#the skill on show here is just 🤯
b1rds3ye · 1 year
Hellooo‼️‼️I just stumbled in your blog and I saw the LED mask request thing and I suddenly have brainrot😭😭 it's such a idea idfk i just love it‼️‼️
ANYWAY🤯 reader comes back from a mission, solo or not! Is up to you :] and then they just have a bullet stuck in their mask. Just straight up a bullet stuck, very big cracks on their mask. It can still kind of work, only one side so when they see them reader simply waves while the other half of their LED mask just shows: ':D' as if there wasn't a bullet in their mask.
That's all! I hope you are having a good day, afternoon, or night‼️‼️make sure to stay hydrated because I'm a walking desert☺
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A part of the operation had to be done solo by you - it needed your specialised skill set and it was too risky sending others with you because stealth was crucial. You succeeded in distracting the enemy. That transmission was half an hour ago.
The 141 never leave their own behind, the extraction point is far enough from enemy territory that they can spare some time to wait for you. Price and Ghost are going through extra logistics, Soap is distracting himself by disassembling and reassembling gear and Gaz is just... watching. Watching for a sign that you are there. And soon enough, amongst the fog of dust kicked up by fallen buildings and bodies, is the silhouette of you. The faint LEDs emanate a light that refract off the dust, creating a halo-like glow where your head should be.
As you approach closer, it is silent. There are no light-hearted quips from you, just the audible crunch of your combat boots against the dry earth. If it weren't for your unmistakable stature and gait, the rest of the 141 would have thought it was an imposter who had stolen your mask.
Johnny only utters a quiet "Jesus..." as the details of your mask come into view. A bullet was now embedded in your mask where the side of your temple would be, a chilling reminder of the clutches of death you narrowly escaped from for now. It shone maliciously against your darkened mask that could only let out the occasional spark and whir of short circuiting.
Every few seconds, there would be a flicker of the LEDs working. It was hard to distinguish with the cracks that splayed across the mask like a web, all stemming from the bullet that had made itself at home millimeters away from your head. An eye was missing, that section of your mask completely disconnected from the software. Broken circuitry had the odd pixel flickering in a false positive in various colours before dying.
But despite the stakes, your mask was smiling.
"You broken?" Gaz asked tentatively.
You pause in comtemplation, perhaps the voice amplifier in your mask was fried or you're just too tired to speak - none of the 141 would blame you for either. Instead, you offer a thumbs up before trudging over to Ghost, his eyes trained on you. You rest your forehead against his shoulder and he responds with a slight grunt, but he surrenders to your tired antics. Tilting your head to the rest of the 141, your broken mask flits to a "z_z".
There's a pat on your back from John, both to comfort and to also make sure you don't fall asleep. His hand settles on your shoulder, strong and ready to haul you to the helicopter.
"Good to have you back, Sergeant. Let's get you - and your mask - patched up."
With some encouragement from Johnny and Kyle, you're coaxed to extraction. As you sit on the ride back on base, you bring a hand to probe the damage of the bullet. The metal is colder than death, so smooth it slipped from your grip like your own life had you conducted in the mission any differently. It seems the rest of the 141 knew exactly what you were thinking as your fingers traced every crack of your visor.
But before they can question you, you retract your hand and sit up straight. You're here and you're alive. Granted a little cracked, your soul a little more jaded than in the few hours prior, but for now the legend of the mask lives on.
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Masked Reader Masterlist Call of Duty Masterlist
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blackbat05 · 2 months
Unexpected Refuge
Detective! Joaquin x Bookstore Owner! Reader
Plot: Your book store is a place of refuge for those seeking knowledge, and shelter?
Genre: PG-13
A/N: K-drama giving me ideas once again. Also SDCC 2024 announcements?!!! Just blew my mind🤯 Excuse me for the poor execution, really wrote this on a whim. Also realized that Joaquin was a character I wrote before I went into a mental health crisis😂 How time flies~ (Tag update because I am a nuisance: @tom-whore-dleston)
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The man pants heavily as he darts into the nearest alley. Shouts of anger and thinly veiled threats were getting closer. He’s proud of his stamina but he can’t keep running away from them. He needs to recover his energy.
But where?
A light shines up ahead and without a second thought, the man races towards what could be his potential temporary safehouse.
There were no customers inside. Just plenty of books, and a wide-eyed woman blinking at the hurricane of a man that just stormed her store.
He hurriedly digs into the inside of his coat, showing his credentials.
“I’m so sorry, my name is Joaquin Torres. I’m a Detective and it may sound crazy to you but I’m being chased by a group of Gangsters and I could really use some shelter.” His plea comes out in rapid fire.
The poor woman takes a quick look at his badge and for a brief moment, Joaquin believed that she was going to toss him to the dogs.
“This way.” She leads him further into the store and opens a latch on the floor that leads to storage. “In here!” She commands with urgency.
As soon as Joaquin is safely tucked away, she locks the latch and places stacks of books on top of it. The door flies open and the same Gangsters rowdily burst into the store. Joaquin feels a tinge of guilt. He can’t imagine how her store must be tossed upside down thanks to him.
What he didn’t expect was the woman holding her ground and demanding the Gangsters to leave as they apparently ruined one of her newest books that was just bought in.
“And stay out!” She screeches before flipping the sign to inform customers that they were closed for the day.
“Um…” The woman reverts back into her bashful form that Joaquin was amazed at her acting skills. “They’re gone. You can come out now.” The door opens and she helps Joaquin out.
“Thank you.” Joaquin doesn’t know what else to add. His shoes are suddenly very interesting.
“I thought you were lying about being a cop.” Her voice is soft and gentle, causing the insides of his stomach to do a couple of flips. “I guess not. Those guys were scary.” The tension breaks and Joaquin grins at her becoming flustered at the attention he was giving her.
“You can stay here for a while more. To make sure.” She offers.
Joaquin really wanted to. But if he didn’t get back to the precinct. Sam will have his ass.
“I would love to but my partner’s waiting for me. I should probably go.”
She nods in understanding, “Of course. Be careful.” The two walk to the door and she pops her head out to make sure that the coast was clear. She smelled like berries and vanilla.
“Coast clear, officer.”
He liked the way it sounded on her lips. He didn’t want it to be the last time.
“Um… would you like to have dinner sometime?”
She raises her eyebrows in question and Joaquin hurriedly explains, “It’s not what you think! I just wanted to thank you for today. Really. You saved my life. Not many people do that. I usually do most of the saving- I guess I should shut up now.” He observed her amused expression as he continued to ramble.
“Sure. I know a great steak place.”
“Hey Barnes! Torres here has a date! Any tips?” Captain Sam Wilson, loud as ever whenever he felt like heckling his best friends follows Joaquin around like a wart on his foot.
“Leave the man alone, Sam.” James Barnes gives him the middle finger. Cool blues turning to Joaquin, “Just be yourself. Everything will be fine.”
Yeah, not exactly reassuring either.
The old fashioned way it is.
Joaquin finds himself standing in front of your bookstore with a bouquet of roses in his hand. He catches your eye and you give him a sign to give you a couple more minutes as you cleaned and locked up the place for the night.
“Thanks for waiting!” You rushed out in sunflower colored dress, looking radiant. He swears his heart thumped loudly against his chest. “I was surprised to get your call.”
“Well, I made a promise.” Joaquin leads the way to the Steak Restaurant where you had the absolute time of your life chatting with the boyish detective in front of you.
“Oh my god! That really happened?” You laughed, tears forming in your eyes. “It seems to be like a recurring thing going on in your team.”
The two of you headed down the street after that sumptuous meal. Your hair is tousled all over the place and you feel like you’ve just ate a whole cow, but Joaquin doesn’t take his attention of you for a second.
