe within the walls of the Citadel. To be honest, there may be no place more safe than at the side — or lap — of the Prince, whose weapon mastery and arsenal of infinite weapons and explosive magic could potentially decimate a small army.
But his subconscious did not like being sick and believes falling asleep in such a state means death. So try as he may, Cor is probably not getting much until night rolls around when he can down something far stronger and potent, preferably a bottle strong enough to clear his system of the flu overnight, thank you very much.
He’s lucid again when he hears a phone chime and feels the hand move away; whatever it was, the notification demanded both of Noctis’ hands. “If you’re texting someone about me —”
“I’m texting someone about you.”
Cor groans. There goes his dignity.
He groans again.
Then hears a camera shutter. He peels open one eye just in time to see Noctis’ phone screen. A selfie.
A selfie of Noctis holding up a peace sign and Cor looking god-awful, wrapped up in a blanket and resting his head on Noctis’ lap.
“Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.”
Noctis chokes in his fit of laughter, and it’s almost enough to make Cor crack a smile. Almost. Because Regis is going to give him hell for this, and he’s already steeling himself for the endless lines of wisecracks.
“Traitorous prince,” Cor mutters, closing his eye and turning his head to the side. Thinking about it won’t stop the pounding in his skull, so he temporarily lets it slide. “No loyalty to your people.”
Noctis, trying to placate him, returns his hand to Cor’s arm and resumes his pats. “Sorry.”
“You’re not.”
“I’m not.”
 “This is all your fault,” Noctis wheezes out. He’s in bed — been in bed for the past two days at the Citadel, to soothe his father’s worries by keeping close — and buried under two layers of blankets and soaking through the sheets underneath him. He shoots a dirty look at Cor, who sits in a chair he pulled up to the bedside and swiping down the screen of a tablet.
“Ah, yes,” Cor says in a tone so dry it rivals Leide’s deserts, not even glancing up from the e-mail he’s reading, “revenge is a dish best served cold. Or as a flu.”
“I am not sorry.”
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vdisbakaha · 6 years
She smiled at me I smiled back (5)
Chapter Five:
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” I said, jumping off my beanbag. And then it hit me, I hadn’t really said it. My voice echoed in my room even though I felt an empty space where my mouth once was.
I saw Julie’s shocked face stare at me, and I stared right back. I didn’t know what to do.
Pop! Pop! Pop!
Looking around, I saw little pink bubbles bursting around me. I tried finding the source of the bubbles, but as I turned, the bubbles kept moving with me.
“They’re coming from you,” Julie said, covering her mouth with her hand. “This is beautiful,”
I didn’t know what she was talking about. I only knew one thing at the moment.
I was a cascading flow of ideas and creativity, littered with self-doubt. My right arm, which had a gaping hole in it, had this beautiful flow of multi-coloured threads running through it. There were little thorns popping up here and there, which made the flow stop and shudder every now and then. I guessed that that was the self-doubt, ever slowing the ideas and creativity that I possess.
I was a defence system, made to protect myself and others. The metal that covered the area around my chest proved that. The funny thing was, this metal had flowers in it. A daffodil and gardenia caught my attention. A daffodil means unrequited love, and a gardenia means secret love (I wouldn’t have known this earlier, but it seems like having this thing happen to me, I seem to know everything about myself). A gladiolus, a bunch of blue and yellow iris flowers, a small group of snapdragons and tulips also covered my chest, leaving a very little bit of metal to be seen.
My other arm had carvings on them as if my skin was made of stone. There were small and intricate designs on different parts of my arm, along with words written in my own handwriting. Delicate, mistrustful, defensive, loving, funny, unconfident, insecure, strong, trustworthy and so much more littered across my skin, some of them glowing in different colours.
I felt a little light-headed, so I fell onto my sof-ed. I wonder when I had crossed the room the get there.
“You can take notes if you want, y’know?” I said, gesturing at her notebook popping out of her bag.
She smiled at me. I smiled back.
I realised I was in love. Truly in love. I felt my heart grow a little bigger, the flowers on my chest shudder and shine, while new ones popped in place. I knew that my face didn’t look like what it was normally. But I didn’t have time for that. All I cared for was who was in front of me.
“How about I do that later?” Julie whispered, her eyes shining.
I supposed she realised what I knew.
She leapt onto me and hugged me furiously.
“I know we just met a few hours ago, but we’ll learn about each other okay? We’ll be forever.”
“Okay,” I said. And that was enough.
We were connected.
We were soul mates, and we were made to do something more than just discover ourselves.
We were made to save us. Our people.
And that’s exactly what we were going to do.
“So, when do we go?”
“I have no idea.”
“Oh my god! That’s exactly how I feel!”
I smiled. We were holding hands, right before the doors that led us to a hopeful future.
Our first secret meeting with our kind.
It had taken a lot of time (two months to be exact), to actually be able to contact anyone like us. It took a lot of effort, risk and complications. Finally, we got in contact with a small group that had already existed since a while back and decided to meet them.
My little ‘transformation’ had lasted three days, so I had to call in sick. I guess that’s why I lost my job, or it’s because my boss found out that I was…well, me, and decided to end all the ‘bad luck’ that was falling on the store. Maybe after we made ourselves be heard, held rallies and protests, joined with our brothers, sisters and siblings across the globe we will finally be equal to the rest. We’d end all stereotypes, all inequalities. Unjust killings, rulings in court, and so much more. All it took was a little step.
Who knew the little steps took all the risk in the world?
“Will you be my forever, Julie Feroz?”
“Forever and ever, Mariam Anand.”
She smiled at me. I smiled back.
I realised that my worries for the future didn’t matter as long as we were together. We’d fight the fight we were meant to and this time. We’d win.
The End
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eorzeanflowers · 1 year
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The sea breeze of the Ruby had a pleasant scent to it. Jana breathed deep as she looked to her opponent. Anaj had set up this spar, and Jana was not going to lose it.
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The Kojin opposite her had a calm expression. An almost infuriating one.
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Jana readied her blade, waiting for Anaj’s signal. Strike fast, strike hard.
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Jana rushed in, with Shio deftly dodging with a smile. That irritated Jana to no end.
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Jana slipped low for a heavy strike, but Shio drew her blade in one quick motion, deflecting the heavier blade to the side. Shio then lightly stepped to the side and assumed a ready pose.
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“Fight back!” Jana growled in frustration at the Kojin. Jana dropped her greatsword, shifting to a easier to maneuver gunblade.
"'Back'? To fight back, you need to start fighting," the Kojin taunts, a calm smile taking the sting from her words.
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But the strike was telegraphed too easily it seemed, for Shio blocked it with grace and ease.
"You're slow. Try again."
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Shio dropped low, sheathing her blade in a quick, fluid motion. Jana tried to retreat from the blow, but was too slow.
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Jana rolled far down the beach. Punching the ground she left the gunblade to dissolve into aether as she grabbed her monk job stone.
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Shio stood at the ready, as Jana picked herself up. “I will not yield just yet!” She threw the job stone in front of her, punching threw it to retrieve her santi.
"I'd be disappointed if you did!"
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Shio then rushed forward, Jana barely blocking the attack with her hands. Her arms reverberating from the blow, she growled, “I will win this contest, you can be assured, Shio.”
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Jana backflipped away, donning her robes of the white mage with the final flip. Shio started to prepare another lightning fast strike, to which Jana started to float through the air as the destructive white magic gathered in her staff.
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The strength of the explosion of white magic threw Shio into the water and out of sight. Exhausted Jana let go of the white mage job stone, reverting to her initial greatsword wielding form. Jana turned to Anaj with a tired laugh. “I won the duel! Would you not say, my dear old friend?” He shook his head and gestured to the water.
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Curious, Jana walked over and stared into the waves, seeing no sign of the Kojin that was her opponent.
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With a crash of a wave, Shio burst of the surf, spear in hand. A gloating smile on her face as she crashed into Jana, throwing her in to the sand.
"You threw a Kojin in the water and thought you had won? I am of the Blue - under the waves, I am untouchable."
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“I believe victory goes to me, does it not, Jana?” Shio held her spear over Jana as the exhausted beaten Au Ra admits defeat.
A lovely little spar between Jana and @the-littlest-kojin​ Shio!
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At the beginning, it's just the nine of them. Eleven if you count the kids. Well, fourteen if you count all the kids.
Ardyn, of all people, had the idea.
The Caelum Amicitia apartment was small, from thrift more than necessity. Clarus was down on the floor, stretched out on his stomach with Gladio perched on his back, giggling as he ran one of his toy cars back and forth across his dad's shoulders. Regis spared them a fond smile as he moved around the kitchen cleaning up from dinner, and Ardyn, sitting with his feet up on the kitchen table, rolled his eyes. He had baby Noctis cradled against his shoulder, mostly because his darling nephew had developed an intense lust for the glittery silver scarf he'd worn tonight and refused to let go of it without screaming.
