#the series will be called 'sillage' :)
doing hot girl shit (planning to post a sappy af holmes and watson one shot instead of studying for the final exam i have tomorrow)
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myuntoldstory · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! ❤️
aw, thanks jayne! i appreciate you sending this. i'm a little embarrassed about this, lol, since self-promotion is not really my thing. anyway, here are the fics in post order (oldest to newest):
bitter, beloved, rebellious (3.9k words, one-shot, complete)
“Only call me Mary when it’s important. Then I’ll listen to only you.” As the war escalates, Sirius faces a future vastly different from the one he didn't mind living in.
commentary: this is a favourite of mine because it's one of the fics that made me teary while writing it. 50% is because it's macblack/blackdonald. the other 50% is made up of everything else i felt while writing it, like existential fear, grief, loss, mourning, all those good things. like, i distinctly remember thinking about this story while waiting for a bus. imagine getting teary-eyed while waiting for a bus, jesus christ lol.
lento con gran espressione (before the end) (2.6k words, one-shot, complete)
"This was what peace felt like, this quiet moment with nothing but the rain, tea, and both of them wrapped in each other." 1979. James and Lily spend a quiet Halloween night at home.
commentary: this is a thematic sequel to the first ever fic i "officially" (because i have posted things way back, like 2004, dksfjldksfjdfls but i deleted them out of self-doubt) posted in a03/ffnet. i guess with this fic, i'm happy with my descriptions, how self-contained it is, and the cosiness of autumn that has that undercurrent of hopelessness because of jily's situation. (sorry wow lololol)
water of the womb (6.3k words, one-shot series, complete)
Coalescence: verb. come together to form one mass or whole. Divaricate: verb. stretch or spread apart; diverge widely This short series is an exploration of Andromeda Tonks and Narcissa Malfoy—the choices they have made and what led to these choices. In Coalescence, Narcissa's past and present combine, focusing on her ultimate choice in the Second Wizarding War. In Divaricate, Andromeda's choice has led her back to the past… but would she be able to reconcile with it?
commentary: sorry i cheated a bit with the series, but i can't really self-rec one without the other. happy with the cohesiveness of these two fics, how (i think) i managed to present the tenuous connection between andromeda and narcissa. i like how i ended it as well because it was realistic and right, i feel. i was also proud of how i wrote teddy lupin and the golden trio kids, i think.
sillage (2.1k words, one-shot, complete)
On the day before his exhibition opened, V finds MC staring up at his work with tears in her eyes. It was a reaction he never saw before. So he approached her to find out why.
commentary: i'm proud of this purely because i managed to wrangle the huge philosophical and metaphorical story that is kim jihyun's in mystic messenger. even now i still get confused by some of the metaphors in his storyline. but anyway this fic was during my (still ongoing) phase of "justice for jihyun kim". because why does everyone get forgiveness and love except him? and i'm still super salty about things like saeran's after end and finally getting a kiss cg but not during gameplay, but after the fact, like as the game's app intro cg like sldkjflsdj nah dude, i ain't taking that as a win.
carry on, carry on (1.6k words, one-shot, complete)
"So whatever happens. No matter what the future has in store for us. You carry on, Dromeda. You carry on." Andromeda learns of Ted's death.
commentary: i just read this right now and... holy fucking jesus christ why is it so sad??? ahahaha. and my end note is "i hope you enjoy". uh. wow, i'm so sorry to those who read this way back. i guess i'm sorry to those who might read this in the future also. again, i like how this is self-contained. i said in my end notes that i've developed a strong curiosity for off-camera moments. and that's still true. one of my prouder moments is the letter because in ffnet you couldn't strikethrough (i don't know if that's still true now); so with strikethrough being allowed in ao3, i could properly write the letter and bring to life ted's obvious mistakes (read: honesty) when writing his "last" letter to andromeda.
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cicaklah · 2 years
2, 9, 17, 29 for the writing ask, please! :)
2: talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
Yes hello Diana is calling from the fuck cabin telling me that this story is NOT going to end in a great fuck by the fire, they are absolutely going to NOT fuck and its going to change your life.
9: in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?
Obviously I wouldn't want anyone to adapt my fanfiction (though IO call me I will do anything for £1 if it makes it extra-canon) but I would absolutely love if any of my original things were adapted, omg. PLEASE make a tv series about the floating city ship full of layers of revolutionaries! PLEASE make Stella and Hyde's agent/handler triple cross double uno reverse betrayal story a sexy erotic thriller!! Adapt the economics/christianity technothriller into a sexy six part BBC miniseries!!!! Ditto the murder mystery victorian-era cricket revolutionary steampunk novel!! And while you're at it, the modern day raffles series where they're both women.
Of course I'd have to write them but you know. That's by the by.
17: what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
So this used to be 'Oysters are for summer, and outgoing tides.' from Sillage, then it was basically the entire 4th section of someday I'll love what I cant find in you (How many years was it before she truly got it? That she understood how one word could contain multitudes, that she loved him, loved him so much, loved him like the crunch of unreplicated apples and as something small and cute hidden in a drawer and as part of her, an organ, perhaps, vital to her survival.) but now I don't know, maybe "Like I said. They don’t live happily ever after. No one does. But they do live." from I've been the thorn I've been the hunt but probably everything the almighty egg goddess says in how an egg makes another egg, specifically:
29: give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
yes, nearly everybody dies...but do you really think that death is the end?
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kteabug · 3 years
Chapter Eleven: sillage
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sillage: the scent that lingers in air, the trace of someone’s perfume
Chapter Summary: Iwaizumi has a million and one questions when he learns Oikawa is back in Japan especially since it’s just weeks into volleyball season, but will he be able to handle being face to face with the Omega? 
Pairings: Alpha!Iwaizumi x Omega!Oikawa
Word Count: 6069
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety. Brief mention of potential pregnancy. Mentions of alcohol and hangovers. Jealous Iwa. Fluffy MatsuHana. Protective big sister Emiko. 
Rating: 18+
A/N: I just want to reiterate that this is a slowburn series which means that things won’t just be patched up because they are both in Japan. That even though it’s fiction, I want to be as realistic as possible and while yeah, Iwa and Oikawa both share feelings, there’s lots they need to work through before they can start that conversation. 
A/N 2: It’s a bit late but I made a character profile for Santiago ( X ) and thanks to @boosyboo9206​ for helping me bounce ideas around with and Oikawa’s social media username!
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Tokyo, Japan – Late November 2021
“What’s up?” Iwaizumi balances the phone between his ear and shoulder, continuing his task of folding laundry.
“Got something to run by you.”
He stops, taking the phone in his hand, abandoning the task to sit down on the edge of the bed, a little irritated that the short stack of towel fell over. Whenever Matsukawa used that tone, it was almost always followed by something serious. He had used it back when telling Iwa that he and Makki were no longer friends years ago, used it to tell Iwa to pull his head out of his ass when it came to Colin and he had overheard him use it when telling Makki that he’d never want anyone else.
“Should I sit down?” He tries to break up the awkward feeling with a lame joke, obviously it doesn’t work, instead Mattsun clears his throat, causing the pit forming in Iwa’s stomach to feel heavier.
“Takahiro found out that Oikawa’s in Japan. He wanted to invite him out on Saturday with...the three of us.”
Why is he in Japan? The season just started a few weeks ago. Is he hurt? Did he switch teams? No, definitely not, I’d have heard something at the facility. Or from Ushijima.
“I can tell him not to and to just plan another time with Oikawa.” There was something almost vulnerable in Matsukawa’s tone, the way he seems to want to say more, but holds himself back. He’s always been the kind of friend to wait until you ask for help, rather than just insert an unsolicited opinion.
“Oh, uh, don’t worry about that.” Iwaizumi lets out a deep sigh, biting down on his bottom lip, wondering how he could word this without sounding too desperate, too anxious, too eager. But he needs answers and the best way to get those is almost always from the source. “The four of us together, it’ll be like high school.”
The Alpha can hear a muffled version of Hanamaki’s voice on the other end before it comes through the phone clearer, “as long as it’s not like senior year.”
** Next Day
Iwaizumi lets out a sigh, wanting the over-the-counter painkillers to kick in to alleviate the massive headache he’s had ever since he got off the phone with Matsukawa. He has too many questions, too few answers, and no way to confirm anything at this moment. Technically he could, he could go to his parents’ house, wait to see Oikawa across the yard or even bow to fate and just knock on their front door asking to speak. He could even ask either Mattsun or Makki for the Omega’s new number since the one he had in his phone was disconnected, something he learned back when he moved to California and tried calling him. But then he realized that Oikawa could do those things if he wanted, he could knock on his parents’ door asking for him and could ask for his number from Makki. Though Iwa isn’t sure if he knew the Alpha had a new number, had he tried calling him after he got it changed?
The Alpha tries to shake off the uneasy feeling he has, trying to push his overthinking to the back of his head, he’d know in just a few days’ time. However, the realization that he’s not owed any answers from Oikawa hits him. The ugly truth is the two of them are no longer best friends, he no longer knew the Omega like the back of his hand. His mind briefly wanders back to their fight, the last time they held an actual conversation and his stomach twists into knots remembering how callous he had been.
“I can bring back your stuff tomorrow.” Oikawa whispered.
“Since when do you return things you borrow?” Iwaizumi laughed, “keep it. I don’t want your scent around me anymore.”
“Oh, sorry.” Iwaizumi says, still lost in thought when he feels his shoulder collide into someone else’s. He shakes his head, trying to force himself to focus on work related things, no sense lingering on things he can’t change.
“No worries.” The other man mutters with a prickly tone, not bothering to stop or anything as he continues down the hallway.
Iwaizumi notices he has one of those ‘my name is’ stickers on his shirt, a telltale sign that he’s a new employee, most likely there for some kind of training or tour of the facility. For some reason, the Alpha doesn’t like the man despite never having met him before and he’s unsure if it was his snarky attitude or the way he seemed to just flare out his overwhelming leathery pheromones.
*                      * Tokyo, Japan – December 4, 2021, Saturday
Iwa runs his fingers through his hair, it’s a bit longer than he usually keeps it, but his mind has been more occupied with seeing Oikawa and what could’ve brought him home during volleyball season than worrying to schedule a hair appointment. He takes a final glance at his outfit, usually he didn’t put much thought into what he would wear, but something about tonight made gym shorts and a hoodie feel wrong. After what felt like hours of contemplating, he settled on jeans and an olive green long-sleeve Henley to wear under a black bomber jacket, but looking at it now, it still feels wrong.
He checks his watch to see that it's 2:48pm, he’s starting to cut it close to get to the station before he snatches up his wallet and keys, rushing out the door. Even with taking the bullet train, it’s still roughly a three hours long trip and he hopes that in that time he’s able to calm the sinking feeling in his stomach.
** Miyagi, Japan
By the time he gets to his hometown, he has even more questions than he did when he got off the phone with Mattsun. Iwaizumi gets to the bar at the same time as Mattsun and Makki, the three exchanging pleasantries before Mattsun opens the door, everyone shuffling inside to the warmth that wraps around them like a much needed hug.
“Still okay with this?” Makki asks, sliding to the inside of the bench seat, Iwa taking a seat next to him.
“Perfectly fine.” As soon as the order of beers hit the table, he downs half of his bottle, both Betas looking at him as though he’s grown an extra head.
“Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that.” Makki shakes his head before wincing when Mattsun kicks his shin.
“If it’s too much, we can tell him that something came up and you had to leave.”
Iwa leans his head back, sighing loudly before looking between the others, “nah, it’s about time to see each other.”
“You got your protective Alpha face on.” Makki teases, his index finger poking the Alpha on the side of the forehead, “seems like it's more than that.”
“I just…” Iwaizumi had told himself that he only came tonight for two reasons. One, his parents taught him it’s rude to cancel plans at the last minute and two, he’s an athletic trainer, so by default it’s his job to make sure athletes are healthy. There has to be a reason why Oikawa’s home randomly during the season, something didn’t add up, and it’s his responsibility to see what it was.
“Want to make sure he’s okay?” Mattsun suggests, giving him a knowing look. He already knows that Iwa carries around the guilt that allows him to continuously blame himself for Oikawa’s knee injury back in high school.
He doesn’t get a chance to answer, not that he really wanted to admit that to begin with, an all too familiar scent starts to flood over him, instantly capturing his attention. There’s something different about the honey fragrance, something about it seems muddied, like something is overwhelming the soft smell, but he can’t place it. Fluffy brunette hair catches his eye before he snaps his line of sight down to the bottle in front of him, mentally rolling his eyes as Makki cracks some ridiculous line as he dramatically waves his arm to get the Omega’s attention.
