#the sonomancer
riversofmars · 1 year
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Songs of Love 2023 - Day 4
Rating: T Prompt: "Possession" Summary: Liv Chenka wakes up disoriented, finding herself back at 107 Bakerstreet. The last thing she remembers is being back in the TARDIS with the Doctor and Helen, travelling, being happy… it had never occurred to her to return to 2020 London, so how did this happen? The reason becomes apparent when she realises her mind and body are no longer just her own.
Inner Workings
Liv stirred, dragging herself out of the depth of sleep that seemed somehow deeper, darker, than she’d ever experienced. There was a discomfort to it. Something that made her long for the light of day, a suffocating darkness that lingered at the edges of her vision that she desperately tried to chase it away. Slowly, her eyes regained focus, adjusted to the dark and she blinked, again and again, confused, as what she saw didn’t match what she had expected to find. She wasn’t in her bedroom in the TARDIS, that she was sure of. The room looked oddly familiar and yet, she couldn’t place it.
And then, she noticed a presence next to her, making her bolt upright.
As she looked around, she found Tania in bed next to her and for a moment, confusion gave way to a bout of sadness. Somehow, for a moment, she had thought that by some miracle, it was Helen that had snuck into her bed. But it wasn’t her bed. It was Tania’s bed. It was her bedroom at 107 Bakerstreet. How was she back here? And more importantly: Why?
When they had left Twenty-first Century London behind, she hadn’t looked back. Things had been fun while they lasted, but her life was out there in the universe, in the TARDIS and with-
Was Helen here too? Had they all returned? Had they maybe been transported back in time? The med-tech’s mind was reeling, but she didn’t dare wake Tania in search of explanations, she feared if she did, she might expect a kiss good morning or the like…
Liv had moved on. After the vampires and Albie… she’d dared to hope. She felt closer to Helen than ever and maybe, if they could stay true on their course they would finally cross the line she had longed to for so long. Finally, it seemed achievable. This sudden turn of events was definitely a spanner in the works.
She had to find the Doctor and Helen, see where they had got off to. See if they were experiencing the same throwback. See what they could do to find the TARDIS and be on their way again.
Careful not to wake Tania, she wiggled out of the duvet and swung her legs out of bed. She made it halfway across the bedroom when a voice spoke her name but it wasn’t Tania’s.
“Liv Chenka…” It was like a whisper on the wind, like a gust of cold air and the med-tech shivered suddenly, the fine hairs on the back of her neck standing to attention. Slowly, she looked around but found the room empty, safe for Tania’s sleeping shape.
Liv shook her head to herself, she was hearing things.
“Don’t go, Liv…” the voice sounded once more and this time, the med-tech spun around at some speed, sure of what she had heard. Her eyes darted around the room but again, there was nothing. Not a trace of movement.
“What the hell is going on here…” Liv muttered under her breath and tried to carry on to the door but suddenly, her legs wouldn’t move. It was as though she was clued to the floor and she gasped and groaned, trying to pull herself free but to no avail.
“Whoever you are, you better leave and-” the med-tech started, casting a glance around to Tania to make sure she was okay and she noticed something odd and terrifying. It looked as though she wasn’t breathing. But as Liv looked around, she realised nothing else was moving either, not even the curtain across the open window and the noise of the city of London, that was ever present, even at this hour, had completely died away. It was as if time stood still. The world was frozen.
“I hope you don’t expect to leave here, not when I’ve gone through such pains to bring you back,” the voice was close now, as if it was whispering in her very ears.
“What?” Liv tried to sound defiant but in her heart, she was terrified. She couldn’t get a handle on what was going on, she felt trapped. She looked around, trying to find a trace, something, anything belonging to the voice that was oddly familiar as well. She caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wardrobe and her blood ran cold. There was a red hue about her: wrapping around her legs and creeping up her back, swivelling and swerving around her. And the voice spoke again.
“Oh you probably don’t remember what happened, your fragile human minds… you just shrink into the background… let me enlighten you.”
And it was like a flash of light, burning, searing its way through her consciousness. Suddenly, Liv had clarity on what had brought her here and it was horrific.
Her mind was not her own anymore. She couldn’t pinpoint when it had happened, maybe she had been there since their first encounter at the National Museum, but something had started stirring at the back of her mind and how had she been to know when the process had been so gradual? And when the result was losing control and memory of what had happened. The Red Lady had come to share her mind and she had been busy: wrestling control from her little by little until she had felt strong enough to enact her desires: make Liv leave the TARDIS and break up the people that had been her downfall.
“No!” Liv gasped and hurtful, cruel memories flooded her mind of her telling the Doctor she wanted to leave and return to Twenty-first century Earth. Surely her friends should have realised she never would ask for that, shouldn’t they? The Doctor had been confused, clueless and Helen? Helen had been devastated and instantly, the med-tech choked up, tears pooling in her eyes and a sudden wave of nausea came over her. She heaved and bent over onto her legs, fighting to hold herself together. What had she done? What had she been made to do? Her words to Helen had been cruel too. That her company couldn’t make up for how much she was missing Tania, when the very opposite was true. As lovely as Tania was, she never would be able to replace Helen in her life. And her best friend had cried bitter tears, she had begged and pleaded for her not to go, Liv’s shirt had been wet through with tears as the linguist had held on to her, trying to hold her back. But the med-tech had walked away, with barely a goodbye.
Tania had been delighted and it seemed, the Red Lady had made her play the part in return. Liv felt sick to her stomach and she collapsed forward, the hold on her legs easing away. There was hardly need to hold her back now that she knew there was no TARDIS, no Doctor and no Helen to run to. What was she going to do?
“Why are you doing this, Caleera?” Liv couldn’t suppress a sob. She felt as though her heart was being ripped out of her chest. She couldn’t breathe.
“I’m not Caleera,” she voice snapped back, evidently offended and she snarled: “Caleera was weak. I’m the Red Lady.”
“But aren’t you one and the same?” The med-tech’s head was spinning.
“Caleera is dead and we are the echoes.” Even in her grief stricken mind, Liv understood that this entity was nothing like the woman that had chosen to give up her life in the end to stop Padrac. This was a splinter, and a malevolent yet powerful one at that, like the Red Lady in the paintings had been.
“Why are you doing this?” She didn’t expect much of an answer, villains rarely had a sound reason, but why her?
“Because I can,” she answered and there was a mocking quality to her done, terrifying and cold.
“But-” What was she to respond to that?
“I know you don’t really want to be here, but it was the perfect excuse was it not?” The Red Lady hummed, evidently delighted as Liv squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the beginnings of a panic attack. She couldn’t let herself fall apart but she didn’t have the first idea of what to do. “And the things we can do, Liv,” she was whispering to her now in a seductive voice that made the med-tech want to gag. “The havoc we can wreck. Just you see.”
“No, no no no, stay out of my head,” she whimpered as a flash of pain ran through her skull. She pressed her hands to the sides of her head.
“It’s far too late for that,” the Red Lady laughed. “How else do you think I made you leave her?”
“Helen-” The memory of her best friend’s heartbroken expression flashed up in her mind and she sobbed.
“She is out of your reach now.”
“No, please, I-”
“You have chosen this life, Liv,” the Red Lady giggled cruelly.
“I didn’t, I don’t want to be here, I want to be with Helen, I-” Liv tried to be strong, argue back, but the pain was becoming unbearable. Through it all, the voice carried on, turning soft, melodic.
“Shhh, it’s alright,” she hummed and the med-tech felt the control over herself slipping. Her body moved without her say-so as she slowly got to her feet. “Everything will be fine,” the Red Lady carried on and walked her back to the bed. There was nothing Liv could do to stop herself. She was completely out of control and yet aware. It was terrifying. “You just sleep now. Your girlfriend is so happy to have you back.” And she lay down as her mind sunk deeper, going to sleep felt like drowning and all the while the voice was with her, whispering to her. “And we will have so much fun, Liv. I promise you.”
When Helen woke, she was almost more tired than she had been when she had gone to sleep. Her night had been fitful and restless, tossing and turning and she found herself tangled in her sheets thoroughly uncomfortable. She gave a heavy sigh but made no attempt at getting up. This was just what her nights were like now. She would keep feeling worse until she eventually passed out from exhaustion in the library, finding a brief period of rest, only to be reminded of the emptiness of her life when she woke again.
Because that’s what her life was now: Empty. Lonely. The Doctor tried but he wasn’t very good at it. He said he understood, he did all the right things, but in the end, what did he know about human connection? About heartbreak? About love? How was she supposed to make him understand that feeling of absence of everything she had built her life around. She knew he missed Liv too, she had been his companion through so many adventures, but Helen knew she missed her in a far more profound and ruinous way. When Liv Chenka had left the TARDIS, she had taken her light with her. The guiding light that Helen had been following for so long. As darkness had fallen over her life, her will to live it was slowly slipping away.
“Good morning, Miss Sinclair!” The Doctor greeted her cheerfully as she finally made for the console room, hoping for some sort of distraction rather than allowing herself to suffocate in her dark thoughts. She knew it wasn’t healthy and yet, every day getting out of bed became harder.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” she mumbled, fully aware that she was being flippant but that wasn’t something she could help.
