#the taco prophecy
darkstalker-void · 4 months
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Thirteen? Rookie numbers
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gambaatar · 3 months
A quick side quest
1 To hustle while sidequesting
2 To force a DM to roll a con save during a sidequest
3 Play find the lady to avoid the main story
4 To create a new branch in the main story disguised as a side quest
New Episode is available on
and Spotify
#questle #Harbinger #Savagesaga #questle #thebigC #curseditem #issheahourse #catchup #dnd #realplaydnd #ttrpgimprov #isitfunny #sidequest #brokensword #tacos
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thoughtfulfoxllama · 4 months
You wanted me to spill tea, and tea I will spill:
The Word of Wisdom is fundamentally misunderstood by everyone (myself included). Let's look at the Word of Wisdom, shall we?
Let's begin with the Prohibitions, as these are the only things enforced by the Church. They comprise of Alcohol, Tobacco, Illicit Drugs, Coffee, and Tea. From the start, we can't deny Tobacco, Coffee, or Tea. The WoW only said "Hot Drinks," but Hyrum (who was authorized to receive revelation for the Church at the time) said it meant Coffee & Tea.
On the subject of Tea, Herbs of the Field. The Lord has told us to use all the herbs of the field with prudence. This is not me saying to distrust medical professionals, but they can help sometimes. I can't count how many times I've had a horrible stomach ache helped by Peppermint Tea. But it'd be dumb to reject the advancements in medicine we've made in the past 10,000 years. This is also why I support medicinal marijuana (and other things like psychedelic therapy). As long as it is used in wisdom & moderation, it can do good for a number of physical and mental issues (such as my grandmother using it for her seizures, or that veteran who used it for his PTSD)
Finally, Alcohol. The Word of Wisdom only prohibits "strong drinks" (which was defined as distilled alcohol, like Vodka). It encourages Mild Drinks (such as beer), and says we can have wine, if Mormons make it. Joseph drank wine (for pleasure, not just for ritual), Brigham owned a Brewery, and on and on. Obviously, wisdom & prudence. If someone has alcohol issues, they shouldn't drink. This fits into my concept of Zion. Drinking for Pleasure is fine, but Drunkenness is unacceptable. We need to enjoy pleasure without getting consumed by them. But since so few of us can manage that, I see why the Church went the way it did
Next, what have we been encouraged to eat. Grain (which is the Staff of Life), Fruits, and Vegetables. There are people who can't eat them (people with Gluten Intolerances & the like), but I can't argue with this. Fruits and Veggies are good
Although, wisdom is required here too. Not all food is made equal. I'm not going to go completely crazy about GMOs (we've been modifying our food for over 5 millennia), but we need to be more careful about the affects. And the flour we use nowadays is stripped of basically all it's nutritional benefits
Final is the mixed category, namely meats & animal products
The WoW never actually mentions animal products, so this is all me. Animal Products are good, and should be used. Eggs (especially considering the "eat meat sparingly" part) are an amazing source of protein. Milk is good for calcium, if you're not lactose intolerant (like I am). The Lord approves of Honey so much he constantly mentions it in association with the Promised Land(s), and specifically told the Jaredites to take bees with them. But, like all foods we've covered so far, careful. My FiL used to be Egg Intolerant, until he started raising his own Chickens, and he's had no problems with those eggs (and they taste way better, and fill me up way more than Store-Bought ones)
The Lord taught us to "eat meat sparingly," and I've seen a bunch of interpretations, from Vegans to Carnivores. All hold some merits, but no one gets it all right. I don't even think I get this one. Ryan Hinkley (a Blogger & Podcaster) said part of his interpretation is that we should do the least harm. He advocates restricting meat use to meats like Venison and Beef, because they are large enough to feed a lot of people over a long period of time (and have you ever had Venison Tacos. Try it sometime, if you eat meat). It mentions Cold & Famine, and this could be because of the extra protein, which allows you to build mass, to keep warm in winter, and last longer in famine times. In addition, if you work in agriculture (especially in the time of JS), that's the most available food you have in the dead of winter. I want to add to this the prophecy about the Sons of Levi offering a sacrifice. Sacrifice for the remission of sins is done away with, but I believe animal sacrifice will return. In Biblical Animal Sacrifice, the Meat (for the most part) wasn't burned to dust, but roasted and eaten. If I am correct, and it does return, then the reason we are to eat meat sparingly is so that when we do eat it, it's as a celebration of the mercies of God. That's just my crackpot theory though, with ideas I've had floating around for years
(And this is all just a theory. I want to try restricting my meat intake & whatnot, but I don't feel ready for that. And even if the Church said we could drink, I probably wouldn't, because I have a family history of alcohol & drug abuse)
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In honor of Appreciate a Dragon day today, I have compiled a list of ways to celebrate (feel free to add to it!)
Read a story or book about dragons! (If you have any recommendations, feel free to add them in the reblogs!)
Play dragon themed games!
Draw some dragons! (I want to see them!)
Write a story or poem about dragons (I'd love to read them, so feel free to add them in a reblog!