"You're going to need a bigger place if you go through with asking Aulea to bare you another brat," he drawled, grinning when both men shot him disapproving looks. "You should open a bar!" He made his eyes go very wide, like he'd just had the brilliant idea he'd been mulling over for six months. "Then you could appoint someone else manager, sit back and let the money roll in, and spend all the time you want with your darlings. You'd like your papa to be home more, wouldn't you Gladio?"
"Yeah!" the toddler beamed on command, and Ardyn watched his brother melt. How predictable.
"I do feel like we hardly see each other sometimes..." Clarus murmured, propping himself up just enough to tilt his head back and look up at Regis, who visibly melts further.
"A bar, though?" Regis ran a hand through his hair, crossing the small space to sit on the floor beside Clarus and scoop Gladio onto his lap. "It would take research, staff, location, a huge hunk of capital..."
Ardyn coughed to draw their attention back. "First of all, your baby is drooling on my neck and it's disgusting. Secondly, I do still have that rather large chunk of Mors' inheritance that he wrote you out of..." he trailed off, enjoying the flabbergasted look on Regis' face.
Clarus looked a little more (rightfully) wary of looking a gift-Ardyn in the mouth. "What's the catch?"
"Catch?" Ardyn tried to look innocent, but he knew it didn't work properly with Noctis chewing on the collar of his shirt. Stupid adorable infant. "Why would there ever be a catch? I'm just trying to help out my darling brother and his growing family."
Clarus and Regis both snorted in disbelief. Gladio looked back and forth between his fathers, and then he snorted too.
(The catch was that Ardyn had been evicted - not entirely his own fault for once, the building turned out to have a terrible mould problem - and needed a place to live. He ended up moving into the basement of the Crownsguard, and never left.)
Ardyn had the idea, Regis and Clarus developed the plan. Once they talked it over, they began to see the possibilities, and got more and more excited. Regis was fanciful, extravagent, and Clarus patiently pulled him back to earth so they could crunch numbers together. They took Ardyn's inheritance and spun it into a proposal, a budget, a timeline. Clarus put on his sharpest suit and went to talk to the Lucian National Bank. Regis sat on the phone for hours, negotiating supply deals and licensing with Noctis asleep on his lap.
There was only so much they could do without venue, but just as they were starting to look at real estate in earnest, Cid found their building without even trying. He'd been in the West Quarter scouting cars to fix up and flip for a profit, but instead he found the old brick warehouse with the sun-faded stone archway entrance and the butter-smooth wood flooring.
"I reckon it's in okay shape," he hedged, eyeballing Regis sideways when he brought him to see it. "You got stars in your eyes, Reg."
Regis smiled at his old friend. "We need a bartender."
Cid sighed heavily, but he'd already lost.
Ardyn had the idea, Regis and Clarus had the plan. Cid found the building and built the bar and poured the drinks. When he heard about it, saw the building and the plans and the kitchen in the middle of reno, Weskham was so taken with the idea that he quit the lucrative job he'd held at Maagho for almost fifteen years and signed on to direct their kitchen.
"The food makes or breaks a pub," he told Clarus, clapping his friend on the shoulder when he tried to protest. "I'm not going to let you hire some second-rate punk. I'll build you a world-class menu, watch me."
(The 'second-rate punks' don't come along until a few years later, and Weskham takes delight in sweeping first Libertus, then Ignis under his wing and into his kitchen.)
After a little deliberation, they asked Cor to be the day-to-day, nuts-and-bolts general manager. Regis was great with high level negotiation, advertising and public relations, and Clarus was keeping the books in some semblance of balance, but neither of them had much knack for the ins and outs of daily ordering and organization.
And Cor, fresh out of the army with a noticeable limp, had mostly been spending his days staring at his discharge papers with a sort of helpless resignation. His plan had always been career military, and now that door was suddenly closed and here was Regis, flinging open another that Cor had never even suspected was there. He dove headfirst into getting the bar ready to open, and it was Cor who named it the Crownsguard.
For the last little bit of help they needed, Regis and Clarus turned to some more of their best friends.
In university, deep in the midst of a feud with his father that would eventually turn into a ragged, black-edged family break, Regis had taken a theatre course on a whim, because he hoped it would relax him and he knew his father would hate it. Clarus, always at Regis' back and at this point only pining, had gone along with him because why not? The class had been an experience and a half, and they'd come out the other side with Sylva Nox Fleuret and her girlfriend Aulea as firm friends.
"Regis Caelum's Lesbian Defense Squad," Sylva had said once, with a smile like a shark's, and Clarus made a very careful mental note to never cross her.
Sylva and Aulea got married almost as soon as they graduated, and stayed close friends. When Regis and Clarus began considering the idea of having children, they were shocked but extremely touched when Aulea offered to serve as their egg donor and surrogate both. Gladiolus came first, and then two years later while pregnant with Noctis, Aulea and Sylva ended up with children of their own when a cousin of Sylva's was killed in a car accident. She left behind two children, a little boy and an infant girl, and Sylva immediately applied to adopt them both. Ravus and Lunafreya came to live with Sylva and Aulea not long after Noctis was born.
When Regis approached them about the Crownsguard, Aulea and Sylva both laughed at him, and Sylva reached out and patted his head like he was a puppy who'd done something exceptionally cute. "Of course we'll help out, Reggie," Aulea grinned. "You need some sort of woman's touch around there."
Ardyn had the idea. Regis and Clarus came up with the plan. Cid found the building and poured the drinks, Weskham made the food, Aulea and Sylva helped serve them. Cor ran it day-to-day and gave it its name. Gladiolus and Noctis and Ravus and Luna and Cindy and (eventually) Iris grew up playing in sunbeams on warm wooden floors, climbing on bar stools, toddling after the adults as they went about the various tasks.
Even after the Caelum Amicitias moved out of the apartment on the upper floor, the Crownsguard would always be home.
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afaye1999 · 7 years
Ever At Your Side [Final Fantasy XV FanFic]
Tagging: @jojopitcher @its-lunafreya @amicitonia @alice250598 @momokitty27
Apologizing for any mistakes, misspellings or anything. I want to thank the people tagged and anyone else for sticking around and reading this. Again, I didn't have this proof-read so Im unsure of how good this is, but I hope you guys enjoy ! ❤
Chapter 4:
[Warning: This Chapter is a little graphic and may move a little fast.]
Consumed by light ; Engulfed in Darkness
"I want you to follow and watch over my son."
The Kings words replayed in her mind as she ran through the crumbling halls of the citadel, dodging the falling ceiling. His broken body laid out between fallen stones as he weakly reached out to her, gripping her arm with the last bit of his strength, haunted her.
"If that is what you wish.." she said, holding back a tear. She turned to Nyx, "Get Luna out of here, Ulric. I'll see you guys at the gates."
Nyx nodded and ushered Luna out, unknowing of his fate. The fate of a hero. She stayed alongside of the king for a few minutes longer, watching as he took his last breath before speaking.
"Your son and I will be the downfall of Eos, but I will follow your last command. I will protect him with my life. Forever will I be at the side of the prince."
She shook the scene out of her head and picked up her pace. She busted through the second story stained glass window, rolling as she hit the ground and catching a glance behind her. A few daemons stopping at the edge of the window, watching her. Standing quickly she sprinted towards her bike, jumping on quickly, disregarding the time to put on her helmet. She sped off, heading towards the gates. As she hit the nearly destroyed highways, she saw Nyx, battling Drautos. 
Was he working alongside Niflheim the whole time? Anger took over as she ramped off of the highway and down to Luna and Nyx and that's when she noticed what Nyx had done.
"NYX!" She screamed, crashing the bike and flipping along with it. Her body smacked the ground hard, her flesh stung with every scrape she received. Bruises formed instantly and half of her face sported the ugly road burn scratches. Blood trickled from the wounds, but she didn't care. She pushed up, glancing around frantically for the traitor.
"Get Luna and Get Out, [Y/N]!" Nyx yelled, waving her away with his good arm and getting her attention. Luna looked back to her, tears forming in her eyes. She rushed to his side, careful not to touch his body that was forming into ash before their very eyes.
"He used the ring of Lucii..The kings granted him power and now he must pay the price." Luna whispered.
She looked towards Luna, the Ring and then to Nyx, "You're stupid, Ulric. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid..," She wiped her eyes and chuckled,"you couldn't stop being the hero just this once.."
Nyx laughed, but choked. His breathing was getting difficult and she noticed.
"It's your turn now, [Y/N]. Get Luna out, the get the prince to Altissa.." He said dropping the Ring into Luna's hand and staring towards her, his stormy grey eyes flashing purple for a few seconds. She nodded, pressing her lips to Nyx's forehead just as he faded away, allowing the tear she kept holding back to fall just this once. She wiped it alway quickly and looked to Lunafreya.
"Alright, Time to go. Once I get you out, we'll have to go our seperate ways, got it?"
