#the story here is that um i'll talk about that later i'm shy
corvidmasters · 7 months
Draw Arjuna’s reaction when macha told him she loves him romantically :)
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ok ^_^ (unbroken version)
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kaylinlmfao · 1 year
Fuck you
Type of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
Type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark
Pairing(s): dom!yandere!ghostface!billy loomis x shy!sarcastic!sub!fem!reader x dom!yandere!ghostface!sidney prescott
Warning(s): non con/rape, dub con, knife play, overstimulation, murder, blood, swearing, violence, mommy kink, daddy kink, dacryphilia, blood kink, dirty talk, nipple play, praise kink, slight public sex, innocence kink, reader goes into sub space, choking, hairpulling, fingering (r receiving), face sitting (sidney receiving), floor sex, hate/angry sex, drugging, ownership kink
Summary: when reader finds out that her best friends are the ones who killed her parents and Tatum & Stu, reader feels more hate towards them than ever. But all they've ever felt is obsessed with her. So they keep her with them forever
A/N: this is my first fic and of course its dark as shit so beware. Give me some much needed feedback and let me know how y'all feel! (I listened to Teddy Bear & Tag You're It by Melanie Martinez for the beginning and Shameless by Camila Cabello during the smut scene. Just if you want, it helps make the story more vivid and lucid)
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(Pics from Pinterest)
"Tate? Ready to go?" I yell up the stairs. "You're taking a trillion years Tatum!" "One sec!" She calls back down. "Jesus, Tate! Its just a party, not prom. Sid, come back me up!" "Tate, hurry up." Sidney says without even looking over so used to our arguing. I turn when I hear footsteps thudding down the stairs, Tatum ready to go. "Finally!" I groan, grabbing her hand to pull her out the door, where Dewey has been waiting in the car for like 30 minutes now. "Wait! How do I look, Y/N?" "Gorgeous, as always. Even if you show up in a ratty old house dress, you'd still look gorgeous. So I don't understand why you need an hour to get ready."
Tatum gives me a kiss on the lips as Sid walks over. "Its called preparation, Y/N." Tatum and I weren't dating but we've been best friends since kindergarten. We've kissed as friends since we were 13. Some of her boyfriends had a problem with it, but Stu didn't care. He knew Tatum and I were besties, nothing more. As we walked out the door, I didn't notice Sidney glaring at Tate in anger and jealously while we held hands.
We pulled into the street across from Stu's house as Dewey climbs out and opens the door for Sid. I slide out after her and Tate after me. "Be careful. I'll be over here, talking to Gale and looking around, ok?" "Yeah, ok Dewey boy." Tatum says, dragging me inside where Stu was greeting people at the door. "Y/N! Welcome to my humble castle." "Seriously Stu, don't put any effort into the theatrics." I smile, giving him a side hug as Tate and Sid walks in and I stay with Stu, greeting people as they walk in.
"Hey, Y/N! I'm going to grab a beer, you want one?" Tatum asks. "No, that's alright. Thanks anyways. Be careful." I tell her, turning back to continue my conversation with Stu about the recent kills that have been happening in Woodsboro. About 5 minutes later, Billy pops out of nowhere at the door. "Jesus Christ Billy boy. I'm gonna get you a cow bell or something so you can't sneak up on me anymore." I laugh, smiling and giving him a hug as I go to find Sid and Tate. "Hey Sid, have you seen Tatum anywhere?" "Um, no I haven't. You wanna come upstairs and breathe in peace without any screaming or anything?" "Sure" I say, bounding up the stairs.
I take a nice big deep breath as I flop down onto Stu's parents bed. "Thanks Sid. You always seem to know exactly what I need before I even know I need it." "I know babydoll. Its what I'm here for." I blush ay the nickname and just laugh it off. I can't help but get flustered at how she stands between my legs and looks down at me. No. I'm single and I'm not looking to mingle. I sit up quickly, looking up at Sidney. "Well thanks again Sid. I needed this but I should probably go downstairs, finish the movie, find Tate, y'know?" "Hmm" she nods. As I stand up, I realize she hasn't backed up. We're so close I can feel her everywhere, our lips inches apart. "Well, bye Sidney!" I call, bounding out the door.
So that was weird. I'll just find Tate and finish the movie. "Hey, Randy! Where is everyone?" I question him as I walk into the living room, seeing it empty. "Oh there was this phone call about Principal Himbry has been killed and is hanging from a football post or something." I jump onto the couch next to him. "You think its true?" I ask. "Maybe. I don't really care though. I just wanna finish the movie." "Alright." I nod, standing. "Where ya going?" "To find Tatum or Billy or Sid or Stu. I'll be right back." Randy's head jerks to look at me. "Kidding Rand. Kinda." "Jesus, Y/N." I laugh as I walk up the stairs to see if Tate and Stu are fucking in a room somewhere like they usually are.
I open the door to Stu's bedroom and walk in with my hand covering my eyes, just in case. "Stu? Tatum? Y'all in here." Suddenly, I hear a loud slicing sound and a gargled shout. "Y/N!" I move my hand and see the Ghostface killer in the mask and Sid laying stabbed on the bed. "Oh shit." I say, turning and running as the killer bounds over the bed towards me. "Motherfucker! I'm too young to die! Shit! Ow! Fuck you, you fucking bitch!" I scream as I run around the house, locking door and creating obstacles along the way. "I am way too out of shape for this shit! Can I have a headstart? Bitch! Randy! Stu! Billy! Tatum? Anybody? Fuck!"
I run into a room with a window and I lay the ironing board across the bottom of the door. "Asshole" I say, clamoring out of the window. I feel someone grab my shoulder as they try to pull me back in. "Bitch!" I yell, jumping as I swing my fist back, hitting them in the face. I groan as I roll off of the boat and land on the concrete. I look up at the garage door and scream and choke out a sob as I see my childhood best friend hanging, dead, from the garage door. I stand back up as I run to the news van parked outside. I bang on the door as the camera man, Kenny opens it and I climb in, slamming the door behind me. I look at the cameras set up and I see Ghostface creeping up behind Randy, preparing to stab him.
"Fuck! Move Randy! Move!" "Move kid!" Kenny jumps out of the van to go inside but I notice the front door is open. I watch the footage of the killer running outside, leaving Randy. "Shit! He's-" I'm cut off with a slicing sound as blood spurts from Kenny's neck. I scream and let out a string of curse words as I clamor out the back hole of the news van. I glance around, not seeing the killer but I see Dewey. "Dewey! Randy! He's inside! The killer is gone and I don't know where he went!" I yell, chest heaving, exhausted. "I knew I should've stayed home." The adrenaline is beginning to fade as I see Dewey walk out of the house. "Dewey! Did you-" I see a knife sticking out his back as he calls out, "run!" Before he collapsed. I see the killer standing behind him, pulls the knife out of Dewey's back and starts bolting towards me.
I start running again even though I want to lay down and cry. But I won't. I pick up speed as I think of my parents, who were also killed by Ghostface. I think about my sister, who is at home waiting for me. I think of Sidney, Billy, Tatum, Randy, and Stu. All for the people I love. After a few minutes, I slow to catch my breath and I see the van lights flashing. I wave my hands around and Gale swerves off of the road. What the fuck? I can drive better than that. Oh shit. Randy. He's still in the house. I start running back already on the brink of passing the fuck out. "Oh Randy. You better thank me for this later. I've never run this much except for the time where that big ass dog was chasing me."
I stop up at the porch and grab Dewey's gun out of his pocket, turning the safety off and pointing it as Randy and Billy come out of different directions. "Oh fuck, Y/N. We've gotta get the fuck outta here! I found Tatum and I think Billy killed her." "No I didn't, Y/N! You know me. Baby, give me the gun." He says, shoving Randy out of the way. "Back the fuck up Billy or I swear to God, I will blow your brains all over this front yard. You too Randy." They both start blabbering at once and I can't focus. "Fuck you both!" I say, slamming the door in their faces. They both continue banging on the door. "Go away! Please leave me alone." I shout, sliding down against the door, burying my head in my knees.
"Y/N?" I hear Sid ask before she tumbles down the stairs. "Oh shit. Sid, you're bleeding! Are you ok?" I ask, running over to help her. She hobbles to the door and holds her hand out. "Give me the gun. It's ok Y/N. I'm here now." I pass the gun slowly to her, no hesitation. That was my final mistake of the night. She opens the door and Randy comes flying in. "Holy shit. Billy's gone mad!" "We all go a little mad sometimes." Sidney turns with a smirk on her face as she shoots Randy in the shoulder. "Oh fuck." Randy says before he falls. "Sidney? What the fuck?" I yell, running over to help Randy seeing he's unconscious.
I turn and I start to run away before running straight into Billy's chest. "Billy please, help me!" He just looks down at me before pulling a voice changer and talking into it. "Surprise, Y/N." I look back at Sidney, who looks at me like what are you gonna do? Bitch. This is what the fuck I'm gonna do. I shove Billy out of my way and I run to the kitchen. Suddenly, Sidney pops out and points the gun at me. "Woah. Woah. Calm down there princess." I back slowly towards the counter. "You fucking bitches. Oh Jesus Chris. I'm so stupid. This is all my fault. My fault."
"Honestly, sweetheart. It is. We killed all these people for you. All for you. Your parents." I choked back a cry. "Your Tatum." Sidney adds. I let out a sob. "Why? What did I do to you?" "Well, princess. You hated your parents, so we got rid of them for you." "But I love Tate." "No! You don't love her. You love us." She told me, picking up the knife from Billy and tracing it down my cheek. The adrenaline from the nights events is wearing off and I begin to actually register what I've done. What I've seen. Sidney stands in front of me and Billy has his head on her shoulder.
"Why? Why me?" "Because we love you, sweetheart" I break down for the first time that night, falling into Sidney's arms as I sob. "Get away from me. Leave me alone. Please!" I start to hyperventilate as I think of Tatum and my parents being brutally murdered. And it was all my fault. My fault that Dewey was stabbed. My fault Randy was shot. I fall to my knees, sobbing. I'm having a panic attack. I haven't had one this bad since I got the news my parents were found. "In and out. In and out. Come on, Y/N. Breathe. In and out." I hear Tatum's voice guiding me as I calm myself.
I stand, looking at the two people who sat with me after my parents died, comforting me, helping me through it when in reality, it was them who caused it. All the pain I feel. It was them. I don't see friends anymore. I see targets. I grab a knife off of the counter and feel it in my hand. Can I really kill them? I love them. But not as much as I love Tatum. Or mom and dad. I don't see Billy so tackle Sid and pin her. Who knew wrestling would come in handy. I pin the knife to her neck and look at her. She's so much prettier up close. "You won't do it, baby girl. You can't." I press the knife down harder as she stares into my eyes.
"Do it."
I raise the knife then drop it with a loud groan of frustration. "Why can't I do it?" I ask myself. I feel myself being suddenly jerked back and something cold being pressed on my black short dress and breasts. "Because you love this. You love all of it. I bet if I stuck my hand down your dress, your panties would be soaked. Sidney, would you like to check?" "Hmm" she nodded, sticking her hand up my dress and brushing them over my pulsing pussy. "Soaked, Billy." I whimper as Billy slits my dress in half, Sidney ripping it off. I realize the position I'm in. I'm straddling Sidney and Billy is holding a knife off to my left.
I'm left in my black bra and panties set and my thigh high stockings. "These fucking stockings, pretty girl. Everyday, you wear these stupid fucking stockings and everyday, I wanna fuck the shit outta you every time I see you in them." I let out a soft whine as I hear Billy's words and I feel Sidney's thumb circling my clit slowly through my underwear. Suddenly, I'm flipped over on my back on the floor and Sidney's by my head, sticking her fingers down the back of my throat. Then, Billy comes up towards my face and I see his cock. That won't fit inside me. In my mouth or my pussy. "Suck it like a slut." He orders as I take his dick in my mouth as to avoid him getting angry.
I moan around his cock as I feel Sid's fingers slide deep inside my cunt, deeper then mine could reach. I suck harder on Billy's dick as he begins thrusting, hitting the back of my throat and groaning at the feeling of me gagging around his dick. Sidney starts pistoning her fingers in and out of my pussy so fast that I reach down to grab her fingers to slow her down. "Oh now now baby doll. You were doing so good for mommy and daddy. Move your hands." Sid commands, slapping my hands away as she continues pistoning her fingers quickly, in and out.
"Fuck" Billy groans as something goes down my throat. "Swallow." I swallow obediently and look up innocently at Billy. "So good for daddy and mommy baby." My pussy clenches harder around Sidney's fingers as I arch my back and let out a loud moan as I cum for the first of many times tonight. "Good girl." Billy comes and trades places with Sidney as Sidney comes to straddle my face. Billy starts rubbing the tip of his cock against my cunt as he starts to push his dick inside my dripping pussy. It won't fit. It won't fit. I'm a virgin! But then he pushes himself all the way in to the hilt as I let out a scream.
He reaches up and chokes me, not enough to where I can't breathe, but just enough to where I reach that fuzzy feeling and drift off into subspace and stopped screaming. Sidney begins riding my face and making out with Billy as he thrusts in and out of my cunt so hard, I see stars and a quickly approaching 2nd orgasm. I let out a cry as I cum for the second time. Shortly after, Sidney comes and I drink all of her juices like a good girl. Sidney sits back and watches and plays with my nipples as Billy's dick disappears in and out of my pussy, his cock coated in red from my blood. Billy pinches my pulsing clit, hard as I cum for a third time.
"Please! No more! No more! Can't take anymore daddy, mommy. Fuck, please no more." "Oh come on, princess. Be a good girl and give mommy and daddy one more. One more. Then you can suck. Ok?" Sidney says as I come again, my eyes rolling back into my head, my hoarse voice screaming mommy and daddy, the tears streaking down my cheeks, all sends Billy over the edge. "We fucking own you. You fucking belong to us, Y/N." Billy groans out. After Billy pulls out of my dripping wet cunt with a mixture of my cum, his cum, and my blood, Sidney cradles me in her lap and let's me suck on her nipple, praising me while Billy goes to get something. I'm not registering anything that's happening except for the good girls and the I'm so proud of yous.
"Good girl. You're mommy's good girl, aren't you Y/N? Mommy's so proud of you. You were so good for mommy and daddy." Billy leans down and gives Sidney a quick kiss. Sidney leans down and kisses me, slipping her tongue in my mouth along with a little pill. "Mommy? What was that?" I asked, starting to feel sleepy. "Just something that will help us to bring you home easier." "Mommy? Daddy?" "Yes, princess?" They say in unison. I bury my head into Sidney's breasts as I mumble two words.
"Fuck you"
2.8k words
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Intro: No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (Poly! Billy Loomis and Stu macher x reader)
Word count:1061
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Chapter 1 - new girl in Woodsboro..
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
It was late August, 1996, when a new face showed up at Woodsboro high school. A face that showed both beauty and grace, a face of innocence and tenderness.
The girl became an attraction for all the teens. They'd ask her where she was from, what car she drove, if her mom was hot, and anything else their simple minded brains could think of.
“Hey look! It's the new girl” Tatum Riley whispered to her friend, Sidney Prescott. 
“She finally not swarmed for once” Randy Meeks said with a side smirk as he chimed in on Tatums and Sidney’s conversation. “Let's go say hi Sid” Tatum added, ignoring Randy. 
Tatum stood from her place beside Stu Macher  and started walking, not waiting for Sidney. “I'll be back” Sidney said quietly with a small smile as she looked at her boyfriend, Billy Loomis. Billy flashed a small fake smile to Sidney.
“Alright, be quick now Sid” he whispered as Sidney jogged to catch up with Tatum. Tatum walked quickly walked up to the new girl who sat alone on the outside bench, writing in a notebook. “Heyyy new girl” Tatum said, the words dripping off her tongue like honey.  
The new girl lifted her head and looked at Tatum and Sidney with a shy smile. “Hi” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“You're quite the topic around here! Everyone seems to love you” Tatum added as she sat beside the girl, Sidney slowly sat down after. “I am?” The girl whispered. “YES! You're all everyone talks about! You seem like a cool person. I'm Tatum..Tatum Riley and this is Sidney, Sidney Prescott.” Tatum said as she held out her slender hand to the girl.
“Im Y/n, Y/n L/n” Y/n said as she took Tatums hand and shook it, then held her hand out to Sidney, who took her hand and gave it a firm shake.
“So, Me, Sidney and a couple of other people are going to hang out later…you wanna join us? It'll be a good time for us to get to know each other” Tatum asked, raising one of her thin eyebrows.
Y/n sat there for a moment before smiling. “Um… if I wont be intruding on anything i'd love to go, i have nothing better to do” Y/n said. “Alright! Meet us at the park by…5:30..sound good?” Tatum said as she flashed a toothy smile. “Yeah sounds wonderful” “See ya there then! Come on Sid” and with that both girls walked off, saying goodbye to Y/n.
“Well that looked like it went well” Stu said as Tatum sat down next to him and Sidney sat down next to Billy.
“Yeah it went well..she's coming with us tonight” Sidney said as she played with the end of her shirt.
“Really?” Randy asked. “Yes you guys can meet her and we can all get to know her better. She seems like a good person” Tatum said as she put her hand on Stu’s thigh. “Alright then” “Sounds good to me” Both Billy and Stu said. 
~~~~5:37 that night~~~~
Y/n walked down the sidewalk, the cool night air gently brushing against her face as she walked. Y/n let her mind wonder as she walked. Maybe Sidney and Tatum actually wanted to get to know her other then keep her around till she's no longer the new girl.
Y/n had only moved to Woodsboro due to her best friend, Casey Becker, who convinced Y/n's father and mother to pack up their things and leave their old house for the much better one in Woodsboro. 
Y/n eventually stumbled upon the park that Tatum had told her to go too. Y/n looked around, her face dropping when she didn't see Tatum or Sidney …”did…did she lie to me?” Y/n asked herself. Y/n sighed, she thought she was either lied to, or left due to her being 7 minutes late, but when you have to deal with drunk parents, sneaking out of the house isn't easy.
“Y/N! OVER HERE” A female voice screeched out. Y/n turned her head to the left and saw Tatum waving her arms at Y/n, a smile painted on her lips.
Y/n smiled as she looked at Tatum, then Sidney, then three other guys who loomed around the girls. Y/n soon walked up to the group, all of those negative thoughts that swarmed around in her fragile mind left her brain. “Hi guys” She chirped out.
 “Heyy! Oh also this is Stu, my boyfriend, that's Randy, and that's Billy, Sidney's boyfriend” Tatum said, introducing all of the guys.  “Guys, this is Y/n the new girl” Tatum added, introducing Y/n for her. Y/n lifted her hand and gave a small wave to the guys. With that the group started to walk and talk.
^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^
I let out a giggle as Randy and Stu started joking around. For once, other than with Casey, I finally felt a part of something… a part of a friend group that wont use me for everything I have to offer. Everyone, even Billy, who was quiet and scary looking, was nice although he didn't say much to me.
