#the singles club isnt always lonely
writtenonreceipts · 4 years
rowaelin the only single person in the friend group?
The Singles Club Isn’t Always Lonely
As Rowan entered the local bar, he shook rain from his coat and hair.  For the past two days it had seemed like constant cloud coverage lingered and that meant rain.  Not that Rowan particularly minded the rain.  It just grew tiresome.  He had yet to find a reason to fully rejoice in it.
He waved to Brullo, the bartender, and headed back to the usual table where he and his friends usually took over.  Indeed, Vaughan and Connall were seated drinks in hand and in deep conversation about something.  Gavriel and Fenrys were shooting darts—Gav wiping Fenrys’ ass with the score.  Though Fenrys was always more in it for the social aspect than the competitive nature.
“Well, look who finally showed up,” Connall called when he looked up to see Rowan crossing the bar towards them. 
Shooting his friend a vulgar gesture, Rowan took a seat in one of the stool and drew a freshly opened beer towards him.
“I should ask you all the same question,” Rowan grunted.  He took a swig of beer and sighed.  “Between wives and girlfriends, I thought you’d all bail on meeting up.”
“Hell, no!” Fenrys shot a wild dart and came to sling an arm over Rowan’s shoulder. “Tradition.  As Asterin so lovingly reminds me, I need to spend more time with you losers.  I think it’s just so she can go to the shooting range with Manon and Elide, but you know.”
“Nehemia says that I’m hovering,” Connall said.  “As if I can hover.  She’s seven months pregnant, I should be allowed to be concerned.”
“You’ve texted six times in the last half hour, man,” Vaughan said.  He pointed meaningfully to his friend's phone.
Connall scowled. “Concerned.”
“Hovering,” Rowan said.  He took another drin.
“You have to let her live her life still, Con,” Gavriel said.  He plucked the round of darts from the board and turned back to his friends. “When Endara was pregnant with Aedion she and Evalin would go on week long spa getaways.”
Connall looked absolutely horrified. “But—”
“No,” Gavriel insisted.  “Space and foot rubs.”
“That contradicts itself,” Connall muttered.
“Just saying,” Gavriel said.
Sometimes, Rowan found it hard to believe that Gavriel had a son their same age.  Sometimes, Rowan found it hard to believe that Gavriel was as old as he was.  Of course, he would never say it to the man’s face.  Because getting his ass kicked was not on his list of things to do.
“This is why Rolfe and I communicate,” Vaughan said.  He grabbed Connall’s phone before he could check it for a nonexistent text.
“You and boyfriend have a very strange definition of communication,” Fenrys said. “You also need to lock your front door.”
“You need to knock,” Vaughan said unapologetically.
Rowan rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. “Where’s Salvaterre?  Why am I on the chopping block.”
“Because he texted,” Vaughan said emphatically, “that he would be late.”
“Elide had an important meeting at work and he wanted to take her out for ice cream after,” Fenrys grumbled. “They’re almost as disgusting as Conn and Mia.”
“See,” Rowan finally spoke up, “this is why I am remaining single.”
The group groaned, throwing peanut husks at him while telling him to grow up.  Rowan simply laughed.  It was a conversation they’d all tried to have with him.  Get a girlfriend Rowan.  Go out on more dates Rowan.  You work too much Rowan.
He knew they were just giving him a hard time.  For the most part.  But he also couldn’t help but let the words dig into his skin.
They’d miraculously been through a lot together.  Despite the age differences between them all, something had drawn them together with a love of history, hand-to-hand combat, and drunken nights of poker.
“Hey, assholes!” Lorcan entered the bar and exchanged a few words with Brullo before coming to the table.
“‘Bout time, man,” Connall called.  He kicked a stool out for the other man.
“I was supporting my girlfriend,” Lorcan said, “shouldn’t you be with your wife?”
“Shouldn’t you be asking Elide to marry you?” Connall shot back.
Lorcan launched into a coughing fit just as he took a drink of beer. “What?”
“It’s been two months and all we’ve heard from you is how great this girl is.  Coming from you that’s practically a wedding announcement,” Rowan added, grinning fiendishly when Lorcan’s face heated
“Yeah, you know, speaking of relationships, I haven’t seen you taking anyone out lately,” Lorcan groused.
Before Rowan could either shoot Lorcan the finger or snark back to him, Brullo arrived with another round of beer.
The rest of the night passed in easy conversation punctuated Fenrys’ claims that at the next poker night he would win every hand.  Granted he was on his third beer as he said this.
It was just like any other night.  And yet by the time midnight rolled around, he listened as his friends claimed necessity to return to domesticity.
Nehemia had cravings.  Elide, Manon, and Asterin were drunk and needed a ride.  Rolfe threatened to watch Bridgerton alone.  And Endara claimed Gavriel had left her kitchen a mess.  
Life as it should be was chaos.  And while Rowan knew he wouldn’t have it any other way, as he paid off the tab with Brullo—consequence of a lost bet—he found himself facing a night of pouring rain and a semi-drunk Connall to haul around.
When Aelin Galathynius swore a life of solitude, it was for a good reason.  She’d recently adopted a dog after all and Fleetfoot needed her undivided attention.  
Now, five years later, she regretted nothing.  Especially when Fleetfoot was such an excellent snuggling companion.
While her apartment was small, and admittedly shabby, it was home.  Had been since she’d moved out of last foster home five years ago.  Almost every single one of her friends had lived with her in that time.  From Manon deeming it for your own good so you don’t end up murdered in this hellish part of town, to Elide claiming that I have no idea how to live by myself, you have to help me.
The apartment had known many people.  Had known fights and tears.  Had known emotional breakdowns and dance parties.  
And yet, as Aelin came home from work on a glorious Friday evening, it felt empty.  Even with Fleetfoot eagerly dancing around her feet.  Even as she hooked on the leash and took a brisk walk around the block with Fleetfoot bounding along joyfully.  Even when she returned home and turned her music on while she made dinner.
Only the pouring rain outside gave any indication of the outside world.
Aelin turned her music up louder.
Perhaps it would have been so bad if Elide were here with her.  Or Nehemia.  Any of her friends.  But it was date night and she knew just how much her friends had been missing their boys.  
Elide worked so much and she’d recently started dating Lorcan Salvaterre they barely saw each other.  Nehemia was having a baby with the love of her life.  And then even though she and Asterin weren’t the closest, Aelin did miss her drinking buddy.  And Yrene was so busy with her internship that all she had time for was her new marriage.
Aelin couldn’t have been happier for her friends, truly.  They were all living their best lives.  And so was Aelin.
She’d graduated with her degree in history, specializing in warfare and weaponry.  Now she was teaching part-time at a community college and part of a research team that was working an archeology dig out in Wendlyn.  Everything she’d wanted.  Everything she’d worked so hard to get.
Life was good.  Or so she kept telling herself.
“You really need to start locking your door!”
Aelin turned from the mess of spaghetti she was trying to make to find Elide, Asterin, and Manon entering her apartment.  She held a spatula out threateningly.
“You can't just barge into people’s apartments,” Aelin said.
“We can if the door’s unlocked,” Manon replied.  She wasted no time in kicking off her shoes and tossing her jacket onto Aelin’s couch. “Please tell me you have wine.”
“What’d Dorian do now?” Aelin asked as Manon easily went to the kitchen and found the bottle of wine.  Not the cheap stuff.
“Nothing,” Manon grumbled.
Asterin barked out a laugh.  “He brought up meeting his parents.”
“And moving in together,” Elide added.
Manon brandished the corkscrew threateningly. “Don’t make me use this.”
Chuckling, Aelin turned the burners of her stove off. “It’s Dorian.  You can tell him no to both things and he’ll get it.”
Manon grunted and began chugging her very full glass of wine.
“Lorcan mentioned moving in together,” Elide said. Wine spurted from Manon’s nose and Elide rolled his eyes. “Eventually.  He didn’t actually ask just one of those brief passing comments.”
“You know, I still don’t like him,” Aelin said.  She dished up a few bowls of pasta and started handing them out.
“Please the two of you are practically besties,” Elide said.  She gave Aelin a wink before settling in a chair at the small dining room table.
“Speaking of besties,” Asterin added, “Fenrys just sent me a text.  They are getting wasted at the bar.”
“Is Gav with them?” Elide asked through a mouthful of pasta.
“Yeah, thank the Goddess,” Asterin said.  “I don’t want to pick his drunk ass up.”
Manon made an approving sound and poured herself another glass of wine. “Because we are getting ourselves drunk.”
Aelin debated taking the wine away from Manon already, but shrugged.  She needed a distraction from everything else.  Before sitting down, she grabbed a bottle of whiskey she kept in case of emergencies and few glasses.  It was girl’s night, why not?
“You do know you’re going to have to talk to Dorian, eventually right?” Aelin asked, pouring out whiskey.
“Shush,” Manon said. “Talking is overrated.  We’ll just have sex and get over it.”
Aelin made a face. “I’d rather not think of you and one of my best friends in that way.”
“It’s sex!” Manon shouted. “C’mon, Aelin.  I know it can’t have been that long since you slept with someone.” 
Aelin rolled her eyes.  She most certainly should have taken the wine away.  Wine drunk Manon was a whole different animal than whiskey drunk Manon.
“Ohh,” Elide said, already pushing back her half-eaten bowl of pasta for the whiskey. “I might know of someone.  Actually, Lorcan knows him.”
“No!” Aelin shouted at the same time Asterin screeched, “yes!”
“He’s very attractive,” Elide said with a knowing nod.
“And works out, a ton,” Asterin added. “He and Fen are training for a marathon.”
Aelin didn’t know whether to be impressed or horrified.  She worked out and believed in a healthy lifestyle.  But she also believed in chocolate.  And cake.
Even as her friends slid side-glances her direction, Aelin ignored them.  They’d been hounding her to date more.  Ever since Sam had broken up with her when she wouldn’t move across the country with him and the mess with Chaol...Aelin hadn’t been in a serious relationship.  And she was fine.  Did she miss casual dates? Yes.  Someone she could talk to about everything and anything?  Yes.  Did she miss sex?  Absolutely.
On the last item she could rectify that easily.  Just swing by the nearest club, but Aelin had always craved connection more than casualties.  
She knocked back her shot of whiskey and nabbed the bottle from Manon who was well on her way to drunk.
Elide laughed at Aelin’s diversion from talking and got up to turn Aelin’s stereo up.
“You’ve gotta find a way to support Fleetfoot,” the petite brunette said, “being a single mom is hard.”
“Screw you!” Aelin growled.
“Pretty sure Lorcan’s already taking care of that,” Asterin said.
“No!” Manon and Aelin shouted together.
Cackling madly, Elide downed her whiskey and began dancing.  It didn’t take long before all four girls were drunk and dancing madly to the music.  And Aelin was able to forget everything else about the day and little comments her friends had made.
It wasn’t until after midnight that Lorcan and Fenrys showed up to take the other girl’s home.  Fenry, a bit tipsy himself.
“Baby!” Elide squealed when she threw open the door.
Had Aelin been a touch more wasted she would have missed the soft smile that flitted across Lorcan’s face as his girlfriend flung herself at him.  Aelin might not have understood where the hell that relationship had come from but she was slowly starting to accept it.
“Be safe,” Aelin demanded as she ushered her drunk friends out the door, Lorcan assuring her he had only drank one beer over an hour ago.
“Get a Tinder!” Asterin hollered as Aelin closed the door.
And just like that, she was left to an empty apartment.
When Rowan got into the business of researching ancient warfare and artifacts of war, he’d known it would give him hell in the future.  Not that he would regret it of course, but for the past five years he’d dealt with questioning papers, developing thesis, tossing out said thesis, and trying to appear that he knew what he was doing.
It was a miracle if he could accomplish that last item.
By the time he made it home from work, he was exhausted.  The text from Elide--how she’d gotten his number Rowan had no idea--declaring a night out didn’t help any.  But it had been a few weeks since he and his friend--all his friends had gotten together.
So he dragged his sorry hide into a shower and down to Brullo’s bar.
And just like always he was the last to arrive.
“Whitethorn!” Vaughan called out.
Rowan raised his hand in recognition before getting a drink from Brullo.
Already, his friends had their drinks and their girls--and in Vaughan’s case, boy.  Nothing about the night seemed far from normal.  Even if Rowan wasn’t as familiar with Asterin or Rolfe, being around this group of people always put him at ease.
“You look like hell, Rowan,” Nehemia said with a sympathetic smile.  She wore a simple gray dress that showed off her growing bump, her black hair twisted in thick braids.
