#the sword of rhivenia
kingdoms-and-empires · 10 months
Out of curiosity, what's some of your favorite movies and / or shows? Just curious of your inspirations haha.
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Yall just trying to get me to fess some deets up and try to pinpoint where the story will go!
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Okay my paranoia is under control again, but uh I honestly have a bit too many in terms of other media so ill stick to the games that made me say fuck it ill make one myself.
But by far the biggest contributors to making me want to write my own story was Enderal, Sword of Rhivenia, and A Mage Reborn, and I, The Forgotten One at the time!
Sword of Rhivenia just hit the right spots for me and I can see the potential it had. I really enjoyed it back when it was a WIP!!!
A Mage Reborn does angst and drama so well, it really made me care about the characters.
I, The Forgotten One was simply different from the other titles. It dealt with heavy subjects in a way other IFs didnt at the time.
As for Enderal...I've you never played Enderal, you have to fucking play it. Do not look up reviews, GO IN BLIND!!!!
Just take my fucking word for it and know that it has 100% my stamp of approval!! Enderal really helped me in crafting a more realistic world where characters felt more real with real flaws. That is all I will say!
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preparation of the coronation
it's been a while I haven't drawn Sword of Rhivenia
and I'm waiting for book 2
I made a comic series about it, I asked the creators of the game if I can make a comic series of it and they said yes
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kazuo-n-crinan · 1 year
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A collaborative work between @lilac-liliales & @kazukitnacho! We hope @theswordofrhivenia likes this one. I really loved Book 1 and this was one of my favorite scenes. Keep up the good work!
Btw I inspired the heirs in @blvckbl00d's portraits and King Charles in @slytherincursebreaker's comic!
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The Sword of Rhivenia is so good! This is my MC, Valentina who personality is basically the opposite of her father, the king. She is romantic involved with Xavier and I can't wait to see them married.
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harurusstuff · 2 years
"Love the drama, keep up the stoical face also doesn't forget be kind to anyone, that's how my MC works".
First, let me show you my MC stats at the end of the game:
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Now, my MC face...
This is Prince Cyril face...I mean the King whahahaha ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕗ
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Can't wait for the next book...
Kinda sad I couldn't choose Astryn and also Lena at the same time...why?
COZ I WANT THE DRAMA (i want and also love to see my mc died because of that two RO) WHAHAHA.
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sebille · 6 months
yknow what IF I miss????
body count
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interact-if · 11 months
Is there a IF where friendship is as important as romance?
Not just friend, like can be a soulmate(platonically) or a bff.
Hi Anon,
We are certain there must be more, but we could only find applying to the following titles:
Breach: The Archangel Job by @breachverse
Known Unknowns by @brendanpatrickhennessy
New Witch in Town by Grace Card
Our Life: Beginnings and Always (VN) by @gb-patch
Superstition by @13leaguestories
The Golden Rose: Book 1 by @anathemafiction
The Sword of Rhivenia: Book 1 by @theswordofrhivenia
A Tale of Crowns by @ataleofcrowns
Checkmate in 3 Moves by @checkmatein3moves
Diaspora by @diasporatheblog
Fellow Traveler by @robotvampire
Our Life: Now and Forever (VN) by @gb-patch
Shepherds of Haven by @shepherds-of-haven
The Exile by @exilethegame
Wayfarer by @idrellegames
Zorlok by @zorlok-if
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Daemir and Lyanna talking about the upcoming uprising.
again Daemir reminds me of Aemond in some ways.
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wildmelon · 6 months
it's wild how life happens. i started replaying a hacked version of the kim kardashian game in december 2021 to avoid the reality that i was failing 2 of my college classes. because of that, i googled 'a tale of crowns,' which is the name of the game of thrones ripoff the kk:h player character stars in. that's how i stumbled across one of my favorite things of all time: the interactive fiction called a tale of crowns. then i became obsessed with this choose-your-own-adventure format and barely slept the next three days while i played the sword of rhivenia and wayhaven and the soul stone war. i spent all spring obsessively playing every if i could find. then my desire to create atoc fanart reminded me that i'd been dying to learn to make cool sims edits but i forgot about it after going back to school. so then i started making my mcs in sims and slowly learning photoshop while i should've been in class for all of spring 2022. then i saved up in the summer and bought a new laptop that could run gshade and handle games and editing much better. then i wanted to have a simblr presence so badly and started posting and spending time on tumblr. then i decided to branch out and play dragon age because of an offhand comment the author of wayhaven made answering a tumblr ask. because of that i fell in love with rpgs and played the whole da series, mass effect, skyrim, and bought bg3. then i got into critical role bc of simblr, and at first i didn't think dnd was for me but i liked watching it. then bg3 came out and became my obsession and i realized maybe dnd was for me. and now here i am looking up ttrpg events in my area and joining a beginner dnd discord server and all the things that are the most interesting and important to me rn i never would've gotten into if i hadn't done the worst thing i ever did.
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osakaonryoif · 7 months
I'm just asking because I'm curious, and I don't think I've seen it mentioned anywhere, but is this book 1 of a series? Or is it a standalone?
It is a standalone book yes. The entire story will be wrapped up come Act 10, and the MC will get their closure, whatever that may end up being depending on your choices.