As we walked I felt eyes staring into the back of my head. I felt a feeling rise in my gut, a feeling that made goosebump rise on my skin. I looked behind me and saw Billy, staring at me, and he didn't look away when I looked at him, he just locked eyes with me, his wide, dark brown eyes staring into my e/c eyes.
I flashed a nervous smile before looking away and joining back in on the conversation with Stu and Randy.
After a 10 minutes of walking and funny conversations we had made it to a Baskin-Robbins, the ice cream shop with 31 flavors...
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dtmacgxstorys · 14 days
Andrew Kreiss X Reader!
This is an Andrew Kreiss/Grave Keeper X Gender Neutral Fluff, probably some cursing! (I never have a solid idea, I just started writing!)
Note: I do not see Andrew Kreiss as shy, He may come across that way in the story, But he's just not used to talking to people. He's not used to people Warning to talk with him.
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You have been living in The Oletus Manor for a year & a half now. You have become close friends with Luca Balsa, Victor Grantz & Edgar Valden, Tracy Reznik, Demi Bourbon, Mike Morton & Joker also enjoy your company! About a year ago, you developed feelings for a tall man with albinism, Andrew Kreiss, also known as the grave keeper. You fell hard & fast for him & the few times you got to talk with him, you fell even further in love with him.
You found his reserved personality adorable, especially considering his intimidating size. Luca, Tracy, Demi & Victor found out about your crush on Andrew relatively quickly. Luca Tracy & Demi relentlessly teased you about it, but never in front of or in earshot of Andrew.
A week after they found out: "Wait, you're telling us you've had a crush on him for almost a year!?" Luca & Tracy said at the same time. "Have you spoken to him in that time?" Demi asked. "Yeah, actually I have. Just,... not about my feelings for him." "That's good at least!" Demi replied. "Hi Y/N, what we talking about?" You trun to great a Familiar cherry face. "Hi Mike, Joker, we're... um..." "Hey, I thought we were-" Mike was cut off by Luca covering is mouth. "oh, hi Y/N, a-and everyone else!" Andrew said as he came into the hallway.
"Oh, Hi Andrew, are we in your way?" "Oh, no no, I was just on my way to the garden." He quickly replied. "Oh, OK, See you later than!" "... yeah, see you later, Y/N." He said, heading towards the garden. After Andrew was out of sight, Luca lat go of Mike. "Sorry." Luca said to Mike. Mike had a big smile on his face while looking at you. "... what?" You said looking at him. "Mike, No!" Joker chimed in. "Go after him, right now, Gogo!" Mike said while gently pushing you.
"Wow wow, slow your roll ther Mike!" Tracy & Luca said, grabbing Mike & bulling him away from you. "What, it's clear that Andrew likes them too." "What, Wait, really?" You said, looking at Mike in disbelief. Everyone else looks at you & Mike with a mix of worry & concern. "... so, you all think so too?" You ask your friends. "We don't want to get your hopes up." Demi said. "But, yes." Tracy & Luca said. "He seemed a little disappointed that you don't ask to go with him to the garden." Joker said quietly.
"Even if he does, I think you need to take things slow with Andrew." Victor, the voice of reason of the group finally spoke up. "Yes, thank you Victor." Demi said. "You're right. Thanks Victor." You said. "You're welcome!" Victor said.
Some days have passed since taking with your friends about Andrew. You noticed that for breakfast & lunch, Andrew makes an effort to sit across from you or next to you to talk with you. He sometimes did so, but never for both meals & two days in a row.
Victor & Luca are sitting next to you for dinner. "Why do I feel like Andrew is jealous of us?" Luca asked you quickly. You glad up accos to see Andrew glaring at Victor & Luca. "I mean, I know Luca flirts with you sometimes, but he flirts with almost everyone." Victor wispers to you. "I can still hear you, Victor." Luca said
Later that night, you're sitting on a window seat looking out to the night sky. "beautiful night, isn't it?" You lift your head up to see Andrew kneeling next to you, his arms on the window seat also looking outside. "How long have you been here?" You ask him. "S-sorry, I only just got here, I d-didn't mean to disturb you or creep you out. I-i'll just leave." He said kind of quickly as he's about to get up & leave. "It's Ok Andrew, I'm just surprised I didn't hear you coming." You said rubbing his shoulder.
"o-oh, s-sorry about that." He said going back to a comfortable position. The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a little while. "h-hay Y/N, .... do you actually l-like talk w-with me?" He asked, braking the silence. You look at him, a little bit surprised. "Of course I do Andrew!"
"... w-what do you t-thing of me?" He asked barely above a wisper. You yawn. "So sorry, what did you say?" You ask him. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." He said while getting up. "h-hay, can you follow me outside, I w-what to show you something." He said, looking down at you. Your eyes widen. "Oh!? Ok!" You quickly get up & follow him downstairs to the back of the manor. He opens the door for you, follow you out & close the door. "So, where are we going?" You ask, now wied awake, eager to find out what he wants to show you.
"You will see soon enough." He said with a small smile on his face. You blush, seeing him smile at you. You follow him to a smile building. "Sooo.... what do you want to show me?" He go's to the side of the building, where are nobody can see you two. "... d-do you trust me?" He asked, holding his hand out to you. You look at the ground, then at Andrew. "... I Do!" You said, taking his hand & following him around to the side of the building.
On the side of the building is a good size planter full of your favorite flowers/colors & Iris's. "Oh Andrew, they're all so beautiful, did you have any help planning them?" You ask. "Emma wanted to help, but I show her I knew what I was doing." "Wow, you have all my favorite colors here too!" He walks over to an Iris, carefully cuts one, walk over to you & gently place's it in your hair. "But t-there beauti don't compare to you." He said looking into your eyes with a look in his eyes you have never seen before.
You stood there quiet but blushing. You must have been to quit for too long, though, because he started panicking. "I-i'm s-so s-sorry, d-did I over step o-or come off t-too strong, s-shit shit, I f-fucked up d-didn't I?" He said as he covered his face. "Nono, Andrew Darling, i-it's ok, I was just shocked." You said hugging him. He must have started crying because you heard him snuffle a little bit. "... w-wait, ... d-do y-you l-l-love me too." "Yes! I Do! I love you so much Andrew Kreiss!"
He pulled away from you and grabbed your cheeks, then, he gave you a gentle but passionate kiss. Your eyes widened at first because of how sudden it was, but, you close your eyes & kiss him back. The moment he realizes this, it turns into a little makeout session. You don't resist, but you are very surprised by this. After some time, the two of you pull away for air. "s-sorry, w-was that too much, i-i-i've been m-meaning to tell y-you f-for t-two m-months n-now a-ane-" You grab his cheeks, cutting him off.
"Andrew, Andrew Baby, it's ok, i-i love it, I Love you!" You said kissing him on the cheek. "I love you too Y/N, my angel!"
End! UwU
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silver138 · 25 days
Perfectly Flawed - Chapter 2
word count - 1,171
warnings - discussion of alcohol
After a day of learning specific operating systems and programs, most of which Penelope herself has designed, it's time to clock out. "So, how was your first day, hon?" Penny asks me as we walk into the elevators.
"Pretty good, hopefully I'll learn the layout quickly. And as long as no one sets anything up too high, I won't have to bring in a step stool!" I joke. She laughs and says, "Well, you could always ask someone to get it for you. I'm sure there's a few of the guys here who wouldn't mind helping…"
I blush, my mind immediately racing to Spencer. "Aha! I know that look! OK, spill, which one?" Penny says excitedly. We exit the elevator, stepping aside to keep the way clear. I freeze, then start talking again, trying to calmly say, "I-I don't know what you mean, Penny…"
She giggles a little and says, "Oh, come on, we work with profilers, you think I haven't learned how to do that, too? Besides, if you tell me who you're interested in, I might be able to tell you if he's available or not…"
I snort and say, "You sure know how to dangle a carrot in front of a gal, Penny…OK, it's…it's, um, Doc-Doctor Reid…" Penny squeals and says, "I knew it! Oh, Lina, you're in the free and clear, he's as single as a Pringle."
"I, um…'Pringle'? Really?!" I ask, laughing. "I mean, it rhymes…" she says, joining in the laughter. "And what are you lovely ladies giggling about?" Derek says stepping out of the elevator, Spencer right behind.
"Oh, nothing. Hey, I was talking with Lina, and I was thinking that as long as we don't get called somewhere this weekend, we could head out for some drinks and socializing." Penny says to him as we all start walking.
"Well, that sounds good, what do you say, Pretty Boy? You gonna join us this time?" Derek says, turning to Spencer. He shrugs his shoulders and says, "I don't know, Morgan. You know I don't really drink, and there's a book I was hoping to get through…" Spencer starts.
"Come on, man, it takes you, what, a half an hour to read? I think you can spare an evening." Derek counters. "Um, I-I don't drink either, so I don't think that's necessarily a requirement. Besides, you said something about karaoke, Penny?" I interject.
Derek nudges Spencer with his shoulder and says, "See? I told you that you don't have to when you come out with us…" Spencer puts his hands in his pockets and says, "Y-yeah, ok, maybe…"
I quickly glance at the clock and say, "Hey, you'll give me more info later, right, Penny? I gotta run! See you guys tomorrow!" I rush off to get to the metro, hearing "See you tomorrow!" from Penny behind me.
Sprinting and weaving through people on the sidewalks, I make it to the station 15 minutes early. Happy and out of breath, I sit down on a bench, take a book out of my bag, and start reading while I wait.
I'm about a chapter in when I hear a tentative, "Lina?" from my right. Sliding my bookmark in place, I look up to see Spencer standing there. I smile and say, "Doc- I mean, Spencer, hey. You take the metro, too?"
He nods and shifts closer. Fidgeting with his satchel, he asks, "W-what book are you reading?" I hold it up so he can see the cover. "Dresden Files. It's, um, urban fantasy. There's a new one coming out in May, so I'm re-reading from the beginning to remember the story better. This is the third one in the series."
"That sounds interesting. I usually stick with the classics, but I'm always looking for new books to read. What's the series about?" he says, sitting down on the bench near me.
I grin and explain, "OK, it's about a guy named Harry Dresden, and he's a wizard detective. As in, he can use magic and he solves cases. He has to deal with both mundane bad guys along with supernatural ones, like ghosts, werewolves, vampires, and The Fae. It's…I can't do it justice, but I can maybe bring the first book in tomorrow if you want to read it."
He gives me a shy smile and says, "I-I'd like that…I'd make sure to give it back by the end of the day, as long as we don't get called in." I laugh and say, "It's, like, 300 pages. There's no way you can read it in a day. Not if you're at work, at least."
"I-I could actually read it in about 20 minutes. I can read about 20,000 words per minute," he says quickly. Eyebrows raised, I mutter a soft, "Well, damn." In a louder voice, I say, "So, libraries were your second home as a kid, too?"
He just gives me a small smile. I give one back and say, "Tell ya what, Spencer, how bout I bring the first 2 in tomorrow? I'm not gonna lie, that's…impressive and something I gotta see. If-if that's ok…I'd be quiet, promise."
Before he can answer, the metro trundles up, and the doors open. As he grabs his fare, he turns to me and says, "I-yeah, I doubt it would be very interesting, though. Just…a lot of page turning."
After we walk in and get seats near enough to talk, I shrug and say, "I dunno, I still think it'd be something I'd wanna see at least once, like…a meteor shower, something rare and fascinating." I laugh a little and say, "I have to admit, I'm slightly jealous. I could actually get through my 'to be read' pile in this lifetime if I was able to read that fast."
Spencer laughs at that, his eyes crinkling as he nods and says, "It-it does come in handy, that's for sure." Thinking for a moment, I ask him, "OK, so, on days you're at the office, do you have a regular lunch break?" He nods, and I continue.
"So, would this be possible to do during said lunch break?" He quietly says, "Um, y-yeah, that would be fine." My face brightens a little as I say, "Great! What do you like to have for lunch?" Spencer just looks at me, and I quickly ask, "Well, you do eat, right? You consume more than just coffee, I'm hoping?"
He nods, and I continue. "OK, good. You've basically agreed to let me stare at you for 40 minutes, the least I can do is get you lunch." He softly chuckles and stammers out, "I-y-yeah, o-okay…"
Seeing as my stop is coming up soon, I ask him, "Hey, um, do you ride this in the mornings, too?" He nods, and as I pull the cord for my stop, I say, "Awesome! I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Doc- Spencer!" As we come to a stop, I step out and then turn, giving him a quick wave, and then making my way home.
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thedevilsoftruth · 3 months
Haven't posted in a while, but something that was really bugging me a lot was some shit I noticed when rewatching the Moon Knight series that I think a lot of comic book fans could relate to. I know, Mr " um actually " comic book guy is talking right now but imma need you all to bare with me here for a second. and before any of you start typing, please remember everything said here is MY opinion. All I ask is that you're respectful. I'm going to start of with how I don't understand the hype around this motherfucker.
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Literally the most whiniest mf in the ENTIRETY of the MCU. The only people who can like or tolerate this bitch are mfs who have 9 hours of daily screen time on TikTok, listen to hyperpop music and think that he's a soft uwu meow meow baby girl hurt emo princess boy.
Moon Knight is literally one of the most metal superheros out there and the directors saw that and said, " now imagine that but we make his woman so much better than him and water him down and completely change his back story and then wipe our asses with it, spit on it and then pretend we were trying to show representation. " Like what the fuck are you fucking doing?
My first problem is that I felt like this show focused too much on Layla and her relationship to Marc... Nvm, Sorry I lied. Not Marc, fucking STEVEN. This show isn't about " Layla ", its about MARC and Steven and JAKE. (I'll talk about Jake later) Like can we just... " Are you an Egyptian superhero? " " I am. 🥺" GIRL BYE 💀💀 this part of this show was so bad it made eternals look good. This was cringe on the level of seeing your mother do a dab. All that episode 6 was about was Layla kicking ass and that's it. I don't understand why Kevin Feige has the urge to make everything about badass women. Like theres ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with that, I love badass women and we need more women superheros, but I'm just saying, I came here to watch MOON KNIGHT not Layla El-faouly.
So funny how they make a show about Marc Spector and he only gets like 20 minutes out of the 6 hours of the entirety of the show. I think the most time he got on screen was like episode five and maybe two but that's about it. It felt like he was only there to make things depressing and to make Steven Grant have better character development because he himself is just so fucking boring and not funny. Marc Spector is so much more than " I got hit as a kid and my alter ego is fucking my ex wife. " He's a Jewish antihero struggling with a personality disorder that's eating his life away and a toxic relationship with a man who's been basically lying, emotionally abusing, and manipulating him since his CHILDHOOD. What I love most about Marc Spector is that he's not like all other these mighty superheros, he's just some dude. He just some dude with real human struggles like you and me, trying to figure himself out and navigate through his disorder. Marc should have had a bigger role in this show but I guess Steven Grant and Layla were more interesting than him. Steven is the main course, Layla is the desert and Marc is the salad off to the side that's barley been eaten.
Steven Grant is not a shy British man with great manners who works in a gift shop and is giving in his moms flat, he's a savvy millionaire ( who's from Chicago, Illinois, so as Marc and Jake ) who works in the film industry and lives in a mansion. Those are two completely different characters. Everyone that I've seen who's criticized Steven in the slightest has said that he was bland, boring, and the producers were trying too hard to make him funny. You can't try to have something that's just straight up sad happening with a character and then pretend that it's funny and try to make it into comedy. That's just not how it works and it's not realistic. That's why movies like The Crow are good and movies like Renfield are bad. The Crow takes itself seriously and is genuinely sad but lightly sprinkled with comedy, Renfield wanted to be a bit sad, but ruined itself by trying to hard to make every scene funny.
The only good scene in this entire show is the scene where Marc says, " you are you the only real superpower I ever had " or whatever the fuck. I didn't pay attention because all I could think about was the scene from frozen where Anna fucking froze and Elsa cried about it and then unfroze her with her tears or something. I guess her tears must have been really hot.
What I'll give Muhammad Diab credit for is casting. Having Layla be Egyptian is good, and having Oscar Isaac casted as Marc is also really good. Everyone In the comics is white for a character normally centered around Egyptian bullshit. They also got Khonshus personality right and that's about it.
I hate how the producers said that this show was all about " representation" and then didn't add Frenchie, who is a gay french guy in it or Bushman who is a black mercenary because he was " too much like Killmonger " ( which doesn't make any fucking sense because they are drastically different on so many levels but okay. ) they also said that this show is they're most brutal and violent show yet, but they were " violent " ( and bloody-ish ) the first three episodes and then just kinda gave up towards the end.
For the last thing, I'm gonna talk about Jake finally. Just pretend that I'm sighing right now. Like a really audible, dramatic sigh.
I get they wanted for us to differentiate the differences between each personality with accents but Jake doesn't need to speak Spanish. He doesn't speak Spanish in the comics and having him do it is completely unnecessary. I get it's Hollywood and Hollywood needs to make everything sexy and attractive, but Jake Lockley is the least sexiest alter of Marc Spector. He doesn't wear a suit with black leather gloves or drive a limousine, he's a fucking taxi cab driver with a really weird mustache who wears a turtle neck. When I think sexy, I don't think taxi driver. And it ruins the point of Jake Lockley as well because Marc uses Jake to see what's going on on the streets in New York. New York is really busy and crowded, so people are more prone to using a taxi, not a limousine unless you're bougie and rich.
Anyways that was my rant. Good night.