Rowan offered a returning smile. “It was a hellish day.”
Connall thrust a beer into his hands. “Here’s to make it better.  Although my lovely wife has already graced you with her presence, so consider yourself lucky.”
Rolling his eyes, Rowan shoved his friend away. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Too much,” Loran supplied.  As usual he was seated in the corner of their table, nursing a beer.
“Where’s Elide?” Rowan asked. “Seeing as she’s the one who made me come.”
Lorcan gestured out to the dance floor.  The dance floor.  Since when did Brullo let anyone start dancing?  Not in the past five years that Rowan and his friends had come.  Unless one of them or another patron got too drunk.
But there was some song with a deep, thrumming beat reverberated through the bar.  Someone must have bribed Brullo to put it on.  Likely the fiends who were dancing like they had no care in the world.
Fenrys and Asterin were practically glued together and were less dancing and more making out.  Nearby Gavriel and Endara were mostly laughing while tripping over their feet to keep with the beat of the song.  What caught Rowan’s attention however was Elide.
Or rather her dance partner.
The woman was tall, lean, and had the frame of a fighter.  She moved so easily to the music that Rowan was focused on her more than the song.  Her blond hair hung well past her shoulders in golden waves matching her gold dress perfectly.  But perhaps what was so striking was the carefree smile she wore.  The way she laughed and leaned into Elide as the song changed to a sultrier chord.  But neither woman seemed to notice, or care.
Until the blonde looked up and the low lights emitting from the dance floor set a low fire to her eyes and dug into him, holding him in place.  And his breath caught.
Elide broke the spell that had settled over him.
“Rowan!” She yelled and waved frantically for him to join the dancing.
“No,” Rowan called back firmly.  The last time he had decided to go dancing with Elide he had ended up shirtless, hungover, and in a car halfway to Mexico.  
Elide pouted at him before crooking her finger to her boyfriend.  Lorcan was already up and out of his seat making his way toward her.  It was still strange to Rowan to see the brute of a man soften for anyone.
Shaking his head, Rowan returned to the bar to get another drink.
“Can I get something as well, Brullo?” The airy confidence of the woman, snagged Rowan’s attention and he turned to see the Elide’s former dance partner standing beside him.
From this angle, Rowan was better able to see that spark of gold and blue in her eyes, a splash of freckles on her nose.  She was beautiful.
“You must be Rowan,” she said with a single brow raised.
He nodded and accepted a beer from Brullo. “I am, but I don’t seem to know you.”
Her mouth pulled up on one side. “Aelin.  Elide and I grew up together.  Figured since I never see her anymore, I had to come see what this place is all about.”
“Elide dragged you out here, didn’t she?” Rowan asked.
“She is terrifying when she wants to be,” Aelin agreed.  She offered him a full grin in that instant and Rowan knew that if possible, he would try and make her smile like that again. “And she offered to pay my tab.”
“Meaning Lorcan will be paying your tab,” Rowan said.
“He does have his uses, other than being a brute.” Aelin laughed at that and took the drink Brullo offered her.  She turned her gaze on him, those eyes so full of light. “I suppose I should get used to him though.  Elide seems to like him.”
She wasn’t wrong Rowan realized.  “Anyone that can get Lorcan to actually get out and dance is a miracle worker.”
“Except, she didn’t get you out there dancing,” Aelin said.  She let out a soft laugh leaning closer to him.
And there it was, something different.  And perhaps Rowan wouldn’t identify it for a long time.  Wouldn’t really know what it was.  But there was something about Aelin that drew him in.  He’d known her for all of ten minutes, didn’t even know her last name, and here he was completely ensnared.
“I don’t dance,” Rowan said.
Aelin cackled. “Not yet anyway.”
She knocked back the rest of her drink and grabbed Rowan’s arm pulling him to the dancefloor.
Perhaps if they’d been paying closer attention, they would have noticed the high-five Asterin and Elide exchanged.  Or the passing of bills between Vaughan, Connall, and Gavriel.  There was a great deal they didn’t notice.
Not how the rain stopped pouring outside.  Not how the emptiness of the night was overcome by more than music and alcohol.  It was a silent shift.  A careful one.  One that would become more than alright with them.
as always thanks for reading!
please reach out if i missed you and let me know if I put you on the wrong tag list/want to be removed.  it’s generally going to be easier for me to just have basic acotar/tog lists and not go into too much worry about that, so just and fyi…anywho  
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virmillion · 5 years
Go ahead, type a post
#labhrambles#lab bitches and moans#hey mom i can never think on the spot when you ask how its going so ill tell you here#im super lonely all the time and its really stupid hard to be lonely when theres 50 thousand people around you#i never understand a Word of bio and im constantly convinced im gonna fail and if i ask questions ill look like an idiot for not-#-understanding a basic introductory course because Everyone Else gets it and Everyone Else said the test was easy so obviously i cant Say-#-it was hard for me right after she says /it was so easy right? haha you guys all were scared for nothing!/#the only class i LIKE only meets for fifty minutes and the class i TOLERATE is an hour and its only once a week#the other three are hell and i actively think about how much easier it would be if i were dead rather than there#im constantly terrified that im doing the wrong thing or saying the wrong thing or wearing the wrong thing and what if in four years it-#-spits me out no better than i was before? what if this isnt what i actually want to do? how am i supposed to pick that now? im not kidding-#-when [redacted] asks why i dont just drop out and i say its because you wont let me. thats genuinely the only answer. thats it.#no one talks to me Ever and ive tried so many times with so many people and Every Single One of them did the awkward laugh nod that-#-acknowledged i spoke then moved on because i said the wrong thing at the wrong time. every single person. every single time ive tried.#and i cant even enjoy most of the clubs im in because [roommate] is in those too so im obligated to hang out with her which makes finding-#-new friends really freaking hard and i CANT DO IT. i just CANT.#ive never made a friend in my LIFE. sarah was forced into it by mrs robin and literally every single friend after was such by association#i have an emotional breakdown about not wanting to come back every weekend and its HELL. i HATE IT. i HATE coming back and i cant SAY THAT#because everyone is always so HOPEFUL that its going BETTER this time and its NOT#its going JUST AS BAD only NOW ive got the added dilemmas of KNOWING im suicidal and broken and i cant DO ANYTHING about it#except SIT HERE and WISH i was dead but im too much of a COWARD to go through with it
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g0dtier · 4 years
Ok look even i realize i cant make a post like that before elaborating so as someone who has an art degree, was groomed themselves and was raised by someone who worked with teenagers who were groomed specifically for 20 years, heres my take on why tumblrs mentality towards fiction (&real degeneracy) is wrong and what you can do to help victims
Im gonna leave out the whole "fiction = reality" shit because at this point everyone knows it doesnt, they just cherry pick where to believe it does. This is not a black and white issue. Fiction may bring up something that was already there, but since none of us are shooting celebs because of books or molesting animals cause furry shit exists, its safe to say theres a line. 1000s of teen boys idealize that one dipshit from fight club. 99% grow out of it. The few that dont were already fucked up and wouldve ended up blowing some shit up either way. No, ao3 is not normalizing pedophilia and you are in no way helping victims. Youre kind of being a detriment.
Pedophiles may use fiction to groom kids, but they did that before fandom existed as well. There is no big difference between using fiction of 2 teens vs fiction of 2 adults to groom a kid cause a pedophile will either say "youre so much more mature than these fictional kids" or "youre so mature for your age you might as well be an adult, i think this fictional adult couple really represents us" and the minor will still take it as a compliment because that is the point of the action. The reason the abusers can take advantage of them is because they want that validation, for reasons listed below. The form that validation comes in doesnt matter.
Tumblrs mentality is purely focused on outrage. Its about hating the perpetrators and pretending people who arent perpetrators actually are, not about helping the victims.
People here have a wrong idea of what a relationship between a minor & pedophile looks like & how they function. People forget that while to us normal people the minors come across as victims in a horrifying situation (which they are), to the minors themselves it doesnt look anything like that. The problem with many of these relationships is not that the minors dont know what theyre doing or are doing it against their will, the problem most of the time is that they, in their minds, are active participants who choose to do this.
Pedos often actively look for kids in fragile situations. No self esteem, bad home life, severe depression. These are the reasons kids want the validation i listed before. Theyre vulnerable to it because they dont get any of it anywhere else and here theres an adult figure just giving it to them.
The point of a grooming is to give the kid validation and make the kid rely on them. To make the kid believe that the adult is the only one who understands them. Its to put the responsibility of the abusers mental wellbeing on the kids' shoulders in the kids' head. And 99% of the time kids already have a close relationship with the abuser when it gets to that point because of aforementioned validation. They create codependency.
So you know what angrily screeching "pedophile!" at any adult interacting on any level with a teenager does? It gives the abuser a reason to call themselves the victim and itll give the minor, whos likely already reluctant to be open about something an abuser does making them uncomfortable because many of them already have low self esteem and dont trust their own judgment and are scared of the consequences (for example: losing what to them is the only person that understands them) even less likely to talk about it. Because regardless of what tumblr thinks, most of these kids do not realize theyre being abused until much later. Theyre not waiting for someone to give them an out.
And no, no matter how hard you try, youre never gonna convince teens that the person theyre talking to is abusing them. Almost every single victim talks about how they hate abusers but how theirs isnt one, adults included. Theyre just misunderstood, or lonely, or really didnt mean it like that. Teens arent gonna listen to randos on the internet trying to convince them the 23yo who "relies on them for help and who is only in love with them, a 15yo, because theyre just really special and cool" is an abuser. Teens are gonna do stuff behind the back of others and lie about it because teens have a really bad case of "dont tell me what to do" syndrome.
What you CAN do to help teens:
- vote for more funding to health care, specifically mental health care. I know everyone rags on cps but cps does not take away children for no reason and will ALWAYS strife to work it out with the parents by offering personal help if possible
- strife to create a safe space for teens to talk about their experiences. Demonizing any adult interacting with children, no matter how creepy it may seem to you or me, makes the victims more reluctant to come forward. Theyre abuse victims. Adult abuse victims dont respond well to "girl youre being abused leave him!!" either. They respond a lot better to "wow dont you think he shouldnt treat you like that? Dont you think your feelings matter and hes being unfair to you?". You need to demonize the actions, not the context of the relationship because teens have already decided the context itself is fine and its usually not what they have a problem with and they wont till theyre older, no matter how hard you try to convince them.
- giving teens safe spaces to learn/talk about sex and what is or isnt right in a relationship. Most pedophiles are not stable. Theyre often codependent or manipulative or overbearing. Teach kids how to recognize these signs and that theyre not ok.
What doesnt help teens:
- taking down ao3 or yelling that some horndog on twitter drew an adult character looking too young. Taboo fiction is not linked to actual degeneracy and doesnt normalize any of it and is not a more succesful tool to help groom kids than anything else. Pretending it is will make minors less likely to seek help tho because the fear of backlash as stated above.
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markets · 3 years
i rlly luv are you satisfied (probably bc im pretty sure its the first song i heard of hers. first song i remember anyways) also rlly like hermit the frog, seventeen, girls... i also just heard mowgils road like yesterday and im genuinely obsessed like go listen 2 it if u havent....... though tbh there isnt a single miss on the family jewels i just like the ones ive actually listened 2 more than twice.... and its definitely not one of my faves but ive always liked lonely hearts club for like years but i can never fucking find it on spotify its pisses me off soooo much. ALSO CONGRATS ON THE TICKETS
YESSS MOWGLIS ROAD IS SO GOOD seventeen and hermit the frog too and girls is sooooo underrated ALSO THANK YOU
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writsgrimmyblog · 6 years
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Rec List #1 Theme: 2018 Favourites
One of my fandom resolutions is to rec more in 2019. I’m going to post rec lists for some of my favourite Nick fics divided up by theme/content/ship or whatever I fancy throughout the year. It seems fitting that my first rec post of 2019 should be my favourite Nick Fics of 2018. If you’re interested in my Harry Potter themed recs, you can find them over on my other blog @writcraft under the tag #writ recs where I’m undertaking the same initiative.
This is by no means an exhaustive list - I’m limiting myself to ten recs per list and it is very difficult, I could have recced many more. I’ve read and enjoyed a whole raft of terrific stories and this rec list is simply based on my personal tastes which may not be everybody else’s cuppa. Please heed the content warnings the author has flagged on AO3 in each case, none of my recs include the content tags.