Listen to dragon related music! (Preferably music with positive connotations towards dragons; in a pinch, Imagine Dragons will work)
If you have a dragon you love in your life, take the time to appreciate them!
watch that one ouat comic con video with colin o'donoghue jennifer morrison and michael raymond james where colin is the only one who knows, among other things, what the name of the dragon from the hobbit is
Fight against anti-dragon propaganda you see around you today (except Eustace's un-dragoning scene, that can stay)
Hoard huge piles of gold to sleep in and not share it with anyone
Rain fireballs on the neighboring villages
Imprison a pretty girl in a tower and eat anyone who dares come near to rescue her
Teach firebending to the avatar and the exiled prince of the fire nation
Fall in love with a talking donkey
Prophecy a sleeping curse on a baby just because you didn't get invited to the baby shower
Eat tacos
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ericleo108 · 4 months
Blog Navigation 2023
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“The nation's greatness can be judged by how it treats its weakest members.” - Gandhi
Blog Navigation List: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
Last Updated 12/29/2023
I make these navigation posts at the end of the year to give a wrap-up and a look back on the year. I post a long-form Update every sunday to YouTube that ends up being in my Friday song release blog post. (You can find the Sunday Update YouTube playlist here.) My book “108 The Story of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness” is still fundamental in understanding my story, perspective, and the content I talk about here in the blog. I put the cosmic luve log first this time because I think it’s the most relevant. If you actually understand what I’m saying about how these celebrities are reflecting me and I think the coincidences are how Gaia is communicating using them as a vessel, you get it. The only real new treatise editions are to FarmingHumans.com where I came out with a new rendition for the “American Inequality” song release and the “Corporate Rule” album expands upon the public reaction to this in an aggressive tone.
2023 Cosmic Luve posts: (In Chronological Order)
In Last year’s blog navigation (2022), I listed all the cosmic luve entries since the very beginning. This year, I will begin where we left off and the last entry about Taylor Swift’s Folklore.
CosmicLuve.com April 2023 - Sun: In this entry, I give more of a personal update and set goals while relating it to the semantics I’ve been experiencing and previously mentioned. 
CosmicLuve.com July 2023 - The Main Thing: In this entry, I talk about how Emma Watson is the main thing and the reason for all my aspirations, so we can become friends. I talk about her posts on Instagram and relate them as a response to my poem in the Hope Sept 2022 entry. 
CosmicLuve.com August 2023 - Orange: In this entry, I talk about how it appears as if Gaia got me a taco for my birthday. I came to this conclusion after getting semantics from Selena Gomez and Connor Price. 
CosmicLuve.com September 2023 - Bam: In this entry, I introduce Janelle Monae as a cosmic luve and explain how Blue has diabolical plans against Big Carbon. 
CosmicLuve.com November 2023 - Cosmic Bros: In this entry, I induct Connor Price as the first cosmic bro after relating new semantics to the previous entry, Slender Man, Connor’s new “Thrillin” video, and new Hailee Steinfeld reflections. 
CosmicLuve.com December 2023 - Deer: In this entry I give a prophecy by identifying semantics from Gaia that come from Emma Watson being referenced by a deer, a tree, the color purple, etc.
Media and Treatise List:
🏚️FarmingHumans.com 2023 - This was the “American Inequality” song officially released this year and posted as the official Farming Humans 2023 edition. In this post I talk about what socialism is, how money is speech, and how corporations are legal persons and farming humans for labor and money (through consumption).
🎃Corporate Rule Album - The “Corporate rule” album expands upon the information outlined in the “American Inequality” song. The album is a response to that assault on democracy with an Immortal Technique approach. The blog post expands upon how there is a conspiracy of the corporate rich working in unison (using far-right tactics) because it serves their self-interests.
🧾NouveauEconomics.com 2022 - In this post, I talk about how the economy needs to account for what the environment does naturally and give it a monetary value. A start is how certain parts of the environment, like Lake Erie, are being granted personhood. This will be updated semi-annually and can be found at NouveauEconomics.com
🍱 The Psycho Consumption Cage 2021 - In this treatise, I talk about how it’s hard to see environmental degradation that is not added to our economics, how you should be using your buying power strategically, how apex species need economic and congressional representation, some solutions, and examples of psycho tendencies from Christmas and hip-hop.
🏳️‍🌈 Gender Equality 2021 - In this essay, I break down gender equality into six categories: LGBTQ, Phobic, Sexual, Mental, Feminist, and Economic. To properly show the subject of gender equality I reference the 6 Netflix documentaries and linked and discuss related videos from Ellen, HeForShe, TED, Jordan Peterson, The World Bank, and the UN.
🏁 Dark Racism 2021 - In this treatise, I explain the science of racism, how it’s an arbitrary distinction that is socially constructed. Black people do have it worse due to institutionalized racism and white privilege. However, I talk about how black people create their own in-group morality around the word “nigga,” and my presented solution.  
🌎👣 Earth: Sustainability, How To Save Our Planet - If you want to know how to save our planet this post is the summation. Taking from the featured WWF video, I focus on a carbon tax and the three ways to save the planet. Along the way I discuss how it relates to The Psycho Consumption Cage.
🌲Marijuana Treatise 2021 - Published on April 20th and introduced with a discussion of my personal use, in this essay, I wrote about the versatility of hemp, the immorality and failure of the war on drugs, and the medical benefits of cannabis. 
🌍108 The Story Of Discovering Earth’s Consciousness (post) - This book is fundamental to understanding me and stands as the foundation in which I build my artistry. The book is nonfiction and autobiographical and about celestial consciousness, my personal story of struggling with schizoaffective disorder, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics, and finishes with what the number 108 means for the origins of life on Earth.
🚸🚜 Knhoeing 2020 -  The information is broken down into celestial consciousness, atmospheric consciousness, sustainability, and eugenics. Knhoeing states the planets, stars, and atmosphere are alive, and how humans can understand that through sustainability and eugenics. Knhoeing has to do with understanding your position in the universe and expresses and addresses human purpose through a eugenics goal. To survive & thrive as a species, we must support ourselves through healthy sustainability and breed to understand higher dimensions. 
🙏Sentientism 2022 - This post contains insights into my mind and the voice in my head, Gaia. Sentientism explores the belief (whereas knhoeing is the knowledge) that Gaia is conscious and communicating. I explain how sentientism is the religion of Gaia where you worship through action and create dogma through science and philosophy. If the planet earth is conscious how would she try to communicate considering she has no mouth or ligaments? How would Gaia try to communicate? I postulate and explain how Gaia could be communicating through a kind of telepathic randonauting.
