#the rake x reader
littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
The rake x reader Request: do you know the creepypasta ‘the rake’? ive got such a crush on it and I would love a nice smutty one if you would be willing to do more monster types You had always had nightmares. Ever since you were a child. They were vivid and haunting beyond belief. Your mind would dream up anything and everything from gothic horror to the most amazing dreams. As you grew up, you turned your dreams into reality by becoming an artist. Your dreams inspired you to create some of the most unusual creatures and places. With age, you learned to control yourself in your dreams. Not the dream or nightmare itself, but your actions. No longer would you be unable to move or running on the spot but not getting anywhere. In fact, you often took to mocking the more horrific dreams because the dark humour amused you. there was one which was a more consistent than the others. A presence which you quickly grew attached to. You saw it less and less of a threat and now more of a protector. The first time you met the creature properly, you were convinced it was in a dream. You had woken up with the need to use the bathroom. Barely opening your eyes, you swung your feet out your bed and quickly went to the bathroom. You didn’t turn on the light, knowing the way around like the back of your hand before returning to your bedroom. But with time, your eyes had adjusted a little more and, as you walked in, you were greeted by a monster. It was crouched at the foot of your bed and had turned towards you. Large eyes and a gaunt face. Its flesh was a light grey/white colour and its limbs were elongated and lanky. It looked human, or at least humanoid. With two arms and two legs, a torso and head with no hair on its body. And apart from large eyes, it seemed to be without a nose, and its mouth was pressed together in a fine line. For a moment, the two of you stared at each other. Normally, you could pinpoint what may have inspired your night-creatures like if it resembled an animal you may have interacted with or been interested with the day before. But you couldn’t explain this. It had to be another dream. In fact, you had ‘met’ the creature a few times before this. It had been in your mind a few times long before now. For about 2 years. You sometimes had issues where you would wake and a dream would spill out for a moment. You could be dreaming of a minotaur and when you open your eyes, its there in your room for a moment. You had seen the creature a few times when you woke and rolled over but always shrugged it off. The thought of a creature watching over you as you slept was strangely comforting because you knew it couldn’t be real. Sometimes, you dreamt of the creature when you felt needy, or partly desperate. The thought of a beast like this taking you had always driven you insane with desire, so it was common for it to appear in your dreams when you needed it. Walking into your room, you gave the creature a wide birth as you returned to your bed. Its eyes followed you closely, tilting its head to the side as you sat on your bed. You thought of speaking to it, but your mind was blurry and tired. You had a long day ahead of you tomorrow so you decided that if you could have a sleep within a sleep, it may help you. crawling under the covers, you lay down, breaking the eyes contact. A strange noise, barley over a whisper, reached your ears. Like a mixture between a hum and a purr with a slight crackle through it. You couldn’t help but smile, the noise comforting you somehow. “good night.” You whispered and slowly drifted off, every so often, that same purr echoing in your dreams. The next morning, you woke up with the dream still fresh in your mind. But it felt a little different. Looking to the end of your bed, you saw nothing. throughout the day, you couldn’t help but allow your mind to wonder back to the creature from your dream. It certainly wasn’t a nightmare. The creature, while strange to look at, didn’t try to harm you or cause you distress. And, worse of all, you felt a pull towards the creature. You had never felt so attracted to something or someone. And yet, the presents of this thing sent shivers down your spin. You wondered how tall it was when standing, how its skin felt, how it moved and what it thought. Frustrated with yourself, you grabbed your sketch book and started to draw the creature. Maybe if you moved it from your mind to paper, it would help. Once you were finished, the likeness close enough to satisfy you, you had felt tired and decided to call it a night. And he appeared again. This time, you had felt it at the end of your bed. The weight of the creature. Opening your eyes, you were surprised to see it wasn’t staring at you. Instead, it had your sketch book opening on the bed. its fingers were moving over the page. Long and slender but looked more like claws towards the end, the fingers seemed to be carving something on the opposite page of your sketch book. Curious, you sat up and moved down your bed to look. In capital letters, was the work ‘RAKE’. “Is that your name?” you asked, looking to the creature. Its eyes found your own and that same purr/hum came from its chest as it nodded once. sometimes, your creations would name themselves in your dreams, which you liked because it took some pressure off your mind to try match a name and your subconscious took care of it. “Rake.” You mused over the name, your eyes instantly going to his fingers that, now you were closer, were claws. moved by curiosity once again as you slowly extended your hand towards its own. It froze but allowed your fingers to brush against its own as you examined it. The tips were clawed and felt hard to the touch, like nails, but then it became softer as you went further up his finger and they became more like human hands. “interesting.” You mused as you turned its hand over so its palm was facing up. Placing your hand on top of its own, you couldn’t help but smile had how much bigger its hand was than your own. Your eyes moved back to Rakes, who was watching you closely as you had expected. “im just curious, is all.” You smile, a playfulness in your tone but you didn’t want to push the creature. Not even in your own dream. moving backwards, you lay back down. “My names [y/n].” you don’t know why you gave it your name, or why it would want it. But it felt right as you closed your eyes over. You could feel its gaze fixed on you once more. -------------- present time ------------ When you woke, you sat up and stretched, until something caught your eyes. Lying on your bed, was your sketch book. You had left it on your desk the night before. Sure, Rake had had in it your dream, but that was a dream for Christ sake. Or was it? Fear flashed through your body. True, the last 2 dreams had been a lot more vivid and felt real, but they couldn’t be. Reaching for your book with shaking hand, you picked it up and opened it. The sight made your heart stop. The picture of the Rake had been ripped out, but on the opposite page to where it had been, you could see the indent of where its name was. Running your fingers over it, you could feel which the page indented with the pressure. You jumped, throwing the book away from you as you looked around the room, your heart now racing. It was real and it had been here. Twice. Would it come back tonight? What did it was? You spent the whole day in fear and wanting more