#1. Ten Track Sophomore Album by @junkshop-disco​ 
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 4,228
Nick has always lived in noise, been the cause of a lot of it, but one day a boy writes him into a pop song and the whole world dissolves into static.
It doesn’t happen like that, not that easy, not that linear, but that’s the heart of it, the soul, if these things have such a thing.
My Rec: The Nick fic of 2018 is undoubtedly the final installment of junkshop-disco’s incredible Doodle of a Surface Life but that has quite rightly garnered so many recs by now if any Gryles reader hasn’t yet indulged, run, quick, what are you waiting for? I love DOASL with all of my heart, but I’m also a sucker for angst and I wanted to highlight this equally terrific fic in my rec list. The structure of this story, in which Nick loses his ability to hear music, is so cleverly done. It’s a very skilled writer that can create an entire fic around sound and make it come alive, and junkshop-disco manages it brilliantly. The fic reads like music, even as it describes the absence of it and it’s a stunning piece of writing. If you like your Gryles contemplative and angsty with confident, lyrical prose, this is the one for you. Junkshop-disco has such a terrific way with words I highly recommend reading all the works by this author. Every single one. But when you do make sure you take a moment to stop by this beautiful story and leave it all the love it deserves.
#2. Tell Me It’s The Strongest Shape by @louandhazaf
Nick Grimshaw/Elgar Johnson/Louis Tomlinson | 73,224
Nick and Elgar have it all. They’re famous, successful, and engaged to be married—and sometimes they play with others.
When uni student Louis gets street cast by Elgar for a GQ photoshoot, he's drawn into Nick and Elgar’s complicated relationship.
They've always invited mates into their bed. It doesn’t ever mean anything. Until… it does.
My Rec: This is such a great exploration of polyamory and the complexities of open relationships, and the author took a great deal of time developing the relationships between the characters and really working on highlighting some of those difficulties. I tend to gravitate towards fanfic where I care deeply about the characters, and although Elgar seems terrific I don’t have the same fannish relationship to him as I do to Nick and Louis so I was curious to know how I would respond to this fic. Basically, the author killed it. I felt such a deep investment in Elgar, Nick and Louis throughout and everything just flew by as I was reading. It’s also really fucking hot. Like, REALLY. Brilliantly done. I loved it. 
#3. Let The Boys All Sing And The Boys All Shout For Tomorrow by @lunarrua​
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 18,429
It's February 1988. Thatcher is in power. There's a new drug sweeping through the clubbing scene. In Manchester, it's the eve of a major protest and a new musical movement. And when Nick finds Harry looking lost outside his favourite chip shop, it's the start of a weekend that will leave an indelible mark on both their lives.
My Rec: I saw the summary for this fic and actually yelled at my screen when it popped into my inbox. Gryles, set in Manchester in the 80s? Hell yes. The fic itself certainly didn’t disappoint, it’s absolutely beautiful. The author writes a well-researched, confident piece and the result is stunning. The atmosphere of the whole story is captivating and you can feel yourself transported to the heady days before the Manchester music scene shifted, the anxieties of the AIDS crisis and the fragility of the relationships formed during that period. The Harry of this fic has a transient quality which evokes the nostalgic reflection on a different time in our not so distant past. A real triumph. I loved this story with my whole heart. 
#4. Séjour by @silveredsound
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 6,288
It is so quiet, which should be conducive to concentration, but Nick is bored and listless and lonely. He’s been there for two days and wants to know where the helpful lady is who’ll deliver him a gamine but takes-no-shit housekeeper who he can fall in love with without words. Words are not his friend.
“Where is my Love Actually moment?” he asks the ceramic kitchen sink as he pokes holes in the cover of one of the M&S ready meals he brought over with him.
Nick’s got writer's block. Louis is a master of distraction.
My Rec: I’ve loved a number of stories by Silv this year and I was swinging back and forth between this and others, but there’s something about this little fic that has wormed its way into my heart and has taken hold so this is the one I’m choosing. As I said in my earlier reblog rec, this has such lush, evocative prose it perfectly captures the sense of a fleeting summer. There’s a seductive quietness to it, and a lovely unfolding of the story through snippets of tasting notes left by Louis on bottles of wine and Nick feeling a little bit lost and searching for words as he struggles with writer’s block. Two boys find one another in the warmth of a sleepy French town and it’s beautiful. Really wonderfully done.
#5. Fists & Flowers ‘Verse by @jiksax
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 1,613 (Make It Worse) and 2,322 (I’ll Do What You Like (If You Stay The Night)
He’s looking at Nick with that soft, terrible look in his eyes, the look that tells Nick the two of them are probably something.
My Rec: If anyone other than Jiksa had told me they were planning an angsty fisting fic series I would have been like umm really? But of course, it’s Jiksa, so naturally I found myself sobbing at the raw, devastating intensity of the story. Jiksa deftly weaves the intensity of the physical act itself into the emotional tumult of Harry and Nick’s relationship in a way that’s incredibly beautiful. A bold, brave, superb piece of hot, confident writing, rich with emotional complexity. Gorgeous.
#6. Constantly on the Cusp by @shiftylinguini
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 6169
It’s 5 in the morning, and Nick’s got an alarm going off, an unexpected bed full of pop star, and a nation to wake up.
It’s far too fucking early for this.
My Rec: UNFFFFF. I love Shifty’s writing. Like, an obsessive amount. I was so thrilled when Shifty started writing Tomlinshaw I didn’t know quite what to do with myself. It’s actually hard to believe this was Shifty’s first Tomlinshaw, because everything about the fic felt like they have been writing them for years. Louis is sleepy, horny and pissed off, Nick is awake, horny and wondering what it all means, and together they have this scorching hot, sexy moment. Nick’s internal monologue  gives us so much insight into their relationship and the fic offers a lovely, warm, hopeful moment at the end. Fantastically written and a sexy delight from start to finish. Loved it!
#7. this cookie’s baking by @disgruntledkittenface 
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles (Genderswap Femslash) | 8,148
Harry’s eyes flicker between Nick’s eyes and lips. “I just want to be your–”
“Baby,” Nick says softly, cupping Harry’s jaw, “you already are.”
Nick and Harry have a long-overdue conversation.
My Rec: This was the first genderswap Gryles fic I have read and I absolutely loved it. The relationship between Nick and Harry feels so perfectly them and there’s a lovely warmth to the whole story. It’s light and funny but also contains moments of real emotional depth and those first time explorations and the hesitancy of admitting to being something more than friends is handled in such a terrific way. It’s a gorgeous story with wonderful writing and I loved every minute of reading it.
#8. let’s make some new rules by @camiii 
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 12,743
A coffee shop, a Christmas party & a fake date to make sure no one gets laid at the end of the night.
My Rec: This was such an enjoyable read. I love camiii’s Tomlinshaw, and seeing this pop up was a wonderful surprise. Barista Louis agrees to be Nick’s fake boyfriend as he pines over an ex that definitely isn’t worth his time, and they become closer in the process. The pace of the story is wonderful, the flirting is brilliant and despite some misunderstandings and Nick’s no good ex trying to fuck things up, the ending is warm and hopeful. A lovely story, full of festive cheer. Thoroughly enjoyable.
#9. I’ll be seeing you by @daretomarvel​ / renlyne
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 11,481
It’s 2028, and Nick’s bought a house.
My Rec: I love Ren’s writing and this Notebook inspired Gryles is a beautiful treat of a story, in which Nick starts buying little bits for his dream house. It’s hard to believe this story is just over 11,000 words because the world the author creates is so rich, detailed, layered and complex. The relationship between Nick and Harry has all of these gorgeous details and nuggets of history as it grows and develops, seedling-like, into something that might just be everything they’ve both been searching for. It’s a warm, hopeful, beautiful story but as it’s Ren, it manages to still tug at the heartstrings in the best kind of way. I read this again as I was putting my rec list together and did so with a lump in my throat, full of feels for the Nick and Harry of Ren’s universe. Gorgeous writing with bags of emotional intensity. I loved it.
#10. All I’ve ever had are love songs by @candybarrnerd / icarusinflight
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 21,688
Things are finally coming together for Nick.
Nick is the DJ of his uni's radio stations, and he passively aggressively dedicates a song to Louis.
My Rec: Icarusinflight is another author who was already on my periphery from Harry Potter fandom who wrote their first Tomlinshaw fic this year and I was so thrilled to see them writing in this fandom and I’m very excited about their upcoming 2019 projects which also includes fics featuring the 1D boys in various ship combos. I love uni AUs and I hadn't read one for a while, so this was such a treat. I loved how Louis is sharp, sassy and confident but with niggling insecurities. Harry was so affectionately humorous in this story and Nick’s voice is wonderful. This is a really well-paced, enjoyable story with a hot af first kiss that deserves a mention all of its own. The music references, the tea and the cameos from various 1D members are all terrific and the writing is brilliant. Can’t wait for more from this author this year.
Bonus Rec: I was meant to limit this to just 10 recs but I also wanted to give a quick shout out to @nightwideopen. I’ve said this in previous rec lists before, but I am constantly impressed by the quality of @nightwideopen‘s writing and the way they explore things such as asexuality and gender dysphoria which can be harder to find in a relatively small fandom. I’d particularly rec so far (it’s alright) and i’ve been thinking lots about your mouth from this year, both Tomlinshaw.
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thetraficante · 6 years
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YAY!!!! im sorry for this..... Edit but we have reached the end of 20gayteen and as always we’ve had wonderful incredibly well written fics by amazing, dedicated authors in every single corner of the 1d fandom, thank you SO MUCH for sharing your talent w us! i know that sometimes you feel like your work isnt appreciated enough, and im sorry for that because your talent is massive and we’re so lucky to have such legendary ppl writing stories out of their love for the 1d members. keep writing! keep doing what you love! you’ll always have an audience <3
this list is by no means Objective, its only a compilation of the 10 fics ive reread and yelled about the most. thank you to all the following authors for making me laugh, cry, gasp and shout! (for some of you i would’ve chosen more fics, your talent has produced many masterpieces in ONE year, how cool is that?)
now in a minute by @avocadolouie
13 feels like yesterday for many people, but for Louis it actually was.
More than anything in the world, Louis Tomlinson dreams of growing up. Simply skipping over all of the awkward, embarrassing years of teenage existence and getting on with life. Real life.
So when thirteen-year-old Louis wakes up in the body of his thirty-year-old self, he expected everything in his adult life to be picture perfect. And maybe it is. He has it all…or so it seems.
Except his favorite person and lifelong best mate, Harry Styles, is totally missing from the equation and Louis doesn’t understand why. He has a lot of catching up to do and as adult life turns out to be more than what he bargained for, Louis can’t help wondering why a life that seemed so perfect, feels so empty.
Or the 13 going on 30 au that should have been done years ago.
the second hand unwinds by @fullonlarrie
Louis Tomlinson is one of the first members of NASA's top secret Chrono Exploration Program. When things go wrong and he's sent further back in time than planned, he has no other option than to show up on his ex-boyfriend's doorstep.
just call me inspiration by @hereforlou
The truth is Louis knows he’s going to hell, if there is such a thing, but it isn’t because he writes erotic fiction for a living. If anything, it’s because his muse, the reason he’s inspired to write about people shagging in increasingly creative ways everyday, is the sweetest, loveliest, most genuine (and completely oblivious) future children-book illustrator in the world.
(Or, the one where Louis is a writer, Harry is an art student, and they inspire each other in very different ways.)
make your words a weapon by @helloamhere
There’s no single path forward from the connection, no truth other than the truth that the person whose words you carry is out there, an undefined something that you’re going to have to deal with.
In whatever way you can possibly deal with meeting the stranger who's always been there, and always been missing.
OR: Louis is a music critic, Harry is a rockstar, soulmates are destiny but no one ever said destiny was easy, music is everything.
the road less travelled by by @freetheankles
Louis was a lumberjack happy to be living his life alone in what could qualify as Middle Of Nowhere, Canada.
Every morning, he went out into the woods, cut his logs, then came home at dusk to a scalding hot shower and a good book by the fireplace. Rinse and Repeat. He had a good life, quiet and peaceful; simple. Not a secluded one as Niall annoyingly claimed.
Louis certainly didn't need some chatty trespasser dropping into his life, his forest, his home. Invading his space, his circle of friends, touching his stuff, asking questions about his husband. His late husband.
A trespasser who wasn’t supposed to crawl under his skin, occupy his thoughts, and steal his heart from where Louis had locked it safely away, only to put it right back on Louis’ sleeve — where it once laid.
