#the suits look v weird tho
time-woods · 11 months
I'm stealing each character'a outfit designs for mah own fashion >:D
But seriously tho, I L O V E the way you design patterns/fabric!!!
I'm literally just inspired looking at these comics
You can really feel the materials it would be made out of, like Scarab's se
quined suit, or Cosmic Owl's layered coat.
Even Prismo's blanket would be such a good cotton shoulder-shawl (I forgot what its actually called) for a formal casual setting.
Oh Lordie, They all blend together in a way thats tasteful, while still being able to stand out from eachother!
You're able to fit the weirdness/personality of each character in a way that just shows the passion in your work, and thats literally so amazing!!
(I'm painting some fabric inspired by Prismo's elongated arm button up shirt as we speak, I even saved some eyeball buttons that would be perfect for this!!)
thank you so much ! !
honestly clothing is one of my favorite things to draw- all the different ways cloth interacts with the form is so fascinating to me ! also designing it is so fun ^^ and im so glad ive inspired so many people from my silly comics ! ! thank you so much ! < 3
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perplexingly · 3 months
I really enjoyed it! It was a German production in Nuremberg, but the songs were sung in English. They modernized it, having Jesus and his followers speak out against the catholic church and its controversies (treatment of queer people, women, children, ...). So Herod was the pope and so on. (This Video is German but it has snippetes of the songs: youtube.com/watch?v=bL1zvFUHzMY And this one some more immagery: youtube.com/watch?v=aCcIiCqCCI0 ) Both Jesus's and Judas's actors were sick actually, but they somehow managed to find replacement (Jesus: youtube.com/watch?v=DqFpvyhbtOk and Judas, tho i could only find him as Jesus, too: youtube.com/watch?v=L5w4y_2KNco)! I liked Mary Magdalene a lot. Something about her voice really suited the role imo? like how rough?? it was maybe.. (youtube.com/shorts/rxC6FgRjv8s) I cried multiple times, in particular during "Superstar". they made it out to be this scene in which Judas was wearing a sparkly suit, holding a camera (which was projected in large for everyone to see) and microphone into Jesus's face, who was all naked and bloodied from being whipped. The scene was really bizarre with everyone ignoring Jesus's suffering and telling him he didnt do enough. And Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a son together, who in the end was the reincarnation.
I'm really looking forward to comparing it to other productions!! it was the very first time for me to even listen to the songs, so i dont have a full opinion on this production in particular, except for that I liked it and i'm glad I got to see it and that it got me into the JCST in the fist place. (My boyfriend said we'd have to go again to compare it to other productions so I know he's the right one 🙏😤)
Omgggg that sounds incredible! Glad that you had fun 🥰 I love it when theatres do something unique to the play, thank you for summarising it! (the one I saw was very traditional, back when Neely had his European tour, I also watched it in Germany 🙈)
There's a couple recordings of different productions on YouTube if you want to compare, though I'd say most of them are different from one another only through the costumes and acting, without major changes. Still, this show tends to go all weird and unique with the setting so it's still worth watching other productions : D
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biscuit-munchies · 6 months
Hi! I just found your PLA Paul AU and I'm loving it! I feel so terrible for poor Reggie, and Brandon too! :'(
It's made me think though, how would Paul & Brandon react if it was Reggie who disappeared?
How would Paul deal with Reggie just..being gone?
I've had this thought in mind since PLA came out, sorry if the question is weird tho =w=
Also I really enjoy your art! x3
OOOOOHHHHHH you done got my brainworms acting up again! Also im glad you enjoy my art lol >v< Strap in cause this is gonna be a LOOOONG post! OK SO! Here's how it would go: Paul would be traveling around, searching for pokemon with strong EVs and IVs (yknow, the usual) and like all similar trips he would check in. Paul and Reggie would usually check in like once a week when paul would reach a pokemon center, but Paul hadn't been near one in a while so he thought Reggie would call him on the phone today.
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It's been quite a while since Reggie called him (he didn't realise that it was that long) So he tries to call Reggie back. It rings, no answer. He tries again, still nothing. Paul's a little confused but shrugs it off, thinking that his brother is just busy or something and that he'll call him back. So his journey continues, walking along different routes and catching some promising pokemon, but his mind would always wander back to his phone. He eventually reaches a pokemon center and tries to call Reggie that way, and he STILL doesn't pick up. His guts churn a little in concern, Reggie isn't one to forget things like this as he's gotten on Paul's ass about checking in more than once. Paul tries not to worry and think logically as he eventually boards the plane back to Sinnoh. Maybe Reggie is just really busy this time around and forgot to turn his ringer on. Maybe Reggie's phone broke somehow. Maybe Reggie just doesn't want to call him.
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Paul sighs to himself, maybe he was just overreacting and his brother was just abscent-minded about the whole thing. He then heads back to Veilstone City with a little pep in his step, thinking of ways snark on his brother about the whole calling thing. Paul would climb the small steps to the porch of their home and he opens the door, ready to yell to his brother in the home. Only...
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The house was absolutely trashed. Paul could not believe what he was seeing. There's no way that the house was- He drags his feet along the dirtied floor, furniture was knocked over, many dishes were either left in the sink or strewn about the floor in pieces. He looked out into the backyard- Where was all the pokemon Reggie was raising? It was like someone... someone broke in and- Paul could feel his heart start to race as his trudge turns into a brisk pace as he goes through the entirety of the house. Calling out to his brother as he tried to keep his voice steady. "Reggie? Reggie! Where are you?"