Luna nodded taking her hand after she quickly snatched up Nyx's daggers and began to run with her. Luna helped her pick up her bike. It wasn't too damaged after the crash, but it did have a busted head light, a few dents and scrapes on the metallic green paint job. 
They sped across the broken bridge towards the exit gates of Insomnia only to notice they were blocked by broken buildings. 
"We'll have to ramp it." She said noticing a pillar that had fallen. Luna agreed and they quickly scaled the broken pillar, jumping over the wall. Everything seemed to move slow motion as they were in the air.
A single shot rang through the air flying between her and Lunafreya. Her eyes followed the bullet sent from a Magetiek Sniper from below. In the process she had let go of the handle bars and fell off, smacking the ground with a loud thud. The impact had knocked the wind out of her and her vision began to blur. 
Luna landed the bike with a skid, nearly crashing herself, "[Y/N]!". Her voice echoed through the air.
"Go! Get to Altissa!" She shouted, rolling over slightly and waving her away. Luna nodded and revved up the bike, speeding off down the road.
She groaned loudly holding her head. When her vision cleared she caught sight of one of the troopers holding their sword above her head. She quickly rolled out of the way as the blade dug deep into the paved road where her skull was. She scrambled to her feet, pulling one of Nyx's daggers out of her boot and throwing it at the Sniper that had shot at her. The dagger landed in the center of the Magetiek's head, piercing it. She warped up and pulled the dagger out, noticing the other sniper aiming its gun at her. She quickly sprinted across the metal bridge using both daggers and gliding them through the center of the solider's stomach. She threw one of the daggers at the troop that tried to kabob her head to the ground. It pierced his head and when she warped down, she slid the other across his throat in one quick, swift motion. She yanked her blade from its head and watched as it dispersed into smoke. She turned slightly, her head pounding. There were at least twelve more troopers surrounding her, but she didn't care. Out of no where an Magetiek ship dropped the MA-X Angelus-O. It nearly crushed her and the ground shook when it landed.
"Shit..." She whispered out. It pointed it's torrents at her and she stared down the barrel of its gun. She dodged it quickly, running around the enemy, but only into the crowd of the others, she blocked attacks from the others, quickly hitting, kicking, and blocking. Another loud bang rang out through the air and a bullet pierced through her shoulder. She flung back and landed on her ass, rolling slightly. She gripped her wound, struggling to push herself up, the smell of burning flesh overwhelmimg her.
Gotta get up, Gotta get out of here repeated through her mind as she got to her feet. Out of her peripheral she noticed an broke down building. Using Nyx's dagger she threw it across the plane, lodging it into the cement, slightly limping she warped out of the enemies view, dodging a few shots from the Magetiek and dislodging the blade and falling to the ground. A loud grunt exited past her lips. 
"Gotta move.." she whispered to herself, pushing herself up and gripping her shoulder. She manged to limp up a back road before she fainted from blood loss.
Noctis sat on the edge of the back seat of the Regalia. His fingers gripped the passenger's head rest, his knuckles turning white. 
"Ignis, speed up!" He commanded and Ignis nodded, speeding the car up. They pulled to a halt a good distance away from the gates and out of view of the Magetiek troop guarding it.
"Take the back road, Iggy." Gladiolus said pointing to the back road on the side. Ignis nodded and quickly whipped the car around. They got a few feet up the road before Prompto shouted.
"Woah Iggy, Look out!" Prompto pointed at her body that way laying in the middle of the dirt road. Ignis swerved the car nearly crashing into the mountain side trying not to run her over.
The four boys jumped out the car and ran up to her, "She's hurt really badly.." Prompto stated pointing to her gun shot wound and crouching by her side. Gladiolus nodded and crouched with him. 
"Help me flip her over, Ignis go get the first aid kit." Gladio said as he and Prompto place their hands on her side. Ignis left to retrieve the kit and Noctis stood above his two friends waiting anxiously. 
Her hair was soaked in blood and dirt clumped around her and on her clothes. Gladiolus slipped her hair out of the woman's face. 
"It's [Y/N]..." Noctis whispered out, shock covering his face. 
"What happened to her..." Prompto asked, looking back at Noctis. Noctis shook his head and watch as Ignis disinfected her wounds and patched her up.
"Only one way to find out." Gladio said, picking her up and laying her down in the back seat, "We wait til she wakes up." He leaned against the side of the Regalia crossing his arms. 
"Of course." Ignis said standing next to Gladio and pushing up his specs. 
Prompto looked to Noctis and before Noctis could answer his phone rang.
"Noctis, It's Cor. We need to talk. Meet me as soon as possible."
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amidahime · 7 years
FFXV React: Words of Encouragement for Exams/studying/in general
Requested by: pop2143
I did my best to focus upon your request as well as make it applicable for those who just need an extra push today. I hope you enjoy.
Noctis: You're way to smart to be the only thing standing in your way. Don't quit, you got a couple of people to prove wrong still.
Prompto: Wanna know something interesting? It's hard to beat a person who never gives up! It might seem like forever until you reach the end goal but I'll be cheering for you every step of the way!
Gladiolus: Life has three rules: 1) Never quit! 2) Remember rule #1!
Ignis: When you feel like quitting, remember why you started. If you can't remember then know that I will always remind you and be proud for what you have achieved so far.
Regis: My, my, it is inspiring seeing you so focused at your task at hand. You might not think it as more than a mundane practice, but to dedicate yourself to something so wholeheartedly is quite admirable. There are many out there who wouldn't do it.
Clarus: It always seems impossible until it is done. Getting started is the hardest thing, but the fact that you started at all is a big step unto itself. Be proud of that, for I am.
Cid: Listen 'ere kid, you don't get to my age without learning a thing or two. Doesn't matter if it's from a book or just life experience. You go and sop everything up like a sponge! That way if people mess with ya, you can just splash them with some knowledge haha!
Cor: Each and every one of us were all beginners at one time. We were all in your shoes - not knowing anything. Each of us took different paths to learn, some similair, while others went down a completely different trail. However we all ended up in the same place, and you will too.
Cidney: Remember that one big thing took a lot of small things to get to where it was. So take each little victory as one more thing to make a whole.
Iris: Remember to take a break every once in a while alright!? How do you expect to keep getting better if you're out cold on the floor? The stuff you're learning isn't going anywhere, so make sure you're ready to face it head on when you wake up again!
Aranea: Let's be real here, if you learn something really well you can get a pretty swell job. With a swell job comes a good bit of money. Sure sounds selfish, but hey if anything do it for yourself first and foremost. You're the one taking time to learn all this stuff so you might as well give yourself some sort of reward at the end.
Luna: You may think your efforts from time to time may be all for naught, but they will be worth it in due time. Then you will look back on it with a laugh for having thought otherwise.
Gentiana: Knowledge is power. Thus with all that you are learning you are creating an armory.
Ravus: Don't allow your failures to go to your heart, but remember them for when you emerge the victory it will be all the sweeter.
Ardyn: Failure doesn't mean that the game is over, it means try again with experience. So take what you know and learn more from it to emerge the victor.
Nyx: Look at you! Putting your nose to the grindstone. You'll be the new hero around here if you keep at it. Not a bad idea when you really think about it. It means people will look to you for inspiration.
Libertus: Listen to me, I'm only sayin' this for your own good. Don't beat yourself up over not getting things right the first couple of times. If you've never known about it before or never tried it before you can't expect yourself to get it perfectly right the first time!
Crowe: Give yourself a little goal to reach each day! It doesn't have to be anything big, a simple snack will be enough. Some people might find it silly, but its what's giving you that extra push to continue! I can give you one right now - if you reach that goal everyday it'll always make me so proud of you.
Luche: Take your time to learn everything at your own pace. Don't be afraid to ask questions. After all, legends weren't made in a day y'know.
Drautos: Don't be afraid to call it quits for the day if things become too much to handle. Your brain won't be able to take anything in if you doubt yourself in your abilities, and you have plenty. They just need to be honed like a blade - and like any blade, it takes time to sharpen.
Dino: Y'know, the way your studying reminds me of polishing a jewel. When ya first get a stone it's all beat up and not much to look at. But polish it enough and it shines like no other. Having people be awestruck! You're going to be blinding people soon enough.
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bladesandstars · 7 years
Contradictions (SFW)
1,219 words. Gladio struggles with the burdens of becoming a Shield, and his father steps in to help. A snapshot of the process of becoming the protector of the Crown.
"A Shield must defend himself to defend his king."
"A Shield never surrenders."
"A Shield never falters, and will lay down his life to protect his king."
"A Shield never leaves his king's side."
"A Shield must manage the field of battle to minimize risk to his king."
"A Shield...."
The words swam in front of his eyes, and he drooped his head down onto his folded arms. None of this stuff made sense. How was he supposed to go out and bash enemies while staying stuck at the prince's side? How was he supposed to fight to the death, but also make sure he didn't die?