“Sleep well?” The Time Lord enquired, trying to retain his positivity but his companion made it hard for him.
“What do you think?” She gave back with a sigh. He gave her a compassionate once-over, looking as though he was about to launch into another rendition of ‘I know you miss Liv, I do too, but she made her decision when she left’.
Today, however, things took a surprising turn:
"I think I might have something to cheer you up,” he told her, almost too earnestly and started working the controls, setting a course.
"Where are we going?" The linguist frowned, watching his actions for clues. She was no stranger to flying the TARDIS, she could have worked out the coordinates for herself, but the Doctor volunteered them before she could.
"London 2021,” he said and Helen’s face fell.
"Doctor, no! I don't want to go, I-" A hot flush of panic shot through her body, for a second, she couldn’t breathe.
"There are strange things happening there, they need to be investigated,” the Doctor told her calmly. “And if I know Liv, if she's noticed, she will be right in the thick of it." He looked to his friend expectantly. "We can check up on her?” He suggested with a compassionate smile.
"No. I don't want to! I don't want to see her!” She argued immediately, flushing with anger as she fought tears. Immediately, her mind shot back to the moment when Liv had walked away and left her life, but not without doing as much damage as she possibly could. It had been one of the worst moments of her life, if not the worst. The revelation that she wanted to leave had been like a slap in the face, seemingly coming out of nowhere. There had been no noticeable precursor to it, everything had been perfectly fine, more than fine actually. They had been having a lot of fun, happy to be back to travelling and exploring the universe. Helen had been SO happy. And suddenly, in the most unexpected turn of events, her life derailed. The next slap followed, when Liv had stated she wanted to return to Tania. In the months since they had left Bakerstreet behind, the med-tech had barely mentioned her former girlfriend. There had been no indication that she had missed her or regretted her choice of leaving her. Helen’s head had been reeling, she hadn’t understood what was going on around her, and when she realised that her friend had been serious, she had been prompted into desperate action.
Helen had told Liv everything. All the things she had kept inside that she had never dared to utter for fear of rejection and ruining their friendship. She told her that she didn’t want her to leave, that she couldn’t imagine her life without her… and that she had fallen in love with her.
And Liv had given her a pitying look and a cruel laugh.
“I don’t have any feelings for you, Helen. None whatsoever. Least of all love. What possibly gave you the idea that I might?” She had turned away to leave and Helen had broken down as her life shattered around her, alongside her heart.
"Helen,” the Doctor grabbed her arms, pulling her out of her terrible thoughts, returning her to the here and now and demanding her attention.
"No, I don't think I can do that, not after everything she said and-" Helen whispered, as she didn’t trust herself to speak up. Tears pooled in her eyes.
"And don't you think that was out of character?" The Time Lord asked gently.
"What?" She didn’t understand what he meant, her mind was preoccupied.
"We have both known her for years, do you not think what happened and the things she said, to you particularly… do you think that was like her?" He repeated and the linguist hung her head.
"No…" She mumbled, biting her bottom lip anxiously. "It was cruel and-"
"Liv Chenka is many things but cruel isn't one of them,” the Doctor reminded her softly and she took a shaky breath.
"I suppose not…" She mumbled and he gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze.
"Obviously, I don't know if what's going on in London has anything to do with her, but now that we've given her some space, I would like to check up on her. You don't have to say or do anything if you don't want to. You can leave it to me, but I'm worried about her," he explained gently. "And I want to make sure she's okay. Even if she doesn't want to come back."
"Okay…" Helen whispered, she could hardly refuse when her heart ached for Liv.
Liv watches the flames lick up the side of the National Museum. She was lingering in the shadows of the fountain in the square, watching, torn between horror and delight as the two entities in her mind did battle. She stood impassively, as the Red Lady laughed and Liv cried in the prison of her mind. She had tried to fight her; she had really tried, but there was nothing she had to hold against the raw power of the Red Lady. She had made herself at home in her body and used it as though it was her own. The med-tech herself had become nothing but a mute bystander, looking on in terror as she watched herself set fire to the place she had first met the woman she loved - and she wasn’t talking about Tania, who the Red Lady used as well. As happy as she seemed to have Liv back, the med-tech couldn’t imagine she would feel the same way if she knew she was there against her will. Tania had a strong moral compass, was compassionate and kind, she was the last person who would want to take advantage of her in this way.
Now, Liv watched the National Theatre stand in flames, the fire brigade rushing closer and straight past her as if she wasn’t even there. And in many ways she felt like she wasn’t. At this point, all the med-tech hoped for was that someone would stop her. If they sent her to prison for arson, she would be no less trapped than she was now, but at least she wouldn’t be able to hurt people anymore. Her life - the one she wanted to lead and ached for - was over anyway.
And then, suddenly, a familiar wheezing and groaning filled the air. Only a few meters from her, the TARDIS materialised. Joy flooded her body, though the laugh of relief never reached her expression. Liv’s body remained impassive, as she watched, hopeful for the first time in weeks and she could feel the Red Lady, thrumming with anger and perhaps even concern? She couldn’t be sure but she was unsettled as they watched the TARDIS door open and Liv released a sob of both joy and sorrow as she spotted Helen.
"Oh my God-" Helen gasped and clasped her hands to her mouth. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Her former place of work was engulfed by flames, dark smoke filling the square in front of the museum. She took a few unsteady steps forward, she wanted to help in some way but was at a complete loss of what to do.
"Step back Helen, there is nothing we can do here… let the fire department do their job,” the Doctor took her burden of decision from her shoulders as he pulled her back. The London fire service was already at work, though their attempts at putting out the flames seemed pitiful in relation to the inferno.
"Why are we here? What are we investigating?" She asked weakly, still in shock.
"Random acts of vandalism, arson, destruction of property, terrorism…" The Doctor hummed thoughtfully and Helen frowned, confused.
"Someone is wreaking havoc in London,” he explained and she nodded her understanding, turning her attention back to the museum.
"I didn't like working here. I was shouting against walls…” She mumbled sorrowfully. “But I wouldn't have wanted it destroyed, all that culture, all that knowledge…" It was a terrible thought.
And then, suddenly, a familiar voice spoke.
"Lovely, isn't it? The flames."
Helen and the Doctor whipped around.
"Liv!" The Time Lord exclaimed while his companion was utterly stunned. She simply looked at the person she had considered her best friend for the longest time, and she couldn’t get any words out as the med-tech slowly made her way towards them.
"Hello,” she hummed and there was a terrifying calmness about her that the linguist found unsettling and completely unnatural. The Doctor had been right, there was something going on with her.
"What are you doing here?" The Doctor asked, calmer now, as he observed the situation and his friend curiously.
"Watching,” Liv answered simply, and the Time Lord nodded.
"Do you know who did this?" He questioned and a small smile seemed to draw to her features.
"Do you have anything to do with it?" He continued and Helen’s head whipped around. Despite everything, despite her odd behaviour and the coincidence of finding her here, that was not something that had even crossed the linguist’s mind.
And yet, Liv’s smile turned to a smirk, all too telling despite her lack of response.
"Doctor!" The linguist was gripped by a wave of panic sweeping up her body. She grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back.
"Liv, what is going on here?" The Doctor asked sternly now, and the med-tech turned her attention back to the National Museum, just in time to see part of the roof collapsing and throwing up a flash of flames.
"I do love a good fire…" She hummed, the orange hue reflecting in her eyes that were somehow so much duller than usual. Helen found it incredibly unsettling, but not as unsettling as her words that seemed plain wrong.
"No you don't,” the linguist exclaimed, utterly bewildered. "Fire is the one thing you don't like, that you're fearful of! Ever since Nixyce VII and the firestorm of the Dalek's initial attack!" The words burst out of her.
"Liv, did you do this?” The Doctor implored her, stepping closer. “Did someone make you?"
"Doctor, please, help me-" Liv desperately clawed at her mental prison, trying her best to reach her friends but they couldn’t be further away.
"Shhh,” the Red Lady shushed her sharply, growing increasingly more annoyed with her calls for help. Liv kept struggling, she had to do something. This could turn out to be her one and only chance to be reunited with her friends and she would not pass it up. Helen was there. She had to tell her that none of what she had been made to say to her was true. That it hadn’t been her choice to leave. That she felt about her exactly the same way. She had to make things right.
“Let me GO!” She sobbed, and felt a little give as a genuine sob broke from her throat.
“Quiet!” The Red Lady snarled, and a flash of pain ran through Liv’s skull, nearly enough to make her black out but not quite. No, the cruel entity was clearly eager for her to witness things in full.
"Doctor, did you see that?" Helen’s eyes widened. "That flash of red in her eyes and-"
"I did," the Doctor confirmed and even though Liv wasn’t sure what exactly she meant, she felt as though they were getting somewhere, particularly when his next question was much more direct: "So who do we have the pleasure of dealing with?"
That was when the Red Lady seemed content to drop the pretence.
"You're too late Doctor, always just that little bit too late,” she smirked and Liv felt the pain easing off a little, as though the Red Lady’s attention had left her and turned to the conversation. It was a small reprieve. “You got lucky the last time with the paintings and writings. I didn't have the same freedom as I do now."