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vanillaverses · 1 year
Holy shit actually, pls show moonflower cookie, the name already has me captivated and i need to know more so badly
this was asked like FOREVER ago now I'm so sorry for not responding sooner um. I just wanted to draw like a full proper ref of moonflower but I never did so um! here's a sprite of him I never completely finished I didn't ever colour the lineart I think I just didn't know what lineart colour would work for the white on her
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So! Introducing moonflower. any pronouns genderless(like me becauz projecting onto my ocs is my favourite pastime) and bi or pan I haven't decided whether or not they have any gender preferences or not yet and what labels they'd be most comfortable using.
anyways!! before you proceed tw for derealization drugs(but not really drug use um. you'll see ig assuming u don't stop reading at this point lol) and also the mention of unhealthy relationships. alsooo since I'm a bit afraid of having her get compared to the canon ourple fucked up in the head cookie with a witch hat um. I admit I haven't actually read much of the tcc story I know prune can't do magic and instead does potions and that he apparently acts similarly to affogato at some?? point in the story?? and that's literally it. also I though of the majority of the things I'm about to explain below in like december 2022-february 2023 AKA before tcc update dropped so L + ratio
last thing before I begin all of this is just concepts so I might change it like at literally any time so don't take this as like 100% forever true moonflower lore becauz it's not.
basically tldr he was parfaedia's token gifted kid and never got told no as a kid and now they have worlds biggest god complex. impulsive and careless causes so many horrors its okay though becauz i think it's Funny. this fucking Thing basically never frowns even when she is upset he's just programmed to always smile no matter what and it's kindof unsettling at times. has never planned anything in their life they wake up in the morning with their head empty kindof doing whatever he feels like in the moment with no real goal or aim. also I sometimes jokingly call her derealization cookie becauz i feel like anyone with that trigger should stay the FUCK away from this bitch I'll explain why later but it's related to his magic. kindof a fuckboy also I feel like half their lines would have a tilde at the end of if they're so fucking queer. calls people 'dear' and 'darling' even when he's literally never spoken to the person she's speaking to. He also calls Very much objective and set in stone things subjective a lot like. if you asked them if they did [blank] they'd say that technically what [blank] means is subjective since depending on your worldview and interpretation of reality the word could mean different things to different people. also known as dodging the fucking question but in like cursive or some shit. also just talks about reality itself being subjective a lot half the shit she says is fucking convoluted nonsense. alsoalso he's about the same age as latte since they attended school together! they were friends throughout school which was worlds most mind boggling friendship becauz i hc latte as being quite shy during her school years and then coming out of her shell later and moonflower is just. um. well. everything I just said about them previously but even worse becauz they're now an immature teenager/young adult. I think they probably shared a good amount of classes freshman year of hit magic school so moonflower was just like. "Hey you. guess what! we're friends now" and that was the end of that.
to elaborate on the token gifted kid thing since explaining exactly How he was gifted is pretty fucking important um. Moonflower can actually be a name for multiple different flowers! and for my purposes here I thought it was really fucking funny if I based him off of datura since moonflower is a nickname for it. So naturally she excels at illusion based spells, since yknow, hallucinogen, and also some poison themed offensive spells! yippee! and by 'excels' I mean that the illusion magic is literally Second nature to him and they can use it with very little effort or energy. This comes with some side effects though, one of them being that he has a tendency to do some fucked up magic form of sleep walking/talking where illusions of their dreams appear around him and are visible to. literally anyone in the same room as him. actually, it's how her parents originally found out about their illusion magic bs, by walking into their young childs room one night and being greeted by fucking Mini movies of their fucking dreams. The only reason I don't think giving her these powers and making them so easy for him to use is Ridiculously overpowered is that since they're just illusions, nothing he creates is actually tangible. Simply visual and auditory. So while he can use it to scare and confuse the fuck out of people actual summoning spells are as taxing on him as everyone else L
anywayssss later on when he's in his like mid 30's after basically just exploring and sightseeing the world for like 15 years she finds some sort of advertisement of parfaedia looking for an illusionist to hire as a teacher. and they're just kindof like I guess this is fate LOL and tries to get the position. assuming the staff member interviewing him was working at the school for more than 15 years I think they'd see this fuck and just go like. Holy fuck it's you again wtf. Why are you back who let you in this fucking building again and why are you trying to Work here. Anyways they kindof convince the interviewer that over the past 15 fucking years he's had hit character development (she has not) and since it's true that someone from their college years and the same person in their mid 30's are Probably not going to act the same and also since moonflower fucking SLAYS at illusion magic they get the job. yippeee!(for moonflower not this fucking school that was a HUGE fucking mistake) anyways latte is just kindof like Holy fuck you're back/pos I think it'd be funny if she disguised himself as a student (specifically THEMSELVES when the were a student) first day of school after they got hired (period 1 prep) and played the funny game called "how long can I be in this class before latte realizes that one of her students is her bestie from 15 years ago". Anyways becauz this is like the first day of school latte probably takes a good amount of time introducing herself and the school and explaining shit and it's only when she gets everyone to play some sort of icebreaker game that she goes like Wait wtf it's YOU???HI???? and then moonflower removes his illusion magic disguise and is like "lol yeah i work here now long time no see! also hi latte's students take that as a display of what u can do with the hit magics" or whatever the fuck. also this is where he meets espresso since I think he deserves to have 2 different egotistical idiots bugging him he can't be free from the horrors Ever. anyways queue moonflower deciding espresso is now their personal punching bag and by that i mean he's the victim to most of moonflowers shenanigans for a while. They're always like 2 steps away from being fired but they never go far *enough* to the point where the school just blasts him away forever especially seeing as she's actually Really good at doing the teaching and it'd be hard to find someone else who's as skilled at illusion magic as him. also I think their students just really like her I think he'd be a fun teacher especially when u think about how they could actually *use* their illusion magic while teaching. also I think they also taught drama I think they're 100% that kind of bitch. anyways i'm not 100% sure on the specifics yet all I know is I a) I want to have moonflower fuck up Something like catastrophically so i can kickstart the Hit character development and b) I want this character development to bring them to the state where they can have a healthy relationship with Pure Vanilla Cookie Cookie Run: Kingdom becauz im mentally ill and I think pv deserves yet another morally grey poisonous flower bitch. oh also dark cacao fucking despises moonflower so much becauz he sees Purple Queer appear out of what feels like thin air to just suddenly 'befriend'(he doesn't know about the dating thing they're Just roommates okay shhh don't tell him about the moonflower pv romance arc he doesn't need to know) the Powerful (ex)King Guy™️ for unknown reasons and fucking explodes. depending on when moonflower and dark cacao first meet each other he may(?) be partially right depends when I want to have the moonflower fucking shit up badly and realizes how much she fucking sucks actually arc and if I'm comfortable with the idea of pv and moonflower's relationship starting out being a Bit unhealthy and exploding before moonflower reflects has a character arc and then becomes a better person. the age old question do I just make things silly or should I angst blast this shit...
anyways that's all i'm gonna say rn I think sorry if this is just incomprehensible gibberish. also sorry if there's any spelling/grammatical errors i'm not proofreading this I don't really feel like it.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Thomas and Friends: Nia and the Forest
An original tale by gritsandbrits, Based on the television program created by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton & Based on  The Railway Series by the Rev. W Awdry 
Original characters belong to me everything else to their respective owners (Mattel) 
Since her arrival to Sodor, Nia the Helpful Engine grew to love her new home. One landmark that fascinated her was Henry's Forest. While she thought a heavily wooded area was an odd choice to put a branch-line in, she couldn't deny she loved seeing such gorgeous greenery and sparkling springs up close. 
One afternoon, Nia was on her regular run (trying her best to bear with the stench of raw fish) when she arrived in the forest. A sign told all engines to reduce their speed. Nia didn't mind slowing down, it gave her the chance to embrace the serenity Mother Nature had to offer. 
"I wish I could stay here," she sighed. "If not for being an engine I could walk deeper into the woods and see more of it."
"Perhaps another time when we're free," her driver replied. 
Wistfully Nia continued on her slow journey when suddenly, she heard nearby bushes rustle loudly. Before she could process it something darted out in front of her. She jerked to a stop! 
"What in the world was that?!" She yelped. 
"Must've been a deer," her frazzled driver said as they checked to make sure she was alright. 
"Whoo! At least nothing spilled out. The last thing we need is sturgeon juice all over the rails," the orange engine grumbled. Her eyes then noticed something was on the rails. Faint shimmer. 
Once there was no sign of any more deer, the little crew went on their merry way. But Nia couldn't help but feel uneasy. 
That night at Tidmouth she relayed the encounter to her shedmates. 
"It could've been a deer like your driver said," Rebecca mused. 
"What kind of deer shimmers?" Nia retorted.
"It could be a fairy!" Percy exclaimed. "One of the delivery girls at the mail station always talks about them!"  
"A fairy? Percy you know magic doesn't exist," huffed Gordon.
Everyone stared at Gordon with blank expressions on their faces. Then he remembered, "oh yeah that's right Lady," he muttered in embarrassment.
"We could ask her but she's all the way on the other side of the world," Thomas sighed sadly. Nia caught a faint blush on his cheeks but waved it off.
"You could ask Edward," Emily suggested. "He should know all about the weird things that go on in Sodor; he's been here longer than any of us!"
If she had a neck Nia could've shaken her head yes. "I will tomorrow." Deep down she was nervous about speaking with Edward. She never could muster up the courage to, she felt bad for replacing him. But if she was to get a concrete answer she would have to hide her fears. 
The next morning Nia spotted Edward lounging in the yard.
"Good morning Edward," she greeted shyly.  
"Nia! What a surprise," the blue engine exclaimed. "Uh, how have you been this morning?" 
"Fine. And you?"
"Well I'm just taking the day off. I ain't as active as I used to." 
A brief silence passed between them. Then she asked, "Um, Edward, do you know anything about fairies?"
Nia explained her story to Edward. Afterwards he mused.
"If I'll be honest I think you saw a nymph.
"A nymph?"
"It's a different kind of fairy one that roams the forests and lives in trees," Edward continued. "They protect the forest, you know. I haven't seen it myself, but it is said they're the reasons why this island still has its natural habitats."
"I see."
"Perhaps we should test our hypothesis," said Edward. "I'll go with you to Henry's Forest and see it for myself."
"Oh! You don't have to, I don't want to take up too much of your time," Nia began.
"Nonsense, it'll do me some good to work out my wheels," assured Edward.
Later that day the two engines made their way to Henry's Forest. During the trip they didn't talk. Not out of rudeness but because both were too shy to start a conversation! 
When they arrived they stopped. "Alright," said Edward. "Show me where it happened."
Nia gestured with her eyes. "I think when I passed by those patches of blackberries when I saw them." 
The engines trudged along the shaded path. Listening out for their magical friend. After a while they had found nothing.
"Hm, maybe it was a deer after all," she said. "Still doesn't explain the shimmer."
"Perhaps some naughty children," said Edward. "People can be disrespectful to wildlife, unfortunately." 
Just as they were about to leave, Edward felt something soft whip past him. "What on earth?" He could make out some dust faintly shimmering in the sunlight. His nose started to itch…
Steam whizzed from his underbelly as he let out a huge sneeze. His whistle squealed, jolting Nia to attention.
"Bless you!"
The blue engine sniffed. "Thank you, just some pollen."
"We ought to get back, it's getting late," said Edward's driver. When he reached inside his pocket he groaned. "Oi! My pocket-watch! It's gone!"
"Maybe you left it back at the station?" The fireman asked.
"No, I could've sworn I had it on me!"
Edward was confused. 
Nia's crew were preparing her too. When her fireman reached to fix her hat she felt nothing but her own hair. "Hey my hat is missing!"
The humans looked around for the article of clothing but found nothing.
"Maybe it's been blown off by the wind?" Asked her partner. 
"Darn! I really liked that hat!" The driver crossed her arms and pouted. 
The pair left, but as they did, a melodious laugh rang out from the trees. 
The next couple of days were tizzy for the NWR. Crewmen reported missing their hats and tools. More engines were sneezing. It wasn't enough to delay routes. But soon everyone was getting annoyed by the invisible pranks.
Every day Nia's curiosity grew. But so did her anxiety. After that brief time with Edward she didn't speak to him. Only hurrying off whenever he stopped by to visit Tidmoth. She felt bad for ditching but she didn't want to remind him of being his replacement either. 
A couple weeks later, Nia was running her goods (thankfully no fish this time) when she went through Henry's Forest again. This time she was determined to catch a glimpse of the nymph. 
"Alright you rascal where are you?" She looked around only to be greeted by trees and the large pool on the other side of the curve ahead of her. 
Feeling a bit bitter she huffed and went on. So maybe it wasn't a nymph? But that still didn't explain the random pranks. 
 Suddenly she heard a loud rustling. Once again something large darted in front of her! 
"Oh dear!" Nia screeched. 
"Shoot!" The driver applied the brakes as a great buck lept out in front of them! 
Nia squeezed her eyes shut expecting the impact. Suddenly felt her wheels lifting off the tracks. Then the unfamiliar tingle of grass. Finally careening to a stop...into the very sparkling springs she admired.
"Somebody...help me???" Was her gargled reply. 
Edward was sent to her aid. When he arrived with the breakdown train he gasped. 
"Enjoying some cool down time I see?" Edward jokes in hopes to lighten the mood. 
"Glurb mhhee owa hee!," was Nia's gargled reply. 
"I take it as a yes."
It didn't take long for Nia to get put back on the rails. She sputtered out, "It was a real deer this time!"
"I guess this means we have to be extra careful," replied Edward. "By the way I'm curious. Why do you keep avoiding me?"
Nia's cheeks ached. 
"Well I-I've been busy," she replied quickly. She didn't want to admit she was intimidated by him. 
Before Edward could say anything, their drivers returned with some items in their hands. 
"I see what caused it, someone put a bunch of rocks and sticks on the line!" Exclaimed Edward's driver. 
"Whoever could have done that?" Edward wondered suspicious. 
"Maybe we should wait and find out," Nia murmured. Then she noticed a trail of sparkles streaking back behind the trees. She had a feeling there was more than just deer that lived in the forest.
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Gojo x student reader
When you need him to bail you out(platonic)
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-You really should've paid more attention to your surroundings.
-Then again when your fighting multiple curses at once, you're not really careful about the damage you're inflicting.
-Usally you were quick enough to leave the scene after, but as luck would have it a cop was right around the counter.
-"What do you think you're doing?! That's private property you're vandalizing you brat?!"
- You tried explaining, but seeing as your stories had a billion holes because you couldn't exactly out the jujutsu world to a civilian, the officer saw through your lies and wouldn't hear you out.
-And now you were sitting at the police station.
-" Here, we need to call your parents or legal guardian"
- Parents? No you couldn't do that. Considering they were the clan heads and had cast you out of the clan.
-Guardians? You guess you had no choice. Not like you had many options anyway..
- "Ok, here's the number for my, ahem... uncle..."
-beep beep beep beep
-"Hello? Gojo here"
-"Good evening, this is officer Yamanaka calling from the police station. Is this Satoru Gojo?"
"....uh yeah?"
"Well Mr. Gojo, it seems your niece has gotten into some big trouble. We caught her vandalizing private property earlier today. You'll need to come down as soon as possible."
"..Niece you say.. remind me, which niece again?"
"Y/n L/n"
"Ah of course! That little rascal, when will she learn haha, I'll be right there" click
"Sir? Oh he hung up, alright young lady, your uncle is on his way, you better be ready to tell the truth once he gets here!"
-I'm doomed...
-*Some time later*
-"Y/n! There you are! I was so worried!"
- oh god. Why is he dressed like that...
-"U-um I take it you're her g-guardian"
- Is he blushing?!?!
- "Yes that's me, now I understand my sweet angel has done something wrong? Surely theres been some sort of mistake officer? My munchkin wouldnt hurt a fly!"
- Munchkin?? And why is he sparkling!?!?
-"Ahem yes well, we caught them out damaging buildings-"
-"My goodness! That doesn't sound like my peanut at all! And just what do you have to say for yourself young lady?!"
-"I just happened to be there...you know wrong place wrong time"
-"Like that's believab-"
-"Ah that explains it! You see officer, it was just a big misunderstanding, wrong place wrong time!"
-"But surely-"
-"I must thank you though..."
*Gets closer*
-"It's hard raising children all on your own and having dedicated people like you on the streets watching out for then makes me feel so grateful"
- He is not seriously flirting with a cop...
-"Uh w-well um, its uh, it's m-my p-pleasure"
-That worked?!?!
"Well then, it's getting late, I'll just be taking my precious niece home now, keep up the great work" *wink*
-"C'mon sugar plum, time to go"
- "Coming unc..."
*Leaves station*
- "Ah the hardships of being a single uncle, *sigh* now young lady I hope you know your grounded for the rest of the month"
- "I think you're taking this a little too far now sensei..."
- "Is that how you talk to your elders?"
- "Ok, whatever you say old timer."
- "*Sigh* You youngsters are so disrespectful these days"
- "Well, even though that was totally embarrassing...thank you"
- "Anything for my peanut"
- "Ok please stop it now"
Thanks for reading! Remember comments are a writers fuel!
Also don't be shy to drop some requests, I'm enjoying these platonic headcannon drabble thingies💕
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imerdwarf · 3 years
You're Worth Saving
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Requested by anonymous: Hello you wonderful person! I dare to send in another Buck request, because COME ON HE'S SO LOVELY! ok ok, so maybe where you're also an avenger but you are really silent and distant to everyone (not shy, but alone with your mind), so it happens that buck wants to pull you out of this hole cause he knows how you feel and in the end he succeeds and the teams sees you smile for like the first time since you joined them and they're happy? Gosh i hope this is not weird.
Pairing: Bucky X Avenger!Reader
Warnings: soft!Bucky, introvertism, happy ending 💜
Author's Notes: Hello YOU wonderful sweet anon! How are you doing today? I hope you're doing great. Thank you so much for sending me this wonderful request, I really hope you like it and please feel free to send in more requests at anytime! 💜 Please let me know if you like or hate this, I'll be happy to rewrite it 💜🥺
Divider was made by me 🥰
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Your mind was such a beautiful distraction. It's a place where unimaginable scenarios would be stored just for you to be able to stare at a blank wall and dwell heavily on them. Living 99% of the time in your head became a little dangerous but it was a much happier place than reality.
The team would often find you in this daze like state where you'd just stare at the wall ahead without blinking sometimes. They would try to coax you out of it by asking a question, a question you would ignore because you didn't hear them. Their voices were silenced, a contrast to how loud they were in your head.
Nobody really knew why you were like this. It's been this way since you arrived at the compound months ago. You kept to yourself, ate by yourself, worked out when everyone else was either watching movies or asleep, and you would just keep silent. Even on missions, you never spoke a word.
The team were actually very worried about your well-being, as clearly this was not natural. For the first time since the civil war broke out, Steve and Tony were actually in agreement about bringing a psychiatrist in to help you until Bucky intervened and wanted to help you himself first.
Bucky would have considered himself a professional by now. He knows what it's like not to fit in anywhere, how easy it was to feel so out of place. He understood more than any psychiatrist what a better and safer world it was inside your mind.
"Buck you can't help them. Y/N is too far gone." Steve spoke regrettably, sadness evident in his tone. He believed they failed you from the beginning and it was easy for Steve to take the blame so nobody else would have to feel guilty.
Bucky shook his head before he ran a hand through his hair, scratching at the root before letting it drop down by his side again. "I have to try Steve. I've been there before, I know what they are going through. Trust me."
Steve sighed, knowing he wouldn't have won the fight. Bucky was determined and it was impossible to change his mind about anything.
"I do Buck. Just bring them back to us, please."
With Steve's permission granted, Bucky wasted no time in getting to work. He started off being as subtle as possible by sitting as close as he could to you on the couch. The goosebumps that pebbled your skin when his knee brushed your leg gave him a lot of hope, that you were in there somewhere.
Bucky was hopeful he was getting somewhere with you. Because each time he took a seat next to you, you'd angle your body to face him and wait for him to start talking about his favourite movies, his favourite songs, his new profound hobbies he's been getting into lately. Your eyes would glisten with hope that you were actually listening to him. And you were, you paid great attention and everything he told you, about the Hobbit struck a chord in your heart. You had felt so lost for so long that even you were worried you might not be here anymore.
Then a few days later, he started to talk to you like a normal person. He would talk about his favourite books and why he liked them so much. He loved The Hobbit series because of the adventure Bilbo goes on and how easy it was for the words to suck you into the story. How easy it was to forget how to cope with real life.