The bathroom. His Room. Reggie's Room. The Kitchen. The Living Room- The Living Room? Paul stopped. Then raced towards his backpack to get his phone in a frenzy and called the police. The Living Room floor was covered in blood.
After the police arrived, Paul went into autopilot, more out of shock if anything. The officers asked him different questions he didn't care to remember, and it was only when a familiar voice piped through the crowd. "Paul? Boy, are you alright?" Paul looks up from the ground to see a broad green suit right in front of him. "...Brandon?" He asks hesitantly. After that day, Brandon took Paul in as Paul couldn't stay at the Tobari house anymore (with it being a crime scene and paul can't pay mortgages off). Arceus, Brandon worried that the police would make Paul a ward of the state but was relieved to know that Reggie put Brandon down as a surrogate guardian to Paul. (my little head canon don't worry bout it ;P).
Paul seemed to completely close himself up, seemingly not wanting to believe that Reggie was now a missing person. He doesn't sleep much, doesn't eat much, and seems to get annoyed or angry at every little thing now. Brandon worries about him.
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Paul doesn't want to talk about what happened at all, for he is angry at the world for taking away his big brother. Paul thinks that if he ignores the problem, that it'll go away andReggiewillcomebackand saysorryforleavinghimbehindandPaulcouldsaysorryfor-. But, as feelings do, his emotions reach a boiling point.
It was supposed to be a 'meh' day, Paul didn't know why Brandon tried to confront him about his self-destruction coping mechanisms. Things got heated, and Paul snapped back at him in a visceral rage.
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"Why do you care, of all people?!" "So what if he's gone?! It's not like I care! It's not like he cared!" "It's pathetic of him to go missing like that! He had competent pokemon to protect him!" "How did no one notice the house was trashed until then?! Did nobody care to check?!" "Why didn't you check on him?!"
Paul went on his tirade for Arc knows how long, letting all his frustrations out in the open. He probably didn't know the magnitude of what he was saying, nor did he care. His tantrum continued on until he was out of breath. He was never like this, being this emotional, and Brandon just stood there with a knowing expression.
"So what if I wasn't there for him?! So what if he's hurt somewhere?! So what if I-"
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"If- If I wasn't-"
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"If I wasn't a good enough brother to him...?"
Paul hangs his head low, his figure lightly shaking as tears fell from his cheeks. He just uttered the thing that has been eating at him for weeks. How pathetic he is, saying that in the open, to Brandon of all people. He expects Brandon to reprimand him for saying those horrible things, what he doesn't expect is arms wraping around him in comfort. Paul stiffens and looks up hesitantly, that knowing sad look still on the elder's face. No matter how mature Paul acts or how grown up and knowing he thinks he is.
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He's still a little kid.
For Brandon, it eats away at him to see Paul like this. Brandon and the rest of the frontier brains went through something similar.
When Anabel dissapeared.
For Paul to be going through this as he is... Arceus... He'd never dream of it. And yet, here they are.
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They stay like that for several minutes before moving to the couch. They sit in silence before Paul whispers a quiet "m'sorry..." "For what?" Brandon answers, A Pause.
"...for sayin' those things t' you... you didn' deserve that.." He moves his head up slowly, eyes red rimmed from tears. "That was pathetic of me to do.. m'sorry."
"Don't worry about it, boy... I'm just glad you're lettin' it out now." Brandon cracks a small smile to him. "We'll get through this, you and I, so don't worry about it." . HOLY FUCK that was long, I basically made a psudo-fanfic right here lmfao. So yeah hope you enjoy!!
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wheeboo · 1 year
— bias tag game *ੈ✩‧₊˚
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
thank you @fairyhaos for the tag <3
rania's bias list:
seungkwan (svt)
wheein (mamamoo)
jeonghan (svt)
wonwoo (svt)
hoshi (svt)
jun (svt)
seulgi (red velvet)
yunjin (le sserafim)
soobin (txt)
lee know (skz)
1. between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
i biased my girl seulgi first :> i started stanning red velvet in between peek-a-boo and bad boy era and i literally love her sm i gay panic whenever i see her and she's so cute and quirky i fell in love instantly !!!
2. between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
umm,,, how dare u give me this question rn. wheein has been my ult for the past 5-6 years and i feel like i can declare us as a v chill married couple lmfao and i love her w all my heart. but tbh jun has grown so much on me and finally putting him in my bias line is just ugh <3 <3 got my heart flippin and feet kickin (it doesn't help i have like,, a lot of ideas for him in terms of wips)
3. if you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
again... what the hell U R MAKING ME CHOOSE BETWEEN MY TOP BIASES IN SVT?? absolute insanity. ugh,, okay jeonghan ily babe but i gotta go with my fav boy seungkwan <3 i feel like he'll take me out of my comfort zone n just take me out to places n just be the most supportive person ever. like i can imagine our arms locked together while walking down the avenue or sum idfk
4. what is your favorite physical feature about 9?
his MF DIMPLES OFC. i have such a thing w dimples on my biases its actually so funny
5. what is your favorite part of 6's personality?
i just,, i love jun's quirkiness and awkwardness sometimes i always swoon over him <3 he may be quiet at times but he's such a big source of strength for not just me but for all his members. i get why they all love him sm
6. if you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
my gf yunjin KEEP BEING YOU MA'AM. do whatever you want that makes you happy. you're such a big inspo to me and so funny and talented and beautiful and all those synonyms i cannot grasp how much i love her
7. between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
ohhhhh definitely wheein. our styles r very similar and honestly she's the reason why my style is like this to this day!! she has such unique fashion taste and omfg i'd love to raid clothing stores w her. altho i'd rlly love to steal some of seungkwan's sweaters,,,,...
