#the skirt is way too poofy
silkentine · 3 months
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Me when they are the sisters ever: 😭😭😭 They came out soooo freaking well. I won’t lie, they took me a thousand years to finish but through the constant support from all of my buds (and my latent bisexuality), we made it 😤
Hopefully you guys know the deal by now: design choices, easter eggs, and (NEW!) closeup shots below the read more. ⬇️
I wanted Ace to have a very down-to-earth vibe and looked at Aussie beach-girls, coastal cowgirls, and vaqueras for reference. (IDK, I’ve just always envisioned Ace as part-Australian🌺 and Mexican 🏴‍☠️) Her clothing choices are mostly natural or utilitarian materials like the painted wooden beads on her top, her woven fabric and leather belts, and her denim jumpsuit. I gave her bikini top a zen-garden kind of feel because I read the first Ace’s Story Novel and I loved how idyllic and peaceful they made Sixis Island sound so I wanted to invoke that in some way.
Speaking of her painted wooden beads, they hang off the back of her top and represent her connection to Sabo and Luffy. They watch her back once she sets sail. She only wears one red glass bead earring because the other one got ripped out of her ear when a child, leaving her earlobe torn (don’t think about it too much 😢). Also, YES! she does wear a hibiscus flower just like Rouge (because I hate you and I want to make you cry, muhwahahahaha).
Also, I really wanted her to have super textured curly hair that licks behind her like flames. I am always considering whether or not a character should have long hair or not because I don’t want it to be a hindrance if they’re in a fight (or if they ARE a fighter with long hair, how to they avoid an enemy making use of that?). Ace is, of course, a Logia-type Devil Fruit User so I think she wouldn’t have trouble with people grabbing it LOL I get the feeling that she doesn’t take very good care of it even though it looks amazing. Like you’d think it would be soft and bouncy just by looking at it but if you ever get the chance to run your fingers through it, it’s a total rat’s nest and there’s sand and food all up in it. She still falls asleep while eating 😂 but she tries her best to only do it around people she can trust (woman moment 😔).
Honestly, her design is not that different from Ace’s canon look. It feels really vital to Ace’s character to have a lot of skin showing. And he’s always hanging all over himself with his hips all cocked like the weight of the world is too much to stand up straight. It is certainly not my OWN preference to make her an absolute smoke show. That’s just the character, okay? (I’m partially lying and the proof is that I turned the emblem on Ace’s hat strap into a sternum tattoo for no other reason than that it is sexy af.)
Here are some closeups of Ace:
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Now for Sabo, I’ve made her very girly. I tried putting her in pants or something more militant but she told me that she’d wear the big poofy sleeves and hiked-up ruffled skirt. I think Sabo has always had a strong grasp on his fashion sense and individual flair and I truly believe that his personal style is one of the major influences for the rest of the Revolutionary Army resulting in the very flashy, queer, steampunk aesthetic (aside from Dragon’s plain-ass cloak). So of course I had to implement her nonconformist look when reimagining her as a woman and dress her up to the nines.
I’ve given her very ornate jewelry that is there to tell a story, even if she herself doesn’t know it. I like to think she picks up stuff from her travels that resonate with her, such as a damaged set of earrings with one stone missing or red cup-shaped shells featuring three nestled pearls. Another accessory that cannot go unmentioned is her dragon claw hat pin that keeps her top hat resting on top of her hair (and is definitely used as a weapon when the situation simply doesn’t call for trusty metal pipe). She also has a veil that obscures her prominent facial scar. I imagine she’s not very keen on the reminder of the incident from her childhood that took away her memories. I also kept her chipped toothed because 1) it’s fucking adorable and 2) is a visual reminder that she no longer aligns herself with the nobility who would have gotten such a thing fixed. She is so poised in almost every outward facet of her life from her dignified role as the Chief of Staff to the elegant materials in her clothing that it can be easy to forget she was also a rough and tumble forest dweller. Every time Koala remembers this, he lets out the biggest sigh.
Her hair is inspired by Gibson Girls and Elizabeth Swann from the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I wanted it to be fussy and tidy but fall apart when she’s in moments of distress. For example, when she remembers her sisters, her hair starts to look like Ace’s flaming mane. I’m so in love with her, I think she looks like an adorable little porcelain doll that would fuck you up. I made an effort to keep her eyes a little bit manic. I get lost in her steely black orbs (and also Ace’s warm brown ones, but we’re talking about Sabo rn).
Here are her close-ups:
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Plot notes for this AU:
For this series of character designs, I wanted the expressions and outfits to be aligned with the canon plot but I don’t know if I have the heart to kill fem!Ace in my AU. I’m too attached and ASL has suffered enough!!!!! But Ace’s death is also a major defining moment for Luffy so it feels disingenuous to completely avoid it. Also a huge aspect of Sabo’s character is carrying on Ace’s will and I have so many thoughts about how the Dressrosa Colosseum scene would play out if they were all women. Oh well, I’ll cross that tragic bridge when I get to it. I’m definitely going to draw some Modern AU Girl Piece ASL though. They deserve to hang out with no stakes 😭 They are sisters!!!
Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog for my other One Piece genderbends! 🥰
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chere-indolente · 29 days
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La Repasseuse
Hello I'm back with a lingerie set this time ! It includes corsets, a corset cover and some drawers. Althought the painting that inspired me this time is older than usual, the cc I ended up making is fit for the 1870s, 1880s, 1890s & 1900s. More pics and download below
This set was mainly inspired by the Edgar Degas's painting : La Repasseuse (The Laundress/Ironer).
————————— Plain Corsets —————————
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In the 19th and 20th corsets were used to achieve the fashionable shape of the times, provide bust support, maintain good posture and distribute the weight of the skirt's and petticoat's yards of fabric. Althought corsets were underwear judging from the paintings I've seen (cf reference pictures below) working women would sometimes take off their bodices when it was getting too hot (ironers, laundresses as well as peasants during harvest). I've kept these plain corsets pretty simple only featuring the boning channels (where the whale bones or steel bones would go) and a bit of cording under the bust, as I've seen on most corsets of that period.
I've made 2 versions :
is meant to be worn on top of clothing (presumably underwear but you do you) and as such are compatible with my skirts and split drawers
is meant to be worn under clothing (petticoat or skirt)
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32 swatches : 22 solids & 10 floral patterns
2 versions
————————— Lace Corsets —————————
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These are the same corset but with some lace at the top, a very common style but probably more expensive than the plainer ones.
These corsets too exist in 2 versions (V1 to wear over clothing and V2 to wear under).
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32 swatches : 22 solids & 10 floral patterns
2 versions
——————— Embroidered Corsets ———————
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These corsets are the same as the lace ones with added embroidery.
This type of embroidery is called flossing it's decorative but also practical : the flossing reduces the corset bones’ movements to improve the comfort of the wearer. These corsets too exist in 2 versions (V1 to wear over clothing and V2 to wear under).
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36 swatches : 24 solids & 10 floral patterns
2 versions
—————————   Corset Cover  —————————
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As the name implies corset cover were worn on top of corsets. Their purposes were to smooth over the corset lines (the equivalent of today's pantylines), to hide the corset's color (for it to not show under a lighter bodice), to absorb sweat so as to protect the bodice and finally especially in the edwardian era to act as padding to achieve the fashionable pigeon breast look.
That being said it seems not everyone wore corset covers from what I've seen.
Like corsets, corset cover too were sometimes used as workwear by women working in hot environnements (ironers, laundresses as well as peasants during harvest).
This corset cover includes 3 styles (pictured below) with different degrees of "laceyness". I tried my best to make it work for both 1880s and Edwardian fashion, in the end I think it's leaning more toward the later.
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15 swatches : 3 styles (cf picture above) with 5 swatches of white/off white each
—————————   Split Drawers  —————————
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For most of the 19th century and even the beginning of the 20th century, women drawers were open : they were composed of 2 legs that would be buttoned or tied together at the waist and that would overlap in the crotch but could be split appart when necessary.
I've made 2 versions of these, since I've seen both :
is tighter under the knee giving that poofy "bloomer" like shape
is straight legged
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10 swatches with 5 different white & off white color ways
2 versions
Download : dropbox — simfileshare
And once again as a bonus some of my main reference pictures :
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roosterforme · 10 months
The Younger Kind Part 40 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Casey is obnoxious to you once again, you try your best to go about your day even though you're on the verge of tears. Bradley knew he shouldn't have been lying to you, but he didn't see any other way of dealing with things. Especially not when he was making some last minute changes.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of smut and age gap (18+)
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley didn't answer his phone when you called him on your way to work. Casey was trying to bait you, of that you were almost positive. But Bradley was acting strange all on his own, and the twin bakery boxes made you a little more anxious than you wanted to admit, even to yourself. 
This was going to be the downside to being with Bradley. He was older and sexy and had a real job and a cute kid, and other people were always going to take notice of that. But he put you in his will. He'd talked about rings, and you'd seen them in his internet tabs. There was no way he wasn't serious about this, because even if he was messing with you, he wouldn't mess with Noah. 
But you still felt jealous and petty as you drove to work. That crown shaped donut was adorable and delicious, but at what cost? Now you wished you had taken the time to see what was inside the pastry box Casey had at the daycare. You called Bradley one more time as you walked into work, but of course he didn't answer even though he should still have his phone on him at this hour. The urge to text or call Natasha was strong right now.
After you took care of a few of your patients, you caved and dug your phone out of your bag. Bradley finally responded to you.
Bradley Bradshaw: Hey, I know you said you're going grocery shopping on your way home today, but I need you to pick up Noah. I'll be late again.
You rolled your eyes as you texted him back.
Why exactly will you be late today?
You didn't have time to wait for a response, because you had to get the exam rooms ready for the upcoming patients. Dr. Kelly was dealing with an emergency in exam room one, and there was another child throwing up all over the waiting room. At the rate you were going here, you'd be lucky if you could even get to Noah on time after work. You felt like you were being pulled in four different directions, and you weren't in the mood for Bradley's bullshit. 
When nobody else wanted to clean up the waiting room, you went ahead and did it without complaining; it wasn't that kid's fault he had food poisoning. But you ended up crawling around on the floor for fifteen minutes with rubber gloves on, and then you just got more backed up with the child who was waiting for you in the last exam room. You didn't have time to eat lunch, but you took a quick bathroom break and checked your phone. 
There was nothing from Bradley, but Natasha had texted asking what you were wearing to Admiral Bates' retirement party. You pressed your lips together and took a screenshot of the poofy purple skirt and top that should be arriving today and sent it to her. Before she could respond, you sent another quick message.
Are you working late with Bradley today? Did you have to work late with him yesterday?
You used the bathroom and washed your hands, and you checked your phone one last time. 
Natasha Trace: I haven't been working late, and I followed him out of the parking garage yesterday. That shade of purple is going to look stunning next to Bradley's dress whites. I can't decide between my own dress whites or a formal gown. What's your opinion? Look like one of the guys or look like I'm trying too hard? Like I can't fucking win here, you know?
You absolutely loved that she wanted to ramble to you about her black tie options, you really did. But now you felt uncomfortable in your own skin. She just confirmed for you that Bradley left work on time yesterday. At the bare minimum he was lying to you again, but he could be doing something behind your back that would hurt you even more than that.
"Fuck," you muttered, knowing you had to get back to work. You smiled at your patients and let them take their time picking out stickers all afternoon. You cleaned and disinfected the exam rooms. You entered all of the information into the electronic charts while you answered questions for parents. You did it all without freaking out like you wanted to. 
When you were dismissed, you grabbed your things and rushed to your car to make it to the daycare in time to get Noah. Tears already stung your eyes, because you just knew you'd feel so much better when you got to see him and get a hug. You were still trying to decide if it was better or worse if Casey was still here as you parked and headed inside. Then her eyes locked with yours as soon as you entered the small lobby, and she still looked so smug in her cute outfit. But at least this meant she wasn't with Bradley. 
"Oh, it's you again," she said pleasantly as you walked to the counter. 
You put your hand out for the clipboard and said, "Yep. It's me. Told you I wasn't going anywhere. Could you please bring Noah out?"
"I will," she replied, reaching into that fucking blue box and pulling out a crown shaped donut. She nibbled on the end before setting it down again and handing you the clipboard. "You're the last one to arrive for pickup, which actually makes sense when I think about it. Bradley has you running all over the place for him, doesn't he?"
You ground your molars together to keep your mouth shut and signed your name as she took another bite of the donut. 
"I guess that's what babysitters do though. But it's funny that he didn't mention you at all when he and I were at the bakery yesterday."
Your eyes snapped up to meet her self satisfied gaze, and you wanted to rip that pretty donut out of her hand. "Just go get Noah."
"Gladly," she replied, heading for the classroom door. "You're holding me up right now anyway. I need to get back to Sweet Dreams to meet up with someone who looks damn good in a pair of aviator sunglasses. It's so nice having the best bakery in the city right in my neighborhood. It's a great spot to meet up with people."
If Bradley came home with another blue pastry box and claimed he was at work late again, you were going to throw the box back in his pretty face. 
"Mommy!" Noah called as he streaked across the lobby to you a second later. "I painted a purple dog for you!" He was holding up a painting of a purple blob with eyes and a nose, and you couldn't hold back your smile. 
"I love it," you whispered as you picked him up and kissed his chubby cheek. You made the decision to completely ignore Casey as you turned and walked out to the parking lot. "Hey, we need to stop and get groceries, so how about you pick what you want for dinner tonight."
He looked at you with those brown eyes that were identical to his dad's, except that these ones didn't have to try to look innocent, they just were. "Probably mac and cheese and ants on logs."
"Sounds perfect."
Once you and he got inside the grocery store, you were feeling extra ridiculous. You thought about making it a point to run up Bradley's credit card bill as high as you could by selecting imported exotic fruits and a bottle of champagne, but you just couldn't waste the money. You did buy yourself some expensive chocolate that you ate on the drive home though as you wondered just how late he was going to be tonight. 