As he recounts another mishap during a undercover mission with Sam, a wolf whistle rings through the air and a figure, no- three of them appear from the dark alley, each looking more menacing then the other.
Joaquin’s mind kicks into overdrive instantly and feels you tense up against beside him. He instinctively moves forward to shield you from them. But they’re not blind.
“Look who we found… Detective Joaquin Torres and oh! I see you got company.” The middle one leers at you and Joaquin has the urge to punch it off his face. You give his hand a squeeze, as if to reassure him to do whatever he needs to do to get these suckers.
As quickly and quietly as possible, you take out your pepper spray and ball your fist to conceal it from them.
“How is it that you three assholes show up at the most inconvenient timing?” Joaquin distracts them.
They smirk at each other and Joaquin lunges forward to take the middle and left man onto the ground, leaving the last as easy prey for you to pepper spray him to your heart’s content.
What you didn’t expect was the man to wildly brandish a pocket knife, nicking you in the process as he swings it around.
“Ah!” You hissed loudly, clutching your left hand. Joaquin immediately turns his attention to you and swiftly takes the third man down with ease.
He dials in a number and police cars arrive in no time to take the men away. Joaquin jogs over to you while a uniformed policewoman helps to bandage your hand.
“Let me.” He smiles and thanks his colleague for the efforts and works on finishing the job in silence. You can’t read minds, but you could guess.
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” You reassure him.
Joaquin doesn’t say anything. He lets out a small exhale. So you try again.
“In fact, I feel pretty badass. Don’t you think?” You gently pry your hand away and show him your now bandaged hand proudly, grinning from ear to ear.
The Captain jogs over, giving a pat on his back. “Came as quickly as I could. Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Thanks Sam.” Joaquin reassures. Sam nods, his gaze falling onto you.
“This is the girl you couldn’t stop talking about?”
“Ok, Sam. Stop.” Joaquin pleads, trying to push him as far away from you without much success.
“He was asking me how to impress you! Hey? I didn’t get your name though!” Sam yells over his shoulder, making you laugh at their antics.
“Y/N! I’ll see you around Sam!”
“Oooh I like her already, don’t fuck up Torres.”
“Leave!” Joaquin has to push Sam into the car and makes his way back to you, looking sheepish.
“Sorry, about that. Sam can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.”
A pocket of silence fills the air and you have to know.
“You were trying to impress me?”
Joaquin blinks. He momentarily opens his mouth and comically looks like a fish out of water. “Did it work?”
“Well…” You pretend to tap your chin carefully and Joaquin squirms in his shoes a little. “You impressed me the moment you came bursting into my store seeking for shelter.”
You laugh at Joaquin’s groan. “Not the answer that I was expecting.”
You give him a peck on the cheek and Joaquin momentarily freezes. “Is that a better answer?”
He holds his hand to the cheek that you just left a kiss on. For a moment, you’re scared that you’ve fried Joaquin’s internal circuits to respond coherently. But he breaks into a foolishly but adorably big smile.
Joaquin holds you by the waist and brings you closer to him and gives you a kiss of his own that leaves you spinning senseless.
“One hundred percent.”
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raygirlramblings · 1 year
Well the people have spoken and are willing for me to indulge in a ridiculously assumptive breakdown of the main 4 characters in the upcoming Captain Laserhawk show. So thank you for that!
Keep in mind the following thoughts are ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINIONS and based COMPLETELY on the trailers and teasers we have been provided with. I know nothing about the show beyond that, I have no connection to the show staff and my word should not be held as gospel. I am ready for the show to completely undermine everything I type here, and you should be prepared for that too ;)
Also this is only going to be a post dissecting the 4 leads (Dolph, Pey’j, Jade and Bullfrog) so no discussion about Rayman or any other characters unless they directly relate to the main 4.
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Also no Cody Rhodes for obvious reasons 🤯
With that out of the way let’s dive into this.
Dolph Laserhawk
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I was perfectly willing to write off our stoic lead as just that. The angst-filled prettyboy who lurks in the background and doesn’t want to get involved with SuperMaxx or the warden’s plans. Dolph isn’t a gung-ho hero type. He doesn’t revel in his skills or even seem to enjoy being a badass. Heck in the Rainbow 6 trailer we can see he can be overpowered in a physical fight if he’s alone. Compared to Alex’s jokes and stunts, Dolph just wants to get the job done without quips. He doesn’t seem to have any particular connection to his new team and particularly doesn’t seem to have time for Bullfrog. He comes across as very much a Sasuke-type. Brooding, introverted and stoic.
But I also see in this character a level of vulnerability which makes him far more interesting. We are told the only reason he is alive and has an arm laser is because of Eden, a corrupt system that turned him into a tool in exchange for his life. Then when he tried to rebel against that system that hurt him he is betrayed by the man he loved, someone he trusted on and off mission.
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This shot of Dolph and Alex lying together says a WHOLE lot with Alex completely relaxed on his back and Dolph snuggled into him. Dolph felt SAFE with Alex. He wasn’t just a lover, he was a trusted ally who would always be there to catch him. It’s no wonder his betrayal stung Dolph so deeply and left him unwilling to ever trust others again.
It will be interesting to see how the group works around this. How do they win the trust of someone who has been hurt this badly, especially when the only reason they are together in the first place is under threat of death. And why should Dolph feel to befriend them? To his mind either they will betray him like everyone else or will die and leave him alone.
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I think it’s obvious that Bullfrog is a favourite character of the show staff. We’ve had the most cannon information presented to us out of the main cast and out of it comes 2 major aspects to Bullfrog’s character. His slightly goofy personality, and his confidence/pride in his abilities.
Despite making jokes and attempting to banter with his team Bullfrog is a formidable fighter unafraid to resort to violence if the situation requires. However much like Dolph he doesn’t kill because he enjoys the bloodshed. It’s work. It’s a means to an end. And while he seems to enjoy the stealth aspects of the job part of me feels that he doesn’t really ENJOY killing if he doesn’t have to. His teaser shows him killing 3 powerful guards to complete his mission, and afterwards he seems tired and downhearted compared to his bravado before their deaths. Generally speaking assassins (especially not Assassins Creed assassins) are not random murderers. They have a strict code they follow to complete their missions, and I just get the feeling that Bullfrog would rather take out obstacles non-lethally until the moment comes he has to kill.
If this is true it will be a fascinating exploration of the character to see him be this goofy guy forced to kill against his own moral code. To put his highly trained skills to the act of espionage for shady purposes at the threat of death if he refuses. Will this break him?
As for his relationships with the other characters it will be fun to see how his humour bounces off them, and whether that is affected upon seeing his incredible abilities in battle. Bullfrog certainly seems to be loyal to his new team, shown in multiple instances to jump into the line of fire to protect them from bullets.
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While relatively under represented in the trailers the strongest trait I take from Pey’j is that he is compassionate to others. He clearly states that he would protect Jade no matter what. We also see him in Bullfrog’s teaser ushering injured people to the safety of a van, and he is confused and horrified when law enforcement would rather shoot at him than help people.
This on top of his seemingly incredible strength and ferocity makes him one of my favourite archetypes, the gruff guy with the heart of gold. Pey’j just comes across as a dude who wants to live in peace but can’t in a corrupt world because everything is cruel and wrong. The injustice of this gives him the energy to keep fighting. So he uses the skills he has to protect the weak and help where he can. I hope the show builds on this and allows his gentle ‘dad’ persona to shine because by god, the team needs it XD.
Judging from the few screenshots and clips we have it seems that Dolph and Pey’j seem to get on well in each other’s company so it will be fun to see what kind of relationship they build. As for Jade, it will be interesting to know how long they have known one another. Either Pey’j dedication to her comes from a long shared history, or it is a new development which speaks to his loyalty and willingness to protect people he sees as worthy.
