#the stalker club
forsworned · 6 months
Y/N and Hesh in their early dating stages:
Hesh: what time do you wake up?
Y/N: 7:15
Hesh, texting Y/N at exactly 7:15: good morning 🤠
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anonymergremlin · 7 months
Gemini: "Pal... I don't think... They can see them anymore"
P: *holds a flower infront of his mutated lover y/n, even tho they are blind now*
Y/N: ... *Takes the flower and smells at it before gently rubbing their thumb over the petals* ... *Starts sobbing* "M-my... My favorite... Is it .. still so beautiful?"
P: *nods*
Gemini: "He seems to think so... I mean... It still blooming in your favorite color" *sees P gently grabbing their greyish face with the blue veins covering most of their face* "Pal?"
P: *gently kisses their blind eyes and holds them even tho they are so much lager now*
Gemini: "... I guess he is saying... They are still beautiful. But so are you. Y/N".
No matter what they do.
You are still his most precious flower.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 year
I think Haruhi probably has plenty of friends and hobbies outside of the host club, she just doesn't tell any of the guys about it because she knows they completely take over everything and Tamaki gets. Weird about her having "feminine" hobbies.
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adachimoe · 1 month
Adachi and Bayside Shakedown / Odoru Daisosasen
On the 12th ep of Persona Stalker Club, Atlus responded to a question about Adachi being familiar with the Moonlight Bridge, which I posted about before.
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To recap: Adachi mentions the Moonlight Bridge in P4AU because he used to be stationed in the Iwatodai city center, lived near, and would drive back to HQ over the Moonlight Bridge to imitate a character from a cop show that was popular back in the day.
After, the hosts of PSC talk about the cop show he's imitating being "that" show. They don't name it, but bring up a slide of Adachi wearing his jacket from P4AU that's labelled Odoru Keisatsu?! meaning Dancing Police, but they aren't talking about Adachi dancing lol (I mean, on the other hand, P4D *does* exist).
The "odoru" part makes it clear this is referring to something else.
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As Soejima says in the Design Works, this is *not* a classic yellow PVC raincoat, but actually a mods coat. The bit I circled here in pink says mods coat.
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Anyway, after showing Adachi in his coat, one of the PSC hosts, Isocchi, talks about Adachi taking off his coat, and hearing him say "You can't close the Moonlight Bridge!" in Madono's voice.
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To go back to why they labeled him in his mods coat as Odoru Keisatsu -- the label and Isocchi's quote are references to Odoru Daisosasen, also known in English as Bayside Shakedown.
The specific line she's referencing can be seen here in this clip at 37 seconds where the character Aoshima says, "You can't lockdown the Rainbow Bridge!"
What all does this have to do with Adachi? In Bayside Shakedown, the character of Aoshima is a detective who works on Odaiba (one of the inspirations for Port Island in P3). The Moonlight Bridge in P3 is based on the real life Rainbow Bridge, altho it's in a bit of a different location. Additionally, Aoshima is a detective. He wears a mods coat (but his is green) and a red tie (!) and he also happens to collect model guns. (‾◡◝)
(To my knowledge, Aoshima hasn't killed anyone.)
Btw, I looked up yellow mod coat on Japanese fashion websites and found ones that cost like $600. No wonder Adachi can only afford cabbage...
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foxofninetales · 8 months
I was reminded of this ridiculous bit from the DMBJCQ manhua.
Pangzi decides he wants to have new pictures taken of the Iron Triangle and has the brilliant idea that he knows a couple of people with cameras! Why not use them!
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So he sends out the call!
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Paparazzi on paparazzi violence, LOL.
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Picture taking time!
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Waiiiit a minute
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In all fairness, Pangzi, what did you expect?
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Garykernal/Blaketwo/Mothnwizard/Whatever they go by now is a creep. Please read through my entire blog.
Creep is putting it nicely. To say this without trigger warnings, Gary decided to make a new account pretending to be younger than they are to stalk and harass Green and Red. Please read through this blog and look at all the evidence that has been compiled.
Do not interact with Gary.
To re-iterate my TLDR post: Garykernal/Runin/Module0/Mothnwizard/Blaketwo/any other account they may go by is a stalker and has been stalking and obsessively in love with a creator to a horrific degree. Please be wary and avoid Gary. This has become a case where now both the creator, Green, and the minor, Red, are being stalked by Gary. Gary is 25. They are 5 years older than Green and nearly 10 years older than Red.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Spider-Man “fan club” that consists of all the people that have accidently found out his identity or seen his face and decided they would keep his secret but be total freaks about it.