Ugh, this stuff was the worst, made even more incomprehensible by the late nights his father had been enforcing ever since...
He swept his arm across the table, shoving the Principles to the floor. He slumped in his chair, and then looked up at the ceiling and sighed heavily.
He started at the quiet clip of a boot on the stone doorstep.
"Dad! I was just...."
"It's all right Gladio. It looks like you've gotten frustrated. I know I've been putting a lot on you lately." Clarus stepped over and placed his arm on the boy's shoulder. "It's just that everything has been happening so fast. We need you to be ready much sooner than I'd feared."
"I'm sorry, you know. For what it's worth. I had hoped you had many more years yet of simply being a boy. Playing, the way I did with Regis. But the attack - well, it changed all that. And you can see as well as I can that all this" - Clarus gestured overhead - "is taking a grave toll on the King. You must be ready. You must be able to make Noctis ready."
Gladio was quiet for a long time.
"What if I'm not good enough?"
"Good enough? Gladiolus, you're twice as fast and three times as strong as any boy in your year, and -"
"Not muscle, Dad. Brains. I know I'm strong, and fast. But what if I do the wrong thing at the wrong time? These Principles, they don't make any sense when you read them all together! I thought I was smart - I am smart - but I don't understand this!"
His voice had risen in volume throughout, his fists clenched tightly by his sides.
Clarus gently picked up the worn book and placed it on the table.
"Frustration and self-doubt are your biggest enemies, Gladiolus. They will distract you from your singular focus."
"But what do I focus on? Protect, or attack? I can't be everywhere at once. I can't be offense and defense at the same time. But this stupid book seems to think that's the only way for me to be a Shield."
Gladio covered his face with his hands and continued. "Before you start, I know, I know it's not a stupid book and that Shields have lived by it for hundreds of years. But I just don't get it."
Clarus sat down at the wooden desk opposite his son, and smoothed the pages.
"Son, don't think of this as a list of instructions that all have to be true at the same time. For example, you have to eat and sleep properly to stay healthy, correct? And those are both true?"
"Yeah, but not at the same time. Okay. So this is a list of... possibilities?"
"Precisely. You must think of yourself always as at the intersection of many paths. Watch, wait, and be aware of what is ahead, always ready to change your strategy depending on what is appropriate."
"But how will I know that?"
Clarus tapped his chest, right above where his X pendant hung. "Not to be sentimental, but you'll feel it in your body. Your training and your Guiding Principle will tell you."
"The Guiding Principle - A Shield protects his King."
Clarus continued gently. "You are struggling with frustration, son. What should you do?"
He sighed. "Beat the crap out of someone in the gym tomorrow?" Thoughts of the glint of afternoon sun off glass lenses, the wry quirk of a corner of a mouth, and the clack of wooden daggers flashed through his mind. He pushed these thoughts away as massively unhelpful.
Clarus frowned. "I've been hearing from the Glaives that you're already doing just that. No, what other tools do you have at your disposal?" His tone was gentle yet firm.
Gladio sighed. "Concentration - meditation? I haven't been doing a great job on that lately."
Clarus nodded. "It seemed so." He clapped a large hand on his son's shoulder. "Let's try now."
"Here - now? Okay..." He stood up from his chair and walked over toward the clear space in the middle of the room.
Sitting down cross-legged, father and son sat eye to eye. Clarus looked at Gladio as though he could pour fortitude and support into him through his eye sockets. Closing their eyes, they began to breathe deeply, in a practiced rhythm, turning inward.
Gladio could almost feel his shoulders knot as warring, contradictory thoughts sought to distract him from the slow in and out of his breath. He struggled to recognize the thoughts and let them go, but they continued to pop up. The recurrent thought that he was failing even at this simple task was one that he watched float upward through his mind many times. Fighting, he breathed. After a few minutes, Clarus opened his eyes and touched his son's hand.
"Add this to the list of things I suck at, I guess," he grumbled. He was sure his father had simply switched over to a thoughtless, peaceful place. His inability to do so was just another sign of his failure.
This time Clarus took both of Gladio's shoulders in his hands. "Why would you think focus and concentration are different from physical strength? What we did here today, this will make you just the smallest bit stronger. And tomorrow, you build on it, and the days after that. You know this," he chided, drawing his son close into a trademark Amicitia bear hug.
Gladio sighed out and hugged his father back. "I just worry that I won't be enough sometimes, you know?" At that, Clarus felt the threat of tears prick behind his eyes, remembering round brown eyes blinking up at him from a swaddle in his arms, filled with complete trust and innocence. He leaned into the hug and sighed in return.
"I do. It's part of the process, but one that you must hasten to put behind you. Doubt is weakness, and I'm afraid we haven't got time for that anymore." Clarus held him at arm's length and a blue gaze bored into him again.
Gladio cleared his throat and stood up straighter. "I understand. I'll be ready. Thanks, Dad."
Clarus smiled and departed. Gladio looked out the window at a clear, purple sky dotted with stars. He stretched, yawned, and decided to head to bed.
As he turned to shuffle down the hall, he noticed a moogle plushie propped outside the door. Looked like Iris had left it, as she did sometimes to "keep him company" when he was up late training or studying. He picked the stuffed toy up and looked at it thoughtfully, his free hand clenching in resolve.
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loveiscosmicsin · 7 years
Sharp & Dapper
Title: Sharp & Dapper Rating: Teen & Up (just implied sexual content, but mostly just fluff) Tags: Tags: Established Relationship, IgNoct Secret Santa, IgNoctSecretSanta2017, Winter Themed, Christmas, Secret Santa, Alternate Universe, AU, Implied Sexual Content, Making Out, Fluff, Romance, Domestic Fluff, Noctis POV Blurb/Summary: As Chrystmas draws closer, Noctis struggles with what to get Ignis and hopes the advisor doesn’t catch on to the dilemma.
For the IgNoct Secret Santa, my recipient was @serenbach86. (I don’t know why tumblr won’t let mention you, but your gift is now on tumblr and Ao3) I’m sorry that I’m super late on this and I hope this makes up for the delay somewhat. I really didn’t want to make you wait until the end of December to do this, but life... Gah, I really wanted to write the prince and consort, soulmate, and magical creature AUs so much but I ended up losing the drafts… The content here contains IgNoct in an established relationship, set in an alternate universe where life is peaceful in Insomnia, and contains winter themes. You won’t find any explicit content that I didn’t mark and there’s no trigger warnings or BDSM. I hope that this falls into what you wanted, and I hope you had a wonderful holiday and have a fantastic Happy New Year! Thank you so much @ignoctsecretsanta for the opportunity to contribute and being patient with my gift, haha.
“It’s inadvisable. Not to mention incomprehensible.” “Calm down, Iggy. We’ll bump into that chamberlain eventually. Probably looking for us right now as we speak.” Ignis halted, frowning as he drummed his finger on his sleeve testily. “Forgive me, but if a man is ordered to give us an exclusive tour on his master’s property, he wouldn’t leave guests unattended, would he? And let’s not get started on how offensive it was that Councilor Udina blatantly disregarded our precious time by sending his chamberlain to us instead?” The Lucian prince wasn’t one to tell anyone how to do their job and while it was amusing to hear his advisor upbraid an uptight officer out of earshot, the presented situation could be taken with a new perspective. He was in no hurry in return to their scheduled tour anyway. “Gave us some alone time together,” Noctis quipped, shifting from one foot to the other to playfully bump his shoulder in Ignis’ side. “Right?” The advisor’s scowl softened, disarmed by the prince’s crooked and easy-going grin. “Well, I suppose there’s that,” he agreed immediately.