It’s just Oikawa, I can do this. I’ll just wait for an opening and jump into whatever conversation they have. No need to put pressure on either of us.
“...say anything.”
He catches the tail end of Mattsun’s statement, realizing that Oikawa is now sitting right across the table from him, roughly 24 inches (60.96cm) now separating them. Iwaizumi glances up a few times when he knows Oikawa’s head is turned away from, worried when he hears how scared Oikawa’s voice comes out and how he hasn’t stopped fidgeting since he sat down. Oikawa’s bouncing his leg, paying no attention when he accidentally bumps Iwa’s foot with his, causing the Alpha to swallow hard.
“No, uhm, I...I’m moving back home...permanently.”
Iwaizumi’s head and attention snaps up from his task of absentmindedly tearing at his bottle’s label. He’s sure the other two have said something, but he doesn’t pay attention to what they say, his question slipping out from between his lips before he can really give it much thought. “Why?”
Medical leave for Omega stuff? So it isn’t his knee or another injury?
Once again, more questions than answers start to swirl around his mind, what exactly was Omega stuff? His next thought however knocks the wind out of him, has him suddenly panicking, struggling to keep his pheromones at bay which gains him a few looks from surrounding patrons.
Is he…male Omegas can get….is that why his pheromones seem different?
The Alpha doesn’t have long to spiral into his own thoughts, eyes widening as Oikawa’s neck comes into view as he slowly unravels the scarf from around it. Iwa’s mouth dries, heart starts to pound hard against his ribcage while his stomach twists up into knots.
“Holy…” Mattsun starts as Makki finishes, “...fuck.”
Marked. He’s marked.
Iwaizumi knew that could be something that happened between Oikawa and some other Alpha, he has always known that. That some Alpha, far better than him, would come along and capture Oikawa’s attention, in all the ways that he never could. It’s not like he thought the Omega was just pinning away for him and it’s not like he just sat around single and waiting around for him either. However, that thought didn’t help the hurt that starts to burrow into the middle of his chest, doesn’t remove the stinging sensation he feels every time he tries to swallow, or keep his eyes from all but gawking at the mark.
“Would you like to order?” A voice breaks through the tense and awkwardness that’s fallen over the table, Iwaizumi silently thanking whatever deity sent the waiter at that moment.
An appetizer platter, two beers, one Umeshu and a green tea are brought to a silent table, no one really knowing what to say or how to even try to start a conversation of any kind. What feels like ten minutes passes before the weight of the silence becomes too unbearable for Iwaizumi, who slides out of the booth.
He runs his fingers through his hair, struggling to keep his pheromones, laced with irritation and remorse, from flaring out, trying to think of something to say. By the looks on everyone’s face, no one really seems all that surprised at his actions, though the heartbroken look on Hanamaki’s face speaks for itself. Iwaizumi feels like an idiot, all week he’s worked himself up, thought up hundreds of questions and reasons for why Oikawa was home, all for naught, frankly it wasn’t his place to do so anymore. He’s slapped across the face again by the fact that he may be an Alpha, but he’s not Oikawa’s, never would be because marking tends to be pretty permanent and that causes his knees to buckle.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night.” He takes out his wallet, laying a few bills on the table, “it’s a long trip to Tokyo.”
“I thought you were staying with your parents?” Matsukawa looks a bit confused, positive that the Alpha mentioned staying in town for the night when they last spoke several days ago.
“I was, but there’s a new hire so I was assigned some extra..uh…paperwork.” Iwaizumi never really got the point of lying. To him, it’s far easier to tell the truth than to remember a web of lies one has to make to keep one up. Though he supposes if him not telling Oikawa his feelings is a lie of some sort, then it could count as a lifetime of lies.
He hates the way his stomach sinks, hates knowing that Matsukawa already knows he’s lying, but he can’t just sit here and what? Listen to Oikawa talk about whoever’s mark that was? Hear about the Alpha that’s better than him and could actually own up to their feelings? And he has no reason to be mad at anyone other than himself, he’s the one who never bothered to confess, never gave a voice to the way he felt and Oikawa is certainly not a mind reader.
“Let us know when you get home, okay?” Matsukawa tells Iwa before the Alpha throws up a hand as a goodbye and makes his way out of the bar.
** After everyone eats a bit from the appetizer platter, seats are moved around so Makki is sitting next to Mattsun with Oikawa across from them. Oikawa looks down at the table, the small part of him that felt relaxed when being around Iwa’s pheromones is now full of nothing but anxiety as he starts to wring his hands together again.
He hears the pain in Makki’s tone, sees the way he’s leaning against Mattsun for support, picking up on the Beta’s soft orange scented pheromones. “When did it happen?”
“‘Hiro, maybe…”
“No, I want to know!” Hanamaki pulls out his phone, scrolls repeatedly for a while until he loudly drops it onto the table, “cause we’ve spoken almost every day and I can’t find you mentioning it.“
Oikawa understands his friend’s disappointment and gets why his words are so harsh, but it still hurts. He knows it’s all his fault for continuously letting the important people in his life down, he’s the whole reason those around him were suffering and it’s all because he screwed up. He knows it’s impossible to be perfect, that one shouldn’t put that amount of pressure on themselves, but up until that Alpha came into his life, he felt things were as perfect as they could be. He really is pathetic.
“It uhm…back in February.”
Makki starts mumbling some math equation before looking back up at Oikawa, nothing but heartbreak in his eyes, “that’s like 40 weeks. Was I not important enough to know?”
“Mak…” Oikawa starts to reach out to him across the table, but the pink haired Beta slips out of the booth, shaking his head as he mutters to Mattsun that he’s going outside for a bit. Matsukawa is certain that his partner is walking around outside, tempted to go to the smoking area. It’s been a handful of years since Makki stopped smoking, but whenever he gets really upset Mattsun’s learned he will either stand near a smoking section or go buy a pack of cigarettes that he won’t open.
“It doesn’t look like it, but he’s not mad at you.” Mattsun sips his beer, “I promise.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” Oikawa mutters, his green tea suddenly seems less appealing than it had earlier. If he thought back to the various reactions he’s received over the mark, Makki’s is a lot better than others had been. Santiago had been ready to rip that Alpha’s head off, his father had dropped his glass causing the shards to shatter in the kitchen and Iwaizumi, well he just left…all over again.
A long five minutes tick by before either of them see pink-hair slowly making its way back to their booth. This time however he sits down next to Oikawa, pulling the Omega into an unexpected hug, hoping the gesture comforts the brunette. He tells him that he’s sorry for storming off, for making things about him, and he has no excuse for his behavior. He shushes Oikawa when he tries to talk, telling the setter that if it was a shock to him, he couldn’t imagine what it’s been like for him, apologizing for not being someone he could open up to.
“I…I was going to slowly bring up the topic. Just drop the subject to get a general consensus on the topic before I fucked everything up…again.”
It’s clear that there’s more there, neither Beta understanding why Oikawa was beating himself up over a simple act of taking off his scarf, to them it was a normal task when inside a warm building. They watch him start to chew on his bottom lip, tears lining his eyes, a very fragile and broken version of the confident and collected Oikawa they were used to.
** Somewhere between Miyagi and Tokyo
Iwaizumi leans his head back against the headrest, tightly squeezing his eyes shut, his head pounding. Forcing a deep breath out through his nose, he tries to calm down, to digest what just happened at the bar, but it’s too difficult.
He’s angry.
He's livid.
He’s heartbroken.
For a split second, part of him wishes that it had been Oikawa’s knee that brought him back to Japan, but that thought just makes him feel worse. An injury would take volleyball away from the Omega which would destroy him, but marking…well, people continued on with their lives relatively unmaimed afterwards.
Who's the Alpha? Are they moving to Japan too? Or just Oikawa? Why wouldn’t the Alpha come too? Is he coming later?
Iwaizumi sits straight up in his seat, somehow the more he tries to figure out everything, the worse his headache gets. He regrets his decision to run back to Tokyo, partially because it’d been a while since he’s seen his family, but also because he said he was done being a coward. The only thing somewhat calming the Alpha irritation is that he’ll be back in Miyagi on the 24th to celebrate with his parents and that’d give him another chance to see the Omega.
** Miyagi, Japan
Hanamaki pays no attention to where his shoes land after he kicks them off nor does he bother to turn any of the lights on as he stalks off down the hallway. Matsukawa lets out a deep breath through his nose, leaning down to straighten up the slip-on shoes that are haphardlessly lying next to the shoe rack as he places his Chelsea boots next to them. He’s at a loss for what to say, what to do, deciding to use the next twenty minutes to figure it out when he hears the shower turn on.
Makki lets the water relax his tense shoulders, the bathroom is completely full of steam from the heat of the water, knowing Matsukawa would nag if he walked in. He feels drained, similar to how one feels after taking an exam they’ve spent days stressing over. As he lightly rakes his nails through his hair, lathering the aloe scented shampoo, he wishes Mattsun had followed him, even in the hot shower, the raven-haired Beta’s natural warmth is missed and Makki craves it right now.
He swipes his hand across the steamed up mirror, which doesn’t do much, he can only see a blurry reflection. Tears start to fall down his cheeks, lip quivering as he tries to calm himself, hating the ugly feeling that’s growing in his chest. Makki is hurt, he’s upset, feeling like all these years he’s viewed Oikawa as a best friend, a confidant, only to get the impression that it’s been one-sided.
Matsukawa’s sitting on the edge of the bed, glancing up when the bathroom door opens, Makki steps out in one of Mattsun’s gray t-shirts. Neither says anything, Mattsun just watches as Makki walks around the room, letting the steam from the bathroom dissipate before the loud hum of the hair dryer fills the room. He knows that Mattsun’s going to want to talk to him, to figure out why he didn't say anything after dropping Oikawa off at his parents, and how he just stormed through their apartment, but he doesn’t want to. That’s why even though his hair has long been dry, he keeps the dryer on, trying to avoid the inevitable.
“‘Hiro…” Matsukawa calls out when he sees his partner finally leave the bathroom, walking over towards him. He watches as Makki climbs on top of his lap, straddling his legs on either side before his shoulders drop and he buries his face into the crook of Mattsun’s neck.
Hanamaki mumbles something against Matsukawa’s bare skin, sniffles escape him as he leans back, looking at Mattsun with teary eyes and a sad smile. A warm hand reaches up, cupping his cheek as his thumb brushes away the falling tears and Mattsun’s other hand rests on Makki’s lower back. He hates seeing his partner like this, it reminds him too much of how he was before they were officially together and all he could do was try to keep his mind off things while Makki was with him.
“I don’t like feeling this way, Issei.” His bottom lip trembles, fresh tears falling down his cheeks, “but why couldn’t he tell me? Am I that untrustworthy? I know I joke around a lot, but I know when to be serious.”
“I don’t think it had anything to do with you, babe.” Mattsun brushes back pink locks from Makki’s face, his heart breaks a little when red-lined golden brown eyes look into his. “Want to hear what I think?”
Makki sniffles as he nods, placing his face back into his neck, wrapping his arms tighter around Mattsun’s broad shoulders, taking in his warmth. In all honesty, Matsukawa could start quoting his favorite movie and it would comfort him because there’s something about his voice that effortlessly eases Makki. A faint smile crosses his lips as he feels a warm hand rubbing circles on his upper back, another hand still firmly placed on his lower back, holding Hanamaki tighter to his chest.
“I think you are very trustworthy and that Oikawa knows that too. To me, it seems there’s a lot more to it than that.”
“What do you mean?” Makki nuzzles his nose against his shoulder.
“One of my coworkers is a bonded Omega and she acts completely different than Oikawa was tonight. He was a lot more anxious than I’ve ever seen him being, almost like he was scared.”
“Maybe it was because his Alpha wasn’t there. I’ve heard that Omegas tend to be more sensitive the first year they’re marked when their mate isn’t around them. Plus, it’s safe to say his Alpha is still in Argentina, right?” Hanamaki sits up, tilting his head to the side as he takes in the worried expression on his partner’s face.
“Maybe.” He presses a kiss to the tip of Makki’s nose, smiling softly when a light blush covers the tops of his cheeks. “I think Oikawa is dealing with more than he’s ready to talk about, but I’m certain when he’s ready to talk about it, he’ll know you are there for him.”
** “What are you doing out here?” Matsukawa squints at the clock on the living room wall: 2:38AM, curious as to why his boyfriend is awake so early.
Makki is curled up on the couch, TV too low to really be heard, “I didn’t want to wake you up since I couldn’t fall back asleep.”