information. So you took to the internet. However, what you found sent chills down your spin. People had been getting killed at night. It had been reported a few times over the last few weeks in various places near you. How had you missed this? You tried to find anything about a survivor, but nothing came out. People reported a figure in the woods, moving on all fours, white with long limbs. you didn’t know what to do as the day dragged into night. You couldn’t go to bed, you were too scared to ever close your eyes. So you sat on your desk chair but moved it so it was pressed into the corner so nothing as behind you. You had a large kitchen knife and a few other things to possibly ward off an attack by you. you also put on a summer dress which you used as a nightgown because it was easy to move in. if you needed to move quickly, the dress allowed you that freedom. All that you could do was wait. but waiting was easier said than done as your eyes grew heavy. You began to blink for longer and longer, your eyes struggling to open after they closed. blink. there was nothing in your room. blink. Nothing. Blink. nothing. Blink. the rake. you jumped when you realised you had fallen asleep long enough to allow it into your room once again. It was perched on your bed once again; its knees dawn up to its chest as it stared at you. it looked between you and the bed. “why not asleep?” Its voice sent a shiver through your body. It was deep, low and had a little crackle to it like its purrs. But you didn’t know it could speak at all. “I-i-I-“ You stutter, unable to move from fear. But this cause more confusion for the creature. “Why scared now?” it asked, moving for the first time. Stretching out one of its legs, it stepped onto the floor and moved its whole body down. Its crawled towards you on all fours. “Because you’re real.” You responded, your eyes darting to the knife which had fallen to the floor. You must have dropped it in your sleep. But the Rake saw. A hissing noise filled the air and you looked back to him, nearing screaming. Its mouth had grown and now showed a number of teeth. It pounced forward at you, making you raise you hands to cover your face out of fear. But no pain ever came. Instead, you felt it take your right hand and guide it away from your face. The rake was now crouched in front of you, but due to its size, its eyes were level with your own. “Why haven’t you killed me?” You whisper to it. “interest. Curious.” It reply’s, the words rolling off its tongue as it begins to run the tips of its sharp fingers along your palm and up your forearm, not nearly hard enough to draw blood. A shiver ran through your body as the long nails raked over your skin. But it was short lived as your door bell rang twice and you heard your elderly neighbour call your name. Rake twisted towards the bedroom door and hissed, becoming more aggressive in his stance and demeanour. Instantly, fear ran through you as you grabbed its wrist. “No, please. Shes a friend. Just, just let me see what she wants.” You begged, unsure if your pleading with do anything. But apparently, it did. Rake moved back a little, allowing you to stand up. You noticed him move to your bed and his normal spot before you ran to your front door. Your neighbour, Mary, asked if you were okay as she had heard screaming and you looked pale. You laughed it off, saying you had just had a nightmare which she seemed content with the answer. She knew your dreams were often bad. She left and you closed the door over and returned to your room. You could see the rake in the same spot, waiting for you to return. You closed your bedroom door over and leaned against it, unsure of how to proceed. Slowly, you walked closer to the creature, to him. Since he was on your bed, he was now taller than you were, but you didn’t mind that too much. Standing at the foot of your bed, you raise your hand slowly so not to startle him. Rake allowed you to move your hand closer to his face so you could ever so softly brush the tips of your fingers over his skin. His eyes closed at the contact, his body seeming to relax as you grew more confident with your movements and cupped his cheek. The rake started to move forward, stepping off the bed as you took a step back and allowed your hands to drop to yours sides. The sheer size of it, standing fully in front of you was enough to make you stare in awe. It towered over you when it stood up straight. You weren’t sure if this as a intimidation tactic or why it had felt the need to step off the bed. its large hands raised, and you could see them both by your head in your peripheral vision, but you didn’t dare drop the rakes eye contact. You felt like you were in some type of hypnotic trace, unable to allow the part of you which was in charge of self preservation to demand you run. But you couldn’t. You felt one of its hands twist itself into your hair, gently pulling your head back. You broke eye contact to obey its demand as you closed your eyes, fear and adrenaline coursing through your body. Then you felt it. A breath upon your bare neck. Your eyes snapped open and you saw it had lowered its head down to your neck. You could feel its mouth open and its sharp teeth grazed the skin on your neck. You let out a soft gasp but made no attempts to stop it. In fact, your body reacted to the danger of its touch in an unexpected way. You arched your back, your head falling further backwards without its demand. You felt the hand which wasn’t in your hair trailing down your sides before grabbing the loose material of your nightgown. Its claws tore the fabric, ripping a hole in the side of your gown. With this access, its hand slipped under the fabric, touching your bare sides and sliding to your lower back. Another gasp as your hands reached out, finding its chest. But you didn’t push it away. No, your hands slid up and to its shoulders and you hung onto it for support as it bends you further backwards. With its hand on your back and the other in your hair, you allowed it to lower you to the floor as it crouched between your legs. Its mouth moved down to tease your collarbone and even gently bite the area. You gasped, a soft moan leaving your lips. Lust had long taken over your body as you felt your insides swirl with the feeling. You could feel yourself becoming hot and bothered as you clenched your thighs together in some sort of desperate attempt to control yourself. But you were past the point of no return. You knew of your attraction to this creature, its body appearing in your deepest and darkest dreams, the ones which you woke up panting and gasping for air as you cursed your body for still feeling the need. It moved the hand on your body, turning it over so the craws were facing out from your skin before tearing the material down to the hem of your nightgown. You dug your nails into his shoulders as you felt the material fall away from your legs. But the rake wasted no time as it pulled away from your collar. The hair in your hair retreated so it could tear the upper part of your nightgown. It started by placing a claw to your neck, trailing it down the front to the neckline of the nightgown before beginning to tear the fabric. Since it only only had thin straps, you moved your hands from its shoulder to pull them down, along with your bra straps. With that, you arched your back to reach under yourself, unclasping your bra and pulling it from your body to throw it away. your actions certainly pleased the