"The Red Lady," Helen realised and Liv smiled to herself. She knew. She understood. Even if she was trapped like this forever, at least her friend now knew, and she drew comfort from it.
"When Caleera was torn to the time streams, fragments of her spread far and wide, some more powerful than others,” there was smugness to the Red Lady as she spoke with Liv’s voice. "Made sense that some might strike quite close to the event."
"Liv, can you hear me?" The Doctor looked straight into her eyes, searching them, almost as if he hoped to see her far beyond them.
"She can hear you just fine, Doctor,” she hummed in response. “But there is nothing she can do. I am in control and I will have my revenge on you," she flicked her eyes - Liv’s eyes - to Helen. "And I've already started."
"You let her go, you-" the linguist started but she interrupted her:
"There is nothing you can do. You're weak. I don't know what she ever saw in you. What I ever saw in you,” she corrected with a cruel smirk.
"Shut up!" Helen snapped with righteous anger and the Doctor reached for her shoulder in a reassuring squeeze.
"I told you, Helen, it wasn't Liv-"
"How would you know? How would any of you know where one ends and the other begins?” Liv laughed, only, it wasn’t Liv, that Helen now knew for a fact. Her heart was racing, raising for hope and determination, even as the Red Lady continued to abuse her best friend’s body and voice as she taunted them: “Liv Chenka is mine now and I won't let her go. I am her."
"No you're not!" Helen exclaimed, anger curling in her gut. They had to do something. Now that she knew that Liv hadn’t been herself when she had made the decision to walk away, everything started to make sense again. The universe was a dangerous place but there was hope too, hope that things would work out alright if they fought for them. And that she would.
"You believed me well enough before," Liv hummed, taking a step closer. "Did it hurt? I was only telling you what she was thinking, deep down, but never had the guts to-" She gave a cruel smile.
"You're lying! Liv would never-" Helen snapped passionately.
"You wouldn't know, would you,” she interrupted with a low laugh. “Has she ever given you indication she might return any of the feelings you so clumsily confessed to when you tried to stop her leaving?"
"I-" Colour flushed to the linguist’s face, her voice suddenly faltering. She was getting to her.
"Don't listen to her Helen,” Liv tried to call to her but the only words that crossed her lips belonged to the Red Lady.
"And why would she? There is nothing special about you. You're always the odd one out, the one with nothing to contribute, who's weak and-"
"Stop this now!" The Doctor roared as the linguist visibly shrunk into herself and Liv’s heart ached for her. She knew how hard her best friend always tried, how little faith she used to have in herself, how lonely she had been for the longest time. And Liv had tried to fill that gap, to build up her confidence, to make her feel the unconditional love she was more than worthy of but had never experienced.
"Helen knows it's true,” the Red Lady hummed. “And Liv knows it too. That's why she went back to Tania. She is the one she loves."
Helen was stunned into silence, a shadow drawing to her face that was suffocating.
"NO THAT'S NOT TRUE!” Liv bellowed. “I LOVE HELEN!"
"She will never love you,” the Red Lady continued cruelly, piling on the pressure on the linguist.
"YES I DO!” The med-tech shouted and that time, her voice reached her lips.
"What-” Helen was taken aback and the Doctor’s expression brightened.
"She's fighting her!" He realised and the linguist’s tried to reach for her.
"You can do this, Liv," the Time Lord insisted.
"You are wrong. She's mine,” the Red Lady snarled, in possession of the med-tech’s body once more, and that was when Helen reached the end of her tether. Liv didn’t belong to anyone. She was her own person, fiercely independent and free:
"YOU LET HER GO,” she bellowed, grabbing the med-tech’s arm and suddenly, there was a discharge of energy, like an electric shock. Helen snatched her hand back.
"Helen what-" Liv’s voice came through, compassionate and clear, only to be overwhelmed by the Red Lady who snapped: "No!"
“Helen, are you okay?” The Doctor asked and she didn’t know how to answer. It felt as though the energy was still with her, perhaps having jumped over in some way or…
“It tingles, Doctor, energy like…” She didn’t know how to describe it but oddly, she wasn’t scared of it. It didn’t feel dangerous… It felt liberating. And it seemed in that moment, the Doctor had the understanding that she lacked as an epiphany flashed in his eyes.
“That’s what it is, energy of the Sonomancer, you still have it too, you can use it to fight her!" He exclaimed, almost giddy and he turned back to Liv who had taken a step back, watching with apprehension.
“Let her go, Caleera!” Helen focused her attention on her. She didn’t have the first idea what the Doctor meant by her being able to fight her but that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t try. She was willing to try and do anything to bring her friend back.
“I am not Caleera, she was so weak in the end. I am the Red Lady,” Liv snarled in response.
“Liv, it’s going to be okay, we will figure this out,” the Doctor offered his reassurance to Helen who took another step forward.
“You won’t. She’s mine,” the possessed med-tech snapped angrily. “And she doesn’t want you. She’s never wanted you.” She glared at the linguist.
“Don’t listen, Helen. You know she’s wrong,” the Doctor warned her but the Red Lady continued:
“How would she? It’s not like they ever shared anything of consequence. Not even one kiss,” she mocked, the effect all the more cruel in Liv’s own voice.
“Shut up!” Helen snapped angrily.
“Liv never loved you, that’s why she went back to Tania,” she continued to taunt her but the linguist was stronger now, not a shred of doubt remaining. She would get her best friend back. She wouldn’t stop until she had.
“She went back because you made her,” the Time Lord jumped in. “Because you knew how much it would hurt her to-”
“She doesn’t care about either of you,” the Red Lady snarled.
“Liv, you have to fight her,” the Doctor insisted and Liv felt as though he could truly see her as he looked into her eyes. “I know you have been trying but you have to fight harder.”
“I can’t, Doctor, I can’t, don’t you think I’ve tried,” she sobbed, her reserves depleting. She was growing so tired and the Red Lady was relentless.
“She’s weak,” the terrifying entity snarled.
“Liv, you’ve been here before,” the Doctor continued without letting up. “The Orpheus. Randell Varand, remember? You showed him part of yourself, your fears, he wasn’t strong enough to handle that and you fought him off. She won’t be scared so easily but think Liv, think! What is the one thing she fears because she’s never had it, before-”
And in a flash, Liv understood. That was why the Red Lady had made her leave the TARDIS when really, she could have caused so much more havoc while travelling with the Doctor. Instead she had contented herself with 2021 Earth, a boring, uninspired choice in comparison to the rest of time and space. She wouldn’t have been able to keep this up with Helen there because the one thing the Red Lady - the one thing that Caleera - had always wanted and never had was true love. Padrac had cheated her of that, and seeing it realised in Liv’s feelings for Helen would have kept her at bay.
“Liv we’re not leaving you, we will fight her,” Helen insisted sharply, drawing her focus and as she looked at her, her heart and mind flooded with years worth of memory, of undeclared feelings and heartfelt hopes; of Liv’s wants, wishes and dreams that all involved the beautiful blonde in front of her. She was her anchor to the real world and she reached for her, her body following her instructions with ease.
“Helen-” She whispered and grasped her arm. There was another flash of energy, much brighter and more violent too, when the Red Lady broke free from Liv’s body.
Helen gasped in surprise, knocked over by the powerful discharge, and as she pushed herself up on her elbows she saw Liv, looking utterly stunned but immediately more alert. Her expression brightened with the realisation that she was free, but that didn’t mean the danger was over. In mid-air, made up of coiling, flickering energy, hung the shape of a woman in a flowing, red dress with fiery hair whipping around her head.
She gave an earth-shattering screech of anger, her attention and fury turning towards the linguist who tried to scramble to her feet, even as the energy advanced on her.
And suddenly, Liv was with her. Helen looked up to find her best friend stepping protectively in front of her.
“Liv…” she whispered but the med-tech just shook her head, they didn’t have time for this.
“Don’t you touch her!” She spat at the Red Lady. “You have no more power over any of us!”
“I can still kill you,” the shape snarled, her voice an unearthly grating sound and she advanced further.
And then, Liv said something that made the linguist’s heart soar, even as she was terrified for both their well-being.
"I love you, Helen,” she told her, as calmly as she could manage and it seemed as though she had to get her words out before it was too late. “I have always always loved you,” she insisted firmly. “And I would never leave you willingly. I couldn't. Unless it was the only way to protect you." At this, she squared her jaw, taking a step towards the terrifying shape.
"No, Liv!" Helen lunged for her arm, pulling her back from the confrontation she couldn’t win.
"You'll have to go through me if you want to get to her,” Liv snapped at the Red Lady.
"Suit yourself. You will both die!” She shouted and suddenly charged forward.
"NO!" Helen shouted and pulled Liv around, making her stumble enough to lose her balance and make her crash onto the floor with her, into the safety of her arms. And they really were safe as suddenly, they were engulfed by fiery energy as well.
"It's Caleera,” the Doctor exclaimed, thoroughly delighted, giving context to the two red shapes that stared each other down.
"I always longed for this kind of unconditional love…” Caleera hummed, her voice far more melodic than that of her cruel counterpart. “But it wasn't to be… now at least you can have it…" Helen felt a tingle on her skin, soft, lovely reassurance as she wrapped her arms tightly around Liv while the scarlet shape continued: "And I will make sure you are protected."
