#the small guest house
In November we're reading...
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The Small Guest House, by @oneblueumbrella
Greg never expected John and Sherlock to get married - but now it's happening, and there's a whole lot more to it than a quick nip down to the registry office. He's going to have to work through his own wedding issues, negotiate a long weekend at the Holmes family estate, and figure out how to manage spending a lot more time than usual with Mycroft Holmes. Plus, all his shirts have cufflinks and he's never really been sure how to fasten those properly. It's going to be a big weekend.
We'll read this fic over 3 weekends, 13-20-27 November, at 19.00 London time. I you want to discuss this fic, please DM for an invite.
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remash · 4 months
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granary house ~ mima housing | photo credit: josé campos
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
This is such a random question, but how would you describe Frank and Eddie's house? Is it a big one, decent sized? I wonder how they decorate the little kiddos room once they get him!
Okay okay but actually I think about this ALL the time
Because I never pictured Frank with a house. I always pictured this little apartment because they live in the city n stuff. Like the whole exposed brick walls kinda vibe but it’s incredibly small and I wanna draw it once I have a moment. But that’s where Frank lives. It’s all the space he needs for one person and whatever shitty landlord he has doesn’t really come for inspections so it’s pretty easy to hide all the murder junk when he needs to
Eddie on the other hand also has an apartment but I feel like it’s a little larger. Which like doesn’t necessarily match their jobs early on but hear me out
Frank is the type to make pretty good money and not buy really big and expensive things. Like his clothing is his nicest stuff aside from purchasing things for murders. Eddie on the other hand doesn’t selfishly spend or anything but he puts in a lot of money towards his living space to make it really comfy
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the other day i encountered my first millipede - i wish i had remembered that centipedes are the ones that bite so i could have Held that wonderful little critter! i am officially a millipede fan and advocate
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eulaliasims · 2 months
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Clara squeezes in a last minute nap before their annual New Years party. It's going to be a smaller party this year, in the interest of not crashing the game simplicity, just her siblings, the kids, and their spouses.
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...I thought all the kids would be here, anyway, but the twins and Theo bailed, lol. That's fair, Chiana and Theo have a small child to take care of, and Gaius is probably looking for someone to kiss at midnight. Ah well, everyone else is here!
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I'm also not sure what George is complaining about to Mara-Jade, but she is having NONE of it.
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tracfone · 2 years
AU where after the events of portal 2 chell becomes a homeowner but she comes back and moves glados in with her so she won't have to suffer alone at the facility. Except like, she doesn't transfer her to a smaller body, she just hangs the entire chassis from the ceiling (glados insists on never being out of her body again). The upside to having a live-in supercomputer plugged into her house is that she manages the building's power and appliances (like a souped up Alexa but like....NOT a cop), and keeps a damn good house, but the downside is the power company keeps asking her why she's the only house on the block consuming like 10x the electricity of all the others and she keeps having to give them excuses so they don't come investigate
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If everyone in the menagerie AU is in separate enclosures, how do they Talk? Dp they have one of those string-and-cup phones?
it's kinda like those old-timey carnival zoos? When they're in their cages, they're relatively close together, positioned along a path in the manor gardens. While all five can't necessarily have a conversation, they can at least speak to their neighbors
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mr valdove. how r you so nice also i might be sent after you next so like heads up lol -@little-so1diers
It's really not a low bar to not be a dick to children. Also, are you sure? I don't think that any reasonable governing warlord would send a single child soldier up against a centuries old demon from another world. It's poor battle planning.
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
making gene’s house in animal crossing is so interesting,,,, the front part where he has brunch with lys sometimes is decently tidy, a normal kitchen with an espresso machine and a toaster and a rice cooker, of course paperwork stacked neatly on the table, a world map and a bulletin board, a photo of him with the other Champions and one of him with his family,,,, there are two lamps and an air conditioner that I didn’t realize were there and I moved a hallway to make more sense. there are sticky notes all over his fridge because of course there are 🥲
what’s also interesting is that he has two cabinets with League papers and reference books, but also two with various tchotchkes -- where did he get them?? what kinds of things does he collect -- are they things that he just got as gifts or did they come with the house?
also, now that I’ve filled the yard and house with plants (for his grass-type starters), I considered giving him a little pond outside -- and then remembered that the ocean is literally his backyard. there is so much water there.