creature as its head ducked down, its touch touching your skin and trailing across your right breast. You moaned, arching into it as it licked at your nipple, its teeth even grazing over the soft bud. Your hands fell above your head, offering your body to it completely as you allowed the pleasure to overtake any fear in your body. It moved to your left breast, offering it the same treatment. The cool air made the saliva on your right breast go cold and send a shiver through your body. then a snarl left its throat as it moves from crouching to kneeling between your legs, pressing its body against yours. your legs wrapped around it, pulling yourself close so you could gently grind against it, the friction offering a little relief against your now swollen clit. But because of its position, your legs were around its torso. It would have to move higher for you to feel if it had the anatomy of a male. you hadn’t seen if it had when you were looking it over. But you so hoped it did. You moved your hands to the back of its skull, feeling the soft skin which covered its head. Another growl left its lips as its head snapped up to look at you as your hands found its cheeks. There was something so primal and dominating about tis gaze that broke you. Sitting up slightly, you were able to guides its lips to your own in a desperate kiss. Its whole body froze at this, allowing you to take control off the kiss. You were surprised but it moved further up your body, hovering over you as you kissed it deeply. Wrapping your arms around its shoulder, you arched your back up and felt its chest press against your own, which cause a shiver to run through both your bodies. It seemed to like it as its arm moved under your back and pulled you up against it again. Then you felt the hardness now pressed between your legs. It throbbed slightly as you rocked your hips against it, creating a friction that made you moan into the kiss. You wondered how the rake had a cock or rather how it hid it. Perhaps it was in a sheath which allowed protection except when ‘needed’. You didn’t know, but you were most certainly happy to have made the discovery. Its free hand clawed at your sides, making you gasp and groan into the kiss before moving to your panties. In a single rip, it tore the side as the other hand left your back to mirror this and finally pull them away from your body. But it didn’t break the kiss the entire time. In fact, it seemed to be enjoying the kiss and unable to break away from it. Even when you pulled back for air, it slammed its lips back to your own. Finally, you felt the bare cock pressing against your slit. It rubbed against the area for a moment, in a almost teasing way before the rake seemed unable to control itself and slammed into you, filling you completely in a sudden movement. You threw your head back as your fingers dug into its flesh in both pain and pleasure as you moaned and gasped for air. A snarl left the rakes mouth as its whole body shakes at the feeling. Raspy pants left its lips as it began to move inside you, the speed quickly picking up. both its hands moved to grab your hips, the claws digging into your sides as you welcomed the pain. You kept your arms around its neck, playfully digging your nails into its skin when its own claws got a little too much to balance the pleasure with, in which case it would release. The room filled with your moans of pleasure and its low growls and groans along with the sound on its hips meeting yours. The rake lifted your hips off the floor slightly, add a new angle as it began to pound into you at such a speed you thought you might be driven insane. You cried out, begging for more and it was more than happy to provide with a low growl that vibrated deep in its chest, it thrusts becoming harder. Your eyes squeezed shut as your hands fell from its shoulder to your own hair. You took handfuls, pulling as you gasped for air. Your back arched and your chest against its own. There was a loud snarl and you felt its hand leave your hip to grab your right hand and pull it away from your hair. Your eyes opened in shock as it moved your arm back around its neck before it replaced your hand with its own. It took a chunk of your hair and pulled, making you cry out and arch your whole back and neck off the floor. Your other hand flew out your air to grab at the rake, only to feel it duck its head down to your neck again. This time, it didn’t just gaze your skin. You felt the nips of its bites along your lower neck, collar and shoulder to the point you cried out in pain. Its head snapped up to meet your gaze and you saw your blood on its mouth along with concern in its eyes as its hand let go of your hair. Its hips began to slow but you couldn’t stop. You were so so close and you needed it. You knew it was just trying to please you, that was obvious in the way it was trying to do what you were doing. You moved to slam your lips to its own once again. This time, you could taste your own blood on its lips and something in you broke. You darted your tongue out, licking its sharp teeth as another growl left its chest and the speed was picked up again. This time, it was harder and faster than before. You wrapped your arms around its neck, bringing yourself as close to it as physically possible as your whole body seemed to tense in anticipation. its arm slipped under your back and shoulder once again, raising you off the floor completely in its arms as it slammed into you, its own thrusts becoming sloppy but almost demented. The knot in your lower stomach tensed one final time before your orgasm swept over your body in a wave of pleasure and bliss. It felt like your skin was on fire as you moaned against its mouth, your walls pulsing in you. apparently, that was all the rake needed before a loud growl left its chest, filling the room and almost shaking it as it came deep inside you. The first thing you remembered after you came was the soft furnishing of your bed as you moved there by the rake. As it placed you down, you felt it pulling fully out of you and you suddenly felt very empty. you opened your eyes when you felt the bed dip at the end and saw it had returned to crouching at the foot of your bed, this time facing the door. You didn’t even notice the blanket that had been carefully placed over your nude body until it fell down as you sat up. “Rake?” You called out, your voice horse from the noises you had just been making. It turned its head to you, obviously confused as to why you didn’t fall back asleep. “Now what?” You ask, scared of the response. “Now I protect.” It said, its low voice sending a shiver through your spine. “Protect?” You ask, moving out from the cover to its side. “Protect. Never mated before. Now I have a mate, I must protect.” It nodded, more to itself than to you. “Im your mate?” You ask, a soft smile on your lips. “does that mean you’ll stay?” A single nod sends your world into joy as you smile widely at the rake. You press a soft kiss to its cheek before moving under the covers but with your head at the foot of your bed, next to it. Whatever was happening, whatever it was, nothing could ruin your moments of bliss as you drifted off into a nightmares sleep.
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aurake · 2 years
Glitter, Gold.
— Shinichiro Sano x Gang Leader!Reader
— slight mention of blood, uh a bit of fighting, profanity, the reader is a woman
— no summary (I'm sorry I'm dumb when it comes to these).