"No!" The other splinter of her screeched but it didn’t matter. Caleera surged forward, slamming into the other shape and there was a flash that blinded them all, knocking them once again as if it had been the force of an explosion.
"What just happened?" Liv whispered, stunned, once they all looked up.
"I think they destroyed each other…" The Doctor observed, looking around. "She wasn't all bad, Caleera… she protected you."
"Liv-" Helen didn’t have the capacity to dwell on what had just happened. There were more important things to do, more important questions to be answered. Liv seemed to feel exactly the same way as she met her eyes, grabbing tight hold of her hands as they knelt on the floor.
"Helen… I'm so so sorry, I didn't want to leave and the things she made me say,” she rushed to assure her. “None of them were true. You are the most wonderful person I know, you're so clever and strong and brave. You're my very best friend and-" and carried on but Helen interrupted her, there were things she had to say too.
"I meant it when I said I loved you. And that I should have told you sooner. Even if you don’t want to-" she stuttered but the med-tech’s expression became soft and vulnerable, interjecting gently.
"I want whatever you're willing to give,” she mumbled. “I love you."
"Really?" Helen breathed, not sure if she could believe her ears and Liv burst into a smile.
"I think it's time we left because the police have caught on that you set the fire,” the Doctor interrupted the lovely moment by rushing over to pull them to their feet. “Two of the most significant crimes against the National Museum and both my companions are responsible…" He dragged them with him to the TARDIS. "Off we go."
"And Tania? I'm sorry she got dragged into this…" Liv asked, concerned and looking a little guilty too.
"I'll explain to her later but for now-" The Doctor waved them inside, into safety.
"For now, let's carry on where we left off?" Helen asked as they remained by the door, watching as the Doctor bounded ahead to the console.
"Yes, let's…" Liv agreed and turned to her. “And I know exactly where we were going to go next…” She took her face in her hands and kissed her. Helen smiled against her lips, her heart doing somersaults in her chest. What else was there to say? This was the next, wonderful step, on the road they travelled together. The bump of 2021 London had only brought them closer.
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ceridwyn2 · 2 years
I think I’ve surpassed the threshold of knowing how many times I’ve listened to #DoomCoalition box sets. Likely same for #Ravenous. @bigfinishconfessions
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doctorkinktraveller · 2 years
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The 8th Doctor Adventures :
The Doomsday Coalition
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heimeldat · 1 year
So...what actually happened to the Sonomancer's power? Helen clearly still had the power during her time at Rykerzan, and the Doctor seemed to sense it in her, but then...it's just never mentioned again after she rejoins the TARDIS team? Did I miss some explanation of why she's no longer psychic?
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vullcanica · 1 year
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Assorted Daniel HCs: Sound/Music Edition
Has auditory-tactile synesthesia enhanced to preternatural levels by his superior senses. He can feel sound like a physical sensation. To him it can have texture, density and sometimes temperature. Certain noises can evoke the feel of various materials: velvet, sandpaper, glass, wood, metal, needles, etcetera. This also makes him easier to overwhelm in loud environments. Too much chaotic noise can bear down on him uncomfortably and lead to sensory overload.
Leading from that, voices sound far more unique to him than they would to a simple human. He's sensitive to their minute details, intonations, imperfections and moods. Some of them are distinct enough to remind him of specific sensations - a voice could be particularly grating, sensuous or comforting to him. But no matter what he'd unfailingly be able to identify it in a crowd. You could ask him what yours sounds like and he'd likely tell you... if it's flattering.
Danny's ability for perfect note-for-note recreation is only rivalled by his talent for producing only the eeriest fucking musical arrangements known to man, all of which convey visceral feelings of dread, danger and loneliness. Mournful choir starts page 1 line 7. Completely useless at conveying joy or calm - those emotions he keeps to himself and finds no need to express through music.
Feels actual genuine distress when he can't pinpoint an imperfection in a piece of music or sound. There is something wrong and he feels it like an itch on his skin he's unable to scratch. He can and has driven himself mad over it. Like listening to the disembodied, maddening unrhythmic tap-tap-taptap of water or the scrape of a fork against porcelain, it's the type of noise that annoys him to the point of long-term unrest. It's why he makes a phenomenal performer, a painfully meticulous conductor and a horribly picky, self-dictatorial composer.
He's also a terribly prissy bitch about the most inconsequential pet peeves. Can handle hell and high water in the grand scheme of things, but when it comes to little comforts you cannot expect him to grit his teeth unnecessarily. If you have an annoying voice he would simply never talk to you again. His true colors really shine the moment he is forced to tolerate something completely harmless and mildly annoying. Sounds especially. Open-mouth chewers are a scourge sent by the devil. And the scrape of cutlery against plates? a personal curse to test his mortal soul and willpower.
You can always comfortably assume his mood based on what music he's playing. It's his most frequent manner of self-expression and an outlet for his emotions so he can look perfectly fine, but if he's playing Rachmaninoff it's bad.
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pre1ude · 1 year
Daniel has always been a quiet person by nature. Firstly, on the verbal side of things. In no verse is this lad in a hurry to say his first words and that turns out to be a trend in life. Tends to speak mostly when spoken to unless in comfortable company, often happiest in smaller crowds. Soft voice, rarely raised, sprawling pauses. Secondly, his personality isn't loud either, even if you remove the anxiety he's still a discreet, private man unlikely to draw attention to himself without reason.
Limelights and grandeur aren't his idea of a good time. That or danger and high-speed living of any kind. Give him calm, safety, peace and watch him thrive. Give him silence, even. Conversation is so often turned into a social requisite that he's begun associating his silence with rudeness. When he achieves the level of calm necessary for him to simply exist in someone's presence without the necessity for words, it means he trusts them explicitly.
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i haven't been enjoying the new(ish) EDA (or is it not called that anymore? i can't with all the designations) much and i'm not a big fan of grand overarching plots, but Doom Coalition has a few good stories. also, Eight + Liv + Helen are one of the best TARDIS teams
Beachhead was good. so was The Sonomancer - very lively, well, i always enjoy anything featuring River Song because Alex Kingston is *chef's kiss* even when she's only a voice
oh, and i loved Absent Friends - that's where i stopped today. that ending.
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is the greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
Everything has been split into groups of 32 that I think are of similar levels of notoritiy, but likely not popularity. Seeding within the groups decides the matches. At the end of the round groups are paired up and mashed together to do it all again.
What that means right now is the order the matches below are listed in has no baring on what they'll be against in the next round
There will be 16 matches a day with Fridays off
Lastly, you can still submit propaganda for posts here
Day 16
The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did vs Alien Avatar
The Last Oak Tree vs Dead Man Walking
Black Hunger vs Dream-Eaters
From Out of the Rain vs Detained
A Day in the Death vs Nightvisiting
Fragments vs Taphony of the Time Loop
Lost Library of Ukko vs The Custodians
Sirens of Ceres vs Children of Earth
K9 and Company vs Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
Mutant Copper vs Reset
For Tonight We Might Die vs The Lost
Miracle Day vs The Cambridge Spy
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/Last Precinct/Hound of the Korven/Eclipse of the Korven vs Fear Itself
Exit Wounds vs Something Borrowed
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart vs Oroborus
The Fall of the House of Gryffen vs The Curse of Anubis
previous and future days under the cut - unfortunately i've had to get rid of the links because there were too many and the post broke, however they are all tagged #round 2
Day 1
The Mind Robber vs Galaxy 4
The Moonbase vs The Daleks' Master Plan
The Evil of the Daleks vs The Space Museum
The Gunfighters vs The Macra Terror
The Dalek Invasion of Earth vs The Celestial Toymaker
The Reign of Terror vs The Daleks
The Rescue vs The Ice Warriors TIE
The Ark vs the Romans
The Tenth Planet vs The Web Planet
An Unearthly Child vs The War Machines
The Invsion vs The Keys of Marinus
The Underwater Menace vs The Aztecs
The Edge of Destruction vs The Massacre
The Sensorites vs The Seeds of Death
The Chase vs Marco Polo
Planet of Giants vs The Time Meddler
Day 2
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Love and Monsters
Human Nature/The Family of Blood vs The End of the World
The Waters of Mars vs The End of Time