Matsukawa flops down on the couch next to him, patting his lap which Makki instantly lays his head on, grinning when he feels fingers raking through his pink hair. “What’s on your mind?”
“Just a few things, but mostly who the Alpha is.” He looks when Mattsun doesn’t immediately say anything, “he didn’t say, but there’s only so many that he was around.”
“We can both agree if it was Santiago, he’d be here with him.”
“Then that leaves…him.” Makki refuses to hide his disgust, going as far to not even say his name as if it was a curse. “If so, the only thing we can do is be supportive for Oikawa’s sake. He didn’t look too good tonight, but that could’ve been nerves.” Mattsun doesn’t mention the pills he saw the Omega taking when he assumed neither Beta was paying attention, clearly Makki didn’t notice or he’d have brought it up by now.
“What about Iwa? Think he’ll be okay?” Matsukawa lets out a curious hum, that was a question he had been wondering himself since Iwa abruptly left the bar earlier. “I think that he’s going to need our support too. I can’t imagine what he’s going through or how he feels.”
“Like the air’s been knocked out of his lungs and the ground is crumbling underneath him.” Hanamaki mumbles, hating the old memories that are threatening to surface, to overwhelm him with the awful feelings he felt years ago. He’s not that Beta that wishes to be an Omega, to feel pheromones, or get marked by an Alpha anymore. Part of him knows that Issei knows that too, but then another part of him hates thinking that his past can still hurt his partner.
“Then it’ll be important that he knows he has us, right?” Issei grabs Takahiro’s hand, running his thumb across the silver band on his left ring finger, not needing to say anything more. Makki knows how to read between his boyfriend’s words, how to pick up on the words he says through his small gestures and that comforts the Beta more than anything else ever could.
*                      * Tokyo, Japan –  December 5, 2021, Sunday
Iwaizumi is awake, but he doesn’t want to be. He feels hungover, despite only having had a beer and a half, wondering if this was an emotional hangover. Last night’s news really had taken a toll on the Alpha, a tidal wave of emotions crashed into him, leaving him gasping for air as he frantically tried to get his head out of the water.
His head is still pounding when he finally lifts it off his pillow, mentally coaching himself to finally crawl out of bed. The flooring is cold on the bottom of his feet as he pads his way towards the kitchen, mindlessly grabbing a mug from the cabinet as his hip rests against the side of the counter. A reminder notification lights up his phone, dragging his attention from the mental play by play that he’s been having.
Sipping his coffee, he leans forward on the island counter as he scrolls through the messages he got after getting home. Most of them are from Matsukawa, asking if he’s okay and if he got home alright, the rest are a mix from his work group chat. There’s one from Colin, telling him about how excited Utsui had been about Ushijima spending his winter holiday break in California with him and just making sure Iwaizumi is doing okay.
He snorts at the message, finishing off his coffee before his mind wanders back to the Olympics, remembering the dark-haired Alpha that was with Oikawa when he had tried to talk to him. Iwaizumi scrunches his eyebrows together, tapping on his phone’s screen until he’s pulled up Oikawa’s Olympic team roster.
This is dumb, Hajime. Honestly, what are you doing?
Iwaizumi can’t, for the life of him, recall what name he saw on the back of that Alpha’s jersey, all he really had to go off was that he could remember it had a single digit number on it. There’s slight hesitation in the way his thumb lingers just above the screen, unsure of if it’s worth it. Does he honestly need to know? What would it change? Would knowing help him feel better? Probably not.
Santiago Pellegrini. Number 9. 6’2 (187.96cm). 175lb (79.3kg). Libero.
“Pellegrini. Yeah, no way I’d have remembered that.” Iwaizumi mutters, staring at the generic roster picture; the Alpha’s brownish black hair and tanned skin pops against the basic white background he’s standing in front of. He zooms in the best that he can on his phone, trying to get a better look and of course, he’s attractive. Iwaizumi doesn’t really look at other Alphas in that way, but it’s not unheard of for Alphas to all be good-looking and begrudgingly, he gives credit where credit is due.
It’s not lost on him why Oikawa would pick Santiago. Other than his conventional looks, the Alpha seems to be pretty successful, being on a professional team and all. There’s also Iwaizumi’s knowledge that Oikawa isn’t superficial enough to only go for looks and money, so there has to be something great about him. That thought alone didn’t help Iwa at all, forcing the Alpha to wonder if 11AM on a Sunday was too early to start drinking.
His phone vibrates, email notification from some website he can’t remember giving his email to and really needs to unsubscribe to. After getting rid of the notification, he catches a glimpse of a social media app he really never uses. It had gotten big between his last year of junior high and first year of high school, Oikawa had been the one to pressure him into making an account. Iwa never really got the point of just posting an array of pictures with overly thought out captions, but the picture taking lover Oikawa did.
Does he even still use it? He’s probably too busy to post, but checking couldn’t hurt, right?
He shoves all reason from his mind, quickly typing in Oikawa’s name only to find several accounts ranging from simple fan accounts to obviously fake accounts, then he comes across his official one that’s mostly just promotional posts like many pro athletes have. Iwaizumi decides to go to his followers, hoping to find his old account and thankfully he does.
Prettiestsetter_94. Such an idiot.
Much to his surprise, it seems the Omega still uses the account and based on the nature of the pictures, it’s probably his private personal account. He had learned lots of athletes tend to have them, having heard Hinata and Atsumu talk about it during the Olympics. His most recent picture is from a few days ago, an image of some photo album with the caption: “We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone - Katie Thurmes”.
His eyes scan through the rows before seeing one of Oikawa with three other people, he recognizes their faces having seen them just minutes ago while he was looking through the team roster. He scrolls through the pictures, the posts had four pictures in total and he stops at the last one. It’s just Oikawa and Santiago, mentally he acknowledges that they do make a nice looking couple, but then he carefully zooms into the picture, not wanting to accidentally like it, noticing the expression on Santiago’s face. It’s a look Iwaizumi knows well, one he knows he’s made himself, the kind of look made when looking at the person you love the most, the one who doesn’t love you in that way back. The caption read: “It’s the friends you can call at 4AM that matter'' and he wonders if Santiago ever hated the word friend just as much as he had back in high school.
*                      * Miyagi, Japan – December 24, 2021
Oikawa feels uncomfortable, like when clothes don’t feel like they sit right on your shoulders or when the fabric is suddenly itchy. There’s really nothing to talk about, his mark is the ever present elephant in the room even though he’s worn a turtleneck to cover it. His mom had called and told Emiko, with his permission, to prepare her in hopes that their first Christmas together in years would be as smooth sailing as possible.
“Are we really not going to talk about it?” Emiko’s words fill the room like a brisk cold wind. Daisuke’s chair loudly scoots across the floor as he pushes away from the table, taking his empty glass to fill it with more whiskey. He's been drinking a bit more lately.
“Emiko…” Miyeko sighs softly, tilting her head as she looks at her daughter.
“Mom, this is important.” When it comes to the Omega, Emiko has always been a tad overly protective of him, going as far as always being right by his side. That was until she left for Osaka right after her graduation, coming back almost a year later with Takeru. She used to adore how Takeru looked up to him, though he guesses he’s not really much of a role model now, especially since his nephew presented as an Alpha and Oikawa didn’t do much to be admired these days.
Oikawa tugs at the turtleneck, the room feels increasingly hot and a lot smaller than it had been that morning. He gives Takeru a reassuring nod when his nephew looks at him with concern as he quickly tries to get up from the table, excusing himself and walking outside. He walks over to the bench swing his father added to the backyard, pushing back before letting his feet slide off the ground as he swings forward, pulling his legs backwards as he goes back. The creaking of the chains fills the silence around him, trying to brace himself for the storm that is Emiko.
He’s almost certain that his mother left out the key detail that makes his mark so much different than their parents’, knowing that she would completely lose her cool when she found out. He knows that she knows how serious bonding is, it had been a hot topic when her now Alpha husband came into the picture since she’s a Beta. A headache is already starting to form when that fresh but earthy scent fills his senses, body relaxing for the first time all day and he turns to the neighboring yard.
The muddied honey fragrance captures Iwaizumi’s attention, causing him to freeze in place when his eyes find Oikawa’s. The Omega is wrapped in a sweater that’s nearly two sizes too big and Iwa takes a moment to actually look at him this time. Looking paler and smaller than the Alpha’s ever seen him look before, his stomach churns wondering how he could’ve missed any of that just a few weeks ago. There’s something about the way Oikawa looks at Iwaizumi that makes them both feel like they are the only ones in the world. Iwa cautiously waves, seeing a small but sincere smile spread across Oikawa’s lips before he tries to hide it.
Now or never, Hajime. I got this. Iwaizumi shakes off the last bit of caution as he starts walking towards the fence that divides their backyards. A bit of excitement starts to bubble in his chest when he notices Oikawa has pushed himself off the swing, making his way towards him. They both stop dead in their tracks when Emiko’s voice rips through the air, irritation coating her words.
“Where is that Alpha bastard!?!”
“Emiko, let’s talk inside.”
“No, no more putting it off. We need to talk about this now.”
“Emi…” Oikawa starts feeling lightheaded, Betas might not feel pheromones, but he can certainly feel the anger in his sister’s and the worry in the thick pheromones coming from Iwaizumi. He lets out a breath, trying to alleviate the nauseous feeling forming in his stomach.
“And you!” Her head snaps towards Iwaizumi, “You promised you’d protect him and this is what happened!”
“I –”
“Did you know?”
Oikawa starts digging through his pockets, trembling fingers trying to open the Synfranil, accidentally dropping it in his panicked state. He frantically drops to his knees, searching for the pill, feeling Iwa’s pheromones even more. He didn’t need to look up to know how concerned his expression must look.
“Did you know?” Emiko repeats, this time more aggressively as Oikawa grabs her arm, pleading for her to stop.
“Know what?” Iwaizumi swallows thickly, eyes focused on the trembling Omega. He’s never seen Emiko this upset or Oikawa so shaken as he pulled out another pill packet, trying to take whatever it was.
“That his bond is incomplete.”
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yoificfinder · 4 years
Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these asks, I've been reading through your fic recs and they're keeping me sane while staying home :') Do you have any recs for heroes/villains aus? Or superpowers in general?
I Need a Hero series by @miss-terra-incognita [G, 30K]
Anybody can get superpowers. All it takes is a magic spell or an alien abduction or a pit of radioactive waste. The hero part, that's harder.
i'll be your sinner in secret (i'll be your hero and win it) by seventhstar / @pencilwalla [E, 30K] *WIP
In which Yuuri, aka supervillain Eros, would like to date Viktor, the hot, dog-loving man of his dreams. But instead, he keeps just accidentally buying (and stealing) Viktor expensive things and then having to run away.
Magical Bois AU series by @lucycamui and @crimson-chains  [E, 72K]
Yuuri Katsuki is a regular university student by day… And also by day, he’s a magical boy known as Eros who serves the city of Ariaville while lamenting the fact that magical boy laws dictate that his transformation outfits keep on getting skimpier.
A life balancing studies, crime-fighting, and the occasional kitten rescue is all fine and dandy until a new adversary who calls himself Vicious Victor shows up in town. What happens when Vicious turns out to be less of a supervillian and more of a superfanboy, one who has just moved in directly next door to Yuuri?
sillage by La_Temperanza / @teekettle [T, 19K] *WIP
Out of all the things Yuuri expects to find out in his garden during the middle of the night, a vigilante superhero is definitely not one of them.
(Especially one who then proceeds to leave gifts on his doorstep and looks kind of like his handsome next-door neighbor.)
The Unknown Unknown by @opalish [T, 7K]
Yuuri never meant to become a supervillain. These things just happen to him.
Victor "Milkman" Nikiforov: the man, the meme, the legend series by bosbie / @giftwrappingpaper [T, 13K]
in which victor becomes a meme and subsequently tries to ignore it.
unfortunately, literally no one else in the entire world + russia does the same.
yuuri!!! on fire (the superhero au) series by @hinatella [T, 124K]
A detailed exposé of what working with an ex-villain is like, as told by a very distraught Yuuri Katsuki. (P.S.: it isn’t the fact that he’s an ex-villain that Yuuri is close to losing his mind
You're welcome, nonnie! Stay safe, sane, and healthy! As always, other recs are welcome! :)
ETA - Other people's rec:
Dear Mr. Nemesis by @nekoclair
Hero Reform by emarvel
The Heroes of our Time by @sophialala1
to sweep me off my feet by ADreamingSongbird
Thanks for the rec, sophia, @sgtfarnese, anon, and @usagichip! ❤
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jfmesq · 6 years
Crack fics list
I have known that my wonderful new friend @n3rdlif343va is going through some hard times, and needs to smile ASAP!