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another idiot has tried intimidating both you and your gang, though he ended up getting more cuts and bruises in his face—he had to go to the point where he mocked you just because you're a woman. sure, you may be a woman but your skills doesn't define you as a frail and weak one, you have combat skills that land a heavy punch that broke this person's nose. In Chuo, everyone fears you and you oblige to instill fear into them.
one of your members laughs. "boss should we throw him into the trash? you looked bored already." you just waved your hand at them, signalling them to do it immediately.
you were seeking entertainment on a large scale. ha? so what if your gang is small? that doesn't matter, everyone gets beaten into a pulp, that's what matters apparently. going back to the entertainment that you hoped to find, news had arrived and it seemed to be a treat—the largest gang yet, the infamous Black Dragon is now lurking within the streets of your lovely Chuo City. Your (E/C) eyes glinted with ferocity, looks like someone needs to know that only you can rule this place, not them; after all you're just greedy and cruel, nothing can ever replace that. "send some of our men, we will go into formal negotiations first. if they agree, then we won't move; if the latter is chosen we will make sure they'll get crippled into wheelchairs." that boosts the morale of your gang, you know how to rile them up when it comes to these.
and with that, an hour later, your men had finally reached where the Black Dragon resided near Ginza—they are a large gang, surely they can buy things here in this place right? they reached out to the notorious king of the gang, he stood there with the other three that reeked of supremacy and power, but this is your henchmen that we're talking about - why would they fear them? "Shinichiro Sano, President of Black Dragon. We have come to declare a formal negotiation with you and with our leader, the golden child. Please be there at the appointed time or we will take that as a declaration of war." they left with a confident stride, leaving everyone just silent and thinking.
Shinichiro looked serious. "Tomorrow at Higashi-Ginza station, me and their leader shall discuss things. Somehow this feels a little bit scary." everyone chuckles at him.
"Shin-chan is scared? Yeah, that's a staple already."
"Please don't scare me like that Waka!"
But he gathered his men again to listen carefully. They were aware that there is a gang in here, moreover yours, but never thought that you were quick to respond. Black Dragon surely lingers within the minds of each and every delinquent out there. And by that, he agrees to drag himself into the formal talk.
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it was Saturday when Shinichiro walked through the streets of Chuo—the Higashi-Ginza station was buzzing with people, the pedestrian was filled with many things, cars can't even cross the road because of it. His close aid which followed him in here just stays slightly behind him, surprised at how this city seemed to be filled with a lot of foreigners and reeked of expensive luxuries.
"seems that the foreigners here are these four dumbfucks." hums a woman. shin looks below to see you proudly wearing a haori of gold and with your sarashi tightly fixed onto your body. so it was true, seeing the well-known golden child of Chuo makes everything look cheap. the radiance of your pride surrounds the atmosphere of war craving men. "welcome, president of Black Dragon—Shinichiro Sano to my haven and kingdom, Chuo."
The man laid his eyes still on you. You were breathtaking—the way your eyes scan them and just hesitate on retching because you seem to have their presence, your face would scrunch up when Takeomi tries to approach you and the way you raise your eyebrow at him when you catch him staring at you. Does he have masochistic tendencies as he continues to like these responses? Maybe it's because he hasn't been interacting with a girl for so long because of gang duties.
You guide them to the busy streets of Chuo City—apparently there was this thing called Hokousha Tengoku where the pedestrians are free to roam the streets without the feeling of vehicles running over them. Not only that, Shinichiro's group sees a lot of cats getting placed in some signs as foreigners take pictures of them. The city was the heart of Tokyo, of course the economy surrounding the place was just as stable. Which could also mean that you're not just some freeloader that roams in here—you're stinking rich, your parents are businessmen. "seems that you four fell in love with my lovely city. take note that we will be having diplomatic conversations after we grab some lunch in one of the places that I recommend."
if they were to pay in one of the restaurants that you just visited, they would go bankrupt. the bill doesn't go low like a thousand yen, it doubles and makes everything feel so expensive (but the foods great and they are free to order anything they want under your observation).
while eating, Shinichiro took this as an opportunity to talk to you. "So when did you start your gang?" he asks, trying to play cool by making himself hold his damn chopsticks as he points it at you - you just looked annoyed, what the fuck is this man doing? how embarrassing. "seems that you can't hold a proper conversation with a girl, Sano." he chokes on his food. even Wakasa can't protect him on that, so he lowers his head as he quietly laughed at the demise that their leader is currently experiencing.
"Since you bravely showed your mighty facade, I will straightforwardly state my cause for this formal meeting."
you place your utensils on the side, tucking your (H/C) locks behind your ear, you began to tell them that you won't move and fight with them unless they intimidate your gang first. You had the aura of someone who's an expert in negotiations, just like a businesswoman would do to catch their client. Shinichiro can't help but to be swoon by how you would roll sylabbles of words that seems to please his ears—your voice was just heavenly to listen to, that he confirms. This lovestruck idiot was just staring at you, seemingly unattentive to the thing that you are currently discussing with his men.
"You know what Waka?" he blurts out. "Maybe visiting Chuo wasn't so bad after all. Seeing this pretty girl here was worth it." Wakasa stares at him with utter disappointment. Takeomi pleads the gods, just questioning if their leader is just brave or incredibly stupid. "So that's why... we will not move, unless you date me?"
Everyone went silent.
Even you. Your eyes just widened, continued processing on what the fuck just happened right in front of you—this pompadour bastard tried to ask you on a date within a complicated timing. You can't help but to land a heavy sigh and smack the table which gathered the attention of everyone. "Are you fucking dumb? We're in the middle of diplomacy and I hear is you wanting to date me? Are you kidding me or do you want me to bash your fucking skull onto a wall?"
"Either way is good."
You sputter words—you stare at his men, they look at you with the same confusion that you are currently having. Wakasa just slowly nodding, trying to tell you that you need to follow his lead or that everything will become just hella annoying. You rubbed your temples, goddang, how are you suppose to respond to that.
somehow, that made your heart skip a beat.
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I need help. I've been in the early stages of plotting a secret government agency fic with a Fem!Reader x Male Trainer. Slow burn with some focus on other characters/ your backstory as well. Only issue is who my male lead will be. I know who I'd prefer (CH in Extraction is just perfect for what I want my character to be), but I'm also aware that one face claim is more popular than the other. I feel I need to take a poll. I'll probably use an original name, but do I choose,
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Reply to this post or leave me an ask, please.
Edit: I have never actually seen Sand Castle, but y'all couldn't tell me Henry sounded like that in it?
Let's pretend he sounds like August...lol.
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writingwarden · 2 years
Unexpected Guest
Eyeless Jack x Nb!Ghost!reader
Summary- It’s been raining for almost a week straight now. And a stranger has decided to barge in.