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit vs Fires of Pompeii
Blink vs The Unquiet Dead
Boom Town vs Utopia
Army of Ghosts/Doomsday vs Father's Day
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks vs Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Dalek vs New Earth
Rose vs Planet of the Ood
The Runaway Bride vs The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
The Girl in the Fireplace vs Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Partners in Crime vs The Christmas Invasion
School Reunion vs The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
The Unicorn and the Wasp vs The Sound of Drums/Last of Time Lords
Tooth and Claw vs Midnight
Day 3
A Death in the Family vs The Eleven
Ship in a Bottle vs Blood of the Daleks
Albie's Angels vs Phobos
No More Lies vs UNIT Dating
Horror of Glam Rock vs Companion Piece
The Grey Man in the Mountain vs The Love Vampires
Human Resources vs The Widow's Assassin
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story vs The Side of the Angels
Day of the Master vs The Crucible of Souls
1963: The Assassination Games vs The Red Lady
Stranded vs The Sonomancer TIE
The Doomsday Chronometer vs The Silver Turk
Absent Friends vs The Eighth Piece
Paradox of the Daleks vs Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Inside Every Warrior vs Robophobia
Stop the Clock vs To the Death
Day 4
The War Games vs The Abominable Snowmen
The Sea Devils vs The Time Warrior
The Time Monster vs Fury from the Deep
The Tomb of the Cybermen vs Terror of the Autons
The Three Doctors vs The Ambassadors of Death
The Highlanders vs The Power of the Daleks
Doctor Who and the Silurians vs Carnival of Monsters
The Faceless Ones vs The Daemons
The Enemy of the World vs The Monster of Peladon
The Mind of Evil vs Frontier in Space TIE
The Claws of Axos vs Inferno
Spearhead from Space vs The Ark in Space TIE
The Horns of Nimon vs The Seeds of Doom
Planet of the Spiders vs The Web of Fear
Colony in Space vs The Green Death
Invasion of the Dinosaurs vs The Curse of Peladon
Day 5
Vincent and the Doctor vs Closing Time
The Snowmen vs The Beast Below
The Doctor's Daughter vs The Rings of Akhaten
Vampires of Venice vs The Doctor's Wife
Gridlock vs A Town Called Mercy
The Wedding of River Song vs Amy's Choice
The Girl Who Waited vs Time of the Doctor
Hide vs Smith and Jones
The Eleventh Hour vs Curse of the Black Spot
A Christmas Carol vs The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
A Good Man Goes to War vs Name of the Doctor
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship vs The God Complex
Day of the Doctor vs Asylum of the Daleks
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood vs The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel vs 42
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS vs Turn Left
Day 6
The Lumiat vs A Spoonful of Masters
Nightshade vs Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Solitaire vs Paradise 5
Serenity vs The Last Post
No Place vs The Hollow King
Warfare vs Square One
The Cars that Ate London! vs Out of Time
Iterations of I vs A Full Life
I am the Master vs Forever Fallen
The Creeping Death vs Expiry Dating
Peshka vs The Forgotten Village
First Days of Phaidon vs The Scorchies
Gallifrey IV vs The Queen of Time
Wink vs Death and the Queen
Too Many Masters vs Peri and the Piscon Paradox
The Concrete Cage vs The Fifth Citadel
Day 7
City of Death vs The Creature From the Pit
The Key to Time vs The Ribos Operation
The Keeper of Traken vs The Masque of Mandragora
Image of the Fendahl vs The Brain of Morbius
The Horror of Fang Rock vs The Armageddon Factor
Terror of the Zygons vs Mawdryn Undead
The Sunmakers vs The Androids of Tara
The Sontaran Experiment vs The Pirate Planet
Genesis of the Daleks vs Destiny of the Daleks
Warriors' Gate vs The Invasion of Time
The Stones of Blood vs The Hand of Fear
The Leisure Hive vs State of Decay
Logopolis vs Robot
Full Circle vs The Face of Evil
The Deadly Assassin vs Pyramids of Mars
Meglos vs The Robots of Death
Day 8
Heaven Sent vs Cold War
Under the Lake/Before the Flood vs The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion
Flatline vs The Return of Doctor Mysterio
The Angels Take Manhattan vs Dark Water/Death in Heaven
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar vs Empress of Mars
Smile vs Extremis
Hell Bent vs Knock Knock
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People vs The Husbands of River Song
Mummy on the Orient Express vs The Power of Three
Twice Upon a Time vs Listen
Face the Raven vs The Eaters of Light
Robot of Sherwood vs The Pilot
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang vs The Girl Who Died
The Pyramid at the End of the World vs Oxygen
Time Heist vs Deep Breath
The Lodger vs World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Day 9
The Bekdel Test vs The Blood Cell
Human Nature vs Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
The Book of the War vs The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street vs The Stranger
Mad Dogs and Englishmen vs The Crooked World
Anachrophobia vs Alien Bodies
Harvest of Time vs Interference
The Blue Angel vs Vampire Science
Lungbarrow vs The Turing Test
Oh No It Isn't vs The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
Living Legend vs The Gallifrey Chronicles
Engines of War vs The Year of Intelligent Tigers
Scratchman vs The Scarlet Empress
Psychodrome vs Camera Obscura
This Town Will Never Let Us Go vs Unnatural History
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 vs A Photograph to Remember
Day 10
The Caves of Androzani vs Warriors of the Deep
Revelation of the Daleks vs Paradise Towers
Snakedance vs The Mysterious Planet
The Visitation vs Ghost Light
Survival vs The King's Demons
Black Orchid vs Battlefield
Planet of Fire vs Frontios
Attack of the Cybermen vs Enlightenment
The Curse of Fenric vs Mindwarp
Terror of the Vervoids vs The Mark of the Rani
Kinda vs Trial of a Time Lord
The Two Doctors vs Earthshock
The Five Doctors vs The Ultimate Foe
Terminus vs Vengeance on Varos
Castrovalva vs Ressurection of the Daleks
Delta and the Bannermen vs Remembrance of the Daleks
Day 11
Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane? vs Kerblam!
Flux vs The Caretaker
Eve of the Daleks vs Revolution of the Daleks
Praxeus vs Last Christmas
Village of the Angels vs Revenge of the Slitheen
The Ghost Monument vs War of the Sontarans
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror vs Resolution
The Tsuranga Conundrum vs The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Demons of the Punjab vs Eye of the Gorgon
The Halloween Apocalypse vs Rosa
The Woman Who Fell to Earth vs Once, Upon TIme
Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children vs Spyfall
The Power of the Doctor vs Can You Hear Me?
Invasion of the Bane vs Fugitive of the Judoon
It Takes You Away vs The Witchfinders
Arachnids in the UK vs Thin Ice
Day 12
Downtime vs Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor
Dalek Weetabix advert vs The Fallen
Divided Loyalties vs The Land of Happy Endings
Summoned by Shadows vs Space in Dimension Relative and Time
More than a Messiah vs Step Into the 80s/On Through the 80s
Famine Appeal vs The Devil of Winerborne
Unnatural Selection vs Lepidometry for Beginners
Ground Zero vs Merry Christmas Doctor Who
The Zero Imperative vs When to Die
Fear Itself vs 12 Doctors, 12 Stories
Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough vs The Room With All the Doors
The Terror Game vs Eye of the Beholder
Old Friends vs In Memory Alone
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advert vs Nothing at the End of the Lane
Something Borrowed vs The Flood
The World Shapers vs The Star Beast
Day 13
The Chimes of Midnight vs Minuet in Hell
The Holy Terror vs Spare Parts
The Happiness Patrol vs The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
Dragonfire vs The Company of Friends: Fitz's Story
Doctor Who and the Pirates vs Singularity
The Condemned vs The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
The Girl Who Never Was vs Neverland
Other Lives vs Caerdroia
Scherzo vs The Company of Friends: Mary's Story
Jubilee vs The TV Movie
The Harvest vs Seasons of Fear
Terror Firma vs Storm Warning
Zagreus vs Arrangements of War
Master vs The Natural History of Fear
The Marian Conspiracy vs The Apocalyse Element
Loups-Garoux vs The Kingmaker
Day 14
Death of the Doctor vs The Gift
Lost in Time vs The Mark of the Berserker
Small Worlds vs Secrets of the Stars
Sleeper vs Everything Changes
Countrycide vs To the Last Man
They Keep Killing Suzie vs Out of Time
Cyberwoman vs The Nightmare Man
Combat vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith vs The Empty Planet
Random Shoes vs Adam
Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith vs The Mad Woman in the Attic
Prisoner of the Judoon vs Ghost Machine
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs The Lost Boy
The Last Sontaran vs Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Sky vs The Day of the Clown
Mona Lisa's Revenge vs Captain Jack Harkness
Day 15
Time Crash vs Tardisodes
Dreamland vs Dr Who and the Daleks
Shada (webcast with 8) vs The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
Ronald Rat Continuity Announcement vs Pond Life
P.S. vs The Shrink
The Daleks' Invasion of Earth 2150AD vs Doctorin' the TARDIS
Farewell, Sarah-Jane vs The Infinite Quest
Shada (1992 version with linking narration) vs An Adventure in Space and Time
Night of the Doctor vs The Doctor's Meditiation
Real Time vs Dimensions in Time
Clara and the TARDIS vs The Great Detective
Rain Gods vs Scream of the Shalka
Doctor in Distress vs Space Time
Night and the Doctor vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
Shada (2017 animated reconstruction) vs Born Again
Search Out Space vs The Curse of Fatal Death
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drwho-shipbracket · 1 year
Initial Brackets!