That’s why I made a crack fics list, and I’m fully dedicating it to her!
First Night, by @saltycaramel1394.
An ancient law, made in a fit of jealousy by a tyrannous Keiser centuries ago, decrees as follows: in the case of a wedding taking place in his jurisdiction, the Ruler of the Land may take the newlywed to his own bed on the first night of their marriage, with no repercussions, if he so pleases.
Katsuki Yuuri is getting married today.
Don’t fool yourself thinking this is a drama fic. Take it and laugh out loud until the end with Yuuri’s despair!
So is spaghetti until it’s wet, by seventhstar
A dialogue-only fic with various skaters and people wondering if Yuuri is really gay.
Do I have to say more?
Clean up on ailse five, by @alipiee
Victor keeps creating excuses to keep coming back at the supermarket near the ice rink and see the cutest boy he’s ever met in his life.
Victor as extra as you can imagine, and the excuses he makes to call for Yuuri on the market... you have to read it! XD
Of kittens and trees, by vibidi
During a visit to the Hasetsu Botanical Gardens, Yuri Plisetsky gets stuck in a tree.
Featuring Yuurio’s sailor mouth, the two dorks in love, and Otabek “good at everything” Altin!
Career Day, by @yoyoplisetsky
Viktor Nikiforov accompanies his daughter Maria to her pre-school career day where he meets a girl who claims to want to be a figure skater. And her cute dad. He flirts, he gets a date. It doesn't actually go that smoothly, though.
Yuuri’s and Victor’s daughters made me laugh so much! but still... I don’t want to have a child to embarass me like children do...
Où sont les fesses d’antan? by sath
Christophe Giacometti's ass speaks.
Yes, exactly! And it is very upset with Yuuri taking all the spotlights to himself!
I can’t feel my face when I’m with you, by @bullsfish
Yuuri is the man of his dreams. Nice, funny, handsome and oh, so sexy. He is perfect. Except for one thing. He is a dentist. Victor is scared to death by dentists.
The surgery on the end though... hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Sillage, by La_Temperanza
Out of all the things Yuuri expects to find out in his garden during the middle of the night, a vigilante superhero is definitely not one of them.
Put together an extra dog-lover superhero, an adorable plant-psychotic guy and two fluffy poodles, and you have one of the most hilarious fics ever!
Twitter War, by @kasumi-chou
Victor wakes up one morning to find that he lovely, beautiful fiancé, Yuuri Katsuki, had gone on a twitter rant the night before. A twitter rant about how wonderful he was. God, he was head-over-heels for this man.
In which the skaters engage on the most funny and ridiculous discussions you’ll ever hear about! PS: 65 small chapters! ; )
Wanted: skating lessons, by @forovnix
Yuuri answers an ad he sees on Ice Castle's community board, asking for skating lessons so that he can learn how to skate before Saturday, when he will have to perform to Stammi Vicino on his parents’ wedding anniversary.
Just so that you have an idea: Victor is a marble bust seller in this fic, and doesn’t give a damn about ice skating. XD
Be my coach, Yuuri! series, by Koane (volleyball_crow)
Short one-shots centered about Yuuri being mortified Yuuri and Viktor picking up students like they’re stray kittens, Viktor being his Too Extra(TM) self, and Yuuri regretting everything.
I never read this one, but c’mon! It must be just fantastically funny!
The early, awkward years, by @nomanono
Victor Nikiforov wasn't always smooth and suave. His singular focus on skating created a pronounced inability to people, and Chris winds up bearing the brunt of his sexual incompetence.
A Nikifometti cracking fic! I didn’t read this one either, but Fairy laughed out loud with this one (the only time she did it, she said o.0). She was the one who recced when I asked XD
From now on, only recs Fairy made before on the blog (but this above is the most funny one!) and I unfortunately haven’t read yet!
For your eyes only, by opalish
Yuuri once told Victor that Phichit was the only foreign skater he considered a friend. Yuuri lied. He's been Seung-gil's dirty little secret for well over a year.
I read the first paragraphs, and was already giggling.
Master Plans, by Qwertzu
Who wouldn't want to date Yuuri and/or Viktor? Nobody is immune to their charm - including random strangers, who unfortunately have no idea the two are happily married and totally smitten with each other...
Honestly! I laughed out loud only by reading the fics’ summaries! XD
Five times Chris’s dating advice was were ignored by russian skaters, by liliths
Christophe Giacometti. Twenty-five. Cat lover, chocolate eater. Professional Swiss figure skater and confirmed Grand Prix finalist. Running an unofficial dating advice ring for Russian skaters who don't listen to him to begin with. How did his life come to this? Chris-centric, in which he is done with literally everyone. Except the dog.
I already loved this one just because it has a beloved and smart Makkachin!
Done! I hope you smile a lot N3rd! Like... the whole night laughing and waking up the neighbors!!! XD
~Your new friend : *
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jj-ktae · 6 years
Fragrances - Final -
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Title : Fragrances
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Romance
Pairing : Jaebum x Reader
Summary : You are a perfume composer, he is a lyricist, and while you’re left with too many possibilities, he is out of inspiration. Your only bond is an unknown fragrance. Second part of the Fragrances series.
Warning : Mentions of suicide. Don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with the subject please <3
- Teaser - Wisteria - Metallic - Sillage - Accord - Finale - 
“Weren’t you supposed to come back in two days?” Jaebum’s mother look surprised as she sees him enter their house’s huge living-room. “Youngjae had schedules so we came back earlier than expected.” He bents down to kiss his mother’s cheek.
She simply laughs, getting up, “Did you eat? I believe the cook is still around.” She puts her book on the table and walks toward the kitchen, her steps light and face full of joy.
“Nah, I’ll be heading out soon. I have a lot to do.” Jaebum answers, entering the big kitchen.
“You came back already.” They both stop at the sudden deep voice, turning around to meet Jaebum’s father.
His hands are full of folders. “What are you doing?” the woman asks, shocked to see him home.
“I had to get some papers.” He lifts his arms and nods towards Jaebum, “What are you doing here?”
Jaebum stops dead in his tracks. “Father. I... wanted to pay a visit.” He had countless phone calls with his mother while he was away, but his father would never speak to him. His mother would always tell him he wasn’t mad about the whole situation but just busy and Jaebum never believed it.
“Oh.” The man nods, and when he smiles at his son, none of them want to believe this is actually happening.
“I Have to go but I’ll be back for dinner, you could join us.” He proposes, not daring enough to meet his son and wife’s eyes.
Jaebum blinks. Is this reality? “Hm. Yes. Okay.”
“Good, I’ll see you tonight.” He turns around so fast the files almost fall.
“Did you drug him?” Jaebum breathes and his mother simply bursts out laughing.
“I told you he wasn’t mad at you!” She taps his shoulder, her laugh echoing in the kitchen and Jaebum doesn’t understand why he is so happy, suddenly.
Sleep is important. Jaebum loves sleeping. Your bed is the warmest place ever. He could stay in it for days.
But the alarm clock doesn’t agree with him.
Bambam is supposed to come in thirty minutes, but you don’t feel like going out of bed. You barely slept and your body is too numb to even budge.
On top of that, the body next to you is way too snuggled against yours to leave room for any type of movements.
You grunt when it goes off again and the arm around your waist tightens.
“Turn it off.” You breathe, head already dipping into your pillow to get more sleep.
A kiss lends on your nape, “You have to get up.”
It’s always surprising. You’ve been sleeping alone all your life but recently, you have to deal with someone snuggling close to you.
Not that you mind, though.
“Let me sleep, Jaebum.” You warn, but he doesn’t care about your threating voice and kisses your neck next, snorting against your skin.
“Bambam doesn’t want to see us naked in bed. We’ll traumatize him.” He jokes, sticking his body even more and sighing. “Get up.”
You wine and turn around, eyes still closed and mouth half opened. “Why are you so cruel...?”
Jaebum doesn’t answer and sighs instead, his legs wrapping deliciously against yours and bringing your closer. His hand goes to your hair, cleaning your face off the messy locks. He doesn’t know if he will ever get used to you being so stunning every morning. “Babe...” he simply says, not even able to stop himself from pecking your lips numerous time. “I promise we’ll get plenty of sleep tomorrow.”
You grunt and open your eyes, your lips softly inching upward to reveal one of the most beautiful sleepy smile Jaebum has ever seen. “No alarm?” You ask and he nods, mesmerized by your hazy state.
“Anything you want.” He confirms, which makes you laugh.
“You’re too in love.” Jaebum is an interesting boyfriend. From the moment you started dating, he was nothing but perfect. You thought it would be hard at first, considering his condition, but he never showed it to you and always did his best to heal. He never complained, always did his best to please you, bought you presents, took you places, cooked, baked, cleaned, massaged, laughed for you.
“You deserve even more.” You literally melt at his words. Jaebum is a poet, a romantic guy with enough calmness to make you see things on a whole new point of view.
He has a soothing capacity you never thought he would have.
“I love you.” You tell him out of nowhere and he suddenly looks like a puppy you gave a treat to. “Stop, we don’t have enough time for me to do all the things I’d like to do to you.” He whispers, kissing you until you end up on top of him.
Everything is warm with Jaebum, and most importantly; he left his odour everywhere in your flat. It’s pure bliss.
“And what are those things you’d like to do?” Your innocent voice makes him contract every muscle with delicious pain. “Maybe you could show me...?”
Jaebum’s hands immediately go to your legs, spreading them so you can finally straddle him. “Don’t you love teasing me...” his face approach yours and a second later, he’s kissing you with full force, his breath itching against your skin and his tongue caressing yours agonizingly slow.
You love when he becomes fierce.
You both make out for so long that you don’t even notice someone knocking on the door.
But Jaebum hears it and releases your lips with a soft noise. “Time’s up.” He mumbles, pecking you one last time, “Your crazy assistant is here.”
You let your head fall on his chest while he softly scratches your back. “Ignore him, he’ll go away.”
Jaebum laughs, turning around to let you lend on the bed. “He won’t.”
“I couldn’t sleep. I’m going crazy!” Bambam walks around the kitchen, his cup of coffee shaking with every movement of his hands.
“You’ll do fine! Your perfume is great.” He did great, he really did. Bambam has always been a bit too wild, but his skilled were solid. Now that he had the opportunity to finally become a good perfumer and unleash his talent, he was freaking out.
“Yes but if I become an official perfume maker and get a contract for another company, who’s going to bear with me? I love being your assistant, boss.” He stops and pouts, one of his hand resting on his hip.
Jaebum comes back from behind the counter with food and kisses your temple. “Eat and stop worrying. You guys can still be friends and it’s a good opportunity for you. Stop freaking out.”
Bambam simply nods but starts going crazy as soon as Jaebum sits next to you. “What if they say it smells like shit. Maybe it does!”
You laugh. “It won’t happen!” You scoff before stealing food from Jaebum’s plate, “I’ll go with you anyways. Come and sit down, Bam.” The latter only moans. “Okay. Okay.”
“When will you be done?” Jaebum asks you when Bambam decides he talked enough. “We have to be at my parent’s house at 8 tonight.”
You stop moving. “It was today? Two days ago, you said-”
“Two days ago, on a fine Tuesday morning, I said ‘My parents invited us for dinner this Thursday’ and you agreed.” Jaebum answers, tapping his fingers against the table.
“Shit, Thursday is today.” You breathe, looking at Bambam who can do nothing but shrug.
“We can still celebrate tomorrow. Let me tell Jackson.” Bambam tries, already grabbing his phone.
“You were supposed to eat with them?” You know this tone. You know Jaebum. He isn’t fond of the idea that you are still friends with Jackson, even if he doesn’t want to show it.
You slap Bambam’s arm, “Look at him being jealous.” And you both start laughing.
“Forget it, my parents don’t want to see you anyways.” Jaebum answers, already getting up to leave the kitchen while you both giggle at his cute annoyance.
“But baaaabe, I was just kidding!” Being cute is your only way out.
“Jaebummie! Come celebrate with us!” Bambam screams from the kitchen and Jaebum doesn’t know why he is even putting up with such weird people in his life.
“I’m freaking out. I’m totally freaking out.” You’re not ready for that. From what Jaebum told you, his parents are not the usual parents and you highly doubt this is the best idea he ever had.
You’re both in front of the door. Jaebum’s parents insisted on meeting you and there you are, both not ready for what is going to happen.