"Bilbo goes on an adventure of a lifetime and sometimes as the road gets tough, he regrets it but he knows there is something worth waiting for at the end of it, he knows there is something worth saving. He meets new friends and they stick with him the whole time." The emotion in Bucky's voice rang home for you. "There's always something to live for. Bilbo never gave up and neither should you because I'm with you till the end of the line."
You knew he was saying 'if Bilbo Baggins could do this, so could you.'
Days turned into weeks and instead of just talking, Bucky escalated his plans by doing stuff with you. He started off gently by taking you for a walk around the rose garden Tony had at the back of the compound. Bucky noted how your eyes changed, you looked at the gorgeous fruit trees and rose bushes in such awe. The flowery scent tingled your nose.
Then he would go further by taking you a few blocks away to buy you a coffee. And when New York was hit with a heatwave, he took you to the beach where he heard you giggle for the very time because of the flamingo floaties he had around his arms.
The team saw a huge improvement. They saw how you clinged to Bucky and watched him intently as he made a couple of sandwiches and some tea for the two of you to watch with a Disney movie.
And it was just under a month when he heard you speak for the very first time.
"Thank you." Even though it came out in a hushed whisper, he would take it over the deafening silence anyday.
"For what doll?" Of course he already knew, but he wanted to hear more from you. He wanted to hear your voice.
"For helping me."
Bucky nodded slowly, a smile gradually grew on his lips and he pushed just a little bit further.
That evening, you almost talked his ear off. You opened up about your feelings, what kind of envisions lived in your head and how much happier they were than real life. Bucky shared some of his too, comparing the two it was apparent he knew exactly how you were feeling and he understood just how scary it really is. For you, it felt like this huge boulder had been lifted off your chest. A chance to finally let everything out and breathe again.
"How did I help?"
"You made me realise that there is something worth sticking around for, something worth coming back to." You told him with tears in your eyes.
His hands rubbed your back soothingly, "You know doll, sometimes in life, we hit a crossroads. We don't know where we are going or what's on the other side of the road. And if you pick a path, you're going on new adventures everyday and I am right here with you." Tears shamelessly rolled down your cheeks from his words. You've never felt so safe in the whole time you've been here.
The morning after, the team were seated around the dining table eating breakfast and talking about an upcoming mission when you strolled through the doors with a grin on your face and Bucky right behind you, just like he had been throughout this ordeal.
"Holy shit. He did it!" Tony slapped a hand over his mouth, overjoyed with so much emotion. Steve nodded to his friend, proud of him that he stuck with it when it couldn't have been easy.
"Oh my god, you actually have teeth!" Sam joked which earned laughs from both you and the team.
"I do!" You giggled, your eyes squeezed shut as you laughed. It felt good to laugh. "I um, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the distance and the silence and-"
"Listen, don't you worry!" Tony told you as he walked towards you to throw an arm over your shoulder. "We are just glad to have you here and it's a new day, we can start afresh!" Tony walked you towards an empty chair at the table and made Sam move seats so Bucky could sit down next to you. He squeezed your thigh in reassurance that he was here for you and he wouldn't be going anywhere.
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"ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙᴏᴏᴋ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ?" - ʜ.ᴏ
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Hello to you! There it is! My first Harrison request. I'm working for a one shot with him, but it takes me so long because it's a little angst. But don't worry, this one is just fluff! I hope you'll all like it! I did not have time to be reread and corrected. So be indulgent once again, English is not my native language.
Summary: harrison met you in this coffe/bookstore where you friend worked. Since that day, he tried to ask you out but nothing really worked he would like. Until that day. Word count: 2690 Warning: some of swear, spoilers of "one day" by David Nicholls" Pairing : harrison osterfield Request: yes!
You walked happily into the store, heading towards the counter where your best friend was. “The cup and feather” was a second home to you. The warm atmosphere that reigned in the bookstore/cafe has always seduced you. There was a peace of mind that relaxed your muscles: the woody decor, the warm and captivating light, the mixed smell of old/new books and coffee. You were leaning on the counter where Maya was completing an order for a regular.
“Good morning Luke! Enjoy your drink!” you said with a large smile.
“Hello dear y/n! Thanks sweetie! Let me know if you want to drink something. It’s on me”
“It won’t be necessary but thank you. I appreciate!”
The customer adds a generous 10-pound bill to the tip pot with a wink at you. Maya thanked Luke and then gave you a broken look. You gave her an amused smile, shaking your head, already anticipating her next line. But nothing could dissipate your good mood, your day was good.
"It's unbelievable how my tips increase when you're here. What's your secret?"
“Hello to you too, dear best friend. I don't have a secret...but maybe, try to be...nicer to customers? Give them a smile while you're taking their order! ”
“Hello honey. I’m so thankful you’re here. It’s a boring day”
It was a pretty quiet day, there weren't a lot of customers. The rather gloomy London weather seemed to have put them off. A huge thunderous sound echoed outside and Maya jumped. You had a sympathetic and somewhat amused smile. You liked the storm. To be honest, you liked the storm when you weren't alone: feel the heavy, electric atmosphere before the refreshing rain falls. She looked out the window with annoyance.
"Jesus. It looks like it's gonna be a long day" she complained
“Don’t be so dramatic! Let me help. How can I help you?”
“There is this book cart that I have to put away and that has been lying around for an hour. But my boss would kill me if he found out that someone who actually doesn’t work here, did it for me”
Maya gave you a knowing look. It wasn't that she hated you helping her with her work, on the contrary, you were quite useful to her. But she would have preferred that you spend your free time other than helping her. You took a few books from the cart, sticking your tongue out at your best friend and rushing down the aisles of the library section. The distinct sound of a heavy downpour was heard outside and a few seconds later, the store door opened to let in two young, but also handsome, men. Maya bit her lip as one of the individuals approached the counter with a polite but warm smile. He seemed tall, with a thin but toned build, thin lips, his blue eyes pierced her from the moment his eyes met hers; a fucking model.
"Hello. Do you mind if we stay a little while the downpour subsides?" he asked.
" Hell no, of course! You can stay as long as you want as long as I can admire you… uh, shit, no, as long as you order something… did I say the other part out loud?
The second boy laughed, but nothing mocking. He was shorter than the guy across from Maya, brown hair and chocolate eyes, muscular arms but not sculpted like a bodybuilder. He seemed in good shape.
The blonde raised his eyebrows, an amused smile on his lips.
"I'm afraid so. Um ... okay. Tom?" he turned to his friend "Do you want to drink something?"
"Black tea. A single sugar and a drop of milk."
Your friend nodded meaning she heard it and then she patiently waited for the blonde to place his order.
"I'll have mint tea. Just one sugar too."
"Noted! Feel free to go grab a book once you've settled in."
The blonde smiled at Maya as he turned slightly to the tables to settle in with his friend. You were immersed in reading a synopsis when you finally returned to the counter. You looked up too late while talking to your best friend.
"Hey, Maya can I keep - ouch"
You had just hit a rather solid chest and your eyes widened in surprise. Two hands grabbed your shoulders before the fall, stabilizing you on your two good. And thank you, handsome stranger because you would have been able to let yourself fall so as not to drop the book you were holding in your hands.
"Everything's alright, love?"
"Huh Huh" You barely said, still a little surprised by the impact.
He smiled at you and finally joined Tom at a table without giving you a chance to thank him. You leaned against the counter giving your best friend an indecipherable expression.
"Who are these guys?"
"I know, right?" Maya whispered, biting her lips again.
You smiled to her. You and your best friend had the same tastes when it came to boys. So it was no wonder that they found them attractive.You quickly gave a last look on the mysterious guy before focusing on the cart again. Your logic wanted you to go back and forth rather than pushing this wheeled machine. And deep down, it was also an excuse to admire the blond boy at the table 7. When you came back from your last trip down the aisles and there were no books left on the cart. You noticed with a sad expression on your face that both boys were gone. What did you expect? A romantic scene where love story is born in the aisles of a bookstore cafe. What's the point? You might not even have been his type. Correction: You were certainly not his type. Maya came over to you, a mischievous half-smile on her face.
"If you're wondering. His name is Harrison. I heard his friend call him. And he kindly tipped you 25 pounds."
"I don't work here."
"It's just like"
"I would probably never see him again, Maya"
"Believe me, I have a feeling that you will."
And she was right. The following week did not bring the handsome stranger, the following week either. You had totally, or almost, forgotten this delicious abrupt encounter. You were in the aisles of the cafe, looking for the next book you were going to devour when you were politely tapped on the shoulder, a throat clearing accompanying the gesture.
"Hm, excuse me?"
You turned around and your eyes widened a little in surprise. You did not expect, or more, to see this beautiful stranger again. He was holding a book in his hands and looked nervous. His demeanor was endearing and you couldn't help but suppress a shy smile.
"I'm looking to get my mom a book. I've heard of this one but ... I wanted your advice."
You raised an amused eyebrow. He wanted to buy a book from his mom and he went to a coffee shop to ask you for advice on a book he obviously couldn't buy here. You found this sweet and awkward. You gave him a shy and mischievous smile.
“You know you're not supposed to buy the books here… just read them. »You joked
"Hmm, yeah ... but ... I wanted your opinion since ..."
"I don't work here ..."
The surprise was read in his eyes as in yours but for different reasons. Harrison felt silly for asking you when you weren't an employee. You, you were surprised by your tone, which seemed so cold when it was not your intention. You didn’t want to be rude to him. In fact, he makes you a little bit uncomfortable. You had never been so awkward with a boy but, for some reason you didn't know, his piercing blue eyes bowled you over. You couldn't deny that you were drawn to him and there was something really spellbinding about Harrison. To catch up you glanced at the book, you wrinkled his nose and you scratched your head
“I'm sorry, this is not the kind of novel I read ... But if she read Fifty-shade of Grey ... this book might please her” you told him, somewhat embarrassed.
Harrison gave you a confused look and you pointed to the cover of the book. To be fair, although he won't admit it, Harrison had grabbed the first book he saw off the storage cart and it actually turned out that it was an erotic fiction rather categorized in the young adult, a bestseller. Honestly, you didn't know where to put yourself. You watched the cheeks of the boy in front of you turn deep red.
"Okay ... Okay. I wasn't there for my mom."
"No shame ..." you tried to comfort him
"No..no i swear. It..i'm … okay ...
A boy with curly hair appeared in the aisle, calling out to the young man, breaking that awkward moment between you at the same time. Harrison's friend seemed vaguely familiar to you, as if you knew him or seemed to know him.
"Harrison, we're late. Tom's gonna kill me, mate!"
Harrison gave a sigh of relief that he seemed to have held back. He gave you a sorry smile and apologized before leaving you, putting the book down on a shelf. They headed for the exit and you stayed there, without moving, still challenged by this moment. You heard a laugh that came from the curl without actually hearing the reason.
"Did you ask her advice about 365 DNI? What kind of div are you?"
"Shut up Harry."
And Harry's laugh echoed one more time before the door closed on them. After a few seconds, you returned to the counter where your best friend was. She nodded at you, as if asking like it had happened. You have to shake your head negatively while shrugging your shoulders. It was the most bizarre interaction you have had in your life. A total failure. With that, he was sure you would never see him again.
But you were wrong again. You were, again and again, at the cafe. Maya was finishing her shift and you were sitting at a table with a book in your hand. You were in your own little world when your gaze was drawn to a male hand, wearing rings highlighting the veins of that said hand, placing a cup of latte on your table.
"I didn't order any-" you said before interrupting you.
Harrison was in front of you, a shy little smile drawn across his face. You frowned, intrigued. How had he guessed your favorite drink? A simple glance over the blond's shoulder told you your answer: Maya was smiling at you, thumbs up, as a token of encouragement. You looked Harrison, pursed your lips, flattered by the gesture.
“I wanted to apologize for the other time.” Harrison finally spoke.
“It's nothing ... I..I hope your mom liked the book.” you just told him with a little smile
"I… It wasn't for her."
"Oh..for whom?" you asked intrigued.
He smirked, amused by your carelessness. Was he not obvious, however? Since the day he met you, the actor hadn't stopped thinking about you. Tom and Harry kept telling him that he was completely whipped and looked like a fool.
"For no one actually. I grabbed the first book I found."
"But why?" you seemed more confused.
"I wanted to see you. It was a pretext… I didn't know how to approach you."
Your cheeks turned as red as Harrison's the last you met him. You were flattered but at the same time surprised to know that he was interested in you. You've replaced a strand of hair behind your ear, blushing. An awkward silence has settled between you two. Neither of them really knew how to break the ice. Harrison looked up at the book you had put on the table when he arrived.
"What do you read?" he asked interested
“One day by David Nicholls. It’s the one of the most moving books I have ever read.”
And you started talking for hours about how this book moved you and how Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess' portrayal in the film adaptation blew your mind. How you went from laughter to tears to anger. How you got attached to the characters in both the book and the movie. Harrison couldn't stop you. He admired you talking with passion and found you endearing. The way you spoke with your hands or the way you frowned when some character action disturbed you. You were in your world and he wanted to enter it.
"I hope we end up like them." He said, interrupting you.
You suddenly stopped in your monologue looking at Harrison puzzled. You didn't expect this. First, because by knowing the story of this novel. You didn't want anyone to experience people's stories, no matter how beautiful it was. Second, did Harrison just say he was considering something with you?
"Like who?" you asked
"Emma and Dexter ... I hope we have such a great story."
You pursed your lips, amused. You swallowed to keep from laughing and you shook your head. You were sure he didn't read the book but you wanted to play with him a little.
"I don't hope so."
"Why? Their love story is beautiful!"
"You haven't read this book have you?"
"Of course yes!" he defended himself, uncomfortable.
In truth, he was lying. He was trying to impress you. He had simply said he wanted to live this love affair to soften you and try to approach you to ask for a date. Once again, you smiled, genuinely amused by the boy in front of you. He looked so innocent and so confident in her walk. But you knew ... You knew he hadn't read the book.
"Harrison, she dies at the end"
Harrison's cheeks have once again turn red. He played with his hands nervously, embarrassed. He was an idiot, a complete fucking div. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to let go of all the stress he had accumulated but also to find a way to make up for it. You were blowing him outright. He thought you were so beautiful and had never been so awkward about approaching a girl. Of course, Harry had introduced him to his ex-girlfriend. But, the actor had never had a hard time flirting. He knew his strengths, he was kinda funny, can't deny he was pretty handsome, after all he was a model. He was also an actor, he could play all emotions, recite hundreds of lines of dialogue. But you looked different and he was unable to have a conversation with you without being ridiculous. You found that rather adorable.
"Okay, okay. I don't hope we end up like them."
“I hope you don't wait 20 years before asking me out?”
Harrison looked at you surprised. Did you really just reach out to her? Did he hear what you just said or did his imagination play a dirty trick on him? Her heart skipped a beat. You pursed your lips before putting on a warm but shy smile. You weren't that confident in normal times but ... but it was pushing you out of your comfort zone. You liked him, his clumsiness made you laugh and moved you a lot. You wanted to know him better. And with a simple smile, Harrison knew he had the green light.
"Would you ... have coffee with me?"
"I'm already taking one with you, idiot" you joked ...
"Yeah..hmm, okay ... um. Would you like to go on a date ... one day?"
Your smile widened. You didn't know if he had chosen his last words intentionally but you liked to think he had. And if it wasn't, that awkwardness had melted your heart. You bit your lip, a smile still on your face. Your cheeks were rosy with emotion. Eventually, you might have had your romantic story at a coffee shop / bookstore.
“Yes, Harrison. I would like to go out with you.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Marinetta when she hears Yuuri's singing:" Oh my god!!!!❤️❤️❤️ You're so talented, Yuuri!!! I didn't know you can sing that well!! Anyway wanna hear me singing? I am quite good with my singing to be honest~ After all my magic allow me to control humans and pulling them into "stories". Anyway the song I'm about to sing is called "Everytime you kissed me"!!! It's a song I composed and write myself, I write songs when I'm free so I own a dozen of music sheets hehe":The girl fidgeting with her hair because even though she's a very confident girl,she gets a bit shy when talk about her power and hobbies
Marinetta pulled out her phone:" So to make the song sound more lively, I played and recorded the music that make your experience more fun!!!!" Then Marinetta open the record app and click on the "Everytime you kissed me" song
Ignore the next part if you want. See song at the end
Then the girl begin to open her mouth and a sweet as honey voice sang out:
~Everytime you kissed me
I trembled like a child
Gathering the roses
We sang for the hope
Your very voice is in my heartbeat
Sweeter than my dream
We were there, in everlasting bloom
Roses die
The secret is inside the pain
Winds are high up on the hill
I cannot hear you
Come and hold me close
I'm shivering cold in the heart of rain
Darkness falls, I'm calling for the dawn
Silver dishes for the memories
For the days gone by
Singing for the promises
Tomorrow may bring
I harbour all the old affection
Roses of the past
Darkness falls, and summer will be gone
Joys of the daylight
Shadows of the starlight
Everything was sweet by your side, my love
Ruby tears have come to me, for your last words
I'm here just singing my song of woe
Waiting for you, my love
Now let my happiness sing inside my dream...
Everytime you kissed me
My heart was in such pain
Gathering the roses
We sang of the grief
Your very voice is in my heartbeat
Sweeter than despair
We were there, in everlasting bloom
Underneath the stars
Shaded by the flowers
Kiss me in the summer gloom, my love
You are all my pleasure, my hope and my song
I will be here dreaming in the past
Until you come
Until we close our eyes~
The song doesn't belong to me. It belongs to Emily Bindiger. Here's a great cover of it: Everytime You Kissed Me
Can you add Auri too???
Referring to this post!
Yuuri looked in awe at Marinetta, her lilac eyes sparkling like an amethyst gem, amazed by the sweet tune of Marinetta.
"W-wow..! You make me sound like an amateur... hehe...!"
Yuuri scratched her cheek awkwardly, her cheeks slightly flush in a pale pink. "Hmm... I wonder if I should I write a similar song.. It... kinda gave me some inspiration..!"
Yuuri looked like she's whipped up her own storm, thinking of something that can mend and mash together, though she seemed to have almost forgotten of another's presence.
Having to realize her own epiphany, she blushed tenfold, burning a deep shade of red in embarrassment.
"O-oh!! S-sorry about that..! I'll, um..! I'll think of it later!! So sorry!!!"
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fydream · 4 years
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✰ how to be a heartbreaker
↳ so what happens when park jisung, the school’s infamous fuckboy runs into the new girl at school? out of boredom he decides it’ll be fun to have someone new to play with, but little does he know, she’s learning how to be a heartbreaker.
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a/n: hi! an authors note before this chapter begins! 1. yes i know the formatting is different but that’s only because this chapter is 5.9k words long!! (yes you heard me!! 5.9k!! that’s the most ive written for anything published on this blog!!) so there will be a cut bc i know it’s annoying to scroll past long posts haha. 2. i know i didn’t mention it in this chapter but i just wanted to say that if you did want to listen to music while reading this, during y/n and jisung’s scene you should definitely listen to euphoria by bts and that jeno and donghyuck’s song is i.l.y. by the rose. i hope u guys enjoy!