[ID: All images in this post are brackets of the pairings listed below]
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Bracket A Pairings:
Doctor/Corsair vs Caleera/Padrac
Donna Noble/Rose Tyler vs Valeyard/Vansell
Six/Peri Brown vs Rose Tyler/Raffalo
Rose Tyler/Gwenyth vs Six/Charley Pollard
Doctor/The Eleven vs The Eleven/Miskavel
Rose Tyler/Ianto Jones vs Valeyard/Master
Valeyard/Matrix vs Donna Noble/Stacey Campbell (Partners in Crime)
The Eleven/Helen Sinclair vs Doctor/Romana
Doctor/River Song/Rose Tyler vs Abby McPhail/Cleo Proctor/Shawna Thompson
Donna Noble/Lee McAvoy vs Valeyard/Death
Six/Hebe Harrison vs Rose Tyler/Toshiko Sato
The Eleven/Kandyman vs Seven/Ace McShane
Seven/Beevers!Master vs Rose Tyler/the TARDIS
Rose Tyler/Erisa Magambo vs Six/Mel Bush
Valeyard/Inspector Darkel vs Donna Noble/Rose Tyler/Martha Jones
Mel Bush/Ace McShane vs Doctor/Doctor
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Bracket B Pairings:
Thirteen/Ada Lovelace vs Caleera | The Sonomancer/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair
Thirteen/Rose Tyler vs Thirteen/River Song
Thirteen/Jamie McCrimmon vs Thirteen/Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler
Thirteen/Yasmin Khan/River Song vs Thirteen/Jack Harkness
Thirteen/Clara Oswald vs Ryan Sinclair/Sonya Khan
Thirteen/Nikola Tesla vs Thirteen/Astos
Thirteen/Missy!Master vs Thirteen/Ace McShane
Ryan Sinclair/Trixabelle vs Thirteen/Claire Brown
Thirteen/Lord Byron vs Leela/Romana II
Thirteen/Solitract vs Thirteen/Mels Zucker
Thirteen/Swarm vs Thirteen/Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler
Ryan Sinclair/Yasmin Khan vs Thirteen/Delgado!Master
Thirteen/Kate Stewart vs Ryan Sinclair/Tibo
Thirteen/Missy!Master/Rose Tyler vs Thirteen/Lumiat
Thirteen/Martha Jones vs Thirteen/Simm!Master
Leela/Vega vs Thirteen/Bill Potts
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Bracket C Pairings:
Twelve/Nardole vs River Song/Martha Jones/Rose Tyler
Five/Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken vs Five/Tegan Jovanka
Twelve/Jack Harkness vs River Song/Liv Chenka
River Song/Martha Jones vs Twelve/Simm! Master
Twelve/Missy!Master/Simm!Master vs River Song/Jack Harkness
River Song/Clara Oswald vs Twelve/Rose Tyler
Twelve/River Song/Jack Harkness vs Four/Sarah Jane Smith
River Song/Jenny Flint vs Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song/Clara Oswald
Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song vs River Song/Madame Vastra
Four/Romana vs Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song/Rose Tyler
Twelve/Psi vs River Song/Kate Stewart
River Song/Toshiko Sato vs Twelve/Mels Zucker
Twelve/Dhawan!Master vs River Song/Rose Tyler
River Song/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair vs Twelve/Robin Hood
Five/Ainley!Master vs Four/Ainley!Master
River Song/Christina de Souza vs Twelve/Missy!Master/Clara Oswald
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Bracket D Pairings:
Eleven/Amy Pond vs Craig Owens/Sophie
Missy!Master/Helen Sinclair vs Theta Sigma/Koschei (Academy Era)
Eleven/Handles vs Missy!Master/Petronella Osgood
Missy!Master/Martha Jones vs Eleven/Rosanna Calvierri
Eleven/Rory Williams vs Irving Braxiatel/Leela/Narvin/Romana
Master/Master vs Three/Jo Grant
Two/Jamie McCrimmon vs Missy!Master/Liv Chenka
Inquisitor Darkel/Pandora vs Eleven/Dhawan!Master
Eleven/Craig Owens vs Graham O’Brien/Dhawan!Master
Missy!Master/Kate Stewart vs One/Ian Chesterton/Barbara Wright
Three/Delgado!Master vs Missy!Master/Nardole
Missy!Master/Rose Tyler vs Eleven/Rose Tyler
Eleven/Lorna Bucket vs Missy!Master/Donna Noble
Missy!Master/River Song vs Three/Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Theta Sigma/Vansell vs Simm!Master/John Hart
Graham O’Brien/Grace O’Brien vs Eleven/Amy Pond/Rory Williams
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Bracket E Pairings:
Ten/Clara Oswald vs Prem/Umbreem (Demons of the Punjab)
Yasmin Khan/Gat vs Ruth!Doctor/Yasmin Khan
Ten/Jackson Lake vs Bel/Inston-Vee Vinder
Alison Cheney/Bill Potts vs Ten/Jacobi!Master
Ten/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness vs Ashildr/Orson Pink
Yasmin Khan/Martha Jones vs Ruth!Doctor/Lee Clayton
Ruth!Doctor/River Song vs Yasmin Khan/Clara Oswald
Heather/Bill Potts vs Ten/River Song
Ten/Missy!Master vs Jo Grant/Sarah Jane Smith
Yasmin Khan/Sally Sparrow vs Ruth!Doctor/Rose Tyler
Ruth!Doctor/Gat vs Rachel Jensen/Allison Williams
Alice O’Donell/Mason Bennet (Under the Lake) vs Ten/Simm!Master/Rose Tyler
Ten/Vislor Turlough vs Alice Cassini/May Cassini
Barbara Wright/Ian Chesterton vs Ruth!Doctor/Dhawan!Master
Ruth!Doctor/Lee Clayton/River Song vs Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler
Jo Grant/Liv Shaw vs Ten/Donna Noble
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Bracket F Pairings:
Nine/Missy!Master vs Livia/Romana
Martha Jones/Riley Vashtree vs Martha Jones/Tom Milligan
Bill Potts/Yasmin Khan vs Lucy Fletcher/Grant Gordon (The Return of Doctor Mysterio)
Sarah/Nick (Eve of the Daleks) vs Bill Potts/Rose Tyler
Nine/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness/Mickey Smith vs Tania Bell/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair
Martha Jones/The Hath (The Doctor’s Daughter) vs Martha Jones/Donna Noble
Martha Jones/Clara Oswald vs Martha Jones/Bill Potts
Tim Lunn/Cass (Under the Lake) vs Nine/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Nine/Rose Tyler/Mickey Smith vs Liv Chenka/Molly O’Sullivan
Martha Jones/Chantho vs Martha Jones/Rose Tyler
Bill Potts/The TARDIS vs Martha Jones/Mels Zucker
Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair vs Shalka!Doctor/Shalka!Master
War!Doctor/War!Master vs Ivan/Ellie (Oxygen)
Elton Pope/Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters) vs Bill Potts/Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Martha Jones/Verity Newman vs Martha Jones/Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Tania Bell/Liv Chenka vs Nine/River Song
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Bracket G Pairings:
Eight/Charley Pollard vs The Master/The Eleven
Jack Simmonds/Mickey Smith vs Jack Harkness/Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Ace McShane/Tegan Jovanka vs Nardole/Narvin
Nardole/Ramone vs Eight/Roberts!Master
Eight/Jack Harkness vs Sally Sparrow/Billy Shipton
Mel Bush/Hebe Harrison vs Jack Harkness/Lord Byron
Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler vs Ace McShane/Kate Stewart
Sally Sparrow/Larry Nightingale vs Eight/Grace Holloway
Eight/Fitz Kreiner vs Saibra/Psi (Time Heist)
Ace McShane/Yasmin Khan vs Jack Harkness/Martha Jones
Jack Harkness/Graham O’Brien vs Mike Yates/BOSS
Olistra/Veklin vs Eight/Jacobi!Master
Eight/River Song vs Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken
Marco Poly/Susan Foreman vs Ace McShane/Graham O’Brien
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones/Rose Tyler vs Jack Harkness/Ashildr
Rigsy/Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart vs Eight/Dhawan!Master
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Bracket H Pairings:
Clara Oswald/Ashildr vs Fourteen/Jack Harkness
Kate Stewart/Sarah Jane Smith vs Kate Stewart/Petronella Osgood
Clara Oswald/Mels Zucker vs Dhawan!Master/Yasmin Khan
Missy!Master/Clara Oswald vs Clara Oswald/Rigsy
Clara Oswald/Madame Vastra/Jenny Flint vs Gwen Cooper/Jack Harkness/Owen Harper/Ianto Jones/Toshiko Sato
Vansell/Sentris vs Dan Lewis/Karvanista
Dan Lewis/Diane vs Vansell/Narvin
Fourteen/Dan Lewis vs Clara Oswald/Rose Tyler
Clara Oswald/Jane Austen vs Fourteen/Rose Tyler
John Benton/Mike Yates vs Dan Lewis/Sarah Jane Smith
Dan Lewis/Graham O’Brien/Grace O’Brien vs Helen Sinclair/Jean (The Love Vampires)
Owen Harper/Norton Folgate vs Clara Oswald/Psi
Clara Oswald/Saibra vs Rani Chandra/Clyde Langer
Master/Alison Cheney vs Dan Lewis/Graham O’Brien
Kate Stewart/Jacqui McGee vs Romana/Vansell
Tenteen/Rose Tyler vs Clara Oswald/Clara Oswald
I hope you all enjoy!!