8. what is a style that you want to see 3 try?
omfgomfg uhhh honestly jeonghan can literally pull off any damn style he wants, and im too scatterbrained rn to think of a specific style. i love his soft boy looks tho n the style/clothing he wore in berlin got me feeling some type of way yk IT SUITS HIM SO MUCH
9. between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
hoshi LMAOO even tho there's barely a difference between him and wonu. they'll both still tower over me tho im only like 158cm fml
10. between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
soobin n txt! i love their discography so much. some of skz songs r just not my style and i can rlly only listen to them when i'm feeling that kind of energy yk. still love them tho ofc
tagging (no pressure!): @slytherinshua @itadorins @hannyoontify @wqnwoos @icyminghao @etherealyoungk @blue-jisungs @mirxzii @yeonjuns-redhair @rubywonu @ylliris-hanniehae @rubyreduji @toruro @weird-bookworm @planetkiimchi
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asmallmoon333 · 11 months
Silly question because I was scrolling through your Tumblr blog and really wanted to ask something but nothing came to mind except L and L looking different because Reasons TM.
We have L the rich family heir in the current Time Speaks arc. He's got a Family Approved TM makeover.
But what if Light was given a chance to give L a makeover? How would this new and visually improved L be?
Also how long do you think before L takes back makeover privileges and gets back to his usual? I bet an hour, max lmao.
So I thought about this for a minute lol
The thing about Light is, I actually don't think he spends as much time on his appearance or on appearance in general as some fanon implies. Yes, he's put together and looks good, but most of that is just a clean haircut and his natural face. Light is just good-looking on his own hahahahaha, and he uses that against people as part of his repertoire of tactics. Personally tho I think he relies on the "upstanding member of society" shtick much more than his looks, despite how I personally like to comment on his face in my story.
Why did I ramble about this here, you may ask? Because I actually don't see Light as giving L a makeover or even thinking about it much, based simply on what Light finds value in or has an interest in. At best I think he'd buy L a nice suit, or at the very least some fitting clothes, and give him a haircut, but nothing more than that. This would be a special occasion with other people involved, and so L would give in since he'd see it as important enough to submit until the end of whatever occasion it is. But in daily life or a makeover just for fun? I don't think Light would do it. Their weird sexual tension is 90% cerebral, and while Light uses society's proceptions against them, I don't think he takes them seriously himself. He's an actor on a stage wearing a costume, which is also why I think he's got so may clothes, and so many "fit the situation" clothing as we see. But beyond that, he doesn't care what others look like, and certainly doesn't care about L's looks beyond that one time he called him a weirdo when they met.
Also I don't think Light knows a thing about makeup (remaining purposefully ignorant, despite Misa's attempts), but also he's possessive and wouldn't want L to look too good to other people. So even less inclination to give him a makeover lol. But he does, personally, admire what L looked like with slicked-back hair when he has the chance to see it, as in that one fan art of them in the tub I've saved. >v>
Sorry if that's not the answer you were hoping for, it was still a fun one for me to think about!
(Now, if you'd asked about Misa giving L a makeover, that's a whole other story; she would sit him down and keep him there as her doll (hah) for as long as she possibly could, and he would actually just give in cause why not, he's bored, let's see what Misa can do. And she'd go in full, she'd dress him in all types of styles and genres, from historical to modern to goth, and even go into cosplay a bit, with full makeup and accessories. She would splurge on this cause his frame would make him perfect for some anime cosplay. There would be photoshoots, face artfully averted of course, and they'd be popular online. This would include male and female outfits btw. And L would have fun, even tho he didn't expect that he would, he finds it interesting. While Light would watch from the sidelines with an annoyed look on his face (he's not fooling anyone, he's there for every shoot). L, in contrast to Light, would actually listen to Misa and learn about a full makeup and hair care routine. He'd never employ that knowledge personally, but he'd remember it even if just to bring up to Light randomly like "Light-kun could do with some moisturizing sunscreen and leave-in conditioner, you're looking a bit sun damaged" "What?" lmao.)
So, yeah! ^v^
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lochness-art · 11 months
no one asked but here r my opinions on the new outfits since mayhaps they are the new Official Outfits??
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ichiro - an improvement. i like that it's very true to his og outfit and i think it looks better with just red (rather than the red + blue), plus that weird white undershirt that i always hated is gone <3
jiro - BB YOU LOOK SOOO GOOD it's a p small change but i like it, i like the hoodie more than his prev jacket and i love that they kept his stupid nonfunctional flannel <3 but most importantly the HAIR AHHHH im OBSESSED WITH PONYTAIL JIRO. the only small thing i dislike is the lack of hat </3 rip jiros hat (2017-2023) you will always be remembered
saburo - i liked his overcoat from his prev outfit so this fit is a bit of a downgrade for me :[[ he still looks good though and v true to his character so i dont mind too much
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samatoki - oh thank fucking god, an outfit worthy of his hotness. ive been mourning tdd samatoki ever since i knew of him and this blue leather jacket is SUCH a good look, and we didnt even have to sacrifice his tits out shirt. it's perfect
jyuto - good!! he looks hot as he should. the red gloves were iconic and will be missed but overall i think i like his new outfit better, it's a little less stuffy looking
rio - an upgrade bc he looks somewhat more like an integrated member of society and less like a permanent navy seal. i like that he got to keep his camo but also wear some normal-ish clothes
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ramuda - this seems...p much the same except the jacket changed and he has a hat now? i think its a hat? i dont like the hat. the jacket looks good and i understand why its yellow but... i miss the turquoise... the turquoise and pink was iconic... :[ overall not bad but miss the old 'fit for sure
gentaro - idk i dont look at gentaro enough to know what exactly changed but he looks fancier. i guess he looks better? idk and idrc sorry
dice - SOOOO GOOD. like took all the essence of his og design but makes him look less homeless bc what was that trench coat. he looks so stylish im obsessed
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jakurai - idrc about him but i think this outfit is def an improvement bc theres a bit more flair beyond just 'i am a doctor'
hifumi - i like it! white is a good colour on him
doppo - i think its an upgrade!! he looks a bit more loose and comfortable which i think is like...symbolic maybe. and he just looks better. good for him.