“They won’t hate you.” Jaebum puts a hand on your shoulder, rubbing it sweetly. “You’re awesome!”
“It’s not about me being awesome. I’m just... not the type of well-brought girl they might want in the family.” You know about how hard it has been for Jaebum to deal with them. They are filthy rich; they expect the best for their son and you only have your stupid nose and perfumes.
“They might want what? Do you really think my parents are going to disapprove of us?” Jaebum laughs because you apparently know nothing about them.
“This is not funny!” He is too chilled; you hate it when Jaebum looks like nothing is happening while you’re losing your damn mind.
“My parents gave up a long time ago. They’re certainly not going to command my love life; they know that’s not going to work on me.” Jaebum rings the doorbell, “They’ll love you babe, I swear!”
You nod but still make a face, which totally disappears when Jaebum’s mother opens the door, her face lighting up as soon as she sees you.
“Right on time! Come on in!” She takes your vests and it surprises the both of you.
Didn’t Jaebum said they had a ton of staff in their huge house?
She seems to feel your astonishment. “We thought it’d be more cosy with just the four of us. I even did the cooking!” she sounds so genuinely proud of herself, and you feel Jaebum relaxing next to you.
“Are you okay?” You ask him when the classy lady leads the way to the living-room.
“I’m just...surprised.” he breathes, clenching your hand tighter.
He never thought they could do this just for his sake.
“How can you be so depressed when we offered you everything!” Jaebum’s father is furious.
“I don’t care about that! Can’t you see I just need a normal family! Is it that much to ask? I want you to act like real supportive parents instead of trying to inject your money everywhere in hope it’d make me feel good with my damn useless life!” Jaebum doesn’t know why they came all the way to him just to yell. He escaped because he needed peace, because he wanted to face them when he’ll be ready but luck seems to be a stranger to him.
“Why are you so ungrateful?” His father’s words are like venom to him.
Jaebum knows he will never win. “It’s not about that! You know what, forget it. You’ll never understand so just disown me now if it makes you happy. If you want to act like you never had a son I’m okay with it too. Do as you please.” Jaebum had enough of the fighting. It’s a lost case.
He doesn’t want to cry in front of his father, but he does nonetheless.
His mother is quick to react, jolting up from her spot on the sofa where she had been crying ever since they arrived.
“No sweetheart. Don’t cry.” She is close to cry again, but calms herself, gathering the strength to try to save the situation. “Can we stop yelling at each other? Can’t we listen to what everyone has to say instead of yelling?”
Her husband rolls his eyes, a hand going to his hair as a sign of his frustration.
“Jaebum, sweetie. What is it that you want from us?” She uses her most caring voice because she doesn’t want her son to be that way. She also had enough of the endless fights and arguments. She wants her son happy as much as she wants a real family life.
“I just want you to tell me I’m doing well. All I want is for you to stop planning my life based on what you want me to do. I want you to care about me, to support me and life choices. I want you to act like every parent should act.” Jaebum doesn’t know why he pours his heart like that. Maybe because he knows he is about to do something terrible and has nothing to lose anymore.
“Yes, okay. We will. We will support you, don’t do...this.” She doesn’t want to say it because it hurts, and when she turns to her husband, her eyes are nothing but dark. “We’ll care about you just like you want us to, right?”
Jaebum’s father doesn’t answer but when his son raises his head and he is greeted by his miserable state, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he should stop giving a hard time to his shattered son.
Jaebum doesn’t recognize his father in the living-room. He is wearing a plain black polo shirt and it’s been such a long time since he last saw him out of a suit.
He gets up and extends a hand, his face a bit unsettled. “I’m Jaebum’s father.” He introduces himself to you and you swear Jaebum is about to collapse from shock.
He knew there would be no hostility but he didn’t expect them to be this unhostile.
“Sit, sit! I’ll get the appetizers!” Jaebum’s mother is already back on her feet, leaving them three together.
Jaebum doesn’t know what to do anymore.
His father sits right in front of them, “I told her not to overdo it but I think she prepared too much food. If it’s not good, we can still call a caterer.” He whispers, apparently scared to be heard and you giggle gently, nodding.
Jaebum isn’t moving at all.
You feel the nervousness between the two and soon, a silence settles. It’s one of those times you want to disappear into the ground and never come back.
Jaebum’s mother comes back and saves the situation. “Why is it so calm here? Here you go,” she puts two huge plates full of appetizers. “There’s foie gras, salmon, goat cheese, cured ham...” Everything looks sophisticated and pretty, and you look at her happy face with a wide smile.
It’s only when everything is ready that you start to chat for real. Jaebum’s parents seem curious to know about your job and you answer the best you can, explaining perfume making and talking about brands.
Jaebum’s mother looks so pleased.
“You definitely have to make a perfume for me.” At some point, she feels like your own mother, and her perfectly manicured hand lands on your thigh, sweet and gentle.
Jaebum is silent next to you, but also pleased to see you two get along well.
Like you had any reason to panic.
“How is everything going?” He hears while you’re still chatting happily with his mother.
He looks at his father, who sounds eager to finally starts a conversation with him.
“The usual.” He shrugs because he knows his father doesn’t really care about his life, but is merely trying to act nice for them all.
He appreciates the gesture, though.
“No, I mean, your mother told me you wrote a big hit song?”
Jaebum blinks, not getting the sudden interest. “Yes. It’s a love song. I wrote it for a young singer as a debut song. It worked out well.” He explains, earning a whistle form his father.
“I’m glad it worked out. You seem to be quite famous in the music industry.”
To this everyone stops. Jaebum’s mother lifts her brows, you don’t even swallow the food you have in your mouth, and Jaebum almost chokes on his drink.
“What,” Jaebum’s father blinks, looking at the three of you with embarrassment, “My son is a successful songwriter, you should be happy for him!” he defends himself the best he can and coughs to change the subject, “These are too salty, I told you not too cook!” He mumbles, turning his face away because he isn’t used to compliment his son and didn’t except it’d feel this good.
Jaebum starts laughing so loud it startles you and right at this moment, you know he will be alright.
The ride home is quiet, the type of quiet you like to see on Jaebum’s face. He looks lost into his thoughts, and a small smile paints his face.
You arrive home with your hands full of food as Jaebum’s mother insisted on giving the leftovers. Jaebum takes off his shoes and aims for the bed as soon as you close the door and you join him.
“Are you okay?” You ask, taking your clothes off. “You seem off.”
Jaebum sits, his tired face showing nothing but bliss. “He said I’m his son. He never told me I was his son.”
“It’s awesome! How do you feel?” You sit next to him when you’re fully changed and raise a hand to slip it into his hair.
He closes his eyes and hums. “Great. I feel like I’m going to wake up any minute.” he leans back, grabbing your arm to push you against him. “I’m glad you were with me. I’m glad you’re with me.”
“I love you.” You simply say, your mind exhausted and body tired.
You fall asleep rapidly, both of you too spent to talk any longer and when Jaebum wakes up, you’re still here and everything seems real. He hugs you tightly, thinking about how luck is finally by his side.
And he can rest again.
AN : It’s finally the end of Fragrances! I shall thank everyone who read this and liked and reblogged because I wouldn’t have continued if not for your amazing support and feedback. I’m a bit sad to finish this but it was a very fun to write. Hopefully you’ll like the ending as much as you loved the whole story. It took me a lot of time to do researches on perfume making so I could be as accurate as possible because this subject is not very common, and i’m glad if I was able to make you discover the world of perfumery ❤️ Lots of love to everyone, I love you so much ❤️
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parfumery-wiki · 2 years
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Silky Woods (eau de parfum) Goldfield & Banks Nose: Hamid Merati Kashani
Dry woods
Encased in molten gold and infused with precious Agarwood, Silky Woods is the aptly named debut fragrance in a new luxury collection called the Botanical Series by Goldfield & Banks.
Showcasing the precious wood species harvested sustainably for the first time in perfume history in the Daintree Rainforest in Tropical Queensland, Silky Woods is a delightful and delicate yet very sensual blend that captures Australia's sensorial experience.
To a modern sillage of suede, exotic vanilla and smoky tobacco leaves, Goldfield & Banks has added refined essences of saffron, incense, ylang ylang and native sandalwood.
Silky Woods is a celebration of the abundance of organic ingredients in Australia, and the home-grown innovation with which they are transformed into essences coveted across the globe.
Key notes: Agarwood, Cinnamon, Tobacco leaf, Ylang ylang, Vanilla, Australian sandalwood, Incense
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theperfumewarehouse · 2 years
The Variance between the Christian Dior "Poison" fragrances is shown in a comparison of notes, longevity and sillage of the different fragrances. Buy these Christan Dior Poison fragrances in Australia from ThePerfumeWarehouse online store. Our services are ✓Free delivery on all orders ✓Genuine Items and ✓Safe Shopping.
Please visit our website for various Christian Dior Poison Perfumes:- https://theperfumewarehouse.com.au/collections/women?uff_vune2s_vendor=CHRISTIAN%20DIOR
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vankoya · 6 years
I don’t get all this drama about „potentially copying someone’s story”. If the idea is widely spread (soulmate) and you come up with an idea (specifically when you plan it out like you do) there’s literally no way that the idea is identical to another.
I don’t really know why you’re calling it drama, since I haven’t seen this broadly debated at all. It’s pretty general: the more widely a trope is written, the higher the likeliness of one story of that trope being similar to another.
Using the soulmate trope as an example, it has a very straight-forward formula. I have read numerous soulmate fics that have been constructed on this formula and have been identical in many aspects, despite that the authors definitely wouldn’t have copied each other. It’s simply because there’s only so many ways you can write a trope and most writers tend to go for the first that pops into their head: soulmate meets soulmate > conflict occurs between the soulmates due to them previously being enemies or one of them having a sensitive past or one of them already having a soulmate > conflict resolves and soulmates end up together because love always pulls through and they were designed by the universe to be united.
With soulmate fics especially, the likelihood strengthens, as there are many categories that narrow it down. The matching tattoo. The connection of senses. The monochrome vision until you see your soulmate for the first time. The changing hair colours. Unless you come up with a “bond” that is very unique or throw in a very original twist, matching one of those categories with the general formula is bound to cause similarities to appear.
And I’m not saying that fics like that are bad at all. I’m a slut for soulmate fics. My old soulmate series, Sillage, was constructed on that exact formula. They’re just more susceptible to similarities with other soulmate fics of that nature, which is what occurred with Sillage and is part of the reason I lost inspiration for it. When readers start to notice this, they call you out on it for plagiarising, even if you’ve never read or heard of that other fic before.
Also, I’m not saying that you cannot write an original soulmate fic, because you definitely can if you put a lot of thought into it. For me, not writing one is personal preference in order to avoid the possible backlash.
Another example that I’m going to leave you with is A Ticket to the Sun. I thought it was a highly original idea when I came up with it, despite that the ballot element of it was vaguely inspired by The Hunger Games. At the beginning of this uni semester, one of my readings was The Lottery by Shirley Jackson; a short story published in 1948 in which a village has an annual ballot, and whoever draws the paper with a dot marked on it is sentenced to death by stoning. Even though I’d never heard of The Lottery when I started writing A Ticket to the Sun, the plots are very reminiscent of each other, and I was both horrified and amazed whilst reading it because of the shocking similarities. 
So ideas may not be identical detail-for-detail, but no thought is necessarily original. And in fics, where there are commonly written AUs and tropes, the chances of similarities appearing between fics of those AUs and tropes only grows as more are written and posted.
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17caratssi · 7 years
Christmas short imagine seventeen's leaders series
genre- angst
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you were in your shared bedroom after a whole day making yourself busy with works that seemed never ceases down.
always it has been paperwork, paperwork, and paperwork. the last year of college degree, just try your best to survive and all will be fine.
you rummaged in your handbag for your cell phone and fished out it together with a single note, fortuitously. a smile crept up on your lips as you reminisced about last year in-advanced proposal by your boyfriend,
"save a spot for me in your heart till next Christmas ;)"
it said.
nonetheless, the relationship between you two seemed gradually loosening its knot with the busy you and him effortlessly avoiding himself from talking to you in the quotidian.