This story has been cross posted on Wattpad and Ao3
Word Count- 318
It's been raining for almost a week now. Tonight has been the heaviest so far. Now not that bothers me. Although I was worried if there were going to be any more leaks. I actually quite love it. You also get really used to it after about 30 years. Truth be told, I didn't believe in ghosts before I died. Boy, was I proven wrong.
But what does bother me is when a strange man decides to crash in my living room like a bull. He seemed to be bleeding. As I got closer I noticed he had gray-ish skin and a blue mask. Just as I was about to say something he turned and swiped at me with something, a scalpel?. It just went through me.
So at least I know he can see me.
"Aye fucker, that's no way to say hello." I chided and folded my arms . He just backed away and cradled his arm. "So what are you doing in the middle of nowhere soaked and bleeding to death? Did that boney ass goblin get you?"
"Something like that." he mumbled.
"Ah well, if you're just gonna crash into my house like a bull I might as well get your name." I said before going towards the closet. "I'm (y/n) if you need to know."
"It's Ej."
"What's that stand for?" I question before throwing bandages and a towel at him. He caught them, nice.
"What's it to ya."
"Just curious. I mean you're the first being other than the Rake and animals I've seen in about 20 years."
"Just call me Ej."
"Well ok Ej, why don't you fix yourself up and tell me what you're doing here before I put you back out."
He paused a moment and moved to sit on the couch. I really wish he wouldn't. He's gonna get blood on it. Ugh. I took a seat in my recliner. 
"So start talkin'."
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mckennathenightmare · 3 years
I have done another thing
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Please excuse the inconsistencies, I did my best.
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juicypassionfruit · 2 years
Updated Masterlist
* = smut
Newest Fic
Requests open
last updated: 10/18/2022
Bam Margera
Call It Fate: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Final Part
One Shots:
Ryan Dunn
More than you’ll ever know
Golf Course Shenanigans
Perfect Match
About time
Chris Raab
*Road trip
Two Idiots
Picnic Date
Stuck With Me
Best Friends
Behind the scenes
Bam Margera
Need to Change
Johnny Knoxville
Cold Feet
Cky gets jobs
Mornings With Steve-o
Watching Twilight
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creepyhottakes · 2 years
(the characters I’ll mainly be focusing on)
Slenderman—he/it; agender/asexual/demiromantic; born June 10th 1587; from Virginia
Habit—any pronouns; genderfluid/asexual/panromantic; born from the first murder aka Cain killing Abel yes the bible is canon in this aka a LONG FUCKING TIME AGO
Jeff (The Killer) Woods—he/him; cis man/bisexual/aromantic; born June 22nd 1998; from California
Jane (The Killer) Arkansas—she/her; trans woman/lesbian; born June 20th 1998; from California
Nina (The Killer) Hopkins—she/her; cis woman/polysexual; born January 9th 1996; from Ohio
Ben (Drowned) Lawman—he/it/neos; doesn’t label gender/“straight I guess”; born April 23rd 1990, died April 23rd 2002; from New Jersey
Eyeless Jack—he/him; trans man/gay; born August 30th 1996; from California
Sally Williams—she/her; cis girl/aromantic; born March 7th 2003, died December 13th 2011; from Maryland
Masky/Tim—he/she; genderfluid/omnisexual; born December 24th 1988; from Alabama
Hoodie/Brian—he/him; cis man/bisexual; born January 20th 1988; from Alabama
(Ticci) Toby Rogers—he/him; cis man/pansexual; born November 19th 1996; from Colorado
Smile.jpg (Dog)—he/him; ???/gay; born ???; from The Underrealm
(The) Rake—he/it; ???/???; born ???; from the Mariana Trench
(secondary characters, don’t have as much about them figured out)
Zalgo—he/him; agender/pansexual; as old as time; from the void ig??
Laughing Jack/Jill—he/she; genderfluid/asexual/demiromantic ig; born sometime in the 1800s; from England
Jason (the Toymaker)—he/him; cis man/idk some sort of multi
Candy Pop/Cane—he/she; genderfluid/androsexual; from some other dimension ig
(more side characters)
Enderman—Slender’s younger brother; he/they/it; doesn’t use labels; born June 7th 1587; from Virginia
Splendorman—Slender’s older brother; he/him; demiman/straight; born June 7th 1587; from Virginia
Trenderman—Slender’s younger brother; he/him; male-aligned/gay; born June 7th 1587; from Virginia
(characters I barely talk about but they’re in the world)
Mr. Widemouth—he/him; doesn’t use labels
Kagekao—he/it; demiman/gay; born in 1994; from the Underrealm ig?
The Bloody Painter/Helen Otis—he/him; trans man/straight; born October 1st 1980
Clockwork/Natalie Oullette—she/her; cis woman/pansexual; born in 1999/2000
Dr. Smiley—he/him; cis man/straight; born October 20th 1984
(Nurse) Ann Mia—she/her; cis woman/bisexual; born October 31st 1998, died and was resurrected at some point; from New York
Judge Angel/Dina Clark—she/her; cis woman/omnisexual; born April 2nd 1999
Abandoned By Disney/Photonegative Mickey—he/it/they; male-aligned/asexual/aromantic; from the Bahamas
The Seed Eater—it/its; agender/demisexual/aromantic
Sonic.Exe—he/him; cis man/bisexual
Herobrine—he/him; trans man/gay
The Puppeteer—he/him; agender/asexual/polyromantic; born July 25th 1974, died November 30th 1994
Zero—she/her; cis woman/grey-asexual/lesbian; born October 25th 1999
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m4rgera · 2 years
rake yohn ★ headcannons
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- you for sure love to put just a little bit of smudged black eyeliner on him. it’s just like the first thing that comes to mind for me, you love when he wears it.
- kinda like what dico does youll spit out random science questions just to quiz him. you know he knows the answer, but it’s a fun thing you can both do to pass time (:
- he really likes taking baths so i can totally picture you two taking baths together. not even sexually just romantic shit, relaxing.
- he wouldn’t be crazy on pda, but he’s definitely not shy to the idea of it. you’ll hold hands in front of the guys, he’ll have a arm around your waist, basic stuff.