Reassured that Ignis’ anger was at least subdued and their own private tour of the mansion sans the stuffy commentary be continued at their leisure, Noctis turned his attention to the gaudy tapestry behind Ignis. “What the hell is that?” Ignis turned around and tilted his head. “I believe that’s the councilor. Standing over a slain griffon and blade through its gullet.” “He fought a griffon?” “Highly unlikely. There have been no records of him having served in combat when it was his coin that funded the war. It was a generous contribution.” “He sure didn’t tighten his purse strings for this.” Noctis pointed at the billowing red cape picked up by some dramatic breeze in an overall static display, followed by the piercing blue eyes of the subject clad in armor on the thick fabric. “It’s like he’s staring straight into our souls. Dunno what it’s trying to stand for, but it’s laying the self-conceited part down pretty thick.” “Noct,” Ignis pursed his lips, fighting back a smile as he had to remind himself and the prince of where they were. “it’s impolite to question our host’s... taste in art.” “What taste?” Noctis remarked. “Besides, you’re going on about how he’s a horrible host.” “In my defense, I simply told the truth.” Noctis opened his mouth, but tell-tale sound of heavy footsteps echoed from the opposite end of the hall, they were gradually approaching their way. “Someone’s coming. Get behind the tapestry.” The prince took the advisor’s hand and pulled him to the narrow space between the stone wall and the swaying tapestry, the cloth was considerable in width and length, concealing from sight all but their feet. Noctis waited anxiously while clutching tighter to Ignis’ hand. “Did you hear the news?” One of the gruff, but croaky voices announced, a man’s. “Universal Saucer just opened up a new attraction.” The man’s companion, another man with an annoyed but soft-spoken voice replied, “That new Lil’ Malbuddy’s Funland, right? My kid’s been begging me to take her to it.” “You don’t look thrilled by it.” The first man observed, stopping right in front of the tapestry. “Call me old-fashioned, I don’t care. But we grew up with chocobos and moogles. They go ‘kweh’ and ‘kupo’. What does a malboro say for Six’s sake?” “Hmm... Now that you mention it, he’s a little on the silent side for a toon...” While the two men openly discussed mascots and their memorable charms, vocal or otherwise, Ignis raised a question in a whisper, “Wait, why must we hide? We can ask them to...” The thought never finished for Noctis’ longing gaze were at the brunet’s eyes and lips, dazzling and rendering Ignis speechless. The conversation about mascots just a few feet away from them held little interest to the prince and it grew alarmingly clear of what was more important as the two inched closer. As their lips met, Noctis didn’t care if it went on like this for a while. A touch of tongue and he drowned everything out and focused on where Ignis’ hands went, and how Ignis responded to the prince’s own techniques. Thankfully, the view behind the questionable art didn’t deter them from doing this nor did it allow anyone to see them. “Then what does a tonberry say?” “‘Shank’?” “You dolt. That’s the sound their knives make.” The men’s debate failed to reach a conclusion but their voices were moving further away from the tapestry. Noctis stepped out with absolute certainty that they were alone once more and Ignis followed suit. “That was... close.” Ignis commented with an elated sigh, buttoning his rakishly low shirt up. Noctis laughed, tucking the tails of his shirt back in his trousers, still reeling from where the advisor’s fingers caressed his lower back. He was so ecstatic and alive that he could take thank the pretentious self-portrait. The prince turned around to adjust the lopsided glasses frame on his stunned lover’s face, batting his eyes flirtatiously. “Well, not that close. Remember the treasure room?” - “So,” Prompto began, eyes glued to the screen as he popped a holiday sweet in his mouth. “How’s the whole royal duty thing going?” It had been forever since the two best friends spent time together, not since they met up to cram and study for finals. They’ve passed without ceremony. But due to mandatory protocol and tradition that the prince of Lucis was obligated to commit to, Noctis and Prompto haven’t had the time to have a proper send-off to the semester. “Slow and boring as it gets every year,” Noctis replied blandly, glad to be in the apartment and binge watching the Hallmark Chrystmas films Prompto had been dying to see at long last. “I don’t have any problem going to the banquets, they’re for charity and work. But feels like I’m just giving lip service to half the people who don’t like me.” “But Iggy’s with you like 24/7. That’s a pro, right?” Being with Ignis because his role as advisor required it was hardly any consolation. “Right. Working.” He brought his arms to the back of his head and leaned back. But Ignis, his boyfriend, would’ve accompanied him without a second thought. “We didn’t have any time to ourselves. It was all about showing face and shaking hands...” “You didn’t get any alone time together? I don’t buy that for once second.” “Well, I...” Noctis’ cheeks warmed at memory of Ignis’ earnest hands and mouth pressed against him. It was a few days since that tapestry incident and they haven’t found another one to hide behind since. He let out a shaky breath, pulling himself before the fantasy went further. “I’m just looking forward to our party.” “Riiiight...” Prompto sent some popcorn flying and the prince held up a pillow to fend them off. “Figured out what you’re getting Ignis for Friendsgiving-mas yet?” Prompto came up with the term combining the two holidays together while Gladiolus, caught by the contagious holiday cheer, had been preparing for the party and transforming the Amicitia residence into a winter wonderland. The Friendsgiving-mas party’s four days from now. Noctis wanted to smack himself. “Nothing yet.” “Why not get him a cookbook?” “Uh, wouldn’t that be like me implying that he should cook something from it?” Not to mention there’s a guarantee that Ignis would claim the recipes as his own, he did love seeing his name on everything. Gifts that came with initials or offered any chance for him to write on them can be this. “He loves cooking.” “I’m still not getting him that,” the prince said and that was final. “Good. Because that’ll be piggybacking on what I got him.” “Seriously?” “Nah. Don’t tell him but I got the complete set of Master Showdown on blu-Way.” “He’s... into that?” “Yeah, dude, he said he’s too busy to read past the first volume but now he can watch the anime whenever he wants.” The blond tucked his legs in and turned to the dark-haired man. “So whaddya get me?” “A joke book. Gladio thinks your current material suck.” “Not cool, you know how hard I’m trying to get him to crack a smile,” Prompto frowned. “All right, forget I asked.” The prince elbowed the pauper’s side playfully. “You’ll like the gift, promise.” The gift was an limited-edition art book from the King’s Knight franchise that had all the ultimate fans like Prompto drooling over for months. Prompto’s beryl eyes sparkled. “You mean that?” Noctis nodded and the two went back to the movie, already halfway of its narrative to an otherwise predictable occurrence of events that it didn’t take long for the prince to get caught up. Prompto, however, had a reaction for everything even for the things he called out on. - Noctis still didn’t know what to get Ignis for Chrystmas. To be fair, Noctis was never much of a gift giver until he started his two part-time jobs at the sushi joint and the second-hand records shop. There was something fulfilling in being able to purchase things with his own money than to rely on the Crown’s coin. After all, Noctis knew it when he commissioned a gold skull pendant for Ignis’ eighteenth birthday that he still wore to this day. But that was the last time Noctis nailed the right gift with Ignis. They’ve known each other since they were children and Ignis never ceased in being an enigma. They had seen plenty of celebrations and holidays together, this one would be the first they will spend as a couple. Thoughtful as it was and as it became tradition adopted in practice, lint-covered sticks of gum and lip balms were unacceptable gifts for Ignis. Noctis found a window of opportunity and took it, asking Ignis to come along with him for Chrystmas shopping. Under a cover story that Noctis still had people on his list to get gifts for, Ignis came along, happy to have a breather from their hectic schedules. Though the prince had to maintain his story somehow, he took Ignis to the mall, browsing through merchandise and wares while keeping a close eye on his boyfriend and praying he doesn’t catch on to the truth. “And you think Gladio needs a... lamp?” Ignis asked when Noctis studied a shelf. “Uh, yeah... This one, though!” Noctis pointed at a lava lamp. “It’ll make his room a little less boring, dontcha think?” “But what of the cassette tapes you used your employee discount for?” Maybe Noctis shouldn’t have disclosed what presents he got everyone with Ignis. An art book for Prompto, rare and hard to find cassette tapes for Gladiolus, specialty sewing scissors for Iris, a set of animal sticker tape pens for Luna, novelty ice cube molds for Dad, a tea sampler for Mom... The prince was taking a huge risk in bringing the advisor along. Thankfully, Ignis was great at keeping secrets or the whole gift exchange would’ve been a bust. What was he even thinking that a lamp would make a good present? But this was mission was growing exceedingly difficult as they window shopped. He hoped for a miracle, a slight change in Ignis’ expression at the displays be it clothes, apparel, electronics, and yes, even cooking supplies if it got to that point. Ignis raised an eyebrow when Noctis pulled him to a jeweler’s. “But it’s a little soon for that...” the advisor whispered to himself while caressing the pendant around his neck. Their shopping adventure came to a close and Noctis was ready to admit defeat. He carried several bags so it hadn’t been a complete waste of time, but he failed in the purpose of the trip. “Iggy, I...” Noctis stared at their joined hands before something on Ignis’ wrist, just below his suit jacket, glittered softly in the moonlight. He couldn’t believe he didn’t think of it before. “Uh, thanks for coming with me.” Ignis smiled, chuckling as he pressed his lips against the prince’s forehead. “But of course,” he said, his tone as warm as his breath. “As your boyfriend, there’s no limit to the things I’d do for you.” He took Noctis’ hand and held it between his own. “I’m relieved.” “What for?” “You seemed troubled the whole evening and I didn’t wish to pry...” Ignis sighed. “Not unless you wanted to talk about it. But is everything all right?” Noctis grinned despite the winter chill and Ignis’ worry as he slid his arms around his lover’s waist. “Feeling like I’m on the top of the world right now.” - It was night of Chrystmas Eve when Ignis surprised Noctis. “You didn’t tell me you’re coming