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Sadly Jade has the least amount of info to go on from official sources so far. She seems to be confident and streetwise, clearly skilled at espionage and undercover work complete with her trusty camera. However I’m glad they showed her displaying some level of vulnerability and didn’t just make her a generic, mean ‘action hero girl’ (kinda like how the Warden is but she is supposed to display authority and coldness).
She is freaked out by the exploding head bomb reveal, we see her being awkward when she’s captured, and she appears to be worried for Pey’j when he swears he’d do anything to protect her. Jade doesn’t seem to be the kind of person to let others control her, but also doesn’t want people to die for her sake. She seems empathetic and curious, and I can’t wait to learn more about her personality and how she interacts with the rest of the team.
Aargh, I with I had more to say about her but really we have so little to go on >_<. She barely even has any lines in the trailers or teasers! I hope this isn’t foreshadowing to her role in the team and in the show.
And that’s what I have so far based on the info I’ve seen. As stated above this is all purely my speculation and I’m ok with being proven wrong by this show and it’s Remix nature.
ALSO if you have your own insights to share or want to call out something I ave missed or got wrong, don’t hesitate to do so! Fandom thrives on conversation and shared experience :)
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I come here to rant about yet another piece of highly specific fandom drama. Hooray!
So I knew very well that there’s wank about Madeline Miller— I won’t say anything about it except I dislike the content of her books, though she has some decent prose— and in the horribly over-saturated space of Greek mythology retellings there’s plenty of wank, but today I found out that there is some surrounding Pat Barker, of all authors??
I didn’t like The Women of Troy, I read it when it first came out and thought it was dull, and as a Homeric superfan (let’s just say I put those high school Latin skills to good use eventually) I got tired of the interpretations, so when I was first confronted with the Pat Barker outrage posts I was like: well, as much as I enjoyed the Regeneration trilogy, and liked The Silence of the Girls (it wasn’t the most accurate but it was brutal and tragic, which fits in her war novelist repertoire nicely), I do think she should quit while she’s ahead and move on, instead of writing about Cassandra and Agamemnon or whatever she said she was going to publish next. But lo and behold— the wank is not about that, but rather that she is a horrible, reprehensible person because she is “fatphobic”. And I thought, well alright, it’s believable enough. Show me the evidence.
And the evidence is all… descriptions from her books. Well, one of her books. Which are written from, guess what, characters’ points of view 🤯 and those characters are… wait for it… often men fetishizing fat women. I have to admit, this got me a little confused. If you can’t understand that authors don’t necessarily share the same viewpoints as their characters— especially their ANTAGONISTS— should you really be reading books largely about rape and violence perpetrated against women and children?
I understand that some of the passages cited could make people uncomfortable, and if they do that’s an absolutely valid reason to put it down and read something else. But making the reader uncomfortable is kind of essential to the deconstructed war novel. I remember reading The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brian in high school English and being absolutely disgusted, but then realizing: that’s the point. War is gross! It’s uncomfortable when it’s not sanitized and watered down to be palatable for my brainwashed American constitution! And then I started loving war novels… and became a diehard pacifist, so that’s something.
Hopefully someone who reads this blog knows what I’m talking about. And honestly I hope to trigger a wave of mythology retelling rants because that would be very entertaining.
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embyrinitalics · 2 years
Hi, I'm a HUGE fan of you and your work! I think my favourite so far is Selfless. You constructed everything perfectly with his identity issue to his addiction. As a writer, if I may ask, how do you know just how you can write around intercations and actions without it growing tiresome? I always end up too straightforward or too redundant so I was hoping for some pointers if it's something you learned. And another thing is how you always find the words and metaphors to explain something. I always find myself unable to explain the feelings and sensations or just plucking it from another story somewhere. Is it because of experience, something you learned, or does it just come to you eventually? Sorry for all the questions. I'd be really happy if you could provide me with some pointers or stuff you learned because your writing truly boggles my mind more than I honestly wished it would lol. Have a nice dayy!!
YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLY KIND! 😭 Thank you! I'm so glad you liked Selfless. And someone liking my stuff enough to ask for WRITING ADVICE? 🤯😍😭 I'm a wreck over here.
I know every writer is different and what has worked well for me might be extremely unhelpful to someone else, but I'll try my best!
If a scene feels tiresome it might be because it lacks purpose. Without a clear direction to move in, it's easy to write yourself in circles. Having the foundations of your scene clearly in mind, like what your characters are feeling going into it, what they will learn/how their opinions or attitude will shift as a result of this exchange, and the end goal that will mark the end of the scene, can help keep the pace appropriately brisk and the interaction meaningful. As a "discovery writer," I often find myself asking those questions halfway into a scene (or even after it's written), which can lead to a lot of editing or even just erasing paragraphs that aren't contributing. If you can answer those questions before you get started, that's great; but if you're like me and have characters that often surprise you with their reactions, there's nothing wrong with editing or rewriting the scene to include what you've learned along the way.  
If a scene feels too straightforward it might help to inject a little subtlety. Showing how someone is feeling rather than telling can breathe a lot of life into a paragraph. (Not "She felt happy," but "She smiled so hard her eyes crinkled.") Introducing a third unrelated element for your character's feeling to manifest towards is also a neat trick I've been playing with recently that can add another layer of depth. (She bought a pie she's excited to eat when she gets home, but after something disappointing happens, she no longer wants to eat the pie.)  
If a scene feels redundant it might help to trust your audience more. Writing is among the most participatory art forms in that your reader's imagination is going to supply a lot of what you don't say. Over-explaining not only leads to rambling paragraphs but can also inhibit your storytelling. Let your reader infer things. Leave them breadcrumbs in your characters actions (drifting eyes, twitching fingers) or in the unsaid (like in Selfless, when Zelda says, "The moon looks beautiful tonight," and Link scoffs, "You think so?"). On the sentence level, less is usually more. Because I'm wordy, I can almost always cut a good third of the words in my sentence with no impact on clarity. Especially look out for overused whisker words (however, still, and, but, yet, etc) or qualifiers that aren't adding anything ("She smiled at him" vs "She smiled").  
That brings us to metaphors, which I struggle with immensely so I'm both flattered and shocked that you like mine. 😂 Of course skills inevitably improve with practice and I think aging in general helps (more life experiences = more to pull from), but two things I consciously try to work in are character perspective and mouthfeel. Character perspective: Dryad!Link is a tree, so he sees the world through the lens of nature, plants, the seasons, and the like, so as my narrative character his metaphors will likely pull from those sources. Huntsman!Link is a hunter, so he's more likely to think in terms of snares, traps, weapons, prey animals, stealth, a kill, and so on. Obviously this works best with a close narrative character, but it's a good trick for adding cohesion with the environment of the scene or story as well. Mouthfeel: Aligning the emotional undercurrent of the metaphor with the image usually works better for me than worrying so much about literal parallelism. Do I want this metaphor to feel melancholic, bright, hopeful, uncomfortable, creepy? Really clinging to that and running with it can lead to some unexpected (and sometimes illogical) places. I once wrote a line, "slipping through front-tooth gaps in time like pond water through soft-cupped hands," and my first inclination was to erase it because I thought "front-tooth gaps in time" didn't make any sense. But it felt like what I wanted to say, so I left it, and now it's one of my favorite little lines I've ever written. So. Don't be afraid to run with the feeling and see where it leads!