You were kind of shocked as you pulled down the block with Noah and a trunk full of groceries to see the Bronco parked in the driveway. It was 6:45, so he must have arrived just before you, and you couldn't wait to put him on the spot. You slammed your door before unbuckling Noah from his seat in the back, and you really did feel like the fucking babysitter again right now. 
"Let's go, sweet Noah," you told him, leaving the groceries where they were for now. Hand in hand, the two of you walked up to the porch while he told you how many raisins he wanted on his carrots, but you barely heard him. When you opened the front door, Bradley was standing right there in the middle of the living room with a stupid smile on his face. He was holding another blue pastry box. 
"Hi," he said, leaning down to kiss you, but you backed away. His face scrunched in concern. "Everything okay?"
Noah was already bugging to see what was in the box this time, and you noticed Bradley had his other hand tucked behind his broad back. 
"I mean... no, not really," you said, slightly embarrassed by the way your voice shook. "Did you see Casey at the bakery again today? Just like last night?"
He looked completely taken aback. "How did you know I saw Casey last night?"
You crossed your arms over your chest and whispered, "Why do you keep lying to me about coming home late?"
Bradley sighed and pressed his lips together. "Look, I didn't want to have to lie to you, okay? That wasn't really my original plan, but then things got a little out of hand, and I didn't really see any other option."
"Just say it," you whispered, ready to reach for the box as your hands shook.
"I just wanted it to be a surprise," he said blandly as he pulled his hand out from behind his back. You gasped, and Noah immediately gave up on his mission to get something sweet out of the blue box.
"A dog!" Noah shouted as you looked at the tiny little Yorkshire terrier that Bradley was holding around the middle with one hand. It had a purple bow on top of its head and one leg in a cast, and it was honestly one of the cutest things you'd ever seen in your life. "A dog! A dog!" 
Bradley dropped down to kneel so Noah could get a closer look, but he kept his eyes on you as he said, "I adopted her from the shelter across town. It's on the same block as that fancy bakery. She has a broken leg, so we need to be really gentle with her while she's healing, okay?" He set the box down on the floor and sat with Noah, and now you were feeling pretty embarrassed. You still wanted to know what Casey was doing, but you tentatively sat down on the floor as well. 
When Bradley held his other arm out, you crawled in to give him a huge while Noah petted the little brown bundle of fur. He was showing how gently he could be, and the dog started licking his hands. You kissed Bradley's cheek, but he looked a little stern as he softly said, "You know I did this for you, right? You and Noah."
You didn't know what else to say, so you simply said, "Thank you."
He sighed and kissed your lips. "I saw Casey for like five minutes while I waited in line to buy your crown donut, okay? The guy from the shelter needed to interview me about getting a dog with an injury, so he and I sat in the bakery for a while and talked. I dropped off a check this afternoon, because they don't accept app payments, and I stopped at the bakery again for you. Then the guy from the shelter came by and did a quick inspection of the house and our backyard like an hour ago. And he left the dog with me. That's all."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered, "I love you, and I love the dog. And I'm happy you got to use your checkbook without anyone laughing at you."
Bradley chuckled as you ran your fingers through the dog's fur. She looked up at you with brown eyes that you swore perfectly matched those of the Bradshaw boys. 
"What's her name?" Noah asked as he got his face licked.
"Whatever you want it to be," Bradley replied. "She doesn't have one yet."
You and Noah made eye contact and both smiled brightly. "Skittles!"
Bradley groaned and laid back on the area rug right next to the snag, and he plopped Skittles down on his chest. "You already had a name picked out? And it's Skittles?"
"Yes!" Noah replied, also laying on Bradley's chest to get better access to his new pet.
"We picked a name that could work for a boy dog or a girl dog," you told Bradley, your heart feeling lighter than it had for the past day. "She's so adorable," you crooned as you ran your dand down her back. "Hi, Skittles. You're precious." Her brown eyes were transfixed on your face as you scratched just the right spot behind her ear. "Why is she in a cast?"
Bradley propped his hands behind his head, and the pup carefully walked up to lick his neck and face as you took a few pictures. "Hit by a car. She was abandoned down near Imperial Beach and someone dropped her at the shelter last week. I mentioned I was looking for a small puppy or younger dog that didn't shed, and Bob found her on the shelter website."
"You were left all alone? You sweet thing," you whispered, getting close enough for a lick across your nose. "She's darling!"
"Can she sleep with me in my bed?" Noah asked as Skittles climbed carefully onto Bradley's bicep and then onto the rug. She sniffed around the pastry box before plopping down bedside Bradley with her broken leg sticking out in front of her. 
"Maybe after her cast comes off, Bub."
Noah tried his best to pout, but you saw right through it, and a few seconds later he was smiling again. "Noah, what do you say to Daddy?" you reminded him. Then he was in Bradley's arms saying thank you a million times in a row.
While Bradley unloaded the groceries, you and Noah played on the living room floor with Skittles. He shook his head as he locked your car. "Skittles," he muttered, hauling the last few bags inside. "You've got to be shitting me." He chuckled to himself. You'd come into his life with your candy and your glossy lips and your sweetness and upended everything. He owned a fucking dog now, and you'd named it after your favorite snack. He even had a reminder in his phone to pay off his credit card balance so he could start shopping for a ring next month.
You smiled up at him from the floor as Noah squeaked a toy and held it out to the dog. Damn it, she was actually adorable. And the shelter gave her a little purple bow when he asked for that color. And she definitely had the puppy eyes down pat, because Bradley couldn't even walk through the room without stopping to pet her. 
He ended up carrying Skittles around the house for the rest of the night after you made mac and cheese for dinner. The dog was already trained to go to the bathroom outside, but he needed to be careful with her cast. The staff from the animal shelter had absolutely grilled him for information before they even came out to inspect whether or not the house and yard were safe for her. 
"Yeah, this is your yard now," he whispered to the dog as he carried her outside in one hand. She licked his cheek before he set her down and watched her sniff around as it got darker outside. She was only a year or two old, which is what he wanted. This way Noah and potentially his younger sibling could have more time with her as the dog grew older. 
"Come here," Bradley called, and Skittles moved as quickly as her little casted leg would allow her to. She stopped at his feet and looked up at him. "Fuck. You really are cute. And I'm going to look like an asshole when I take you for walks." But he was smiling as he picked her up again. When he turned, you were standing in the open doorway.
"You won't look like an asshole, Daddy. You'll look as adorable as Skittles does."
He kissed your forehead and asked, "Is Noah in bed?"
"Yeah. He wants you to go in and say goodnight. And may I please hold the dog for a few minutes?" you asked with a little pout. 
"Nope," he replied, kissing your cheek. "Gotta let Noah say goodnight to her, too."
"Then can I play with her?"
Bradley held the dog's face up to his ear. "What's that, Skittles? You said you like me the best and want me to keep holding you? That's what I thought."
"Hey!" you complained, playfully hitting his arm as the pup licked his ear. You looked happier right now than you had earlier, but Bradley knew he needed to have a conversation about Casey. He couldn't understand what set you off so much earlier. 
As he carried Skittles toward Noah's room, he replayed the events from yesterday in his mind. He'd been sitting in the bakery for about an hour before he finished talking to the representative from the animal shelter, and when he stood up, Casey was already there. And yeah, she was a nuisance as usual. She put her hand on Bradley's forearm and mentioned that she liked his uniform, but she always tried to do that shit. Then she waited in line like she was with him instead of behind or in front of him, and she went on and on about how she lived right around the corner.
When he finally managed to leave with the bakery box and your cute donut, he was exhausted. And he'd only had to listen to her for a few minutes. Then she stood next to the Bronco with him like she expected a ride home or something, which was ridiculous since she told him so many times that she lived around the corner. 
He sighed and kissed Skittles on the head as he carried her in to say goodnight to Noah. "I love her," his son said as Bradley held her so she could lick his face. "I'll be really careful so she can sleep in here with me," he pleaded. 
Bradley kissed his cheek. "Not tonight, Bub. I already told you, she needs to heal up first."
Noah reached out to pet her before rolling onto his side with a little scowl, but he was already asleep by the time Bradley left the room. And then he went into his bedroom which always smelled like wildflowers and found you on the bed wearing that sexy little purple nightie you bought online. For a brief second he wondered if you were wearing your plug, but then he remembered he needed to have a conversation with you. 
You held your hands out to Skittles, but Bradley just shook his head and carried her to the little plush bed he set up in the corner and set her there. She walked in a delicate circle before plopping down and yawning. "How are you this cute?" he asked the animal before turning back to where you were sitting with your arms crossed.
"Why won't you let me hold Skittles?"
"Because we need to talk," he replied immediately. You flopped back against the pillows as Bradley climbed in bed with you. "Come here," he whispered, patting his chest, and sure enough, you crawled over and snuggled against him. "Tell me what's bothering you."
You draped your arm across his abs and said, "You won't let me hold Skittles!"
"That's not what I'm talking about," he murmured, kissing the top of your head. He didn't want to have to be the one to say it, so he stroked your bare arm and waited. 
You sighed softly and said, "Casey always tries to bait me when I see her at daycare dropoff or pick up. I'm sorry I came in hot with you today. But you should hear what she says."
Bradley thought he'd made it clear that he wasn't interested in her after he returned from his last deployment. He made no secret of grabbing at you and kissing you in front of Casey. He knew it was probably because you and she were the same age, and Casey definitely saw the way he doted on you. "She's probably just jealous, because I like to spoil you."
You snorted. "She's jealous, because you're hot, Daddy."
Bradley could feel his cheeks flush with heat as you shifted slightly and looked up at him. "What did she say to you today?" he asked.
Your eyes fluttered closed in embarrassment, and you looked bashful as you whispered, "She made it seem like she met you at the bakery. Like it was something you and she planned ahead of time. And she had a blue bakery box and a princess crown donut, and she ate it in front of me. And now I'm starting to realize how ridiculous this sounds, because I trust you."
"I know you do, Princess," he replied as he looked at your purple crown on the bedpost. "And I trust you. But I just can't believe she did that." He studied your gorgeous face and ran his knuckles along your cheek. "I'm sorry I lied to you about staying at work late. That was shitty. I just wanted you and Noah both to be surprised since you've both been bugging for a dog. I just wanted to get you something special."
"Apology accepted. And dog accepted, too," you whispered as he stroked the soft skin of your neck.
"Listen. I'm not interested in Casey. I'm never going to be interested in Casey. I saw her for five or ten minutes at the bakery, and she asked why I was on that side of town. I told her the other guy was from the shelter and I was thinking about getting a dog. She waited with me in line and practically gave me a migraine from how much she talks. I didn't pay attention to what she bought, so if she had a princess crown donut, then she bought it herself."
You smiled up at him. "Those donuts are so good. Pissed me off that she had one and tried to rub it in my face. She must have heard what you ordered."
He smirked. "Yeah well, you're the one getting cream filled donuts and a cream filled pussy anytime you want."
"Daddy!" you gasped. "That's fucking naughty."
"Get up here," he whispered, and then you moved up his body until your lips met his. "I love you. You're Noah's mommy. You're my Princess. I want to be with you. Don't worry about Casey." But he knew he'd have to have another conversation tomorrow, which he was more than happy to do for you. 
You pressed soft kisses to his mustache as he ran his hand up your thigh, curious if you were wearing panties. You were not. "You know what I really want, Daddy?"
"Tell me, and I'll give it to you."
You gently bit his bottom lip before releasing it and giggling. "I want to play with Skittles."
Bradley groaned as you scrambled off of his semi hard cock and climbed out of bed. He got a delicious view of your bare ass as you bent to pick the dog up and carry her back to bed. "You're the cutest little girl! Look at you in your purple bow! Oh, I just love you!"
Then he watched as you climbed back onto the bed with all the care in the world and had the pup cradled against you. When he chuckled and left the room, you didn't even seem to notice. He used the bathroom and went to the kitchen in search of the blue pastry box while he planned out what he'd say to Casey. He wasn't about to tolerate someone intentionally making you uncomfortable, especially when it came to him. 
He grabbed a plate and the fresh princess crown donut, wondering if he could get the bakery to make one that looked like a wedding ring. Then he carried the plate back to the bedroom where Skittles was laying on her back while you tickled her tummy. Bradley just stood there and held the plate as he watched you play and listened to you laugh. You kissed the dog and said, "I'm going to buy you a purple collar and leash with Daddy's credit card. And when your cast comes off, Noah and I will take you for hikes around the block. And Daddy is so big, he's going to look so hot walking such a tiny dog. Either that, or he'll look like an asshole."
"I'm standing right here." 
You smirked when you looked at him. "I know," you said, scratching Skittles on her belly as she squirmed around. "Is it okay if I order her a leash and some snacks?"
"Get whatever you want," he said, handing you the plate and kissing you before he stole the dog from your grasp.
"Hey!" you complained with a laugh.
"It's time for Skittles to go to bed. Eat your princess donut, and then I'll fill you with cream if you're in the mood for it."
You just looked at him coyly as you nibbled on the donut, and he put the pup in her little bed once again.
The next morning, Bradley let you sleep in a little later than usual while he got Noah ready and packed you a sandwich for your lunch. He'd kept you up pretty late, fucking you slow and steady until he got a shaking orgasm out of you. Then he took his time as you babbled and kissed him sweetly, finally filling you up with his cum. He called you his little donut as you fell asleep. 
"Fuck," he grunted as he thought about it, starting to get hard in his flight suit as he made your peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 
"Morning," you sang as you strolled into the kitchen in your scrubs. You kissed his cheek and then pet Skittles where she sat looking up at the sandwich, hoping some would fall on the floor. Then you sat down next to Noah as he ate his cereal and told you that he loved Skittles even more than dinosaurs.
"More than dinosaurs?" you asked, brushing his hair back from his forehead as he dipped his spoon back into his bowl. "That's a whole lot."
"Yep," he agreed. "I love Skittles almost as much as I love you and Daddy."
Bradley watched you kiss his son on the cheek before you got your own bowl of cereal ready. "Should we thank Daddy again for bringing her home?"