📐 Expanding on Plato’s Philosophy: Forms and the Tripartite Soul (2020) - In this treatise, I explain how Plato’s forms are stored and strived for by Gaia and how Plato’s theory about the tripartite soul is similar to my theory about the will.
♟️ Logic - This post is a short introduction to logic. I use quotes and pictures of pages from the book “How Philosophy Works.” The content includes deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning, fallacies, and formal logic. I have also embedded a couple of CrashCourse videos.
🕸️New Release Blog at EricLeo.org - Over the last year I have been releasing at least on the 1st, 3rd, and if there is a 5th Friday of every month if not every week. Each release has its own post in my new release blog which is constantly being updated. The same posts are also here on this Tumblr blog as I post them at the same time. A list of releases is cataloged as follows:
Read 108 - about my book
Vibe on the Wave - catchy intro
Eat The Mind - intellectual rap
Bump This Banger - party music
Cloud 9 - about recreational drugs
Who’s Hip-Hop - my perspective in hip-hop
Black Lives Matter - support for the cause
Smoke Blunts - high intellectual bars
Flossin - dance track
Hey Emma - dance track, made for Emma’s everywhere
Champagne and Chocolate - romance track
Just Us Two - expression on evolution and companionship
Make It Hip-Hop - Homage to favorite artists
My Word - Celebrating 10 years
Gaia and Blue - Expands on “108” book
Love the Mission - the purpose of my music
Hit Me with the Download - a great tune
Talk to Me - romance track about wanting more
Cunnilingus - dating life experience track
Just Dance - dance track
Just Like You - happy expression 
We Dance - play when dancing is a protest
Come On Dawg - what my music stands for
The Villain - playing the role of the villain
Rage - subjects will put you in a rage
Bounce with This - party music inspired by Charlotte
Take Your Medication - Kayne Diss
Gold Shaw Farm - about Morgan and Alyson’s farm on YouTube
Betsy - about the character from Hulu’s “Dopesick”
Bo Peep - political rap about America
Atheist Raps - self-explanatory, rebuke’s Christianity 
Blow Me Up - asking for help with exposure
Michigan Love - romance track about love in Michigan
I Got You - Letter asking for help from my fans
Breaking Bad - Eminem and Dr. Dre homage
Bleed - heartfelt plea about ending mass shootings
Going Gaga - fun romance track with Gaga Gaga-inspired hook
Funk You - response track to Olivia Rodrigo’s “good for you” and “deja vu”
What Now - 6 track EP about and inspired by other artists
Bong Hits For Jesus - about how when you smoke, you smoke with Jesus
Up Wasted - subjects and getting “fucked up wasted”
God Damn - fun and energetic track showing skill
Love You Mom - A thank you to my mother for being a good mom
American Inequality  - about how America is an oligarchy
John Wick - gets out aggression toward sex traffickers
Philosophy 101 - based off Cornel West’s Introduction to Philosophy Masterclass
Yeah We Bang - about American imperialism
Legend - about my feelings toward the music industry
We Make The Party - Party music with global warming bars 
Freaky Naughty - emulating Dr. Dre’s sound with global warming bars
With You - Cmadd feature about riding with your girl
Vulnerable - Selena Gomez response to her song with the same name.
Mitten Kingz - a song with artists representing Michigan
Soldier For Love - a message to keep going out of love
Our Love - a break-up and get back together song
My Everything - how your lover is your everything
Be My Dream - how I want Emma Watson to be my dream come true,
Reputation - A response to Taylor Swift's reputation 
Karma - about your fate in terms of civilization
Corporate Rule - 8-track album in Immortal Technique style
Earth - my hit and best representation of my music
Back to Life - Hailee Steinfeld response and homage. 
Process, People, Product - about Marcus Lemonis 3 P’s business philosophy 
All Homo - An edgy and controversial take on support for the gay community
Cosmic Luve Brownies - A response to Taylor Swift’s Lover album
Praises - a sexually charged song from artists from Kalamazoo Michigan 
Chalice Mixtape side note: “Talk to Me” (2022), “John Wick,” “Be My Dream,” “Reputation,” “Karma,” and the “All Homo” ep, were all remakes from ‘The Chalice Mixtape. “Charlotte’s Web” drops April 15 2023 and the remake for “I Love You” is in production. I will probably never remake “Listen Alice,” “Loyal,” “Problems,” or “The Profit.”
Already uploaded and scheduled to drop in 2024:
Kyle Beats Collective EP - 6 tracks made with free beats from Kyle Beats. Jan. 5th
Check it out - track from the (unofficial) party politics era/album Jan. 19th
Kato & Wysh Album - 7 tracks made with Kato and Wysh beats. Feb. 2nd
The Industry Album - 12 tracks with 14 features some with big names over Anno Domini beats. March 1st
Sun poem - spoken word track I recorded from the Cosmic Love Sept 2022 hope post. March 19
Charlotte’s Web - Emma Watson-inspired track released on her birthday. April 15th
Westside Connection Album - 7 tracks with big name features over Anno Domini beats. May 3
YOU - Song based on John Gottman’s 7 principles for making marriage work. June 7th
Can You Hear Me? - Rap song about global warming and summer heat. June 20th
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laviejaguardia · 8 months
Is Latino not an ethnicity????
It isn't (and it isn't a race either). Latinidad is a political identity with some sociological, cultural and historical background. What it does not have -and I cannot stress this enough- is shared genetics/common ancestry which is how I see it most referred.
Here's the definition of ethnicity from Wikipedia:
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And to use roughly the same source, here's the Wikipedia disaggregation of Latin America today (which ofc I have issues with lol I'm not missing the irony of telling you "Latin America is sooo diverse" while using the "Asian" category, but I need to make do:
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See what I'm getting at?