WOW THAT IS A BOOK 😂 Sorry for rambling, but apparently I like to talk craft! 🤪 If you ever want some more personalized feedback feel free to send me a DM! Thank you so much for the ask! 🥰
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bristolianbackpacker · 4 months
Day 18 - Sacred Valley
We have breakfast at 7am so that we are ready for Lito to pick us up at 8am. I found Lito as a recommendation on a Facebook group. As soon as he picks us up I know that he is going to be a good guide - his English is really good. We’ve arranged to see 5 things and then be dropped off our at accomodation in Ollantaytambo.
Our first stop is Chinchero. It’s another multi purpose Inca site - Lito explains that it would have had housing, agriculture and religious a temple.
The site was probably built in the 1300s (this is before the height of their powers in the 1400s).
Lito explains that religious temples would have used the highest quality stone work. Whilst terraces were built for agricultural purposes.
Each stone is carved by hand and no mortar is used yet they look like they fit together perfectly. It’s so impressive the engineering skills they had back then. The stones can only survive earthquakes and still stand today because they hace a tongue and groove mechanism to lock together. Hematite is a type of stone that has a high iron content. This was likely used as a tool to carve the stones.
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Upon questioning further we realise that it would have been slaves that built the structures. As an example Saksaywaman took 10,000 people to build. Somewhere like Chinchero would be about 5,000 people. Even with such large numbers of people towns like Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu would have taken 30+ years to complete.
Our second stop is an Alpaca farm. First we get to feed the Llamas and Alpacas and see the guinea pigs. The poor things are being sold for food and Lito is asking the owner if he has been selling a lot recently (it’s a specialty for Mother’s Day). Then the owner gives us some information - it has social aims to provide jobs for single mothers who have a pretty tough time in Peru. We learn (with demonstrations) all about the washing, spinning and dying process using traditional techniques. We are both given some bugs from a cactus plant and told to squash them in our hands - we both nearly scream when a bright red liquid covers our hands. From there, things are added e.g. salt that can change the colour of further. We each buy a jumper as a souvenir.
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Our next stop is Moray where there are perfectly circular terraces exist. Historians initially thought it was an amphitheater as Incans used circles for their rituals. However it turns out that it was used for farming and specifically experimental farming. Each terrace is its own microclimate and the temperature at the centre is the warmest. They managed to adapt plants from lower elevations eg there is evidence of cocoa having been planted here. In order to do this they had to bring soil from subtropical areas to be able to grow the cocoa plants as the soil here is not fertile enough.
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Only one of the three circular terraces has been stored back in the 1990s. With the other two you can clearly see the stonework is still at the site and will likely be put back at some point in the future.
At this point Lito uses his guide books to show us a few things - firstly the terraces are not just built with stone. Each terrace has layers of soil, sand, gravel and stones for drainage. All of these would have had to have been brought in 🤯 Also we see an image that shows the class hierarchy in the Incan times. In fact…only the royalty were actually referred to as Incans and they had their own language. The rest of the people spoke Quechuan and there is a very clear social hierarchy down to the slaves.
Lito is able to speak Quechuan - the native language. He learnt this from his grandparents. It’s good to hear that the language is still alive and thriving outside of Cusco. We’ve also noticed that the Peruvian culture is well and truely alive e.g. traditional clothing is not just for tourists - it’s something that they all seem to still wear and is really nice to see.
As we leave via Moray town Lito stops and we buy some chicha from a vendor through the car window (ordered in Quechuan). It’s a fermented corn drink that has a low alcohol content. We get the one with strawberry. Lito says that this is drank in place of water in Moray and Jack asks “I assume the kids don’t drink this though?” But oh no, the kids drink it too 😂
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Our next stop is the Maras Salt mines. The mines are collectively owned by the town and every resident is entitled to their own ponds but they have to maintain them themselves. Newer residents of the town will need to built their ponds at the very bottom of the hill.
The salt is formed because the spring is naturally salty it’s very unusual but they think that the mountain is full of salt and the water dissolves it as it comes out. The water is directed via channels that go to leach of the pools. The water fill the pools and within 5 days it has evaporated. They repeat the process 5-6 times to get about 10ish centimetres of depth. The layers have different properties - the lower ones are brown salt with minerals, the middle ones are pink salt and the top is white salt. It is believed that the Incas used this site to harvest salt, however in recent times it wasn’t until the 1970s that the ponds were created and it has been expanding from there ever since.
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We stop for lunch at a buffet restaurant which is needed by this point!! Jack tries guinea pig but I can’t do it after seeing them at the Alpaca farm earlier today.
Our last stop is the Ollantaytambo Incan site. We drive through the cobblestone streets of the town and in the main square.
This area was strategically important as it was the intersection of three valleys (each of which was an inca trail). It was a place where people from the four different states could meet via the different trails and trade food.
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Ollantaytambo is one of the latest sites to be built and is thought to still have been in progress when the Spanish invaded. The site is again multi purpose - you can see terraces for agriculture, there is a site that is used as a calendar - the sun will rise either side of the mountain in summer vs winter and in the middle of the mountain during spring/autumn. At the top is a temple - Lito explains that this is the piece that was still in progress. The stonework here is the most impressive of all - the pieces are absolutely huge. Also they had by this point innovated their techniques with the “tongue and groove” to improve it:
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Whilst the Incas didn’t have a written language on the temple you can see vague carvings of the Inca cross - this represents life stages going up (prime of your life), going down (as you get older), death and the afterlife (further down), and back up to rebirth. When the Spanish arrived they tried to remove as many symbols as possible in order to establish Catholicism as the only religion.
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Wow it was a big day of sightseeing so Lito drops us off at our hotel in Ollantaytambo. We say our farewells and check in. The B&B is a bit basic but it’s big selling point is that it has a terrace on the roof that overlooks the town and the Inca site, however it’s too cold to spend more than a few minutes up there.
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discluded · 2 years
mileapo movie anon here! thank you for giving more info about the movie! I wasn't aware of everything apart from what mile & apo have been sharing on social media. I do think it's very stupid to assume that they can't be queer in a historical movie aftwhdjrtj like what was that about? atp I just wanna know more. they've been in preproduction for a very long time now so I'm really curious
I think they've only been in pre-production since May or June! They shot the trailer during the first black out period right before KPWT Bangkok. Given that, I would say it's actually not that long of a period because as of August they didn't even have a (finished) script yet.
They've mentioned they will start shooting Q1 next year (I'm interpreting that as January but it could be as late as March). Pre-production also means cutting up the scenes and make sure they're filmed at the correct times/locations so they're probably in the process of booking locations as well...
Additionally, apparently the type dance Apo is learning takes 10 years to master 🤯 he's learning it in a couple of months, probably specifically to shoot certain moves in a way that will be authentic to the film experience! Mile also has to learn the Taphon... as I was telling @nattaphum, pre-production doesn't always include the actors but it does when they need to learn very specific skills like in this case. They've been working very hard!
I definitely understand your enthusiasm though... It's a long 12 months until December 2023 😭 But I'm actually one of those people who prefer to be surprised by a movie... I don't mind behnd the scenes clips but I want to experience all the surprises the first time during the movie 🙈
As for why certain people think the characters can't be queer, let's just say people will take any opportunity to show their asses. It's just noise. I'm not too bothered by it except the blatant homophobia part sigh.