"Thanks, Daddy," you and Noah sang out in unison. 
Bradley just smiled and said, "You're welcome. Noah, finish eating so we're not late. Princess, can you put Skittles in her crate before you leave?"
"Yes," you told him between bites of breakfast. "And I'll order her leash and stuff later today."
He kissed you hard before bringing you coffee in the mug that said Noah's Daddy. Then he scooped Noah up and carried him off to get his shoes on. It was getting seriously late at this point, and he knew he'd be in the daycare for an extra minute or two this morning. "I love you, Baby," he called out, rushing back into the kitchen for a second when he was finally ready to leave. 
You gave him and Noah one last kiss apiece, and then Noah hugged Skittles. "We gotta go," Bradley told him, rushing him out to the Bronco. It only took a few minutes to get to the daycare, and Bradley had a good idea what he wanted to say. He found himself hoping that Casey was at the front desk this morning, not wanting to draw this shit out any longer. 
When he walked Noah inside, hand in hand, Bradley saw her right away. She looked up at him with parted lips and a little smile as he tugged his aviators off. Then she looked at his son and said, "Good morning, Noah!" Her eyes darted back up as she added in a softer voice, "And Bradley."
He watched her walk Noah into the classroom before he signed his name on the clipboard. When Casey walked back toward him, there was nobody else in the lobby. He held out the clipboard for her and said, "I'd actually prefer it if you called me Lieutenant Bradshaw."
She giggled as if she was being treated to something even better than use of his first name, and Bradley had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. "Okay, Lieutenant Bradshaw," she whispered, tossing her hair over her shoulder. 
He cleared his throat. "Can we chat for a minute?"
Casey set the clipboard down and came to stand alarmingly close to him. This was every bit as bad as you had claimed, and frankly he was more than a little bit surprised by how bold she was. Bradley took a step away and shook his head. "Look Casey, this is never going to happen."
She froze on the spot, and her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "Oh."
"Right. And I really don't want to have to go to your boss, so I need you to just knock it off, okay? My girl and I don't keep secrets from each other, so I know about how you talk to her, and I don't appreciate it at all. She's as good as being Noah's mom and my wife."
Now her cheeks were a deeper shade of red, and she was rushing back around to the other side of the desk. "Okay," she whispered. "I'm just surprised she said something to you about it."
"Don't be. Like I said, we talk about everything. And if you pull some more shit, I'll hear about that, too. Promise."
He stood his ground until she looked up at him. All she said was, "Okay," and then Bradley put his aviators back on as he turned toward the door. 
"You have a great day."
Casey, you literal nightmare. She'd be delighted if she broke them up. Can't wait to see her next time Princess shows up. And Daddy shouldn't even try to be sneaky. Just no, Daddy. But welcome, Skittles! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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meowzfordayz · 9 months
look me in the eyes; tell me you love him
Author’s Note: this is FILTHY. 😳 I’m in love. 😌 Ending is purposely ambiguous, but def not bad/sad.
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look me in the eyes; tell me you love him
Geto Suguru x Reader x Gojo Satoru
Word Count: ~3,400
CW: 18+NSFW, anal, cheating, cream!pie, c!m eating, degrading language, double!p, explicit language, Fem!Reader, spit, squirting, threesome
Kinktober 2023
“Y’know, you could’ve waited five minutes, just in case I forgot something.”
It’s hard to respond to Suguru’s deadpan remark when Satoru refuses to relinquish your mouth, candy sweet tongue swiping greedily along your bottom lip, pointedly ignoring his best friend posted up in the living room doorway. Your ass sits perched on the couch’s armrest, shocked and anxious eyes meeting your boyfriend’s frosty stare, breasts bare while your delicate skirt flares out innocent and pretty, legs spread to make room for Satoru’s ministrations. His large, slender hand remains occupied between your thighs, nimble thumb keeping your panties aside while his index and middle fingers pet teasingly at your soft, warm folds.
“Don’t grip her so tightly,” Suguru mutters darkly, stalking toward Satoru’s other hand as he kneads roughly at the plush of your hip, “She’ll bruise.”
“Oh I know,” Satoru replies, nonchalant and smug, promptly reaching up for your cheeks, squishing your face with a grin, “Now listen.”
Against his better judgment, Suguru halts his advance, stomach twisting at the dazedness in your eyes, your gaze dropping as Satoru slips his fingers into your heat, undeniable squelch of slick and desire blurring Suguru’s vision while Satoru curls his fingers so precisely and familiarly, your body jolting at the pressure.
“What a slut,” Suguru snarls, rooted in place as your head falls backward, a strangled moan building in your chest, Satoru’s fingers moving faster and faster with more and more dexterity, the sound of your essence coating his fingers becoming louder and messier, staining your skirt as he approaches the crest of your orgasm with practiced ease, “This isn’t the first time my best friend has had his fingers knuckle deep in your cunt, is it? The way your breath catches, the way your knees jerk… how long have you been fucking?”
“Suguru,” you finally whimper, pushing limply at Satoru’s wrist, “I’m so sorry.”
A displeased growl draws your attention, Satoru frowning disappointedly even as he continues chasing your orgasm, fingers jabbing sharper, your pathetic mewls spurring him on.
“Damn right you’re sorry,” Satoru hisses, “Why the hell are you saying the name of the guy who isn’t about to make your stupid cunt cum?”
“That guy,” Suguru interjects bitterly, “Is your best friend. How about you quit blocking my view, and at least let me watch my bitch cheating on me.”
Laughing amusedly, Satoru acquiesces, unceremoniously flipping your skirt up to reveal your glistening pussy, shifting himself just enough for Suguru to see how eagerly your hole flutters around his fingers, “Your bitch? At this point, I’d say she’s our bitch. I’ve been fucking her whenever you’re gone for months.”
“Let me guess,” Suguru snorts, no longer frozen, striding closer till he can feel the air vibrating with Satoru’s domineering bite, “Something about asking for forgiveness rather than permission? Bet that was your thoughtless process.”
“Sure was,” Satoru singsongs, grabbing your face once more as you begin shaking, “That’s right bitch, fucking squirt all over your boyfriend’s nice pants. Show him how you like to cheat on him, show him what his best friend is capable of.”
Suguru’s mouth curdles with disgust and begrudging interest as you climax, your legs quivering too familiarly while Satoru slaps wetly at your cunt. Your poofy skirt paints a scene of naivety around your waist even as a visible puddle collects on the sun faded floor beneath you, the couch’s armrest suffering the same fate as your cum dribbles between your asscheeks.
“Well, you are capable,” Suguru sighs, nose crinkling when Satoru casually flicks the remnants of your orgasm onto his pants, a nasty smile accompanying the scent of your sex while you lean limply into Satoru’s side.
With a low hum, Satoru pets lightly at your head, his cock straining in his trousers with satisfaction as your cum sticks to your hair. Glancing downward, he notes Suguru’s own erection, a sizable bulge that you’d gushed about not infrequently, gears clanging when you tug plaintive at the hem of his shirt.
“Whaddya want?” he nearly coos, comfort settling in at your adoring pout and Suguru’s somehow ebbing temper, “Both of us?”
Your eyes widen at Satoru’s forbidden suggestion, Suguru’s jaw twitching. He must be so pissed you think, tears quickly brimming as realization knocks you from your high. You’d shove Satoru if you could trust yourself to balance, still reeling from your climax, beginning to tremble as Suguru fails to acknowledge you.
“As often as you ride this cock,” Satoru drawls, confidence rising, “I can’t seem to escape your yapping about his,” chin jutting toward Suguru, “Dick. So maybe you could give us both a try. We’ll figure out who you really love.”
And part of you immediately recoils, teeth gnashing at the implication of your cheating equating to loving, wondering far too late if Satoru might actually like you a little. If, perhaps, the tender, soapy showers and playful, gentle cuddles weren’t merely for his ego. If his constant availability and willingness to fuck you within an inch of consciousness—to then build and nurture you back to coy flirtation and unguarded laughter—should’ve been a redder flag. If, in fact, it was heart shaped.
But a bigger part of you surrenders, intrigued by the chance to feel your lovers together. Desperate to earn Suguru’s forgiveness. His approval. And much too aware of the precum leaking through his pants, almost licking your lips at the prospect of angry, possessive fucking.
“Suguru?” you say carefully, pussy clenching at the prompt disdain in his eyes, his expression so bored yet so ready to devour you.
“Tell me you love him,” Suguru murmurs, a succinct, seductive demand, “Look me in the eyes, and tell me you love him.”
“I don’t mind,” he shrugs, readjusting his crotch in an exaggerated, languid movement, “I mind a lot. I fucking hate you,” the unzipping of his pants filling the room with a choked anticipation, “But what’s done is done. So you have two options,” resting a patronizing palm on your bare shoulder, smirking as your body gravitates away from Satoru, “You can tell me the truth, and my best friend and I will fuck your cunt and ass until we are sated… or you can lie to me and sit here while my best friend and I cum on your fucking whore face.”
Your ending is clear, the fragility of your position—and the wickedness of their friendship—stated point and blank. You don’t need to spare Satoru a glance to know he’s celebrating internally, his cockiness and blatant disrespect being rewarded in a roundabout manner as usual. And you don’t need to press Suguru further, his intent to punish you confirmed, a surprisingly promising future ahead should you play your cards right.
“Fuck my cunt and my ass,” you whisper, core stirring as Suguru’s pants hit the ground, his briefs soon following, Satoru’s impressed whistle—Not bad, not bad—and Suguru’s consequent scowl reminding you of how dearly you love Suguru’s cock.
“Not quite,” Suguru tsks, stroking his cock with a dreadful calmness, palm on your shoulder lowering to cup your tit, “Tell me the truth.”
“I…” you falter, feeling Satoru’s obliques stiffen against your cheek, his hand firm in your hair as Suguru’s remains on your shoulder, “I can’t…”
Suguru strokes himself faster, balls already tightening from your earlier performance, expression growing more bored and less primal.
“Ilovehim,” you gasp, Satoru’s eyes shutting at your confession, “I love him and how he’s memorized me from head to toe. How he can make me cum over and over, how he cleans and cherishes me,” gulping for air as you fixate on Suguru’s cock, so red and swollen and shining with precum, “But… but I love you. I love you and how you’ve accepted me through ups and downs, how you make me feel stars. How I feel known by you, inside and out. How I believe I know you, enough to make you happy.”
“Enough to cheat on me?” is Suguru’s tart retort, “With my best friend. You’re so-”
Satoru’s interruption startles you, his voice silken honey as he smoothes the furrow of your brow, deftly unzipping his own pants, determined to match Suguru’s pace. Eyes rolling, Suguru grabs your thigh, forcing your legs wide, mouth a thin line as Satoru’s underwear pools at his ankles.
“Complaints?” Satoru winks, grabbing your other thigh, brushing your cheek with his free fingers—your cum flaking onto your face—for a fleeting moment before nudging you upright, “Does she get any prep?”
You lick your lips properly now, the heat and allure of their hands spreading you open making your pussy tingle. Suguru’s cock waits heavy and engorged in his grasp, an unassuming yet devastatingly thick six inches with a perfectly mushroomed tip to compliment his foreboding stature. Meanwhile, Satoru’s curves slightly upward, elegantly cruel at eight inches, slim and pink as his flared tip drools precum.
“Prep? For this bitch?” Suguru punctuates his slur with a smack to your nipples, delighting in your yelp as he meets Satoru’s zealous gaze, “I’m sure she gets plenty, fucking around with multiple men.”
“Multiple?” Satoru snaps at that, mood simmering at the thought, “No, Suguru. Just me. Just me… and you.”
Suguru doesn’t have the patience to argue semantics, tugging roughly on your tit to guide you off the couch’s armrest and onto the couch itself, Satoru’s hand migrating from your thigh to your ass, whimsical skirt torn from your waist, lazy thumb prodding at your asshole as you brace yourself on all fours. A glob of spit lands on your back, and then your asscheek, Suguru pinching and twisting your nipples with unperturbed harshness as he watches Satoru’s thumb trace a heart through the spit before sinking into your hole. You hiss at the intrusion, ill prepared for the intense sensation of using spit for lube, groaning when Satoru immediately spits on your ass again. His thumb slips farther and farther into your asshole as he continues spitting, relishing in how his spit beads and then drips onto the cushions below, your pubic hair drenched and glistening.
“Does this mean you’re fucking her ass?” Suguru queries, admiring the pained scrunch of your face as Satoru switches from his thumb to both his index and middle fingers, tolerating the impromptu preparation to bask in your obvious physical discomfort.
He gifts you a chastising kiss, forgetting your tits for a second to cup and caress your cheeks, softening the pain in your expression.
“Actually,” Satoru grins behind you, something devilish and orchestrated to which only Suguru is privy, “I was thinking your monster girth would do a better job of breaking this tight fucking ass, and I know she loves when I abuse her cervix.”
Choosing to disregard Satoru’s baiting reference to his own claim to your pleasure, Suguru nods in agreement, squatting to your eye level as you whimper faintly, Satoru shoving a third finger past your gradually relaxing muscle.
“Satoru’s being so considerate,” Suguru says, saccharine and sarcastic, “The jerk’s always compensating for something,” sneering as he knocks your arms out from under you, your asshole suddenly empty as Satoru withdraws.
Suguru maneuvers you like light weight as he slinks himself beneath you, your mouth smooshed into his chest for a brief respite. And then you’re being flipped onto your ass, slippery from Satoru’s ministrations as Suguru’s cock slides hard and fat between your asscheeks. Suguru’s arms catch your legs and hook around your knees, pulling backwards till you’re bent in half, palms forcing your head downward while your tits squish into your kneecaps, your asshole and cunt presented to Satoru as you struggle to breathe.
“Marvelous,” Satoru murmurs, smiling to himself as he reaches tentatively, “Uh… Suguru, may I?”
“Yeah, yeah, touch my dick,” Suguru snorts, “How else is it gonna get into her asshole?”
“Touché,” Satoru laughs, grasping Suguru’s cock almost cheerfully, appreciating its heft as he guides your pelvis high enough to position the tip, “This thing is solid.”