'he is just having hard times.. I shouldn't be thinking negatively' always it has been the least motivation you can help yourself from the rather bad notions that haunted you these days.
does he cheat on me? is he seeing other women? is he sick of me already? less attraction? etc, etc, etc..
you let your body drowned in the comfy bed you've been longing the scent of him, seungcheol, your once was a lovely man and the mere thought of him sent chills down to your spine. it was not easy to slide the thoughts off from your mind after certain occasion you caught him getting calls from a woman but in defense, you told yourself that he worked with plenty of people, maybe it was one of his colleagues.
the lost in thought you snapped as the soft slamming door sound echoed through the small apartment. you quickly got on your feet to the ajar opened door when you saw the silhouette of him was leading to the room.
fixing your almost wrinkled dress and tried the best of you to lift up the gloomy mood. he was there, looking so sinfully handsome as always that had you melt to him alone and the part you loved the most, only he could make your fatigue gone in the blink of eyes.
"you're home, " you walked forward and leaned a peck on his lips as a welcome-home greeting. he hummed and walked over you. his face was wearing a frustration mask and it had you intimidated.
"you want anything? I've eaten outside anyways" asking him was like mirroring to yourself. he never turned and just nodded barely you can see. you reached his shoulder with a pathetic look worn on your face.
"seungcheol.. are we okay? i think we need to talk " full stop. "can youㅡ" your question was cut off when he received a call and quickly he answered while his free hand dove into his pocket then his bag.
"i'll be there in five minutes!" he shoved the phone in his pocket and excused himself afterward as if his wife is in labor. your mood fell down to the depth no one can get it back.
you followed his steps toward the door and looking like a complete fool by letting him rushed outside.
it was snowing and crystal clear you were crying with an undetected smile on your lips.
"why can't you tell me the planning? I have the right, sir" you pouted so ever cutely, thinking his heart would lurch for you.
"I won't fall for you again this time," you whined as he refused to talk about his plan on the Christmas Eve. he pinched your nose and chuckled, radiating his warmth to you as he wrapped his both well-built arms around you, clasping you close. "hey.. don't just sleep yet. it's still early and I want to talk about my day, "
"hm.. go on, I'm listening" he snuggled to your side and caressed your palm in a circle motion. "this is so unfair choi seungcheol.. you can't be cuter than me.."
"really? but you're the cutest.." he giggled. "stop obsessing over me~" you said it sassily and he held your back and made you laid flat on the couch with his own accord, hovering you smuglyㅡ you, on the other hand, were all red in the face, it was burning hot as his face was leaning closer to yours.
"how can I not when I'm head over heels in love with you.." he purposely paused for a little suspense." I really love you," then he kissed softly on your lips.
'you changed. you really changed' you wiped your tears and sighed away the heavy feeling in your heart.
after pouring the worth-it tears, you got back to your room. you were in confusion for mostly what might have you done to have him acting all strange without a single explanation.
the uncertain fate you had just like the snow to fall. dark night or bright day, it would fall with no one's prediction even the forecast news don't always be right. no one would devote to the consequences and one's belief shouldn't be taken for granted solely.
seungcheol had arrived home with his clothes were vaguely covered with snows, it was indeed a snow storm outside but miraculously survived with a slightly thick clothes on.
he was looking for you in the room but to no avail, you made no intention to let him know where you were and the situation you had.
"y/n!" his loud call rang every corner of the apartment but still, you stubbornly remained quiet.
he thought you were outside but two pieces of padding of his and yours were hanging untouched on the hangers. you were in this house for sure so he went to find you.
"baby.. why are you here?" his voice emerged. your pet name wasn't sounded he was forced to call it out but very sincerely and sweetly that had your hesitancy climbed to the peak.
no response.
you were in the kitchen; hiding at the corner, knees against chest. " I need some space.. please leave.. " you said boldly when you were already only in his eyes. " I'm not giving any and I'm staying" he ambled forward and eventually sat opposite from you, stared into the shoved-into-crossed-arms you.
"was I too harsh?" again you made his guilt built inside him as you chose silence against answering. " I take that as yes and I didn't mean that way, believe me"
you shook but still didn't turn to him, just yet. you actually couldn't stay mad at him and very strong sillage of his scent did not help at all. 
which in the internal, you wanted to be in his embrace, tightly and absorbing all of his warmth. in contrast, you were dramatically sobbing silently in front of him. little did you know, he was holding a ring with another hand holding your hand delicately. soon you realized his doing, you looked up with well-smudged makeup and had him staring fondly into your eyes, deep and considerate.
rather than tantalizing while slipping a ring on your finger, he actually took an amount of time to cherish his unprepared proposal just like he promised last Christmas and caught you off guard. "seungcheol.." 
but he cut you off and back to your watery eyes, "y/n, would you marry me?" it felt the time stopped for a moment and let you absorbed into the tangled situation. your heart would burst confetti at the moment.
the guilt rose as soon his daring gaze bored through yours, with a pleading one looking for the exact answer he was waiting for years, a yes.
"i mean no.. no.. seungcheol, who would say no to you?! of course it's a yes!" instinctively, you hugged him and with a very contentious smile across his face, he finally can tell the world you were his.
"i'm the happiest man alive,"
“...and it makes two of us. i am yours" you halted. “but who was the woman? care to explain?” you frowned, breaking the hug. he chuckled, “i think it’s the best on the bed for a long explanation?” he pecked on your lips, so cheeky.
woozi | hoshi 
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greeneyedgirls4 · 7 years
My Masterlist
All my one shots/stories in one place. I am a happy ending girl but I will do a * at any sadder stories (they probably will still have a happy ending though). You can also connect with me and read these stories on AO3 and Fanfiction.net. And feedback is always welcome! Requests/Imagines are open here.. 
Imagines, requests and original stories:
Seb Stan / Bucky and other characters -
Seb - Imagine 1 
Seb - Imagine 2
Seb - Restart my heart
Seb - Paris (song request)
Seb - Not up for debate
Seb - Look who’s calling..
Bucky - First date? (#kaits5kauchallenge)
Seb - Set on you 
Seb - Games and other related emotions 
Bearded!Seb - Changing my mind 
Seb - Clingy. Me? Never. 
Seb - As luck would have it 
Seb - The ex, the fight and the unexpected ending 
Seb - Sillage 
Bucky - Repressed (#taysauchallenge) *
Seb - Tease 
Seb - Jealousy 
Seb - Sand 
Seb - The Wedding Party 
Seb - Always here 
Seb - A friend like you 
Seb - Positive 
Seb - Sweet 
Seb - My.. shirts? 
Seb - Quiet 
Bucky - A day in the life of.. (#manuswritingchallenge) 
Bucky - Headache (#Bee’s2.1kchallenge)
Seb - Surprise! 
Bucky - Bucky prompt (chapter 1), Seb - Seb prompt (chapter 2) 
Bucky - The things we do for the ones we love (1), (2), (3), (Epilogue) - Completed.
Bucky - Steve’s room (#PYTwritingchallenge)
Bucky - Heart of a Saint. Life of a Sinner. (Series) - Updated on Thursday’s. *
Tom Hiddleston / Loki and other characters -
Loki - Ti amo 
Loki - Another time. Another place. *
Tom - The fight 
Loki - Like father. Like son. (1) / (2)
Loki - The strip 
Loki - The Prophecy (Series) - Completed.
Loki - Too late. *
Loki - Forfeit 
Loki - Mother Nature.. or Father Nature? 
Loki - The book 
Benedict Cumberbatch / Sherlock and other characters -
Ben - The Event 
Aidan Turner and characters -
Matthew Gray Gubler / Reid and other characters / Criminal Minds - 
The 100 (Bellamy and actor, Murphy and actor, Clarke and actress) - 
Steve McGarrett -
A hui hou / Aloha au ia 'oe (sequel) 
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toddrogersfl · 7 years
Vintage men’s fragrance advertising down the decades
To celebrate National Men’s Grooming Day, we thought we’d share this article by novelist, blogger and columnist Maggie Alderson from ‘The Magic of Mimosa’ edition of The Scented Letter – which looks at men’s scent ads new and old…
Spending an afternoon than researching pictures for a feature about great aftershave advertisements can have quite an effect on you. Holy plumped pectorals! After five minutes browsing muscular torsos and manly gazes, I didn’t know whether to take a cold shower or dance a tango.
But once you really study these images (as opposed to just drooling over them) it becomes clear that there is in fact a lot more to this genre than photographs of ridiculously beautiful men.
In-depth scientific research (ahem…) reveals that they fall into four main categories, which involves said living gods wearing one of four outfits: practically nothing, a suit of superb cut, sporting attire, fancy dress.
But whichever of those it is, the very best aftershave print ads share one thing, in my opinion; they consist of nothing more than the picture and the name and brand of the fragrance. There’s not even a smart tag line – yet these heavenly images create an entire world, telling a story that draws you in wanting to know more. And makes you very keen to lean in and smell that particular man’s neck…
Here are some favourites from the archives – and a few vintage classics that show how not to do it, perhaps.
Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio
This was a masterstroke of casting, taking all-American blond hunk Jason Morgan and photographing him in moody black and white. Mr. Morgan’s astonishing blue eyes are his calling card, but who knew they’d be even more arresting in greyscale? One of the greatest aftershave photographs of all time, taken by Matthew Brookes, with that serious expression adding dreamy depth. There is also a video… Have your fan ready. And a mint julep.
Chanel Allure Homme Sport
Probably the medal winner in the sporting genre, the series of Spanish super dude Andrès Velencoso Segura – ex-squeeze of Kylie Minogue – with a surf board stopped me in my tracks when I first saw it (and inspired the leading man in my novel ‘Everything Changes But You’). It’s the combination of hunky, yet sensitive, which is so devastating. Senor Velencoso has his mum’s name tattooed over his heart and loves dogs. I’m working on finding out his favourite biscuit.
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue
Our very own David Gandy wearing little more than his birthday suit and showing how it is possible for art to improve on nature. Even the azure waters of the Amalfi coast are enhanced by his white Speedo-clad proximity. And how could a fragrance associated with a scene so pleasing to the eye smell anything but divine?
Dior Eau Sauvage
Here’s one that spans the genres – it could equally fit in Famous, because while the ad appeared in 2105, this bearded beauty is none other than French actor Alain Delon, snapped in his youthful glory in 1966, the year this most classic of Colognes was launched.
It would also fit in Story. That little frown…what just happened? Who was she? Is he about to write a poem, jump off a cliff, or sail off into the horizon? We’ll never know, but it’s so easy to imagine that lemon-y herby sillage trailing behind him as he goes.
Dior Eau Sauvage
Could this be the most iconic aftershave advertisement of all time? Part of the wonderful series of works legendary fashion illustrator René Gruau created for the brand, somehow this gorgeous – fictional – man’s entire sophisticated, sexy, city life is conveyed by this cheeky image of a most personal moment, through a half-closed bathroom door. I know I’m not the only person whose entire ideal of what a man should be like was inspired in childhood by seeing these advertisements…
Michael Kors for Men
The American designer is the current master of the atmospheric advertisement, reaching standards set by Martini commercials in the 1960s, conveying the sense of lives of perfect insouciant glamour. It took Martini a couple of minutes of film of ski lifts, helicopters and white horses on beaches, plus an iconic theme tune to achieve it; somehow Mr Kors pulls it off with one picture. Where exactly was this open-shirted hottie last night? Who was he with and where’s he off to now? Is he getting into that seaplane landing behind him? Are his tanned feet bare, below those white jeans? Is that a gun in his pocket or…? Whatever he smells of, we like it.
Givenchy Gentleman
Swoon. That’s the only word to describe this photograph. While the frontal lobe of our brain might try to tell us it’s just beautiful models in a studio doing what they’re told, the imagination immediately has other ideas. You can practically feel the skin on skin. How they managed to convey such passion in one shot is quite miraculous and you just want to know more. Is their embrace illicit? Or are they reunited after a long spell of enforced separation? I’m feeling army (could be those shoulders…). To me this is Prince Andrei and Natasha from War and Peace and oh my lord, do I need to smell him, the most romantic character in literature, ever. Swoonavich.
Guerlain Habit Rouge
As befits the most classic of French perfume houses, this image has a more metaphorical feeling to it – the romance between a man and his horse, rather than that old une femme et un homme storyline. But is it a real horse, or an imaginary one? An expression of his innermost feelings? His essence (said in a French accent). Or, when you consider the meaning of the aftershave’s name Habit Rouge, which is French for a huntsman’s red coat, does it represent the male’s eternal hunt for a mate? Whatever – cor!
Aramis by Aramis
Forget the silly text – which modern advertising has shown really isn’t needed. This brilliant 1980s picture says it all for Aramis. She’s a modern girl and she likes what she smells so much she’s got him pinned up against the fridge. He’s not going anywhere until she’s fully explored all those intriguing wormwood and leather notes. But where have they been in their black tie outfits? Whose kitchen is it? And why does he look a little bit uncomfortable with his hands in his pockets? Might somebody be about to come in and surprise them?