Anyway time will tell with the movie 🤗
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Following the Sherlock Holmes method and scouring Inst ppl came to the following: View Off Gun Sea Poon Dunk can be involved in one (1) project. 🤡 GMM24 you should come soon, we are losing touch with reality here. 🤯
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…….but because i love losing my mind, after i read your message i scoured twitter for more clues and i found out that people are also speculating about:
kapook phatchara being in the cast as well since she was seen hanging out with offgun + view;
first being in the cast as well since he appeared in one of off’s instagram story along with sea (they had that weird face filter on so i have no idea how people can tell it was them but i trust everyone’s detective skills) [i also can't find that tweet again so if anyone can find it please let me know so i can link it ;;;;;;];
the project being produced by the parabdee studio since its instagram account now follows all of these artists.
considering it’s the same studio that made shows like the gifted, f4 thailand and the player, i think the big cast actually makes sense sooooooo 👀👀👀
regardless of whether all of this will turn out to be true or not, sea and off being together yesterday is just too odd to be a coincidence. at this point im 99,9999999% sure we’re getting that sea solo project so you know. SCREAMING SHAKING CRYING THROWING UP SPINNING COUNTERCLOCKWISE ON THE FLOOR BARKING BITING SCREECHING HOWLING CLAWING MY FACE OFF
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annachum · 2 years
Hi, @zagreusofmiddle-earth , here are some Anglaius/Squareonthehypothenus Hcs that I came up with while watching the Idefix spinoff ( it's actually pretty good, albeit more kid audience oriented )
. Squareonthehypothenus was born to Pythagorus Theorus, a Notable Roman architect, and Trigonometria, a beautiful Greek healer specialising in alchemy
. Yes he came from the House of Theorus ( a rich Roman household with predominant members being of STEM backgrounds ).
. When he was 16 in 52 BC aka when the Idefix spinoff started. His parents decided to contact Labienus to have their son learn about advisory and architectural skills in Lutetia. I think Titus Labienus is an uncle of his from either his mom or dad's side. IDK.
. So yeah Anglaius was all excited. Cuz imagine being an advisor to one of Caesar's lieutenants ( up till Jan 49 BC ) and also gather new ideas of architecture there!
. Anglaius is quite a romantic. He is the kind of guy who would write romantic poems for his lady love ( Mansions of rhe Gods movie has him write a Welcome Speech to Caesar upon his arrival )
. Dude tells tall tales about the Indomitable Gauls to his friends ( like many other Romans who encountered them in person ), yet they all found it hard to believe them....until he shows them some proof.
. When Titus Labienus betrayed Caesar after he crossed the Rubicon in Jan 10 49 BC, Anglaius fled Lutetia and went back to Rome cuz he was HORRIFIED that a general he once looked up to actually betrayed Caesar and joined the Pompeiian fleets. Quintus Labienus joins his dad in joining the Pompeiian fleets too ( much to Anglaius' shock cuz I HC they became friends/associates due to Titus keeping in contact with his son via letters and Quintus sometimes visiting his dad whenever he was free )
. He was 21 during Mansions of the Gods aka during March/April 47 BC.....when Cleopatra was 6/7 months pregnant with Caesarion ( Caesar and Cleopatra's son )
. Well Anglaius ends up being a Chief architect of the Ptolemaic Egypt Court after Mansions of the Gods. He wasn't exempt from being a Gladiator in the Circus Maximus for a day ( alongside with Somniferus, and a fat senator )
. I bet Caesar told Cleopatra everything when he was visiting her ( while bearing expensive presents, he LOVES to pamper her with expensive presents and grand romantic gestures ) and she allowed Anglaius to be a Gladiator for a day.
. Also Cleopatra DEFINITELY knew about the Mansions of rhe Gods ( also a dedication present for Cleopatra ) for some time. Cuz srsly she would send a number of her Egyptian spies ( Ancient Egypt having VERY formidable spy forces ) after hearing that Caesar had 75000 civillians go to Gaul.
. Yet she just keep it hush for a while for amusements and shit and Caesar's face was PRICELESS after she told him that she knew for some time. But she was grateful for the gesture.
. Yeah let's just say that the Romans are SHOCKED when they heard that Cleopatra knew for some time lol
. Anglaius probably eventually got an Egyptian girlfriend later wife sometime after he moved to Egypt tho.
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yvesjans · 2 years
A Tale of Chaos and Cleanliness
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(The story, images and title were all created by AI using DALL-E and ChatGPT with minimal input 😮🤯)
Scene: A vacuum cleaner shop in Gotham City. The Joker is sitting in front of the manager, who is interviewing him for a job.
Manager: So, Mr. Joker, tell me why you want to work here at our vacuum cleaner shop.
Joker: Well, I've always been interested in cleaning, and I love the smell of fresh vacuum cleaners. Plus, I think I would be a great addition to your team.
Manager: (skeptical) I see. And what qualifications do you have for this job?
Joker: Well, I've had plenty of experience with cleaning, and I'm very good at making things spotless. Plus, I'm very good at making people laugh, which I think is an important skill for a vacuum cleaner salesperson.
Manager: (doubtful) I see. And what do you think sets you apart from other applicants?
Joker: Well, I'm very unique, and I think that my sense of humor and my love of cleaning would make me a valuable asset to your team. Plus, I'm very flexible, and I'm willing to work any hours and any shifts.
Manager: (uncertain) I see. Well, thank you for coming in, Mr. Joker. We will take your application into consideration and let you know if we have any open positions.
Joker: (smiling) Thank you, sir. I look forward to hearing from you. (The Joker gets up and leaves the shop, still smiling.)
Scene: A dark alleyway in Gotham City. The Joker is standing over his next victim, who is tied up and helpless.
Joker: (holding up a vacuum cleaner manual) Do you see this, my dear victim? This is the manual for my new vacuum cleaner. And I'm going to read it to you, in great detail, so that you can fully appreciate the intricacies of this amazing machine.
Victim: (terrified) Please, no! I don't want to hear about your vacuum cleaner!
Joker: (smiling) Too bad, my dear. You see, I find the instructions for this vacuum cleaner to be absolutely fascinating, and I want to share them with you. So, let's begin. (The Joker starts to read the manual, in great detail, to his victim.)
Victim: (crying) Please, stop! This is torture!
Joker: (chuckling) Oh, my dear victim. You see, I don't just want to kill you. I want to bore you to death with the most tedious thing I can think of: the instructions for my new vacuum cleaner. (The Joker continues to read, as the victim struggles in vain to escape.)
Scene: A courtroom in Gotham City. The Joker is standing in front of the judge, with a lawyer by his side.
Judge: Mr. Joker, you are here today to file a lawsuit against the vacuum cleaner company. Is that correct?
Joker: (smiling) Yes, your honor. I purchased a vacuum cleaner from their store, and it was not up to my standards. I want to sue them for damages.
Lawyer: (speaking for the Joker) Your honor, my client was extremely disappointed with the performance of the vacuum cleaner he purchased. It did not clean as well as he expected, and he was very unhappy with the results.
Judge: (to the vacuum cleaner company's lawyer) And what is your response to this lawsuit?
Vacuum cleaner company's lawyer: Your honor, we take great pride in the quality of our vacuum cleaners. We have tested this model extensively, and it meets all industry standards. We believe that the Joker's dissatisfaction is unfounded, and we ask that the case be dismissed.
Judge: (to the Joker) Mr. Joker, it is up to you to provide evidence that the vacuum cleaner was faulty and did not meet your expectations. Do you have any evidence to present to the court?
Joker: (grinning) Of course, your honor. I have a video that I took of the vacuum cleaner in action. It clearly shows that it did not perform as well as I expected. (The Joker pulls out a video and plays it for the court.)
Judge: (after watching the video) Hm, it does appear that the vacuum cleaner did not perform as well as expected. However, it is up to the jury to decide if the vacuum cleaner company is at fault. (The jury deliberates and ultimately decides in favor of the Joker, awarding him damages.)
Joker: (chuckling) Ha ha! I knew I would win this case! Thank you, your honor. (The Joker exits the courtroom, still laughing.)
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Scene: The vacuum cleaner store in Gotham City. The Joker is standing in front of the store, holding a megaphone. The store owner is standing inside the store, behind the counter.
Joker: (through the megaphone) Attention, citizens of Gotham City! This is the Joker, and I am here to confront the owner of this vacuum cleaner store! (The store owner looks alarmed.)