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carbondated · 9 months
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❝ Boredom can be a problem, but I’ve taken it as an opportunity rather than a drawback, and thrown myself into archaeological research. Long distance, of course, but with even with the obsolete holographic technology they have at Stormcage (so archaic it almost counts as an archaeological project in its own right) it’s honestly almost like being on site watching the work being done. ❞ ( PROSE: River of Time )
While Mels Zucker had had a deep appreciation for History ( though not for her history teacher ) it wasn´t until her third regeneration into River Song that she considered a career in Archaeology. It appealed to her for many reasons, she had a natural instinct to investigate, but in a more symbolic way she also felt that in her heart that she was lacking roots, history of her own.
Once she left the sister´s of the infinite schism ( TV: LKH ) River sought out the prestigious Luna University and despite not meeting the entry requirements she managed to impress the head of the Classics & Antiquities Department into allowing her to study. Though initially very fond of her, Professor Artrem Candy would soon come to regret taking her under his wing. Candy, who had previously worked alongside Professor Bernice Summerfield, harboured a very negative attitude towards the Doctor, something that came up frequently in his lectures. As a result he & River frequently clashed over this. She also had a very well balanced social and academic life at Luna, something that irked her fellow student Jemima Still. ( AUDIO: Time in a Bottle ) Jemima was incredibly jealous of River´s popularity amongst peers and lecturers alike and often quarrelled with her. Despite these obstacles, River excelled at her studies in all other aspects.
By the time she had completed her undergraduate she had developed an interest in a relatively new branch of study, Primordial Archaeology, the study of societies that began before time, or just after the big bang. To her annoyance, her rival, Jemima Still also chose to pursue higher studies in the same subject. Both River and Jemima got along fairly well with their Professor Kuyili Acharya, who would pass away while on an expedition approximately 8 years after they both graduated.
During this time, River had been kidnapped once more by the silence, ´murdered´ the Doctor and been incarcerated in the StormCage Containment Facility after a very quick, very private trial. She published several hundred papers during this time and a handful of books, and though Storm Cage would later deny it, attended several digs and headed expeditions during this time. In a career where some took their entire life to accomplish what she had, River was the natural choice to succeed her old Professor and had in fact given several guest lectures at Luna through the years. But Artrem Candy remained the head of the department, and his opinions of her had not swayed over. To River´s utter disappointment, her old rival Jemima Still was offered the position instead, though upon meeting up with Jemima again later, she would feign indifference to the appointment.
All was not lost, she would soon have tenure at the Sorbonne in the 31st Century instead, where she stayed for many years in many different timelines. ( AUDIO: The Sonomancer. ) Her tenure here is one marked with controversy, while her work on the ruins of Razbahan ( TV: TOA ) was largely applauded, citing the rapid expansion of Razbahan from several small chieftains to a vast city state in under 20 years and it´s subsequent brutal fall, as the work of the weeping Angels, her theories on the Liperian system and the involvement of the Discordia ( AUDIO: TDORS VOL 4 ) was met with immense scrutiny. Particularly so because both her old rival Jemima and Jemima´s husband Melak mysteriously vanished during an expedition that she was known to be part of. Whispers followed her, questioning her mysterious murder trial. Some were convinced she´d murdered the Stills as well. Despite this, she was finally offered Jemima´s old position at Luna, though she would later find out the appointment had been ´gently suggested´ by the college board as her presence generated unusually high interest for the department. Unbeknown to many, the adventure with the Discordia had left her deeply scarred, she refused to take on research assistants that weren´t robots for a very long time afterwards.
The faculty on the other hand, she took less than no time to befriend and work closely alongside. she was particularly fond of Maritime Archaeology expert Dr Michael Themba and Paleoethnobotanist Annie-Lee Belrose with whom she worked closely with on a shared expedition into the sunken remains of a primordial alien spacecraft that had crashed in Kilwa, Earth in the 9th Century.
Occasionally she was known to branch out of her own discipline, if the circumstances called for it ( the Ruby´s Curse, Anteria XVI Cordobane, ect )
After a time the rumours that had plagued her before died down. When Artrem Candy ( or his clone? there were rumours ) passed away, she was thoroughly surprised to find that she had been his choice to succeed him as the head of the department.
Under her direction the Department of Classics & Antiquities flourished, at least up until Manhattan happened. The loss of her parents took more or a toll on her than she let and her grief began to effect her work, she became increasingly erratic, frequently didn´t turn up to her own lectures, clashed with the board and other lecturers on campus. Eventually, she realised she needed time away and left on sabbatical, roaming the universe for a time aimlessly before settling in early 20th Century Earth to write.
Unfortunately, she ended up entangled with the self proclaimed rulers of the universe ( AUDIO: TDORS VOL 1. ) She emerged, shaken further by the events of that adventure, but her published work on the Sporeships would be all anyone could talk about. Always one to bounce back from an ordeal, River quickly took advantage of her fame, she would head a large number of expeditions in the following years. Unfortunately, the last one to the Library would cost her her life.
But not everything ends. Not always.As River Allegro, she only further cemented her place as one of the greatest Archaeological minds the universe had seen, her reign as the Head of department saw the development of new surveying and dig technology using nanobots, which she introduced into the early 25th century. Her book on the interconnections between Primordial Civilisations also proved to be a hit, though controversial amongst some of older colleagues who were loathe to such a fresh take. She stayed at Luna for some time, but sadly that too started to take it´s toll, her colleagues did not have the same augmented lifespan as she and one by one they passed away around her. She would eventually give up her place and leave Luna, working as a guest lecturer in between digs instead.
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riversofmars · 2 years
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ceridwyn2 · 2 years
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lucascecil · 1 year
Eighth Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV Stories
◆ Doctor Who (the Movie)
◆ Night of the Doctor
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Audio Adventures
- Main Range
◆ The Company of Friends
◆ The Silver Turk
◆ The Witch from the Well
◆ Army of Death
◆ Storm Warning - ★★★★☆
I still like Storm Warning a lot. This is not a story that will leave you breathless, but is so efficient in reintroducting the Eighth Doctor and telling you what to expect from him going foward. It also characterizes both him and Charley so well. The R101 tragedy hooks you in the narrative from the get go and give you hope even if you know there is no changing history - which sets the perfect tone for Charley’s first story arc.
She would’ve died. The Doctor saved her life, even if he should not. It’s an announced tragedy just like the R101, since the beginning. A world of adventure waiting for you, bound to break your heart.
Complete review: here.
◆ Sword of Orion - ★★★☆☆
Sword of Orion is a story with many flaws and I can’t say it isn’t; it’s a bit too long for it’s own good and that messes completly with the rhythm of what could’ve been a tense story. I understand if you listen to this and is just bored. However, there is something here that I like a lot. It’s a story I have fun with, with characters I like and a consistent dynamic for the TARDIS crew… and Deeva, that I like so much even three years later I hadn’t forgotten her name. And I am terrible with names.
Complete review: here.
◆ The Stones of Venice - ★★★★★
A incredible story built upon its characters - including the city itself. It’s a narrative that is vivid in my imagination like few others, I can visualize it perfectly in my head - and it’s all beautiful, magical. Practically a fairy tale with a hint of a soap opera, the Doctor and Charley emerge as even stronger characters than they were before. It is also one of the releases that most captures the magic of Eighth’s early years at Big Finish, that wonder for the world and an uncontrollable romantic spirit. I used to give it four stars because I thought that how much I loved this story blinded me to some of its flaws. Now, listening again, not really. I love The Stones of Venice and it’s deserved.
Complete review: here.
◆ Minuet in Hell
◆ Invaders from Mars
◆ The Chimes from Midnight
◆ Seasons of Fear
◆ Embrace the Darkness
◆ The Time of the Daleks
◆ Neveland
◆ Zagreus
◆ Scherzo
◆ The Creed of the Kromon
◆ The Natural History of Fear
◆ The Twilight Kingdom
◆ Faith Stealer
◆ The Last
◆ Caerdroia
◆ The Next Life
◆ Terror Firma
◆ Scaredy Cat
◆ Other Lives
◆ Time Works
◆ Something Inside
◆ Memory Lane
◆ Absolution
◆ The Girl Who Never Was
◆ The End of the Beginning
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- 8th Doctor Adventures
◆ Living Legend
◆ The Mummy Speaks!
◆ Eclipse
◆ The Slaying of the Writhing Mass
◆ Heart of Orion
◆ Blood of the Daleks
◆ Horror of Glam Rock
◆ Immortal Beloved
◆ Phobos
◆ No More Lies
◆ Human Resources
◆ The Dalek Trap
◆ The Revolution Game
◆ The House on the Edge of Chaos
◆ Island of the Fendahl
◆ Dead London
◆ Max Warp
◆ Brave New Town
◆ The Skull of Sobek
◆ Grand Theft Cosmos
◆ Sisters of the Flame/The Vengeance of Morbius
◆ Orbis
◆ Hothouse
◆ The Beast of Orlok
◆ Wirnn Dawn
◆ The Scapegoat
◆ The Cannibalists
◆ The Eight Truths/Worldwide Web
◆ Death in Blackpool
◆ An Unearthly Child
◆ Situation Vacant
◆ Nevermore
◆ The Book of Kelis
◆ Deimos/The Resurrection of Mars
◆ Relative Dimensions
◆ Prisoner of the Sun
◆ Lucie Miller/To the Death
◆ The Great War
◆ Fugitives
◆ Tangled Web
◆ X and the Daleks
◆ The Traitor
◆ The White Room
◆ Time’s Horizon
◆ Eyes of the Master
◆ The Death of Hope
◆ The Reviled
◆ Masterplan
◆ Rule of the Eminence
◆ A Life in the Day
◆ The Monster of Montmartre
◆ Master of the Daleks/Eye of Darkness
◆ The Eleven
◆ The Red Lady
◆ The Galileo Trap
◆ The Satanic Mill
◆ Beachhead
◆ Scenes from Her Life
◆ The Gift
◆ The Sonomancer
◆ Absent Friends
◆ The Eighth Piece/The Doomsday Chronometer
◆ The Crucible of Souls
◆ Ship in a Bottle
◆ Songs of Love
◆ The Side of the Angels
◆ Stop the Clock!