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An hour or so later you're running out your front door to meet Jisung, who already regrets saying he'll wait.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-" You apologize. "I didn't mean to take that long you must've been bored out of your mind!"
"It's okay." Jisung reassures. "We won't be there that long, we might be a little late to hoco if that's okay with you."
"That's fine!! Just let me text Donghyuck that I'm with you then."
The ride to where Jisung is taking you is quiet, nothing but his various hums to the music he plays as as he drives. It's nice, it reminds you of the first time he gave you a ride home. Quiet, but comfortable.
Instead of looking at your phone you look out the window, then take a second to look at Jisung before looking back out the window again.
You so weren't slick about it either because he notices how you quick you look away and how eager you are to sneak another glance.
"What?" He asks. "Why'd you look at me like that?"
"It's nothing.." You mumble, trying best to hide the smile that's slowly creeping up on your face.
"C'mon." He insists. "Tell me!!" He tries to make it sound like he doesn't care about the topic that much, but his vocal chords work against him as it comes out as a whine.
"Nothing.. It's just.. You look like that, and I look like this.."
"What, you mean beautiful like always?"
Jisung makes note of how quickly your cheeks turn pink at the comment he made.
"You can't just say that!" You argue.
"Yes I can, you're my date tonight after all. What kind of person would I be to not compliment their date?"
You open your mouth, about to speak before he cuts you off from your thought. "And don't worry y/n. I'll take that look as a compliment itself." He snickers.
"Hey!" You shout, earning another laugh from him.
"Hey Jisung?" You ask once the giggles die down.
"Don't tell anyone I've said this but um.." You start, trailing off at the last part. "Donghyuck has uh, told me things.. about you." You notice how he looks at you, how the expression on his face quickly changes from happy and carefree, to concerned and worried. "I know you probably know what I'm talking about.. I uh- I can kinda.. tell.."
"Yeah." He whispers, trying to block out what you just told him.
"But y'know. I think he's got you all wrong."
"You do?" He asks, a bit too eagerly.
"I do." You say. "From the past how many weeks? Of knowing you, we've gotten close. And I don't think you're anything like that, at least, not anymore.. I've seen the difference between how you act in class and when you're with Jeno and Jaemin, than how you are when we're together and I'd like to hope it isn't just an act. I'm not stupid, y'know."
"I never said you were, I never thought you were either."
"I know. You're not too hard to read, y'know."
For once, Jisung is left speechless. This is the first time anyone has really brought this up on him and he has no idea how to respond. Questions begin to flood his thoughts as he begins to wonder what do you know. Do you know the real reason why he asked you out? How long have you known? What if you never want to talk to him again?
"I-" He tries to speak, but nothing comes out.
"It's okay. I don't know everything about you." You scoff, watching as the boy next to you lets out an exhale. "I don't know that much, but I know enough."
"Enough?" He asks.
"Enough to know that if you are going to break my heart, you should do it right now. Because this is the part where I'm about to tell you how much I like you, and I don't want you getting that satisfaction."
Once you're done talking, you give him a smile. It's a small, innocent, bittersweet smile. It's one of the smiles you would give out to other girls who were ever mean to you, it's subtle, but it gets the point across.
"So what'll be? Park Jisung." You ask, awaiting a response.
Jisung has many things to think about right now, the most important one being driving. He still has yet to process everything you just told him, let alone figure out what to say.
"I.. don't know what to tell you, y/n." He sighs. "I don't want to hurt you.. Can you give me a few minutes?"
"You can have all the time in the world, sweetheart."
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When Jisung finally decides to talk to you once you've reached your destination. If you're going to be honest, it was the most awkward car ride you've been in.
"Okay." He starts, closing his car door. "I know that was way more than a few minutes but I just wanted to tell you this here."
The spot that he had taken you to was a little hill area, on the other side of town. From the top of it you could see the sun set as it's golden rays covered the place you called home. You weren't going to lie, it was beautiful indeed but you didn't care for it at the moment. What you wanted to know was what he was going to say.
"I was.. gonna tell you this here no matter what happened so uh.. Here goes nothing?" There's hesitation, and you can already tell that whatever he was going to tell you was something big. "I'm not here to break your heart, y/n. I know, that's what you thought and probably what everyone else thought too but.. you're different. I know this."
Your brain wants you to call bullshit on that statement but your heart prevents you from doing so. The logical part of you believes that it's probably all a lie, an act just to get you to fall for him. You know this. You know the stories, you've seen the receipts of what he's done to people before you, and you can only assume the things he'll do just to make you fall for him. But if you knew this, then why does it still work?
"Am I really different?" You ask, looking up at him with shaky eyes.
He chuckles.
"Well, yeah. For starters, you're the first girl to ever call me out on my bullshit like that so.." He jokes. "I know.. you're scared. But you shouldn't be." He whispers. "You really are different. I promise."
"Listen, Jisung." You start. "I really want to believe you. It's just hard, because you haven't really given me a reason on why I should."
"That's okay. I understand." He says softly. "I didn't expect you to."
For a second, your heart breaks. It would've continued if he didn't continue talking right then and there.
"But what if I told you all the reasons why you should?" He asks, giving you a shy smile.
"What are they?"
"Well first of all. You're smart. You're smarter than I'll ever be. You've figured me out in what? The span of three months? You don't give yourself enough credit than you deserve. Second of all, you're really passionate about a lot of things. Like that time we argued in the library over the best Stranger Things season? Even though you were wrong, you kept arguing against me."
"Hey!" You exclaim, while Jisung gives you a smile in response.
"Third of all, you're really cute. Don't think I don't notice how your nose scrunches whenever I make a comment you don't like, or how easily you get excited over the simplest things. Remember when we walked to the cafe across the street from school? You got excited because the place had good boba, out of all things. Do you know how ridiculous you sounded?"
"Well- yeah! That's because it was a cafe! And not a boba shop!" You defend.
"I'm kidding." He chuckles. "Also, did you know that whenever you get embarrassed over something not only your cheeks turn pink, but your nose does too."
"You can stop now.. y'know.." You mumble.
"These are just a few things that I like about you, y/n. Do I need to tell you all of them for you to believe me?" He asks, looking at you innocently, as if he didn't just give you the biggest ego boost of all time.
"I believe you." You giggle as he pulls you in for a tight hug.
"Thanks, love." He whispers, placing a light kiss on the top of your head. "Now it's your turn. What were you going to tell me in the car?"
The next hour or so is spent with you two talking about each other, both of you giving out compliments as if there were no tomorrow. If it weren't for the sun being completely gone then you two probably wouldn't have noticed how long you've been alone together.
"Oh my god." Jisung exclaims. "What time is it?"
"Uhm.. Seven fifteen?" You respond, quite confused on why he was suddenly freaking out.
"We have to go, now. They're going to close the doors in like ten minutes."
"Oh. Okay!" You smile, eagerly skipping back to Jisung's car with his hand intertwined with yours. "We better get going then, huh?"
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"Y/n said that she might be late because she's with Jisung already." Donghyuck tells Renjun and Chenle once pull up in front of his house.
Renjun had driven both of them together due to them only being a block away from each other. Donghyuck on the other hand was going to drive you, but when you texted him that you were already with Jisung he decided to ask Renjun for a ride. "Sorry for the inconvenience.. by the way." He mumbles, buckling his seat belt.
"It's alright. Where do you think they went?" Renjun asks.
"Hell if I know. This is the most I've seen Jisung do for anyone." Donghyuck retorts, clearly bitter about being ditched by his best friend.
"Should we be worried?" Chenle asks.
"I don't think so." Donghyuck responds. "Y/n is her own person and she can handle herself, plus what the fuck is Jisung even gonna do? They probably went to take pictures or something."
Chenle shrugs. "I guess so. How are you doing then?"
"What do you mean?"
Chenle shrugs again. "You know what I mean. During the time you two fought you barely said anything to each other, it was just her hanging out with Jisung. Then, even after you made up she ditched us to hang out with him and even now they're probably on a date before the dance or something. How are you dealing with it?"
Once Chenle is done talking, Renjun shoots him a glare before hitting him lightly on the back of his head.
"Ouchie.. That hurt!" Chenle whines. "Aren't you supposed to be driving Junnie.~~" He teases.
"Yeah but I'm also trying to make sure no one fucking cries tonight." He hisses. "Why would you even ask that?"
"I dunno. Was curious I guess?"
"Haven't you heard the phrase curiosity killed the cat?"
"It's been alright." Donghyuck says to prevent Renjun from harming Chenle any more. "I haven't really thought about it I guess? I mean.. I was the one who assigned her to Jisung after all so.."
"Do you think she y'know? Likes him?" He asks.
"Whaaaat?? I'm just asking."
"Zhong Chenle you will drop this topic before I stop this car and make you walk to homecoming alone."
"You wouldn't do that. You love me too much."
"Don't try me." Renjun threatens, turning on his blinker.
"Okay okay.. god.."
"Are you two done arguing now?" Donghyuck asks, rolling his eyes. "And no, Chenle. I don't think she does. If she did she would've told me by now."
"Alright Hyuck.. Whatever you say."
Sooner than later the three arrive at school where Renjun drops off Chenle and Donghyuck to hop in the line already forming before leaving to park his car.
"Ask any more questions Lele, and you're walking home." Renjun threatens before Chenle slams the car door on him.
"I mean it this time!" Renjun yells as he watches the two boys walk away from him.
"So." Chenle starts as Renjun drives off. "What's your answer?"
Donghyuck gives him a confused look. "Answer?"
"To y'know.. the question."
"I already told you."
"No silly, I meant your real answer."
Donghyuck is silent for a second before he decides to answer.
"How did you know?" He asks, and Chenle giggles.
"You just told me." He laughs. "I didn't think you'd walk into that one, Hyuck."
"Oh shut up." Donghyuck teases. "It's not like it would matter or anything."
"I supposed you're right." Chenle hums. "But if it did.. Then what?"
"Then I'd tell her to get out of there." Donghyuck whispers to himself.
"Oh- uh, nothing. I dunno." Donghyuck responds. He knows he has no chance in fooling Chenle but even after that response you'd know not to bother him about the topic anymore.
Once Renjun is done parking he meets up with the two boys and they discuss about how their night will go. While the line slowly moves Renjun argues with Chenle that they should take photos first. Chenle argues back saying that he wants snacks and that all the good ones will be gone if they wait too long. While this goes on Donghyuck has been sending you frequent texts.
[hyuck: hey! we're in line now! see you in a bit?]
[hyuck: are you on your way soon?]
[hyuck: pls hurry.. renle fighting.. dk what to do..]
Needless to say, you haven't responded to any one of them, leaving Donghyuck wonder what you were even doing.
After successfully waiting in line and making it through their schools quick security check, Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck had finally made it inside the gymnasium where the dance was being held.
Once inside they move to an quieter place, where they could talk without having to yell over the already loud music that's being played.
"What about you Hyuck?" Renjun asks. "What do you want to do first?"
"Hmm? What? Sorry." Donghyuck responds, checking his phone once more before pocketing it. "What's happening?"
Renjun frowns. "You weren't listening, huh?"
"No, sorry." He apologizes. "Y/n hasn't texted me back yet and I don't want to do anything until she gets here y'know?"
"Don't worry Hyuck, it's possible they're still outside or something. They just opened the doors y'know."
"Yeah I know.. I'm just.. yeah."
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Ten minutes later, you still haven't responded and the music is loud, but it's not loud enough to drown out Donghyuck's heartbeat as he frantically awaits your arrival. As each second passes by he begins to regret letting you go with Jisung, because you're never late, but the second that he lets Jisung control how your night starts you're ten minutes late and they're be closing the doors to the dance soon.
Renjun begins to notice that you aren't here either and decides walk over to Donghyuck to ask if he knew where you were.
"Hyuck, is Y/n here yet?" He asks, tapping his shoulder lightly.
Donghyuck gives no verbal response, instead he shakes his head while he fiddles with his phone checking back if you happened to text him. "I don't know where she is Junnie.."
"Hey, it's okay." He reassures. "It's not like she's in danger or anything, I know you don't trust Jisung that much but I doubt he'd do anything to hurt her. She'll be here soon, okay? I promise."
"Junnie~~" Chenle whines, popping up from behind them. "I'm boredddd. Can't we just do something already?"
"Lele, not now." Renjun shoos. "We're talking here."
"It's okay." Donghyuck says. "You guys can go do something, it's fine. I don't want to keep you from having fun tonight."
"Are you sure?" Renjun asks, he knows not to believe Donghyuck but he's getting quite annoyed at the fact that Chenle keeps pulling at his arm.
"Yeah. It's fine, if anything happens I'll text one of you."
"You heard him!! Let's go!!" Chenle exclaims before grabbing Renjun by the arm to drag him to god knows where.
"Chenle!" Renjun yelps. "I-I'll text you Hyuck! We won't be gone for long. I swear!" He yells back at him.
And then the two were gone. Leaving Donghyuck alone, by himself.
One of the worst feelings in the world is feeling alone, in a place full of people.
He doesn't know why he let them go off without him, maybe it's because he wanted to be alone, or maybe it's because he didn't know any better. But standing alone on the sides of a school dance, with no one to talk to really shows how lonely you are. He knows none of you meant to do it to him on purpose, it's just him overthinking things after all. But if he was okay with them leaving, then why did it hurt?
Deciding it was awkward enough to just stand there and people watch, Donghyuck decides to go back on his phone. He checks your text messages only to see no response. "Great." He thinks to himself. "You said you would be here, but you're not. I guess you did spend a lot of time with them after all."
Donghyuck feels himself about to cry when someone taps his shoulder. He closes his eyes trying to fight back the few tears that threaten to spill before having to talk to whoever was with him. He didn't want to answer any questions on why he was crying, only knowing that if someone asked him if he was okay he wouldn't be able to control them.
When Donghyuck looks up from his phone, the last person he expected to see is standing in front of him.
"Hi." Jeno greets. It's short, and airy. But it's just enough to get his heart racing. Is it from fear? Worry? Or is it from the fact that his ex, just so happened to catch him at the wrong place and wrong time.
"Hi." Donghyuck responds. It doesn't mean much because he didn't put any emotion into it, instead he decides to focus his attention elsewhere. He looks past Jeno towards the entrance of the gymnasium in hopes of seeing you walk in, spoiler alert, you didn't. "Chenle and Renjun picked the worst time to leave.." He thinks to himself. "I can't blame them though, after all I did tell them it was okay."
"You um- You look beautiful." Jeno compliments, giving Donghyuck a half-hearted smile. "So I've been told.." Donghyuck murmurs before attempting to push past the boy standing in front of him. "Listen. I don't have any time for this right now. Y/n said she would be here and she's not so-"
"Hyuck- Donghyuck, wait." Jeno starts, grabbing Donghyuck's wrist to prevent him from going any further.
"What the fuck? Let go of me!" He yells. It's loud enough to get the attention of a few people around him, but the music the DJ is playing is way to loud for them to have heard what he said.
"Hyuckie, I- Will you please let me explain?" Jeno practically begs, this is the first time that he and Donghyuck have interacted in person since the break up and he can already tell that he's blowing it.
"Don't- Don't call me that." Donghyuck states, hesitant to answer. "You've already explained yourself enough."
"Hyuckie.. Please. We haven't talked in months, you haven't let me say anything."
Of course, Jeno had to find Donghyuck in one of these moments, where one of their songs was being played by the DJ. It was one of the songs that Jeno had showed him, meaning it left such a big impact on his heart. He doesn't know what to do, does he accept Jeno's offer and let him explain? Or does he continue the rest of his high school career pretending that Jeno doesn't exist, leaving many questions unanswered.
Panic starts to fill Donghyuck as he looks around to see if anyone had noticed him and Jeno together. It would cause a bunch of talk, considering that fact that they were both pretty popular and that teenagers loved to start rumors.
He notices Jaemin as he spots Jeno from across the room, by the way Jaemin is walking towards them he can tell that he was looking for Jeno himself, clearly unhappy and very confused where he found him. He glances back at the entrance for a split second before looking towards the direction that his two friends had gone off in, only to see them walking back towards him, just as confused as Jaemin is. He can see the concern rise in Renjun once he sees who Donghyuck is with, as he grabs Chenle's arm to drag him across the makeshift dance floor that their school has created, where Chenle had decided to stop to talk to a few friends.
He looks back towards the entrance and to his luck he sees you and Jisung walk in. Thankful, he lets out a sigh of relief because he sees that you're here and that you're safe. He notices the smile that you have on your face and though he was a bit far away he can tell it's a genuine smile, like one of the one's you would show him when it was just you two hanging out. "I guess I worried for nothing." He thinks to himself, as he watches you two skip in, hands intertwined.
And amongst all this commotion happening at once, his ex, out of all people had to come up to him and ask him a question he knew he wouldn't be able to answer. So what does he do? He panics, of course.
"Oh my fucking god.." Donghyuck mumbles to no one in particular. Jeno seems to hear it but he doesn't process it because he's too busy being dragged by Donghyuck who was attempting to blend in with the big group of people who happened to pass by.
When Renjun, Chenle, and Jaemin end up where Donghyuck and Jeno were previously standing they're left more confused on where the two went. Though it's loud, Donghyuck manages to pick out Renjun's voice yell "What the fuck?" over a crowd of teenagers.
Donghyuck smiles to himself, knowing that he successfully got away. He didn't think it'd work, he'd only seen it in movies before and you know what people say, it's just movie magic after all.
"Where are we going?" Jeno asks innocently.
"Outside." Donghyuck responds, leading their way towards the "exit" sign on the other side of the gymnasium.
"Why?" Jeno asks once more, and Donghyuck turns around just to shoot him a glare.
"So no one. fucking. sees us." He grits through his teeth.
Needless to say, Jeno doesn't ask any more questions after that.
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"Where is everyone?" You ask Jisung through the fit of giggles you let out.
"I dunno. Jeno isn't answering his phone so I'll call Jaemin, yeah?" He responds, just as giddy as you are.
"Oh, I was talking about Renjun, Chenle, and Hyuck."
"You can hang with us for a bit!" Jisung insists.
"I know but I haven't seen them all day." You pout. "I'll hang out with you after!! Besides, they're my best friends after all. How would you feel if I took you away from Jeno and Jaemin?"
"My dear you're allowed to do that any day of the week. I like you better than them anyways." He teases.
"Oh shut up. You know what I meant." You snort. "Can we just go find them please?"
"Yeah, hold on- Hi Jaemin!" Jisung says through his phone. "What? Sorry.. I can't really hear you. Is that Renjun? Why is he yelling at you?"
Your ears perk up hearing the name of your friend leave Jisung's mouth. "Renjun?" You ask, looking at him curious. "Are they okay?"
Jisung nods at you while trying to hear what Jaemin has to say, it's hard considering the fact that there's not only loud music coming from his phone speakers but the voice of an angry boy as well, and to add onto that, the same music being played just a couple feet away from you.