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sasara - FUCK THIS WHERE IS HIS HOUNDSTOOTH. IT WAS ICONIC???? give him his full suit back cowards. also the bowtie is not giving. im sorry i just do not like this outfit. only good part is that he matches w rosho (they r in love)
rosho - again. i do not like this pattern. his old pattern was better. also he managed to look nerdy but still hot in his old fit now he kinda leans too much into nerdiness??? idk i just do not like it 😭
rei - i mean...it's okay but he looks so. neutralized. like he got an office job or smth. where's the dramatic fur coat and gold accessories and white pants and the red shirt and-- it's an ok outfit but as an official outfit i feel this is definitely a downgrade
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kuko - i really like his new outfit, i LOVE the hoodie thing? i like how it keeps his casual yet buddhist look. his og outfit is also rly good tho and a bit more colourful so...idk, im torn on which i like better
jyushi - it is ... ok. it's pretty similar to his og outfit but i feel the execution is just...slightly worse. i prefer the original :[
hitoya - good! keeps the essence of his character, i mean i feel like it's p much the same except slightly diff jacket and he's draping it over his shoulders now lol. which is definitely a look and further increases his sex appeal-- imo--
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melissa-titanium · 9 months
dd wit cat traits are so cool but you guys are limiting yourself. need me some weird fucked up bird dds . also bat solvers is so cool FLESHY WINGS KICK ASS but what if solver wings were. well for one what if they had weird pinfeathers like they were constantly molting BUT. getting offtrack but i think solver drones are exploited by the solvers to physically suit the host's strengths and weaknesses . dont know enough about nori & yeva yet to deduce whay theyd be like but. uzi shares most of the dd traits, wings, tail, and considering maid v. presumably the claws. i think the solver would look at doll & how she behaves and go Nah that wont cut it. instead of bat wings i think she would get fucked up bug wings. sort of like beetle wings, but with thick plating to work as defense because as shown in promening she knows jack shit about actual physical combat instead resorting on her powers. going by my hc that wd have three-fingered secondary arms & nori and yeva planned to have uzi and dolls frames built to like. best deal with the solver. i think doll would originally have had like. fully developed secondary arms (for more complex glyphs) before her parents DIED and she had to start updating her frame herself (aka stealing the parts of drones she killed Yay) IM GETTING OFF TRACK THO uzi is like a weird bat bird beast while doll is a fucked up beetle roach thing. i dont think dolls. Solver Form would have a tail solely because. im a sucker for short-tailed beasts representing "docked" parts better suited for fighting. OH MY GOD hold on ok im getting so offtrack but guys doll is so cool . her kill count is almost certainly not even remotely close to v's but theres something so wild to me about "the desire for revenge against my parents' murderer is so strong that along the way i became something similar to her." like you know. solver drone. oil. Killing. duh doyyy GUYS its all connected im such a genius. i like to depict doll as visually very similar to v (round & square shapes, similar bodytypes n shit) just cause imagine looking in the mirror one day and realizing youve become the thing you sought to kill. hell you even have the same bangs. also dolls whole No one can help me ... I can do this myself ... shit is SOOO funny to me . i love seeing a character getting introduced as a highly powerful entity and then IMMEDIATELY EATING SHIT (promening <3) like. ok. i remeber i planned 2 write a fic about this like a week ago and never did but the idea is still in my mind i think doll would. try n teach herself to fight or some shit. Sasha waybright reference i think cheerleadinf would transition very smoothly into physical combat. speaking of cheerleading what do u think doll was like before You Knwo. was she for real just lizzys bitch? funny to think about actually. filled herself with somuch rage and such a potent desire for revenge that she burnt out and froze herself over OKAY THIS MAKES NO SENSE THIS TURNED INTO ME TALKING ABOUT DOLL GOODBYE I LOVE HER ALOT.