Let's continue, you can say "well I didn't mean genetics, I meant everything else"
Okay language:
Latin America includes hundreds of native languages like Quechua, Mayan, Guaraní (oficial language of Paraguay!), Aymará or Nahuatl, and always has! Without counting the beautifully mixed and improved Spanish, Portuguese (which I called Brasilero for years as a kid lol) and French, or even later additions like Welsh, Japanese, Chinese or Arabic from immigrant clusters that still speak it or are currently arriving into the continent.
So language isn't it either.
I don't even need to get into traditions c'mon look at Carnaval in Brasil, día de los muertos in Ecuador, an 9 de julio in Argentina and tell me those are all the same. Look at empanadas, tacos, humitas, pizza brasilera, tequeños, asado, sudados, etc
Religion? Argentina alone has the second biggest Islamic and Jewish populations in America after the US. Sure Christianity is paramount given the invasion and imposition by Catholic monarchies by the Spanish and Portuguese, but to say it's the only religion is to spit in the face of again, hundreds of native people's whose religions have been systematically erased since 1492. It is also quite reductive to only take institutionalised religions as valid forms of worship, or to ignore the fact that most Catholicism here would give European orthodox Catholics a stroke.
Now, history and social treatment, here's where the good stuff is.
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These all look super different but these are processes and most of them took place in the first 3 decades of the 1800s so they're not that far off. These were carried out with an idea of hermandad. They used to be virreynatos under the same rule, we (patriotas) were all getting independence from the same monarch power (realistas). There was a lot of collaboration between administrations and armies. This was a decision from the leaders of the time, to seek strength in numbers.
The fact that we had to gain independence is a point of contact as well. At that time "patria" was understood as the desire to be independent, there were no neat lines to separate the territories. At this point in history you'll find lots of key people like San Martín, Juana Azurduy and Bolivar talking about "pueblos americanos" as a way to claim independence from imperialist/colonial European rule. (Brasil had a different history with the Portuguese court moving there)
The term Latin America or Latinoamérica came by a little later, the earliest it's been found used is 1856 by a politician from Chile, as you can see, the context it is used in is purely political.
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Historically, the term when used by Americans is heavily tied to a way to gather strength in solidarity for independence and rejection of foreign imperialist aspirations, from the United States, France, Spain, etc etc.
I think latinidad is in a way a self fulfilled prophecy, we were invaded and as such "unified" where before were hundreds of different peoples. We took that very same unification and made it ours, in part because the rest of the world insists on putting us all in the same bag (included with things like the School of the Americas in the 1960s-1980s where all of Latinamerica was deemed safer for the US to be ruled by genocidal military governments than democracies that smelled just a little communist. Spoiler! it wasn't safer for us who had to actually live under them)
I reject the idea of latinidad as an ethnicity because it stems from the idea of "la raza latina" which is very very racist ("latinos" were the white Europeans from Romance language countries aka Spain, Portugal, France and Italy, there was a clear hierarchy there usual to the era that still affects our social and economic framework). It's reductive and it pretends to obscure and muddle a very clear and deliberate political choice that is to identify as latinoamerican.
This also applies to the latin people who emigrate to the US and their descendants, both the ones fixing the lawns and the ones emigrating without need of a visa to work a stable 9-5. Even if it seems only the first ones get the name.
So what's latinidad? It's whatever we say it is, hope this helps ✌️
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illarian-rambling · 16 days
Thanks for the tag @mk-writes-stuff!
Character Voice Tag
My line: “No, I don’t want to eat [insert food].”
Your line: "I can tell it's going to rain."
Izjik: "For the millionth time, I don't want any nasty godsdamned bread! I don't know what it's going to take for you to wrap your head around that! It tastes like chalk to me!"
Sepo: "Izjik, I'm not lying when I say that I have a sense of taste, and I'm definitely not lying when I say your horrific halawemavar curry is going to kill me. Put it down - the spices are making my eyes water from here. I'm not afraid to use deadly force."
Twenari: "Eheh, no thanks, I'm good on the giant spider. Seriously. No, I mean it. Please, have mercy."
Djek: "Aw, thanks for the leftovers, but no. I don't have a dog to take that home for."
Astra: "The fuck do you mean vegetarian chili? That ain't chili! If it ain't got no meat, it ain't chili, and I don't want no godsdamned part a' that!"
Mashal: "Ohhh, so sorry, I can't eat. Which is a shame, because that rasin coleslaw just looks... uh... delectable. Yeah, oh man, that's too bad."
Ivander: "If this 'street taco' some peasant dish I haven't heard of? Try it? Oh, you're hilarious. That thing isn't coming near me or my five hundred tuec suit."
Elsind: "Rum cake? Pass. Or I- I mean, no thanks! Sorry. It's really weird to watch me eat anyways, you wouldn't want to see it."
Avymere: "Terribly sorry, I have an allergy. Yes, an allergy to catfish specifically. It's very rare, I know."
I might’ve had a little too much fun with these lol
I'll tag @somethingclevermahogony @elsie-writes @willtheweaver @dragon-swords-prophecies and YOU 🫵
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Round One
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Welcome to the Notorious Fanfic Bracket to determine the most iconic, influential, and notorious fanfics of the interwebs. These divisive fics sparked discourse, traumatized our younger selves, became a behemoth of fandom, or otherwise deeply impacted fan culture. 
These contenders were selected out of two previous fanfic polls (1) (2) I did on my main blog @tarantula-hawk-wasp​ . (I’m your host Holly/Hal, she/her) 
**** Where is My Immortal? ***** 
my immortal is the Honorary Champion. The winner of the bracket will enter a bonus round against My Immortal. It did not seem fair to pit anything against My Immortal. 