No, Louis definitely didn’t need Harry.
for as long as i can remember (it’s been december) by @greenfeelings
After recovering from a severe accident that causes Harry to lose his memory of three years, he moves to London to start his life over as a star chef. Little does he know that when he falls in love with Louis at first sight, it’s not the first time they meet.
Featuring an unintentional game of hot and cold, Harry chasing memories that won’t come back, Louis burying himself in work to try and forget what he can’t forget, Liam being torn between two of his best friends, Zayn as a moral compass and Niall saving the day with good music and brutal honesty.
when the sun won’t let you sleep by @allwaswell16
Four years ago, Louis Tomlinson left the UK to live on an Antarctic research station for reasons best left in the past. He’s carved out a life for himself on the ice and has dedicated himself to his research, his friends, and especially the Halley VI research station. He’s less than thrilled when he learns that Harry Styles, a glaciologist from another base who once broke his heart, will be coming to Halley, and he’s definitely unprepared for the upheaval Harry brings with him.
promise in the sky by @hazzabeeforlou
AU in which Harry Styles, a naïve, repressed, socially awkward Midwestern highschooler tries to navigate his fundamentalist evangelical parents and radically progressive older sister. He’s doing an okay job of this until the Tomlinson family starts attending Lakeside Baptist Church and a boy named Louis changes everything. Harry is forced to come to grips with his true self when Louis becomes more than just his best friend; but their relationship opens a can of worms and sends them on the most painful, heartbreaking journey of their young lives. They risk everything and nearly lose, and Harry learns that perhaps only one Bible verse is true: that perfect love casteth out fear.
buried like treasure by @becomeawendybird
Prince Harry Styles is very private. He chooses to keep himself out of the public eye but feels lonely and isolated while surrounded by people in his hectic royal life. When he finishes his dissertation, he decides to take a solo holiday to one of the royal family's properties in the Swiss Alps.
Semi-retired thief Louis Tomlinson has been pulled in for one last job: steal a painting from an uninhabited mansion. Neither one of them expects a natural disaster.
take a chance on me by @velvetnoodle
Harry Styles, former member of the hugely successful boyband Status Single, returns to his hometown of Holmes Chapel with his daughter nine years after the band broke up and he disappeared from the limelight. Convinced he’s faded into obscurity by now, Harry deems this the perfect place to give his daughter a stable childhood, which includes signing her up to play football at the local club, of course.
The only problem is the coach, Louis, seems to dislike him. Like really, really dislike him. Which drives Harry mad, because everyone likes him. Everyone. So when he finds out Louis’ flat has flooded and he’s got nowhere to stay, Harry is quick to offer up his spare room in the hopes of winning the other man over.
(aka the Strangers to Enemies to Friends to Lovers Roommate AU you didn’t know you needed, feat. Single Dad!Harry, Footie Coach!Louis, a precocious 9 year old, a band of meddling family members, an overly excited labradoodle, an extremely Done cat, and a Shiall wedding you’ll never forget.)
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searching for a roommate: maybe also love (3/?)
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soulmates!au  (part 3/?)
part 1/ part 2/
genre: angsttttt fest pairing: Mark x OC inspired by prompt: (i’ll add the link of the list when i find it) 8. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” 100. ”You’re my soulmate?!”
even soulmates have a hard time admitting they want each other
the next morning, i head into the shower; wanting to be quick and not bump into mark. it’s a late morning for me because i’ve started writing more and reporting less so i spend most mornings at home. i know mark goes to work around 8am so i beeline quickly but still bump into him. godddd my luck’s non-existent.
with my hair soaking with only a towel wrapped around me, i freeze; hoping he’ll ignore me. my head’s still kind of touching his chest but all he does is stand there. i don’t know. i don’t even look up at him.
“hey.” he says softly
i ignore him and continue to walk past him.
“why didn’t you eat?” mark asks because he probably sees the food he’d left for me untouched as he heads towards the front door. i can hear the hurt and when i shut my eyes cringing; i picture his face looking hurt too.
i really don’t know how to make things better between mark and i.
—— text ——
arista: hey jackSUN: this sounds ominous  what’s up arista: mark and i are having roommate issues well not really but like after our housewarming party he’s been so off and i just went off yesterday but only cus he was looking for a fight 😤😤😤 jackSUN: dont ask me he was already grouchy when i saw him arista: wtf happened at the party i was busy with the guests weren’t u two joint to the hip … wait is this a bro code thing jackSUN: i can neither confirm nor deny just think about what you were doing that night which could’ve led to mark’s “weirdness” arista:….
mark’s out in the living room when i finally step out of my room. eyes all wide, staring at me as i’ve caught him mid-bite. i freeze at my room and also just look at him. “hey.” i sit beside him
“hey.” there’s a small smile on his face as his eyes follow me. i’m trying to focus what’s on the tv. “are you hungry? i know you haven’t eaten all day.”
“it’s fine. i’m not hungry.” i lie in a mumble, eyes still on the tv.
“arista.” mark’s attempt at trying to sound stern makes me laugh a little but i try to suppress it. he catches this and nudges me. “i didn’t cook it so it’s even more delicious.”
“i love your cooking.” i mumble, pulling the couch cushion onto my lap. it’s difficult for me to look at him even more. and i am being honest but i really like mark’s cooking. even if he never adds enough salt or seasoning.
he chuckles. that sounds like my favourite thing. “you’re the only one, arista.” from the corner of my eyes, he’s smiling and rolling his eyes at me. my heart’s melting. i’m weak in the knees; thank god i’m sitting down.
“i’m sorry for what happened at the party.” i mumble as he gets up from the couch. when he hears, he pauses. his entire body freezes and head turns to me. “i don’t know what happened but i just want you, us, to be normal again.” god, i hear my own voice. i sound so sad. i don’t want mark to pity me.
“it’s okay. i was just being dumb. it’s nothing. you have nothing to be sorry about.” he says, casually and continues on his way to the kitchen to get food. for the short while he’s gone, my heart’s pounding but i can feel it in my head.
tonight, mark and i talk about that night. when we first met at the club. he details me on what happened because i’m still blurry. really, all he tells me about is how i’d asked him to come over so he could be my roommate. 
(flashback third person POV)
mark can’t seem to keep his eyes off of arista. his eyes keep wandering onto her; some supernatural power that keeps pulling him towards arista. when she’d come up to the table, he’d found himself frozen. like something in his head clicked but he couldn’t place what went off. he clues that she’s close to jackson and jaebum; how easily she laughs with them. with all her friends. he doesn’t know where this urge comes from but he’s silently wishing (really really badly) that he hopes he can make her laugh as easily
jennie nudges mark, noticing his gaze at arista throughout the night.
— text —
jen: r u into her?????/
mork: shut up before you draw any attention
jen: isnt she into jackson??i heard jaebum saying thatmork
the incessant beeping of his phone, he finally replies; annoyed. despite the fact that the two of them are sitting together
mork: jfc JEN I SWEAR
as jennie yells the dare to arista, mark’s entire body feels like he’s frozen but also burning entirely too hot in anticipation to see what arista will do. he already feels his heart breaking; it seems ridiculous because he’s barely spoken to her and met her 4 hours ago.
with arista’s face so close to jaebum, mark finds himself uncomfortable. he doesn’t like what he sees. his eyes bounce from grace to jackson; who look the least shocked. they must’ve known about her feelings because the two of them almost share the uncomfortable feeling he’d been feeling but were actually showing it while mark remained stoic mostly.
he leaves a little space as arista rushes out; leaving a tense air between all of them. jaebum’s face stuck in shock; mouth slightly agape and turns to jackson.
“what the hell was that?” jaebum mumbles. mark feels bad for arista. he wishes he could feel actually bad though but a part of him is glad that jaebum doesn’t like her back. maybe that means he could talk to her. he isn’t even thinking about dating her. for now, he’s trapped in her magnetic field. she’s so powerful to him; that he just wants to talk to her; know her.
even from the booth, mark’s eyes tried to search for arista on the dance floor. sometimes he caught glimpses of her; dancing the night away. again, she looks so carefree and he wishes he could be a little like that. he is like that but he could never especially after what’d had just happened. 
“i’m gonna go get another round.” mark clears his throat and tells jaebum and jennie before heading to the bar.
“arista!” he mimics her enthusiasm, finds himself smiling wider than he should. “are you okay?” lowering to her height, he asks into her ear. still dancing to the beat, arista’s swaying. mark finds her pout cute.
“i feel like shit! but i’m really drunk right now!” she giggles, yelling over the music so he lowers himself to her height mid-sentence.
“i think you were very brave.” he’s referring to the moment with jaebum and her but she doesn’t get it and only bounces to the music restlessly which makes hims laugh. amused, he watches her for a bit.
“hey, do you wanna be my roommate?” when he’d said brave, he really hadn’t realised that she was that brave. she barely knows him but she’s looking at him so intensely with a genuine smile, which is beyond mark’s understanding because how can a drunk person do that?
“how’d you know?” he asks. why’s he trying to have a conversation with a drunk person?
“come over saturday!!” she yells into his ear which makes him jerk. but her hands grip onto his arms tightly, jumping to the new song playing. “mark, you are absolutely beautiful.” she breathes and he cringes at the smell of alcohol on her breath.
she’s still cute though. /// “you’re a fucking psycho!” i laugh as mark finishes telling me about the night i’d drunkenly yelled into his face. practically demanding to be my roommate; not even a suggestion really. “i was so wasted and you still came.” there’s a sparkle in his eyes as he looks over at me; that teeth-showing smile making me weak.
 mark smiles for a few more moments. “i didn’t want your bravery to go to waste.” he shrugs. 
“well, thank you.” i want to hug him. i want to hold him because he’s making me feel so warm. 
“you’re my favourite roommate.” why did i just say that…… “i mean—“ i start taking my words back but he interrupts me, with his hand on my arm. 
“you are my favourite too.” he says that so genuinely. i almost believe him. god, i wanna get lost in his eyes. there’s a faint smile on his face. i feel like i forget everything when he’s there.
“so can you tell me why were you being so distant?” acutely aware of mark’s hand still on my arm, i place mine over it.
then, it’s silence.
he slowly removes his hand from me and it scares me. maybe i’d been too careless about throwing that out there. maybe he’s still not comfortable with me.
“i saw you with jaebum. out there in the balcony.” he says and i watch him, nodding for him to go on but he’s biting the corner of his lip again. “i don’t know arista. i just felt jealous. but i really don’t like you that way.” he adds the last part way too forcefully which stings a little but it doesn’t surprise me. “i guess i just forgot you had other friends beside me.”
i laugh a little. “you’re so dumb.”
“but you like dumb things.”
i’m getting flashbacks to our first conversation in the apartment. i love dumb things.
// we go back to normal after that. whatever normal had been for us anyway. but a part of me is getting mushy feelings for mark; probably because his admission about being jealous made me like him a little bit more. (totally not in a romantic way though) it takes a lot of guts to admit ugly feelings like jealousy though and I'm glad that we’re close enough for that. so my life’s kind of getting on track, my roommate and i are friendly. more and more articles are getting assigned to me instead of on-site reporting. now, all i have to worry about is about these soulmate marks. but it doesn’t matter; a soulmate is meant to be; i don’t have to search for him. hopefully. // mark’s not home. which is weird because it’s mark? he’s always home if not at work. well, i mean he is a single guy. an attractive one. he’s bound to have some fun? i guess? it feels weird even wondering. i sigh; feeling lonely as i serve myself dinner for one. i’d also come back home a bit later than i’d anticipated, like i said, i’ve been getting more articles. so, when the lights were out at home, i’d gotten a little disappointed. 
why do i even wait up for mark? getting antsy, i start biting on my nails. like it’s completely irrational but i start getting angry at him; how could he not text and be like; “hey i’ll be night don’t wait up” okay, but the thing is, he doesn’t have to… we’re just roommates. whatever. 
i force myself to bed. he’s a big boy. despite being a heavy sleeper, i’d gone to bed on edge so i wake up to the sound of things crashing outside. normally, the apartment could be on fire and i wouldn’t realise if asleep.
i know it’s mark. instantly. without a doubt. leaning against the doorframe of my bedroom, i watch him wobble into the living room. he’s probably knocked everything in the hallway. 
mark’s eyes slowly look up to me and a sloppy slow smile forms on his face. and i notice that his eyes look sheepish as he leans on the couch for balance; still looking at me. “ari, i don’t feel so good.” he covers his mouth as he gags. 