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thebahwrites · 1 year
OOOO OOO OOOO tell me your thoughts about that silly rabbit hangman
i love u sm thank u for validating me and my need to rant 🤝❤️
an ask game ft niche questions i don’t see v often (send me a character)
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin (More under the cut so I don't bother anyone <3)
a song that reminds me of them Gonna pick one that isn't on Powell's list cause come on: Bad Guy - Billie Eilish I'm that bad type Make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad tight Might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy, duh I just think it's funny to think about how both fanon/canon makes Hangman the main antag/the "villain" and he kinda does it himself as a character but mostly cause he's an asshole.
what they smell like Expensive. My mans be using Dior's Sauvage body wash and cologne (kinda pine-y/fresh) and/or Tom Ford's Tobacco Vanille, also of cigarettes, bourbon & jet fuel. Do you know how much jet fuel STICKS to things? Hangman strikes me as the kind of bitch who has a couple scents he sticks by, they're good and expensive and also signature for him. Also yes I am very, very anal about scents so have this.
an otp If I answer Hangster is anyone gonna be surprised? No? Good. I just think it's the same appeal as Iceman/Maverick, okay, they're rivals, they're enemies, they're bitter but still in love exes, don't come for meeeee.
a notp Hannix, look, I don't ship-shame or anything, it just reads comphet to me, doesn't do it for me, I'm SORRY. I think they'd be great frenemies tho.
favorite platonic/familial relationships Coyote/Hangman is also one of my ships so this is hard because they can also be the best bros ever and it's #1 in my heart but also even though we have a total of zero (0) canon interactions I know in my heart of hearts Ice and Jake would've been great together in this essay--
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with (concern emoji.jpg) Please no one come at me for this but the general fanon that Hangman is actually uhhhhh 'soft' inside? How do I explain this but basically this notion that whatever traumas/hidden reasonings he has needs to be broken down and he's actually, like, nice? I don't vibe with it. And that's coming from the author of give your heart a break lol I just think there's space to 'there can be real depth to this character' to coexist with 'he's also a huge bitch'. 'Bitch™️ as a personality trait' if you get what I mean? I say this with the utmost love, I am a huge bitch and I don't think I am a bad person, an asshole at times but not a bad person and that's how I personally see the character. ANYWAYS, THAT'S MY PERSONAL TAKE, NO ONE @ ME. (another smaller one is that he's not a good/decent team player because canonically that's disproven he has a point in the things he's done BUT I DIGRESS I'll ramble if I start, goodbye!)
the position they sleep in Weird ones, you know when you look at someone and goes 'that can't possibly be comfortable?', those. And he drools.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in PACIFIC RIM WHEN. MY PACIFIC RIM AU WITH MY SPECIFIC HEADCANONS WHEN-- I'm kidding... mostly. But also 'In The Flesh' which is probably something only I wanna see.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn Listen, he looks good in the flight suit, what can I say, I like a man in uniform. I'm not immune to [Hangman] in his [flight suit].
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mekanikaltrifle · 2 years
scottish council logos hell judgment day part 1
there’s 32 of them so I’m not putting em all in here, Especially since there’s alternate/older versions of certain logos that just. really need to be addressed.
If you want to block this little series of rants, block ‘scottish council logo rant’ and that should hide it away from your dash.
Disclaimer: all of this is humorous and also based on my own sensibilties as someone with lots of arts training including some graphic design/ logo design.
Also disclaimer: I have favourites. I will not change this.
SO. We begin.
1- Aberdeen City
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it’s..... well, it’s fine. Nothing really wrong here. Can’t really offend with a wee heraldic crest and a simple sans serif font. Spacing’s nice, readable, pleasant dark green colour. 6/10 cause the griffins should have wings imo
2- Aberdeenshire
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the weird little A looks like the feeling you get going through a road tunnel late at night, and you’re sleepy and your parents didn’t buy McDonalds and it’s 2 and a half hours til you get home.
5/10. I hate the sonic the hedgehog colour but it’s otherwise inoffensive.
3- Angus Council
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OHOHO THIS IS NARSTY. the wiggles? (I think it’s maybe water?) the horrific gradient? the lurid blue and eye-burning green giving me really lazy glitchcore palette inspiration? Angus, you have outdone yourself, this is minging 100%.
8/10 for sheer disgustingness, and audacity. Gotta give this bitch credit for the confidence.
4- Argyll and Bute
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... wowie zowie. Again with the horrible blue/green eyestrain thing, which makes the word ‘council’ in white so so unreadable. At least Angus up there was against a white background so it was readable. I do like the wee celtic cross used as the ‘and’ in Argyll and Bute, that’s very fun. The rest tho? oh no.
7/10 because Angus did it better. Do love that wee cross tho.
5- City of Edinburgh
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okay I personally dislike this one and have always disliked it whenever I have encountered it in the wilderness (of Edinburgh). The font itself... fine, I suppose. Very quirky, very ‘look at me aren’t I cute?’ but ultimately no more offensive than any other font that’s trying a little too hard. The vaguely Roman vibe... suits, at least. Appropriate for the city. the choices of where the red and black go tho.... no.
4/10 because I personally hate it and they get docked three points for not having the little roman V/U thing going on in the text underneath. Come on, commit to the bit.
6- Clackmannanshire
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wee clackie’s fine, look at him. Also their motto is ‘look aboot ye’ which is in reference to the fact you can basically see all of Clackmannanshire from any given spot in the region.
10/10 look at him. wee lad. Simple, effective, fits the bill.
7- Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
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oh this is a good one. means business, the font’s maybe a bit not-well spaced but the IMPACT, lad. And the boat. You know this is the council of the western isles, and not just because it’s the only one entirely in Gaelic. :D
10/10, I love this one for just how it essentially gives you nothing and everything. Go on yersel queen you’re doing great.
8-Dumfries and Galloway
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I. You ruined it. I was getting a streak of 10′s going. It’s not the most offensive design but it really feels like it tried something and did not hit the mark. At least it is largely readable even if the D/G faux celtic script font logo thing is fuck ugly and a bit hard to work out at a glance.
5/10. Hardly the worst but I still hate it. And not in a fun way.