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Link to Celebrian vs. To Scale the Blue Sky poll 
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Link to Twist and Shout vs. The Milk Fic poll 
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Link to A Reylo Fic vs. Legolas poll 
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Link To The Hat Fic vs. The Skin Fic poll
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Link to Dipper Goes to Taco Bell vs. Let It Out poll
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Link to Heat Waves vs. Cupcakes poll
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Link to Sexy Times with Wangxian vs. The Heart Rate of a Mouse poll
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Link to Starkit’s Prophecy vs. Dirty Laundry poll 
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tonysolomon4jc · 2 months
The satanic Illuminati runs the television industry, music industry, fashion industry, financial industry, health care industry, video game industry, and many other industries, because they want all of the money while promoting the 7 deadly sins of pride, lust, jealously, greed, gluttony, sloth (laziness), and wrath (sinful anger). They also promote fear, violence,, witchcraft, drugs and alcohol. They are not anti religion. They are antichrist. Meaning that they do as much as possible to get us to avoid promoting and obeying the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father. Turn off your TV. They study what causes you to sin. Switch to Christian music. Stop being programmed by satan. Be holy and stay pure. You were bought at a price by your God. You will be judged for your words, thoughts and actions. Fasting and praying breaks demonic strongholds. Repent or perish. Luke 13:3 Confess your sins and be forgiven. 1 John 1:9 Keep the faith in Jesus Christ until you die. No matter how bad things get on Earth. God loves you and will never leave a true follower of Jesus Christ. Get the gotquestions app and a Bible app that reads to you. Study the Holy Bible. We're in the end times. Stay holy, pure, sober, humble, loving and meek. Obey Jesus Christ over every person. Be blessed and bless others with love. The satanic Illuminati is anti-Christ & they love the numbers 13 & 33. Revelation 13 is the chapter that talks about the 1st & 2nd Beast (the Antichrist & the False Prophet) demanding the Mark of the Beast.
Mark 13:13 says that we will be hated for the name of Jesus, but if we endure as followers of Jesus Christ until the end then we will be saved from damnation in Hell.
They love the number 33, because Jesus possibly died at 33 & 33% of the angels were kicked out of heaven with satan & turned into fallen angels/demons that are condemned to the eternal Lake of Fire. We'll get the crown of eternal life if we keep our faith in Jesus Christ until we die. Watch how often news or movie statistics have 13 or 33 in them. M is the13th letter in the alphabet. Look for M, W, 13 & 33. A vast amount of satanic Illuminati symbolism can be found in probably every corporate logo, superbowl halftime show, music & movie award show, cartoon & movie. For instance, the Taco Bell logo has a 666 in it. It consists of 3 6's (a pink 6, a blue 6 & a yellow 6). The yellow 6 also represents satan's eye (like on the top of the pyramid on the $1 bill). Most celebrities show us the one-eyed salute of allegiance to satan when they get their photo taken. They purposefully hide one of their eyes. Thus giving satan the one-eyed salute of allegiance. Google "celebrities one eye Illuminati photo". They also thow up devil horns or the OK hand sign since to them it is the 666 sign. Presidents do to. They often take photos with the 666 hand sign over their eye. Many corporations are named after pagan gods, AKA demons. Nike was a pagan god. Walt Disney, Kellogg, Monster energy drinks, Google chrome, & Coca-Cola are a few logos with 666 hidden in them. The satanic Illuminati controls the major corporations. There are many websites that show us the corporate logos with triple 6's, stars, pyramids, lightning (because Jesus said that he saw satan fall like lightning), suns, moons, Satan's eye & other Illuminati symbols hidden in plain view. Get the gotquestions app and a Bible app that reads to you. Study God's word daily and stay holy. Be rapture ready & preach Jesus Christ!! The satanic Illuminati like the letter X. It is getting more popular in culture. Like Twitter's new name and x-men. It reminds the NWO of the square & compass & skull & crossbones. The immune systems are already weakened, from the mRNA. Messiah 2030 shows how 53 Bible prophecies point to 2030. That means that 2030 is really going to be The Great Reset. The WEF is talking about The Great Reset of the World in 2030. That means that disease X is part of the 7 year tribulation period from Revelation, which may have just begun in 2024. Study God's word daily. Repent. Obey Jesus Christ. Keep your faith in Jesus no matter how bad things get. Guard your eyes, ears and heart. Please God with your thoughts and behavior. Trust God's perfect will, word and timing. Praise Jesus with your music. Preach repentance and The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray to God only. Pray in complete faith in Jesus' name. Be blessed and bless others with love. 🙏
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
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Chapter 219: Bath, part 4—Inner evil
Cursed JJK Sunday. There’s only two types of JJK Sundays--cursed or happy. Today is a cursed JJK Sunday and this has been the week from hell.
Let’s taco about it under the cut.
Anyways. Here comes a tangent!
Megumi this chapter.
Man, I was wondering how Gege was going to move the plot along back into tragedy and deep angst territory, and there you have it. I have to admit that, while some in fandom haven’t liked how he’s been manipulating the mood, I’ve quite enjoyed it. 
It’s just that, in retrospect, what’s happened and the absurdly comical way it’s been executed so that it culminated with one of JJKs Top Depresing AF Moments, is something that I vibed with a lot.
The journey of utter ridiculousness, as per usual, served a purpose for my brain. After all, what’s more depressing than unnecessary tragedy?
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So it hit really hard to see Megumi in a state of shock and in the fetal position. I literally shed tears when I saw the panels.
I may be totally projecting here but ever since chapter 216, Megumi has been shown as increasingly infantile. Almost as if his ego is regressing to early stages of emotional development or as though certain emotions experienced in his early life have been triggered.
So when I see Megumi curled up in a fetal position, I can’t help but think of Megumi metaphorically going into a womb-like space, the mother in all of her unconscious glory.
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Learned helplessness
And this is such a relevant pose for a character like Megumi who already had to overcome his own limiting idea of himself.