- i could see him setting up little picnic dates for sureeee.
- very intimate relationship, i feel like he shows his love through a lot of physical actions and not so much words.
- that doesn’t mean he doesn’t shower you with compliments though. kinda like jeff this man is whipped for you. ):
- we all kinda saw this coming but- playing with his hair? yea that happens for sure lmao.
- your definitely in a few cky skits and stunts. whenever he’s filming with them he always offers you to join if you want. doesn’t want you to get bored while just watching
- honestly im not sure what he would call you. i kinda feel like babe or maybe even princess.
- calling him hellboy once in a while just to annoy him <3
- your close with all the guys, but i feel like you and dico would be pretty close.
- teasing him for his fear of mustards. nothing like the stunts bam pulls on him with it but just picking on him jokingly, and then apologizing later ofc.
- im sorry to do this again but there’s a age gap. nothing to big, kinda like the one in knoxville’s where it’s only 2-5 years.
- your were definitely friends before you started dating.
- literally he’s just the sweetest mf ever.
- “you know babe, baths are supposed to be relaxing, not a time for you to splash water in my face.”
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sanityshorror · 2 years
Julius the Dressmaker canon facts:
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Julius has inspiration from many real serial killers, however only bits of each are taken, and combined with other inspiration to create a unique character that does not mirror any real or few real killers.
The serial killers that inspired Julius are: Ed Gein, Edmund Kemper, Dennis Nilsen, and Jeffery Dahmer
Julius is also inspired by Joker (Arthur Fleck)
Julius Ceaser is a HUGE inspiration of Julius!
He is named after Julius Caesar; who much of his personality is influenced by.
Julius's full name is Julius Octavian Doherty
Julius often goes by the nickname 'Jules'
Julius originally was made as a creepypasta, and though still considered one, Julius is a horror character best known in the splatterpunk genre. He is the secondary antagonist in The Man with the Scarred Neck and will be the primary antagonist in the upcoming splatterpunk Julius Doherty the Dressmaker from Hell
Julius's back story is very accurate to the historical time he's from (late 1800s)
His hair is actually purple, not red (though his hair was naturally bright red when he was a human)
Despite being a demon, holy objects and other religions things have no effect on him
On his right ear, Julius has an industrial piercing
Julius avoids smiling mainly due to all his teeth being noticeably sharp fangs
His nails are not painted, they are actually black claws
Julius's heart tattoo is where he was shot in the face and is actually a scar
He is 6'2" without his boots; 6'5" in his boots
All the leather he uses is made from human skin and the mannequins in his shop are all former victims of his
Julius makes dresses both as career before death and still as a hobby, however he is also a high ranking mobster.
Julius's demon form was inspired by The Rake; he despises his demon form as it is his nightmare of being hideous (in his opinion; as his creator I think it's very cool!)
He is very emotional and erratic
Julius is not well educated due to growing up in the 1800s as lower class in Ireland
He holds no political beliefs and does not care for politics in Canon
Despite his general distaste for women, he's not misogynistic and sees them as equals. He simply doesn't like them due to personal past experiences
Julius generally doesn't like almost anyone in fact, regardless of gender lol
He is gay in Canon; his partner is a Killian Lynch.
He has four children: Octavian, Devlin, Flynn and Emma, from his semi arranged marriage with Emily (he was forced into by his father, unknown by Emily)
Julius the Dressmaker © @sanityshorror
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
Adventure of a Lifetime (Rake Yohn)
Request: “ik he’s more viva la bam but could u do something rake yohn related plsss <3”
Not to pat myself on the back but usually I don’t think I can pull of cute fics but I’ve been loving the ones I’m writing
aeonian-knoxville’s main m.list
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“Get my good side” You told Dico, turning your head to show the left side of your face as he held a camera up really close to your face. “You always look good,” He said grinning. “Don’t let Rake hear you say that” you warned Dico. “Hear who say what?” Rake came up to the two of you then sat down next to the parked van. “Nothing” You said, making your way to sit with him on the floor, you made room for yourself in between his legs.
You looked up at him innocently and gave him a quick kiss to change the subject. Dico walked away to go bug someone, probably Raab, and it was just you and Rake comfortable in each other’s presence.
Rake and you had only been dating for a couple months but you felt like you had known him your whole life. Rake, likewise, also felt very strongly about you. In fact that’s how you two ended up in Iceland together.
He knew it was a big step asking you to travel with his friends especially at the last minute but you accepted his invention so there you were with the love of your life thousands miles away from all your worries and troubles. You loved everything about Rake, including his friends. They were very chaotic but in a good way, they kept you entertained and they always included you when you were around.
“Isn’t it so beautiful” you asked Rake, you leaned into his back, relaxed. “What’s beautiful? You?” he said nonchalant “No” you giggled, “just like everything I guess” you couldn’t believe your eyes.
Even if you guys were in the middle of nowhere, the beautiful green grass and mountains that surrounded you guys, the clear blue lakes you’ve passed by and even though the sky was grey because it was cloudy and raining; it was all perfect. You took in every minute of it. “So is Ryan going to really do it?” you asked your boyfriend what his friends plans were.
Two of your boyfriend’s friends made a drunken bet last night that one of them would go down a waterfall in a barrel and the other one actually bought the plane tickets. “He has to, there’s no way he can back out twice” “Wait, you guys already tried to get him to do this?” You asked, laughing. “Yeah, in the winter but he pussied out at the last minute. He kept saying he was going to do it until we drove to the waterfall and told us “there was no way in hell” he was going to do it” Rake said remembering it like it was just yesterday
“You guys are insane” you shook your head in disbelief but you couldn’t stop laughing, imagining how it went down once Ryan broke the news. “What are the chances, we’re going to scare you away after this is all done and we go back home” Rake asked you seriously. You thought about it to mess with him a little but then finally said, “None, you’re stuck with me and I like your friends” “That’s the first I’ve heard that” He said surprised, “I thought after Bam stole that barrel from the chemical site you would’ve been thinking about what you got yourself into”
“Oh trust me I was but then I realized maybe that’s why I’m so comfortable with you and your friends. You guys don’t care, you just live and make memories. Who else could I get these amazing experiences from?” You started to shiver from the cold creeping up on you as you and Rake wrapped his jacket around you, holding you closer.