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sammusbird · 11 months
rrrgggggahhhh I watched Barbie, which probably will be remembered as the best big movie of the decade, and left with a migraine and the thought that it “was really fun but too clumsy in its messaging and themes.” And today I watched Emesis Blue, a fucking horror movie fan animation of Team Fortress 2, and found it so beautiful that I’m laying in the dark just thinking about the kickass themes and symbollism….. IT’S SO GOOD??????????
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blackberryjambaby · 4 months
i went to rainbow's end yesterday & a kid (about 10-12) stopped walking & openly pointed at me & laughed & called out to her mother 'WOAH!! what's WRONG with him???' like. i hate the general public. my sister told her to mind her own business & i told her mother to teach her child some manners. neither of them responded & the mother acted like she didn't notice. what the fuck
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dilfpassing · 2 years
one day im gonna live in my own house with my own yard and my own decorations and my own furniture and my own kitchen and surround myself with only the people i want to be with and i’ll be able to sit on my porch and watch the sunrise and the sunset and the seasons come and go and things will be better
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nerdie-faerie · 5 months
Feeling a lil vindictive, a lil nasty this morning
So context, my brother had a work do last night and before he left he told my mum he'd becoming back here and doing so alone. So tell me why he called me at 3am when I'm trying to sleep but travel anxiety and says he's bringing two mates back? I tell him he can't I'm leaving at 6 tomorrow he just goes yeah they'll just be passing through your room. No I've gotta get up in 3 hours you can't be keeping up, yeah it's fine. The fuck it is not
Anyway so my alarm goes off 3 hours later I've barely slept, my brain already woke me up several times prior but that doesn't mean I'm turning my alarms off immediately or getting ready quietly after the prick disturbed my sleep
#Demon Spawn#travel tag#the rest of my siblings got a nice goodbye but im not a morning person on a good night sleep let alone when i havent been able to sleep#like i wouldnt have gotten much sleep regardless because of anxiety but i woulda been able to fall asleep sooner if i hadnt been dragged out#of bed kept awake by the rage induced adrenaline and the sounds of sports being played on tv and chatter in the next room#and hes gonna spend all day in bed anyway so i dont feel guilty particularly when hes had guests over constantly for the two weeks ive been#home which denies me access to the ensuite and kitchenette thats accessible from his room and he constantly keeps me awake#i dont get to enjoy my comfy non student accommodation bed because the fcker never lets me go to sleep and my mum wont let me sleep in#i did fix my sleep schedule minutely was getting tired at 12 instead of 2am from where i fcked it during assignment season so small mercies#had to wake my littlest brothers up to say goodbye and the babby started crying 😢 my mum wanted me to wake her and the baby up too#but the baba was still half asleep and definitely not processing that i was leaving 😂 she was so unbothered guarantee ill have to facetime#my dad dropped me to the bus stop and hes as bad at small talk and emotionally constipated as me but he was just coming back from a night#shift so i appreciate that that was him putting in extra effort and him checking i had enough money is as close to sentiment as he can do#everyone else? cute goodbye. my sister was already awake when i got up to the house pretty sure she had an alarm set.....#my oldest younger brother? i hope the hangover sucks
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absentmoon · 8 months
i like benny
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babyboybuckley · 1 year
Ok I would like to say something but it's a bit heavy so I'm gonna say it in the tags
#alrighty... this time last year i was rapidly approaching my lowest point#i had a broken down car my housemate was pulling away from me as her mental health stabilised and i truly wanted to die#i remember stealing razorblades from our carton cutters at work because somehow the shame of that was less than the shame of buying them#and i was using them to hurt myself#but as of tomorrow i will be 1 year self harm free#and i have so many people to thank for that#my friend who answered the phone and let me come and sit on his couch#when i was crying and knew that if i went home to an empty house on june 16th i was going to try and kill myself#but i reached out and was able to surround myself with love#he called another friend in between me calling and me arriving#so i would have more people around me#the friends who let me come over whenever even though they have such busy lives and are not necessarily social creatures#but they make sure i know i have a space on their couch or their guest room#its taken me a long long time#but i havent truly wanted to die in about 8 months#and thats a record#its been the hardest thing ive ever done#and i have fallen so often but the people around me pick me up#and now i am finally learning to live for me#finding joy in the small and the big things#celebrating whenever i can#i have a long way to go#but i genuinely feel like i can make the journey now#healing isnt linear but i feel like im looking back at the mountain ive climbed#and realising how steep it truly was#and no matter how treacherous the path ahead#the view from the lookouts will always be worth it#about me#my stuff#personal
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loveyubrides · 1 year
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Traditional Bedroom in Los Angeles
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