Tune in later for part 2! (of 4)
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Kurt Fashion: Dance With Somebody
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Ok but this ep omg, Kurt’s voice, holy fuck let’s go
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Starting off strong. I love the slash of white by the collar, matches the belt/cuffs. Don’t think the ascot is very necessary but whatever
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Not much to sate, Kurt always looks great in a suit. Love the black lapel, very classy
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Ooh the iconic hippo broach! Love it and love the camp blazer, we’ve seen it around before. Idk about the polka dot shirt? Bit much? But I like the pop of red
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A simpler look but oof I love him in these boots so much. Slay
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Haven’t seen him in white for a while! I like the jacket. Idk about the shirt tho, i prefer his black/white striped one
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First off, I love Sam leaning over to read his texts. WOrth the crappy screencap lol. Anyway, I like his shoes... but the rest? Idk, but chaotic. Not a fan of the short pants, esp with white socks (at least he’s not barefoot tho lol). Blazer... is fine? Bit bulky. Not the worst, but def not the best
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I actually like the orange buttons on his shirt v cute. Not a huge fan of the cardigan tho, the fit is weird and we’ve seen him in so many better ones so no excuse. This one’s a bit ‘old man-ish’
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I’m getting train conductor vives and I love it. Hat is a bit small, but he still looks great. Love the vest, love the ascot. 
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Nautical look is back, better than ever. Love the pants, love the collar on his top. He is great in yacht chic lol
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I’m so mad at Kurt for making me like turtlenecks but damn, he pulls them off so well. Love it, and the blazer
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So. Saved this for last because like. Okay.Kurt in black and grey is beautiful, love the vest with the chain but honestly hard to notice his outfit bc he was busy SLAYING this song like omg. Kurt’s voice is just so underappreciated? It makes me question Mr Schue’s teaching (beyond the usual problematic) cuz I really think Mr Schue has never worked with a countertenor and just... doesn’t know what to do. Cuz Kurt has hella range, hella control, I mean he sang this in og key, the only one in the ep. And yet Kurt has never had a solo in any glee competition? Literally nothing beyond maybe 2 lines (ABC and Paradise by the Dashboard Light are the only ones coming to mind). I just- ugh this season has some great singing by him (we are getting to the next ep oh boy) and he’s so neglected. I know Santana and Mercedes feel neglected too and they do Slay, but it is acknowledged that they are powerhouses in Glee. Kurt is just...
Okay, rant over. It may return next ep tho
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humanoidtyphoons · 2 months
trimax vol 4:
-ah, the pattern of vash will always try and escape wolfwood/milly/meryl, but those three will always follow. wolfwood's quicker and vash can't actually shake him off; meryl and milly take a little longer to catch up, but like meryl is petty and lets them suffer while v/w dehydrate in the desert so... fair's fair. but still wolfwood calls them vash's companions... and you know what, they are!!! ot4 real here!!!!
-also interesting that yeah, wolfwood never tries to call them by name, only nicknames. spikey, big girl/giant girl, short one. still kind of waiting to figure out why wolfwood sometimes calls vash blondie in some fics -- is it a dub choice? idk. always makes me think of flynn rider of tangled tho. i don't mind it, i'm just confuzzled by it.
-ohhhh my god, roberto deniro is here?????? in the fucking manga???? like yeah tristamp put a different spin on him, but that's still -- he's still the one who gave meryl her derringers, he looks a smidge like how he does in tristamp, they don't name him, but i know!!! i know in my heart that's roberto deniro!!!!!
-super cool volume to showcase midvalley and zazie!!! i love them!!! i love them SO much!!!! i think 98 anime stops following the manga around vol. 4, so it does make sense that the anime goes a different direction with them, bc the anime kind of only has their designs and not much characterization. but i love the... reluctance? of midvalley here, ngl. he's kinda between a rock and a hard place, and there's not much he can do about it. meanwhile, i do like that zazie is just... weird? neither human nor plant, but worm, a voice for the planet.
-ahh so meryl finds out that vash isn't human but plant this vol, tho i wonder if she understands what that means tbh?
-been wondering why 98 wolfwood never used the phials, and it's literally because they just haven't been used yet, which makes me wonder when, then? when do they start to be part of the plot? but i've also been thinking about his characterization change: his first appearance he was fairly calm, and then the more time he spends with vash in trimax, the more cantankerous he seems. and it's really... not that he doesn't have a cranky side in 98, bc he clearly does, but it's interesting how much more mellow it is in comparison tbh. whereas tristamp wolfwood has no chill all the time.
-it does make me laugh that knives chose wolfwood out of all the gung ho guns to be vash's guide/babysitter, and it kind of makes me want an au where the other members of the team get chosen instead. regardless, the way knives gives no fucks to legato being like why??? why didn't you tell me about this???? absolutely makes me laugh. why should knives care about legato bluesummers' hurt feelings? he doesn't!
-been thinking about vash masking again, comparing his behaviour from the trigun omnibus' to the trimax vols. there's definitely a change since then, but i also think it's subtler than what the 98 anime has going for it tbh. but wolfwood also brings out his silliness, ngl.
-little bit in love with the lankiness of characters, ngl, in trimax's artstyle. like they're such shapes. the way he draws wolfwood in suits, or vash in a big sweater, and it's just. so cute.