Pouting, you look at him. Jisung can tell you're worried about your friends by the way that your pupils shake as he pulls you into another tight hug, hoping to ease a bit of the worry.
From then you can kind of make out the conversation on the phone, it's something about Jeno and Donghyuck being together then suddenly disappearing out of thin air, like a magic trick.
"Where are you?" Jisung asks.
"We're in one of the back corners." Jaemin yells through his phone. "The uhh.. One on the right, your left."
"Okay. We're on our way." Jisung says before hanging up.
"I guess our night of fun had to end somewhere." He tells you before you two head further into the gymnasium to meet up with your friends.
Once you meet up with the three boys you're greeted with a hug from Chenle while you watch as Renjun and Jaemin argue.
"So they were right here?" You ask tapping Renjun's shoulder.
"Yeah. And then all of a sudden they disappeared." He says, quite frantically.
"Y'know worrying isn't going to do anything." Jaemin taunts.
"Yeah! And you making snarky comments doesn't help either!" Renjun shoots back.
"Can you two stop bickering a second?" Chenle snaps, surprising all of you. "We have no idea where the fuck they went and for the past five minutes all you two have done is argue? Why haven't we checked anywhere yet?"
"Because, Lele. They could be anywhere. We're in a room full of teenagers." Renjun states.
"For once, I agree with this one." Jaemin adds on, earning a glare from Renjun and a facepalm from Jisung.
"Okay? And? Have you ever thought about the fact that they could y'know, be outside?" Chenle asks.
"Why would they be outside?" You ask.
"Because it's loud in here, and it looked like they wanted to talk."
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"So.." Jeno says, swinging his legs back and forth. He was currently seated on top of one of the picnic tables your school had, while Donghyuck was standing across from him, leaning against the corner of a wall.
"You said you would explain, so explain." Donghyuck states.
Jeno takes a deep breath as he stops swinging his legs, he looks at the ground before looking up towards Donghyuck who was already looking at him, clearly annoyed at the fact that Jeno was stalling.
"It was a dare." He starts, before Donghyuck cuts him off.
"Yes I know. We all know." He spits.
"But theres more." Jeno says once again. "As you know, Jisung dared me to ask you out and me, being the asshole I was back then, I agreed and decided to do so.." He pauses for a second. Trying to think of what to say next.
"Listen are you gonna keep stopping or are you going to tell the story?" Donghyuck comments, it's only been two minutes and he's already fed up with Jeno's bullshit.
"I am. I'm just trying to think about the right words to say."
"Why? So that I can fall back in love with you?"
"No, Hyuckie-"
"I said, don't call me that."
"Because Jeno!" Donghyuck yells, voice cracking as he tries to control the same tears from earlier from falling. "I am still in love with you! Each time I hear you say that stupid nickname my heart does leaps and I can't fucking stop it!"
His voice is loud enough for you to figure out where he is, and while the other students outside look around trying to find out what's going on, both you and Renjun take off running towards the sound of Donghyuck's voice.
Arriving in time to hear Donghyuck finish the last words of his sentence he can't tell if he's hurt or if he's relieved to see you. A sense of relief washes over him once he spots you, Renjun, and Chenle running in his direction. But then he sees Jisung and Jaemin, not that far behind you three, and he feels hurt, betrayed to say the most.
"So this is why you asked me, huh?" He scoffs, looking at Jeno with glossy eyes. "So you and your friends can get a little more enjoyment of my misery."
"Hyuckie- I-" Jeno starts.
"Save it. I don't ever want to hear from you again, Jeno. I can't believe I even believed you would tell me the truth."
Nothing more is said as Donghyuck walks away from all of you, and Jaemin and Jisung run towards Jeno. It's quiet, despite there being the sounds of the muffled music that's only being played from a hallway away, it feels like a horror movie with the unsettling silence between all of you.
Renjun is the first one to talk. His voice not only startles you, but grabs the attention of Jeno, Jisung, and Jaemin who happened to be a few feet in front of you.
"What the fuck happened?" He asks, looking at Jeno in the eye.
"I wanted to tell him that I'm sorry.. and that I missed things the way they were.." Jeno says, voice barely above a whisper.
Both you and Chenle can tell that Renjun is about to start yelling and if someone doesn't stop him now then fists will be thrown. Renjun is about to start talking again when Chenle interupts him.
"Junnie." He says softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's not worth it. Let's just go find Hyuck, okay?" He eases.
Renjun takes a second to sigh and relaxes before deciding to head off with Chenle, he know's it'll only make things worse but he really wants to tell the three boys off and possibly throw a punch or two. "It's okay.." Chenle coos at him.
"Y/n, are you coming?" He asks, looking back at you.
"Uhh.. Yeah. Just give me a second. I'll meet up with you in a bit, okay? Just text me where you are." You say quickly before glancing over at Jeno and his crew.
Chenle looks at you, confused on why you were looking at Jeno. It only takes him a second to realize what you were doing before he walks off with a hesitant nod. "Um.. Okay.. Just uh, don't be long. I know Hyuck wanted to see you."
"Thanks Lele. You're the best." You say, before talking off towards Jeno.
"Lee Jeno." You state, standing where Donghyuck previously was. You earn a few glances from Jisung and Jaemin, ask if they were asking each other why you were here and how long you've been there. It's not because they were doing anything bad or wrong, it's because of the fact that they were caught being nice and genuine to one of their friends, something that barely anyone has seen before.
"Y/n." Jeno sniffs, trying his best to wipe away the tears that had managed to leak out. "What are- What are you doing here?"
"Save it." You say, walking towards him. You push Jaemin away as you take a seat on top of the table next to him. It earns you a glare from Jaemin, but you shrug it off and ignore him once he start's complaining that you stole his spot.
"Just- Just tell me everything." You sigh, awaiting a response from the boy next to you.
Jaemin shoots you another look before Jisung walks away with him, knowing this should be a private conversation. They don't go far though, just out of earshot.
"This is my fault." He starts. "If I just continued letting him hate me, then I wouldn't have hurt him like that.."
"It's not your fault, you just wanted to explain things. Do you want to tell me what you were going to tell him? Or is that too personal?" You ask.
Jeno is hesitant to answer. His first initial thought is no, but as the seconds go by his answer changes to yes.
"Start from the top. What happened?" You ask.
You're gentle, and being patient with him. It's something that he's thankful for. It's also something that reminds him of Donghyuck, because whenever the two of them had disagreements Donghyuck would always wait for Jeno to explain, this was the first time he hadn't.
"Okay well.." Jeno sniffs. "If you didn't already know.. Donghyuck and I used to date. Our relationship started off from a dare but as our months together passed by I began to enjoy his company a little bit more. I don't know what it was, and if you asked me I wouldn't be able to tell you but there was just something about him that I ended up liking. Maybe it's the way that his hair flopped on his face each time he ran up to me, or maybe it's because of how tightly he hugged me and how gentle his kisses were, but it was something." He pauses for a second, reliving through a few memories. "I ended up catching feelings.. and as soon as I figured out that I did, he found out how we got together."
"Oh." You sigh, not looking at him.
"I was going to tell him that I meant everything I told him.. All the 'I love you's' and the 'You look beautiful's' but he just wouldn't let me talk.. And then you guys came and that just- that only made things worse.. and now- god.. now he's gone. He said he never wants to see me again."
"I'm sorry, Jeno. It's my fault." You say softly, taking all the blame. "I'm the one who brought everyone here, if it weren't for me then you probably would be talking to him right now."
"It's okay." He reassures. "It's not your fault.. You just wanted to help your friend. I'm sure it would've gone poorly even if you weren't here."
"I doubt that's true."
"Are you kidding me y/n? He hates me! And he the worst part of it is that he has every right to do so.."
"I didn't know people who hated each other confess to each other about still liking one another." You joke, hoping to earn a laugh from Jeno. "Besides, it's not like you won't see each other again. You still have time to make things better, plus you have me on your side."
"My side?" Jeno asks.
"Well yeah. You still like him don't you?"
Jeno sighs, he's lucky you aren't paying that much attention to him because if you did you would've noticed the way he looked at Jisung and how it hurt him more to let you keep going on like this. Nonetheless he lets it happen and he wonders if he really does deserve your help.
"You're too good, y/n."
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
It's Not A Joke
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Captain Magnum x gender neutral!reader
@sierracolorstheworldofwords ty for the request!
A/N: The ending was a bit rushed because I wanted to get it done before I went to sleep and it is almost midnight,,, so,,, uh Rated T for swearing. Magnum being an oblivious FUCK and reader getting tired of his bullshit. Fluff. Slight angst at some points. This one's a bit short, sorry. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.9k
You stare at Captain Magnum and sigh. He was so wonderful… he was fun, handsome, not to mention tall…
It's really no surprise you have a crush on him.
Every single person on the crew knows of your little crush, and you know that they know. It was obvious! You'd always stutter around him, you blushed whenever he complimented you, and you did everything he asked of you immediately and without question. Everyone knows.
Except, of course, the captain himself.
Everyone was surprised he didn't know, including you. You thought you were being pretty open about it. Granted, you hadn't actually told him yet, but he probably should've figured it out by now. For a pirate captain, he was pretty dumb.
"Really? Again?" Magnum's previous first mate asks. You'd started talking to him after you were made first mate, and you two got along. You both could complain about the captain to each other. You also learned his name was First Mate John. Well… just John now. You'd have to help him come up with a pirate name soon. You were a pretty shy person, but you were less so around John. You felt like you could be comfortable around him.
"Yes, again. What else am I supposed to do?" You scoff.
"I dunno... tell 'im?"
"If he hasn't figured it out by now, I'm not sure I want to," you both laugh.
"Fair enough," he smirks, 'but are ye at least gonna drop some hints or somethin'?" You slowly turn your head towards him.
"What do you think I've been doing the last 3 months?" You joke. He snorts and pats your shoulder.
"Best o' luck t' ye, kid," he chuckles. You give him a small wave goodbye and go back to looking at Magnum. He stands up from his spot on the stair leading to the wheel and starts walking over to you. You go into a mini panic as your heart speeds up and you go back to mopping the floor.
"First Mate Y/N!" He booms. You flinch at the volume.
"H-Hi captain," you stutter, avoiding his gaze, "W-What can I do for you?" He sets a strong hand on your shoulder and you buckle under the strength, your face heating up.
"I was wonderin' if ye would like t' be in charge o' th' next lootin'," he explains, "Ye've been here a while 'n I reckon ye could do it." Your eyes widen and you look up at him. That was apparently a bad idea because you were unable to form actual words after that.
"We, uh… I do.. I mean I'd… um…" you sputter out. He looks at you worriedly.
"Ye alright? Ye look unwell…" he reaches out and feels your forehead. You almost instantly pull away from him. He frowns.
"Ye're burnin' up, mate! Are ye sick?" He gently sets a hand on your head. You duck away, dropping your mop.
"I'm fine!" Your voice cracks, "I'm perfectly okay I just uh… I need to rest a bit is all! Yeah…" you speedwalk to the cabin you share with John and shut the door.
Magnum stands in the middle of the deck, feeling very confused.
"That was strange," he said to himself, "I wonder wha' th' problem be…"
About half an hour passed and you were sitting in your bed, your face in your hands. You went over the interaction several times in your head, feeling the same amount of embarrassment and shame each and every time. John walks into your shared room, looking smug.
"I reckon that went well, don't ye?" He teases.
"Shut up…" you groan.
"If he didn' know ye liked 'im afore, he oughta know now."
"And if he doesn't, I'm throwing myself overboard." John laughs and sits on your bed. You peek at him through your fingers.
"Kid, I mean no offense towards th' cap'n, but he's a moron. At least when it comes t' feelin's," you snort in agreement. "Ye needs t' tell 'im directly if ye wants 'im t' know." You remove your hands from your face and sigh.
"Ok… I'll tell him…" you pause. "Later…" John smiles at you.
"There we go," he consoles. He thinks for a moment, wondering what could take your mind off things, before speaking again. "So, the other day, what were you saying about a heist?"
That night, you walk out of your cabin, your knees shaking. John had given you another pep talk, along with a couple other crewmates. You felt a little better, but it didn't really help with your anxiety. Your heart is beating so fast you were afraid it would stop. Your palms are oh so very sweaty, and your legs have gone numb at this point. You barely feel them carrying you over to the captain, who was at the wheel. You stand next to him for five minutes, waiting for him to notice you're there. Eventually, he does.
"Ah! First Mate!" He bellowd. You flinch. "Wha' can I do fer ye?" You take a deep breath in.
"I have something to tell you, captain," you say shakily. Neither of you say anything for a while, and you wonder if he heard you.
"Well? Go on then!" He instructs.
"R-Right… ok… um…" you stammer. You keep playing with a button on your shirt, trying to think of what to say. You can feel his eyes on you and it made you even more nervous. Why did you let them talk you into this? You weren't ready! You couldn't do this. You… you…
You look to the side and see John watching you from behind the mast. He gives you a thumbs up. You respond with a smile and he leaves, decided to let you do this on your own. You take a deep breath and…
"I like you, captain," you blurt out. Magnum doesn't respond and you get scared.
"Be that all?" He laughed, "well, I like ye too!" You blink and look up at him. His face didn't seem to change very much. You're about to smile, but pause.
"Captain… I don't think you understand me…"
"O' course I do! I be yer cap'n, ye're part o' me crew, o' course we like each other!" You stare at him.
"That's not what I meant,"
"Oh? 'n wha' did ye mean?"
"I meant…" you pause, wondering if you should just give up. No. You made it this far. Finish it. you command yourself.
"I meant I love you." You say. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. "Like… I'm in love with you." You continue, hoping he gets it. He's quiet for a moment before laughing.
"That's real funny, Y/N!" He chortles. You stare at him before letting out a laugh.
"Yeah. Ok. Sure. Yeah, of course. That's fine. I don't even care! That's fucking fantastic!" You grumble. He stops laughing and looks at you.
"That's some language… are ye ok?" He asks. You start walking back to your cabin.
"Yeah, I'm ok! Of course I'm ok! Why wouldn't I be ok?!" You yell and slam your door. Magnum stands there, wondering what just happened.
John opens the door a couple minutes later and walks in.
"Ahoy bud… Ye alright?" He asks gently.
"I don't want to talk about it," you growl.
"Aw, bud…"
"It's not even the fact that he doesn't like me! It's the fact that he laughed! Why would he do that?" You lamented. John set a hand on your shoulder. He's about to say something to try and make you feel better, but he stops.
"Wait… he laughed?" John asks.
"Yeah… why?"
"Would you mind telling him again tomorrow?"
"What? Why the hell would I do that?"
"I want to test something. Please?" He begs. You look at him and sigh.
"Fine… this better be good…"
You and the rest of the crew sit and tell stories. Most of the stories are coming from Magnum, but you're not really listening. He notices this and tries to tell more interesting stories, or stories that he thinks you'll find interesting. You still refuse to even look at him, so he lets other people talk.
"Tell him. Right now," John whispers. You sigh and turn to look at Magnum. He leans forward a bit, wanting to hear what you have to say.
"I love you, captain," you say confidently. The whole crew looks at you, and then at Magnum.
"You made that joke last night, Y/N," he laughs.
"It wasn't a joke," you say. His smile falls. The crew decides that it would be a good time to leave, and that's exactly what they do.
"It wasn't a joke."
"Wha' do ye mean?"
"I mean I do love you, captain. I'm in love with you. I would like to be in a relationship with you…" your face heats up and you start sweating. God, why were you saying this? Maybe this was the only way he'd understand…
You look up at him and see a confused look on his face. Oh, fuck it… you think.
"I want a relationship with you. I want to hug you and kiss you and hold you close. I want to make you smile and I want to be your shoulder to cry on if you need me to. I want to whisper sweet nothings to you as we fall asleep. I want you to let me love you." You explain, heart racing. Both of you are silent for a minute. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for rejection.
"Oh…" he says, uncharacteristically soft. "I… love ye too…" you look at him. He's looking at you, a slight blush on his face.
"You… you do?" He nods a bit. "Then why in the name of Davy Jones did you think it was a joke?!" You shout.
"I didn' know ye'd like me back! I thought ye liked John!"
"What do you mean you thought I liked John?"
"I mean I thought ye liked John!"
"Oh my God…" you rub the bridge of your nose. "Why did you think I'm always so nervous around you?"
"I thought... y'know... ye found me intimidatin'..."
"Of course I find you intimidating that doesn't mean I don't like you."
"Oh…" He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Uh... Sorry I was so ignorant t' yer... Affection…" you chuckle at the apology.
"Sorry I didn't tell you sooner," you both sat there, just looking at each other.
"So uh… should we… should we kiss?" He asks nervously.
"Only if you want to. We don't ha-" you're cut off by his lips settling onto yours. You put your hands on his shoulders to keep you upright. He puts his hands on your neck, tilting your head to where he's comfortable.
"Awww!" Multiple voices say from behind you.
"Get a room!" John calls out. You pull away and bury your head in Magnum's shoulder, your face burning.
"Oi! If ye all aren't swabbin' th' deck in th' next five seconds, ye're walkin' th' plank!" He commands. The crew all scramble to get to work. You sigh and pull back to look at him.
"I'm… gonna go help them…" you murmur with a blush. He sighs.
"Ah, okay... We'll... Continue later," he states. You smile and walk away, grabbing your mop. As you mop, you glance at Magnum, seeing him watch you with a lovesick grin on his face. John, also holding a mop, slides up next to you.
"So, when's th' weddin'?"
"Shut up, you fuck!"
the ending is so obviously rushed I'm sorry lol
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gracexbeck · 5 years
Facade | Quentin Beck x Reader
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Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: Far From Home spoilers and slightly obsessive/possessive/manipulative Quentin; implications of sex
When Quentin came up with his plan to become "the next Tony Stark", he knew he was missing something. And when he saw you, a chaperone for Peter Parker's class during their European field trip, he knew exactly what, well, who it was. He needed a damsel in distress. A companion. Someone to be on his arm on the red carpet. He needed someone to be the Pepper Potts to Tony Stark, the Bucky Barnes to Steve Rogers, the Wanda Maximoff to Vision.
His plan was quite simple actually. When he first saw you leading the students around, rolling your eyes at that weird teacher that kept talking about his ex-wife, he was captivated. He immediately used his drones and his cronies to find out everything about you. From your friends and family, to your job, to your mother's maiden name, to all your favorite things, your darkest secrets and all that good stuff. Then all he had to do was stage a "little accident" where you were and rescue you and put his acting skills to use.
The Water Elemental was great for this. You got yourself separated from the rest of your group to look for that kid Peter Parker. He was always running off whenever things were going bad and you and your favorite student, MJ had this theory that he was the friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man.
"Peter?!" You shouted as you ran down the cobblestone streets, feeling like a fish swimming upstream as you battled the swarm of people trying to escape.
"What the hell," you grumbled to yourself, questioning why you volunteered to chaperone a bunch of hormonal teenagers. All of a sudden, a huge wave enveloped you, pulling you into the river.
"This is not how I die!" you huffed as you tried to swim your way out of the watery mess. But the current was too strong. You felt yourself slowly getting pulled closer to the Elemental.