They want to know everything about his civilian life and sort of idolize the person Peter is as it takes a true kind and courageous soul to take the mantle of a hero as Spider-Man and never run from it. They see him as the best person alive and aim to serve him as discreetly as possible...
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m0e-ru · 8 months
happy monday! this week, im sharing what i’ve been able to find of the Persona Stalker Club. As written, I found a playlist of reuploads of the pre-V PSC episodes which got privated on the official Niconico playlist. So you too can be a real stalker!!!! welcome to the club !!!!
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unknown-art1 · 5 months
A Compilation of Times the P4 Guys Have Kissed/Almost Kissed Each Other
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Like the title says this is a post detailing all the times (to my knowledge) that the guys from the P4 investigation team have kissed/almost kissed each other. Links (plus timestamps) to the videos that each scene is from will be included underneath each image/set of images.
(Spoiler Alert: Beside the first one, the rest of them include Teddie in some way)
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“PQ Accidental Kiss Scene” Yosukan (Yosuke x Kanji) (17:59)
In Persona Q After the boys have shrunk down and climbed on top of each other to reach a key, they start to lose balance while they are stacked on top of each other. This causes them to accidentally knock down the key they are reaching for and also cause them all to fall on the floor, however during their fall Yosuke accidentally gets knocked out by the giant key, so he doesn’t notice himself conveniently fall on top of Kanji and accidentally kiss him.
Kanji also knocked out from the fall also doesn’t notice as well, and the only people who do now about Yosuke and Kanji kissing are Yu and Rise since Yu is the only guy that doesn’t get knocked out during the fall (because Teddie gets flattened by the key they are trying to get) and Rise uses her navigator powers to keep an eye on them.
The kiss between Yosuke and Kanji isn’t directly shown since Yu lands coolly infront of the camera when they should’ve made contact so he ends up blocking it, but this is the closest we get to a physical onscreen kiss scene between the boys, since the rest of these scenes are mostly offscreen implied kisses or in the next scenario case a kiss that almost happens but doesn’t. 
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“Give him all you got!” Narukuma (Yu x Teddie) (0:30)
If you chose the "Give him all you got" option, when Teddie asks for a kiss after Yu comes home. Yu will indeed do his best to show Teddie “all he’s got” as he leans in to kiss him, but afraid his bearmones are too powerful Teddie will run away before Yu gets the chance to. 
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“Yu wins Miracle Trivia Quiz Finals“ Narukuma (11:09)
If Yu wins the Miracle Trivia Quiz Finals he will be rewarded with non other than a steamy smooch from Teddie! After announcing Yu’s prize, Teddie leaps onto Yu and the two of them roll offscreen while Teddie attempts to give him his prize. Its up to interpretation whether Teddie actually kisses Yu or not since the last thing we hear is Teddie telling Yu “not to act bashful about it.”
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“Yosuke wins the Miracle Trivia Quiz Finals” Hanakuma (Yosuke x Teddie) (9:16)
Assuming the prize is the same for everyone who wins the Miracle Trivia Miracle Quiz Final, Teddie will also attempt to give Yosuke an offscreen kiss if he wins, and Yosuke will naturally resist the idea. 
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“King’s Game” Narukuma and KanTed (Kanji x Teddie) (5:19)
Okay, this one requires a little explaining. During the King's game Teddie will choose whoever is holding stick "Number 1" to kiss and if/when Yu has the Number 1 stick he'll nervously stand up, and even though Teddie originally wanted to smooch a girl with Yukiko's encouragement Teddie literally leaps at the chance to kiss Yu. However, unfortunately for Kanji who happens to be sitting in the middle of them Teddie accidentally leaps onto him instead of Yu and ends up tackling Kanji offscreen and gives him a kiss instead.
Now you may be wondering to yourself what was the purpose of me gathering all this information for? Well, it was just because I thought it was interesting how many time the P4 guys have kissed/almost kissed each other. 
These were the only moments I could personal recall, but if you know of any others that I didn’t mention in this post feel free to tell me! And also thanks for reading this far hope you found the post interesting! 
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anonymergremlin · 7 months
Tell me I am not the only one...
But everytime I come up with those cliché AU trophs for P x Inventor!Stalker!Reader...
It ends up with P being the softer one?
Mermaid AU... P is the mermaid
Death and Life fall in love AU... P is the personification of Life
Monster AU... P falls in love with the Monster
OR Hades AU... P is Persephone... Because... They start with the same letter.