over.” Noctis said, leaning against the door frame and grinning from ear to ear. They were to see each other tomorrow, but he had no complaints about sudden change of plans. “That’s the idea,” Ignis answered, his gloves in one hand as he touched the prince’s cheek and brushed his lips with his own. Ignis had planned to cook dinner and progressing through the video game Noctis insisted that he would enjoy, but the plan never went far from the thought. Unplanned moments were always better than planned ones. Noctis made sure of that, and happened to be rather persuasive of other things they could be doing instead. “Noct,” Ignis failed to sound convincing in his scolding and his hand jerked suddenly, splattering sauce on the counter. “I can’t cook while you’re doing that.” “Doing what?” Noctis asked, innocently. He hummed another victory scored in making Ignis lose his focus and counting. “Told you that we should order take out.” Plus, he had plenty of leftover snacks and treats from the marathon. Anything more complicated than that was automatically vetoed. They more or less stumbled out of the kitchen and into the living room, fitting all the kisses and caresses that had not occurred in a month into these precious hours now. With food shoved away from their minds, Ignis’ knuckles were covered in the white sauce he had been using and Noctis lapped up savory richness of it down to the last digit. “Ignis,” Noctis used this moment to catch his breath and to lick his lips. “Think I can get you on the naughty list?” He challenged, feeling brazen with the feel of Ignis under him. “You can certainly try,” Ignis commented, undoing the drawstrings of Noctis’ sweatpants and teasingly stroking a patch of skin with his fingers. Noctis was drifting between states of rest and awake when he felt Ignis move. The routine was familiar, the advisor leaving when the prince was asleep or it had grown late and he needed to beat traffic. But for the times that Ignis stayed the night, there were clothes in the prince’s closet and a set of amenities reserved for that purpose. Noctis has joked that the apartment was Ignis’ second home in a way. “Stay the night,” Noctis mumbled, moving closer to Ignis’ side. He was prepared with a list of reasons why and though knowing that he would see him soon, he didn’t want him to leave. “I planned to,” Ignis said, brushing a few to kiss his cheek. “But perhaps I should stay in the guest room. I may not get any sleep at all tonight otherwise.” His eyes flickered to the perfect bite mark on his chest before turning to retrieve his socks and garters. “Liar,” Noctis stroked the taunt muscles of Ignis’ lower back, taking his finger and drawing a straight line up along the spine. The advisor froze for a moment and drew a sharp inhale. “What’re up to?” “If you must know,” Ignis ran a hand through his mussed hair. “I was going to get something to eat and clean up the mess we made in the kitchen. But you can go back to sleep.” The prince propped himself up on his elbow hearing that. “Nah, I’m wide awake. I’ll give you a hand.” Casting an eye over his shoulder to examine the time on the clock, “Isn’t it too late to eat? It’s almost midnight.” Ignis was silent, concentrating a little more than it should take a person to fasten garters and slip pants on. “Mhm. Let’s just say that being with you has worked up an appetite.” Noctis’ gaze followed Ignis. “Burns calories, too, I heard,” he added, smugly. “But what are you up to? Planning Chrystmas breakfast?” Ignis faced him. “Oh, so I was right.” “Dismiss the line of inquiry, dear heart,” Ignis batted the presumptions with a smile. “Her Majesty would be heartbroken if we arrived with full bellies.” “She won’t—” Noctis began before closing his mouth. “Crap. The family breakfast.” His mother’s feelings were far from delicate and hardly necessitated a need to protect them as she tended to hold grudges and never let people forget about them. Regis learned that the hard way last year. The Chrystmas breakfast was her own tradition she implemented. Regardless of how absorbing the festivities and demanding the royal duties were, each member was to put aside time and uphold responsibility to appear and convene at the table. Between her husband and son, Aulea was the glue that kept the family together. For the proposed breakfast, she did her best to recreate a warm and intimate setting for her family. Morning was the best time for this. Bemused by the prince’s astonished expression, Ignis pecked Noctis’ lips. “You needn’t fear, I couldn’t let you forget your mother’s yearly request. Fortunately, I’m on your side.” “Yeah,” Noctis hastily kicked off the sheets. “Can’t let Mom down.” “You’re not going back to sleep?” “Not yet. I need to make sure I’m taking the right gifts over.” - Noctis didn’t remember dozing off, but sure enough, he woke up to Ignis gently shaking his shoulder. It was Chrystmas Day, morning, to be exact. The advisor’s voice was husky and dripped like syrup to the prince’s ear. “Good morning.” There was a sweet, sensual fragrance of spices paired with hints of vanilla about him. It took only moments for Noctis to register it was from an aftershave Ignis used. “You smell... crazy amazing,” the prince babbled, unable to help himself. He wouldn’t mind waking up like this every morning. The bridge of the advisor’s nose dotingly brushed the prince’s cheekbone. “You know I adore your candidness first thing in the morning.” Ignis had just showered and to Noctis’ dismay, he was almost dressed. Semiformal attire with a silk black long-sleeved shirt fully buttoned to his clavicle and the same color scheme went for his trousers and seadevil winklepickers. It was a normal look, the state of dress honored the royal family colors and that of the Crownsguard, save for the clashing yet ridiculous Chrystmas vest with a cactuar wearing a sequined Santa cap blatantly emblazoned on the front. Noctis blinked before snorting a laugh. “I’m blinded by that sweater. Burn it.” Ignis folded his arms, his smile between the lines of being innocently coy and threatening pay back on that comment. “We’ll have matching outfits before we walk out the door.” “Hah, no way.” “As much as I’d enjoy crushing that obstinate delusion you’ve created for yourself—I know I’ll relish it soon enough,” Ignis muttered the dark promise under his breath and Noctis stuck his tongue out at him. “Have you seen my cufflinks?” He touched his wrist, perturbed. “On second thought, I shouldn’t be asking you this. We’ll head over to the palace when you’re ready.” “Hey, hey,” Noctis took Ignis’ wrists and calmly steered his boyfriend’s attention to him. “You left them on the counter, so I put them in my room for safe keeping.” As important as the grand Lucis Caelum breakfast was, even if the cufflinks were missing, he would search the entire apartment from top to bottom to find them. His mother would understand. Ignis let out a sigh of relief, looking at the door leading to the bedroom. “Well, it was a good idea to ask after all. Where did you put them?” “Relax. I’ll get them. We got time, right?” At that, Noctis retreated to his bedroom and opened the drawer belonging to the nightstand. The gold cufflinks were in a plastic bag next to a fine wooden case. The prince knew that Ignis would never rummage through here, only places within reach and wherever he didn’t do a good job in tidying up. But never the nightstand. They fit into the plan nicely ever since Noctis noticed them the other night and everything clicked in place. He planned to give them to him during the Friendsgiving-mas Exchange, but... The best laid plans were the unexpected ones. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his lover’s face. “Got them,” Noctis grinned upon returning the bag to Ignis. “You know... Could be just me but they kinda lost their luster, huh?” Ignis studied them for a closer examination. “Gods, I can’t wear these. Their Majesties would take notice.” Noctis resisted the urge to laugh. His parents wouldn’t care, they’re fond of Ignis, but he knew how carefully meticulous the advisor was of his appearance. “So,” the prince presented the box that he concealed behind his back and held it out to the advisor. “How about trying these on? They’re stylish, smart, sexy...” Inside were a dual pair of silver dagger cufflinks with amethyst stones embedded in the hilt. The spectacular violet hues added personality to a simple design. Ignis was at a loss for words when his viridian eyes fell back to Noctis. “And would look great on you,” the prince finished before beaming at him. “Merry Chrystmas, Ignis.” “For me? Truly?” “What? You didn’t think I’d get you something?” Noctis took out a card he had folded. “I, uh, wrote you a card to go along with it. I know you like that kind of thing so I did it.” He cleared his throat before reading, “‘Hey Iggy, what do you think? Do you like them? They’re pretty badass, right? I hope you’ll think of me when you wear these cufflinks. Signing documents, attending receptions, or even waving at me before you leave, you’ll do it in style. I’m pretty sure of that.’” Heat blossomed from Noctis’ neck to his face when he realized that some things were not to be read aloud. “I’ll cherish them,” Ignis said, finally, his gaze warm and fond. “Always.” “Really?” Noctis felt weak in the knees. “Help me put them on?” Ignis proposed, handing the box back and holding out his wrist. “Y-yeah, no problem,” the prince stammered. The cufflinks went in easily and folded to lock in firmly. “How do they feel?” Ignis turned one wrist over and repeated the same with the other. “Sharp and dapper,” he replied, opting for a pose with his index finger and thumb out under his chin, ceremoniously intimating a hero from a beloved series. Noctis burst out laughing. “Oh man, that’s... No, Iggy!” “No?” Ignis was confused. “That... That I’d expect from Prompto!” “Are you insinuating that Prompto and I are uncool?” Noctis failed to maintain his composure. “I didn’t say all that.” “Hmph.” - “About time you two showed up!” Gladiolus greeted the couple by the door. “Help yourself to the food and,” the Shield’s amber eyes glinted sardonically. “Nice sweater, Princess.” Noctis groaned. It’s been an hour since he wore the ugly Chrystmas sweater and it eluded him still in trying to shut off the battery to the lights. “Iggy forced me in this...” “Can’t have him carry the holiday spirit for the both of you.” The Shield wasn’t even subtle in his thumbs up gesture to Ignis before returning to Iris by the tree. Prompto was the second guest to greet the two. “So,” Prompto carried several of boxes under his arms. “This one’s for Gladio, one for me, one for Iris... So, where’s your presents, guys?” “Noct and I had our exchange early,” Ignis answered before revealing the dagger cufflinks. “Our apologies for breaking tradition.” Though he hardly sounded apologetic about it. “But rest assured, we haven’t touched any of the gifts we got you.” “While the rest of us gotta wait until after the party games,” the blond rolled his eyes. “So, what did Iggy get you, Noct?” “A tackle box. He built it himself. Guess we both surprised each other this year.” 