Glowering, Suguru mutters, “Thanks,” hips shifting until he feels his precum smearing on the pucker of your ass.
You gasp when he thrusts upward, a fearful, eager noise, unable to even wiggle in Suguru’s ironclad grip. His tip bumps a couple times—clumsy and large—against your hole, Satoru letting out a dramatic sigh before providing greater assistance. Satoru’s long fingers curl fully around Suguru’s shaft as he persists in shallow thrusting, a guttural groan accompanying a loud exclamation—Fuck!—when he finally bullies himself into your asshole.
“Atta bitch,” Satoru chimes, enraptured by the sight of your skin stretched to its limit around Suguru’s cock, rim fluttering around the foreign feeling, your hands balled into fists at the tearing pain.
“Suguru!” you wail, gut churning as his shallow thrusts grow increasingly deeper, ass burning with every selfish rut as he ploughs through the immense friction, your hole receiving little opportunity to recover as he builds a staggering tempo, “Suguru, Suguru, Suguru!” drunk on the suffocating drag of your asshole clinging desperately to his cock, slowly but surely swallowing him whole, “FUCK!”
Head woozy and neck aching, the pain maintains pace with the pleasure as you watch Satoru grab his own cock, leaning over to spit on your sternum—you swear he mouths Mine, or maybe it was the endorphins—as he places his other palm on the underside of your thigh. Suguru pays Satoru no mind, speed barely lessening though your body remains relatively steady due to your restrained pose. You imagine taking Satoru in your pussy will be easier, it’s a more natural feeling after all, dazed on the cock in your ass, clit terribly neglected as your cunt clenches excitedly. But you’ve never been doubly penetrated before.
You’re sorely mistaken.
The initial push is as expected. You’re soaked from Satoru’s fingering, the plethora of teasing and warnings, and Suguru’s relentless fucking into your asshole, pain having reasonably subsided albeit still stinging with an unsympathetic roughness. Satoru’s pretty cockhead slips right in, his slimmer width hardly interfering with Suguru’s rhythm. You moan at the fullness, and Satoru’s poorly concealed whine makes Suguru smirk. Encouraged by your response, Satoru thrusts forward, hands resting casually on Suguru’s knees—who tries, and fails, to resist flinching—Satoru’s head pitching backward to display the bobbing of his Adam’s apple. A mewl fills the air as Satoru’s cock slides farther into your pussy, Suguru undoubtedly bruising your legs to counter your weak squirming, the stuffing of your ass and pussy coming to overwhelming fruition.
“So fucking beautiful,” Satoru gushes, fixated on how perfectly his cock disappears into your cunt, finding himself nearly winded as well from the newfound pressure of a second cock fucking into the hole beneath him.
“Pah,” Suguru grunts, hiding his dilated pupils and bitten lips in your nape, stamina far from waning as his brutal fucking continues, “Stop praising the whore and start ruining it.”
Shaking his head with wry amusement, Satoru’s meandering pace carries on, simply fascinated by the pleading glaze in your eyes, asshole sensitive to the touch as Satoru circles a playful finger around your rim, taut and clenching as Suguru’s cock flexes from the feathery stimulation.
Just when you worry Satoru’s forgotten about the hole he’s supposed to be fucking—Silly girl—he fucks himself in, balls brushing the base of Suguru’s cock as you scream, writhing hopeless and exhausted when Suguru plunges himself in to the hilt too.
“Mmm,” Satoru rasps, “You truly are a whore, huh,” tip twitching against your cervix as your cunt throbs erratic and velvety around him, “Falling in love with me while dating my best friend, letting us destroy your slutty holes to try and make it up to both of us,” spit trickling from his too sweet mouth to your puffy folds, “I can’t believe we fit in here,” tapping your clit with a handsome grin, moaning outright when you convulse, “You must really love us.”
You cum at his words, so cherry red and persuasively picked, Suguru relaxing slightly to allow you a complete orgasm. They fuck you through your climax, the sticky sound of slapping balls and viscous essence quickly edging you toward another. There’s cotton in your head, legs tiring even with Suguru’s support, trembling from exertion; what else could explain the dizzying fuzz hazing your perception? Suguru’s cock shoves ridged and ruthless into your ass, Satoru’s thrusting more lubricated but deep in your cunt, your poor cervix pulsating from every graze of his tip.
“Please,” you beg, whimpering hollowly as you cum again, walls beginning to constrict in a subconscious urge to cease their thorough fucking, “Please, please, please…” whining as Suguru’s grip tightens once more, sweat dripping from you onto Suguru abdomen, from Satoru’s brow to your bellybutton, “Cum for me.”
They exchange a look, Suguru reluctant but sated, Satoru willing and proud. You’re mumbling now, a mishmash of Suguru and Satoru and Can’t take it, pain blossoming stronger than before as their thrusts hasten, a sloppy finger rushing back and forth on your clit creating minimal relief, fierce and implacable as it coaxes a final, mangled orgasm from you. You manage a broken sob as you climax on their cocks, Suguru immediately releasing your limbs, his arms hugging sturdy and devoted around your shuddering frame, cum flooding your holes as they synch their highs. Suguru is silent when he cums, labored exhales the only indiction of his effort, teeth marking your neck with soon-to-fade divots. And Satoru is loud. Cursing and groaning while he pumps load after load into your swollen pussy, your folds a creamy mess as he fucks his cum out of you, spurred on by Suguru’s low growl when his spend inevitably leaks onto Suguru’s cock.
Satoru pulls out first, eager to watch their cum dribble from your holes, Suguru following shortly after. They unceremoniously readjust your depleted form, slumped ass off the couch, tits resting in the dampness left by Suguru’s body. Brown eyes glinting, Suguru uses his foot to nudge your legs apart, snickering as cum promptly oozes from your cunt and ass to the floor. Satisfying strings stick to your inner thighs, air escaping your pussy with a quiet queefing sound, a wet farting noise making Satoru giggle as your asshole gapes, bubbling with cum.
“So where does this leave us?” Satoru piques, kneeling to jab greedily at your cunt, pushing his cum back into your hole with a lewd schlick, chuckling when you clench weakly, struggling to keep it in, “She’s a loose bitch now.”
“Dunno,” Suguru glances away, arms crossing, “We should get dressed.”
“One moment,” Satoru grins, knees hitting the ground with a soft thud as he spreads your asscheeks with his palms, licking nastily at his lips, “I want a taste.”
Suguru scoffs, watching with morbid curiosity as Satoru flicks the tip of his tongue across your cunt, your protesting whimper lost beneath his giddy moan, cum coating his mouth. Locating his briefs, Suguru slowly clothes himself as Satoru dutifully cleans your pussy, licking himself from your quivering folds and bud, sticking his tongue hungrily into your hole as cum drools down his chin, smirking to himself as a nearly imperceivable orgasm shivers through your body. As Suguru zips his pants, Satoru traverses to your gaping asshole, Suguru’s cock feebly attempting to harden again when Satoru locks eyes with him, mouth covering your hole before he pointedly sucks.
“You’re fucking nasty,” Suguru grumbles, tossing Satoru his underwear.
Satoru hums pleasantly, the vibrations causing you to involuntarily buck your hips into the couch, cum trailing from your ass to the backs of your knees.
“And that’s why she needs both of us,” Satoru quips, nuzzling your asscheek with a smug smile, your head raising slightly at his affection, “That’s why she loves both of us.”
“There were easier ways to arrange a threesome than falling in love with Satoru,” Suguru mutters, eyeing your post shower glow with resigned endearment.
“But would they have been as fun?” you ask, pressing a fond kiss to his forehead.
“Nah, definitely not!” Satoru declares, arms slinging over Suguru’s shoulder and around your waist, “And by the way, I’m flattered.”
I love you Suguru murmurs into your hair, flicking Satoru’s ear beyond the edge of your vision. And I love you you trace into his hand, fingers intertwined against Satoru’s lower back.
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starshipdecay · 5 months
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Toon Zelda redesigns! I've never been fond of the Toon Zelda design, and these girls deserve some individuality. Design notes and rambles below the cut :D
(time to turn the proper grammar off i aint capitalizing all this. warning: i am verbose)
first up, tmc zelda!
shes the one most like toon zelda, since i felt like the vibes fit the *most* (though not a lot). also, with her place on the timeline, i could justify a lot of bits, like the wings and the cape
the cape! obvs it comes from the toon zelda base design, but also it involves skyloftian fashion! i take the timeline as a challenge, and i once saw a take somewhere that the skyloftians all wear their family crests (most often birds lol) on their person. zelda here (and link too) do just that, wearing their family crests on little caplets. on the back is, of course the royal crest
i went very cutesy princess for her. tmc has such a *whimsical* vibe that i feel is very. muted? by the fact its stuck with the toon style. so i wanted to put in that vibe here. also her sprites make it look like her skirt is super poofy, so how could i not?
curly hair: i wanted something interesting, and most zeldas have straight hair. so! adds to the cuteness
i didnt draw it so well but she (and link) both have very sleepy expressions. zelda especially just has a sleepy expression in her sprite, its quite adorable.
shes not as decked out as other princesses, cuz i see tmc taking place before the royal family really starts to get *royal* as we see it. shes still of course got a tiara and some embroidery tho.
Tetra! her base design isnt all that changed from the original. her name is a fun hc of mine tho. i think "von Hyrule" sounds better as a surname than just "hyrule". shes not zelda, but shes still a descendant.
(WW) princess z (as i call her)
I went more oot zelda vibes for her, since she would be closer, temporally, to oot. i also went very warm, since ive never seen the flood as a *warm* endeavor.
shes got the shoulder danglies, as most zeldas have shoulder armor of some kind. the danglies instead of actual armor are supposed to kind of evoke a royal sea captain kind of vibe.
shes ghostly, with a fish-eyed stare. shes been dead and gone for a long time. shes also a bit taller and a few years older than tetra (as of ww). shes just some spectre the king saw in tetra, not at all a close match
tetra, being smaller than princess z, doesnt fit into the clothes. the dress is too big for her (as is in canon gd that skirt is WAY too long for her), the coat is baggy. the role of a princess *literally* does not fit her.
the ribbons! theyre my replacement for the wings, and they represent the wind in the game! since its represented by white lines, the ribbons are a perfect symbolic match. (also, a note, tetras hair is shorter and coarser than princess z's)
i mostly bullshitted the blue panel but the vague idea i gave it was 'a hope for the triforce to give good fortunes to the people' (pictured as dots, mostly behind her arms)
Pirate Queen Tetra
ph! about a year has passed, and tetra has really grown into her own! as well as literally grown!
shes still tetra, pirate and captain, but shes incorporated that royal heritage into her identity: quite literally! she made piecemeal of the original outfit (what was left of it anyway after the fight), and added bits and pieces to her new life.
she also takes full advantage of said heritage to call herself pirate queen. its great for branding. whos gonna say she CANT go by pirate queen?
the seagull feather is from Aryll. only crew member tetra wears a trinket from (who can say no to that ball of sunshine! certainly not tetra)
not many notes. yall can see whats there. (also she still wears her hair in a bun, its just in a low bun (you can almost see it) when she wears her hat)
st zelda!
first note is: shes not a princess! shes an heiress of the company tetra had made and left behind. hence her title of Lady zelda. ("new hyrule" rly just like-- the ending of ww was *literally* that hyrule is dead and thats okay. how did they miss that :sob emoji:) also calling her Lady Zelda fits with the train vibes
shes in a 1880s style bustle dress because 1) i am OBSESSED with bustle dresses. i love them. so much. 2) the more historical vibe works really well with trains! also a lot of the other outfits in the game have late victorian vibes, so shes certainly not out of place.
her hat (and gloves): any proper lady has a hat on when going about town, however, when she gets body snatched, she pulled out her hatpin to use (ineffectively) as a weapon (she IS tetras great-great-granddaughter), causing her to lose her hat *and* hairdo.
shes still got the hatpin in her ghost form, too. she uses it to threaten people for funsies
Ribbons! on the topic of hairdo, her ribbons! visually tying her to tetras design, the ribbons here instead take on the image of train tracks, with her pin (on the left side) evoking a train engine. the pin also makes her look rich and girly. when her hair comes undone, this makes the ribbons all loose, like how the train tracks disappear in game. (the hat also kinda connects her to tetra)
thanks for reading :D i hope you liked reading this as much as i liked typing it
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miriosright · 2 months
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sunlight - bakugo x reader pt-2
sunlight < pt. 1 sunlight-pt3
bakugo would always hang around you, no matter what. he was either calling you nicknames he thought of about you or he was making an excuse to talk to you.
"hey nerd, i have an uhm question about the homework. wondering if you could help." he said as he was outside your dorm. "at this time?" you whispered, staring at the time on your phone. '11:23 PM'. secretly you were scared but kind of happy he was here. the little crush on him that started at the start of the year may have become a little bigger.
"yeah, i didn't do it and i know youre smart so can you help me or not." he beamed, grasping his paper like it was gonna run away. "fine, come in, but close the door. " you sighed, opening your door wide to let him pass through.
"sit down at my desk, heres a pencil." yawning, you handed him a pencil. "i don't take orders from extras like you, ill do whatever I want." he mumbled, looking up at you as he sat down. "do you want me to help you or not? you're impossible." you opened your backpack and grabbed your homework. "can you turn on that light please, I can't see shit." you whispered as bakugo followed your order. you put on your glasses and read him the answers.
all he did was stare at your face, every single feature.
"are you gonna write anything or are you gonna have a stupid look on your face, hm?" you murmured as his ears turned to a light red color. "oh yeah right, uh. sorry. can you say the answers again? he replied. "sure." again you told him the answers. this time he actually wrote it down.
"thanks uh, appreciate it. do you want anything in return?" he croaked. "yeah, i want to sleep." you said stuffing your homework back into your backpack. he stared at you. "what are you doing? get out!" you slightly yelled, not too loud. "Don't yell at me, extra!" he screamed in your face. "holy shit, what will it take you to be quiet?" you whined, tightly grasping at his arm.