You know what... Nevermind.
*jumps out of the window*
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watchmorecinema · 11 months
I was re-watching the Folding Ideas video about Nostalgia Critic's The Wall, and it got me thinking about something. I'm perfectly ok with people hating my favorite movies, so long as they at least understand them. The Wall is a dark and depressing movie and maybe you just don't want to deal with that. But if you think the main theme is "high school sucks" then you didn't really try to engage with it at all.
A lot of this I think is due to advertising. The Exorcist isn't the scariest film ever made, it's a family drama. It's very compelling but if you're looking for a lot of scares then you'll walk away thinking it's boring. Rambo isn't really an action film since it's more about the character of Rambo and how he has been dehumanized by the very machine that sent him to kill in Vietnam (the sequels dropped all of that). A lot of people went into Fight Club expecting it to be a straightforward fighting movie but actually it's a twisty thriller about the horrors of capitalism.
But outside of that I think it happens when the movie is abstract in some way. The Wall is very abstract, but it's easy to understand what it all means. An animated scene about inhuman monsters destroying London isn't The Wall trying to be a Kaiju movie for a minute, it's a metaphor for the horror and destruction of the blitz.
David Lynch and Tarkovsky get hit pretty hard by this too; people don't understand what the plot literally means so they get hung up on that instead of coming up with their own interpretation. What Stalker means to me is completely different to what it means to someone else. Any Twin Peaks theory is valid so long as its yours. Good art is a mirror that lets you engage with it and reflect about your own thoughts and feelings. If you unironically think that Whiplash or Wolf of Wall Street was about supporting hustle culture then that says more about you than about the film.
If you don't regularly engage with art in this way, well you should! Watch movies you wouldn't normally consider and see how it makes you feel. Even bad movies can help you feel a certain sort of way and that's valid. Maybe you find something that means something to you in a way that was never envisioned by the creator. Videodrome has a lot to say about parasocial relationships with online content creators, but it came out more than a decade before the Internet came into being. Starship Troopers was panned on release but now it's understood to be a pretty clear satire of right wing militarism. Every time I rewatch Akira I get something different from it, especially if I'm in a different stage of my life.
There's a lot out there to explore. And sometimes that means you walk away from a film where you might think it was well made but that it did nothing for you. It's happened to me too; I can understand that The Wolf Man did a lot for werewolves in fiction (literally creating most of the lore you recognize), but it's also mostly about a guy being really creepy towards women with pretty bad special effects. I can appreciate its influence, but I just don't think it's a good movie.
I'm sure most people reading this will have similar thoughts about Stalker. It's very slow, philosophical, a bit nihilistic and while the plot is pretty easy to understand it leaves so much open ended that you need to decide for yourself what it all means. It's a lot of work to watch. I love it for that reason; very few movies actually give the viewer homework to mull about and chew on and this one gives so much to consider. But it's perfectly reasonable for someone to decide that it's hard to relate to the movie about Russians being depressed about abstract concepts for nearly 3 hours.
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adachimoe · 1 year
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On episode 11 of the Persona Stalker Club, someone submitted a question asking if Adachi used to live in Iwatodai since he talks about driving past the Moonlight Bridge when he sees it in P4U2. They were so curious about it they started eating cabbage 3 times per day.
Atlus replied that he didn't necessarily live in Iwatodai, but he used to work in the city center and would take the scenic route back to HQ so he could drive by Moonlight Bridge so he could imitate a character on a cop show.
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brettlorenzi3 · 5 months
I really should be studying for an exam I have on tuesday but lando got his first win, I live in miami, and im above 21 soo-
Gonna abandon this hellhole and visit every club from key west to the florida georgia line brb
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justanotherrcblog · 8 months
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Cute 😊
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was gonna post it tomorrow, so there's exactly a week between chapters, but i'm impatient and bored. sooooo
*explosion noises or whatever*
we're officially starting the story! yippee! well not yet since they havent actually spoke. BUT THEY WILL. next chapter. i pinky promise with a cherry on top🤙
also...,,,. link to Factories by Autoheart in case you cant find it anywhere.... for whatever reason......
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bamababygirl7 · 11 months
You’re so ugly it’s genuinely beyond me how you have any guys following you.
Girl for real I don’t know why they are all following me either lol I would like to think it’s because of my sparkling personality and because I’m funny but all the comments and messages I receive from guys are usually not about my personality so idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
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