“It was the sentiment that counted most of all,” Ignis added.
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spitfirerose · 7 years
Chocobo Down ((Prompto feat. Chocobo/Bros))
This is what I was working on it’s so long help. I’m just not nice to these boys at all. I love them, honest. @kaciart‘s art here at http://kaciart.tumblr.com/post/163609887568 of Prompto stepping up and doing his best under harsh conditions, along with his chocobo who is too good for this world. There’s a bit of blood, too.
Fun fact: ‘Ferrum’ means ‘blade/iron’ in Latin, fitting for ‘Gladio’ the sword, and ‘Mico’ translates to ‘flash’ like a camera. Pretty cool, huh P:
“Between you and me, I've got the better bird.”
“Oh yeah? And why is Mico best bird?”
“Ferrum,” Gladio corrects, amusement in his rumble of a voice at the gunner’s failed ruse. “Is far stronger and could eat that puny chickatrice of yours for breakfast.”
“You've only got the stronger chocobo to carry those muscles, big guy. And besides, strength isn't everything, y’know? Mico is quick as a flash, and has skills where it counts, don't you, girl?”
“Right, such as preening that chocobutt hair like you're her baby?”
“My hair does not look like a chocobo butt!” Prompto squawks rather loudly in offense and Mico pauses to crane her neck to face her rider, beak making way towards the pale strands deflated from the chilling rain. “Mimi, no, come on--”
“I’ll give you two privacy.” Gladio snorts, and Prompto barely starts up whining about being abandoned before the swordsman tenses, blood red chocobo mount letting out a low warning noise with talon scraping earth.
The Shield presses a finger to his lips and Prompto silences himself immediately, following Gladio’s signal that their targets are in sight. The steady downpour has drastically muted the dull drone of the giant insects’ wings, swarm of Killer Wasps sticking close to the thicket of trees and shelter of the steep cliffside. Sharp blue eyes pinpoint how many of the creepy crawlies there are, nearly matching their estimate of the split hive. Though there’s more of the bugs than anticipated, it’s a relief that things’ll be easier on their companions’ end, at least.
“You stay here, Mi.” Prompto murmurs as they dismount at a safe distance. Mico ‘kweh’s softly, dark gold plumage tickling his cheek as he hugs her outstretched neck, inhaling the heightened smell of wet chocobo. It’s not the greatest scent, but calming nonetheless. “There’s my good girl. Stay out of trouble, and keep Ferrum in line, alright?”
“Ferrum’ll keep her safe.” Either a jab from earlier, or Gladio’s way of being sincere, it’s hard to determine as Prompto releases her with a final reassuring pat on her beak. “We’ve got work to do.”
It’s simple work. Gladio fights the monsters head-on as usual, blade swinging and shield shielding, tanking the beasts like an impossibly rare hero in King’s Knight. Prompto plays the role of support like always, more than content to stay out of stinging range and as far from the nasty things as possible. The rain’s on their side despite being a hindrance to hair and visibility, making their foes’ movements sluggish in flight and easier to pick off.
It’s almost too simple, going too smoothly regardless of how optimistic Prompto wants to be. He swears he picks up the sounds of chocobos in distress over the battle, heart skipping a beat as he whips around towards where they’ve got the birds farther down along the rise of earth. There’s hardly a second to dwell on it before a deafening boom rattles him to the core, rock slamming against rock.
The cliff is crumbling, and Gladiolus is right beneath it.
Prompto screams.
It’s as if everything is in slow motion, and Prompto is frozen into place like one of Noct’s misguided blizzard spells. A slew of stone snaps off the upper edge, breaking off into dozens of deadly pieces with each crushing collision against the cliff face down onto the combatants below. The blond thinks he’s shrieking out warnings to get away through the buzzing white noise, but everything’s so damn slow and why can’t he move godsdamn it--
The stinger of a Killer Wasp protruding out of his left side might be why, glistening with a sickening combination of blood and poison.
He blinks slowly, pain finally registering and whiplashing time back into place as gravity drops him onto his knees, head twisting around to get a glimpse of the overgrown insect as his brain sluggishly thinks of what the hell he’s going to do.
His peripherals catch burning gold instead of hard black and yellow, stinger yanked out of him as well as the rest of monster, snatched out of the air with a mighty screech. Unforgiving talons rip the attacker to shreds, beak snapping and wings swooping as it’s slain, corpse unidentifiable. Praise is slurred out of him, right hand plastered against the wound as he gets one unsteady foot beneath him.
Shit, Gladio! The reminder hits him as eyes catch on the chaotic aftermath. It’s a cruel twist of the Six that the Shield is easy to spot, fallen form surrounded by a pair of opportune wasps. His aim is shaky at best with his off-hand, biting his lower lip and willing himself to stay steady as the shots ricochet through his body, making their mark. Prompto doesn’t have to say anything as Mico nudges at his left arm before ducking underneath as support to get up the rest the way. Dizziness greets him once back on his feet, threatening to take him back down as he hobbles over to Gladio, praying to every Astral that exists that the big guy isn’t dead.
He’s still breathing, but they’ve got no potions on them for what was meant to be an easy Hunt. The unnecessary trouble of it all drives Prompto to collect the stingers as proof the job is done, shoving them in his jacket’s pocket before having the sense to assess the situation like Ignis would.
Ferrum’s nowhere in sight, likely spooked away by the landside, and Noct has their only whistle. Of course the reception in the area is out like Gladio, and it’s still raining.
His side is killing him, but he’ll worry about that later. Right now, he’s gotta get them somewhere safe--he’s the only hope they’ve got, serious flesh wound or not.
“S’okay, Mico.” Prompto exhales when the chocobo makes a worrying noise at him suddenly kneeling before Gladio with little to no grace, more of a drop to his aching knees.
The worst of what he can see are just open cuts from where the rocks clipped him, a particularly nasty bump hidden beneath the wild mane that’s going to be a hell of a headache if--when he wakes up. Mico mimics his actions, settling down at the Shield’s other side with a gentle chirp, gazing into her rider’s uncertain eyes. She means to carry the unconscious man, and Prompto could not love her any more as he takes another deep breath.
He’s spoiling her after this and for the rest of his life as he manages to roll Gladio upon her back, assisted by her pulling at his collar like a mother cat to kittens. The task winds him more than it should, swaying to stand at her other side with a death grip at the reins.
Now to walk. Easy. He can do that, just one foot in front of the other until...until he finds some shelter.
“Good bird. Good, good girl, Mimi.” Prompto praises her with a tremble in his voice that’s gotten weaker over the past twenty minutes, shakily stroking the dark honey feathers. Mico ‘kweh’s softly in response, ducking her neck to nudge her beak beneath his palm. “That's my sweet girl. Gla--Gladio's gonna owe you bi--big time.”
He’s getting her a lifetime supply of sylkis greens once this is over, and Gladio’s gonna pay for all of it.
The swordsman in question says nothing, slumped across the bird’s back like cargo. Quiet and eerily still, save for the steady rise and fall of his chest as the only indication of life. The nasty gash on his forehead still bleeds crimson on golden sunrise, but it’s starting to scab over. It’s looking better, whereas he knows his injury must be looking worse--no thanks to the aimless wandering around--, but he’s not going to strain Mico. She’s doing a great job at just being able to carry the big guy, he’s not about to have her give him a ride as well. He can keep walking, he can, he can.
Prompto stumbles yet again, accidentally tugging at the reins wrapped tightly around his left wrist. Mico lets out a pained squawk at the sudden downward jerk, more concerned for the boy as he catches himself from completely falling over, mumbling endless apologies that sound more like gibberish. His side burns, hot to the touch as he once again presses his hand against the bloody mess. He’s scared to look, though his vision’s been getting worse as Mico nudges him away from almost walking into the tenth tree in the past couple minutes.
“Just gon’...rest ‘ere.” The gunner decides on impulse, heavily supporting himself against the firm trunk before slowly, slowly inching himself down onto the damp forest floor. The bark digs into his back, roots hard beneath him, and wet grass staining his outfit--but in his feverish state, none of it matters. Mico lays close, great feathered head within scratching distance and he buries a hand in the sunflower shades. Soft, warm, welcoming--Prompto would give anything to just sleep in the chocobo comfort.