◆ Their Finest Hour
◆ How to Make a Killing in Time Travel
◆ World of Damnation/Sweet Salvation
◆ Escape from Kaldor
◆ Better Watch Out/The Fairytale of Salzburg
◆ Seizure
◆ Deeptime Frontier
◆ Companion Piece
◆ L.E.G.E.N.D.
◆ The Odds Againts
◆ Whisper
◆ Planet of Dust
◆ Day of the Master
◆ Lost Property
◆ Wild Animals
◆ Must-See TV
◆ Divine Intervention
◆ Dead Time
◆ UNIT Dating
◆ Baker Street Irregulars
◆ The Long Way Round
◆ Patience
◆ Twister Folklore
◆ Snow
◆ What Just Happened?
◆ Crossed Lines
◆ Get Andy
◆ The Keys of Baker Street
◆ Best Year Ever
◆ Paradox of the Daleks
◆ The Dalby Spook
◆ Here Lies Drax
◆ The Love Vampires
◆ Albie’s Angels
◆ The Starship of Theses
◆ Echoes of War
◆ The Conscript
◆ One Life
◆ The Lords of Terror
◆ Planet of the Ogrons
◆ In the Garden of Death
◆ Jonah
◆ State of Bliss
◆ The Famished Lands
◆ Fugitive in Time
◆ The War Valeyard
◆ Palindrome
◆ Dreadshade
◆ Restoration of the Daleks
◆ Meanwhil, Elsewhere
◆ Vespertine
◆ Previously, Next Time
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- Classic Doctors, New Monsters & Peladon
◆ The Sontaran Ordeal
◆ Day of the Vashta Nerada
◆ If I Should Die Before I Wake
◆ The Truth of Peladon
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- The Companion Chronicles
◆ Solitaire
- Short Trips
◆ The Turn of the Screw
◆ Tuesday
◆ Quantum Heresy
◆ Letting Go
◆ The Man Who Wasn’t There
◆ Hall of the Ten Thousand
◆ Foreshadowing
◆ Flashpoint
◆ The Young Lions
◆ The Caves of Erith
◆ Late Night Shopping
◆ The Curse of the Fugue
◆ All the Fun of the Fair
◆ The World Beyond the Trees
◆ An Ocean of Sawdust
◆ Museum Peace
◆ A Heart on Both Sides
◆ Death Will Not Part Us
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◆ The Eight Doctors - ☆☆☆☆☆
The Eight Doctors was terrible. I do understand its intention of introducing the series to a new audience by going back to key moments (kinda), but it wasn’t specially well written and I don’t like how much Eight interfere with his own past - it takes agency away from past incarnations and I really - really! - don’t like that. Six and Seven parts were fine, but the way to get there was tortuous. The Sam scenes were what interested me most.
◆ Vampire Science - ★★★★☆
Then we have Vampire Science, a much better book and a much better introduction to the range. It’s fun and has a lot of great characters that really make you invested. It nails Eight’s characterization and gives Sam an internal conflict that I found interesting. There were some really good dialogues - Eight was great with Joanna, and I found Kramer dynamic with Sam nice too.
◆ The Bodysnatchers - ★★★☆☆
The resolution to the main problem in London is simple, but was established really early in the novel, so it works. It’s a nice conclusion to a book that I enjoyed a lot. If I have anything to add, I’d love another chapter that focused more on the characters recovery and the trauma they went on, but that’s fine. It's a fun adventure in victorian London and I enjoyable read that take an expected turn when the Doctor makes a huge mistake. It sadly doesn't have that many consequences but it's still a idea that I like and haunts me.
I don't have a review for any of the four first books, but you can find my live react reading: here.
◆ Genocide - ★★★☆☆
I finished the book and I have mixed feelings. I do like the plot, there are some beautiful parts and very creative ideas. But I don’t think it uses its ideas to the fullest. The moral conflict is very interesting but I missed that scene that takes your breath away and leave you in shock - which was necessary to a plot like this one.
Sam starts well and ends well, but there is this bit in the middle - when she is with Jacob she is dumb. Jacob, also, is too ridiculous to the read to take seriously as a villain. And Jo is underused. There is two main problems with her: first, she should have had more scenes with Eight. Second, the only bad, BAD scene in the whole book is when she does * that * at the end. It is out of character and goes against everything Jo stands for as a person...
I don't have a review for any of the four first books, but you can find my live react reading: here.
◆ War of the Daleks - ★★☆☆☆
It's a weird book. It's the weakest so far - apart from The Eight Doctors - but far better than I expected from a book featuring the Daleks. It has some interesting ideas, especially how Eight position himself within the civil war in Skaro, but there some embarassing bits for the Thals. Sam is insufferable, you can tell it's an older man trying to write a teenage girl.
Complete review: here.
◆ Alien Bodies - ★★★★★
Alien Bodies is one of my favorite stories of the Eighth Doctor and the entirety Doctor Who. It's imaginative and full of colorful character, do plenty of intersting thing with Eight and Sam and also build this huge background for futures stories involving a time war that awaits the Doctor in his future. I love it, it's one of my favorite books ever.
Complete review: here.
◆ Kursaal - ★★★★☆
This a very bleak book. I was not expecting that. Every single character dies horribly, except for Sam, the Doctor and a minor officer. Even some background characters. It fits, in a way. It's a blood hungry narrative and I like it for what it is. I even thought it would be a fitting ending for Sam if she died here. It could have been visceral, with a few tweaks in the thematics beats.
Considering how much dislike I had seen for Kursaal, I was not expecting such a fun read. It's even my third favorite book so far, behind only Vampire Science and Alien Bodies. A good surprise.
Complete review: here.
◆ Option Lock
◆ Longest Day
◆ Legacy of the Daleks
◆ Dreamstone Moon
◆ Seeing I
◆ Placebo Effect
◆ Vanderken’s Children
◆ The Scarlet Empress
◆ The Janus Conjunction
◆ Beltempest
◆ The Face-Eater
◆ The Taint
◆ Demontage
◆ Revolution Man
◆ Dominion
◆ Unnatural History
◆ Autumn Mist
◆ Interference – Book One: Shock Tactic
◆ Interference – Book Two: The Hour of the Geek
◆ The Blue Angel
◆ The Taking of Planet 5
◆ Frontier Worlds
◆ Parallel 59
◆ The Shadows of Avalon
◆ The Fall of Yquatine
◆ Coldheart
◆ The Space Age
◆ The Banquo Legacy
◆ The Ancestor Cell
◆ The Burning
◆ Casualties of War
◆ The Turing Test
◆ Endgame
◆ Father Time
◆ Escape Velocity
◆ EarthWorld
◆ Fear Itself
◆ Vanishing Point
◆ Eater of Wasps
◆ The Year of Intelligent Tigers
◆ The Slow Empire
◆ Dark Progeny
◆ The City of the Dead
◆ Grimm Reality
◆ The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
◆ Mad Dogs and Englishmen
◆ Hope
◆ Anachrophobia
◆ Trading Futures
◆ The Book of the Still
◆ The Crooked World
◆ History 101
◆ Camera Obscura
◆ Time Zero
◆ The Infinity Race
◆ The Domino Effect
◆ Reckless Engineering
◆ The Last Resort
◆ Timeless
◆ Emotional Chemistry
◆ Sometine Never…
◆ Halflife
◆ The Tomorrow Windows
◆ The Sleep of Reason
◆ The Deadstone Memorial
◆ To the Slaughter
◆ The Gallifrey Chronicles
◆ EXTRA! The DWM comics. You can read the review: here.
This was a wonderful read and there is barely a story I could call bad. Most of them are great or classics, to be honest, and this is perhaps the best Doctor Who has ever been.
So farewell, “but change is what makes us real”.
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heimeldat · 4 months
Would you like some Sonomancer Helen?
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vullcanica · 1 year
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Daniel Perkins. The sonomancer.
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Introducing Danny from my other blog @pre1ude , resident wunderkind born with a peculiar ability to control sound, yet unfortunately raised under the iron fist of his mother to be more weapon than creator. He's nevertheless coming into his own after two decades and then some of tyranny, but, well.. better late than never. Dogged loyalty is hard to break sometimes - both a curse and blessing. Come spook the uptight nerd. 💕
His info can be found here!
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trasktrovanofsky · 1 year
I'm publishing some of my homebrew on KO-FI. Figured since the bird app is in it's dying throes, I'd post here too.
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