"Oh shi-"
You were cut off by someone grabbing you and the next thing you knew, you were flying in the air.
"I got you miss," a strangers deep voice whispered in your ear. You looked up at your savior and saw a magical Asgardian astronaut? You didn't actually know what was happening and you definitely didn't recognize him as one of the Avengers. He placed you on the roof of a building.
"I'll be back in a second," he remarks. You couldn't tell because of his fishbowl helmet thingy, but you were pretty damn sure he said that with a smirk. Entranced by this mysterious new hero, you stared in awe as he defeated the water monster with ease. He quickly returned to you and took off his helmet, revealing his face.
Damn. You thought to yourself. Why are all these superheroes super hot?
"Are you okay?" He asked you, his voice laced with concern.
"I'm completely soaked but I'm fine," you responded. You could feel his deep blue eyes penetrating you.
"It can't be," he murmured, staring at you in awe. "Y/N?"
"How-How do you know my name?" You questioned him, slowly backing away.
"Don't!" He begged. "It's just.." His voice faltered and he took a shaky breath. "You were my wife."
"I was what?!"
"Sorry, that was, I mean..." He let out an exasperated sigh. "Let me explain from the beginning. Please."
"Fine, but make it quick," you agreed. "I gotta get back to my group."
"My name is Quentin Beck. I'm from another Earth. Earth-833. The whole time-traveling and the Blip, all of that, it tore hole in the multiverse. And that's how these Elementals and I got here." He cautiously took a step towards you, not wanting to scare you off.
"You were my wife Y/N. In that Earth. But..." He trailed off once again.
"I died and you couldn't save me?"
He nodded solemnly. "Along with our kids. And the Fire Elemental, that was the one that destroyed my Earth." He closed the gap between the two of you, taking your hands.
"I swear, on my life, that I will protect you and this Earth."
"Quentin," you said, trying to console him. "I'm sorry about what happened, but I barely know you. I'm sorry," you said, pulling away.
"Please!" He exclaimed, desperate for your attention. "You may not know me, but I know you."
He launched into a full on speech, complete with personal details from your life, things only your closest friends and family knew about you. There was something about him, something that pulled you into a trance. He was mesmerizing. His charisma, his longing stares, his raw emotion drew you into his charm and you found yourself agreeing to a date later on that evening. He dropped you off at your hotel, pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and flew away saying, "I'll see you at seven!"
Your students gaped in awe and pestered you with questions. Even Flash was amazed and nearly fainted at the close proximity Mysterio was to him.
Eventually, seven o'clock came and Quentin met you outside your hotel wearing a button up with its sleeves rolled up, revealing his (very muscular) forearms.
He sure does clean up nice. You thought to yourself as he offered you his arm. You were wearing your favorite f/c dress that fell just above your knees.
"You look beautiful, Y/N," he breathed in your ear as he pulled you closer. "You always do."
All you could do was smile and blush at his simple yet sweet compliment. The two of you walked around the city of Venice, chatting the whole time. It seemed as though you'd known this man your entire life and you felt you could tell him anything. As you and Quentin sat on a bench continued to talk, a string quartet began to play some music. Quentin stood up and offered you his hand.
"May I have this dance?" He asked you with a shy smile.
"You may," you responded with a grin.
He pulled you a close and intimate slow dance and while it felt cliche at first, it felt as if you were the only two people on Earth. He eventually had to leave, saying that he had to meet with Fury and when you arrived back at your hotel, all you could do was smile as you replayed the night's events in your mind as you drifted off into a comforting sleep.
A couple days later in Prague, you lead your students into the opera house and sat in the back, missing Quentin. You hadn't seen him since your date but he texted you all time. Right before the opera began, you noticed MJ following Peter out of the opera house. Not wanting to lose your students, you followed them. You managed to catch up to MJ.
"What do you think you're doing?" You huffed, coming up behind her.
"Ms. L/N?!" She yelped. "I um, I was just...I needed a breath of fresh air?"
"I saw you follow Peter," you remarked.
"What? I totally was not, I definitely most certainly not following Peter because he's definitely up to something," she stammered in reply.
"I'll take care of him later MJ, but you need to go back to your classmates," you commented. "I know you have a crush on him but that doesn't mean-"
You were cut off by people's screams. You looked up and saw this fiery thing emerge and begin to destroy stuff.
"Okay, you definitely gotta go now," you quipped as you pushed in the direction of the opera house. "I'll find Peter." Again.
MJ rushed into an alley as you began to search for the child. "Why does he always gotta do this," you grumbled to yourself as you pushed past the frantic crowd. Suddenly what you assumed was the Fire Elemental was in front of you.
"Oh for heavens sake not again," you complained, bracing yourself for the worst. But, it never came. The next thing you knew, you were in Quentin's arms once again and he and some sticky guy in all black that claimed to be "Night Monkey" (and was suspiciously similar to Spider-Man) ended up beating the fiery creature.
Once the chaos dwindled, you found yourself in Quentin's hotel room, laying in his bed, wrapped in his arms.
"I don't know what I would've done if I lost you again Y/N," he confessed.
"But you didn't lose me," you responded with a small smile. "Thank you."
He captured you into a kiss, a kiss that quickly turned passionate as you ran your hands through his hair and clothes began to fly off. He encapsulated you into a deeper kiss, with you longing for his touch and you let your bodies melt into the night.
You woke up in an empty bed, sunlight streaming in through the windows. You got out of the bed and wandered into the closet. You threw on one of his t-shirts and then you heard his voice.
"Oh, we're in the endgame now buddy!" You heard him exclaim. Curious, you moved closer to the sound of his voice.
"I've got our little Y/N wrapped around my finger. I can't believe she actually fell for that story. My fans are going to absolutely love this. Next thing you know, we're going to be the next Pepper Potts and Tony Stark. She's the perfect damsel in distress. I'll see you in a little bit so we can finish our London plans. Okay?"
Fell for his story? Damsel in distress? London? Your mind began to race. What was going on? You grabbed your phone and looked at it. You had several text messages from MJ and Peter, all claiming that Quentin wasn't who he said he was. That he faked all the attacks just so he could become a hero in the public's eye. It couldn't be true, could it? After all he did for you? Your heart pounded and a knot formed in your stomach. You didn't know what to think.
The door flew open and in walked Quentin.
"Hey baby, didn't expect you to be up so early," he exclaimed with a smile as he leaned in to kiss you. "Last night was amazing Y/N. I really think we should-"
You cut him off by pushing him away. "Stay away from me!" You croaked, your voice shaking slightly.
"What's wrong, baby?" He questioned, frowning at you.
"What's wrong? What's wrong is that you lied to me!" You hissed at him. "You used me! You pretended to be a hero!" You backed away from him even more. "But you're not."
His eyes darkened and his persona changed entirely. This was not the Quentin you had quickly fallen for. This was someone completely different. Someone dangerous.
"Stop it right there," he threatened, his voice low and deadly.
"I can't believe I fell for you," you seethed. "I honestly thought you were someone I could love. But it was just a facade. It was fake. And everyone's going to know it."
You made a run for the door but Quentin was quicker. He grabbed you by the waist and threw you onto the bed. He pulled out handcuffs from god knows where and cuffed you to the bed frame.
"Let me go!" You snapped at him. "Or else you'll really regret it."
"Enough!" He bellowed at you. "Now listen to me, sweetheart." His voice sent chills down your spine.
"I'm not the only one with skeletons in my closet," he sneered at you, as he stood up. "I know you're secretly a SHIELD agent and that your mission for Fury is to look over Spider-Man, who just happens to be your student, Peter Parker."
You gasped. He knew. He knew everything about you. You felt your heart drop as you knew what was coming next.
"Shut up, Beck," you growled.
"And I know you were a double agent for SHIELD and Hydra until Captain America took them down for a second time."
"I said, shut up!"
Yeah, it was true. You were a double agent. But only because your boyfriend back then, Grant Ward, convinced you to join. But when you saw Hydra for what it was, you turned on them, confessed to Fury your involvement and you were able to help take them down.
"So unless you want your little secret to get out into the world and if you want to protect your precious Parker, I suggest you listen to me," he commanded. Feeling as if you didn't have a choice, you pressed your lips together and glared at Quentin.
"Everything I felt for you was real Y/N," he declared. "You're the one for me. You're my soulmate. And you're going to be with me forever darling. Whether you like it or not. You're going to be my partner and we're going to be the next big power couple."
"Please, don't do this," you begged him, tears prickling at your eyes.
"That's too bad honey," he said with a sinister grin. "Because from now on, you're mine, Y/N. You're. Mine."
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saintheartwing · 5 years
Undertale: Frost
Author's Note:
This was a story I had always intended to write, but never really found the time to. Now I've got more time to, having settled into my new job, working at a brand new hospital. With this story, I intend to be fairly historically accurate to the times the tale takes place in, and the cultures as well. I'll try hard to be respectful, and to be understanding, but I recognize I will make some mistakes. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think, and point out what you like and where I can improve. This story will be covering some very tough, hard subject matter, and I won't really shy away from it though I'll try to not create anything so dark it gets an M rating. Above all else, I want the story to FEEL real, and to feel like the people within actually, truly lived. If I can tell that story, and make you enjoy it, and make you perhaps think a little about the big issues within this story...I'll be happy.
Seriously, nothing makes a writer feel better than knowing people read their work. So please. Don't be afraid to comment or review. And so, without further ado, I give you my vision of the past. I give you...Frost.
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The sun softly lilted over the quiet city of Lincoln, England, the skies above filled with soft, lilting clouds as a gentle zephyr blew through the hair of those walking into the cathedral. It was the tallest building in the world, towering higher even than the Great Pyramid of Giza, with a magnificent central spire reaching to the heavens above in the center of the large church, and smaller spires at the front, its big, huge double doors open and letting all inside.
Even the monsters.
They passed their way into the cathedral's south entrance under the "Bishop's Eye", an enormous, beautiful stained glass rose window, a companion piece to the "Dean Eye" on the north where people would be exiting. This was, of course, deliberate, for the South represented the Holy Spirit, whilst the North stood for the Devil. The Bishop gazed out at the south, to invite in, whilst the Dean gazed out to the North to shun. The Cathedral, therefore, looked upon both Heaven and Hell…metaphorically speaking. All were welcome inside, but when they left by the North, they'd be reminded to be wary of the guiles of the evil one.
And there…there she was. One of the biggest reasons people had decided that perhaps letting the monster race into the town of Lincoln wasn't such a bad idea. She was clad in her plain robes, but her white fur shone beautifully, her eyes closed as she sang for the assembled crowds making their way into the church. The backup choir behind her harmonized along with her powerful yet soft voice, a voice likes that of an angel that instantly drew your attention. Though she had little tiny nubs for horns atop her faintly goat-like skull, and her finger's nails were somewhat pointed, the cute, large feet, the little sweet pot belly you could see, and her voice, the VOICE! All of that was disarming. Even her eyes weren't scary, though red in color, they were very close to brown, and came off as more soothing than sinister as Toriel, proud member of Saint Mary's Cathedral, sang for the masses, as Father White watched in his own soft robes not far away from the pulpit.
As Toriel sang, her cross necklace glinted in the light filtering in through the stained glass windows of the cathedral, and people were practically hypnotized as the words lilted through the air. Her words brought to mind soft grass in a valley, of the wind blowing through flowers, with petals dancing on the wind. It made you think of warm rays of the sun that faintly kissed your skin, and a tenderness that was rare to find on Earth.
"She's one of the good ones, without a doubt." Said Tobias's father as the young lad with the cute smile and rosy cheeks quietly watched her, blushing a bit more as he gazed at her face.
"She's, um…quite a lovely singer, yes." He finally murmured out.
"If only ALL the monsters had as fine a voice as this "Baphomine"." Tobias's father James commented with a sigh as he put his arm around his wife Marietta. Quite a few of the inhabitants in the church nodded at this quietly murmured remark, though Tobias flinched at this, and it comforted him to see quite a few people turning to give James a rather irritated and angry look. "Remember, Tobias. In the service of the lord, even beings as lowly and wretched as monsters can be made almost human. Truly, the church's mercy is a thing to admire that even such beasts can be admired in some way."
"Well…beasts can't talk…" Tobias muttered. "I've not ever heard a dog or cow or frog speak."
"Oh, they can imitate our language much like they imitate our songs, but I doubt they really understand it. Much like how a…PARROT can imitate human speech but not comprehend it. They're merely following our lead, my son." James reasoned. Tobias held his tongue, though for a brief, dark, horrible moment, he imagined kicking his father in the shins.
At last, Toriel had finished her song and bowed, as people clapped in the aisles, and Father White moved forward, nodding his head at Toriel, taking the young, teenage monster's hands in his. "Bless you, Toriel. Bless your heart. And bless all of thee for coming. The Lord be With You."
"And also with you." The masses repeated back.
"We profess our belief in the Lord, Jesus. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whomever believed in him should have eternal life. This is the Gospel of the Lord."
"Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ."
Father White's thick black hair fell about his face as he his slightly scraggly-bearded face looked out among the throng. His blue eyes flitted very briefly over to Toriel before he spoke, loudly and firmly. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees! Hypocrites! For thou are like whited sepulchers, beautiful upon the outside, yet inwardly rotten, full of dead men's bones and all uncleanliness. Though thou appear outwardly righteous, within thee is hypocrisy and iniquity! The Gospel of Matthew, one of my absolute most favorite parts of all the New Testament. Every one of thee should know it. Matthew, one of the 12 Apostles, wrote this fine Gospel primarily for a specific audience. Do any here know who they were? Come, please. Raise thy hands. This is a safe place for all who want to believe, and you won't be judged or mocked if you get it wrong."
Tobias slowly raised a hand up, before anyone else, and when Father White pointed at him, he spoke as clearly as he could, Toriel's eyes looking right into his own. "Was the gospel written for the Jews, Father White?"
"Yes. Matthew makes mention of more Old Testament sections than any other gospel, and he saw Jesus as King of the Jews, who fulfills the prophecies within the Old Testament. He wanted Jewish people to be able to welcome Him into their hearts, and to convince them with that which they themselves held dear, the holy words and prophecies and lessons they took to heart. By showing them this, and the miracles Jesus performed, Matthew hoped they would welcome Jesus. Let us pray upon this."
He bowed his head, the people in the Cathedral following suit as Toriel bowed her own head. Come about 45 minutes later, the service was over, and she was nodding as people left the Cathedral…before quickly rushing over to one particular person. Or rather, one particular monster.
"Careful!" She quickly ushered the burning, constantly-on-fire Pyrope away from a tapestry just in time. Phew. Now the depiction of Christ on the cross wouldn't go up in flames! The big, coal-like, large-mouthed monster's head hopped up and down on the coiled, rope-like chest, stomach and lower body of his frame, wearing fancy sandals as the fiery hair he had slightly flared up before it cooled down at the sight of her worried face.
"My apologies." Percival Pyrope remarked, the burning fire upon his round, black, eyeless face turning into a very thin layer of fire, his "normal" state when he wasn't excited. The Pyrope and monsters much like him who could accidentally damage the church had to sit rather separated from the throngs of humans. Didn't want them burning down the church!
"Its alright, really. You've been VERY well behaved, thank you so kindly." Toriel said warmly, bowing at Percival Pyrope as he left the church and Toriel, in turn, walked over to Father White as he looked over a big copy of the Bible at his podium. "You were very, very considerate to use Matthew in today's sermon." She said, as Father Michael took her hands again and shook them.
"Anytime, Toriel. You are as a shining light in our church, and welcome here anytime you desire. You'll never be turned away from here." Father White insisted kindly as he briefly peered over Toriel's shoulder, taking notice of the fact that…yes. There he was. Little Toby had stayed behind and was nervously rocking back and forth on his feet. "May I help you, Toby?"
"Um…may I have confession, sir?"
"Of course. Come this way." Father White led Tobias off across the church and towards the booth used for confession as Toriel, in turn, made her way out of the church and towards the local inn to get lunch.
Though many of the townsfolk smiled a little at her, or bowed their heads, others quietly shuffled out of her way, a few muttering nervously, looking a bit pale as she entered the inn and sat down at a table, the innkeeper sending a server over to her as several people she'd not seen in town before glanced in her direction.
"…oh. Those. Let's…not stay. I'm not hungry at the moment." One of the men grumbled as his friends nodded, the bartender sighing a bit as he watched them leave, Toriel quickly digging into her robes pockets.
"Here, I'll pay a little extra to make up for your lost business."
"A pleasure doing business with you, then!" The innkeeper remarked with a big grin as he nodded at the server. "Hannah, give Ms. Choir Girl anything she'd like!"
"Not a problem at all…" Hannah said with a nod as she stood by Toriel. "So what do you want?"
"I'll have the usual." Toriel remarked as Hannah nodded, going off to get Toriel her salted meat dish she so adored, combined with a nice local ale as Toriel, in turn, took something else out of her pocket…silver shine polish for her cross necklace, a creation of her own design she'd made by herself. In fact, she made quite a bit of good money selling her artistic creations, and used a bit of the proceeds to help the church. It was only fair, she felt, given how they'd let her join, the first monster in Saint Mary's-
Toriel sniffed at the air, turning. Oh. A man behind her was looking over a pie that had been served to him and he tilted his head to the side as he examined it. "I wouldn't eat that if I were you, sir." Toriel spoke up softly as the man glanced up at her, then at the pie. "It smells…" She sniffed at the air. "Yes, I think whomever baked it didn't quite use proper butter."
"You can tell from smell?" The man asked. He HAD looked irritated looking at her but now his expression was one of wonder. "I had no idea. Is it because you Baphomine part goat?"
Toriel inwardly flinched, but she said nothing outwardly and shook her head. "No, no, my kind aren't part goat, we just resemble them somewhat. Much like how a statue only resembles a living being, but isn't truly one. And, uh…we'd prefer being called "púca", good sir."
"Pooka? That's…Irish, isn't it?" The man inquired, wearing a thick robe that looked quite fancy and having a short moustache and beard. He looked very nondescript otherwise as he sniffed the pie. "Well, I'll take your word for it. Thank you very much, Miss…um…your name?"
"Do you have a second name?"
"Oh, no, we monsters don't always have that either."
"I'm learning so many things about your kind! My name's Hugh, by the way." He said with a small smile as, at last, Toriel's own meal arrived. "Please, sit with me. I'd like to know more about you and your kind. I don't mean to impose, but I've heard so much, and I'd like to come away from this knowing you and your ilk better."
Toriel nodded, and she moved her meal to his little table, sitting across from him. This wasn't the first time this had happened, and probably wouldn't be the last, but she didn't mind, not really. If it meant a better understanding of her people and of her, then this was fine. It reminded her of a story that Father White had said, of somebody seeing someone on the beach, picking up starfish and tossing them into the sea. The second person had admonished this starfish saver. "Look, there's hundreds of these, you'll never save them all. You can't think you're making a difference." But the other man had simply smiled, picked up another starfish, and tossed them off into the ocean, saying "It made a difference to THAT one."