“Mimi, no. Rest ‘ime.”
“Just...Just a bit--”
The bird call goes off for a third time before he processes that it’s not her, but rather the phone that is, in fact, calling. He wants it to stop, wants to just ignore the disruptive noise, but a nagging, insistent voice in the back of his mind tells him that he needs to answer it.
“Prompto, is everything alright on your end?” Ignis sounds concerned, which is weird because he hasn’t said anything yet. Had he just tried calling the one time? He doesn’t remember. It takes him too long to come up with a summary that’ll satisfy the Advisor before he’s asked again, more firmly in that Ignis-means-business tone.
“....n-no.” Prompto settles for the stutter of a word, and it does nothing to placate the man.
“Prompto, I need you to keep talking--tell me what you see?” He vaguely wonders how much Ignis deciphered from the answer, because he sounds kinda upset, a very unlike Ignis thing to be.
“Trees...” He tries to be helpful, he really does. He’s seen enough trees to last a lifetime--one that might end here.
“We’re getting in the Regalia now, I’m passing you over to Noct.” Something is added after that during the switch, and he stops himself from dropping the phone when his grip slackens for a moment.
“Prompto? Buddy, Prompto, you still there?” Noct is really worried, too, and Prompto tries to think of what he did wrong this time to warrant such a reaction. He was doing so good...wasn’t he? Man, they’re gonna be real mad when they find him and Gladio. Oh, right.
“‘e’s not ‘wakin’.” He slurs, chin bobbing forward as the leaves on the trees before him swirl like some sort of hypnotic trance. That’s weird, too, he’s sure that’s not normal, eyes becoming harder to keep open after every slow blink. The insistent tiny voice warns that if he closes them, there’s a good chance it’ll be the last time he does.
“Who? You mean Gladio? Is he there, Prom?”
He’s so tired.
His eyelids are so heavy.
“Yeah, Prom? What is it? I’m listening. We’re on our way to--”
Just...Just for a little bit.
“Sorry ‘m dyin’.”
The phone slips out of his limp hand.
He’s dead for the longest ten minutes of Noct’s life.
He counts every second of silence, begs for Prompto to say something every five.
Noct’s ready to see if he can’t just warp through the damn device when finally, finally, after the longest six hundred seconds, there’s that sleepy little dazed grumble of a groan.
“Hmmnhhh? Oh hey, Noct, s--sorry must’ve dozed off.”
“Th--That’s okay, buddy, you’re awake now.” It’s more okay than Prompto’ll ever know as even Ignis breathes out a sigh of relief.
“Prompto, what is your condition?” The phone’s on speaker now, Noct holding it out between them as Ignis drives just over the speed limit. His gaze occasionally flickers over at the navigation screen’s tracking icons, not closing in fast enough.
“Dunno. ‘s’lot o’ blood.” A sharp intake of breath, followed by a whimper as if seeing it for the first time.
“Where’s the blood, Prompto?” A moment passes as if he needs to think about it, or worse that he’s about to pass out again.
“My hands.”
“And where else?” Ignis is going to strangle him with his own, out of frustrated love for this idiotic child. Noct is fidgeting in the passenger seat, torn between staring worryingly at the phone and glancing out the window as if Prompto will be in sight.
“Oh---oh my stomach.” And it’s like Prompto’s struck Noct there, face paling as he almost drops the device.
“How deep is it?” Noctis all but blurts out, panic unleashed and contagious through the line as the gunner immediately cries out that he doesn’t want to look. Ignis wants to chide him for putting Prompto in distress, the last thing he needs in his clearly bad state, but can’t bring himself to. Prompto is the main focus, best to keep calm.
“Okay, Prompto, can you put pressure on it just in case?” Prompto, bless his large heart, completely trusts Ignis to do it, that the Advisor would never do anything to hurt the blond--at least intentionally.
But this hurts. He whines, tears practically streaming out of his quivering voice as he asks why Ignis would make him do that. But he’s so eager to please as always that he keeps them there when Ignis scolds that he better still be holding down on the inferno of a gash. The whimpering dies down suddenly, and something rustles by wherever Prompto dropped his phone, followed by a solid weight hitting the ground.
“Prompto? What the fuck--” The gruff voice of Gladiolus rumbles through, deep tone subtly higher with barely concealed terror. “Shit, oh shit. C’mon, kid. Talk to me.”
“Gladio? Gladio, we’re almost there--how is he? Gladio?” It’s a tie between the Regalia’s two occupants to try and get the Shield’s attention drawn away from the blond enough to notice his phone. The swordsman does, long enough to inform them that the cut isn’t deep, but Prompto’s burning one hell of a fever.
And he hangs up.
“Ngh, Gl--Gladio...?” Prompto’s got his eyes open just a sliver and hardly much more, voice but a rasp as he lets out a harsh choke of a sob at Gladio inspecting the injury beneath his shirt. He feels like shit, and by the way Gladio looks at him, he knows he must look it.
Gladio presses a large palm against his sweaty forehead and swears at how scorching hot he is. That can’t be right, because Prompto’s sure he’s chilled to the bone, numb and shivering beneath the cool rain. His words aren’t working correctly, trying to say that he’s cold, and the next thing he knows is Gladio’s lost the jacket and it’s draped over him before being pulled against his side. There’s a surprise grunt as something’s taken out of Prompto’s pocket, brain too mudded to think of what it is, but Gladio sounds impressed, and that’s good enough for him. A flash of gold walks across his vision, briefly taking it as the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel, before nuzzling against his other side with a tender trill, and that’s kinda comforting, too.
“You’ve got the best bird, you know that?”
Yeah, he sure does.
Noct has never warped so fast in his life, pushing through stasis that’ll likely kill him in the morning, but he doesn’t care as he charges forward, Ignis just barely keeping pace.
Prompto doesn’t know just how close he was to making it to the roadside. It’s one of too few strokes of luck as in five minutes they pick out Mico’s brilliant gilded feathers amongst muddy brown and emerald green. The chocobo perks up with a shrill ‘kweh’, alerting her wards as Gladio joins in on shouting their location.
Mico hisses, however, when Noct materializes out of nowhere in a blue flash, completely breathless as he crushes both elixir and antidote vials over Prompto’s wound. He finally breaths again when Prompto’s body loses all fevered tension, pained face softening in safe unconsciousness. Color returns to freckled cheeks, and he’s hit with a strong urge to kiss each and every one when Ignis hums over his shoulder.
“Yes, he seems to be out of any immediate danger.” The Advisor probes the healing scars, only a hint of exhaustion peeking through his calm persona. His attention shifts to Gladio, tenderly cupping the battered man’s face as he retrieves an elixir of his own. “It would appear you weren’t spared, either. These cuts look rather serious.”
“Nah, they’re just scratches. Gimme a potion, Specs, don’t waste that on me.”
“It is never a waste, Gladio.” And that’s the end of that. Ignis assists him to his feet after Noct shifts Prompto so the blond lies across his own lap, head lolling back against his neck. Mico prances in place, all nervous energy and anxious warbling noises. “It’d be best for you to carry him, Gladio.”
“Yeah, I owe the kid more than that.” The Shield complies without further argument, Noct’s touch lingering on Prompto until he’s settled as comfortably as possible in the sturdy arms. The chocobo hovers close, practically melding to the Shield like a second shadow and he reaches a hand to stroke the honey feathers. “I owe you, too. Guess I underestimated the both of ya.”
“You think?” Noctis quips that while true, is ignored as Ignis suggests they get out of the blasted rain and make way for the nearest haven. They haven’t the heart to dismiss Mico away, and she certainly can’t fit in the Regalia, after all.
There’s two things that Prompto loves more than anything. Well, he loves a great many things, like sunrises and photography and green soup curry and positive attention--, but these are his top two that are right at his side when he wakes up.
It’s not the safety of being curled up in his sleeping bag, not the blessed dryness after hours drenched in the rain. Not even the relief that he’s feeling so much better compared to the near-death experience earlier.
It’s blearily opening his eyes to Noct’s face merely inches from his own, jaw slack and drooling slightly in sleep. It’s the soft peeping noise that draws focus to his right, turning over to an abundance of sunshine fluff like that of a giant pompom. Mico stretches her neck out from beneath her wing, deciding to rest her head upon his chest with a ‘whoomph’, oblivious to the move knocking air out of his lungs as she falls back asleep. Prompto still smiles at her, limbs heavy from however long he’s been out of it as he cards a hand through the cozy down. The smile still stays as he looks back over to Noctis, uttering frightened phrases and what he swears is his name before the raven-haired boy squirms closer, reaching out as if the blond is right there.
He is, and Prompto takes his hand, visibly relaxing at the simple gesture.
Azure orbs droop shut with clinging exhaustion, but Prompto’s not afraid to drift off this time. He’s got the greatest friend, and the best chocobo that a guy could ask for looking after him.
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