I don’t know how to put it into words without turning this into a conversation about how emotional trauma gets stored in the body (the unconscious) and how it severely limits our sense of self without our conscious knowledge of the fact.
But anyways, watch me overpsychologize the whole thing by saying that learned helplessness is an insidious emotion that directs our thinking and behavior in the form of self-fulfilling prophecy.
So, again, to see Megumi like this, it almost feels like he’s being held back by his own sense of self and that he’s given up on himself.
In other words, he’s not even trying to win by dying, but rather gave up fighting by metaphorically dying.
What’s interesting is the idea that “after taking his sister Tsumiki’s life, Fushiguro’s soul sinks into the abyss”. Perhaps it really just comes back to seeing his body act without his conscious will in ways that are harming others, more specifically the one person he wanted to protect most.
But I much prefer the idea that Megumi can’t tell the difference between Sukuna as evil, and the evil within--Megumi as evil. Whatever that looks like and however Gege executes, if he indeed executes like this.
Anyways, Spooky wrote about it and I wanted to add some thoughts to their post because there’s so much symbolism and Jungian shadow metaphors at play with Megumi right now... Spooks, I promise I am on it.
But all of this brings me full circle to...
The Gospel of Sukuna
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Sukuna continues to appall me with his inhumanity and his cruelty. 
And this is so weird to say as the weirdo who infamously published an ode to Sukunaism and the gospel of Sukuna, and then went ahead and hailed it as the way of the highway.
It’s just that, from my perspective, this whole battle sequence against Yorozu has been nothing but an attempt at traumatizing Megumi. Like, yes, it’s obvious because he said he was after Tsumiki’s life in order to sink Megumi. 
What I mean more specifically is that the latest chapters showed us the lengths Sukuna will go to in order to achieve his goal and I wonder whether Sukuna could have killed Yorozu from the start but instead delayed doing so because he knows Megumi is watching. So he toyed with Yorozu to hurt Megumi and like... I love Sukuna but he’s such a selfish and cruel bastard.
And this is the thing... I want to reject Sukuna’s evil so bad ever since he took  Megumi and left Yuji behind in shambles. 
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I hate it. 
He’s just an awful, inconsiderate and right out evil being. That’s the whole point of Sukuna, right?
So I want to denounce his selfishness and say “no, fuck him, I’m leaving the church of Sukuna, he can find another social media manager! I will not stand by his cruelty”
But I can’t because to denounce Sukuna is to denounce a part of me. There is, after all, a little bit of Sukuna in everyone. Every single human being has a propensity for evil inside of them and I am, of course, not the exception.
Sukuna is the kind of mind free from reason to the point that it is divorced from personal responsibility to the collective. True evil. The completely pathological and utter lack of empathy for another living being and their suffering in favor of self-gratification.
Recently I watched a documentary about a girl who would have grown up to be a serial killer as a result of the abuse she experienced as a child. The abuse, the documentary argued, resulted in her inability to develop empathy for others, which in turn translated in anti-social behavior like hurting her brother and defenseless animals.
But I think it’s also easy to think of evil in grandiose terms such as something we encounter in extreme cases like the example I mention above, or even hell or something that other people do. Not us, never us. 
It is far easier to look at evil as some distant trait that is foreign to our sense of self than it is to accept that the many micro-aggressions we commit on an everyday basis can also be considered evil. Micro-aggressions that are pure instinct devoid from reason.
Like, for those of you who play around in twitter, how many hateful posts are you exposed to on a daily basis? Name calling, putting other people down, hating... how is that any different from Sukuna? 
Oh, of course, most people aren’t mass murderers.
To denounce Sukuna is to denounce the totality of your Self. It means to repress inner evil so deep into your shadow where all it can do is fester until it takes a mind of its own and seeks an outlet--like harassing others on twitter over a disagreement of opinion.
So anyways, Gege’s brand of hurt and self-hate is something else entirely.
He’s worse than those women from CLAMP if I’m honest.
For those who’ve read CLAMP, then you know their stories can be very depressing and that Okawa Nanase, the group’s writer, hurts her characters with calculated abandon.
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It’s fascinating to say the least.
But not Gege. 
Gege is cruel and perhaps no one reflects that quite as well as Sukuna does.
To anyone who reads, thank you as always and looking forward to your thoughts and comments if you have any that you’d like to share. 
If you’ve sent me an ask I promise I am working on answering you and thank you as always for your patience.
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Your my mutal now were having soft tacos later!
And by soft tacos I mean analyzing fanfiction like it's Shakespeare -@glassjunglelive
I feel like me simping for luchino and then having my fursona be a dragon was a prophecy
Luchino letting out the biggest sigh because oh God there's another lizard in his house LMAO
bhfvbhfvifvb first: top furries in the manor and scalie: Professor/E.R, Naib (like most of his skins are animal based lol), Seer (also mostly has animal skins lol), Photographer (i joke but tbh tht cat wolf skin and dog skin he getting tht side eye smirk emote face lol), Bane (someone PLS HUG HIM OMG)
Honorable mentions: Composer (Dragon Hunter), Alva (Warden skin got scales on his neck) and Dream Witch (literally a snake and has a dragon skin too)
Welcome mutual i too like Shakespeare! vfhbibvbhb (i love soft tacos omggggg) and join us in the professor simp club! We gotta see how tall this manor is fbhfhfvbhfv how many dragons can we fit in here bfihvfhbih
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the-paper-monkey · 6 months
Really find your opinion of dracomort true in the sense that it's mainly a noncon ship true. Personally never saw tom as a sexual being, he is kind of in an asexual spectrum for me. What's your opinion on drarry, tomarry and harrymort?(on basis of canon)
Yes, I generally write Tom as some sort of acespec.
By 'basis of canon' I assume you mean their plausibility in canon?