David Beckham Urban Homme
Aftershave ads featuring famous chaps fall into two types – famous faces modelling for the brands and famous men who are the brand. David Beckham is a classic of the latter with seven aftershaves to his name, plus spins on those – all of them promoted by this sporting living national treasure in different moods. Sometimes casual in a classic T, showing off his tatts (Instinct Sport and Beyond Forever), in a fetchingly undone black tie (Instinct Gold Edition), or here in his full metrosexual glory in an immaculate mohair suit and crisp white shirt, ready for dinner at the coolest restaurant in town.
Jimmy Choo Man
The Jimmy Choo man is dark and brooding, a modern warrior in urban leathers and biker boots, ready to swoop to the aid of a damsel in distress – possibly because she is wearing such very high heels. And who better to pull that off than dark and brooding actor Kit Harington, Game of Thrones’ tortured hero Jon Snow, who looks born to smell of suede and patchouli?
Mont Blanc Homme Exceptionnel
A sub-genre of the famous man aftershave advert is the man who is famous for something specific, not acting or modelling, or owning the brand. Brut owns the concept, with their legendary 1970s commercials with Henry Cooper. Other sportsmen featured included tennis player Vitus Gerulatiis, racing driver James Hunt and American footballer Richard Todd. Montblanc run a posher version of this, featuring men exceptional violinist (and hot tottie) Joshua Bell.
Bing Crosby
If you’re going to go famous, why not go pure legend? LA based toiletries outfit Courtley Ltd. did, with a Father’s Day ad for their ‘virile Courtley fragrance’ in 1946. The backdrop photo of His Bingness looks as though it might have been sent out by the publicity department of Paramount Studios which was also promoting his new film Road to Utopia on the ad, but a more personal connection has been shoed in by adding a cunning gift tag to the ‘flagons’ (their word) making the gift set appear to be a gift from four of his six sons. Can’t see David Beckham’s team trying that stunt.
Old Spice
‘Joan Daly says she likes it when men wear Old Spice’. Likes what, exactly? But the finger resting playfully on lips and the position of her right hip ready to move into the twerking position gives a hint. The lower tag line is brilliant in its disingenuous simplicity. ‘Girls like it. Is there a better reason to wear Old Spice?’ Ms Daly was Miss Massachusetts in 1953.
‘Are you ready for Centaur?’ Frankly not. If the ads looked like this, what on earth did it smell like? Goat blankets? The image alone is terrifying, but wait til you read the copy. ‘It’s the massage cologne. Half man, half beast, all male!’ proclaims the headline.
And also a little bit sex toy, it would seem: ‘Out of the Wild and Violent days of ancient Greece comes the exciting concept of Massage Cologne… Massage CENTAUR [so manly it always has to be written out in caps] into your arms, legs and loins. CENTAUR [can you hear us at the back?] has no alcohol [their itals] to irritate, so it massages with comfort into sensitive areas.’
SENSITIVE AREAS. [my caps]. But wait! There’s more: ‘CENTAUR adds a delightful new dimension to your body, a low level aroma that hovers close to the skin for hours, transmits its virile message only in moments of close and intimate contact.’
A virile low level aroma, like around hip level… Basically it seems to be perfume for his nether regions.
His rakish eye patch (not available on the NHS) and general air of nudity are just red herrings. This ad is really all about the way he is grasping the, er, shaft of that Brut bottle. But that really is a very small cigarillo.
There’s something rather contemporary about this image – and it still has sex appeal. It’s just the name of the fragrance that adds the cheese. But then you get on to the copy, clearly written in the afterglow of a 1970s ad agency creative department expenses lunch.
‘DENIM. For the man who doesn’t have to try too hard. He doesn’t have to. Things come easy for the man who wears DENIM (trademark). Because a man feels better. A man feels cooler.’
Despite seemingly being permanently off their trams on Beaujolais nouveau and Black Forest gateau, this shows what geniuses those copywriters were at subconscious messaging. Read it carefully and you’ll see that this blurb has several key words planted in it: hard, easy, feels and man. Next stop, CENTAUR?
‘Peter Wyngarde smells… great’ declares this ad for Tabac. How could we ever have thought otherwise? As the magnificently coiffed, Windsor-knotted and luxuriantly moustached Jason King, his performance was OTT top you could practically smell his aftershave through your TV screen. Really worth checking out on YouTube if you are too young to have witnessed Mr. Wyngarde’s hilarious delivery in this early 70s classic TV show. He makes Austin Powers look demure.
Written by Maggie Alderson maggiealderson.com
The post Vintage men’s fragrance advertising down the decades appeared first on The Perfume Society.
from The Perfume Society https://perfumesociety.org/vintage-mens-fragrance-advertising-down-the-decades/
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jj-ktae · 7 years
Fragrance IX : Wisteria
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Title : Fragrances
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Romance
Pairing : Jaebum x Reader
Summary : You are a perfume composer, he is a lyricist, and while you’re left with too many possibilities, he is out of inspiration. Your only bond is an unknown fragrance. Second part of the Fragrances series.
- Teaser - Wisteria - Metallic - Sillage - Accord - Final -
Fragrance IX : Wisteria 
The Wisteria flower’s message is let good luck make your adventures go a little smoother. Celebrate the new beginnings in life instead of focusing on the endings. Gardeners love its delicate perfume in the spring, but the rest of year, this vigorous vine seems to have a mind of its own. Wisteria loves to climb and wander. 
“Y/N, Come here for a minute.” The voice makes you stop munching on your food to turn around, you dress floating around you in a delicate manner. You walk toward the voice, mouth full and jaw busy, nodding at your boss.
She is still as glamorous as ever with her tight tube dress, accentuating her curves and giving her a silhouette you had seen too many times already. “Meet Y/N, our new perfumer. She is the one who created Universal. We were able to get an exclusive contract and she is now officially our genius creator. Y/N, these men would like to write an article on your career and personal story.” Her voice is a tone lower than usual, which you take it as a way to seduce you into agreeing.
She knows you too much to actually think you could agree to do that.
“There isn’t much to say about me.” You play the innocent card, hoping this would let you slip out of an awkward moment.
“Don’t believe her, she is amazing. ” A hand goes to your shoulder and your shoulders go down in embarrassment.
The lady agrees, the hint of a smile blooming on her magenta lips. “You already know Jackson Wang, fashion designer and owner of Ateliers Wang.” The men nod, hoping to get another juicy interview with another famous person.
“Nice to meet you, can I borrow this lady for a second?” In spite of his subtle way to take you out of this, they make agree before fleeing, before swiftly pinching Jackson’s arm who giggles at your irritated state.
“I was about to reject this offer, Jackson.” You get more food as soon as you’re close enough to actually grab something, but Jackson takes the petit-four out of your hand, eating it.
“Which is why I made you do it. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of bragging for the journalists. It’s good that you can do it, you asocial mole.” He jokes and grabs two glasses of champagne, handing you one “Now enjoy.” He orders and you roll your eyes, sighing.
“Boss!” You hear again but before you can localize the origin of the voice, a head appears, with long earrings and deep blue lenses.
Bambam is so elegant in his long suit decorated with golden studs and suede boots. “Elle’s editor in chief would like to write an article on how to pick a perfume and I would like to see you!”
You open your mouth and close it, in awe. “Wow, you’re really out there dragging me into shitty business.” It’s unbelievable, why are they always acting like your managers?
“It’s not shitty, it’s called being in demand. It’s quite flattering, right Jackson?” Bambam points a finger at Jackson who can only nod, a piece of artichoke hanging between his lips.
“Get their number, I’ll call them when I have time.” You conclude, not in the mood to deal with Bambam’s possible nagging if you refuse.
He winks at you and turns around, already fleeing toward another league of person in suits and shiny dress and you want to drink yourself into oblivion. It’s not that you don’t like the place, you just feel uncomfortable whenever people come after you, afraid to disappoint.
Ever since Universal’s release, things took a huge turn.
The perfume was a huge hit. People started to ask who did it and eventually, you were requested in many parties and fashion events. You were glad Bambam knew enough to actually help you dealing with the sudden popularity in the fashion world but you were slowly regretting it by now.
“Stop freaking out, you’ll be great. You’re always great.” Jackson can read your mind like it’s a newspaper, so you only smile at his unflattering support.
“Get me more food.” You say to hide your grin and he instantly feeds you the rest of his roasted vegetable, before someone taps on his shoulder to greet him.
Jackson is always one to compliment you whenever you doubt about yourself. It’s been a year since you met him, and not even once did his behaviour change. It felt good to count on someone who was always doing his best to cheer you up, even when you were feeling so down you would barely go out of your apartment.
You look at Jackson, who is now chattering in fast Chinese with another shiny man and forget about your environment; looking around the numerous people, dreamy. It’s crowded but the soft music covers the noises and it helps in giving you relief in the middle of the stress.
Ever since Jaebum left, you didn’t talk about him to anyone except Jackson. It was as if he never existed for everyone, but it was so hard to deal with his absence. It used to be hard actually, because you don’t feel so stressed anymore.
Now that you have Jackson who is strong enough for an army, things tend to be too easy for you.
It doesn’t help that Universal reminds you of Jaebum every time you smell it; and a lot of people bought it, because you smell it every single day. You learnt to live with it, it became a part of yourself, a friendly reminder that there is a missing part inside of you. You can still smell him inside your flat, even though he left almost a year ago.
And when you turn around with another glass of champagne you freeze right before bringing it to your lips.
The first person you notice in the middle of the crowd is Jaebum.
He looks slightly different, but so similar to what you remember of him. His burgundy suit makes him stand out on the most beautiful way, almost too good for you to land your eyes on him.
He is staring back at you, totally forgetting about Youngjae who is talking to him and pointing numerous places. You stare at each other for some good never-ending two minutes before he takes a step toward you.
You take a step back at the same time, your hand going to Jackson’s arm to get his attention. He doesn’t turn around right away and when Jaebum takes another step toward you, you pull on his sleeve.
“What’s wrong?” He says and you shake your head, tearing your eyes off Jaebum to silently plead for his help. It’s scary, frightening, unpleasant and a lot more emotions. You don’t want to be near him. It hurts you the way his smell goes back to you and damages your brain again.
You can’t let it get to you, you have to find your way out if you know what is good for you.
But Jackson doesn’t understand and puts an arm around your waist when he feels your uneasiness. “Wanna get out of here?” He totally forgets about his friend, his tender eyes laid upon you in a sweet manner. It makes you go back on earth right away. Your breathing calms, you heart slows, your muscles relax.
And Jaebum stops moving right at this moment.
“Are you even listening to me- oh.” Jaebum peaks at Youngjae who reached his level when he saw him walk away. “They’re dating. Bambam told me but I wasn’t sure you were interested.” Youngjae feels uneasy, but he doesn’t know if it’s because Jackson is making you dance slowly, or if it’s because of the look on Jaebum’s face.
Jaebum only hums before turning around quickly, his hair floating and he plunges into the crowd, shaking hands and smiling when needed.
What was he expecting anyway.
“What happened?” Jackson looks around at some point, but Jaebum is gone and you let out a shaky breath. “Shall we go?”
You smile at him and shake your head when you notice his worried eyes. “Nevermind. I’m good. Thank you.” Your tone is a lot softer now, and even Jackson is surprised but approaches your body from his nonetheless. 
“As you want.” The music makes you both move again and you laugh when Jackson makes you twirl around dramatically, forgetting about whatever negative thought were going through your head.
You let everything go, serenity and peacefulness taking over you. It’s amazing how Jackson can make you dismiss every negative thought, even for only a second.
“The journalists are waiting.” Your boss’ voice makes you stop dead in your tracks, hands clutched around Jackson’s fingers and smile upon your face.
“We’re dancing, they can wait.” Jackson talks back to her like she is a nuisance and you hide your grin when you hear your boss sigh in annoyance.
“I’m coming.” You answer and he starts pouting like a small child. It’s only when you see Bambam and Youngjae approach that you decide it’s time to fly away from the soon to be embarrassing conversation.
You let go of Jackson’s hand and follow your boss before she can curse at you all.
Jaebum disappeared and you don’t wish for him to be here. No at all.
It’s not like you hate him. Well technically, you do a little. How else should you feel when you were left with nothing but a smell and a love bite the morning after he finally confessed what seems to be now lies? 
He doesn’t know how worried you were. He doesn’t even imagine how you felt when you heard about this kid found in the river after throwing himself off a bridge. He will never guess how much you tried to figure where he was. It doesn’t matter anymore though, Jaebum belongs to a past where you were gloomy and sad and lonely.