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hukkelberg · 3 months
full ask kept getting an error message so i'm seeing if splitting it up works.
this is obnoxiously long bc i am coping w s3 by thinking about pen in asoiaf-verse esp in light of asoiaf always providing v complicated family dynamics that bridgerton glosses over even tho the material is right there❤️ i am also offering a preemptive apology for harping on the arya/tyrion and pen parallels but i just love the thread between those characters of being the parent's (cat for arya, tywin for tyrion, and portia for penelope) least favorite kid despite being the most similar to that parent. okay so actually the tyrell turf is the reach (highgarden more specifically) - they managed to get out of the war of the 5 kings virtually untouched (aside from loras' death) but cersei is fucking them over despite the fact that they are allies in the last book released - i think marg (who would probably be best substituted by someone like daphne) is still being held captive by main westerosi religion's army (that cersei just. let them have bc that woman is genuinely stupid. that whole shame meme came from that same army also imprisoning her. she literally did not even consider that being a problem even tho no westeros king has ever let religious leaders have armies for that reason specifically). i stopped watching the show in s4 bc dany is my girl and by that point the final season had dropped so i saw no reason to continue given how they massacred her. decently sure the tyrells end up completely or near completely killed off in show but it was one of the really weird show decisions everyone hated and grrm had no hand in so the asoiaf tyrell fate is v ??? still. esp now that marg's dad knows cersei had his daughter imprisoned on false charges and is heading to king's landing to deal w it in a v anthony challenging simon to a duel way - anthony would be having an excellent time. his problem solving methods are hilariously well-suited to this world. all of that does sound like the bridgertons could manage it tbh? also wrt benedict i think he would be killed like loras - sorry benedict. genuinely no clue how he would be spending his time in this world. maybe he lives somehow and is then pen's househusband? the tully turf is in the riverlands, which are completely fucked by the war. i actually thought a lot about pen having tully ancestry since she has tully coloring (the red hair and blue eyes) but i didn't like it bc the tully house has extremely mediocre sigil + words which would be annoying to me personally. i do think portia being from the riverlands and ending up w a northern husband like cat could work tho. pen's family could be somewhat influential in that case but still looked down on by southern westerosi bc of their different culture and distance from king's landing. the north is also v fucked by the war so it would still fit. my other thought was pen's family being a kind of mormont equivalent - jorah fucked them over by racking up debt and then resorting to selling ppl into slavery and then getting exiled. sounds kinda familiar for the featheringtons. issue w that is that the mormont girls are known for being trained to fight bc the ironborn constantly bother them and that's not the vibe to me for pen's family? idk tho - faceless men do also receive fight training so it would be helpful later on ig. (1/3)
oh friend dont get me started on season 3 we'll be here all day (they're never gonna go where we want them to are they? Thats the mark of a goodbad show)
okay!! i got it, i just didn't know the name i was thinking abt the riverlands bc i remember seeing someone say how their position in the centre of it all means every army trudges past them and i was like lmao the bridgertons cannot hold that territory. i think margaery = daphne is inspired what i wouldn't give for daphne to be half as cunning as margaery. a terror for high society tbh. Anthony's sense of honour is sometimes medieval (#commentary not approved by a historian, please refer to jacques le goff or whomever for confirmation) so i think it fits in a way. this world is laxer in some ways which i think would loosen anthony up a little, but in a way which mirrors the more outwardly violent way of westeros (his temper shall be fearsome).
hear me out wrt ben: willas tyrell (if that's his name), the older one with the bad leg. Anthony is still the head of the house, but ben was apprenticing with the kingsguard or whateve, and he got in an "accident" (everyone is envious of the bridgertons as usual but here they actually do something about it) i think it'd be wonderful if he went back disabled and everyone was bemoaning it and he was like "this ruins my chances of marriage but at least i don't have to kill anybody" meanwhile COLIN is loras--super well loved, athletic and handsome. i suppose he gets killed. pen would most definitely get a crush on him like that, in that way sansa used to dream of knights and then. Well. If we go the penben route, which i am always happy to entertain, i think it'd be very cute if they reunite after she comes back and he's got his bad leg and ruined future and is so confused about why she'd want him when she's so grand and powerful, and it'd be a lovely role reversal.
re: the featheringtons i agree about the tully colouring but i don't think portia has the tully character. I personally cannot picture any of the featheringtons as northerners whatsoever, not even the mormonts. i don't think they'd last a day past the vale (thats where lysa tully is right? I've not been googling anything I'll have you know sjjdjd). My take is they're affiliated with the lannisters. I think perhaps featherington is a vassal lannister house, which drew portia in on reputation and wealth, which featherington immediately squandered and was probably disposed of by tywin, if he could be bothered to deal with the minor flies. then the wars started and he just let the featherington house to rot or sacrificed them or something. probably took their house etc. you can use that to forge a connection with tyrion, even.
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adreamingofguns · 3 months
ur fave blorbo: 3 + 8 + 15!