"ill shut up if I get to take you on a date. like a real one." he beamed, standing up and staring into your eyes. you froze. "i- uhm, sure!" you were fully awake now and you could feel your face warming up. "sunday at 5 PM?" he scratched the back of his neck. "uhh haha, yes! yes yes! perfect!" you smiled up at him. "great. cya then." he spoke, walking out the door. you squealed and threw yourself onto the bed, excited for your date. considering it was a Friday night, you had one day to prepare. you don't really know what type of date it is but you're guessing from how serious he was, maybe a formal date.
lets just say you slept very well that night.
_flash forward to Sunday__
"I don't know what to wear, ugh!" you yelled, throwing clothes on the floor. "maybe you should wear a longsleeve and a skirt" ochako stated. "maybe like a sundress considering the sun is out?" momo exclaimed. "thats way too poofy for a formal. wear that black bodycon dress you have with a dark blue cardigan. it really matches who you are." mina chimed. "good idea mina. you should wear that." ochako insisted. everyone agreed so that's what you wore.
as the clock struck 4:58 PM, you walked downstairs to see katsuki waiting at the kitchen table, two plates in front of him.
he looked super handsome. a black long sleeve button up with white pants and a white tie. cool so it was formal! "ya ready?" he beamed as he looked you up and down. "haha, yeah! this looks super fancy! you cook it?" you said looking around at everything he did. "hell yeah I did. i mean, i did." katsuki smiled as he placed your plate down on the table.
"thanks for doing this. youre much more sweet than I thought." you giggled. "get used to it cuz you'll see it a lot more than you think." he chuckled, passing you some hawaiian punch in a tall glass.
after dinner, you watched a movie in his dorm. you layed in his bed and hugged him while watching the Spongebob movie.
his bed was super comfy because the last thing you could remember was his warm body and your eyes closing.
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aioliravioli-69 · 5 months
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Here you go!!
Silver in a pretty dress, that ISN'T her usual one!
Some of you may already know this, but I LOVE drawing frilly and poofy dresses! ESPECIALLY when they're moving!!!
I love the ways the folds rearrange themselves!!!
This first dress wasn't really inspired by some barbie doll dress, just a random redesign I guess??
I feel like the lineart isn't that visible though, but I'm too lazy to fix it lol
Aight, up next is a request!!
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This dress was requested by @tea-132 and I thank them!!!
It's REALLY pretty and I would've missed out on it otherwise aqnd it was extremely fun to draw so thanks a lot :DD
here it is!!
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And yes, before you ask, she will come in more poses I just need to figure them out and nothing seemed more fitting for this dress than the 'joyful-walk-with-a-new-skirt' pose!!
I will say that I totally put no effort into the design on the outer lace and ibis Paint was a giant help with the stars (I love you ibis, marry me <333)
I'm happy with how it turned out and be prepared to expect more dresses soon
I will draw them until y'all are drowning in them
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thebrightsilverlining · 6 months
Types of Phantom Thief Outfits
Oftentimes when someone genderbends one of the male Phantom Thieves, their Thief outfit is always redone to include a skirt. This is something I always found strange, considering the fact that none of the girls wear skirts as part of their Thief outfit. In fact, with P5X introducing a truckload of new Phantom Thieves, I realized that the lack of skirts and dresses almost seems to be a rule when it comes to the designs, as NONE of the new characters wear skirts.
So, because of that, I wanted to break down the kinds of outfits the Thieves actually wear, from most common to least common.
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The most common type of outfit the Thieves wear is a one-piece. While most of these are skintight bodysuits (Oracle, Puppet, Panther, Queen, etc), there's also jumpers (Fox), and rompers (Riddle). These outfits can include modifications and additional parts (Skull's vest and Moko's cape) but ultimately the main outfit is one article of clothing.
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Next up is long pants. The second most popular category, it is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. All these characters where a typical ensemble of long pants and a shirt, with a variety of different styles and accessories to keep things from becoming boring.
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After long pants are shorts. Notably, there are only women in this category, while the previous categories had a mix. These shorts can be worn with or without leggings, with Sophia's outfit getting the closest to something that could be considered a dress, due to how short her shorts are and the fit of her shirt. If the character is not wearing leggings or tights, they seem to instead be put in long socks.
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Now we enter into the smaller categories. Only two characters are in the poofy pants category, but I thought it was worth pointing out. Not too much to say here. Both poofy pants characters have their entire body covered, with boots or leggings going right up to the end of the pants.
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Finally, we're in the singular character categories. Bui gets the closest to a skirt or dress, even closer than Sophia. However, because of the way her outfit is designed, it appears as if she's wearing a long shirt with leggings, rather than a really short dress. Worth noting, though, due to the fact that it is one of the few outfits that could be argued to be a dress.
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Finally, Wonder gets his own slot, because I genuinely can't tell what he's wearing. Is that a bodysuit with leggings? Shorts with leggings? Where does his cape end and his under outfit begin? Who knows. So he gets his own category.
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Niffty Redesign🐛
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Made my own take on Niffty for Fun!!!!!!!!💖 I def thought a lot on what to try with her!!!!
Pushed for a more 50’s Housewife aesthetic/hotel maid vibe. She’s wearing a pinafore apron which was very popular during that era and I took the poodle skirt idea and reworked it into the apron, but rather than a poodle it’s a bug 🐛. Also brought back warmer colors like the pilot look had. Pastel yellow was def a pop color!
Also added a name tag as to show she works for the hotel 🏨
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Added more splotches and made them bigger on her apron. Polkadots were popular in that time and I think are cute(lot of her concepts had polka dots on her) plus I can see her wanting people to assume she’s a ladybug or Asian Lady Beetle 🐞 (@peeperscreeperz made a take of Niffty being that which is AMAZING and I considered making her that too but I ended up going a different route). I can see her also wanting them to give off flowers…only for most people to see them as blood stains.🌸🩸
Also gave her those iconic cleaning gloves 🧤. Shes the Hotels maid AND cook afterall 🧽 👩‍🍳
Gave her a bandana bow for the housewife and maid look and because I think it’s cute and lowkey gives off antennae. I LOVE the idea of her being a bug demon so I went with that. I was going for a subtle ambiguity of what she’s suppose to be(she’s hiding what she is).
Gave her warmer eye color back! Also made the pupil more leaf shaped 🍃.
Added gradient for her limbs.
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Added extra limbs. Great for extra cleaning 🧹 🧼
Her hairs actually antennae…and extra legs 🦵
Gave her three fingers.
Made her eye bigger(bugs often got big eyes! Or for her case eye 👁️)
Added a lil bug instead of a poodle for her apron!🪳
For her color motif, went back to warmer colors and because for mine I’m going with a rainbow motif she’s Yellow💛🌈 the color known for its positives such as joy and friendship…but can also mean negative things such as Deceit, illness and often used as a warning color⚠️ it was also a popular color for Sci-Fi posters(she was based on B-Alien Movies)
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Made her skin a kinda warm pastel orange🧡 I missed her having a warm palette but I also get why they changed it due to her roots 🇯🇵. So I went with orange!!!! Her hairs also a more brownish red-orange.
For her bug theme,
I went with something that I figure would connect her both to her ability to take down pests so well and Japanese origins. The Japanese Centipede! Centipedes are great for pest control but apparently to Japan they’re considered symbols of evil and rottenness, plus with how they look they often scare people even those they don’t pose serious threats to humans, which I think fits Niffty’s whole desire to be loved only to accidentally scare people away…shunned & unloved by a world she can’t seem to fit in💔
HUGE Spoiler alert!!!! Hazbin Hotel
With the reveal of Husk being once an Overlord I like to believe the same with Niffty but rather than souls(talked about this with @a-sterling-rose, she was an immensely powerful sinner like Alastor, but alas her form was far too big and scary for people to want to get close to and she was alone…until Alastor offered her a deal he’d provide a more approachable form in return for her eternal service)
A lot of her looks meant to be hiding what she is. Disguising her extra limbs as hair, her body’s color scheme based on a centipedes, poofy dress that could cover extra, even the bug design could be Interpreted as a long centipede. I was also going for a subtle sharp, mini legs for her apron ruffles, giving off her trying to look sweet and soft but could also be interpreted in another way…
I read and learned from a @lovesart23 redesign vid for her that, she was meant to be based on B-Alien Movies. LOVE that and I tried it myself(hardest part was figuring out what bug to make her and what themes to go with) but I ended up going for another Sci-Fi route. Kaiju/Giant Bug monsters. Creatures like Godzilla or those giant bugs creatures like “the Tingler” 1959(which was a centipede monster I read). I figure it’d connect well to both her struggles of fitting in but also her Japanese Roots.
Monsters are tragic beings. They are born too tall, too strong, too heavy. They are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy. They do not attack people because they want to, but because of their size and strength, mankind has no other choice but to defend himself. After several stories such as this, people end up having a kind of affection for the monsters. They end up caring about them."
— Ishir⁠ō Honda The Director of Godzilla
Plus some certain Kaijus could qualify as Aliens!.
There’s even a Yokai/demon based on the centipede know as the Ōkumade!
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CW freaky Pictures of centipedes and Mice
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What do u think? I’d love to know💖
I’ve also done Charlie, Vaggie and Angel🍎🦋🕷️
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Ranking all of the Milgram Birthday Outfits on a scale of 1/10 because it's 3AM over here and I have to do school things at 6 (Inspired by this video) ↓
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Already off to an incredibly strong start, because as we know, Haruka is perfect and can do no wrong. Dog? Little sister? Who's that? Sounds like a myth honesty. Alright, jokes and Haruka bias aside, very nice ! Relatively plain all things considered, but that's quite fitting for Haruka (I mean, have you seen how this kid dresses normally? I'm somewhat surprised that he didn't go for a full white look. Wonder if Muu helped him out when choosing his pieces) I also love the color blue, so bonus points for that. (shut up I know I just said I would ignore biases) Overall, I give Haruka Sakurai a 8/10 !! Lookin' good, buddy ! ↓
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Yuno looks so pretty and the outfit is SO cute !! I love the frilliness of the shirt, the pleated skirt is really cute and in general I love the shades of pink chosen for this outfit, and those SHOEEEES girl where did you get those give me name and address. I honestly have no complaints at all I give Yuno Kashiki a 10/10 !! Absolutely gorgeous girl !! (Also it's unfortunate we're only ranking the outfits and not the cakes, because the decision to give Yuno a fucking staircase cake was genius) ↓
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...Mannn, I wish I could say I liked this outfit so badly. The outfit itself is alright, if a bit basic, and Fuuta looks very handsome ! But I can't help but feel like black would've been a better choice for him than dark brown. And Fuuta...my guy...WHY those shoes? I could've maybe forgiven the outfit colors if you didn't decide to pair them with shiny gold...sneakers? What the hell even are those? Get better shoes, man. Overall, I'm giving Fuuta Kajiyama a 4/10. I like the outfit it'self (minus the shoes), but the coloring brings it down a lot for me. ↓
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Christ, no wonder Muu got model deals ! Look at this queen right here !! She looks absolutely gorgeous, the dress is beautiful and I love the Beauty And The Beast inspiration. The earrings being inspired by an hourglass is a very cool detail, and the heels look great as well ! I genuinely don't think I have any faults with this one Muu Kusunoki gets a 10/10 ! Nice job dressing to impress ! ↓
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One chance Mr. Kirisaki, one cha-- Ahem. As I was saying, Shidou looks amazing in this outfit !! I'm usually not a fan of there being so much white on it's own (I sound like a certain horror fanatic, sheesh.) But Shidou reallly rocks it, and the purple accents are very nice in comparison !! I also really like the shoes for some reason. Shidou is being added to the list also consisting of Muu and Yuno where I need to see who their shoemaker is For Shidou Kirisaki, I give a 9/10 !! Very pretty man. ↓
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Mahiru looks very pretty here ! I love the poofy hair accessory, and the birdcage earrings are a very nice touch. That being said however...the dress is a bit too plain for me. I cannot help but feel like something is missing here that would make the overall outfit look way better. A sash maybe? Despite that though, Mahiru Shiina gets a 6/10 !! Looking ready for a date !  ↓
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Ooooh...Kazui stans forgive me, but I'm pretty indifferent to this outfit. It's not bad mind you ! Kazui looks very handsome in it, and I like the blue chosen for his tie. But it's the same problem with Mahiru where I feel like it's a bit too plain and could've used something more, like a pattern on his vest or pants. Also though his shoes aren't the atrocity that is Fuuta's, I feel like a black or even a dark blue akin to Haruka would've looked a lot better in comparison to the rest of his outfit. Kazui Mukuhara is granted a 5/10. Not the best, not the worst. Sorry old man. ↓
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AHHH SHE LOOKS SO CUTE !! It's like if the frilliness from Yuno's outfit was upped to twenty ! Amane's dress is adorable and looks very comfortable as well, I want a bigger sized version for myself. I also really like her big bow, as well as the blue shoes. But most importantly, Amane seems to be genuinely happy wearing it, and as a fandom, Amane's happienss takes priority. Amane Momose, you'll be getting a 9/10 from me ! Good on ya, kid ! ↓
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Ahhh, he's so cute ! Look at how polite he looks ! The blazer is nice, and also blue. Blue bias. And the boots absolutely fucking SLAY. The way his hair is styled looks very nice as well ! I also think this is the closest we have gotten to official art of Mikoto smiling genuinely, and I personally think we need more. And more. And more. Mikoto Kayano gets a 10/10 !! Very cute boy ! ↓
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Ma'am, I politely and respectfully ask you to break my neck mercilessly-- Ahem. As I was saying. KOTOKO LOOKS FUCKING AMAZING !! The undershirt oh my god the FUCKING UNDERSHIRT !! Absolutely adore it so much. The colors are all very pleasing to the eye, the skirt is very cute, and the heels look cool as hell !! But Kotoko also looks cool as hell in anything, so is this really fair? Kotoko Yuzuriha has obtained a 10/10 ! Absolutely gorgeous.