“mark, don’t you fucking dare.” i warn, rushing beside him. even the thought of having to clean up puke is making me gag. i want to be angry but he keeps making gagging noises; looking over at me with his eyes that scream innocence. you know the ones where kids know they messed up but expect their parent to help them clean their mess up. 
so he throws up in the toilet bowl with me beside him on the floor; patting his back. but not before he threw up on himself a little before we even made it to the bathroom. surprisingly, my gag reflex hasn’t reacted as i comfort mark throughout his puking. huh, i guess he brings out another strong side to me. normally, i puke whenever i see someone else throw up. 
“arista, i can’t do this. i can’t.i can’t.” he shakes his head, teary-eyed from the constant puking. “i’m gonna dieee.” he slurs before he leans into the toilet bowl again. 
“god, mark. you’re a fucking mess.” i try not to laugh as drool edges on the corner of his lips. “c’mon,” i start unbuttoning his shirt because the smell of vomit on his shirt’s killing me. “you have to get cleaned.” 
“why are you undressing me!?” he yells a little too loudly in my face. 
i scoff. “because you threw up on yourself and i can’t sit here with you all night if you smell like that.” reasoning with a drunk is impossible but he silently agrees and lets me unbutton it; eventually taking it off himself. 
the next morning, i’m awake on the couch with asleep against the foot of the couch. (with a bin from my room to throw up in) awake before him, i try to slip past him to get dressed when i notice him shirtless. then, i remember that i’d helped undress him last night. now, i’m only human so i stare at him; shirtless and still slightly hugging the bin. god, he looks like an angel. everything on him looks so soft. 
crouching down to face him, i notice the mark on his chest. similar to mine. shaped like a little heart. i choke a little when i realise how similar they really are. no way. don’t be a fucking weirdo arista. thousands of people probably have similar marks. i check to see if it’s on his left. and it is. my entire body starts burning up when i realise. no way. no way. 
i always thought that there’s this show-stopping moment when you see your soulmate. like, you two just know. did i ever have a moment like that with mark? i mean, i’ve always been drawn to him? or am i just making it up in my head now because i’ve seen his mark? 
mark doesn’t even feel that way about me so there’s no reason for me to hype myself up. sometimes soulmate marks fade. like ray and mine. maybe mark and i aren’t romantic soulmates. i’m not sure how to react now that i rationalise that we may not be romantic soulmates. but it’d make more sense; we’ve always clicked. but … i’ve never wanted to kiss mark in the kitchen when we were both goofing around; cooking dinner. never. not even when we were furniture shopping and we both pointed at the same thing at the same time with the same lame joke....nope... not even then.
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hgfstreamchats · 3 years
Roar and Cats 2019
thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:31 PM No, not the bees! highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:31 PM Oh yes! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:33 PM Video and audio both seem fine... for now. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:33 PM Fingers crossed! "We did lose a few extras, though." thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:34 PM No animals were harmed, only actors! highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:37 PM If I don't see a pile of mauled humans by the time the credits roll I'm going to be disappointed.
thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:37 PM Well, THAT seems--never mind, I don't want to jinx it. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:38 PM "We just filled the set with lions and whatever happened happened." thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:38 PM Ha! Is that lion covered in blood-- highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:38 PM So much unpaid intern blood. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:40 PM Here we see the mighty giraffe running down a lone cyclist-- highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:40 PM Nature is magical that way. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:41 PM it's the cycle of life highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:41 PM The lions eat the actors and when the lions die, their bodies become the grass, and the actors eat the grass. Starscream! Just in time! Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:44 PM I'm glad to have not missed this nonsense. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:45 PM "And I base that on absolutely nothing!" thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:45 PM Yes.  Cat and mouse. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:45 PM Humans suffering the consequences of their actions is always amusing. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:45 PM A safe game to play with lions, fun for the whole family! Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:48 PM Is there a point to this film besides violating every work and safety guideline? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:48 PM Not in the slightest. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:49 PM "hey, the different cat species have been fucking!" Long live the king. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:50 PM Hah! Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:52 PM Saving a ton on the special effects budget by using real blood, I see. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:52 PM See, it has a point besides violating every work and safety guideline. They threw a large number of wild animals together in a confined space and then made them confused and upset. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:52 PM I'm sure the investors are delighted to see that they've been financing a multispecies orgy/fight club for cats. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:52 PM Wheeljack's ideal world. Hopolites — Yesterday at 9:53 PM Not a single part of this movie was thought out Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:53 PM And I thought Megatron teaching elephants to salute him was poorly thought out. This makes his madness seem perfectly rational. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:53 PM "In this scene, we just kept filming while the actor tried to bandage his own severed wrist artery!" Hopolites — Yesterday at 9:54 PM This movie is a lot of whyyyyyyyyyyyyy highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:54 PM Its working title was "This Happened and We Let This Happen." thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:55 PM "I swear, usually this never happens" "They're just big softies really" Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:55 PM It was a friendly mauling. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:55 PM It's how they show love. Hopolites — Yesterday at 9:56 PM I feel sorry for the animals, and worry for the actors And violence for the director highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:56 PM None of these animals look happy to be here. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:56 PM Why would they be? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:57 PM Free food? Hopolites — Yesterday at 9:57 PM This is a Nope highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:58 PM Is this an actor or did they just find this man somewhere? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 9:59 PM ........ Wasn't expecting to see that. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 9:59 PM That madness is too genuine to be acting. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 9:59 PM "I fended them off with my nudity!" Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:00 PM I would just leave of four lions grabbed my jacket thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:00 PM It's their jacket now. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:00 PM The studio is now owned by the lions. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:00 PM Excuse me, WHAT was that noise Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:01 PM What I do not understand is why everyone except the madman did not quit. Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:01 PM Im sorry but that guy going AWAY from the lions is reasonable Also please put on pants thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:02 PM At least he stopped to put on underwear And a shirt "Yes... me, my husband, and his 30 lions he has sleep in the same bed" Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:03 PM WHY ARE YOU HAVING THIS CONVERSATION IN A BUS WHY OH SO YOU GOTTA WALK THROUGH A HERD OF ELEPHANTS Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:06 PM Time for him to return to the bones of his eaten family. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:06 PM He loses and hires a new Mativo monthly. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:06 PM Gonna be less enthused when they find out exactly how many lions have the run of the place, and how they've marked their territory Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:07 PM Im surprised to look up the wiki article and find out this isnt a horror film thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:08 PM I definitely saw a couple of cats upstairs, but where are they now? Oh. Heheheh. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:09 PM That's very optimistic of her, thinking a few opened windows will help with the smell. Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:09 PM How do you miss the lions on the roof How is this a comedy Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:09 PM It is a comedy of poor decisions. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:11 PM Oh, I don't know, I'm finding this fairly comedic Why do they all try to hide in boxes Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:13 PM It is a poorly 'written' comedy. Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:13 PM Because this house has the shittiest locks ever thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:14 PM Is--is the lion going to slide the lock highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:14 PM Fun for the whole family! thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:15 PM Lions will see someone in a box and say "is anyone going to eat that" and not even wait for an answer Says the guy who did exactly the same thing and got trapped exactly the same way. "Let's hide in boxes again!" Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:19 PM Shame the doors are made of cardboard. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:19 PM Yes, I feel like if you lived in proximity to 500 lions, you might want stronger doors highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:21 PM You can tell it's a comedy because of all the blood and children crying. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:21 PM Oh yes, lead the tigers to a defenseless village. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:22 PM Ugh. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:22 PM You have the best of luck when it comes to streaming things. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:23 PM Don't I just? I want to see these humans mauled! Mimic — Yesterday at 10:24 PM hello! do I see hopes of mauling highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:24 PM I'm sure this will end well for this village. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:25 PM Terrorize the village and steal their bicycles. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:25 PM Our hero, everyone. "Harden up, Mativo #5!" Mimic — Yesterday at 10:27 PM this guy sounds distractingly like John Mulaney Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:27 PM He does know tigers climb, right? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:27 PM He's hoping Mativo doesn't know that. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:28 PM .... thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:28 PM ??? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:28 PM ..... Mimic — Yesterday at 10:29 PM this has been your detour into the German language thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:29 PM Why and how would that happen highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:29 PM The saddest part is, I have no clue whether that was intentional and it's simply that kind of movie. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:29 PM I am... reasonably certain it is not supposed to abruptly be in german. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:30 PM I'm 95% certain. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:33 PM Hahahha Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:33 PM He is not wrong. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:35 PM He's the Designated Sane Man Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:35 PM But not sane enough to not be in this situation. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:36 PM ...Why did they bring a skateboard Mimic — Yesterday at 10:36 PM I have no idea Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:36 PM Reasons™️ thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:37 PM Gonna do some sick ollies out on the savannah What's next, they find out this guy also has 300 pet crocodiles? Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:40 PM yeah that boat is gone Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:41 PM As I understand, the elephant did break her leg when it picked her up. Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:41 PM yeeeeep highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:41 PM And then it turned gangrenous. Mimic — Yesterday at 10:41 PM fuuuck thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:42 PM oh YIKES Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:42 PM He really does want to jump-start the process on getting Mativo #6 Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:43 PM Whats with the whimsical music?????? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:44 PM he's drawing them off!  how heroic! Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:45 PM And then he died. Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:46 PM Aaaand another injury thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:46 PM Honestly, Mr Lion Whisperer deserves to have his house wrecked like this Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:47 PM His family did not ask for this, though. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:47 PM No, I feel bad for them Like this is definitely coming up in the custody hearing, right Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:48 PM This has to be criminal something. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:49 PM Apparently, none of these lions were owned legally and Mr. Lion Whisperer contracted blood poisoning from one of the many maulings he sustained on set. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:49 PM Yikes. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:49 PM And also gangrene. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:49 PM Well good. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:49 PM And at one point, some of the animals escaped and ended up shot and killed, including one of the lead lions. Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:49 PM This movie reminds me ever so lovingly of when I lived with three great danes who wanted to murder me thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:50 PM I feel like he didn't think this hiding place through Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:50 PM I am unsurprised that some of the animals escaped. They're not really contained. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:50 PM Quick, disguise yourself by covering your body with raw meat! Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:51 PM already done, my body is made of raw meat thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:51 PM He's an old softie really, just thump him if he's a nuisance Oh no Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:52 PM A nice honey base. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:52 PM Oh no. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:52 PM oh Oh yikes highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:52 PM The Anklebreaker's back. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:52 PM That elephant is actively murderous. Hopolites — Yesterday at 10:53 PM Another injury! highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:53 PM I like how the terror in their eyes is real. Mimic — Yesterday at 10:53 PM fun fact, elephants are capable of vigilante rampages highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:54 PM And he did throw his trainer against a tree and break her shoulder. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:54 PM :frowning: So this is what, the gorilla house? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:55 PM Full of deadly snakes, perhaps? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:55 PM Hippos, maybe? Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:56 PM ... Oh yes, just leave that door open. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 10:56 PM Some sort of plague ridden something or other. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 10:56 PM Oh, I see, it's just not secured in any way against the lions Why would it be, really Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 10:59 PM So the bad lions eats the 'bad' humans. Alright then. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:01 PM "So you see, this is fine!" said the movie whose production ended in the near-deaths of several humans and the actual deaths of several lions. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:01 PM Oof, so that bit at the beginning about how none of the animals were harmed, was a lie highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:01 PM Oh yes, very much so. A number of them also caught airborne diseases and died that way. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:02 PM :frowning: Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:02 PM Unsurprising. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:02 PM Apparently this movie was made to prove that you should care about big cats And that they werent evil Which thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:02 PM So they're cool with the lions now, huh Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:02 PM This movie was made by a lunatic who wanted to show off his cats. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:02 PM GREAT JOB Yeah thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:02 PM Well, they're not evil, they're just animals that you shouldn't keep as pets Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:03 PM yeah highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:03 PM Nice recycled dialogue, there. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:03 PM Yeah I head "They're really friendly!" twice highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:03 PM And "She's beautiful" twice. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:05 PM So... after his untrained 500-lb pets hunted them for sport, they're cool with it all now Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:05 PM Yes. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:05 PM And will help him get more grant money, presumably And come live with him in Lion House highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:06 PM "Come join us, Mativo 7!" Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:06 PM Someone is going to question the two humans his lion killed. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:06 PM Did he just threatan Mativo??? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:07 PM :frowning: "how could this have happened!  haha oh well" Mimic — Yesterday at 11:08 PM I feel like this movie did not earn this emotional closing song thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:09 PM It did not. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:09 PM Not at all. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:09 PM You know what would be a great followup to this? :slight_smile: highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:09 PM What's that? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:09 PM Cats. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:10 PM 'When Animals Attack'? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:10 PM Yes. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:10 PM The terrible new one. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:10 PM We're doing it. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:10 PM Yes! Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:10 PM Oh dear. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:10 PM oh boy! Mimic — Yesterday at 11:11 PM I've been morbidly curious about that movie since it came out I have only seen brief clips and some musical sequences highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:12 PM The first time Breakdown and I ever saw it, we were out of our minds on steam, so it will be interesting to watch clear headed. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:14 PM One of these days I'm going to suggest a good movie. Mimic — Yesterday at 11:14 PM but, if we have a good time watching bad movies, exactly what have we lost thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:15 PM Nothing! And I suppose this is the one where they laboriously edited out the buttholes Or so I've heard. highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:16 PM Alright. Now, my Steam-induced opinion of this the first time around was that it was the best thing I'd ever seen in all my vorns of life. Let's see if that still holds true. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:16 PM I have many doubts that it will. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:16 PM Well the music here has me freaked out GAH SMALL PERSON thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:17 PM I loved the musical when I was a kid.  I think I still have the soundtrack, somewhere Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:17 PM It sounds like a cat on a synthesizer. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:17 PM The fact that they show an actual human makes this movie weirder tbh thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:17 PM ...Yeah, I wasn't expecting that Mimic — Yesterday at 11:18 PM AWKWARD SILENCE Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:19 PM . . . thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:19 PM I don't care, I love this song. It's bonkers that this is how they welcome new members, but also kind of great. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:20 PM Their shapes are very upsetting. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:20 PM Im going to just, not look at the movie. It keeps mildly wigging me out Mimic — Yesterday at 11:21 PM we've all got our uncanny valley thresholds Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:21 PM Mine is very low thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:21 PM You could shrink the window a bit Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:22 PM yeah the songs are bop thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:23 PM awwww gosh I wonder what HIS name is highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:23 PM Hat Cat McSomething. Imagine how mind blowing this all would have been with animated cats, or even motion capture over photorealistic cats. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:24 PM Wait, but they are stray cats aren't... they? Mimic — Yesterday at 11:25 PM waggles hands Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:25 PM It would have been much less... distracting, if they were animated, or cat shaped. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:25 PM ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:25 PM I’m having audio and resolution troubles, but I’m 82% sure the cat in question’s name is Munkustrap thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:25 PM And she's, apparently, a kitten who got thrown away by some awful human Mimic — Yesterday at 11:25 PM some are pets, some are strays, some are like, mascot cats of local offices Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:25 PM Or if they were like the musicals and clearly people dressed as cats highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:26 PM Basically anything but this. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:26 PM I'm just saying it's weird they start out going "well, you need to have a name for humans to call you, obviously" Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:26 PM Okay my ipad is faring much better and yes that is Munkustrap there he is What a disaster Relatable Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:27 PM Their scale is also very inconsistent. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:27 PM I feel like they stepped on that opening. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:28 PM Their scale is about as consistent as transformers scale is Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:28 PM Wait til the nightclub scene highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:28 PM "We're essentially a suicide cult." Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:28 PM .....oh dear. I didn't think of that Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:29 PM They too are aware of how wrong they are, and wish to perish. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:29 PM Please stop having them stick up their legs like that. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:29 PM Rebel Wilson's CGI is the wrongest thing about all of this, and that includes the child mice Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:30 PM Also when Jenny was rolling she did not look like she was there thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:30 PM ............. Mimic — Yesterday at 11:30 PM THERE'S a swift kick to the uncanny valley for everyone Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:30 PM Nahh, I take it back, the mice are worse. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:31 PM I feel like this scene is made weirder because the mice are children Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:31 PM Get you someone who looks at you like that even as you fall off a windowsill Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:31 PM Is this song just making fun of this cat for being overweight? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:32 PM This is excruciating. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:32 PM The way they're playing it, it is highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:32 PM Oh, you just wait. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:32 PM Eugh Classy Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:32 PM No no, the Chonker Cat song is later, that's Bustopher Jones. It's the framing that's making fun of Wilson's character. This one is making fun of how cats play with the critters they catch, I think. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:33 PM The original certainly isn't an extended fat joke. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:34 PM Ah yes... Mr. Annoying Good grief that mouse was just horribly photoshopped in highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:35 PM I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the stage version of this cat. The one that everyone insisted was me. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:35 PM why are you into him, Victoria Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:35 PM I love the weeeeird instrument choices I've been hearing here Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:35 PM :eyes: Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:35 PM Why did they interupt the song thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:35 PM The fact that he's wearing this big coat makes everyone else look naked Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:36 PM YEAH Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:36 PM For a Trailer Moment thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:36 PM Either have them all clothed, or none Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:36 PM OH JUST YOU WAIT Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:36 PM I dispise trailer moments thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:36 PM I know about the stripping. Mimic — Yesterday at 11:36 PM so I've seen people complain about the chemistry being sucked out of this song Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:37 PM THIS IS VERY WEIRD Mimic — Yesterday at 11:37 PM ... mainly between Rum Tum Tugger and Mister Mistoffelees highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:37 PM She is a kitten. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:37 PM Is she meant to be still? highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:37 PM Exactly. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:37 PM Loud noises of confusion thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:38 PM Like from the framing, she is... I think? Even if she's being played by an adult Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:38 PM I think she's supposed to be an abandoned kitten, yeah Mimic — Yesterday at 11:38 PM I think she is in the stage version too the hour long video from Sideways mentioned that Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:38 PM That whole thing was just so uncomfortable Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:39 PM I think the human noses are making this worse than it needs to be. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:39 PM ...I had not known that. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:39 PM exactly, it's the noses That's the worst part Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:39 PM I will now go stand in the corner like its blair witch and scream Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:40 PM There is also no flow. It just... keeps happening. Songs, but no plot. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:40 PM No no, that's actually supposed to be that way. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:40 PM To be fair the musical is normally like that, yeah Mimic — Yesterday at 11:40 PM they pretty much just had RUm Tum Tugger and Mister Mistoffelees be interested in Victoria so they could inject some 'no homo' into the Rum Tum Tugger song. where it did not belong Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:40 PM Not the sort of musical for me, then. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:40 PM The director is just trying desperately to make a plot out of things with no plot Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:41 PM It is pretty sweet, really-- what there is of it. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:42 PM oh great the fat jokes highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:42 PM Here we go. Buckle in, everyone. Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:42 PM greeeeeat thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:42 PM ... He is also wearing clothes Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:42 PM Tuxedo Cat™ thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:43 PM "and then she went with Macavity" Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:43 PM I am too sober for this. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:43 PM Did he just kill her .... Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:44 PM You'll seeeee... Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:44 PM Whaaaaat was in that trash can :CatDisgust: highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:44 PM Wasn't Bustopher Jones supposed to be classy, fastidiously polite, and well-loved? thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:45 PM long sigh Yes. Starscreamapillar — Yesterday at 11:45 PM . . . Mimic — Yesterday at 11:45 PM yes, but having him sing the "He's FAT~!" song destroys that entirely Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:45 PM This is so grooooss Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:45 PM Not to mention that in the song he's clearly proud of his size (as any well-fed cat should be) thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:47 PM I feel like there's something... off about his makeup highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:48 PM If memory serves, that was his entire shtick...he was a proud, fat gourmet of a cat and very well respected. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:48 PM hey, it's team rocket! Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:48 PM .....i It Yeah kinda thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:49 PM This is a really weird version of this song Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:50 PM And again, what is scale That jewelry thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:50 PM They're not exactly singing it, even Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:51 PM And what about the times they don't "leave it at that" thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:52 PM Yeah, they were totally setting her up, huh Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:52 PM Maaaaybe? I just kinda got the vibe that they didn't care thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:53 PM Really, dude? Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:53 PM eugh sexual tension Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:53 PM Can we acknowledge that a ring should not be able to be a bracelet for a cat Oh boy thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:53 PM It shouldn't. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:53 PM Don't look too closely at the lower part of the screen skdjsjfkg thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:54 PM ...what, why Oh no Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:54 PM I thought the CGI was all messed up? But I may have the scenes mixed up. thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:54 PM :grimacing: Okay, so they're not gonna do that one Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:55 PM Basically great-grandma, that's who They really love her. I mean she's sweet, but... is it really because she's super old? Or is there Backstory Implied™ Hopolites — Yesterday at 11:57 PM I love the one cat being held up by another like a battering ram Mimic — Yesterday at 11:58 PM eh, mainly she's just the beloved head of the family thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:58 PM ye highglossfinish — Yesterday at 11:58 PM Also generally a male cat. Sharpwing — Yesterday at 11:59 PM I don't understand the implication that that's all the Jellicle cats ever, I thought the point of the impending song is that Jellicle cats are all cats thenightetc2 — Yesterday at 11:59 PM Yeah Sharpwing — Today at 12:00 AM I did know Old Deuteronomy was originally played by a male actor... but I can't bring myself to regret Dame Judy Dench, I feel like she's one of the best things about this movie (sans her ending segment, because... weird.) thenightetc2 — Today at 12:00 AM Yeah, her intro song there was good highglossfinish — Today at 12:01 AM Got to take this movie's silver linings where you can get them. Hopolites — Today at 12:01 AM Hearing the synths is reminding me of why I have a weird fear of them Sharpwing — Today at 12:01 AM Memory Beautiful song, honestly Of synths? Or of these cats Hopolites — Today at 12:02 AM synths Sharpwing — Today at 12:02 AM ...should I ask why, or not pry Hopolites — Today at 12:03 AM Oh I watched the 80s Transformers movie as a child Sharpwing — Today at 12:03 AM Every day I am more glad I skipped it They shattered the hearts of millions of small children Hopolites — Today at 12:04 AM I wasnt alive when it came out, but YEAH Even watching characters you dont know die in droves is very D: Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:05 AM Sometimes you have to watch the Autobots you love immolate and die. Though much more rarely, these days. It tends to be more of a Decepticon fate. Sharpwing — Today at 12:05 AM I will not watch it, thank you highglossfinish — Today at 12:06 AM They didn't even try to make her look old and worn down. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:06 AM They really didn't Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:07 AM She has an ear notch, surely that is sufficient. Sharpwing — Today at 12:07 AM She does look genuinely devastated though, that counts for something ...right? highglossfinish — Today at 12:08 AM She's the only one who realizes what kind of movie she's in. Sharpwing — Today at 12:09 AM Ah, the fourth wall breaker :pensive: Such a burden to bear ...okay I do like this song though highglossfinish — Today at 12:09 AM It would be gorgeous in another movie. Sharpwing — Today at 12:09 AM Someday, perhaps... thenightetc2 — Today at 12:09 AM :< Mimic — Today at 12:10 AM and she still managed to do it service after first hearing the song very shortly before singing it Hopolites — Today at 12:10 AM Its v good yeah thenightetc2 — Today at 12:11 AM yeah... Sharpwing — Today at 12:18 AM ...so I was correct in reading the Looks Deuteronomy is giving him as Young Love Never Realized highglossfinish — Today at 12:19 AM They got a few boots hurled at them back in the day. Sharpwing — Today at 12:19 AM The remaining question is why he's not lauded and loved for simply existing at that old, like she is? OH NOW HERE COMES THE BOP thenightetc2 — Today at 12:19 AM YES Mimic — Today at 12:19 AM I don't think he was interested in leading so much as being an actor Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:19 AM He is not as good at forming a cult as she is. Mimic — Today at 12:19 AM YES highglossfinish — Today at 12:20 AM Or convincing cats to throw themselves off the hotel roof. Hopolites — Today at 12:20 AM OOO A BOP Sharpwing — Today at 12:20 AM Good points Hopolites — Today at 12:20 AM THIS MAN'S CLOTHES ARE DISTRACTINg thenightetc2 — Today at 12:20 AM Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer was also a bop until they go their hands on it here Sharpwing — Today at 12:20 AM I KNOW AND I WISH HE HAD A SHIRT This part is amazing though Hopolites — Today at 12:21 AM tap dance yeeeeees thenightetc2 — Today at 12:21 AM ...:D Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:21 AM The fact some of them are clothed just highlights the nudity of the rest of them. Sharpwing — Today at 12:21 AM You can't help but want to dance with him ...was that a giant trombone in the foreground?? Hopolites — Today at 12:22 AM Yes Ooooh the CGI does not look good here Sharpwing — Today at 12:22 AM Oof no Hopolites — Today at 12:22 AM EVERYONE HAS SHOES NOW Sharpwing — Today at 12:23 AM what is scale Mimic — Today at 12:23 AM btw, this is like one of the only songs where they were keeping time Sharpwing — Today at 12:23 AM Explaining why it's one of the best Memory is kind of off-beat, but it works for that one, she's literally sobbing, that would throw one off their rhythm highglossfinish — Today at 12:24 AM Does he even want a new life or did he just show up to brag about his current one? Hopolites — Today at 12:24 AM Yeah when one of the features of the song is tapdancing you kinda are forced to keep time Sharpwing — Today at 12:24 AM The rest of them just feel like they're overdoing it thenightetc2 — Today at 12:24 AM a s c e n d highglossfinish — Today at 12:24 AM There he goes. Sharpwing — Today at 12:24 AM ......I think he just wanted to sing?? He does seem content to keep going Hopolites — Today at 12:24 AM I think some of the people appeared just to sing, yeah Sharpwing — Today at 12:24 AM Oh, and here comes the drugs, courtesy of Taylor Swift Hopolites — Today at 12:25 AM They're just there to vibe ...oh boy highglossfinish — Today at 12:26 AM Macavity: Not ginger. Sharpwing — Today at 12:26 AM I'm not super fond of the pacing of this scene, but I've always had an inordinate fondness for Glowing Gold Bits Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:27 AM Brown, ginger, what even are colors? Hopolites — Today at 12:27 AM What is Taylor's accent Sharpwing — Today at 12:27 AM Yeah I always wondered about that? Did they just make Naked Idris Elba With Fur because they didn't want to change his skin tone, or is the song itself designed to be a sort of red herring description? She is his new "main squeeze" or whatever Mimic — Today at 12:27 AM it's "I listened to the original so many times I decided the british accent was part of it Sharpwing — Today at 12:28 AM She's definitely helping him, so... ?? Hopolites — Today at 12:28 AM Wait she has heels Why does she have heels Sharpwing — Today at 12:28 AM Wwwwhoops there goes the kitten Surprised that didnt kill her That was a lot at once Hopolites — Today at 12:28 AM HES NEKKID thenightetc2 — Today at 12:28 AM Annnnd now he's naked Sharpwing — Today at 12:29 AM HE IS highglossfinish — Today at 12:29 AM Of course he is. Sharpwing — Today at 12:29 AM IT'S THE ABS. LIKE WHY. WHYYYY His collarbone... Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:29 AM They could have given him length of fur, and spared us all. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:29 AM god, they ARE heels Hopolites — Today at 12:29 AM Its MORE obvious he's nekkid Like, ASS Sharpwing — Today at 12:29 AM why did they do this He's literally got just. Just a human silhouette Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:30 AM Why does he wish to die? He seems to be doing pretty well for himself. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:30 AM right? Sharpwing — Today at 12:30 AM I guess he wants more? He doesnt seem to have a happy life, to be fair. He just seems to have really wronged her/her family, thereby ruining his chances Mimic — Today at 12:31 AM they said the choice was about being reborn as the cat they want to be. so I guess he finds himself lacking in some metric Sharpwing — Today at 12:31 AM Yeah, makes sense Oh, sure, just volunteer him I know you believe in him but cmon, he's clearly bad under pressure Hopolites — Today at 12:32 AM I love the person in the back fucking with his hat thenightetc2 — Today at 12:32 AM "listen, I'm a stage magician, it's not the same--" Sharpwing — Today at 12:32 AM UGH I JUST NOTICED HIS DISTURBINGLY HUMAN FEET Hopolites — Today at 12:33 AM ARE THEY GOING TO SING A SONG TO HYPE HIM UP Mimic — Today at 12:33 AM YUP Sharpwing — Today at 12:33 AM "close enough" Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:33 AM They sing songs for every occasion. Hopolites — Today at 12:33 AM HIS HANDS ARE ALSO VERY HUMAN thenightetc2 — Today at 12:34 AM Meanwhile, Old Deuteronomy is being forced to walk the plank Hopolites — Today at 12:34 AM Pfffft Sharpwing — Today at 12:34 AM Yes, and I don't like that, but also I can't help but feel like adding toebeans would be worse. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:34 AM So sing fast highglossfinish — Today at 12:34 AM She's already been sucked into a storm drain. Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:34 AM They have unpleasantly human hands, feet and noses. Because whomever made this does not actually like cats. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:35 AM I'm not super a fan of this version Hopolites — Today at 12:35 AM Okay they removed the tension between Rumtum tugger and Mephistles but gave the magician tension with that gray tabby thenightetc2 — Today at 12:35 AM The original's very confident Sharpwing — Today at 12:35 AM Really? Huh thenightetc2 — Today at 12:35 AM And cheerful Mimic — Today at 12:35 AM yeah. confident enough to snark in the Rum Tum Tugger sing instead of whinge thenightetc2 — Today at 12:36 AM "oof" Sharpwing — Today at 12:36 AM I can't help but feel for this guy, though, as pathetic as he is, he's a mood. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:36 AM ye Sharpwing — Today at 12:36 AM If a cat could do puppy eyes... and look, everyone loves him Even when he's failing If that ain't what we all want highglossfinish — Today at 12:37 AM "Well, so much for that." thenightetc2 — Today at 12:37 AM awww Sharpwing — Today at 12:38 AM ....wait a minute, if she just arrived, how did she know what they were singing? highglossfinish — Today at 12:38 AM Their little cat displays of affection would be adorable if they actually looked like cats. thenightetc2 — Today at 12:38 AM She was waiting for her moment. Sharpwing — Today at 12:38 AM FLYING TROMBONE?? highglossfinish — Today at 12:38 AM She got herself out of the water, she just wanted to encourage him. Sharpwing — Today at 12:38 AM Akfjskfkg Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:38 AM Swam all the way back in the time he was taking. Sharpwing — Today at 12:39 AM :eyes: oooohhh here comes the good stuff Mimic — Today at 12:39 AM who decided on how to animate their tails and how hard did they get fired Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:39 AM I wish she would stop unzipping her skin. Sharpwing — Today at 12:39 AM Ah, here comes the awful CGI I think SAME thenightetc2 — Today at 12:39 AM wince highglossfinish — Today at 12:39 AM This movie is so viscerally unpleasant. Sharpwing — Today at 12:40 AM Very. Hopolites — Today at 12:40 AM TAP DANCE TO INTIMIDATE LIKE A SNAKE RATTLE Sharpwing — Today at 12:40 AM THERE IT WAS THEY FORGOT HER FEET THEY FORGOT HER FEET LIKE THREE FRAMES AGO thenightetc2 — Today at 12:40 AM omg Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:40 AM Too busy editing out buttholes. Sharpwing — Today at 12:41 AM A necessary sacrifice, then Okay, now this is the good part highglossfinish — Today at 12:42 AM I can't stand this version of Memory, personally. And I do love Memory. Hopolites — Today at 12:42 AM editing out the buttholes they place themselves Sharpwing — Today at 12:42 AM Oh, what don't you like about it? highglossfinish — Today at 12:42 AM The youthful face, the orchestra drowning her out, the copious river of mucus running down her face. Sharpwing — Today at 12:42 AM ...all extremely good points. I have heard other versions, but havent actually seen the original stage show-- where can I find it? (short of piracy, I'm scared of viruses) Mimic — Today at 12:43 AM i would like to add that hte orchestra isn't just drowning her out, she's holding herself back because the orchestra has been ordered to respond to how she sings instead of the other way around, so she's hesitating the whole way through Sharpwing — Today at 12:44 AM Oof highglossfinish — Today at 12:45 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdBVJbzkoqo YouTube The Shows Must Go On! 'Memory' Elaine Paige | Cats The Musical
Mimic — Today at 12:45 AM do you want the original london cast or the original broadway cast, because I have links to both on youtube Sharpwing — Today at 12:45 AM :D!!! Thank you, I didn't expect it to be there, I should have looked Sharpwing — Today at 12:46 AM I'll have to check that out after this! Mimic — Today at 12:46 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwtoDY140o4 YouTube Cats1981channel Cats Memory (Original Broadway cast)