Store owner: (to the Joker) What do you want, Joker? Why are you here?
Joker: (through the megaphone) I want to settle our differences once and for all, store owner! You see, I purchased a vacuum cleaner from your store, and it was not up to my standards. I want to challenge you to a duel to determine who is the superior vacuum cleaner expert!
Store owner: (sighing) Fine, Joker. I accept your challenge. But let's make this a fair fight. (The store owner picks up a vacuum cleaner from the store and steps outside to face the Joker.)
Joker: (grinning) Excellent, store owner! We will each take turns using these vacuum cleaners to clean a dirty carpet. The one who does the best job is the winner! (The Joker and the store owner start to vacuum the carpet, competing to see who can clean it the best.)
(After several minutes, the Joker and the store owner stop and inspect their work.)
Joker: (to the store owner) Hm, it appears that my vacuum cleaner has done a better job than yours. I am the superior vacuum cleaner expert!
Store owner: (to the Joker) You may have won this duel, Joker. But I am not defeated. I will continue to sell high-quality vacuum cleaners to the people of Gotham City. (The store owner turns and goes back inside the store, leaving the Joker standing in the street.)
Joker: (laughing) Ha ha! I may have won this battle, but the war is not over! I will continue to challenge all vacuum cleaner experts to prove my superiority! (The Joker walks away, still laughing.)
Scene: The Joker's hideout in Gotham City. The Joker is standing in front of his gang of henchmen, holding a vacuum cleaner.
Joker: (smiling) My dear henchmen, I have called you here today to instruct you in the ways of the vacuum cleaner. You see, I have recently discovered the joys of using a vacuum cleaner, and I want to share this knowledge with you.
Henchman 1: (confused) Uh, boss, why do we need to know about vacuum cleaners? We're a gang of criminals, not housekeepers.
Joker: (chuckling) Ah, my dear henchman, you underestimate the power of the vacuum cleaner. It is not just a cleaning tool, it is a weapon! (The Joker demonstrates the power of the vacuum cleaner by sucking up various objects around the room.)
Henchman 2: (impressed) Wow, boss, that vacuum cleaner is pretty powerful!
Joker: (nodding) Yes, my dear henchman. And that is why I want you all to learn how to use it. (The Joker starts to teach the henchmen how to use the vacuum cleaner, showing them various techniques and tricks.)
Henchman 3: (to the Joker) Boss, what are we going to do with this new knowledge of vacuum cleaners?
Joker: (grinning) Ah, my dear henchman. We are going to use these vacuum cleaners to clean up the streets of Gotham City! (The Joker and his henchmen laugh maniacally as they continue to learn about vacuum cleaners.)
Scene: Gotham City. The Joker is standing in the middle of the city, holding a vacuum cleaner. He is surrounded by his gang of henchmen, all of whom are also holding vacuum cleaners.
Joker: (laughing) Ha ha! The time has come, my dear henchmen! We are going to vacuum up this entire city, and nothing will stop us! (The Joker and his henchmen start to vacuum the streets of Gotham City, sucking up everything in their path.)
Batman: (appearing from the shadows) Joker! What are you doing? You can't just vacuum up the entire city!
Joker: (to Batman) Ha ha! You're too late, Batman! We have already vacuumed up half of the city, and there's nothing you can do to stop us!
Batman: (to the Joker) You may have the power of the vacuum cleaner, Joker. But I have something even more powerful: my intelligence and determination! (Batman starts to use his gadgets and gadgets to fight against the Joker and his henchmen.)
(The battle between Batman and the Joker continues, as they both try to stop the other from vacuum cleaning the city. In the end, Batman emerges victorious and the Joker and his henchmen are defeated.)
Batman: (to the Joker) It's over, Joker. You may have enjoyed using your vacuum cleaner, but it was not enough to defeat me.
Joker: (to Batman) You may have won this time, Batman. But I will find another way to cause chaos in Gotham City! (The Joker is taken away by the police, as Batman looks on.)
Scene: The vacuum cleaner store in Gotham City. The store owner is standing inside the store, surrounded by various vacuum cleaners. Batman is standing in front of the store owner, looking at him.
Store owner: (to Batman) Thank you, Batman. You saved my store from the Joker and his henchmen. I don't know what I would have done without you.
Batman: (to the store owner) It was my pleasure, store owner. I am glad that I was able to help.
Store owner: (to Batman) But I must admit, I was surprised to see you using a vacuum cleaner to fight against the Joker. I didn't know that you were familiar with vacuum cleaners.
Batman: (to the store owner) I am not a vacuum cleaner expert, store owner. But I am always willing to learn and adapt to new situations. (Batman looks around the store.) And I must say, you have a very impressive collection of vacuum cleaners here. I may have to come back and purchase one for myself.
Store owner: (smiling) Of course, Batman. You are always welcome here. And I will be happy to show you our best vacuum cleaners.
(Batman and the store owner continue to talk, as the store owner thanks Batman for his help.)
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Pitbull rides a Onewheel (Wait for it!) 🤯 #onewheel
You said you're demanding the dog he's going to be addicted and he started to have like happiness he said good it's something I'm doing but he's happy for the dog he felt big and proud and his girl was there and she's off in the bushes and screwing around go to the bathroom anything he got on took off got to the dog park looked around came back and it's waiting for her and she didn't show up to too soon so he turns it around and he pushes it and it moves it and starts shooting off and he goes where you going and going after her looks back and there she is coming at him so he slows down and sniffs her cuz he's checking and just her lick and they go to the dog park. Is the sweetest thing I've ever seen and this guy does it every single time he looks for her and she's saying we're going to do it with the police badge it's a little bit different and it looks more like the actual CIA badge used to and she's wondering and he's wondering where so it's probably the same thing because people want to be the good guys and they kind of for fighting for their people and they're good in that respect even though he's that guy loses it all the time a lot of them can't hold it up.
That last part was Hera and him the boy this is a nice scene and these two dogs are great our son has met the boy and he's a wonderful little guy a wonderful dog these dogs are great dogs they get in trouble and get help and they know these guys are suffering they see them injured and they feel okay because they see they're trying and they try a lot and his mom was trying a lot and she passed away and didn't tell him and they found her the dog was wandering around and they went in a room and she was gone not fully oh okay there's a story and he doesn't know what it is because these two are at him all the time and you'll never guess who it's not Lady Gaga it might be making Merkel and her sister and that's who it is and Trump is bothering the s*** out of them and it was really Tommy F and he's trying to get mad at himself
This sweet dog it's going to be famous he says you know this invention hasn't sold that much and you can probably get them jobs and the dogs love it there's a famous dog I think it's Benji that used to do commercials and some others that like to Chihuahua they think they're famous and they can bark at anyone so he says I really don't want to hear this stupid s*** and because they say the lines from the commercial and he goes that's enough so I don't know what it's called now but he can put like stickers and stuff on it if it's not slip so he says well that's a problem so he's trying to find out how to do that and they already have it and he's going to put some stickers on about him and getting my outfit for when it's cold and there's one weather stuff too warm weather stuff so those two are a couple that's really nice
Thor Freya
Are people are here and I hear it I'd really appreciate it and they want me to speak to them so I will...
We're going to have a meeting and we're going to talk about things it's kind of rough here he's doing okay we can do a lot better and we should our people are in trouble
Nuada Arrianna
I think we should sell these you and I and teach dogs to do it and he says that's great the dogs would have to be in enclosed area or they'll escape or run away and they might get hurt a run over and you're right it's very dangerous sometimes or all the time and you can't have them on the lease so it's a tough thing that I do appreciate it what you said is it could race and you could train the dog only to use it for the race or when he's around and the well-trained dog and it is dangerous for the puppy and it's dangerous to have a skilled puppy around and leave it alone this is only one of them and he kept on going so racing is fun and so the guy felt better because he couldn't he didn't know what to do
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thedaveandkimmershow · 5 months
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Dream Patrol.