I didn't want to make a book series, because I see so many promising WiPs fall through After an amazing first chapter or first book, which realistically would've been fine on their own. But then I see "Book 1 of 156" or something stupid like that.
Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh, but I didn't want to do that to myself or any readers. I think jumping right in with a series, especially if this is your first time committing to writing something, is just overambitious and 9 times out of ten will fall through. Case in point: Sword of Rhivenia. It just rubs me the wrong way when I see intro posts with an awesome premise and infinite potential, and see book 1 of five. I don't wish to put anyone down, but most of those end up abandoned.
Saying that though, although the story I'm writing is a standalone and is a self-contained story, I would be open to potential standalone stories set in the same world in the future after I complete this one.
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inourselveswetrust · 2 years
Hi I hope your doing well ! I was wondering if you have favorite IFs , especially ones that also involves the police ? I really love your game and I'm so eager to read more !! and can I ask what was your inspiration behind making this ?
I hope you're doing well too! 💙
Is it bad that I can't remember my inspiration for IOWT? Generally, my ideas come from a combination of other media, music and random ideas when I'm trying to fall asleep at ungodly hours. Most often I watch television shows or movies and think "What if this happened?" then my thoughts spiral from there for hours.
As for recommendations, @interact-if has some great recommendations. Check out this list and this list for some great policing and detective-related options!
As for my some of my favourite IFs, buckle up! I've listed these in no particular order. Games listed with an asterisk* are crime/mystery/detective-esque.
*When Twilight Strikes by @evertidings
*Sinners and Saints by @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
*Swallow the Dark by @swallowthedark
*Olympus: Secret Services by @ekgfiction
*We All Bleed Red by @lost-kiwi-dev
*Whiskey-Four by Bacondoneright
*The Numbers Game by @thenumbersgameif
*Thrill Seeker by @thrill-seeker-if
*Hollowed Minds by @shai-manahan
Wolfsbane by @wolfsbane-if
Raiders of the Caravan by @leftski-if
The Exile by @exilethegame
Golden by @milaswriting
Water to Blood by @veirsewrites
Fallen Lights by @fallenlightsif
The King's Hound by @the-kingshound
Deliverance by @deliverance-the-game
Crown of Exile by @ramonag-if
I, the Forgotten One by Bacondoneright
The Sword of Rhivenia by @theswordofrhivenia
Shepherds of Haven by @shepherds-of-haven
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian by @defiledheartsblog
Virtue's End by @virtues-end
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eddyiewriting · 8 months
Just finished the demo and excited to see it completed It sorta reminds me of I the forgotten one but also has a sort of a War of the west and sword of rhivenia
Thank you! Glad you're excited for what's to come. The next update should be coming soon, I hope.
ITFO was a big inspiration for how the IF works, actually. It's my favorite HG game. Sword of Rhivenia was very good, too. I never played War of The West, sadly, but I heard a lot of good things about it.
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
What are some IFs/WIPs/Upcoming WIPs that you consider your favourite?👀
Oh wow, I have a list here, but I don't know if it contains all the IFs I am simping for atm - I will have to check it again soon... cause there have been so many new IFs appearing recently... - feel free to have a look on my other blog:
If you're too lazy for the link, here's the current list (BELOW THE CUT)
Q: Which are your all-time fav IFs?
A: In no specific order:
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Werewolves: Haven Rising + Werewolves 2: Pack Mentality
Fallen Hero: Rebirth + Fallen Hero: Retribution
The Golden Rose: Book One
I, the forgotten one
Arcadie: Second Born
The Sword of Rhivenia
Keeper of the Sun and Moon
Keeper of the Day and Night
Hidden Sanctum
Way Walkers: University + Way Walkers: University 2
Zombie Exodus + Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven
UnNatural + UnNatural Season Two
Breach: The Archangel Job
Crème de la Crème + Noblesse Oblige + Royal Affairs
Q: Most anticipated WIPs to get finished?
A. Way too many but these got me hyped:
Precious: The Eyes of Shan 💜
Softly Opulent 💜
Crown of Ashes and Flames 💜
The King's Hound 💜
Touch of Lies 💜
Red Strings of Fate 💜
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian 💜
Ouroboros 💜
The Scun Chronicles 💜
Crown of Exile 💜
Blood Legacies
The Gray Ascendancy
Dark Impulses
The Exile 💜
Wolf Set Free 💜
Fields of Asphodel💜
The Wroth Ode 💜
The Golden Harp
In the Ocean of Stars
Heir of Light and Blood 💜
The Deal💜
The Eight Year Revolution
Viam Ferro - The Path of Steel
Water to Blood 💜
Project Hadea 💜
Subject Zero 💜
Vendetta 💜
Mirror Mine 💜
Infamous 💜
Dropout 💜
Love and Leases
Love Bites
and many more...
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seventies70s · 2 years
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@theswordofrhivenia released the full version and my siblings in Christ, I am floored. I loved every second of it. Shoutout to them for making Revna and Sir Arnold. Love those two bitches.
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snowywhipcream · 2 years
My mc: I honestly don’t care about the throne, it’ll break my fami-
The Sword™️:
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