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myokk · 2 months
I would love to know more about 2,7 and 15. ☺️
Hi!!😙💓😙💓 thank you SO MUCH for sending this ask, it was fun to think about!!!
2) her smile
Eloise doesn’t smile much. In her childhood she never really had any reason to smile, maybe when she was younger and her parents still loved her (their version, anyways). Nowadays Eloise “smiles” but it’s always just like this pictures🥹 not really but her face softens and you can tell🥹💓
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Eloise smiles to herself when she’s reading Jane Austen, and sometimes when studying she looks up and catches Sebastian staring at her in a way that always makes her blush and smile before quickly looking back down at whatever homework she’s doing. Imelda and Anne have also made it their life mission to make sure she feels comfortable and happy and they’re always in a contest to see if they can make her laugh🥹
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7) How they like to dress
Eloise is extremely feminine and loves wearing bows, skirts, etc. she never goes overboard with the frills (except her nightgown bahahahahahaha). I know in wizarding society it’s acceptable for women to wear trousers/show off their legs but just like with wearing her hair down, Eloise is SCANDALIZED when she sees Imelda stomping around in her pants😳😳😳 Imelda’s made it her life goal (working with Sebastian) to try and convince Eloise to wear them sometime.
Tbh for me personally I don’t think I have a set “outfit” I draw Eloise in. I just love old fashion plates and I take a lot of inspiration/different elements from those whenever I draw her! Poofy sleeves, lace, ribbons, bows…all of it is fair game when I draw her🥰🥰🥰 for colors I like drawing her in that light pinkish color but honestly I think dark green/charcoal grey etc look amazing on her too bc they bring out her eyes/coloring to their advantage!!
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@ethniee and @ravenwind-75 (🥹😙😙) tagged me in something about our characters outfits & I wanted to participate but there were just so many choices😭😭 it made me think about in the future maybe doing an outfit reference!! But it’s tricky bc I treat Eloise as my historical fashion doll and make up something new every drawing🥹💓💓💓💓💓
15) How they react to a brainfreeze
Ok so in normal sense of the word, I DOUBT Eloise has ever had a brainfreeze bahahahahahaha. She’s MAYBE had ice cream twice in her life, and both times she ate it SO slowly to savor it bc she’d never had something like that before in her life. But she definitely didn’t gobble it down fast enough to get a brainfreeze. She’s a slow eater in general so it never really happens!!
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Dress Up
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TW: Semi-public sex. Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: Your decision to showcase your choice of Halloween costumes to your boyfriend, JJ, leads to a rather risky need to prove which one is his favorite…
*Original Concept*
Dress Up
If not for the fact he loved you so much, JJ wouldn’t have been caught anywhere on Figure Eight after his slew of jobs left him having burnt enough bridges that nearly every establishment had fired him. But this afternoon, you had convinced him to go with you to pick out a Halloween costume for a party that you had convinced him if he’d attend you would ‘make it up to him’. Although you didn’t need to promise sex as any request would be met with just that sweet cadence lifting for inquisition would be enough to have him already agree before you’d have to ask him anything. But this would prove to be the first ‘Kook’ event he found some form of favor in as you came out of the dressing room in your first potential choice. 
Immediately, his focus drew to you. The momentary distraction he had found in the costume accessories on a rack at his side had been abandoned the second you saw you within those fishnet stockings and short skirt that concealed the bodice of this angel ensemble, contradicting to him for the devilish thoughts he had for you within it. 
“I don’t know about this one…” You groaned as you turned to the mirror, picking at the fabric as you felt as if it may be too cliche. But as you caught his eyes darkened with lust in your reflection, you couldn’t help but tease him. 
“You like it, J? Or should I try on the others?” His eyes widened as he swallowed an apparent lump in his throat as you chuckled to this effect on him. 
You nodded as his fingers pulled at the fabric, testing the limitations of this public display of lustful affection as your hand pressed softly against his firm chest. 
“I have about ten others…but maybe you should go. This could take a while…You said you and Pope were going-”
“There is nothing else more important than me seeing those other costumes…” He set his hands on your hips, turning you back to the direction of the curtain of the small space that allowed you that privacy. But before you could return to it, his hands were at your hips, pulling you back towards him, his lips to your ear. 
“But there is no way in hell you’re wearing these in public.” With a smack to your ass, you gasped, before returning to your other outfits. 
Each outfit would bring an acceleration to his pulse and a need to adjust his cargo shorts as you continued to torment him, having continued through your multitude of costumes as he found something to favor in each one. 
A sexy police officer gave him wicked visions of bondage with that fabric discarded beside the bed as he used the force of his thrusts to bring the headboard to a scrape against the wall. A seductive Pennywise sent his eyes to the accentuation of your breasts made possible by the ruffled bustier and matching poofy skirt as he imagined you bent over with his hand fisting that fabric out of the way. A teacher, Harley Quinn, and a Playboy bunny would all add to his torture, before you had decided to offer him a moment’s reprieve. 
“Can you help me, J?” You asked as he was at the curtain almost instantaneously, his body freezing in place as he saw how you were dressed. Enticing but promiscuous in a sensual Cinderella costume consisting only of a crop top with puffed sleeves and that of bikini-style bottoms with dainty wisps of fabric not even reaching down to your skin, and a set of stockings connected by a bejeweled garter belt, he was dumbfounded, just staring forward to your ensemble.
“Do you like it-” You were turned to the mirror, hand forced to rest on its surface, as his fingers were already in your panties. 
“Whether you scream or not, I’m not fucking stopping so you better decide just how embarrassed you wanna be…” He spoke against your ear as you wrapped your hand around his wrist before he set one and then two fingers into you with quick succession. 
“Guess you’re gonna have to buy this one now…” He explained as he smirked against your cheek, your slick staining the fabric within as you trembled to his motions. If the intent was to do so, he could have you on the verge of your climax in less than a minute with the perfect exchange of teasing and pleasure, but he seemingly existed in this moment simply to torment you. 
“If you think I’m going to let you wear THIS for anyone else, you’re out of your goddamn mind…but I know better than to try and tell you what to do as you’ll get what you want anyway, I’ll just make you come in it so you’ll remember I’m the only one that gets to take it off of you-” You nodded, resting your head against his shoulder as his second hand moved to your breast. 
“How the fuck am I supposed to keep my hands off of you-”
“Maybe you’re not…” You endorsed as his brows rose as he offered a single nod. 
“You want me to fuck you right here so all those kook-”
“Do you need help with anything?” A voice called from outside of the dressing room as JJ wrapped his hand around your neck, offering an expression that spoke ‘choose’, as you bit the inside of your lips closed as his fingers curved and quickened inside of you. 
“Dirty little princess, aren’t you? Letting me knuckles deep while your other kooks are none the wiser-”
“Excuse me?” The voice called outside the curtain again as he smirked. 
“Probably answer her before she is traumatized…” You pulled his hand beyond your neck before turning to answer, hearing him undress behind you as your eyes flashed to him in warning. 
“I’m fine, thank you-”
“Fine?” He teased while turning you to face him, preparing to descend to his legs to tease you further as you took hold of his cheeks to lead him back into you. 
“Stop teasing me, J-”
“Want me to fuck you, princess?” You nodded ferociously. 
“But you need to be quiet for me…I know how hard that is for you…”
“I’ll try…”
“Makes no difference to me. If it WAS up to me, you’d be singing my name for the next hour…but we don’t have that long because I can’t fucking last now thanks to this costume.”
“I'm close, J…”
“You think you have to tell me? Think I don’t know?” He scoffed, turning you back towards the mirror. 
“I want you to see how dirty of a girl you are…Cute little princess costume, getting fucked like a whore…and you love it, don’t you?”
“Yes…JJ…God, yes…” You moaned as he would pull the costume from your lower lips. 
“Take it off, J-” You whined as he shook his head. 
“Not a fucking chance in hell. I want you to make me come like that sweet little pussy does every goddamn time…and then I’m gonna let you come…And then you’re gonna wear this to that stupid party…smelling like me…feeling what I do to you…” Your eyes rolled. “Think of it as a promise of later.”
“When I WILL rip the thing to fucking shreds the second we get home-if I can even last that long. So give it to me good baby, so I can last until then…”
“Oh JJ…” His hand wrapped within your hair, guiding you into a bend, before he would slap your ass. “J!” 
“Not my fault if you can’t be quiet…” He bit his bottom lip before teasing your opening. 
“Oh fuck, you’re already dripping. Won’t be long for you either…” You nodded in agreement as he bottomed out within this first thrust, doing so as he climbed with speed, the most devilish of expressions coming across his face as you clenched around him. 
“JJ, I need you to come…I’m so close..I want you to come with me…” You continue to whimper as he gripped harshly onto your breast, moving beneath the fabric for this grip, as he used it as further stability to take you against him. 
“Then fucking do it…make me come…I know you know how…always squeezing every last drop out of me…”
“JJ…” You mewled. 
“Give me those hips baby…gimmie that ass-oh fuck…just like that baby…feel it? Feel how close I am?”
“J!” He would belt your name in unison of the expression of his own now hung on the air before pulling you up to face the mirror. 
“Look how fucking gorgeous you are. Fucked and mine.”
“You know what I want…Don’t play dumb with me…come on, baby-” You slowly nodded as he withdrew from you, his eyes following you as you moved onto your knees. 
“Every last drop.” He reminded as you nodded, taking his spent shaft into your mouth, sucking the tangy release of you both until he was clean enough to not be sticky. 
“Good girl…Now let's go buy this costume and go find you one for the party, because THIS one is just for me…”
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @pankhoeforlife @slutforsmutsstuff
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20dollarlolita · 8 months
silly question but I wouldn't know who else to ask: Does having too much lace and poofiness ever interact badly with your wheelchair? I know most chairs have a shield between the wheel and the seat but it seems like the overflow could get damaged or stuck and this is something I'd like to consider before I start buying things
Oh, it's absolutely a thing I have to deal with. Most of the time, I'll drape my skirt over my side guards for the sake of taking a picture, and then tuck it back in before I go somewhere.
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So pictures like this, I'm definitely going to protect the dress again before we move anywhere.
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This specific wheelchair has low profile side guards, because I get my wheelchairs off ebay and that's what the person I got it from had. If I ever order a new chair for me, I'd probably want to get taller guards with a fender on the top. With the kind of clothes that I wear, I'd be willing to pay some extra to get some additional protection. (That said, I'm hopefully not going to ever buy myself a brand new chair since this one's great, already been around for over a decade, and works just fine for me. One of my favorite things about lolita fashion is how much we respect and reuse older things, and that's something that is also part of my life in other ways. We still have hopes of me being able to recover and get back into walking again so I don't want to spend a ton of money on something when I have a thing that's working fine.)
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Most arm rests do have some form of protection between the wheel and the clothing, so those are an option as well. I've found that I personally don't like having arm rests, but you can have both clothing protection and arm rests.
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The normal way that I tend to have my stuff tucked is to push as much as I want under my legs, and then to shove the extra fullness behind my back. This lets the skirt still look good but also stay out of the way.
Also you can see how I extended my side guards with some fabric-covered timtex that velcros into the chair. Those are actually the exact same guards as I have on the new machine, but you can see how they look a lot shorter. This is because the wheels on this chair are at a different height relative to the frame, versus my current chair. There are things that I could have done to adjust the side guards, like moving them forward. However, by the time that I replaced that wheelchair, the frame was just too narrow for me, so I could move those side guards wherever I wanted and would still be touching the wheels.
So yeah, there's definitely concerns about wearing very voluminous skirts and using a wheelchair at the same time. I try to keep my chair width pretty tight, because I pretty much exclusively self-propel and I like the access to the wheels. I know that a lot of guides for buying wheelchairs say to get a few extra inches of width beyond your physical body measurement, and that would probably make things easier in terms of clothes. I think that the two-post flip-back arm rests on the first chair I used (which is this one and it's pretty good in my experiance) actually protected my clothes a bit better than my current side guards. However, all of the things that made it better for lolita fashion made me like it best as a main means for propelling myself around the world. Extra space and arm rests are really good when other people push you, so that's a thing to consider. At the end of the day, I just got a chair that let me be as independent as I could, and then figured out how to do the lolita part in post.
Little rant time: One of the things that drives me crazy is when people who aren't disable the way I'm disabled try to make lolita rules for people who are disabled like I'm disabled. Usually it's people who do mean well, making statements like, "I think that EGL coords only look good with heeled shoes," and then add things like, "Unless you're disabled and can't wear heels." The person who's saying that thinks that they're being more accepting of disability in the fashion, but what they're actually doing is making a separate set of rules for the disabled to follow. However, people who are disabled are actually pretty aware of what our limitations and abilities are, and we're usually pretty used to problem solving when it comes to these things. I can use a combination of knowing where and what I'm doing and how I'm feeling on any given day to pick footwear that is both safe and appropriate for my given setting. I don't really need a stranger on Rufflechat to try to make separate rules for me without knowing that. Quick tip to people wanting to be accepting of disability in lolita: find disabled lolitas and listen to them. <NOTE: that heels comment is an example opinion and is not at all commonly accepted lolita opinions>
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witch-oftheflowers · 7 months
Lil Johnny
AN:Baby two! Enjoy this story of a growing family! It'll be a long one but please enjoy!
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Ximena Riley
(Canon x OC!)
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The cottage was quiet. Soft breathing echo within its walls, soft kicking of feet in their beds as they adjusted. The sheets moving around as the people stirred.
Eight years had pass since Anna was born.
Eight years together in a loving relationship, with its ups and downs. Been married for six.
It's been a year since Ximena fully returned home. Two years overseas and away from her own family. But she did good, she did fantastic on her mission even. Just coming home to the blonde pair she loved
This moring was like many others they've been enjoying.
Ximena woke up first, around sun rise. Her hair has grown a lot since she returned. No longer the shoulder length she was forced to have. It was mid back, her curls returned as she didn't have to touch the poor thing. It suffered to much heat damage in the two years gone-
Her feet touched the floor as she shuffle to the restroom. She brushed her hair and styled it up into a poofy ponytail. Her bangs brushed against her cheeks as she was calm. She was home.