What’s a fragrance? What’s a scent? It’s a mere built-up feeling made by your brain to lure you into fantasy. There is nothing extraordinary about Jaebum, and with time and the help of Jackson, you made it. You’re out of his spell. You can manage just fine. 
This is what you try to force into your brain, everyday.
You and Jackson are doing great. He is the most gentle and caring person you ever met. He stimulates you with a mere breath, giving you ideas and helping out when you’re about to burst in frustration. 
Jackson is that calm water you expect to find on a warm summer day. The type of sea with soft waves and no turbulence, the guy who is soothing without even trying. It didn’t strike you as an evidence, it just happened on a particularly stressful evening. Jackson came to bring some samples because Bambam was away for the week and found you broken in the living-room, intoxicated by the lingering scent and hyperventilating.
It felt right when he held you and hushed your cries silently. Jackson never probes you to say anything you don’t want to say, but he knew it had to do with Jaebum. He never mentioned it though, too scared to add to your misery. He simply stood there, your head into his shoulder and arms tapping your back. It’s just then that you found comfort in his sugary, vanilla scent.
Jackson is comfort. Jackson is warm.
You smile at the thought and finally look at the journalists who are waiting for you to tell them when you’d be free for an interview. You focus on them, even when this particular scent comes back, making your nose twitch. You don’t move, eyes glued to them and you almost want to do the interview right now but they have to go and leave you there after numerous praises and smiles.
Even your boss follows, sticking the two journalists and asking about remuneration and prices. It feels cold suddenly, like there’s no one to hold on to, and Jaebum is out there, most likely close if you trust your nose.
You feel like a shark’s prey.
But you can’t let it win. This feeling is nothing but smoke and mirrors, the illusion of what could have been something great, scattered by the person who was supposed to make it awesome.
You snort when you find your rage back, turning around violently to join the group you left earlier and in spite of all your good intentions, you collide into the last person you wanted to be close to. You take a step back when you find your balance again and look around, not knowing if you should be happy or not that so many people surround you two.
No one can save you now.
“Hi.” Jaebum’s first word is a mere greeting, the one you keep for people who don’t matter, the one that mean nothing but politeness. It’s a ‘hi’ you want to thrust back into his relaxed mouth like it never happened because it makes your mind go berserk. 
“Hi.” You reciprocate the greeting, deliberately avoiding his eyes and aiming for anywhere your legs can take you. You thought you were ready but you’re not. You’re definitely not. Jaebum is right here looking flawless and something in the way he stands is off, it’s like he is a different person, someone with confidence and refinement.
You walk away but his voice, even deeper than before, makes you stop. “How have you been?” he stares at you with a tiny spark, and you don’t know what it means.
“How...have I been?” and you snort, shoulders slumping down in bewilderment. Is he for real? “Fine, just fine.” You need to walk away because he is toxic, Jaebum’s whole existence is meant to put you into misery and you start looking for Jackson in the middle of all the fanciness. 
“Good. I missed you.” Jaebum lets you look around, aware that the situation might be too much for you to handle but he can’t help it. It took everything he had not to run away, he could feel his blood pumping litters into his body, from his toes to his brain and his palms were getting too sweaty for his liking but he couldn’t back off.
Not after all the progress he made.
“You what?” You stop looking around to search for his eyes and find nothing but determination. Jaebum means everything he said. “Look, I have to go, I’d like for you to stay away from me.” It’s hard to push him away but it’s your reason speaking, not your heart. 
“I can’t.” Jaebum takes a step forward, and you take a step back, bumping into an old man and apologizing quickly. You can’t let him enter, not right now, not when everything is going smoothly. Jaebum needs to go as soon as possible.
“Why is that?” You whisper with a shaky voice. You’re frightened by his answer, your stomach contracting painfully under his steady stature.
“I won’t run away. Not anymore.” He looks determined, like you have to be part of him again and you find yourself shaking your head, eyes closed. 
No way in hell he will claim you as he likes.
“I’m dating Jackson.” You say in a hurry, eyes scrutinizing Jaebum’s face for any sort of reaction.
But it seems he likes the challenge, because he raises his eyebrows in annoyance. “I know.” 
“So you better leave me alone.” You try with too little resolve, eyelids moving on their own.
“I will explain everything. Then, you will understand.” He says next and surprisingly disappears between bodies, leaving you trembling and amazed by the power of his natural smell which he didn’t try to cover with cologne.
You follow his path and see him wave at Youngjae who is talking with a man. 
“Y/N? You done?” Jackson and Bambam are quick to join you and you nod, chest heavy with uncomfortable feelings and eyes moist with despair.
It all felt too disturbing for your liking. 
Jackson notices the way your turn silent in the car. He doesn’t ask but he knows. He saw Jaebum, he heard people talk about how the amazing Defsoul came back with yet another wonderful song. Jackson is outspoken and open-minded but doesn’t know how to react when it comes to you. He can only be soft and caring, with hints of gentleness and smooches to make you feel better. He peeks at you from his spot on the driver’s seat and finds you staring outside, eyeballs following lights and lips parted in desperation.
And for once ever since you started going out, Jackson speaks about the forbidden topic, voice low and tone solemn. “I saw Im Jaebum at the party.” He starts softly because he needs you to open up by yourself. No matter how scared he is by the outcome of his probable reappearance in your lives, he needs to be sure your relationship is safe.
He doesn’t want you to leave and make him feel used. Jackson wants you to find happiness no matter what, even if it means not going back to his arms when you feel bad. He is aware of that, he asked you out knowing Jaebum could come back anytime. 
You didn’t promise anything to each other. You never told him you loved him, he never told you he loved you. You don’t live together, you don’t text each other every day. You have male friends and he has female friends, you’re not a fusional couple and it’s good that way for both of you. Jackson just needs to be sure he can go deeper into this without being hurt.
“I saw him too. Why are you asking?” you don’t look at him because his eyes express too many things for you to hold his stare most of the time. You know now is no exception. You know Jackson doesn’t like the situation, and you don’t plan on letting him feel uncomfortable.
“It’s disturbing you.” Jackson adds, stopping by a red light. 
You finally look at him. “It’s not.” You feel the need to justify yourself even now, and you know you’re revealing yourself with just this reaction.
“I’m not mad or reproaching you anything. I just want to understand. That’s all.” You swear Jackson is too good for this world.
“It’s complicated. I could not care less about him and I’m not planning on being friends with him.” It’s true. You’re not lying.
“Do you hate him?” The light turns green and Jackson starts the engine, but the answer is stuck into your throat. You chose to stay silent because your answer is not the one you want to give to Jackson, yet you can’t lie either.
I don’t.
Jackson gives your forehead a warm kiss before leaving. Your apartment is the same old place, with more perfume supplies and less tidying. You close the door and throw the keys on the first furniture it can land on. 
You put so much incense that the smell stuck to every curtain, but it’s better than what it was. It’s too strong to make you dwell on broken promises. 
“Look, it’s just fine this way, don’t criticize my talent, boss!” Bambam paces around the room with numerous samples, nose smelling everything at the same time while you question the percent of musk he put in one of his fragrance.
“I’m just saying this will only attract animals in heat. It’s so strong!” You laugh a little when Bambam’s shocked face appears between bottles.
“That’s the whole point. A fierce fragrance for fierce people.” Bambam puts the bottles and his arms finds his hips, a look of pride painting his stylish being.
“What about this,” you open up another sample and put it under his nose. He shakes his head.
“No, no no no. You’re not going to go full genius on me and you’ll let me handle this alone. Please?” he begs because he feels ashamed for not thinking about it earlier. He wants to do this alone. It’s his very first project and this will determine his future as a perfumer. You won’t always be around.
“As you wish. I’m just trying to help.” You lift your hands in surrender and get up, “I’ll make some coffee.” You decide not to push him because he already has enough pressure with this. Bambam was asked to make his own fragrance as an official perfumer and ever since he started, he reminds you of him when you created universal. He can’t stop whining and complaining about how useless he is.
“By the way.” You turn around from your spot near the coffee machine and find Bambam, hand under his chin. “Did you know that Defsoul was back?” he never talked about him until now. It’s funny how everyone asks you like you don’t already know.
“I know.” You say simply, feigning detachment. 
“Youngjae is about to release a whole album composed mostly by him. Nothing is confirmed yet, but Youngjae told me they might both sing in one song. I didn’t know he could sing, did you?” Bambam starts going crazy in the kitchen and you shrug.
You didn’t know, indeed.
“Anyways, Youngjae asked me to invite some friends over because he is celebrating his return. I thought I’d ask but I didn’t know if you...” He stops, sensing you might not agree on going.
He isn’t that stupid.
“...If I wanted to come knowing Jaebum would be there?” you finish and it startles him, how blunt you are suddenly. You always avoided every conversation concerning him.
He nods slowly, leaning on the counter.
“You’re right. Thank Youngjae for me, but I won’t go.” It’s safer to avoid any sort of contact. The less the better.
“Figured. Anyways, I’ll just go back to work.” It’s rare to see Bambam this serious as he walks away.
Jaebum would sing ? It’s not surprising after all, he can create music perfectly so why not sing.
The doorbell takes you out of your thought and you run for the door, hoping Jackson would be behind it. 
“Y/N?” A very young man stand before you, with a huge bouquet. 
“...yes?” You look at the flowers then the boy who wears the cheekiest smile. 
“It’s for you. A flower delivery.” He hands you the bouquet and leaves before you can speak, leaving you with the huge bouquet and a tiny card attached to it. You recognize the flower immediately. You used it for a perfume back when you started working and it was so subtle you had to add a lot to make it stand out.
Bambam is still busy when you close the door and you go to the living room to put it on the table. There is no name on the card.
They remind me of you. 
You know it’s not from Jackson. Jackson is blunt, he would buy a whole tree and plant it in the middle of your room while singing dramatically. Only one person can be this subtle. So subtle you don’t even understand what it means.
You realise you never understood what Jaebum meant most of the time anyways.
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jj-ktae · 7 years
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❥  (M) Paradise Lost - A GOT7 Anthology (On-Going) 
❥ Prompt Game 
❥ (M) The Kink Chronicles (Collaboration) 
- Thick as Thieves - Cockbusters - Tape 69 - The Brunch
❥ (M) The Pleasure Chest ~ A Cringe Fest Collaboration
Mark Tuan 
❥ From the Aorta to the Apex (Completed) - Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV /
❥ Hotel California (Completed) - Part I / Part II / Epilogue /
❥ Five Minutes 
❥ Protect me not (Series - Hiatus- )
Teaser - Chapter I - 
Im Jaebum
❥ Romanticised
❥ Fragrances (Series - Completed -)
- Mini Masterlist - Teaser - Vetiver - Chypre - Fougère - Leather -  Oud - Neroli - Gourmand - Ambergris - 
❥ Lost Fragrances (Series - Completed ) 
- Mini Masterlist - Teaser - Wisteria - Metallic - Sillage - Accord - Final
❥ (M) Erotica (Mini Series - Completed)
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Epilogue - 
❥ (M) Half up the Pole
Jackson Wang
❥  Tipsy Love (Completed) - Part I / Part II /
❥ Obsesión 
❥  (M) Perfect Strangers 
Park Jinyoung
❥ Of Gaze and Sleep
❥ Foreign
❥ Winter Flowers 
❥ (M) Before Dawn 
❥ (M) Noir
❥ (M) Once in the Shower 
❥ (M) Melomaniac 
❥ 질투 (Jiltu/Jealousy) - Part 1 / Part 2 / Epilogue
❥ The Matchmaker (Series - Completed)  x Im Jaebum
- Teaser - /  Part I / Part II / Part III /  Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Epilogue
❥ Papers (Series - On-going -)
- Prologue - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV 
❥ Operation Proposal (Series -Hiatus- )
Teaser - Prologue - Mission 1 - Mission 2 
❥ Criminal Case 
Kim Yugyeom
❥  (M) Blow 
❥  (M) Bubble Trouble
❥  (M) Frisky Call 
❥  Millennials (Series -On-Going-) 
- Teaser - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 -  Part 8 - Part 9 (Coming soon)
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Lee Taeyong 
❥ Regret (Completed) 
❥ Survival Games (Series - On-going - ) 
- Teaser - Discovering -  Sharing - Thinking - Accepting - Hoping - Breathing - Missing - Treasuring - Longing - Enjoying - Saving - Loving (Coming Soon)
❥ Fall 
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Jeon Jungkook 
❥ Fragrances (Series - On-going - )
Masterlist | Note I - Ionones | Note II - Aldehydes |
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