Toriel would be that Good Samaritan. And Mr. Hugh would be yet another starfish. As she began to speak about her kind, she felt something almost familiar in him. Almost-
Ah. Now she realized. His hair. It was rather like that of her friend off in Wales. She wondered how he was doing.
As it were, winter was soon to settle in Wales, and the first quilting of clouds passed its way towards the ramparts of the castle on the hill. The sun's rays were being slowly but surely obscured by the greying blanket that was making its way over the inhabitants of the castle as the guard nonchalantly sat on its ramparts, keeping their eyes peeled. They had their weapons close at hand, ready to snatch up at a moments notice, bows had fresh drawstrings put in them, the spears had been finely shined and armor a-glinted in the few remaining rays of light that burst through the clouds above. A light wind ruffled through their hair as they looked about at each other, ready to make their move. The only question was…who would break first? Their opponent was crafty and calculating and-
Lord Llywelyn Ap Iorwerth was smirking in delight, and he picked up the winnings from the men, shaking them about in one hand and looking supremely smug. His moustache quivered in that way it did whenever he was especially pleased with himself, his cloaked frame rising up as he put the winnings from the dice roll in his bag and shook it about in the air, his thick Welsh accent audible for all the men gathered about to hear. "Hear that, me lads? THAT'S the sound of success."
"Just wait." One of the men grumbled as his buddy scratched the bald patch in the midst of the spiky hair on either side of his head. "We'll get our money back soon enough. Another round!" He insisted, shaking his fist defiantly at their lord as his ponytail flopped off the side of his shoulder, his bowman friend adjusting the bag of arrows he had slung around his back. "How about it?" He asked as he turned to another pal.
"…I dunno, Arthus." The somewhat shorter, tubbier spearman shook his head as he plucked a bit at the stringed lute as had in his lap at the moment, humming a bit, his rather large chin slightly bouncing as he hummed a few bars, playing some more of the lute. "I think I want to cut my losses." He said, the slight wind in the air a-ruffling his somewhat poofy hair.
"Dylann is right. Ol' Bowen's up for anything…but not a second pounding at the dice." Bowen the Bowman said in his oddly low voice as he sighed and hung his head, shaking it back and forth. Sitting not far away two knights glanced at each other briefly as they stood on opposite sides of Lord Llywelyn, one with a half-visor esque helm who's lower half was slightly dotted with little holes, chainmail on his arms and legs as he hung his own head in dice defeat. His comrade, who wore a helm that was smooth and square-like and with a slightly jutting-out front with plate armor on his arms, but not his legs shook his head too.
"Gawain and I aren't interested in losing again."
"Iolo, come now!" proclaimed Arthus, looking rather mortified. "That's two week's pay you've lost!"
"And I don't want to lose another two weeks." The plate-mail having knight commented. "My dear "Artie"…one must know when to cut one's losses."
"Perhaps Elisud wants in?" Arthus asked as he and the others turned to the young lad who was looking out over the ramparts, who hadn't joined in the fun at all. Elisud, though being the youngest there at age 16, looked far older than he really was. He was already showing the beginnings of a five o'clock shadow with the faintest sign he was going to have quite the beard/moustache combination. He also had a bit of a receding hairline, his hair wafting about in the wind somewhat as he looked across the long stretches of grass to the east.
Elisud turned to look back at them, a slightly surprised…even annoyed…expression on his face. "Um…well, it is just…I mean, I've been told gambling is a sin, good sirs, and I don't want to sin. I AM going to be a Friar."
"Exactly. A Friar. You Franciscans have to take vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. Nothin' in there that says you can't GAMBLE, that ain't one of the 10 Commandments!" Arthus laughed.
"Besides, if you're concerned about the money…just give it back to these fine gentlemen. You can call that "charity"." Lord Llywelyn said with a smile at Elisud as he rubbed the back of his neck. Elisud had been training to be a self-taught Friar for weeks now, he'd read book after book about what it took and he wanted to establish a Franciscan monastery in Wales, there weren't ANY in the entire land and he wanted to be the first.
"Well…okay." He said at last before glancing back across the grass. "But are you absolutely sure we don't need to worry about them?" He wanted to know as he looked back over the long stretches of green at the distinctly white-skinned, odd mixture of ugly and cute that was sitting about 100 yards away from them. He'd been watching that froglike creature for a good ten minutes, and he'd been most unsettled at how it was just STARING at them all.
Froggits, they were called. They looked much like their namesakes, but there was…SOMETHING underneath their little bodies that peered out, some kind of bug of some kind that people suspected allowed the frog-like top to call forth flies to buzz forth and attack the monster's target. The fact that they were only about a foot tall made them a bit more worrisome to deal with than a normal frog, but still…
A frog monster with big stupid eyes that could summon a couple flies or so to buzz at you wasn't too intimidating. At least, the men clearly didn't think so as Dylann plucked at his lute some more and began to play a tune, the men sniggering all around.
"Elisud, it's a damn froggit. They're not scary!" Bowen said as he tapped his foot along to Dylann's tune, the others beginning to hum along as their Lord strolled over to Elisud to look over at the froglike creatures as well. "I mean, a good, hard shot from an arrow will send them scampering away."
"You could kick one into oblivion." Said Sir Iolo as Gawain nodded his agreement. "They're not as dangerous as the Melusine or the Baphomine race."
"Their magical skill's pathetic." Arthus commented. "All they do is summon flies."
Elisud glanced about. "…do any of you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Dylann asked as he stopped fooling with the lute, tilting his head to the side.
"Sort of a…buzzing noise?" Elisud murmured, looking over at the froggits, eyes a little narrowed. "Are they trying to summon their flies?"
"I don't see any over there." The lord remarked as he gazed upon the froggits as well, tilting his head somewhat.
"Really, don't worry, Elisud! The foolish froggits may have numbers but that is all they have. Should any attempt to get within reach of the castle, we shall let loose our arrows on them and they shall perish from the onslaught." Sir Gawain offered to Elisud. "Now come, come!" Gawain rose up too and clasped Elisud on the back. "Try a liiiiittle bit of gambling. You've got a good month to go before you leave us and get started on building the monastery. You can live a little."
"And it's of course an honor to build it with your permission…and money, Lord Llywelyn." Elisud added with a bow. "But if thee don't mind my asking, why did your wife want to help me set it up?"
"I suspect that papal decree from Pope Honorius III has gotten her very grateful towards the Church." Lord Llewelyn mused aloud. "Who am I to deny her? Now come, come! You want to win this gold, don't you?" He asked, shaking the bag about, making it jingle with its many coins. Elisud smiled warmly and sat down on the ramparts as his lord did the same, and Sir Gawain and Iolo began to hum merrily, Dylann beginning to sing as he so often did whilst Bowen and Arthus got out their own respective instruments from nearby bags, a flute and a viol, playing along with Dylann as he closed his eyes and sang joyously.
The song wafted through the air as Elisud and Lord Llywelyn rolled their dice, eager to keep the fun going as the minutes went on, the singing making the group practically glow with a kind of warm, soft light that brought a smile to Elisud's face. Still, even though he was enjoying their singing immensely, he couldn't bring himself to join in, whenever he tried to open his mouth to join in the revelry, he felt himself choke up, his neck tightening.
"If only I had a bit more bravery in me." He sighed sadly. Still, he didn't mind. It was just…nice…to enjoy his time with his wonderful, wonderful comrades here, and nice to have such a good, sweet lord.
"Alas. Snake eyes." His lord sighed as he hung his head, Elisud cheerily holding up the bag of gold he'd just gotten.
"Winning!" He giggled as he held the top open and, one after the other, poured out the winnings for everyone else to take hold of in their palms. "Here you are everyone. My sincerest compliments." He remarked before an idea came to him and he made his way towards the eastern rampart's wall, holding up the still-remaining coins in one hand. "Hello? Froggits?"
The frog monsters ALL turned to look directly in his direction.
"Look, if I were to give thee some coins, would thoust please leave?" Elisud inquired, the rest of his group looking a bit stunned by this, whilst his Lord sighed somewhat. The froggits glanced about at each other, and then "harrumphed".
"Mayhaps they don't have anywhere to put it. Ah well." Lord Llywelyn said with a shrug. "Not everyone welcomes the virtue of charity." He remarked as Elisud walked over to him, giving HIM the last bit of gold he had left, a look of surprise popping on the ruler of Wales's face.
"You didn't have to give me any of it back, I lost it, fair and square." Lord Llywelyn remarked.
"You're already giving me so much, sir." Elisud insisted with a beaming smile. "I could NEVER thank thee enough for that but at the very least I can give you a bit of coinage. Mayhaps use it to buy your wife a new dress with my compliments and deepest gratitude?"
Then he heard it once more. "There it is again!" He groaned, looking left and right. "That BUZZING noise. Don't all of thee hear it?"
The others glanced around, then Bowen sighed as he rose up, readying his bow and arrow and peering down over the ramparts, looking down the walls. "I don't see any silly froggit flies trying to climb up the walls." He called out. "You sure you're not a-hearin' things, Elisud?" He inquired as Elisud rose up, looking about, holding a hand to his ear and closing his eyes.
"The sound is coming from…over…there." He said, gesturing off towards the west as he quickly made his way to the far side of the castle, strolling over a connected pathway bridge, finally arriving at the other side…and his eyes bulged wide with horror. "OH MY GOD!"
Oh his God indeed, for now he saw what the buzzing noise was. The froggits on the eastern side had been a distraction, for a much larger frog that was a good three feet tall and with a crown upon its head stood there, eyes burning like coals, its mouth looking almost like it had been sewn shut, ready to burst open and let loose a horrific, soul-shattering croak. Underneath its body were burning, sickeningly bright eyes, and sweeping all about it…was a SWARM of flies that were sweeping along the grass, barreling towards the castle.
"SIRS! SIRS! We've got a MASSIVE, crowned Froggit to the west!" Elisud cried out. "He's unleashing a swarm of flies upon us all!" Elisud cried out as the men in the courtyard below and on the ramparts immediately bolted upright. Cries rang out as they took hold of their weaponry, Lord Llywelyn seeing the froggits on the east racing towards them.
"They are trying to ensnare us in a pincer movement! We must strike back! Ready your positions! Take aim with your bows, my bowmen and fire, fire, fire! Get me some boiling oil to keep them from getting inside the castle!" He roared out as Elisud reached into the folds of his robes, readying the small crossbow he had by his side as he got out his small little quiver of bows. He drew the string back, readying the bow as he took aim, then cringed. No, no, he could maybe hit a FEW flies but he'd never be able to do any proper damage.
"Light your arrows!" Lord Llywelyn yelled as he and others held up torches, the arrowmen lighting up the arrows they were ready to fire as Elisud did the same, nodding at his lord. "We'll be able to strike more down this way! Here they come!"
The flies had almost reached the castle, that horrific, foul, unnatural buzzing filling the air as the Final Froggit let loose a big, loud, ear-splitting GRRROAAAARRRKKKKK of a noise, and Lord Llywelyn cried "FIRE!"
THWOOSH-THWOOSH-THWOOSH! Arrows soared forth, rapped in burning flames, barreling down at the flies, others aimed at the onslaught of froggits. The screeches and cries of dying Froggits was oddly human in how they sounded, it was SCARY how much a frog's cry was like a man's. But down they went all the same as the bowmen kept firing, big, large, burning chunks getting torn through the ensuing flies. The horde broke again and again, the attempt to break through the castle defenses appeared to be failing.
But Elisud could see a distinctly smug look on the Final Froggit's face. He kept hopping leisurely towards the castle, and the flies kept coming. Elisud didn't know why he was so smug and cheery but-
Then he realized why as he reached into his quiver and found out that he'd run out of arrows. And evidently, so had most of his friends! The men were clearly out of arrows and now they were trying to pour down boiling oil as the flies soared towards them…but the flies could dodge these far more easily than the arrows, soaring up, away from the boiling oil to shoot down at the men.
"AGGGHHH!" Elisud could see his comrades being swarmed by loads and loads of flies. Though the Froggit assault from their front line had failed miserably, the Final Froggit's flies were succeeding very well. They tried to swat and slash and bat at the insects sweeping all about them, getting in their eyes, biting at their flesh, but though they knocked several of them down, it was proving nigh-impossible to kill the little pests.
Only those who'd put on armor had some degree of protection as they were being kept from being bit…until the flies got into their hoods, forcing folks like Gawain and Iolo to rip their helmets off as quickly as they could, spluttering, coughing, digging at their eyes, the flies trying to eat their eyeballs out!
Elisud gasped in horror, surrounded on all sides by his beset friends, the screaming of the dying and the hurt and the terrified all around him. He had to do something. ANYTHING! Anything at all! He had to get rid of all of these flies! He turned, seeing the Final Froggit now atop the ramparts, a distinctly smug look on its features as it stuck its tongue out mockingly at him.
"Not so high and mighty in your castle NOW, are you, humans?" It inquired as Elisud felt a shudder go over him, the frog-like monster gazing right at him as…something unexpected happened.
In fact…three things happened in quick succession.
PING! A big, green heart manifested in midair in front of Elisud, and the Final Froggit sneered at him again, Elisud's eyes widening.
A powerful, yet oddly soothing and tender balm of emerald light rose up around Esliud's frame as his vibrant verdant eyes sparkled.
And he covered his face and his head with his arms, flopping onto his knees, wanting the flies and the froggy monster to just go away, as an enormous, pulsating, throbbing shield of green light cascaded forth, shooting out from his body. THA-THWOOOOM! All of the flies around him, and the Final Froggit too, went sailing through the air, the other flies dissolving away in midair as the Final Froggit's concentration was shattered by the sudden burst of what could only be described…
As MAGIC. Pure Green Magic…from a Soul of Kindness.
TRHROMPH. He hit the ground, groaning, the men gazing in amazement, fear and wonder at Elisud as he looked down at his hands, which slightly glowed with the same green light as the shield, the Final Froggit quickly hopping away from the castle as fast as his little legs could carry him, not wanting to stick around to fight a MAGE as Lord Llywelyn approached Elisud, and the obvious question came from his lips.
"Elisud…how in the name of everything holy did you do that?"
"I haven't any idea." Elisud whispered. "…what did I just DO?"
"That's MAGIC, my boy. Magic, right there. No doubt about it!" Gawain whispered, bite marks all over his cheeks and left side of his face, whilst poor Bowen was missing one of his fingers, nibbled off by the flies as he had his hand wrapped up, and was cringing in pain. "I've only heard stories of the wonders of the mages."
"Does anyone know anything of what green magic does?" Dylann inquired as Iolo rubbed over his eye. He had a VERY nasty wound, the flies had tried to eat it out of its socket and had eaten the eyelid away.
"It's healing magic. Shielding magic. The sign of a compassionate and kind soul." He whispered as Elisud's mouth fell agape. "Perchance he could heal our wounds."
"I can…try." Elisud murmured.
"Try to think of how you used it just now. What was going through your mind?" Lord Llywelyn asked, putting a hand on Elisud's shoulder as he bit his lip.
"I…just wanted that monster to leave us alone. That thought flared in my mind, in my heart. I just wanted him to GO, and…and something erupted up inside me."
"Concentrate then on…Bowen, for starters. Bowen, your wound!" Lord Llywelyn proclaimed as Bowen raced over to Elisud, the others watching on in awe, as Esliud held onto Bowen's hand. "Think only of healing his wound. Try to picture his healed hand in your mind. All of you, stay silent! Let him focus. Let him breathe. Let him feel the swell of healing light within." The lord reasoned as Esliud took in deep, long breaths, as he closed his eyes, his hands feeling over Bowen's injured hand, picturing the flesh growing back.
Slowly but surely, he felt the surge a-swelling up in him but…no, no, it was more like a soft ripple. A gentle wave, a balm that soothingly slid from his hands in a tender green aura, as Bowen's finger began to grow back, good as new, right before their eyes.
"Tis a miracle." Bowen softly whispered, tears brimming in his eyes. "Tis truly a blessing from God himself that you'd gain this power, at our most dire hour! There can't be any other explanation!"
"Now, now, Elisud has other wounds to treat. But once he has finished, we celebrate." Lord Llywelyn proclaimed firmly as he gently patted Elisud's back. "Esliud, your hands were meant to heal, that much is true. And we'll celebrate tonight with a glorious feast in your name."
"I don't know if I deserve it, sir. Anyone with my gift would surely do the same." Esliud said humbly as he blushed somewhat.
"Then we'll celebrate to God's grace, that allowed us to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Sound better to thy ears?" Lord Llywelyn asked as Esliud warmly smiled back.
"I don't think God would mind that at all, sir. Nor would I. You all honor me with your faith in my new skills, I only hope I can do right by you." He insisted with a bow of his head.
Meanwhile, the Final Froggit had made his way far across the expanse to the west, and had found refuge within the forest, a deep, dark woods indeed. The lack of sun from the quilt of clouds above made the only light from within be illuminated all the more as a burning figure stood in powerful armor, sitting on a big, gigantic dolmen, surrounded by a host of other creatures, all of whom were radically different from each other. There were creatures with only one eye and nasty, foul horns, the eye in the center of their gigantic head. It would blink every once in a while, and shift, and the one eye became two tiny ones with a little, smirking mouth. Another being would have been adorable in its tiny little winged armor, save for the coldness that emanated from its helmet as it spun a spear about. A big, hulking, horned knight of a monster had a gigantic Morningstar resting upon its shoulder, and it turned to the burning, humanoid being in armor, clearing its throat.
"The Regimental Leader of the Froggit Squad's Welsh Platoon 1 is here, sir."
The Final Froggit was allowed to pass by the towering behemoth of a monster as the burning being folded his arms over his chest. Upon examination, the being was…just barely an adult. He looked eighteen, really, with fire for skin, for hair, and lacking a proper face, save for two yellowish, intense spots that resembled eyes.
"How did it go?"
"…miserably." The Regimental Leader sighed. "I'm very, very sorry Lord Grillersby. They had a mage with them. One blast of his shield scattered my flies and sent me flying, and my divisions…well…I have no divisions. They crumbled from the onslaught of arrows, and are now but dust in the wind."
"That is very unfortunate." Grillersby, better known as "Grillby" to his friends, sighed as he hopped off the dolmen and paced back and forth. "Still, we need a good foothold in Wales and killing their king would finally teach the humans they can't keep pushing us around. He's the weakest and easiest to get to of all the rulers of these islands. If we can't get to him, we certainly won't be able to get any of the others!"
"What of the one they call Cu Chulainn, sir?" The Regimental Leader asked as everyone else drew in a deep, harsh breath. "Has Melusine not proven effective against him?"
"You would THINK." Grillersby grunted. "…you would think. Unfortunately, it would seem the rumors are true. He's as a demon on the field of battle. Sigh." He hung his head. "I'm going to have to write back to poor Asgore and let him know the bad news. And that means he's going to have to give his Father the bad news. And I'll have to deliver it myself to ensure the letter isn't intercepted before it gets to our dear skeletal friends in England..."
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