She moisturized her face with her creams, making sure she's been taking care of herself lately. Physically and mentally, she's been taking care of her aging skin.
Unbeknownst to her, Simon was waking up. His brown eyes scanning around as he remembered he was in his bed. In his home, and his wife-
"Ximena?" He called out as he sat up from his spot. He's been having a small fear his wife wouldn't be home. She would vanish again and his brain softly ran with thoughts-
"Si amor?" She called out as she was brushing her teeth. Her brown eyes flickered with love as she noticed his face painted with worry.
"Hey I'm right here..." She said as she walked over. She quickly sat on his as she grabbed his hands. Keeping the brush in her mouth as she ran her hands together over his. Softly tracing circles on his palm and up his forearm. He felt a shiver up his spine as he bent down and pressed his forehead against hers.
"I know you're here...But got a funny feeling you'll vanish again love.." he spoke as his eyes met hers. Hers widen a bit as she felt so bad for him.
"Simon I'm so sorry... Mi amorsito. Mi sol!"(My love. My sun!)she coe the words a bit as she held his face closer to hers. He stared at her a bit as he savor her warmth against his. Softly his breathing and mind rolled to a stop, his worrying was put to rest for now.
"No no you're alright love..it's just a bit crazy. I have been wondering one thin'" he said as he looked her over. His large hands cupped her cheeks as he ran his thumps over her squishy cheeks. She pucker her lips as they shared a silly kiss.
Her giggles filled the room quietly as she smiled. Simon joined her a bit as they savor the morning light together. Way before Anna had to get up for school-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As the day went on, Anna finally was off to school. Grabbing her bike helmet as Simon grabbed his own.
"Mama! I'ma take her on the bike" he shouted out as he pulled on his warm leather jacket. Anna was thrilled, as her frilly skirt moved as she let a soft squeal out
"Papas bike! Papas bike!" She said cheer a bit.
Ximena blinked in the kitchen as she enter their living and saw the pair in the hallway by the door. A smile to her lips as she enjoyed the sight.
"Alright you drive safe ok? Anna hold onto papa tight too." She waved them off as she enjoyed their bonding moments,even if it was on a motorcycle.
As the morning ran on and their day. Doing mundane task, fixing up the house a bit. Cleaning around and doing their laundry. Even got to go outside with their pup, Luna which was Ximena's military dog she got tasked with. Well the pup was two now but she'll always be a puppy in their head!
In the garden the two with the pup running around. Ximena was picking fresh vegetables as she needed some for dinner.
"Simon" she called to him as he was watering half the garden beds.
"Hm?" He hum out as he noticed her staring at him. He blinked a bit as he spoke up
"What's wrong?"
"Can we have another child?" She asked bluntly. He stared at her as the hose continued to spray.The wind ran through his short blonde locks. He blinked a few times as he processed his wife's request.
"Are you sure bout tha'? Do you think we need anothe'?" He returned to spraying as he stopped a bit after. He was confused a bit as he heard her steps coming over. Swiftly she made him face her as she spoke up.
"I've been thinking... That maybe we should expand our family. Anna had asked about a possible sibling even..." She said as she softly shift on her feet. Looking down as her curls swayed against her back a bit. Her eyes shook a tad as she anxiously waited for his response.
"Love..." He started as he ponder the idea. Another child would be fun, he adored his wife a lot when she was pregnant with Anna, he didn't mind the sleepless night, he enjoyed seeing her with babies like his wife's nephews and nieces too. God she looked so pretty with a baby- Blood hell.
"Alright that does sound like a great idea... We're more stable. We have a large house too... I think you made it big because you wanted more im guessing.." he teased her as he began to spray the next garden beds. He even playfully sprayed her lightly as she let a laugh out.
"Aye Simon!" She giggled as she swat his arm lightly. He smiled down to her as he brought her in for a tight embrace. Giving her a peck to her head as he smiled
"Alright we'll try..." He whispered to her lovingly.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few months would pass since they had that conversation. And many, many, many nights of being together.
Ximena waited in the medbay on base. One of the nurses she knew helped her do a quick test, since she wasn't feeling the best during her usual training.
Her hair was in a tight bun, she sat on the cot. Her legs pressed tight together, she was a bit nervous. But at least her husband was on base this time.
The cheery nurse came back as she rolled over towards her in her small stool.
"Ximi, Ximi, I got your results." Bethany said, the sweet nurse coed the words.
Her hands placed the paper on Ximena's, turning it over as she began to read the results.
Positive Pregnancy
Her eyes shined a bit as she had a permanent grin to her face
"You're kidding?" She softly said as the ginger nurse nods her head.
"I'm happy for you Xi... Now go find that hunk of a man." She swat her knee, as Ximena let a soft laugh out. Pulling the nurse in for a tight hug as she smiled at her.
"Thank you Thank You-"
After she pulled away, Ximena was left to her search.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As she speed walked around, her brown orbs scanning around as she didn't find him. His usual spots were a dud, the rookies nor the task force had seen him. She even asked Price if he's seen the giant of the man.
How can not one soul seen him?
She eventually made her way towards the offices. As she passed hers, she noticed it was open. Glancing in she noticed the said man she's been looking for.
Ghost was putting a small vase on her desk. It was litter with carnations, hints of greenery, along with a few roses. The colors were soft pink with soft lavender.
He stepped back as he was gonna leave. But his brown eyes softly widen at seeing her coming in.
"I thought you would be there for a while more..." His gravely voice calmly said.
She shook her head, her bangs swaying around as she walked to her desk. She lifted the vase as she smiled to the small thing.
"It's so pretty... And no. I just got tested is all." She stated as she gave his mask covered face a kiss.
"I'm positive..." She said as she met his gaze. Softly he pressed his large hand against her cheek.
"You're kiddin' love?" His voice was a lot softer, trying to deam it a possible joke?
"Why would I?" She had a soft sweet smile. Her lips curled up in joy as she melted into his large palm.
Ghost looked to the door shut. Pondering for a second, he softly pressed a kiss to her forehead. Pulling her in for a tight embrace as he felt a small weight off his shoulders.
"That's... So exciting news love.. mi sol.." (my sun) he spoke softly as he pulled back. Gazing into her brown eyes with love.
"Good, because we have a lot of excitement to come then."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When it came to the baby name.
It was kinda easy. They wanted Joseph in the name. Somewhere.
Then Simon had a small question he wanted to ask his wife.
"Can I suggest a name love?" He turned to his wife. Seeing her with a round belly, washing dishes as they had dinner in the oven. Her curls were tucked behind her ear as she listened to him. "Hm?"
"What if it's a boy.. I was thinking Johnny?" He asked her. Looking back to his wife as she stopped her task.
Her brown eyes glanced back to him as she was thinking. Pondering the requests, she put the plate down in the drying rack.
"Hmmm.. Johnny Joseph Riley?" She asked him as she glanced to him. Her brown eyes scanning his reaction
Simon stopped stirring the pot, looking to the stew they were making. His eyes shook as he smiled.
"Yeah that works.. I actually.. asked Soap if he was ok with me using the name..."
His wife nodded her head as she went back to cleaning. Her mind filled as she began to think.
"Simon we don't even know it'll be a boy..." She teased him lightly, finishing up the last dish. She dried her hands off as she walked besides him. Peering into the pot as she enjoyed the meaty smell of the stew.
"Smells delicious...." She mumbled, stealing a bite for taste.
He swat her away, softly tapping her arse.
"No no no... You'll try to eat this pot on your own."
"Is that a bad thing??"
They both burst into light laughs. Enjoying the others company so much.
"Well I just think we'll hav' a boy ok?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The day the little bundle was born.
Was hectic.
Ghost was on a mission with Task Force 141. Ximena was in the hospital by herself. Anna was with her grandma.
The moment that helo landed on the tarmac, a storm of ginger passed the men waiting.
Bethany was shouting for Ghost.
Once he heard those words, he panicked. She was in labor and alone. Once Soap heard those words they sprung into action.
"Lt let's go! I'll give ye a lift!"
The pair rushed by, even Ghost thanked the nurse, as they got to his truck.
Hopping in they awaken the truck and drove off. Ghost was peeling his gear off. Didn't wanna scare civi's with his look.
Soap was turning and speeding, with reason. Thank God! Ghost had his own hospital bag, quickly changing into more acceptable clothing.
As they swung into a parking spot. Simon rushed out, "Thank' Johnny!" He yelled out as he got to the front desk.
"I'm looki' for me wife. Ximena Riley-" Simon breathlessly spoke as the receptionist started to look.
"That's fine... Mmmmm this is her room. Let the nurses in Labor and Delivery know you're her husband dearie ok? They'll let you through."
With that he was off. Rushing into the elevators as he was carried up the lift.
As he did as he was told and let in. Being lead to the room.
And once inside, he saw her holding a little bundle. Her soft voice rang in the room as she was on the bed. Her curls were in buns, pulled back. He noticed her nose scrunched up a long with that scar she's had forever now.
Walking over he didn't wanna startle her. But he admired her, seeing the love in her eyes.
And once he saw the little boy in her hands. A boy...
He had a tussle of brown curls. His mother's deep olive tan skin. And he had those chubby cheeks Simon loves from babies.
"There he is..." Simon finally said. Ximena glancing to him as she radiated a soft smile
"Our little Johnny is here..." Her voice was like heaven. Even if Simon was worn out from his mission..just the sight he got to see. It healed his tired soul so quickly
"Yeah Mama... Our lil Johnny..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
An: OH GOD. this took forever but I'm actually happy with how this came out. Thank you so much to those that have enjoyed and followed along so far! Also thank you for being patient with me too! I'll keep you all posted on the last one of the baby series! Can't wait for the twins eeee. Love you all and thank you!!💕✨
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 16
Read Chapter Fifteen here.
Alyssa smiled. They were making progress. At least Sammy decided on the rest of her diapers without much more of a fuss. Still, there were plenty more opportunities for meltdowns ahead.
It wasn’t easy, but Sammy managed to pick out her daytime, nighttime, and swim diapers without feeling horrible. Even when she looked at the nighttime diaper samples, which she swore were twice as thick as the daytime diapers. But she found some cute—and she hated that she thought they were cute—pink ones that had a different Disney Princess on each one.
Choosing swim diapers felt even more strange. The thought of needing diapers even to swim made her blush harder than she anticipated. Another thing to worry about. And how she could hide those poofy diapers under her swimsuit was something she wouldn’t let herself dwell on. That’s future Sammy’s problem, she said to herself.
Sammy had to distract herself from watching Allie scan all the diapers, though. She kept scanning and scanning. The number of diapers piling up. And she would go through every single one, whether she wanted to or not.
She still wasn’t used to the idea she’d be in diapers every day for the rest of her life. Knowing that her last diaper-free day was behind her. That she would never use the toilet again. The toilet would become nothing more than an ornament, a memorial in the bathroom. Everything will end up in the seemingly endless supply of diapers Allie was scanning.
Sammy was startled back to reality. She felt Allie’s hand reach under her skirt, checking her diaper. It was done so casually, so mechanically that Sammy felt even more infantile. Apparently, Allie decided that she’d check her diapers the same way as any other toddler.
“You’re a little wet, Sammy,” Allie said matter-of-factly, “but I think you can go another hour or so.”
“Okay,” Sammy responded meekly.
“Now, there’s a few more things we need in the L1/L2 combined section before we move on. Sippy cups and bottles are the next aisle over, then—”
“Alyssa? I thought I recognized you!” A woman interjected, happy to see Alyssa.
“Oh, wow, hi Linda, it’s great to see you,” Alyssa responds, “didn’t expect to run into you in the diaper aisle!”
Linda was one of the few women that matched Alyssa in height. Her smile was contagious. She seemed every bit as warm and comforting as Alyssa. Standing next to her was a shy girl who looked to be a few years older than Sammy. She was dressed a bit more…mature than Sammy, though still obviously looking every bit like a Little. Sammy could detect no diaper bulge, though.
“Yeah, Emily here has been having a bit of a problem staying dry during naptime at preschool. Her pull-ups aren’t cutting it anymore, so her teacher recommended she bring some diapers until she gets it under control.”
Emily’s face flushed red. Unlike Sammy, she clearly never expected to be in diapers. She looked at Sammy, almost daring her to say something. Sammy offered her a sympathetic smile.
“But enough about me, Allie, you didn’t tell me you adopted a Little! That’s so exciting! I’ve been wondering when it would happen!”
“It only happened a few days ago! This is Sammy, my Little.”
Linda beamed at Sammy. “Hi, Sammy! It’s nice to meet you! You’re a lucky girl, Allie is probably the best person I’ve ever met!”
Sammy stood there, embarrassed. “T-thank you,” Sammy mumbled, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“Sammy is my little sister Lindsay’s best friend. You met her a few times when we were at USC. She took her classification results pretty hard. She’s an L2, but I knew I couldn’t let her go to an adoption center. I’ve known her too long to let that happen.”
Emily gave Sammy a piteous look upon hearing Sammy was an L2.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that! I know it can be hard at first, Sammy, but you are in great hands,” Linda says before turning to Emily, “this is my Little, Emily. She’s an L3.”
“Hi Sammy,” Emily adds.
“Nice to meet you,” Sammy says, trying to sound as mature as possible.
“Well, I hate to run, Allie, but we need to run, I need to drop Emily off with her diapers before I rush to work,” Linda said, “but we should schedule a playdate soon so we can catch up!”
“That would be great!” Allie agrees, “it’s been way too long. I’ll call you soon to set something up!”
Moments later, Allie and Sammy are alone again. Sammy was still recovering, she’d never met another Little in person. Seeing an L3 made her jealous, if she had to be Little, why couldn’t she have been an L3?
“Linda is so sweet,” Allie says, “she was one of my best friends when I was at USC. I don’t know why we lost touch…but, anyway, where were we?”
Sammy didn’t want to be the one who reminded Allie about her sippy cups. So she just shot Allie an innocent look of uncertainty.