If so, Drarry certainly has the greatest probability given that no moral event horizon crossing crimes have occurred between them. There is a great deal of freedom when it comes to writing post-war drarry. There's also a lot to build on - Harry using Draco's wand to kill Voldemort, Draco avoiding identifying Harry at Malfoy Manor, Fiendfyre, Sectumsempra, their shared cousin/godson, Harry being Sirius's heir vs Draco being the last of the Blacks, etc. In some ways theyre two sides of the same coin - children used as pawns by powerful men. In other ways, they couldn't be more different.
I've also answered asks about Tomarry vs Taco and my ideal Drarry dynamic previously, which I think are relevant here :)
Tomarry is probably a ship that varies wildly depending on how the writer has chosen to make them meet. Same Age AU or No Magic AU are VERY different propositions to a Canon-Divergent Time-Travel or Horcrux fic to me. The core reason is that well, um, Voldemort killed Harry's parents and the prophecy makes any sort of reconciliation very difficult. No matter how much he likes a person, I believe Tom's self-preservation instinct would override that.
I do think Tom and Harry could come to respect each other. Harry has a lot of traits that Tom values and vice versa. In HBP we see Harry develop a reluctant admiration for Tom's bravery and audacity when confronting his uncle. But I really have a hard time ever seeing Harry's morals bend to accommodate Tom's bigotry, nor Tom limit himself to placate Harry. Think leaning into the shades of reckless violence and anger in Harry's personality and aligning them against a common enemy is where I'd take it. Still, Harry wouldn't put up with Tom's genocidal tastes. I find it implausible enough in older Drarry fics when Harry turns a blind eye to Draco calling Hermione a Mudblood (or worse, treats it like a charming personality quirk), let alone tolerating TOM'S attitudes sdfghjk
While Diary!Tom is curious about Harry as a genuine potential threat (though ultimately decides that he's overhyped), Voldemort only views him as an obstacle—Dumbledore's puppet—as he puts it. I don't think Voldemort has any interest in Harry as a person. He just wants to dispose of him in the most theatrical fashion possible to reassert his own power and dominance after being bested by a baby. Similar to what I said on the Dracomort ask about him needing to see Draco as a separate identity from Lucius, the same is necessary for Harry from Dumbledore. My opinion on Harrymort isn't particularly different from my opinion on Dracomort. The fifty year age gap puts a strain on plausibility for me for there ever being any real love or respect, but anything else goes. Now, Voldemort and an older Harry—maybe in his 30s or 40s—could be a different conversation.
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gambaatar · 5 months
Opossum Jesus asks you to follow the link and follow the NECROMANTIC EMPIRE! He played dead for your sins, so like, you're obligated.
Hits are in the hashtags
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Check them out, and give them a listen wherever you listen to podcasts!
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meadows-of-light · 2 years
Imagine: questions about how the date went.
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(Y/N) sits down to with Klaus, Hayley, Freya, and Elijah.
"So, how was the date?" Hayley asks (Y/N).
"It was nice. We got tacos and went to his place." (Y/N) replies.
"Wait, you went to Lucien's penthouse?" Klaus questions.
"Yes, he was very kind to me if that's what you're worried about." You smile at Klaus.
"I'm glad you had a nice time, (Y/N)." Freya pats (Y/N)'s back.
"Maybe she'll be able to get information out of him that will help us with the prophecy." Elijah says as he looks at Klaus.
"Prophecy? What prophecy?" (Y/N) looks at Klaus.
"It's nothing you need to worry about." Klaus smiles at you.
“You're family to me, if it involves you, then it involves me. Please tell me.” You look at Elijah and Klaus.
“The prophecy says that our family will fall. One by friend, one by foe, and one by family.” Klaus sighs as he looks at (Y/N).
“Who gave you this prophecy?” You ask Klaus.
“Lucien’s witch.” Elijah replies to your question.
“I’ve also seen it.” Freya says to you.
“I’ll get all the information I can when I’m with Lucien.” You say as you look at Klaus.
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astronomical-bagel · 4 months
what are your favourite things to see in dragon designs, or in worlds that feature drsgons? im curious :}
!! Well my friend gave me the new wof ‘guid to the dragon world’ book for Christmas so I am PREPARED for this question!!
one of my favorite things ever is just to see how a dragon is suited to its environment— not just wof, but all brands!! Drakes that have no wings but are expert runners, tundra dragons with different ways of dealing with the cold— with either fur or other methods which are barely (if at all) scientifically plausible. I just like the different types and learning them all!! As of right now I’m really biased towards tundra dragons bc i really like ice wings lmao, but I also love the variety possible with dragons living in the ocean— I mean, there are so many different kinds of fish to base them on!!
Mainly in dragon designs I like to see a mishmash of different animals combined with maybe a little bit of camouflage to their environment— for instance, if I were to make my own design for ice wings I might their talons a bit more like polar bear paws, while other ice wings might have tails like seals for markings like orcas. I like variety within a species of dragon, if you couldn’t tell.