“I absolutely love you” he gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
You were a bit shocked, you and Rake had told each other “I love you” before but only in a joking way. “What?” You asked, whipping your head up towards him. “I love you. I really do. You don’t have to say it back but I just wanted you to know” He repeated himself, very secure with his answer. “I’m always unsure of a lot of things but I have never been more sure to know that I love you too” you told him, both of you adoring one another.
Rake was about to kiss you before you two had Bam’s voice “Okay, okay love birds, we get it” the both of you rolled your eyes but laughed, of course they would ruin a moment like that, “Let’s hurry to the waterfall so we can prove once again Dunn is full of shit and we came out here for nothing again”
“I already told you guys, last time that water was like negative twenty degrees, I would’ve gotten hypothermia” Ryan tried to defend himself as you and Rake got off the ground and hopped into the van with the others. “Are you sure you can handle us?” Rake asked one last time. “I wouldn’t want to spend this moment with anyone else” you said, happier than ever to be brought along on such a strange adventure.
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bnha-butterfly · 3 years
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Realistically I know Sakusa is probably the type of person who wants to keep his relationships low-key especially once he goes pro. Interviewers always try to ask him if he’s dating someone or if he’s single, during Q&A‘s fans ask him if he would ever date a fan. People outside of the immediate volleyball scene don’t know that he’s in a relationship because he doesn’t want them to know. He respects your privacy and he really wants his own privacy when it comes to your relationship. (I feel like specifically he’s very protective because he knows the way media will portray his relationship and ultimately portray you. Especially if you’re not someone who is a size 2 hyper feminine presenting model type.)
But I also really like to imagine that once the two of you finally announced this relationship. Maybe the two of you are married and a reporter points out the ring on his finger and he’s like oh yeah I got married three weeks ago. he really gets a kick out of showing you off. I mean this man is now going to events with you on his arm that he would never go to before, just so he can show you off. There are cute pictures of the two of you on his Instagram pages now. Pictures he took of you on your honeymoon. Even like cute TikTok videos with pictures of both of you throughout your relationship and how he proposed to you.
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aurake · 2 years
Gintuang Paraluman sa gabing may kislap ng mga bituin.
→ A special eulogy for Draken in his special day
→ language used: filipino
→ happy bday draken, you don't know how much we all miss you. hope you're watching from above.
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Ang mga bituin na nagsisiningningan sa kalangitan, sadyang kay dami, pero nakakaantig sa mga puso't isipan ng mga nakakakita nito. Para kang isang bituin na bukod-tangi sa iba, ang kislap na parang mabusilak na apoy—ang aking mga mata'y hindi kayang tumingin pa sa iba. May mga bagay ako sa gusto maipahiwatig, ang puso'y lumuluha dahil sa simpleng kasiyahan na iyong ibinibigay, ikaw ay may busilak na puso - matapang, madiskarte, sadyang napakabuting tao para sa iyong mga kaibigan.
Hindi sila magsisisi na itinuring ka nilang na tunay na kaibigan.
Ikaw ay isang gintuang paraluman, ang iyong nakakaantig na pagtapak at pakikipaglaban ay isa lamang sa ipinapakita kong karangalan, kahit na ba isabi ko ng milyon na beses kung gaano ka nagniningning, wala ito kung ika'y pagmamasdan—ang Paraluman na kung saan lahat ay hindi na magdadalawang isip na ika'y mahalin. ikaw yon, bukod tangi sa iba.
maligayang kaarawan.
ang simpleng hiling ko lang para sa puso kong umiiyak, sana ay bigyan ng proteksyon at gabay ang minamahal ng iyong puso.
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mckennathenightmare · 3 years
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So, uhm.....
I told myself that if the dating sim pics got like 30 notes I would actually make it.
I think I set the bar to low.
Anyway, I gonna do it. It’ll take awhile, but I’ll do it.
More characters will be added.
Suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
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wateryellowmoon · 3 years
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend (Part 1)
coming soon
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend (Part 1)
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-𝔹𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕤/𝕊𝕖𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕟
coming soon
-ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀꜱ /ᴄʜʀɪꜱ ᴇᴠᴀɴꜱ
coming soon 
ᑭETEᖇ ᑭᗩᖇKEᖇ/TOᗰ ᕼOᒪᒪᗩᑎᗪ/ᗩᑎᗪᖇEᗯ GᗩᖇᖴIEᒪᗪ
coming soon
coming soon
ȶɦօʀ/ƈɦʀɨֆ ɦɛʍֆաօʀȶɦ
coming soon
𝐭໐⋂𝘺 s𝐭𝛂ᒋĶ
coming soon
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-$тёfап $агѵатѳяё
coming soon
-𝔇𝔞𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔢
coming soon CRIMINAL MINDS coming soon
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Bad Times at the El Royale 
𝙏𝙮𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙖𝙠𝙚
The Witcher
Gêrål† ð£ Rïvïå
Henry Cavill Characters
ᗩᑌGᑌᔕT ᗯᗩᒪKEᖇ
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Brothers - Chapter 2 - All Eyes On You
Summary- Moving in with your best friend Liam Hemsworth, how long will his Brother Chris Hemsworth's flirting go unnoticed?
Word count- 1,454
Pairing- Chris Hemsworth X you
18+ only
Part 1
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You walk into the kitchen in your knee high socks and comfy, oversized t-shirt dress and fix yourself a drink before plonking yourself on the couch next to Liam. You pull the blanket off of him to drape over yourself as you settle down for the movie. Looking at the TV you see Liam's watching some kind of horror movie again, the typical scene of a bunch of teenagers alone in the woods, camping. The kind of movie that makes you want to scream at the dumb bitch that goes off on her own or sneaks away with her boyfriend for some fun, they're always the ones to die first. 
Liam glares at you, pausing with his chip halfway to his mouth and his mouth hung open in disbelief.
"If you're cold, maybe you should wear more clothes" putting the chip in his mouth and crunching loudly while still glaring, matter of factly.