hi im doing hoffman
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Gestures at SAW 3D. also how did hoffman kidnap bobby dagen if he was literally on the run from the police? hello? according to the movie its hoffman but ??? how. it would make more sense if it was larry. larry would have hated his ass and also would have been a misogynist enough to torture and kill an innocent woman who was literally only complicit without her knowledge
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
don't ship him with eric matthews guys thats so yucky lmao also the whole "this character is fat so he clearly is a slob and has no hobbies outside eating" when we fucking see his house and the only time he ever doesn't wear a suit is when he's wearing a jacket and sweatpants he probably stole because he's on the run from the police. the whole hoffman being an idiot thing, which, like yeah he does some stupid shit, but he's very clearly educated in order to build the pendulum by himself and has an artistic mind since he remodeled the nerve gas house and also had an art nook in said house. not one but two bookshelves. he is meticulous in his presentation and i hate when people think of him as a slob. the only person neater than mark in their grooming is lawrence and lawrence is a doctor.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
oh well theres a lot lmao hoffrigg is good, hoffdon is secretly my #1, hoffstrahm DUH, hoffheight is growing on me. i don't like hoffmanda even tho that scene in uh V? where amanda threatens him with the tool she has and it looks like costas and shawnee hooked up behind the scenes or something because they have this weird ass sexual tension and the only john i'll ship hoffman with is John Seed because LISTEN. john seed and hoffman have so much in common: obsessed with a member of law enforcement, fruity + tacky double whammy, boobs out + chest scar, transgender allegory, inclined to brutality, huge wet blue eyes, kidnapping, sets up a whole ass romantic meeting with gore as decoration for his cop of choice. hoffjohnseed is my favorite crackship
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asknarashikari · 9 months
It's weird how the main five cast members of Geats has danced to Nichiyobi no Noraneko, this hasn't happened before, like Kento wasn't dancing Saber's dance after his introduction... but Sara has danced it even before she became a Rider lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f3oj9NJV8I
Props to Sara tho, even when she wasn't a Rider, she used the power of dance to defeat the enemy... which is a lot, considering a certain dancing season didn't use dancing to defeat their brand of enemies.
Yes, I've got some gripes about Gaim, especially the premise... but that's neither here nor there lol.
Well, to be fair dancing in general is kinda a rarity in Kamen Rider.
For Gaim, the dancing was just a mask of lightheartedness (par the course for Gen Urobuchi or so I heard). But even in the beginning the dance teams were using the Inves to settle their scores instead of... well, just dancing... so I'm not sure why you're disappointed by that.
Also I find it hard to think how they'll incorporate the dancing with how clunky looking the Gaim suits are, especially with the fruity shoulder pads
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I feel like them trying a dance move in this will send a bit of it flying off and hitting someone in the head lol
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
had. the weirdest dream/nightmare/clearly a cymbalta dream bc i went to bed stone cold sober lmao
it involved:
me getting partial top sx but 'we only took abt six months of growth off' (?????????????????!) so it left me with like. p nice b cups actually. with the note that if i wanted it flatter later, i could come back and they'd take more out.
ngl that made me wake up super fucking chest dysphoric, but what are ya gonna do
then i was getting this done somewhere else??? but needed to fly home and v much did not want to bc: worried abt the sx results and being in the air?? and also just my usual flying anxiety lol
i really wanted to go by amtrak instead, but any time i tried to pull out my phone and buy tickets someone random would tell me to keep moving?
which led to me in a hotel with taika and rita, who agreed to help me get on the plane and not immediately have a panic attack
(v sweet of them, thank u dream taika and rita, tho at that point it was implied they were the ones who agreed to look after me after the sx? unexpected, but lovely all the same bc otherwise it was clear i was more or less on my own)
Between there and the airport
(this v weird one that featured in past cymbalta dreams, v gorgeous but definitely Fucked Up in that it has a Langoliers airport vibe to it kadnfnfn)
i got separated from them briefly, given a large dark brown teddy bear? that i was told to take with me but that i might have to buy two seats for bc 'his ass won't fit in just one' or so i was told by some random guy (continuing ?????????)
Which i dropped back off at taika and rita's hotel room bc literally it was as big as me so carrying it was not working
only to get trapped in what i was told was this huge empty locker room/bathroom that was presumed unisex
(this has also featured in a past cymbalta dream, and it's hands down one of the creepiest locations bc it goes on for halls of like. change stalls and some doors are closed with feet underneath them, but if you open the door no one is in there)
only to go change bc ???? and have some girls flip out abt me being in there as a trans guy
they chased me out, and somehow i was back at the airport with that fucking bear, finding out that the boarding time had changed and they'd forgotten to tell ppl, so we (taika and rita just suddenly showed up out of the blue, no idea what the fuck they were up to) were a good fifteen minutes late but taika was like nah they know ur scared so they held the plane and i had to go no, no i don't think they did bc that wouldn't work for like. anyone else on the plane but that's a really sweet idea
then suddenly we get pulled into a hall where they explain (they being what i think were security guards) that this elderly famous comedian is dying and they need someone to keep an eye on him for a minute would we mind?
they disappear into the fuckin air so we don't actually get a choice and like. watch him die. laying in a weird star trekesque bed thing that, for reasons unexplained, was made out of the darth vader suit
he dies, we all get weirdly emotional abt it despite not actually caring abt him, it was just like. super traumatic hearing an extended death rattle (I've heard it before but still) so i think that fucked us up
ended with taika asking if i really wanted to get on the plane bc we totally didn't have to, and both him and rita comforting me while i had a sudden sobbing fit into this poor big pain in the ass to carry this ENTIRE TIME bear
(final thing implied was that we were in some poly relationship bc they did both kiss me and sorta. wrapped me and the bear up in cuddles sitting on airport lobby chairs together. it was v weird yet v nice, idk.)
then i woke up with my body so tense it gave me a headache until i hit the shower to get my muscles to unclench
I wish my doc would look at these posts and see what i mean when i say the edibles help me sleep, bc i am v much still sleeby rn and i feel like this dreammare didn't help things lmao
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ralphavi · 6 years
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Probably another WIP I’m never gonna finish :”) put I kinda liked it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I got the idea from the amazing fic by @khaleisey (It’s very adorable and I loved it) and couldn’t help myself but draw something :’)
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