In ten days, Thursday, April 25, Linzy's gonna pull the trigger on her first live performance of Dream Patrol.
An ambitious project, Dream Patrol is Linzy's creative facade for a sound she crafted that's a merging of pop, techno, indie, and sound design. Wet, multilayered vocals are key to the sound as well as references to hometown locations in the lyrics.
The sound of Dream Patrol can be haunting. The sound can be massive. The sound can be fun. The sound can be dark. The sound can be full-blown party. 
In its full expression and its simplicity, even in its simplicity, Dream Patrol has a cinematic quality.
Once upon a time, I imagined when Linzy set sail with her own music that it would be with a band she assembled. She knows a ton of gifted musicians and vocalists. However, from the beginning, Linzy imagined Dream Patrol as an individual performance.
Just her.
Now, this isn't a problem for Dream Patrol on vinyl or streaming.
But live? On stage?
What's that gonna look like for one person on stage if not like a DJ?
Of course Linzy's got this covered. It won't be a band experience,of course. It can't be. It won't be a solo performance or a DJ at the helm of a club. What it will be... is something intensely personal framed against a broad canvas of emotion and production value. She already has a production crew handling light and sound triggers.
Dream Patrol.
This has been an actual dream of Linzy's for many years now until finally the opportunity intersected with room in her schedule and bandwidth in her mind by which to take this first step. In a way, we're gonna be looking at the first draft of what she intends. She's gonna build it as she goes. Show by show.
In ten days... we get the first taste.
Me, I'm excited. There's so much space here shaped by how she strives to craft this performance, a joyous, moving, a dark, deep ride in all kinds of ways that will tap into a shared experience in a way that's tough for a band to accomplish.
But a Creative with mad narrative skills?
This is gonna be something.
So Dream Patrol at the High Dive. Thursday, April 25 in ten days.
You can score your tickets here.
Doors open at eight.
And I am completely.
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chicagomindedvision · 10 months
Are you An overworked Construction Worker?How are you supposed to pursue your passion for writing if you can’t find the time and extra money. 😱Is it actually possible to accomplish success outside of your job and take yourself to the next level without wasting time, money, and energy?! 🤯I bet you’ve tried watching tons of those YouTube videos, attending online webinars, or reading other books..And nothing has quite worked for you, right?The youngins are listening to Audiobooks and Podcasts.How are you going to find the ⏰ TIME ⏰ to be creative with your writing if you are an overworked Construction Worker? How do you justify spending money on any Self-Help material like Courses, Books, Audiobooks, and Workshops, if you don’t have the time?😨 Why is it so stressful and irritating to figure the publishing process out?Is the constant battle to tell your story or convey a message to a group of people worth it?Can you really get your book published without spending a lot of time and money?🤔 And when should you take the time to finish writing your book🤔 Should you get someone to edit your draft🤔 Are you thinking about who will distribute your book🤔 What about finding a professional book design for the front, back, and spine of your bookSTOP.  STOP. CHILLOUT 🤯If any (or all) of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.Hey, it's your man, David L. Hawkins A.K.A DayDay 👋And, while I don't claim to know it all, I HAVE helped 8 people save time writing and publishing: creating a sustainable step-by-step action plan. They call themselves The Royal Writers 💪And yet…Not that long ago, I was in your shoes. I am Super serious and really mean itThose early days were rough roughI'd take a step forward only to take three more back. I was overworked in my skilled trade, with very little time to focus on my passion.Anyways, if that's kinda how you feel right now...Let me give you a road map, so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads, and instead take the fast lane to something that you can be proud of. Let me show you that,” one pen stroke away ” 💪👇 Here is what I’m proposing. 👇 I’ve had a TONNE of overworked construction workers reach out to me asking for my help. So I had this crazy idea to build a step-by-step plan to guide you from being an overworked construction worker to a legitimate Author in 6 weeks.No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from being an overworked construction worker to a published Author ✅ If you are interested in claiming one of the 10 spots available, comment below with:“Let the legacy live” 👉 More details to follow tomorrow, on FB @Misterdavidhawkins at 5 pm.Sincerely David L. Hawkins A.K.A DayDay
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👀👀 Attention, peasants! Your savior, Kyubin from OnlyOneOf, is here to bless you with his divine presence! 🤯 Are you ready to witness greatness? 🌟
💡💻 Kyubin isn't just a producer and songwriter - he's a freaking deity! 🤓 This guy's got skills and creativity that'll make your head spin 😵. And as a member of OnlyOneOf, he's the reason they're on top! 🔝
🤣😂 And let's not forget his sense of humor! 🤪 Kyubin's jokes and impressions will have you in stitches, and his personality is just as irresistible as his talent! You know what they say, laughter is the best way to distract yourself from your miserable existence 💊!
😍🌟 Speaking of irresistible, Kyubin's got that charm and magnetism that make him the ultimate visual sensation! 🤩 He's a total heartthrob with looks that'll kill, and fans go crazy just thinking about him! I mean, have you seen this guy? He's hotter than a flaming bag of Cheetos! 🔥
👏💪 But guess what? Kyubin doesn't coast on his good looks and talent alone! 🚀 This guy works harder than a donkey in a coal mine, and he puts so much effort into everything he does! 🙌 When you have Kyubin on your team, you know you're gonna dominate! And if you don't, well, you're just plain stupid 🤪!
So, what are you waiting for? Hop on the Kyubin express now - it's the ride of a lifetime! 🚂 And if you're not on board, well, you're missing out on the greatest show on earth! 🎪🎉 So put on your party hats and get ready to bow down to the Kyubin deity! 👑💃
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astarkey · 3 years
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Off the Grid
A lone wolf mercenary is sent to the deep mountains of West Virginia to find and retrieve a missing girl held captive by a charismatic and cruel warlord. However, during this task, he gets caught in a tangled web as he and the girl end up trapped in the mazy woods, and become targets of the warlord and his relentless army that are preventing their escape. The mercenary will have to use his knowledge of survival to battle against his foes, and along the way, he finds secrets and clues about the abandoned town, the bureau who hired him, the powerful warlord, and the girl who joins him in the fight to survive.
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Harry Styles x Singer!Reader
Faceclaim: Marina Diamandis
author’s note: Don’t mind me doing another Harry smau. I really tried to keep this one shorter, but obviously, I’m not capable of doing such a thing because I always get carried away. Sorry? :x This one will probably get a pt. 2. And don't mind the gap at the beginning - the tumblr editor still hates me.
Please keep in mind that reblogs are super important for creators/writers (even more so than likes bc that’s just how tumblr works), so please, consider reblogging things you like - it only takes a second or two longer, and we as writers can reach more people who maybe would like the things you already love <3
pt. 2 is here!
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dailymail YN LN was spotted arriving in Paris today! Later this early afternoon, she was seen on her way to an event location in the 1st arrondissement. She interacted with the crowd of fans, who waited impatiently for the loved and praised singer-songwriter.
Click the link in our bio to read more about YN’s whereabouts these past couple of months in preparation for her Love + Fear Tour!
Liked by yourfan1, yourfan2, yourfan3, ynandharry and 214,687 others | 16,729 comments
yourfan1 my one true queen
yourfan2 She is sooooo preeeeettyyyyyy
↳ yourfan1 Was she as happy as she looks in the picture? 😍
↳ yourfan4 More details please!!!!