"Shut up, Dad" you say rolling your eyes and playfully punching his arm. 
As you carry on watching the movie, you can see Liam in your peripheral, finally looking like his old self, making you feel warm inside. You were so glad he was finally out of that dark place and doing so much better now, you like to think you were the reason for that. You'd spent the last couple of weeks just hanging out watching movies, playing video games and laughing all the time.
You couldn't help reaching over and kissing him on his cheek before laying your head in his lap, he puts his arm around you and you snuggle on the couch watching the movie. Moving in with Liam was the best thing you've done, the bond between you even stronger than before. The doorbell rings, shaking you from your thoughts.
"Yes, pizza! You say excitedly, jumping up from the couch and rushing to the door.
You swing the door open enthusiastically, ready to hand the money to the delivery driver, only it's not him. Taken aback, you look the handsome man up and down, taking every inch of his tall, muscly physique in before slowly realising it was Chris.
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you're stood barely dressed while Chris smiles down at you.
"Hi" he says, smiling widely and also taking you in, making you realise you're barely dressed and feeling your cheeks blush.
"Hi" is about all you can manage to say. You seem to have forgotten how to talk.
"Are you going to invite me in?" Chris says smirking.
You snap out of it, eyes wide "Oh sorry, yeah sure. Come on in" you say stepping out the way so Chris can enter. Seeing the muscles in his back flex as he walks, making you nearly drop to your knees.
You start leading Chris through the hallway to the living room, turning round to say - "Liam's going to be so happy-" you pause and catch him watching your ass swing as you walk, you can't help but grin "-to see you" you continue.
He doesn't even look embarrassed that he was caught out, his confidence making him even more sexy.
"I'm sure he's going to be so happy I interrupted your cosy afternoon" Chris replies, eyebrows raised as he walks into the living room and bumps into Liam.
"Bro! What are you doing here?" Liam says throwing his arms around his brother and clapping him on the back.
"Thought I'd come check out your new place, I guess I should've called you first?" Chris says looking over at you and making you blush.
Liam laughs "This is Y/N, you know, my best friend since we were young?" Liam walks over and puts his arm around you, almost putting you in a headlock. Like you couldn't be any more embarrassed.
Chris looks at you, looks deep into you, making your adrenaline spike and then you see the recognition snap onto his expression
"Ohhhh wow! I didn't recognize you, so are you two like together now?" He adds while gazing down at your outfit.
Liam laughs again, finding this all too amusing while you literally want the earth to swallow you up.
"No definitely not, shes living here with me" Liam says while walking into the open plan kitchen. "Drink?"
As if this situation couldn't be any more awkward, you're stood there barely dressed while they discussed you like you werent even in the room. Pulling on the hem of your t-shirt, willing it to grow to cover your modesty a little more. When you lift your eyes you see Chris watching you, bemused. He licks his lips slightly, your bare nipples harden under your t-shirt as the slight action turns you on. Chris notices too as you see his eyes drift down to your chest. Damn is it hot in here you thought feeling flushed, all those feeling towards him from years ago reappearing as soon as you saw him stood at the door. He was even better looking than before, you had absolutely no chance of keeping your cool around him.
Chris's voice breaks you from your thoughts "Well I wish I had a best friend like yours Bro. I thought she was your rebound" Chris begins his way to the kitchen to join Liam and stops to give you a lingering hug "Nice to see you again Y/N, it's been a long time"
You could feel the tightness of Chris's abs against your hardened nipples and tried to break the touch.
"Well thank you for making feel like I'm not here guys, I'm going to go get dressed and leave you guys to it" you finally say.
"I mean, you don't have to get dressed on my account" Chris said, smiling and taking a drink from Liam's hands.
"Sorry Y/N we didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, come sit down with us" Liam added, playfully pushing his brother.
"I'll be back soon" you said over your shoulder, disappearing into your room.
And breathe. Fuck!
You stop to regain your composure, your back leant against the back of your door. Unable to shake the image of Chris that's now going to be permanently etched in your mind just like before. That man seriously gets under your skin, always has done. You convinced yourself it was some sort of connection when you were younger but now being older and wiser and being hurt so many times, you refused to believe that.
You throw yourself onto your bed dramatically and stare at the ceiling, Chris really made you squirm and you had to recover a little before you went back out there.
Their voices drifted through the walls from the other room, finally you pulled yourself up from the bed trying to find something else to wear that wasn't quite as revealing but still enough to keep Chris's attention.
You searched your wardrobe before settling on a tight, black midi dress, showing of your best asset - your perfectly round ass. You stopped with your hand on the door handle before opening it, bracing yourself.
They're both sat on the sofa playing video games and turn around to face you when you open the door, all eyes on you. As you walk over to the kitchen to get a drink, you notice Chris checking you out while Liams back is turned.
Oh god, he's at it again. Making me squirm. Even though it made you uncomfortable because he was Liam's brother you still kind of liked it.
"Are you gonna join us now?" Liam asked not bothering to turn around from his game.
You take a seat in the armchair to the left of Chris and Liam, Chris's eyes still on you.
"So, what we playing?" You ask, averting away from Chris.
"C.O.D" they both say at the same time.
"Don't know why I asked" rolling your eyes.
Chris passes the controller over to you "Here have a go, let's see if you're any better than Liam" making sure to brush your hand with his fingertips as he passes it over. Surely you're imagining all this flirting.
You look up at Chris through your eyelashes and catch him doing that sexy side smile.
"I'm sure anyone can do better than Liam" you laugh.
"Ey! Don't be ganging up on me now" Liam pouts sulkily, making him look really cute. You thought to yourself about how many girls would want to be in your position right now - two hot brothers all to yourself.
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You can feel Chris's gaze fixed upon you as you try to concentrate on the game, you begin to wriggle as he starts to make you nervous. He's too damn hot and he knows it. He can't keep his eyes off of you, Liam obviously hasn't noticed the amount of attention Chris was giving you but you certainly have.
He may have been oblivious to your charms when you were younger but he definitely see's you now and you weren't sure how you felt about it.
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krikidilly · 3 years
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Stuff from a fic I've been reading!!
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