Sharpwing — Today at 12:47 AM :smile_cat: Thank you! Mimic — Today at 12:48 AM any time~! Sharpwing — Today at 12:49 AM I do appreciate the fact that she doesnt have Cat Boobs, though macavity has more boobage ...wait, how were they going to light those candles if Mistoffelees didnt do it? Uggh his freaky bare toes .........and now Somehow It gets weirder. Hopolites — Today at 12:52 AM What is this PSA Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:52 AM Oh good, she is directly addressing the camera. Sharpwing — Today at 12:52 AM I know, right thenightetc2 — Today at 12:52 AM hmmm!!! Sharpwing — Today at 12:52 AM I am Uncomfortable thenightetc2 — Today at 12:53 AM you can do that on stage but in a movie it's Weird Hopolites — Today at 12:53 AM slides out of the view of my monitor Sharpwing — Today at 12:53 AM It's bizarrely solid advice though, if you think about it. Hopolites — Today at 12:54 AM At least on stage the actors are far enough away that I don't feel like I, personally, amd being stared at Mimic — Today at 12:54 AM yeah. they're addressing the audience. not you highglossfinish — Today at 12:54 AM There's her wedding ring that they neglected to edit out. Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:54 AM A very high quality production. Mimic — Today at 12:55 AM in the original, old deut belted this last set of lines Sharpwing — Today at 12:55 AM :0 I will never unsee that now Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:56 AM And then they scuttle away, to commit further crimes. Sharpwing — Today at 12:56 AM Awww... adopted by Grandma Cat thenightetc2 — Today at 12:56 AM :heart: cloud face Sharpwing — Today at 12:56 AM Despite EVERYTHING else weird about the scene... I do like how warm and soft it looks Hopolites — Today at 12:57 AM So if the chandelier disappears how do they send up more Sharpwing — Today at 12:57 AM ......i WAIT I DONT KNOW Hopolites — Today at 12:57 AM Do they have to fashion another one Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:57 AM They spend the year making a new one. Sharpwing — Today at 12:57 AM HOW DOES IT-- okay yeah that tracks thenightetc2 — Today at 12:57 AM They find a different chandelier every year Hopolites — Today at 12:57 AM Or like, do they find it again later highglossfinish — Today at 12:57 AM It just shows up. Sharpwing — Today at 12:57 AM Eeeew.... with a dead body inside thenightetc2 — Today at 12:57 AM Remember how Gus said he'd never performed in that particular theater before? Different venue every time Sharpwing — Today at 12:57 AM OH thenightetc2 — Today at 12:57 AM she's not dead yet! Sharpwing — Today at 12:57 AM OHHH Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:57 AM The chandelier's appearance heralds the time for a new sacrifice. Sharpwing — Today at 12:58 AM Ajdjfjsg Hopolites — Today at 12:58 AM How many abandoned theaters are there Sharpwing — Today at 12:58 AM As many as they need Just like there was a bar that seved milk despite being human size Mimic — Today at 12:58 AM besides, set a fire in the right place, you can make an abandoned theater Sharpwing — Today at 12:58 AM :joy: oh noooo highglossfinish — Today at 12:58 AM The Jellicles wake up every day and choose violence. Sharpwing — Today at 12:59 AM Clearly yes Hopolites — Today at 12:59 AM Inglorious bastards has taught us that well Sharpwing — Today at 12:59 AM ..........okay, I know it was a dumpster fire. but I like it. I like it So Much. Hopolites — Today at 12:59 AM Songs good Starscreamapillar — Today at 12:59 AM You are welcome to like it. Hopolites — Today at 12:59 AM Visuals made me go Nope Starscreamapillar — Today at 1:00 AM I however feel quite sandpapered. thenightetc2 — Today at 1:00 AM Valid Sharpwing — Today at 1:00 AM GIVE THEM PROPER NOSES AT LEAST Hopolites — Today at 1:00 AM Well, some of the songs good The Rum Tum Tugger song was eh Sharpwing — Today at 1:00 AM Yeah, he bothers me. At least this version of him does highglossfinish — Today at 1:02 AM There were so very few things this movie got right. Sharpwing — Today at 1:02 AM What do you think it did get right? highglossfinish — Today at 1:02 AM ............. Starscreamapillar — Today at 1:02 AM It does not seem like the type of musical that one ought to make a movie of. highglossfinish — Today at 1:03 AM It would make an excellent movie, just not like this. Mimic — Today at 1:03 AM not a live action movie thenightetc2 — Today at 1:03 AM agreed Sharpwing — Today at 1:03 AM What, like, animated? I'd like to see that-- but CGI, or traditional? highglossfinish — Today at 1:03 AM Either. I could live with CGI cats performing motion captured ballet dances. Starscreamapillar — Today at 1:04 AM Perhaps like that owl movie, where it is stylized CGI. Sharpwing — Today at 1:04 AM Traditional would be cool too, but the amount of work it would take to do all the characters and sequences by hand would be staggering Mimic — Today at 1:06 AM stylized CGI would be great, and lend itself way to the stage show's gimmick of assembling random junk into props Sharpwing — Today at 1:06 AM Ooohh, that would be really neat! Well now I want someone to make it ...after this fiasco, though, I'm not sure anyone will. Starscream (They/Them) — Today at 1:07 AM drat did i miss the entire stream Sharpwing — Today at 1:07 AM :pensive: Starscreamapillar — Today at 1:07 AM You are lucky, and have. Starscream (They/Them) — Today at 1:07 AM alas the curse of thursday night classes thenightetc2 — Today at 1:07 AM Sadly, yes. Mimic — Today at 1:07 AM I mean if you're willing to settle for animatics youtube has managed to attract theater fans in making animatics for the entirety of certain shows thenightetc2 — Today at 1:07 AM Unless we were to watch something else to cap things off...? Sharpwing — Today at 1:08 AM That sounds amazing, I have a new rabbit hole to go down tonight! thenightetc2 — Today at 1:09 AM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE0ElmZm-6c YouTube Yamz Animatics Say My Name [OC Animatic]
Mimic — Today at 1:09 AM I mean, if you wanna DM me I'm happy to spam you with a few (dozen) Hopolites — Today at 1:10 AM I feel like I should mention a good majority of animatics will have cats Sharpwing — Today at 1:10 AM Ajdjdjsjf Hopolites — Today at 1:10 AM instead of humans Sharpwing — Today at 1:10 AM Like Cat cats Not human cats? Hopolites — Today at 1:10 AM Yes Mimic — Today at 1:10 AM yup! Warrior Cats ended up attracting a sizable animatic creating fandom Hopolites — Today at 1:10 AM Like Warrior Cats Sharpwing — Today at 1:10 AM Incredible thenightetc2 — Today at 1:12 AM OH BOY Sharpwing — Today at 1:12 AM oh no. Mimic — Today at 1:12 AM HAHAHAHAHAHA thenightetc2 — Today at 1:12 AM YUP Sharpwing — Today at 1:12 AM noooooooo thenightetc2 — Today at 1:12 AM "a furry" Starscream (They/Them) — Today at 1:13 AM thanks i hate this this is terrible Sharpwing — Today at 1:13 AM I'm extremely uncomfortable, good job thenightetc2 — Today at 1:13 AM He does magic! Starscream (They/Them) — Today at 1:14 AM this is so cursed Starscreamapillar — Today at 1:14 AM Still less upsetting to look upon than the CGI ones. Mimic — Today at 1:14 AM I mean, not as cursed as Furry Force thenightetc2 — Today at 1:15 AM Furry FOrce? Sharpwing — Today at 1:16 AM Oh, this is nice actually! Well, some bits are cursed Hopolites — Today at 1:17 AM I love the cat getting distorted when she gets her hand in the trap thenightetc2 — Today at 1:17 AM This is one of those "everyone animates 5 seconds" things, right Starscream (They/Them) — Today at 1:17 AM TEAM FORTRESS 2 blursed Sharpwing — Today at 1:17 AM More like 1 second, it seems IS THAT WHAT THAT WAS highglossfinish — Today at 1:18 AM It was! And that's about all I've got! Sharpwing — Today at 1:19 AM My brother plays that a lot but I don't think I've ever actually seen the thing other than memes Thank you!! :blush: it was lovely And cursed Starscreamapillar — Today at 1:19 AM Thank you for streaming. No thank you for the vaguely cat-colored nightmares. Sharpwing — Today at 1:19 AM But I'm glad I got to be here♡ Starscream (They/Them) — Today at 1:19 AM ty! for the cursed Sharpwing — Today at 1:20 AM naked idris elbaaaaaaa highglossfinish — Today at 1:20 AM Always a pleasure! Mimic — Today at 1:20 AM naked FLYING Ildris Elba Sharpwing — Today at 1:20 AM ......WAIT HE COULD FLY WHY DID HE TRY TO HANG ONTO THE CHANDELIER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thenightetc2 — Today at 1:20 AM he was out of rocket fuel, obv Hopolites — Today at 1:21 AM For Funsies Pffft thenightetc2 — Today at 1:21 AM Once more, thank you for hosting! Mimic — Today at 1:21 AM thanks for tonight! Hopolites — Today at 1:21 AM It was fun! Sharpwing — Today at 1:22 AM Yeah!! highglossfinish — Today at 1:22 AM Thank you all for coming! Mimic — Today at 1:22 AM good night! highglossfinish — Today at 1:22 AM And for the awful suggestion to watch Cats, which was very fun, somehow. Good night!
0 notes
bluesrrgents · 7 years
Hi dear!! So sorry to bother you (again because i've asked you for fic recs before and they WERE amazing so im back aha) but would hav any good jerejean fic recs?? Ive become kinda obsessed with them
hii you’re never a bother!! sorry this took so long i lost my list of jerejean fics that i’ve read r i p zoe! they’re all under the cut and * means i haven’t read it yet, and please make sure to look at the warnings if you have any triggers!! have fun reading:)
thanks again to everyone who offered me some more recs :)
*hair dye by profslupin
Renee convinces Jean to let her dye his hair. The rest is exactly what you’d expect. (2k)
*mirrors by profslupin
The Trojans help Jean learn to look in the mirror and see himself instead of his scars
“Jean had a complicated relationship with his appearance. It wasn’t that he was insecure about his flaws, necessarily, but rather that they reminded him of his time in the Nest. Of his time with him.” (2.6k)
*watermarked by fairietailed
He hops into the kitchen on one foot, catching his mother before she carries the bowl of peas she’s holding into the dining room.
“Jeremy?” Her eyebrows pull together in concern at the look on his face. “What is it?”
“I don’t know,” he says, sticking out his foot. “I think it’s my soul mate?”
In which bruises and scars from your soulmate appear on your skin, and Jeremy’s skin is a myriad of colored stains. (4.6k)
*and i wanna come home to you. by redhoods
He’s so absorbed in staring at the way the sleeves are pulled up around his wrists that he doesn’t realize the team has filed out to the locker rooms until Jeremy crouches into his line of sight, “Everything alright?”
No, he thinks desperately, you’re too much.
“Sure,” he says eventually, standing up and walking away.
this is actually two parts, so it’s about 6k total
*the smell of honey by lilaliacs
Martha’s was a cozy little coffee shop that always smelled of honey, lilacs and something that couldn’t be described as anything less than home.And that’s what it was to Jeremy, who had spent his childhood sat on a stool at the tiny bar, coloring in the patterns of the menus, or watching his mother creating the most beautiful cakes and pastries that he had ever seen.
The place was filled with good memories and everyone who came in could sense the atmosphere of peace that seemed to fill the soft light falling in through lacy curtains at any time of day. In fact, multiple patrons had stated that they came in for exactly this, for a break from their everyday stress, to just grab a coffee and absorb whatever magic the smell of Martha’s cakes emitted and it was something Jeremy’s mother was very proud of.It was also something Jeremy was very proud of, and the reason for him to put his all in making the customers’ time there worthwhile.He never thought that one day, doing that would be a challenge.
(AU in which everything is the same only that Jeremy isnt captain of the trojans but works in his mom’s coffeeshop instead) (11k)
*eyes wide open by jaylocked
Jean blinked. Blinked again. Was sure he didn’t recognize the man on his doorstep, with his bright eyes and enormous grin and wavy blonde hair. Waited for him to explain himself with a simple raised eyebrow.
“Hi!” the man finally chirped. The sound was happiness channeled into a single word, and Jean wasn’t sure how he didn’t hate him already.
(based on the prompt from tumblr: “hi sorry I live below you and I hear your dog running around and barking all the time and– no no it’s fine I was just wondering if I could pet it?” au) (13k)
*i’ll come crashing by exyfexyfoxes
Hades/Persephone in the modern world where Jean runs an underground club that herds the souls of the dead. It’s a place where even gods die if they stay too long, regardless of how many pomegranate seeds they eat. Jean wants out. Jeremy wants in. Everybody wants them far away from each other. (19k)
*je reviens by laarusthefirst
‘Moreau is a rain cloud,’ Alvarez muttered, annoyed and bruised, watching Jean stalk ahead to the changing rooms. ‘He’s the human embodiment of a headache. He is the opposite of a Trojan.’‘Fucking good though, isn’t he?’ grinned Connor, jogging past.‘Can’t we all just be nice?’ Jeremy asked. (20k)
*this ink is still drying by ghostqueen
You can’t control who you want and you can’t control who hurts you
Jeremy was staring at Jean’s arms, tracing the bright swirls and splotches of ink that made up his sleeves with his eyes. His sleeves had been months of work and they still weren’t quite complete, he was still figuring out how to finish them. The first tattoo on his arms had been eight months ago, his first tattoo had been long before that. (26k)
*thick skin, an elastic heart by badacts
Jean sleeps around and learns how to make friends rather than alliances. Jeremy falls in love and can’t stop fucking up. (26k)
*ask the messenger by metis_ink
Jeremy Knox and the soulmate.
Guest starring: Exy, a transfer student, generalized anxiety, older sisters, drunk lesbians, bread, cake, a shed, the beach, the absence of Hennessy, Star Wars, Renee Walker, self-taught smooth talking, gratuitous French, No. 1 Trojans fan Kevin Day, relationship drama, general drama, the power of Friendship, questions, answers, team spirit!, and, of course, romance. (32k)
he could taste the stars by subtlehysteria
Jean is still adjusting to being a Trojan, Jeremy tries to help Jean open up to his new team. (47k)
*shield for a heart by neilskey
“It’s your choice, but you’re rotting away in here, Jean and no matter what she says, you can’t live in Abby’s spare bedroom forever. Time to start fighting again.”
Kevin’s hard and commanding tone was no surprise. The softness had been beaten out of him around the same time as Jean.
“What if I don’t want to anymore?”
Maybe it was because he had been half hidden in shadows-Jean had kept the shades drawn, but light still seeped in the cracks- but Jean thought he had seen something akin to understanding paint Kevin’s cool expression.“He’s gone. You survived. Play or don’t, it’s up to you, but you need to get out of this fucking house.”//Jean’s first year at USC. Jeremy falls hard, Jean comes around eventually. (55k)
*a little illumination by lazarusthefirst
Jean’s a lonely firefighter, and Jeremy teaches kindergarten. Everyone learns something about themselves. (56k)
*shooting for the stars, desperately reaching for something in the dark by cryptidkidprem
“He just won’t be back in black.”
A look at Jean’s first year with the Trojans, and his slightly rocky path to recovery. (146k)
*these streets by profslupin
alternate title: Jean and Jeremy’s Guide to an Epic Cross Country Road Trip
After one of Alvarez’s pranks leaves the boys stranded in South Carolina after a game, they decide to take the long route home. (1.6k, chapters 1/?)
*under the sun by knox_moreau
Jean Moreau is an exy player, not a writer. At least that’s what he thinks. His newfound therapist, however, has other ideas. Seeing as Jean refuses to talk to her in his hour-long therapy sessions, Ms. Dawson suggests perhaps writing down whatever he’s keeping inside. Jean can’t possibly see how he’s expected to write when he has nothing to write about. Then comes Jeremy Knox, in all his brightness and magnitude. Maybe, Jean thinks, he has something to write about. (7.2k, ch. 5/?)
*daffodils & gardenias by profslupin (any and all works by meg sponsored by this blog)
Jeremy Knox is the owner of a tattoo parlor when Jean Moreau opens up a flower shop next door. Jeremy gets a crush, but thankfully Laila and Alvarez are there to play matchmaker, with the help of Renee. (14k, ch. 9/?)\
*leaving marks by blackcatiiix
In a world where your soulmate’s injuries appear as bruises on your skin, Jeremy is… struggling. And that’s even before he meets Jean Moreau. (46k, ch. 12/?)
*marrow without bone by exyfexyfoxes
Onscreen Jeremy didn’t hesitate, displaying an eagerness that translated well across television. “Yeah, I spoke to Jean earlier this week. He’s definitely done for the year but he’ll be back in the fall.”Then, impeccably, a twitch at the corner of his mouth. “He just won’t be back in black.“Jean’s eyes narrowed.
(The season hasn’t even started yet and Jeremy already wants to cut their newest player from the team. Making the switch from Raven to Trojan isn’t quite what Jean thought it would be.) (68k, ch. 18/20)
90 notes · View notes
blackapp973 · 3 years
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