“Oh, that’s right! We need to get you some bottles and sippy cups!”
“Do I really need bottles, Allie? Or sippy cups? I’m not a baby and I can drink without spilling.”
“You’re not the one who will have to clean up the spills, Sammy. And besides, won’t it just be easier not having to worry about spilling?”
Sammy was willing to concede the sippy cups, but not the bottles. “I guess so, Allie, but do I really need a baby bottles?”
“You don’t need to use them all the time, Sammy, but I’m sure every once in a while it will be easier for you. Especially when you’re really tired. I’ll only get a few and we can figure it out as we go.”
“Fine,” Sammy whimpers.
“Oh, look at these Sammy!” Allie exclaims, pointing to a set of cups, “these match your diapers! Look they all have princesses on them!”
Sammy wasn’t sure about this new Disney Princess motif. Sure, she loved them growing up, but to go back to them like this wasn’t what she ever expected. “Those are fine,” Sammy says.
They move to the next aisle. A whole row dedicated to pacifiers. A seemingly endless supply of colors, variations, and sizes. Just looking at them filled Sammy with emotion.
“Okay, Sammy, try not to get overwhelmed with choices,” Allie says, mistaking the look on Sammy’s face.
Sammy’s eye’s begin to tear up again. Pacifiers were for babies. Not her.
Alyssa realizes in the nick of time what Sammy was thinking. She found a cute pink pacifier, scanned it, and opened the packaging. Before Sammy could react, she placed it in her mouth.
The foreign object startled Sammy. But to her surprise, before she could spit it out or yell at Allie, her mouth started sucking on the nipple. It was…calming. Her mind wanted to reject it, but couldn’t. No, this was okay.
Alyssa smiled as she watched Sammy accept it. She’d been waiting for this moment since she asked Sammy to be her Little. Nothing soothes a tantruming Little faster than her pacifier.
“How do you like it, Sammy?” she coos.
It took a few seconds for Sammy to respond. “ith nithe I gueth,” Sammy said clumsily, not used to talking with it in her mouth.
“Well I think you look so cute,” Allie laughs, “now can we choose some pacifiers?”
Even Sammy was startled how much her pacifier calmed her. She almost didn’t even care how she looked. A few minutes later, Sammy had picked out a collection of them. As they moved to the next aisle, she didn’t even think about taking it out.
The next section was changing tables. Alyssa didn’t bother asking Sammy her input for this. She looked at each one in detail, deciding which one fit her needs best. Each of them looked the exact same to Sammy, but Alyssa looked at each like it was completely different. Finally, Alyssa looked satisfied and scanned the one she wanted.
They reached the changing table pad section. Alyssa had Sammy lay on each one, asking her which one felt the most comfortable. “Make sure you choose a comfortable one, Sammy, You’ll be spending a good amount of time on it!”
Once Sammy chose, they went to the bedding section. Sammy’s heart sank when she saw most of the selection was cribs. “Do I really need a crib, Allie?”
“Well, that depends, honey. If I catching you sneaking out of bed too often, yes. But for now I think we can settle on a hybrid bed. The ones over there have much smaller railings to keep you from falling out of bed. But if necessary, it can convert into a crib.”
The process went remarkably similar to the changing table. Alyssa looked at each model in detail, ultimately choosing without Sammy’s input. Sammy, however, got to choose her own mattress.
“We’re making great time!” Alyssa grinned, “you’re doing such a good job, Sammy. I’m proud of you!”
“Thankth,” Sammy responded, blushing at the realization she’s had her pacifier in the whole time.
Sammy watched Alyssa as she fumbled with something in the cart. She saw a flash of something pink before Alyssa turned around and walked over to her. Alyssa was checking her diaper before she could react.
“Wow, Sammy, you really soaked this, I’m glad I checked! We need to get you changed really quick.”
Without warning, Alyssa picked Sammy up and carefully placed her in the cart, making sure Sammy’s feet went through each opening. Sammy felt her diaper squish as she was placed down. She didn’t remember having a single accident.
Though that was the least of Sammy’s concerns. Being picked up without any warning made her feel so tiny. Especially now, as she was essentially face to face with Alyssa pushing the cart. She looked down, realizing her swollen diaper was on full display, her skirt unable to cover the diaper.
“Sorry, Sweetie, but it was just easier this way.”
As Sammy was pushed to the back of the store, she tried to ignore the smiles of other Caregivers as they saw her, eyes always drifting down to her diaper. There were the “awws” and “she’s so cute!” every time she passed anyone.
Finally, they reached the changing area. The women’s bathroom had a series of changing tables. Alyssa swung the diaper bag on her shoulder before picking Sammy up, laying her down next to another Little. The Little showed no sign of reaction, nor said anything in return to her Caregiver’s questions. Sammy assumed she must be an L1. The Caregiver gave Sammy a wave.
As she watched, Sammy felt the tabs being ripped from her diaper. She suddenly felt embarrassed again, sucking on her pacifier harder than ever. To her horror, Sammy realized Alyssa had picked out a nighttime diaper for Sammy. It’s size was immediately apparent as Alyssa fluffed it.
Alyssa noticed Sammy’s apprehension. “I know it’s a nighttime diaper, Sammy, but we have to go look at clothes and car seats next, and I want to make sure everything we choose one that fits all your diapers, okay?”
Sammy didn’t want to wear it but wanted to get out of this changing room as soon as possible. Public diaper changes were always so embarrassing. She just nods silently.
As the diaper is pulled up to her stomach, Sammy realizes just how much thicker it actually was. Even dry it felt thicker than the soggy diaper she was just changed out of.
“There, all done, Sammy,” Allie bubbled, picking Sammy up and putting her down.
Sammy realizes how much harder it is to walk like this. She couldn’t put her legs together even if she wanted to. The diaper was clearly visible below her skirt. Sammy can only imagine how she looks right now, standing there in a diaper her clothes do nothing to hide, a pacifier that matches her diaper in her mouth.
She doesn’t think it could get any worse until she tries to take a step. She started waddling like a baby taking their first ever steps, unsteady on their feet.
“Okay, Sammy, you ready?”
Go to Chapter 17.
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goforth-ladymidnight · 9 months
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The Gown
Pairing: Tamlin x Feyre (Feylin)
Word Count: 1.5k
Rating: T
Summary: Inspired by a prompt @foxcort once wrote (that I cannot find but have never forgotten), in which Tamlin sees Feyre in The Wedding Dress for the very first time.
Also tagging @bookishfeylin, who loves Feylin, too. Sorry if I missed anyone else who might have wanted a tag!
For those who want to read it on AO3, it's there, too, but it's here in its entirety below the cut:
“Forgive the intrusion, your High Lordship.”
As one, Tamlin and his closest advisors looked up from the map spread out on his desk to see the High Priestess standing in the doorway. He ignored Lucien’s grimace and cleared his throat. “Yes, Ianthe. What is it?”
She dipped her veiled head in a graceful bow and continued, “I know it is a most inopportune time—” He could hear Lucien’s metal eye roll in its socket. “—but your consort wishes to speak with you in her private quarters right away.”
“Feyre?” Tamlin startled as he realized that Ianthe was alone. She and Feyre had been inseparable lately, or so he thought. “Is anything wrong?”
She folded her hands in front of her and replied lightly, “It is nothing I would have dared trouble you for, knowing how busy you are, but… she did insist on seeing you…”
As Tamlin rounded the corner of his desk with Lucien close behind, Ianthe added, “Alone.”
He and Lucien exchanged worried glances.
After a moment’s consideration, he clapped his hand on Lucien’s shoulder and told him, “Take over for me. I’m sure Ianthe can offer some guidance until my return.”
He caught Lucien glowering in the priestess’s direction, who was positively glowing, but if Feyre needed him as badly as Ianthe said, he couldn’t allow either of them to distract him. He would find a way to make it up to his emissary later.
Tamlin willed himself to walk out of the study, meanwhile every instinct screamed at him to winnow to Feyre’s side, but she hadn’t been sleeping well lately. He didn’t want to frighten her or risk upsetting her further. His concern for her only grew when he appeared at the end of the hall outside her private chambers, and a huddle of servants were whispering outside her door. They fell silent as he approached, and curtsied deeply before parting to let him pass. He could feel their expectant eyes upon him as he stood in front of her closed door and… hesitated. It was never closed in the middle of the day. While he wasn’t in the habit of knocking on doors in his own home, he did call through the opening as he entered, so that he wouldn’t startle her.
“Feyre?” The chamber was empty, but her lilac-and-pear scent filled the room. He stepped in and turned his head. “Where are you?”
Something rustled from behind the dressing screen in the corner. “Are you alone?” a miserable voice wobbled.
He gently closed the door behind him. “Completely,” he said cautiously, stepping closer. “What’s the matter?”
A loud sniff, then more rustling as she stepped into view. Rather, her dress rustled into view before she did. It was… It was… huge.
She looked so miserable and—and poofy that he couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing. His body shook so hard that he had to grab a nearby chair and sink into it. His howls of laughter filled the room.
“I knew it,” she wailed, sinking to her knees in the middle of the floor as her skirts billowed around her. He should have gone to her. He should have comforted her. But by the gods of this world and the next, his knees were too weak to carry him.
He had been so worried, it was a relief to know this was all it was. Feeling breathless and lightheaded, he managed to lower himself to the floor and crawl over to where she knelt, a tiny pathetic figure surrounded by mountains of tulle. It was the least he could do to ask for her forgiveness, not that he deserved it for laughing so hard.
Still on his hands and knees, he apologized. “I didn’t mean to laugh,” he said gently, although his lips were still twitching. “You look beautiful.”
She shot him a glare, then ripped the garland of white roses from her hair and complained, “I look ridiculous.”
As she frowned at the garland and began turning it over in her hands, he let out a sigh, releasing the last of his mirth at her expense. He patted down the nearest puff and managed to sit beside her on the floor. Resting his arms on his bent knees, he leaned over and tried to catch her eye, which was difficult to do considering the size of her dress sleeves.
“You look ridiculously beautiful,” he said sincerely.
And she did. Despite her flushed cheeks and pouting expression, being changed from human to High Fae had only enhanced her unique beauty. Her skin was still freckled, her mouth was still full and soft, and her eyes, though teary, sparkled like stars on Solstice Night.
She looked away and let out a disgusted sigh. “I look like a dressmaker’s doll,” she muttered, tossing the garland away and onto the rug.
His smile faded as he regarded the cast-off roses and the rumpled ribbons. He reached for her tattooed hand, the hand that wore his emerald ring, and curled his fingers around hers. “Do you hate it that much?”
She wouldn’t meet his gaze. “It’s… it’s just not me,” she said quietly.
“Would you prefer a tunic and leggings?”
She turned her head at that and stared at him.
He smiled. “Whether you walk down the aisle in a gown, or fighting leathers, or a tunic and leggings, it wouldn’t matter. I’d marry you just the same.”
She bit her lip and dropped her gaze to look at their joined hands. “Ianthe said I have to make a statement,” she said quietly, tightening her fingers around his. “Something about roses and Spring…” She sniffed and loosened her grip to hug her arms. “But I was always your thorn… Especially now.”
He looked her over. Now that he was through laughing, he could see that the layers of tulle did appear to resemble an upside down rose. The bodice even had tendrils of vines embroidered on the bodice. It seemed that while Ianthe had taken him literally when he mentioned how much roses meant to him and Feyre, the dress itself was not as ridiculous as he had first assumed.
“While what Ianthe said may be true,” he said, reaching out to tuck a loose spiral of golden-brown hair behind her ear, “it is not the dress that matters, but you.”
When she remained silent, he gently lifted her gaze.
“If you ask me to, I’ll marry you tomorrow, beneath the singing willow,” he said ardently. “No gowns. No guests. No pageantry… Just you, me, and Lucien… and Ianthe to marry us.”
Feyre’s soft, almost hopeful smile faded. “You would really do that… for me?” she whispered.
He nodded. “I love you,” he said softly, gazing into her starry eyes. “Thorns and all. And I always will.”
A small, crystal tear slid down her cheek as she gave him a small, sad, trembling smile. “I love you,” she whispered.
He slid his hand around her neck and leaned in to press his lips to hers. She kissed him back, and then kissed him again, and he could not taste her tears.
When they parted, she sighed, and her breath was warm against his mouth. Dropping her gaze, she reached up and straightened his collar. “I can’t ask you to do that,” she said quietly. “This wedding is too important to so many people… I can’t be selfish.”
“You sacrificed yourself Under the Mountain,” he reminded her. “You’re allowed to be a little selfish.”
She smiled sadly at him. “Not if I want to marry you,” she replied. “High Lord.”
He sighed. She was right, of course, which was why he had never wanted this position in the first place. But he was the only one left in his family line. If he denounced his title so soon after the chaos that was Amarantha, there was no telling who The Cauldron would choose next, or what they would do in his stead.
“Besides,” Feyre continued, bringing him back to the present. “I’ll have you all to myself after the wedding. I can be selfish then.”
His eyebrows rose at that, then lowered as he looked her over. “Um… How selfish?” he asked, letting his gaze linger over her low, fitted bodice.
She smiled a slow, sly smile as she caught his eye. “Selfish enough to ask you to tear off this gown and shred it to ribbons for me… my lord.”
He nearly started purring at the thought. He leaned back on his hands, then reached over and ran a finger over the laced ribbons keeping her outer corset closed. “To ribbons, you say?” he murmured, summoning a claw as he slowly drew it down her back, so it gently snagged on the lacing on the way down. “Like… these ribbons?”
He could hear her breathing quicken even as she smiled up at him, and it made her bosom swell in a most tempting way. “If you think you can,” she whispered.
His answer was a low growl. “You doubt me?”
“Never,” she said with a tempting, teasing smile, then suddenly turned her back on him. As she pulled her loose waves over her shoulder, exposing her long, pale neck to him, she turned her head head and added, “But perhaps we should practice first.”
His claw slid cleanly through the top lacing. “Perhaps.”
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