and in worlds that feature dragons, I really like it when they go over their relationship to other animals or humans!! Are other animals of the same mental caliber to dragons? Can they have conversations with with a snake or perhaps a crocodile? Do the dragons discover any methods of communicating with humans? Do they become friends? I would love it if they became friends 🥺
(in fifth grade I obsessively read the equivalent of horse girl books but for dragons. Yk, girl meets wild creature, they understand each other, girls family says NO WAY but in the end the girl and the dragon’s bond is tested in some way and the family is like NVM it can stay) (I just realized I could have shorted this my like 100 words if I just said “you know, like how to train your dragon” but WHATEBER)
And of course, I love dragon culture. How do dragons dance? What do their instruments look like? I saw someone create a design for dragon puppets that I ADORED (can’t remember the name but if you loo through my ‘bagel loves dragons’ tag you should find it somewhere bc I went on a ramble in the tags LMAO). And what sorts of religions do they have as well, and how is it affected by their environment? In Wof, the Pantalans worshipped Clearsight bc of her prophecies, but in other worlds like totk (or going to a real religion like the Buddhist pantheon) the dragons are servants to a higher power! and oh I just like dragons so much. Sometimes it gets dicey bc there aren’t too many limits on what a dragon is (me and a friend of mine once got in an argument over whether something could have a dragon or dinosaur (not smth real, just art) because we have differing autisms and we both had to just sit down away from each other bc we were so unnerved by what the other thought), but anyways I just love anything dragons and it’s so hard to define what my favorite things on dragons are because I like them ALL!! It’s more easy to say what I don’t like (overly cartoony, implausible proportions, ugly colors. Also lots of cartoonists give dragons an insane underbite for some reason?? That one isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker but it confuses me)
also a little bit ago someone asked my about my hc wof au AND I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET I just got nervous ❤️❤️ I will talk about it more later and hopefully I’ll have art but I want to practice other dragons first bc it’s been a hot minute
thank you so much for the ask, taco, I had so much fun thinking about dragons and I need everyone to know that I love them sososo much and they are always on my mind for ever and ever
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Legacy of the Green Ninja” E10: Island of Darkness
Disclaimers: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s mainly intended for comedy!
Reblog, comment, and/or like! And make sure to tell me your thoughts!
- Intro ✅
- “Ultimate Spinjitzu Master?” Ultimate Spinjitzu Master is either the coolest or dumbest title I’ve ever heard. ❌
- Lloyd has dragon powers now because aromantic Lloyd canon ✅
- “Hahaha, jealous?” Yes. ✅
- “This sounds too good to be true… what’s the catch?” Knowing this show, probably trauma
- By s8 we’re supposed to believe that the FSM represented balance between both oni and dragon, but based on the dragon powers, dragon-shaped islands that make up Ninjago, and overall dragon-like theme to most of his belongings, I think he might’ve been a bit biased ❌
- “If you come across your father, it could prematurely start the Final Battle.” But the Final Battle is a prophecy, right? Seemingly with a time, location, and outcome all set in stone, based on the way you all seem to talk about it, so there wouldn’t be a way to start it “prematurely” ❌
- Also, this show acts as if the idea that destiny is inevitable is common sense. Therefore, what’s even the purpose of attempting to stop it if it’s already certain that you can’t? ❌
- “I could use some help around the shop!” What shop? You’re on an island! Old age really is getting to Julien, isn’t it? ❌
- “We should get working on vehicles that might help give us a fighting chance!” Julien says vehicles, plural, but then only makes one. No wonder he gets killed off by next season - you don’t tease lego with ideas for toy sales and then only deliver on one! ❌
- “Have you ever known us to veer from a plan?” Funny, but technically, they don’t veer from plans because they usually never have one in the first place. They usually go in 98% blind, and when they do have some sort of plan that goes off the rails, it’s usually not their fault. ❌
- “Then tell him…” Apparently, he didn’t have to tell him because the soldier responded to Garmadon, no translation from Kozu needed. ❌
- “Should I have shaken my fist more? Maybe dramatically thrown over a table! Or kicked over a-“ “NO YOU MYOPIC MORTAL!” This is so f*cking funny ✅✅✅✅
- “Look! This must be Garmadon’s camp?” “No, you think? I thought it was a takeout restaurant!” Fun fact: Garmadon owns at least 8 Taco Bells’ ✅
- “Quiet you bozos!” Why is so much of the dialogue this episode so good? ✅
- “So, how did you meet him?… no, my father.” “You know, he wasn’t always evil…” Misako goes into this rant because it was less awkward than telling Lloyd about the strip club ❌
- This fight scene is cool, and really shows off how much Lloyd’s powers have grown, and we’ve seen it all throughout the season. At least, we were supposed to, right? That was the point of the filler episodes - to show us how his powers grow and develop, and we did see him training, but at the same time I feel like we just… didn’t, ya know? ❌
- “I spy… another tree!” “Jay, how did you ever become a ninja, seriously?” This is one of my favorite lines in the entire show ✅
- “If we go in there, they’ll know we’re here too!” As oppose to what - them thinking one of the members of the team is here, on this dangerous island swarming with indestructible soldiers, without any backup whatsoever? Come on, the ninja follow each other around like lost puppies pretending to be wolves! ❌
- “Why don’t we ever listen to [Wu]?” Because he rarely gives you anything to listen to, and when he does, he’s cryptic about it, and you’re only meant to understand it moments before certain death. ❌
- Where did Garmadon get popcorn from?? ❌
- “Uh, we jump into that hole!” Jay was moments away from dooming them all. ❌
- This entire escape scene with the boards is awesome, especially with the soundtrack ✅
- “Perhaps it can be of use?” Was that a reference to the bus token thing from Pirates Vs. Ninja? ✅
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- ^Zane is wearing the suit he has yet to get ❌
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- ^Unlike Julien, lego must love Nya
- The Stone Army’s vehicles are currently driving up what’s nearly a 90 degree angle ❌
- “Hah! We made it to the top!” Jay has a very delayed reaction before saying this ❌
- Also, they are very obviously not at the top ❌
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- ^ Cole, I love you ✅
- “No one move!” Zane says, in Cole’s voice ❌
- It’s at this point that I implore you to watch this episode, or at least this scene, because it never gets old. The music, the framing - everything is on point. Even the suit designs look epic. ✅
- and the way the music rises as Lloyd does this spinning thing ✅
- And then he drops to the ground and Kai is worried about him ✅
- And all of them getting separate segments to show off their powers! ✅
- I know I’m a winning streak, but I can’t just ignore the fact that Jay’s lightning conducts through wood ❌
- And then they casually throw this Cole dancing thing in here ✅
- “My turn” oh sh*t- ✅
Sentence: It’s Lloyd’s turn on the Xbox
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