↳ yourfan3 She was super happy to see us, and she took so much time to talk to everyone and to take pictures with us and sign CDs and photos and all the stuff even though her manager (or assistant?) always tried to push her to leave because they didn’t have much time. But YN only shook her head, grinned, and went to the next fan. Only thinking about her kindness makes me tear up again 🥹
↳ yourfan1 😩🥰
↳ yourfan4 I’m even more in love now
ynandharry I know that these two will probably never meet, but Harry is in Paris as well (my shipper's heart does things to me) 🫣
↳ hsfan1 You are not alone, dear Harrie 👀
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yourinstagram Thank you for having me, vogue! It was an immense honor. And thank you, gucci, for providing the most beautiful necklace I ever had the pleasure to wear (do I have to give it back tho? Just kiddin’. Am I? 🫢 Maybe you should check its authenticity and call James Corden to find the real one 🤫 I exposed my current favorite film, oooops.)
Liked by yourfan1, yourfan2, vogue, harrystyles, gucci and 132,691 others | 48,320 comments
vogue The honor and pleasure was all ours!
j_corden I heard my profiling skills are in need?
↳ gucci Do you mind coming to Paris? 👀
↳ j_corden I can’t. Arsenal is playing this weekend 🤷🏼‍♂️
liked by yourinstagram and 324 others
↳ yourinstagram Don’t mind me hyperventilating over James Corden under my post, referring to one of his lines in my current favorite film bye.
liked by j_corden and 99 others
↳ j_corden You need to practice that if you intend to survive our little chat 👀
↳ yourinstagram Don’t remind me of that dream come true, okay???? (Am I allowed to hug you?)
↳ yourfan1 YN will be at the James Corden Show!!!!!! 😍
↳ j_corden You are. But only because it’s you!
↳ yourinstagram You’re saying that to every single one of us 🤓
↳ j_corden Maybe 😇
↳ hsfan1 he did???!!! 😱
↳ ynandharry YES 🤯
↳ yourfan1 yes hello hi i am screaming right now bye (and you look like a literal goddess, YN)
liked by yourinstagram and 13 others
↳ yourfan1 and now i’m dying
niallhoran Looking gorgeous, gorgeous. A fairy queen🧚🏼🥰
liked by yourinstagram and 4,232 others
↳ 1d4ever Niall knows her??????? + he speaks the truth
↳ yourfan2 They’re kinda besties 😌
↳ yourinstagram Stop that right now, hubby! ☝🏼
liked by niallhoran and 88 others
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CelebrityUpdates Harry Styles followed YN LN on Instagram and other social media platforms!
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, yourfan1, yourfan2 and 2,771 others | 879 comments
ynandharry Is it really happening? 🥹
hsfan1 uuuuh i love her!
↳ hsfan2 omg same! Her music is awesome 🤯
yourfan1 When they realize that she is a Harrie… Their screams will be heard on the ISS 😂
↳ yourfan2 Same thought, bestie 😌😅
↳ hsfan3 Excuse me, WHAT??? 😍
↳ hsfan1 your honor, I need them to meet, thank you.
↳ yourfan3 I have the vague feeling that they shortly met during the Vogue/Gucci collab shoot. Just a feeling 👀
liked by hsfan1
↳ hsfan1 Let it be true please!!!
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CelebrityStoryTracker yourinstagram via her stories!
yourfan1 I love her.
hsfan1 That’s the proof that she is a true Harrie.
hsfan2 We need Harry to meet her 😩
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yourinstagram A story in two and a half acts: Went in, found it, took it.
Now I’m singing to Harry Styles while cleaning the house, and my neighbors have already come over twice, asking if I could turn down the music. I would love to, but I can’t find my headphones, sorryyyyyy.
(There aren’t any neighbors around here. I just wanted to feel cool and rebellious once in my life.)
Liked by harrystyles, yourfan1, niallhoran, selenagomez and 89,771 others | 28,081 comments
selenagomez That’s why you aren’t answering anything, Miss I am rebellious.
↳ yourinstagram I’m texting you know? 👉🏻👈🏻
↳ selenagomez Shame. Shame. Shame. Di-ding! 🔔
↳ yourinstagram I hate you but I love you
liked by selenagomez and 901 others
↳ selenagomez ‘course you do ❤️
liked by yourinstagram and 672 others
↳ SelAndYN I want what they have.
harrystyles I hope my humble album can change the cleaning into something more fun x H.
liked by gemmastyles, niallhoran, yourinstagram and 786 others
↳ hsfan1 HARRY!!!! ❤️
↳ yourfan1 She will go crazy
↳ niallhoran I’m waiting for that scream now, which I probably can hear here in London
↳ yourinstagram *drops dead to the floor*
↳ niallhoran That was the other, also very likely, possibility.
liked by harrystyles, selenagomez and 54 others
↳ yourfan2 You need to sing with her, Harry 😌😩
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, ynandharry and 8 others
↳ yourinstagram I will mark this day in my calendar.
↳ yourinstagram You gifted us (but more like me personally bc I only can speak for myself) with something very beautiful and ethereal, and I cannot comprehend for the love of this planet what I’m listening to. I’m bowing before your talent and craftsmanship, Mr. Styles x
liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, taylorswift and 664 others
↳ harrystyles That’s too kind of you, thank you. But I can return that compliment right away x H.
liked by yourinstagram, hsfan1 and 3,331 others
↳ gemmastyles I like you, YN
liked by yourinstagram and 14 others
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yourinstagram I’ve arrived in New York City after a nine-hour drive (because my flight got redirected and then there wasn’t a connecting flight), and I can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow night at Central Park! Let’s hope the weather will change for the better and that my scratchy throat is only the symptom of the AC in my car and the 9h long talk with a lovely human to keep me company. But I will be in good hands later this day.
See you tomorrow! x
Liked by yourfan1, selenagomez, yourfan2, ynandharry and 231,080 others | 76,482 comments
yourfan1 Get well soon!
liked by yourinstagram and 3 others
yourfan2 Can’t wait to finally see you tomorrow. I’ve waited so long 😩
↳ yourfan3 I was so lucky to get the ticket of a friend because he can’t go 😭
ynandharry I desperately want that the 9h long talk was with Harry. I’m just gonna imagine that now byyyyye
liked by yourinstagram and 6 others
↳ hsfan1 same. you wanna share some ideas? 😍
↳ ynandharry sure! I’m thinking about writing a blurb about it 👀
↳ hsfan1 Did you see the like…? 😦
↳ ynandharry … i did O.O SQUEALING!!!
selenagomez Why do you always turn the AC so low???? You know how sensitive your throat is! 🙄
liked by niallhoran, taylorswift and 358 others
↳ yourinstagram Sorry mom 🤷🏽‍♀️
↳ selenagomez Whatever. Drink your tea!
↳ yourinstagram 👌🏻
niallhoran Don’t you dare getting sick now 😠
↳ yourinstagram Naaaaah. I’m fine! 🤙🏼💜
yourfan4 i can’t wait for your Toronto show! and your new merch drop!
liked by yourinstagram, yourfan1, yourfan2 and 22 others
↳ yourinstagram The merch is almost good to go. Stay tuned for a couple more weeks! x
↳ yourfan4 YN 🥹❤️
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pagesix Harry Styles today in New York City shortly before entering the backstage area of YN LN’s concert!
Liked by dailymailuk, hsfan1, hsfan2 and 15,988 others | 11,763 comments
hsfan1 handsome as always
hsfan2 can’t keep my eyes off him
hsfan3 Okay, we get Harry content, but could you please leave him alone? He clearly had somewhere to be, and he was there privately
↳ hsfan4 plus, it’s always rude to just take pictures and shout questions.
yourfan1 i feel bad for Harry because of the paparazzi, but I’m so happy that he went backstage to see YN🥹
Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated :3
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