#the sweetest boy in the world
lobotomye · 3 months
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girljeremystrong · 2 years
good morning i have a cat purring on my lap currently
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butterflybabiie · 10 months
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i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
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duffslut · 12 days
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tiger-balm · 4 months
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"did you make a wish?" "I did" | R2 G4 stars @ avs | May 14th 2024
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catsvkis · 3 months
*shakes you by the shoulders* DO YOU SEE?? DO YOU KNOW HOW SWEET KACCHAN IS??? dw if you don't get it, i'll repeat it for the 3747384th time kacchan is the sweetest ever. he's such a soft squishy little thing that bursts open if you poke it even slightly. he's so sensitive and emotional and he feels too much and too hard and he hated how fragile he is until he learned to be okay with it. he's so kind and caring and observant and he would do anything for his friends, he would make them cold soba or hot udon and he'd make two servings to share with their brothers.
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highdefinitions · 5 months
happy birthday mouse
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Happy Birthday, Mika!
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Oh... H—Hello, are you here for an adventure?
What a fine day! The finches seem quite lively as well...
The height here... and the terrain... Alright, I've finally finished surveying this area. I'll make a copy for you too.
I've marked down hilichurl camps and rich ore reserves to save you some trouble while you're out exploring the wilderness...
N—No problem! I'm just glad I could be of some help!
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chickenfriedawesome · 4 months
you know what? fine. Monoma Time.
Monoma used to be touch averse as a child because he would constantly be flooded with information about the quirks of everyone around him. now that he's older and has a firm grasp on how to use Copy, he has the opposite problem; he's extremely touch starved because his classmates prior to UA would shy away from him out of fear of him "stealing" their unique and special powers.
class B has given Monoma blanket permission to copy their quirks whenever he wants (provided he doesn't abuse this trust to get into too much mischief). Monoma takes them up on this offer more often than not - partly because he wants to be prepared in the event that something goes down, and partly because sharing quirks with his classmates just makes him feel Nice. (he is so fond of his class it makes me SICK).
the nature of Monoma's quirk is adaptation, so his body physically changes any time he uses it. sometimes the changes are subtle (a slight change in the size/shape of his pupils, coarser hair, sharper nails, etc.) but his classmates have learned to spot the difference. class B can usually tell who Monoma has most recently hung out with because he will be sporting a sign of their quirk.
they don't really use them in combat scenarios, but each member of class B has a unique "handshake" / way that they share their quirk with Monoma (ie, Tetsutetsu goes for the manly forearm grasp, Kendo either ruffles Monoma's hair or gives him a light smack on the back of the head, and Monoma gives Pony a twirl or vice versa depending on the vibe)
Copy's main function is to copy quirks, but it actually has a latent effect as well; given its adaptive nature, Copy allows for Monoma to subtly adjust to physiologic stimuli around him (ie, he's able to retain warmth better in the cold, handle spicy foods, hold his breath under water for slightly longer than average, etc). nothing extreme, but it's a fun party trick
everyone thinks that Monoma would be the type to get his ass beat by seasonal allergies, but Copy's got him covered there, too. he's the MVP during allergy season in the dorms because he's always well enough to pick up medication or make his classmates some soup.
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karinhart · 4 months
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i spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about the fact that cole's greatest fear is despair
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It's a letter of recommendation that explains Eric has exceptional character, enormous potential. And as someone he'd bet on. And I'm welling up reading it again and I cried when it happened. -Danielle
Yeah, It's a great scene. -Rider
It was really sweet, wasn't it? -Will
This is probably the sweetest Eric Feeny episode we've had. It's like all the, all the like hijinks and jokey situations aside. This is like Feeny really helping Eric out. It's lovely. -Rider
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kettle-bird · 1 year
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Cool dude movin' and groovin'
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year
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twstinginthewind · 3 months
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Originally drawn for an event that may not happen (and if it does, I'll make something new!!), I drew a really fun Kalim back in April and finally decided to share him now. He's an assistant cupid, but that's all the context I'll give! I did his outfit in three different colors; what's your favorite?
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goingmingyu · 6 months
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_WORLD - MINGYU KIM ♡ It's like heaven's deja vu bonus :
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